/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <i18nlangtag/mslangid.hxx>
#include <i18nlangtag/lang.h>

#include <unotools/configmgr.hxx>
#include <vcl/metric.hxx>
#include <vcl/virdev.hxx>
#include <vcl/print.hxx>
#include <vcl/sysdata.hxx>
#include <vcl/fontcharmap.hxx>
#include <vcl/event.hxx>
#include <font/FeatureCollector.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>

#include <sallayout.hxx>
#include <salgdi.hxx>
#include <svdata.hxx>
#include <impglyphitem.hxx>

#include <outdev.h>
#include <window.h>

#include <PhysicalFontCollection.hxx>

#include <strings.hrc>

FontMetric OutputDevice::GetDevFont( int nDevFontIndex ) const
    FontMetric aFontMetric;


    int nCount = GetDevFontCount();
    if( nDevFontIndex < nCount )
        const PhysicalFontFace& rData = *mpDeviceFontList->Get( nDevFontIndex );
        aFontMetric.SetFamilyName( rData.GetFamilyName() );
        aFontMetric.SetStyleName( rData.GetStyleName() );
        aFontMetric.SetCharSet( rData.GetCharSet() );
        aFontMetric.SetFamily( rData.GetFamilyType() );
        aFontMetric.SetPitch( rData.GetPitch() );
        aFontMetric.SetWeight( rData.GetWeight() );
        aFontMetric.SetItalic( rData.GetItalic() );
        aFontMetric.SetAlignment( TextAlign::ALIGN_TOP );
        aFontMetric.SetWidthType( rData.GetWidthType() );
        aFontMetric.SetQuality( rData.GetQuality() );

    return aFontMetric;

int OutputDevice::GetDevFontCount() const
    if( !mpDeviceFontList )
        if (!mxFontCollection)
            return 0;

        mpDeviceFontList = mxFontCollection->GetDeviceFontList();

        if (!mpDeviceFontList->Count())
            return 0;
    return mpDeviceFontList->Count();

bool OutputDevice::IsFontAvailable( const OUString& rFontName ) const
    PhysicalFontFamily* pFound = mxFontCollection->FindFontFamily( rFontName );
    return (pFound != nullptr);

int OutputDevice::GetDevFontSizeCount( const vcl::Font& rFont ) const

    mpDeviceFontSizeList = mxFontCollection->GetDeviceFontSizeList( rFont.GetFamilyName() );
    return mpDeviceFontSizeList->Count();

Size OutputDevice::GetDevFontSize( const vcl::Font& rFont, int nSizeIndex ) const
    // check range
    int nCount = GetDevFontSizeCount( rFont );
    if ( nSizeIndex >= nCount )
        return Size();

    // when mapping is enabled round to .5 points
    Size aSize( 0, mpDeviceFontSizeList->Get( nSizeIndex ) );
    if ( mbMap )
        aSize.setHeight( aSize.Height() * 10 );
        MapMode aMap( MapUnit::Map10thInch, Point(), Fraction( 1, 72 ), Fraction( 1, 72 ) );
        aSize = PixelToLogic( aSize, aMap );
        aSize.AdjustHeight(5 );
        aSize.setHeight( aSize.Height() / 10 );
        tools::Long nRound = aSize.Height() % 5;
        if ( nRound >= 3 )
            aSize.AdjustHeight( -nRound );
        aSize.setHeight( aSize.Height() * 10 );
        aSize = LogicToPixel( aSize, aMap );
        aSize = PixelToLogic( aSize );
        aSize.AdjustHeight(5 );
        aSize.setHeight( aSize.Height() / 10 );
    return aSize;

bool OutputDevice::AddTempDevFont( const OUString& rFileURL, const OUString& rFontName )

    if( !mpGraphics && !AcquireGraphics() )
        return false;

    bool bRC = mpGraphics->AddTempDevFont( mxFontCollection.get(), rFileURL, rFontName );
    if( !bRC )
        return false;

    if( mpAlphaVDev )
        mpAlphaVDev->AddTempDevFont( rFileURL, rFontName );

    return true;

bool OutputDevice::GetFontFeatures(std::vector<vcl::font::Feature>& rFontFeatures) const
    if (!ImplNewFont())
        return false;

    LogicalFontInstance* pFontInstance = mpFontInstance.get();
    if (!pFontInstance)
        return false;

    hb_font_t* pHbFont = pFontInstance->GetHbFont();
    if (!pHbFont)
        return false;

    hb_face_t* pHbFace = hb_font_get_face(pHbFont);
    if (!pHbFace)
        return false;

    const LanguageType eOfficeLanguage = Application::GetSettings().GetLanguageTag().getLanguageType();

    vcl::font::FeatureCollector aFeatureCollector(pHbFace, rFontFeatures, eOfficeLanguage);

    return true;

FontMetric OutputDevice::GetFontMetric() const
    FontMetric aMetric;
    if (!ImplNewFont())
        return aMetric;

    LogicalFontInstance* pFontInstance = mpFontInstance.get();
    ImplFontMetricDataRef xFontMetric = pFontInstance->mxFontMetric;

    // prepare metric
    aMetric = maFont;

    // set aMetric with info from font
    aMetric.SetFamilyName( maFont.GetFamilyName() );
    aMetric.SetStyleName( xFontMetric->GetStyleName() );
    aMetric.SetFontSize( PixelToLogic( Size( xFontMetric->GetWidth(), xFontMetric->GetAscent() + xFontMetric->GetDescent() - xFontMetric->GetInternalLeading() ) ) );
    aMetric.SetCharSet( xFontMetric->IsSymbolFont() ? RTL_TEXTENCODING_SYMBOL : RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE );
    aMetric.SetFamily( xFontMetric->GetFamilyType() );
    aMetric.SetPitch( xFontMetric->GetPitch() );
    aMetric.SetWeight( xFontMetric->GetWeight() );
    aMetric.SetItalic( xFontMetric->GetItalic() );
    aMetric.SetAlignment( TextAlign::ALIGN_TOP );
    aMetric.SetWidthType( xFontMetric->GetWidthType() );
    if ( pFontInstance->mnOwnOrientation )
        aMetric.SetOrientation( pFontInstance->mnOwnOrientation );
        aMetric.SetOrientation( xFontMetric->GetOrientation() );

    // set remaining metric fields
    aMetric.SetFullstopCenteredFlag( xFontMetric->IsFullstopCentered() );
    aMetric.SetBulletOffset( xFontMetric->GetBulletOffset() );
    aMetric.SetAscent( ImplDevicePixelToLogicHeight( xFontMetric->GetAscent() + mnEmphasisAscent ) );
    aMetric.SetDescent( ImplDevicePixelToLogicHeight( xFontMetric->GetDescent() + mnEmphasisDescent ) );
    aMetric.SetInternalLeading( ImplDevicePixelToLogicHeight( xFontMetric->GetInternalLeading() + mnEmphasisAscent ) );
    // OutputDevice has its own external leading function due to #i60945#
    aMetric.SetExternalLeading( ImplDevicePixelToLogicHeight( GetFontExtLeading() ) );
    aMetric.SetLineHeight( ImplDevicePixelToLogicHeight( xFontMetric->GetAscent() + xFontMetric->GetDescent() + mnEmphasisAscent + mnEmphasisDescent ) );
    aMetric.SetSlant( ImplDevicePixelToLogicHeight( xFontMetric->GetSlant() ) );

    // get miscellaneous data
    aMetric.SetQuality( xFontMetric->GetQuality() );

    SAL_INFO("vcl.gdi.fontmetric", "OutputDevice::GetFontMetric:" << aMetric);

    xFontMetric = nullptr;

    return aMetric;

FontMetric OutputDevice::GetFontMetric( const vcl::Font& rFont ) const
    // select font, query metrics, select original font again
    vcl::Font aOldFont = GetFont();
    const_cast<OutputDevice*>(this)->SetFont( rFont );
    FontMetric aMetric( GetFontMetric() );
    const_cast<OutputDevice*>(this)->SetFont( aOldFont );
    return aMetric;

bool OutputDevice::GetFontCharMap( FontCharMapRef& rxFontCharMap ) const
    if (!InitFont())
        return false;

    FontCharMapRef xFontCharMap ( mpGraphics->GetFontCharMap() );
    if (!xFontCharMap.is())
        FontCharMapRef xDefaultMap( new FontCharMap() );
        rxFontCharMap = xDefaultMap;
        rxFontCharMap = xFontCharMap;

    return !rxFontCharMap->IsDefaultMap();

bool OutputDevice::GetFontCapabilities( vcl::FontCapabilities& rFontCapabilities ) const
    if (!InitFont())
        return false;
    return mpGraphics->GetFontCapabilities(rFontCapabilities);

void OutputDevice::ImplGetEmphasisMark( tools::PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, bool& rPolyLine,
                                        tools::Rectangle& rRect1, tools::Rectangle& rRect2,
                                        tools::Long& rYOff, tools::Long& rWidth,
                                        FontEmphasisMark eEmphasis,
                                        tools::Long nHeight )
    static const PolyFlags aAccentPolyFlags[24] =
        PolyFlags::Normal, PolyFlags::Control, PolyFlags::Control,
        PolyFlags::Normal, PolyFlags::Control, PolyFlags::Control,
        PolyFlags::Normal, PolyFlags::Control, PolyFlags::Control,
        PolyFlags::Normal, PolyFlags::Control, PolyFlags::Control,
        PolyFlags::Normal, PolyFlags::Control, PolyFlags::Control,
        PolyFlags::Normal, PolyFlags::Control, PolyFlags::Control,
        PolyFlags::Normal, PolyFlags::Normal,  PolyFlags::Control,
        PolyFlags::Normal, PolyFlags::Control, PolyFlags::Control

    static const Point aAccentPos[24] =
        {  78,    0 },
        { 348,   79 },
        { 599,  235 },
        { 843,  469 },
        { 938,  574 },
        { 990,  669 },
        { 990,  773 },
        { 990,  843 },
        { 964,  895 },
        { 921,  947 },
        { 886,  982 },
        { 860,  999 },
        { 825,  999 },
        { 764,  999 },
        { 721,  964 },
        { 686,  895 },
        { 625,  791 },
        { 556,  660 },
        { 469,  504 },
        { 400,  400 },
        { 261,  252 },
        {  61,   61 },
        {   0,   27 },
        {   9,    0 }

    rWidth      = 0;
    rYOff       = 0;
    rPolyLine   = false;

    if ( !nHeight )

    FontEmphasisMark    nEmphasisStyle = eEmphasis & FontEmphasisMark::Style;
    tools::Long                nDotSize = 0;
    switch ( nEmphasisStyle )
        case FontEmphasisMark::Dot:
            // Dot has 55% of the height
            nDotSize = (nHeight*550)/1000;
            if ( !nDotSize )
                nDotSize = 1;
            if ( nDotSize <= 2 )
                rRect1 = tools::Rectangle( Point(), Size( nDotSize, nDotSize ) );
                tools::Long nRad = nDotSize/2;
                tools::Polygon aPoly( Point( nRad, nRad ), nRad, nRad );
                rPolyPoly.Insert( aPoly );
            rYOff = ((nHeight*250)/1000)/2; // Center to the another EmphasisMarks
            rWidth = nDotSize;

        case FontEmphasisMark::Circle:
            // Dot has 80% of the height
            nDotSize = (nHeight*800)/1000;
            if ( !nDotSize )
                nDotSize = 1;
            if ( nDotSize <= 2 )
                rRect1 = tools::Rectangle( Point(), Size( nDotSize, nDotSize ) );
                tools::Long nRad = nDotSize/2;
                tools::Polygon aPoly( Point( nRad, nRad ), nRad, nRad );
                rPolyPoly.Insert( aPoly );
                // BorderWidth is 15%
                tools::Long nBorder = (nDotSize*150)/1000;
                if ( nBorder <= 1 )
                    rPolyLine = true;
                    tools::Polygon aPoly2( Point( nRad, nRad ),
                                           nRad-nBorder, nRad-nBorder );
                    rPolyPoly.Insert( aPoly2 );
            rWidth = nDotSize;

        case FontEmphasisMark::Disc:
            // Dot has 80% of the height
            nDotSize = (nHeight*800)/1000;
            if ( !nDotSize )
                nDotSize = 1;
            if ( nDotSize <= 2 )
                rRect1 = tools::Rectangle( Point(), Size( nDotSize, nDotSize ) );
                tools::Long nRad = nDotSize/2;
                tools::Polygon aPoly( Point( nRad, nRad ), nRad, nRad );
                rPolyPoly.Insert( aPoly );
            rWidth = nDotSize;

        case FontEmphasisMark::Accent:
            // Dot has 80% of the height
            nDotSize = (nHeight*800)/1000;
            if ( !nDotSize )
                nDotSize = 1;
            if ( nDotSize <= 2 )
                if ( nDotSize == 1 )
                    rRect1 = tools::Rectangle( Point(), Size( nDotSize, nDotSize ) );
                    rWidth = nDotSize;
                    rRect1 = tools::Rectangle( Point(), Size( 1, 1 ) );
                    rRect2 = tools::Rectangle( Point( 1, 1 ), Size( 1, 1 ) );
                tools::Polygon aPoly( SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aAccentPos), aAccentPos,
                                      aAccentPolyFlags );
                double dScale = static_cast<double>(nDotSize)/1000.0;
                aPoly.Scale( dScale, dScale );
                tools::Polygon aTemp;
                aPoly.AdaptiveSubdivide( aTemp );
                tools::Rectangle aBoundRect = aTemp.GetBoundRect();
                rWidth = aBoundRect.GetWidth();
                nDotSize = aBoundRect.GetHeight();
                rPolyPoly.Insert( aTemp );
        default: break;

    // calculate position
    tools::Long nOffY = 1+(mnDPIY/300); // one visible pixel space
    tools::Long nSpaceY = nHeight-nDotSize;
    if ( nSpaceY >= nOffY*2 )
        rYOff += nOffY;
    if ( !(eEmphasis & FontEmphasisMark::PosBelow) )
        rYOff += nDotSize;

FontEmphasisMark OutputDevice::ImplGetEmphasisMarkStyle( const vcl::Font& rFont )
    FontEmphasisMark nEmphasisMark = rFont.GetEmphasisMark();

    // If no Position is set, then calculate the default position, which
    // depends on the language
    if ( !(nEmphasisMark & (FontEmphasisMark::PosAbove | FontEmphasisMark::PosBelow)) )
        LanguageType eLang = rFont.GetLanguage();
        // In Chinese Simplified the EmphasisMarks are below/left
        if (MsLangId::isSimplifiedChinese(eLang))
            nEmphasisMark |= FontEmphasisMark::PosBelow;
            eLang = rFont.GetCJKContextLanguage();
            // In Chinese Simplified the EmphasisMarks are below/left
            if (MsLangId::isSimplifiedChinese(eLang))
                nEmphasisMark |= FontEmphasisMark::PosBelow;
                nEmphasisMark |= FontEmphasisMark::PosAbove;

    return nEmphasisMark;

tools::Long OutputDevice::GetFontExtLeading() const
    return mpFontInstance->mxFontMetric->GetExternalLeading();

void OutputDevice::ImplClearFontData( const bool bNewFontLists )
    // the currently selected logical font is no longer needed

    mbInitFont = true;
    mbNewFont = true;

    if ( bNewFontLists )

        // release all physically selected fonts on this device
        if( AcquireGraphics() )

    ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData();

    if (mxFontCache && mxFontCache != pSVData->maGDIData.mxScreenFontCache)

    if (bNewFontLists && AcquireGraphics())
        if (mxFontCollection && mxFontCollection != pSVData->maGDIData.mxScreenFontList)

void OutputDevice::RefreshFontData( const bool bNewFontLists )
    ImplRefreshFontData( bNewFontLists );

void OutputDevice::ImplRefreshFontData( const bool bNewFontLists )
    if (bNewFontLists && AcquireGraphics())
            mpGraphics->GetDevFontList( mxFontCollection.get() );

void OutputDevice::ImplUpdateFontData()
    ImplClearFontData( true/*bNewFontLists*/ );
    ImplRefreshFontData( true/*bNewFontLists*/ );

void OutputDevice::ImplClearAllFontData(bool bNewFontLists)
    ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData();

    ImplUpdateFontDataForAllFrames( &OutputDevice::ImplClearFontData, bNewFontLists );

    // clear global font lists to have them updated
    if ( !bNewFontLists )

    vcl::Window * pFrame = pSVData->maFrameData.mpFirstFrame;
    if ( pFrame )
        if ( pFrame->AcquireGraphics() )
            OutputDevice *pDevice = pFrame;

void OutputDevice::ImplRefreshAllFontData(bool bNewFontLists)
    ImplUpdateFontDataForAllFrames( &OutputDevice::ImplRefreshFontData, bNewFontLists );

void OutputDevice::ImplUpdateAllFontData(bool bNewFontLists)

void OutputDevice::ImplUpdateFontDataForAllFrames( const FontUpdateHandler_t pHdl, const bool bNewFontLists )
    ImplSVData* const pSVData = ImplGetSVData();

    // update all windows
    vcl::Window* pFrame = pSVData->maFrameData.mpFirstFrame;
    while ( pFrame )
        ( pFrame->*pHdl )( bNewFontLists );

        vcl::Window* pSysWin = pFrame->mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpFirstOverlap;
        while ( pSysWin )
            ( pSysWin->*pHdl )( bNewFontLists );
            pSysWin = pSysWin->mpWindowImpl->mpNextOverlap;

        pFrame = pFrame->mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpNextFrame;

    // update all virtual devices
    VirtualDevice* pVirDev = pSVData->maGDIData.mpFirstVirDev;
    while ( pVirDev )
        ( pVirDev->*pHdl )( bNewFontLists );
        pVirDev = pVirDev->mpNext;

    // update all printers
    Printer* pPrinter = pSVData->maGDIData.mpFirstPrinter;
    while ( pPrinter )
        ( pPrinter->*pHdl )( bNewFontLists );
        pPrinter = pPrinter->mpNext;

void OutputDevice::BeginFontSubstitution()
    ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData();
    pSVData->maGDIData.mbFontSubChanged = false;

void OutputDevice::EndFontSubstitution()
    ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData();
    if ( pSVData->maGDIData.mbFontSubChanged )
        ImplUpdateAllFontData( false );

        DataChangedEvent aDCEvt( DataChangedEventType::FONTSUBSTITUTION );
        Application::NotifyAllWindows( aDCEvt );
        pSVData->maGDIData.mbFontSubChanged = false;

void OutputDevice::AddFontSubstitute( const OUString& rFontName,
                                      const OUString& rReplaceFontName,
                                      AddFontSubstituteFlags nFlags )
    ImplDirectFontSubstitution*& rpSubst = ImplGetSVData()->maGDIData.mpDirectFontSubst;
    if( !rpSubst )
        rpSubst = new ImplDirectFontSubstitution;
    rpSubst->AddFontSubstitute( rFontName, rReplaceFontName, nFlags );
    ImplGetSVData()->maGDIData.mbFontSubChanged = true;

void ImplDirectFontSubstitution::AddFontSubstitute( const OUString& rFontName,
    const OUString& rSubstFontName, AddFontSubstituteFlags nFlags )
    maFontSubstList.emplace_back( rFontName, rSubstFontName, nFlags );

ImplFontSubstEntry::ImplFontSubstEntry( const OUString& rFontName,
    const OUString& rSubstFontName, AddFontSubstituteFlags nSubstFlags )
:   mnFlags( nSubstFlags )
    maSearchName = GetEnglishSearchFontName( rFontName );
    maSearchReplaceName = GetEnglishSearchFontName( rSubstFontName );

void OutputDevice::RemoveFontsSubstitute()
    ImplDirectFontSubstitution* pSubst = ImplGetSVData()->maGDIData.mpDirectFontSubst;
    if( pSubst )

void ImplDirectFontSubstitution::RemoveFontsSubstitute()

bool ImplDirectFontSubstitution::FindFontSubstitute( OUString& rSubstName,
    std::u16string_view rSearchName ) const
    // TODO: get rid of O(N) searches
    std::vector<ImplFontSubstEntry>::const_iterator it = std::find_if (
                         maFontSubstList.begin(), maFontSubstList.end(),
                         [&] (const ImplFontSubstEntry& s) { return (s.mnFlags & AddFontSubstituteFlags::ALWAYS)
                                   && (s.maSearchName == rSearchName); } );
    if (it != maFontSubstList.end())
        rSubstName = it->maSearchReplaceName;
        return true;
    return false;

void ImplFontSubstitute( OUString& rFontName )
    // must be canonicalised
    assert( GetEnglishSearchFontName( rFontName ) == rFontName );

    OUString aSubstFontName;

    // apply user-configurable font replacement (eg, from the list in Tools->Options)
    const ImplDirectFontSubstitution* pSubst = ImplGetSVData()->maGDIData.mpDirectFontSubst;
    if( pSubst && pSubst->FindFontSubstitute( aSubstFontName, rFontName ) )
        rFontName = aSubstFontName;

//hidpi TODO: This routine has hard-coded font-sizes that break places such as DialControl
vcl::Font OutputDevice::GetDefaultFont( DefaultFontType nType, LanguageType eLang,
                                        GetDefaultFontFlags nFlags, const OutputDevice* pOutDev )
    if (!pOutDev && !utl::ConfigManager::IsFuzzing()) // default is NULL
        pOutDev = Application::GetDefaultDevice();

    OUString aSearch;
    if (!utl::ConfigManager::IsFuzzing())
        LanguageTag aLanguageTag(
                ( eLang == LANGUAGE_NONE || eLang == LANGUAGE_SYSTEM || eLang == LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW ) ?
                Application::GetSettings().GetUILanguageTag() :
                LanguageTag( eLang ));

        utl::DefaultFontConfiguration& rDefaults = utl::DefaultFontConfiguration::get();
        OUString aDefault = rDefaults.getDefaultFont( aLanguageTag, nType );

        if( !aDefault.isEmpty() )
            aSearch = aDefault;
            aSearch = rDefaults.getUserInterfaceFont( aLanguageTag ); // use the UI font as a fallback
        aSearch = "Liberation Serif";

    vcl::Font aFont;
    aFont.SetPitch( PITCH_VARIABLE );

    switch ( nType )
        case DefaultFontType::SANS_UNICODE:
        case DefaultFontType::UI_SANS:
            aFont.SetFamily( FAMILY_SWISS );

        case DefaultFontType::SANS:
        case DefaultFontType::LATIN_HEADING:
        case DefaultFontType::LATIN_SPREADSHEET:
        case DefaultFontType::LATIN_DISPLAY:
            aFont.SetFamily( FAMILY_SWISS );

        case DefaultFontType::SERIF:
        case DefaultFontType::LATIN_TEXT:
        case DefaultFontType::LATIN_PRESENTATION:
            aFont.SetFamily( FAMILY_ROMAN );

        case DefaultFontType::FIXED:
        case DefaultFontType::LATIN_FIXED:
        case DefaultFontType::UI_FIXED:
            aFont.SetPitch( PITCH_FIXED );
            aFont.SetFamily( FAMILY_MODERN );

        case DefaultFontType::SYMBOL:
            aFont.SetCharSet( RTL_TEXTENCODING_SYMBOL );

        case DefaultFontType::CJK_TEXT:
        case DefaultFontType::CJK_PRESENTATION:
        case DefaultFontType::CJK_SPREADSHEET:
        case DefaultFontType::CJK_HEADING:
        case DefaultFontType::CJK_DISPLAY:
            aFont.SetFamily( FAMILY_SYSTEM ); // don't care, but don't use font subst config later...

        case DefaultFontType::CTL_TEXT:
        case DefaultFontType::CTL_PRESENTATION:
        case DefaultFontType::CTL_SPREADSHEET:
        case DefaultFontType::CTL_HEADING:
        case DefaultFontType::CTL_DISPLAY:
            aFont.SetFamily( FAMILY_SYSTEM ); // don't care, but don't use font subst config later...

    if ( !aSearch.isEmpty() )
        aFont.SetFontHeight( 12 ); // corresponds to nDefaultHeight
        aFont.SetWeight( WEIGHT_NORMAL );
        aFont.SetLanguage( eLang );

        if ( aFont.GetCharSet() == RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW )
            aFont.SetCharSet( osl_getThreadTextEncoding() );

        // Should we only return available fonts on the given device
        if ( pOutDev )

            // Search Font in the FontList
            OUString      aName;
            sal_Int32     nIndex = 0;
                PhysicalFontFamily* pFontFamily = pOutDev->mxFontCollection->FindFontFamily( GetNextFontToken( aSearch, nIndex ) );
                if( pFontFamily )
                    AddTokenFontName( aName, pFontFamily->GetFamilyName() );
                    if( nFlags & GetDefaultFontFlags::OnlyOne )
            while ( nIndex != -1 );
            aFont.SetFamilyName( aName );

        // No Name, then set all names
        if ( aFont.GetFamilyName().isEmpty() )
            if ( nFlags & GetDefaultFontFlags::OnlyOne )
                if( !pOutDev )
                    SAL_WARN_IF(!utl::ConfigManager::IsFuzzing(), "vcl.gdi", "No default window has been set for the application - we really shouldn't be able to get here");
                    aFont.SetFamilyName( aSearch.getToken( 0, ';' ) );

                    aFont.SetFamilyName( aSearch );

                    // convert to pixel height
                    Size aSize = pOutDev->ImplLogicToDevicePixel( aFont.GetFontSize() );
                    if ( !aSize.Height() )
                        // use default pixel height only when logical height is zero
                        if ( aFont.GetFontHeight() )
                            aSize.setHeight( 1 );
                            aSize.setHeight( (12*pOutDev->mnDPIY)/72 );

                    // use default width only when logical width is zero
                    if( (0 == aSize.Width()) && (0 != aFont.GetFontSize().Width()) )
                        aSize.setWidth( 1 );

                    // get the name of the first available font
                    float fExactHeight = static_cast<float>(aSize.Height());
                    rtl::Reference<LogicalFontInstance> pFontInstance = pOutDev->mxFontCache->GetFontInstance( pOutDev->mxFontCollection.get(), aFont, aSize, fExactHeight );
                    if (pFontInstance)
                aFont.SetFamilyName( aSearch );

    const char* s = "SANS_UNKNOWN";
    switch ( nType )
    case DefaultFontType::SANS_UNICODE: s = "SANS_UNICODE"; break;
    case DefaultFontType::UI_SANS: s = "UI_SANS"; break;

    case DefaultFontType::SANS: s = "SANS"; break;
    case DefaultFontType::LATIN_HEADING: s = "LATIN_HEADING"; break;
    case DefaultFontType::LATIN_SPREADSHEET: s = "LATIN_SPREADSHEET"; break;
    case DefaultFontType::LATIN_DISPLAY: s = "LATIN_DISPLAY"; break;

    case DefaultFontType::SERIF: s = "SERIF"; break;
    case DefaultFontType::LATIN_TEXT: s = "LATIN_TEXT"; break;
    case DefaultFontType::LATIN_PRESENTATION: s = "LATIN_PRESENTATION"; break;

    case DefaultFontType::FIXED: s = "FIXED"; break;
    case DefaultFontType::LATIN_FIXED: s = "LATIN_FIXED"; break;
    case DefaultFontType::UI_FIXED: s = "UI_FIXED"; break;

    case DefaultFontType::SYMBOL: s = "SYMBOL"; break;

    case DefaultFontType::CJK_TEXT: s = "CJK_TEXT"; break;
    case DefaultFontType::CJK_PRESENTATION: s = "CJK_PRESENTATION"; break;
    case DefaultFontType::CJK_SPREADSHEET: s = "CJK_SPREADSHEET"; break;
    case DefaultFontType::CJK_HEADING: s = "CJK_HEADING"; break;
    case DefaultFontType::CJK_DISPLAY: s = "CJK_DISPLAY"; break;

    case DefaultFontType::CTL_TEXT: s = "CTL_TEXT"; break;
    case DefaultFontType::CTL_PRESENTATION: s = "CTL_PRESENTATION"; break;
    case DefaultFontType::CTL_SPREADSHEET: s = "CTL_SPREADSHEET"; break;
    case DefaultFontType::CTL_HEADING: s = "CTL_HEADING"; break;
    case DefaultFontType::CTL_DISPLAY: s = "CTL_DISPLAY"; break;
             "OutputDevice::GetDefaultFont() Type=" << s
             << " lang=" << eLang
             << " flags=" << static_cast<int>(nFlags)
             << " family=\"" << aFont.GetFamilyName() << "\"");

    return aFont;

void OutputDevice::ImplInitFontList() const
    if( mxFontCollection->Count() )

    if( !(mpGraphics || AcquireGraphics()) )

    SAL_INFO( "vcl.gdi", "OutputDevice::ImplInitFontList()" );

    // There is absolutely no way there should be no fonts available on the device
    if( !mxFontCollection->Count() )
        OUString aError( "Application error: no fonts and no vcl resource found on your system" );
        OUString aResStr(VclResId(SV_ACCESSERROR_NO_FONTS));
        if (!aResStr.isEmpty())
            aError = aResStr;

bool OutputDevice::InitFont() const

    if (!ImplNewFont())
        return false;
    if (!mpFontInstance)
        return false;
    if (!mpGraphics)
        if (!AcquireGraphics())
            return false;
    else if (!mbInitFont)
        return true;

    mpGraphics->SetFont(mpFontInstance.get(), 0);
    mbInitFont = false;
    return true;

const LogicalFontInstance* OutputDevice::GetFontInstance() const
    if (!InitFont())
        return nullptr;
    return mpFontInstance.get();

bool OutputDevice::ImplNewFont() const

    // get correct font list on the PDF writer if necessary
    if (GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_PDF)
        const ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData();
        if( mxFontCollection == pSVData->maGDIData.mxScreenFontList
        ||  mxFontCache == pSVData->maGDIData.mxScreenFontCache )

    if ( !mbNewFont )
        return true;

    // we need a graphics
    if ( !mpGraphics && !AcquireGraphics() )
        SAL_WARN("vcl.gdi", "OutputDevice::ImplNewFont(): no Graphics, no Font");
        return false;


    // convert to pixel height
    // TODO: replace integer based aSize completely with subpixel accurate type
    float fExactHeight = ImplFloatLogicHeightToDevicePixel( static_cast<float>(maFont.GetFontHeight()) );
    Size aSize = ImplLogicToDevicePixel( maFont.GetFontSize() );
    if ( !aSize.Height() )
        // use default pixel height only when logical height is zero
        if ( maFont.GetFontSize().Height() )
            aSize.setHeight( 1 );
            aSize.setHeight( (12*mnDPIY)/72 );
        fExactHeight =  static_cast<float>(aSize.Height());

    // select the default width only when logical width is zero
    if( (0 == aSize.Width()) && (0 != maFont.GetFontSize().Width()) )
        aSize.setWidth( 1 );

    // decide if antialiasing is appropriate
    bool bNonAntialiased(GetAntialiasing() & AntialiasingFlags::DisableText);
    if (!utl::ConfigManager::IsFuzzing())
        const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
        bNonAntialiased |= bool(rStyleSettings.GetDisplayOptions() & DisplayOptions::AADisable);
        bNonAntialiased |= (int(rStyleSettings.GetAntialiasingMinPixelHeight()) > maFont.GetFontSize().Height());

    // get font entry
    rtl::Reference<LogicalFontInstance> pOldFontInstance = mpFontInstance;
    mpFontInstance = mxFontCache->GetFontInstance(mxFontCollection.get(), maFont, aSize, fExactHeight, bNonAntialiased);
    const bool bNewFontInstance = pOldFontInstance.get() != mpFontInstance.get();

    LogicalFontInstance* pFontInstance = mpFontInstance.get();

    if (!pFontInstance)
        SAL_WARN("vcl.gdi", "OutputDevice::ImplNewFont(): no LogicalFontInstance, no Font");
        return false;

    // mark when lower layers need to get involved
    mbNewFont = false;
    if( bNewFontInstance )
        mbInitFont = true;

    // select font when it has not been initialized yet
    if (!pFontInstance->mbInit && InitFont())
        // get metric data from device layers
        pFontInstance->mbInit = true;

        pFontInstance->mxFontMetric->SetOrientation( mpFontInstance->GetFontSelectPattern().mnOrientation );
        mpGraphics->GetFontMetric( pFontInstance->mxFontMetric, 0 );

        pFontInstance->mxFontMetric->ImplInitTextLineSize( this );
        pFontInstance->mxFontMetric->ImplInitFlags( this );

        pFontInstance->mnLineHeight = pFontInstance->mxFontMetric->GetAscent() + pFontInstance->mxFontMetric->GetDescent();

        SetFontOrientation( pFontInstance );

    // calculate EmphasisArea
    mnEmphasisAscent = 0;
    mnEmphasisDescent = 0;
    if ( maFont.GetEmphasisMark() & FontEmphasisMark::Style )
        FontEmphasisMark    nEmphasisMark = ImplGetEmphasisMarkStyle( maFont );
        tools::Long                nEmphasisHeight = (pFontInstance->mnLineHeight*250)/1000;
        if ( nEmphasisHeight < 1 )
            nEmphasisHeight = 1;
        if ( nEmphasisMark & FontEmphasisMark::PosBelow )
            mnEmphasisDescent = nEmphasisHeight;
            mnEmphasisAscent = nEmphasisHeight;

    // calculate text offset depending on TextAlignment
    TextAlign eAlign = maFont.GetAlignment();
    if ( eAlign == ALIGN_BASELINE )
        mnTextOffX = 0;
        mnTextOffY = 0;
    else if ( eAlign == ALIGN_TOP )
        mnTextOffX = 0;
        mnTextOffY = +pFontInstance->mxFontMetric->GetAscent() + mnEmphasisAscent;
        if ( pFontInstance->mnOrientation )
            Point aOriginPt(0, 0);
            aOriginPt.RotateAround( mnTextOffX, mnTextOffY, pFontInstance->mnOrientation );
    else // eAlign == ALIGN_BOTTOM
        mnTextOffX = 0;
        mnTextOffY = -pFontInstance->mxFontMetric->GetDescent() + mnEmphasisDescent;
        if ( pFontInstance->mnOrientation )
            Point aOriginPt(0, 0);
            aOriginPt.RotateAround( mnTextOffX, mnTextOffY, pFontInstance->mnOrientation );

    mbTextLines     = ((maFont.GetUnderline() != LINESTYLE_NONE) && (maFont.GetUnderline() != LINESTYLE_DONTKNOW)) ||
                      ((maFont.GetOverline()  != LINESTYLE_NONE) && (maFont.GetOverline()  != LINESTYLE_DONTKNOW)) ||
                      ((maFont.GetStrikeout() != STRIKEOUT_NONE) && (maFont.GetStrikeout() != STRIKEOUT_DONTKNOW));
    mbTextSpecial   = maFont.IsShadow() || maFont.IsOutline() ||
                      (maFont.GetRelief() != FontRelief::NONE);

    bool bRet = true;

    // #95414# fix for OLE objects which use scale factors very creatively
    if( mbMap && !aSize.Width() )
        int nOrigWidth = pFontInstance->mxFontMetric->GetWidth();
        float fStretch = static_cast<float>(maMapRes.mnMapScNumX) * maMapRes.mnMapScDenomY;
        fStretch /= static_cast<float>(maMapRes.mnMapScNumY) * maMapRes.mnMapScDenomX;
        int nNewWidth = static_cast<int>(nOrigWidth * fStretch + 0.5);
        if( (nNewWidth != nOrigWidth) && (nNewWidth != 0) )
            Size aOrigSize = maFont.GetFontSize();
            const_cast<vcl::Font&>(maFont).SetFontSize( Size( nNewWidth, aSize.Height() ) );
            mbMap = false;
            mbNewFont = true;
            bRet = ImplNewFont();  // recurse once using stretched width
            mbMap = true;
            const_cast<vcl::Font&>(maFont).SetFontSize( aOrigSize );

    return bRet;

void OutputDevice::SetFontOrientation( LogicalFontInstance* const pFontInstance ) const
    if( pFontInstance->GetFontSelectPattern().mnOrientation && !pFontInstance->mxFontMetric->GetOrientation() )
        pFontInstance->mnOwnOrientation = pFontInstance->GetFontSelectPattern().mnOrientation;
        pFontInstance->mnOrientation = pFontInstance->mnOwnOrientation;
        pFontInstance->mnOrientation = pFontInstance->mxFontMetric->GetOrientation();

void OutputDevice::ImplDrawEmphasisMark( tools::Long nBaseX, tools::Long nX, tools::Long nY,
                                         const tools::PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, bool bPolyLine,
                                         const tools::Rectangle& rRect1, const tools::Rectangle& rRect2 )
    if( IsRTLEnabled() )
        nX = nBaseX - (nX - nBaseX - 1);

    nX -= mnOutOffX;
    nY -= mnOutOffY;

    if ( rPolyPoly.Count() )
        if ( bPolyLine )
            tools::Polygon aPoly = rPolyPoly.GetObject( 0 );
            aPoly.Move( nX, nY );
            DrawPolyLine( aPoly );
            tools::PolyPolygon aPolyPoly = rPolyPoly;
            aPolyPoly.Move( nX, nY );
            DrawPolyPolygon( aPolyPoly );

    if ( !rRect1.IsEmpty() )
        tools::Rectangle aRect( Point( nX+rRect1.Left(),
                                nY+rRect1.Top() ), rRect1.GetSize() );
        DrawRect( aRect );

    if ( !rRect2.IsEmpty() )
        tools::Rectangle aRect( Point( nX+rRect2.Left(),
                                nY+rRect2.Top() ), rRect2.GetSize() );

        DrawRect( aRect );

void OutputDevice::ImplDrawEmphasisMarks( SalLayout& rSalLayout )
    Color               aOldLineColor   = GetLineColor();
    Color               aOldFillColor   = GetFillColor();
    bool                bOldMap         = mbMap;
    GDIMetaFile*        pOldMetaFile    = mpMetaFile;
    mpMetaFile = nullptr;
    EnableMapMode( false );

    FontEmphasisMark    nEmphasisMark = ImplGetEmphasisMarkStyle( maFont );
    tools::PolyPolygon  aPolyPoly;
    tools::Rectangle           aRect1;
    tools::Rectangle           aRect2;
    tools::Long                nEmphasisYOff;
    tools::Long                nEmphasisWidth;
    tools::Long                nEmphasisHeight;
    bool                bPolyLine;

    if ( nEmphasisMark & FontEmphasisMark::PosBelow )
        nEmphasisHeight = mnEmphasisDescent;
        nEmphasisHeight = mnEmphasisAscent;

    ImplGetEmphasisMark( aPolyPoly, bPolyLine,
                         aRect1, aRect2,
                         nEmphasisYOff, nEmphasisWidth,
                         nEmphasisHeight );

    if ( bPolyLine )
        SetLineColor( GetTextColor() );
        SetFillColor( GetTextColor() );

    Point aOffset(0,0);

    if ( nEmphasisMark & FontEmphasisMark::PosBelow )
        aOffset.AdjustY(mpFontInstance->mxFontMetric->GetDescent() + nEmphasisYOff );
        aOffset.AdjustY( -(mpFontInstance->mxFontMetric->GetAscent() + nEmphasisYOff) );

    tools::Long nEmphasisWidth2  = nEmphasisWidth / 2;
    tools::Long nEmphasisHeight2 = nEmphasisHeight / 2;
    aOffset += Point( nEmphasisWidth2, nEmphasisHeight2 );

    Point aOutPoint;
    tools::Rectangle aRectangle;
    const GlyphItem* pGlyph;
    int nStart = 0;
    while (rSalLayout.GetNextGlyph(&pGlyph, aOutPoint, nStart))
        if (!pGlyph->GetGlyphBoundRect(aRectangle))

        if (!pGlyph->IsSpacing())
            Point aAdjPoint = aOffset;
            aAdjPoint.AdjustX(aRectangle.Left() + (aRectangle.GetWidth() - nEmphasisWidth) / 2 );
            if ( mpFontInstance->mnOrientation )
                Point aOriginPt(0, 0);
                aOriginPt.RotateAround( aAdjPoint, mpFontInstance->mnOrientation );
            aOutPoint += aAdjPoint;
            aOutPoint -= Point( nEmphasisWidth2, nEmphasisHeight2 );
            ImplDrawEmphasisMark( rSalLayout.DrawBase().X(),
                                  aOutPoint.X(), aOutPoint.Y(),
                                  aPolyPoly, bPolyLine, aRect1, aRect2 );

    SetLineColor( aOldLineColor );
    SetFillColor( aOldFillColor );
    EnableMapMode( bOldMap );
    mpMetaFile = pOldMetaFile;

std::unique_ptr<SalLayout> OutputDevice::getFallbackLayout(
    LogicalFontInstance* pLogicalFont, int nFallbackLevel,
    ImplLayoutArgs& rLayoutArgs) const
    // we need a graphics
    if (!mpGraphics && !AcquireGraphics())
        return nullptr;

    assert(mpGraphics != nullptr);
    mpGraphics->SetFont( pLogicalFont, nFallbackLevel );

    std::unique_ptr<GenericSalLayout> pFallback = mpGraphics->GetTextLayout(nFallbackLevel);

    if (!pFallback)
        return nullptr;

    if (!pFallback->LayoutText(rLayoutArgs, nullptr))
        // there is no need for a font that couldn't resolve anything
        return nullptr;

    return pFallback;

std::unique_ptr<SalLayout> OutputDevice::ImplGlyphFallbackLayout( std::unique_ptr<SalLayout> pSalLayout, ImplLayoutArgs& rLayoutArgs ) const
    // This function relies on a valid mpFontInstance, if it doesn't exist bail out
    // - we'd have crashed later on anyway. At least here we can catch the error in debug
    // mode.
    if ( !mpFontInstance )
        SAL_WARN ("vcl.gdi", "No font entry set in OutputDevice");
        return nullptr;

    // prepare multi level glyph fallback
    std::unique_ptr<MultiSalLayout> pMultiSalLayout;
    ImplLayoutRuns aLayoutRuns = rLayoutArgs.maRuns;
    rLayoutArgs.mnFlags |= SalLayoutFlags::ForFallback;

    // get list of code units that need glyph fallback
    int nCharPos = -1;
    bool bRTL = false;
    OUStringBuffer aMissingCodeBuf(512);
    while (rLayoutArgs.GetNextPos( &nCharPos, &bRTL))
    OUString aMissingCodes = aMissingCodeBuf.makeStringAndClear();

    FontSelectPattern aFontSelData(mpFontInstance->GetFontSelectPattern());

    // try if fallback fonts support the missing code units
    for( int nFallbackLevel = 1; nFallbackLevel < MAX_FALLBACK; ++nFallbackLevel )
        // find a font family suited for glyph fallback
        // GetGlyphFallbackFont() needs a valid FontInstance
        // if the system-specific glyph fallback is active
        rtl::Reference<LogicalFontInstance> pFallbackFont = mxFontCache->GetGlyphFallbackFont( mxFontCollection.get(),
            aFontSelData, mpFontInstance.get(), nFallbackLevel, aMissingCodes );
        if( !pFallbackFont )

        if( nFallbackLevel < MAX_FALLBACK-1)
            // ignore fallback font if it is the same as the original font
            // unless we are looking for a substitution for 0x202F, in which
            // case we'll just use a normal space
            if( mpFontInstance->GetFontFace() == pFallbackFont->GetFontFace() &&
                aMissingCodes.indexOf(0x202F) == -1 )

        // create and add glyph fallback layout to multilayout
        std::unique_ptr<SalLayout> pFallback = getFallbackLayout(pFallbackFont.get(),
            nFallbackLevel, rLayoutArgs);
        if (pFallback)
            if( !pMultiSalLayout )
                pMultiSalLayout.reset( new MultiSalLayout( std::move(pSalLayout) ) );
            pMultiSalLayout->AddFallback(std::move(pFallback), rLayoutArgs.maRuns);
            if (nFallbackLevel == MAX_FALLBACK-1)

        // break when this fallback was sufficient
        if( !rLayoutArgs.PrepareFallback() )

    if (pMultiSalLayout) // due to missing glyphs, multilevel layout fallback attempted
        // if it works, use that Layout
        if (pMultiSalLayout->LayoutText(rLayoutArgs, nullptr))
            pSalLayout = std::move(pMultiSalLayout);
            // if it doesn't, give up and restore ownership of the pSalLayout
            // back to its original state
            pSalLayout = pMultiSalLayout->ReleaseBaseLayout();

    // restore orig font settings
    rLayoutArgs.maRuns = aLayoutRuns;

    return pSalLayout;

tools::Long OutputDevice::GetMinKashida() const
    if (!ImplNewFont())
        return 0;

    return ImplDevicePixelToLogicWidth( mpFontInstance->mxFontMetric->GetMinKashida() );

sal_Int32 OutputDevice::ValidateKashidas ( const OUString& rTxt,
                                            sal_Int32 nIdx, sal_Int32 nLen,
                                            sal_Int32 nKashCount,
                                            const sal_Int32* pKashidaPos,
                                            sal_Int32* pKashidaPosDropped ) const
   // do layout
    std::unique_ptr<SalLayout> pSalLayout = ImplLayout( rTxt, nIdx, nLen );
    if( !pSalLayout )
        return 0;
    sal_Int32 nDropped = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i < nKashCount; ++i )
        if( !pSalLayout->IsKashidaPosValid( pKashidaPos[ i ] ))
            pKashidaPosDropped[ nDropped ] = pKashidaPos [ i ];
    return nDropped;

bool OutputDevice::GetGlyphBoundRects( const Point& rOrigin, const OUString& rStr,
                                           int nIndex, int nLen, MetricVector& rVector )

    if( nIndex >= rStr.getLength() )
        return false;

    if( nLen < 0 || nIndex + nLen >= rStr.getLength() )
        nLen = rStr.getLength() - nIndex;

    tools::Rectangle aRect;
    for( int i = 0; i < nLen; i++ )
        if( !GetTextBoundRect( aRect, rStr, nIndex, nIndex + i, 1 ) )
        aRect.Move( rOrigin.X(), rOrigin.Y() );
        rVector.push_back( aRect );

    return (nLen == static_cast<int>(rVector.size()));

sal_Int32 OutputDevice::HasGlyphs( const vcl::Font& rTempFont, const OUString& rStr,
    sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int32 nLen ) const
    if( nIndex >= rStr.getLength() )
        return nIndex;
    sal_Int32 nEnd;
    if( nLen == -1 )
        nEnd = rStr.getLength();
        nEnd = std::min( rStr.getLength(), nIndex + nLen );

    SAL_WARN_IF( nIndex >= nEnd, "vcl.gdi", "StartPos >= EndPos?" );
    SAL_WARN_IF( nEnd > rStr.getLength(), "vcl.gdi", "String too short" );

    // to get the map temporarily set font
    const vcl::Font aOrigFont = GetFont();
    const_cast<OutputDevice&>(*this).SetFont( rTempFont );
    FontCharMapRef xFontCharMap;
    bool bRet = GetFontCharMap( xFontCharMap );
    const_cast<OutputDevice&>(*this).SetFont( aOrigFont );

    // if fontmap is unknown assume it doesn't have the glyphs
    if( !bRet )
        return nIndex;

    for( sal_Int32 i = nIndex; nIndex < nEnd; ++i, ++nIndex )
        if( ! xFontCharMap->HasChar( rStr[i] ) )
            return nIndex;

    return -1;

void OutputDevice::ReleaseFontCache() { mxFontCache.reset(); }

void OutputDevice::ReleaseFontCollection() { mxFontCollection.reset(); }

void OutputDevice::SetFontCollectionFromSVData()
    mxFontCollection = ImplGetSVData()->maGDIData.mxScreenFontList->Clone();

void OutputDevice::ResetNewFontCache()
    mxFontCache = std::make_shared<ImplFontCache>();

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