Background 1 Text 1 Background 2 Text 2 Accent 1 Accent 2 Accent 3 Accent 4 Accent 5 Accent 6 Hyperlink Followed Hyperlink Name Name Light Rig Direction tl t tr l r bl b br Light Rig Type legacyFlat1 legacyFlat2 legacyFlat3 legacyFlat4 legacyNormal1 legacyNormal2 legacyNormal3 legacyNormal4 legacyHarsh1 legacyHarsh2 legacyHarsh3 legacyHarsh4 threePt balanced soft harsh flood contrasting morning sunrise sunset chilly freezing flat twoPt glow brightRoom Rig Preset Direction tl t tr l r bl b br legacyFlat1 legacyFlat2 legacyFlat3 legacyFlat4 legacyNormal1 legacyNormal2 legacyNormal3 legacyNormal4 legacyHarsh1 legacyHarsh2 legacyHarsh3 legacyHarsh4 threePt balanced soft harsh flood contrasting morning sunrise sunset chilly freezing flat twoPt glow brightRoom Bevel Presets relaxedInset circle slope cross angle softRound convex coolSlant divot riblet hardEdge artDeco Width Height Preset Bevel Preset Material Type legacyMatte legacyPlastic legacyMetal legacyWireframe matte plastic metal warmMatte translucentPowder powder dkEdge softEdge clear flat softmetal Shape Depth Extrusion Height Contour Width Preset Material Type Z Coordinate relaxedInset circle slope cross angle softRound convex coolSlant divot riblet hardEdge artDeco legacyMatte legacyPlastic legacyMetal legacyWireframe matte plastic metal warmMatte translucentPowder powder dkEdge softEdge clear flat softmetal Preset Camera Type legacyObliqueTopLeft legacyObliqueTop legacyObliqueTopRight legacyObliqueLeft legacyObliqueFront legacyObliqueRight legacyObliqueBottomLeft legacyObliqueBottom legacyObliqueBottomRight legacyPerspectiveTopLeft legacyPerspectiveTop legacyPerspectiveTopRight legacyPerspectiveLeft legacyPerspectiveFront legacyPerspectiveRight legacyPerspectiveBottomLeft legacyPerspectiveBottom legacyPerspectiveBottomRight orthographicFront isometricTopUp isometricTopDown isometricBottomUp isometricBottomDown isometricLeftUp isometricLeftDown isometricRightUp isometricRightDown isometricOffAxis1Left isometricOffAxis1Right isometricOffAxis1Top isometricOffAxis2Left isometricOffAxis2Right isometricOffAxis2Top isometricOffAxis3Left isometricOffAxis3Right isometricOffAxis3Bottom isometricOffAxis4Left isometricOffAxis4Right isometricOffAxis4Bottom obliqueTopLeft obliqueTop obliqueTopRight obliqueLeft obliqueRight obliqueBottomLeft obliqueBottom obliqueBottomRight perspectiveFront perspectiveLeft perspectiveRight perspectiveAbove perspectiveBelow perspectiveAboveLeftFacing perspectiveAboveRightFacing perspectiveContrastingLeftFacing perspectiveContrastingRightFacing perspectiveHeroicLeftFacing perspectiveHeroicRightFacing perspectiveHeroicExtremeLeftFacing perspectiveHeroicExtremeRightFacing perspectiveRelaxed perspectiveRelaxedModerately Preset Camera Type Field of View Zoom legacyObliqueTopLeft legacyObliqueTop legacyObliqueTopRight legacyObliqueLeft legacyObliqueFront legacyObliqueRight legacyObliqueBottomLeft legacyObliqueBottom legacyObliqueBottomRight legacyPerspectiveTopLeft 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perspectiveHeroicRightFacing perspectiveHeroicExtremeLeftFacing perspectiveHeroicExtremeRightFacing perspectiveRelaxed perspectiveRelaxedModerately Style Matrix Column Index Font Collection Index major minor none Theme Color Reference dk1 lt1 dk2 lt2 accent1 accent2 accent3 accent4 accent5 accent6 hlink folHlink Name Name Name Name Script Script Typeface Typeface Name Name Name Name major minor none dk1 lt1 dk2 lt2 accent1 accent2 accent3 accent4 accent5 accent6 hlink folHlink Text Point -400000 400000 Text Non-Negative Point 0 400000 Text Font Size 100 400000 Panose Type 10 Text Typeface Text Typeface Panose Setting Similar Font Family Similar Font Family Similar Character Set Similar Character Set Language ID Text Underline Types none words sng dbl heavy dotted dottedHeavy dash dashHeavy dashLong dashLongHeavy dotDash dotDashHeavy dotDotDash dotDotDashHeavy wavy wavyHeavy wavyDbl Text Strike Type noStrike sngStrike dblStrike Text Cap Types none small all Kumimoji Kumimoji Language ID Alternative Language Font Size Bold Bold Italics Italics Underline Strikethrough Kerning Capitalization Spacing Normalize Heights Normalize Heights Baseline No Proofing No Proofing Dirty Dirty Spelling Error Spelling Error SmartTag Clean SmartTag Clean SmartTag ID SmartTag ID Bookmark Link Target Bookmark Link Target none words sng dbl heavy dotted dottedHeavy dash dashHeavy dashLong dashLongHeavy dotDash dotDashHeavy dotDotDash dotDotDashHeavy wavy wavyHeavy wavyDbl noStrike sngStrike dblStrike none small all Threshold Amount Radius Alpha Threshold Radius Grow Bounds Grow Bounds Consider Alpha Values Consider Alpha Values Radius Hue Saturation Luminance Blur Radius Distance Direction Brightness Contrast Blur Radius Shadow Offset Distance Shadow Direction Horizontal Scaling Factor Vertical Scaling Factor Horizontal Skew Vertical Skew Shadow Alignment Rotate With Shape Rotate With Shape Preset Shadow Type shdw1 shdw2 shdw3 shdw4 shdw5 shdw6 shdw7 shdw8 shdw9 shdw10 shdw11 shdw12 shdw13 shdw14 shdw15 shdw16 shdw17 shdw18 shdw19 shdw20 Preset Shadow Distance Direction Blur Radius Start Opacity Start Position End Alpha End Position Distance Direction Fade Direction Horizontal Ratio Vertical Ratio Horizontal Skew Vertical Skew Shadow Alignment Rotate With Shape Rotate With Shape Offset X Offset Y Radius Hue Amount Horizontal Ratio Vertical Ratio Horizontal Skew Vertical Skew Horizontal Shift Vertical Shift Angle Scaled Scaled Path Shade Type shape circle rect Gradient Fill Path Tile Flip Mode none x y xy Position Tile Flip Rotate With Shape Rotate With Shape Horizontal Offset Vertical Offset Horizontal Ratio Vertical Ratio Tile Flipping Alignment Blip Compression Type email screen print hqprint none Compression State DPI Setting DPI Setting Rotate With Shape Rotate With Shape Preset Pattern Value pct5 pct10 pct20 pct25 pct30 pct40 pct50 pct60 pct70 pct75 pct80 pct90 horz vert ltHorz ltVert dkHorz dkVert narHorz narVert dashHorz dashVert cross dnDiag upDiag ltDnDiag 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Numerator Denominator Denominator X-Axis Coordinate Y-Axis Coordinate Extent Length Extent Width Red Green Blue Hex Binary of Length 3 3 Value Hue Saturation Luminance System Color Value scrollBar background activeCaption inactiveCaption menu window windowFrame menuText windowText captionText activeBorder inactiveBorder appWorkspace highlight highlightText btnFace btnShadow grayText btnText inactiveCaptionText btnHighlight 3dDkShadow 3dLight infoText infoBk hotLight gradientActiveCaption gradientInactiveCaption menuHighlight menuBar Value Last Color Scheme Color bg1 tx1 bg2 tx2 accent1 accent2 accent3 accent4 accent5 accent6 hlink folHlink phClr dk1 lt1 dk2 lt2 Value Preset Color Value aliceBlue antiqueWhite aqua aquamarine azure beige bisque black blanchedAlmond blue blueViolet brown burlyWood cadetBlue chartreuse chocolate coral cornflowerBlue cornsilk crimson cyan dkBlue dkCyan dkGoldenrod dkGray dkGreen dkKhaki dkMagenta dkOliveGreen dkOrange dkOrchid dkRed dkSalmon dkSeaGreen dkSlateBlue dkSlateGray dkTurquoise dkViolet deepPink deepSkyBlue dimGray dodgerBlue firebrick floralWhite forestGreen fuchsia gainsboro ghostWhite gold goldenrod gray green greenYellow honeydew hotPink indianRed indigo ivory khaki lavender lavenderBlush lawnGreen lemonChiffon ltBlue ltCoral ltCyan ltGoldenrodYellow ltGray ltGreen ltPink ltSalmon ltSeaGreen ltSkyBlue ltSlateGray ltSteelBlue ltYellow lime limeGreen linen magenta maroon medAquamarine medBlue medOrchid medPurple medSeaGreen medSlateBlue medSpringGreen medTurquoise medVioletRed midnightBlue mintCream mistyRose moccasin navajoWhite navy oldLace olive oliveDrab orange orangeRed orchid paleGoldenrod paleGreen paleTurquoise paleVioletRed papayaWhip peachPuff peru pink plum powderBlue purple red rosyBrown royalBlue saddleBrown salmon sandyBrown seaGreen seaShell sienna silver skyBlue slateBlue slateGray snow springGreen steelBlue tan teal thistle tomato turquoise violet wheat white whiteSmoke yellow yellowGreen Value Rotation Horizontal Flip Horizontal Flip Vertical Flip Vertical Flip Rotation Horizontal Flip Horizontal Flip Vertical Flip Vertical Flip X-Coordinate in 3D Y-Coordinate in 3D Z-Coordinate in 3D Distance along X-axis in 3D Distance along Y-axis in 3D Distance along Z-axis in 3D Latitude Longitude Revolution Left Offset Top Offset Right Offset Bottom Offset Rectangle Alignments tl t tr l ctr r bl b br GUID Method \{[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{12}\} Black and White Mode clr auto gray ltGray invGray grayWhite blackGray blackWhite black white hidden Sound Name Sound Name Recognized Built-In Sound Recognized Built-In Sound Invalid URL Invalid URL Action Setting Action Setting Target Frame Target Frame Hyperlink Tooltip Hyperlink Tooltip Add Hyperlink to Page History Add Hyperlink to Page History Highlight Click Highlight Click End Sounds End Sounds Drawing Element ID scrollBar background activeCaption inactiveCaption menu window windowFrame menuText windowText captionText activeBorder inactiveBorder appWorkspace highlight highlightText btnFace btnShadow grayText btnText inactiveCaptionText btnHighlight 3dDkShadow 3dLight infoText infoBk hotLight gradientActiveCaption gradientInactiveCaption menuHighlight menuBar bg1 tx1 bg2 tx2 accent1 accent2 accent3 accent4 accent5 accent6 hlink folHlink phClr dk1 lt1 dk2 lt2 aliceBlue antiqueWhite aqua aquamarine azure beige bisque black blanchedAlmond blue blueViolet brown burlyWood cadetBlue chartreuse chocolate coral cornflowerBlue cornsilk crimson cyan deepPink deepSkyBlue dimGray dkBlue dkCyan dkGoldenrod dkGray dkGreen dkKhaki dkMagenta dkOliveGreen dkOrange dkOrchid dkRed dkSalmon dkSeaGreen dkSlateBlue dkSlateGray dkTurquoise dkViolet dodgerBlue firebrick floralWhite forestGreen fuchsia gainsboro ghostWhite gold goldenrod gray green greenYellow honeydew hotPink indianRed indigo ivory khaki lavender lavenderBlush lawnGreen lemonChiffon lime limeGreen linen ltBlue ltCoral ltCyan ltGoldenrodYellow ltGray ltGreen ltPink ltSalmon ltSeaGreen ltSkyBlue ltSlateGray ltSteelBlue ltYellow magenta maroon medAquamarine medBlue medOrchid medPurple medSeaGreen medSlateBlue medSpringGreen medTurquoise medVioletRed midnightBlue mintCream mistyRose moccasin navajoWhite navy oldLace olive oliveDrab orange orangeRed orchid paleGoldenrod paleGreen paleTurquoise paleVioletRed papayaWhip peachPuff peru pink plum powderBlue purple red rosyBrown royalBlue saddleBrown salmon sandyBrown seaGreen seaShell sienna silver skyBlue slateBlue slateGray snow springGreen steelBlue tan teal thistle tomato turquoise violet wheat white whiteSmoke yellow yellowGreen tl t tr l ctr r bl b br clr auto gray ltGray invGray grayWhite blackGray blackWhite black white hidden Disallow Shape Grouping Disallow Shape Grouping Disallow Shape Selection Disallow Shape Selection Disallow Shape Rotation Disallow Shape Rotation Disallow Aspect Ratio Change Disallow Aspect Ratio Change Disallow Shape Movement Disallow Shape Movement Disallow Shape Resize Disallow Shape Resize Disallow Shape Point Editing Disallow Shape Point Editing Disallow Showing Adjust Handles Disallow Showing Adjust Handles Disallow Arrowhead Changes Disallow Arrowhead Changes Disallow Shape Type Change Disallow Shape Type Change Disallow Shape Text Editing Disallow Shape Text Editing Disallow Crop Changes Disallow Crop Changes Disallow Shape Grouping Disallow Shape Grouping Disallow Shape Ungrouping Disallow Shape Ungrouping Disallow Shape Selection Disallow Shape Selection Disallow Shape Rotation Disallow Shape Rotation Disallow Aspect Ratio Change Disallow Aspect Ratio Change Disallow Moving Shape Disallow Moving Shape Disallow Shape Resizing Disallow Shape Resizing Disallow Shape Grouping Disallow Shape Grouping Disallow Selection of Child Shapes Disallow Selection of Child Shapes Disallow Shape Selection Disallow Shape Selection Disallow Aspect Ratio Change Disallow Aspect Ratio Change Disallow Shape Movement Disallow Shape Movement Disallow Shape Resize Disallow Shape Resize Unique Identifier Name Name Alternative Text for Object Alternative Text for Object Hidden Hidden Title Title Text Box Text Box Relative Resize Preferred Relative Resize Preferred Uniform Resource Identifier Uniform Resource Identifier margin page leftMargin rightMargin insideMargin outsideMargin margin page topMargin bottomMargin insideMargin outsideMargin margin page leftMargin rightMargin insideMargin outsideMargin margin page topMargin bottomMargin insideMargin outsideMargin bg1 tx1 bg2 tx2 accent1 accent2 accent3 accent4 accent5 accent6 hlink folHlink dk1 lt1 dk2 lt2 phClr none tl t tr l ctr r bl b br rnd sq flat sng dbl thickThin thinThick tri ctr in true false 0 1 shape circle rect solid dot sysDot dash sysDash lgDash dashDot sysDashDot lgDashDot lgDashDotDot sysDashDotDot legacyObliqueTopLeft legacyObliqueTop legacyObliqueTopRight legacyObliqueLeft legacyObliqueFront legacyObliqueRight legacyObliqueBottomLeft legacyObliqueBottom legacyObliqueBottomRight legacyPerspectiveTopLeft legacyPerspectiveTop legacyPerspectiveTopRight legacyPerspectiveLeft legacyPerspectiveFront legacyPerspectiveRight legacyPerspectiveBottomLeft legacyPerspectiveBottom legacyPerspectiveBottomRight orthographicFront isometricTopUp isometricTopDown isometricBottomUp isometricBottomDown isometricLeftUp isometricLeftDown isometricRightUp isometricRightDown isometricOffAxis1Left isometricOffAxis1Right isometricOffAxis1Top isometricOffAxis2Left isometricOffAxis2Right isometricOffAxis2Top isometricOffAxis3Left isometricOffAxis3Right isometricOffAxis3Bottom isometricOffAxis4Left isometricOffAxis4Right isometricOffAxis4Bottom obliqueTopLeft obliqueTop obliqueTopRight obliqueLeft obliqueRight obliqueBottomLeft obliqueBottom obliqueBottomRight perspectiveFront perspectiveLeft perspectiveRight perspectiveAbove perspectiveBelow perspectiveAboveLeftFacing perspectiveAboveRightFacing perspectiveContrastingLeftFacing perspectiveContrastingRightFacing perspectiveHeroicLeftFacing perspectiveHeroicRightFacing perspectiveHeroicExtremeLeftFacing perspectiveHeroicExtremeRightFacing perspectiveRelaxed perspectiveRelaxedModerately legacyFlat1 legacyFlat2 legacyFlat3 legacyFlat4 legacyNormal1 legacyNormal2 legacyNormal3 legacyNormal4 legacyHarsh1 legacyHarsh2 legacyHarsh3 legacyHarsh4 threePt balanced soft harsh flood contrasting morning sunrise sunset chilly freezing flat twoPt glow brightRoom tl t tr l r bl b br relaxedInset circle slope cross angle softRound convex coolSlant divot riblet hardEdge artDeco legacyMatte legacyPlastic legacyMetal legacyWireframe matte plastic metal warmMatte translucentPowder powder dkEdge softEdge clear flat softmetal none none standard contextual historical discretional standardContextual standardHistorical contextualHistorical standardDiscretional contextualDiscretional historicalDiscretional standardContextualHistorical standardContextualDiscretional standardHistoricalDiscretional contextualHistoricalDiscretional all default lining oldStyle default proportional tabular Positive Coordinate 0 27273042316900 Hexadecimal Color Value 3 Positive fixed precentage 0 27273042316900 Positive precentage 0 27273042316900 Precentage 0 27273042316900 Positive fixed angle 0 21600000 Fixed angle -5400000 5400000 Line width 0 20116800 Unsigned Decimal Number Value String value checked checkedState uncheckedState bg1 tx1 bg2 tx2 accent1 accent2 accent3 accent4 accent5 accent6 hlink folHlink dk1 lt1 dk2 lt2 phClr none tl t tr l ctr r bl b br rnd sq flat sng dbl thickThin thinThick tri ctr in true false 0 1 shape circle rect solid dot sysDot dash sysDash lgDash dashDot sysDashDot lgDashDot lgDashDotDot sysDashDotDot legacyObliqueTopLeft legacyObliqueTop legacyObliqueTopRight legacyObliqueLeft legacyObliqueFront legacyObliqueRight legacyObliqueBottomLeft legacyObliqueBottom legacyObliqueBottomRight legacyPerspectiveTopLeft legacyPerspectiveTop legacyPerspectiveTopRight legacyPerspectiveLeft legacyPerspectiveFront legacyPerspectiveRight legacyPerspectiveBottomLeft legacyPerspectiveBottom legacyPerspectiveBottomRight orthographicFront isometricTopUp isometricTopDown isometricBottomUp isometricBottomDown isometricLeftUp isometricLeftDown isometricRightUp isometricRightDown isometricOffAxis1Left isometricOffAxis1Right isometricOffAxis1Top isometricOffAxis2Left isometricOffAxis2Right isometricOffAxis2Top isometricOffAxis3Left isometricOffAxis3Right isometricOffAxis3Bottom isometricOffAxis4Left isometricOffAxis4Right isometricOffAxis4Bottom obliqueTopLeft obliqueTop obliqueTopRight obliqueLeft obliqueRight obliqueBottomLeft obliqueBottom obliqueBottomRight perspectiveFront perspectiveLeft perspectiveRight perspectiveAbove perspectiveBelow perspectiveAboveLeftFacing perspectiveAboveRightFacing perspectiveContrastingLeftFacing perspectiveContrastingRightFacing perspectiveHeroicLeftFacing perspectiveHeroicRightFacing perspectiveHeroicExtremeLeftFacing perspectiveHeroicExtremeRightFacing perspectiveRelaxed perspectiveRelaxedModerately legacyFlat1 legacyFlat2 legacyFlat3 legacyFlat4 legacyNormal1 legacyNormal2 legacyNormal3 legacyNormal4 legacyHarsh1 legacyHarsh2 legacyHarsh3 legacyHarsh4 threePt balanced soft harsh flood contrasting morning sunrise sunset chilly freezing flat twoPt glow brightRoom tl t tr l r bl b br relaxedInset circle slope cross angle softRound convex coolSlant divot riblet hardEdge artDeco legacyMatte legacyPlastic legacyMetal legacyWireframe matte plastic metal warmMatte translucentPowder powder dkEdge softEdge clear flat softmetal none none standard contextual historical discretional standardContextual standardHistorical contextualHistorical standardDiscretional contextualDiscretional historicalDiscretional standardContextualHistorical standardContextualDiscretional standardHistoricalDiscretional contextualHistoricalDiscretional all default lining oldStyle default proportional tabular Preset Shape Types line lineInv triangle rtTriangle rect diamond parallelogram trapezoid nonIsoscelesTrapezoid pentagon hexagon heptagon octagon decagon dodecagon star4 star5 star6 star7 star8 star10 star12 star16 star24 star32 roundRect round1Rect round2SameRect round2DiagRect snipRoundRect snip1Rect snip2SameRect snip2DiagRect plaque ellipse teardrop homePlate chevron pieWedge pie blockArc donut noSmoking rightArrow leftArrow upArrow downArrow stripedRightArrow notchedRightArrow bentUpArrow leftRightArrow upDownArrow leftUpArrow leftRightUpArrow quadArrow leftArrowCallout rightArrowCallout upArrowCallout downArrowCallout leftRightArrowCallout upDownArrowCallout quadArrowCallout bentArrow uturnArrow circularArrow leftCircularArrow leftRightCircularArrow curvedRightArrow curvedLeftArrow curvedUpArrow curvedDownArrow swooshArrow cube can lightningBolt heart sun moon smileyFace irregularSeal1 irregularSeal2 foldedCorner bevel frame halfFrame corner diagStripe chord arc leftBracket rightBracket leftBrace rightBrace bracketPair bracePair straightConnector1 bentConnector2 bentConnector3 bentConnector4 bentConnector5 curvedConnector2 curvedConnector3 curvedConnector4 curvedConnector5 callout1 callout2 callout3 accentCallout1 accentCallout2 accentCallout3 borderCallout1 borderCallout2 borderCallout3 accentBorderCallout1 accentBorderCallout2 accentBorderCallout3 wedgeRectCallout wedgeRoundRectCallout wedgeEllipseCallout cloudCallout cloud ribbon ribbon2 ellipseRibbon ellipseRibbon2 leftRightRibbon verticalScroll horizontalScroll wave doubleWave plus flowChartProcess flowChartDecision flowChartInputOutput flowChartPredefinedProcess flowChartInternalStorage flowChartDocument flowChartMultidocument flowChartTerminator flowChartPreparation flowChartManualInput flowChartManualOperation flowChartConnector flowChartPunchedCard flowChartPunchedTape flowChartSummingJunction flowChartOr flowChartCollate flowChartSort flowChartExtract flowChartMerge flowChartOfflineStorage flowChartOnlineStorage flowChartMagneticTape flowChartMagneticDisk flowChartMagneticDrum flowChartDisplay flowChartDelay flowChartAlternateProcess flowChartOffpageConnector actionButtonBlank actionButtonHome actionButtonHelp actionButtonInformation actionButtonForwardNext actionButtonBackPrevious actionButtonEnd actionButtonBeginning actionButtonReturn actionButtonDocument actionButtonSound actionButtonMovie gear6 gear9 funnel mathPlus mathMinus mathMultiply mathDivide mathEqual mathNotEqual cornerTabs squareTabs plaqueTabs chartX chartStar chartPlus Preset Text Shape Types textNoShape textPlain textStop textTriangle textTriangleInverted textChevron textChevronInverted textRingInside textRingOutside textArchUp textArchDown textCircle textButton textArchUpPour textArchDownPour textCirclePour textButtonPour textCurveUp textCurveDown textCanUp textCanDown textWave1 textWave2 textDoubleWave1 textWave4 textInflate textDeflate textInflateBottom textDeflateBottom textInflateTop textDeflateTop textDeflateInflate 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trapezoid nonIsoscelesTrapezoid pentagon hexagon heptagon octagon decagon dodecagon star4 star5 star6 star7 star8 star10 star12 star16 star24 star32 roundRect round1Rect round2SameRect round2DiagRect snipRoundRect snip1Rect snip2SameRect snip2DiagRect plaque ellipse teardrop homePlate chevron pieWedge pie blockArc donut noSmoking rightArrow leftArrow upArrow downArrow stripedRightArrow notchedRightArrow bentUpArrow leftRightArrow upDownArrow leftUpArrow leftRightUpArrow quadArrow leftArrowCallout rightArrowCallout upArrowCallout downArrowCallout leftRightArrowCallout upDownArrowCallout quadArrowCallout bentArrow uturnArrow circularArrow leftCircularArrow leftRightCircularArrow curvedRightArrow curvedLeftArrow curvedUpArrow curvedDownArrow swooshArrow cube can lightningBolt heart sun moon smileyFace irregularSeal1 irregularSeal2 foldedCorner bevel frame halfFrame corner diagStripe chord arc leftBracket rightBracket leftBrace rightBrace bracketPair bracePair straightConnector1 bentConnector2 bentConnector3 bentConnector4 bentConnector5 curvedConnector2 curvedConnector3 curvedConnector4 curvedConnector5 callout1 callout2 callout3 accentCallout1 accentCallout2 accentCallout3 borderCallout1 borderCallout2 borderCallout3 accentBorderCallout1 accentBorderCallout2 accentBorderCallout3 wedgeRectCallout wedgeRoundRectCallout wedgeEllipseCallout cloudCallout cloud ribbon ribbon2 ellipseRibbon ellipseRibbon2 leftRightRibbon verticalScroll horizontalScroll wave doubleWave plus flowChartProcess flowChartDecision flowChartInputOutput flowChartPredefinedProcess flowChartInternalStorage flowChartDocument flowChartMultidocument flowChartTerminator flowChartPreparation flowChartManualInput flowChartManualOperation flowChartConnector flowChartPunchedCard flowChartPunchedTape flowChartSummingJunction flowChartOr flowChartCollate flowChartSort flowChartExtract flowChartMerge flowChartOfflineStorage flowChartOnlineStorage flowChartMagneticTape flowChartMagneticDisk flowChartMagneticDrum flowChartDisplay flowChartDelay flowChartAlternateProcess flowChartOffpageConnector actionButtonBlank actionButtonHome actionButtonHelp actionButtonInformation actionButtonForwardNext actionButtonBackPrevious actionButtonEnd actionButtonBeginning actionButtonReturn actionButtonDocument actionButtonSound actionButtonMovie gear6 gear9 funnel mathPlus mathMinus mathMultiply mathDivide mathEqual mathNotEqual cornerTabs squareTabs plaqueTabs chartX chartStar chartPlus textNoShape textPlain textStop textTriangle textTriangleInverted textChevron textChevronInverted textRingInside textRingOutside textArchUp textArchDown textCircle textButton textArchUpPour textArchDownPour textCirclePour textButtonPour textCurveUp textCurveDown textCanUp textCanDown textWave1 textWave2 textDoubleWave1 textWave4 textInflate textDeflate textInflateBottom textDeflateBottom textInflateTop textDeflateTop textDeflateInflate textDeflateInflateDeflate textFadeRight textFadeLeft textFadeUp textFadeDown textSlantUp textSlantDown textCascadeUp textCascadeDown none norm lighten lightenLess darken darkenLess Additional Extent on Left Edge Additional Extent on Top Edge Additional Extent on Right Edge Additional Extent on Bottom Edge Distance from Text 4 Distance From Text on Top Edge Distance From Text on Bottom Edge Distance From Text on Left Edge Distance From Text on Right Edge Text Wrapping Location bothSides left right largest Wrapping Points Modified Wrapping Points Modified Text Wrapping Location Distance From Text (Top) Distance From Text on Bottom Edge Distance From Text on Left Edge Distance From Text on Right Edge Text Wrapping Location Distance From Test on Left Edge Distance From Text on Right Edge Text Wrapping Location Distance From Text on Left Edge Distance From Text on Right Edge Distance From Text on Top Edge Distance From Text on Bottom Edge Absolute Position Offset Value Relative Horizontal Alignment Positions left right center inside outside Horizontal 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Shape Type Reference Shape Type Reference Adjustment Parameters Adjustment Parameters Edge Path Edge Path Shape Fill Toggle Fill Color Image Transparency Color VML Extension Handling Behavior Hyperlink Target Hyperlink Target Hyperlink Display Target Hyperlink Display Target CSS Reference CSS Reference Shape Title Shape Title Alternate Text Alternate Text Coordinate Space Size Coordinate Space Size Coordinate Space Origin Coordinate Space Origin Shape Bounding Polygon Shape Bounding Polygon Print Toggle Fill Color Opacity Fill Color Opacity Shape Stroke Toggle Shape Stroke Color Shape Stroke Weight Shape Stroke Weight Inset Border From Path Image Source Image Source Image Left Crop Image Left Crop Image Top Crop Image Top Crop Image Right Crop Image Right Crop Image Bottom Crop Image Bottom Crop Image Intensity Image Intensity Image Brightness Image Brightness Image Gamma Correction Image Gamma Correction Image Grayscale Toggle Image Bilevel Toggle Stroke Toggle Stroke Weight Stroke Weight Stroke Color Stroke Opacity Stroke Opacity Stroke Line Style Miter Joint Limit Miter Joint Limit Line End Join Style Line End Cap Stroke Dash Pattern Stroke Dash Pattern Stroke Image Style Stroke Image Location Stroke Image Location Stroke Image Aspect Ratio Stroke Image Size Stroke Image Size Stoke Image Alignment Stroke Alternate Pattern Color Line Start Arrowhead Line Start Arrowhead Width Line Start Arrowhead Length Line End Arrowhead Line End Arrowhead Width Line End Arrowhead Length Inset Border From Path Storage for Alternate Math Content Storage for Alternate Math Content Group Diagram Type Fill Type Fill Toggle Primary Color Primary Color Opacity Primary Color Opacity Secondary Color Fill Image Source Fill Image Source Fill Image Size Fill Image Size Fill Image Origin Fill Image Origin Fill Image Position Fill Image Position Image Aspect Ratio Intermediate Colors Intermediate Colors Gradient Angle Gradient Angle Align Image With Shape Gradient Center Gradient Center Radial Gradient Size Radial Gradient Size Radial Gradient Center Radial Gradient Center Gradient Fill Method Recolor Fill as Picture Rotate Fill with Shape Equation Equation Handle Position Handle Position Handle Polar Center Handle Polar Center Handle Coordinate Mapping Handle Coordinate Mapping Invert Handle's X Position Invert Handle's Y Position Handle Inversion Toggle Handle X Position Range Handle X Position Range Handle Y Position Range Handle Y Position Range Handle Polar Radius Range Handle Polar Radius Range Embossed Color Black Recoloring Color Path Definition Path Definition Limo Stretch Point Limo Stretch Point Text Box Bounding Box Text Box Bounding Box Shape Fill Toggle Stroke Toggle Shadow Toggle Arrowhead Display Toggle Gradient Shape Toggle Text Path Toggle Inset Stroke From Path Flag Shadow Toggle Shadow Type Shadow Transparency Shadow Primary Color Shadow Opacity Shadow Opacity Shadow Primary Offset Shadow Primary Offset Shadow Secondary Color Shadow Secondary Offset Shadow Secondary Offset Shadow Origin Shadow Origin Shadow Perspective Matrix Shadow Perspective Matrix Text Box Inset Text Box Inset Text Path Toggle Shape Fit Toggle Path Fit Toggle Text Path Trim Toggle Text X-Scaling Text Path Text Text Path Text Starting Angle Starting Angle Ending Angle Ending Angle Curve Starting Point Curve Starting Point First Curve Control Point First Curve Control Point Second Curve Control Point Second Curve Control Point Curve Ending Point Curve Ending Point Line Start Line Start Line End Point Line End Point Points for Compound Line Points for Compound Line Rounded Corner Arc Size Rounded Corner Arc Size VML Extension Handling Behaviors view edit backwardCompatible Boolean Value t f true false Color Type Shape Fill Type solid gradient gradientRadial tile pattern frame Gradient Fill Computation Type none linear sigma any linear sigma Shadow Type single double emboss perspective Stroke Line Style single thinThin thinThick thickThin thickBetweenThin Line Join Type round bevel miter Stroke End Cap Type flat square round Stroke Arrowhead Length short medium long Stroke Arrowhead Width narrow medium wide Stroke Arrowhead Type none block classic oval diamond open Image Scaling Behavior ignore atMost atLeast Boolean Value with Blank [False] State t f true false Shape Grouping Types canvas orgchart radial cycle stacked venn bullseye view edit backwardCompatible t f true false solid gradient gradientRadial tile pattern frame none linear sigma any linear sigma single double emboss perspective single thinThin thinThick thickThin thickBetweenThin round bevel miter flat square round short medium long narrow medium wide none block classic oval diamond open ignore atMost atLeast t f true false canvas orgchart radial cycle stacked venn bullseye Callout Shape Protections Shape ID Optional Storage Shape ID Optional Storage Shape Styling Properties Shape Styling Properties Shape Fill Toggle Default Fill Color Shape Stroke Toggle Shape Stroke Color Allow in Table Cell Ink Data Ink Data Annotation Flag Signature Line Flag Unique ID Signature Provider ID Use Signing Instructions Flag User-specified Comments Flag Show Signed Date Flag Suggested Signer Line 1 Suggested Signer Line 1 Suggested Signer Line 2 Suggested Signer Line 2 Suggested Signer E-mail Address Suggested Signer E-mail Address Instructions for Signing Instructions for Signing Additional Signature Information Additional Signature Information Signature Provider Download URL Signature Provider Download URL Shape IDs Shape IDs New Group ID New Group ID Old Group ID Old Group ID Rule ID Rule ID Rule Type Alignment Rule Type Rule Shape Reference Rule Shape Reference Start Point Connection Flag End Point Connection Flag Proxy Shape Reference Proxy Shape Reference Connection Location Connection Location Diagram Style Options Diagram Style Options Diagram Automatic Format Diagram Reverse Direction Diagram Automatic Layout Diagram Layout X Scale Diagram Layout X Scale Diagram Layout Y Scale Diagram Layout Y Scale Diagram Font Size Diagram Font Size Diagram Layout Extents Diagram Layout Extents Diagram Base Font Size Diagram Base Font Size Diagram Relationship Source Shape Diagram Relationship Source Shape Diagram Relationship Destination Shape Diagram Relationship Destination Shape Diagram Relationship Center Shape Diagram Relationship Center Shape Recent colors Recent colors Default stroke color Default fill color Default shadow color Default extrusion color Skew ID Skew ID Skew Toggle Skew Offset Skew Offset Skew Origin Skew Origin Skew Perspective Matrix Skew Perspective Matrix Extrusion Toggle Extrusion Type Extrusion Render Mode Extrusion Viewpoint Origin Extrusion Viewpoint Origin Extrusion Viewpoint Extrusion Viewpoint Extrusion Direction Extrusion Skew Angle Extrusion Skew Angle Extrusion Skew Extrusion Skew Forward Extrusion Forward Extrusion Backward Extrusion Depth Backward Extrusion Depth Rotation Axis Rotation Axis Rotation Around Axis Rotation Around Axis Rotation Toggle Center of Rotation Toggle Rotation Center Rotation Center X-Y Rotation Angle X-Y Rotation Angle Extrusion Color Mode Extrusion Color Shininess Shininess Specularity Specularity Diffuse Reflection Diffuse Reflection Metallic Surface Toggle Simulated Bevel Simulated Bevel Faceting Quality Faceting Quality Shape Face Lighting Toggle Brightness Brightness Primary Light Position Primary Light Position Primary Light Intensity Primary Light Intensity Primary Light Harshness Toggle Secondary Light Position Secondary Light Position Secondary Light Intensity Secondary Light Intensity Secondary Light Harshness Toggle Callout toggle Callout type Callout type Callout gap Callout gap Callout angle Callout automatic drop toggle Callout drop position Callout drop distance Callout drop distance Callout length toggle Callout length Callout length Callout accent bar toggle Callout text border toggle Callout flip x Callout flip y Position Lock Selection Lock Grouping Lock Ungrouping Lock Rotation Lock Cropping Lock Vertices Lock Handles Lock Text Lock Aspect Ratio Lock AutoShape Type Lock WordprocessingML Field Switches OLE Object Type OLE Object Application OLE Object Application OLE Object Shape OLE Object Shape OLE Object Representation OLE Object Unique ID OLE Object Unique ID OLE Update Mode Stroke Toggle Stroke Weight Stroke Weight Stroke Color Stroke Alternate Pattern Color Stroke Opacity Stroke Opacity Stroke Line Style Miter Joint Limit Miter Joint Limit Line End Join Style) Line End Cap Stroke Dash Pattern Stroke Dash Pattern Inset Border From Path Stroke Image Style Stroke Image Location Stroke Image Location Stroke Image Aspect Ratio Stroke Image Size Stroke Image Size Stoke Image Alignment Line Start Arrowhead Line Start Arrowhead Width Line Start Arrowhead Length Line End Arrowhead Line End Arrowhead Width Line End Arrowhead Length Original Image Reference Alternate Image Reference Stroke Title Force Dashed Outline Path Definition Path Definition Fill Type Rule Type arc callout connector align Alignment Type top middle bottom left center right Black And White Modes color auto grayScale lightGrayscale inverseGray grayOutline highContrast black white hide undrawn blackTextAndLines Screen Sizes Type 544,376 640,480 720,512 800,600 1024,768 1152,862 Inset Margin Type auto custom Extrusion Color Types auto custom Color Type Extrusion Type perspective parallel Extrusion Rendering Types solid wireFrame boundingCube Extrusion Planes XY ZX YZ Callout Angles any 30 45 60 90 auto Callout Drop Location Callout Placement top center bottom user Connector Type none straight elbow curved Alignment Type left right center Connection Locations Type none rect segments custom Embedded Object Alternate Image Request Types Picture Bitmap EnhancedMetaFile OLE Connection Type Embed Link OLE Object Representations Content Icon OLE Update Method Type Always OnCall 128-Bit GUID \{[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{12}\} Explicit Relationship ID Boolean Value t f true false Boolean Value with Blank [False] State t f true false Shape Fill Type gradientCenter solid pattern tile frame gradientUnscaled gradientRadial gradient background arc callout connector align top middle bottom left center right color auto grayScale lightGrayscale inverseGray grayOutline highContrast black white hide undrawn blackTextAndLines 544,376 640,480 720,512 800,600 1024,768 1152,862 auto custom auto custom perspective parallel solid wireFrame boundingCube XY ZX YZ any 30 45 60 90 auto top center bottom user none straight elbow curved left right center none rect segments custom Picture Bitmap EnhancedMetaFile Embed Link Content Icon Always OnCall t f true false t f true false gradientCenter solid pattern tile frame gradientUnscaled gradientRadial gradient background Border Style Border Width Border Width Border shadow Wrapping type Wrapping side Horizontal Positioning Base Vertical Positioning Base Border Type none single thick double hairline dot dash dotDash dashDotDot triple thinThickSmall thickThinSmall thickBetweenThinSmall thinThick thickThin thickBetweenThin thinThickLarge thickThinLarge thickBetweenThinLarge wave doubleWave dashedSmall dashDotStroked threeDEmboss threeDEngrave HTMLOutset HTMLInset Border Shadow Type t true f false Text Wrapping Type topAndBottom square none tight through Text Wrapping Side both left right largest Horizontal Anchor Type margin page text char Vertical Anchor Type margin page text line none single thick double hairline dot dash dotDash dashDotDot triple thinThickSmall thickThinSmall thickBetweenThinSmall thinThick thickThin thickBetweenThin thinThickLarge thickThinLarge thickBetweenThinLarge wave doubleWave dashedSmall dashDotStroked threeDEmboss threeDEngrave HTMLOutset HTMLInset t true f false topAndBottom square none tight through both left right largest margin page text char margin page text line On/Off Value true false on off 0 1 On/Off Value Four Digit Hexadecimal Number Value 4 Long Hexadecimal Number Value Two Digit Hexadecimal Number Value 2 Two Digit Hexadecimal Value Two Digit Hexadecimal Number Value 1 Value Decimal Number Value Decimal Number Value Unsigned Decimal Number Value Measurement in Twentieths of a Point Measurement in Twentieths of a Point Signed Measurement in Twentieths of a Point Positive or Negative Value in Twentieths of a Point Measurement in Pixels Measurement in Pixels Measurement in Half-Points Half Point Measurement Signed Measurement in Half-Points Signed Half-Point Measurement Standard Date and Time Storage Format Script Subroutine Name Value 33 Name of Script Function Measurement in Eighths of a Point Measurement in Points String String Value Text Expansion/Compression Percentage 0 600 Text Expansion/Compression Value Text Highlight Colors black blue cyan green magenta red yellow white darkBlue darkCyan darkGreen darkMagenta darkRed darkYellow darkGray lightGray none Highlighting Color ‘Automatic’ Color Value auto Hexadecimal Color Value 3 Run Content Color Run Content Theme Color Run Content Theme Color Tint Run Content Theme Color Shade Two Digit Hexadecimal Language Code 2 Language Code 128-Bit GUID \{[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{12}\} GUID Value Underline Patterns single words double thick dotted dottedHeavy dash dashedHeavy dashLong dashLongHeavy dotDash dashDotHeavy dotDotDash dashDotDotHeavy wave wavyHeavy wavyDouble none Underline Style Underline Color Underline Theme Color Underline Theme Color Tint Underline Theme Color Shade Animated Text Effects blinkBackground lights antsBlack antsRed shimmer sparkle none Animated Text Effect Type Border Styles nil none single thick double dotted dashed dotDash dotDotDash triple thinThickSmallGap thickThinSmallGap thinThickThinSmallGap thinThickMediumGap thickThinMediumGap thinThickThinMediumGap thinThickLargeGap thickThinLargeGap thinThickThinLargeGap wave doubleWave dashSmallGap dashDotStroked threeDEmboss threeDEngrave outset inset apples archedScallops babyPacifier babyRattle balloons3Colors balloonsHotAir basicBlackDashes basicBlackDots basicBlackSquares basicThinLines basicWhiteDashes basicWhiteDots basicWhiteSquares basicWideInline basicWideMidline basicWideOutline bats birds birdsFlight cabins cakeSlice candyCorn celticKnotwork certificateBanner chainLink champagneBottle checkedBarBlack checkedBarColor checkered christmasTree circlesLines circlesRectangles classicalWave clocks compass confetti confettiGrays confettiOutline confettiStreamers confettiWhite cornerTriangles couponCutoutDashes couponCutoutDots crazyMaze creaturesButterfly creaturesFish creaturesInsects creaturesLadyBug crossStitch cup decoArch decoArchColor decoBlocks diamondsGray doubleD doubleDiamonds earth1 earth2 eclipsingSquares1 eclipsingSquares2 eggsBlack fans film firecrackers flowersBlockPrint flowersDaisies flowersModern1 flowersModern2 flowersPansy flowersRedRose flowersRoses flowersTeacup flowersTiny gems gingerbreadMan gradient handmade1 handmade2 heartBalloon heartGray hearts heebieJeebies holly houseFunky hypnotic iceCreamCones lightBulb lightning1 lightning2 mapPins mapleLeaf mapleMuffins marquee marqueeToothed moons mosaic musicNotes northwest ovals packages palmsBlack palmsColor paperClips papyrus partyFavor partyGlass pencils people peopleWaving peopleHats poinsettias postageStamp pumpkin1 pushPinNote2 pushPinNote1 pyramids pyramidsAbove quadrants rings safari sawtooth sawtoothGray scaredCat seattle shadowedSquares sharksTeeth shorebirdTracks skyrocket snowflakeFancy snowflakes sombrero southwest stars starsTop stars3d starsBlack starsShadowed sun swirligig tornPaper tornPaperBlack trees triangleParty triangles tribal1 tribal2 tribal3 tribal4 tribal5 tribal6 twistedLines1 twistedLines2 vine waveline weavingAngles weavingBraid weavingRibbon weavingStrips whiteFlowers woodwork xIllusions zanyTriangles zigZag zigZagStitch Border Style Border Color Border Theme Color Border Theme Color Tint Border Theme Color Shade Border Width Border Spacing Measurement Border Shadow Create Frame Effect Shading Patterns nil clear solid horzStripe vertStripe reverseDiagStripe diagStripe horzCross diagCross thinHorzStripe thinVertStripe thinReverseDiagStripe thinDiagStripe thinHorzCross thinDiagCross pct5 pct10 pct12 pct15 pct20 pct25 pct30 pct35 pct37 pct40 pct45 pct50 pct55 pct60 pct62 pct65 pct70 pct75 pct80 pct85 pct87 pct90 pct95 Shading Pattern Shading Pattern Color Shading Pattern Theme Color Shading Pattern Theme Color Tint Shading Pattern Theme Color Shade Shading Background Color Shading Background Theme Color Shading Background Theme Color Tint Shading Background Theme Color Shade Vertical Positioning Location baseline superscript subscript Subscript/Superscript Value Value Fit Text Run ID Emphasis Mark Type none dot comma circle underDot Emphasis Mark Type Latin Language East Asian Language Complex Script Language Two Lines in One Enclosing Character Type none round square angle curly East Asian Typography Run ID Two Lines in One Display Brackets Around Two Lines in One Horizontal in Vertical (Rotate Text) Compress Rotated Text to Line Height Horizontal Alignment Location left center right inside outside Vertical Alignment Location inline top center bottom inside outside Height Rule auto exact atLeast Text Wrapping around Text Frame Type auto notBeside around tight through none Vertical Anchor Location text margin page Horizontal Anchor Location text margin page Text Frame Drop Cap Location none drop margin Drop Cap Frame Drop Cap Vertical Height in Lines Frame Width Frame Height Vertical Frame Padding Horizontal Frame Padding Text Wrapping Around Frame Frame Horizontal Positioning Base Frame Vertical Positioning Base Absolute Horizontal Position Relative Horizontal Position Absolute Vertical Position Relative Vertical Position Frame Height Type Lock Frame Anchor to Paragraph Custom Tab Stop Type clear start left center end right decimal bar num Custom Tab Stop Leader Character none dot hyphen underscore heavy middleDot Tab Stop Type Tab Leader Character Tab Stop Position Line Spacing Rule auto exact atLeast Spacing Above Paragraph Spacing Above Paragraph IN Line Units Automatically Determine Spacing Above Paragraph Spacing Below Paragraph Spacing Below Paragraph in Line Units Automatically Determine Spacing Below Paragraph Spacing Between Lines in Paragraph Type of Spacing Between Lines Left Indentation Left Indentation in Character Units Left Indentation Left Indentation in Character Units Left Indentation Left Indentation in Character Units Right Indentation Right Indentation in Character Units Indentation Removed from First Line Indentation Removed From First Line in Character Units Additional First Line Indentation Additional First Line Indentation in Character Units Horizontal Alignment Type start end left center right both mediumKashida distribute numTab highKashida lowKashida thaiDistribute Alignment Type Document View Values none 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Source Password Hash Password Hash Salt for Password Verifier Salt for Password Verifier Document Editing Restrictions Only Allow Formatting With Unlocked Styles Enforce Document Protection Settings Source Document Types catalog envelopes mailingLabels formLetters email fax Mail Merge Source Document Type Mail Merge Data Source Type Values textFile database spreadsheet query odbc native Value Merged Document Destination Types newDocument printer email fax Mail Merge Merged Document Type Merge Field Mapping Types null dbColumn Merge Field Mapping Type Display Visual Indicator Of Markup Area Display Comments Display Content Revisions Display Formatting Revisions Display Ink Annotations Language For Which Custom Line Breaking Rule Applies Characters For Custom Line Breaking Rule Text Flow Direction lrTb tbRl btLr lrTbV tbRlV tbLrV Direction of Text Flow Vertical Text Alignment Types top center baseline bottom auto Vertical Character Alignment Position Location of Custom XML Markup Displacing an Annotation next prev Table Cell Vertical Merge Revision Type cont rest Annotation Identifier Annotation Author Annotation Date Revised Vertical Merge Setting Vertical Merge Setting Removed by Revision Annotation Marker Displaced By Custom XML Markup Annotation Marker Relocated For Custom XML Markup Annotation Identifier First Table Column Covered By Bookmark Last Table Column Covered By Bookmark Bookmark Name Annotation Author Annotation Date Annotation Identifier Initials of Comment Author Previous Numbering Value Lines To Tight Wrap Within Text Box none allLines firstAndLastLine firstLineOnly lastLineOnly Lines to Tight Wrap to Paragraph Extents Unique Name for Embedded Control Associated VML Data Reference Background Color Background Theme Color Border Theme Color Tint Border Theme Color Shade Original Image Width Original Image Height Field Codes Field Should Not Be Recalculated Field Result Invalidated Complex Field Character Type begin separate end Help or Status Text Type text autoText Help Text Value 256 Status Text Value 140 Form Field Name Value 65 Text Box Form Field Type Values regular number date currentTime currentDate calculated Text Box Form Field Type Values Form Field Name Value Field Character Type Field Should Not Be Recalculated Field Result Invalidated Hyperlink Target Frame Associated String Location in Target Document Add To Viewed Hyperlinks Hyperlink Anchor Help Text Type Help Text Value Status Text Type Status Text Value Section Type nextPage nextColumn continuous evenPage oddPage Section Type Setting First Page Printer Tray Code Non-First Page Printer Tray Code Numbering Format decimal upperRoman lowerRoman upperLetter lowerLetter ordinal cardinalText ordinalText hex chicago ideographDigital japaneseCounting aiueo iroha decimalFullWidth decimalHalfWidth japaneseLegal japaneseDigitalTenThousand decimalEnclosedCircle decimalFullWidth2 aiueoFullWidth irohaFullWidth decimalZero bullet ganada chosung decimalEnclosedFullstop decimalEnclosedParen decimalEnclosedCircleChinese ideographEnclosedCircle ideographTraditional ideographZodiac ideographZodiacTraditional taiwaneseCounting ideographLegalTraditional taiwaneseCountingThousand taiwaneseDigital chineseCounting chineseLegalSimplified chineseCountingThousand koreanDigital koreanCounting koreanLegal koreanDigital2 vietnameseCounting russianLower russianUpper none numberInDash hebrew1 hebrew2 arabicAlpha arabicAbjad hindiVowels hindiConsonants hindiNumbers hindiCounting thaiLetters thaiNumbers thaiCounting Page Orientation portrait landscape Page Width Page Height Page Orientation Printer Paper Code Top Margin Spacing Right Margin Spacing Page Bottom Spacing Left Margin Spacing Spacing to Top of Header Spacing to Bottom of Footer Page Gutter Spacing Page Border Z-Order front back Page Border Display Options allPages firstPage notFirstPage Page Border Positioning Base page text Z-Ordering of Page Border Pages to Display Page Borders Page Border Positioning 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page column textWrapping Line Break Text Wrapping Restart Location none left right all Break Type Restart Location For Text Wrapping Break Absolute Position Tab Alignment left center right Absolute Position Tab Positioning Base margin indent Absolute Position Tab Leader Character none dot hyphen underscore middleDot Positional Tab Stop Alignment Positional Tab Base Tab Leader Character Symbol Character Font Symbol Character Code Proofing Error Type spellStart spellEnd gramStart gramEnd Proofing Error Anchor Type Range Permision Editing Group none everyone administrators contributors editors owners current Annotation ID Annotation Displaced By Custom XML Markup Editor Group For Range Permission Single User For Range Permission First Table Column Covered By Range Permission Last Table Column Covered By Range Permission Revision Identifier for Run Properties Revision Identifier for Run Deletion Revision Identifier for Run Font Type Hint default eastAsia cs Theme Font majorEastAsia 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Custom XML Element Namespace Custom XML Element Name Custom XML Element Namespace Custom XML Element Name Revision Identifier for Paragraph Glyph Formatting Revision Identifier for Paragraph Revision Identifier for Paragraph Deletion Revision Identifier for Paragraph Properties Default Revision Identifier for Runs Table Width Units nil pct dxa auto Table Row Height Table Row Height Type Table Width Value Table Width Type Grid Column Width Merged Cell Type continue restart Vertical Merge Type Horizontal Merge Type Conditional Formatting Bitmask 12 [01]* Conditional Formatting Bit Mask Revision Identifier for Table Row Glyph Formatting Revision Identifier for Table Row Revision Identifier for Table Row Deletion Revision Identifier for Table Row Properties Table Layout Type fixed autofit Table Layout Setting Table Overlap Setting never overlap Floating Table Overlap Setting Distance From Left of Table to Text (Distance From Right of Table to Text Distance From Top of Table to Text Distance From Bottom of Table to Text Table Vertical Anchor Table Horizontal Anchor Relative Horizontal Alignment From Anchor Absolute Horizontal Distance From Anchor Relative Vertical Alignment from Anchor Absolute Vertical Distance From Anchor Footnote Positioning Location pageBottom beneathText sectEnd docEnd Footnote Position Type Endnote Positioning Location sectEnd docEnd Endnote Position Type Numbering Format Type Footnote/Endnote Numbering Restart Locations continuous eachSect eachPage Automatic Numbering Restart Value Suppress Footnote/Endnote Reference Mark Footnote/Endnote ID Reference Footnote/Endnote ID Footnote/Endnote Type Footnote/Endnote ID Unique Value for Record Mail Merge ODSO Data Source Types database addressBook document1 document2 text email native legacy master Data Source Type Value Target Screen Sizes for Generated Web Pages 544x376 640x480 720x512 800x600 1024x768 1152x882 1152x900 1280x1024 1600x1200 1800x1440 1920x1200 Target Screen Size Value Document Variable Name Document Variable Value Character-Level Whitespace Compression Settings doNotCompress compressPunctuation compressPunctuationAndJapaneseKana Value Local Identifier for XSL Transform Theme Color Reference dark1 light1 dark2 light2 accent1 accent2 accent3 accent4 accent5 accent6 hyperlink followedHyperlink Background 1 Theme Color Mapping Text 1 Theme Color Mapping Background 2 Theme Color Mapping Text 2 Theme Color Mapping Accent 1 Theme Color Mapping Accent 2 Theme Color Mapping Accent3 Theme Color Mapping Accent4 Theme Color Mapping Accent5 Theme Color Mapping Accent6 Theme Color Mapping Hyperlink Theme Color Mapping Followed Hyperlink Theme Color Mapping Use Actual Pages, Not Virtual Pages Virtual Page Width Virtual Page Height Font Size Scaling Recommend Write Protection in User Interface Frame Scrollbar Visibility on off auto Scrollbar Display Option Value Frameset Layout Order rows cols none Frameset Layout Value Picture Numbering Symbol ID Content Between Numbering Symbol and Paragraph Text tab space nothing Character Type Between Numbering and Text Level Text Level Text Is Null Character Use Legacy Numbering Properties Legacy Spacing Legacy Indent Numbering Level Template Code Tentative Numbering Numbering Definition Type singleLevel multilevel hybridMultilevel Abstract Numbering Definition Type Abstract Numbering Definition ID Numbering Level ID Numbering Definition Instance ID Conditional Table Style Formatting Types wholeTable firstRow lastRow firstCol lastCol band1Vert band2Vert band1Horz band2Horz neCell nwCell seCell swCell Table Style Conditional Formatting Type Style Types paragraph character table numbering Style Type Style ID Default Style User-Defined Style Primary Style Name Latent Style Locking Setting Override default sorting order Semi hidden text override Unhide when used Latent Style Primary Style Setting Default Style Locking Setting Default User Interface Priority Setting Default Semi-Hidden Setting Default Hidden Until Used Setting Default Primary Style Setting Latent Style Count Panose-1 Number 10 Value Font Family Value decorative modern roman script swiss auto Font Family Value Font Pitch Value fixed variable default Value First 32 Bits of Unicode Subset Bitfield Second 32 Bits of Unicode Subset Bitfield Third 32 Bits of Unicode Subset Bitfield Fourth 32 Bits of Unicode Subset Bitfield Lower 32 Bits of Code Page Bit Field Upper 32 Bits of Code Page Bit Field Embedded Font Obfuscation Key Embedded Font Is Subsetted Primary Font Name div Data ID Smart Tag Namespace Smart Tag Name Smart Tag Supplementary URL Theme Color dark1 light1 dark2 light2 accent1 accent2 accent3 accent4 accent5 accent6 hyperlink followedHyperlink none background1 text1 background2 text2 Insertion Behavior Types content p pg Insertion Behavior Value Entry Types none normal autoExp toolbar speller formFld bbPlcHdr Type Value Entry Is Of All Types Entry Gallery Types placeholder any default docParts coverPg eq ftrs hdrs pgNum tbls 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blinkBackground sparkle antsBlack antsRed shimmer nil none single thick double dotted dashed dotDash dotDotDash triple thinThickSmallGap thickThinSmallGap thinThickThinSmallGap thinThickMediumGap thickThinMediumGap thinThickThinMediumGap thinThickLargeGap thickThinLargeGap thinThickThinLargeGap wave doubleWave dashSmallGap dashDotStroked threeDEmboss threeDEngrave outset inset apples archedScallops babyPacifier babyRattle balloons3Colors balloonsHotAir basicBlackDashes basicBlackDots basicBlackSquares basicThinLines basicWhiteDashes basicWhiteDots basicWhiteSquares basicWideInline basicWideMidline basicWideOutline bats birds birdsFlight cabins cakeSlice candyCorn celticKnotwork certificateBanner chainLink champagneBottle checkedBarBlack checkedBarColor checkered christmasTree circlesLines circlesRectangles classicalWave clocks compass confetti confettiGrays confettiOutline confettiStreamers confettiWhite cornerTriangles couponCutoutDashes couponCutoutDots crazyMaze creaturesButterfly creaturesFish creaturesInsects creaturesLadyBug crossStitch cup decoArch decoArchColor decoBlocks diamondsGray doubleD doubleDiamonds earth1 earth2 eclipsingSquares1 eclipsingSquares2 eggsBlack fans film firecrackers flowersBlockPrint flowersDaisies flowersModern1 flowersModern2 flowersPansy flowersRedRose flowersRoses flowersTeacup flowersTiny gems gingerbreadMan gradient handmade1 handmade2 heartBalloon heartGray hearts heebieJeebies holly houseFunky hypnotic iceCreamCones lightBulb lightning1 lightning2 mapPins mapleLeaf mapleMuffins marquee marqueeToothed moons mosaic musicNotes northwest ovals packages palmsBlack palmsColor paperClips papyrus partyFavor partyGlass pencils people peopleWaving peopleHats poinsettias postageStamp pumpkin1 pushPinNote2 pushPinNote1 pyramids pyramidsAbove quadrants rings safari sawtooth sawtoothGray scaredCat seattle shadowedSquares sharksTeeth shorebirdTracks skyrocket snowflakeFancy snowflakes sombrero southwest stars starsTop stars3d starsBlack starsShadowed sun swirligig tornPaper tornPaperBlack trees triangleParty triangles tribal1 tribal2 tribal3 tribal4 tribal5 tribal6 twistedLines1 twistedLines2 vine waveline weavingAngles weavingBraid weavingRibbon weavingStrips whiteFlowers woodwork xIllusions zanyTriangles zigZag zigZagStitch clear solid pct5 pct10 pct20 pct25 pct30 pct40 pct50 pct60 pct70 pct75 pct80 pct90 horzStripe vertStripe reverseDiagStripe diagStripe horzCross diagCross thinHorzStripe thinVertStripe thinReverseDiagStripe thinDiagStripe thinHorzCross thinDiagCross pct12 pct15 pct35 pct37 pct45 pct55 pct62 pct65 pct85 pct87 pct95 nil baseline superscript subscript none dot comma circle underDot none round square angle curly left center right inside outside inline top center bottom inside outside auto exact atLeast auto notBeside around tight through none text margin page text margin page none drop margin clear start left center end right decimal bar num none dot hyphen underscore heavy middleDot auto exact 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irohaFullWidth decimalZero bullet ganada chosung decimalEnclosedFullstop decimalEnclosedParen decimalEnclosedCircleChinese ideographEnclosedCircle ideographTraditional ideographZodiac ideographZodiacTraditional taiwaneseCounting ideographLegalTraditional taiwaneseCountingThousand taiwaneseDigital chineseCounting chineseLegalSimplified chineseCountingThousand koreanDigital koreanCounting koreanLegal koreanDigital2 vietnameseCounting russianLower russianUpper none numberInDash hebrew1 hebrew2 arabicAlpha arabicAbjad hindiVowels hindiConsonants hindiNumbers hindiCounting thaiLetters thaiNumbers thaiCounting portrait landscape front back allPages firstPage notFirstPage page text hyphen period colon emDash enDash newPage newSection continuous top center both bottom default lines linesAndChars snapToChars even default first normal separator continuationSeparator continuationNotice column page textWrapping none left right all left center right margin indent none dot hyphen underscore 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