#include <svids.hrc> String STR_FPICKER_AUTO_EXTENSION { Text [ en-US ] = "~Automatic file name extension" ; }; String STR_FPICKER_PASSWORD { Text [ en-US ] = "Save with pass~word" ; }; String STR_FPICKER_FILTER_OPTIONS { Text [ en-US ] = "~Edit filter settings"; }; String STR_FPICKER_READONLY { Text [ en-US ] = "~Read-only" ; }; String STR_FPICKER_INSERT_AS_LINK { Text [ en-US ] = "~Link" ; }; String STR_FPICKER_SHOW_PREVIEW { Text [ en-US ] = "Pr~eview" ; }; String STR_FPICKER_PLAY { Text [ en-US ] = "~Play" ; }; String STR_FPICKER_VERSION { Text [ en-US ] = "~Version:"; }; String STR_FPICKER_TEMPLATES { Text [ en-US ] = "S~tyles:" ; }; String STR_FPICKER_IMAGE_TEMPLATE { Text [ en-US ] = "Style:"; }; String STR_FPICKER_SELECTION { Text [ en-US ] = "~Selection" ; }; String STR_FPICKER_FOLDER_DEFAULT_TITLE { Text [ en-US ] = "Select Path" ; }; String STR_FPICKER_FOLDER_DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION { Text [ en-US ] = "Please select a folder."; }; String STR_FPICKER_ALREADYEXISTOVERWRITE { Text [ en-US ] = "A file named \"$filename$\" already exists.\n\nDo you want to replace it?" ; }; String STR_FPICKER_ALLFORMATS { Text [ en-US ] = "All Formats" ; }; String STR_FPICKER_OPEN { Text [ en-US ] = "Open" ; }; String STR_FPICKER_SAVE { Text [ en-US ] = "Save" ; }; String STR_FPICKER_TYPE { Text [ en-US ] = "File ~type" ; };