 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_vcl.hxx"

#include <limits.h>

#include <tools/bigint.hxx>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#include <tools/poly.hxx>

#include <vcl/virdev.hxx>
#include <vcl/region.hxx>
#include <vcl/wrkwin.hxx>
#include <vcl/cursor.hxx>
#include <vcl/metaact.hxx>
#include <vcl/gdimtf.hxx>
#include <vcl/lineinfo.hxx>
#include <vcl/outdev.hxx>

#include <svdata.hxx>
#include <region.h>
#include <window.h>
#include <outdev.h>
#include <salgdi.hxx>

#include <basegfx/matrix/b2dhommatrix.hxx>
#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygon.hxx>
#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygon.hxx>

#define USE_64BIT_INTS

// =======================================================================

DBG_NAMEEX( OutputDevice )
DBG_NAMEEX( Polygon )
DBG_NAMEEX( PolyPolygon )
DBG_NAMEEX( Region )

// =======================================================================

static long aImplNumeratorAry[MAP_PIXEL+1] =
    {    1,   1,   5,  50,    1,   1,  1, 1,  1,    1, 1 };
static long aImplDenominatorAry[MAP_PIXEL+1] =
     { 2540, 254, 127, 127, 1000, 100, 10, 1, 72, 1440, 1 };

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Reduziert die Genauigkeit bis eine Fraction draus wird (sollte mal
ein Fraction ctor werden) koennte man dann auch mit BigInts machen

static Fraction ImplMakeFraction( long nN1, long nN2, long nD1, long nD2 )
    long i = 1;

    if ( nN1 < 0 ) { i = -i; nN1 = -nN1; }
    if ( nN2 < 0 ) { i = -i; nN2 = -nN2; }
    if ( nD1 < 0 ) { i = -i; nD1 = -nD1; }
    if ( nD2 < 0 ) { i = -i; nD2 = -nD2; }
    // alle positiv; i Vorzeichen

    Fraction aF( i*nN1, nD1 );
    aF *= Fraction( nN2, nD2 );

    if( nD1 == 0 || nD2 == 0 ) //under these bad circumstances the following while loop will be endless
        DBG_ASSERT(false,"Invalid parameter for ImplMakeFraction");
        return Fraction( 1, 1 );

    while ( aF.GetDenominator() == -1 )
        if ( nN1 > nN2 )
            nN1 = (nN1 + 1) / 2;
            nN2 = (nN2 + 1) / 2;
        if ( nD1 > nD2 )
            nD1 = (nD1 + 1) / 2;
            nD2 = (nD2 + 1) / 2;

        aF = Fraction( i*nN1, nD1 );
        aF *= Fraction( nN2, nD2 );

    return aF;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

// Fraction.GetNumerator()
// Fraction.GetDenominator()    > 0
// rOutRes.nPixPerInch?         > 0
// rMapRes.nMapScNum?
// rMapRes.nMapScDenom?         > 0

static void ImplCalcBigIntThreshold( long nDPIX, long nDPIY,
                                     const ImplMapRes& rMapRes,
                                     ImplThresholdRes& rThresRes )
    if ( nDPIX && (LONG_MAX / nDPIX < Abs( rMapRes.mnMapScNumX ) ) ) // #111139# avoid div by zero
        rThresRes.mnThresLogToPixX = 0;
        rThresRes.mnThresPixToLogX = 0;
        // Schwellenwerte fuer BigInt Arithmetik berechnen
        long    nDenomHalfX = rMapRes.mnMapScDenomX / 2;
        sal_uLong   nDenomX     = rMapRes.mnMapScDenomX;
        long    nProductX   = nDPIX * rMapRes.mnMapScNumX;

        if ( !nProductX )
            rThresRes.mnThresLogToPixX = LONG_MAX;
            rThresRes.mnThresLogToPixX = Abs( (LONG_MAX - nDenomHalfX) / nProductX );

        if ( !nDenomX )
            rThresRes.mnThresPixToLogX = LONG_MAX;
        else if ( nProductX >= 0 )
            rThresRes.mnThresPixToLogX = (long)(((sal_uLong)LONG_MAX - (sal_uLong)( nProductX/2)) / nDenomX);
            rThresRes.mnThresPixToLogX = (long)(((sal_uLong)LONG_MAX + (sal_uLong)(-nProductX/2)) / nDenomX);

    if ( nDPIY && (LONG_MAX / nDPIY < Abs( rMapRes.mnMapScNumY ) ) ) // #111139# avoid div by zero
        rThresRes.mnThresLogToPixY = 0;
        rThresRes.mnThresPixToLogY = 0;
        // Schwellenwerte fuer BigInt Arithmetik berechnen
        long    nDenomHalfY = rMapRes.mnMapScDenomY / 2;
        sal_uLong   nDenomY     = rMapRes.mnMapScDenomY;
        long    nProductY   = nDPIY * rMapRes.mnMapScNumY;

        if ( !nProductY )
            rThresRes.mnThresLogToPixY = LONG_MAX;
            rThresRes.mnThresLogToPixY = Abs( (LONG_MAX - nDenomHalfY) / nProductY );

        if ( !nDenomY )
            rThresRes.mnThresPixToLogY = LONG_MAX;
        else if ( nProductY >= 0 )
            rThresRes.mnThresPixToLogY = (long)(((sal_uLong)LONG_MAX - (sal_uLong)( nProductY/2)) / nDenomY);
            rThresRes.mnThresPixToLogY = (long)(((sal_uLong)LONG_MAX + (sal_uLong)(-nProductY/2)) / nDenomY);

#ifdef USE_64BIT_INTS
    rThresRes.mnThresLogToPixX /= 2;
    rThresRes.mnThresLogToPixY /= 2;
    rThresRes.mnThresPixToLogX /= 2;
    rThresRes.mnThresPixToLogY /= 2;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

static void ImplCalcMapResolution( const MapMode& rMapMode,
                                   long nDPIX, long nDPIY, ImplMapRes& rMapRes )
    switch ( rMapMode.GetMapUnit() )
        case MAP_RELATIVE:
        case MAP_100TH_MM:
            rMapRes.mnMapScNumX   = 1;
            rMapRes.mnMapScDenomX = 2540;
            rMapRes.mnMapScNumY   = 1;
            rMapRes.mnMapScDenomY = 2540;
        case MAP_10TH_MM:
            rMapRes.mnMapScNumX   = 1;
            rMapRes.mnMapScDenomX = 254;
            rMapRes.mnMapScNumY   = 1;
            rMapRes.mnMapScDenomY = 254;
        case MAP_MM:
            rMapRes.mnMapScNumX   = 5;      // 10
            rMapRes.mnMapScDenomX = 127;    // 254
            rMapRes.mnMapScNumY   = 5;      // 10
            rMapRes.mnMapScDenomY = 127;    // 254
        case MAP_CM:
            rMapRes.mnMapScNumX   = 50;     // 100
            rMapRes.mnMapScDenomX = 127;    // 254
            rMapRes.mnMapScNumY   = 50;     // 100
            rMapRes.mnMapScDenomY = 127;    // 254
        case MAP_1000TH_INCH:
            rMapRes.mnMapScNumX   = 1;
            rMapRes.mnMapScDenomX = 1000;
            rMapRes.mnMapScNumY   = 1;
            rMapRes.mnMapScDenomY = 1000;
        case MAP_100TH_INCH:
            rMapRes.mnMapScNumX   = 1;
            rMapRes.mnMapScDenomX = 100;
            rMapRes.mnMapScNumY   = 1;
            rMapRes.mnMapScDenomY = 100;
        case MAP_10TH_INCH:
            rMapRes.mnMapScNumX   = 1;
            rMapRes.mnMapScDenomX = 10;
            rMapRes.mnMapScNumY   = 1;
            rMapRes.mnMapScDenomY = 10;
        case MAP_INCH:
            rMapRes.mnMapScNumX   = 1;
            rMapRes.mnMapScDenomX = 1;
            rMapRes.mnMapScNumY   = 1;
            rMapRes.mnMapScDenomY = 1;
        case MAP_POINT:
            rMapRes.mnMapScNumX   = 1;
            rMapRes.mnMapScDenomX = 72;
            rMapRes.mnMapScNumY   = 1;
            rMapRes.mnMapScDenomY = 72;
        case MAP_TWIP:
            rMapRes.mnMapScNumX   = 1;
            rMapRes.mnMapScDenomX = 1440;
            rMapRes.mnMapScNumY   = 1;
            rMapRes.mnMapScDenomY = 1440;
        case MAP_PIXEL:
            rMapRes.mnMapScNumX   = 1;
            rMapRes.mnMapScDenomX = nDPIX;
            rMapRes.mnMapScNumY   = 1;
            rMapRes.mnMapScDenomY = nDPIY;
        case MAP_SYSFONT:
        case MAP_APPFONT:
        case MAP_REALAPPFONT:
            ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData();
            if ( !pSVData->maGDIData.mnAppFontX )
                if( pSVData->maWinData.mpFirstFrame )
                    Window::ImplInitAppFontData( pSVData->maWinData.mpFirstFrame );
                    WorkWindow* pWin = new WorkWindow( NULL, 0 );
                    Window::ImplInitAppFontData( pWin );
                    delete pWin;
            if ( rMapMode.GetMapUnit() == MAP_REALAPPFONT )
                rMapRes.mnMapScNumX   = pSVData->maGDIData.mnRealAppFontX;
                rMapRes.mnMapScNumX   = pSVData->maGDIData.mnAppFontX;
            rMapRes.mnMapScDenomX = nDPIX * 40;
            rMapRes.mnMapScNumY   = pSVData->maGDIData.mnAppFontY;;
            rMapRes.mnMapScDenomY = nDPIY * 80;
            DBG_ERROR( "unhandled MapUnit" );

    Fraction aScaleX = rMapMode.GetScaleX();
    Fraction aScaleY = rMapMode.GetScaleY();

    // Offset laut MapMode setzen
    Point aOrigin = rMapMode.GetOrigin();
    if ( rMapMode.GetMapUnit() != MAP_RELATIVE )
        rMapRes.mnMapOfsX = aOrigin.X();
        rMapRes.mnMapOfsY = aOrigin.Y();
        BigInt aX( rMapRes.mnMapOfsX );
        aX *= BigInt( aScaleX.GetDenominator() );
        if ( rMapRes.mnMapOfsX >= 0 )
            if ( aScaleX.GetNumerator() >= 0 )
                aX += BigInt( aScaleX.GetNumerator()/2 );
                aX -= BigInt( (aScaleX.GetNumerator()+1)/2 );
            if ( aScaleX.GetNumerator() >= 0 )
                aX -= BigInt( (aScaleX.GetNumerator()-1)/2 );
                aX += BigInt( aScaleX.GetNumerator()/2 );
        aX /= BigInt( aScaleX.GetNumerator() );
        rMapRes.mnMapOfsX = (long)aX + aOrigin.X();
        BigInt aY( rMapRes.mnMapOfsY );
        aY *= BigInt( aScaleY.GetDenominator() );
        if( rMapRes.mnMapOfsY >= 0 )
            if ( aScaleY.GetNumerator() >= 0 )
                aY += BigInt( aScaleY.GetNumerator()/2 );
                aY -= BigInt( (aScaleY.GetNumerator()+1)/2 );
            if ( aScaleY.GetNumerator() >= 0 )
                aY -= BigInt( (aScaleY.GetNumerator()-1)/2 );
                aY += BigInt( aScaleY.GetNumerator()/2 );
        aY /= BigInt( aScaleY.GetNumerator() );
        rMapRes.mnMapOfsY = (long)aY + aOrigin.Y();

    // Scaling Faktor laut MapMode einberechnen
    // aTemp? = rMapRes.mnMapSc? * aScale?
    Fraction aTempX = ImplMakeFraction( rMapRes.mnMapScNumX,
                                        aScaleX.GetDenominator() );
    Fraction aTempY = ImplMakeFraction( rMapRes.mnMapScNumY,
                                        aScaleY.GetDenominator() );
    rMapRes.mnMapScNumX   = aTempX.GetNumerator();
    rMapRes.mnMapScDenomX = aTempX.GetDenominator();
    rMapRes.mnMapScNumY   = aTempY.GetNumerator();
    rMapRes.mnMapScDenomY = aTempY.GetDenominator();

    // hack: 0/n ungef"ahr 1/max
    if ( !rMapRes.mnMapScNumX )
        rMapRes.mnMapScNumX = 1;
        rMapRes.mnMapScDenomX = LONG_MAX;
    if ( !rMapRes.mnMapScNumY )
        rMapRes.mnMapScNumY = 1;
        rMapRes.mnMapScDenomY = LONG_MAX;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

inline void ImplCalcMapResolution( const MapMode& rMapMode,
                                   long nDPIX, long nDPIY,
                                   ImplMapRes& rMapRes,
                                   ImplThresholdRes& rThresRes )
    ImplCalcMapResolution( rMapMode, nDPIX, nDPIY, rMapRes );
    ImplCalcBigIntThreshold( nDPIX, nDPIY, rMapRes, rThresRes );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

static long ImplLogicToPixel( long n, long nDPI, long nMapNum, long nMapDenom,
                              long nThres )
    // To "use" it...
    (void) nThres;
#ifdef USE_64BIT_INTS
    if( (+n < nThres) && (-n < nThres) )
       n *= nMapNum * nDPI;
       if( nMapDenom != 1 )
          n = (2 * n) / nMapDenom;
          if( n < 0 ) --n; else ++n;
          n /= 2;
       sal_Int64 n64 = n;
       n64 *= nMapNum;
       n64 *= nDPI;
       if( nMapDenom == 1 )
          n = (long)n64;
          n = (long)(2 * n64 / nMapDenom);
          if( n < 0 ) --n; else ++n;
          n /= 2;
    return n;
#else // USE_64BIT_INTS
    if ( Abs( n ) < nThres )
        n *= nDPI * nMapNum;
        n += n >= 0 ? nMapDenom/2 : -((nMapDenom-1)/2);
                return (n / nMapDenom);
        BigInt aTemp( n );
        aTemp *= BigInt( nDPI );
        aTemp *= BigInt( nMapNum );

        if ( aTemp.IsNeg() )
            BigInt aMapScDenom2( (nMapDenom-1)/2 );
            aTemp -= aMapScDenom2;
            BigInt aMapScDenom2( nMapDenom/2 );
            aTemp += aMapScDenom2;

        aTemp /= BigInt( nMapDenom );
        return (long)aTemp;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

static long ImplPixelToLogic( long n, long nDPI, long nMapNum, long nMapDenom,
                              long nThres )
    // To "use" it...
   (void) nThres;
#ifdef USE_64BIT_INTS
    if( (+n < nThres) && (-n < nThres) )
        n = (2 * n * nMapDenom) / (nDPI * nMapNum);
        sal_Int64 n64 = n;
        n64 *= nMapDenom;
        long nDenom  = nDPI * nMapNum;
        n = (long)(2 * n64 / nDenom);
    if( n < 0 ) --n; else ++n;
    return (n / 2);
#else // USE_64BIT_INTS
    if ( Abs( n ) < nThres )
        long nDenom  = nDPI * nMapNum;
        long nNum    = n * nMapDenom;
        if( (nNum ^ nDenom) >= 0 )
            nNum += nDenom/2;
            nNum -= nDenom/2;
        return (nNum / nDenom);
        BigInt aDenom( nDPI );
        aDenom *= BigInt( nMapNum );

        BigInt aNum( n );
        aNum *= BigInt( nMapDenom );

        BigInt aDenom2( aDenom );
        if ( aNum.IsNeg() )
            if ( aDenom.IsNeg() )
                aDenom2 /= BigInt(2);
                aNum += aDenom2;
                aDenom2 -= 1;
                aDenom2 /= BigInt(2);
                aNum -= aDenom2;
            if ( aDenom.IsNeg() )
                aDenom2 += 1;
                aDenom2 /= BigInt(2);
                aNum -= aDenom2;
                aDenom2 /= BigInt(2);
                aNum += aDenom2;

        aNum  /= aDenom;
        return (long)aNum;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

long OutputDevice::ImplLogicXToDevicePixel( long nX ) const
    if ( !mbMap )
        return nX+mnOutOffX;

    return ImplLogicToPixel( nX + maMapRes.mnMapOfsX, mnDPIX,
                             maMapRes.mnMapScNumX, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                             maThresRes.mnThresLogToPixX )+mnOutOffX+mnOutOffOrigX;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

long OutputDevice::ImplLogicYToDevicePixel( long nY ) const
    if ( !mbMap )
        return nY+mnOutOffY;

    return ImplLogicToPixel( nY + maMapRes.mnMapOfsY, mnDPIY,
                             maMapRes.mnMapScNumY, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                             maThresRes.mnThresLogToPixY )+mnOutOffY+mnOutOffOrigY;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

long OutputDevice::ImplLogicWidthToDevicePixel( long nWidth ) const
    if ( !mbMap )
        return nWidth;

    return ImplLogicToPixel( nWidth, mnDPIX,
                             maMapRes.mnMapScNumX, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                             maThresRes.mnThresLogToPixX );

float OutputDevice::ImplFloatLogicWidthToDevicePixel( float fLogicWidth) const
    if( !mbMap)
        return fLogicWidth;
    // TODO: consolidate the calculation into one multiplication
    float fPixelWidth = (fLogicWidth * mnDPIX * maMapRes.mnMapScNumX) / maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX;
    return fPixelWidth;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

long OutputDevice::ImplLogicHeightToDevicePixel( long nHeight ) const
    if ( !mbMap )
        return nHeight;

    return ImplLogicToPixel( nHeight, mnDPIY,
                             maMapRes.mnMapScNumY, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                             maThresRes.mnThresLogToPixY );

float OutputDevice::ImplFloatLogicHeightToDevicePixel( float fLogicHeight) const
    if( !mbMap)
        return fLogicHeight;
    float fPixelHeight = (fLogicHeight * mnDPIY * maMapRes.mnMapScNumY) / maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY;
    return fPixelHeight;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

long OutputDevice::ImplDevicePixelToLogicWidth( long nWidth ) const
    if ( !mbMap )
        return nWidth;

    return ImplPixelToLogic( nWidth, mnDPIX,
                             maMapRes.mnMapScNumX, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                             maThresRes.mnThresPixToLogX );

float OutputDevice::ImplFloatDevicePixelToLogicWidth( float fPixelWidth) const
    if( !mbMap)
        return fPixelWidth;
    float fLogicHeight = (fPixelWidth * maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX) / (mnDPIX * maMapRes.mnMapScNumX);
    return fLogicHeight;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

long OutputDevice::ImplDevicePixelToLogicHeight( long nHeight ) const
    if ( !mbMap )
        return nHeight;

    return ImplPixelToLogic( nHeight, mnDPIY,
                             maMapRes.mnMapScNumY, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                             maThresRes.mnThresPixToLogY );

float OutputDevice::ImplFloatDevicePixelToLogicHeight( float fPixelHeight) const
    if( !mbMap)
        return fPixelHeight;
    float fLogicHeight = (fPixelHeight * maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY) / (mnDPIY * maMapRes.mnMapScNumY);
    return fLogicHeight;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Point OutputDevice::ImplLogicToDevicePixel( const Point& rLogicPt ) const
    if ( !mbMap )
        return Point( rLogicPt.X()+mnOutOffX, rLogicPt.Y()+mnOutOffY );

    return Point( ImplLogicToPixel( rLogicPt.X() + maMapRes.mnMapOfsX, mnDPIX,
                                    maMapRes.mnMapScNumX, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                    maThresRes.mnThresLogToPixX )+mnOutOffX+mnOutOffOrigX,
                  ImplLogicToPixel( rLogicPt.Y() + maMapRes.mnMapOfsY, mnDPIY,
                                    maMapRes.mnMapScNumY, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                    maThresRes.mnThresLogToPixY )+mnOutOffY+mnOutOffOrigY );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Size OutputDevice::ImplLogicToDevicePixel( const Size& rLogicSize ) const
    if ( !mbMap )
        return rLogicSize;

    return Size( ImplLogicToPixel( rLogicSize.Width(), mnDPIX,
                                   maMapRes.mnMapScNumX, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                   maThresRes.mnThresLogToPixX ),
                 ImplLogicToPixel( rLogicSize.Height(), mnDPIY,
                                   maMapRes.mnMapScNumY, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                   maThresRes.mnThresLogToPixY ) );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Rectangle OutputDevice::ImplLogicToDevicePixel( const Rectangle& rLogicRect ) const
    if ( rLogicRect.IsEmpty() )
        return rLogicRect;

    if ( !mbMap )
        return Rectangle( rLogicRect.Left()+mnOutOffX, rLogicRect.Top()+mnOutOffY,
                          rLogicRect.Right()+mnOutOffX, rLogicRect.Bottom()+mnOutOffY );

    return Rectangle( ImplLogicToPixel( rLogicRect.Left()+maMapRes.mnMapOfsX, mnDPIX,
                                        maMapRes.mnMapScNumX, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                        maThresRes.mnThresLogToPixX )+mnOutOffX+mnOutOffOrigX,
                      ImplLogicToPixel( rLogicRect.Top()+maMapRes.mnMapOfsY, mnDPIY,
                                        maMapRes.mnMapScNumY, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                        maThresRes.mnThresLogToPixY )+mnOutOffY+mnOutOffOrigY,
                      ImplLogicToPixel( rLogicRect.Right()+maMapRes.mnMapOfsX, mnDPIX,
                                        maMapRes.mnMapScNumX, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                        maThresRes.mnThresLogToPixX )+mnOutOffX+mnOutOffOrigX,
                      ImplLogicToPixel( rLogicRect.Bottom()+maMapRes.mnMapOfsY, mnDPIY,
                                        maMapRes.mnMapScNumY, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                        maThresRes.mnThresLogToPixY )+mnOutOffY+mnOutOffOrigY );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Polygon OutputDevice::ImplLogicToDevicePixel( const Polygon& rLogicPoly ) const
    if ( !mbMap && !mnOutOffX && !mnOutOffY )
        return rLogicPoly;

    sal_uInt16  i;
    sal_uInt16  nPoints = rLogicPoly.GetSize();
    Polygon aPoly( rLogicPoly );

    // Pointer auf das Point-Array holen (Daten werden kopiert)
    const Point* pPointAry = aPoly.GetConstPointAry();

    if ( mbMap )
        for ( i = 0; i < nPoints; i++ )
            const Point* pPt = &(pPointAry[i]);
            Point aPt;
            aPt.X() = ImplLogicToPixel( pPt->X()+maMapRes.mnMapOfsX, mnDPIX,
                                        maMapRes.mnMapScNumX, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                        maThresRes.mnThresLogToPixX )+mnOutOffX+mnOutOffOrigX;
            aPt.Y() = ImplLogicToPixel( pPt->Y()+maMapRes.mnMapOfsY, mnDPIY,
                                        maMapRes.mnMapScNumY, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                        maThresRes.mnThresLogToPixY )+mnOutOffY+mnOutOffOrigY;
            aPoly[i] = aPt;
        for ( i = 0; i < nPoints; i++ )
            Point aPt = pPointAry[i];
            aPt.X() += mnOutOffX;
            aPt.Y() += mnOutOffY;
            aPoly[i] = aPt;

    return aPoly;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

PolyPolygon OutputDevice::ImplLogicToDevicePixel( const PolyPolygon& rLogicPolyPoly ) const
    if ( !mbMap && !mnOutOffX && !mnOutOffY )
        return rLogicPolyPoly;

    PolyPolygon aPolyPoly( rLogicPolyPoly );
    sal_uInt16      nPoly = aPolyPoly.Count();
    for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nPoly; i++ )
        Polygon& rPoly = aPolyPoly[i];
        rPoly = ImplLogicToDevicePixel( rPoly );
    return aPolyPoly;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

LineInfo OutputDevice::ImplLogicToDevicePixel( const LineInfo& rLineInfo ) const
    LineInfo aInfo( rLineInfo );

    if( aInfo.GetStyle() == LINE_DASH )
        if( aInfo.GetDotCount() && aInfo.GetDotLen() )
            aInfo.SetDotLen( Max( ImplLogicWidthToDevicePixel( aInfo.GetDotLen() ), 1L ) );
            aInfo.SetDotCount( 0 );

        if( aInfo.GetDashCount() && aInfo.GetDashLen() )
            aInfo.SetDashLen( Max( ImplLogicWidthToDevicePixel( aInfo.GetDashLen() ), 1L ) );
            aInfo.SetDashCount( 0 );

        aInfo.SetDistance( ImplLogicWidthToDevicePixel( aInfo.GetDistance() ) );

        if( ( !aInfo.GetDashCount() && !aInfo.GetDotCount() ) || !aInfo.GetDistance() )
            aInfo.SetStyle( LINE_SOLID );

    aInfo.SetWidth( ImplLogicWidthToDevicePixel( aInfo.GetWidth() ) );

    return aInfo;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Rectangle OutputDevice::ImplDevicePixelToLogic( const Rectangle& rPixelRect ) const
    if ( rPixelRect.IsEmpty() )
        return rPixelRect;

    if ( !mbMap )
        return Rectangle( rPixelRect.Left()-mnOutOffX, rPixelRect.Top()-mnOutOffY,
                          rPixelRect.Right()-mnOutOffX, rPixelRect.Bottom()-mnOutOffY );

    return Rectangle( ImplPixelToLogic( rPixelRect.Left()-mnOutOffX-mnOutOffOrigX, mnDPIX,
                                        maMapRes.mnMapScNumX, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                        maThresRes.mnThresPixToLogX )-maMapRes.mnMapOfsX,
                      ImplPixelToLogic( rPixelRect.Top()-mnOutOffY-mnOutOffOrigY, mnDPIY,
                                        maMapRes.mnMapScNumY, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                        maThresRes.mnThresPixToLogY )-maMapRes.mnMapOfsY,
                      ImplPixelToLogic( rPixelRect.Right()-mnOutOffX-mnOutOffOrigX, mnDPIX,
                                        maMapRes.mnMapScNumX, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                        maThresRes.mnThresPixToLogX )-maMapRes.mnMapOfsX,
                      ImplPixelToLogic( rPixelRect.Bottom()-mnOutOffY-mnOutOffOrigY, mnDPIY,
                                        maMapRes.mnMapScNumY, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                        maThresRes.mnThresPixToLogY )-maMapRes.mnMapOfsY );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Region OutputDevice::ImplPixelToDevicePixel( const Region& rRegion ) const
    DBG_CHKOBJ( &rRegion, Region, ImplDbgTestRegion );

    if ( !mnOutOffX && !mnOutOffY )
        return rRegion;

    Region aRegion( rRegion );
    aRegion.Move( mnOutOffX+mnOutOffOrigX, mnOutOffY+mnOutOffOrigY );
    return aRegion;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void OutputDevice::EnableMapMode( sal_Bool bEnable )
    mbMap = (bEnable != 0);

    if( mpAlphaVDev )
        mpAlphaVDev->EnableMapMode( bEnable );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void OutputDevice::SetMapMode()
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );

    if ( mpMetaFile )
        mpMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaMapModeAction( MapMode() ) );

    if ( mbMap || !maMapMode.IsDefault() )
        mbMap       = sal_False;
        maMapMode   = MapMode();

        // create new objects (clip region werden nicht neu skaliert)
        mbNewFont   = sal_True;
        mbInitFont  = sal_True;
        if ( GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_WINDOW )
            if ( ((Window*)this)->mpWindowImpl->mpCursor )

        // #106426# Adapt logical offset when changing mapmode
        mnOutOffLogicX = mnOutOffOrigX; // no mapping -> equal offsets
        mnOutOffLogicY = mnOutOffOrigY;

        // #i75163#

    if( mpAlphaVDev )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void OutputDevice::SetMapMode( const MapMode& rNewMapMode )
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );

    sal_Bool bRelMap = (rNewMapMode.GetMapUnit() == MAP_RELATIVE);

    if ( mpMetaFile )
        mpMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaMapModeAction( rNewMapMode ) );
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
        if ( GetOutDevType() != OUTDEV_PRINTER )
            DBG_ASSERTWARNING( bRelMap, "Please record only relative MapModes!" );

    // Ist der MapMode der gleiche wie vorher, dann mache nichts
    if ( maMapMode == rNewMapMode )

    if( mpAlphaVDev )
        mpAlphaVDev->SetMapMode( rNewMapMode );

    // Ist Default-MapMode, dann bereche nichts
    sal_Bool bOldMap = mbMap;
    mbMap = !rNewMapMode.IsDefault();
    if ( mbMap )
        // Falls nur der Orign umgesetzt wird, dann scaliere nichts neu
        if ( (rNewMapMode.GetMapUnit() == maMapMode.GetMapUnit()) &&
             (rNewMapMode.GetScaleX()  == maMapMode.GetScaleX())  &&
             (rNewMapMode.GetScaleY()  == maMapMode.GetScaleY())  &&
             (bOldMap                  == mbMap) )
            // Offset setzen
            Point aOrigin = rNewMapMode.GetOrigin();
            maMapRes.mnMapOfsX = aOrigin.X();
            maMapRes.mnMapOfsY = aOrigin.Y();
            maMapMode = rNewMapMode;

            // #i75163#

        if ( !bOldMap && bRelMap )
            maMapRes.mnMapScNumX    = 1;
            maMapRes.mnMapScNumY    = 1;
            maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX  = mnDPIX;
            maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY  = mnDPIY;
            maMapRes.mnMapOfsX      = 0;
            maMapRes.mnMapOfsY      = 0;

        // Neue MapMode-Aufloesung berechnen
        ImplCalcMapResolution( rNewMapMode, mnDPIX, mnDPIY, maMapRes, maThresRes );

    // Neuen MapMode setzen
    if ( bRelMap )
        Point aOrigin( maMapRes.mnMapOfsX, maMapRes.mnMapOfsY );
        // aScale? = maMapMode.GetScale?() * rNewMapMode.GetScale?()
        Fraction aScaleX = ImplMakeFraction( maMapMode.GetScaleX().GetNumerator(),
                                             rNewMapMode.GetScaleX().GetDenominator() );
        Fraction aScaleY = ImplMakeFraction( maMapMode.GetScaleY().GetNumerator(),
                                             rNewMapMode.GetScaleY().GetDenominator() );
        maMapMode.SetOrigin( aOrigin );
        maMapMode.SetScaleX( aScaleX );
        maMapMode.SetScaleY( aScaleY );
        maMapMode = rNewMapMode;

    // create new objects (clip region werden nicht neu skaliert)
    mbNewFont   = sal_True;
    mbInitFont  = sal_True;
    if ( GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_WINDOW )
        if ( ((Window*)this)->mpWindowImpl->mpCursor )

    // #106426# Adapt logical offset when changing mapmode
    mnOutOffLogicX = ImplPixelToLogic( mnOutOffOrigX, mnDPIX,
                                       maMapRes.mnMapScNumX, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                       maThresRes.mnThresPixToLogX );
    mnOutOffLogicY = ImplPixelToLogic( mnOutOffOrigY, mnDPIY,
                                       maMapRes.mnMapScNumY, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                       maThresRes.mnThresPixToLogY );

    // #i75163#

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void OutputDevice::SetRelativeMapMode( const MapMode& rNewMapMode )
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );

    // Ist der MapMode der gleiche wie vorher, dann mache nichts
    if ( maMapMode == rNewMapMode )

    MapUnit eOld = maMapMode.GetMapUnit();
    MapUnit eNew = rNewMapMode.GetMapUnit();

    // a?F = rNewMapMode.GetScale?() / maMapMode.GetScale?()
    Fraction aXF = ImplMakeFraction( rNewMapMode.GetScaleX().GetNumerator(),
                                     maMapMode.GetScaleX().GetNumerator() );
    Fraction aYF = ImplMakeFraction( rNewMapMode.GetScaleY().GetNumerator(),
                                     maMapMode.GetScaleY().GetNumerator() );

    Point aPt( LogicToLogic( Point(), NULL, &rNewMapMode ) );
    if ( eNew != eOld )
        if ( eOld > MAP_PIXEL )
            DBG_ERRORFILE( "Not implemented MapUnit" );
        else if ( eNew > MAP_PIXEL )
            DBG_ERRORFILE( "Not implemented MapUnit" );
            Fraction aF( aImplNumeratorAry[eNew] * aImplDenominatorAry[eOld],
                         aImplNumeratorAry[eOld] * aImplDenominatorAry[eNew] );

            // a?F =  a?F * aF
            aXF = ImplMakeFraction( aXF.GetNumerator(),   aF.GetNumerator(),
                                    aXF.GetDenominator(), aF.GetDenominator() );
            aYF = ImplMakeFraction( aYF.GetNumerator(),   aF.GetNumerator(),
                                    aYF.GetDenominator(), aF.GetDenominator() );
            if ( eOld == MAP_PIXEL )
                aXF *= Fraction( mnDPIX, 1 );
                aYF *= Fraction( mnDPIY, 1 );
            else if ( eNew == MAP_PIXEL )
                aXF *= Fraction( 1, mnDPIX );
                aYF *= Fraction( 1, mnDPIY );

    MapMode aNewMapMode( MAP_RELATIVE, Point( -aPt.X(), -aPt.Y() ), aXF, aYF );
    SetMapMode( aNewMapMode );

    if ( eNew != eOld )
        maMapMode = rNewMapMode;

    // #106426# Adapt logical offset when changing mapmode
    mnOutOffLogicX = ImplPixelToLogic( mnOutOffOrigX, mnDPIX,
                                       maMapRes.mnMapScNumX, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                       maThresRes.mnThresPixToLogX );
    mnOutOffLogicY = ImplPixelToLogic( mnOutOffOrigY, mnDPIY,
                                       maMapRes.mnMapScNumY, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                       maThresRes.mnThresPixToLogY );

    if( mpAlphaVDev )
        mpAlphaVDev->SetRelativeMapMode( rNewMapMode );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

// #i75163#
basegfx::B2DHomMatrix OutputDevice::GetViewTransformation() const
        // #i82615#
            const_cast< OutputDevice* >(this)->ImplInitOutDevData();

            mpOutDevData->mpViewTransform = new basegfx::B2DHomMatrix;

            const double fScaleFactorX((double)mnDPIX * (double)maMapRes.mnMapScNumX / (double)maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX);
            const double fScaleFactorY((double)mnDPIY * (double)maMapRes.mnMapScNumY / (double)maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY);
            const double fZeroPointX(((double)maMapRes.mnMapOfsX * fScaleFactorX) + (double)mnOutOffOrigX);
            const double fZeroPointY(((double)maMapRes.mnMapOfsY * fScaleFactorY) + (double)mnOutOffOrigY);

            mpOutDevData->mpViewTransform->set(0, 0, fScaleFactorX);
            mpOutDevData->mpViewTransform->set(1, 1, fScaleFactorY);
            mpOutDevData->mpViewTransform->set(0, 2, fZeroPointX);
            mpOutDevData->mpViewTransform->set(1, 2, fZeroPointY);

        return *mpOutDevData->mpViewTransform;
        return basegfx::B2DHomMatrix();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

// #i75163#
basegfx::B2DHomMatrix OutputDevice::GetInverseViewTransformation() const
        // #i82615#
            const_cast< OutputDevice* >(this)->ImplInitOutDevData();

            mpOutDevData->mpInverseViewTransform = new basegfx::B2DHomMatrix(*mpOutDevData->mpViewTransform);

        return *mpOutDevData->mpInverseViewTransform;
        return basegfx::B2DHomMatrix();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

// #i75163#
basegfx::B2DHomMatrix OutputDevice::GetViewTransformation( const MapMode& rMapMode ) const
    // #i82615#
    ImplMapRes          aMapRes;
    ImplThresholdRes    aThresRes;
    ImplCalcMapResolution( rMapMode, mnDPIX, mnDPIY, aMapRes, aThresRes );

    basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aTransform;

    const double fScaleFactorX((double)mnDPIX * (double)aMapRes.mnMapScNumX / (double)aMapRes.mnMapScDenomX);
    const double fScaleFactorY((double)mnDPIY * (double)aMapRes.mnMapScNumY / (double)aMapRes.mnMapScDenomY);
    const double fZeroPointX(((double)aMapRes.mnMapOfsX * fScaleFactorX) + (double)mnOutOffOrigX);
    const double fZeroPointY(((double)aMapRes.mnMapOfsY * fScaleFactorY) + (double)mnOutOffOrigY);

    aTransform.set(0, 0, fScaleFactorX);
    aTransform.set(1, 1, fScaleFactorY);
    aTransform.set(0, 2, fZeroPointX);
    aTransform.set(1, 2, fZeroPointY);

    return aTransform;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

// #i75163#
basegfx::B2DHomMatrix OutputDevice::GetInverseViewTransformation( const MapMode& rMapMode ) const
    basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aMatrix( GetViewTransformation( rMapMode ) );
    return aMatrix;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

basegfx::B2DHomMatrix OutputDevice::ImplGetDeviceTransformation() const
    basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aTransformation = GetViewTransformation();
    // TODO: is it worth to cache the transformed result?
    if( mnOutOffX || mnOutOffY )
        aTransformation.translate( mnOutOffX, mnOutOffY );
    return aTransformation;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Point OutputDevice::LogicToPixel( const Point& rLogicPt ) const
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );

    if ( !mbMap )
        return rLogicPt;

    return Point( ImplLogicToPixel( rLogicPt.X() + maMapRes.mnMapOfsX, mnDPIX,
                                    maMapRes.mnMapScNumX, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                    maThresRes.mnThresLogToPixX )+mnOutOffOrigX,
                  ImplLogicToPixel( rLogicPt.Y() + maMapRes.mnMapOfsY, mnDPIY,
                                    maMapRes.mnMapScNumY, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                    maThresRes.mnThresLogToPixY )+mnOutOffOrigY );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Size OutputDevice::LogicToPixel( const Size& rLogicSize ) const
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );

    if ( !mbMap )
        return rLogicSize;

    return Size( ImplLogicToPixel( rLogicSize.Width(), mnDPIX,
                                   maMapRes.mnMapScNumX, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                   maThresRes.mnThresLogToPixX ),
                 ImplLogicToPixel( rLogicSize.Height(), mnDPIY,
                                   maMapRes.mnMapScNumY, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                   maThresRes.mnThresLogToPixY ) );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Rectangle OutputDevice::LogicToPixel( const Rectangle& rLogicRect ) const
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );

    if ( !mbMap || rLogicRect.IsEmpty() )
        return rLogicRect;

    return Rectangle( ImplLogicToPixel( rLogicRect.Left() + maMapRes.mnMapOfsX, mnDPIX,
                                        maMapRes.mnMapScNumX, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                        maThresRes.mnThresLogToPixX )+mnOutOffOrigX,
                      ImplLogicToPixel( rLogicRect.Top() + maMapRes.mnMapOfsY, mnDPIY,
                                        maMapRes.mnMapScNumY, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                        maThresRes.mnThresLogToPixY )+mnOutOffOrigY,
                      ImplLogicToPixel( rLogicRect.Right() + maMapRes.mnMapOfsX, mnDPIX,
                                        maMapRes.mnMapScNumX, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                        maThresRes.mnThresLogToPixX )+mnOutOffOrigX,
                      ImplLogicToPixel( rLogicRect.Bottom() + maMapRes.mnMapOfsY, mnDPIY,
                                        maMapRes.mnMapScNumY, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                        maThresRes.mnThresLogToPixY )+mnOutOffOrigY );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Polygon OutputDevice::LogicToPixel( const Polygon& rLogicPoly ) const
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );
    DBG_CHKOBJ( &rLogicPoly, Polygon, NULL );

    if ( !mbMap )
        return rLogicPoly;

    sal_uInt16  i;
    sal_uInt16  nPoints = rLogicPoly.GetSize();
    Polygon aPoly( rLogicPoly );

    // Pointer auf das Point-Array holen (Daten werden kopiert)
    const Point* pPointAry = aPoly.GetConstPointAry();

    for ( i = 0; i < nPoints; i++ )
        const Point* pPt = &(pPointAry[i]);
        Point aPt;
        aPt.X() = ImplLogicToPixel( pPt->X() + maMapRes.mnMapOfsX, mnDPIX,
                                    maMapRes.mnMapScNumX, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                    maThresRes.mnThresLogToPixX )+mnOutOffOrigX;
        aPt.Y() = ImplLogicToPixel( pPt->Y() + maMapRes.mnMapOfsY, mnDPIY,
                                    maMapRes.mnMapScNumY, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                    maThresRes.mnThresLogToPixY )+mnOutOffOrigY;
        aPoly[i] = aPt;

    return aPoly;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

PolyPolygon OutputDevice::LogicToPixel( const PolyPolygon& rLogicPolyPoly ) const
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );
    DBG_CHKOBJ( &rLogicPolyPoly, PolyPolygon, NULL );

    if ( !mbMap )
        return rLogicPolyPoly;

    PolyPolygon aPolyPoly( rLogicPolyPoly );
    sal_uInt16      nPoly = aPolyPoly.Count();
    for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nPoly; i++ )
        Polygon& rPoly = aPolyPoly[i];
        rPoly = LogicToPixel( rPoly );
    return aPolyPoly;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

basegfx::B2DPolygon OutputDevice::LogicToPixel( const basegfx::B2DPolygon& rLogicPoly ) const
    basegfx::B2DPolygon aTransformedPoly = rLogicPoly;
    const ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rTransformationMatrix = GetViewTransformation();
    aTransformedPoly.transform( rTransformationMatrix );
    return aTransformedPoly;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon OutputDevice::LogicToPixel( const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rLogicPolyPoly ) const
    basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aTransformedPoly = rLogicPolyPoly;
    const ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rTransformationMatrix = GetViewTransformation();
    aTransformedPoly.transform( rTransformationMatrix );
    return aTransformedPoly;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Region OutputDevice::LogicToPixel( const Region& rLogicRegion ) const
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );
    DBG_CHKOBJ( &rLogicRegion, Region, ImplDbgTestRegion );

    RegionType eType = rLogicRegion.GetType();

    if ( !mbMap || (eType == REGION_EMPTY) || (eType == REGION_NULL) )
        return rLogicRegion;

    Region          aRegion;
    const ImplRegion& rImplRegion = *rLogicRegion.ImplGetImplRegion();
    const PolyPolygon* pPolyPoly = rImplRegion.mpPolyPoly;
    const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon* pB2DPolyPoly = rImplRegion.mpB2DPolyPoly;

    if ( pPolyPoly )
        aRegion = Region( LogicToPixel( *pPolyPoly ) );
    else if( pB2DPolyPoly )
        basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aTransformedPoly = *pB2DPolyPoly;
        const ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rTransformationMatrix = GetViewTransformation();
        aTransformedPoly.transform( rTransformationMatrix );
        aRegion = Region( aTransformedPoly );
        long                nX;
        long                nY;
        long                nWidth;
        long                nHeight;
        ImplRegionInfo      aInfo;
        sal_Bool                bRegionRect;

        bRegionRect = rLogicRegion.ImplGetFirstRect( aInfo, nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight );
        while ( bRegionRect )
            Rectangle aRect( Point( nX, nY ), Size( nWidth, nHeight ) );
            aRegion.ImplAddRect( LogicToPixel( aRect ) );
            bRegionRect = rLogicRegion.ImplGetNextRect( aInfo, nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight );

    return aRegion;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Point OutputDevice::LogicToPixel( const Point& rLogicPt,
                                  const MapMode& rMapMode ) const
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );

    if ( rMapMode.IsDefault() )
        return rLogicPt;

    // MapMode-Aufloesung berechnen und Umrechnen
    ImplMapRes          aMapRes;
    ImplThresholdRes    aThresRes;
    ImplCalcMapResolution( rMapMode, mnDPIX, mnDPIY, aMapRes, aThresRes );

    return Point( ImplLogicToPixel( rLogicPt.X() + aMapRes.mnMapOfsX, mnDPIX,
                                    aMapRes.mnMapScNumX, aMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                    aThresRes.mnThresLogToPixX )+mnOutOffOrigX,
                  ImplLogicToPixel( rLogicPt.Y() + aMapRes.mnMapOfsY, mnDPIY,
                                    aMapRes.mnMapScNumY, aMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                    aThresRes.mnThresLogToPixY )+mnOutOffOrigY );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Size OutputDevice::LogicToPixel( const Size& rLogicSize,
                                 const MapMode& rMapMode ) const
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );

    if ( rMapMode.IsDefault() )
        return rLogicSize;

    // MapMode-Aufloesung berechnen und Umrechnen
    ImplMapRes          aMapRes;
    ImplThresholdRes    aThresRes;
    ImplCalcMapResolution( rMapMode, mnDPIX, mnDPIY, aMapRes, aThresRes );

    return Size( ImplLogicToPixel( rLogicSize.Width(), mnDPIX,
                                   aMapRes.mnMapScNumX, aMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                   aThresRes.mnThresLogToPixX ),
                 ImplLogicToPixel( rLogicSize.Height(), mnDPIY,
                                   aMapRes.mnMapScNumY, aMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                   aThresRes.mnThresLogToPixY ) );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Rectangle OutputDevice::LogicToPixel( const Rectangle& rLogicRect,
                                      const MapMode& rMapMode ) const
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );

    if ( rMapMode.IsDefault() || rLogicRect.IsEmpty() )
        return rLogicRect;

    // MapMode-Aufloesung berechnen und Umrechnen
    ImplMapRes          aMapRes;
    ImplThresholdRes    aThresRes;
    ImplCalcMapResolution( rMapMode, mnDPIX, mnDPIY, aMapRes, aThresRes );

    return Rectangle( ImplLogicToPixel( rLogicRect.Left() + aMapRes.mnMapOfsX, mnDPIX,
                                        aMapRes.mnMapScNumX, aMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                        aThresRes.mnThresLogToPixX )+mnOutOffOrigX,
                      ImplLogicToPixel( rLogicRect.Top() + aMapRes.mnMapOfsY, mnDPIY,
                                        aMapRes.mnMapScNumY, aMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                        aThresRes.mnThresLogToPixY )+mnOutOffOrigY,
                      ImplLogicToPixel( rLogicRect.Right() + aMapRes.mnMapOfsX, mnDPIX,
                                        aMapRes.mnMapScNumX, aMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                        aThresRes.mnThresLogToPixX )+mnOutOffOrigX,
                      ImplLogicToPixel( rLogicRect.Bottom() + aMapRes.mnMapOfsY, mnDPIY,
                                        aMapRes.mnMapScNumY, aMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                        aThresRes.mnThresLogToPixY )+mnOutOffOrigY );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Polygon OutputDevice::LogicToPixel( const Polygon& rLogicPoly,
                                    const MapMode& rMapMode ) const
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );
    DBG_CHKOBJ( &rLogicPoly, Polygon, NULL );

    if ( rMapMode.IsDefault() )
        return rLogicPoly;

    // MapMode-Aufloesung berechnen und Umrechnen
    ImplMapRes          aMapRes;
    ImplThresholdRes    aThresRes;
    ImplCalcMapResolution( rMapMode, mnDPIX, mnDPIY, aMapRes, aThresRes );

    sal_uInt16  i;
    sal_uInt16  nPoints = rLogicPoly.GetSize();
    Polygon aPoly( rLogicPoly );

    // Pointer auf das Point-Array holen (Daten werden kopiert)
    const Point* pPointAry = aPoly.GetConstPointAry();

    for ( i = 0; i < nPoints; i++ )
        const Point* pPt = &(pPointAry[i]);
        Point aPt;
        aPt.X() = ImplLogicToPixel( pPt->X() + aMapRes.mnMapOfsX, mnDPIX,
                                    aMapRes.mnMapScNumX, aMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                    aThresRes.mnThresLogToPixX )+mnOutOffOrigX;
        aPt.Y() = ImplLogicToPixel( pPt->Y() + aMapRes.mnMapOfsY, mnDPIY,
                                    aMapRes.mnMapScNumY, aMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                    aThresRes.mnThresLogToPixY )+mnOutOffOrigY;
        aPoly[i] = aPt;

    return aPoly;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

PolyPolygon OutputDevice::LogicToPixel( const PolyPolygon& rLogicPolyPoly,
                                        const MapMode& rMapMode ) const
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );
    DBG_CHKOBJ( &rLogicPolyPoly, PolyPolygon, NULL );

    if ( rMapMode.IsDefault() )
        return rLogicPolyPoly;

    PolyPolygon aPolyPoly( rLogicPolyPoly );
    sal_uInt16      nPoly = aPolyPoly.Count();
    for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nPoly; i++ )
        Polygon& rPoly = aPolyPoly[i];
        rPoly = LogicToPixel( rPoly, rMapMode );
    return aPolyPoly;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon OutputDevice::LogicToPixel( const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rLogicPolyPoly,
                                                    const MapMode& rMapMode ) const
    basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aTransformedPoly = rLogicPolyPoly;
    const ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rTransformationMatrix = GetViewTransformation( rMapMode );
    aTransformedPoly.transform( rTransformationMatrix );
    return aTransformedPoly;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

basegfx::B2DPolygon OutputDevice::LogicToPixel( const basegfx::B2DPolygon& rLogicPoly,
                                                const MapMode& rMapMode ) const
    basegfx::B2DPolygon aTransformedPoly = rLogicPoly;
    const ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rTransformationMatrix = GetViewTransformation( rMapMode );
    aTransformedPoly.transform( rTransformationMatrix );
    return aTransformedPoly;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Region OutputDevice::LogicToPixel( const Region& rLogicRegion,
                                   const MapMode& rMapMode ) const
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );
    DBG_CHKOBJ( &rLogicRegion, Region, ImplDbgTestRegion );

    RegionType eType = rLogicRegion.GetType();

    if ( rMapMode.IsDefault() || (eType == REGION_EMPTY) || (eType == REGION_NULL) )
        return rLogicRegion;

    Region          aRegion;
    PolyPolygon*    pPolyPoly = rLogicRegion.ImplGetImplRegion()->mpPolyPoly;

    if( pPolyPoly )
        aRegion = Region( LogicToPixel( *pPolyPoly, rMapMode ) );
        long                nX;
        long                nY;
        long                nWidth;
        long                nHeight;
        ImplRegionInfo      aInfo;
        sal_Bool                bRegionRect;

        bRegionRect = rLogicRegion.ImplGetFirstRect( aInfo, nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight );
        while ( bRegionRect )
            Rectangle aRect( Point( nX, nY ), Size( nWidth, nHeight ) );
            aRegion.ImplAddRect( LogicToPixel( aRect, rMapMode ) );
            bRegionRect = rLogicRegion.ImplGetNextRect( aInfo, nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight );

    return aRegion;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Point OutputDevice::PixelToLogic( const Point& rDevicePt ) const
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );

    if ( !mbMap )
        return rDevicePt;

    return Point( ImplPixelToLogic( rDevicePt.X(), mnDPIX,
                                    maMapRes.mnMapScNumX, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                    maThresRes.mnThresPixToLogX ) - maMapRes.mnMapOfsX - mnOutOffLogicX,
                  ImplPixelToLogic( rDevicePt.Y(), mnDPIY,
                                    maMapRes.mnMapScNumY, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                    maThresRes.mnThresPixToLogY ) - maMapRes.mnMapOfsY - mnOutOffLogicY );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Size OutputDevice::PixelToLogic( const Size& rDeviceSize ) const
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );

    if ( !mbMap )
        return rDeviceSize;

    return Size( ImplPixelToLogic( rDeviceSize.Width(), mnDPIX,
                                   maMapRes.mnMapScNumX, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                   maThresRes.mnThresPixToLogX ),
                 ImplPixelToLogic( rDeviceSize.Height(), mnDPIY,
                                   maMapRes.mnMapScNumY, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                   maThresRes.mnThresPixToLogY ) );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Rectangle OutputDevice::PixelToLogic( const Rectangle& rDeviceRect ) const
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );

    if ( !mbMap || rDeviceRect.IsEmpty() )
        return rDeviceRect;

    return Rectangle( ImplPixelToLogic( rDeviceRect.Left(), mnDPIX,
                                        maMapRes.mnMapScNumX, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                        maThresRes.mnThresPixToLogX ) - maMapRes.mnMapOfsX - mnOutOffLogicX,
                      ImplPixelToLogic( rDeviceRect.Top(), mnDPIY,
                                        maMapRes.mnMapScNumY, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                        maThresRes.mnThresPixToLogY ) - maMapRes.mnMapOfsY - mnOutOffLogicY,
                      ImplPixelToLogic( rDeviceRect.Right(), mnDPIX,
                                        maMapRes.mnMapScNumX, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                        maThresRes.mnThresPixToLogX ) - maMapRes.mnMapOfsX - mnOutOffLogicX,
                      ImplPixelToLogic( rDeviceRect.Bottom(), mnDPIY,
                                        maMapRes.mnMapScNumY, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                        maThresRes.mnThresPixToLogY ) - maMapRes.mnMapOfsY - mnOutOffLogicY );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Polygon OutputDevice::PixelToLogic( const Polygon& rDevicePoly ) const
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );
    DBG_CHKOBJ( &rDevicePoly, Polygon, NULL );

    if ( !mbMap )
        return rDevicePoly;

    sal_uInt16  i;
    sal_uInt16  nPoints = rDevicePoly.GetSize();
    Polygon aPoly( rDevicePoly );

    // Pointer auf das Point-Array holen (Daten werden kopiert)
    const Point* pPointAry = aPoly.GetConstPointAry();

    for ( i = 0; i < nPoints; i++ )
        const Point* pPt = &(pPointAry[i]);
        Point aPt;
        aPt.X() = ImplPixelToLogic( pPt->X(), mnDPIX,
                                    maMapRes.mnMapScNumX, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                    maThresRes.mnThresPixToLogX ) - maMapRes.mnMapOfsX - mnOutOffLogicX;
        aPt.Y() = ImplPixelToLogic( pPt->Y(), mnDPIY,
                                    maMapRes.mnMapScNumY, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                    maThresRes.mnThresPixToLogY ) - maMapRes.mnMapOfsY - mnOutOffLogicY;
        aPoly[i] = aPt;

    return aPoly;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

PolyPolygon OutputDevice::PixelToLogic( const PolyPolygon& rDevicePolyPoly ) const
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );
    DBG_CHKOBJ( &rDevicePolyPoly, PolyPolygon, NULL );

    if ( !mbMap )
        return rDevicePolyPoly;

    PolyPolygon aPolyPoly( rDevicePolyPoly );
    sal_uInt16      nPoly = aPolyPoly.Count();
    for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nPoly; i++ )
        Polygon& rPoly = aPolyPoly[i];
        rPoly = PixelToLogic( rPoly );
    return aPolyPoly;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

basegfx::B2DPolygon OutputDevice::PixelToLogic( const basegfx::B2DPolygon& rPixelPoly ) const
    basegfx::B2DPolygon aTransformedPoly = rPixelPoly;
    const ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rTransformationMatrix = GetInverseViewTransformation();
    aTransformedPoly.transform( rTransformationMatrix );
    return aTransformedPoly;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon OutputDevice::PixelToLogic( const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPixelPolyPoly ) const
    basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aTransformedPoly = rPixelPolyPoly;
    const ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rTransformationMatrix = GetInverseViewTransformation();
    aTransformedPoly.transform( rTransformationMatrix );
    return aTransformedPoly;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Region OutputDevice::PixelToLogic( const Region& rDeviceRegion ) const
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );
    DBG_CHKOBJ( &rDeviceRegion, Region, ImplDbgTestRegion );

    RegionType eType = rDeviceRegion.GetType();

    if ( !mbMap || (eType == REGION_EMPTY) || (eType == REGION_NULL) )
        return rDeviceRegion;

    Region          aRegion;
    PolyPolygon*    pPolyPoly = rDeviceRegion.ImplGetImplRegion()->mpPolyPoly;

    if ( pPolyPoly )
        aRegion = Region( PixelToLogic( *pPolyPoly ) );
        long                nX;
        long                nY;
        long                nWidth;
        long                nHeight;
        ImplRegionInfo      aInfo;
        sal_Bool                bRegionRect;

        bRegionRect = rDeviceRegion.ImplGetFirstRect( aInfo, nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight );
        while ( bRegionRect )
            Rectangle aRect( Point( nX, nY ), Size( nWidth, nHeight ) );
            aRegion.ImplAddRect( PixelToLogic( aRect ) );
            bRegionRect = rDeviceRegion.ImplGetNextRect( aInfo, nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight );

    return aRegion;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Point OutputDevice::PixelToLogic( const Point& rDevicePt,
                                  const MapMode& rMapMode ) const
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );

    // Ist Default-MapMode, dann bereche nichts
    if ( rMapMode.IsDefault() )
        return rDevicePt;

    // MapMode-Aufloesung berechnen und Umrechnen
    ImplMapRes          aMapRes;
    ImplThresholdRes    aThresRes;
    ImplCalcMapResolution( rMapMode, mnDPIX, mnDPIY, aMapRes, aThresRes );

    return Point( ImplPixelToLogic( rDevicePt.X(), mnDPIX,
                                    aMapRes.mnMapScNumX, aMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                    aThresRes.mnThresPixToLogX ) - aMapRes.mnMapOfsX - mnOutOffLogicX,
                  ImplPixelToLogic( rDevicePt.Y(), mnDPIY,
                                    aMapRes.mnMapScNumY, aMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                    aThresRes.mnThresPixToLogY ) - aMapRes.mnMapOfsY - mnOutOffLogicY );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Size OutputDevice::PixelToLogic( const Size& rDeviceSize,
                                 const MapMode& rMapMode ) const
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );

    // Ist Default-MapMode, dann bereche nichts
    if ( rMapMode.IsDefault() )
        return rDeviceSize;

    // MapMode-Aufloesung berechnen und Umrechnen
    ImplMapRes          aMapRes;
    ImplThresholdRes    aThresRes;
    ImplCalcMapResolution( rMapMode, mnDPIX, mnDPIY, aMapRes, aThresRes );

    return Size( ImplPixelToLogic( rDeviceSize.Width(), mnDPIX,
                                   aMapRes.mnMapScNumX, aMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                   aThresRes.mnThresPixToLogX ),
                 ImplPixelToLogic( rDeviceSize.Height(), mnDPIY,
                                   aMapRes.mnMapScNumY, aMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                   aThresRes.mnThresPixToLogY ) );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Rectangle OutputDevice::PixelToLogic( const Rectangle& rDeviceRect,
                                      const MapMode& rMapMode ) const
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );

    // Ist Default-MapMode, dann bereche nichts
    if ( rMapMode.IsDefault() || rDeviceRect.IsEmpty() )
        return rDeviceRect;

    // MapMode-Aufloesung berechnen und Umrechnen
    ImplMapRes          aMapRes;
    ImplThresholdRes    aThresRes;
    ImplCalcMapResolution( rMapMode, mnDPIX, mnDPIY, aMapRes, aThresRes );

    return Rectangle( ImplPixelToLogic( rDeviceRect.Left(), mnDPIX,
                                        aMapRes.mnMapScNumX, aMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                        aThresRes.mnThresPixToLogX ) - aMapRes.mnMapOfsX - mnOutOffLogicX,
                      ImplPixelToLogic( rDeviceRect.Top(), mnDPIY,
                                        aMapRes.mnMapScNumY, aMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                        aThresRes.mnThresPixToLogY ) - aMapRes.mnMapOfsY - mnOutOffLogicY,
                      ImplPixelToLogic( rDeviceRect.Right(), mnDPIX,
                                        aMapRes.mnMapScNumX, aMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                        aThresRes.mnThresPixToLogX ) - aMapRes.mnMapOfsX - mnOutOffLogicX,
                      ImplPixelToLogic( rDeviceRect.Bottom(), mnDPIY,
                                        aMapRes.mnMapScNumY, aMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                        aThresRes.mnThresPixToLogY ) - aMapRes.mnMapOfsY - mnOutOffLogicY );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Polygon OutputDevice::PixelToLogic( const Polygon& rDevicePoly,
                                    const MapMode& rMapMode ) const
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );
    DBG_CHKOBJ( &rDevicePoly, Polygon, NULL );

    // Ist Default-MapMode, dann bereche nichts
    if ( rMapMode.IsDefault() )
        return rDevicePoly;

    // MapMode-Aufloesung berechnen und Umrechnen
    ImplMapRes          aMapRes;
    ImplThresholdRes    aThresRes;
    ImplCalcMapResolution( rMapMode, mnDPIX, mnDPIY, aMapRes, aThresRes );

    sal_uInt16  i;
    sal_uInt16  nPoints = rDevicePoly.GetSize();
    Polygon aPoly( rDevicePoly );

    // Pointer auf das Point-Array holen (Daten werden kopiert)
    const Point* pPointAry = aPoly.GetConstPointAry();

    for ( i = 0; i < nPoints; i++ )
        const Point* pPt = &(pPointAry[i]);
        Point aPt;
        aPt.X() = ImplPixelToLogic( pPt->X(), mnDPIX,
                                    aMapRes.mnMapScNumX, aMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                    aThresRes.mnThresPixToLogX ) - aMapRes.mnMapOfsX - mnOutOffLogicX;
        aPt.Y() = ImplPixelToLogic( pPt->Y(), mnDPIY,
                                    aMapRes.mnMapScNumY, aMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                    aThresRes.mnThresPixToLogY ) - aMapRes.mnMapOfsY - mnOutOffLogicY;
        aPoly[i] = aPt;

    return aPoly;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

PolyPolygon OutputDevice::PixelToLogic( const PolyPolygon& rDevicePolyPoly,
                                        const MapMode& rMapMode ) const
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );
    DBG_CHKOBJ( &rDevicePolyPoly, PolyPolygon, NULL );

    if ( rMapMode.IsDefault() )
        return rDevicePolyPoly;

    PolyPolygon aPolyPoly( rDevicePolyPoly );
    sal_uInt16      nPoly = aPolyPoly.Count();
    for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nPoly; i++ )
        Polygon& rPoly = aPolyPoly[i];
        rPoly = PixelToLogic( rPoly, rMapMode );
    return aPolyPoly;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

basegfx::B2DPolygon OutputDevice::PixelToLogic( const basegfx::B2DPolygon& rPixelPoly,
                                                const MapMode& rMapMode ) const
    basegfx::B2DPolygon aTransformedPoly = rPixelPoly;
    const ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rTransformationMatrix = GetInverseViewTransformation( rMapMode );
    aTransformedPoly.transform( rTransformationMatrix );
    return aTransformedPoly;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon OutputDevice::PixelToLogic( const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPixelPolyPoly,
                                                    const MapMode& rMapMode ) const
    basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aTransformedPoly = rPixelPolyPoly;
    const ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rTransformationMatrix = GetInverseViewTransformation( rMapMode );
    aTransformedPoly.transform( rTransformationMatrix );
    return aTransformedPoly;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Region OutputDevice::PixelToLogic( const Region& rDeviceRegion,
                                   const MapMode& rMapMode ) const
    DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );
    DBG_CHKOBJ( &rDeviceRegion, Region, ImplDbgTestRegion );

    RegionType eType = rDeviceRegion.GetType();

    if ( rMapMode.IsDefault() || (eType == REGION_EMPTY) || (eType == REGION_NULL) )
        return rDeviceRegion;

    Region          aRegion;
    PolyPolygon*    pPolyPoly = rDeviceRegion.ImplGetImplRegion()->mpPolyPoly;

    if ( pPolyPoly )
        aRegion = Region( PixelToLogic( *pPolyPoly, rMapMode ) );
        long                nX;
        long                nY;
        long                nWidth;
        long                nHeight;
        ImplRegionInfo      aInfo;
        sal_Bool                bRegionRect;

        bRegionRect = rDeviceRegion.ImplGetFirstRect( aInfo, nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight );
        while ( bRegionRect )
            Rectangle aRect( Point( nX, nY ), Size( nWidth, nHeight ) );
            aRegion.ImplAddRect( PixelToLogic( aRect, rMapMode ) );
            bRegionRect = rDeviceRegion.ImplGetNextRect( aInfo, nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight );

    return aRegion;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

#define ENTER0( rSource, pMapModeSource, pMapModeDest )                 \
    if ( !pMapModeSource )                                              \
        pMapModeSource = &maMapMode;                                    \
    if ( !pMapModeDest )                                                \
        pMapModeDest = &maMapMode;                                      \
    if ( *pMapModeSource == *pMapModeDest )                             \
        return rSource

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

#define ENTER1( rSource, pMapModeSource, pMapModeDest )                 \
    ENTER0( rSource, pMapModeSource, pMapModeDest );                    \
    ImplMapRes aMapResSource;                                           \
    ImplMapRes aMapResDest;                                             \
    if ( !mbMap || pMapModeSource != &maMapMode )                       \
    {                                                                   \
        if ( pMapModeSource->GetMapUnit() == MAP_RELATIVE )             \
            aMapResSource = maMapRes;                                   \
        ImplCalcMapResolution( *pMapModeSource,                         \
                               mnDPIX, mnDPIY, aMapResSource );         \
    }                                                                   \
    else                                                                \
        aMapResSource = maMapRes;                                       \
    if ( !mbMap || pMapModeDest != &maMapMode )                         \
    {                                                                   \
        if ( pMapModeDest->GetMapUnit() == MAP_RELATIVE )               \
            aMapResDest = maMapRes;                                     \
        ImplCalcMapResolution( *pMapModeDest,                           \
                               mnDPIX, mnDPIY, aMapResDest );           \
    }                                                                   \
    else                                                                \
        aMapResDest = maMapRes

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

#define ENTER2( eUnitSource, eUnitDest )                                \
    DBG_ASSERT( eUnitSource != MAP_SYSFONT                              \
                && eUnitSource != MAP_APPFONT                           \
                && eUnitSource != MAP_RELATIVE,                         \
                "Source MapUnit nicht erlaubt" );                       \
    DBG_ASSERT( eUnitDest != MAP_SYSFONT                                \
                && eUnitDest != MAP_APPFONT                             \
                && eUnitDest != MAP_RELATIVE,                           \
                "Destination MapUnit nicht erlaubt" );                  \
    DBG_ASSERTWARNING( eUnitSource != MAP_PIXEL,                        \
                       "MAP_PIXEL mit 72dpi angenaehert" );             \
    DBG_ASSERTWARNING( eUnitDest != MAP_PIXEL,                          \
                       "MAP_PIXEL mit 72dpi angenaehert" )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

#define ENTER3( eUnitSource, eUnitDest )                                \
    long nNumerator      = 1;       \
    long nDenominator    = 1;       \
    DBG_ASSERT( eUnitSource < MAP_LASTENUMDUMMY, "Invalid source map unit");    \
    DBG_ASSERT( eUnitDest < MAP_LASTENUMDUMMY, "Invalid destination map unit"); \
    if( (eUnitSource < MAP_LASTENUMDUMMY) && (eUnitDest < MAP_LASTENUMDUMMY) )  \
    {   \
        nNumerator   = aImplNumeratorAry[eUnitSource] *             \
                           aImplDenominatorAry[eUnitDest];              \
        nDenominator     = aImplNumeratorAry[eUnitDest] *               \
                           aImplDenominatorAry[eUnitSource];            \
    } \
    if ( eUnitSource == MAP_PIXEL )                                     \
        nDenominator *= 72;                                             \
    else if( eUnitDest == MAP_PIXEL )                                   \
        nNumerator *= 72

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

#define ENTER4( rMapModeSource, rMapModeDest )                          \
    ImplMapRes aMapResSource;                                           \
    ImplMapRes aMapResDest;                                             \
    ImplCalcMapResolution( rMapModeSource, 72, 72, aMapResSource );     \
    ImplCalcMapResolution( rMapModeDest, 72, 72, aMapResDest )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

// return (n1 * n2 * n3) / (n4 * n5)
static long fn5( const long n1,
                 const long n2,
                 const long n3,
                 const long n4,
                 const long n5 )
    if ( n1 == 0 || n2 == 0 || n3 == 0 || n4 == 0 || n5 == 0 )
        return 0;
    if ( LONG_MAX / Abs(n2) < Abs(n3) )
        // a6 wird "ubersprungen
        BigInt a7 = n2;
        a7 *= n3;
        a7 *= n1;

        if ( LONG_MAX / Abs(n4) < Abs(n5) )
            BigInt a8 = n4;
            a8 *= n5;

            BigInt a9 = a8;
            a9 /= 2;
            if ( a7.IsNeg() )
                a7 -= a9;
                a7 += a9;

            a7 /= a8;
        } // of if
            long n8 = n4 * n5;

            if ( a7.IsNeg() )
                a7 -= n8 / 2;
                a7 += n8 / 2;

            a7 /= n8;
        } // of else
        return (long)a7;
    } // of if
        long n6 = n2 * n3;

        if ( LONG_MAX / Abs(n1) < Abs(n6) )
            BigInt a7 = n1;
            a7 *= n6;

            if ( LONG_MAX / Abs(n4) < Abs(n5) )
                BigInt a8 = n4;
                a8 *= n5;

                BigInt a9 = a8;
                a9 /= 2;
                if ( a7.IsNeg() )
                    a7 -= a9;
                    a7 += a9;

                a7 /= a8;
            } // of if
                long n8 = n4 * n5;

                if ( a7.IsNeg() )
                    a7 -= n8 / 2;
                    a7 += n8 / 2;

                a7 /= n8;
            } // of else
            return (long)a7;
        } // of if
            long n7 = n1 * n6;

            if ( LONG_MAX / Abs(n4) < Abs(n5) )
                BigInt a7 = n7;
                BigInt a8 = n4;
                a8 *= n5;

                BigInt a9 = a8;
                a9 /= 2;
                if ( a7.IsNeg() )
                    a7 -= a9;
                    a7 += a9;

                a7 /= a8;
                return (long)a7;
            } // of if
                const long n8 = n4 * n5;
                const long n8_2 = n8 / 2;

                if( n7 < 0 )
                    if( ( n7 - LONG_MIN ) >= n8_2 )
                        n7 -= n8_2;
                else if( ( LONG_MAX - n7 ) >= n8_2 )
                    n7 += n8_2;

                return n7 / n8;
            } // of else
        } // of else
    } // of else

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

// return (n1 * n2) / n3
static long fn3( const long n1, const long n2, const long n3 )
    if ( n1 == 0 || n2 == 0 || n3 == 0 )
        return 0;
    if ( LONG_MAX / Abs(n1) < Abs(n2) )
        BigInt a4 = n1;
        a4 *= n2;

        if ( a4.IsNeg() )
            a4 -= n3 / 2;
            a4 += n3 / 2;

        a4 /= n3;
        return (long)a4;
    } // of if
        long        n4 = n1 * n2;
        const long  n3_2 = n3 / 2;

        if( n4 < 0 )
            if( ( n4 - LONG_MIN ) >= n3_2 )
                n4 -= n3_2;
        else if( ( LONG_MAX - n4 ) >= n3_2 )
            n4 += n3_2;

        return n4 / n3;
    } // of else

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Point OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( const Point& rPtSource,
                                  const MapMode* pMapModeSource,
                                  const MapMode* pMapModeDest ) const
    ENTER1( rPtSource, pMapModeSource, pMapModeDest );

    return Point( fn5( rPtSource.X() + aMapResSource.mnMapOfsX,
                       aMapResSource.mnMapScNumX, aMapResDest.mnMapScDenomX,
                       aMapResSource.mnMapScDenomX, aMapResDest.mnMapScNumX ) -
                  fn5( rPtSource.Y() + aMapResSource.mnMapOfsY,
                       aMapResSource.mnMapScNumY, aMapResDest.mnMapScDenomY,
                       aMapResSource.mnMapScDenomY, aMapResDest.mnMapScNumY ) -
                  aMapResDest.mnMapOfsY );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Size OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( const Size& rSzSource,
                                 const MapMode* pMapModeSource,
                                 const MapMode* pMapModeDest ) const
    ENTER1( rSzSource, pMapModeSource, pMapModeDest );

    return Size( fn5( rSzSource.Width(),
                      aMapResSource.mnMapScNumX, aMapResDest.mnMapScDenomX,
                      aMapResSource.mnMapScDenomX, aMapResDest.mnMapScNumX ),
                 fn5( rSzSource.Height(),
                      aMapResSource.mnMapScNumY, aMapResDest.mnMapScDenomY,
                      aMapResSource.mnMapScDenomY, aMapResDest.mnMapScNumY ) );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Rectangle OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( const Rectangle& rRectSource,
                                      const MapMode* pMapModeSource,
                                      const MapMode* pMapModeDest ) const
    ENTER1( rRectSource, pMapModeSource, pMapModeDest );

    return Rectangle( fn5( rRectSource.Left() + aMapResSource.mnMapOfsX,
                           aMapResSource.mnMapScNumX, aMapResDest.mnMapScDenomX,
                           aMapResSource.mnMapScDenomX, aMapResDest.mnMapScNumX ) -
                      fn5( rRectSource.Top() + aMapResSource.mnMapOfsY,
                           aMapResSource.mnMapScNumY, aMapResDest.mnMapScDenomY,
                           aMapResSource.mnMapScDenomY, aMapResDest.mnMapScNumY ) -
                      fn5( rRectSource.Right() + aMapResSource.mnMapOfsX,
                           aMapResSource.mnMapScNumX, aMapResDest.mnMapScDenomX,
                           aMapResSource.mnMapScDenomX, aMapResDest.mnMapScNumX ) -
                      fn5( rRectSource.Bottom() + aMapResSource.mnMapOfsY,
                           aMapResSource.mnMapScNumY, aMapResDest.mnMapScDenomY,
                           aMapResSource.mnMapScDenomY, aMapResDest.mnMapScNumY ) -
                      aMapResDest.mnMapOfsY );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

long* OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( long* pX, sal_uInt16 nCount,
                                  const MapMode* pMapModeSource,
                                  const MapMode* pMapModeDest ) const
    ENTER1( pX, pMapModeSource, pMapModeDest );

    for( ; nCount; nCount--, pX++ )
        *pX = fn5( *pX,
                   aMapResSource.mnMapScNumX, aMapResDest.mnMapScDenomX,
                   aMapResSource.mnMapScDenomX, aMapResDest.mnMapScNumX );

    return NULL;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Point OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( const Point& rPtSource,
                                  const MapMode& rMapModeSource,
                                  const MapMode& rMapModeDest )
    if ( rMapModeSource == rMapModeDest )
        return rPtSource;

    MapUnit eUnitSource = rMapModeSource.GetMapUnit();
    MapUnit eUnitDest   = rMapModeDest.GetMapUnit();
    ENTER2( eUnitSource, eUnitDest );

    if ( rMapModeSource.mpImplMapMode->mbSimple &&
         rMapModeDest.mpImplMapMode->mbSimple )
        ENTER3( eUnitSource, eUnitDest );

        return Point( fn3( rPtSource.X(), nNumerator, nDenominator ),
                      fn3( rPtSource.Y(), nNumerator, nDenominator ) );
        ENTER4( rMapModeSource, rMapModeDest );

        return Point( fn5( rPtSource.X() + aMapResSource.mnMapOfsX,
                           aMapResSource.mnMapScNumX, aMapResDest.mnMapScDenomX,
                           aMapResSource.mnMapScDenomX, aMapResDest.mnMapScNumX ) -
                      fn5( rPtSource.Y() + aMapResSource.mnMapOfsY,
                           aMapResSource.mnMapScNumY, aMapResDest.mnMapScDenomY,
                           aMapResSource.mnMapScDenomY, aMapResDest.mnMapScNumY ) -
                      aMapResDest.mnMapOfsY );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Size OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( const Size& rSzSource,
                                 const MapMode& rMapModeSource,
                                 const MapMode& rMapModeDest )
    if ( rMapModeSource == rMapModeDest )
        return rSzSource;

    MapUnit eUnitSource = rMapModeSource.GetMapUnit();
    MapUnit eUnitDest   = rMapModeDest.GetMapUnit();
    ENTER2( eUnitSource, eUnitDest );

    if ( rMapModeSource.mpImplMapMode->mbSimple &&
         rMapModeDest.mpImplMapMode->mbSimple )
        ENTER3( eUnitSource, eUnitDest );

        return Size( fn3( rSzSource.Width(),  nNumerator, nDenominator ),
                     fn3( rSzSource.Height(), nNumerator, nDenominator ) );
        ENTER4( rMapModeSource, rMapModeDest );

        return Size( fn5( rSzSource.Width(),
                          aMapResSource.mnMapScNumX, aMapResDest.mnMapScDenomX,
                          aMapResSource.mnMapScDenomX, aMapResDest.mnMapScNumX ),
                     fn5( rSzSource.Height(),
                          aMapResSource.mnMapScNumY, aMapResDest.mnMapScDenomY,
                          aMapResSource.mnMapScDenomY, aMapResDest.mnMapScNumY ) );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

basegfx::B2DPolygon OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( const basegfx::B2DPolygon& rPolySource,
                                                const MapMode& rMapModeSource,
                                                const MapMode& rMapModeDest )
    if ( rMapModeSource == rMapModeDest )
        return rPolySource;

    MapUnit eUnitSource = rMapModeSource.GetMapUnit();
    MapUnit eUnitDest   = rMapModeDest.GetMapUnit();
    ENTER2( eUnitSource, eUnitDest );

    basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aTransform;

    if ( rMapModeSource.mpImplMapMode->mbSimple &&
         rMapModeDest.mpImplMapMode->mbSimple )
        ENTER3( eUnitSource, eUnitDest );

        const double fScaleFactor((double)nNumerator / (double)nDenominator);
        aTransform.set(0, 0, fScaleFactor);
        aTransform.set(1, 1, fScaleFactor);
        ENTER4( rMapModeSource, rMapModeDest );

        const double fScaleFactorX(  (double(aMapResSource.mnMapScNumX) *  double(aMapResDest.mnMapScDenomX))
                                   / (double(aMapResSource.mnMapScDenomX) * double(aMapResDest.mnMapScNumX)) );
        const double fScaleFactorY(  (double(aMapResSource.mnMapScNumY) *  double(aMapResDest.mnMapScDenomY))
                                   / (double(aMapResSource.mnMapScDenomY) * double(aMapResDest.mnMapScNumY)) );
        const double fZeroPointX(double(aMapResSource.mnMapOfsX) * fScaleFactorX - double(aMapResDest.mnMapOfsX));
        const double fZeroPointY(double(aMapResSource.mnMapOfsY) * fScaleFactorY - double(aMapResDest.mnMapOfsY));

        aTransform.set(0, 0, fScaleFactorX);
        aTransform.set(1, 1, fScaleFactorY);
        aTransform.set(0, 2, fZeroPointX);
        aTransform.set(1, 2, fZeroPointY);
    basegfx::B2DPolygon aPoly( rPolySource );
    aPoly.transform( aTransform );
    return aPoly;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPolySource,
                                                    const MapMode& rMapModeSource,
                                                    const MapMode& rMapModeDest )
    if ( rMapModeSource == rMapModeDest )
        return rPolySource;

    MapUnit eUnitSource = rMapModeSource.GetMapUnit();
    MapUnit eUnitDest   = rMapModeDest.GetMapUnit();
    ENTER2( eUnitSource, eUnitDest );

    basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aTransform;

    if ( rMapModeSource.mpImplMapMode->mbSimple &&
         rMapModeDest.mpImplMapMode->mbSimple )
        ENTER3( eUnitSource, eUnitDest );

        const double fScaleFactor((double)nNumerator / (double)nDenominator);
        aTransform.set(0, 0, fScaleFactor);
        aTransform.set(1, 1, fScaleFactor);
        ENTER4( rMapModeSource, rMapModeDest );

        const double fScaleFactorX(  (double(aMapResSource.mnMapScNumX) *  double(aMapResDest.mnMapScDenomX))
                                   / (double(aMapResSource.mnMapScDenomX) * double(aMapResDest.mnMapScNumX)) );
        const double fScaleFactorY(  (double(aMapResSource.mnMapScNumY) *  double(aMapResDest.mnMapScDenomY))
                                   / (double(aMapResSource.mnMapScDenomY) * double(aMapResDest.mnMapScNumY)) );
        const double fZeroPointX(double(aMapResSource.mnMapOfsX) * fScaleFactorX - double(aMapResDest.mnMapOfsX));
        const double fZeroPointY(double(aMapResSource.mnMapOfsY) * fScaleFactorY - double(aMapResDest.mnMapOfsY));

        aTransform.set(0, 0, fScaleFactorX);
        aTransform.set(1, 1, fScaleFactorY);
        aTransform.set(0, 2, fZeroPointX);
        aTransform.set(1, 2, fZeroPointY);
    basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aPoly( rPolySource );
    aPoly.transform( aTransform );
    return aPoly;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Rectangle OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( const Rectangle& rRectSource,
                                      const MapMode& rMapModeSource,
                                      const MapMode& rMapModeDest )
    if ( rMapModeSource == rMapModeDest )
        return rRectSource;

    MapUnit eUnitSource = rMapModeSource.GetMapUnit();
    MapUnit eUnitDest   = rMapModeDest.GetMapUnit();
    ENTER2( eUnitSource, eUnitDest );

    if ( rMapModeSource.mpImplMapMode->mbSimple &&
         rMapModeDest.mpImplMapMode->mbSimple )
        ENTER3( eUnitSource, eUnitDest );

        return Rectangle( fn3( rRectSource.Left(), nNumerator, nDenominator ),
                          fn3( rRectSource.Top(), nNumerator, nDenominator ),
                          fn3( rRectSource.Right(), nNumerator, nDenominator ),
                          fn3( rRectSource.Bottom(), nNumerator, nDenominator ) );
        ENTER4( rMapModeSource, rMapModeDest );

        return Rectangle( fn5( rRectSource.Left() + aMapResSource.mnMapOfsX,
                               aMapResSource.mnMapScNumX, aMapResDest.mnMapScDenomX,
                               aMapResSource.mnMapScDenomX, aMapResDest.mnMapScNumX ) -
                          fn5( rRectSource.Top() + aMapResSource.mnMapOfsY,
                               aMapResSource.mnMapScNumY, aMapResDest.mnMapScDenomY,
                               aMapResSource.mnMapScDenomY, aMapResDest.mnMapScNumY ) -
                          fn5( rRectSource.Right() + aMapResSource.mnMapOfsX,
                               aMapResSource.mnMapScNumX, aMapResDest.mnMapScDenomX,
                               aMapResSource.mnMapScDenomX, aMapResDest.mnMapScNumX ) -
                          fn5( rRectSource.Bottom() + aMapResSource.mnMapOfsY,
                               aMapResSource.mnMapScNumY, aMapResDest.mnMapScDenomY,
                               aMapResSource.mnMapScDenomY, aMapResDest.mnMapScNumY ) -
                          aMapResDest.mnMapOfsY );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

long OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( long nLongSource,
                                 MapUnit eUnitSource, MapUnit eUnitDest )
    if ( eUnitSource == eUnitDest )
        return nLongSource;

    ENTER2( eUnitSource, eUnitDest );
    ENTER3( eUnitSource, eUnitDest );

    return fn3( nLongSource, nNumerator, nDenominator );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void OutputDevice::SetPixelOffset( const Size& rOffset )
    mnOutOffOrigX  = rOffset.Width();
    mnOutOffOrigY  = rOffset.Height();

    mnOutOffLogicX = ImplPixelToLogic( mnOutOffOrigX, mnDPIX,
                                       maMapRes.mnMapScNumX, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX,
                                       maThresRes.mnThresPixToLogX );
    mnOutOffLogicY = ImplPixelToLogic( mnOutOffOrigY, mnDPIY,
                                       maMapRes.mnMapScNumY, maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY,
                                       maThresRes.mnThresPixToLogY );

    if( mpAlphaVDev )
        mpAlphaVDev->SetPixelOffset( rOffset );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Size OutputDevice::GetPixelOffset() const
    return Size(mnOutOffOrigX, mnOutOffOrigY);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

long Window::ImplLogicUnitToPixelX( long nX, MapUnit eUnit )
    if ( eUnit != MAP_PIXEL )
        ImplFrameData* pFrameData = mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData;

        // Map-Einheit verschieden, dann neu berechnen
        if ( pFrameData->meMapUnit != eUnit )
            pFrameData->meMapUnit = eUnit;
            ImplCalcMapResolution( MapMode( eUnit ), mnDPIX, mnDPIY,
                                   pFrameData->maMapUnitRes );

        // Es wird kein BigInt gebraucht, da diese Funktion nur zur Umrechnung
        // von Fensterposition benutzt wird
        nX  = nX * mnDPIX * pFrameData->maMapUnitRes.mnMapScNumX;
        nX += nX >= 0 ?  (pFrameData->maMapUnitRes.mnMapScDenomX/2) :
        nX /= pFrameData->maMapUnitRes.mnMapScDenomX;

    return nX;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

long Window::ImplLogicUnitToPixelY( long nY, MapUnit eUnit )
    if ( eUnit != MAP_PIXEL )
        ImplFrameData* pFrameData = mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData;

        // Map-Einheit verschieden, dann neu berechnen
        if ( pFrameData->meMapUnit != eUnit )
            pFrameData->meMapUnit = eUnit;
            ImplCalcMapResolution( MapMode( eUnit ), mnDPIX, mnDPIY,
                                   pFrameData->maMapUnitRes );

        // Es wird kein BigInt gebraucht, da diese Funktion nur zur Umrechnung
        // von Fensterposition benutzt wird
        nY  = nY * mnDPIY * pFrameData->maMapUnitRes.mnMapScNumY;
        nY += nY >= 0 ?  (pFrameData->maMapUnitRes.mnMapScDenomY/2) :
        nY /= pFrameData->maMapUnitRes.mnMapScDenomY;

    return nY;