/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: PageMasterImportPropMapper.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.10 $ * * last change: $Author: dvo $ $Date: 2001-09-21 16:27:53 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #pragma hdrstop #ifndef _XMLOFF_PAGEMASTERIMPORTPROPMAPPER_HXX #include "PageMasterImportPropMapper.hxx" #endif #ifndef _XMLOFF_PAGEMASTERPROPMAPPER_HXX #include "PageMasterPropMapper.hxx" #endif #ifndef _XMLOFF_PAGEMASTERSTYLEMAP_HXX #include "PageMasterStyleMap.hxx" #endif #ifndef _XMLOFF_PROPMAPPINGTYPES_HXX #include "maptype.hxx" #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_TABLE_BORDERLINE_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_CONTAINER_XNAMECONTAINER_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _XMLOFF_XMLIMP_HXX #include "xmlimp.hxx" #endif #define XML_LINE_LEFT 0 #define XML_LINE_RIGHT 1 #define XML_LINE_TOP 2 #define XML_LINE_BOTTOM 3 using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::container; PageMasterImportPropertyMapper::PageMasterImportPropertyMapper( const UniReference< XMLPropertySetMapper >& rMapper, SvXMLImport& rImp ) : SvXMLImportPropertyMapper( rMapper, rImp ), rImport( rImp ) { } PageMasterImportPropertyMapper::~PageMasterImportPropertyMapper() { } sal_Bool PageMasterImportPropertyMapper::handleSpecialItem( XMLPropertyState& rProperty, ::std::vector< XMLPropertyState >& rProperties, const ::rtl::OUString& rValue, const SvXMLUnitConverter& rUnitConverter, const SvXMLNamespaceMap& rNamespaceMap ) const { sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; sal_Int16 nContextID = getPropertySetMapper()->GetEntryContextId(rProperty.mnIndex); if( CTF_PM_REGISTER_STYLE==nContextID ) { Reference < XNameContainer > xParaStyles = rImport.GetTextImport()->GetParaStyles(); if( xParaStyles.is() && xParaStyles->hasByName( rValue ) ) { rProperty.maValue <<= rValue; bRet = sal_True; } } else { bRet = SvXMLImportPropertyMapper::handleSpecialItem( rProperty, rProperties, rValue, rUnitConverter, rNamespaceMap ); } return bRet; } void PageMasterImportPropertyMapper::finished(::std::vector< XMLPropertyState >& rProperties, sal_Int32 nStartIndex, sal_Int32 nEndIndex ) const { SvXMLImportPropertyMapper::finished(rProperties, nStartIndex, nEndIndex); XMLPropertyState* pAllPaddingProperty = NULL; XMLPropertyState* pPadding[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; XMLPropertyState* pNewPadding[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; XMLPropertyState* pAllBorderProperty = NULL; XMLPropertyState* pBorders[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; XMLPropertyState* pNewBorders[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; XMLPropertyState* pAllBorderWidthProperty = NULL; XMLPropertyState* pBorderWidths[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; XMLPropertyState* pAllHeaderPaddingProperty = NULL; XMLPropertyState* pHeaderPadding[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; XMLPropertyState* pHeaderNewPadding[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; XMLPropertyState* pAllHeaderBorderProperty = NULL; XMLPropertyState* pHeaderBorders[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; XMLPropertyState* pHeaderNewBorders[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; XMLPropertyState* pAllHeaderBorderWidthProperty = NULL; XMLPropertyState* pHeaderBorderWidths[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; XMLPropertyState* pAllFooterPaddingProperty = NULL; XMLPropertyState* pFooterPadding[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; XMLPropertyState* pFooterNewPadding[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; XMLPropertyState* pAllFooterBorderProperty = NULL; XMLPropertyState* pFooterBorders[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; XMLPropertyState* pFooterNewBorders[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; XMLPropertyState* pAllFooterBorderWidthProperty = NULL; XMLPropertyState* pFooterBorderWidths[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; XMLPropertyState* pHeaderHeight = NULL; XMLPropertyState* pHeaderMinHeight = NULL; XMLPropertyState* pHeaderDynamic = NULL; XMLPropertyState* pFooterHeight = NULL; XMLPropertyState* pFooterMinHeight = NULL; XMLPropertyState* pFooterDynamic = NULL; ::std::vector< XMLPropertyState >::iterator property = rProperties.begin(); for (property; property != rProperties.end(); property++) { sal_Int16 nContextID = getPropertySetMapper()->GetEntryContextId(property->mnIndex); if (property->mnIndex >= nStartIndex && property->mnIndex < nEndIndex) { switch (nContextID) { case CTF_PM_PADDINGALL : pAllPaddingProperty = property; break; case CTF_PM_PADDINGLEFT : pPadding[XML_LINE_LEFT] = property; break; case CTF_PM_PADDINGRIGHT : pPadding[XML_LINE_RIGHT] = property; break; case CTF_PM_PADDINGTOP : pPadding[XML_LINE_TOP] = property; break; case CTF_PM_PADDINGBOTTOM : pPadding[XML_LINE_BOTTOM] = property; break; case CTF_PM_BORDERALL : pAllBorderProperty = property; break; case CTF_PM_BORDERLEFT : pBorders[XML_LINE_LEFT] = property; break; case CTF_PM_BORDERRIGHT : pBorders[XML_LINE_RIGHT] = property; break; case CTF_PM_BORDERTOP : pBorders[XML_LINE_TOP] = property; break; case CTF_PM_BORDERBOTTOM : pBorders[XML_LINE_BOTTOM] = property; break; case CTF_PM_BORDERWIDTHALL : pAllBorderWidthProperty = property; break; case CTF_PM_BORDERWIDTHLEFT : pBorderWidths[XML_LINE_LEFT] = property; break; case CTF_PM_BORDERWIDTHRIGHT : pBorderWidths[XML_LINE_RIGHT] = property; break; case CTF_PM_BORDERWIDTHTOP : pBorderWidths[XML_LINE_TOP] = property; break; case CTF_PM_BORDERWIDTHBOTTOM : pBorderWidths[XML_LINE_BOTTOM] = property; break; case CTF_PM_HEADERPADDINGALL : pAllHeaderPaddingProperty = property; break; case CTF_PM_HEADERPADDINGLEFT : pHeaderPadding[XML_LINE_LEFT] = property; break; case CTF_PM_HEADERPADDINGRIGHT : pHeaderPadding[XML_LINE_RIGHT] = property; break; case CTF_PM_HEADERPADDINGTOP : pHeaderPadding[XML_LINE_TOP] = property; break; case CTF_PM_HEADERPADDINGBOTTOM : pHeaderPadding[XML_LINE_BOTTOM] = property; break; case CTF_PM_HEADERBORDERALL : pAllHeaderBorderProperty = property; break; case CTF_PM_HEADERBORDERLEFT : pHeaderBorders[XML_LINE_LEFT] = property; break; case CTF_PM_HEADERBORDERRIGHT : pHeaderBorders[XML_LINE_RIGHT] = property; break; case CTF_PM_HEADERBORDERTOP : pHeaderBorders[XML_LINE_TOP] = property; break; case CTF_PM_HEADERBORDERBOTTOM : pHeaderBorders[XML_LINE_BOTTOM] = property; break; case CTF_PM_HEADERBORDERWIDTHALL : pAllHeaderBorderWidthProperty = property; break; case CTF_PM_HEADERBORDERWIDTHLEFT : pHeaderBorderWidths[XML_LINE_LEFT] = property; break; case CTF_PM_HEADERBORDERWIDTHRIGHT : pHeaderBorderWidths[XML_LINE_RIGHT] = property; break; case CTF_PM_HEADERBORDERWIDTHTOP : pHeaderBorderWidths[XML_LINE_TOP] = property; break; case CTF_PM_HEADERBORDERWIDTHBOTTOM : pHeaderBorderWidths[XML_LINE_BOTTOM] = property; break; case CTF_PM_FOOTERPADDINGALL : pAllFooterPaddingProperty = property; break; case CTF_PM_FOOTERPADDINGLEFT : pFooterPadding[XML_LINE_LEFT] = property; break; case CTF_PM_FOOTERPADDINGRIGHT : pFooterPadding[XML_LINE_RIGHT] = property; break; case CTF_PM_FOOTERPADDINGTOP : pFooterPadding[XML_LINE_TOP] = property; break; case CTF_PM_FOOTERPADDINGBOTTOM : pFooterPadding[XML_LINE_BOTTOM] = property; break; case CTF_PM_FOOTERBORDERALL : pAllFooterBorderProperty = property; break; case CTF_PM_FOOTERBORDERLEFT : pFooterBorders[XML_LINE_LEFT] = property; break; case CTF_PM_FOOTERBORDERRIGHT : pFooterBorders[XML_LINE_RIGHT] = property; break; case CTF_PM_FOOTERBORDERTOP : pFooterBorders[XML_LINE_TOP] = property; break; case CTF_PM_FOOTERBORDERBOTTOM : pFooterBorders[XML_LINE_BOTTOM] = property; break; case CTF_PM_FOOTERBORDERWIDTHALL : pAllFooterBorderWidthProperty = property; break; case CTF_PM_FOOTERBORDERWIDTHLEFT : pFooterBorderWidths[XML_LINE_LEFT] = property; break; case CTF_PM_FOOTERBORDERWIDTHRIGHT : pFooterBorderWidths[XML_LINE_RIGHT] = property; break; case CTF_PM_FOOTERBORDERWIDTHTOP : pFooterBorderWidths[XML_LINE_TOP] = property; break; case CTF_PM_FOOTERBORDERWIDTHBOTTOM : pFooterBorderWidths[XML_LINE_BOTTOM] = property; break; case CTF_PM_HEADERHEIGHT : pHeaderHeight = property; break; case CTF_PM_HEADERMINHEIGHT : pHeaderMinHeight = property; break; case CTF_PM_FOOTERHEIGHT : pFooterHeight = property; break; case CTF_PM_FOOTERMINHEIGHT : pFooterMinHeight = property; break; } } } for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (pAllPaddingProperty && !pPadding[i]) pNewPadding[i] = new XMLPropertyState(pAllPaddingProperty->mnIndex + 1 + i, pAllPaddingProperty->maValue); if (pAllBorderProperty && !pBorders[i]) { pNewBorders[i] = new XMLPropertyState(pAllBorderProperty->mnIndex + 1 + i, pAllBorderProperty->maValue); pBorders[i] = pNewBorders[i]; } if( !pBorderWidths[i] ) pBorderWidths[i] = pAllBorderWidthProperty; else pBorderWidths[i]->mnIndex = -1; if( pBorders[i] ) { table::BorderLine aBorderLine; pBorders[i]->maValue >>= aBorderLine; if( pBorderWidths[i] ) { table::BorderLine aBorderLineWidth; pBorderWidths[i]->maValue >>= aBorderLineWidth; aBorderLine.OuterLineWidth = aBorderLineWidth.OuterLineWidth; aBorderLine.InnerLineWidth = aBorderLineWidth.InnerLineWidth; aBorderLine.LineDistance = aBorderLineWidth.LineDistance; pBorders[i]->maValue <<= aBorderLine; } } if (pAllHeaderPaddingProperty && !pHeaderPadding[i]) pHeaderNewPadding[i] = new XMLPropertyState(pAllHeaderPaddingProperty->mnIndex + 1 + i, pAllHeaderPaddingProperty->maValue); if (pAllHeaderBorderProperty && !pHeaderBorders[i]) pHeaderNewBorders[i] = new XMLPropertyState(pAllHeaderBorderProperty->mnIndex + 1 + i, pAllHeaderBorderProperty->maValue); if( !pHeaderBorderWidths[i] ) pHeaderBorderWidths[i] = pAllHeaderBorderWidthProperty; else pHeaderBorderWidths[i]->mnIndex = -1; if( pHeaderBorders[i] ) { table::BorderLine aBorderLine; pHeaderBorders[i]->maValue >>= aBorderLine; if( pHeaderBorderWidths[i] ) { table::BorderLine aBorderLineWidth; pHeaderBorderWidths[i]->maValue >>= aBorderLineWidth; aBorderLine.OuterLineWidth = aBorderLineWidth.OuterLineWidth; aBorderLine.InnerLineWidth = aBorderLineWidth.InnerLineWidth; aBorderLine.LineDistance = aBorderLineWidth.LineDistance; pHeaderBorders[i]->maValue <<= aBorderLine; } } if (pAllFooterPaddingProperty && !pFooterPadding[i]) pFooterNewPadding[i] = new XMLPropertyState(pAllFooterPaddingProperty->mnIndex + 1 + i, pAllFooterPaddingProperty->maValue); if (pAllFooterBorderProperty && !pFooterBorders[i]) pFooterNewBorders[i] = new XMLPropertyState(pAllFooterBorderProperty->mnIndex + 1 + i, pAllFooterBorderProperty->maValue); if( !pFooterBorderWidths[i] ) pFooterBorderWidths[i] = pAllFooterBorderWidthProperty; else pFooterBorderWidths[i]->mnIndex = -1; if( pFooterBorders[i] ) { table::BorderLine aBorderLine; pFooterBorders[i]->maValue >>= aBorderLine; if( pFooterBorderWidths[i] ) { table::BorderLine aBorderLineWidth; pFooterBorderWidths[i]->maValue >>= aBorderLineWidth; aBorderLine.OuterLineWidth = aBorderLineWidth.OuterLineWidth; aBorderLine.InnerLineWidth = aBorderLineWidth.InnerLineWidth; aBorderLine.LineDistance = aBorderLineWidth.LineDistance; pFooterBorders[i]->maValue <<= aBorderLine; } } } if (pHeaderHeight) { sal_Bool bValue(sal_False); uno::Any aAny; aAny.setValue( &bValue, ::getBooleanCppuType() ); pHeaderDynamic = new XMLPropertyState(pHeaderHeight->mnIndex + 2, aAny); } if (pHeaderMinHeight) { sal_Bool bValue(sal_True); uno::Any aAny; aAny.setValue( &bValue, ::getBooleanCppuType() ); pHeaderDynamic = new XMLPropertyState(pHeaderMinHeight->mnIndex + 1, aAny); } if (pFooterHeight) { sal_Bool bValue(sal_False); uno::Any aAny; aAny.setValue( &bValue, ::getBooleanCppuType() ); pFooterDynamic = new XMLPropertyState(pFooterHeight->mnIndex + 2, aAny); } if (pFooterMinHeight) { sal_Bool bValue(sal_True); uno::Any aAny; aAny.setValue( &bValue, ::getBooleanCppuType() ); pFooterDynamic = new XMLPropertyState(pFooterMinHeight->mnIndex + 1, aAny); } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (pNewPadding[i]) { rProperties.push_back(*pNewPadding[i]); delete pNewPadding[i]; } if (pNewBorders[i]) { rProperties.push_back(*pNewBorders[i]); delete pNewBorders[i]; } if (pHeaderNewPadding[i]) { rProperties.push_back(*pHeaderNewPadding[i]); delete pHeaderNewPadding[i]; } if (pHeaderNewBorders[i]) { rProperties.push_back(*pHeaderNewBorders[i]); delete pHeaderNewBorders[i]; } if (pFooterNewPadding[i]) { rProperties.push_back(*pFooterNewPadding[i]); delete pFooterNewPadding[i]; } if (pFooterNewBorders[i]) { rProperties.push_back(*pFooterNewBorders[i]); delete pFooterNewBorders[i]; } } if(pHeaderDynamic) { rProperties.push_back(*pHeaderDynamic); delete pHeaderDynamic; } if(pFooterDynamic) { rProperties.push_back(*pFooterDynamic); delete pFooterDynamic; } }