/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <config_features.h>

#include <tools/time.hxx>

#include <LibreOfficeKit/LibreOfficeKitEnums.h>

#include <vcl/ITiledRenderable.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/salgtype.hxx>
#include <vcl/window.hxx>
#include <vcl/floatwin.hxx>
#include <vcl/cursor.hxx>
#include <vcl/sysdata.hxx>

#include <sal/types.h>

#include <window.h>
#include <outdev.h>
#include <svdata.hxx>
#include <salobj.hxx>
#include <salgdi.hxx>
#include <salframe.hxx>

#include <dndlistenercontainer.hxx>
#include <dndeventdispatcher.hxx>

#include <com/sun/star/datatransfer/dnd/XDragSource.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/datatransfer/dnd/XDropTarget.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/XComponentContext.hpp>

#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>

using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;

namespace vcl {

WindowHitTest Window::ImplHitTest( const Point& rFramePos )
    Point aFramePos( rFramePos );
    if( ImplIsAntiparallel() )
        const OutputDevice *pOutDev = GetOutDev();
        pOutDev->ReMirror( aFramePos );
    tools::Rectangle aRect( Point( mnOutOffX, mnOutOffY ), Size( mnOutWidth, mnOutHeight ) );
    if ( !aRect.IsInside( aFramePos ) )
        return WindowHitTest::NONE;
    if ( mpWindowImpl->mbWinRegion )
        Point aTempPos = aFramePos;
        aTempPos.AdjustX( -(mnOutOffX) );
        aTempPos.AdjustY( -(mnOutOffY) );
        if ( !mpWindowImpl->maWinRegion.IsInside( aTempPos ) )
            return WindowHitTest::NONE;

    WindowHitTest nHitTest = WindowHitTest::Inside;
    if ( mpWindowImpl->mbMouseTransparent )
        nHitTest |= WindowHitTest::Transparent;
    return nHitTest;

bool Window::ImplTestMousePointerSet()
    // as soon as mouse is captured, switch mouse-pointer
    if ( IsMouseCaptured() )
        return true;

    // if the mouse is over the window, switch it
    tools::Rectangle aClientRect( Point( 0, 0 ), GetOutputSizePixel() );
    return aClientRect.IsInside( GetPointerPosPixel() );

PointerStyle Window::ImplGetMousePointer() const
    PointerStyle    ePointerStyle;
    bool            bWait = false;

    if ( IsEnabled() && IsInputEnabled() && ! IsInModalMode() )
        ePointerStyle = GetPointer();
        ePointerStyle = PointerStyle::Arrow;

    const vcl::Window* pWindow = this;
        // when the pointer is not visible stop the search, as
        // this status should not be overwritten
        if ( pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mbNoPtrVisible )
            return PointerStyle::Null;

        if ( !bWait )
            if ( pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mnWaitCount )
                ePointerStyle = PointerStyle::Wait;
                bWait = true;
                if ( pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mbChildPtrOverwrite )
                    ePointerStyle = pWindow->GetPointer();

        if ( pWindow->ImplIsOverlapWindow() )

        pWindow = pWindow->ImplGetParent();
    while ( pWindow );

    return ePointerStyle;

void Window::ImplCallMouseMove( sal_uInt16 nMouseCode, bool bModChanged )
    if ( mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbMouseIn && mpWindowImpl->mpFrameWindow->mpWindowImpl->mbReallyVisible )
        sal_uInt64 nTime   = tools::Time::GetSystemTicks();
        long    nX      = mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnLastMouseX;
        long    nY      = mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnLastMouseY;
        sal_uInt16  nCode   = nMouseCode;
        MouseEventModifiers nMode = mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnMouseMode;
        bool    bLeave;
        // check for MouseLeave
        bLeave = ((nX < 0) || (nY < 0) ||
                  (nX >= mpWindowImpl->mpFrameWindow->mnOutWidth) ||
                  (nY >= mpWindowImpl->mpFrameWindow->mnOutHeight)) &&
        nMode |= MouseEventModifiers::SYNTHETIC;
        if ( bModChanged )
            nMode |= MouseEventModifiers::MODIFIERCHANGED;
        ImplHandleMouseEvent( mpWindowImpl->mpFrameWindow, MouseNotifyEvent::MOUSEMOVE, bLeave, nX, nY, nTime, nCode, nMode );

void Window::ImplGenerateMouseMove()
    if ( mpWindowImpl && mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData &&
         !mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnMouseMoveId )
        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnMouseMoveId = Application::PostUserEvent( LINK( mpWindowImpl->mpFrameWindow, Window, ImplGenerateMouseMoveHdl ), nullptr, true );

IMPL_LINK_NOARG(Window, ImplGenerateMouseMoveHdl, void*, void)
    mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnMouseMoveId = nullptr;
    vcl::Window* pCaptureWin = ImplGetSVData()->maWinData.mpCaptureWin;
    if( ! pCaptureWin ||
        (pCaptureWin->mpWindowImpl && pCaptureWin->mpWindowImpl->mpFrame == mpWindowImpl->mpFrame)
        ImplCallMouseMove( mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnMouseCode );

void Window::ImplInvertFocus( const tools::Rectangle& rRect )
    InvertTracking( rRect, ShowTrackFlags::Small | ShowTrackFlags::TrackWindow );

static bool IsWindowFocused(const WindowImpl& rWinImpl)
    if (rWinImpl.mpSysObj)
        return true;

    if (rWinImpl.mpFrameData->mbHasFocus)
        return true;

    if (rWinImpl.mbFakeFocusSet)
        return true;

    return false;

void Window::ImplGrabFocus( GetFocusFlags nFlags )
    // #143570# no focus for destructing windows
    if( !mpWindowImpl || mpWindowImpl->mbInDispose )

    // some event listeners do really bad stuff
    // => prepare for the worst
    VclPtr<vcl::Window> xWindow( this );

    // Currently the client window should always get the focus
    // Should the border window at some point be focusable
    // we need to change all GrabFocus() instances in VCL,
    // e.g. in ToTop()

    if ( mpWindowImpl->mpClientWindow )
        // For a lack of design we need a little hack here to
        // ensure that dialogs on close pass the focus back to
        // the correct window
        if ( mpWindowImpl->mpLastFocusWindow && (mpWindowImpl->mpLastFocusWindow.get() != this) &&
             !(mpWindowImpl->mnDlgCtrlFlags & DialogControlFlags::WantFocus) &&
             mpWindowImpl->mpLastFocusWindow->IsEnabled() &&
             mpWindowImpl->mpLastFocusWindow->IsInputEnabled() &&
             ! mpWindowImpl->mpLastFocusWindow->IsInModalMode()
    else if ( mpWindowImpl->mbFrame )
        // For a lack of design we need a little hack here to
        // ensure that dialogs on close pass the focus back to
        // the correct window
        if ( mpWindowImpl->mpLastFocusWindow && (mpWindowImpl->mpLastFocusWindow.get() != this) &&
             !(mpWindowImpl->mnDlgCtrlFlags & DialogControlFlags::WantFocus) &&
             mpWindowImpl->mpLastFocusWindow->IsEnabled() &&
             mpWindowImpl->mpLastFocusWindow->IsInputEnabled() &&
             ! mpWindowImpl->mpLastFocusWindow->IsInModalMode()

    // If the Window is disabled, then we don't change the focus
    if ( !IsEnabled() || !IsInputEnabled() || IsInModalMode() )

    // we only need to set the focus if it is not already set
    // note: if some other frame is waiting for an asynchronous focus event
    // we also have to post an asynchronous focus event for this frame
    // which is done using ToTop
    ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData();

    bool bAsyncFocusWaiting = false;
    vcl::Window *pFrame = pSVData->maWinData.mpFirstFrame;
    while( pFrame  )
        if( pFrame != mpWindowImpl->mpFrameWindow.get() && pFrame->mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnFocusId )
            bAsyncFocusWaiting = true;
        pFrame = pFrame->mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpNextFrame;

    bool bHasFocus = IsWindowFocused(*mpWindowImpl);

    bool bMustNotGrabFocus = false;
    // #100242#, check parent hierarchy if some floater prohibits grab focus

    vcl::Window *pParent = this;
    while( pParent )
        if ((pParent->GetStyle() & WB_SYSTEMFLOATWIN) && !(pParent->GetStyle() & WB_MOVEABLE))
            bMustNotGrabFocus = true;
        pParent = pParent->mpWindowImpl->mpParent;

    if ( !(( pSVData->maWinData.mpFocusWin.get() != this &&
             !mpWindowImpl->mbInDispose ) ||
           ( bAsyncFocusWaiting && !bHasFocus && !bMustNotGrabFocus )) )

    // EndExtTextInput if it is not the same window
    if ( pSVData->maWinData.mpExtTextInputWin &&
         (pSVData->maWinData.mpExtTextInputWin.get() != this) )

    // mark this windows as the last FocusWindow
    vcl::Window* pOverlapWindow = ImplGetFirstOverlapWindow();
    pOverlapWindow->mpWindowImpl->mpLastFocusWindow = this;
    mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpFocusWin = this;

    if( !bHasFocus )
        // menu windows never get the system focus
        // the application will keep the focus
        if( bMustNotGrabFocus )
            // here we already switch focus as ToTop()
            // should not give focus to another window
            mpWindowImpl->mpFrame->ToTop( SalFrameToTop::GrabFocus | SalFrameToTop::GrabFocusOnly );

    VclPtr<vcl::Window> pOldFocusWindow = pSVData->maWinData.mpFocusWin;

    pSVData->maWinData.mpFocusWin = this;

    if ( pOldFocusWindow )
        // Cursor hidden
        if ( pOldFocusWindow->mpWindowImpl->mpCursor )

    // !!!!! due to old SV-Office Activate/Deactivate handling
    // !!!!! first as before
    if ( pOldFocusWindow )
        // remember Focus
        vcl::Window* pOldOverlapWindow = pOldFocusWindow->ImplGetFirstOverlapWindow();
        vcl::Window* pNewOverlapWindow = ImplGetFirstOverlapWindow();
        if ( pOldOverlapWindow != pNewOverlapWindow )
            ImplCallFocusChangeActivate( pNewOverlapWindow, pOldOverlapWindow );
        vcl::Window* pNewOverlapWindow = ImplGetFirstOverlapWindow();
        vcl::Window* pNewRealWindow = pNewOverlapWindow->ImplGetWindow();
        pNewOverlapWindow->mpWindowImpl->mbActive = true;
        if ( pNewRealWindow != pNewOverlapWindow )
            pNewRealWindow->mpWindowImpl->mbActive = true;

    // call Get- and LoseFocus
    if ( pOldFocusWindow && ! pOldFocusWindow->IsDisposed() )
        NotifyEvent aNEvt( MouseNotifyEvent::LOSEFOCUS, pOldFocusWindow );
        if ( !ImplCallPreNotify( aNEvt ) )
        pOldFocusWindow->ImplCallDeactivateListeners( this );

    if ( pSVData->maWinData.mpFocusWin.get() == this )
        if ( mpWindowImpl->mpSysObj )
            mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpFocusWin = this;
            if ( !mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbInSysObjFocusHdl )

        if ( pSVData->maWinData.mpFocusWin.get() == this )
            if ( mpWindowImpl->mpCursor )
            mpWindowImpl->mbInFocusHdl = true;
            mpWindowImpl->mnGetFocusFlags = nFlags;
            // if we're changing focus due to closing a popup floating window
            // notify the new focus window so it can restore the inner focus
            // eg, toolboxes can select their recent active item
            if( pOldFocusWindow &&
                ! pOldFocusWindow->IsDisposed() &&
                ( pOldFocusWindow->GetDialogControlFlags() & DialogControlFlags::FloatWinPopupModeEndCancel ) )
                mpWindowImpl->mnGetFocusFlags |= GetFocusFlags::FloatWinPopupModeEndCancel;
            NotifyEvent aNEvt( MouseNotifyEvent::GETFOCUS, this );
            if ( !ImplCallPreNotify( aNEvt ) && !xWindow->IsDisposed() )
            if( !xWindow->IsDisposed() )
                ImplCallActivateListeners( (pOldFocusWindow && ! pOldFocusWindow->IsDisposed()) ? pOldFocusWindow : nullptr );
            if( !xWindow->IsDisposed() )
                mpWindowImpl->mnGetFocusFlags = GetFocusFlags::NONE;
                mpWindowImpl->mbInFocusHdl = false;



void Window::ImplGrabFocusToDocument( GetFocusFlags nFlags )
    vcl::Window *pWin = this;
    while( pWin )
        if( !pWin->GetParent() )
            pWin->ImplGetFrameWindow()->GetWindow( GetWindowType::Client )->ImplGrabFocus(nFlags);
        pWin = pWin->GetParent();

void Window::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
    NotifyEvent aNEvt( MouseNotifyEvent::MOUSEMOVE, this, &rMEvt );

void Window::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
    NotifyEvent aNEvt( MouseNotifyEvent::MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, this, &rMEvt );
    if (!EventNotify(aNEvt))
        mpWindowImpl->mbMouseButtonDown = true;

void Window::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
    NotifyEvent aNEvt( MouseNotifyEvent::MOUSEBUTTONUP, this, &rMEvt );
    if (!EventNotify(aNEvt))
        mpWindowImpl->mbMouseButtonUp = true;

void Window::SetMouseTransparent( bool bTransparent )

    if ( mpWindowImpl->mpBorderWindow )
        mpWindowImpl->mpBorderWindow->SetMouseTransparent( bTransparent );

    if( mpWindowImpl->mpSysObj )
        mpWindowImpl->mpSysObj->SetMouseTransparent( bTransparent );

    mpWindowImpl->mbMouseTransparent = bTransparent;

void Window::CaptureMouse()

    ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData();

    // possibly stop tracking
    if ( pSVData->maWinData.mpTrackWin.get() != this )
        if ( pSVData->maWinData.mpTrackWin )
            pSVData->maWinData.mpTrackWin->EndTracking( TrackingEventFlags::Cancel );

    if ( pSVData->maWinData.mpCaptureWin.get() != this )
        pSVData->maWinData.mpCaptureWin = this;
        mpWindowImpl->mpFrame->CaptureMouse( true );

void Window::ReleaseMouse()
    if (IsMouseCaptured())
        ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData();
        pSVData->maWinData.mpCaptureWin = nullptr;
        mpWindowImpl->mpFrame->CaptureMouse( false );

bool Window::IsMouseCaptured() const
    return (this == ImplGetSVData()->maWinData.mpCaptureWin);

void Window::SetPointer( PointerStyle nPointer )
    if ( mpWindowImpl->maPointer == nPointer )

    mpWindowImpl->maPointer   = nPointer;

    // possibly immediately move pointer
    if ( !mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbInMouseMove && ImplTestMousePointerSet() )
        mpWindowImpl->mpFrame->SetPointer( ImplGetMousePointer() );

    if (VclPtr<vcl::Window> pWin = GetParentWithLOKNotifier())
        PointerStyle aPointer = GetPointer();
        // We don't map all possible pointers hence we need a default
        OString aPointerString = "default";
        auto aIt = vcl::gaLOKPointerMap.find(aPointer);
        if (aIt != vcl::gaLOKPointerMap.end())
            aPointerString = aIt->second;

        // issue mouse pointer events only for document windows
        // Doc windows' immediate parent SfxFrameViewWindow_Impl is the one with
        // parent notifier set during initialization
        if (GetParent()->ImplGetWindowImpl()->mbLOKParentNotifier &&
            GetParent()->ImplGetWindowImpl()->mnLOKWindowId == 0)
            pWin->GetLOKNotifier()->libreOfficeKitViewCallback(LOK_CALLBACK_MOUSE_POINTER, aPointerString.getStr());

void Window::EnableChildPointerOverwrite( bool bOverwrite )

    if ( mpWindowImpl->mbChildPtrOverwrite == bOverwrite )

    mpWindowImpl->mbChildPtrOverwrite  = bOverwrite;

    // possibly immediately move pointer
    if ( !mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbInMouseMove && ImplTestMousePointerSet() )
        mpWindowImpl->mpFrame->SetPointer( ImplGetMousePointer() );

void Window::SetPointerPosPixel( const Point& rPos )
    Point aPos = ImplOutputToFrame( rPos );
    const OutputDevice *pOutDev = GetOutDev();
    if( pOutDev->HasMirroredGraphics() )
        if( !IsRTLEnabled() )
            pOutDev->ReMirror( aPos );
        // mirroring is required here, SetPointerPos bypasses SalGraphics
        aPos.setX( mpGraphics->mirror2( aPos.X(), this ) );
    else if( ImplIsAntiparallel() )
        pOutDev->ReMirror( aPos );
    mpWindowImpl->mpFrame->SetPointerPos( aPos.X(), aPos.Y() );

void Window::SetLastMousePos(const Point& rPos)
    // Do this conversion, so when GetPointerPosPixel() calls
    // ImplFrameToOutput(), we get back the original position.
    Point aPos = ImplOutputToFrame(rPos);
    mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnLastMouseX = aPos.X();
    mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnLastMouseY = aPos.Y();

Point Window::GetPointerPosPixel()

    Point aPos( mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnLastMouseX, mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnLastMouseY );
    if( ImplIsAntiparallel() )
        const OutputDevice *pOutDev = GetOutDev();
        pOutDev->ReMirror( aPos );
    return ImplFrameToOutput( aPos );

Point Window::GetLastPointerPosPixel()

    Point aPos( mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnBeforeLastMouseX, mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnBeforeLastMouseY );
    if( ImplIsAntiparallel() )
        const OutputDevice *pOutDev = GetOutDev();
        pOutDev->ReMirror( aPos );
    return ImplFrameToOutput( aPos );

void Window::ShowPointer( bool bVisible )

    if ( mpWindowImpl->mbNoPtrVisible != !bVisible )
        mpWindowImpl->mbNoPtrVisible = !bVisible;

        // possibly immediately move pointer
        if ( !mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbInMouseMove && ImplTestMousePointerSet() )
            mpWindowImpl->mpFrame->SetPointer( ImplGetMousePointer() );

Window::PointerState Window::GetPointerState()
    PointerState aState;
    aState.mnState = 0;

    if (mpWindowImpl->mpFrame)
        SalFrame::SalPointerState aSalPointerState;

        aSalPointerState = mpWindowImpl->mpFrame->GetPointerState();
        if( ImplIsAntiparallel() )
            const OutputDevice *pOutDev = GetOutDev();
            pOutDev->ReMirror( aSalPointerState.maPos );
        aState.maPos = ImplFrameToOutput( aSalPointerState.maPos );
        aState.mnState = aSalPointerState.mnState;
    return aState;

bool Window::IsMouseOver()
    return ImplGetWinData()->mbMouseOver;

void Window::EnterWait()


    if ( mpWindowImpl->mnWaitCount == 1 )
        // possibly immediately move pointer
        if ( !mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbInMouseMove && ImplTestMousePointerSet() )
            mpWindowImpl->mpFrame->SetPointer( ImplGetMousePointer() );

void Window::LeaveWait()

    if ( mpWindowImpl->mnWaitCount )

        if ( !mpWindowImpl->mnWaitCount )
            // possibly immediately move pointer
            if ( !mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbInMouseMove && ImplTestMousePointerSet() )
                mpWindowImpl->mpFrame->SetPointer( ImplGetMousePointer() );

bool Window::ImplStopDnd()
    bool bRet = false;
    if( mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData && mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mxDropTargetListener.is() )
        bRet = true;

    return bRet;

void Window::ImplStartDnd()

Reference< css::datatransfer::dnd::XDropTarget > Window::GetDropTarget()
    if( !mpWindowImpl )
        return Reference< css::datatransfer::dnd::XDropTarget >();

    if( ! mpWindowImpl->mxDNDListenerContainer.is() )
        sal_Int8 nDefaultActions = 0;

        if( mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData )
            if( ! mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mxDropTarget.is() )
                // initialization is done in GetDragSource

            if( mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mxDropTarget.is() )
                nDefaultActions = mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mxDropTarget->getDefaultActions();

                if( ! mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mxDropTargetListener.is() )
                    mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mxDropTargetListener = new DNDEventDispatcher( mpWindowImpl->mpFrameWindow );

                        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mxDropTarget->addDropTargetListener( mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mxDropTargetListener );

                        // register also as drag gesture listener if directly supported by drag source
                        Reference< css::datatransfer::dnd::XDragGestureRecognizer > xDragGestureRecognizer =
                            Reference< css::datatransfer::dnd::XDragGestureRecognizer > (mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mxDragSource, UNO_QUERY);

                        if( xDragGestureRecognizer.is() )
                                Reference< css::datatransfer::dnd::XDragGestureListener > (mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mxDropTargetListener, UNO_QUERY));
                            mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbInternalDragGestureRecognizer = true;

                    catch (const RuntimeException&)
                        // release all instances


        mpWindowImpl->mxDNDListenerContainer = static_cast < css::datatransfer::dnd::XDropTarget * > ( new DNDListenerContainer( nDefaultActions ) );

    // this object is located in the same process, so there will be no runtime exception
    return Reference< css::datatransfer::dnd::XDropTarget > ( mpWindowImpl->mxDNDListenerContainer, UNO_QUERY );

Reference< css::datatransfer::dnd::XDragSource > Window::GetDragSource()


    if( mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData )
        if( ! mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mxDragSource.is() )
                Reference< XComponentContext > xContext( comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
                const SystemEnvData * pEnvData = GetSystemData();

                if( pEnvData )
                    Sequence< Any > aDragSourceAL( 2 ), aDropTargetAL( 2 );
                    OUString aDragSourceSN, aDropTargetSN;
#if defined(_WIN32)
                    aDragSourceSN = "com.sun.star.datatransfer.dnd.OleDragSource";
                    aDropTargetSN = "com.sun.star.datatransfer.dnd.OleDropTarget";
                    aDragSourceAL[ 1 ] <<= static_cast<sal_uInt64>( reinterpret_cast<sal_IntPtr>(pEnvData->hWnd) );
                    aDropTargetAL[ 0 ] <<= static_cast<sal_uInt64>( reinterpret_cast<sal_IntPtr>(pEnvData->hWnd) );
#elif defined MACOSX
            /* FIXME: macOS specific dnd interface does not exist! *
             * Using Windows based dnd as a temporary solution        */
                    aDragSourceSN = "com.sun.star.datatransfer.dnd.OleDragSource";
                    aDropTargetSN = "com.sun.star.datatransfer.dnd.OleDropTarget";
                    aDragSourceAL[ 1 ] <<= static_cast<sal_uInt64>( reinterpret_cast<sal_IntPtr>(pEnvData->mpNSView) );
                    aDropTargetAL[ 0 ] <<= static_cast<sal_uInt64>( reinterpret_cast<sal_IntPtr>(pEnvData->mpNSView) );
                    aDragSourceSN = "com.sun.star.datatransfer.dnd.X11DragSource";
                    aDropTargetSN = "com.sun.star.datatransfer.dnd.X11DropTarget";

                    aDragSourceAL[ 0 ] <<= Application::GetDisplayConnection();
                    aDragSourceAL[ 1 ] <<= pEnvData->aShellWindow;
                    aDropTargetAL[ 0 ] <<= Application::GetDisplayConnection();
                    aDropTargetAL[ 1 ] <<= pEnvData->aShellWindow;
                    if( !aDragSourceSN.isEmpty() )
                            xContext->getServiceManager()->createInstanceWithArgumentsAndContext( aDragSourceSN, aDragSourceAL, xContext ),
                            UNO_QUERY );

                    if( !aDropTargetSN.isEmpty() )
                           xContext->getServiceManager()->createInstanceWithArgumentsAndContext( aDropTargetSN, aDropTargetAL, xContext ),
                           UNO_QUERY );

            // createInstance can throw any exception
            catch (const Exception&)
                // release all instances

        return mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mxDragSource;
    return Reference< css::datatransfer::dnd::XDragSource > ();

Reference< css::datatransfer::dnd::XDragGestureRecognizer > Window::GetDragGestureRecognizer()
    return Reference< css::datatransfer::dnd::XDragGestureRecognizer > ( GetDropTarget(), UNO_QUERY );

} /* namespace vcl */

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