/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace ::com::sun::star; IMPL_LINK_NOARG(MacroSecurity, OkBtnHdl, Button*, void) { mpLevelTP->ClosePage(); mpTrustSrcTP->ClosePage(); EndDialog( RET_OK ); } MacroSecurity::MacroSecurity( vcl::Window* _pParent, const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::crypto::XSecurityEnvironment >& _rxSecurityEnvironment) : TabDialog(_pParent, "MacroSecurityDialog", "xmlsec/ui/macrosecuritydialog.ui") , mxSecurityEnvironment(_rxSecurityEnvironment) { get(m_pTabCtrl, "tabcontrol"); get(m_pResetBtn, "reset"); get(m_pOkBtn, "ok"); mpLevelTP.reset(VclPtr::Create(m_pTabCtrl, this)); mpTrustSrcTP.reset(VclPtr::Create(m_pTabCtrl, this)); m_nSecLevelId = m_pTabCtrl->GetPageId("SecurityLevelPage"); m_nSecTrustId = m_pTabCtrl->GetPageId("SecurityTrustPage"); m_pTabCtrl->SetTabPage(m_nSecLevelId, mpLevelTP); m_pTabCtrl->SetTabPage(m_nSecTrustId, mpTrustSrcTP); m_pTabCtrl->SetCurPageId(m_nSecLevelId); m_pOkBtn->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, MacroSecurity, OkBtnHdl ) ); } MacroSecurity::~MacroSecurity() { disposeOnce(); } void MacroSecurity::dispose() { m_pTabCtrl->GetTabPage(m_nSecTrustId)->disposeOnce(); m_pTabCtrl->GetTabPage(m_nSecLevelId)->disposeOnce(); m_pTabCtrl.clear(); m_pOkBtn.clear(); m_pResetBtn.clear(); mpLevelTP.disposeAndClear(); mpTrustSrcTP.disposeAndClear(); TabDialog::dispose(); } MacroSecurityTP::MacroSecurityTP(vcl::Window* _pParent, const OString& rID, const OUString& rUIXMLDescription, MacroSecurity* _pDlg) : TabPage(_pParent, rID, rUIXMLDescription) , mpDlg(_pDlg) { } MacroSecurityTP::~MacroSecurityTP() { disposeOnce(); } void MacroSecurityTP::dispose() { mpDlg.clear(); TabPage::dispose(); } MacroSecurityLevelTP::MacroSecurityLevelTP(vcl::Window* _pParent, MacroSecurity* _pDlg) : MacroSecurityTP(_pParent, "SecurityLevelPage", "xmlsec/ui/securitylevelpage.ui", _pDlg) { get(m_pVeryHighRB, "vhigh"); get(m_pHighRB, "high"); get(m_pMediumRB, "med"); get(m_pLowRB, "low"); m_pLowRB->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, MacroSecurityLevelTP, RadioButtonHdl ) ); m_pMediumRB->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, MacroSecurityLevelTP, RadioButtonHdl ) ); m_pHighRB->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, MacroSecurityLevelTP, RadioButtonHdl ) ); m_pVeryHighRB->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, MacroSecurityLevelTP, RadioButtonHdl ) ); mnCurLevel = (sal_uInt16) mpDlg->maSecOptions.GetMacroSecurityLevel(); bool bReadonly = mpDlg->maSecOptions.IsReadOnly( SvtSecurityOptions::EOption::MacroSecLevel ); RadioButton* pCheck = nullptr; FixedImage* pImage = nullptr; switch (mnCurLevel) { case 3: pCheck = m_pVeryHighRB; pImage = get("vhighimg"); break; case 2: pCheck = m_pHighRB; pImage = get("highimg"); break; case 1: pCheck = m_pMediumRB; pImage = get("medimg"); break; case 0: pCheck = m_pLowRB; pImage = get("lowimg"); break; } if (pCheck) pCheck->Check(); else { OSL_FAIL("illegal macro security level"); } if (bReadonly && pImage) { pImage->Show(); m_pVeryHighRB->Enable(false); m_pHighRB->Enable(false); m_pMediumRB->Enable(false); m_pLowRB->Enable(false); } } MacroSecurityLevelTP::~MacroSecurityLevelTP() { disposeOnce(); } void MacroSecurityLevelTP::dispose() { m_pVeryHighRB.clear(); m_pHighRB.clear(); m_pMediumRB.clear(); m_pLowRB.clear(); MacroSecurityTP::dispose(); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(MacroSecurityLevelTP, RadioButtonHdl, Button*, void) { sal_uInt16 nNewLevel = 0; if( m_pVeryHighRB->IsChecked() ) nNewLevel = 3; else if( m_pHighRB->IsChecked() ) nNewLevel = 2; else if( m_pMediumRB->IsChecked() ) nNewLevel = 1; if ( nNewLevel != mnCurLevel ) { mnCurLevel = nNewLevel; mpDlg->EnableReset(); } } void MacroSecurityLevelTP::ClosePage() { mpDlg->maSecOptions.SetMacroSecurityLevel( mnCurLevel ); } void MacroSecurityTrustedSourcesTP::ImplCheckButtons() { bool bCertSelected = m_pTrustCertLB->FirstSelected() != nullptr; m_pViewCertPB->Enable( bCertSelected ); m_pRemoveCertPB->Enable( bCertSelected && !mbAuthorsReadonly); bool bLocationSelected = m_pTrustFileLocLB->GetSelectedEntryPos() != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND; m_pRemoveLocPB->Enable( bLocationSelected && !mbURLsReadonly); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(MacroSecurityTrustedSourcesTP, ViewCertPBHdl, Button*, void) { if( m_pTrustCertLB->FirstSelected() ) { sal_uInt16 nSelected = sal_uInt16( sal_uIntPtr( m_pTrustCertLB->FirstSelected()->GetUserData() ) ); uno::Reference< css::security::XCertificate > xCert = mpDlg->mxSecurityEnvironment->getCertificate( maTrustedAuthors[nSelected][0], xmlsecurity::numericStringToBigInteger( maTrustedAuthors[nSelected][1] ) ); // If we don't get it, create it from signature data: if ( !xCert.is() ) xCert = mpDlg->mxSecurityEnvironment->createCertificateFromAscii( maTrustedAuthors[nSelected][2] ) ; SAL_WARN_IF( !xCert.is(), "xmlsecurity.dialogs", "*MacroSecurityTrustedSourcesTP::ViewCertPBHdl(): Certificate not found and can't be created!" ); if ( xCert.is() ) { ScopedVclPtrInstance< CertificateViewer > aViewer( this, mpDlg->mxSecurityEnvironment, xCert, false ); aViewer->Execute(); } } } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(MacroSecurityTrustedSourcesTP, RemoveCertPBHdl, Button*, void) { if( m_pTrustCertLB->FirstSelected() ) { sal_uInt16 nAuthor = sal_uInt16( sal_uIntPtr( m_pTrustCertLB->FirstSelected()->GetUserData() ) ); ::comphelper::removeElementAt( maTrustedAuthors, nAuthor ); FillCertLB(); ImplCheckButtons(); } } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(MacroSecurityTrustedSourcesTP, AddLocPBHdl, Button*, void) { try { uno::Reference < uno::XComponentContext > xContext( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() ); uno::Reference < ui::dialogs::XFolderPicker2 > xFolderPicker = ui::dialogs::FolderPicker::create(xContext); short nRet = xFolderPicker->execute(); if( ui::dialogs::ExecutableDialogResults::OK != nRet ) return; OUString aPathStr = xFolderPicker->getDirectory(); INetURLObject aNewObj( aPathStr ); aNewObj.removeFinalSlash(); // then the new path also an URL else system path OUString aSystemFileURL = ( aNewObj.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NotValid ) ? aPathStr : aNewObj.getFSysPath( FSysStyle::Detect ); OUString aNewPathStr(aSystemFileURL); if ( osl::FileBase::getSystemPathFromFileURL( aSystemFileURL, aSystemFileURL ) == osl::FileBase::E_None ) aNewPathStr = aSystemFileURL; if( m_pTrustFileLocLB->GetEntryPos( aNewPathStr ) == LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND ) { m_pTrustFileLocLB->InsertEntry( aNewPathStr ); } ImplCheckButtons(); } catch( uno::Exception& ) { SAL_WARN( "xmlsecurity.dialogs", "MacroSecurityTrustedSourcesTP::AddLocPBHdl(): exception from folder picker" ); } } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(MacroSecurityTrustedSourcesTP, RemoveLocPBHdl, Button*, void) { sal_Int32 nSel = m_pTrustFileLocLB->GetSelectedEntryPos(); if( nSel != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND ) { m_pTrustFileLocLB->RemoveEntry( nSel ); // Trusted Path could not be removed (#i33584#) // after remove an entry, select another one if exists sal_Int32 nNewCount = m_pTrustFileLocLB->GetEntryCount(); if ( nNewCount > 0 ) { if ( nSel >= nNewCount ) nSel = nNewCount - 1; m_pTrustFileLocLB->SelectEntryPos( nSel ); } ImplCheckButtons(); } } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(MacroSecurityTrustedSourcesTP, TrustCertLBSelectHdl, SvTreeListBox*, void) { ImplCheckButtons(); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(MacroSecurityTrustedSourcesTP, TrustFileLocLBSelectHdl, ListBox&, void) { ImplCheckButtons(); } void MacroSecurityTrustedSourcesTP::FillCertLB() { m_pTrustCertLB->Clear(); sal_uInt32 nEntries = maTrustedAuthors.getLength(); if ( nEntries && mpDlg->mxSecurityEnvironment.is() ) { for( sal_uInt32 nEntry = 0 ; nEntry < nEntries ; ++nEntry ) { css::uno::Sequence< OUString >& rEntry = maTrustedAuthors[ nEntry ]; uno::Reference< css::security::XCertificate > xCert; // create from RawData xCert = mpDlg->mxSecurityEnvironment->createCertificateFromAscii( rEntry[ 2 ] ); SvTreeListEntry* pLBEntry = m_pTrustCertLB->InsertEntry( XmlSec::GetContentPart( xCert->getSubjectName() ) ); m_pTrustCertLB->SetEntryText( XmlSec::GetContentPart( xCert->getIssuerName() ), pLBEntry, 1 ); m_pTrustCertLB->SetEntryText( XmlSec::GetDateTimeString( xCert->getNotValidAfter() ), pLBEntry, 2 ); pLBEntry->SetUserData( reinterpret_cast(nEntry) ); // misuse user data as index } } } class TrustCertLB : public SvSimpleTable { public: explicit TrustCertLB(SvSimpleTableContainer &rContainer) : SvSimpleTable(rContainer, 0) { } virtual void Resize() override { SvSimpleTable::Resize(); if (isInitialLayout(this)) { const long nControlWidth = GetSizePixel().Width(); long aTabLocs[] = { 3, 0, 35*nControlWidth/100, 70*nControlWidth/100 }; SvSimpleTable::SetTabs(aTabLocs, MapUnit::MapPixel); } } }; MacroSecurityTrustedSourcesTP::MacroSecurityTrustedSourcesTP(vcl::Window* _pParent, MacroSecurity* _pDlg) : MacroSecurityTP(_pParent, "SecurityTrustPage", "xmlsec/ui/securitytrustpage.ui", _pDlg) { get(m_pTrustCertROFI, "lockcertimg"); get(m_pViewCertPB, "viewcert"); get(m_pRemoveCertPB, "removecert"); get(m_pTrustFileROFI, "lockfileimg"); get(m_pTrustFileLocLB, "locations"); m_pTrustFileLocLB->SetDropDownLineCount(6); get(m_pAddLocPB, "addfile"); get(m_pRemoveLocPB, "removefile"); SvSimpleTableContainer *pCertificates = get("certificates"); m_pTrustCertLB.reset(VclPtr::Create(*pCertificates)); static long aTabs[] = { 3, 0, 0, 0 }; m_pTrustCertLB->SetTabs( aTabs ); m_pTrustCertLB->InsertHeaderEntry(get("to")->GetText() + "\t" + get("by")->GetText() + "\t" + get("date")->GetText()); m_pTrustCertLB->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, MacroSecurityTrustedSourcesTP, TrustCertLBSelectHdl ) ); m_pViewCertPB->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, MacroSecurityTrustedSourcesTP, ViewCertPBHdl ) ); m_pViewCertPB->Disable(); m_pRemoveCertPB->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, MacroSecurityTrustedSourcesTP, RemoveCertPBHdl ) ); m_pRemoveCertPB->Disable(); m_pTrustFileLocLB->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, MacroSecurityTrustedSourcesTP, TrustFileLocLBSelectHdl ) ); m_pAddLocPB->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, MacroSecurityTrustedSourcesTP, AddLocPBHdl ) ); m_pRemoveLocPB->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, MacroSecurityTrustedSourcesTP, RemoveLocPBHdl ) ); m_pRemoveLocPB->Disable(); maTrustedAuthors = mpDlg->maSecOptions.GetTrustedAuthors(); mbAuthorsReadonly = mpDlg->maSecOptions.IsReadOnly( SvtSecurityOptions::EOption::MacroTrustedAuthors ); m_pTrustCertROFI->Show( mbAuthorsReadonly ); mbAuthorsReadonly ? m_pTrustCertLB->DisableTable() : m_pTrustCertLB->EnableTable(); FillCertLB(); css::uno::Sequence< OUString > aSecureURLs = mpDlg->maSecOptions.GetSecureURLs(); mbURLsReadonly = mpDlg->maSecOptions.IsReadOnly( SvtSecurityOptions::EOption::SecureUrls ); m_pTrustFileROFI->Show( mbURLsReadonly ); m_pTrustFileLocLB->Enable( !mbURLsReadonly ); m_pAddLocPB->Enable( !mbURLsReadonly ); sal_Int32 nEntryCnt = aSecureURLs.getLength(); for( sal_Int32 i = 0 ; i < nEntryCnt ; ++i ) { OUString aSystemFileURL( aSecureURLs[ i ] ); osl::FileBase::getSystemPathFromFileURL( aSystemFileURL, aSystemFileURL ); m_pTrustFileLocLB->InsertEntry( aSystemFileURL ); } } MacroSecurityTrustedSourcesTP::~MacroSecurityTrustedSourcesTP() { disposeOnce(); } void MacroSecurityTrustedSourcesTP::dispose() { m_pTrustCertLB.disposeAndClear(); m_pTrustCertROFI.clear(); m_pViewCertPB.clear(); m_pRemoveCertPB.clear(); m_pTrustFileROFI.clear(); m_pTrustFileLocLB.clear(); m_pAddLocPB.clear(); m_pRemoveLocPB.clear(); MacroSecurityTP::dispose(); } void MacroSecurityTrustedSourcesTP::ActivatePage() { mpDlg->EnableReset( false ); FillCertLB(); } void MacroSecurityTrustedSourcesTP::ClosePage() { sal_Int32 nEntryCnt = m_pTrustFileLocLB->GetEntryCount(); if( nEntryCnt ) { css::uno::Sequence< OUString > aSecureURLs( nEntryCnt ); for( sal_Int32 i = 0 ; i < nEntryCnt ; ++i ) { OUString aURL( m_pTrustFileLocLB->GetEntry( i ) ); osl::FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath( aURL, aURL ); aSecureURLs[ i ] = aURL; } mpDlg->maSecOptions.SetSecureURLs( aSecureURLs ); } // Trusted Path could not be removed (#i33584#) // don't forget to remove the old saved SecureURLs else mpDlg->maSecOptions.SetSecureURLs( css::uno::Sequence< OUString >() ); mpDlg->maSecOptions.SetTrustedAuthors( maTrustedAuthors ); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */