/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
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 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <vcl/window.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <accel.h>
#include <vcl/accel.hxx>
#include <map>
#include <vector>

typedef ::std::map< sal_uLong, ImplAccelEntry* > ImplAccelMap;
typedef ::std::vector< std::unique_ptr<ImplAccelEntry> > ImplAccelList;

#define ACCELENTRY_NOTFOUND     (sal_uInt16(0xFFFF))

class ImplAccelData
    ImplAccelMap  maKeyMap; // for keycodes, generated with a code
    ImplAccelList maIdList; // Id-List

static sal_uInt16 ImplAccelEntryGetIndex( ImplAccelList* pList, sal_uInt16 nId,
                               sal_uInt16* pIndex = nullptr )
    size_t  nLow;
    size_t  nHigh;
    size_t  nMid;
    size_t  nCount = pList->size();
    sal_uInt16  nCompareId;

    // check if first key is larger then the key to compare
    if ( !nCount || (nId < (*pList)[ 0 ]->mnId) )
        if ( pIndex )
            *pIndex = 0;

    // Binary search
    nLow  = 0;
    nHigh = nCount-1;
        nMid = (nLow + nHigh) / 2;
        nCompareId = (*pList)[ nMid ]->mnId;
        if ( nId < nCompareId )
            nHigh = nMid-1;
            if ( nId > nCompareId )
                nLow = nMid + 1;
                return static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nMid);
    while ( nLow <= nHigh );

    if ( pIndex )
        if ( nId > nCompareId )
            *pIndex = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nMid+1);
            *pIndex = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nMid);


static void ImplAccelEntryInsert( ImplAccelList* pList, std::unique_ptr<ImplAccelEntry> pEntry )
    sal_uInt16  nInsIndex(0);
    std::vector<ImplAccelEntry *>::size_type nIndex = ImplAccelEntryGetIndex( pList, pEntry->mnId, &nInsIndex );

    if ( nIndex != ACCELENTRY_NOTFOUND )
            ImplAccelEntry* pTempEntry = nullptr;
            if ( nIndex < pList->size() )
                pTempEntry = (*pList)[ nIndex ].get();
            if ( !pTempEntry || (pTempEntry->mnId != pEntry->mnId) )
        while ( nIndex < pList->size() );

        if ( nIndex < pList->size() ) {
            pList->insert( pList->begin() + nIndex, std::move(pEntry) );
        } else {
            pList->push_back( std::move(pEntry) );
    else {
        if ( nInsIndex < pList->size() ) {
            pList->insert( pList->begin() + nInsIndex, std::move(pEntry) );
        } else {
            pList->push_back( std::move(pEntry) );

void Accelerator::ImplInit()
    mnCurId             = 0;
    mpDel               = nullptr;

ImplAccelEntry* Accelerator::ImplGetAccelData( const vcl::KeyCode& rKeyCode ) const
    ImplAccelMap::iterator it = mpData->maKeyMap.find( rKeyCode.GetFullCode() );
    if( it != mpData->maKeyMap.end() )
        return it->second;
        return nullptr;

void Accelerator::ImplCopyData( ImplAccelData& rAccelData )
    // copy table
    for (std::unique_ptr<ImplAccelEntry>& i : rAccelData.maIdList)
        std::unique_ptr<ImplAccelEntry> pEntry(new ImplAccelEntry( *i ));

        // sequence accelerator, then copy also
        if ( pEntry->mpAccel )
            pEntry->mpAccel = new Accelerator( *(pEntry->mpAccel) );
            pEntry->mpAutoAccel = pEntry->mpAccel;
            pEntry->mpAutoAccel = nullptr;

        mpData->maKeyMap.insert( std::make_pair( pEntry->maKeyCode.GetFullCode(), pEntry.get() ) );
        mpData->maIdList.push_back( std::move(pEntry) );

void Accelerator::ImplDeleteData()
    // delete accelerator-entries using the id-table
    for (std::unique_ptr<ImplAccelEntry>& pEntry : mpData->maIdList) {
        delete pEntry->mpAutoAccel;

void Accelerator::ImplInsertAccel( sal_uInt16 nItemId, const vcl::KeyCode& rKeyCode,
                                   bool bEnable, Accelerator* pAutoAccel )
    SAL_WARN_IF( !nItemId, "vcl", "Accelerator::InsertItem(): ItemId == 0" );

    if ( rKeyCode.IsFunction() )
        sal_uInt16 nCode1;
        sal_uInt16 nCode2;
        sal_uInt16 nCode3;
        sal_uInt16 nCode4;
        ImplGetKeyCode( rKeyCode.GetFunction(), nCode1, nCode2, nCode3, nCode4 );
        if ( nCode1 )
            ImplInsertAccel( nItemId, vcl::KeyCode( nCode1, nCode1 ), bEnable, pAutoAccel );
        if ( nCode2 )
            if ( pAutoAccel )
                pAutoAccel = new Accelerator( *pAutoAccel );
            ImplInsertAccel( nItemId, vcl::KeyCode( nCode2, nCode2 ), bEnable, pAutoAccel );
            if ( nCode3 )
                if ( pAutoAccel )
                    pAutoAccel = new Accelerator( *pAutoAccel );
                ImplInsertAccel( nItemId, vcl::KeyCode( nCode3, nCode3 ), bEnable, pAutoAccel );

    // fetch and fill new entries
    std::unique_ptr<ImplAccelEntry> pEntry(new ImplAccelEntry);
    pEntry->mnId            = nItemId;
    pEntry->maKeyCode       = rKeyCode;
    pEntry->mpAccel         = pAutoAccel;
    pEntry->mpAutoAccel     = pAutoAccel;
    pEntry->mbEnabled       = bEnable;

    // now into the tables
    sal_uLong nCode = rKeyCode.GetFullCode();
    if ( !nCode )
        OSL_FAIL( "Accelerator::InsertItem(): KeyCode with KeyCode 0 not allowed" );
    else if ( !mpData->maKeyMap.insert( std::make_pair( nCode, pEntry.get() ) ).second )
        SAL_WARN( "vcl", "Accelerator::InsertItem(): KeyCode (Key: " << nCode << ") already exists" );
        ImplAccelEntryInsert( &(mpData->maIdList), std::move(pEntry) );

    mpData.reset(new ImplAccelData);

Accelerator::Accelerator(const Accelerator& rAccel)
    : maCurKeyCode( rAccel.maCurKeyCode )
    mpData.reset(new ImplAccelData);


    // inform AccelManager about deleting the Accelerator
    if ( mpDel )
        *mpDel = true;


void Accelerator::Activate()
    maActivateHdl.Call( *this );

void Accelerator::Select()
    maSelectHdl.Call( *this );

void Accelerator::InsertItem( sal_uInt16 nItemId, const vcl::KeyCode& rKeyCode )
    ImplInsertAccel( nItemId, rKeyCode, true, nullptr );

sal_uInt16 Accelerator::GetItemCount() const

    return static_cast<sal_uInt16>(mpData->maIdList.size());

sal_uInt16 Accelerator::GetItemId( sal_uInt16 nPos ) const

    ImplAccelEntry* pEntry = ( nPos < mpData->maIdList.size() ) ? mpData->maIdList[ nPos ].get() : nullptr;
    if ( pEntry )
        return pEntry->mnId;
        return 0;

Accelerator* Accelerator::GetAccel( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const

    sal_uInt16 nIndex = ImplAccelEntryGetIndex( &(mpData->maIdList), nItemId );
    if ( nIndex != ACCELENTRY_NOTFOUND )
        return mpData->maIdList[ nIndex ]->mpAccel;
        return nullptr;

Accelerator& Accelerator::operator=( const Accelerator& rAccel )

    // assign new data
    maCurKeyCode    = vcl::KeyCode();
    mnCurId         = 0;

    // delete and copy tables

    return *this;

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