/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fonthdl.hxx" #include #include #include #include using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::style; using namespace ::com::sun::star::text; using namespace ::com::sun::star::container; using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans; using namespace ::xmloff::token; void SvxXMLNumRuleExport::exportLevelStyles( const uno::Reference< css::container::XIndexReplace > & xNumRule, bool bOutline ) { sal_Int32 nCount = xNumRule ->getCount(); for( sal_Int32 i=0; igetByIndex( i ) ); uno::Sequence aSeq; if( aEntry >>= aSeq ) { exportLevelStyle( i, aSeq, bOutline ); } } } void SvxXMLNumRuleExport::exportLevelStyle( sal_Int32 nLevel, const uno::Sequence& rProps, bool bOutline ) { sal_Int16 eType = NumberingType::CHAR_SPECIAL; sal_Int16 eAdjust = HoriOrientation::LEFT; OUString sPrefix, sSuffix; OUString sTextStyleName; bool bHasColor = false; sal_Int32 nColor = 0; sal_Int32 nSpaceBefore = 0, nMinLabelWidth = 0, nMinLabelDist = 0; sal_Int16 nStartValue = 1, nDisplayLevels = 1, nBullRelSize = 0; sal_Unicode cBullet = 0xf095; OUString sBulletFontName, sBulletFontStyleName ; FontFamily eBulletFontFamily = FAMILY_DONTKNOW; FontPitch eBulletFontPitch = PITCH_DONTKNOW; rtl_TextEncoding eBulletFontEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW; OUString sImageURL; uno::Reference< css::awt::XBitmap > xBitmap; sal_Int32 nImageWidth = 0, nImageHeight = 0; sal_Int16 eImageVertOrient = VertOrientation::LINE_CENTER; sal_Int16 ePosAndSpaceMode = PositionAndSpaceMode::LABEL_WIDTH_AND_POSITION; sal_Int16 eLabelFollowedBy = LabelFollow::LISTTAB; sal_Int32 nListtabStopPosition( 0 ); sal_Int32 nFirstLineIndent( 0 ); sal_Int32 nIndentAt( 0 ); const sal_Int32 nCount = rProps.getLength(); const beans::PropertyValue* pPropArray = rProps.getConstArray(); for( sal_Int32 i=0; i>= eType; } else if( rProp.Name == "Prefix" ) { rProp.Value >>= sPrefix; } else if( rProp.Name == "Suffix" ) { rProp.Value >>= sSuffix; } else if( rProp.Name == "BulletChar" ) { OUString sValue; rProp.Value >>= sValue; if( !sValue.isEmpty() ) { cBullet = (sal_Unicode)sValue[0]; } } else if( rProp.Name == "BulletRelSize" ) { rProp.Value >>= nBullRelSize; } else if( rProp.Name == "Adjust" ) { sal_Int16 nValue = 0; rProp.Value >>= nValue; eAdjust = nValue; } else if( rProp.Name == "BulletFont" ) { awt::FontDescriptor rFDesc; if( rProp.Value >>= rFDesc ) { sBulletFontName = rFDesc.Name; sBulletFontStyleName = rFDesc.StyleName; eBulletFontFamily = static_cast< FontFamily >( rFDesc.Family ); eBulletFontPitch = static_cast< FontPitch >( rFDesc.Pitch ); eBulletFontEncoding = (rtl_TextEncoding)rFDesc.CharSet; } } else if( rProp.Name == "GraphicURL" ) { rProp.Value >>= sImageURL; } else if( rProp.Name == "GraphicBitmap" ) { rProp.Value >>= xBitmap; } else if( rProp.Name == "BulletColor" ) { rProp.Value >>= nColor; bHasColor = true; } else if( rProp.Name == "StartWith" ) { rProp.Value >>= nStartValue; } else if( rProp.Name == "LeftMargin" ) { rProp.Value >>= nSpaceBefore; } else if( rProp.Name == "FirstLineOffset" ) { rProp.Value >>= nMinLabelWidth; } else if( rProp.Name == "SymbolTextDistance" ) { rProp.Value >>= nMinLabelDist; } else if( rProp.Name == "ParentNumbering" ) { rProp.Value >>= nDisplayLevels; if( nDisplayLevels > nLevel+1 ) nDisplayLevels = static_cast( nLevel )+1; } else if( rProp.Name == "CharStyleName" ) { rProp.Value >>= sTextStyleName; } else if( rProp.Name == "GraphicSize" ) { awt::Size aSize; if( rProp.Value >>= aSize ) { nImageWidth = aSize.Width; nImageHeight = aSize.Height; } } else if( rProp.Name == "VertOrient" ) { sal_Int16 nValue = 0; rProp.Value >>= nValue; eImageVertOrient = nValue; } else if( rProp.Name == "PositionAndSpaceMode" ) { sal_Int16 nValue = 0; rProp.Value >>= nValue; ePosAndSpaceMode = nValue; } else if( rProp.Name == "LabelFollowedBy" ) { sal_Int16 nValue = 0; rProp.Value >>= nValue; eLabelFollowedBy = nValue; } else if( rProp.Name == "ListtabStopPosition" ) { rProp.Value >>= nListtabStopPosition; } else if( rProp.Name == "FirstLineIndent" ) { rProp.Value >>= nFirstLineIndent; } else if( rProp.Name == "IndentAt" ) { rProp.Value >>= nIndentAt; } } if( bOutline && (NumberingType::CHAR_SPECIAL == eType || NumberingType::BITMAP == eType) ) { SAL_WARN_IF( bOutline, "xmloff", "SvxXMLNumRuleExport::exportLevelStyle: invalid style for outline" ); return; } GetExport().CheckAttrList(); // text:level OUStringBuffer sTmp; sTmp.append( nLevel + 1 ); GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT, XML_LEVEL, sTmp.makeStringAndClear() ); // #i110694#: no style-name on list-level-style-image // #i116149#: neither prefix/suffix if (NumberingType::BITMAP != eType) { if (!sTextStyleName.isEmpty()) { GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT, XML_STYLE_NAME, GetExport().EncodeStyleName( sTextStyleName ) ); } if (!sPrefix.isEmpty()) { GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_NUM_PREFIX, sPrefix ); } if (!sSuffix.isEmpty()) { GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_NUM_SUFFIX, sSuffix ); } } enum XMLTokenEnum eElem = XML_LIST_LEVEL_STYLE_NUMBER; if( NumberingType::CHAR_SPECIAL == eType ) { // eElem = XML_LIST_LEVEL_STYLE_BULLET; if( cBullet ) { if( cBullet < ' ' ) { cBullet = 0xF000 + 149; } // text:bullet-char="..." sTmp.append( cBullet ); GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT, XML_BULLET_CHAR, sTmp.makeStringAndClear() ); } else { // If 'cBullet' is zero, XML_BULLET_CHAR must exist with blank. GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT, XML_BULLET_CHAR, ""); } } else if( NumberingType::BITMAP == eType ) { // eElem = XML_LIST_LEVEL_STYLE_IMAGE; if( !sImageURL.isEmpty() ) { OUString sURL( GetExport().AddEmbeddedGraphicObject( sImageURL ) ); if( !sURL.isEmpty() ) { GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_XLINK, XML_HREF, sURL ); GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_XLINK, XML_TYPE, XML_SIMPLE ); GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_XLINK, XML_SHOW, XML_EMBED ); GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_XLINK, XML_ACTUATE, XML_ONLOAD ); } } else { SAL_WARN_IF( xBitmap.is(), "xmloff", "embedded images are not supported by now" ); } } else { // or if( bOutline ) eElem = XML_OUTLINE_LEVEL_STYLE; else eElem = XML_LIST_LEVEL_STYLE_NUMBER; GetExport().GetMM100UnitConverter().convertNumFormat( sTmp, eType ); GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_NUM_FORMAT, sTmp.makeStringAndClear() ); SvXMLUnitConverter::convertNumLetterSync( sTmp, eType ); if( !sTmp.isEmpty() ) GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_NUM_LETTER_SYNC, sTmp.makeStringAndClear() ); if( nStartValue != 1 ) { sTmp.append( (sal_Int32)nStartValue ); GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT, XML_START_VALUE, sTmp.makeStringAndClear() ); } if( nDisplayLevels > 1 && NumberingType::NUMBER_NONE != eType ) { sTmp.append( (sal_Int32)nDisplayLevels ); GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT, XML_DISPLAY_LEVELS, sTmp.makeStringAndClear() ); } } { SvXMLElementExport aElem( GetExport(), XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT, eElem, true, true ); OUStringBuffer sBuffer; if ( ePosAndSpaceMode == PositionAndSpaceMode::LABEL_WIDTH_AND_POSITION ) { nSpaceBefore += nMinLabelWidth; nMinLabelWidth = -nMinLabelWidth; if( nSpaceBefore != 0 ) { GetExport().GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToXML( sBuffer, nSpaceBefore ); GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT, XML_SPACE_BEFORE, sBuffer.makeStringAndClear() ); } if( nMinLabelWidth != 0 ) { GetExport().GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToXML( sBuffer, nMinLabelWidth ); GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT, XML_MIN_LABEL_WIDTH, sBuffer.makeStringAndClear() ); } if( nMinLabelDist > 0 ) { GetExport().GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToXML( sBuffer, nMinLabelDist ); GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT, XML_MIN_LABEL_DISTANCE, sBuffer.makeStringAndClear() ); } } /* Check, if properties for position-and-space-mode LABEL_ALIGNMENT are allowed to be exported. (#i89178#) */ else if ( ePosAndSpaceMode == PositionAndSpaceMode::LABEL_ALIGNMENT && mbExportPositionAndSpaceModeLabelAlignment ) { GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT, XML_LIST_LEVEL_POSITION_AND_SPACE_MODE, XML_LABEL_ALIGNMENT ); } if( HoriOrientation::LEFT != eAdjust ) { enum XMLTokenEnum eValue = XML_TOKEN_INVALID; switch( eAdjust ) { case HoriOrientation::RIGHT: eValue = XML_END; break; case HoriOrientation::CENTER: eValue = XML_CENTER; break; } if( eValue != XML_TOKEN_INVALID ) GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_FO, XML_TEXT_ALIGN, eValue ); } if( NumberingType::BITMAP == eType ) { enum XMLTokenEnum eValue = XML_TOKEN_INVALID; switch( eImageVertOrient ) { case VertOrientation::BOTTOM: // yes, it's OK: BOTTOM means that the baseline // hits the frame at its topmost position case VertOrientation::LINE_TOP: case VertOrientation::CHAR_TOP: eValue = XML_TOP; break; case VertOrientation::CENTER: case VertOrientation::LINE_CENTER: case VertOrientation::CHAR_CENTER: eValue = XML_MIDDLE; break; case VertOrientation::TOP: // yes, it's OK: TOP means that the baseline // hits the frame at its bottommost position case VertOrientation::LINE_BOTTOM: case VertOrientation::CHAR_BOTTOM: eValue = XML_BOTTOM; break; } if( eValue != XML_TOKEN_INVALID ) GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_VERTICAL_POS, eValue ); eValue = XML_TOKEN_INVALID; switch( eImageVertOrient ) { case VertOrientation::TOP: case VertOrientation::CENTER: case VertOrientation::BOTTOM: eValue = XML_BASELINE; break; case VertOrientation::LINE_TOP: case VertOrientation::LINE_CENTER: case VertOrientation::LINE_BOTTOM: eValue = XML_LINE; break; case VertOrientation::CHAR_TOP: case VertOrientation::CHAR_CENTER: case VertOrientation::CHAR_BOTTOM: eValue = XML_CHAR; break; } if( eValue != XML_TOKEN_INVALID ) GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_VERTICAL_REL, eValue ); if( nImageWidth > 0 ) { GetExport().GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToXML( sBuffer, nImageWidth ); GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_FO, XML_WIDTH, sBuffer.makeStringAndClear() ); } if( nImageHeight > 0 ) { GetExport().GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToXML( sBuffer, nImageHeight ); GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_FO, XML_HEIGHT, sBuffer.makeStringAndClear() ); } } { SvXMLElementExport aElement( GetExport(), XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_LIST_LEVEL_PROPERTIES, true, true ); /* Check, if properties for position-and-space-mode LABEL_ALIGNMENT are allowed to be exported. (#i89178#) */ if ( ePosAndSpaceMode == PositionAndSpaceMode::LABEL_ALIGNMENT && mbExportPositionAndSpaceModeLabelAlignment ) { enum XMLTokenEnum eValue = XML_LISTTAB; if ( eLabelFollowedBy == LabelFollow::SPACE ) { eValue = XML_SPACE; } else if ( eLabelFollowedBy == LabelFollow::NOTHING ) { eValue = XML_NOTHING; } GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT, XML_LABEL_FOLLOWED_BY, eValue ); if ( eLabelFollowedBy == LabelFollow::LISTTAB && nListtabStopPosition > 0 ) { GetExport().GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToXML( sBuffer, nListtabStopPosition ); GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT, XML_LIST_TAB_STOP_POSITION, sBuffer.makeStringAndClear() ); } if ( nFirstLineIndent != 0 ) { GetExport().GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToXML( sBuffer, nFirstLineIndent ); GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_FO, XML_TEXT_INDENT, sBuffer.makeStringAndClear() ); } if ( nIndentAt != 0 ) { GetExport().GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToXML( sBuffer, nIndentAt ); GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_FO, XML_MARGIN_LEFT, sBuffer.makeStringAndClear() ); } SvXMLElementExport aLabelAlignmentElement( GetExport(), XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_LIST_LEVEL_LABEL_ALIGNMENT, true, true ); } } if( NumberingType::CHAR_SPECIAL == eType ) { if( !sBulletFontName.isEmpty() ) { OUString sStyleName = GetExport().GetFontAutoStylePool()->Find( sBulletFontName, sBulletFontStyleName, eBulletFontFamily, eBulletFontPitch, eBulletFontEncoding ); if( !sStyleName.isEmpty() ) { GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_FONT_NAME, sStyleName ); } else { OUString sTemp; const SvXMLUnitConverter& rUnitConv = GetExport().GetMM100UnitConverter(); XMLFontFamilyNamePropHdl aFamilyNameHdl; if( aFamilyNameHdl.exportXML( sTemp, Any(sBulletFontName), rUnitConv ) ) GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_FO, XML_FONT_FAMILY, sTemp ); if( !sBulletFontStyleName.isEmpty() ) GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_FONT_STYLE_NAME, sBulletFontStyleName ); XMLFontFamilyPropHdl aFamilyHdl; if( aFamilyHdl.exportXML( sTemp, Any((sal_Int16)eBulletFontFamily), rUnitConv ) ) GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_FONT_FAMILY_GENERIC, sTemp ); XMLFontPitchPropHdl aPitchHdl; if( aPitchHdl.exportXML( sTemp, Any((sal_Int16)eBulletFontPitch), rUnitConv ) ) GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_FONT_PITCH, sTemp ); XMLFontEncodingPropHdl aEncHdl; if( aEncHdl.exportXML( sTemp, Any((sal_Int16)eBulletFontEncoding), rUnitConv ) ) GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_FONT_CHARSET, sTemp ); } } } if( NumberingType::BITMAP != eType ) { // fo:color = "#..." if( bHasColor ) { if (0xffffffff == static_cast(nColor)) { GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_USE_WINDOW_FONT_COLOR, XML_TRUE ); } else { ::sax::Converter::convertColor( sBuffer, nColor ); GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_FO, XML_COLOR, sBuffer.makeStringAndClear() ); } } // fo:height="...%" if( nBullRelSize ) { ::sax::Converter::convertPercent( sTmp, nBullRelSize ); GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_FO, XML_FONT_SIZE, sTmp.makeStringAndClear() ); } } if( GetExport().GetAttrList().getLength() > 0 ) { SvXMLElementExport aElement( GetExport(), XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_TEXT_PROPERTIES, true, true ); } if( NumberingType::BITMAP == eType && !sImageURL.isEmpty() ) { // optional office:binary-data GetExport().AddEmbeddedGraphicObjectAsBase64( sImageURL ); } } } SvxXMLNumRuleExport::SvxXMLNumRuleExport( SvXMLExport& rExp ) : rExport( rExp ), sNumberingRules( "NumberingRules" ), sIsPhysical( "IsPhysical" ), sIsContinuousNumbering( "IsContinuousNumbering" ), // Let list style creation depend on Load/Save option "ODF format version" (#i89178#) mbExportPositionAndSpaceModeLabelAlignment( true ) { switch ( GetExport().getDefaultVersion() ) { case SvtSaveOptions::ODFVER_010: case SvtSaveOptions::ODFVER_011: { mbExportPositionAndSpaceModeLabelAlignment = false; } break; default: // ODFVER_UNKNOWN or ODFVER_012 { mbExportPositionAndSpaceModeLabelAlignment = true; } } } SvxXMLNumRuleExport::~SvxXMLNumRuleExport() { } void SvxXMLNumRuleExport::exportNumberingRule( const OUString& rName, bool bIsHidden, const Reference< XIndexReplace >& rNumRule ) { Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( rNumRule, UNO_QUERY ); Reference< XPropertySetInfo > xPropSetInfo; if( xPropSet.is() ) xPropSetInfo = xPropSet->getPropertySetInfo(); GetExport().CheckAttrList(); // style:name="..." if( !rName.isEmpty() ) { bool bEncoded = false; GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_NAME, GetExport().EncodeStyleName( rName, &bEncoded ) ); if( bEncoded ) GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_DISPLAY_NAME, rName); } // style:hidden="..." if ( bIsHidden && GetExport( ).getDefaultVersion( ) == SvtSaveOptions::ODFVER_LATEST ) GetExport( ).AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_HIDDEN, "true" ); // text:consecutive-numbering="..." bool bContNumbering = false; if( xPropSetInfo.is() && xPropSetInfo->hasPropertyByName( sIsContinuousNumbering ) ) { Any aAny( xPropSet->getPropertyValue( sIsContinuousNumbering ) ); bContNumbering = *o3tl::doAccess(aAny); } if( bContNumbering ) GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT, XML_CONSECUTIVE_NUMBERING, XML_TRUE ); { SvXMLElementExport aElem( GetExport(), XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT, XML_LIST_STYLE , true, true ); exportLevelStyles( rNumRule ); } } void SvxXMLNumRuleExport::exportStyle( const Reference< XStyle >& rStyle ) { Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( rStyle, UNO_QUERY ); Reference< XPropertySetInfo > xPropSetInfo = xPropSet->getPropertySetInfo(); Any aAny; // Don't export styles that aren't existing really. This may be the // case for StarOffice Writer's pool styles. if( xPropSetInfo->hasPropertyByName( sIsPhysical ) ) { aAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue( sIsPhysical ); if( !*o3tl::doAccess(aAny) ) return; } aAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue( sNumberingRules ); Reference xNumRule; aAny >>= xNumRule; OUString sName = rStyle->getName(); bool bHidden = false; if ( xPropSetInfo->hasPropertyByName( "Hidden" ) ) { aAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue( "Hidden" ); aAny >>= bHidden; } exportNumberingRule( sName, bHidden, xNumRule ); } void SvxXMLNumRuleExport::exportOutline() { Reference< XChapterNumberingSupplier > xCNSupplier( GetExport().GetModel(), UNO_QUERY ); SAL_WARN_IF( !xCNSupplier.is(), "xmloff", "no chapter numbering supplier" ); if( xCNSupplier.is() ) { Reference< XIndexReplace > xNumRule( xCNSupplier->getChapterNumberingRules() ); SAL_WARN_IF( !xNumRule.is(), "xmloff", "no chapter numbering rules" ); if( xNumRule.is() ) { /* Outline style has property style:name since ODF 1.2 Thus, export this property and adjust fix for issue #i69627# (#i90780#) */ OUString sOutlineStyleName; { Reference xNumRulePropSet( xCNSupplier->getChapterNumberingRules(), UNO_QUERY ); if (xNumRulePropSet.is()) { const OUString sName( "Name" ); xNumRulePropSet->getPropertyValue( sName ) >>= sOutlineStyleName; } } const SvtSaveOptions::ODFDefaultVersion nODFVersion = GetExport().getDefaultVersion(); if ( ( nODFVersion == SvtSaveOptions::ODFVER_010 || nODFVersion == SvtSaveOptions::ODFVER_011 ) && GetExport().writeOutlineStyleAsNormalListStyle() ) { exportNumberingRule( sOutlineStyleName, false, xNumRule ); } else { if ( nODFVersion != SvtSaveOptions::ODFVER_010 && nODFVersion != SvtSaveOptions::ODFVER_011 ) { // style:name="..." GetExport().CheckAttrList(); if ( !sOutlineStyleName.isEmpty() ) { bool bEncoded = false; GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_NAME, GetExport().EncodeStyleName( sOutlineStyleName, &bEncoded ) ); if( bEncoded ) GetExport().AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_DISPLAY_NAME, sOutlineStyleName ); } } SvXMLElementExport aElem( GetExport(), XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT, XML_OUTLINE_STYLE, true, true ); exportLevelStyles( xNumRule, true ); } } } } void SvxXMLNumRuleExport::exportStyles( bool bUsed, XMLTextListAutoStylePool *pPool, bool bExportChapterNumbering ) { if( bExportChapterNumbering ) exportOutline(); Reference< XStyleFamiliesSupplier > xFamiliesSupp( GetExport().GetModel(), UNO_QUERY ); SAL_WARN_IF( !xFamiliesSupp.is(), "xmloff", "No XStyleFamiliesSupplier from XModel for export!" ); if( xFamiliesSupp.is() ) { Reference< XNameAccess > xFamilies( xFamiliesSupp->getStyleFamilies() ); SAL_WARN_IF( !xFamiliesSupp.is(), "xmloff", "getStyleFamilies() from XModel failed for export!" ); if( xFamilies.is() ) { const OUString aNumberStyleName( "NumberingStyles" ); Reference< XIndexAccess > xStyles; if( xFamilies->hasByName( aNumberStyleName ) ) { xFamilies->getByName( aNumberStyleName ) >>= xStyles; SAL_WARN_IF( !xStyles.is(), "xmloff", "Style not found for export!" ); if( xStyles.is() ) { const sal_Int32 nStyles = xStyles->getCount(); for( sal_Int32 i=0; i < nStyles; i++ ) { Reference< XStyle > xStyle; xStyles->getByIndex( i ) >>= xStyle; if( !bUsed || xStyle->isInUse() ) { exportStyle( xStyle ); if( pPool ) pPool->RegisterName( xStyle->getName() ); } } } } } } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */