/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ======================================================================= static void ImplInitMsgBoxImageList() { ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData(); if ( !pSVData->maWinData.mpMsgBoxImgList ) { ResMgr* pResMgr = ImplGetResMgr(); pSVData->maWinData.mpMsgBoxImgList = new ImageList(4); if( pResMgr ) { Color aNonAlphaMask( 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0 ); pSVData->maWinData.mpMsgBoxImgList->InsertFromHorizontalBitmap ( ResId( SV_RESID_BITMAP_MSGBOX, *pResMgr ), 4, &aNonAlphaMask ); } } } // ======================================================================= void MessBox::ImplInitMessBoxData() { mpVCLMultiLineEdit = NULL; mpFixedImage = NULL; mbHelpBtn = sal_False; mpCheckBox = NULL; mbCheck = sal_False; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void MessBox::ImplInitButtons() { WinBits nStyle = GetStyle(); sal_uInt16 nOKFlags = BUTTONDIALOG_OKBUTTON; sal_uInt16 nCancelFlags = BUTTONDIALOG_CANCELBUTTON; sal_uInt16 nRetryFlags = 0; sal_uInt16 nYesFlags = 0; sal_uInt16 nNoFlags = 0; if ( nStyle & WB_OK_CANCEL ) { if ( nStyle & WB_DEF_CANCEL ) nCancelFlags |= BUTTONDIALOG_DEFBUTTON | BUTTONDIALOG_FOCUSBUTTON; else // WB_DEF_OK nOKFlags |= BUTTONDIALOG_DEFBUTTON | BUTTONDIALOG_FOCUSBUTTON; AddButton( BUTTON_OK, BUTTONID_OK, nOKFlags ); AddButton( BUTTON_CANCEL, BUTTONID_CANCEL, nCancelFlags ); } else if ( nStyle & WB_YES_NO ) { if ( nStyle & WB_DEF_YES ) nYesFlags |= BUTTONDIALOG_DEFBUTTON | BUTTONDIALOG_FOCUSBUTTON; else // WB_DEF_NO nNoFlags |= BUTTONDIALOG_DEFBUTTON | BUTTONDIALOG_FOCUSBUTTON; nNoFlags |= BUTTONDIALOG_CANCELBUTTON; AddButton( BUTTON_YES, BUTTONID_YES, nYesFlags ); AddButton( BUTTON_NO, BUTTONID_NO, nNoFlags ); } else if ( nStyle & WB_YES_NO_CANCEL ) { if ( nStyle & WB_DEF_YES ) nYesFlags |= BUTTONDIALOG_DEFBUTTON | BUTTONDIALOG_FOCUSBUTTON; else if ( nStyle & WB_DEF_NO ) nNoFlags |= BUTTONDIALOG_DEFBUTTON | BUTTONDIALOG_FOCUSBUTTON; else nCancelFlags |= BUTTONDIALOG_DEFBUTTON | BUTTONDIALOG_FOCUSBUTTON; AddButton( BUTTON_YES, BUTTONID_YES, nYesFlags ); AddButton( BUTTON_NO, BUTTONID_NO, nNoFlags ); AddButton( BUTTON_CANCEL, BUTTONID_CANCEL, nCancelFlags ); } else if ( nStyle & WB_RETRY_CANCEL ) { if ( nStyle & WB_DEF_CANCEL ) nCancelFlags |= BUTTONDIALOG_DEFBUTTON | BUTTONDIALOG_FOCUSBUTTON; else // WB_DEF_RETRY nRetryFlags |= BUTTONDIALOG_DEFBUTTON | BUTTONDIALOG_FOCUSBUTTON; AddButton( BUTTON_RETRY, BUTTONID_RETRY, nRetryFlags ); AddButton( BUTTON_CANCEL, BUTTONID_CANCEL, nCancelFlags ); } else if ( nStyle & WB_ABORT_RETRY_IGNORE ) { sal_uInt16 nAbortFlags = 0; sal_uInt16 nIgnoreFlags = 0; if ( nStyle & WB_DEF_CANCEL ) nAbortFlags |= BUTTONDIALOG_DEFBUTTON | BUTTONDIALOG_FOCUSBUTTON; else if ( nStyle & WB_DEF_RETRY ) nRetryFlags |= BUTTONDIALOG_DEFBUTTON | BUTTONDIALOG_FOCUSBUTTON; else if ( nStyle & WB_DEF_IGNORE ) nIgnoreFlags |= BUTTONDIALOG_DEFBUTTON | BUTTONDIALOG_FOCUSBUTTON; AddButton( BUTTON_ABORT, BUTTONID_CANCEL, nAbortFlags ); AddButton( BUTTON_RETRY, BUTTONID_RETRY, nRetryFlags ); AddButton( BUTTON_IGNORE, BUTTONID_IGNORE, nIgnoreFlags ); } else if ( nStyle & WB_OK ) { nOKFlags |= BUTTONDIALOG_DEFBUTTON | BUTTONDIALOG_FOCUSBUTTON; AddButton( BUTTON_OK, BUTTONID_OK, nOKFlags ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MessBox::MessBox( Window* pParent, WinBits nStyle, const XubString& rTitle, const XubString& rMessage ) : ButtonDialog( WINDOW_MESSBOX ), maMessText( rMessage ) { ImplInitMessBoxData(); ImplInit( pParent, nStyle | WB_MOVEABLE | WB_HORZ | WB_CENTER ); ImplInitButtons(); if ( rTitle.Len() ) SetText( rTitle ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MessBox::MessBox( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId ) : ButtonDialog( WINDOW_MESSBOX ) { ImplInitMessBoxData(); GetRes( rResId.SetRT( RSC_MESSBOX ) ); sal_uInt16 nHiButtons = ReadShortRes(); sal_uInt16 nLoButtons = ReadShortRes(); sal_uInt16 nHiDefButton = ReadShortRes(); sal_uInt16 nLoDefButton = ReadShortRes(); rtl::OString aHelpId( ReadByteStringRes() ); /* sal_uInt16 bSysModal = */ ReadShortRes(); SetHelpId( aHelpId ); WinBits nBits = (((sal_uLong)nHiButtons << 16) + nLoButtons) | (((sal_uLong)nHiDefButton << 16) + nLoDefButton); ImplInit( pParent, nBits | WB_MOVEABLE | WB_HORZ | WB_CENTER ); ImplLoadRes( rResId ); ImplInitButtons(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void MessBox::ImplLoadRes( const ResId& ) { SetText( ReadStringRes() ); SetMessText( ReadStringRes() ); SetHelpText( ReadStringRes() ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MessBox::~MessBox() { delete mpVCLMultiLineEdit; delete mpFixedImage; delete mpCheckBox; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void MessBox::ImplPosControls() { if ( !GetHelpId().isEmpty() ) { if ( !mbHelpBtn ) { AddButton( BUTTON_HELP, BUTTONID_HELP, BUTTONDIALOG_HELPBUTTON, 3 ); mbHelpBtn = sal_True; } } else { if ( mbHelpBtn ) { RemoveButton( BUTTONID_HELP ); mbHelpBtn = sal_False; } } XubString aMessText( maMessText ); TextRectInfo aTextInfo; Rectangle aRect( 0, 0, 30000, 30000 ); Rectangle aFormatRect; Point aTextPos( IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET, IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET+IMPL_MSGBOX_OFFSET_EXTRA_Y ); Size aImageSize; Size aPageSize; Size aMEditSize; long nTitleWidth; long nButtonSize = ImplGetButtonSize(); long nMaxWidth = GetDesktopRectPixel().GetWidth()-8; long nMaxLineWidth; long nWidth; WinBits nWinStyle = WB_LEFT | WB_WORDBREAK | WB_NOLABEL; sal_uInt16 nTextStyle = TEXT_DRAW_MULTILINE | TEXT_DRAW_TOP | TEXT_DRAW_LEFT; delete mpVCLMultiLineEdit; if ( mpFixedImage ) { delete mpFixedImage; mpFixedImage = NULL; } if ( mpCheckBox ) { mbCheck = mpCheckBox->IsChecked(); delete mpCheckBox; mpCheckBox = NULL; } // Message-Text um Tabs bereinigen rtl::OUString aTabStr(" "); sal_uInt16 nIndex = 0; while ( nIndex != STRING_NOTFOUND ) nIndex = aMessText.SearchAndReplace( rtl::OUString('\t'), aTabStr, nIndex ); // Wenn Fenster zu schmall, machen wir Dialog auch breiter if ( mpWindowImpl->mbFrame ) nMaxWidth = 630; else if ( nMaxWidth < 120 ) nMaxWidth = 120; nMaxWidth -= mpWindowImpl->mnLeftBorder+mpWindowImpl->mnRightBorder+4; // MessageBox sollte min. so breit sein, das auch Title sichtbar ist // Extra-Width for Closer, because Closer is set after this call nTitleWidth = CalcTitleWidth(); nTitleWidth += mpWindowImpl->mnTopBorder; nMaxWidth -= (IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET*2)+(IMPL_MSGBOX_OFFSET_EXTRA_X*2); // Wenn wir ein Image haben, dann deren Groesse ermitteln und das // entsprechende Control anlegen und positionieren aImageSize = maImage.GetSizePixel(); if ( aImageSize.Width() ) { aImageSize.Width() += 4; aImageSize.Height() += 4; aTextPos.X() += aImageSize.Width()+IMPL_SEP_MSGBOX_IMAGE; mpFixedImage = new FixedImage( this ); mpFixedImage->SetPosSizePixel( Point( IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET-2+IMPL_MSGBOX_OFFSET_EXTRA_X, IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET-2+IMPL_MSGBOX_OFFSET_EXTRA_Y ), aImageSize ); mpFixedImage->SetImage( maImage ); mpFixedImage->Show(); nMaxWidth -= aImageSize.Width()+IMPL_SEP_MSGBOX_IMAGE; } else aTextPos.X() += IMPL_MSGBOX_OFFSET_EXTRA_X; // Maximale Zeilenlaenge ohne Wordbreak ermitteln aFormatRect = GetTextRect( aRect, aMessText, nTextStyle, &aTextInfo ); nMaxLineWidth = aFormatRect.GetWidth(); nTextStyle |= TEXT_DRAW_WORDBREAK; // Breite fuer Textformatierung ermitteln if ( nMaxLineWidth > 450 ) nWidth = 450; else if ( nMaxLineWidth > 300 ) nWidth = nMaxLineWidth+5; else nWidth = 300; if ( nButtonSize > nWidth ) nWidth = nButtonSize-(aTextPos.X()-IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET); if ( nWidth > nMaxWidth ) nWidth = nMaxWidth; aRect.Right() = nWidth; aFormatRect = GetTextRect( aRect, aMessText, nTextStyle, &aTextInfo ); if ( aTextInfo.GetMaxLineWidth() > nWidth ) { nWidth = aTextInfo.GetMaxLineWidth()+8; aRect.Right() = nWidth; aFormatRect = GetTextRect( aRect, aMessText, nTextStyle, &aTextInfo ); } // Style fuer VCLMultiLineEdit ermitteln aMEditSize.Width() = aTextInfo.GetMaxLineWidth()+1; aMEditSize.Height() = aFormatRect.GetHeight(); aPageSize.Width() = aImageSize.Width(); if ( aMEditSize.Height() < aImageSize.Height() ) { nWinStyle |= WB_VCENTER; aPageSize.Height() = aImageSize.Height(); aMEditSize.Height() = aImageSize.Height(); } else { nWinStyle |= WB_TOP; aPageSize.Height() = aMEditSize.Height(); } if ( aImageSize.Width() ) aPageSize.Width() += IMPL_SEP_MSGBOX_IMAGE; aPageSize.Width() += (IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET*2)+(IMPL_MSGBOX_OFFSET_EXTRA_X*2); aPageSize.Width() += aMEditSize.Width()+1; aPageSize.Height() += (IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET*2)+(IMPL_MSGBOX_OFFSET_EXTRA_Y*2); if ( aPageSize.Width() < IMPL_MINSIZE_MSGBOX_WIDTH ) aPageSize.Width() = IMPL_MINSIZE_MSGBOX_WIDTH; if ( aPageSize.Width() < nTitleWidth ) aPageSize.Width() = nTitleWidth; if ( maCheckBoxText.Len() ) { Size aMinCheckboxSize ( aMEditSize ); if ( aPageSize.Width() < IMPL_MINSIZE_MSGBOX_WIDTH+80 ) { aPageSize.Width() = IMPL_MINSIZE_MSGBOX_WIDTH+80; aMinCheckboxSize.Width() += 80; } // #104492# auto mnemonics for CJK strings may increase the length, so measure the // checkbox length including a temporary mnemonic, the correct auto mnemonic will be // generated later in the dialog (see init_show) String aMnemonicString( maCheckBoxText ); if( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetAutoMnemonic() ) { if( aMnemonicString == GetNonMnemonicString( maCheckBoxText ) ) { // no mnemonic found -> create one MnemonicGenerator aMnemonicGenerator; aMnemonicGenerator.CreateMnemonic( aMnemonicString ); } } mpCheckBox = new CheckBox( this ); mpCheckBox->Check( mbCheck ); mpCheckBox->SetText( aMnemonicString ); mpCheckBox->SetStyle( mpCheckBox->GetStyle() | WB_WORDBREAK ); mpCheckBox->SetHelpId( GetHelpId() ); // DR: Check box and dialog have same HID // align checkbox with message text Size aSize = mpCheckBox->CalcMinimumSize( aMinCheckboxSize.Width() ); // now set the original non-mnemonic string mpCheckBox->SetText( maCheckBoxText ); Point aPos( aTextPos ); aPos.Y() += aMEditSize.Height() + (IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET)+(IMPL_MSGBOX_OFFSET_EXTRA_Y*2); // increase messagebox aPageSize.Height() += aSize.Height() + (IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET*2)+(IMPL_MSGBOX_OFFSET_EXTRA_Y*2); mpCheckBox->SetPosSizePixel( aPos, aSize ); mpCheckBox->Show(); } mpVCLMultiLineEdit = new VclMultiLineEdit( this, nWinStyle ); mpVCLMultiLineEdit->SetText( aMessText ); mpVCLMultiLineEdit->SetPosSizePixel( aTextPos, aMEditSize ); mpVCLMultiLineEdit->Show(); mpVCLMultiLineEdit->SetPaintTransparent(sal_True); mpVCLMultiLineEdit->EnableCursor(sal_False); SetPageSizePixel( aPageSize ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void MessBox::StateChanged( StateChangedType nType ) { if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_INITSHOW ) { ImplPosControls(); } ButtonDialog::StateChanged( nType ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool MessBox::GetCheckBoxState() const { return mpCheckBox ? mpCheckBox->IsChecked() : mbCheck; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void MessBox::SetCheckBoxState( sal_Bool bCheck ) { if( mpCheckBox ) mpCheckBox->Check( bCheck ); mbCheck = bCheck; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Size MessBox::GetOptimalSize() const { // FIXME: base me on the font size ? return Size( 250, 100 ); } // ============================================================================ void InfoBox::ImplInitInfoBoxData() { // Default Text is the display title from the application if ( GetText().isEmpty() ) SetText( Application::GetDisplayName() ); SetImage( InfoBox::GetStandardImage() ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- InfoBox::InfoBox( Window* pParent, const XubString& rMessage ) : MessBox( pParent, WB_OK | WB_DEF_OK, ImplGetSVEmptyStr(), rMessage ) { ImplInitInfoBoxData(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- InfoBox::InfoBox( Window* pParent, const ResId & rResId ) : MessBox( pParent, rResId.SetRT( RSC_INFOBOX ) ) { ImplInitInfoBoxData(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Image InfoBox::GetStandardImage() { ImplInitMsgBoxImageList(); return ImplGetSVData()->maWinData.mpMsgBoxImgList->GetImage( 4 ); } // ============================================================================ void WarningBox::ImplInitWarningBoxData() { // Default Text is the display title from the application if ( GetText().isEmpty() ) SetText( Application::GetDisplayName() ); SetImage( WarningBox::GetStandardImage() ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WarningBox::WarningBox( Window* pParent, WinBits nStyle, const XubString& rMessage ) : MessBox( pParent, nStyle, ImplGetSVEmptyStr(), rMessage ) { ImplInitWarningBoxData(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WarningBox::WarningBox( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId ) : MessBox( pParent, rResId.SetRT( RSC_WARNINGBOX ) ) { ImplInitWarningBoxData(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void WarningBox::SetDefaultCheckBoxText() { ResMgr* pResMgr = ImplGetResMgr(); if( pResMgr ) maCheckBoxText = ResId(SV_STDTEXT_DONTWARNAGAIN, *pResMgr).toString(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Image WarningBox::GetStandardImage() { ImplInitMsgBoxImageList(); return ImplGetSVData()->maWinData.mpMsgBoxImgList->GetImage( 3 ); } // ============================================================================ void ErrorBox::ImplInitErrorBoxData() { // Default Text is the display title from the application if ( GetText().isEmpty() ) SetText( Application::GetDisplayName() ); SetImage( ErrorBox::GetStandardImage() ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ErrorBox::ErrorBox( Window* pParent, WinBits nStyle, const XubString& rMessage ) : MessBox( pParent, nStyle, ImplGetSVEmptyStr(), rMessage ) { ImplInitErrorBoxData(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ErrorBox::ErrorBox( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId ) : MessBox( pParent, rResId.SetRT( RSC_ERRORBOX ) ) { ImplInitErrorBoxData(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Image ErrorBox::GetStandardImage() { try { ImplInitMsgBoxImageList(); } catch (const ::com::sun::star::uno::Exception &) { // During early bootstrap we can have no initialized // ucb and hence no ability to get this image, so nop. return Image(); } return ImplGetSVData()->maWinData.mpMsgBoxImgList->GetImage( 1 ); } // ============================================================================ void QueryBox::ImplInitQueryBoxData() { // Default Text is the display title from the application if ( GetText().isEmpty() ) SetText( Application::GetDisplayName() ); SetImage( QueryBox::GetStandardImage() ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- QueryBox::QueryBox( Window* pParent, WinBits nStyle, const XubString& rMessage ) : MessBox( pParent, nStyle, ImplGetSVEmptyStr(), rMessage ) { ImplInitQueryBoxData(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- QueryBox::QueryBox( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId ) : MessBox( pParent, rResId.SetRT( RSC_QUERYBOX ) ) { ImplInitQueryBoxData(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void QueryBox::SetDefaultCheckBoxText() { ResMgr* pResMgr = ImplGetResMgr(); if( pResMgr ) maCheckBoxText = ResId(SV_STDTEXT_DONTASKAGAIN, *pResMgr).toString(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Image QueryBox::GetStandardImage() { ImplInitMsgBoxImageList(); return ImplGetSVData()->maWinData.mpMsgBoxImgList->GetImage( 2 ); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */