/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include <comphelper/random.hxx> #include <rtl/math.hxx> #include <rtl/string.hxx> #include <tools/time.hxx> #include <vcl/keycodes.hxx> #include <vcl/svapp.hxx> #include <vcl/debugevent.hxx> #include <vcl/wrkwin.hxx> #include <vcl/menu.hxx> #include "window.h" #include "salwtype.hxx" #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0 DebugEventInjector::DebugEventInjector( sal_uInt32 nMaxEvents) : mnEventsLeft( nMaxEvents ) { SetTimeout( 1000 /* ms */ ); Start(); } static double getRandom() { return comphelper::rng::uniform_real_distribution(); } vcl::Window *DebugEventInjector::ChooseWindow() { vcl::Window *pWindow, *pParent; if (getRandom() < 0.80 && (pWindow = Application::GetFocusWindow())) return pWindow; if (getRandom() > 0.50 || !(pParent = Application::GetActiveTopWindow())) { // select a top window at random long nIdx = Application::GetTopWindowCount() * getRandom(); if (!(pParent = Application::GetTopWindow( nIdx ))) pParent = static_cast<vcl::Window *>(Application::GetAppWindow()); } assert (pParent != NULL); std::vector< vcl::Window *> aChildren; pParent->CollectChildren( aChildren ); return aChildren[ aChildren.size() * getRandom() ]; } void DebugEventInjector::InjectMouseEvent() { } typedef std::vector< SalMenuEvent > MenuItemIds; static void CollectMenuItemIds( Menu *pMenu, MenuItemIds &rIds ) { sal_uInt16 nItems = pMenu->GetItemCount(); for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nItems; i++) { if (pMenu->GetItemType( i ) != MenuItemType::SEPARATOR || getRandom() < 0.01) rIds.push_back( SalMenuEvent( pMenu->GetItemId( i ), pMenu ) ); PopupMenu *pPopup = pMenu->GetPopupMenu( i ); if (pPopup) CollectMenuItemIds( pPopup, rIds ); } } void DebugEventInjector::InjectMenuEvent() { vcl::Window *pFocus = Application::GetFocusWindow(); if (!pFocus) return; SystemWindow *pSysWin = pFocus->GetSystemWindow(); if (!pSysWin) return; MenuBar *pMenuBar = pSysWin->GetMenuBar(); if (!pMenuBar) return; sal_uInt16 nEvents[] = { SALEVENT_MENUCOMMAND, SALEVENT_MENUCOMMAND, SALEVENT_MENUACTIVATE, SALEVENT_MENUDEACTIVATE, SALEVENT_MENUHIGHLIGHT, SALEVENT_MENUCOMMAND, SALEVENT_MENUCOMMAND, SALEVENT_MENUCOMMAND, SALEVENT_MENUBUTTONCOMMAND, SALEVENT_MENUBUTTONCOMMAND, }; MenuItemIds aIds; CollectMenuItemIds( pMenuBar, aIds ); sal_uInt16 nEvent = nEvents[ (int)(getRandom() * SAL_N_ELEMENTS( nEvents )) ]; SalMenuEvent aEvent = aIds[ getRandom() * aIds.size() ]; bool bHandled = ImplWindowFrameProc( pSysWin, NULL, nEvent, &aEvent); SAL_INFO( "vcl.debugevent", "Injected menu event " << aEvent.mpMenu << " (" << aEvent.mnId << ") '" << ((Menu *)aEvent.mpMenu)->GetItemText( aEvent.mnId ) << "' -> " << bHandled ); } static void InitKeyEvent( SalKeyEvent &rKeyEvent ) { double nRand = getRandom(); if (nRand < 0.001) rKeyEvent.mnTime = getRandom() * ULONG_MAX; else rKeyEvent.mnTime = tools::Time::GetSystemTicks(); if (getRandom() < 0.01) rKeyEvent.mnRepeat = getRandom() * 20; else rKeyEvent.mnRepeat = 0; } void DebugEventInjector::InjectTextEvent() { SalKeyEvent aKeyEvent; vcl::Window *pWindow = ChooseWindow(); InitKeyEvent( aKeyEvent ); if (getRandom() < 0.10) // Occasionally a truly random event { aKeyEvent.mnCode = getRandom() * KEY_CODE_MASK; aKeyEvent.mnCharCode = getRandom() * 0xffff; } else { struct { sal_uInt16 nCodeStart, nCodeEnd; char aCharStart; } nTextCodes[] = { { KEY_0, KEY_9, '0' }, { KEY_A, KEY_Z, 'a' } }; size_t i = getRandom() * SAL_N_ELEMENTS( nTextCodes ); int offset = int( getRandom() * ( nTextCodes[i].nCodeEnd - nTextCodes[i].nCodeStart ) ); aKeyEvent.mnCode = nTextCodes[i].nCodeStart + offset; aKeyEvent.mnCharCode = nTextCodes[i].aCharStart + offset; // fprintf( stderr, "Char '%c' offset %d into record %d base '%c'\n", // aKeyEvent.mnCharCode, offset, (int)i, nTextCodes[i].aCharStart ); } if( getRandom() < 0.05 ) // modifier aKeyEvent.mnCode |= (sal_uInt16)( getRandom() * KEY_MODIFIERS_MASK ) & KEY_MODIFIERS_MASK; bool bHandled = ImplWindowFrameProc( pWindow, NULL, SALEVENT_KEYINPUT, &aKeyEvent); SAL_INFO( "vcl.debugevent", "Injected key 0x" << std::hex << (int) aKeyEvent.mnCode << std::dec << " -> " << bHandled << " win " << pWindow ); ImplWindowFrameProc( pWindow, NULL, SALEVENT_KEYUP, &aKeyEvent ); } /* * The more heuristics we have to inform this the better, * key-bindings, menu entries, allowable entry types etc. */ void DebugEventInjector::InjectEvent() { // fprintf( stderr, "%6d - ", (int)mnEventsLeft ); double nRand = getRandom(); if (nRand < 0.30) { int nEvents = getRandom() * 10; for (int i = 0; i < nEvents; i++) InjectTextEvent(); } else if (nRand < 0.60) InjectKeyNavEdit(); else if (nRand < 0.95) InjectMenuEvent(); else InjectMouseEvent(); } void DebugEventInjector::InjectKeyNavEdit() { vcl::Window *pWindow = ChooseWindow(); struct { double mnProb; sal_uInt16 mnKey; } nWeights[] = { // edit / escape etc. - 50% { 0.20, KEY_SPACE }, { 0.10, KEY_TAB }, { 0.07, KEY_RETURN }, { 0.05, KEY_DELETE }, { 0.05, KEY_BACKSPACE }, // navigate - 45% { 0.15, KEY_LEFT }, { 0.10, KEY_RIGHT }, { 0.05, KEY_UP }, { 0.05, KEY_DOWN }, { 0.05, KEY_PAGEUP }, { 0.05, KEY_PAGEDOWN }, // other { 0.01, KEY_INSERT }, { 0.02, KEY_HOME }, { 0.02, KEY_END }, }; double d = 0.0, nRand = getRandom(); sal_uInt16 nKey = KEY_SPACE; for ( size_t i = 0; i < SAL_N_ELEMENTS( nWeights ); ++i ) { d += nWeights[i].mnProb; assert (d < 1.01); if ( nRand < d ) { nKey = nWeights[i].mnKey; break; } } SalKeyEvent aKeyEvent; InitKeyEvent( aKeyEvent ); aKeyEvent.mnCode = nKey; if (getRandom() < 0.15) // modifier aKeyEvent.mnCode |= (sal_uInt16)(getRandom() * KEY_MODIFIERS_MASK) & KEY_MODIFIERS_MASK; aKeyEvent.mnCharCode = 0x0; // hopefully unused. bool bHandled = ImplWindowFrameProc( pWindow, NULL, SALEVENT_KEYINPUT, &aKeyEvent ); SAL_INFO( "vcl.debugevent", "Injected edit / move key 0x" << std::hex << (int) aKeyEvent.mnCode << std::dec << " -> " << bHandled << " win " << pWindow ); ImplWindowFrameProc( pWindow, NULL, SALEVENT_KEYUP, &aKeyEvent ); } void DebugEventInjector::Timeout() { InjectEvent(); mnEventsLeft--; if (mnEventsLeft > 0) { SetTimeout( 1 ); Start(); } else Application::Quit(); } DebugEventInjector *DebugEventInjector::getCreate() { sal_uInt32 nEvents; const char *pEvents = getenv("VCL_EVENT_INJECTION"); if (!pEvents) return NULL; nEvents = OString( pEvents ).toUInt32(); if (nEvents > 0) return new DebugEventInjector( nEvents ); else return NULL; } #endif // OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */