/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ======================================================================= // comment out to prevent use of beziers on GDI functions #define USE_GDI_BEZIERS // ======================================================================= #define DITHER_PAL_DELTA 51 #define DITHER_PAL_STEPS 6 #define DITHER_PAL_COUNT (DITHER_PAL_STEPS*DITHER_PAL_STEPS*DITHER_PAL_STEPS) #define DITHER_MAX_SYSCOLOR 16 #define DITHER_EXTRA_COLORS 1 #define DMAP( _def_nVal, _def_nThres ) ((pDitherDiff[_def_nVal]>(_def_nThres))?pDitherHigh[_def_nVal]:pDitherLow[_def_nVal]) // ======================================================================= struct SysColorEntry { DWORD nRGB; SysColorEntry* pNext; }; // ======================================================================= static SysColorEntry* pFirstSysColor = NULL; static SysColorEntry* pActSysColor = NULL; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Blue7 static PALETTEENTRY aImplExtraColor1 = { 0, 184, 255, 0 }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static PALETTEENTRY aImplSalSysPalEntryAry[ DITHER_MAX_SYSCOLOR ] = { { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0x80, 0 }, { 0, 0x80, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0x80, 0x80, 0 }, { 0x80, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0x80, 0, 0x80, 0 }, { 0x80, 0x80, 0, 0 }, { 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0 }, { 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0xFF, 0 }, { 0, 0xFF, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0 }, { 0xFF, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0xFF, 0, 0xFF, 0 }, { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0, 0 }, { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0 } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static BYTE aOrdDither8Bit[8][8] = { { 0, 38, 9, 48, 2, 40, 12, 50 }, { 25, 12, 35, 22, 28, 15, 37, 24 }, { 6, 44, 3, 41, 8, 47, 5, 44 }, { 32, 19, 28, 16, 34, 21, 31, 18 }, { 1, 40, 11, 49, 0, 39, 10, 48 }, { 27, 14, 36, 24, 26, 13, 36, 23 }, { 8, 46, 4, 43, 7, 45, 4, 42 }, { 33, 20, 30, 17, 32, 20, 29, 16 } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static BYTE aOrdDither16Bit[8][8] = { { 0, 6, 1, 7, 0, 6, 1, 7 }, { 4, 2, 5, 3, 4, 2, 5, 3 }, { 1, 7, 0, 6, 1, 7, 0, 6 }, { 5, 3, 4, 2, 5, 3, 4, 2 }, { 0, 6, 1, 7, 0, 6, 1, 7 }, { 4, 2, 5, 3, 4, 2, 5, 3 }, { 1, 7, 0, 6, 1, 7, 0, 6 }, { 5, 3, 4, 2, 5, 3, 4, 2 } }; // ======================================================================= // we must create pens with 1-pixel width; otherwise the S3-graphics card // map has many paint problems when drawing polygons/polyLines and a // complex is set #define GSL_PEN_WIDTH 1 // ======================================================================= #define SAL_POLYPOLYCOUNT_STACKBUF 8 #define SAL_POLYPOLYPOINTS_STACKBUF 64 // ======================================================================= void ImplInitSalGDI() { SalData* pSalData = GetSalData(); // init stock brushes pSalData->maStockPenColorAry[0] = PALETTERGB( 0, 0, 0 ); pSalData->maStockPenColorAry[1] = PALETTERGB( 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF ); pSalData->maStockPenColorAry[2] = PALETTERGB( 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0 ); pSalData->maStockPenColorAry[3] = PALETTERGB( 0x80, 0x80, 0x80 ); pSalData->mhStockPenAry[0] = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, GSL_PEN_WIDTH, pSalData->maStockPenColorAry[0] ); pSalData->mhStockPenAry[1] = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, GSL_PEN_WIDTH, pSalData->maStockPenColorAry[1] ); pSalData->mhStockPenAry[2] = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, GSL_PEN_WIDTH, pSalData->maStockPenColorAry[2] ); pSalData->mhStockPenAry[3] = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, GSL_PEN_WIDTH, pSalData->maStockPenColorAry[3] ); pSalData->mnStockPenCount = 4; pSalData->maStockBrushColorAry[0] = PALETTERGB( 0, 0, 0 ); pSalData->maStockBrushColorAry[1] = PALETTERGB( 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF ); pSalData->maStockBrushColorAry[2] = PALETTERGB( 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0 ); pSalData->maStockBrushColorAry[3] = PALETTERGB( 0x80, 0x80, 0x80 ); pSalData->mhStockBrushAry[0] = CreateSolidBrush( pSalData->maStockBrushColorAry[0] ); pSalData->mhStockBrushAry[1] = CreateSolidBrush( pSalData->maStockBrushColorAry[1] ); pSalData->mhStockBrushAry[2] = CreateSolidBrush( pSalData->maStockBrushColorAry[2] ); pSalData->mhStockBrushAry[3] = CreateSolidBrush( pSalData->maStockBrushColorAry[3] ); pSalData->mnStockBrushCount = 4; // initialize cache of device contexts pSalData->mpHDCCache = new HDCCache[ CACHESIZE_HDC ]; memset( pSalData->mpHDCCache, 0, CACHESIZE_HDC * sizeof( HDCCache ) ); // initialize temporary font list pSalData->mpTempFontItem = NULL; // support palettes for 256 color displays HDC hDC = GetDC( 0 ); int nBitsPixel = GetDeviceCaps( hDC, BITSPIXEL ); int nPlanes = GetDeviceCaps( hDC, PLANES ); int nRasterCaps = GetDeviceCaps( hDC, RASTERCAPS ); int nBitCount = nBitsPixel * nPlanes; if ( (nBitCount > 8) && (nBitCount < 24) ) { // test, if we have to dither HDC hMemDC = ::CreateCompatibleDC( hDC ); HBITMAP hMemBmp = ::CreateCompatibleBitmap( hDC, 8, 8 ); HBITMAP hBmpOld = (HBITMAP) ::SelectObject( hMemDC, hMemBmp ); HBRUSH hMemBrush = ::CreateSolidBrush( PALETTERGB( 175, 171, 169 ) ); HBRUSH hBrushOld = (HBRUSH) ::SelectObject( hMemDC, hMemBrush ); sal_Bool bDither16 = TRUE; ::PatBlt( hMemDC, 0, 0, 8, 8, PATCOPY ); const COLORREF aCol( ::GetPixel( hMemDC, 0, 0 ) ); for( int nY = 0; ( nY < 8 ) && bDither16; nY++ ) for( int nX = 0; ( nX < 8 ) && bDither16; nX++ ) if( ::GetPixel( hMemDC, nX, nY ) != aCol ) bDither16 = FALSE; ::SelectObject( hMemDC, hBrushOld ), ::DeleteObject( hMemBrush ); ::SelectObject( hMemDC, hBmpOld ), ::DeleteObject( hMemBmp ); ::DeleteDC( hMemDC ); if( bDither16 ) { // create DIBPattern for 16Bit dithering long n; pSalData->mhDitherDIB = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_FIXED, sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) + 192 ); pSalData->mpDitherDIB = (BYTE*) GlobalLock( pSalData->mhDitherDIB ); pSalData->mpDitherDiff = new long[ 256 ]; pSalData->mpDitherLow = new BYTE[ 256 ]; pSalData->mpDitherHigh = new BYTE[ 256 ]; pSalData->mpDitherDIBData = pSalData->mpDitherDIB + sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ); memset( pSalData->mpDitherDIB, 0, sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) ); BITMAPINFOHEADER* pBIH = (BITMAPINFOHEADER*) pSalData->mpDitherDIB; pBIH->biSize = sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ); pBIH->biWidth = 8; pBIH->biHeight = 8; pBIH->biPlanes = 1; pBIH->biBitCount = 24; for( n = 0; n < 256L; n++ ) pSalData->mpDitherDiff[ n ] = n - ( n & 248L ); for( n = 0; n < 256L; n++ ) pSalData->mpDitherLow[ n ] = (BYTE) ( n & 248 ); for( n = 0; n < 256L; n++ ) pSalData->mpDitherHigh[ n ] = (BYTE) std::min( pSalData->mpDitherLow[ n ] + 8L, 255L ); } } else if ( (nRasterCaps & RC_PALETTE) && (nBitCount == 8) ) { BYTE nRed, nGreen, nBlue; BYTE nR, nG, nB; PALETTEENTRY* pPalEntry; LOGPALETTE* pLogPal; const sal_uInt16 nDitherPalCount = DITHER_PAL_COUNT; sal_uLong nTotalCount = DITHER_MAX_SYSCOLOR + nDitherPalCount + DITHER_EXTRA_COLORS; // create logical palette pLogPal = (LOGPALETTE*) new char[ sizeof( LOGPALETTE ) + ( nTotalCount * sizeof( PALETTEENTRY ) ) ]; pLogPal->palVersion = 0x0300; pLogPal->palNumEntries = (sal_uInt16) nTotalCount; pPalEntry = pLogPal->palPalEntry; // Standard colors memcpy( pPalEntry, aImplSalSysPalEntryAry, DITHER_MAX_SYSCOLOR * sizeof( PALETTEENTRY ) ); pPalEntry += DITHER_MAX_SYSCOLOR; // own palette (6/6/6) for( nB=0, nBlue=0; nB < DITHER_PAL_STEPS; nB++, nBlue += DITHER_PAL_DELTA ) { for( nG=0, nGreen=0; nG < DITHER_PAL_STEPS; nG++, nGreen += DITHER_PAL_DELTA ) { for( nR=0, nRed=0; nR < DITHER_PAL_STEPS; nR++, nRed += DITHER_PAL_DELTA ) { pPalEntry->peRed = nRed; pPalEntry->peGreen = nGreen; pPalEntry->peBlue = nBlue; pPalEntry->peFlags = 0; pPalEntry++; } } } // insert special 'Blue' as standard drawing color *pPalEntry++ = aImplExtraColor1; // create palette pSalData->mhDitherPal = CreatePalette( pLogPal ); delete[] (char*) pLogPal; if( pSalData->mhDitherPal ) { // create DIBPattern for 8Bit dithering long nSize = sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) + ( 256 * sizeof( short ) ) + 64; long n; pSalData->mhDitherDIB = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_FIXED, nSize ); pSalData->mpDitherDIB = (BYTE*) GlobalLock( pSalData->mhDitherDIB ); pSalData->mpDitherDiff = new long[ 256 ]; pSalData->mpDitherLow = new BYTE[ 256 ]; pSalData->mpDitherHigh = new BYTE[ 256 ]; pSalData->mpDitherDIBData = pSalData->mpDitherDIB + sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) + ( 256 * sizeof( short ) ); memset( pSalData->mpDitherDIB, 0, sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) ); BITMAPINFOHEADER* pBIH = (BITMAPINFOHEADER*) pSalData->mpDitherDIB; short* pColors = (short*) ( pSalData->mpDitherDIB + sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) ); pBIH->biSize = sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ); pBIH->biWidth = 8; pBIH->biHeight = 8; pBIH->biPlanes = 1; pBIH->biBitCount = 8; for( n = 0; n < nDitherPalCount; n++ ) pColors[ n ] = (short)( n + DITHER_MAX_SYSCOLOR ); for( n = 0; n < 256L; n++ ) pSalData->mpDitherDiff[ n ] = n % 51L; for( n = 0; n < 256L; n++ ) pSalData->mpDitherLow[ n ] = (BYTE) ( n / 51L ); for( n = 0; n < 256L; n++ ) pSalData->mpDitherHigh[ n ] = (BYTE)std::min( pSalData->mpDitherLow[ n ] + 1, 5 ); } // get system color entries ImplUpdateSysColorEntries(); } ReleaseDC( 0, hDC ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImplFreeSalGDI() { SalData* pSalData = GetSalData(); // destroy stock objects int i; for ( i = 0; i < pSalData->mnStockPenCount; i++ ) DeletePen( pSalData->mhStockPenAry[i] ); for ( i = 0; i < pSalData->mnStockBrushCount; i++ ) DeleteBrush( pSalData->mhStockBrushAry[i] ); // delete 50% Brush if ( pSalData->mh50Brush ) { DeleteBrush( pSalData->mh50Brush ); pSalData->mh50Brush = 0; } // delete 50% Bitmap if ( pSalData->mh50Bmp ) { DeleteBitmap( pSalData->mh50Bmp ); pSalData->mh50Bmp = 0; } ImplClearHDCCache( pSalData ); delete[] pSalData->mpHDCCache; // delete Ditherpalette, if existing if ( pSalData->mhDitherPal ) { DeleteObject( pSalData->mhDitherPal ); pSalData->mhDitherPal = 0; } // delete buffers for dithering DIB patterns, if necessary if ( pSalData->mhDitherDIB ) { GlobalUnlock( pSalData->mhDitherDIB ); GlobalFree( pSalData->mhDitherDIB ); pSalData->mhDitherDIB = 0; delete[] pSalData->mpDitherDiff; delete[] pSalData->mpDitherLow; delete[] pSalData->mpDitherHigh; } // delete SysColorList SysColorEntry* pEntry = pFirstSysColor; while( pEntry ) { SysColorEntry* pTmp = pEntry->pNext; delete pEntry; pEntry = pTmp; } pFirstSysColor = NULL; // delete icon cache SalIcon* pIcon = pSalData->mpFirstIcon; pSalData->mpFirstIcon = NULL; while( pIcon ) { SalIcon* pTmp = pIcon->pNext; DestroyIcon( pIcon->hIcon ); DestroyIcon( pIcon->hSmallIcon ); delete pIcon; pIcon = pTmp; } // delete temporary font list ImplReleaseTempFonts( *pSalData ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static int ImplIsPaletteEntry( BYTE nRed, BYTE nGreen, BYTE nBlue ) { // dither color? if ( !(nRed % DITHER_PAL_DELTA) && !(nGreen % DITHER_PAL_DELTA) && !(nBlue % DITHER_PAL_DELTA) ) return TRUE; PALETTEENTRY* pPalEntry = aImplSalSysPalEntryAry; // standard palette color? for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < DITHER_MAX_SYSCOLOR; i++, pPalEntry++ ) { if( pPalEntry->peRed == nRed && pPalEntry->peGreen == nGreen && pPalEntry->peBlue == nBlue ) return TRUE; } // extra color? if ( aImplExtraColor1.peRed == nRed && aImplExtraColor1.peGreen == nGreen && aImplExtraColor1.peBlue == nBlue ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } // ======================================================================= int ImplIsSysColorEntry( SalColor nSalColor ) { SysColorEntry* pEntry = pFirstSysColor; const DWORD nTestRGB = (DWORD)RGB( SALCOLOR_RED( nSalColor ), SALCOLOR_GREEN( nSalColor ), SALCOLOR_BLUE( nSalColor ) ); while ( pEntry ) { if ( pEntry->nRGB == nTestRGB ) return TRUE; pEntry = pEntry->pNext; } return FALSE; } // ======================================================================= static void ImplInsertSysColorEntry( int nSysIndex ) { const DWORD nRGB = GetSysColor( nSysIndex ); if ( !ImplIsPaletteEntry( GetRValue( nRGB ), GetGValue( nRGB ), GetBValue( nRGB ) ) ) { if ( !pFirstSysColor ) { pActSysColor = pFirstSysColor = new SysColorEntry; pFirstSysColor->nRGB = nRGB; pFirstSysColor->pNext = NULL; } else { pActSysColor = pActSysColor->pNext = new SysColorEntry; pActSysColor->nRGB = nRGB; pActSysColor->pNext = NULL; } } } // ======================================================================= void ImplUpdateSysColorEntries() { // delete old SysColorList SysColorEntry* pEntry = pFirstSysColor; while( pEntry ) { SysColorEntry* pTmp = pEntry->pNext; delete pEntry; pEntry = pTmp; } pActSysColor = pFirstSysColor = NULL; // create new sys color list ImplInsertSysColorEntry( COLOR_ACTIVEBORDER ); ImplInsertSysColorEntry( COLOR_INACTIVEBORDER ); ImplInsertSysColorEntry( COLOR_GRADIENTACTIVECAPTION ); ImplInsertSysColorEntry( COLOR_GRADIENTINACTIVECAPTION ); ImplInsertSysColorEntry( COLOR_3DFACE ); ImplInsertSysColorEntry( COLOR_3DHILIGHT ); ImplInsertSysColorEntry( COLOR_3DLIGHT ); ImplInsertSysColorEntry( COLOR_3DSHADOW ); ImplInsertSysColorEntry( COLOR_3DDKSHADOW ); ImplInsertSysColorEntry( COLOR_INFOBK ); ImplInsertSysColorEntry( COLOR_INFOTEXT ); ImplInsertSysColorEntry( COLOR_BTNTEXT ); ImplInsertSysColorEntry( COLOR_WINDOW ); ImplInsertSysColorEntry( COLOR_WINDOWTEXT ); ImplInsertSysColorEntry( COLOR_HIGHLIGHT ); ImplInsertSysColorEntry( COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT ); ImplInsertSysColorEntry( COLOR_MENU ); ImplInsertSysColorEntry( COLOR_MENUTEXT ); ImplInsertSysColorEntry( COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION ); ImplInsertSysColorEntry( COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT ); ImplInsertSysColorEntry( COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION ); ImplInsertSysColorEntry( COLOR_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static SalColor ImplGetROPSalColor( SalROPColor nROPColor ) { SalColor nSalColor; if ( nROPColor == SAL_ROP_0 ) nSalColor = MAKE_SALCOLOR( 0, 0, 0 ); else nSalColor = MAKE_SALCOLOR( 255, 255, 255 ); return nSalColor; } // ======================================================================= void ImplSalInitGraphics( WinSalGraphics* pData ) { // calculate the minimal line width for the printer if ( pData->mbPrinter ) { int nDPIX = GetDeviceCaps( pData->mhDC, LOGPIXELSX ); if ( nDPIX <= 300 ) pData->mnPenWidth = 0; else pData->mnPenWidth = nDPIX/300; } ::SetTextAlign( pData->mhDC, TA_BASELINE | TA_LEFT | TA_NOUPDATECP ); ::SetBkMode( pData->mhDC, TRANSPARENT ); ::SetROP2( pData->mhDC, R2_COPYPEN ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImplSalDeInitGraphics( WinSalGraphics* pData ) { // clear clip region SelectClipRgn( pData->mhDC, 0 ); // select default objects if ( pData->mhDefPen ) SelectPen( pData->mhDC, pData->mhDefPen ); if ( pData->mhDefBrush ) SelectBrush( pData->mhDC, pData->mhDefBrush ); if ( pData->mhDefFont ) SelectFont( pData->mhDC, pData->mhDefFont ); } // ======================================================================= HDC ImplGetCachedDC( sal_uLong nID, HBITMAP hBmp ) { SalData* pSalData = GetSalData(); HDCCache* pC = &pSalData->mpHDCCache[ nID ]; if( !pC->mhDC ) { HDC hDC = GetDC( 0 ); // create new DC sith DefaultBitmap pC->mhDC = CreateCompatibleDC( hDC ); if( pSalData->mhDitherPal ) { pC->mhDefPal = SelectPalette( pC->mhDC, pSalData->mhDitherPal, TRUE ); RealizePalette( pC->mhDC ); } pC->mhSelBmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap( hDC, CACHED_HDC_DEFEXT, CACHED_HDC_DEFEXT ); pC->mhDefBmp = (HBITMAP) SelectObject( pC->mhDC, pC->mhSelBmp ); ReleaseDC( 0, hDC ); } if ( hBmp ) SelectObject( pC->mhDC, pC->mhActBmp = hBmp ); else pC->mhActBmp = 0; return pC->mhDC; } // ======================================================================= void ImplReleaseCachedDC( sal_uLong nID ) { SalData* pSalData = GetSalData(); HDCCache* pC = &pSalData->mpHDCCache[ nID ]; if ( pC->mhActBmp ) SelectObject( pC->mhDC, pC->mhSelBmp ); } // ======================================================================= void ImplClearHDCCache( SalData* pData ) { for( sal_uLong i = 0; i < CACHESIZE_HDC; i++ ) { HDCCache* pC = &pData->mpHDCCache[ i ]; if( pC->mhDC ) { SelectObject( pC->mhDC, pC->mhDefBmp ); if( pC->mhDefPal ) SelectPalette( pC->mhDC, pC->mhDefPal, TRUE ); DeleteDC( pC->mhDC ); DeleteObject( pC->mhSelBmp ); } } } // ======================================================================= // #100127# Fill point and flag memory from array of points which // might also contain bezier control points for the PolyDraw() GDI method // Make sure pWinPointAry and pWinFlagAry are big enough void ImplPreparePolyDraw( bool bCloseFigures, sal_uLong nPoly, const sal_uInt32* pPoints, const SalPoint* const* pPtAry, const BYTE* const* pFlgAry, POINT* pWinPointAry, BYTE* pWinFlagAry ) { sal_uLong nCurrPoly; for( nCurrPoly=0; nCurrPoly( *pPtAry++ ); const BYTE* pCurrFlag = *pFlgAry++; const sal_uInt32 nCurrPoints = *pPoints++; const bool bHaveFlagArray( pCurrFlag ); sal_uLong nCurrPoint; if( nCurrPoints ) { // start figure *pWinPointAry++ = *pCurrPoint++; *pWinFlagAry++ = PT_MOVETO; ++pCurrFlag; for( nCurrPoint=1; nCurrPointmnX, pPtAry->mnY, NULL ); ++pPtAry; ++pFlgAry; for( i=1; imnX, pPtAry->mnY ); } else if( nPoints - i > 2 ) { PolyBezierTo( hdc, reinterpret_cast(pPtAry), 3 ); i += 2; pPtAry += 2; pFlgAry += 2; } } } } // ======================================================================= WinSalGraphics::WinSalGraphics() { for( int i = 0; i < MAX_FALLBACK; ++i ) { mhFonts[ i ] = 0; mpWinFontData[ i ] = NULL; mpWinFontEntry[ i ] = NULL; mfFontScale[ i ] = 1.0; } mfCurrentFontScale = 1.0; mhDC = 0; mhPen = 0; mhBrush = 0; mhRegion = 0; mhDefPen = 0; mhDefBrush = 0; mhDefFont = 0; mhDefPal = 0; mpStdClipRgnData = NULL; mpLogFont = NULL; mpFontCharSets = NULL; mpFontAttrCache = NULL; mnFontCharSetCount = 0; mpFontKernPairs = NULL; mnFontKernPairCount = 0; mbFontKernInit = FALSE; mbXORMode = FALSE; mnPenWidth = GSL_PEN_WIDTH; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WinSalGraphics::~WinSalGraphics() { // free obsolete GDI objects ReleaseFonts(); if ( mhPen ) { if ( !mbStockPen ) DeletePen( mhPen ); } if ( mhBrush ) { if ( !mbStockBrush ) DeleteBrush( mhBrush ); } if ( mhRegion ) { DeleteRegion( mhRegion ); mhRegion = 0; } // delete cache data if ( mpStdClipRgnData ) delete [] mpStdClipRgnData; delete mpLogFont; delete mpFontCharSets; delete mpFontKernPairs; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void WinSalGraphics::GetResolution( long& rDPIX, long& rDPIY ) { rDPIX = GetDeviceCaps( mhDC, LOGPIXELSX ); rDPIY = GetDeviceCaps( mhDC, LOGPIXELSY ); // #111139# this fixes the symptom of div by zero on startup // however, printing will fail most likely as communication with // the printer seems not to work in this case if( !rDPIX || !rDPIY ) rDPIX = rDPIY = 600; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_uInt16 WinSalGraphics::GetBitCount() const { return (sal_uInt16)GetDeviceCaps( mhDC, BITSPIXEL ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- long WinSalGraphics::GetGraphicsWidth() const { if( mhWnd && IsWindow( mhWnd ) ) { WinSalFrame* pFrame = GetWindowPtr( mhWnd ); if( pFrame ) { if( pFrame->maGeometry.nWidth ) return pFrame->maGeometry.nWidth; else { // TODO: perhaps not needed, maGeometry should always be up-to-date RECT aRect; GetClientRect( mhWnd, &aRect ); return aRect.right; } } } return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void WinSalGraphics::ResetClipRegion() { if ( mhRegion ) { DeleteRegion( mhRegion ); mhRegion = 0; } SelectClipRgn( mhDC, 0 ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool WinSalGraphics::setClipRegion( const Region& i_rClip ) { if ( mhRegion ) { DeleteRegion( mhRegion ); mhRegion = 0; } if( i_rClip.HasPolyPolygon() ) { // TODO: ConvertToB2DPolyPolygon actually is kind of const, just it does not advertise it in the header basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aPolyPolygon( const_cast(i_rClip).ConvertToB2DPolyPolygon() ); const sal_uInt32 nCount(aPolyPolygon.count()); if( nCount ) { std::vector< POINT > aPolyPoints; aPolyPoints.reserve( 1024 ); std::vector< INT > aPolyCounts( nCount, 0 ); for(sal_uInt32 a(0); a < nCount; a++) { basegfx::B2DPolygon aPoly( aPolyPolygon.getB2DPolygon(a) ); aPoly = basegfx::tools::adaptiveSubdivideByDistance( aPoly, 1 ); const sal_uInt32 nPoints = aPoly.count(); aPolyCounts[a] = nPoints; for( sal_uInt32 b = 0; b < nPoints; b++ ) { basegfx::B2DPoint aPt( aPoly.getB2DPoint( b ) ); POINT aPOINT; aPOINT.x = (LONG)aPt.getX(); aPOINT.y = (LONG)aPt.getY(); aPolyPoints.push_back( aPOINT ); } } mhRegion = CreatePolyPolygonRgn( &aPolyPoints[0], &aPolyCounts[0], nCount, ALTERNATE ); } } else { sal_uLong nRectCount = i_rClip.GetRectCount(); sal_uLong nRectBufSize = sizeof(RECT)*nRectCount; if ( nRectCount < SAL_CLIPRECT_COUNT ) { if ( !mpStdClipRgnData ) mpStdClipRgnData = (RGNDATA*)new BYTE[sizeof(RGNDATA)-1+(SAL_CLIPRECT_COUNT*sizeof(RECT))]; mpClipRgnData = mpStdClipRgnData; } else mpClipRgnData = (RGNDATA*)new BYTE[sizeof(RGNDATA)-1+nRectBufSize]; mpClipRgnData->rdh.dwSize = sizeof( RGNDATAHEADER ); mpClipRgnData->rdh.iType = RDH_RECTANGLES; mpClipRgnData->rdh.nCount = nRectCount; mpClipRgnData->rdh.nRgnSize = nRectBufSize; RECT* pBoundRect = &(mpClipRgnData->rdh.rcBound); SetRectEmpty( pBoundRect ); RECT* pNextClipRect = (RECT*)(&(mpClipRgnData->Buffer)); bool bFirstClipRect = true; ImplRegionInfo aInfo; long nX, nY, nW, nH; bool bRegionRect = i_rClip.ImplGetFirstRect(aInfo, nX, nY, nW, nH ); while( bRegionRect ) { if ( nW && nH ) { long nRight = nX + nW; long nBottom = nY + nH; if ( bFirstClipRect ) { pBoundRect->left = nX; pBoundRect->top = nY; pBoundRect->right = nRight; pBoundRect->bottom = nBottom; bFirstClipRect = false; } else { if ( nX < pBoundRect->left ) pBoundRect->left = (int)nX; if ( nY < pBoundRect->top ) pBoundRect->top = (int)nY; if ( nRight > pBoundRect->right ) pBoundRect->right = (int)nRight; if ( nBottom > pBoundRect->bottom ) pBoundRect->bottom = (int)nBottom; } pNextClipRect->left = (int)nX; pNextClipRect->top = (int)nY; pNextClipRect->right = (int)nRight; pNextClipRect->bottom = (int)nBottom; pNextClipRect++; } else { mpClipRgnData->rdh.nCount--; mpClipRgnData->rdh.nRgnSize -= sizeof( RECT ); } bRegionRect = i_rClip.ImplGetNextRect( aInfo, nX, nY, nW, nH ); } // create clip region from ClipRgnData if ( mpClipRgnData->rdh.nCount == 1 ) { RECT* pRect = &(mpClipRgnData->rdh.rcBound); mhRegion = CreateRectRgn( pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->right, pRect->bottom ); } else if( mpClipRgnData->rdh.nCount > 1 ) { sal_uLong nSize = mpClipRgnData->rdh.nRgnSize+sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER); mhRegion = ExtCreateRegion( NULL, nSize, mpClipRgnData ); // if ExtCreateRegion(...) is not supported if( !mhRegion ) { RGNDATAHEADER* pHeader = (RGNDATAHEADER*) mpClipRgnData; if( pHeader->nCount ) { RECT* pRect = (RECT*) mpClipRgnData->Buffer; mhRegion = CreateRectRgn( pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->right, pRect->bottom ); pRect++; for( sal_uLong n = 1; n < pHeader->nCount; n++, pRect++ ) { HRGN hRgn = CreateRectRgn( pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->right, pRect->bottom ); CombineRgn( mhRegion, mhRegion, hRgn, RGN_OR ); DeleteRegion( hRgn ); } } } if ( mpClipRgnData != mpStdClipRgnData ) delete [] mpClipRgnData; } } if( mhRegion ) SelectClipRgn( mhDC, mhRegion ); return mhRegion != 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void WinSalGraphics::SetLineColor() { // create and select new pen HPEN hNewPen = GetStockPen( NULL_PEN ); HPEN hOldPen = SelectPen( mhDC, hNewPen ); // destroy or save old pen if ( mhPen ) { if ( !mbStockPen ) DeletePen( mhPen ); } else mhDefPen = hOldPen; // set new data mhPen = hNewPen; mbPen = FALSE; mbStockPen = TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void WinSalGraphics::SetLineColor( SalColor nSalColor ) { maLineColor = nSalColor; COLORREF nPenColor = PALETTERGB( SALCOLOR_RED( nSalColor ), SALCOLOR_GREEN( nSalColor ), SALCOLOR_BLUE( nSalColor ) ); HPEN hNewPen = 0; sal_Bool bStockPen = FALSE; // search for stock pen (only screen, because printer have problems, // when we use stock objects) if ( !mbPrinter ) { SalData* pSalData = GetSalData(); for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < pSalData->mnStockPenCount; i++ ) { if ( nPenColor == pSalData->maStockPenColorAry[i] ) { hNewPen = pSalData->mhStockPenAry[i]; bStockPen = TRUE; break; } } } // create new pen if ( !hNewPen ) { if ( !mbPrinter ) { if ( GetSalData()->mhDitherPal && ImplIsSysColorEntry( nSalColor ) ) nPenColor = PALRGB_TO_RGB( nPenColor ); } hNewPen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, mnPenWidth, nPenColor ); bStockPen = FALSE; } // select new pen HPEN hOldPen = SelectPen( mhDC, hNewPen ); // destroy or save old pen if ( mhPen ) { if ( !mbStockPen ) DeletePen( mhPen ); } else mhDefPen = hOldPen; // set new data mnPenColor = nPenColor; mhPen = hNewPen; mbPen = TRUE; mbStockPen = bStockPen; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void WinSalGraphics::SetFillColor() { // create and select new brush HBRUSH hNewBrush = GetStockBrush( NULL_BRUSH ); HBRUSH hOldBrush = SelectBrush( mhDC, hNewBrush ); // destroy or save old brush if ( mhBrush ) { if ( !mbStockBrush ) DeleteBrush( mhBrush ); } else mhDefBrush = hOldBrush; // set new data mhBrush = hNewBrush; mbBrush = FALSE; mbStockBrush = TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void WinSalGraphics::SetFillColor( SalColor nSalColor ) { maFillColor = nSalColor; SalData* pSalData = GetSalData(); BYTE nRed = SALCOLOR_RED( nSalColor ); BYTE nGreen = SALCOLOR_GREEN( nSalColor ); BYTE nBlue = SALCOLOR_BLUE( nSalColor ); COLORREF nBrushColor = PALETTERGB( nRed, nGreen, nBlue ); HBRUSH hNewBrush = 0; sal_Bool bStockBrush = FALSE; // search for stock brush (only screen, because printer have problems, // when we use stock objects) if ( !mbPrinter ) { for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < pSalData->mnStockBrushCount; i++ ) { if ( nBrushColor == pSalData->maStockBrushColorAry[ i ] ) { hNewBrush = pSalData->mhStockBrushAry[i]; bStockBrush = TRUE; break; } } } // create new brush if ( !hNewBrush ) { if ( mbPrinter || !pSalData->mhDitherDIB ) hNewBrush = CreateSolidBrush( nBrushColor ); else { if ( 24 == ((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)pSalData->mpDitherDIB)->biBitCount ) { BYTE* pTmp = pSalData->mpDitherDIBData; long* pDitherDiff = pSalData->mpDitherDiff; BYTE* pDitherLow = pSalData->mpDitherLow; BYTE* pDitherHigh = pSalData->mpDitherHigh; for( long nY = 0L; nY < 8L; nY++ ) { for( long nX = 0L; nX < 8L; nX++ ) { const long nThres = aOrdDither16Bit[ nY ][ nX ]; *pTmp++ = DMAP( nBlue, nThres ); *pTmp++ = DMAP( nGreen, nThres ); *pTmp++ = DMAP( nRed, nThres ); } } hNewBrush = CreateDIBPatternBrush( pSalData->mhDitherDIB, DIB_RGB_COLORS ); } else if ( ImplIsSysColorEntry( nSalColor ) ) { nBrushColor = PALRGB_TO_RGB( nBrushColor ); hNewBrush = CreateSolidBrush( nBrushColor ); } else if ( ImplIsPaletteEntry( nRed, nGreen, nBlue ) ) hNewBrush = CreateSolidBrush( nBrushColor ); else { BYTE* pTmp = pSalData->mpDitherDIBData; long* pDitherDiff = pSalData->mpDitherDiff; BYTE* pDitherLow = pSalData->mpDitherLow; BYTE* pDitherHigh = pSalData->mpDitherHigh; for ( long nY = 0L; nY < 8L; nY++ ) { for ( long nX = 0L; nX < 8L; nX++ ) { const long nThres = aOrdDither8Bit[ nY ][ nX ]; *pTmp = DMAP( nRed, nThres ) + DMAP( nGreen, nThres ) * 6 + DMAP( nBlue, nThres ) * 36; pTmp++; } } hNewBrush = CreateDIBPatternBrush( pSalData->mhDitherDIB, DIB_PAL_COLORS ); } } bStockBrush = FALSE; } // select new brush HBRUSH hOldBrush = SelectBrush( mhDC, hNewBrush ); // destroy or save old brush if ( mhBrush ) { if ( !mbStockBrush ) DeleteBrush( mhBrush ); } else mhDefBrush = hOldBrush; // set new data mnBrushColor = nBrushColor; mhBrush = hNewBrush; mbBrush = TRUE; mbStockBrush = bStockBrush; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void WinSalGraphics::SetXORMode( bool bSet, bool ) { mbXORMode = bSet; ::SetROP2( mhDC, bSet ? R2_XORPEN : R2_COPYPEN ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void WinSalGraphics::SetROPLineColor( SalROPColor nROPColor ) { SetLineColor( ImplGetROPSalColor( nROPColor ) ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void WinSalGraphics::SetROPFillColor( SalROPColor nROPColor ) { SetFillColor( ImplGetROPSalColor( nROPColor ) ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void WinSalGraphics::drawPixel( long nX, long nY ) { if ( mbXORMode ) { HBRUSH hBrush = CreateSolidBrush( mnPenColor ); HBRUSH hOldBrush = SelectBrush( mhDC, hBrush ); PatBlt( mhDC, (int)nX, (int)nY, (int)1, (int)1, PATINVERT ); SelectBrush( mhDC, hOldBrush ); DeleteBrush( hBrush ); } else SetPixel( mhDC, (int)nX, (int)nY, mnPenColor ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void WinSalGraphics::drawPixel( long nX, long nY, SalColor nSalColor ) { COLORREF nCol = PALETTERGB( SALCOLOR_RED( nSalColor ), SALCOLOR_GREEN( nSalColor ), SALCOLOR_BLUE( nSalColor ) ); if ( !mbPrinter && GetSalData()->mhDitherPal && ImplIsSysColorEntry( nSalColor ) ) nCol = PALRGB_TO_RGB( nCol ); if ( mbXORMode ) { HBRUSH hBrush = CreateSolidBrush( nCol ); HBRUSH hOldBrush = SelectBrush( mhDC, hBrush ); PatBlt( mhDC, (int)nX, (int)nY, (int)1, (int)1, PATINVERT ); SelectBrush( mhDC, hOldBrush ); DeleteBrush( hBrush ); } else ::SetPixel( mhDC, (int)nX, (int)nY, nCol ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void WinSalGraphics::drawLine( long nX1, long nY1, long nX2, long nY2 ) { MoveToEx( mhDC, (int)nX1, (int)nY1, NULL ); // we must paint the endpoint int bPaintEnd = TRUE; if ( nX1 == nX2 ) { bPaintEnd = FALSE; if ( nY1 <= nY2 ) nY2++; else nY2--; } if ( nY1 == nY2 ) { bPaintEnd = FALSE; if ( nX1 <= nX2 ) nX2++; else nX2--; } LineTo( mhDC, (int)nX2, (int)nY2 ); if ( bPaintEnd && !mbPrinter ) { if ( mbXORMode ) { HBRUSH hBrush = CreateSolidBrush( mnPenColor ); HBRUSH hOldBrush = SelectBrush( mhDC, hBrush ); PatBlt( mhDC, (int)nX2, (int)nY2, (int)1, (int)1, PATINVERT ); SelectBrush( mhDC, hOldBrush ); DeleteBrush( hBrush ); } else SetPixel( mhDC, (int)nX2, (int)nY2, mnPenColor ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void WinSalGraphics::drawRect( long nX, long nY, long nWidth, long nHeight ) { if ( !mbPen ) { if ( !mbPrinter ) { PatBlt( mhDC, (int)nX, (int)nY, (int)nWidth, (int)nHeight, mbXORMode ? PATINVERT : PATCOPY ); } else { RECT aWinRect; aWinRect.left = nX; aWinRect.top = nY; aWinRect.right = nX+nWidth; aWinRect.bottom = nY+nHeight; ::FillRect( mhDC, &aWinRect, mhBrush ); } } else WIN_Rectangle( mhDC, (int)nX, (int)nY, (int)(nX+nWidth), (int)(nY+nHeight) ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void WinSalGraphics::drawPolyLine( sal_uLong nPoints, const SalPoint* pPtAry ) { // for NT, we can handover the array directly DBG_ASSERT( sizeof( POINT ) == sizeof( SalPoint ), "WinSalGraphics::DrawPolyLine(): POINT != SalPoint" ); POINT* pWinPtAry = (POINT*)pPtAry; // we assume there are at least 2 points (Polyline requres at least 2 point, see MSDN) // we must paint the endpoint for last line BOOL bPaintEnd = TRUE; if ( pWinPtAry[nPoints-2].x == pWinPtAry[nPoints-1].x ) { bPaintEnd = FALSE; if ( pWinPtAry[nPoints-2].y <= pWinPtAry[nPoints-1].y ) pWinPtAry[nPoints-1].y++; else pWinPtAry[nPoints-1].y--; } if ( pWinPtAry[nPoints-2].y == pWinPtAry[nPoints-1].y ) { bPaintEnd = FALSE; if ( pWinPtAry[nPoints-2].x <= pWinPtAry[nPoints-1].x ) pWinPtAry[nPoints-1].x++; else pWinPtAry[nPoints-1].x--; } // for Windows 95 and its maximum number of points if ( !Polyline( mhDC, pWinPtAry, (int)nPoints ) && (nPoints > MAX_64KSALPOINTS) ) Polyline( mhDC, pWinPtAry, MAX_64KSALPOINTS ); if ( bPaintEnd && !mbPrinter ) { if ( mbXORMode ) { HBRUSH hBrush = CreateSolidBrush( mnPenColor ); HBRUSH hOldBrush = SelectBrush( mhDC, hBrush ); PatBlt( mhDC, (int)(pWinPtAry[nPoints-1].x), (int)(pWinPtAry[nPoints-1].y), (int)1, (int)1, PATINVERT ); SelectBrush( mhDC, hOldBrush ); DeleteBrush( hBrush ); } else SetPixel( mhDC, (int)(pWinPtAry[nPoints-1].x), (int)(pWinPtAry[nPoints-1].y), mnPenColor ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void WinSalGraphics::drawPolygon( sal_uLong nPoints, const SalPoint* pPtAry ) { // for NT, we can handover the array directly DBG_ASSERT( sizeof( POINT ) == sizeof( SalPoint ), "WinSalGraphics::DrawPolygon(): POINT != SalPoint" ); POINT* pWinPtAry = (POINT*)pPtAry; // for Windows 95 and its maximum number of points if ( !WIN_Polygon( mhDC, pWinPtAry, (int)nPoints ) && (nPoints > MAX_64KSALPOINTS) ) WIN_Polygon( mhDC, pWinPtAry, MAX_64KSALPOINTS ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void WinSalGraphics::drawPolyPolygon( sal_uInt32 nPoly, const sal_uInt32* pPoints, PCONSTSALPOINT* pPtAry ) { UINT aWinPointAry[SAL_POLYPOLYCOUNT_STACKBUF]; UINT* pWinPointAry; UINT nPolyPolyPoints = 0; UINT nPoints; UINT i; if ( nPoly <= SAL_POLYPOLYCOUNT_STACKBUF ) pWinPointAry = aWinPointAry; else pWinPointAry = new UINT[nPoly]; for ( i = 0; i < (UINT)nPoly; i++ ) { nPoints = (UINT)pPoints[i]+1; pWinPointAry[i] = nPoints; nPolyPolyPoints += nPoints; } POINT aWinPointAryAry[SAL_POLYPOLYPOINTS_STACKBUF]; POINT* pWinPointAryAry; if ( nPolyPolyPoints <= SAL_POLYPOLYPOINTS_STACKBUF ) pWinPointAryAry = aWinPointAryAry; else pWinPointAryAry = new POINT[nPolyPolyPoints]; // for NT, we can handover the array directly DBG_ASSERT( sizeof( POINT ) == sizeof( SalPoint ), "WinSalGraphics::DrawPolyPolygon(): POINT != SalPoint" ); const SalPoint* pPolyAry; UINT n = 0; for ( i = 0; i < (UINT)nPoly; i++ ) { nPoints = pWinPointAry[i]; pPolyAry = pPtAry[i]; memcpy( pWinPointAryAry+n, pPolyAry, (nPoints-1)*sizeof(POINT) ); pWinPointAryAry[n+nPoints-1] = pWinPointAryAry[n]; n += nPoints; } if ( !WIN_PolyPolygon( mhDC, pWinPointAryAry, (int*)pWinPointAry, (UINT)nPoly ) && (nPolyPolyPoints > MAX_64KSALPOINTS) ) { nPolyPolyPoints = 0; nPoly = 0; do { nPolyPolyPoints += pWinPointAry[(UINT)nPoly]; nPoly++; } while ( nPolyPolyPoints < MAX_64KSALPOINTS ); nPoly--; if ( pWinPointAry[(UINT)nPoly] > MAX_64KSALPOINTS ) pWinPointAry[(UINT)nPoly] = MAX_64KSALPOINTS; if ( nPoly == 1 ) WIN_Polygon( mhDC, pWinPointAryAry, *pWinPointAry ); else WIN_PolyPolygon( mhDC, pWinPointAryAry, (int*)pWinPointAry, nPoly ); } if ( pWinPointAry != aWinPointAry ) delete [] pWinPointAry; if ( pWinPointAryAry != aWinPointAryAry ) delete [] pWinPointAryAry; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #define SAL_POLY_STACKBUF 32 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool WinSalGraphics::drawPolyLineBezier( sal_uLong nPoints, const SalPoint* pPtAry, const BYTE* pFlgAry ) { #ifdef USE_GDI_BEZIERS // for NT, we can handover the array directly DBG_ASSERT( sizeof( POINT ) == sizeof( SalPoint ), "WinSalGraphics::DrawPolyLineBezier(): POINT != SalPoint" ); ImplRenderPath( mhDC, nPoints, pPtAry, pFlgAry ); return sal_True; #else return sal_False; #endif } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool WinSalGraphics::drawPolygonBezier( sal_uLong nPoints, const SalPoint* pPtAry, const BYTE* pFlgAry ) { #ifdef USE_GDI_BEZIERS // for NT, we can handover the array directly DBG_ASSERT( sizeof( POINT ) == sizeof( SalPoint ), "WinSalGraphics::DrawPolygonBezier(): POINT != SalPoint" ); POINT aStackAry1[SAL_POLY_STACKBUF]; BYTE aStackAry2[SAL_POLY_STACKBUF]; POINT* pWinPointAry; BYTE* pWinFlagAry; if( nPoints > SAL_POLY_STACKBUF ) { pWinPointAry = new POINT[ nPoints ]; pWinFlagAry = new BYTE[ nPoints ]; } else { pWinPointAry = aStackAry1; pWinFlagAry = aStackAry2; } sal_uInt32 nPoints_i32(nPoints); ImplPreparePolyDraw(true, 1, &nPoints_i32, &pPtAry, &pFlgAry, pWinPointAry, pWinFlagAry); sal_Bool bRet( sal_False ); if( BeginPath( mhDC ) ) { PolyDraw(mhDC, pWinPointAry, pWinFlagAry, nPoints); if( EndPath( mhDC ) ) { if( StrokeAndFillPath( mhDC ) ) bRet = sal_True; } } if( pWinPointAry != aStackAry1 ) { delete [] pWinPointAry; delete [] pWinFlagAry; } return bRet; #else return sal_False; #endif } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool WinSalGraphics::drawPolyPolygonBezier( sal_uInt32 nPoly, const sal_uInt32* pPoints, const SalPoint* const* pPtAry, const BYTE* const* pFlgAry ) { #ifdef USE_GDI_BEZIERS // for NT, we can handover the array directly DBG_ASSERT( sizeof( POINT ) == sizeof( SalPoint ), "WinSalGraphics::DrawPolyPolygonBezier(): POINT != SalPoint" ); sal_uLong nCurrPoly, nTotalPoints; const sal_uInt32* pCurrPoints = pPoints; for( nCurrPoly=0, nTotalPoints=0; nCurrPoly SAL_POLY_STACKBUF ) { pWinPointAry = new POINT[ nTotalPoints ]; pWinFlagAry = new BYTE[ nTotalPoints ]; } else { pWinPointAry = aStackAry1; pWinFlagAry = aStackAry2; } ImplPreparePolyDraw(true, nPoly, pPoints, pPtAry, pFlgAry, pWinPointAry, pWinFlagAry); sal_Bool bRet( sal_False ); if( BeginPath( mhDC ) ) { PolyDraw(mhDC, pWinPointAry, pWinFlagAry, nTotalPoints); if( EndPath( mhDC ) ) { if( StrokeAndFillPath( mhDC ) ) bRet = sal_True; } } if( pWinPointAry != aStackAry1 ) { delete [] pWinPointAry; delete [] pWinFlagAry; } return bRet; #else return sal_False; #endif } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #define POSTSCRIPT_BUFSIZE 0x4000 // MAXIMUM BUFSIZE EQ 0xFFFF static BYTE* ImplSearchEntry( BYTE* pSource, BYTE* pDest, sal_uLong nComp, sal_uLong nSize ) { while ( nComp-- >= nSize ) { sal_uLong i; for ( i = 0; i < nSize; i++ ) { if ( ( pSource[i]&~0x20 ) != ( pDest[i]&~0x20 ) ) break; } if ( i == nSize ) return pSource; pSource++; } return NULL; } static sal_Bool ImplGetBoundingBox( double* nNumb, BYTE* pSource, sal_uLong nSize ) { sal_Bool bRetValue = FALSE; BYTE* pDest = ImplSearchEntry( pSource, (BYTE*)"%%BoundingBox:", nSize, 14 ); if ( pDest ) { nNumb[0] = nNumb[1] = nNumb[2] = nNumb[3] = 0; pDest += 14; int nSizeLeft = nSize - ( pDest - pSource ); if ( nSizeLeft > 100 ) nSizeLeft = 100; // only 100 bytes following the bounding box will be checked int i; for ( i = 0; ( i < 4 ) && nSizeLeft; i++ ) { int nDivision = 1; sal_Bool bDivision = FALSE; sal_Bool bNegative = FALSE; sal_Bool bValid = TRUE; while ( ( --nSizeLeft ) && ( ( *pDest == ' ' ) || ( *pDest == 0x9 ) ) ) pDest++; BYTE nByte = *pDest; while ( nSizeLeft && ( nByte != ' ' ) && ( nByte != 0x9 ) && ( nByte != 0xd ) && ( nByte != 0xa ) ) { switch ( nByte ) { case '.' : if ( bDivision ) bValid = FALSE; else bDivision = TRUE; break; case '-' : bNegative = TRUE; break; default : if ( ( nByte < '0' ) || ( nByte > '9' ) ) nSizeLeft = 1; // error parsing the bounding box values else if ( bValid ) { if ( bDivision ) nDivision*=10; nNumb[i] *= 10; nNumb[i] += nByte - '0'; } break; } nSizeLeft--; nByte = *(++pDest); } if ( bNegative ) nNumb[i] = -nNumb[i]; if ( bDivision && ( nDivision != 1 ) ) nNumb[i] /= nDivision; } if ( i == 4 ) bRetValue = TRUE; } return bRetValue; } sal_Bool WinSalGraphics::drawEPS( long nX, long nY, long nWidth, long nHeight, void* pPtr, sal_uLong nSize ) { sal_Bool bRetValue = FALSE; if ( mbPrinter ) { int nEscape = POSTSCRIPT_PASSTHROUGH; if ( Escape( mhDC, QUERYESCSUPPORT, sizeof( int ), ( LPSTR )&nEscape, 0 ) ) { double nBoundingBox[4]; if ( ImplGetBoundingBox( nBoundingBox, (BYTE*)pPtr, nSize ) ) { OStringBuffer aBuf( POSTSCRIPT_BUFSIZE ); // reserve place for a sal_uInt16 aBuf.append( "aa" ); // #107797# Write out EPS encapsulation header // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // directly taken from the PLRM 3.0, p. 726. Note: // this will definitely cause problems when // recursively creating and embedding PostScript files // in OOo, since we use statically-named variables // here (namely, b4_Inc_state_salWin, dict_count_salWin and // op_count_salWin). Currently, I have no idea on how to // work around that, except from scanning and // interpreting the EPS for unused identifiers. // append the real text aBuf.append( "\n\n/b4_Inc_state_salWin save def\n" "/dict_count_salWin countdictstack def\n" "/op_count_salWin count 1 sub def\n" "userdict begin\n" "/showpage {} def\n" "0 setgray 0 setlinecap\n" "1 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin\n" "10 setmiterlimit [] 0 setdash newpath\n" "/languagelevel where\n" "{\n" " pop languagelevel\n" " 1 ne\n" " {\n" " false setstrokeadjust false setoverprint\n" " } if\n" "} if\n\n" ); // #i10737# Apply clipping manually // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Windows seems to ignore any clipping at the HDC, // when followed by a POSTSCRIPT_PASSTHROUGH // Check whether we've got a clipping, consisting of // exactly one rect (other cases should be, but aren't // handled currently) // TODO: Handle more than one rectangle here (take // care, the buffer can handle only POSTSCRIPT_BUFSIZE // characters!) if ( mhRegion != 0 && mpStdClipRgnData != NULL && mpClipRgnData == mpStdClipRgnData && mpClipRgnData->rdh.nCount == 1 ) { RECT* pRect = &(mpClipRgnData->rdh.rcBound); aBuf.append( "\nnewpath\n" ); aBuf.append( pRect->left ); aBuf.append( " " ); aBuf.append( pRect->top ); aBuf.append( " moveto\n" ); aBuf.append( pRect->right ); aBuf.append( " " ); aBuf.append( pRect->top ); aBuf.append( " lineto\n" ); aBuf.append( pRect->right ); aBuf.append( " " ); aBuf.append( pRect->bottom ); aBuf.append( " lineto\n" ); aBuf.append( pRect->left ); aBuf.append( " " ); aBuf.append( pRect->bottom ); aBuf.append( " lineto\n" "closepath\n" "clip\n" "newpath\n" ); } // #107797# Write out buffer // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *((sal_uInt16*)aBuf.getStr()) = (sal_uInt16)( aBuf.getLength() - 2 ); Escape ( mhDC, nEscape, aBuf.getLength(), (LPTSTR)aBuf.getStr(), 0 ); // #107797# Write out EPS transformation code // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- double dM11 = nWidth / ( nBoundingBox[2] - nBoundingBox[0] ); double dM22 = nHeight / (nBoundingBox[1] - nBoundingBox[3] ); // reserve a sal_uInt16 again aBuf.setLength( 2 ); aBuf.append( "\n\n[" ); aBuf.append( dM11 ); aBuf.append( " 0 0 " ); aBuf.append( dM22 ); aBuf.append( ' ' ); aBuf.append( nX - ( dM11 * nBoundingBox[0] ) ); aBuf.append( ' ' ); aBuf.append( nY - ( dM22 * nBoundingBox[3] ) ); aBuf.append( "] concat\n" "%%BeginDocument:\n" ); *((sal_uInt16*)aBuf.getStr()) = (sal_uInt16)( aBuf.getLength() - 2 ); Escape ( mhDC, nEscape, aBuf.getLength(), (LPTSTR)aBuf.getStr(), 0 ); // #107797# Write out actual EPS content // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_uLong nToDo = nSize; sal_uLong nDoNow; while ( nToDo ) { nDoNow = nToDo; if ( nToDo > POSTSCRIPT_BUFSIZE - 2 ) nDoNow = POSTSCRIPT_BUFSIZE - 2; // the following is based on the string buffer allocation // of size POSTSCRIPT_BUFSIZE at construction time of aBuf *((sal_uInt16*)aBuf.getStr()) = (sal_uInt16)nDoNow; memcpy( (void*)(aBuf.getStr() + 2), (BYTE*)pPtr + nSize - nToDo, nDoNow ); sal_uLong nResult = Escape ( mhDC, nEscape, nDoNow + 2, (LPTSTR)aBuf.getStr(), 0 ); if (!nResult ) break; nToDo -= nResult; } // #107797# Write out EPS encapsulation footer // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // reserve a sal_uInt16 again aBuf.setLength( 2 ); aBuf.append( "%%EndDocument\n" "count op_count_salWin sub {pop} repeat\n" "countdictstack dict_count_salWin sub {end} repeat\n" "b4_Inc_state_salWin restore\n\n" ); *((sal_uInt16*)aBuf.getStr()) = (sal_uInt16)( aBuf.getLength() - 2 ); Escape ( mhDC, nEscape, aBuf.getLength(), (LPTSTR)aBuf.getStr(), 0 ); bRetValue = TRUE; } } } return bRetValue; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SystemGraphicsData WinSalGraphics::GetGraphicsData() const { SystemGraphicsData aRes; aRes.nSize = sizeof(aRes); aRes.hDC = mhDC; return aRes; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */