/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: PageMasterExportPropMapper.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.16 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-09 14:25:52 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _XMLOFF_PAGEMASTEREXPORTPROPMAPPER_HXX #include "PageMasterExportPropMapper.hxx" #endif #ifndef _XMLOFF_XMLTOKEN_HXX #include "xmltoken.hxx" #endif #ifndef _COMPHELPER_TYPES_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_TABLE_BORDERLINE_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _XMLOFF_PAGEMASTERSTYLEMAP_HXX #include "PageMasterStyleMap.hxx" #endif #ifndef _TOOLS_DEBUG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _RTL_USTRBUF_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _COMPHELPER_EXTRACT_HXX_ #include #endif using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans; using namespace ::comphelper; using namespace ::xmloff::token; //______________________________________________________________________________ inline sal_Bool lcl_HasSameLineWidth( const table::BorderLine& rLine1, const table::BorderLine& rLine2 ) { return (rLine1.InnerLineWidth == rLine2.InnerLineWidth) && (rLine1.OuterLineWidth == rLine2.OuterLineWidth) && (rLine1.LineDistance == rLine2.LineDistance); } inline sal_Bool operator==( const table::BorderLine& rLine1, const table::BorderLine& rLine2 ) { return (rLine1.Color == rLine2.Color) && lcl_HasSameLineWidth( rLine1, rLine2 ); } inline void lcl_RemoveState( XMLPropertyState* pState ) { pState->mnIndex = -1; pState->maValue.clear(); } void lcl_RemoveStateIfZero16( XMLPropertyState* pState ) { sal_Int16 nValue; if( (pState->maValue >>= nValue) && !nValue ) lcl_RemoveState( pState ); } void lcl_AddState(::std::vector< XMLPropertyState >& rPropState, sal_Int32 nIndex, const rtl::OUString& rProperty, uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet >& xProps) { if(::cppu::any2bool(xProps->getPropertyValue(rProperty))) rPropState.push_back(XMLPropertyState (nIndex, cppu::bool2any(sal_True))); } //______________________________________________________________________________ // helper struct to handle equal XMLPropertyState's for page, header and footer struct XMLPropertyStateBuffer { XMLPropertyState* pPMBorderAll; XMLPropertyState* pPMBorderTop; XMLPropertyState* pPMBorderBottom; XMLPropertyState* pPMBorderLeft; XMLPropertyState* pPMBorderRight; XMLPropertyState* pPMBorderWidthAll; XMLPropertyState* pPMBorderWidthTop; XMLPropertyState* pPMBorderWidthBottom; XMLPropertyState* pPMBorderWidthLeft; XMLPropertyState* pPMBorderWidthRight; XMLPropertyState* pPMPaddingAll; XMLPropertyState* pPMPaddingTop; XMLPropertyState* pPMPaddingBottom; XMLPropertyState* pPMPaddingLeft; XMLPropertyState* pPMPaddingRight; XMLPropertyStateBuffer(); void ContextFilter( ::std::vector< XMLPropertyState >& rPropState ); }; XMLPropertyStateBuffer::XMLPropertyStateBuffer() : pPMBorderAll( NULL ), pPMBorderTop( NULL ), pPMBorderBottom( NULL ), pPMBorderLeft( NULL ), pPMBorderRight( NULL ), pPMBorderWidthAll( NULL ), pPMBorderWidthTop( NULL ), pPMBorderWidthBottom( NULL ), pPMBorderWidthLeft( NULL ), pPMBorderWidthRight( NULL ), pPMPaddingAll( NULL ), pPMPaddingTop( NULL ), pPMPaddingBottom( NULL ), pPMPaddingLeft( NULL ), pPMPaddingRight( NULL ) { } void XMLPropertyStateBuffer::ContextFilter( ::std::vector< XMLPropertyState >& rPropState ) { if( pPMBorderAll ) { if( pPMBorderTop && pPMBorderBottom && pPMBorderLeft && pPMBorderRight ) { table::BorderLine aLineTop, aLineBottom, aLineLeft, aLineRight; pPMBorderTop->maValue >>= aLineTop; pPMBorderBottom->maValue >>= aLineBottom; pPMBorderLeft->maValue >>= aLineLeft; pPMBorderRight->maValue >>= aLineRight; if( (aLineTop == aLineBottom) && (aLineBottom == aLineLeft) && (aLineLeft == aLineRight) ) { lcl_RemoveState( pPMBorderTop ); lcl_RemoveState( pPMBorderBottom ); lcl_RemoveState( pPMBorderLeft ); lcl_RemoveState( pPMBorderRight ); } else lcl_RemoveState( pPMBorderAll ); } else lcl_RemoveState( pPMBorderAll ); } if( pPMBorderWidthAll ) { if( pPMBorderWidthTop && pPMBorderWidthBottom && pPMBorderWidthLeft && pPMBorderWidthRight ) { table::BorderLine aLineTop, aLineBottom, aLineLeft, aLineRight; pPMBorderWidthTop->maValue >>= aLineTop; pPMBorderWidthBottom->maValue >>= aLineBottom; pPMBorderWidthLeft->maValue >>= aLineLeft; pPMBorderWidthRight->maValue >>= aLineRight; if( lcl_HasSameLineWidth( aLineTop, aLineBottom ) && lcl_HasSameLineWidth( aLineBottom, aLineLeft ) && lcl_HasSameLineWidth( aLineLeft, aLineRight ) ) { lcl_RemoveState( pPMBorderWidthTop ); lcl_RemoveState( pPMBorderWidthBottom ); lcl_RemoveState( pPMBorderWidthLeft ); lcl_RemoveState( pPMBorderWidthRight ); } else lcl_RemoveState( pPMBorderWidthAll ); } else lcl_RemoveState( pPMBorderWidthAll ); } if( pPMPaddingAll ) { if( pPMPaddingTop && pPMPaddingBottom && pPMPaddingLeft && pPMPaddingRight ) { sal_Int32 nTop, nBottom, nLeft, nRight; pPMPaddingTop->maValue >>= nTop; pPMPaddingBottom->maValue >>= nBottom; pPMPaddingLeft->maValue >>= nLeft; pPMPaddingRight->maValue >>= nRight; if( (nTop == nBottom) && (nBottom == nLeft) && (nLeft == nRight) ) { lcl_RemoveState( pPMPaddingTop ); lcl_RemoveState( pPMPaddingBottom ); lcl_RemoveState( pPMPaddingLeft ); lcl_RemoveState( pPMPaddingRight ); } else lcl_RemoveState( pPMPaddingAll ); } else lcl_RemoveState( pPMPaddingAll ); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ XMLPageMasterExportPropMapper::XMLPageMasterExportPropMapper( const UniReference< XMLPropertySetMapper >& rMapper, SvXMLExport& rExport ) : SvXMLExportPropertyMapper( rMapper ), aBackgroundImageExport( rExport ), aTextColumnsExport( rExport ), aFootnoteSeparatorExport( rExport ) { } XMLPageMasterExportPropMapper::~XMLPageMasterExportPropMapper() { } void XMLPageMasterExportPropMapper::handleElementItem( SvXMLExport& rExport, const XMLPropertyState& rProperty, sal_uInt16 nFlags, const ::std::vector< XMLPropertyState >* pProperties, sal_uInt32 nIdx ) const { XMLPageMasterExportPropMapper* pThis = (XMLPageMasterExportPropMapper*) this; sal_uInt32 nContextId = getPropertySetMapper()->GetEntryContextId( rProperty.mnIndex ); switch( nContextId ) { case CTF_PM_GRAPHICURL: case CTF_PM_HEADERGRAPHICURL: case CTF_PM_FOOTERGRAPHICURL: { DBG_ASSERT( pProperties && (nIdx >= 2), "property vector missing" ); sal_Int32 nPos; sal_Int32 nFilter; switch( nContextId ) { case CTF_PM_GRAPHICURL: nPos = CTF_PM_GRAPHICPOSITION; nFilter = CTF_PM_GRAPHICFILTER; break; case CTF_PM_HEADERGRAPHICURL: nPos = CTF_PM_HEADERGRAPHICPOSITION; nFilter = CTF_PM_HEADERGRAPHICFILTER; break; case CTF_PM_FOOTERGRAPHICURL: nPos = CTF_PM_FOOTERGRAPHICPOSITION; nFilter = CTF_PM_FOOTERGRAPHICFILTER; break; default: nPos = 0; // TODO What values should this be? nFilter = 0; } const Any* pPos = NULL; const Any* pFilter = NULL; if( pProperties && (nIdx >= 2) ) { const XMLPropertyState& rPos = (*pProperties)[nIdx - 2]; DBG_ASSERT( getPropertySetMapper()->GetEntryContextId( rPos.mnIndex ) == nPos, "invalid property map: pos expected" ); if( getPropertySetMapper()->GetEntryContextId( rPos.mnIndex ) == nPos ) pPos = &rPos.maValue; const XMLPropertyState& rFilter = (*pProperties)[nIdx - 1]; DBG_ASSERT( getPropertySetMapper()->GetEntryContextId( rFilter.mnIndex ) == nFilter, "invalid property map: filter expected" ); if( getPropertySetMapper()->GetEntryContextId( rFilter.mnIndex ) == nFilter ) pFilter = &rFilter.maValue; } sal_uInt32 nPropIndex = rProperty.mnIndex; pThis->aBackgroundImageExport.exportXML( rProperty.maValue, pPos, pFilter, NULL, getPropertySetMapper()->GetEntryNameSpace( nPropIndex ), getPropertySetMapper()->GetEntryXMLName( nPropIndex ) ); } break; case CTF_PM_TEXTCOLUMNS: pThis->aTextColumnsExport.exportXML( rProperty.maValue ); break; case CTF_PM_FTN_LINE_WEIGTH: pThis->aFootnoteSeparatorExport.exportXML( pProperties, nIdx, getPropertySetMapper()); break; } } void XMLPageMasterExportPropMapper::handleSpecialItem( SvXMLAttributeList& rAttrList, const XMLPropertyState& rProperty, const SvXMLUnitConverter& rUnitConverter, const SvXMLNamespaceMap& rNamespaceMap, const ::std::vector< XMLPropertyState >* pProperties, sal_uInt32 nIdx) const { } void XMLPageMasterExportPropMapper::ContextFilter( ::std::vector< XMLPropertyState >& rPropState, Reference< XPropertySet > rPropSet ) const { XMLPropertyStateBuffer aPageBuffer; XMLPropertyStateBuffer aHeaderBuffer; XMLPropertyStateBuffer aFooterBuffer; XMLPropertyState* pPMHeaderHeight = NULL; XMLPropertyState* pPMHeaderMinHeight = NULL; XMLPropertyState* pPMHeaderDynamic = NULL; XMLPropertyState* pPMFooterHeight = NULL; XMLPropertyState* pPMFooterMinHeight = NULL; XMLPropertyState* pPMFooterDynamic = NULL; XMLPropertyState* pPMScaleTo = NULL; XMLPropertyState* pPMScaleToPages = NULL; XMLPropertyState* pPMScaleToX = NULL; XMLPropertyState* pPMScaleToY = NULL; XMLPropertyState* pPrint = NULL; UniReference < XMLPropertySetMapper > aPropMapper(getPropertySetMapper()); for( ::std::vector< XMLPropertyState >::iterator aIter = rPropState.begin(); aIter != rPropState.end(); ++aIter ) { XMLPropertyState *pProp = &(*aIter); sal_Int16 nContextId = aPropMapper->GetEntryContextId( pProp->mnIndex ); sal_Int16 nFlag = nContextId & CTF_PM_FLAGMASK; sal_Int16 nSimpleId = nContextId & (~CTF_PM_FLAGMASK | XML_PM_CTF_START); sal_Int16 nPrintId = nContextId & CTF_PM_PRINTMASK; XMLPropertyStateBuffer* pBuffer; switch( nFlag ) { case CTF_PM_HEADERFLAG: pBuffer = &aHeaderBuffer; break; case CTF_PM_FOOTERFLAG: pBuffer = &aFooterBuffer; break; default: pBuffer = &aPageBuffer; break; } switch( nSimpleId ) { case CTF_PM_BORDERALL: pBuffer->pPMBorderAll = pProp; break; case CTF_PM_BORDERTOP: pBuffer->pPMBorderTop = pProp; break; case CTF_PM_BORDERBOTTOM: pBuffer->pPMBorderBottom = pProp; break; case CTF_PM_BORDERLEFT: pBuffer->pPMBorderLeft = pProp; break; case CTF_PM_BORDERRIGHT: pBuffer->pPMBorderRight = pProp; break; case CTF_PM_BORDERWIDTHALL: pBuffer->pPMBorderWidthAll = pProp; break; case CTF_PM_BORDERWIDTHTOP: pBuffer->pPMBorderWidthTop = pProp; break; case CTF_PM_BORDERWIDTHBOTTOM: pBuffer->pPMBorderWidthBottom = pProp; break; case CTF_PM_BORDERWIDTHLEFT: pBuffer->pPMBorderWidthLeft = pProp; break; case CTF_PM_BORDERWIDTHRIGHT: pBuffer->pPMBorderWidthRight = pProp; break; case CTF_PM_PADDINGALL: pBuffer->pPMPaddingAll = pProp; break; case CTF_PM_PADDINGTOP: pBuffer->pPMPaddingTop = pProp; break; case CTF_PM_PADDINGBOTTOM: pBuffer->pPMPaddingBottom = pProp; break; case CTF_PM_PADDINGLEFT: pBuffer->pPMPaddingLeft = pProp; break; case CTF_PM_PADDINGRIGHT: pBuffer->pPMPaddingRight = pProp; break; } switch( nContextId ) { case CTF_PM_HEADERHEIGHT: pPMHeaderHeight = pProp; break; case CTF_PM_HEADERMINHEIGHT: pPMHeaderMinHeight = pProp; break; case CTF_PM_HEADERDYNAMIC: pPMHeaderDynamic = pProp; break; case CTF_PM_FOOTERHEIGHT: pPMFooterHeight = pProp; break; case CTF_PM_FOOTERMINHEIGHT: pPMFooterMinHeight = pProp; break; case CTF_PM_FOOTERDYNAMIC: pPMFooterDynamic = pProp; break; case CTF_PM_SCALETO: pPMScaleTo = pProp; break; case CTF_PM_SCALETOPAGES: pPMScaleToPages = pProp; break; case CTF_PM_SCALETOX: pPMScaleToX = pProp; break; case CTF_PM_SCALETOY: pPMScaleToY = pProp; break; } if (nPrintId == CTF_PM_PRINTMASK) { pPrint = pProp; lcl_RemoveState(pPrint); } } aPageBuffer.ContextFilter( rPropState ); aHeaderBuffer.ContextFilter( rPropState ); aFooterBuffer.ContextFilter( rPropState ); if( pPMHeaderHeight && (!pPMHeaderDynamic || (pPMHeaderDynamic && getBOOL( pPMHeaderDynamic->maValue ))) ) lcl_RemoveState( pPMHeaderHeight ); if( pPMHeaderMinHeight && pPMHeaderDynamic && !getBOOL( pPMHeaderDynamic->maValue ) ) lcl_RemoveState( pPMHeaderMinHeight ); if( pPMHeaderDynamic ) lcl_RemoveState( pPMHeaderDynamic ); if( pPMFooterHeight && (!pPMFooterDynamic || (pPMFooterDynamic && getBOOL( pPMFooterDynamic->maValue ))) ) lcl_RemoveState( pPMFooterHeight ); if( pPMFooterMinHeight && pPMFooterDynamic && !getBOOL( pPMFooterDynamic->maValue ) ) lcl_RemoveState( pPMFooterMinHeight ); if( pPMFooterDynamic ) lcl_RemoveState( pPMFooterDynamic ); if( pPMScaleTo ) lcl_RemoveStateIfZero16( pPMScaleTo ); if( pPMScaleToPages ) lcl_RemoveStateIfZero16( pPMScaleToPages ); if( pPMScaleToX ) lcl_RemoveStateIfZero16( pPMScaleToX ); if( pPMScaleToY ) lcl_RemoveStateIfZero16( pPMScaleToY ); if (pPrint) { lcl_AddState(rPropState, aPropMapper->FindEntryIndex(CTF_PM_PRINT_ANNOTATIONS), rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("PrintAnnotations")), rPropSet); lcl_AddState(rPropState, aPropMapper->FindEntryIndex(CTF_PM_PRINT_CHARTS), rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("PrintCharts")), rPropSet); lcl_AddState(rPropState, aPropMapper->FindEntryIndex(CTF_PM_PRINT_DRAWING), rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("PrintDrawing")), rPropSet); lcl_AddState(rPropState, aPropMapper->FindEntryIndex(CTF_PM_PRINT_FORMULAS), rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("PrintFormulas")), rPropSet); lcl_AddState(rPropState, aPropMapper->FindEntryIndex(CTF_PM_PRINT_GRID), rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("PrintGrid")), rPropSet); lcl_AddState(rPropState, aPropMapper->FindEntryIndex(CTF_PM_PRINT_HEADERS), rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("PrintHeaders")), rPropSet); lcl_AddState(rPropState, aPropMapper->FindEntryIndex(CTF_PM_PRINT_OBJECTS), rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("PrintObjects")), rPropSet); lcl_AddState(rPropState, aPropMapper->FindEntryIndex(CTF_PM_PRINT_ZEROVALUES), rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("PrintZeroValues")), rPropSet); } SvXMLExportPropertyMapper::ContextFilter(rPropState,rPropSet); }