/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: saldisp.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.7 $ * * last change: $Author: pl $ $Date: 2001-08-08 19:09:03 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SV_SALDISP_HXX #define _SV_SALDISP_HXX // -=-= exports =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= struct SalAppXResource; class SalDisplay; class SalColormap; class SalColormapRef; class SalTrueColorConverter; class SalVisual; class SalXLib; class SalImageList; class SalBitmapList; // -=-= #includes =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #ifndef _SALUNX_H #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SALGTYPE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_PTRSTYLE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SAL_TYPES_H_ #include #endif // -=-= forwards -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= class BitmapPalette; class SalImage; class SalBitmap; class SalFrameData; class ColorMask; class SalSystemData; namespace vcl_sal { class WMAdaptor; } #ifndef _XSHM_H_ struct XShmSegmentInfo; #endif // -=-= typedefs -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= typedef struct _oslMutexImpl *oslThreadMutex; DECLARE_LIST( SalImageList, SalImage* ) DECLARE_LIST( SalBitmapList,SalBitmap*) // -=-= #defines -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #define PROPERTY_SUPPORT_WM_SetPos 0x00000001 #define PROPERTY_SUPPORT_WM_Screen 0x00000002 #define PROPERTY_SUPPORT_WM_Parent_Pixmap_None 0x00000004 #define PROPERTY_SUPPORT_WM_ClientPos 0x00000008 #define PROPERTY_SUPPORT_XSetClipMask 0x00000010 // for bitmap ops. #define PROPERTY_SUPPORT_3ButtonMouse 0x00000020 #define PROPERTY_BUG_XA_FAMILY_NAME_nil 0x00001000 #define PROPERTY_BUG_XCopyArea_GXxor 0x00002000 // from window #define PROPERTY_BUG_Stipple 0x00004000 // 0/1 inverted #define PROPERTY_BUG_Tile 0x00008000 // Recreate the // dither brush each time #define PROPERTY_BUG_FillPolygon_Tile 0x00010000 // always Toggle Fillstyle #define PROPERTY_BUG_DrawLine 0x00020000 // a DrawLine is one point to short #define PROPERTY_BUG_CopyPlane_RevertBWPixel 0x00040000 // revert fg and bg for xcopyplane #define PROPERTY_BUG_CopyArea_OnlySmallSlices 0x00080000 #define PROPERTY_BUG_Bitmap_Bit_Order 0x00100000 #define PROPERTY_FEATURE_Maximize 0x01000000 #define PROPERTY_FEATURE_SharedMemory 0x02000000 #define PROPERTY_DEFAULT 0x00000FCB // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // server vendor typedef enum { vendor_none = 0, vendor_attachmate, vendor_excursion, vendor_hp, vendor_hummingbird, vendor_ibm, vendor_sco, vendor_sgi, vendor_sun, vendor_xfree, vendor_xinside, vendor_xprinter, vendor_unknown } srv_vendor_t; extern "C" srv_vendor_t sal_GetServerVendor( Display *p_display ); // -=-= SalWM =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= enum SalWM { olwm, // Open Look mwm, // Motif kwm, // KDE Desktop Environment FourDwm, // SGI vuewm, // HP dtwm, // CDE winmgr, // Oracle NC twm, fvwm, // ... pmwm, // SCO otherwm }; // -=-= SalRGB -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= // MSB/Bigendian Sicht (SalColor == RGB, r=0xFF0000, g=0xFF00, b=0xFF) enum SalRGB { RGB, RBG, GBR, GRB, BGR, BRG, RGBA, RBGA, GBRA, GRBA, BGRA, BRGA, other }; // -=-= SalVisual =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= class SalVisual : public XVisualInfo { STDAPI( SalVisual ) SalRGB eRGBMode_; int nRedShift_; int nGreenShift_; int nBlueShift_; public: ~SalVisual(); SalVisual( const XVisualInfo* pXVI ); inline VisualID GetVisualId() const { return visualid; } inline Visual *GetVisual() const { return visual; } inline int GetClass() const { return c_class; } inline int GetDepth() const { return depth; } inline SalRGB GetMode() const { return eRGBMode_; } Pixel GetTCPixel( SalColor nColor ) const; SalColor GetTCColor( Pixel nPixel ) const; BOOL Convert( int &n0, int &n1, int &n2, int &n3 ); // 32bit BOOL Convert( int &n0, int &n1, int &n2 ); // 24bit }; // -=-= SalColormap/SalColormapRef=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= class SalColormap : public SvRefBase { STDAPI( SalColormap ) SalDisplay *pDisplay_; Colormap hColormap_; SalColor *pPalette_; // Pseudocolor SalVisual *pVisual_; USHORT *pLookupTable_; // Pseudocolor: 12bit reduction Pixel nWhitePixel_; Pixel nBlackPixel_; Pixel nUsed_; // Pseudocolor void GetPalette(); void GetLookupTable(); public: SalColormap( SalDisplay *pSalDisplay, Colormap hColormap ); SalColormap( const BitmapPalette &rpPalette ); SalColormap( USHORT nDepth ); SalColormap(); virtual ~SalColormap(); inline Colormap GetXColormap() const { return hColormap_; } inline SalDisplay *GetDisplay() const { return pDisplay_; } inline Display *GetXDisplay() const; inline SalVisual *GetVisual() const; inline Visual *GetXVisual() const; inline Pixel GetWhitePixel() const { return nWhitePixel_; } inline Pixel GetBlackPixel() const { return nBlackPixel_; } inline Pixel GetUsed() const { return nUsed_; } inline int GetClass() const; BOOL GetXPixels( XColor &rColor, int r, int g, int b ) const; inline BOOL GetXPixel( XColor &rColor, int r, int g, int b ) const; Pixel GetPixel( SalColor nColor ) const; SalColor GetColor( Pixel nPixel ) const; void SetPalette( const BitmapPalette &rPalette ); }; SV_DECL_IMPL_REF( SalColormap ) // -=-= SalXLib =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= typedef int(*YieldFunc)(int fd, void* data); struct YieldEntry; class SalXLib { STDAPI( SalXLib ) XtAppContext pApplicationContext_; timeval Timeout_; ULONG nTimeoutMS_; int nStateOfYield_; BOOL bWasXError_; BOOL bIgnoreXErrors_; int nFDs_; fd_set *pReadFDS_; fd_set *pExceptionFDS_; YieldEntry *pYieldEntries_; public: SalXLib(); ~SalXLib(); void Init( int *pArgc, char *ppArgv[] ); void Yield( BOOL bWait ); void Insert( int fd, void* data, YieldFunc pending, YieldFunc queued, YieldFunc handle ); void Remove( int fd ); void XError( Display *pDisp, XErrorEvent *pEvent ); inline BOOL WasXError() const { return bWasXError_; } inline BOOL GetIgnoreXErrors() const { return bIgnoreXErrors_; } inline void SetIgnoreXErrors( BOOL b ) { bIgnoreXErrors_ = b; bWasXError_ = FALSE; } inline void StartTimer( ULONG nMS ); inline void StopTimer(); inline XtAppContext GetAppContext() const { return pApplicationContext_; } }; // -=-= SalXEvent =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= struct SalXEvent { SalXEvent *pNext_; // Stack XEvent event_; }; // -=-= SalDisplay -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= class SalI18N_InputMethod; class SalI18N_KeyboardExtension; class XlfdStorage; class ExtendedFontStruct; class ExtendedXlfd; class AttributeProvider; class SalUnicodeConverter; class SalConverterCache; DECLARE_LIST( SalFontCache, ExtendedFontStruct* ) class SalDisplay { STDAPI( SalDisplay ) SalXLib *pXLib_; SalI18N_InputMethod *mpInputMethod; SalI18N_KeyboardExtension *mpKbdExtension; AttributeProvider *mpFactory; XlfdStorage *mpFontList; const ExtendedXlfd *mpFallbackFactory; SalSystemData *mpSalSystemData; // the one to get create and destroy notify events Display *pDisp_; // X Display Screen *pScreen_; // XDefaultScreenOfDisplay int nScreen_; // XDefaultScreen SalVisual *pRootVisual_; // default visual of screen XLIB_Window hRootWindow_; Size aSize_; // Screen Size [pixel] Pair aResolution_; // [dpi] ULONG nMaxRequestSize_; // [byte] srv_vendor_t meServerVendor; SalWM eWindowManager_; ULONG nProperties_; // PROPERTY_SUPPORT, BUG, FEATURE BOOL bLocal_; // Server==Client? Init // in SalDisplay::IsLocal() BOOL mbLocalIsValid; // bLocal_ is valid ? ULONG nImageDepths_; // Supported Image Depths ULONG nSharedImages_; // Supports MIT-SHM Extension // until x bytes int nStateOfYield_; int nStateOfSendEvent_; oslThreadMutex hEventGuard_; SalXEvent *pEventQueue_; // threaded user event queue SalXEvent *pDispatchStack_; // Dispatch/Yield // SalFrame Widget hShell_; // Application Shell Widget Widget hComposite_; // the composite child of the shell XLIB_Cursor aPointerCache_[POINTER_COUNT]; SalFrameData *pCapture_; // GDI SalVisual *pVisual_; // Visual XLIB_Window hRefWindow_; GC pMonoGC_; GC pCopyGC_; GC pAndInvertedGC_; GC pAndGC_; GC pOrGC_; GC pStippleGC_; Pixmap hInvert50_; SalColormapRef xColor_; SalFontCache *pFontCache_; int nBeepVolume_; // Sound // Keyboard BOOL bNumLockFromXS_; // Num Lock handled by X Server int nNumLockIndex_; // modifier index in modmap int nNumLockMask_; // keyevent state mask for KeySym nShiftKeySym_; // first shift modifier KeySym nCtrlKeySym_; // first control modifier KeySym nMod1KeySym_; // first mod1 modifier ByteString m_aKeyboardName; SalBitmapList Bitmaps_; // to destroy bitmap resources; SalImageList SharedImages_; ::vcl_sal::WMAdaptor* m_pWMAdaptor; void DestroyFontCache(); long Dispatch( XEvent *pEvent ); public: static SalDisplay *GetSalDisplay( Display* display ); static BOOL BestVisual( Display *pDisp, int nScreen, XVisualInfo &rVI ); SalDisplay( Widget w ); SalDisplay( Display* pDisp, Visual* pVisual = NULL, Colormap aColMap = None ); ~SalDisplay(); void Init( Colormap hXColmap, const XVisualInfo* pXVI ); BOOL IsEvent(); void SendEvent( Atom aEvent, void *pData, XLIB_Window hReceiver = 0 ) const; void SendEvent( Atom aEvent, UINT32 *pData = 0, XLIB_Window hReceiver = 0 ) const; void Yield( BOOL bWait ); void PrintInfo() const; void PrintEvent( const ByteString &rComment, XEvent *pEvent ) const; void AddFontPath( const ByteString &rPath ) const; XlfdStorage* GetXlfdList(); ExtendedFontStruct* GetFont( const ExtendedXlfd *pFont, int nPixelSize, sal_Bool bVertical ); const ExtendedXlfd* GetFallbackFactory() { return mpFallbackFactory; } void Beep() const; void ModifierMapping(); String GetKeyNameFromKeySym( KeySym keysym ) const; XubString GetKeyName( USHORT nKeyCode ) const; USHORT GetKeyCode( KeySym keysym, char*pcPrintable ) const; KeySym GetKeySym( XKeyEvent *pEvent, unsigned char *pPrintable, int *pLen, Status *pStatus, XIC = NULL ) const; XLIB_Cursor GetPointer( int ePointerStyle ); int CaptureMouse( SalFrameData *pCapture ); BOOL IsLocal(); inline void Insert( SalBitmap *pBitmap ); inline void Remove( SalBitmap *pBitmap ); inline SalImage *Seek( SalImage *pImage ); inline void Insert( SalImage *pImage ); inline void Remove( SalImage *pImage ); void Remove( XEvent *pEvent ); inline XLIB_Window GetWindow() const { return XtWindow( hComposite_ ); } inline Widget GetWidget() const { return hComposite_; } inline XLIB_Window GetShellWindow() const { return XtWindow( hShell_ ); } inline Widget GetShellWidget() const { return hShell_; } inline XLIB_Window GetRootWindow() const { return hRootWindow_; } inline XLIB_Window GetDrawable() const { return hRefWindow_; } inline Display *GetDisplay() const { return pDisp_; } inline int GetScreenNumber() const { return nScreen_; } inline srv_vendor_t GetServerVendor() const { return meServerVendor; } inline void SetServerVendor() { meServerVendor = sal_GetServerVendor(pDisp_); } inline BOOL IsDisplay() const { return !!pXLib_; } inline GC GetMonoGC() const { return pMonoGC_; } inline GC GetCopyGC() const { return pCopyGC_; } inline GC GetAndInvertedGC() const { return pAndInvertedGC_; } inline GC GetAndGC() const { return pAndGC_; } inline GC GetOrGC() const { return pOrGC_; } inline GC GetStippleGC() const { return pStippleGC_; } inline GC GetGC( USHORT nDepth ) const; inline Pixmap GetInvert50() const { return hInvert50_; } inline SalColormap &GetColormap() const { return *xColor_; } inline SalVisual *GetVisual() const { return pVisual_; } inline SalVisual *GetRootVisual() const { return pRootVisual_; } inline const Size &GetScreenSize() const { return aSize_; } inline const Pair &GetResolution() const { return aResolution_; } inline ULONG GetProperties() const { return nProperties_; } inline ULONG GetMaxRequestSize() const { return nMaxRequestSize_; } inline ULONG GetImageDepths() const { return nImageDepths_; } inline ULONG SupportsShm() const { return nSharedImages_; } inline void DisableShm() { nSharedImages_ /= 2; } // = 0 inline BOOL MouseCaptured( const SalFrameData *pFrameData ) const { return pCapture_ == pFrameData; } inline SalXLib* GetXLib() { return pXLib_; } inline SalI18N_InputMethod* GetInputMethod() { return mpInputMethod; } inline SalI18N_KeyboardExtension* GetKbdExtension() { return mpKbdExtension; } inline void SetInputMethod( SalI18N_InputMethod *pInputMethod ) { mpInputMethod = pInputMethod; } inline void SetKbdExtension(SalI18N_KeyboardExtension *pKbdExtension) { mpKbdExtension = pKbdExtension; } const char* GetKeyboardName( BOOL bRefresh = FALSE ); ::vcl_sal::WMAdaptor* getWMAdaptor() const { return m_pWMAdaptor; } }; // -=-= inlines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= inline void SalDisplay::Remove( SalBitmap *pBitmap ) { Bitmaps_.Remove( pBitmap ); } inline void SalDisplay::Insert( SalBitmap *pBitmap ) { Bitmaps_.Insert( pBitmap ); } inline SalImage *SalDisplay::Seek( SalImage *pImage ) { return SharedImages_.Seek( pImage ); } inline void SalDisplay::Remove( SalImage *pImage ) { SharedImages_.Remove( pImage ); } inline void SalDisplay::Insert( SalImage *pImage ) { SharedImages_.Insert( pImage ); } inline GC SalDisplay::GetGC( USHORT nDepth ) const { return 1 == nDepth ? pMonoGC_ : pVisual_->GetDepth() == nDepth ? pCopyGC_ : NULL; } inline Display *SalColormap::GetXDisplay() const { return pDisplay_->GetDisplay(); } inline SalVisual *SalColormap::GetVisual() const { return pVisual_ ? pVisual_ : pDisplay_->GetVisual(); } inline Visual *SalColormap::GetXVisual() const { return GetVisual()->GetVisual(); } inline int SalColormap::GetClass() const { return pVisual_ ? pVisual_->GetClass() : PseudoColor; } /*---------------------------------------------------------- keep track of correct size of the initial window */ extern "C" { void MarkWindowAsBadPositioned ( unsigned int nWindow ); void MarkWindowAsGoodPositioned ( unsigned int nWindow ); sal_Bool WindowNeedGoodPosition ( unsigned int nWindow ); } /* extern "C" */ // get foreign key names namespace vcl_sal { String getKeysymReplacementName( const char* pKeyboard, KeySym nSymbol ); } #endif // _SV_SALDISP_HXX