Option Explicit 'Option Compatible Sub Main 'Application._RootInit() _A2B_.CalledSub = "" Application.SysCmd(acSysCmdRemoveMeter) Dim a as variant, b as variant, c as variant, d as variant, i as integer, s as string,f as variant, h as variant, j as long, k as integer, l as integer, sFile As String Dim lTime1 as Long, lTime2 as Long lTime1=getsystemticks() ' TraceConsole() _ErrorHandler(False) traceconsole() exit sub CurrentDb().CloseAllrecordsets() Set a = CurrentDb().TableDefs("Alltypes") Set b = a.OpenRecordset( , , dbreadOnly) Dim vVar() As Variant Set vVar = b.GetRows(1000) b.mClose() DebugPrint UBound(vVar, 1), UBound(vVar, 2) For i = 0 To UBound(vVar, 2) For j = 0 To UBound(vVar, 1) DebugPrint i, j, vVar(j, i) Next j Next i lTime2=getsystemticks debugprint lTime2 - lTime1 exit sub End Sub