/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: toolbox2.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.34 $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2004-11-26 16:23:03 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _LIST_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _DEBUG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_RC_H #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SVDATA_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SVAPP_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_HELP_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_BITMAP_HXX #include #endif #define private public #ifndef _SV_TOOLBOX_HXX #include #endif #undef private #ifndef _SV_TOOLBOX_H #include #endif #ifndef _SV_MNEMONIC_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_MENU_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_BRDWIN_HXX #include #endif using namespace vcl; // ======================================================================= #define TB_SEP_SIZE 8 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ImplToolBoxPrivateData::ImplToolBoxPrivateData() : m_pLayoutData( NULL ) { meButtonSize = TOOLBOX_BUTTONSIZE_DONTCARE; mpMenu = new PopupMenu(); mnEventId = 0; maMenuType = TOOLBOX_MENUTYPE_NONE; maMenubuttonItem.maItemSize = Size( TB_MENUBUTTON_SIZE+TB_MENUBUTTON_OFFSET, TB_MENUBUTTON_SIZE+TB_MENUBUTTON_OFFSET ); maMenubuttonItem.meState = STATE_NOCHECK; mnMenuButtonWidth = TB_MENUBUTTON_SIZE; mbIsLocked = FALSE; mbNativeButtons = FALSE; mbIsPaintLocked = FALSE; mbAssumeDocked = FALSE; mbAssumePopupMode = FALSE; mbAssumeFloating = FALSE; mbKeyInputDisabled = FALSE; mbMenubuttonSelected = FALSE; mbPageScroll = FALSE; } ImplToolBoxPrivateData::~ImplToolBoxPrivateData() { if( m_pLayoutData ) delete m_pLayoutData; delete mpMenu; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ImplToolItem::ImplToolItem() { mnId = 0; mpWindow = NULL; mpUserData = NULL; mnHelpId = 0; meType = TOOLBOXITEM_BUTTON; mnBits = 0; meState = STATE_NOCHECK; mbEnabled = TRUE; mbVisible = TRUE; mbEmptyBtn = TRUE; mbShowWindow = FALSE; mbBreak = FALSE; mnSepSize = TB_SEP_SIZE; mnDropDownArrowWidth = TB_DROPDOWNARROWWIDTH; mnImageAngle = 0; mbMirrorMode = FALSE; mbVisibleText = FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ImplToolItem::ImplToolItem( USHORT nItemId, const Image& rImage, ToolBoxItemBits nItemBits ) : maImage( rImage ) { mnId = nItemId; mpWindow = NULL; mpUserData = NULL; mnHelpId = 0; meType = TOOLBOXITEM_BUTTON; mnBits = nItemBits; meState = STATE_NOCHECK; mbEnabled = TRUE; mbVisible = TRUE; mbEmptyBtn = FALSE; mbShowWindow = FALSE; mbBreak = FALSE; mnSepSize = TB_SEP_SIZE; mnDropDownArrowWidth = TB_DROPDOWNARROWWIDTH; mnImageAngle = 0; mbMirrorMode = false; mbVisibleText = false; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ImplToolItem::ImplToolItem( USHORT nItemId, const XubString& rText, ToolBoxItemBits nItemBits ) : maText( rText ) { mnId = nItemId; mpWindow = NULL; mpUserData = NULL; mnHelpId = 0; meType = TOOLBOXITEM_BUTTON; mnBits = nItemBits; meState = STATE_NOCHECK; mbEnabled = TRUE; mbVisible = TRUE; mbEmptyBtn = FALSE; mbShowWindow = FALSE; mbBreak = FALSE; mnSepSize = TB_SEP_SIZE; mnDropDownArrowWidth = TB_DROPDOWNARROWWIDTH; mnImageAngle = 0; mbMirrorMode = false; mbVisibleText = false; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ImplToolItem::ImplToolItem( USHORT nItemId, const Image& rImage, const XubString& rText, ToolBoxItemBits nItemBits ) : maImage( rImage ), maText( rText ) { mnId = nItemId; mpWindow = NULL; mpUserData = NULL; mnHelpId = 0; meType = TOOLBOXITEM_BUTTON; mnBits = nItemBits; meState = STATE_NOCHECK; mbEnabled = TRUE; mbVisible = TRUE; mbEmptyBtn = FALSE; mbShowWindow = FALSE; mbBreak = FALSE; mnSepSize = TB_SEP_SIZE; mnDropDownArrowWidth = TB_DROPDOWNARROWWIDTH; mnImageAngle = 0; mbMirrorMode = false; mbVisibleText = false; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ImplToolItem::ImplToolItem( const ImplToolItem& rItem ) : mpWindow ( rItem.mpWindow ), mpUserData ( rItem.mpUserData ), maImage ( rItem.maImage ), maHighImage ( rItem.maHighImage ), mnImageAngle ( rItem.mnImageAngle ), mbMirrorMode ( rItem.mbMirrorMode ), maText ( rItem.maText ), maQuickHelpText ( rItem.maQuickHelpText ), maHelpText ( rItem.maHelpText ), maCommandStr ( rItem.maCommandStr ), mnHelpId ( rItem.mnHelpId ), maRect ( rItem.maRect ), maCalcRect ( rItem.maCalcRect ), mnSepSize ( rItem.mnSepSize ), mnDropDownArrowWidth ( rItem.mnDropDownArrowWidth ), maItemSize ( rItem.maItemSize ), mbVisibleText ( rItem.mbVisibleText ), meType ( rItem.meType ), mnBits ( rItem.mnBits ), meState ( rItem.meState ), mnId ( rItem.mnId ), mbEnabled ( rItem.mbEnabled ), mbVisible ( rItem.mbVisible ), mbEmptyBtn ( rItem.mbEmptyBtn ), mbShowWindow ( rItem.mbShowWindow ), mbBreak ( rItem.mbBreak ) { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ImplToolItem::~ImplToolItem() { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ImplToolItem& ImplToolItem::operator=( const ImplToolItem& rItem ) { mpWindow = rItem.mpWindow; mpUserData = rItem.mpUserData; maImage = rItem.maImage; maHighImage = rItem.maHighImage; mnImageAngle = rItem.mnImageAngle; mbMirrorMode = rItem.mbMirrorMode; maText = rItem.maText; maQuickHelpText = rItem.maQuickHelpText; maHelpText = rItem.maHelpText; maCommandStr = rItem.maCommandStr; mnHelpId = rItem.mnHelpId; maRect = rItem.maRect; maCalcRect = rItem.maCalcRect; mnSepSize = rItem.mnSepSize; mnDropDownArrowWidth = rItem.mnDropDownArrowWidth; maItemSize = rItem.maItemSize; mbVisibleText = rItem.mbVisibleText; meType = rItem.meType; mnBits = rItem.mnBits; meState = rItem.meState; mnId = rItem.mnId; mbEnabled = rItem.mbEnabled; mbVisible = rItem.mbVisible; mbEmptyBtn = rItem.mbEmptyBtn; mbShowWindow = rItem.mbShowWindow; mbBreak = rItem.mbBreak; return *this; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Size ImplToolItem::GetSize( BOOL bHorz, BOOL bCheckMaxWidth, long maxWidth, const Size& rDefaultSize ) { Size aSize( rDefaultSize ); // the size of 'standard' toolbox items // non-standard items are eg windows or buttons with text if ( (meType == TOOLBOXITEM_BUTTON) || (meType == TOOLBOXITEM_SPACE) ) { aSize = maItemSize; if ( mpWindow && bHorz ) { // get size of item window and check if it fits // no windows in vertical toolbars (the default is mbShowWindow=FALSE) Size aWinSize = mpWindow->GetSizePixel(); if ( !bCheckMaxWidth || (aWinSize.Width() <= maxWidth) ) { aSize.Width() = aWinSize.Width(); aSize.Height() = aWinSize.Height(); mbShowWindow = TRUE; } else { if ( mbEmptyBtn ) { aSize.Width() = 0; aSize.Height() = 0; } } } } else if ( meType == TOOLBOXITEM_SEPARATOR ) { if ( bHorz ) { aSize.Width() = mnSepSize; aSize.Height() = rDefaultSize.Height(); } else { aSize.Width() = rDefaultSize.Width(); aSize.Height() = mnSepSize; } } else if ( meType == TOOLBOXITEM_BREAK ) { aSize.Width() = 0; aSize.Height() = 0; } return aSize; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImplToolItem::DetermineButtonDrawStyle( ButtonType eButtonType, BOOL& rbImage, BOOL& rbText ) const { if ( meType != TOOLBOXITEM_BUTTON ) { // no button -> draw nothing rbImage = rbText = FALSE; return; } BOOL bHasImage; BOOL bHasText; // check for image and/or text if ( !(maImage) ) bHasImage = FALSE; else bHasImage = TRUE; if ( !maText.Len() ) bHasText = FALSE; else bHasText = TRUE; // prefer images if symbolonly buttons are drawn // prefer texts if textonly buttons are dreawn if ( eButtonType == BUTTON_SYMBOL ) // drawing icons only { if( bHasImage || !bHasText ) { rbImage = TRUE; rbText = FALSE; } else { rbImage = FALSE; rbText = TRUE; } } else if ( eButtonType == BUTTON_TEXT ) // drawing text only { if( bHasText || !bHasImage ) { rbImage = FALSE; rbText = TRUE; } else { rbImage = TRUE; rbText = FALSE; } } else // drawing icons and text both { rbImage = TRUE; rbText = TRUE; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rectangle ImplToolItem::GetDropDownRect( BOOL bHorz ) const { Rectangle aRect; if( (mnBits & TIB_DROPDOWN) && !maRect.IsEmpty() ) { aRect = maRect; if( mbVisibleText && !bHorz ) // item will be rotated -> place dropdown to the bottom aRect.Top() = aRect.Bottom() - mnDropDownArrowWidth; else // place dropdown to the right aRect.Left() = aRect.Right() - mnDropDownArrowWidth; } return aRect; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL ImplToolItem::IsClipped() const { return ( meType == TOOLBOXITEM_BUTTON && mbVisible && maRect.IsEmpty() ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- const XubString& ToolBox::ImplConvertMenuString( const XubString& rStr ) { maCvtStr = rStr; if ( mbMenuStrings ) maCvtStr.EraseTrailingChars( '.' ); maCvtStr = MnemonicGenerator::EraseAllMnemonicChars( maCvtStr ); return maCvtStr; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::ImplInvalidate( BOOL bNewCalc, BOOL bFullPaint ) { ImplUpdateInputEnable(); if ( bNewCalc ) mbCalc = TRUE; if ( bFullPaint ) { mbFormat = TRUE; // Muss ueberhaupt eine neue Ausgabe erfolgen if ( IsReallyVisible() && IsUpdateMode() ) { Invalidate( Rectangle( mnLeftBorder, mnTopBorder, mnDX-mnRightBorder-1, mnDY-mnBottomBorder-1 ) ); maTimer.Stop(); } } else { if ( !mbFormat ) { mbFormat = TRUE; // Muss ueberhaupt eine neue Ausgabe erfolgen if ( IsReallyVisible() && IsUpdateMode() ) maTimer.Start(); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::ImplUpdateItem( USHORT nIndex ) { // Muss ueberhaupt eine neue Ausgabe erfolgen if ( IsReallyVisible() && IsUpdateMode() ) { if ( nIndex == 0xFFFF ) { // Nur direkt neu ausgeben, wenn nicht neu formatiert // werden muss if ( !mbFormat ) { USHORT nItemCount = mpData->m_aItems.size(); for ( USHORT i = 0; i < nItemCount; i++ ) ImplDrawItem( i, (i == mnCurPos) ? TRUE : FALSE ); } else { Invalidate( Rectangle( mnLeftBorder, mnTopBorder, mnDX-mnRightBorder-1, mnDY-mnBottomBorder-1 ) ); } } else { // Nur direkt neu ausgeben, wenn nicht neu formatiert // werden muss if ( !mbFormat ) { ImplToolItem* pItem = &mpData->m_aItems[nIndex]; //ImplDrawItem( nIndex, (nIndex == mnCurPos) ? TRUE : FALSE ); ImplDrawItem( nIndex, (pItem->mnId == mnHighItemId) ? 2 : FALSE ); } else maPaintRect.Union( mpData->m_aItems[nIndex].maRect ); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::Click() { ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_TOOLBOX_CLICK ); maClickHdl.Call( this ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::DoubleClick() { ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_TOOLBOX_DOUBLECLICK ); maDoubleClickHdl.Call( this ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::Activate() { mnActivateCount++; ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_TOOLBOX_ACTIVATE ); maActivateHdl.Call( this ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::Deactivate() { mnActivateCount--; ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_TOOLBOX_DEACTIVATE ); maDeactivateHdl.Call( this ); if ( mbHideStatusText ) { GetpApp()->HideHelpStatusText(); mbHideStatusText = FALSE; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::Highlight() { ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_TOOLBOX_HIGHLIGHT ); maHighlightHdl.Call( this ); XubString aStr = GetHelpText( mnCurItemId ); if ( aStr.Len() || mbHideStatusText ) { GetpApp()->ShowHelpStatusText( aStr ); mbHideStatusText = TRUE; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::Select() { ImplDelData aDelData; ImplAddDel( &aDelData ); ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_TOOLBOX_SELECT ); maSelectHdl.Call( this ); if ( aDelData.IsDelete() ) return; ImplRemoveDel( &aDelData ); // TODO: GetFloatingWindow in DockingWindow is currently inline, change it to check dockingwrapper ImplDockingWindowWrapper *pWrapper = ImplGetDockingManager()->GetDockingWindowWrapper( this ); if( pWrapper && pWrapper->GetFloatingWindow() && pWrapper->GetFloatingWindow()->IsInPopupMode() ) pWrapper->GetFloatingWindow()->EndPopupMode(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::NextToolBox() { maNextToolBoxHdl.Call( this ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::Customize( const ToolBoxCustomizeEvent& ) { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::UserDraw( const UserDrawEvent& rUDEvt ) { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::InsertItem( const ResId& rResId, USHORT nPos ) { USHORT nObjMask; BOOL bImage = FALSE; // Wurde Image gesetzt // Item anlegen ImplToolItem aItem; GetRes( rResId.SetRT( RSC_TOOLBOXITEM ) ); nObjMask = ReadShortRes(); if ( nObjMask & RSC_TOOLBOXITEM_ID ) aItem.mnId = ReadShortRes(); else aItem.mnId = 1; if ( nObjMask & RSC_TOOLBOXITEM_TYPE ) aItem.meType = (ToolBoxItemType)ReadShortRes(); if ( nObjMask & RSC_TOOLBOXITEM_STATUS ) aItem.mnBits = (ToolBoxItemBits)ReadShortRes(); if( nObjMask & RSC_TOOLBOXITEM_HELPID ) aItem.mnHelpId = ReadLongRes(); if ( nObjMask & RSC_TOOLBOXITEM_TEXT ) { aItem.maText = ReadStringRes(); aItem.maText = ImplConvertMenuString( aItem.maText ); } if ( nObjMask & RSC_TOOLBOXITEM_HELPTEXT ) aItem.maHelpText = ReadStringRes(); if ( nObjMask & RSC_TOOLBOXITEM_BITMAP ) { Bitmap aBmp = Bitmap( ResId( (RSHEADER_TYPE*)GetClassRes() ) ); IncrementRes( GetObjSizeRes( (RSHEADER_TYPE*)GetClassRes() ) ); aItem.maImage = Image( aBmp, IMAGE_STDBTN_COLOR ); bImage = TRUE; } if ( nObjMask & RSC_TOOLBOXITEM_IMAGE ) { aItem.maImage = Image( ResId( (RSHEADER_TYPE*)GetClassRes() ) ); IncrementRes( GetObjSizeRes( (RSHEADER_TYPE*)GetClassRes() ) ); bImage = TRUE; } if ( nObjMask & RSC_TOOLBOXITEM_DISABLE ) aItem.mbEnabled = !(BOOL)ReadShortRes(); if ( nObjMask & RSC_TOOLBOXITEM_STATE ) aItem.meState = (TriState)ReadShortRes(); if ( nObjMask & RSC_TOOLBOXITEM_HIDE ) aItem.mbVisible = !((BOOL)ReadShortRes()); if ( nObjMask & RSC_TOOLBOXITEM_COMMAND ) aItem.maCommandStr = ReadStringRes(); // Wenn kein Image geladen wurde, versuchen wir das Image aus der // Image-Liste zu holen if ( !bImage && aItem.mnId ) aItem.maImage = maImageList.GetImage( aItem.mnId ); // Wenn es sich um ein ButtonItem handelt, die ID ueberpruefen BOOL bNewCalc; if ( aItem.meType != TOOLBOXITEM_BUTTON ) { bNewCalc = FALSE; aItem.mnId = 0; } else { bNewCalc = TRUE; DBG_ASSERT( aItem.mnId, "ToolBox::InsertItem(): ItemId == 0" ); DBG_ASSERT( GetItemPos( aItem.mnId ) == TOOLBOX_ITEM_NOTFOUND, "ToolBox::InsertItem(): ItemId already exists" ); } // Item anlegen und in die Liste einfuegen mpData->m_aItems.insert( (nPos < mpData->m_aItems.size()) ? mpData->m_aItems.begin()+nPos : mpData->m_aItems.end(), aItem ); mpData->ImplClearLayoutData(); // ToolBox neu brechnen und neu ausgeben ImplInvalidate( bNewCalc ); // Notify USHORT nNewPos = ( nPos == TOOLBOX_APPEND ) ? ( mpData->m_aItems.size() - 1 ) : nPos; ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_TOOLBOX_ITEMADDED, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nNewPos ) ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::InsertItem( USHORT nItemId, const Image& rImage, ToolBoxItemBits nBits, USHORT nPos ) { DBG_ASSERT( nItemId, "ToolBox::InsertItem(): ItemId == 0" ); DBG_ASSERT( GetItemPos( nItemId ) == TOOLBOX_ITEM_NOTFOUND, "ToolBox::InsertItem(): ItemId already exists" ); // Item anlegen und in die Liste einfuegen mpData->m_aItems.insert( (nPos < mpData->m_aItems.size()) ? mpData->m_aItems.begin()+nPos : mpData->m_aItems.end(), ImplToolItem( nItemId, rImage, nBits ) ); mpData->ImplClearLayoutData(); ImplInvalidate( TRUE ); // Notify USHORT nNewPos = ( nPos == TOOLBOX_APPEND ) ? ( mpData->m_aItems.size() - 1 ) : nPos; ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_TOOLBOX_ITEMADDED, reinterpret_cast< void* >(nNewPos ) ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::InsertItem( USHORT nItemId, const Image& rImage, const XubString& rText, ToolBoxItemBits nBits, USHORT nPos ) { DBG_ASSERT( nItemId, "ToolBox::InsertItem(): ItemId == 0" ); DBG_ASSERT( GetItemPos( nItemId ) == TOOLBOX_ITEM_NOTFOUND, "ToolBox::InsertItem(): ItemId already exists" ); // Item anlegen und in die Liste einfuegen mpData->m_aItems.insert( (nPos < mpData->m_aItems.size()) ? mpData->m_aItems.begin()+nPos : mpData->m_aItems.end(), ImplToolItem( nItemId, rImage, ImplConvertMenuString( rText ), nBits ) ); mpData->ImplClearLayoutData(); ImplInvalidate( TRUE ); // Notify USHORT nNewPos = ( nPos == TOOLBOX_APPEND ) ? ( mpData->m_aItems.size() - 1 ) : nPos; ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_TOOLBOX_ITEMADDED, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nNewPos ) ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::InsertItem( USHORT nItemId, const XubString& rText, ToolBoxItemBits nBits, USHORT nPos ) { DBG_ASSERT( nItemId, "ToolBox::InsertItem(): ItemId == 0" ); DBG_ASSERT( GetItemPos( nItemId ) == TOOLBOX_ITEM_NOTFOUND, "ToolBox::InsertItem(): ItemId already exists" ); // Item anlegen und in die Liste einfuegen mpData->m_aItems.insert( (nPos < mpData->m_aItems.size()) ? mpData->m_aItems.begin()+nPos : mpData->m_aItems.end(), ImplToolItem( nItemId, ImplConvertMenuString( rText ), nBits ) ); mpData->ImplClearLayoutData(); ImplInvalidate( TRUE ); // Notify USHORT nNewPos = ( nPos == TOOLBOX_APPEND ) ? ( mpData->m_aItems.size() - 1 ) : nPos; ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_TOOLBOX_ITEMADDED, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nNewPos ) ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::InsertWindow( USHORT nItemId, Window* pWindow, ToolBoxItemBits nBits, USHORT nPos ) { DBG_ASSERT( nItemId, "ToolBox::InsertWindow(): ItemId == 0" ); DBG_ASSERT( GetItemPos( nItemId ) == TOOLBOX_ITEM_NOTFOUND, "ToolBox::InsertWindow(): ItemId already exists" ); // Item anlegen und in die Liste einfuegen ImplToolItem aItem; aItem.mnId = nItemId; aItem.meType = TOOLBOXITEM_BUTTON; aItem.mnBits = nBits; aItem.mpWindow = pWindow; mpData->m_aItems.insert( (nPos < mpData->m_aItems.size()) ? mpData->m_aItems.begin()+nPos : mpData->m_aItems.end(), aItem ); mpData->ImplClearLayoutData(); if ( pWindow ) pWindow->Hide(); ImplInvalidate( TRUE ); // Notify USHORT nNewPos = ( nPos == TOOLBOX_APPEND ) ? ( mpData->m_aItems.size() - 1 ) : nPos; ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_TOOLBOX_ITEMADDED, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nNewPos ) ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::InsertSpace( USHORT nPos ) { // Item anlegen und in die Liste einfuegen ImplToolItem aItem; aItem.meType = TOOLBOXITEM_SPACE; aItem.mbEnabled = FALSE; mpData->m_aItems.insert( (nPos < mpData->m_aItems.size()) ? mpData->m_aItems.begin()+nPos : mpData->m_aItems.end(), aItem ); mpData->ImplClearLayoutData(); ImplInvalidate( FALSE ); // Notify USHORT nNewPos = ( nPos == TOOLBOX_APPEND ) ? ( mpData->m_aItems.size() - 1 ) : nPos; ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_TOOLBOX_ITEMADDED, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nNewPos ) ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::InsertSeparator( USHORT nPos, USHORT nPixSize ) { // Item anlegen und in die Liste einfuegen ImplToolItem aItem; aItem.meType = TOOLBOXITEM_SEPARATOR; aItem.mbEnabled = FALSE; if ( nPixSize ) aItem.mnSepSize = nPixSize; mpData->m_aItems.insert( (nPos < mpData->m_aItems.size()) ? mpData->m_aItems.begin()+nPos : mpData->m_aItems.end(), aItem ); mpData->ImplClearLayoutData(); ImplInvalidate( FALSE ); // Notify USHORT nNewPos = ( nPos == TOOLBOX_APPEND ) ? ( mpData->m_aItems.size() - 1 ) : nPos; ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_TOOLBOX_ITEMADDED, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nNewPos ) ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::InsertBreak( USHORT nPos ) { // Item anlegen und in die Liste einfuegen ImplToolItem aItem; aItem.meType = TOOLBOXITEM_BREAK; aItem.mbEnabled = FALSE; mpData->m_aItems.insert( (nPos < mpData->m_aItems.size()) ? mpData->m_aItems.begin()+nPos : mpData->m_aItems.end(), aItem ); mpData->ImplClearLayoutData(); ImplInvalidate( FALSE ); // Notify USHORT nNewPos = ( nPos == TOOLBOX_APPEND ) ? ( mpData->m_aItems.size() - 1 ) : nPos; ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_TOOLBOX_ITEMADDED, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nNewPos ) ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::RemoveItem( USHORT nPos ) { if( nPos < mpData->m_aItems.size() ) { BOOL bMustCalc; if ( mpData->m_aItems[nPos].meType == TOOLBOXITEM_BUTTON ) bMustCalc = TRUE; else bMustCalc = FALSE; if ( mpData->m_aItems[nPos].mpWindow ) mpData->m_aItems[nPos].mpWindow->Hide(); // PaintRect um das removete Item erweitern maPaintRect.Union( mpData->m_aItems[nPos].maRect ); // Absichern gegen das Loeschen im Select-Handler if ( mpData->m_aItems[nPos].mnId == mnCurItemId ) mnCurItemId = 0; if ( mpData->m_aItems[nPos].mnId == mnHighItemId ) mnHighItemId = 0; ImplInvalidate( bMustCalc ); mpData->m_aItems.erase( mpData->m_aItems.begin()+nPos ); mpData->ImplClearLayoutData(); // Notify ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_TOOLBOX_ITEMREMOVED, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nPos ) ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::MoveItem( USHORT nItemId, USHORT nNewPos ) { USHORT nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId ); if ( nPos == nNewPos ) return; if ( nPos < nNewPos ) nNewPos--; // Existiert Item if ( nPos != TOOLBOX_ITEM_NOTFOUND ) { // ToolBox-Item in der Liste verschieben ImplToolItem aItem = mpData->m_aItems[nPos]; mpData->m_aItems.erase( mpData->m_aItems.begin()+nPos ); mpData->m_aItems.insert( (nNewPos < mpData->m_aItems.size()) ? mpData->m_aItems.begin()+nNewPos : mpData->m_aItems.end(), aItem ); mpData->ImplClearLayoutData(); // ToolBox neu ausgeben ImplInvalidate( FALSE ); // Notify if( nPos < nNewPos ) // only send one event, all indices above this item are invalid anyway ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_TOOLBOX_ITEMREMOVED, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nPos ) ); else { USHORT nNewPos2 = ( nNewPos == TOOLBOX_APPEND ) ? ( mpData->m_aItems.size() - 1 ) : nNewPos; ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_TOOLBOX_ITEMADDED, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nNewPos2 ) ); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::CopyItem( const ToolBox& rToolBox, USHORT nItemId, USHORT nNewPos ) { DBG_ASSERT( GetItemPos( nItemId ) == TOOLBOX_ITEM_NOTFOUND, "ToolBox::CopyItem(): ItemId already exists" ); USHORT nPos = rToolBox.GetItemPos( nItemId ); // Existiert Item if ( nPos != TOOLBOX_ITEM_NOTFOUND ) { // ToolBox-Item in der Liste verschieben ImplToolItem aNewItem = rToolBox.mpData->m_aItems[nPos]; // Bestimme Daten zuruecksetzen aNewItem.mpWindow = NULL; aNewItem.mbShowWindow = FALSE; mpData->m_aItems.insert( (nNewPos < mpData->m_aItems.size()) ? mpData->m_aItems.begin()+nNewPos : mpData->m_aItems.end(), aNewItem ); mpData->ImplClearLayoutData(); // ToolBox neu ausgeben ImplInvalidate( FALSE ); // Notify USHORT nNewPos2 = ( nNewPos == TOOLBOX_APPEND ) ? ( mpData->m_aItems.size() - 1 ) : nNewPos; ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_TOOLBOX_ITEMADDED, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nNewPos2 ) ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::CopyItems( const ToolBox& rToolBox ) { mpData->ImplClearLayoutData(); mpData->m_aItems = rToolBox.mpData->m_aItems; // Absichern gegen das Loeschen im Select-Handler mnCurItemId = 0; mnHighItemId = 0; for( std::vector< ImplToolItem >::iterator it = mpData->m_aItems.begin(); it != mpData->m_aItems.end(); ++it ) { it->mpWindow = NULL; it->mbShowWindow = FALSE; } ImplInvalidate( TRUE, TRUE ); // Notify ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_TOOLBOX_ALLITEMSCHANGED ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::Clear() { mpData->m_aItems.clear(); mpData->ImplClearLayoutData(); // Absichern gegen das Loeschen im Select-Handler mnCurItemId = 0; mnHighItemId = 0; ImplInvalidate( TRUE, TRUE ); // Notify ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_TOOLBOX_ALLITEMSCHANGED ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::SetButtonType( ButtonType eNewType ) { if ( meButtonType != eNewType ) { meButtonType = eNewType; // Hier besser alles neu ausgeben, da es ansonsten zu Problemen // mit den per CopyBits kopierten Bereichen geben kann ImplInvalidate( TRUE ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::SetToolboxButtonSize( ToolBoxButtonSize eSize ) { if( mpData->meButtonSize != eSize ) { mpData->meButtonSize = eSize; mbCalc = TRUE; mbFormat = TRUE; } } ToolBoxButtonSize ToolBox::GetToolboxButtonSize() const { return mpData->meButtonSize; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Size& ToolBox::ImplGetDefaultImageSize() const { static Size aLargeButtonSize( TB_LARGEIMAGESIZE, TB_LARGEIMAGESIZE ); static Size aSmallButtonSize( TB_SMALLIMAGESIZE, TB_SMALLIMAGESIZE ); return GetToolboxButtonSize() == TOOLBOX_BUTTONSIZE_LARGE ? aLargeButtonSize : aSmallButtonSize; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::SetAlign( WindowAlign eNewAlign ) { if ( meAlign != eNewAlign ) { meAlign = eNewAlign; if ( !ImplIsFloatingMode() ) { // Setzen, ob Items horizontal oder vertikal angeordnet werden sollen if ( (eNewAlign == WINDOWALIGN_LEFT) || (eNewAlign == WINDOWALIGN_RIGHT) ) mbHorz = FALSE; else mbHorz = TRUE; // Hier alles neu ausgeben, da sich Border auch aendert mbCalc = TRUE; mbFormat = TRUE; if ( IsReallyVisible() && IsUpdateMode() ) Invalidate(); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::SetLineCount( USHORT nNewLines ) { if ( !nNewLines ) nNewLines = 1; if ( mnLines != nNewLines ) { mnLines = nNewLines; // Hier besser alles neu ausgeben, da es ansonsten zu Problemen // mit den per CopyBits kopierten Bereichen geben kann ImplInvalidate( FALSE ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::SetPageScroll( BOOL b ) { mpData->mbPageScroll = b; } BOOL ToolBox::GetPageScroll() { return mpData->mbPageScroll; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::SetNextToolBox( const XubString& rStr ) { BOOL bCalcNew = (!maNextToolBoxStr.Len() != !rStr.Len()); maNextToolBoxStr = rStr; if ( bCalcNew ) ImplInvalidate( TRUE, FALSE ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USHORT ToolBox::GetItemCount() const { return (USHORT)mpData->m_aItems.size(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ToolBoxItemType ToolBox::GetItemType( USHORT nPos ) const { return (nPos < mpData->m_aItems.size()) ? mpData->m_aItems[nPos].meType : TOOLBOXITEM_DONTKNOW; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USHORT ToolBox::GetItemPos( USHORT nItemId ) const { int nCount = mpData->m_aItems.size(); for( int nPos = 0; nPos < nCount; nPos++ ) if( mpData->m_aItems[nPos].mnId == nItemId ) return (USHORT)nPos; return TOOLBOX_ITEM_NOTFOUND; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USHORT ToolBox::GetItemPos( const Point& rPos ) const { // search the item position on the given point USHORT nRet = TOOLBOX_ITEM_NOTFOUND; USHORT nPos = 0; std::vector< ImplToolItem >::const_iterator it = mpData->m_aItems.begin(); while( it != mpData->m_aItems.end() ) { if ( it->maRect.IsInside( rPos ) ) { // item found -> save position and break nRet = nPos; break; } ++it; ++nPos; } return nRet; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USHORT ToolBox::GetItemId( USHORT nPos ) const { return (nPos < mpData->m_aItems.size()) ? mpData->m_aItems[nPos].mnId : 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USHORT ToolBox::GetItemId( const Point& rPos ) const { // Item suchen, das geklickt wurde std::vector< ImplToolItem >::const_iterator it = mpData->m_aItems.begin(); while( it != mpData->m_aItems.end() ) { // Ist es dieses Item if ( it->maRect.IsInside( rPos ) ) { if ( it->meType == TOOLBOXITEM_BUTTON ) return it->mnId; else return 0; } ++it; } return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Point ToolBox::ImplGetPopupPosition( const Rectangle& rRect, const Size& rSize ) const { Point aPos; if( !rRect.IsEmpty() ) { Rectangle aScreen = GetDesktopRectPixel(); // the popup should be positioned so that it will not cover // the item rect and that it fits the desktop // the preferred direction is always towards the center of // the application window Point devPos; // the position in device coordinates for screen comparison switch( meAlign ) { case WINDOWALIGN_TOP: aPos = rRect.BottomLeft(); aPos.Y()++; devPos = OutputToAbsoluteScreenPixel( aPos ); if( devPos.Y() + rSize.Height() >= aScreen.Bottom() ) aPos.Y() = rRect.Top() - rSize.Height(); break; case WINDOWALIGN_BOTTOM: aPos = rRect.TopLeft(); aPos.Y()--; devPos = OutputToAbsoluteScreenPixel( aPos ); if( devPos.Y() - rSize.Height() > aScreen.Top() ) aPos.Y() -= rSize.Height(); else aPos.Y() = rRect.Bottom(); break; case WINDOWALIGN_LEFT: aPos = rRect.TopRight(); aPos.X()++; devPos = OutputToAbsoluteScreenPixel( aPos ); if( devPos.X() + rSize.Width() >= aScreen.Right() ) aPos.X() = rRect.Left() - rSize.Width(); break; case WINDOWALIGN_RIGHT: aPos = rRect.TopLeft(); aPos.X()--; devPos = OutputToAbsoluteScreenPixel( aPos ); if( devPos.X() - rSize.Width() > aScreen.Left() ) aPos.X() -= rSize.Width(); else aPos.X() = rRect.Right(); break; default: break; }; } return aPos; } Point ToolBox::GetItemPopupPosition( USHORT nItemId, const Size& rSize ) const { return ImplGetPopupPosition( GetItemRect( nItemId ), rSize ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rectangle ToolBox::GetItemRect( USHORT nItemId ) const { if ( mbCalc || mbFormat ) ((ToolBox*)this)->ImplFormat(); USHORT nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId ); return GetItemPosRect( nPos ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rectangle ToolBox::GetItemPosRect( USHORT nPos ) const { if ( mbCalc || mbFormat ) ((ToolBox*)this)->ImplFormat(); if ( nPos < mpData->m_aItems.size() ) return mpData->m_aItems[nPos].maRect; else return Rectangle(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rectangle ToolBox::GetItemDropDownRect( USHORT nItemId ) const { if ( mbCalc || mbFormat ) ((ToolBox*)this)->ImplFormat(); USHORT nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId ); return GetItemPosDropDownRect( nPos ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rectangle ToolBox::GetItemPosDropDownRect( USHORT nPos ) const { if ( mbCalc || mbFormat ) ((ToolBox*)this)->ImplFormat(); if ( nPos < mpData->m_aItems.size() ) return mpData->m_aItems[nPos].GetDropDownRect( mbHorz ); else return Rectangle(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rectangle ToolBox::GetMenubuttonRect() const { return mpData->maMenubuttonItem.maRect; } BOOL ToolBox::ImplHasExternalMenubutton() { // check if the borderwindow (i.e. the decoration) provides the menu button BOOL bRet = FALSE; if( ImplIsFloatingMode() ) { // custom menu is placed in the decoration ImplBorderWindow *pBorderWin = dynamic_cast( GetWindow( WINDOW_BORDER ) ); if( pBorderWin && !pBorderWin->GetMenuRect().IsEmpty() ) bRet = TRUE; } return bRet; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::SetItemBits( USHORT nItemId, ToolBoxItemBits nBits ) { USHORT nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId ); if ( nPos < mpData->m_aItems.size() ) { ToolBoxItemBits nOldBits = mpData->m_aItems[nPos].mnBits; mpData->m_aItems[nPos].mnBits = nBits; nBits &= TIB_LEFT | TIB_AUTOSIZE | TIB_DROPDOWN; nOldBits &= TIB_LEFT | TIB_AUTOSIZE | TIB_DROPDOWN; if ( nBits != nOldBits ) ImplInvalidate( TRUE ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ToolBoxItemBits ToolBox::GetItemBits( USHORT nItemId ) const { ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId ); if ( pItem ) return pItem->mnBits; else return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::SetItemData( USHORT nItemId, void* pNewData ) { USHORT nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId ); if ( nPos < mpData->m_aItems.size() ) { mpData->m_aItems[nPos].mpUserData = pNewData; ImplUpdateItem( nPos ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void* ToolBox::GetItemData( USHORT nItemId ) const { ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId ); if ( pItem ) return pItem->mpUserData; else return NULL; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::SetItemImage( USHORT nItemId, const Image& rImage ) { USHORT nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId ); if ( nPos != TOOLBOX_ITEM_NOTFOUND ) { ImplToolItem* pItem = &mpData->m_aItems[nPos]; // Nur wenn alles berechnet ist, mehr Aufwand treiben if ( !mbCalc ) { Size aOldSize = pItem->maImage.GetSizePixel(); pItem->maImage = rImage; if ( aOldSize != pItem->maImage.GetSizePixel() ) ImplInvalidate( TRUE ); else ImplUpdateItem( nPos ); } else pItem->maImage = rImage; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::SetImageList( const ImageList& rImageList ) { maImageList = rImageList; USHORT nCount = (USHORT)mpData->m_aItems.size(); for( USHORT i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { Image aImage; if ( mpData->m_aItems[i].mnId ) aImage = maImageList.GetImage( mpData->m_aItems[i].mnId ); if( !!aImage ) SetItemImage( mpData->m_aItems[i].mnId, aImage ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static Image ImplRotImage( const Image& rImage, long nAngle10 ) { Image aRet; BitmapEx aRotBitmapEx( rImage.GetBitmapEx() ); aRotBitmapEx.Rotate( nAngle10, Color( COL_WHITE ) ); return Image( aRotBitmapEx ); } void ToolBox::SetItemImageAngle( USHORT nItemId, long nAngle10 ) { USHORT nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId ); if ( nPos != TOOLBOX_ITEM_NOTFOUND ) { ImplToolItem* pItem = &mpData->m_aItems[nPos]; Size aOldSize = pItem->maImage.GetSizePixel(); long nDeltaAngle = (nAngle10 - pItem->mnImageAngle) % 3600; while( nDeltaAngle < 0 ) nDeltaAngle += 3600; pItem->mnImageAngle = nAngle10; if( nDeltaAngle && !!pItem->maImage ) { pItem->maImage = ImplRotImage( pItem->maImage, nDeltaAngle ); if( !!pItem->maHighImage ) pItem->maHighImage = ImplRotImage( pItem->maHighImage, nDeltaAngle ); } if ( !mbCalc ) { if ( aOldSize != pItem->maImage.GetSizePixel() ) ImplInvalidate( TRUE ); else ImplUpdateItem( nPos ); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static Image ImplMirrorImage( const Image& rImage ) { Image aRet; BitmapEx aMirrBitmapEx( rImage.GetBitmapEx() ); aMirrBitmapEx.Mirror( BMP_MIRROR_HORZ ); return Image( aMirrBitmapEx ); } void ToolBox::SetItemImageMirrorMode( USHORT nItemId, BOOL bMirror ) { USHORT nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId ); if ( nPos != TOOLBOX_ITEM_NOTFOUND ) { ImplToolItem* pItem = &mpData->m_aItems[nPos]; if( ( pItem->mbMirrorMode && ! bMirror ) || ( ! pItem->mbMirrorMode && bMirror ) ) { pItem->mbMirrorMode = bMirror ? true : false; if( !!pItem->maImage ) { pItem->maImage = ImplMirrorImage( pItem->maImage ); if( !!pItem->maHighImage ) pItem->maHighImage = ImplMirrorImage( pItem->maHighImage ); } if ( !mbCalc ) ImplUpdateItem( nPos ); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Image ToolBox::GetItemImage( USHORT nItemId ) const { ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId ); if ( pItem ) return pItem->maImage; else return Image(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- long ToolBox::GetItemImageAngle( USHORT nItemId ) const { ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId ); if ( pItem ) return pItem->mnImageAngle; else return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL ToolBox::GetItemImageMirrorMode( USHORT nItemId ) const { ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId ); if ( pItem ) return pItem->mbMirrorMode; else return FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::SetItemHighImage( USHORT nItemId, const Image& rImage ) { ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId ); if ( pItem ) { DBG_ASSERT( (pItem->maImage.GetSizePixel() == rImage.GetSizePixel()) || ((!rImage) == TRUE), "ToolBox::SetItemHighImage() - ImageSize != HighImageSize" ); pItem->maHighImage = rImage; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Image ToolBox::GetItemHighImage( USHORT nItemId ) const { ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId ); if ( pItem ) return pItem->maHighImage; else return Image(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::SetItemText( USHORT nItemId, const XubString& rText ) { USHORT nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId ); if ( nPos != TOOLBOX_ITEM_NOTFOUND ) { ImplToolItem* pItem = &mpData->m_aItems[nPos]; // Nur wenn alles berechnet ist, mehr Aufwand treiben if ( !mbCalc && ((meButtonType != BUTTON_SYMBOL) || !pItem->maImage) ) { long nOldWidth = GetCtrlTextWidth( pItem->maText ); pItem->maText = ImplConvertMenuString( rText ); mpData->ImplClearLayoutData(); if ( nOldWidth != GetCtrlTextWidth( pItem->maText ) ) ImplInvalidate( TRUE ); else ImplUpdateItem( nPos ); } else pItem->maText = ImplConvertMenuString( rText ); // Notify ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_TOOLBOX_ITEMTEXTCHANGED, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nPos ) ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- const XubString& ToolBox::GetItemText( USHORT nItemId ) const { ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId ); if ( pItem ) return pItem->maText; else return ImplGetSVEmptyStr(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::SetItemWindow( USHORT nItemId, Window* pNewWindow ) { USHORT nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId ); if ( nPos != TOOLBOX_ITEM_NOTFOUND ) { ImplToolItem* pItem = &mpData->m_aItems[nPos]; pItem->mpWindow = pNewWindow; if ( pNewWindow ) pNewWindow->Hide(); ImplInvalidate( TRUE ); ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_TOOLBOX_ITEMWINDOWCHANGED, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nPos ) ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Window* ToolBox::GetItemWindow( USHORT nItemId ) const { ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId ); if ( pItem ) return pItem->mpWindow; else return NULL; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::StartSelection() { if ( mbDrag ) EndSelection(); if ( !mbSelection ) { mbSelection = TRUE; mnCurPos = TOOLBOX_ITEM_NOTFOUND; mnCurItemId = 0; Activate(); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::EndSelection() { mbCommandDrag = FALSE; if ( mbDrag || mbSelection ) { // Daten zuruecksetzen mbDrag = FALSE; mbSelection = FALSE; if ( mnCurPos != TOOLBOX_ITEM_NOTFOUND ) ImplDrawItem( mnCurPos ); EndTracking(); ReleaseMouse(); Deactivate(); } mnCurPos = TOOLBOX_ITEM_NOTFOUND; mnCurItemId = 0; mnDownItemId = 0; mnMouseClicks = 0; mnMouseModifier = 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::SetItemDown( USHORT nItemId, BOOL bDown, BOOL bRelease ) { USHORT nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId ); if ( nPos != TOOLBOX_ITEM_NOTFOUND ) { if ( bDown ) { if ( nPos != mnCurPos ) { mnCurPos = nPos; ImplDrawItem( mnCurPos, TRUE ); Flush(); } } else { if ( nPos == mnCurPos ) { ImplDrawItem( mnCurPos, FALSE ); Flush(); mnCurPos = TOOLBOX_ITEM_NOTFOUND; } } if ( bRelease ) { if ( mbDrag || mbSelection ) { mbDrag = FALSE; mbSelection = FALSE; EndTracking(); ReleaseMouse(); Deactivate(); } mnCurItemId = 0; mnDownItemId = 0; mnMouseClicks = 0; mnMouseModifier = 0; } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL ToolBox::IsItemDown( USHORT nItemId ) const { USHORT nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId ); if ( nPos != TOOLBOX_ITEM_NOTFOUND ) return (nPos == mnCurPos); else return FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::SetItemState( USHORT nItemId, TriState eState ) { USHORT nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId ); if ( nPos != TOOLBOX_ITEM_NOTFOUND ) { ImplToolItem* pItem = &mpData->m_aItems[nPos]; // Hat sich der Status geaendert if ( pItem->meState != eState ) { // Wenn RadioCheck, dann vorherigen unchecken if ( (eState == STATE_CHECK) && (pItem->mnBits & TIB_AUTOCHECK) && (pItem->mnBits & TIB_RADIOCHECK) ) { ImplToolItem* pGroupItem; USHORT nGroupPos; USHORT nItemCount = GetItemCount(); nGroupPos = nPos; while ( nGroupPos ) { pGroupItem = &mpData->m_aItems[nGroupPos-1]; if ( pGroupItem->mnBits & TIB_RADIOCHECK ) { if ( pGroupItem->meState != STATE_NOCHECK ) SetItemState( pGroupItem->mnId, STATE_NOCHECK ); } else break; nGroupPos--; } nGroupPos = nPos+1; while ( nGroupPos < nItemCount ) { pGroupItem = &mpData->m_aItems[nGroupPos]; if ( pGroupItem->mnBits & TIB_RADIOCHECK ) { if ( pGroupItem->meState != STATE_NOCHECK ) SetItemState( pGroupItem->mnId, STATE_NOCHECK ); } else break; nGroupPos++; } } pItem->meState = eState; ImplUpdateItem( nPos ); // Notify ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_TOOLBOX_CLICK, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nPos ) ); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TriState ToolBox::GetItemState( USHORT nItemId ) const { ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId ); if ( pItem ) return pItem->meState; else return STATE_NOCHECK; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::EnableItem( USHORT nItemId, BOOL bEnable ) { USHORT nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId ); if ( nPos != TOOLBOX_ITEM_NOTFOUND ) { ImplToolItem* pItem = &mpData->m_aItems[nPos]; if ( bEnable ) bEnable = TRUE; if ( pItem->mbEnabled != bEnable ) { pItem->mbEnabled = bEnable; // Gegebenenfalls das Fenster mit updaten if ( pItem->mpWindow ) pItem->mpWindow->Enable( pItem->mbEnabled ); // Item updaten ImplUpdateItem( nPos ); ImplUpdateInputEnable(); ImplCallEventListeners( bEnable ? VCLEVENT_TOOLBOX_ITEMENABLED : VCLEVENT_TOOLBOX_ITEMDISABLED, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nPos ) ); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL ToolBox::IsItemEnabled( USHORT nItemId ) const { ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId ); if ( pItem ) return pItem->mbEnabled; else return FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::ShowItem( USHORT nItemId, BOOL bVisible ) { USHORT nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId ); mpData->ImplClearLayoutData(); if ( nPos != TOOLBOX_ITEM_NOTFOUND ) { ImplToolItem* pItem = &mpData->m_aItems[nPos]; if ( pItem->mbVisible != bVisible ) { pItem->mbVisible = bVisible; ImplInvalidate( FALSE ); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL ToolBox::IsItemVisible( USHORT nItemId ) const { ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId ); if ( pItem ) return pItem->mbVisible; else return FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::SetItemCommand( USHORT nItemId, const XubString& rCommand ) { ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId ); if ( pItem ) pItem->maCommandStr = rCommand; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- const XubString& ToolBox::GetItemCommand( USHORT nItemId ) const { ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId ); if ( pItem ) return pItem->maCommandStr; else return ImplGetSVEmptyStr(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::SetQuickHelpText( USHORT nItemId, const XubString& rText ) { ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId ); if ( pItem ) pItem->maQuickHelpText = rText; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- const XubString& ToolBox::GetQuickHelpText( USHORT nItemId ) const { ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId ); if ( pItem ) return pItem->maQuickHelpText; else return ImplGetSVEmptyStr(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::SetHelpText( USHORT nItemId, const XubString& rText ) { ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId ); if ( pItem ) pItem->maHelpText = rText; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- const XubString& ToolBox::GetHelpText( USHORT nItemId ) const { return ImplGetHelpText( nItemId ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::SetHelpId( USHORT nItemId, ULONG nHelpId ) { ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId ); if ( pItem ) pItem->mnHelpId = nHelpId; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG ToolBox::GetHelpId( USHORT nItemId ) const { ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId ); if ( pItem ) return pItem->mnHelpId; else return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::SetBorder( long nX, long nY ) { mnBorderX = nX; mnBorderY = nY; ImplInvalidate( TRUE, TRUE ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::SetOutStyle( USHORT nNewStyle ) { // always force flat looking toolbars since NWF nNewStyle |= TOOLBOX_STYLE_FLAT; if ( mnOutStyle != nNewStyle ) { mnOutStyle = nNewStyle; ImplDisableFlatButtons(); // Damit das ButtonDevice neu angelegt wird if ( !(mnOutStyle & TOOLBOX_STYLE_FLAT) ) { mnMaxItemWidth = 1; mnMaxItemHeight = 1; } ImplInvalidate( TRUE, TRUE ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::RecalcItems() { ImplInvalidate( TRUE ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // disable key input if all items are disabled void ToolBox::ImplUpdateInputEnable() { for( std::vector< ImplToolItem >::const_iterator it = mpData->m_aItems.begin(); it != mpData->m_aItems.end(); ++it ) { if( it->mbEnabled ) { // at least one useful entry mpData->mbKeyInputDisabled = FALSE; return; } } mpData->mbKeyInputDisabled = TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::ImplFillLayoutData() const { mpData->m_pLayoutData = new ToolBoxLayoutData(); USHORT nCount = (USHORT)mpData->m_aItems.size(); for( USHORT i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { ImplToolItem* pItem = &mpData->m_aItems[i]; // Nur malen, wenn Rechteck im PaintRectangle liegt if ( !pItem->maRect.IsEmpty() ) const_cast(this)->ImplDrawItem( i, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- String ToolBox::GetDisplayText() const { if( ! mpData->m_pLayoutData ) ImplFillLayoutData(); return mpData->m_pLayoutData ? mpData->m_pLayoutData->m_aDisplayText : String(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rectangle ToolBox::GetCharacterBounds( USHORT nItemID, long nIndex ) const { long nItemIndex = -1; if( ! mpData->m_pLayoutData ) ImplFillLayoutData(); if( mpData->m_pLayoutData ) { for( ULONG i = 0; i < mpData->m_pLayoutData->m_aLineItemIds.size(); i++ ) { if( mpData->m_pLayoutData->m_aLineItemIds[i] == nItemID ) { nItemIndex = mpData->m_pLayoutData->m_aLineIndices[i]; break; } } } return (mpData->m_pLayoutData && nItemIndex != -1) ? mpData->m_pLayoutData->GetCharacterBounds( nItemIndex+nIndex ) : Rectangle(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- long ToolBox::GetIndexForPoint( const Point& rPoint, USHORT& rItemID ) const { long nIndex = -1; rItemID = 0; if( ! mpData->m_pLayoutData ) ImplFillLayoutData(); if( mpData->m_pLayoutData ) { nIndex = mpData->m_pLayoutData->GetIndexForPoint( rPoint ); for( ULONG i = 0; i < mpData->m_pLayoutData->m_aLineIndices.size(); i++ ) { if( mpData->m_pLayoutData->m_aLineIndices[i] <= nIndex && (i == mpData->m_pLayoutData->m_aLineIndices.size()-1 || mpData->m_pLayoutData->m_aLineIndices[i+1] > nIndex) ) { rItemID = mpData->m_pLayoutData->m_aLineItemIds[i]; break; } } } return nIndex; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- long ToolBox::GetTextCount() const { if( ! mpData->m_pLayoutData ) ImplFillLayoutData(); return mpData->m_pLayoutData ? mpData->m_pLayoutData->GetLineCount() : 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Pair ToolBox::GetTextStartEnd( long nText ) const { if( ! mpData->m_pLayoutData ) ImplFillLayoutData(); return mpData->m_pLayoutData ? mpData->m_pLayoutData->GetLineStartEnd( nText ) : Pair( -1, -1 ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USHORT ToolBox::GetDisplayItemId( long nText ) const { USHORT nItemId = 0; if( ! mpData->m_pLayoutData ) ImplFillLayoutData(); if( mpData->m_pLayoutData && nText >= 0 && (ULONG)nText < mpData->m_pLayoutData->m_aLineItemIds.size() ) nItemId = mpData->m_pLayoutData->m_aLineItemIds[nText]; return nItemId; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::SetDropdownClickHdl( const Link& rLink ) { mpData->maDropdownClickHdl = rLink; } const Link& ToolBox::GetDropdownClickHdl() const { return mpData->maDropdownClickHdl; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::SetMenuType( USHORT aType ) { mpData->maMenuType = aType; } USHORT ToolBox::GetMenuType() const { return mpData->maMenuType; } BOOL ToolBox::IsMenuEnabled() const { return mpData->maMenuType != TOOLBOX_MENUTYPE_NONE; } PopupMenu* ToolBox::GetMenu() const { return mpData->mpMenu; } void ToolBox::SetMenuButtonHdl( const Link& rLink ) { mpData->maMenuButtonHdl = rLink; } const Link& ToolBox::GetMenuButtonHdl() const { return mpData->maMenuButtonHdl; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL ToolBox::ImplHasClippedItems() { // are any items currently clipped ? ImplFormat(); std::vector< ImplToolItem >::const_iterator it = mpData->m_aItems.begin(); while ( it != mpData->m_aItems.end() ) { if( it->IsClipped() ) return TRUE; it++; } return FALSE; } void ToolBox::ImplUpdateCustomMenu() { // fill clipped items into menu if( !IsMenuEnabled() ) return; PopupMenu *pMenu = GetMenu(); USHORT i = 0; // remove old entries while( i < pMenu->GetItemCount() ) { if( pMenu->GetItemId( i ) >= TOOLBOX_MENUITEM_START ) { pMenu->RemoveItem( i ); i = 0; } else i++; } // add menu items, starting from the end and inserting at pos 0 if ( mpData->m_aItems.size() > 0 ) { std::vector< ImplToolItem >::const_iterator it = mpData->m_aItems.end(); while ( --it >= mpData->m_aItems.begin() ) { if( it->IsClipped() ) { USHORT id = it->mnId + TOOLBOX_MENUITEM_START; pMenu->InsertItem( id, it->maText, it->maImage, 0, 0 ); pMenu->EnableItem( id, it->mbEnabled ); pMenu->CheckItem( id, it->meState == STATE_CHECK ); } } } } IMPL_LINK( ToolBox, ImplCustomMenuListener, VclMenuEvent*, pEvent ) { if( pEvent->GetMenu() == GetMenu() && pEvent->GetId() == VCLEVENT_MENU_SELECT ) { USHORT id = GetMenu()->GetItemId( pEvent->GetItemPos() ); if( id >= TOOLBOX_MENUITEM_START ) TriggerItem( id - TOOLBOX_MENUITEM_START, FALSE, FALSE ); } return 0; } IMPL_LINK( ToolBox, ImplCallExecuteCustomMenu, void*, EMPTYARG ) { mpData->mnEventId = 0; ImplExecuteCustomMenu(); return 0; } void ToolBox::ImplExecuteCustomMenu() { if( IsMenuEnabled() ) { if( GetMenuType() & TOOLBOX_MENUTYPE_CUSTOMIZE ) // call button handler to allow for menu customization mpData->maMenuButtonHdl.Call( this ); // register handler GetMenu()->AddEventListener( LINK( this, ToolBox, ImplCustomMenuListener ) ); // make sure all disabled entries will be shown GetMenu()->SetMenuFlags( GetMenu()->GetMenuFlags() | MENU_FLAG_ALWAYSSHOWDISABLEDENTRIES ); // toolbox might be destroyed during execute ImplDelData aDelData; ImplAddDel( &aDelData ); ImplDelData aBorderDel; bool bBorderDel = false; Window *pWin = this; Rectangle aMenuRect = mpData->maMenubuttonItem.maRect; if( IsFloatingMode() ) { // custom menu is placed in the decoration ImplBorderWindow *pBorderWin = dynamic_cast( GetWindow( WINDOW_BORDER ) ); if( pBorderWin && !pBorderWin->GetMenuRect().IsEmpty() ) { pWin = pBorderWin; aMenuRect = pBorderWin->GetMenuRect(); pWin->ImplAddDel( &aBorderDel ); bBorderDel = true; } } USHORT uId = GetMenu()->Execute( pWin, Rectangle( ImplGetPopupPosition( aMenuRect, Size() ), Size() ), POPUPMENU_EXECUTE_DOWN | POPUPMENU_NOMOUSEUPCLOSE ); if ( aDelData.IsDelete() ) return; ImplRemoveDel( &aDelData ); if( GetMenu() ) GetMenu()->RemoveEventListener( LINK( this, ToolBox, ImplCustomMenuListener ) ); if( bBorderDel ) { if( aBorderDel.IsDelete() ) return; pWin->ImplRemoveDel( &aBorderDel ); } pWin->Invalidate( aMenuRect ); if( uId ) GrabFocusToDocument(); } } void ToolBox::ExecuteCustomMenu() { if( IsMenuEnabled() ) { // handle custom menu asynchronously // to avoid problems if the toolbox is closed during menu execute ImplUpdateCustomMenu(); Application::PostUserEvent( mpData->mnEventId, LINK( this, ToolBox, ImplCallExecuteCustomMenu ) ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // checks override first, useful during calculation of sizes BOOL ToolBox::ImplIsFloatingMode() const { DBG_ASSERT( !(mpData->mbAssumeDocked && mpData->mbAssumeFloating), "ToolBox::ImplIsFloatingMode(): cannot assume docked and floating" ); if( mpData->mbAssumeDocked ) return FALSE; else if( mpData->mbAssumeFloating ) return TRUE; else return IsFloatingMode(); } // checks override first, useful during calculation of sizes BOOL ToolBox::ImplIsInPopupMode() const { if( mpData->mbAssumePopupMode ) return TRUE; else { ImplDockingWindowWrapper *pWrapper = ImplGetDockingManager()->GetDockingWindowWrapper( this ); return ( pWrapper && pWrapper->GetFloatingWindow() && pWrapper->GetFloatingWindow()->IsInPopupMode() ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ToolBox::Lock( BOOL bLock ) { ImplDockingWindowWrapper *pWrapper = ImplGetDockingManager()->GetDockingWindowWrapper( this ); if( !pWrapper ) return; if( mpData->mbIsLocked != bLock ) { mpData->mbIsLocked = bLock; if( !ImplIsFloatingMode() ) { mbCalc = TRUE; mbFormat = TRUE; SetSizePixel( CalcWindowSizePixel(1) ); Invalidate(); } } } // -----------------------------------------------------------------------