/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: split.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.13 $ * * last change: $Author: pjunck $ $Date: 2004-10-28 06:55:44 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SV_RC_H #include #endif #ifndef _SV_EVENT_HXX #include #endif #define private public #ifndef _SV_SPLIT_HXX #include #endif #undef private #ifndef _SV_SVAPP_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SYSWIN_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_TASKPANELIST_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_GRADIENT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TL_POLY_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_LINEINFO_HXX #include #endif #ifndef INCLUDED_RTL_INSTANCE_HXX #include #endif namespace { struct ImplBlackWall : public rtl::StaticWithInit { Wallpaper operator () () { return Wallpaper(COL_BLACK); } }; struct ImplWhiteWall : public rtl::StaticWithInit { Wallpaper operator () () { return Wallpaper(COL_LIGHTGRAY); } }; } // ======================================================================= void Splitter::ImplInitData() { mbSplitter = TRUE; mpRefWin = NULL; mnSplitPos = 0; mnLastSplitPos = 0; mnStartSplitPos = 0; mbDragFull = FALSE; mbKbdSplitting = FALSE; mbInKeyEvent = 0; mnKeyboardStepSize = SPLITTER_DEFAULTSTEPSIZE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Splitter::ImplInit( Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle ) { Window::ImplInit( pParent, nWinStyle, NULL ); mpRefWin = pParent; const StyleSettings& rSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); long nA = rSettings.GetScrollBarSize(); long nB = rSettings.GetSplitSize(); PointerStyle ePointerStyle; if ( nWinStyle & WB_HSCROLL ) { ePointerStyle = POINTER_HSPLIT; mbHorzSplit = TRUE; SetSizePixel( Size( nB, nA ) ); } else { ePointerStyle = POINTER_VSPLIT; mbHorzSplit = FALSE; SetSizePixel( Size( nA, nB ) ); } SetPointer( Pointer( ePointerStyle ) ); if( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetFaceColor().IsDark() ) SetBackground( ImplWhiteWall::get() ); else SetBackground( ImplBlackWall::get() ); TaskPaneList *pTList = GetSystemWindow()->GetTaskPaneList(); pTList->AddWindow( this ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Splitter::ImplSplitMousePos( Point& rPos ) { if ( mbHorzSplit ) { if ( rPos.X() > maDragRect.Right()-1 ) rPos.X() = maDragRect.Right()-1; if ( rPos.X() < maDragRect.Left()+1 ) rPos.X() = maDragRect.Left()+1; } else { if ( rPos.Y() > maDragRect.Bottom()-1 ) rPos.Y() = maDragRect.Bottom()-1; if ( rPos.Y() < maDragRect.Top()+1 ) rPos.Y() = maDragRect.Top()+1; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Splitter::ImplDrawSplitter() { Rectangle aInvRect( maDragRect ); if ( mbHorzSplit ) { aInvRect.Left() = maDragPos.X() - 1; aInvRect.Right() = maDragPos.X() + 1; } else { aInvRect.Top() = maDragPos.Y() - 1; aInvRect.Bottom() = maDragPos.Y() + 1; } mpRefWin->InvertTracking( aInvRect, SHOWTRACK_SPLIT ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Splitter::Splitter( Window* pParent, WinBits nStyle ) : Window( WINDOW_SPLITTER ) { ImplInitData(); ImplInit( pParent, nStyle ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Splitter::Splitter( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId ) : Window( WINDOW_SPLITTER ) { ImplInitData(); rResId.SetRT( RSC_SPLITTER ); WinBits nStyle = ImplInitRes( rResId ); ImplInit( pParent, nStyle ); ImplLoadRes( rResId ); if ( !(nStyle & WB_HIDE) ) Show(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Splitter::~Splitter() { TaskPaneList *pTList = GetSystemWindow()->GetTaskPaneList(); pTList->RemoveWindow( this ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Splitter::SetKeyboardStepSize( long nStepSize ) { mnKeyboardStepSize = nStepSize; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- long Splitter::GetKeyboardStepSize() const { return mnKeyboardStepSize; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Splitter* Splitter::ImplFindSibling() { // look for another splitter with the same parent but different orientation Window *pWin = GetParent()->GetWindow( WINDOW_FIRSTCHILD ); Splitter *pSplitter = NULL; while( pWin ) { if( pWin->ImplIsSplitter() ) { pSplitter = (Splitter*) pWin; if( pSplitter != this && IsHorizontal() != pSplitter->IsHorizontal() ) return pSplitter; } pWin = pWin->GetWindow( WINDOW_NEXT ); } return NULL; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Splitter::ImplSplitterActive() { // is splitter in document or at scrollbar handle ? BOOL bActive = TRUE; const StyleSettings& rSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); long nA = rSettings.GetScrollBarSize(); long nB = rSettings.GetSplitSize(); Size aSize = GetOutputSize(); if ( mbHorzSplit ) { if( aSize.Width() == nB && aSize.Height() == nA ) bActive = FALSE; } else { if( aSize.Width() == nA && aSize.Height() == nB ) bActive = FALSE; } return bActive; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Splitter::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { if ( rMEvt.GetClicks() == 2 ) { if ( mnLastSplitPos != mnSplitPos ) { StartSplit(); Point aPos = rMEvt.GetPosPixel(); if ( mbHorzSplit ) aPos.X() = mnLastSplitPos; else aPos.Y() = mnLastSplitPos; ImplSplitMousePos( aPos ); Splitting( aPos ); ImplSplitMousePos( aPos ); long nTemp = mnSplitPos; if ( mbHorzSplit ) SetSplitPosPixel( aPos.X() ); else SetSplitPosPixel( aPos.Y() ); mnLastSplitPos = nTemp; Split(); } } else StartDrag(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Splitter::Tracking( const TrackingEvent& rTEvt ) { if ( rTEvt.IsTrackingEnded() ) { if ( !mbDragFull ) ImplDrawSplitter(); if ( !rTEvt.IsTrackingCanceled() ) { long nNewPos; if ( mbHorzSplit ) nNewPos = maDragPos.X(); else nNewPos = maDragPos.Y(); if ( nNewPos != mnStartSplitPos ) { SetSplitPosPixel( nNewPos ); mnLastSplitPos = 0; Split(); } } else if ( mbDragFull ) { SetSplitPosPixel( mnStartSplitPos ); Split(); } mnStartSplitPos = 0; } else { //Point aNewPos = mpRefWin->ScreenToOutputPixel( OutputToScreenPixel( rTEvt.GetMouseEvent().GetPosPixel() ) ); Point aNewPos = mpRefWin->NormalizedScreenToOutputPixel( OutputToNormalizedScreenPixel( rTEvt.GetMouseEvent().GetPosPixel() ) ); ImplSplitMousePos( aNewPos ); Splitting( aNewPos ); ImplSplitMousePos( aNewPos ); if ( mbHorzSplit ) { if ( aNewPos.X() == maDragPos.X() ) return; } else { if ( aNewPos.Y() == maDragPos.Y() ) return; } if ( mbDragFull ) { maDragPos = aNewPos; long nNewPos; if ( mbHorzSplit ) nNewPos = maDragPos.X(); else nNewPos = maDragPos.Y(); if ( nNewPos != mnSplitPos ) { SetSplitPosPixel( nNewPos ); mnLastSplitPos = 0; Split(); } GetParent()->Update(); } else { ImplDrawSplitter(); maDragPos = aNewPos; ImplDrawSplitter(); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Splitter::ImplKbdTracking( KeyCode aKeyCode ) { USHORT nCode = aKeyCode.GetCode(); if ( nCode == KEY_ESCAPE || nCode == KEY_RETURN ) { if( !mbKbdSplitting ) return; else mbKbdSplitting = FALSE; if ( nCode != KEY_ESCAPE ) { long nNewPos; if ( mbHorzSplit ) nNewPos = maDragPos.X(); else nNewPos = maDragPos.Y(); if ( nNewPos != mnStartSplitPos ) { SetSplitPosPixel( nNewPos ); mnLastSplitPos = 0; Split(); } } else { SetSplitPosPixel( mnStartSplitPos ); Split(); } mnStartSplitPos = 0; } else { Point aNewPos; Size aSize = mpRefWin->GetOutputSize(); Point aPos = GetPosPixel(); // depending on the position calc allows continous moves or snaps to row/columns // continous mode is active when position is at the origin or end of the splitter // otherwise snap mode is active // default here is snap, holding shift sets continous mode if( mbHorzSplit ) aNewPos = Point( ImplSplitterActive() ? aPos.X() : mnSplitPos, aKeyCode.IsShift() ? 0 : aSize.Height()/2); else aNewPos = Point( aKeyCode.IsShift() ? 0 : aSize.Width()/2, ImplSplitterActive() ? aPos.Y() : mnSplitPos ); Point aOldWindowPos = GetPosPixel(); int maxiter = 500; // avoid endless loop int delta=0; int delta_step = mbHorzSplit ? aSize.Width()/10 : aSize.Height()/10; // use the specified step size if it was set if( mnKeyboardStepSize != SPLITTER_DEFAULTSTEPSIZE ) delta_step = mnKeyboardStepSize; while( maxiter-- && aOldWindowPos == GetPosPixel() ) { // inc/dec position until application performs changes // thus a single key press really moves the splitter if( aKeyCode.IsShift() ) delta++; else delta += delta_step; switch( nCode ) { case KEY_LEFT: aNewPos.X()-=delta; break; case KEY_RIGHT: aNewPos.X()+=delta; break; case KEY_UP: aNewPos.Y()-=delta; break; case KEY_DOWN: aNewPos.Y()+=delta; break; default: maxiter = 0; // leave loop break; } ImplSplitMousePos( aNewPos ); Splitting( aNewPos ); ImplSplitMousePos( aNewPos ); if ( mbHorzSplit ) { if ( aNewPos.X() == maDragPos.X() ) continue; } else { if ( aNewPos.Y() == maDragPos.Y() ) continue; } maDragPos = aNewPos; long nNewPos; if ( mbHorzSplit ) nNewPos = maDragPos.X(); else nNewPos = maDragPos.Y(); if ( nNewPos != mnSplitPos ) { SetSplitPosPixel( nNewPos ); mnLastSplitPos = 0; Split(); } GetParent()->Update(); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Splitter::StartSplit() { maStartSplitHdl.Call( this ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Splitter::Split() { maSplitHdl.Call( this ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Splitter::Splitting( Point& /* rSplitPos */ ) { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Splitter::SetDragRectPixel( const Rectangle& rDragRect, Window* _pRefWin ) { maDragRect = rDragRect; if ( !_pRefWin ) mpRefWin = GetParent(); else mpRefWin = _pRefWin; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Splitter::SetSplitPosPixel( long nNewPos ) { mnSplitPos = nNewPos; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Splitter::SetLastSplitPosPixel( long nNewPos ) { mnLastSplitPos = nNewPos; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Splitter::StartDrag() { if ( IsTracking() ) return; StartSplit(); // Tracking starten StartTracking(); // Start-Positon ermitteln maDragPos = mpRefWin->GetPointerPosPixel(); ImplSplitMousePos( maDragPos ); Splitting( maDragPos ); ImplSplitMousePos( maDragPos ); if ( mbHorzSplit ) mnStartSplitPos = maDragPos.X(); else mnStartSplitPos = maDragPos.Y(); mbDragFull = (Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetDragFullOptions() & DRAGFULL_OPTION_SPLIT) != 0; if ( !mbDragFull ) ImplDrawSplitter(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Splitter::ImplStartKbdSplitting() { if( mbKbdSplitting ) return; mbKbdSplitting = TRUE; StartSplit(); // determine start position // because we have no mouse position we take either the position // of the splitter window or the last split position // the other coordinate is just the center of the reference window Size aSize = mpRefWin->GetOutputSize(); Point aPos = GetPosPixel(); if( mbHorzSplit ) maDragPos = Point( ImplSplitterActive() ? aPos.X() : mnSplitPos, aSize.Height()/2 ); else maDragPos = Point( aSize.Width()/2, ImplSplitterActive() ? aPos.Y() : mnSplitPos ); ImplSplitMousePos( maDragPos ); Splitting( maDragPos ); ImplSplitMousePos( maDragPos ); if ( mbHorzSplit ) mnStartSplitPos = maDragPos.X(); else mnStartSplitPos = maDragPos.Y(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Splitter::ImplRestoreSplitter() { // set splitter in the center of the ref window StartSplit(); Size aSize = mpRefWin->GetOutputSize(); Point aPos = Point( aSize.Width()/2 , aSize.Height()/2); if ( mnLastSplitPos != mnSplitPos && mnLastSplitPos > 5 ) { // restore last pos if it was a useful position (>5) if ( mbHorzSplit ) aPos.X() = mnLastSplitPos; else aPos.Y() = mnLastSplitPos; } ImplSplitMousePos( aPos ); Splitting( aPos ); ImplSplitMousePos( aPos ); long nTemp = mnSplitPos; if ( mbHorzSplit ) SetSplitPosPixel( aPos.X() ); else SetSplitPosPixel( aPos.Y() ); mnLastSplitPos = nTemp; Split(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Splitter::GetFocus() { if( !ImplSplitterActive() ) ImplRestoreSplitter(); Invalidate(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Splitter::LoseFocus() { if( mbKbdSplitting ) { KeyCode aReturnKey( KEY_RETURN ); ImplKbdTracking( aReturnKey ); mbKbdSplitting = FALSE; } Invalidate(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Splitter::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt ) { if( mbInKeyEvent ) return; mbInKeyEvent = 1; Splitter *pSibling = ImplFindSibling(); KeyCode aKeyCode = rKEvt.GetKeyCode(); USHORT nCode = aKeyCode.GetCode(); switch ( nCode ) { case KEY_UP: case KEY_DOWN: if( !mbHorzSplit ) { ImplStartKbdSplitting(); ImplKbdTracking( aKeyCode ); } else { if( pSibling ) { pSibling->GrabFocus(); pSibling->KeyInput( rKEvt ); } } break; case KEY_RIGHT: case KEY_LEFT: if( mbHorzSplit ) { ImplStartKbdSplitting(); ImplKbdTracking( aKeyCode ); } else { if( pSibling ) { pSibling->GrabFocus(); pSibling->KeyInput( rKEvt ); } } break; case KEY_DELETE: if( ImplSplitterActive() ) { if( mbKbdSplitting ) { KeyCode aKey( KEY_ESCAPE ); ImplKbdTracking( aKey ); } StartSplit(); Point aPos; if ( mbHorzSplit ) aPos.X() = 0; else aPos.Y() = 0; ImplSplitMousePos( aPos ); Splitting( aPos ); ImplSplitMousePos( aPos ); long nTemp = mnSplitPos; if ( mbHorzSplit ) SetSplitPosPixel( aPos.X() ); else SetSplitPosPixel( aPos.Y() ); mnLastSplitPos = nTemp; Split(); // Shift-Del deletes both splitters if( aKeyCode.IsShift() && pSibling ) pSibling->KeyInput( rKEvt ); GrabFocusToDocument(); } break; case KEY_ESCAPE: if( mbKbdSplitting ) ImplKbdTracking( aKeyCode ); else GrabFocusToDocument(); break; case KEY_RETURN: ImplKbdTracking( aKeyCode ); GrabFocusToDocument(); break; default: // let any key input fix the splitter Window::KeyInput( rKEvt ); GrabFocusToDocument(); break; } mbInKeyEvent = 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- long Splitter::Notify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { return Window::Notify( rNEvt ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Splitter::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { Window::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); if( rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS ) { Color oldFaceColor = ((AllSettings *) rDCEvt.GetData())->GetStyleSettings().GetFaceColor(); Color newFaceColor = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetFaceColor(); if( oldFaceColor.IsDark() != newFaceColor.IsDark() ) { if( newFaceColor.IsDark() ) SetBackground( ImplWhiteWall::get() ); else SetBackground( ImplBlackWall::get() ); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Splitter::Paint( const Rectangle& rPaintRect ) { if( HasFocus() || mbKbdSplitting ) { Color oldFillCol = GetFillColor(); Color oldLineCol = GetLineColor(); SetLineColor(); SetFillColor( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetFaceColor() ); DrawRect( rPaintRect ); Color aSelectionBorderCol( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetActiveColor() ); SetFillColor( aSelectionBorderCol ); SetLineColor(); Polygon aPoly( rPaintRect ); PolyPolygon aPolyPoly( aPoly ); DrawTransparent( aPolyPoly, 85 ); SetLineColor( aSelectionBorderCol ); SetFillColor(); if( mbKbdSplitting ) { LineInfo aInfo( LINE_DASH ); //aInfo.SetDashLen( 2 ); //aInfo.SetDashCount( 1 ); aInfo.SetDistance( 1 ); aInfo.SetDotLen( 2 ); aInfo.SetDotCount( 1 ); DrawPolyLine( aPoly, aInfo ); } else DrawRect( rPaintRect ); SetFillColor( oldFillCol); SetLineColor( oldLineCol); } else { Window::Paint( rPaintRect ); } }