/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "resourcemanager.hxx" #include #include using namespace ::com::sun::star; #define INVAL_SEL 0xFFFF sal_uInt16 CertificateChooser::GetSelectedEntryPos() const { sal_uInt16 nSel = INVAL_SEL; SvTreeListEntry* pSel = m_pCertLB->FirstSelected(); if( pSel ) nSel = (sal_uInt16) reinterpret_cast( pSel->GetUserData() ); return (sal_uInt16) nSel; } CertificateChooser::CertificateChooser(vcl::Window* _pParent, uno::Reference& _rxCtx, uno::Reference& _rxSecurityEnvironment) : ModalDialog(_pParent, "SelectCertificateDialog", "xmlsec/ui/selectcertificatedialog.ui") { get(m_pOKBtn, "ok"); get(m_pViewBtn, "viewcert"); get(m_pDescriptionED, "description"); Size aControlSize(475, 122); const long nControlWidth = aControlSize.Width(); aControlSize = LogicToPixel(aControlSize, MAP_APPFONT); SvSimpleTableContainer *pSignatures = get("signatures"); pSignatures->set_width_request(aControlSize.Width()); pSignatures->set_height_request(aControlSize.Height()); m_pCertLB = VclPtr::Create(*pSignatures); static long nTabs[] = { 4, 0, 20*nControlWidth/100, 40*nControlWidth/100, 80*nControlWidth/100 }; m_pCertLB->SetTabs( &nTabs[0] ); m_pCertLB->InsertHeaderEntry(get("issuedto")->GetText() + "\t" + get("issuedby")->GetText() + "\t" + get("usage")->GetText() + "\t" + get("expiration")->GetText()); m_pCertLB->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, CertificateChooser, CertificateHighlightHdl ) ); m_pCertLB->SetDoubleClickHdl( LINK( this, CertificateChooser, CertificateSelectHdl ) ); m_pViewBtn->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, CertificateChooser, ViewButtonHdl ) ); mxCtx = _rxCtx; mxSecurityEnvironment = _rxSecurityEnvironment; mbInitialized = false; // disable buttons CertificateHighlightHdl( nullptr ); } CertificateChooser::~CertificateChooser() { disposeOnce(); } void CertificateChooser::dispose() { m_pCertLB.disposeAndClear(); m_pViewBtn.clear(); m_pOKBtn.clear(); ModalDialog::dispose(); } short CertificateChooser::Execute() { // #i48432# // We can't check for personal certificates before raising this dialog, // because the mozilla implementation throws a NoPassword exception, // if the user pressed cancel, and also if the database does not exist! // But in the later case, the is no password query, and the user is confused // that nothing happens when pressing "Add..." in the SignatureDialog. // PostUserEvent( LINK( this, CertificateChooser, Initialize ) ); // PostUserLink behavior is to slow, so do it directly before Execute(). // Problem: This Dialog should be visible right now, and the parent should not be accessible. // Show, Update, DIsableInput... vcl::Window* pMe = this; vcl::Window* pParent = GetParent(); if ( pParent ) pParent->EnableInput( false ); pMe->Show(); pMe->Update(); ImplInitialize(); if ( pParent ) pParent->EnableInput(); return ModalDialog::Execute(); } void CertificateChooser::HandleOneUsageBit(OUString& string, int& bits, int bit, const char *name) { if (bits & bit) { if (!string.isEmpty()) string += ", "; string += get(OString("STR_") + name)->GetText(); bits &= ~bit; } } OUString CertificateChooser::UsageInClearText(int bits) { OUString result; HandleOneUsageBit(result, bits, 0x80, "DIGITAL_SIGNATURE"); HandleOneUsageBit(result, bits, 0x40, "NON_REPUDIATION"); HandleOneUsageBit(result, bits, 0x20, "KEY_ENCIPHERMENT"); HandleOneUsageBit(result, bits, 0x10, "DATA_ENCIPHERMENT"); HandleOneUsageBit(result, bits, 0x08, "KEY_AGREEMENT"); HandleOneUsageBit(result, bits, 0x04, "KEY_CERT_SIGN"); HandleOneUsageBit(result, bits, 0x02, "CRL_SIGN"); HandleOneUsageBit(result, bits, 0x01, "ENCIPHER_ONLY"); // Check for mystery leftover bits if (bits != 0) { if (!result.isEmpty()) result += ", "; result += "0x" + OUString::number(bits, 16); } return result; } void CertificateChooser::ImplInitialize() { if ( !mbInitialized ) { try { maCerts = mxSecurityEnvironment->getPersonalCertificates(); } catch (security::NoPasswordException&) { } uno::Reference< css::security::XSerialNumberAdapter> xSerialNumberAdapter = css::security::SerialNumberAdapter::create(mxCtx); sal_Int32 nCertificates = maCerts.getLength(); for( sal_Int32 nCert = nCertificates; nCert; ) { uno::Reference< security::XCertificate > xCert = maCerts[ --nCert ]; // Check if we have a private key for this... long nCertificateCharacters = mxSecurityEnvironment->getCertificateCharacters(xCert); if (!(nCertificateCharacters & security::CertificateCharacters::HAS_PRIVATE_KEY)) { ::comphelper::removeElementAt( maCerts, nCert ); nCertificates = maCerts.getLength(); } } // fill list of certificates; the first entry will be selected for ( sal_Int32 nC = 0; nC < nCertificates; ++nC ) { SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = m_pCertLB->InsertEntry( XmlSec::GetContentPart( maCerts[ nC ]->getSubjectName() ) + "\t" + XmlSec::GetContentPart( maCerts[ nC ]->getIssuerName() ) + "\t" + UsageInClearText( maCerts[ nC ]->getCertificateUsage() ) + "\t" + XmlSec::GetDateString( maCerts[ nC ]->getNotValidAfter() ) ); pEntry->SetUserData( reinterpret_cast(nC) ); // missuse user data as index } // enable/disable buttons CertificateHighlightHdl( nullptr ); mbInitialized = true; } } uno::Reference< css::security::XCertificate > CertificateChooser::GetSelectedCertificate() { uno::Reference< css::security::XCertificate > xCert; sal_uInt16 nSelected = GetSelectedEntryPos(); if ( nSelected < maCerts.getLength() ) xCert = maCerts[ nSelected ]; return xCert; } OUString CertificateChooser::GetDescription() { return m_pDescriptionED->GetText(); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG_TYPED(CertificateChooser, CertificateHighlightHdl, SvTreeListBox*, void) { bool bEnable = GetSelectedCertificate().is(); m_pViewBtn->Enable( bEnable ); m_pOKBtn->Enable( bEnable ); m_pDescriptionED->Enable(bEnable); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG_TYPED(CertificateChooser, CertificateSelectHdl, SvTreeListBox*, bool) { EndDialog( RET_OK ); return false; } IMPL_LINK_NOARG_TYPED(CertificateChooser, ViewButtonHdl, Button*, void) { ImplShowCertificateDetails(); } void CertificateChooser::ImplShowCertificateDetails() { uno::Reference< css::security::XCertificate > xCert = GetSelectedCertificate(); if( xCert.is() ) { ScopedVclPtrInstance< CertificateViewer > aViewer( this, mxSecurityEnvironment, xCert, true ); aViewer->Execute(); } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */