/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
 * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
 * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
 * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
 * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
 * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
 * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_vcl.hxx"

#include <svsys.h>
#include <vcl/salgdi.hxx>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#include <vcl/outdev.h>
#include <vcl/outdev.hxx>
#include <vcl/virdev.hxx>
#include <vcl/bmpacc.hxx>
#include <vcl/metaact.hxx>
#include <vcl/gdimtf.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/wrkwin.hxx>
#include <vcl/graph.hxx>
#include <vcl/wall2.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx>

#include <basegfx/vector/b2dvector.hxx>
#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygon.hxx>
#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygon.hxx>
#include <basegfx/matrix/b2dhommatrix.hxx>
#include <math.h>
#include <vcl/window.h>
#include <vcl/svdata.hxx>

// ========================================================================

DBG_NAMEEX( OutputDevice )

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

void OutputDevice::DrawGrid( const Rectangle& rRect, const Size& rDist, ULONG nFlags )
    DBG_TRACE( "OutputDevice::DrawGrid()" );
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );

    Rectangle aDstRect( PixelToLogic( Point() ), GetOutputSize() );
    aDstRect.Intersection( rRect );

    if( aDstRect.IsEmpty() || ImplIsRecordLayout() )

    if( !mpGraphics && !ImplGetGraphics() )

    if( mbInitClipRegion )

    if( mbOutputClipped )

    const long  nDistX = Max( rDist.Width(), 1L );
    const long  nDistY = Max( rDist.Height(), 1L );
    long        nX = ( rRect.Left() >= aDstRect.Left() ) ? rRect.Left() : ( rRect.Left() + ( ( aDstRect.Left() - rRect.Left() ) / nDistX ) * nDistX );
    long        nY = ( rRect.Top() >= aDstRect.Top() ) ? rRect.Top() : ( rRect.Top() + ( ( aDstRect.Top() - rRect.Top() ) / nDistY ) * nDistY );
    const long  nRight = aDstRect.Right();
    const long  nBottom = aDstRect.Bottom();
    const long  nStartX = ImplLogicXToDevicePixel( nX );
    const long  nEndX = ImplLogicXToDevicePixel( nRight );
    const long  nStartY = ImplLogicYToDevicePixel( nY );
    const long  nEndY = ImplLogicYToDevicePixel( nBottom );
    long        nHorzCount = 0L;
    long        nVertCount = 0L;

    ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 > aVertBuf;
    ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 > aHorzBuf;

    if( ( nFlags & GRID_DOTS ) || ( nFlags & GRID_HORZLINES ) )
        aVertBuf.realloc( aDstRect.GetHeight() / nDistY + 2L );
        aVertBuf[ nVertCount++ ] = nStartY;
        while( ( nY += nDistY ) <= nBottom )
            aVertBuf[ nVertCount++ ] = ImplLogicYToDevicePixel( nY );

    if( ( nFlags & GRID_DOTS ) || ( nFlags & GRID_VERTLINES ) )
        aHorzBuf.realloc( aDstRect.GetWidth() / nDistX + 2L );
        aHorzBuf[ nHorzCount++ ] = nStartX;
        while( ( nX += nDistX ) <= nRight )
            aHorzBuf[ nHorzCount++ ] = ImplLogicXToDevicePixel( nX );

    if( mbInitLineColor )

    if( mbInitFillColor )

    const BOOL bOldMap = mbMap;
    EnableMapMode( FALSE );

    if( nFlags & GRID_DOTS )
        for( long i = 0L; i < nVertCount; i++ )
            for( long j = 0L, Y = aVertBuf[ i ]; j < nHorzCount; j++ )
                mpGraphics->DrawPixel( aHorzBuf[ j ], Y, this );
        if( nFlags & GRID_HORZLINES )
            for( long i = 0L; i < nVertCount; i++ )
                nY = aVertBuf[ i ];
                mpGraphics->DrawLine( nStartX, nY, nEndX, nY, this );

        if( nFlags & GRID_VERTLINES )
            for( long i = 0L; i < nHorzCount; i++ )
                nX = aHorzBuf[ i ];
                mpGraphics->DrawLine( nX, nStartY, nX, nEndY, this );

    EnableMapMode( bOldMap );

    if( mpAlphaVDev )
        mpAlphaVDev->DrawGrid( rRect, rDist, nFlags );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Caution: This method is nearly the same as
// void OutputDevice::DrawPolyPolygon( const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rB2DPolyPoly )
// so when changes are made here do not forget to make change sthere, too

void OutputDevice::DrawTransparent( const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rB2DPolyPoly, double fTransparency)
    DBG_TRACE( "OutputDevice::DrawTransparent(B2D&,transparency)" );
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );

    // AW: Do NOT paint empty PolyPolygons

    // we need a graphics
    if( !mpGraphics )
        if( !ImplGetGraphics() )

    if( mbInitClipRegion )
    if( mbOutputClipped )

    if( mbInitLineColor )
    if( mbInitFillColor )

    if((mnAntialiasing & ANTIALIASING_ENABLE_B2DDRAW)
        && mpGraphics->supportsOperation(OutDevSupport_B2DDraw)
        && ROP_OVERPAINT == GetRasterOp() )
        // b2dpolygon support not implemented yet on non-UNX platforms
        const ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aTransform = ImplGetDeviceTransformation();
        basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aB2DPolyPolygon(rB2DPolyPoly);

        // transform the polygon into device space and ensure it is closed
        aB2DPolyPolygon.transform( aTransform );
        aB2DPolyPolygon.setClosed( true );

        bool bDrawnOk = true;
        if( IsFillColor() )
            bDrawnOk = mpGraphics->DrawPolyPolygon( aB2DPolyPolygon, fTransparency, this );
        if( bDrawnOk && IsLineColor() )
            const basegfx::B2DVector aHairlineWidth(1,1);
            const int nPolyCount = aB2DPolyPolygon.count();
            for( int nPolyIdx = 0; nPolyIdx < nPolyCount; ++nPolyIdx )
                const ::basegfx::B2DPolygon aOnePoly = aB2DPolyPolygon.getB2DPolygon( nPolyIdx );
                mpGraphics->DrawPolyLine( aOnePoly, fTransparency, aHairlineWidth, ::basegfx::B2DLINEJOIN_NONE, this );

        if( bDrawnOk )
            if( mpMetaFile )
                mpMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaTransparentAction( PolyPolygon( rB2DPolyPoly ), static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(fTransparency * 100.0)));

    // fallback to old polygon drawing if needed
    const PolyPolygon aToolsPolyPolygon( rB2DPolyPoly );
    DrawTransparent(PolyPolygon(rB2DPolyPoly), static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(fTransparency * 100.0));

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

void OutputDevice::DrawTransparent( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly,
                                    USHORT nTransparencePercent )
    DBG_TRACE( "OutputDevice::DrawTransparent()" );
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );

    // short circuit for drawing an opaque polygon
    if( (nTransparencePercent < 1) || ((mnDrawMode & DRAWMODE_NOTRANSPARENCY) != 0) )
        DrawPolyPolygon( rPolyPoly );

    // short circut for drawing an invisible polygon
    if( !mbFillColor || (nTransparencePercent >= 100) )
        // short circuit if the polygon border is invisible too
        if( !mbLineColor )

        // DrawTransparent() assumes that the border is NOT to be drawn transparently???
        Push( PUSH_FILLCOLOR );
        DrawPolyPolygon( rPolyPoly );

    // handle metafile recording
    if( mpMetaFile )
        mpMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaTransparentAction( rPolyPoly, nTransparencePercent ) );

    bool bDrawn = !IsDeviceOutputNecessary() || ImplIsRecordLayout();
    if( bDrawn )

    // get the device graphics as drawing target
    if( !mpGraphics )
        if( !ImplGetGraphics() )

    // debug helper:
    static const char* pDisableNative = getenv( "SAL_DISABLE_NATIVE_ALPHA");

    // try hard to draw it directly, because the emulation layers are slower
    if( !pDisableNative
        && mpGraphics->supportsOperation( OutDevSupport_B2DDraw )
#if defined UNX && ! defined QUARTZ
            && GetBitCount() > 8
#ifdef WIN32
        // workaround bad dithering on remote displaying when using GDI+ with toolbar buttoin hilighting
        && !rPolyPoly.IsRect()
        // prepare the graphics device
        if( mbInitClipRegion )
        if( mbOutputClipped )
        if( mbInitLineColor )
        if( mbInitFillColor )

        // get the polygon in device coordinates
        basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aB2DPolyPolygon( rPolyPoly.getB2DPolyPolygon() );
        const ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aTransform = ImplGetDeviceTransformation();
        aB2DPolyPolygon.transform( aTransform );

        const double fTransparency = 0.01 * nTransparencePercent;
        if( mbFillColor )
            // draw the transparent polygon
            // NOTE: filled polygons are assumed to be drawn as if they were always closed
            bDrawn = mpGraphics->DrawPolyPolygon( aB2DPolyPolygon, fTransparency, this );

        if( mbLineColor )
            // disable the fill color for now
            // draw the border line
            const basegfx::B2DVector aLineWidths( 1, 1 );
            const int nPolyCount = aB2DPolyPolygon.count();
            for( int nPolyIdx = 0; nPolyIdx < nPolyCount; ++nPolyIdx )
                const ::basegfx::B2DPolygon& rPolygon = aB2DPolyPolygon.getB2DPolygon( nPolyIdx );
                bDrawn = mpGraphics->DrawPolyLine( rPolygon, fTransparency, aLineWidths, ::basegfx::B2DLINEJOIN_NONE, this );
            // prepare to restore the fill color
            mbInitFillColor = mbFillColor;

    if( bDrawn )

    if( 1 )
        VirtualDevice* pOldAlphaVDev = mpAlphaVDev;

        // #110958# Disable alpha VDev, we perform the necessary
        // operation explicitely further below.
        if( mpAlphaVDev )
            mpAlphaVDev = NULL;

        GDIMetaFile* pOldMetaFile = mpMetaFile;
        mpMetaFile = NULL;

        if( OUTDEV_PRINTER == meOutDevType )
            if(100 <= nTransparencePercent)
                // #i112959# 100% transparent, draw nothing

            Rectangle       aPolyRect( LogicToPixel( rPolyPoly ).GetBoundRect() );
            const Size      aDPISize( LogicToPixel( Size( 1, 1 ), MAP_INCH ) );
            const long      nBaseExtent = Max( FRound( aDPISize.Width() / 300. ), 1L );
            long            nMove;
            const USHORT    nTrans = ( nTransparencePercent < 13 ) ? 0 :
                                     ( nTransparencePercent < 38 ) ? 25 :
                                     ( nTransparencePercent < 63 ) ? 50 :
                                     ( nTransparencePercent < 88 ) ? 75 : 100;

            switch( nTrans )
                case( 25 ): nMove = nBaseExtent * 3; break;
                case( 50 ): nMove = nBaseExtent * 4; break;
                case( 75 ): nMove = nBaseExtent * 6; break;

                // #i112959#  very transparent (88 < nTransparencePercent <= 99)
                case( 100 ): nMove = nBaseExtent * 8; break;

                // #i112959# not transparent (nTransparencePercent < 13)
                default:    nMove = 0; break;

            IntersectClipRegion( rPolyPoly );
            SetLineColor( GetFillColor() );
            const BOOL bOldMap = mbMap;
            EnableMapMode( FALSE );

                Rectangle aRect( aPolyRect.TopLeft(), Size( aPolyRect.GetWidth(), nBaseExtent ) );
                while( aRect.Top() <= aPolyRect.Bottom() )
                    DrawRect( aRect );
                    aRect.Move( 0, nMove );

                aRect = Rectangle( aPolyRect.TopLeft(), Size( nBaseExtent, aPolyRect.GetHeight() ) );
                while( aRect.Left() <= aPolyRect.Right() )
                    DrawRect( aRect );
                    aRect.Move( nMove, 0 );
                // #i112959# if not transparent, draw full rectangle in clip region
                DrawRect( aPolyRect );

            EnableMapMode( bOldMap );
             PolyPolygon    aPolyPoly( LogicToPixel( rPolyPoly ) );
            Rectangle       aPolyRect( aPolyPoly.GetBoundRect() );
            Point           aPoint;
            Rectangle       aDstRect( aPoint, GetOutputSizePixel() );

            aDstRect.Intersection( aPolyRect );

            if( OUTDEV_WINDOW == meOutDevType )
                const Region aPaintRgn( ( (Window*) this )->GetPaintRegion() );

                if( !aPaintRgn.IsNull() )
                    aDstRect.Intersection( LogicToPixel( aPaintRgn ).GetBoundRect() );

            if( !aDstRect.IsEmpty() )
                // #i66849# Added fast path for exactly rectangular
                // polygons
                // #i83087# Naturally, system alpha blending cannot
                // work with separate alpha VDev
                if( !mpAlphaVDev && !pDisableNative && aPolyPoly.IsRect() )
                    // setup Graphics only here (other cases delegate
                    // to basic OutDev methods)
                    if( 1 )
                        if ( mbInitClipRegion )
                        if ( mbInitLineColor )
                        if ( mbInitFillColor )

                        Rectangle aLogicPolyRect( rPolyPoly.GetBoundRect() );
                        Rectangle aPixelRect( ImplLogicToDevicePixel( aLogicPolyRect ) );

                        if( !mbOutputClipped )
                            bDrawn = mpGraphics->DrawAlphaRect(
                               aPixelRect.Left(), aPixelRect.Top(),
                               // #i98405# use methods with small g, else one pixel too much will be painted.
                               // This is because the source is a polygon which when painted would not paint
                               // the rightmost and lowest pixel line(s), so use one pixel less for the
                               // rectangle, too.
                               aPixelRect.getWidth(), aPixelRect.getHeight(),
                               this );
                            bDrawn = true;

                if( !bDrawn )
                    VirtualDevice   aVDev( *this, 1 );
                    const Size      aDstSz( aDstRect.GetSize() );
                    const BYTE      cTrans = (BYTE) MinMax( FRound( nTransparencePercent * 2.55 ), 0, 255 );

                    if( aDstRect.Left() || aDstRect.Top() )
                        aPolyPoly.Move( -aDstRect.Left(), -aDstRect.Top() );

                    if( aVDev.SetOutputSizePixel( aDstSz ) )
                        const BOOL bOldMap = mbMap;

                        EnableMapMode( FALSE );

                        aVDev.SetLineColor( COL_BLACK );
                        aVDev.SetFillColor( COL_BLACK );
                        aVDev.DrawPolyPolygon( aPolyPoly );

                        Bitmap              aPaint( GetBitmap( aDstRect.TopLeft(), aDstSz ) );
                        Bitmap              aPolyMask( aVDev.GetBitmap( Point(), aDstSz ) );

                        // #107766# check for non-empty bitmaps before accessing them
                        if( !!aPaint && !!aPolyMask )
                            BitmapWriteAccess*  pW = aPaint.AcquireWriteAccess();
                            BitmapReadAccess*   pR = aPolyMask.AcquireReadAccess();

                            if( pW && pR )
                                BitmapColor         aPixCol;
                                const BitmapColor   aFillCol( GetFillColor() );
                                const BitmapColor   aWhite( pR->GetBestMatchingColor( Color( COL_WHITE ) ) );
                                const BitmapColor   aBlack( pR->GetBestMatchingColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) ) );
                                const long          nWidth = pW->Width(), nHeight = pW->Height();
                                const long          nR = aFillCol.GetRed(), nG = aFillCol.GetGreen(), nB = aFillCol.GetBlue();
                                long                nX, nY;

                                if( aPaint.GetBitCount() <= 8 )
                                    const BitmapPalette&    rPal = pW->GetPalette();
                                    const USHORT            nCount = rPal.GetEntryCount();
                                    BitmapColor*            pMap = (BitmapColor*) new BYTE[ nCount * sizeof( BitmapColor ) ];

                                    for( USHORT i = 0; i < nCount; i++ )
                                        BitmapColor aCol( rPal[ i ] );
                                        pMap[ i ] = BitmapColor( (BYTE) rPal.GetBestIndex( aCol.Merge( aFillCol, cTrans ) ) );

                                    if( pR->GetScanlineFormat() == BMP_FORMAT_1BIT_MSB_PAL &&
                                        pW->GetScanlineFormat() == BMP_FORMAT_8BIT_PAL )
                                        const BYTE cBlack = aBlack.GetIndex();

                                        for( nY = 0; nY < nHeight; nY++ )
                                            Scanline    pWScan = pW->GetScanline( nY );
                                            Scanline    pRScan = pR->GetScanline( nY );
                                            BYTE        cBit = 128;

                                            for( nX = 0; nX < nWidth; nX++, cBit >>= 1, pWScan++ )
                                                if( !cBit )
                                                    cBit = 128, pRScan++;

                                                if( ( *pRScan & cBit ) == cBlack )
                                                    *pWScan = (BYTE) pMap[ *pWScan ].GetIndex();
                                        for( nY = 0; nY < nHeight; nY++ )
                                            for( nX = 0; nX < nWidth; nX++ )
                                                if( pR->GetPixel( nY, nX ) == aBlack )
                                                    pW->SetPixel( nY, nX, pMap[ pW->GetPixel( nY, nX ).GetIndex() ] );

                                    delete[] (BYTE*) pMap;
                                    if( pR->GetScanlineFormat() == BMP_FORMAT_1BIT_MSB_PAL &&
                                        pW->GetScanlineFormat() == BMP_FORMAT_24BIT_TC_BGR )
                                        const BYTE cBlack = aBlack.GetIndex();

                                        for( nY = 0; nY < nHeight; nY++ )
                                            Scanline    pWScan = pW->GetScanline( nY );
                                            Scanline    pRScan = pR->GetScanline( nY );
                                            BYTE        cBit = 128;

                                            for( nX = 0; nX < nWidth; nX++, cBit >>= 1, pWScan += 3 )
                                                if( !cBit )
                                                    cBit = 128, pRScan++;

                                                if( ( *pRScan & cBit ) == cBlack )
                                                    pWScan[ 0 ] = COLOR_CHANNEL_MERGE( pWScan[ 0 ], nB, cTrans );
                                                    pWScan[ 1 ] = COLOR_CHANNEL_MERGE( pWScan[ 1 ], nG, cTrans );
                                                    pWScan[ 2 ] = COLOR_CHANNEL_MERGE( pWScan[ 2 ], nR, cTrans );
                                        for( nY = 0; nY < nHeight; nY++ )
                                            for( nX = 0; nX < nWidth; nX++ )
                                                if( pR->GetPixel( nY, nX ) == aBlack )
                                                    aPixCol = pW->GetColor( nY, nX );
                                                    pW->SetPixel( nY, nX, aPixCol.Merge( aFillCol, cTrans ) );

                            aPolyMask.ReleaseAccess( pR );
                            aPaint.ReleaseAccess( pW );

                            DrawBitmap( aDstRect.TopLeft(), aPaint );

                            EnableMapMode( bOldMap );

                            if( mbLineColor )
                                Push( PUSH_FILLCOLOR );
                                DrawPolyPolygon( rPolyPoly );
                        DrawPolyPolygon( rPolyPoly );

        mpMetaFile = pOldMetaFile;

        // #110958# Restore disabled alpha VDev
        mpAlphaVDev = pOldAlphaVDev;

        // #110958# Apply alpha value also to VDev alpha channel
        if( mpAlphaVDev )
            const Color aFillCol( mpAlphaVDev->GetFillColor() );
            mpAlphaVDev->SetFillColor( Color(sal::static_int_cast<UINT8>(255*nTransparencePercent/100),
                                             sal::static_int_cast<UINT8>(255*nTransparencePercent/100)) );

            mpAlphaVDev->DrawTransparent( rPolyPoly, nTransparencePercent );

            mpAlphaVDev->SetFillColor( aFillCol );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void OutputDevice::DrawTransparent( const GDIMetaFile& rMtf, const Point& rPos,
                                    const Size& rSize, const Gradient& rTransparenceGradient )
    DBG_TRACE( "OutputDevice::DrawTransparent()" );
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );

    const Color aBlack( COL_BLACK );

    if( mpMetaFile )
        mpMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaFloatTransparentAction( rMtf, rPos, rSize, rTransparenceGradient ) );

    if( ( rTransparenceGradient.GetStartColor() == aBlack && rTransparenceGradient.GetEndColor() == aBlack ) ||
        ( mnDrawMode & ( DRAWMODE_NOTRANSPARENCY ) ) )
        ( (GDIMetaFile&) rMtf ).WindStart();
        ( (GDIMetaFile&) rMtf ).Play( this, rPos, rSize );
        ( (GDIMetaFile&) rMtf ).WindStart();
        GDIMetaFile*    pOldMetaFile = mpMetaFile;
        Rectangle       aOutRect( LogicToPixel( rPos ), LogicToPixel( rSize ) );
        Point           aPoint;
        Rectangle       aDstRect( aPoint, GetOutputSizePixel() );

        mpMetaFile = NULL;
        aDstRect.Intersection( aOutRect );

        if( OUTDEV_WINDOW == meOutDevType )
            const Region aPaintRgn( ( (Window*) this )->GetPaintRegion() );

            if( !aPaintRgn.IsNull() )
                aDstRect.Intersection( LogicToPixel( aPaintRgn.GetBoundRect() ) );

        if( !aDstRect.IsEmpty() )
            VirtualDevice* pVDev = new VirtualDevice;

            ((OutputDevice*)pVDev)->mnDPIX = mnDPIX;
            ((OutputDevice*)pVDev)->mnDPIY = mnDPIY;

            if( pVDev->SetOutputSizePixel( aDstRect.GetSize() ) )
                    // #i102109#
                    // For MetaFile replay (see task) it may now be neccessary to take
                    // into account that the content is AntiAlialised and needs to be masked
                    // like that. Instead of masking, i will use a copy-modify-paste cycle
                    // here (as i already use in the VclPrimiziveRenderer with successs)

                    // create MapMode for buffer (offset needed) and set
                    MapMode aMap(GetMapMode());
                    const Point aOutPos(PixelToLogic(aDstRect.TopLeft()));
                    aMap.SetOrigin(Point(-aOutPos.X(), -aOutPos.Y()));

                    // copy MapMode state and disable for target
                    const bool bOrigMapModeEnabled(IsMapModeEnabled());

                    // copy MapMode state and disable for buffer
                    const bool bBufferMapModeEnabled(pVDev->IsMapModeEnabled());

                    // copy content from original to buffer
                        aPoint, pVDev->GetOutputSizePixel(), // dest
                        aDstRect.TopLeft(), pVDev->GetOutputSizePixel(), // source

                    // draw MetaFile to buffer
                    ((GDIMetaFile&)rMtf).Play(pVDev, rPos, rSize);

                    // get content bitmap from buffer
                    const Bitmap aPaint(pVDev->GetBitmap(aPoint, pVDev->GetOutputSizePixel()));

                    // create alpha mask from gradient and get as Bitmap
                    pVDev->DrawGradient(Rectangle(rPos, rSize), rTransparenceGradient);
                    const AlphaMask aAlpha(pVDev->GetBitmap(aPoint, pVDev->GetOutputSizePixel()));

                    delete pVDev;

                    // draw masked content to target and restore MapMode
                    DrawBitmapEx(aDstRect.TopLeft(), BitmapEx(aPaint, aAlpha));
                    Bitmap      aPaint, aMask;
                    AlphaMask   aAlpha;
                    MapMode     aMap( GetMapMode() );
                    Point       aOutPos( PixelToLogic( aDstRect.TopLeft() ) );
                    const BOOL  bOldMap = mbMap;

                    aMap.SetOrigin( Point( -aOutPos.X(), -aOutPos.Y() ) );
                    pVDev->SetMapMode( aMap );
                    const BOOL  bVDevOldMap = pVDev->IsMapModeEnabled();

                    // create paint bitmap
                    ( (GDIMetaFile&) rMtf ).WindStart();
                    ( (GDIMetaFile&) rMtf ).Play( pVDev, rPos, rSize );
                    ( (GDIMetaFile&) rMtf ).WindStart();
                    pVDev->EnableMapMode( FALSE );
                    aPaint = pVDev->GetBitmap( Point(), pVDev->GetOutputSizePixel() );
                    pVDev->EnableMapMode( bVDevOldMap ); // #i35331#: MUST NOT use EnableMapMode( TRUE ) here!

                    // create mask bitmap
                    pVDev->SetLineColor( COL_BLACK );
                    pVDev->SetFillColor( COL_BLACK );
                    pVDev->DrawRect( Rectangle( pVDev->PixelToLogic( Point() ), pVDev->GetOutputSize() ) );
                                        DRAWMODE_WHITEBITMAP | DRAWMODE_WHITEGRADIENT );
                    ( (GDIMetaFile&) rMtf ).WindStart();
                    ( (GDIMetaFile&) rMtf ).Play( pVDev, rPos, rSize );
                    ( (GDIMetaFile&) rMtf ).WindStart();
                    pVDev->EnableMapMode( FALSE );
                    aMask = pVDev->GetBitmap( Point(), pVDev->GetOutputSizePixel() );
                    pVDev->EnableMapMode( bVDevOldMap ); // #i35331#: MUST NOT use EnableMapMode( TRUE ) here!

                    // create alpha mask from gradient
                    pVDev->SetDrawMode( DRAWMODE_GRAYGRADIENT );
                    pVDev->DrawGradient( Rectangle( rPos, rSize ), rTransparenceGradient );
                    pVDev->SetDrawMode( DRAWMODE_DEFAULT );
                    pVDev->EnableMapMode( FALSE );
                    pVDev->DrawMask( Point(), pVDev->GetOutputSizePixel(), aMask, Color( COL_WHITE ) );

                    aAlpha = pVDev->GetBitmap( Point(), pVDev->GetOutputSizePixel() );

                    delete pVDev;

                    EnableMapMode( FALSE );
                    DrawBitmapEx( aDstRect.TopLeft(), BitmapEx( aPaint, aAlpha ) );
                    EnableMapMode( bOldMap );
                delete pVDev;

        mpMetaFile = pOldMetaFile;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void OutputDevice::ImplDrawColorWallpaper( long nX, long nY,
                                           long nWidth, long nHeight,
                                           const Wallpaper& rWallpaper )
    // Wallpaper ohne Umrandung zeichnen
    Color aOldLineColor = GetLineColor();
    Color aOldFillColor = GetFillColor();
    SetFillColor( rWallpaper.GetColor() );
    BOOL bMap = mbMap;
    EnableMapMode( FALSE );
    DrawRect( Rectangle( Point( nX, nY ), Size( nWidth, nHeight ) ) );
    SetLineColor( aOldLineColor );
    SetFillColor( aOldFillColor );
    EnableMapMode( bMap );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void OutputDevice::ImplDrawBitmapWallpaper( long nX, long nY,
                                            long nWidth, long nHeight,
                                            const Wallpaper& rWallpaper )
    BitmapEx                aBmpEx;
    const BitmapEx*         pCached = rWallpaper.ImplGetImpWallpaper()->ImplGetCachedBitmap();
    Point                   aPos;
    Size                    aSize;
    GDIMetaFile*            pOldMetaFile = mpMetaFile;
    const WallpaperStyle    eStyle = rWallpaper.GetStyle();
    const BOOL              bOldMap = mbMap;
    BOOL                    bDrawn = FALSE;
    BOOL                    bDrawGradientBackground = FALSE;
    BOOL                    bDrawColorBackground = FALSE;

    if( pCached )
        aBmpEx = *pCached;
        aBmpEx = rWallpaper.GetBitmap();

    const long nBmpWidth = aBmpEx.GetSizePixel().Width();
    const long nBmpHeight = aBmpEx.GetSizePixel().Height();
    const BOOL bTransparent = aBmpEx.IsTransparent();

    // draw background
    if( bTransparent )
        if( rWallpaper.IsGradient() )
            bDrawGradientBackground = TRUE;
            if( !pCached && !rWallpaper.GetColor().GetTransparency() )
                VirtualDevice aVDev( *this );
                aVDev.SetBackground( rWallpaper.GetColor() );
                aVDev.SetOutputSizePixel( Size( nBmpWidth, nBmpHeight ) );
                aVDev.DrawBitmapEx( Point(), aBmpEx );
                aBmpEx = aVDev.GetBitmap( Point(), aVDev.GetOutputSizePixel() );

            bDrawColorBackground = TRUE;
    else if( eStyle != WALLPAPER_TILE && eStyle != WALLPAPER_SCALE )
        if( rWallpaper.IsGradient() )
            bDrawGradientBackground = TRUE;
            bDrawColorBackground = TRUE;

    // background of bitmap?
    if( bDrawGradientBackground )
        ImplDrawGradientWallpaper( nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight, rWallpaper );
    else if( bDrawColorBackground && bTransparent )
        ImplDrawColorWallpaper( nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight, rWallpaper );
        bDrawColorBackground = FALSE;

    // calc pos and size
    if( rWallpaper.IsRect() )
        const Rectangle aBound( LogicToPixel( rWallpaper.GetRect() ) );
        aPos = aBound.TopLeft();
        aSize = aBound.GetSize();
        aPos = Point( nX, nY );
        aSize = Size( nWidth, nHeight );

    mpMetaFile = NULL;
    EnableMapMode( FALSE );
    IntersectClipRegion( Rectangle( Point( nX, nY ), Size( nWidth, nHeight ) ) );

    switch( eStyle )
        case( WALLPAPER_SCALE ):
            if( !pCached || ( pCached->GetSizePixel() != aSize ) )
                if( pCached )

                aBmpEx = rWallpaper.GetBitmap();
                aBmpEx.Scale( aSize );
                aBmpEx = BitmapEx( aBmpEx.GetBitmap().CreateDisplayBitmap( this ), aBmpEx.GetMask() );

        case( WALLPAPER_TOPLEFT ):

        case( WALLPAPER_TOP ):
            aPos.X() += ( aSize.Width() - nBmpWidth ) >> 1;

        case( WALLPAPER_TOPRIGHT ):
            aPos.X() += ( aSize.Width() - nBmpWidth );

        case( WALLPAPER_LEFT ):
            aPos.Y() += ( aSize.Height() - nBmpHeight ) >> 1;

        case( WALLPAPER_CENTER ):
            aPos.X() += ( aSize.Width() - nBmpWidth ) >> 1;
            aPos.Y() += ( aSize.Height() - nBmpHeight ) >> 1;

        case( WALLPAPER_RIGHT ):
            aPos.X() += ( aSize.Width() - nBmpWidth );
            aPos.Y() += ( aSize.Height() - nBmpHeight ) >> 1;

            aPos.Y() += ( aSize.Height() - nBmpHeight );

        case( WALLPAPER_BOTTOM ):
            aPos.X() += ( aSize.Width() - nBmpWidth ) >> 1;
            aPos.Y() += ( aSize.Height() - nBmpHeight );

            aPos.X() += ( aSize.Width() - nBmpWidth );
            aPos.Y() += ( aSize.Height() - nBmpHeight );

            const long  nRight = nX + nWidth - 1L;
            const long  nBottom = nY + nHeight - 1L;
            long        nFirstX;
            long        nFirstY;

            if( eStyle == WALLPAPER_TILE )
                nFirstX = aPos.X();
                nFirstY = aPos.Y();
                nFirstX = aPos.X() + ( ( aSize.Width() - nBmpWidth ) >> 1 );
                nFirstY = aPos.Y() + ( ( aSize.Height() - nBmpHeight ) >> 1 );

            const long  nOffX = ( nFirstX - nX ) % nBmpWidth;
            const long  nOffY = ( nFirstY - nY ) % nBmpHeight;
            long        nStartX = nX + nOffX;
            long        nStartY = nY + nOffY;

            if( nOffX > 0L )
                nStartX -= nBmpWidth;

            if( nOffY > 0L )
                nStartY -= nBmpHeight;

            for( long nBmpY = nStartY; nBmpY <= nBottom; nBmpY += nBmpHeight )
                for( long nBmpX = nStartX; nBmpX <= nRight; nBmpX += nBmpWidth )
                    DrawBitmapEx( Point( nBmpX, nBmpY ), aBmpEx );

            bDrawn = TRUE;

    if( !bDrawn )
        // optimized for non-transparent bitmaps
        if( bDrawColorBackground )
            const Size      aBmpSize( aBmpEx.GetSizePixel() );
            const Point     aTmpPoint;
            const Rectangle aOutRect( aTmpPoint, GetOutputSizePixel() );
            const Rectangle aColRect( Point( nX, nY ), Size( nWidth, nHeight ) );
            Rectangle       aWorkRect;

            aWorkRect = Rectangle( 0, 0, aOutRect.Right(), aPos.Y() - 1L );
            aWorkRect.Intersection( aColRect );
            if( !aWorkRect.IsEmpty() )
                ImplDrawColorWallpaper( aWorkRect.Left(), aWorkRect.Top(),
                                        aWorkRect.GetWidth(), aWorkRect.GetHeight(),
                                        rWallpaper );

            aWorkRect = Rectangle( 0, aPos.Y(), aPos.X() - 1L, aPos.Y() + aBmpSize.Height() - 1L );
            aWorkRect.Intersection( aColRect );
            if( !aWorkRect.IsEmpty() )
                ImplDrawColorWallpaper( aWorkRect.Left(), aWorkRect.Top(),
                                        aWorkRect.GetWidth(), aWorkRect.GetHeight(),
                                        rWallpaper );

            aWorkRect = Rectangle( aPos.X() + aBmpSize.Width(), aPos.Y(), aOutRect.Right(), aPos.Y() + aBmpSize.Height() - 1L );
            aWorkRect.Intersection( aColRect );
            if( !aWorkRect.IsEmpty() )
                ImplDrawColorWallpaper( aWorkRect.Left(), aWorkRect.Top(),
                                        aWorkRect.GetWidth(), aWorkRect.GetHeight(),
                                        rWallpaper );

            aWorkRect = Rectangle( 0, aPos.Y() + aBmpSize.Height(), aOutRect.Right(), aOutRect.Bottom() );
            aWorkRect.Intersection( aColRect );
            if( !aWorkRect.IsEmpty() )
                ImplDrawColorWallpaper( aWorkRect.Left(), aWorkRect.Top(),
                                        aWorkRect.GetWidth(), aWorkRect.GetHeight(),
                                        rWallpaper );

        DrawBitmapEx( aPos, aBmpEx );

    rWallpaper.ImplGetImpWallpaper()->ImplSetCachedBitmap( aBmpEx );

    EnableMapMode( bOldMap );
    mpMetaFile = pOldMetaFile;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void OutputDevice::ImplDrawGradientWallpaper( long nX, long nY,
                                              long nWidth, long nHeight,
                                              const Wallpaper& rWallpaper )
    Rectangle       aBound;
    GDIMetaFile*    pOldMetaFile = mpMetaFile;
    const BOOL      bOldMap = mbMap;
    BOOL            bNeedGradient = TRUE;

    if ( rWallpaper.IsRect() )
        aBound = LogicToPixel( rWallpaper.GetRect() );
        aBound = Rectangle( Point( nX, nY ), Size( nWidth, nHeight ) );

    mpMetaFile = NULL;
    EnableMapMode( FALSE );
    IntersectClipRegion( Rectangle( Point( nX, nY ), Size( nWidth, nHeight ) ) );

    if( OUTDEV_WINDOW == meOutDevType && rWallpaper.GetStyle() == WALLPAPER_APPLICATIONGRADIENT )
        Window *pWin = dynamic_cast< Window* >( this );
        if( pWin )
            // limit gradient to useful size, so that it still can be noticed
            // in maximized windows
            long gradientWidth = pWin->GetDesktopRectPixel().GetSize().Width();
            if( gradientWidth > 1024 )
                gradientWidth = 1024;
            if( mnOutOffX+nWidth > gradientWidth )
                ImplDrawColorWallpaper(  nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight, rWallpaper.GetGradient().GetEndColor() );
            if( mnOutOffX > gradientWidth )
                bNeedGradient = FALSE;
                aBound = Rectangle( Point( -mnOutOffX, nY ), Size( gradientWidth, nHeight ) );

    if( bNeedGradient )
        DrawGradient( aBound, rWallpaper.GetGradient() );

    EnableMapMode( bOldMap );
    mpMetaFile = pOldMetaFile;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void OutputDevice::ImplDrawWallpaper( long nX, long nY,
                                      long nWidth, long nHeight,
                                      const Wallpaper& rWallpaper )
    if( rWallpaper.IsBitmap() )
        ImplDrawBitmapWallpaper( nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight, rWallpaper );
    else if( rWallpaper.IsGradient() )
        ImplDrawGradientWallpaper( nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight, rWallpaper );
        ImplDrawColorWallpaper(  nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight, rWallpaper );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void OutputDevice::DrawWallpaper( const Rectangle& rRect,
                                  const Wallpaper& rWallpaper )
    if ( mpMetaFile )
        mpMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaWallpaperAction( rRect, rWallpaper ) );

    if ( !IsDeviceOutputNecessary() || ImplIsRecordLayout() )

    if ( rWallpaper.GetStyle() != WALLPAPER_NULL )
        Rectangle aRect = LogicToPixel( rRect );

        if ( !aRect.IsEmpty() )
            ImplDrawWallpaper( aRect.Left(), aRect.Top(), aRect.GetWidth(), aRect.GetHeight(),
                               rWallpaper );

    if( mpAlphaVDev )
        mpAlphaVDev->DrawWallpaper( rRect, rWallpaper );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void OutputDevice::Erase()
    if ( !IsDeviceOutputNecessary() || ImplIsRecordLayout() )

    BOOL bNativeOK = FALSE;
    if( meOutDevType == OUTDEV_WINDOW )
        Window* pWindow = static_cast<Window*>(this);
        ControlPart aCtrlPart = pWindow->ImplGetWindowImpl()->mnNativeBackground;
        if( aCtrlPart != 0 && ! pWindow->IsControlBackground() )
            ImplControlValue    aControlValue;
            Point               aGcc3WorkaroundTemporary;
            Rectangle           aCtrlRegion( aGcc3WorkaroundTemporary, GetOutputSizePixel() );
            ControlState        nState = 0;

            if( pWindow->IsEnabled() )              nState |= CTRL_STATE_ENABLED;
            bNativeOK = pWindow->DrawNativeControl( CTRL_WINDOW_BACKGROUND, aCtrlPart, aCtrlRegion,
                                                    nState, aControlValue, rtl::OUString() );

    if ( mbBackground && ! bNativeOK )
        RasterOp eRasterOp = GetRasterOp();
        if ( eRasterOp != ROP_OVERPAINT )
            SetRasterOp( ROP_OVERPAINT );
        ImplDrawWallpaper( 0, 0, mnOutWidth, mnOutHeight, maBackground );
        if ( eRasterOp != ROP_OVERPAINT )
            SetRasterOp( eRasterOp );

    if( mpAlphaVDev )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void OutputDevice::ImplDraw2ColorFrame( const Rectangle& rRect,
                                        const Color& rLeftTopColor,
                                        const Color& rRightBottomColor )
    SetFillColor( rLeftTopColor );
    DrawRect( Rectangle( rRect.TopLeft(), Point( rRect.Left(), rRect.Bottom()-1 ) ) );
    DrawRect( Rectangle( rRect.TopLeft(), Point( rRect.Right()-1, rRect.Top() ) ) );
    SetFillColor( rRightBottomColor );
    DrawRect( Rectangle( rRect.BottomLeft(), rRect.BottomRight() ) );
    DrawRect( Rectangle( rRect.TopRight(), rRect.BottomRight() ) );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

bool OutputDevice::DrawEPS( const Point& rPoint, const Size& rSize,
                            const GfxLink& rGfxLink, GDIMetaFile* pSubst )
    bool bDrawn(true);

    if ( mpMetaFile )
        GDIMetaFile aSubst;

        if( pSubst )
            aSubst = *pSubst;

        mpMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaEPSAction( rPoint, rSize, rGfxLink, aSubst ) );

    if ( !IsDeviceOutputNecessary() || ImplIsRecordLayout() )
        return bDrawn;

    if( mbOutputClipped )
        return bDrawn;

    Rectangle   aRect( ImplLogicToDevicePixel( Rectangle( rPoint, rSize ) ) );

    if( !aRect.IsEmpty() )
        // draw the real EPS graphics
        if( rGfxLink.GetData() && rGfxLink.GetDataSize() )
            if( !mpGraphics && !ImplGetGraphics() )
                return bDrawn;

            if( mbInitClipRegion )

            bDrawn = mpGraphics->DrawEPS( aRect.Left(), aRect.Top(), aRect.GetWidth(), aRect.GetHeight(),
                         (BYTE*) rGfxLink.GetData(), rGfxLink.GetDataSize(), this );

        // else draw the substitution graphics
        if( !bDrawn && pSubst )
            GDIMetaFile* pOldMetaFile = mpMetaFile;

            mpMetaFile = NULL;
            Graphic( *pSubst ).Draw( this, rPoint, rSize );
            mpMetaFile = pOldMetaFile;

    if( mpAlphaVDev )
        mpAlphaVDev->DrawEPS( rPoint, rSize, rGfxLink, pSubst );

    return bDrawn;

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