/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: saldata.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.10 $ * * last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2003-04-11 17:35:21 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SV_SALDATA_HXX #define _SV_SALDATA_HXX #ifndef _SV_SV_H #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SVDATA_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SALWTYPE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_WINCOMP_HXX #include #endif // as long as we're using the old skd header files, define some of the new XP constants here #ifndef SPI_GETFLATMENU #define SPI_GETFLATMENU 0x1022 #endif #ifndef COLOR_MENUBAR #define COLOR_MENUBAR 30 #endif #ifndef COLOR_MENUHILIGHT #define COLOR_MENUHILIGHT 29 #endif class AutoTimer; class SalInstance; class SalObject; class SalFrame; class SalVirtualDevice; class SalPrinter; class Font; struct HDCCache; struct TempFontItem; // -------------------- // - Standard-Defines - // -------------------- #define MAX_STOCKPEN 4 #define MAX_STOCKBRUSH 4 #define SAL_CLIPRECT_COUNT 16 // -------------------- // - Icon cache - // -------------------- struct SalIcon { int nId; HICON hIcon; HICON hSmallIcon; SalIcon *pNext; }; // ----------- // - SalData - // ----------- struct SalData { HINSTANCE mhInst; // default instance handle HINSTANCE mhPrevInst; // previous instance handle int mnCmdShow; // default frame show style // Erst hier koennen Daten kompatible eingefuegt werden, da die // oberen Daten in salmain.cxx modifiziert werden HPALETTE mhDitherPal; // dither palette HGLOBAL mhDitherDIB; // dither memory handle BYTE* mpDitherDIB; // dither memory BYTE* mpDitherDIBData; // beginning of DIB data long* mpDitherDiff; // Dither mapping table BYTE* mpDitherLow; // Dither mapping table BYTE* mpDitherHigh; // Dither mapping table ULONG mnTimerMS; // Current Time (in MS) of the Timer ULONG mnTimerOrgMS; // Current Original Time (in MS) UINT mnTimerId; // windows timer id SALTIMERPROC mpTimerProc; // timer callback proc HHOOK mhSalObjMsgHook; // hook to get interesting msg for SalObject HWND mhWantLeaveMsg; // window handle, that want a MOUSELEAVE message AutoTimer* mpMouseLeaveTimer; // Timer for MouseLeave Test SalInstance* mpFirstInstance; // pointer of first instance SalFrame* mpFirstFrame; // pointer of first frame SalObject* mpFirstObject; // pointer of first object window SalVirtualDevice* mpFirstVD; // first VirDev SalPrinter* mpFirstPrinter; // first printing printer HDCCache* mpHDCCache; // Cache for three DC's HBITMAP mh50Bmp; // 50% Bitmap HBRUSH mh50Brush; // 50% Brush COLORREF maStockPenColorAry[MAX_STOCKPEN]; COLORREF maStockBrushColorAry[MAX_STOCKBRUSH]; HPEN mhStockPenAry[MAX_STOCKPEN]; HBRUSH mhStockBrushAry[MAX_STOCKBRUSH]; USHORT mnStockPenCount; // count of static pens USHORT mnStockBrushCount; // count of static brushes WPARAM mnSalObjWantKeyEvt; // KeyEvent, welcher vom SalObj-Hook verarbeitet werden soll BYTE mnCacheDCInUse; // count of CacheDC in use BOOL mbObjClassInit; // is SALOBJECTCLASS initialised BOOL mbInPalChange; // is in WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE DWORD mnAppThreadId; // Id from Applikation-Thread WIN_BOOL mbScrSvrEnabled; // ScreenSaver enabled int mnSageStatus; // status of Sage-DLL (DISABLE_AGENT == nicht vorhanden) HINSTANCE mhSageInst; // instance handle for the Sage-DLL SysAgt_Enable_PROC mpSageEnableProc; // funktion to deactivate the system agent SalIcon* mpFirstIcon; // icon cache, points to first icon, NULL if none TempFontItem* mpTempFontItem; }; inline void SetSalData( SalData* pData ) { ImplGetSVData()->mpSalData = (void*)pData; } inline SalData* GetSalData() { return (SalData*)ImplGetSVData()->mpSalData; } inline SalData* GetAppSalData() { return (SalData*)ImplGetAppSVData()->mpSalData; } // -------------- // - SalShlData - // -------------- struct SalShlData { HINSTANCE mhInst; // Instance of SAL-DLL UINT mnVKAdd; // VK-Code von KEY_ADD UINT mnVKSubtract; // VK-Code von KEY_SUBTRACT UINT mnVKMultiply; // VK-Code von KEY_MULTIPLY UINT mnVKDivide; // VK-Code von KEY_DIVIDE UINT mnVKPoint; // VK-Code von KEY_POINT UINT mnVKComma; // VK-Code von KEY_KOMMA UINT mnVKLess; // VK-Code von KEY_LESS UINT mnVKGreater; // VK-Code von KEY_GREATER UINT mnVKEqual; // VK-Code von KEY_EQUAL UINT mnWheelScrollLines; // WheelScrollLines UINT mnWheelMsgId; // Wheel-Message-Id fuer W95 WORD mnVersion; // System-Version (311 == 3.11) WIN_BOOL mbWNT; // kein W16/W95/W98 sondern ein NT WIN_BOOL mbW40; // Is System-Version >= 4.0 WIN_BOOL mbWXP; // Windows XP }; extern SalShlData aSalShlData; // ------------ // - GDICache - // ------------ #define CACHESIZE_HDC 3 #define CACHED_HDC_1 0 #define CACHED_HDC_2 1 #define CACHED_HDC_DRAW 2 #define CACHED_HDC_DEFEXT 64 struct HDCCache { HDC mhDC; HPALETTE mhDefPal; HBITMAP mhDefBmp; HBITMAP mhSelBmp; HBITMAP mhActBmp; }; void ImplClearHDCCache( SalData* pData ); HDC ImplGetCachedDC( ULONG nID, HBITMAP hBmp = 0 ); void ImplReleaseCachedDC( ULONG nID ); bool ImplAddTempFont( SalData&, const String& rFontFileURL ); void ImplReleaseTempFonts( SalData& ); // -------------------------------------------- // - SALSHL.CXX - for accessing DLL resources - // -------------------------------------------- HCURSOR ImplLoadSalCursor( int nId ); HBITMAP ImplLoadSalBitmap( int nId ); BOOL ImplLoadSalIcon( int nId, HICON& rIcon, HICON& rSmallIcon ); // SALGDI.CXX void ImplInitSalGDI(); void ImplFreeSalGDI(); // -------------- // - Prototypes - // -------------- // \\WIN\SOURCE\APP\SALINST.CXX void ImplSalYieldMutexAcquireWithWait(); BOOL ImplSalYieldMutexTryToAcquire(); void ImplSalYieldMutexAcquire(); void ImplSalYieldMutexRelease(); ULONG ImplSalReleaseYieldMutex(); void ImplSalAcquireYieldMutex( ULONG nCount ); // \\WIN\SOURCE\WINDOW\SALFRAME.CXX LRESULT CALLBACK SalFrameWndProcA( HWND hWnd, UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); LRESULT CALLBACK SalFrameWndProcW( HWND hWnd, UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); // \SV\WIN\SOURCE\APP\SALTIMER.CXX void CALLBACK SalTimerProc( HWND hWnd, UINT nMsg, UINT nId, DWORD nTime ); // \WIN\SOURCE\WINDOW\SALFRAME.CXX void SalTestMouseLeave(); // \WIN\SOURCE\WINDOW\SALFRAME.CXX long ImplHandleSalObjKeyMsg( HWND hWnd, UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); long ImplHandleSalObjSysCharMsg( HWND hWnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); BOOL ImplHandleGlobalMsg( HWND hWnd, UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT& rlResult ); // \WIN\SOURCE\WINDOW\SALOBJ.CXX SalObject* ImplFindSalObject( HWND hWndChild ); BOOL ImplSalPreDispatchMsg( MSG* pMsg ); void ImplSalPostDispatchMsg( MSG* pMsg, LRESULT nDispatchResult ); // \WIN\SOURCE\GDI\SALGDI3.CXX void ImplSalLogFontToFontA( HDC hDC, const LOGFONTA& rLogFont, Font& rFont, BOOL bReplaceFont ); void ImplSalLogFontToFontW( HDC hDC, const LOGFONTW& rLogFont, Font& rFont, BOOL bReplaceFont ); BOOL ImplIsFontAvailable( HDC hDC, const UniString& rName ); // \WIN\SOURCE\APP\SALDATA.CXX rtl_TextEncoding ImplSalGetSystemEncoding(); ByteString ImplSalGetWinAnsiString( const UniString& rStr, BOOL bFileName = FALSE ); UniString ImplSalGetUniString( const sal_Char* pStr, xub_StrLen nLen = STRING_LEN ); int ImplSalWICompareAscii( const wchar_t* pStr1, const char* pStr2 ); // ----------- // - Defines - // ----------- #define SAL_FRAME_WNDEXTRA sizeof( DWORD ) #define SAL_FRAME_THIS 0 #define SAL_FRAME_CLASSNAMEA "SALFRAME" #define SAL_FRAME_CLASSNAMEW L"SALFRAME" #define SAL_SUBFRAME_CLASSNAMEA "SALSUBFRAME" #define SAL_SUBFRAME_CLASSNAMEW L"SALSUBFRAME" #define SAL_TMPSUBFRAME_CLASSNAMEW L"SALTMPSUBFRAME" #define SAL_OBJECT_WNDEXTRA sizeof( DWORD ) #define SAL_OBJECT_THIS 0 #define SAL_OBJECT_CLASSNAMEA "SALOBJECT" #define SAL_OBJECT_CLASSNAMEW L"SALOBJECT" #define SAL_OBJECT_CHILDCLASSNAMEA "SALOBJECTCHILD" #define SAL_OBJECT_CHILDCLASSNAMEW L"SALOBJECTCHILD" #define SAL_COM_CLASSNAMEA "SALCOMWND" #define SAL_COM_CLASSNAMEW L"SALCOMWND" #define SAL_MOUSELEAVE_TIMEOUT 300 // wParam == hDC; lParam == 0 #define SAL_MSG_PRINTABORTJOB (WM_USER+110) // wParam == bWait; lParam == 0 #define SAL_MSG_THREADYIELD (WM_USER+111) // wParam == 0; lParam == 0 #define SAL_MSG_RELEASEWAITYIELD (WM_USER+112) // wParam == 0; lParam == nMS #define SAL_MSG_STARTTIMER (WM_USER+113) // wParam == nFrameStyle; lParam == pParent; lResult == pFrame #define SAL_MSG_CREATEFRAME (WM_USER+114) // wParam == 0; lParam == 0 #define SAL_MSG_DESTROYFRAME (WM_USER+115) // wParam == 0; lParam == pParent; lResult == pObject #define SAL_MSG_CREATEOBJECT (WM_USER+116) // wParam == 0; lParam == pObject; #define SAL_MSG_DESTROYOBJECT (WM_USER+117) // wParam == 0; lParam == this; lResult == bRet #define SAL_MSG_CREATESOUND (WM_USER+118) // wParam == 0; lParam == this #define SAL_MSG_DESTROYSOUND (WM_USER+119) // wParam == hWnd; lParam == 0; lResult == hDC #define SAL_MSG_GETDC (WM_USER+120) // wParam == hWnd; lParam == 0 #define SAL_MSG_RELEASEDC (WM_USER+121) // wParam == newParentHwnd; lParam == oldHwnd; lResult == newhWnd #define SAL_MSG_RECREATEHWND (WM_USER+122) // wParam == newParentHwnd; lParam == oldHwnd; lResult == newhWnd #define SAL_MSG_RECREATECHILDHWND (WM_USER+123) // wParam == 0; lParam == pData #define SAL_MSG_USEREVENT (WM_USER+130) // wParam == 0; lParam == MousePosition relativ to upper left of screen #define SAL_MSG_MOUSELEAVE (WM_USER+131) // NULL-Message, soll nicht verarbeitet werden #define SAL_MSG_DUMMY (WM_USER+132) // wParam == 0; lParam == 0 #define SAL_MSG_POSTFOCUS (WM_USER+133) // wParam == wParam; lParam == lParam #define SAL_MSG_POSTQUERYNEWPAL (WM_USER+134) // wParam == wParam; lParam == lParam #define SAL_MSG_POSTPALCHANGED (WM_USER+135) // wParam == wParam; lParam == lParam #define SAL_MSG_POSTMOVE (WM_USER+136) // wParam == wParam; lParam == lParam #define SAL_MSG_POSTCALLSIZE (WM_USER+137) // wParam == pRECT; lParam == 0 #define SAL_MSG_POSTPAINT (WM_USER+138) // wParam == 0; lParam == pFrame; lResult 0 #define SAL_MSG_FORCEPALETTE (WM_USER+139) // wParam == 0; lParam == 0 #define SAL_MSG_CAPTUREMOUSE (WM_USER+140) // wParam == 0; lParam == 0 #define SAL_MSG_RELEASEMOUSE (WM_USER+141) // wParam == nFlags; lParam == 0 #define SAL_MSG_TOTOP (WM_USER+142) // wParam == bVisible; lParam == 0 #define SAL_MSG_SHOW (WM_USER+143) // wParam == 0; lParam == SalInputContext #define SAL_MSG_SETINPUTCONTEXT (WM_USER+144) // wParam == nFlags; lParam == 0 #define SAL_MSG_ENDEXTTEXTINPUT (WM_USER+145) // SysChild-ToTop; wParam = 0; lParam = 0 #define SALOBJ_MSG_TOTOP (WM_USER+160) // POSTFOCUS-Message; wParam == bFocus; lParam == 0 #define SALOBJ_MSG_POSTFOCUS (WM_USER+161) // ----------------- // - Helpfunctions - // ----------------- // A/W-Wrapper LONG ImplSetWindowLong( HWND hWnd, int nIndex, DWORD dwNewLong ); LONG ImplGetWindowLong( HWND hWnd, int nIndex ); WIN_BOOL ImplPostMessage( HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); WIN_BOOL ImplSendMessage( HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); WIN_BOOL ImplGetMessage( LPMSG lpMsg, HWND hWnd, UINT wMsgFilterMin, UINT wMsgFilterMax ); WIN_BOOL ImplPeekMessage( LPMSG lpMsg, HWND hWnd, UINT wMsgFilterMin, UINT wMsgFilterMax, UINT wRemoveMsg ); LONG ImplDispatchMessage( CONST MSG *lpMsg ); inline void SetWindowPtr( HWND hWnd, SalFrame* pThis ) { ImplSetWindowLong( hWnd, SAL_FRAME_THIS, (LONG)pThis ); } inline SalFrame* GetWindowPtr( HWND hWnd ) { return (SalFrame*)ImplGetWindowLong( hWnd, SAL_FRAME_THIS ); } inline void SetSalObjWindowPtr( HWND hWnd, SalObject* pThis ) { ImplSetWindowLong( hWnd, SAL_OBJECT_THIS, (LONG)pThis ); } inline SalObject* GetSalObjWindowPtr( HWND hWnd ) { return (SalObject*)ImplGetWindowLong( hWnd, SAL_OBJECT_THIS ); } #endif // _SV_SALDATA_HXX