Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Attribute Attribute Attribute Attribute Attribute Attribute Attribute Attribute Class Class Attribute rtf:ISTD rtf:header rtf:footer rtf:headerr rtf:headerl rtf:footerr rtf:footerl rtf:headerf rtf:footerf rtf:footnote rtf:endnote rtf:annotation rtf:blob rtf:SttbAssoc 28 5 6 0xc0 2 rtf:JC 5 4 0x0 1 rtf:FNORESTART 5 3 0x8 1 rtf:FIDENTSAV 5 0 0x1 1 rtf:FTENTATIVE 6 rtf:RGBXCHNUMS 9 15 rtf:IXCHFOLLOW 16 rtf:DXASPACE 20 rtf:DXAINDENT 24 rtf:CBGRPPRLCHPX 25 rtf:CBGRPPRLPAPX 26 rtf:ilvlRestartLim 27 rtf:grfhic 28 4 31 0x80000000 1 rtf:fBuildIn 4 16 0x7fff0000 15 rtf:ilgpdM1 4 0 0xffff 16 rtf:lid 4 0 0x7fffffff 31 rtf:random 8 rtf:RGISTD 9 14 7 0x80 1 rtf:FSIMPLELIST 14 5 0x20 1 rtf:fAutoNum 14 3 0x8 1 rtf:fHybrid 14 0 0x7 3 rtf:reserved1 27 rtf:grfhic 8 the level to be overridden 0x4 0 0x0F :4 rtf:ILVL true if the start-at value is overridden 0x4 4 0x10 :1 rtf:FSTARTAT true if the formatting is overridden (in which case the LFOLVL should contain a pointer to a LVL) 0x4 5 0x20 :1 rtf:FFORMATTING reserved 0x4 6 0xC0 :2 rtf:UNSIGNED4_6 reserved 0x5 0 3 rtf:RESERVED 3 15 0 rtf:lsid 12 rtf:clfolvl 13 rtf:ibstFltAutoNum 14 rtf:grfhic 4 0 rtf:cp 40 total length of FFN - 1. 0x0 0 rtf:CBFFNM1 pitch request 0x1 0 03 :2 rtf:PRQ when 1, font is a TrueType font 0x1 2 04 :1 rtf:FTRUETYPE reserved 0x1 3 08 :1 rtf:UNUSED1_3 font family id 0x1 4 70 :3 rtf:FF reserved 0x1 7 80 :1 rtf:UNUSED1_7 base weight of font 0x2 0 rtf:WWEIGHT character set identifier 0x4 0 rtf:CHS index into ffn.szFfn to the name of the alternate font 0x5 0 rtf:IXCHSZALT ? This is supposed to be of type PANOSE. 0x6 0 rtf:PANOSE 10 ? This is supposed to be of type FONTSIGNATURE. 0x10 0 rtf:FS 24 rtf:STI rtf:FSCRATCH rtf:FINVALHEIGHT rtf:FHASUPE rtf:FMASSCOPY rtf:SGC rtf:ISTDBASE rtf:CUPX rtf:ISTDNEXT rtf:BCHUPE rtf:FAUTOREDEF rtf:FHIDDEN rtf:UNUSED8_3 898 (fibh) FIBH Beginning of the FIB header magic number 0x0000 0 rtf:WIDENT FIB version written. This will be >= 101 for all Word 6.0 for Windows and after documents. 0x0002 0 rtf:NFIB product version written by 0x0004 0 rtf:NPRODUCT language stamp -- localized version In pre-WinWord 2.0 files this value was the nLocale. If value is < 999, then it is the nLocale, otherwise it is the lid. 0x0006 0 rtf:LID 0x0008 0 rtf:PNNEXT Set if this document is a template 0x000A 0 0001 :1 rtf:FDOT Set if this document is a glossary 0x000A 1 0002 :1 rtf:FGLSY set if file contains 1 or more pictures 0x000A 3 0008 :1 rtf:FHASPIC count of times file was quicksaved 0x000A 4 00F0 :4 rtf:CQUICKSAVES Set if file is encrypted 0x000A 8 0100 :1 rtf:FENCRYPTED When 0, this fib refers to the table stream named "0Table", when 1, this fib refers to the table stream named "1Table". Normally, a file will have only one table stream, but under unusual circumstances a file may have table streams with both names. In that case, this flag must be used to decide which table stream is valid. 0x000A 9 0200 :1 rtf:FWHICHTBLSTM Set when user has recommended that file be read read-only 0x000A 10 0400 :1 rtf:FREADONLYRECOMMENDED Set when file owner has made the file write reserved 0x000A 11 0800 :1 rtf:FWRITERESERVATION Set when using extended character set in file 0x000A 12 1000 :1 rtf:FEXTCHAR REVIEW 0x000A 13 2000 :1 rtf:FLOADOVERRIDE REVIEW 0x000A 14 4000 :1 rtf:FFAREAST This file format it compatible with readers that understand nFib at or above this value. 0x000C 0 rtf:NFIBBACK File encrypted key, only valid if fEncrypted. 0x000E 0 rtf:LKEY environment in which file was created 0 created by Win Word 1 created by Mac Word 0x0012 0 rtf:ENVR when 1, this file was last saved in the Mac environment 0x0013 0 01 :1 rtf:FMAC 0x0013 1 02 :1 rtf:FEMPTYSPECIAL 0x0013 2 04 :1 rtf:FLOADOVERRIDEPAGE 0x0013 3 08 :1 rtf:FFUTURESAVEDUNDO 0x0013 4 10 :1 rtf:FWORD97SAVED 0x0013 5 FE :3 rtf:FSPARE0 Default extended character set id for text in document stream. (overridden by chp.chse) 0 by default characters in doc stream should be interpreted using the ANSI character set used by Windows 256 characters in doc stream should be interpreted using the Macintosh character set. 0x0014 0 rtf:CHS Default extended character set id for text in internal data structures 0 by default characters stored in internal data structures should be interpreted using the ANSI character set used by Windows 256 characters stored in internal data structures should be interpreted using the Macintosh character set. 0x0016 0 rtf:CHSTABLES Count of fields in the array of "shorts" 0x0020 0 rtf:CSW [Beginning of the array of shorts, rgls] Unique number Identifying the File's creator 6A62 is the creator ID for Word and is reserved. Other creators should choose a different value. 0x0022 0 rtf:WMAGICCREATED identifies the File's last modifier 0x0024 0 rtf:WMAGICREVISED private data 0x0026 0 rtf:WMAGICCREATEDPRIVATE private data 0x0028 0 rtf:WMAGICREVISEDPRIVATE not used 0x002A 0 rtf:PNFBPCHPFIRST_W6 not used 0x002C 0 rtf:PNCHPFIRST_W6 not used 0x002E 0 rtf:CPNBTECHP_W6 not used 0x0030 0 rtf:PNFBPPAPFIRST_W6 not used 0x0032 0 rtf:PNPAPFIRST_W6 not used 0x0034 0 rtf:CPNBTEPAP_W6 not used 0x0036 0 rtf:PNFBPLVCFIRST_W6 not used 0x0038 0 rtf:PNLVCFIRST_W6 not used 0x003A 0 rtf:CPNBTELVC_W6 Language id if document was written by Far East version of Word (i.e. FIB.fFarEast is on) 0x003C 0 rtf:LIDFE Number of fields in the array of longs 0x003E 0 rtf:CLW [Beginning of the array of longs, rglw] file offset of last byte written to file + 1. 0x0040 0 rtf:CBMAC contains the build date of the creator. 10695 indicates the creator program was compiled on Jan 6, 1995 0x0044 0 rtf:LPRODUCTCREATED contains the build date of the File's last modifier 0x0048 0 rtf:LPRODUCTREVISED length of main document text stream 0x004C 0 rtf:CCPTEXT length of footnote subdocument text stream 0x0050 0 rtf:CCPFTN length of header subdocument text stream 0x0054 0 rtf:CCPHDD length of macro subdocument text stream, which should now always be 0. 0x0058 0 rtf:CCPMCR length of annotation subdocument text stream 0x005C 0 rtf:CCPATN length of endnote subdocument text stream 0x0060 0 rtf:CCPEDN length of textbox subdocument text stream 0x0064 0 rtf:CCPTXBX length of header textbox subdocument text stream. 0x0068 0 rtf:CCPHDRTXBX when there was insufficient memory for Word to expand the plcfbte at save time, the plcfbte is written to the file in a linked list of 512-byte pieces starting with this pn 0x006C 0 rtf:PNFBPCHPFIRST the page number of the lowest numbered page in the document that records CHPX FKP information 0x0070 0 rtf:PNCHPFIRST count of CHPX FKPs recorded in file. In non-complex files if the number of entries in the plcfbteChpx is less than this, the plcfbteChpx is incomplete. 0x0074 0 rtf:CPNBTECHP when there was insufficient memory for Word to expand the plcfbte at save time, the plcfbte is written to the file in a linked list of 512-byte pieces starting with this pn 0x0078 0 rtf:PNFBPPAPFIRST the page number of the lowest numbered page in the document that records PAPX FKP information 0x007C 0 rtf:PNPAPFIRST count of PAPX FKPs recorded in file. In non-complex files if the number of entries in the plcfbtePapx is less than this, the plcfbtePapx is incomplete. 0x0080 0 rtf:CPNBTEPAP when there was insufficient memory for Word to expand the plcfbte at save time, the plcfbte is written to the file in a linked list of 512-byte pieces starting with this pn 0x0084 0 rtf:PNFBPLVCFIRST the page number of the lowest numbered page in the document that records LVC FKP information 0x0088 0 rtf:PNLVCFIRST count of LVC FKPs recorded in file. In non-complex files if the number of entries in the plcfbtePapx is less than this, the plcfbtePapx is incomplete. 0x008C 0 rtf:CPNBTELVC Number of fields in the array of FC/LCB pairs. 0x0098 0 rtf:CFCLCB (a.k.a FILETIME ftModified) 0x0352 0 rtf:DWLOWDATETIME 0x0356 0 rtf:DWHIGHDATETIME 0x037E 0 rtf:LCBSTTBFUSSR 856 744 rtf:fcPlcfTch 748 rtf:lcbPlcfTch 752 rtf:fcRmdThreading 756 rtf:lcbRmdThreading 760 rtf:fcMid 764 rtf:lcbMid 768 rtf:fcSttbRgtplc 772 rtf:lcbSttbRgtplc 776 rtf:fcMsoEnvelope 780 rtf:flcbMsoEnvelope 784 rtf:fcPlcfLad 788 rtf:lcbPlcfLad 792 rtf:fcRgDofr 796 rtf:lcbRgDofr 800 rtf:fcPlcosl 804 rtf:lcbPlcosl 808 rtf:fcPlcfCookieOld 812 rtf:lcbPlcfCookieOld 816 rtf:fcPgdMotherOld 820 rtf:flcbPgdMotherOld 824 rtf:fcPgdFtnOld 828 rtf:lcbPgdFtnOld 832 rtf:fcBkdFtnOld 836 rtf:lcbBkdFtnOld 840 rtf:fcPgdEdnOld 844 rtf:lcbPgdEdnOld 848 rtf:fcBkdEdnOld 852 rtf:lcbBkdEdnOld 6 when bkf.fCol is 1, this is the index to the first column of a table column bookmark. 0x2 0 007F :7 rtf:ITCFIRST when 1, this indicates that this bookmark is marking the range of a Macintosh Publisher section. 0x2 7 0080 :1 rtf:FPUB when bkf.fCol is 1, this is the index to limit column of a table column bookmark. 0x2 8 7F00 :7 rtf:ITCLIM 10 foreground color 0x0 0 4 rtf:SHDFORECOLOR background color 0x4 0 4 rtf:SHDBACKCOLOR pattern 0x8 0 2 rtf:SHDPATTERN 4 color code (see chp.ico) 0x2 0 00FF :8 rtf:ICO reserved 0x2 15 8000 :1 rtf:UNUSED2_15 20 set to 1 when cell is first cell of a range of cells that have been merged. When a cell is merged, the display areas of the merged cells are consolidated and the text within the cells is interpreted as belonging to one text stream for purposes of calculating line breaks. 0x0 0 0001 :1 rtf:FFIRSTMERGED set to 1 when cell has been merged with preceding cell. 0x0 1 0002 :1 rtf:FMERGED set to 1 when cell has vertical text flow 0x0 2 0004 :1 rtf:FVERTICAL for a vertical table cell, text flow is bottom to top when 1 and is bottom to top when 0. 0x0 3 0008 :1 rtf:FBACKWARD set to 1 when cell has rotated characters (i.e. uses @font) 0x0 4 0010 :1 rtf:FROTATEFONT set to 1 when cell is vertically merged with the cell(s) above and/or below. When cells are vertically merged, the display area of the merged cells are consolidated. The consolidated area is used to display the contents of the first vertically merged cell (the cell with fVertRestart set to 1), and all other vertically merged cells (those with fVertRestart set to 0) must be empty. Cells can only be merged vertically if their left and right boundaries are (nearly) identical (i.e. if corresponding entries in rgdxaCenter of the table rows differ by at most 3). 0x0 5 0020 :1 rtf:FVERTMERGE set to 1 when the cell is the first of a set of vertically merged cells. The contents of a cell with fVertStart set to 1 are displayed in the consolidated area belonging to the entire set of vertically merged cells. Vertically merged cells with fVertRestart set to 0 must be empty. 0x0 6 0040 :1 rtf:FVERTRESTART specifies the alignment of the cell contents relative to text flow (e.g. in a cell with bottom to top text flow and bottom vertical alignment, the text is shifted horizontally to match the cell's right boundary): 0 top 1 center 2 bottom 0x0 7 0180 :2 rtf:VERTALIGN reserved 0x0 9 FE00 :7 rtf:FUNUSED preferred size of cell 0x2 0 rtf:CellPrefferedSize BRC[cbrcTc] rgbrc: notational convenience for referring to brcTop, brcLeft, etc. fields. specification of the top border of a table cell 0x4 0 rtf:BRCTOP specification of left border of table row 0x8 0 rtf:BRCLEFT specification of bottom border of table row 0xc 0 rtf:BRCBOTTOM specification of right border of table row. 0x10 0 rtf:BRCRIGHT 4 when bkf.fCol is 1, this is the index to the first column of a table column bookmark. 0x2 0 007F :7 rtf:ITCFIRST when 1, this indicates that this bookmark is marking the range of a Macintosh Publisher section. 0x2 7 0080 :1 rtf:FPUB when bkf.fCol is 1, this is the index to limit column of a table column bookmark. 0x2 8 7F00 :7 rtf:ITCLIM 8 color of line 0x0 0 4 rtf:LINECOLOR width of line 0x4 0 1 rtf:LINEWIDTH type of line, see border type code (BRC) 0x5 0 1 rtf:LINETYPE justification code 0 left tab 1 centered tab 2 right tab 3 decimal tab 4 bar 0x0 0 07 :3 rtf:JC tab leader code 0 no leader 1 dotted leader 2 hyphenated leader 3 single line leader 4 heavy line leader 0x0 3 38 :3 rtf:TLC reserved 0x0 6 C0 :2 rtf:UNUSED0_6 Specifies the mapping mode in which the picture is drawn. 0x0 0 rtf:MM Specifies the size of the metafile picture for all modes except the MM_ISOTROPIC and MM_ANISOTROPIC modes. (For more information about these modes, see the yExt member.) The x-extent specifies the width of the rectangle within which the picture is drawn. The coordinates are in units that correspond to the mapping mode. 0x2 0 rtf:XEXT Specifies the size of the metafile picture for all modes except the MM_ISOTROPIC and MM_ANISOTROPIC modes. The y-extent specifies the height of the rectangle within which the picture is drawn. The coordinates are in units that correspond to the mapping mode. For MM_ISOTROPIC and MM_ANISOTROPIC modes, which can be scaled, the xExt and yExt members contain an optional suggested size in MM_HIMETRIC units. For MM_ANISOTROPIC pictures, xExt and yExt can be zero when no suggested size is supplied. For MM_ISOTROPIC pictures, an aspect ratio must be supplied even when no suggested size is given. (If a suggested size is given, the aspect ratio is implied by the size.) To give an aspect ratio without implying a suggested size, set xExt and yExt to negative values whose ratio is the appropriate aspect ratio. The magnitude of the negative xExt and yExt values is ignored; only the ratio is used. 0x4 0 rtf:YEXT Identifies a memory metafile. 0x6 0 rtf:HMF unknown 0x4 8 0x3 0 rtf:unknown unknown 0x4 8 0xfc 2 rtf:dropdownIndex tool tip 0x5 8 0x1 0 rtf:tooltip no mark 0x5 8 0x2 1 rtf:nomark rtf:CBHEADER rtf:MFP rtf:BM_RCWINMF rtf:DXAGOAL rtf:DYAGOAL rtf:MX rtf:MY rtf:DXACROPLEFT rtf:DYACROPTOP rtf:DXACROPRIGHT rtf:DYACROPBOTTOM rtf:BRCL rtf:FFRAMEEMPTY rtf:FBITMAP rtf:FDRAWHATCH rtf:FERROR rtf:BPP rtf:BRCTOP rtf:BRCLEFT rtf:BRCBOTTOM rtf:BRCRIGHT rtf:DXAORIGIN rtf:DYAORIGIN rtf:CPROPS 26 Shape Identifier. Used in conjunction with the office art data (found via fcDggInfo in the FIB) to find the actual data for this shape. 0x0 0 rtf:SPID xa left of rectangle enclosing shape relative to the origin of the shape 0x4 0 rtf:XALEFT ya top of rectangle enclosing shape relative to the origin of the shape 0x8 0 rtf:YATOP xa right of rectangle enclosing shape relative to the origin of the shape 0xC 0 rtf:XARIGHT ya bottom of the rectangle enclosing shape relative to the origin of the shape 0x10 0 rtf:YABOTTOM x position of shape relative to anchor CP 0 relative to page margin 1 relative to top of page 2 relative to text (column for horizontal text; paragraph for vertical text) 3 reserved for future use 0x14 1 0006 :2 rtf:BX y position of shape relative to anchor CP 0 relative to page margin 1 relative to top of page 2 relative to text (paragraph for horizontal text; column for vertical text) 0x14 3 0018 :2 rtf:BY text wrapping mode 0 like 2, but doesn't require absolute object 1 no text next to shape 2 wrap around absolute object 3 wrap as if no object present 4 wrap tightly around object 5 wrap tightly, but allow holes 6-15 reserved for future use 0x14 5 01E0 :4 rtf:WR text wrapping mode type (valid only for wrapping modes 2 and 4 0 wrap both sides 1 wrap only on left 2 wrap only on right 3 wrap only on largest side 0x14 9 1E00 :4 rtf:WRK when set, temporarily overrides bx, by, forcing the xaLeft, xaRight, yaTop, and yaBottom fields to all be page relative. 0x14 13 2000 :1 rtf:FRCASIMPLE 1 shape is below text 0 shape is above text 0x14 14 4000 :1 rtf:FBELOWTEXT 1 anchor is locked 0 anchor is not locked 0x14 15 8000 :1 rtf:FANCHORLOCK count of textboxes in shape (undo doc only) 0x16 0 rtf:CTXBX 2 type of field boundary the FLD describes: 19 field begin mark 20 field separator mark 21 field end mark 0x0 0 1F :5 rtf:CH reserved 0x0 5 E0 :3 rtf:UNUSED0_5 == 19 (field begin mark) -> U8 field type (see flt table below). == 20 (field separator mark) -> not present == 21 (field end mark) -> fDiffer:1 - ignored for saved file fZombieEmbed:1 - 1 when result still believes this field is an EMBED or LINK field. fResultDirty:1 - when user has edited or formatted the result. == 0 otherwise. fResultEdited:1 - 1 when user has inserted text into or deleted text from the result. fLocked:1 - 1 when field is locked from recalc. fPrivateResult:1 - 1 whenever the result of the field is never to be shown. fNested:1 - 1 when field is nested within another field. fHasSep:1 - 1 when field has a field separator. 0x1 0 rtf:FLT 16 left margin 0x0 0 rtf:shpLeft top margin 0x4 0 rtf:shpTop right margin 0x8 0 rtf:shpRight bottom margin 0xc 0 rtf:shpBottom 6 value is a blip ID u2013 only valid if fComplex is FALSE 0x0 1 0x4000 14 rtf:shpfBid complex property, value is length 0x0 1 0x8000 15 rtf:shpfComplex 16 The current maximum shape ID 0x0 32 0 rtf:shpspidMax The number of ID clusters (FIDCLs) 0x4 32 0 rtf:shpcidcl The total number of shapes saved (including deleted shapes, if undo information was saved) 0x8 32 0 rtf:shpcspSaved The total number of drawings saved 0xc 32 0 rtf:shpcdgSaved 4 DG owning the SPIDs in this cluster 0x0 32 0 rtf:shpdgid number of SPIDs used so far 0x4 32 0 rtf:shpcspidCur 0x24 Required type on Win32 0x0 0 rtf:shpbtWin32 Required type on Mac 0x1 0 rtf:shpbtMacOS Identifier of blip 0x2 0 rtf:shprgbUid 16 currently unused 0x12 0 rtf:shptag Blip size in stream 0x14 0 rtf:shpsize Reference count on the blip 0x18 0 rtf:shpcRef File offset in the delay stream 0x1c 0 rtf:shpfoDelay How this blip is used (MSOBLIPUSAGE 0x20 0 rtf:shpusage length of the blip name 0x21 0 rtf:shpcbName for the future 0x22 0 rtf:shpunused2 for the future 0x23 0 rtf:shpunused3 2 0x0 16 0 rtf:FRD 28 index into GrpXstAtnOwners 0x14 0 rtf:IBST unused 0x16 0 0003 :2 rtf:AK unused 0x16 2 FFFC :14 rtf:UNUSED22_2 unused 0x18 0 rtf:GRFBMC when not -1, this tag identifies the annotation bookmark that locates the range of CPs in the main document which this annotation references. 0x1A 0 rtf:LTAGBKMK 22 when not fReusable, counts the number of textboxes in this story chain 0x0 0 rtf:CTXBX when fReusable, the index of the next in the linked list of reusable FTXBXSs 0x0 0 rtf:INEXTREUSE if fReusable, counts the number of reusable FTXBXSs follow this one in the linked list 0x4 0 rtf:CREUSABLE this FTXBXS is not currently in use 0x8 0 rtf:FREUSABLE reserved 0xA 0 rtf:RESERVED Shape Identifier (see FSPA) for first Office Shape in textbox chain. 0xE 0 rtf:LID 0x12 0 rtf:TXIDUNDO The number of shapes in this drawing 0x0 32 rtf:csp The last MSOSPID given to an SP in this DG 0x4 32 rtf:spidCur 4 0 15 0x8000 1 rtf:fBuildIn 0 0 0x7fff 15 rtf:ilgbdM1 2 rtf:lid 0x246D rtf:sprmPIContextualSpacing paragraph 0xC601 rtf:sprmPIstdPermute paragraph 0x646B rtf:sprmPTabProps paragraph 0x3466 rtf:sprmTFCantSplit90 table 0x3644 rtf:sprmTCantSplit table 0x2602 rtf:sprmPIncLvl paragraph 0x2461 rtf:sprmPJcExtra paragraph 0x2403 rtf:sprmPJc paragraph 0x2404 rtf:sprmPFSideBySide paragraph 0x2405 rtf:sprmPFKeep paragraph 0x2406 rtf:sprmPFKeepFollow paragraph 0x2407 rtf:sprmPFPageBreakBefore paragraph 0x2408 rtf:sprmPBrcl paragraph 0x2409 rtf:sprmPBrcp paragraph 0x260A rtf:sprmPIlvl paragraph 0x460B rtf:sprmPIlfo paragraph 0x240C rtf:sprmPFNoLineNumb paragraph 0xC60D rtf:sprmPChgTabsPapx 0x840E rtf:sprmPDxaRight paragraph 0x840F rtf:sprmPDxaLeft paragraph 0x4610 rtf:sprmPNest paragraph 0x8411 rtf:sprmPDxaLeft1 paragraph 0x6412 rtf:sprmPDyaLine paragraph 0xA413 rtf:sprmPDyaBefore paragraph 0xA414 rtf:sprmPDyaAfter paragraph 0xC615 rtf:sprmPChgTabs paragraph 0x2416 rtf:sprmPFInTable paragraph 0x244b rtf:sprmPCell paragraph 0x244c rtf:sprmPRow paragraph 0x2417 rtf:sprmPFTtp paragraph 0x8418 rtf:sprmPDxaAbs paragraph 0x8419 rtf:sprmPDyaAbs paragraph 0x841A rtf:sprmPDxaWidth paragraph 0x261B rtf:sprmPPc paragraph 0x461C rtf:sprmPBrcTop10 paragraph 0x461D rtf:sprmPBrcLeft10 paragraph 0x461E rtf:sprmPBrcBottom10 paragraph 0x461F rtf:sprmPBrcRight10 paragraph 0x4620 rtf:sprmPBrcBetween10 paragraph 0x4621 rtf:sprmPBrcBar10 paragraph 0x4622 rtf:sprmPDxaFromText10 paragraph 0x2423 rtf:sprmPWr paragraph 0x6629 rtf:sprmPBrcBar paragraph 0x242A rtf:sprmPFNoAutoHyph paragraph 0x442B rtf:sprmPWHeightAbs paragraph 0x442C rtf:sprmPDcs paragraph 0x442D rtf:sprmPShd paragraph 0x842E rtf:sprmPDyaFromText paragraph 0x842F rtf:sprmPDxaFromText paragraph 0x2430 rtf:sprmPFLocked paragraph 0x2431 rtf:sprmPFWidowControl paragraph 0xC632 rtf:sprmPRuler paragraph 0x2433 rtf:sprmPFKinsoku paragraph 0x2434 rtf:sprmPFWordWrap paragraph 0x2435 rtf:sprmPFOverflowPunct paragraph 0x2436 rtf:sprmPFTopLinePunct paragraph 0x2437 rtf:sprmPFAutoSpaceDE paragraph 0x2438 rtf:sprmPFAutoSpaceDN paragraph 0x4439 rtf:sprmPWAlignFont paragraph 0x443A rtf:sprmPFrameTextFlow paragraph 0x243B rtf:sprmPISnapBaseLine paragraph 0xC63E rtf:sprmPAnld paragraph 0xC63F rtf:sprmPPropRMark paragraph 0x2640 rtf:sprmPOutLvl paragraph 0x2441 rtf:sprmPFBiDi paragraph 0x2443 rtf:sprmPFNumRMIns paragraph 0x2444 rtf:sprmPCrLf paragraph 0xC645 rtf:sprmPNumRM paragraph 0x6645 rtf:sprmPHugePapx paragraph 0x2447 rtf:sprmPFUsePgsuSettings paragraph 0x2448 rtf:sprmPFAdjustRight paragraph 0x0800 rtf:sprmCFRMarkDel character 0x0801 rtf:sprmCFRMark character 0x0802 rtf:sprmCFFldVanish character 0x6A03 rtf:sprmCPicLocation picture location 0x2 32 0 rtf:fcPic character 0x4804 rtf:sprmCIbstRMark character 0x6805 rtf:sprmCDttmRMark character 0x0806 rtf:sprmCFData character 0x4807 rtf:sprmCIdslRMark character 0xEA08 rtf:sprmCChs character 0x6A09 rtf:sprmCSymbol character index of font for symbol in font table 0x02 0 16 rtf:FONT character code of symbol 0x04 0 16 rtf:CHAR 0x080A rtf:sprmCFOle2 character 0x480B rtf:sprmCIdCharType character 0x2A0C rtf:sprmCHighlight character 0x680E rtf:sprmCObjLocation character 0x2A10 rtf:sprmCFFtcAsciSymb character 0x4A30 rtf:sprmCIstd character 0xCA31 rtf:sprmCIstdPermute character 0x2A32 rtf:sprmCDefault character 0x2A33 rtf:sprmCPlain character 0x2A34 rtf:sprmCKcd character 0x0835 rtf:sprmCFBold character 0x0836 rtf:sprmCFItalic character 0x0837 rtf:sprmCFStrike character 0x0838 rtf:sprmCFOutline character 0x0839 rtf:sprmCFShadow character 0x083A rtf:sprmCFSmallCaps character 0x083B rtf:sprmCFCaps character 0x083C rtf:sprmCFVanish character 0x4A3D rtf:sprmCFtcDefault character 0x2A3E rtf:sprmCKul character 0xEA3F rtf:sprmCSizePos character 0x8840 rtf:sprmCDxaSpace character 0x4A41 rtf:sprmCLid character 0x2A42 rtf:sprmCIco character 0x4A43 rtf:sprmCHps character 0x2A44 rtf:sprmCHpsInc character 0x4845 rtf:sprmCHpsPos character 0x2A46 rtf:sprmCHpsPosAdj character 0xCA47 rtf:sprmCMajority character 0x2A48 rtf:sprmCIss character 0xCA49 rtf:sprmCHpsNew50 character 0xCA4A rtf:sprmCHpsInc1 character 0x484B rtf:sprmCHpsKern character 0xCA4C rtf:sprmCMajority50 character 0x4A4D rtf:sprmCHpsMul character 0x484E rtf:sprmCYsri character 0x4A4F rtf:sprmCRgFtc0 character 0x4A50 rtf:sprmCRgFtc1 character 0x4A51 rtf:sprmCRgFtc2 character 0x4852 rtf:sprmCCharScale character 0x2A53 rtf:sprmCFDStrike character 0x0854 rtf:sprmCFImprint character 0x0875 rtf:sprmCFNoProof character 0x0818 rtf:sprmCFspecVanish character 0xca76 rtf:sprmCFitText character 0x882 rtf:sprmCComplexScript character 0x2471 rtf:sprmPTightWrap paragraph 0x0855 rtf:sprmCFSpec character 0x0856 rtf:sprmCFObj character 0xCA57 rtf:sprmCPropRMark character 0x0858 rtf:sprmCFEmboss character 0x2859 rtf:sprmCSfxText character 0x085A rtf:sprmCFBiDi character 0x085B rtf:sprmCFDiacColor character 0x085C rtf:sprmCFBoldBi character 0x085D rtf:sprmCFItalicBi character 0x4A5E rtf:sprmCFtcBi character 0x485F rtf:sprmCLidBi character 0x4A60 rtf:sprmCIcoBi character 0x4A61 rtf:sprmCHpsBi character 0xCA62 rtf:sprmCDispFldRMark character 0x4863 rtf:sprmCIbstRMarkDel character 0x6864 rtf:sprmCDttmRMarkDel character 0x6865 rtf:sprmCBrc character 0x4866 rtf:sprmCShd character 0x4867 rtf:sprmCIdslRMarkDel character 0x0868 rtf:sprmCFUsePgsuSettings character 0x486B rtf:sprmCCpg character 0x486D rtf:sprmCRgLid0_80 character 0x486E rtf:sprmCRgLid1_80 character 0x286F rtf:sprmCIdctHint character 0x2E00 rtf:sprmPicBrcl paragraph 0xCE01 rtf:sprmPicScale paragraph 0x6C02 rtf:sprmPicBrcTop paragraph 0x6C03 rtf:sprmPicBrcLeft paragraph 0x6C04 rtf:sprmPicBrcBottom paragraph 0x6C05 rtf:sprmPicBrcRight paragraph 0x3000 rtf:sprmScnsPgn unknown 0x3001 rtf:sprmSiHeadingPgn unknown 0xD202 rtf:sprmSOlstAnm unknown 0xF203 rtf:sprmSDxaColWidth unknown 0xF204 rtf:sprmSDxaColSpacing unknown 0x3005 rtf:sprmSFEvenlySpaced unknown 0x3006 rtf:sprmSFProtected unknown 0x5007 rtf:sprmSDmBinFirst unknown 0x5008 rtf:sprmSDmBinOther unknown 0x3009 rtf:sprmSBkc unknown 0x300A rtf:sprmSFTitlePage unknown 0x500B rtf:sprmSCcolumns unknown 0x900C rtf:sprmSDxaColumns unknown 0x300D rtf:sprmSFAutoPgn unknown 0x300E rtf:sprmSNfcPgn unknown 0xB00F rtf:sprmSDyaPgn unknown 0xB010 rtf:sprmSDxaPgn unknown 0x3011 rtf:sprmSFPgnRestart unknown 0x3012 rtf:sprmSFEndnote unknown 0x3013 rtf:sprmSLnc unknown 0x3014 rtf:sprmSGprfIhdt unknown 0x5015 rtf:sprmSNLnnMod unknown 0x9016 rtf:sprmSDxaLnn unknown 0xB017 rtf:sprmSDyaHdrTop unknown 0xB018 rtf:sprmSDyaHdrBottom unknown 0x3019 rtf:sprmSLBetween unknown 0x301A rtf:sprmSVjc unknown 0x501B rtf:sprmSLnnMin unknown 0x501C rtf:sprmSPgnStart unknown 0x301D rtf:sprmSBOrientation unknown 0x301E rtf:sprmSBCustomize unknown 0xB01F rtf:sprmSXaPage unknown 0xB020 rtf:sprmSYaPage unknown 0xB021 rtf:sprmSDxaLeft unknown 0xB022 rtf:sprmSDxaRight unknown 0x9023 rtf:sprmSDyaTop unknown 0x9024 rtf:sprmSDyaBottom unknown 0xB025 rtf:sprmSDzaGutter unknown 0x5026 rtf:sprmSDmPaperReq unknown 0xD227 rtf:sprmSPropRMark unknown 0x3228 rtf:sprmSFBiDi unknown 0x3229 rtf:sprmSFFacingCol unknown 0x322A rtf:sprmSFRTLGutter unknown 0x702B rtf:sprmSBrcTop unknown 0x702C rtf:sprmSBrcLeft unknown 0x702D rtf:sprmSBrcBottom unknown 0x702E rtf:sprmSBrcRight unknown 0x522F rtf:sprmSPgbProp unknown 0x7030 rtf:sprmSDxtCharSpace unknown 0x9031 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table 0x5625 rtf:sprmTSplit table 0xD626 rtf:sprmTSetBrc10 table 0x7627 rtf:sprmTSetShd table 0x7628 rtf:sprmTSetShdOdd table 0x7629 rtf:sprmTTextFlow table 0xD62A rtf:sprmTDiagLine table 0xD62B rtf:sprmTVertMerge table 0xD62C rtf:sprmTVertAlign table 0xD61A rtf:sprmTCellTopColor table 0xD61B rtf:sprmTCellLeftColor 0xD61C rtf:sprmTCellBottomColor 0xD61D rtf:sprmTCellRightColor 0xD613 rtf:sprmTGridLineProps 0x33 top line properties 0x3 0 8 rtf:LINEPROPSTOP left line properties 0xb 0 8 rtf:LINEPROPSLEFT bottom line properties 0x13 0 8 rtf:LINEPROPSBOTTOM right line properties 0x1b 0 8 rtf:LINEPROPSRIGHT horizontal line properties 0x23 0 8 rtf:LINEPROPSHORIZONTAL vertical line properties 0x2b 0 8 rtf:LINEPROPSVERTICAL table 0x6816 rtf:insrsid character 0x6817 rtf:delrsid character 0x6649 rtf:sprmPTableDepth paragraph 0xd670 rtf:sprmTCellShadow 0x6424 rtf:sprmPBrcTop BRC of top line 0x2 0 rtf:BRCTOP paragraph 0x6425 rtf:sprmPBrcLeft BRC of left line 0x2 0 rtf:BRCLEFT paragraph 0x6426 rtf:sprmPBrcBottom BRC of bottom line 0x2 0 rtf:BRCLEFT paragraph 0x6427 rtf:sprmPBrcRight BRC of top line 0x2 0 rtf:BRCRIGHT paragraph 0x6428 rtf:sprmPBrcBetween BRC 0x2 0 rtf:BRCBETWEEN paragraph 0xc64e rtf:sprmPBorderTop properties of top line 0x3 0 rtf:LINEPROPSTOP paragraph 0xc64f rtf:sprmPBorderLeft properties of left line 0x3 0 rtf:LINEPROPSLEFT paragraph 0xc650 rtf:sprmPBorderBottom properties of bottom line 0x3 0 rtf:LINEPROPSBOTTOM paragraph 0xc651 rtf:sprmPBorderRight properties of right line 0x3 0 rtf:LINEPROPSRIGHT paragraph 0xc652 rtf:sprmPBorderBetween properties of line in between 0x3 0 rtf:LINEPROPSBETWEEN paragraph 0xca72 rtf:sprmPBorderBetween properties of line in between 0x3 0 rtf:LINEPROPS character 6 rtf:sprmTTPreferredWidth 0xf614 unit 0x2 8 0 rtf:unit preferred width 0x3 16 0 rtf:preferredWidth table 6 rtf:sprmTTRLeft 0xf661 unit 0x2 8 0 rtf:unit table indent from left 0x3 16 0 rtf:trleft table 0xCA78 rtf:sprmCEastAsianLayout East Asian Typography Setting 0x2 32 0 rtf:fcEastAsianLayout character 0xF617 rtf:sprmTWidthBefore table 0x0 8 rtf:ftsWidth 0x1 16 rtf:wWidth 0xF618 rtf:sprmTWidthAfter table 0x0 8 rtf:ftsWidth 0x1 16 rtf:wWidth 0x8460 rtf:sprmPDxaLeft1 paragraph 0x6467 rtf:sprmPRsid paragraph 0x6815 rtf:sprmCRsidProp paragraph 0x4873 rtf:sprmCRgLid0 character 0x4874 rtf:sprmCRgLid1 character 0xD634 rtf:sprmTCellPaddingDefault table 0x2 16 rtf:itc 0x4 8 rtf:grfbrc 0x5 8 rtf:ftsWidth 0x6 16 rtf:wWidth 0x7479 rtf:sprmTRsid table 0x3615 rtf:sprmTFAutofit table 0x360D rtf:sprmTPc table 2 4 0xf0 4 rtf:padding 2 2 0xc 2 rtf:pcVert 2 0 0x3 2 rtf:pcHorz 0x940F rtf:sprmTDyaAbs table 0x9410 rtf:sprmTDxaFromText table 0x9411 rtf:sprmTDyaFromText table 0x941E rtf:sprmTDxaFromTextRight table 0x941F rtf:sprmTDyaFromTextBottom table 0x3465 rtf:sprmTFNoAllowOverlap table 0xf122 0xf009 the rectangle of the grouped shape 0x8 0 rtf:rectangle 0xf00a shape type 0x0 12 0xfff0 4 rtf:shptype shape id 0x8 32 rtf:shpid This shape is a group shape 0x0c 1 0x1 0 rtf:shpfGroup Not a top-level shape 0x0c 1 0x2 1 rtf:shpfChild This is the topmost group shape. Exactly one of these per drawing. 0x0c 1 0x4 2 rtf:shpfPatriarch The shape has been deleted 0x0c 1 0x8 3 rtf:shpfDeleted The shape is an OLE object 0x0c 1 0x10 4 rtf:shpfOleShape Shape has a hspMaster property 0x0c 1 0x20 5 rtf:shpfHaveMaster Shape is flipped horizontally 0x0c 1 0x40 6 rtf:shpfFlipH Shape is flipped vertically 0x0c 1 0x80 7 rtf:shpfFlipV Connector type of shape 0x0c 1 0x100 8 rtf:shpfConnector Shape has an anchor of some kind 0x0c 1 0x200 9 rtf:shpfHaveAnchor Background shape 0x0c 1 0x400 10 rtf:shpfBackground Not yet used 0x0c 20 0xfffff000 0 rtf:reserved 0xf01e the actual PNG 0x19 rtf:payload 0xf01f the actual DIB 0x19 rtf:payload