/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: btndlg.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.4 $ * * last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2004-01-06 14:03:57 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #include #ifndef _TOOLS_DEBUG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SVDATA_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_BUTTON_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_BTNDLG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_RC_H #include #endif // ======================================================================= struct ImplBtnDlgItem { USHORT mnId; BOOL mbOwnButton; BOOL mbDummyAlign; long mnSepSize; PushButton* mpPushButton; }; DECLARE_LIST( ImplBtnDlgItemList, ImplBtnDlgItem* ); // ======================================================================= void ButtonDialog::ImplInitData() { mpItemList = new ImplBtnDlgItemList( 8, 8 ); mnButtonSize = 0; mnCurButtonId = 0; mnFocusButtonId = BUTTONDIALOG_BUTTON_NOTFOUND; mbFormat = TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ButtonDialog::ButtonDialog( WindowType nType ) : Dialog( nType ) { ImplInitData(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ButtonDialog::ButtonDialog( Window* pParent, WinBits nStyle ) : Dialog( WINDOW_BUTTONDIALOG ) { ImplInitData(); ImplInit( pParent, nStyle ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ButtonDialog::ButtonDialog( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId ) : Dialog( WINDOW_BUTTONDIALOG ) { ImplInitData(); rResId.SetRT( RSC_DIALOG ); // !!!!!!!!!! RSC_BUTTONDIALOG !!!!!!!! ImplInit( pParent, ImplInitRes( rResId ) ); ImplLoadRes( rResId ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ButtonDialog::~ButtonDialog() { ImplBtnDlgItem* pItem = mpItemList->First(); while ( pItem ) { if ( pItem->mpPushButton && pItem->mbOwnButton ) delete pItem->mpPushButton; delete pItem; pItem = mpItemList->Next(); } delete mpItemList; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PushButton* ButtonDialog::ImplCreatePushButton( USHORT nBtnFlags ) { PushButton* pBtn; WinBits nStyle = 0; if ( nBtnFlags & BUTTONDIALOG_DEFBUTTON ) nStyle |= WB_DEFBUTTON; if ( nBtnFlags & BUTTONDIALOG_CANCELBUTTON ) pBtn = new CancelButton( this, nStyle ); else if ( nBtnFlags & BUTTONDIALOG_OKBUTTON ) pBtn = new OKButton( this, nStyle ); else if ( nBtnFlags & BUTTONDIALOG_HELPBUTTON ) pBtn = new HelpButton( this, nStyle ); else pBtn = new PushButton( this, nStyle ); if ( !(nBtnFlags & BUTTONDIALOG_HELPBUTTON) ) pBtn->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, ButtonDialog, ImplClickHdl ) ); return pBtn; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ImplBtnDlgItem* ButtonDialog::ImplGetItem( USHORT nId ) const { ImplBtnDlgItem* pItem = mpItemList->First(); while ( pItem ) { if ( pItem->mnId == nId ) return pItem; pItem = mpItemList->Next(); } return NULL; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- long ButtonDialog::ImplGetButtonSize() { if ( !mbFormat ) return mnButtonSize; // Calculate ButtonSize long nLastSepSize = 0; long nSepSize = 0; long nButtonCount = 0; maCtrlSize = Size( IMPL_MINSIZE_BUTTON_WIDTH, IMPL_MINSIZE_BUTTON_HEIGHT ); ImplBtnDlgItem* pItem = mpItemList->First(); while ( pItem ) { nSepSize += nLastSepSize; long nTxtWidth = pItem->mpPushButton->GetCtrlTextWidth( pItem->mpPushButton->GetText() ); nTxtWidth += IMPL_EXTRA_BUTTON_WIDTH; if ( nTxtWidth > maCtrlSize.Width() ) maCtrlSize.Width() = nTxtWidth; long nTxtHeight = pItem->mpPushButton->GetTextHeight(); nTxtHeight += IMPL_EXTRA_BUTTON_HEIGHT; if ( nTxtHeight > maCtrlSize.Height() ) maCtrlSize.Height() = nTxtHeight; nSepSize += pItem->mnSepSize; if ( GetStyle() & WB_HORZ ) nLastSepSize = IMPL_SEP_BUTTON_X; else nLastSepSize = IMPL_SEP_BUTTON_Y; nButtonCount++; pItem = mpItemList->Next(); } if ( GetStyle() & WB_HORZ ) mnButtonSize = nSepSize + (nButtonCount*maCtrlSize.Width()); else mnButtonSize = nSepSize + (nButtonCount*maCtrlSize.Height()); return mnButtonSize; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ButtonDialog::ImplPosControls() { if ( !mbFormat ) return; // Create PushButtons and determine Sizes ImplGetButtonSize(); // determine dialog size ImplBtnDlgItem* pItem; Size aDlgSize = maPageSize; long nX; long nY; if ( GetStyle() & WB_HORZ ) { if ( mnButtonSize+(IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET*2) > aDlgSize.Width() ) aDlgSize.Width() = mnButtonSize+(IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET*2); if ( GetStyle() & WB_LEFT ) nX = IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET; else if ( GetStyle() & WB_RIGHT ) nX = aDlgSize.Width()-mnButtonSize-IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET; else nX = (aDlgSize.Width()-mnButtonSize)/2; aDlgSize.Height() += IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET+maCtrlSize.Height(); nY = aDlgSize.Height()-maCtrlSize.Height()-IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET; } else { if ( mnButtonSize+(IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET*2) > aDlgSize.Height() ) aDlgSize.Height() = mnButtonSize+(IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET*2); if ( GetStyle() & WB_BOTTOM ) nY = aDlgSize.Height()-mnButtonSize-IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET; else if ( GetStyle() & WB_VCENTER ) nY = (aDlgSize.Height()-mnButtonSize)/2; else nY = IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET; aDlgSize.Width() += IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET+maCtrlSize.Width(); nX = aDlgSize.Width()-maCtrlSize.Width()-IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET; } // Arrange PushButtons pItem = mpItemList->First(); while ( pItem ) { if ( GetStyle() & WB_HORZ ) nX += pItem->mnSepSize; else nY += pItem->mnSepSize; pItem->mpPushButton->SetPosSizePixel( Point( nX, nY ), maCtrlSize ); pItem->mpPushButton->Show(); if ( GetStyle() & WB_HORZ ) nX += maCtrlSize.Width()+IMPL_SEP_BUTTON_X; else nY += maCtrlSize.Height()+IMPL_SEP_BUTTON_Y; pItem = mpItemList->Next(); } SetOutputSizePixel( aDlgSize ); mbFormat = FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( ButtonDialog, ImplClickHdl, PushButton*, pBtn ) { ImplBtnDlgItem* pItem = mpItemList->First(); while ( pItem ) { if ( pItem->mpPushButton == pBtn ) { mnCurButtonId = pItem->mnId; Click(); break; } pItem = mpItemList->Next(); } return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ButtonDialog::Resize() { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ButtonDialog::StateChanged( StateChangedType nType ) { if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_INITSHOW ) { ImplPosControls(); // Focus evt. auf den entsprechenden Button setzen if ( mnFocusButtonId != BUTTONDIALOG_BUTTON_NOTFOUND ) { ImplBtnDlgItem* pItem = mpItemList->First(); while ( pItem ) { if ( pItem->mnId == mnFocusButtonId ) { if ( pItem->mpPushButton->IsVisible() ) pItem->mpPushButton->GrabFocus(); break; } pItem = mpItemList->Next(); } } } Dialog::StateChanged( nType ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ButtonDialog::Click() { if ( !maClickHdl ) { if ( IsInExecute() ) EndDialog( GetCurButtonId() ); } else maClickHdl.Call( this ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ButtonDialog::AddButton( const XubString& rText, USHORT nId, USHORT nBtnFlags, long nSepPixel ) { // PageItem anlegen ImplBtnDlgItem* pItem = new ImplBtnDlgItem; pItem->mnId = nId; pItem->mbOwnButton = TRUE; pItem->mnSepSize = nSepPixel; pItem->mpPushButton = ImplCreatePushButton( nBtnFlags ); if ( rText.Len() ) pItem->mpPushButton->SetText( rText ); // In die Liste eintragen mpItemList->Insert( pItem, LIST_APPEND ); if ( nBtnFlags & BUTTONDIALOG_FOCUSBUTTON ) mnFocusButtonId = nId; mbFormat = TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ButtonDialog::AddButton( StandardButtonType eType, USHORT nId, USHORT nBtnFlags, long nSepPixel ) { // PageItem anlegen ImplBtnDlgItem* pItem = new ImplBtnDlgItem; pItem->mnId = nId; pItem->mbOwnButton = TRUE; pItem->mnSepSize = nSepPixel; if ( eType == BUTTON_OK ) nBtnFlags |= BUTTONDIALOG_OKBUTTON; else if ( eType == BUTTON_HELP ) nBtnFlags |= BUTTONDIALOG_HELPBUTTON; else if ( (eType == BUTTON_CANCEL) || (eType == BUTTON_CLOSE) ) nBtnFlags |= BUTTONDIALOG_CANCELBUTTON; pItem->mpPushButton = ImplCreatePushButton( nBtnFlags ); // Standard-Buttons have the right text already if ( !((eType == BUTTON_OK) && (pItem->mpPushButton->GetType() == WINDOW_OKBUTTON)) || !((eType == BUTTON_CANCEL) && (pItem->mpPushButton->GetType() == WINDOW_CANCELBUTTON)) || !((eType == BUTTON_HELP) && (pItem->mpPushButton->GetType() == WINDOW_HELPBUTTON)) ) { pItem->mpPushButton->SetText( Button::GetStandardText( eType ) ); pItem->mpPushButton->SetHelpText( Button::GetStandardHelpText( eType ) ); } if ( nBtnFlags & BUTTONDIALOG_FOCUSBUTTON ) mnFocusButtonId = nId; // In die Liste eintragen mpItemList->Insert( pItem, LIST_APPEND ); mbFormat = TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ButtonDialog::AddButton( PushButton* pBtn, USHORT nId, USHORT nBtnFlags, long nSepPixel ) { // PageItem anlegen ImplBtnDlgItem* pItem = new ImplBtnDlgItem; pItem->mnId = nId; pItem->mbOwnButton = FALSE; pItem->mnSepSize = nSepPixel; pItem->mpPushButton = pBtn; if ( nBtnFlags & BUTTONDIALOG_FOCUSBUTTON ) mnFocusButtonId = nId; // In die View-Liste eintragen mpItemList->Insert( pItem, LIST_APPEND ); mbFormat = TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ButtonDialog::RemoveButton( USHORT nId ) { ImplBtnDlgItem* pItem = mpItemList->First(); while ( pItem ) { if ( pItem->mnId == nId ) { pItem->mpPushButton->Hide(); if ( pItem->mbOwnButton ) delete pItem->mpPushButton; delete pItem; mpItemList->Remove(); mbFormat = TRUE; break; } pItem = mpItemList->Next(); } DBG_ERRORFILE( "ButtonDialog::RemoveButton(): ButtonId invalid" ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ButtonDialog::Clear() { ImplBtnDlgItem* pItem = mpItemList->First(); while ( pItem ) { pItem->mpPushButton->Hide(); if ( pItem->mbOwnButton ) delete pItem->mpPushButton; delete pItem; pItem = mpItemList->Next(); } mpItemList->Clear(); mbFormat = TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USHORT ButtonDialog::GetButtonCount() const { return (USHORT)mpItemList->Count(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USHORT ButtonDialog::GetButtonId( USHORT nButton ) const { if ( nButton < mpItemList->Count() ) return (USHORT)mpItemList->GetObject( nButton )->mnId; else return BUTTONDIALOG_BUTTON_NOTFOUND; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PushButton* ButtonDialog::GetPushButton( USHORT nId ) const { ImplBtnDlgItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nId ); if ( pItem ) return pItem->mpPushButton; else return NULL; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ButtonDialog::SetButtonText( USHORT nId, const XubString& rText ) { ImplBtnDlgItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nId ); if ( pItem ) { pItem->mpPushButton->SetText( rText ); mbFormat = TRUE; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- XubString ButtonDialog::GetButtonText( USHORT nId ) const { ImplBtnDlgItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nId ); if ( pItem ) return pItem->mpPushButton->GetText(); else return ImplGetSVEmptyStr(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ButtonDialog::SetButtonHelpText( USHORT nId, const XubString& rText ) { ImplBtnDlgItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nId ); if ( pItem ) pItem->mpPushButton->SetHelpText( rText ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- XubString ButtonDialog::GetButtonHelpText( USHORT nId ) const { ImplBtnDlgItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nId ); if ( pItem ) return pItem->mpPushButton->GetHelpText(); else return ImplGetSVEmptyStr(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ButtonDialog::SetButtonHelpId( USHORT nId, ULONG nHelpId ) { ImplBtnDlgItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nId ); if ( pItem ) pItem->mpPushButton->SetHelpId( nHelpId ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG ButtonDialog::GetButtonHelpId( USHORT nId ) const { ImplBtnDlgItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nId ); if ( pItem ) return pItem->mpPushButton->GetHelpId(); else return 0; }