/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <svdata.hxx>
#include <brdwin.hxx>
#include <window.h>
#include <salframe.hxx>

#include <comphelper/lok.hxx>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <vcl/layout.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/wrkwin.hxx>
#include <vcl/event.hxx>
#include <vcl/toolbox.hxx>
#include <vcl/floatwin.hxx>
#include <vcl/settings.hxx>
#include <vcl/IDialogRenderable.hxx>

class FloatingWindow::ImplData

    VclPtr<ToolBox> mpBox;
    tools::Rectangle       maItemEdgeClipRect; // used to clip the common edge between a toolbar item and the border of this window
    Point maPos; // position of the floating window wrt. parent
    Point maLOKTwipsPos; ///< absolute position of the floating window in the document - in twips (for toplevel floating windows).

    mpBox = nullptr;

tools::Rectangle& FloatingWindow::ImplGetItemEdgeClipRect()
    return mpImplData->maItemEdgeClipRect;

void FloatingWindow::ImplInit( vcl::Window* pParent, WinBits nStyle )
    mpImplData.reset(new ImplData);

    mpWindowImpl->mbFloatWin = true;
    mbInCleanUp = false;
    mbGrabFocus = false;

    SAL_WARN_IF(!pParent, "vcl", "FloatWindow::FloatingWindow(): - pParent == NULL!");

    if (!pParent)
        pParent = ImplGetSVData()->maWinData.mpAppWin;

    SAL_WARN_IF(!pParent, "vcl", "FloatWindow::FloatingWindow(): - pParent == NULL and no AppWindow exists");

    // no Border, then we don't need a border window
    if (!nStyle)
        mpWindowImpl->mbOverlapWin = true;
        nStyle |= WB_DIALOGCONTROL;
        SystemWindow::ImplInit(pParent, nStyle, nullptr);
        if (!(nStyle & WB_NODIALOGCONTROL))
            nStyle |= WB_DIALOGCONTROL;

            && !(nStyle & WB_OWNERDRAWDECORATION))
            WinBits nFloatWinStyle = nStyle;
            // #99154# floaters are not closeable by default anymore, eg fullscreen floater
            // nFloatWinStyle |= WB_CLOSEABLE;
            mpWindowImpl->mbFrame = true;
            mpWindowImpl->mbOverlapWin = true;
            SystemWindow::ImplInit(pParent, nFloatWinStyle & ~WB_BORDER, nullptr);
            VclPtr<ImplBorderWindow> pBorderWin;
            BorderWindowStyle nBorderStyle = BorderWindowStyle::Float;

            if (nStyle & WB_OWNERDRAWDECORATION)
                nBorderStyle |= BorderWindowStyle::Frame;
                nBorderStyle |= BorderWindowStyle::Overlap;

            if ((nStyle & WB_SYSTEMWINDOW) && !(nStyle & (WB_MOVEABLE | WB_SIZEABLE)))
                nBorderStyle |= BorderWindowStyle::Frame;
                nStyle |= WB_CLOSEABLE; // make undecorated floaters closeable
            pBorderWin  = VclPtr<ImplBorderWindow>::Create(pParent, nStyle, nBorderStyle);
            SystemWindow::ImplInit(pBorderWin, nStyle & ~WB_BORDER, nullptr);
            pBorderWin->mpWindowImpl->mpClientWindow = this;
            pBorderWin->GetBorder(mpWindowImpl->mnLeftBorder, mpWindowImpl->mnTopBorder,
                                  mpWindowImpl->mnRightBorder, mpWindowImpl->mnBottomBorder);
            mpWindowImpl->mpBorderWindow = pBorderWin;
            mpWindowImpl->mpRealParent = pParent;
    SetActivateMode( ActivateModeFlags::NONE );

    mpNextFloat             = nullptr;
    mpFirstPopupModeWin     = nullptr;
    mnPostId                = nullptr;
    mnTitle                 = (nStyle & (WB_MOVEABLE | WB_POPUP)) ? FloatWinTitleType::Normal : FloatWinTitleType::NONE;
    mnOldTitle              = mnTitle;
    mnPopupModeFlags        = FloatWinPopupFlags::NONE;
    mbInPopupMode           = false;
    mbPopupMode             = false;
    mbPopupModeCanceled     = false;
    mbPopupModeTearOff      = false;
    mbMouseDown             = false;


void FloatingWindow::ImplInitSettings()
    const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();

    Color aColor;
    if (IsControlBackground())
        aColor = GetControlBackground();
    else if (Window::GetStyle() & WB_3DLOOK)
        aColor = rStyleSettings.GetFaceColor();
        aColor = rStyleSettings.GetWindowColor();

FloatingWindow::FloatingWindow(vcl::Window* pParent, WinBits nStyle) :
    ImplInit(pParent, nStyle);

FloatingWindow::FloatingWindow(vcl::Window* pParent, const OString& rID, const OUString& rUIXMLDescription, const css::uno::Reference<css::frame::XFrame> &rFrame)
    : SystemWindow(WindowType::FLOATINGWINDOW)
    , mpNextFloat(nullptr)
    , mpFirstPopupModeWin(nullptr)
    , mnPostId(nullptr)
    , mnPopupModeFlags(FloatWinPopupFlags::NONE)
    , mnTitle(FloatWinTitleType::Unknown)
    , mnOldTitle(FloatWinTitleType::Unknown)
    , mbInPopupMode(false)
    , mbPopupMode(false)
    , mbPopupModeCanceled(false)
    , mbPopupModeTearOff(false)
    , mbMouseDown(false)
    , mbGrabFocus(false)
    , mbInCleanUp(false)
    loadUI(pParent, rID, rUIXMLDescription, rFrame);

//Find the real parent stashed in mpDialogParent.
void FloatingWindow::doDeferredInit(WinBits nBits)
    vcl::Window *pParent = mpDialogParent;
    mpDialogParent = nullptr;
    ImplInit(pParent, nBits);
    mbIsDeferredInit = false;

void FloatingWindow::ApplySettings(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext)
    const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = rRenderContext.GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();

    Color aColor;
    if (Window::GetStyle() & WB_3DLOOK)
        aColor = rStyleSettings.GetFaceColor();
        aColor = rStyleSettings.GetWindowColor();

    ApplyControlBackground(rRenderContext, aColor);

    assert (!mnPostId);

void FloatingWindow::dispose()
    if (mpImplData)
        if( mbPopupModeCanceled )
            // indicates that ESC key was pressed
            // will be handled in Window::ImplGrabFocus()
            SetDialogControlFlags( GetDialogControlFlags() | DialogControlFlags::FloatWinPopupModeEndCancel );

        if ( IsInPopupMode() )
            EndPopupMode( FloatWinPopupEndFlags::Cancel | FloatWinPopupEndFlags::CloseAll | FloatWinPopupEndFlags::DontCallHdl );

        if ( mnPostId )
            Application::RemoveUserEvent( mnPostId );
        mnPostId = nullptr;



Point FloatingWindow::CalcFloatingPosition( vcl::Window* pWindow, const tools::Rectangle& rRect, FloatWinPopupFlags nFlags, sal_uInt16& rArrangeIndex )
    return ImplCalcPos( pWindow, rRect, nFlags, rArrangeIndex );

Point FloatingWindow::ImplCalcPos(vcl::Window* pWindow,
                                  const tools::Rectangle& rRect, FloatWinPopupFlags nFlags,
                                  sal_uInt16& rArrangeIndex, Point* pLOKTwipsPos)
    // get window position
    Point       aPos;
    Size        aSize = ::isLayoutEnabled(pWindow) ? pWindow->get_preferred_size() : pWindow->GetSizePixel();
    tools::Rectangle   aScreenRect = pWindow->ImplGetFrameWindow()->GetDesktopRectPixel();
    FloatingWindow *pFloatingWindow = dynamic_cast<FloatingWindow*>( pWindow );

    // convert....
    vcl::Window* pW = pWindow;
    if ( pW->mpWindowImpl->mpRealParent )
        pW = pW->mpWindowImpl->mpRealParent;

    tools::Rectangle normRect( rRect );  // rRect is already relative to top-level window
    normRect.SetPos( pW->ScreenToOutputPixel( normRect.TopLeft() ) );

    bool bRTL = AllSettings::GetLayoutRTL();

    tools::Rectangle devRect(  pW->OutputToAbsoluteScreenPixel( normRect.TopLeft() ),
                        pW->OutputToAbsoluteScreenPixel( normRect.BottomRight() ) );

    tools::Rectangle devRectRTL( devRect );
    if( bRTL )
        // create a rect that can be compared to desktop coordinates
        devRectRTL = pW->ImplOutputToUnmirroredAbsoluteScreenPixel( normRect );
    if( Application::GetScreenCount() > 1 && Application::IsUnifiedDisplay() )
        aScreenRect = Application::GetScreenPosSizePixel(
            Application::GetBestScreen( bRTL ? devRectRTL : devRect ) );

    FloatWinPopupFlags nArrangeAry[5];
    Point             e1,e2;  // the common edge between the item rect and the floating window

    if ( nFlags & FloatWinPopupFlags::Left )
        nArrangeAry[0]  = FloatWinPopupFlags::Left;
        nArrangeAry[1]  = FloatWinPopupFlags::Right;
        nArrangeAry[2]  = FloatWinPopupFlags::Up;
        nArrangeAry[3]  = FloatWinPopupFlags::Down;
        nArrangeAry[4]  = FloatWinPopupFlags::Left;
    else if ( nFlags & FloatWinPopupFlags::Right )
        nArrangeAry[0]  = FloatWinPopupFlags::Right;
        nArrangeAry[1]  = FloatWinPopupFlags::Left;
        nArrangeAry[2]  = FloatWinPopupFlags::Up;
        nArrangeAry[3]  = FloatWinPopupFlags::Down;
        nArrangeAry[4]  = FloatWinPopupFlags::Right;
    else if ( nFlags & FloatWinPopupFlags::Up )
        nArrangeAry[0]  = FloatWinPopupFlags::Up;
        nArrangeAry[1]  = FloatWinPopupFlags::Down;
        nArrangeAry[2]  = FloatWinPopupFlags::Right;
        nArrangeAry[3]  = FloatWinPopupFlags::Left;
        nArrangeAry[4]  = FloatWinPopupFlags::Up;
        nArrangeAry[0]  = FloatWinPopupFlags::Down;
        nArrangeAry[1]  = FloatWinPopupFlags::Up;
        nArrangeAry[2]  = FloatWinPopupFlags::Right;
        nArrangeAry[3]  = FloatWinPopupFlags::Left;
        nArrangeAry[4]  = FloatWinPopupFlags::Down;

    sal_uInt16 nArrangeIndex = 0;
    const bool bLOKActive = comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive();

    for ( ; nArrangeIndex < 5; nArrangeIndex++ )
        bool bBreak = true;
        switch ( nArrangeAry[nArrangeIndex] )

            case FloatWinPopupFlags::Left:
                aPos.setX( devRect.Left()-aSize.Width()+1 );
                aPos.setY( devRect.Top() );
                aPos.AdjustY( -(pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mnTopBorder) );
                if( bRTL )
                    if( (devRectRTL.Right()+aSize.Width()) > aScreenRect.Right() )
                        bBreak = false;
                    if ( aPos.X() < aScreenRect.Left() )
                        bBreak = false;
                if (bBreak || bLOKActive)
                    e1 = devRect.TopLeft();
                    e2 = devRect.BottomLeft();
                    // set non-zero width
                    e2.AdjustX( 1 );
                    // don't clip corners
                    e1.AdjustY( 1 );
                    e2.AdjustY( -1 );
            case FloatWinPopupFlags::Right:
                aPos     = devRect.TopRight();
                aPos.AdjustY( -(pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mnTopBorder) );
                if( bRTL )
                    if( (devRectRTL.Left() - aSize.Width()) < aScreenRect.Left() )
                        bBreak = false;
                    if ( aPos.X()+aSize.Width() > aScreenRect.Right() )
                        bBreak = false;
                if (bBreak || bLOKActive)
                    e1 = devRect.TopRight();
                    e2 = devRect.BottomRight();
                    // set non-zero width
                    e2.AdjustX( 1 );
                    // don't clip corners
                    e1.AdjustY( 1 );
                    e2.AdjustY( -1 );
            case FloatWinPopupFlags::Up:
                aPos.setX( devRect.Left() );
                aPos.setY( devRect.Top()-aSize.Height()+1 );
                if ( aPos.Y() < aScreenRect.Top() )
                    bBreak = false;
                if (bBreak || bLOKActive)
                    e1 = devRect.TopLeft();
                    e2 = devRect.TopRight();
                    // set non-zero height
                    e2.AdjustY( 1 );
                    // don't clip corners
                    e1.AdjustX( 1 );
                    e2.AdjustX( -1 );
            case FloatWinPopupFlags::Down:
                aPos = devRect.BottomLeft();
                if ( aPos.Y()+aSize.Height() > aScreenRect.Bottom() )
                    bBreak = false;
                if (bBreak || bLOKActive)
                    e1 = devRect.BottomLeft();
                    e2 = devRect.BottomRight();
                    // set non-zero height
                    e2.AdjustY( 1 );
                    // don't clip corners
                    e1.AdjustX( 1 );
                    e2.AdjustX( -1 );
            default: break;

        // no further adjustment for LibreOfficeKit
        if (bLOKActive)

        // adjust if necessary
        if (bBreak)
            if ( (nArrangeAry[nArrangeIndex] == FloatWinPopupFlags::Left)  ||
                 (nArrangeAry[nArrangeIndex] == FloatWinPopupFlags::Right) )
                if ( aPos.Y()+aSize.Height() > aScreenRect.Bottom() )
                    aPos.setY( devRect.Bottom()-aSize.Height()+1 );
                    if ( aPos.Y() < aScreenRect.Top() )
                        aPos.setY( aScreenRect.Top() );
                if( bRTL )
                    if( devRectRTL.Right()-aSize.Width()+1 < aScreenRect.Left() )
                        aPos.AdjustX( -(aScreenRect.Left() - devRectRTL.Right() + aSize.Width() - 1) );
                else if ( aPos.X()+aSize.Width() > aScreenRect.Right() )
                    aPos.setX( devRect.Right()-aSize.Width()+1 );
                    if ( aPos.X() < aScreenRect.Left() )
                        aPos.setX( aScreenRect.Left() );

        if ( bBreak )
    if ( nArrangeIndex > 4 )
        nArrangeIndex = 4;

    rArrangeIndex = nArrangeIndex;

    aPos = pW->AbsoluteScreenToOutputPixel( aPos );

    // store a cliprect that can be used to clip the common edge of the itemrect and the floating window
    if( pFloatingWindow && pFloatingWindow->mpImplData->mpBox )
        pFloatingWindow->mpImplData->maItemEdgeClipRect =
            tools::Rectangle( e1, e2 );

    if (bLOKActive && pLOKTwipsPos)
        if (pW->IsMapModeEnabled() || pW->GetMapMode().GetMapUnit() == MapUnit::MapPixel)
            // if we use pW->LogicToLogic(aPos, pW->GetMapMode(), MapMode(MapUnit::MapTwip)),
            // for pixel conversions when map mode is not enabled, we gets
            // a 20 twips per pixel conversion since LogicToLogic uses
            // a fixed 72 dpi value, instead of a correctly computed output
            // device dpi or at least the most commonly used 96 dpi value;
            // and anyway the following is what we already do in
            // ScGridWindow::LogicInvalidate when map mode is not enabled.

            *pLOKTwipsPos = pW->PixelToLogic(aPos, MapMode(MapUnit::MapTwip));
            *pLOKTwipsPos = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic(aPos, pW->GetMapMode(), MapMode(MapUnit::MapTwip));

    // caller expects coordinates relative to top-level win
    return pW->OutputToScreenPixel( aPos );

Point FloatingWindow::ImplConvertToAbsPos(vcl::Window* pReference, const Point& rPos)
    Point aAbsolute( rPos );

    const OutputDevice *pWindowOutDev = pReference->GetOutDev();

    // compare coordinates in absolute screen coordinates
    if( pReference->HasMirroredGraphics()  )
        if(!pReference->IsRTLEnabled() )
            pWindowOutDev->ReMirror( aAbsolute );

        tools::Rectangle aRect( pReference->ScreenToOutputPixel(aAbsolute), Size(1,1) ) ;
        aRect = pReference->ImplOutputToUnmirroredAbsoluteScreenPixel( aRect );
        aAbsolute = aRect.TopLeft();
        aAbsolute = pReference->OutputToAbsoluteScreenPixel(
            pReference->ScreenToOutputPixel(rPos) );

    return aAbsolute;

tools::Rectangle FloatingWindow::ImplConvertToAbsPos(vcl::Window* pReference, const tools::Rectangle& rRect)
    tools::Rectangle aFloatRect = rRect;

    const OutputDevice *pParentWinOutDev = pReference->GetOutDev();

    // compare coordinates in absolute screen coordinates
    // Keep in sync with FloatingWindow::ImplFloatHitTest, e.g. fdo#33509
    if( pReference->HasMirroredGraphics()  )
        if(!pReference->IsRTLEnabled() )

        aFloatRect = pReference->ImplOutputToUnmirroredAbsoluteScreenPixel(aFloatRect);
    return aFloatRect;

FloatingWindow* FloatingWindow::ImplFloatHitTest( vcl::Window* pReference, const Point& rPos, bool& rbHitTestInsideRect )
    FloatingWindow* pWin = this;
    rbHitTestInsideRect = false;

    Point aAbsolute(FloatingWindow::ImplConvertToAbsPos(pReference, rPos));

        // compute the floating window's size in absolute screen coordinates

        // use the border window to have the exact position
        vcl::Window *pBorderWin = pWin->GetWindow( GetWindowType::Border );

        // the top-left corner in output coordinates ie (0,0)
        tools::Rectangle devRect( pBorderWin->ImplOutputToUnmirroredAbsoluteScreenPixel( tools::Rectangle( Point(), pBorderWin->GetSizePixel()) ) ) ;
        if ( devRect.IsInside( aAbsolute ) )
            // inside the window
            return pWin;

        // test, if mouse is in rectangle, (this is typically the rect of the active
        // toolbox item or similar)
        // note: maFloatRect is set in FloatingWindow::StartPopupMode() and
        //       is already in absolute device coordinates
        if ( pWin->maFloatRect.IsInside( aAbsolute ) )
            rbHitTestInsideRect = true;
            return pWin;

        pWin = pWin->mpNextFloat;
    while ( pWin );

    return nullptr;

FloatingWindow* FloatingWindow::ImplFindLastLevelFloat()
    FloatingWindow* pWin = this;
    FloatingWindow* pLastFoundWin = pWin;

        if ( pWin->GetPopupModeFlags() & FloatWinPopupFlags::NewLevel )
            pLastFoundWin = pWin;

        pWin = pWin->mpNextFloat;
    while ( pWin );

    return pLastFoundWin;

bool FloatingWindow::ImplIsFloatPopupModeWindow( const vcl::Window* pWindow )
    FloatingWindow* pWin = this;

        if ( pWin->mpFirstPopupModeWin == pWindow )
            return true;

        pWin = pWin->mpNextFloat;
    while ( pWin );

    return false;

IMPL_LINK_NOARG(FloatingWindow, ImplEndPopupModeHdl, void*, void)
    VclPtr<FloatingWindow> pThis(this);
    mnPostId            = nullptr;
    mnPopupModeFlags    = FloatWinPopupFlags::NONE;
    mbPopupMode         = false;

bool FloatingWindow::EventNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt )
    // call Base Class first for tab control
    bool bRet = SystemWindow::EventNotify( rNEvt );
    if ( !bRet )
        if ( rNEvt.GetType() == MouseNotifyEvent::KEYINPUT )
            const KeyEvent* pKEvt = rNEvt.GetKeyEvent();
            vcl::KeyCode    aKeyCode = pKEvt->GetKeyCode();
            sal_uInt16      nKeyCode = aKeyCode.GetCode();

            if ( (nKeyCode == KEY_ESCAPE) && (GetStyle() & WB_CLOSEABLE) )
                return true;

    return bRet;

void FloatingWindow::PixelInvalidate(const tools::Rectangle* /*pRectangle*/)
    if (VclPtr<vcl::Window> pParent = GetParentWithLOKNotifier())
        std::vector<vcl::LOKPayloadItem> aPayload;
        const tools::Rectangle aRect(Point(0,0), Size(GetSizePixel().Width()+1, GetSizePixel().Height()+1));
        aPayload.push_back(std::make_pair(OString("rectangle"), aRect.toString()));
        const vcl::ILibreOfficeKitNotifier* pNotifier = pParent->GetLOKNotifier();
        pNotifier->notifyWindow(GetLOKWindowId(), "invalidate", aPayload);

void FloatingWindow::StateChanged( StateChangedType nType )
    if (nType == StateChangedType::InitShow)

    SystemWindow::StateChanged( nType );

    VclPtr<vcl::Window> pParent = GetParentWithLOKNotifier();
    if (pParent)
        if (nType == StateChangedType::InitShow)
            std::vector<vcl::LOKPayloadItem> aItems;
            if (pParent == this)
                // we are a toplevel window, let's so far pretend to be a
                // dialog - but maybe we'll need a separate type for this
                // later
                aItems.emplace_back("type", "dialog");
                aItems.emplace_back("position", mpImplData->maLOKTwipsPos.toString()); // twips
                aItems.emplace_back("type", "child");
                aItems.emplace_back("parentId", OString::number(pParent->GetLOKWindowId()));
                aItems.emplace_back("position", mpImplData->maPos.toString()); // pixels
            aItems.emplace_back("size", GetSizePixel().toString());
            GetLOKNotifier()->notifyWindow(GetLOKWindowId(), "created", aItems);
        else if (!IsVisible() && nType == StateChangedType::Visible)
            GetLOKNotifier()->notifyWindow(GetLOKWindowId(), "close");

    if ( nType == StateChangedType::ControlBackground )

void FloatingWindow::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt )
    SystemWindow::DataChanged( rDCEvt );

    if ( (rDCEvt.GetType() == DataChangedEventType::SETTINGS) &&
         (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & AllSettingsFlags::STYLE) )

void FloatingWindow::ImplCallPopupModeEnd()
    // PopupMode is finished
    mbInPopupMode = false;

    // call Handler asynchronously.
    if ( mpImplData && !mnPostId )
        mnPostId = Application::PostUserEvent(LINK(this, FloatingWindow, ImplEndPopupModeHdl));

void FloatingWindow::PopupModeEnd()
    maPopupModeEndHdl.Call( this );

void FloatingWindow::SetTitleType( FloatWinTitleType nTitle )
    if ( (mnTitle != nTitle) && mpWindowImpl->mpBorderWindow )
        mnTitle = nTitle;
        Size aOutSize = GetOutputSizePixel();
        BorderWindowTitleType nTitleStyle;
        if ( nTitle == FloatWinTitleType::Normal )
            nTitleStyle = BorderWindowTitleType::Small;
        else if ( nTitle == FloatWinTitleType::TearOff )
            nTitleStyle = BorderWindowTitleType::Tearoff;
        else if ( nTitle == FloatWinTitleType::Popup )
            nTitleStyle = BorderWindowTitleType::Popup;
        else // nTitle == FloatWinTitleType::NONE
            nTitleStyle = BorderWindowTitleType::NONE;
        static_cast<ImplBorderWindow*>(mpWindowImpl->mpBorderWindow.get())->SetTitleType( nTitleStyle, aOutSize );
        static_cast<ImplBorderWindow*>(mpWindowImpl->mpBorderWindow.get())->GetBorder( mpWindowImpl->mnLeftBorder, mpWindowImpl->mnTopBorder, mpWindowImpl->mnRightBorder, mpWindowImpl->mnBottomBorder );

void FloatingWindow::StartPopupMode( const tools::Rectangle& rRect, FloatWinPopupFlags nFlags )
    if ( IsRollUp() )

    // remove title
    mnOldTitle = mnTitle;
    if ( ( mpWindowImpl->mnStyle & WB_POPUP ) && !GetText().isEmpty() )
        SetTitleType( FloatWinTitleType::Popup );
    else if ( nFlags & FloatWinPopupFlags::AllowTearOff )
        SetTitleType( FloatWinTitleType::TearOff );
        SetTitleType( FloatWinTitleType::NONE );

    // avoid close on focus change for decorated floating windows only
    if( mpWindowImpl->mbFrame && (GetStyle() & WB_MOVEABLE) )
        nFlags |= FloatWinPopupFlags::NoAppFocusClose;

    // compute window position according to flags and arrangement
    sal_uInt16 nArrangeIndex;
    mpImplData->maPos = ImplCalcPos(this, rRect, nFlags, nArrangeIndex, &mpImplData->maLOKTwipsPos);
    SetPosPixel( mpImplData->maPos );
    ImplGetFrame()->PositionByToolkit(rRect, nFlags);

    // set data and display window
    // convert maFloatRect to absolute device coordinates
    // so they can be compared across different frames
    // !!! rRect is expected to be in screen coordinates of the parent frame window !!!
    maFloatRect = FloatingWindow::ImplConvertToAbsPos(GetParent(), rRect);

    maFloatRect.AdjustLeft( -2 );
    maFloatRect.AdjustTop( -2 );
    maFloatRect.AdjustRight(2 );
    maFloatRect.AdjustBottom(2 );
    mnPopupModeFlags        = nFlags;
    mbInPopupMode           = true;
    mbPopupMode             = true;
    mbPopupModeCanceled     = false;
    mbPopupModeTearOff      = false;
    mbMouseDown             = false;

    // add FloatingWindow to list of windows that are in popup mode
    ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData();
    mpNextFloat = pSVData->maWinData.mpFirstFloat;
    pSVData->maWinData.mpFirstFloat = this;
    if (nFlags & FloatWinPopupFlags::GrabFocus)
        // force key input even without focus (useful for menus)
        mbGrabFocus = true;
        mxPrevFocusWin = Window::SaveFocus();
        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbHasFocus = true;
    Show( true, ShowFlags::NoActivate );

void FloatingWindow::StartPopupMode( ToolBox* pBox, FloatWinPopupFlags nFlags )
    mpImplData->mpBox = pBox;

    // get selected button
    sal_uInt16 nItemId = pBox->GetDownItemId();

    if ( nItemId )
        pBox->ImplFloatControl( true, this );

    // retrieve some data from the ToolBox
    tools::Rectangle aRect = nItemId ? pBox->GetItemRect( nItemId ) : pBox->GetOverflowRect();

    // convert to parent's screen coordinates
    mpImplData->maPos = GetParent()->OutputToScreenPixel( GetParent()->AbsoluteScreenToOutputPixel( pBox->OutputToAbsoluteScreenPixel( aRect.TopLeft() ) ) );
    aRect.SetPos( mpImplData->maPos );

    nFlags |=
        FloatWinPopupFlags::AllMouseButtonClose |

    // set Flags for positioning
    if ( !(nFlags & (FloatWinPopupFlags::Down | FloatWinPopupFlags::Up |
                     FloatWinPopupFlags::Left | FloatWinPopupFlags::Right)) )
         if ( pBox->IsHorizontal() )
             nFlags |= FloatWinPopupFlags::Down;
             nFlags |= FloatWinPopupFlags::Right;

    // start FloatingMode
    StartPopupMode( aRect, nFlags );

void FloatingWindow::ImplEndPopupMode( FloatWinPopupEndFlags nFlags, const VclPtr<vcl::Window>& xFocusId )
    if ( !mbInPopupMode )

    ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData();

    mbInCleanUp = true; // prevent killing this window due to focus change while working with it

    // stop the PopupMode also for all following PopupMode windows
    while ( pSVData->maWinData.mpFirstFloat && pSVData->maWinData.mpFirstFloat.get() != this )
        pSVData->maWinData.mpFirstFloat->EndPopupMode( FloatWinPopupEndFlags::Cancel );

    // delete window from the list
    pSVData->maWinData.mpFirstFloat = mpNextFloat;
    mpNextFloat = nullptr;

    FloatWinPopupFlags nPopupModeFlags = mnPopupModeFlags;
    mbPopupModeTearOff = nFlags & FloatWinPopupEndFlags::TearOff &&
                         nPopupModeFlags & FloatWinPopupFlags::AllowTearOff;

    // hide window again if it was not deleted
    if (!mbPopupModeTearOff)
        Show( false, ShowFlags::NoFocusChange );

    if (HasChildPathFocus() && xFocusId != nullptr)
        // restore focus to previous focus window if we still have the focus
    else if ( pSVData->maWinData.mpFocusWin && pSVData->maWinData.mpFirstFloat &&
              ImplIsWindowOrChild( pSVData->maWinData.mpFocusWin ) )
        // maybe pass focus on to a suitable FloatingWindow

    mbPopupModeCanceled = bool(nFlags & FloatWinPopupEndFlags::Cancel);

    // redo title
    SetTitleType( mnOldTitle );

    // set ToolBox again to normal
    if (mpImplData && mpImplData->mpBox)
        mpImplData->mpBox->ImplFloatControl( false, this );
        // if the parent ToolBox is in popup mode, it should be closed too.
        if ( GetDockingManager()->IsInPopupMode( mpImplData->mpBox ) )
            nFlags |= FloatWinPopupEndFlags::CloseAll;

        mpImplData->mpBox = nullptr;

    // call PopupModeEnd-Handler depending on parameter
    if ( !(nFlags & FloatWinPopupEndFlags::DontCallHdl) )

    // close all other windows depending on parameter
    if ( nFlags & FloatWinPopupEndFlags::CloseAll )
        if ( !(nPopupModeFlags & FloatWinPopupFlags::NewLevel) )
            if ( pSVData->maWinData.mpFirstFloat )
                FloatingWindow* pLastLevelFloat = pSVData->maWinData.mpFirstFloat->ImplFindLastLevelFloat();
                pLastLevelFloat->EndPopupMode( FloatWinPopupEndFlags::Cancel | FloatWinPopupEndFlags::CloseAll );

    mbInCleanUp = false;

void FloatingWindow::EndPopupMode( FloatWinPopupEndFlags nFlags )
    ImplEndPopupMode(nFlags, mxPrevFocusWin);

void FloatingWindow::AddPopupModeWindow( vcl::Window* pWindow )
    // !!! up-to-now only 1 window and not yet a list
    mpFirstPopupModeWin = pWindow;

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