/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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#include "atkwrapper.hxx"

#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/XAccessibleHypertext.hpp>

using namespace ::com::sun::star;

// ---------------------- AtkHyperlink ----------------------

namespace {

struct HyperLink {
    AtkHyperlink const atk_hyper_link;

    uno::Reference< accessibility::XAccessibleHyperlink > xLink;


static uno::Reference< accessibility::XAccessibleHyperlink > const &
    getHyperlink( AtkHyperlink *pHyperlink )
    HyperLink *pLink = reinterpret_cast<HyperLink *>(pHyperlink);
    return pLink->xLink;

static GObjectClass *hyper_parent_class = nullptr;

extern "C" {

static void
hyper_link_finalize (GObject *obj)
    HyperLink *hl = reinterpret_cast<HyperLink *>(obj);
    hyper_parent_class->finalize (obj);

static gchar *
hyper_link_get_uri( AtkHyperlink *pLink,
                    gint          i )
    try {
        uno::Any aAny = getHyperlink( pLink )->getAccessibleActionObject( i );
        OUString aUri = aAny.get< OUString > ();
        return OUStringToGChar(aUri);
    catch(const uno::Exception&) {
        g_warning( "Exception in hyper_link_get_uri" );
    return nullptr;

static AtkObject *
hyper_link_get_object( AtkHyperlink *,
                       gint          )
    g_warning( "FIXME: hyper_link_get_object unimplemented" );
    return nullptr;
static gint
hyper_link_get_end_index( AtkHyperlink *pLink )
    try {
        return getHyperlink( pLink )->getEndIndex();
    catch(const uno::Exception&) {
    return -1;
static gint
hyper_link_get_start_index( AtkHyperlink *pLink )
    try {
        return getHyperlink( pLink )->getStartIndex();
    catch(const uno::Exception&) {
    return -1;
static gboolean
hyper_link_is_valid( AtkHyperlink *pLink )
    try {
        return getHyperlink( pLink )->isValid();
    catch(const uno::Exception&) {
    return FALSE;
static gint
hyper_link_get_n_anchors( AtkHyperlink *pLink )
    try {
        return getHyperlink( pLink )->getAccessibleActionCount();
    catch(const uno::Exception&) {
    return 0;

static guint
hyper_link_link_state( AtkHyperlink * )
    g_warning( "FIXME: hyper_link_link_state unimplemented" );
    return 0;
static gboolean
hyper_link_is_selected_link( AtkHyperlink * )
    g_warning( "FIXME: hyper_link_is_selected_link unimplemented" );
    return FALSE;

static void
hyper_link_class_init (AtkHyperlinkClass *klass)
    GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

    gobject_class->finalize = hyper_link_finalize;

    hyper_parent_class = static_cast<GObjectClass *>(g_type_class_peek_parent (klass));

    klass->get_uri = hyper_link_get_uri;
    klass->get_object = hyper_link_get_object;
    klass->get_end_index = hyper_link_get_end_index;
    klass->get_start_index = hyper_link_get_start_index;
    klass->is_valid = hyper_link_is_valid;
    klass->get_n_anchors = hyper_link_get_n_anchors;
    klass->link_state = hyper_link_link_state;
    klass->is_selected_link = hyper_link_is_selected_link;

static GType
    static GType type = 0;

    if (!type) {
        static const GTypeInfo tinfo = {
            sizeof (AtkHyperlinkClass),
            nullptr,               /* base init */
            nullptr,               /* base finalize */
            nullptr,               /* class finalize */
            nullptr,               /* class data */
            sizeof (HyperLink), /* instance size */
            0,                  /* nb preallocs */
            nullptr,               /* instance init */
            nullptr                /* value table */

        static const GInterfaceInfo atk_action_info = {

        type = g_type_register_static (ATK_TYPE_HYPERLINK,
                                       "OOoAtkObjHyperLink", &tinfo,
        g_type_add_interface_static (type, ATK_TYPE_ACTION,

    return type;

// ---------------------- AtkHyperText ----------------------

/// @throws uno::RuntimeException
static css::uno::Reference<css::accessibility::XAccessibleHypertext>
    getHypertext( AtkHypertext *pHypertext )
    AtkObjectWrapper *pWrap = ATK_OBJECT_WRAPPER( pHypertext );
    if( pWrap )
        if( !pWrap->mpHypertext.is() )
            pWrap->mpHypertext.set(pWrap->mpContext, css::uno::UNO_QUERY);

        return pWrap->mpHypertext;

    return css::uno::Reference<css::accessibility::XAccessibleHypertext>();

static AtkHyperlink *
hypertext_get_link( AtkHypertext *hypertext,
                    gint          link_index)
    try {
        css::uno::Reference<css::accessibility::XAccessibleHypertext> pHypertext
            = getHypertext( hypertext );
        if( pHypertext.is() )
            HyperLink *pLink = static_cast<HyperLink *>(g_object_new( hyper_link_get_type(), nullptr ));
            pLink->xLink = pHypertext->getHyperLink( link_index );
            if( !pLink->xLink.is() ) {
                g_object_unref( G_OBJECT( pLink ) );
                pLink = nullptr;
            return ATK_HYPERLINK( pLink );
    catch(const uno::Exception&) {
        g_warning( "Exception in getHyperLink()" );

    return nullptr;

static gint
hypertext_get_n_links( AtkHypertext *hypertext )
    try {
        css::uno::Reference<css::accessibility::XAccessibleHypertext> pHypertext
            = getHypertext( hypertext );
        if( pHypertext.is() )
            return pHypertext->getHyperLinkCount();
    catch(const uno::Exception&) {
        g_warning( "Exception in getHyperLinkCount()" );

    return 0;

static gint
hypertext_get_link_index( AtkHypertext *hypertext,
                          gint          index)
    try {
        css::uno::Reference<css::accessibility::XAccessibleHypertext> pHypertext
            = getHypertext( hypertext );
        if( pHypertext.is() )
            return pHypertext->getHyperLinkIndex( index );
    catch(const uno::Exception&) {
        g_warning( "Exception in getHyperLinkIndex()" );

    return 0;

} // extern "C"

hypertextIfaceInit (AtkHypertextIface *iface)
  g_return_if_fail (iface != nullptr);

  iface->get_link = hypertext_get_link;
  iface->get_n_links = hypertext_get_n_links;
  iface->get_link_index = hypertext_get_link_index;

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