/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include "sal/config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "salsession.hxx" namespace { class IceSalSession : public SalSession { public: IceSalSession() {} private: virtual ~IceSalSession() {} virtual void queryInteraction(); virtual void interactionDone(); virtual void saveDone(); virtual bool cancelShutdown(); }; } SalSession* X11SalInstance::CreateSalSession() { SalSession * p = new IceSalSession; SessionManagerClient::open(p); return p; } void IceSalSession::queryInteraction() { if( ! SessionManagerClient::queryInteraction() ) { SalSessionInteractionEvent aEvent( false ); CallCallback( &aEvent ); } } void IceSalSession::interactionDone() { SessionManagerClient::interactionDone( false ); } void IceSalSession::saveDone() { SessionManagerClient::saveDone(); } bool IceSalSession::cancelShutdown() { SessionManagerClient::interactionDone( true ); return false; } extern "C" void ICEWatchProc( IceConn ice_conn, IcePointer client_data, Bool opening, IcePointer * watch_data); extern "C" void SAL_CALL ICEConnectionWorker(void * data); class ICEConnectionObserver { friend void ICEWatchProc(IceConn, IcePointer, Bool, IcePointer *); friend void ICEConnectionWorker(void *); struct pollfd* m_pFilehandles; int m_nConnections; IceConn* m_pConnections; int m_nWakeupFiles[2]; oslThread m_ICEThread; IceIOErrorHandler m_origIOErrorHandler; IceErrorHandler m_origErrorHandler; void wakeup(); public: osl::Mutex m_ICEMutex; ICEConnectionObserver(): m_pFilehandles(NULL), m_nConnections(0), m_pConnections(NULL), m_ICEThread(NULL) { m_nWakeupFiles[0] = m_nWakeupFiles[1] = 0; } void activate(); void deactivate(); void terminate(oslThread iceThread); }; SalSession * SessionManagerClient::m_pSession = NULL; boost::scoped_ptr< ICEConnectionObserver > SessionManagerClient::m_pICEConnectionObserver; SmcConn SessionManagerClient::m_pSmcConnection = NULL; OString SessionManagerClient::m_aClientID; bool SessionManagerClient::m_bDocSaveDone = false; // HACK extern "C" { static void IgnoreIceErrors( SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER IceConn, SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER Bool, SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER int, SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER unsigned long, SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER int, SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER int, SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER IcePointer) {} static void IgnoreIceIOErrors(SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER IceConn) {} } static SmProp* pSmProps = NULL; static SmProp** ppSmProps = NULL; static int nSmProps = 0; static unsigned char *pSmRestartHint = NULL; static void BuildSmPropertyList() { if( ! pSmProps ) { OString aExec(OUStringToOString(SessionManagerClient::getExecName(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding())); nSmProps = 5; pSmProps = new SmProp[ nSmProps ]; pSmProps[ 0 ].name = const_cast(SmCloneCommand); pSmProps[ 0 ].type = const_cast(SmLISTofARRAY8); pSmProps[ 0 ].num_vals = 1; pSmProps[ 0 ].vals = new SmPropValue; pSmProps[ 0 ].vals->length = aExec.getLength()+1; pSmProps[ 0 ].vals->value = strdup( aExec.getStr() ); pSmProps[ 1 ].name = const_cast(SmProgram); pSmProps[ 1 ].type = const_cast(SmARRAY8); pSmProps[ 1 ].num_vals = 1; pSmProps[ 1 ].vals = new SmPropValue; pSmProps[ 1 ].vals->length = aExec.getLength()+1; pSmProps[ 1 ].vals->value = strdup( aExec.getStr() ); pSmProps[ 2 ].name = const_cast(SmRestartCommand); pSmProps[ 2 ].type = const_cast(SmLISTofARRAY8); pSmProps[ 2 ].num_vals = 3; pSmProps[ 2 ].vals = new SmPropValue[3]; pSmProps[ 2 ].vals[0].length = aExec.getLength()+1; pSmProps[ 2 ].vals[0].value = strdup( aExec.getStr() ); OStringBuffer aRestartOption; aRestartOption.append("--session="); aRestartOption.append(SessionManagerClient::getSessionID()); pSmProps[ 2 ].vals[1].length = aRestartOption.getLength()+1; pSmProps[ 2 ].vals[1].value = strdup(aRestartOption.getStr()); OString aRestartOptionNoLogo("--nologo"); pSmProps[ 2 ].vals[2].length = aRestartOptionNoLogo.getLength()+1; pSmProps[ 2 ].vals[2].value = strdup(aRestartOptionNoLogo.getStr()); OUString aUserName; OString aUser; oslSecurity aSec = osl_getCurrentSecurity(); if( aSec ) { osl_getUserName( aSec, &aUserName.pData ); aUser = OUStringToOString( aUserName, osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ); osl_freeSecurityHandle( aSec ); } pSmProps[ 3 ].name = const_cast(SmUserID); pSmProps[ 3 ].type = const_cast(SmARRAY8); pSmProps[ 3 ].num_vals = 1; pSmProps[ 3 ].vals = new SmPropValue; pSmProps[ 3 ].vals->value = strdup( aUser.getStr() ); pSmProps[ 3 ].vals->length = rtl_str_getLength( (char *)pSmProps[ 3 ].vals->value )+1; pSmProps[ 4 ].name = const_cast(SmRestartStyleHint); pSmProps[ 4 ].type = const_cast(SmCARD8); pSmProps[ 4 ].num_vals = 1; pSmProps[ 4 ].vals = new SmPropValue; pSmProps[ 4 ].vals->value = malloc(1); pSmRestartHint = (unsigned char *)pSmProps[ 4 ].vals->value; *pSmRestartHint = SmRestartIfRunning; pSmProps[ 4 ].vals->length = 1; ppSmProps = new SmProp*[ nSmProps ]; for( int i = 0; i < nSmProps; i++ ) ppSmProps[ i ] = &pSmProps[i]; } } bool SessionManagerClient::checkDocumentsSaved() { return m_bDocSaveDone; } IMPL_STATIC_LINK_NOINSTANCE( SessionManagerClient, SaveYourselfHdl, void*, pStateVal ) { // Decode argument smuggled in as void*: sal_uIntPtr nStateVal = reinterpret_cast< sal_uIntPtr >(pStateVal); Bool shutdown = nStateVal != 0; SAL_INFO("vcl.sm", "posting save documents event shutdown = " << (shutdown ? "true" : "false" )); static bool bFirstShutdown=true; if (shutdown && bFirstShutdown) //first shutdown request { bFirstShutdown = false; /* If we have no actual frames open, e.g. we launched a quickstarter, and then shutdown all our frames leaving just a quickstarter running, then we don't want to launch an empty toplevel frame on the next start. (The job of scheduling the restart of the quick-starter is a task of the quick-starter) */ *pSmRestartHint = SmRestartNever; const std::list< SalFrame* >& rFrames = GetGenericData()->GetSalDisplay()->getFrames(); for( std::list< SalFrame* >::const_iterator it = rFrames.begin(); it != rFrames.end(); ++it ) { Window *pWindow = (*it)->GetWindow(); if (pWindow && pWindow->IsVisible()) { *pSmRestartHint = SmRestartIfRunning; break; } } } if( m_pSession ) { SalSessionSaveRequestEvent aEvent( shutdown, false ); m_pSession->CallCallback( &aEvent ); } else saveDone(); return 0; } IMPL_STATIC_LINK_NOINSTANCE( SessionManagerClient, InteractionHdl, void*, EMPTYARG ) { SAL_INFO("vcl.sm", "interaction link"); if( m_pSession ) { SalSessionInteractionEvent aEvent( true ); m_pSession->CallCallback( &aEvent ); } return 0; } IMPL_STATIC_LINK_NOINSTANCE( SessionManagerClient, ShutDownCancelHdl, void*, EMPTYARG ) { SAL_INFO("vcl.sm", "shutdown cancel"); if( m_pSession ) { SalSessionShutdownCancelEvent aEvent; m_pSession->CallCallback( &aEvent ); } return 0; } void SessionManagerClient::SaveYourselfProc( SmcConn, SmPointer, int save_type, Bool shutdown, int interact_style, Bool ) { SAL_INFO("vcl.sm", "Session: save yourself," << "save_type " << " local: " << (save_type == SmSaveLocal) << " global: " << (save_type == SmSaveGlobal) << " both: " << (save_type == SmSaveBoth) << " shutdown: " << shutdown << " interact_style: " << " SmInteractStyleNone: " << (interact_style == SmInteractStyleNone) << " SmInteractStyleErrors: " << (interact_style == SmInteractStyleErrors) << " SmInteractStyleErrors: " << (interact_style == SmInteractStyleAny)); BuildSmPropertyList(); m_bDocSaveDone = false; /* #i49875# some session managers send a "die" message if the * saveDone does not come early enough for their convenience * this can occasionally happen on startup, especially the first * startup. So shortcut the "not shutting down" case since the * upper layers are currently not interested in that event anyway. */ if( ! shutdown ) { SessionManagerClient::saveDone(); return; } // Smuggle argument in as void*: sal_uIntPtr nStateVal = shutdown; Application::PostUserEvent( STATIC_LINK( 0, SessionManagerClient, SaveYourselfHdl ), reinterpret_cast< void * >(nStateVal) ); SAL_INFO("vcl.sm", "waiting for save yourself event to be processed" ); } IMPL_STATIC_LINK_NOINSTANCE( SessionManagerClient, ShutDownHdl, void*, EMPTYARG ) { if( m_pSession ) { SalSessionQuitEvent aEvent; m_pSession->CallCallback( &aEvent ); } const std::list< SalFrame* >& rFrames = GetGenericData()->GetSalDisplay()->getFrames(); SAL_INFO("vcl.sm", (rFrames.begin() != rFrames.end() ? "shutdown on first frame" : "shutdown event but no frame")); if( rFrames.begin() != rFrames.end() ) rFrames.front()->CallCallback( SALEVENT_SHUTDOWN, 0 ); return 0; } void SessionManagerClient::DieProc( SmcConn connection, SmPointer ) { SAL_INFO("vcl.sm", "Session: die"); if( connection == m_pSmcConnection ) { Application::PostUserEvent( STATIC_LINK( NULL, SessionManagerClient, ShutDownHdl ) ); SAL_INFO("vcl.sm", "waiting for shutdown event to be processed" ); } } void SessionManagerClient::SaveCompleteProc( SmcConn, SmPointer ) { SAL_INFO("vcl.sm", "Session: save complete"); } void SessionManagerClient::ShutdownCanceledProc( SmcConn connection, SmPointer ) { SAL_INFO("vcl.sm", "Session: shutdown canceled" ); if( connection == m_pSmcConnection ) Application::PostUserEvent( STATIC_LINK( NULL, SessionManagerClient, ShutDownCancelHdl ) ); } void SessionManagerClient::InteractProc( SmcConn connection, SmPointer ) { SAL_INFO("vcl.sm", "Session: interaction request completed" ); if( connection == m_pSmcConnection ) Application::PostUserEvent( STATIC_LINK( NULL, SessionManagerClient, InteractionHdl ) ); } void SessionManagerClient::saveDone() { if( m_pSmcConnection ) { assert(m_pICEConnectionObserver); osl::MutexGuard g(m_pICEConnectionObserver->m_ICEMutex); SmcSetProperties( m_pSmcConnection, nSmProps, ppSmProps ); SmcSaveYourselfDone( m_pSmcConnection, True ); SAL_INFO("vcl.sm", "sent SaveYourselfDone SmRestartHint of " << *pSmRestartHint ); m_bDocSaveDone = true; } } void SessionManagerClient::open(SalSession * pSession) { assert(!m_pSession && !m_pICEConnectionObserver && !m_pSmcConnection); // must only be called once m_pSession = pSession; // This is the way Xt does it, so we can too: if( getenv( "SESSION_MANAGER" ) ) { m_pICEConnectionObserver.reset(new ICEConnectionObserver); m_pICEConnectionObserver->activate(); { osl::MutexGuard g(m_pICEConnectionObserver->m_ICEMutex); static SmcCallbacks aCallbacks; // does this need to be static? aCallbacks.save_yourself.callback = SaveYourselfProc; aCallbacks.save_yourself.client_data = NULL; aCallbacks.die.callback = DieProc; aCallbacks.die.client_data = NULL; aCallbacks.save_complete.callback = SaveCompleteProc; aCallbacks.save_complete.client_data = NULL; aCallbacks.shutdown_cancelled.callback = ShutdownCanceledProc; aCallbacks.shutdown_cancelled.client_data = NULL; OString aPrevId(getPreviousSessionID()); char* pClientID = NULL; char aErrBuf[1024]; m_pSmcConnection = SmcOpenConnection( NULL, NULL, SmProtoMajor, SmProtoMinor, SmcSaveYourselfProcMask | SmcDieProcMask | SmcSaveCompleteProcMask | SmcShutdownCancelledProcMask , &aCallbacks, aPrevId.isEmpty() ? NULL : const_cast(aPrevId.getStr()), &pClientID, sizeof( aErrBuf ), aErrBuf ); if( !m_pSmcConnection ) SAL_INFO("vcl.sm", "SmcOpenConnection failed: " << aErrBuf); else SAL_INFO("vcl.sm", "SmcOpenConnection succeeded, client ID is " << pClientID ); m_aClientID = OString(pClientID); free( pClientID ); pClientID = NULL; } SalDisplay* pDisp = GetGenericData()->GetSalDisplay(); if( pDisp->GetDrawable(pDisp->GetDefaultXScreen()) && !m_aClientID.isEmpty() ) { XChangeProperty( pDisp->GetDisplay(), pDisp->GetDrawable( pDisp->GetDefaultXScreen() ), XInternAtom( pDisp->GetDisplay(), "SM_CLIENT_ID", False ), XA_STRING, 8, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)m_aClientID.getStr(), m_aClientID.getLength() ); } } else { SAL_INFO("vcl.sm", "no SESSION_MANAGER"); } } OString SessionManagerClient::getSessionID() { return m_aClientID; } void SessionManagerClient::close() { if( m_pSmcConnection ) { assert(m_pICEConnectionObserver); { osl::MutexGuard g(m_pICEConnectionObserver->m_ICEMutex); SAL_INFO("vcl.sm", "attempting SmcCloseConnection"); SmcCloseConnection( m_pSmcConnection, 0, NULL ); SAL_INFO("vcl.sm", "SmcConnection closed"); } m_pICEConnectionObserver->deactivate(); m_pICEConnectionObserver.reset(); m_pSmcConnection = NULL; } } bool SessionManagerClient::queryInteraction() { bool bRet = false; if( m_pSmcConnection ) { assert(m_pICEConnectionObserver); osl::MutexGuard g(m_pICEConnectionObserver->m_ICEMutex); if( SmcInteractRequest( m_pSmcConnection, SmDialogNormal, InteractProc, NULL ) ) bRet = true; } return bRet; } void SessionManagerClient::interactionDone( bool bCancelShutdown ) { if( m_pSmcConnection ) { assert(m_pICEConnectionObserver); osl::MutexGuard g(m_pICEConnectionObserver->m_ICEMutex); SmcInteractDone( m_pSmcConnection, bCancelShutdown ? True : False ); } } OUString SessionManagerClient::getExecName() { OUString aExec, aSysExec; osl_getExecutableFile( &aExec.pData ); osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL( aExec.pData, &aSysExec.pData ); if( aSysExec.endsWith(".bin") ) aSysExec = aSysExec.copy( 0, aSysExec.getLength() - RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH(".bin") ); return aSysExec; } OString SessionManagerClient::getPreviousSessionID() { OString aPrevId; sal_uInt32 n = rtl_getAppCommandArgCount(); for (sal_uInt32 i = 0; i != n; ++i) { OUString aArg; rtl_getAppCommandArg( i, &aArg.pData ); if(aArg.match("--session=")) { aPrevId = OUStringToOString( aArg.copy(RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH("--session=")), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); break; } } SAL_INFO("vcl.sm", "previous ID = " << aPrevId.getStr()); return aPrevId; } void ICEConnectionObserver::activate() { /* * Default handlers call exit, we don't care that strongly if something * happens to fail */ m_origIOErrorHandler = IceSetIOErrorHandler( IgnoreIceIOErrors ); m_origErrorHandler = IceSetErrorHandler( IgnoreIceErrors ); IceAddConnectionWatch( ICEWatchProc, this ); } void ICEConnectionObserver::deactivate() { oslThread t; { osl::MutexGuard g(m_ICEMutex); IceRemoveConnectionWatch( ICEWatchProc, this ); IceSetErrorHandler( m_origErrorHandler ); IceSetIOErrorHandler( m_origIOErrorHandler ); m_nConnections = 0; t = m_ICEThread; m_ICEThread = NULL; } if (t) { terminate(t); } } void ICEConnectionObserver::wakeup() { char cChar = 'w'; OSL_VERIFY(write(m_nWakeupFiles[1], &cChar, 1) == 1); } void ICEConnectionObserver::terminate(oslThread iceThread) { osl_terminateThread(iceThread); wakeup(); osl_joinWithThread(iceThread); osl_destroyThread(iceThread); close(m_nWakeupFiles[1]); close(m_nWakeupFiles[0]); } void ICEConnectionWorker(void * data) { ICEConnectionObserver * pThis = static_cast< ICEConnectionObserver * >( data); for (;;) { oslThread t; { osl::MutexGuard g(pThis->m_ICEMutex); if (pThis->m_ICEThread == NULL || pThis->m_nConnections == 0) { break; } t = pThis->m_ICEThread; } if (!osl_scheduleThread(t)) { break; } int nConnectionsBefore; struct pollfd* pLocalFD; { osl::MutexGuard g(pThis->m_ICEMutex); nConnectionsBefore = pThis->m_nConnections; int nBytes = sizeof( struct pollfd )*(nConnectionsBefore+1); pLocalFD = (struct pollfd*)rtl_allocateMemory( nBytes ); memcpy( pLocalFD, pThis->m_pFilehandles, nBytes ); } int nRet = poll( pLocalFD,nConnectionsBefore+1,-1 ); bool bWakeup = (pLocalFD[0].revents & POLLIN); rtl_freeMemory( pLocalFD ); if( nRet < 1 ) continue; // clear wakeup pipe if( bWakeup ) { char buf[4]; while( read( pThis->m_nWakeupFiles[0], buf, sizeof( buf ) ) > 0 ) ; SAL_INFO("vcl.sm", "file handles active in wakeup: " << nRet); if( nRet == 1 ) continue; } // check fd's after we obtained the lock osl::MutexGuard g(pThis->m_ICEMutex); if( pThis->m_nConnections > 0 && pThis->m_nConnections == nConnectionsBefore ) { nRet = poll( pThis->m_pFilehandles+1, pThis->m_nConnections, 0 ); if( nRet > 0 ) { SAL_INFO("vcl.sm", "IceProcessMessages"); Bool bReply; for( int i = 0; i < pThis->m_nConnections; i++ ) if( pThis->m_pFilehandles[i+1].revents & POLLIN ) IceProcessMessages( pThis->m_pConnections[i], NULL, &bReply ); } } } SAL_INFO("vcl.sm", "shutting down ICE dispatch thread"); } void ICEWatchProc( IceConn ice_conn, IcePointer client_data, Bool opening, SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER IcePointer *) { // Note: This is a callback function for ICE; this implicitly means that a // call into ICE lib is calling this, so the m_ICEMutex MUST already be // locked by the caller. ICEConnectionObserver * pThis = static_cast< ICEConnectionObserver * >( client_data); if( opening ) { int fd = IceConnectionNumber( ice_conn ); pThis->m_nConnections++; pThis->m_pConnections = (IceConn*)rtl_reallocateMemory( pThis->m_pConnections, sizeof( IceConn )*pThis->m_nConnections ); pThis->m_pFilehandles = (struct pollfd*)rtl_reallocateMemory( pThis->m_pFilehandles, sizeof( struct pollfd )*(pThis->m_nConnections+1) ); pThis->m_pConnections[ pThis->m_nConnections-1 ] = ice_conn; pThis->m_pFilehandles[ pThis->m_nConnections ].fd = fd; pThis->m_pFilehandles[ pThis->m_nConnections ].events = POLLIN; if( pThis->m_nConnections == 1 ) { if (!pipe(pThis->m_nWakeupFiles)) { int flags; pThis->m_pFilehandles[0].fd = pThis->m_nWakeupFiles[0]; pThis->m_pFilehandles[0].events = POLLIN; // set close-on-exec and nonblock descriptor flag. if ((flags = fcntl(pThis->m_nWakeupFiles[0], F_GETFD)) != -1) { flags |= FD_CLOEXEC; fcntl(pThis->m_nWakeupFiles[0], F_SETFD, flags); } if ((flags = fcntl(pThis->m_nWakeupFiles[0], F_GETFL)) != -1) { flags |= O_NONBLOCK; fcntl(pThis->m_nWakeupFiles[0], F_SETFL, flags); } // set close-on-exec and nonblock descriptor flag. if ((flags = fcntl(pThis->m_nWakeupFiles[1], F_GETFD)) != -1) { flags |= FD_CLOEXEC; fcntl(pThis->m_nWakeupFiles[1], F_SETFD, flags); } if ((flags = fcntl(pThis->m_nWakeupFiles[1], F_GETFL)) != -1) { flags |= O_NONBLOCK; fcntl(pThis->m_nWakeupFiles[1], F_SETFL, flags); } pThis->m_ICEThread = osl_createThread( ICEConnectionWorker, pThis); } } } else // closing { for( int i = 0; i < pThis->m_nConnections; i++ ) { if( pThis->m_pConnections[i] == ice_conn ) { if( i < pThis->m_nConnections-1 ) { memmove( pThis->m_pConnections+i, pThis->m_pConnections+i+1, sizeof( IceConn )*(pThis->m_nConnections-i-1) ); memmove( pThis->m_pFilehandles+i+1, pThis->m_pFilehandles+i+2, sizeof( struct pollfd )*(pThis->m_nConnections-i-1) ); } pThis->m_nConnections--; pThis->m_pConnections = (IceConn*)rtl_reallocateMemory( pThis->m_pConnections, sizeof( IceConn )*pThis->m_nConnections ); pThis->m_pFilehandles = (struct pollfd*)rtl_reallocateMemory( pThis->m_pFilehandles, sizeof( struct pollfd )*(pThis->m_nConnections+1) ); break; } } if( pThis->m_nConnections == 0 && pThis->m_ICEThread ) { SAL_INFO("vcl.sm", "terminating ICEThread"); oslThread t = pThis->m_ICEThread; pThis->m_ICEThread = NULL; // must release the mutex here pThis->m_ICEMutex.release(); pThis->terminate(t); // acquire the mutex again, because the caller does not expect // it to be released when calling into SM pThis->m_ICEMutex.acquire(); } } SAL_INFO( "vcl.sm", "ICE connection on " << IceConnectionNumber( ice_conn ) << " " << (opening ? "inserted" : "removed")); SAL_INFO( "vcl.sm", "Display connection is " << ConnectionNumber( GetGenericData()->GetSalDisplay()->GetDisplay() ) ); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */