/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: regband.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:05:38 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #define _SV_REGBAND_CXX #ifndef _DEBUG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SALBTYPE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_REGBAND_HXX #include #endif // ======================================================================= // // ImplRegionBand // // Jedes Band enthaelt die zwischen der enthaltenen Ober- und Untergrenze // enthaltenen Rechtecke. Bei den Operationen Union, Intersect, XOr und // Exclude werden immer Rechtecke der gleichen Hoehe ausgewerte; die // Grenzen der Baender sind immer so zu waehlen, dasz dies moeglich ist. // // Die Rechtecke in den Baendern werden nach Moeglichkeit zusammengefaszt. // // Bei der Umwandlung von Polygonen werden alle Punkte des Polygons // in die einzelnen Baender eingetragen (sie stehen fuer jedes Band als // Punkte in einer Liste). Nach dem Eintragen der Punkte werden diese // in Rechtecke umgewandelt und die Liste der Punkte geloescht. // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ImplRegionBand::ImplRegionBand( long nTop, long nBottom ) { // save boundaries mnYTop = nTop; mnYBottom = nBottom; // initialize lists mpNextBand = NULL; mpPrevBand = NULL; mpFirstSep = NULL; mpFirstBandPoint = NULL; mbTouched = FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ImplRegionBand::ImplRegionBand( const ImplRegionBand& rRegionBand ) { // copy boundaries mnYTop = rRegionBand.mnYTop; mnYBottom = rRegionBand.mnYBottom; mbTouched = rRegionBand.mbTouched; // initialisation mpNextBand = NULL; mpPrevBand = NULL; mpFirstSep = NULL; mpFirstBandPoint = NULL; // copy all elements of the list with separations ImplRegionBandSep* pNewSep; ImplRegionBandSep* pPrevSep; ImplRegionBandSep* pSep = rRegionBand.mpFirstSep; while ( pSep ) { // create new and copy data pNewSep = new ImplRegionBandSep; pNewSep->mnXLeft = pSep->mnXLeft; pNewSep->mnXRight = pSep->mnXRight; pNewSep->mbRemoved = pSep->mbRemoved; pNewSep->mpNextSep = NULL; if ( pSep == rRegionBand.mpFirstSep ) mpFirstSep = pNewSep; else pPrevSep->mpNextSep = pNewSep; pPrevSep = pNewSep; pSep = pSep->mpNextSep; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ImplRegionBand::~ImplRegionBand() { DBG_ASSERT( mpFirstBandPoint == NULL, "ImplRegionBand::~ImplRegionBand -> pointlist not empty" ); // delete elements of the list ImplRegionBandSep* pSep = mpFirstSep; while ( pSep ) { ImplRegionBandSep* pTempSep = pSep->mpNextSep; delete pSep; pSep = pTempSep; } // delete elements of the list ImplRegionBandPoint* pPoint = mpFirstBandPoint; while ( pPoint ) { ImplRegionBandPoint* pTempPoint = pPoint->mpNextBandPoint; delete pPoint; pPoint = pTempPoint; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // // generate separations from lines and process union with existing // separations void ImplRegionBand::ProcessPoints() { // check Pointlist ImplRegionBandPoint* pRegionBandPoint = mpFirstBandPoint; while ( pRegionBandPoint ) { // within list? if ( pRegionBandPoint && pRegionBandPoint->mpNextBandPoint ) { // start/stop? if ( pRegionBandPoint->mbEndPoint && pRegionBandPoint->mpNextBandPoint->mbEndPoint ) { // same direction? -> remove next point! if ( pRegionBandPoint->meLineType == pRegionBandPoint->mpNextBandPoint->meLineType ) { ImplRegionBandPoint* pSaveRegionBandPoint = pRegionBandPoint->mpNextBandPoint; pRegionBandPoint->mpNextBandPoint = pRegionBandPoint->mpNextBandPoint->mpNextBandPoint; delete pSaveRegionBandPoint; } } } // continue with next element in the list pRegionBandPoint = pRegionBandPoint->mpNextBandPoint; } pRegionBandPoint = mpFirstBandPoint; while ( pRegionBandPoint && pRegionBandPoint->mpNextBandPoint ) { Union( pRegionBandPoint->mnX, pRegionBandPoint->mpNextBandPoint->mnX ); ImplRegionBandPoint* pNextBandPoint = pRegionBandPoint->mpNextBandPoint->mpNextBandPoint; // remove allready processed points delete pRegionBandPoint->mpNextBandPoint; delete pRegionBandPoint; // continue with next element in the list pRegionBandPoint = pNextBandPoint; } // remove last element if necessary if ( pRegionBandPoint ) delete pRegionBandPoint; // list is now empty mpFirstBandPoint = NULL; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // // generate separations from lines and process union with existing // separations BOOL ImplRegionBand::InsertPoint( long nX, long nLineId, BOOL bEndPoint, LineType eLineType ) { if ( !mpFirstBandPoint ) { mpFirstBandPoint = new ImplRegionBandPoint; mpFirstBandPoint->mnX = nX; mpFirstBandPoint->mnLineId = nLineId; mpFirstBandPoint->mbEndPoint = bEndPoint; mpFirstBandPoint->meLineType = eLineType; mpFirstBandPoint->mpNextBandPoint = NULL; return TRUE; } // look if line allready touched the band ImplRegionBandPoint* pRegionBandPoint = mpFirstBandPoint; ImplRegionBandPoint* pLastTestedRegionBandPoint = NULL; while( pRegionBandPoint ) { if ( pRegionBandPoint->mnLineId == nLineId ) { if ( bEndPoint ) { if( !pRegionBandPoint->mbEndPoint ) { // remove old band point if( !mpFirstBandPoint->mpNextBandPoint ) { // if we've only got one point => replace first point pRegionBandPoint->mnX = nX; pRegionBandPoint->mbEndPoint = TRUE; return TRUE; } else { // remove current point if( !pLastTestedRegionBandPoint ) { // remove and delete old first point ImplRegionBandPoint* pSaveBandPoint = mpFirstBandPoint; mpFirstBandPoint = mpFirstBandPoint->mpNextBandPoint; delete pSaveBandPoint; } else { // remove and delete current band point pLastTestedRegionBandPoint->mpNextBandPoint = pRegionBandPoint->mpNextBandPoint; delete pRegionBandPoint; } break; } } } else return FALSE; } // use next element pLastTestedRegionBandPoint = pRegionBandPoint; pRegionBandPoint = pRegionBandPoint->mpNextBandPoint; } // search appropriate position and insert point into the list ImplRegionBandPoint* pNewRegionBandPoint; pRegionBandPoint = mpFirstBandPoint; pLastTestedRegionBandPoint = NULL; while ( pRegionBandPoint ) { // new point completly left? -> insert as first point if ( nX <= pRegionBandPoint->mnX ) { pNewRegionBandPoint = new ImplRegionBandPoint; pNewRegionBandPoint->mnX = nX; pNewRegionBandPoint->mnLineId = nLineId; pNewRegionBandPoint->mbEndPoint = bEndPoint; pNewRegionBandPoint->meLineType = eLineType; pNewRegionBandPoint->mpNextBandPoint = pRegionBandPoint; // connections to the new point if ( !pLastTestedRegionBandPoint ) mpFirstBandPoint = pNewRegionBandPoint; else pLastTestedRegionBandPoint->mpNextBandPoint = pNewRegionBandPoint; return TRUE; } // use next element pLastTestedRegionBandPoint = pRegionBandPoint; pRegionBandPoint = pRegionBandPoint->mpNextBandPoint; } // not inserted -> add to the end of the list pNewRegionBandPoint = new ImplRegionBandPoint; pNewRegionBandPoint->mnX = nX; pNewRegionBandPoint->mnLineId = nLineId; pNewRegionBandPoint->mbEndPoint = bEndPoint; pNewRegionBandPoint->meLineType = eLineType; pNewRegionBandPoint->mpNextBandPoint = NULL; // connections to the new point pLastTestedRegionBandPoint->mpNextBandPoint = pNewRegionBandPoint; return TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImplRegionBand::MoveX( long nHorzMove ) { // move all x-separations ImplRegionBandSep* pSep = mpFirstSep; while ( pSep ) { pSep->mnXLeft += nHorzMove; pSep->mnXRight += nHorzMove; pSep = pSep->mpNextSep; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImplRegionBand::ScaleX( double fHorzScale ) { ImplRegionBandSep* pSep = mpFirstSep; while ( pSep ) { pSep->mnXLeft = FRound( pSep->mnXLeft * fHorzScale ); pSep->mnXRight = FRound( pSep->mnXRight * fHorzScale ); pSep = pSep->mpNextSep; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // // combine overlaping sparations BOOL ImplRegionBand::OptimizeBand() { ImplRegionBandSep* pPrevSep; ImplRegionBandSep* pSep = mpFirstSep; while ( pSep ) { // remove? if ( pSep->mbRemoved || (pSep->mnXRight < pSep->mnXLeft) ) { ImplRegionBandSep* pOldSep = pSep; if ( pSep == mpFirstSep ) mpFirstSep = pSep->mpNextSep; else pPrevSep->mpNextSep = pSep->mpNextSep; pSep = pSep->mpNextSep; delete pOldSep; continue; } // overlaping separations? -> combine! if ( pSep->mpNextSep ) { if ( (pSep->mnXRight+1) >= pSep->mpNextSep->mnXLeft ) { if ( pSep->mpNextSep->mnXRight > pSep->mnXRight ) pSep->mnXRight = pSep->mpNextSep->mnXRight; ImplRegionBandSep* pOldSep = pSep->mpNextSep; pSep->mpNextSep = pOldSep->mpNextSep; delete pOldSep; continue; } } pPrevSep = pSep; pSep = pSep->mpNextSep; } return TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImplRegionBand::Union( long nXLeft, long nXRight ) { DBG_ASSERT( nXLeft <= nXRight, "ImplRegionBand::Union(): nxLeft > nXRight" ); // band empty? -> add element if ( !mpFirstSep ) { mpFirstSep = new ImplRegionBandSep; mpFirstSep->mnXLeft = nXLeft; mpFirstSep->mnXRight = nXRight; mpFirstSep->mbRemoved = FALSE; mpFirstSep->mpNextSep = NULL; return; } // process real union ImplRegionBandSep* pNewSep; ImplRegionBandSep* pPrevSep; ImplRegionBandSep* pSep = mpFirstSep; while ( pSep ) { // new separation completely inside? nothing to do! if ( (nXLeft >= pSep->mnXLeft) && (nXRight <= pSep->mnXRight) ) return; // new separation completly left? -> new separation! if ( nXRight < pSep->mnXLeft ) { pNewSep = new ImplRegionBandSep; pNewSep->mnXLeft = nXLeft; pNewSep->mnXRight = nXRight; pNewSep->mbRemoved = FALSE; pNewSep->mpNextSep = pSep; if ( pSep == mpFirstSep ) mpFirstSep = pNewSep; else pPrevSep->mpNextSep = pNewSep; break; } // new separation overlaping from left? -> extend boundary if ( (nXRight >= pSep->mnXLeft) && (nXLeft <= pSep->mnXLeft) ) pSep->mnXLeft = nXLeft; // new separation overlaping from right? -> extend boundary if ( (nXLeft <= pSep->mnXRight) && (nXRight > pSep->mnXRight) ) { pSep->mnXRight = nXRight; break; } // not inserted, but last element? -> add to the end of the list if ( !pSep->mpNextSep && (nXLeft > pSep->mnXRight) ) { pNewSep = new ImplRegionBandSep; pNewSep->mnXLeft = nXLeft; pNewSep->mnXRight = nXRight; pNewSep->mbRemoved = FALSE; pSep->mpNextSep = pNewSep; pNewSep->mpNextSep = NULL; break; } pPrevSep = pSep; pSep = pSep->mpNextSep; } OptimizeBand(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImplRegionBand::Intersect( long nXLeft, long nXRight ) { DBG_ASSERT( nXLeft <= nXRight, "ImplRegionBand::Intersect(): nxLeft > nXRight" ); // band has been touched mbTouched = TRUE; // band empty? -> nothing to do if ( !mpFirstSep ) return; // process real intersection ImplRegionBandSep* pSep = mpFirstSep; while ( pSep ) { // new separation completly outside? -> remove separation if ( (nXRight < pSep->mnXLeft) || (nXLeft > pSep->mnXRight) ) // will be removed from the optimizer pSep->mbRemoved = TRUE; // new separation overlaping from left? -> reduce right boundary if ( (nXLeft <= pSep->mnXLeft) && (nXRight <= pSep->mnXRight) && (nXRight >= pSep->mnXLeft) ) pSep->mnXRight = nXRight; // new separation overlaping from right? -> reduce right boundary if ( (nXLeft >= pSep->mnXLeft) && (nXLeft <= pSep->mnXRight) && (nXRight >= pSep->mnXRight) ) pSep->mnXLeft = nXLeft; // new separation within the actual one? -> reduce both boundaries if ( (nXLeft >= pSep->mnXLeft) && (nXRight <= pSep->mnXRight) ) { pSep->mnXRight = nXRight; pSep->mnXLeft = nXLeft; } pSep = pSep->mpNextSep; } OptimizeBand(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImplRegionBand::Exclude( long nXLeft, long nXRight ) { DBG_ASSERT( nXLeft <= nXRight, "ImplRegionBand::Exclude(): nxLeft > nXRight" ); // band has been touched mbTouched = TRUE; // band empty? -> nothing to do if ( !mpFirstSep ) return; // process real exclusion ImplRegionBandSep* pNewSep; ImplRegionBandSep* pPrevSep; ImplRegionBandSep* pSep = mpFirstSep; while ( pSep ) { BOOL bSepProcessed = FALSE; // new separation completely overlapping? -> remove separation if ( (nXLeft <= pSep->mnXLeft) && (nXRight >= pSep->mnXRight) ) { // will be removed from the optimizer pSep->mbRemoved = TRUE; bSepProcessed = TRUE; } // new separation overlaping from left? -> reduce boundary if ( !bSepProcessed ) { if ( (nXRight >= pSep->mnXLeft) && (nXLeft <= pSep->mnXLeft) ) { pSep->mnXLeft = nXRight+1; bSepProcessed = TRUE; } } // new separation overlaping from right? -> reduce boundary if ( !bSepProcessed ) { if ( (nXLeft <= pSep->mnXRight) && (nXRight > pSep->mnXRight) ) { pSep->mnXRight = nXLeft-1; bSepProcessed = TRUE; } } // new separation within the actual one? -> reduce boundary // and add new entry for reminder if ( !bSepProcessed ) { if ( (nXLeft >= pSep->mnXLeft) && (nXRight <= pSep->mnXRight) ) { pNewSep = new ImplRegionBandSep; pNewSep->mnXLeft = pSep->mnXLeft; pNewSep->mnXRight = nXLeft-1; pNewSep->mbRemoved = FALSE; pSep->mnXLeft = nXRight+1; // connections from the new separation pNewSep->mpNextSep = pSep; // connections to the new separation if ( pSep == mpFirstSep ) mpFirstSep = pNewSep; else pPrevSep->mpNextSep = pNewSep; } } pPrevSep = pSep; pSep = pSep->mpNextSep; } OptimizeBand(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImplRegionBand::XOr( long nXLeft, long nXRight ) { DBG_ASSERT( nXLeft <= nXRight, "ImplRegionBand::XOr(): nxLeft > nXRight" ); // band empty? -> add element if ( !mpFirstSep ) { mpFirstSep = new ImplRegionBandSep; mpFirstSep->mnXLeft = nXLeft; mpFirstSep->mnXRight = nXRight; mpFirstSep->mbRemoved = FALSE; mpFirstSep->mpNextSep = NULL; return; } // process real xor ImplRegionBandSep* pNewSep; ImplRegionBandSep* pPrevSep; ImplRegionBandSep* pSep = mpFirstSep; while ( pSep ) { // new separation completely overlapping? // -> move boundaries to left remainder // -> reduce boundaries of new separation if ( (nXLeft <= pSep->mnXLeft) && (nXRight >= pSep->mnXRight) ) { int iOldXRight = pSep->mnXRight; pSep->mnXRight = pSep->mnXLeft; pSep->mnXLeft = nXLeft; nXLeft = pSep->mnXRight; } // new separation overlaping from left? // -> move boundaries to left remainder // -> set boundaries of new separation to right remainder if ( (nXRight >= pSep->mnXLeft) && (nXLeft <= pSep->mnXLeft) ) { int iOldXRight = pSep->mnXRight; pSep->mnXRight = pSep->mnXLeft; pSep->mnXLeft = nXLeft; nXLeft = pSep->mnXRight; } // new separation overlaping from right? -> reduce boundary if ( (nXLeft <= pSep->mnXRight) && (nXRight > pSep->mnXRight) ) pSep->mnXRight = nXLeft; // new separation within the actual one? -> reduce boundary // and add new entry for reminder if ( (nXLeft >= pSep->mnXLeft) && (nXRight <= pSep->mnXRight) ) { pNewSep = new ImplRegionBandSep; pNewSep->mnXLeft = pSep->mnXLeft; pNewSep->mnXRight = nXLeft; pSep->mnXLeft = nXRight; // connections from the new separation pNewSep->mpNextSep = pSep; // connections to the new separation if ( pSep == mpFirstSep ) mpFirstSep = pNewSep; else pPrevSep->mpNextSep = pNewSep; } pPrevSep = pSep; pSep = pSep->mpNextSep; } OptimizeBand(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL ImplRegionBand::IsInside( long nX ) { ImplRegionBandSep* pSep = mpFirstSep; while ( pSep ) { if ( (pSep->mnXLeft <= nX) && (pSep->mnXRight >= nX) ) return TRUE; pSep = pSep->mpNextSep; } return FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL ImplRegionBand::IsOver( long nLeft, long nRight ) { ImplRegionBandSep* pSep = mpFirstSep; while ( pSep ) { if ( (pSep->mnXLeft < nRight) && (pSep->mnXRight > nLeft) ) return TRUE; pSep = pSep->mpNextSep; } return FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL ImplRegionBand::IsInside( long nLeft, long nRight ) { ImplRegionBandSep* pSep = mpFirstSep; while ( pSep ) { if ( (pSep->mnXLeft >= nLeft) && (nRight <= pSep->mnXRight) ) return TRUE; pSep = pSep->mpNextSep; } return FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- long ImplRegionBand::GetXLeftBoundary() const { DBG_ASSERT( mpFirstSep != NULL, "ImplRegionBand::XLeftBoundary -> no separation in band!" ); return mpFirstSep->mnXLeft; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- long ImplRegionBand::GetXRightBoundary() const { DBG_ASSERT( mpFirstSep != NULL, "ImplRegionBand::XRightBoundary -> no separation in band!" ); // search last separation ImplRegionBandSep* pSep = mpFirstSep; while ( pSep->mpNextSep ) pSep = pSep->mpNextSep; return pSep->mnXRight; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL ImplRegionBand::operator==( const ImplRegionBand& rRegionBand ) const { ImplRegionBandSep* pOwnRectBandSep = mpFirstSep; ImplRegionBandSep* pSecondRectBandSep = rRegionBand.mpFirstSep; while ( pOwnRectBandSep && pSecondRectBandSep ) { // get boundaries of current rectangle long nOwnXLeft = pOwnRectBandSep->mnXLeft; long nSecondXLeft = pSecondRectBandSep->mnXLeft; if ( nOwnXLeft != nSecondXLeft ) return FALSE; long nOwnXRight = pOwnRectBandSep->mnXRight; long nSecondXRight = pSecondRectBandSep->mnXRight; if ( nOwnXRight != nSecondXRight ) return FALSE; // get next separation from current band pOwnRectBandSep = pOwnRectBandSep->mpNextSep; // get next separation from current band pSecondRectBandSep = pSecondRectBandSep->mpNextSep; } // differnt number of separations? if ( pOwnRectBandSep || pSecondRectBandSep ) return FALSE; return TRUE; }