 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_vcl.hxx"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

#include <gcach_ftyp.hxx>

#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/bitmap.hxx>
#include <vcl/salbtype.hxx>

#include <outfont.hxx>

#include <graphite_features.hxx>

#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>      // used only for string=>hashvalue
#include <osl/file.hxx>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>

// =======================================================================
// GlyphCache
// =======================================================================

static GlyphCache* pInstance = NULL;

GlyphCache::GlyphCache( GlyphCachePeer& rPeer )
:   mrPeer( rPeer ),
    mnMaxSize( 1500000 ),
    pInstance = this;
    mpFtManager = new FreetypeManager;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    if( mpFtManager )
        delete mpFtManager;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void GlyphCache::InvalidateAllGlyphs()
    // an application about to exit can omit garbage collecting the heap
    // since it makes things slower and introduces risks if the heap was not perfect
    // for debugging, for memory grinding or leak checking the env allows to force GC
    const char* pEnv = getenv( "SAL_FORCE_GC_ON_EXIT" );
    if( pEnv && (*pEnv != '0') )
        // uncache of all glyph shapes and metrics
        for( FontList::iterator it = maFontList.begin(); it != maFontList.end(); ++it )
            delete const_cast<ServerFont*>( it->second );
        mpCurrentGCFont = NULL;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

size_t GlyphCache::IFSD_Hash::operator()( const ImplFontSelectData& rFontSelData ) const
    // TODO: is it worth to improve this hash function?
    sal_IntPtr nFontId = reinterpret_cast<sal_IntPtr>( rFontSelData.mpFontData );
    if (rFontSelData.maTargetName.Search(grutils::GrFeatureParser::FEAT_PREFIX)
        rtl::OString aFeatName = rtl::OUStringToOString( rFontSelData.maTargetName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
        nFontId ^= aFeatName.hashCode();
    size_t nHash = nFontId << 8;
    nHash   += rFontSelData.mnHeight;
    nHash   += rFontSelData.mnOrientation;
    nHash   += rFontSelData.mbVertical;
    nHash   += rFontSelData.meItalic;
    nHash   += rFontSelData.meWeight;
    nHash   += rFontSelData.meLanguage;
    return nHash;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

bool GlyphCache::IFSD_Equal::operator()( const ImplFontSelectData& rA, const ImplFontSelectData& rB) const
    // check font ids
    sal_IntPtr nFontIdA = reinterpret_cast<sal_IntPtr>( rA.mpFontData );
    sal_IntPtr nFontIdB = reinterpret_cast<sal_IntPtr>( rB.mpFontData );
    if( nFontIdA != nFontIdB )
        return false;

    // compare with the requested metrics
    if( (rA.mnHeight         != rB.mnHeight)
    ||  (rA.mnOrientation    != rB.mnOrientation)
    ||  (rA.mbVertical       != rB.mbVertical)
    ||  (rA.mbNonAntialiased != rB.mbNonAntialiased) )
        return false;

    if( (rA.meItalic != rB.meItalic)
    ||  (rA.meWeight != rB.meWeight) )
        return false;

    // NOTE: ignoring meFamily deliberately

    // compare with the requested width, allow default width
    if( (rA.mnWidth != rB.mnWidth)
    && ((rA.mnHeight != rB.mnWidth) || (rA.mnWidth != 0)) )
        return false;
   if (rA.meLanguage != rB.meLanguage)
        return false;
   // check for features
   if ((rA.maTargetName.Search(grutils::GrFeatureParser::FEAT_PREFIX)
        != STRING_NOTFOUND ||
        != STRING_NOTFOUND) && rA.maTargetName != rB.maTargetName)
        return false;
    return true;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

GlyphCache& GlyphCache::GetInstance()
    return *pInstance;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void GlyphCache::LoadFonts()
    if( const char* pFontPath = ::getenv( "SAL_FONTPATH_PRIVATE" ) )
        AddFontPath( String::CreateFromAscii( pFontPath ) );
    const String& rFontPath = Application::GetFontPath();
    if( rFontPath.Len() > 0 )
        AddFontPath( rFontPath );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void GlyphCache::ClearFontPath()
    if( mpFtManager )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void GlyphCache::AddFontPath( const String& rFontPath )
    if( !mpFtManager )

    for( xub_StrLen nBreaker1 = 0, nBreaker2 = 0; nBreaker2 != STRING_LEN; nBreaker1 = nBreaker2 + 1 )
        nBreaker2 = rFontPath.Search( ';', nBreaker1 );
        if( nBreaker2 == STRING_NOTFOUND )
            nBreaker2 = STRING_LEN;

        ::rtl::OUString aUrlName;
        osl::FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath( rFontPath.Copy( nBreaker1, nBreaker2 ), aUrlName );
        mpFtManager->AddFontDir( aUrlName );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void GlyphCache::AddFontFile( const rtl::OString& rNormalizedName, int nFaceNum,
    sal_IntPtr nFontId, const ImplDevFontAttributes& rDFA, const ExtraKernInfo* pExtraKern )
    if( mpFtManager )
        mpFtManager->AddFontFile( rNormalizedName, nFaceNum, nFontId, rDFA, pExtraKern );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void GlyphCache::AnnounceFonts( ImplDevFontList* pList ) const
    if( mpFtManager )
        mpFtManager->AnnounceFonts( pList );
    // VirtDevServerFont::AnnounceFonts( pList );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

ServerFont* GlyphCache::CacheFont( const ImplFontSelectData& rFontSelData )
    // a serverfont request has pFontData
    if( rFontSelData.mpFontData == NULL )
        return NULL;
    // a serverfont request has a fontid > 0
    sal_IntPtr nFontId = rFontSelData.mpFontData->GetFontId();
    if( nFontId <= 0 )
        return NULL;

    // the FontList's key mpFontData member is reinterpreted as font id
    ImplFontSelectData aFontSelData = rFontSelData;
    aFontSelData.mpFontData = reinterpret_cast<ImplFontData*>( nFontId );
    FontList::iterator it = maFontList.find( aFontSelData );
    if( it != maFontList.end() )
        ServerFont* pFound = it->second;
        if( pFound )
        return pFound;

    // font not cached yet => create new font item
    ServerFont* pNew = NULL;
    if( mpFtManager )
        pNew = mpFtManager->CreateFont( aFontSelData );
    // TODO: pNew = VirtDevServerFont::CreateFont( aFontSelData );

    if( pNew )
        maFontList[ aFontSelData ] = pNew;
        mnBytesUsed += pNew->GetByteCount();

        // enable garbage collection for new font
        if( !mpCurrentGCFont )
            mpCurrentGCFont = pNew;
            pNew->mpNextGCFont = pNew;
            pNew->mpPrevGCFont = pNew;
            pNew->mpNextGCFont = mpCurrentGCFont;
            pNew->mpPrevGCFont = mpCurrentGCFont->mpPrevGCFont;
            pNew->mpPrevGCFont->mpNextGCFont = pNew;
            mpCurrentGCFont->mpPrevGCFont = pNew;

    return pNew;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void GlyphCache::UncacheFont( ServerFont& rServerFont )
    // the interface for rServerFont must be const because a
    // user who wants to release it only got const ServerFonts.
    // The caching algorithm needs a non-const object
    ServerFont* pFont = const_cast<ServerFont*>( &rServerFont );
    if( (pFont->Release() <= 0)
    &&  (mnMaxSize <= (mnBytesUsed + mrPeer.GetByteCount())) )
        mpCurrentGCFont = pFont;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_uLong GlyphCache::CalcByteCount() const
    sal_uLong nCacheSize = sizeof(*this);
    for( FontList::const_iterator it = maFontList.begin(); it != maFontList.end(); ++it )
        const ServerFont* pSF = it->second;
        if( pSF )
            nCacheSize += pSF->GetByteCount();
    // TODO: also account something for hashtable management
    return nCacheSize;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void GlyphCache::GarbageCollect()
    // when current GC font has been destroyed get another one
    if( !mpCurrentGCFont )
        FontList::iterator it = maFontList.begin();
        if( it != maFontList.end() )
            mpCurrentGCFont = it->second;

    // unless there is no other font to collect
    if( !mpCurrentGCFont )

    // prepare advance to next font for garbage collection
    ServerFont* const pServerFont = mpCurrentGCFont;
    mpCurrentGCFont = pServerFont->mpNextGCFont;

    if( (pServerFont == mpCurrentGCFont)    // no other fonts
    ||  (pServerFont->GetRefCount() > 0) )  // font still used
        // try to garbage collect at least a few bytes
        pServerFont->GarbageCollect( mnLruIndex - mnGlyphCount/2 );
    else // current GC font is unreferenced
        DBG_ASSERT( (pServerFont->GetRefCount() == 0),
            "GlyphCache::GC detected RefCount underflow" );

        // free all pServerFont related data
        pServerFont->GarbageCollect( mnLruIndex+0x10000000 );
        if( pServerFont == mpCurrentGCFont )
            mpCurrentGCFont = NULL;
    const ImplFontSelectData& rIFSD = pServerFont->GetFontSelData();
        maFontList.erase( rIFSD );
        mrPeer.RemovingFont( *pServerFont );
        mnBytesUsed -= pServerFont->GetByteCount();

        // remove font from list of garbage collected fonts
        if( pServerFont->mpPrevGCFont )
            pServerFont->mpPrevGCFont->mpNextGCFont = pServerFont->mpNextGCFont;
        if( pServerFont->mpNextGCFont )
            pServerFont->mpNextGCFont->mpPrevGCFont = pServerFont->mpPrevGCFont;
        if( pServerFont == mpCurrentGCFont )
            mpCurrentGCFont = NULL;

        delete pServerFont;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

inline void GlyphCache::UsingGlyph( ServerFont&, GlyphData& rGlyphData )
    rGlyphData.SetLruValue( mnLruIndex++ );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

inline void GlyphCache::AddedGlyph( ServerFont& rServerFont, GlyphData& rGlyphData )
    mnBytesUsed += sizeof( rGlyphData );
    UsingGlyph( rServerFont, rGlyphData );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void GlyphCache::GrowNotify()
    if( (mnBytesUsed + mrPeer.GetByteCount()) > mnMaxSize )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

inline void GlyphCache::RemovingGlyph( ServerFont& rSF, GlyphData& rGD, int nGlyphIndex )
    mrPeer.RemovingGlyph( rSF, rGD, nGlyphIndex );
    mnBytesUsed -= sizeof( GlyphData );

// =======================================================================
// ServerFont
// =======================================================================

ServerFont::ServerFont( const ImplFontSelectData& rFSD )
:   maGlyphList( 0),
    mnBytesUsed( sizeof(ServerFont) ),
    mpPrevGCFont( NULL ),
    mpNextGCFont( NULL ),
    mnCos( 0x10000),
    mnSin( 0 ),
    mnZWJ( 0 ),
    mnZWNJ( 0 ),
    mbCollectedZW( false )
    // TODO: move update of mpFontEntry into FontEntry class when
    // it becomes reponsible for the ServerFont instantiation
    ((ImplServerFontEntry*)rFSD.mpFontEntry)->SetServerFont( this );

    if( rFSD.mnOrientation != 0 )
        const double dRad = rFSD.mnOrientation * ( F_2PI / 3600.0 );
        mnCos = static_cast<long>( 0x10000 * cos( dRad ) + 0.5 );
        mnSin = static_cast<long>( 0x10000 * sin( dRad ) + 0.5 );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void ServerFont::ReleaseFromGarbageCollect()
   // remove from GC list
    ServerFont* pPrev = mpPrevGCFont;
    ServerFont* pNext = mpNextGCFont;
    if( pPrev ) pPrev->mpNextGCFont = pNext;
    if( pNext ) pNext->mpPrevGCFont = pPrev;
    mpPrevGCFont = NULL;
    mpNextGCFont = NULL;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

long ServerFont::Release() const
    DBG_ASSERT( mnRefCount > 0, "ServerFont: RefCount underflow" );
    return --mnRefCount;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

GlyphData& ServerFont::GetGlyphData( int nGlyphIndex )
    // usually the GlyphData is cached
    GlyphList::iterator it = maGlyphList.find( nGlyphIndex );
    if( it != maGlyphList.end() ) {
        GlyphData& rGlyphData = it->second;
        GlyphCache::GetInstance().UsingGlyph( *this, rGlyphData );
        return rGlyphData;

    // sometimes not => we need to create and initialize it ourselves
    GlyphData& rGlyphData = maGlyphList[ nGlyphIndex ];
    mnBytesUsed += sizeof( GlyphData );
    InitGlyphData( nGlyphIndex, rGlyphData );
    GlyphCache::GetInstance().AddedGlyph( *this, rGlyphData );
    return rGlyphData;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void ServerFont::GarbageCollect( long nMinLruIndex )
    GlyphList::iterator it_next = maGlyphList.begin();
    while( it_next != maGlyphList.end() )
        GlyphList::iterator it = it_next++;
        GlyphData& rGD = it->second;
        if( (nMinLruIndex - rGD.GetLruValue()) > 0 )
            OSL_ASSERT( mnBytesUsed >= sizeof(GlyphData) );
            mnBytesUsed -= sizeof( GlyphData );
            GlyphCache::GetInstance().RemovingGlyph( *this, rGD, it->first );
            maGlyphList.erase( it );
            it_next = maGlyphList.begin();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Point ServerFont::TransformPoint( const Point& rPoint ) const
    if( mnCos == 0x10000 )
        return rPoint;
    // TODO: use 32x32=>64bit intermediate
    const double dCos = mnCos * (1.0 / 0x10000);
    const double dSin = mnSin * (1.0 / 0x10000);
    long nX = (long)(rPoint.X() * dCos + rPoint.Y() * dSin);
    long nY = (long)(rPoint.Y() * dCos - rPoint.X() * dSin);
    return Point( nX, nY );

bool ServerFont::IsGlyphInvisible( int nGlyphIndex )
    if (!mbCollectedZW)
        mnZWJ = GetGlyphIndex( 0x200D );
        mnZWNJ = GetGlyphIndex( 0x200C );
        mbCollectedZW = true;

    if( !nGlyphIndex ) // don't hide the NotDef glyph
        return false;
    if( (nGlyphIndex == mnZWNJ) || (nGlyphIndex == mnZWJ) )
        return true;

    return false;

// =======================================================================

ImplServerFontEntry::ImplServerFontEntry( ImplFontSelectData& rFSD )
:   ImplFontEntry( rFSD )
,   mpServerFont( NULL )
,   mbGotFontOptions( false )
,   mbValidFontOptions( false )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // TODO: remove the ServerFont here instead of in the GlyphCache

// =======================================================================

ExtraKernInfo::ExtraKernInfo( sal_IntPtr nFontId )
:   mbInitialized( false ),
    mnFontId( nFontId ),
    maUnicodeKernPairs( 0 )


bool ExtraKernInfo::HasKernPairs() const
    if( !mbInitialized )
    return !maUnicodeKernPairs.empty();


int ExtraKernInfo::GetUnscaledKernPairs( ImplKernPairData** ppKernPairs ) const
    if( !mbInitialized )

    // return early if no kerning available
    if( maUnicodeKernPairs.empty() )
        return 0;

    // allocate kern pair table
    int nKernCount = maUnicodeKernPairs.size();
    *ppKernPairs = new ImplKernPairData[ nKernCount ];

    // fill in unicode kern pairs with the kern value scaled to the font width
    ImplKernPairData* pKernData = *ppKernPairs;
    UnicodeKernPairs::const_iterator it = maUnicodeKernPairs.begin();
    for(; it != maUnicodeKernPairs.end(); ++it )
        *(pKernData++) = *it;

    return nKernCount;


int ExtraKernInfo::GetUnscaledKernValue( sal_Unicode cLeft, sal_Unicode cRight ) const
    if( !mbInitialized )

    if( maUnicodeKernPairs.empty() )
        return 0;

    ImplKernPairData aKernPair = { cLeft, cRight, 0 };
    UnicodeKernPairs::const_iterator it = maUnicodeKernPairs.find( aKernPair );
    if( it == maUnicodeKernPairs.end() )
        return 0;

    int nUnscaledValue = (*it).mnKern;
    return nUnscaledValue;

// =======================================================================