#************************************************************************* # # OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite # # $RCSfile: makefile.mk,v $ # # $Revision: 1.76 $ # # last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2005-11-02 13:35:19 $ # # The Contents of this file are made available subject to # the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. # # # GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 # ============================================= # Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. # 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, # MA 02111-1307 USA # #************************************************************************* PRJ=.. PRJNAME=vcl TARGET=vcl VERSION=$(UPD) USE_DEFFILE=TRUE .IF "$(OS)" == "SOLARIS" LINKFLAGSRUNPATH=-R/usr/sfw/lib -R\''$$ORIGIN'\' .ENDIF # --- Settings ----------------------------------------------------------- .INCLUDE : settings.mk .INCLUDE : makefile.pmk .INCLUDE : makefile2.pmk # --- Allgemein ---------------------------------------------------------- HXXDEPNLST= $(INC)$/accel.hxx \ $(INC)$/animate.hxx \ $(INC)$/apptypes.hxx \ $(INC)$/bitmap.hxx \ $(INC)$/bitmapex.hxx \ $(INC)$/bmpacc.hxx \ $(INC)$/btndlg.hxx \ $(INC)$/button.hxx \ $(INC)$/ctrl.hxx \ $(INC)$/cursor.hxx \ $(INC)$/cmdevt.hxx \ $(INC)$/decoview.hxx \ $(INC)$/dialog.hxx \ $(INC)$/dllapi.h \ $(INC)$/dockwin.hxx \ $(INC)$/edit.hxx \ $(INC)$/event.hxx \ $(INC)$/field.hxx \ $(INC)$/fixed.hxx \ $(INC)$/floatwin.hxx \ $(INC)$/font.hxx \ $(INC)$/fontcvt.hxx \ $(INC)$/floatwin.hxx \ $(INC)$/graph.hxx \ $(INC)$/group.hxx \ $(INC)$/help.hxx \ $(INC)$/jobset.hxx \ $(INC)$/keycodes.hxx \ $(INC)$/keycod.hxx \ $(INC)$/image.hxx \ $(INC)$/lstbox.h \ $(INC)$/lstbox.hxx \ $(INC)$/mapmod.hxx \ $(INC)$/metaact.hxx \ $(INC)$/menu.hxx \ $(INC)$/menubtn.hxx \ $(INC)$/metric.hxx \ $(INC)$/morebtn.hxx \ $(INC)$/msgbox.hxx \ $(INC)$/octree.hxx \ $(INC)$/outdev.hxx \ $(INC)$/outdev3d.hxx \ $(INC)$/pointr.hxx \ $(INC)$/ptrstyle.hxx \ $(INC)$/prntypes.hxx \ $(INC)$/print.hxx \ $(INC)$/prndlg.hxx \ $(INC)$/region.hxx \ $(INC)$/salbtype.hxx \ $(INC)$/scrbar.hxx \ $(INC)$/slider.hxx \ $(INC)$/seleng.hxx \ $(INC)$/settings.hxx \ $(INC)$/sound.hxx \ $(INC)$/sndstyle.hxx \ $(INC)$/split.hxx \ $(INC)$/splitwin.hxx \ $(INC)$/spin.hxx \ $(INC)$/spinfld.hxx \ $(INC)$/status.hxx \ $(INC)$/stdtext.hxx \ $(INC)$/sv.h \ $(INC)$/svapp.hxx \ $(INC)$/syschild.hxx \ $(INC)$/sysdata.hxx \ $(INC)$/syswin.hxx \ $(INC)$/tabctrl.hxx \ $(INC)$/tabdlg.hxx \ $(INC)$/tabpage.hxx \ $(INC)$/toolbox.hxx \ $(INC)$/timer.hxx \ $(INC)$/virdev.hxx \ $(INC)$/wall.hxx \ $(INC)$/waitobj.hxx \ $(INC)$/wintypes.hxx \ $(INC)$/window.hxx \ $(INC)$/wrkwin.hxx .IF "$(linkinc)" != "" SHL11FILE= $(MISC)$/app.slo SHL12FILE= $(MISC)$/gdi.slo SHL13FILE= $(MISC)$/win.slo SHL14FILE= $(MISC)$/ctrl.slo #SHL15FILE= $(MISC)$/ex.slo SHL16FILE= $(MISC)$/salapp.slo SHL17FILE= $(MISC)$/salwin.slo SHL18FILE= $(MISC)$/salgdi.slo .ENDIF LIB1TARGET= $(SLB)$/$(TARGET).lib LIB1FILES= $(SLB)$/app.lib \ $(SLB)$/gdi.lib \ $(SLB)$/win.lib \ $(SLB)$/ctrl.lib \ $(SLB)$/helper.lib .IF "$(GUI)" == "UNX" LIB1FILES+=$(SLB)$/salplug.lib .ELSE LIB1FILES+= \ $(SLB)$/salwin.lib \ $(SLB)$/salgdi.lib \ $(SLB)$/salapp.lib .ENDIF SHL1TARGET= vcl$(VERSION)$(DLLPOSTFIX) SHL1IMPLIB= ivcl SHL1STDLIBS+=\ $(SOTLIB) \ $(UNOTOOLSLIB) \ $(TOOLSLIB) \ $(COMPHELPERLIB) \ $(UCBHELPERLIB) \ $(CPPUHELPERLIB) \ $(CPPULIB) \ $(VOSLIB) \ $(SALLIB) \ $(BASEGFXLIB) \ $(ICUUCLIB) \ $(ICULELIB) \ $(JVMACCESSLIB) SHL1USE_EXPORTS=ordinal .IF "$(USE_BUILTIN_RASTERIZER)"!="" LIB1FILES += $(SLB)$/glyphs.lib SHL1STDLIBS+= $(FREETYPELIB) .ENDIF # USE_BUILTIN_RASTERIZER .IF "$(GUI)"!="MAC" SHL1DEPN= $(L)$/itools.lib $(L)$/sot.lib .ENDIF SHL1LIBS= $(LIB1TARGET) .IF "$(GUI)"!="UNX" SHL1OBJS= $(SLO)$/salshl.obj .ELIF "$(OS)"!="FREEBSD" SHL1STDLIBS+=-ldl .ENDIF .IF "$(GUI)" != "MAC" .IF "$(GUI)" != "UNX" SHL1RES= $(RES)$/salsrc.res .ENDIF .ENDIF SHL1DEF= $(MISC)$/$(SHL1TARGET).def DEF1NAME =$(SHL1TARGET) DEF1DEPN = $(HXXDEPNLST) \ $(LIB1TARGET) DEF1DES =VCL DEFLIB1NAME =vcl # --- W32 ---------------------------------------------------------------- .IF "$(GUI)" == "WNT" SHL1STDLIBS += uwinapi.lib \ gdi32.lib \ winspool.lib \ ole32.lib \ shell32.lib \ advapi32.lib \ apsp.lib \ imm32.lib .IF "$(GUI)$(COM)$(CPU)" == "WNTMSCI" LINKFLAGSSHL += /ENTRY:LibMain@12 .ENDIF .ENDIF # --- UNX ---------------------------------------------------------------- .IF "$(GUI)"=="UNX" .IF "$(OS)"!="MACOSX" && "$(OS)"!="FREEBSD" SHL1STDLIBS+= -ldl .ENDIF .IF "$(GUIBASE)"=="aqua" SHL1STDLIBS += -framework Cocoa .ENDIF SHL1STDLIBS += -lX11 .IF "$(OS)"=="MACOSX" SHL1STDLIBS += -framework Foundation -framework CoreFoundation .ENDIF # "$(OS)"=="MACOSX" .ENDIF # "$(GUI)"=="UNX" # UNX sal plugins .IF "$(GUI)" == "UNX" # basic pure X11 plugin LIB2TARGET=$(SLB)$/ipure_x LIB2FILES= \ $(SLB)$/salwin.lib \ $(SLB)$/salgdi.lib \ $(SLB)$/salapp.lib SHL2TARGET=vclplug_gen$(UPD)$(DLLPOSTFIX) SHL2IMPLIB=ipure_x SHL2LIBS=$(LIB2TARGET) SHL2DEPN=$(SHL1IMPLIBN) $(SHL1TARGETN) # libs for generic plugin SHL2STDLIBS=\ $(VCLLIB)\ -lpsp$(VERSION)$(DLLPOSTFIX)\ $(SOTLIB) \ $(UNOTOOLSLIB) \ $(TOOLSLIB) \ $(COMPHELPERLIB) \ $(UCBHELPERLIB) \ $(CPPUHELPERLIB) \ $(CPPULIB) \ $(VOSLIB) \ $(SALLIB) # prepare linking of Xinerama .IF "$(USE_XINERAMA)" != "NO" .IF "$(OS)"=="MACOSX" XINERAMALIBS=-lXinerama .ELSE .IF "$(OS)" != "SOLARIS" .IF "$(XINERAMA_LINK)" == "dynamic" XINERAMALIBS= -lXinerama .ELSE XINERAMALIBS= -Wl,-Bstatic -lXinerama -Wl,-Bdynamic .ENDIF # XINERAMA_LINK == dynamic .ENDIF # OS == SOLARIS .ENDIF # OS == MACOSX SHL2STDLIBS += $(XINERAMALIBS) .ENDIF # USE_XINERAMA != NO .IF "$(XRENDER_LINK)" == "YES" SHL2STDLIBS+=`pkg-config --libs xrender` .ENDIF .IF "$(ENABLE_PASF)" != "" .IF "$(OS)"=="MACOSX" SHL2STDLIBS += -framework CoreAudio -framework AudioToolbox .ENDIF SHL2STDLIBS += -lsndfile -lportaudio .ENDIF # ENABLE_PASF .IF "$(ENABLE_NAS)" != "" SHL2STDLIBS += -laudio .IF "$(OS)"=="SOLARIS" # needed by libaudio.a SHL2STDLIBS += -ldl -lnsl -lsocket .ENDIF # SOLARIS .ENDIF .IF "$(GUIBASE)"=="unx" .IF "$(WITH_LIBSN)"=="YES" SHL2STDLIBS+=$(LIBSN_LIBS) .ENDIF SHL2STDLIBS += -lXext -lSM -lICE -lX11 .IF "$(OS)"!="MACOSX" && "$(OS)"!="FREEBSD" # needed by salprnpsp.cxx SHL2STDLIBS+= -ldl .ENDIF .ENDIF # "$(GUIBASE)"=="unx" # dummy plugin LIB3TARGET=$(SLB)$/idummy_plug_ LIB3FILES= \ $(SLB)$/dapp.lib SHL3TARGET=vclplug_dummy$(UPD)$(DLLPOSTFIX) SHL3IMPLIB=idummy_plug_ SHL3LIBS=$(LIB3TARGET) SHL3DEPN=$(SHL1IMPLIBN) $(SHL1TARGETN) # libs for dummy plugin SHL3STDLIBS=\ $(VCLLIB)\ -lpsp$(VERSION)$(DLLPOSTFIX)\ $(SOTLIB) \ $(UNOTOOLSLIB) \ $(TOOLSLIB) \ $(COMPHELPERLIB) \ $(UCBHELPERLIB) \ $(CPPUHELPERLIB) \ $(CPPULIB) \ $(VOSLIB) \ $(SALLIB) # gtk plugin .IF "$(ENABLE_GTK)" != "" PKGCONFIG_MODULES=gtk+-2.0 gthread-2.0 .INCLUDE: pkg_config.mk LIB4TARGET=$(SLB)$/igtk_plug_ LIB4FILES=\ $(SLB)$/gtkapp.lib\ $(SLB)$/gtkgdi.lib\ $(SLB)$/gtkwin.lib SHL4TARGET=vclplug_gtk$(UPD)$(DLLPOSTFIX) SHL4IMPLIB=igtk_plug_ SHL4LIBS=$(LIB4TARGET) SHL4DEPN=$(SHL1IMPLIBN) $(SHL1TARGETN) $(SHL2IMPLIBN) $(SHL2TARGETN) # libs for gtk plugin SHL4STDLIBS+=$(PKGCONFIG_LIBS:s/ -lpangoxft-1.0//) # hack for faked SO environment .IF "$(PKGCONFIG_ROOT)"!="" SHL4SONAME+=-z nodefs SHL4NOCHECK=TRUE .ENDIF # "$(PKGCONFIG_ROOT)"!="" SHL4STDLIBS+=-l$(SHL2TARGET) .IF "$(OS)"=="FREEBSD" || "$(OS)"=="MACOSX" SHL4STDLIBS+=$(SHL3STDLIBS) -lX11 .ELSE SHL4STDLIBS+=$(SHL3STDLIBS) -lX11 -ldl .ENDIF # "$(OS)"=="FREEBSD" || "$(OS)"=="MACOSX" .ENDIF # "$(ENABLE_GTK)" != "" # KDE plugin .IF "$(ENABLE_KDE)" != "" .IF "$(KDE_ROOT)"!="" SOLARLIB+=-L$(KDE_ROOT)$/lib KDE_LIBS:=-lkdeui -lkdecore -lqt-mt .ENDIF # "$(KDE_ROOT)"!="" LIB5TARGET=$(SLB)$/ikde_plug_ LIB5FILES=$(SLB)$/kdeplug.lib SHL5TARGET=vclplug_kde$(UPD)$(DLLPOSTFIX) SHL5IMPLIB=ikde_plug_ SHL5LIBS=$(LIB5TARGET) SHL5DEPN=$(SHL2TARGETN) # libs for KDE plugin SHL5STDLIBS=$(KDE_LIBS) SHL5STDLIBS+=-l$(SHL2TARGET) .IF "$(OS)"=="FREEBSD" || "$(OS)"=="MACOSX" SHL5STDLIBS+=$(SHL3STDLIBS) -lX11 .ELSE SHL5STDLIBS+=$(SHL3STDLIBS) -lX11 -ldl .ENDIF # "$(OS)"=="FREEBSD" || "$(OS)"=="MACOSX" .ENDIF # "$(ENABLE_KDE)" != "" .ENDIF # UNX # --- Allgemein ---------------------------------------------------------- .INCLUDE : target.mk