REM ======================================================================================================================= REM === The ScriptForge library and its associated libraries are part of the LibreOffice project. === REM === The SFDatabases library is one of the associated libraries. === REM === Full documentation is available on === REM ======================================================================================================================= Option Compatible Option ClassModule Option Explicit ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''' SF_Database ''' ========= ''' Management of databases embedded in or related to Base documents ''' Each instance of the current class represents a single database, with essentially its tables, queries and data ''' ''' The exchanges with the database are done in SQL only. ''' To make them more readable, use optionally square brackets to surround table/query/field names ''' instead of the (RDBMS-dependent) normal surrounding character (usually, double-quote, single-quote or other). ''' SQL statements may be run in direct or indirect mode. In direct mode the statement is transferred literally ''' without syntax checking nor review to the database system. ''' ''' The provided interfaces include simple tables, queries and fields lists, and access to database metadata. ''' ''' Service invocation and usage: ''' 1) To access any database at anytime ''' Dim myDatabase As Object ''' Set myDatabase = CreateScriptService("SFDatabases.Database", FileName, , [ReadOnly], [User, [Password]]) ''' ' Args: ''' ' FileName: the name of the Base file compliant with the SF_FileSystem.FileNaming notation ''' ' RegistrationName: the name of a registered database (mutually exclusive with FileName) ''' ' ReadOnly: Default = True ''' ' User, Password: additional connection arguments to the database server ''' ' ... Run queries, SQL statements, ... ''' myDatabase.CloseDatabase() ''' ''' 2) To access the database related to the current Base document ''' Dim myDoc As Object, myDatabase As Object, ui As Object ''' Set ui = CreateScriptService("UI") ''' Set myDoc = ui.OpenBaseDocument("myDb.odb") ''' Set myDatabase = myDoc.GetDatabase() ' user and password are supplied here, if needed ''' ' ... Run queries, SQL statements, ... ''' myDoc.CloseDocument() ''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' REM ================================================================== EXCEPTIONS Private Const DBREADONLYERROR = "DBREADONLYERROR" Private Const SQLSYNTAXERROR = "SQLSYNTAXERROR" REM ============================================================= PRIVATE MEMBERS Private [Me] As Object Private [_Parent] As Object Private ObjectType As String ' Must be DATABASE Private ServiceName As String Private _DataSource As Object ' Private _Connection As Object ' Private _URL As String ' Text on status bar Private _Location As String ' File name Private _ReadOnly As Boolean Private _MetaData As Object ' REM ============================================================ MODULE CONSTANTS REM ===================================================== CONSTRUCTOR/DESTRUCTOR REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub Class_Initialize() Set [Me] = Nothing Set [_Parent] = Nothing ObjectType = "DATABASE" ServiceName = "SFDatabases.Database" Set _DataSource = Nothing Set _Connection = Nothing _URL = "" _Location = "" _ReadOnly = True Set _MetaData = Nothing End Sub ' SFDatabases.SF_Database Constructor REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub Class_Terminate() Call Class_Initialize() End Sub ' SFDatabases.SF_Database Destructor REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function Dispose() As Variant Call Class_Terminate() Set Dispose = Nothing End Function ' SFDatabases.SF_Database Explicit Destructor REM ================================================================== PROPERTIES REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Property Get Queries() As Variant ''' Return the list of available queries in the database Queries = _PropertyGet("Queries") End Property ' SFDatabases.SF_Database.Queries (get) REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Property Get Tables() As Variant ''' Return the list of available Tables in the database Tables = _PropertyGet("Tables") End Property ' SFDatabases.SF_Database.Tables (get) REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Property Get XConnection() As Variant ''' Return a UNO object XConnection = _PropertyGet("XConnection") End Property ' SFDatabases.SF_Database.XConnection (get) REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Property Get XMetaData() As Variant ''' Return a UNO object XMetaData = _PropertyGet("XMetaData") End Property ' SFDatabases.SF_Database.XMetaData (get) REM ===================================================================== METHODS REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub CloseDatabase() ''' Close the current database connection Const cstThisSub = "SFDatabases.Database.CloseDatabase" Const cstSubArgs = "" On Local Error GoTo 0 ' Disable useless error checking Check: ScriptForge.SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Try: With _Connection If Not IsNull(_Connection) Then If ScriptForge.SF_Session.HasUnoMethod(_Connection, "flush") Then .flush() .close() .dispose() End If Dispose() End With Finally: ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ExitFunction(cstThisSub) Exit Sub End Sub REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function DAvg(Optional ByVal Expression As Variant _ , Optional ByVal TableName As Variant _ , Optional ByVal Criteria As Variant _ ) As Variant ''' Compute the aggregate function AVG() on a field or expression belonging to a table ''' filtered by a WHERE-clause. ''' Args: ''' Expression: an SQL expression ''' TableName: the name of a table ''' Criteria: an optional WHERE clause without the word WHERE DAvg = _DFunction("Avg", Expression, TableName, Criteria) End Function ' SFDatabases.SF_Database.DAvg REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function DCount(Optional ByVal Expression As Variant _ , Optional ByVal TableName As Variant _ , Optional ByVal Criteria As Variant _ ) As Variant ''' Compute the aggregate function COUNT() on a field or expression belonging to a table ''' filtered by a WHERE-clause. ''' Args: ''' Expression: an SQL expression ''' TableName: the name of a table ''' Criteria: an optional WHERE clause without the word WHERE DCount = _DFunction("Count", Expression, TableName, Criteria) End Function ' SFDatabases.SF_Database.DCount REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function DLookup(Optional ByVal Expression As Variant _ , Optional ByVal TableName As Variant _ , Optional ByVal Criteria As Variant _ , Optional ByVal OrderClause As Variant _ ) As Variant ''' Compute the aggregate function Lookup() on a field or expression belonging to a table ''' filtered by a WHERE-clause. ''' To order the results, a pvOrderClause may be precised. The 1st record will be retained. ''' Args: ''' Expression: an SQL expression ''' TableName: the name of a table ''' Criteria: an optional WHERE clause without the word WHERE ''' pvOrderClause: an optional order clause incl. "DESC" if relevant DLookup = _DFunction("Lookup", Expression, TableName, Criteria, OrderClause) End Function ' SFDatabases.SF_Database.DLookup REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function DMax(Optional ByVal Expression As Variant _ , Optional ByVal TableName As Variant _ , Optional ByVal Criteria As Variant _ ) As Variant ''' Compute the aggregate function MAX() on a field or expression belonging to a table ''' filtered by a WHERE-clause. ''' Args: ''' Expression: an SQL expression ''' TableName: the name of a table ''' Criteria: an optional WHERE clause without the word WHERE DMax = _DFunction("Max", Expression, TableName, Criteria) End Function ' SFDatabases.SF_Database.DMax REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function DMin(Optional ByVal Expression As Variant _ , Optional ByVal TableName As Variant _ , Optional ByVal Criteria As Variant _ ) As Variant ''' Compute the aggregate function MIN() on a field or expression belonging to a table ''' filtered by a WHERE-clause. ''' Args: ''' Expression: an SQL expression ''' TableName: the name of a table ''' Criteria: an optional WHERE clause without the word WHERE DMin = _DFunction("Min", Expression, TableName, Criteria) End Function ' SFDatabases.SF_Database.DMin REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function DSum(Optional ByVal Expression As Variant _ , Optional ByVal TableName As Variant _ , Optional ByVal Criteria As Variant _ ) As Variant ''' Compute the aggregate function Sum() on a field or expression belonging to a table ''' filtered by a WHERE-clause. ''' Args: ''' Expression: an SQL expression ''' TableName: the name of a table ''' Criteria: an optional WHERE clause without the word WHERE DSum = _DFunction("Sum", Expression, TableName, Criteria) End Function ' SFDatabases.SF_Database.DSum REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function GetProperty(Optional ByVal PropertyName As Variant) As Variant ''' Return the actual value of the given property ''' Args: ''' PropertyName: the name of the property as a string ''' Returns: ''' The actual value of the property ''' Exceptions: ''' ARGUMENTERROR The property does not exist ''' Examples: ''' myDatabase.GetProperty("Queries") Const cstThisSub = "SFDatabases.Database.GetProperty" Const cstSubArgs = "" If ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch GetProperty = Null Check: If ScriptForge.SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then If Not ScriptForge.SF_Utils._Validate(PropertyName, "PropertyName", V_STRING, Properties()) Then GoTo Catch End If Try: GetProperty = _PropertyGet(PropertyName) Finally: ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ExitFunction(cstThisSub) Exit Function Catch: GoTo Finally End Function ' SFDatabases.SF_Database.GetProperty REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function GetRows(Optional ByVal SQLCommand As Variant _ , Optional ByVal DirectSQL As Variant _ , Optional ByVal Header As Variant _ , Optional ByVal MaxRows As Variant _ ) As Variant ''' Return the content of a table, a query or a SELECT SQL statement as an array ''' Args: ''' SQLCommand: a table name, a query name or a SELECT SQL statement ''' DirectSQL: when True, no syntax conversion is done by LO. Default = False ''' Ignored when SQLCommand is a table or a query name ''' Header: When True, a header row is inserted on the top of the array with the column names. Default = False ''' MaxRows: The maximum number of returned rows. If absent, all records are returned ''' Returns: ''' a 2D array(row, column), even if only 1 column and/or 1 record ''' an empty array if no records returned ''' Example: ''' Dim a As Variant ''' a = myDatabase.GetRows("SELECT [First Name], [Last Name] FROM [Employees] ORDER BY [Last Name]", Header := True) Dim vResult As Variant ' Return value Dim oResult As Object ' Dim oQuery As Object ' Dim sSql As String ' SQL statement Dim bDirect ' Alias of DirectSQL Dim lCols As Long ' Number of columns Dim lRows As Long ' Number of rows Dim oColumns As Object Dim i As Long Const cstThisSub = "SFDatabases.Database.GetRows" Const cstSubArgs = "SQLCommand, [DirectSQL=False], [Header=False], [MaxRows=0]" If ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch vResult = Array() Check: If IsMissing(DirectSQL) Or IsEmpty(DirectSQL) Then DirectSQL = False If IsMissing(Header) Or IsEmpty(Header) Then Header = False If IsMissing(MaxRows) Or IsEmpty(MaxRows) Then MaxRows = 0 If ScriptForge.SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then If Not ScriptForge.SF_Utils._Validate(SQLCommand, "SQLCommand", V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally If Not ScriptForge.SF_Utils._Validate(DirectSQL, "DirectSQL", ScriptForge.V_BOOLEAN) Then GoTo Finally If Not ScriptForge.SF_Utils._Validate(Header, "Header", ScriptForge.V_BOOLEAN) Then GoTo Finally If Not ScriptForge.SF_Utils._Validate(MaxRows, "MaxRows", ScriptForge.V_NUMERIC) Then GoTo Finally End If Try: ' Table, query of SQL ? Prepare resultset If ScriptForge.SF_Array.Contains(Tables, SQLCommand, CaseSensitive := True, SortOrder := "ASC") Then sSql = "SELECT * FROM [" & SQLCommand & "]" bDirect = True ElseIf ScriptForge.SF_Array.Contains(Queries, SQLCommand, CaseSensitive := True, SortOrder := "ASC") Then Set oQuery = _Connection.Queries.getByName(SQLCommand) sSql = oQuery.Command bDirect = Not oQuery.EscapeProcessing ElseIf ScriptForge.SF_String.StartsWith(SQLCommand, "SELECT", CaseSensitive := False) Then sSql = SQLCommand bDirect = DirectSQL Else GoTo Finally End If ' Execute command Set oResult = _ExecuteSql(sSql, bDirect) If IsNull(oResult) Then GoTo Finally With oResult 'Initialize output array with header row Set oColumns = oResult.getColumns() lCols = oColumns.Count - 1 If Header Then lRows = 0 ReDim vResult(0 To lRows, 0 To lCols) For i = 0 To lCols vResult(lRows, i) = oColumns.getByIndex(i).Name Next i If MaxRows > 0 Then MaxRows = MaxRows + 1 Else lRows = -1 End If ' Load data .first() Do While Not .isAfterLast() And (MaxRows = 0 Or lRows < MaxRows - 1) lRows = lRows + 1 If lRows = 0 Then ReDim vResult(0 To lRows, 0 To lCols) Else ReDim Preserve vResult(0 To lRows, 0 To lCols) End If For i = 0 To lCols vResult(lRows, i) = _GetColumnValue(oResult, i + 1) Next i .next() Loop End With Finally: GetRows = vResult ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ExitFunction(cstThisSub) Exit Function Catch: GoTo Finally End Function ' SFDatabases.SF_Database.GetRows REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function Methods() As Variant ''' Return the list of public methods of the Database service as an array Methods = Array( _ "DAvg" _ , "DCount" _ , "DLookup" _ , "DMax" _ , "DMin" _ , "DSum" _ , "GetRows" _ , "RunSql" _ ) End Function ' SFDatabases.SF_Database.Methods REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function Properties() As Variant ''' Return the list or properties of the Database class as an array Properties = Array( _ "Queries" _ , "Tables" _ , "XConnection" _ , "XMetaData" _ ) End Function ' SFDatabases.SF_Database.Properties REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function RunSql(Optional ByVal SQLCommand As Variant _ , Optional ByVal DirectSQL As Variant _ ) As Boolean ''' Execute an action query (table creation, record insertion, ...) or SQL statement on the current database ''' Args: ''' SQLCommand: a query name or an SQL statement ''' DirectSQL: when True, no syntax conversion is done by LO. Default = False ''' Ignored when SQLCommand is a query name ''' Exceptions: ''' DBREADONLYERROR The method is not applicable on a read-only database ''' Example: ''' myDatabase.RunSql("INSERT INTO [EMPLOYEES] VALUES(25, 'SMITH', 'John')", DirectSQL := True) Dim bResult As Boolean ' Return value Dim oStatement As Object ' Dim iCommandType ' 1 = Table, 2 = Query, 3 = SQL Dim oQuery As Object ' Dim sSql As String ' SQL statement Dim bDirect ' Alias of DirectSQL Const cstQuery = 2, cstSql = 3 Const cstThisSub = "SFDatabases.Database.RunSql" Const cstSubArgs = "SQLCommand, [DirectSQL=False]" If ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch bResult = False Check: If IsMissing(DirectSQL) Or IsEmpty(DirectSQL) Then DirectSQL = False If ScriptForge.SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then If Not ScriptForge.SF_Utils._Validate(SQLCommand, "SQLCommand", V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally If Not ScriptForge.SF_Utils._Validate(DirectSQL, "DirectSQL", ScriptForge.V_BOOLEAN) Then GoTo Finally End If If _ReadOnly Then GoTo Catch_ReadOnly Try: ' Query of SQL ? If ScriptForge.SF_Array.Contains(Queries, SQLCommand, CaseSensitive := True, SortOrder := "ASC") Then Set oQuery = _Connection.Queries.getByName(SQLCommand) sSql = oQuery.Command bDirect = Not oQuery.EscapeProcessing ElseIf Not ScriptForge.SF_String.StartsWith(SQLCommand, "SELECT", CaseSensitive := False) Then sSql = SQLCommand bDirect = DirectSQL Else GoTo Finally End If ' Execute command bResult = _ExecuteSql(sSql, bDirect) Finally: RunSql = bResult ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ExitFunction(cstThisSub) Exit Function Catch: GoTo Finally Catch_ReadOnly: ScriptForge.SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(DBREADONLYERROR) GoTo Finally End Function ' SFDatabases.SF_Database.RunSql REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function SetProperty(Optional ByVal PropertyName As Variant _ , Optional ByRef Value As Variant _ ) As Boolean ''' Set a new value to the given property ''' Args: ''' PropertyName: the name of the property as a string ''' Value: its new value ''' Exceptions ''' ARGUMENTERROR The property does not exist Const cstThisSub = "SFDatabases.Database.SetProperty" Const cstSubArgs = "PropertyName, Value" If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch SetProperty = False Check: If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then If Not SF_Utils._Validate(PropertyName, "PropertyName", V_STRING, Properties()) Then GoTo Catch End If Try: Select Case UCase(PropertyName) Case Else End Select Finally: SF_Utils._ExitFunction(cstThisSub) Exit Function Catch: GoTo Finally End Function ' SFDatabases.SF_Database.SetProperty REM =========================================================== PRIVATE FUNCTIONS REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Function _DFunction(ByVal psFunction As String _ , Optional ByVal pvExpression As Variant _ , Optional ByVal pvTableName As Variant _ , Optional ByVal pvCriteria As Variant _ , Optional ByVal pvOrderClause As Variant _ ) As Variant ''' Build and execute a SQL statement computing the aggregate function psFunction ''' on a field or expression pvExpression belonging to a table pvTableName ''' filtered by a WHERE-clause pvCriteria. ''' To order the results, a pvOrderClause may be precised. ''' Only the 1st record will be retained anyway. ''' Args: ''' psFunction an optional aggregate function: SUM, COUNT, AVG, LOOKUP ''' pvExpression: an SQL expression ''' pvTableName: the name of a table, NOT surrounded with quoting char ''' pvCriteria: an optional WHERE clause without the word WHERE ''' pvOrderClause: an optional order clause incl. "DESC" if relevant ''' (meaningful only for LOOKUP) Dim vResult As Variant ' Return value Dim oResult As Object ' Dim sSql As String ' SQL statement. Dim sExpr As String ' For inclusion of aggregate function Dim sTarget as String ' Alias of pvExpression Dim sWhere As String ' Alias of pvCriteria Dim sOrderBy As String ' Alias of pvOrderClause Dim sLimit As String ' TOP 1 clause Dim sProductName As String ' RDBMS as a string Const cstAliasField = "[" & "TMP_ALIAS_ANY_FIELD" & "]" ' Alias field in SQL expression Dim cstThisSub As String : cstThisSub = "SFDatabases.SF_Database.D" & psFunction Const cstSubArgs = "Expression, TableName, [Criteria=""""], [OrderClause=""""]" Const cstLookup = "Lookup" If ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch vResult = Null Check: If IsMissing(pvCriteria) Or IsEmpty(pvCriteria) Then pvCriteria = "" If IsMissing(pvOrderClause) Or IsEmpty(pvOrderClause) Then pvOrderClause = "" If ScriptForge.SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then If Not ScriptForge.SF_Utils._Validate(pvExpression, "Expression", V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally If Not ScriptForge.SF_Utils._Validate(pvTableName, "TableName", V_STRING, Tables) Then GoTo Finally If Not ScriptForge.SF_Utils._Validate(pvCriteria, "Criteria", V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally If Not ScriptForge.SF_Utils._Validate(pvOrderClause, "OrderClause", V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally End If Try: If pvCriteria <> "" Then sWhere = " WHERE " & pvCriteria Else sWhere = "" If pvOrderClause <> "" Then sOrderBy = " ORDER BY " & pvOrderClause Else sOrderBy = "" sLimit = "" pvTableName = "[" & pvTableName & "]" sProductName = UCase(_MetaData.getDatabaseProductName()) Select Case sProductName Case "MYSQL", "SQLITE" If psFunction = cstLookup Then sTarget = pvExpression sLimit = " LIMIT 1" Else sTarget = UCase(psFunction) & "(" & pvExpression & ")" End If sSql = "SELECT " & sTarget & " AS " & cstAliasField & " FROM " & psTableName & sWhere & sOrderBy & sLimit Case "FIREBIRD (ENGINE12)" If psFunction = cstLookup Then sTarget = "FIRST 1 " & pvExpression Else sTarget = UCase(psFunction) & "(" & pvExpression & ")" sSql = "SELECT " & sTarget & " AS " & cstAliasField & " FROM " & pvTableName & sWhere & sOrderBy Case Else ' Standard syntax - Includes HSQLDB If psFunction = cstLookup Then sTarget = "TOP 1 " & pvExpression Else sTarget = UCase(psFunction) & "(" & pvExpression & ")" sSql = "SELECT " & sTarget & " AS " & cstAliasField & " FROM " & pvTableName & sWhere & sOrderBy End Select ' Execute the SQL statement and retain the first column of the first record Set oResult = _ExecuteSql(sSql, True) If Not IsNull(oResult) And Not IsEmpty(oResult) Then If Not oResult.first() Then Goto Finally If oResult.isAfterLast() Then GoTo Finally vResult = _GetColumnValue(oResult, 1, True) ' Force return of binary field End If Set oResult = Nothing Finally: _DFunction = vResult ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ExitFunction(cstThisSub) Exit Function Catch: GoTo Finally End Function ' SFDatabases.SF_Database._DFunction REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Function _ExecuteSql(ByVal psSql As String _ , ByVal pbDirect As Boolean _ ) As Variant ''' Return a read-only Resultset based on a SELECT SQL statement or execute the given action SQL (INSERT, CREATE TABLE, ...) ''' The method raises a fatal error when the SQL statement cannot be interpreted ''' Args: ''' psSql : the SQL statement. Square brackets are replaced by the correct field surrounding character ''' pbDirect: when True, no syntax conversion is done by LO. Default = False ''' Exceptions ''' SQLSYNTAXERROR The given SQL statement is incorrect Dim vResult As Variant ' Return value - or Boolean Dim oStatement As Object ' Dim sSql As String ' Alias of psSql Dim bSelect As Boolean ' True when SELECT statement Dim bErrorHandler As Boolean ' Can be set off to ease debugging of complex SQL statements Set vResult = Nothing bErrorHandler = ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() If bErrorHandler Then On Local Error GoTo Catch Try: sSql = _ReplaceSquareBrackets(psSql) bSelect = ScriptForge.SF_String.StartsWith(sSql, "SELECT", CaseSensitive := False) Set oStatement = _Connection.createStatement() With oStatement If bSelect Then .ResultSetType = .ResultSetConcurrency = End If .EscapeProcessing = Not pbDirect ' Setup the result set If bErrorHandler Then On Local Error GoTo Catch_Sql If bSelect Then Set vResult = .executeQuery(sSql) Else vResult = .execute(sSql) End With Finally: _ExecuteSql = vResult Set oStatement = Nothing Exit Function Catch_Sql: ScriptForge.SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(SQLSYNTAXERROR, sSql) GoTo Finally Catch: GoTo Finally End Function ' SFDatabases.SF_Database._ExecuteSql REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Function _GetColumnValue(ByRef poResultSet As Object _ , ByVal plColIndex As Long _ , Optional ByVal pbReturnBinary As Boolean _ ) As Variant ''' Get the data stored in the current record of a result set in a given column ''' The type of the column is found in the resultset's metadata ''' Args: ''' poResultSet: ''' plColIndex: the index of the column to extract the value from ''' pbReturnBinary: when True, the method returns the content of a binary field, ''' as long as its length does not exceed a maximum length. ''' Default = False: binary fields are not returned, only their length ''' Returns: ''' The variant value found in the column ''' Dates and times are returned as Basic dates ''' Null values are returned as Null ''' Errors or strange data types are returned as Null as well Dim vValue As Variant ' Return value Dim lType As Long ' SQL column type: Dim vDateTime As Variant ' Dim oStream As Object ' Long character or binary streams Dim bNullable As Boolean ' The field is defined as accepting Null values Dim lSize As Long ' Binary field length Const cstMaxBinlength = 2 * 65535 On Local Error Goto 0 ' Disable error handler vValue = Null ' Default value if error If IsMissing(pbReturnBinary) Then pbReturnBinary = False With lType = poResultSet.MetaData.getColumnType(plColIndex) bNullable = ( poResultSet.MetaData.IsNullable(plColIndex) = ) Select Case lType Case .ARRAY : vValue = poResultSet.getArray(plColIndex) Case .BINARY, .VARBINARY, .LONGVARBINARY, .BLOB Set oStream = poResultSet.getBinaryStream(plColIndex) If bNullable Then If Not poResultSet.wasNull() Then If Not ScriptForge.SF_Session.HasUNOMethod(oStream, "getLength") Then ' When no recordset lSize = cstMaxBinLength Else lSize = CLng(oValue.getLength()) End If If lSize <= cstMaxBinLength And pbReturnBinary Then vValue = Array() oValue.readBytes(vValue, lSize) Else ' Return length of field, not content vValue = lSize End If End If End If oValue.closeInput() Case .BIT, .BOOLEAN : vValue = poResultSet.getBoolean(plColIndex) Case .DATE vDateTime = poResultSet.getDate(plColIndex) If Not poResultSet.wasNull() Then vValue = DateSerial(CInt(vDateTime.Year), CInt(vDateTime.Month), CInt(vDateTime.Day)) Case .DISTINCT, .OBJECT, .OTHER, .STRUCT vValue = Null Case .DOUBLE, .REAL : vValue = poResultSet.getDouble(plColIndex) Case .FLOAT : vValue = poResultSet.getFloat(plColIndex) Case .INTEGER, .SMALLINT : vValue = poResultSet.getInt(plColIndex) Case .BIGINT : vValue = CLng(poResultSet.getLong(plColIndex)) Case .DECIMAL, .NUMERIC : vValue = poResultSet.getDouble(plColIndex) Case .SQLNULL : vValue = poResultSet.getNull(plColIndex) Case .OBJECT, .OTHER, .STRUCT : vValue = Null Case .REF : vValue = poResultSet.getRef(plColIndex) Case .TINYINT : vValue = poResultSet.getShort(plColIndex) Case .CHAR, .VARCHAR : vValue = poResultSet.getString(plColIndex) Case .LONGVARCHAR, .CLOB If bNullable Then If Not poResultSet.wasNull() Then vValue = poResultSet.getString(plColIndex) Else vValue = "" End If Case .TIME vDateTime = poResultSet.getTime(plColIndex) If Not poResultSet.wasNull() Then vValue = TimeSerial(vDateTime.Hours, vDateTime.Minutes, vDateTime.Seconds)', vDateTime.HundredthSeconds) Case .TIMESTAMP vDateTime = poResultSet.getTimeStamp(plColIndex) If Not poResultSet.wasNull() Then vValue = DateSerial(CInt(vDateTime.Year), CInt(vDateTime.Month), CInt(vDateTime.Day)) _ + TimeSerial(vDateTime.Hours, vDateTime.Minutes, vDateTime.Seconds)', vDateTime.HundredthSeconds) Case Else vValue = poResultSet.getString(plColIndex) 'GIVE STRING A TRY If IsNumeric(vValue) Then vValue = Val(vValue) 'Required when type = "", sometimes numeric fields are returned as strings (query/MSAccess) End Select If bNullable Then If poResultSet.wasNull() Then vValue = Null End If End With _GetColumnValue = vValue End Function ' SFDatabases.SF_Database.GetColumnValue REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub _Initialize() ''' Complete the object creation process: ''' - Initialization of private members ''' - Creation of the dialog graphical interface ''' - Addition of the new object in the Dialogs buffer Try: ' Create the graphical interface Set _DialogControl = CreateUnoDialog(_DialogProvider) Set _DialogModel = _DialogControl.Model ' Add dialog reference to cache _CacheIndex = SF_Register._AddDialogToCache(_DialogControl, [Me]) 85 Finally: Exit Sub End Sub ' SFDatabases.SF_Database._Initialize REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Function _PropertyGet(Optional ByVal psProperty As String) As Variant ''' Return the value of the named property ''' Args: ''' psProperty: the name of the property Dim cstThisSub As String Const cstSubArgs = "" cstThisSub = "SFDatabases.Database.get" & psProperty If ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch ScriptForge.SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Select Case psProperty Case "Queries" If Not IsNull(_Connection) Then _PropertyGet = _Connection.Queries.getElementNames() Else _PropertyGet = Array() Case "Tables" If Not IsNull(_Connection) Then _PropertyGet = _Connection.Tables.getElementNames() Else _PropertyGet = Array() Case "XConnection" Set _PropertyGet = _Connection Case "XMetaData" Set _PropertyGet = _MetaData Case Else _PropertyGet = Null End Select Finally: ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ExitFunction(cstThisSub) Exit Function Catch: GoTo Finally End Function ' SFDatabases.SF_Database._PropertyGet REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Function _ReplaceSquareBrackets(ByVal psSql As String) As String ''' Returns the input SQL command after replacement of square brackets by the table/field names quoting character Dim sSql As String ' Return value Dim sQuote As String ' RDBMS specific table/field surrounding character Dim sConstQuote As String ' Delimiter for string constants in SQL - usually the single quote Const cstDouble = """" : Const cstSingle = "'" Try: sQuote = _MetaData.IdentifierQuoteString sConstQuote = Iif(sQuote = cstSingle, cstDouble, cstSingle) ' Replace the square brackets sSql = Join(ScriptForge.SF_String.SplitNotQuoted(psSql, "[", , sConstQuote), sQuote) sSql = Join(ScriptForge.SF_String.SplitNotQuoted(sSql, "]", , sConstQuote), sQuote) Finally: _ReplaceSquareBrackets = sSql Exit Function End Function ' SFDatabases.SF_Database._ReplaceSquareBrackets REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Function _Repr() As String ''' Convert the Database instance to a readable string, typically for debugging purposes (DebugPrint ...) ''' Args: ''' Return: ''' "[DATABASE]: Location (Statusbar)" _Repr = "[DATABASE]: " & _Location & " (" & _URL & ")" End Function ' SFDatabases.SF_Database._Repr REM ============================================ END OF SFDATABASES.SF_DATABASE