False 6 Digital Signatures dialog False vertical 12 False end gtk-help True True True True False True 0 True gtk-close True True True True True True False True 1 False True end 0 True False True True 6 False True The following have signed the document content: 0 0 0 True True True True 0 4 True False 12 True spread View Certificate... True True True False True 0 Sign Document... True True True True False True 1 Remove True True True False True 2 Start Certificate Manager... True True True True True 3 0 7 True False True 12 False True True Signed by 0 0 False True True Digital ID issued by 1 0 False True True Date 2 0 False True Description 3 0 False True Signature type 4 0 0 3 False True The following have signed the document macro: 0 0 1 False True The following have signed this package: 0 0 2 True False 12 False True True The signatures in this document are valid 0 1 0 False True xmlsecurity/res/signet_11x16.png 0 0 False True True The signatures in this document are invalid 0 1 2 False True True Not all parts of the document are signed 0 1 1 False True True Certificate could not be validated 0 1 3 False True svx/res/caution_11x16.png 0 2 False True svx/res/caution_11x16.png 0 1 False True xmlsecurity/res/notcertificate_16.png 0 3 0 5 Use AdES-compliant signature when there is a choice True True True True start 0.5 False 0 6 True True 1 help close