/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html> * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ #include <vcl/rendergraphicrasterizer.hxx> #include <vcl/svapp.hxx> #include <vcl/wrkwin.hxx> #include <vcl/virdev.hxx> #include <vcl/unohelp.hxx> #include <vcl/bmpacc.hxx> #include <vcl/graph.hxx> #include <tools/stream.hxx> #include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx> #include <unotools/streamwrap.hxx> #include <com/sun/star/lang/XMultiServiceFactory.hpp> #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp> #define VCL_SERVICENAME_RASTERIZER_SVG "com.sun.star.graphic.GraphicRasterizer_RSVG" using namespace com::sun::star; namespace vcl { // --------------------------------------------------------- // - maximum extent in pixel for graphics to be rasterized - // --------------------------------------------------------- static const sal_uInt32 nRasterizerDefaultExtent = 4096; // --------------------------- // - RenderGraphicRasterizer - // --------------------------- RenderGraphicRasterizer::RenderGraphicRasterizer( const RenderGraphic& rRenderGraphic ) : maRenderGraphic( rRenderGraphic ), mfRotateAngle( 0.0 ), mfShearAngleX( 0.0 ), mfShearAngleY( 0.0 ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- RenderGraphicRasterizer::RenderGraphicRasterizer( const RenderGraphicRasterizer& rRenderGraphicRasterizer ) : maRenderGraphic( rRenderGraphicRasterizer.maRenderGraphic ), mxRasterizer( rRenderGraphicRasterizer.mxRasterizer ), maBitmapEx( rRenderGraphicRasterizer.maBitmapEx ), maDefaultSizePixel( rRenderGraphicRasterizer.maDefaultSizePixel ), mfRotateAngle( rRenderGraphicRasterizer.mfRotateAngle ), mfShearAngleX( rRenderGraphicRasterizer.mfShearAngleX ), mfShearAngleY( rRenderGraphicRasterizer.mfShearAngleY ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- RenderGraphicRasterizer::~RenderGraphicRasterizer() { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- RenderGraphicRasterizer& RenderGraphicRasterizer::operator=( const RenderGraphicRasterizer& rRenderGraphicRasterizer ) { maRenderGraphic = rRenderGraphicRasterizer.maRenderGraphic; maBitmapEx = rRenderGraphicRasterizer.maBitmapEx; maDefaultSizePixel = rRenderGraphicRasterizer.maDefaultSizePixel; mfRotateAngle = rRenderGraphicRasterizer.mfRotateAngle; mfShearAngleX = rRenderGraphicRasterizer.mfShearAngleX; mfShearAngleY = rRenderGraphicRasterizer.mfShearAngleY; mxRasterizer = rRenderGraphicRasterizer.mxRasterizer; return( *this ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Size& RenderGraphicRasterizer::GetDefaultSizePixel() const { const_cast< RenderGraphicRasterizer* >( this )->InitializeRasterizer(); return( maDefaultSizePixel ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BitmapEx RenderGraphicRasterizer::GetReplacement() const { BitmapEx aRet( Rasterize( GetDefaultSizePixel() ) ); aRet.SetPrefSize( GetPrefSize() ); aRet.SetPrefMapMode( GetPrefMapMode() ); return( aRet ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Size RenderGraphicRasterizer::GetPrefSize() const { const Size aSizePixel( GetDefaultSizePixel() ); boost::scoped_ptr< VirtualDevice > xCompVDev; OutputDevice* pCompDev = NULL; #ifndef NO_GETAPPWINDOW pCompDev = Application::GetAppWindow(); #endif if( !pCompDev ) { xCompVDev.reset( new VirtualDevice ); pCompDev = xCompVDev.get(); } return( pCompDev->PixelToLogic( aSizePixel, GetPrefMapMode() ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MapMode RenderGraphicRasterizer::GetPrefMapMode() const { return( MapMode( MAP_100TH_MM ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- const BitmapEx& RenderGraphicRasterizer::Rasterize( const Size& rSizePixel, double fRotateAngle, double fShearAngleX, double fShearAngleY, sal_uInt32 nMaxExtent ) const { const bool bRasterize = !maRenderGraphic.IsEmpty() && rSizePixel.Width() && rSizePixel.Height() && ( maBitmapEx.IsEmpty() || ( rSizePixel != maBitmapEx.GetSizePixel() ) || ( fRotateAngle != mfRotateAngle ) || ( fShearAngleX != mfShearAngleX ) || ( fShearAngleY != mfShearAngleY ) ); if( bRasterize ) { const_cast< RenderGraphicRasterizer* >( this )->InitializeRasterizer(); if( mxRasterizer.is() ) { sal_uInt32 nWidth = labs( rSizePixel.Width() ); sal_uInt32 nHeight = labs( rSizePixel.Height() ); // limiting the extent of the rastered bitmap if( VCL_RASTERIZER_UNLIMITED_EXTENT != nMaxExtent ) { if( VCL_RASTERIZER_DEFAULT_EXTENT == nMaxExtent ) { nMaxExtent = nRasterizerDefaultExtent; } if( ( nWidth > nMaxExtent ) || ( nHeight > nMaxExtent ) ) { const double fScale = static_cast< double >( nMaxExtent ) / ::std::max( nWidth, nHeight ); nWidth = FRound( nWidth * fScale ); nHeight = FRound( nHeight * fScale ); } } if( !ImplRasterizeFromCache( const_cast< RenderGraphicRasterizer& >( *this ), Size( nWidth, nHeight ), fRotateAngle, fShearAngleX, fShearAngleY ) ) { try { const uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > aPropertySeq; const Graphic aRasteredGraphic( mxRasterizer->rasterize( nWidth, nHeight, fRotateAngle, fShearAngleX, fShearAngleY, aPropertySeq ) ); maBitmapEx = aRasteredGraphic.GetBitmapEx(); mfRotateAngle = fRotateAngle; mfShearAngleX = fShearAngleX; mfShearAngleY = fShearAngleY; ImplUpdateCache( *this ); // OSL_TRACE( "Wanted: %d x %d / Got: %d x %d", rSizePixel.Width(), rSizePixel.Height(), maBitmapEx.GetSizePixel().Width(), maBitmapEx.GetSizePixel().Height() ); } catch( ... ) { OSL_TRACE( "caught exception during rasterization" ); } } } } return( maBitmapEx ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RenderGraphicRasterizer::InitializeRasterizer() { if( !mxRasterizer.is() && !ImplInitializeFromCache( *this ) ) { uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xFactory( ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory() ); maDefaultSizePixel.Width() = maDefaultSizePixel.Height() = 0; if( !maRenderGraphic.IsEmpty() ) { rtl::OUString aServiceName; if( 0 == maRenderGraphic.GetGraphicDataMimeType().compareToAscii( "image/svg+xml" ) ) { aServiceName = rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( VCL_SERVICENAME_RASTERIZER_SVG ) ); } if( !aServiceName.isEmpty() ) { mxRasterizer.set( xFactory->createInstance( aServiceName ), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( mxRasterizer.is() ) { boost::scoped_ptr< VirtualDevice > xCompVDev; OutputDevice* pCompDev = NULL; #ifndef NO_GETAPPWINDOW pCompDev = Application::GetAppWindow(); #endif if( !pCompDev ) { xCompVDev.reset( new VirtualDevice ); pCompDev = xCompVDev.get(); } const Size aDPI( pCompDev->LogicToPixel( Size( 1, 1 ), MAP_INCH ) ); awt::Size aSizePixel; SvMemoryStream aMemStm( maRenderGraphic.GetGraphicData().get(), maRenderGraphic.GetGraphicDataLength(), STREAM_READ ); uno::Reference< io::XInputStream > xIStm( new utl::OSeekableInputStreamWrapper( aMemStm ) ); try { if( !xIStm.is() || !mxRasterizer->initializeData( xIStm, aDPI.Width(), aDPI.Height(), aSizePixel ) ) { mxRasterizer.clear(); } else { maDefaultSizePixel.Width() = aSizePixel.Width; maDefaultSizePixel.Height() = aSizePixel.Height; } } catch( ... ) { OSL_TRACE( "caught exception during initialization of SVG rasterizer component" ); mxRasterizer.clear(); } } } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RenderGraphicRasterizer::RenderGraphicRasterizerCache& RenderGraphicRasterizer::ImplGetCache() { static RenderGraphicRasterizerCache* pCache = NULL; if( !pCache ) { pCache = new RenderGraphicRasterizerCache; } return( *pCache ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool RenderGraphicRasterizer::ImplInitializeFromCache( RenderGraphicRasterizer& rRasterizer ) { RenderGraphicRasterizerCache& rCache = ImplGetCache(); bool bRet = false; for( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < rCache.size(); ++i ) { const RenderGraphicRasterizer* pCheck = &rCache[ i ]; if( pCheck && pCheck->mxRasterizer.is() && ( pCheck->maRenderGraphic == rRasterizer.maRenderGraphic ) ) { // OSL_TRACE( "Hit RenderGraphicRasterizer cache for initialization" ); rRasterizer.mxRasterizer = pCheck->mxRasterizer; rRasterizer.maDefaultSizePixel = pCheck->maDefaultSizePixel; // put found Rasterizer at begin of deque const RenderGraphicRasterizer aFound( rCache[ i ] ); rCache.erase( rCache.begin() + i ); rCache.push_front( aFound ); bRet = true; } } return( bRet ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool RenderGraphicRasterizer::ImplRasterizeFromCache( RenderGraphicRasterizer& rRasterizer, const Size& rSizePixel, double fRotateAngle, double fShearAngleX, double fShearAngleY ) { RenderGraphicRasterizerCache& rCache = ImplGetCache(); bool bRet = false; for( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < rCache.size(); ++i ) { const RenderGraphicRasterizer& rCheck = rCache[ i ]; if( rCheck.mxRasterizer.is() && rRasterizer.mxRasterizer.is() && ( ( rCheck.mxRasterizer == rRasterizer.mxRasterizer ) || ( rRasterizer.maRenderGraphic == rCheck.maRenderGraphic ) ) && ( rCheck.maBitmapEx.GetSizePixel() == rSizePixel ) && ( rCheck.mfRotateAngle == fRotateAngle ) && ( rCheck.mfShearAngleX == fShearAngleX ) && ( rCheck.mfShearAngleY == fShearAngleY ) ) { // OSL_TRACE( "Hit RenderGraphicRasterizer cache for rasterizing" ); rRasterizer.maBitmapEx = rCheck.maBitmapEx; rRasterizer.mfRotateAngle = fRotateAngle; rRasterizer.mfShearAngleX = fShearAngleX; rRasterizer.mfShearAngleY = fShearAngleY; // put found Rasterizer at begin of deque const RenderGraphicRasterizer aFound( rCache[ i ] ); rCache.erase( rCache.begin() + i ); rCache.push_front( aFound ); bRet = true; } } return( bRet ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void RenderGraphicRasterizer::ImplUpdateCache( const RenderGraphicRasterizer& rRasterizer ) { RenderGraphicRasterizerCache& rCache = ImplGetCache(); const sal_uInt32 nMaxCacheSize = 8; if( rCache.size() < nMaxCacheSize ) { rCache.push_front( rRasterizer ); } else { rCache.pop_back(); rCache.push_front( rRasterizer ); } } } // VCL /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */