/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: securityenvironment_nssimpl.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.13 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-09 17:33:42 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SAL_CONFIG_H_ #include #endif #ifndef _XSECURITYENVIRONMENT_NSSIMPL_HXX_ #include "securityenvironment_nssimpl.hxx" #endif #ifndef _X509CERTIFICATE_NSSIMPL_HXX_ #include "x509certificate_nssimpl.hxx" #endif #ifndef _RTL_UUID_H_ #include #endif #include "nspr.h" #include "nss.h" #include "secport.h" #include "secitem.h" #include "secder.h" #include "secerr.h" #include "limits.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_TASK_XINTERACTIONHANDLER_HPP_ #include #endif // MM : added for password exception #include using namespace ::com::sun::star::security; using namespace com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno ; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang ; using ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory ; using ::com::sun::star::lang::XSingleServiceFactory ; using ::rtl::OUString ; using ::com::sun::star::xml::crypto::XSecurityEnvironment ; using ::com::sun::star::security::XCertificate ; extern X509Certificate_NssImpl* NssCertToXCert( CERTCertificate* cert ) ; extern X509Certificate_NssImpl* NssPrivKeyToXCert( SECKEYPrivateKey* ) ; char* GetPasswordFunction( PK11SlotInfo* pSlot, PRBool bRetry, void* arg ) { uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xMSF( ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory() ); if ( xMSF.is() ) { uno::Reference < task::XInteractionHandler > xInteractionHandler( xMSF->createInstance( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("com.sun.star.task.InteractionHandler") ), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( xInteractionHandler.is() ) { task::PasswordRequestMode eMode = bRetry ? task::PasswordRequestMode_PASSWORD_REENTER : task::PasswordRequestMode_PASSWORD_ENTER; RequestDocumentPassword* pPasswordRequest = new RequestDocumentPassword( eMode, ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(PK11_GetTokenName(pSlot)) ); uno::Reference< task::XInteractionRequest > xRequest( pPasswordRequest ); xInteractionHandler->handle( xRequest ); if ( pPasswordRequest->isPassword() ) { ByteString aPassword = ByteString( String( pPasswordRequest->getPassword() ), gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() ); USHORT nLen = aPassword.Len(); char* pPassword = (char*) PORT_Alloc( nLen+1 ) ; pPassword[nLen] = 0; memcpy( pPassword, aPassword.GetBuffer(), nLen ); return pPassword; } } } return NULL; } SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl( const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& aFactory ) : m_pSlot( NULL ) , m_pHandler( NULL ) , m_tSymKeyList() , m_tPubKeyList() , m_tPriKeyList() { PK11_SetPasswordFunc( GetPasswordFunction ) ; } SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: ~SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl() { PK11_SetPasswordFunc( NULL ) ; if( m_pSlot != NULL ) { PK11_FreeSlot( m_pSlot ) ; m_pSlot = NULL ; } if( !m_tSymKeyList.empty() ) { std::list< PK11SymKey* >::iterator symKeyIt ; for( symKeyIt = m_tSymKeyList.begin() ; symKeyIt != m_tSymKeyList.end() ; symKeyIt ++ ) PK11_FreeSymKey( *symKeyIt ) ; } if( !m_tPubKeyList.empty() ) { std::list< SECKEYPublicKey* >::iterator pubKeyIt ; for( pubKeyIt = m_tPubKeyList.begin() ; pubKeyIt != m_tPubKeyList.end() ; pubKeyIt ++ ) SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey( *pubKeyIt ) ; } if( !m_tPriKeyList.empty() ) { std::list< SECKEYPrivateKey* >::iterator priKeyIt ; for( priKeyIt = m_tPriKeyList.begin() ; priKeyIt != m_tPriKeyList.end() ; priKeyIt ++ ) SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey( *priKeyIt ) ; } } /* XInitialization */ void SAL_CALL SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: initialize( const Sequence< Any >& aArguments ) throw( Exception, RuntimeException ) { // TBD } ; /* XServiceInfo */ OUString SAL_CALL SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: getImplementationName() throw( RuntimeException ) { return impl_getImplementationName() ; } /* XServiceInfo */ sal_Bool SAL_CALL SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: supportsService( const OUString& serviceName) throw( RuntimeException ) { Sequence< OUString > seqServiceNames = getSupportedServiceNames() ; const OUString* pArray = seqServiceNames.getConstArray() ; for( sal_Int32 i = 0 ; i < seqServiceNames.getLength() ; i ++ ) { if( *( pArray + i ) == serviceName ) return sal_True ; } return sal_False ; } /* XServiceInfo */ Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: getSupportedServiceNames() throw( RuntimeException ) { return impl_getSupportedServiceNames() ; } //Helper for XServiceInfo Sequence< OUString > SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: impl_getSupportedServiceNames() { ::osl::Guard< ::osl::Mutex > aGuard( ::osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() ) ; Sequence< OUString > seqServiceNames( 1 ) ; seqServiceNames.getArray()[0] = OUString::createFromAscii( "com.sun.star.xml.crypto.SecurityEnvironment" ) ; return seqServiceNames ; } OUString SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: impl_getImplementationName() throw( RuntimeException ) { return OUString::createFromAscii( "com.sun.star.xml.security.bridge.xmlsec.SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl" ) ; } //Helper for registry Reference< XInterface > SAL_CALL SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: impl_createInstance( const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& aServiceManager ) throw( RuntimeException ) { return Reference< XInterface >( *new SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl( aServiceManager ) ) ; } Reference< XSingleServiceFactory > SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: impl_createFactory( const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& aServiceManager ) { //Reference< XSingleServiceFactory > xFactory ; //xFactory = ::cppu::createSingleFactory( aServiceManager , impl_getImplementationName , impl_createInstance , impl_getSupportedServiceNames ) ; //return xFactory ; return ::cppu::createSingleFactory( aServiceManager , impl_getImplementationName() , impl_createInstance , impl_getSupportedServiceNames() ) ; } /* XUnoTunnel */ sal_Int64 SAL_CALL SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: getSomething( const Sequence< sal_Int8 >& aIdentifier ) throw( RuntimeException ) { if( aIdentifier.getLength() == 16 && 0 == rtl_compareMemory( getUnoTunnelId().getConstArray(), aIdentifier.getConstArray(), 16 ) ) { return ( sal_Int64 )this ; } return 0 ; } /* XUnoTunnel extension */ const Sequence< sal_Int8>& SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: getUnoTunnelId() { static Sequence< sal_Int8 >* pSeq = 0 ; if( !pSeq ) { ::osl::Guard< ::osl::Mutex > aGuard( ::osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() ) ; if( !pSeq ) { static Sequence< sal_Int8> aSeq( 16 ) ; rtl_createUuid( ( sal_uInt8* )aSeq.getArray() , 0 , sal_True ) ; pSeq = &aSeq ; } } return *pSeq ; } /* XUnoTunnel extension */ SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl* SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: getImplementation( const Reference< XInterface > xObj ) { Reference< XUnoTunnel > xUT( xObj , UNO_QUERY ) ; if( xUT.is() ) { return ( SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl* )xUT->getSomething( getUnoTunnelId() ) ; } else return NULL ; } /* Native methods */ PK11SlotInfo* SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: getCryptoSlot() throw( Exception , RuntimeException ) { return m_pSlot ; } ::rtl::OUString SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl::getSecurityEnvironmentInformation() throw( ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException ) { rtl::OUString result; if( m_pSlot != NULL ) { result = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(PK11_GetTokenName(m_pSlot)); } else{ result = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "Unknown Token" ); } return result; } void SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: setCryptoSlot( PK11SlotInfo* aSlot) throw( Exception , RuntimeException ) { if( m_pSlot != NULL ) { PK11_FreeSlot( m_pSlot ) ; m_pSlot = NULL ; } if( aSlot != NULL ) { m_pSlot = PK11_ReferenceSlot( aSlot ) ; } } CERTCertDBHandle* SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: getCertDb() throw( Exception , RuntimeException ) { return m_pHandler ; } void SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: setCertDb( CERTCertDBHandle* aCertDb ) throw( Exception , RuntimeException ) { m_pHandler = aCertDb ; } void SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: adoptSymKey( PK11SymKey* aSymKey ) throw( Exception , RuntimeException ) { PK11SymKey* symkey ; std::list< PK11SymKey* >::iterator keyIt ; if( aSymKey != NULL ) { //First try to find the key in the list for( keyIt = m_tSymKeyList.begin() ; keyIt != m_tSymKeyList.end() ; keyIt ++ ) { if( *keyIt == aSymKey ) return ; } //If we do not find the key in the list, add a new node symkey = PK11_ReferenceSymKey( aSymKey ) ; if( symkey == NULL ) throw RuntimeException() ; try { m_tSymKeyList.push_back( symkey ) ; } catch ( Exception& ) { PK11_FreeSymKey( symkey ) ; } } } void SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: rejectSymKey( PK11SymKey* aSymKey ) throw( Exception , RuntimeException ) { PK11SymKey* symkey ; std::list< PK11SymKey* >::iterator keyIt ; if( aSymKey != NULL ) { for( keyIt = m_tSymKeyList.begin() ; keyIt != m_tSymKeyList.end() ; keyIt ++ ) { if( *keyIt == aSymKey ) { symkey = *keyIt ; PK11_FreeSymKey( symkey ) ; m_tSymKeyList.erase( keyIt ) ; break ; } } } } PK11SymKey* SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: getSymKey( unsigned int position ) throw( Exception , RuntimeException ) { PK11SymKey* symkey ; std::list< PK11SymKey* >::iterator keyIt ; unsigned int pos ; symkey = NULL ; for( pos = 0, keyIt = m_tSymKeyList.begin() ; pos < position && keyIt != m_tSymKeyList.end() ; pos ++ , keyIt ++ ) ; if( pos == position && keyIt != m_tSymKeyList.end() ) symkey = *keyIt ; return symkey ; } void SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: adoptPubKey( SECKEYPublicKey* aPubKey ) throw( Exception , RuntimeException ) { SECKEYPublicKey* pubkey ; std::list< SECKEYPublicKey* >::iterator keyIt ; if( aPubKey != NULL ) { //First try to find the key in the list for( keyIt = m_tPubKeyList.begin() ; keyIt != m_tPubKeyList.end() ; keyIt ++ ) { if( *keyIt == aPubKey ) return ; } //If we do not find the key in the list, add a new node pubkey = SECKEY_CopyPublicKey( aPubKey ) ; if( pubkey == NULL ) throw RuntimeException() ; try { m_tPubKeyList.push_back( pubkey ) ; } catch ( Exception& ) { SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey( pubkey ) ; } } } void SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: rejectPubKey( SECKEYPublicKey* aPubKey ) throw( Exception , RuntimeException ) { SECKEYPublicKey* pubkey ; std::list< SECKEYPublicKey* >::iterator keyIt ; if( aPubKey != NULL ) { for( keyIt = m_tPubKeyList.begin() ; keyIt != m_tPubKeyList.end() ; keyIt ++ ) { if( *keyIt == aPubKey ) { pubkey = *keyIt ; SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey( pubkey ) ; m_tPubKeyList.erase( keyIt ) ; break ; } } } } SECKEYPublicKey* SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: getPubKey( unsigned int position ) throw( Exception , RuntimeException ) { SECKEYPublicKey* pubkey ; std::list< SECKEYPublicKey* >::iterator keyIt ; unsigned int pos ; pubkey = NULL ; for( pos = 0, keyIt = m_tPubKeyList.begin() ; pos < position && keyIt != m_tPubKeyList.end() ; pos ++ , keyIt ++ ) ; if( pos == position && keyIt != m_tPubKeyList.end() ) pubkey = *keyIt ; return pubkey ; } void SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: adoptPriKey( SECKEYPrivateKey* aPriKey ) throw( Exception , RuntimeException ) { SECKEYPrivateKey* prikey ; std::list< SECKEYPrivateKey* >::iterator keyIt ; if( aPriKey != NULL ) { //First try to find the key in the list for( keyIt = m_tPriKeyList.begin() ; keyIt != m_tPriKeyList.end() ; keyIt ++ ) { if( *keyIt == aPriKey ) return ; } //If we do not find the key in the list, add a new node prikey = SECKEY_CopyPrivateKey( aPriKey ) ; if( prikey == NULL ) throw RuntimeException() ; try { m_tPriKeyList.push_back( prikey ) ; } catch ( Exception& ) { SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey( prikey ) ; } } } void SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: rejectPriKey( SECKEYPrivateKey* aPriKey ) throw( Exception , RuntimeException ) { SECKEYPrivateKey* prikey ; std::list< SECKEYPrivateKey* >::iterator keyIt ; if( aPriKey != NULL ) { for( keyIt = m_tPriKeyList.begin() ; keyIt != m_tPriKeyList.end() ; keyIt ++ ) { if( *keyIt == aPriKey ) { prikey = *keyIt ; SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey( prikey ) ; m_tPriKeyList.erase( keyIt ) ; break ; } } } } SECKEYPrivateKey* SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: getPriKey( unsigned int position ) throw( ::com::sun::star::uno::Exception , ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException ) { SECKEYPrivateKey* prikey ; std::list< SECKEYPrivateKey* >::iterator keyIt ; unsigned int pos ; prikey = NULL ; for( pos = 0, keyIt = m_tPriKeyList.begin() ; pos < position && keyIt != m_tPriKeyList.end() ; pos ++ , keyIt ++ ) ; if( pos == position && keyIt != m_tPriKeyList.end() ) prikey = *keyIt ; return prikey ; } Sequence< Reference < XCertificate > > SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: getPersonalCertificates() throw( SecurityException , RuntimeException ) { sal_Int32 length ; X509Certificate_NssImpl* xcert ; std::list< X509Certificate_NssImpl* > certsList ; //firstly, we try to find private keys in slot if( m_pSlot != NULL ) { SECKEYPrivateKeyList* priKeyList ; SECKEYPrivateKeyListNode* curPri ; if( PK11_NeedLogin( m_pSlot ) ) { SECStatus nRet = PK11_Authenticate( m_pSlot, PR_TRUE, NULL ); if( nRet != SECSuccess ) { throw NoPasswordException(); } } priKeyList = PK11_ListPrivateKeysInSlot( m_pSlot ) ; if( priKeyList != NULL ) { for( curPri = PRIVKEY_LIST_HEAD( priKeyList ); !PRIVKEY_LIST_END( curPri, priKeyList ) && curPri != NULL ; curPri = PRIVKEY_LIST_NEXT( curPri ) ) { xcert = NssPrivKeyToXCert( curPri->key ) ; if( xcert != NULL ) certsList.push_back( xcert ) ; } } SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKeyList( priKeyList ) ; } //Deprecated /*------- { PK11SlotList* soltList ; PK11SlotListElement* soltEle ; SECKEYPrivateKeyList* priKeyList ; SECKEYPrivateKeyListNode* curPri ; soltList = PK11_GetAllTokens( CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE, NULL ) ; if( soltList != NULL ) { for( soltEle = soltList->head; soltEle != NULL; soltEle = soltEle->next ) { if( PK11_NeedLogin( soltEle->slot ) ) { if( PK11_Authenticate( soltEle->slot, PR_TRUE, NULL ) != SECSuccess ) { return NULL ; } } priKeyList = PK11_ListPrivateKeysInSlot( soltEle->slot ) ; if( priKeyList != NULL ) { for( curPri = PRIVKEY_LIST_HEAD( priKeyList ); !PRIVKEY_LIST_END( curPri, priKeyList ) && curPri != NULL ; curPri = PRIVKEY_LIST_NEXT( curPri ) ) { xcert = NssPrivKeyToXCert( curPri->key ) ; if( xcert != NULL ) certsList.push_back( xcert ) ; } } SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKeyList( priKeyList ) ; } } } ----------*/ //secondly, we try to find certificate from registered private keys. if( !m_tPriKeyList.empty() ) { std::list< SECKEYPrivateKey* >::iterator priKeyIt ; for( priKeyIt = m_tPriKeyList.begin() ; priKeyIt != m_tPriKeyList.end() ; priKeyIt ++ ) { xcert = NssPrivKeyToXCert( *priKeyIt ) ; if( xcert != NULL ) certsList.push_back( xcert ) ; } } length = certsList.size() ; if( length != 0 ) { int i ; std::list< X509Certificate_NssImpl* >::iterator xcertIt ; Sequence< Reference< XCertificate > > certSeq( length ) ; for( i = 0, xcertIt = certsList.begin(); xcertIt != certsList.end(); xcertIt ++, i++ ) { certSeq[i] = *xcertIt ; } return certSeq ; } return NULL ; } Reference< XCertificate > SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: getCertificate( const OUString& issuerName, const Sequence< sal_Int8 >& serialNumber ) throw( SecurityException , RuntimeException ) { X509Certificate_NssImpl* xcert ; if( m_pHandler != NULL ) { CERTIssuerAndSN issuerAndSN ; CERTCertificate* cert ; CERTName* nmIssuer ; char* chIssuer ; SECItem* derIssuer ; PRArenaPool* arena ; arena = PORT_NewArena( DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE ) ; if( arena == NULL ) throw RuntimeException() ; /* * mmi : because MS Crypto use the 'S' tag (equal to the 'ST' tag in NSS), but the NSS can't recognise * it, so the 'S' tag should be changed to 'ST' tag * * PS : it can work, but inside libxmlsec, the 'S' tag is till used to find cert in NSS engine, so it * is not useful at all. (comment out now) */ /* sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; OUString newIssuerName; do { OUString aToken = issuerName.getToken( 0, ',', nIndex ).trim(); if (aToken.compareToAscii("S=",2) == 0) { newIssuerName+=OUString::createFromAscii("ST="); newIssuerName+=aToken.copy(2); } else { newIssuerName+=aToken; } if (nIndex >= 0) { newIssuerName+=OUString::createFromAscii(","); } } while ( nIndex >= 0 ); */ /* end */ //Create cert info from issue and serial rtl::OString ostr = rtl::OUStringToOString( issuerName , RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) ; chIssuer = PL_strndup( ( char* )ostr.getStr(), ( int )ostr.getLength() ) ; nmIssuer = CERT_AsciiToName( chIssuer ) ; if( nmIssuer == NULL ) { PL_strfree( chIssuer ) ; PORT_FreeArena( arena, PR_FALSE ) ; /* * i40394 * * mmi : no need to throw exception * just return "no found" */ //throw RuntimeException() ; return NULL; } derIssuer = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem( arena, NULL, ( void* )nmIssuer, SEC_ASN1_GET( CERT_NameTemplate ) ) ; if( derIssuer == NULL ) { PL_strfree( chIssuer ) ; CERT_DestroyName( nmIssuer ) ; PORT_FreeArena( arena, PR_FALSE ) ; throw RuntimeException() ; } memset( &issuerAndSN, 0, sizeof( issuerAndSN ) ) ; issuerAndSN.derIssuer.data = derIssuer->data ; issuerAndSN.derIssuer.len = derIssuer->len ; issuerAndSN.serialNumber.data = ( unsigned char* )&serialNumber[0] ; issuerAndSN.serialNumber.len = serialNumber.getLength() ; cert = CERT_FindCertByIssuerAndSN( m_pHandler, &issuerAndSN ) ; if( cert != NULL ) { xcert = NssCertToXCert( cert ) ; } else { xcert = NULL ; } PL_strfree( chIssuer ) ; CERT_DestroyName( nmIssuer ) ; //SECITEM_FreeItem( derIssuer, PR_FALSE ) ; CERT_DestroyCertificate( cert ) ; PORT_FreeArena( arena, PR_FALSE ) ; } else { xcert = NULL ; } return xcert ; } Reference< XCertificate > SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: getCertificate( const OUString& issuerName, const OUString& serialNumber ) throw( SecurityException , RuntimeException ) { Sequence< sal_Int8 > serial = numericStringToBigInteger( serialNumber ) ; return getCertificate( issuerName, serial ) ; } Sequence< Reference < XCertificate > > SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: buildCertificatePath( const Reference< XCertificate >& begin ) throw( SecurityException , RuntimeException ) { const X509Certificate_NssImpl* xcert ; const CERTCertificate* cert ; CERTCertList* certChain ; Reference< XUnoTunnel > xCertTunnel( begin, UNO_QUERY ) ; if( !xCertTunnel.is() ) { throw RuntimeException() ; } xcert = ( X509Certificate_NssImpl* )xCertTunnel->getSomething( X509Certificate_NssImpl::getUnoTunnelId() ) ; if( xcert == NULL ) { throw RuntimeException() ; } cert = xcert->getNssCert() ; if( cert != NULL ) { int64 timeboundary ; //Get the system clock time timeboundary = PR_Now() ; certChain = CERT_GetCertChainFromCert( ( CERTCertificate* )cert, timeboundary, certUsageAnyCA ) ; } else { certChain = NULL ; } if( certChain != NULL ) { X509Certificate_NssImpl* pCert ; CERTCertListNode* node ; int len ; for( len = 0, node = CERT_LIST_HEAD( certChain ); !CERT_LIST_END( node, certChain ); node = CERT_LIST_NEXT( node ), len ++ ) ; Sequence< Reference< XCertificate > > xCertChain( len ) ; for( len = 0, node = CERT_LIST_HEAD( certChain ); !CERT_LIST_END( node, certChain ); node = CERT_LIST_NEXT( node ), len ++ ) { pCert = new X509Certificate_NssImpl() ; if( pCert == NULL ) { CERT_DestroyCertList( certChain ) ; throw RuntimeException() ; } pCert->setCert( node->cert ) ; xCertChain[len] = pCert ; } CERT_DestroyCertList( certChain ) ; return xCertChain ; } return NULL ; } Reference< XCertificate > SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: createCertificateFromRaw( const Sequence< sal_Int8 >& rawCertificate ) throw( SecurityException , RuntimeException ) { X509Certificate_NssImpl* xcert ; if( rawCertificate.getLength() > 0 ) { xcert = new X509Certificate_NssImpl() ; if( xcert == NULL ) throw RuntimeException() ; xcert->setRawCert( rawCertificate ) ; } else { xcert = NULL ; } return xcert ; } Reference< XCertificate > SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: createCertificateFromAscii( const OUString& asciiCertificate ) throw( SecurityException , RuntimeException ) { xmlChar* chCert ; xmlSecSize certSize ; rtl::OString oscert = rtl::OUStringToOString( asciiCertificate , RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) ; chCert = xmlStrndup( ( const xmlChar* )oscert.getStr(), ( int )oscert.getLength() ) ; certSize = xmlSecBase64Decode( chCert, ( xmlSecByte* )chCert, xmlStrlen( chCert ) ) ; Sequence< sal_Int8 > rawCert( certSize ) ; for( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < certSize ; i ++ ) rawCert[i] = *( chCert + i ) ; xmlFree( chCert ) ; return createCertificateFromRaw( rawCert ) ; } sal_Int32 SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: verifyCertificate( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::security::XCertificate >& aCert ) throw( ::com::sun::star::uno::SecurityException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException ) { sal_Int32 validity ; const X509Certificate_NssImpl* xcert ; const CERTCertificate* cert ; Reference< XUnoTunnel > xCertTunnel( aCert, UNO_QUERY ) ; if( !xCertTunnel.is() ) { throw RuntimeException() ; } xcert = ( X509Certificate_NssImpl* )xCertTunnel->getSomething( X509Certificate_NssImpl::getUnoTunnelId() ) ; if( xcert == NULL ) { throw RuntimeException() ; } cert = xcert->getNssCert() ; if( cert != NULL ) { int64 timeboundary ; SECStatus status ; //Get the system clock time timeboundary = PR_Now() ; if( m_pHandler != NULL ) { status = CERT_VerifyCertificate( m_pHandler, ( CERTCertificate* )cert, PR_FALSE, (SECCertificateUsage)0, timeboundary , NULL, NULL, NULL ) ; } else { status = CERT_VerifyCertificate( CERT_GetDefaultCertDB(), ( CERTCertificate* )cert, PR_FALSE, (SECCertificateUsage)0, timeboundary , NULL, NULL, NULL ) ; } if( status == SECSuccess ) { validity = 0x00000000 ; } else { validity = ::com::sun::star::security::CertificateValidity::INVALID ; #if ( __GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ == 4 ) // Gcc-3.4.1 has a serious bug which prevents compiling this switch construct, // if "status" in the switch statement is a signed integer type. // It wrongly complains about "duplicate values". // Note that all SEC_ERROR_* below are negativ enum values, starting from -0x2000 // This gross WORKAROUND should be removed as soon as possible. switch( (unsigned int)status ) { #else switch( status ) { #endif case SEC_ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE : validity |= ::com::sun::star::security::CertificateValidity::SIGNATURE_INVALID ; break ; case SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_CERTIFICATE : validity |= ::com::sun::star::security::CertificateValidity::TIMEOUT ; break ; case SEC_ERROR_REVOKED_CERTIFICATE : validity |= ::com::sun::star::security::CertificateValidity::REVOKED ; break ; case SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER : validity |= ::com::sun::star::security::CertificateValidity::ISSUER_UNKNOWN ; break ; case SEC_ERROR_UNTRUSTED_ISSUER : validity |= ::com::sun::star::security::CertificateValidity::ISSUER_UNTRUSTED ; break ; case SEC_ERROR_UNTRUSTED_CERT : validity |= ::com::sun::star::security::CertificateValidity::UNTRUSTED ; break ; case SEC_ERROR_CERT_VALID : case SEC_ERROR_CERT_NOT_VALID : break ; case SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_ISSUER_CERTIFICATE : validity |= ::com::sun::star::security::CertificateValidity::ISSUER_INVALID ; break ; case SEC_ERROR_CA_CERT_INVALID : validity |= ::com::sun::star::security::CertificateValidity::ROOT_INVALID ; break ; case SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_CRITICAL_EXTENSION : validity |= ::com::sun::star::security::CertificateValidity::EXTENSION_INVALID ; break ; case SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_CERT : validity |= ::com::sun::star::security::CertificateValidity::CHAIN_INCOMPLETE ; break ; } } } else { validity = ::com::sun::star::security::CertificateValidity::INVALID ; } return validity ; } sal_Int32 SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl :: getCertificateCharacters( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::security::XCertificate >& aCert ) throw( ::com::sun::star::uno::SecurityException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException ) { sal_Int32 characters ; const X509Certificate_NssImpl* xcert ; const CERTCertificate* cert ; Reference< XUnoTunnel > xCertTunnel( aCert, UNO_QUERY ) ; if( !xCertTunnel.is() ) { throw RuntimeException() ; } xcert = ( X509Certificate_NssImpl* )xCertTunnel->getSomething( X509Certificate_NssImpl::getUnoTunnelId() ) ; if( xcert == NULL ) { throw RuntimeException() ; } cert = xcert->getNssCert() ; characters = 0x00000000 ; //Firstly, make sentence whether or not the cert is self-signed. if( SECITEM_CompareItem( &(cert->derIssuer), &(cert->derSubject) ) == SECEqual ) { characters |= ::com::sun::star::security::CertificateCharacters::SELF_SIGNED ; } else { characters &= ~ ::com::sun::star::security::CertificateCharacters::SELF_SIGNED ; } //Secondly, make sentence whether or not the cert has a private key. /* * i40394 * * mmi : need to check whether the cert's slot is valid first */ { SECKEYPrivateKey* priKey = NULL; if (cert->slot != NULL) { priKey = PK11_FindPrivateKeyFromCert( cert->slot, ( CERTCertificate* )cert, NULL ) ; } if( priKey == NULL && m_pSlot != NULL && m_pSlot != cert->slot ) priKey = PK11_FindPrivateKeyFromCert( m_pSlot, ( CERTCertificate* )cert, NULL ) ; if( priKey != NULL ) { characters |= ::com::sun::star::security::CertificateCharacters::HAS_PRIVATE_KEY ; SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey( priKey ) ; } else { characters &= ~ ::com::sun::star::security::CertificateCharacters::HAS_PRIVATE_KEY ; } } //Thirdly, make sentence whether or not the cert is trusted. /* { CERTCertificate* tempCert ; CERTIssuerAndSN issuerAndSN ; memset( &issuerAndSN, 0, sizeof( issuerAndSN ) ) ; issuerAndSN.derIssuer.data = cert->derIssuer.data; issuerAndSN.derIssuer.len = cert->derIssuer.len; issuerAndSN.serialNumber.data = cert->serialNumber.data; issuerAndSN.serialNumber.len = cert->serialNumber.len; if( m_pSlot != NULL ) tempCert = PK11_FindCertByIssuerAndSN( NULL, &issuerAndSN, NULL ) ; else tempCert = NULL ; if( tempCert != NULL ) { characters |= ::com::sun::star::security::CertificateCharacters::TRUSTED ; CERT_DestroyCertificate( tempCert ) ; } else { characters &= ~ ::com::sun::star::security::CertificateCharacters::TRUSTED ; } } */ { CERTCertificate* tempCert ; if( m_pSlot != NULL ) tempCert = PK11_FindCertFromDERCert( m_pSlot, ( CERTCertificate* )cert, NULL ) ; else tempCert = NULL ; if( tempCert != NULL ) { characters |= ::com::sun::star::security::CertificateCharacters::TRUSTED ; CERT_DestroyCertificate( tempCert ) ; } else { characters &= ~ ::com::sun::star::security::CertificateCharacters::TRUSTED ; } } return characters ; } X509Certificate_NssImpl* NssCertToXCert( CERTCertificate* cert ) { X509Certificate_NssImpl* xcert ; if( cert != NULL ) { xcert = new X509Certificate_NssImpl() ; if( xcert == NULL ) { xcert = NULL ; } else { xcert->setCert( cert ) ; } } else { xcert = NULL ; } return xcert ; } X509Certificate_NssImpl* NssPrivKeyToXCert( SECKEYPrivateKey* priKey ) { CERTCertificate* cert ; X509Certificate_NssImpl* xcert ; if( priKey != NULL ) { cert = PK11_GetCertFromPrivateKey( priKey ) ; if( cert != NULL ) { xcert = NssCertToXCert( cert ) ; } else { xcert = NULL ; } CERT_DestroyCertificate( cert ) ; } else { xcert = NULL ; } return xcert ; } /* Native methods */ xmlSecKeysMngrPtr SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl::createKeysManager() throw( Exception, RuntimeException ) { unsigned int i ; PK11SlotInfo* slot = NULL ; CERTCertDBHandle* handler = NULL ; PK11SymKey* symKey = NULL ; SECKEYPublicKey* pubKey = NULL ; SECKEYPrivateKey* priKey = NULL ; xmlSecKeysMngrPtr pKeysMngr = NULL ; slot = this->getCryptoSlot() ; handler = this->getCertDb() ; /*- * The following lines is based on the private version of xmlSec-NSS * crypto engine */ pKeysMngr = xmlSecNssAppliedKeysMngrCreate( slot , handler ) ; if( pKeysMngr == NULL ) throw RuntimeException() ; /*- * Adopt symmetric key into keys manager */ for( i = 0 ; ( symKey = this->getSymKey( i ) ) != NULL ; i ++ ) { if( xmlSecNssAppliedKeysMngrSymKeyLoad( pKeysMngr, symKey ) < 0 ) { throw RuntimeException() ; } } /*- * Adopt asymmetric public key into keys manager */ for( i = 0 ; ( pubKey = this->getPubKey( i ) ) != NULL ; i ++ ) { if( xmlSecNssAppliedKeysMngrPubKeyLoad( pKeysMngr, pubKey ) < 0 ) { throw RuntimeException() ; } } /*- * Adopt asymmetric private key into keys manager */ for( i = 0 ; ( priKey = this->getPriKey( i ) ) != NULL ; i ++ ) { if( xmlSecNssAppliedKeysMngrPriKeyLoad( pKeysMngr, priKey ) < 0 ) { throw RuntimeException() ; } } return pKeysMngr ; } void SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl::destroyKeysManager(xmlSecKeysMngrPtr pKeysMngr) throw( Exception, RuntimeException ) { if( pKeysMngr != NULL ) { xmlSecKeysMngrDestroy( pKeysMngr ) ; } } office-6-4-7 LibreOffice 核心代码仓库文档基金会
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