/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <memory>

#include <comphelper/lok.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/timer.hxx>
#include <vcl/settings.hxx>
#include <vcl/window.hxx>
#include <vcl/cursor.hxx>

#include <window.h>

#include <tools/poly.hxx>

struct ImplCursorData
    AutoTimer       maTimer;            // Timer
    Point           maPixPos;           // Pixel-Position
    Point           maPixRotOff;        // Pixel-Offset-Position
    Size            maPixSize;          // Pixel-Size
    Degree10        mnOrientation;      // Pixel-Orientation
    CursorDirection mnDirection;        // indicates writing direction
    sal_uInt16      mnStyle;            // Cursor-Style
    bool            mbCurVisible;       // Is cursor currently visible
    VclPtr<vcl::Window> mpWindow;           // assigned window

static tools::Rectangle ImplCursorInvert(vcl::RenderContext* pRenderContext, ImplCursorData const * pData)
    tools::Rectangle aPaintRect;

    bool bMapMode = pRenderContext->IsMapModeEnabled();
    pRenderContext->EnableMapMode( false );
    InvertFlags nInvertStyle;
    if ( pData->mnStyle & CURSOR_SHADOW )
        nInvertStyle = InvertFlags::N50;
        nInvertStyle = InvertFlags::NONE;

    tools::Rectangle aRect( pData->maPixPos, pData->maPixSize );
    if ( pData->mnDirection != CursorDirection::NONE || pData->mnOrientation )
        tools::Polygon aPoly( aRect );
        if( aPoly.GetSize() == 5 )
            aPoly[1].AdjustX(1 );  // include the right border
            aPoly[2].AdjustX(1 );

            // apply direction flag after slant to use the correct shape
            if ( pData->mnDirection != CursorDirection::NONE)
                Point pAry[7];
                int delta = 3*aRect.getWidth()+1;
                if( pData->mnDirection == CursorDirection::LTR )
                    // left-to-right
                    pAry[0] = aPoly.GetPoint( 0 );
                    pAry[1] = aPoly.GetPoint( 1 );
                    pAry[2] = pAry[1];
                    pAry[2].AdjustX(delta );
                    pAry[3] =  pAry[1];
                    pAry[3].AdjustY(delta );
                    pAry[4] = aPoly.GetPoint( 2 );
                    pAry[5] = aPoly.GetPoint( 3 );
                    pAry[6] = aPoly.GetPoint( 4 );
                else if( pData->mnDirection == CursorDirection::RTL )
                    // right-to-left
                    pAry[0] = aPoly.GetPoint( 0 );
                    pAry[1] = aPoly.GetPoint( 1 );
                    pAry[2] = aPoly.GetPoint( 2 );
                    pAry[3] = aPoly.GetPoint( 3 );
                    pAry[4] = pAry[0];
                    pAry[4].AdjustY(delta );
                    pAry[5] =  pAry[0];
                    pAry[5].AdjustX( -delta );
                    pAry[6] = aPoly.GetPoint( 4 );
                aPoly = tools::Polygon( 7, pAry);

            if ( pData->mnOrientation )
                aPoly.Rotate( pData->maPixRotOff, pData->mnOrientation );
            pRenderContext->Invert( aPoly, nInvertStyle );
            aPaintRect = aPoly.GetBoundRect();
        pRenderContext->Invert( aRect, nInvertStyle );
        aPaintRect = aRect;
    pRenderContext->EnableMapMode( bMapMode );
    return aPaintRect;

static void ImplCursorInvert(vcl::Window* pWindow, ImplCursorData const * pData)
    if (!pWindow || pWindow->isDisposed())

    vcl::PaintBufferGuardPtr pGuard;
    const bool bDoubleBuffering = pWindow->SupportsDoubleBuffering();
    if (bDoubleBuffering)
        pGuard.reset(new vcl::PaintBufferGuard(pWindow->ImplGetWindowImpl()->mpFrameData, pWindow));

    vcl::RenderContext* pRenderContext = bDoubleBuffering ? pGuard->GetRenderContext() : pWindow->GetOutDev();

    tools::Rectangle aPaintRect = ImplCursorInvert(pRenderContext, pData);
    if (bDoubleBuffering)

bool vcl::Cursor::ImplPrepForDraw(const OutputDevice* pDevice, ImplCursorData& rData)
    if (pDevice && !rData.mbCurVisible)
        rData.maPixPos        = pDevice->LogicToPixel( maPos );
        rData.maPixSize       = pDevice->LogicToPixel( maSize );
        rData.mnOrientation   = mnOrientation;
        rData.mnDirection     = mnDirection;

        // correct the position with the offset
        rData.maPixRotOff = rData.maPixPos;

        // use width (as set in Settings) if size is 0,
        if (!rData.maPixSize.Width())
        return true;
    return false;

void vcl::Cursor::ImplDraw()
    if (mpData && mpData->mpWindow)
        // calculate output area
        if (ImplPrepForDraw(mpData->mpWindow->GetOutDev(), *mpData))
            // display
            ImplCursorInvert(mpData->mpWindow, mpData.get());
            mpData->mbCurVisible = true;

void vcl::Cursor::DrawToDevice(OutputDevice& rRenderContext)
    ImplCursorData aData;
    aData.mnStyle = 0;
    aData.mbCurVisible = false;
    // calculate output area
    if (ImplPrepForDraw(&rRenderContext, aData))
        // display
        ImplCursorInvert(&rRenderContext, &aData);

void vcl::Cursor::ImplRestore()
    assert( mpData && mpData->mbCurVisible );

    ImplCursorInvert(mpData->mpWindow, mpData.get());
    mpData->mbCurVisible = false;

void vcl::Cursor::ImplDoShow( bool bDrawDirect, bool bRestore )
    if ( !mbVisible )

    vcl::Window* pWindow;
    if ( mpWindow )
        pWindow = mpWindow;
        // show the cursor, if there is an active window and the cursor
        // has been selected in this window
        pWindow = Application::GetFocusWindow();
        if (!pWindow || !pWindow->mpWindowImpl || (pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mpCursor != this)
            || pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mbInPaint
            || !pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbHasFocus)
            pWindow = nullptr;

    if ( !pWindow )

    if ( !mpData )
        mpData.reset( new ImplCursorData );
        mpData->mbCurVisible = false;
        mpData->maTimer.SetInvokeHandler( LINK( this, Cursor, ImplTimerHdl ) );
        mpData->maTimer.SetDebugName( "vcl ImplCursorData maTimer" );

    mpData->mpWindow    = pWindow;
    mpData->mnStyle     = mnStyle;
    if ( bDrawDirect || bRestore )

    if ( !mpWindow && (bDrawDirect || !mpData->maTimer.IsActive()) )
        mpData->maTimer.SetTimeout( pWindow->GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetCursorBlinkTime() );
        if ( mpData->maTimer.GetTimeout() != STYLE_CURSOR_NOBLINKTIME )
        else if ( !mpData->mbCurVisible )
        LOKNotify( pWindow, "cursor_invalidate" );
        LOKNotify( pWindow, "cursor_visible" );

void vcl::Cursor::LOKNotify( vcl::Window* pWindow, const OUString& rAction )
    VclPtr<vcl::Window> pParent = pWindow->GetParentWithLOKNotifier();
    if (!pParent)

    assert(pWindow && "Cannot notify without a window");
    assert(mpData && "Require ImplCursorData");

    if (comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isDialogPainting())

    const vcl::ILibreOfficeKitNotifier* pNotifier = pParent->GetLOKNotifier();
    std::vector<vcl::LOKPayloadItem> aItems;
    if (rAction == "cursor_visible")
        aItems.emplace_back("visible", mpData->mbCurVisible ? "true" : "false");
    else if (rAction == "cursor_invalidate")
        const tools::Long nX = pWindow->GetOutOffXPixel() + pWindow->LogicToPixel(GetPos()).X() - pParent->GetOutOffXPixel();
        const tools::Long nY = pWindow->GetOutOffYPixel() + pWindow->LogicToPixel(GetPos()).Y() - pParent->GetOutOffYPixel();
        Size aSize = pWindow->LogicToPixel(GetSize());
        if (!aSize.Width())
            aSize.setWidth( pWindow->GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetCursorSize() );

        const tools::Rectangle aRect(Point(nX, nY), aSize);
        aItems.emplace_back("rectangle", aRect.toString());

    pNotifier->notifyWindow(pParent->GetLOKWindowId(), rAction, aItems);

bool vcl::Cursor::ImplDoHide( bool bSuspend )
    bool bWasCurVisible = false;
    if ( mpData && mpData->mpWindow )
        bWasCurVisible = mpData->mbCurVisible;
        if ( mpData->mbCurVisible )

        if ( !bSuspend )
            LOKNotify( mpData->mpWindow, "cursor_visible" );
            mpData->mpWindow = nullptr;
    return bWasCurVisible;

void vcl::Cursor::ImplShow()
    ImplDoShow( true/*bDrawDirect*/, false );

void vcl::Cursor::ImplHide()
    ImplDoHide( false );

void vcl::Cursor::ImplResume( bool bRestore )
    ImplDoShow( false, bRestore );

bool vcl::Cursor::ImplSuspend()
    return ImplDoHide( true );

void vcl::Cursor::ImplNew()
    if ( !(mbVisible && mpData && mpData->mpWindow) )

    if ( mpData->mbCurVisible )

    if ( !mpWindow )
        LOKNotify( mpData->mpWindow, "cursor_invalidate" );
        if ( mpData->maTimer.GetTimeout() != STYLE_CURSOR_NOBLINKTIME )

IMPL_LINK_NOARG(vcl::Cursor, ImplTimerHdl, Timer *, void)
    if ( mpData->mbCurVisible )

    mpData          = nullptr;
    mpWindow        = nullptr;
    mnOrientation   = 0_deg10;
    mnDirection     = CursorDirection::NONE;
    mnStyle         = 0;
    mbVisible       = false;

vcl::Cursor::Cursor( const Cursor& rCursor ) :
    maSize( rCursor.maSize ),
    maPos( rCursor.maPos )
    mpData          = nullptr;
    mpWindow        = nullptr;
    mnOrientation   = rCursor.mnOrientation;
    mnDirection     = rCursor.mnDirection;
    mnStyle         = 0;
    mbVisible       = rCursor.mbVisible;

    if (mpData && mpData->mbCurVisible)

void vcl::Cursor::SetStyle( sal_uInt16 nStyle )
    if ( mnStyle != nStyle )
        mnStyle = nStyle;

void vcl::Cursor::Show()
    if ( !mbVisible )
        mbVisible = true;

void vcl::Cursor::Hide()
    if ( mbVisible )
        mbVisible = false;

void vcl::Cursor::SetWindow( vcl::Window* pWindow )
    if ( mpWindow.get() != pWindow )
        mpWindow = pWindow;

void vcl::Cursor::SetPos( const Point& rPoint )
    if ( maPos != rPoint )
        maPos = rPoint;

void vcl::Cursor::SetSize( const Size& rSize )
    if ( maSize != rSize )
        maSize = rSize;

void vcl::Cursor::SetWidth( tools::Long nNewWidth )
    if ( maSize.Width() != nNewWidth )
        maSize.setWidth( nNewWidth );

void vcl::Cursor::SetOrientation( Degree10 nNewOrientation )
    if ( mnOrientation != nNewOrientation )
        mnOrientation = nNewOrientation;

void vcl::Cursor::SetDirection( CursorDirection nNewDirection )
    if ( mnDirection != nNewDirection )
        mnDirection = nNewDirection;

vcl::Cursor& vcl::Cursor::operator=( const vcl::Cursor& rCursor )
    maPos           = rCursor.maPos;
    maSize          = rCursor.maSize;
    mnOrientation   = rCursor.mnOrientation;
    mnDirection     = rCursor.mnDirection;
    mbVisible       = rCursor.mbVisible;

    return *this;

bool vcl::Cursor::operator==( const vcl::Cursor& rCursor ) const
        ((maPos         == rCursor.maPos)           &&
         (maSize        == rCursor.maSize)          &&
         (mnOrientation == rCursor.mnOrientation)   &&
         (mnDirection   == rCursor.mnDirection)     &&
         (mbVisible     == rCursor.mbVisible))

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