path: root/COPYING
blob: 94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2 (plain)
                    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
                       Version 3, 29 June 2007

 Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
 Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
 of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.


  The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
software and other kinds of works.

  The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
to take away your freedom to share and change the works.  By contrast,
the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
software for all its users.  We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
any other work released this way by its authors.  You can apply it to
your programs, too.

  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
free programs, and that you know you can do these things.

  To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
these rights or asking you to surrender the rights.  Therefore, you have
certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.

  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
freedoms that you received.  You must make sure that they, too, receive
or can get the source code.  And you must show them these terms so they
know their rights.

  Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.

  For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
that there is no warranty for this free software.  For both users' and
authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
authors of previous versions.

  Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
can do so.  This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
protecting users' freedom to change the software.  The systematic
pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable.  Therefore, we
have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
products.  If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.

  Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
make it effectively proprietary.  To prevent this, the GPL assures that
patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.

  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.

                       TERMS AND CONDITIONS

  0. Definitions.

  "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.

  "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
works, such as semiconductor masks.

  "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
License.  Each licensee is addressed as "you".  "Licensees" and
"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.

  To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
exact copy.  The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.

  A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
on the Program.

  To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
computer or modifying a private copy.  Propagation includes copying,
distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
public, and in some countries other activities as well.

  To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
parties to make or receive copies.  Mere interaction with a user through
a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.

  An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License.  If
the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.

  1. Source Code.

  The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
for making modifications to it.  "Object code" means any non-source
form of a work.

  A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
is widely used among developers working in that language.

  The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
implementation is available to the public in source code form.  A
"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.

  The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
control those activities.  However, it does not include the work's
System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
which are not part of the work.  For example, Corresponding Source
includes interface definition files associated with source files for
the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
subprograms and other parts of the work.

  The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding

  The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
same work.

  2. Basic Permissions.

  All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
conditions are met.  This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
permission to run the unmodified Program.  The output from running a
covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
content, constitutes a covered work.  This License acknowledges your
rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.

  You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
in force.  You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
not control copyright.  Those thus making or running the covered works
for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.

  Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
the conditions stated below.  Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
makes it unnecessary.

  3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.

  No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such

  When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
technological measures.

  4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.

  You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.

  You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.

  5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.

  You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:

    a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
    it, and giving a relevant date.

    b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
    released under this License and any conditions added under section
    7.  This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
    "keep intact all notices".

    c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
    License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy.  This
    License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
    additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
    regardless of how they are packaged.  This License gives no
    permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
    invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.

    d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
    Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
    interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
    work need not make them do so.

  A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
beyond what the individual works permit.  Inclusion of a covered work
in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
parts of the aggregate.

  6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.

  You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
in one of these ways:

    a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
    (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
    Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
    customarily used for software interchange.

    b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
    (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
    written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
    long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
    model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
    copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
    product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
    medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
    more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
    conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
    Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.

    c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
    written offer to provide the Corresponding Source.  This
    alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
    only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
    with subsection 6b.

    d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
    place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
    Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
    further charge.  You need not require recipients to copy the
    Corresponding Source along with the object code.  If the place to
    copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
    may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
    that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
    clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
    Corresponding Source.  Regardless of what server hosts the
    Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
    available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.

    e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
    you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
    Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
    charge under subsection 6d.

  A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
included in conveying the object code work.

  A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
into a dwelling.  In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage.  For a particular
product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product.  A product
is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
the only significant mode of use of the product.

  "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
a modified version of its Corresponding Source.  The information must
suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
modification has been made.

  If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
by the Installation Information.  But this requirement does not apply
if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
been installed in ROM).

  The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
the User Product in which it has been modified or installed.  Access to a
network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
protocols for communication across the network.

  Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
source code form), and must require no special password or key for
unpacking, reading or copying.

  7. Additional Terms.

  "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
that they are valid under applicable law.  If additional permissions
apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
this License without regard to the additional permissions.

  When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
it.  (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
removal in certain cases when you modify the work.)  You may place
additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.

  Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:

    a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
    terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or

    b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
    author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
    Notices displayed by works containing it; or

    c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
    requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
    reasonable ways as different from the original version; or

    d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
    authors of the material; or

    e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
    trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or

    f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
    material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
    it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
    any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
    those licensors and authors.

  All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
restrictions" within the meaning of section 10.  If the Program as you
received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
governed by this License along with a term that is a further
restriction, you may remove that term.  If a license document contains
a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
not survive such relicensing or conveying.

  If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
where to find the applicable terms.

  Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
the above requirements apply either way.

  8. Termination.

  You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
provided under this License.  Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
paragraph of section 11).

  However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
prior to 60 days after the cessation.

  Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
your receipt of the notice.

  Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
this License.  If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
material under section 10.

  9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.

  You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
run a copy of the Program.  Ancillary propagation of a covered work
occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance.  However,
nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
modify any covered work.  These actions infringe copyright if you do
not accept this License.  Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.

  10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.

  Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
propagate that work, subject to this License.  You are not responsible
for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.

  An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
organization, or merging organizations.  If propagation of a covered
work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.

  You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
rights granted or affirmed under this License.  For example, you may
not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.

  11. Patents.

  A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based.  The
work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".

  A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
consequence of further modification of the contributor version.  For
purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
this License.

  Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
propagate the contents of its contributor version.

  In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
sue for patent infringement).  To "grant" such a patent license to a
party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
patent against the party.

  If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
license to downstream recipients.  "Knowingly relying" means you have
actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
country that you have reason to believe are valid.

  If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
work and works based on it.

  A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
specifically granted under this License.  You may not convey a covered
work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.

  Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.

  12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.

  If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot convey a
covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
not convey it at all.  For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.

  13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.

  Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
combined work, and to convey the resulting work.  The terms of this
License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
combination as such.

  14. Revised Versions of this License.

  The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
the GNU General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.

  Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the
Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
version or of any later version published by the Free Software
Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of the
GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
by the Free Software Foundation.

  If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
to choose that version for the Program.

  Later license versions may give you additional or different
permissions.  However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
later version.

  15. Disclaimer of Warranty.


  16. Limitation of Liability.


  17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.

  If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
copy of the Program in return for a fee.

                     END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS

            How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs

  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.

  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.

    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.

  If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:

    <program>  Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
    This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.

The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License.  Of course, your program's commands
might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".

  You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see

  The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
into proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you
may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
the library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License.  But first, please read
1606 files changed, 336937 insertions, 265632 deletions
diff --git a/source/ab/cui/messages.po b/source/ab/cui/messages.po
index d6419b37b8e..27f24cd03bb 100644
--- a/source/ab/cui/messages.po
+++ b/source/ab/cui/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-24 13:19+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Андрей Абухба <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -3465,7 +3465,7 @@ msgctxt "certdialog|label1"
msgid "Certificate Path"
msgstr "Асертификат амҩа"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:46
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:45
msgctxt "charnamepage|westlangft-nocjk"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "Абызшәа:"
@@ -3475,52 +3475,72 @@ msgctxt "charnamepage|westsizeft-nocjk"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Акегль:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:257
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:196
+msgctxt "charnamepage|west_features_button-nocjk"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:268
msgctxt "charnamepage|westsizeft-cjk"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Акегль:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:272
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:283
msgctxt "charnamepage|westlangft-cjk"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "Абызшәа:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:346
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:352
+msgctxt "charnamepage|west_features_button-cjk"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:373
msgctxt "charnamepage|label4"
msgid "Western Text Font"
msgstr "Мраҭашәаратәи атеқст ашрифт"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:415
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:441
msgctxt "charnamepage|eastsizeft"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Акегль:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:430
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:456
msgctxt "charnamepage|eastlangft"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "Абызшәа:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:503
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:524
+msgctxt "charnamepage|east_features_button"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:545
msgctxt "charnamepage|label5"
msgid "Asian Text Font"
msgstr "Мрагылара азиатәи атеқст ашрифт"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:572
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:613
msgctxt "charnamepage|ctlsizeft"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Акегль:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:587
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:628
msgctxt "charnamepage|ctllangft"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "Абызшәа:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:661
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:697
+msgctxt "charnamepage|ctl_features_button"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:718
msgctxt "charnamepage|label6"
msgid "CTL Font"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:688
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:745
msgctxt "charnamepage|preview-atkobject"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Ахәаҧшра"
@@ -5044,6 +5064,16 @@ msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|flState"
msgid "State"
msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/fontfeaturesdialog.ui:9
+msgctxt "newtabledialog|NewTableDialog"
+msgid "Font Features"
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/fontfeaturesdialog.ui:149
+msgctxt "fontfeaturesdialog|preview-atkobject"
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr ""
#: cui/uiconfig/ui/formatcellsdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "formatcellsdialog|FormatCellsDialog"
msgid "Table Properties"
@@ -7794,82 +7824,87 @@ msgctxt "optfontspage|label1"
msgid "Font Settings for HTML, Basic and SQL Sources"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:31
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:35
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|exthelp"
msgid "_Extended tips"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:46
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:50
+msgctxt "optgeneralpage|popupnohelp"
+msgid "Show \"No offline help installed\" popup"
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:70
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label1"
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Аилыркаага"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:76
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:100
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|filedlg"
msgid "_Use %PRODUCTNAME dialogs"
msgstr "Ихархәатәуп %PRODUCTNAME адиалогқәа"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:110
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:134
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label2"
msgid "Open/Save Dialogs"
msgstr "Аартра/Аиқәырхара рдиалогқәа"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:136
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:160
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|printdlg"
msgid "Use %PRODUCTNAME _dialogs"
msgstr "Ихархәатәуп %PRODUCTNAME адиалогқәа"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:151
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:175
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label3"
msgid "Print Dialogs"
msgstr "Акьыҧхьра адиалогқәа"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:177
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:201
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|docstatus"
msgid "_Printing sets \"document modified\" status"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:192
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:216
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label4"
msgid "Document Status"
msgstr "Адокумент аҭагылазаашьа"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:225
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:249
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label6"
msgid "_Interpret as years between "
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:250
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:274
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|toyear"
msgid "and "
msgstr "and "
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:265
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:289
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label5"
msgid "Year (Two Digits)"
msgstr "Ашықәс (ҩ-цифрак)"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:291
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:315
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|collectusageinfo"
msgid "Collect usage data and send it to The Document Foundation"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:306
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:330
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label7"
msgid "Help Improve %PRODUCTNAME"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:337
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:361
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|quicklaunch"
msgid "Load %PRODUCTNAME during system start-up"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:352
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:376
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|systray"
msgid "Enable systray Quickstarter"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:373
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:397
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label8"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Quickstarter"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/ab/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po b/source/ab/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
index 233304c27f3..b26bcee5ecb 100644
--- a/source/ab/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
+++ b/source/ab/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:05+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-24 13:50+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Андрей Абухба <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -3817,15 +3817,6 @@ msgstr ""
#: CalcCommands.xcu
msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Data"
-msgstr "~Адырқәа"
-#: CalcCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
@@ -22554,6 +22545,15 @@ msgstr "Ибжьаргылатәуп"
#: GenericCommands.xcu
msgctxt ""
+msgid "~Data"
+msgstr ""
+#: GenericCommands.xcu
+msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/ab/sc/messages.po b/source/ab/sc/messages.po
index fbc213d54fc..750dee5f587 100644
--- a/source/ab/sc/messages.po
+++ b/source/ab/sc/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-24 13:51+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Андрей Абухба <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -13661,37 +13661,42 @@ msgid "~Value"
msgstr "Аҵакы"
#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:68
+msgid "~Formula"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:69
msgid "~Source"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:69
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:70
msgid "~Entries"
msgstr ""
#. for dialogues:
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:71
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:72
msgid "System"
msgstr "Асистема"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:72
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:73
msgid "Standard;Text;Date (DMY);Date (MDY);Date (YMD);US English;Hide"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:73
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:74
msgid "Tab"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:74
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:75
msgid "space"
msgstr "апробел"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:75
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:76
msgid ""
"%PRODUCTNAME Calc found an error in the formula entered.\n"
@@ -13699,1200 +13704,1305 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:76
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:77
msgid "Image Filter"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:77
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:78
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Атеқст"
#. Select tables dialog title
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:79
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:80
msgid "Select Sheets"
msgstr "Иалхтәуп абӷьыцқәа"
#. Select tables dialog listbox
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:81
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:82
msgid "~Selected sheets"
msgstr "Иалху абӷьыцқәа"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:82
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:83
msgid "Ruler"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:83
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:84
msgid "This ruler manages objects at fixed positions."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:84
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:85
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Заатәи ахәаҧшра"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:85
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:86
msgid "This sheet shows how the data will be arranged in the document."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:86
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:87
msgctxt "STR_ACC_DOC_NAME"
msgid "Document view"
msgstr "Адокумент ахәаҧшра"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:87
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:88
msgid "Sheet %1"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:88
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:89
msgid "Cell %1"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:89
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:90
msgid "Left area"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:90
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:91
msgid "Page preview"
msgstr "Адаҟьа заатәи ахәаҧшра"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:91
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:92
msgid "Center area"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:92
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:93
msgid "Right area"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:93
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:94
msgid "Header of page %1"
msgstr "Адаҟьа %1 хыхьтәи аколонтитул"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:94
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:95
msgid "Footer of page %1"
msgstr "Адаҟьа %1 ҵаҟатәи аколонтитул"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:95
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:96
msgid "Input line"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:96
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:97
msgid "This is where you enter or edit text, numbers and formulas."
msgstr "Ара шәара иҭажәгалоит насгьы аредакциа рзыжәуеит атеқст, ахыҧхьаӡарақәеи аформулақәеи."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:97
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:98
msgid "Media Playback"
msgstr "Амультимедиа"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:98
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:99
msgid "Mouse button pressed"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:99
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:100
msgid "Formula Tool Bar"
msgstr "Аформулақәа рпанель"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:100
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:101
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Spreadsheets"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:101
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:102
msgid "(read-only)"
msgstr "(аҧхьара мацара)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:102
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:103
msgid "(Preview mode)"
msgstr "(Ахәаҧшра)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:103
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:104
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Адаҟьақәа"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:104
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:105
msgid "~Suppress output of empty pages"
msgstr "Иҭацәу адаҟьақәа кьыҧхьтәӡам"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:105
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:106
msgid "Print content"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:106
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:107
msgid "~All sheets"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:107
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:108
msgid "~Selected sheets"
msgstr "Иалху абӷьыцқәа"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:108
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:109
msgid "Selected cells"
msgstr "Иалху абларҭақәа"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:109
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:110
msgid "From which print"
msgstr "Икьыҧхьтәуп"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:110
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:111
msgid "All ~pages"
msgstr "Адаҟьақәа зегьы"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:111
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:112
msgid "Pa~ges"
msgstr "Адаҟьақәа"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:112
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:113
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:113
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:114
msgid "Warn me about this in the future."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:114
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:115
msgid "The following DDE source could not be updated possibly because the source document was not open. Please launch the source document and try again."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:115
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:116
msgid "The following external file could not be loaded. Data linked from this file did not get updated."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:116
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:117
msgid "Updating external links."
msgstr "Адәныҟатәи азхьарҧшқәа рырҿыцра."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:117
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:118
msgid "Calc A1"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:118
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:119
msgid "Excel A1"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:119
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:120
msgid "Excel R1C1"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:120
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:121
msgid "Range contains column la~bels"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:121
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:122
msgid "Range contains ~row labels"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:122
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:123
msgctxt "SCSTR_VALERR"
msgid "Invalid value"
msgstr "Изымуа аҵакы."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:123
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:124
msgid "No formula specified."
msgstr "Аформула арбаӡам."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:124
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:125
msgctxt "STR_NOCOLROW"
msgid "Neither row or column specified."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:125
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:126
msgid "Undefined name or range."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:126
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:127
msgid "Undefined name or wrong cell reference."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:127
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:128
msgid "Formulas don't form a column."
msgstr "Аформулақәа еиҿыркаауам аиҵагыла."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:128
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:129
msgid "Formulas don't form a row."
msgstr "Аформулақәа еиҿыркаауам ацәаҳәа."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:129
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:130
msgid "Add AutoFormat"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:130
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:131
msgid "Rename AutoFormat"
msgstr "Автоформат ахьӡ ҧсахтәуп"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:131
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:132
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ахьӡ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:132
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:133
msgid "Delete AutoFormat"
msgstr "Ианыхтәуп автоформат"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:133
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:134
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do you really want to delete the # AutoFormat?"
msgstr "Даныхтәума ари ахархәаҩ?"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:134
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:135
msgid "~Close"
msgstr "Иарктәуп"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:135
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:136
msgctxt "STR_JAN"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:136
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:137
msgctxt "STR_FEB"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:137
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:138
msgctxt "STR_MAR"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:138
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:139
msgctxt "STR_NORTH"
msgid "North"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:139
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:140
msgctxt "STR_MID"
msgid "Mid"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:140
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:141
msgctxt "STR_SOUTH"
msgid "South"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:141
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:142
msgctxt "STR_SUM"
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Аихшьала"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:142
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:143
msgctxt "STR_SHEET"
msgid "Sheet"
msgstr "Абӷьыц"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:143
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:144
msgctxt "STR_CELL"
msgid "Cell"
msgstr "Абларҭа"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:144
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:145
msgctxt "STR_CONTENT"
msgid "Content"
msgstr "Иаҵанакуа"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:145
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:146
msgid "Page Anchor"
msgstr "Адаҟьа адҳәалара"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:146
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:147
msgid "Cell Anchor"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:147
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:148
msgid "Condition "
msgstr "Аҭагылазаашьа"
#. content description strings are also use d in ScLinkTargetsObj
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:150
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:151
msgid "Contents"
msgstr "Иаҵанакуа"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:151
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:152
msgid "Sheets"
msgstr "Абӷьыцқәа"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:152
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:153
msgid "Range names"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:153
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:154
msgid "Database ranges"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:154
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:155
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Асахьақәа"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:155
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:156
msgid "OLE objects"
msgstr "OLE аобиеқтқәа"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:156
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:157
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Акомментариқәа"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:157
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:158
msgid "Linked areas"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:158
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:159
msgid "Drawing objects"
msgstr "Асахьақәа"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:159
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:160
msgid "Drag Mode"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:160
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:161
msgid "Display"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:161
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:162
msgctxt "SCSTR_ACTIVE"
msgid "active"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:162
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:163
msgid "inactive"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:163
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:164
msgctxt "SCSTR_HIDDEN"
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "иҵәаху"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:164
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:165
msgid "Active Window"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:165
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:166
msgid "Scenario Name"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:166
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:167
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Акомментари"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:168
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:169
msgid "Sort Ascending"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:169
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:170
msgid "Sort Descending"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:170
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:171
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Sort"
msgstr "Ахархәаҩ ишрифтқәа"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:171
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:172
msgid "All"
msgstr "Зегьы"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:172
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:173
msgid "Show only the current item."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:173
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:174
msgid "Hide only the current item."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:174
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:175
msgid "Search items..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:176
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:177
msgid "Name Box"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:177
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:178
msgid "Input line"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:178
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:179
msgid "Function Wizard"
msgstr "Афункциақәа разҟаза"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:179
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:180
msgid "Accept"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:180
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:181
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Иаҟәыхтәуп"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:181
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:182
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "Аицҵалыҵ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:182
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:183
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "аформула"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:183
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:184
msgid "Expand Formula Bar"
msgstr "Иаарттәуп аформулақәа рпанель"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:184
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:185
msgid "Collapse Formula Bar"
msgstr "Иеикәарҳәтәуп аформулақәа рпанель"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:186
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:187
msgid "Conflict"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:187
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:188
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Автор"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:188
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:189
msgctxt "STR_TITLE_DATE"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Арыцхә"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:189
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:190
msgid "Unknown User"
msgstr "Идырым ахархәаҩ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:191
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:192
msgid "Column inserted"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:192
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:193
msgid "Row inserted "
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:193
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:194
msgid "Sheet inserted "
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:194
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:195
msgid "Column deleted"
msgstr "Аиҵагыла аныхуп"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:195
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:196
msgid "Row deleted"
msgstr "Ацәаҳәа аныхуп"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:196
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:197
msgid "Sheet deleted"
msgstr "Абӷьыц аныхуп"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:197
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:198
msgctxt "STR_CHG_MOVE"
msgid "Range moved"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:198
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:199
msgid "Changed contents"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:199
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:200
msgid "Changed contents"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:200
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:201
msgid "Changed to "
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:201
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:202
msgid "Original"
msgstr "Аоригинал"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:202
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:203
msgctxt "STR_CHG_REJECT"
msgid "Changes rejected"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:203
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:204
msgid "Accepted"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:204
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:205
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rejected"
msgstr "Иалхуп"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:205
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:206
msgctxt "STR_CHG_NO_ENTRY"
msgid "No Entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:206
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:207
msgctxt "STR_CHG_EMPTY"
msgid "<empty>"
msgstr "(иҭацәуп)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:208
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:209
msgid "Not protected"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:209
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:210
msgid "Not password-protected"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:210
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:211
msgctxt "STR_HASH_BAD"
msgid "Hash incompatible"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:211
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:212
msgctxt "STR_HASH_GOOD"
msgid "Hash compatible"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:212
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:213
msgctxt "STR_RETYPE"
msgid "Re-type"
msgstr ""
#. MovingAverageDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:215
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:216
msgid "Moving Average"
msgstr ""
#. ExponentialSmoothingDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:217
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:218
msgid "Exponential Smoothing"
msgstr ""
#. AnalysisOfVarianceDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:219
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:220
msgid "Analysis of Variance"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:220
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:221
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_ANOVA"
+msgid "Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:222
msgid "ANOVA - Single Factor"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:221
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:223
msgid "ANOVA - Two Factor"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:222
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:224
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Агәыҧқәа"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:223
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:225
msgid "Between Groups"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:224
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:226
msgid "Within Groups"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:225
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:227
msgid "Source of Variation"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:226
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:228
msgid "SS"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:227
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:229
msgid "df"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:228
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:230
msgid "MS"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:229
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:231
msgid "F"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:230
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:232
+msgid "Significance F"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:233
msgid "P-value"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:231
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:234
msgid "F critical"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:232
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:235
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Аихшьала"
#. CorrelationDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:234
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:237
msgid "Correlation"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:235
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:238
msgid "Correlations"
msgstr ""
#. CovarianceDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:237
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:240
msgid "Covariance"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:238
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:241
msgid "Covariances"
msgstr ""
#. DescriptiveStatisticsDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:240
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:243
msgid "Descriptive Statistics"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:241
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:244
msgid "Mean"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:242
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:245
msgid "Standard Error"
msgstr "Истандарттәу агха"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:243
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:246
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Амода"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:244
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:247
msgid "Median"
msgstr "Амедиана"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:245
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:248
msgid "Variance"
msgstr "Адисперсиа"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:246
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:249
msgid "Standard Deviation"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:247
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:250
msgid "Kurtosis"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:248
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:251
msgid "Skewness"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:249
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:252
msgid "Range"
msgstr "Адиапазон"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:250
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:253
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_MIN"
msgid "Minimum"
msgstr "Аминимум"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:251
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:254
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_MAX"
msgid "Maximum"
msgstr "Амаксимум"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:252
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:255
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_SUM"
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "Аицҵалыҵ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:253
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:256
msgid "Count"
msgstr "Ахыҧхьаӡара"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:254
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:257
-msgid "First Quartile "
+msgid "First Quartile"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:255
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:258
msgid "Third Quartile"
msgstr ""
#. RandomNumberGeneratorDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:257
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:260
msgid "Random ($(DISTRIBUTION))"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:258
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:261
msgid "Uniform"
msgstr "Еицеиҟароу"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:259
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:262
msgid "Uniform Integer"
msgstr "Иецеиҟароу идескреттәу"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:260
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:263
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Инормалтәу"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:261
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:264
msgid "Cauchy"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:262
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:265
msgid "Bernoulli"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:263
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:266
msgid "Binomial"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:264
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:267
msgid "Negative Binomial"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:265
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:268
msgid "Chi Squared"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:266
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:269
msgid "Geometric"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:267
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:270
msgid "Minimum"
msgstr "Аминимум"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:268
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:271
msgid "Maximum"
msgstr "Амаксимум"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:269
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:272
msgid "Mean"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:270
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:273
msgid "Standard Deviation"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:271
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:274
msgid "Median"
msgstr "Амедиана"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:272
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:275
msgid "Sigma"
msgstr "Сигма"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:273
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:276
msgid "p Value"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:274
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:277
msgid "Number of Trials"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:275
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:278
msgid "nu Value"
msgstr ""
#. SamplingDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:277
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:280
msgid "Sampling"
msgstr ""
#. Names of dialogs
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:279
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:282
msgctxt "STR_FTEST"
msgid "F-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:280
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:283
msgid "F-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:281
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:284
msgctxt "STR_TTEST"
msgid "Paired t-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:282
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:285
msgid "Paired t-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:283
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:286
msgctxt "STR_ZTEST"
msgid "z-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:284
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:287
msgid "z-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:285
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:288
msgid "Test of Independence (Chi-Square)"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:286
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:289
msgid "Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:287
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:290
msgid "Regression"
msgstr ""
#. Common
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:289
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:292
msgid "Column %NUMBER%"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:290
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:293
msgid "Row %NUMBER%"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:291
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:294
msgid "Alpha"
msgstr "Альфа"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:292
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:295
msgid "Variable 1"
msgstr "Аҽеиҭак 1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:293
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:296
msgid "Variable 2"
msgstr "Аҽеиҭак 2"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:294
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:297
msgid "Hypothesized Mean Difference"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:295
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:298
msgid "Observations"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:296
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:299
msgid "Observed Mean Difference"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:297
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:300
+msgid "R^2"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:301
+msgid "Adjusted R^2"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:302
+msgid "Count of X variables"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:303
msgid "df"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:298
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:304
msgid "P-value"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:299
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:305
msgid "Critical Value"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:300
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:306
msgid "Test Statistic"
msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:307
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_LOWER"
+msgid "Lower"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:308
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_Upper"
+msgid "Upper"
+msgstr ""
#. RegressionDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:302
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:310
msgid "Linear"
msgstr "Аҵәаӷәатә"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:303
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:311
msgid "Logarithmic"
msgstr "Алогарифмтә"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:304
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:312
msgid "Power"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:305
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:313
+msgid "Independent variable(s) range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:314
+msgid "Dependent variable(s) range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:315
+msgid "Output range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:316
+msgid "Confidence level must be in the interval (0, 1)."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:317
+msgid "Y variable range cannot have more than 1 column."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:318
+msgid "Y variable range cannot have more than 1 row."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:319
+msgid "Univariate regression : The observation count in X and Y must match."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:320
+msgid "Multivariate regression : The observation count in X and Y must match."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:321
msgid "Regression Model"
msgstr "Арегрессиатә модель"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:306
-msgid "R^2"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:322
+msgid "Regression Statistics"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:307
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:323
+msgid "Residual"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:324
+msgid "Confidence level"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:325
+msgid "Coefficients"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:326
+msgid "t-Statistic"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:327
msgid "Slope"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:308
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:328
#, fuzzy
msgid "Intercept"
msgstr "А-Интернет"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:329
+msgid "Predicted Y"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:330
+msgid "LINEST raw output"
+msgstr ""
#. F Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:310
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:332
msgid "P (F<=f) right-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:311
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:333
msgid "F Critical right-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:312
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:334
msgid "P (F<=f) left-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:313
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:335
msgid "F Critical left-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:314
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:336
msgid "P two-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:315
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:337
msgid "F Critical two-tail"
msgstr ""
#. t Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:317
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:339
msgid "Pearson Correlation"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:318
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:340
msgid "Variance of the Differences"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:319
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:341
msgctxt "STR_TTEST_T_STAT"
msgid "t Stat"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:320
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:342
msgid "P (T<=t) one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:321
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:343
msgid "t Critical one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:322
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:344
msgid "P (T<=t) two-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:323
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:345
msgid "t Critical two-tail"
msgstr ""
#. Z Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:325
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:347
msgid "z"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:326
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:348
msgid "Known Variance"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:327
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:349
msgid "P (Z<=z) one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:328
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:350
msgid "z Critical one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:329
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:351
msgid "P (Z<=z) two-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:330
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:352
msgid "z Critical two-tail"
msgstr ""
#. infobar for allowing links to update or not
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:332
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:354
msgid "Enable Content"
msgstr ""
#. Insert image dialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:334
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:356
msgid "To cell"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:335
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:357
msgid "To cell (resize with cell)"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:336
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:358
msgid "To page"
msgstr ""
@@ -16588,6 +16698,11 @@ msgctxt "dataprovider|label"
msgid "Source Stream"
msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/dataproviderdlg.ui:36
+msgctxt "dataproviderdlg|db_name"
+msgid "Database Range: "
+msgstr ""
#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/dataproviderentry.ui:46
msgctxt "dataproviderentry|url"
msgid "URL:"
@@ -18405,545 +18520,545 @@ msgctxt "notebookbar|DevLabel"
msgid "Tools"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2945
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2986
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Menu"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2977
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3018
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|defaultD"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Астандарт"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2991
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3032
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent1"
msgid "Accent 1"
msgstr "Акцент 1"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2999
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3040
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent2"
msgid "Accent 2"
msgstr "Акцент 2"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3007
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3048
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent3"
msgid "Accent 3"
msgstr "Акцент 3"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3021
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3062
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Header1"
msgid "Header 1"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3029
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3070
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Header2"
msgid "Header 2"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3043
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3084
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|bad"
msgid "Bad"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3051
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3092
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|good"
msgid "Good"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3059
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3100
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|neutral"
msgid "Neutral"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3067
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3108
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|error"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Агха"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|warning"
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Агәаҽанҵара"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3130
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|footnote"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3097
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3138
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|note"
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Азгәаҭа"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3336
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3377
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Tools"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3630
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3671
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|menub"
msgid "_Menu"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3686
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3727
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|toolsb"
msgid "_Tools"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3775
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3816
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|fileb"
msgid "_File"
msgstr "_Афаил"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3930
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3971
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|editb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Ариашара"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4088
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4129
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphstyleb"
msgid "St_yles"
msgstr "Астильқәа"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4245
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4286
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|formatb"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "Ашрифт"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4306
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4347
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|bordertype"
msgid "Specify the borders of the selected cells."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4466
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4507
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|numberb"
msgid "_Number"
msgstr "Ахыҧхьаӡара"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4625
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4666
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "Аиҟаратәра"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4788
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4829
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|cellb"
msgid "_Cells"
msgstr "Абларҭақәа"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4931
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4972
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|insertb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Ибжьаргылатәуп"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5064
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5105
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|datab"
msgid "_Data"
msgstr "Адырқәа"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5178
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5219
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|reviewb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5293
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5334
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewb"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Ахәаҧшра"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5436
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5477
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|graphicB"
msgid "_Graphic"
msgstr "Аграфикатә обиеқт"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5554
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5595
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|colorb"
msgid "C_olor"
msgstr "_Аҧштәы"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5897
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5938
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrange"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6050
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6091
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|GridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6177
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6218
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|languageb"
msgid "_Language"
msgstr "_Абызшәа"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6307
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6348
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|revieb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6442
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6483
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|commentsb"
msgid "_Comments"
msgstr "Акомментариқәа"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6543
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6584
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|compareb"
msgid "Com_pare"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6647
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6688
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewA"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Ахәаҧшра"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6824
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6865
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|editdrawb"
msgid "_Styles"
msgstr "Астильқәа"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7041
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7082
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|drawb"
msgid "D_raw"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7232
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7273
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrangeD"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7345
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7386
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Grid"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7458
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7499
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewDrawb"
msgid "Grou_p"
msgstr "Агәыҧ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7570
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7611
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|3Db"
msgid "3_D"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7755
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7796
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|oleB"
msgid "F_rame"
msgstr "Афреим"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7962
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8003
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrangeO"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|GridO"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8189
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8230
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewO"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Ахәаҧшра"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8298
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8339
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphstyles"
msgid "_Styles"
msgstr "Астильқәа"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8473
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8514
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|formats"
msgid "F_ormat"
msgstr "Аформат"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8749
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8790
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphS"
msgid "_Paragraph"
msgstr "Абзац"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8911
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8952
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewS"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Ахәаҧшра"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:1950
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:1991
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Help"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2945
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2986
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Menu"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2977
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3018
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|defaultD"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Астандарт"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2991
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3032
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent1"
msgid "Accent 1"
msgstr "Акцент 1"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2999
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3040
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent2"
msgid "Accent 2"
msgstr "Акцент 2"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3007
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3048
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent3"
msgid "Accent 3"
msgstr "Акцент 3"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3021
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3062
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Header1"
msgid "Header 1"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3029
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3070
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Header2"
msgid "Header 2"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3043
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3084
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|bad"
msgid "Bad"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3051
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3092
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|good"
msgid "Good"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3059
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3100
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|neutral"
msgid "Neutral"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3067
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3108
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|error"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Агха"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|warning"
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Агәаҽанҵара"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3130
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|footnote"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3097
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3138
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|note"
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Азгәаҭа"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3336
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3377
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Tools"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3635
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3676
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|menub"
msgid "_Menu"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3688
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3729
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|toolsb"
msgid "_Tools"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3743
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3784
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|helpb"
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "Аилыркаага"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3851
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3892
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|fileb"
msgid "_File"
msgstr "_Афаил"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4130
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|editb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Ариашара"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4286
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4327
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphstyleb"
msgid "St_yles"
msgstr "Астильқәа"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4559
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4600
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|formatb"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "Ашрифт"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4805
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4846
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|numberb"
msgid "_Number"
msgstr "Ахыҧхьаӡара"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5020
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5061
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "Аиҟаратәра"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5258
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5299
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|cellb"
msgid "_Cells"
msgstr "Абларҭақәа"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5435
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5476
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|insertb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Ибжьаргылатәуп"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5609
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5650
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|datab"
msgid "_Data"
msgstr "Адырқәа"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5781
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5822
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|reviewb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5968
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6009
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewb"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Ахәаҧшра"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6193
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6234
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|graphicB"
msgid "_Graphic"
msgstr "Аграфика"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6545
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6586
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrange"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6696
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6737
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|colorb"
msgid "C_olor"
msgstr "_Аҧштәы"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6947
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6988
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|GridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7087
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7128
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|languageb"
msgid "_Language"
msgstr "_Абызшәа"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7316
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7357
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|revieb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7529
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7570
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|commentsb"
msgid "_Comments"
msgstr "Акомментариқәа"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7732
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7773
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|compareb"
msgid "Com_pare"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7934
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7975
#, fuzzy
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msgstr "Ахәаҧшра"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8380
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8421
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|drawb"
msgid "D_raw"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8749
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8790
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msgstr "_Ариашара"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9090
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9131
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrangedrawb"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9257
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9298
#, fuzzy
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msgstr "Ахәаҧшра"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9459
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9500
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewDrawb"
msgid "Grou_p"
msgstr "Агәыҧ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9609
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9650
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|3Db"
msgid "3_D"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9918
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9959
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|formatd"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "Ашрифт"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10183
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10224
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphTextb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "Аиҟаратәра"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10385
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10426
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewd"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Ахәаҧшра"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10539
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10580
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|insertTextb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Ибжьаргылатәуп"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10684
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10725
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|media"
msgid "_Media"
msgstr "Амедиа"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10921
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10962
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|oleB"
msgid "F_rame"
msgstr "Афреим"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11352
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11393
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrageOLE"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11518
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11559
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|OleGridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11720
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11761
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewf"
msgid "_View"
@@ -20369,61 +20484,86 @@ msgctxt "regressiondialog|RegressionDialog"
msgid "Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:99
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:102
msgctxt "regressiondialog|variable1-range-label"
-msgid "Variable 1 range:"
+msgid "Independent variable(s) (X) range:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:137
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:140
msgctxt "regressiondialog|variable2-range-label"
-msgid "Variable 2 range:"
+msgid "Dependent variable (Y) range:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:175
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:176
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|withlabels-check"
+msgid "Both X and Y ranges have labels"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:192
msgctxt "regressiondialog|output-range-label"
msgid "Results to:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:217
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:240
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label1"
msgid "Data"
msgstr "Адырқәа"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:252
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:275
msgctxt "regressiondialog|groupedby-columns-radio"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Аиҵагылақәа"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:268
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:291
msgctxt "regressiondialog|groupedby-rows-radio"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "Ацәаҳәақәа"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:290
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:313
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label2"
msgid "Grouped by"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:325
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|linear-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:348
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|linear-radio"
msgid "Linear Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:341
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|logarithmic-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:365
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|logarithmic-radio"
msgid "Logarithmic Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:356
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|power-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:382
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|power-radio"
msgid "Power Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:377
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:405
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label3"
msgid "Output Regression Types"
msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:441
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|label5"
+msgid "Confidence level"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:451
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|calcresiduals-check"
+msgid "Calculate residuals"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:469
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|confidencelevel-spin"
+msgid "0.95"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:490
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|label4"
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr ""
#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/retypepassdialog.ui:10
msgctxt "retypepassdialog|RetypePass"
msgid "Re-type Password"
@@ -22816,82 +22956,87 @@ msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore1"
msgid "Text length"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:57
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:47
+msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore1"
+msgid "Custom"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:61
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "equal"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:61
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:65
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "less than"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:65
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:69
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "greater than"
msgstr "еиҳауп аасҭа"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:69
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:73
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "less than or equal"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:73
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:77
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "greater than or equal to"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:77
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:81
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "not equal"
msgstr "иаҟараӡам"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:81
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:85
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "valid range"
msgstr "изымуа адиапазон"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:85
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:89
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "invalid range"
msgstr "изымуа адиапазон"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:103
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:107
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|label1"
msgid "_Allow:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:117
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:121
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|valueft"
msgid "_Data:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:153
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:157
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|minft"
msgid "_Minimum:"
msgstr "Аминимум:"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:235
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:239
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|maxft"
msgid "Ma_ximum:"
msgstr "Амаксимум:"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:246
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:250
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|allowempty"
msgid "Allow _empty cells"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:261
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:265
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|showlist"
msgid "Show selection _list"
msgstr "Иаарҧштәуп алкаарақәа рыхьӡынҵа"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:276
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:280
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|sortascend"
msgid "Sor_t entries ascending"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:297
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:301
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|hintft"
msgid "A valid source can only consist of a contiguous selection of rows and columns, or a formula that results in an area or array."
msgstr ""
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"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-06-04 15:42+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-24 13:30+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Андрей Абухба <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
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@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-24 13:30+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Андрей Абухба <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -2131,6 +2131,11 @@ msgctxt "helpmanual|website"
msgid "Read Help Online"
msgstr ""
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#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpsearchpage.ui:22
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msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 21:22+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-24 13:52+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Андрей Абухба <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -2203,17 +2203,17 @@ msgctxt "classificationdialog|label-IntellectualProperty"
msgid "Intellectual Property"
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+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:58
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msgctxt "colorwindow|color_picker_button"
msgid "Custom Color…"
msgstr "Аҧштәы алхра..."
@@ -2702,52 +2702,52 @@ msgctxt "datanavigator|modelsremove"
msgid "_Remove"
msgstr "_Ианыхтәуп"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:52
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msgid "Lines & Arrows"
msgstr ""
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+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:270
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-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:311
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:307
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msgid "Callouts"
msgstr ""
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:348
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#: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu2.ui:82
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@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 21:22+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:05+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-24 13:53+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Андрей Абухба <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -1494,298 +1494,308 @@ msgid "Text"
msgstr "Атеқст"
#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:239
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msgstr "Адәықәҵара"
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:245
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:244
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#. Statusbar-titles
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msgstr "Адокумент аимпорт..."
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msgstr "Адокумент аекспорт..."
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:256
msgid "Letter"
msgstr "Letter"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:255
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:257
msgid "Spellcheck..."
msgstr "Аорфографиа агәаҭара..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:256
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:258
msgid "Hyphenation..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:257
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:259
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:258
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:260
msgid "Updating Index..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:259
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:261
msgid "Creating abstract..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:260
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:262
msgid "Adapt Objects..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:261
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:263
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Атаблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:262
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:264
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:265
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:264
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:267
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#, fuzzy
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:272
msgid "separated by: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:271
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:273
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:282
msgid "H~ide All Comments by $1"
msgstr "Иҵәахтәуп акомментариқәа зегьы $1 иҟынтәи"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:281
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:283
msgid "Outline Numbering"
msgstr "Аномерркра аструктура"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:282
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:284
msgid "%1 words, %2 characters"
msgstr "%1 ажәақәа, %2 асимволқәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:283
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:285
msgid "%1 words, %2 characters selected"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:284
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:286
msgid "Convert Text to Table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:285
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:287
msgid "Add AutoFormat"
msgstr "Иацҵатәуп автоформат"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:286
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:288
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ахьӡ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:287
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:289
msgid "Delete AutoFormat"
msgstr "Ианыхтәуп автоформат"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:288
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:290
msgid "The following AutoFormat entry will be deleted:"
msgstr "Анаҩстәи автоформат аныххооит:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:289
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:291
msgid "Rename AutoFormat"
msgstr "Автоформат ахьӡ ҧсахтәуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:290
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:292
msgid "~Close"
msgstr "Иарктәуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:291
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:293
msgctxt "STR_JAN"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:292
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:294
msgctxt "STR_FEB"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:293
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:295
msgctxt "STR_MAR"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:294
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:296
msgctxt "STR_NORTH"
msgid "North"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:295
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:297
msgctxt "STR_MID"
msgid "Mid"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:296
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:298
msgctxt "STR_SOUTH"
msgid "South"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:297
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:299
msgctxt "STR_SUM"
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "Аицҵалыҵ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:298
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:300
msgid ""
"You have entered an invalid name.\n"
@@ -1793,2449 +1803,2449 @@ msgid ""
"Try again using a different name."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:299
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:301
msgctxt "STR_NUMERIC"
msgid "Numeric"
msgstr "Ахыҧхьаӡаратә"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:300
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:302
msgctxt "STR_ROW"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "Ацәаҳәақәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:301
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:303
msgctxt "STR_COL"
msgid "Column"
msgstr "Аиҵагыла"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:302
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:304
msgid "Edit Bibliography Entry"
msgstr "Абиблиографиатә зхьарҧшқәа рыриашара"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:303
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:305
msgid "Insert Bibliography Entry"
msgstr "Иҭаргылатәуп абиблиографиатә зхьарҧшқәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:304
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:306
msgid "Spacing between %1 and %2"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:305
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:307
msgid "Column %1 Width"
msgstr "Аиҵаҩ %1 аҭбаара"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:306
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:308
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Table"
msgstr "Атаблица %PRODUCTNAME Writer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:307
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:309
#, fuzzy
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Frame"
msgstr "Атаблица %PRODUCTNAME Writer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:308
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:310
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Image"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Writer асахьа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:309
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:311
msgid "Other OLE Objects"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:310
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:312
msgid "The name of the table must not contain spaces."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:311
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:313
msgid "Selected table cells are too complex to merge."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:312
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:314
msgctxt "STR_SRTERR"
msgid "Cannot sort selection"
msgstr ""
#. Miscellaneous
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:315
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:317
msgid "Click object"
msgstr "Аобиеқт алхра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:316
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:318
msgid "Before inserting AutoText"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:317
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:319
msgid "After inserting AutoText"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:318
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:320
msgid "Mouse over object"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:319
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:321
msgid "Trigger hyperlink"
msgstr "Агиперзхьарҧш ала аиасра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:320
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:322
msgid "Mouse leaves object"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:321
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:323
msgid "Image loaded successfully"
msgstr "Асахьа қәҿиарала иҭагалоуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:322
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:324
msgid "Image loading terminated"
msgstr "Асахьа аҭагалара аанкылоуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:323
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:325
msgid "Could not load image"
msgstr "Асахьа аҭагалара ауам"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:324
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:326
msgid "Input of alphanumeric characters"
msgstr "Алф.-цифр. символқәа рҭагалара"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:325
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:327
#, fuzzy
msgid "Input of non-alphanumeric characters"
msgstr "Алф.-цифр. символқәа рҭагалара"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:326
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:328
msgid "Resize frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:327
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:329
msgid "Move frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:328
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:330
msgid "Headings"
msgstr "Ахқәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:329
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:331
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Атаблицақәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:330
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:332
msgid "Text frames"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:331
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:333
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Асахьақәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:332
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:334
msgid "OLE objects"
msgstr "OLE аобиеқтқәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:333
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:335
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:334
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:336
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sections"
msgstr "апараграф"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:335
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:337
msgid "Hyperlinks"
msgstr "Агиперзхьарҧшқәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:336
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:338
msgid "References"
msgstr "Азхьарҧшқәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:337
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:339
msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Аиндексқәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:338
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:340
msgid "Drawing objects"
msgstr "Асахьақәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:339
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:341
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Акомментариқәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:340
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:342
msgid "Heading 1"
msgstr "Ахы 1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:341
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:343
msgid "This is the content from the first chapter. This is a user directory entry."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:342
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:344
msgid "Heading 1.1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:343
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:345
msgid "This is the content from chapter 1.1. This is the entry for the table of contents."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:344
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:346
msgid "Heading 1.2"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:345
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:347
msgid "This is the content from chapter 1.2. This keyword is a main entry."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:346
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:348
msgid "Table 1: This is table 1"
msgstr "Атаблица 1: Ари атаблица 1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:347
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:349
msgid "Image 1: This is image 1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:348
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:350
msgid "Heading"
msgstr "Ахы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:349
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:351
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Атаблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:350
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:352
msgid "Text frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:351
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:353
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Асахьа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:352
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:354
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "OLE-аобиеқт"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:353
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:355
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:354
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:356
#, fuzzy
msgid "Section"
msgstr "апараграф"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:355
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:357
msgid "Hyperlink"
msgstr "Агиперзхьарҧш"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:356
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:358
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "Азхьарҧш"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:357
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:359
#, fuzzy
msgid "Index"
msgstr "аиндекс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:358
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:360
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Акомментари"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:359
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:361
msgid "Draw object"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:360
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:362
msgid "Additional formats..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:361
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:363
msgctxt "RID_STR_SYSTEM"
msgid "[System]"
msgstr "[Асистема]"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:362
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:364
msgid ""
"The interactive hyphenation is already active\n"
"in a different document"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:363
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:365
msgctxt "STR_HYPH_TITLE"
msgid "Hyphenation"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:366
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:368
msgctxt "STR_CANT_UNDO"
msgid "not possible"
msgstr "иауам"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:367
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:369
msgid "Delete $1"
msgstr "Ианыхтәуп $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:368
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:370
msgid "Insert $1"
msgstr "Ибжьаргылатәуп $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:369
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:371
msgctxt "STR_OVR_UNDO"
msgid "Overwrite: $1"
msgstr "Ихҩылаатәуп: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:370
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:372
msgid "New Paragraph"
msgstr "Абзац ҿыц"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:371
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:373
msgctxt "STR_MOVE_UNDO"
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Ииагатәуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:372
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:374
msgid "Apply attributes"
msgstr "Ихархәатәуп атрибутқәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:373
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:375
msgid "Apply Styles: $1"
msgstr "Ихархәатәуп астиль: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:374
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:376
msgid "Reset attributes"
msgstr "Атрибутқәа еиҭашьақәыргылатәуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:375
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:377
msgid "Change style: $1"
msgstr "Иҧсахтәуп астиль: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:376
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:378
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "Ибжьаргылатәуп афаил"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:377
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:379
msgid "Insert AutoText"
msgstr "Ибжьаргылатәуп автотеқст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:378
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:380
msgid "Delete bookmark: $1"
msgstr "Ианыхтәуп агәылаҵа: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:379
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:381
msgid "Insert bookmark: $1"
msgstr "Ибжьаргылатәуп агәылаҵа: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:380
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:382
msgctxt "STR_SORT_TBL"
msgid "Sort table"
msgstr "Атаблица асортра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:381
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:383
msgctxt "STR_SORT_TXT"
msgid "Sort text"
msgstr "Атеқст асортра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:382
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:384
msgid "Insert table: $1$2$3"
msgstr "Ибжьаргылатәуп атаблица: $1$2$3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:383
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:385
msgid "Convert text -> table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:384
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:386
msgid "Convert table -> text"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:385
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:387
msgctxt "STR_COPY_UNDO"
msgid "Copy: $1"
msgstr "Акопиа ахыхтәуп: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:386
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:388
msgid "Replace $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Иҧсахтәуп $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:387
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:389
msgid "Insert page break"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:388
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:390
msgid "Insert column break"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:389
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:391
msgid "Insert Envelope"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:390
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:392
msgid "Copy: $1"
msgstr "Акопиа ахыхтәуп: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:391
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:393
msgid "Move: $1"
msgstr "Ииагатәуп: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:392
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:394
msgid "Insert %PRODUCTNAME Chart"
msgstr "Ибжьаргылатәуп адиаграмма %PRODUCTNAME"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:393
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:395
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insert frame"
msgstr "Ибжьаргылатәуп атаблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:394
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:396
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete frame"
msgstr "Ианыхтәуп адаҟьа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:395
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:397
msgid "AutoFormat"
msgstr "Автоформат"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:396
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:398
msgid "Table heading"
msgstr "Атаблица ахы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:397
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:399
msgctxt "STR_REPLACE"
msgid "Replace: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Аҧсахра $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:398
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:400
msgid "Insert section"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:399
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:401
msgid "Delete section"
msgstr "Ианыхтәуп аҟәша"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:400
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:402
msgid "Modify section"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:401
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:403
msgid "Modify default values"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:402
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:404
msgid "Replace style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Иҧсахтәуп астиль; $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:403
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:405
msgid "Delete page break"
msgstr "Ианыхтәуп адаҟьа аимҟьара"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:404
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:406
msgid "Text Correction"
msgstr "Атеқст ариашара"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:405
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:407
msgctxt "STR_OUTLINE_LR"
msgid "Promote/demote outline"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:406
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:408
msgctxt "STR_OUTLINE_UD"
msgid "Move outline"
msgstr "Ииагатәуп аструктура"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:407
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:409
msgctxt "STR_INSNUM"
msgid "Insert numbering"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:408
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:410
msgctxt "STR_NUMUP"
msgid "Promote level"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:409
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:411
msgctxt "STR_NUMDOWN"
msgid "Demote level"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:410
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:412
msgctxt "STR_MOVENUM"
msgid "Move paragraphs"
msgstr "Ииагатәуп абзацқәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:411
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:413
msgid "Insert drawing object: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:412
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:414
msgid "Number On/Off"
msgstr "Аномер Аҿак/Аҿых"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:413
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:415
msgid "Increase Indent"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:414
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:416
msgid "Decrease indent"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:415
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:417
msgid "Insert caption: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:416
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:418
msgid "Restart numbering"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:417
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:419
msgid "Modify footnote"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:418
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:420
msgid "Accept change: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:419
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:421
msgid "Reject change: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:420
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:422
#, fuzzy
msgid "Split Table"
msgstr "Иалкаатәуп атаблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:421
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:423
msgid "Stop attribute"
msgstr "Иаанкылатәуп атрибут"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:422
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:424
msgid "AutoCorrect"
msgstr "Автоҧсахра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:423
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:425
msgid "Merge table"
msgstr "Еидҵатәуп атаблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:424
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:426
msgid "Change Case"
msgstr "Арегистр"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:425
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:427
msgctxt "STR_DELNUM"
msgid "Delete numbering"
msgstr "Ианыхтәуп аномерркра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:426
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:428
msgctxt "STR_DRAWUNDO"
msgid "Drawing objects: $1"
msgstr "Асахьақәа: $1 "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:427
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:429
msgid "Group draw objects"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:428
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:430
msgid "Ungroup drawing objects"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:429
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:431
msgid "Delete drawing objects"
msgstr "Ианыхтәуп асахьақәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:430
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:432
msgctxt "STR_REREAD"
msgid "Replace Image"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:431
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:433
msgctxt "STR_DELGRF"
msgid "Delete Image"
msgstr "Ианыхтәуп асахьа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:432
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:434
msgctxt "STR_TABLE_ATTR"
msgid "Apply table attributes"
msgstr "Ихархәуатәуп атаблица атрибутқәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:433
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:435
msgid "AutoFormat Table"
msgstr "Атаблица автоформат"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:434
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:436
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insert Column"
msgstr "Ибжьаргылатәуп аиҵагыла"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:435
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:437
msgid "Insert Row"
msgstr "Ибжьаргылатәуп ацәаҳәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:436
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:438
msgid "Delete row/column"
msgstr "Ианыхтәуп ацәаҳәа/аиҵагыла"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:437
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:439
msgid "Delete column"
msgstr "Ианыхтәуп аиҵагыла"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:438
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:440
msgid "Delete row"
msgstr "Ианыхтәуп ацәаҳәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:439
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:441
msgid "Split Cells"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:440
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:442
msgid "Merge Cells"
msgstr "Еидҵатәуп абларҭақәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:441
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:443
msgid "Format cell"
msgstr "Абларҭақәа рформат"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:442
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:444
msgctxt "STR_INSERT_TOX"
msgid "Insert index/table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:443
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:445
msgid "Remove index/table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:444
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:446
msgid "Copy table"
msgstr "Атаблица акопиа ахыхтәуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:445
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:447
msgid "Copy table"
msgstr "Атаблица акопиа ахыхтәуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:446
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:448
msgid "Set cursor"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:447
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:449
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_CHAIN"
msgid "Link text frames"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:448
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:450
msgid "Unlink text frames"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:449
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:451
msgid "Modify footnote options"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:450
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:452
msgid "Compare Document"
msgstr "Еиҿырҧштәуп адокумент аверсиақәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:451
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:453
msgid "Apply frame style: $1"
msgstr "Ианыхтәуп афреим астиль: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:452
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:454
msgid "Ruby Setting"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:453
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:455
msgid "Insert footnote"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:454
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:456
msgid "insert URL button"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:455
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:457
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insert Hyperlink"
msgstr "Ибжьаргылатәуп агиперзхьарҧш..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:456
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:458
msgid "remove invisible content"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:457
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:459
msgid "Table/index changed"
msgstr "Атаблица/аиндекс ҧсахуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:458
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:460
msgid "“"
msgstr "«"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:459
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:461
msgctxt "STR_END_QUOTE"
msgid "”"
msgstr "»"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:460
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:462
msgctxt "STR_LDOTS"
msgid "..."
msgstr "..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:461
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:463
msgctxt "STR_MULTISEL"
msgid "multiple selection"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:462
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:464
msgid "Typing: $1"
msgstr "Аҭагалара: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:463
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:465
msgid "Paste clipboard"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:464
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:466
msgctxt "STR_YIELDS"
msgid "→"
msgstr "→"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:465
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:467
msgid "occurrences of"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:466
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:468
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_TABS"
msgid "$1 tab(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:467
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:469
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_NLS"
msgid "$1 line break(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:468
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:470
msgid "page break"
msgstr "адаҟьа аимҟьара"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:469
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:471
msgid "column break"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:470
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:472
msgid "Insert $1"
msgstr "Ибжьаргылатәуп $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:471
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:473
msgid "Delete $1"
msgstr "$1 аныхра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:472
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:474
msgid "Attributes changed"
msgstr "Атрибутқәа ҧсахуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:473
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:475
msgid "Table changed"
msgstr "Атаблица ҧсахуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:474
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:476
msgid "Style changed"
msgstr "Астиль ҧсахуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:475
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:477
msgid "Paragraph formatting changed"
msgstr "Абзац аформат ҧсахуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:476
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:478
msgid "Insert Row"
msgstr "Ибжьаргылатәуп ацәаҳәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:477
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:479
msgid "Delete Row"
msgstr "Ацәаҳәа аныхра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:478
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:480
msgid "Insert Cell"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:479
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:481
msgid "Delete Cell"
msgstr "Абларҭа аныхра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:480
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:482
msgctxt "STR_N_REDLINES"
msgid "$1 changes"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:481
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:483
msgid "Change page style: $1"
msgstr "Иҧсахтәуп адаҟьа астиль: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:482
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:484
msgid "Create page style: $1"
msgstr "Иаҧҵатәуп адаҟьа астиль: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:483
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:485
msgid "Delete page style: $1"
msgstr "Ианыхтәуп адаҟьа астиль: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:484
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:486
msgid "Rename page style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Адаҟьа: $1 $2 $3 астиль ахьӡ ҧсахтәуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:485
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:487
msgid "Header/footer changed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:486
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:488
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_FIELD"
msgid "Field changed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:487
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:489
msgid "Create paragraph style: $1"
msgstr "Иаҧҵатәуп абзац астиль: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:488
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:490
msgid "Delete paragraph style: $1"
msgstr "Ианыхтәуп абзац астиль: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:489
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:491
msgid "Rename paragraph style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Абзац: $1 $2 $3 астиль ахьӡ ҧсахтәуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:490
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:492
msgid "Create character style: $1"
msgstr "Иаҧҵатәуп асимвол астиль: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:491
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:493
msgid "Delete character style: $1"
msgstr "Ианыхтәуп асимвол астиль: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:492
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:494
msgid "Rename character style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Асимвол: $1 $2 $3 астиль ахьӡ ҧсахтәуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:493
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:495
msgid "Create frame style: $1"
msgstr "Иаҧҵатәуп афреим астиль: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:494
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:496
msgid "Delete frame style: $1"
msgstr "Ианыхтәуп афреим астиль: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:495
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:497
msgid "Rename frame style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Афреим: $1 $2 $3 астиль ахьӡ ҧсахтәуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:496
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:498
msgid "Create numbering style: $1"
msgstr "Иаҧҵатәуп ахьӡынҵа астиль: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:497
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:499
msgid "Delete numbering style: $1"
msgstr "Ианыхтәуп ахьӡынҵа астиль: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:498
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:500
msgid "Rename numbering style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Ахьӡынҵа: $1 $2 $3 астиль ахьӡ ҧсахтәуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:499
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:501
msgid "Rename bookmark: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:500
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:502
msgid "Insert index entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:501
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:503
msgid "Delete index entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:502
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:504
msgctxt "STR_FIELD"
msgid "field"
msgstr "аҭакыра"
#. undo: STR_PARAGRAPHS, string.text
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:504
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:506
msgid "Paragraphs"
msgstr "Абзацқәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:505
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:507
msgctxt "STR_FRAME"
msgid "frame"
msgstr "афреим"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:506
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:508
msgctxt "STR_OLE"
msgid "OLE-object"
msgstr "OLE-аобиеқт"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:507
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:509
msgid "formula"
msgstr "аформула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:508
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:510
msgctxt "STR_CHART"
msgid "chart"
msgstr "адиаграмма"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:509
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:511
msgctxt "STR_NOTE"
msgid "comment"
msgstr "акомментари"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:510
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:512
msgid "cross-reference"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:511
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:513
msgctxt "STR_SCRIPT"
msgid "script"
msgstr "Асценари"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:512
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:514
msgid "bibliography entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:513
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:515
msgid "special character"
msgstr "испециалтәу асимвол"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:514
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:516
msgctxt "STR_FOOTNOTE"
msgid "footnote"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:515
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:517
msgctxt "STR_GRAPHIC"
msgid "image"
msgstr "асахьа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:516
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:518
msgid "drawing object(s)"
msgstr "аграфикатә обиеқт(қәа)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:517
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:519
msgctxt "STR_TABLE_NAME"
msgid "table: $1$2$3"
msgstr "атаблица: $1$2$3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:518
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:520
msgid "paragraph"
msgstr "абзац"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:519
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:521
msgid "Paragraph sign"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:520
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:522
msgid "Change object title of $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:521
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:523
msgid "Change object description of $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:522
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:524
msgid "Create table style: $1"
msgstr "Иаҧҵатәуп атаблица астиль: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:523
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:525
msgid "Delete table style: $1"
msgstr "Ианыхтәуп атаблица астиль: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:524
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:526
msgid "Update table style: $1"
msgstr "Ирҿыцтәуп атаблица астиль: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:525
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:527
msgid "Delete table"
msgstr "Ианыхтәуп атаблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:527
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:529
msgid "Document view"
msgstr "Адокумент ахәаҧшра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:528
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:530
msgid "Document view"
msgstr "Адокумент ахәаҧшра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:529
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:531
msgid "Header $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Хыхьтәи аколонтитул $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:530
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:532
msgid "Header page $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Хыхьтәи аколонтитул $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:531
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:533
msgid "Footer $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Ҵаҟатәи аколонтитул $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:532
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:534
msgid "Footer page $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Ҵаҟатәи аколонтитул $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:533
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:535
#, fuzzy
msgid "Footnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Ҵаҟатәи аколонтитул $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:534
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:536
#, fuzzy
msgid "Footnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Ҵаҟатәи аколонтитул $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:535
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:537
msgid "Endnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:536
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:538
msgid "Endnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:537
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:539
msgid "$(ARG1) on page $(ARG2)"
msgstr "$(ARG1) адаҟьа $(ARG2) аҟны"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:538
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:540
msgid "Page $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Адаҟьа $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:539
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:541
msgid "Page: $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Адаҟьа $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:540
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:542
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Автор"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:541
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:543
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Арыцхә"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:542
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:544
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Аҟаҵарақәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:543
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:545
msgid "Activate this button to open a list of actions which can be performed on this comment and other comments"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:544
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:546
msgid "Document preview"
msgstr "Адокумент ахәаҧшра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:545
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:547
msgid "(Preview mode)"
msgstr "(Ахәаҧшра арежим)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:546
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:548
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Document"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME адокуменқәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:548
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:550
msgid "Read Error"
msgstr "Аҧхьара агха"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:549
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:551
msgid "Image cannot be displayed."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:550
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:552
msgid "Error reading from the clipboard."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:552
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:554
msgid "Manual Column Break"
msgstr "Аиҵаҩ аимҟьара"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:554
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:556
msgid "Row %ROWNUMBER"
msgstr "Ацәаҳәа %ROWNUMBER"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:555
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:557
#, c-format
msgid "Column %COLUMNLETTER"
msgstr "Аиҵагыла %COLUMNLETTER "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:556
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:558
msgid "Character"
msgstr "Асимвол"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:557
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:559
msgid "Paragraph"
msgstr "Абзац"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:558
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:560
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "Афреим"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:559
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:561
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Адаҟьақәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:560
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:562
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "Аномерркра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:561
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:563
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Атаблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:562
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:564
msgid "Cell"
msgstr "Абларҭа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:564
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:566
msgid "Asian"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:565
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:567
msgctxt "ST_SCRIPT_CTL"
msgid "CTL"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:566
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:568
msgid "Western"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:567
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:569
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:568
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:570
msgid "Contents"
msgstr "Иаҵанакуа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:569
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:571
msgid "Page ba~ckground"
msgstr "Адаҟьа аҿаҧшыра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:570
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:572
msgid "~Images and other graphic objects"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:571
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:573
msgid "Hidden te~xt"
msgstr "Иҵәаху атеқст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:572
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:574
msgid "~Text placeholders"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:573
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:575
msgid "Form control~s"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:574
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:576
msgid "Color"
msgstr "Аҧштәы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:575
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:577
msgid "Print text in blac~k"
msgstr "Икьыҧхьтәуп атеқст еиқәаҵәала"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:576
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:578
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Адаҟьақәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:577
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:579
msgid "Print ~automatically inserted blank pages"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:578
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:580
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:579
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:581
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Акьыҧхьра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:580
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:582
msgid "None (document only)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:581
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:583
msgid "Comments only"
msgstr "Акомментариқәа рымацара"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:582
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:584
msgid "Place at end of document"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:583
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:585
msgid "Place at end of page"
msgstr "Ииагатәуп адаҟьа анҵәамҭахь"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:584
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:586
msgid "~Comments"
msgstr "Акомментари"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:585
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:587
msgid "Page sides"
msgstr "Адаҟьа аганқәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:586
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:588
msgid "All pages"
msgstr "Адаҟьақәа зегьы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:587
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:589
msgid "Back sides / left pages"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:588
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:590
msgid "Front sides / right pages"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:589
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:591
msgid "Include"
msgstr "Иҭыгатәуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:590
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:592
#, fuzzy
msgid "Broch~ure"
msgstr "Аброшиура"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:591
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:593
msgid "Left-to-right script"
msgstr "Армарахьтә - арӷьарахь"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:592
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:594
msgid "Right-to-left script"
msgstr "Арӷьарахьтә-армарахь"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:593
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:595
msgid "Range and copies"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:594
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:596
msgid "~All pages"
msgstr "Адаҟьақәа зегьы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:595
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:597
msgid "Pa~ges"
msgstr "Адаҟьақәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:596
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:598
msgid "~Selection"
msgstr "Иалкаау"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:597
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:599
msgid "Place in margins"
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:599
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:601
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msgstr "Афункциақәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:600
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:602
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msgstr "Аҟәыхра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:601
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:603
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Ихархәатәуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:602
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:604
msgid "Formula Tool Bar"
msgstr "Аформулақәа рпанель"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:603
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:605
msgid "Formula Type"
msgstr "Аформула атип"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:604
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:606
msgid "Formula Text"
msgstr "Аформула атеқст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:606
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:608
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:607
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:609
msgid "Content Navigation View"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:608
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:610
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:609
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:611
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:610
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:612
msgid "Insert as Hyperlink"
msgstr "Ибжьаргылатәуп агиперзхьарҧш ҳасабла"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:611
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:613
msgid "Insert as Link"
msgstr "Ибжьаргылатәуп азхьарҧш ҳасабла"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:612
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:614
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:613
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:615
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:614
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:616
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:615
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:617
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msgstr "иҵәаху"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:616
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:618
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msgstr "иактиву"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:617
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:619
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msgid "inactive"
msgstr "иактивым"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:618
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:620
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msgid "Edit..."
msgstr "Ариашара..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:619
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:621
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msgid "~Update"
msgstr "Ирҿыцтәуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:620
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:622
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msgstr "Ариашара"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:621
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:623
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:622
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:624
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:623
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:625
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:624
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:626
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:625
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:627
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msgstr "Иаҧҵатәуп адокумент"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:626
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:628
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msgstr "Атеқст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:627
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:629
msgctxt "STR_DELETE"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Ианыхтәуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:628
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:630
msgid "~Delete"
msgstr "Ианыхтәуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:629
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:631
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msgstr "Иалкаау"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:630
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:632
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:631
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:633
#, fuzzy
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:632
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:634
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msgid "All"
msgstr "Зегьы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:633
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:635
msgid "~Remove Index"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:634
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:636
msgid "~Unprotect"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:635
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:637
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "иҵәаху"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:636
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:638
msgid "File not found: "
msgstr "Афаил ҧшаам: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:637
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:639
msgctxt "STR_RENAME"
msgid "~Rename"
msgstr "Ахьӡ ҧсахтәуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:638
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:640
msgid "Read-~only"
msgstr "Аҧхьара мацараз"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:639
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:641
msgid "Show All"
msgstr "Иаарҧштәуп зегьы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:640
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:642
msgid "Hide All"
msgstr "Иҵәахтәуп зегьы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:641
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:643
msgid "Delete All"
msgstr "Ианыхтәуп зегьы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:643
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:645
msgid "Left: "
msgstr "Арымарахь: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:644
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:646
msgid ". Right: "
msgstr " Арыӷьарахь: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:645
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:647
msgid "Inner: "
msgstr "Аҩныҵҟа: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:646
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:648
msgid ". Outer: "
msgstr " Адәныҟа: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:647
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:649
msgid ". Top: "
msgstr " Хыхьла: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:648
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:650
msgid ". Bottom: "
msgstr " Ҵаҟала: "
#. Error calculator
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:651
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:653
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Адаҟьа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:652
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:654
msgid "Line"
msgstr "Ацәаҳәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:653
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:655
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Автор"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:654
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:656
msgid "** Syntax Error **"
msgstr "** Аинтакстә гха **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:655
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:657
msgid "** Division by zero **"
msgstr "** Ноль ала ашара **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:656
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:658
msgctxt "STR_CALC_BRACK"
msgid "** Wrong use of brackets **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:657
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:659
msgctxt "STR_CALC_POW"
msgid "** Square function overflow **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:658
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:660
msgid "** Overflow **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:659
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:661
msgid "** Error **"
msgstr "** Агха **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:660
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:662
msgctxt "STR_CALC_ERROR"
msgid "** Expression is faulty **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:661
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:663
msgid "Error: Reference source not found"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:662
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:664
msgid "None"
msgstr "Мап"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:663
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:665
msgid "(fixed)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:664
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:666
msgid " Y: %1 M: %2 D: %3 H: %4 M: %5 S: %6"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:665
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:667
msgctxt "STR_TOI"
msgid "Alphabetical Index"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:666
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:668
msgctxt "STR_TOU"
msgid "User-Defined"
msgstr "Иҷыдоу"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:667
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:669
msgctxt "STR_TOC"
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr "Ахы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:668
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:670
msgctxt "STR_TOX_AUTH"
msgid "Bibliography"
msgstr "Абиблиографиа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:669
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:671
msgid "Citation"
msgstr "Ацитата"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:670
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:672
msgctxt "STR_TOX_TBL"
msgid "Index of Tables"
msgstr "Атаблицақәа рыхьӡынҵа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:671
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:673
msgctxt "STR_TOX_OBJ"
msgid "Table of Objects"
msgstr "Аобиеқтқәа рыхьӡынҵа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:672
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:674
msgctxt "STR_TOX_ILL"
msgid "Table of Figures"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:673
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:675
#, c-format
msgid "%s-Click to follow link"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:674
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:676
msgctxt "STR_LINK_CLICK"
msgid "Click to follow link"
msgstr ""
#. SubType DocInfo
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:676
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:678
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msgstr "Ахы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:677
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:679
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Атема"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:678
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:680
msgid "Keywords"
msgstr "Ихадоу ажәақәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:679
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:681
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Акомментариқәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:680
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:682
msgid "Created"
msgstr "Иаҧҵоуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:681
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:683
msgid "Modified"
msgstr "Иҧсахуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:682
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:684
msgid "Last printed"
msgstr "Икьыҧхьуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:683
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:685
msgid "Revision number"
msgstr "Аредакциа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:684
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:686
msgid "Total editing time"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:685
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:687
msgid "Convert $(ARG1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:686
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:688
msgid "First convert $(ARG1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:687
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:689
msgid "Next convert $(ARG1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:688
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:690
msgid "Article"
msgstr "Астатиа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:689
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:691
msgid "Book"
msgstr "Ашәҟәы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:690
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:692
msgid "Brochures"
msgstr "Аброшиура"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:691
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:693
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:692
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:694
msgid "Book excerpt"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:693
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:695
msgid "Book excerpt with title"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:694
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:696
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:695
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:697
msgid "Journal"
msgstr "Ажурнал"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:696
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:698
msgid "Techn. documentation"
msgstr "Атехникатә документациа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:697
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:699
msgid "Thesis"
msgstr "Адипломтә усумҭа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:698
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:700
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:699
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:701
msgid "Dissertation"
msgstr "Адиссертациа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:700
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:702
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:701
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:703
msgid "Research report"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:702
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:704
msgid "Unpublished"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:703
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:705
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msgstr "E-mail"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:704
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:706
msgid "WWW document"
msgstr "Веб-адаҟьа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:705
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:707
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msgstr "Ахархәаҩ итип 1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:706
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:708
msgid "User-defined2"
msgstr "Ахархәаҩ итип 2"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:707
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:709
msgid "User-defined3"
msgstr "Ахархәаҩ итип3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:708
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:710
msgid "User-defined4"
msgstr "Ахархәаҩ итип4"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:709
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:711
msgid "User-defined5"
msgstr "Ахархәаҩ итип5"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:710
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:712
msgid "Short name"
msgstr "Иркаҿны"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:711
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:713
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Атип"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:712
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:714
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msgstr "Адрес"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:713
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:715
msgid "Annotation"
msgstr "Акомментари"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:714
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:716
msgid "Author(s)"
msgstr "Автор(цәа)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:715
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:717
msgid "Book title"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:716
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:718
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:717
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:719
msgid "Edition"
msgstr "Аҭыжьымҭа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:718
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:720
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Аредактор"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:719
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:721
msgid "Publication type"
msgstr "Аҭыжьымҭа атип"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:720
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:722
msgid "Institution"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:721
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:723
msgid "Journal"
msgstr "Ажурнал"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:722
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:724
msgid "Month"
msgstr "Амза"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:723
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:725
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Азгәаҭа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:724
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:726
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Аномер"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:725
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:727
msgid "Organization"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:726
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:728
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msgstr "Адаҟьақәа рхыҧхьаӡара"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:727
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:729
msgid "Publisher"
msgstr "Аҭыжьырҭа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:728
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:730
msgid "University"
msgstr "Ауниверситет"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:729
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:731
msgid "Series"
msgstr "Асериа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:730
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:732
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Ахы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:731
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:733
msgid "Type of report"
msgstr "Аҳасабырба атип"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:732
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:734
msgid "Volume"
msgstr "Атом"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:733
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:735
msgid "Year"
msgstr "Ашықәс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:734
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:736
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:735
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:737
msgid "User-defined1"
msgstr "Ахархәаҩ итип 1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:736
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:738
msgid "User-defined2"
msgstr "Ахархәаҩ итип 2"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:737
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:739
msgid "User-defined3"
msgstr "Ахархәаҩ итип3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:738
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:740
msgid "User-defined4"
msgstr "Ахархәаҩ итип4"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:739
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:741
msgid "User-defined5"
msgstr "Ахархәаҩ итип5"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:740
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:742
msgid "ISBN"
msgstr "ISBN"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:742
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:744
msgid "Edit Index Entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:743
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:745
msgid "Insert Index Entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:744
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:746
msgid "The document already contains the bibliography entry but with different data. Do you want to adjust the existing entries?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:746
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:748
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Акомментариқәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:747
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:749
msgid "Show comments"
msgstr "Иаарҧштәуп акомментари"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:748
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:750
msgid "Hide comments"
msgstr "Иҵәахтәуп акомментари"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:750
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:752
msgid "Shortcut name already exists. Please choose another name."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:751
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:753
msgid "Delete AutoText?"
msgstr "Ианыхтәума автотеқст?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:752
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:754
msgid "Delete the category "
msgstr "Ианыхтәуп акатегориа "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:753
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:755
msgid "?"
msgstr "?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:754
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:756
msgctxt "STR_GLOSSARY"
msgid "AutoText :"
msgstr "Автотеқст:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:755
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:757
msgid "Save AutoText"
msgstr "Еиқәырхатәуп автотеқст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:756
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:758
msgid "There is no AutoText in this file."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:757
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:759
msgid "My AutoText"
msgstr "Сара сАвтотеқст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:759
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:761
msgctxt "STR_NOGLOS"
msgid "AutoText for Shortcut '%1' not found."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:760
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:762
msgctxt "STR_NO_TABLE"
msgid "A table with no rows or no cells cannot be inserted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:761
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:763
msgid "The table cannot be inserted because it is too large"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:762
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:764
msgid "AutoText could not be created."
msgstr "Автотеқст аҧҵара ауам."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:763
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:765
msgid "Requested clipboard format is not available."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:764
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:766
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:765
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:767
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:768
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:767
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:769
msgid "Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE link)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:769
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:771
msgid "All Comments"
msgstr "Акомментариқәа зегьы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:770
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:772
msgid "All Comments"
msgstr "Акомментариқәа зегьы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:771
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:773
msgid "Comments by "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:772
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:774
msgctxt "STR_NODATE"
msgid "(no date)"
msgstr "(арыцхә ыҟам)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:773
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:775
msgctxt "STR_NOAUTHOR"
msgid "(no author)"
msgstr "(автор дамам)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:774
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:776
msgctxt "STR_REPLY"
msgid "Reply to $1"
msgstr "Аҭак $1 аҟны"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:776
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:778
msgctxt "ST_TITLE_EDIT"
msgid "Edit Address Block"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:777
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:779
msgctxt "ST_TITLE_MALE"
msgid "Custom Salutation (Male Recipients)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:778
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:780
msgid "Custom Salutation (Female Recipients)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:779
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:781
msgid "Salutation e~lements"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:780
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:782
msgid "Add to salutation"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:781
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:783
msgid "Remove from salutation"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:782
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:784
msgid "1. ~Drag salutation elements into the box below"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:783
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:785
msgid "Salutation"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:784
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:786
msgid "Punctuation Mark"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:785
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:787
msgctxt "ST_TEXT"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Атеқсттә"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:786
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:788
msgid "Assign the fields from your data source to match the salutation elements."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:787
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:789
msgid "Salutation preview"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:788
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:790
msgid "Address elements"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:789
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:791
msgid "Salutation elements"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:790
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:792
msgctxt "ST_MATCHESTO"
msgid "Matches to field:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:791
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:793
msgctxt "ST_PREVIEW"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Заатәи ахәаҧшра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:793
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:795
msgid " not yet matched "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:794
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:796
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_ALL"
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Афаилқәа зегьы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:795
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:797
msgid "Address lists(*.*)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:796
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:798
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXB"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Base (*.odb)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:797
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:799
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXC"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Calc (*.ods;*.sxc)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:798
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:800
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXW"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer (*.odt;*.sxw)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:799
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:801
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_DBF"
msgid "dBase (*.dbf)"
msgstr "dBase (*.dbf)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:800
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:802
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_XLS"
msgid "Microsoft Excel (*.xls;*.xlsx)"
msgstr "Microsoft Excel (*.xls;*.xlsx)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:801
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:803
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_DOC"
msgid "Microsoft Word (*.doc;*.docx)"
msgstr "Microsoft Word (*.doc;*.docx)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:802
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:804
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_TXT"
msgid "Plain text (*.txt)"
msgstr "Атеқст мариа (*.txt)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:803
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:805
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_CSV"
msgid "Text Comma Separated (*.csv)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:804
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:806
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_MDB"
msgid "Microsoft Access (*.mdb;*.mde)"
msgstr "Microsoft Access (*.mdb,*.mde)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:805
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:807
msgid "Microsoft Access 2007 (*.accdb,*.accde)"
msgstr "Microsoft Access 2007 (*.accdb,*.accde)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:806
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:808
msgid ""
"In order to be able to send mail merge documents by e-mail, %PRODUCTNAME requires information about the e-mail account to be used.\n"
@@ -4243,82 +4253,82 @@ msgid ""
"Do you want to enter e-mail account information now?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:807
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:809
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Address List (.csv)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:809
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:811
msgctxt "ST_STARTING"
msgid "Select starting document"
msgstr "Ахалагаратә документ алхра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:810
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:812
msgid "Select document type"
msgstr "Адокумент атип алхра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:811
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:813
msgid "Insert address block"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:812
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:814
msgid "Select address list"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:813
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:815
msgid "Create salutation"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:814
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:816
msgctxt "ST_LAYOUT"
msgid "Adjust layout"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:815
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:817
msgctxt "ST_EXCLUDE"
msgid "Exclude recipient"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:816
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:818
msgctxt "ST_FINISH"
msgid "~Finish"
msgstr "~Ихиоуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:817
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:819
msgctxt "ST_MMWTITLE"
msgid "Mail Merge Wizard"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:819
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:821
msgctxt "ST_NAME"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ахьӡ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:820
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:822
msgctxt "ST_TYPE"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Атип"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:821
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:823
msgctxt "ST_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Атаблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:822
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:824
msgctxt "ST_QUERY"
msgid "Query"
msgstr "Азыҳәара"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:824
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:826
msgid "Continue checking at beginning of document?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:825
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:827
msgid "The spellcheck is complete."
msgstr "Аорфографиа агәаҭара хыркәшоуп."
@@ -4327,212 +4337,212 @@ msgstr "Аорфографиа агәаҭара хыркәшоуп."
#. Description: strings for the types
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. range document
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:831
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:833
msgctxt "STR_DATEFLD"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Арыцхә"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:832
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:834
msgctxt "STR_TIMEFLD"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Аамҭа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:833
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:835
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Афаил ахьӡ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:834
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:836
msgid "Database Name"
msgstr "Адырқәа рбаза ахьӡ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:835
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:837
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr "Ахы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:836
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:838
msgid "Page numbers"
msgstr "Адаҟьа аномер"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:837
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:839
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Астатистика"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:838
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:840
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Автор"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:839
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:841
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "Ашаблонқәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:840
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:842
msgid "Sender"
msgstr "Адәықәҵаҩ"
#. range functions
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:842
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:844
msgctxt "STR_SETFLD"
msgid "Set variable"
msgstr "Иаҧҵатәуп аҽеиҭак"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:843
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:845
msgctxt "STR_GETFLD"
msgid "Show variable"
msgstr "Иаарҧштәуп аҽеиҭак"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:844
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:846
msgid "Insert Formula"
msgstr "Ибжьаргылатәуп аформула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:845
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:847
msgctxt "STR_INPUTFLD"
msgid "Input field"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:846
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:848
msgid "Input field (variable)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:847
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:849
msgid "Input field (user)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:848
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:850
msgid "Conditional text"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:849
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:851
msgctxt "STR_DDEFLD"
msgid "DDE field"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:850
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:852
msgctxt "STR_MACROFLD"
msgid "Execute macro"
msgstr "Инагӡатәуп амакрос"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:851
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:853
msgctxt "STR_SEQFLD"
msgid "Number range"
msgstr "Аномерркра адиапазон"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:852
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:854
msgid "Set page variable"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:853
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:855
msgid "Show page variable"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:854
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:856
msgid "Load URL"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:855
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:857
msgid "Placeholder"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:856
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:858
msgid "Combine characters"
msgstr "Еидҵатәуп асимволқәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:857
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:859
msgctxt "STR_DROPDOWN"
msgid "Input list"
msgstr "Ахьӡынҵа"
#. range references
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:859
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:861
msgid "Set Reference"
msgstr "Иқәыргылатәуп азхьарҧш"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:860
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:862
msgid "Insert Reference"
msgstr ""
#. range database
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:862
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:864
msgctxt "STR_DBFLD"
msgid "Mail merge fields"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:863
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:865
msgid "Next record"
msgstr "Анаҩстәи анҵамҭа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:864
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:866
msgid "Any record"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:865
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:867
msgid "Record number"
msgstr "Анҵамҭа аномер"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:866
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:868
msgid "Previous page"
msgstr "Аҧхьатәи адаҟьа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:867
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:869
msgid "Next page"
msgstr "Анаҩстәи адаҟьа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:868
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:870
msgid "Hidden text"
msgstr "Иҵәаху атеқст"
#. range user fields
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:870
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:872
msgctxt "STR_USERFLD"
msgid "User Field"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:871
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:873
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Азгәаҭа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:872
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:874
msgid "Script"
msgstr "Асценари"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:873
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:875
msgid "Bibliography entry"
msgstr "Абиблиографиатә зхьарҧш"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:874
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:876
msgid "Hidden Paragraph"
msgstr "Иҵәаху абзац"
#. range DocumentInfo
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:876
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:878
msgid "DocInformation"
msgstr "Адокумент иазкны"
@@ -4540,74 +4550,74 @@ msgstr "Адокумент иазкны"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: SubCmd-Strings
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:880
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:882
msgctxt "FLD_DATE_STD"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Арыцхә"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:881
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:883
msgctxt "FLD_DATE_FIX"
msgid "Date (fixed)"
msgstr "Арыцхә (аҧсахра зымуа)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:882
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:884
msgctxt "FLD_TIME_STD"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Аамҭа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:883
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:885
msgctxt "FLD_TIME_FIX"
msgid "Time (fixed)"
msgstr ""
#. SubCmd Statistic
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:885
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:887
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_TABLE"
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Атаблицақәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:886
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:888
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_CHAR"
msgid "Characters"
msgstr "Асимволқәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:887
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:889
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_WORD"
msgid "Words"
msgstr "Ажәақәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:888
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:890
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_PARA"
msgid "Paragraphs"
msgstr "Абзацқәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:889
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:891
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_GRF"
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Асахьа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:890
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:892
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_OBJ"
msgid "Objects"
msgstr "Аобиеқтқәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:891
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:893
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_PAGE"
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Адаҟьақәа"
#. SubCmd DDETypes
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:893
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:895
msgctxt "FMT_DDE_HOT"
msgid "DDE automatic"
msgstr "DDE автоматикала"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:894
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:896
msgctxt "FMT_DDE_NORMAL"
msgid "DDE manual"
msgstr "DDE напыла"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:895
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:897
msgctxt "FLD_INPUT_TEXT"
msgid "[Text]"
msgstr "[Атеқст]"
@@ -4615,88 +4625,88 @@ msgstr "[Атеқст]"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: SubType Extuser
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:900
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:902
msgctxt "FLD_EU_FIRMA"
msgid "Company"
msgstr "Аиҿкаара"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:901
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:903
msgctxt "FLD_EU_VORNAME"
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "Ахьӡ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:902
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:904
msgctxt "FLD_EU_NAME"
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr "Ажәла"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:903
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:905
msgctxt "FLD_EU_ABK"
msgid "Initials"
msgstr "Аинициалқәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:904
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:906
msgctxt "FLD_EU_STRASSE"
msgid "Street"
msgstr "Амҩа ахьӡ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:905
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:907
msgctxt "FLD_EU_LAND"
msgid "Country"
msgstr "Атәыла"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:906
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:908
msgctxt "FLD_EU_PLZ"
msgid "Zip code"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:907
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:909
msgctxt "FLD_EU_ORT"
msgid "City"
msgstr "Ақалақь"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:908
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:910
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "FLD_EU_TITEL"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Ахы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:909
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:911
msgctxt "FLD_EU_POS"
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Аҭыҧ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:910
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:912
msgctxt "FLD_EU_TELPRIV"
msgid "Tel. (Home)"
msgstr "Аҭел (аҩн.)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:911
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:913
msgid "Tel. (Work)"
msgstr "Аҭел (аус.)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:912
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:914
msgctxt "FLD_EU_FAX"
msgid "FAX"
msgstr "Афакс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:913
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:915
msgctxt "FLD_EU_EMAIL"
msgid "E-mail"
msgstr "E-mail"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:914
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:916
msgctxt "FLD_EU_STATE"
msgid "State"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:915
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:917
msgid "off"
msgstr "иаҿых."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:916
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:918
msgctxt "FLD_PAGEREF_ON"
msgid "on"
msgstr "иаҿак."
@@ -4705,32 +4715,32 @@ msgstr "иаҿак."
#. Description: path name
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Format FileName
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:921
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:923
msgctxt "FMT_FF_NAME"
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Афаил ахьӡ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:922
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:924
msgid "File name without extension"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:923
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:925
msgid "Path/File name"
msgstr "Амҩа/Афаил ахьӡ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:924
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:926
msgctxt "FMT_FF_PATH"
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Амҩа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:925
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:927
msgctxt "FMT_FF_UI_NAME"
msgid "Style"
msgstr "Астиль"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:926
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:928
msgctxt "FMT_FF_UI_RANGE"
msgid "Category"
msgstr "Акатегориа"
@@ -4738,22 +4748,22 @@ msgstr "Акатегориа"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: format chapter
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:930
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:932
msgid "Chapter name"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:931
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:933
msgctxt "FMT_CHAPTER_NO"
msgid "Chapter number"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:932
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:934
msgid "Chapter number without separator"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:933
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:935
msgid "Chapter number and name"
msgstr ""
@@ -4761,47 +4771,47 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: formats
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:937
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:939
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ABC"
msgid "A B C"
msgstr "A B C"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:938
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:940
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SABC"
msgid "a b c"
msgstr "a b c"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:939
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:941
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ABC_N"
msgid "A .. AA .. AAA"
msgstr "A .. AA .. AAA"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:940
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:942
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SABC_N"
msgid "a .. aa .. aaa"
msgstr "a .. aa .. aaa"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:941
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:943
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ROMAN"
msgid "Roman (I II III)"
msgstr "Аримтә (I II III)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:942
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:944
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SROMAN"
msgid "Roman (i ii iii)"
msgstr "Аримтә (i ii iii)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:943
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:945
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ARABIC"
msgid "Arabic (1 2 3)"
msgstr "Арабтә (1 2 3)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:944
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:946
msgid "As Page Style"
msgstr "Адаҟьа астиль ала"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:945
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:947
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Атеқст"
@@ -4809,12 +4819,12 @@ msgstr "Атеқст"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Author
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:949
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:951
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ахьӡ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:950
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:952
msgid "Initials"
msgstr "Аинициалқәа"
@@ -4822,42 +4832,42 @@ msgstr "Аинициалқәа"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: set variable
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:954
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:956
msgctxt "FMT_SETVAR_SYS"
msgid "System"
msgstr "Асистема"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:955
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:957
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Атеқст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:956
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:958
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ахьӡ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:957
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:959
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Атеқст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:958
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:960
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "Аформула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:959
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:961
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Атеқст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:960
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:962
msgctxt "FMT_DBFLD_DB"
msgid "Database"
msgstr "Адырқәа рбаза"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:961
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:963
msgctxt "FMT_DBFLD_SYS"
msgid "System"
msgstr "Асистема"
@@ -4865,17 +4875,17 @@ msgstr "Асистема"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: storage fields
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:965
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:967
msgctxt "FMT_REG_AUTHOR"
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Автор"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:966
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:968
msgctxt "FMT_REG_TIME"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Аамҭа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:967
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:969
msgctxt "FMT_REG_DATE"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Арыцхә"
@@ -4883,67 +4893,67 @@ msgstr "Арыцхә"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: formats references
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:971
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:973
msgctxt "FMT_REF_TEXT"
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "Азхьарҧш атеқст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:972
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:974
msgctxt "FMT_REF_PAGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Адаҟьа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:973
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:975
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr "Ахы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:974
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:976
msgctxt "FMT_REF_UPDOWN"
msgid "Above/Below"
msgstr "Хыхьла/Ҵаҟала"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:975
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:977
msgid "As Page Style"
msgstr "Адаҟьа астиль еиҧш"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:976
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:978
msgid "Category and Number"
msgstr "Акатегориеи аномери"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:977
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:979
msgid "Caption Text"
msgstr "Ахьӡ атеқст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:978
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:980
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "Аномерркра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:979
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:981
msgctxt "FMT_REF_NUMBER"
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Аномер"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:980
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:982
msgid "Number (no context)"
msgstr "Аномер (контексда)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:981
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:983
msgid "Number (full context)"
msgstr "Аномер (ихарҭәаау аконтекст)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:983
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:985
msgid "Article a/az + "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:984
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:986
msgid "Article A/Az + "
msgstr ""
@@ -4951,27 +4961,27 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: placeholder
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:988
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:990
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_TEXT"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Атеқст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:989
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:991
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Атаблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:990
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:992
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_FRAME"
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "Афреим"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:991
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:993
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Асахьа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:992
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:994
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_OLE"
msgid "Object"
msgstr "Аобиеқт"
@@ -4979,1239 +4989,1239 @@ msgstr "Аобиеқт"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: ExchangeStrings for Edit/NameFT
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:996
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:998
msgctxt "STR_COND"
msgid "~Condition"
msgstr "Аҭагылазаашьа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:997
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:999
msgctxt "STR_TEXT"
msgid "Then, Else"
msgstr "Анаҩс, Акәымзар"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:998
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1000
msgctxt "STR_DDE_CMD"
msgid "DDE Statement"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:999
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1001
msgctxt "STR_INSTEXT"
msgid "Hidden t~ext"
msgstr "Иҵәахтәуп атеқст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1000
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1002
msgctxt "STR_MACNAME"
msgid "~Macro name"
msgstr "Амакрос ахьӡ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1001
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1003
msgctxt "STR_PROMPT"
msgid "~Reference"
msgstr "Аҵаҳәара"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1002
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1004
msgid "Ch~aracters"
msgstr "Асимволқәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1003
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1005
msgctxt "STR_OFFSET"
msgid "O~ffset"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1004
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1006
msgctxt "STR_VALUE"
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Аҵакы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1005
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1007
msgctxt "STR_FORMULA"
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "Аформула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1006
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1008
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Даҽакы:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1008
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1010
msgid "[User]"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1010
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1012
msgctxt "STR_HDIST"
msgid "H. Pitch"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1011
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1013
msgctxt "STR_VDIST"
msgid "V. Pitch"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1012
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1014
msgctxt "STR_WIDTH"
msgid "Width"
msgstr "Аҭбаара"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1013
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1015
msgctxt "STR_HEIGHT"
msgid "Height"
msgstr "Аҳаракыра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1014
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1016
msgctxt "STR_LEFT"
msgid "Left margin"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1015
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1017
msgctxt "STR_UPPER"
msgid "Top margin"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1016
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1018
msgctxt "STR_COLS"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Аиҵагылақәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1017
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1019
msgctxt "STR_ROWS"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "Ацәаҳәақәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1019
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1021
msgid "The following service is not available: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1021
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1023
msgid "Word and character count. Click to open Word Count dialog."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1022
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1024
msgid "Single-page view"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1023
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1025
msgid "Multiple-page view"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1024
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1026
msgid "Book view"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1025
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1027
msgid "Page number in document. Click to open Go to Page dialog or right-click for bookmark list."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1026
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1028
msgid "Page number in document (Page number on printed document). Click to open Go to Page dialog."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1027
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1029
msgid "Page Style. Right-click to change style or click to open Style dialog."
msgstr ""
#. Strings for textual attributes.
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1030
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1032
msgctxt "STR_DROP_OVER"
msgid "Drop Caps over"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1031
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1033
msgctxt "STR_DROP_LINES"
msgid "rows"
msgstr "ацәаҳәақәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1032
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1034
msgid "No Drop Caps"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1033
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1035
msgid "No page break"
msgstr "Адаҟьақәа реимҟьарада"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1034
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1036
msgctxt "STR_NO_MIRROR"
msgid "Don't mirror"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1035
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1037
msgid "Flip vertically"
msgstr "Ианырҧштәуп вертикалла"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1036
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1038
msgid "Flip horizontal"
msgstr "Ианырҧштәуп горизонталла"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1037
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1039
msgid "Horizontal and Vertical Flip"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1038
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1040
msgid "+ mirror horizontal on even pages"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1039
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1041
msgctxt "STR_CHARFMT"
msgid "Character Style"
msgstr "Асимволқәа рстиль"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1040
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1042
msgctxt "STR_NO_CHARFMT"
msgid "No Character Style"
msgstr "Асимволқәа рстиль ада"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1041
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1043
msgctxt "STR_FOOTER"
msgid "Footer"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1042
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1044
msgctxt "STR_NO_FOOTER"
msgid "No footer"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1043
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1045
msgctxt "STR_HEADER"
msgid "Header"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1044
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1046
msgctxt "STR_NO_HEADER"
msgid "No header"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1045
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1047
msgid "Optimal wrap"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1046
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1048
msgid "No wrap"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1047
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1049
msgid "Through"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1048
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1050
msgid "Parallel wrap"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1049
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1051
msgid "Left wrap"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1050
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1052
msgid "Right wrap"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1051
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1053
msgid "(Anchor only)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1052
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1054
msgctxt "STR_FRM_WIDTH"
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "Аҭбаара:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1053
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1055
msgid "Fixed height:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1054
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1056
msgid "Min. height:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1055
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1057
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AT_PARA"
msgid "to paragraph"
msgstr "абзац ахь"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1056
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1058
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AS_CHAR"
msgid "to character"
msgstr "асимвол ахь"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1057
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1059
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AT_PAGE"
msgid "to page"
msgstr "Адаҟьахь"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1058
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1060
msgctxt "STR_POS_X"
msgid "X Coordinate:"
msgstr "Акоордината X:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1059
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1061
msgctxt "STR_POS_Y"
msgid "Y Coordinate:"
msgstr "Акоордината Y:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1060
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1062
msgctxt "STR_VERT_TOP"
msgid "at top"
msgstr "хыхьла"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1061
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1063
msgid "Centered vertically"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1062
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1064
msgid "at bottom"
msgstr "ҵаҟала"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1063
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1065
msgctxt "STR_LINE_TOP"
msgid "Top of line"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1064
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1066
msgid "Line centered"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1065
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1067
msgid "Bottom of line"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1066
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1068
msgid "Register-true"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1067
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1069
msgid "Not register-true"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1068
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1070
msgctxt "STR_HORI_RIGHT"
msgid "at the right"
msgstr "арыӷьарахь"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1069
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1071
msgid "Centered horizontally"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1070
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1072
msgctxt "STR_HORI_LEFT"
msgid "at the left"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1071
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1073
msgid "inside"
msgstr "аҩныҵҟа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1072
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1074
msgid "outside"
msgstr "адәныҟа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1073
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1075
msgctxt "STR_HORI_FULL"
msgid "Full width"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1074
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1076
msgctxt "STR_COLUMNS"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Аиҵагылақәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1075
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1077
msgctxt "STR_LINE_WIDTH"
msgid "Separator Width:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1076
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1078
msgid "Max. footnote area:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1077
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1079
msgid "Editable in read-only document"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1078
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1080
msgid "Split"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1079
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1081
msgctxt "STR_NUMRULE_ON"
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "Аномерркра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1080
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1082
msgid "no numbering"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1081
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1083
msgctxt "STR_CONNECT1"
msgid "linked to "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1082
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1084
msgctxt "STR_CONNECT2"
msgid "and "
msgstr "и"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1083
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1085
msgid "Count lines"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1084
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1086
msgid "don't count lines"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1085
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1087
msgid "restart line count with: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1086
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1088
msgid "Brightness: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1087
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1089
msgctxt "STR_CHANNELR"
msgid "Red: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1088
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1090
msgctxt "STR_CHANNELG"
msgid "Green: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1089
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1091
msgctxt "STR_CHANNELB"
msgid "Blue: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1090
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1092
msgctxt "STR_CONTRAST"
msgid "Contrast: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1091
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1093
msgctxt "STR_GAMMA"
msgid "Gamma: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1092
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1094
msgid "Transparency: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1093
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1095
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_INVERT"
msgid "Invert"
msgstr "Ибжьаргылатәуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1094
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1096
msgctxt "STR_INVERT_NOT"
msgid "do not invert"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1095
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1097
msgctxt "STR_DRAWMODE"
msgid "Graphics mode: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1096
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1098
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Истандарту"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1097
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1099
msgid "Grayscales"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1098
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1100
msgid "Black & White"
msgstr "Аиқәаҵәа-ашкәакәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1099
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1101
msgid "Watermark"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1100
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1102
msgctxt "STR_ROTATION"
msgid "Rotation"
msgstr "Аргьежьра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1101
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1103
msgctxt "STR_GRID_NONE"
msgid "No grid"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1102
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1104
msgid "Grid (lines only)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1103
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1105
msgid "Grid (lines and characters)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1104
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1106
msgid "Follow text flow"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1105
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1107
msgid "Do not follow text flow"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1106
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1108
msgid "Merge borders"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1107
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1109
msgid "Do not merge borders"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1109
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1111
msgctxt "ST_TBL"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Атаблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1110
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1112
msgctxt "ST_FRM"
msgid "Text Frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1111
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1113
msgctxt "ST_PGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Адаҟьа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1112
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1114
msgctxt "ST_DRW"
msgid "Drawing"
msgstr "Асахьа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1113
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1115
msgctxt "ST_CTRL"
msgid "Control"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1114
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1116
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_REG"
msgid "Section"
msgstr "апараграф"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1115
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1117
msgctxt "ST_BKM"
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1116
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1118
msgctxt "ST_GRF"
msgid "Graphics"
msgstr "Асахьа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1117
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1119
msgctxt "ST_OLE"
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "OLE аобиеқт"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1118
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1120
msgctxt "ST_OUTL"
msgid "Headings"
msgstr "Ахқәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1119
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1121
msgctxt "ST_SEL"
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "Алкаара"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1120
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1122
msgctxt "ST_FTN"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1121
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1123
msgctxt "ST_MARK"
msgid "Reminder"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1122
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1124
msgctxt "ST_POSTIT"
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Акомментари"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1123
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1125
msgctxt "ST_SRCH_REP"
msgid "Repeat search"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1124
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1126
msgctxt "ST_INDEX_ENTRY"
msgid "Index entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1125
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1127
msgid "Table formula"
msgstr "Атаблица аформула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1126
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1128
msgid "Wrong table formula"
msgstr "Атаблица аформула иашаӡам"
#. Strings for the quickhelp of the View-PgUp/Down-Buttons
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1128
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1130
msgid "Next table"
msgstr "Анаҩстәи атаблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1129
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1131
msgid "Next text frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1130
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1132
msgid "Next page"
msgstr "Анаҩстәи адаҟьа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1131
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1133
msgid "Next drawing"
msgstr "Анаҩстәи асахьа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1132
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1134
msgid "Next control"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1133
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1135
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next section"
msgstr "Анаҩстәи алкаара"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1134
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1136
msgid "Next bookmark"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1135
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1137
msgid "Next graphic"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1136
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1138
msgid "Next OLE object"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1137
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1139
msgid "Next heading"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1138
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1140
msgid "Next selection"
msgstr "Анаҩстәи алкаара"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1139
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1141
msgid "Next footnote"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1140
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1142
msgid "Next Reminder"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1141
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1143
msgid "Next Comment"
msgstr "Анаҩстәи акомментари"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1142
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1144
msgid "Continue search forward"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1143
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1145
msgid "Next index entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1144
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1146
msgid "Previous table"
msgstr "Аҧхьатәи атаблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1145
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1147
msgid "Previous text frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1146
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1148
msgid "Previous page"
msgstr "Аҧхьатәи адаҟьа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1147
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1149
msgid "Previous drawing"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1148
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1150
msgid "Previous control"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1149
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1151
#, fuzzy
msgid "Previous section"
msgstr "Аҧхьатәи алкаара"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1150
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1152
msgid "Previous bookmark"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1151
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1153
msgid "Previous graphic"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1152
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1154
msgid "Previous OLE object"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1153
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1155
msgid "Previous heading"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1154
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1156
msgid "Previous selection"
msgstr "Аҧхьатәи алкаара"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1155
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1157
msgid "Previous footnote"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1156
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1158
msgid "Previous Reminder"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1157
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1159
msgid "Previous Comment"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1158
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1160
msgid "Continue search backwards"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1159
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1161
msgid "Previous index entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1160
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1162
msgid "Previous table formula"
msgstr "Атаблица аҧхьатәи аформула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1161
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1163
msgid "Next table formula"
msgstr "Атаблица анаҩстәи аформула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1162
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1164
msgid "Previous faulty table formula"
msgstr "Атаблица иаҧхьааиуа игхатәу аформула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1163
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1165
msgid "Next faulty table formula"
msgstr "Атаблица анаҩстәи игхатәу аформула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1165
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1167
#, fuzzy
msgid "Inserted"
msgstr "Ибжьаргылатәуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1166
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1168
msgid "Deleted"
msgstr "Ианыхуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1167
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1169
msgid "Formatted"
msgstr "Иформатркуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1168
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1170
msgid "Table changed"
msgstr "Атаблица ҧсахуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1169
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1171
msgid "Applied Paragraph Styles"
msgstr "Ихархәоуп абзац астиль"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1170
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1172
msgid "Paragraph formatting changed"
msgstr "Абзац аформат ҧсахуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1171
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1173
msgid "Row Inserted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1172
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1174
msgid "Row Deleted"
msgstr "Ацәаҳәа аныхуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1173
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1175
msgid "Cell Inserted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1174
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1176
msgid "Cell Deleted"
msgstr "Абларҭа аныхуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1175
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1177
msgctxt "STR_ENDNOTE"
msgid "Endnote: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1176
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1178
msgctxt "STR_FTNNOTE"
msgid "Footnote: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1177
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1179
#, c-format
msgid "%s-click to open Smart Tag menu"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1178
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1180
msgid "Header (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1179
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1181
msgid "First Page Header (%1)"
msgstr "Актәи адаҟьа хыхьтәи аколонтитул (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1180
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1182
msgid "Left Page Header (%1)"
msgstr "Армарахьтәи адаҟьа хыхьтәи аколонтитул (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1181
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1183
msgid "Right Page Header (%1)"
msgstr "Арӷьарахьтәи адаҟьа хыхьтәи аколонтитул (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1182
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1184
msgid "Footer (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1183
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1185
msgid "First Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr "Актәи адаҟьа ҵаҟатәи аколонтитул (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1184
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1186
msgid "Left Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr "Армарахьтәи адаҟьа ҵаҟатәи аколонтитул (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1185
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1187
msgid "Right Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr "Арӷьарахьтәи адаҟьа ҵаҟатәи аколонтитул (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1186
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1188
msgid "Delete Header..."
msgstr "Ианыхтәуп хыхьтәи аколонтитул..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1187
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1189
#, fuzzy
msgid "Format Header..."
msgstr "Адаҟьа аформат"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1188
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1190
msgid "Delete Footer..."
msgstr "Ианыхтәуп ҵаҟатәи аколонтитул..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1189
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1191
msgid "Format Footer..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1191
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1193
msgid "Image file cannot be opened"
msgstr "Асахьа аартра ауам"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1192
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1194
msgid "Image file cannot be read"
msgstr "Асахьа аҧхьара ауам"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1193
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1195
msgid "Unknown image format"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1194
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1196
msgid "This image file version is not supported"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1195
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1197
msgid "Image filter not found"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1196
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1198
msgid "Not enough memory to insert the image."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1197
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1199
msgid "Insert Image"
msgstr "Ибжьаргылатәуп асахьа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1198
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1200
msgid "Comment: "
msgstr "Акомментари:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1199
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1201
msgid "Insertion"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1200
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1202
msgid "Deletion"
msgstr "Аныхра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1201
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1203
msgid "AutoCorrect"
msgstr "Автоҧсахра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1202
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1204
msgid "Formats"
msgstr "Аформатқәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1203
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1205
msgid "Table Changes"
msgstr "Атаблица аредакциазура"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1204
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1206
msgid "Applied Paragraph Styles"
msgstr "Ихархәоуп абзац астиль"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1205
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1207
msgctxt "STR_PAGE"
msgid "Page "
msgstr "Адаҟьа "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1206
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1208
msgctxt "STR_PAGE_COUNT"
msgid "Page %1 of %2"
msgstr "Адаҟьа %1 %2 аҟынтәи"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1207
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1209
msgid "Page %1 of %2 (Page %3)"
msgstr "Адаҟьа %1 %2 аҟынтәи (адаҟьа %3)"
#. Strings for gallery/background
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1209
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1211
msgid "Paragraph"
msgstr "Абзац"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1210
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1212
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Асахьа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1211
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1213
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_OLE"
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "OLE-аобиеқт"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1212
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1214
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_FRAME"
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "Афреим"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1213
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1215
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Атаблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1214
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1216
msgid "Table row"
msgstr "Атаблица ацәаҳәа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1215
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1217
msgid "Table cell"
msgstr "Атаблица абларҭа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1216
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1218
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_PAGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Адаҟьа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1217
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1219
msgid "Header"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1218
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1220
msgid "Footer"
msgstr ""
#. End: strings for gallery/background
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1221
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1223
msgid "HTML"
msgstr "HTML"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1222
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1224
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1224
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1226
msgctxt "STR_TITLE"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Ахы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1225
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1227
msgctxt "STR_ALPHA"
msgid "Separator"
msgstr "Аиҟәшага"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1226
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1228
msgctxt "STR_LEVEL"
msgid "Level "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1227
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1229
msgid "The file, \"%1\" in the \"%2\" path could not be found."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1228
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1230
msgid "User-Defined Index"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1229
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1231
msgid "<None>"
msgstr "<мап>"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1230
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1232
msgid "<None>"
msgstr "<мап>"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1231
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1233
msgctxt "STR_DELIM"
msgid "S"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1232
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1234
msgid "E#"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1233
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1235
msgid "E"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1234
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1236
msgid "T"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1235
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1237
msgid "#"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1236
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1238
msgid "CI"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1237
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1239
msgid "LS"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1238
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1240
msgid "LE"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1239
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1241
msgid "A"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1240
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1242
msgid "Chapter number"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1241
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1243
msgid "Entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1242
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1244
msgid "Tab stop"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1243
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1245
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Атеқсттә"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1244
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1246
msgid "Page number"
msgstr "Адаҟьа аномер"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1245
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1247
msgid "Chapter info"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1246
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1248
msgid "Hyperlink start"
msgstr "Агиперзхьарҧш алагамҭа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1247
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1249
msgid "Hyperlink end"
msgstr "Агиперзхьарҧш анҵәамҭа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1248
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1250
msgid "Bibliography entry: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1249
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1251
msgid "Character Style: "
msgstr "Асимволқәа рстиль: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1250
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1252
msgid "Structure text"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1251
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1253
msgid "Press Ctrl+Alt+A to move focus for more operations"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1252
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1254
msgid "Press left or right arrow to choose the structure controls"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1253
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1255
msgid "Press Ctrl+Alt+B to move focus back to the current structure control"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1254
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1256
msgid "Selection file for the alphabetical index (*.sdi)"
msgstr ""
@@ -6219,238 +6229,238 @@ msgstr ""
#. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: character alignment for frmsh.cxx - context menu
#. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1259
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1261
msgid "Base line at ~top"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1260
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1262
msgid "~Base line at bottom"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1261
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1263
msgid "Base line ~centered"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1262
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1264
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insert object"
msgstr "Ибжьаргылатәуп аобиеқт(қәа)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1263
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1265
msgid "Edit object"
msgstr "Иҧсахтәуп аобиеқт"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1264
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1266
msgid " (Template: "
msgstr " (Ашаблон: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1265
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1267
msgid "Borders"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1266
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1268
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Аҿаҧшыра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1268
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1270
msgid "(Paragraph Style: "
msgstr "(Абзац астиль: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1269
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1271
msgid "Page numbers cannot be applied to the current page. Even numbers can be used on left pages, odd numbers on right pages."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1271
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1273
msgid "Master Document"
msgstr "Еилоу адокумент"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1272
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1274
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION еилоу адокумент"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1274
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1276
msgid "A file connection will delete the contents of the current section. Connect anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1275
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1277
msgid "The password entered is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1276
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1278
msgid "The password has not been set."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1278
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1280
msgctxt "STR_HYP_OK"
msgid "Hyphenation completed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1279
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1281
msgid "None (Do not check spelling)"
msgstr "Мап (аорфографиа гәаҭатәӡам)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1280
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1282
msgid "Reset to Default Language"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1281
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1283
msgid "More..."
msgstr "Иҵегь..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1282
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1284
msgid "~Ignore"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1283
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1285
msgid "Explanations..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1285
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1287
msgid "Check special regions is deactivated. Check anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1286
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1288
msgid "Could not merge documents."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1287
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1289
msgid "The source cannot be loaded."
msgstr "Ахалагаратә теқст аҭагалара ауам."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1288
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1290
msgctxt "STR_ERR_NO_FAX"
msgid "No fax printer has been set under Tools/Options/%1/Print."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1289
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1291
msgid "HTML document"
msgstr "HTML адокумент"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1290
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1292
msgid "Text document"
msgstr "Атеқсттә документ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1291
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1293
msgid "Source not specified."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1292
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1294
msgctxt "STR_NUM_LEVEL"
msgid "Level "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1293
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1295
msgid "Outline "
msgstr "Аструктура "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1294
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1296
msgid "Edit Footnote/Endnote"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1295
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1297
msgid "Search key replaced XX times."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1296
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1298
msgid "Row "
msgstr "Ацәаҳәа "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1297
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1299
msgid "Column "
msgstr "Аиҵагыла "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1298
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1300
msgctxt "STR_SAVEAS_SRC"
msgid "~Export source..."
msgstr "Ахалагаратә теқст аекспорт..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1299
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1301
msgid "~Export copy of source..."
msgstr "Ахыҵхырҭа акопиақәа рекспорт..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1301
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1303
msgctxt "ST_CONTINUE"
msgid "~Continue"
msgstr "Иацҵатәуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1302
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1304
msgctxt "ST_TASK"
msgid "Task"
msgstr "Аҳасабтә"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1303
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1305
msgctxt "ST_STATUS"
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Аҭагылазаашьа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1304
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1306
msgctxt "ST_SENDINGTO"
msgid "Sending to: %1"
msgstr "Адәықәҵара: %1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1305
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1307
msgctxt "ST_COMPLETED"
msgid "Successfully sent"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1306
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1308
msgctxt "ST_FAILED"
msgid "Sending failed"
msgstr "Адәықәҵара амуӡеит"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1308
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1310
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1310
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1312
msgid "Text formula"
msgstr "Аформула атеқст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1312
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1314
msgctxt "STR_MENU_ZOOM"
msgid "~Zoom"
msgstr "Амасштаб"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1313
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1315
msgctxt "STR_MENU_UP"
msgid "~Upwards"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1314
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1316
msgctxt "STR_MENU_DOWN"
msgid "Do~wnwards"
msgstr ""
@@ -6458,7 +6468,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Classification strings
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1320
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1322
msgid "Document classification has changed because a paragraph classification level is higher"
msgstr ""
@@ -6466,32 +6476,32 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Paragraph Signature
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1325
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1327
msgctxt "STR_VALID"
msgid " Valid "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1326
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1328
msgctxt "STR_INVALID"
msgid "Invalid"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1327
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1329
msgid "Invalid Signature"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1328
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1330
msgctxt "STR_SIGNED_BY"
msgid "Signed-by"
msgstr "Анапаҵаҩуп"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1329
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1331
msgid "Paragraph Signature"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1331
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1333
msgctxt "labeldialog|cards"
msgid "Business Cards"
msgstr ""
@@ -10242,31 +10252,41 @@ msgctxt "insertautotextdialog|label1"
msgid "Autotexts for Shortcut "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:8
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:9
msgctxt "insertbookmark|InsertBookmarkDialog"
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:40
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:35
msgctxt "insertbookmark|insert"
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Ибжьаргылатәуп"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:122
-msgctxt "insertbookmark|rename"
-msgid "Rename"
-msgstr "Ахьӡ ҧсахтәуп"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:58
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|hide"
+msgid "H_ide"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:135
-msgctxt "insertbookmark|delete"
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "Ианыхтәуп"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:80
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|condlabel"
+msgid "_With condition"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:148
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:130
msgctxt "insertbookmark|goto"
msgid "Go to"
msgstr ""
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:144
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|delete"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Ианыхтәуп"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:158
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|rename"
+msgid "Rename"
+msgstr "Ахьӡ ҧсахтәуп"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbreak.ui:14
msgctxt "insertbreak|BreakDialog"
msgid "Insert Break"
@@ -13178,7 +13198,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/numparapage.ui:67
msgctxt "numparapage|comboLB_OUTLINE_LEVEL"
-msgid "Body text"
+msgid "Text Body"
msgstr ""
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/numparapage.ui:68
@@ -13653,80 +13673,85 @@ msgstr ""
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:134
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddentext"
-msgid "Hidden text"
+msgid "Hidden characters"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:149
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:216
+msgctxt "optformataidspage|displayfl"
+msgid "Display formatting"
+msgstr ""
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:249
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddentextfield"
-msgid "Fields: Hidden te_xt"
+msgid "Hidden te_xt"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:164
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:264
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddenparafield"
-msgid "Fields: Hidden p_aragraphs"
+msgid "Hidden p_aragraphs"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:252
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:285
msgctxt "optformataidspage|displayfl"
-msgid "Display of"
+msgid "Display fields"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:284
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:317
msgctxt "optformataidspage|mathbaseline"
msgid "Math baseline alignment"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:305
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:338
msgctxt "optformataidspage|layoutopt"
msgid "Layout Assistance"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:349
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:382
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursoronoff"
msgid "_Direct cursor"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:366
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:399
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillmode"
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Ибжьаргылатәуп"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:388
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:421
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillmargin"
msgid "Para_graph alignment"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:404
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:437
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillindent"
msgid "_Left paragraph margin"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:420
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:453
msgctxt "optformataidspage|filltab"
msgid "_Tabs"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:436
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:469
msgctxt "optformataidspage|filltabandspace"
msgid "Tabs a_nd spaces"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:452
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:485
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillspace"
msgid "_Spaces"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:482
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:515
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursorlabel"
msgid "Direct Cursor"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:514
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:547
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursorinprot"
msgid "Enable cursor"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:535
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:568
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursoropt"
msgid "Protected Areas"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/ab/vcl/messages.po b/source/ab/vcl/messages.po
index e1998245999..da4ec163b01 100644
--- a/source/ab/vcl/messages.po
+++ b/source/ab/vcl/messages.po
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-#. extracted from vcl/inc
+#. extracted from vcl/inc/font
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-08 15:10+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-12-23 12:48+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Андрей Абухба <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -15,6 +15,391 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1514033304.000000\n"
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:25
+msgid "Access All Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:26
+msgid "Alternative (Vertical) Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:27
+msgid "Ancient Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:28
+msgid "Capitals to Petite Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:29
+msgid "Capitals to Small Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:30
+msgid "Contextual Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:31
+msgid "Case-Sensitive Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:32
+msgid "Contextual Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:33
+msgid "Centered CJK Punctuation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:34
+msgid "Capital Spacing"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:35
+msgid "Contextual Swash"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:36
+msgid "Character Variant %1"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:37
+msgid "Drop Caps"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:38
+msgid "Discretionary Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:39
+msgid "Denominators"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:40
+msgid "Diphthongs (Obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:41
+msgid "Expert Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:42
+msgid "Final Glyph on Line Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:43
+msgid "DIagonal Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:44
+msgid "Diagonal Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:45
+msgid "Nut Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:46
+msgid "Full Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:47
+msgid "Alternate Half Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:48
+msgid "Historical Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:49
+msgid "Horizontal Kana Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:50
+msgid "Historical Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:51
+msgid "Hanja to Hangul (Obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:52
+msgid "Hojo Kanji Forms (JIS X 0212-1990 Kanji Forms)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:53
+msgid "Half Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:54
+msgid "Italics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:55
+msgid "Justification Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:56
+msgid "JIS2004 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:57
+msgid "JIS78 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:58
+msgid "JIS83 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:59
+msgid "JIS90 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:60
+msgid "Horizontal Kerning"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:61
+msgid "Left Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:62
+msgid "Standard Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:63
+msgid "Lining Figures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:64
+msgid "Mathematical Greek"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:65
+msgid "Alternate Annotation Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:66
+msgid "NLC Kanji Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:67
+msgid "Numerators"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:68
+msgid "Oldstyle Figures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:69
+msgid "Optical Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:70
+msgid "Ordinals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:71
+msgid "Ornaments"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:72
+msgid "Proportional Alternate Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:73
+msgid "Lowercase to Petite Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:74
+msgid "Proportional Kana"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:75
+msgid "Proportional Numbers"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:76
+msgid "Proportional Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:77
+msgid "Quarter Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:78
+msgid "Right Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:79
+msgid "Ruby Notation Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:80
+msgid "Stylistic Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:81
+msgid "Scientific Inferiors"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:82
+msgid "Lowercase to Small Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:83
+msgid "Simplified Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:84
+msgid "Stylistic Set %1"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:85
+msgid "Subscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:86
+msgid "Superscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:87
+msgid "Swash"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:88
+msgid "Titling"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:89
+msgid "Traditional Name Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:90
+msgid "Tabular Numbers"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:91
+msgid "Traditional Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:92
+msgid "Third Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:93
+msgid "Unicase"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:94
+msgid "Alternate Vertical Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:95
+msgid "Alternate Vertical Half Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:96
+msgid "Vertical Kana Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:97
+msgid "Vertical Kerning"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:98
+msgid "Proportional Alternate Vertical Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:99
+msgid "Vertical Alternates and Rotation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:100
+msgid "Vertical Alternates for Rotation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:101
+msgid "Slashed Zero"
+msgstr ""
#. To translators: This is the first entry of a sequence of paper size names
#: vcl/inc/print.hrc:28
diff --git a/source/af/cui/messages.po b/source/af/cui/messages.po
index 69bf868de14..7f650d038f3 100644
--- a/source/af/cui/messages.po
+++ b/source/af/cui/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -3623,7 +3623,7 @@ msgctxt "certdialog|label1"
msgid "Certificate Path"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:46
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:45
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|westlangft-nocjk"
msgid "Language:"
@@ -3635,61 +3635,81 @@ msgctxt "charnamepage|westsizeft-nocjk"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Grootte"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:257
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:196
+msgctxt "charnamepage|west_features_button-nocjk"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:268
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|westsizeft-cjk"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Grootte"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:272
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:283
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|westlangft-cjk"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "Taal"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:346
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:352
+msgctxt "charnamepage|west_features_button-cjk"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:373
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|label4"
msgid "Western Text Font"
msgstr "Westerse teksfont"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:415
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:441
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|eastsizeft"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Grootte"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:430
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:456
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|eastlangft"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "Taal"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:503
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:524
+msgctxt "charnamepage|east_features_button"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:545
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|label5"
msgid "Asian Text Font"
msgstr "Asiatiese teksfont"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:572
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:613
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|ctlsizeft"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Grootte"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:587
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:628
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|ctllangft"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "Taal"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:661
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:697
+msgctxt "charnamepage|ctl_features_button"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:718
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|label6"
msgid "CTL Font"
msgstr "CTL-font"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:688
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:745
msgctxt "charnamepage|preview-atkobject"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Voorskou"
@@ -5311,6 +5331,16 @@ msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|flState"
msgid "State"
msgstr "Provinsie"
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/fontfeaturesdialog.ui:9
+msgctxt "newtabledialog|NewTableDialog"
+msgid "Font Features"
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/fontfeaturesdialog.ui:149
+msgctxt "fontfeaturesdialog|preview-atkobject"
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr ""
#: cui/uiconfig/ui/formatcellsdialog.ui:8
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "formatcellsdialog|FormatCellsDialog"
@@ -8256,89 +8286,94 @@ msgctxt "optfontspage|label1"
msgid "Font Settings for HTML, Basic and SQL Sources"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:31
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:35
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|exthelp"
msgid "_Extended tips"
msgstr "Uitgebreide wenke"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:46
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:50
+msgctxt "optgeneralpage|popupnohelp"
+msgid "Show \"No offline help installed\" popup"
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:70
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label1"
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Hulp"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:76
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:100
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|filedlg"
msgid "_Use %PRODUCTNAME dialogs"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME-dialoë"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:110
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:134
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label2"
msgid "Open/Save Dialogs"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:136
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:160
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|printdlg"
msgid "Use %PRODUCTNAME _dialogs"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME-dialoë"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:151
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:175
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label3"
msgid "Print Dialogs"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:177
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:201
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|docstatus"
msgid "_Printing sets \"document modified\" status"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:192
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:216
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label4"
msgid "Document Status"
msgstr "Dokumentnaam\tStatus"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:225
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:249
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label6"
msgid "_Interpret as years between "
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:250
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:274
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|toyear"
msgid "and "
msgstr "en"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:265
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:289
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label5"
msgid "Year (Two Digits)"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:291
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:315
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|collectusageinfo"
msgid "Collect usage data and send it to The Document Foundation"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:306
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:330
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label7"
msgid "Help Improve %PRODUCTNAME"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:337
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:361
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|quicklaunch"
msgid "Load %PRODUCTNAME during system start-up"
msgstr "Laai %PRODUCTNAME wanneer rekenaar aanskakel"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:352
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:376
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|systray"
msgid "Enable systray Quickstarter"
msgstr "Deaktiveer Snelbeginner in stelsellaai"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:373
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:397
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label8"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Quickstarter"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/af/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po b/source/af/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
index 915102bf4da..7e87eb88b8b 100644
--- a/source/af/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
+++ b/source/af/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:05+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-12-01 17:27+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -3882,15 +3882,6 @@ msgstr "Voeg ~rybreuk in"
#: CalcCommands.xcu
msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Data"
-msgstr "~Data"
-#: CalcCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
@@ -22815,6 +22806,15 @@ msgstr "~Voeg in"
#: GenericCommands.xcu
msgctxt ""
+msgid "~Data"
+msgstr ""
+#: GenericCommands.xcu
+msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/af/sc/messages.po b/source/af/sc/messages.po
index 93818334c35..2876a128162 100644
--- a/source/af/sc/messages.po
+++ b/source/af/sc/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -14089,39 +14089,44 @@ msgid "~Value"
msgstr "~Waarde"
#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:68
+msgid "~Formula"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:69
msgid "~Source"
msgstr "~Bron"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:69
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:70
msgid "~Entries"
msgstr "~Inskrywings"
#. for dialogues:
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:71
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:72
msgid "System"
msgstr "Stelsel"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:72
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:73
msgid "Standard;Text;Date (DMY);Date (MDY);Date (YMD);US English;Hide"
msgstr "Standaard;Teks;Datum (DMJ);Datum (MDJ);Datum (JMD);VS Engels;Versteek"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:73
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:74
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab"
msgstr "Keep"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:74
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:75
#, fuzzy
msgid "space"
msgstr "Ruimte"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:75
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:76
msgid ""
"%PRODUCTNAME Calc found an error in the formula entered.\n"
@@ -14132,1252 +14137,1357 @@ msgstr ""
"Wil u die korreksie soos hier onder aanbeveel, aanvaar?\n"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:76
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:77
msgid "Image Filter"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:77
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:78
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Teks"
#. Select tables dialog title
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:79
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:80
msgid "Select Sheets"
msgstr "Kies velle"
#. Select tables dialog listbox
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:81
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:82
#, fuzzy
msgid "~Selected sheets"
msgstr "Gemerkte velle"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:82
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:83
msgid "Ruler"
msgstr "Liniaal"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:83
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:84
msgid "This ruler manages objects at fixed positions."
msgstr "Hierdie liniaal bestuur objekte op vaste posisies."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:84
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:85
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Voorskou"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:85
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:86
msgid "This sheet shows how the data will be arranged in the document."
msgstr "Hierdie vel vertoon hoe die data in die dokument georden sal word."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:86
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:87
msgctxt "STR_ACC_DOC_NAME"
msgid "Document view"
msgstr "Dokumentaansig"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:87
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:88
msgid "Sheet %1"
msgstr "Vel %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:88
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:89
msgid "Cell %1"
msgstr "Sel %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:89
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:90
msgid "Left area"
msgstr "Linkerarea"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:90
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:91
msgid "Page preview"
msgstr "Bladsyvoorskou"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:91
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:92
msgid "Center area"
msgstr "Middelarea"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:92
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:93
msgid "Right area"
msgstr "Regterarea"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:93
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:94
msgid "Header of page %1"
msgstr "Kop van bladsy %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:94
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:95
msgid "Footer of page %1"
msgstr "Voet van bladsy %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:95
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:96
msgid "Input line"
msgstr "Toevoerreël"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:96
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:97
msgid "This is where you enter or edit text, numbers and formulas."
msgstr "Dit is waar u teks, syfers of formules intik of redigeer."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:97
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:98
msgid "Media Playback"
msgstr "Media-terugspeel"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:98
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:99
msgid "Mouse button pressed"
msgstr "Muisknoppie gedruk"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:99
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:100
#, fuzzy
msgid "Formula Tool Bar"
msgstr "~Formulebalk"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:100
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:101
#, fuzzy
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Spreadsheets"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME-sigblad"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:101
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:102
msgid "(read-only)"
msgstr "(leesalleen)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:102
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:103
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Preview mode)"
msgstr "Voor~skoumodus"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:103
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:104
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Bladsye"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:104
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:105
msgid "~Suppress output of empty pages"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:105
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:106
#, fuzzy
msgid "Print content"
msgstr "Druk inhoud"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:106
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:107
msgid "~All sheets"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:107
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:108
#, fuzzy
msgid "~Selected sheets"
msgstr "Gemerkte velle"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:108
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:109
msgid "Selected cells"
msgstr "Geselekteerde selle"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:109
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:110
msgid "From which print"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:110
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:111
#, fuzzy
msgid "All ~pages"
msgstr "Alle bladsye"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:111
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:112
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pa~ges"
msgstr "Bladsye"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:112
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:113
#, fuzzy
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Calc"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:113
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:114
msgid "Warn me about this in the future."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:114
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:115
msgid "The following DDE source could not be updated possibly because the source document was not open. Please launch the source document and try again."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:115
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:116
msgid "The following external file could not be loaded. Data linked from this file did not get updated."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:116
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:117
msgid "Updating external links."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:117
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:118
msgid "Calc A1"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:118
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:119
msgid "Excel A1"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:119
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:120
msgid "Excel R1C1"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:120
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:121
msgid "Range contains column la~bels"
msgstr "Reikwydte bevat kolomet~ikette"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:121
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:122
msgid "Range contains ~row labels"
msgstr "Reikwydte bevat ~ryetikette"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:122
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:123
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SCSTR_VALERR"
msgid "Invalid value"
msgstr "Ongeldige waarde."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:123
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:124
msgid "No formula specified."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:124
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:125
msgctxt "STR_NOCOLROW"
msgid "Neither row or column specified."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:125
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:126
msgid "Undefined name or range."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:126
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:127
msgid "Undefined name or wrong cell reference."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:127
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:128
msgid "Formulas don't form a column."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:128
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:129
msgid "Formulas don't form a row."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:129
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:130
msgid "Add AutoFormat"
msgstr "Voeg Outoformateer by"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:130
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:131
msgid "Rename AutoFormat"
msgstr "Hernoem Outoformateer"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:131
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:132
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Naam"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:132
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:133
msgid "Delete AutoFormat"
msgstr "Skrap OutoFormaat"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:133
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:134
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do you really want to delete the # AutoFormat?"
msgstr "Wil u werklik die inskrywing # skrap?"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:134
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:135
msgid "~Close"
msgstr "~Sluit"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:135
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:136
msgctxt "STR_JAN"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Jan"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:136
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:137
msgctxt "STR_FEB"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Feb"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:137
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:138
msgctxt "STR_MAR"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Mrt"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:138
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:139
msgctxt "STR_NORTH"
msgid "North"
msgstr "Noord"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:139
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:140
msgctxt "STR_MID"
msgid "Mid"
msgstr "Mid"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:140
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:141
msgctxt "STR_SOUTH"
msgid "South"
msgstr "Suid"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:141
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:142
msgctxt "STR_SUM"
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Totaal"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:142
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:143
msgctxt "STR_SHEET"
msgid "Sheet"
msgstr "Vel"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:143
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:144
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_CELL"
msgid "Cell"
msgstr "Selle"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:144
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:145
msgctxt "STR_CONTENT"
msgid "Content"
msgstr "Inhoud"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:145
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:146
#, fuzzy
msgid "Page Anchor"
msgstr "Verander anker"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:146
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:147
msgid "Cell Anchor"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:147
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:148
#, fuzzy
msgid "Condition "
msgstr "Voorwaarde"
#. content description strings are also use d in ScLinkTargetsObj
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:150
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:151
msgid "Contents"
msgstr "Inhoud"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:151
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:152
msgid "Sheets"
msgstr "Velle"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:152
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:153
msgid "Range names"
msgstr "Omvangname"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:153
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:154
#, fuzzy
msgid "Database ranges"
msgstr "Databasisomvangs"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:154
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:155
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Beelde"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:155
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:156
msgid "OLE objects"
msgstr "OLE-objekte"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:156
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:157
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Opmerkings"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:157
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:158
msgid "Linked areas"
msgstr "Geskakelde areas"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:158
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:159
msgid "Drawing objects"
msgstr "Tekenobjekte"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:159
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:160
#, fuzzy
msgid "Drag Mode"
msgstr "Sleepmodus"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:160
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:161
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Vertoon"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:161
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:162
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SCSTR_ACTIVE"
msgid "active"
msgstr "aktief"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:162
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:163
#, fuzzy
msgid "inactive"
msgstr "onaktief"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:163
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:164
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SCSTR_HIDDEN"
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "versteek"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:164
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:165
#, fuzzy
msgid "Active Window"
msgstr "Aktiewe venster"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:165
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:166
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scenario Name"
msgstr "Scenarionaam"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:166
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:167
#, fuzzy
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Opmerkings"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:168
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:169
msgid "Sort Ascending"
msgstr "Sorteer oplopend"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:169
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:170
msgid "Sort Descending"
msgstr "Sorteer aflopend"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:170
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:171
msgid "Custom Sort"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:171
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:172
#, fuzzy
msgid "All"
msgstr "Almal"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:172
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:173
msgid "Show only the current item."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:173
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:174
msgid "Hide only the current item."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:174
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:175
msgid "Search items..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:176
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:177
msgid "Name Box"
msgstr "Naamkas"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:177
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:178
msgid "Input line"
msgstr "Toevoerreël"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:178
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:179
msgid "Function Wizard"
msgstr "Funksieslimmerd"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:179
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:180
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "Aanvaar"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:180
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:181
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Kanselleer"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:181
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:182
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "Som"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:182
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:183
#, fuzzy
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "Formules"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:183
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:184
msgid "Expand Formula Bar"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:184
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:185
msgid "Collapse Formula Bar"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:186
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:187
msgid "Conflict"
msgstr "Konflik"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:187
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:188
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Outeur"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:188
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:189
msgctxt "STR_TITLE_DATE"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:189
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:190
msgid "Unknown User"
msgstr "Onbekende gebruiker"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:191
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:192
#, fuzzy
msgid "Column inserted"
msgstr "Kolom ingevoeg"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:192
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:193
#, fuzzy
msgid "Row inserted "
msgstr "Ry ingevoeg "
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:193
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:194
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sheet inserted "
msgstr "Blaai ingevoeg "
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:194
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:195
#, fuzzy
msgid "Column deleted"
msgstr "Kolom geskrap"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:195
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:196
#, fuzzy
msgid "Row deleted"
msgstr "Ry geskrap"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:196
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:197
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sheet deleted"
msgstr "Blaai geskrap"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:197
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:198
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_CHG_MOVE"
msgid "Range moved"
msgstr "Reikwydte geskuif"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:198
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:199
#, fuzzy
msgid "Changed contents"
msgstr "Veranderde inhoud"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:199
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:200
#, fuzzy
msgid "Changed contents"
msgstr "Veranderde inhoud"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:200
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:201
#, fuzzy
msgid "Changed to "
msgstr "Verander na "
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:201
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:202
#, fuzzy
msgid "Original"
msgstr "Oorspronklik"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:202
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:203
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_CHG_REJECT"
msgid "Changes rejected"
msgstr "Wysigings uitgegooi"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:203
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:204
#, fuzzy
msgid "Accepted"
msgstr "Aanvaar"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:204
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:205
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rejected"
msgstr "Uitgegooi"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:205
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:206
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_CHG_NO_ENTRY"
msgid "No Entry"
msgstr "Geen toegang"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:206
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:207
msgctxt "STR_CHG_EMPTY"
msgid "<empty>"
msgstr "<leeg>"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:208
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:209
msgid "Not protected"
msgstr "Nie beskerm nie"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:209
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:210
msgid "Not password-protected"
msgstr "Nie wagwoordbeskermd"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:210
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:211
msgctxt "STR_HASH_BAD"
msgid "Hash incompatible"
msgstr "Huts onversoenbaar"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:211
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:212
msgctxt "STR_HASH_GOOD"
msgid "Hash compatible"
msgstr "Huts versoenbaar"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:212
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:213
msgctxt "STR_RETYPE"
msgid "Re-type"
msgstr "Hertik"
#. MovingAverageDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:215
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:216
msgid "Moving Average"
msgstr ""
#. ExponentialSmoothingDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:217
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:218
msgid "Exponential Smoothing"
msgstr ""
#. AnalysisOfVarianceDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:219
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:220
msgid "Analysis of Variance"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:220
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:221
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_ANOVA"
+msgid "Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:222
msgid "ANOVA - Single Factor"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:221
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:223
msgid "ANOVA - Two Factor"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:222
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:224
#, fuzzy
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Groep"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:223
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:225
msgid "Between Groups"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:224
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:226
msgid "Within Groups"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:225
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:227
msgid "Source of Variation"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:226
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:228
msgid "SS"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:227
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:229
msgid "df"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:228
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:230
msgid "MS"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:229
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:231
msgid "F"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:230
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:232
+msgid "Significance F"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:233
msgid "P-value"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:231
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:234
msgid "F critical"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:232
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:235
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Totaal"
#. CorrelationDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:234
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:237
msgid "Correlation"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:235
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:238
msgid "Correlations"
msgstr ""
#. CovarianceDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:237
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:240
msgid "Covariance"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:238
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:241
msgid "Covariances"
msgstr ""
#. DescriptiveStatisticsDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:240
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:243
msgid "Descriptive Statistics"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:241
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:244
msgid "Mean"
msgstr "Gemiddelde"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:242
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:245
msgid "Standard Error"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:243
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:246
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Modus"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:244
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:247
#, fuzzy
msgid "Median"
msgstr "Media"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:245
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:248
#, fuzzy
msgid "Variance"
msgstr "Wisselend"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:246
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:249
msgid "Standard Deviation"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:247
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:250
msgid "Kurtosis"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:248
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:251
msgid "Skewness"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:249
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:252
msgid "Range"
msgstr "Omvang"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:250
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:253
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_MIN"
msgid "Minimum"
msgstr "~Minimum"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:251
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:254
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_MAX"
msgid "Maximum"
msgstr "~Maksimum"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:252
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:255
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_SUM"
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "Som"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:253
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:256
msgid "Count"
msgstr "Tel"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:254
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:257
-msgid "First Quartile "
+msgid "First Quartile"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:255
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:258
msgid "Third Quartile"
msgstr ""
#. RandomNumberGeneratorDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:257
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:260
msgid "Random ($(DISTRIBUTION))"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:258
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:261
msgid "Uniform"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:259
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:262
msgid "Uniform Integer"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:260
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:263
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normaal"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:261
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:264
msgid "Cauchy"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:262
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:265
msgid "Bernoulli"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:263
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:266
msgid "Binomial"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:264
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:267
msgid "Negative Binomial"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:265
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:268
msgid "Chi Squared"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:266
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:269
#, fuzzy
msgid "Geometric"
msgstr "Geometrie"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:267
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:270
#, fuzzy
msgid "Minimum"
msgstr "~Minimum"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:268
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:271
#, fuzzy
msgid "Maximum"
msgstr "~Maksimum"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:269
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:272
msgid "Mean"
msgstr "Gemiddelde"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:270
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:273
msgid "Standard Deviation"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:271
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:274
#, fuzzy
msgid "Median"
msgstr "Media"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:272
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:275
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sigma"
msgstr "sigma"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:273
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:276
msgid "p Value"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:274
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:277
msgid "Number of Trials"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:275
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:278
msgid "nu Value"
msgstr ""
#. SamplingDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:277
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:280
msgid "Sampling"
msgstr ""
#. Names of dialogs
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:279
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:282
msgctxt "STR_FTEST"
msgid "F-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:280
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:283
msgid "F-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:281
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:284
msgctxt "STR_TTEST"
msgid "Paired t-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:282
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:285
msgid "Paired t-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:283
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:286
msgctxt "STR_ZTEST"
msgid "z-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:284
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:287
msgid "z-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:285
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:288
msgid "Test of Independence (Chi-Square)"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:286
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:289
msgid "Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:287
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:290
msgid "Regression"
msgstr ""
#. Common
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:289
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:292
msgid "Column %NUMBER%"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:290
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:293
msgid "Row %NUMBER%"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:291
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:294
msgid "Alpha"
msgstr "Alfa"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:292
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:295
#, fuzzy
msgid "Variable 1"
msgstr "Wisselend"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:293
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:296
#, fuzzy
msgid "Variable 2"
msgstr "Wisselend"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:294
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:297
msgid "Hypothesized Mean Difference"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:295
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:298
#, fuzzy
msgid "Observations"
msgstr "Besprekings"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:296
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:299
msgid "Observed Mean Difference"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:297
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:300
+msgid "R^2"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:301
+msgid "Adjusted R^2"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:302
+msgid "Count of X variables"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:303
msgid "df"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:298
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:304
msgid "P-value"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:299
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:305
msgid "Critical Value"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:300
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:306
msgid "Test Statistic"
msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:307
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_LOWER"
+msgid "Lower"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:308
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_Upper"
+msgid "Upper"
+msgstr ""
#. RegressionDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:302
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:310
msgid "Linear"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:303
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:311
#, fuzzy
msgid "Logarithmic"
msgstr "Logaritme"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:304
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:312
msgid "Power"
msgstr "Mag"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:305
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:313
+msgid "Independent variable(s) range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:314
+msgid "Dependent variable(s) range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:315
+msgid "Output range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:316
+msgid "Confidence level must be in the interval (0, 1)."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:317
+msgid "Y variable range cannot have more than 1 column."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:318
+msgid "Y variable range cannot have more than 1 row."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:319
+msgid "Univariate regression : The observation count in X and Y must match."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:320
+msgid "Multivariate regression : The observation count in X and Y must match."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:321
msgid "Regression Model"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:306
-msgid "R^2"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:322
+msgid "Regression Statistics"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:307
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:323
+msgid "Residual"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:324
+msgid "Confidence level"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:325
+msgid "Coefficients"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:326
+msgid "t-Statistic"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:327
#, fuzzy
msgid "Slope"
msgstr "Skopus"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:308
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:328
#, fuzzy
msgid "Intercept"
msgstr "Internet"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:329
+msgid "Predicted Y"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:330
+msgid "LINEST raw output"
+msgstr ""
#. F Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:310
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:332
msgid "P (F<=f) right-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:311
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:333
msgid "F Critical right-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:312
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:334
msgid "P (F<=f) left-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:313
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:335
msgid "F Critical left-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:314
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:336
msgid "P two-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:315
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:337
msgid "F Critical two-tail"
msgstr ""
#. t Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:317
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:339
msgid "Pearson Correlation"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:318
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:340
msgid "Variance of the Differences"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:319
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:341
msgctxt "STR_TTEST_T_STAT"
msgid "t Stat"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:320
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:342
msgid "P (T<=t) one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:321
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:343
msgid "t Critical one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:322
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:344
msgid "P (T<=t) two-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:323
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:345
msgid "t Critical two-tail"
msgstr ""
#. Z Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:325
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:347
msgid "z"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:326
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:348
msgid "Known Variance"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:327
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:349
msgid "P (Z<=z) one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:328
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:350
msgid "z Critical one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:329
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:351
msgid "P (Z<=z) two-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:330
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:352
msgid "z Critical two-tail"
msgstr ""
#. infobar for allowing links to update or not
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:332
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:354
msgid "Enable Content"
msgstr ""
#. Insert image dialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:334
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:356
msgid "To cell"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:335
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:357
msgid "To cell (resize with cell)"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:336
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:358
msgid "To page"
msgstr ""
@@ -17189,6 +17299,11 @@ msgctxt "dataprovider|label"
msgid "Source Stream"
msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/dataproviderdlg.ui:36
+msgctxt "dataproviderdlg|db_name"
+msgid "Database Range: "
+msgstr ""
#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/dataproviderentry.ui:46
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "dataproviderentry|url"
@@ -19096,613 +19211,613 @@ msgctxt "notebookbar|DevLabel"
msgid "Tools"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2945
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2986
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Menu"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2977
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3018
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|defaultD"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "~Verstek"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2991
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3032
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent1"
msgid "Accent 1"
msgstr "Aksent "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2999
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3040
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent2"
msgid "Accent 2"
msgstr "Aksent "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3007
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3048
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent3"
msgid "Accent 3"
msgstr "Aksent "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3021
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3062
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Header1"
msgid "Header 1"
msgstr "Kop"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3029
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3070
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Header2"
msgid "Header 2"
msgstr "Kop"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3043
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3084
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|bad"
msgid "Bad"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3051
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3092
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|good"
msgid "Good"
msgstr "Goud"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3059
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3100
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|neutral"
msgid "Neutral"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3067
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3108
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|error"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Fout"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|warning"
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Waarskuwing"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3130
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|footnote"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr "Voetnoot"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3097
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3138
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|note"
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Geen"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3336
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3377
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Tools"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3630
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3671
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|menub"
msgid "_Menu"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3686
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3727
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|toolsb"
msgid "_Tools"
msgstr "Nutsgoed"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3775
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3816
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|fileb"
msgid "_File"
msgstr "Lêer"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3930
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3971
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|editb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "Redigeer"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4088
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4129
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphstyleb"
msgid "St_yles"
msgstr "Style"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4245
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4286
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|formatb"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "Font"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4306
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4347
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|bordertype"
msgid "Specify the borders of the selected cells."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4466
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4507
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|numberb"
msgid "_Number"
msgstr "Nommer"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4625
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4666
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "Belyning"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4788
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4829
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|cellb"
msgid "_Cells"
msgstr "Selle"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4931
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4972
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|insertb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Voeg in"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5064
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5105
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|datab"
msgid "_Data"
msgstr "Data"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5178
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5219
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|reviewb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "Resensie"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5293
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5334
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewb"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Bekyk"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5436
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5477
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|graphicB"
msgid "_Graphic"
msgstr "Grafika"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5554
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5595
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|colorb"
msgid "C_olor"
msgstr "Kleur"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5897
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5938
#, fuzzy
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msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "Rangskik"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6050
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6091
#, fuzzy
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msgstr "Rooster"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6177
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6218
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|languageb"
msgid "_Language"
msgstr "Taal"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6307
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6348
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|revieb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "Resensie"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6442
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6483
#, fuzzy
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msgstr "Opmerkings"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6543
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6584
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|compareb"
msgid "Com_pare"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6647
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6688
#, fuzzy
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msgstr "Bekyk"
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+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6865
#, fuzzy
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-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7041
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7082
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|drawb"
msgid "D_raw"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7232
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7273
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrangeD"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "Rangskik"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7345
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7386
#, fuzzy
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msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "Rooster"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7458
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7499
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewDrawb"
msgid "Grou_p"
msgstr "Groep"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7570
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7611
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|3Db"
msgid "3_D"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7755
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7796
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|oleB"
msgid "F_rame"
msgstr "Raam"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7962
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8003
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrangeO"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "Rangskik"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8116
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|GridO"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "Rooster"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8189
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8230
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewO"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Bekyk"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8298
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8339
#, fuzzy
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-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8473
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8514
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|formats"
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msgstr "Formaat"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8749
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8790
#, fuzzy
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msgstr "Paragraaf"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8911
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8952
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewS"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Bekyk"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:1950
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:1991
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Help"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2945
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2986
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Menu"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2977
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3018
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|defaultD"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "~Verstek"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2991
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3032
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent1"
msgid "Accent 1"
msgstr "Aksent "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2999
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3040
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent2"
msgid "Accent 2"
msgstr "Aksent "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3007
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3048
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent3"
msgid "Accent 3"
msgstr "Aksent "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3021
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3062
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Header1"
msgid "Header 1"
msgstr "Kop"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3029
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3070
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Header2"
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msgstr "Kop"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3043
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3084
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|bad"
msgid "Bad"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3051
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3092
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|good"
msgid "Good"
msgstr "Goud"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3059
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3100
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|neutral"
msgid "Neutral"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3067
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3108
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|error"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Fout"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|warning"
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Waarskuwing"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3130
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|footnote"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr "Voetnoot"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3097
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3138
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|note"
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Geen"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3336
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3377
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Tools"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3635
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3676
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|menub"
msgid "_Menu"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3688
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3729
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|toolsb"
msgid "_Tools"
msgstr "Nutsgoed"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3743
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3784
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|helpb"
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "Hulp"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3851
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3892
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|fileb"
msgid "_File"
msgstr "Lêer"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4130
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|editb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "Redigeer"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4286
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4327
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphstyleb"
msgid "St_yles"
msgstr "Style"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4559
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4600
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|formatb"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "Font"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4805
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4846
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|numberb"
msgid "_Number"
msgstr "Nommer"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5020
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5061
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "Belyning"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5258
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5299
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|cellb"
msgid "_Cells"
msgstr "Selle"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5435
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5476
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|insertb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Voeg in"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5609
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5650
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|datab"
msgid "_Data"
msgstr "Data"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5781
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5822
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|reviewb"
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msgstr "Resensie"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5968
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6009
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewb"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Bekyk"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6193
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6234
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|graphicB"
msgid "_Graphic"
msgstr "Grafika"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6545
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6586
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrange"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "Rangskik"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6696
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6737
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|colorb"
msgid "C_olor"
msgstr "Kleur"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6947
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6988
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|GridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "Rooster"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7087
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7128
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|languageb"
msgid "_Language"
msgstr "Taal"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7316
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7357
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|revieb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "Resensie"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7529
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7570
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|commentsb"
msgid "_Comments"
msgstr "Opmerkings"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7732
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7773
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|compareb"
msgid "Com_pare"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7934
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7975
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewa"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Bekyk"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8380
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8421
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|drawb"
msgid "D_raw"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8749
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8790
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|editdrawb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "Redigeer"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9090
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9131
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrangedrawb"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "Rangskik"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9257
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9298
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|GridDrawB"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Bekyk"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9459
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9500
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewDrawb"
msgid "Grou_p"
msgstr "Groep"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9609
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9650
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|3Db"
msgid "3_D"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9918
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9959
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|formatd"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "Font"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10183
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10224
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphTextb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "Belyning"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10385
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10426
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewd"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Bekyk"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10539
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10580
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|insertTextb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Voeg in"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10684
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10725
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|media"
msgid "_Media"
msgstr "Media"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10921
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10962
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|oleB"
msgid "F_rame"
msgstr "Raam"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11352
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11393
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrageOLE"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "Rangskik"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11518
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11559
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|OleGridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "Rooster"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11720
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11761
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewf"
msgid "_View"
@@ -21211,64 +21326,89 @@ msgctxt "regressiondialog|RegressionDialog"
msgid "Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:99
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:102
msgctxt "regressiondialog|variable1-range-label"
-msgid "Variable 1 range:"
+msgid "Independent variable(s) (X) range:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:137
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:140
msgctxt "regressiondialog|variable2-range-label"
-msgid "Variable 2 range:"
+msgid "Dependent variable (Y) range:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:175
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:176
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|withlabels-check"
+msgid "Both X and Y ranges have labels"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:192
msgctxt "regressiondialog|output-range-label"
msgid "Results to:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:217
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:240
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label1"
msgid "Data"
msgstr "Data"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:252
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:275
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "regressiondialog|groupedby-columns-radio"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Kolom"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:268
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:291
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "regressiondialog|groupedby-rows-radio"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "Ry"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:290
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:313
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label2"
msgid "Grouped by"
msgstr "Gegroepeer volgens: "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:325
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|linear-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:348
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|linear-radio"
msgid "Linear Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:341
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|logarithmic-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:365
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|logarithmic-radio"
msgid "Logarithmic Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:356
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|power-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:382
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|power-radio"
msgid "Power Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:377
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:405
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label3"
msgid "Output Regression Types"
msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:441
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|label5"
+msgid "Confidence level"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:451
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|calcresiduals-check"
+msgid "Calculate residuals"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:469
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|confidencelevel-spin"
+msgid "0.95"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:490
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|label4"
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr ""
#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/retypepassdialog.ui:10
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "retypepassdialog|RetypePass"
@@ -23804,92 +23944,97 @@ msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore1"
msgid "Text length"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:57
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:47
+msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore1"
+msgid "Custom"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:61
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "equal"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:61
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:65
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "less than"
msgstr "kleiner as"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:65
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:69
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "greater than"
msgstr "groter as"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:69
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:73
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "less than or equal"
msgstr "minder as of gelyk aan"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:73
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:77
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "greater than or equal to"
msgstr "groter as of gelyk aan"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:77
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:81
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "not equal"
msgstr "niegelykaan"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:81
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:85
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "valid range"
msgstr "Ongeldige omvang"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:85
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:89
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "invalid range"
msgstr "Ongeldige omvang"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:103
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:107
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|label1"
msgid "_Allow:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:117
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:121
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|valueft"
msgid "_Data:"
msgstr "Data"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:153
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:157
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|minft"
msgid "_Minimum:"
msgstr "~Minimum"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:235
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:239
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|maxft"
msgid "Ma_ximum:"
msgstr "~Maksimum"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:246
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:250
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|allowempty"
msgid "Allow _empty cells"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:261
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:265
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|showlist"
msgid "Show selection _list"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:276
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:280
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|sortascend"
msgid "Sor_t entries ascending"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:297
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:301
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|hintft"
msgid "A valid source can only consist of a contiguous selection of rows and columns, or a formula that results in an area or array."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/af/sd/messages.po b/source/af/sd/messages.po
index 58788877aea..50cab31c2fe 100644
--- a/source/af/sd/messages.po
+++ b/source/af/sd/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-06-04 15:42+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -5470,10 +5470,9 @@ msgid "Master Objects"
msgstr ""
#: sd/uiconfig/simpress/ui/sidebarslidebackground.ui:126
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt "sidebarslidebackground|button2"
-msgid "Insert Image"
-msgstr "Voeg bladsy in"
+msgid "Insert Image..."
+msgstr ""
#: sd/uiconfig/simpress/ui/sidebarslidebackground.ui:164
msgctxt "sidebarslidebackground|displaymasterbackground"
diff --git a/source/af/sfx2/messages.po b/source/af/sfx2/messages.po
index 5b35ad5b828..d78d09e5744 100644
--- a/source/af/sfx2/messages.po
+++ b/source/af/sfx2/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -2241,6 +2241,11 @@ msgctxt "helpmanual|website"
msgid "Read Help Online"
msgstr ""
+#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpmanual.ui:60
+msgctxt "helpmanual|hidedialog"
+msgid "Do not show this dialog again"
+msgstr ""
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpsearchpage.ui:22
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "helpsearchpage|display"
diff --git a/source/af/svx/messages.po b/source/af/svx/messages.po
index cdfc0a0093a..5a5e65ebe2d 100644
--- a/source/af/svx/messages.po
+++ b/source/af/svx/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 21:22+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -2294,17 +2294,17 @@ msgctxt "classificationdialog|label-IntellectualProperty"
msgid "Intellectual Property"
msgstr ""
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:60
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:58
msgctxt "colorwindow|none_color_button"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Geen"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:146
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:145
msgctxt "colorwindow|label1"
msgid "Recent"
msgstr ""
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:183
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:182
msgctxt "colorwindow|color_picker_button"
msgid "Custom Color…"
msgstr ""
@@ -2829,54 +2829,54 @@ msgctxt "datanavigator|modelsremove"
msgid "_Remove"
msgstr "Verwyder"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:52
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:48
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label1"
msgid "Lines & Arrows"
msgstr "Lyne en pyltjies"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:89
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:85
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label2"
msgid "Curve"
msgstr "Kurwe"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:126
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:122
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label3"
msgid "Connectors"
msgstr "Verbinders"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:163
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:159
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label4"
msgid "Basic Shapes"
msgstr "Basiese vorms"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:200
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:196
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label5"
msgid "Symbols"
msgstr "Simbole"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:237
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:233
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label6"
msgid "Block Arrows"
msgstr "Blokpyle"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:274
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:270
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label7"
msgid "Flowchart"
msgstr "Vloeigrafiek"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:311
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:307
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label8"
msgid "Callouts"
msgstr "Uitroepe"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:348
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:344
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label9"
msgid "Stars"
msgstr "Sterre"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:385
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:381
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label10"
msgid "3D Objects"
msgstr "3-D-objekte"
@@ -4418,10 +4418,9 @@ msgid "_Copy"
msgstr "Kopieer"
#: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu2.ui:82
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt "gallerymenu2|paste"
-msgid "_Insert"
-msgstr "Voeg in"
+msgid "_Paste"
+msgstr ""
#: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:68
msgctxt "headfootformatpage|checkHeaderOn"
diff --git a/source/af/sw/messages.po b/source/af/sw/messages.po
index 80fd03e0d01..309f7d03f1d 100644
--- a/source/af/sw/messages.po
+++ b/source/af/sw/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 21:22+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:05+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -1552,300 +1552,310 @@ msgid "Text"
msgstr "Teks"
#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:239
+msgid "Hidden"
+msgstr ""
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:240
+msgid "Condition"
+msgstr ""
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:241
msgctxt "SW_STR_NONE"
msgid "[None]"
msgstr "[Geen]"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:240
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:242
msgid "Start"
msgstr "Begin"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:241
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:243
msgid "End"
msgstr "Einde"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:242
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:244
msgid "Above"
msgstr "Bo"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:243
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:245
msgid "Below"
msgstr "Onder"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:244
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:246
#, fuzzy
msgid "read-only"
msgstr "Leesalleen"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:245
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:247
msgid "The 'AutoText' directories are read-only. Do you want to call the path settings dialog?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:246
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:248
msgctxt "STR_DOC_STAT"
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Statistieke"
#. Statusbar-titles
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:248
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:250
msgid "Importing document..."
msgstr "Trek tans dokument in..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:249
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:251
msgid "Exporting document..."
msgstr "Voer tans dokument uit..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:250
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:252
msgid "Saving document..."
msgstr "Stoor tans dokument..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:251
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:253
msgid "Repagination..."
msgstr "Herrangskik bladsye..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:252
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:254
msgid "Formatting document automatically..."
msgstr "Formateer dokument tans outomaties..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:253
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:255
msgid "Search..."
msgstr "Soek..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:254
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:256
msgid "Letter"
msgstr "Letter"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:255
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:257
msgid "Spellcheck..."
msgstr "Speltoets..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:256
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:258
msgid "Hyphenation..."
msgstr "Woordafbreking..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:257
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:259
msgid "Inserting Index..."
msgstr "Voeg tans indeks in..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:258
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:260
msgid "Updating Index..."
msgstr "Werk tans indeks by..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:259
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:261
msgid "Creating abstract..."
msgstr "Skep tans abstrak..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:260
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:262
msgid "Adapt Objects..."
msgstr "Pas objekte aan..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:261
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:263
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Tabel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:262
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:264
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Beeld"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:263
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:265
msgid "Object"
msgstr "Objek"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:264
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:266
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "Raam"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:265
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:267
msgid "Shape"
msgstr "Vorm"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:266
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:268
msgid "Section"
msgstr "Seksie"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:267
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:269
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "Nommering"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:268
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:270
msgid "blank page"
msgstr "skoon bladsy"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:269
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:271
msgid "Abstract: "
msgstr "Abstrak: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:270
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:272
msgid "separated by: "
msgstr "geskei deur: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:271
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:273
msgid "Outline: Level "
msgstr "Skema: Vlak "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:272
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:274
msgctxt "STR_FDLG_STYLE"
msgid "Style: "
msgstr "Styl: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:273
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:275
msgid "Page number: "
msgstr "Bladsynommer: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:274
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:276
msgid "Break before new page"
msgstr "Breek voor nuwe bladsy"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:275
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:277
msgid "Western text: "
msgstr "Westerse teks: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:276
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:278
msgctxt "STR_CJK_FONT"
msgid "Asian text: "
msgstr "Asiatiese teks: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:277
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:279
msgctxt "STR_CTL_FONT"
msgid "CTL text: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:278
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:280
msgid "Unknown Author"
msgstr "Onbekende outeur"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:279
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:281
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete ~All Comments by $1"
msgstr "Skrap ~alle opmerkings deur $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:280
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:282
#, fuzzy
msgid "H~ide All Comments by $1"
msgstr "Skrap ~alle opmerkings deur $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:281
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:283
msgid "Outline Numbering"
msgstr "Skemanommering"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:282
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:284
msgid "%1 words, %2 characters"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:283
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:285
msgid "%1 words, %2 characters selected"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:284
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:286
msgid "Convert Text to Table"
msgstr "Skakel teks om na tabel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:285
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:287
msgid "Add AutoFormat"
msgstr "Voeg Outoformateer by"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:286
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:288
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Naam"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:287
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:289
msgid "Delete AutoFormat"
msgstr "Skrap OutoFormaat"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:288
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:290
msgid "The following AutoFormat entry will be deleted:"
msgstr "Die volgende OutoFormaat-inskrywing sal geskrap word:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:289
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:291
msgid "Rename AutoFormat"
msgstr "Hernoem Outoformateer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:290
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:292
msgid "~Close"
msgstr "~Sluit"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:291
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:293
msgctxt "STR_JAN"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Jan"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:292
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:294
msgctxt "STR_FEB"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Feb"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:293
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:295
msgctxt "STR_MAR"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Mrt"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:294
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:296
msgctxt "STR_NORTH"
msgid "North"
msgstr "Noord"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:295
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:297
msgctxt "STR_MID"
msgid "Mid"
msgstr "Mid"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:296
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:298
msgctxt "STR_SOUTH"
msgid "South"
msgstr "Suid"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:297
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:299
msgctxt "STR_SUM"
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "Som"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:298
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:300
msgid ""
"You have entered an invalid name.\n"
@@ -1856,321 +1866,321 @@ msgstr ""
"Die verlangde OutoFormaat kon nie geskep word nie. \n"
"Probeer weer met 'n ander naam."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:299
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:301
msgctxt "STR_NUMERIC"
msgid "Numeric"
msgstr "Numeries"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:300
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:302
msgctxt "STR_ROW"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "Rye"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:301
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:303
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_COL"
msgid "Column"
msgstr "Kolo~m"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:302
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:304
msgid "Edit Bibliography Entry"
msgstr "Redigeer bibliografie inskrywing"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:303
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:305
msgid "Insert Bibliography Entry"
msgstr "Voeg bibliografiese inskrywing in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:304
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:306
msgid "Spacing between %1 and %2"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:305
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:307
#, fuzzy
msgid "Column %1 Width"
msgstr "Kolomwydte"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:306
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:308
#, fuzzy
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Table"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Writer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:307
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:309
#, fuzzy
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Frame"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Writer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:308
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:310
#, fuzzy
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Image"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Writer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:309
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:311
msgid "Other OLE Objects"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:310
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:312
msgid "The name of the table must not contain spaces."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:311
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:313
msgid "Selected table cells are too complex to merge."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:312
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:314
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_SRTERR"
msgid "Cannot sort selection"
msgstr "Seleksie kan nie gesorteer word nie"
#. Miscellaneous
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:315
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:317
msgid "Click object"
msgstr "Kliek objek"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:316
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:318
msgid "Before inserting AutoText"
msgstr "Voordat OutoTeks ingevoeg word"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:317
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:319
msgid "After inserting AutoText"
msgstr "Nadat OutoTeks ingevoeg is"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:318
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:320
msgid "Mouse over object"
msgstr "Muis oor objek"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:319
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:321
msgid "Trigger hyperlink"
msgstr "Aktiveer hiperskakel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:320
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:322
msgid "Mouse leaves object"
msgstr "Muis verlaat objek"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:321
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:323
msgid "Image loaded successfully"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:322
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:324
msgid "Image loading terminated"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:323
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:325
msgid "Could not load image"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:324
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:326
msgid "Input of alphanumeric characters"
msgstr "Invoer van alfanumeriese karakters"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:325
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:327
msgid "Input of non-alphanumeric characters"
msgstr "Invoer van niealfanumeriese karakters"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:326
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:328
msgid "Resize frame"
msgstr "Verstel raamgrootte"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:327
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:329
msgid "Move frame"
msgstr "Skuif raam"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:328
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:330
msgid "Headings"
msgstr "Opskrifte"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:329
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:331
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabelle"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:330
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:332
msgid "Text frames"
msgstr "Teksrame"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:331
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:333
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Beelde"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:332
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:334
msgid "OLE objects"
msgstr "OLE-objekte"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:333
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:335
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr "Boekmerke"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:334
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:336
msgid "Sections"
msgstr "Seksies"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:335
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:337
msgid "Hyperlinks"
msgstr "Hiperskakels"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:336
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:338
msgid "References"
msgstr "Verwysings"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:337
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:339
msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indekse"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:338
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:340
#, fuzzy
msgid "Drawing objects"
msgstr "Teken objekte"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:339
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:341
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Opmerkings"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:340
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:342
#, fuzzy
msgid "Heading 1"
msgstr "Opskrif 1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:341
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:343
msgid "This is the content from the first chapter. This is a user directory entry."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:342
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:344
msgid "Heading 1.1"
msgstr "Opskrif 1.1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:343
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:345
msgid "This is the content from chapter 1.1. This is the entry for the table of contents."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:344
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:346
msgid "Heading 1.2"
msgstr "Opskrif 1.2"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:345
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:347
msgid "This is the content from chapter 1.2. This keyword is a main entry."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:346
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:348
msgid "Table 1: This is table 1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:347
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:349
msgid "Image 1: This is image 1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:348
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:350
msgid "Heading"
msgstr "Opskrif"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:349
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:351
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Tabel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:350
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:352
msgid "Text frame"
msgstr "Teksraam"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:351
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:353
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Beeld"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:352
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:354
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "OLE-objek"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:353
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:355
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr "Boekmerk"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:354
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:356
msgid "Section"
msgstr "Seksie"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:355
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:357
msgid "Hyperlink"
msgstr "Hiperskakel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:356
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:358
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "Verwysing"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:357
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:359
msgid "Index"
msgstr "Indeks"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:358
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:360
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Opmerking"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:359
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:361
msgid "Draw object"
msgstr "Teken objek"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:360
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:362
msgid "Additional formats..."
msgstr "Bykomende formate..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:361
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:363
msgctxt "RID_STR_SYSTEM"
msgid "[System]"
msgstr "[Stelsel]"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:362
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:364
msgid ""
"The interactive hyphenation is already active\n"
@@ -2179,2206 +2189,2206 @@ msgstr ""
"Die interaktiewe woordafbreking is reeds aktief\n"
"in 'n ander dokument"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:363
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:365
msgctxt "STR_HYPH_TITLE"
msgid "Hyphenation"
msgstr "Woordafbreking"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:366
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:368
msgctxt "STR_CANT_UNDO"
msgid "not possible"
msgstr "nie moontlik nie"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:367
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:369
msgid "Delete $1"
msgstr "Skrap $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:368
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:370
msgid "Insert $1"
msgstr "Voeg $1 in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:369
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:371
msgctxt "STR_OVR_UNDO"
msgid "Overwrite: $1"
msgstr "Oorheenskryf: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:370
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:372
msgid "New Paragraph"
msgstr "Nuwe paragraaf"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:371
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:373
msgctxt "STR_MOVE_UNDO"
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Skuif"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:372
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:374
msgid "Apply attributes"
msgstr "Pas attribute toe"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:373
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:375
msgid "Apply Styles: $1"
msgstr "Pas style toe: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:374
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:376
msgid "Reset attributes"
msgstr "Laai attribute terug"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:375
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:377
msgid "Change style: $1"
msgstr "Verander styl: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:376
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:378
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "Voeg lêer in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:377
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:379
msgid "Insert AutoText"
msgstr "Voeg Outoteks in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:378
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:380
msgid "Delete bookmark: $1"
msgstr "Skrap boekmerk: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:379
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:381
msgid "Insert bookmark: $1"
msgstr "Voeg boekmerk in: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:380
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:382
msgctxt "STR_SORT_TBL"
msgid "Sort table"
msgstr "Rangskik tabel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:381
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:383
msgctxt "STR_SORT_TXT"
msgid "Sort text"
msgstr "Rangskik teks"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:382
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:384
msgid "Insert table: $1$2$3"
msgstr "Voeg tabel in: $1$2$3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:383
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:385
msgid "Convert text -> table"
msgstr "Skakel om teks -> tabel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:384
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:386
msgid "Convert table -> text"
msgstr "Skakel om tabel -> teks"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:385
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:387
msgctxt "STR_COPY_UNDO"
msgid "Copy: $1"
msgstr "Kopieer: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:386
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:388
msgid "Replace $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Vervang $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:387
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:389
msgid "Insert page break"
msgstr "Voeg bladsybreuk in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:388
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:390
msgid "Insert column break"
msgstr "Voeg kolombreuk in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:389
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:391
msgid "Insert Envelope"
msgstr "Voeg koevert in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:390
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:392
msgid "Copy: $1"
msgstr "Kopieer: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:391
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:393
msgid "Move: $1"
msgstr "Skuif: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:392
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:394
msgid "Insert %PRODUCTNAME Chart"
msgstr "Voeg %PRODUCTNAME-grafiek in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:393
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:395
msgid "Insert frame"
msgstr "Voeg raam in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:394
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:396
msgid "Delete frame"
msgstr "Skrap raam"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:395
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:397
msgid "AutoFormat"
msgstr "Outoformateer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:396
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:398
msgid "Table heading"
msgstr "Tabelopskrif"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:397
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:399
msgctxt "STR_REPLACE"
msgid "Replace: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Vervang: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:398
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:400
msgid "Insert section"
msgstr "Voeg seksie in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:399
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:401
msgid "Delete section"
msgstr "Skrap afdeling"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:400
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:402
msgid "Modify section"
msgstr "Wysig afdeling"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:401
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:403
msgid "Modify default values"
msgstr "Wysig verstek waardes"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:402
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:404
msgid "Replace style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Vervang styl: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:403
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:405
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete page break"
msgstr "Skrap bladsybreuke"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:404
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:406
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text Correction"
msgstr "Teksrigting"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:405
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:407
msgctxt "STR_OUTLINE_LR"
msgid "Promote/demote outline"
msgstr "Lig/laat sak buitelyn"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:406
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:408
msgctxt "STR_OUTLINE_UD"
msgid "Move outline"
msgstr "Skuif buitelyn"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:407
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:409
msgctxt "STR_INSNUM"
msgid "Insert numbering"
msgstr "Voeg nommering in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:408
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:410
msgctxt "STR_NUMUP"
msgid "Promote level"
msgstr "Verhef vlak"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:409
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:411
msgctxt "STR_NUMDOWN"
msgid "Demote level"
msgstr "Verlaag vlak"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:410
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:412
msgctxt "STR_MOVENUM"
msgid "Move paragraphs"
msgstr "Skuif paragrawe"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:411
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:413
msgid "Insert drawing object: $1"
msgstr "Voeg tekenobjek in: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:412
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:414
msgid "Number On/Off"
msgstr "Nommer aan/af"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:413
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:415
msgid "Increase Indent"
msgstr "Vermeerder keep"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:414
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:416
msgid "Decrease indent"
msgstr "Verminder keep"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:415
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:417
msgid "Insert caption: $1"
msgstr "Voeg opskrif in: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:416
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:418
msgid "Restart numbering"
msgstr "Herbegin nommering"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:417
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:419
msgid "Modify footnote"
msgstr "Wysig voetnota"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:418
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:420
msgid "Accept change: $1"
msgstr "Aanvaar wysiging: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:419
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:421
msgid "Reject change: $1"
msgstr "Verwerp wysiging: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:420
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:422
msgid "Split Table"
msgstr "Verdeel tabel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:421
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:423
msgid "Stop attribute"
msgstr "Stop eienskap"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:422
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:424
#, fuzzy
msgid "AutoCorrect"
msgstr "Outokorrigeer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:423
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:425
msgid "Merge table"
msgstr "Voeg tabel saam"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:424
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:426
#, fuzzy
msgid "Change Case"
msgstr "~Verander kas"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:425
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:427
msgctxt "STR_DELNUM"
msgid "Delete numbering"
msgstr "Skrap nommering"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:426
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:428
msgctxt "STR_DRAWUNDO"
msgid "Drawing objects: $1"
msgstr "Tekenobjekte: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:427
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:429
msgid "Group draw objects"
msgstr "Groepeer tekenobjekte"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:428
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:430
msgid "Ungroup drawing objects"
msgstr "Degroepeer tekenobjekte"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:429
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:431
msgid "Delete drawing objects"
msgstr "Skrap tekenobjekte"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:430
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:432
msgctxt "STR_REREAD"
msgid "Replace Image"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:431
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:433
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_DELGRF"
msgid "Delete Image"
msgstr "Skrap raam"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:432
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:434
msgctxt "STR_TABLE_ATTR"
msgid "Apply table attributes"
msgstr "Pas tabeleienskappe toe"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:433
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:435
msgid "AutoFormat Table"
msgstr "Outoformateer tabel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:434
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:436
msgid "Insert Column"
msgstr "Voeg kolom in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:435
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:437
msgid "Insert Row"
msgstr "Voeg ry in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:436
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:438
msgid "Delete row/column"
msgstr "Skrap ry/kolom"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:437
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:439
msgid "Delete column"
msgstr "Skrap kolom"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:438
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:440
msgid "Delete row"
msgstr "Skrap ry"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:439
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:441
msgid "Split Cells"
msgstr "Verdeel selle"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:440
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:442
msgid "Merge Cells"
msgstr "Voeg selle saam"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:441
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:443
msgid "Format cell"
msgstr "Formateer sel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:442
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:444
msgctxt "STR_INSERT_TOX"
msgid "Insert index/table"
msgstr "Voeg indeks/tabel in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:443
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:445
msgid "Remove index/table"
msgstr "Verwyder indeks/tabel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:444
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:446
msgid "Copy table"
msgstr "Kopieer tabel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:445
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:447
msgid "Copy table"
msgstr "Kopieer tabel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:446
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:448
msgid "Set cursor"
msgstr "Stel wyser"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:447
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:449
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_CHAIN"
msgid "Link text frames"
msgstr "Koppel teksrame"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:448
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:450
msgid "Unlink text frames"
msgstr "Ontkoppel teksrame"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:449
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:451
msgid "Modify footnote options"
msgstr "Wysig voetnota-opsies"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:450
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:452
msgid "Compare Document"
msgstr "Vergelyk dokument"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:451
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:453
msgid "Apply frame style: $1"
msgstr "Pas raamstyl toe: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:452
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:454
msgid "Ruby Setting"
msgstr "Robyninstelling"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:453
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:455
msgid "Insert footnote"
msgstr "Voeg voetnoot in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:454
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:456
msgid "insert URL button"
msgstr "voeg URL-knoppie in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:455
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:457
msgid "Insert Hyperlink"
msgstr "Voeg hiperskakel in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:456
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:458
msgid "remove invisible content"
msgstr "verwyder onsigbare inhoud"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:457
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:459
msgid "Table/index changed"
msgstr "Tabel/indeks gewysig"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:458
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:460
msgid "“"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:459
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:461
msgctxt "STR_END_QUOTE"
msgid "”"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:460
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:462
msgctxt "STR_LDOTS"
msgid "..."
msgstr "..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:461
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:463
msgctxt "STR_MULTISEL"
msgid "multiple selection"
msgstr "veelvoudige seleksie"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:462
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:464
msgid "Typing: $1"
msgstr "Tik: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:463
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:465
msgid "Paste clipboard"
msgstr "Plak knipbord"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:464
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:466
msgctxt "STR_YIELDS"
msgid "→"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:465
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:467
msgid "occurrences of"
msgstr "voorkomste van"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:466
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:468
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_TABS"
msgid "$1 tab(s)"
msgstr "$1 keep(e)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:467
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:469
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_NLS"
msgid "$1 line break(s)"
msgstr "$1 reëlbreuk(e)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:468
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:470
msgid "page break"
msgstr "bladsybreuk"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:469
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:471
msgid "column break"
msgstr "kolombreuk"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:470
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:472
msgid "Insert $1"
msgstr "Voeg $1 in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:471
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:473
msgid "Delete $1"
msgstr "Skrap $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:472
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:474
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attributes changed"
msgstr "Attribute gewysig"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:473
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:475
#, fuzzy
msgid "Table changed"
msgstr "Tabelveranderinge"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:474
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:476
#, fuzzy
msgid "Style changed"
msgstr "Tabelveranderinge"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:475
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:477
msgid "Paragraph formatting changed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:476
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:478
msgid "Insert Row"
msgstr "Voeg ry in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:477
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:479
msgid "Delete Row"
msgstr "Skrap ry"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:478
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:480
msgid "Insert Cell"
msgstr "Voeg sel in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:479
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:481
msgid "Delete Cell"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:480
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:482
msgctxt "STR_N_REDLINES"
msgid "$1 changes"
msgstr "$1 wysigings"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:481
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:483
msgid "Change page style: $1"
msgstr "Wysig bladsy styl: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:482
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:484
msgid "Create page style: $1"
msgstr "Skep bladsystyl: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:483
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:485
msgid "Delete page style: $1"
msgstr "Skrap bladsystyl: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:484
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:486
msgid "Rename page style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Hernoem bladsystyl: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:485
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:487
msgid "Header/footer changed"
msgstr "Kopstuk/voetstuk verander"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:486
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:488
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_FIELD"
msgid "Field changed"
msgstr "Veldname verander"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:487
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:489
msgid "Create paragraph style: $1"
msgstr "Skep paragraafstyl: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:488
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:490
msgid "Delete paragraph style: $1"
msgstr "Skrap paragraafstyl: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:489
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:491
msgid "Rename paragraph style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Hernoem paragraafstyl: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:490
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:492
msgid "Create character style: $1"
msgstr "Skep karakterstyl: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:491
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:493
msgid "Delete character style: $1"
msgstr "Skrap karakterstyl: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:492
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:494
msgid "Rename character style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Hernoem karakterstyl: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:493
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:495
msgid "Create frame style: $1"
msgstr "Skep raamstyl: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:494
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:496
msgid "Delete frame style: $1"
msgstr "Skrap raamstyl: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:495
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:497
msgid "Rename frame style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Hernoem raamstyl: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:496
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:498
msgid "Create numbering style: $1"
msgstr "Skep nommerstyl: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:497
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:499
msgid "Delete numbering style: $1"
msgstr "Skrap nommerstyl: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:498
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:500
msgid "Rename numbering style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Hernoem nommerstyl: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:499
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:501
msgid "Rename bookmark: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Hernoem boekmerk: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:500
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:502
msgid "Insert index entry"
msgstr "Voeg indeksinskrywying in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:501
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:503
msgid "Delete index entry"
msgstr "Skrap indeksinskrywing"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:502
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:504
msgctxt "STR_FIELD"
msgid "field"
msgstr "veld"
#. undo: STR_PARAGRAPHS, string.text
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:504
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:506
msgid "Paragraphs"
msgstr "Paragrawe"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:505
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:507
msgctxt "STR_FRAME"
msgid "frame"
msgstr "raam"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:506
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:508
msgctxt "STR_OLE"
msgid "OLE-object"
msgstr "OLE-objek"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:507
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:509
msgid "formula"
msgstr "formule"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:508
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:510
msgctxt "STR_CHART"
msgid "chart"
msgstr "grafiek"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:509
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:511
msgctxt "STR_NOTE"
msgid "comment"
msgstr "opmerking"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:510
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:512
msgid "cross-reference"
msgstr "kruisverwysing"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:511
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:513
msgctxt "STR_SCRIPT"
msgid "script"
msgstr "skrip"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:512
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:514
msgid "bibliography entry"
msgstr "bibliografie-inskrywing"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:513
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:515
msgid "special character"
msgstr "spesiale karakter"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:514
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:516
msgctxt "STR_FOOTNOTE"
msgid "footnote"
msgstr "voetnoot"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:515
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:517
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_GRAPHIC"
msgid "image"
msgstr "Beeld"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:516
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:518
msgid "drawing object(s)"
msgstr "tekenobjek(te)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:517
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:519
msgctxt "STR_TABLE_NAME"
msgid "table: $1$2$3"
msgstr "tabel: $1$2$3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:518
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:520
msgid "paragraph"
msgstr "paragraaf"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:519
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:521
msgid "Paragraph sign"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:520
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:522
msgid "Change object title of $1"
msgstr "Verander objektitel van $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:521
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:523
msgid "Change object description of $1"
msgstr "Verander objekbeskrywing van $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:522
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:524
#, fuzzy
msgid "Create table style: $1"
msgstr "Skep bladsystyl: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:523
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:525
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete table style: $1"
msgstr "Skrap bladsystyl: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:524
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:526
#, fuzzy
msgid "Update table style: $1"
msgstr "Skep bladsystyl: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:525
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:527
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete table"
msgstr "Skrap bladsy"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:527
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:529
msgid "Document view"
msgstr "Dokumentaansig"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:528
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:530
msgid "Document view"
msgstr "Dokumentaansig"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:529
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:531
msgid "Header $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Kop $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:530
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:532
msgid "Header page $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Kopbladsy $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:531
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:533
msgid "Footer $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Voet $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:532
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:534
msgid "Footer page $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Voetbladsy $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:533
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:535
msgid "Footnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Voetnota $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:534
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:536
msgid "Footnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Voetnota $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:535
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:537
msgid "Endnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Eindnota $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:536
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:538
msgid "Endnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Eindnota $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:537
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:539
msgid "$(ARG1) on page $(ARG2)"
msgstr "$(ARG1) op bladsy $(ARG2)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:538
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:540
msgid "Page $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Bladsy $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:539
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:541
msgid "Page: $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Bladsy: $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:540
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:542
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Outeur"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:541
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:543
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:542
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:544
#, fuzzy
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Aksie"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:543
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:545
msgid "Activate this button to open a list of actions which can be performed on this comment and other comments"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:544
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:546
#, fuzzy
msgid "Document preview"
msgstr "Dokumentaansig"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:545
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:547
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Preview mode)"
msgstr "Voor~skoumodus"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:546
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:548
#, fuzzy
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Document"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME-dokumente"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:548
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:550
#, fuzzy
msgid "Read Error"
msgstr "Leesfout"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:549
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:551
msgid "Image cannot be displayed."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:550
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:552
msgid "Error reading from the clipboard."
msgstr "Fout tydens lees van die knipbord."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:552
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:554
msgid "Manual Column Break"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:554
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:556
msgid "Row %ROWNUMBER"
msgstr "Ry %ROWNUMBER"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:555
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:557
#, c-format
msgid "Column %COLUMNLETTER"
msgstr "Kolom %COLUMNLETTER"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:556
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:558
msgid "Character"
msgstr "Karakter"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:557
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:559
msgid "Paragraph"
msgstr "Paragraaf"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:558
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:560
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "Raam"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:559
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:561
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Bladsye"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:560
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:562
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "Nommering"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:561
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:563
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Tabel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:562
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:564
msgid "Cell"
msgstr "Sel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:564
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:566
msgid "Asian"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:565
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:567
msgctxt "ST_SCRIPT_CTL"
msgid "CTL"
msgstr "CTL"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:566
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:568
msgid "Western"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:567
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:569
#, fuzzy
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:568
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:570
#, fuzzy
msgid "Contents"
msgstr "Opmerkings"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:569
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:571
#, fuzzy
msgid "Page ba~ckground"
msgstr "Aantekeningeagtergrond"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:570
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:572
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:571
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:573
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hidden te~xt"
msgstr "Versteekde teks"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:572
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:574
#, fuzzy
msgid "~Text placeholders"
msgstr "Teks~plekhouer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:573
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:575
#, fuzzy
msgid "Form control~s"
msgstr "Vormkontroles"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:574
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:576
msgid "Color"
msgstr "Kleur"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:575
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:577
#, fuzzy
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:576
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:578
msgid "Pages"
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:577
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:579
#, fuzzy
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msgstr "Voer ~outomaties ingevoegde leë bladsye uit"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:578
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:580
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:579
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:581
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Druk"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:580
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:582
msgid "None (document only)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:581
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:583
#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments only"
msgstr "Net ~opmerkings"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:582
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:584
msgid "Place at end of document"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:583
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:585
msgid "Place at end of page"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:584
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:586
#, fuzzy
msgid "~Comments"
msgstr "~Opmerkings"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:585
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:587
msgid "Page sides"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:586
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:588
msgid "All pages"
msgstr "Alle bladsye"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:587
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:589
msgid "Back sides / left pages"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:588
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:590
msgid "Front sides / right pages"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:589
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:591
msgid "Include"
msgstr "Sluit in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:590
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:592
#, fuzzy
msgid "Broch~ure"
msgstr "Brosjures"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:591
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:593
msgid "Left-to-right script"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:592
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:594
msgid "Right-to-left script"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:593
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:595
msgid "Range and copies"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:594
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:596
#, fuzzy
msgid "~All pages"
msgstr "Alle bladsye"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:595
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:597
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pa~ges"
msgstr "Bladsye"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:596
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:598
msgid "~Selection"
msgstr "~Seleksie"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:597
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:599
msgid "Place in margins"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:599
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:601
msgid "Functions"
msgstr "Funksies"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:600
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:602
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Kanselleer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:601
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:603
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Pas toe"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:602
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:604
msgid "Formula Tool Bar"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:603
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:605
msgid "Formula Type"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:604
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:606
#, fuzzy
msgid "Formula Text"
msgstr "~Formulesel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:606
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:608
msgid "Global View"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:607
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:609
msgid "Content Navigation View"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:608
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:610
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outline Level"
msgstr "Skema: Vlak "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:609
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:611
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_DRAGMODE"
msgid "Drag Mode"
msgstr "Sleepmodus"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:610
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:612
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insert as Hyperlink"
msgstr "Voeg hiperskakel in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:611
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:613
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insert as Link"
msgstr "Voeg as skakel in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:612
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:614
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insert as Copy"
msgstr "Voeg as kopie in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:613
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:615
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_DISPLAY"
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msgstr "Vertoon"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:614
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:616
#, fuzzy
msgid "Active Window"
msgstr "Aktiewe venster"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:615
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:617
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_HIDDEN"
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "versteek"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:616
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:618
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_ACTIVE"
msgid "active"
msgstr "aktief"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:617
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:619
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_INACTIVE"
msgid "inactive"
msgstr "onaktief"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:618
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:620
msgctxt "STR_EDIT_ENTRY"
msgid "Edit..."
msgstr "Redigeer..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:619
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:621
msgctxt "STR_UPDATE"
msgid "~Update"
msgstr "~Bywerk"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:620
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:622
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Redigeer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:621
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:623
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_EDIT_LINK"
msgid "Edit link"
msgstr "Redigeer skakels"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:622
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:624
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Voeg in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:623
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:625
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_INDEX"
msgid "~Index"
msgstr "Indeks"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:624
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:626
msgctxt "STR_FILE"
msgid "File"
msgstr "Lêer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:625
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:627
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_NEW_FILE"
msgid "New Document"
msgstr "Per dokument"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:626
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:628
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Teks"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:627
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:629
msgctxt "STR_DELETE"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Skrap"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:628
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:630
msgid "~Delete"
msgstr "~Skrap"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:629
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:631
msgctxt "STR_UPDATE_SEL"
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "Seleksie"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:630
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:632
msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indekse"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:631
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:633
#, fuzzy
msgid "Links"
msgstr "Reël"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:632
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:634
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_UPDATE_ALL"
msgid "All"
msgstr "Almal"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:633
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:635
msgid "~Remove Index"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:634
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:636
#, fuzzy
msgid "~Unprotect"
msgstr "~Ontbeskerm"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:635
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:637
#, fuzzy
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "versteek"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:636
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:638
#, fuzzy
msgid "File not found: "
msgstr "Filter kan nie gevind word nie."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:637
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:639
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_RENAME"
msgid "~Rename"
msgstr "Hernoem"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:638
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:640
#, fuzzy
msgid "Read-~only"
msgstr "Leesalleen"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:639
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:641
msgid "Show All"
msgstr "Wys alles"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:640
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:642
msgid "Hide All"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:641
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:643
msgid "Delete All"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:643
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:645
msgid "Left: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:644
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:646
msgid ". Right: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:645
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:647
msgid "Inner: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:646
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:648
msgid ". Outer: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:647
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:649
msgid ". Top: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:648
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:650
msgid ". Bottom: "
msgstr ""
#. Error calculator
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:651
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:653
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Bladsy"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:652
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:654
msgid "Line"
msgstr "Reël"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:653
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:655
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Outeur"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:654
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:656
msgid "** Syntax Error **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:655
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:657
msgid "** Division by zero **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:656
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:658
msgctxt "STR_CALC_BRACK"
msgid "** Wrong use of brackets **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:657
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:659
msgctxt "STR_CALC_POW"
msgid "** Square function overflow **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:658
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:660
msgid "** Overflow **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:659
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:661
msgid "** Error **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:660
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:662
msgctxt "STR_CALC_ERROR"
msgid "** Expression is faulty **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:661
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:663
msgid "Error: Reference source not found"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:662
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:664
#, fuzzy
msgid "None"
msgstr "Nota"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:663
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:665
msgid "(fixed)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:664
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:666
msgid " Y: %1 M: %2 D: %3 H: %4 M: %5 S: %6"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:665
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:667
msgctxt "STR_TOI"
msgid "Alphabetical Index"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:666
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:668
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_TOU"
msgid "User-Defined"
msgstr "Gebruikergedefinieer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:667
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:669
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_TOC"
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr "Tabelinhoud"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:668
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:670
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_TOX_AUTH"
msgid "Bibliography"
msgstr "Bibliografie 1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:669
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:671
#, fuzzy
msgid "Citation"
msgstr "Aanhaling"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:670
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:672
msgctxt "STR_TOX_TBL"
msgid "Index of Tables"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:671
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:673
msgctxt "STR_TOX_OBJ"
msgid "Table of Objects"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:672
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:674
msgctxt "STR_TOX_ILL"
msgid "Table of Figures"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:673
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:675
#, c-format
msgid "%s-Click to follow link"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:674
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:676
msgctxt "STR_LINK_CLICK"
msgid "Click to follow link"
msgstr ""
#. SubType DocInfo
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:676
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:678
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:677
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:679
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Onderwerp"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:678
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:680
msgid "Keywords"
msgstr "Sleutelwoorde"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:679
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:681
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Opmerkings"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:680
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:682
#, fuzzy
msgid "Created"
msgstr "Geskep"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:681
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:683
msgid "Modified"
msgstr "Gewysig"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:682
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:684
msgid "Last printed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:683
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:685
msgid "Revision number"
msgstr "Hersiennommer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:684
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:686
msgid "Total editing time"
msgstr "Totale redigeertyd"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:685
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:687
msgid "Convert $(ARG1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:686
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:688
msgid "First convert $(ARG1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:687
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:689
msgid "Next convert $(ARG1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:688
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:690
msgid "Article"
msgstr "Artikel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:689
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:691
msgid "Book"
msgstr "Boek"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:690
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:692
msgid "Brochures"
msgstr "Brosjures"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:691
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:693
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr "Konferensieverrigtinge"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:692
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:694
msgid "Book excerpt"
msgstr "Boekuittreksel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:693
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:695
msgid "Book excerpt with title"
msgstr "Boekuittreksel met titel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:694
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:696
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr "Konferensieverrigtinge"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:695
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:697
msgid "Journal"
msgstr "Joernaal"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:696
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:698
msgid "Techn. documentation"
msgstr "Tegniese dokumentasie"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:697
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:699
msgid "Thesis"
msgstr "Tesis"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:698
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:700
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "Allerlei"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:699
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:701
msgid "Dissertation"
msgstr "Verhandeling"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:700
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:702
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr "Konferensieverrigtinge"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:701
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:703
msgid "Research report"
msgstr "Navorsingsverslag"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:702
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:704
msgid "Unpublished"
msgstr "Ongepubliseer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:703
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:705
msgid "E-mail"
msgstr "E-pos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:704
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:706
#, fuzzy
msgid "WWW document"
msgstr "Per dokument"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:705
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:707
msgid "User-defined1"
msgstr "Gebruiker-bepaalde1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:706
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:708
msgid "User-defined2"
msgstr "Gebruiker-bepaalde2"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:707
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:709
msgid "User-defined3"
msgstr "Gebruiker-bepaalde3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:708
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:710
msgid "User-defined4"
msgstr "Gebruiker-bepaalde4"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:709
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:711
msgid "User-defined5"
msgstr "Gebruiker-bepaalde5"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:710
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:712
msgid "Short name"
msgstr "Kort naam"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:711
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:713
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Soort"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:712
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:714
#, fuzzy
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Geadresseerde"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:713
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:715
#, fuzzy
msgid "Annotation"
msgstr "Ann~otering"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:714
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:716
#, fuzzy
msgid "Author(s)"
msgstr "Outeur(s)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:715
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:717
#, fuzzy
msgid "Book title"
msgstr "~Boektitel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:716
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:718
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr "Hoofstuk"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:717
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:719
#, fuzzy
msgid "Edition"
msgstr "Ui~tgawe"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:718
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:720
#, fuzzy
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Redakteur"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:719
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:721
#, fuzzy
msgid "Publication type"
msgstr "Soort ~publikasie"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:720
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:722
#, fuzzy
msgid "Institution"
msgstr "I~nstelling"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:721
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:723
msgid "Journal"
msgstr "Joernaal"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:722
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:724
msgid "Month"
msgstr "Maand"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:723
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:725
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Nota"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:724
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:726
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Nommer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:725
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Organization"
msgstr "Or~ganisasie"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:726
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:728
#, fuzzy
msgid "Page(s)"
msgstr "Blad~sy(e)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:727
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:729
msgid "Publisher"
msgstr "Uitgewer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:728
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:730
#, fuzzy
msgid "University"
msgstr "Universiteit"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:729
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:731
#, fuzzy
msgid "Series"
msgstr "Re~eks"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:730
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:732
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:731
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:733
#, fuzzy
msgid "Type of report"
msgstr "Soort ~verslag"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:732
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:734
msgid "Volume"
msgstr "Volume"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:733
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:735
msgid "Year"
msgstr "Jaar"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:734
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:736
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:735
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:737
msgid "User-defined1"
msgstr "Gebruiker-bepaalde1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:736
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:738
msgid "User-defined2"
msgstr "Gebruiker-bepaalde2"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:737
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:739
msgid "User-defined3"
msgstr "Gebruiker-bepaalde3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:738
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:740
msgid "User-defined4"
msgstr "Gebruiker-bepaalde4"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:739
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:741
msgid "User-defined5"
msgstr "Gebruiker-bepaalde5"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:740
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:742
#, fuzzy
msgid "ISBN"
msgstr "~ISBN"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:742
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:744
msgid "Edit Index Entry"
msgstr "Redigeer indeksinskrywing"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:743
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:745
msgid "Insert Index Entry"
msgstr "Voeg indeksinskrywying in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:744
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:746
#, fuzzy
msgid "The document already contains the bibliography entry but with different data. Do you want to adjust the existing entries?"
msgstr "Hierdie dokument bevat reeds die bibliografiese inskrywing maar bevat ander data. Wil u die bestaande inskrywings aanpas?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:746
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:748
#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Opmerking"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:747
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:749
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show comments"
msgstr "Wys opmerking"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:748
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:750
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hide comments"
msgstr "Versteek opmerking"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:750
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:752
msgid "Shortcut name already exists. Please choose another name."
msgstr "Kortpadnaam bestaan reeds. Kies asseblief 'n ander naam."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:751
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:753
msgid "Delete AutoText?"
msgstr "Skrap OutoTeks?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:752
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:754
msgid "Delete the category "
msgstr "Skrap die kategorie "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:753
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:755
msgid "?"
msgstr "?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:754
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:756
msgctxt "STR_GLOSSARY"
msgid "AutoText :"
msgstr "OutoTeks :"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:755
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:757
msgid "Save AutoText"
msgstr "Stoor OutoTeks"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:756
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:758
msgid "There is no AutoText in this file."
msgstr "Daar is geen OutoTeks in hierdie lêer nie."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:757
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:759
msgid "My AutoText"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:759
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:761
msgctxt "STR_NOGLOS"
msgid "AutoText for Shortcut '%1' not found."
msgstr "OutoTeks vir kortpad '%1' nie gevind nie."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:760
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:762
msgctxt "STR_NO_TABLE"
msgid "A table with no rows or no cells cannot be inserted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:761
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:763
msgid "The table cannot be inserted because it is too large"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:762
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:764
msgid "AutoText could not be created."
msgstr "OutoTeks kon nie geskep word nie."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:763
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:765
msgid "Requested clipboard format is not available."
msgstr "Verlangde knipbordformaat is nie beskikbaar nie."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:764
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:766
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:765
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:767
msgid "Image (%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Text Document)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:766
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:768
msgid "Object (%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Text Document)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:767
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:769
msgid "Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE link)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:769
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:771
msgid "All Comments"
msgstr "Alle opmerkings"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:770
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:772
msgid "All Comments"
msgstr "Alle opmerkings"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:771
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:773
msgid "Comments by "
msgstr "Opmerkings deur "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:772
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:774
msgctxt "STR_NODATE"
msgid "(no date)"
msgstr "(geen datum)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:773
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:775
msgctxt "STR_NOAUTHOR"
msgid "(no author)"
msgstr "(geen outeur)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:774
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:776
msgctxt "STR_REPLY"
msgid "Reply to $1"
msgstr "Antwoord aan $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:776
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:778
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_TITLE_EDIT"
msgid "Edit Address Block"
msgstr "Nuwe adresblok"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:777
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:779
msgctxt "ST_TITLE_MALE"
msgid "Custom Salutation (Male Recipients)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:778
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:780
msgid "Custom Salutation (Female Recipients)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:779
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:781
#, fuzzy
msgid "Salutation e~lements"
msgstr "Aanhefelemente"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:780
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:782
msgid "Add to salutation"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:781
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:783
msgid "Remove from salutation"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:782
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:784
msgid "1. ~Drag salutation elements into the box below"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:783
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:785
msgid "Salutation"
msgstr "Aanhef"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:784
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:786
msgid "Punctuation Mark"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:785
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:787
msgctxt "ST_TEXT"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Teks"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:786
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:788
#, fuzzy
msgid "Assign the fields from your data source to match the salutation elements."
msgstr "Wys die velde toe uit u databron wat pas by die adreselemente."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:787
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:789
msgid "Salutation preview"
msgstr "Aanhefvoorskou"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:788
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:790
msgid "Address elements"
msgstr "Adreselemente"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:789
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:791
msgid "Salutation elements"
msgstr "Aanhefelemente"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:790
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:792
msgctxt "ST_MATCHESTO"
msgid "Matches to field:"
msgstr "Pas by veld:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:791
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:793
msgctxt "ST_PREVIEW"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Voorskou"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:793
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:795
msgid " not yet matched "
msgstr " nog nie gepas nie "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:794
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:796
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_ALL"
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Alle lêers"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:795
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:797
msgid "Address lists(*.*)"
msgstr "Adreslyste (*.*)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:796
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:798
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXB"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Base (*.odb)"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME-basis (*.odb)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:797
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:799
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXC"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Calc (*.ods;*.sxc)"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Calc (*.ods;*.sxc)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:798
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:800
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXW"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer (*.odt;*.sxw)"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Calc (*.ods;*.sxc)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:799
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:801
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_DBF"
msgid "dBase (*.dbf)"
msgstr "dBase (*.dbf)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:800
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:802
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_XLS"
msgid "Microsoft Excel (*.xls;*.xlsx)"
msgstr "Microsoft Excel (*.xls)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:801
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:803
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_DOC"
msgid "Microsoft Word (*.doc;*.docx)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:802
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:804
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_TXT"
msgid "Plain text (*.txt)"
msgstr "Skoonteks (*.txt)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:803
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:805
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_CSV"
msgid "Text Comma Separated (*.csv)"
msgstr "Teks kommageskei (*.csv)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:804
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:806
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_MDB"
msgid "Microsoft Access (*.mdb;*.mde)"
msgstr "Microsoft Access (*.mdb)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:805
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:807
#, fuzzy
msgid "Microsoft Access 2007 (*.accdb,*.accde)"
msgstr "Microsoft Access 2007 (*.accdb)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:806
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:808
msgid ""
"In order to be able to send mail merge documents by e-mail, %PRODUCTNAME requires information about the e-mail account to be used.\n"
@@ -4386,84 +4396,84 @@ msgid ""
"Do you want to enter e-mail account information now?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:807
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:809
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Address List (.csv)"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME-adreslys (.csv)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:809
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:811
msgctxt "ST_STARTING"
msgid "Select starting document"
msgstr "Kies begindokument"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:810
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:812
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select document type"
msgstr "Kies die dokumenttipe"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:811
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:813
msgid "Insert address block"
msgstr "Voeg adresblok in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:812
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:814
msgid "Select address list"
msgstr "Kies 'n adreslys"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:813
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:815
msgid "Create salutation"
msgstr "Skep aanhef"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:814
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:816
msgctxt "ST_LAYOUT"
msgid "Adjust layout"
msgstr "Pas uitleg aan"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:815
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:817
msgctxt "ST_EXCLUDE"
msgid "Exclude recipient"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:816
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:818
msgctxt "ST_FINISH"
msgid "~Finish"
msgstr "~Klaar"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:817
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:819
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_MMWTITLE"
msgid "Mail Merge Wizard"
msgstr "Massapos-slimmerd"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:819
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:821
msgctxt "ST_NAME"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Naam"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:820
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:822
msgctxt "ST_TYPE"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Soort"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:821
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:823
msgctxt "ST_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Tabel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:822
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:824
msgctxt "ST_QUERY"
msgid "Query"
msgstr "Navraag"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:824
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:826
msgid "Continue checking at beginning of document?"
msgstr "Wil u weer vanaf die begin van dokument toets?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:825
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:827
msgid "The spellcheck is complete."
msgstr "Die speltoets is klaar."
@@ -4472,212 +4482,212 @@ msgstr "Die speltoets is klaar."
#. Description: strings for the types
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. range document
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:831
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:833
msgctxt "STR_DATEFLD"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:832
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:834
msgctxt "STR_TIMEFLD"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Tyd"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:833
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:835
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Lêernaam"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:834
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:836
msgid "Database Name"
msgstr "Databasis-naam"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:835
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:837
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr "Hoofstuk"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:836
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:838
msgid "Page numbers"
msgstr "Bladsynommers"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:837
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:839
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Statistieke"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:838
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:840
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Outeur"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:839
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:841
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "Sjablone"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:840
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:842
msgid "Sender"
msgstr "Afsender"
#. range functions
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:842
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:844
msgctxt "STR_SETFLD"
msgid "Set variable"
msgstr "Stel veranderlike"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:843
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:845
msgctxt "STR_GETFLD"
msgid "Show variable"
msgstr "Vertoon veranderlike"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:844
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:846
msgid "Insert Formula"
msgstr "Voeg formule in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:845
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:847
msgctxt "STR_INPUTFLD"
msgid "Input field"
msgstr "Toevoerveld"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:846
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:848
msgid "Input field (variable)"
msgstr "Toevoerveld (veranderlike)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:847
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:849
msgid "Input field (user)"
msgstr "Toevoerveld (gebruiker)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:848
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:850
msgid "Conditional text"
msgstr "Voorwaardelike teks"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:849
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:851
msgctxt "STR_DDEFLD"
msgid "DDE field"
msgstr "DDE-veld"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:850
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:852
msgctxt "STR_MACROFLD"
msgid "Execute macro"
msgstr "Voer makro uit"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:851
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:853
msgctxt "STR_SEQFLD"
msgid "Number range"
msgstr "Getalomvang"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:852
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:854
msgid "Set page variable"
msgstr "Stel bladsyveranderlike"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:853
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:855
msgid "Show page variable"
msgstr "Vertoon bladsyveranderlike"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:854
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:856
msgid "Load URL"
msgstr "Laai URL"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:855
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:857
msgid "Placeholder"
msgstr "Plekhouer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:856
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:858
msgid "Combine characters"
msgstr "Kombineer karakters"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:857
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:859
msgctxt "STR_DROPDOWN"
msgid "Input list"
msgstr "Toevoerlys"
#. range references
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:859
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:861
msgid "Set Reference"
msgstr "Stel verwysing"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:860
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:862
msgid "Insert Reference"
msgstr "Voeg verwysing in"
#. range database
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:862
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:864
msgctxt "STR_DBFLD"
msgid "Mail merge fields"
msgstr "Massapos-velde"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:863
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:865
msgid "Next record"
msgstr "Volgende rekord"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:864
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:866
msgid "Any record"
msgstr "Enige rekord"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:865
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:867
msgid "Record number"
msgstr "Rekordnommer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:866
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:868
msgid "Previous page"
msgstr "Vorige bladsy"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:867
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:869
msgid "Next page"
msgstr "Volgende bladsy"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:868
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:870
msgid "Hidden text"
msgstr "Versteekde teks"
#. range user fields
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:870
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:872
msgctxt "STR_USERFLD"
msgid "User Field"
msgstr "Gebruikerveld"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:871
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:873
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Nota"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:872
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:874
msgid "Script"
msgstr "Skrip"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:873
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:875
msgid "Bibliography entry"
msgstr "Bibliografie-inskrywing"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:874
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:876
msgid "Hidden Paragraph"
msgstr "Versteekde paragraaf"
#. range DocumentInfo
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:876
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:878
msgid "DocInformation"
msgstr "DokInligting"
@@ -4685,74 +4695,74 @@ msgstr "DokInligting"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: SubCmd-Strings
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:880
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:882
msgctxt "FLD_DATE_STD"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:881
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:883
msgctxt "FLD_DATE_FIX"
msgid "Date (fixed)"
msgstr "Datum (vaste)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:882
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:884
msgctxt "FLD_TIME_STD"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Tyd"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:883
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:885
msgctxt "FLD_TIME_FIX"
msgid "Time (fixed)"
msgstr "Tyd (vaste)"
#. SubCmd Statistic
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:885
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:887
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_TABLE"
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabelle"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:886
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:888
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_CHAR"
msgid "Characters"
msgstr "Karakters"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:887
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:889
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_WORD"
msgid "Words"
msgstr "Woorde"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:888
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:890
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_PARA"
msgid "Paragraphs"
msgstr "Paragrawe"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:889
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:891
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_GRF"
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Beeld"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:890
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:892
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_OBJ"
msgid "Objects"
msgstr "Objekte"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:891
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:893
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_PAGE"
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Bladsye"
#. SubCmd DDETypes
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:893
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:895
msgctxt "FMT_DDE_HOT"
msgid "DDE automatic"
msgstr "Outomatiese DDE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:894
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:896
msgctxt "FMT_DDE_NORMAL"
msgid "DDE manual"
msgstr "Handmatige DDE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:895
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:897
msgctxt "FLD_INPUT_TEXT"
msgid "[Text]"
msgstr ""
@@ -4760,87 +4770,87 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: SubType Extuser
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:900
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:902
msgctxt "FLD_EU_FIRMA"
msgid "Company"
msgstr "Maatskappy"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:901
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:903
msgctxt "FLD_EU_VORNAME"
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "Voornaam"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:902
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:904
msgctxt "FLD_EU_NAME"
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr "Van"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:903
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:905
msgctxt "FLD_EU_ABK"
msgid "Initials"
msgstr "Voorletters"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:904
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:906
msgctxt "FLD_EU_STRASSE"
msgid "Street"
msgstr "Straat"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:905
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:907
msgctxt "FLD_EU_LAND"
msgid "Country"
msgstr "Land"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:906
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:908
msgctxt "FLD_EU_PLZ"
msgid "Zip code"
msgstr "Poskode"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:907
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:909
msgctxt "FLD_EU_ORT"
msgid "City"
msgstr "Stad"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:908
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:910
msgctxt "FLD_EU_TITEL"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:909
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:911
msgctxt "FLD_EU_POS"
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Posisie"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:910
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:912
msgctxt "FLD_EU_TELPRIV"
msgid "Tel. (Home)"
msgstr "Foon (Huis)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:911
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:913
msgid "Tel. (Work)"
msgstr "Foon (Werk)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:912
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:914
msgctxt "FLD_EU_FAX"
msgid "FAX"
msgstr "FAKS"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:913
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:915
msgctxt "FLD_EU_EMAIL"
msgid "E-mail"
msgstr "E-pos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:914
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:916
msgctxt "FLD_EU_STATE"
msgid "State"
msgstr "Provinsie"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:915
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:917
msgid "off"
msgstr "af"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:916
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:918
msgctxt "FLD_PAGEREF_ON"
msgid "on"
msgstr "aan"
@@ -4849,32 +4859,32 @@ msgstr "aan"
#. Description: path name
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Format FileName
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:921
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:923
msgctxt "FMT_FF_NAME"
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Lêernaam"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:922
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:924
msgid "File name without extension"
msgstr "Lêernaam sonder uitbreiding"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:923
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:925
msgid "Path/File name"
msgstr "Pad/lêernaam"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:924
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:926
msgctxt "FMT_FF_PATH"
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Pad"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:925
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:927
msgctxt "FMT_FF_UI_NAME"
msgid "Style"
msgstr "Styl"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:926
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:928
msgctxt "FMT_FF_UI_RANGE"
msgid "Category"
msgstr "Kategorie"
@@ -4882,22 +4892,22 @@ msgstr "Kategorie"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: format chapter
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:930
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:932
msgid "Chapter name"
msgstr "Naam van hoofstuk"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:931
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:933
msgctxt "FMT_CHAPTER_NO"
msgid "Chapter number"
msgstr "Hoofstuknommer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:932
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:934
msgid "Chapter number without separator"
msgstr "Hoofstuknommer sonder skeisimbool"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:933
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:935
msgid "Chapter number and name"
msgstr "Hoofstuknommer en -naam"
@@ -4905,47 +4915,47 @@ msgstr "Hoofstuknommer en -naam"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: formats
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:937
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:939
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ABC"
msgid "A B C"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:938
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:940
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SABC"
msgid "a b c"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:939
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:941
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ABC_N"
msgid "A .. AA .. AAA"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:940
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:942
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SABC_N"
msgid "a .. aa .. aaa"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:941
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:943
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ROMAN"
msgid "Roman (I II III)"
msgstr "Romeinse syfers (I II III)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:942
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:944
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SROMAN"
msgid "Roman (i ii iii)"
msgstr "Romeinse syfers (i ii iii)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:943
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:945
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ARABIC"
msgid "Arabic (1 2 3)"
msgstr "Arabiese syfers (1 2 3)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:944
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:946
msgid "As Page Style"
msgstr "As bladsystyl"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:945
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:947
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Teks"
@@ -4953,12 +4963,12 @@ msgstr "Teks"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Author
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:949
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:951
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Naam"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:950
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:952
msgid "Initials"
msgstr "Voorletters"
@@ -4966,42 +4976,42 @@ msgstr "Voorletters"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: set variable
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:954
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:956
msgctxt "FMT_SETVAR_SYS"
msgid "System"
msgstr "Stelsel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:955
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:957
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Teks"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:956
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:958
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Naam"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:957
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:959
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Teks"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:958
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:960
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "Formule"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:959
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:961
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Teks"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:960
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:962
msgctxt "FMT_DBFLD_DB"
msgid "Database"
msgstr "Databasis"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:961
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:963
msgctxt "FMT_DBFLD_SYS"
msgid "System"
msgstr "Stelsel"
@@ -5009,17 +5019,17 @@ msgstr "Stelsel"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: storage fields
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:965
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:967
msgctxt "FMT_REG_AUTHOR"
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Outeur"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:966
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:968
msgctxt "FMT_REG_TIME"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Tyd"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:967
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:969
msgctxt "FMT_REG_DATE"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
@@ -5027,67 +5037,67 @@ msgstr "Datum"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: formats references
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:971
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:973
msgctxt "FMT_REF_TEXT"
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "Verwysing"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:972
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:974
msgctxt "FMT_REF_PAGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Bladsy"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:973
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:975
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr "Hoofstuk"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:974
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:976
msgctxt "FMT_REF_UPDOWN"
msgid "Above/Below"
msgstr "Bo/Onder"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:975
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:977
msgid "As Page Style"
msgstr "As bladsystyl"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:976
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:978
msgid "Category and Number"
msgstr "Kategorie en nommer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:977
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:979
msgid "Caption Text"
msgstr "Byskrifteks"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:978
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:980
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "Nommering"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:979
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:981
msgctxt "FMT_REF_NUMBER"
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Nommer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:980
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:982
msgid "Number (no context)"
msgstr "Nommer (geen konteks)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:981
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:983
msgid "Number (full context)"
msgstr "Nommer (volledige konteks)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:983
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:985
msgid "Article a/az + "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:984
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:986
msgid "Article A/Az + "
msgstr ""
@@ -5095,27 +5105,27 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: placeholder
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:988
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:990
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_TEXT"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Teks"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:989
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:991
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Tabel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:990
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:992
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_FRAME"
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "Raam"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:991
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:993
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Beeld"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:992
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:994
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_OLE"
msgid "Object"
msgstr "Objek"
@@ -5123,1291 +5133,1291 @@ msgstr "Objek"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: ExchangeStrings for Edit/NameFT
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:996
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:998
msgctxt "STR_COND"
msgid "~Condition"
msgstr "~Voorwaarde"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:997
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:999
msgctxt "STR_TEXT"
msgid "Then, Else"
msgstr "Dan, Anders"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:998
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1000
msgctxt "STR_DDE_CMD"
msgid "DDE Statement"
msgstr "DDE-verklaring"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:999
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1001
msgctxt "STR_INSTEXT"
msgid "Hidden t~ext"
msgstr "Versteekde t~eks"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1000
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1002
msgctxt "STR_MACNAME"
msgid "~Macro name"
msgstr "~Makronaam"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1001
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1003
msgctxt "STR_PROMPT"
msgid "~Reference"
msgstr "~Verwysing"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1002
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1004
msgid "Ch~aracters"
msgstr "K~arakters"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1003
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1005
msgctxt "STR_OFFSET"
msgid "O~ffset"
msgstr "S~kikking"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1004
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1006
msgctxt "STR_VALUE"
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Waarde"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1005
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1007
msgctxt "STR_FORMULA"
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "Formule"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1006
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1008
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Doelgemaak"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1008
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1010
msgid "[User]"
msgstr "[Gebruiker]"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1010
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1012
msgctxt "STR_HDIST"
msgid "H. Pitch"
msgstr "H. Hoogte"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1011
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1013
msgctxt "STR_VDIST"
msgid "V. Pitch"
msgstr "V. Hoogte"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1012
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1014
msgctxt "STR_WIDTH"
msgid "Width"
msgstr "Wydte"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1013
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1015
msgctxt "STR_HEIGHT"
msgid "Height"
msgstr "Hoogte"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1014
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1016
msgctxt "STR_LEFT"
msgid "Left margin"
msgstr "Linkerkantlyn"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1015
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1017
msgctxt "STR_UPPER"
msgid "Top margin"
msgstr "Bokantlyn"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1016
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1018
msgctxt "STR_COLS"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Kolomme"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1017
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1019
msgctxt "STR_ROWS"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "Rye"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1019
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1021
msgid "The following service is not available: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1021
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1023
msgid "Word and character count. Click to open Word Count dialog."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1022
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1024
msgid "Single-page view"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1023
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1025
msgid "Multiple-page view"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1024
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1026
#, fuzzy
msgid "Book view"
msgstr "Boekvoorskou"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1025
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1027
msgid "Page number in document. Click to open Go to Page dialog or right-click for bookmark list."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1026
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1028
msgid "Page number in document (Page number on printed document). Click to open Go to Page dialog."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1027
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1029
msgid "Page Style. Right-click to change style or click to open Style dialog."
msgstr ""
#. Strings for textual attributes.
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1030
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1032
msgctxt "STR_DROP_OVER"
msgid "Drop Caps over"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1031
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1033
msgctxt "STR_DROP_LINES"
msgid "rows"
msgstr "rye"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1032
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1034
#, fuzzy
msgid "No Drop Caps"
msgstr "Vallende hoofletters"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1033
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1035
#, fuzzy
msgid "No page break"
msgstr "bladsybreuk"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1034
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1036
msgctxt "STR_NO_MIRROR"
msgid "Don't mirror"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1035
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1037
#, fuzzy
msgid "Flip vertically"
msgstr "Draai vertikaal"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1036
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1038
#, fuzzy
msgid "Flip horizontal"
msgstr "Keer %1 horisontaal om"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1037
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1039
msgid "Horizontal and Vertical Flip"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1038
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1040
msgid "+ mirror horizontal on even pages"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1039
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1041
msgctxt "STR_CHARFMT"
msgid "Character Style"
msgstr "Karakterstyl"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1040
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1042
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_NO_CHARFMT"
msgid "No Character Style"
msgstr "Karakterstyl"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1041
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1043
msgctxt "STR_FOOTER"
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "Voet"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1042
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1044
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_NO_FOOTER"
msgid "No footer"
msgstr "Na voet"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1043
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1045
msgctxt "STR_HEADER"
msgid "Header"
msgstr "Kop"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1044
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1046
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_NO_HEADER"
msgid "No header"
msgstr "Na kop"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1045
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1047
msgid "Optimal wrap"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1046
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1048
#, fuzzy
msgid "No wrap"
msgstr "~Geen omvou"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1047
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1049
msgid "Through"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1048
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1050
#, fuzzy
msgid "Parallel wrap"
msgstr "Parallelogram"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1049
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1051
msgid "Left wrap"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1050
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1052
msgid "Right wrap"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1051
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1053
msgid "(Anchor only)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1052
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1054
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FRM_WIDTH"
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "Wydte"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1053
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1055
msgid "Fixed height:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1054
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1056
msgid "Min. height:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1055
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1057
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AT_PARA"
msgid "to paragraph"
msgstr "paragraaf"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1056
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1058
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AS_CHAR"
msgid "to character"
msgstr "Na karakter"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1057
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1059
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AT_PAGE"
msgid "to page"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1058
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1060
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msgid "X Coordinate:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1059
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1061
msgctxt "STR_POS_Y"
msgid "Y Coordinate:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1060
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1062
msgctxt "STR_VERT_TOP"
msgid "at top"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1061
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1063
msgid "Centered vertically"
msgstr "Vertikaal gesentreer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1062
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1064
#, fuzzy
msgid "at bottom"
msgstr "Na onder"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1063
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1065
msgctxt "STR_LINE_TOP"
msgid "Top of line"
msgstr "Bokant van lyn"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1064
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1066
#, fuzzy
msgid "Line centered"
msgstr "Links gesentreer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1065
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1067
msgid "Bottom of line"
msgstr "Onderkant van lyn"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1066
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1068
msgid "Register-true"
msgstr "Register-getrou"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1067
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1069
msgid "Not register-true"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1068
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1070
msgctxt "STR_HORI_RIGHT"
msgid "at the right"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1069
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1071
msgid "Centered horizontally"
msgstr "Horisontaal gesentreer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1070
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1072
msgctxt "STR_HORI_LEFT"
msgid "at the left"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1071
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1073
#, fuzzy
msgid "inside"
msgstr "Binne"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1072
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1074
#, fuzzy
msgid "outside"
msgstr "Buite"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1073
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1075
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_HORI_FULL"
msgid "Full width"
msgstr "Volle breedte"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1074
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1076
msgctxt "STR_COLUMNS"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Kolomme"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1075
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1077
msgctxt "STR_LINE_WIDTH"
msgid "Separator Width:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1076
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1078
msgid "Max. footnote area:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1077
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1079
msgid "Editable in read-only document"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1078
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1080
msgid "Split"
msgstr "Verdeel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1079
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1081
msgctxt "STR_NUMRULE_ON"
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "Nommering"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1080
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1082
#, fuzzy
msgid "no numbering"
msgstr "~Vertoon nommering"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1081
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1083
msgctxt "STR_CONNECT1"
msgid "linked to "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1082
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1084
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_CONNECT2"
msgid "and "
msgstr "en"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1083
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1085
msgid "Count lines"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1084
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1086
msgid "don't count lines"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1085
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1087
msgid "restart line count with: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1086
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1088
#, fuzzy
msgid "Brightness: "
msgstr "Helderheid"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1087
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1089
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_CHANNELR"
msgid "Red: "
msgstr "Herdoen "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1088
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1090
msgctxt "STR_CHANNELG"
msgid "Green: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1089
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1091
msgctxt "STR_CHANNELB"
msgid "Blue: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1090
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1092
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_CONTRAST"
msgid "Contrast: "
msgstr "Kontras"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1091
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1093
msgctxt "STR_GAMMA"
msgid "Gamma: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1092
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1094
#, fuzzy
msgid "Transparency: "
msgstr "Deursigtigheid"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1093
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1095
msgctxt "STR_INVERT"
msgid "Invert"
msgstr "Negatief"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1094
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1096
msgctxt "STR_INVERT_NOT"
msgid "do not invert"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1095
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1097
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_DRAWMODE"
msgid "Graphics mode: "
msgstr "Grafikamodus"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1096
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1098
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Standaard"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1097
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1099
#, fuzzy
msgid "Grayscales"
msgstr "Grysskaal"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1098
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1100
#, fuzzy
msgid "Black & White"
msgstr "Swart-en-wit"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1099
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1101
msgid "Watermark"
msgstr "Watermerk"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1100
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1102
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_ROTATION"
msgid "Rotation"
msgstr "Aanhaling"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1101
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1103
msgctxt "STR_GRID_NONE"
msgid "No grid"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1102
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1104
msgid "Grid (lines only)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1103
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1105
msgid "Grid (lines and characters)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1104
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1106
msgid "Follow text flow"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1105
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1107
msgid "Do not follow text flow"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1106
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1108
msgid "Merge borders"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1107
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1109
msgid "Do not merge borders"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1109
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1111
msgctxt "ST_TBL"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Tabel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1110
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1112
msgctxt "ST_FRM"
msgid "Text Frame"
msgstr "Teksraam"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1111
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1113
msgctxt "ST_PGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Bladsy"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1112
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1114
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msgid "Drawing"
msgstr "Tekening"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1113
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1115
msgctxt "ST_CTRL"
msgid "Control"
msgstr "Beheer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1114
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1116
msgctxt "ST_REG"
msgid "Section"
msgstr "Seksie"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1115
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1117
msgctxt "ST_BKM"
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr "Boekmerk"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1116
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1118
msgctxt "ST_GRF"
msgid "Graphics"
msgstr "Grafika"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1117
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1119
msgctxt "ST_OLE"
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "OLE-objek"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1118
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1120
msgctxt "ST_OUTL"
msgid "Headings"
msgstr "Opskrifte"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1119
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1121
msgctxt "ST_SEL"
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "Seleksie"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1120
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1122
msgctxt "ST_FTN"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr "Voetnoot"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1121
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1123
msgctxt "ST_MARK"
msgid "Reminder"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1122
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1124
msgctxt "ST_POSTIT"
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Opmerking"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1123
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1125
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_SRCH_REP"
msgid "Repeat search"
msgstr "Herhaal soektog"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1124
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1126
msgctxt "ST_INDEX_ENTRY"
msgid "Index entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1125
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1127
msgid "Table formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1126
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1128
msgid "Wrong table formula"
msgstr ""
#. Strings for the quickhelp of the View-PgUp/Down-Buttons
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1128
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1130
msgid "Next table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1129
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1131
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next text frame"
msgstr "Voeg teksraam in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1130
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1132
msgid "Next page"
msgstr "Volgende bladsy"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1131
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1133
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next drawing"
msgstr "~Geen opskrif"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1132
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1134
msgid "Next control"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1133
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1135
msgid "Next section"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1134
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1136
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next bookmark"
msgstr "Na volgende boekmerk"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1135
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1137
msgid "Next graphic"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1136
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1138
msgid "Next OLE object"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1137
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1139
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next heading"
msgstr "~Geen opskrif"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1138
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1140
msgid "Next selection"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1139
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1141
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next footnote"
msgstr "Na volgende voetnota"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1140
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1142
msgid "Next Reminder"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1141
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1143
msgid "Next Comment"
msgstr "Volgende opmerking"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1142
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1144
msgid "Continue search forward"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1143
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1145
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next index entry"
msgstr "Voeg indeksinskrywying in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1144
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1146
#, fuzzy
msgid "Previous table"
msgstr "Vorige bladsy"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1145
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1147
msgid "Previous text frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1146
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1148
msgid "Previous page"
msgstr "Vorige bladsy"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1147
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1149
msgid "Previous drawing"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1148
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1150
msgid "Previous control"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1149
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1151
#, fuzzy
msgid "Previous section"
msgstr "Na vorige afdeling"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1150
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1152
#, fuzzy
msgid "Previous bookmark"
msgstr "Na vorige boekmerk"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1151
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1153
msgid "Previous graphic"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1152
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1154
msgid "Previous OLE object"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1153
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1155
msgid "Previous heading"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1154
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1156
msgid "Previous selection"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1155
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1157
#, fuzzy
msgid "Previous footnote"
msgstr "Na vorige voetnota"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1156
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1158
msgid "Previous Reminder"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1157
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1159
msgid "Previous Comment"
msgstr "Vorige opmerking"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1158
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1160
msgid "Continue search backwards"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1159
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1161
msgid "Previous index entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1160
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1162
#, fuzzy
msgid "Previous table formula"
msgstr "Gaan na vorige tabelformule"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1161
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1163
msgid "Next table formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1162
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1164
#, fuzzy
msgid "Previous faulty table formula"
msgstr "Gaan na vorige foutiewe tabelformule"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1163
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1165
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next faulty table formula"
msgstr "Gaan na volgende foutiewe tabelformule"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1165
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1167
#, fuzzy
msgid "Inserted"
msgstr "Voeg in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1166
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1168
#, fuzzy
msgid "Deleted"
msgstr "Skrap"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1167
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1169
msgid "Formatted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1168
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1170
#, fuzzy
msgid "Table changed"
msgstr "Tabelveranderinge"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1169
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1171
msgid "Applied Paragraph Styles"
msgstr "Toegepaste paragraafstyle"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1170
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1172
msgid "Paragraph formatting changed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1171
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1173
msgid "Row Inserted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1172
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1174
msgid "Row Deleted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1173
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1175
msgid "Cell Inserted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1174
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1176
msgid "Cell Deleted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1175
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1177
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_ENDNOTE"
msgid "Endnote: "
msgstr "Eindnoot"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1176
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1178
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FTNNOTE"
msgid "Footnote: "
msgstr "Voetnoot"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1177
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1179
#, c-format
msgid "%s-click to open Smart Tag menu"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1178
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1180
msgid "Header (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1179
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1181
msgid "First Page Header (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1180
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1182
msgid "Left Page Header (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1181
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1183
msgid "Right Page Header (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1182
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1184
msgid "Footer (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1183
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1185
msgid "First Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1184
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1186
msgid "Left Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1185
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1187
msgid "Right Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1186
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1188
msgid "Delete Header..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1187
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1189
#, fuzzy
msgid "Format Header..."
msgstr "Formateer ~bladsy..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1188
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1190
msgid "Delete Footer..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1189
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1191
#, fuzzy
msgid "Format Footer..."
msgstr "Formateer vloer..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1191
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1193
#, fuzzy
msgid "Image file cannot be opened"
msgstr "Hierdie lêer kan nie oopgemaak word nie"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1192
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1194
msgid "Image file cannot be read"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1193
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1195
msgid "Unknown image format"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1194
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1196
msgid "This image file version is not supported"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1195
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1197
msgid "Image filter not found"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1196
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1198
msgid "Not enough memory to insert the image."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1197
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1199
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insert Image"
msgstr "Voeg raam in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1198
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1200
msgid "Comment: "
msgstr "Opmerking: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1199
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1201
msgid "Insertion"
msgstr "Invoeging"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1200
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1202
msgid "Deletion"
msgstr "Skrapping"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1201
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1203
msgid "AutoCorrect"
msgstr "OutoKorrigeer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1202
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1204
msgid "Formats"
msgstr "Formate"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1203
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1205
msgid "Table Changes"
msgstr "Tabelveranderinge"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1204
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1206
msgid "Applied Paragraph Styles"
msgstr "Toegepaste paragraafstyle"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1205
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1207
msgctxt "STR_PAGE"
msgid "Page "
msgstr "Bladsy "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1206
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1208
msgctxt "STR_PAGE_COUNT"
msgid "Page %1 of %2"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1207
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1209
msgid "Page %1 of %2 (Page %3)"
msgstr ""
#. Strings for gallery/background
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1209
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1211
msgid "Paragraph"
msgstr "Paragraaf"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1210
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1212
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Beeld"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1211
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1213
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_OLE"
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "OLE-objek"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1212
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1214
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_FRAME"
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "Raam"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1213
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1215
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Tabel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1214
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1216
msgid "Table row"
msgstr "Tabelry"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1215
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1217
msgid "Table cell"
msgstr "Tabelsel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1216
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1218
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_PAGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Bladsy"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1217
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1219
msgid "Header"
msgstr "Kop"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1218
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1220
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "Voet"
#. End: strings for gallery/background
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1221
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1223
msgid "HTML"
msgstr "HTML"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1222
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1224
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1224
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1226
msgctxt "STR_TITLE"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1225
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1227
msgctxt "STR_ALPHA"
msgid "Separator"
msgstr "Skeier"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1226
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1228
msgctxt "STR_LEVEL"
msgid "Level "
msgstr "Vlak "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1227
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1229
msgid "The file, \"%1\" in the \"%2\" path could not be found."
msgstr "Die lêer \"%1\" in die \"%2\" pad kon nie gevind word nie."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1228
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1230
#, fuzzy
msgid "User-Defined Index"
msgstr "Nuwe gebruiker-bepaalde indeks"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1229
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1231
#, fuzzy
msgid "<None>"
msgstr "<geen>"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1230
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1232
#, fuzzy
msgid "<None>"
msgstr "<geen>"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1231
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1233
msgctxt "STR_DELIM"
msgid "S"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1232
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1234
msgid "E#"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1233
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1235
msgid "E"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1234
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1236
msgid "T"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1235
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1237
msgid "#"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1236
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1238
msgid "CI"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1237
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1239
msgid "LS"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1238
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1240
msgid "LE"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1239
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1241
msgid "A"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1240
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1242
msgid "Chapter number"
msgstr "Hoofstuknommer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1241
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1243
#, fuzzy
msgid "Entry"
msgstr "Inskrywing"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1242
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1244
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab stop"
msgstr "Keepstoppe"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1243
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1245
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Teks"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1244
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1246
#, fuzzy
msgid "Page number"
msgstr "Bladsynommers"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1245
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1247
msgid "Chapter info"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1246
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1248
msgid "Hyperlink start"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1247
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1249
msgid "Hyperlink end"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1248
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1250
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bibliography entry: "
msgstr "Bibliografie-inskrywing"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1249
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1251
#, fuzzy
msgid "Character Style: "
msgstr "Karakterstyl"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1250
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1252
msgid "Structure text"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1251
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1253
msgid "Press Ctrl+Alt+A to move focus for more operations"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1252
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1254
msgid "Press left or right arrow to choose the structure controls"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1253
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1255
msgid "Press Ctrl+Alt+B to move focus back to the current structure control"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1254
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1256
msgid "Selection file for the alphabetical index (*.sdi)"
msgstr ""
@@ -6415,245 +6425,245 @@ msgstr ""
#. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: character alignment for frmsh.cxx - context menu
#. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1259
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1261
msgid "Base line at ~top"
msgstr "Basislyn ~bo"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1260
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1262
msgid "~Base line at bottom"
msgstr "~Basislyn onder"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1261
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1263
msgid "Base line ~centered"
msgstr "~Gesentreerde Basislyne"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1262
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1264
msgid "Insert object"
msgstr "Voeg objek in"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1263
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1265
msgid "Edit object"
msgstr "Redigeer objek"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1264
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1266
msgid " (Template: "
msgstr " (Sjabloon: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1265
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1267
msgid "Borders"
msgstr "Grense"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1266
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1268
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Agtergrond"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1268
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1270
msgid "(Paragraph Style: "
msgstr "(Paragraafstyl: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1269
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1271
msgid "Page numbers cannot be applied to the current page. Even numbers can be used on left pages, odd numbers on right pages."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1271
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1273
msgid "Master Document"
msgstr "Meesterdokument"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1272
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1274
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION-meesterdokument"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1274
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1276
msgid "A file connection will delete the contents of the current section. Connect anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1275
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1277
msgid "The password entered is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1276
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1278
msgid "The password has not been set."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1278
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1280
msgctxt "STR_HYP_OK"
msgid "Hyphenation completed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1279
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1281
msgid "None (Do not check spelling)"
msgstr "Geen (moenie spelling kontroleer nie)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1280
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1282
msgid "Reset to Default Language"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1281
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1283
msgid "More..."
msgstr "Meer..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1282
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1284
msgid "~Ignore"
msgstr "~Ignoreer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1283
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1285
msgid "Explanations..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1285
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1287
msgid "Check special regions is deactivated. Check anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1286
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1288
msgid "Could not merge documents."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1287
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1289
msgid "The source cannot be loaded."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1288
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1290
msgctxt "STR_ERR_NO_FAX"
msgid "No fax printer has been set under Tools/Options/%1/Print."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1289
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1291
msgid "HTML document"
msgstr "HTML-dokument"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1290
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1292
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text document"
msgstr "Per dokument"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1291
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1293
msgid "Source not specified."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1292
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1294
msgctxt "STR_NUM_LEVEL"
msgid "Level "
msgstr "Vlak "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1293
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1295
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outline "
msgstr "Skema"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1294
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1296
msgid "Edit Footnote/Endnote"
msgstr "Redigeer voetnoot/eindnoot"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1295
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1297
#, fuzzy
msgid "Search key replaced XX times."
msgstr "Soeksleutel is XX maal vervang"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1296
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1298
#, fuzzy
msgid "Row "
msgstr "Rye"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1297
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1299
#, fuzzy
msgid "Column "
msgstr "Kolo~m"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1298
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1300
msgctxt "STR_SAVEAS_SRC"
msgid "~Export source..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1299
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1301
msgid "~Export copy of source..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1301
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1303
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_CONTINUE"
msgid "~Continue"
msgstr "Gaan voort"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1302
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1304
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_TASK"
msgid "Task"
msgstr "Take"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1303
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1305
msgctxt "ST_STATUS"
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Status"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1304
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1306
msgctxt "ST_SENDINGTO"
msgid "Sending to: %1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1305
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1307
msgctxt "ST_COMPLETED"
msgid "Successfully sent"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1306
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1308
msgctxt "ST_FAILED"
msgid "Sending failed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1308
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1310
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1310
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1312
msgid "Text formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1312
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1314
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_MENU_ZOOM"
msgid "~Zoom"
msgstr "Zoem"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1313
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1315
msgctxt "STR_MENU_UP"
msgid "~Upwards"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1314
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1316
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_MENU_DOWN"
msgid "Do~wnwards"
@@ -6662,7 +6672,7 @@ msgstr "Ondertoe"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Classification strings
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1320
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1322
msgid "Document classification has changed because a paragraph classification level is higher"
msgstr ""
@@ -6670,33 +6680,33 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Paragraph Signature
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1325
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1327
msgctxt "STR_VALID"
msgid " Valid "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1326
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1328
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_INVALID"
msgid "Invalid"
msgstr "ongeldig"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1327
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1329
msgid "Invalid Signature"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1328
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1330
msgctxt "STR_SIGNED_BY"
msgid "Signed-by"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1329
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1331
msgid "Paragraph Signature"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1331
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1333
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "labeldialog|cards"
msgid "Business Cards"
@@ -10620,31 +10630,41 @@ msgctxt "insertautotextdialog|label1"
msgid "Autotexts for Shortcut "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:8
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:9
msgctxt "insertbookmark|InsertBookmarkDialog"
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr "Boekmerk"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:40
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:35
msgctxt "insertbookmark|insert"
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Voeg in"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:122
-msgctxt "insertbookmark|rename"
-msgid "Rename"
-msgstr "Hernoem"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:58
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|hide"
+msgid "H_ide"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:135
-msgctxt "insertbookmark|delete"
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "Skrap"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:80
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|condlabel"
+msgid "_With condition"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:148
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:130
msgctxt "insertbookmark|goto"
msgid "Go to"
msgstr ""
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:144
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|delete"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Skrap"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:158
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|rename"
+msgid "Rename"
+msgstr "Hernoem"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbreak.ui:14
msgctxt "insertbreak|BreakDialog"
msgid "Insert Break"
@@ -13632,7 +13652,7 @@ msgstr "Skema: Vlak "
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/numparapage.ui:67
msgctxt "numparapage|comboLB_OUTLINE_LEVEL"
-msgid "Body text"
+msgid "Text Body"
msgstr ""
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/numparapage.ui:68
@@ -14123,82 +14143,87 @@ msgstr ""
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:134
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddentext"
-msgid "Hidden text"
-msgstr "Versteekde teks"
+msgid "Hidden characters"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:149
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:216
+msgctxt "optformataidspage|displayfl"
+msgid "Display formatting"
+msgstr ""
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:249
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddentextfield"
-msgid "Fields: Hidden te_xt"
+msgid "Hidden te_xt"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:164
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:264
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddenparafield"
-msgid "Fields: Hidden p_aragraphs"
+msgid "Hidden p_aragraphs"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:252
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:285
msgctxt "optformataidspage|displayfl"
-msgid "Display of"
+msgid "Display fields"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:284
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:317
msgctxt "optformataidspage|mathbaseline"
msgid "Math baseline alignment"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:305
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:338
msgctxt "optformataidspage|layoutopt"
msgid "Layout Assistance"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:349
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:382
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursoronoff"
msgid "_Direct cursor"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:366
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:399
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillmode"
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Voeg in"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:388
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:421
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillmargin"
msgid "Para_graph alignment"
msgstr "Paragraafbelyning"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:404
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:437
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillindent"
msgid "_Left paragraph margin"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:420
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:453
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "optformataidspage|filltab"
msgid "_Tabs"
msgstr "Kepe"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:436
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:469
msgctxt "optformataidspage|filltabandspace"
msgid "Tabs a_nd spaces"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:452
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:485
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillspace"
msgid "_Spaces"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:482
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:515
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursorlabel"
msgid "Direct Cursor"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:514
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:547
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursorinprot"
msgid "Enable cursor"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:535
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:568
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursoropt"
msgid "Protected Areas"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/af/vcl/messages.po b/source/af/vcl/messages.po
index 2f5e10dfbbc..36da300d70a 100644
--- a/source/af/vcl/messages.po
+++ b/source/af/vcl/messages.po
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-#. extracted from vcl/inc
+#. extracted from vcl/inc/font
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-08 15:10+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -13,6 +13,391 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:25
+msgid "Access All Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:26
+msgid "Alternative (Vertical) Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:27
+msgid "Ancient Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:28
+msgid "Capitals to Petite Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:29
+msgid "Capitals to Small Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:30
+msgid "Contextual Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:31
+msgid "Case-Sensitive Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:32
+msgid "Contextual Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:33
+msgid "Centered CJK Punctuation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:34
+msgid "Capital Spacing"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:35
+msgid "Contextual Swash"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:36
+msgid "Character Variant %1"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:37
+msgid "Drop Caps"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:38
+msgid "Discretionary Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:39
+msgid "Denominators"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:40
+msgid "Diphthongs (Obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:41
+msgid "Expert Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:42
+msgid "Final Glyph on Line Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:43
+msgid "DIagonal Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:44
+msgid "Diagonal Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:45
+msgid "Nut Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:46
+msgid "Full Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:47
+msgid "Alternate Half Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:48
+msgid "Historical Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:49
+msgid "Horizontal Kana Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:50
+msgid "Historical Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:51
+msgid "Hanja to Hangul (Obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:52
+msgid "Hojo Kanji Forms (JIS X 0212-1990 Kanji Forms)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:53
+msgid "Half Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:54
+msgid "Italics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:55
+msgid "Justification Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:56
+msgid "JIS2004 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:57
+msgid "JIS78 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:58
+msgid "JIS83 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:59
+msgid "JIS90 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:60
+msgid "Horizontal Kerning"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:61
+msgid "Left Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:62
+msgid "Standard Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:63
+msgid "Lining Figures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:64
+msgid "Mathematical Greek"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:65
+msgid "Alternate Annotation Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:66
+msgid "NLC Kanji Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:67
+msgid "Numerators"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:68
+msgid "Oldstyle Figures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:69
+msgid "Optical Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:70
+msgid "Ordinals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:71
+msgid "Ornaments"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:72
+msgid "Proportional Alternate Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:73
+msgid "Lowercase to Petite Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:74
+msgid "Proportional Kana"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:75
+msgid "Proportional Numbers"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:76
+msgid "Proportional Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:77
+msgid "Quarter Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:78
+msgid "Right Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:79
+msgid "Ruby Notation Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:80
+msgid "Stylistic Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:81
+msgid "Scientific Inferiors"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:82
+msgid "Lowercase to Small Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:83
+msgid "Simplified Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:84
+msgid "Stylistic Set %1"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:85
+msgid "Subscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:86
+msgid "Superscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:87
+msgid "Swash"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:88
+msgid "Titling"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:89
+msgid "Traditional Name Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:90
+msgid "Tabular Numbers"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:91
+msgid "Traditional Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:92
+msgid "Third Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:93
+msgid "Unicase"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:94
+msgid "Alternate Vertical Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:95
+msgid "Alternate Vertical Half Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:96
+msgid "Vertical Kana Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:97
+msgid "Vertical Kerning"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:98
+msgid "Proportional Alternate Vertical Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:99
+msgid "Vertical Alternates and Rotation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:100
+msgid "Vertical Alternates for Rotation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:101
+msgid "Slashed Zero"
+msgstr ""
#. To translators: This is the first entry of a sequence of paper size names
#: vcl/inc/print.hrc:28
diff --git a/source/am/cui/messages.po b/source/am/cui/messages.po
index dfc6b8a9347..71b1a648346 100644
--- a/source/am/cui/messages.po
+++ b/source/am/cui/messages.po
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-01 23:05+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-08 02:01+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Samson B <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: am\n"
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530486336.000000\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1531015278.000000\n"
#: cui/inc/personalization.hrc:31
@@ -3470,7 +3470,7 @@ msgctxt "certdialog|label1"
msgid "Certificate Path"
msgstr "የምስክር ወረቀት መንገድ"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:46
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:45
msgctxt "charnamepage|westlangft-nocjk"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "ቋንቋ:"
@@ -3480,52 +3480,72 @@ msgctxt "charnamepage|westsizeft-nocjk"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "መጠን:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:257
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:196
+msgctxt "charnamepage|west_features_button-nocjk"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:268
msgctxt "charnamepage|westsizeft-cjk"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "መጠን:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:272
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:283
msgctxt "charnamepage|westlangft-cjk"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "ቋንቋ:"
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+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:352
+msgctxt "charnamepage|west_features_button-cjk"
+msgid "Features..."
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+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:373
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msgid "Western Text Font"
msgstr "Western Text Font"
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msgid "Size:"
msgstr "መጠን:"
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+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:456
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msgid "Language:"
msgstr "ቋንቋ:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:503
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:524
+msgctxt "charnamepage|east_features_button"
+msgid "Features..."
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msgctxt "charnamepage|label5"
msgid "Asian Text Font"
msgstr "Asian Text Font"
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msgid "Size:"
msgstr "መጠን:"
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+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:628
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msgid "Language:"
msgstr "ቋንቋ:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:661
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:697
+msgctxt "charnamepage|ctl_features_button"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:718
msgctxt "charnamepage|label6"
msgid "CTL Font"
msgstr "CTL Font"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:688
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:745
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msgid "Preview"
msgstr "ቅድመ እይታ"
@@ -5045,6 +5065,16 @@ msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|flState"
msgid "State"
msgstr "ክፍለ ሀገር"
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/fontfeaturesdialog.ui:9
+msgctxt "newtabledialog|NewTableDialog"
+msgid "Font Features"
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/fontfeaturesdialog.ui:149
+msgctxt "fontfeaturesdialog|preview-atkobject"
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr ""
#: cui/uiconfig/ui/formatcellsdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "formatcellsdialog|FormatCellsDialog"
msgid "Table Properties"
@@ -6023,7 +6053,7 @@ msgstr "አዲስ መፍጠሪያ"
#: cui/uiconfig/ui/insertoleobject.ui:117
msgctxt "insertoleobject|createfromfile"
msgid "Create from file"
-msgstr "ከፋይል ውስጥ መፍጠሪያ"
+msgstr "ከ ፋይል ውስጥ መፍጠሪያ"
#: cui/uiconfig/ui/insertoleobject.ui:197
msgctxt "insertoleobject|label1"
@@ -7779,82 +7809,87 @@ msgctxt "optfontspage|label1"
msgid "Font Settings for HTML, Basic and SQL Sources"
msgstr "ፊደል ማሰናጃ ለ HTML, መሰረታዊ እና ለ SQL ምንጮች"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:31
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:35
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|exthelp"
msgid "_Extended tips"
msgstr "የ _ተስፋፉ ምክሮች"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:46
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:50
+msgctxt "optgeneralpage|popupnohelp"
+msgid "Show \"No offline help installed\" popup"
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:70
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label1"
msgid "Help"
msgstr "እርዳታ"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:76
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:100
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|filedlg"
msgid "_Use %PRODUCTNAME dialogs"
msgstr "_መጠቀሚያ %PRODUCTNAME ንግግሮች"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:110
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:134
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label2"
msgid "Open/Save Dialogs"
msgstr "መክፈቻ/ማስቀመጫ ንግግሮች"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:136
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:160
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|printdlg"
msgid "Use %PRODUCTNAME _dialogs"
msgstr "መጠቀሚያ %PRODUCTNAME _ንግግሮች"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:151
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:175
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label3"
msgid "Print Dialogs"
msgstr "የ ማተሚያ ንግግሮች"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:177
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:201
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|docstatus"
msgid "_Printing sets \"document modified\" status"
msgstr "_ማተሚያ ማሰናጃ ለ \"ሰነድ ማሻሻያ\" ሁኔታ"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:192
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:216
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label4"
msgid "Document Status"
msgstr "የሰነድ ሁኔታዎች"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:225
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:249
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label6"
msgid "_Interpret as years between "
msgstr "_መተርጓሚያ እንደ በ አመቶች መካከል "
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:250
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:274
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|toyear"
msgid "and "
msgstr "እና "
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:265
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:289
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label5"
msgid "Year (Two Digits)"
msgstr "አመት (ሁለት አሀዝ)"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:291
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:315
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|collectusageinfo"
msgid "Collect usage data and send it to The Document Foundation"
msgstr "የ አጠቃቀም ዳታ መስብሰቢያ እና ለ ሰነድ አዘጋጆቹ መላኪያ"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:306
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:330
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label7"
msgid "Help Improve %PRODUCTNAME"
msgstr "እንድናሻሻል ይርዱን %PRODUCTNAME"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:337
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:361
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|quicklaunch"
msgid "Load %PRODUCTNAME during system start-up"
msgstr "መጫኛ %PRODUCTNAME ስርአቱ በሚጀምር-ጊዜ"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:352
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:376
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|systray"
msgid "Enable systray Quickstarter"
msgstr "በ ስርአቱ ትሪ ላይ በፍጥነት ማስጀመሪያ ማስቻያ"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:373
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:397
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label8"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Quickstarter"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME በፍጥነት ማስጀመሪያ"
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index b519d0898c9..59d362bcd2d 100644
--- a/source/am/dictionaries/id.po
+++ b/source/am/dictionaries/id.po
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 22:52+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-15 00:32+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-04 23:05+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Samson B <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: am\n"
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1521073968.000000\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530745502.000000\n"
#: description.xml
msgctxt ""
@@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Indonesian spelling dictionary, hyphenation rules, and thesaurus"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Indonesian spelling dictionary, hyphenation rules, and thesaurus"
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index 08ff6aed0b1..3d198157ec7 100644
--- a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/sbasic/guide.po
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@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-04-25 13:24+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-29 00:44+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-04 23:04+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Samson B <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: am\n"
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530233082.000000\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530745462.000000\n"
#: access2base.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<emph>The library is documented online on </emph><link href=\"\" name=\"\"><emph></emph></link>."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<emph>መጻህፍት ቤቱ በ መስመር ላይ ተቀምጧል በ </emph><link href=\"\" name=\"\"><emph></emph></link>"
#: access2base.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "a simplified and extensible API for <emph>forms</emph>, <emph>dialogs</emph> and <emph>controls</emph> manipulations similar with the Microsoft Access object model,"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ቀላል እና ሊስፋፋ የሚችል የ API ለ <emph> ፎርሞች </emph>: <emph>ንግግር </emph> እና <emph> መቆጣጠሪያ </emph> መቀየሪያ ተመሳሳይ ከ Microsoft Access object model,"
#: access2base.xhp
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index 9aeef047f5c..6f149423528 100644
--- a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/sbasic/shared.po
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@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-04 04:16+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-07 17:57+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Samson B <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: am\n"
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530677785.000000\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530986265.000000\n"
#: 00000002.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -27742,7 +27742,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid ">= : Greater than or equal to"
-msgstr ">= : ይበልጣል ወይም እኩል ይሆናል ከ"
+msgstr ">= : ይበልጣል ወይንም እኩል ይሆናል ከ"
#: 03110100.xhp
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@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 22:52+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-03 23:37+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-07 22:45+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Samson B <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: am\n"
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530661033.000000\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1531003550.000000\n"
#: lib_depot.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ጽሁፍ ማጣመሪያ መጻህፍት ቤት: መጻህፍት ቤት"
#: lib_script.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"script_lib\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_script.xhp\" name=\"ScriptBindingLibrary library\">The <item type=\"literal\">ScriptBindingLibrary</item> Library</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"script_lib\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_script.xhp\" name=\"ScriptBindingLibrary library\">የ <item type=\"literal\">ጽሁፍ ማጣመሪያ መጻህፍት ቤት </item> መጻህፍት ቤት</link></variable>"
#: lib_script.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<bookmark_value>BASIC ScriptBindingLibrary library</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>መሰረታዊ የ ጽሁፍ ማጣመሪያ መጻህፍት ቤት: መጻህፍት ቤት </bookmark_value>"
#: lib_template.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Functions and subroutines for debugging Basic macros"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ተግባሮች እና ንዑስ አሰራሮች ለ ማስተካከል መሰረታዊ ማክሮ"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Functions and subroutines for handling ListBox elements."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ተግባሮች እና ንዑስ አሰራሮች ለ ዝርዝር ሳጥን አካሎች አያያዝ"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Miscellaneous functions and subroutines."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "የ ተለያዩ ተግባሮች እና ንዑስ አሰራሮች"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Functions and subroutines for module control."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ተግባሮች እና ንዑስ አሰራሮች ለ ክፍል መቆጣጠሪያ"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<bookmark_value>BASIC Tools library;Strings module</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>መሰረታዊ የ መሳሪያዎች መጻህፍት ቤት;የ ሀረግ ክፍል</bookmark_value>"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/01.po b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/01.po
index b6f2af1ea08..2d522441368 100644
--- a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/01.po
+++ b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/01.po
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-01 17:07+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-08 00:46+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Samson B <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: am\n"
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
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+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1531010780.000000\n"
#: 01120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9966,7 +9966,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Zero (0) is equivalent to FALSE and all other numbers are equivalent to TRUE."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ዜሮ (0) እኩል ነው ከ ሀሰት ጋር እና ሌሎች ሁሉም ቁጥሮች እኩል ናቸው ከ እውነት ጋር:"
#: 04060105.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14646,7 +14646,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"sum_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060106.xhp#Section16\">SUM</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"sum_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060106.xhp#Section16\">ድምር</link></variable>"
#: 04060106.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14774,7 +14774,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"sumif_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060106.xhp#Section15\">SUMIF</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"sumif_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060106.xhp#Section15\">ድምር ከሆነ</link></variable>"
#: 04060106.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -21598,7 +21598,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<item type=\"input\">=HYPERLINK(\"file:///C:/writer.odt#Specification\";\"Go to Writer bookmark\")</item> displays the text \"Go to Writer bookmark\", loads the specified text document and jumps to bookmark \"Specification\"."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<item type=\"input\">=HYPERLINK(\"file:///C:/writer.odt#Specification\";\"Go to Writer bookmark\")</item>ወደ ጽሁፍ ምልክት ማድረጊያ መሄጃ: የ ተወሰነ የ ጽሁፍ ሰነድ ይጭናል: እና ይዘላል ወደ ምልክት ማድረጊያ \"መወሰኛ\""
#: 04060109.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -21910,7 +21910,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "See <link href=\"\" name=\" Calc/Features/JIS and ASC functions\"></link> for a conversion table."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ይህን ይመልከቱ <link href=\"\" name=\" Calc/Features/JIS and ASC functions\"></link> ለ መቀየሪያ ሰንጠረዥ"
#: 04060110.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -22838,7 +22838,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "See <link href=\"\" name=\" Calc/Features/JIS and ASC functions\"></link> for a conversion table."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ይህን ይመልከቱ <link href=\"\" name=\" Calc/Features/JIS and ASC functions\"></link> ለ መቀየሪያ ሰንጠረዥ"
#: 04060110.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -24726,7 +24726,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"addintext\">The following describes and lists some of the available add-in functions.</variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"addintext\">ዝግጁ ለሆኑ ተጨ-ማሪ ተግባሮች የሚቀጥለው መግለጫ እና ዝርዝር ነው </variable>"
#: 04060111.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -25302,7 +25302,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Add-ins can also be implemented through the %PRODUCTNAME <link href=\"\" name=\"\">API</link>."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ተጨማ-ሪዎች መፈጸም ይቻላል በ %PRODUCTNAME <link href=\"\" name=\"\">API</link>."
#: 04060112.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -35550,7 +35550,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"count_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060181.xhp#count\">COUNT</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"count_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060181.xhp#count\">መቁጠሪያ</link></variable>"
#: 04060181.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -35622,7 +35622,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"counta_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060181.xhp#counta\">COUNTA</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"counta_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060181.xhp#counta\">ባዶ ያልሆነ መቁጠሪያ</link></variable>"
#: 04060181.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -35694,7 +35694,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"countblank_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060181.xhp#countblank\">COUNTBLANK</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"countblank_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060181.xhp#countblank\">ባዶ መቁጠሪያ</link></variable>"
#: 04060181.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -35758,7 +35758,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"countif_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060181.xhp#countif\">COUNTIF</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"countif_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060181.xhp#countif\">መቁጠሪያ ከሆነ</link></variable>"
#: 04060181.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -39630,7 +39630,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "See also the <link href=\"\" name=\" Documentation/HowTo/Calc/ZTEST function\">Wiki page</link>."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ይህን ይመልከቱ <link href=\"\" name=\" Documentation/HowTo/Calc/ZTEST function\">Wiki page</link>."
#: 04060182.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -41174,7 +41174,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"max_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#max\">MAX</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"max_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#max\">ከፍተኛ</link></variable>"
#: 04060184.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -41254,7 +41254,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"maxa_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#maxa\">MAXA</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"maxa_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#maxa\">ከፍተኛ የ ክርክር ዝርዝር</link></variable>"
#: 04060184.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -41366,7 +41366,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<emph>Number1, Number2, ..., Number30</emph> are values or ranges, which represent a sample. Each number can also be replaced by a reference."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<emph>ቁጥር1, ቁጥር2, ..., ቁጥር30</emph> ዋጋዎች ወይንም መጠኖች ናቸው: ናሙና የሚወክሉ: እያንዳንዱን ቁጥር በ ማመሳከሪያ መቀየር ይችላል"
#: 04060184.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -41406,7 +41406,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"min_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#min\">MIN</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"min_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#min\">አነስተኛ</link></variable>"
#: 04060184.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -41438,7 +41438,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "MIN(Number1; Number2; ...; Number30)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "አነስተኛ(ቁጥር1: ቁጥር2; ...; ቁጥር30)"
#: 04060184.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -41478,7 +41478,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"mina_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#mina\">MINA</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"mina_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#mina\">አነስተኛ የ ክርክር ዝርዝር</link></variable>"
#: 04060184.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -41510,7 +41510,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "MINA(Value1; Value2; ...; Value30)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "አነስተኛ የ ክርክር(ዋጋ1: ዋጋ2: ... ዋጋ30)"
#: 04060184.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -41622,7 +41622,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"average_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#average\">AVERAGE</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"average_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#average\">መካከለኛ</link></variable>"
#: 04060184.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -41646,7 +41646,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "AVERAGE(Number1; Number2; ...; Number30)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "መካከለኛ(ቁጥር1: ቁጥር2; ...; ቁጥር30)"
#: 04060184.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -41782,7 +41782,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<emph>Number1, Number2, ..., Number30</emph> are numerical values or ranges."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<emph>ቁጥር1, ቁጥር2,...ቁጥር30</emph> የ ቁጥር ዋጋዎች ወይንም መጠኖች ናቸው:"
#: 04060184.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -44422,7 +44422,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<emph>Value1, Value2, ..., Value30</emph> are values or ranges representing an entire population. Text has the value 0."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<emph>ዋጋ1, ዋጋ2,...ዋጋ30</emph> ዋጋዎች ወይንም መጠኖች ናቸው: ጠቅላላ ሕዝቡ የሚወክሉ: ጽሁፍ ዋጋው 0 ነው"
#: 04060185.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -46934,7 +46934,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid ">= (Greater than or equal to)"
-msgstr ">= (ይበልጣል ወይም እኩል ይሆናል ከ)"
+msgstr ">= (ይበልጣል ወይንም እኩል ይሆናል ከ)"
#: 04060199.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -46942,7 +46942,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Greater than or equal to"
-msgstr "ይበልጣል ወይም እኩል ይሆናል ከ"
+msgstr "ይበልጣል ወይንም እኩል ይሆናል ከ"
#: 04060199.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -51054,7 +51054,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Defines the name for the scenario. Use a clear and unique name so you can easily identify the scenario.</ahelp> You can also modify a scenario name in the Navigator through the <emph>Properties </emph>context menu command."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">ለ ትእይንት ስም መግለጫ: ግልፅ እና የ ተለየ ስም ይጠቀሙ ስለዚህ በ ቀላሉ እንዲለዩት ትእይንቱን </ahelp> እርስዎ እንዲሁም ማሻሻል ይችላሉ የ ትእይንት ስም በ መቃኛ ውስጥ በ <emph>ባህሪዎች </emph> አገባብ ዝርዝር ትእዛዝ ውስጥ"
#: 06050000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -56638,7 +56638,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Enter the data in the text fields. Press Enter or click <item type=\"literal\">New</item> to add it to the table."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "በ ጽሁፍ ሜዳዎች ውስጥ ዳታ ያስገቡ: ይጫኑ ማስገቢያውን ወይንም ይጫኑ <item type=\"literal\"> አዲስ </item> ወደ ሰንጠረዥ ውስጥ ለ መጨመር:"
#: data_form.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -56902,7 +56902,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "In all examples below, ranges for calculation contain the row #6, which is ignored because it contains text."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "በሁሉም ምሳሌዎች ከ ታች በኩል: መጠኖች ለ ድምር ማስሊያ የያዘው ረድፍ #6, ነው: ነገር ግን ተትቷል: ምክንያቱም የያዘው ጽሁፍ ነው:"
#: ex_data_stat_func.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -56910,7 +56910,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"args\">Func_Range; Range1; Criterion1 [ ; Range2; Criterion2 [;...]])</variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"args\">ተግባር_መጠን; መጠን; መመዘኛ1 [ ; መጠን2; መመዘኛ2 [;...]])</variable>"
#: ex_data_stat_func.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -56942,7 +56942,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<emph>Range2</emph> – Optional. Range2 and all the following mean the same as Range1."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<emph>መጠን2</emph> – በምርጫ: መጠን2 እና ሁሉም የሚቀጥለው ማለት ተመሳሳይ ነው ከ መጠን1. ጋር"
#: ex_data_stat_func.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -56950,7 +56950,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<emph>Criterion2</emph> – Optional. Criterion2 and all the following mean the same as Criterion1."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<emph>መመዘኛ2</emph> – በ ምርጫ: መመዘኛ2 እና ሁሉም የሚቀጥለው መካከለኛ ተመሳሳይ ነው እንደ መመዘኛ1."
#: ex_data_stat_func.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61510,7 +61510,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "MAXIFS function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ከፍተኛ ከሆነ ተግባር"
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61518,7 +61518,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<bookmark_value>MAXIFS function</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>maximum;satisfying conditions</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>ከፍተኛ ከሆነ ተግባር</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ከፍተኛ; አጥጋቢ ሁኔታዎች</bookmark_value>"
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61526,7 +61526,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"maxifs_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/func_maxifs.xhp\">MAXIFS</link></variable> function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"maxifs_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/func_maxifs.xhp\">ከፍተኛ ከሆነ</link></variable> ተግባር"
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61542,7 +61542,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Syntax"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "አገባብ:"
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61550,7 +61550,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "MAXIFS(<embedvar href=\"text/scalc/01/ex_data_stat_func.xhp#args\" markup=\"ignore\"/>)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ከፍተኛ ከሆነ(<embedvar href=\"text/scalc/01/ex_data_stat_func.xhp#args\" markup=\"ignore\"/>)"
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61566,7 +61566,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Simple usage"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ቀላል አጠቃቀም"
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61574,7 +61574,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<item type=\"input\">=MAXIFS(B2:B6;B2:B6;\"<35\")</item>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<item type=\"input\">=ከፍተኛ ከሆነ(B2:B6;B2:B6;\"<35\")</item>"
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61606,7 +61606,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Using regular expressions and nested functions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "መደበኛ አገላለጽ መጠቀሚያ እና የታቀፉ ተግባሮች መግለጫ አጠቃቀም"
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61614,7 +61614,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<item type=\"input\">=MAXIFS(C2:C6;B2:B6;\">\"&MIN(B2:B6);B2:B6;\"<\"&MAX(B2:B6))</item>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<item type=\"input\">=ከፍተኛ ከሆነ(C2:C6;B2:B6;\">\"&አነስተኛ(B2:B6);B2:B6;\"<\"&ከፍተኛ(B2:B6))</item>"
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61630,7 +61630,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<item type=\"input\">=MAXIFS(C2:C6;A2:A6;\"pen.*\";B2:B6;\"<=\"&MAX(B2:B6))</item>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<item type=\"input\">=ከፍተኛ ከሆነ(C2:C6;A2:A6;\"ብዕር.*\";B2:B6;\"<=\"&MAX(B2:B6))</item>"
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61646,7 +61646,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Reference to a cell as a criterion"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "እንደ መመዘኛ ወደ ክፍል ማመሳከሪያ"
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61662,7 +61662,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<item type=\"input\">=MAXIFS(C2:C6;A2:A6;E2&\".*\";B2:B6;\"<\"&MAX(B2:B6))</item>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<item type=\"input\">=ከፍተኛ ከሆነ(C2:C6;A2:A6;\"ብዕር.*\";B2:B6;\"<=\"&MAX(B2:B6))</item>"
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61678,7 +61678,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "MINIFS function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "አነስተኛ ከሆነ ተግባር"
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61686,7 +61686,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<bookmark_value>MINIFS function</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>minimum;satisfying conditions</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>አነስተኛ ከሆነ ተግባር</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>አነስተኛ; አጥጋቢ ሁኔታዎች</bookmark_value>"
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61694,7 +61694,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"minifs_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/func_minifs.xhp\">MINIFS</link></variable> function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"minifs_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/func_minifs.xhp\">አነስተኛ ከሆነ</link></variable> ተግባር"
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61710,7 +61710,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Syntax"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "አገባብ:"
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61718,7 +61718,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "MINIFS(<embedvar href=\"text/scalc/01/ex_data_stat_func.xhp#args\" markup=\"ignore\"/>)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "አነስተኛ ከሆነ(<embedvar href=\"text/scalc/01/ex_data_stat_func.xhp#args\" markup=\"ignore\"/>)"
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61734,7 +61734,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Simple usage"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ቀላል አጠቃቀም"
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61742,7 +61742,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<item type=\"input\">=MINIFS(B2:B6;B2:B6;\"<35\")</item>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<item type=\"input\">=አነስተኛ ከሆነ(B2:B6;B2:B6;\"<35\")</item>"
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61758,7 +61758,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<item type=\"input\">=MINIFS(C2:C6;B2:B6;\">=20\";C2:C6;\">90\")</item>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<item type=\"input\">=አነስተኛ ከሆነ(C2:C6;B2:B6;\">=20\";C2:C6;\">90\")</item>"
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61782,7 +61782,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<item type=\"input\">=MINIFS(C2:C6;B2:B6;\">\"&MIN(B2:B6);B2:B6;\"<\"&MAX(B2:B6))</item>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<item type=\"input\">=አነስተኛ ከሆነ(C2:C6;B2:B6;\">\"&MIN(B2:B6);B2:B6;\"<\"&MAX(B2:B6))</item>"
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61798,7 +61798,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<item type=\"input\">=MINIFS(C2:C6;A2:A6;\".*book\";B2:B6;\"<=\"&MAX(B2:B6))</item>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<item type=\"input\">=አነስተኛ ከሆነ(C2:C6;A2:A6;\".*መጽሀፍ\";B2:B6;\"<=\"&MAX(B2:B6))</item>"
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61814,7 +61814,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Reference to a cell as a criterion"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "እንደ መመዘኛ ወደ ክፍል ማመሳከሪያ"
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61830,7 +61830,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<item type=\"input\">=MINIFS(C2:C6;A2:A6;\".*\"&E2;B2:B6;\"<\"&MAX(B2:B6))</item>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<item type=\"input\">=አነስተኛ ከሆነ(C2:C6;A2:A6;\".*\"&E2;B2:B6;\"<\"&MAX(B2:B6))</item>"
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -62878,7 +62878,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "SUMIFS(<embedvar href=\"text/scalc/01/ex_data_stat_func.xhp#args\" markup=\"ignore\"/>)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ድምር ከሆነ(<embedvar href=\"text/scalc/01/ex_data_stat_func.xhp#args\" markup=\"ignore\"/>)"
#: func_sumifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/guide.po b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/guide.po
index 244eedcf87d..ba73414df38 100644
--- a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/guide.po
+++ b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/guide.po
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-22 13:16+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-01 17:05+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-07 19:30+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Samson B <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: am\n"
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530464743.000000\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530991848.000000\n"
#: address_auto.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8166,7 +8166,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Pivot charts track the changes in the data issued from a pivot table and adjust the data series and data range accordingly."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "የ ፒቮት ቻርት ለውጦችን ይከታተላል: ከ ተሰጠው የ ፒቮት ሰንጠረዥ ዳታ ውስጥ: እና ተከታታይ ዳታውን ያስተካክላል: በ ተስማሚው የ ዳታ መጠን መሰረት:"
#: pivotchart.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8246,7 +8246,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "The data range and the data series pages of the chart wizard are not enabled. They are controlled by the pivot table."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "የ ዳታ መጠን እና የ ተከታታይ ዳታ ገጽች ለ ቻርት አዋቂ አላስቻሉም: የሚቆጣጠረው የ ፒቮት ሰንጠረዥ ነው:"
#: pivotchart_create.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8302,7 +8302,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "When deleting a pivot chart, the linked pivot table is not affected."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "የ ፒቮት ቻርት በሚጠፋ ጊዜ: የ ተገናኘው የ ፒቮት ሰንጠረዥ ላይ ተጽእኖ አይፈጥርም:"
#: pivotchart_delete.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8310,7 +8310,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "If you delete a pivot table linked to a pivot chart, the pivot chart is also deleted. A dialog box opens to confirm the pivot chart deletion."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ከ ፒቮት ሰንጠረዥ ጋር የ ተገናኘ የ ፒቮት ቻርት ካጠፉ: የ ፒቮት ቻርት አብሮ ይጠፋል: የ ንግግር ሳጥን ይከፈት እና የ ፒቮት ቻርት ማጥፋት እንደሚፈልጉ ማረጋገጫ ይጠይቃል:"
#: pivotchart_edit.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8374,7 +8374,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Filters are used to remove unwanted data from the pivot chart. You can use filters in the pivot chart or in the corresponding <link href=\"text/scalc/guide/datapilot_filtertable.xhp\" name=\"Pivot table filtering\">pivot table</link>, since the resulting chart is exactly the same."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "በ ፒቮት ቻርት ውስጥ ማጣሪያ የሚጠቀሙት የማይፈለጉ ዳታዎችን ለ ማስወገድ ነው: እርስዎ በ ፒቮት ቻርት ወይንም ተመሳሳይ ውስጥ ማጣሪያዎች መጠቀም ይችላሉ <link href=\"text/scalc/guide/datapilot_filtertable.xhp\" name=\"Pivot table filtering\">የ ፒቮት ሰንጠረዥ table</link> ውጤቱ ቻርት በ ትክክል ተመሳሳይ ከሆነ:"
#: pivotchart_filter.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8406,7 +8406,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "The buttons have a pop-up action attached to them. If there is some filtering applied, then the arrow turns blue (similar to the pivot table), so it is easier to see when a field has any filter applied."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ይህ ቁልፍ ብቅ-ባይ ተግባሮች አብሮት ተያይዟል: አንዳንድ ማጣሪያ በሚፈጸም ጊዜ: ቀስቱ ወደ ሰማያዊ ቀለም ይቀየራል: (እንደ ፒቮት ሰንጠረዥ ተመሳሳይ ነው) ስለዚህ ለ መመልከት በጣም ቀላል ነው: ሜዳዎች ላይ ማጣሪያ ሲፈጸም:"
#: pivotchart_filter.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared.po b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared.po
index 877434e67fc..398e7cfeeff 100644
--- a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared.po
+++ b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-02-27 13:56+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-23 01:11+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Samson B <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -37,16 +37,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">The 3D-Settings toolbar controls properties of selected 3D objects.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">የ 3ዲ-ማሰናጃዎች እቃ መደርደሪያ የሚቆጣጠረው የተመረጡትን የ 3ዲ እቃ ባህሪዎችን ነው</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">The <emph>3D Settings</emph> toolbar controls properties of selected 3D objects.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Extrusion on/off"
-msgstr "ማሾለኪያ ማብሪያ/ማጥፊያ"
+msgid "Extrusion On/Off"
+msgstr ""
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Extrusion Depth window.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">የ ማሾለኪያ ጥልቀት መስኮት መክፈቻ</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Extrusion Depth</emph> window.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -165,8 +165,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Extrusion Direction window.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">የ ማሾለኪያ አቅጣጫ መስኮት መክፈቻ </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Extrusion Direction</emph> window.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -197,8 +197,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Extrusion Lighting window.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">የ ማሾለኪያ ብርሃን መስኮት መክፈቻ</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Extrusion Lighting</emph> window.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Extrusion Surface window.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">የ ማሾለኪያ ገጽታ መስኮት መክፈቻ</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Extrusion Surface</emph> window.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -253,8 +253,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Extrusion Color toolbar.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">የ ማሾለኪያ ቀለም እቃ መደርደሪያ መክፈቻ</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Extrusion Color</emph> toolbar.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: fontwork_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/00.po b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/00.po
index 7dfe5c497bd..39aede7549a 100644
--- a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/00.po
+++ b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/00.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-02 00:02+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Samson B <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530489768.000000\n"
#: 00000001.xhp
@@ -5325,24 +5325,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"webhtml\">Choose <emph>File - Preview in Web Browser</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"webhtml\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - ቅድመ እይታ በዌብ መቃኛ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"webhtml\">Choose <emph>File - Preview in Web Browser</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - New</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዲስ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - New</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>New</emph> icon on the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar (the icon shows the type of the new document)"
-msgstr "<emph>አዲስ</emph> ምልክት በ <emph>መደበኛ</emph> መደርደሪያ ላይ (ምልክቱ የሚያሳየው የ አዲሱን ሰነድ አይነት ነው)"
+msgid "<emph>New</emph> icon on the <emph>Standard</emph> bar (the icon shows the type of the new document)."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5373,8 +5373,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu <emph>File - New</emph><emph>- Templates</emph>."
-msgstr "ዝርዝር <emph>ፋይል - አዲስ</emph><emph>- ቴምፕሌትስ</emph>."
+msgid "Menu <emph>File - New - Templates</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5389,96 +5389,96 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"etiketten\">Choose <emph>File - New - Labels</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"etiketten\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዲስ - ምልክቶች </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"etiketten\">Choose <emph>File - New - Labels</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"etikettenein\">Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Labels</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"etikettenein\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዲስ - ምልክቶች - አቀራረብ </emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"etikettenein\">Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Labels</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Format</emph> tab"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዲስ - ምልክቶች - አቀራረብ </emph> tab"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Format</emph> tab."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Format</emph> tab"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዲስ - የ ንግድ ካርዶች - አቀራረብ </emph> tab"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Format</emph> tab."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Options</emph> tab"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዲስ - ምልክቶች - ምርጫዎች </emph> tab"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Options</emph> tab."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Options</emph> tab"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዲስ - የ ንግድ ካርዶች - ምርጫዎች </emph> tab"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Options</emph> tab."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"visikart\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"visikart\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዲስ - የ ንግድ ካርዶች </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"visikart\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"visikartform\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Medium</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"visikartform\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዲስ - የ ንግድ ካርዶች - መሀከለኛ </emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"visikartform\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Medium</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"viskartinhalt\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Business cards</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"viskartinhalt\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዲስ - የ ንግድ ካርዶች - የ ንግድ ካርዶች </emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"viskartinhalt\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Business cards</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"viskartpriv\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Private</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"viskartpriv\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዲስ - የ ንግድ ካርዶች - የ ግል </emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"viskartpriv\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Private</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"viskartgesch\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Business</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"viskartgesch\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዲስ - የ ንግድ ካርዶች - የ ንግድ </emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"viskartgesch\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Business</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Open</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - መክፈቻ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Open</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5493,8 +5493,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
-msgstr "በ <emph>መደበኛ</emph> መደርደሪያ ላይ ይጫኑ"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5517,232 +5517,232 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu <emph>File - Open</emph>, File type <emph>Text Encoded</emph> selected"
-msgstr "ዝርዝር <emph> ፋይል - መክፈቻ </emph>: የ ፋይል አይነት <emph> የ ጽሁፍ Encoded </emph> ተመርጧል"
+msgid "Menu <emph>File - Open</emph>, File type <emph>Text Encoded</emph> selected."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu <emph>File - Save As</emph>, File type <emph>Text Encoded</emph> selected"
-msgstr "ዝርዝር <emph> ፋይል - ማስቀመጫ እንደ </emph>: ፋይል አይነት <emph> የ ጽሁፍ Encoded </emph> ተመርጧል"
+msgid "Menu <emph>File - Save As</emph>, File type <emph>Text Encoded</emph> selected."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autobrief\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autobrief\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autobrief\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - ደብዳቤ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Page design</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief1\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - ደብዳቤ - የ ገጽ ንድፍ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Page Design</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Letterhead layout</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief2\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - ደብዳቤ - የ ደብዳቤ ራስጌ እቅድ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Letterhead Layout</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Printed items</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief3\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - የ ደብዳቤ - ማተሚያ እቃዎች </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Printed Items</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Recipient and sender</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief4\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - ደብዳቤ - ተቀባይ እና ላኪ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Recipient and Sender</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Footer</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief5\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - ደብዳቤ - ግርጌ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Footer</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief6\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - </emph><emph>Name and Location</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief6\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - ደብዳቤ - </emph><emph> ስም እና አካባቢ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief6\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Name and Location</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotfax\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - ፋክስ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Page Design</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotfax1\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - የ ፋክስ - ገጽ ንድፍ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Page Design</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Items to include</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotfax2\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - ፋክስ - የሚካተቱ እቃዎች </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Items to include</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Sender and Recipient</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotfax3\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - ፋክስ - ላኪው እና ተቀባይ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Sender and Recipient</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Footer</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotfax4\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - ፋክስ - ግርጌ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Footer</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Name and location</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotfax5\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - ፋክስ - ሰም እና አካባቢ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Name and Location</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - አጄንዳ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Page Design</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda1\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - አጄንዳ - የ ገጽ ንድፍ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Page Design</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - General Attributes</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda2\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - አጄንዳ - ባጠቃላይ ባህሪዎች </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - General Attributes</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Headings</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda3\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - አጄንዳ - ራስጌ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Headings</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Names</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda4\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - አጄንዳ - ስም </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Names</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Topics</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda5\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - አጄእንዳ - አርእስት </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Topics</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda6\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Title and Location</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda6\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - አጄንዳ - አርእስት እና አካባቢ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda6\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Title and Location</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapt\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dtapt\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - ማቅረቢያ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapt\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapse\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 1</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dtapse\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - ማቅረቢያ - ገጽ 1 </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapse\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 1</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsz\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 2</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dtapsz\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - ማቅረቢያ - ገጽ 2 </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsz\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 2</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsd\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 3</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dtapsd\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - ማቅረቢያ - ገጽ 3 </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsd\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 3</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsv\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 4</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dtapsv\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - ማቅረቢያ - ገጽ 4 </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsv\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 4</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsf\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 5</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dtapsf\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - ማቅረቢያ - ገጽ 5 </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsf\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 5</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5765,88 +5765,88 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"gruppen\">በ ፎርም ንድፍ ውስጥ: ይጫኑ የ <emph> ቡድን ሳጥን </emph> ምልክት ላይ በ እቃ መደርደሪያ ላይ እና ከዛ ይጠቀሙ አይጥ ለ መፍጠር ክፈፍ </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen1\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 1</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"gruppen1\">በ ፎርም ንድፍ ውስጥ ይጫኑ የ <emph> ቡድን ሳጥን </emph> ምልክት ላይ በ እቃ መደርደሪያ ላይ እና ከዛ ይጠቀሙ አይጥ ለ መፍጠር ክፈፍ - አዋቂ ገጽ 1 </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen1\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 1.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen2\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 2</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"gruppen2\">በ ፎርም ንድፍ ውስጥ ይጫኑ የ <emph> ቡድን ሳጥን </emph> ምልክት ላይ በ እቃ መደርደሪያ ላይ እና ከዛ ይጠቀሙ አይጥ ለ መፍጠር ክፈፍ - አዋቂ ገጽ 2 </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen2\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 2.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen3\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 3</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"gruppen3\">በ ፎርም ንድፍ ውስጥ: ይጫኑ የ <emph> ቡድን ሳጥን </emph> ምልክት ላይ በ እቃ መደርደሪያ ላይ እና ከዛ ይጠቀሙ አይጥ ለ መፍጠር ክፈፍ - አዋቂ ገጽ 3 </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen3\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 3.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen4\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 4, there must be a database connection.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"gruppen4\">በ ፎርም ንድፍ ውስጥ: ይጫኑ የ <emph> ቡድን ሳጥን </emph> ምልክት ላይ በ እቃ መደርደሪያ ላይ እና ከዛ ይጠቀሙ አይጥ ለ መፍጠር ክፈፍ - አዋቂ ገጽ 4 </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen4\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 4, there must be a database connection.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen5\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - last page of Wizards</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"gruppen5\">በ ፎርም ንድፍ ውስጥ: ይጫኑ የ <emph> ቡድን ሳጥን </emph> ምልክት በ እቃ መደርደሪያ ላይ እና ከዛ ይጠቀሙ አይጥ ለ መፍጠር ክፈፍ - መጨረሻ አዋቂ ገጽ </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen5\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame - Last page of wizards.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - ሰነድ መቀየሪያ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport1\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - ሰነድ መቀየሪያ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport2\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - ሰነድ መቀየሪያ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"euro\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Euro Converter</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"euro\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - ኢዩሮ መቀየሪያ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"euro\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Euro Converter</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu <emph>File - Wizards - Address Data Source</emph>"
-msgstr "ዝርዝር <emph> ፋይል - አዋቂ - የ አድራሻ ዳታ ምንጭ </emph>"
+msgid "Menu <emph>File - Wizards - Address Data Source</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5869,8 +5869,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"addressimport4\"><emph>Address Data Source Wizards</emph><emph>- Data source title</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"addressimport4\"><emph>የ አድራሻ ዳታ ምንጭ አዋቂ</emph><emph>- የ ዳታ ምንጭ አርእስት</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"addressimport4\"><emph>Address Data Source Wizards</emph> - <emph>Data source title</emph></variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5885,16 +5885,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"schliessen\">Choose <emph>File - Close</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"schliessen\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - መዝጊያ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"schliessen\">Choose <emph>File - Close</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Save</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - ማስቀመጫ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Save</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5909,8 +5909,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On Standard or Table Data Bar, click"
-msgstr "በ መደበኛ ወይንም በ ሰንጠረዥ ዳታ መደርደሪያ ላይ ይጫኑ"
+msgid "Open <emph>Standard</emph> or <emph>Table Data</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5949,104 +5949,104 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select \"HTML Document\" file type, this dialog opens automatically</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern\">$[officename] መሳያ ወይንም $[officename] ማስደነቂያ ዝርዝር ውስጥ <emph> ፋይል - መላኪያ </emph> ይምረጡ \"HTML Document\" የ ፋይል አይነት: ይህ ንግግር ራሱ በራሱ ይከፈታል </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML Document</emph> file type. The dialog opens automatically.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern1\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 1 of the wizard</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern1\">$[officename] መሳያ/$[officename] ማስደነቂያ ዝርዝር ውስጥ <emph> ፋይል - መላኪያ </emph> ይምረጡ የ HTML ፋይል አይነት ገጽ 1 ከ አዋቂው ውስጥ </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern1\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 1 of the wizard.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern2\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 2 of the wizard</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern2\">$[officename] መሳያ/$[officename] ማስደነቂያ ዝርዝር ውስጥ <emph> ፋይል - መላኪያ </emph> ይምረጡ የ HTML ፋይል አይነት ገጽ 2 ከ አዋቂው ውስጥ </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern2\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 2 of the wizard.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern3\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 3 of the wizard</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern3\">$[officename] መሳያ/$[officename] ማስደነቂያ ዝርዝር ውስጥ <emph> ፋይል - መላኪያ </emph> ይምረጡ የ HTML ፋይል አይነት ገጽ 3 ከ አዋቂው ውስጥ </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern3\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 3 of the wizard.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern4\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 4 of the wizard</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern4\">$[officename] መሳያ/$[officename] ማስደነቂያ ዝርዝር ውስጥ <emph> ፋይል - መላኪያ </emph> ይምረጡ የ HTML ፋይል አይነት ገጽ 4 ከ አዋቂው ውስጥ </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern4\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 4 of the wizard.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern5\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 5 of the wizard</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern5\">$[officename] መሳያ/$[officename] ማስደነቂያ ዝርዝር <emph> ፋይል - መላኪያ </emph> ይምረጡ የ HTML ፋይል አይነት ገጽ 5 ከ አዋቂው ውስጥ </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern5\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 5 of the wizard.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern6\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 6 of the wizard</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern6\">$[officename] መሳያ/$[officename] ማስደነቂያ ዝርዝር ውስጥ <emph> ፋይል - መላኪያ </emph> ይምረጡ የ HTML ፋይል አይነት ገጽ 6 ከ አዋቂው ውስጥ </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern6\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 6 of the wizard.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"exportgraphic\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, select a graphics file type, dialog opens automatically</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"exportgraphic\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - መላኪያ </emph> ይምረጡ የ ንድፍ ፋይል አይነት ንግግሩ ራሱ በራሱ ይከፈታል </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"exportgraphic\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, select a graphics file type. The dialog opens automatically.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"saveall\">Choose <emph>File - Save All</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"saveall\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - ሁሉንም ማስቀመጫ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"saveall\">Choose <emph>File - Save All</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"saveas\">Choose <emph>File - Save As</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"saveas\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - ማስቀመጫ እንደ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"saveas\">Choose <emph>File - Save As</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Reload</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - እንደገና መጫኛ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Reload</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info1\">Choose <emph>File - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"info1\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - ባህሪዎች </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info1\">Choose <emph>File - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info2\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"info2\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - ባህሪዎች - ባጠቃላይ </emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info2\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6061,96 +6061,96 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Digital Signatures - Digital Signatures</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - ዲጂታል ፊርማ - ዲጂታል ፊርማ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Digital Signatures - Digital Signatures</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Macros - Digital Signature</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> መሳሪያዎች - ማክሮስ - የ ዲጂታል ፊርማዎች </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Macros - Digital Signature</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab, click <emph>Digital Signatures</emph> button"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - ባህሪዎች - ባጠቃላይ </emph> tab, ይጫኑ <emph> የ ዲጂታል ፊርማዎች </emph> ቁልፍ"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab, click <emph>Digital Signatures</emph> button."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Double-click the Signature field on the Status Bar."
-msgstr "ሁለት-ጊዜ ይጫኑ የ ፊርማ ሜዳ ሁኔታ መደርደሪያ"
+msgid "Double-click the <emph>Signature</emph> field on the <emph>Status</emph> bar."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"digitalsigsel\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab, click <emph>Digital Signatures</emph> button, then click <emph>Add</emph> button</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"digitalsigsel\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - ባህሪዎች - ባጠቃላይ </emph> tab, ይጫኑ <emph> የ ዲጂታል ፊርማዎች </emph> ቁልፍ እና ከዛ ይጫኑ <emph> መጨመሪያ </emph> ቁልፍ </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"digitalsigsel\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab, click <emph>Digital Signatures</emph> button, then click <emph>Add</emph> button.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info3\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Description</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"info3\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - ባህሪዎች - መግለጫ </emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info3\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Description</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info4\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Custom Properties</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"info4\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - ባህሪዎች - ባህሪዎች ማስተካከያ </emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info4\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Custom Properties</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info5\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Statistics</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"info5\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - ባህሪዎች - ስታስቲክስ </emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info5\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Statistics</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"infosec\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Security</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"infosec\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - ባህሪዎች - ደህንነት </emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"infosec\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Security</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info6\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Internet</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"info6\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - ባህሪዎች - ኢንተርኔት </emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info6\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Internet</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info7\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Font</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"info7\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - ባህሪዎች - ፊደል </emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info7\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Font</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu<emph> File - Print Preview</emph>"
-msgstr "ዝርዝር <emph> ፋይል - የ ማተሚያ ቅድመ እይታ </emph>"
+msgid "Menu <emph>File - Print Preview</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6173,24 +6173,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Printer Settings</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - ማተሚያ ማሰናጃ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Printer Settings</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"senden\">Menu<emph> File - Send</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"senden\">ዝርዝር<emph> ፋይል - መላኪያ</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"senden\">Menu <emph>File - Send</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Send - E-mail Document</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - መላኪያ - ኢ-ሜይል ሰነድ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Send - E-mail Document</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6213,8 +6213,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"export\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"export\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - መላኪያ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"export\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6229,8 +6229,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image src=\"cmd/sc_exportdirecttoepub.png\" id=\"img_id291525017890767\" width=\"0.566cm\" height=\"0.566cm\"> <alt id=\"alt_id51525017890767\">Export as EPUB</alt> </image>"
-msgstr "<image src=\"cmd/sc_exportdirecttoepub.png\" id=\"img_id291525017890767\" width=\"0.566cm\" height=\"0.566cm\"> <alt id=\"alt_id51525017890767\">መላኪያ እንደ EPUB</alt> </image>"
+msgid "<image src=\"cmd/sc_exportdirecttoepub.png\" id=\"img_id291525017890767\" width=\"0.566cm\" height=\"0.566cm\"><alt id=\"alt_id51525017890767\">Export as EPUB</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6245,16 +6245,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As - Export as PDF</emph>, Digital Signatures tab"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph>ፋይል - መላኪያ እንደ - እንደ PDF መላኪያ</emph>: የ ዲጂታል ፊርማ tab"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As - Export as PDF</emph>, <emph>Digital Signatures</emph> tab."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As - Export as PDF</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - እንደ PDF መላኪያ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As - Export as PDF</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6277,24 +6277,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Send - E-mail as PDF</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - መላኪያ - ኢ-ሜይል እንደ PDF </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Send - E-mail as PDF</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"glo\">Choose <emph>File - Send - Create Master Document</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"glo\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - መላኪያ - ዋና ሰነድ መፍጠሪያ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"glo\">Choose <emph>File - Send - Create Master Document</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Print</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - ማተሚያ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Print</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6309,8 +6309,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On Standard Bar, click"
-msgstr "በ መደበኛው መደርደሪያ ላይ ይጫኑ"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6357,8 +6357,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Exit</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - መውጫ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Exit</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6373,48 +6373,48 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"neuglobal\">Choose <emph>File - New - Master Document</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"neuglobal\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዲስ - ዋናውን ሰነድ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"neuglobal\">Choose <emph>File - New - Master Document</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Open</emph> - select under \"File type\": \"Text CSV\""
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - መክፈቻ </emph> - ይምረጡ ከ \"ፋይል አይነት\": \"ጽሁፍ CSV\""
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Open - File type</emph>, select <emph>Text CSV</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Data - Text to Columns</emph> (Calc)"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ዳታ - ጽሁፍ ወደ አምዶች </emph> (ሰንጠረዥ)"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Data - Text to Columns</emph> (Calc)."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"epsexport\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, if EPS is selected as file type, this dialog opens automatically</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"epsexport\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - መላኪያ </emph> ይህ EPS ከተመረጠ እንደ ፋይል አይነት ይህ ንግግር ራሱ በራሱ ይከፈታል </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"epsexport\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, if EPS is selected as file type, this dialog opens automatically.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"pbmppmpgm\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, if PBM, PPM or PGM is selected as file type, the dialog opens automatically</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"pbmppmpgm\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - መላኪያ </emph>ይህ PBM, PPM ወንም PGM ከተመረጠ እንደ ፋይል አይነት ይህ ንግግር ራሱ በራሱ ይከፈታል </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"pbmppmpgm\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, if PBM, PPM or PGM is selected as file type, the dialog opens automatically.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"versionen\"><variable id=\"autopilotberichtfeldauswahl\">Choose <emph>File - Versions</emph></variable></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"versionen\"><variable id=\"autopilotberichtfeldauswahl\">ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - እትም </emph></variable></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"versionen\"><variable id=\"autopilotberichtfeldauswahl\">Choose <emph>File - Versions</emph>.</variable></variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6437,8 +6437,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Undo</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph>ማርሚያ - መተው</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Undo</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6453,8 +6453,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar or Table Data bar, click"
-msgstr "በ <emph>መደበኛ</emph> መደርደሪያ ላይ ወይንም የ ሰንጠረዥ ዳታ መደርደሪያ ላይ ይጫኑ"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar or <emph>Table Data</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6477,16 +6477,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Redo</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - እንደገና መስሪያ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Redo</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
-msgstr "በ <emph>መደበኛ</emph> መደርደሪያ ላይ ይጫኑ"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6509,16 +6509,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"letzter\">Choose <emph>Edit - Repeat</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"letzter\">ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - መድገሚያ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"letzter\">Choose <emph>Edit - Repeat</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Cut</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - መቁረጫ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Cut</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6533,8 +6533,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
-msgstr "በ <emph>መደበኛ</emph> መደርደሪያ ላይ ይጫኑ"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6557,8 +6557,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Copy</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - ኮፒ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Copy</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6573,8 +6573,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
-msgstr "በ <emph>መደበኛ</emph> መደርደሪያ ላይ ይጫኑ"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6597,8 +6597,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Paste</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - መለጠፊያ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Paste</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6613,8 +6613,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
-msgstr "በ <emph>መደበኛው</emph> መደርደሪያ ላይ ይጫኑ"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6637,16 +6637,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"inhalte\">Choose <emph>Edit - Paste Special</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"inhalte\">ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - የተለየ መለጠፊያ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"inhalte\">Choose <emph>Edit - Paste Special</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Select All</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - ሁሉንም መምረጫ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Select All</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6677,96 +6677,96 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"aenderungen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"aenderungen\">ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - ለውጦች መከታተያ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"aenderungen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"aufzeichnen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Record</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"aufzeichnen\">ይምረጡ <emph>ማረሚያ - ለውጦች መከታተያ - ለውጦች መመዝገቢያ</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"aufzeichnen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Record</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"anzeigen\"><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph></caseinline></switchinline></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"anzeigen\"><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - ለውጦች መከታተያ - ማሳያ</emph></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"> ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - ለውጦች መከታተያ - ማሳያ</emph></caseinline></switchinline></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"anzeigen\"><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph>.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph>.</caseinline></switchinline></variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"rotlinie\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"rotlinie\">ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - ለውጦች መከታተያ - ማስተዳደሪያ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"rotlinie\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - List</emph> tab"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - ለውጦች መከታተያ - ዝርዝር ማስተዳደሪያ </emph> tab"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - List</emph> tab."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply and Edit Changes</emph>. The AutoCorrect dialog appears. Click the <emph>Edit Changes</emph> button and navigate to the <emph>List</emph> tab."
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> መሳሪያዎች - በራሱ አራሚ - መፈጸሚያ እና ለውጦችን ማረሚያ </emph> በራሱ አራሚ ንግግር ይታያል: ይጫኑ <emph> ለውጦችን ማረሚያ </emph> ቁልፍ ይመልከቱ ከ <emph> ዝርዝር </emph> tab ገጽ ውስጥ"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply and Edit Changes</emph>. The <emph>AutoCorrect</emph> dialog appears.<br/>Click the <emph>Edit Changes</emph> button and navigate to the <emph>List</emph> tab."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"rotliniefilter\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - Filter</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"rotliniefilter\">ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - ለውጦች መከታተያ - ማስተዳደሪያ - ማጣሪያ</emph> tab </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"rotliniefilter\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - Filter</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"einfuegen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Merge Document</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"einfuegen\">ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - ለውጦች መከታተያ - ሰነድ ማዋሀጃ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"einfuegen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Merge Document</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dvergl\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Compare Document</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dvergl\"> ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - ለውጦች መከታተያ - ሰነድ ማወዳደሪያ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dvergl\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Compare Document</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Comment</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - ለውጦች መከታተያ - አስተያየት </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Comment</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - List</emph> tab. Click an entry in the list and open the context menu. Choose <emph>Edit Comment</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - ለውጦች መከታተያ - ማስተዳደሪያ - ዝርዝር </emph> tab. ይጫኑ ከ ማስገቢያ ዝርዝር ውስጥ እና ይክፈቱ የ አገባብ ዝርዝር: ይምረጡ <emph> አስተያየት ማረሚያ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - List</emph> tab.<br/>Click an entry in the list and open the context menu.<br/>Choose <emph>Edit Comment</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - መፈለጊያ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6781,8 +6781,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - መፈለጊያ & መቀየሪያ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6797,8 +6797,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On Standard bar, click"
-msgstr "በ መደበኛው መደርደሪያ ላይ ይጫኑ"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6821,56 +6821,56 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"suchenattribute\">Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Attributes</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"suchenattribute\">ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - መፈለጊያ & መቀየሪያ - ባህሪዎች </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"suchenattribute\">Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Attributes</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"suchenformat\">Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Format</emph> button </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"suchenformat\">ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - መፈለጊያ & መቀየሪያ - አቀራረብ </emph> ቁልፍ </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"suchenformat\">Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Format</emph> button.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Similarity search</emph> check box and <emph>Similarities</emph> button."
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - መፈለጊያ & መቀየሪያ - ተመሳሳይ መፈለጊያ </emph> ምልክት ያድርጉ ሳጥኑ ውስጥ እና <emph> ተመሳሳይ </emph> ቁልፍ"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Similarity search</emph> check box, then click the <emph>Similarities</emph> button."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Table Data</emph> Bar, click <emph>Find</emph> icon - <emph>Similarity search</emph> check box - <emph>Similarities</emph> button (database table view)"
-msgstr "ከ <emph> ሰንጠረዥ ዳታ </emph> መደርደሪያ ላይ ይጫኑ <emph> መፈለጊያ </emph> ምልክት - <emph> ተመሳሳይ መፈለጊያ </emph> ምልክት ማድረጊያ ሳጥን - <emph> ተመሳሳይ </emph> ቁልፍ ውስጥ (የ ዳታቤዝ ሰንጠረዥ መመልክቻ)"
+msgid "On the <emph>Table Data</emph> bar, click <emph>Find</emph> icon, then <emph>Similarity search</emph> check box,<br/>then click the <emph>Similarities</emph> button (database table view)."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "On <emph>Form Design</emph> Bar, click <emph>Record Search</emph> - <emph>Similarity search</emph> check box - <emph>Similarities</emph> button (form view)"
-msgstr "ከ <emph> ፎርም ንድፍ </emph> መደርደሪያ ላይ ይጫኑ <emph> መዝገብ መፈለጊያ </emph> - <emph> ተመሳሳይ መፈለጊያ </emph> ምልክት ማድረጊያ ሳጥን - <emph> ተመሳሳይ </emph> ቁልፍ ውስጥ (ፎርም መመልከቻ)"
+msgid "On the <emph>Form Design</emph> bar, click <emph>Record Search</emph> icon, then <emph>Similarity search</emph> check box,<br/>then click the <emph>Similarities</emph> button (form view)."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Navigator</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph>መመልከቻ - መቃኛ</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Navigator</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "On <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
-msgstr "በ <emph>መደበኛ</emph> መደርደሪያ ላይ ይጫኑ"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6893,80 +6893,80 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"litdat\">Choose <emph>Tools - Bibliography Database</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"litdat\">ይምረጡ <emph> መሳሪያዎች - የ ጽሁፎች ዝርዝር ዳታቤዝ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"litdat\">Choose <emph>Tools - Bibliography Database</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"link\">Choose <emph>Edit - Links</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"link\">ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - አገናኞች </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"link\">Choose <emph>Edit - Links</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"linkae\">Choose <emph>Edit - Links - Modify Link</emph> (DDE links only) </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"linkae\">ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - አገናኞች - ማሻሻያ አገናኞች </emph> (DDE አገናኞች ብቻ) </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"linkae\">Choose <emph>Edit - Links - Modify Link</emph> (DDE links only).</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select a frame, then choose <emph>Edit - Object - Properties</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ ክፈፍ ከዛ ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - እቃዎች - ባህሪዎች </emph>"
+msgid "Select a frame, then choose <emph>Edit - Object - Properties</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open context menu of selected frame - choose <emph>Properties</emph>"
-msgstr "የ አገባብ ዝርዝር መክፈቻ ለ ተመረጠው ክፈፍ - ይምረጡ <emph> ባህሪዎች </emph>"
+msgid "Open context menu of selected frame, choose <emph>Properties</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"imagemap\">Choose <emph>Edit - ImageMap</emph> (also in context menu of selected object) </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"imagemap\">ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - የ ምስል ካርታ </emph> (እንዲሁም በ ተመረጠው እቃ ዝርዝር አገባብ ውስጥ) </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"imagemap\">Choose <emph>Edit - ImageMap</emph>, also in the context menu of selected object.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"imapeigbea\">Choose <emph>Edit - ImageMap</emph>, then select a section of the ImageMap and click <emph>Properties - Description</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"imapeigbea\">ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - የ ምስል ካርታ </emph> እና ከዛ ይምረጡ የ ምስል ካርታ ክፍል እና ከዛ ይጫኑ <emph> ባህሪዎች - መግለጫ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"imapeigbea\">Choose <emph>Edit - ImageMap</emph>,<br/>then select a section of the ImageMap and click <emph>Properties - Description</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"edit1\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"edit1\">ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - እቃ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"edit1\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"edit2\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object - Edit</emph>, also in the context menu of selected object </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"edit2\">ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - እቃ - ማረሚያ </emph> እንዲሁም በ ተመረጠው እቃ ዝርዝር አገባብ ውስጥ </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"edit2\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object - Edit</emph>, also in the context menu of selected object.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"edit3\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object - Open</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"edit3\">ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - እቃ - መክፈቻ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"edit3\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object - Open</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6989,120 +6989,120 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Zoom</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph>መመልከቻ - ማሳያ</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Zoom</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Zoom also with (+) (-) (×) and (÷) on the number keypad</caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Zoom also with (+) (-) (×) and (÷) on the number keypad</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">ማሳያ እንዲሁም በ (+) (-) (×) እና (÷) በ ቁጥር ገበታ ላይ </caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">ማሳያ እንዲሁም በ (+) (-) (×) እና (÷) በ ቁጥር ገበታ ላይ </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Zoom also with (+) (-) (×) and (÷) on the number keypad</caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Zoom also with (+) (-) (×) and (÷) on the number keypad.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Double-click or right-click the field on the <emph>Status</emph> Bar"
-msgstr "ሁለት ጊዜ-ይጫኑ ወይንም በ ቀኝ-ይጫኑ ሜዳው ላይ በ <emph> ሁኔታዎች </emph> መደርደሪያ ላይ"
+msgid "Double-click or right-click the field on the <emph>Status</emph> bar."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Toolbars</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph>መመልከቻ - እቃ መደርደሪያ</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Toolbars</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"funktion\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Standard</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"funktion\">ይምረጡ <emph> መመልከቻ - እቃ መደርደሪያ - መደበኛ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"funktion\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Standard</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"werkzeug\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Tools</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"werkzeug\">ይምረጡ <emph> መመልከቻ - እቃ መደርደሪያ - መሳሪያዎች </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"werkzeug\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Tools</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"task\">Choose <emph>View - Status Bar</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"task\">ይምረጡ <emph>መመልከቻ - ሁኔታዎች መደርደሪያ</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"task\">Choose <emph>View - Status Bar</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"farbleiste\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Color Bar</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"farbleiste\">ይምረጡ <emph>መመልከቻ - እቃ መደርደሪያ - ቀለም መደርደሪያ</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"farbleiste\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Color Bar</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"ime\">Choose <emph>View - Input Method Status</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"ime\">ይምረጡ <emph>መመልከቻ - የ ማስግቢያ ዘዴ ሁኔታ</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"ime\">Choose <emph>View - Input Method Status</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Internet</emph>"
-msgstr "ይጫኑ <emph>Hyperlink</emph> ምልክት ከ <emph>መደበኛ</emph> መደርደሪያ ላይ ይጫኑ <emph>ኢንተርኔት</emph>"
+msgid "Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Internet</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Hyperlink</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ማስገቢያ - Hyperlink </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Hyperlink</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"hypdiamailnews\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Mail</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"hypdiamailnews\">ይጫኑ <emph>Hyperlink</emph> ምልክት ላይ በ <emph>መደበኛ</emph> መደርደሪያ ላይ: ይጫኑ <emph>ደብዳቤ</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"hypdiamailnews\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Mail</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"hypdiadok\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Document</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"hypdiadok\">ይጫኑ <emph>Hyperlink</emph> ምልክት ከ <emph>መደበኛ</emph> እቃ መደርደሪያ ላይ እና ይጫኑ <emph>ሰነድ</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"hypdiadok\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Document</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"hypdianeudok\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>New Document</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"hypdianeudok\">ይጫኑ <emph> Hyperlink </emph> ምልክት ላይ በ <emph> መደበኛ </emph> መደርደሪያ ላይ እና ይጫኑ <emph> አዲስ ሰነድ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"hypdianeudok\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>New Document</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Full Screen</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph>መመልከቻ - በሙሉ መመልከቻ ዘዴ</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Full Screen</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7141,16 +7141,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu <emph>View - Data Sources</emph>"
-msgstr "ዝርዝር <emph>መመልከቻ - የ ዳታ ምንጮች</emph>"
+msgid "Menu <emph>View - Data Sources</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> + Shift + F4 keys"
-msgstr "Shift+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">ትእዛዝ</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> + Shift + F4 ቁልፎች"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+F4 keys"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7173,16 +7173,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - HTML Source</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph>መመልከቻ - የ HTML ምንጭ</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - HTML Source</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open context menu in an HTML document"
-msgstr "በ HTML ሰነድ ውስጥ የ አገባብ ዝርዝር መክፈቻ"
+msgid "Open context menu in an HTML document."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7205,16 +7205,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"grid\">Choose <emph>View - Grid</emph> (Impress or Draw)</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"grid\">ይምረጡ <emph>መመልከቻ - መጋጠሚያ</emph> (በ ማስደነቂያ ወይንም መሳያ) </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"grid\">Choose <emph>View - Grid</emph> (Impress or Draw).</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"guides\">Choose <emph>View - Snap Lines</emph> (Impress or Draw)</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"guides\"> ይምረጡ <emph>መመልከቻ - መስመር መቁረጫ</emph> (በ ማስደነቂያ ወይንም መሳያ)</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"guides\">Choose <emph>View - Snap Lines</emph> (Impress or Draw).</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7237,64 +7237,64 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"notiz\">Choose <emph>Insert - Comment</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"notiz\">ይምረጡ <emph> ማስገቢያ - አስተያየት </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"notiz\">Choose <emph>Insert - Comment</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ማስገቢያ - ምስል - ማሰሻ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan - Select Source</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ማስገቢያ - መገናኛ - ማሰሻ - ምንጩን ይምረጡ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan - Select Source</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan - Request</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ማስገቢያ - መገናኛ - ማሰሻ - የተጠየቀውን </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan - Request</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Special Character</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ማስገቢያ - የተለየ ባህሪ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Special Character</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Choose <emph>Format - Bullets and Numbering - Customize - Character</emph> button</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">ይምረጡ <emph> አቀራረብ - ነጥቦች እና ቁጥር መስጫ - ማስተካከያ - ባህሪ </emph> ቁልፍ </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Choose <emph>Format - Bullets and Numbering - Customize - Character</emph> button.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Choose <emph>Format - Bullets and Numbering - Customize - Character</emph> button</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">ይምረጡ <emph> አቀራረብ - ነጥቦች እና ቁጥር መስጫ - ማስተካከያ - ባህሪ </emph> ቁልፍ </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Choose <emph>Format - Bullets and Numbering - Customize - Character</emph> button.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> or the <emph>Insert</emph> toolbar, click"
-msgstr "በ <emph> መደበኛ </emph> ወይንም በ <emph> ማስገቢያ </emph> እቃ መደርደሪያ ላይ ይጫኑ"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> or the <emph>Insert</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7325,8 +7325,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"moviesound2\">Choose <emph>Insert - Audio or Video</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"moviesound2\">ይምረጡ <emph> ማስገቢያ - ድምፅ ወይንም ቪዲዮ</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"moviesound2\">Choose <emph>Insert - Audio or Video</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7341,24 +7341,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"objekteinf\">Choose <emph>Insert - Object</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"objekteinf\">ይምረጡ <emph> ማስገቢያ - እቃ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"objekteinf\">Choose <emph>Insert - Object</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - OLE Object</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ማስገቢያ - እቃ - የ OLE እቃ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - OLE Object</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open the <emph>Insert</emph> toolbar, click"
-msgstr "መክፈቻ በ <emph> ማስገቢያ </emph> እቃ መደርደሪያ ላይ: ይጫኑ"
+msgid "On the <emph>Insert</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7381,16 +7381,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Formula</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ማስገቢያ - እቃ - መቀመሪያ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Formula</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open the <emph>Insert </emph>toolbar, click"
-msgstr "መክፈቻ በ <emph> ማስገቢያ </emph> እቃ መደርደሪያ ላይ: ይጫኑ"
+msgid "On the <emph>Insert</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7413,64 +7413,64 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> አቀራረብ - የ ቻርትስ አይነት </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart </emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ማስገቢያ - እቃ - ቻርትስ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart </emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> አቀራረብ - የ ቻርትስ አይነት </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ማስገቢያ - እቃ - ቻርትስ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> አቀራረብ - የ ቻርትስ አይነት </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ማስገቢያ - እቃ - ቻርትስ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ማስገቢያ - እቃ - ቻርትስ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open the <emph>Insert </emph>toolbar, click"
-msgstr "መክፈቻ በ <emph> ማስገቢያ </emph> እቃ መደርደሪያ ላይ: ይጫኑ"
+msgid "On the <emph>Insert</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7493,16 +7493,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Image</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ማስገቢያ - ምስል </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Image</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> toolbar, click"
-msgstr "በ <emph>መደበኛ</emph> መደርደሪያ ላይ ይጫኑ"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7525,16 +7525,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Floating Frame</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ማስገቢያ - ተንሳፋፊ ክፈፎች </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Floating Frame</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open the <emph>Insert </emph>toolbar, click"
-msgstr "መክፈቻ በ <emph> ማስገቢያ </emph> እቃ መደርደሪያ ላይ: ይጫኑ"
+msgid "On the <emph>Insert</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7557,8 +7557,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"filterauswahl\">Open a file of a type that is unknown to %PRODUCTNAME and that is no text file</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"filterauswahl\">ያልታወቀ አይነት ፋይል መክፈቻ ለ %PRODUCTNAME እና የ ጽሁፍ ፋይል ያልሆነ </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"filterauswahl\">Open a file of a type that is unknown to %PRODUCTNAME and that is no text file.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7693,8 +7693,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">Insert - Media - Clip Art Gallery</item> or on <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <item type=\"menuitem\"> ማስገቢያ - ብዙሀን መገናኛ - ቁራጭ ኪነ ጥበብ አዳራሽ </item> ወይንም በ <emph> መደበኛ </emph> መደርደሪያ ላይ: ይጫኑ"
+msgid "Choose <emph><item type=\"menuitem\">Insert - Media - Clip Art Gallery</item></emph> or open <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7717,8 +7717,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"galleryregisterdateien\">Choose <emph>Tools - Gallery</emph> or click the <emph>Gallery </emph>icon on the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar - <emph>New Theme</emph> button - <emph>Files</emph> tab.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"galleryregisterdateien\">ይምረጡ <emph> መሳሪያዎች - አዳራሽ </emph> ወይንም ይጫኑ የ <emph> አዳራሽ </emph> ምልክት ከ <emph> መደበኛ </emph> እቃ መደርደሪያ ላይ - <emph> አዲስ ገጽታ </emph> ቁልፍ - <emph> ፋይሎች </emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"galleryregisterdateien\">Choose <emph>Tools - Gallery</emph>or click the <emph>Gallery</emph> icon on the <emph>Standard</emph> bar -<br/><emph>New Theme</emph> button - <emph>Files</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7741,8 +7741,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
-msgstr "በ <emph>መደበኛ</emph> መደርደሪያ ላይ ይጫኑ"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7805,8 +7805,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Language - Thesaurus</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> መሳሪያዎች - ቋንቋ - ተመሳሳይ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Language - Thesaurus</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7853,8 +7853,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"passwort\">Choose <emph>Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - %PRODUCTNAME Basic</emph>, click the <emph>Organizer</emph> button, click the <emph>Libraries</emph> tab, and then click the <emph>Password</emph> button.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"passwort\">ይምረጡ <emph> መሳሪያዎች - ማክሮስ - ማክሮስ አደራጅ - %PRODUCTNAME Basic </emph> ይጫኑ የ <emph> አደራጅ </emph> ቁልፍ: ይጫኑ የ <emph> መጻህፍት ቤት </emph> tab: እና ከዛ ይጫኑ <emph> የ መግቢያ ቃል </emph> ቁልፍ </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"passwort\">Choose <emph>Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - %PRODUCTNAME Basic</emph>,<br/>click the <emph>Organizer</emph> button,<br/>click the <emph>Libraries</emph> tab,<br/>and then click the <emph>Password</emph> button.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8037,16 +8037,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Path selection button in various wizards"
-msgstr "ለተለያየ አዋቂ መንገድ መምረጫ ቁልፍ"
+msgid "Path selection button in various wizards."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click <emph>Edit</emph> button for a few entries under <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - Paths</emph>"
-msgstr "ይጫኑ <emph> ማረሚያ </emph> ቁልፍ ለጥቂት ማስገቢያዎች ከ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - ምርጫዎች </emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph> መሳሪያዎች - ምርጫ </emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - መንገዶች </emph>"
+msgid "Click <emph>Edit</emph> button for a few entries under <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - Paths</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8245,24 +8245,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"etsofi\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save</emph> - <emph>VBA Properties</emph>.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"etsofi\"> ይምረጡ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - ምርጫዎች</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph> መሳሪያዎች - ምርጫ</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - መጫኛ/ማስቀመጫ</emph> - <emph>VBA Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"etsofi\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save - VBA Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"etsofi2\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save</emph> - <emph>Microsoft Office</emph>.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"etsofi2\">ይምረጡ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - ምርጫዎች </emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph> መሳሪያዎች - ምርጫዎች </emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - መጫኛ/ማስቀመጫ </emph> - <emph> Microsoft Office </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"etsofi2\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save - Microsoft Office</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"html\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save</emph> - <emph>HTML Compatibility</emph>.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"html\">ይምረጡ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - ምርጫዎች </emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>መሳሪያዎች - ምርጫዎች</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - መጫኛ/ማስቀመጫ</emph> - <emph>HTML Compatibility</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"html\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save - HTML Compatibility</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8301,8 +8301,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language Settings - Writing Aids</emph>, in the <emph>Available language modules</emph> list, select one of the language modules and then click <emph>Edit</emph>."
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - ምርጫዎች</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>መሳሪያዎች - ምርጫ</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - ቋንቋ ማሰናጃ - የ መጻፊያ እርዳታ</emph> በ <emph> ዝግጁ የ ቋንቋ ክፍሎች</emph> ዝርዝር ውስጥ: ይምረጡ አንድ የ ቋንቋ ክፍል እና ከዛ ይጫኑ <emph> ማረሚያ </emph>:"
+msgid "Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language Settings - Writing Aids</emph>,<br/>in the <emph>Available language modules</emph> list, select one of the language modules and then click <emph>Edit</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8389,16 +8389,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"layout\">Open a text document, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web</emph> - <emph>View</emph>.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"layout\">የ ጽሁፍ ሰነድ መክፈቻ ይምረጡ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - ምርጫዎች </emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph> መሳሪያዎች - ምርጫ </emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME መጻፊያ/%PRODUCTNAME መጻፊያ/ዌብ </emph>- <emph> መመልከቻ </emph>:</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"layout\">Open a text document, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web - View</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"registerschattencursor\">Open a text document, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web</emph> - <emph>Formatting Aids</emph>.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"registerschattencursor\">የ ጽሁፍ ሰነድ መክፈቻ ይምረጡ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - ምርጫዎች </emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph> መሳሪያዎች - ምርጫ </emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME መጻፊያ/ዌብ </emph> - <emph> የ አቀራረብ እርዳታ </emph>:</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"registerschattencursor\">Open a text document, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web - Formatting Aids</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8429,8 +8429,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"drucken1\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/ %PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web</emph> - <emph>Print</emph>.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"drucken1\">ይምረጡ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - ምርጫዎች </emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph> መሳሪያዎች - ምርጫ </emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/ %PRODUCTNAME መጻፊያ/ዌብ </emph>- <emph> ማተሚያ </emph>:</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"drucken1\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web - Print</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8677,16 +8677,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"window\">Choose <emph>Window - New Window</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"window\">ይምረጡ <emph>መስኮት - አዲስ መስኮት</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"window\">Choose <emph>Window - New Window</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000407.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"liste\">Choose <emph>Window</emph> - List of open documents</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"liste\">ይምረጡ<emph>መስኮት</emph> - የተከፈቱ ሰነዶች ዝርዝር</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"liste\">Choose <emph>Window - List of open documents</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000408.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8709,16 +8709,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"content\">Choose <emph>Help - %PRODUCTNAME Help</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"content\">ይምረጡ <emph> እርዳታ - %PRODUCTNAME እርዳታ</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"content\">Choose <emph>Help - %PRODUCTNAME Help</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000408.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"infoanwendung\">Choose <emph>Help - About </emph><emph>%PRODUCTNAME</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"infoanwendung\">ይምረጡ <emph> እርዳታ - ስለ </emph><emph>%PRODUCTNAME</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"infoanwendung\">Choose <emph>Help - About %PRODUCTNAME</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000408.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8733,8 +8733,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Help - Registration</emph> (this is a direct link to an external website)"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> እርዳታ - መመዝገቢያ </emph> (ይህ ቀጥተኛ አገናኝ ነው ለ ውጪ ድህረ ገጽ)"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Help - Registration</emph>. This is a direct link to an external website."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000409.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8757,24 +8757,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Data - Filter - Standard Filter</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ዳታ - ማጣሪያ - መደበኛ ማጣሪያ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Data - Filter - Standard Filter</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000409.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Database table view: <emph>Standard Filter</emph> icon in the <emph>Database</emph> Toolbar"
-msgstr "የ ዳታቤዝ ሰንጠረዥ መመልከቻ: <emph> መደበኛ ማጣሪያ </emph> ምልክት ከ <emph> ዳታቤዝ </emph> እቃ መደርደሪያ ላይ"
+msgid "Database table view: <emph>Standard Filter</emph> icon in the <emph>Database</emph> toolbar."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000409.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Form view: <emph>Standard Filter</emph> icon in the <emph>Form</emph> Bar"
-msgstr "ፎርም መመልከቻ: <emph>መደበኛ ማጣሪያ </emph> ምልክት በ <emph>ፎርም</emph> መደርደሪያ ላይ"
+msgid "Form view: <emph>Standard Filter</emph> icon in the <emph>Form</emph> bar."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000409.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8813,8 +8813,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"DBTab\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - Table Filter</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"DBTab\">ከ ዳታቤዝ ፋይል መስኮት ውስጥ ይምረጡ <emph> መሳሪያዎች - ሰንጠረዥ ማጣሪያ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"DBTab\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - Table Filter</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8829,152 +8829,152 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Typ\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties - Advanced Settings</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"Typ\">ከ ዳታቤዝ ፋይል መስኮት ውስጥ ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - ዳታቤዝ - ባህሪዎች - የ ረቀቀ ማሰናጃዎች </emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Typ\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties - Advanced Settings</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Datenquelle\">In a database file window of type ODBC or Address book, choose Edit - Database - Connection Type</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"Datenquelle\">ከ ዳታቤዝ ፋይል መስኮት አይነት ውስጥ የ ODBC ወይንም አድራሻ ደብተር ይምረጡ ማረሚያ - ዳታቤዝ - የ ግንኙነት አይነት </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Datenquelle\">In a database file window of type <emph>ODBC</emph> or <emph>Address book</emph>,<br/>choose <emph>Edit - Database - Connection Type</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Verzeichnis\">Path selection button in various Wizards / <emph>Edit</emph> Buttons for some entries in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - Paths</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"Verzeichnis\">የ መንገድ መምረጫ ቁልፍ ለተለያየ አዋቂዎች / <emph> ማረሚያ </emph> ቁልፎች ለ አንዳንድ ማስገቢያዎች በ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - ምርጫዎች </emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph> መሳሪያዎች - ምርጫ </emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - መንገዶች </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Verzeichnis\"><emph>Path</emph> selection button in various wizards / <emph>Edit</emph> buttons for some entries in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - Paths</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"ODBC\">In a database file window of type ODBC, choose Edit - Database - Connection Type</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"ODBC\">ከ ዳታቤዝ ፋይል መስኮት አይነት ውስጥ የ ODBC ይምረጡ ማረሚያ - ዳታቤዝ - ግንኙነት አይነት </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"ODBC\">In a database file window of type <emph>ODBC</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Connection Type</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"ldap\">In a database file window of type Address book - LDAP, choose Edit - Database - Properties</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"ldap\">ከ ዳታቤዝ ፋይል አይነት መስኮት ውስጥ የ አድራሻ ደብተር - LDAP, ይምረጡ ማረሚያ - ዳታቤዝ - ባህሪዎች </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"ldap\">In a database file window of type <emph>Address book - LDAP</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"JDBC\">In a database file window of type JDBC, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"JDBC\">ከ ዳታቤዝ ፋይል አይነት መስኮት ውስጥ የ JDBC, ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - ዳታቤዝ - ባህሪዎች </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"JDBC\">In a database file window of type <emph>JDBC</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"mysql\">In a database file window of type MySQL, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"mysql\">ከ ዳታቤዝ ፋይል አይነት መስኮት ውስጥ የ MySQL, ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - ዳታቤዝ - ባህሪዎች </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"mysql\">In a database file window of type <emph>MySQL</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dBase\">In a database file window of type dBASE, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dBase\">ከ ዳታቤዝ ፋይል አይነት መስኮት ውስጥ የ dBASE, ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - ዳታቤዝ - ባህሪዎች </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dBase\">In a database file window of type <emph>dBASE</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dBasein\">In a database file window of type dBASE, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>, click <emph>Indexes</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dBasein\">ከ ዳታቤዝ ፋይል አይነት መስኮት ውስጥ የ dBASE, ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - ዳታቤዝ - ባህሪዎች </emph> ይጫኑ <emph> ማውጫዎች </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dBasein\">In a database file window of type <emph>dBASE</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>, click <emph>Indexes</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Text\">In a database file window of type Text, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"Text\">ከ ዳታቤዝ ፋይል አይነት መስኮት ውስጥ የ ጽሁፍ ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - ዳታቤዝ - ባህሪዎች </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Text\">In a database file window of type <emph>Text</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"ADO\">In a database file window of type MS ADO, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"ADO\">ከ ዳታቤዝ ፋይል አይነት መስኮት ውስጥ የ MS ADO, ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - ዳታቤዝ - ባህሪዎች </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"ADO\">In a database file window of type <emph>MS ADO</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"SQLStatement\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - SQL</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"SQLStatement\">ከ ዳታቤዝ ፋይል መስኮት ውስጥ ይምረጡ <emph> መሳሪያዎች - SQL </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"SQLStatement\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - SQL</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Abfragen\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"Abfragen\">ከ ዳታቤዝ ፋይል መስኮት ውስጥ ይጫኑ የ <emph> ጥያቄ </emph> ምልክት </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Abfragen\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Tabellen\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Tables</emph> icon</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"Tabellen\">ከ ዳታቤዝ ፋይል መስኮት ውስጥ ይጫኑ የ <emph> ሰንጠረዥ </emph> ምልክት </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Tabellen\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Tables</emph> icon.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"tabellenentwurf\">In a database file window, click the Tables icon. Choose Insert -<emph> Table Design</emph> or <emph>Edit - Edit</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"tabellenentwurf\">ከ ዳታቤዝ ፋይል መስኮት ውስጥ ይጫኑ የ ሰንጠረዥ ምልክት ይምረጡ ማስገቢያ -<emph> የ ሰንጠረዥ ንድፍ </emph> ወይንም <emph> ማረሚያ - ማረሚያ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"tabellenentwurf\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Tables</emph> icon. Choose <emph>Insert - Table Design</emph> or <emph>Edit - Edit</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"indexentwurf\">In a database file window, click the Tables icon. Choose <emph>Insert - Table Design</emph> or <emph>Edit - Edit</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"indexentwurf\">ከ ዳታቤዝ ፋይል መስኮት ውስጥ ይጫኑ የ ሰንጠረዥ ምልክት ይምረጡ <emph> ማስገቢያ - የ ሰንጠረዥ ንድፍ </emph> ወይንም <emph> ማረሚያ - ማረሚያ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"indexentwurf\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Tables</emph> icon. Choose <emph>Insert - Table Design</emph> or <emph>Edit - Edit</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"AbfrageNeu\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Insert - Query (Design view)</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"AbfrageNeu\">ከ ዳታቤዝ ፋይል መስኮት ይምረጡ <emph> ማስገቢያ - ጥያቄ (የ ንድፍ መመልከቻ) </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"AbfrageNeu\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Insert - Query (Design view)</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"entwab\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon, then choose <emph>Edit - Edit</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"entwab\">ከ ዳታቤዝ ፋይል መስኮት ይምረጡ የ <emph> ጥያቄዎች </emph> ምልክት እና ከዛ ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - ማረሚያ </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"entwab\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon, then choose <emph>Edit - Edit</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"FehlendesElement\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon, then choose <emph>Edit - Edit</emph>. When referenced fields no longer exist, you see this dialog</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"FehlendesElement\">ከ ዳታቤዝ ፋይል መስኮት ውስጥ: ይምረጡ የ <emph> ጥያቄዎች </emph> ምልክት እና ከዛ ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - ማረሚያ </emph> ማመሳከሪያው ገጽ በማይገኝ ጊዜ: ይህ ንግግር ለ እርስዎ ይታያል </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"FehlendesElement\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon, then choose <emph>Edit - Edit</emph>.<br/>If the referenced fields no longer exist, you see this dialog.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9021,8 +9021,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Find Record</emph> icon on the Table Data bar and Form Design bar"
-msgstr "<emph>መፈለጊያ መቅረጫ</emph> ምልክት በ ሰንጠረዥ ዳታ መደርደሪያ ላይ እና የ ንድፍ መደርደሪያ መፍጠሪያ"
+msgid "<emph>Find Record</emph> icon on the Table Data bar and Form Design bar."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9045,8 +9045,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Sort Order</emph> icon on the Table Data bar and Form Design bar"
-msgstr "<emph>መለያ ደንብ</emph> ምልክት በ ሰንጠረዥ ዳታ መደርደሪያ ላይ እና የ ንድፍ መደርደሪያ መፍጠሪያ ላይ"
+msgid "<emph>Sort Order</emph> icon on the Table Data bar and Form Design bar."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9069,40 +9069,40 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"allgemein\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"allgemein\">ከ ዳታቤዝ ፋይል መስኮት ውስጥ ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - የ ዳታቤዝ - ባህሪዎች </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"allgemein\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"tabellecopy\">Drag and drop a table or a query into the table part of another database file window</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"tabellecopy\">መጎተቻ እና መጣያ ሰንጠረዥ ወይንም ጥያቄ ወደ ሰንጠረዥ አካል ወደ ሌላ ዳታቤዝ ፋይል መስኮት ውስጥ</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"tabellecopy\">Drag and drop a table or a query into the table part of another database file window.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"formularneu\">In a database file window, choose<emph> Insert - Form</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"formularneu\">ከ ዳታቤዝ ፋይል መስኮት ውስጥ ይምረጡ <emph> ማስገቢያ - ፎርም </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"formularneu\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Insert - Form</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"benutzereinstellungen\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"benutzereinstellungen\">ከ ዳታቤዝ ፋይል መስኮት ውስጥ ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - ዳታቤዝ - ባህሪዎች </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"benutzereinstellungen\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"relationen\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - Relationships</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"relationen\">ከ ዳታቤዝ ፋይል መስኮት ውስጥ ይምረጡ <emph> መሳሪያዎች - ግንኙነታቸው </emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"relationen\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - Relationships</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00040500.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po
index 4d799b95abe..f5aff9b5bfb 100644
--- a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po
+++ b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 22:52+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-02 02:44+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-08 04:43+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Samson B <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: am\n"
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530499454.000000\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1531025009.000000\n"
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">If you want to create a document from a template, choose <emph>New - Templates.</emph></ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">ከ ቴምፕሌት ውስጥ ሰነድ መፍጠር ከፈለጉ ይምረጡ <emph> አዲስ - ቴምፕሌት </emph></ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">If you want to create a document from a template, choose <emph>New - Templates</emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Creates a new text document ($[officename] Writer)."
-msgstr "አዲስ የ ጽሁፍ ሰነድ መፍጠሪያ ($[officename] መጻፊያ)"
+msgid "Creates a new text document in $[officename] Writer."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Creates a new spreadsheet document ($[officename] Calc)."
-msgstr "አዲስ የ ሰንጠረዥ ሰነድ መፍጠሪያ ($[officename] ሰንጠረዥ)"
+msgid "Creates a new spreadsheet document in $[officename] Calc."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Creates a new presentation document ($[officename] Impress)."
-msgstr "አዲስ የ ማቅረቢያ ሰነድ መፍጠሪያ ($[officename] ማስደነቂያ)."
+msgid "Creates a new presentation document in $[officename] Impress."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Creates a new drawing document ($[officename] Draw)."
-msgstr "አዲስ የ መሳያ ሰነድ መፍጠሪያ ($[officename] መሳያ)"
+msgid "Creates a new drawing document in $[officename] Draw."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -205,8 +205,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/dabawiz00.xhp\">Database Wizard</link> to create a <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/dabadoc.xhp\">database file</link>."
-msgstr "መክፈቻ የ <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/dabawiz00.xhp\"> ዳታቤዝ አዋቂ </link> ለ መፍጠሪያ የ <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/dabadoc.xhp\"> ዳታቤዝ ፋይል </link>"
+msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/dabawiz00.xhp\"><emph>Database Wizard</emph></link> to create a <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/dabadoc.xhp\"><emph>database file</emph></link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -301,8 +301,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Creates a new formula document ($[officename] Math)."
-msgstr "አዲስ የ መቀመሪያ ሰነድ መፍጠሪያ ($[officename] ሂሳብ)"
+msgid "Creates a new formula document in $[officename] Math."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -325,8 +325,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01010200.xhp\" name=\"Labels\">Labels</link> dialog where you can set the options for your labels, and then creates a new text document for the labels ($[officename] Writer)."
-msgstr "መክፈቻ የ<link href=\"text/shared/01/01010200.xhp\" name=\"Labels\">ምልክቶች</link> ንግግር: የ እርስዎን ምልክቶች ምርጫ የሚያሰናዱበት እና አዲስ የ ጽሁፍ ሰነድ ለ ምልክቶች የሚፈጥሩበት ($[officename] መጻፊያ)"
+msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01010200.xhp\" name=\"Labels\"><emph>Labels</emph></link> dialog where you can set the options for your labels, and then creates a new text document for the labels in $[officename] Writer."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -349,8 +349,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01010300.xhp\" name=\"Business Cards\">Business Cards</link> dialog where you can set the options for your business cards, and then creates a new text document ($[officename] Writer)."
-msgstr "መክፈቻ የ <link href=\"text/shared/01/01010300.xhp\" name=\"Business Cards\">ንግድ ካርዶች</link> ንግግር የ ንግድ ካርዶች የሚፈጥሩበት እና የ ጽሁፍ ሰነዶች የሚያሰናዱበት($[officename] መጻፊያ)"
+msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01010300.xhp\" name=\"Business Cards\"><emph>Business Cards</emph></link> dialog where you can set the options for your business cards, and then creates a new text document in $[officename] Writer."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -389,40 +389,40 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new text document ($[officename] Writer).</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">አዲስ የ ጽሁፍ ሰነድ መፍጠሪያ ($[officename] መጻፊያ).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new text document in $[officename] Writer.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new spreadsheet document ($[officename] Calc).</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">አዲስ የ ሰንጠረዥ ሰነድ መፍጠሪያ($[officename] ሰንጠረዥ).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new spreadsheet document in $[officename] Calc.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new presentation document ($[officename] Impress).</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">አዲስ የ ማቅረቢያ ሰነድ መፍጠሪያ ($[officename] ማስደነቂያ).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new presentation document in $[officename] Impress.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new drawing document ($[officename] Draw).</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">አዲስ የ መሳያ ሰነድ መፍጠሪያ ($[officename] መሳያ).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new drawing document in $[officename] Draw.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the Database Wizard to create a database file.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">የ ዳታቤዝ አዋቂ መክፈቻ አዲስ የ ዳታቤዝ ፋይል ለ መፍጠር </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the <emph>Database Wizard</emph> to create a database file.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -453,24 +453,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new formula document ($[officename] Math).</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">አዲስ የ መቀመሪያ ሰነድ መፍጠሪያ ($[officename] ሂሳብ).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new formula document in $[officename] Math.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the Labels dialog where you can set the options for your labels, and then creates a new text document for the labels ($[officename] Writer).</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">የ ምልክቶች ንግግር መክፈቻ: የ እርስዎን ምልክቶች ምርጫ የሚያሰናዱበት እና አዲስ የ ጽሁፍ ሰነድ ለ ምልክቶች የሚፈጥሩበት ($[officename] Writer).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the <emph>Labels</emph> dialog where you can set the options for your labels, and then creates a new text document for the labels in $[officename] Writer.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the Business Cards dialog where you can set the options for your business cards, and then creates a new text document ($[officename] Writer).</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">የ ንግድ ካርድ ንግግር መክፈቻ: የ እርስዎን የ ንግድ ካርድ ምርጫ የሚያሰናዱበት እና አዲስ የ ጽሁፍ ሰነድ ለ ንግድ ካርድ የሚፈጥሩበት ($[officename] መጻፊያ).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the <emph>Business Cards</emph> dialog where you can set the options for your business cards, and then creates a new text document in $[officename] Writer.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -501,16 +501,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use a <emph>Master Document</emph> to organize complex projects, such as a book. <ahelp hid=\".\">A <emph>Master Document</emph> can contain the individual files for each chapter of a book, as well as a table of contents, and an index.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "ይጠቀሙ <emph>ዋናው ሰንድ</emph> ውስብስብ ስራዎችን ለማደራጀት እንደ መጽሐፍ ያለ <ahelp hid=\".\">የ <emph>ዋናው ሰንድ</emph> ለ እያንዳንዱ ምእራፍ የተለያዩ ፋይሎችን ማውጫዎችን እና የተለያዩ ሰንጠረዥ ይዞታዎችን መያዝ ይችላል</ahelp>"
+msgid "Use a master document to organize complex projects, such as a book. <ahelp hid=\".\">A master document can contain the individual files for each chapter of a book, as well as a table of contents, and an index.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010001.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"Navigator for Master Documents\">Navigator for Master Documents</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/shared/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"Navigator for Master Documents\">የ ዋናው ሰነዶች መቃኛ</link>"
+msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"Navigator for Master Documents\"><emph>Navigator for Master Documents</emph></link>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -533,8 +533,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"etikett\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertLabels\">Allows you to create labels. Labels are created in a text document.</ahelp> You can print labels using a pre-defined or a custom paper format. </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"etikett\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertLabels\">ምልክቶች መፍጠር ያስችሎታል: ምልክቶች መፍጠር የሚቻለው በ ጽሁፍ ሰነድ ነው: </ahelp> ምልክቶችን ማተም ይችላሉ በ ቅድሚያ-በተወሰኑ ወይንም ወረቀት አቀራረብ ማስተካከያ</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"etikett\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertLabels\">Allows you to create labels. Labels are created in a text document.</ahelp> You can print labels using a predefined or a custom paper format.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -661,8 +661,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/cardmediumpage/database\">Select the database that you want to use as the data source for your label. </ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/cardmediumpage/database\">ለ እርስዎ ምልክት እንደ ዳታ ምንጭ መጠቀም የሚፈልጉትን ዳታቤዝ ይምረጡ</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/cardmediumpage/database\">Select the database that you want to use as the data source for your label.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010201.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -701,8 +701,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The name of the database field is bounded by brackets in the <emph>Label text</emph> box. If you want, you can separate database fields with spaces. Press Enter to insert a database field on a new line."
-msgstr "የ ዳታቤዝ ሜዳ ስም በ ቅንፍ የተከበበ ነው በ <emph> ጽሁፍ ምልክት </emph> ሳጥን ውስጥ: እርስዎ ከፈለጉ መለየት ይችላሉ የ ዳታቤዝ ሜዳዎች በ ክፍተት: ይጫኑ ማስገቢያውን ለ ማስገባት የ ዳታቤዝ ሜዳ በ አዲስ መሰር ውስጥ"
+msgid "The name of the database field is bounded by brackets in the <emph>Label text</emph> box. If you want, you can separate database fields with spaces. Press <emph>Enter</emph> to insert a database field on a new line."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010201.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -717,8 +717,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can select a pre-defined size format for your label or a size format that you specify on the <emph>Format </emph>tab."
-msgstr "እርስዎ መምረጥ ይችላሉ በቅድሚያ-የተገለጽ መጠን አቀራረብ ለ እርስዎ ምልክት ወይንም እርስዎ በሚወስኑት መጠን አቀራረብ በ <emph>አቀራረብ </emph>tab.."
+msgid "You can select a predefined size format for your label or a size format that you specify on the <emph>Format</emph> tab."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010201.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1109,8 +1109,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/labeloptionspage/synchronize\">Allows you to edit a single label or business card and updates the contents of the remaining labels or business cards on the page when you click the <emph>Synchronize Labels </emph>button.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/labeloptionspage/synchronize\">እርስዎን ነጠላ ምልክት ማረም ያስችላል ወይንም የ ንግድ ካርዶች እና ይዞታዎችን ማሻሻል: ቀሪውን ምልክቶች ወይንም የ ንግድ ካርዶች በ ገጹ ላይ እርስዎ ሲጫኑ የ <emph>ምልክቶች ማስማሚያ </emph>ቁልፍ.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/labeloptionspage/synchronize\">Allows you to edit a single label or business card and updates the contents of the remaining labels or business cards on the page when you click the <emph>Synchronize Labels</emph> button.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010203.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1125,8 +1125,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Synchronize labels </emph>button only appears in your document if you selected the <emph>Synchronize contents </emph>on the<emph> Options tab </emph>when you created the labels or business cards."
-msgstr "የ <emph>ምልክት ማስማሚያ </emph>ቁልፍ ብቻ ይታያል በ እርስዎ ሰነድ ውስጥ እርስዎ ከ መረጡ የ <emph>ይዞታዎች ማስማሚያ </emph>በ<emph> ምርጫ tab </emph>እርስዎ ምልክቶች ወይንም የ ንግድ ካርዶች በሚፈጥሩ ጊዜ"
+msgid "The <emph>Synchronize labels</emph> button only appears in your document if you have selected the <emph>Synchronize contents</emph> on the <emph>Options</emph> tab when you created the labels or business cards."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010203.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1165,8 +1165,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/labeloptionspage/setup\">Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01140000.xhp\" name=\"Printer Setup\">Printer Setup</link> dialog.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/labeloptionspage/setup\">መክፈቻ የ <link href=\"text/shared/01/01140000.xhp\" name=\"Printer Setup\">ማተሚያ ማሰናጃ</link> ንግግር</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/labeloptionspage/setup\">Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01140000.xhp\" name=\"Printer Setup\"><emph>Printer Setup</emph></link> dialog.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1733,8 +1733,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If the file that you want to open contains Styles, <link href=\"text/shared/01/01020000.xhp#vorlagen\" name=\"special rules\">special rules</link> apply."
-msgstr "እርስዎ መክፈት የሚፈልጉት ፋይል ዘዴዎች ከያዘ <link href=\"text/shared/01/01020000.xhp#vorlagen\" name=\"special rules\">የ ተለየ ደንብ</link> ይፈጸማል"
+msgid "If the file that you want to open contains styles, <link href=\"text/shared/01/01020000.xhp#vorlagen\" name=\"special rules\">special rules</link> apply."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1789,8 +1789,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To open more than one document at the same time, each in an own window, hold <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command </caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> while you click the files, and then click <emph>Open</emph>."
-msgstr "በ ተመሳሳይ ጊዜ ከ አንድ በላይ ሰነድ ለ መክፈት: እያንዳንዱን በራሱ መስኮት ውስጥ: ተጭነው ይያዙ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"> ትእዛዝ </caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> ፋይሎቹን በሚጫኑ ጊዜ: እና ከዛ ይጫኑ <emph> መክፈቻ </emph>"
+msgid "To open more than one document at the same time, each in an own window, hold <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> while you click the files, and then click <emph>Open</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1853,24 +1853,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"fpicker/ui/explorerfiledialog/file_name\">Enter a file name or a path for the file. You can also enter a <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#url\" name=\"URL\">URL</link> that starts with the protocol name ftp, http, or https.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"fpicker/ui/explorerfiledialog/file_name\">የ ፋይል ስም ያስገቡ ወይንም መንገድ ለ ፋይል: እርስዎ እንዲሁም ማስገባት ይችላሉ <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#url\" name=\"URL\">URL</link> አሰራር የሚጀምር በ ftp, http, ወይንም https.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"fpicker/ui/explorerfiledialog/file_name\">Enter a file name or a path for the file. You can also enter an <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#url\" name=\"URL\"><emph>URL</emph></link> that starts with the protocol name <emph>ftp</emph>, <emph>http</emph>, or <emph>https</emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you want, you can use wildcards in the <emph>File name </emph>box to filter the list of files that is displayed."
-msgstr "እርስዎ ከ ፈለጉ መጠቀም ይችላሉ ሁሉ ገብ በ <emph>ፋይል ስም </emph>ሳጥን ውስጥ ለማጣራት የ ፋይሎች ዝርዝር የሚታዩትን"
+msgid "If you want, you can use wildcards in the <emph>File name</emph> box to filter the list of files that is displayed."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"> </caseinline><defaultinline>For example, to list all of the text files in a folder, enter the asterisk wildcard with the text file extension (*.txt), and then click<emph> Open</emph>. Use the question mark (?) wildcard to represent any character, as in (??3*.txt), which only displays text files with a '3' as the third character in the file name.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"> </caseinline><defaultinline>ለምሳሌ: ሁሉንም የ ጽሁፍ ፋይሎች በ ፎልደር ዝርዝር ውስጥ ለማሳየት: ያስገቡ ኮከብ ሁለ ገብ ከ ጽሁ ፋይል ተጨማሪ (*.txt) ጋር: እና ከዛ ይጫኑ <emph> መክፈቻ </emph> ይጠቀሙ የ ጥያቄ ምልክት (?) ሁለ ገብ ለ መወከል ማንኛውንም ባህሪ: እንደ (??3*.txt) ውስጥ: የ ጽሁፍ ፋይሎች ብቻ ከ '3' የሚያሳየው እንደ ሶስት ባህሪዎች በ ፋይል ስም ውስጥ </defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>For example, to list all of the text files in a folder, enter the asterisk wildcard with the text file extension (<emph>*.txt</emph>), and then click <emph>Open</emph>. Use the question mark (<emph>?</emph>) wildcard to represent any character, as in <emph>??3*.txt</emph>, which only displays text files with a '<emph>3</emph>' as the third character in the file name.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1989,40 +1989,40 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "the shared template folder"
-msgstr "የሚካፈሉት የ ቴምፕሌት ፎልደር"
+msgid "In the <emph>shared template</emph> folder,"
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "the user template folder <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"UNIX\">in the home directory </caseinline><defaultinline>in the Documents and Settings folder</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "የ ተጠቃሚ ቴምፕሌት ፎልደር <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"UNIX\">በ ቤት ዳይሬክቶሪ ውስጥ </caseinline><defaultinline>በ ሰነዶች እና ማሰናጃ ፎልደር ውስጥ</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "- the <emph>user template</emph> folder, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"UNIX\">- the <emph>home directory</emph> folder, </caseinline> <defaultinline> - the <emph>Documents and Settings</emph> folder </defaultinline> </switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "all template folders as defined in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010300.xhp\" name=\"%PRODUCTNAME - Paths\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Paths</emph></link>"
-msgstr "ሁሉም የ ቴምፕሌት ፎልደሮች ተገልጸዋል በ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - ምርጫዎች </emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph> መሳሪያዎች - ምርጫ </emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010300.xhp\" name=\"%PRODUCTNAME - Paths\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - መንገድ </emph></link>"
+msgid "and all template folders as defined in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010300.xhp\" name=\"%PRODUCTNAME - Paths\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Paths</emph></link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you use <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Templates - Save as Template</item> to save a template, the template will be stored in your user template folder. When you open a document that is based on such a template, the document will be checked for a changed template as described below. The template is associated with the document, it may be called a \"sticky template\"."
-msgstr "እርስዎ በሚጠቀሙ ጊዜ <item type=\"menuitem\"> ፋይል - ቴምፕሌት - እንደ ቴምፕሌት ማስቀመጫ </item> ቴምፕሌት ለማስቀመጥ: ቴምፕሌቱ ይቀመጣል በ እርስዎ ተጠቃሚ ቴምፕሌት ፎልደር ውስጥ: እርስዎ ሰነድ ሲከፍቱ ይህን ቴምፕሌት መሰረት ያደረገ: ሰነዱ ይመረመራል: ቴምፕሌቱ ተቀይሮ እንደሆን ከ ታች በኩል እንደ ተገለጸው: ከ ሰነድ ጋር የ ተዛመደ ቴምፕሌት \"ተጣባቂ ቴምፕሌት\" ይባላል"
+msgid "When you use <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Templates - Save as Template</item> to save a template, the template will be stored in your <emph>user template</emph> folder. When you open a document that is based on such a template, the document will be checked for a changed template as described below. The template is associated with the document, it may be called a \"sticky template\"."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you use <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save As</item> and select a template filter to save a template at any other folder that is not in the list, then the documents based on that template will not be checked."
-msgstr "እርስዎ በሚጠቀሙ ጊዜ <item type=\"menuitem\"> ፋይል - ማስቀመጫ እንደ </item> እና ይምረጡ የ ቴምፕሌት ማጣሪያ ለማስቀመጥ ቴምፕሌት በ ሌላ ፎልደር ውስጥ በ ዝርዝሩ ውስጥ የሌለ: እና ከዛ ሰነዶች ቴምፕሌት መሰረት ያደረገ አይመረመርም"
+msgid "When you use <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save As</item> and select a template filter to save a template at any other folder that is <emph>not</emph> in the list, then the documents based on that template will <emph>not</emph> be checked."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2093,8 +2093,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>remote file;open</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>open;remote file</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>የ ሩቅ ፋይል;መክፈቻ</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>መክፈቻ;የ ሩቅ ፋይል</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>remote file; open</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>open; remote file</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01020001.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2117,32 +2117,32 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Open Remote..</item>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <item type=\"menuitem\"> ፋይል - መክፈቻ የ ሩቅ.. </item>"
+msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Open Remote...</item> ."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020001.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click the <emph>Remote Files</emph> button in the <emph>Start Center</emph>"
-msgstr "ይጫኑ <emph>የ ሩቅ ፋይሎች </emph> ቁልፍ በ <emph> ማስጀመሪያ ማእከል </emph> ውስጥ"
+msgid "Click the <emph>Remote Files</emph> button in the <emph>Start Center</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020001.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Long click on the <emph>Open</emph> icon and select <emph>Open Remote Files...</emph>"
-msgstr "በረጅሙ ይጫኑ በ <emph> መክፈቻ </emph> ምልክት ላይ እና ይምረጡ <emph>የ ሩቅ ፋይል መክፈቻ...</emph>"
+msgid "Long-click on the <emph>Open</emph> icon and select <emph>Open Remote Files...</emph> ."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020001.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "A remote file server is web service that stores documents with or without checkin, checkout, version controls and backups."
-msgstr "የ ሩቅ ፋይል ሰርቨር ሰነዶችን የሚያስቀምጥ የ ዌብ ግልጋሎት ነው: በ-መግቢያ እና በ-መውጫ: ወይንም ያለ መግቢያ እና መውጫ የ ተተኪ እና የ እትም መቆጣጠሪያ ነው"
+msgid "A <emph>remote file server</emph> is a <emph>web service</emph> that stores documents with or without checkin, checkout, version controls and backups."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020001.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2213,8 +2213,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link name=\"Open Dialog\" href=\"text/shared/01/01020000.xhp\"><emph>Open</emph> Dialog</link>"
-msgstr "<link name=\"Open Dialog\" href=\"text/shared/01/01020000.xhp\"><emph>መክፈቻ</emph> ንግግር</link>"
+msgid "<link name=\"Open Dialog\" href=\"text/shared/01/01020000.xhp\">Open dialog</link>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01020103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2277,8 +2277,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Ensure that the file extension corresponds to the file type of the document. For example, a Microsoft Word document must have a (*.doc) extension for $[officename] to use the appropriate filter."
-msgstr "እርግጠኛ ይሁኑ የ ፋይሉ ተጨማሪ እንደሚስማማ ከ ፋይሉ አይነት ጋር ለምሳሌ: የ Microsoft Word ሰነድ ይህ እንዲኖረው ያስፈልጋል የ (*.doc) ተጨማሪ ለ $[officename] ተገቢውን ማጣሪያ ለመጠቀም"
+msgid "Ensure that the file extension corresponds to the file type of the document. For example, a Microsoft Word document must have a <emph>*.doc</emph> or <emph>*.docx</emph> extension for $[officename] to use the appropriate filter."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2325,24 +2325,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Close </emph>command closes all of the open windows for the current document."
-msgstr "የ <emph>መዝጊያ </emph>ትእዛዝ ለ አሁኑ ሰነድ የ ተከፈቱ ሁሉንም መስኮቶች ይዘጋል"
+msgid "The <emph>Close</emph> command closes all of the open windows for the current document."
+msgstr ""
#: 01050000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you have made changes to the current document, you are prompted if you want to <link href=\"text/shared/01/01060000.xhp\" name=\"save\">save</link> your changes."
-msgstr "በ አሁኑ ሰነድ ውስጥ ለውጦችን ከፈጸሙ ወዲያውኑ ይጠየቃሉ <link href=\"text/shared/01/01060000.xhp\" name=\"save\">ማስቀመጥ</link> ይፈልጋሉ ለውጦቹን"
+msgid "If you have made changes to the current document, you are prompted if you want to <link href=\"text/shared/01/01060000.xhp\" name=\"save\"><emph>save</emph></link> your changes."
+msgstr ""
#: 01050000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you close the last open document window, you see the <link href=\"text/shared/guide/startcenter.xhp\">Start Center</link>."
-msgstr "እርስዎ የ ተከፈተ ሰነድ መስኮት ለ መጨረሻ ጊዜ ሲዘጉ: ለ እርስዎ ይታያል የ <link href=\"text/shared/guide/startcenter.xhp\">መሀከል ማስጀመሪያ</link>"
+msgid "When you close the last open document window, you see the <link href=\"text/shared/guide/startcenter.xhp\"><emph>Start Center</emph></link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01050000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2389,8 +2389,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you edit an AutoText entry, this command changes to <emph>Save AutoText</emph>."
-msgstr "እርስዎ በሚያርሙ ጊዜ በራሱ ጽሁፍ ማስገቢያ ይህ ትእዛዝ ይቀየራል ወደ <emph>ማስቀመጫ በራሱ ጽሁፍ</emph>."
+msgid "When you edit an <emph>AutoText</emph> entry, this command changes to <emph>Save AutoText</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01060001.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2405,8 +2405,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>remote file;save</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>save;remote file</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>የ ሩቅ ፋይል;ማስቀመጫ</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ማስቀመጫ;የ ሩቅ ፋይል</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>remote file; save</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>save; remote file</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01060001.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2429,16 +2429,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save Remote..</item>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <item type=\"menuitem\">ፋይል - የ ሩቅ ማስቀመጫ..</item>"
+msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save Remote...</item> ."
+msgstr ""
#: 01060001.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Long click on the <emph>Save</emph> icon and select <emph>Save Remote Files...</emph>"
-msgstr "በረጅሙ ይጫኑ በ <emph> ማስቀመጫ </emph> ምልክት ላይ እና ይምረጡ <emph>የ ሩቅ ፋይል ማስቀመጫ...</emph>"
+msgid "Long-click on the <emph>Save</emph> icon and select <emph>Save Remote Files...</emph> ."
+msgstr ""
#: 01060001.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2469,8 +2469,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>save;save a copy</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>save a copy</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>ማስቀመጫ;ኮፒ ማስቀመጫ</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ኮፒ ማስቀመጫ</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>save; save a copy</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>save a copy</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01060002.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2485,16 +2485,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"saveacopy1\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:SaveACopy\">Save a copy of the actual document with another name or location.</ahelp></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"saveacopy1\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:SaveACopy\">የ ዋናውን ሰነድ ኮፒ ማስቀመጫ በ ሌላ ስም ወይንም አካባቢ </ahelp></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"saveacopy1\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:SaveACopy\">Saves a copy of the actual document with another name or location.</ahelp></variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01060002.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save a Copy</item>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <item type=\"menuitem\"> ፋይል - ኮፒ ማስቀመጫ </item>"
+msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save a Copy</item>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01060002.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2565,8 +2565,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The following sections describe the <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> <emph>Save as</emph> dialog. To activate the <emph><item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> Open</emph> and <emph>Save</emph> dialog boxes, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010600.xhp\" name=\"%PRODUCTNAME - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME- General</emph></link>, and then select the <emph>Use %PRODUCTNAME dialogs</emph> in the <emph>Open/Save dialogs</emph> area."
-msgstr "የሚቀጥለው ክፍል የሚገልጸው የ <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> <emph> ማስቀመጫ እንደ </emph> ንግግር: ለማስነሳት የ <emph><item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> መክፈቻ </emph> እና <emph> ማስቀመጫ </emph> ንግግር ሳጥን ውስጥ: ይምረጡ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - ምርጫዎች</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>መሳሪያዎች - ምርጫ</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010600.xhp\" name=\"%PRODUCTNAME - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME- ባጠቃላይ</emph></link>: እና ከዛ ይምረጡ የ <emph> ይጠቀሙ %PRODUCTNAME ንግግሮች </emph> ከ <emph> መክፈቻ/ማስቀመጫ ንግግሮች </emph> ቦታ ውስጥ"
+msgid "The following sections describe the <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> <emph>Save as</emph> dialog. To activate the <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> <emph>Open</emph> and <emph>Save</emph> dialog boxes, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010600.xhp\" name=\"%PRODUCTNAME - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME- General</emph></link>, and then select the <emph>Use %PRODUCTNAME dialogs</emph> in the <emph>Open/Save dialogs</emph> area."
+msgstr ""
#: 01070000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2821,8 +2821,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The following sections describe the <emph>$[officename] Export</emph> dialog box. To activate the <emph>$[officename] Open</emph> and <emph>Save</emph> dialog boxes, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010600.xhp\" name=\"$[officename] - General\"><emph>$[officename] - General</emph></link>, and then select the <emph>Use $[officename] dialogs</emph> in the <emph>Open/Save dialogs</emph> area."
-msgstr "የሚቀጥለው ክፍል የሚገልጸው የ <emph>$[officename] መላኪያ </emph> ንግግር ሳጥን ውስጥ: ለማስነሳት የ <emph>$[officename] መክፈቻ </emph> እና <emph> ማስቀመጫ </emph> ንግግር ሳጥን ውስጥ ይምረጡ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - ምርጫዎች </emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph> መሳሪያዎች - ምርጫ </emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010600.xhp\" name=\"$[officename] - General\"><emph>$[officename] - ባጠቃላይ </emph></link> እና ከዛ ይምረጡ የ <emph> ይጠቀሙ $[officename] ንግግሮችን </emph> በ <emph> መክፈቻ/ማስቀመጫ ንግግሮች </emph> ቦታ ውስጥ"
+msgid "The following sections describe the <emph>$[officename] Export</emph> dialog box. To activate the $[officename] <emph>Open</emph> and <emph>Save</emph> dialog boxes, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010600.xhp\" name=\"$[officename] - General\"><emph>$[officename] - General</emph></link>, and then select the <emph>Use $[officename] dialogs</emph> in the <emph>Open/Save dialogs</emph> area."
+msgstr ""
#: 01070001.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2885,8 +2885,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>export as;PDF</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>export as;EPUB</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>መላኪያ እንደ;PDF</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>መላኪያ እንደ;EPUB</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>Export as; PDF</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>Export as; EPUB</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01070002.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2901,16 +2901,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"exportas1\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Export the document in PDF or EPUB formats</ahelp></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"exportas1\"><ahelp hid=\".\">ሰነዶችን መላኪያ በ PDF ወይንም EPUB አቀራረብ</ahelp></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"exportas1\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Export the document in PDF or EPUB formats.</ahelp></variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01070002.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As...</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - መላኪያ እንደ...</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As...</emph> ."
+msgstr ""
#: 01070002.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3085,8 +3085,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>version numbers of documents</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>documents; version numbers</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>files; version numbers</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>editing time of documents</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>documents; editing time</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>የ ሰነዶች እትም ቁጥር </bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ሰነዶች: እትም ቁጥር</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>የ ፋይሎች: እትም ቁጥር </bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ሰነዶቹን የ ማረሚያ ጊዜ </bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ሰነዶችን: የ ማረሚያ ጊዜ</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>version numbers of documents</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>documents; version numbers</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>files; version numbers</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>editing time of documents</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>documents; editing time</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3245,8 +3245,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/digitalsignatures.xhp\">Digital Signatures</link> dialog where you can manage digital signatures for the current document."
-msgstr "መክፈቻ የ <link href=\"text/shared/01/digitalsignatures.xhp\">ዲጂታል ፊርማዎች</link> ንግግር ለ እርስዎ የ አሁኑ ሰነድ የ ዲጂታል ፊርማ የሚያስተዳድሩበት"
+msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/digitalsignatures.xhp\"><emph>Digital Signatures</emph></link> dialog where you can manage digital signatures for the current document."
+msgstr ""
#: 01100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3453,8 +3453,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of tables in the file.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Number of sheets in the file.</caseinline></switchinline> This statistic does not include tables that were inserted as <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\">OLE</link> objects."
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">የ ሰንጠረዥ ቁጥር በ ፋይል ውስጥ </caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">የ ወረቀት ቁጥር በ ፋይል ውስጥ</caseinline></switchinline> ይህ ስታትስቲክስ የ ገባ ሰንጠረዥ አያካትትም እንደ <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\">OLE</link> እቃዎች:"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of tables in the file.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Number of sheets in the file.</caseinline></switchinline> This statistic <emph>does not</emph> include tables that were inserted as <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\"><emph>OLE</emph></link> objects."
+msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3501,8 +3501,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of images in the file. This statistic does not include images that were inserted as <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\">OLE</link> objects.</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">የ ምስሎች ቁጥር በ ፋይሉ ውስጥ: ይህ ስታትስቲክስ የ ገቡ ምስሎች አያካትትም እንደ <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\">OLE</link> እቃዎች </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of images in the file. This statistic <emph>does not</emph> include images that were inserted as <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\"><emph>OLE</emph></link> objects.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3517,8 +3517,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\">OLE</link> objects in the file, including tables and graphics that were inserted as OLE objects.</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">ቁጥር የ <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\">OLE</link> እቃዎች በ ፋይል ውስጥ: እንደ ሰንጠረዥ እና ንድፎችን እንደ የ OLE እቃዎች የገቡትን ያካትታል </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\"><emph>OLE</emph></link> objects in the file, <emph>including</emph> tables and graphics that were inserted as OLE objects.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3533,8 +3533,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of paragraphs (including blank paragraphs) in the file.</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">የ አንቀጾች ቁጥር በ ፋይል ውስጥ (ባዶ አንቀጾችንም ያካትታል) </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of paragraphs, including blank paragraphs, in the file.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3549,8 +3549,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of words (including words consisting of a single character) in the file.</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">የ ቃላቶች ቁጥር (አንድ ባህሪ ያለውንም ቃሎች ያካትታል) በ ፋይል ውስጥ </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of words, including words consisting of a single character, in the file.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3565,8 +3565,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of characters (including spaces) in the file. Non-printable characters are not included.</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">የ ባህሪዎች ቁጥር (ክፍተት ያካትታል) በ ፋይል ውስጥ ምንም-የማይታተሙ ባህሪዎች አይካተቱም </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of characters, including spaces, in the file. Non-printable characters are not included.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3725,8 +3725,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select <emph>File - Templates</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - ቴምፕሌቶች </emph>"
+msgid "Select <emph>File - Templates</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01110101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3757,8 +3757,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Address Book Source</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph>መሳሪያዎች - የ አድራሻ ደብተር ምንጭ</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Address Book Source</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01110101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3821,8 +3821,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svt/ui/addresstemplatedialog/admin\">Add a new data source to the <emph>Address Book Source </emph>list.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"svt/ui/addresstemplatedialog/admin\">አዲስ የ ዳታ ምንጭ መጨመሪያ ለ <emph>አድራሻ ደብተር ምንጭ </emph>ዝርዝር</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svt/ui/addresstemplatedialog/admin\">Add a new data source to the <emph>Address Book Source</emph> list.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01110101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3885,8 +3885,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select <emph>File - Templates - Save as Template</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - ቴምፕሌቶች - እንደ ቴምፕለት ማስቀመጫ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Templates - Save as Template</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01110300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3965,8 +3965,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select <emph>File - Templates - Open Template</emph>"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - ቴምፕሌቶች - ቴምፕሌት መክፈቻ </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Templates - Open Template</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01130000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4814,7 +4814,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Ensure that the Landscape or Portrait layout option set in the printer properties dialog matches the page format that you set by choosing <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><emph>Slide - Properties</emph></caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><emph>Page - Properties</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Format - Page</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "የ መሬት አቀማመጥ ወይንም የ ምስል እቅድ ምርጫ ማሰናጃ ከ ማተሚያ ባህሪዎች ንግግር ጋር እንደሚስማማ እርግጠኛ ይሁኑ: በ ገጽ አቀራረብ ውስጥ እርስዎ በ መምረጥ ካሰናዱት ጋር: <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><emph> ተንሸራታች – ባህሪዎች </emph></caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><emph>የ ገጽ – ባህሪዎች </emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph> አቀራረብ - ገጽ </emph></defaultinline></switchinline>:"
#: 01140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10189,8 +10189,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>hotspots;properties</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>properties;hotspots</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ImageMap;hotspot properties</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>ትኩስ ቦታ: ባህሪዎች</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ባህሪዎች: ትኩስ ቦታ</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>የ ምስል ካርታ: ትኩስ ቦታ ባህሪዎች</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>hotspots; properties</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>properties; hotspots</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>ImageMap; hotspot properties</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02220100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10253,8 +10253,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/cuiimapdlg/textentry\">Enter the text that you want to display when the mouse rests on the hotspot in a browser.</ahelp> If you do not enter any text, the <emph>Address </emph>is displayed."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/cuiimapdlg/textentry\">ጽሁፍ ያስገቡ እርስዎ እንዲታይ የ ሚፈልጉትን የ አይጥ ቁልፍ በ ትኩስ ቦታ ላይ ሲያርፍ በ መቃኛው ውስጥ: </ahelp> እርስዎ ጽሁፍ ካልስገቡ <emph>አድራሻ </emph>ይታያል"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/cuiimapdlg/textentry\">Enter the text that you want to display when the mouse rests on the hotspot in a browser.</ahelp> If you do not enter any text, the <emph>Address</emph> is displayed."
+msgstr ""
#: 02220100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10373,24 +10373,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Tracks each change that is made in the current document by author and date. </ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">እያንዳንዱን ለውጥ በ አሁኑ ሰነድ ውስጥ የ ተፈጸመበትን በ ቀን እና በ ደራሲው መከታተያ </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Tracks each change that is made in the current document by author and date.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph>, the lines containing changed text passages are indicated by a vertical line in the left page margin. You can set the properties of the vertical line and the other markup elements by choosing <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040700.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Changes</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">እርስዎ ከ መረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - ለውጦች መከታተያ - ማሳያ</emph> ለውጦች የያዘው መስመር ጽሁፍ ይታያል በ ቁመት መስመር በ ግራ ገጽ መስመር በኩል: እርስዎ ማሰናዳት ይችላሉ ባህሪዎች ለ ቁመት መስመር እና ሌሎች በላዩ ላይ አካላቶች በ መምረጥ <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040700.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME መጻፊያ - ለውጦች </emph></link> በ ምርጫዎች ንግግር ሳጥን ውስጥ </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph>, the lines containing changed text passages are indicated by a vertical line in the left page margin. You can set the properties of the vertical line and the other markup elements by choosing <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040700.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Changes</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">You can set the properties of the markup elements by choosing <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Calc - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Calc - Changes</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">እርስዎ ባህሪዎችን ማሰናዳት ይችላሉ ምልክት ማድረጊያዎችን በ መምረጥ: <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Calc - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME ሰንጠረዥ - ለውጦች</emph></link> በ ምርጫ ንግግር ሳጥን ውስጥ</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">You can set the properties of the markup elements by choosing <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Calc - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Calc - Changes</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10405,32 +10405,32 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Paste and delete text"
-msgstr "መለጠፊያ እና ጽሁፍ ማጥፊያ"
+msgid "Paste and delete text."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Move paragraphs"
-msgstr "አንቀጾችን ማንቀሳቀሻ"
+msgid "Move paragraphs."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Sort text"
-msgstr "ጽሁፍ መለያ"
+msgid "Sort text."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Find and replace text"
-msgstr "ጽሁፍ መፈለጊያ እና መተኪያ"
+msgid "Find and replace text."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10445,72 +10445,72 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert sheets, ranges"
-msgstr "የ ወረቀት መጠን ማስገቢያ"
+msgid "Insert sheets, ranges."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert document"
-msgstr "ሰነድ ማስገቢያ"
+msgid "Insert document."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert AutoText"
-msgstr "በራሱ ጽሁፍ ማስገቢያ"
+msgid "Insert AutoText."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert from clipboard"
-msgstr "ከ ቁራጭ ሰሌዳ ማስገቢያ"
+msgid "Insert from clipboard."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Change cell contents by insertions and deletions"
-msgstr "የ ክፍል ይዞታዎች መቀየሪያ በ ማስገባት ወይንም በ ማጥፊት"
+msgid "Change cell contents by insertions and deletions."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert or delete columns and rows"
-msgstr "አምዶች እና ረድፎች ማስገቢያ ወይንም ማጥፊያ"
+msgid "Insert or delete columns and rows."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert sheets"
-msgstr "ወረቀቶች ማስገቢያ"
+msgid "Insert sheets."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Cut, copy and paste through the clipboard"
-msgstr "በ ቁራጭ ሰሌዳ ውስጥ መቁረጫ፡ ኮፒ ማድረጊያ እና መለጠፊያ"
+msgid "Cut, copy and paste through the clipboard."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Move by dragging and dropping"
-msgstr "በ መጎተት እና በ መጣል ማንቀሳቀሻ"
+msgid "Move by dragging and dropping."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10581,8 +10581,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can change the display properties of the markup elements by choosing <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Changes</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Calc - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Calc - Changes</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "እርስዎ የ ምልክት ማድረጊያዎችን አካሎችን ባህሪዎች መቀየር ይችላሉ በ መምረጥ <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME መጻፊያ - ለውጦች </emph></link> በ ምርጫ ንግግር ሳጥን ውስጥ </caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Calc - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME ሰንጠረዥ - ለውጦች </emph></link> በ ምርጫ ንግግር ሳጥን ውስጥ </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "You can change the display properties of the markup elements by choosing <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Changes</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Calc - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Calc - Changes</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10629,8 +10629,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Show rejected changes </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">ያልተቀበሉትን ለውጦች ማሳያ </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Show rejected changes</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10677,16 +10677,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can attach a comment when <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">the cursor is in a changed text passage </caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">the changed cell is selected</caseinline></switchinline>, or in the <emph>Manage Changes</emph> dialog."
-msgstr "እርስዎ አስተያየት ማያያዝ ይችላሉ በ <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">መጠቆሚያው በ ተለወጡ ጽሁፎች ላይ ሲሆን </caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">የ ተለወጡ ጽሁፎች ይመረጣሉ</caseinline></switchinline> ወይንም በ <emph>ለውጦች ማስተዳደሪያ</emph> ንግግር ውስጥ"
+msgid "You can attach a comment when <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">the cursor is in a changed text passage</caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">the changed cell is selected</caseinline></switchinline>, or in the <emph>Manage Changes</emph> dialog."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230300.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Comments are displayed as callouts in the sheet when you rest your mouse pointer over a cell with a recorded change. You can also view comments that are attached to a changed cell in the changes list in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/02230400.xhp\" name=\"Manage Changes\"><emph>Manage Changes</emph></link> dialog. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">አስተያየቶች የሚታዩት በ መጥሪያ ውስጥ ነው በ ወረቀቱ ውስጥ: እርስዎ መጠቆሚያውን በላዩ ላይ በሚያሳርፉ ጊዜ: ለውጥ በተደረገበት ክፍል ላይ: እንዲሁም አስተያየቶችን ማየት ይችላሉ ለውጥ በተደረገበት ክፍል ላይ ሲያደርጉ በ ዝርዝር ውስጥ በ <link href=\"text/shared/01/02230400.xhp\" name=\"Manage Changes\"><emph>ለውጦች ማስተዳደሪያ</emph></link> ንግግር ውስጥ </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Comments are displayed as callouts in the sheet when you rest your mouse pointer over a cell with a recorded change. You can also view comments that are attached to a changed cell in the changes list in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/02230400.xhp\" name=\"Manage Changes\"><emph>Manage Changes</emph></link> dialog.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230400.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10741,32 +10741,32 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>List </emph>tab displays all of the changes that were recorded in the current document. If you want to filter this list, click the <emph>Filter </emph>tab, and then select your <link href=\"text/shared/01/02230402.xhp\" name=\"filter criteria\">filter criteria</link>.<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"> If the list contains nested changes, the dependencies are shown regardless of the filter. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "የ <emph>ዝርዝር </emph>tab የሚያሳየው ሁሉንም ለውጦች ነው: በ አሁኑ ሰነድ ውስጥ የተመዘገቡትን: ዝርዝሩን ማጣራት ከ ፈለጉ: ይጫኑ የ <emph>ማጣሪያ </emph>tab, እና ከዛ ይምረጡ የ እርስዎን <link href=\"text/shared/01/02230402.xhp\" name=\"filter criteria\">ማጣሪያ መመዘኛ</link>.<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"> ዝርዝሩ የታቀፉ ለውጦችን ከያዘ: ማጣሪያ ቢኖርም ጥገኞቹ ይታያሉ </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "The <emph>List</emph> tab displays all of the changes that were recorded in the current document. If you want to filter this list, click the <emph>Filter</emph> tab, and then select your <link href=\"text/shared/01/02230402.xhp\" name=\"filter criteria\">filter criteria</link>.<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"> If the list contains nested changes, the dependencies are shown regardless of the filter.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Nested changes occur where changes made by different authors overlap. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">የታቀፉ ለውጦች የሚኖሩት ለውጥ በ ተደረገበት ቦታ ነው የ ተለየ ደራሲ ደርቦ ሲጽፍበት </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Nested changes occur where changes made by different authors overlap.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Click the plus sign beside an entry in the list to view all of the changes that were recorded for a cell. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">ይጫኑ የ መደመሪያ ምልክቱን በ ማስገቢያው አጠገብ ያለውን ሁሉንም ለውጦች ለማየት በ ክፍሉ ውስጥ የተመዘገቡትን </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Click the <emph>plus</emph> sign beside an entry in the list to view all of the changes that were recorded for a cell.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">If one of the nested changes for a cell matches a filter criterion, all of the changes for the cell are displayed. When you filter the change list, the entries in the list appear in different colors according to the following table: </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">አንድ የታቀፈው ለውጥ ከ ተቀየረ ለ ክፍል ማጣሪያ መመዘኛ ከ ተመሳሰለ ሁሉም ለውጦች ለ ክፍሉ ይታያሉ: እርስዎ የ ለውጦችን ዝርዝር በሚያጣሩ ጊዜ: ማስገቢያዎቹ በ ዝርዝር ውስጥ ይታያሉ በ ተለያየ ቀለም እንደሚቀጥለው ሰንጠረዥ: </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">If one of the nested changes for a cell matches a filter criterion, all of the changes for the cell are displayed. When you filter the change list, the entries in the list appear in different colors according to the following table:</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10861,16 +10861,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/redlineviewpage/changes\">Lists the changes that were recorded in the document. When you select an entry in the list, the change is highlighted in the document. To sort the list, click a column heading. </ahelp> Hold down <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> while you click to select multiple entries in the list."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/redlineviewpage/changes\">በ አሁኑ ሰነድ ውስጥ የ ተመዘገቡት ለውጦች ዝርዝር: እርስዎ ማስገቢያ ሲመርጡ ከ ዝርዝር ውስጥ: ለውጦቹ ይደምቃሉ በ ሰነዱ ውስጥ: ለ መለየት ዝርዝሩን: ይጫኑ: የ አምድ ራስጌ </ahelp> ተጭነው ይያዙ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"> ትእዛዝ </caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> በርካታ ማስገቢያዎች ከ ዝርዝር ውስጥ በሚመርጡበት ጊዜ"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/redlineviewpage/changes\">Lists the changes that were recorded in the document. When you select an entry in the list, the change is highlighted in the document. To sort the list, click a column heading.</ahelp> Hold down <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> while you click to select multiple entries in the list."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "To edit the comment for an entry in the list, right-click the entry, and then choose<emph> Edit - Comment</emph>."
-msgstr "አስተያየት ለማረም ከ ማስገቢያው ዝርዝር ውስጥ: በ ቀኝ-ይጫኑ ማስገቢያው ላይ: እና ከዛ ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - አስተያየት </emph>"
+msgid "To edit the comment for an entry in the list, right-click the entry, and then choose <emph>Edit - Comment</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10901,16 +10901,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Position </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">ቦታ </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Position</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Lists the cells with contents that were changed. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">በ ሰነዱ ላይ የ ክፍሎች ይዞታዎች የ ተቀየሩ ዝርዝሮች </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Lists the cells with contents that were changed.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11029,24 +11029,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To reverse the acceptance or rejection of a change, choose <emph>Undo </emph>on the <emph>Edit </emph>menu."
-msgstr "እንደ ነበር ለመመለስ ለውጦቹን እቀበላለሁ ወይንም አልቀበልም: ይምረጡ <emph> መተው </emph> በ <emph> ማረሚያ </emph> ዝርዝር ውስጥ"
+msgid "To reverse the acceptance or rejection of a change, choose <emph>Undo</emph> on the <emph>Edit</emph> menu."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Undo </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">መተው </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Undo</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you made changes by choosing <emph>Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply and Edit Changes</emph>, the <emph>Undo</emph> button appears in the dialog.<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog/undo\"> Reverse the last Accept or Reject command.</ahelp></caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">እርስዎ ለውጥ ከ ፈጸሙ በ መምረጥ <emph> አቀራረብ - በራሱ አራሚ - ለውጦችን መፈጸሚያ እና ማረሚያ </emph> የ <emph> መተው </emph> ቁልፍ ይታያል በ ንግግር ውስጥ <ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog/undo\"> መጨረሻ እቀበላለሁ ወይንም አልቀበልም ትእዛዝ እንደ ነበር መመለሻ </ahelp></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you made changes by choosing <emph>Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply and Edit Changes</emph>, the <emph>Undo</emph> button appears in the dialog. <ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog/undo\">Reverse the last Accept or Reject command.</ahelp></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11117,8 +11117,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog/writerauthor\">Sorts the list according to the Author.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog/writerauthor\">በ ደራሲው አይነት ዝርዝር መለያ </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog/writerauthor\">Sorts the list according to the author.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11253,16 +11253,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Range </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">መጠን </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Range</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Filters the list of changes according to the range of cells that you specify. To select a range of cells in your sheet, click the <emph>Set Reference </emph>button (<emph>...</emph>).</ahelp></caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><ahelp hid=\".\"> እርስዎ በ ወሰኑት ክፍሎች መጠን መሰረት ዝርዝር ለውጦችን ማጣሪያ: የ ክፍሎች መጠን ከ እርስዎ ወረቀት ውስጥ ለ መምረጥ: ይጫኑ የ <emph> ማመሳከሪያ ማሰናጃ </emph> ቁልፍ (<emph>...</emph>).</ahelp></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Filters the list of changes according to the range of cells that you specify. To select a range of cells in your sheet, click the <emph>Set Reference</emph> button (<emph>...</emph>).</ahelp></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11277,8 +11277,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Set Reference </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">ማመሳከሪያ ማሰናጃ </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Set Reference</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11301,8 +11301,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Shrink/Max </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">ማሳነሻ/ከፍተኛ </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Shrink/Max</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11325,8 +11325,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Action </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">ተግባር </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Action</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11349,8 +11349,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Filters the comments of the changes according to the keyword(s) that you enter. </ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">እርስዎ ባስገቡት ቁልፍ ቃል(ሎች) መሰረት የ አስተያየት ዝርዝር ለውጦችን ማጣሪያ </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Filters the comments of the changes according to the keyword(s) that you enter.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11509,8 +11509,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Type the number of the record that you want to display, and then press Enter.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">እርስዎ ማሳየት የሚፈልጉትን የ መዝገብ ቁጥር ይጻፉ: እና ከዛ ይጫኑ ማስገቢያውን</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Type the number of the record that you want to display, and then press <emph>Enter</emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02250000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11525,8 +11525,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_GRID_TRAVEL_NEW\" visibility=\"hidden\">Inserts a new record into the current table.</ahelp> To create a record, click the asterisk (*) button at the bottom of the table view. An empty row is added at the end of the table."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_GRID_TRAVEL_NEW\" visibility=\"hidden\">ወደ አሁኑ ሰንጠረዥ አዲስ መዝገብ ማስገቢያ</ahelp> መዝገብ ለ መፍጠር: ይጫኑ ኮከብ (*) ቁልፍ ከ ሰንጠረዡ በ ታች በኩል የሚታየውን: ባዶ ረድፍ ይጨመራል ከ ሰንጠረዡ በ ታች በኩል"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_GRID_TRAVEL_NEW\" visibility=\"hidden\">Inserts a new record into the current table.</ahelp> To create a record, click the asterisk (<emph>*</emph>) button at the bottom of the table view. An empty row is added at the end of the table."
+msgstr ""
#: 02250000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11581,8 +11581,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Bib/query\">Type the information that you want to search for, and then press Enter. To change the filter options for the search, long-click the <emph>AutoFilter</emph> icon, and then select a different data field. You can use wildcards such as % or * for any number of characters, and _ or ? for one character in your search. To display all of the records in the table, clear this box, and then press Enter. </ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Bib/query\">እርስዎ ይጻፉ የሚፈልጉትን መረጃ በ: እና ከዛ ይጫኑ ማስገቢያውን: የ ማጣሪያ ምርጫ ለ መቀየር ለ መፈለጊያው: በ ረጅሙ-ይጫኑ <emph> በራሱ ማጣሪያ </emph> ምልክት ላይ: እና ከዛ ይምረጡ የ ተለየ የ ዳታ ሜዳ: እርስዎ ሁለገብ መጠቀም ይችላሉ እንደ እንደ % ወይንም * ለ ማንኛውም ባህሪዎች ቁጥር: እና _ ወይንም ? ለ አንድ ባህሪ በ እርስዎ ፍለጋ ውስጥ: ለማሳየት ሁሉንም መዝገቦች በ ሰንጠረዥ ውስጥ: ይህን ሳጥን ያጽዱ: እና ከዛ ይጫኑ ማስገቢያውን </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Bib/query\">Type the information that you want to search for, and then press <emph>Enter</emph>. To change the filter options for the search, long-click the <emph>AutoFilter</emph> icon, and then select a different data field. You can use wildcards such as <emph>%</emph> or <emph>*</emph> for any number of characters, and <emph>_</emph> or <emph>?</emph> for one character in your search. To display all of the records in the table, clear this box, and then press <emph>Enter</emph>. </ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02250000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11613,8 +11613,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>Standard Filter</emph> to refine and to combine <emph>AutoFilter </emph>search options.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">ይጠቀሙ የ <emph>መደበኛ ማጣሪያ</emph> እንደገና ለማጣራት እና ለ መቀላቀል <emph>በራሱ መሙያ </emph>መፈለጊያ ምርጫ</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>Standard Filter</emph> to refine and to combine <emph>AutoFilter</emph> search options.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02250000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11677,8 +11677,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Bib/Mapping\">Lets you map the column headings to data fields from a different data source. To define a different data source for your bibliography, click the<emph> Data Source</emph> button on the record<emph> Object Bar</emph>.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Bib/Mapping\">የ አምድ ራስጌዎች ካርታ መንደፍ ያስችሎታል: ለ ዳታ ሜዳዎች ከ ተለያዩ የ ዳታ ምንጮች ውስጥ: የ ተለያዩ የ ዳታ ምንጮች ለ መግለጽ ለ እርስዎ የ ጽሁፎች ዝርዝር: ይጫኑ የ <emph>ዳታ ምንጭ</emph>ቁልፍ በ መዝገብ<emph>እቃ መደርደሪያ ላይ</emph></ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Bib/Mapping\">Lets you map the column headings to data fields from a different data source. To define a different data source for your bibliography, click the <emph>Data Source</emph> button on the record's <emph>Object</emph> bar.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02250000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11957,8 +11957,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:FunctionBarVisible\">Shows or hides the <emph>Standard Bar</emph>.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:FunctionBarVisible\"> ማሳያ ወይንም መደበቂያ የ <emph> መደበኛ መደርደሪያ </emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:FunctionBarVisible\">Shows or hides the <emph>Standard</emph> bar.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03040000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11989,16 +11989,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the Input Method Engine (IME) status window.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">ማሳያ ወይንም መደበቂያ የ ማስገቢያ ዘዴ (IME) ሁኔታ መስኮት</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the <emph>Input Method Engine</emph> (IME) status window.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03040000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Currently only the Internet/Intranet Input Method Protocol (IIIMP) under Unix is supported."
-msgstr "ለጊዜው አሁን ይህ ብቻ Internet/Intranet Input Method Protocol (IIIMP) በ Unix ውስጥ የ ተደገፉ ናቸው"
+msgid "Currently only the <emph>Internet/Intranet Input Method Protocol</emph> (IIIMP) under Unix is supported."
+msgstr ""
#: 03050000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -12029,8 +12029,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ToolBarVisible\">Shows or hides the <emph>Tools bar</emph>.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ToolBarVisible\"> ማሳያ ወይንም መደበቂያ የ <emph> እቃ መደርደሪያ </emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ToolBarVisible\">Shows or hides the <emph>Tools</emph> bar.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03060000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -12061,8 +12061,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the <emph>Status Bar</emph> at the bottom edge of the window.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\"> ማሳያ ወይንም መደበቂያ የ <emph> ሁኔታዎች መደርደሪያ </emph> በ መስኮቱ ከ ታች በኩል </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the <emph>Status</emph> bar at the bottom edge of the window.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03110000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -12093,24 +12093,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the menus and toolbars in Writer or Calc. To exit the full screen mode, click the <emph>Full Screen</emph> button or press the Esc key.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">ማሳያ ወይንም መደበቂያ የ እቃ መደርደሪያ ወይንም ዝርዝር በ መጻፊያ ወይንም ሰንጠረዥ ውስጥ: ከ ሙሉ መመልከቻ ዘዴ ለመውጣት ይጫኑ የ <emph> ሙሉ መመልከቻ ዘዴ </emph> ቁልፍ ወይንም ይጫኑ መዝለያ ቁልፍ </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the menus and toolbars in Writer or Calc. To exit the full screen mode, click the <emph>Full Screen</emph> button or press the <emph>Esc</emph> key.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03110000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_FULLSCREENTOOLBOX\">In Writer and Calc, you can also use the shortcut keys <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+J to switch between the normal and full screen mode.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_FULLSCREENTOOLBOX\">በ መጻፊያ እና በ ሰንጠረዥ ውስጥ አቋራጭ ቁልፎችን መጠቀም ይችላሉ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">ትእዛዝ</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+J በ መደበኛ እና በ ሙሉ መመልከቻ ዘዴ ለመቀያየር</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_FULLSCREENTOOLBOX\">In Writer and Calc, you can also use the shortcut keys <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>J</emph> to switch between the normal and full screen mode.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03110000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can still use shortcut keys in <emph>Full Screen</emph> mode, even though the menus are unavailable. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">To open the <emph>View</emph> menu, press Alt+V. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "እርስዎ አቋራጭ ክፍሎችን መጠቀም ይችላሉ ለ <emph> ሙሉ መመልከቻ </emph> ዘዴ: ምንም እንኳን ዝርዝሩ ባይኖርም <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">ለ መክፈት የ <emph> መመልከቻ </emph> ዝርዝር: ይጫኑ Alt+V. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "You can still use shortcut keys in <emph>Full Screen</emph> mode, even though the menus are unavailable. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">To open the <emph>View</emph> menu, press <emph>Alt</emph>+<emph>V</emph>.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03170000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -12141,8 +12141,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ColorControl\">Show or hides the <emph>Color Bar</emph>. To modify or change the color table that is displayed, choose <emph>Format - Area</emph>, and then click on the <emph>Colors</emph> tab.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ColorControl\">ማሳያ ወይንም መደበቂያ የ <emph> ቀለም መደርደሪያ </emph> ለማሻሻል ወይንም ለ መቀየር የሚታየውን የ ቀለም ሰንጠረዥ ይምረጡ <emph> አቀራረብ - ቦታ </emph> እና ከዛ ይጫኑ የ <emph> ቀለሞች </emph> tab.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ColorControl\">Show or hides the <emph>Color</emph> bar. To modify or change the color table that is displayed, choose <emph>Format - Area</emph>, and then click on the <emph>Colors</emph> tab.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03170000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -12157,16 +12157,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can also drag a color from the <emph>Color Bar</emph> and drop it on a draw object on your slide."
-msgstr "ቀለም መጎተት ይችላሉ ከ <emph>ቀለም መደርደሪያ</emph> ላይ እና በሚሳለው እቃ ላይ ይጣሉት በ ተንሸራታቹ ላይ"
+msgid "You can also drag a color from the <emph>Color</emph> bar and drop it on a draw object on your slide."
+msgstr ""
#: 03170000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "To detach the <emph>Color Bar</emph>, click on a gray area of the toolbar and then drag. To reattach the <emph>Color Bar</emph>, drag the title bar of the toolbar to the edge of the window."
-msgstr "ለ መለያየት የ <emph>ቀለም መደደሪያ</emph> ይጫኑ በ ግራጫ ቦታ ላይ በ እቃ መደደሪያው ላይ እና ከዛ ይጎትቱ: እንደገና ለ መለያየት የ <emph> ቀለም መደደሪያ </emph> ይጎትቱ የ እቃ መደርደሪያውን የ እቃ መደርደሪያውን ጠርዝ መስኮት"
+msgid "To detach the <emph>Color</emph> bar, click on a gray area of the toolbar and then drag. To reattach the <emph>Color</emph> bar, drag the title bar of the toolbar to the edge of the window."
+msgstr ""
#: 03990000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -12613,16 +12613,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"sonder\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Allows a user to insert characters from the range of symbols found in the installed fonts.</ahelp> </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"sonder\"><ahelp hid=\".\">ተጠቃሚው ባህሪዎችን ከ ተገጠሙ ፊደሎች ውስጥ ምልክቶች ማስገባት ያስችለዋል </ahelp> </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"sonder\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Allows a user to insert characters from the range of symbols found in the installed fonts.</ahelp></variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 04100000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you click a character in the <emph>Special Characters </emph>dialog, a preview and the corresponding numerical code for the character is displayed."
-msgstr "እርስዎ ባህሪ በሚጫኑ ጊዜ በ <emph> የተለየ ባህሪ </emph> ንግግር ውስጥ: በ ቅድመ እይታ እና ተመሳሳይ የ ቁጥር ኮድ ለ ባህሪው ይታያል"
+msgid "When you click a character in the <emph>Special Characters</emph> dialog, a preview and the corresponding numerical code for the character is displayed."
+msgstr ""
#: 04100000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13325,8 +13325,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To enable support for complex text layout and Asian character sets, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language Settings - Languages</emph>, and then select the <emph>Enabled </emph>box in the corresponding area."
-msgstr "ለ ውስብስብ ጽሁፍ እቅድ ማስቻያ እና የ እስያ ባህሪዎች ማሰናጃ CTL ቋንቋዎች: ይምረጡ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - ምርጫዎች </emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph> መሳሪያዎች - ምርጫ </emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - ቋንቋ ማሰናጃ - ቋንቋዎች </emph> እና ከዛ ይምረጡ የ <emph> ማስቻያ </emph> ሳጥን ውስጥ በ ተመሳሳይ ቦታ"
+msgid "To enable support for complex text layout and Asian character sets, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language Settings - Languages</emph>, and then select the <emph>Enabled</emph> box in the corresponding area."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13389,8 +13389,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you are creating a Style that is based on another Style, you can enter a percentage value or a point value (for example, -2pt or +5pt)."
-msgstr "እርስዎ ዘዴ የሚፈጥሩ ከሆነ ሌሎች ዘዴዎች መሰረት ያደረገ: እርስዎ ዋጋውን በ ፐርሰንት ወይንም በ ነጥብ ዋጋ ማስገባት ይችላሉ (ለምሳሌ -2ነጥብ ወይንም +5ነጥብ)."
+msgid "If you are creating a style that is based on another style, you can enter a percentage value or a point value (for example, <item type=\"input\">-2pt</item> or <item type=\"input\">+5pt</item>)."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13421,16 +13421,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For language tag details please see the <link href=\"\"><emph>For users</emph> section on the web site</link>."
-msgstr "ለ ቋንቋ tag ዝርዝር እባክዎን ይመልከቱ <link href=\"\"><emph>ለ ተጠቃሚዎች</emph> ክፍል በ web site</link>."
+msgid "For language tag details please see the <link href=\"\"><emph>For users</emph> section on the web site</link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can also change the locale setting for cells (choose <emph>Format - Cells – Numbers</emph>)."
-msgstr "እርስዎ መቀየር ይችላሉ የ ቋንቋ ማሰናጃ ለ ክፍሎች (ይምረጡ <emph> አቀራረብ - ክፍሎች - ቁጥሮች </emph>)"
+msgid "You can also change the locale setting for cells (choose <emph>Format - Cells - Numbers</emph>)."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13461,8 +13461,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>fonts;effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>formatting; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>characters; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>text; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>effects; fonts</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>underlining; text</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>capital letters; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>lowercase letters; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>titles; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>small capitals</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>strikethrough; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>fonts; strikethrough</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>outlines; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>fonts; outlines</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>shadows; characters</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>fonts; shadows</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>fonts;color ignored</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ignored font colors</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>colors;ignored text color</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>የ ፊደል:ውጤቶች</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>አቀራረብ: የ ፊደል ውጤቶች</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ባህሪዎች: የ ፊደል ውጤቶች</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ጽሁፍ: የ ፊደል ውጤቶች</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ውጤቶች: የ ፊደሎች</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ከ ስሩ ማስመሪያ: ፊደል</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>አቢይ ፊደሎች: የ ፊደል ውጤቶች</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>በ ታችኛው ጉዳይ ፊደል: ፊደሎች ውጤቶች</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>አርእስቶች: የ ፊደል ውጤቶች</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>በ ትንሽ በ አቢይ ፊደል</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value> በላዩ ላይ መሰረዣ: ፊደል ውጤቶች</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ፊደሎች: በ ላዩ ላይ መሰረዣ</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ረቂቅ: የ ፊደል ውጤቶች</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ፊደሎች: ረቂቆች</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ጥላዎች ባህሪዎች</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ፊደሎች: ጥላዎች</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ፊደሎች:ቀለም የተተወ</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>የተተወ የ ፊደል ቀለም</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ቀለሞች:የተተወ የ ጽሁፍ ቀለም</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>fonts; effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>formatting; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>characters; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>text; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>effects; fonts</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>underlining; text</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>capital letters; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>lowercase letters; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>titles; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>small capitals</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>strikethrough; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>fonts; strikethrough</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>outlines; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>fonts; outlines</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>shadows; characters</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>fonts; shadows</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>fonts; color ignored</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>ignored font colors</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>colors; ignored text color</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13493,8 +13493,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/effectspage/fontcolorlb\">Sets the color for the selected text. If you select<emph> Automatic</emph>, the text color is set to black for light backgrounds and to white for dark backgrounds.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/effectspage/fontcolorlb\">ለ ተመረጠው ጽሁፍ ቀለም ማሰናጃ: እርስዎ ከ መረጡ <emph> ራሱ በራሱ </emph> የ ጽሁፍ ቀለም ማሰናጃ ወደ ጥቁር ነጣ ላሉ መደቦች እና ነጭ መደበቻው ጥቁር ለሆነ </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/effectspage/fontcolorlb\">Sets the color for the selected text. If you select <emph>Automatic</emph>, the text color is set to black for light backgrounds and to white for dark backgrounds.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13525,16 +13525,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To exit the paint can mode, click once, or press the Escape key."
-msgstr "ከ ቀለም መቀቢያ ዘዴ ለመውጣት: ይጫኑ አንዴ ወይንም መዝለያ ቁልፍ"
+msgid "To exit the paint can mode, click once, or press the <emph>Esc</emph> key."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The text color is ignored when printing, if the <emph>Print black</emph> check box is selected in <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040400.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Print\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Print</emph></link> in the Options dialog box."
-msgstr "የ ጽሁፍ ቀለም ይተዋል በሚታተም ጊዜ በ <emph> ጥቁር ማተሚያ </emph> ሳጥን ውስጥ ምልክት ተደርጎ ከተመረጠ በ <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040400.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Print\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME መጻፊያ - ማተሚያ </emph></link> በ ምርጫ ንግግር ሳጥን ውስጥ"
+msgid "The text color is ignored when printing, if the <emph>Print black</emph> check box is selected in <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040400.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Print\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Print</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13549,8 +13549,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"><variable id=\"textfarbe\">Click to apply the current font color to the selected characters. You can also click here, and then drag a selection to change the text color. Click the arrow next to the icon to open the Font color toolbar.</variable></ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"><variable id=\"textfarbe\">ይጫኑ ለ መፈጸም የ አሁኑን ፊደል ቀለም ወደ ተመረጠው ባህሪዎች ውስጥ: እንዲሁም መጫን ይችላሉ እዚህ እና መጎተት የ ተመረጠውን የ ጽሁፍ ቀለም ለ መቀየር: ይጫኑ በ ቀስቱ ላይ ከ ምልክቱ አጠገብ ያለውን ለ መክፈት የ ፊደል ቀለም እቃ መደርደሪያ</variable></ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"><variable id=\"textfarbe\">Click to apply the current font color to the selected characters. You can also click here, and then drag a selection to change the text color. Click the arrow next to the icon to open the <emph>Font color</emph> toolbar.</variable></ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13589,40 +13589,40 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Without - no effect is applied"
-msgstr "ያለ - ምንም ውጤት ተፈጽሟል"
+msgid "<emph>Without</emph> - no effect is applied,"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Capitals - changes the selected lowercase characters to uppercase characters"
-msgstr "አቢይ - የተመረጠውን የ ታችኛውን ጉዳይ ፊደል ባህሪዎች ወደ ላይኛው ጉዳይ ፊደል ባህሪዎች ይቀይራል"
+msgid "<emph>Capitals</emph> - changes the selected lowercase characters to uppercase characters,"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Lowercase - changes the selected uppercase characters to lower characters"
-msgstr "የ ታችኛው ጉዳይ ፊደል - የ ተመረጠውን የ ላይኛውን ጉዳይ ባህሪዎች ወደ ታችኛው ጉዳይ ባህሪዎች ይቀይራል"
+msgid "<emph>Lowercase</emph> - changes the selected uppercase characters to lower characters,"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Title font - changes the first character of each selected word to an uppercase character"
-msgstr "የ አርእስት ፊደል - የተመረጠውን የ መጀመሪያ ባህሪ እያንዳንዱን ወደ ላይኛው ጉዳይ ፊደል ባህሪዎች ይቀይራል"
+msgid "<emph>Title font</emph> - changes the first character of each selected word to an uppercase character,"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Small capitals - changes the selected lowercase characters to uppercase characters, and then reduces their size"
-msgstr "ትንሽ አቢይ - የተመረጠውን የ ታችኛውን ጉዳይ ፊደል ባህሪዎች ወደ የ ላይኛው ጉዳይ ፊደል ባህሪዎች ይቀይራል እና መጠኑን ይቀንሳል"
+msgid "<emph>Small capitals</emph> - changes the selected lowercase characters to uppercase characters, and then reduces their size."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13637,8 +13637,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/effectspage/relieflb\">Select a relief effect to apply to the selected text. The embossed relief makes the characters appear as if they are raised above the page. The engraved relief makes the characters appear as if they are pressed into the page.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/effectspage/relieflb\">ይምረጡ የ ክፍተት ውጤት ለ መፈጸም ለ ተመረጠው ጽሁፍ: የ ማስጌጫ ክፍተት ባህሪዎችን ከ ገጹ በላይ ያሉ ያስመስላቸዋል: የ ተቀረጸ ክፍተት ባህሪዎችን በ ገጹ ውስጥ የ ተጫኑት ያስመስላቸዋል </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/effectspage/relieflb\">Select a <emph>relief</emph> effect to apply to the selected text. The <emph>embossed</emph> relief makes the characters appear as if they are raised above the page. The <emph>engraved</emph> relief makes the characters appear as if they are pressed into the page.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13901,8 +13901,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"zahlen\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:TableNumberFormatDialog\">Specify the formatting options for the selected cell(s).</ahelp> </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"zahlen\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:TableNumberFormatDialog\">ለተመረጠው ክፍል(ሎች) አቀራረቡን መወሰኛ</ahelp> </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"zahlen\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:TableNumberFormatDialog\">Specify the formatting options for the selected cell(s).</ahelp></variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13917,8 +13917,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/categorylb\">Select a category from the list, and then select a formatting style in the <emph>Format </emph>box.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/categorylb\">ይምረጡ ምድብ ከ ዝርዝር ውስጥ: እና ከዛ ይምረጡ የ አቀራረብ ዘዴ በ <emph> አቀራረብ </emph> ሳጥን ውስጥ </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/categorylb\">Select a category from the list, and then select a formatting style in the <emph>Format</emph> box.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13981,8 +13981,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/languagelb\">Specifies the language setting for the selected <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">cells </caseinline><defaultinline>fields</defaultinline></switchinline>. With the language set to <emph>Automatic</emph>, $[officename] automatically applies the number formats associated with the system default language. Select any language to fix the settings for the selected <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">cells </caseinline><defaultinline>fields</defaultinline></switchinline>.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/languagelb\">ቋንቋ ማሰናጃ ይወስኑ ለተመረጡት <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"> ክፍሎች </caseinline><defaultinline> ሜዳዎች </defaultinline></switchinline> በ ቋንቋ ማሰናጃ ወደ <emph> ራሱ በራሱ </emph> $[officename] ራሱ በራሱ ይፈጽማል የ ቁጥር አቀራረብ የ ተዛመደውን ከ ስርአት ነባር ቋንቋ ጋር: ይምረጡ ማንኛውንም ቋንቋ ማሰናጃውን ለ መጠገን ለ ተመረጡት <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"> ክፍሎች </caseinline><defaultinline> ሜዳዎች </defaultinline></switchinline></ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/languagelb\">Specifies the language setting for the selected <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">cells </caseinline><defaultinline>fields</defaultinline></switchinline>. With the language set to <emph>Automatic</emph>, $[officename] automatically applies the number formats associated with the system default language. Select any language to fix the settings for the selected <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">cells</caseinline><defaultinline> fields</defaultinline></switchinline>.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14085,8 +14085,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/negnumred\">Changes the font color of negative numbers to red.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/negnumred\">የ አሉታዊ ቁጥሮችን ፊደል ወደ ቀይ ቀለም መቀየሪያ</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/negnumred\">Changes the font color of negative numbers to <emph>red</emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14117,8 +14117,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/engineering\">With scientific format, Engineering notation ensures that exponent is a multiple of 3.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/engineering\">በ ሳይንሳዊ አቀራረብ: የ ኤንጂኔር ምልክት ያረጋግጣል ኤክስፖነንት የ 3. መልቲፕል መሆኑን </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/engineering\">With scientific format, <emph>Engineering notation</emph> ensures that exponent is a multiple of 3.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14237,8 +14237,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Number format codes can consist of up to four sections separated by a semicolon (;)."
-msgstr "የ ቁጥር አቀራረብ ኮዶች መያዝ ይችላል እስከ አራት ክፍል የ ተለያየ በ ሴሚኮለን (;)."
+msgid "Number format codes can consist of up to four sections separated by a semicolon (<emph>;</emph>)."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14269,8 +14269,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Fourth section applies if the content is not a value, but some text. Content is represented by an at sign (@)."
-msgstr "አራተኛው ክፍል የሚፈጸመው ይዞታው ዋጋ ካልሆነ ነው: ነገር ግን ጽሁፍ ከሆነ: ይዞታው የሚወከለው በ ምልክት በ (@) ነው"
+msgid "Fourth section applies if the content is not a value, but some text. Content is represented by an at sign (<emph>@</emph>)."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14285,16 +14285,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use zero (0), the number sign (#) or the question mark (?) as placeholders in your number format code to represent numbers. The (#) only displays significant digits, while the (0) displays zeroes if there are fewer digits in the number than in the number format. The (?) works as the (#) but adds a space character to keep decimal alignment if there is a hidden non-significant zero."
-msgstr "ይጠቀሙ (0): የ ቁጥር ምልክት (#) ወይንም የ ጥያቄ ምልክት (?) እንደ ቦታ ያዢዎች በ እርስዎ የ ቁጥር አቀራረብ ኮድ ውስጥ ቁጥሮችን እንዲወክል የ (#) ብቻ የሚያሳየው አስፈላጊ ዲጂት ነው: ነገር ግን የ (0) ዜሮዎች ያሳያል ጥቂት ዲጂት ከሆነ በ ቁጥሩ ውስጥ በ ቁጥሩ አቀራረብ ውስጥ: የ (?) የሚሰራው እንደ የ (#) ነው: ነገር ግን የ ክፍተት ባህሪ ይጨምራል የ ዴሲማል ማሰለፊያ ለ መጠበቅ: የ ተደበቀ ምንም-አስፈላጊ ያልሆነ ዜሮ ካለ"
+msgid "Use zero (<emph>0</emph>), the number sign (<emph>#</emph>) or the question mark (<emph>?</emph>) as placeholders in your number format code to represent numbers. The <emph>#</emph> only displays significant digits, while the <emph>0</emph> displays zeroes if there are fewer digits in the number than in the number format. The <emph>?</emph> works as the <emph>#</emph> but adds a space character to keep decimal alignment if there is a hidden non-significant zero."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use question marks (?), zeroes (0) or number signs (#) to represent the number of digits to include in the numerator and the denominator of a fraction. Fractions that do not fit the pattern that you define are displayed as floating point numbers."
-msgstr "የ ጥያቄ ምልክት ይጠቀሙ (?) ዜሮዎች (0) ወይንም የ ቁጥር ምልክት (#) ለ መወከል የ ቁጥር አሀዝ እንዲያካትት ለ አካፋዮች እና ለ ተካፋዮች ክፍልፋይ: ክፍልፋዮች በ ድግግሞሽ ልክ ያልሆኑ እርስዎ በ ገለጹት መሰረት የሚታዩት እንደ ተንሳፋፊ ነጥብ ቁጥሮች ነው"
+msgid "Use question marks (<emph>?</emph>), zeroes (<emph>0</emph>) or number signs (<emph>#</emph>) to represent the number of digits to include in the numerator and the denominator of a fraction. Fractions that do not fit the pattern that you define are displayed as floating point numbers."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14525,24 +14525,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To use a character to define the width of a space in a number format, type an underscore ( _ ) followed by the character. The width of the space varies according to the width of the character that you choose. For example, <emph>_M</emph> creates a wider space than <emph>_i</emph>."
-msgstr "ባህሪዎችን ለ መጠቀም ለ መግለጽ የ ክፍተት ስፋት በ ቁጥር አቀራረብ ውስጥ: ይጻፉ ከ ስሩ ማስመሪያ ( _ ) አስከትለው ባህሪ: የ ክፍተቱ ስፋት ይለያያል እንደ ስፋቱ ባህሪዎች እርስዎ እንደመረጡት: ለምሳሌ: <emph>_M</emph> ሰፊ ክፍተት ይፈጥራል ከ <emph>_i</emph> ይልቅ"
+msgid "To use a character to define the width of a space in a number format, type an underscore (<emph>_</emph>) followed by the character. The width of the space varies according to the width of the character that you choose. For example, <emph>_M</emph> creates a wider space than <emph>_i</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "To fill free space with a given character, use an asterisk (*) followed by this character. For instance:"
-msgstr "ነፃ ቦታ ለ መሙላት በ ተሰጠው ባህሪ: ይጠቀሙ ኮከብ (*) አስከትለው ባህሪውን ለምሳሌ:"
+msgid "To fill free space with a given character, use an asterisk (<emph>*</emph>) followed by this character. For instance:"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "will display integer value (0) preceded by as many as needed backslash characters (\\) to fill column width. For accounting representation, you may left align currency symbol with a format similar to:"
-msgstr "ማሳያ የ ኢንቲጀር ዋጋ (0) ማስገባት ይችላሉ ከ ፊት በርካታ ወደ ኋላ ስላሽ ባህሪዎች (\\) ለ መሙላት የ አምድ ስፋት: መቁጠሪያ ለ መወከል: እርስዎ መተው ይችላሉ የ ገንዘብ ምልክት ማሰለፊያ በ ተመሳሳይ አቀራረብ ወደ:"
+msgid "will display integer value (0) preceded by as many as needed backslash characters (<emph>\\</emph>) to fill column width. For accounting representation, you may left align currency symbol with a format similar to:"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14653,8 +14653,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To display numbers as percentages, add the percent sign (%) to the number format."
-msgstr "ቁጥሮች በ ፐርሰንት ለማሳየት: የ ፐርሰንት ምልክት ይጨምሩ (%) በ ቁጥር አቀራረብ ውስጥ"
+msgid "To display numbers as percentages, add the percent sign (<emph>%</emph>) to the number format."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15141,8 +15141,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "All date formats are dependent on the locale that is set in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph> </caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language settings - Languages</emph>. For example, if your locale is set to 'Japanese', then the Gengou calendar is used. The default date format in <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> uses the Gregorian Calendar."
-msgstr "ሁሉም የ ቀን አቀራረብ ነፃ ነው በ ቋንቋ ውስጥ እንደ ተሰናዳው: በ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - ምርጫዎች</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph> መሳሪያዎች - ምርጫ </emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - ቋንቋ ማሰናጃዎች - ቋንቋዎች </emph> ለምሳሌ: የ እርስዎ ቋንቋ ከ ተሰናዳ ለ 'Japanese', ከዛ የ Gengou ቀን መቁጠሪያ ይጠቀማል: ነባር የ ቀን አቀራረብ <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> የ ቀን መቁጠሪያ ይጠቀማል:"
+msgid "All date formats are dependent on the locale that is set in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language settings - Languages</emph>. For example, if your locale is set to 'Japanese', then the Gengou calendar is used. The default date format in <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> uses the Gregorian Calendar."
+msgstr "ሁሉም የ ቀን አቀራረብ ነፃ ነው በ ቋንቋ ውስጥ እንደ ተሰናዳው: በ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - ምርጫዎች</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>መሳሪያዎች - ምርጫ</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - ቋንቋ ማሰናጃዎች - ቋንቋዎች</emph> ለምሳሌ: የ እርስዎ ቋንቋ ከ ተሰናዳ ለ 'Japanese', ከዛ የ Gengou ቀን መቁጠሪያ ይጠቀማል: ነባር የ ቀን አቀራረብ <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> የ ቀን መቁጠሪያ ይጠቀማል:"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15245,8 +15245,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">If you perform a calculation that involves one or more cells using a date format, the result is formatted according to the following mappings: </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">እርስዎ ከ ፈጸሙ ስሌት አንድ ወይንም ተጨማሪ ክፍሎች የያዘ የ ቀን አቀራረብ በ መጠቀም: ውጠቱ የሚቀርበው በሚቀጥሉት ካርታዎች አቀራረብ አይነት ነው: </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">If you perform a calculation that involves one or more cells using a date format, the result is formatted according to the following mappings:</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">እርስዎ ስሌቶች ከ ፈጸሙ የሚያካትት አምድ ወይንም ተጨማሪ ክፍሎች የ ቀን አቀራረብ ይጠቀሙ: ውጤቱ የሚቀርበው እንደ በሚቀጥለው አይነት አቀራረብ ነው:</caseinline></switchinline>"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15429,8 +15429,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">The Date&Time format displays the date and time that an entry was made to a cell with this format. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">የ ቀን & ሰአት አቀራረብ የሚያሳየው ቀን እና ሰአት በ ክፍል ውስጥ የገባውን በዚህ አቀራረብ ነው </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">The <emph>Date & Time</emph> format displays the date and time that an entry was made to a cell with this format.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15453,8 +15453,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To display hours, minutes and seconds use the following number format codes."
-msgstr "ሰአቶች: ደቂቃዎች እና ሰከንዶች: ለማሳየት የሚቀጥለውን የ ቁጥር አቀራረብ ኮዶች ይጠቀሙ"
+msgid "To display hours, minutes and seconds use the following number format codes:"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15589,8 +15589,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To display numbers using native number characters, use a [NatNum1], [NatNum2], ... [NatNum11] modifier at the beginning of a number format codes."
-msgstr "ቁጥሮች ለማሳየት በ መጠቀም የ ቁጥር ባህሪዎች: ይጠቀሙ የ [ተፈጥሮ ቁጥር1]: [ተፈጥሮ ቁጥር2]: ... [ተፈጥሮ ቁጥር11] ማሻሻያ በ መጀመሪያው የ ቁጥር አቀራረብ ኮዶች ውስጥ"
+msgid "To display numbers using native number characters, use a [NatNum1], [NatNum2], ..., [NatNum11] modifier at the beginning of a number format codes."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17270,7 +17270,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "NatNum12 modifier"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "የ ተፈጥሮ ቁጥር 12 ማሻሻያ"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17286,7 +17286,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Common NatNum12 formatting examples"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "መደበኛ የ ተፈጥሮ ቁጥር አቀራረብ ምሳሌዎች"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17294,7 +17294,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Formatting code"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "የ ኮዶች አቀራረብ"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17302,7 +17302,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Explanation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "መግለጫዎች"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17310,7 +17310,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "[NatNum12]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[የ ተፈጥሮ ቁጥር 12]"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17358,7 +17358,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "[NatNum12 capitalize]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[ተ ተፈጥሮ ቁጥር 12 አቢይ]"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17390,7 +17390,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "[NatNum12 title]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[የ ተፈጥሮ ቁጥር 12 አርእስት]"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17406,7 +17406,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "[NatNum12 USD]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[የ ተፈጥሮ ቁጥር 12 USD]"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17925,8 +17925,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Rotation / scaling"
-msgstr "ማዞሪያ / መመጠኛ"
+msgid "Rotation/scaling"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020500.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -18221,8 +18221,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Set the typographic options for cells or paragraphs in Asian language files. To enable Asian language support, choose <emph>Language Settings - Languages</emph> in the Options dialog box, and then select the <emph>Enabled</emph> box in the <emph>Asian language support</emph> area.</ahelp> The Asian typography options are ignored in HTML documents."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">የ አጻጻፍ ምርጫ ማሰናጃ ለ ክፍሎች ወይንም አንቀጾች በ እስያ ቋንቋ ፋይሎች ውስጥ: የ እስያ ቋንቋ ድጋፍ ለማስቻል: ይምረጡ <emph> ቋንቋ ማሰናጃ - ቋንቋዎች </emph> በ ምርጫ ንግግር ሳጥን ውስጥ: እና ከዛ ይምረጡ የ <emph> ተችሏል </emph> ሳጥን ውስጥ በ <emph> የ እስያ ቋንቋ ድጋፍ </emph> ቦታ ውስጥ </ahelp> የ እስያ ቋንቋ አጻጻፍ ምርጫ ይተዋል በ HTML ሰነዶች ውስጥ"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Set the typographic options for cells or paragraphs in Asian language files. To enable Asian language support, choose <emph>Language Settings - Languages</emph> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box, and then select the <emph>Enabled</emph> box in the <emph>Asian language support</emph> area.</ahelp> The Asian typography options are ignored in HTML documents."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020700.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -18277,8 +18277,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Apply spacing between Asian and non-Asian text</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>በ እስያ: እና የ እስያን-ባልሆነ ጽሁፍ መካከል ክፍተት ማስቻያ</emph>"
+msgid "Apply spacing between Asian and non-Asian text"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020700.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -25582,7 +25582,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "These callouts are a legacy of the first versions of %PRODUCTNAME. You must customize a toolbar or menu to insert these callouts. The newer custom shape callouts offer more features, for example a Callouts toolbar<image id=\"img_id3154508\" src=\"cmd/sc_calloutshapes.png\" width=\"0.222inch\" height=\"0.222inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3154508\">Icon</alt></image> where you can select the shape."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "እነዚህ መጥሪያዎች የ መጀመሪያው እትም ስጦታ ናቸው %PRODUCTNAME. እርስዎ የ እቃ መደርደሪያ ወይንም ዝርዝር ማስተካከል አለብዎት እነዚህን መጥሪያዎች ለማስገባት: አዲሱ እትም በርካታ የ መጥሪያ ቅርጾች ገጽታ በ ውስጡ ይዟል: ለምሳሌ: የ መጥሪያ እቃ መደርደሪያ <image id=\"img_id3154508\" src=\"cmd/sc_calloutshapes.png\" width=\"0.222inch\" height=\"0.222inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3154508\"> ምልክት </alt></image> እርስዎ ቅርጹን የሚመርጡበት"
#: 05230500.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -26133,8 +26133,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To align a graphic relative to the character that it is anchored to, right-click the graphic, and then choose <emph>Image</emph>. Click the <emph>Type</emph> tab, and in the <emph>Position</emph> area, select <emph>Character</emph> in the <emph>to</emph> boxes."
-msgstr "ንድፍ ለ ማሰለፍ ለ ባህሪ ካስቆሙት አንፃር ወደ: በ ቀኝ-ይጫኑ ንድፉ ላይ: እና ከዛ ይምረጡ <emph> ምስል </emph> ይጫኑ የ <emph> አይነት </emph> tab: እና ከ <emph> ቦታ </emph> አካባቢ ውስጥ: ይምረጡ <emph> ባህሪ </emph> በ <emph> ወደ </emph> ሳጥኖች ውስጥ"
+msgid "To align a graphic relative to the character that it is anchored to, right-click the graphic, and then choose <emph>Properties</emph>. Click the <emph>Type</emph> tab, and in the <emph>Position</emph> area, select <emph>Character</emph> in the <emph>to</emph> boxes."
+msgstr ""
#: 05260400.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -31693,8 +31693,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Automatically applies a border at the base of the preceding paragraph when you type three or more specific characters, and then press Enter. To create a single line, type three or more hyphens (-), or underscores ( _ ), and then press Enter. To create a double line, type three or more equal signs (=), asterisks (*), tildes (~), or hash marks (#), and then press Enter."
-msgstr "ራሱ በራሱ ድንበር መፈጸሚያ በ መሰረቱ ላይ በሚቀጥለው አንቀጽ እርስዎ በሚጽፉ ጊዜ ሶስት ወይንም ከዚያ በላይ የ ተወሰኑ ባህሪዎች: እና ከዛ ይጫኑ ማስገቢያውን: ነጠላ መስመር ለ መፍጠር: ይጻፉ ሶስት ወይንም ከዚያ በላይ ጭረት (-): ወይንም ከ ስሩ ማስመሪያ ( _ ): እና ከዛ ይጫኑ ማስገቢያውን: ድርብ መስመር ለ መፍጠር: ይጻፉ ሶስት ወይንም ከዚያ በላይ እኩል ምልክት (=): ኮከብ (*): ቲልዴ (~): ወይንም የ ቁጥር ምልክት (#): እና ከዛ ይጫኑ ማስገቢያውን"
+msgid "Automatically applies a border at the base of the preceding paragraph when you type three or more specific characters, and then press Enter. To create a single line, type three or more hyphens (-), or underscores (_), and then press Enter. To create a double line, type three or more equal signs (=), asterisks (*), tildes (~), or hash marks (#), and then press Enter."
+msgstr ""
#: 06040100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -31901,8 +31901,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Combine single line paragraphs if length greater than ...</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">መቀላቀያ ነጠላ መስመር አንቀጾች እርዝመቱ በላይ ከሆነ ከ ...</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Combine single line paragraphs if length greater than...</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06040100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -42398,7 +42398,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "The list of TSA URLs that can be selected is maintained under <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME - Security - TSAs</emph>."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ዝርዝር የ TSA URLs መምረጥ መጠገን የሚቻለው ከ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - ምርጫዎች </emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph> መሳሪያዎች - ምርጫ </emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME - ደህንነት - TSAs</emph>."
#: ref_pdf_export.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/02.po b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/02.po
index 605bb12b425..e6cdc8460bc 100644
--- a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/02.po
+++ b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/02.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-08 15:10+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-03 16:40+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Samson B <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1528044031.000000\n"
#: 01110000.xhp
@@ -1973,8 +1973,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Formatting</emph>: You can set the <emph>Formatting </emph>property by clicking the <emph>... </emph>button in the <emph>Formatting</emph> line of the <emph>Properties: Formatted Field</emph> dialog. The <emph>Number Format</emph> dialog appears."
-msgstr "<emph>አቀራረብ</emph>: እርስዎ ማሰናዳት ይችላሉ የ <emph>አቀራረብ </emph>ባህሪ በ መጫን የ <emph>... </emph>ቁልፍ ውስጥ በ <emph>አቀራረብ</emph> መስመር ከ <emph>ባህሪዎች: የ ሜዳ አቀራረብ</emph> ንግግር ውስጥ የ <emph>ቁጥር አቀራረብ</emph> ንግግር ይታያል"
+msgid "<emph>Formatting</emph>: You can set the <emph>Formatting</emph> property by clicking the <emph>...</emph> button in the <emph>Formatting</emph> line of the <emph>Properties: Formatted Field</emph> dialog. The <emph>Number Format</emph> dialog appears."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170002.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1989,8 +1989,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Min. value</emph> and <emph>Max. value</emph>: You can enter the minimum and maximum numeric value for a formatted field. The min and max values determine the output of existing data (Example: Min. value is 5, the connected database field contains the integer value 3. The output is 5, but the value in the database is not modified) and the input of new data (Example: Max. value is 10 and you enter 20. The input is corrected and 10 is written in the database). If the fields are not filled in for <emph>Min. value </emph>and <emph>Max. value</emph>, no limits will be applied. For formatted fields that are connected to a database text field, these two values and the <emph>Default value</emph> do not apply."
-msgstr "<emph>አነስተኛ ዋጋ </emph> እና <emph> ከፍተኛ ዋጋ </emph>: እርስዎ ማስገባት ይችላሉ አነስተኛ እና ከፍተኛ የ ቁጥር ዋጋዎች ሜዳ አቀራረብ: አነስተኛ እና ከፍተኛ ዋጋ የሚወስነው የ ነበረውን ዳታ ውጤት ነው (ለምሳሌ: አነስተኛ. ዋጋ 5, ነው: የተገናኘው ዳታቤዝ ሜዳ የያዘው ኢንቲጀር ዋጋ 3. ነው: ውጤቱ 5, ነው: ነገር ግን ዋጋው በ ዳታቤዝ ውስጥ አልተሻሻለም) እና ማስገቢያው ለ አዲስ ዳታ (ለምሳሌ: ከፍተኛ. ዋጋ 10 ነው እና እርስዎ ካስገቡ 20. ማስገቢያው ይታረማል እና10 ይጻፋል ከ ዳታቤዝ ውስጥ). ሜዳዎቹ ካልተሞሉ በ <emph> አነስተኛ ዋጋ </emph> እና <emph> ከፍተኛ ዋጋ </emph> ምንም መጠን አይፈጸምም: ለ ሜዳዎች አቀራረብ ከ ዳታቤዝ ጽሁፍ ሜዳ ጋር ለ ተገናኙ: እነዚህ ሁለት ዋጋዎች እና የ <emph> ነባር ዋጋ </emph> መፈጸም አይቻልም"
+msgid "<emph>Min. value</emph> and <emph>Max. value</emph>: You can enter the minimum and maximum numeric value for a formatted field. The min and max values determine the output of existing data (Example: Min. value is <emph>5</emph>, the connected database field contains the integer value <emph>3</emph>. The output is <emph>5</emph>, but the value in the database is not modified) and the input of new data (Example: Max. value is <emph>10</emph> and you enter <emph>20</emph>. The input is corrected and <emph>10</emph> is written in the database). If the fields are not filled in for <emph>Min. value</emph> and <emph>Max. value</emph>, no limits will be applied. For formatted fields that are connected to a database text field, these two values and the <emph>Default value</emph> do not apply."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170002.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2029,8 +2029,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you enter a year using two digits, the corresponding four digit value is determined by a setting in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - General</emph>. For example, if 1935 is set as the lower limiting value and you enter 34 as a date value, then the result is 2034 instead of 1934."
-msgstr "እርስዎ አመት ሲያስገቡ ሁለት አሀዝ በ መጠቀም: ተመሳሳይ አራት አሀዝ ዋጋ ይወሰናል በ ማሰናጃ በ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - ምርጫዎች</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>መሳሪያ - ምርጫ</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - ባጠቃላይ</emph> ለምሳሌ: 1935 ወደ ዝቅተኛ መጠን ከ ተሰናዳ እና እርስዎ ካስገቡ 34 እንደ ቀን ዋጋ: ውጤቱ 2034 ይሆናል 1934. ከ መሆን ይልቅ"
+msgid "When you enter a year using two digits, the corresponding four digit value is determined by a setting in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - General</emph>. For example, if <emph>1935</emph> is set as the lower limiting value and you enter <emph>34</emph> as a date value, then the result is <emph>2034</emph> instead of <emph>1934</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170003.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2197,8 +2197,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWCOLS\">Calls a submenu where you can select the columns to show again.</ahelp> To show only one column, click the column name. You see only the first 16 hidden columns. If there are more hidden columns, choose the <emph>More</emph> command to call the <emph>Show Columns</emph> dialog."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWCOLS\">ንዑስ ዝርዝር መጥሪያ እርስዎ የሚመርጡበት አምዶች እንደገና እንዲታዩ </ahelp> አንድ አምድ ብቻ ለማሳየት: ይጫኑ የ አምድ ስም ላይ: ለ እርስዎ የሚታየው የ መጀመሪያው 16 የተደበቁ አምዶች ናቸው: ተጨማሪ የተደበቁ አምዶች ካሉ: ይምረጡ የ <emph> ተጨማሪ </emph> ትእዛዝ መጥሪያ <emph> አምዶች ማሳ ያ</emph> ንግግር ውስጥ"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWCOLS\">Calls a submenu where you can select the columns to show again.</ahelp> To show only one column, click the column name. You see only the first <emph>16</emph> hidden columns. If there are more hidden columns, choose the <emph>More</emph> command to call the <emph>Show Columns</emph> dialog."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2221,8 +2221,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/showcoldialog/ShowColDialog\">In the <emph>Show Columns</emph> dialog you can select the columns to be shown. Hold down the Shift or <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> key to select multiple entries.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/showcoldialog/ShowColDialog\">በ <emph>አምዶች ማሳያ</emph> ንግግር ውስጥ እርስዎ መምረጥ ይችላሉ የሚታየውን አምድ: ተጭነው ይያዙ የ Shift ወይንም <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">ትእዛዝ</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> ቁልፍ በርካታ ማስገቢያዎች ለመምረጥ</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/showcoldialog/ShowColDialog\">In the <emph>Show Columns</emph> dialog you can select the columns to be shown. Hold down the <emph>Shift</emph> or <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> key to select multiple entries.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2237,88 +2237,88 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWALLCOLS\">Click <emph>All </emph>if you want to show all columns.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWALLCOLS\">ይጫኑ <emph>ሁሉንም </emph>ሁሉንም አምዶች ማሳየት ከፈለጉ</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWALLCOLS\">Click <emph>All</emph> if you want to show all columns.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Keyboard-only control of Table Controls"
-msgstr "በ ፊደል ገበታ-ብቻ ሰንጠረዥ መቆጣጠሪያ"
+msgid "Keyboard-only control of <emph>Table Controls</emph>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you use the keyboard only to travel through controls in your document, you will find one difference to the other types of controls: the Tab key does not move the cursor to the next control, but moves to the next column inside the table control. Press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Tab to move to the next control, or press Shift+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Tab to move to the previous control."
-msgstr "እርስዎ የ ፊደል ገበታ ብቻ መቆጣጠሪያ ለ መዘዋወር የሚጠቀሙ ከሆነ በ እርስዎ ሰነድ ውስጥ: እርስዎ አንዳንድ ልዩነቶች ሊያገኙ ይችላሉ ከ ሌሎች መቆጠጠሪያዎች አይነት: የ Tab ቁልፍ መጠቆሚያውን አያንቀሳቅስም ወደሚቀጥለው መቆጣጠሪያ: ነገር ግን ወደሚቀጥለው አምድ ያንቀሳቅሳል በ ሰንጠረዥ መቆጣጠሪያ ውስጥ: ይጫኑ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"> ትእዛዝ </caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Tab ወደሚቀጥለው መቆጣጠሪያ ለመንቀሳቀስ: ወይንም ይጫኑ Shift+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"> ትእዛዝ </caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Tab ቀደም ወዳለው መቆጣጠሪያ ለመንቀሳቀስ"
+msgid "If you use the keyboard only to travel through controls in your document, you will find one difference to the other types of controls: the <emph>Tab</emph> key does not move the cursor to the next control, but moves to the next column inside the table control. Press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Tab</emph> to move to the next control, or press <emph>Shift</emph>+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Tab</emph> to move to the previous control."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "To enter the special keyboard-only edit mode for Table Controls:"
-msgstr "የተለያ የ ፊደል ገበታ-ብቻ ለማስገባት በ ማረሚያ ዘዴ ለ ሰንጠረዥ መቆጣጠሪያዎች:"
+msgid "To enter the special keyboard-only edit mode for <emph>Table Controls</emph>:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The form document must be in <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170500.xhp\" name=\"design mode\">design mode</link>."
-msgstr "የ ሰነዱ ፎርም መሆን አለበት በ <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170500.xhp\" name=\"design mode\">ንድፍ ዘዴ</link>."
+msgid "The form document must be in <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170500.xhp\" name=\"design mode\"><emph>Design mode</emph></link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+F6 to select the document."
-msgstr "ይጫኑ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">ትእዛዝ</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+F6 ሰነድ ለመምረጥ"
+msgid "Press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>F6</emph> to select the document."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Press Shift+F4 to select the first control. If the Table Control is not the first control, press Tab until it is selected."
-msgstr "ይጫኑ Shift+F4 የ መጀመሪያውን መቆጣጠሪያ ለ መምረጥ: የ ሰንጠረዥ መቆጣጠሪያው የ መጀመሪያው ካልሆነ: ይጫኑ Tab እስከሚመረጥ ድረስ"
+msgid "Press <emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>F4</emph> to select the first control. If the <emph>Table Control</emph> is not the first control, press <emph>Tab</emph> until it is selected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Press Enter to enter the edit mode. The handles are shown farther out from the control border."
-msgstr "ማስገቢያውን ይጫኑ ወደ ማረሚያ ዘዴ ለ መግባት: እጄታዎቹ የሚታዩት ከ መቆጣጠሪያው ድንበር ባሻገር ነው"
+msgid "Press <emph>Enter</emph> to enter the edit mode. The handles are shown farther out from the control border."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "In the edit mode, you can open the edit mode context menu by pressing Shift+F10."
-msgstr "በ ማረሚያ ዘዴ የ ማረሚያ አገባብ ዘዴ ዝርዝር መክፈት ይችላሉ በ መጫን Shift+F10."
+msgid "In the edit mode, you can open the edit mode context menu by pressing <emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>F10</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you want to edit columns, press Shift+Space to enter column edit mode. Now you can rearrange the order of columns with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Arrow keys. The Delete key deletes the current column."
-msgstr "እርስዎ አምዶችን ማረም የሚፈልጉ ከሆነ: ይጫኑ Shift+Space ወደ አምድ ማረሚያ ዘዴ ለመግባት: አሁን እርስዎ እንደፈለጉ አምዶችን ደንብ እንደገና ማዘጋጀት ይችላሉ በ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"> ትእዛዝ </caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+ቀስት ቁልፎች: የ ማጥፊያ ቁልፍ የ አሁኑን አምድ ያጠፋል"
+msgid "If you want to edit columns, press <emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>Space</emph> to enter column edit mode. Now you can rearrange the order of columns with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Arrow</emph> keys. The <emph>Delete</emph> key deletes the current column."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Press the Escape key to exit the edit mode."
-msgstr "ከማረሚያ ዘዴ ለመውጣት መዝለያ ቁልፉን ይጫኑ"
+msgid "Press the <emph>Esc</emph> key to exit the edit mode."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2357,8 +2357,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"hinweis\">You can only call the<emph> Properties</emph> dialog when in the Design mode with a control selected. </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"hinweis\">እርስዎ መጥራት የሚችሉት የ<emph> ባህሪዎች</emph> ንግግር በ ንድፍ ዘዴ ውስጥ እያሉ በ ተመረጠው መቆጣጠሪያ ነው</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"hinweis\">You can only call the <emph>Properties</emph> dialog when in the <emph>Design mode</emph> with a control selected.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2381,48 +2381,48 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Effects"
-msgstr "ተጽዕኖው"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Option</caseinline><defaultinline>Alt</defaultinline></switchinline>+Down Arrow"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">ምርጫ</caseinline><defaultinline>Alt</defaultinline></switchinline>+ቀስት ወደ ታች"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Option</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Alt</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Down Arrow</emph>:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the combo box"
-msgstr "መክፈቻ የ መቀላቀያ ሳጥን"
+msgid "Opens the combo box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Option</caseinline><defaultinline>Alt</defaultinline></switchinline>+Up Arrow"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">ምርጫ</caseinline><defaultinline>Alt</defaultinline></switchinline>+ቀስት ወደ ላይ"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Option</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Alt</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Up Arrow</emph>:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Closes the combo box"
-msgstr "መዝጊያ የ መቀላቀያ ሳጥን"
+msgid "Closes the combo box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Shift+Enter"
-msgstr "Shift+ማስገቢያ"
+msgid "<emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>Enter</emph>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2437,8 +2437,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Up Arrow"
-msgstr "ቀስት ወደ ላይ"
+msgid "<emph>Up Arrow</emph>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2453,8 +2453,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Down Arrow"
-msgstr "ቀስት ወደ ታች"
+msgid "<emph>Down Arrow</emph>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2469,8 +2469,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter"
-msgstr "ማስገቢያ"
+msgid "<emph>Enter</emph>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2485,8 +2485,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "As with list boxes or combo boxes, you can open or close the list with a mouse click at the arrow on the right end of the field. However, the input here can be entered either in the opened list or in the top text field. An exception is the properties that expect a list representation, for example, the property <emph>List Entries</emph>, which can be set for the control fields <emph>List Box</emph> and <emph>Combo Box</emph>. Here, you can only edit the entries when the field is opened."
-msgstr "ከ ዝርዝር ሳጥኖች ወይንም መቀላቀያ ሳጥኖች ውስጥ: እርስዎ መክፈት ወይንም መዝጋት ይችላሉ ከ ዝርዝር ውስጥ በ አይጥ መጠቆሚያ: ይጫኑ በ ቀስቱ ላይ በ ሜዳው ቀኝ መጨረሻ በኩል: ነገር ግን እዚህ ማስገባት የሚቻለው በ አንዱ በ ተከፈተው ዝርዝር ወይንም ከ ላይ በ ጽሁፍ ሜዳ ውስጥ ነው: የ ተለየ ለ ባህሪዎች ዝርዝር ውክልና ለሚጠብቁ ይደረጋል: ለምሳሌ: ለ ባህሪ <emph> ዝርዝር ማስገቢያ </emph> ማሰናዳት ይቻላል በ መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳ <emph> ዝርዝር ሳጥን </emph> ውስጥ እና <emph> መቀላቀያ ሳጥን </emph> ውስጥ: እዚህ እርስዎ ማስገቢያዎችን ማረም ይችላሉ ሜዳው በ ተከፈተበት"
+msgid "As with list boxes or combo boxes, you can open or close the list with a mouse click at the arrow on the right end of the field. However, the input here can be entered either in the opened list or in the top text field. An exception is the properties that expect a list representation, for example, the property \"List Entries\", which can be set for the control fields <emph>List Box</emph> and <emph>Combo Box</emph>. Here, you can only edit the entries when the field is opened."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2509,16 +2509,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "This <emph>General </emph>tab enables you to define the general properties of a form control. These properties differ, depending on the control type. Not all of the following properties are available for every control."
-msgstr "ይህ <emph>ባጠቃላይ </emph>tab እርስዎን መግለጽ ያስችላል ባጠቃላይ ባህሪዎች ለ ፎርም መቆጣጠሪያ: እነዚህ መቆጣጠሪያዎች ይለያያሉ: እንደ መቆጣጠሪያው አይነት: ሁሉም የሚቀጥሉት ባህሪዎች ዝግጁ አይደሉም ለ ሁሉም መቆጣጠሪያዎች"
+msgid "This <emph>General</emph> tab enables you to define the general properties of a form control. These properties differ, depending on the control type. Not all of the following properties are available for every control."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you export the current form document to HTML format, the default control values are exported, not the current control values. Default values are determined - depending on the type of control - by the properties' Default value (for example, in text fields), Default status (for check boxes and option fields), and Default selection (for list boxes)."
-msgstr "እርስዎ ከላኩ የ አሁኑን ፎርም ሰነድ ወደ HTML አቀራረብ: ነባር መቆጣጠሪያ አጋዎች ይላካሉ: የ አሁኑ መቆጣጠሪያ ዋጋዎች አይደለም: ነባር ዋጋዎች ይወሰናሉ - እንደ መቆጣጠሪያው አይነት - በ ባህሪዎች' ነባር ዋጋ (ለምሳሌ: በ ጽሁፍ ሜዳዎች ውስጥ) ነባር ሁኔታዎች (ሳጥን ውስጥ ምልክት ማድረጊያ: እና የ ምርጫ ሜዳዎች) እና ነባር ምርጫ (ለ ዝርዝር ሳጥኖች)."
+msgid "If you export the current form document to HTML format, the default control values are exported, not the current control values. Default values are determined - depending on the type of control - by the properties' <emph>Default value</emph> (for example, in text fields), <emph>Default status</emph> (for check boxes and option fields), and <emph>Default selection</emph> (for list boxes)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2533,8 +2533,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ENABLED\">If a control field has the property \"Enabled\" (Yes), the form user will be able to use the control field.</ahelp> If the property is disabled, it will not be enabled (No) and will be displayed in a gray color."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ENABLED\">የ መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳ አስችለው ከሆነ \"ተችሏል\" (አዎ): የ ፎርም ተጠቃሚው የ መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳ መጠቀም ይችላል </ahelp> ባህሪው ተሰናክሎ ከሆነ: ማስቻል አይቻልም (አይ) እና ይታያል በ ግራጫ ቀለም"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ENABLED\">If a control field has the property \"Enabled\" (<emph>Yes</emph>), the form user will be able to use the control field.</ahelp> If the property is disabled, it will not be enabled (<emph>No</emph>) and will be displayed in a gray color."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2549,8 +2549,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LINECOUNT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies how many lines should be displayed in the dropdown list. This setting is only active if you chose \"Yes\" in the \"Dropdown\" option.</ahelp> For combo boxes with the Dropdown property, you can specify how many lines should be displayed in the dropdown list. With control fields which do not have the Dropdown option, the line's display will be specified by the size of the control field and the font size."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LINECOUNT\" visibility=\"hidden\">ምን ያህል መስመሮች እንደሚታዩ መወሰኛ ወደ ታች የሚዘረገፈው ዝርዝር ውስጥ: ይህ ማሰናጃ ንቁ የሚሆነው እርስዎ ከ መረጡ ነው \"አዎ\" ከ \"ወደ ታች የሚዘረገፍ\" ምርጫ</ahelp> ውስጥ: ለ መቀላቀያ ሳጥኖች ከ ወደ ታች የሚዘረገፍ ባህሪዎች ጋር: እርስዎ መወሰን ይችላሉ ምን ያህል መስመሮች እንደሚታዩ በ ወደ ታች የሚዘረገፍ ዝርዝር ውስጥ: በ መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳዎች ወደ ታች የሚዘረገፍ ምርጫ የሌላቸው: የ መስመሮች ማሳያ በ መጠን መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳ እና የ ፊደል መጠን ይወሰናል"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LINECOUNT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies how many lines should be displayed in the dropdown list. This setting is only active if you chose \"<emph>Yes</emph>\" in the <emph>Dropdown</emph> option.</ahelp> For combo boxes with the \"Dropdown\" property, you can specify how many lines should be displayed in the dropdown list. With control fields which do not have the <emph>Dropdown</emph> option, the line's display will be specified by the size of the control field and the font size."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2565,16 +2565,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BUTTONTYPE\" visibility=\"hidden\">The Action property determines the action that occurs when you activate a button.</ahelp> You can use navigation actions to design your own database navigation buttons."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BUTTONTYPE\" visibility=\"hidden\">እርስዎ ቁልፉ በሚያስጀምሩ ጊዜ የ ተግባሩ ባህሪ ይወስናል የሚፈጠረውን ተግባር </ahelp> እርስዎ የ መቃኛ ተግባር ለ ንድፍ መጠቀም ይችላሉ በ እርስዎ የ ዳታቤዝ መቃኛ ቁልፍ ውስጥ"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BUTTONTYPE\" visibility=\"hidden\">The \"Action\" property determines the action that occurs when you activate a button.</ahelp> You can use navigation actions to design your own database navigation buttons."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The following table describes the actions that you can assign to a button."
-msgstr "የሚቀጥለው ሰንጠረዥ እርስዎ ለ ቁልፍ መመደብ የሚችሉትን ተግባሮች ይገልጻል"
+msgid "The following table describes the actions that you can assign to a button:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2621,8 +2621,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Sends the data that is entered in other control fields of the current form to the address that is specified in <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Form Properties\">Form Properties</link> under <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170201.xhp\" name=\"URL\"><emph>URL</emph></link>."
-msgstr "የ ገባውን ዳታ ወደ ሌላ መቆጣጠሪያ መላኪያ የ አሁኑን ፎርም ወደ ተወሰነው አድራሻ በ <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Form Properties\"> ፎርም ባህሪዎች</link> በ <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170201.xhp\" name=\"URL\"><emph>URL</emph></link>."
+msgid "Sends the data that is entered in other control fields of the current form to the address that is specified in <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Form Properties\"><emph>Form Properties</emph></link> under <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170201.xhp\" name=\"URL\"><emph>URL</emph></link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2645,8 +2645,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Resets the settings in other control fields to the predefined defaults (Default Status, Default Selection, Default Value)."
-msgstr "ማሰናጃውን እንደ ነበር መመለሻ በ ሌሎች መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳዎች ውስጥ ወደ በ ቅድሚያ የተወሰኑ ነባሮች (ነባር ሁኔታዎች: ነባር ምርጫ: ነባር ዋጋ)"
+msgid "Resets the settings in other control fields to the predefined defaults: <emph>Default Status</emph>, <emph>Default Selection</emph>, <emph>Default Value</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2821,8 +2821,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DROPDOWN\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies whether the combo box should dropdown (Yes) or not (No).</ahelp> A control field with the dropdown property has an additional arrow button which opens the list of the existing form entries per mouse click. Under <emph>Line count</emph>, you can specify how many lines (or rows) should be displayed in the dropdown state. Combination fields can have the dropdown property."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DROPDOWN\" visibility=\"hidden\">የ መቀላቀያ ሳጥን ወደ ታች የሚዘረገፍ እንዲኖረው መወሰኛ (አዎ) ወይንም (አይ) </ahelp> የ መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳ ከ ወደ ታች የሚዘረገፍ ባህሪ ተጨማሪ የ ቀስት ቁልፍ አለው የሚከፈት የ ነበረውን ማስገቢያዎች አይጥ በሚጫኒ ጊዜ: በ <emph> መስመር መቁጠሪያ </emph> ውስጥ: እርስዎ መወሰን ይችላሉ ምን ያህል መስመሮች (ወይንም ረድፎች) እንደሚታዩ በ ወደ ታች በሚዘረገፍ ሁኔታ ውስጥ: መቀላቀያ ሜዳዎች ወደ ታች የሚዘረገፍ ባህሪ አላቸው"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DROPDOWN\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies whether the combo box should dropdown (<emph>Yes</emph>) or not (<emph>No</emph>).</ahelp> A control field with the dropdown property has an additional arrow button which opens the list of the existing form entries per mouse click. Under <emph>Line count</emph>, you can specify how many lines (or rows) should be displayed in the dropdown state. Combination fields can have the dropdown property."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2853,32 +2853,32 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Title of Label fields"
-msgstr "የ ምልክት ሜዳዎች አርእስት"
+msgid "Title of Label fields,"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Content of text fields"
-msgstr "የጽሁፍ ሜዳዎች ይዞታ"
+msgid "Content of text fields,"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Content of table fields in the columns of a table control"
-msgstr "የ ሰንጠረዥ ሜዳዎች ይዞታ በ አምዶች ሰንጠረዥ መቆጣጠሪያ ውስጥ"
+msgid "Content of table fields in the columns of a table control,"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Graphics or text that are used in buttons"
-msgstr "ንድፎች ወይንም ጽሁፍ በ ቁልፎች ውስጥ የ ተጠቀሙት"
+msgid "Graphics or text that are used in buttons."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2901,8 +2901,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_AUTOCOMPLETE\" visibility=\"hidden\">Assigns the AutoFill function to a combo box.</ahelp> The AutoFill function displays a list of previous entries after you start to type an entry."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_AUTOCOMPLETE\" visibility=\"hidden\">የ በራሱ መሙያ ተግባር መመደቢያ ለ መቀላቀያ ሳጥን </ahelp> የ በራሱ መሙያ ተግባር የሚያሳየው ዝርዝር ቀደም ብለው የገቡ ዝርዝሮችን ነው እርስዎ ማስገቢያ መጻፍ ከ ጀመሩ በኋላ"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_AUTOCOMPLETE\" visibility=\"hidden\">Assigns the <emph>AutoFill</emph> function to a combo box.</ahelp> The <emph>AutoFill</emph> function displays a list of previous entries after you start to type an entry."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2925,8 +2925,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To define one character of the label as a mnemonic, so that the user can access this control by pressing the character on the keyboard, insert a tilde (~) character in front of the character in the label."
-msgstr "አንድ ባህሪ ለ መግለጽ ለ ምልክት እንደ እርዳታ: ስለዚህ ተጠቃሚው መድረስ እንዲችል እዚህ መቆጣጠሪያ ጋር በ መጫን ባህሪዎ ከ ፊደል ገበታ ላይ: ያስገቡ ቲልዴ (~) ባህሪ ምልክት ከ ባህሪው ፊት ለ ፊት"
+msgid "To define one character of the label as a mnemonic, so that the user can access this control by pressing the character on the keyboard, insert a tilde (<emph>~</emph>) character in front of the character in the label."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2949,8 +2949,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/spropctrlr/ui/labelselectiondialog/LabelSelectionDialog\">Check the <emph>No assignment </emph>box to remove the link between a control and the assigned label field.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"modules/spropctrlr/ui/labelselectiondialog/LabelSelectionDialog\">ይመርምሩ የ <emph>ምንም ስራ የለም </emph>ሳጥን ውስጥ: አገናኝ ከ መቆጣጠሪያ እና ከ ሜዳ ምልክት መመደቢያ መካከል ለማስወገድ </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/spropctrlr/ui/labelselectiondialog/LabelSelectionDialog\">Check the <emph>No assignment</emph> box to remove the link between a control and the assigned label field.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2965,8 +2965,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_WIDTH\" visibility=\"hidden\">Sets the column width in the table control field.</ahelp> Sets the column width in the table control field in the units that are specified in the %PRODUCTNAME module options. If you want, you can enter a value followed by a valid measurement unit, for example, 2 cm."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_WIDTH\" visibility=\"hidden\">በ ሰንጠረዥ መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳ ውስጥ የ አምድ ስፋት ማሰናጃ </ahelp> የ አምድ ስፋት ማሰናጃ በ ሰንጠረዥ መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳ በ ተሰጠው ክፍል ውስጥ በ %PRODUCTNAME ክፍል ምርጫ: እርስዎ ከ ፈለጉ ማስገባት ይችላሉ ዋጋ ተከትሎ ዋጋ ያለው መለኪያ ክፍል: ለምሳሌ: 2 ሴሚ"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_WIDTH\" visibility=\"hidden\">Sets the column width in the table control field.</ahelp> Sets the column width in the table control field in the units that are specified in the %PRODUCTNAME module options. If you want, you can enter a value followed by a valid measurement unit, for example, <emph>2 cm</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2997,8 +2997,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_REPEAT_DELAY\">Specifies the delay in milliseconds between repeating events.</ahelp> A repeating event occurs when you click an arrow button or the background of a scrollbar, or one of the record navigation buttons of a Navigation Bar, and you keep the mouse button pressed for some time. You can enter a value followed by a valid time unit, for example, 2 s or 500 ms."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_REPEAT_DELAY\">ማዘግያ መወሰኛ በ ሚሊ ሰከንዶች በሚደጋገሙ ሁኔታ መካከል</ahelp> የሚደጋገሙ ሁኔታ የሚፈጠረው እርስዎ ሲጫኑ ነው የ ቀስት ቁልፍ ወይንም የ መሸብለያ መደረደሪያ መደብ ቦታ ላይ ሲጫኑ ነው: ወይንም አንዱን የ መዝገብ መቃኛ ቁልፍ በ መቃኛ መደርደሪያ ላይ ሲጫኑ ነው: እና እርስዎ የ አይጥ ቁልፍ ተጭነው ይያዙ ለ ተወሰነ ጊዜ: እርስዎ ከ ፈለጉ ዋጋ ያለው ጊዜ መለኪያ ማካተት ይችላሉ ለምሳሌ 2 ሰ ወይንም 500 ማሰ"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_REPEAT_DELAY\">Specifies the delay in milliseconds between repeating events.</ahelp> A repeating event occurs when you click an arrow button or the background of a scrollbar, or one of the record navigation buttons of a Navigation bar, and you keep the mouse button pressed for some time. You can enter a value followed by a valid time unit, for example, <emph>2 s</emph> or <emph>500 ms</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3029,8 +3029,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DATEFORMAT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Here, you can determine the format you want for the date readout.</ahelp> With date fields you can determine the format for the date readout."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DATEFORMAT\" visibility=\"hidden\">እዚህ እርስዎ መወሰን ይችላሉ የሚፈልጉትን የ ቀን አቀራረብ ንባብ </ahelp>በ ቀን ሜዳ እርስዎ መወሰን ይችላሉ የሚፈልጉትን የ ቀን አቀራረብ ንባብ"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DATEFORMAT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Here you can determine the format you want for the date readout.</ahelp> With date fields you can determine the format for the date readout."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3069,16 +3069,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TRISTATE\">Specifies whether a check box can also represent ZERO values of a linked database apart from the TRUE and FALSE values.</ahelp> This function is only available if the database accepts three states: TRUE, FALSE and ZERO."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TRISTATE\">የ ምልክት ማድረጊያ ሳጥን የ ዜሮ ዋጋዎችን ይወክል እንደሆን መወሰኛ ለ ተገናኘው ዳታቤዝ ከ እውነት እና ሀሰት ዋጋዎች ሌላ </ahelp> ይህ ተግባር ዝግጁ የሚሆነው ዳታቤዝ ሶስት ሁኔታዎች የሚቀበል ከሆነ ነው: እውነት: ሀሰት እና ዜሮ"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TRISTATE\">Specifies whether a check box can also represent ZERO values of a linked database apart from the TRUE and FALSE values.</ahelp> This function is only available if the database accepts three states: <emph>TRUE</emph>, <emph>FALSE</emph> and <emph>ZERO</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The<emph> Tristate </emph>property is only defined for database forms, not for HTML forms."
-msgstr "የ <emph> ሶስት ሁኔታ </emph> ባህሪዎች የሚገለጸው ለ ዳታቤዝ ፎርሞች ብቻ ነው ለ HTML ፎርሞች አይደለም"
+msgid "The \"Tristate\" property is only defined for database forms, <emph>not</emph> for HTML forms."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3229,8 +3229,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "A text constant. This position cannot be edited. The character is displayed at the corresponding position of the Literal Mask."
-msgstr "መደበኛ ጽሁፍ: ይህን ቦታ ማረም አይቻልም: ባህሪዎች የሚታዩት በ ተመሳሳይ ቦታ ነው በ Literal Mask."
+msgid "A text constant. This position cannot be edited. The character is displayed at the corresponding position of the <emph>Literal Mask</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3245,8 +3245,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The characters a-z and A-Z can be entered. Capital characters are not converted to lowercase characters."
-msgstr "እነዚህ ባህሪዎች a-z እና A-Z ማስገባት ይቻላል: አቢይ ባህሪዎችን መቀየር አይቻልም ወደ ታችኛው ጉዳይ ፊደል ባህሪዎች"
+msgid "The characters <emph>a-z</emph> and <emph>A-Z</emph> can be entered. Capital characters are not converted to lowercase characters."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3261,8 +3261,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The characters A-Z can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter"
-msgstr "እነዚህ ባህሪዎች A-Z ማስገባት ይቻላል: የ ታችኛው ጉዳይ ፊደል ከ ገባ: ራሱ በራሱ ወደ አቢይ ፊደል ይቀየራል"
+msgid "The characters <emph>A-Z</emph> can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3277,8 +3277,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The characters a-z, A-Z, and 0-9 can be entered. Capital characters are not converted to lowercase characters."
-msgstr "እነዚህ ባህሪዎች a-z: A-Z እና 0-9 ማስገባት ይቻላል: አቢይ ባህሪዎችን መቀየር አይቻልም ወደ ታችኛው ጉዳይ ፊደል ባህሪዎች"
+msgid "The characters <emph>a-z</emph>, <emph>A-Z</emph>, and <emph>0-9</emph> can be entered. Capital characters are not converted to lowercase characters."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3293,8 +3293,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The characters A-Z and 0-9 can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter"
-msgstr "እነዚህ ባህሪዎች A-Z እና 0-9 ማስገባት ይቻላል: የ ታችኛው ጉዳይ ፊደል ካስገቡ: ራሱ በራሱ ይቀየራል ወደ አቢይ ፊደል"
+msgid "The characters <emph>A-Z</emph> and <emph>0-9</emph> can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3309,8 +3309,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Only the characters 0-9 can be entered."
-msgstr "ከ 0-9 ላሉ ባህሪዎች ብቻ ማስገቢያ"
+msgid "Only the characters <emph>0-9</emph> can be entered."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3341,8 +3341,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "All printable characters can be entered. If a lowercase letter is used, it is automatically converted to a capital letter."
-msgstr "ሁሉም ሊታተሙ የሚችሉ ባህሪዎች ማስገባት ይቻላል: የ ታችኛው ጉዳይ ፊደል ከ ተጠቀሙ: ራሱ በራሱ ወደ አቢይ ፊደል ይቀየራል"
+msgid "All printable characters can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3365,8 +3365,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can have a format check with control fields that accept formatted contents (date, time, and so on). <ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRICTFORMAT\">If the strict format function is activated (Yes), only the allowed characters are accepted.</ahelp> For example, in a date field, only numbers or date delimiters are accepted; all alphabet entries typed with your keyboard are ignored."
-msgstr "እርስዎ አቀራረብ መመርመር ይችላሉ በ መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳ ውስጥ: በሚቀበል የ አቀራረብ ይዞታዎችን (ቀን: ሰአት: እና ወዘተ): <ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRICTFORMAT\"> የ አቀራረብ መከልከያ ከ ጀመረ (አዎ): የ ተፈቀደውን ባህሪዎች ብቻ ይቀበላል </ahelp> ለምሳሌ: በ ቀን ሜዳ ውስጥ: ቁጥር ብቻ ወይንም የ ቀን ምልክት ብቻ ይቀበላል: በ እርስዎ የ ፊደል ገበታ የተጻፉ ሁሉም ፊደሎች ይተዋሉ"
+msgid "You can have a format check with control fields that accept formatted contents (date, time, and so on). <ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRICTFORMAT\">If the strict format function is activated (<emph>Yes</emph>), only the allowed characters are accepted.</ahelp> For example, in a date field, only numbers or date delimiters are accepted; all alphabet entries typed with your keyboard are ignored."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3381,8 +3381,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_FRAME\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the target frame to display the document that is opened by the \"Open document / web page\" action.</ahelp> You can also specify the target frame to display a <emph>URL</emph> that you open when you click a button that has been assigned the Open document or web page action)."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_FRAME\" visibility=\"hidden\">የ ታለመውን ክፈፍ መወሰኛ ማሳያ ለ ሰነድ ለ ተፈተው በ \"Open document / ድህረ ገጽ\" ተግባር </ahelp> እርስዎ እንዲሁም መወሰን ይችላሉ የ ታለመውን ክፈፍ ለ ማሳየት የ <emph>URL</emph> እርስዎ የ ከፈቱትን ቁልፍ በ መጫን የ ተመደበውን ለ Open document ወይንም ድህረ ገጽ ተግባር )."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_FRAME\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the target frame to display the document that is opened by the \"Open document / web page\" action.</ahelp> You can also specify the target frame to display a URL that you open when you click a button that has been assigned to the \"Open document or web page\" action."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3477,8 +3477,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Frame property is relevant for HTML forms, but not for database forms."
-msgstr "የ ክፈፍ ባህሪ ዋጋ አለው ለ HTML ፎርሞች: ነገር ለ ዳታቤዝ ፎርሞች ዋጋ የለውም"
+msgid "The \"Frame\" property is relevant for HTML forms, but <emph>not</emph> for database forms."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3493,8 +3493,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "An image button has a <emph>Graphics </emph>property. <ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_IMAGE_URL\">The<emph> Graphics</emph> property specifies the graphic's path and file name that you want to have displayed on the button.</ahelp> If you select the graphic file with the <emph>...</emph> button, the path and file name will be automatically included in the text box."
-msgstr "የ ምስል ቁልፍ የ <emph>ንድፍ </emph>ባህሪዎች አለው <ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_IMAGE_URL\">የ<emph> ንድፍ</emph> ባህሪዎች የሚወስኑት የ ንድፍ መንገድ እና ስም ነው: እርስዎ እንዲታይ የሚፈልጉት በ ቁልፍ ላይ</ahelp> እርስዎ ከ መረጡ የ ንድፍ ፋይል መንገድ በ <emph>...</emph> ቁልፍ ውስጥ: መንገድ እና የ ፋይል ስም በ ጽሁፍ ሰነድ ውስጥ ራሱ በራሱ ይካተታል"
+msgid "An image button has a \"Graphics\" property. <ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_IMAGE_URL\">The \"Graphics\" property specifies the graphic's path and file name that you want to have displayed on the button.</ahelp> If you select the graphic file with the <emph>...</emph> button, the path and file name will be automatically included in the text box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3517,8 +3517,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For URL type buttons, the help text appears as the extended tip instead of the URL address entered under URL."
-msgstr "ለ URL አይነት ቁልፎች የ እርዳታ ጽሁፍ የሚቀርበው እንደ ተስፋፋ ጠቃሚ ምክር ነው: በ URL አድራሻ ፋንታ የ ሚገባው በ URL ስር ነው"
+msgid "For <emph>URL type</emph> buttons, the help text appears as the extended tip instead of the URL address entered under <emph>URL</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3533,8 +3533,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_HELPURL\">Specifies a batch label in URL spelling which refers to a help document and which can be called with the help of the control field.</ahelp> The help for the control field help can be opened if the focus is positioned on the control field and the user presses F1."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_HELPURL\">መወሰኛ የ ቡድን ምልክት በ URL ፊደል የሚያመሳክረው የ እርዳታ ሰነድ እና መጥራት ይቻላል በ እርዳታ መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳ </ahelp> እርዳታ ለ መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳ እርዳታ የሚከፍተው ትኩረት ቦታ በ መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳ እና ተጠቃሚዎች ሲጫኑ ነው F1."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_HELPURL\">Specifies a batch label in URL spelling which refers to a help document and which can be called with the help of the control field.</ahelp> The help for the control field help can be opened if the focus is positioned on the control field and the user presses <emph>F1</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3613,8 +3613,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRINGITEMLIST\" visibility=\"hidden\">Defines the list entries visible in the document. Open this list and type your text. Use Shift+Enter for a new line. With list and combo boxes, you can define the list entries that will be visible in the document. Open the <emph>List entries</emph> field and type your text.</ahelp> Please note the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170100.xhp\" name=\"tips\">tips</link> referring to the keyboard controls."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRINGITEMLIST\" visibility=\"hidden\">በ ሰነድ ውስጥ የሚታዩትን ዝርዝር ማስገቢያዎች መግለጫ: ይህን ዝርዝር ይክፈቱ እና ይጻፉ የ እርስዎን ጽሁፍ: ይጠቀሙ Shift+ማስገቢያ ለ አዲስ መስመር: በ ዝርዝር እና መቀላቀያ ሳጥን ውስጥ: እርስዎ መግለጽ ይችላሉ በ ዝርዝር ማስገቢያዎች ውስጥ የሚታዩትን በ ሰነዱ ውስጥ: ይክፈቱ የ <emph> ዝርዝር ማስገቢያዎች </emph> ሜዳ እና ይጻፉ የ እርስዎን ጽሁፍ </ahelp> እባክዎን ያስታውሱ የ <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170100.xhp\" name=\"tips\"> ጠቃሚ ምክር </link> ማመሳከሪያ ወደ ፊደል ገበታ መቆጣጠሪያ"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRINGITEMLIST\" visibility=\"hidden\">Defines the list entries visible in the document. Open this list and type your text. Use <emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>Enter</emph> for a new line. With list and combo boxes, you can define the list entries that will be visible in the document. Open the <emph>List entries</emph> field and type your text.</ahelp> Please note the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170100.xhp\" name=\"tips\">tips</link> referring to the keyboard controls."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3685,8 +3685,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If the control is linked to a database and the text length is to be accepted from the field definition of the database, you must not enter the text length here. The settings are only accepted from the database if the control property was not defined (\"Not Defined\" state)."
-msgstr "መቆጣጠሪያ ከ ተገናኘ ከ ዳታቤዝ ጋር እና የ ጽሁፍ እርዝመት የሚቀበል ከሆነ ከ ዳታቤዝ መግለጫ ውስጥ: እርስዎ እዚህ የ ጽሁፍ እርዝመት ማስገባት የለብዎትም: ማሰናጃ የሚቀበለው ከ ዳታቤዝ ብቻ ነው መቆጣጠሪያ ባህሪ ካልተገለጸ (\"አልተገለጸም\" ሁኔታው)"
+msgid "If the control is linked to a database and the text length is to be accepted from the field definition of the database, you <emph>must not</emph> enter the text length here. The settings are only accepted from the database if the control property was not defined (\"Not Defined\" state)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3741,8 +3741,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>rich text control</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>controls;rich text control</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>የ ሐብታም ጽሁፍ መቆጣጠሪያ</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>መቆጣጠሪያ;የ ሐብታም ጽሁፍ መቆጣጠሪያ</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>rich text control</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>controls; rich text control</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3757,8 +3757,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Allows you to use line breaks and formatting in a control field, such as a text box or label. To manually enter a line break, press the Enter key. Select \"Multi-line with formatting\" to enter formatted text.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">የ መስመር መጨረሻ እና አቀራረብ በ መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳ ውስጥ ማስቻያ: እንደ ጽሁፍ ሳጥን ወይንም ምልክት አይነት: በ እጅ የ መስመር መጨረሻ ለማስገባት ይጫኑ የ ማስገቢያ ቁልፍ ይምረጡ \"በርካታ-መስመር ከ አቀራረብ ጋር\" ለማስገባት የ ጽሁፍ አቀራረብ </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Allows you to use line breaks and formatting in a control field, such as a text box or label. To manually enter a line break, press the <emph>Enter</emph> key. Select \"Multi-line with formatting\" to enter formatted text.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3789,8 +3789,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Displays text on more than one line.</ahelp> Allows you to use line breaks in a text box, so that you can enter more than one line of text. To manually enter a line break, press the Enter key."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">ጽሁፍ ማሳያ ከ አንድ መስመር በላይ </ahelp> እርስዎን ያስችሎታል የ መስመር መጨረሻ መጠቀም በ ጽሁፍ ሳጥን ውስጥ: ስለዚህ እርስዎ ከ አንድ መስመር በላይ ጽሁፍ ማስገባት ይችላሉ: በ አጅ የ መስመር መጨረሻ ለማስገባት: ማስገቢያውን ቁልፍ ይጫኑ"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Displays text on more than one line.</ahelp> Allows you to use line breaks in a text box, so that you can enter more than one line of text. To manually enter a line break, press <emph>Enter</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3805,8 +3805,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specifies if a Push Button behaves as a Toggle Button. If you set Toggle to \"Yes\", you can switch between the \"selected\" and \"not selected\" control states when you click the button or press the spacebar while the control has the focus. A button in the \"selected\" state appears \"pressed in\".</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">የ መግፊያ ቁልፍ እንዴት እንደሚሆን በ መቀያየሪያ ቁልፍ ውስጥ: እርስዎ ከ ቀየሩ ወደ \"አዎ\": እርስዎ መቀየር ይችላሉ በ \"ተመረጠው\" እና \"ባልተመረጠው\" መቆጣጠሪያ መካከል እርስዎ ቁልፍ በሚጫኑ ጊዜ ወይንም ክፍተት ማስገቢያ መቆጣጠሪያው ላይ ትኩረት ሲኖር: ቁልፍ በ \"ተመርጧል\" ሁኔታ ያታያል \"ተጭነዋል ውስጥ\" </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specifies if a Push button behaves as a Toggle Button. If you set <emph>Toggle</emph> to \"Yes\", you can switch between the \"selected\" and \"not selected\" control states when you click the button or press the <emph>Spacebar</emph> while the control has the focus. A button in the \"selected\" state appears \"pressed in\".</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3821,8 +3821,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">If you set this option to \"Yes\", the Push Button receives the focus when you click the button.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">እርስዎ ይህን ምርጫ ካሰናዱ ለ \"አዎ\": የ መግፊያ ቁልፍ ትኩረት ያገኛል እርስዎ ቁልፉን በሚጫኑ ጊዜ </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">If you set this option to \"Yes\", the <emph>Push</emph> button receives the focus when you click the button.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3869,8 +3869,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_BORDERCOLOR\">Specifies the border color for controls that have the Border property set to \"flat\".</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_BORDERCOLOR\">መወሰኛ የ ድንበር ቀለም ለ መቆጣጠሪያ የ ድንበር ባህሪ ማሰናጃ \"ጠፍጣፋ\" እይታ እንዳላቸው</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_BORDERCOLOR\">Specifies the border color for controls that have the \"Border\" property set to \"flat\".</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3965,8 +3965,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAME\" visibility=\"hidden\">On the <emph>Properties</emph> tab page, this option specifies the name for the control field. On the <emph>Form Properties </emph>tab page, this option specifies the name for the form.</ahelp> Each control field and each form has a <emph>Name </emph>property through which it can be identified. The name will appear in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"Form Navigator\">Form Navigator</link> and, using the name, the control field can be referred to from a macro. The default settings already specify a name which is constructed from using the field's label and number."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAME\" visibility=\"hidden\">በ <emph> ባህሪዎች </emph> tab ገጽ ውስጥ: ይህ ምርጫ የሚገልጸው የ መቆጣጠሪያ ስም ነው: በ <emph> ፎርም ባህሪዎች </emph> tab ጽ ውስጥ: ይህ ምርጫ የሚገልጸው የ ፎርም ስም ነው: </ahelp> እያንዳንዱ መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳ እና እያንዳንዱ ፎርም <emph> ስም </emph> አለው: የሚለይበት ባህሪ: ስሙ ይታያል በ <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"Form Navigator\"> ፎርም መቃኛ </link> ውስጥ: እና ስሙን መጠቀም: የ መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳ ማመሳከር ይቻላል ከ ማክሮስ ጋር: ነባር ማሰናጃው ስም ቀደም ብሎ ወስኗል የ ሜዳዎች ምልክት እና ቁጥር በ መጠቀም:"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAME\" visibility=\"hidden\">On the <emph>Properties</emph> tab page, this option specifies the name for the control field. On the <emph>Form Properties</emph> tab page, this option specifies the name for the form.</ahelp> Each control field and each form has a \"Name\" property through which it can be identified. The name will appear in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"Form Navigator\"><emph>Form Navigator</emph></link> and, using the name, the control field can be referred to from a macro. The default settings already specify a name which is constructed from using the field's label and number."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3981,16 +3981,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>controls; grouping</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>groups;of controls</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>forms; grouping controls</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>መቆጣጠሪያ: በ ቡድን ማድረግ</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ቡድኖች: የ መቆጣጠሪያዎች</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ፎርሞች: መቆጣጠሪያዎች በ ቡድን ማድረግ</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>controls; grouping</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>groups; of controls</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>forms; grouping controls</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The name is also used to group different controls that belong together functionally, such as radio buttons. To do so, give the same name to all members of the group: controls with identical names form a group. Grouped controls can be represented visually by using a <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170000.xhp\" name=\"Group Box\">Group Box</link>."
-msgstr "ስሙ እንዲሁም ይጠቅማል በ ቡድን ለማድረግ የ ተለያዩ መቆጣጠሪያዎች በ አንድ ላይ መሆን የሚገባቸውን ተግባሮች: እንደ ሬዲዮ ቁልፍ ያሉ: ይህን ለማድረግ: ተመሳሳይ ስም ይስጡ ለ ሁሉም አባሎች በ ቡድን ውስጥ: የ ተመሳሳይ ስሞች መቆጣጠሪያ ከ ቡድን ውስጥ: በ ቡድን የሆኑ መቆጣጠሪያዎች በሚታይ ይወከላሉ በ መጠቀም የ <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170000.xhp\" name=\"Group Box\"> ቡድን ሳጥን </link>"
+msgid "The name is also used to group different controls that belong together functionally, such as radio buttons. To do so, give the same name to all members of the group: controls with identical names form a group. Grouped controls can be represented visually by using a <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170000.xhp\" name=\"Group Box\"><emph>Group Box</emph></link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4005,8 +4005,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAVIGATIONBAR\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies whether to display the navigation bar on the lower border of the table control.</ahelp> Specifies whether to display the navigation bar on the lower border of table controls."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAVIGATIONBAR\" visibility=\"hidden\">የ መቃኛ መደርደሪያ በ ሰንጠረዥ መቆጣጠሪያ ከታች ድንበር በኩል ይታይ እንደሆን መወሰኛ </ahelp> የ መቃኛ መደርደሪያ በ ሰንጠረዥ መቆጣጠሪያ ከታች ድንበር በኩል ይታይ እንደሆን መወሰኛ"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAVIGATIONBAR\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies whether to display the <emph>Navigation</emph> bar on the lower border of the table control.</ahelp> Specifies whether to display the <emph>Navigation</emph> bar on the lower border of table controls."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4021,8 +4021,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_READONLY\" visibility=\"hidden\">Determines if the control is read-only (Yes) or if it can be edited (No).</ahelp> The<emph> Read-only </emph>property can be assigned to all controls in which the user can enter text. If you assign the read-only property to an image field which uses graphics from a database, the user will not be able to insert new graphics into the database."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_READONLY\" visibility=\"hidden\">መወሰኛ መቆጣጠሪያ ለ ንባብ-ብቻ (አዎ) ወይንም ሊታረም ይችላል (አይ) </ahelp> የ <emph> ንባብ-ብቻ </emph> ባህሪ መመደብ ይቻላል ለ ሁሉም መቆጣጠሪያዎች ተጠቃሚው ጽሁፍ የሚያስገባበት: እርስዎ ከ መደቡ ለ ንባብ-ብቻ ባህሪዎች የ ምስል ሜዳ የ ንድፍ ሜዳ የሚጠቀም ከ ዳታቤዝ ውስጥ: ተጠቃሚው አዲስ ንድፎች ማስገባት አይችልም ወደ ዳታቤዝ ውስጥ"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_READONLY\" visibility=\"hidden\">Determines if the control is read-only (\"Yes\") or if it can be edited (\"No\").</ahelp> The \"Read-only\" property can be assigned to all controls in which the user can enter text. If you assign the read-only property to an image field which uses graphics from a database, the user will not be able to insert new graphics into the database."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4037,8 +4037,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BORDER\" visibility=\"hidden\">Determines if the field's border should be displayed \"Without frame\", with a \"3-D look\" or \"Flat\".</ahelp> With control fields that have a frame, you can determine the border display on the form using the <emph>Border </emph>property. You can select among the \"Without frame\", \"3-D look\" or \"Flat\" options."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BORDER\" visibility=\"hidden\">መወሰኛ የ ሜዳዎች ድንበር ይታይ እንደሆን \"ያለ ክፈፍ\": በ \"3-ዲ መመልከቻ\" ወይንም \"ጠፍጣፋ\":</ahelp> በ መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳ ክፈፍ ባለው: እርስዎ መወሰን ይችላሉ ድንበር ማሳያ በ ፎርም መጠቀሚያ ላይ በ <emph> ድንበር </emph> ባህሪዎች ውስጥ: እርስዎ መምረጥ ይችላሉ ከ \"ያለ ክፈፍ\", \"3-ዲ መመልከቻ\" ወይንም \"ጠፍጣፋ\" ምርጫዎች"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BORDER\" visibility=\"hidden\">Determines if the field's border should be displayed \"Without frame\", with a \"3-D look\" or \"Flat\".</ahelp> With control fields that have a frame, you can determine the border display on the form using the \"Border\" property. You can select among the \"Without frame\", \"3-D look\" or \"Flat\" options."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4053,24 +4053,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABINDEX\">The <emph>Tab order</emph> property determines the order in which the controls are focused in the form when you press the Tab key.</ahelp> In a form that contains more than one control, the focus moves to the next control when you press the Tab key. You can specify the order in which the focus changes with an index under <emph>Tab order</emph>."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABINDEX\">የ <emph> Tab ደንብ </emph> ባህሪ የሚወስነው ደንብ መቆጣጠሪያው እንዴት እንደሚያተኩር ነው በ ፎርም ውስጥ: እርስዎ በሚጫኑ ጊዜ የ Tab ቁልፍ </ahelp> ከ አንድ በላይ መቆጣጠሪያ በያዘ ፎርም ውስጥ: ትኩረቱ ወደሚቀጥለው መቆጣጠሪያ ይንቀሳቀሳል እርስዎ በሚጫኑ ጊዜ የ Tab ቁልፍ: እርስዎ መወሰን ይችላሉ ደንቡን ትኩረቱ የሚቀየርበትን በ ማውጫ ውስጥ በ <emph> Tab ደንብ </emph> ውስጥ"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABINDEX\">The \"Tab order\" property determines the order in which the controls are focused in the form when you press the <emph>Tab</emph> key.</ahelp> In a form that contains more than one control, the focus moves to the next control when you press the <emph>Tab</emph> key. You can specify the order in which the focus changes with an index under \"Tab order\"."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Tab order</emph> property is not available to <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"Hidden Controls\">Hidden Controls</link>. If you want, you can also set this property for image buttons and image controls, so that you can select these controls with the Tab key."
-msgstr "የ <emph>Tab ደንብ</emph> ባህሪ ዝግጁ አይደለም ለ <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"Hidden Controls\">የ ተደበቀ መቆጣጠሪያ</link> እርስዎ ከ ፈለጉ ማሰናዳት ይችላሉ ይህን ባህሪ ለ ምስል ቁልፎች እና ለ ምስል መቆጣጠሪያ: ስለዚህ እርስዎ መምረጥ ይችላሉ እነዚህን መቆጣጠሪያዎች በ Tab ቁልፍ"
+msgid "The \"Tab order\" property is <emph>not</emph> available to <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"Hidden Controls\"><emph>Hidden Controls</emph></link>. If you want, you can also set this property for image buttons and image controls, so that you can select these controls with the <emph>Tab</emph> key."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "When creating a form, an index is automatically assigned to the control fields that are added to this form; every control field added is assigned an index increased by 1. If you change the index of a control, the indices of the other controls are updated automatically. Elements that cannot be focused (Tabstop = No) are also assigned a value. However, these controls are skipped when using the Tab key."
-msgstr "ፎርም በሚፈጥሩ ጊዜ: ማውጫ ራሱ በራሱ ይመደባል ለ መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳዎች ወደ እዚህ ፎርም ውስጥ የሚጨመሩ: እያንዳንዱ የ መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳ የ ተጨመረው ማውጫ ይመድባል በ መጨመር በ 1. እርስዎ ከ ቀየሩ የ ማውጫ መቆጣጠሪያ: የ ሌሎች መቆጣጠሪያ ማውጫ ራሱ በራሱ ይሻሻላል: አካሎች ትኩረት ውስጥ የማይገቡ (ማስረጊያ ማስቆሚያ = አይ) እንዲሁም ዋጋ ይመድባሉ: ነገር ግን እነዚህ መቆጣጠሪያዎች ይዘለላሉ የ ማስረጊያ ቁልፍ ሲጠቀሙ"
+msgid "When creating a form, an index is automatically assigned to the control fields that are added to this form; every control field added is assigned an index increased by <emph>1</emph>. If you change the index of a control, the indices of the other controls are updated automatically. Elements that cannot be focused (\"Tabstop = No\") are also assigned a value. However, these controls are skipped when using the <emph>Tab</emph> key."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4093,8 +4093,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Sets whether the value changes when the user scrolls a mouse wheel. Never: No change of the value. When focused: (default) The value changes when the control has the focus and the wheel is pointing at the control and gets scrolled. Always: The value changes when the wheel is pointing at the control and gets scrolled, no matter which control has the focus.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">ተጠቃሚ በ አይጥ መጠቆሚያ በሚሸበልል ጊዜ ዋጋው ይቀየር እንደሆን መወሰኛ: በፍጹም: ዋጋውን አትቀይር: ትኩረት በሚደረገበት ጊዜ: (ነባር) ዋጋው ይቀየራል መቆጣጠሪያው ትኩረት ሲያገኝ እና ጎማው በ መቆጣጠሪያው ላይ ሲሆን እና ሲሸበለል: ሁልጊዜ: ዋጋው ይቀየራል መቆጣጠሪያው ትኩረት ሲያገኝ እና ጎማው በ መቆጣጠሪያው ላይ ሲሆን እና ሲሸበለል: የትኛውም መቆጣጠሪያ ላይ ትኩረቱ ቢሆን </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Sets whether the value changes when the user scrolls a mouse wheel. <emph>Never:</emph> No change of the value. When <emph>focused:</emph> (default) The value changes when the control has the focus and the wheel is pointing at the control and gets scrolled. <emph>Always:</emph> The value changes when the wheel is pointing at the control and gets scrolled, no matter which control has the focus.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4125,8 +4125,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For grouped option fields, the status of the group corresponding to the default setting is defined by the <emph>Default Status</emph> property."
-msgstr "ለ ቡድን ምርጫ ሜዳዎች: የ ቡድን ተመሳሳይ ለ ነባር ማሰናጃ የሚገለጸው በ <emph> ነባር ሁኔታ </emph> ባህሪ ነው"
+msgid "For grouped option fields, the status of the group corresponding to the default setting is defined by the \"Default Status\" property."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4149,16 +4149,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For a Reset type button, the<emph> Default selection</emph> entry defines the status of the list box if the reset button is activated by the user."
-msgstr "ለ እንደ ነበር መመለሻ አይነት ቁልፍ: የ <emph>ነባር ምርጫዎች </emph>ማስገቢያ መግለጫ ለ ሁኔታው በ ዝርዝር ሳጥን ውስጥ እንደ ነበር መመለሻ በ ተጠቃሚው ማስጀመሪያ"
+msgid "For a <emph>Reset</emph> type button, the <emph>Default selection</emph> entry defines the status of the list box if the reset button is activated by the user."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "For a List box that contains a value list, you can click the <emph>...</emph> button to open the <emph>Default selection</emph> dialog."
-msgstr "ለ ዝርዝር ሳጥን የ ዋጋ ዝርዝር የያዘ: እርስዎ መጫን ይችላሉ የ <emph>...</emph> ቁልፍ ለ መክፈት የ <emph>ነባር ምርጫ</emph> ንግግር"
+msgid "For a <emph>List box</emph> that contains a value list, you can click the <emph>...</emph> button to open the <emph>Default selection</emph> dialog."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4189,8 +4189,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For a Reset type button, the<emph> Default value entry </emph>defines the status of the control if the reset button is activated by the user."
-msgstr "ለ እንደ ነበር መመለሻ አይነት ቁልፍ: የ <emph>ነባር ዋጋ ማስገቢያ </emph>መግለጫ ሁኔታውን በ መቆጣጠሪያ ውስጥ እንደ ነበር መመለሻ ቁልፍ በ ተጠቃሚው እንዲጀምር"
+msgid "For a <emph>Reset</emph> type button, the <emph>Default value</emph> entry defines the status of the control if the reset button is activated by the user."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4253,8 +4253,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specify the value to add or subtract when the user clicks the arrow icon on the scrollbar.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">መወሰኛ ዋጋ ለ መጨመር ወይንም ለ መቀነስ ተጠቃሚው በሚጫን ጊዜ የ ቀስት ምልክቶች በ መሸብለያ መደርደሪያ ላይ </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specify the value to add or subtract when the user clicks the <emph>Arrow</emph> icon on the scrollbar.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4333,8 +4333,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DEFAULT_BUTTON\" visibility=\"hidden\">The<emph> Default button</emph> property specifies that the corresponding button will be operated when you press the Return key.</ahelp> The<emph> Default button</emph> property specifies that the corresponding button will be operated when you press the Return key. If you open the dialog or form and do not carry out any further action, the button with this property is the default button."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DEFAULT_BUTTON\" visibility=\"hidden\">የ<emph> ነባር ቁልፍ</emph> ባህሪ የሚወስነው ተመሳሳይ ቁልፍ ይጀምራል እርስዎ ማስገቢያ ቁልፍ ሲጫኑ </ahelp> የ<emph> ነባር ቁልፍ</emph> ባህሪ የሚወስነው ተመሳሳይ ቁልፍ ይጀምራል እርስዎ ማስገቢያ ቁልፍ ሲጫኑ: እርስዎ ንግግር ከ ከፈቱ ወይንም ፎርም እና ሌላ ምንም ተግባር ካልፈጸሙ: ቁልፍ በዚህ ባህሪ ነባር ቁልፍ ነው"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DEFAULT_BUTTON\" visibility=\"hidden\">The \"Default button\" property specifies that the corresponding button will be operated when you press the <emph>Return</emph> key.</ahelp> The \"Default button\" property specifies that the corresponding button will be operated when you press the <emph>Return</emph> key. If you open the dialog or form and do not carry out any further action, the button with this property is the default button."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4349,8 +4349,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When using Web page forms, you might come across this property in search masks. These are edit masks that contain a text field and a Submit type button. The search term is entered in the text field and the search is started by activating the button. If the button is defined as the default button, however, simply hit Enter after entering the search term in order to start the search."
-msgstr "የ ዌብ ገጽ ፎርሞች በሚጠቀሙ ጊዜ: ምናልባት እነዚህ ባህሪዎች ጋር ይደርሱ ይሆናል በ መፈለጊያ masks ውስጥ: እነዚህ ናቸው የ edit masks የያዙ የ ጽሁፍ ሜዳ እና የ ማስገቢያ አይነት ቁልፍ: የ መፈለጊያ ደንብ ይገባል በ ጽሁፍ ሜዳ ውስጥ እና ፍለጋው ይጀመራል ቁልፉን በማስጀመር: ቁልፉ ከ ተገለጽ እንደ ነባር ቁልፍ: ነገር ግን በ ቀላሉ ማስገቢያውን ይጫኑ የ ፍለጋ ቃሉን ካስገቡ በኋላ ፍለጋውን ለ መጀመር"
+msgid "When using Web page forms, you might come across this property in search masks. These are edit masks that contain a text field and a <emph>Submit type</emph> button. The search term is entered in the text field and the search is started by activating the button. If the button is defined as the default button, however, simply hit <emph>Enter</emph> after entering the search term in order to start the search."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4381,8 +4381,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABSTOP\">The <emph>Tabstop </emph>property determines if a control field can be selected with the tab key.</ahelp> The following options are available:"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABSTOP\">የ <emph>ማስረጊያ ማስቆሚያ </emph>ባህሪ የሚወስነው የ መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳ መምረጥ ይቻላል በ tab ቁልፍ </ahelp> የሚቀጥሉት ምርጫዎች ዝግጁ ናቸው:"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABSTOP\">The \"Tabstop\" property determines if a control field can be selected with the <emph>Tab</emph> key.</ahelp> The following options are available:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4397,8 +4397,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When using the tab key, focusing skips the control."
-msgstr "የ ማስረጊያ ቁልፍ በሚጠቀሙ ጊዜ: ትኩረቱን ከ መቆጣጠሪያው ውስጥ ይዘላል"
+msgid "When using the <emph>Tab</emph> key, focusing skips the control."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4413,8 +4413,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The control can be selected with the Tab key."
-msgstr "መቆጣጠሪያ መምረጥ ይቻላል በ Tab ቁልፍ"
+msgid "The control can be selected with the <emph>Tab</emph> key."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4445,40 +4445,40 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LABEL\" visibility=\"hidden\">The Label property sets the label of the control field that is displayed in the form.</ahelp> The Label property sets the label of the control field that is displayed in the form. This property determines the visible label or the column header of the data field in table control forms."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LABEL\" visibility=\"hidden\">የ ምልክት ባህሪ ማሰናጃ ለ ምልክት መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳ ላይ የሚታየው በ ፎርም ላይ በ </ahelp> የ ምልክት ባህሪ ማሰናጃ ለ ምልክት መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳ ላይ የሚታየው በ ፎርም ላይ: ይህ ባህሪ የሚወስነው የሚታይ ምልክት ወይንም የ አምድ ራስጌ ለ ዳታ ሜዳ በ ሰንጠረዥ መቆጣጠሪያ ፎርም ውስጥ ነው"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LABEL\" visibility=\"hidden\">The \"Label\" property sets the label of the control field that is displayed in the form.</ahelp> The \"Label\" property sets the label of the control field that is displayed in the form. This property determines the visible label or the column header of the data field in table control forms."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you create a new control, the description predefined in the <emph>Name</emph> property is used as the default for labeling the control. The label consists of the control field name and an integer numbering the control (for example, CommandButton1). With the <emph>Title</emph> property, you can assign another description to the control so that the label reflects the function of the control. Change this entry in order to assign an expressive label to the control that is visible to the user."
-msgstr "እርስዎ አዲስ መቆጣጠሪያ በሚፈጥሩ ጊዜ: መግለጫው በ ቅድሚያ የ ተገለጸ በ <emph> ስም </emph> ባህሪ ይጠቀማል እንደ ነባር መቆጣጠሪያውን ምልክት ለ መስጠት: ምልክቱ የ መቆጣጠሪያ ስም እና ኢንቲጀር ቁጥር መስጫ ለ መቆጣጠሪያ ይይዛል (ለምሳሌ: ትእዛዝ ቁልፍ1) በ <emph> አርእስት </emph> ባህሪ ውስጥ: እርስዎ ሌላ መግለጫ መመደብ ይችላሉለ መቆጣጠሪያ ስለዚህ ምልክቱ ያንፀባርቃል የ ተግባር መቆጣጠሪያ: ማስገቢያውን ይቀይሩ ለ መመደብ መግለጫ የ ምልክት መቆጣጠሪያ ለ ተጠቃሚ የሚታይ ለ መፍጠር"
+msgid "When you create a new control, the description predefined in the \"Name\" property is used as the default for labeling the control. The label consists of the control field name and an integer numbering the control (for example, CommandButton1). With the \"Title\" property, you can assign another description to the control so that the label reflects the function of the control. Change this entry in order to assign an expressive label to the control that is visible to the user."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>multi-line titles in forms</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>names; multi-line titles</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>controls; multi-line titles</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>በርካታ-መስመር አርእስቶች በ ፎርሞች ውስጥ</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ስሞች; በርካታ-መስመር አርእስቶች</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>መቆጣጠሪያዎች; በርካታ-መስመር አርእስቶች</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>multi-line titles in forms</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>names; multi-line titles</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>controls; multi-line titles</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "To create a multi-line title, open the combo box using the arrow button. You can enter a line break by pressing Shift+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter."
-msgstr "ለ መፍጠር በርካታ-መስመር አርእስት ያለው: መክፈቻ ለ መቀላቀያ ሳጥን የ ቀስት ቁልፍ በ መጠቀም: እርስዎ ማስገባት ይችላሉ የ መስመር መጨረሽ በ መጫን Shift+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">ትእዛዝ</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter."
+msgid "To create a multi-line title, open the combo box using the <emph>Arrow</emph> button. You can enter a line break by pressing <emph>Shift</emph>+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Enter</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Title</emph> property is only used for labeling a form element in the interface visible to the user. If you work with macros, note that at runtime, a control is always addressed through the <emph>Name</emph> property."
-msgstr "የ <emph> አርእስት </emph> ባህሪ የሚጠቅመው ለ ምልክት ብቻ ነው የ ፎርም አካሎችን በሚታየው የ ተጠቃሚ ገጽታ ውስጥ: እርስዎ የሚሰሩ ከሆነ በ ማክሮስ: የ ማስኬጃ ጊዜ ያስታውሱ: መቆጣጠሪያ ጋር ሁል ጊዜ የሚደረሰው በ <emph> ስም </emph> ባህሪዎች ነው"
+msgid "The \"Title\" property is only used for labeling a form element in the interface visible to the user. If you work with macros, note that at runtime, a control is always addressed through the \"Name\" property."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4493,8 +4493,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_URL\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the URL address that opens when you click an \"Open document / web page\" button.</ahelp> Enter the URL address for a Open document or web page button type in the <emph>URL</emph> box. The address opens when you click the button."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_URL\" visibility=\"hidden\">መወሰኛ የ URL አድራሻ የሚከፍት እርስዎ በሚጫኑ ጊዜ የ \"ሰነድ መክፈቻ / ድህረ ገጽ መቃኛ\" ቁልፍ </ahelp> ያስገቡ የ URL አድራሻ ለ ተከፈተ ሰነድ ወይንም በ ድህረ ገጽ ቁልፍ አይነት ውስጥ በ <emph>URL</emph> ሳጥን ውስጥ: አድራሻው ይከፈታል እርስዎ ቁልፍ ሲጫኑ"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_URL\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the URL address that opens when you click an <emph>Open document / web page</emph> button.</ahelp> Enter the URL address for a <emph>Open document or web page</emph> button type in the <emph>URL</emph> box. The address opens when you click the button."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4517,8 +4517,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_CURRENCYSYMBOL\" visibility=\"hidden\">You can enter a character or a string for the currency symbol.</ahelp> In a currency field, you can pre-define the currency symbol by entering the character or string in the <emph>Currency symbol</emph> property."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_CURRENCYSYMBOL\" visibility=\"hidden\">እርስዎ ማስገባት ይችላሉ ባህሪዎች ወይንም ሀረግ ለ ገንዘብ ምልክት </ahelp> በ ገንዘብ ሜዳ ውስጥ: እርስዎ በቅድሚያ-መግለጽ ይችላሉ ለ ገንዘብ ምልክት ባህሪዎች በማስገባት ወይንም ሀረግ በ <emph>ገንዘብ ምልክት</emph> ባህሪ ውስጥ"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_CURRENCYSYMBOL\" visibility=\"hidden\">You can enter a character or a string for the currency symbol.</ahelp> In a currency field, you can predefine the currency symbol by entering the character or string in the \"Currency symbol\" property."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4549,16 +4549,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ECHO_CHAR\" visibility=\"hidden\">If the text box is used as a password input, enter the ASCII-code of the display character. This character is displayed instead of the characters typed by the user for the password.</ahelp> If the user enters a password, you can determine the characters that will be displayed instead of the characters typed by the user. Under <emph>Password character</emph>, enter the ASCII code of the desired character. You can use the values from 0 to 255."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ECHO_CHAR\" visibility=\"hidden\">የ ጽሁፍ ሳጥን እንደ የ መግቢያ ቃል ማስገቢያ ተጠቅመው ከሆነ: ያስገቡ የ ASCII-ኮድ ለሚታየው ባህሪ: ይህ ባህሪ ይታያል ከ ተጻፈው ባህሪዎች ይልቅ በ ተጠቃሚው ለ መግቢያ ቃል </ahelp> ተጠቃሚው የ መግቢያ ቃል ካስገባ: እርስዎ መወሰን ይችላሉ ባህሪዎች የሚታየውን በ ተጠቃሚ የ ተጻፈውን ከማሳየት ይልቅ: በ <emph> የ መግቢያ ቃል ባህሪ </emph> ማስገቢያ በ ASCII ኮድ የ ተፈለገውን ባህሪ: እርስዎ መጠቀም ይችላሉ ዋጋዎች ከ 0 ጀምሮ እስከ 255 ድረስ"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ECHO_CHAR\" visibility=\"hidden\">If the text box is used as a password input, enter the ASCII code of the display character. This character is displayed instead of the characters typed by the user for the password.</ahelp> If the user enters a password, you can determine the characters that will be displayed instead of the characters typed by the user. Under <emph>Password character</emph>, enter the ASCII code of the desired character. You can use the values from <emph>0</emph> to <emph>255</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The characters and their ASCII codes can be seen in the <emph>Special Characters</emph> dialog (Insert - Special Character)."
-msgstr "ባህሪዎች እና የ አስኪ ኮዶች መታየት ይችላሉ በ <emph> የተለዩ ባህሪዎች </emph> ንግግር (ማስገቢያ - የተለዩ ባህሪዎች)"
+msgid "The characters and their ASCII codes can be seen in the <emph>Special Characters</emph> dialog (<emph>Insert - Special Character</emph>)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4573,8 +4573,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LITERALMASK\" visibility=\"hidden\">Defines the literal mask. The literal mask contains the initial values and is always visible after downloading a form.</ahelp> With masked fields you can specify a literal mask. A literal mask contains the initial values of a form, and is always visible after downloading a form. Using a character code for the Edit mask, you can determine the entries that the user can type into the masked field."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LITERALMASK\" visibility=\"hidden\">መግለጫ የ literal mask. የ literal mask የያዘው የ መጀመሪያ ዋጋዎች ነው እና ሁል ጊዜ ይታያሉ ከ ወረዱ በኋላ: </ahelp> ከ masked ሜዳዎች ጋር እርስዎ መወሰን ይችላሉ የ literal mask. የ literal mask የያዘው የ ፎርም መጀመሪያ ዋጋዎች ነው እና ሁል ጊዜ ይታያሉ ፎርሙ ከ ወረደ በኋላ የ ባህሪ ኮድ በ መጠቀም ለ Edit mask, እርስዎ ማስገቢያዎች መወሰን ይችላሉ ተጠቃሚ የሚጽፈው ወደ የ masked ሜዳ ውስጥ"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LITERALMASK\" visibility=\"hidden\">Defines the literal mask. The literal mask contains the initial values and is always visible after downloading a form.</ahelp> With masked fields you can specify a literal mask. A literal mask contains the initial values of a form, and is always visible after downloading a form. Using a character code for the <emph>Edit</emph> mask, you can determine the entries that the user can type into the masked field."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4613,8 +4613,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ROWHEIGHT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the row height of a table control field.</ahelp> In table controls, enter a value for the row height. If you want, you can enter a value followed by valid measurement unit, for example, 2 cm."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ROWHEIGHT\" visibility=\"hidden\">የ ረድፍ እርዝመት ለ ሰንጠረዥ መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳ መወሰኛ </ahelp> በ ሰንጠረዥ መቆጣጠሪያ ውስጥ: ለ ረድፍ እርዝመት ዋጋ ያስገቡ: እርስዎ ከ ፈለጉ ዋጋ ማስገባት ይችላሉ: ይህን ተከትሎ ዋጋ ያለው የ መለኪያ ክፍል: ለምሳሌ: 2 ሴሚ"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ROWHEIGHT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the row height of a table control field.</ahelp> In table controls, enter a value for the row height. If you want, you can enter a value followed by valid measurement unit, for example, <emph>2 cm</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4709,8 +4709,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_RECORDACTIONS\">Specifies to show or hide the action items in a selected Navigation Bar control.</ahelp> Action items are the following: Save record, Undo, New record, Delete record, Refresh."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_RECORDACTIONS\">በ ተመረጠው መቃኛ መደርደሪያ መቆጣጠሪያ ላይ የ ተግባሮች ደንብ ይታይ ወይንም ይደበቅ እንደሆን መወሰኛ </ahelp> የሚከተሉት የ ተግባር እቃዎች ናቸው: መዝገብ ማስቀመጫ: መተው: አዲስ መዝገብ: መዝገብ ማጥፊያ: ማነቃቂያ:"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_RECORDACTIONS\">Specifies to show or hide the action items in a selected <emph>Navigation</emph> bar control.</ahelp> Action items are the following: <emph>Save record, Undo, New record, Delete record, Refresh</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4725,8 +4725,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_POSITION\">Specifies to show or hide the positioning items in a selected Navigation Bar control.</ahelp> Positioning items are the following: Record label, Record position, Record count label, Record count."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_POSITION\">በ ተመረጠው የ መቃኛ መደርደሪያ መቆጣጠሪያ ላይ የ እቃዎች ቦታ ይታይ ወይንም ይደበቅ እንደሆን መወሰኛ </ahelp> የሚከተሉት እቃዎች ናቸው ቦታቸው የሚቀየረው: የ መቅረጫ ምልክት: የ መቅረጫ ቦታ: የ መቅረጫ ምልክት መቁጠሪያ: የ መቅረጫ መቁጠሪያ:"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_POSITION\">Specifies to show or hide the positioning items in a selected <emph>Navigation</emph> bar control.</ahelp> Positioning items are the following: <emph>Record label, Record position, Record count label, Record count</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4741,24 +4741,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_NAVIGATION\">Specifies to show or hide the navigation items in a selected Navigation Bar control.</ahelp> Navigation items are the following: First record, Previous record, Next record, Last record."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_NAVIGATION\">በ ተመረጠው መቃኛ መደርደሪያ መቆጣጠሪያ ላይ የ ተግባሮች ደንብ ይታይ ወይንም ይደበቅ እንደሆን መወሰኛ </ahelp> የሚከተሉት የ መቃኛ እቃዎች ናቸው: የ መጀመሪያ መዝገብ: ያለፈው መዝገብ: የሚቀጥለው መዝገብ: የ መጨረሻው መዝገብ:"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_NAVIGATION\">Specifies to show or hide the navigation items in a selected <emph>Navigation</emph> bar control.</ahelp> Navigation items are the following: <emph>First record, Previous record, Next record, Last record</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Filtering / Sorting"
-msgstr "ማጣሪያ / መለያ"
+msgid "Filtering/Sorting"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_FILTERSORT\">Specifies to show or hide the filtering and sorting items in a selected Navigation Bar control.</ahelp> Filtering and sorting items are the following: Sort ascending, Sort descending, Sort, Automatic filter, Default filter, Apply filter, Reset filter/sort."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_FILTERSORT\">በ ተመረጠው መቃኛ መደርደሪያ መቆጣጠሪያ ላይ ማጣሪያዎች ይታይ ወይንም ይደበቅ እንደሆን መወሰኛ </ahelp> የሚከተሉት የ ማጣሪያ እና መለያ እቃዎች ናቸው: እየጨመረ በሚሄድ መለያ: እየቀነሰ በሚሄድ መለያ: ራሱ በራሱ ማጣሪያ መለያ: ነባር ማጣሪያ: ማጣሪያ መፈጸሚያ: እንደ ነበር መመለሻ ማጣሪያ/መለያ"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_FILTERSORT\">Specifies to show or hide the filtering and sorting items in a selected <emph>Navigation</emph> bar control.</ahelp> Filtering and sorting items are the following: <emph>Sort ascending, Sort descending, Sort, Automatic filter, Default filter, Apply filter, Reset filter/sort</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4773,8 +4773,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_ICONSIZE\">Specifies whether the icons in a selected Navigation Bar should be small or large.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_ICONSIZE\">በ ተመረጠው የ መቃኛ መደርደሪያ ማሳያ ላይ ምልክት ትንሽ ወይንም ትልቅ ይሆን እንደሆን መወሰኛ </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_ICONSIZE\">Specifies whether the icons in a selected <emph>Navigation</emph> bar should be small or large.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4829,16 +4829,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specifies the size of scrollbar thumb in \"value units\". A value of (\"Scroll value max.\" minus \"Scroll value min.\" ) / 2 would result in a thumb which occupies half of the background area.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">የ መሸብለያ መደርደሪያ መጠን መወሰኛ በ አውራ ጥፍር ልክ በ \"ዋጋ ክፍሎች\"ውስጥ: ዋጋ የ (\"መሸብለያ ዋጋ ከፍተኛው\" መቀነሻ \"መሸብለያ ዋጋ ዝቅተኛው\") / 2 ውጤቱ በ አውራ ጥፍር ልክ የ መደብ ግማሽ መጠን ይሆናል</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specifies the size of scrollbar thumb in \"value units\". A value of <emph>(\"Scroll value max.\" minus \"Scroll value min.\" ) / 2</emph> would result in a thumb which occupies half of the background area.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If set to 0, then the thumb's width will equal its height."
-msgstr "ከ ተሰናዳ ለ 0 ከዛ የ አውራ ጥፍር ስፋት እኩል ይሆናል ከ እርዝመት ጋር"
+msgid "If set to <emph>0</emph>, then the thumb's width will equal its height."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4885,24 +4885,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The<emph> Data </emph>tab page allows you to assign a data source to the selected control."
-msgstr "የ<emph> ዳታ </emph>tab ገጽ የሚያስችለው እርስዎ የ ዳታ ምንጭ ወደ ተመረጠው መቆጣጠሪያ መመደብ እንዲችሉ ነው"
+msgid "The <emph>Data</emph> tab page allows you to assign a data source to the selected control."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "For forms with database links, the associated database is defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Form Properties\">Form Properties</link>. You will find the functions for this on the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170203.xhp\" name=\"Data\"><emph>Data</emph></link> tab page."
-msgstr "ከ ዳታቤዝ ጋር አገናኝ ላላቸው ፎርሞች: የተዛመደው ዳታቤዝ ይገለጻል በ <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Form Properties\"> ፎርም ባህሪዎች </link> እርስዎ ተግባሩን ማግኘት ይችላሉ ለዚህ የ <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170203.xhp\" name=\"Data\"><emph> ዳታ </emph></link> tab ገጽ ውስጥ"
+msgid "For forms with database links, the associated database is defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Form Properties\"><emph>Form Properties</emph></link>. You will find the functions for this on the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170203.xhp\" name=\"Data\"><emph>Data</emph></link> tab page."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The possible settings of the <emph>Data</emph> tab page of a control depend on the respective control. You will only see the options that are available for the current control and context. The following fields are available:"
-msgstr "የሚቻለው ማሰናጃ ለ <emph> ዳታ </emph> tab ገጽ መቆጣጠሪያ እንደ መቆጣጠሪያው አይነት ይለያያል: ለ እርስዎ የሚታየው ምርጫ ዝግጁ የሆነው ነው ለ አሁኑ መቆጣጠሪያ እና አገባብ: የሚቀጥሉት ሜዳዎች ዝግጁ ናቸው:"
+msgid "The possible settings of the <emph>Data</emph> tab page of a control depend on the respective control. You will only see the options that are available for the current control and context.<br/>The following fields are available:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4917,8 +4917,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Check boxes and radio buttons in spreadsheets can be bound to cells in the current document. If the control is enabled, the value you enter in Reference value (on) is copied to the cell. If the control is disabled, the value from Reference value (off) is copied to the cell.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">ምልክት ማድረጊያ ሳጥኖች እና ራዲዮ ቁልፎች በ ሰንጠረዦች ውስጥ መጠን ለ ክፍሎች በ አሁኑ ሰነድ ውስጥ: መቆጣጠሪያውን ካስቻሉ: እርስዎ ያስገቡት ዋጋ በ ማመሳከሪያ ዋጋ (ማብሪያ) ወደ ክፍል ኮፒ ይደረጋል: መቆጣጠሪያውን ካሰናከሉ እርስዎ ያስገቡት ዋጋ በ ማመሳከሪያ ዋጋ (ማጥፊያ) ወደ ክፍል ኮፒ ይደረጋል: </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Check boxes and radio buttons in spreadsheets can be bound to cells in the current document. If the control is enabled, the value you enter in <emph>Reference value (on)</emph> is copied to the cell. If the control is disabled, the value from <emph>Reference value (off)</emph> is copied to the cell.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5645,16 +5645,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_EMPTY_IS_NULL\">Defines how an empty string input should be handled. If set to Yes, an input string of length zero will be treated as a value NULL. If set to No, any input will be treated as-is without any conversion.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_EMPTY_IS_NULL\">ባዶ ሀረግ እንዴት እንደሚያዝ መግለጫ: ወደ አዎ ከተሰናዳ: የ ማስገቢያ ሀረግ ለ ዜሮ እርዝመት ይወሰዳል እንደ ዋጋ ቦዶ: ወደ አይ ከተሰናዳ: ማንኛውም ማስገቢያ ይወሰዳል እንደ-ነበረ ያለ ምንም መቀየሪያ </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_EMPTY_IS_NULL\">Defines how an empty string input should be handled. If set to \"Yes\", an input string of length zero will be treated as a value NULL. If set to \"No\", any input will be treated as-is without any conversion.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "An empty string is a string of length zero (\"\"). Normally, a value NULL is not the same as an empty string. In general, a term NULL is used to denote an undefined value, an unknown value, or \"no value has been entered yet.\""
-msgstr "ባዶ ሀረግ ባዶ ሀረግ ነው ከ ዜሮ እርዝመት ጋር (\"\"). በ መደበኛ: ዋጋ ቦዶ ተመሳሳይ አይደለም ከ ቦዶ ሀረግ ጋር: ባጠቃላይ የ ባዶ ደንብ የሚጠቅመው ለ ማሳየት ነው ከ ስሩ የ ተሰመረ ዋጋ: ያልታወቀ ዋጋ: ወይንም \"ምንም ዋጋ ገና አልገባም\""
+msgid "An empty string is a string of length zero (<emph>\"\"</emph>). Normally, a value NULL is not the same as an empty string. In general, a term NULL is used to denote an undefined value, an unknown value, or \"no value has been entered yet.\""
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5677,8 +5677,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"filtervorschlag\"><ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_FILTERPROPOSAL\">While designing your form, you can set the \"Filter proposal\" property for each text box in the <emph>Data</emph> tab of the corresponding <emph>Properties</emph> dialog. In subsequent searches in the filter mode, you can select from all information contained in these fields.</ahelp> The field content can then be selected using the AutoComplete function. Note, however, that this function requires a greater amount of memory space and time, especially when used in large databases and should therefore be used sparingly. </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"filtervorschlag\"><ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_FILTERPROPOSAL\">እርስዎ ፎርም በሚያሰናዱ ጊዜ: እርስዎ ማሰናዳት ይችላሉ የ \"ማጣሪያ ማቅረቢያ\" ለ እያንዳንዱ የ ጽሁፍ ሳጥን ባህሪዎች ከ <emph> ዳታ </emph> tab ተመሳሳይ ውስጥ: <emph> ባህሪዎች </emph> ንግግር ውስጥ: በ ማጣሪያ ዘዴ በሚፈልጉ ጊዜ: እርስዎ መምረጥ ይችላሉ በዚህ ሜዳ ውስጥ ካሉ ሁሉም መረጃዎች ውስጥ </ahelp> የ ሜዳ ይዞታ መምረጥ ይቻላል በራሱ መጨረሻ ተግባር: ማስታወሻ: ነገር ግን ይህ ተግባር ብዙ ማስታወሻ እና ጊዜ ይፈልጋል: በተለይ ትልቅ የ ዳታቤዝ በሚጠቀሙ ጊዜ: እና ብዙ ጊዜ አዘውትረው አይጠቀሙ </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"filtervorschlag\"><ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_FILTERPROPOSAL\">While designing your form, you can set the \"Filter proposal\" property for each text box in the <emph>Data</emph> tab of the corresponding <emph>Properties</emph> dialog. In subsequent searches in the filter mode, you can select from all information contained in these fields.</ahelp> The field content can then be selected using the <emph>AutoComplete</emph> function. Note, however, that this function requires a greater amount of memory space and time, especially when used in large databases and should therefore be used sparingly.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5725,72 +5725,72 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the check box"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ ምልክት ማድረጊያ ሳጥን"
+msgid "Select the check box:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "TRUE is entered into the linked cell"
-msgstr "እውነት ወደ ተገናኘው ክፍል ገብቷል"
+msgid "TRUE is entered into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Deselect the check box"
-msgstr "መተው ምልክት ማድረጊያ ሳጥን"
+msgid "Deselect the check box:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "FALSE is entered into the linked cell"
-msgstr "ሀሰት ወደ ተገናኘው ክፍል ገብቷል"
+msgid "FALSE is entered into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Tri-state check box is set to \"undetermined\" state"
-msgstr "ሶስት-ሁኔታ ምልክት ማድረጊያ ሳጥን ለ ማሰናዳት ወደ \"ያልተወሰነ\" ሁኔታ"
+msgid "Tri-state check box is set to \"undetermined\" state:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "#NV is entered into the linked cell"
-msgstr "#NV ወደ ተገናኘው ክፍል ገብቷል"
+msgid "#NV is entered into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell"
-msgstr "ያስገቡ ቁጥር ወይንም መቀመሪያ ቁጥር የሚመልስ በ ተገናኘው ክፍል ውስጥ"
+msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If entered value is TRUE or not 0: Check box is selected<br/>If entered value is FALSE or 0: Check box is deselected"
-msgstr "እርስዎ ያስገቡት ዋጋ እውነት ከሆነ ወይንም ካልሆነ 0: ምልክት ማድረጊያው ተመርጧል <br/> ያስገቡት ዋጋ ስህተት ከሆነ ወይንም 0: ምልክት ማድረጊያው አልተመረጠም"
+msgid "If entered value is TRUE or not 0: Check box is selected.<br/>If entered value is FALSE or 0: Check box is deselected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error"
-msgstr "የ ተገናኘውን ክፍል ማጽጃ: ወይንም ያስገቡ ጽሁፍ ወይንም ያስገቡ መቀመሪያ ጽሁፍ ወይንም ስህተት የሚመልስ"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5805,24 +5805,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the box. The Reference value box contains text."
-msgstr "ሳጥን ይምረጡ: የ ማመሳከሪያው ዋጋ ሳጥን ጽሁፍ ይዟል"
+msgid "Select the box. The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The text from the Reference value box is copied to the cell."
-msgstr "ጽሁፉ ከ ማመሳከሪያው ዋጋ ሳጥን ውስጥ ኮፒ ተደርጓል ወደ ክፍሉ"
+msgid "The text from the <emph>Reference value</emph> box is copied to the cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Deselect the box. The Reference value box contains text."
-msgstr "ሳጥን መምረጥ መተው: የ ማመሳከሪያው ዋጋ ሳጥን ጽሁፍ ይዟል"
+msgid "Deselect the box. The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5837,8 +5837,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Reference value box contains text. Enter the same text into the cell."
-msgstr "የ ማመሳከሪያው ዋጋ ሳጥን ጽሁፍ ይዟል: ያስገቡ ተመሳሳይ ጽሁፍ ወደ ክፍሉ"
+msgid "The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text. Enter the same text into the cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5853,8 +5853,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Reference value box contains text. Enter another text into the cell."
-msgstr "የ ማመሳከሪያው ዋጋ ሳጥን ጽሁፍ ይዟል: ያስገቡ ሌላ ጽሁፍ ወደ ክፍሉ"
+msgid "The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text. Enter another text into the cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5893,88 +5893,88 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the option button"
-msgstr "የ ምርጫ ቁልፍ ይምረጡ"
+msgid "Select the option button:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "TRUE is entered into the linked cell"
-msgstr "እውነት ወደ ተገናኘው ክፍል ገብቷል"
+msgid "TRUE is entered into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Option button is deselected by selecting another option button"
-msgstr "የ ምርጫ ቁልፍ የማይመረጠው በ መምረጥ ነው ሌላ የ ምርጫ ቁልፍ"
+msgid "Option button is deselected by selecting another option button:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "FALSE is entered into the linked cell"
-msgstr "ሀሰት ወደ ተገናኘው ክፍል ገብቷል"
+msgid "FALSE is entered into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell"
-msgstr "ያስገቡ ቁጥር ወይንም መቀመሪያ ቁጥር የሚመልስ በ ተገናኘው ክፍል ውስጥ"
+msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If entered value is TRUE or not 0: Option button is selected<br/>If entered value is FALSE or 0: Option button is deselected"
-msgstr "እርስዎ ያስገቡት ዋጋ እውነት ከሆነ ወይንም ካልሆነ 0: የ ምርጫ ቁልፍ ተመርጧል <br/> ያስገቡት ዋጋ ስህተት ከሆነ ወይንም 0: የ ምርጫ ማድረጊያው አልተመረጠም"
+msgid "If entered value is TRUE or not 0: Option button is selected.<br/>If entered value is FALSE or 0: Option button is deselected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error"
-msgstr "የ ተገናኘውን ክፍል ማጽጃ: ወይንም ያስገቡ ጽሁፍ ወይንም ያስገቡ መቀመሪያ ጽሁፍ ወይንም ስህተት የሚመልስ"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Option button is deselected"
-msgstr "የ ምርጫ ቁልፍ አልተመረጠም"
+msgid "Option button is deselected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click the option button. The Reference value box contains text."
-msgstr "ሳጥን ይምረጡ: የ ማመሳከሪያው ዋጋ ሳጥን ጽሁፍ ይዟል"
+msgid "Click the option button. The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The text from the Reference value box is copied to the cell."
-msgstr "ጽሁፉ ከ ማመሳከሪያው ዋጋ ሳጥን ውስጥ ኮፒ ተደርጓል ወደ ክፍሉ"
+msgid "The text from the <emph>Reference value</emph> box is copied to the cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click another option button of the same group. The Reference value box contains text."
-msgstr "ይጫኑ ሌላ የ ምርጫ ቁልፍ ተመሳሳይ ቡድን: የ ማመሳከሪያው ዋጋ ሳጥን ጽሁፍ ይዟል"
+msgid "Click another option button of the same group. The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5989,8 +5989,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Reference value box contains text. Enter the same text into the cell."
-msgstr "የ ማመሳከሪያው ዋጋ ሳጥን ጽሁፍ ይዟል: ያስገቡ ተመሳሳይ ጽሁፍ ወደ ክፍሉ"
+msgid "The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text. Enter the same text into the cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6005,8 +6005,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Reference value box contains text. Enter another text into the cell."
-msgstr "የ ማመሳከሪያው ዋጋ ሳጥን ጽሁፍ ይዟል: ያስገቡ ሌላ ጽሁፍ ወደ ክፍሉ"
+msgid "The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text. Enter another text into the cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6045,80 +6045,80 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter text into the text box"
-msgstr "ጽሁፉን ወደ ጽሁፍ ሳጥን ውስጥ ያስገቡ"
+msgid "Enter text into the text box:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Text is copied into the linked cell"
-msgstr "ጽሁፉ ኮፒ ተደርጓል ወደ ተገናኘው ክፍል"
+msgid "Text is copied into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the text box"
-msgstr "የ ጽሁፍ ሳጥን ማጽጃ"
+msgid "Clear the text box:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked cell is cleared"
-msgstr "የተገናኘው ክፍል ጸድቷል"
+msgid "Linked cell is cleared."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter text or a number in the linked cell"
-msgstr "ያስገቡ ጽሁፍ ወይንም ቁጥር ከ ተገናኘው ክፍል ጋር"
+msgid "Enter text or a number in the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Text or number is copied into the text box"
-msgstr "ጽሁፉ ኮፒ ተደርጓል ወደ ጽሁፍ ሳጥን ውስጥ"
+msgid "Text or number is copied into the text box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell"
-msgstr "ያስገቡ መቀመሪያ ወደ ተገናኘው ክፍል ውስጥ"
+msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Formula result is copied into the text box"
-msgstr "የ መቀመሪያ ውጤት ኮፒ ተደርጓል ወደ ጽሁፍ ሳጥን ውስጥ"
+msgid "Formula result is copied into the text box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell"
-msgstr "የተገናኘ ክፍል ማጽጃ"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Text box is cleared"
-msgstr "የ ጽሁፍ ሳጥን ጸድቷል"
+msgid "Text box is cleared."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6149,64 +6149,64 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a number into the field"
-msgstr "ወደ ሜዳው ቁጥር ያስገቡ"
+msgid "Enter a number into the field:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Number is copied into the linked cell"
-msgstr "ቁጥሩ ኮፒ ተደርጓል ወደ ተገናኘው ክፍል"
+msgid "Number is copied into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the field"
-msgstr "ሜዳውን ማጽጃ"
+msgid "Clear the field:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Value 0 is set in the linked cell"
-msgstr "ዋጋ 0 ተሰናድቷል ለ ተገናኘ ክፍል"
+msgid "Value <emph>0</emph> is set in the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell"
-msgstr "ያስገቡ ቁጥር ወይንም መቀመሪያ ቁጥር የሚመልስ በ ተገናኘው ክፍል ውስጥ"
+msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Number is copied into the field"
-msgstr "ቁጥሩ ወደ ሜዳው ኮፒ ተደርጓል"
+msgid "Number is copied into the field."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error"
-msgstr "የ ተገናኘውን ክፍል ማጽጃ: ወይንም ያስገቡ ጽሁፍ ወይንም ያስገቡ መቀመሪያ ጽሁፍ ወይንም ስህተት የሚመልስ"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Value 0 is set in the field"
-msgstr "ዋጋ 0 ተሰናድቷል ለ ሜዳ"
+msgid "Value <emph>0</emph> is set in the field."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6229,16 +6229,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked contents: Synchronize the text contents of the selected list box entry with the cell contents."
-msgstr "የ ተገናኙ ይዞታዎች: ማስማሚያ የ ጽሁፍ ይዞታዎች ለ ተመረጠው የ ዝርዝር ሳጥን ማስገቢያ በ ክፍል ይዞታዎች ውስጥ"
+msgid "<emph>Linked contents:</emph> Synchronize the text contents of the selected list box entry with the cell contents."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked selection position: The position of the single selected item in the list box is synchronized with the numerical value in the cell."
-msgstr "የ ተገናኙ ምርጫዎች ቦታ: ለ ተመረጠው ነጠላ እቃ ቦታው በ ዝርዝር ሳጥን ውስጥ ይስማማል ከ ቁጥር ዋጋ ጋር በ ክፍሉ ውስጥ"
+msgid "<emph>Linked selection position:</emph> The position of the single selected item in the list box is synchronized with the numerical value in the cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6261,8 +6261,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select a single list item"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ ነጠላ ዝርዝር እቃ"
+msgid "Select a single list item:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6277,112 +6277,112 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Selection is linked: Position of the selected item is copied into the linked cell. For example, if the third item is selected, the number 3 will be copied."
-msgstr "ምርጫው ተገናኝቷል: የ ተመረጠው እቃ ቦታ ኮፒ ይደረጋል ወደ ተገናኘው ክፍል ውስጥ: ለምሳሌ: ሶስተኛው እቃ ከ ተመረጠ: ቁጥር 3 ኮፒ ይደረጋል"
+msgid "Selection is linked: Position of the selected item is copied into the linked cell.<br/>For example, if the third item is selected, the number <emph>3</emph> will be copied."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select several list items"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ በርካታ ዝርዝር እቃዎች"
+msgid "Select several list items:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "#NV is entered into the linked cell"
-msgstr "#NV ወደ ተገናኘው ክፍል ገብቷል"
+msgid "#NV is entered into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Deselect all list items"
-msgstr "ሁሉንም ዝርዝር እቃዎች መተው"
+msgid "Deselect all list items:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Contents are linked: Linked cell is cleared"
-msgstr "ይዞታዎች ተገናኝተዋል: የተገናኘ ክፍል ጸድቷል"
+msgid "Contents are linked: Linked cell is cleared."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Selection is linked: Value 0 is entered in the linked cell"
-msgstr "ምርጫው ተገናኝቷል: ዋጋ 0 አስገብተዋል እንደ አገናኝ ክፍል"
+msgid "Selection is linked: Value <emph>0</emph> is entered in the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter text or a number into the linked cell"
-msgstr "ያስገቡ ጽሁፍ ወይንም ቁጥር ከ ተገናኘው ክፍል ጋር"
+msgid "Enter text or a number into the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Contents are linked: Find and select an equal list item"
-msgstr "ይዞታዎች ተገናኝተዋል: ይፈልጉ እና ይምረጡ እኩል የሆነ ዝርዝር እቃ"
+msgid "Contents are linked: Find and select an equal list item."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Selection is linked: The list item at the specified position (starting with 1 for the first item) is selected. If not found, all items are deselected."
-msgstr "ምርጫው ተገናኝቷል: የ ተመረጠው እቃ ዝርዝር በ ተወሰነ ቦታ (መጀመሪያ በ 1 ለ መጀመሪያው እቃ) ይመረጣል: ካልተገኘ: ሁሉም አይመረጥም"
+msgid "Selection is linked: The list item at the specified position (starting with <emph>1</emph> for the first item) is selected. If not found, all items are deselected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell"
-msgstr "ያስገቡ መቀመሪያ ወደ ተገናኘው ክፍል ውስጥ"
+msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Find and select a list item that matches the formula result and link mode"
-msgstr "መፈለጊያ እና መምረጫ ከ ዝርዝር እቃ ውስጥ የሚመሳሰለውን ለ መቀመሪያ ውጤት እና ለ ተገናኘው ዘዴ"
+msgid "Find and select a list item that matches the formula result and link mode."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell"
-msgstr "የተገናኘ ክፍል ማጽጃ"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Deselect all items in the list box"
-msgstr "ሁሉንም እቃዎች ከ ዝርዝር ሳጥን ውስጥ መተው"
+msgid "Deselect all items in the list box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Change the contents of the list source range"
-msgstr "የ ዝርዝር ምንጭ መጠን ይዞታዎች መቀየሪያ"
+msgid "Change the contents of the list source range:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6421,88 +6421,88 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter text into the edit field of the combo box, or select an entry from the drop-down list"
-msgstr "ጽሁፍ ያስገቡ ወደ ማረሚያ ዘዴ በ መቀላቀያ ሳጥን ውስጥ: ወይንም ይምረጡ ማስገቢያ ከ ወደ ታች-የሚዘረገፍ ዝርዝር ሳጥን ውስጥ"
+msgid "Enter text into the edit field of the combo box, or select an entry from the drop-down list:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Text is copied into the linked cell"
-msgstr "ጽሁፉ ኮፒ ተደርጓል ወደ ተገናኘው ክፍል"
+msgid "Text is copied into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the edit field of the combo box"
-msgstr "የ ማረሚያ ሜዳ ማጽጃ ለ መቀላቀያ ሳጥን"
+msgid "Clear the edit field of the combo box:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked cell is cleared"
-msgstr "የተገናኘው ክፍል ጸድቷል"
+msgid "Linked cell is cleared."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter text or a number into the linked cell"
-msgstr "ያስገቡ ጽሁፍ ወይንም ቁጥር ከ ተገናኘው ክፍል ጋር"
+msgid "Enter text or a number into the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Text or number is copied into the edit field of the combo box"
-msgstr "ጽሁፍ ወይንም ቁጥር ኮፒ ይደረጋል ወደ ማረሚያ ሜዳ ውስጥ ለ መቀላቀያ ሳጥን"
+msgid "Text or number is copied into the edit field of the combo box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell"
-msgstr "ያስገቡ መቀመሪያ ወደ ተገናኘው ክፍል ውስጥ"
+msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Formula result is copied into the edit field of the combo box"
-msgstr "የ መቀመሪያ ውጤት ኮፒ ይደረጋል ወደ ማረሚያ ሜዳ ውስጥ ለ መቀላቀያ ሳጥን"
+msgid "Formula result is copied into the edit field of the combo box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell"
-msgstr "የተገናኘ ክፍል ማጽጃ"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Edit field of the combo box is cleared"
-msgstr "የ ማረሚያ ሜዳ ማጽጃ ለ መቀላቀያ ሳጥን"
+msgid "Edit field of the combo box is cleared."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Change the contents of the list source range"
-msgstr "የ ዝርዝር ምንጭ መጠን ይዞታዎች መቀየሪያ"
+msgid "Change the contents of the list source range:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6533,16 +6533,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked contents: Synchronize the text contents of the selected list box entry with the cell contents. Select \"The selected entry\""
-msgstr "የ ተገናኙ ይዞታዎች: ማስማሚያ የ ጽሁፍ ይዞታዎች ለ ተመረጠው የ ዝርዝር ሳጥን ማስገቢያ በ ክፍል ይዞታዎች ውስጥ: ይምረጡ \"የ ተመረጠውን ማስገቢያ\""
+msgid "<emph>Linked contents:</emph> Synchronize the text contents of the selected list box entry with the cell contents. Select \"The selected entry\"."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked selection position: The position of the single selected item in the list box is synchronized with the numerical value in the cell. Select \"Position of the selected entry\""
-msgstr "የ ተገናኙ ምርጫዎች ቦታ: ለ ተመረጠው ነጠላ እቃ ቦታው በ ዝርዝር ሳጥን ውስጥ ይስማማል ከ ቁጥር ዋጋ ጋር በ ክፍሉ ውስጥ: ይምረጡ \"የ ተመረጠው ማስገቢያ ቦታ\""
+msgid "<emph>Linked selection position:</emph> The position of the single selected item in the list box is synchronized with the numerical value in the cell. Select \"Position of the selected entry\"."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6573,8 +6573,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>controls; events</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>events; controls</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>macros; assigning to events in forms</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>መቆጣጠሪያዎች: ሁኔታዎች</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ሁኔታዎች: መቆጣጠሪያዎች</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ማክሮስ: መመደቢያ ለ ሁኔታዎች በ ፎርሞች ውስጥ</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>controls; events</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>events; controls</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>macros; assigning to events in forms</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6589,24 +6589,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the<emph> Events </emph>tab page you can link macros to events that occur in a form's control fields."
-msgstr "በ <emph> ሁኔታዎች </emph> tab ገጽ ውስጥ እርስዎ ማገናኘት ይችላሉ ማክሮስ ከ ሁኔታዎች ጋር የ ተፈጠሩ በ ፎርሞች መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳዎች ውስጥ"
+msgid "On the <emph>Events</emph> tab page you can link macros to events that occur in a form's control fields."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "When the event occurs, the linked macro will be called. To assign a macro to an event, press the <emph>...</emph> button. The <link href=\"text/shared/01/06140500.xhp\" name=\"Assign Action\">Assign Action</link> dialog opens."
-msgstr "ሁኔታው በሚፈጠር ጊዜ: የ ተገናኘው ማክሮስ ይጠራል: የ ማክሮስ ሁኔታ ለ መፈጸም: ይጫኑ የ <emph>...</emph> ቁልፍ: የ <link href=\"text/shared/01/06140500.xhp\" name=\"Assign Action\"> ተግባር መፈጸሚያ </link> ንግግር ይከፈታል"
+msgid "When the event occurs, the linked macro will be called. To assign a macro to an event, press the <emph>...</emph> button. The <link href=\"text/shared/01/06140500.xhp\" name=\"Assign Action\"><emph>Assign Action</emph></link> dialog opens."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Depending on the control, different events are available. Only the available events for the selected control and context are listed on the <emph>Events</emph> tab page. The following events are defined:"
-msgstr "እንደ መቆጣጠሪያው አይነት: የ ተለያዩ ሁኔታዎች ዝግጁ ናቸው:ዝግጁ የሆኑ ሁኔታዎች ብቻ ለ ተመረጠው መቆጣጠሪያ እና ለ ተመረጠው ይዞታዎች በ <emph>ሁኔታዎች</emph> tab ገጽ ውስጥ: የሚቀጥሉት ሁኔታዎች ተገልጸዋል"
+msgid "Depending on the control, different events are available. Only the available events for the selected control and context are listed on the <emph>Events</emph> tab page.<br/>The following events are defined:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6621,8 +6621,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_APPROVEACTIONPERFORMED\">This event takes place before an action is triggered by clicking the control.</ahelp> For example, clicking a \"Submit\" button initiates a send action; however, the actual \"send\" process is started only when the <emph>When initiating</emph> event occurs. The <emph>Approve action</emph> event allows you to kill the process. If the linked method sends back FALSE, <emph>When initiating</emph> will not be executed."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_APPROVEACTIONPERFORMED\">ሁኔታው የ ተፈጸመው ተግባር ከ መጀመሩ በፊት ነው መቆጣጠሪያውን በ መጫን </ahelp> ለምሳሌ ይጫኑ የ \"ማቅረቢያ\" ቁልፍ የ መላኪያ ተግባር ያስነሳል: ነገር ግን ዋናው \"ማስገቢያ\" ሂደት የሚጀምረው በ <emph> ማስነሻ </emph> ሁኔታ ሲፈጠር ነው: የ <emph> ተግባር ማጽደቂያ </emph> ሁኔታ እርስዎን የሚያስችለው ሂደቱን ማስቆም ነው: የ ተገናኘው ዘዴ መልስ ይልካል ሀሰት <emph> በሚጀምር ጊዜ </emph> አይፈጸምም"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_APPROVEACTIONPERFORMED\">This event takes place before an action is triggered by clicking the control.</ahelp> For example, clicking a \"<emph>Submit</emph>\" button initiates a send action; however, the actual \"send\" process is started only when the <emph>When initiating</emph> event occurs. The <emph>Approve action</emph> event allows you to kill the process. If the linked method sends back FALSE, <emph>When initiating</emph> will not be executed."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6637,8 +6637,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_ACTIONPERFORMED\">The <emph>Execute action</emph> event occurs when an action is started.</ahelp> For example, if you have a \"Submit\" button in your form, the send process represents the action to be initiated."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_ACTIONPERFORMED\">የ <emph>ተግባር መፈጸሚያ </emph> ሁኔታ የሚፈጠረው ተግባር ሲጀምር ነው</ahelp> ለምሳሌ: እርስዎ \"ማስገቢያ\" ቁልፍ በ እርስዎ ፎርም ላይ ካስገቡ: የ መላኪያ ሂደት የሚወክለው ተግባር ይጀምራል"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_ACTIONPERFORMED\">The <emph>Execute action</emph> event occurs when an action is started.</ahelp> For example, if you have a \"<emph>Submit</emph>\" button in your form, the send process represents the action to be initiated."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6653,8 +6653,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_CHANGED\">The<emph> Changed </emph>event takes place when the control loses the focus and the content of the control has changed since it lost the focus.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_CHANGED\">የ<emph> ተቀየሩ </emph>ሁኔታዎች የሚፈጸሙት መቆጣጠሪያው ትኩረት ሲያጣ ነው እና የ መቆጣጠሪያው ይዞታ ተቀይሯል ትኩረቱን ካጣ ጀምሮ </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_CHANGED\">The <emph>Changed</emph> event takes place when the control loses the focus and the content of the control has changed since it lost the focus.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6669,8 +6669,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_TEXTCHANGED\">The<emph> Text modified </emph>event takes place if you enter or modify a text in an input field.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_TEXTCHANGED\">የ<emph> ጽሁፍ ማሻሻያ </emph>የሚፈጸመው እርስዎ ጽሁፍ ሲያስገቡ ወይንም ሲያሻሽሉ ነው በ ማስገቢያ ሜዳ ውስጥ </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_TEXTCHANGED\">The <emph>Text modified</emph> event takes place if you enter or modify a text in an input field.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6685,8 +6685,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_ITEMSTATECHANGED\" visibility=\"hidden\">The<emph> Item status changed </emph>event takes place if the status of the control field has changed.</ahelp> The<emph> Item status changed</emph> event takes place if the status of the control field has changed."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_ITEMSTATECHANGED\" visibility=\"hidden\">የ <emph> እቃ ሁኔታ ተቀይሯል </emph> ሁኔታ የሚፈጸመው የ መቆጠጠሪያ ሁኔታ ሲቀየር ነው </ahelp> የ <emph> እቃ ሁኔታ ተቀይሯል </emph> ሁኔታው የሚፈጸመው የ መቆጣጠሪያ ሁኔታው ሲቀየር ነው"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_ITEMSTATECHANGED\" visibility=\"hidden\">The <emph>Item status changed</emph> event takes place if the status of the control field has changed.</ahelp> The <emph>Item status changed</emph> event takes place if the status of the control field has changed."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6701,8 +6701,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_FOCUSGAINED\">The<emph> When receiving focus </emph>event takes place if a control field receives the focus.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_FOCUSGAINED\">የ<emph> ትኩረት በሚያገኝ ጊዜ </emph>ሁኔታው የሚፈጸመው የ መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳ ሁኔታ ትኩረት ሲያገኝ ነው </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_FOCUSGAINED\">The <emph>When receiving focus</emph> event takes place if a control field receives the focus.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6733,8 +6733,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYTYPED\">The <emph>Key pressed </emph>event occurs when the user presses any key while the control has the focus.</ahelp> This event may be linked to a macro for checking entries."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYTYPED\">የ <emph> ቁልፍ ተጭነዋል </emph> ሁኔታው የሚፈጸመው ተጠቃሚው ማንኛውንም ቁልፍ ሲጫን ነው: መቆጣጠሪያው ትኩረት እንዳለው </ahelp> ይህ ሁኔታ ምናልባት የ ተገናኘ ነው ከ ማክሮስ ማስገቢያዎች ጋር ለ መመርመር"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYTYPED\">The <emph>Key pressed</emph> event occurs when the user presses any key while the control has the focus.</ahelp> This event may be linked to a macro for checking entries."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6749,8 +6749,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYUP\">The<emph> Key released </emph>event occurs when the user releases any key while the control has the focus.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYUP\">የ <emph>ቁልፍ ለቀዋል </emph>ሁኔታ የሚፈጸመው ተጠቃሚው ማንኛውንም ቁልፍ ሲለቅ ነው መቆጣጠሪያው ትኩረት እንዳለው </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYUP\">The <emph>Key released</emph> event occurs when the user releases any key while the control has the focus.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6765,8 +6765,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEENTERED\">The<emph> Mouse inside </emph>event takes place if the mouse is inside the control field.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEENTERED\">የ<emph> አይጥ ውስጥ </emph>ሁኔታው ይፈጸማል የ አይጥ ቁልፍ በ መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳ ውስጥ ሲሆን </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEENTERED\">The <emph>Mouse inside</emph> event takes place if the mouse is inside the control field.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6781,8 +6781,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEDRAGGED\">The<emph> Mouse moved while key pressed </emph>event takes place when the mouse is dragged while a key is pressed.</ahelp> An example is when, during drag-and-drop, an additional key determines the mode (move or copy)."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEDRAGGED\">የ<emph> አይጥ ቁልፍ ሲንቀሳቀስ ቁልፍ ተጭነው ይዘው </emph>ሁኔታው ይፈጸማል ቅይጥ በሚጎትቱ ጊዜ ቁልፍ ተጭነው ይዘው </ahelp> ለምሳሌ: ሲጎትቱ-እና-ሲጥሉ: ተጨማሪ ቁልፍ ዘዴ ይወስናል (ማንቀሳቀሻ ወይንም ኮፒ ማድረጊያ)"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEDRAGGED\">The <emph>Mouse moved while key pressed</emph> event takes place when the mouse is dragged while a key is pressed.</ahelp> An example is when, during drag-and-drop, an additional key determines the mode (move or copy)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6797,8 +6797,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEMOVED\">The<emph> Mouse moved </emph>event occurs if the mouse moves over the control.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEMOVED\">የ<emph> አይጥ ተንቀሳቅሷል </emph>ሁኔታ የሚፈጠረው አይጡ ሲንቀሳቀስ ነው በ መቆጣጠሪያው ላይ</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEMOVED\">The <emph>Mouse moved</emph> event occurs if the mouse moves over the control.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6813,8 +6813,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEPRESSED\">The<emph> Mouse button pressed </emph>event occurs if the mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is on the control.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEPRESSED\">የ<emph> አይጥ ቁልፍ ተጭነዋል </emph>ሁኔታ የሚፈጠረው የ አይጥ ቁልፍ ሲጫኑ ነው: የ አይጥ መጠቆሚያ በ መቆጣጠር ላይ እንዳለ</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEPRESSED\">The <emph>Mouse button pressed</emph> event occurs if the mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is on the control.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6837,8 +6837,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSERELEASED\">The<emph> Mouse button released </emph>event occurs if the mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is on the control.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSERELEASED\">የ<emph> አይጥ ቁልፍ ለቅቀዋል </emph>ሁኔታ የሚፈጠረው የ አይጥ ቁልፍ ሲለቁ ነው: የ አይጥ መጠቆሚያ በ መቆጣጠር ላይ እንዳለ</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSERELEASED\">The <emph>Mouse button released</emph> event occurs if the mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is on the control.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6853,8 +6853,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEEXITED\">The<emph> Mouse outside </emph>event takes place when the mouse is outside the control field.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEEXITED\">ይህ<emph> አይጥ ውጪ </emph>ሁኔታው ይፈጸማል የ አይጥ ቁልፍ በ መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳ ውጪ ሲሆን </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEEXITED\">The <emph>Mouse outside</emph> event takes place when the mouse is outside the control field.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9413,16 +9413,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click the<emph> Navigator On/Off </emph>icon to hide or show the <emph>Navigator</emph>."
-msgstr "ይጫኑ የ <emph> መቃኛ ማብሪያ/ማጥፊያ </emph> ምልክትን ለማሳየት ወይንም ለመደበቅ <emph> መቃኛውን </emph>"
+msgid "Click the <emph>Navigator On/Off</emph> icon to hide or show the <emph>Navigator</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01220000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can also call the <emph>Navigator</emph> by selecting <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/swriter/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">View - Navigator</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">View - Navigator</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">View - Navigator</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">View - Navigator</link></caseinline><defaultinline>View - Navigator</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "እንዲሁም መጥራት ይችላሉ <emph>መቃኛውን</emph> በመምረጥ <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/swriter/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">መመልከቻ - መቃኛ</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">መመልከቻ - መቃኛ</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">መመልከቻ - መቃኛ</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">መመልከቻ - መቃኛ</link></caseinline><defaultinline>መመልከቻ - መቃኛ</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "You can also call the <emph>Navigator</emph> by selecting <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/swriter/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\"><emph>View - Navigator</emph></link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\"><emph>View - Navigator</emph></link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\"><emph>View - Navigator</emph></link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\"><emph>View - Navigator</emph></link></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>View - Navigator</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01220000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9461,16 +9461,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:DesignerDialog\">Specifies whether to show or hide the Styles window, which is where you can assign and organize Styles.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:DesignerDialog\">የ ዘዴዎች መስኮት ይታይ ወይንም አይታይ እንደሆን መወሰኛ: እርስዎ ዘዴዎች መመደብ እና ማደራጀት የሚችሉበት </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:DesignerDialog\">Specifies whether to show or hide the <emph>Styles</emph> window, which is where you can assign and organize styles.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01230000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Each $[officename] application has its own Styles window. Hence there are separate windows for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/swriter/01/05140000.xhp\" name=\"text documents\">text documents</link></caseinline><defaultinline>text documents</defaultinline></switchinline>, for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"spreadsheets\">spreadsheets</link></caseinline><defaultinline>spreadsheets</defaultinline></switchinline> and for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"presentations/drawing documents\">presentations/drawing documents</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"presentations/drawing documents\">presentations/drawing documents</link></caseinline><defaultinline>presentations/drawing documents</defaultinline></switchinline>."
-msgstr "እያንዳንዱ $[officename] መተግበሪያ የራሱ ዘዴዎች መስኮት አለው: በዚህ የተነሳ የ ተለያየ መስኮት አላቸው ለ <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/swriter/01/05140000.xhp\" name=\"text documents\"> ጽሁፍ ሰነዶች </link></caseinline><defaultinline> ጽሁፍ ሰነዶች </defaultinline></switchinline> ለ <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"spreadsheets\"> ሰንጠረዦች </link></caseinline><defaultinline> ሰንጠረዦች </defaultinline></switchinline> እና ለ <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"presentations/drawing documents\"> ማቅረቢያዎች/መሳያ ሰነዶች </link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"presentations/drawing documents\"> ማቅረቢያዎች/መሳያ ሰነዶች </link></caseinline><defaultinline> ማቅረቢያዎች/መሳያ ሰነዶች </defaultinline></switchinline>."
+msgid "Each $[officename] application has its own <emph>Styles</emph> window. Hence there are separate windows for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/swriter/01/05140000.xhp\" name=\"text documents\">text documents</link></caseinline><defaultinline>text documents</defaultinline></switchinline>, for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"spreadsheets\">spreadsheets</link></caseinline><defaultinline>spreadsheets</defaultinline></switchinline> and for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"presentations/drawing documents\">presentations/drawing documents</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"presentations/drawing documents\">presentations/drawing documents</link></caseinline><defaultinline>presentations/drawing documents</defaultinline></switchinline>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01230000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9517,16 +9517,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To reset the selected objects to the default paragraph style, select <emph>Clear formatting</emph>. Select <emph>More Styles</emph> to open the Styles window."
-msgstr "የ ተመረጠውን እቃ ወደ ነባሩ የ አንቀጽ ዘዴ እንደ ነበር ለ መመለስ ይምረጡ <emph> አቀራረብ ማጽጃ </emph> ይምረጡ <emph> ተጨማሪ ዘዴዎች </emph> የ ዘዴዎች መስኮት ለ መክፈት"
+msgid "To reset the selected objects to the default paragraph style, select <emph>Clear formatting</emph>. Select <emph>More Styles</emph> to open the <emph>Styles</emph> window."
+msgstr ""
#: 02010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clicking on the Down arrow button on the right of a style name shows a pop-up menu that allows you to update the style from the current selection or to edit the style."
-msgstr "ቀስት ወደ ታች ቁልፍ ላይ መጫን በ ዘዴዎች ስም ላይ ብቅ-ባይ ዝርዝር ያሳያል እርስዎን የሚያስችል ዘዴ ለማሻሻል ከ አሁኑ ምርጫ ወይንም ዘዴ ማረሚያ ውስጥ:"
+msgid "Clicking on the <emph>Down Arrow</emph> button on the right of a style name shows a pop-up menu that allows you to update the style from the current selection or to edit the style."
+msgstr ""
#: 02010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9629,8 +9629,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"vorschautext\">You can see the name of the fonts formatted in their respective font if you mark the <emph>Preview in fonts lists</emph> field in <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010800.xhp\" name=\"$[officename] - View\">$[officename] - View</link> in the Options dialog box.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"vorschautext\">እርስዎ ማየት ይችላሉ የ ፊደሎች አቀራረብ ስም የ ተዛመዱ ፊደሎች እርስዎ ምልክት ካደረጉ በ <emph> ቅድመ እይታ በ ፊደሎች ዝርዝር </emph> ሜዳ ውስጥ <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010800.xhp\" name=\"$[officename] - View\">$[officename] - መመልከቻ </link> በ ምርጫ ንግግር ሳጥን ውስጥ </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"vorschautext\">You can see the name of the fonts formatted in their respective font if you mark the <emph>Preview in fonts lists</emph> field in <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010800.xhp\" name=\"$[officename] - View\"><emph>$[officename] - View</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9829,8 +9829,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you click the <emph>Decrease Indent</emph> icon while holding down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> key, the indent for the selected paragraph is moved by the default tab stop that has been set under <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040200.xhp\" name=\"Writer - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - General</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">እርስዎ ከ ተጫኑ የ <emph>ማስረጊያ ማሳነሻ</emph> ምልክት ተጭነው ይዘው የ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">ትእዛዝ</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> ቁልፍ: የ ተመረጠው ማስረጊያ ለ አንቀጹ በ ነባር ይንቀሳቀሳል በ tab ማስቆሚያ በ ተሰናዳበት ስር<link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040200.xhp\" name=\"Writer - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME መጻፊያ - ባጠቃላይ</emph></link> በ ምርጫ ንግግር ሳጥን ውስጥ</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you click the <emph>Decrease Indent</emph> icon while holding down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> key, the indent for the selected paragraph is moved by the default tab stop that has been set under <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040200.xhp\" name=\"Writer - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - General</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9861,8 +9861,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Click the Increase Indent icon to increase the left indent of the current paragraph or cell content and set it to the next default tab position.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">ይጫኑ የ ማስረጊያ መጨመሪያ ምልክት ለ መጨመር የ ግራ ማስረጊያውን በ አሁኑ አንቀጽ ውስጥ: ወይንም የ ክፍል ይዞታ እና ወደ ነባር tab ቦታ ለማሰናዳት </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Click the <emph>Increase Indent</emph> icon to increase the left indent of the current paragraph or cell content and set it to the next default tab position.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9893,8 +9893,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Click the <emph>Increase Indent</emph> icon while holding down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> key to move the indenting of the selected paragraph by the default tab distance set under <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040200.xhp\" name=\"Writer - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - General</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">ይጫኑ የ <emph> ማስረጊያ መጨመሪያ </emph> ምልክት ተጭነው ይዘው የ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"> ትእዛዝ </caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> ቁልፍ: የ ተመረጠው ማስረጊያ ለ አንቀጹ በ ነባር ይንቀሳቀሳል በ tab ማስቆሚያ በተሰናዳበት ስር <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040200.xhp\" name=\"Writer - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME መጻፊያ - ባጠቃላይ </emph></link> በ ምርጫ ንግግር ሳጥን ውስጥ </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Click the <emph>Increase Indent</emph> icon while holding down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> key to move the indenting of the selected paragraph by the default tab distance set under <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040200.xhp\" name=\"Writer - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - General</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9933,8 +9933,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Indent increased by the amount with the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command key</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl key</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "ማስረጊያ ተጨምሯል በ ይህን ያህል መጠን በ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">ትእዛዝ ቁልፍ</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl ቁልፍ</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "Indent increased by the amount with the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> key."
+msgstr ""
#: 02140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10069,8 +10069,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To turn off highlighting, press Esc."
-msgstr "ማድመቂያውን ለማጥፋት መዝለያውን ይጫኑ"
+msgid "To turn off highlighting, press <emph>Esc</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 02160000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10157,8 +10157,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaspaceIncrease\">Click the<emph> Increase Spacing </emph>icon to increase the paragraph spacing above the selected paragraph.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaspaceIncrease\">ይጫኑ የ <emph> ክፍተት መጨመሪያ </emph> ምልክት ለ መጨመር የ አንቀጹን ክፍተት ከ ላይ ለ ተመረጠው አንቀጽ </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaspaceIncrease\">Click the <emph>Increase Spacing</emph> icon to increase the paragraph spacing above the selected paragraph.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03110000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10181,8 +10181,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can make additional adjustments to the spacing by selecting <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing\"><emph>Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing</emph></link>"
-msgstr "እርስዎ ተጨማሪ ማስተካከያ ማድረግ ይችላሉ ለ ክፍተት በ መምረጥ <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing\"><emph>አቀራረብ - አንቀጽ - ማስረጊያ & ክፍተት</emph></link>"
+msgid "You can make additional adjustments to the spacing by selecting <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing\"><emph>Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing</emph></link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 03120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10205,8 +10205,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaspaceDecrease\">Click the<emph> Decrease Spacing </emph>icon to decrease the paragraph spacing above the selected paragraph.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaspaceDecrease\">ይጫኑ የ<emph> ክፍተት መቀነሻ </emph>ምልክት ለ መቀነስ የ አንቀጹን ክፍተት ከ ላይ ለ ተመረጠው አንቀጽ</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaspaceDecrease\">Click the <emph>Decrease Spacing</emph> icon to decrease the paragraph spacing above the selected paragraph.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10229,8 +10229,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can make additional adjustments to the spacing by selecting <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing\"><emph>Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing</emph></link>"
-msgstr "እርስዎ ተጨማሪ ማስተካከያ ማድረግ ይችላሉ ለ ክፍተት በ መምረጥ <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing\"><emph>አቀራረብ - አንቀጽ - ማስረጊያ & ክፍተት</emph></link>"
+msgid "You can make additional adjustments to the spacing by selecting <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing\"><emph>Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing</emph></link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 03130000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10269,8 +10269,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">To apply a particular type of border to a single cell, position the cursor in the cell, open the <emph>Border</emph> toolbar and select a border. </caseinline><defaultinline>Whenever you insert graphics or tables, they already have a complete border. To remove that border, select the graphic object or the entire table and click the \"no border\" icon on the <emph>Border</emph> toolbar.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">የ ተወሰነ አይነት ድንበር ለ መፈጸም ወደ ነጠላ ክፍል: መጠቆሚያውን በ ክፍሉ ውስጥ ያድርጉ: መክፈቻ የ <emph> ድንበር </emph> እቃ መደርደሪያ እና ድንበር ይምረጡ </caseinline><defaultinline> እርስዎ መቼም ሲያስገቡ ንድፎች ወይንም ሰንጠረዦች: ሙሉ ድንበር ይኖራቸዋል: ድንበር ለማስወገድ: የ ንድፍ እቃ ይምረጡ ወይንም ጠቅላላ ሰንጠረዡን እና ይጫኑ \"ድንበር የለም\" ምልክት ላይ በ <emph> ድንበር </emph> እቃ መደርደሪያ ላይ </defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">To apply a particular type of border to a single cell, position the cursor in the cell, open the <emph>Border</emph> toolbar and select a border.</caseinline><defaultinline> Whenever you insert graphics or tables, they already have a complete border. To remove that border, select the graphic object or the entire table and click the <emph>no border</emph> icon on the <emph>Border</emph> toolbar.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03130000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10293,8 +10293,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Further information can be found in the Help in <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\"><emph>Borders</emph></link>. You can also find information on how to <link href=\"text/shared/guide/border_table.xhp\" name=\"format a text table\">format a text table</link> with the <emph>Borders</emph> icon."
-msgstr "መረጃ በበለጠ በ እርዳት ውስጥ ይገኛል <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\"><emph>ድንበሮች</emph></link>. እንዲሁም መረጃ ማግኘት ይችላሉ እንዴት የ <link href=\"text/shared/guide/border_table.xhp\" name=\"format a text table\">ጽሁፍ ሰንጠረዥ አቀራረብ</link> በ <emph>ድንበሮች</emph> ምልክት"
+msgid "Further information can be found in the Help in <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\"><emph>Borders</emph></link>. You can also find information on how to <link href=\"text/shared/guide/border_table.xhp\" name=\"format a text table\"><emph>format a text table</emph></link> with the <emph>Borders</emph> icon."
+msgstr ""
#: 03140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10349,8 +10349,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For more information, see the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\">Borders</link> section of the Help."
-msgstr "ለ በለጠ መረጃ ይህን ይመልከቱ <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\"> ድንበሮች </link> ክፍል በ እርዳታ ውስጥ"
+msgid "For more information, see the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\"><emph>Borders</emph></link> section of the Help."
+msgstr ""
#: 03150000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10397,8 +10397,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For more information, see the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\">Borders</link> section in the Help."
-msgstr "ለ በለጠ መረጃ ይህን ይመልከቱ <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\"> ድንበሮች </link> ክፍል በ እርዳታ ውስጥ"
+msgid "For more information, see the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\"><emph>Borders</emph></link> section in the Help."
+msgstr ""
#: 03200000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10429,16 +10429,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"verankerungtext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:ToggleAnchorType\">Allows you to switch between anchoring options.</ahelp></variable> The<emph> Change Anchor </emph>icon is only visible when an object such as a graphic or control field<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"> or frame</caseinline></switchinline> is selected."
-msgstr "<variable id=\"verankerungtext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:ToggleAnchorType\">በ ማስቆሚያ ምርጫ መካከል መቀያየር ያስችሎታል: </ahelp></variable> የ<emph> ማስቆሚያ መቀየሪያ </emph>ምልክት የሚታየው እቃ እንደ ንድፍ ወይም መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳ<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"> ወይንም ክፈፍ</caseinline></switchinline> በሚመረጥ ጊዜ ነው"
+msgid "<variable id=\"verankerungtext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:ToggleAnchorType\">Allows you to switch between anchoring options.</ahelp></variable> The <emph>Change Anchor</emph> icon is only visible when an object such as a graphic or control field <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">or frame</caseinline></switchinline> is selected."
+msgstr ""
#: 03200000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Further information about the anchoring is contained in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05260000.xhp\" name=\"Anchoring\"><emph>Anchoring</emph></link> Help section."
-msgstr "ለ በለጠ መረጃ ስለ ማስቆሚያ ይህን ይመልከቱ <link href=\"text/shared/01/05260000.xhp\" name=\"Anchoring\"><emph> ማስቆሚያ </emph></link> ክፍል በ እርዳታ ውስጥ"
+msgid "Further information about the anchoring is contained in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05260000.xhp\" name=\"Anchoring\"><emph>Anchoring</emph></link> help section."
+msgstr ""
#: 04210000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10581,8 +10581,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Select an object and click the<emph> Rotate</emph> icon on the<emph> Drawing</emph> toolbar. </caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Select an object and click the Rotate icon on the Drawing toolbar. </caseinline><defaultinline>Select an object and click the<emph> Rotate</emph> icon on the <emph>Drawing Object Properties</emph> toolbar.</defaultinline></switchinline> Drag a corner handle of the object in the direction you want to rotate it."
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">እቃ ይምረጡ እና ይጫኑ የ <emph> ማዞሪያ</emph> ምልክት ከ <emph> መሳያ </emph> እቃ መደርደሪያ </caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"> እቃ ይምረጡ እና ይጫኑ የ ማዞሪያ ምልክት በ መሳይ እቃ መደርደሪያ ላይ </caseinline><defaultinline> እቃ ይምረጡ እና ይጫኑ የ <emph> ማዞሪያ </emph> ምልክት ከ <emph> መሳይ እቃ ባህሪዎች </emph> እቃ መደርደሪያ ላይ</defaultinline></switchinline> የ እቃውን ጠርዝ ይዘው ይጎትቱ ማዞር ወደሚፈልጉት አቅጣጫ"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Select an object and click the <emph>Rotate</emph> icon on the <emph>Drawing</emph> toolbar.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Select an object and click the <emph>Rotate</emph> icon on the <emph>Drawing</emph> toolbar.</caseinline><defaultinline>Select an object and click the <emph>Rotate</emph> icon on the <emph>Drawing Object Properties</emph> toolbar.</defaultinline></switchinline> Drag a corner handle of the object in the direction you want to rotate it."
+msgstr ""
#: 05090000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10677,8 +10677,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The<emph> Demote One Level </emph>icon is on the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> bar, which appears when the cursor is positioned on a numbering or bullets item. </caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Demote </emph>icon is on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar, which appears when working in the outline view. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"> የ <emph> ዝቅ ማድረጊያ አንድ ደረጃ </emph> ምልክት ያለው በ <emph> ነጥቦች እና ቁጥር መስጫ </emph> መደርደሪያ ላይ ነው: የሚታየው መጠቆሚያውን በ ነጥቦች እና ቁጥር መስጫ እቃዎች ላይ ሲያደርጉ ነው: </caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"> የ <emph> ዝቅ ማድረጊያ </emph> ምልክት ያለው በ <emph> ጽሁፍ አቀራረብ </emph> መደርደሪያ ላይ ነው: የሚታየው በ ረቂቅ መመልከቻ ሲሰሩ ነው </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The<emph> Demote One Level </emph>icon is on the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> bar, which appears when the cursor is positioned on a numbering or bullets item.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Demote</emph> icon is on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar, which appears when working in the outline view.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06050000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10693,8 +10693,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Demote One Level </caseinline><defaultinline>Demote</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">አንድ ደረጃ ዝቅ ማድረጊያ</caseinline><defaultinline>ዝቅ ማድረጊያ</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Demote One Level</caseinline><defaultinline>Demote</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06060000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10725,8 +10725,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The<emph> Promote One Level </emph>icon is on the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> bar, which appears when the cursor is positioned on a numbering or bullets item. </caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The<emph> Promote </emph>icon is on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar, which appears when working in the outline view. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">የ<emph> ከፍ ማድረጊያ አንድ ደረጃ </emph> ምልክት ያለው በ <emph> ነጥቦች እና ቁጥር መስጫ </emph> መደርደሪያ ላይ ነው: የሚታየው መጠቆሚያውን በ ነጥቦች እና ቁጥር መስጫ እቃዎች ላይ ሲያደርጉ ነው: </caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">የ<emph> ከፍ ማድረጊያ </emph> ምልክት ያለው በ <emph> ጽሁፍ አቀራረብ </emph> መደርደሪያ ላይ ነው: የሚታየው በ ረቂቅ መመልከቻ ሲሰሩ ነው </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The <emph>Promote One Level</emph> icon is on the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> bar, which appears when the cursor is positioned on a numbering or bullets item.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Promote</emph> icon is on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar, which appears when working in the outline view.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06060000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10741,8 +10741,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Promote One Level </caseinline><defaultinline>Promote</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">አንድ ደረጃ ከፍ ማድረጊያ </caseinline><defaultinline>ከፍ ማድረጊያ</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Promote One Level</caseinline><defaultinline>Promote</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06100000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10773,16 +10773,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you have numbered paragraphs and click the<emph> Move Up </emph>icon, the numbers will be adjusted to the current order. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The <emph>Move Up </emph>icon is only visible when the cursor is positioned in a bulleted or numbered list.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Move Up </emph>icon appears on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> Bar when you use the outline view.</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "እርስዎ ቁጥር የተሰጣቸው አንቀጾች ካለዎት ይጫኑ <emph> ወደ ላይ ማንቀሳቀሻ </emph> ምልክት: ቁጥሮቹ ይስተካከላሉ ወደ አሁኑ ደንብ <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"> የ <emph> ወደ ላይ ማንቀሳቀሻ </emph> ምልክት የሚታየው መጠቆሚያውን በ ነጥብ እና ቁጥር የተሰጣቸው እቃዎች ዝርዝር ላይ ሲያደርጉ ነው: </caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"> የ <emph> ወደ ላይ ማንቀሳቀሻ </emph> ምልክት የሚታየው በ <emph> ጽሁፍ አቀራረብ </emph> መደርደሪያ ላይ ነው: የሚታየው በ ረቂቅ መመልከቻ ሲሰሩ ነው </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "If you have numbered paragraphs and click the <emph>Move Up</emph> icon, the numbers will be adjusted to the current order. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The <emph>Move Up</emph> icon is only visible when the cursor is positioned in a bulleted or numbered list.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Move Up</emph> icon appears on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar when you use the outline view.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06100000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "This function can be called by pressing <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Up Arrow."
-msgstr "ይህን ተግባር መጥራት የሚቻለው በ መጫን ነው <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">ትእዛዝ</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+ቀስት ወደ ላይ"
+msgid "This function can be called by pressing <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Up Arrow</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 06100000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10829,16 +10829,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you have numbered paragraphs and click the<emph> Move Down </emph>icon, the numbers will be adjusted to the current order. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The <emph>Move Down </emph>icon is only visible when the cursor is positioned in a bulleted or numbered list. </caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Move Down </emph>icon appears on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> Bar when you use the outline view. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "እርስዎ ቁጥር የተሰጣቸው አንቀጾች ካለዎት ይጫኑ <emph> ወደ ታች ማንቀሳቀሻ </emph> ምልክት: ቁጥሮቹ ይስተካከላሉ ወደ አሁኑ ደንብ <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"> የ <emph> ወደ ታች ማንቀሳቀሻ </emph> ምልክት የሚታየው መጠቆሚያውን በ ነጥብ እና ቁጥር የተሰጣቸው እቃዎች ዝርዝር ላይ ሲያደርጉ ነው: </caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"> የ <emph> ወደ ታች ማንቀሳቀሻ </emph> ምልክት የሚታየው በ <emph> ጽሁፍ አቀራረብ </emph> መደርደሪያ ላይ ነው: የሚታየው በ ረቂቅ መመልከቻ ሲሰሩ ነው </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "If you have numbered paragraphs and click the <emph>Move Down</emph> icon, the numbers will be adjusted to the current order. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The <emph>Move Down</emph> icon is only visible when the cursor is positioned in a bulleted or numbered list.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Move Down</emph> icon appears on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar when you use the outline view.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06110000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "This function can be called by pressing <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Down Arrow."
-msgstr "ይህን ተግባር መጥራት የሚቻለው በ መጫን ነው <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">ትእዛዝ</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+ቀስት ወደ ታች"
+msgid "This function can be called by pressing <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Down Arrow</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 06110000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10885,32 +10885,32 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Bullet options such as type and position are defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering\"><emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph></link> dialog. To open this dialog, click the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> icon on the <link href=\"text/swriter/main0206.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering Bar\">Bullets and Numbering Bar</link></caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"> የ ነጥብ ምርጫ እንደ አይነት እና ቦታ የሚገለጹት በ <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering\"><emph> ነጥብ እና ቁጥር መስጫ</emph></link> ንግግር ውስጥ ነው: ይህን ንግግር ለ መክፈት: ይጫኑ የ <emph>ነጥብ እና ቁጥር መስጫ</emph> ምልክት በ <link href=\"text/swriter/main0206.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering Bar\">ነጥብ እና ቁጥር መስጫ መደርደሪያ ላይ</link></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Bullet options such as type and position are defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering\"><emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph></link> dialog. To open this dialog, click the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> icon on the <link href=\"text/swriter/main0206.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering Bar\"><emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> bar</link>.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Bullet options such as type and position are defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering\">Bullets and Numbering</link> dialog. To open this dialog, click the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> icon on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> Bar. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"> የ ነጥብ ምርጫ እንደ አይነት እና ቦታ የሚገለጹት በ <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering\">ነጥብ እና ቁጥር መስጫ</link> ንግግር ነው: ይህን ንግግር ለ መክፈት: ይጫኑ የ <emph>ነጥብ እና ቁጥር መስጫ</emph> ምልክት በ <emph>ጽሁፍ አቀራረብ </emph> መደርደሪያ ላይ </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Bullet options such as type and position are defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering\"><emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph></link> dialog. To open this dialog, click the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> icon on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">In the <link href=\"text/swriter/01/03120000.xhp\" name=\"Web Layout\">Web Layout</link>, some numbering/bullet options are not available. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">በ <link href=\"text/swriter/01/03120000.xhp\" name=\"Web Layout\">ዌብ እቅድ</link>, አንዳንድ ቁጥር መስጫ/ነጥብ ምርጫ ዝግጁ አይደሉም </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">In the <link href=\"text/swriter/01/03120000.xhp\" name=\"Web Layout\"><emph>Web Layout</emph></link>, some numbering/bullet options are not available.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The distance between the text and the left text frame and the position of the bullets can be determined in the dialog under <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph\"><emph>Format - Paragraph</emph></link> by entering the left indent and the first-line indent. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">በ ጽሁፍ እና በ ግራ በኩል ያለው የ ጽሁፍ ክፈፍ እና የ ነጥቦች ቦታ የሚወሰነው በ ንግግር ነው በ <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph\"><emph>አቀራረብ - አንቀጽ</emph></link> በማስገባት የ ግራ ማስረጊያ እና የ መጀመሪያ-መስመር ማስረጊያ </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The distance between the text and the left text frame and the position of the bullets can be determined in the dialog under <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph\"><emph>Format - Paragraph</emph></link> by entering the left indent and the first-line indent.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10957,8 +10957,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enable Load URL with the <emph>Visible Buttons</emph> command (right-click the toolbar)."
-msgstr "URL መጫኛ ማስቻያ <emph> በሚታዩ ቁልፎች </emph> ትእዛዝ (በ ቀኝ-ይጫኑ በ እቃ መደርደሪያ) ላይ"
+msgid "Enable <emph>Load URL</emph> with the <emph>Visible Buttons</emph> command (right-click the toolbar)."
+msgstr ""
#: 07060000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11053,8 +11053,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_HELP_TEXT_SELECTION_MODE\">You can enable a selection cursor in a read-only text document or in the Help. Choose <emph>Edit - Select Text </emph>or open the context menu of a read-only document and choose <emph>Select Text</emph>. The selection cursor does not blink.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_HELP_TEXT_SELECTION_MODE\">እርስዎ ማስቻል ይችላሉ የ መጠቆሚያ መምረጫ ለ ንባብ-ብቻ ጽሁፍ ሰነድ ውስጥ ወይንም በ እርዳታ ውስጥ: ይምረጡ <emph> ማረሚያ - ጽሁፍ መምረጫ </emph> ወይንም መክፈቻ የ አገባብ ዝርዝር ለ ንባብ-ብቻ ጽሁፍ ሰነድ እና ይምረጡ <emph> ጽሁፍ መምረጫ </emph> የ ተመረጠው መጠቆሚያ ብልጭ ድርግም አይልም </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_HELP_TEXT_SELECTION_MODE\">You can enable a selection cursor in a read-only text document or in the Help. Choose <emph>Edit - Select Text</emph> or open the context menu of a read-only document and choose <emph>Select Text</emph>. The selection cursor does not blink.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 07070100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11117,8 +11117,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To make changes in a database used by more than one person, you must have the appropriate access rights. When you edit an external database, there is no intermediate storage by $[officename] of the changes made. They are sent directly to the database."
-msgstr "ከ አንድ በላይ ተጠቃሚ ባለው ዳታቤዝ ውስጥ እርስዎ ለውጦች መፈጸም ከ ፈለጉ: እርስዎ ተገቢው ፍቃድ ያስፈልጎታል: እርስዎ የ ውስጥ ዳታቤዝ በሚያርሙ ጊዜ: በ ሁለቱ መሀከል ማስቀመጫ የለም $[officename] የ ተፈጸመውን ለውጥ: በ ቀጥታ የሚላኩት ወደ ዳታቤዝ ውስጥ ነው"
+msgid "To make changes in a database used by more than one person, you <emph>must have</emph> the appropriate access rights. When you edit an external database, there is <emph>no</emph> intermediate storage by $[officename] of the changes made. They are sent <emph>directly</emph> to the database."
+msgstr ""
#: 07070200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11149,8 +11149,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Saves the current database table record.</ahelp> The<emph> Save Record </emph>icon is found on the <link href=\"text/shared/main0212.xhp\" name=\"Database Bar\">Table Data bar</link>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">የ አሁኑን ዳታቤዝ መዝገብ ማስቀመጫ </ahelp> የ <emph> መዝገብ ማስቀመጫ </emph> ምልክት የሚገኘው በ <link href=\"text/shared/main0212.xhp\" name=\"Database Bar\"> ሰንጠረዥ ዳታ መደርደሪያ </link>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Saves the current database table record.</ahelp> The <emph>Save Record</emph> icon is found on the <link href=\"text/shared/main0212.xhp\" name=\"Database Bar\"><emph>Table Data</emph> bar</link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 07070200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11181,8 +11181,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Stop\">Click to interrupt the current loading process, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>-click to interrupt all loading processes.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Stop\">ይጫኑ ለማቋረጥ የ መጫኛ ሂደቱን <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"> ትእዛዝ </caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>-ይጫኑ ለማቋረጥ ሁሉንም የ መጫኛ ሂደቶች </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Stop\">Click to interrupt the current loading process, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+click to interrupt all loading processes.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 07090000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11205,8 +11205,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ExportDirectToPDF\" visibility=\"visible\">Exports the current document directly as PDF. No settings dialog is shown.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ExportDirectToPDF\" visibility=\"visible\">የ አሁኑን ሰነድ በ ቀጥታ እንደ PDF መላኪያ: ምንም የ ማሰናጃ ንግግር አይታይም </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ExportDirectToPDF\" visibility=\"visible\">Exports the current document directly as <emph>PDF</emph>. No settings dialog is shown.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 08010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11253,8 +11253,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:StatusGetPosition\">Displays the current cursor position in the %PRODUCTNAME Basic document. The row number is specified, then the column number.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:StatusGetPosition\">መጠቆሚያ አሁን ያለበትን ቦታ ማሳያ በ %PRODUCTNAME Basic ሰነድ ውስጥ: የ ረድፍ ቁጥር ይወሰናል ከዛ የ አምድ ቁጥር </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:StatusGetPosition\">Displays the current cursor position in the <emph>%PRODUCTNAME</emph> Basic document. The row number is specified, then the column number.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11317,8 +11317,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the Hyperlink dialog.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">መክፈቻ የ Hyperlink ንግግር </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the <emph>Hyperlink</emph> dialog.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11421,8 +11421,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>Internet</emph> page of the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">Hyperlink dialog</link> to edit hyperlinks with WWW or FTP addresses.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">ይጠቀሙ የ <emph> ኢንተርኔት </emph> ገጽ በ <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">Hyperlink ንግግር</link> ለ ማረም hyperlinks በ WWW ወይንም FTP አድራሻዎች </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>Internet</emph> page of the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\"><emph>Hyperlink</emph> dialog</link> to edit hyperlinks with <emph>WWW</emph> or <emph>FTP</emph> addresses.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11453,8 +11453,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkinternetpage/linktyp_internet\">Creates an http hyperlink.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkinternetpage/linktyp_internet\">http hyperlink. መፍጠሪያ</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkinternetpage/linktyp_internet\">Creates an \"<emph>http://</emph>\" hyperlink.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11469,8 +11469,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkinternetpage/linktyp_ftp\">Creates an FTP hyperlink.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkinternetpage/linktyp_ftp\">FTP hyperlink. መፍጠሪያ</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkinternetpage/linktyp_ftp\">Creates an \"<emph>FTP://</emph>\" hyperlink.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11613,8 +11613,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Assign Macro</emph> dialog, in which you can give events such as \"mouse over object\" or \"trigger hyperlink\" their own program codes.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">መክፈቻ የ <emph> ማክሮስ መመደቢያ </emph> ንግግር ውስጥ: እርስዎ ሁኔታዎችን እንደ \"አይጥ በ እቃ ላይ\" ወይንም \"hyperlink ማስጀመሪያ\" የ ራሳቸውን ፕሮግራም ኮዶች የሚሰጡበት </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Assign Macro</emph> dialog, in which you can give events such as \"<emph>mouse over object</emph>\" or \"<emph>trigger hyperlink</emph>\" their own program codes.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11645,8 +11645,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Enter a name for the hyperlink.</ahelp> $[officename] inserts a NAME tag in the hyperlink."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">ለ hyperlink ስም ያስገቡ </ahelp> $[officename] የ ስም tag ያስገቡ በ hyperlink ውስጥ"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Enter a name for the hyperlink.</ahelp> $[officename] inserts a <emph>NAME</emph> tag in the hyperlink."
+msgstr ""
#: 09070200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11669,8 +11669,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">On the <emph>Mail</emph> page in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">Hyperlink dialog</link> you can edit hyperlinks for e-mail addresses.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\"> በ <emph> ደብዳቤ </emph> ገጽ ውስጥ በ <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">Hyperlink ንግግር </link> ውስጥ እርስዎ ማረም ይችላሉ hyperlinks ለ ኢ-ሜይል አድራሻዎች </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">On the <emph>Mail</emph> page in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\"><emph>Hyperlink</emph> dialog</link> you can edit hyperlinks for e-mail addresses.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11693,8 +11693,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Assigns the specified e-mail address to the hyperlink.</ahelp> Clicking the new hyperlink in the document will open a new message document, addressed to the receiver specified in the <emph>Recipient</emph> field."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\"> የ ተወሰነ የ ኢ-ሜይል አድራሻ ለ hyperlink.ይመድቡ </ahelp> በ እርስዎ ሰነድ ውስጥ አዲስ hyperlink ላይ መጫን አዲስ የ መልእክት ሰነድ ይከፍታል: ለ ተወሰነ የ ተቀባይ አድራሻ የያዘ በ <emph> ተቀባይ </emph> ሜዳ ውስጥ"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Assigns the specified <emph>e-mail address</emph> to the hyperlink.</ahelp> Clicking the new hyperlink in the document will open a new message document, addressed to the receiver specified in the <emph>Recipient</emph> field."
+msgstr ""
#: 09070200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11709,8 +11709,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkmailpage/adressbook\">Hides or shows the data source browser.</ahelp> Drag the receiver's <emph>E-mail</emph> data field from the data source browser into the <emph>Recipient</emph> text field."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkmailpage/adressbook\">መደበቂያ ወይንም ማሳያ የ ዳታ ምንጭ መቃኛ </ahelp> ይጎትቱ የ ተቀባዩን <emph> ኢ-ሜይል </emph> ዳታ ሜዳ ከ ዳታ ምንጭ መቃኛ ውስጥ ወደ <emph> ተቀባዩ </emph> የ ጽሁፍ ሜዳ ውስጥ"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkmailpage/adressbook\">Hides or shows the <emph>data source</emph> browser.</ahelp> Drag the receiver's <emph>E-mail</emph> data field from the data source browser into the <emph>Recipient</emph> text field."
+msgstr ""
#: 09070200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11725,8 +11725,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkmailpage/subject\">Specifies the subject that is inserted in the subject line of the new message document.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkmailpage/subject\">በ አዲስ መልእክት ሰነድ ውስጥ ጉዳይ ይወስኑ የ ገባውን እንደ ጉዳይ መስመር</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkmailpage/subject\">Specifies the <emph>subject</emph> that is inserted in the subject line of the new message document.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11749,8 +11749,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Hyperlinks to any document or targets in documents can be edited using the <emph>Document</emph> tab from the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">Hyperlink dialog</link>.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Hyperlinks በ ማንኛውም ሰነድ ወይንም ኢላማዎች ሰነድ ውስጥ ማረም ይችላሉ በ መጠቀም የ <emph> ሰነድ </emph> tab ከ <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">Hyperlink ንግግር </link></ahelp> ውስጥ"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Hyperlinks to any document or targets in documents can be edited using the <emph>Document</emph> tab from the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\"><emph>Hyperlink</emph> dialog</link>.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11773,8 +11773,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Enter a URL for the file that you want to open when you click the hyperlink. If you do not specify a target frame, the file opens in the current document or frame.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">URL ያስገቡ ለ ፋይል እርስዎ መክፈት ለሚፈልጉት በሚጫኑ ጊዜ hyperlink. እርስዎ ካልወሰኑ የ ኢላማ ክፈፍ: ፋይሉ ይከፈታል በ አሁኑ ሰነድ ወይንም ክፈፍ ውስጥ </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Enter a <emph>URL</emph> for the file that you want to open when you click the hyperlink. If you do not specify a target frame, the file opens in the current document or frame.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11789,8 +11789,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkdocpage/fileopen\">Opens the <emph>Open dialog</emph>, where you can select a file.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkdocpage/fileopen\">መክፈቻ የ <emph> ንግግር መክፈቻ </emph> እርስዎ ፋይል የሚመርጡበት </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkdocpage/fileopen\">Opens the <emph>Open</emph> dialog, where you can select a file.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11869,8 +11869,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>New Document</emph> tab from the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">Hyperlink dialog</link> to set up a hyperlink to a new document and create the new document simultaneously.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">ይጠቀሙ የ <emph> አዲስ ሰነድ </emph> tab ከ <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">Hyperlink ንግግር </link> ውስጥ ወደ ማሰናጃ የ hyperlink ለ አዲስ ሰነድ እና አዲስ ሰነድ መፍጠሪያ በ ተመሳሳይ ጊዜ </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>New Document</emph> tab from the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\"><emph>Hyperlink</emph> dialog</link> to set up a hyperlink to a new document and create the new document simultaneously.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070400.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11933,8 +11933,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinknewdocpage/path\">Enter a URL for the file that you want to open when you click the hyperlink.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinknewdocpage/path\"> ለ ፋይል እርስዎ URL ያስገቡ እንዲከፍት ለሚፈልጉት እርስዎ hyperlink. በሚጫኑ ጊዜ</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinknewdocpage/path\">Enter a <emph>URL</emph> for the file that you want to open when you click the hyperlink.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070400.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -12125,8 +12125,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"> <caseinline select=\"WRITER\">To Document End</caseinline> <defaultinline>Last Page</defaultinline> </switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"> <caseinline select=\"WRITER\">ወደ ሰነድ መጨረሻ</caseinline> <defaultinline>መጨረሻ ገጽ</defaultinline> </switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">To Document End</caseinline><defaultinline>Last Page</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 10100000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -12149,8 +12149,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:CloseWin\">Closes the current window.</ahelp> Choose <emph>Window - Close Window</emph>, or press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+F4. In the print preview of $[officename] Writer and Calc, you can close the current window by clicking the <emph>Close Preview</emph> button."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:CloseWin\">የ አሁኑን መስኮት መዝጊያ</ahelp> ይምረጡ <emph> መስኮት - መስኮት መዝጊያ </emph> ወይንም ይጫኑ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"> ትእዛዝ </caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+F4. በ ማተሚያ ቅድመ እይታ በ $[officename] መጻፊያ ወይንም ሰንጠረዥ: እርስዎ የ አሁኑን መስኮት መዝጋት ይችላሉ በ መጫን የ <emph> መዝጊያ ቅድመ እይታ </emph> ቁልፍ"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:CloseWin\">Closes the current window.</ahelp> Choose <emph>Window - Close Window</emph>, or press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>F4</emph>. In the print preview of $[officename] Writer and Calc, you can close the current window by clicking the <emph>Close Preview</emph> button."
+msgstr ""
#: 10100000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13605,8 +13605,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "While the functions <link href=\"text/shared/02/12010000.xhp\" name=\"Sort in Ascending Order\"><emph>Sort in Ascending Order</emph></link> and <link href=\"text/shared/02/12020000.xhp\" name=\"Sort in Descending Order\"><emph>Sort in Descending Order</emph></link> sort by one criterion only, you can combine several criteria in the<emph> Sort Order </emph>dialog."
-msgstr "ተግባሮች <link href=\"text/shared/02/12010000.xhp\" name=\"Sort in Ascending Order\"><emph> መለያ እየጨመረ በሚሄድ ደንብ </emph></link> እና <link href=\"text/shared/02/12020000.xhp\" name=\"Sort in Descending Order\"><emph> መለያ እየቀነስ በሚሄድ ደንብ </emph></link> መለያ በ አንድ መመዘኛ ብቻ: እርስዎ መቀላቀል ይችላሉ በርካታ መመዘኛዎች በ <emph> መለያ ደንብ </emph>ንግግር ውስጥ"
+msgid "While the functions <link href=\"text/shared/02/12010000.xhp\" name=\"Sort in Ascending Order\"><emph>Sort in Ascending Order</emph></link> and <link href=\"text/shared/02/12020000.xhp\" name=\"Sort in Descending Order\"><emph>Sort in Descending Order</emph></link> sort by one criterion only, you can combine several criteria in the <emph>Sort Order</emph> dialog."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13637,8 +13637,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you sort the field name \"First name\" in ascending order and the field name \"last name\" in descending order, all records will be sorted in ascending order by first name, and then within the first names, in descending order by last name."
-msgstr "እርስዎ የ ሜዳ ስም ከለዩ \"መጀመሪያ ስም\" እየጨመረ በሚሄድ መለያ ደንብ እና የ ሜዳ ስም \"የ አባት ስም\" እየቀነሰ በሚሄድ መለያ ደንብ: ሁሉም መዝገቦች ይለያሉ በ እየጨመረ በሚሄድ መለያ ደንብ በ መጀመሪያ ስም እና ከዛ በ መጀመሪያ ስሞች: እየቀነሰ በሚሄድ መለያ ደንብ በ አባት ስም"
+msgid "If you sort the field name \"First name\" in ascending order and the field name \"Last name\" in descending order, all records will be sorted in ascending order by first name, and then within the first names, in descending order by last name."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13701,8 +13701,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>tables in databases; searching</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>forms; browsing</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>records; searching in databases</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>searching; databases</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>databases; searching records</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>ሰንጠረዦች ዳታቤዞች: ውስጥ</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ፎርሞች: መቃኛ</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>መዝገቦች: መፈለጊያ ዳታቤዞች ውስጥ</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>መፈለጊያ: ዳታቤዞች ውስጥ</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ዳታቤዞች ውስጥ: መፈለጊያ መዝገቦች</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>tables in databases; searching</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>forms; browsing</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>records; searching in databases</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>searching; databases</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>databases; searching records</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13717,8 +13717,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"suchentext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:RecSearch\" visibility=\"hidden\">Searches database tables and forms.</ahelp> In forms or database tables, you can search through data fields, list boxes, and check boxes for specific values. </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"suchentext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:RecSearch\" visibility=\"hidden\">መፈለጊያ ከ ዳታ ሰንጠረዥ እና ፎርሞች ውስጥ </ahelp> በ ፎርሞች ወይንም ዳታቤዝ ሰንጠረዦች ውስጥ እርስዎ መፈለግ ይችላሉ በ ሙሉ የ ዳታቤዝ ሜዳዎች: ዝርዝር ሳጥኖች: እና ምልክት ማድረጊያ ሳጥኖች ውስጥ ለ ተወሰኑ ዋጋዎች </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"suchentext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:RecSearch\" visibility=\"hidden\">Searches database tables and forms.</ahelp> In forms or database tables, you can search through data fields, list boxes, and check boxes for specific values.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13733,8 +13733,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The search described here is carried out by <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item>. If you want to use the SQL server to search in a database, then you should use the <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"Form-based Filters\">Form-based Filters</link> icon on the <link href=\"text/shared/main0213.xhp\" name=\"Form Bar\">Form Bar</link>."
-msgstr "እዚህ የ ተገለጸው ፍለጋ ተካሂዷል በ <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> እርስዎ መጠቀም ከፈለጉ የ SQL ሰርቨር ዳታቤዝ ውስጥ መፈለግ: እርስዎ መጠቀም አለብዎት የ <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"Form-based Filters\">ፎርም-መሰረት ያደረገ ማጣሪያዎች </link> ምልክት በ <link href=\"text/shared/main0213.xhp\" name=\"Form Bar\"> ፎርም መደርደሪያ ላይ </link>"
+msgid "The search described here is carried out by <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item>. If you want to use the SQL server to search in a database, then you should use the <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"Form-based Filters\"><emph>Form-based Filters</emph></link> icon on the <link href=\"text/shared/main0213.xhp\" name=\"Form Bar\"><emph>Form</emph> bar</link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14077,8 +14077,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You have a date field, which is saved in \"DD.MM.YY\" format in the database (for example, 17.02.65). The format of the entry is changed in the data source view to \"DD MMM YYYY\" (17 Feb 1965). Following this example, a record containing February 17 is only found when the <emph>Apply field format</emph> option is on:"
-msgstr "እርስዎ የ ቀን ሜዳ አለዎት: የ ተቀመጠ በ \"ቀቀ.ወወ.አአ\" አቀራረብ ከ ዳታቤዝ ውስጥ (ለምሳሌ: 17.02.65). የ አቀራረብ ማስገቢያው ተቀይሯል ከ ዳታ ምንጭ መመልከቻ ውስጥ ወደ \"ቀቀ ወወወ አአአአ\" (17 ጥር 1965). ይህን ምሳሌ በ መከተል: መዝገብ የያዘ ጥር 17 ብቻ ይገኛል በ <emph> መፈጸሚያ ሜዳ አቀራረብ </emph> ምርጫ በርቶ ከሆነ:"
+msgid "You have a date field, which is saved in \"<emph>DD.MM.YY</emph>\" format in the database (for example, <emph>17.02.65</emph>). The format of the entry is changed in the data source view to \"<emph>DD MMM YYYY</emph>\" (<emph>17 Feb 1965</emph>). Following this example, a record containing February 17 is only found when the <emph>Apply field format</emph> option is on:"
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14165,24 +14165,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "\"5\" returns \"14:00:00\" as a time"
-msgstr "\"5\" ይመልሳል \"14:00:00\" እንደ ሰአት"
+msgid "\"5\" returns \"14:00:00\" as a time."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Time fields are not defined for dBASE databases and must be simulated. To internally display the time \"14:00:00\", a 5 is necessary."
-msgstr "የ ሰአት ሜዳዎች አይገለጽም ለ የ ዳታቤዝ ዳታቤዝ እና ማሳየት አለበት: በ ውስጥ ሰአት ለማሳየት \"14:00:00\", a 5 አስፈላጊ ነው"
+msgid "Time fields are not defined for <emph>dBASE</emph> databases and must be simulated. To internally display the time \"<emph>14:00:00</emph>\", a \"<emph>5</emph>\" is necessary."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "\"00:00:00\" returns all records of a standard date field"
-msgstr "\"00:00:00\" ሁሉንም መደበኛ የ ቀን ሜዳ መዝገቦች ይመልሳል"
+msgid "\"00:00:00\" returns all records of a standard date field."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14205,8 +14205,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The view shown does not match what is stored internally. For example, if value 45.789 is stored in the database as a field of type Number/Double and the shown formatting is set to display only two decimals, \"45.79\" is only returned in searches with field formatting."
-msgstr "የ መመልከቻ ማሳያ አይመሳሰልም ከ ውስጥ ማስቀመጫው ጋር: ለምሳሌ: ዋጋ ከሆነ 45.789 የ ተቀመጠው ከ ዳታቤዝ ውስጥ እንደ ሜዳ አይነት ቁጥር /ድርብ እና የሚያሳየው አቀራረብ ማሰናጃ ለ ማሳያ ሁለት አሀዝ ዴሲማል \"45.79\" ነው: በ ፍለጋው የሚመልሰው በ ሜዳ አቀራረብ"
+msgid "The view shown does not match what is stored internally. For example, if value \"<emph>45.789</emph>\" is stored in the database as a field of type \"<emph>Number/Double</emph>\" and the shown formatting is set to display only two decimals, \"<emph>45.79</emph>\" is only returned in searches with field formatting."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14221,8 +14221,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "However, searching without <emph>Apply field format </emph>is appropriate for larger databases with no formatting issues, because it is faster."
-msgstr "ነገር ግን መፈለግ ያለ <emph> የ ሜዳ አቀራረብ መፈጸሚያ </emph> ተገቢ ነው ለ ትልቅ ዳታቤዞች ያለ ምንም አቀራረብ ችግር: ምክንያቱም በጣም ፈጣን ነው"
+msgid "However, searching without <emph>Apply field format</emph> is appropriate for larger databases with no formatting issues, because it is faster."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14301,8 +14301,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/fmsearchdialog/cbWildCard\" visibility=\"hidden\">Allows a search with a * or ? wildcard.</ahelp> You can use the following wildcards:"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/fmsearchdialog/cbWildCard\" visibility=\"hidden\">መፈለግ ያስችላል በ * ወይንም ? ሁለገብ </ahelp> እርስዎ የሚቀጥሉትን ሁለገብ ካርዶች መጠቀም ይችላሉ:"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/fmsearchdialog/cbWildCard\" visibility=\"hidden\">Allows a search with a <emph>*</emph> or <emph>?</emph> wildcard.</ahelp> You can use the following wildcards:"
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14397,8 +14397,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you want to search for the actual characters ? or *, preface them with a backslash: \"\\?\" or \"\\*\". However, this is only necessary when <emph>Wildcard expression</emph> is enabled. When the option is not enabled, the wildcard characters are processed like normal characters."
-msgstr "እርስዎ ከ ፈለጉ ማግኘት ትክክለኛውን ባህሪዎች ? ወይንም *, መግለጽ ከ ወደ ኋላ ስላሽ: \"\\?\" ወይንም \"\\*\". ነገር ግን: ይህ ብቻ የሚያስፈልገው የ<emph> ሁሉገብ መግለጫ </emph> ካስቻሉ ነው: ይህን ምርጫ ካላስቻሉ: የ ሁለገብ ባህሪዎች የሚወሰዱት እንደ መደበኛ ባህሪዎች ነው"
+msgid "If you want to search for the actual characters <emph>?</emph> or <emph>*</emph>, preface them with a backslash: \"<emph>\\?</emph>\" or \"<emph>\\*</emph>\". However, this is only necessary when <emph>Wildcard expression</emph> is enabled. When the option is not enabled, the wildcard characters are processed like normal characters."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14413,8 +14413,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/fmsearchdialog/cbRegular\">Searches with regular expressions.</ahelp> The same regular expressions that are supported here are also supported in the <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> <link href=\"text/shared/01/02100000.xhp\" name=\"Find & Replace dialog\">Find & Replace dialog</link>."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/fmsearchdialog/cbRegular\">በ መደበኛ አገላለጽ መፈለጊያ</ahelp> ተመሳሳይ መደበኛ አገላለጽ መፈለጊያ እዚህ የተደገፉ እንዲሁም ይደገፋሉ በ <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> <link href=\"text/shared/01/02100000.xhp\" name=\"Find & Replace dialog\">መፈለጊያ & መቀየሪያ ንግግር</link>."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/fmsearchdialog/cbRegular\">Searches with regular expressions.</ahelp> The same regular expressions that are supported here are also supported in the <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> <link href=\"text/shared/01/02100000.xhp\" name=\"Find & Replace dialog\"><emph>Find & Replace</emph> dialog</link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14493,16 +14493,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "In very large databases, finding the record in reverse search order can take some time. In this case, the status bar informs you that the records are still being counted."
-msgstr "በጣም ትልቅ ዳታቤዞች ውስጥ: መዝገቦችን በ ኋሊዮሽ ደንብ መፈለግ ትንሽ ጊዜ ይወስዳል: ሰለዚህ የ ሂኔታዎች መደርደሪያ የ መዝገቦችን ሁኔታ የተቆጠረ መሆኑን ያሳውቆታል"
+msgid "In very large databases, finding the record in reverse search order can take some time. In this case, the <emph>status bar</emph> informs you that the records are still being counted."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Search / Cancel"
-msgstr "መፈለጊያ / መሰረዣ"
+msgid "Search/Cancel"
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14565,8 +14565,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Unlike the normal search, which is activated by the <link href=\"text/shared/02/12100200.xhp\" name=\"Find Record\">Find Record</link> icon on the <emph>Form</emph> Bar, you can search more quickly by using the form-based filter. Usually a quick database server is charged with the search. Also, you can enter more complex search conditions."
-msgstr "ከ መደበኛ መፈለጊያ የ ተለየ: የሚጀምረው በ <link href=\"text/shared/02/12100200.xhp\" name=\"Find Record\"> መዝገብ መፈለጊያ </link> ምልክት ነው በ <emph> ፎርም </emph> መደርደሪያ ላይ: እርስዎ መፈለግ ይችላሉ ተጨማሪ በፍጥነት በ መጠቀም ፎርም-መሰረት ያደረገ ማጣሪያ: ብዙ ጊዜ በፍጥነት የ ዳታቤዝ ሰርቨር በ መፈለጊያ የተሞላ ነው: እንዲሁም: እርስዎ ማስገባት ይችላሉ ተጨማሪ ውስብስብ መፈለጊያ ሁኔታዎች"
+msgid "Unlike the normal search, which is activated by the <link href=\"text/shared/02/12100200.xhp\" name=\"Find Record\"><emph>Find Record</emph></link> icon on the <emph>Form</emph> bar, you can search more quickly by using the form-based filter. Usually a quick database server is charged with the search. Also, you can enter more complex search conditions."
+msgstr ""
#: 12110000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14629,8 +14629,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The<emph> Apply Filter </emph>function retains <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"form-based filters\">form-based filters</link> that have been set. You do not need to redefine them."
-msgstr "የ<emph> ማጣሪያ መፈጸሚያ </emph>ተግባር ይቆያል <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"form-based filters\">ፎርም-መሰረት ያደረገ ማጣሪያ</link> ቀደም ብሎ የተሰናዳው: እርስዎ እንደገና ማጣራት የለብዎትም"
+msgid "The <emph>Apply Filter</emph> function retains <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"form-based filters\"><emph>form-based filters</emph></link> that have been set. You do not need to redefine them."
+msgstr ""
#: 12130000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14661,8 +14661,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ViewFormAsGrid\">Activates an additional table view when in the form view.</ahelp> When the<emph> Data source as table</emph> function is activated, you see the table in an area above the form."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ViewFormAsGrid\">ተጨማሪ የ ሰንጠረዥ መመልከቻ ማስጀመሪያ በ መመልከቻ ዘዴ ውስጥ ሲሆኑ </ahelp> ይህ <emph> የ ዳታ ምንጭ ሰንጠረዥ እንደ</emph> ተግባር ይጀምራል: ለ እርስዎ ሰንጠረዥ ክ ፎርሙ በላይ ይታያል"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ViewFormAsGrid\">Activates an additional table view when in the form view.</ahelp> When the <emph>Data source as table</emph> function is activated, you see the table in an area above the form."
+msgstr ""
#: 12130000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14685,8 +14685,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The table view and form view reflect the same data. Changes made in the table are also visible in the form, and changes to the form are visible in the table."
-msgstr "የ ሰንጠረዥ መመልከቻ እና የ ፎርም መመልከቻ የሚያሳዩት ተመሳሳይ ዳታ ነው: በ ሰንጠረዥ መመልከቻ ላይ የ ተደረገ ለውጥ በ ፎርም መመልከቻ ላይ ይታያል: በ ፎርም መመልከቻ ላይ የ ተደረገ ለውጥ በ ሰንጠረዥ መመልከቻ ላይ ይታያል"
+msgid "The <emph>Table view</emph> and <emph>Form view</emph> reflect the same data. Changes made in the table are also visible in the form, and changes to the form are visible in the table."
+msgstr ""
#: 12130000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14901,8 +14901,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Drag the bottom left mark to the right while pressing the mouse button"
-msgstr "ይጎትቱ ከ ታች በ ግራ ምልክት ማድረጊያ በኩል ወደ ቀኝ የ አይጥ መጠቆሚያ ተጭነው ይዘው"
+msgid "Drag the bottom left mark to the right while pressing the mouse button."
+msgstr ""
#: 13020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14917,8 +14917,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Drag the top left mark to the right while pressing the mouse button"
-msgstr "ይጎትቱ ከ ላይ በ ግራ ምልክት ማድረጊያ በኩል ወደ ቀኝ የ አይጥ መጠቆሚያ ተጭነው ይዘው"
+msgid "Drag the top left mark to the right while pressing the mouse button."
+msgstr ""
#: 13020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14933,16 +14933,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Drag the mark on the right to the left while pressing the mouse button"
-msgstr "ይጎትቱ ወደ ቀኝ ምልክት ማድረጊያ በኩል ወደ ግራ የ አይጥ መጠቆሚያ ተጭነው ይዘው"
+msgid "Drag the mark on the right to the left while pressing the mouse button."
+msgstr ""
#: 13020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "In order to change the left indent starting with the second line of a paragraph, hold down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> key, click the triangle on the bottom left, and drag it to the right."
-msgstr "የ ግራ ማስረጊያ ለ መቀየር ከ አንቀጹ ሁለተኛ መስመር ጀምሮ ተጭነው ይያዙ የ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">ትእዛዝ</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> ቁልፍ: ይጫኑ ከ ታች በ ግራ በኩል ያለውን ሶስት ማእዘን እና ወደ ቀኝ ይጎትቱት"
+msgid "In order to change the left indent starting with the second line of a paragraph, hold down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> key, click the triangle on the bottom left, and drag it to the right."
+msgstr ""
#: 13020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14981,8 +14981,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The<emph> Run Query </emph>function allows you to check the query. When you save the query, it is stored in the <emph>Query</emph> tab page."
-msgstr "የ<emph> ጥያቄ ማስኬጃ </emph>ተግባር እርስዎን የሚያስችለው ጥያቄዎችን መመርመር ነው: ጥያቄ በሚያስቀምጡ ጊዜ: የሚቀመጠው በ <emph>ጥያቄ</emph> tab ገጽ ውስጥ ነው"
+msgid "The <emph>Run Query</emph> function allows you to check the query. When you save the query, it is stored in the <emph>Query</emph> tab page."
+msgstr ""
#: 14010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15077,8 +15077,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"tabellehinzufuegentext\"><ahelp hid=\"dbaccess/ui/tablesjoindialog/tablelist\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the tables to be inserted into the design window.</ahelp> In the<emph> Add Tables </emph>dialog, select the tables you need for your current task. </variable> When creating a query or a new table presentation, select the corresponding table to which the query or table presentation should refer. When working with relational databases, select the tables between which you want to build relationships."
-msgstr "<variable id=\"tabellehinzufuegentext\"><ahelp hid=\"dbaccess/ui/tablesjoindialog/tablelist\" visibility=\"hidden\">በ ንድፍ መስኮት ውስጥ የሚገባውን ሰንጠረዥ መወሰኛ </ahelp> በ <emph> ሰንጠረዥ መጨመሪያ </emph> ንግግር ውስጥ: ይምረጡ ሰንጠረዥ እርስዎ የሚፈልጉትን ለ አሁኑ ስራ </variable> ጥያቄ በሚፈጥሩ ጊዜ: ይምረጡ ተመሳሳዩን ሰንጠረዥ ጥያቄው ወይንም የ ጥያቄው ማቅረቢያ ወደሚመሳከርበት: እርስዎ በሚሰሩ ጊዜ በ ግንኙነት ዳታቤዞች ይምረጡ ሰንጠረዥ: እርስዎ ግንኙነት መገንባት በሚፈልጉበት መካከል"
+msgid "<variable id=\"tabellehinzufuegentext\"><ahelp hid=\"dbaccess/ui/tablesjoindialog/tablelist\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the tables to be inserted into the design window.</ahelp> In the <emph>Add Tables</emph> dialog, select the tables you need for your current task.</variable> When creating a query or a new table presentation, select the corresponding table to which the query or table presentation should refer. When working with relational databases, select the tables between which you want to build relationships."
+msgstr ""
#: 14020100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15165,16 +15165,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Switch Design View On / Off"
-msgstr "የ ንድፍ መመልከቻ መቀየሪያ ማብሪያ / ማጥፊያ"
+msgid "Switch Design View On/Off"
+msgstr ""
#: 14020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/02/14020200.xhp\" name=\"Switch Design View On / Off\">Switch Design View On / Off</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/shared/02/14020200.xhp\" name=\"Switch Design View On / Off\">የ ንድፍ መመልከቻ መቀየሪያ ማብሪያ / ማጥፊያ</link>"
+msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/02/14020200.xhp\" name=\"Switch Design View On / Off\">Switch Design View On/Off</link>"
+msgstr ""
#: 14020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15197,8 +15197,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Switch Design View On / Off"
-msgstr "የ ንድፍ መመልከቻ መቀየሪያ ማብሪያ / ማጥፊያ"
+msgid "Switch Design View On/Off"
+msgstr ""
#: 14030000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15221,8 +15221,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:SbaNativeSql\">In Native SQL mode you can enter SQL commands that are not interpreted by $[officename], but are instead passed directly to the data source.</ahelp> If you do not display these changes in the design view, you cannot change back to the design view."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:SbaNativeSql\">በ Native SQL ዘዴ ውስጥ እርስዎ ማስገባት ይችላሉ የ SQL ትእዛዞች የማይተረጎሙ በ $[officename], ነገር ግን በ ቀጥታ ይተላለፋሉ ወደ ዳታ ምንጭ </ahelp> እርስዎ እነዚህን ለውጦች በ ንድፍ መመልከቻ ውስጥ: እርስዎ በኋላ መቀየር አይችሉም ወደ ንድፍ መመልከቻ"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:SbaNativeSql\">In <emph>Native SQL</emph> mode you can enter SQL commands that are not interpreted by $[officename], but are instead passed directly to the data source.</ahelp> If you do not display these changes in the design view, you cannot change back to the design view."
+msgstr ""
#: 14030000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15253,8 +15253,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click the icon again to return to normal mode, in which the changes in the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"New Query Design\">New Query Design</link> are synchronized with the permitted changes through SQL."
-msgstr "ይጫኑ በ ምልክት ላይ እንደገና ወደ መደበኛ ዘዴ ለመመለስ: ለውጡ ከ <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"New Query Design\"> አዲስ የ ጥያቄ ንድፍ </link> ጋር ይስማማል በ ተፈቀደው ለውጥ በ SQL ውስጥ"
+msgid "Click the icon again to return to normal mode, in which the changes in the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"New Query Design\"><emph>New Query Design</emph></link> are synchronized with the permitted changes through SQL."
+msgstr ""
#: 14040000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15277,8 +15277,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewFunctions\">Displays the \"Function\" row in the lower part of the design view of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\">Query Design</link> window.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewFunctions\">የ \"ተግባር\" ረድፍ በ ታችኛው ክፍል ማሳያ በ ንድፍ መመልከቻ በ <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\"> ጥያቄ ንድፍ </link> መስኮት ውስጥ </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewFunctions\">Displays the <emph>Function</emph> row in the lower part of the design view of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\"><emph>Query Design</emph></link> window.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 14040000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15317,8 +15317,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Displays the \"Table\" row in the lower part of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\">Query Design</link>.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">የ \"ሰንጠረዥ\" ረድፍ በ ታችኛው ክፍል ማሳያ በ <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\"> ጥያቄ ንድፍ ውስጥ </link></ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Displays the <emph>Table</emph> row in the lower part of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\"><emph>Query Design</emph></link>.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 14050000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15357,8 +15357,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewAliases\">Displays the \"Alias\" row in the lower part of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\">Query Design</link>.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewAliases\">የ \"ሀሰት\" ረድፍ በ ታችኛው ክፍል ማሳያ በ <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\"> ጥያቄ ንድፍ ውስጥ </link></ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewAliases\">Displays the <emph>Alias</emph> row in the lower part of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\"><emph>Query Design</emph></link>.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 14060000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15405,8 +15405,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:DBDistinctValues\">Expands the created select statement of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"SQL Query\">SQL Query</link> in the current column by the parameter DISTINCT.</ahelp> The consequence is that identical values occurring multiple times are listed only once."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:DBDistinctValues\">ማስፊያ የ ተፈጠረውን እና የ ተመረጠውን በ <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"SQL Query\">SQL ጥያቄ</link> በ አሁኑ አምድ በ ተለየ ደንብ ውስጥ </ahelp> ውጤቱ ተመሳሳይ ዋጋዎች በርካታ ጊዜ የ ተዘረዘሩ አንዴ ጊዜ ብቻ ይዘረዘራል"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:DBDistinctValues\">Expands the created select statement of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"SQL Query\"><emph>SQL Query</emph></link> in the current column by the parameter <emph>DISTINCT</emph>.</ahelp> The consequence is that identical values occurring multiple times are listed only once."
+msgstr ""
#: 14070000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15469,24 +15469,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To select an object, click the object with the arrow. To select more than one object, drag a selection frame around the objects. To add an object to a selection, press Shift, and then click the object. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>The objects selected together can then be defined as a <link href=\"text/shared/01/05290000.xhp\" name=\"group\">group</link>, turning them into a single group object.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "እቃ ለ መምረጥ ይጫኑ እቃውን በ ቀስት: ከ አንድ በላይ እቃ ለ መምረጥ: ይጎትቱ የ ምርጫውን ክፈፍ በ እቃው ዙሪያ: እቃ ለ መጨመር ወደ ምርጫ: ይጫኑ Shift: ቁልፍ እና ከዛ ይጫኑ እቃ <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>በ አንድ ላይ የ ተመረጡ እቃዎችን መግለጽ ይቻላል እንደ <link href=\"text/shared/01/05290000.xhp\" name=\"group\">ቡድን</link> ወደ አንድ የ ቡድን እቃ ይቀይራቸዋል </defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "To select an object, click the object with the arrow. To select more than one object, drag a selection frame around the objects. To add an object to a selection, press <emph>Shift</emph>, and then click the object. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>The objects selected together can then be defined as a <link href=\"text/shared/01/05290000.xhp\" name=\"group\">group</link>, turning them into a single group object.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 18010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>You can edit individual elements of a group. You can also delete elements from a group with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Shift</defaultinline></switchinline>+click.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>እርስዎ የ ቡድኑን እያንዳንዱ አካሎች ማረም ይችላሉ: እንዲሁም እርስዎ አካሎችን ከ ቡደኑ ውስጥ ማጥፋት ይችላሉ በ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">ትእዛዝ</caseinline><defaultinline>Shift</defaultinline></switchinline>+ይጫኑ</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>You can edit individual elements of a group. You can also delete elements from a group with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Shift</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+click.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 18010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>You can select single objects from a group by double-clicking, if you first disable the <emph>Double-click to edit Text</emph> icon on the <emph>Option</emph> Bar.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>እርስዎ መምረጥ ይችላሉ ነጠላ እቃዎች ከ ቡድን ውስጥ: ሁለት ጊዜ-ይጫኑ: አሰናክለው ከሆነ <emph> ሁለት ጊዜ-ይጫኑ ጽሁፍ ለ ማረም </emph> ምልክት በ <emph> ምርጫ </emph> መደርደሪያ ላይ </defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>You can select single objects from a group by double-clicking, if you first disable the <emph>Double-click to edit Text</emph> icon on the <emph>Option</emph> bar.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 18030000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15557,8 +15557,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "In HTML Source mode, you can view and edit the <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#tags\" name=\"tags\">tags</link> of <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#html\" name=\"HTML\">HTML</link>. Save the document as a plain text document. Assign an .html or .htm extension to designate the document as HTML."
-msgstr "በ HTML ምንጭ ዘዴ: እርስዎ መመልከት እና ማረም ይችላሉ የ <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#tags\" name=\"tags\">tags</link> ለ <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#html\" name=\"HTML\">HTML</link>. ሰንዱን ያስቀምጡ እንደ መደበኛ የ ጽሁፍ ሰነድ: ይመድቡ የ .html ወይንም .htm ተጨማሪዎች ለ መሰየም ሰነዱን እንደ HTML."
+msgid "In <emph>HTML Source</emph> mode, you can view and edit the <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#tags\" name=\"tags\">tags</link> of <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#html\" name=\"HTML\">HTML</link>. Save the document as a plain text document. Assign an <emph>.html</emph> or <emph>.htm</emph> extension to designate the document as HTML."
+msgstr ""
#: 20020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15589,40 +15589,40 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:LayoutStatus\">Displays the current Page Style. Double-click to edit the style, right-click to select another style.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:LayoutStatus\">የ አሁኑን የ ገጽ ዘዴ ማሳያ: ሁለት-ጊዜ ይጫኑ ዘዴውን ለ ማረም በ ቀኝ-ይጫኑ ሌላ ዘዴ ለ መምረጥ</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:LayoutStatus\">Displays the current <emph>Page Style</emph>. Double-click to edit the style, right-click to select another style.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 20020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Double-click the<emph> Page Style field </emph>to open the <link href=\"text/swriter/01/05040000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\">Page Style</link> dialog, in which you can edit the style for the current page. In the context menu of this field, you can apply a Page Style. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">ሁለት-ጊዜ ይጫኑ የ<emph> ገጽ ዘዴ ሜዳ </emph> ለ መክፈት የ <link href=\"text/swriter/01/05040000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\"> ገጽ ዘዴ </link> ንግግር: ለ አሁኑ ገጽ ዘዴ ማረም የሚችሉበት: በዚህ አገባብ ዝርዝር ሜዳ ውስጥ: እርስዎ የ ገጽ ዘዴ መፈጸም ይችላሉ </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Double-click the <emph>Page Style</emph> field to open the <link href=\"text/swriter/01/05040000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\"><emph>Page Style</emph></link> dialog, in which you can edit the style for the current page. In the context menu of this field, you can apply a page style.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 20020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Double-click the <emph>Page Style</emph> field to open the <link href=\"text/scalc/01/05070000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\">Page Style</link> dialog, in which you can edit the style for the current page. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">ሁለት-ጊዜ ይጫኑ የ <emph>ገጽ ዘዴ</emph> ሜዳ ለ መክፈት የ <link href=\"text/scalc/01/05070000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\">ገጽ ዘዴ</link> ንግግር: ለ አሁኑ ገጽ ዘዴ ማረም የሚችሉበት: </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Double-click the <emph>Page Style</emph> field to open the <link href=\"text/scalc/01/05070000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\"><emph>Page Style</emph></link> dialog, in which you can edit the style for the current page.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 20020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Double-click this field to open the <link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\">Slide Design</link> dialog in which you can select the style for the current slide. You can select a different paper format or background. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">ሁለት-ጊዜ ይጫኑ የ ገጽ ዘዴ ሜዳ ለ መክፈት የ <link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\"> ተንሸራታች ንድፍ </link> ንግግር: ለ አሁኑ ተንሸራታች ዘዴ መምረጥ የሚችሉበት: እንዲሁም የ ተለያየ የ ወረቀት አቀራረብ ወይንም መደብ መምረጥ የሚችሉበት </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Double-click this field to open the <link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\"><emph>Slide Design</emph></link> dialog in which you can select the style for the current slide. You can select a different paper format or background.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 20020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Double-click this field to open the <link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\">Slide Design</link> dialog in which you select the style for the current page. You can select a different paper format or background. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">ሁለት-ጊዜ ይጫኑ የ ገጽ ዘዴ ሜዳ ለ መክፈት የ <link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\"> ተንሸራታች ንድፍ </link> ንግግር: ለ አሁኑ ተንሸራታች ዘዴ መምረጥ የሚችሉበት: እንዲሁም የ ተለያየ የ ወረቀት አቀራረብ ወይንም መደብ መምረጥ የሚችሉበት </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Double-click this field to open the <link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\"><emph>Slide Design</emph></link> dialog in which you select the style for the current page. You can select a different paper format or background.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 20030000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15661,8 +15661,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Double-clicking this field opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/03010000.xhp\" name=\"Zoom\">Zoom</link> dialog, where you can change the current zoom factor."
-msgstr "ሁለት ጊዜ-ሲጫኑ ይህ ሜዳ ይከፈታል የ <link href=\"text/shared/01/03010000.xhp\" name=\"Zoom\">ማሳያ</link> ንግግር: የ አሁኑን ማሳያ መጠን የሚቀይሩበት"
+msgid "Double-clicking this field opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/03010000.xhp\" name=\"Zoom\"><emph>Zoom</emph></link> dialog, where you can change the current zoom factor."
+msgstr ""
#: 20030000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15693,16 +15693,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertMode\">Displays the current insert mode. You can toggle between INSRT = insert and OVER = overwrite.</ahelp><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"> This field is only active if the cursor is in the input line of the formula bar or in a cell. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertMode\"> የ አሁኑን ማስገቢያ ዘዴ ማሳያ: እርስዎ መቀያየር ይችላሉ በ ማስገቢያ = ማስገቢያ እና በላይ = በላዩ ላይ ደርቦ መጻፊያ </ahelp><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"> ይህ ሜዳ ንቁ የሚሆነው መጠቆሚያው በ ማስገቢያ መስመር በ መቀመሪያ መደርደሪያ ወይንም በ ክፍል ውስጥ ሲሆን ነው </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertMode\">Displays the current insert mode. You can toggle between <emph>INSRT</emph> = insert and <emph>OVER</emph> = overwrite.</ahelp><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"> This field is only active if the cursor is in the input line of the formula bar or in a cell.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 20040000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click in the field to toggle the modes (except in the $[officename] Basic IDE, where only the <emph>Insert</emph> mode is active). If the cursor is positioned in a text document, you may also use the Insert key (if available on your keyboard) to toggle the modes."
-msgstr "ይጫኑ በ ሜዳ ላይ ዘዴዎች ለ መቀያየር (ከ $[officename] Basic IDE, በስተቀር: ከ <emph> ማስገቢያ </emph> ዘዴ ንቁ ብቻ) መጠቆሚያው በ ጽሁፍ ሰነድ ውስጥ ከሆነ: እርስዎ መጠቀም ይችላሉ የ ማስገቢያ ቁልፍ (በ እርስዎ የ ፊደል ገበታ ውስጥ ካለ) ዘዴዎች ለ መቀያየር"
+msgid "Click in the field to toggle the modes (except in the $[officename] Basic IDE, where only the <emph>Insert</emph> mode is active). If the cursor is positioned in a text document, you may also use the <emph>Insert</emph> key (if available on your keyboard) to toggle the modes."
+msgstr ""
#: 20040000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15765,8 +15765,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>selection modes in text</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>text; selection modes</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>extending selection mode</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>adding selection mode</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>block selection mode</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>መምረጫ ዘዴ በ ጽሁፍ ውስጥ</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ጽሁፍ; መምረጫ ዘዴ</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ማስፋፊያ መምረጫ ዘዴ</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>መጨመሪያ መምረጫ ዘዴ</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>መከልከያ መምረጫ ዘዴ</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>selection modes in text</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>text; selection modes</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>extending selection mode</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>adding selection mode</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>block selection mode</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>መምረጫ ዘዴዎች በ ጽሁፍ ውስጥ</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>ጽሁፍ: መምረጫ ዘዴዎች</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>ማስፋፊያ መምረጫ ዘዴ</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>መጨመሪያ መምረጫ ዘዴ</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>መከልከያ መምረጫ ዘዴ</bookmark_value>"
#: 20050000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15821,8 +15821,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "This is the default selection mode for text documents. With the keyboard, selections can be performed by Shift+NavigationKey (<item type=\"keycode\">arrows, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down</item>). With the mouse, click in the text where the selection is to start, hold the left mouse button and move to the end of the selection. Release the mouse key to end selection."
-msgstr "ይህ ነባር የ መምረጫ ዘዴ ነው ለ ጽሁፍ ሰነድ: በ ፊደል ገበታ: ምርጫዎችን መፈጸም ይቻላል በ Shift+መቃኛ ቁልፍ (<item type=\"keycode\"> ቀስቶች: ቤት: መጨረሻ: ገጽ ወደ ላይ: ገጽ ወደ ታች: </item>). አይጥ በ መጠቀም: ይጫኑ በ ጽሁፍ ላይ ምርጫው የሚጀምርበትን: ተጭነው ይያዙ የ አይጡን የ ግራ ቁልፍ እና ያንቀሳቅሱ ወደ ምርጫው መጨረሻ በኩል: የ አይጡን ቁልፍ ይልቀቁ ምርጫውን ለ መጨረስ:"
+msgid "This is the default selection mode for text documents. With the keyboard, selections can be performed by <emph>Shift</emph>+navigation key (<item type=\"keycode\">arrows, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down</item>). With the mouse, click in the text where the selection is to start, hold the left mouse button and move to the end of the selection. Release the mouse key to end selection."
+msgstr ""
#: 20050000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15837,8 +15837,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "By using the arrow keys or the <item type=\"keycode\">Home</item> and <item type=\"keycode\">End</item> keys you can extend or crop the current selection. Clicking into the text selects the text between the current cursor position and the click position."
-msgstr "የ ቀስት ቁልፎች በ መጠቀም ወይንም የ <item type=\"keycode\"> ቤት </item> እና <item type=\"keycode\"> መጨረሻ </item> ቁልፎች: እርስዎ የ አሁኑን ምርጫ ማስፋት ወይንም መከርከም ይችላሉ: ጽሁፍ ላይ መጫን ጽሁፍ ይመርጣል: በ አሁኑ መጠቆሚያው ባለበት ቦታ እና በሚጫኑበት ቦታ ውስጥ"
+msgid "By using the <emph>arrow</emph> keys or the <item type=\"keycode\">Home</item> and <item type=\"keycode\">End</item> keys you can extend or crop the current selection. Clicking into the text selects the text between the current cursor position and the click position."
+msgstr ""
#: 20050000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15909,8 +15909,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_MODIFYSTATUS\">If changes to the document have not yet been saved, a \"*\" is displayed in this field on the Status Bar. This also applies to new, not yet saved documents.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"SID_MODIFYSTATUS\">በ ሰነዱ ላይ የ ተደረገው ለውጥ ካልተቀመጠ: የ \"*\" ይታያል በ ሁኔታዎች መደርደሪያ ላይ: ይህ ለ አዲስ ሰነድም ይፈጸማል ገና ላልተቀመጠ ሰነድ </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_MODIFYSTATUS\">If changes to the document have not yet been saved, a \"<emph>*</emph>\" is displayed in this field on the <emph>Status</emph> bar. This also applies to new, not yet saved documents.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 20090000.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/04.po b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/04.po
index 70fd149b1c6..ad3f2a703e7 100644
--- a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/04.po
+++ b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/04.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-08 15:10+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-02 15:11+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Samson B <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1527952316.000000\n"
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>keyboard;general commands</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>shortcut keys;general</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>text input fields</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>AutoComplete function in text and list boxes</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>macros; interrupting</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>የ ፊደል ገበታ: ባጠቃላይ ትእዛዞች</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>አቋራጭ ቁልፎች: ባጠቃላይ</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>የ ጽሁፍ ማስገቢያ ሜዳዎች</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>በራሱ መሙያ የ ጽሁፍ ተግባሮች እና ዝርዝር ሳጥኖች</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ማክሮስ: ማቋረጫ</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>keyboard; general commands</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>shortcut keys; general</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>text input fields</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>AutoComplete function in text and list boxes</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>macros; interrupting</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "A great deal of your application's functionality can be called up by using shortcut keys. For example, the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command+O</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl+O</defaultinline></switchinline> shortcut keys are shown next to the <emph>Open</emph> entry in the <emph>File</emph> menu. If you want to access this function by using the shortcut keys, press and hold down <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> and then press the O key. Release both keys after the dialog appears."
-msgstr "በርካታ የ መፈጸሚያ ተግባሮችን መጥራት ይችላሉ የ አቋራጭ ቁልፎችን በመጠቀም ለምሳሌ የ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"> ትእዛዝ+O </caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl+O</defaultinline></switchinline> አቋራጭ ቁልፎች ይታያሉ በ <emph> መክፈቻ </emph> ማስገቢያ በ <emph> ፋይል </emph> ዝርዝር ውስጥ አቋራጭ ቁልፎች ጋር መድረስ ከፈለጉ: ተጭነው ይያዙ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"> ትእዛዝ </caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> እና ከዛ ይጫኑ O ቁልፍ ከዛ ሁለቱንም ቁልፎች ይልቀቁ ንግግሩ ከታያ በኋላ:"
+msgid "A great deal of your application's functionality can be called up by using shortcut keys. For example, the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command+O</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl+O</item></defaultinline></switchinline> shortcut keys are shown next to the <emph>Open</emph> entry in the <item type=\"menuitem\">File</item> menu. If you want to access this function by using the shortcut keys, press and hold down <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline> and then press the <item type=\"keycode\">O</item> key. Release both keys after the dialog appears."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>Some of the characters shown on the menu bar are underlined. You can access these menus directly by pressing the underlined character together with the ALT key. Once the menu is opened, you will again find underlined characters. You can access these menu items directly by simply pressing the underlined character key.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>በ ዝርዝር መደርደሪያው ላይ የሚታዩት አንዳንድ ባህሪዎች ከ ስራቸው ተሰምሯል: እርስዎ እነዚህ ዝርዝሮች ጋር በ ቀጥታ መድረስ ይችላሉ ከ ስራቸው የ ተሰመረባቸውን ባህሪዎች በ መጫን በ አንድ ጊዜ ከ ALT ቁልፍ ጋር: ዝርዝሩ ከ ተከፈተ በኋላ: ከ ስራቸው የ ተሰመረ ባህሪዎች እንደገና ያገኛሉ: እርስዎ እነዚህ ዝርዝሮች ጋር በ ቀጥታ መድረስ ይችላሉ ከ ስራቸው የ ተሰመረባቸውን ባህሪዎች ቁልፍ በ መጫን</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>Some of the characters shown on the menu bar are underlined. You can access these menus directly by pressing the underlined character together with the <item type=\"keycode\">Alt</item> key. Once the menu is opened, you will again find underlined characters. You can access these menu items directly by simply pressing the underlined character key.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -93,16 +93,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "There is always one element highlighted in any given dialog - usually shown by a broken frame. This element, which can be either a button, an option field, an entry in a list box or a check box, is said to have the focus on it. If the focal point is a button, pressing Enter runs it as if you had clicked it. A check box is toggled by pressing the spacebar. If an option field has the focus, use the arrow keys to change the activated option field in that area. Use the Tab key to go from one element or area to the next one, use Shift+Tab to go in the reverse direction."
-msgstr "ሁል ጊዜ የ ደመቀ አካል ይኖራል በተሰጠው አካል ንግግር - ውስጥ ብዙ ጊዜ የሚታየው በተሰበረ ክፈፍ ውስጥ ነው: ይህ አካል ቁልፍ ወይንም ምልክት ማድረጊያ ሳጥን ትኩረት ሊኖረው ይችላል: የ ትኩረቱ ነጥብ ቁልፍ ከሆነ: ማስገቢያውን ሲጫኑ ይሄዳል: ምልክት ማድረጊያ ሳጥን የሚቀየረው የ ክፍተት መደርደሪያ ሲጫኑ ነው: የ ምርጫ ሜዳ ትኩረት ካለው: የ ቀስት ቁልፍ ይጠቀሙ የ ተነሳውን ምርጫ ሜዳ በዛ ሜዳ ውስጥ ለ መቀየር: የ Tab ቁልፍ ይጠቀሙ ከ አንዱ አካል ወይንም ቦታ ወደሚቀጥለው ለመሄድ: ይጠቀሙ Shift+Tab በ ተቃራኒ አቅጣጫ ለመሄድ"
+msgid "There is always one element highlighted in any given dialog - usually shown by a broken frame. This element, which can be either a button, an option field, an entry in a list box or a check box, is said to have the focus on it. If the focal point is a button, pressing <item type=\"keycode\">Enter</item> runs it as if you had clicked it. A check box is toggled by pressing the <item type=\"keycode\">Spacebar</item>. If an option field has the focus, use the arrow keys to change the activated option field in that area. Use the <item type=\"keycode\">Tab</item> key to go from one element or area to the next one, use <item type=\"keycode\">Shift+Tab</item> to go in the reverse direction."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Pressing ESC closes the dialog without saving changes. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>If you place the focus on a button, not only will you see the dotted line framing the name of the button, but also a thicker shadow under the button selected. This indicates that if you exit the dialog by pressing the Enter key, it is the equivalent of pressing that button itself.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "እርስዎ ከ ተጫኑ ESC ማንኛውንም ንግግር ይዘጋል ለውጦቹ ሳይቀመጡ: <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline> እርስዎ ትኩረቱን በ ቁልፍ ላይ ካደረጉ: እርስዎ ነጠብጣብ መስመር ክፈፍ የ ቁልፍ ስም: እንዲሁም ወፍራም ጥላ ከ ቁልፉ ስር ይመረጣል: ይህ የሚያሳየው እርስዎ ከ ንግግሩ ቢወጡ ማስገቢያ ቁልፍ በ መጫን: ቁልፉን እራሱን የ መጫን ያህል እኩል ነው</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "Pressing <item type=\"keycode\">Esc</item> closes the dialog without saving changes. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>If you place the focus on a button, not only will you see the dotted line framing the name of the button, but also a thicker shadow under the button selected. This indicates that if you exit the dialog by pressing the <item type=\"keycode\">Enter</item> key, it is the equivalent of pressing that button itself.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you are using drag-and-drop, selecting with the mouse or clicking objects and names, you can use the keys Shift, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> and occasionally <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Option</caseinline><defaultinline>Alt</defaultinline></switchinline> to access additional functionality. The modified functions available when holding down keys during drag-and-drop are indicated by the mouse pointer changing form. When selecting files or other objects, the modifier keys can extend the selection - the functions are explained where applicable. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"UNIX\"><embedvar href=\"text/shared/00/00000099.xhp#winmanager\"/></caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "እርስዎ የሚጠቀሙ ከሆነ መጎተት-እና-መጣል: በ አይጥ በ መምረጥ ወይንም በ መጫን እቃዎችን እና ስሞችን: መጠቀም ይችላሉ የ Shift ቁልፍ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"> ትእዛዝ </caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> እና አንዳንድ ጊዜ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"> ምርጫ </caseinline><defaultinline>Alt</defaultinline></switchinline> ተጨማሪ ተግባሮች ጋር ለ መድረስ: የተሻሻሉት ተግባሮች ዝግጁ የሚሆኑት ቁልፉን ተጭነው ይዘው ሲጎትቱ-እና-ሲጥሉ ነው በ አይጥ መጠቆሚያው መቀየሪያ: ፋይሎች በሚመርጡ ጊዜ ወይንም ሌሎች እቃዎች: የማሻሻያ ቁልፎች ምርጫውን ያስፋፉል - ተግባሮቹ የሚገለጹት በሚፈጸሙበት ቦታ ነው <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"UNIX\"><embedvar href=\"text/shared/00/00000099.xhp#winmanager\"/></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "If you are using drag-and-drop, selecting with the mouse or clicking objects and names, you can use the keys <item type=\"keycode\">Shift</item>, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline> and occasionally <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Option</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Alt</item></defaultinline></switchinline> to access additional functionality. The modified functions available when holding down keys during drag-and-drop are indicated by the mouse pointer changing form. When selecting files or other objects, the modifier keys can extend the selection - the functions are explained where applicable. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"UNIX\"><embedvar href=\"text/shared/00/00000099.xhp#winmanager\"/></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -141,16 +141,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use the shortcut keys <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+S to open the <emph>Special Characters</emph> dialog to insert one or more special characters."
-msgstr "የ አቋራጭ ቁልፎችን ይጠቀሙ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">ትእዛዝ</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+S ለ መክፈቻ <emph>የተለዩ ባህሪዎችን</emph> ንግግር ለማስገባት አንድ ወይንም ከዚያ በላይ ባህሪዎችን"
+msgid "Use the shortcut keys <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Shift+S</item> to open the <emph>Special Characters</emph> dialog to insert one or more special characters."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+A to select the entire text. Use the right or left arrow key to remove the selection."
-msgstr "ይጠቀሙ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">ትእዛዝ</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+A ጠቅላላ ጽሁፉን ለመምረጥ: የ ቀኝ ወይንም የ ግራ ቀስትን ይጠቀሙ የተመረጠውን ለማስወገድ"
+msgid "Use <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+A</item> to select the entire text. Use the right or left arrow key to remove the selection."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -173,24 +173,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Del to delete everything from the cursor position to the end of the word."
-msgstr "ይጠቀሙ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">ትእዛዝ</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Del ለማጥፋት ሁሉንም ነገር መጠቆሚያው ካለበት ጀምሮ እስከ ቃላቱ መጨረሻ ድረስ"
+msgid "Use <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Del</item> to delete everything from the cursor position to the end of the word."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "By using <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> and right or left arrow key, the cursor will jump from word to word; if you also hold down the Shift key, one word after the other is selected."
-msgstr "ይህን በመጠቀም <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">ትእዛዝ</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> እና የ ቀኝ ወይንም የ ግራ ቀስት ቁልፍ መጠቆሚያው ከ አንድ ቃል ወደ ሌላው ቃል ይዘላል; Shift ቁልፍን ተጭነው ከያዙ ደግሞ ከ አንድ ፊደል ወደ ሌላው ፊደል ይዘላል"
+msgid "By using <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline> and right or left arrow key, the cursor will jump from word to word; if you also hold down the <item type=\"keycode\">Shift</item> key, one word after the other is selected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "INSRT is used to switch between the insert mode and the overwrite mode and back again."
-msgstr "ማስገቢያ የሚጠቅመው በ ማስገቢያ ዘዴ እና በ ላዩ ላይ ደርቦ መጻፊያ ዘዴ ለ መቀያየር ነው: እና እንደገና ወደ ኋላ"
+msgid "<item type=\"keycode\">INSRT</item> is used to switch between the insert mode and the overwrite mode and back again."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -205,24 +205,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Z shortcut keys are used to undo modifications one step at a time; the text will then have the status it had before the first change."
-msgstr "የ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">ትእዛዝ</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Z አቋራጭ ቁልፍ የሚጠቅሙት ማሻሻያዎችን ለ መተው ነው አንድ ደረጃ በ አንድ ጊዜ; ስለዚህም የ ጽሁፉ ሁኔታ ከ መቀየሩ በፊት እንደ ነበረው ይሆናል"
+msgid "The <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Z</item> shortcut keys are used to undo modifications one step at a time; the text will then have the status it had before the first change."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "$[officename] has an AutoComplete function which activates itself in some text and list boxes. For example, enter <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">c:\\a</caseinline><defaultinline>~/a</defaultinline></switchinline> into the URL field and the AutoComplete function displays the first file or first directory found <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">on the C: drive</caseinline><defaultinline>in your home folder</defaultinline></switchinline> that starts with the letter \"a\"."
-msgstr "$[officename] በራሱ መጨረሻ ተግባር አለው ለ አንዳንድ ጽሁፍ ራሱን ያስነሳ እና ዝርዝሮችን በ ሳጥን ውስጥ ያሳያል: ለምሳሌ: ያስገቡ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">c:\\a </caseinline><defaultinline>~/a</defaultinline></switchinline> ወደ URL ሜዳ እና በራሱ መጨረሻ ተግባር ያገኘውን የ መጀመሪያውን ፋይል ወይንም የ መጀመሪያውን ዳይሬክቶሪ ያሳያል <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">በ C: drive </caseinline><defaultinline>በ እርስዎ የ ቤት ፎልደር ውስጥ</defaultinline></switchinline> በ \"a\" ፊደል የሚጀምረውን"
+msgid "$[officename] has an <emph>AutoComplete</emph> function which activates itself in some text and list boxes. For example, enter <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\"><emph>c:\\a</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>~/a</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> into the URL field and the <emph>AutoComplete</emph> function displays the first file or first directory found <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">on the C: drive</caseinline><defaultinline>in your home folder</defaultinline></switchinline> that starts with the letter \"a\"."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use the down arrow key to scroll through the other files and directories. Use the right arrow key to also display an existing subdirectory in the URL field. Quick AutoComplete is available if you press the End key after entering part of the URL. Once you find the document or directory you want, press Enter."
-msgstr "ይጠቀሙ ቀስት ወደ ታች ቁልፍ ለ መሸብለል በ ፋይሎች እና ዳይሬክቶሪዎች ውስጥ: ይጠቀሙ ቀስት ወደ ቀኝ ቁልፍ ያሉትን ንዑስ ዳይሬክቶሪዎች ለ ማሳየት በ URL ሜዳ ውስጥ: በ ፍጥነት በራሱ መጨረሻ ዝግጁ ነው እርስዎ ከ ተጫኑ የ መጨረሻ ቁልፍ በ ከፊል URL ካስገቡ በኋላ: እርስዎ የሚፈልጉትን ሰነድ ወይንም ዳይሬክቶሪ ካገኙ በኋላ: ይጫኑ ማስገቢያውን"
+msgid "Use the <item type=\"keycode\">Down Arrow</item> key to scroll through the other files and directories. Use the <item type=\"keycode\">Right Arrow</item> key to also display an existing subdirectory in the URL field. Quick AutoComplete is available if you press the <item type=\"keycode\">End</item> key after entering part of the URL. Once you find the document or directory you want, press <item type=\"keycode\">Enter</item>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you want to terminate a macro that is currently running, press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+Q."
-msgstr "አሁን እየሄደ ያለውን ማክሮስ ማቋረጥ ከ ፈለጉ: ይጫኑ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"> ትእዛዝ </caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+Q."
+msgid "If you want to terminate a macro that is currently running, press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Shift+Q</item>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -253,8 +253,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The shortcut keys are shown on the right hand side of the menu lists next to the corresponding menu command. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">(Not all of the mentioned keys for controlling dialogs are available on the Macintosh.)</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "አቋራጭ ቁልፎች ከ ዝርዝር በ ቀኝ በኩል በ ቅደም ተከተል ከ ትእዛዝ ዝርዝር አጠገብ ይታያሉ: <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">(ሁሉም ከ ላይ የ ተጠቀሱት የ ቁልፎች መቆጣጠሪያ ንግግር በ Macintosh ላይታዩ ይችላሉ) </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "The shortcut keys are shown on the right hand side of the menu lists next to the corresponding menu command. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">(Not all of the mentioned keys for controlling dialogs are available on macOS.)</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -277,8 +277,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Effect</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>ተፅእኖ</emph>"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -293,8 +293,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Activates the focused button in a dialog"
-msgstr "ትኩረት የተደረገበትን ቁልፍ ማስነሻ ንግግር"
+msgid "Activates the focused button in a dialog."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -389,8 +389,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the list of the control field currently selected in a dialog. These shortcut keys apply not only to combo boxes but also to icon buttons with pop-up menus. Close an opened list by pressing the Escape key."
-msgstr "ዝርዝር የ መቆጣጠሪያ ሜዳ መክፈቻ አሁን ለ ተመረጠው ንግግር: እነዚህ አቋራጭ ቁልፎች ወደ ታች ለሚዘረገፍ ብቻ ሳይሆን ለ ምልክት ቁልፎች ከ ብቅ-ባይ ዝርዝሮች ጋር መፈጸም ይቻላል: የ ተከፈቱ ዝርዝሮችን የ መዝለያ ቁልፍ በ መጫን ይዝጉ"
+msgid "Opens the list of the control field currently selected in a dialog. These shortcut keys apply not only to combo boxes but also to icon buttons with pop-up menus. Close an opened list by pressing the <item type=\"keycode\">Esc</item> key."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -413,8 +413,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Effect</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>ተፅእኖ</emph>"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -557,8 +557,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>Toggles the view between fullscreen mode and normal mode in Writer or Calc</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>በ መጻፊያ እና በ ሰንጠረዥ ውስጥ መመልከቻውን በሙሉ መመልከቻ ዘዴ እና በ መደበኛ መመልከቻ ዘዴ መካከል መቀያየሪያ </defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>Toggles the view between fullscreen mode and normal mode in Writer or Calc.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -605,8 +605,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>Starts the $[officename] Help</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>ማስጀመሪያ የ $[officename] እርዳታ </defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>Starts the $[officename] Help.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -645,8 +645,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Turns on Extended Tips for the currently selected command, icon or control."
-msgstr "የ ተስፋፉ ምክሮችን መክፈቻ አሁን ለተመረጠው ትእዛዝ: ምልክት ወይንም መቆጣጠሪያ"
+msgid "Turns on <emph>Extended Tips</emph> for the currently selected command, icon or control."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -661,8 +661,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Sets focus in next subwindow (for example, document/data source view)"
-msgstr "ትኩረት ወደሚቀጥለው ንዑስ መስኮት ማሰናጃ (ለምሳሌ ሰነድ/የ ዳታ ምንጭ መመልከቻ)"
+msgid "Sets focus in next subwindow, for example, document/data source view."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -693,8 +693,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Activates the first menu (File menu)"
-msgstr "የ መጀመሪያ ዝርዝር ማስነሻ (የ ፋይል ዝርዝር)"
+msgid "Activates the first menu (File menu)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -725,8 +725,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Closes the current document (close $[officename] when the last open document is closed)"
-msgstr "የ አሁኑን ሰነድ መዝጊያ (መዝጊያ $[officename] የ መጨረሻው ሰነድ በሚዘጋበት ጊዜ)"
+msgid "Closes the current document. Closes $[officename] when the last open document is closed."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -765,8 +765,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Effect</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>ተፅእኖ</emph>"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -973,8 +973,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Italic</emph> attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also marked in italic."
-msgstr "የ <emph>ማዝመሚያ</emph> ባህሪ የሚፈጸመው በ ተመረጠው ቦታ ነው፡ መጠቆሚያው በ ቃሉ መሀከል ከሆነ እና ማዝመሚያውን ከተጫኑ ቃሉ ያዘምማል"
+msgid "The \"Italic\" attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also marked in italic."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -989,8 +989,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Bold</emph> attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also put in bold."
-msgstr "የ <emph>ማድመቂያ</emph> ባህሪ የሚፈጸመው በ ተመረጠው ቦታ ነው: መጠቆሚያው በ ቃሉ መሀከል ከሆነ እና ማድመቂያውን ከተጫኑ ቃሉ ይደምቃል"
+msgid "The \"Bold\" attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also put in bold."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1005,8 +1005,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Underlined</emph> attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also underlined."
-msgstr "የ <emph>ከ ስሩ ማስመሪያ</emph> ባህሪ የሚፈጸመው በ ተመረጠው ቦታ ነው: መጠቆሚያው በ ቃሉ መሀከል ከሆነ እና ከ ስር ማስመሪያን ከተጫኑ ቃሉ ከ ስሩ ይሰመራል"
+msgid "The \"Underlined\" attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also underlined."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1021,8 +1021,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Removes direct formatting from selected text or objects (as in <emph>Format - Clear Direct Formatting</emph>)"
-msgstr "ከ ተመረጠው ጽሁፍ ወይንም እቃዎች ውስጥ በ ቀጥታ አቀራረብ ማስወገጃ (እንደ <emph> አቀራረብ - በ ቀጥታ አቀራረብ ማጽጃ </emph>)"
+msgid "Removes direct formatting from selected text or objects (as in <item type=\"menuitem\">Format - Clear Direct Formatting</item>)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1045,8 +1045,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Result"
-msgstr "ውጤት"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1077,16 +1077,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Moves between areas (backwards)"
-msgstr "በ ቦታዎች መካከለ ማንቀሳቀሻ (ወደ ኋላ)"
+msgid "Moves backwards between areas."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Shortcut keys in the New Theme area of the Gallery:"
-msgstr "አቋራጭ ቁልፎች በ አዳራሹ አዲሱ ገጽታ ቦታ:"
+msgid "Shortcut keys in the <emph>New Theme</emph> area of the Gallery:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1101,8 +1101,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Result"
-msgstr "ውጤት"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1149,8 +1149,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the Properties dialog."
-msgstr "የ ባህሪዎች ንግግር መክፈቻ"
+msgid "Opens the <emph>Properties</emph> dialog."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1229,16 +1229,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Inserts a new theme"
-msgstr "አዲስ ገጽታ ማስገቢያ"
+msgid "Inserts a new theme."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Shortcut keys in the Gallery preview area:"
-msgstr "አቋራጭ ቁልፎች በ አዳራሽ ቅድመ እይታ ቦታ:"
+msgid "Shortcut keys in the <emph>Gallery Preview</emph> area:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1253,8 +1253,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Result"
-msgstr "ውጤት"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1365,8 +1365,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Scroll up one screen."
-msgstr "አንድ መመልከቻ ወደ ላይ መሸብለያ"
+msgid "Scrolls up one screen."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1381,8 +1381,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Scroll down one screen."
-msgstr "አንድ መመልከቻ ወደ ታች መሸብለያ"
+msgid "Scrolls down one screen."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1485,8 +1485,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Step backward (only in object view)"
-msgstr "አንድ ደረጃ ወደ ኋላ (ለ እቃዎች መመልከቻ ብቻ)"
+msgid "Step backward (only in object view)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1501,8 +1501,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Selecting Rows and Columns in a Database Table (opened by <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> + Shift + F4 keys)"
-msgstr "ከ ዳታቤዝ ሰንጠረዥ ውስጥ ረድፍ እና አምድ መምረጥ (የ ተከፈተውን በ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">ትእዛዝ</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> + Shift + F4 ቁልፎች)"
+msgid "Selecting Rows and Columns in a Database Table (opened by <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Shift+F4</item> keys)"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1517,8 +1517,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Result"
-msgstr "ውጤት"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1549,8 +1549,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Toggles row selection"
-msgstr "የ ረድፍ ምርጫዎችን መቀያየሪያ"
+msgid "Toggles row selection."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1565,8 +1565,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Selects the current column"
-msgstr "የ አሁኑን አምድ መምረጫ"
+msgid "Selects the current column."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1581,8 +1581,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Moves pointer to the first row"
-msgstr "መጠቆሚያውን ወደ ረድፉ መጀመሪያ ማንቀሳቀሻ"
+msgid "Moves pointer to the first row."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1597,8 +1597,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Moves pointer to the last row"
-msgstr "መጠቆሚያውን ወደ ረድፉ መጨረሻ ማንቀሳቀሻ"
+msgid "Moves pointer to the last row."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1621,16 +1621,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Result"
-msgstr "ውጤት"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the toolbar with F6. Use the Down Arrow and Right Arrow to select the desired toolbar icon and press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ የ እቃ መደርደሪያውን በ F6 ይጠቀሙ ቀስት ወደ ታች እና የ ቀኝ ቀስት የሚፈልጉትን የ እቃ መደርደሪያ ምልክት ለመምረጥ እና ይጫኑ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"> ትእዛዝ </caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+ማስገቢያ"
+msgid "Select the toolbar with <item type=\"keycode\">F6</item>. Use the <item type=\"keycode\">Down Arrow</item> and <item type=\"keycode\">Right Arrow</item> keys to select the desired toolbar icon and press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Enter</item>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1645,8 +1645,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the document with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+F6 and press Tab"
-msgstr "ሰነድ መምረጫ በ <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">ትእዛዝ</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+F6 እና ይጫኑ Tab"
+msgid "Select the document with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+F6</item> and press <item type=\"keycode\">Tab</item>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1749,8 +1749,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Exit Handle Selection Mode and return to Object Selection Mode."
-msgstr "መውጫ ከ እጅ የ ምርጫ ዘዴ እና መመለሻ ወደ እቃ ምርጫ ዘዴ"
+msgid "Exits <emph>Handle Selection Mode</emph> and return to <emph>Object Selection Mode</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1765,8 +1765,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Move the selected point (the snap-to-grid functions are temporarily disabled, but end points still snap to each other)."
-msgstr "የ ተመረጠውን ነጥብ ማንቀሳቀሻ (መቁረጭ-መጋጠሚያ ተግባሮች ለጊዜው ይሰናከላል: ነገር ግን የ መጨረሻ ነጥብ አንዱ አንዱን ይቆርጣል)"
+msgid "Moves the selected point (the snap-to-grid functions are temporarily disabled, but end points still snap to each other)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1781,32 +1781,32 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Moves the selected Drawing Object one pixel (in Selection Mode)"
-msgstr "የ ተመረጠውን የ መሳያ እቃ አንድ ፒክስል ማንቀሳቀሻ (በ ምርጫ ዘዴ ውስጥ)"
+msgid "Moves the selected drawing object one pixel (in Selection Mode)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Re-sizes a Drawing Object (in Handle Selection Mode)"
-msgstr "እንደ ገና-መመጠኛ የ መሳያ እቃ (በ እጅ የ ምርጫ ዘዴ)"
+msgid "Resizes a drawing object (in Handle Selection Mode)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Rotates a Drawing Object (in Rotation Mode)"
-msgstr "የ መሳያ እቃ ማዞሪያ (በ ማዞሪያ ዘዴ)"
+msgid "Rotates a drawing object (in Rotation Mode)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the properties dialog for a Drawing Object."
-msgstr "ለ መሳያ እቃ የ ባህሪዎች ንግግር መክፈቻ"
+msgid "Opens the properties dialog for a drawing object."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1829,8 +1829,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select a point of a drawing object (in Point Selection mode) / Cancel selection."
-msgstr "እቃ ለ መሳል ነጥብ ይምረጡ (በ ነጥብ መምረጫ ዘዴ) / ምርጫ መሰረዣ"
+msgid "Selects a point of a drawing object (in Point Selection mode) / Cancel selection."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1853,8 +1853,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select an additional point in Point Selection mode."
-msgstr "መምረጫ ተጨማሪ ከ ነጥብ ወደ ነጥብ መምረጫ ዘዴ"
+msgid "Selects an additional point in Point Selection mode."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1869,16 +1869,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the next point of the drawing object (Point Selection mode)"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ የሚቀጥለውን ነጥብ እቃውን ለመሳያ በ (ነጥብ መምረጫ ዘዴ)"
+msgid "Selects the next point of the drawing object (Point Selection mode)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "In Rotation mode, the center of rotation can also be selected."
-msgstr "በ ማዞሪያ ዘዴ: የማዞሪያውን መሀከል መምረጥ ይችላሉ"
+msgid "In <emph>Rotation</emph> mode, the center of rotation can also be selected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1893,8 +1893,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the previous point of the drawing object (Point Selection mode)"
-msgstr "ይምረጡ ቀደም ያለውን ነጥብ እቃውን ለመሳያ በ (ነጥብ መምረጫ ዘዴ)"
+msgid "Selects the previous point of the drawing object (Point Selection mode)"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1917,8 +1917,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter at the Selection icon"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">ትእዛዝ</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter ከ ምርጫው ምልክት ውስጥ"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter at the <emph>Selection</emph> icon"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1941,16 +1941,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Leave the Point Selection mode. The drawing object is selected afterwards."
-msgstr "የ ነጥብ መምረጫ ዘዴ መተው: የ መሳያ እቃ በኋላ ይመረጣል"
+msgid "Leaves the <emph>Point Selection</emph> mode. The drawing object is selected afterwards."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Edit a point of a drawing object (Point Edit mode)"
-msgstr "በ መሳያ እቃ ውስጥ ነጥብ ማረሚያ (በ ነጥብ ማረሚያ ዘዴ)"
+msgid "Edits a point of a drawing object (Point Edit mode)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2069,8 +2069,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Results"
-msgstr "ውጤቶች"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2149,8 +2149,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "ቅድመ እይታ"
+msgid "Shows a Preview."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2165,8 +2165,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Run query"
-msgstr "ጥያቄ ማስኬጃ"
+msgid "Runs query."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2181,8 +2181,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Add table or query"
-msgstr "ሰንጠረዥ ወይም ጥያቄ መጨመሪያ"
+msgid "Adds table or query."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2205,8 +2205,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Results"
-msgstr "ውጤቶች"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2341,8 +2341,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Results"
-msgstr "ውጤቶች"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2389,8 +2389,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Jump between windows."
-msgstr "በ መስኮቶች መካከል መዝለያ"
+msgid "Jumps between windows."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/07.po b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/07.po
index 8f2a74f56e0..9d188b57aed 100644
--- a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/07.po
+++ b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/07.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-09 16:45+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-14 15:40+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Samson B <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1497454819.000000\n"
#: 09000000.xhp
@@ -37,16 +37,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To create a new web page for the Internet, open a new <emph>HTML Document</emph> by choosing <emph>File - New</emph>."
-msgstr "አዲስ ድህረ ገጽ በ ኢንተርኔት ላይ ለ መፍጠር ይክፈቱ አዲስ <emph> የ HTML ሰነድ </emph> ከዚያም ይምረጡ <emph> ፋይል - አዲስ </emph>"
+msgid "To create a new web page for the Internet, open a new <emph>HTML Document</emph> by choosing <item type=\"menuitem\">File - New</item>."
+msgstr ""
#: 09000000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "A tool for creating new web pages is the Web Layout mode, which you enable with <emph>View - Web</emph>."
-msgstr "አዲስ የ ዌብ ገጽ መፍጠሪያ መሳሪያ የ ዌብ እቅድ ዘዴ ነው ይህን ማስቻል ይችላሉ በ <emph>መመልከቻ - የ ዌብ እቅድ</emph>."
+msgid "A tool for creating new web pages is the Web Layout mode, which you enable with <item type=\"menuitem\">View - Web</item>."
+msgstr ""
#: 09000000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Switch to the web layout mode by choosing <emph>View - Web</emph> or by opening a new HTML document."
-msgstr "የ ዌብ እቅድ ዘዴ ይቀይሩ በ መምረጥ <emph>መመልከቻ - የ ዌብ እቅድ</emph> ወይንም በ መክፈት አዲስ የ HTML ሰነድ"
+msgid "Switch to the web layout mode by choosing <item type=\"menuitem\">View - Web</item> or by opening a new HTML document."
+msgstr ""
#: 09000000.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/explorer/database.po b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/explorer/database.po
index f353be2d7be..efe0582e648 100644
--- a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/explorer/database.po
+++ b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/explorer/database.po
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-16 16:54+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-24 00:20+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-07 17:58+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Samson B <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: am\n"
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1529799639.000000\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530986332.000000\n"
#: 02000000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1646,7 +1646,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "greater than or equal to"
-msgstr "ይበልጣል ወይም እኩል ይሆናል ከ"
+msgstr "ይበልጣል ወይንም እኩል ይሆናል ከ"
#: 02010100.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po
index 67660cc1cfa..2a80c406c0b 100644
--- a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po
+++ b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-16 16:54+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-03 23:41+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-07 18:54+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Samson B <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: am\n"
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530661278.000000\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530989681.000000\n"
#: aaa_start.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -12397,8 +12397,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To create a single line, type three or more hyphens (-), or underscores ( _ ), and then press Enter. To create a double line, type three or more equal signs (=), asterisks (*), tildes (~), or hash marks (#), and then press Enter."
-msgstr "ነጠላ መስመር ለ መፍጠር: ይጻፉ ሶስት ወይንም ተጨማሪ ጭረት (-): ወይንም ከ ስሩ ማስመሪያ ( _ ): እና ከዛ ይጫኑ ማስገቢያውን: ድርብ መስመር ለ መፍጠር: ይጻፉ ሶስት ወይንም ተጨማሪ እኩል ምልክት (=): ኮከብ (*): ቲልዴ (~): ወይንም የ ቁጥር ምልክት (#): እና ከዛ ይጫኑ ማስገቢያውን"
+msgid "To create a single line, type three or more hyphens (-), or underscores (_), and then press Enter. To create a double line, type three or more equal signs (=), asterisks (*), tildes (~), or hash marks (#), and then press Enter."
+msgstr ""
#: line_intext.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13830,7 +13830,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "For a detailed overview about converting documents to and from Microsoft Office format, see the <link href=\"\" name=\" OOoAuthors User Manual: Migration Guide\">Migration Guide</link>."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ስለ የ Microsoft Office ሰነዶችን መቀየሪያ ዝርዝር መግለጫ ለማግኘት ይህን ይመልከቱ <link href=\"\" name=\" OOoAuthors የ ተጠቃሚ መምሪያ: Migration Guide\">የ መሸጋገሪያ መምሪያ</link>:"
#: ms_import_export_limitations.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/optionen.po b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/optionen.po
index e11e59726f3..2ff0f93e880 100644
--- a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/optionen.po
+++ b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/optionen.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-02 00:29+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Samson B <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530491341.000000\n"
#: 01000000.xhp
@@ -1605,8 +1605,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"ignore\">The <emph>IgnoreAllList (All)</emph> includes all words that have been marked with <emph>Ignore</emph> during spellcheck. This list is valid only for the current spellcheck.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"ignore\">የ <emph>ሁሉንም ዝርዝር መተው (ሁሉንም) </emph>ሁሉንም ቃሎች ያካትታል ምልክት የተደረገባቸውን በ <emph>መተው</emph> ፊደል በሚታረንም ጊዜ: ይህ ዝርዝር ዋጋ የሚኖረው ለ አሁኑ ፊደል ማረሚያ ብቻ ነው </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"ignore\">The <emph>List of Ignored Words (All)</emph> includes all words that have been marked with <emph>Ignore</emph> during spellcheck. This list is valid only for the current spellcheck.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010400.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/smath/01.po b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/smath/01.po
index da508ff3378..fa1153d5cc0 100644
--- a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/smath/01.po
+++ b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/smath/01.po
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-16 16:54+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-02 00:28+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-07 17:59+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Samson B <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: am\n"
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530491280.000000\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530986381.000000\n"
#: 02080000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1238,7 +1238,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XGESLANTY\">Inserts the <emph>greater than or equal to</emph> relation with two placeholders.</ahelp> You can also type <emph><?>geslant<?> </emph>in the <emph>Commands</emph> window."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XGESLANTY\">ማስገቢያ የ <emph> ይበልጣል ወይም እኩል ይሆናል </emph> ከ ሁለት ቦታ ያዢ ግንኙነት ጋር </ahelp> እንዲሁም መጻፍ ይችላሉ <emph><?> ይበልጣል ወይንም እኩል ይሆናል <?> </emph> በ <emph> ትእዛዝ </emph> መስኮት ውስጥ"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XGESLANTY\">ማስገቢያ የ <emph> ይበልጣል ወይንም እኩል ይሆናል </emph> ከ ሁለት ቦታ ያዢ ግንኙነት ጋር </ahelp> እንዲሁም መጻፍ ይችላሉ <emph><?> ይበልጣል ወይንም እኩል ይሆናል <?> </emph> በ <emph> ትእዛዝ </emph> መስኮት ውስጥ"
#: 03090200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1334,7 +1334,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XGEY\">Inserts the <emph>greater than or equal to</emph> relation with two placeholders.</ahelp> You can also type <emph><?> ge <?></emph> or <emph><?> >= <?></emph> in the <emph>Commands</emph> window."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XGEY\">ማስገቢያ የ <emph>ይበልጣል ወይም እኩል ይሆናል ከ </emph> ከ ሁለት ቦታ ያዢ ግንኙነት ጋር </ahelp> እንዲሁም መጻፍ ይችላሉ <emph><?> ይበልጣል ወይም እኩል ይሆናል <?></emph> ወይንም <emph><?> >= <?></emph> በ <emph> ትእዛዝ </emph> መስኮት ውስጥ"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XGEY\">ማስገቢያ የ <emph>ይበልጣል ወይንም እኩል ይሆናል ከ </emph> ከ ሁለት ቦታ ያዢ ግንኙነት ጋር </ahelp> እንዲሁም መጻፍ ይችላሉ <emph><?> ይበልጣል ወይንም እኩል ይሆናል <?></emph> ወይንም <emph><?> >= <?></emph> በ <emph> ትእዛዝ </emph> መስኮት ውስጥ"
#: 03090200.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter.po b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter.po
index 39f800c37a2..57d1e1335c0 100644
--- a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter.po
+++ b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter.po
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-03 01:12+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-07 15:59+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Samson B <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: am\n"
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530580361.000000\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530979181.000000\n"
#: classificationbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1590,7 +1590,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "You can customize the list of styles entries using menu <link href=\"text/shared/01/06140100.xhp\" name=\"customize menu\"><emph>Tools - Customize</emph></link>. Because custom styles belongs to the actual document, remember to store the customized menu in the document scope."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "እርስዎ ዝርዝር ዘዴዎችን ማስገቢያን ማስተካከል ይችላሉ: በ መጠቀም ዝርዝር <link href=\"text/shared/01/06140100.xhp\" name=\"customize menu\"><emph> መሳሪያዎች - ማስተካከያ </emph></link>: ምክንያቱም ዘዴዎች ማስተካከያ የሚኖረው በ ዋናው ሰነድ ውስጥ ነው: ያስታውሱ የ ተስተካከል ዝርዝር በ ሰነድ ክፍል ውስጥ መቀመጡን:"
#: main0115.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/01.po b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/01.po
index 8df31663cd3..1ff1ed29c50 100644
--- a/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/01.po
+++ b/source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/01.po
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-22 13:17+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-30 19:10+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-07 17:36+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Samson B <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: am\n"
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530385813.000000\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530984999.000000\n"
#: 01120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -26430,7 +26430,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Click on the Select Certificate button to open the Select Certificate dialog box, where your certificates are listed. Select the certificate suitable for signing the document."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ይጫኑ በ የ ምስክር ወረቀት መምረጫ ቁልፍ ላይ የ ተመረጠውን የ ምስክር ወረቀት ንግግር ሳጥን ለ መክፈት: የ እርስዎ የ ምስክር ወረቀት ዝርዝር ያለበትን: ይምረጡ ተስማሚውን የ ምስክር ወረቀት ሰነዱን ለ መፈረም:"
#: signsignatureline.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -26438,7 +26438,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "The information of the certificate issuer is inserted in the bottom of the Signature Line object."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "የ ምስክር ወረቀት ሰጪው መረጃ ከ ፊርማ መስመር እቃ በ ታች በኩል ይገባል"
#: signsignatureline.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -26966,7 +26966,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "If the watermark in use is a text inserted by the <item type=\"menuitem\">Format - Watermark</item> menu command or by the <link href=\"text/swriter/classificationbar.xhp\" name=\"classification bar\">document classification settings</link>, you can edit the contents and settings on opening the watermark dialog."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "የሚጠቀሙት የ ውሀ ምልክት የ ገባ ጽሁፍ ከሆነ በ <item type=\"menuitem\"> አቀራረብ - የ ውሀ ምልክት</item> ዝርዝር ትእዛ ወይንም በ <link href=\"text/swriter/classificationbar.xhp\" name=\"classification bar\">ሰነድ መመደቢያ ማሰናጃ </link>: እርስዎ ማረም ይችላሉ ይዞታውን እና ማሰናጃውን የ ውሀ ምልክት ንግግር በ መክፈት:"
#: watermark.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/am/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po b/source/am/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
index 66b95a5fca6..6e2ba678204 100644
--- a/source/am/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
+++ b/source/am/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-01 23:05+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:05+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-05 01:20+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Samson B <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: am\n"
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530486321.000000\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530753610.000000\n"
#: BaseWindowState.xcu
msgctxt ""
@@ -3808,15 +3808,6 @@ msgstr "የ ገጽ ~መጨረሻ ማስገቢያ"
#: CalcCommands.xcu
msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Data"
-msgstr "~ዳታ"
-#: CalcCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
@@ -14432,7 +14423,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Rectangle, Rounded"
-msgstr "አራት ማእዘን ፡ የተከበበ"
+msgstr "አራት ማእዘን: የተከበበ"
#: GenericCommands.xcu
msgctxt ""
@@ -14864,7 +14855,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Corner Right Arrow"
-msgstr "በ ጥግ የ ቀኝቀስት"
+msgstr "በ ጥግ የ ቀኝ ቀስት"
#: GenericCommands.xcu
msgctxt ""
@@ -16682,7 +16673,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Rectangle, Rounded"
-msgstr "አራት ማእዘን ፡ የተከበበ"
+msgstr "አራት ማእዘን: የተከበበ"
#: GenericCommands.xcu
msgctxt ""
@@ -22467,6 +22458,15 @@ msgstr "~ማስገቢያ"
#: GenericCommands.xcu
msgctxt ""
+msgid "~Data"
+msgstr ""
+#: GenericCommands.xcu
+msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/am/sc/messages.po b/source/am/sc/messages.po
index 885a8cd415d..8ebe021b38e 100644
--- a/source/am/sc/messages.po
+++ b/source/am/sc/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-01 23:07+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Samson B <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530486452.000000\n"
#: sc/inc/compiler.hrc:27
@@ -13709,37 +13709,42 @@ msgid "~Value"
msgstr "~ዋጋ"
#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:68
+msgid "~Formula"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:69
msgid "~Source"
msgstr "~ምንጭ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:69
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:70
msgid "~Entries"
msgstr "~ማስገቢያዎች"
#. for dialogues:
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:71
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:72
msgid "System"
msgstr "ስርአት"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:72
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:73
msgid "Standard;Text;Date (DMY);Date (MDY);Date (YMD);US English;Hide"
msgstr "መደበኛ: ጽሁፍ: ቀን (ቀወአ ):ቀን (ወቀአ ):ቀን (አወቀ ):US English;መደበቂያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:73
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:74
msgid "Tab"
msgstr "Tab"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:74
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:75
msgid "space"
msgstr "ክፍተት"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:75
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:76
msgid ""
"%PRODUCTNAME Calc found an error in the formula entered.\n"
@@ -13750,1196 +13755,1301 @@ msgstr ""
"ከታች በኩል የቀረበውን ማረሚያ መቀበል ይፈልጋሉ?\n"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:76
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:77
msgid "Image Filter"
msgstr "ምስል ማጣሪያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:77
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:78
msgid "Text"
msgstr "ጽሁፍ"
#. Select tables dialog title
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:79
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:80
msgid "Select Sheets"
msgstr "ወረቀቶች ይምረጡ"
#. Select tables dialog listbox
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:81
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:82
msgid "~Selected sheets"
msgstr "~የተመረጡት ወረቀቶች"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:82
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:83
msgid "Ruler"
msgstr "ማስመሪያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:83
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:84
msgid "This ruler manages objects at fixed positions."
msgstr "ይህ ማስመሪያ የሚያስተዳድረው እቃዎችን በ ተወሰነ ቦታ ብቻ ነው"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:84
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:85
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "ቅድመ እይታ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:85
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:86
msgid "This sheet shows how the data will be arranged in the document."
msgstr "ይህ ወረቀት የሚያሳየው ዳታው በሰነዱ ውስጥ እንዴት እንደሚቀመጥ ነው"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:86
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:87
msgctxt "STR_ACC_DOC_NAME"
msgid "Document view"
msgstr "ሰነድ መመልከቻ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:87
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:88
msgid "Sheet %1"
msgstr "ወረቀት %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:88
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:89
msgid "Cell %1"
msgstr "ክፍል %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:89
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:90
msgid "Left area"
msgstr "በ ግራ በኩል"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:90
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:91
msgid "Page preview"
msgstr "የገጽ ቅድመ እይታ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:91
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:92
msgid "Center area"
msgstr "መሀከል ላይ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:92
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:93
msgid "Right area"
msgstr "በ ቀኝ በኩል"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:93
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:94
msgid "Header of page %1"
msgstr "የ ገጽ ራስጌ %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:94
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:95
msgid "Footer of page %1"
msgstr "የ ገጽ ግርጌ %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:95
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:96
msgid "Input line"
msgstr "መስመር ማስገቢያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:96
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:97
msgid "This is where you enter or edit text, numbers and formulas."
msgstr "እዚህ ነው ጽሁፍ ማስገባት ወይም ማረም የሚችሉት ቁጥሮች እና መቀመሪያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:97
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:98
msgid "Media Playback"
msgstr "መገናኛ በድጋሚ ማጫወቻ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:98
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:99
msgid "Mouse button pressed"
msgstr "የአይጥ ቁልፍ ተጭነዋል"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:99
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:100
msgid "Formula Tool Bar"
msgstr "የ መቀመሪያ እቃ መደርደሪያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:100
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:101
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Spreadsheets"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME ሰንጠረዥ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:101
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:102
msgid "(read-only)"
msgstr "(ለንባብ ብቻ)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:102
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:103
msgid "(Preview mode)"
msgstr "(በቅድመ እይታ ዘዴ)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:103
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:104
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "ገጾች"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:104
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:105
msgid "~Suppress output of empty pages"
msgstr "የ ባዶ ገጽ ውጤቶችን ~ማስቆሚያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:105
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:106
msgid "Print content"
msgstr "የ ማተሚያ ይዞታ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:106
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:107
msgid "~All sheets"
msgstr "~ሁሉንም ወረቀቶች"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:107
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:108
msgid "~Selected sheets"
msgstr "የ ~ተመረጡት ወረቀቶች"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:108
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:109
msgid "Selected cells"
msgstr "የ ተመረጡት ክፍሎች"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:109
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:110
msgid "From which print"
msgstr "ከ የትኛው ህትመት"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:110
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:111
msgid "All ~pages"
msgstr "ሁሉንም ~ገጾች"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:111
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:112
msgid "Pa~ges"
msgstr "ገ~ጾች"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:112
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:113
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:113
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:114
msgid "Warn me about this in the future."
msgstr "ስለዚህ ወደፊት አስጠንቅቀኝ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:114
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:115
msgid "The following DDE source could not be updated possibly because the source document was not open. Please launch the source document and try again."
msgstr "ይህን የ DDE ምንጭ ማሻሻል አልተቻለም ምናልባት የሰነዱ ምንጩ አልተከፈተ ይሆናል ፡ እባክዎን የሰነዱን ምንጭ ያስነሱ እና እንደገና ይሞክሩ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:115
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:116
msgid "The following external file could not be loaded. Data linked from this file did not get updated."
msgstr "ይህን የሚቀጥለውን ፋይል መጫን አልተቻለም ፡ ከዚህ ፋይል ጋር የተገናኘው ዳታ ፋይል አልተሻሻለም"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:116
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:117
msgid "Updating external links."
msgstr "የ ውጪ አገናኞች ማሻሻያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:117
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:118
msgid "Calc A1"
msgstr "Calc A1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:118
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:119
msgid "Excel A1"
msgstr "Excel A1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:119
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:120
msgid "Excel R1C1"
msgstr "Excel R1C1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:120
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:121
msgid "Range contains column la~bels"
msgstr "መጠኑ የአምድ ምል~ክቶችን ይዟል"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:121
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:122
msgid "Range contains ~row labels"
msgstr "መጠኑ ~የረድፍ ምልክቶችን ይዟል"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:122
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:123
msgctxt "SCSTR_VALERR"
msgid "Invalid value"
msgstr "ዋጋ የሌለው ዋጋ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:123
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:124
msgid "No formula specified."
msgstr "ምንም መቀመሪያ አልተገለጸም"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:124
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:125
msgctxt "STR_NOCOLROW"
msgid "Neither row or column specified."
msgstr "ምንም ረድፍ ወይንም አምድ አልተወሰነም"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:125
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:126
msgid "Undefined name or range."
msgstr "ያልተገለጸ ስም ወይንም መጠን"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:126
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:127
msgid "Undefined name or wrong cell reference."
msgstr "ያልተገለጸ ስም ወይንም የተሳሳተ ክፍል ማመሳከሪያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:127
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:128
msgid "Formulas don't form a column."
msgstr "መቀመሪያ አምድ አይሰራም"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:128
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:129
msgid "Formulas don't form a row."
msgstr "መቀመሪያ ረድፍ አይሰራም"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:129
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:130
msgid "Add AutoFormat"
msgstr "በራሱ አቀራረብ መጨመሪያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:130
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:131
msgid "Rename AutoFormat"
msgstr "በራሱ አቀራረብ እንደገና መሰየሚያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:131
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:132
msgid "Name"
msgstr "ስም"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:132
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:133
msgid "Delete AutoFormat"
msgstr "በራሱ አቀራረብ ማጥፊያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:133
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:134
msgid "Do you really want to delete the # AutoFormat?"
msgstr "በ እርግጥ ይህን ማጥፋት ይፈልጋሉ # በራሱ አቀራረብ?"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:134
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:135
msgid "~Close"
msgstr "~መዝጊያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:135
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:136
msgctxt "STR_JAN"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "ጥር"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:136
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:137
msgctxt "STR_FEB"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "የካ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:137
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:138
msgctxt "STR_MAR"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "መጋ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:138
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:139
msgctxt "STR_NORTH"
msgid "North"
msgstr "ሰሜን"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:139
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:140
msgctxt "STR_MID"
msgid "Mid"
msgstr "Mid"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:140
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:141
msgctxt "STR_SOUTH"
msgid "South"
msgstr "ደቡብ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:141
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:142
msgctxt "STR_SUM"
msgid "Total"
msgstr "ጠቅላላ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:142
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:143
msgctxt "STR_SHEET"
msgid "Sheet"
msgstr "ወረቀት"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:143
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:144
msgctxt "STR_CELL"
msgid "Cell"
msgstr "ክፍል"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:144
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:145
msgctxt "STR_CONTENT"
msgid "Content"
msgstr "ይዞታው"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:145
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:146
msgid "Page Anchor"
msgstr "ገጽ ማስቆሚያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:146
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:147
msgid "Cell Anchor"
msgstr "ክፍል ማስቆሚያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:147
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:148
msgid "Condition "
msgstr "ሁኔታው "
#. content description strings are also use d in ScLinkTargetsObj
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:150
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:151
msgid "Contents"
msgstr "ይዞታዎች"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:151
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:152
msgid "Sheets"
msgstr "ወረቀቶች"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:152
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:153
msgid "Range names"
msgstr "የስሞች መጠን"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:153
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:154
msgid "Database ranges"
msgstr "የ ዳታቤዝ መጠኖች"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:154
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:155
msgid "Images"
msgstr "ምስሎች"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:155
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:156
msgid "OLE objects"
msgstr "የ OLE እቃዎች"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:156
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:157
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "አስተያየቶች"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:157
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:158
msgid "Linked areas"
msgstr "የ ተገናኙ ቦታዎች"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:158
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:159
msgid "Drawing objects"
msgstr "እቃዎች መሳያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:159
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:160
msgid "Drag Mode"
msgstr "መጎተቻ ዘዴ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:160
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:161
msgid "Display"
msgstr "ማሳያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:161
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:162
msgctxt "SCSTR_ACTIVE"
msgid "active"
msgstr "ንቁ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:162
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:163
msgid "inactive"
msgstr "የ ቦዘነ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:163
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:164
msgctxt "SCSTR_HIDDEN"
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "የ ተደበቀ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:164
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:165
msgid "Active Window"
msgstr "ንቁ መስኮት"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:165
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:166
msgid "Scenario Name"
msgstr "የ ትእይንት ስም"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:166
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:167
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "አስተያየት"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:168
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:169
msgid "Sort Ascending"
msgstr "እየጨመረ በሚሄድ መለያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:169
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:170
msgid "Sort Descending"
msgstr "እየቀነሰ በሚሄድ መለያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:170
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:171
msgid "Custom Sort"
msgstr "መለያ ማስተካከያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:171
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:172
msgid "All"
msgstr "ሁሉንም"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:172
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:173
msgid "Show only the current item."
msgstr "የ አሁኑን እቃ ብቻ ማሳያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:173
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:174
msgid "Hide only the current item."
msgstr "የ አሁኑን እቃ ብቻ መደበቂያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:174
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:175
msgid "Search items..."
msgstr "እቃዎችን መፈለጊያ..."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:176
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:177
msgid "Name Box"
msgstr "የሳጥኑ ስም"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:177
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:178
msgid "Input line"
msgstr "መስመር ማስገቢያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:178
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:179
msgid "Function Wizard"
msgstr "የተግባር አዋቂ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:179
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:180
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "ተቀብያለሁ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:180
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:181
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "መሰረዣ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:181
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:182
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "ድምር"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:182
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:183
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "መቀመሪያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:183
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:184
msgid "Expand Formula Bar"
msgstr "የ መቀመሪያ መደርደሪያ ማስፊያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:184
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:185
msgid "Collapse Formula Bar"
msgstr "የ መቀመሪያ መደርደሪያ ማሳነሻ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:186
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:187
msgid "Conflict"
msgstr "ልዩነት"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:187
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:188
msgid "Author"
msgstr "ደራሲው"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:188
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:189
msgctxt "STR_TITLE_DATE"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "ቀን"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:189
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:190
msgid "Unknown User"
msgstr "ያልታወቀ ተጠቃሚ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:191
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:192
msgid "Column inserted"
msgstr "አምድ ተጨምሯል"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:192
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:193
msgid "Row inserted "
msgstr "ረድፍ ተጨምሯል "
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:193
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:194
msgid "Sheet inserted "
msgstr "ወረቀት ተጨምሯል "
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:194
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:195
msgid "Column deleted"
msgstr "አምዱ ጠፍቷል"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:195
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:196
msgid "Row deleted"
msgstr "ረድፉ ጠፍቷል"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:196
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:197
msgid "Sheet deleted"
msgstr "ወረቀቱ ጠፍቷል"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:197
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:198
msgctxt "STR_CHG_MOVE"
msgid "Range moved"
msgstr "የተንቀሳቀሰው መጠን"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:198
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:199
msgid "Changed contents"
msgstr "ይዞታቸው የተቀየረ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:199
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:200
msgid "Changed contents"
msgstr "ይዞታቸው የተቀየረ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:200
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:201
msgid "Changed to "
msgstr "የተቀየረ ወደ "
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:201
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:202
msgid "Original"
msgstr "ዋነኛው"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:202
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:203
msgctxt "STR_CHG_REJECT"
msgid "Changes rejected"
msgstr "ለውጡ ተከልክሏል"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:203
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:204
msgid "Accepted"
msgstr "ተቀብያለሁ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:204
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:205
msgid "Rejected"
msgstr "አልቀበልም"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:205
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:206
msgctxt "STR_CHG_NO_ENTRY"
msgid "No Entry"
msgstr "ማስገቢያ የለም"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:206
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:207
msgctxt "STR_CHG_EMPTY"
msgid "<empty>"
msgstr "<ባዶ>"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:208
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:209
msgid "Not protected"
msgstr "ያልተጠበቀ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:209
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:210
msgid "Not password-protected"
msgstr "በመግቢያ ቃል-የተጠበቀ አይደለም"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:210
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:211
msgctxt "STR_HASH_BAD"
msgid "Hash incompatible"
msgstr "Hash incompatible"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:211
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:212
msgctxt "STR_HASH_GOOD"
msgid "Hash compatible"
msgstr "Hash compatible"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:212
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:213
msgctxt "STR_RETYPE"
msgid "Re-type"
msgstr "እንደገና-መጻፊያ"
#. MovingAverageDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:215
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:216
msgid "Moving Average"
msgstr "በ መካከለኛ በ _መጓዝ ላይ"
#. ExponentialSmoothingDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:217
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:218
msgid "Exponential Smoothing"
msgstr "ኤክስፖኔንሺያል ማለስለሻ"
#. AnalysisOfVarianceDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:219
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:220
msgid "Analysis of Variance"
msgstr "የ ልዩነት መመርመሪያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:220
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:221
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_ANOVA"
+msgid "Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:222
msgid "ANOVA - Single Factor"
msgstr "የ ልዩነት መመርመሪያ - ነጠላ ጉዳይ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:221
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:223
msgid "ANOVA - Two Factor"
msgstr "የ ልዩነት መመርመሪያ - ሁለት ጉዳይ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:222
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:224
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "ቡድኖች"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:223
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:225
msgid "Between Groups"
msgstr "በ ቡድኖች መካከል"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:224
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:226
msgid "Within Groups"
msgstr "በ ቡድኖች ውስጥ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:225
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:227
msgid "Source of Variation"
msgstr "የ ልዩነቶች ምንጭ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:226
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:228
msgid "SS"
msgstr "SS"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:227
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:229
msgid "df"
msgstr "df"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:228
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:230
msgid "MS"
msgstr "MS"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:229
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:231
msgid "F"
msgstr "F"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:230
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:232
+msgid "Significance F"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:233
msgid "P-value"
msgstr "P-value"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:231
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:234
msgid "F critical"
msgstr "F critical"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:232
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:235
msgid "Total"
msgstr "ጠቅላላ"
#. CorrelationDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:234
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:237
msgid "Correlation"
msgstr "ኮኦሪሌሽን"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:235
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:238
msgid "Correlations"
msgstr "ኮኦሪሌሽን"
#. CovarianceDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:237
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:240
msgid "Covariance"
msgstr "ኮቫሪያንስ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:238
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:241
msgid "Covariances"
msgstr "ኮቫሪያንስስ"
#. DescriptiveStatisticsDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:240
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:243
msgid "Descriptive Statistics"
msgstr "መግለጫ ስታትስቲክስ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:241
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:244
msgid "Mean"
msgstr "አማካይ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:242
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:245
msgid "Standard Error"
msgstr "መደበኛ ስህተት"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:243
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:246
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "ዘዴ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:244
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:247
msgid "Median"
msgstr "መሀከለኛ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:245
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:248
msgid "Variance"
msgstr "ልዩነት"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:246
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:249
msgid "Standard Deviation"
msgstr "መደበኛ ልዩነት"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:247
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:250
msgid "Kurtosis"
msgstr "ኩርቶሲስ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:248
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:251
msgid "Skewness"
msgstr "የሚያጋድልበት"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:249
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:252
msgid "Range"
msgstr "መጠን"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:250
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:253
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_MIN"
msgid "Minimum"
msgstr "አነስተኛ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:251
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:254
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_MAX"
msgid "Maximum"
msgstr "ከፍተኛ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:252
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:255
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_SUM"
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "ድምር"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:253
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:256
msgid "Count"
msgstr "መቁጠሪያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:254
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:257
-msgid "First Quartile "
-msgstr "የ መጀመሪያ ሩብ "
+msgid "First Quartile"
+msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:255
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:258
msgid "Third Quartile"
msgstr "የ ሶስተኛ ሩብ"
#. RandomNumberGeneratorDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:257
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:260
msgid "Random ($(DISTRIBUTION))"
msgstr "በነሲብ ($(DISTRIBUTION))"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:258
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:261
msgid "Uniform"
msgstr "ተመሳሳይ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:259
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:262
msgid "Uniform Integer"
msgstr "ተመሳሳይ ኢንቲጀር"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:260
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:263
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "መደበኛ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:261
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:264
msgid "Cauchy"
msgstr "ኮቺ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:262
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:265
msgid "Bernoulli"
msgstr "ቤርኖሊ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:263
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:266
msgid "Binomial"
msgstr "ባይኖሚያል"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:264
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:267
msgid "Negative Binomial"
msgstr "አሉታዊ ባይኖሚያል"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:265
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:268
msgid "Chi Squared"
msgstr "ቺ ስኴርድ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:266
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:269
msgid "Geometric"
msgstr "ጂኦሜትሪክ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:267
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:270
msgid "Minimum"
msgstr "አነስተኛ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:268
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:271
msgid "Maximum"
msgstr "ከፍተኛ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:269
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:272
msgid "Mean"
msgstr "አማካይ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:270
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:273
msgid "Standard Deviation"
msgstr "መደበኛ ልዩነት"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:271
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:274
msgid "Median"
msgstr "መሀከለኛ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:272
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:275
msgid "Sigma"
msgstr "ሲግማ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:273
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:276
msgid "p Value"
msgstr "p ዋጋ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:274
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:277
msgid "Number of Trials"
msgstr "የ ሙከራዎች ቁጥር"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:275
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:278
msgid "nu Value"
msgstr "የ nu ዋጋ"
#. SamplingDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:277
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:280
msgid "Sampling"
msgstr "ናሙና"
#. Names of dialogs
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:279
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:282
msgctxt "STR_FTEST"
msgid "F-test"
msgstr "F-መሞከሪያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:280
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:283
msgid "F-test"
msgstr "F-መሞከሪያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:281
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:284
msgctxt "STR_TTEST"
msgid "Paired t-test"
msgstr "የ ተጣመረ t-መሞከሪያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:282
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:285
msgid "Paired t-test"
msgstr "የ ተጣመረ t-መሞከሪያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:283
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:286
msgctxt "STR_ZTEST"
msgid "z-test"
msgstr "z-መሞከሪያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:284
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:287
msgid "z-test"
msgstr "z-መሞከሪያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:285
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:288
msgid "Test of Independence (Chi-Square)"
msgstr "የ ነፃነት መሞከሪያ (ቺ-ስኴር)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:286
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:289
msgid "Regression"
msgstr "ዝቅ ማድረጊያ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:287
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:290
msgid "Regression"
msgstr "ዝቅ ማድረጊያ"
#. Common
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:289
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:292
msgid "Column %NUMBER%"
msgstr "አምድ %NUMBER%"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:290
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:293
msgid "Row %NUMBER%"
msgstr "ረድፍ %NUMBER%"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:291
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:294
msgid "Alpha"
msgstr "አልፋ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:292
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:295
msgid "Variable 1"
msgstr "ተለዋዋጭ 1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:293
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:296
msgid "Variable 2"
msgstr "ተለዋዋጭ 2"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:294
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:297
msgid "Hypothesized Mean Difference"
msgstr "የ መላምት አማካይ ልዩነት"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:295
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:298
msgid "Observations"
msgstr "የታየው"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:296
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:299
msgid "Observed Mean Difference"
msgstr "የታየው አማካይ ልዩነት"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:297
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:300
+msgid "R^2"
+msgstr "R^2"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:301
+msgid "Adjusted R^2"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:302
+msgid "Count of X variables"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:303
msgid "df"
msgstr "df"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:298
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:304
msgid "P-value"
msgstr "P-ዋጋ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:299
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:305
msgid "Critical Value"
msgstr "አደገኛ ዋጋ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:300
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:306
msgid "Test Statistic"
msgstr "ስታስቲክስ መሞከሪያ"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:307
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_LOWER"
+msgid "Lower"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:308
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_Upper"
+msgid "Upper"
+msgstr ""
#. RegressionDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:302
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:310
msgid "Linear"
msgstr "ቀጥተኛ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:303
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:311
msgid "Logarithmic"
msgstr "ሎጋሪዝም"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:304
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:312
msgid "Power"
msgstr "ሀይል"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:305
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:313
+msgid "Independent variable(s) range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:314
+msgid "Dependent variable(s) range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:315
+msgid "Output range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:316
+msgid "Confidence level must be in the interval (0, 1)."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:317
+msgid "Y variable range cannot have more than 1 column."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:318
+msgid "Y variable range cannot have more than 1 row."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:319
+msgid "Univariate regression : The observation count in X and Y must match."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:320
+msgid "Multivariate regression : The observation count in X and Y must match."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:321
msgid "Regression Model"
msgstr "ዝቅ ማድረጊያ ዘዴ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:306
-msgid "R^2"
-msgstr "R^2"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:322
+msgid "Regression Statistics"
+msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:307
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:323
+msgid "Residual"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:324
+msgid "Confidence level"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:325
+msgid "Coefficients"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:326
+msgid "t-Statistic"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:327
msgid "Slope"
msgstr "ስሎፕ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:308
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:328
msgid "Intercept"
msgstr "ኢንተርሴፕት"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:329
+msgid "Predicted Y"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:330
+msgid "LINEST raw output"
+msgstr ""
#. F Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:310
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:332
msgid "P (F<=f) right-tail"
msgstr "P (F<=f) right-tail"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:311
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:333
msgid "F Critical right-tail"
msgstr "F Critical right-tail"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:312
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:334
msgid "P (F<=f) left-tail"
msgstr "P (F<=f) left-tail"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:313
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:335
msgid "F Critical left-tail"
msgstr "F Critical left-tail"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:314
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:336
msgid "P two-tail"
msgstr "P two-tail"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:315
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:337
msgid "F Critical two-tail"
msgstr "F Critical two-tail"
#. t Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:317
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:339
msgid "Pearson Correlation"
msgstr "ፒርሰን ኮኦሪሌሽን"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:318
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:340
msgid "Variance of the Differences"
msgstr "የ ተለዋዋጭ ልዩነቶች"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:319
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:341
msgctxt "STR_TTEST_T_STAT"
msgid "t Stat"
msgstr "t ስታስቲክስ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:320
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:342
msgid "P (T<=t) one-tail"
msgstr "P (T<=t) አንድ-ጭራ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:321
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:343
msgid "t Critical one-tail"
msgstr "t ወሳኝ አንድ-ጭራ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:322
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:344
msgid "P (T<=t) two-tail"
msgstr "P (T<=t) ሁለት-ጭራ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:323
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:345
msgid "t Critical two-tail"
msgstr "t ወሳኝ ሁለት-ጭራ"
#. Z Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:325
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:347
msgid "z"
msgstr "z"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:326
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:348
msgid "Known Variance"
msgstr "የ ታወቀ ልዩነት"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:327
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:349
msgid "P (Z<=z) one-tail"
msgstr "P (Z<=z) አንድ-ጭራ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:328
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:350
msgid "z Critical one-tail"
msgstr "z ወሳኝ አንድ-ጭራ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:329
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:351
msgid "P (Z<=z) two-tail"
msgstr "P (Z<=z) ሁለት-ጭራ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:330
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:352
msgid "z Critical two-tail"
msgstr "z ወሳኝ ሁለት-ጭራ"
#. infobar for allowing links to update or not
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:332
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:354
msgid "Enable Content"
msgstr "ይዞታ ማስቻያ"
#. Insert image dialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:334
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:356
msgid "To cell"
msgstr "ወደ ክፍል"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:335
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:357
msgid "To cell (resize with cell)"
msgstr "ወደ ክፍል (ከ ክፍል ጋር እንደገና መመጠኛ)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:336
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:358
msgid "To page"
msgstr "ወደ ገጽ"
@@ -16635,6 +16745,11 @@ msgctxt "dataprovider|label"
msgid "Source Stream"
msgstr "ማስተላለፊያ ምንጭ"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/dataproviderdlg.ui:36
+msgctxt "dataproviderdlg|db_name"
+msgid "Database Range: "
+msgstr ""
#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/dataproviderentry.ui:46
msgctxt "dataproviderentry|url"
msgid "URL:"
@@ -18441,532 +18556,532 @@ msgctxt "notebookbar|DevLabel"
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "መሳሪያዎች"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2945
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2986
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Menu"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr "ማሻሻያዎች _መፈለጊያ..."
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2977
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3018
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|defaultD"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "ነባር"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2991
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3032
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent1"
msgid "Accent 1"
msgstr "ማጋነኛ 1"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2999
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3040
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent2"
msgid "Accent 2"
msgstr "ማጋነኛ 2"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3007
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3048
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent3"
msgid "Accent 3"
msgstr "ማጋነኛ 3"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3021
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3062
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Header1"
msgid "Header 1"
msgstr "ራስጌ 1"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3029
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3070
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Header2"
msgid "Header 2"
msgstr "ራስጌ 2"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3043
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3084
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|bad"
msgid "Bad"
msgstr "መጥፎ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3051
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3092
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|good"
msgid "Good"
msgstr "ጥሩ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3059
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3100
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|neutral"
msgid "Neutral"
msgstr "ገለልተኛ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3067
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3108
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|error"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "ስህተት"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|warning"
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "ማስጠንቀቂያ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3130
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|footnote"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr "የ ግርጌ ማስታወሻ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3097
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3138
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|note"
msgid "Note"
msgstr "ማስታወሻ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3336
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3377
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Tools"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr "ማሻሻያዎች _መፈለጊያ..."
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3630
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3671
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|menub"
msgid "_Menu"
msgstr "_ዝርዝር"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3686
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3727
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|toolsb"
msgid "_Tools"
msgstr "_መሳሪያዎች"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3775
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3816
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|fileb"
msgid "_File"
msgstr "_ፋይል"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3930
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3971
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|editb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_ማረሚያ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4088
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4129
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphstyleb"
msgid "St_yles"
msgstr "ዘዴ_ዎች"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4245
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4286
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|formatb"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "ፊ_ደል"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4306
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4347
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|bordertype"
msgid "Specify the borders of the selected cells."
msgstr "ለ ተመረጡት ክፍሎች ድንበር ይወስኑ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4466
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4507
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|numberb"
msgid "_Number"
msgstr "_ቁጥር"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4625
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4666
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "_ማሰለፊያ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4788
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4829
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|cellb"
msgid "_Cells"
msgstr "_ክፍሎች"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4931
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4972
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|insertb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "_ማስገቢያ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5064
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5105
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|datab"
msgid "_Data"
msgstr "_ዳታ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5178
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5219
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|reviewb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "_ከለሳ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5293
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5334
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewb"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "_መመልከቻ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5436
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5477
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|graphicB"
msgid "_Graphic"
msgstr "_ንድፍ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5554
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5595
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|colorb"
msgid "C_olor"
msgstr "ቀ_ለም"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5897
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5938
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrange"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "_ማዘጋጃ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6050
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6091
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|GridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "_መጋጠሚያ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6177
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6218
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|languageb"
msgid "_Language"
msgstr "_ቋንቋ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6307
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6348
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|revieb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "_ከለሳ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6442
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6483
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|commentsb"
msgid "_Comments"
msgstr "_አስተያየቶች"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6543
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6584
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|compareb"
msgid "Com_pare"
msgstr "ማወዳ_ደሪያ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6647
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6688
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewA"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "_መመልከቻ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6824
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6865
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|editdrawb"
msgid "_Styles"
msgstr "_ዘዴዎች"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7041
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7082
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|drawb"
msgid "D_raw"
msgstr "መ_ሳያ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7232
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7273
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrangeD"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "_ማዘጋጃ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7345
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7386
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Grid"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "_መጋጠሚያ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7458
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7499
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewDrawb"
msgid "Grou_p"
msgstr "ቡድ_ን"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7570
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7611
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|3Db"
msgid "3_D"
msgstr "3_ዲ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7755
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7796
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|oleB"
msgid "F_rame"
msgstr "ክ_ፈፍ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7962
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8003
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrangeO"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "_ማዘጋጃ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|GridO"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "_መጋጠሚያ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8189
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8230
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewO"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "_መመልከቻ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8298
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8339
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphstyles"
msgid "_Styles"
msgstr "_ዘዴዎች"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8473
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8514
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|formats"
msgid "F_ormat"
msgstr "አ_ቀራረብ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8749
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8790
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphS"
msgid "_Paragraph"
msgstr "_አንቀጽ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8911
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8952
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewS"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "_መመልከቻ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:1950
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:1991
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Help"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr "ማሻሻያዎች _መፈለጊያ..."
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2945
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2986
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Menu"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr "ማሻሻያዎች _መፈለጊያ..."
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2977
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3018
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|defaultD"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "ነባር"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2991
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3032
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent1"
msgid "Accent 1"
msgstr "ማጋነኛ 1"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2999
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3040
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent2"
msgid "Accent 2"
msgstr "ማጋነኛ 2"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3007
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3048
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent3"
msgid "Accent 3"
msgstr "ማጋነኛ 3"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3021
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3062
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Header1"
msgid "Header 1"
msgstr "ራስጌ 1"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3029
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3070
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Header2"
msgid "Header 2"
msgstr "ራስጌ 2"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3043
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3084
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|bad"
msgid "Bad"
msgstr "መጥፎ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3051
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3092
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|good"
msgid "Good"
msgstr "ጥሩ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3059
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3100
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|neutral"
msgid "Neutral"
msgstr "ገለልተኛ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3067
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3108
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|error"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "ስህተት"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|warning"
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "ማስጠንቀቂያ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3130
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|footnote"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr "የ ግርጌ ማስታወሻ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3097
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3138
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|note"
msgid "Note"
msgstr "ማስታወሻ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3336
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3377
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Tools"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr "ማሻሻያዎች _መፈለጊያ..."
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3635
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3676
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|menub"
msgid "_Menu"
msgstr "_ዝርዝር"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3688
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3729
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|toolsb"
msgid "_Tools"
msgstr "_መሳሪያዎች"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3743
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3784
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|helpb"
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_እርዳታ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3851
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3892
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|fileb"
msgid "_File"
msgstr "_ፋይል"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4130
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|editb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_ማረሚያ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4286
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4327
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphstyleb"
msgid "St_yles"
msgstr "ዘዴ_ዎች"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4559
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4600
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|formatb"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "ፊ_ደል"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4805
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4846
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|numberb"
msgid "_Number"
msgstr "_ቁጥር"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5020
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5061
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "_ማሰለፊያ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5258
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5299
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|cellb"
msgid "_Cells"
msgstr "_ክፍሎች"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5435
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5476
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|insertb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "_ማስገቢያ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5609
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5650
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|datab"
msgid "_Data"
msgstr "_ዳታ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5781
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5822
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|reviewb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "_ከለሳ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5968
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6009
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewb"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "_መመልከቻ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6193
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6234
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|graphicB"
msgid "_Graphic"
msgstr "_ንድፍ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6545
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6586
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrange"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "_ማዘጋጃ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6696
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6737
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|colorb"
msgid "C_olor"
msgstr "ቀ_ለም"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6947
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6988
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|GridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "_መጋጠሚያ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7087
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7128
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|languageb"
msgid "_Language"
msgstr "_ቋንቋ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7316
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7357
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|revieb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "_ከለሳ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7529
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7570
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|commentsb"
msgid "_Comments"
msgstr "_አስተያየቶች"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7732
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7773
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|compareb"
msgid "Com_pare"
msgstr "ማወዳ_ደሪያ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7934
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7975
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewa"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "_መመልከቻ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8380
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8421
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|drawb"
msgid "D_raw"
msgstr "መ_ሳያ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8749
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8790
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|editdrawb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_ማረሚያ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9090
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9131
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrangedrawb"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "_ማዘጋጃ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9257
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9298
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|GridDrawB"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "_መመልከቻ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9459
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9500
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewDrawb"
msgid "Grou_p"
msgstr "ቡድ_ን"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9609
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9650
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|3Db"
msgid "3_D"
msgstr "3_ዲ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9918
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9959
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|formatd"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "ፊ_ደል"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10183
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10224
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphTextb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "_ማሰለፊያ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10385
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10426
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewd"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "_መመልከቻ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10539
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10580
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|insertTextb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "_ማስገቢያ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10684
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10725
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|media"
msgid "_Media"
msgstr "_መገናኛ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10921
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10962
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|oleB"
msgid "F_rame"
msgstr "ክ_ፈፍ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11352
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11393
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrageOLE"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "_ማዘጋጃ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11518
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11559
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|OleGridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "_መጋጠሚያ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11720
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11761
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewf"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "_መመልከቻ"
@@ -20386,61 +20501,86 @@ msgctxt "regressiondialog|RegressionDialog"
msgid "Regression"
msgstr "Regression"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:99
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:102
msgctxt "regressiondialog|variable1-range-label"
-msgid "Variable 1 range:"
-msgstr "ተለዋዋጭ 1 መጠን:"
+msgid "Independent variable(s) (X) range:"
+msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:137
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:140
msgctxt "regressiondialog|variable2-range-label"
-msgid "Variable 2 range:"
-msgstr "ተለዋዋጭ 2 መጠን:"
+msgid "Dependent variable (Y) range:"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:176
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|withlabels-check"
+msgid "Both X and Y ranges have labels"
+msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:175
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:192
msgctxt "regressiondialog|output-range-label"
msgid "Results to:"
msgstr "ውጤቶች ወደ:"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:217
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:240
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label1"
msgid "Data"
msgstr "ዳታ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:252
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:275
msgctxt "regressiondialog|groupedby-columns-radio"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "አምዶች"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:268
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:291
msgctxt "regressiondialog|groupedby-rows-radio"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "ረድፎች"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:290
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:313
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label2"
msgid "Grouped by"
msgstr "በ ቡድን የተቀመጡ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:325
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|linear-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:348
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|linear-radio"
msgid "Linear Regression"
-msgstr "ቀጥተኛ ዝቅ ማድረጊያ"
+msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:341
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|logarithmic-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:365
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|logarithmic-radio"
msgid "Logarithmic Regression"
-msgstr "ሎጋሪዝሚክ ዝቅ ማድረጊያ"
+msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:356
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|power-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:382
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|power-radio"
msgid "Power Regression"
-msgstr "ሀይል ዝቅ ማድረጊያ"
+msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:377
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:405
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label3"
msgid "Output Regression Types"
msgstr "የ ውጤት ዝቅ ማድረጊያ አይነቶች"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:441
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|label5"
+msgid "Confidence level"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:451
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|calcresiduals-check"
+msgid "Calculate residuals"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:469
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|confidencelevel-spin"
+msgid "0.95"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:490
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|label4"
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr ""
#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/retypepassdialog.ui:10
msgctxt "retypepassdialog|RetypePass"
msgid "Re-type Password"
@@ -22831,82 +22971,87 @@ msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore1"
msgid "Text length"
msgstr "የ ጽሁፍ እርዝመት"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:57
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:47
+msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore1"
+msgid "Custom"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:61
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "equal"
msgstr "እኩል ነው"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:61
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:65
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "less than"
msgstr "ያንሳል"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:65
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:69
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "greater than"
msgstr "ይበልጣል"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:69
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:73
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "less than or equal"
msgstr "ያንሳል ወይንም እኩል ነው"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:73
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:77
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "greater than or equal to"
msgstr "ይበልጣል ወይንም እኩል ነው"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:77
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:81
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "not equal"
msgstr "እኩል አይደለም"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:81
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:85
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "valid range"
msgstr "ዋጋ ያለው መጠን"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:85
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:89
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "invalid range"
msgstr "ዋጋ የሌለው መጠን"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:103
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:107
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|label1"
msgid "_Allow:"
msgstr "_መፍቀጃ:"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:117
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:121
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|valueft"
msgid "_Data:"
msgstr "_ዳታ:"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:153
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:157
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|minft"
msgid "_Minimum:"
msgstr "_አነስተኛ:"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:235
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:239
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|maxft"
msgid "Ma_ximum:"
msgstr "ከፍ_ተኛ:"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:246
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:250
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|allowempty"
msgid "Allow _empty cells"
msgstr "_ባዶ ክፍሎች ማሳያ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:261
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:265
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|showlist"
msgid "Show selection _list"
msgstr "የ ተመረጠውን _ዝርዝር ማሳያ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:276
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:280
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|sortascend"
msgid "Sor_t entries ascending"
msgstr "እየጨመረ በሚሄድ መለ_ያ ማስገቢያ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:297
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:301
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|hintft"
msgid "A valid source can only consist of a contiguous selection of rows and columns, or a formula that results in an area or array."
msgstr "ዋጋ ያለው ምንጭ መያዝ የሚችለው ከ ረድፍ ወይንም ከ አምድ ወይንም ከ መቀመሪያ ጋር የ ተገናኘ ምርጫ ውጤቶች በ መለያ ቦታ ውስጥ ሲኖር ነው"
diff --git a/source/am/sd/messages.po b/source/am/sd/messages.po
index f9c14565a15..6059ea9f812 100644
--- a/source/am/sd/messages.po
+++ b/source/am/sd/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-06-04 15:42+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-02 21:03+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Samson B <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -5183,8 +5183,8 @@ msgstr "ዋናው እቃዎች"
#: sd/uiconfig/simpress/ui/sidebarslidebackground.ui:126
msgctxt "sidebarslidebackground|button2"
-msgid "Insert Image"
-msgstr "ምስል ማስገቢያ"
+msgid "Insert Image..."
+msgstr ""
#: sd/uiconfig/simpress/ui/sidebarslidebackground.ui:164
msgctxt "sidebarslidebackground|displaymasterbackground"
diff --git a/source/am/sfx2/messages.po b/source/am/sfx2/messages.po
index 97225a95130..2e862909871 100644
--- a/source/am/sfx2/messages.po
+++ b/source/am/sfx2/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-01 23:09+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Samson B <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530486597.000000\n"
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:25
@@ -2195,6 +2195,11 @@ msgctxt "helpmanual|website"
msgid "Read Help Online"
msgstr "እርዳታ በ መስመር ላይ ያንብቡ"
+#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpmanual.ui:60
+msgctxt "helpmanual|hidedialog"
+msgid "Do not show this dialog again"
+msgstr ""
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpsearchpage.ui:22
msgctxt "helpsearchpage|display"
msgid "_Display"
diff --git a/source/am/svx/messages.po b/source/am/svx/messages.po
index 1b9b20147b0..3bcc5c076dc 100644
--- a/source/am/svx/messages.po
+++ b/source/am/svx/messages.po
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 21:22+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-24 16:07+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-04 23:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Samson B <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: am\n"
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1529856467.000000\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530746206.000000\n"
#: svx/inc/fieldunit.hrc:30
@@ -2204,17 +2204,17 @@ msgctxt "classificationdialog|label-IntellectualProperty"
msgid "Intellectual Property"
msgstr "የ ምሁራን ንብረት"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:60
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:58
msgctxt "colorwindow|none_color_button"
msgid "None"
msgstr "ምንም"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:146
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:145
msgctxt "colorwindow|label1"
msgid "Recent"
msgstr "የ ቅርብ ጊዜ"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:183
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:182
msgctxt "colorwindow|color_picker_button"
msgid "Custom Color…"
msgstr "ቀለም ማስተካከያ…"
@@ -2712,52 +2712,52 @@ msgctxt "datanavigator|modelsremove"
msgid "_Remove"
msgstr "_ማስወገጃ"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:52
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:48
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label1"
msgid "Lines & Arrows"
msgstr "መስመሮች & ቀስቶች"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:89
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:85
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label2"
msgid "Curve"
msgstr "ክብ"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:126
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:122
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label3"
msgid "Connectors"
msgstr "አገናኞች"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:163
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:159
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label4"
msgid "Basic Shapes"
msgstr "መሰረታዊ ቅርጾች"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:200
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:196
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label5"
msgid "Symbols"
msgstr "ምልክቶች"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:237
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:233
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label6"
msgid "Block Arrows"
msgstr "መከልከያ ቀስቶች"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:274
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:270
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label7"
msgid "Flowchart"
msgstr "የ ሂደት መቆጣጠሪያ"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:311
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:307
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label8"
msgid "Callouts"
msgstr "መጥሪያዎች"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:348
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:344
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label9"
msgid "Stars"
msgstr "ኮከቦች"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:385
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:381
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label10"
msgid "3D Objects"
msgstr "3ዲ እቃዎች"
@@ -4140,8 +4140,8 @@ msgstr "_ኮፒ"
#: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu2.ui:82
msgctxt "gallerymenu2|paste"
-msgid "_Insert"
-msgstr "_ማስገቢያ"
+msgid "_Paste"
+msgstr ""
#: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:68
msgctxt "headfootformatpage|checkHeaderOn"
@@ -4456,17 +4456,17 @@ msgstr "የ ስም ቦታዎች"
#: svx/uiconfig/ui/oldcolorwindow.ui:59
msgctxt "oldcolorwindow|none_color_button"
msgid "None"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ምንም"
#: svx/uiconfig/ui/oldcolorwindow.ui:128
msgctxt "oldcolorwindow|label1"
msgid "Recent"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "የ ቅርብ ጊዜ"
#: svx/uiconfig/ui/oldcolorwindow.ui:162
msgctxt "oldcolorwindow|color_picker_button"
msgid "Custom Color…"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ቀለም ማስተካከያ…"
#: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:63
msgctxt "optgridpage|usegridsnap"
diff --git a/source/am/sw/messages.po b/source/am/sw/messages.po
index 395b530b12f..a4d16c03810 100644
--- a/source/am/sw/messages.po
+++ b/source/am/sw/messages.po
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 21:22+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-01 23:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:05+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-04 23:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Samson B <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: am\n"
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530486495.000000\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530746178.000000\n"
#: sw/inc/app.hrc:29
@@ -1489,297 +1489,307 @@ msgid "Text"
msgstr "ጽሁፍ"
#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:239
+msgid "Hidden"
+msgstr ""
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:240
+msgid "Condition"
+msgstr ""
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:241
msgctxt "SW_STR_NONE"
msgid "[None]"
msgstr "[ምንም]"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:240
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:242
msgid "Start"
msgstr "መጀመሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:241
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:243
msgid "End"
msgstr "መጨረሻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:242
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:244
msgid "Above"
msgstr "ከ ላይ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:243
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:245
msgid "Below"
msgstr "ከ ታች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:244
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:246
msgid "read-only"
msgstr "ለማንበብ-ብቻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:245
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:247
msgid "The 'AutoText' directories are read-only. Do you want to call the path settings dialog?"
msgstr "ይህ 'በራሱ ጽሁፍ' ዳይሬክቶሪስ ለንባብ-ብቻ ነው: የማሰናጃ ንግግር መንገድን መጥራት ይፈልጋሉ?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:246
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:248
msgctxt "STR_DOC_STAT"
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "ስታትስቲክስ"
#. Statusbar-titles
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:248
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:250
msgid "Importing document..."
msgstr "ሰነዶችን በማምጣት ላይ..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:249
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:251
msgid "Exporting document..."
msgstr "ሰነዶችን በመላክ ላይ..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:250
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:252
msgid "Saving document..."
msgstr "ሰነዶችን በማስቀመጥ ላይ..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:251
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:253
msgid "Repagination..."
msgstr "የ ገጽ መጨረሻ ማስያ..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:252
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:254
msgid "Formatting document automatically..."
msgstr "ሰነዶችን ራሱ በራሱ አቀራረብ..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:253
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:255
msgid "Search..."
msgstr "መፈለጊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:254
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:256
msgid "Letter"
msgstr "ደብዳቤ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:255
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:257
msgid "Spellcheck..."
msgstr "ፊደል ማረሚያ..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:256
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:258
msgid "Hyphenation..."
msgstr "ጭረት..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:257
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:259
msgid "Inserting Index..."
msgstr "ማውጫ በማስገባት ላይ..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:258
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:260
msgid "Updating Index..."
msgstr "ማውጫውን በማሻሻል ላይ..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:259
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:261
msgid "Creating abstract..."
msgstr "ግልጽ ያልሆነ መፍጠሪያ..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:260
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:262
msgid "Adapt Objects..."
msgstr "Adapt Objects..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:261
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:263
msgid "Table"
msgstr "ሰንጠረዥ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:262
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:264
msgid "Image"
msgstr "ምስል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:263
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:265
msgid "Object"
msgstr "እቃ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:264
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:266
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "ክፈፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:265
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:267
msgid "Shape"
msgstr "ቅርጽ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:266
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:268
msgid "Section"
msgstr "ክፍል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:267
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:269
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "ቁጥር በመስጠት ላይ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:268
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:270
msgid "blank page"
msgstr "ባዶ ገጽ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:269
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:271
msgid "Abstract: "
msgstr "ግልጽ ያልሆነ : "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:270
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:272
msgid "separated by: "
msgstr "የተለየው በ : "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:271
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:273
msgid "Outline: Level "
msgstr "የ ረቂቅ: ደረጃ "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:272
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:274
msgctxt "STR_FDLG_STYLE"
msgid "Style: "
msgstr "ዘዴ: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:273
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:275
msgid "Page number: "
msgstr "የ ገጽ ቁጥር: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:274
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:276
msgid "Break before new page"
msgstr "ከ አዲስ ገጽ በፊት መጨረሻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:275
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:277
msgid "Western text: "
msgstr "Western text: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:276
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:278
msgctxt "STR_CJK_FONT"
msgid "Asian text: "
msgstr "Asian text: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:277
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:279
msgctxt "STR_CTL_FONT"
msgid "CTL text: "
msgstr "CTL ጽሁፍ: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:278
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:280
msgid "Unknown Author"
msgstr "ያልታወቀ ደራሲ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:279
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:281
msgid "Delete ~All Comments by $1"
msgstr "~ሁሉንም አስተያየቶች ማጥፊያ በ $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:280
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:282
msgid "H~ide All Comments by $1"
msgstr "ሁ~ሉንም አስተያየቶች መደበቂያ በ $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:281
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:283
msgid "Outline Numbering"
msgstr "የ ቁጥር መስጫ ረቂቅ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:282
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:284
msgid "%1 words, %2 characters"
msgstr "%1 ቃላቶች, %2 ባህሪዎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:283
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:285
msgid "%1 words, %2 characters selected"
msgstr "%1 ቃላቶች, %2 የተመረጡት ባህሪዎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:284
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:286
msgid "Convert Text to Table"
msgstr "ጽሁፉን ወደ ሰንጠረዥ መቀየሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:285
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:287
msgid "Add AutoFormat"
msgstr "በራሱ አቀራረብ መጨመሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:286
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:288
msgid "Name"
msgstr "ስም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:287
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:289
msgid "Delete AutoFormat"
msgstr "በራሱ አቀራረብ ማጥፊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:288
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:290
msgid "The following AutoFormat entry will be deleted:"
msgstr "የሚቀጥለው በራሱ አቀራረብ ማስገቢያ ይጠፋል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:289
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:291
msgid "Rename AutoFormat"
msgstr "በራሱ አቀራረብ እንደገና መሰየሚያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:290
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:292
msgid "~Close"
msgstr "~መዝጊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:291
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:293
msgctxt "STR_JAN"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "ጥር"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:292
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:294
msgctxt "STR_FEB"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "የካ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:293
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:295
msgctxt "STR_MAR"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "መጋ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:294
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:296
msgctxt "STR_NORTH"
msgid "North"
msgstr "ሰሜን"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:295
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:297
msgctxt "STR_MID"
msgid "Mid"
msgstr "Mid"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:296
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:298
msgctxt "STR_SOUTH"
msgid "South"
msgstr "ደቡብ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:297
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:299
msgctxt "STR_SUM"
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "ድምር"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:298
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:300
msgid ""
"You have entered an invalid name.\n"
@@ -1790,313 +1800,313 @@ msgstr ""
"የሚፈለገውን በራሱ አቀራረብ መፍጠር አልተቻለም \n"
"ሌላ ስም በመጠቀም እንደገና ይሞክሩ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:299
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:301
msgctxt "STR_NUMERIC"
msgid "Numeric"
msgstr "Numerical"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:300
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:302
msgctxt "STR_ROW"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "ረድፎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:301
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:303
msgctxt "STR_COL"
msgid "Column"
msgstr "አምድ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:302
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:304
msgid "Edit Bibliography Entry"
msgstr "የ ጽሁፎች ዝርዝር ማስገቢያ ማረሚያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:303
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:305
msgid "Insert Bibliography Entry"
msgstr "የ ጽሁፎች ዝርዝር ማስገቢያ ያስገቡ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:304
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:306
msgid "Spacing between %1 and %2"
msgstr "በመካከል ክፍተት %1 እና %2"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:305
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:307
msgid "Column %1 Width"
msgstr "አምድ %1 ስፋት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:306
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:308
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Table"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME መጻፊያ ሰንጠረዥ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:307
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:309
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Frame"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME መጻፊያ ክፈፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:308
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:310
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Image"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME መጻፊያ ምስል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:309
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:311
msgid "Other OLE Objects"
msgstr "ሌሎች የ OLE እቃዎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:310
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:312
msgid "The name of the table must not contain spaces."
msgstr "በሰንጠረዥ ስም መካከል ባዶ ቦታ ማስገባት አይፈቀድም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:311
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:313
msgid "Selected table cells are too complex to merge."
msgstr "የ ተመረጠውን የ ሰንጠርዥ ክፍል ለማዋሀድ በጣም ውስብስብ ነው"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:312
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:314
msgctxt "STR_SRTERR"
msgid "Cannot sort selection"
msgstr "ምርጫውን መለየት አልተቻለም"
#. Miscellaneous
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:315
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:317
msgid "Click object"
msgstr "እቃውን ይጫኑ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:316
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:318
msgid "Before inserting AutoText"
msgstr "ራሱ በራሱ ጽሁፍ ከማስገባቱ በፊት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:317
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:319
msgid "After inserting AutoText"
msgstr "ራሱ በራሱ ጽሁፍ ካስገባ በኋላ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:318
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:320
msgid "Mouse over object"
msgstr "አይጥ በእቃዎች ላይ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:319
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:321
msgid "Trigger hyperlink"
msgstr "hyperlink ማስነሻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:320
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:322
msgid "Mouse leaves object"
msgstr "አይጥ እቃዎችን ሲተው"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:321
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:323
msgid "Image loaded successfully"
msgstr "ምስሉ ተሳክቶ ተጭኗል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:322
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:324
msgid "Image loading terminated"
msgstr "ምስል መጫኑ ተቋርጧል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:323
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:325
msgid "Could not load image"
msgstr "ምስል መጫን አልተቻለም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:324
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:326
msgid "Input of alphanumeric characters"
msgstr "ቁጥር እና ፊደል ቅልቅል ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:325
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:327
msgid "Input of non-alphanumeric characters"
msgstr "ቁጥር እና ፊደል ቅልቅል -ያልሆኑ ባህሪዎች ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:326
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:328
msgid "Resize frame"
msgstr "ክፈፍ እንደገና መመጠኛ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:327
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:329
msgid "Move frame"
msgstr "ክፈፍ ማንቀሳቀሻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:328
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:330
msgid "Headings"
msgstr "ራስጌዎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:329
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:331
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "ሰንጠረዦች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:330
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:332
msgid "Text frames"
msgstr "የ ጽሁፍ ክፈፎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:331
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:333
msgid "Images"
msgstr "ምስሎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:332
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:334
msgid "OLE objects"
msgstr "የ OLE እቃዎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:333
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:335
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr "ምልክት ማድረጊያዎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:334
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:336
msgid "Sections"
msgstr "ክፍሎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:335
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:337
msgid "Hyperlinks"
msgstr "Hyperlinks"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:336
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:338
msgid "References"
msgstr "ማመሳከሪያዎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:337
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:339
msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "ማውጫዎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:338
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:340
msgid "Drawing objects"
msgstr "እቃዎች መሳያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:339
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:341
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "አስተያየት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:340
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:342
msgid "Heading 1"
msgstr "ራስጌ 1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:341
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:343
msgid "This is the content from the first chapter. This is a user directory entry."
msgstr "ይህ የ ምዕራፍ አንድ ይዞታ ነው: ይህ የ ተጠቃሚው ማውጫ ማስገቢያ ነው"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:342
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:344
msgid "Heading 1.1"
msgstr "ራስጌ 1.1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:343
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:345
msgid "This is the content from chapter 1.1. This is the entry for the table of contents."
msgstr "ይህ የ ምዕራፍ 1.1. ይዞታ ነው: ይህ የ ተጠቃሚው ሰንጠረዥ ማውጫ ይዞታ ማስገቢያ ነው"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:344
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:346
msgid "Heading 1.2"
msgstr "ራስጌ 1.2"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:345
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:347
msgid "This is the content from chapter 1.2. This keyword is a main entry."
msgstr "ይህ የምዕራፍ 1.2. ይዞታ ነው: ይህ ቁልፍ ቃል ዋናው ማስገቢያ ነው"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:346
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:348
msgid "Table 1: This is table 1"
msgstr "ሰንጠረዥ 1: ይህ ሰንጠረዥ 1 ነው"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:347
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:349
msgid "Image 1: This is image 1"
msgstr "ምስል 1: ይህ ምስል 1 ነው"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:348
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:350
msgid "Heading"
msgstr "ራስጌ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:349
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:351
msgid "Table"
msgstr "ሰንጠረዥ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:350
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:352
msgid "Text frame"
msgstr "የ ጽሁፍ ክፈፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:351
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:353
msgid "Image"
msgstr "ምስል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:352
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:354
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "የ OLE እቃዎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:353
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:355
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr "ምልክት ማድረጊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:354
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:356
msgid "Section"
msgstr "ክፍል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:355
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:357
msgid "Hyperlink"
msgstr "Hyperlink"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:356
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:358
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "ማመሳከሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:357
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:359
msgid "Index"
msgstr "ማውጫ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:358
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:360
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "አስተያየት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:359
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:361
msgid "Draw object"
msgstr "እቃ መሳያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:360
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:362
msgid "Additional formats..."
msgstr "ተጨማሪ አቀራረቦች..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:361
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:363
msgctxt "RID_STR_SYSTEM"
msgid "[System]"
msgstr "[System]"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:362
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:364
msgid ""
"The interactive hyphenation is already active\n"
@@ -2105,2122 +2115,2122 @@ msgstr ""
"የ ጭረት ተጽእኖ ቀደም ሲል ንቁ ነበር\n"
"በተለየ ሰነድ ላይ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:363
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:365
msgctxt "STR_HYPH_TITLE"
msgid "Hyphenation"
msgstr "ጭረት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:366
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:368
msgctxt "STR_CANT_UNDO"
msgid "not possible"
msgstr "አይቻልም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:367
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:369
msgid "Delete $1"
msgstr "ማጥፊያ $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:368
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:370
msgid "Insert $1"
msgstr "ማስገቢያ $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:369
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:371
msgctxt "STR_OVR_UNDO"
msgid "Overwrite: $1"
msgstr "በላዩ ላይ ደርቦ መጻፊያ $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:370
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:372
msgid "New Paragraph"
msgstr "አዲስ አንቀጽ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:371
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:373
msgctxt "STR_MOVE_UNDO"
msgid "Move"
msgstr "ማንቀሳቀሻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:372
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:374
msgid "Apply attributes"
msgstr "ባህሪዎች መፈጸሚያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:373
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:375
msgid "Apply Styles: $1"
msgstr "ዘዴዎቹን መፈጸሚያ $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:374
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:376
msgid "Reset attributes"
msgstr "ባህሪውን እንደ ነበር መመለሻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:375
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:377
msgid "Change style: $1"
msgstr "ዘዴውን መቀየሪያ: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:376
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:378
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "ፋይል ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:377
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:379
msgid "Insert AutoText"
msgstr "በራሱ ጽሁፍ ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:378
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:380
msgid "Delete bookmark: $1"
msgstr "ምልክት ማድረጊያ ማጥፊያ: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:379
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:381
msgid "Insert bookmark: $1"
msgstr "ምልክት ማድረጊያ ማስገቢያ: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:380
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:382
msgctxt "STR_SORT_TBL"
msgid "Sort table"
msgstr "ሰንጠረዥ መለያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:381
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:383
msgctxt "STR_SORT_TXT"
msgid "Sort text"
msgstr "ጽሁፍ መለያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:382
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:384
msgid "Insert table: $1$2$3"
msgstr "ሰንጠረዥ ማስገቢያ: $1$2$3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:383
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:385
msgid "Convert text -> table"
msgstr "ጽሁፍ መቀየሪያ ወደ -> ሰንጠረዥ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:384
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:386
msgid "Convert table -> text"
msgstr "ሰንጠረዥ መቀየሪያ ወደ -> ጽሁፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:385
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:387
msgctxt "STR_COPY_UNDO"
msgid "Copy: $1"
msgstr "ኮፒ: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:386
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:388
msgid "Replace $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "መቀየሪያ: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:387
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:389
msgid "Insert page break"
msgstr "የ ገጽ መጨረሻ ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:388
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:390
msgid "Insert column break"
msgstr "የ አምድ መጨረሻ ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:389
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:391
msgid "Insert Envelope"
msgstr "ፖስታ ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:390
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:392
msgid "Copy: $1"
msgstr "ኮፒ: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:391
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:393
msgid "Move: $1"
msgstr "ማንቀሳቀሻ: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:392
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:394
msgid "Insert %PRODUCTNAME Chart"
msgstr "ማስገቢያ %PRODUCTNAME ቻርት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:393
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:395
msgid "Insert frame"
msgstr "ክፈፍ ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:394
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:396
msgid "Delete frame"
msgstr "ክፈፍ ማጥፊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:395
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:397
msgid "AutoFormat"
msgstr "በራሱ አቀራረብ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:396
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:398
msgid "Table heading"
msgstr "የ ሰንጠረዥ አርእስት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:397
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:399
msgctxt "STR_REPLACE"
msgid "Replace: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "መቀየሪያ: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:398
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:400
msgid "Insert section"
msgstr "ክፍል ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:399
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:401
msgid "Delete section"
msgstr "ክፍል ማጥፊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:400
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:402
msgid "Modify section"
msgstr "ክፍል ማሻሻያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:401
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:403
msgid "Modify default values"
msgstr "ነባር ዋጋዎችን ማሻሻያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:402
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:404
msgid "Replace style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "ዘዴውን መቀየሪያ: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:403
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:405
msgid "Delete page break"
msgstr "የ ገጽ መጨረሻውን ማጥፊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:404
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:406
msgid "Text Correction"
msgstr "ጽሁፍ ማረሚያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:405
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:407
msgctxt "STR_OUTLINE_LR"
msgid "Promote/demote outline"
msgstr "ማሳደጊያ/እቅድ መሻሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:406
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:408
msgctxt "STR_OUTLINE_UD"
msgid "Move outline"
msgstr "እቅድ ማንቀሳቀሻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:407
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:409
msgctxt "STR_INSNUM"
msgid "Insert numbering"
msgstr "ቁጥር መስጫ ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:408
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:410
msgctxt "STR_NUMUP"
msgid "Promote level"
msgstr "ማሳደጊያ ደረጃ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:409
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:411
msgctxt "STR_NUMDOWN"
msgid "Demote level"
msgstr "መሻሪያ ደረጃ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:410
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:412
msgctxt "STR_MOVENUM"
msgid "Move paragraphs"
msgstr "አንቀጾችን ማንቀሳቀሻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:411
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:413
msgid "Insert drawing object: $1"
msgstr "የ መሳያ እቃዎች ማስገቢያ: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:412
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:414
msgid "Number On/Off"
msgstr "ቁጥር ማብሪያ/ማጥፊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:413
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:415
msgid "Increase Indent"
msgstr "ማስረጊያ መጨመሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:414
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:416
msgid "Decrease indent"
msgstr "ማስረጊያ መቀነሻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:415
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:417
msgid "Insert caption: $1"
msgstr "መግለጫ ጽሁፍ ማስገቢያ : $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:416
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:418
msgid "Restart numbering"
msgstr "ቁጥር መስጫ እንደገና ማስጀመሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:417
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:419
msgid "Modify footnote"
msgstr "የ ግርጌ ማስታወሻዎች ማሻሻያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:418
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:420
msgid "Accept change: $1"
msgstr "ለውጡን ተቀብያለሁ: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:419
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:421
msgid "Reject change: $1"
msgstr "ለውጡን አልቀበልም: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:420
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:422
msgid "Split Table"
msgstr "ሰንጠረዥ መክፈያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:421
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:423
msgid "Stop attribute"
msgstr "ባህሪዎችን ማስቆሚያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:422
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:424
msgid "AutoCorrect"
msgstr "በራሱ አራሚ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:423
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:425
msgid "Merge table"
msgstr "ሰንጠረዥ ማዋሀጃ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:424
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:426
msgid "Change Case"
msgstr "ጉዳይ መቀየሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:425
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:427
msgctxt "STR_DELNUM"
msgid "Delete numbering"
msgstr "ቁጥር መስጫውን ማጥፊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:426
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:428
msgctxt "STR_DRAWUNDO"
msgid "Drawing objects: $1"
msgstr "እቃዎች መሳያ: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:427
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:429
msgid "Group draw objects"
msgstr "የመሳያ እቃዎችን በቡድን ማድረጊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:428
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:430
msgid "Ungroup drawing objects"
msgstr "የ መሳያ እቃዎች መለያያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:429
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:431
msgid "Delete drawing objects"
msgstr "መሳያ እቃዎች ማጥፊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:430
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:432
msgctxt "STR_REREAD"
msgid "Replace Image"
msgstr "ምስል መቀየሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:431
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:433
msgctxt "STR_DELGRF"
msgid "Delete Image"
msgstr "ምስል ማጥፊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:432
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:434
msgctxt "STR_TABLE_ATTR"
msgid "Apply table attributes"
msgstr "የሰንጠረዥ ባህሪዎች መፈጸሚያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:433
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:435
msgid "AutoFormat Table"
msgstr "በራሱ አቀራረብ ሰንጠረዥ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:434
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:436
msgid "Insert Column"
msgstr "አምድ ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:435
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:437
msgid "Insert Row"
msgstr "ረድፍ ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:436
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:438
msgid "Delete row/column"
msgstr "ረድፍ/አምድ ማጥፊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:437
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:439
msgid "Delete column"
msgstr "አምድ ማጥፊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:438
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:440
msgid "Delete row"
msgstr "ረድፍ ማጥፊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:439
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:441
msgid "Split Cells"
msgstr "ክፍሎች መክፈያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:440
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:442
msgid "Merge Cells"
msgstr "ክፍሎች ማዋሀጃ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:441
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:443
msgid "Format cell"
msgstr "የ ክፍል አቀራረብ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:442
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:444
msgctxt "STR_INSERT_TOX"
msgid "Insert index/table"
msgstr "ማውጫ/ሰንጠረዥ ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:443
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:445
msgid "Remove index/table"
msgstr "ማውጫ/ሰንጠረዥ ማስወገጃ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:444
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:446
msgid "Copy table"
msgstr "ሰንጠረዥ ኮፒ ማድረጊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:445
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:447
msgid "Copy table"
msgstr "ሰንጠረዥ ኮፒ ማድረጊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:446
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:448
msgid "Set cursor"
msgstr "መጠቆሚያ ማሰናጃ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:447
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:449
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_CHAIN"
msgid "Link text frames"
msgstr "የጽሁፍ ክፈፎችን አገናኝ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:448
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:450
msgid "Unlink text frames"
msgstr "የጽሁፍ ክፈፎችን አታገናኝ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:449
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:451
msgid "Modify footnote options"
msgstr "የ ግርጌ ማስታወሻ ምርጫዎች ማሻሻያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:450
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:452
msgid "Compare Document"
msgstr "ሰንዶችን ማዋዳደሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:451
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:453
msgid "Apply frame style: $1"
msgstr "የ ክፈፍ ዘዴ መፈጸሚያ: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:452
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:454
msgid "Ruby Setting"
msgstr "Ruby Setting"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:453
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:455
msgid "Insert footnote"
msgstr "የ ግርጌ ማስታወሻ ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:454
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:456
msgid "insert URL button"
msgstr "የ URL ቁልፍ ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:455
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:457
msgid "Insert Hyperlink"
msgstr "የ Hyperlink ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:456
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:458
msgid "remove invisible content"
msgstr "የማይታዩ ይዞታዎችን ማስወገጃ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:457
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:459
msgid "Table/index changed"
msgstr "ሰንጠረዥ/ማውጫ ተቀይሯል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:458
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:460
msgid "“"
msgstr "“"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:459
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:461
msgctxt "STR_END_QUOTE"
msgid "”"
msgstr "”"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:460
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:462
msgctxt "STR_LDOTS"
msgid "..."
msgstr "..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:461
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:463
msgctxt "STR_MULTISEL"
msgid "multiple selection"
msgstr "በርካታ ምርጫዎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:462
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:464
msgid "Typing: $1"
msgstr "በመጻፍ ላይ : $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:463
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:465
msgid "Paste clipboard"
msgstr "ቁራጭ ሰሌዳ መለጠፊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:464
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:466
msgctxt "STR_YIELDS"
msgid "→"
msgstr "→"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:465
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:467
msgid "occurrences of"
msgstr "የሚደርስ ነገር ከ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:466
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:468
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_TABS"
msgid "$1 tab(s)"
msgstr "$1 tab(s)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:467
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:469
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_NLS"
msgid "$1 line break(s)"
msgstr "$1 መስመር መጨረሻ(ዎች)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:468
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:470
msgid "page break"
msgstr "የ ገጽ መጨረሻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:469
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:471
msgid "column break"
msgstr "የ አምድ መጨረሻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:470
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:472
msgid "Insert $1"
msgstr "ማስገቢያ $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:471
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:473
msgid "Delete $1"
msgstr "ማጥፊያ $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:472
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:474
msgid "Attributes changed"
msgstr "ባህሪው ተቀይሯል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:473
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:475
msgid "Table changed"
msgstr "ሰንጠረዡ ተቀይሯል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:474
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:476
msgid "Style changed"
msgstr "ዘዴ ተቀይሯል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:475
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:477
msgid "Paragraph formatting changed"
msgstr "የ አንቀጽ አቀራረብ ተቀይሯል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:476
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:478
msgid "Insert Row"
msgstr "ረድፍ ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:477
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:479
msgid "Delete Row"
msgstr "ረድፍ ማጥፊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:478
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:480
msgid "Insert Cell"
msgstr "ክፍል ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:479
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:481
msgid "Delete Cell"
msgstr "ክፍል ማጥፊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:480
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:482
msgctxt "STR_N_REDLINES"
msgid "$1 changes"
msgstr "$1 መቀየሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:481
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:483
msgid "Change page style: $1"
msgstr "የ ገጽ ዘዴ መቀየሪያ: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:482
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:484
msgid "Create page style: $1"
msgstr "የ ገጽ ዘዴ መፍጠሪያ: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:483
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:485
msgid "Delete page style: $1"
msgstr "የ ገጽ ዘዴ ማጥፊያ: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:484
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:486
msgid "Rename page style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "የ ገጽ ዘዴ እንደገና መሰየሚያ: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:485
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:487
msgid "Header/footer changed"
msgstr "ረስጌ/ግርጌ ተቀይሯል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:486
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:488
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_FIELD"
msgid "Field changed"
msgstr "ሜዳው ተቀይሯል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:487
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:489
msgid "Create paragraph style: $1"
msgstr "የ አንቀጽ ዘዴ መፍጠሪያ: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:488
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:490
msgid "Delete paragraph style: $1"
msgstr "የ አንቀጽ ዘዴ ማጥፊያ: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:489
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:491
msgid "Rename paragraph style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "የ አንቀጽ ዘዴ እንደገና መሰየሚያ: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:490
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:492
msgid "Create character style: $1"
msgstr "የ ባህሪ ዘዴ መፍጠሪያ: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:491
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:493
msgid "Delete character style: $1"
msgstr "የ ባህሪ ዘዴ ማጥፊያ: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:492
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:494
msgid "Rename character style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "የ ባህሪ ዘዴ እንደገና መሰየሚያ: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:493
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:495
msgid "Create frame style: $1"
msgstr "የ ባህሪ ዘዴ መቀየሪያ: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:494
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:496
msgid "Delete frame style: $1"
msgstr "የ ክፈፍ ዘዴ ማጥፊያ: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:495
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:497
msgid "Rename frame style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "የ ክፈፍ ዘዴ እንደገና መሰየሚያ: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:496
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:498
msgid "Create numbering style: $1"
msgstr "የ ቁጥር መስጫ ዘዴ መፍጠሪያ: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:497
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:499
msgid "Delete numbering style: $1"
msgstr "የ ቁጥር መስጫ ዘዴ ማጥፊያ: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:498
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:500
msgid "Rename numbering style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "የ ቁጥር መስጫ ዘዴ እንደገና መሰየሚያ: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:499
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:501
msgid "Rename bookmark: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "እንደገና መሰየሚያ ምልክት ማድረጊያውን : $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:500
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:502
msgid "Insert index entry"
msgstr "የማውጫ መግቢያ ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:501
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:503
msgid "Delete index entry"
msgstr "ማውጫ ማስገቢያ ማጥፊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:502
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:504
msgctxt "STR_FIELD"
msgid "field"
msgstr "ሜዳ"
#. undo: STR_PARAGRAPHS, string.text
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:504
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:506
msgid "Paragraphs"
msgstr "አንቀጾች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:505
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:507
msgctxt "STR_FRAME"
msgid "frame"
msgstr "ክፈፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:506
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:508
msgctxt "STR_OLE"
msgid "OLE-object"
msgstr "የ OLE-እቃ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:507
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:509
msgid "formula"
msgstr "መቀመሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:508
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:510
msgctxt "STR_CHART"
msgid "chart"
msgstr "ቻርት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:509
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:511
msgctxt "STR_NOTE"
msgid "comment"
msgstr "አስተያየት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:510
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:512
msgid "cross-reference"
msgstr "መስቀልኛ - ማመሳከሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:511
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:513
msgctxt "STR_SCRIPT"
msgid "script"
msgstr "ጽሁፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:512
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:514
msgid "bibliography entry"
msgstr "የ ጽሁፎች ዝርዝር ማስገቢያ..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:513
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:515
msgid "special character"
msgstr "የተለየ ባህሪ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:514
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:516
msgctxt "STR_FOOTNOTE"
msgid "footnote"
msgstr "የ ግርጌ ማስታወሻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:515
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:517
msgctxt "STR_GRAPHIC"
msgid "image"
msgstr "ምስል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:516
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:518
msgid "drawing object(s)"
msgstr "መሳያ እቃ(ዎች)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:517
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:519
msgctxt "STR_TABLE_NAME"
msgid "table: $1$2$3"
msgstr "ሰንጠረዥ: $1$2$3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:518
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:520
msgid "paragraph"
msgstr "አንቀጽ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:519
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:521
msgid "Paragraph sign"
msgstr "አንቀጽ መፈረሚያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:520
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:522
msgid "Change object title of $1"
msgstr "የ እቃዎች አርእስት መቀየሪያ ከ $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:521
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:523
msgid "Change object description of $1"
msgstr "የ እቃዎችን መግለጫ መቀየሪያ ከ $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:522
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:524
msgid "Create table style: $1"
msgstr "የ ሰንጠረዥ ዘዴ መፍጠሪያ: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:523
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:525
msgid "Delete table style: $1"
msgstr "የ ሰንጠረዥ ዘዴ ማጥፊያ: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:524
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:526
msgid "Update table style: $1"
msgstr "የ ሰንጠረዥ ዘዴ ማሻሻያ: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:525
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:527
msgid "Delete table"
msgstr "ሰንጠረዥ ማጥፊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:527
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:529
msgid "Document view"
msgstr "ሰነድ መመልከቻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:528
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:530
msgid "Document view"
msgstr "ሰነድ መመልከቻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:529
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:531
msgid "Header $(ARG1)"
msgstr "ራስጌ $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:530
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:532
msgid "Header page $(ARG1)"
msgstr "የ ራስጌ ገጽ $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:531
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:533
msgid "Footer $(ARG1)"
msgstr "ግርጌ $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:532
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:534
msgid "Footer page $(ARG1)"
msgstr "የ ግርጌ ገጽ $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:533
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:535
msgid "Footnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "የ ግርጌ ማስታወሻ $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:534
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:536
msgid "Footnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "የ ግርጌ ማስታወሻ $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:535
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:537
msgid "Endnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "የ መጨረሻ ማስታወሻ $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:536
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:538
msgid "Endnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "የ መጨረሻ ማስታወሻ $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:537
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:539
msgid "$(ARG1) on page $(ARG2)"
msgstr "$(ARG1) በገጹ ላይ $(ARG2)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:538
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:540
msgid "Page $(ARG1)"
msgstr "ገጽ $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:539
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:541
msgid "Page: $(ARG1)"
msgstr "ገጽ: $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:540
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:542
msgid "Author"
msgstr "ደራሲው"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:541
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:543
msgid "Date"
msgstr "ቀን"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:542
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:544
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "ተግባሮች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:543
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:545
msgid "Activate this button to open a list of actions which can be performed on this comment and other comments"
msgstr "ይህን ቁልፍ ያስነሱ በዚህ አስተያየት እና በሌሎችም አስተያየት ላይ ዝርዝር ተግባሮችን ለመክፈት እና ለመፈጸም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:544
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:546
msgid "Document preview"
msgstr "የሰነድ ቅድመ እይታ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:545
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:547
msgid "(Preview mode)"
msgstr "(ቅድመ እይታ ዘዴ)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:546
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:548
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Document"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME ሰነድ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:548
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:550
msgid "Read Error"
msgstr "የ ማንበብ ስህተት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:549
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:551
msgid "Image cannot be displayed."
msgstr "ምስሉን ማሳየት አልተቻለም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:550
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:552
msgid "Error reading from the clipboard."
msgstr "ስህተት ከቁራጭ ሰሌዳው በማንበብ ላይ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:552
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:554
msgid "Manual Column Break"
msgstr "የ አምድ መጨረሻ በ እጅ የሚሰራ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:554
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:556
msgid "Row %ROWNUMBER"
msgstr "ረድፍ %ROWNUMBER"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:555
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:557
#, c-format
msgid "Column %COLUMNLETTER"
msgstr "አምድ %COLUMNLETTER"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:556
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:558
msgid "Character"
msgstr "ባህሪ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:557
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:559
msgid "Paragraph"
msgstr "አንቀጽ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:558
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:560
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "ክፈፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:559
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:561
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "ገጾች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:560
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:562
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "ቁጥር መስጫ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:561
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:563
msgid "Table"
msgstr "ሰንጠረዥ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:562
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:564
msgid "Cell"
msgstr "ክፍል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:564
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:566
msgid "Asian"
msgstr "Asian"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:565
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:567
msgctxt "ST_SCRIPT_CTL"
msgid "CTL"
msgstr "CTL"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:566
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:568
msgid "Western"
msgstr "ምእራባዊ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:567
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:569
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:568
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:570
msgid "Contents"
msgstr "ይዞታዎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:569
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:571
msgid "Page ba~ckground"
msgstr "የ ገጽ መደ~ብ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:570
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:572
msgid "~Images and other graphic objects"
msgstr "~ስእሎች እና ሌሎች የ ንድፍ እቃዎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:571
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:573
msgid "Hidden te~xt"
msgstr "የ ተደበቁ ጽሁ~ፎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:572
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:574
msgid "~Text placeholders"
msgstr "የ ~ጽሁፍ ቦታ ያዢዎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:573
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:575
msgid "Form control~s"
msgstr "ፎርም መቆጣጠሪ~ያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:574
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:576
msgid "Color"
msgstr "ቀለም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:575
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:577
msgid "Print text in blac~k"
msgstr "ጽሁፍ በጥቁ~ር ማተሚያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:576
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:578
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "ገጾች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:577
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:579
msgid "Print ~automatically inserted blank pages"
msgstr "የገቡትን ባዶ ገጾች ~ራሱ በራሱ ማተሚያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:578
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:580
msgid "~Use only paper tray from printer preferences"
msgstr "~ይጠቀሙ የ ወረቀት ትሪ ከ ማተሚያ ምርጫዎች ውስጥ ብቻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:579
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:581
msgid "Print"
msgstr "ማተሚያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:580
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:582
msgid "None (document only)"
msgstr "ምንም (ሰነድ ብቻ)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:581
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:583
msgid "Comments only"
msgstr "አስተያየቶች ብቻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:582
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:584
msgid "Place at end of document"
msgstr "በ ሰነድ መጨረሻ ላይ ማድረጊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:583
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:585
msgid "Place at end of page"
msgstr "በ ሰነድ መጨረሻ ላይ ማድረጊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:584
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:586
msgid "~Comments"
msgstr "~አስተያየቶች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:585
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:587
msgid "Page sides"
msgstr "የ ገጽ ጎኖች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:586
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:588
msgid "All pages"
msgstr "ሁሉንም ገጾች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:587
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:589
msgid "Back sides / left pages"
msgstr "የ ኋላ ጎኖች / የ ግራ ገጾች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:588
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:590
msgid "Front sides / right pages"
msgstr "የ ፊት ጎኖች / የ ቀኝ ገጾች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:589
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:591
msgid "Include"
msgstr "መጨመሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:590
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:592
msgid "Broch~ure"
msgstr "መግለጫ~ጽሁፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:591
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:593
msgid "Left-to-right script"
msgstr "ከ ግራ-ወደ-ቀኝ ጽሁፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:592
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:594
msgid "Right-to-left script"
msgstr "ከ ቀኝ-ወደ-ግራ ጽሁፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:593
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:595
msgid "Range and copies"
msgstr "መጠን እና ኮፒዎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:594
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:596
msgid "~All pages"
msgstr "~ሁሉንም ገጾች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:595
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:597
msgid "Pa~ges"
msgstr "ገጾ~ች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:596
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:598
msgid "~Selection"
msgstr "~ምርጫዎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:597
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:599
msgid "Place in margins"
msgstr "በ መስመር ውስጥ ማድረጊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:599
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:601
msgid "Functions"
msgstr "ተግባሮች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:600
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:602
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "መሰረዣ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:601
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:603
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "መፈጸሚያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:602
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:604
msgid "Formula Tool Bar"
msgstr "የ መቀመሪያ እቃ መደርደሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:603
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:605
msgid "Formula Type"
msgstr "የ መቀመሪያ አይነት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:604
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:606
msgid "Formula Text"
msgstr "የ _መቀመሪያ ጽሁፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:606
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:608
msgid "Global View"
msgstr "አለም አቀፍ መመልከቻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:607
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:609
msgid "Content Navigation View"
msgstr "ይዞታ መቃኛ መመለከቻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:608
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:610
msgid "Outline Level"
msgstr "የ ረቂቅ ደረጃ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:609
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:611
msgctxt "STR_DRAGMODE"
msgid "Drag Mode"
msgstr "መጎተቻ ዘዴ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:610
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:612
msgid "Insert as Hyperlink"
msgstr "እንደ Hyperlink ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:611
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:613
msgid "Insert as Link"
msgstr "እንደ አገናኝ ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:612
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:614
msgid "Insert as Copy"
msgstr "እንደ ኮፒ ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:613
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:615
msgctxt "STR_DISPLAY"
msgid "Display"
msgstr "ማሳያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:614
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:616
msgid "Active Window"
msgstr "ንቁ መስኮት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:615
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:617
msgctxt "STR_HIDDEN"
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "የተደበቀ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:616
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:618
msgctxt "STR_ACTIVE"
msgid "active"
msgstr "ንቁ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:617
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:619
msgctxt "STR_INACTIVE"
msgid "inactive"
msgstr "የቦዘነ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:618
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:620
msgctxt "STR_EDIT_ENTRY"
msgid "Edit..."
msgstr "ማረሚያ..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:619
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:621
msgctxt "STR_UPDATE"
msgid "~Update"
msgstr "~ማሻሻያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:620
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:622
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "ማረሚያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:621
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:623
msgctxt "STR_EDIT_LINK"
msgid "Edit link"
msgstr "አገናኝ ማረሚያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:622
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:624
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:623
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:625
msgctxt "STR_INDEX"
msgid "~Index"
msgstr "~ማውጫ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:624
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:626
msgctxt "STR_FILE"
msgid "File"
msgstr "ፋይል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:625
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:627
msgctxt "STR_NEW_FILE"
msgid "New Document"
msgstr "አዲስ ሰነድ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:626
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:628
msgid "Text"
msgstr "ጽሁፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:627
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:629
msgctxt "STR_DELETE"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "ማጥፊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:628
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:630
msgid "~Delete"
msgstr "~ማጥፊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:629
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:631
msgctxt "STR_UPDATE_SEL"
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "ምርጫ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:630
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:632
msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "ማውጫዎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:631
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:633
msgid "Links"
msgstr "አገናኞች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:632
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:634
msgctxt "STR_UPDATE_ALL"
msgid "All"
msgstr "ሁሉንም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:633
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:635
msgid "~Remove Index"
msgstr "ማውጫ ~ማስወገጃ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:634
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:636
msgid "~Unprotect"
msgstr "~አትጠብቅ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:635
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:637
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "የተደበቀ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:636
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:638
msgid "File not found: "
msgstr "ፋይሉ አልተገኘም: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:637
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:639
msgctxt "STR_RENAME"
msgid "~Rename"
msgstr "~እንደገና መሰየሚያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:638
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:640
msgid "Read-~only"
msgstr "ለንባብ-~ብቻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:639
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:641
msgid "Show All"
msgstr "ሁሉንም ማሳያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:640
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:642
msgid "Hide All"
msgstr "ሁሉንም መደበቂያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:641
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:643
msgid "Delete All"
msgstr "ሁሉንም ማጥፊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:643
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:645
msgid "Left: "
msgstr "በ ግራ: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:644
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:646
msgid ". Right: "
msgstr ". በ ቀኝ: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:645
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:647
msgid "Inner: "
msgstr "ውስጥ: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:646
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:648
msgid ". Outer: "
msgstr ". ውጪ: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:647
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:649
msgid ". Top: "
msgstr ". ከ ላይ: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:648
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:650
msgid ". Bottom: "
msgstr ". ከ ታች: "
#. Error calculator
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:651
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:653
msgid "Page"
msgstr "ገጽ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:652
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:654
msgid "Line"
msgstr "መስመር"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:653
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:655
msgid "Author"
msgstr "ደራሲው"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:654
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:656
msgid "** Syntax Error **"
msgstr "** የ አገባብ ስህተት **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:655
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:657
msgid "** Division by zero **"
msgstr "** በ ዜሮ ማካፈያ **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:656
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:658
msgctxt "STR_CALC_BRACK"
msgid "** Wrong use of brackets **"
msgstr "** የ ተሳሳተ የ ቅንፎች አጠቃቀም **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:657
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:659
msgctxt "STR_CALC_POW"
msgid "** Square function overflow **"
msgstr "** የ ስኴር ተግባር ሞልቶ ፈሰስ**"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:658
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:660
msgid "** Overflow **"
msgstr "** ሞልቶ ፈሰሰ **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:659
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:661
msgid "** Error **"
msgstr "** ስህተት **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:660
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:662
msgctxt "STR_CALC_ERROR"
msgid "** Expression is faulty **"
msgstr "** አገላለጹ የተሳሳተ ነው **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:661
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:663
msgid "Error: Reference source not found"
msgstr "ስህተት: የ ማመሳከሪያው ምንጭ አልተገኘም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:662
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:664
msgid "None"
msgstr "ምንም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:663
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:665
msgid "(fixed)"
msgstr "(የተወሰነ)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:664
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:666
msgid " Y: %1 M: %2 D: %3 H: %4 M: %5 S: %6"
msgstr " አ: %1 ወ: %2 ቀ: %3 ሰ: %4 ደ: %5 ሰ: %6"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:665
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:667
msgctxt "STR_TOI"
msgid "Alphabetical Index"
msgstr "በ ፊደል ቅደም ተከተል ማውጫ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:666
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:668
msgctxt "STR_TOU"
msgid "User-Defined"
msgstr "በ ተጠቃሚው-የሚወሰን"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:667
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:669
msgctxt "STR_TOC"
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr "የ ሰንጠረዥ ማውጫ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:668
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:670
msgctxt "STR_TOX_AUTH"
msgid "Bibliography"
msgstr "የ ጽሁፎች ዝርዝር"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:669
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:671
msgid "Citation"
msgstr "ጥቅስ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:670
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:672
msgctxt "STR_TOX_TBL"
msgid "Index of Tables"
msgstr "የ ሰንጠረዦች ማውጫ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:671
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:673
msgctxt "STR_TOX_OBJ"
msgid "Table of Objects"
msgstr "የ እቃዎች ሰንጠረዥ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:672
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:674
msgctxt "STR_TOX_ILL"
msgid "Table of Figures"
msgstr "የ ማውጫ አካሎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:673
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:675
#, c-format
msgid "%s-Click to follow link"
msgstr "%s-ይጫኑ አገናኙን ለ መከተል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:674
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:676
msgctxt "STR_LINK_CLICK"
msgid "Click to follow link"
msgstr "ይጫኑ አገናኙን ለ መከተል"
#. SubType DocInfo
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:676
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:678
msgid "Title"
msgstr "አርእስት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:677
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:679
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "ጉዳይ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:678
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:680
msgid "Keywords"
msgstr "ቁልፍ ቃል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:679
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:681
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "አስተያየቶች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:680
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:682
msgid "Created"
msgstr "ተፈጥሯል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:681
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:683
msgid "Modified"
msgstr "ተሻሽሏል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:682
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:684
msgid "Last printed"
msgstr "መጨረሻ የታተመው"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:683
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:685
msgid "Revision number"
msgstr "የ ክለሳ ቁጥር"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:684
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:686
msgid "Total editing time"
msgstr "ጠቅላላ ለማረም የፈጀው ጊዜ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:685
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:687
msgid "Convert $(ARG1)"
msgstr "መቀየሪያ $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:686
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:688
msgid "First convert $(ARG1)"
msgstr "በ መጀመሪያ መቀየሪያ $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:687
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:689
msgid "Next convert $(ARG1)"
msgstr "ቀጥሎ መቀየሪያ $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:688
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:690
msgid "Article"
msgstr "ጽሁፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:689
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:691
msgid "Book"
msgstr "መጽሐፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:690
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:692
msgid "Brochures"
msgstr "መግለጫ ጽሁፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:691
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:693
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr "የ ስብሰባ ሂደት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:692
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:694
msgid "Book excerpt"
msgstr "የ መጽሐፍ ምንባብ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:693
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:695
msgid "Book excerpt with title"
msgstr "የ መጽሐፍ ምንባብ ከ አርእስት ጋር"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:694
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:696
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr "የ ስብሰባ ሂደት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:695
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:697
msgid "Journal"
msgstr "ማስታወሻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:696
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:698
msgid "Techn. documentation"
msgstr "ቴክኒካል. መረጃዎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:697
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:699
msgid "Thesis"
msgstr "ቴሲስ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:698
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:700
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "የተለያዩ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:699
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:701
msgid "Dissertation"
msgstr "የ ቴሲስ ጽሁፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:700
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:702
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr "ስብሰባ በ ሂደት ላይ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:701
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:703
msgid "Research report"
msgstr "የ ምርምር መግለጫ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:702
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:704
msgid "Unpublished"
msgstr "ያልታተመ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:703
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:705
msgid "E-mail"
msgstr "ኢ-ሜይል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:704
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:706
msgid "WWW document"
msgstr "WWW ሰነድ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:705
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:707
msgid "User-defined1"
msgstr "በ ተጠቃሚው-የሚወሰን1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:706
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:708
msgid "User-defined2"
msgstr "በ ተጠቃሚው-የሚወሰን2"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:707
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:709
msgid "User-defined3"
msgstr "በ ተጠቃሚው-የሚወሰን3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:708
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:710
msgid "User-defined4"
msgstr "በ ተጠቃሚው-የሚወሰን4"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:709
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:711
msgid "User-defined5"
msgstr "በ ተጠቃሚው-የሚወሰን5"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:710
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:712
msgid "Short name"
msgstr "አጭር ስም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:711
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:713
msgid "Type"
msgstr "አይነት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:712
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:714
msgid "Address"
msgstr "አድራሻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:713
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:715
msgid "Annotation"
msgstr "ማብራሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:714
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:716
msgid "Author(s)"
msgstr "ደራሲ(ዎች)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:715
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:717
msgid "Book title"
msgstr "የ መጽሀፍ አርእስት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:716
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:718
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr "ምዕራፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:717
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:719
msgid "Edition"
msgstr "እትም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:718
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:720
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "አራሚው"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:719
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:721
msgid "Publication type"
msgstr "የህትመቱ አይነት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:720
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:722
msgid "Institution"
msgstr "ድርጅት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:721
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:723
msgid "Journal"
msgstr "ማስታወሻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:722
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:724
msgid "Month"
msgstr "ወር"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:723
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:725
msgid "Note"
msgstr "ማስታወሻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:724
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:726
msgid "Number"
msgstr "ቁጥር"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:725
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:727
msgid "Organization"
msgstr "ድርጅት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:726
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:728
msgid "Page(s)"
msgstr "ገጽ(ጾች)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:727
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:729
msgid "Publisher"
msgstr "አሳታሚው"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:728
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:730
msgid "University"
msgstr "ዩኒቨርሲቲ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:729
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:731
msgid "Series"
msgstr "ተከታታይ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:730
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:732
msgid "Title"
msgstr "አርእስት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:731
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:733
msgid "Type of report"
msgstr "የ መግለጫው አይነት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:732
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:734
msgid "Volume"
msgstr "መጠን"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:733
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:735
msgid "Year"
msgstr "አመት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:734
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:736
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:735
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:737
msgid "User-defined1"
msgstr "በ ተጠቃሚው-የሚወሰን1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:736
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:738
msgid "User-defined2"
msgstr "በ ተጠቃሚው-የሚወሰን2"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:737
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:739
msgid "User-defined3"
msgstr "በ ተጠቃሚው-የሚወሰን3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:738
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:740
msgid "User-defined4"
msgstr "በ ተጠቃሚው-የሚወሰን4"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:739
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:741
msgid "User-defined5"
msgstr "በ ተጠቃሚው-የሚወሰን5"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:740
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:742
msgid "ISBN"
msgstr "ISBN"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:742
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:744
msgid "Edit Index Entry"
msgstr "የማውጫ ማስገቢያ ማረሚያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:743
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:745
msgid "Insert Index Entry"
msgstr "የማውጫ ማስገቢያ መጨመሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:744
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:746
msgid "The document already contains the bibliography entry but with different data. Do you want to adjust the existing entries?"
msgstr "ሰነዱ ቀደም ሲል የ ጽሁፎች ዝርዝር ማስገቢያ ይዟል ነገር ግን ለተለየ ዳታ ነው: የነበረውን ማስገቢያ ማስተካከል ይፈልጋሉ?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:746
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:748
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "አስተያየቶች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:747
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:749
msgid "Show comments"
msgstr "አስተያየት ማሳያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:748
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:750
msgid "Hide comments"
msgstr "አስተያየት መደበቂያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:750
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:752
msgid "Shortcut name already exists. Please choose another name."
msgstr "ይህ የአቋራጭ ስም ቀደም ሲል ነበር: እባክዎን ሌላ ስም ይምረጡ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:751
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:753
msgid "Delete AutoText?"
msgstr "በራሱ ጽሁፍን ላጥፋው?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:752
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:754
msgid "Delete the category "
msgstr "ምድቡን ማጥፊያ "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:753
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:755
msgid "?"
msgstr "?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:754
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:756
msgctxt "STR_GLOSSARY"
msgid "AutoText :"
msgstr "በራሱ ጽሁፍ :"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:755
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:757
msgid "Save AutoText"
msgstr "በራሱ ጽሁፍ ማስቀመጫ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:756
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:758
msgid "There is no AutoText in this file."
msgstr "በዚህ ፋይል ውስጥ በራሱ ጽሁፍ የለም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:757
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:759
msgid "My AutoText"
msgstr "የኔ በራሱ ጽሁፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:759
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:761
msgctxt "STR_NOGLOS"
msgid "AutoText for Shortcut '%1' not found."
msgstr "በራሱ ጽሁፎች ለ አቋራጭ '%1' አልተገኘም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:760
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:762
msgctxt "STR_NO_TABLE"
msgid "A table with no rows or no cells cannot be inserted"
msgstr "ሰንጠረዥ ያለ ረድፎች ወይንም ክፍሎች ማስገባት አይቻልም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:761
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:763
msgid "The table cannot be inserted because it is too large"
msgstr "ሰንጠረዥ ማስገባት አልተቻለም ምክንያቱም በጣም ትልቅ ነው"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:762
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:764
msgid "AutoText could not be created."
msgstr "በራሱ መጻፊያ መመፍጠር አልተቻለም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:763
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:765
msgid "Requested clipboard format is not available."
msgstr "የተጠየቀው የቁራጭ ሰሌዳ አቀራረብ አልተገኘም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:764
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:766
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:765
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:767
msgid "Image (%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Text Document)"
msgstr "ምስል (%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION የ ጽሁፍ ሰነድ)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:766
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:768
msgid "Object (%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Text Document)"
msgstr "እቃ (%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION የ ጽሁፍ ሰነድ)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:767
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:769
msgid "Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE link)"
msgstr "Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE link)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:769
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:771
msgid "All Comments"
msgstr "ሁሉንም አስተያየቶች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:770
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:772
msgid "All Comments"
msgstr "ሁሉንም አስተያየቶች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:771
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:773
msgid "Comments by "
msgstr "አስተያየቶች በ "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:772
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:774
msgctxt "STR_NODATE"
msgid "(no date)"
msgstr "(ቀን የለም)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:773
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:775
msgctxt "STR_NOAUTHOR"
msgid "(no author)"
msgstr "(ደራሲ የለም)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:774
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:776
msgctxt "STR_REPLY"
msgid "Reply to $1"
msgstr "መልስ ወደ $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:776
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:778
msgctxt "ST_TITLE_EDIT"
msgid "Edit Address Block"
msgstr "የአድራሻ መከልከያ ማረሚያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:777
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:779
msgctxt "ST_TITLE_MALE"
msgid "Custom Salutation (Male Recipients)"
msgstr "ሰላምታ ማስተካከያ (ለ ወንድ ተቀባዮች)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:778
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:780
msgid "Custom Salutation (Female Recipients)"
msgstr "ሰላምታ ማስተካከያ (ለ ሴት ተቀባዮች)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:779
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:781
msgid "Salutation e~lements"
msgstr "የሰላምታ አ~ካላት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:780
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:782
msgid "Add to salutation"
msgstr "ወደ ሰላምታ መጨመሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:781
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:783
msgid "Remove from salutation"
msgstr "ከሰላምታ ውስጥ ማስወገጃ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:782
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:784
msgid "1. ~Drag salutation elements into the box below"
msgstr "1. ~ይጎትቱ የ ሰላምታ አካሎችን እታች ወዳለው ሳጥን ውስጥ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:783
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:785
msgid "Salutation"
msgstr "ሰላምታ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:784
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:786
msgid "Punctuation Mark"
msgstr "የስርአት ነጥብ ምልክት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:785
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:787
msgctxt "ST_TEXT"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "ጽሁፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:786
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:788
msgid "Assign the fields from your data source to match the salutation elements."
msgstr "ሜዳዎችን መመደቢያ ከእርስዎ የዳታ ምንጭ ጋር እንዲስማሙ ከሰላምታ አካላት ጋር"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:787
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:789
msgid "Salutation preview"
msgstr "የሰላምታ ቅድመ እይታ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:788
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:790
msgid "Address elements"
msgstr "የአድራሻ አካሎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:789
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:791
msgid "Salutation elements"
msgstr "የሰላምታ አካሎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:790
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:792
msgctxt "ST_MATCHESTO"
msgid "Matches to field:"
msgstr "ወደ ሜዳው ተዛምዷል :"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:791
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:793
msgctxt "ST_PREVIEW"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "ቅድመ እይታ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:793
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:795
msgid " not yet matched "
msgstr " ገና አልተዛመደም "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:794
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:796
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_ALL"
msgid "All files"
msgstr "ሁሉንም ፋይሎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:795
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:797
msgid "Address lists(*.*)"
msgstr "የአድራሻ ዝርዝሮች (*.*)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:796
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:798
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXB"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Base (*.odb)"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Base (*.odb)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:797
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:799
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXC"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Calc (*.ods;*.sxc)"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Calc (*.ods;*.sxc)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:798
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:800
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXW"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer (*.odt;*.sxw)"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Writer (*.odt;*.sxw)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:799
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:801
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_DBF"
msgid "dBase (*.dbf)"
msgstr "dBase (*.dbf)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:800
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:802
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_XLS"
msgid "Microsoft Excel (*.xls;*.xlsx)"
msgstr "Microsoft Excel (*.xls;*.xlsx)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:801
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:803
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_DOC"
msgid "Microsoft Word (*.doc;*.docx)"
msgstr "Microsoft Word (*.doc;*.docx)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:802
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:804
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_TXT"
msgid "Plain text (*.txt)"
msgstr "Plain text (*.txt)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:803
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:805
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_CSV"
msgid "Text Comma Separated (*.csv)"
msgstr "Text Comma Separated (*.csv)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:804
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:806
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_MDB"
msgid "Microsoft Access (*.mdb;*.mde)"
msgstr "Microsoft Access (*.mdb;*.mde)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:805
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:807
msgid "Microsoft Access 2007 (*.accdb,*.accde)"
msgstr "Microsoft Access 2007 (*.accdb,*.accde)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:806
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:808
msgid ""
"In order to be able to send mail merge documents by e-mail, %PRODUCTNAME requires information about the e-mail account to be used.\n"
@@ -4231,82 +4241,82 @@ msgstr ""
"የ ኢ-ሜይል መግለጫ መረጃ አሁን ማስገባት ይፈልጋሉ?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:807
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:809
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Address List (.csv)"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME የአድራሻ ዝርዝር (.csv)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:809
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:811
msgctxt "ST_STARTING"
msgid "Select starting document"
msgstr "የሚጀምረውን ሰነድ ይምረጡ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:810
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:812
msgid "Select document type"
msgstr "የ ሰነዱን አይነት ይምረጡ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:811
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:813
msgid "Insert address block"
msgstr "አድራሻ መከልከያውን ያስገቡ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:812
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:814
msgid "Select address list"
msgstr "የአድራሻ ዝርዝር ይምረጡ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:813
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:815
msgid "Create salutation"
msgstr "ሰላምታ መፍጠሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:814
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:816
msgctxt "ST_LAYOUT"
msgid "Adjust layout"
msgstr "እቅድ ማስተካከያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:815
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:817
msgctxt "ST_EXCLUDE"
msgid "Exclude recipient"
msgstr "ተቀባይ አትጨምር"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:816
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:818
msgctxt "ST_FINISH"
msgid "~Finish"
msgstr "~ጨርሷል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:817
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:819
msgctxt "ST_MMWTITLE"
msgid "Mail Merge Wizard"
msgstr "የ ደብዳቤ ማዋሀጃ አዋቂ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:819
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:821
msgctxt "ST_NAME"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "ስም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:820
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:822
msgctxt "ST_TYPE"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "አይነት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:821
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:823
msgctxt "ST_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "ሰንጠረዥ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:822
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:824
msgctxt "ST_QUERY"
msgid "Query"
msgstr "ጥያቄ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:824
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:826
msgid "Continue checking at beginning of document?"
msgstr "ከ ሰነዱ መጀመሪያ ጀምሮ መመርመር ልቀጥል?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:825
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:827
msgid "The spellcheck is complete."
msgstr "ፊደል ማረሚያው ጨርሷል"
@@ -4315,212 +4325,212 @@ msgstr "ፊደል ማረሚያው ጨርሷል"
#. Description: strings for the types
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. range document
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:831
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:833
msgctxt "STR_DATEFLD"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "ቀን"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:832
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:834
msgctxt "STR_TIMEFLD"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "ሰአት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:833
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:835
msgid "File name"
msgstr "የ ፋይል ስም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:834
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:836
msgid "Database Name"
msgstr "የ ዳታቤዝ ስም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:835
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:837
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr "ምእራፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:836
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:838
msgid "Page numbers"
msgstr "የ ገጽ ቁጥሮች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:837
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:839
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "ስታትስቲክስ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:838
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:840
msgid "Author"
msgstr "ደራሲው"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:839
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:841
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "ቴምፕሌትስ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:840
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:842
msgid "Sender"
msgstr "ላኪው"
#. range functions
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:842
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:844
msgctxt "STR_SETFLD"
msgid "Set variable"
msgstr "ተለዋዋጭ ማሰናጃ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:843
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:845
msgctxt "STR_GETFLD"
msgid "Show variable"
msgstr "ተለዋዋጭ ማሳያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:844
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:846
msgid "Insert Formula"
msgstr "መቀመሪያ ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:845
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:847
msgctxt "STR_INPUTFLD"
msgid "Input field"
msgstr "ማስገቢያ ሜዳ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:846
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:848
msgid "Input field (variable)"
msgstr "ማስገቢያ ሜዳ (ተለዋዋጭ)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:847
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:849
msgid "Input field (user)"
msgstr "ማስገቢያ ሜዳ (ተጠቃሚ)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:848
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:850
msgid "Conditional text"
msgstr "እንደ ሁኔታው ጽሁፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:849
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:851
msgctxt "STR_DDEFLD"
msgid "DDE field"
msgstr "DDE field"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:850
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:852
msgctxt "STR_MACROFLD"
msgid "Execute macro"
msgstr "Execute macro"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:851
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:853
msgctxt "STR_SEQFLD"
msgid "Number range"
msgstr "የቁጥር መጠን"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:852
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:854
msgid "Set page variable"
msgstr "የ ገጽ ተለዋዋጭ ማሰናጃ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:853
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:855
msgid "Show page variable"
msgstr "የገጽ ተለዋዋጭ ማሳያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:854
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:856
msgid "Load URL"
msgstr "URL መጫኛ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:855
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:857
msgid "Placeholder"
msgstr "ቦታ ያዢ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:856
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:858
msgid "Combine characters"
msgstr "ባህሪዎች መቀላቀያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:857
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:859
msgctxt "STR_DROPDOWN"
msgid "Input list"
msgstr "ማስገቢያ ዝርዝር"
#. range references
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:859
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:861
msgid "Set Reference"
msgstr "ማመሳከሪያ ማሰናጃ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:860
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:862
msgid "Insert Reference"
msgstr "ማመሳከሪያ ማስገቢያ"
#. range database
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:862
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:864
msgctxt "STR_DBFLD"
msgid "Mail merge fields"
msgstr "የ ደብዳቤ ማዋሀጃ ሜዳዎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:863
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:865
msgid "Next record"
msgstr "የሚቀጥለው መዝገብ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:864
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:866
msgid "Any record"
msgstr "ማንኛውም መዝገብ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:865
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:867
msgid "Record number"
msgstr "ከፍተኛ ቁጥር"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:866
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:868
msgid "Previous page"
msgstr "ቀደም ያለው ገጽ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:867
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:869
msgid "Next page"
msgstr "የሚቀጥለው ገጽ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:868
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:870
msgid "Hidden text"
msgstr "የተደበቀ ጽሁፍ"
#. range user fields
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:870
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:872
msgctxt "STR_USERFLD"
msgid "User Field"
msgstr "የ ተጠቃሚ ሜዳ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:871
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:873
msgid "Note"
msgstr "ማስታወሻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:872
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:874
msgid "Script"
msgstr "ጽሁፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:873
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:875
msgid "Bibliography entry"
msgstr "የ ጽሁፎች ዝርዝር ማስገቢያ..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:874
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:876
msgid "Hidden Paragraph"
msgstr "የተደበቀ አንቀጽ"
#. range DocumentInfo
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:876
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:878
msgid "DocInformation"
msgstr "የ ሰነድ መረጃ"
@@ -4528,74 +4538,74 @@ msgstr "የ ሰነድ መረጃ"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: SubCmd-Strings
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:880
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:882
msgctxt "FLD_DATE_STD"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "ቀን"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:881
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:883
msgctxt "FLD_DATE_FIX"
msgid "Date (fixed)"
msgstr "ቀን (የተወሰነ)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:882
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:884
msgctxt "FLD_TIME_STD"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "ሰአት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:883
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:885
msgctxt "FLD_TIME_FIX"
msgid "Time (fixed)"
msgstr "ሰአት (የተወሰነ)"
#. SubCmd Statistic
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:885
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:887
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_TABLE"
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "ሰንጠረዦች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:886
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:888
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_CHAR"
msgid "Characters"
msgstr "ባህሪዎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:887
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:889
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_WORD"
msgid "Words"
msgstr "ቃላቶች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:888
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:890
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_PARA"
msgid "Paragraphs"
msgstr "አንቀጾች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:889
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:891
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_GRF"
msgid "Image"
msgstr "ምስል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:890
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:892
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_OBJ"
msgid "Objects"
msgstr "እቃዎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:891
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:893
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_PAGE"
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "ገጾች"
#. SubCmd DDETypes
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:893
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:895
msgctxt "FMT_DDE_HOT"
msgid "DDE automatic"
msgstr "DDE automatic"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:894
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:896
msgctxt "FMT_DDE_NORMAL"
msgid "DDE manual"
msgstr "DDE manual"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:895
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:897
msgctxt "FLD_INPUT_TEXT"
msgid "[Text]"
msgstr "[ጽሁፍ]"
@@ -4603,87 +4613,87 @@ msgstr "[ጽሁፍ]"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: SubType Extuser
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:900
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:902
msgctxt "FLD_EU_FIRMA"
msgid "Company"
msgstr "ድርጅት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:901
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:903
msgctxt "FLD_EU_VORNAME"
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "የ መጀመሪያ ስም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:902
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:904
msgctxt "FLD_EU_NAME"
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr "የ አባት ስም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:903
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:905
msgctxt "FLD_EU_ABK"
msgid "Initials"
msgstr "መነሻዎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:904
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:906
msgctxt "FLD_EU_STRASSE"
msgid "Street"
msgstr "መንገድ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:905
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:907
msgctxt "FLD_EU_LAND"
msgid "Country"
msgstr "አገር"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:906
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:908
msgctxt "FLD_EU_PLZ"
msgid "Zip code"
msgstr "ፖሳቁ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:907
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:909
msgctxt "FLD_EU_ORT"
msgid "City"
msgstr "ከተማ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:908
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:910
msgctxt "FLD_EU_TITEL"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "አርእስት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:909
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:911
msgctxt "FLD_EU_POS"
msgid "Position"
msgstr "ቦታ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:910
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:912
msgctxt "FLD_EU_TELPRIV"
msgid "Tel. (Home)"
msgstr "ስልክ (የ ቤት)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:911
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:913
msgid "Tel. (Work)"
msgstr "ስልክ (የስራ)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:912
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:914
msgctxt "FLD_EU_FAX"
msgid "FAX"
msgstr "ፋክስ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:913
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:915
msgctxt "FLD_EU_EMAIL"
msgid "E-mail"
msgstr "ኢ-ሜይል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:914
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:916
msgctxt "FLD_EU_STATE"
msgid "State"
msgstr "አገር"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:915
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:917
msgid "off"
msgstr "ማጥፊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:916
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:918
msgctxt "FLD_PAGEREF_ON"
msgid "on"
msgstr "ማብሪያ"
@@ -4692,32 +4702,32 @@ msgstr "ማብሪያ"
#. Description: path name
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Format FileName
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:921
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:923
msgctxt "FMT_FF_NAME"
msgid "File name"
msgstr "የ ፋይል ስም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:922
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:924
msgid "File name without extension"
msgstr "የ ፋይሉ ስም ያለ ተጨማሪ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:923
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:925
msgid "Path/File name"
msgstr "መንገድ/የ ፋይል ስም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:924
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:926
msgctxt "FMT_FF_PATH"
msgid "Path"
msgstr "መንገድ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:925
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:927
msgctxt "FMT_FF_UI_NAME"
msgid "Style"
msgstr "ዘዴ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:926
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:928
msgctxt "FMT_FF_UI_RANGE"
msgid "Category"
msgstr "ምድብ"
@@ -4725,22 +4735,22 @@ msgstr "ምድብ"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: format chapter
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:930
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:932
msgid "Chapter name"
msgstr "የምእራፍ ስም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:931
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:933
msgctxt "FMT_CHAPTER_NO"
msgid "Chapter number"
msgstr "የምእራፍ ቁጥር"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:932
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:934
msgid "Chapter number without separator"
msgstr "የ ምእራፍ ቁጥር ያለ መለያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:933
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:935
msgid "Chapter number and name"
msgstr "የምእራፍ ቁጥር እና ስም"
@@ -4748,47 +4758,47 @@ msgstr "የምእራፍ ቁጥር እና ስም"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: formats
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:937
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:939
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ABC"
msgid "A B C"
msgstr "A B C"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:938
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:940
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SABC"
msgid "a b c"
msgstr "a b c"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:939
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:941
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ABC_N"
msgid "A .. AA .. AAA"
msgstr "A .. AA .. AAA"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:940
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:942
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SABC_N"
msgid "a .. aa .. aaa"
msgstr "a .. aa .. aaa"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:941
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:943
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ROMAN"
msgid "Roman (I II III)"
msgstr "የሮማን (I II III)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:942
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:944
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SROMAN"
msgid "Roman (i ii iii)"
msgstr "የሮማን (i ii iii)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:943
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:945
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ARABIC"
msgid "Arabic (1 2 3)"
msgstr "የአረብኛ (1 2 3)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:944
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:946
msgid "As Page Style"
msgstr "እንደ ገጽ ዘዴ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:945
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:947
msgid "Text"
msgstr "ጽሁፍ"
@@ -4796,12 +4806,12 @@ msgstr "ጽሁፍ"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Author
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:949
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:951
msgid "Name"
msgstr "ስም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:950
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:952
msgid "Initials"
msgstr "መነሻዎች"
@@ -4809,42 +4819,42 @@ msgstr "መነሻዎች"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: set variable
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:954
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:956
msgctxt "FMT_SETVAR_SYS"
msgid "System"
msgstr "ስርአት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:955
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:957
msgid "Text"
msgstr "ጽሁፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:956
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:958
msgid "Name"
msgstr "ስም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:957
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:959
msgid "Text"
msgstr "ጽሁፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:958
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:960
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "መቀመሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:959
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:961
msgid "Text"
msgstr "ጽሁፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:960
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:962
msgctxt "FMT_DBFLD_DB"
msgid "Database"
msgstr "ዳታቤዝ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:961
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:963
msgctxt "FMT_DBFLD_SYS"
msgid "System"
msgstr "ስርአት"
@@ -4852,17 +4862,17 @@ msgstr "ስርአት"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: storage fields
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:965
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:967
msgctxt "FMT_REG_AUTHOR"
msgid "Author"
msgstr "ደራሲው"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:966
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:968
msgctxt "FMT_REG_TIME"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "ሰአት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:967
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:969
msgctxt "FMT_REG_DATE"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "ቀን"
@@ -4870,67 +4880,67 @@ msgstr "ቀን"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: formats references
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:971
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:973
msgctxt "FMT_REF_TEXT"
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "ማመሳከሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:972
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:974
msgctxt "FMT_REF_PAGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "ገጽ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:973
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:975
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr "ምእራፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:974
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:976
msgctxt "FMT_REF_UPDOWN"
msgid "Above/Below"
msgstr "ከ ላይ/ከ ታች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:975
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:977
msgid "As Page Style"
msgstr "እንደ ገጽ ዘዴ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:976
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:978
msgid "Category and Number"
msgstr "ምድብ እና ቁጥር"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:977
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:979
msgid "Caption Text"
msgstr "የመግለጫ ጽሁፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:978
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:980
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "ቁጥር መስጫ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:979
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:981
msgctxt "FMT_REF_NUMBER"
msgid "Number"
msgstr "ቁጥር"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:980
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:982
msgid "Number (no context)"
msgstr "ቁጥር (አገባብ የለውም)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:981
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:983
msgid "Number (full context)"
msgstr "ቁጥር (ሙሉ አገባብ አለው)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:983
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:985
msgid "Article a/az + "
msgstr "ጽሁፍ ከ a/az + "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:984
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:986
msgid "Article A/Az + "
msgstr "ጽሁፍ ከ A/Az + "
@@ -4938,27 +4948,27 @@ msgstr "ጽሁፍ ከ A/Az + "
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: placeholder
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:988
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:990
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_TEXT"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "ጽሁፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:989
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:991
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "ሰንጠረዥ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:990
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:992
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_FRAME"
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "ክፈፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:991
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:993
msgid "Image"
msgstr "ምስል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:992
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:994
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_OLE"
msgid "Object"
msgstr "እቃ"
@@ -4966,1232 +4976,1232 @@ msgstr "እቃ"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: ExchangeStrings for Edit/NameFT
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:996
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:998
msgctxt "STR_COND"
msgid "~Condition"
msgstr "~ሁኔታው"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:997
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:999
msgctxt "STR_TEXT"
msgid "Then, Else"
msgstr "ከዚያ ፡ ተጨማሪ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:998
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1000
msgctxt "STR_DDE_CMD"
msgid "DDE Statement"
msgstr "DDE Statement"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:999
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1001
msgctxt "STR_INSTEXT"
msgid "Hidden t~ext"
msgstr "የተደበቀ ጽ~ሁፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1000
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1002
msgctxt "STR_MACNAME"
msgid "~Macro name"
msgstr "የ ~Macro ስም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1001
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1003
msgctxt "STR_PROMPT"
msgid "~Reference"
msgstr "~ማመሳከሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1002
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1004
msgid "Ch~aracters"
msgstr "ባህ~ሪዎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1003
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1005
msgctxt "STR_OFFSET"
msgid "O~ffset"
msgstr "ማ~ካካሻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1004
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1006
msgctxt "STR_VALUE"
msgid "Value"
msgstr "ዋጋ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1005
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1007
msgctxt "STR_FORMULA"
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "መቀመሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1006
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1008
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "ማስተካከያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1008
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1010
msgid "[User]"
msgstr "[ተጠቃሚ]"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1010
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1012
msgctxt "STR_HDIST"
msgid "H. Pitch"
msgstr "የአግድም . ማሰናጃ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1011
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1013
msgctxt "STR_VDIST"
msgid "V. Pitch"
msgstr "የቁመት . ማሰናጃ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1012
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1014
msgctxt "STR_WIDTH"
msgid "Width"
msgstr "ስፋት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1013
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1015
msgctxt "STR_HEIGHT"
msgid "Height"
msgstr "እርዝመት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1014
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1016
msgctxt "STR_LEFT"
msgid "Left margin"
msgstr "የ ግራ መስመር"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1015
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1017
msgctxt "STR_UPPER"
msgid "Top margin"
msgstr "የ ላይ መስመር"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1016
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1018
msgctxt "STR_COLS"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "አምዶች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1017
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1019
msgctxt "STR_ROWS"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "ረድፎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1019
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1021
msgid "The following service is not available: "
msgstr "የሚቀጥለው ግልጋሎት ዝግጁ አይደለም: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1021
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1023
msgid "Word and character count. Click to open Word Count dialog."
msgstr "ቃላት እና ባህሪ መቁጠሪያ: ይጫኑ ለ መክፈት የ መቁጠሪያ ንግግር"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1022
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1024
msgid "Single-page view"
msgstr "በ ነጠላ-ገጽ መመልከቻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1023
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1025
msgid "Multiple-page view"
msgstr "በርካታ-ገጽ መመልከቻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1024
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1026
msgid "Book view"
msgstr "በ መጽሀፍ መመልከቻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1025
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1027
msgid "Page number in document. Click to open Go to Page dialog or right-click for bookmark list."
msgstr "የ ገጽ ቁጥር በ ሰነድ ውስጥ: ይጫኑ የ መቃኛ መስኮት ለመክፈት ወይንም በ ቀኝ-ይጫኑ ለ ምልክት ማድረጊያ ዝርዝር"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1026
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1028
msgid "Page number in document (Page number on printed document). Click to open Go to Page dialog."
msgstr "የ ገጽ ቁጥር በ ሰነድ ውስጥ (የ ገጽ ቁጥር በ ታተመ ሰነድ ላይ) ይጫኑ ለ መክፈት የ መሄጃ ወደ ገጽ ንግግር"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1027
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1029
msgid "Page Style. Right-click to change style or click to open Style dialog."
msgstr "የ ገጽ ዘዴ በ ቀኝ-ይጫኑ ዘዴውን ለመቀየር ወይንም የ ዘዴ ንግግርን ይክፈቱ"
#. Strings for textual attributes.
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1030
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1032
msgctxt "STR_DROP_OVER"
msgid "Drop Caps over"
msgstr "ፊደል በ ትልቁ መጻፊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1031
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1033
msgctxt "STR_DROP_LINES"
msgid "rows"
msgstr "ረድፎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1032
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1034
msgid "No Drop Caps"
msgstr "ፊደል በ ትልቁ መጻፊያ የለም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1033
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1035
msgid "No page break"
msgstr "የ ገጽ መጨረሻ የለም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1034
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1036
msgctxt "STR_NO_MIRROR"
msgid "Don't mirror"
msgstr "አታንፀባርቅ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1035
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1037
msgid "Flip vertically"
msgstr "በ ቁመት መገልበጫ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1036
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1038
msgid "Flip horizontal"
msgstr "በ አግድም መገልበጫ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1037
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1039
msgid "Horizontal and Vertical Flip"
msgstr "በ አግድም እና በ ቁመት መገልበጫ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1038
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1040
msgid "+ mirror horizontal on even pages"
msgstr "+ ማንፀባረቂያ በ አግድም በሙሉ ገጽ ላይ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1039
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1041
msgctxt "STR_CHARFMT"
msgid "Character Style"
msgstr "የ ባህሪ ዘዴ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1040
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1042
msgctxt "STR_NO_CHARFMT"
msgid "No Character Style"
msgstr "ምንም የ ባህሪ ዘዴ የለም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1041
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1043
msgctxt "STR_FOOTER"
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "ግርጌ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1042
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1044
msgctxt "STR_NO_FOOTER"
msgid "No footer"
msgstr "ግርጌ የለም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1043
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1045
msgctxt "STR_HEADER"
msgid "Header"
msgstr "ራስጌ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1044
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1046
msgctxt "STR_NO_HEADER"
msgid "No header"
msgstr "ራስጌ የለም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1045
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1047
msgid "Optimal wrap"
msgstr "አጥጋቢ መጠቅለያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1046
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1048
msgid "No wrap"
msgstr "መጠቅለያ የለም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1047
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1049
msgid "Through"
msgstr "በሙሉ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1048
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1050
msgid "Parallel wrap"
msgstr "አጓዳኝ መጠቅለያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1049
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1051
msgid "Left wrap"
msgstr "በ ግራ መጠቅለያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1050
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1052
msgid "Right wrap"
msgstr "በ ቀኝ መጠቅለያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1051
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1053
msgid "(Anchor only)"
msgstr "(ማስቆሚያ ብቻ)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1052
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1054
msgctxt "STR_FRM_WIDTH"
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "ስፋት:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1053
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1055
msgid "Fixed height:"
msgstr "የተወሰነ እርዝመት:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1054
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1056
msgid "Min. height:"
msgstr "ዝቅተኛ እርዝመት:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1055
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1057
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AT_PARA"
msgid "to paragraph"
msgstr "ወደ አንቀጽ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1056
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1058
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AS_CHAR"
msgid "to character"
msgstr "ወደ ባህሪ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1057
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1059
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AT_PAGE"
msgid "to page"
msgstr "ወደ ገጽ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1058
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1060
msgctxt "STR_POS_X"
msgid "X Coordinate:"
msgstr "X Coordinate:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1059
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1061
msgctxt "STR_POS_Y"
msgid "Y Coordinate:"
msgstr "Y Coordinate:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1060
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1062
msgctxt "STR_VERT_TOP"
msgid "at top"
msgstr "ከ ላይ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1061
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1063
msgid "Centered vertically"
msgstr "መሀከል በ ቁመት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1062
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1064
msgid "at bottom"
msgstr "ከ ታች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1063
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1065
msgctxt "STR_LINE_TOP"
msgid "Top of line"
msgstr "ከ መስመሩ በላይ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1064
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1066
msgid "Line centered"
msgstr "መሀከል ማስመሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1065
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1067
msgid "Bottom of line"
msgstr "ከ መስመሩ በታች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1066
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1068
msgid "Register-true"
msgstr "በ እውነት-መመዝገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1067
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1069
msgid "Not register-true"
msgstr "በ እውነት-መመዝገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1068
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1070
msgctxt "STR_HORI_RIGHT"
msgid "at the right"
msgstr "በ ቀኝ በኩል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1069
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1071
msgid "Centered horizontally"
msgstr "በ አግድም መሀከል ላይ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1070
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1072
msgctxt "STR_HORI_LEFT"
msgid "at the left"
msgstr "በ ግራ በኩል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1071
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1073
msgid "inside"
msgstr "ውስጥ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1072
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1074
msgid "outside"
msgstr "ውጪ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1073
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1075
msgctxt "STR_HORI_FULL"
msgid "Full width"
msgstr "በ ሙሉ ስፋት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1074
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1076
msgctxt "STR_COLUMNS"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "አምዶች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1075
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1077
msgctxt "STR_LINE_WIDTH"
msgid "Separator Width:"
msgstr "መለያያ ስፋት:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1076
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1078
msgid "Max. footnote area:"
msgstr "ከፍተኛ የ ግርጌ ማስታወሻ ቦታ:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1077
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1079
msgid "Editable in read-only document"
msgstr "በንባብ-ብቻ ሰነድ ውስጥ ሊታረም የሚችል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1078
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1080
msgid "Split"
msgstr "መክፈያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1079
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1081
msgctxt "STR_NUMRULE_ON"
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "ቁጥር መስጫ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1080
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1082
msgid "no numbering"
msgstr "ቁጥር መስጫ የለም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1081
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1083
msgctxt "STR_CONNECT1"
msgid "linked to "
msgstr "ተገናኝቷል ወደ "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1082
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1084
msgctxt "STR_CONNECT2"
msgid "and "
msgstr "እና "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1083
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1085
msgid "Count lines"
msgstr "መስመሮች መቁጠሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1084
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1086
msgid "don't count lines"
msgstr "መስመሮች አትቁጠር"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1085
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1087
msgid "restart line count with: "
msgstr "እንደገና ማስጀመሪያ ቆጠራውን በ: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1086
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1088
msgid "Brightness: "
msgstr "ብርሁነት: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1087
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1089
msgctxt "STR_CHANNELR"
msgid "Red: "
msgstr "ቀይ: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1088
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1090
msgctxt "STR_CHANNELG"
msgid "Green: "
msgstr "አረንጓዴ: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1089
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1091
msgctxt "STR_CHANNELB"
msgid "Blue: "
msgstr "ሰማያዊ: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1090
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1092
msgctxt "STR_CONTRAST"
msgid "Contrast: "
msgstr "ማነጻጸሪያ: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1091
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1093
msgctxt "STR_GAMMA"
msgid "Gamma: "
msgstr "ጋማ: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1092
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1094
msgid "Transparency: "
msgstr "ግልጽነት: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1093
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1095
msgctxt "STR_INVERT"
msgid "Invert"
msgstr "መገልበጫ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1094
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1096
msgctxt "STR_INVERT_NOT"
msgid "do not invert"
msgstr "አትገልብጥ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1095
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1097
msgctxt "STR_DRAWMODE"
msgid "Graphics mode: "
msgstr "በ ንድፎች ዘዴ: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1096
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1098
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "መደበኛ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1097
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1099
msgid "Grayscales"
msgstr "ግራጫማ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1098
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1100
msgid "Black & White"
msgstr "ጥቁር & ነጭ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1099
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1101
msgid "Watermark"
msgstr "የ ውሀ ምልክት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1100
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1102
msgctxt "STR_ROTATION"
msgid "Rotation"
msgstr "ማዞሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1101
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1103
msgctxt "STR_GRID_NONE"
msgid "No grid"
msgstr "መጋጠሚያ የለም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1102
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1104
msgid "Grid (lines only)"
msgstr "መጋጠሚያ (ለ መስመሮች ብቻ)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1103
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1105
msgid "Grid (lines and characters)"
msgstr "መጋጠሚያ (ለ መስመሮች እና ባህሪዎች)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1104
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1106
msgid "Follow text flow"
msgstr "የ ጽሁፉን ፍሰት መከተያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1105
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1107
msgid "Do not follow text flow"
msgstr "የ ጽሁፉን ፍሰት አትከተል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1106
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1108
msgid "Merge borders"
msgstr "ድንበሮች ማዋሀጃ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1107
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1109
msgid "Do not merge borders"
msgstr "ድንበሮችን አታዋህድ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1109
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1111
msgctxt "ST_TBL"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "ሰንጠረዥ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1110
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1112
msgctxt "ST_FRM"
msgid "Text Frame"
msgstr "የጽሁፍ ክፈፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1111
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1113
msgctxt "ST_PGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "ገጽ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1112
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1114
msgctxt "ST_DRW"
msgid "Drawing"
msgstr "መሳያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1113
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1115
msgctxt "ST_CTRL"
msgid "Control"
msgstr "መቆጣጠሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1114
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1116
msgctxt "ST_REG"
msgid "Section"
msgstr "ክፍል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1115
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1117
msgctxt "ST_BKM"
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr "ምልክት ማድረጊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1116
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1118
msgctxt "ST_GRF"
msgid "Graphics"
msgstr "ንድፎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1117
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1119
msgctxt "ST_OLE"
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "የ OLE እቃ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1118
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1120
msgctxt "ST_OUTL"
msgid "Headings"
msgstr "ራስጌዎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1119
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1121
msgctxt "ST_SEL"
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "ምርጫዎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1120
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1122
msgctxt "ST_FTN"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr "የ ግርጌ ማስታወሻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1121
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1123
msgctxt "ST_MARK"
msgid "Reminder"
msgstr "አስታዋሽ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1122
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1124
msgctxt "ST_POSTIT"
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "አስተያየት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1123
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1125
msgctxt "ST_SRCH_REP"
msgid "Repeat search"
msgstr "መፈለጊያ መድገሚያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1124
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1126
msgctxt "ST_INDEX_ENTRY"
msgid "Index entry"
msgstr "የ ማውጫ ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1125
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1127
msgid "Table formula"
msgstr "የ መቀመሪያ ሰንጠረዥ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1126
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1128
msgid "Wrong table formula"
msgstr "የ ተሳሳተ የ መቀመሪያ ሰንጠረዥ"
#. Strings for the quickhelp of the View-PgUp/Down-Buttons
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1128
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1130
msgid "Next table"
msgstr "የሚቀጥለው ሰንጠረዥ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1129
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1131
msgid "Next text frame"
msgstr "የሚቀጥለው የ ጽሁፍ ክፈፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1130
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1132
msgid "Next page"
msgstr "የሚቀጥለው ገጽ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1131
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1133
msgid "Next drawing"
msgstr "የሚቀጥለው መሳያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1132
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1134
msgid "Next control"
msgstr "የሚቀጥለው መቆጣጠሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1133
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1135
msgid "Next section"
msgstr "የሚቀጥለው ክፍል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1134
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1136
msgid "Next bookmark"
msgstr "የሚቀጥለው ምልክት ማድረጊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1135
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1137
msgid "Next graphic"
msgstr "የሚቀጥለው ንድፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1136
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1138
msgid "Next OLE object"
msgstr "የሚቀጥለው የ OLE እቃ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1137
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1139
msgid "Next heading"
msgstr "የሚቀጥለው ራስጌ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1138
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1140
msgid "Next selection"
msgstr "የሚቀጥለው ምርጫ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1139
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1141
msgid "Next footnote"
msgstr "የ ሚቀጥለው የ ግርጌ ማስታወሻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1140
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1142
msgid "Next Reminder"
msgstr "የሚቀጥለው አስታዋሽ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1141
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1143
msgid "Next Comment"
msgstr "የሚቀጥለው አስተያየት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1142
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1144
msgid "Continue search forward"
msgstr "ፍለጋውን ወደፊት መቀጠያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1143
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1145
msgid "Next index entry"
msgstr "የሚቀጥለው ማውጫ ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1144
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1146
msgid "Previous table"
msgstr "ቀደም ያለው ሰንጠረዥ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1145
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1147
msgid "Previous text frame"
msgstr "ቀደም ያለው የ ጽሁፍ ክፈፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1146
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1148
msgid "Previous page"
msgstr "ቀደም ያለው ገጽ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1147
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1149
msgid "Previous drawing"
msgstr "ቀደም ያለው መሳያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1148
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1150
msgid "Previous control"
msgstr "ቀደም ያለው መቆጣጠሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1149
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1151
msgid "Previous section"
msgstr "ቀደም ያለው ክፍል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1150
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1152
msgid "Previous bookmark"
msgstr "ቀደም ያለው ምልክት ማድረጊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1151
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1153
msgid "Previous graphic"
msgstr "ቀደም ያለው ንድፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1152
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1154
msgid "Previous OLE object"
msgstr "ቀደም ያለው የ OLE እቃ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1153
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1155
msgid "Previous heading"
msgstr "ቀደም ያለው ራስጌ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1154
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1156
msgid "Previous selection"
msgstr "ቀደም ያለው ምርጫ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1155
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1157
msgid "Previous footnote"
msgstr "ቀደም ያለው የ ግርጌ ማስታወሻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1156
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1158
msgid "Previous Reminder"
msgstr "ቀደም ያለው አስታዋሽ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1157
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1159
msgid "Previous Comment"
msgstr "ቀደም ያለው አስተያየት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1158
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1160
msgid "Continue search backwards"
msgstr "የ ኋሊዮሽ ፍለጋውን መቀጠያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1159
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1161
msgid "Previous index entry"
msgstr "ቀደም ያለው የማውጫ ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1160
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1162
msgid "Previous table formula"
msgstr "ቀደም ያለው የ ሰንጠረዥ መቀመሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1161
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1163
msgid "Next table formula"
msgstr "የሚቀጥለው የ ሰንጠረዥ መቀመሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1162
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1164
msgid "Previous faulty table formula"
msgstr "ቀደም ያለው የተሳሳተ የ ሰንጠረዥ መቀመሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1163
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1165
msgid "Next faulty table formula"
msgstr "የሚቀጥለው የተሳሳተ የ ሰንጠረዥ መቀመሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1165
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1167
msgid "Inserted"
msgstr "ተጨምሯል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1166
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1168
msgid "Deleted"
msgstr "ጠፍቷል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1167
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1169
msgid "Formatted"
msgstr "አቀራረብ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1168
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1170
msgid "Table changed"
msgstr "ሰንጠረዡ ተቀይሯል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1169
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1171
msgid "Applied Paragraph Styles"
msgstr "የ ተፈጸሙ የ አንቀጽ ዘዴዎች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1170
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1172
msgid "Paragraph formatting changed"
msgstr "የ አንቀጽ አቀራረብ ተቀይሯል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1171
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1173
msgid "Row Inserted"
msgstr "ረድፍ ገብቷል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1172
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1174
msgid "Row Deleted"
msgstr "ረድፍ ጠፍቷል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1173
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1175
msgid "Cell Inserted"
msgstr "ክፍል ገብቷል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1174
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1176
msgid "Cell Deleted"
msgstr "ክፍል ጠፍቷል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1175
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1177
msgctxt "STR_ENDNOTE"
msgid "Endnote: "
msgstr "የ መጨረሻ ማስታወሻ: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1176
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1178
msgctxt "STR_FTNNOTE"
msgid "Footnote: "
msgstr "የ ግርጌ ማስታወሻ: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1177
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1179
#, c-format
msgid "%s-click to open Smart Tag menu"
msgstr "%s-ይጫኑ Smart Tag menu ለመክፈት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1178
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1180
msgid "Header (%1)"
msgstr "ራስጌ (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1179
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1181
msgid "First Page Header (%1)"
msgstr "የ መጀመሪያ ገጽ ራስጌ (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1180
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1182
msgid "Left Page Header (%1)"
msgstr "የ ግራ ገጽ ራስጌ (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1181
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1183
msgid "Right Page Header (%1)"
msgstr "የ ቀኝ ገጽ ራስጌ (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1182
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1184
msgid "Footer (%1)"
msgstr "ግርጌ (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1183
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1185
msgid "First Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr "የ መጀመሪያ ገጽ ግርጌ (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1184
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1186
msgid "Left Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr "የ ግራ ገጽ ግርጌ (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1185
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1187
msgid "Right Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr "የ ቀኝ ገጽ ግርጌ (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1186
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1188
msgid "Delete Header..."
msgstr "ራስጌ ማጥፊያ..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1187
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1189
msgid "Format Header..."
msgstr "የ ራስጌ አቀራረብ..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1188
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1190
msgid "Delete Footer..."
msgstr "ግርጌ ማጥፊያ..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1189
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1191
msgid "Format Footer..."
msgstr "የ ግርጌ አቀራረብ..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1191
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1193
msgid "Image file cannot be opened"
msgstr "የ ምስል ፋይል መክፈት አልተቻለም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1192
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1194
msgid "Image file cannot be read"
msgstr "የ ምስል ፋይል ማንበብ አልተቻለም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1193
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1195
msgid "Unknown image format"
msgstr "ያልታወቀ የምስል አቀራረብ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1194
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1196
msgid "This image file version is not supported"
msgstr "ይህ የምስል ፋይል አይነት የተደገፈ አይደለም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1195
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1197
msgid "Image filter not found"
msgstr "የምስል ማጣሪያ አልተገኘም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1196
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1198
msgid "Not enough memory to insert the image."
msgstr "ስእሉን ለማስገባት በቂ memory የለም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1197
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1199
msgid "Insert Image"
msgstr "ምስል ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1198
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1200
msgid "Comment: "
msgstr "አስተያየት : "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1199
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1201
msgid "Insertion"
msgstr "ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1200
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1202
msgid "Deletion"
msgstr "ማጥፊያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1201
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1203
msgid "AutoCorrect"
msgstr "በራሱ አራሚ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1202
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1204
msgid "Formats"
msgstr "አቀራረብ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1203
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1205
msgid "Table Changes"
msgstr "ሰንጠረዡ ተቀይሯል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1204
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1206
msgid "Applied Paragraph Styles"
msgstr "የ አንቀጽ ዘዴዎች መፈጸሚያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1205
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1207
msgctxt "STR_PAGE"
msgid "Page "
msgstr "ገጽ "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1206
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1208
msgctxt "STR_PAGE_COUNT"
msgid "Page %1 of %2"
msgstr "ገጽ %1 ከ %2"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1207
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1209
msgid "Page %1 of %2 (Page %3)"
msgstr "ገጽ %1 ከ %2 (ገጽ %3)"
#. Strings for gallery/background
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1209
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1211
msgid "Paragraph"
msgstr "አንቀጽ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1210
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1212
msgid "Image"
msgstr "ምስል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1211
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1213
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_OLE"
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "የ OLE እቃ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1212
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1214
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_FRAME"
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "ክፈፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1213
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1215
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "ሰንጠረዥ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1214
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1216
msgid "Table row"
msgstr "የሰንጠረዥ ረድፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1215
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1217
msgid "Table cell"
msgstr "የሰንጠረዥ ክፍል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1216
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1218
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_PAGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "ገጽ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1217
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1219
msgid "Header"
msgstr "ራስጌ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1218
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1220
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "ግርጌ"
#. End: strings for gallery/background
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1221
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1223
msgid "HTML"
msgstr "HTML"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1222
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1224
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1224
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1226
msgctxt "STR_TITLE"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "አርእስት"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1225
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1227
msgctxt "STR_ALPHA"
msgid "Separator"
msgstr "መለያያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1226
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1228
msgctxt "STR_LEVEL"
msgid "Level "
msgstr "ደረጃ "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1227
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1229
msgid "The file, \"%1\" in the \"%2\" path could not be found."
msgstr "ፋይሉን \"%1\" በ \"%2\" መንገድ ውስጥ ማግኘት አልተቻለም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1228
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1230
msgid "User-Defined Index"
msgstr "ተጠቃሚው-የተወሰነ ማውጫ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1229
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1231
msgid "<None>"
msgstr "<ምንም>"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1230
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1232
msgid "<None>"
msgstr "<ምንም>"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1231
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1233
msgctxt "STR_DELIM"
msgid "S"
msgstr "S"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1232
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1234
msgid "E#"
msgstr "E#"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1233
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1235
msgid "E"
msgstr "E"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1234
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1236
msgid "T"
msgstr "T"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1235
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1237
msgid "#"
msgstr "#"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1236
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1238
msgid "CI"
msgstr "CI"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1237
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1239
msgid "LS"
msgstr "LS"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1238
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1240
msgid "LE"
msgstr "LE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1239
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1241
msgid "A"
msgstr "A"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1240
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1242
msgid "Chapter number"
msgstr "የምእራፍ ቁጥር"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1241
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1243
msgid "Entry"
msgstr "ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1242
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1244
msgid "Tab stop"
msgstr "ማስረጊያ ማቆሚያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1243
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1245
msgid "Text"
msgstr "ጽሁፍ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1244
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1246
msgid "Page number"
msgstr "የ ገጽ ቁጥር"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1245
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1247
msgid "Chapter info"
msgstr "የምእራፍ መረጃ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1246
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1248
msgid "Hyperlink start"
msgstr "Hyperlink መጀመሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1247
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1249
msgid "Hyperlink end"
msgstr "Hyperlink መጨረሻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1248
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1250
msgid "Bibliography entry: "
msgstr "የ ጽሁፎች ዝርዝር ማስገቢያ...: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1249
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1251
msgid "Character Style: "
msgstr "የ ባህሪ ዘዴ: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1250
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1252
msgid "Structure text"
msgstr "የ ጽሁፍ አካል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1251
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1253
msgid "Press Ctrl+Alt+A to move focus for more operations"
msgstr "ይጫኑ Ctrl+Alt+A ትኩረቱን ወደ ተጨማሪ ተግባሮች ለማንቀሳቀስ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1252
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1254
msgid "Press left or right arrow to choose the structure controls"
msgstr "ይጫኑ የ ግራ ወይንም የ ቀኝ ቀስት የ መቆጣጠሪያ አካሎችን ለመምረጥ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1253
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1255
msgid "Press Ctrl+Alt+B to move focus back to the current structure control"
msgstr "ይጫኑ Ctrl+Alt+B ወደ አሁኑ የ መቆጣጠሪያ አካል ትኩረቱን ለ መመለስ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1254
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1256
msgid "Selection file for the alphabetical index (*.sdi)"
msgstr "የ ፋይል ምርጫዎች በ ፊደል ማውጫ (*.sdi)"
@@ -6199,237 +6209,237 @@ msgstr "የ ፋይል ምርጫዎች በ ፊደል ማውጫ (*.sdi)"
#. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: character alignment for frmsh.cxx - context menu
#. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1259
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1261
msgid "Base line at ~top"
msgstr "መሰረታዊ መስመር ከ ~ላይ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1260
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1262
msgid "~Base line at bottom"
msgstr "~መሰረታዊ መስመር ከ ታች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1261
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1263
msgid "Base line ~centered"
msgstr "መሰረታዊ መስመር ~መሀከል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1262
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1264
msgid "Insert object"
msgstr "እቃ ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1263
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1265
msgid "Edit object"
msgstr "እቃ ማረሚያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1264
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1266
msgid " (Template: "
msgstr " (ቴምፕሌት: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1265
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1267
msgid "Borders"
msgstr "ድንበሮች"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1266
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1268
msgid "Background"
msgstr "መደብ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1268
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1270
msgid "(Paragraph Style: "
msgstr "(የ አንቀጽ ዘዴ: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1269
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1271
msgid "Page numbers cannot be applied to the current page. Even numbers can be used on left pages, odd numbers on right pages."
msgstr "የ ገጽ ቁጥሮች ወደ አሁኑ ገጽ መስጠት አልተቻለም: ሙሉ ቁጥሮች በ ግራ ገጾች ላይ ይሆናሉ: ጎዶሎ ቁጥሮች በ ቀኝ ገጾች ላይ ይሆናሉ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1271
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1273
msgid "Master Document"
msgstr "ዋናው ሰነድ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1272
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1274
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1274
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1276
msgid "A file connection will delete the contents of the current section. Connect anyway?"
msgstr "የፋይል ግንኙነት የአሁኑን ክፍል ይዞታዎች ያጠፋቸዋል ፡ ለማንኛውም ልቀጥል?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1275
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1277
msgid "The password entered is invalid."
msgstr "ያስገቡት የ መግቢያ ቃል ዋጋ የለውም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1276
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1278
msgid "The password has not been set."
msgstr "የመግቢያ ቃል አልተሰናዳም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1278
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1280
msgctxt "STR_HYP_OK"
msgid "Hyphenation completed"
msgstr "ጭረት ተጠናቋል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1279
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1281
msgid "None (Do not check spelling)"
msgstr "ምንም (ፊደሎቹን አታርም)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1280
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1282
msgid "Reset to Default Language"
msgstr "ነባሩን ቋንቋ እንደነበረ መመለሻ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1281
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1283
msgid "More..."
msgstr "ተጨማሪ..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1282
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1284
msgid "~Ignore"
msgstr "~መተው"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1283
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1285
msgid "Explanations..."
msgstr "መግለጫዎች..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1285
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1287
msgid "Check special regions is deactivated. Check anyway?"
msgstr "የተለዩ አካባቢዎች ተሰናክለው እንደሆን መመርመሪያ: ለማንኛውም ልመርምር?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1286
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1288
msgid "Could not merge documents."
msgstr "ሰነዱን ማዋሀድ አልተቻለም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1287
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1289
msgid "The source cannot be loaded."
msgstr "ምንጩን መጫን አልተቻለም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1288
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1290
msgctxt "STR_ERR_NO_FAX"
msgid "No fax printer has been set under Tools/Options/%1/Print."
msgstr "ምንም የ ፋክስ ማተሚያ አልተዘጋጀም በ መሳሪያዎች/ምርጫዎች/%1/ማተሚያ ስር"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1289
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1291
msgid "HTML document"
msgstr "የ HTML ሰነድ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1290
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1292
msgid "Text document"
msgstr "የ ጽሁፍ ሰነድ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1291
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1293
msgid "Source not specified."
msgstr "ምንጩ አልተገለጸም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1292
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1294
msgctxt "STR_NUM_LEVEL"
msgid "Level "
msgstr "ደረጃ "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1293
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1295
msgid "Outline "
msgstr "ረቂቅ "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1294
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1296
msgid "Edit Footnote/Endnote"
msgstr "የ ግርጌ/መጨረሻ ማስታወሻ ማረሚያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1295
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1297
msgid "Search key replaced XX times."
msgstr "መፈለጊያው ቁልፍ በዚህ XX ያህል ጊዜ ተቀይሯል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1296
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1298
msgid "Row "
msgstr "ረድፍ "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1297
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1299
msgid "Column "
msgstr "አምድ "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1298
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1300
msgctxt "STR_SAVEAS_SRC"
msgid "~Export source..."
msgstr "ምንጩን ~መላኪያ..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1299
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1301
msgid "~Export copy of source..."
msgstr "~መላኪያ የ ኮፒ ምንጭ..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1301
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1303
msgctxt "ST_CONTINUE"
msgid "~Continue"
msgstr "~ይቀጥሉ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1302
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1304
msgctxt "ST_TASK"
msgid "Task"
msgstr "ስራ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1303
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1305
msgctxt "ST_STATUS"
msgid "Status"
msgstr "ሁኔታው"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1304
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1306
msgctxt "ST_SENDINGTO"
msgid "Sending to: %1"
msgstr "በመላክ ላይ ወደ: %1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1305
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1307
msgctxt "ST_COMPLETED"
msgid "Successfully sent"
msgstr "ተሳክቶ ተልኳል"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1306
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1308
msgctxt "ST_FAILED"
msgid "Sending failed"
msgstr "መላክ አልተቻለም"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1308
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1310
msgstr "ድርጅት;CR;የ መጀመሪያ ስም; ;የ አባት ስም;CR;አድራሻ ;CR;ከተማ ; ;ከፍለ ሀገር; ;ፖ.ሳ.ቁጥር ;CR;አገር;CR;"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1310
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1312
msgid "Text formula"
msgstr "ጽሁፍ መቀመሪያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1312
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1314
msgctxt "STR_MENU_ZOOM"
msgid "~Zoom"
msgstr "~ማሳያ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1313
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1315
msgctxt "STR_MENU_UP"
msgid "~Upwards"
msgstr "~ወደ ላይ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1314
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1316
msgctxt "STR_MENU_DOWN"
msgid "Do~wnwards"
msgstr "ወደ ~ታች"
@@ -6437,7 +6447,7 @@ msgstr "ወደ ~ታች"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Classification strings
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1320
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1322
msgid "Document classification has changed because a paragraph classification level is higher"
msgstr "ሰነድ መመደቢያ ተቀይሯል ምክንያቱም የ አንቀጽ መመደቢያ ደረጃ ከፍተኛ ነው"
@@ -6445,32 +6455,32 @@ msgstr "ሰነድ መመደቢያ ተቀይሯል ምክንያቱም የ አን
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Paragraph Signature
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1325
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1327
msgctxt "STR_VALID"
msgid " Valid "
msgstr " ዋጋ ያለው "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1326
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1328
msgctxt "STR_INVALID"
msgid "Invalid"
msgstr "ዋጋ የሌለው"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1327
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1329
msgid "Invalid Signature"
msgstr "ዋጋ የሌለው ፊርማ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1328
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1330
msgctxt "STR_SIGNED_BY"
msgid "Signed-by"
msgstr "የ ተፈረመው-በ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1329
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1331
msgid "Paragraph Signature"
msgstr "የ አንቀጽ ፊርማ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1331
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1333
msgctxt "labeldialog|cards"
msgid "Business Cards"
msgstr "የ ንግድ ካርዶች"
@@ -10074,31 +10084,41 @@ msgctxt "insertautotextdialog|label1"
msgid "Autotexts for Shortcut "
msgstr "በራሱ ጽሁፍ ለ አቋራጮች "
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:8
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:9
msgctxt "insertbookmark|InsertBookmarkDialog"
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr "ምልክት ማድረጊያ"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:40
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:35
msgctxt "insertbookmark|insert"
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:122
-msgctxt "insertbookmark|rename"
-msgid "Rename"
-msgstr "እንደገና መሰየሚያ"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:58
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|hide"
+msgid "H_ide"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:135
-msgctxt "insertbookmark|delete"
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "ማጥፊያ"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:80
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|condlabel"
+msgid "_With condition"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:148
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:130
msgctxt "insertbookmark|goto"
msgid "Go to"
msgstr "መሄጃ ወደ"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:144
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|delete"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "ማጥፊያ"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:158
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|rename"
+msgid "Rename"
+msgstr "እንደገና መሰየሚያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbreak.ui:14
msgctxt "insertbreak|BreakDialog"
msgid "Insert Break"
@@ -11822,7 +11842,7 @@ msgstr "ማስገቢያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar.ui:5568
msgctxt "notebookbar|LayoutMenuButton"
msgid "Layout"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "እቅድ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar.ui:6487
msgctxt "notebookbar|LayoutLabel"
@@ -11872,7 +11892,7 @@ msgstr "ሰንጠረዥ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar.ui:10766
msgctxt "notebookbar|ImageMenuButton"
msgid "Image"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ምስል"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar.ui:10865
msgctxt "notebookbar|ImageLabel"
@@ -11887,32 +11907,32 @@ msgstr "መ_ሳያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar.ui:12327
msgctxt "notebookbar|DrawLabel"
msgid "Draw"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "መሳያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar.ui:12681
msgctxt "notebookbar|PrintMenuButton"
msgid "_Print"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_ማተሚያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar.ui:12768
msgctxt "notebookbar|PrintLabel"
msgid "Print"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ማተሚያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar.ui:13206
msgctxt "notebookbar|MediaMenuButton"
msgid "_Media"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_መገናኛ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar.ui:13304
msgctxt "notebookbar|MediaLabel"
msgid "Media"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "መገናኛ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar.ui:14157
msgctxt "notebookbar|ObjectMenuButton"
msgid "Object"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "እቃ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar.ui:14246
msgctxt "notebookbar|ObjectLabel"
@@ -11927,7 +11947,7 @@ msgstr "_መሳሪያዎች"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar.ui:15231
msgctxt "notebookbar|ToolsLabel"
msgid "Tools"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "መሳሪያዎች"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:1877
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|Update"
@@ -11967,12 +11987,12 @@ msgstr "ማስገቢያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:5252
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|WrapButton"
msgid "Wrap"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "መጠቅለያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:5401
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|LayoutMenuButton"
msgid "Layout"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "እቅድ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:5453
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|LayoutLabel"
@@ -12024,19 +12044,19 @@ msgstr "ሰንጠረዥ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:9579
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|WrapMenuButton"
msgid "Wrap"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "መጠቅለያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:8189
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:9022
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:9693
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|AlignMenuButton"
msgid "A_lign"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ማ_ሰለፊያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:8471
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|ImageMenuButton"
msgid "Image"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ምስል"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:8504
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|ImageLabel"
@@ -12056,7 +12076,7 @@ msgstr "መሳያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:9831
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|ObjectMenuButton"
msgid "Object"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "እቃ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:9887
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|FrameLabel"
@@ -12066,22 +12086,22 @@ msgstr "እቃ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:10349
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|MediaButton"
msgid "_Media"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_መገናኛ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:10403
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|MediaLabel"
msgid "Media"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "መገናኛ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:10845
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|PrintPreviewButton"
msgid "Print"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ማተሚያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:10900
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|PrintPreviewLabel"
msgid "Print"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ማተሚያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:10949
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|ToolsMenuButton"
@@ -12096,77 +12116,77 @@ msgstr "መሳሪያዎች"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2551
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|MenubarAction"
msgid "Menubar"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ዝርዝር መደርደሪያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2606
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|MenuAction"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ማሻሻያ _መፈለጊያ..."
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2741
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|QuotationAction"
msgid "Quotation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ጥቅስ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3035
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|ToolsButton"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ማሻሻያ _መፈለጊያ..."
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3361
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|MenuButton"
msgid "_Menu"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_ዝርዝር"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3417
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|ToolsButton"
msgid "_Tools"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_መሳሪያዎች"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3506
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|FileButton"
msgid "_File"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_ፋይል"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3661
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|EditButton"
msgid "_Edit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_ማረሚያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3800
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:9220
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|StyleButton"
msgid "St_yles"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ዘዴ_ዎች"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3978
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8691
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:9399
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|FormatButton"
msgid "F_ormat"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "አ_ቀራረብ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4228
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8953
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:9615
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|ParagraphButton"
msgid "_Paragraph"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_አንቀጽ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4400
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|InsertButton"
msgid "_Insert"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_ማስገቢያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4548
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|ReferenceButton"
msgid "Reference_s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ማመሳከሪያዎ_ች"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4655
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|ReviewButton"
msgid "_Review"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_ከለሳ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4769
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6780
@@ -12174,214 +12194,214 @@ msgstr ""
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:9116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|ViewButton"
msgid "_View"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_መመልከቻ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4885
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|PrintMenuButton"
msgid "_Print"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_ማተሚያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5036
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|PrintMenuButton"
msgid "Slide Layout"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "የ ተንሸራታች እቅድ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5172
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|PrintMenuButton"
msgid "Navigate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "መቃኛ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5297
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|PrintMenuButton"
msgid "Zoom"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ማሳያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5435
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|ImageButton"
msgid "Image"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ምስል"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5551
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|ColorButton"
msgid "C_olor"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ቀ_ለም"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5886
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7416
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8176
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|ArrangeButton"
msgid "_Arrange"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_ማዘጋጃ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6183
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7556
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8289
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|GridButton"
msgid "_Grid"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_መጋጠሚያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6307
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|LanguageButton"
msgid "_Language"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_ቋንቋ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6437
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|reviewButton"
msgid "_Review"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_ከለሳ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6575
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|CommentsButton"
msgid "_Comments"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_አስተያየቶች"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6676
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|CompareButton"
msgid "Com_pare"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ማወዳ_ደሪያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6968
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|DrawEditButton"
msgid "St_yles"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ዘዴ_ዎች"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7185
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|DrawButton"
msgid "D_raw"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "መ_ሳያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7669
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|GroupButton"
msgid "Grou_p"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ቡድ_ን"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7781
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|3DButton"
msgid "3_D"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "3_ዲ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7968
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|FrameButton"
msgid "F_rame"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ክ_ፈፍ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8512
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|StylesButton"
msgid "St_yles"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ዘዴ_ዎች"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:9744
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|TableButton"
msgid "T_able"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ሰ_ንጠረዥ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:9884
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|MergeButton"
msgid "_Merge"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_ማዋሀጃ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:10010
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|RowsColumnsButton"
msgid "R_ows"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ረ_ድፎች"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:10139
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|SelectButton"
msgid "Selec_t"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ይምረ_ጡ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:10254
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|CalculateButton"
msgid "_Calc"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_ሰንጠረዥ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:10373
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|MediaButton"
msgid "_Media"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_መገናኛ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:1506
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|HelpButton"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ማሻሻያ _መፈለጊያ..."
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2627
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|MenuButton"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ማሻሻያ _መፈለጊያ..."
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2762
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|QuotationButton"
msgid "Quotation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ጥቅስ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3056
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|ToolsButton"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ማሻሻያ _መፈለጊያ..."
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3361
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|MenuButton"
msgid "_Menu"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_ዝርዝር"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3414
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|ToolsButton"
msgid "_Tools"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_መሳሪያዎች"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3469
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|HelpButton"
msgid "_Help"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_እርዳታ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3577
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|FileButton"
msgid "_File"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_ፋይል"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3815
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|EditButton"
msgid "_Edit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_ማረሚያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4012
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6776
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|StyleButton"
msgid "St_yles"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ዘዴ_ዎች"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4300
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7064
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11623
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|FormatButton"
msgid "F_ormat"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "አ_ቀራረብ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4652
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7416
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11890
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|ParagraphButton"
msgid "_Paragraph"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_አንቀጽ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4892
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:12221
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|InsertButton"
msgid "_Insert"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_ማስገቢያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5121
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8733
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|ReferenceButton"
msgid "Referen_ce"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ማመሳከ_ሪያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5323
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9099
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|ReviewButton"
msgid "_Review"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_ከለሳ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5473
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9665
@@ -12389,121 +12409,121 @@ msgstr ""
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:13655
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|ViewButton"
msgid "_View"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_መመልከቻ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5735
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|GraphicButton"
msgid "Image"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ምስል"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6166
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10761
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:13338
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|ArrangeButton"
msgid "_Arrange"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_ማዘጋጃ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6343
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|ColorButton"
msgid "C_olor"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ቀ_ለም"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6598
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10929
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:13505
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|GridButton"
msgid "_Grid"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_መጋጠሚያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7644
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|TableButton"
msgid "T_able"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ሰ_ንጠረዥ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7843
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|RowsColumnsButton"
msgid "R_ows"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ረ_ድፎች"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8045
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|MergeButton"
msgid "_Merge"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_ማዋሀጃ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8274
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|SelectButton"
msgid "Sele_ct"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ይምረ_ጡ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8504
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|CalculateButton"
msgid "_Calc"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_ሰንጠረዥ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8870
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|LanguageButton"
msgid "_Language"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_ቋንቋ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9312
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|CommentsButton"
msgid "_Comments"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_አስተያየቶች"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9515
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|CompareButton"
msgid "Com_pare"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ማወዳ_ደሪያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10111
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|DrawButton"
msgid "D_raw"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "መ_ሳያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10482
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|DrawEditButton"
msgid "_Edit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_ማረሚያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10713
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|WrapButton"
msgid "Wrap"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "መጠቅለያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10728
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|AlignButton"
msgid "Align"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ማሰለፊያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11131
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|GroupButton"
msgid "Grou_p"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ቡድ_ን"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11311
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|3DButton"
msgid "3_D"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "3_ዲ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:12669
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|MediaButton"
msgid "_Media"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_መገናኛ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:12907
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|FrameButton"
msgid "F_rame"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ክ_ፈፍ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:13939
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|PrintMenuButton"
msgid "_Print"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_ማተሚያ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:14171
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|PrintMenuButton"
msgid "Slide Layout"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "የ ተንሸራታች እቅድ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groups.ui:34
msgctxt "notebookbar_groups|imagestyledefault"
@@ -12907,8 +12927,8 @@ msgstr "የረቂቅ ደረጃ:"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/numparapage.ui:67
msgctxt "numparapage|comboLB_OUTLINE_LEVEL"
-msgid "Body text"
-msgstr "የ ጽሁፍ አካል"
+msgid "Text Body"
+msgstr ""
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/numparapage.ui:68
msgctxt "numparapage|comboLB_OUTLINE_LEVEL"
@@ -13366,80 +13386,85 @@ msgstr "መጨ_ረሻ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:134
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddentext"
-msgid "Hidden text"
-msgstr "የተደበቁ ጽሁፎች"
+msgid "Hidden characters"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:149
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:216
+msgctxt "optformataidspage|displayfl"
+msgid "Display formatting"
+msgstr ""
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:249
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddentextfield"
-msgid "Fields: Hidden te_xt"
-msgstr "ሜዳዎች: የተደበቀ ጽሁ_ፍ"
+msgid "Hidden te_xt"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:164
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:264
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddenparafield"
-msgid "Fields: Hidden p_aragraphs"
-msgstr "ሜዳዎች: የተደበቁ አ_ንቀጾች"
+msgid "Hidden p_aragraphs"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:252
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:285
msgctxt "optformataidspage|displayfl"
-msgid "Display of"
-msgstr "ማሳያ ከ"
+msgid "Display fields"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:284
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:317
msgctxt "optformataidspage|mathbaseline"
msgid "Math baseline alignment"
msgstr "የ ሂሳብ መሰረታዊ መስመር ማሰለፊያ"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:305
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:338
msgctxt "optformataidspage|layoutopt"
msgid "Layout Assistance"
msgstr "የ እቅድ ረዳት"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:349
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:382
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursoronoff"
msgid "_Direct cursor"
msgstr "_በቀጥታ መጠቆሚያ"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:366
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:399
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillmode"
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "ማስገቢያ"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:388
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:421
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillmargin"
msgid "Para_graph alignment"
msgstr "አን_ቀጽ ማሰለፊያ"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:404
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:437
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillindent"
msgid "_Left paragraph margin"
msgstr "የ _ግራ አንቀጽ መስመር"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:420
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:453
msgctxt "optformataidspage|filltab"
msgid "_Tabs"
msgstr "_ማስረጊያ"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:436
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:469
msgctxt "optformataidspage|filltabandspace"
msgid "Tabs a_nd spaces"
msgstr "ማስረጊያ እ_ና ክፍተት"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:452
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:485
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillspace"
msgid "_Spaces"
msgstr "_ክፍተት"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:482
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:515
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursorlabel"
msgid "Direct Cursor"
msgstr "በቀጥታ መጠቆሚያ"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:514
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:547
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursorinprot"
msgid "Enable cursor"
msgstr "መጠቆሚያ ማስቻያ"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:535
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:568
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursoropt"
msgid "Protected Areas"
msgstr "የሚጠበቁ ቦታዎች"
diff --git a/source/am/vcl/messages.po b/source/am/vcl/messages.po
index d9a1b27947c..d438c287ea6 100644
--- a/source/am/vcl/messages.po
+++ b/source/am/vcl/messages.po
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-#. extracted from vcl/inc
+#. extracted from vcl/inc/font
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-08 15:10+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-21 21:28+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Samson B <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -13,9 +13,394 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1526938122.000000\n"
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:25
+msgid "Access All Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:26
+msgid "Alternative (Vertical) Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:27
+msgid "Ancient Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:28
+msgid "Capitals to Petite Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:29
+msgid "Capitals to Small Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:30
+msgid "Contextual Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:31
+msgid "Case-Sensitive Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:32
+msgid "Contextual Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:33
+msgid "Centered CJK Punctuation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:34
+msgid "Capital Spacing"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:35
+msgid "Contextual Swash"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:36
+msgid "Character Variant %1"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:37
+msgid "Drop Caps"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:38
+msgid "Discretionary Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:39
+msgid "Denominators"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:40
+msgid "Diphthongs (Obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:41
+msgid "Expert Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:42
+msgid "Final Glyph on Line Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:43
+msgid "DIagonal Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:44
+msgid "Diagonal Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:45
+msgid "Nut Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:46
+msgid "Full Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:47
+msgid "Alternate Half Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:48
+msgid "Historical Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:49
+msgid "Horizontal Kana Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:50
+msgid "Historical Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:51
+msgid "Hanja to Hangul (Obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:52
+msgid "Hojo Kanji Forms (JIS X 0212-1990 Kanji Forms)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:53
+msgid "Half Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:54
+msgid "Italics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:55
+msgid "Justification Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:56
+msgid "JIS2004 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:57
+msgid "JIS78 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:58
+msgid "JIS83 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:59
+msgid "JIS90 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:60
+msgid "Horizontal Kerning"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:61
+msgid "Left Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:62
+msgid "Standard Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:63
+msgid "Lining Figures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:64
+msgid "Mathematical Greek"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:65
+msgid "Alternate Annotation Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:66
+msgid "NLC Kanji Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:67
+msgid "Numerators"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:68
+msgid "Oldstyle Figures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:69
+msgid "Optical Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:70
+msgid "Ordinals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:71
+msgid "Ornaments"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:72
+msgid "Proportional Alternate Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:73
+msgid "Lowercase to Petite Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:74
+msgid "Proportional Kana"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:75
+msgid "Proportional Numbers"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:76
+msgid "Proportional Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:77
+msgid "Quarter Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:78
+msgid "Right Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:79
+msgid "Ruby Notation Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:80
+msgid "Stylistic Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:81
+msgid "Scientific Inferiors"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:82
+msgid "Lowercase to Small Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:83
+msgid "Simplified Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:84
+msgid "Stylistic Set %1"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:85
+msgid "Subscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:86
+msgid "Superscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:87
+msgid "Swash"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:88
+msgid "Titling"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:89
+msgid "Traditional Name Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:90
+msgid "Tabular Numbers"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:91
+msgid "Traditional Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:92
+msgid "Third Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:93
+msgid "Unicase"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:94
+msgid "Alternate Vertical Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:95
+msgid "Alternate Vertical Half Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:96
+msgid "Vertical Kana Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:97
+msgid "Vertical Kerning"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:98
+msgid "Proportional Alternate Vertical Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:99
+msgid "Vertical Alternates and Rotation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:100
+msgid "Vertical Alternates for Rotation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:101
+msgid "Slashed Zero"
+msgstr ""
#. To translators: This is the first entry of a sequence of paper size names
#: vcl/inc/print.hrc:28
diff --git a/source/an/cui/messages.po b/source/an/cui/messages.po
index 944801c79c5..8be66990c09 100644
--- a/source/an/cui/messages.po
+++ b/source/an/cui/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -3515,7 +3515,7 @@ msgctxt "certdialog|label1"
msgid "Certificate Path"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:46
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:45
msgctxt "charnamepage|westlangft-nocjk"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr ""
@@ -3525,52 +3525,72 @@ msgctxt "charnamepage|westsizeft-nocjk"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:257
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:196
+msgctxt "charnamepage|west_features_button-nocjk"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:268
msgctxt "charnamepage|westsizeft-cjk"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:272
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:283
msgctxt "charnamepage|westlangft-cjk"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:346
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:352
+msgctxt "charnamepage|west_features_button-cjk"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:373
msgctxt "charnamepage|label4"
msgid "Western Text Font"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:415
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:441
msgctxt "charnamepage|eastsizeft"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:430
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:456
msgctxt "charnamepage|eastlangft"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:503
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:524
+msgctxt "charnamepage|east_features_button"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:545
msgctxt "charnamepage|label5"
msgid "Asian Text Font"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:572
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:613
msgctxt "charnamepage|ctlsizeft"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:587
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:628
msgctxt "charnamepage|ctllangft"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:661
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:697
+msgctxt "charnamepage|ctl_features_button"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:718
msgctxt "charnamepage|label6"
msgid "CTL Font"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:688
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:745
msgctxt "charnamepage|preview-atkobject"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr ""
@@ -5126,6 +5146,16 @@ msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|flState"
msgid "State"
msgstr "Estau/Provincia"
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/fontfeaturesdialog.ui:9
+msgctxt "newtabledialog|NewTableDialog"
+msgid "Font Features"
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/fontfeaturesdialog.ui:149
+msgctxt "fontfeaturesdialog|preview-atkobject"
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr ""
#: cui/uiconfig/ui/formatcellsdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "formatcellsdialog|FormatCellsDialog"
msgid "Table Properties"
@@ -7919,83 +7949,88 @@ msgctxt "optfontspage|label1"
msgid "Font Settings for HTML, Basic and SQL Sources"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:31
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:35
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|exthelp"
msgid "_Extended tips"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:46
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:50
+msgctxt "optgeneralpage|popupnohelp"
+msgid "Show \"No offline help installed\" popup"
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:70
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label1"
msgid "Help"
msgstr "~Aduya"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:76
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:100
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|filedlg"
msgid "_Use %PRODUCTNAME dialogs"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:110
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:134
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label2"
msgid "Open/Save Dialogs"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:136
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:160
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|printdlg"
msgid "Use %PRODUCTNAME _dialogs"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:151
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:175
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label3"
msgid "Print Dialogs"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:177
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:201
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|docstatus"
msgid "_Printing sets \"document modified\" status"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:192
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:216
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label4"
msgid "Document Status"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:225
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:249
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label6"
msgid "_Interpret as years between "
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:250
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:274
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|toyear"
msgid "and "
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:265
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:289
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label5"
msgid "Year (Two Digits)"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:291
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:315
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|collectusageinfo"
msgid "Collect usage data and send it to The Document Foundation"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:306
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:330
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label7"
msgid "Help Improve %PRODUCTNAME"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:337
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:361
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|quicklaunch"
msgid "Load %PRODUCTNAME during system start-up"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:352
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:376
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|systray"
msgid "Enable systray Quickstarter"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:373
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:397
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label8"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Quickstarter"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/an/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po b/source/an/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
index db6d2b28dbd..0589a1b0a17 100644
--- a/source/an/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
+++ b/source/an/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:05+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-12-01 17:10+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -4082,16 +4082,6 @@ msgstr "Ficar blinco de ringlera"
#, fuzzy
msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Data"
-msgstr "Datos"
-#: CalcCommands.xcu
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
@@ -24336,6 +24326,15 @@ msgid "~Insert"
msgstr "Ficar"
#: GenericCommands.xcu
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "~Data"
+msgstr ""
+#: GenericCommands.xcu
#, fuzzy
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/an/sc/messages.po b/source/an/sc/messages.po
index 044c0786c16..6fb7b335103 100644
--- a/source/an/sc/messages.po
+++ b/source/an/sc/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -15414,42 +15414,47 @@ msgid "~Value"
msgstr "Valor"
#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:68
+msgid "~Formula"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:69
#, fuzzy
msgid "~Source"
msgstr "Orichen"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:69
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:70
#, fuzzy
msgid "~Entries"
msgstr "Dentradas"
#. for dialogues:
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:71
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:72
#, fuzzy
msgid "System"
msgstr "Sistema"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:72
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:73
#, fuzzy
msgid "Standard;Text;Date (DMY);Date (MDY);Date (YMD);US English;Hide"
msgstr "Predeterminau;Texto;Calendata (DMA);Calendata (MDA);Calendata (AMD);Inglés (US);Amagar"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:73
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:74
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab"
msgstr "Tabuladors"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:74
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:75
msgid "space"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:75
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:76
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@@ -15461,1281 +15466,1386 @@ msgstr ""
"Deseya acceptar a corrección sucherida abaixo?\n"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:76
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:77
msgid "Image Filter"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:77
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:78
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Texto"
#. Select tables dialog title
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:79
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:80
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select Sheets"
msgstr "Seleccionar fuellas"
#. Select tables dialog listbox
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:81
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:82
#, fuzzy
msgid "~Selected sheets"
msgstr "Fuellas seleccionadas"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:82
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:83
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ruler"
msgstr "Regle"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:83
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:84
#, fuzzy
msgid "This ruler manages objects at fixed positions."
msgstr "Iste regle administra os obchectos en posicions fixas. "
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:84
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:85
#, fuzzy
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Previsualización"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:85
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:86
#, fuzzy
msgid "This sheet shows how the data will be arranged in the document."
msgstr "Ista fuella amuestra a disposición d'os datos en o documento. "
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:86
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:87
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_ACC_DOC_NAME"
msgid "Document view"
msgstr "Visualización d'o documento"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:87
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:88
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sheet %1"
msgstr "Fuella %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:88
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cell %1"
msgstr "Celda %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:89
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:90
#, fuzzy
msgid "Left area"
msgstr "Aria cucha"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:90
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:91
#, fuzzy
msgid "Page preview"
msgstr "Vista preliminar"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:91
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:92
#, fuzzy
msgid "Center area"
msgstr "Aria central"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:92
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:93
#, fuzzy
msgid "Right area"
msgstr "Aria dreita"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:93
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:94
#, fuzzy
msgid "Header of page %1"
msgstr "Encabezamiento d'a pachina %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:94
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:95
#, fuzzy
msgid "Footer of page %1"
msgstr "Piet de pachina d'a pachina %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:95
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:96
#, fuzzy
msgid "Input line"
msgstr "Linia d'edición"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:96
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:97
#, fuzzy
msgid "This is where you enter or edit text, numbers and formulas."
msgstr "Aquí se puede introducir y editar texto, numeros y formulas. "
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:97
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:98
#, fuzzy
msgid "Media Playback"
msgstr "Reproducción de meyos"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:98
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:99
#, fuzzy
msgid "Mouse button pressed"
msgstr "Botón d'o rato presionado"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:99
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:100
#, fuzzy
msgid "Formula Tool Bar"
msgstr "Barra de ferramientas de formula"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:100
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:101
#, fuzzy
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Spreadsheets"
msgstr "Fuellas de calculo de %PRODUCTNAME"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:101
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:102
#, fuzzy
msgid "(read-only)"
msgstr "(solament ta lectura)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:102
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:103
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Preview mode)"
msgstr "(Modo de vista preliminar)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:103
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:104
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Pachinas"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:104
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:105
msgid "~Suppress output of empty pages"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:105
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:106
#, fuzzy
msgid "Print content"
msgstr "Imprentar o conteniu"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:106
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:107
#, fuzzy
msgid "~All sheets"
msgstr "Todas as fuellas"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:107
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:108
#, fuzzy
msgid "~Selected sheets"
msgstr "Fuellas seleccionadas"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:108
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:109
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selected cells"
msgstr "Celdas seleccionadas"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:109
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:110
msgid "From which print"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:110
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:111
#, fuzzy
msgid "All ~pages"
msgstr "Todas as pachinas"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:111
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:112
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pa~ges"
msgstr "Pachinas"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:112
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:113
#, fuzzy
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Calc"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:113
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:114
#, fuzzy
msgid "Warn me about this in the future."
msgstr " Advertir-me/Advertir'me sobre isto en o futuro."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:114
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:115
msgid "The following DDE source could not be updated possibly because the source document was not open. Please launch the source document and try again."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:115
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:116
msgid "The following external file could not be loaded. Data linked from this file did not get updated."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:116
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:117
msgid "Updating external links."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:117
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:118
msgid "Calc A1"
msgstr "Calc A1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:118
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:119
msgid "Excel A1"
msgstr "Excel A1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:119
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:120
msgid "Excel R1C1"
msgstr "Excel R1C1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:120
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:121
msgid "Range contains column la~bels"
msgstr "L'intervalo contiene etiquetas de columnas"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:121
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:122
msgid "Range contains ~row labels"
msgstr "L'intervalo contiene etiquetas de ringleras"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:122
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:123
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SCSTR_VALERR"
msgid "Invalid value"
msgstr "Valor no valida."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:123
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:124
msgid "No formula specified."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:124
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:125
msgctxt "STR_NOCOLROW"
msgid "Neither row or column specified."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:125
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:126
msgid "Undefined name or range."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:126
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:127
msgid "Undefined name or wrong cell reference."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:127
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:128
msgid "Formulas don't form a column."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:128
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:129
msgid "Formulas don't form a row."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:129
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:130
msgid "Add AutoFormat"
msgstr "Adhibir una formatación automatica"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:130
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:131
msgid "Rename AutoFormat"
msgstr "Cambiar o nombre d'a formatación automatica"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:131
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:132
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nombre"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:132
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:133
msgid "Delete AutoFormat"
msgstr "Eliminar a formatación automatica"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:133
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:134
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do you really want to delete the # AutoFormat?"
msgstr "Deseya realment eliminar a dentrada #?"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:134
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:135
#, fuzzy
msgid "~Close"
msgstr "Zarrar"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:135
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:136
msgctxt "STR_JAN"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Chin."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:136
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:137
msgctxt "STR_FEB"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Feb."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:137
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:138
msgctxt "STR_MAR"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Mar."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:138
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:139
msgctxt "STR_NORTH"
msgid "North"
msgstr "Norte"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:139
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:140
msgctxt "STR_MID"
msgid "Mid"
msgstr "Centro"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:140
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:141
msgctxt "STR_SOUTH"
msgid "South"
msgstr "Sud"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:141
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:142
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_SUM"
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Total"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:142
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:143
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_SHEET"
msgid "Sheet"
msgstr "Fuella"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:143
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:144
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_CELL"
msgid "Cell"
msgstr "Celdas"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:144
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:145
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_CONTENT"
msgid "Content"
msgstr "Contenius"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:145
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:146
msgid "Page Anchor"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:146
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:147
msgid "Cell Anchor"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:147
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:148
msgid "Condition "
msgstr ""
#. content description strings are also use d in ScLinkTargetsObj
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:150
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:151
msgid "Contents"
msgstr "Contenius"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:151
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:152
msgid "Sheets"
msgstr "Fuellas"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:152
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:153
#, fuzzy
msgid "Range names"
msgstr "Nombres d'os entrevalos"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:153
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:154
#, fuzzy
msgid "Database ranges"
msgstr "Entrevalos d'a base de datos"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:154
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:155
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:155
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:156
msgid "OLE objects"
msgstr "Obchectos OLE"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:156
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:157
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Comentarios"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:157
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:158
msgid "Linked areas"
msgstr "Arias enlazadas"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:158
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:159
msgid "Drawing objects"
msgstr "Obchectos de dibuixo"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:159
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:160
#, fuzzy
msgid "Drag Mode"
msgstr "Modo d'arrocegue"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:160
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:161
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Visualizar"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:161
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:162
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SCSTR_ACTIVE"
msgid "active"
msgstr "activo"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:162
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:163
#, fuzzy
msgid "inactive"
msgstr "inactivo"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:163
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:164
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SCSTR_HIDDEN"
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "amagau"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:164
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:165
#, fuzzy
msgid "Active Window"
msgstr "Finestra activa"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:165
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:166
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scenario Name"
msgstr "Nombre d'o escenario"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:166
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:167
#, fuzzy
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Comentarios"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:168
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:169
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sort Ascending"
msgstr "Orden ascendent"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:169
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:170
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sort Descending"
msgstr "Orden descendent"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:170
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:171
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Sort"
msgstr "Orden personalizau"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:171
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:172
#, fuzzy
msgid "All"
msgstr "Totz"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:172
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:173
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show only the current item."
msgstr "Amostrar nomás l'item actual."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:173
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:174
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hide only the current item."
msgstr "Amagar nomás l'item actual."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:174
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:175
msgid "Search items..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:176
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:177
#, fuzzy
msgid "Name Box"
msgstr "Quadro de nombre"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:177
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:178
#, fuzzy
msgid "Input line"
msgstr "Linia de dentrada"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:178
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:179
#, fuzzy
msgid "Function Wizard"
msgstr "Asistent: Funcions"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:179
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:180
#, fuzzy
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "Aplicar"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:180
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:181
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancelar"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:181
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:182
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "Suma"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:182
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:183
#, fuzzy
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "Formulas"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:183
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:184
msgid "Expand Formula Bar"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:184
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:185
msgid "Collapse Formula Bar"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:186
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:187
msgid "Conflict"
msgstr "Conflicto"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:187
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:188
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Autor"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:188
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:189
msgctxt "STR_TITLE_DATE"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Calendata"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:189
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:190
msgid "Unknown User"
msgstr "Usuario desconoixiu"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:191
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:192
#, fuzzy
msgid "Column inserted"
msgstr "S'ha ficau una columna"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:192
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:193
#, fuzzy
msgid "Row inserted "
msgstr "S'ha ficau una ringlera "
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:193
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:194
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sheet inserted "
msgstr "S'ha ficau una fuella "
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:194
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:195
#, fuzzy
msgid "Column deleted"
msgstr "S'ha eliminau una columna"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:195
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:196
#, fuzzy
msgid "Row deleted"
msgstr "S'ha eliminau una ringlera"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:196
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:197
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sheet deleted"
msgstr "S'ha eliminau una fuella"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:197
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:198
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_CHG_MOVE"
msgid "Range moved"
msgstr "S'ha moviu un entrevalo"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:198
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:199
#, fuzzy
msgid "Changed contents"
msgstr "O conteniu s'ha modificau"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:199
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:200
#, fuzzy
msgid "Changed contents"
msgstr "O conteniu s'ha modificau"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:200
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:201
#, fuzzy
msgid "Changed to "
msgstr "S'ha modificau a "
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:201
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:202
#, fuzzy
msgid "Original"
msgstr "Orichinal"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:202
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:203
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_CHG_REJECT"
msgid "Changes rejected"
msgstr "As modificacions s'han refusau"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:203
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:204
#, fuzzy
msgid "Accepted"
msgstr "Acceptadas"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:204
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:205
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rejected"
msgstr "Refusadas"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:205
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:206
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_CHG_NO_ENTRY"
msgid "No Entry"
msgstr "Garra dentrada"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:206
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:207
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_CHG_EMPTY"
msgid "<empty>"
msgstr "<vuedo>"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:208
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:209
msgid "Not protected"
msgstr "No protechiu"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:209
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:210
msgid "Not password-protected"
msgstr "No protechiu por una clau"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:210
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:211
msgctxt "STR_HASH_BAD"
msgid "Hash incompatible"
msgstr "O hash ye incompatible"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:211
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:212
msgctxt "STR_HASH_GOOD"
msgid "Hash compatible"
msgstr "O hash ye compatible"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:212
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:213
msgctxt "STR_RETYPE"
msgid "Re-type"
msgstr "Torne a escribir-la"
#. MovingAverageDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:215
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:216
msgid "Moving Average"
msgstr ""
#. ExponentialSmoothingDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:217
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:218
msgid "Exponential Smoothing"
msgstr ""
#. AnalysisOfVarianceDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:219
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:220
msgid "Analysis of Variance"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:220
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:221
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_ANOVA"
+msgid "Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:222
msgid "ANOVA - Single Factor"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:221
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:223
msgid "ANOVA - Two Factor"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:222
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:224
#, fuzzy
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Agrupar"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:223
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:225
msgid "Between Groups"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:224
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:226
msgid "Within Groups"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:225
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:227
msgid "Source of Variation"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:226
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:228
msgid "SS"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:227
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:229
msgid "df"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:228
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:230
msgid "MS"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:229
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:231
msgid "F"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:230
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:232
+msgid "Significance F"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:233
msgid "P-value"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:231
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:234
msgid "F critical"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:232
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:235
#, fuzzy
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Total"
#. CorrelationDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:234
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:237
msgid "Correlation"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:235
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:238
msgid "Correlations"
msgstr ""
#. CovarianceDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:237
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:240
msgid "Covariance"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:238
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:241
msgid "Covariances"
msgstr ""
#. DescriptiveStatisticsDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:240
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:243
msgid "Descriptive Statistics"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:241
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:244
#, fuzzy
msgid "Mean"
msgstr "meya"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:242
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:245
msgid "Standard Error"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:243
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:246
#, fuzzy
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Modo"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:244
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:247
msgid "Median"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:245
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:248
msgid "Variance"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:246
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:249
msgid "Standard Deviation"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:247
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:250
msgid "Kurtosis"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:248
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:251
msgid "Skewness"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:249
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "Range"
msgstr "Aria"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:250
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:253
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_MIN"
msgid "Minimum"
msgstr "Minimo"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:251
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:254
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_MAX"
msgid "Maximum"
msgstr "Maximo"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:252
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:255
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_SUM"
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "Suma"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:253
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:256
#, fuzzy
msgid "Count"
msgstr "Cantidat"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:254
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:257
-msgid "First Quartile "
+msgid "First Quartile"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:255
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:258
msgid "Third Quartile"
msgstr ""
#. RandomNumberGeneratorDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:257
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:260
msgid "Random ($(DISTRIBUTION))"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:258
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:261
msgid "Uniform"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:259
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:262
msgid "Uniform Integer"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:260
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:263
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normal"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:261
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:264
msgid "Cauchy"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:262
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:265
msgid "Bernoulli"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:263
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:266
msgid "Binomial"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:264
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:267
msgid "Negative Binomial"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:265
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:268
msgid "Chi Squared"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:266
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:269
msgid "Geometric"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:267
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:270
msgid "Minimum"
msgstr "Minimo"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:268
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:271
msgid "Maximum"
msgstr "Maximo"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:269
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:272
#, fuzzy
msgid "Mean"
msgstr "meya"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:270
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:273
msgid "Standard Deviation"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:271
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:274
msgid "Median"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:272
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:275
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sigma"
msgstr "sigma"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:273
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:276
msgid "p Value"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:274
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:277
msgid "Number of Trials"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:275
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:278
msgid "nu Value"
msgstr ""
#. SamplingDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:277
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:280
msgid "Sampling"
msgstr ""
#. Names of dialogs
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:279
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:282
msgctxt "STR_FTEST"
msgid "F-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:280
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:283
msgid "F-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:281
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:284
msgctxt "STR_TTEST"
msgid "Paired t-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:282
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:285
msgid "Paired t-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:283
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:286
msgctxt "STR_ZTEST"
msgid "z-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:284
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:287
msgid "z-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:285
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:288
msgid "Test of Independence (Chi-Square)"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:286
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:289
msgid "Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:287
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:290
msgid "Regression"
msgstr ""
#. Common
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:289
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:292
msgid "Column %NUMBER%"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:290
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:293
msgid "Row %NUMBER%"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:291
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "Alpha"
msgstr "Alfa"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:292
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:295
msgid "Variable 1"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:293
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:296
msgid "Variable 2"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:294
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:297
msgid "Hypothesized Mean Difference"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:295
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:298
msgid "Observations"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:296
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:299
msgid "Observed Mean Difference"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:297
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:300
+msgid "R^2"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:301
+msgid "Adjusted R^2"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:302
+msgid "Count of X variables"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:303
msgid "df"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:298
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:304
msgid "P-value"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:299
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:305
msgid "Critical Value"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:300
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:306
msgid "Test Statistic"
msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:307
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_LOWER"
+msgid "Lower"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:308
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_Upper"
+msgid "Upper"
+msgstr ""
#. RegressionDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:302
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:310
msgid "Linear"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:303
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:311
msgid "Logarithmic"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:304
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:312
msgid "Power"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:305
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:313
+msgid "Independent variable(s) range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:314
+msgid "Dependent variable(s) range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:315
+msgid "Output range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:316
+msgid "Confidence level must be in the interval (0, 1)."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:317
+msgid "Y variable range cannot have more than 1 column."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:318
+msgid "Y variable range cannot have more than 1 row."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:319
+msgid "Univariate regression : The observation count in X and Y must match."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:320
+msgid "Multivariate regression : The observation count in X and Y must match."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:321
msgid "Regression Model"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:306
-msgid "R^2"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:322
+msgid "Regression Statistics"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:307
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:323
+msgid "Residual"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:324
+msgid "Confidence level"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:325
+msgid "Coefficients"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:326
+msgid "t-Statistic"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:327
#, fuzzy
msgid "Slope"
msgstr "Ambito"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:308
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:328
msgid "Intercept"
msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:329
+msgid "Predicted Y"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:330
+msgid "LINEST raw output"
+msgstr ""
#. F Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:310
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:332
msgid "P (F<=f) right-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:311
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:333
msgid "F Critical right-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:312
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:334
msgid "P (F<=f) left-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:313
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:335
msgid "F Critical left-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:314
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:336
msgid "P two-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:315
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:337
msgid "F Critical two-tail"
msgstr ""
#. t Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:317
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:339
msgid "Pearson Correlation"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:318
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:340
msgid "Variance of the Differences"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:319
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:341
msgctxt "STR_TTEST_T_STAT"
msgid "t Stat"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:320
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:342
msgid "P (T<=t) one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:321
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:343
msgid "t Critical one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:322
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:344
msgid "P (T<=t) two-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:323
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:345
msgid "t Critical two-tail"
msgstr ""
#. Z Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:325
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:347
msgid "z"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:326
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:348
msgid "Known Variance"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:327
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:349
msgid "P (Z<=z) one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:328
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:350
msgid "z Critical one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:329
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:351
msgid "P (Z<=z) two-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:330
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:352
msgid "z Critical two-tail"
msgstr ""
#. infobar for allowing links to update or not
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:332
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:354
msgid "Enable Content"
msgstr ""
#. Insert image dialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:334
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:356
msgid "To cell"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:335
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:357
msgid "To cell (resize with cell)"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:336
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:358
msgid "To page"
msgstr ""
@@ -18537,6 +18647,11 @@ msgctxt "dataprovider|label"
msgid "Source Stream"
msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/dataproviderdlg.ui:36
+msgctxt "dataproviderdlg|db_name"
+msgid "Database Range: "
+msgstr ""
#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/dataproviderentry.ui:46
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "dataproviderentry|url"
@@ -20446,584 +20561,584 @@ msgctxt "notebookbar|DevLabel"
msgid "Tools"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2945
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2986
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Menu"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2977
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3018
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|defaultD"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Predeterminau"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2991
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3032
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent1"
msgid "Accent 1"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2999
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3040
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent2"
msgid "Accent 2"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3007
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3048
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent3"
msgid "Accent 3"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3021
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3062
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Header1"
msgid "Header 1"
msgstr "Encabezamiento"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3029
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3070
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Header2"
msgid "Header 2"
msgstr "Encabezamiento"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3043
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3084
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|bad"
msgid "Bad"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3051
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3092
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|good"
msgid "Good"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3059
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3100
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|neutral"
msgid "Neutral"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3067
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3108
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|error"
msgid "Error"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|warning"
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "~Alvertencia"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3130
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|footnote"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3097
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3138
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|note"
msgid "Note"
msgstr "garra"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3336
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3377
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Tools"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3630
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3671
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|menub"
msgid "_Menu"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3686
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3727
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|toolsb"
msgid "_Tools"
msgstr "Ferramientas"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3775
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3816
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|fileb"
msgid "_File"
msgstr "fichero"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3930
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3971
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|editb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4088
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4129
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphstyleb"
msgid "St_yles"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4245
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4286
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|formatb"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "Tipo de letra"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4306
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4347
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|bordertype"
msgid "Specify the borders of the selected cells."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4466
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4507
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|numberb"
msgid "_Number"
msgstr "Numero"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4625
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4666
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "Aliniación"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4788
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4829
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|cellb"
msgid "_Cells"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4931
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4972
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|insertb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Ficar"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5064
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5105
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|datab"
msgid "_Data"
msgstr "Datos"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5178
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5219
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|reviewb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5293
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5334
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewb"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Veyer"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5436
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5477
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|graphicB"
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msgstr "Graficos"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5554
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5595
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|colorb"
msgid "C_olor"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5897
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5938
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrange"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "~Organizar"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6050
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6091
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|GridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "Quadricula"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6177
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6218
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|languageb"
msgid "_Language"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6307
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6348
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|revieb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6442
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6483
#, fuzzy
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msgid "_Comments"
msgstr "Comentarios"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6543
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6584
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|compareb"
msgid "Com_pare"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6647
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6688
#, fuzzy
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msgid "_View"
msgstr "Veyer"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6824
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6865
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|editdrawb"
msgid "_Styles"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7041
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7082
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|drawb"
msgid "D_raw"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7232
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7273
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrangeD"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "~Organizar"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7345
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7386
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Grid"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "Quadricula"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7458
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7499
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewDrawb"
msgid "Grou_p"
msgstr "Agrupar"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7570
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7611
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|3Db"
msgid "3_D"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7755
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7796
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|oleB"
msgid "F_rame"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7962
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8003
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrangeO"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "~Organizar"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8116
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|GridO"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "Quadricula"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8189
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8230
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewO"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Veyer"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8298
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8339
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphstyles"
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-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8473
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8514
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|formats"
msgid "F_ormat"
msgstr "formato"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8749
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8790
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphS"
msgid "_Paragraph"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8911
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8952
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewS"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Veyer"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:1950
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:1991
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Help"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2945
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2986
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Menu"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2977
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3018
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|defaultD"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Predeterminau"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2991
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3032
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent1"
msgid "Accent 1"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2999
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3040
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent2"
msgid "Accent 2"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3007
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3048
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent3"
msgid "Accent 3"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3021
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3062
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Header1"
msgid "Header 1"
msgstr "Encabezamiento"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3029
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3070
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Header2"
msgid "Header 2"
msgstr "Encabezamiento"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3043
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3084
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|bad"
msgid "Bad"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3051
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3092
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|good"
msgid "Good"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3059
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3100
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|neutral"
msgid "Neutral"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3067
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3108
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|error"
msgid "Error"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|warning"
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "~Alvertencia"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3130
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|footnote"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3097
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3138
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|note"
msgid "Note"
msgstr "garra"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3336
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3377
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Tools"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3635
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3676
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|menub"
msgid "_Menu"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3688
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3729
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|toolsb"
msgid "_Tools"
msgstr "Ferramientas"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3743
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3784
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|helpb"
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "~Aduya"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3851
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3892
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|fileb"
msgid "_File"
msgstr "fichero"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4130
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|editb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4286
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4327
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphstyleb"
msgid "St_yles"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4559
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4600
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|formatb"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "Tipo de letra"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4805
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4846
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|numberb"
msgid "_Number"
msgstr "Numero"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5020
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5061
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "Aliniación"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5258
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5299
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|cellb"
msgid "_Cells"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5435
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5476
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|insertb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Ficar"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5609
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5650
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|datab"
msgid "_Data"
msgstr "Datos"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5781
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5822
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|reviewb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5968
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6009
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewb"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Veyer"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6193
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6234
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|graphicB"
msgid "_Graphic"
msgstr "Graficos"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6545
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6586
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrange"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "~Organizar"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6696
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6737
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|colorb"
msgid "C_olor"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6947
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6988
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|GridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "Quadricula"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7087
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7128
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|languageb"
msgid "_Language"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7316
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7357
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|revieb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7529
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7570
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|commentsb"
msgid "_Comments"
msgstr "Comentarios"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7732
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7773
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|compareb"
msgid "Com_pare"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7934
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7975
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewa"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Veyer"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8380
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8421
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|drawb"
msgid "D_raw"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8749
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8790
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|editdrawb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9090
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9131
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrangedrawb"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "~Organizar"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9257
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9298
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|GridDrawB"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Veyer"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9459
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9500
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewDrawb"
msgid "Grou_p"
msgstr "Agrupar"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9609
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9650
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|3Db"
msgid "3_D"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9918
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9959
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|formatd"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "Tipo de letra"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10183
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10224
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphTextb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "Aliniación"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10385
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10426
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewd"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Veyer"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10539
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10580
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|insertTextb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Ficar"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10684
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10725
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|media"
msgid "_Media"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10921
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10962
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|oleB"
msgid "F_rame"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11352
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11393
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrageOLE"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "~Organizar"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11518
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11559
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|OleGridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "Quadricula"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11720
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11761
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewf"
msgid "_View"
@@ -22517,64 +22632,89 @@ msgctxt "regressiondialog|RegressionDialog"
msgid "Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:99
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:102
msgctxt "regressiondialog|variable1-range-label"
-msgid "Variable 1 range:"
+msgid "Independent variable(s) (X) range:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:137
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:140
msgctxt "regressiondialog|variable2-range-label"
-msgid "Variable 2 range:"
+msgid "Dependent variable (Y) range:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:175
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:176
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|withlabels-check"
+msgid "Both X and Y ranges have labels"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:192
msgctxt "regressiondialog|output-range-label"
msgid "Results to:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:217
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:240
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label1"
msgid "Data"
msgstr "Datos"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:252
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:275
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "regressiondialog|groupedby-columns-radio"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Columna"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:268
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:291
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "regressiondialog|groupedby-rows-radio"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "Ringlera"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:290
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:313
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label2"
msgid "Grouped by"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:325
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|linear-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:348
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|linear-radio"
msgid "Linear Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:341
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|logarithmic-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:365
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|logarithmic-radio"
msgid "Logarithmic Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:356
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|power-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:382
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|power-radio"
msgid "Power Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:377
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:405
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label3"
msgid "Output Regression Types"
msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:441
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|label5"
+msgid "Confidence level"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:451
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|calcresiduals-check"
+msgid "Calculate residuals"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:469
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|confidencelevel-spin"
+msgid "0.95"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:490
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|label4"
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr ""
#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/retypepassdialog.ui:10
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "retypepassdialog|RetypePass"
@@ -25092,92 +25232,97 @@ msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore1"
msgid "Text length"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:57
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:47
+msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore1"
+msgid "Custom"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:61
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "equal"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:61
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:65
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "less than"
msgstr "menor que"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:65
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:69
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "greater than"
msgstr "mayor que"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:69
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:73
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "less than or equal"
msgstr "menor u igual que"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:73
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:77
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "greater than or equal to"
msgstr "mayor u igual que"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:77
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:81
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "not equal"
msgstr "diferent"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:81
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:85
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "valid range"
msgstr "Referencia no valida"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:85
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:89
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "invalid range"
msgstr "Referencia no valida"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:103
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:107
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|label1"
msgid "_Allow:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:117
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:121
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|valueft"
msgid "_Data:"
msgstr "Datos"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:153
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:157
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|minft"
msgid "_Minimum:"
msgstr "Minimo"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:235
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:239
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|maxft"
msgid "Ma_ximum:"
msgstr "Maximo"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:246
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:250
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|allowempty"
msgid "Allow _empty cells"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:261
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:265
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|showlist"
msgid "Show selection _list"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:276
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:280
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|sortascend"
msgid "Sor_t entries ascending"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:297
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:301
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|hintft"
msgid "A valid source can only consist of a contiguous selection of rows and columns, or a formula that results in an area or array."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/an/sd/messages.po b/source/an/sd/messages.po
index c750716c056..51a2507e3b7 100644
--- a/source/an/sd/messages.po
+++ b/source/an/sd/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-06-04 15:42+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -5288,7 +5288,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: sd/uiconfig/simpress/ui/sidebarslidebackground.ui:126
msgctxt "sidebarslidebackground|button2"
-msgid "Insert Image"
+msgid "Insert Image..."
msgstr ""
#: sd/uiconfig/simpress/ui/sidebarslidebackground.ui:164
diff --git a/source/an/sfx2/messages.po b/source/an/sfx2/messages.po
index 3cfaa844e82..356c36f6b06 100644
--- a/source/an/sfx2/messages.po
+++ b/source/an/sfx2/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -2144,6 +2144,11 @@ msgctxt "helpmanual|website"
msgid "Read Help Online"
msgstr ""
+#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpmanual.ui:60
+msgctxt "helpmanual|hidedialog"
+msgid "Do not show this dialog again"
+msgstr ""
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpsearchpage.ui:22
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "helpsearchpage|display"
diff --git a/source/an/svx/messages.po b/source/an/svx/messages.po
index 77c67b14dc2..fc3d30b7cd0 100644
--- a/source/an/svx/messages.po
+++ b/source/an/svx/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 21:22+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -2221,18 +2221,18 @@ msgctxt "classificationdialog|label-IntellectualProperty"
msgid "Intellectual Property"
msgstr ""
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:60
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:58
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "colorwindow|none_color_button"
msgid "None"
msgstr "~Garra"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:146
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:145
msgctxt "colorwindow|label1"
msgid "Recent"
msgstr ""
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:183
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:182
msgctxt "colorwindow|color_picker_button"
msgid "Custom Color…"
msgstr ""
@@ -2737,53 +2737,53 @@ msgctxt "datanavigator|modelsremove"
msgid "_Remove"
msgstr "Borrar"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:52
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:48
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label1"
msgid "Lines & Arrows"
msgstr ""
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:89
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:85
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label2"
msgid "Curve"
msgstr ""
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:126
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:122
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label3"
msgid "Connectors"
msgstr ""
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:163
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:159
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label4"
msgid "Basic Shapes"
msgstr ""
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:200
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:196
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label5"
msgid "Symbols"
msgstr "Simbolos"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:237
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:233
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label6"
msgid "Block Arrows"
msgstr ""
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:274
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:270
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label7"
msgid "Flowchart"
msgstr ""
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:311
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:307
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label8"
msgid "Callouts"
msgstr ""
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:348
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:344
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label9"
msgid "Stars"
msgstr "Inicio"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:385
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:381
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label10"
msgid "3D Objects"
msgstr ""
@@ -4199,7 +4199,7 @@ msgstr "~Copiar"
#: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu2.ui:82
msgctxt "gallerymenu2|paste"
-msgid "_Insert"
+msgid "_Paste"
msgstr ""
#: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:68
diff --git a/source/an/sw/messages.po b/source/an/sw/messages.po
index 5a339cb0a70..2534cd922ec 100644
--- a/source/an/sw/messages.po
+++ b/source/an/sw/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 21:22+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:05+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -1524,303 +1524,313 @@ msgid "Text"
msgstr "Texto"
#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:239
+msgid "Hidden"
+msgstr ""
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:240
+msgid "Condition"
+msgstr ""
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:241
msgctxt "SW_STR_NONE"
msgid "[None]"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:240
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:242
#, fuzzy
msgid "Start"
msgstr "Inicio"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:241
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:243
#, fuzzy
msgid "End"
msgstr "Fin"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:242
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:244
msgid "Above"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:243
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:245
msgid "Below"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:244
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:246
msgid "read-only"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:245
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:247
msgid "The 'AutoText' directories are read-only. Do you want to call the path settings dialog?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:246
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:248
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_DOC_STAT"
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Estatistica"
#. Statusbar-titles
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:248
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:250
msgid "Importing document..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:249
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:251
msgid "Exporting document..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:250
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:252
msgid "Saving document..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:251
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:253
msgid "Repagination..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:252
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:254
msgid "Formatting document automatically..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:253
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:255
msgid "Search..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:254
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:256
msgid "Letter"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:255
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:257
msgid "Spellcheck..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:256
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:258
msgid "Hyphenation..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:257
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:259
msgid "Inserting Index..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:258
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:260
msgid "Updating Index..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:259
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:261
msgid "Creating abstract..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:260
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:262
msgid "Adapt Objects..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:261
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:263
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:262
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:264
msgid "Image"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:263
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:265
#, fuzzy
msgid "Object"
msgstr "Obchectos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:264
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:266
msgid "Frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:265
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:267
msgid "Shape"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:266
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:268
#, fuzzy
msgid "Section"
msgstr "Selección"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:267
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:269
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:268
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:270
msgid "blank page"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:269
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:271
msgid "Abstract: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:270
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:272
msgid "separated by: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:271
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:273
msgid "Outline: Level "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:272
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:274
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FDLG_STYLE"
msgid "Style: "
msgstr "E~stilo"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:273
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:275
msgid "Page number: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:274
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:276
msgid "Break before new page"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:275
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:277
msgid "Western text: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:276
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:278
msgctxt "STR_CJK_FONT"
msgid "Asian text: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:277
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:279
msgctxt "STR_CTL_FONT"
msgid "CTL text: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:278
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:280
msgid "Unknown Author"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:279
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:281
msgid "Delete ~All Comments by $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:280
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:282
msgid "H~ide All Comments by $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:281
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:283
msgid "Outline Numbering"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:282
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:284
msgid "%1 words, %2 characters"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:283
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:285
msgid "%1 words, %2 characters selected"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:284
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:286
msgid "Convert Text to Table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:285
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:287
msgid "Add AutoFormat"
msgstr "Adhibir una formatación automatica"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:286
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:288
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nombre"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:287
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:289
msgid "Delete AutoFormat"
msgstr "Eliminar a formatación automatica"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:288
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:290
msgid "The following AutoFormat entry will be deleted:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:289
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:291
msgid "Rename AutoFormat"
msgstr "Cambiar o nombre d'a formatación automatica"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:290
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:292
msgid "~Close"
msgstr "~Zarrar"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:291
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:293
msgctxt "STR_JAN"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Chin."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:292
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:294
msgctxt "STR_FEB"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Feb."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:293
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:295
msgctxt "STR_MAR"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Mar."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:294
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:296
msgctxt "STR_NORTH"
msgid "North"
msgstr "Norte"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:295
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:297
msgctxt "STR_MID"
msgid "Mid"
msgstr "Centro"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:296
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:298
msgctxt "STR_SOUTH"
msgid "South"
msgstr "Sud"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:297
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:299
msgctxt "STR_SUM"
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "Suma"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:298
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:300
msgid ""
"You have entered an invalid name.\n"
@@ -1828,2496 +1838,2496 @@ msgid ""
"Try again using a different name."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:299
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:301
msgctxt "STR_NUMERIC"
msgid "Numeric"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:300
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:302
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_ROW"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "Ringlera"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:301
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:303
msgctxt "STR_COL"
msgid "Column"
msgstr "Columna"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:302
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:304
msgid "Edit Bibliography Entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:303
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:305
msgid "Insert Bibliography Entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:304
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:306
msgid "Spacing between %1 and %2"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:305
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:307
#, fuzzy
msgid "Column %1 Width"
msgstr "Amplaria d'a col~umna..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:306
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:308
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:307
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:309
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:308
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:310
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Image"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:309
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:311
msgid "Other OLE Objects"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:310
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:312
msgid "The name of the table must not contain spaces."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:311
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:313
msgid "Selected table cells are too complex to merge."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:312
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:314
msgctxt "STR_SRTERR"
msgid "Cannot sort selection"
msgstr ""
#. Miscellaneous
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:315
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:317
msgid "Click object"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:316
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:318
msgid "Before inserting AutoText"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:317
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:319
msgid "After inserting AutoText"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:318
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:320
msgid "Mouse over object"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:319
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:321
msgid "Trigger hyperlink"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:320
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:322
msgid "Mouse leaves object"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:321
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:323
msgid "Image loaded successfully"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:322
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:324
msgid "Image loading terminated"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:323
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:325
msgid "Could not load image"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:324
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:326
msgid "Input of alphanumeric characters"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:325
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:327
msgid "Input of non-alphanumeric characters"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:326
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:328
msgid "Resize frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:327
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:329
msgid "Move frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:328
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:330
msgid "Headings"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:329
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:331
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:330
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:332
msgid "Text frames"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:331
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:333
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:332
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:334
msgid "OLE objects"
msgstr "Obchectos OLE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:333
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:335
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:334
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:336
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sections"
msgstr "Selección"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:335
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:337
msgid "Hyperlinks"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:336
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:338
msgid "References"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:337
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:339
msgid "Indexes"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:338
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:340
msgid "Drawing objects"
msgstr "Obchectos de dibuixo"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:339
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:341
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Comentarios"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:340
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:342
msgid "Heading 1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:341
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:343
msgid "This is the content from the first chapter. This is a user directory entry."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:342
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:344
msgid "Heading 1.1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:343
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:345
msgid "This is the content from chapter 1.1. This is the entry for the table of contents."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:344
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:346
msgid "Heading 1.2"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:345
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:347
msgid "This is the content from chapter 1.2. This keyword is a main entry."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:346
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:348
msgid "Table 1: This is table 1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:347
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:349
msgid "Image 1: This is image 1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:348
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:350
msgid "Heading"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:349
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:351
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:350
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:352
msgid "Text frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:351
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:353
msgid "Image"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:352
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:354
#, fuzzy
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "Obchectos OLE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:353
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:355
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:354
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:356
#, fuzzy
msgid "Section"
msgstr "Selección"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:355
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:357
msgid "Hyperlink"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:356
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:358
msgid "Reference"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:357
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:359
msgid "Index"
msgstr "Indiz"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:358
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:360
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Comentario"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:359
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:361
#, fuzzy
msgid "Draw object"
msgstr "Obchectos de dibuixo"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:360
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:362
msgid "Additional formats..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:361
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:363
msgctxt "RID_STR_SYSTEM"
msgid "[System]"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:362
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:364
msgid ""
"The interactive hyphenation is already active\n"
"in a different document"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:363
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:365
msgctxt "STR_HYPH_TITLE"
msgid "Hyphenation"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:366
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:368
msgctxt "STR_CANT_UNDO"
msgid "not possible"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:367
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:369
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete $1"
msgstr "Eliminar R²"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:368
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:370
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insert $1"
msgstr "Ficar R²"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:369
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:371
msgctxt "STR_OVR_UNDO"
msgid "Overwrite: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:370
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:372
msgid "New Paragraph"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:371
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:373
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_MOVE_UNDO"
msgid "Move"
msgstr "modo"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:372
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:374
msgid "Apply attributes"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:373
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:375
msgid "Apply Styles: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:374
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:376
#, fuzzy
msgid "Reset attributes"
msgstr "Atributos de texto"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:375
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:377
msgid "Change style: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:376
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:378
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:377
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:379
msgid "Insert AutoText"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:378
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:380
msgid "Delete bookmark: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:379
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:381
msgid "Insert bookmark: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:380
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:382
msgctxt "STR_SORT_TBL"
msgid "Sort table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:381
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:383
msgctxt "STR_SORT_TXT"
msgid "Sort text"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:382
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:384
msgid "Insert table: $1$2$3"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:383
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:385
msgid "Convert text -> table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:384
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:386
msgid "Convert table -> text"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:385
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:387
msgctxt "STR_COPY_UNDO"
msgid "Copy: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:386
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:388
msgid "Replace $1 $2 $3"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:387
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:389
msgid "Insert page break"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:388
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:390
msgid "Insert column break"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:389
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:391
msgid "Insert Envelope"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:390
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:392
msgid "Copy: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:391
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:393
msgid "Move: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:392
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:394
msgid "Insert %PRODUCTNAME Chart"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:393
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:395
msgid "Insert frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:394
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:396
msgid "Delete frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:395
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:397
msgid "AutoFormat"
msgstr "Formatación automatica"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:396
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:398
msgid "Table heading"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:397
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:399
msgctxt "STR_REPLACE"
msgid "Replace: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:398
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:400
msgid "Insert section"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:399
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:401
msgid "Delete section"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:400
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:402
msgid "Modify section"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:401
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:403
msgid "Modify default values"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:402
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:404
msgid "Replace style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:403
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:405
msgid "Delete page break"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:404
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:406
msgid "Text Correction"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:405
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:407
msgctxt "STR_OUTLINE_LR"
msgid "Promote/demote outline"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:406
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:408
msgctxt "STR_OUTLINE_UD"
msgid "Move outline"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:407
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:409
msgctxt "STR_INSNUM"
msgid "Insert numbering"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:408
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:410
msgctxt "STR_NUMUP"
msgid "Promote level"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:409
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:411
msgctxt "STR_NUMDOWN"
msgid "Demote level"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:410
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:412
msgctxt "STR_MOVENUM"
msgid "Move paragraphs"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:411
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:413
msgid "Insert drawing object: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:412
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:414
msgid "Number On/Off"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:413
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:415
msgid "Increase Indent"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:414
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:416
msgid "Decrease indent"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:415
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:417
msgid "Insert caption: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:416
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:418
msgid "Restart numbering"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:417
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:419
msgid "Modify footnote"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:418
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:420
msgid "Accept change: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:419
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:421
msgid "Reject change: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:420
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:422
msgid "Split Table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:421
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:423
msgid "Stop attribute"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:422
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:424
msgid "AutoCorrect"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:423
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:425
msgid "Merge table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:424
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:426
msgid "Change Case"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:425
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:427
msgctxt "STR_DELNUM"
msgid "Delete numbering"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:426
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:428
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_DRAWUNDO"
msgid "Drawing objects: $1"
msgstr "Obchectos de dibuixo"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:427
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:429
msgid "Group draw objects"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:428
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:430
msgid "Ungroup drawing objects"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:429
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:431
msgid "Delete drawing objects"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:430
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:432
msgctxt "STR_REREAD"
msgid "Replace Image"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:431
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:433
msgctxt "STR_DELGRF"
msgid "Delete Image"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:432
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:434
msgctxt "STR_TABLE_ATTR"
msgid "Apply table attributes"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:433
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:435
msgid "AutoFormat Table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:434
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:436
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insert Column"
msgstr "~Ficar columnas"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:435
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:437
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insert Row"
msgstr "F~icar ringleras"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:436
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:438
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete row/column"
msgstr "Eliminar columna~s"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:437
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:439
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete column"
msgstr "Eliminar columna~s"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:438
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:440
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete row"
msgstr "Eliminar ringlera~s"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:439
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:441
msgid "Split Cells"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:440
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:442
msgid "Merge Cells"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:441
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:443
msgid "Format cell"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:442
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:444
msgctxt "STR_INSERT_TOX"
msgid "Insert index/table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:443
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:445
msgid "Remove index/table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:444
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:446
msgid "Copy table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:445
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:447
msgid "Copy table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:446
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:448
msgid "Set cursor"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:447
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:449
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_CHAIN"
msgid "Link text frames"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:448
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:450
msgid "Unlink text frames"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:449
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:451
msgid "Modify footnote options"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:450
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:452
#, fuzzy
msgid "Compare Document"
msgstr "Compartir o documento"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:451
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:453
msgid "Apply frame style: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:452
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:454
msgid "Ruby Setting"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:453
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:455
msgid "Insert footnote"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:454
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:456
msgid "insert URL button"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:455
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:457
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insert Hyperlink"
msgstr "Ficar como enlaz"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:456
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:458
msgid "remove invisible content"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:457
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:459
msgid "Table/index changed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:458
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:460
msgid "“"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:459
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:461
msgctxt "STR_END_QUOTE"
msgid "”"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:460
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:462
msgctxt "STR_LDOTS"
msgid "..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:461
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:463
msgctxt "STR_MULTISEL"
msgid "multiple selection"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:462
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:464
msgid "Typing: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:463
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:465
msgid "Paste clipboard"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:464
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:466
msgctxt "STR_YIELDS"
msgid "→"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:465
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:467
msgid "occurrences of"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:466
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:468
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_TABS"
msgid "$1 tab(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:467
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:469
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_NLS"
msgid "$1 line break(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:468
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:470
#, fuzzy
msgid "page break"
msgstr "Brinco de ~pachina"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:469
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:471
msgid "column break"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:470
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:472
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insert $1"
msgstr "Ficar R²"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:471
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:473
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete $1"
msgstr "Eliminar R²"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:472
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:474
msgid "Attributes changed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:473
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:475
msgid "Table changed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:474
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:476
msgid "Style changed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:475
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:477
msgid "Paragraph formatting changed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:476
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:478
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insert Row"
msgstr "F~icar ringleras"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:477
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:479
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete Row"
msgstr "Eliminar ringlera~s"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:478
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:480
msgid "Insert Cell"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:479
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:481
msgid "Delete Cell"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:480
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:482
msgctxt "STR_N_REDLINES"
msgid "$1 changes"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:481
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:483
msgid "Change page style: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:482
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:484
msgid "Create page style: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:483
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:485
msgid "Delete page style: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:484
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:486
msgid "Rename page style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:485
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:487
msgid "Header/footer changed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:486
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:488
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_FIELD"
msgid "Field changed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:487
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:489
msgid "Create paragraph style: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:488
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:490
msgid "Delete paragraph style: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:489
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:491
msgid "Rename paragraph style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:490
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:492
msgid "Create character style: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:491
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:493
msgid "Delete character style: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:492
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:494
msgid "Rename character style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:493
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:495
msgid "Create frame style: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:494
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:496
msgid "Delete frame style: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:495
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:497
msgid "Rename frame style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:496
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:498
msgid "Create numbering style: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:497
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:499
msgid "Delete numbering style: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:498
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:500
msgid "Rename numbering style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:499
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:501
msgid "Rename bookmark: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:500
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:502
msgid "Insert index entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:501
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:503
msgid "Delete index entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:502
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:504
msgctxt "STR_FIELD"
msgid "field"
msgstr ""
#. undo: STR_PARAGRAPHS, string.text
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:504
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:506
msgid "Paragraphs"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:505
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:507
msgctxt "STR_FRAME"
msgid "frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:506
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:508
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_OLE"
msgid "OLE-object"
msgstr "Obchectos OLE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:507
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:509
#, fuzzy
msgid "formula"
msgstr "~Formula"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:508
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:510
msgctxt "STR_CHART"
msgid "chart"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:509
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:511
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_NOTE"
msgid "comment"
msgstr "Comentario"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:510
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:512
msgid "cross-reference"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:511
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:513
msgctxt "STR_SCRIPT"
msgid "script"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:512
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:514
msgid "bibliography entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:513
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:515
msgid "special character"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:514
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:516
msgctxt "STR_FOOTNOTE"
msgid "footnote"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:515
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:517
msgctxt "STR_GRAPHIC"
msgid "image"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:516
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:518
#, fuzzy
msgid "drawing object(s)"
msgstr "Obchectos de dibuixo"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:517
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:519
msgctxt "STR_TABLE_NAME"
msgid "table: $1$2$3"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:518
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:520
msgid "paragraph"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:519
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:521
msgid "Paragraph sign"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:520
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:522
msgid "Change object title of $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:521
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:523
msgid "Change object description of $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:522
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:524
msgid "Create table style: $1"
msgstr ""
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:536
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:535
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:537
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:536
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:545
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:550
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:552
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:634
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:636
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:635
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:637
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:639
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:638
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:640
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:639
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:641
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:640
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:642
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:643
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:643
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:645
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:644
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:646
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:645
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:647
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:646
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:648
msgid ". Outer: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:647
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:649
msgid ". Top: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:648
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:650
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#. Error calculator
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:651
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:653
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:654
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:656
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:655
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:657
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:656
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:658
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:657
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:659
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:658
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:660
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:659
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:661
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:660
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:662
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:661
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:663
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:662
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:667
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:669
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:668
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:670
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:669
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:670
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:672
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:673
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:674
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:678
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:680
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:681
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:682
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:681
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:683
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:684
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:683
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:685
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:684
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:686
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:685
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:687
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:686
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:688
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:687
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:688
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:691
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:690
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:692
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:691
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:693
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:692
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:694
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:693
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:695
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:694
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:696
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:695
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:697
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:696
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:698
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:697
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:699
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:698
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:700
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:699
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:701
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:700
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:702
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:701
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:703
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:702
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:704
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:703
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:705
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:707
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:709
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:708
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:710
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:711
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:712
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:714
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:715
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:716
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:715
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:717
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:718
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:720
msgid "Editor"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:719
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:721
msgid "Publication type"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:720
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:722
msgid "Institution"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:721
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:723
msgid "Journal"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:722
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:724
#, fuzzy
msgid "Month"
msgstr "mes"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:723
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:725
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Nota"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:724
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:726
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Numero"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:725
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Organization"
msgstr "NombreOrganización"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:726
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:728
msgid "Page(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:727
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:729
msgid "Publisher"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:728
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:730
msgid "University"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:729
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:731
msgid "Series"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:730
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:732
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titol"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:731
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:733
msgid "Type of report"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:732
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:734
msgid "Volume"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:733
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:735
#, fuzzy
msgid "Year"
msgstr "anyo"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:734
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:736
msgid "URL"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:735
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:737
msgid "User-defined1"
msgstr "Definiu por l'~usuario"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:736
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:738
msgid "User-defined2"
msgstr "Definiu por l'~usuario"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:737
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:739
msgid "User-defined3"
msgstr "Definiu por l'~usuario"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:738
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:740
msgid "User-defined4"
msgstr "Definiu por l'~usuario"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:739
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:741
msgid "User-defined5"
msgstr "Definiu por l'~usuario"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:740
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:742
msgid "ISBN"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:742
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:744
msgid "Edit Index Entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:743
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:745
msgid "Insert Index Entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:744
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:746
msgid "The document already contains the bibliography entry but with different data. Do you want to adjust the existing entries?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:746
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:748
#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Comentario"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:747
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:749
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show comments"
msgstr "Amostrar comentarios"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:748
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:750
msgid "Hide comments"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:750
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:752
msgid "Shortcut name already exists. Please choose another name."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:751
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:753
msgid "Delete AutoText?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:752
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:754
msgid "Delete the category "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:753
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:755
msgid "?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:754
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:756
msgctxt "STR_GLOSSARY"
msgid "AutoText :"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:755
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:757
msgid "Save AutoText"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:756
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:758
msgid "There is no AutoText in this file."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:757
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:759
msgid "My AutoText"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:759
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:761
msgctxt "STR_NOGLOS"
msgid "AutoText for Shortcut '%1' not found."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:760
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:762
msgctxt "STR_NO_TABLE"
msgid "A table with no rows or no cells cannot be inserted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:761
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:763
msgid "The table cannot be inserted because it is too large"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:762
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:764
msgid "AutoText could not be created."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:763
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:765
msgid "Requested clipboard format is not available."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:764
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:766
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:765
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:767
msgid "Image (%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Text Document)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:766
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:768
msgid "Object (%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Text Document)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:767
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:769
msgid "Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE link)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:769
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:771
msgid "All Comments"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:770
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:772
msgid "All Comments"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:771
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:773
msgid "Comments by "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:772
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:774
msgctxt "STR_NODATE"
msgid "(no date)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:773
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:775
msgctxt "STR_NOAUTHOR"
msgid "(no author)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:774
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:776
msgctxt "STR_REPLY"
msgid "Reply to $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:776
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:778
msgctxt "ST_TITLE_EDIT"
msgid "Edit Address Block"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:777
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:779
msgctxt "ST_TITLE_MALE"
msgid "Custom Salutation (Male Recipients)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:778
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:780
msgid "Custom Salutation (Female Recipients)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:779
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:781
msgid "Salutation e~lements"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:780
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:782
msgid "Add to salutation"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:781
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:783
msgid "Remove from salutation"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:782
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:784
msgid "1. ~Drag salutation elements into the box below"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:783
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:785
msgid "Salutation"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:784
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:786
msgid "Punctuation Mark"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:785
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:787
msgctxt "ST_TEXT"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Texto"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:786
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:788
msgid "Assign the fields from your data source to match the salutation elements."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:787
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:789
msgid "Salutation preview"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:788
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:790
msgid "Address elements"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:789
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:791
msgid "Salutation elements"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:790
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:792
msgctxt "ST_MATCHESTO"
msgid "Matches to field:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:791
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:793
msgctxt "ST_PREVIEW"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:793
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:795
msgid " not yet matched "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:794
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:796
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_ALL"
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Totz os fichers"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:795
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:797
msgid "Address lists(*.*)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:796
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:798
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXB"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Base (*.odb)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:797
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:799
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXC"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Calc (*.ods;*.sxc)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:798
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:800
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXW"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer (*.odt;*.sxw)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:799
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:801
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_DBF"
msgid "dBase (*.dbf)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:800
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:802
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_XLS"
msgid "Microsoft Excel (*.xls;*.xlsx)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:801
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:803
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_DOC"
msgid "Microsoft Word (*.doc;*.docx)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:802
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:804
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_TXT"
msgid "Plain text (*.txt)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:803
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:805
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_CSV"
msgid "Text Comma Separated (*.csv)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:804
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:806
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_MDB"
msgid "Microsoft Access (*.mdb;*.mde)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:805
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:807
msgid "Microsoft Access 2007 (*.accdb,*.accde)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:806
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:808
msgid ""
"In order to be able to send mail merge documents by e-mail, %PRODUCTNAME requires information about the e-mail account to be used.\n"
@@ -4325,82 +4335,82 @@ msgid ""
"Do you want to enter e-mail account information now?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:807
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:809
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Address List (.csv)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:809
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:811
msgctxt "ST_STARTING"
msgid "Select starting document"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:810
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:812
msgid "Select document type"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:811
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:813
msgid "Insert address block"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:812
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:814
msgid "Select address list"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:813
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:815
msgid "Create salutation"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:814
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:816
msgctxt "ST_LAYOUT"
msgid "Adjust layout"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:815
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:817
msgctxt "ST_EXCLUDE"
msgid "Exclude recipient"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:816
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:818
msgctxt "ST_FINISH"
msgid "~Finish"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:817
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:819
msgctxt "ST_MMWTITLE"
msgid "Mail Merge Wizard"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:819
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:821
msgctxt "ST_NAME"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nombre"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:820
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:822
msgctxt "ST_TYPE"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:821
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:823
msgctxt "ST_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:822
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:824
msgctxt "ST_QUERY"
msgid "Query"
msgstr "Consulta"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:824
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:826
msgid "Continue checking at beginning of document?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:825
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:827
msgid "The spellcheck is complete."
msgstr ""
@@ -4409,215 +4419,215 @@ msgstr ""
#. Description: strings for the types
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. range document
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:831
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:833
msgctxt "STR_DATEFLD"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Calendata"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:832
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:834
msgctxt "STR_TIMEFLD"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Hora"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:833
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:835
#, fuzzy
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Nombre d'o fichero"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:834
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:836
msgid "Database Name"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:835
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:837
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:836
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:838
msgid "Page numbers"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:837
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:839
#, fuzzy
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Estatistica"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:838
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:840
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Autor"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:839
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:841
msgid "Templates"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:840
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:842
msgid "Sender"
msgstr ""
#. range functions
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:842
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:844
msgctxt "STR_SETFLD"
msgid "Set variable"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:843
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:845
msgctxt "STR_GETFLD"
msgid "Show variable"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:844
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:846
msgid "Insert Formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:845
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:847
msgctxt "STR_INPUTFLD"
msgid "Input field"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:846
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:848
msgid "Input field (variable)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:847
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:849
msgid "Input field (user)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:848
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:850
msgid "Conditional text"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:849
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:851
msgctxt "STR_DDEFLD"
msgid "DDE field"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:850
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:852
msgctxt "STR_MACROFLD"
msgid "Execute macro"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:851
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:853
msgctxt "STR_SEQFLD"
msgid "Number range"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:852
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:854
msgid "Set page variable"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:853
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:855
msgid "Show page variable"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:854
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:856
msgid "Load URL"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:855
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:857
msgid "Placeholder"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:856
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:858
msgid "Combine characters"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:857
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:859
msgctxt "STR_DROPDOWN"
msgid "Input list"
msgstr ""
#. range references
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:859
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:861
msgid "Set Reference"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:860
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:862
msgid "Insert Reference"
msgstr ""
#. range database
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:862
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:864
msgctxt "STR_DBFLD"
msgid "Mail merge fields"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:863
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:865
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next record"
msgstr "Rechistro siguient"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:864
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:866
msgid "Any record"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:865
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:867
msgid "Record number"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:866
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:868
msgid "Previous page"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:867
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:869
msgid "Next page"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:868
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:870
msgid "Hidden text"
msgstr ""
#. range user fields
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:870
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:872
msgctxt "STR_USERFLD"
msgid "User Field"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:871
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:873
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Nota"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:872
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:874
msgid "Script"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:873
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:875
msgid "Bibliography entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:874
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:876
msgid "Hidden Paragraph"
msgstr ""
#. range DocumentInfo
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:876
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:878
#, fuzzy
msgid "DocInformation"
@@ -4626,76 +4636,76 @@ msgstr "Información"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: SubCmd-Strings
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:880
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:882
msgctxt "FLD_DATE_STD"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Calendata"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:881
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:883
msgctxt "FLD_DATE_FIX"
msgid "Date (fixed)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:882
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:884
msgctxt "FLD_TIME_STD"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Hora"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:883
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:885
msgctxt "FLD_TIME_FIX"
msgid "Time (fixed)"
msgstr ""
#. SubCmd Statistic
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:885
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:887
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_TABLE"
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:886
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:888
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_CHAR"
msgid "Characters"
msgstr "Importar"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:887
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:889
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_WORD"
msgid "Words"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:888
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:890
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_PARA"
msgid "Paragraphs"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:889
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:891
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_GRF"
msgid "Image"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:890
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:892
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_OBJ"
msgid "Objects"
msgstr "Obchectos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:891
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:893
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_PAGE"
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Pachinas"
#. SubCmd DDETypes
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:893
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:895
msgctxt "FMT_DDE_HOT"
msgid "DDE automatic"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:894
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:896
msgctxt "FMT_DDE_NORMAL"
msgid "DDE manual"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:895
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:897
msgctxt "FLD_INPUT_TEXT"
msgid "[Text]"
msgstr ""
@@ -4703,87 +4713,87 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: SubType Extuser
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:900
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:902
msgctxt "FLD_EU_FIRMA"
msgid "Company"
msgstr "Interpresa"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:901
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:903
msgctxt "FLD_EU_VORNAME"
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "Nombres"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:902
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:904
msgctxt "FLD_EU_NAME"
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr "Apellidos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:903
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:905
msgctxt "FLD_EU_ABK"
msgid "Initials"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:904
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:906
msgctxt "FLD_EU_STRASSE"
msgid "Street"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:905
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:907
msgctxt "FLD_EU_LAND"
msgid "Country"
msgstr "País"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:906
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:908
msgctxt "FLD_EU_PLZ"
msgid "Zip code"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:907
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:909
msgctxt "FLD_EU_ORT"
msgid "City"
msgstr "Ciudat"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:908
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:910
msgctxt "FLD_EU_TITEL"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titol"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:909
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:911
msgctxt "FLD_EU_POS"
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Posición"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:910
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:912
msgctxt "FLD_EU_TELPRIV"
msgid "Tel. (Home)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:911
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:913
msgid "Tel. (Work)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:912
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:914
msgctxt "FLD_EU_FAX"
msgid "FAX"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:913
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:915
msgctxt "FLD_EU_EMAIL"
msgid "E-mail"
msgstr "Correu-e"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:914
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:916
msgctxt "FLD_EU_STATE"
msgid "State"
msgstr "Estau/Provincia"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:915
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:917
msgid "off"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:916
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:918
msgctxt "FLD_PAGEREF_ON"
msgid "on"
msgstr "o"
@@ -4792,35 +4802,35 @@ msgstr "o"
#. Description: path name
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Format FileName
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:921
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:923
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "FMT_FF_NAME"
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Nombre d'o fichero"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:922
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:924
msgid "File name without extension"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:923
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:925
#, fuzzy
msgid "Path/File name"
msgstr "Rota/Nombre d'o fichero"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:924
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:926
msgctxt "FMT_FF_PATH"
msgid "Path"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:925
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:927
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "FMT_FF_UI_NAME"
msgid "Style"
msgstr "E~stilo"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:926
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:928
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "FMT_FF_UI_RANGE"
msgid "Category"
@@ -4829,22 +4839,22 @@ msgstr "ID Categoría"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: format chapter
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:930
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:932
msgid "Chapter name"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:931
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:933
msgctxt "FMT_CHAPTER_NO"
msgid "Chapter number"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:932
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:934
msgid "Chapter number without separator"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:933
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:935
msgid "Chapter number and name"
msgstr ""
@@ -4852,48 +4862,48 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: formats
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:937
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:939
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ABC"
msgid "A B C"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:938
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:940
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SABC"
msgid "a b c"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:939
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:941
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ABC_N"
msgid "A .. AA .. AAA"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:940
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:942
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SABC_N"
msgid "a .. aa .. aaa"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:941
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:943
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ROMAN"
msgid "Roman (I II III)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:942
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:944
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SROMAN"
msgid "Roman (i ii iii)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:943
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:945
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ARABIC"
msgid "Arabic (1 2 3)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:944
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:946
#, fuzzy
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msgstr "Estilo d'a fuella"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:945
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:947
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Texto"
@@ -4901,12 +4911,12 @@ msgstr "Texto"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Author
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:949
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:951
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nombre"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:950
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:952
msgid "Initials"
msgstr ""
@@ -4914,43 +4924,43 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: set variable
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:954
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:956
msgctxt "FMT_SETVAR_SYS"
msgid "System"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:955
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:957
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Texto"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:956
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:958
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nombre"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:957
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:959
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Texto"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:958
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:960
#, fuzzy
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "~Formula"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:959
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:961
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Texto"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:960
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:962
msgctxt "FMT_DBFLD_DB"
msgid "Database"
msgstr "Base de datos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:961
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:963
msgctxt "FMT_DBFLD_SYS"
msgid "System"
msgstr ""
@@ -4958,17 +4968,17 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: storage fields
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:965
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:967
msgctxt "FMT_REG_AUTHOR"
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Autor"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:966
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:968
msgctxt "FMT_REG_TIME"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Hora"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:967
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:969
msgctxt "FMT_REG_DATE"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Calendata"
@@ -4976,68 +4986,68 @@ msgstr "Calendata"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: formats references
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:971
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:973
msgctxt "FMT_REF_TEXT"
msgid "Reference"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:972
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:974
msgctxt "FMT_REF_PAGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Pachina"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:973
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:975
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:974
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:976
msgctxt "FMT_REF_UPDOWN"
msgid "Above/Below"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:975
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:977
#, fuzzy
msgid "As Page Style"
msgstr "Estilo d'a fuella"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:976
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:978
msgid "Category and Number"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:977
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:979
msgid "Caption Text"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:978
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:980
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:979
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:981
msgctxt "FMT_REF_NUMBER"
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Numero"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:980
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:982
msgid "Number (no context)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:981
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:983
msgid "Number (full context)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:983
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:985
msgid "Article a/az + "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:984
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:986
msgid "Article A/Az + "
msgstr ""
@@ -5045,27 +5055,27 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: placeholder
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:988
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:990
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_TEXT"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Texto"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:989
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:991
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msgid "Table"
msgstr "Tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:990
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:992
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msgid "Frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:991
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:993
msgid "Image"
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:994
#, fuzzy
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msgid "Object"
@@ -5074,1252 +5084,1252 @@ msgstr "Obchectos"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: ExchangeStrings for Edit/NameFT
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:996
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:998
msgctxt "STR_COND"
msgid "~Condition"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:997
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:999
msgctxt "STR_TEXT"
msgid "Then, Else"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:998
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1000
msgctxt "STR_DDE_CMD"
msgid "DDE Statement"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:999
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1001
msgctxt "STR_INSTEXT"
msgid "Hidden t~ext"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1000
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1002
msgctxt "STR_MACNAME"
msgid "~Macro name"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1001
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1003
msgctxt "STR_PROMPT"
msgid "~Reference"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1002
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1004
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ch~aracters"
msgstr "Importar"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1003
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1005
msgctxt "STR_OFFSET"
msgid "O~ffset"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1004
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1006
msgctxt "STR_VALUE"
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Valura"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1005
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1007
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FORMULA"
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "~Formula"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1006
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1008
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Personalizau 1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1008
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1010
msgid "[User]"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1010
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1012
msgctxt "STR_HDIST"
msgid "H. Pitch"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1011
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1013
msgctxt "STR_VDIST"
msgid "V. Pitch"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1012
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1014
msgctxt "STR_WIDTH"
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1013
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1015
msgctxt "STR_HEIGHT"
msgid "Height"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1014
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1016
msgctxt "STR_LEFT"
msgid "Left margin"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1015
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1017
msgctxt "STR_UPPER"
msgid "Top margin"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1016
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1018
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_COLS"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Columna"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1017
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1019
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_ROWS"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "Ringlera"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1019
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1021
msgid "The following service is not available: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1021
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1023
msgid "Word and character count. Click to open Word Count dialog."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1022
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1024
msgid "Single-page view"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1023
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1025
msgid "Multiple-page view"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1024
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1026
msgid "Book view"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1025
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1027
msgid "Page number in document. Click to open Go to Page dialog or right-click for bookmark list."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1026
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1028
msgid "Page number in document (Page number on printed document). Click to open Go to Page dialog."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1027
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1029
msgid "Page Style. Right-click to change style or click to open Style dialog."
msgstr ""
#. Strings for textual attributes.
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1030
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1032
msgctxt "STR_DROP_OVER"
msgid "Drop Caps over"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1031
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1033
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_DROP_LINES"
msgid "rows"
msgstr "Ringlera"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1032
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1034
msgid "No Drop Caps"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1033
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1035
#, fuzzy
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msgstr "Brinco de ~pachina"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1034
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1036
msgctxt "STR_NO_MIRROR"
msgid "Don't mirror"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1035
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1037
msgid "Flip vertically"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1036
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1038
msgid "Flip horizontal"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1037
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1039
msgid "Horizontal and Vertical Flip"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1038
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1040
msgid "+ mirror horizontal on even pages"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1039
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1041
msgctxt "STR_CHARFMT"
msgid "Character Style"
msgstr ""
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1042
msgctxt "STR_NO_CHARFMT"
msgid "No Character Style"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1041
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1043
msgctxt "STR_FOOTER"
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "Piet de pachina"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1042
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1044
msgctxt "STR_NO_FOOTER"
msgid "No footer"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1043
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1045
msgctxt "STR_HEADER"
msgid "Header"
msgstr "Capitero"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1044
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1046
msgctxt "STR_NO_HEADER"
msgid "No header"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1045
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1047
msgid "Optimal wrap"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1046
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1048
msgid "No wrap"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1047
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1049
msgid "Through"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1048
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1050
msgid "Parallel wrap"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1049
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1051
msgid "Left wrap"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1050
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1052
msgid "Right wrap"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1051
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1053
msgid "(Anchor only)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1052
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1054
msgctxt "STR_FRM_WIDTH"
msgid "Width:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1053
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1055
msgid "Fixed height:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1054
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1056
msgid "Min. height:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1055
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1057
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AT_PARA"
msgid "to paragraph"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1056
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1058
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AS_CHAR"
msgid "to character"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1057
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1059
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AT_PAGE"
msgid "to page"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1058
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1060
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msgid "X Coordinate:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1059
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1061
msgctxt "STR_POS_Y"
msgid "Y Coordinate:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1060
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1062
msgctxt "STR_VERT_TOP"
msgid "at top"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1061
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1063
msgid "Centered vertically"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1062
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1064
msgid "at bottom"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1063
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1065
msgctxt "STR_LINE_TOP"
msgid "Top of line"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1064
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1066
msgid "Line centered"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1065
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1067
msgid "Bottom of line"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1066
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1068
msgid "Register-true"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1067
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1069
msgid "Not register-true"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1068
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1070
msgctxt "STR_HORI_RIGHT"
msgid "at the right"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1069
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1071
msgid "Centered horizontally"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1070
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1072
msgctxt "STR_HORI_LEFT"
msgid "at the left"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1071
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1073
msgid "inside"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1072
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1074
msgid "outside"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1073
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1075
msgctxt "STR_HORI_FULL"
msgid "Full width"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1074
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1076
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_COLUMNS"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Columna"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1075
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1077
msgctxt "STR_LINE_WIDTH"
msgid "Separator Width:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1076
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1078
msgid "Max. footnote area:"
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1077
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1079
msgid "Editable in read-only document"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1078
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1080
msgid "Split"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1079
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1081
msgctxt "STR_NUMRULE_ON"
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1080
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1082
msgid "no numbering"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1081
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1083
msgctxt "STR_CONNECT1"
msgid "linked to "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1082
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1084
msgctxt "STR_CONNECT2"
msgid "and "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1083
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1085
msgid "Count lines"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1084
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1086
msgid "don't count lines"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1085
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1087
msgid "restart line count with: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1086
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1088
msgid "Brightness: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1087
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1089
msgctxt "STR_CHANNELR"
msgid "Red: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1088
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1090
msgctxt "STR_CHANNELG"
msgid "Green: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1089
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1091
msgctxt "STR_CHANNELB"
msgid "Blue: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1090
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1092
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_CONTRAST"
msgid "Contrast: "
msgstr "Contraste"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1091
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1093
msgctxt "STR_GAMMA"
msgid "Gamma: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1092
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1094
msgid "Transparency: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1093
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1095
msgctxt "STR_INVERT"
msgid "Invert"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1094
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1096
msgctxt "STR_INVERT_NOT"
msgid "do not invert"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1095
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1097
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msgid "Graphics mode: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1096
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1098
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Estandar"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1097
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1099
msgid "Grayscales"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1098
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1100
msgid "Black & White"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1099
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1101
msgid "Watermark"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1100
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1102
msgctxt "STR_ROTATION"
msgid "Rotation"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1101
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1103
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1102
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1104
msgid "Grid (lines only)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1103
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1105
msgid "Grid (lines and characters)"
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1104
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1106
msgid "Follow text flow"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1105
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1107
msgid "Do not follow text flow"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1106
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1108
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1107
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1109
msgid "Do not merge borders"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1109
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1111
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msgid "Table"
msgstr "Tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1110
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1112
msgctxt "ST_FRM"
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1111
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1113
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1112
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1114
#, fuzzy
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msgid "Drawing"
msgstr "~Debuxo"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1113
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1115
msgctxt "ST_CTRL"
msgid "Control"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1114
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1116
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_REG"
msgid "Section"
msgstr "Selección"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1115
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1117
msgctxt "ST_BKM"
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1116
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1118
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msgid "Graphics"
msgstr "Graficos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1117
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1119
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_OLE"
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "Obchectos OLE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1118
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1120
msgctxt "ST_OUTL"
msgid "Headings"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1119
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1121
msgctxt "ST_SEL"
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "Selección"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1120
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1122
msgctxt "ST_FTN"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1121
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1123
msgctxt "ST_MARK"
msgid "Reminder"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1122
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1124
msgctxt "ST_POSTIT"
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Comentario"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1123
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1125
msgctxt "ST_SRCH_REP"
msgid "Repeat search"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1124
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1126
msgctxt "ST_INDEX_ENTRY"
msgid "Index entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1125
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1127
msgid "Table formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1126
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1128
msgid "Wrong table formula"
msgstr ""
#. Strings for the quickhelp of the View-PgUp/Down-Buttons
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1128
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1130
msgid "Next table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1129
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1131
msgid "Next text frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1130
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1132
msgid "Next page"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1131
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1133
msgid "Next drawing"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1132
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1134
msgid "Next control"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1133
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1135
msgid "Next section"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1134
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1136
msgid "Next bookmark"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1135
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1137
msgid "Next graphic"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1136
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1138
msgid "Next OLE object"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1137
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1139
msgid "Next heading"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1138
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1140
msgid "Next selection"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1139
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1141
msgid "Next footnote"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1140
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1142
msgid "Next Reminder"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1141
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1143
msgid "Next Comment"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1142
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1144
msgid "Continue search forward"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1143
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1145
msgid "Next index entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1144
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1146
msgid "Previous table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1145
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1147
msgid "Previous text frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1146
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1148
msgid "Previous page"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1147
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1149
msgid "Previous drawing"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1148
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1150
msgid "Previous control"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1149
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1151
msgid "Previous section"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1150
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1152
msgid "Previous bookmark"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1151
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1153
msgid "Previous graphic"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1152
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1154
msgid "Previous OLE object"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1153
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1155
msgid "Previous heading"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1154
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1156
msgid "Previous selection"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1155
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1157
msgid "Previous footnote"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1156
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1158
msgid "Previous Reminder"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1157
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1159
msgid "Previous Comment"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1158
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1160
msgid "Continue search backwards"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1159
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1161
msgid "Previous index entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1160
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1162
msgid "Previous table formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1161
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1163
msgid "Next table formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1162
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1164
msgid "Previous faulty table formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1163
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1165
msgid "Next faulty table formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1165
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1167
msgid "Inserted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1166
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1168
#, fuzzy
msgid "Deleted"
msgstr "Eliminar"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1167
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1169
msgid "Formatted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1168
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1170
msgid "Table changed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1169
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1171
msgid "Applied Paragraph Styles"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1170
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1172
msgid "Paragraph formatting changed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1171
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1173
msgid "Row Inserted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1172
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1174
msgid "Row Deleted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1173
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1175
msgid "Cell Inserted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1174
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1176
msgid "Cell Deleted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1175
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1177
msgctxt "STR_ENDNOTE"
msgid "Endnote: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1176
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1178
msgctxt "STR_FTNNOTE"
msgid "Footnote: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1177
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1179
#, c-format
msgid "%s-click to open Smart Tag menu"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1178
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1180
msgid "Header (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1179
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1181
msgid "First Page Header (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1180
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1182
msgid "Left Page Header (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1181
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1183
msgid "Right Page Header (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1182
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1184
msgid "Footer (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1183
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1185
msgid "First Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1184
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1186
msgid "Left Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1185
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1187
msgid "Right Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1186
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1188
msgid "Delete Header..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1187
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1189
msgid "Format Header..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1188
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1190
msgid "Delete Footer..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1189
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1191
msgid "Format Footer..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1191
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1193
msgid "Image file cannot be opened"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1192
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1194
msgid "Image file cannot be read"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1193
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1195
msgid "Unknown image format"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1194
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1196
msgid "This image file version is not supported"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1195
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1197
msgid "Image filter not found"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1196
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1198
msgid "Not enough memory to insert the image."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1197
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1199
msgid "Insert Image"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1198
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1200
#, fuzzy
msgid "Comment: "
msgstr "Comentario"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1199
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1201
msgid "Insertion"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1200
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1202
#, fuzzy
msgid "Deletion"
msgstr "Selección"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1201
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1203
msgid "AutoCorrect"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1202
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1204
#, fuzzy
msgid "Formats"
msgstr "~Formato"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1203
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1205
msgid "Table Changes"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1204
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1206
msgid "Applied Paragraph Styles"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1205
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1207
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_PAGE"
msgid "Page "
msgstr "Pachina"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1206
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1208
msgctxt "STR_PAGE_COUNT"
msgid "Page %1 of %2"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1207
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1209
msgid "Page %1 of %2 (Page %3)"
msgstr ""
#. Strings for gallery/background
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1209
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1211
msgid "Paragraph"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1210
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1212
msgid "Image"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1211
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1213
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_OLE"
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "Obchectos OLE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1212
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1214
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_FRAME"
msgid "Frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1213
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1215
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1214
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1216
msgid "Table row"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1215
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1217
msgid "Table cell"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1216
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1218
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_PAGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Pachina"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1217
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1219
msgid "Header"
msgstr "Capitero"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1218
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1220
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "Piet de pachina"
#. End: strings for gallery/background
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1221
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1223
msgid "HTML"
msgstr "HTML"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1222
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1224
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1224
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1226
msgctxt "STR_TITLE"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titol"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1225
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1227
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_ALPHA"
msgid "Separator"
msgstr "Separadors"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1226
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1228
msgctxt "STR_LEVEL"
msgid "Level "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1227
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1229
msgid "The file, \"%1\" in the \"%2\" path could not be found."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1228
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1230
msgid "User-Defined Index"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1229
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1231
msgid "<None>"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1230
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1232
msgid "<None>"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1231
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1233
msgctxt "STR_DELIM"
msgid "S"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1232
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1234
msgid "E#"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1233
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1235
msgid "E"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1234
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1236
msgid "T"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1235
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1237
msgid "#"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1236
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1238
msgid "CI"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1237
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1239
msgid "LS"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1238
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1240
msgid "LE"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1239
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1241
msgid "A"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1240
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1242
msgid "Chapter number"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1241
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1243
msgid "Entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1242
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1244
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab stop"
msgstr "~Tabulacions"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1243
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1245
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Texto"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1244
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1246
msgid "Page number"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1245
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1247
msgid "Chapter info"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1246
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1248
msgid "Hyperlink start"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1247
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1249
msgid "Hyperlink end"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1248
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1250
msgid "Bibliography entry: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1249
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1251
msgid "Character Style: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1250
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1252
msgid "Structure text"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1251
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1253
msgid "Press Ctrl+Alt+A to move focus for more operations"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1252
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1254
msgid "Press left or right arrow to choose the structure controls"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1253
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1255
msgid "Press Ctrl+Alt+B to move focus back to the current structure control"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1254
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1256
msgid "Selection file for the alphabetical index (*.sdi)"
msgstr ""
@@ -6327,244 +6337,244 @@ msgstr ""
#. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: character alignment for frmsh.cxx - context menu
#. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1259
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1261
msgid "Base line at ~top"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1260
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1262
msgid "~Base line at bottom"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1261
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1263
msgid "Base line ~centered"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1262
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1264
msgid "Insert object"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1263
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1265
msgid "Edit object"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1264
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1266
msgid " (Template: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1265
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1267
msgid "Borders"
msgstr "Cantos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1266
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1268
#, fuzzy
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Fundo"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1268
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1270
msgid "(Paragraph Style: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1269
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1271
msgid "Page numbers cannot be applied to the current page. Even numbers can be used on left pages, odd numbers on right pages."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1271
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1273
#, fuzzy
msgid "Master Document"
msgstr "Documento m~aestro"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1272
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1274
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1274
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1276
msgid "A file connection will delete the contents of the current section. Connect anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1275
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1277
msgid "The password entered is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1276
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1278
msgid "The password has not been set."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1278
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1280
msgctxt "STR_HYP_OK"
msgid "Hyphenation completed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1279
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1281
msgid "None (Do not check spelling)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1280
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1282
msgid "Reset to Default Language"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1281
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1283
msgid "More..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1282
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1284
msgid "~Ignore"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1283
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1285
msgid "Explanations..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1285
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1287
msgid "Check special regions is deactivated. Check anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1286
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1288
msgid "Could not merge documents."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1287
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1289
msgid "The source cannot be loaded."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1288
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1290
msgctxt "STR_ERR_NO_FAX"
msgid "No fax printer has been set under Tools/Options/%1/Print."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1289
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1291
#, fuzzy
msgid "HTML document"
msgstr "Documento HTML"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1290
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1292
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text document"
msgstr "Documento de texto"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1291
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1293
msgid "Source not specified."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1292
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1294
msgctxt "STR_NUM_LEVEL"
msgid "Level "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1293
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1295
msgid "Outline "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1294
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1296
msgid "Edit Footnote/Endnote"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1295
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1297
msgid "Search key replaced XX times."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1296
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1298
#, fuzzy
msgid "Row "
msgstr "Ringlera"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1297
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1299
#, fuzzy
msgid "Column "
msgstr "Columna"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1298
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1300
msgctxt "STR_SAVEAS_SRC"
msgid "~Export source..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1299
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1301
msgid "~Export copy of source..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1301
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1303
msgctxt "ST_CONTINUE"
msgid "~Continue"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1302
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1304
msgctxt "ST_TASK"
msgid "Task"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1303
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1305
msgctxt "ST_STATUS"
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Estau"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1304
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1306
msgctxt "ST_SENDINGTO"
msgid "Sending to: %1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1305
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1307
msgctxt "ST_COMPLETED"
msgid "Successfully sent"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1306
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1308
msgctxt "ST_FAILED"
msgid "Sending failed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1308
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1310
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1310
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1312
msgid "Text formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1312
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1314
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_MENU_ZOOM"
msgid "~Zoom"
msgstr "Escala"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1313
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1315
msgctxt "STR_MENU_UP"
msgid "~Upwards"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1314
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1316
msgctxt "STR_MENU_DOWN"
msgid "Do~wnwards"
msgstr ""
@@ -6572,7 +6582,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Classification strings
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1320
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1322
msgid "Document classification has changed because a paragraph classification level is higher"
msgstr ""
@@ -6580,32 +6590,32 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Paragraph Signature
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1325
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1327
msgctxt "STR_VALID"
msgid " Valid "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1326
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1328
msgctxt "STR_INVALID"
msgid "Invalid"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1327
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1329
msgid "Invalid Signature"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1328
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1330
msgctxt "STR_SIGNED_BY"
msgid "Signed-by"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1329
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1331
msgid "Paragraph Signature"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1331
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1333
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "labeldialog|cards"
msgid "Business Cards"
@@ -10343,32 +10353,42 @@ msgctxt "insertautotextdialog|label1"
msgid "Autotexts for Shortcut "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:8
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:9
msgctxt "insertbookmark|InsertBookmarkDialog"
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:40
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:35
msgctxt "insertbookmark|insert"
msgid "Insert"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:122
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "insertbookmark|rename"
-msgid "Rename"
-msgstr "Cambiar o ~nombre"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:58
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|hide"
+msgid "H_ide"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:135
-msgctxt "insertbookmark|delete"
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "Eliminar"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:80
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|condlabel"
+msgid "_With condition"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:148
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:130
msgctxt "insertbookmark|goto"
msgid "Go to"
msgstr ""
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:144
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|delete"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Eliminar"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:158
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|rename"
+msgid "Rename"
+msgstr "Cambiar o ~nombre"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbreak.ui:14
msgctxt "insertbreak|BreakDialog"
msgid "Insert Break"
@@ -13249,7 +13269,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/numparapage.ui:67
msgctxt "numparapage|comboLB_OUTLINE_LEVEL"
-msgid "Body text"
+msgid "Text Body"
msgstr ""
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/numparapage.ui:68
@@ -13719,80 +13739,85 @@ msgstr ""
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:134
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddentext"
-msgid "Hidden text"
+msgid "Hidden characters"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:149
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:216
+msgctxt "optformataidspage|displayfl"
+msgid "Display formatting"
+msgstr ""
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:249
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddentextfield"
-msgid "Fields: Hidden te_xt"
+msgid "Hidden te_xt"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:164
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:264
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddenparafield"
-msgid "Fields: Hidden p_aragraphs"
+msgid "Hidden p_aragraphs"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:252
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:285
msgctxt "optformataidspage|displayfl"
-msgid "Display of"
+msgid "Display fields"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:284
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:317
msgctxt "optformataidspage|mathbaseline"
msgid "Math baseline alignment"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:305
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:338
msgctxt "optformataidspage|layoutopt"
msgid "Layout Assistance"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:349
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:382
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursoronoff"
msgid "_Direct cursor"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:366
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:399
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillmode"
msgid "Insert"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:388
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:421
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillmargin"
msgid "Para_graph alignment"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:404
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:437
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillindent"
msgid "_Left paragraph margin"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:420
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:453
msgctxt "optformataidspage|filltab"
msgid "_Tabs"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:436
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:469
msgctxt "optformataidspage|filltabandspace"
msgid "Tabs a_nd spaces"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:452
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:485
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillspace"
msgid "_Spaces"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:482
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:515
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursorlabel"
msgid "Direct Cursor"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:514
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:547
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursorinprot"
msgid "Enable cursor"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:535
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:568
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursoropt"
msgid "Protected Areas"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/an/vcl/messages.po b/source/an/vcl/messages.po
index 7ca73e7de62..1302df3af4d 100644
--- a/source/an/vcl/messages.po
+++ b/source/an/vcl/messages.po
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-#. extracted from vcl/inc
+#. extracted from vcl/inc/font
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-08 15:10+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -13,6 +13,391 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:25
+msgid "Access All Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:26
+msgid "Alternative (Vertical) Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:27
+msgid "Ancient Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:28
+msgid "Capitals to Petite Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:29
+msgid "Capitals to Small Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:30
+msgid "Contextual Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:31
+msgid "Case-Sensitive Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:32
+msgid "Contextual Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:33
+msgid "Centered CJK Punctuation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:34
+msgid "Capital Spacing"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:35
+msgid "Contextual Swash"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:36
+msgid "Character Variant %1"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:37
+msgid "Drop Caps"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:38
+msgid "Discretionary Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:39
+msgid "Denominators"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:40
+msgid "Diphthongs (Obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:41
+msgid "Expert Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:42
+msgid "Final Glyph on Line Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:43
+msgid "DIagonal Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:44
+msgid "Diagonal Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:45
+msgid "Nut Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:46
+msgid "Full Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:47
+msgid "Alternate Half Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:48
+msgid "Historical Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:49
+msgid "Horizontal Kana Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:50
+msgid "Historical Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:51
+msgid "Hanja to Hangul (Obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:52
+msgid "Hojo Kanji Forms (JIS X 0212-1990 Kanji Forms)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:53
+msgid "Half Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:54
+msgid "Italics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:55
+msgid "Justification Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:56
+msgid "JIS2004 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:57
+msgid "JIS78 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:58
+msgid "JIS83 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:59
+msgid "JIS90 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:60
+msgid "Horizontal Kerning"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:61
+msgid "Left Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:62
+msgid "Standard Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:63
+msgid "Lining Figures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:64
+msgid "Mathematical Greek"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:65
+msgid "Alternate Annotation Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:66
+msgid "NLC Kanji Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:67
+msgid "Numerators"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:68
+msgid "Oldstyle Figures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:69
+msgid "Optical Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:70
+msgid "Ordinals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:71
+msgid "Ornaments"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:72
+msgid "Proportional Alternate Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:73
+msgid "Lowercase to Petite Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:74
+msgid "Proportional Kana"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:75
+msgid "Proportional Numbers"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:76
+msgid "Proportional Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:77
+msgid "Quarter Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:78
+msgid "Right Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:79
+msgid "Ruby Notation Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:80
+msgid "Stylistic Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:81
+msgid "Scientific Inferiors"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:82
+msgid "Lowercase to Small Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:83
+msgid "Simplified Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:84
+msgid "Stylistic Set %1"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:85
+msgid "Subscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:86
+msgid "Superscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:87
+msgid "Swash"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:88
+msgid "Titling"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:89
+msgid "Traditional Name Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:90
+msgid "Tabular Numbers"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:91
+msgid "Traditional Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:92
+msgid "Third Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:93
+msgid "Unicase"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:94
+msgid "Alternate Vertical Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:95
+msgid "Alternate Vertical Half Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:96
+msgid "Vertical Kana Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:97
+msgid "Vertical Kerning"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:98
+msgid "Proportional Alternate Vertical Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:99
+msgid "Vertical Alternates and Rotation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:100
+msgid "Vertical Alternates for Rotation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:101
+msgid "Slashed Zero"
+msgstr ""
#. To translators: This is the first entry of a sequence of paper size names
#: vcl/inc/print.hrc:28
diff --git a/source/ar/cui/messages.po b/source/ar/cui/messages.po
index c9b1c41f44f..ee94304badb 100644
--- a/source/ar/cui/messages.po
+++ b/source/ar/cui/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-04-23 03:54+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: صفا الفليج <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -3472,7 +3472,7 @@ msgctxt "certdialog|label1"
msgid "Certificate Path"
msgstr "مسار الشهادة"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:46
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:45
msgctxt "charnamepage|westlangft-nocjk"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "اللغة:"
@@ -3482,52 +3482,72 @@ msgctxt "charnamepage|westsizeft-nocjk"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "الحجم:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:257
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:196
+msgctxt "charnamepage|west_features_button-nocjk"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:268
msgctxt "charnamepage|westsizeft-cjk"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "الحجم:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:272
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:283
msgctxt "charnamepage|westlangft-cjk"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "اللغة:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:346
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:352
+msgctxt "charnamepage|west_features_button-cjk"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:373
msgctxt "charnamepage|label4"
msgid "Western Text Font"
msgstr "خطّ النصوص الغربية"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:415
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:441
msgctxt "charnamepage|eastsizeft"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "الحجم:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:430
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:456
msgctxt "charnamepage|eastlangft"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "اللغة:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:503
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:524
+msgctxt "charnamepage|east_features_button"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:545
msgctxt "charnamepage|label5"
msgid "Asian Text Font"
msgstr "خطّ النصوص الآسيوية"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:572
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:613
msgctxt "charnamepage|ctlsizeft"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "الحجم:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:587
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:628
msgctxt "charnamepage|ctllangft"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "اللغة:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:661
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:697
+msgctxt "charnamepage|ctl_features_button"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:718
msgctxt "charnamepage|label6"
msgid "CTL Font"
msgstr "خطّ النصوص المركّبة"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:688
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:745
msgctxt "charnamepage|preview-atkobject"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "معاينة"
@@ -5054,6 +5074,16 @@ msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|flState"
msgid "State"
msgstr "الحالة"
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/fontfeaturesdialog.ui:9
+msgctxt "newtabledialog|NewTableDialog"
+msgid "Font Features"
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/fontfeaturesdialog.ui:149
+msgctxt "fontfeaturesdialog|preview-atkobject"
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr ""
#: cui/uiconfig/ui/formatcellsdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "formatcellsdialog|FormatCellsDialog"
msgid "Table Properties"
@@ -7816,82 +7846,87 @@ msgctxt "optfontspage|label1"
msgid "Font Settings for HTML, Basic and SQL Sources"
msgstr "إعدادات الخط لمصادر HTML و Basic و SQL"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:31
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:35
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|exthelp"
msgid "_Extended tips"
msgstr "تل_ميحات موسّعة"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:46
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:50
+msgctxt "optgeneralpage|popupnohelp"
+msgid "Show \"No offline help installed\" popup"
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:70
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label1"
msgid "Help"
msgstr "مساعدة"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:76
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:100
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|filedlg"
msgid "_Use %PRODUCTNAME dialogs"
msgstr "ا_ستخدم مربّعات حوار %PRODUCTNAME"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:110
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:134
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label2"
msgid "Open/Save Dialogs"
msgstr "مربّعات حوار الفتح و الحفظ"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:136
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:160
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|printdlg"
msgid "Use %PRODUCTNAME _dialogs"
msgstr "استخدم مربعات _حوار %PRODUCTNAME"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:151
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:175
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label3"
msgid "Print Dialogs"
msgstr "مربعات حوار الطباعة"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:177
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:201
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|docstatus"
msgid "_Printing sets \"document modified\" status"
msgstr "ال_طباعة تجعل حالة المستند ”مستند معدل“"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:192
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:216
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label4"
msgid "Document Status"
msgstr "حالة المستند"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:225
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:249
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label6"
msgid "_Interpret as years between "
msgstr "فسّرها على أنها ال_سنوات بين "
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:250
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:274
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|toyear"
msgid "and "
msgstr "و "
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:265
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:289
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label5"
msgid "Year (Two Digits)"
msgstr "السنة (رقمان)"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:291
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:315
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|collectusageinfo"
msgid "Collect usage data and send it to The Document Foundation"
msgstr "اجمع بيانات الاستخدام و أرسلها إلى «مؤسسة المستند المفتوح»"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:306
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:330
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label7"
msgid "Help Improve %PRODUCTNAME"
msgstr "ساعد في تحسين %PRODUCTNAME"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:337
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:361
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|quicklaunch"
msgid "Load %PRODUCTNAME during system start-up"
msgstr "حمّل %PRODUCTNAME أثناء بدء النظام"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:352
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:376
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|systray"
msgid "Enable systray Quickstarter"
msgstr "فعّل التشغيل السريع في صينية النظام"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:373
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:397
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label8"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Quickstarter"
msgstr "تشغيل %PRODUCTNAME السريع"
diff --git a/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared.po b/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared.po
index a698c7ce5be..5d4f618d6ac 100644
--- a/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared.po
+++ b/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-02-27 13:56+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-25 03:23+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">The 3D-Settings toolbar controls properties of selected 3D objects.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">The <emph>3D Settings</emph> toolbar controls properties of selected 3D objects.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Extrusion on/off"
+msgid "Extrusion On/Off"
msgstr ""
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Extrusion Depth window.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Extrusion Depth</emph> window.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Extrusion Direction window.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Extrusion Direction</emph> window.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Extrusion Lighting window.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Extrusion Lighting</emph> window.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Extrusion Surface window.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Extrusion Surface</emph> window.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Extrusion Color toolbar.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Extrusion Color</emph> toolbar.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: fontwork_toolbar.xhp
diff --git a/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/00.po b/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/00.po
index 296e62e0b7e..9b3fe8e1481 100644
--- a/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/00.po
+++ b/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/00.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-25 03:23+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -5325,7 +5325,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"webhtml\">Choose <emph>File - Preview in Web Browser</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"webhtml\">Choose <emph>File - Preview in Web Browser</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5333,7 +5333,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - New</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - New</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5341,7 +5341,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>New</emph> icon on the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar (the icon shows the type of the new document)"
+msgid "<emph>New</emph> icon on the <emph>Standard</emph> bar (the icon shows the type of the new document)."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5373,7 +5373,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu <emph>File - New</emph><emph>- Templates</emph>."
+msgid "Menu <emph>File - New - Templates</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5389,7 +5389,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"etiketten\">Choose <emph>File - New - Labels</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"etiketten\">Choose <emph>File - New - Labels</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5397,7 +5397,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"etikettenein\">Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Labels</emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"etikettenein\">Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Labels</emph> tab.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5405,7 +5405,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Format</emph> tab"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Format</emph> tab."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5413,7 +5413,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Format</emph> tab"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Format</emph> tab."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5421,7 +5421,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Options</emph> tab"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Options</emph> tab."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5429,7 +5429,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Options</emph> tab"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Options</emph> tab."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5437,7 +5437,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"visikart\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"visikart\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5445,7 +5445,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"visikartform\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Medium</emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"visikartform\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Medium</emph> tab.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5453,7 +5453,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"viskartinhalt\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Business cards</emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"viskartinhalt\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Business cards</emph> tab.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5461,7 +5461,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"viskartpriv\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Private</emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"viskartpriv\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Private</emph> tab.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5469,7 +5469,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"viskartgesch\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Business</emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"viskartgesch\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Business</emph> tab.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5477,7 +5477,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Open</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Open</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5493,7 +5493,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5517,7 +5517,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu <emph>File - Open</emph>, File type <emph>Text Encoded</emph> selected"
+msgid "Menu <emph>File - Open</emph>, File type <emph>Text Encoded</emph> selected."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5525,7 +5525,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu <emph>File - Save As</emph>, File type <emph>Text Encoded</emph> selected"
+msgid "Menu <emph>File - Save As</emph>, File type <emph>Text Encoded</emph> selected."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5533,7 +5533,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autobrief\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autobrief\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5541,7 +5541,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5549,7 +5549,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Page design</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Page Design</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5557,7 +5557,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Letterhead layout</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Letterhead Layout</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5565,7 +5565,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Printed items</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Printed Items</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5573,7 +5573,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Recipient and sender</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Recipient and Sender</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5581,7 +5581,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Footer</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Footer</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5589,7 +5589,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief6\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - </emph><emph>Name and Location</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief6\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Name and Location</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5597,7 +5597,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5605,7 +5605,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Page Design</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Page Design</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5613,7 +5613,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Items to include</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Items to include</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5621,7 +5621,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Sender and Recipient</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Sender and Recipient</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5629,7 +5629,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Footer</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Footer</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5637,7 +5637,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Name and location</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Name and Location</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5645,7 +5645,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5653,7 +5653,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Page Design</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Page Design</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5661,7 +5661,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - General Attributes</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - General Attributes</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5669,7 +5669,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Headings</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Headings</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5677,7 +5677,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Names</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Names</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5685,7 +5685,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Topics</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Topics</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5693,7 +5693,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda6\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Title and Location</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda6\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Title and Location</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5701,7 +5701,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapt\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapt\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5709,7 +5709,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapse\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 1</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapse\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 1</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5717,7 +5717,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsz\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 2</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsz\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 2</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5725,7 +5725,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsd\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 3</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsd\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 3</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5733,7 +5733,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsv\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 4</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsv\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 4</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5741,7 +5741,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsf\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 5</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsf\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 5</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5765,7 +5765,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5773,7 +5773,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen1\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 1</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen1\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 1.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5781,7 +5781,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen2\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 2</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen2\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 2.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5789,7 +5789,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen3\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 3</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen3\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 3.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5797,7 +5797,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen4\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 4, there must be a database connection.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen4\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 4, there must be a database connection.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5805,7 +5805,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen5\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - last page of Wizards</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen5\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame - Last page of wizards.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5813,7 +5813,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5821,7 +5821,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5829,7 +5829,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5837,7 +5837,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"euro\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Euro Converter</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"euro\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Euro Converter</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5845,7 +5845,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu <emph>File - Wizards - Address Data Source</emph>"
+msgid "Menu <emph>File - Wizards - Address Data Source</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5869,7 +5869,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"addressimport4\"><emph>Address Data Source Wizards</emph><emph>- Data source title</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"addressimport4\"><emph>Address Data Source Wizards</emph> - <emph>Data source title</emph></variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5885,7 +5885,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"schliessen\">Choose <emph>File - Close</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"schliessen\">Choose <emph>File - Close</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5893,7 +5893,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Save</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Save</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5909,7 +5909,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On Standard or Table Data Bar, click"
+msgid "Open <emph>Standard</emph> or <emph>Table Data</emph> bar, click"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5949,7 +5949,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select \"HTML Document\" file type, this dialog opens automatically</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML Document</emph> file type. The dialog opens automatically.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5957,7 +5957,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern1\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 1 of the wizard</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern1\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 1 of the wizard.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5965,7 +5965,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern2\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 2 of the wizard</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern2\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 2 of the wizard.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5973,7 +5973,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern3\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 3 of the wizard</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern3\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 3 of the wizard.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5981,7 +5981,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern4\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 4 of the wizard</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern4\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 4 of the wizard.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5989,7 +5989,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern5\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 5 of the wizard</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern5\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 5 of the wizard.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5997,7 +5997,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern6\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 6 of the wizard</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern6\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 6 of the wizard.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6005,7 +6005,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"exportgraphic\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, select a graphics file type, dialog opens automatically</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"exportgraphic\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, select a graphics file type. The dialog opens automatically.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6013,7 +6013,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"saveall\">Choose <emph>File - Save All</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"saveall\">Choose <emph>File - Save All</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6021,7 +6021,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"saveas\">Choose <emph>File - Save As</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"saveas\">Choose <emph>File - Save As</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6029,7 +6029,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Reload</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Reload</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6037,7 +6037,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info1\">Choose <emph>File - Properties</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info1\">Choose <emph>File - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6045,7 +6045,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info2\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info2\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6061,7 +6061,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Digital Signatures - Digital Signatures</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Digital Signatures - Digital Signatures</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6069,7 +6069,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Macros - Digital Signature</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Macros - Digital Signature</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6077,7 +6077,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab, click <emph>Digital Signatures</emph> button"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab, click <emph>Digital Signatures</emph> button."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6085,7 +6085,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Double-click the Signature field on the Status Bar."
+msgid "Double-click the <emph>Signature</emph> field on the <emph>Status</emph> bar."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6093,7 +6093,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"digitalsigsel\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab, click <emph>Digital Signatures</emph> button, then click <emph>Add</emph> button</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"digitalsigsel\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab, click <emph>Digital Signatures</emph> button, then click <emph>Add</emph> button.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6101,7 +6101,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info3\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Description</emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info3\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Description</emph> tab.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6109,7 +6109,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info4\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Custom Properties</emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info4\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Custom Properties</emph> tab.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6117,7 +6117,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info5\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Statistics</emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info5\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Statistics</emph> tab.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6125,7 +6125,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"infosec\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Security</emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"infosec\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Security</emph> tab.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6133,7 +6133,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info6\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Internet</emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info6\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Internet</emph> tab.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6141,7 +6141,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info7\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Font</emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info7\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Font</emph> tab.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6149,7 +6149,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu<emph> File - Print Preview</emph>"
+msgid "Menu <emph>File - Print Preview</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6173,7 +6173,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Printer Settings</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Printer Settings</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6181,7 +6181,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"senden\">Menu<emph> File - Send</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"senden\">Menu <emph>File - Send</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6189,7 +6189,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Send - E-mail Document</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Send - E-mail Document</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6213,7 +6213,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"export\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"export\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6229,7 +6229,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image src=\"cmd/sc_exportdirecttoepub.png\" id=\"img_id291525017890767\" width=\"0.566cm\" height=\"0.566cm\"> <alt id=\"alt_id51525017890767\">Export as EPUB</alt> </image>"
+msgid "<image src=\"cmd/sc_exportdirecttoepub.png\" id=\"img_id291525017890767\" width=\"0.566cm\" height=\"0.566cm\"><alt id=\"alt_id51525017890767\">Export as EPUB</alt></image>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6245,7 +6245,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As - Export as PDF</emph>, Digital Signatures tab"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As - Export as PDF</emph>, <emph>Digital Signatures</emph> tab."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6253,7 +6253,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As - Export as PDF</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As - Export as PDF</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6277,7 +6277,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Send - E-mail as PDF</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Send - E-mail as PDF</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6285,7 +6285,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"glo\">Choose <emph>File - Send - Create Master Document</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"glo\">Choose <emph>File - Send - Create Master Document</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6293,7 +6293,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Print</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Print</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6309,7 +6309,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On Standard Bar, click"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6357,7 +6357,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Exit</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Exit</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6373,7 +6373,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"neuglobal\">Choose <emph>File - New - Master Document</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"neuglobal\">Choose <emph>File - New - Master Document</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6381,7 +6381,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Open</emph> - select under \"File type\": \"Text CSV\""
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Open - File type</emph>, select <emph>Text CSV</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6389,7 +6389,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Data - Text to Columns</emph> (Calc)"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Data - Text to Columns</emph> (Calc)."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6397,7 +6397,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"epsexport\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, if EPS is selected as file type, this dialog opens automatically</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"epsexport\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, if EPS is selected as file type, this dialog opens automatically.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6405,7 +6405,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"pbmppmpgm\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, if PBM, PPM or PGM is selected as file type, the dialog opens automatically</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"pbmppmpgm\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, if PBM, PPM or PGM is selected as file type, the dialog opens automatically.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6413,7 +6413,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"versionen\"><variable id=\"autopilotberichtfeldauswahl\">Choose <emph>File - Versions</emph></variable></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"versionen\"><variable id=\"autopilotberichtfeldauswahl\">Choose <emph>File - Versions</emph>.</variable></variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6437,7 +6437,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Undo</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Undo</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6453,7 +6453,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar or Table Data bar, click"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar or <emph>Table Data</emph> bar, click"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6477,7 +6477,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Redo</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Redo</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6485,7 +6485,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6509,7 +6509,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"letzter\">Choose <emph>Edit - Repeat</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"letzter\">Choose <emph>Edit - Repeat</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6517,7 +6517,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Cut</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Cut</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6533,7 +6533,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6557,7 +6557,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Copy</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Copy</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6573,7 +6573,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6597,7 +6597,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Paste</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Paste</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6613,7 +6613,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6637,7 +6637,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"inhalte\">Choose <emph>Edit - Paste Special</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"inhalte\">Choose <emph>Edit - Paste Special</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6645,7 +6645,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Select All</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Select All</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6677,7 +6677,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"aenderungen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"aenderungen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6685,7 +6685,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"aufzeichnen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Record</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"aufzeichnen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Record</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6693,7 +6693,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"anzeigen\"><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph></caseinline></switchinline></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"anzeigen\"><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph>.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph>.</caseinline></switchinline></variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6701,7 +6701,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"rotlinie\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"rotlinie\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6709,7 +6709,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - List</emph> tab"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - List</emph> tab."
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6717,7 +6717,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply and Edit Changes</emph>. The AutoCorrect dialog appears. Click the <emph>Edit Changes</emph> button and navigate to the <emph>List</emph> tab."
+msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply and Edit Changes</emph>. The <emph>AutoCorrect</emph> dialog appears.<br/>Click the <emph>Edit Changes</emph> button and navigate to the <emph>List</emph> tab."
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6725,7 +6725,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"rotliniefilter\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - Filter</emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"rotliniefilter\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - Filter</emph> tab.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6733,7 +6733,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"einfuegen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Merge Document</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"einfuegen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Merge Document</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6741,7 +6741,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dvergl\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Compare Document</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dvergl\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Compare Document</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6749,7 +6749,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Comment</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Comment</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6757,7 +6757,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - List</emph> tab. Click an entry in the list and open the context menu. Choose <emph>Edit Comment</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - List</emph> tab.<br/>Click an entry in the list and open the context menu.<br/>Choose <emph>Edit Comment</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6765,7 +6765,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6781,7 +6781,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6797,7 +6797,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On Standard bar, click"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6821,7 +6821,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"suchenattribute\">Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Attributes</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"suchenattribute\">Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Attributes</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6829,7 +6829,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"suchenformat\">Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Format</emph> button </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"suchenformat\">Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Format</emph> button.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6837,7 +6837,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Similarity search</emph> check box and <emph>Similarities</emph> button."
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Similarity search</emph> check box, then click the <emph>Similarities</emph> button."
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6845,7 +6845,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Table Data</emph> Bar, click <emph>Find</emph> icon - <emph>Similarity search</emph> check box - <emph>Similarities</emph> button (database table view)"
+msgid "On the <emph>Table Data</emph> bar, click <emph>Find</emph> icon, then <emph>Similarity search</emph> check box,<br/>then click the <emph>Similarities</emph> button (database table view)."
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6853,7 +6853,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On <emph>Form Design</emph> Bar, click <emph>Record Search</emph> - <emph>Similarity search</emph> check box - <emph>Similarities</emph> button (form view)"
+msgid "On the <emph>Form Design</emph> bar, click <emph>Record Search</emph> icon, then <emph>Similarity search</emph> check box,<br/>then click the <emph>Similarities</emph> button (form view)."
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6861,7 +6861,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Navigator</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Navigator</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6869,7 +6869,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6893,7 +6893,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"litdat\">Choose <emph>Tools - Bibliography Database</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"litdat\">Choose <emph>Tools - Bibliography Database</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6901,7 +6901,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"link\">Choose <emph>Edit - Links</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"link\">Choose <emph>Edit - Links</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6909,7 +6909,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"linkae\">Choose <emph>Edit - Links - Modify Link</emph> (DDE links only) </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"linkae\">Choose <emph>Edit - Links - Modify Link</emph> (DDE links only).</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6917,7 +6917,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select a frame, then choose <emph>Edit - Object - Properties</emph>"
+msgid "Select a frame, then choose <emph>Edit - Object - Properties</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6925,7 +6925,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open context menu of selected frame - choose <emph>Properties</emph>"
+msgid "Open context menu of selected frame, choose <emph>Properties</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6933,7 +6933,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"imagemap\">Choose <emph>Edit - ImageMap</emph> (also in context menu of selected object) </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"imagemap\">Choose <emph>Edit - ImageMap</emph>, also in the context menu of selected object.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6941,7 +6941,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"imapeigbea\">Choose <emph>Edit - ImageMap</emph>, then select a section of the ImageMap and click <emph>Properties - Description</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"imapeigbea\">Choose <emph>Edit - ImageMap</emph>,<br/>then select a section of the ImageMap and click <emph>Properties - Description</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6949,7 +6949,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"edit1\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"edit1\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6957,7 +6957,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"edit2\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object - Edit</emph>, also in the context menu of selected object </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"edit2\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object - Edit</emph>, also in the context menu of selected object.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6965,7 +6965,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"edit3\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object - Open</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"edit3\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object - Open</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
@@ -6989,7 +6989,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Zoom</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Zoom</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
@@ -6997,7 +6997,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Zoom also with (+) (-) (×) and (÷) on the number keypad</caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Zoom also with (+) (-) (×) and (÷) on the number keypad</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Zoom also with (+) (-) (×) and (÷) on the number keypad</caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Zoom also with (+) (-) (×) and (÷) on the number keypad.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
@@ -7005,7 +7005,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Double-click or right-click the field on the <emph>Status</emph> Bar"
+msgid "Double-click or right-click the field on the <emph>Status</emph> bar."
msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
@@ -7013,7 +7013,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Toolbars</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Toolbars</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
@@ -7021,7 +7021,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"funktion\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Standard</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"funktion\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Standard</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
@@ -7029,7 +7029,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"werkzeug\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Tools</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"werkzeug\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Tools</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
@@ -7037,7 +7037,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"task\">Choose <emph>View - Status Bar</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"task\">Choose <emph>View - Status Bar</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
@@ -7045,7 +7045,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"farbleiste\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Color Bar</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"farbleiste\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Color Bar</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
@@ -7053,7 +7053,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"ime\">Choose <emph>View - Input Method Status</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"ime\">Choose <emph>View - Input Method Status</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
@@ -7061,7 +7061,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Internet</emph>"
+msgid "Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Internet</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
@@ -7069,7 +7069,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Hyperlink</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Hyperlink</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
@@ -7077,7 +7077,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"hypdiamailnews\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Mail</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"hypdiamailnews\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Mail</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
@@ -7085,7 +7085,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"hypdiadok\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Document</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"hypdiadok\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Document</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
@@ -7093,7 +7093,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"hypdianeudok\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>New Document</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"hypdianeudok\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>New Document</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
@@ -7101,7 +7101,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Full Screen</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Full Screen</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
@@ -7141,7 +7141,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu <emph>View - Data Sources</emph>"
+msgid "Menu <emph>View - Data Sources</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
@@ -7149,7 +7149,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> + Shift + F4 keys"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+F4 keys"
msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
@@ -7173,7 +7173,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - HTML Source</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - HTML Source</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
@@ -7181,7 +7181,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open context menu in an HTML document"
+msgid "Open context menu in an HTML document."
msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
@@ -7205,7 +7205,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"grid\">Choose <emph>View - Grid</emph> (Impress or Draw)</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"grid\">Choose <emph>View - Grid</emph> (Impress or Draw).</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
@@ -7213,7 +7213,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"guides\">Choose <emph>View - Snap Lines</emph> (Impress or Draw)</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"guides\">Choose <emph>View - Snap Lines</emph> (Impress or Draw).</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7237,7 +7237,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"notiz\">Choose <emph>Insert - Comment</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"notiz\">Choose <emph>Insert - Comment</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7245,7 +7245,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7253,7 +7253,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan - Select Source</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan - Select Source</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7261,7 +7261,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan - Request</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan - Request</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7269,7 +7269,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Special Character</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Special Character</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7277,7 +7277,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Choose <emph>Format - Bullets and Numbering - Customize - Character</emph> button</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Choose <emph>Format - Bullets and Numbering - Customize - Character</emph> button.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7285,7 +7285,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Choose <emph>Format - Bullets and Numbering - Customize - Character</emph> button</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Choose <emph>Format - Bullets and Numbering - Customize - Character</emph> button.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7293,7 +7293,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> or the <emph>Insert</emph> toolbar, click"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> or the <emph>Insert</emph> bar, click"
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7325,7 +7325,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"moviesound2\">Choose <emph>Insert - Audio or Video</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"moviesound2\">Choose <emph>Insert - Audio or Video</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7341,7 +7341,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"objekteinf\">Choose <emph>Insert - Object</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"objekteinf\">Choose <emph>Insert - Object</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7349,7 +7349,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - OLE Object</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - OLE Object</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7357,7 +7357,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open the <emph>Insert</emph> toolbar, click"
+msgid "On the <emph>Insert</emph> bar, click"
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7381,7 +7381,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Formula</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Formula</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7389,7 +7389,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open the <emph>Insert </emph>toolbar, click"
+msgid "On the <emph>Insert</emph> bar, click"
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7413,7 +7413,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7421,7 +7421,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart </emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7429,7 +7429,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7437,7 +7437,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7445,7 +7445,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7453,7 +7453,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7461,7 +7461,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7469,7 +7469,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open the <emph>Insert </emph>toolbar, click"
+msgid "On the <emph>Insert</emph> bar, click"
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7493,7 +7493,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Image</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Image</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7501,7 +7501,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> toolbar, click"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7525,7 +7525,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Floating Frame</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Floating Frame</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7533,7 +7533,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open the <emph>Insert </emph>toolbar, click"
+msgid "On the <emph>Insert</emph> bar, click"
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7557,7 +7557,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"filterauswahl\">Open a file of a type that is unknown to %PRODUCTNAME and that is no text file</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"filterauswahl\">Open a file of a type that is unknown to %PRODUCTNAME and that is no text file.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7693,7 +7693,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">Insert - Media - Clip Art Gallery</item> or on <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
+msgid "Choose <emph><item type=\"menuitem\">Insert - Media - Clip Art Gallery</item></emph> or open <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -7717,7 +7717,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"galleryregisterdateien\">Choose <emph>Tools - Gallery</emph> or click the <emph>Gallery </emph>icon on the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar - <emph>New Theme</emph> button - <emph>Files</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"galleryregisterdateien\">Choose <emph>Tools - Gallery</emph>or click the <emph>Gallery</emph> icon on the <emph>Standard</emph> bar -<br/><emph>New Theme</emph> button - <emph>Files</emph> tab.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -7741,7 +7741,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -7805,7 +7805,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Language - Thesaurus</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Language - Thesaurus</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -7853,7 +7853,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"passwort\">Choose <emph>Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - %PRODUCTNAME Basic</emph>, click the <emph>Organizer</emph> button, click the <emph>Libraries</emph> tab, and then click the <emph>Password</emph> button.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"passwort\">Choose <emph>Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - %PRODUCTNAME Basic</emph>,<br/>click the <emph>Organizer</emph> button,<br/>click the <emph>Libraries</emph> tab,<br/>and then click the <emph>Password</emph> button.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8037,7 +8037,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Path selection button in various wizards"
+msgid "Path selection button in various wizards."
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8045,7 +8045,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click <emph>Edit</emph> button for a few entries under <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - Paths</emph>"
+msgid "Click <emph>Edit</emph> button for a few entries under <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - Paths</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8245,7 +8245,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"etsofi\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save</emph> - <emph>VBA Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"etsofi\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save - VBA Properties</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8253,7 +8253,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"etsofi2\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save</emph> - <emph>Microsoft Office</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"etsofi2\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save - Microsoft Office</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8261,7 +8261,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"html\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save</emph> - <emph>HTML Compatibility</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"html\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save - HTML Compatibility</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8301,7 +8301,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language Settings - Writing Aids</emph>, in the <emph>Available language modules</emph> list, select one of the language modules and then click <emph>Edit</emph>."
+msgid "Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language Settings - Writing Aids</emph>,<br/>in the <emph>Available language modules</emph> list, select one of the language modules and then click <emph>Edit</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8389,7 +8389,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"layout\">Open a text document, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web</emph> - <emph>View</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"layout\">Open a text document, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web - View</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8397,7 +8397,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"registerschattencursor\">Open a text document, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web</emph> - <emph>Formatting Aids</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"registerschattencursor\">Open a text document, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web - Formatting Aids</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8429,7 +8429,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"drucken1\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/ %PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web</emph> - <emph>Print</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"drucken1\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web - Print</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8677,7 +8677,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"window\">Choose <emph>Window - New Window</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"window\">Choose <emph>Window - New Window</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000407.xhp
@@ -8685,7 +8685,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"liste\">Choose <emph>Window</emph> - List of open documents</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"liste\">Choose <emph>Window - List of open documents</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000408.xhp
@@ -8709,7 +8709,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"content\">Choose <emph>Help - %PRODUCTNAME Help</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"content\">Choose <emph>Help - %PRODUCTNAME Help</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000408.xhp
@@ -8717,7 +8717,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"infoanwendung\">Choose <emph>Help - About </emph><emph>%PRODUCTNAME</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"infoanwendung\">Choose <emph>Help - About %PRODUCTNAME</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000408.xhp
@@ -8733,7 +8733,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Help - Registration</emph> (this is a direct link to an external website)"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Help - Registration</emph>. This is a direct link to an external website."
msgstr ""
#: 00000409.xhp
@@ -8757,7 +8757,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Data - Filter - Standard Filter</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Data - Filter - Standard Filter</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000409.xhp
@@ -8765,7 +8765,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Database table view: <emph>Standard Filter</emph> icon in the <emph>Database</emph> Toolbar"
+msgid "Database table view: <emph>Standard Filter</emph> icon in the <emph>Database</emph> toolbar."
msgstr ""
#: 00000409.xhp
@@ -8773,7 +8773,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Form view: <emph>Standard Filter</emph> icon in the <emph>Form</emph> Bar"
+msgid "Form view: <emph>Standard Filter</emph> icon in the <emph>Form</emph> bar."
msgstr ""
#: 00000409.xhp
@@ -8813,7 +8813,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"DBTab\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - Table Filter</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"DBTab\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - Table Filter</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -8829,7 +8829,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Typ\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties - Advanced Settings</emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Typ\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties - Advanced Settings</emph> tab.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -8837,7 +8837,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Datenquelle\">In a database file window of type ODBC or Address book, choose Edit - Database - Connection Type</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Datenquelle\">In a database file window of type <emph>ODBC</emph> or <emph>Address book</emph>,<br/>choose <emph>Edit - Database - Connection Type</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -8845,7 +8845,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Verzeichnis\">Path selection button in various Wizards / <emph>Edit</emph> Buttons for some entries in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - Paths</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Verzeichnis\"><emph>Path</emph> selection button in various wizards / <emph>Edit</emph> buttons for some entries in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - Paths</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -8853,7 +8853,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"ODBC\">In a database file window of type ODBC, choose Edit - Database - Connection Type</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"ODBC\">In a database file window of type <emph>ODBC</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Connection Type</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -8861,7 +8861,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"ldap\">In a database file window of type Address book - LDAP, choose Edit - Database - Properties</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"ldap\">In a database file window of type <emph>Address book - LDAP</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -8869,7 +8869,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"JDBC\">In a database file window of type JDBC, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"JDBC\">In a database file window of type <emph>JDBC</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -8877,7 +8877,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"mysql\">In a database file window of type MySQL, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"mysql\">In a database file window of type <emph>MySQL</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -8885,7 +8885,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dBase\">In a database file window of type dBASE, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dBase\">In a database file window of type <emph>dBASE</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -8893,7 +8893,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dBasein\">In a database file window of type dBASE, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>, click <emph>Indexes</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dBasein\">In a database file window of type <emph>dBASE</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>, click <emph>Indexes</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -8901,7 +8901,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Text\">In a database file window of type Text, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Text\">In a database file window of type <emph>Text</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -8909,7 +8909,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"ADO\">In a database file window of type MS ADO, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"ADO\">In a database file window of type <emph>MS ADO</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -8917,7 +8917,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"SQLStatement\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - SQL</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"SQLStatement\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - SQL</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -8925,7 +8925,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Abfragen\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Abfragen\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -8933,7 +8933,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Tabellen\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Tables</emph> icon</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Tabellen\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Tables</emph> icon.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -8941,7 +8941,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"tabellenentwurf\">In a database file window, click the Tables icon. Choose Insert -<emph> Table Design</emph> or <emph>Edit - Edit</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"tabellenentwurf\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Tables</emph> icon. Choose <emph>Insert - Table Design</emph> or <emph>Edit - Edit</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -8949,7 +8949,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"indexentwurf\">In a database file window, click the Tables icon. Choose <emph>Insert - Table Design</emph> or <emph>Edit - Edit</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"indexentwurf\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Tables</emph> icon. Choose <emph>Insert - Table Design</emph> or <emph>Edit - Edit</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -8957,7 +8957,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"AbfrageNeu\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Insert - Query (Design view)</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"AbfrageNeu\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Insert - Query (Design view)</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -8965,7 +8965,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"entwab\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon, then choose <emph>Edit - Edit</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"entwab\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon, then choose <emph>Edit - Edit</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -8973,7 +8973,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"FehlendesElement\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon, then choose <emph>Edit - Edit</emph>. When referenced fields no longer exist, you see this dialog</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"FehlendesElement\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon, then choose <emph>Edit - Edit</emph>.<br/>If the referenced fields no longer exist, you see this dialog.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -9021,7 +9021,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Find Record</emph> icon on the Table Data bar and Form Design bar"
+msgid "<emph>Find Record</emph> icon on the Table Data bar and Form Design bar."
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -9045,7 +9045,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Sort Order</emph> icon on the Table Data bar and Form Design bar"
+msgid "<emph>Sort Order</emph> icon on the Table Data bar and Form Design bar."
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -9069,7 +9069,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"allgemein\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"allgemein\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -9077,7 +9077,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"tabellecopy\">Drag and drop a table or a query into the table part of another database file window</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"tabellecopy\">Drag and drop a table or a query into the table part of another database file window.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -9085,7 +9085,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"formularneu\">In a database file window, choose<emph> Insert - Form</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"formularneu\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Insert - Form</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -9093,7 +9093,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"benutzereinstellungen\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"benutzereinstellungen\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -9101,7 +9101,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"relationen\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - Relationships</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"relationen\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - Relationships</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00040500.xhp
diff --git a/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po b/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po
index ae74c0fe121..7eafff3d626 100644
--- a/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po
+++ b/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 22:52+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-12-22 13:30+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">If you want to create a document from a template, choose <emph>New - Templates.</emph></ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">If you want to create a document from a template, choose <emph>New - Templates</emph>.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Creates a new text document ($[officename] Writer)."
+msgid "Creates a new text document in $[officename] Writer."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Creates a new spreadsheet document ($[officename] Calc)."
+msgid "Creates a new spreadsheet document in $[officename] Calc."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Creates a new presentation document ($[officename] Impress)."
+msgid "Creates a new presentation document in $[officename] Impress."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Creates a new drawing document ($[officename] Draw)."
+msgid "Creates a new drawing document in $[officename] Draw."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/dabawiz00.xhp\">Database Wizard</link> to create a <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/dabadoc.xhp\">database file</link>."
+msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/dabawiz00.xhp\"><emph>Database Wizard</emph></link> to create a <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/dabadoc.xhp\"><emph>database file</emph></link>."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Creates a new formula document ($[officename] Math)."
+msgid "Creates a new formula document in $[officename] Math."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01010200.xhp\" name=\"Labels\">Labels</link> dialog where you can set the options for your labels, and then creates a new text document for the labels ($[officename] Writer)."
+msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01010200.xhp\" name=\"Labels\"><emph>Labels</emph></link> dialog where you can set the options for your labels, and then creates a new text document for the labels in $[officename] Writer."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01010300.xhp\" name=\"Business Cards\">Business Cards</link> dialog where you can set the options for your business cards, and then creates a new text document ($[officename] Writer)."
+msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01010300.xhp\" name=\"Business Cards\"><emph>Business Cards</emph></link> dialog where you can set the options for your business cards, and then creates a new text document in $[officename] Writer."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new text document ($[officename] Writer).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new text document in $[officename] Writer.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new spreadsheet document ($[officename] Calc).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new spreadsheet document in $[officename] Calc.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new presentation document ($[officename] Impress).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new presentation document in $[officename] Impress.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new drawing document ($[officename] Draw).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new drawing document in $[officename] Draw.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the Database Wizard to create a database file.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the <emph>Database Wizard</emph> to create a database file.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new formula document ($[officename] Math).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new formula document in $[officename] Math.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the Labels dialog where you can set the options for your labels, and then creates a new text document for the labels ($[officename] Writer).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the <emph>Labels</emph> dialog where you can set the options for your labels, and then creates a new text document for the labels in $[officename] Writer.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the Business Cards dialog where you can set the options for your business cards, and then creates a new text document ($[officename] Writer).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the <emph>Business Cards</emph> dialog where you can set the options for your business cards, and then creates a new text document in $[officename] Writer.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use a <emph>Master Document</emph> to organize complex projects, such as a book. <ahelp hid=\".\">A <emph>Master Document</emph> can contain the individual files for each chapter of a book, as well as a table of contents, and an index.</ahelp>"
+msgid "Use a master document to organize complex projects, such as a book. <ahelp hid=\".\">A master document can contain the individual files for each chapter of a book, as well as a table of contents, and an index.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010001.xhp
@@ -509,8 +509,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"Navigator for Master Documents\">Navigator for Master Documents</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/shared/01/06140500.xhp\" name=\"Events\">أحداث</link>"
+msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"Navigator for Master Documents\"><emph>Navigator for Master Documents</emph></link>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"etikett\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertLabels\">Allows you to create labels. Labels are created in a text document.</ahelp> You can print labels using a pre-defined or a custom paper format. </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"etikett\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertLabels\">Allows you to create labels. Labels are created in a text document.</ahelp> You can print labels using a predefined or a custom paper format.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010200.xhp
@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/cardmediumpage/database\">Select the database that you want to use as the data source for your label. </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/cardmediumpage/database\">Select the database that you want to use as the data source for your label.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010201.xhp
@@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The name of the database field is bounded by brackets in the <emph>Label text</emph> box. If you want, you can separate database fields with spaces. Press Enter to insert a database field on a new line."
+msgid "The name of the database field is bounded by brackets in the <emph>Label text</emph> box. If you want, you can separate database fields with spaces. Press <emph>Enter</emph> to insert a database field on a new line."
msgstr ""
#: 01010201.xhp
@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can select a pre-defined size format for your label or a size format that you specify on the <emph>Format </emph>tab."
+msgid "You can select a predefined size format for your label or a size format that you specify on the <emph>Format</emph> tab."
msgstr ""
#: 01010201.xhp
@@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/labeloptionspage/synchronize\">Allows you to edit a single label or business card and updates the contents of the remaining labels or business cards on the page when you click the <emph>Synchronize Labels </emph>button.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/labeloptionspage/synchronize\">Allows you to edit a single label or business card and updates the contents of the remaining labels or business cards on the page when you click the <emph>Synchronize Labels</emph> button.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010203.xhp
@@ -1125,7 +1125,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Synchronize labels </emph>button only appears in your document if you selected the <emph>Synchronize contents </emph>on the<emph> Options tab </emph>when you created the labels or business cards."
+msgid "The <emph>Synchronize labels</emph> button only appears in your document if you have selected the <emph>Synchronize contents</emph> on the <emph>Options</emph> tab when you created the labels or business cards."
msgstr ""
#: 01010203.xhp
@@ -1165,7 +1165,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/labeloptionspage/setup\">Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01140000.xhp\" name=\"Printer Setup\">Printer Setup</link> dialog.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/labeloptionspage/setup\">Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01140000.xhp\" name=\"Printer Setup\"><emph>Printer Setup</emph></link> dialog.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010300.xhp
@@ -1733,7 +1733,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If the file that you want to open contains Styles, <link href=\"text/shared/01/01020000.xhp#vorlagen\" name=\"special rules\">special rules</link> apply."
+msgid "If the file that you want to open contains styles, <link href=\"text/shared/01/01020000.xhp#vorlagen\" name=\"special rules\">special rules</link> apply."
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -1789,7 +1789,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To open more than one document at the same time, each in an own window, hold <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command </caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> while you click the files, and then click <emph>Open</emph>."
+msgid "To open more than one document at the same time, each in an own window, hold <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> while you click the files, and then click <emph>Open</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"fpicker/ui/explorerfiledialog/file_name\">Enter a file name or a path for the file. You can also enter a <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#url\" name=\"URL\">URL</link> that starts with the protocol name ftp, http, or https.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"fpicker/ui/explorerfiledialog/file_name\">Enter a file name or a path for the file. You can also enter an <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#url\" name=\"URL\"><emph>URL</emph></link> that starts with the protocol name <emph>ftp</emph>, <emph>http</emph>, or <emph>https</emph>.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -1861,7 +1861,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you want, you can use wildcards in the <emph>File name </emph>box to filter the list of files that is displayed."
+msgid "If you want, you can use wildcards in the <emph>File name</emph> box to filter the list of files that is displayed."
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -1869,7 +1869,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"> </caseinline><defaultinline>For example, to list all of the text files in a folder, enter the asterisk wildcard with the text file extension (*.txt), and then click<emph> Open</emph>. Use the question mark (?) wildcard to represent any character, as in (??3*.txt), which only displays text files with a '3' as the third character in the file name.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>For example, to list all of the text files in a folder, enter the asterisk wildcard with the text file extension (<emph>*.txt</emph>), and then click <emph>Open</emph>. Use the question mark (<emph>?</emph>) wildcard to represent any character, as in <emph>??3*.txt</emph>, which only displays text files with a '<emph>3</emph>' as the third character in the file name.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -1989,7 +1989,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "the shared template folder"
+msgid "In the <emph>shared template</emph> folder,"
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -1997,7 +1997,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "the user template folder <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"UNIX\">in the home directory </caseinline><defaultinline>in the Documents and Settings folder</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "- the <emph>user template</emph> folder, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"UNIX\">- the <emph>home directory</emph> folder, </caseinline> <defaultinline> - the <emph>Documents and Settings</emph> folder </defaultinline> </switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -2005,7 +2005,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "all template folders as defined in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010300.xhp\" name=\"%PRODUCTNAME - Paths\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Paths</emph></link>"
+msgid "and all template folders as defined in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010300.xhp\" name=\"%PRODUCTNAME - Paths\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Paths</emph></link>."
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -2013,7 +2013,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you use <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Templates - Save as Template</item> to save a template, the template will be stored in your user template folder. When you open a document that is based on such a template, the document will be checked for a changed template as described below. The template is associated with the document, it may be called a \"sticky template\"."
+msgid "When you use <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Templates - Save as Template</item> to save a template, the template will be stored in your <emph>user template</emph> folder. When you open a document that is based on such a template, the document will be checked for a changed template as described below. The template is associated with the document, it may be called a \"sticky template\"."
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -2021,7 +2021,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you use <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save As</item> and select a template filter to save a template at any other folder that is not in the list, then the documents based on that template will not be checked."
+msgid "When you use <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save As</item> and select a template filter to save a template at any other folder that is <emph>not</emph> in the list, then the documents based on that template will <emph>not</emph> be checked."
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -2093,7 +2093,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>remote file;open</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>open;remote file</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>remote file; open</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>open; remote file</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 01020001.xhp
@@ -2117,7 +2117,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Open Remote..</item>"
+msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Open Remote...</item> ."
msgstr ""
#: 01020001.xhp
@@ -2125,7 +2125,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click the <emph>Remote Files</emph> button in the <emph>Start Center</emph>"
+msgid "Click the <emph>Remote Files</emph> button in the <emph>Start Center</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01020001.xhp
@@ -2133,7 +2133,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Long click on the <emph>Open</emph> icon and select <emph>Open Remote Files...</emph>"
+msgid "Long-click on the <emph>Open</emph> icon and select <emph>Open Remote Files...</emph> ."
msgstr ""
#: 01020001.xhp
@@ -2141,7 +2141,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "A remote file server is web service that stores documents with or without checkin, checkout, version controls and backups."
+msgid "A <emph>remote file server</emph> is a <emph>web service</emph> that stores documents with or without checkin, checkout, version controls and backups."
msgstr ""
#: 01020001.xhp
@@ -2213,7 +2213,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link name=\"Open Dialog\" href=\"text/shared/01/01020000.xhp\"><emph>Open</emph> Dialog</link>"
+msgid "<link name=\"Open Dialog\" href=\"text/shared/01/01020000.xhp\">Open dialog</link>"
msgstr ""
#: 01020103.xhp
@@ -2277,7 +2277,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Ensure that the file extension corresponds to the file type of the document. For example, a Microsoft Word document must have a (*.doc) extension for $[officename] to use the appropriate filter."
+msgid "Ensure that the file extension corresponds to the file type of the document. For example, a Microsoft Word document must have a <emph>*.doc</emph> or <emph>*.docx</emph> extension for $[officename] to use the appropriate filter."
msgstr ""
#: 01020103.xhp
@@ -2325,7 +2325,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Close </emph>command closes all of the open windows for the current document."
+msgid "The <emph>Close</emph> command closes all of the open windows for the current document."
msgstr ""
#: 01050000.xhp
@@ -2333,7 +2333,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you have made changes to the current document, you are prompted if you want to <link href=\"text/shared/01/01060000.xhp\" name=\"save\">save</link> your changes."
+msgid "If you have made changes to the current document, you are prompted if you want to <link href=\"text/shared/01/01060000.xhp\" name=\"save\"><emph>save</emph></link> your changes."
msgstr ""
#: 01050000.xhp
@@ -2341,7 +2341,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you close the last open document window, you see the <link href=\"text/shared/guide/startcenter.xhp\">Start Center</link>."
+msgid "When you close the last open document window, you see the <link href=\"text/shared/guide/startcenter.xhp\"><emph>Start Center</emph></link>."
msgstr ""
#: 01050000.xhp
@@ -2389,7 +2389,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you edit an AutoText entry, this command changes to <emph>Save AutoText</emph>."
+msgid "When you edit an <emph>AutoText</emph> entry, this command changes to <emph>Save AutoText</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01060001.xhp
@@ -2405,7 +2405,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>remote file;save</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>save;remote file</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>remote file; save</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>save; remote file</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 01060001.xhp
@@ -2429,7 +2429,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save Remote..</item>"
+msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save Remote...</item> ."
msgstr ""
#: 01060001.xhp
@@ -2437,7 +2437,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Long click on the <emph>Save</emph> icon and select <emph>Save Remote Files...</emph>"
+msgid "Long-click on the <emph>Save</emph> icon and select <emph>Save Remote Files...</emph> ."
msgstr ""
#: 01060001.xhp
@@ -2469,7 +2469,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>save;save a copy</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>save a copy</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>save; save a copy</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>save a copy</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 01060002.xhp
@@ -2485,7 +2485,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"saveacopy1\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:SaveACopy\">Save a copy of the actual document with another name or location.</ahelp></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"saveacopy1\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:SaveACopy\">Saves a copy of the actual document with another name or location.</ahelp></variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 01060002.xhp
@@ -2493,7 +2493,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save a Copy</item>"
+msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save a Copy</item>."
msgstr ""
#: 01060002.xhp
@@ -2565,7 +2565,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The following sections describe the <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> <emph>Save as</emph> dialog. To activate the <emph><item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> Open</emph> and <emph>Save</emph> dialog boxes, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010600.xhp\" name=\"%PRODUCTNAME - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME- General</emph></link>, and then select the <emph>Use %PRODUCTNAME dialogs</emph> in the <emph>Open/Save dialogs</emph> area."
+msgid "The following sections describe the <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> <emph>Save as</emph> dialog. To activate the <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> <emph>Open</emph> and <emph>Save</emph> dialog boxes, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010600.xhp\" name=\"%PRODUCTNAME - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME- General</emph></link>, and then select the <emph>Use %PRODUCTNAME dialogs</emph> in the <emph>Open/Save dialogs</emph> area."
msgstr ""
#: 01070000.xhp
@@ -2821,7 +2821,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The following sections describe the <emph>$[officename] Export</emph> dialog box. To activate the <emph>$[officename] Open</emph> and <emph>Save</emph> dialog boxes, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010600.xhp\" name=\"$[officename] - General\"><emph>$[officename] - General</emph></link>, and then select the <emph>Use $[officename] dialogs</emph> in the <emph>Open/Save dialogs</emph> area."
+msgid "The following sections describe the <emph>$[officename] Export</emph> dialog box. To activate the $[officename] <emph>Open</emph> and <emph>Save</emph> dialog boxes, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010600.xhp\" name=\"$[officename] - General\"><emph>$[officename] - General</emph></link>, and then select the <emph>Use $[officename] dialogs</emph> in the <emph>Open/Save dialogs</emph> area."
msgstr ""
#: 01070001.xhp
@@ -2885,7 +2885,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>export as;PDF</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>export as;EPUB</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>Export as; PDF</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>Export as; EPUB</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 01070002.xhp
@@ -2901,7 +2901,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"exportas1\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Export the document in PDF or EPUB formats</ahelp></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"exportas1\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Export the document in PDF or EPUB formats.</ahelp></variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 01070002.xhp
@@ -2909,7 +2909,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As...</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As...</emph> ."
msgstr ""
#: 01070002.xhp
@@ -3085,7 +3085,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>version numbers of documents</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>documents; version numbers</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>files; version numbers</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>editing time of documents</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>documents; editing time</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>version numbers of documents</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>documents; version numbers</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>files; version numbers</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>editing time of documents</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>documents; editing time</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 01100200.xhp
@@ -3245,7 +3245,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/digitalsignatures.xhp\">Digital Signatures</link> dialog where you can manage digital signatures for the current document."
+msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/digitalsignatures.xhp\"><emph>Digital Signatures</emph></link> dialog where you can manage digital signatures for the current document."
msgstr ""
#: 01100200.xhp
@@ -3453,7 +3453,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of tables in the file.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Number of sheets in the file.</caseinline></switchinline> This statistic does not include tables that were inserted as <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\">OLE</link> objects."
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of tables in the file.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Number of sheets in the file.</caseinline></switchinline> This statistic <emph>does not</emph> include tables that were inserted as <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\"><emph>OLE</emph></link> objects."
msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
@@ -3501,7 +3501,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of images in the file. This statistic does not include images that were inserted as <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\">OLE</link> objects.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of images in the file. This statistic <emph>does not</emph> include images that were inserted as <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\"><emph>OLE</emph></link> objects.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
@@ -3517,7 +3517,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\">OLE</link> objects in the file, including tables and graphics that were inserted as OLE objects.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\"><emph>OLE</emph></link> objects in the file, <emph>including</emph> tables and graphics that were inserted as OLE objects.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
@@ -3533,7 +3533,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of paragraphs (including blank paragraphs) in the file.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of paragraphs, including blank paragraphs, in the file.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
@@ -3549,7 +3549,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of words (including words consisting of a single character) in the file.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of words, including words consisting of a single character, in the file.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
@@ -3565,7 +3565,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of characters (including spaces) in the file. Non-printable characters are not included.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of characters, including spaces, in the file. Non-printable characters are not included.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
@@ -3725,7 +3725,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select <emph>File - Templates</emph>"
+msgid "Select <emph>File - Templates</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01110101.xhp
@@ -3757,7 +3757,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Address Book Source</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Address Book Source</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01110101.xhp
@@ -3821,7 +3821,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svt/ui/addresstemplatedialog/admin\">Add a new data source to the <emph>Address Book Source </emph>list.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svt/ui/addresstemplatedialog/admin\">Add a new data source to the <emph>Address Book Source</emph> list.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01110101.xhp
@@ -3885,7 +3885,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select <emph>File - Templates - Save as Template</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Templates - Save as Template</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01110300.xhp
@@ -3965,7 +3965,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select <emph>File - Templates - Open Template</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Templates - Open Template</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01130000.xhp
@@ -10189,7 +10189,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>hotspots;properties</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>properties;hotspots</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ImageMap;hotspot properties</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>hotspots; properties</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>properties; hotspots</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>ImageMap; hotspot properties</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 02220100.xhp
@@ -10253,7 +10253,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/cuiimapdlg/textentry\">Enter the text that you want to display when the mouse rests on the hotspot in a browser.</ahelp> If you do not enter any text, the <emph>Address </emph>is displayed."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/cuiimapdlg/textentry\">Enter the text that you want to display when the mouse rests on the hotspot in a browser.</ahelp> If you do not enter any text, the <emph>Address</emph> is displayed."
msgstr ""
#: 02220100.xhp
@@ -10373,7 +10373,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Tracks each change that is made in the current document by author and date. </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Tracks each change that is made in the current document by author and date.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10381,7 +10381,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph>, the lines containing changed text passages are indicated by a vertical line in the left page margin. You can set the properties of the vertical line and the other markup elements by choosing <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040700.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Changes</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph>, the lines containing changed text passages are indicated by a vertical line in the left page margin. You can set the properties of the vertical line and the other markup elements by choosing <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040700.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Changes</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10389,7 +10389,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">You can set the properties of the markup elements by choosing <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Calc - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Calc - Changes</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">You can set the properties of the markup elements by choosing <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Calc - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Calc - Changes</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10405,7 +10405,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Paste and delete text"
+msgid "Paste and delete text."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10413,7 +10413,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Move paragraphs"
+msgid "Move paragraphs."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10421,7 +10421,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Sort text"
+msgid "Sort text."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10429,7 +10429,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Find and replace text"
+msgid "Find and replace text."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10445,7 +10445,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert sheets, ranges"
+msgid "Insert sheets, ranges."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10453,7 +10453,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert document"
+msgid "Insert document."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10461,7 +10461,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert AutoText"
+msgid "Insert AutoText."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10469,7 +10469,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert from clipboard"
+msgid "Insert from clipboard."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10477,7 +10477,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Change cell contents by insertions and deletions"
+msgid "Change cell contents by insertions and deletions."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10485,7 +10485,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert or delete columns and rows"
+msgid "Insert or delete columns and rows."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10493,7 +10493,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert sheets"
+msgid "Insert sheets."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10501,7 +10501,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Cut, copy and paste through the clipboard"
+msgid "Cut, copy and paste through the clipboard."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10509,7 +10509,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Move by dragging and dropping"
+msgid "Move by dragging and dropping."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10581,7 +10581,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can change the display properties of the markup elements by choosing <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Changes</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Calc - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Calc - Changes</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "You can change the display properties of the markup elements by choosing <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Changes</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Calc - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Calc - Changes</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230200.xhp
@@ -10629,7 +10629,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Show rejected changes </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Show rejected changes</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230200.xhp
@@ -10677,7 +10677,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can attach a comment when <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">the cursor is in a changed text passage </caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">the changed cell is selected</caseinline></switchinline>, or in the <emph>Manage Changes</emph> dialog."
+msgid "You can attach a comment when <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">the cursor is in a changed text passage</caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">the changed cell is selected</caseinline></switchinline>, or in the <emph>Manage Changes</emph> dialog."
msgstr ""
#: 02230300.xhp
@@ -10685,7 +10685,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Comments are displayed as callouts in the sheet when you rest your mouse pointer over a cell with a recorded change. You can also view comments that are attached to a changed cell in the changes list in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/02230400.xhp\" name=\"Manage Changes\"><emph>Manage Changes</emph></link> dialog. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Comments are displayed as callouts in the sheet when you rest your mouse pointer over a cell with a recorded change. You can also view comments that are attached to a changed cell in the changes list in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/02230400.xhp\" name=\"Manage Changes\"><emph>Manage Changes</emph></link> dialog.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230400.xhp
@@ -10741,7 +10741,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>List </emph>tab displays all of the changes that were recorded in the current document. If you want to filter this list, click the <emph>Filter </emph>tab, and then select your <link href=\"text/shared/01/02230402.xhp\" name=\"filter criteria\">filter criteria</link>.<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"> If the list contains nested changes, the dependencies are shown regardless of the filter. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "The <emph>List</emph> tab displays all of the changes that were recorded in the current document. If you want to filter this list, click the <emph>Filter</emph> tab, and then select your <link href=\"text/shared/01/02230402.xhp\" name=\"filter criteria\">filter criteria</link>.<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"> If the list contains nested changes, the dependencies are shown regardless of the filter.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -10749,7 +10749,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Nested changes occur where changes made by different authors overlap. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Nested changes occur where changes made by different authors overlap.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -10757,7 +10757,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Click the plus sign beside an entry in the list to view all of the changes that were recorded for a cell. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Click the <emph>plus</emph> sign beside an entry in the list to view all of the changes that were recorded for a cell.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -10765,7 +10765,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">If one of the nested changes for a cell matches a filter criterion, all of the changes for the cell are displayed. When you filter the change list, the entries in the list appear in different colors according to the following table: </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">If one of the nested changes for a cell matches a filter criterion, all of the changes for the cell are displayed. When you filter the change list, the entries in the list appear in different colors according to the following table:</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -10861,7 +10861,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/redlineviewpage/changes\">Lists the changes that were recorded in the document. When you select an entry in the list, the change is highlighted in the document. To sort the list, click a column heading. </ahelp> Hold down <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> while you click to select multiple entries in the list."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/redlineviewpage/changes\">Lists the changes that were recorded in the document. When you select an entry in the list, the change is highlighted in the document. To sort the list, click a column heading.</ahelp> Hold down <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> while you click to select multiple entries in the list."
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -10869,7 +10869,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To edit the comment for an entry in the list, right-click the entry, and then choose<emph> Edit - Comment</emph>."
+msgid "To edit the comment for an entry in the list, right-click the entry, and then choose <emph>Edit - Comment</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -10901,7 +10901,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Position </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Position</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -10909,7 +10909,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Lists the cells with contents that were changed. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Lists the cells with contents that were changed.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -11029,7 +11029,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To reverse the acceptance or rejection of a change, choose <emph>Undo </emph>on the <emph>Edit </emph>menu."
+msgid "To reverse the acceptance or rejection of a change, choose <emph>Undo</emph> on the <emph>Edit</emph> menu."
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -11037,7 +11037,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Undo </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Undo</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -11045,7 +11045,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you made changes by choosing <emph>Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply and Edit Changes</emph>, the <emph>Undo</emph> button appears in the dialog.<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog/undo\"> Reverse the last Accept or Reject command.</ahelp></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you made changes by choosing <emph>Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply and Edit Changes</emph>, the <emph>Undo</emph> button appears in the dialog. <ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog/undo\">Reverse the last Accept or Reject command.</ahelp></caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -11117,7 +11117,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog/writerauthor\">Sorts the list according to the Author.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog/writerauthor\">Sorts the list according to the author.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -11253,7 +11253,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Range </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Range</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
@@ -11261,7 +11261,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Filters the list of changes according to the range of cells that you specify. To select a range of cells in your sheet, click the <emph>Set Reference </emph>button (<emph>...</emph>).</ahelp></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Filters the list of changes according to the range of cells that you specify. To select a range of cells in your sheet, click the <emph>Set Reference</emph> button (<emph>...</emph>).</ahelp></caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
@@ -11277,7 +11277,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Set Reference </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Set Reference</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
@@ -11301,7 +11301,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Shrink/Max </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Shrink/Max</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
@@ -11325,7 +11325,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Action </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Action</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
@@ -11349,7 +11349,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Filters the comments of the changes according to the keyword(s) that you enter. </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Filters the comments of the changes according to the keyword(s) that you enter.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
@@ -11509,7 +11509,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Type the number of the record that you want to display, and then press Enter.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Type the number of the record that you want to display, and then press <emph>Enter</emph>.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 02250000.xhp
@@ -11525,7 +11525,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_GRID_TRAVEL_NEW\" visibility=\"hidden\">Inserts a new record into the current table.</ahelp> To create a record, click the asterisk (*) button at the bottom of the table view. An empty row is added at the end of the table."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_GRID_TRAVEL_NEW\" visibility=\"hidden\">Inserts a new record into the current table.</ahelp> To create a record, click the asterisk (<emph>*</emph>) button at the bottom of the table view. An empty row is added at the end of the table."
msgstr ""
#: 02250000.xhp
@@ -11581,7 +11581,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Bib/query\">Type the information that you want to search for, and then press Enter. To change the filter options for the search, long-click the <emph>AutoFilter</emph> icon, and then select a different data field. You can use wildcards such as % or * for any number of characters, and _ or ? for one character in your search. To display all of the records in the table, clear this box, and then press Enter. </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Bib/query\">Type the information that you want to search for, and then press <emph>Enter</emph>. To change the filter options for the search, long-click the <emph>AutoFilter</emph> icon, and then select a different data field. You can use wildcards such as <emph>%</emph> or <emph>*</emph> for any number of characters, and <emph>_</emph> or <emph>?</emph> for one character in your search. To display all of the records in the table, clear this box, and then press <emph>Enter</emph>. </ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 02250000.xhp
@@ -11613,7 +11613,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>Standard Filter</emph> to refine and to combine <emph>AutoFilter </emph>search options.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>Standard Filter</emph> to refine and to combine <emph>AutoFilter</emph> search options.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 02250000.xhp
@@ -11677,7 +11677,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Bib/Mapping\">Lets you map the column headings to data fields from a different data source. To define a different data source for your bibliography, click the<emph> Data Source</emph> button on the record<emph> Object Bar</emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Bib/Mapping\">Lets you map the column headings to data fields from a different data source. To define a different data source for your bibliography, click the <emph>Data Source</emph> button on the record's <emph>Object</emph> bar.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 02250000.xhp
@@ -11957,7 +11957,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:FunctionBarVisible\">Shows or hides the <emph>Standard Bar</emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:FunctionBarVisible\">Shows or hides the <emph>Standard</emph> bar.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 03040000.xhp
@@ -11989,7 +11989,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the Input Method Engine (IME) status window.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the <emph>Input Method Engine</emph> (IME) status window.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 03040000.xhp
@@ -11997,7 +11997,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Currently only the Internet/Intranet Input Method Protocol (IIIMP) under Unix is supported."
+msgid "Currently only the <emph>Internet/Intranet Input Method Protocol</emph> (IIIMP) under Unix is supported."
msgstr ""
#: 03050000.xhp
@@ -12029,7 +12029,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ToolBarVisible\">Shows or hides the <emph>Tools bar</emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ToolBarVisible\">Shows or hides the <emph>Tools</emph> bar.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 03060000.xhp
@@ -12061,7 +12061,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the <emph>Status Bar</emph> at the bottom edge of the window.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the <emph>Status</emph> bar at the bottom edge of the window.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 03110000.xhp
@@ -12093,7 +12093,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the menus and toolbars in Writer or Calc. To exit the full screen mode, click the <emph>Full Screen</emph> button or press the Esc key.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the menus and toolbars in Writer or Calc. To exit the full screen mode, click the <emph>Full Screen</emph> button or press the <emph>Esc</emph> key.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 03110000.xhp
@@ -12101,7 +12101,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_FULLSCREENTOOLBOX\">In Writer and Calc, you can also use the shortcut keys <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+J to switch between the normal and full screen mode.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_FULLSCREENTOOLBOX\">In Writer and Calc, you can also use the shortcut keys <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>J</emph> to switch between the normal and full screen mode.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 03110000.xhp
@@ -12109,7 +12109,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can still use shortcut keys in <emph>Full Screen</emph> mode, even though the menus are unavailable. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">To open the <emph>View</emph> menu, press Alt+V. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "You can still use shortcut keys in <emph>Full Screen</emph> mode, even though the menus are unavailable. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">To open the <emph>View</emph> menu, press <emph>Alt</emph>+<emph>V</emph>.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 03170000.xhp
@@ -12141,7 +12141,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ColorControl\">Show or hides the <emph>Color Bar</emph>. To modify or change the color table that is displayed, choose <emph>Format - Area</emph>, and then click on the <emph>Colors</emph> tab.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ColorControl\">Show or hides the <emph>Color</emph> bar. To modify or change the color table that is displayed, choose <emph>Format - Area</emph>, and then click on the <emph>Colors</emph> tab.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 03170000.xhp
@@ -12157,7 +12157,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can also drag a color from the <emph>Color Bar</emph> and drop it on a draw object on your slide."
+msgid "You can also drag a color from the <emph>Color</emph> bar and drop it on a draw object on your slide."
msgstr ""
#: 03170000.xhp
@@ -12165,7 +12165,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To detach the <emph>Color Bar</emph>, click on a gray area of the toolbar and then drag. To reattach the <emph>Color Bar</emph>, drag the title bar of the toolbar to the edge of the window."
+msgid "To detach the <emph>Color</emph> bar, click on a gray area of the toolbar and then drag. To reattach the <emph>Color</emph> bar, drag the title bar of the toolbar to the edge of the window."
msgstr ""
#: 03990000.xhp
@@ -12613,7 +12613,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"sonder\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Allows a user to insert characters from the range of symbols found in the installed fonts.</ahelp> </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"sonder\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Allows a user to insert characters from the range of symbols found in the installed fonts.</ahelp></variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 04100000.xhp
@@ -12621,7 +12621,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you click a character in the <emph>Special Characters </emph>dialog, a preview and the corresponding numerical code for the character is displayed."
+msgid "When you click a character in the <emph>Special Characters</emph> dialog, a preview and the corresponding numerical code for the character is displayed."
msgstr ""
#: 04100000.xhp
@@ -13325,7 +13325,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To enable support for complex text layout and Asian character sets, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language Settings - Languages</emph>, and then select the <emph>Enabled </emph>box in the corresponding area."
+msgid "To enable support for complex text layout and Asian character sets, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language Settings - Languages</emph>, and then select the <emph>Enabled</emph> box in the corresponding area."
msgstr ""
#: 05020100.xhp
@@ -13389,7 +13389,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you are creating a Style that is based on another Style, you can enter a percentage value or a point value (for example, -2pt or +5pt)."
+msgid "If you are creating a style that is based on another style, you can enter a percentage value or a point value (for example, <item type=\"input\">-2pt</item> or <item type=\"input\">+5pt</item>)."
msgstr ""
#: 05020100.xhp
@@ -13421,7 +13421,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For language tag details please see the <link href=\"\"><emph>For users</emph> section on the web site</link>."
+msgid "For language tag details please see the <link href=\"\"><emph>For users</emph> section on the web site</link>."
msgstr ""
#: 05020100.xhp
@@ -13429,7 +13429,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can also change the locale setting for cells (choose <emph>Format - Cells – Numbers</emph>)."
+msgid "You can also change the locale setting for cells (choose <emph>Format - Cells - Numbers</emph>)."
msgstr ""
#: 05020100.xhp
@@ -13461,7 +13461,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>fonts;effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>formatting; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>characters; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>text; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>effects; fonts</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>underlining; text</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>capital letters; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>lowercase letters; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>titles; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>small capitals</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>strikethrough; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>fonts; strikethrough</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>outlines; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>fonts; outlines</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>shadows; characters</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>fonts; shadows</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>fonts;color ignored</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ignored font colors</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>colors;ignored text color</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>fonts; effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>formatting; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>characters; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>text; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>effects; fonts</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>underlining; text</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>capital letters; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>lowercase letters; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>titles; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>small capitals</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>strikethrough; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>fonts; strikethrough</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>outlines; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>fonts; outlines</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>shadows; characters</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>fonts; shadows</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>fonts; color ignored</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>ignored font colors</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>colors; ignored text color</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13493,7 +13493,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/effectspage/fontcolorlb\">Sets the color for the selected text. If you select<emph> Automatic</emph>, the text color is set to black for light backgrounds and to white for dark backgrounds.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/effectspage/fontcolorlb\">Sets the color for the selected text. If you select <emph>Automatic</emph>, the text color is set to black for light backgrounds and to white for dark backgrounds.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13525,7 +13525,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To exit the paint can mode, click once, or press the Escape key."
+msgid "To exit the paint can mode, click once, or press the <emph>Esc</emph> key."
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13533,7 +13533,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The text color is ignored when printing, if the <emph>Print black</emph> check box is selected in <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040400.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Print\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Print</emph></link> in the Options dialog box."
+msgid "The text color is ignored when printing, if the <emph>Print black</emph> check box is selected in <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040400.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Print\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Print</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box."
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13549,7 +13549,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"><variable id=\"textfarbe\">Click to apply the current font color to the selected characters. You can also click here, and then drag a selection to change the text color. Click the arrow next to the icon to open the Font color toolbar.</variable></ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"><variable id=\"textfarbe\">Click to apply the current font color to the selected characters. You can also click here, and then drag a selection to change the text color. Click the arrow next to the icon to open the <emph>Font color</emph> toolbar.</variable></ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13589,7 +13589,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Without - no effect is applied"
+msgid "<emph>Without</emph> - no effect is applied,"
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13597,7 +13597,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Capitals - changes the selected lowercase characters to uppercase characters"
+msgid "<emph>Capitals</emph> - changes the selected lowercase characters to uppercase characters,"
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13605,7 +13605,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Lowercase - changes the selected uppercase characters to lower characters"
+msgid "<emph>Lowercase</emph> - changes the selected uppercase characters to lower characters,"
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13613,7 +13613,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Title font - changes the first character of each selected word to an uppercase character"
+msgid "<emph>Title font</emph> - changes the first character of each selected word to an uppercase character,"
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13621,7 +13621,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Small capitals - changes the selected lowercase characters to uppercase characters, and then reduces their size"
+msgid "<emph>Small capitals</emph> - changes the selected lowercase characters to uppercase characters, and then reduces their size."
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13637,7 +13637,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/effectspage/relieflb\">Select a relief effect to apply to the selected text. The embossed relief makes the characters appear as if they are raised above the page. The engraved relief makes the characters appear as if they are pressed into the page.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/effectspage/relieflb\">Select a <emph>relief</emph> effect to apply to the selected text. The <emph>embossed</emph> relief makes the characters appear as if they are raised above the page. The <emph>engraved</emph> relief makes the characters appear as if they are pressed into the page.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13901,7 +13901,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"zahlen\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:TableNumberFormatDialog\">Specify the formatting options for the selected cell(s).</ahelp> </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"zahlen\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:TableNumberFormatDialog\">Specify the formatting options for the selected cell(s).</ahelp></variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020300.xhp
@@ -13917,7 +13917,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/categorylb\">Select a category from the list, and then select a formatting style in the <emph>Format </emph>box.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/categorylb\">Select a category from the list, and then select a formatting style in the <emph>Format</emph> box.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020300.xhp
@@ -13981,7 +13981,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/languagelb\">Specifies the language setting for the selected <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">cells </caseinline><defaultinline>fields</defaultinline></switchinline>. With the language set to <emph>Automatic</emph>, $[officename] automatically applies the number formats associated with the system default language. Select any language to fix the settings for the selected <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">cells </caseinline><defaultinline>fields</defaultinline></switchinline>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/languagelb\">Specifies the language setting for the selected <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">cells </caseinline><defaultinline>fields</defaultinline></switchinline>. With the language set to <emph>Automatic</emph>, $[officename] automatically applies the number formats associated with the system default language. Select any language to fix the settings for the selected <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">cells</caseinline><defaultinline> fields</defaultinline></switchinline>.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020300.xhp
@@ -14085,7 +14085,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/negnumred\">Changes the font color of negative numbers to red.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/negnumred\">Changes the font color of negative numbers to <emph>red</emph>.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020300.xhp
@@ -14117,7 +14117,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/engineering\">With scientific format, Engineering notation ensures that exponent is a multiple of 3.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/engineering\">With scientific format, <emph>Engineering notation</emph> ensures that exponent is a multiple of 3.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020300.xhp
@@ -14237,7 +14237,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Number format codes can consist of up to four sections separated by a semicolon (;)."
+msgid "Number format codes can consist of up to four sections separated by a semicolon (<emph>;</emph>)."
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -14269,7 +14269,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Fourth section applies if the content is not a value, but some text. Content is represented by an at sign (@)."
+msgid "Fourth section applies if the content is not a value, but some text. Content is represented by an at sign (<emph>@</emph>)."
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -14285,7 +14285,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use zero (0), the number sign (#) or the question mark (?) as placeholders in your number format code to represent numbers. The (#) only displays significant digits, while the (0) displays zeroes if there are fewer digits in the number than in the number format. The (?) works as the (#) but adds a space character to keep decimal alignment if there is a hidden non-significant zero."
+msgid "Use zero (<emph>0</emph>), the number sign (<emph>#</emph>) or the question mark (<emph>?</emph>) as placeholders in your number format code to represent numbers. The <emph>#</emph> only displays significant digits, while the <emph>0</emph> displays zeroes if there are fewer digits in the number than in the number format. The <emph>?</emph> works as the <emph>#</emph> but adds a space character to keep decimal alignment if there is a hidden non-significant zero."
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -14293,7 +14293,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use question marks (?), zeroes (0) or number signs (#) to represent the number of digits to include in the numerator and the denominator of a fraction. Fractions that do not fit the pattern that you define are displayed as floating point numbers."
+msgid "Use question marks (<emph>?</emph>), zeroes (<emph>0</emph>) or number signs (<emph>#</emph>) to represent the number of digits to include in the numerator and the denominator of a fraction. Fractions that do not fit the pattern that you define are displayed as floating point numbers."
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -14525,7 +14525,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To use a character to define the width of a space in a number format, type an underscore ( _ ) followed by the character. The width of the space varies according to the width of the character that you choose. For example, <emph>_M</emph> creates a wider space than <emph>_i</emph>."
+msgid "To use a character to define the width of a space in a number format, type an underscore (<emph>_</emph>) followed by the character. The width of the space varies according to the width of the character that you choose. For example, <emph>_M</emph> creates a wider space than <emph>_i</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -14533,7 +14533,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To fill free space with a given character, use an asterisk (*) followed by this character. For instance:"
+msgid "To fill free space with a given character, use an asterisk (<emph>*</emph>) followed by this character. For instance:"
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -14541,7 +14541,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "will display integer value (0) preceded by as many as needed backslash characters (\\) to fill column width. For accounting representation, you may left align currency symbol with a format similar to:"
+msgid "will display integer value (0) preceded by as many as needed backslash characters (<emph>\\</emph>) to fill column width. For accounting representation, you may left align currency symbol with a format similar to:"
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -14653,7 +14653,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To display numbers as percentages, add the percent sign (%) to the number format."
+msgid "To display numbers as percentages, add the percent sign (<emph>%</emph>) to the number format."
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -15141,7 +15141,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "All date formats are dependent on the locale that is set in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph> </caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language settings - Languages</emph>. For example, if your locale is set to 'Japanese', then the Gengou calendar is used. The default date format in <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> uses the Gregorian Calendar."
+msgid "All date formats are dependent on the locale that is set in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language settings - Languages</emph>. For example, if your locale is set to 'Japanese', then the Gengou calendar is used. The default date format in <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> uses the Gregorian Calendar."
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -15245,7 +15245,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">If you perform a calculation that involves one or more cells using a date format, the result is formatted according to the following mappings: </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">If you perform a calculation that involves one or more cells using a date format, the result is formatted according to the following mappings:</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -15429,7 +15429,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">The Date&Time format displays the date and time that an entry was made to a cell with this format. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">The <emph>Date & Time</emph> format displays the date and time that an entry was made to a cell with this format.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -15453,7 +15453,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To display hours, minutes and seconds use the following number format codes."
+msgid "To display hours, minutes and seconds use the following number format codes:"
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -15589,7 +15589,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To display numbers using native number characters, use a [NatNum1], [NatNum2], ... [NatNum11] modifier at the beginning of a number format codes."
+msgid "To display numbers using native number characters, use a [NatNum1], [NatNum2], ..., [NatNum11] modifier at the beginning of a number format codes."
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -17925,7 +17925,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Rotation / scaling"
+msgid "Rotation/scaling"
msgstr ""
#: 05020500.xhp
@@ -18221,7 +18221,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Set the typographic options for cells or paragraphs in Asian language files. To enable Asian language support, choose <emph>Language Settings - Languages</emph> in the Options dialog box, and then select the <emph>Enabled</emph> box in the <emph>Asian language support</emph> area.</ahelp> The Asian typography options are ignored in HTML documents."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Set the typographic options for cells or paragraphs in Asian language files. To enable Asian language support, choose <emph>Language Settings - Languages</emph> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box, and then select the <emph>Enabled</emph> box in the <emph>Asian language support</emph> area.</ahelp> The Asian typography options are ignored in HTML documents."
msgstr ""
#: 05020700.xhp
@@ -18277,7 +18277,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Apply spacing between Asian and non-Asian text</emph>"
+msgid "Apply spacing between Asian and non-Asian text"
msgstr ""
#: 05020700.xhp
@@ -26133,7 +26133,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To align a graphic relative to the character that it is anchored to, right-click the graphic, and then choose <emph>Image</emph>. Click the <emph>Type</emph> tab, and in the <emph>Position</emph> area, select <emph>Character</emph> in the <emph>to</emph> boxes."
+msgid "To align a graphic relative to the character that it is anchored to, right-click the graphic, and then choose <emph>Properties</emph>. Click the <emph>Type</emph> tab, and in the <emph>Position</emph> area, select <emph>Character</emph> in the <emph>to</emph> boxes."
msgstr ""
#: 05260400.xhp
@@ -31693,7 +31693,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Automatically applies a border at the base of the preceding paragraph when you type three or more specific characters, and then press Enter. To create a single line, type three or more hyphens (-), or underscores ( _ ), and then press Enter. To create a double line, type three or more equal signs (=), asterisks (*), tildes (~), or hash marks (#), and then press Enter."
+msgid "Automatically applies a border at the base of the preceding paragraph when you type three or more specific characters, and then press Enter. To create a single line, type three or more hyphens (-), or underscores (_), and then press Enter. To create a double line, type three or more equal signs (=), asterisks (*), tildes (~), or hash marks (#), and then press Enter."
msgstr ""
#: 06040100.xhp
@@ -31901,7 +31901,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Combine single line paragraphs if length greater than ...</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Combine single line paragraphs if length greater than...</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 06040100.xhp
diff --git a/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/02.po b/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/02.po
index 73dfc336551..979ea8a6965 100644
--- a/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/02.po
+++ b/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/02.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-08 15:10+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-05-24 02:02+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -1973,7 +1973,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Formatting</emph>: You can set the <emph>Formatting </emph>property by clicking the <emph>... </emph>button in the <emph>Formatting</emph> line of the <emph>Properties: Formatted Field</emph> dialog. The <emph>Number Format</emph> dialog appears."
+msgid "<emph>Formatting</emph>: You can set the <emph>Formatting</emph> property by clicking the <emph>...</emph> button in the <emph>Formatting</emph> line of the <emph>Properties: Formatted Field</emph> dialog. The <emph>Number Format</emph> dialog appears."
msgstr ""
#: 01170002.xhp
@@ -1989,7 +1989,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Min. value</emph> and <emph>Max. value</emph>: You can enter the minimum and maximum numeric value for a formatted field. The min and max values determine the output of existing data (Example: Min. value is 5, the connected database field contains the integer value 3. The output is 5, but the value in the database is not modified) and the input of new data (Example: Max. value is 10 and you enter 20. The input is corrected and 10 is written in the database). If the fields are not filled in for <emph>Min. value </emph>and <emph>Max. value</emph>, no limits will be applied. For formatted fields that are connected to a database text field, these two values and the <emph>Default value</emph> do not apply."
+msgid "<emph>Min. value</emph> and <emph>Max. value</emph>: You can enter the minimum and maximum numeric value for a formatted field. The min and max values determine the output of existing data (Example: Min. value is <emph>5</emph>, the connected database field contains the integer value <emph>3</emph>. The output is <emph>5</emph>, but the value in the database is not modified) and the input of new data (Example: Max. value is <emph>10</emph> and you enter <emph>20</emph>. The input is corrected and <emph>10</emph> is written in the database). If the fields are not filled in for <emph>Min. value</emph> and <emph>Max. value</emph>, no limits will be applied. For formatted fields that are connected to a database text field, these two values and the <emph>Default value</emph> do not apply."
msgstr ""
#: 01170002.xhp
@@ -2029,7 +2029,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you enter a year using two digits, the corresponding four digit value is determined by a setting in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - General</emph>. For example, if 1935 is set as the lower limiting value and you enter 34 as a date value, then the result is 2034 instead of 1934."
+msgid "When you enter a year using two digits, the corresponding four digit value is determined by a setting in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - General</emph>. For example, if <emph>1935</emph> is set as the lower limiting value and you enter <emph>34</emph> as a date value, then the result is <emph>2034</emph> instead of <emph>1934</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170003.xhp
@@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWCOLS\">Calls a submenu where you can select the columns to show again.</ahelp> To show only one column, click the column name. You see only the first 16 hidden columns. If there are more hidden columns, choose the <emph>More</emph> command to call the <emph>Show Columns</emph> dialog."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWCOLS\">Calls a submenu where you can select the columns to show again.</ahelp> To show only one column, click the column name. You see only the first <emph>16</emph> hidden columns. If there are more hidden columns, choose the <emph>More</emph> command to call the <emph>Show Columns</emph> dialog."
msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
@@ -2221,7 +2221,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/showcoldialog/ShowColDialog\">In the <emph>Show Columns</emph> dialog you can select the columns to be shown. Hold down the Shift or <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> key to select multiple entries.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/showcoldialog/ShowColDialog\">In the <emph>Show Columns</emph> dialog you can select the columns to be shown. Hold down the <emph>Shift</emph> or <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> key to select multiple entries.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
@@ -2237,7 +2237,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWALLCOLS\">Click <emph>All </emph>if you want to show all columns.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWALLCOLS\">Click <emph>All</emph> if you want to show all columns.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
@@ -2245,7 +2245,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Keyboard-only control of Table Controls"
+msgid "Keyboard-only control of <emph>Table Controls</emph>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
@@ -2253,7 +2253,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you use the keyboard only to travel through controls in your document, you will find one difference to the other types of controls: the Tab key does not move the cursor to the next control, but moves to the next column inside the table control. Press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Tab to move to the next control, or press Shift+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Tab to move to the previous control."
+msgid "If you use the keyboard only to travel through controls in your document, you will find one difference to the other types of controls: the <emph>Tab</emph> key does not move the cursor to the next control, but moves to the next column inside the table control. Press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Tab</emph> to move to the next control, or press <emph>Shift</emph>+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Tab</emph> to move to the previous control."
msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
@@ -2261,7 +2261,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To enter the special keyboard-only edit mode for Table Controls:"
+msgid "To enter the special keyboard-only edit mode for <emph>Table Controls</emph>:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
@@ -2269,7 +2269,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The form document must be in <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170500.xhp\" name=\"design mode\">design mode</link>."
+msgid "The form document must be in <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170500.xhp\" name=\"design mode\"><emph>Design mode</emph></link>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
@@ -2277,7 +2277,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+F6 to select the document."
+msgid "Press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>F6</emph> to select the document."
msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
@@ -2285,7 +2285,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Press Shift+F4 to select the first control. If the Table Control is not the first control, press Tab until it is selected."
+msgid "Press <emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>F4</emph> to select the first control. If the <emph>Table Control</emph> is not the first control, press <emph>Tab</emph> until it is selected."
msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
@@ -2293,7 +2293,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Press Enter to enter the edit mode. The handles are shown farther out from the control border."
+msgid "Press <emph>Enter</emph> to enter the edit mode. The handles are shown farther out from the control border."
msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
@@ -2301,7 +2301,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "In the edit mode, you can open the edit mode context menu by pressing Shift+F10."
+msgid "In the edit mode, you can open the edit mode context menu by pressing <emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>F10</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
@@ -2309,7 +2309,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you want to edit columns, press Shift+Space to enter column edit mode. Now you can rearrange the order of columns with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Arrow keys. The Delete key deletes the current column."
+msgid "If you want to edit columns, press <emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>Space</emph> to enter column edit mode. Now you can rearrange the order of columns with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Arrow</emph> keys. The <emph>Delete</emph> key deletes the current column."
msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
@@ -2317,7 +2317,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Press the Escape key to exit the edit mode."
+msgid "Press the <emph>Esc</emph> key to exit the edit mode."
msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
@@ -2357,7 +2357,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"hinweis\">You can only call the<emph> Properties</emph> dialog when in the Design mode with a control selected. </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"hinweis\">You can only call the <emph>Properties</emph> dialog when in the <emph>Design mode</emph> with a control selected.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
@@ -2381,15 +2381,15 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Effects"
-msgstr "المؤثرات"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Option</caseinline><defaultinline>Alt</defaultinline></switchinline>+Down Arrow"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Option</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Alt</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Down Arrow</emph>:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
@@ -2397,7 +2397,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the combo box"
+msgid "Opens the combo box."
msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
@@ -2405,7 +2405,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Option</caseinline><defaultinline>Alt</defaultinline></switchinline>+Up Arrow"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Option</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Alt</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Up Arrow</emph>:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
@@ -2413,7 +2413,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Closes the combo box"
+msgid "Closes the combo box."
msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
@@ -2421,7 +2421,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Shift+Enter"
+msgid "<emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>Enter</emph>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
@@ -2437,7 +2437,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Up Arrow"
+msgid "<emph>Up Arrow</emph>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
@@ -2453,7 +2453,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Down Arrow"
+msgid "<emph>Down Arrow</emph>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
@@ -2469,7 +2469,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter"
+msgid "<emph>Enter</emph>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
@@ -2485,7 +2485,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "As with list boxes or combo boxes, you can open or close the list with a mouse click at the arrow on the right end of the field. However, the input here can be entered either in the opened list or in the top text field. An exception is the properties that expect a list representation, for example, the property <emph>List Entries</emph>, which can be set for the control fields <emph>List Box</emph> and <emph>Combo Box</emph>. Here, you can only edit the entries when the field is opened."
+msgid "As with list boxes or combo boxes, you can open or close the list with a mouse click at the arrow on the right end of the field. However, the input here can be entered either in the opened list or in the top text field. An exception is the properties that expect a list representation, for example, the property \"List Entries\", which can be set for the control fields <emph>List Box</emph> and <emph>Combo Box</emph>. Here, you can only edit the entries when the field is opened."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -2509,7 +2509,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "This <emph>General </emph>tab enables you to define the general properties of a form control. These properties differ, depending on the control type. Not all of the following properties are available for every control."
+msgid "This <emph>General</emph> tab enables you to define the general properties of a form control. These properties differ, depending on the control type. Not all of the following properties are available for every control."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -2517,7 +2517,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you export the current form document to HTML format, the default control values are exported, not the current control values. Default values are determined - depending on the type of control - by the properties' Default value (for example, in text fields), Default status (for check boxes and option fields), and Default selection (for list boxes)."
+msgid "If you export the current form document to HTML format, the default control values are exported, not the current control values. Default values are determined - depending on the type of control - by the properties' <emph>Default value</emph> (for example, in text fields), <emph>Default status</emph> (for check boxes and option fields), and <emph>Default selection</emph> (for list boxes)."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -2533,7 +2533,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ENABLED\">If a control field has the property \"Enabled\" (Yes), the form user will be able to use the control field.</ahelp> If the property is disabled, it will not be enabled (No) and will be displayed in a gray color."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ENABLED\">If a control field has the property \"Enabled\" (<emph>Yes</emph>), the form user will be able to use the control field.</ahelp> If the property is disabled, it will not be enabled (<emph>No</emph>) and will be displayed in a gray color."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -2549,7 +2549,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LINECOUNT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies how many lines should be displayed in the dropdown list. This setting is only active if you chose \"Yes\" in the \"Dropdown\" option.</ahelp> For combo boxes with the Dropdown property, you can specify how many lines should be displayed in the dropdown list. With control fields which do not have the Dropdown option, the line's display will be specified by the size of the control field and the font size."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LINECOUNT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies how many lines should be displayed in the dropdown list. This setting is only active if you chose \"<emph>Yes</emph>\" in the <emph>Dropdown</emph> option.</ahelp> For combo boxes with the \"Dropdown\" property, you can specify how many lines should be displayed in the dropdown list. With control fields which do not have the <emph>Dropdown</emph> option, the line's display will be specified by the size of the control field and the font size."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -2565,7 +2565,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BUTTONTYPE\" visibility=\"hidden\">The Action property determines the action that occurs when you activate a button.</ahelp> You can use navigation actions to design your own database navigation buttons."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BUTTONTYPE\" visibility=\"hidden\">The \"Action\" property determines the action that occurs when you activate a button.</ahelp> You can use navigation actions to design your own database navigation buttons."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -2573,7 +2573,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The following table describes the actions that you can assign to a button."
+msgid "The following table describes the actions that you can assign to a button:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -2621,7 +2621,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Sends the data that is entered in other control fields of the current form to the address that is specified in <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Form Properties\">Form Properties</link> under <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170201.xhp\" name=\"URL\"><emph>URL</emph></link>."
+msgid "Sends the data that is entered in other control fields of the current form to the address that is specified in <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Form Properties\"><emph>Form Properties</emph></link> under <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170201.xhp\" name=\"URL\"><emph>URL</emph></link>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -2645,7 +2645,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Resets the settings in other control fields to the predefined defaults (Default Status, Default Selection, Default Value)."
+msgid "Resets the settings in other control fields to the predefined defaults: <emph>Default Status</emph>, <emph>Default Selection</emph>, <emph>Default Value</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -2821,7 +2821,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DROPDOWN\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies whether the combo box should dropdown (Yes) or not (No).</ahelp> A control field with the dropdown property has an additional arrow button which opens the list of the existing form entries per mouse click. Under <emph>Line count</emph>, you can specify how many lines (or rows) should be displayed in the dropdown state. Combination fields can have the dropdown property."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DROPDOWN\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies whether the combo box should dropdown (<emph>Yes</emph>) or not (<emph>No</emph>).</ahelp> A control field with the dropdown property has an additional arrow button which opens the list of the existing form entries per mouse click. Under <emph>Line count</emph>, you can specify how many lines (or rows) should be displayed in the dropdown state. Combination fields can have the dropdown property."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -2853,7 +2853,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Title of Label fields"
+msgid "Title of Label fields,"
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -2861,7 +2861,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Content of text fields"
+msgid "Content of text fields,"
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -2869,7 +2869,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Content of table fields in the columns of a table control"
+msgid "Content of table fields in the columns of a table control,"
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -2877,7 +2877,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Graphics or text that are used in buttons"
+msgid "Graphics or text that are used in buttons."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -2901,7 +2901,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_AUTOCOMPLETE\" visibility=\"hidden\">Assigns the AutoFill function to a combo box.</ahelp> The AutoFill function displays a list of previous entries after you start to type an entry."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_AUTOCOMPLETE\" visibility=\"hidden\">Assigns the <emph>AutoFill</emph> function to a combo box.</ahelp> The <emph>AutoFill</emph> function displays a list of previous entries after you start to type an entry."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -2925,7 +2925,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To define one character of the label as a mnemonic, so that the user can access this control by pressing the character on the keyboard, insert a tilde (~) character in front of the character in the label."
+msgid "To define one character of the label as a mnemonic, so that the user can access this control by pressing the character on the keyboard, insert a tilde (<emph>~</emph>) character in front of the character in the label."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -2949,7 +2949,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/spropctrlr/ui/labelselectiondialog/LabelSelectionDialog\">Check the <emph>No assignment </emph>box to remove the link between a control and the assigned label field.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/spropctrlr/ui/labelselectiondialog/LabelSelectionDialog\">Check the <emph>No assignment</emph> box to remove the link between a control and the assigned label field.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -2965,7 +2965,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_WIDTH\" visibility=\"hidden\">Sets the column width in the table control field.</ahelp> Sets the column width in the table control field in the units that are specified in the %PRODUCTNAME module options. If you want, you can enter a value followed by a valid measurement unit, for example, 2 cm."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_WIDTH\" visibility=\"hidden\">Sets the column width in the table control field.</ahelp> Sets the column width in the table control field in the units that are specified in the %PRODUCTNAME module options. If you want, you can enter a value followed by a valid measurement unit, for example, <emph>2 cm</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -2997,7 +2997,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_REPEAT_DELAY\">Specifies the delay in milliseconds between repeating events.</ahelp> A repeating event occurs when you click an arrow button or the background of a scrollbar, or one of the record navigation buttons of a Navigation Bar, and you keep the mouse button pressed for some time. You can enter a value followed by a valid time unit, for example, 2 s or 500 ms."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_REPEAT_DELAY\">Specifies the delay in milliseconds between repeating events.</ahelp> A repeating event occurs when you click an arrow button or the background of a scrollbar, or one of the record navigation buttons of a Navigation bar, and you keep the mouse button pressed for some time. You can enter a value followed by a valid time unit, for example, <emph>2 s</emph> or <emph>500 ms</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3029,7 +3029,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DATEFORMAT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Here, you can determine the format you want for the date readout.</ahelp> With date fields you can determine the format for the date readout."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DATEFORMAT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Here you can determine the format you want for the date readout.</ahelp> With date fields you can determine the format for the date readout."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3069,7 +3069,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TRISTATE\">Specifies whether a check box can also represent ZERO values of a linked database apart from the TRUE and FALSE values.</ahelp> This function is only available if the database accepts three states: TRUE, FALSE and ZERO."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TRISTATE\">Specifies whether a check box can also represent ZERO values of a linked database apart from the TRUE and FALSE values.</ahelp> This function is only available if the database accepts three states: <emph>TRUE</emph>, <emph>FALSE</emph> and <emph>ZERO</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3077,7 +3077,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The<emph> Tristate </emph>property is only defined for database forms, not for HTML forms."
+msgid "The \"Tristate\" property is only defined for database forms, <emph>not</emph> for HTML forms."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3229,7 +3229,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "A text constant. This position cannot be edited. The character is displayed at the corresponding position of the Literal Mask."
+msgid "A text constant. This position cannot be edited. The character is displayed at the corresponding position of the <emph>Literal Mask</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3245,7 +3245,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The characters a-z and A-Z can be entered. Capital characters are not converted to lowercase characters."
+msgid "The characters <emph>a-z</emph> and <emph>A-Z</emph> can be entered. Capital characters are not converted to lowercase characters."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3261,7 +3261,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The characters A-Z can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter"
+msgid "The characters <emph>A-Z</emph> can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3277,7 +3277,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The characters a-z, A-Z, and 0-9 can be entered. Capital characters are not converted to lowercase characters."
+msgid "The characters <emph>a-z</emph>, <emph>A-Z</emph>, and <emph>0-9</emph> can be entered. Capital characters are not converted to lowercase characters."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3293,7 +3293,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The characters A-Z and 0-9 can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter"
+msgid "The characters <emph>A-Z</emph> and <emph>0-9</emph> can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3309,8 +3309,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Only the characters 0-9 can be entered."
-msgstr "يمكن إدخال فقط الأرقام من 0-9."
+msgid "Only the characters <emph>0-9</emph> can be entered."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3341,7 +3341,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "All printable characters can be entered. If a lowercase letter is used, it is automatically converted to a capital letter."
+msgid "All printable characters can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3365,7 +3365,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can have a format check with control fields that accept formatted contents (date, time, and so on). <ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRICTFORMAT\">If the strict format function is activated (Yes), only the allowed characters are accepted.</ahelp> For example, in a date field, only numbers or date delimiters are accepted; all alphabet entries typed with your keyboard are ignored."
+msgid "You can have a format check with control fields that accept formatted contents (date, time, and so on). <ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRICTFORMAT\">If the strict format function is activated (<emph>Yes</emph>), only the allowed characters are accepted.</ahelp> For example, in a date field, only numbers or date delimiters are accepted; all alphabet entries typed with your keyboard are ignored."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3381,7 +3381,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_FRAME\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the target frame to display the document that is opened by the \"Open document / web page\" action.</ahelp> You can also specify the target frame to display a <emph>URL</emph> that you open when you click a button that has been assigned the Open document or web page action)."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_FRAME\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the target frame to display the document that is opened by the \"Open document / web page\" action.</ahelp> You can also specify the target frame to display a URL that you open when you click a button that has been assigned to the \"Open document or web page\" action."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3477,7 +3477,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Frame property is relevant for HTML forms, but not for database forms."
+msgid "The \"Frame\" property is relevant for HTML forms, but <emph>not</emph> for database forms."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3493,7 +3493,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "An image button has a <emph>Graphics </emph>property. <ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_IMAGE_URL\">The<emph> Graphics</emph> property specifies the graphic's path and file name that you want to have displayed on the button.</ahelp> If you select the graphic file with the <emph>...</emph> button, the path and file name will be automatically included in the text box."
+msgid "An image button has a \"Graphics\" property. <ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_IMAGE_URL\">The \"Graphics\" property specifies the graphic's path and file name that you want to have displayed on the button.</ahelp> If you select the graphic file with the <emph>...</emph> button, the path and file name will be automatically included in the text box."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3517,7 +3517,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For URL type buttons, the help text appears as the extended tip instead of the URL address entered under URL."
+msgid "For <emph>URL type</emph> buttons, the help text appears as the extended tip instead of the URL address entered under <emph>URL</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3533,7 +3533,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_HELPURL\">Specifies a batch label in URL spelling which refers to a help document and which can be called with the help of the control field.</ahelp> The help for the control field help can be opened if the focus is positioned on the control field and the user presses F1."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_HELPURL\">Specifies a batch label in URL spelling which refers to a help document and which can be called with the help of the control field.</ahelp> The help for the control field help can be opened if the focus is positioned on the control field and the user presses <emph>F1</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3613,7 +3613,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRINGITEMLIST\" visibility=\"hidden\">Defines the list entries visible in the document. Open this list and type your text. Use Shift+Enter for a new line. With list and combo boxes, you can define the list entries that will be visible in the document. Open the <emph>List entries</emph> field and type your text.</ahelp> Please note the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170100.xhp\" name=\"tips\">tips</link> referring to the keyboard controls."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRINGITEMLIST\" visibility=\"hidden\">Defines the list entries visible in the document. Open this list and type your text. Use <emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>Enter</emph> for a new line. With list and combo boxes, you can define the list entries that will be visible in the document. Open the <emph>List entries</emph> field and type your text.</ahelp> Please note the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170100.xhp\" name=\"tips\">tips</link> referring to the keyboard controls."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3685,7 +3685,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If the control is linked to a database and the text length is to be accepted from the field definition of the database, you must not enter the text length here. The settings are only accepted from the database if the control property was not defined (\"Not Defined\" state)."
+msgid "If the control is linked to a database and the text length is to be accepted from the field definition of the database, you <emph>must not</emph> enter the text length here. The settings are only accepted from the database if the control property was not defined (\"Not Defined\" state)."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3741,7 +3741,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>rich text control</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>controls;rich text control</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>rich text control</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>controls; rich text control</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3757,7 +3757,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Allows you to use line breaks and formatting in a control field, such as a text box or label. To manually enter a line break, press the Enter key. Select \"Multi-line with formatting\" to enter formatted text.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Allows you to use line breaks and formatting in a control field, such as a text box or label. To manually enter a line break, press the <emph>Enter</emph> key. Select \"Multi-line with formatting\" to enter formatted text.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3789,7 +3789,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Displays text on more than one line.</ahelp> Allows you to use line breaks in a text box, so that you can enter more than one line of text. To manually enter a line break, press the Enter key."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Displays text on more than one line.</ahelp> Allows you to use line breaks in a text box, so that you can enter more than one line of text. To manually enter a line break, press <emph>Enter</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3805,7 +3805,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specifies if a Push Button behaves as a Toggle Button. If you set Toggle to \"Yes\", you can switch between the \"selected\" and \"not selected\" control states when you click the button or press the spacebar while the control has the focus. A button in the \"selected\" state appears \"pressed in\".</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specifies if a Push button behaves as a Toggle Button. If you set <emph>Toggle</emph> to \"Yes\", you can switch between the \"selected\" and \"not selected\" control states when you click the button or press the <emph>Spacebar</emph> while the control has the focus. A button in the \"selected\" state appears \"pressed in\".</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3821,7 +3821,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">If you set this option to \"Yes\", the Push Button receives the focus when you click the button.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">If you set this option to \"Yes\", the <emph>Push</emph> button receives the focus when you click the button.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3869,7 +3869,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_BORDERCOLOR\">Specifies the border color for controls that have the Border property set to \"flat\".</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_BORDERCOLOR\">Specifies the border color for controls that have the \"Border\" property set to \"flat\".</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3965,7 +3965,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAME\" visibility=\"hidden\">On the <emph>Properties</emph> tab page, this option specifies the name for the control field. On the <emph>Form Properties </emph>tab page, this option specifies the name for the form.</ahelp> Each control field and each form has a <emph>Name </emph>property through which it can be identified. The name will appear in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"Form Navigator\">Form Navigator</link> and, using the name, the control field can be referred to from a macro. The default settings already specify a name which is constructed from using the field's label and number."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAME\" visibility=\"hidden\">On the <emph>Properties</emph> tab page, this option specifies the name for the control field. On the <emph>Form Properties</emph> tab page, this option specifies the name for the form.</ahelp> Each control field and each form has a \"Name\" property through which it can be identified. The name will appear in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"Form Navigator\"><emph>Form Navigator</emph></link> and, using the name, the control field can be referred to from a macro. The default settings already specify a name which is constructed from using the field's label and number."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3981,7 +3981,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>controls; grouping</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>groups;of controls</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>forms; grouping controls</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>controls; grouping</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>groups; of controls</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>forms; grouping controls</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3989,7 +3989,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The name is also used to group different controls that belong together functionally, such as radio buttons. To do so, give the same name to all members of the group: controls with identical names form a group. Grouped controls can be represented visually by using a <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170000.xhp\" name=\"Group Box\">Group Box</link>."
+msgid "The name is also used to group different controls that belong together functionally, such as radio buttons. To do so, give the same name to all members of the group: controls with identical names form a group. Grouped controls can be represented visually by using a <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170000.xhp\" name=\"Group Box\"><emph>Group Box</emph></link>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4005,7 +4005,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAVIGATIONBAR\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies whether to display the navigation bar on the lower border of the table control.</ahelp> Specifies whether to display the navigation bar on the lower border of table controls."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAVIGATIONBAR\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies whether to display the <emph>Navigation</emph> bar on the lower border of the table control.</ahelp> Specifies whether to display the <emph>Navigation</emph> bar on the lower border of table controls."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4021,7 +4021,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_READONLY\" visibility=\"hidden\">Determines if the control is read-only (Yes) or if it can be edited (No).</ahelp> The<emph> Read-only </emph>property can be assigned to all controls in which the user can enter text. If you assign the read-only property to an image field which uses graphics from a database, the user will not be able to insert new graphics into the database."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_READONLY\" visibility=\"hidden\">Determines if the control is read-only (\"Yes\") or if it can be edited (\"No\").</ahelp> The \"Read-only\" property can be assigned to all controls in which the user can enter text. If you assign the read-only property to an image field which uses graphics from a database, the user will not be able to insert new graphics into the database."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4037,7 +4037,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BORDER\" visibility=\"hidden\">Determines if the field's border should be displayed \"Without frame\", with a \"3-D look\" or \"Flat\".</ahelp> With control fields that have a frame, you can determine the border display on the form using the <emph>Border </emph>property. You can select among the \"Without frame\", \"3-D look\" or \"Flat\" options."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BORDER\" visibility=\"hidden\">Determines if the field's border should be displayed \"Without frame\", with a \"3-D look\" or \"Flat\".</ahelp> With control fields that have a frame, you can determine the border display on the form using the \"Border\" property. You can select among the \"Without frame\", \"3-D look\" or \"Flat\" options."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4053,7 +4053,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABINDEX\">The <emph>Tab order</emph> property determines the order in which the controls are focused in the form when you press the Tab key.</ahelp> In a form that contains more than one control, the focus moves to the next control when you press the Tab key. You can specify the order in which the focus changes with an index under <emph>Tab order</emph>."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABINDEX\">The \"Tab order\" property determines the order in which the controls are focused in the form when you press the <emph>Tab</emph> key.</ahelp> In a form that contains more than one control, the focus moves to the next control when you press the <emph>Tab</emph> key. You can specify the order in which the focus changes with an index under \"Tab order\"."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4061,7 +4061,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Tab order</emph> property is not available to <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"Hidden Controls\">Hidden Controls</link>. If you want, you can also set this property for image buttons and image controls, so that you can select these controls with the Tab key."
+msgid "The \"Tab order\" property is <emph>not</emph> available to <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"Hidden Controls\"><emph>Hidden Controls</emph></link>. If you want, you can also set this property for image buttons and image controls, so that you can select these controls with the <emph>Tab</emph> key."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4069,7 +4069,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When creating a form, an index is automatically assigned to the control fields that are added to this form; every control field added is assigned an index increased by 1. If you change the index of a control, the indices of the other controls are updated automatically. Elements that cannot be focused (Tabstop = No) are also assigned a value. However, these controls are skipped when using the Tab key."
+msgid "When creating a form, an index is automatically assigned to the control fields that are added to this form; every control field added is assigned an index increased by <emph>1</emph>. If you change the index of a control, the indices of the other controls are updated automatically. Elements that cannot be focused (\"Tabstop = No\") are also assigned a value. However, these controls are skipped when using the <emph>Tab</emph> key."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4093,7 +4093,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Sets whether the value changes when the user scrolls a mouse wheel. Never: No change of the value. When focused: (default) The value changes when the control has the focus and the wheel is pointing at the control and gets scrolled. Always: The value changes when the wheel is pointing at the control and gets scrolled, no matter which control has the focus.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Sets whether the value changes when the user scrolls a mouse wheel. <emph>Never:</emph> No change of the value. When <emph>focused:</emph> (default) The value changes when the control has the focus and the wheel is pointing at the control and gets scrolled. <emph>Always:</emph> The value changes when the wheel is pointing at the control and gets scrolled, no matter which control has the focus.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4125,7 +4125,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For grouped option fields, the status of the group corresponding to the default setting is defined by the <emph>Default Status</emph> property."
+msgid "For grouped option fields, the status of the group corresponding to the default setting is defined by the \"Default Status\" property."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4149,7 +4149,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For a Reset type button, the<emph> Default selection</emph> entry defines the status of the list box if the reset button is activated by the user."
+msgid "For a <emph>Reset</emph> type button, the <emph>Default selection</emph> entry defines the status of the list box if the reset button is activated by the user."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4157,7 +4157,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For a List box that contains a value list, you can click the <emph>...</emph> button to open the <emph>Default selection</emph> dialog."
+msgid "For a <emph>List box</emph> that contains a value list, you can click the <emph>...</emph> button to open the <emph>Default selection</emph> dialog."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4189,7 +4189,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For a Reset type button, the<emph> Default value entry </emph>defines the status of the control if the reset button is activated by the user."
+msgid "For a <emph>Reset</emph> type button, the <emph>Default value</emph> entry defines the status of the control if the reset button is activated by the user."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4253,7 +4253,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specify the value to add or subtract when the user clicks the arrow icon on the scrollbar.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specify the value to add or subtract when the user clicks the <emph>Arrow</emph> icon on the scrollbar.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4333,7 +4333,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DEFAULT_BUTTON\" visibility=\"hidden\">The<emph> Default button</emph> property specifies that the corresponding button will be operated when you press the Return key.</ahelp> The<emph> Default button</emph> property specifies that the corresponding button will be operated when you press the Return key. If you open the dialog or form and do not carry out any further action, the button with this property is the default button."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DEFAULT_BUTTON\" visibility=\"hidden\">The \"Default button\" property specifies that the corresponding button will be operated when you press the <emph>Return</emph> key.</ahelp> The \"Default button\" property specifies that the corresponding button will be operated when you press the <emph>Return</emph> key. If you open the dialog or form and do not carry out any further action, the button with this property is the default button."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4349,7 +4349,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When using Web page forms, you might come across this property in search masks. These are edit masks that contain a text field and a Submit type button. The search term is entered in the text field and the search is started by activating the button. If the button is defined as the default button, however, simply hit Enter after entering the search term in order to start the search."
+msgid "When using Web page forms, you might come across this property in search masks. These are edit masks that contain a text field and a <emph>Submit type</emph> button. The search term is entered in the text field and the search is started by activating the button. If the button is defined as the default button, however, simply hit <emph>Enter</emph> after entering the search term in order to start the search."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4381,7 +4381,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABSTOP\">The <emph>Tabstop </emph>property determines if a control field can be selected with the tab key.</ahelp> The following options are available:"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABSTOP\">The \"Tabstop\" property determines if a control field can be selected with the <emph>Tab</emph> key.</ahelp> The following options are available:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4397,7 +4397,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When using the tab key, focusing skips the control."
+msgid "When using the <emph>Tab</emph> key, focusing skips the control."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4413,8 +4413,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The control can be selected with the Tab key."
-msgstr "يمكن تحديد عنصر التحكم مع مفتاح tab."
+msgid "The control can be selected with the <emph>Tab</emph> key."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4445,7 +4445,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LABEL\" visibility=\"hidden\">The Label property sets the label of the control field that is displayed in the form.</ahelp> The Label property sets the label of the control field that is displayed in the form. This property determines the visible label or the column header of the data field in table control forms."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LABEL\" visibility=\"hidden\">The \"Label\" property sets the label of the control field that is displayed in the form.</ahelp> The \"Label\" property sets the label of the control field that is displayed in the form. This property determines the visible label or the column header of the data field in table control forms."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4453,7 +4453,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you create a new control, the description predefined in the <emph>Name</emph> property is used as the default for labeling the control. The label consists of the control field name and an integer numbering the control (for example, CommandButton1). With the <emph>Title</emph> property, you can assign another description to the control so that the label reflects the function of the control. Change this entry in order to assign an expressive label to the control that is visible to the user."
+msgid "When you create a new control, the description predefined in the \"Name\" property is used as the default for labeling the control. The label consists of the control field name and an integer numbering the control (for example, CommandButton1). With the \"Title\" property, you can assign another description to the control so that the label reflects the function of the control. Change this entry in order to assign an expressive label to the control that is visible to the user."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4461,7 +4461,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>multi-line titles in forms</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>names; multi-line titles</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>controls; multi-line titles</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>multi-line titles in forms</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>names; multi-line titles</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>controls; multi-line titles</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4469,7 +4469,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To create a multi-line title, open the combo box using the arrow button. You can enter a line break by pressing Shift+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter."
+msgid "To create a multi-line title, open the combo box using the <emph>Arrow</emph> button. You can enter a line break by pressing <emph>Shift</emph>+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Enter</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4477,7 +4477,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Title</emph> property is only used for labeling a form element in the interface visible to the user. If you work with macros, note that at runtime, a control is always addressed through the <emph>Name</emph> property."
+msgid "The \"Title\" property is only used for labeling a form element in the interface visible to the user. If you work with macros, note that at runtime, a control is always addressed through the \"Name\" property."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4493,7 +4493,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_URL\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the URL address that opens when you click an \"Open document / web page\" button.</ahelp> Enter the URL address for a Open document or web page button type in the <emph>URL</emph> box. The address opens when you click the button."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_URL\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the URL address that opens when you click an <emph>Open document / web page</emph> button.</ahelp> Enter the URL address for a <emph>Open document or web page</emph> button type in the <emph>URL</emph> box. The address opens when you click the button."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4517,7 +4517,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_CURRENCYSYMBOL\" visibility=\"hidden\">You can enter a character or a string for the currency symbol.</ahelp> In a currency field, you can pre-define the currency symbol by entering the character or string in the <emph>Currency symbol</emph> property."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_CURRENCYSYMBOL\" visibility=\"hidden\">You can enter a character or a string for the currency symbol.</ahelp> In a currency field, you can predefine the currency symbol by entering the character or string in the \"Currency symbol\" property."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4549,7 +4549,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ECHO_CHAR\" visibility=\"hidden\">If the text box is used as a password input, enter the ASCII-code of the display character. This character is displayed instead of the characters typed by the user for the password.</ahelp> If the user enters a password, you can determine the characters that will be displayed instead of the characters typed by the user. Under <emph>Password character</emph>, enter the ASCII code of the desired character. You can use the values from 0 to 255."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ECHO_CHAR\" visibility=\"hidden\">If the text box is used as a password input, enter the ASCII code of the display character. This character is displayed instead of the characters typed by the user for the password.</ahelp> If the user enters a password, you can determine the characters that will be displayed instead of the characters typed by the user. Under <emph>Password character</emph>, enter the ASCII code of the desired character. You can use the values from <emph>0</emph> to <emph>255</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4557,7 +4557,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The characters and their ASCII codes can be seen in the <emph>Special Characters</emph> dialog (Insert - Special Character)."
+msgid "The characters and their ASCII codes can be seen in the <emph>Special Characters</emph> dialog (<emph>Insert - Special Character</emph>)."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4573,7 +4573,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LITERALMASK\" visibility=\"hidden\">Defines the literal mask. The literal mask contains the initial values and is always visible after downloading a form.</ahelp> With masked fields you can specify a literal mask. A literal mask contains the initial values of a form, and is always visible after downloading a form. Using a character code for the Edit mask, you can determine the entries that the user can type into the masked field."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LITERALMASK\" visibility=\"hidden\">Defines the literal mask. The literal mask contains the initial values and is always visible after downloading a form.</ahelp> With masked fields you can specify a literal mask. A literal mask contains the initial values of a form, and is always visible after downloading a form. Using a character code for the <emph>Edit</emph> mask, you can determine the entries that the user can type into the masked field."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4613,7 +4613,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ROWHEIGHT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the row height of a table control field.</ahelp> In table controls, enter a value for the row height. If you want, you can enter a value followed by valid measurement unit, for example, 2 cm."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ROWHEIGHT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the row height of a table control field.</ahelp> In table controls, enter a value for the row height. If you want, you can enter a value followed by valid measurement unit, for example, <emph>2 cm</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4709,7 +4709,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_RECORDACTIONS\">Specifies to show or hide the action items in a selected Navigation Bar control.</ahelp> Action items are the following: Save record, Undo, New record, Delete record, Refresh."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_RECORDACTIONS\">Specifies to show or hide the action items in a selected <emph>Navigation</emph> bar control.</ahelp> Action items are the following: <emph>Save record, Undo, New record, Delete record, Refresh</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4725,7 +4725,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_POSITION\">Specifies to show or hide the positioning items in a selected Navigation Bar control.</ahelp> Positioning items are the following: Record label, Record position, Record count label, Record count."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_POSITION\">Specifies to show or hide the positioning items in a selected <emph>Navigation</emph> bar control.</ahelp> Positioning items are the following: <emph>Record label, Record position, Record count label, Record count</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4741,7 +4741,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_NAVIGATION\">Specifies to show or hide the navigation items in a selected Navigation Bar control.</ahelp> Navigation items are the following: First record, Previous record, Next record, Last record."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_NAVIGATION\">Specifies to show or hide the navigation items in a selected <emph>Navigation</emph> bar control.</ahelp> Navigation items are the following: <emph>First record, Previous record, Next record, Last record</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4749,7 +4749,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Filtering / Sorting"
+msgid "Filtering/Sorting"
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4757,7 +4757,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_FILTERSORT\">Specifies to show or hide the filtering and sorting items in a selected Navigation Bar control.</ahelp> Filtering and sorting items are the following: Sort ascending, Sort descending, Sort, Automatic filter, Default filter, Apply filter, Reset filter/sort."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_FILTERSORT\">Specifies to show or hide the filtering and sorting items in a selected <emph>Navigation</emph> bar control.</ahelp> Filtering and sorting items are the following: <emph>Sort ascending, Sort descending, Sort, Automatic filter, Default filter, Apply filter, Reset filter/sort</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4773,7 +4773,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_ICONSIZE\">Specifies whether the icons in a selected Navigation Bar should be small or large.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_ICONSIZE\">Specifies whether the icons in a selected <emph>Navigation</emph> bar should be small or large.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4829,7 +4829,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specifies the size of scrollbar thumb in \"value units\". A value of (\"Scroll value max.\" minus \"Scroll value min.\" ) / 2 would result in a thumb which occupies half of the background area.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specifies the size of scrollbar thumb in \"value units\". A value of <emph>(\"Scroll value max.\" minus \"Scroll value min.\" ) / 2</emph> would result in a thumb which occupies half of the background area.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4837,7 +4837,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If set to 0, then the thumb's width will equal its height."
+msgid "If set to <emph>0</emph>, then the thumb's width will equal its height."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4885,7 +4885,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The<emph> Data </emph>tab page allows you to assign a data source to the selected control."
+msgid "The <emph>Data</emph> tab page allows you to assign a data source to the selected control."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -4893,7 +4893,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For forms with database links, the associated database is defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Form Properties\">Form Properties</link>. You will find the functions for this on the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170203.xhp\" name=\"Data\"><emph>Data</emph></link> tab page."
+msgid "For forms with database links, the associated database is defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Form Properties\"><emph>Form Properties</emph></link>. You will find the functions for this on the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170203.xhp\" name=\"Data\"><emph>Data</emph></link> tab page."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -4901,7 +4901,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The possible settings of the <emph>Data</emph> tab page of a control depend on the respective control. You will only see the options that are available for the current control and context. The following fields are available:"
+msgid "The possible settings of the <emph>Data</emph> tab page of a control depend on the respective control. You will only see the options that are available for the current control and context.<br/>The following fields are available:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -4917,7 +4917,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Check boxes and radio buttons in spreadsheets can be bound to cells in the current document. If the control is enabled, the value you enter in Reference value (on) is copied to the cell. If the control is disabled, the value from Reference value (off) is copied to the cell.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Check boxes and radio buttons in spreadsheets can be bound to cells in the current document. If the control is enabled, the value you enter in <emph>Reference value (on)</emph> is copied to the cell. If the control is disabled, the value from <emph>Reference value (off)</emph> is copied to the cell.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5645,7 +5645,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_EMPTY_IS_NULL\">Defines how an empty string input should be handled. If set to Yes, an input string of length zero will be treated as a value NULL. If set to No, any input will be treated as-is without any conversion.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_EMPTY_IS_NULL\">Defines how an empty string input should be handled. If set to \"Yes\", an input string of length zero will be treated as a value NULL. If set to \"No\", any input will be treated as-is without any conversion.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5653,7 +5653,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "An empty string is a string of length zero (\"\"). Normally, a value NULL is not the same as an empty string. In general, a term NULL is used to denote an undefined value, an unknown value, or \"no value has been entered yet.\""
+msgid "An empty string is a string of length zero (<emph>\"\"</emph>). Normally, a value NULL is not the same as an empty string. In general, a term NULL is used to denote an undefined value, an unknown value, or \"no value has been entered yet.\""
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5677,7 +5677,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"filtervorschlag\"><ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_FILTERPROPOSAL\">While designing your form, you can set the \"Filter proposal\" property for each text box in the <emph>Data</emph> tab of the corresponding <emph>Properties</emph> dialog. In subsequent searches in the filter mode, you can select from all information contained in these fields.</ahelp> The field content can then be selected using the AutoComplete function. Note, however, that this function requires a greater amount of memory space and time, especially when used in large databases and should therefore be used sparingly. </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"filtervorschlag\"><ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_FILTERPROPOSAL\">While designing your form, you can set the \"Filter proposal\" property for each text box in the <emph>Data</emph> tab of the corresponding <emph>Properties</emph> dialog. In subsequent searches in the filter mode, you can select from all information contained in these fields.</ahelp> The field content can then be selected using the <emph>AutoComplete</emph> function. Note, however, that this function requires a greater amount of memory space and time, especially when used in large databases and should therefore be used sparingly.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5725,7 +5725,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the check box"
+msgid "Select the check box:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5733,7 +5733,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "TRUE is entered into the linked cell"
+msgid "TRUE is entered into the linked cell."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5741,7 +5741,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Deselect the check box"
+msgid "Deselect the check box:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5749,7 +5749,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "FALSE is entered into the linked cell"
+msgid "FALSE is entered into the linked cell."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5757,7 +5757,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Tri-state check box is set to \"undetermined\" state"
+msgid "Tri-state check box is set to \"undetermined\" state:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5765,7 +5765,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "#NV is entered into the linked cell"
+msgid "#NV is entered into the linked cell."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5773,7 +5773,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell"
+msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5781,7 +5781,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If entered value is TRUE or not 0: Check box is selected<br/>If entered value is FALSE or 0: Check box is deselected"
+msgid "If entered value is TRUE or not 0: Check box is selected.<br/>If entered value is FALSE or 0: Check box is deselected."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5789,7 +5789,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5805,7 +5805,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the box. The Reference value box contains text."
+msgid "Select the box. The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5813,7 +5813,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The text from the Reference value box is copied to the cell."
+msgid "The text from the <emph>Reference value</emph> box is copied to the cell."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5821,7 +5821,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Deselect the box. The Reference value box contains text."
+msgid "Deselect the box. The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5837,7 +5837,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Reference value box contains text. Enter the same text into the cell."
+msgid "The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text. Enter the same text into the cell:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5853,7 +5853,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Reference value box contains text. Enter another text into the cell."
+msgid "The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text. Enter another text into the cell:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5893,7 +5893,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the option button"
+msgid "Select the option button:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5901,7 +5901,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "TRUE is entered into the linked cell"
+msgid "TRUE is entered into the linked cell."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5909,7 +5909,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Option button is deselected by selecting another option button"
+msgid "Option button is deselected by selecting another option button:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5917,7 +5917,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "FALSE is entered into the linked cell"
+msgid "FALSE is entered into the linked cell."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5925,7 +5925,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell"
+msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5933,7 +5933,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If entered value is TRUE or not 0: Option button is selected<br/>If entered value is FALSE or 0: Option button is deselected"
+msgid "If entered value is TRUE or not 0: Option button is selected.<br/>If entered value is FALSE or 0: Option button is deselected."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5941,7 +5941,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5949,7 +5949,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Option button is deselected"
+msgid "Option button is deselected."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5957,7 +5957,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click the option button. The Reference value box contains text."
+msgid "Click the option button. The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5965,7 +5965,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The text from the Reference value box is copied to the cell."
+msgid "The text from the <emph>Reference value</emph> box is copied to the cell."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5973,7 +5973,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click another option button of the same group. The Reference value box contains text."
+msgid "Click another option button of the same group. The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -5989,7 +5989,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Reference value box contains text. Enter the same text into the cell."
+msgid "The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text. Enter the same text into the cell:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6005,7 +6005,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Reference value box contains text. Enter another text into the cell."
+msgid "The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text. Enter another text into the cell:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6045,7 +6045,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter text into the text box"
+msgid "Enter text into the text box:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6053,7 +6053,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Text is copied into the linked cell"
+msgid "Text is copied into the linked cell."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6061,7 +6061,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the text box"
+msgid "Clear the text box:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6069,7 +6069,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked cell is cleared"
+msgid "Linked cell is cleared."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6077,7 +6077,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter text or a number in the linked cell"
+msgid "Enter text or a number in the linked cell:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6085,7 +6085,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Text or number is copied into the text box"
+msgid "Text or number is copied into the text box."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6093,7 +6093,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell"
+msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6101,7 +6101,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Formula result is copied into the text box"
+msgid "Formula result is copied into the text box."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6109,7 +6109,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6117,7 +6117,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Text box is cleared"
+msgid "Text box is cleared."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6149,7 +6149,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a number into the field"
+msgid "Enter a number into the field:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6157,7 +6157,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Number is copied into the linked cell"
+msgid "Number is copied into the linked cell."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6165,7 +6165,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the field"
+msgid "Clear the field:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6173,7 +6173,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Value 0 is set in the linked cell"
+msgid "Value <emph>0</emph> is set in the linked cell."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6181,7 +6181,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell"
+msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6189,7 +6189,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Number is copied into the field"
+msgid "Number is copied into the field."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6197,7 +6197,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6205,7 +6205,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Value 0 is set in the field"
+msgid "Value <emph>0</emph> is set in the field."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6229,7 +6229,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked contents: Synchronize the text contents of the selected list box entry with the cell contents."
+msgid "<emph>Linked contents:</emph> Synchronize the text contents of the selected list box entry with the cell contents."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6237,7 +6237,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked selection position: The position of the single selected item in the list box is synchronized with the numerical value in the cell."
+msgid "<emph>Linked selection position:</emph> The position of the single selected item in the list box is synchronized with the numerical value in the cell."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6261,7 +6261,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select a single list item"
+msgid "Select a single list item:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6277,7 +6277,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Selection is linked: Position of the selected item is copied into the linked cell. For example, if the third item is selected, the number 3 will be copied."
+msgid "Selection is linked: Position of the selected item is copied into the linked cell.<br/>For example, if the third item is selected, the number <emph>3</emph> will be copied."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6285,7 +6285,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select several list items"
+msgid "Select several list items:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6293,7 +6293,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "#NV is entered into the linked cell"
+msgid "#NV is entered into the linked cell."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6301,7 +6301,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Deselect all list items"
+msgid "Deselect all list items:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6309,7 +6309,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Contents are linked: Linked cell is cleared"
+msgid "Contents are linked: Linked cell is cleared."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6317,7 +6317,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Selection is linked: Value 0 is entered in the linked cell"
+msgid "Selection is linked: Value <emph>0</emph> is entered in the linked cell."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6325,7 +6325,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter text or a number into the linked cell"
+msgid "Enter text or a number into the linked cell:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6333,7 +6333,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Contents are linked: Find and select an equal list item"
+msgid "Contents are linked: Find and select an equal list item."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6341,7 +6341,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Selection is linked: The list item at the specified position (starting with 1 for the first item) is selected. If not found, all items are deselected."
+msgid "Selection is linked: The list item at the specified position (starting with <emph>1</emph> for the first item) is selected. If not found, all items are deselected."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6349,7 +6349,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell"
+msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6357,7 +6357,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Find and select a list item that matches the formula result and link mode"
+msgid "Find and select a list item that matches the formula result and link mode."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6365,7 +6365,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6373,7 +6373,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Deselect all items in the list box"
+msgid "Deselect all items in the list box."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6381,7 +6381,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Change the contents of the list source range"
+msgid "Change the contents of the list source range:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6421,7 +6421,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter text into the edit field of the combo box, or select an entry from the drop-down list"
+msgid "Enter text into the edit field of the combo box, or select an entry from the drop-down list:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6429,7 +6429,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Text is copied into the linked cell"
+msgid "Text is copied into the linked cell."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6437,7 +6437,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the edit field of the combo box"
+msgid "Clear the edit field of the combo box:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6445,7 +6445,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked cell is cleared"
+msgid "Linked cell is cleared."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6453,7 +6453,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter text or a number into the linked cell"
+msgid "Enter text or a number into the linked cell:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6461,7 +6461,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Text or number is copied into the edit field of the combo box"
+msgid "Text or number is copied into the edit field of the combo box."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6469,7 +6469,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell"
+msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6477,7 +6477,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Formula result is copied into the edit field of the combo box"
+msgid "Formula result is copied into the edit field of the combo box."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6485,7 +6485,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6493,7 +6493,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Edit field of the combo box is cleared"
+msgid "Edit field of the combo box is cleared."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6501,7 +6501,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Change the contents of the list source range"
+msgid "Change the contents of the list source range:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6533,7 +6533,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked contents: Synchronize the text contents of the selected list box entry with the cell contents. Select \"The selected entry\""
+msgid "<emph>Linked contents:</emph> Synchronize the text contents of the selected list box entry with the cell contents. Select \"The selected entry\"."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6541,7 +6541,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked selection position: The position of the single selected item in the list box is synchronized with the numerical value in the cell. Select \"Position of the selected entry\""
+msgid "<emph>Linked selection position:</emph> The position of the single selected item in the list box is synchronized with the numerical value in the cell. Select \"Position of the selected entry\"."
msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
@@ -6573,7 +6573,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>controls; events</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>events; controls</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>macros; assigning to events in forms</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>controls; events</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>events; controls</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>macros; assigning to events in forms</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
@@ -6589,7 +6589,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the<emph> Events </emph>tab page you can link macros to events that occur in a form's control fields."
+msgid "On the <emph>Events</emph> tab page you can link macros to events that occur in a form's control fields."
msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
@@ -6597,7 +6597,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When the event occurs, the linked macro will be called. To assign a macro to an event, press the <emph>...</emph> button. The <link href=\"text/shared/01/06140500.xhp\" name=\"Assign Action\">Assign Action</link> dialog opens."
+msgid "When the event occurs, the linked macro will be called. To assign a macro to an event, press the <emph>...</emph> button. The <link href=\"text/shared/01/06140500.xhp\" name=\"Assign Action\"><emph>Assign Action</emph></link> dialog opens."
msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
@@ -6605,7 +6605,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Depending on the control, different events are available. Only the available events for the selected control and context are listed on the <emph>Events</emph> tab page. The following events are defined:"
+msgid "Depending on the control, different events are available. Only the available events for the selected control and context are listed on the <emph>Events</emph> tab page.<br/>The following events are defined:"
msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
@@ -6621,7 +6621,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_APPROVEACTIONPERFORMED\">This event takes place before an action is triggered by clicking the control.</ahelp> For example, clicking a \"Submit\" button initiates a send action; however, the actual \"send\" process is started only when the <emph>When initiating</emph> event occurs. The <emph>Approve action</emph> event allows you to kill the process. If the linked method sends back FALSE, <emph>When initiating</emph> will not be executed."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_APPROVEACTIONPERFORMED\">This event takes place before an action is triggered by clicking the control.</ahelp> For example, clicking a \"<emph>Submit</emph>\" button initiates a send action; however, the actual \"send\" process is started only when the <emph>When initiating</emph> event occurs. The <emph>Approve action</emph> event allows you to kill the process. If the linked method sends back FALSE, <emph>When initiating</emph> will not be executed."
msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
@@ -6637,7 +6637,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_ACTIONPERFORMED\">The <emph>Execute action</emph> event occurs when an action is started.</ahelp> For example, if you have a \"Submit\" button in your form, the send process represents the action to be initiated."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_ACTIONPERFORMED\">The <emph>Execute action</emph> event occurs when an action is started.</ahelp> For example, if you have a \"<emph>Submit</emph>\" button in your form, the send process represents the action to be initiated."
msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
@@ -6653,7 +6653,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_CHANGED\">The<emph> Changed </emph>event takes place when the control loses the focus and the content of the control has changed since it lost the focus.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_CHANGED\">The <emph>Changed</emph> event takes place when the control loses the focus and the content of the control has changed since it lost the focus.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
@@ -6669,7 +6669,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_TEXTCHANGED\">The<emph> Text modified </emph>event takes place if you enter or modify a text in an input field.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_TEXTCHANGED\">The <emph>Text modified</emph> event takes place if you enter or modify a text in an input field.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
@@ -6685,7 +6685,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_ITEMSTATECHANGED\" visibility=\"hidden\">The<emph> Item status changed </emph>event takes place if the status of the control field has changed.</ahelp> The<emph> Item status changed</emph> event takes place if the status of the control field has changed."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_ITEMSTATECHANGED\" visibility=\"hidden\">The <emph>Item status changed</emph> event takes place if the status of the control field has changed.</ahelp> The <emph>Item status changed</emph> event takes place if the status of the control field has changed."
msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
@@ -6701,7 +6701,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_FOCUSGAINED\">The<emph> When receiving focus </emph>event takes place if a control field receives the focus.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_FOCUSGAINED\">The <emph>When receiving focus</emph> event takes place if a control field receives the focus.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
@@ -6733,7 +6733,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYTYPED\">The <emph>Key pressed </emph>event occurs when the user presses any key while the control has the focus.</ahelp> This event may be linked to a macro for checking entries."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYTYPED\">The <emph>Key pressed</emph> event occurs when the user presses any key while the control has the focus.</ahelp> This event may be linked to a macro for checking entries."
msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
@@ -6749,7 +6749,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYUP\">The<emph> Key released </emph>event occurs when the user releases any key while the control has the focus.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYUP\">The <emph>Key released</emph> event occurs when the user releases any key while the control has the focus.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
@@ -6765,7 +6765,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEENTERED\">The<emph> Mouse inside </emph>event takes place if the mouse is inside the control field.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEENTERED\">The <emph>Mouse inside</emph> event takes place if the mouse is inside the control field.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
@@ -6781,7 +6781,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEDRAGGED\">The<emph> Mouse moved while key pressed </emph>event takes place when the mouse is dragged while a key is pressed.</ahelp> An example is when, during drag-and-drop, an additional key determines the mode (move or copy)."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEDRAGGED\">The <emph>Mouse moved while key pressed</emph> event takes place when the mouse is dragged while a key is pressed.</ahelp> An example is when, during drag-and-drop, an additional key determines the mode (move or copy)."
msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
@@ -6797,7 +6797,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEMOVED\">The<emph> Mouse moved </emph>event occurs if the mouse moves over the control.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEMOVED\">The <emph>Mouse moved</emph> event occurs if the mouse moves over the control.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
@@ -6813,7 +6813,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEPRESSED\">The<emph> Mouse button pressed </emph>event occurs if the mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is on the control.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEPRESSED\">The <emph>Mouse button pressed</emph> event occurs if the mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is on the control.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
@@ -6837,7 +6837,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSERELEASED\">The<emph> Mouse button released </emph>event occurs if the mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is on the control.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSERELEASED\">The <emph>Mouse button released</emph> event occurs if the mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is on the control.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
@@ -6853,7 +6853,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEEXITED\">The<emph> Mouse outside </emph>event takes place when the mouse is outside the control field.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEEXITED\">The <emph>Mouse outside</emph> event takes place when the mouse is outside the control field.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170200.xhp
@@ -9413,7 +9413,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click the<emph> Navigator On/Off </emph>icon to hide or show the <emph>Navigator</emph>."
+msgid "Click the <emph>Navigator On/Off</emph> icon to hide or show the <emph>Navigator</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01220000.xhp
@@ -9421,7 +9421,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can also call the <emph>Navigator</emph> by selecting <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/swriter/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">View - Navigator</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">View - Navigator</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">View - Navigator</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">View - Navigator</link></caseinline><defaultinline>View - Navigator</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "You can also call the <emph>Navigator</emph> by selecting <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/swriter/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\"><emph>View - Navigator</emph></link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\"><emph>View - Navigator</emph></link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\"><emph>View - Navigator</emph></link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\"><emph>View - Navigator</emph></link></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>View - Navigator</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>."
msgstr ""
#: 01220000.xhp
@@ -9461,7 +9461,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:DesignerDialog\">Specifies whether to show or hide the Styles window, which is where you can assign and organize Styles.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:DesignerDialog\">Specifies whether to show or hide the <emph>Styles</emph> window, which is where you can assign and organize styles.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01230000.xhp
@@ -9469,7 +9469,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Each $[officename] application has its own Styles window. Hence there are separate windows for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/swriter/01/05140000.xhp\" name=\"text documents\">text documents</link></caseinline><defaultinline>text documents</defaultinline></switchinline>, for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"spreadsheets\">spreadsheets</link></caseinline><defaultinline>spreadsheets</defaultinline></switchinline> and for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"presentations/drawing documents\">presentations/drawing documents</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"presentations/drawing documents\">presentations/drawing documents</link></caseinline><defaultinline>presentations/drawing documents</defaultinline></switchinline>."
+msgid "Each $[officename] application has its own <emph>Styles</emph> window. Hence there are separate windows for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/swriter/01/05140000.xhp\" name=\"text documents\">text documents</link></caseinline><defaultinline>text documents</defaultinline></switchinline>, for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"spreadsheets\">spreadsheets</link></caseinline><defaultinline>spreadsheets</defaultinline></switchinline> and for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"presentations/drawing documents\">presentations/drawing documents</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"presentations/drawing documents\">presentations/drawing documents</link></caseinline><defaultinline>presentations/drawing documents</defaultinline></switchinline>."
msgstr ""
#: 01230000.xhp
@@ -9517,7 +9517,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To reset the selected objects to the default paragraph style, select <emph>Clear formatting</emph>. Select <emph>More Styles</emph> to open the Styles window."
+msgid "To reset the selected objects to the default paragraph style, select <emph>Clear formatting</emph>. Select <emph>More Styles</emph> to open the <emph>Styles</emph> window."
msgstr ""
#: 02010000.xhp
@@ -9525,7 +9525,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clicking on the Down arrow button on the right of a style name shows a pop-up menu that allows you to update the style from the current selection or to edit the style."
+msgid "Clicking on the <emph>Down Arrow</emph> button on the right of a style name shows a pop-up menu that allows you to update the style from the current selection or to edit the style."
msgstr ""
#: 02010000.xhp
@@ -9629,7 +9629,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"vorschautext\">You can see the name of the fonts formatted in their respective font if you mark the <emph>Preview in fonts lists</emph> field in <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010800.xhp\" name=\"$[officename] - View\">$[officename] - View</link> in the Options dialog box.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"vorschautext\">You can see the name of the fonts formatted in their respective font if you mark the <emph>Preview in fonts lists</emph> field in <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010800.xhp\" name=\"$[officename] - View\"><emph>$[officename] - View</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 02020000.xhp
@@ -9829,7 +9829,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you click the <emph>Decrease Indent</emph> icon while holding down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> key, the indent for the selected paragraph is moved by the default tab stop that has been set under <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040200.xhp\" name=\"Writer - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - General</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you click the <emph>Decrease Indent</emph> icon while holding down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> key, the indent for the selected paragraph is moved by the default tab stop that has been set under <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040200.xhp\" name=\"Writer - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - General</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02140000.xhp
@@ -9861,7 +9861,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Click the Increase Indent icon to increase the left indent of the current paragraph or cell content and set it to the next default tab position.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Click the <emph>Increase Indent</emph> icon to increase the left indent of the current paragraph or cell content and set it to the next default tab position.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 02140000.xhp
@@ -9893,7 +9893,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Click the <emph>Increase Indent</emph> icon while holding down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> key to move the indenting of the selected paragraph by the default tab distance set under <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040200.xhp\" name=\"Writer - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - General</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Click the <emph>Increase Indent</emph> icon while holding down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> key to move the indenting of the selected paragraph by the default tab distance set under <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040200.xhp\" name=\"Writer - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - General</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02140000.xhp
@@ -9933,7 +9933,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Indent increased by the amount with the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command key</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl key</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "Indent increased by the amount with the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> key."
msgstr ""
#: 02140000.xhp
@@ -10069,7 +10069,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To turn off highlighting, press Esc."
+msgid "To turn off highlighting, press <emph>Esc</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 02160000.xhp
@@ -10157,7 +10157,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaspaceIncrease\">Click the<emph> Increase Spacing </emph>icon to increase the paragraph spacing above the selected paragraph.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaspaceIncrease\">Click the <emph>Increase Spacing</emph> icon to increase the paragraph spacing above the selected paragraph.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 03110000.xhp
@@ -10181,7 +10181,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can make additional adjustments to the spacing by selecting <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing\"><emph>Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing</emph></link>"
+msgid "You can make additional adjustments to the spacing by selecting <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing\"><emph>Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing</emph></link>."
msgstr ""
#: 03120000.xhp
@@ -10205,7 +10205,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaspaceDecrease\">Click the<emph> Decrease Spacing </emph>icon to decrease the paragraph spacing above the selected paragraph.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaspaceDecrease\">Click the <emph>Decrease Spacing</emph> icon to decrease the paragraph spacing above the selected paragraph.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 03120000.xhp
@@ -10229,7 +10229,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can make additional adjustments to the spacing by selecting <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing\"><emph>Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing</emph></link>"
+msgid "You can make additional adjustments to the spacing by selecting <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing\"><emph>Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing</emph></link>."
msgstr ""
#: 03130000.xhp
@@ -10269,7 +10269,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">To apply a particular type of border to a single cell, position the cursor in the cell, open the <emph>Border</emph> toolbar and select a border. </caseinline><defaultinline>Whenever you insert graphics or tables, they already have a complete border. To remove that border, select the graphic object or the entire table and click the \"no border\" icon on the <emph>Border</emph> toolbar.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">To apply a particular type of border to a single cell, position the cursor in the cell, open the <emph>Border</emph> toolbar and select a border.</caseinline><defaultinline> Whenever you insert graphics or tables, they already have a complete border. To remove that border, select the graphic object or the entire table and click the <emph>no border</emph> icon on the <emph>Border</emph> toolbar.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 03130000.xhp
@@ -10293,7 +10293,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Further information can be found in the Help in <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\"><emph>Borders</emph></link>. You can also find information on how to <link href=\"text/shared/guide/border_table.xhp\" name=\"format a text table\">format a text table</link> with the <emph>Borders</emph> icon."
+msgid "Further information can be found in the Help in <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\"><emph>Borders</emph></link>. You can also find information on how to <link href=\"text/shared/guide/border_table.xhp\" name=\"format a text table\"><emph>format a text table</emph></link> with the <emph>Borders</emph> icon."
msgstr ""
#: 03140000.xhp
@@ -10349,7 +10349,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For more information, see the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\">Borders</link> section of the Help."
+msgid "For more information, see the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\"><emph>Borders</emph></link> section of the Help."
msgstr ""
#: 03150000.xhp
@@ -10397,7 +10397,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For more information, see the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\">Borders</link> section in the Help."
+msgid "For more information, see the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\"><emph>Borders</emph></link> section in the Help."
msgstr ""
#: 03200000.xhp
@@ -10429,7 +10429,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"verankerungtext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:ToggleAnchorType\">Allows you to switch between anchoring options.</ahelp></variable> The<emph> Change Anchor </emph>icon is only visible when an object such as a graphic or control field<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"> or frame</caseinline></switchinline> is selected."
+msgid "<variable id=\"verankerungtext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:ToggleAnchorType\">Allows you to switch between anchoring options.</ahelp></variable> The <emph>Change Anchor</emph> icon is only visible when an object such as a graphic or control field <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">or frame</caseinline></switchinline> is selected."
msgstr ""
#: 03200000.xhp
@@ -10437,7 +10437,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Further information about the anchoring is contained in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05260000.xhp\" name=\"Anchoring\"><emph>Anchoring</emph></link> Help section."
+msgid "Further information about the anchoring is contained in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05260000.xhp\" name=\"Anchoring\"><emph>Anchoring</emph></link> help section."
msgstr ""
#: 04210000.xhp
@@ -10581,7 +10581,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Select an object and click the<emph> Rotate</emph> icon on the<emph> Drawing</emph> toolbar. </caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Select an object and click the Rotate icon on the Drawing toolbar. </caseinline><defaultinline>Select an object and click the<emph> Rotate</emph> icon on the <emph>Drawing Object Properties</emph> toolbar.</defaultinline></switchinline> Drag a corner handle of the object in the direction you want to rotate it."
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Select an object and click the <emph>Rotate</emph> icon on the <emph>Drawing</emph> toolbar.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Select an object and click the <emph>Rotate</emph> icon on the <emph>Drawing</emph> toolbar.</caseinline><defaultinline>Select an object and click the <emph>Rotate</emph> icon on the <emph>Drawing Object Properties</emph> toolbar.</defaultinline></switchinline> Drag a corner handle of the object in the direction you want to rotate it."
msgstr ""
#: 05090000.xhp
@@ -10677,7 +10677,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The<emph> Demote One Level </emph>icon is on the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> bar, which appears when the cursor is positioned on a numbering or bullets item. </caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Demote </emph>icon is on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar, which appears when working in the outline view. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The<emph> Demote One Level </emph>icon is on the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> bar, which appears when the cursor is positioned on a numbering or bullets item.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Demote</emph> icon is on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar, which appears when working in the outline view.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 06050000.xhp
@@ -10693,7 +10693,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Demote One Level </caseinline><defaultinline>Demote</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Demote One Level</caseinline><defaultinline>Demote</defaultinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 06060000.xhp
@@ -10725,7 +10725,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The<emph> Promote One Level </emph>icon is on the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> bar, which appears when the cursor is positioned on a numbering or bullets item. </caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The<emph> Promote </emph>icon is on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar, which appears when working in the outline view. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The <emph>Promote One Level</emph> icon is on the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> bar, which appears when the cursor is positioned on a numbering or bullets item.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Promote</emph> icon is on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar, which appears when working in the outline view.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 06060000.xhp
@@ -10741,7 +10741,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Promote One Level </caseinline><defaultinline>Promote</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Promote One Level</caseinline><defaultinline>Promote</defaultinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 06100000.xhp
@@ -10773,7 +10773,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you have numbered paragraphs and click the<emph> Move Up </emph>icon, the numbers will be adjusted to the current order. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The <emph>Move Up </emph>icon is only visible when the cursor is positioned in a bulleted or numbered list.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Move Up </emph>icon appears on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> Bar when you use the outline view.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "If you have numbered paragraphs and click the <emph>Move Up</emph> icon, the numbers will be adjusted to the current order. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The <emph>Move Up</emph> icon is only visible when the cursor is positioned in a bulleted or numbered list.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Move Up</emph> icon appears on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar when you use the outline view.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 06100000.xhp
@@ -10781,7 +10781,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "This function can be called by pressing <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Up Arrow."
+msgid "This function can be called by pressing <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Up Arrow</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 06100000.xhp
@@ -10829,7 +10829,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you have numbered paragraphs and click the<emph> Move Down </emph>icon, the numbers will be adjusted to the current order. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The <emph>Move Down </emph>icon is only visible when the cursor is positioned in a bulleted or numbered list. </caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Move Down </emph>icon appears on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> Bar when you use the outline view. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "If you have numbered paragraphs and click the <emph>Move Down</emph> icon, the numbers will be adjusted to the current order. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The <emph>Move Down</emph> icon is only visible when the cursor is positioned in a bulleted or numbered list.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Move Down</emph> icon appears on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar when you use the outline view.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 06110000.xhp
@@ -10837,7 +10837,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "This function can be called by pressing <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Down Arrow."
+msgid "This function can be called by pressing <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Down Arrow</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 06110000.xhp
@@ -10885,7 +10885,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Bullet options such as type and position are defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering\"><emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph></link> dialog. To open this dialog, click the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> icon on the <link href=\"text/swriter/main0206.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering Bar\">Bullets and Numbering Bar</link></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Bullet options such as type and position are defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering\"><emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph></link> dialog. To open this dialog, click the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> icon on the <link href=\"text/swriter/main0206.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering Bar\"><emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> bar</link>.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 06120000.xhp
@@ -10893,7 +10893,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Bullet options such as type and position are defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering\">Bullets and Numbering</link> dialog. To open this dialog, click the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> icon on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> Bar. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Bullet options such as type and position are defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering\"><emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph></link> dialog. To open this dialog, click the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> icon on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 06120000.xhp
@@ -10901,7 +10901,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">In the <link href=\"text/swriter/01/03120000.xhp\" name=\"Web Layout\">Web Layout</link>, some numbering/bullet options are not available. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">In the <link href=\"text/swriter/01/03120000.xhp\" name=\"Web Layout\"><emph>Web Layout</emph></link>, some numbering/bullet options are not available.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 06120000.xhp
@@ -10909,7 +10909,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The distance between the text and the left text frame and the position of the bullets can be determined in the dialog under <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph\"><emph>Format - Paragraph</emph></link> by entering the left indent and the first-line indent. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The distance between the text and the left text frame and the position of the bullets can be determined in the dialog under <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph\"><emph>Format - Paragraph</emph></link> by entering the left indent and the first-line indent.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 06120000.xhp
@@ -10957,7 +10957,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enable Load URL with the <emph>Visible Buttons</emph> command (right-click the toolbar)."
+msgid "Enable <emph>Load URL</emph> with the <emph>Visible Buttons</emph> command (right-click the toolbar)."
msgstr ""
#: 07060000.xhp
@@ -11053,7 +11053,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_HELP_TEXT_SELECTION_MODE\">You can enable a selection cursor in a read-only text document or in the Help. Choose <emph>Edit - Select Text </emph>or open the context menu of a read-only document and choose <emph>Select Text</emph>. The selection cursor does not blink.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_HELP_TEXT_SELECTION_MODE\">You can enable a selection cursor in a read-only text document or in the Help. Choose <emph>Edit - Select Text</emph> or open the context menu of a read-only document and choose <emph>Select Text</emph>. The selection cursor does not blink.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 07070100.xhp
@@ -11117,7 +11117,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To make changes in a database used by more than one person, you must have the appropriate access rights. When you edit an external database, there is no intermediate storage by $[officename] of the changes made. They are sent directly to the database."
+msgid "To make changes in a database used by more than one person, you <emph>must have</emph> the appropriate access rights. When you edit an external database, there is <emph>no</emph> intermediate storage by $[officename] of the changes made. They are sent <emph>directly</emph> to the database."
msgstr ""
#: 07070200.xhp
@@ -11149,7 +11149,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Saves the current database table record.</ahelp> The<emph> Save Record </emph>icon is found on the <link href=\"text/shared/main0212.xhp\" name=\"Database Bar\">Table Data bar</link>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Saves the current database table record.</ahelp> The <emph>Save Record</emph> icon is found on the <link href=\"text/shared/main0212.xhp\" name=\"Database Bar\"><emph>Table Data</emph> bar</link>."
msgstr ""
#: 07070200.xhp
@@ -11181,7 +11181,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Stop\">Click to interrupt the current loading process, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>-click to interrupt all loading processes.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Stop\">Click to interrupt the current loading process, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+click to interrupt all loading processes.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 07090000.xhp
@@ -11205,7 +11205,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ExportDirectToPDF\" visibility=\"visible\">Exports the current document directly as PDF. No settings dialog is shown.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ExportDirectToPDF\" visibility=\"visible\">Exports the current document directly as <emph>PDF</emph>. No settings dialog is shown.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 08010000.xhp
@@ -11253,7 +11253,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:StatusGetPosition\">Displays the current cursor position in the %PRODUCTNAME Basic document. The row number is specified, then the column number.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:StatusGetPosition\">Displays the current cursor position in the <emph>%PRODUCTNAME</emph> Basic document. The row number is specified, then the column number.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070000.xhp
@@ -11317,7 +11317,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the Hyperlink dialog.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the <emph>Hyperlink</emph> dialog.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070000.xhp
@@ -11421,7 +11421,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>Internet</emph> page of the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">Hyperlink dialog</link> to edit hyperlinks with WWW or FTP addresses.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>Internet</emph> page of the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\"><emph>Hyperlink</emph> dialog</link> to edit hyperlinks with <emph>WWW</emph> or <emph>FTP</emph> addresses.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070100.xhp
@@ -11453,7 +11453,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkinternetpage/linktyp_internet\">Creates an http hyperlink.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkinternetpage/linktyp_internet\">Creates an \"<emph>http://</emph>\" hyperlink.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070100.xhp
@@ -11469,7 +11469,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkinternetpage/linktyp_ftp\">Creates an FTP hyperlink.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkinternetpage/linktyp_ftp\">Creates an \"<emph>FTP://</emph>\" hyperlink.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070100.xhp
@@ -11613,7 +11613,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Assign Macro</emph> dialog, in which you can give events such as \"mouse over object\" or \"trigger hyperlink\" their own program codes.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Assign Macro</emph> dialog, in which you can give events such as \"<emph>mouse over object</emph>\" or \"<emph>trigger hyperlink</emph>\" their own program codes.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070100.xhp
@@ -11645,7 +11645,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Enter a name for the hyperlink.</ahelp> $[officename] inserts a NAME tag in the hyperlink."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Enter a name for the hyperlink.</ahelp> $[officename] inserts a <emph>NAME</emph> tag in the hyperlink."
msgstr ""
#: 09070200.xhp
@@ -11669,7 +11669,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">On the <emph>Mail</emph> page in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">Hyperlink dialog</link> you can edit hyperlinks for e-mail addresses.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">On the <emph>Mail</emph> page in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\"><emph>Hyperlink</emph> dialog</link> you can edit hyperlinks for e-mail addresses.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070200.xhp
@@ -11693,7 +11693,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Assigns the specified e-mail address to the hyperlink.</ahelp> Clicking the new hyperlink in the document will open a new message document, addressed to the receiver specified in the <emph>Recipient</emph> field."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Assigns the specified <emph>e-mail address</emph> to the hyperlink.</ahelp> Clicking the new hyperlink in the document will open a new message document, addressed to the receiver specified in the <emph>Recipient</emph> field."
msgstr ""
#: 09070200.xhp
@@ -11709,7 +11709,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkmailpage/adressbook\">Hides or shows the data source browser.</ahelp> Drag the receiver's <emph>E-mail</emph> data field from the data source browser into the <emph>Recipient</emph> text field."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkmailpage/adressbook\">Hides or shows the <emph>data source</emph> browser.</ahelp> Drag the receiver's <emph>E-mail</emph> data field from the data source browser into the <emph>Recipient</emph> text field."
msgstr ""
#: 09070200.xhp
@@ -11725,7 +11725,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkmailpage/subject\">Specifies the subject that is inserted in the subject line of the new message document.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkmailpage/subject\">Specifies the <emph>subject</emph> that is inserted in the subject line of the new message document.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070300.xhp
@@ -11749,7 +11749,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Hyperlinks to any document or targets in documents can be edited using the <emph>Document</emph> tab from the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">Hyperlink dialog</link>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Hyperlinks to any document or targets in documents can be edited using the <emph>Document</emph> tab from the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\"><emph>Hyperlink</emph> dialog</link>.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070300.xhp
@@ -11773,7 +11773,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Enter a URL for the file that you want to open when you click the hyperlink. If you do not specify a target frame, the file opens in the current document or frame.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Enter a <emph>URL</emph> for the file that you want to open when you click the hyperlink. If you do not specify a target frame, the file opens in the current document or frame.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070300.xhp
@@ -11789,7 +11789,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkdocpage/fileopen\">Opens the <emph>Open dialog</emph>, where you can select a file.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkdocpage/fileopen\">Opens the <emph>Open</emph> dialog, where you can select a file.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070300.xhp
@@ -11869,7 +11869,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>New Document</emph> tab from the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">Hyperlink dialog</link> to set up a hyperlink to a new document and create the new document simultaneously.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>New Document</emph> tab from the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\"><emph>Hyperlink</emph> dialog</link> to set up a hyperlink to a new document and create the new document simultaneously.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070400.xhp
@@ -11933,7 +11933,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinknewdocpage/path\">Enter a URL for the file that you want to open when you click the hyperlink.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinknewdocpage/path\">Enter a <emph>URL</emph> for the file that you want to open when you click the hyperlink.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070400.xhp
@@ -12125,7 +12125,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"> <caseinline select=\"WRITER\">To Document End</caseinline> <defaultinline>Last Page</defaultinline> </switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">To Document End</caseinline><defaultinline>Last Page</defaultinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 10100000.xhp
@@ -12149,7 +12149,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:CloseWin\">Closes the current window.</ahelp> Choose <emph>Window - Close Window</emph>, or press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+F4. In the print preview of $[officename] Writer and Calc, you can close the current window by clicking the <emph>Close Preview</emph> button."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:CloseWin\">Closes the current window.</ahelp> Choose <emph>Window - Close Window</emph>, or press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>F4</emph>. In the print preview of $[officename] Writer and Calc, you can close the current window by clicking the <emph>Close Preview</emph> button."
msgstr ""
#: 10100000.xhp
@@ -13605,7 +13605,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "While the functions <link href=\"text/shared/02/12010000.xhp\" name=\"Sort in Ascending Order\"><emph>Sort in Ascending Order</emph></link> and <link href=\"text/shared/02/12020000.xhp\" name=\"Sort in Descending Order\"><emph>Sort in Descending Order</emph></link> sort by one criterion only, you can combine several criteria in the<emph> Sort Order </emph>dialog."
+msgid "While the functions <link href=\"text/shared/02/12010000.xhp\" name=\"Sort in Ascending Order\"><emph>Sort in Ascending Order</emph></link> and <link href=\"text/shared/02/12020000.xhp\" name=\"Sort in Descending Order\"><emph>Sort in Descending Order</emph></link> sort by one criterion only, you can combine several criteria in the <emph>Sort Order</emph> dialog."
msgstr ""
#: 12100100.xhp
@@ -13637,7 +13637,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you sort the field name \"First name\" in ascending order and the field name \"last name\" in descending order, all records will be sorted in ascending order by first name, and then within the first names, in descending order by last name."
+msgid "If you sort the field name \"First name\" in ascending order and the field name \"Last name\" in descending order, all records will be sorted in ascending order by first name, and then within the first names, in descending order by last name."
msgstr ""
#: 12100100.xhp
@@ -13701,7 +13701,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>tables in databases; searching</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>forms; browsing</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>records; searching in databases</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>searching; databases</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>databases; searching records</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>tables in databases; searching</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>forms; browsing</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>records; searching in databases</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>searching; databases</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>databases; searching records</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
@@ -13717,7 +13717,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"suchentext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:RecSearch\" visibility=\"hidden\">Searches database tables and forms.</ahelp> In forms or database tables, you can search through data fields, list boxes, and check boxes for specific values. </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"suchentext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:RecSearch\" visibility=\"hidden\">Searches database tables and forms.</ahelp> In forms or database tables, you can search through data fields, list boxes, and check boxes for specific values.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
@@ -13733,7 +13733,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The search described here is carried out by <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item>. If you want to use the SQL server to search in a database, then you should use the <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"Form-based Filters\">Form-based Filters</link> icon on the <link href=\"text/shared/main0213.xhp\" name=\"Form Bar\">Form Bar</link>."
+msgid "The search described here is carried out by <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item>. If you want to use the SQL server to search in a database, then you should use the <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"Form-based Filters\"><emph>Form-based Filters</emph></link> icon on the <link href=\"text/shared/main0213.xhp\" name=\"Form Bar\"><emph>Form</emph> bar</link>."
msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
@@ -14077,7 +14077,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You have a date field, which is saved in \"DD.MM.YY\" format in the database (for example, 17.02.65). The format of the entry is changed in the data source view to \"DD MMM YYYY\" (17 Feb 1965). Following this example, a record containing February 17 is only found when the <emph>Apply field format</emph> option is on:"
+msgid "You have a date field, which is saved in \"<emph>DD.MM.YY</emph>\" format in the database (for example, <emph>17.02.65</emph>). The format of the entry is changed in the data source view to \"<emph>DD MMM YYYY</emph>\" (<emph>17 Feb 1965</emph>). Following this example, a record containing February 17 is only found when the <emph>Apply field format</emph> option is on:"
msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
@@ -14165,7 +14165,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "\"5\" returns \"14:00:00\" as a time"
+msgid "\"5\" returns \"14:00:00\" as a time."
msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
@@ -14173,7 +14173,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Time fields are not defined for dBASE databases and must be simulated. To internally display the time \"14:00:00\", a 5 is necessary."
+msgid "Time fields are not defined for <emph>dBASE</emph> databases and must be simulated. To internally display the time \"<emph>14:00:00</emph>\", a \"<emph>5</emph>\" is necessary."
msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
@@ -14181,7 +14181,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "\"00:00:00\" returns all records of a standard date field"
+msgid "\"00:00:00\" returns all records of a standard date field."
msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
@@ -14205,7 +14205,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The view shown does not match what is stored internally. For example, if value 45.789 is stored in the database as a field of type Number/Double and the shown formatting is set to display only two decimals, \"45.79\" is only returned in searches with field formatting."
+msgid "The view shown does not match what is stored internally. For example, if value \"<emph>45.789</emph>\" is stored in the database as a field of type \"<emph>Number/Double</emph>\" and the shown formatting is set to display only two decimals, \"<emph>45.79</emph>\" is only returned in searches with field formatting."
msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
@@ -14221,7 +14221,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "However, searching without <emph>Apply field format </emph>is appropriate for larger databases with no formatting issues, because it is faster."
+msgid "However, searching without <emph>Apply field format</emph> is appropriate for larger databases with no formatting issues, because it is faster."
msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
@@ -14301,7 +14301,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/fmsearchdialog/cbWildCard\" visibility=\"hidden\">Allows a search with a * or ? wildcard.</ahelp> You can use the following wildcards:"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/fmsearchdialog/cbWildCard\" visibility=\"hidden\">Allows a search with a <emph>*</emph> or <emph>?</emph> wildcard.</ahelp> You can use the following wildcards:"
msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
@@ -14397,7 +14397,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you want to search for the actual characters ? or *, preface them with a backslash: \"\\?\" or \"\\*\". However, this is only necessary when <emph>Wildcard expression</emph> is enabled. When the option is not enabled, the wildcard characters are processed like normal characters."
+msgid "If you want to search for the actual characters <emph>?</emph> or <emph>*</emph>, preface them with a backslash: \"<emph>\\?</emph>\" or \"<emph>\\*</emph>\". However, this is only necessary when <emph>Wildcard expression</emph> is enabled. When the option is not enabled, the wildcard characters are processed like normal characters."
msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
@@ -14413,7 +14413,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/fmsearchdialog/cbRegular\">Searches with regular expressions.</ahelp> The same regular expressions that are supported here are also supported in the <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> <link href=\"text/shared/01/02100000.xhp\" name=\"Find & Replace dialog\">Find & Replace dialog</link>."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/fmsearchdialog/cbRegular\">Searches with regular expressions.</ahelp> The same regular expressions that are supported here are also supported in the <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> <link href=\"text/shared/01/02100000.xhp\" name=\"Find & Replace dialog\"><emph>Find & Replace</emph> dialog</link>."
msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
@@ -14493,7 +14493,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "In very large databases, finding the record in reverse search order can take some time. In this case, the status bar informs you that the records are still being counted."
+msgid "In very large databases, finding the record in reverse search order can take some time. In this case, the <emph>status bar</emph> informs you that the records are still being counted."
msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
@@ -14501,7 +14501,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Search / Cancel"
+msgid "Search/Cancel"
msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
@@ -14565,7 +14565,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Unlike the normal search, which is activated by the <link href=\"text/shared/02/12100200.xhp\" name=\"Find Record\">Find Record</link> icon on the <emph>Form</emph> Bar, you can search more quickly by using the form-based filter. Usually a quick database server is charged with the search. Also, you can enter more complex search conditions."
+msgid "Unlike the normal search, which is activated by the <link href=\"text/shared/02/12100200.xhp\" name=\"Find Record\"><emph>Find Record</emph></link> icon on the <emph>Form</emph> bar, you can search more quickly by using the form-based filter. Usually a quick database server is charged with the search. Also, you can enter more complex search conditions."
msgstr ""
#: 12110000.xhp
@@ -14629,7 +14629,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The<emph> Apply Filter </emph>function retains <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"form-based filters\">form-based filters</link> that have been set. You do not need to redefine them."
+msgid "The <emph>Apply Filter</emph> function retains <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"form-based filters\"><emph>form-based filters</emph></link> that have been set. You do not need to redefine them."
msgstr ""
#: 12130000.xhp
@@ -14661,7 +14661,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ViewFormAsGrid\">Activates an additional table view when in the form view.</ahelp> When the<emph> Data source as table</emph> function is activated, you see the table in an area above the form."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ViewFormAsGrid\">Activates an additional table view when in the form view.</ahelp> When the <emph>Data source as table</emph> function is activated, you see the table in an area above the form."
msgstr ""
#: 12130000.xhp
@@ -14685,7 +14685,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The table view and form view reflect the same data. Changes made in the table are also visible in the form, and changes to the form are visible in the table."
+msgid "The <emph>Table view</emph> and <emph>Form view</emph> reflect the same data. Changes made in the table are also visible in the form, and changes to the form are visible in the table."
msgstr ""
#: 12130000.xhp
@@ -14901,7 +14901,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Drag the bottom left mark to the right while pressing the mouse button"
+msgid "Drag the bottom left mark to the right while pressing the mouse button."
msgstr ""
#: 13020000.xhp
@@ -14917,7 +14917,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Drag the top left mark to the right while pressing the mouse button"
+msgid "Drag the top left mark to the right while pressing the mouse button."
msgstr ""
#: 13020000.xhp
@@ -14933,7 +14933,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Drag the mark on the right to the left while pressing the mouse button"
+msgid "Drag the mark on the right to the left while pressing the mouse button."
msgstr ""
#: 13020000.xhp
@@ -14941,7 +14941,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "In order to change the left indent starting with the second line of a paragraph, hold down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> key, click the triangle on the bottom left, and drag it to the right."
+msgid "In order to change the left indent starting with the second line of a paragraph, hold down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> key, click the triangle on the bottom left, and drag it to the right."
msgstr ""
#: 13020000.xhp
@@ -14981,7 +14981,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The<emph> Run Query </emph>function allows you to check the query. When you save the query, it is stored in the <emph>Query</emph> tab page."
+msgid "The <emph>Run Query</emph> function allows you to check the query. When you save the query, it is stored in the <emph>Query</emph> tab page."
msgstr ""
#: 14010000.xhp
@@ -15077,7 +15077,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"tabellehinzufuegentext\"><ahelp hid=\"dbaccess/ui/tablesjoindialog/tablelist\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the tables to be inserted into the design window.</ahelp> In the<emph> Add Tables </emph>dialog, select the tables you need for your current task. </variable> When creating a query or a new table presentation, select the corresponding table to which the query or table presentation should refer. When working with relational databases, select the tables between which you want to build relationships."
+msgid "<variable id=\"tabellehinzufuegentext\"><ahelp hid=\"dbaccess/ui/tablesjoindialog/tablelist\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the tables to be inserted into the design window.</ahelp> In the <emph>Add Tables</emph> dialog, select the tables you need for your current task.</variable> When creating a query or a new table presentation, select the corresponding table to which the query or table presentation should refer. When working with relational databases, select the tables between which you want to build relationships."
msgstr ""
#: 14020100.xhp
@@ -15165,7 +15165,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Switch Design View On / Off"
+msgid "Switch Design View On/Off"
msgstr ""
#: 14020200.xhp
@@ -15173,7 +15173,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/02/14020200.xhp\" name=\"Switch Design View On / Off\">Switch Design View On / Off</link>"
+msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/02/14020200.xhp\" name=\"Switch Design View On / Off\">Switch Design View On/Off</link>"
msgstr ""
#: 14020200.xhp
@@ -15197,7 +15197,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Switch Design View On / Off"
+msgid "Switch Design View On/Off"
msgstr ""
#: 14030000.xhp
@@ -15221,7 +15221,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:SbaNativeSql\">In Native SQL mode you can enter SQL commands that are not interpreted by $[officename], but are instead passed directly to the data source.</ahelp> If you do not display these changes in the design view, you cannot change back to the design view."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:SbaNativeSql\">In <emph>Native SQL</emph> mode you can enter SQL commands that are not interpreted by $[officename], but are instead passed directly to the data source.</ahelp> If you do not display these changes in the design view, you cannot change back to the design view."
msgstr ""
#: 14030000.xhp
@@ -15253,7 +15253,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click the icon again to return to normal mode, in which the changes in the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"New Query Design\">New Query Design</link> are synchronized with the permitted changes through SQL."
+msgid "Click the icon again to return to normal mode, in which the changes in the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"New Query Design\"><emph>New Query Design</emph></link> are synchronized with the permitted changes through SQL."
msgstr ""
#: 14040000.xhp
@@ -15277,7 +15277,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewFunctions\">Displays the \"Function\" row in the lower part of the design view of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\">Query Design</link> window.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewFunctions\">Displays the <emph>Function</emph> row in the lower part of the design view of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\"><emph>Query Design</emph></link> window.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 14040000.xhp
@@ -15317,7 +15317,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Displays the \"Table\" row in the lower part of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\">Query Design</link>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Displays the <emph>Table</emph> row in the lower part of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\"><emph>Query Design</emph></link>.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 14050000.xhp
@@ -15357,7 +15357,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewAliases\">Displays the \"Alias\" row in the lower part of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\">Query Design</link>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewAliases\">Displays the <emph>Alias</emph> row in the lower part of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\"><emph>Query Design</emph></link>.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 14060000.xhp
@@ -15405,7 +15405,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:DBDistinctValues\">Expands the created select statement of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"SQL Query\">SQL Query</link> in the current column by the parameter DISTINCT.</ahelp> The consequence is that identical values occurring multiple times are listed only once."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:DBDistinctValues\">Expands the created select statement of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"SQL Query\"><emph>SQL Query</emph></link> in the current column by the parameter <emph>DISTINCT</emph>.</ahelp> The consequence is that identical values occurring multiple times are listed only once."
msgstr ""
#: 14070000.xhp
@@ -15469,7 +15469,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To select an object, click the object with the arrow. To select more than one object, drag a selection frame around the objects. To add an object to a selection, press Shift, and then click the object. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>The objects selected together can then be defined as a <link href=\"text/shared/01/05290000.xhp\" name=\"group\">group</link>, turning them into a single group object.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "To select an object, click the object with the arrow. To select more than one object, drag a selection frame around the objects. To add an object to a selection, press <emph>Shift</emph>, and then click the object. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>The objects selected together can then be defined as a <link href=\"text/shared/01/05290000.xhp\" name=\"group\">group</link>, turning them into a single group object.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 18010000.xhp
@@ -15477,7 +15477,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>You can edit individual elements of a group. You can also delete elements from a group with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Shift</defaultinline></switchinline>+click.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>You can edit individual elements of a group. You can also delete elements from a group with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Shift</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+click.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 18010000.xhp
@@ -15485,7 +15485,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>You can select single objects from a group by double-clicking, if you first disable the <emph>Double-click to edit Text</emph> icon on the <emph>Option</emph> Bar.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>You can select single objects from a group by double-clicking, if you first disable the <emph>Double-click to edit Text</emph> icon on the <emph>Option</emph> bar.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 18030000.xhp
@@ -15557,7 +15557,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "In HTML Source mode, you can view and edit the <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#tags\" name=\"tags\">tags</link> of <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#html\" name=\"HTML\">HTML</link>. Save the document as a plain text document. Assign an .html or .htm extension to designate the document as HTML."
+msgid "In <emph>HTML Source</emph> mode, you can view and edit the <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#tags\" name=\"tags\">tags</link> of <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#html\" name=\"HTML\">HTML</link>. Save the document as a plain text document. Assign an <emph>.html</emph> or <emph>.htm</emph> extension to designate the document as HTML."
msgstr ""
#: 20020000.xhp
@@ -15589,7 +15589,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:LayoutStatus\">Displays the current Page Style. Double-click to edit the style, right-click to select another style.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:LayoutStatus\">Displays the current <emph>Page Style</emph>. Double-click to edit the style, right-click to select another style.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 20020000.xhp
@@ -15597,7 +15597,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Double-click the<emph> Page Style field </emph>to open the <link href=\"text/swriter/01/05040000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\">Page Style</link> dialog, in which you can edit the style for the current page. In the context menu of this field, you can apply a Page Style. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Double-click the <emph>Page Style</emph> field to open the <link href=\"text/swriter/01/05040000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\"><emph>Page Style</emph></link> dialog, in which you can edit the style for the current page. In the context menu of this field, you can apply a page style.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 20020000.xhp
@@ -15605,7 +15605,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Double-click the <emph>Page Style</emph> field to open the <link href=\"text/scalc/01/05070000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\">Page Style</link> dialog, in which you can edit the style for the current page. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Double-click the <emph>Page Style</emph> field to open the <link href=\"text/scalc/01/05070000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\"><emph>Page Style</emph></link> dialog, in which you can edit the style for the current page.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 20020000.xhp
@@ -15613,7 +15613,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Double-click this field to open the <link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\">Slide Design</link> dialog in which you can select the style for the current slide. You can select a different paper format or background. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Double-click this field to open the <link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\"><emph>Slide Design</emph></link> dialog in which you can select the style for the current slide. You can select a different paper format or background.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 20020000.xhp
@@ -15621,7 +15621,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Double-click this field to open the <link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\">Slide Design</link> dialog in which you select the style for the current page. You can select a different paper format or background. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Double-click this field to open the <link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\"><emph>Slide Design</emph></link> dialog in which you select the style for the current page. You can select a different paper format or background.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 20030000.xhp
@@ -15661,7 +15661,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Double-clicking this field opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/03010000.xhp\" name=\"Zoom\">Zoom</link> dialog, where you can change the current zoom factor."
+msgid "Double-clicking this field opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/03010000.xhp\" name=\"Zoom\"><emph>Zoom</emph></link> dialog, where you can change the current zoom factor."
msgstr ""
#: 20030000.xhp
@@ -15693,7 +15693,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertMode\">Displays the current insert mode. You can toggle between INSRT = insert and OVER = overwrite.</ahelp><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"> This field is only active if the cursor is in the input line of the formula bar or in a cell. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertMode\">Displays the current insert mode. You can toggle between <emph>INSRT</emph> = insert and <emph>OVER</emph> = overwrite.</ahelp><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"> This field is only active if the cursor is in the input line of the formula bar or in a cell.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 20040000.xhp
@@ -15701,7 +15701,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click in the field to toggle the modes (except in the $[officename] Basic IDE, where only the <emph>Insert</emph> mode is active). If the cursor is positioned in a text document, you may also use the Insert key (if available on your keyboard) to toggle the modes."
+msgid "Click in the field to toggle the modes (except in the $[officename] Basic IDE, where only the <emph>Insert</emph> mode is active). If the cursor is positioned in a text document, you may also use the <emph>Insert</emph> key (if available on your keyboard) to toggle the modes."
msgstr ""
#: 20040000.xhp
@@ -15765,7 +15765,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>selection modes in text</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>text; selection modes</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>extending selection mode</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>adding selection mode</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>block selection mode</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>selection modes in text</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>text; selection modes</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>extending selection mode</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>adding selection mode</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>block selection mode</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 20050000.xhp
@@ -15821,7 +15821,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "This is the default selection mode for text documents. With the keyboard, selections can be performed by Shift+NavigationKey (<item type=\"keycode\">arrows, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down</item>). With the mouse, click in the text where the selection is to start, hold the left mouse button and move to the end of the selection. Release the mouse key to end selection."
+msgid "This is the default selection mode for text documents. With the keyboard, selections can be performed by <emph>Shift</emph>+navigation key (<item type=\"keycode\">arrows, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down</item>). With the mouse, click in the text where the selection is to start, hold the left mouse button and move to the end of the selection. Release the mouse key to end selection."
msgstr ""
#: 20050000.xhp
@@ -15837,7 +15837,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "By using the arrow keys or the <item type=\"keycode\">Home</item> and <item type=\"keycode\">End</item> keys you can extend or crop the current selection. Clicking into the text selects the text between the current cursor position and the click position."
+msgid "By using the <emph>arrow</emph> keys or the <item type=\"keycode\">Home</item> and <item type=\"keycode\">End</item> keys you can extend or crop the current selection. Clicking into the text selects the text between the current cursor position and the click position."
msgstr ""
#: 20050000.xhp
@@ -15909,7 +15909,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_MODIFYSTATUS\">If changes to the document have not yet been saved, a \"*\" is displayed in this field on the Status Bar. This also applies to new, not yet saved documents.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_MODIFYSTATUS\">If changes to the document have not yet been saved, a \"<emph>*</emph>\" is displayed in this field on the <emph>Status</emph> bar. This also applies to new, not yet saved documents.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 20090000.xhp
diff --git a/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/04.po b/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/04.po
index 58225caa4fc..cc156c25e03 100644
--- a/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/04.po
+++ b/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/04.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-08 15:10+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-05-11 15:02+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>keyboard;general commands</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>shortcut keys;general</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>text input fields</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>AutoComplete function in text and list boxes</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>macros; interrupting</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>keyboard; general commands</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>shortcut keys; general</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>text input fields</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>AutoComplete function in text and list boxes</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>macros; interrupting</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "A great deal of your application's functionality can be called up by using shortcut keys. For example, the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command+O</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl+O</defaultinline></switchinline> shortcut keys are shown next to the <emph>Open</emph> entry in the <emph>File</emph> menu. If you want to access this function by using the shortcut keys, press and hold down <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> and then press the O key. Release both keys after the dialog appears."
+msgid "A great deal of your application's functionality can be called up by using shortcut keys. For example, the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command+O</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl+O</item></defaultinline></switchinline> shortcut keys are shown next to the <emph>Open</emph> entry in the <item type=\"menuitem\">File</item> menu. If you want to access this function by using the shortcut keys, press and hold down <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline> and then press the <item type=\"keycode\">O</item> key. Release both keys after the dialog appears."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>Some of the characters shown on the menu bar are underlined. You can access these menus directly by pressing the underlined character together with the ALT key. Once the menu is opened, you will again find underlined characters. You can access these menu items directly by simply pressing the underlined character key.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>Some of the characters shown on the menu bar are underlined. You can access these menus directly by pressing the underlined character together with the <item type=\"keycode\">Alt</item> key. Once the menu is opened, you will again find underlined characters. You can access these menu items directly by simply pressing the underlined character key.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "There is always one element highlighted in any given dialog - usually shown by a broken frame. This element, which can be either a button, an option field, an entry in a list box or a check box, is said to have the focus on it. If the focal point is a button, pressing Enter runs it as if you had clicked it. A check box is toggled by pressing the spacebar. If an option field has the focus, use the arrow keys to change the activated option field in that area. Use the Tab key to go from one element or area to the next one, use Shift+Tab to go in the reverse direction."
+msgid "There is always one element highlighted in any given dialog - usually shown by a broken frame. This element, which can be either a button, an option field, an entry in a list box or a check box, is said to have the focus on it. If the focal point is a button, pressing <item type=\"keycode\">Enter</item> runs it as if you had clicked it. A check box is toggled by pressing the <item type=\"keycode\">Spacebar</item>. If an option field has the focus, use the arrow keys to change the activated option field in that area. Use the <item type=\"keycode\">Tab</item> key to go from one element or area to the next one, use <item type=\"keycode\">Shift+Tab</item> to go in the reverse direction."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Pressing ESC closes the dialog without saving changes. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>If you place the focus on a button, not only will you see the dotted line framing the name of the button, but also a thicker shadow under the button selected. This indicates that if you exit the dialog by pressing the Enter key, it is the equivalent of pressing that button itself.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "Pressing <item type=\"keycode\">Esc</item> closes the dialog without saving changes. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>If you place the focus on a button, not only will you see the dotted line framing the name of the button, but also a thicker shadow under the button selected. This indicates that if you exit the dialog by pressing the <item type=\"keycode\">Enter</item> key, it is the equivalent of pressing that button itself.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you are using drag-and-drop, selecting with the mouse or clicking objects and names, you can use the keys Shift, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> and occasionally <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Option</caseinline><defaultinline>Alt</defaultinline></switchinline> to access additional functionality. The modified functions available when holding down keys during drag-and-drop are indicated by the mouse pointer changing form. When selecting files or other objects, the modifier keys can extend the selection - the functions are explained where applicable. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"UNIX\"><embedvar href=\"text/shared/00/00000099.xhp#winmanager\"/></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "If you are using drag-and-drop, selecting with the mouse or clicking objects and names, you can use the keys <item type=\"keycode\">Shift</item>, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline> and occasionally <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Option</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Alt</item></defaultinline></switchinline> to access additional functionality. The modified functions available when holding down keys during drag-and-drop are indicated by the mouse pointer changing form. When selecting files or other objects, the modifier keys can extend the selection - the functions are explained where applicable. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"UNIX\"><embedvar href=\"text/shared/00/00000099.xhp#winmanager\"/></caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use the shortcut keys <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+S to open the <emph>Special Characters</emph> dialog to insert one or more special characters."
+msgid "Use the shortcut keys <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Shift+S</item> to open the <emph>Special Characters</emph> dialog to insert one or more special characters."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+A to select the entire text. Use the right or left arrow key to remove the selection."
+msgid "Use <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+A</item> to select the entire text. Use the right or left arrow key to remove the selection."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Del to delete everything from the cursor position to the end of the word."
+msgid "Use <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Del</item> to delete everything from the cursor position to the end of the word."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "By using <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> and right or left arrow key, the cursor will jump from word to word; if you also hold down the Shift key, one word after the other is selected."
+msgid "By using <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline> and right or left arrow key, the cursor will jump from word to word; if you also hold down the <item type=\"keycode\">Shift</item> key, one word after the other is selected."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "INSRT is used to switch between the insert mode and the overwrite mode and back again."
+msgid "<item type=\"keycode\">INSRT</item> is used to switch between the insert mode and the overwrite mode and back again."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Z shortcut keys are used to undo modifications one step at a time; the text will then have the status it had before the first change."
+msgid "The <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Z</item> shortcut keys are used to undo modifications one step at a time; the text will then have the status it had before the first change."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "$[officename] has an AutoComplete function which activates itself in some text and list boxes. For example, enter <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">c:\\a</caseinline><defaultinline>~/a</defaultinline></switchinline> into the URL field and the AutoComplete function displays the first file or first directory found <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">on the C: drive</caseinline><defaultinline>in your home folder</defaultinline></switchinline> that starts with the letter \"a\"."
+msgid "$[officename] has an <emph>AutoComplete</emph> function which activates itself in some text and list boxes. For example, enter <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\"><emph>c:\\a</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>~/a</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> into the URL field and the <emph>AutoComplete</emph> function displays the first file or first directory found <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">on the C: drive</caseinline><defaultinline>in your home folder</defaultinline></switchinline> that starts with the letter \"a\"."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use the down arrow key to scroll through the other files and directories. Use the right arrow key to also display an existing subdirectory in the URL field. Quick AutoComplete is available if you press the End key after entering part of the URL. Once you find the document or directory you want, press Enter."
+msgid "Use the <item type=\"keycode\">Down Arrow</item> key to scroll through the other files and directories. Use the <item type=\"keycode\">Right Arrow</item> key to also display an existing subdirectory in the URL field. Quick AutoComplete is available if you press the <item type=\"keycode\">End</item> key after entering part of the URL. Once you find the document or directory you want, press <item type=\"keycode\">Enter</item>."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you want to terminate a macro that is currently running, press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+Q."
+msgid "If you want to terminate a macro that is currently running, press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Shift+Q</item>."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The shortcut keys are shown on the right hand side of the menu lists next to the corresponding menu command. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">(Not all of the mentioned keys for controlling dialogs are available on the Macintosh.)</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "The shortcut keys are shown on the right hand side of the menu lists next to the corresponding menu command. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">(Not all of the mentioned keys for controlling dialogs are available on macOS.)</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -277,8 +277,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Effect</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>التأثير</emph>"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Activates the focused button in a dialog"
+msgid "Activates the focused button in a dialog."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the list of the control field currently selected in a dialog. These shortcut keys apply not only to combo boxes but also to icon buttons with pop-up menus. Close an opened list by pressing the Escape key."
+msgid "Opens the list of the control field currently selected in a dialog. These shortcut keys apply not only to combo boxes but also to icon buttons with pop-up menus. Close an opened list by pressing the <item type=\"keycode\">Esc</item> key."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -413,8 +413,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Effect</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>التأثير</emph>"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>Toggles the view between fullscreen mode and normal mode in Writer or Calc</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>Toggles the view between fullscreen mode and normal mode in Writer or Calc.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>Starts the $[officename] Help</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>Starts the $[officename] Help.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Turns on Extended Tips for the currently selected command, icon or control."
+msgid "Turns on <emph>Extended Tips</emph> for the currently selected command, icon or control."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Sets focus in next subwindow (for example, document/data source view)"
+msgid "Sets focus in next subwindow, for example, document/data source view."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Activates the first menu (File menu)"
+msgid "Activates the first menu (File menu)."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Closes the current document (close $[officename] when the last open document is closed)"
+msgid "Closes the current document. Closes $[officename] when the last open document is closed."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -765,8 +765,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Effect</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>التأثير</emph>"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -973,7 +973,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Italic</emph> attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also marked in italic."
+msgid "The \"Italic\" attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also marked in italic."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -989,7 +989,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Bold</emph> attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also put in bold."
+msgid "The \"Bold\" attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also put in bold."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1005,7 +1005,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Underlined</emph> attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also underlined."
+msgid "The \"Underlined\" attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also underlined."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1021,7 +1021,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Removes direct formatting from selected text or objects (as in <emph>Format - Clear Direct Formatting</emph>)"
+msgid "Removes direct formatting from selected text or objects (as in <item type=\"menuitem\">Format - Clear Direct Formatting</item>)."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1045,7 +1045,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Result"
+msgid "Effect"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1077,7 +1077,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Moves between areas (backwards)"
+msgid "Moves backwards between areas."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1085,7 +1085,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Shortcut keys in the New Theme area of the Gallery:"
+msgid "Shortcut keys in the <emph>New Theme</emph> area of the Gallery:"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1101,7 +1101,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Result"
+msgid "Effect"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1149,7 +1149,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the Properties dialog."
+msgid "Opens the <emph>Properties</emph> dialog."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1229,7 +1229,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Inserts a new theme"
+msgid "Inserts a new theme."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1237,7 +1237,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Shortcut keys in the Gallery preview area:"
+msgid "Shortcut keys in the <emph>Gallery Preview</emph> area:"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1253,7 +1253,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Result"
+msgid "Effect"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1365,7 +1365,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Scroll up one screen."
+msgid "Scrolls up one screen."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1381,7 +1381,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Scroll down one screen."
+msgid "Scrolls down one screen."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1485,7 +1485,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Step backward (only in object view)"
+msgid "Step backward (only in object view)."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1501,7 +1501,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Selecting Rows and Columns in a Database Table (opened by <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> + Shift + F4 keys)"
+msgid "Selecting Rows and Columns in a Database Table (opened by <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Shift+F4</item> keys)"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1517,7 +1517,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Result"
+msgid "Effect"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Toggles row selection"
+msgid "Toggles row selection."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1565,7 +1565,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Selects the current column"
+msgid "Selects the current column."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1581,7 +1581,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Moves pointer to the first row"
+msgid "Moves pointer to the first row."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1597,7 +1597,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Moves pointer to the last row"
+msgid "Moves pointer to the last row."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1621,7 +1621,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Result"
+msgid "Effect"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1629,7 +1629,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the toolbar with F6. Use the Down Arrow and Right Arrow to select the desired toolbar icon and press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter"
+msgid "Select the toolbar with <item type=\"keycode\">F6</item>. Use the <item type=\"keycode\">Down Arrow</item> and <item type=\"keycode\">Right Arrow</item> keys to select the desired toolbar icon and press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Enter</item>."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1645,7 +1645,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the document with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+F6 and press Tab"
+msgid "Select the document with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+F6</item> and press <item type=\"keycode\">Tab</item>."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1749,7 +1749,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Exit Handle Selection Mode and return to Object Selection Mode."
+msgid "Exits <emph>Handle Selection Mode</emph> and return to <emph>Object Selection Mode</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1765,7 +1765,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Move the selected point (the snap-to-grid functions are temporarily disabled, but end points still snap to each other)."
+msgid "Moves the selected point (the snap-to-grid functions are temporarily disabled, but end points still snap to each other)."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1781,7 +1781,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Moves the selected Drawing Object one pixel (in Selection Mode)"
+msgid "Moves the selected drawing object one pixel (in Selection Mode)."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1789,7 +1789,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Re-sizes a Drawing Object (in Handle Selection Mode)"
+msgid "Resizes a drawing object (in Handle Selection Mode)."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1797,7 +1797,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Rotates a Drawing Object (in Rotation Mode)"
+msgid "Rotates a drawing object (in Rotation Mode)."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1805,7 +1805,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the properties dialog for a Drawing Object."
+msgid "Opens the properties dialog for a drawing object."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1829,7 +1829,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select a point of a drawing object (in Point Selection mode) / Cancel selection."
+msgid "Selects a point of a drawing object (in Point Selection mode) / Cancel selection."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select an additional point in Point Selection mode."
+msgid "Selects an additional point in Point Selection mode."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1869,7 +1869,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the next point of the drawing object (Point Selection mode)"
+msgid "Selects the next point of the drawing object (Point Selection mode)."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1877,7 +1877,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "In Rotation mode, the center of rotation can also be selected."
+msgid "In <emph>Rotation</emph> mode, the center of rotation can also be selected."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1893,7 +1893,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the previous point of the drawing object (Point Selection mode)"
+msgid "Selects the previous point of the drawing object (Point Selection mode)"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1917,7 +1917,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter at the Selection icon"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter at the <emph>Selection</emph> icon"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1941,7 +1941,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Leave the Point Selection mode. The drawing object is selected afterwards."
+msgid "Leaves the <emph>Point Selection</emph> mode. The drawing object is selected afterwards."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1949,7 +1949,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Edit a point of a drawing object (Point Edit mode)"
+msgid "Edits a point of a drawing object (Point Edit mode)."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -2069,7 +2069,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Results"
+msgid "Effect"
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -2149,7 +2149,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Preview"
+msgid "Shows a Preview."
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -2165,7 +2165,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Run query"
+msgid "Runs query."
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -2181,7 +2181,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Add table or query"
+msgid "Adds table or query."
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -2205,7 +2205,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Results"
+msgid "Effect"
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -2341,7 +2341,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Results"
+msgid "Effect"
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -2389,7 +2389,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Jump between windows."
+msgid "Jumps between windows."
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
diff --git a/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/07.po b/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/07.po
index be7c55fc3c3..f6454386b0b 100644
--- a/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/07.po
+++ b/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/07.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-09 16:45+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-11 12:12+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To create a new web page for the Internet, open a new <emph>HTML Document</emph> by choosing <emph>File - New</emph>."
-msgstr "لإنشاء صفحة وب جديدة للإنترنت، افتح <emph>مستند HTML</emph> جديد باختيار <emph>ملف - جديد</emph>."
+msgid "To create a new web page for the Internet, open a new <emph>HTML Document</emph> by choosing <item type=\"menuitem\">File - New</item>."
+msgstr ""
#: 09000000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "A tool for creating new web pages is the Web Layout mode, which you enable with <emph>View - Web</emph>."
+msgid "A tool for creating new web pages is the Web Layout mode, which you enable with <item type=\"menuitem\">View - Web</item>."
msgstr ""
#: 09000000.xhp
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Switch to the web layout mode by choosing <emph>View - Web</emph> or by opening a new HTML document."
+msgid "Switch to the web layout mode by choosing <item type=\"menuitem\">View - Web</item> or by opening a new HTML document."
msgstr ""
#: 09000000.xhp
diff --git a/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po b/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po
index 52fe289afcf..2e36dfe4d2b 100644
--- a/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po
+++ b/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-16 16:54+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-12-23 13:48+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -12397,7 +12397,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To create a single line, type three or more hyphens (-), or underscores ( _ ), and then press Enter. To create a double line, type three or more equal signs (=), asterisks (*), tildes (~), or hash marks (#), and then press Enter."
+msgid "To create a single line, type three or more hyphens (-), or underscores (_), and then press Enter. To create a double line, type three or more equal signs (=), asterisks (*), tildes (~), or hash marks (#), and then press Enter."
msgstr ""
#: line_intext.xhp
diff --git a/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/optionen.po b/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/optionen.po
index b24b2467055..43aa8d0b2ce 100644
--- a/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/optionen.po
+++ b/source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/optionen.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-07-05 15:55+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -1605,7 +1605,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"ignore\">The <emph>IgnoreAllList (All)</emph> includes all words that have been marked with <emph>Ignore</emph> during spellcheck. This list is valid only for the current spellcheck.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"ignore\">The <emph>List of Ignored Words (All)</emph> includes all words that have been marked with <emph>Ignore</emph> during spellcheck. This list is valid only for the current spellcheck.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010400.xhp
diff --git a/source/ar/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po b/source/ar/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
index 0ba70ccd117..fb14e5ec47f 100644
--- a/source/ar/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
+++ b/source/ar/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:05+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-04-23 04:00+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: صفا الفليج <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -3811,15 +3811,6 @@ msgstr "أدرج ~فاصل صفحات"
#: CalcCommands.xcu
msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Data"
-msgstr "البيا~نات"
-#: CalcCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
@@ -22513,6 +22504,15 @@ msgstr "إ~دراج"
#: GenericCommands.xcu
msgctxt ""
+msgid "~Data"
+msgstr ""
+#: GenericCommands.xcu
+msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/ar/sc/messages.po b/source/ar/sc/messages.po
index 9886aec5700..924301a6bbf 100644
--- a/source/ar/sc/messages.po
+++ b/source/ar/sc/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-04-21 06:04+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: صفا الفليج <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -14056,37 +14056,42 @@ msgid "~Value"
msgstr "ال~قيمة"
#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:68
+msgid "~Formula"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:69
msgid "~Source"
msgstr "ال~مصدر"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:69
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:70
msgid "~Entries"
msgstr "الإ~دخالات"
#. for dialogues:
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:71
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:72
msgid "System"
msgstr "النظام"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:72
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:73
msgid "Standard;Text;Date (DMY);Date (MDY);Date (YMD);US English;Hide"
msgstr "قياسي;نص;تاريخ (ي‏ش‏س);تاريخ (ش‏ي‏س);تاريخ (س‏ش‏ي);إنجليزية الولايات المتحدة;إخفاء"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:73
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:74
msgid "Tab"
msgstr "علامة جدولة"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:74
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:75
msgid "space"
msgstr "مسافة"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:75
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:76
msgid ""
"%PRODUCTNAME Calc found an error in the formula entered.\n"
@@ -14097,1238 +14102,1343 @@ msgstr ""
"هل ترغب في قبول التصحيح المقترح أدناه؟\n"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:76
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:77
msgid "Image Filter"
msgstr "مرشّح الصور"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:77
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:78
msgid "Text"
msgstr "النص"
#. Select tables dialog title
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:79
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:80
msgid "Select Sheets"
msgstr "تحديد الأوراق"
#. Select tables dialog listbox
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:81
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:82
msgid "~Selected sheets"
msgstr "أوراق محد~دة"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:82
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:83
msgid "Ruler"
msgstr "المسطرة"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:83
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:84
msgid "This ruler manages objects at fixed positions."
msgstr "هذه المسطرة تدير الكائنات في أماكن ثابتة."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:84
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:85
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "معاينة"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:85
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:86
msgid "This sheet shows how the data will be arranged in the document."
msgstr "هذه الورقة تظهر كيفية ترتيب البيانات في المستند."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:86
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:87
msgctxt "STR_ACC_DOC_NAME"
msgid "Document view"
msgstr "عرض المستند"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:87
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:88
msgid "Sheet %1"
msgstr "الورقة %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:88
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:89
msgid "Cell %1"
msgstr "الخلية %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:89
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:90
msgid "Left area"
msgstr "المنطقة اليسرى"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:90
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:91
msgid "Page preview"
msgstr "معاينة الصفحة"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:91
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:92
msgid "Center area"
msgstr "المنطقة الوسطى"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:92
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:93
msgid "Right area"
msgstr "المنطقة اليمنى"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:93
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:94
msgid "Header of page %1"
msgstr "ترويسة الصفحة %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:94
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:95
msgid "Footer of page %1"
msgstr "تذييل الصفحة %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:95
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:96
msgid "Input line"
msgstr "سطر اﻹدخال"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:96
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:97
msgid "This is where you enter or edit text, numbers and formulas."
msgstr "يمكنك هنا إدخال نص أو أرقام أو معادلات أو تحريرها."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:97
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:98
msgid "Media Playback"
msgstr "تشغيل الوسائط"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:98
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:99
msgid "Mouse button pressed"
msgstr "الضغط على زر الفأرة"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:99
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:100
msgid "Formula Tool Bar"
msgstr "شريط أدوات الصيغة"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:100
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:101
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Spreadsheets"
msgstr "جداول %PRODUCTNAME مُمتدة"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:101
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:102
msgid "(read-only)"
msgstr "(للقراءة فقط)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:102
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:103
msgid "(Preview mode)"
msgstr "(وضع المعاينة)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:103
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:104
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "صفحات"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:104
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:105
msgid "~Suppress output of empty pages"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:105
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:106
#, fuzzy
msgid "Print content"
msgstr "محتويات القائمة"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:106
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:107
msgid "~All sheets"
msgstr "~كل الأوراق"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:107
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:108
msgid "~Selected sheets"
msgstr "الأوراق المح~ددة"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:108
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:109
msgid "Selected cells"
msgstr "الخلايا المحددة"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:109
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:110
msgid "From which print"
msgstr "من ماذا يطبع"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:110
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:111
msgid "All ~pages"
msgstr "كل ال~صفحات"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:111
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:112
msgid "Pa~ges"
msgstr "الص~فحات"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:112
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:113
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:113
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:114
msgid "Warn me about this in the future."
msgstr "نبهني عن هذا في المستقبل>"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:114
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:115
msgid "The following DDE source could not be updated possibly because the source document was not open. Please launch the source document and try again."
msgstr "تعذر تحديث المصدر DDE التالي، لربما لأن المستند المصدري لم يُفتح. يرجى تشغيل المستند المصدري والمحاولة ثانيةً."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:115
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:116
msgid "The following external file could not be loaded. Data linked from this file did not get updated."
msgstr "تعذر تحميل الملف الخارجي التالي. البيانات الموصلة من هذا الملف لم تُحدّث."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:116
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:117
msgid "Updating external links."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:117
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:118
msgid "Calc A1"
msgstr "كالك A1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:118
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:119
msgid "Excel A1"
msgstr "إكسل A1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:119
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:120
msgid "Excel R1C1"
msgstr "إكسل R1C1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:120
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:121
msgid "Range contains column la~bels"
msgstr "يتضمن النطاق ت~سميات الأعمدة"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:121
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:122
msgid "Range contains ~row labels"
msgstr "يتضمن النطاق تسميات ال~صفوف"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:122
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:123
msgctxt "SCSTR_VALERR"
msgid "Invalid value"
msgstr "قيمة غير صالحة"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:123
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:124
msgid "No formula specified."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:124
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:125
msgctxt "STR_NOCOLROW"
msgid "Neither row or column specified."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:125
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:126
msgid "Undefined name or range."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:126
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:127
msgid "Undefined name or wrong cell reference."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:127
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:128
msgid "Formulas don't form a column."
msgstr "المعادلات لا تشكل عمودًا."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:128
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:129
msgid "Formulas don't form a row."
msgstr "المعادلات لا تشكل صفًا."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:129
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:130
msgid "Add AutoFormat"
msgstr "أضِف تنسيق تلقائي"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:130
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:131
msgid "Rename AutoFormat"
msgstr "غيّر اسم التنسيق التلقائي"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:131
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:132
msgid "Name"
msgstr "الاسم"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:132
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:133
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete AutoFormat"
msgstr "غيّر اسم التنسيق التلقائي"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:133
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:134
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do you really want to delete the # AutoFormat?"
msgstr "هل تريد بالفعل حذف الإدخال #؟"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:134
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:135
msgid "~Close"
msgstr "إ~غلاق"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:135
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:136
msgctxt "STR_JAN"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "يناير"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:136
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:137
msgctxt "STR_FEB"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "فبراير"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:137
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:138
msgctxt "STR_MAR"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "مارس"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:138
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:139
msgctxt "STR_NORTH"
msgid "North"
msgstr "شمال"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:139
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:140
msgctxt "STR_MID"
msgid "Mid"
msgstr "وسط"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:140
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:141
msgctxt "STR_SOUTH"
msgid "South"
msgstr "جنوب"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:141
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:142
msgctxt "STR_SUM"
msgid "Total"
msgstr "المجموع"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:142
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:143
msgctxt "STR_SHEET"
msgid "Sheet"
msgstr "ورقة"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:143
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:144
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_CELL"
msgid "Cell"
msgstr "خلايا"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:144
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:145
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_CONTENT"
msgid "Content"
msgstr "المحتويات"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:145
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:146
msgid "Page Anchor"
msgstr "مربط الصفحة"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:146
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:147
msgid "Cell Anchor"
msgstr "مربط الخلية"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:147
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:148
#, fuzzy
msgid "Condition "
msgstr "الشّروط"
#. content description strings are also use d in ScLinkTargetsObj
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:150
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:151
msgid "Contents"
msgstr "المحتويات"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:151
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:152
msgid "Sheets"
msgstr "أوراق"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:152
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:153
msgid "Range names"
msgstr "أسماء النطاقات"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:153
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:154
msgid "Database ranges"
msgstr "مجالات قاعدة البيانات"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:154
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:155
#, fuzzy
msgid "Images"
msgstr "الصورة"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:155
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:156
msgid "OLE objects"
msgstr "كائنات OLE"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:156
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:157
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "التعليقات"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:157
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:158
msgid "Linked areas"
msgstr "مناطق مرتبطة"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:158
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:159
msgid "Drawing objects"
msgstr "كائنات رسومية"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:159
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:160
msgid "Drag Mode"
msgstr "وضع السحب"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:160
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:161
msgid "Display"
msgstr "عرض"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:161
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:162
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SCSTR_ACTIVE"
msgid "active"
msgstr "نشط"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:162
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:163
#, fuzzy
msgid "inactive"
msgstr "غير نشط"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:163
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:164
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SCSTR_HIDDEN"
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "مخفي"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:164
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:165
msgid "Active Window"
msgstr "النافذة النشطة"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:165
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:166
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scenario Name"
msgstr "اسم السيناريو"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:166
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:167
#, fuzzy
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "_التعليقات"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:168
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:169
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sort Ascending"
msgstr "فرز تصاعدي"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:169
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:170
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sort Descending"
msgstr "فرز تنازلي"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:170
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:171
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Sort"
msgstr "فرز مخصص"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:171
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:172
msgid "All"
msgstr "الكل"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:172
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:173
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show only the current item."
msgstr "إظهار العنصر الحالي فقط."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:173
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:174
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hide only the current item."
msgstr "إخفاء العنصر الحالي فقط."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:174
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:175
#, fuzzy
msgid "Search items..."
msgstr "ابحث عن عناصر..."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:176
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:177
msgid "Name Box"
msgstr "مربع الاسم"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:177
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:178
msgid "Input line"
msgstr "سطر اﻹدخال"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:178
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:179
msgid "Function Wizard"
msgstr "مرشد الدوال"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:179
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:180
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "قبول"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:180
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:181
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "ألغِ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:181
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:182
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "المجموع"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:182
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:183
#, fuzzy
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "المعادلة"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:183
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:184
msgid "Expand Formula Bar"
msgstr "وسّع شريط المعادلة"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:184
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:185
msgid "Collapse Formula Bar"
msgstr "طي شريط الصيغة"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:186
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:187
msgid "Conflict"
msgstr "تعارض"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:187
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:188
msgid "Author"
msgstr "المؤلف"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:188
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:189
msgctxt "STR_TITLE_DATE"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "التاريخ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:189
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:190
msgid "Unknown User"
msgstr "مستخدم غير معروف"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:191
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:192
msgid "Column inserted"
msgstr "تم إدارج العمود"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:192
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:193
msgid "Row inserted "
msgstr "تم إدارج السطر "
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:193
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:194
msgid "Sheet inserted "
msgstr "تم إدارج الورقة "
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:194
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:195
msgid "Column deleted"
msgstr "تم حذف العمود"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:195
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:196
msgid "Row deleted"
msgstr "تم حذف السطر"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:196
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:197
msgid "Sheet deleted"
msgstr "تم حذف الورقة"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:197
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:198
msgctxt "STR_CHG_MOVE"
msgid "Range moved"
msgstr "تم نقل النطاق"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:198
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:199
msgid "Changed contents"
msgstr "تم تغيير المحتويات"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:199
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:200
msgid "Changed contents"
msgstr "تم تغيير المحتويات"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:200
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:201
msgid "Changed to "
msgstr "تم التغيير إلى "
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:201
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:202
msgid "Original"
msgstr "الأصل"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:202
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:203
msgctxt "STR_CHG_REJECT"
msgid "Changes rejected"
msgstr "تم رفض التغييرات"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:203
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:204
msgid "Accepted"
msgstr "مقبول"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:204
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:205
msgid "Rejected"
msgstr "مرفوض"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:205
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:206
msgctxt "STR_CHG_NO_ENTRY"
msgid "No Entry"
msgstr "لا يوجد إدخال"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:206
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:207
msgctxt "STR_CHG_EMPTY"
msgid "<empty>"
msgstr "<فارغ>"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:208
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:209
msgid "Not protected"
msgstr "غير محمي"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:209
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:210
msgid "Not password-protected"
msgstr "ليس محميا بكلمة سر"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:210
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:211
msgctxt "STR_HASH_BAD"
msgid "Hash incompatible"
msgstr "التجزئة غير متوافقة"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:211
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:212
msgctxt "STR_HASH_GOOD"
msgid "Hash compatible"
msgstr "التجزئة متوافقة"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:212
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:213
msgctxt "STR_RETYPE"
msgid "Re-type"
msgstr "إعادة كتابة"
#. MovingAverageDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:215
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:216
msgid "Moving Average"
msgstr "معدّل التحرّك"
#. ExponentialSmoothingDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:217
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:218
#, fuzzy
msgid "Exponential Smoothing"
msgstr "~تجانس أسي..."
#. AnalysisOfVarianceDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:219
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:220
msgid "Analysis of Variance"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:220
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:221
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_ANOVA"
+msgid "Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:222
msgid "ANOVA - Single Factor"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:221
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:223
msgid "ANOVA - Two Factor"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:222
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:224
#, fuzzy
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "تجميع"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:223
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:225
msgid "Between Groups"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:224
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:226
msgid "Within Groups"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:225
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:227
msgid "Source of Variation"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:226
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:228
msgid "SS"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:227
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:229
msgid "df"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:228
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:230
msgid "MS"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:229
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:231
msgid "F"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:230
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:232
+msgid "Significance F"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:233
msgid "P-value"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:231
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:234
msgid "F critical"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:232
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:235
msgid "Total"
msgstr "المجموع"
#. CorrelationDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:234
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:237
msgid "Correlation"
msgstr "ترابط"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:235
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:238
#, fuzzy
msgid "Correlations"
msgstr "ترابط"
#. CovarianceDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:237
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:240
msgid "Covariance"
msgstr "التّغاير"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:238
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:241
#, fuzzy
msgid "Covariances"
msgstr "التّغاير"
#. DescriptiveStatisticsDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:240
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:243
#, fuzzy
msgid "Descriptive Statistics"
msgstr "إحصائيات تف~صيلية..."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:241
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:244
msgid "Mean"
msgstr "متوسط"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:242
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:245
msgid "Standard Error"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:243
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:246
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "الوضع"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:244
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:247
#, fuzzy
msgid "Median"
msgstr "الوسائط"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:245
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:248
#, fuzzy
msgid "Variance"
msgstr "المتغير"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:246
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:249
#, fuzzy
msgid "Standard Deviation"
msgstr "التحديد القياسي"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:247
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:250
msgid "Kurtosis"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:248
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:251
msgid "Skewness"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:249
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:252
msgid "Range"
msgstr "النطاق"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:250
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:253
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_MIN"
msgid "Minimum"
msgstr "الحد الأدنى"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:251
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:254
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_MAX"
msgid "Maximum"
msgstr "الحد الأقصى"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:252
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:255
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_SUM"
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "المجموع"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:253
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:256
msgid "Count"
msgstr "العدد"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:254
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:257
-msgid "First Quartile "
+msgid "First Quartile"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:255
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:258
msgid "Third Quartile"
msgstr ""
#. RandomNumberGeneratorDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:257
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:260
msgid "Random ($(DISTRIBUTION))"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:258
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:261
msgid "Uniform"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:259
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:262
msgid "Uniform Integer"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:260
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:263
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "عادي"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:261
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:264
msgid "Cauchy"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:262
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:265
msgid "Bernoulli"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:263
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:266
msgid "Binomial"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:264
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:267
msgid "Negative Binomial"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:265
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:268
msgid "Chi Squared"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:266
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:269
#, fuzzy
msgid "Geometric"
msgstr "الهندسة"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:267
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:270
#, fuzzy
msgid "Minimum"
msgstr "الحد الأدنى"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:268
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:271
#, fuzzy
msgid "Maximum"
msgstr "الحد الأقصى"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:269
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:272
msgid "Mean"
msgstr "متوسط"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:270
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:273
#, fuzzy
msgid "Standard Deviation"
msgstr "التحديد القياسي"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:271
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:274
#, fuzzy
msgid "Median"
msgstr "الوسائط"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:272
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:275
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sigma"
msgstr "سيجما"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:273
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:276
msgid "p Value"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:274
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:277
msgid "Number of Trials"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:275
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:278
msgid "nu Value"
msgstr ""
#. SamplingDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:277
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:280
msgid "Sampling"
msgstr ""
#. Names of dialogs
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:279
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:282
msgctxt "STR_FTEST"
msgid "F-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:280
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:283
msgid "F-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:281
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:284
msgctxt "STR_TTEST"
msgid "Paired t-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:282
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:285
msgid "Paired t-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:283
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:286
msgctxt "STR_ZTEST"
msgid "z-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:284
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:287
msgid "z-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:285
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:288
msgid "Test of Independence (Chi-Square)"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:286
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:289
msgid "Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:287
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:290
msgid "Regression"
msgstr ""
#. Common
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:289
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:292
#, fuzzy
msgid "Column %NUMBER%"
msgstr "عمود %NUMBER%"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:290
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:293
#, fuzzy
msgid "Row %NUMBER%"
msgstr "صف %NUMBER%"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:291
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:294
msgid "Alpha"
msgstr "ألفا"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:292
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:295
#, fuzzy
msgid "Variable 1"
msgstr "المتغير"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:293
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:296
#, fuzzy
msgid "Variable 2"
msgstr "المتغير"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:294
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:297
msgid "Hypothesized Mean Difference"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:295
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:298
#, fuzzy
msgid "Observations"
msgstr "العمليات:"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:296
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:299
msgid "Observed Mean Difference"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:297
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:300
+msgid "R^2"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:301
+msgid "Adjusted R^2"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:302
+msgid "Count of X variables"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:303
msgid "df"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:298
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:304
msgid "P-value"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:299
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:305
msgid "Critical Value"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:300
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:306
msgid "Test Statistic"
msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:307
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_LOWER"
+msgid "Lower"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:308
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_Upper"
+msgid "Upper"
+msgstr ""
#. RegressionDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:302
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:310
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear"
msgstr "خطّي"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:303
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:311
msgid "Logarithmic"
msgstr "لوغارثميّ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:304
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:312
msgid "Power"
msgstr "الأس"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:305
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:313
+msgid "Independent variable(s) range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:314
+msgid "Dependent variable(s) range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:315
+msgid "Output range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:316
+msgid "Confidence level must be in the interval (0, 1)."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:317
+msgid "Y variable range cannot have more than 1 column."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:318
+msgid "Y variable range cannot have more than 1 row."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:319
+msgid "Univariate regression : The observation count in X and Y must match."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:320
+msgid "Multivariate regression : The observation count in X and Y must match."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:321
msgid "Regression Model"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:306
-msgid "R^2"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:322
+msgid "Regression Statistics"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:307
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:323
+msgid "Residual"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:324
+msgid "Confidence level"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:325
+msgid "Coefficients"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:326
+msgid "t-Statistic"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:327
#, fuzzy
msgid "Slope"
msgstr "المجال"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:308
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:328
msgid "Intercept"
msgstr "قاطِع"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:329
+msgid "Predicted Y"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:330
+msgid "LINEST raw output"
+msgstr ""
#. F Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:310
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:332
msgid "P (F<=f) right-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:311
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:333
msgid "F Critical right-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:312
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:334
msgid "P (F<=f) left-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:313
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:335
msgid "F Critical left-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:314
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:336
msgid "P two-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:315
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:337
msgid "F Critical two-tail"
msgstr ""
#. t Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:317
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:339
msgid "Pearson Correlation"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:318
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:340
msgid "Variance of the Differences"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:319
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:341
msgctxt "STR_TTEST_T_STAT"
msgid "t Stat"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:320
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:342
msgid "P (T<=t) one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:321
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:343
msgid "t Critical one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:322
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:344
msgid "P (T<=t) two-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:323
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:345
msgid "t Critical two-tail"
msgstr ""
#. Z Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:325
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:347
msgid "z"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:326
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:348
msgid "Known Variance"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:327
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:349
msgid "P (Z<=z) one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:328
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:350
msgid "z Critical one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:329
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:351
msgid "P (Z<=z) two-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:330
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:352
msgid "z Critical two-tail"
msgstr ""
#. infobar for allowing links to update or not
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:332
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:354
msgid "Enable Content"
msgstr ""
#. Insert image dialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:334
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:356
msgid "To cell"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:335
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:357
msgid "To cell (resize with cell)"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:336
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:358
msgid "To page"
msgstr ""
@@ -17053,6 +17163,11 @@ msgctxt "dataprovider|label"
msgid "Source Stream"
msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/dataproviderdlg.ui:36
+msgctxt "dataproviderdlg|db_name"
+msgid "Database Range: "
+msgstr ""
#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/dataproviderentry.ui:46
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "dataproviderentry|url"
@@ -18923,603 +19038,603 @@ msgctxt "notebookbar|DevLabel"
msgid "Tools"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2945
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2986
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Menu"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2977
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3018
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|defaultD"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "المبدئيّ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2991
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3032
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent1"
msgid "Accent 1"
msgstr "تمييز "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2999
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3040
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent2"
msgid "Accent 2"
msgstr "تمييز "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3007
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3048
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent3"
msgid "Accent 3"
msgstr "تمييز "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3021
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3062
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Header1"
msgid "Header 1"
msgstr "ترويسة"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3029
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3070
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Header2"
msgid "Header 2"
msgstr "ترويسة"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3043
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3084
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|bad"
msgid "Bad"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3051
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3092
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|good"
msgid "Good"
msgstr "ذهب"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3059
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3100
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|neutral"
msgid "Neutral"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3067
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3108
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|error"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "هي خطأ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|warning"
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "تحذير"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3130
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|footnote"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr "حاشية"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3097
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3138
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|note"
msgid "Note"
msgstr "ملاحظة"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3336
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3377
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Tools"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3630
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3671
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|menub"
msgid "_Menu"
msgstr "قائمة"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3686
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3727
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|toolsb"
msgid "_Tools"
msgstr "أدوات"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3775
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3816
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|fileb"
msgid "_File"
msgstr "_ملف"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3930
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3971
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|editb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "ت_حرير"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4088
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4129
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphstyleb"
msgid "St_yles"
msgstr "الأن_ماط"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4245
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4286
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|formatb"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "ال_خط"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4306
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4347
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|bordertype"
msgid "Specify the borders of the selected cells."
msgstr "حدّد حدود الخلايا المحددة."
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4466
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4507
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|numberb"
msgid "_Number"
msgstr "الأر_قام"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4625
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4666
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "محاذاة"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4788
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4829
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|cellb"
msgid "_Cells"
msgstr "خلايا"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4931
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4972
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|insertb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "إدراج"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5064
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5105
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|datab"
msgid "_Data"
msgstr "البيانات"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5178
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5219
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|reviewb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "راجِع"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5293
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5334
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewb"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "عرض"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5436
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5477
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|graphicB"
msgid "_Graphic"
msgstr "الرسم"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5554
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5595
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|colorb"
msgid "C_olor"
msgstr "_لون"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5897
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5938
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrange"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "تنظيم"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6050
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6091
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|GridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "ال_شبكة"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6177
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6218
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|languageb"
msgid "_Language"
msgstr "الل_غة"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6307
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6348
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|revieb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "راجِع"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6442
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6483
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|commentsb"
msgid "_Comments"
msgstr "_التعليقات"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6543
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6584
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|compareb"
msgid "Com_pare"
msgstr "قارن"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6647
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6688
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewA"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "عرض"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6824
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6865
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|editdrawb"
msgid "_Styles"
msgstr "الأنماط"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7041
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7082
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|drawb"
msgid "D_raw"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7232
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7273
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrangeD"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "تنظيم"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7345
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7386
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Grid"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "ال_شبكة"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7458
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7499
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewDrawb"
msgid "Grou_p"
msgstr "تجميع"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7570
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7611
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|3Db"
msgid "3_D"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7755
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7796
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|oleB"
msgid "F_rame"
msgstr "الإ_طار"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7962
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8003
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrangeO"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "تنظيم"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|GridO"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "ال_شبكة"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8189
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8230
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewO"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "عرض"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8298
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8339
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphstyles"
msgid "_Styles"
msgstr "الأنماط"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8473
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8514
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|formats"
msgid "F_ormat"
msgstr "التنسيق"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8749
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8790
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphS"
msgid "_Paragraph"
msgstr "الفقرة"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8911
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8952
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewS"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "عرض"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:1950
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:1991
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Help"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2945
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2986
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Menu"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2977
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3018
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|defaultD"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "المبدئيّ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2991
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3032
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent1"
msgid "Accent 1"
msgstr "تمييز "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2999
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3040
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent2"
msgid "Accent 2"
msgstr "تمييز "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3007
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3048
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent3"
msgid "Accent 3"
msgstr "تمييز "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3021
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3062
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Header1"
msgid "Header 1"
msgstr "ترويسة"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3029
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3070
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Header2"
msgid "Header 2"
msgstr "ترويسة"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3043
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3084
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|bad"
msgid "Bad"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3051
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3092
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|good"
msgid "Good"
msgstr "ذهب"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3059
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3100
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|neutral"
msgid "Neutral"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3067
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3108
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|error"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "هي خطأ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|warning"
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "تحذير"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3130
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|footnote"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr "حاشية"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3097
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3138
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|note"
msgid "Note"
msgstr "ملاحظة"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3336
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3377
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Tools"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3635
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3676
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|menub"
msgid "_Menu"
msgstr "قائمة"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3688
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3729
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|toolsb"
msgid "_Tools"
msgstr "أدوات"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3743
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3784
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|helpb"
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "مساعدة"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3851
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3892
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|fileb"
msgid "_File"
msgstr "_ملف"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4130
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|editb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "ت_حرير"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4286
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4327
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphstyleb"
msgid "St_yles"
msgstr "الأن_ماط"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4559
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4600
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|formatb"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "ال_خط"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4805
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4846
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|numberb"
msgid "_Number"
msgstr "الأر_قام"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5020
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5061
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "محاذاة"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5258
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5299
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|cellb"
msgid "_Cells"
msgstr "خلايا"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5435
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5476
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|insertb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "إدراج"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5609
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5650
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|datab"
msgid "_Data"
msgstr "البيانات"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5781
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5822
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|reviewb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "راجِع"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5968
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6009
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewb"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "عرض"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6193
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6234
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|graphicB"
msgid "_Graphic"
msgstr "الرسم"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6545
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6586
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrange"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "تنظيم"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6696
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6737
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|colorb"
msgid "C_olor"
msgstr "_لون"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6947
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6988
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|GridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "ال_شبكة"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7087
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7128
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|languageb"
msgid "_Language"
msgstr "الل_غة"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7316
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7357
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|revieb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "راجِع"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7529
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7570
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|commentsb"
msgid "_Comments"
msgstr "_التعليقات"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7732
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7773
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|compareb"
msgid "Com_pare"
msgstr "قارن"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7934
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7975
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewa"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "عرض"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8380
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8421
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|drawb"
msgid "D_raw"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8749
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8790
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|editdrawb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "ت_حرير"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9090
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9131
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrangedrawb"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "تنظيم"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9257
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9298
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|GridDrawB"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "عرض"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9459
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9500
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewDrawb"
msgid "Grou_p"
msgstr "تجميع"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9609
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9650
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|3Db"
msgid "3_D"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9918
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9959
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|formatd"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "ال_خط"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10183
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10224
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphTextb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "محاذاة"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10385
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10426
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewd"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "عرض"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10539
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10580
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|insertTextb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "إدراج"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10684
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10725
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|media"
msgid "_Media"
msgstr "الوسائط"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10921
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10962
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|oleB"
msgid "F_rame"
msgstr "الإ_طار"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11352
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11393
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrageOLE"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "تنظيم"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11518
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11559
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|OleGridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "ال_شبكة"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11720
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11761
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewf"
msgid "_View"
@@ -21013,62 +21128,87 @@ msgctxt "regressiondialog|RegressionDialog"
msgid "Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:99
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:102
msgctxt "regressiondialog|variable1-range-label"
-msgid "Variable 1 range:"
+msgid "Independent variable(s) (X) range:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:137
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:140
msgctxt "regressiondialog|variable2-range-label"
-msgid "Variable 2 range:"
+msgid "Dependent variable (Y) range:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:175
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:176
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|withlabels-check"
+msgid "Both X and Y ranges have labels"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:192
msgctxt "regressiondialog|output-range-label"
msgid "Results to:"
msgstr "النّتائج إلى:"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:217
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:240
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label1"
msgid "Data"
msgstr "البيانات"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:252
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:275
msgctxt "regressiondialog|groupedby-columns-radio"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "الأعمدة"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:268
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:291
msgctxt "regressiondialog|groupedby-rows-radio"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "الصفوف"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:290
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:313
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label2"
msgid "Grouped by"
msgstr "جمّع حسب"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:325
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|linear-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:348
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|linear-radio"
msgid "Linear Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:341
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|logarithmic-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:365
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|logarithmic-radio"
msgid "Logarithmic Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:356
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|power-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:382
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|power-radio"
msgid "Power Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:377
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:405
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label3"
msgid "Output Regression Types"
msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:441
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|label5"
+msgid "Confidence level"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:451
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|calcresiduals-check"
+msgid "Calculate residuals"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:469
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|confidencelevel-spin"
+msgid "0.95"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:490
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|label4"
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr ""
#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/retypepassdialog.ui:10
msgctxt "retypepassdialog|RetypePass"
msgid "Re-type Password"
@@ -23559,90 +23699,95 @@ msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore1"
msgid "Text length"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:57
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:47
+msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore1"
+msgid "Custom"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:61
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "equal"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:61
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:65
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "less than"
msgstr "أصغر من"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:65
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:69
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "greater than"
msgstr "أكبر من"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:69
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:73
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "less than or equal"
msgstr "أقل من أو تساوي"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:73
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:77
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "greater than or equal to"
msgstr "أكبر من أو تساوي"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:77
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:81
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "not equal"
msgstr "لا تساوي"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:81
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:85
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "valid range"
msgstr "مجال غير صالح"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:85
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:89
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "invalid range"
msgstr "مجال غير صالح"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:103
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:107
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|label1"
msgid "_Allow:"
msgstr "أ_صفر:"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:117
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:121
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|valueft"
msgid "_Data:"
msgstr "البيانات"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:153
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:157
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|minft"
msgid "_Minimum:"
msgstr "الحد الأدنى:"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:235
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:239
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|maxft"
msgid "Ma_ximum:"
msgstr "الحد الأقصى:"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:246
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:250
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|allowempty"
msgid "Allow _empty cells"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:261
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:265
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|showlist"
msgid "Show selection _list"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:276
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:280
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|sortascend"
msgid "Sor_t entries ascending"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:297
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:301
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|hintft"
msgid "A valid source can only consist of a contiguous selection of rows and columns, or a formula that results in an area or array."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/ar/sd/messages.po b/source/ar/sd/messages.po
index 74c0f7c28a6..497547bd329 100644
--- a/source/ar/sd/messages.po
+++ b/source/ar/sd/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-06-04 15:42+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-04-30 02:52+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: صفا الفليج <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -5342,8 +5342,8 @@ msgstr "الكائنات الرئيسية"
#: sd/uiconfig/simpress/ui/sidebarslidebackground.ui:126
msgctxt "sidebarslidebackground|button2"
-msgid "Insert Image"
-msgstr "أدرج صورة"
+msgid "Insert Image..."
+msgstr ""
#: sd/uiconfig/simpress/ui/sidebarslidebackground.ui:164
msgctxt "sidebarslidebackground|displaymasterbackground"
diff --git a/source/ar/sfx2/messages.po b/source/ar/sfx2/messages.po
index be68260414f..66893d57f17 100644
--- a/source/ar/sfx2/messages.po
+++ b/source/ar/sfx2/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-04-21 06:04+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: صفا الفليج <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -2215,6 +2215,11 @@ msgctxt "helpmanual|website"
msgid "Read Help Online"
msgstr "اقرأ المساعدة على الشابكة"
+#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpmanual.ui:60
+msgctxt "helpmanual|hidedialog"
+msgid "Do not show this dialog again"
+msgstr ""
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpsearchpage.ui:22
msgctxt "helpsearchpage|display"
msgid "_Display"
diff --git a/source/ar/svx/messages.po b/source/ar/svx/messages.po
index 7b5a4ef81ae..ee9c7eed7e0 100644
--- a/source/ar/svx/messages.po
+++ b/source/ar/svx/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 21:22+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-04-30 03:08+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: صفا الفليج <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -2238,18 +2238,18 @@ msgctxt "classificationdialog|label-IntellectualProperty"
msgid "Intellectual Property"
msgstr "الملكية الفكرية:"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:60
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:58
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "colorwindow|none_color_button"
msgid "None"
msgstr "لا شيء"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:146
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:145
msgctxt "colorwindow|label1"
msgid "Recent"
msgstr "الحديثة"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:183
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:182
msgctxt "colorwindow|color_picker_button"
msgid "Custom Color…"
msgstr "لون مخصّص…"
@@ -2769,52 +2769,52 @@ msgctxt "datanavigator|modelsremove"
msgid "_Remove"
msgstr "أ_زل"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:52
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:48
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label1"
msgid "Lines & Arrows"
msgstr "الخطوط والأسهم"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:89
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:85
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label2"
msgid "Curve"
msgstr "المنحنيات"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:126
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:122
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label3"
msgid "Connectors"
msgstr "الموصّلات"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:163
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:159
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label4"
msgid "Basic Shapes"
msgstr "الأشكال الأساسية"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:200
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:196
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label5"
msgid "Symbols"
msgstr "الرموز"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:237
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:233
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label6"
msgid "Block Arrows"
msgstr "الأسهم المربعة"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:274
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:270
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label7"
msgid "Flowchart"
msgstr "مخطط انسيابي"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:311
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:307
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label8"
msgid "Callouts"
msgstr "الحوارات"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:348
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:344
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label9"
msgid "Stars"
msgstr "النجوم"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:385
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:381
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label10"
msgid "3D Objects"
msgstr "الكائنات ثلاثية الأبعاد"
@@ -4280,8 +4280,8 @@ msgstr "ا_نسخ"
#: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu2.ui:82
msgctxt "gallerymenu2|paste"
-msgid "_Insert"
-msgstr "أ_درج"
+msgid "_Paste"
+msgstr ""
#: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:68
msgctxt "headfootformatpage|checkHeaderOn"
diff --git a/source/ar/sw/messages.po b/source/ar/sw/messages.po
index 9b4e081a933..a478dfe49ed 100644
--- a/source/ar/sw/messages.po
+++ b/source/ar/sw/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 21:22+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:05+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-04-30 02:36+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: صفا الفليج <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -1489,297 +1489,307 @@ msgid "Text"
msgstr "النّصّ"
#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:239
+msgid "Hidden"
+msgstr ""
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:240
+msgid "Condition"
+msgstr ""
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:241
msgctxt "SW_STR_NONE"
msgid "[None]"
msgstr "[بلا]"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:240
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:242
msgid "Start"
msgstr "بداية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:241
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:243
msgid "End"
msgstr "نهاية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:242
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:244
msgid "Above"
msgstr "فوق"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:243
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:245
msgid "Below"
msgstr "تحت"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:244
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:246
msgid "read-only"
msgstr "للقراءة فقط"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:245
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:247
msgid "The 'AutoText' directories are read-only. Do you want to call the path settings dialog?"
msgstr "أدلة ”النص التلقائي“ هي للقراءة فقط. هل تريد فتح مربع حوار إعدادات المسار؟"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:246
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:248
msgctxt "STR_DOC_STAT"
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "إحصائيات"
#. Statusbar-titles
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:248
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:250
msgid "Importing document..."
msgstr "يستورد المستند..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:249
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:251
msgid "Exporting document..."
msgstr "يصدّر المستند..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:250
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:252
msgid "Saving document..."
msgstr "يحفظ المستند..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:251
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:253
msgid "Repagination..."
msgstr "يرقّم الصفحات..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:252
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:254
msgid "Formatting document automatically..."
msgstr "ينسّق المستند آليا..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:253
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:255
msgid "Search..."
msgstr "بحث..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:254
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:256
msgid "Letter"
msgstr "خطاب"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:255
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:257
msgid "Spellcheck..."
msgstr "دقّق الإملاء..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:256
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:258
msgid "Hyphenation..."
msgstr "فصل المقاطع..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:257
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:259
msgid "Inserting Index..."
msgstr "يدرج الفهرس..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:258
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:260
msgid "Updating Index..."
msgstr "يحدّث الفهرس..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:259
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:261
msgid "Creating abstract..."
msgstr "ينشأ التلخيص..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:260
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:262
msgid "Adapt Objects..."
msgstr "تكييف الكائنات..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:261
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:263
msgid "Table"
msgstr "الجدول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:262
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:264
msgid "Image"
msgstr "صورة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:263
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:265
msgid "Object"
msgstr "كائن"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:264
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:266
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "إطار"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:265
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:267
msgid "Shape"
msgstr "شكل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:266
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:268
msgid "Section"
msgstr "قسم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:267
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:269
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "ترقيم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:268
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:270
msgid "blank page"
msgstr "صفحة فارغة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:269
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:271
msgid "Abstract: "
msgstr "الملخص: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:270
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:272
msgid "separated by: "
msgstr "يفصلها: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:271
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:273
msgid "Outline: Level "
msgstr "مخطط تفصيلي: مستوى "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:272
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:274
msgctxt "STR_FDLG_STYLE"
msgid "Style: "
msgstr "النمط: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:273
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:275
msgid "Page number: "
msgstr "رقم الصفحة: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:274
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:276
msgid "Break before new page"
msgstr "فاصل قبل الصفحة الجديدة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:275
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:277
msgid "Western text: "
msgstr "نص غربي: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:276
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:278
msgctxt "STR_CJK_FONT"
msgid "Asian text: "
msgstr "نص آسيوي: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:277
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:279
msgctxt "STR_CTL_FONT"
msgid "CTL text: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:278
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:280
msgid "Unknown Author"
msgstr "مؤلف مجهول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:279
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:281
msgid "Delete ~All Comments by $1"
msgstr "احذف ~كل تعليقات $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:280
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:282
msgid "H~ide All Comments by $1"
msgstr "أ~خفِ كل تعليقات $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:281
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:283
msgid "Outline Numbering"
msgstr "ترقيم المخطط"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:282
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:284
msgid "%1 words, %2 characters"
msgstr "%1 كلمات، و %2 أحرف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:283
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:285
msgid "%1 words, %2 characters selected"
msgstr "%1 كلمات، و %2 أحرف محددة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:284
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:286
msgid "Convert Text to Table"
msgstr "حوِّل النص إلى جدول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:285
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:287
msgid "Add AutoFormat"
msgstr "أضِف تنسيق تلقائي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:286
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:288
msgid "Name"
msgstr "الاسم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:287
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:289
msgid "Delete AutoFormat"
msgstr "احذف التنسيق التلقائي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:288
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:290
msgid "The following AutoFormat entry will be deleted:"
msgstr "سيُحذف التنسيق التلقائي التالي:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:289
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:291
msgid "Rename AutoFormat"
msgstr "تغيير اسم التنسيق التلقائي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:290
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:292
msgid "~Close"
msgstr "أ~غلق"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:291
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:293
msgctxt "STR_JAN"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "يناير"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:292
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:294
msgctxt "STR_FEB"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "فبراير"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:293
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:295
msgctxt "STR_MAR"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "مارس"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:294
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:296
msgctxt "STR_NORTH"
msgid "North"
msgstr "شمال"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:295
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:297
msgctxt "STR_MID"
msgid "Mid"
msgstr "وسط"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:296
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:298
msgctxt "STR_SOUTH"
msgid "South"
msgstr "جنوب"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:297
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:299
msgctxt "STR_SUM"
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "مجموع"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:298
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:300
msgid ""
"You have entered an invalid name.\n"
@@ -1790,313 +1800,313 @@ msgstr ""
"تعذر إنشاء التنسيق التلقائي المطلوب.\n"
"حاول مجددًا باستخدام اسم مختلف."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:299
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:301
msgctxt "STR_NUMERIC"
msgid "Numeric"
msgstr "عددي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:300
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:302
msgctxt "STR_ROW"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "صفوف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:301
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:303
msgctxt "STR_COL"
msgid "Column"
msgstr "عمود"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:302
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:304
msgid "Edit Bibliography Entry"
msgstr "تحرير مُدخل في الببلوجرافيا"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:303
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:305
msgid "Insert Bibliography Entry"
msgstr "إدراج مُدخل في الببلوجرافيا"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:304
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:306
msgid "Spacing between %1 and %2"
msgstr "التباعد بين %1 و %2"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:305
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:307
msgid "Column %1 Width"
msgstr "عرض العمود %1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:306
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:308
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Table"
msgstr "جدول %PRODUCTNAME رايتر"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:307
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:309
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Frame"
msgstr "إطار %PRODUCTNAME رايتر"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:308
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:310
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Image"
msgstr "صورة %PRODUCTNAME رايتر"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:309
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:311
msgid "Other OLE Objects"
msgstr "كائنات OLE أخرى"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:310
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:312
msgid "The name of the table must not contain spaces."
msgstr "يجب ألا يحتوي اسم الجدول على مسافات."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:311
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:313
msgid "Selected table cells are too complex to merge."
msgstr "خلايا الجدول المحدّدة معقّدة و لا يمكن دمجها."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:312
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:314
msgctxt "STR_SRTERR"
msgid "Cannot sort selection"
msgstr "تعذّر ترتيب التّحديد"
#. Miscellaneous
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:315
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:317
msgid "Click object"
msgstr "انقر على الكائن"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:316
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:318
msgid "Before inserting AutoText"
msgstr "قبل إدراج النص التلقائي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:317
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:319
msgid "After inserting AutoText"
msgstr "بعد إدراج النص التلقائي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:318
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:320
msgid "Mouse over object"
msgstr "الفأرة فوق الكائن"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:319
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:321
msgid "Trigger hyperlink"
msgstr "شغل الرابط"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:320
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:322
msgid "Mouse leaves object"
msgstr "ابتعاد الفأرة عن الكائن"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:321
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:323
msgid "Image loaded successfully"
msgstr "حُمّلت الصورة بنجاح"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:322
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:324
msgid "Image loading terminated"
msgstr "أُلغِي تحميل الصورة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:323
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:325
msgid "Could not load image"
msgstr "تعذّر تحميل الصّورة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:324
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:326
msgid "Input of alphanumeric characters"
msgstr "إدخال أحرف هجائية رقميّة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:325
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:327
msgid "Input of non-alphanumeric characters"
msgstr "إدخال أحرف غير هجائيّة رقميّة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:326
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:328
msgid "Resize frame"
msgstr "تحجيم الإطار"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:327
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:329
msgid "Move frame"
msgstr "تحريك الإطار"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:328
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:330
msgid "Headings"
msgstr "عناوين رئيسية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:329
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:331
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "جداول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:330
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:332
msgid "Text frames"
msgstr "أطر النص"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:331
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:333
msgid "Images"
msgstr "الصّور"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:332
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:334
msgid "OLE objects"
msgstr "كائنات OLE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:333
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:335
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr "العلامات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:334
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:336
msgid "Sections"
msgstr "الأقسام"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:335
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:337
msgid "Hyperlinks"
msgstr "روابط"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:336
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:338
msgid "References"
msgstr "مراجع"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:337
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:339
msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "الفهارس"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:338
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:340
msgid "Drawing objects"
msgstr "كائنات رسومية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:339
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:341
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "تعليقات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:340
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:342
msgid "Heading 1"
msgstr "عنوان رئيسي ١"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:341
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:343
msgid "This is the content from the first chapter. This is a user directory entry."
msgstr "هذا المحتوى من الفصل الأول. هذا مدخل دليل المستخدم."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:342
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:344
msgid "Heading 1.1"
msgstr "عنوان رئيسي ١.١"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:343
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:345
msgid "This is the content from chapter 1.1. This is the entry for the table of contents."
msgstr "هذا المحتوى من الفصل ١.١. هذا مدخل جدول المحتويات."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:344
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:346
msgid "Heading 1.2"
msgstr "عنوان رئيسي ١.٢"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:345
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:347
msgid "This is the content from chapter 1.2. This keyword is a main entry."
msgstr "هذا المحتوى من الفصل ١.٢. هذه الكلمة الرئيسية هي المدخل الرئيسي."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:346
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:348
msgid "Table 1: This is table 1"
msgstr "جدول ١: هذا جدول ١"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:347
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:349
msgid "Image 1: This is image 1"
msgstr "صورة ١: هذه هي الصّورة ١"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:348
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:350
msgid "Heading"
msgstr "عنوان رئيسي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:349
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:351
msgid "Table"
msgstr "جدول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:350
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:352
msgid "Text frame"
msgstr "إطار نصي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:351
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:353
msgid "Image"
msgstr "صورة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:352
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:354
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "كائن OLE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:353
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:355
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr "علامة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:354
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:356
msgid "Section"
msgstr "قسم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:355
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:357
msgid "Hyperlink"
msgstr "رابط"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:356
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:358
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "مرجع"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:357
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:359
msgid "Index"
msgstr "فهرس"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:358
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:360
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "تعليق"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:359
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:361
msgid "Draw object"
msgstr "كائن درو"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:360
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:362
msgid "Additional formats..."
msgstr "تنسيقات إضافية..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:361
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:363
msgctxt "RID_STR_SYSTEM"
msgid "[System]"
msgstr "[نظام]"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:362
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:364
msgid ""
"The interactive hyphenation is already active\n"
@@ -2105,2125 +2115,2125 @@ msgstr ""
"فصل المقاطع التفاعلي يعمل حاليًا\n"
"في مستند آخر"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:363
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:365
msgctxt "STR_HYPH_TITLE"
msgid "Hyphenation"
msgstr "فصل المقاطع"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:366
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:368
msgctxt "STR_CANT_UNDO"
msgid "not possible"
msgstr "غير ممكن"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:367
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:369
msgid "Delete $1"
msgstr "حذف $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:368
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:370
msgid "Insert $1"
msgstr "إدراج $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:369
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:371
msgctxt "STR_OVR_UNDO"
msgid "Overwrite: $1"
msgstr "كتابة على: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:370
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:372
msgid "New Paragraph"
msgstr "فقرة جديدة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:371
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:373
msgctxt "STR_MOVE_UNDO"
msgid "Move"
msgstr "نقل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:372
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:374
msgid "Apply attributes"
msgstr "تطبيق الصفات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:373
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:375
msgid "Apply Styles: $1"
msgstr "تطبيق الأنماط: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:374
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:376
msgid "Reset attributes"
msgstr "تصفير الصفات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:375
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:377
msgid "Change style: $1"
msgstr "تغيير النمط: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:376
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:378
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "إدراج ملف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:377
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:379
msgid "Insert AutoText"
msgstr "إدراج نص تلقائي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:378
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:380
msgid "Delete bookmark: $1"
msgstr "حذف العلامة: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:379
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:381
msgid "Insert bookmark: $1"
msgstr "إدراج العلامة: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:380
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:382
msgctxt "STR_SORT_TBL"
msgid "Sort table"
msgstr "ترتيب جدول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:381
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:383
msgctxt "STR_SORT_TXT"
msgid "Sort text"
msgstr "ترتيب نص"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:382
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:384
msgid "Insert table: $1$2$3"
msgstr "إدراج جدول: $1$2$3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:383
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:385
msgid "Convert text -> table"
msgstr "تحويل النص إلى جدول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:384
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:386
msgid "Convert table -> text"
msgstr "تحويل الجدول إلى نص"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:385
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:387
msgctxt "STR_COPY_UNDO"
msgid "Copy: $1"
msgstr "نسخ: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:386
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:388
msgid "Replace $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "استبدال $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:387
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:389
msgid "Insert page break"
msgstr "إدراج فاصل صفحات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:388
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:390
msgid "Insert column break"
msgstr "إدراج فاصل أعمدة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:389
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:391
msgid "Insert Envelope"
msgstr "إدراج مظروف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:390
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:392
msgid "Copy: $1"
msgstr "نسخ: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:391
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:393
msgid "Move: $1"
msgstr "نقل: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:392
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:394
msgid "Insert %PRODUCTNAME Chart"
msgstr "إدراج رسم %PRODUCTNAME بياني"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:393
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:395
msgid "Insert frame"
msgstr "إدراج إطار"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:394
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:396
msgid "Delete frame"
msgstr "حذف إطار"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:395
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:397
msgid "AutoFormat"
msgstr "تنسيق تلقائي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:396
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:398
msgid "Table heading"
msgstr "رأس الجدول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:397
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:399
msgctxt "STR_REPLACE"
msgid "Replace: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "استبدال: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:398
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:400
msgid "Insert section"
msgstr "إدراج قسم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:399
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:401
msgid "Delete section"
msgstr "حذف قسم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:400
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:402
msgid "Modify section"
msgstr "تعديل قسم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:401
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:403
msgid "Modify default values"
msgstr "تعديل القيم المبدئية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:402
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:404
msgid "Replace style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "استبدال النمط: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:403
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:405
msgid "Delete page break"
msgstr "حذف فاصل صفحة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:404
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:406
msgid "Text Correction"
msgstr "تصحيح النص"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:405
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:407
msgctxt "STR_OUTLINE_LR"
msgid "Promote/demote outline"
msgstr "رفع/خفض درجة المخطّط"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:406
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:408
msgctxt "STR_OUTLINE_UD"
msgid "Move outline"
msgstr "نقل المخطّط"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:407
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:409
msgctxt "STR_INSNUM"
msgid "Insert numbering"
msgstr "إدراج ترقيم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:408
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:410
msgctxt "STR_NUMUP"
msgid "Promote level"
msgstr "رفع المستوى"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:409
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:411
msgctxt "STR_NUMDOWN"
msgid "Demote level"
msgstr "خفض مستوى"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:410
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:412
msgctxt "STR_MOVENUM"
msgid "Move paragraphs"
msgstr "نقل الفقرات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:411
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:413
msgid "Insert drawing object: $1"
msgstr "إدراج كائن رسم: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:412
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:414
msgid "Number On/Off"
msgstr "تشغيل/إيقاف الترقيم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:413
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:415
msgid "Increase Indent"
msgstr "زيادة الإزاحة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:414
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:416
msgid "Decrease indent"
msgstr "تقليل الإزاحة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:415
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:417
msgid "Insert caption: $1"
msgstr "إدراج واصفة: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:416
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:418
msgid "Restart numbering"
msgstr "إعادة بدء الترقيم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:417
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:419
msgid "Modify footnote"
msgstr "عدّل الحاشية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:418
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:420
msgid "Accept change: $1"
msgstr "قبول التغيير: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:419
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:421
msgid "Reject change: $1"
msgstr "رفض التغيير: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:420
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:422
msgid "Split Table"
msgstr "تقسيم جدول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:421
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:423
msgid "Stop attribute"
msgstr "إيقاف صفة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:422
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:424
msgid "AutoCorrect"
msgstr "التصحيح الآلي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:423
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:425
msgid "Merge table"
msgstr "دمج جدول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:424
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:426
msgid "Change Case"
msgstr "تغيير حالة الأحرف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:425
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:427
msgctxt "STR_DELNUM"
msgid "Delete numbering"
msgstr "حذف ترقيم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:426
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:428
msgctxt "STR_DRAWUNDO"
msgid "Drawing objects: $1"
msgstr "كائنات الرسم: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:427
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:429
msgid "Group draw objects"
msgstr "تجميع كائنات الرسم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:428
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:430
msgid "Ungroup drawing objects"
msgstr "تفكيك كائنات الرسم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:429
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:431
msgid "Delete drawing objects"
msgstr "حذف كائنات الرسم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:430
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:432
msgctxt "STR_REREAD"
msgid "Replace Image"
msgstr "استبدال صورة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:431
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:433
msgctxt "STR_DELGRF"
msgid "Delete Image"
msgstr "حذف صورة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:432
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:434
msgctxt "STR_TABLE_ATTR"
msgid "Apply table attributes"
msgstr "تطبيق صفات جدول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:433
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:435
msgid "AutoFormat Table"
msgstr "تنسيق جدول تلقائيّا"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:434
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:436
msgid "Insert Column"
msgstr "إدراج عمود"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:435
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:437
msgid "Insert Row"
msgstr "إدراج الصف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:436
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:438
msgid "Delete row/column"
msgstr "حذف صف/عمود"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:437
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:439
msgid "Delete column"
msgstr "حذف عمود"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:438
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:440
msgid "Delete row"
msgstr "حذف صف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:439
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:441
msgid "Split Cells"
msgstr "تقسيم خلايا"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:440
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:442
msgid "Merge Cells"
msgstr "دمج خلايا"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:441
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:443
msgid "Format cell"
msgstr "تنسيق خلية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:442
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:444
msgctxt "STR_INSERT_TOX"
msgid "Insert index/table"
msgstr "إدراج فهرس/جدول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:443
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:445
msgid "Remove index/table"
msgstr "حذف فهرس/جدول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:444
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:446
msgid "Copy table"
msgstr "نسخ جدول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:445
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:447
msgid "Copy table"
msgstr "نسخ جدول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:446
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:448
msgid "Set cursor"
msgstr "ضبط المؤشر"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:447
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:449
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_CHAIN"
msgid "Link text frames"
msgstr "ربط إطارات نص"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:448
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:450
msgid "Unlink text frames"
msgstr "ألغِ ربط إطارات النص"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:449
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:451
msgid "Modify footnote options"
msgstr "عدّل خيارات الحاشية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:450
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:452
msgid "Compare Document"
msgstr "مقارنة المستند"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:451
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:453
msgid "Apply frame style: $1"
msgstr "تطبيق نمط الإطار: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:452
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:454
msgid "Ruby Setting"
msgstr "إعداد روبي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:453
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:455
msgid "Insert footnote"
msgstr "أدرِج حاشية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:454
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:456
msgid "insert URL button"
msgstr "إدراج زر مسار"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:455
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:457
msgid "Insert Hyperlink"
msgstr "أدرِج رابط"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:456
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:458
msgid "remove invisible content"
msgstr "إزالة محتوى مخفيّ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:457
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:459
msgid "Table/index changed"
msgstr "تغيّر جدول/فهرس"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:458
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:460
msgid "“"
msgstr "”"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:459
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:461
msgctxt "STR_END_QUOTE"
msgid "”"
msgstr "“"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:460
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:462
msgctxt "STR_LDOTS"
msgid "..."
msgstr "…"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:461
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:463
msgctxt "STR_MULTISEL"
msgid "multiple selection"
msgstr "تحديد متعدد"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:462
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:464
msgid "Typing: $1"
msgstr "كتابة: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:463
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:465
msgid "Paste clipboard"
msgstr "لصق من الحافظة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:464
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:466
msgctxt "STR_YIELDS"
msgid "→"
msgstr "←"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:465
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:467
msgid "occurrences of"
msgstr "مرات حدوث من"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:466
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:468
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_TABS"
msgid "$1 tab(s)"
msgstr "$1 من الألسنة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:467
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:469
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_NLS"
msgid "$1 line break(s)"
msgstr "$1 من فواصل الأسطر"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:468
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:470
msgid "page break"
msgstr "فاصل صفحات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:469
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:471
msgid "column break"
msgstr "فاصل أعمدة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:470
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:472
msgid "Insert $1"
msgstr "إدراج $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:471
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:473
msgid "Delete $1"
msgstr "حذف $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:472
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:474
msgid "Attributes changed"
msgstr "تغيير الصفات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:473
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:475
msgid "Table changed"
msgstr "تغيير الجدول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:474
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:476
msgid "Style changed"
msgstr "تغيير النمط"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:475
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:477
msgid "Paragraph formatting changed"
msgstr "تغيير تنسيق الفقرة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:476
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:478
msgid "Insert Row"
msgstr "إدراج الصف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:477
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:479
msgid "Delete Row"
msgstr "حذف الصف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:478
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:480
msgid "Insert Cell"
msgstr "إدراج الخلية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:479
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:481
msgid "Delete Cell"
msgstr "حذف الخلية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:480
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:482
msgctxt "STR_N_REDLINES"
msgid "$1 changes"
msgstr "$1 تغييرات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:481
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:483
msgid "Change page style: $1"
msgstr "تغيير نمط الصفحة: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:482
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:484
msgid "Create page style: $1"
msgstr "إنشاء نمط الصفحة: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:483
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:485
msgid "Delete page style: $1"
msgstr "حذف نمط الصفحة: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:484
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:486
msgid "Rename page style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "تغيير اسم نمط الصفحة: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:485
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:487
msgid "Header/footer changed"
msgstr "تغيّر الترويسة/التذييل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:486
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:488
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_FIELD"
msgid "Field changed"
msgstr "تغيّر الحقل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:487
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:489
msgid "Create paragraph style: $1"
msgstr "إنشاء نمط الفقرة: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:488
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:490
msgid "Delete paragraph style: $1"
msgstr "حذف نمط الفقرة: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:489
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:491
msgid "Rename paragraph style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "تغيير اسم نمط الفقرة: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:490
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:492
msgid "Create character style: $1"
msgstr "إنشاء نمط الحرف: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:491
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:493
msgid "Delete character style: $1"
msgstr "حذف نمط الحرف: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:492
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:494
msgid "Rename character style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "تغيير اسم نمط الحرف: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:493
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:495
msgid "Create frame style: $1"
msgstr "إنشاء نمط الإطار: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:494
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:496
msgid "Delete frame style: $1"
msgstr "حذف نمط الإطار: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:495
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:497
msgid "Rename frame style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "تغيير اسم نمط الإطار: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:496
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:498
msgid "Create numbering style: $1"
msgstr "إنشاء نمط الترقيم: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:497
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:499
msgid "Delete numbering style: $1"
msgstr "حذف نمط الترقيم: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:498
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:500
msgid "Rename numbering style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "تغيير اسم نمط الترقيم: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:499
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:501
msgid "Rename bookmark: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "تغيير اسم العلامة: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:500
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:502
msgid "Insert index entry"
msgstr "إدراج مدخل في الفهرس"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:501
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:503
msgid "Delete index entry"
msgstr "حذف مدخل من الفهرس"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:502
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:504
msgctxt "STR_FIELD"
msgid "field"
msgstr "حقل"
#. undo: STR_PARAGRAPHS, string.text
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:504
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:506
msgid "Paragraphs"
msgstr "فقرات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:505
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:507
msgctxt "STR_FRAME"
msgid "frame"
msgstr "إطار"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:506
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:508
msgctxt "STR_OLE"
msgid "OLE-object"
msgstr "كائن OLE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:507
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:509
msgid "formula"
msgstr "معادلة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:508
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:510
msgctxt "STR_CHART"
msgid "chart"
msgstr "رسم بياني"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:509
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:511
msgctxt "STR_NOTE"
msgid "comment"
msgstr "تعليق"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:510
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:512
msgid "cross-reference"
msgstr "إسناد ترافقي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:511
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:513
msgctxt "STR_SCRIPT"
msgid "script"
msgstr "برنامج نصي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:512
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:514
msgid "bibliography entry"
msgstr "مُدخل بيبلو جرافيا"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:513
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:515
msgid "special character"
msgstr "حرف خاص"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:514
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:516
msgctxt "STR_FOOTNOTE"
msgid "footnote"
msgstr "حاشية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:515
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:517
msgctxt "STR_GRAPHIC"
msgid "image"
msgstr "صورة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:516
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:518
msgid "drawing object(s)"
msgstr "كائنات رسم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:517
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:519
msgctxt "STR_TABLE_NAME"
msgid "table: $1$2$3"
msgstr "جدول: $1$2$3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:518
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:520
msgid "paragraph"
msgstr "فقرة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:519
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:521
#, fuzzy
msgid "Paragraph sign"
msgstr "الفقرة هي "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:520
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:522
msgid "Change object title of $1"
msgstr "تغيير عنوان كائن $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:521
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:523
msgid "Change object description of $1"
msgstr "تغيير وصف كائن $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:522
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:524
msgid "Create table style: $1"
msgstr "إنشاء نمط الجدول: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:523
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:525
msgid "Delete table style: $1"
msgstr "حذف نمط الجدول: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:524
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:526
msgid "Update table style: $1"
msgstr "تحديث نمط الجدول: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:525
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:527
msgid "Delete table"
msgstr "حذف الجدول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:527
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:529
msgid "Document view"
msgstr "عرض المستند"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:528
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:530
msgid "Document view"
msgstr "عرض المستند"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:529
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:531
msgid "Header $(ARG1)"
msgstr "الترويسة $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:530
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:532
msgid "Header page $(ARG1)"
msgstr "صفحة الترويسة $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:531
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:533
msgid "Footer $(ARG1)"
msgstr "التذيل $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:532
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:534
msgid "Footer page $(ARG1)"
msgstr "صفحة التذييل $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:533
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:535
msgid "Footnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "حاشية $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:534
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:536
msgid "Footnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "حاشية $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:535
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:537
msgid "Endnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "تذييل الخاتمة $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:536
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:538
msgid "Endnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "تذييل الخاتمة $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:537
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:539
msgid "$(ARG1) on page $(ARG2)"
msgstr "$(ARG1) في الصفحة $(ARG2)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:538
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:540
msgid "Page $(ARG1)"
msgstr "الصفحة $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:539
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:541
msgid "Page: $(ARG1)"
msgstr "الصفحة: $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:540
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:542
msgid "Author"
msgstr "المؤلف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:541
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:543
msgid "Date"
msgstr "التاريخ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:542
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:544
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "الإجراءات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:543
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:545
msgid "Activate this button to open a list of actions which can be performed on this comment and other comments"
msgstr "قم بتنشيط هذا الزر لفتح قائمة بالإجراءات التي يمكن تنفيذها على هذا التعليق والتعليقات الأخرى"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:544
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:546
msgid "Document preview"
msgstr "معاينة المستند"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:545
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:547
msgid "(Preview mode)"
msgstr "(وضع المعاينة)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:546
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:548
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Document"
msgstr "مستند %PRODUCTNAME"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:548
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:550
msgid "Read Error"
msgstr "خطأ في القراءة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:549
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:551
msgid "Image cannot be displayed."
msgstr "تعذّر عرض الصورة."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:550
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:552
msgid "Error reading from the clipboard."
msgstr "خطأ في القراءة من الحافظة."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:552
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:554
msgid "Manual Column Break"
msgstr "فاصل أعمدة يدويّ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:554
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:556
msgid "Row %ROWNUMBER"
msgstr "الصّفّ %ROWNUMBER"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:555
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:557
#, c-format
msgid "Column %COLUMNLETTER"
msgstr "العمود %COLUMNLETTER"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:556
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:558
msgid "Character"
msgstr "المحارف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:557
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:559
msgid "Paragraph"
msgstr "الفقرات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:558
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:560
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "الإطارات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:559
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:561
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "الصّفحات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:560
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:562
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "التّعداد"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:561
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:563
msgid "Table"
msgstr "الجداول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:562
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:564
msgid "Cell"
msgstr "خلية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:564
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:566
msgid "Asian"
msgstr "آسيوي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:565
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:567
msgctxt "ST_SCRIPT_CTL"
msgid "CTL"
msgstr "النصوص المركّبة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:566
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:568
msgid "Western"
msgstr "غربي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:567
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:569
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
msgstr "‏%PRODUCTNAME ‏%s"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:568
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:570
msgid "Contents"
msgstr "المحتويات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:569
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:571
msgid "Page ba~ckground"
msgstr "خل~فية الصفحة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:570
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:572
msgid "~Images and other graphic objects"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:571
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:573
msgid "Hidden te~xt"
msgstr "نص م~خفي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:572
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:574
msgid "~Text placeholders"
msgstr "حافظات مكان ال~نص"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:573
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:575
msgid "Form control~s"
msgstr "متح~كّمات النماذج"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:574
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:576
msgid "Color"
msgstr "اللون"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:575
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:577
msgid "Print text in blac~k"
msgstr "اطبع النص بالأ~سود"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:576
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:578
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "الصفحات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:577
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:579
msgid "Print ~automatically inserted blank pages"
msgstr "اطبع الص~فحات الفارغة المُدرجة تلقائيًا"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:578
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:580
msgid "~Use only paper tray from printer preferences"
msgstr "اس~تخدم فقط درج الورق من تفضيلات الطابعة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:579
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:581
msgid "Print"
msgstr "اطبع"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:580
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:582
msgid "None (document only)"
msgstr "لا شيء (المستند فقط)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:581
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:583
msgid "Comments only"
msgstr "التعليقات فقط"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:582
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:584
msgid "Place at end of document"
msgstr "ضعها في نهاية المستند"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:583
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:585
msgid "Place at end of page"
msgstr "ضعها في نهاية الصفحة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:584
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:586
msgid "~Comments"
msgstr "ال~تعليقات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:585
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:587
msgid "Page sides"
msgstr "جوانب الصفحة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:586
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:588
msgid "All pages"
msgstr "كل الصفحات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:587
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:589
msgid "Back sides / left pages"
msgstr "الجوانب الخلفية / الصفحات اليسرى"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:588
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:590
msgid "Front sides / right pages"
msgstr "الجوانب الأمامية / الصفحات اليمنى"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:589
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:591
msgid "Include"
msgstr "ضمّن"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:590
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:592
msgid "Broch~ure"
msgstr "من~شور"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:591
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:593
msgid "Left-to-right script"
msgstr "كتابة من اليسار إلى اليمين"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:592
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:594
msgid "Right-to-left script"
msgstr "كتابة من اليمين إلى اليسار"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:593
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:595
msgid "Range and copies"
msgstr "النطاق و النُسَخ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:594
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:596
msgid "~All pages"
msgstr "~كل الصفحات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:595
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:597
msgid "Pa~ges"
msgstr "الص~فحات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:596
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:598
msgid "~Selection"
msgstr "التح~ديد"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:597
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:599
msgid "Place in margins"
msgstr "ضعها في الحواف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:599
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:601
msgid "Functions"
msgstr "دالّات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:600
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:602
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "ألغِ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:601
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:603
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "طبّق"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:602
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:604
msgid "Formula Tool Bar"
msgstr "شريط أدوات المعادلة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:603
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:605
msgid "Formula Type"
msgstr "نوع المعادلة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:604
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:606
msgid "Formula Text"
msgstr "نصّ المعادلة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:606
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:608
msgid "Global View"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:607
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:609
msgid "Content Navigation View"
msgstr "منظور الملاحة في المحتوى"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:608
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:610
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outline Level"
msgstr "مخطط تفصيلي: مستوى "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:609
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:611
msgctxt "STR_DRAGMODE"
msgid "Drag Mode"
msgstr "وضع السحب"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:610
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:612
msgid "Insert as Hyperlink"
msgstr "أدرج كرابط"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:611
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:613
msgid "Insert as Link"
msgstr "أدرج كرابط"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:612
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:614
msgid "Insert as Copy"
msgstr "أدرج كنسخة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:613
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:615
msgctxt "STR_DISPLAY"
msgid "Display"
msgstr "عرض"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:614
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:616
msgid "Active Window"
msgstr "النافذة النشطة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:615
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:617
msgctxt "STR_HIDDEN"
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "مخفي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:616
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:618
msgctxt "STR_ACTIVE"
msgid "active"
msgstr "نشط"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:617
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:619
msgctxt "STR_INACTIVE"
msgid "inactive"
msgstr "خامل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:618
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:620
msgctxt "STR_EDIT_ENTRY"
msgid "Edit..."
msgstr "حرّر..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:619
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:621
msgctxt "STR_UPDATE"
msgid "~Update"
msgstr "حدّ~ث"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:620
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:622
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "حرّر"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:621
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:623
msgctxt "STR_EDIT_LINK"
msgid "Edit link"
msgstr "حرّر الرابط"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:622
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:624
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "أدرج"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:623
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:625
msgctxt "STR_INDEX"
msgid "~Index"
msgstr "ال~فهرس"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:624
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:626
msgctxt "STR_FILE"
msgid "File"
msgstr "ملف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:625
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:627
msgctxt "STR_NEW_FILE"
msgid "New Document"
msgstr "مستند جديد"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:626
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:628
msgid "Text"
msgstr "نص"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:627
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:629
msgctxt "STR_DELETE"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "احذف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:628
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:630
msgid "~Delete"
msgstr "اح~ذف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:629
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:631
msgctxt "STR_UPDATE_SEL"
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "التحديد"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:630
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:632
msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "الفهارس"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:631
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:633
msgid "Links"
msgstr "روابط"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:632
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:634
msgctxt "STR_UPDATE_ALL"
msgid "All"
msgstr "الكل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:633
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:635
msgid "~Remove Index"
msgstr "أ~زِل الفهرس"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:634
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:636
msgid "~Unprotect"
msgstr "ألغِ الح~ماية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:635
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:637
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "مخفي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:636
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:638
msgid "File not found: "
msgstr "لم يُعثر على الملف: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:637
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:639
msgctxt "STR_RENAME"
msgid "~Rename"
msgstr "~غيّر الاسم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:638
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:640
msgid "Read-~only"
msgstr "للقراءة ~فقط"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:639
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:641
msgid "Show All"
msgstr "اعرض الكل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:640
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:642
msgid "Hide All"
msgstr "أخفِ الكل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:641
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:643
msgid "Delete All"
msgstr "احذف الكل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:643
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:645
msgid "Left: "
msgstr "يسار: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:644
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:646
msgid ". Right: "
msgstr ". يمين: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:645
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:647
msgid "Inner: "
msgstr "داخلي: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:646
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:648
msgid ". Outer: "
msgstr ". خارجي: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:647
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:649
msgid ". Top: "
msgstr ". أعلى: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:648
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:650
msgid ". Bottom: "
msgstr ". أسفل: "
#. Error calculator
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:651
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:653
msgid "Page"
msgstr "صفحة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:652
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:654
msgid "Line"
msgstr "سطر"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:653
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:655
msgid "Author"
msgstr "المؤلف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:654
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:656
msgid "** Syntax Error **"
msgstr "** خطأ صياغي **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:655
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:657
msgid "** Division by zero **"
msgstr "** القسمة على صفر **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:656
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:658
msgctxt "STR_CALC_BRACK"
msgid "** Wrong use of brackets **"
msgstr "** استخدام خاطئ للأقواس **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:657
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:659
msgctxt "STR_CALC_POW"
msgid "** Square function overflow **"
msgstr "** فائض في الدالة التربيعية **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:658
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:660
msgid "** Overflow **"
msgstr "** فائض **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:659
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:661
msgid "** Error **"
msgstr "** خطأ **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:660
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:662
msgctxt "STR_CALC_ERROR"
msgid "** Expression is faulty **"
msgstr "** بالتعبير علّة **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:661
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:663
msgid "Error: Reference source not found"
msgstr "خطأ: لم يُعثر على مصدر المرجع"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:662
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:664
msgid "None"
msgstr "بلا"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:663
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:665
msgid "(fixed)"
msgstr "(ثابت)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:664
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:666
msgid " Y: %1 M: %2 D: %3 H: %4 M: %5 S: %6"
msgstr " سنة: %1 شهر: %2 يوم: %3 ساعة: %4 دقيقة: %5 ثانية: %6"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:665
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:667
msgctxt "STR_TOI"
msgid "Alphabetical Index"
msgstr "فهرس أبجدي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:666
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:668
msgctxt "STR_TOU"
msgid "User-Defined"
msgstr "عرّفه المستخدم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:667
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:669
msgctxt "STR_TOC"
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr "جدول المحتويات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:668
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:670
msgctxt "STR_TOX_AUTH"
msgid "Bibliography"
msgstr "بيبلوجرافيا"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:669
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:671
msgid "Citation"
msgstr "اقتباس"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:670
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:672
msgctxt "STR_TOX_TBL"
msgid "Index of Tables"
msgstr "فهرس الجداول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:671
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:673
msgctxt "STR_TOX_OBJ"
msgid "Table of Objects"
msgstr "جدول الكائنات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:672
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:674
msgctxt "STR_TOX_ILL"
msgid "Table of Figures"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:673
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:675
#, c-format
msgid "%s-Click to follow link"
msgstr "انقر مع %s لاتّباع الرابط"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:674
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:676
msgctxt "STR_LINK_CLICK"
msgid "Click to follow link"
msgstr "انقر لاتّباع الرابط"
#. SubType DocInfo
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:676
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:678
msgid "Title"
msgstr "العنوان"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:677
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:679
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "الموضوع"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:678
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:680
msgid "Keywords"
msgstr "الكلمات المفتاحية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:679
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:681
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "تعليقات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:680
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:682
msgid "Created"
msgstr "أُنشئ في"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:681
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:683
msgid "Modified"
msgstr "معدل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:682
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:684
msgid "Last printed"
msgstr "آخر طباعة في"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:683
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:685
msgid "Revision number"
msgstr "رقم المراجعة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:684
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:686
msgid "Total editing time"
msgstr "إجمالي وقت التحرير"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:685
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:687
msgid "Convert $(ARG1)"
msgstr "تحويل $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:686
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:688
msgid "First convert $(ARG1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:687
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:689
msgid "Next convert $(ARG1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:688
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:690
msgid "Article"
msgstr "المقالة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:689
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:691
msgid "Book"
msgstr "الكتاب"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:690
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:692
msgid "Brochures"
msgstr "منشورات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:691
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:693
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr "وقائع المؤتمر"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:692
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:694
msgid "Book excerpt"
msgstr "مقتبسات الكتب"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:693
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:695
msgid "Book excerpt with title"
msgstr "مقتبسات الكتب مع العنوان"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:694
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:696
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr "وقائع المؤتمر"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:695
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:697
msgid "Journal"
msgstr "دفتر اليومية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:696
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:698
msgid "Techn. documentation"
msgstr "الوثائق التقنية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:697
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:699
msgid "Thesis"
msgstr "الأطروحة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:698
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:700
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "منوعات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:699
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:701
msgid "Dissertation"
msgstr "الرسالة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:700
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:702
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr "وقائع المؤتمر"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:701
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:703
msgid "Research report"
msgstr "تقرير بحثي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:702
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:704
msgid "Unpublished"
msgstr "غير منشور"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:703
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:705
msgid "E-mail"
msgstr "البريد الإلكتروني"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:704
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:706
msgid "WWW document"
msgstr "مستند WWW"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:705
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:707
msgid "User-defined1"
msgstr "عرّفه المستخدم١"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:706
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:708
msgid "User-defined2"
msgstr "عرّفه المستخدم٢"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:707
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:709
msgid "User-defined3"
msgstr "عرّفه المستخدم٣"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:708
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:710
msgid "User-defined4"
msgstr "عرّفه المستخدم٤"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:709
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:711
msgid "User-defined5"
msgstr "عرّفه المستخدم٥"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:710
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:712
msgid "Short name"
msgstr "الاسم المختصر"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:711
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:713
msgid "Type"
msgstr "النوع"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:712
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:714
msgid "Address"
msgstr "العنوان"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:713
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:715
msgid "Annotation"
msgstr "تعليق توضيحي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:714
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:716
msgid "Author(s)"
msgstr "المؤلف/المؤلفون"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:715
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:717
msgid "Book title"
msgstr "عنوان الكتاب"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:716
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:718
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr "الفصل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:717
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:719
msgid "Edition"
msgstr "النسخة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:718
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:720
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "المحرر"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:719
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:721
msgid "Publication type"
msgstr "نوع النشر"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:720
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:722
msgid "Institution"
msgstr "الهيئة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:721
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:723
msgid "Journal"
msgstr "دفتر اليومية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:722
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:724
msgid "Month"
msgstr "الشهر"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:723
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:725
msgid "Note"
msgstr "ملاحظة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:724
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:726
msgid "Number"
msgstr "رقم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:725
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:727
msgid "Organization"
msgstr "المنظمة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:726
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:728
msgid "Page(s)"
msgstr "الصفحة/الصفحات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:727
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:729
msgid "Publisher"
msgstr "الناشر"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:728
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:730
msgid "University"
msgstr "الجامعة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:729
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:731
#, fuzzy
msgid "Series"
msgstr "السل~سلة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:730
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:732
msgid "Title"
msgstr "العنوان"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:731
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:733
msgid "Type of report"
msgstr "نوع التقرير"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:732
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:734
msgid "Volume"
msgstr "وحدة التخزين"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:733
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:735
msgid "Year"
msgstr "السنة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:734
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:736
msgid "URL"
msgstr "المسار"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:735
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:737
msgid "User-defined1"
msgstr "عرّفه المستخدم١"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:736
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:738
msgid "User-defined2"
msgstr "عرّفه المستخدم٢"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:737
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:739
msgid "User-defined3"
msgstr "عرّفه المستخدم٣"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:738
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:740
msgid "User-defined4"
msgstr "عرّفه المستخدم٤"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:739
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:741
msgid "User-defined5"
msgstr "عرّفه المستخدم٥"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:740
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:742
msgid "ISBN"
msgstr "ISBN"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:742
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:744
msgid "Edit Index Entry"
msgstr "حرّر مُدخل في الفهرس"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:743
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:745
msgid "Insert Index Entry"
msgstr "أدرج مُدخل في الفهرس"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:744
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:746
msgid "The document already contains the bibliography entry but with different data. Do you want to adjust the existing entries?"
msgstr "مُدخل الببلوجرافيا موجود بالفعل في المستند ببيانات مختلفة. هل تريد ضبط المُدخلات الموجودة؟"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:746
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:748
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "تعليقات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:747
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:749
msgid "Show comments"
msgstr "أظهر التعليقات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:748
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:750
msgid "Hide comments"
msgstr "أخفِ التعليقات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:750
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:752
msgid "Shortcut name already exists. Please choose another name."
msgstr "اسم هذا الاختصار موجود بالفعل. الرجاء استخدام اسم آخر."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:751
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:753
msgid "Delete AutoText?"
msgstr "هل تريد حذف النص التلقائي؟"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:752
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:754
msgid "Delete the category "
msgstr "هل تريد حذف الفئة "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:753
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:755
msgid "?"
msgstr "؟"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:754
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:756
msgctxt "STR_GLOSSARY"
msgid "AutoText :"
msgstr "نص تلقائي:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:755
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:757
msgid "Save AutoText"
msgstr "احفظ النص التلقائي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:756
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:758
msgid "There is no AutoText in this file."
msgstr "لا يحتوي هذا الملف على نص تلقائي."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:757
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:759
msgid "My AutoText"
msgstr "نصوصي التلقائية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:759
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:761
msgctxt "STR_NOGLOS"
msgid "AutoText for Shortcut '%1' not found."
msgstr "لم يُعثر على النص التلقائي للاختصار ”%1“."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:760
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:762
msgctxt "STR_NO_TABLE"
msgid "A table with no rows or no cells cannot be inserted"
msgstr "لا يمكن إدراج جدول بدون صفوف أو أعمدة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:761
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:763
msgid "The table cannot be inserted because it is too large"
msgstr "تعذر إدراج الجدول لأنه كبير جدًا"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:762
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:764
msgid "AutoText could not be created."
msgstr "تعذر إنشاء نص تلقائي."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:763
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:765
msgid "Requested clipboard format is not available."
msgstr "تنسيق الحافظة المطلوب غير متوفر."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:764
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:766
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:765
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:767
msgid "Image (%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Text Document)"
msgstr "صورة (مستند %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION نصي)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:766
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:768
msgid "Object (%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Text Document)"
msgstr "كائن (مستند %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION نصي)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:767
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:769
msgid "Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE link)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:769
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:771
msgid "All Comments"
msgstr "جميع التعليقات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:770
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:772
msgid "All Comments"
msgstr "جميع التعليقات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:771
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:773
msgid "Comments by "
msgstr "التعليقات بواسطة "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:772
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:774
msgctxt "STR_NODATE"
msgid "(no date)"
msgstr "(بلا تاريخ)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:773
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:775
msgctxt "STR_NOAUTHOR"
msgid "(no author)"
msgstr "(بلا مؤلف)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:774
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:776
msgctxt "STR_REPLY"
msgid "Reply to $1"
msgstr "الرد على $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:776
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:778
msgctxt "ST_TITLE_EDIT"
msgid "Edit Address Block"
msgstr "حرّر مربّع العنوان"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:777
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:779
msgctxt "ST_TITLE_MALE"
msgid "Custom Salutation (Male Recipients)"
msgstr "تحيّة مخصّصة (المستقبلون الذكور)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:778
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:780
msgid "Custom Salutation (Female Recipients)"
msgstr "تحيّة مُخصّصة (المستقبلات الإناث)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:779
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:781
msgid "Salutation e~lements"
msgstr "~عناصر التحيّة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:780
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:782
msgid "Add to salutation"
msgstr "أضِف إلى التحيّة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:781
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:783
msgid "Remove from salutation"
msgstr "أزِل من التحيّة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:782
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:784
msgid "1. ~Drag salutation elements into the box below"
msgstr "١. ا~سحب عناصر التحيّة إلى المربّع أدناه"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:783
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:785
msgid "Salutation"
msgstr "تحيّة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:784
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:786
msgid "Punctuation Mark"
msgstr "علامة ترقيم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:785
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:787
msgctxt "ST_TEXT"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "النص"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:786
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:788
msgid "Assign the fields from your data source to match the salutation elements."
msgstr "املأ الحقول من مصدر البيانات لمطابقة عناصر التحيّة."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:787
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:789
msgid "Salutation preview"
msgstr "معاينة التحيّة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:788
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:790
msgid "Address elements"
msgstr "عناصر العنوان"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:789
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:791
msgid "Salutation elements"
msgstr "عناصر التحيّة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:790
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:792
msgctxt "ST_MATCHESTO"
msgid "Matches to field:"
msgstr "يطابق الحقل:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:791
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:793
msgctxt "ST_PREVIEW"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "معاينة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:793
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:795
msgid " not yet matched "
msgstr " لم يتطابق بعد "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:794
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:796
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_ALL"
msgid "All files"
msgstr "كل الملفات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:795
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:797
msgid "Address lists(*.*)"
msgstr "قوائم العناوين (*.*)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:796
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:798
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXB"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Base (*.odb)"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME بيز (*.odb)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:797
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:799
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXC"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Calc (*.ods;*.sxc)"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME كالك (*.ods;*.sxc)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:798
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:800
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXW"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer (*.odt;*.sxw)"
msgstr "‏%PRODUCTNAME رايتر (*.odt;*.sxw)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:799
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:801
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_DBF"
msgid "dBase (*.dbf)"
msgstr "‏dBase‏ (*.dbf)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:800
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:802
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_XLS"
msgid "Microsoft Excel (*.xls;*.xlsx)"
msgstr "ميكروسوفت إكسل (*.xls;*.xlsx)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:801
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:803
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_DOC"
msgid "Microsoft Word (*.doc;*.docx)"
msgstr "ميكروسوفت وورد (*.doc;*.docx)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:802
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:804
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_TXT"
msgid "Plain text (*.txt)"
msgstr "نص عادي (*.txt)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:803
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:805
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_CSV"
msgid "Text Comma Separated (*.csv)"
msgstr "نص تفصله فواصل (*.csv)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:804
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:806
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_MDB"
msgid "Microsoft Access (*.mdb;*.mde)"
msgstr "ميكروسوفت أكسيس (*.mdb;*.mde)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:805
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:807
msgid "Microsoft Access 2007 (*.accdb,*.accde)"
msgstr "ميكروسوفت أكسيس ٢٠٠٧ (*.accdb,*.accde)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:806
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:808
msgid ""
"In order to be able to send mail merge documents by e-mail, %PRODUCTNAME requires information about the e-mail account to be used.\n"
@@ -4234,82 +4244,82 @@ msgstr ""
"أتريد إدخال معلومات حساب البريد الإلكترونيّ الآن؟"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:807
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:809
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Address List (.csv)"
msgstr "قائمة عناوين %PRODUCTNAME‏ (.csv)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:809
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:811
msgctxt "ST_STARTING"
msgid "Select starting document"
msgstr "اختر مستند البداية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:810
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:812
msgid "Select document type"
msgstr "اختر نوع المستند"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:811
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:813
msgid "Insert address block"
msgstr "أدرج مربع عنوان"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:812
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:814
msgid "Select address list"
msgstr "اختر قائمة العناوين"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:813
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:815
msgid "Create salutation"
msgstr "أنشئ تحيّة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:814
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:816
msgctxt "ST_LAYOUT"
msgid "Adjust layout"
msgstr "اضبط المظهر"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:815
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:817
msgctxt "ST_EXCLUDE"
msgid "Exclude recipient"
msgstr "استثنِ المستلم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:816
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:818
msgctxt "ST_FINISH"
msgid "~Finish"
msgstr "أ~نهِ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:817
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:819
msgctxt "ST_MMWTITLE"
msgid "Mail Merge Wizard"
msgstr "مرشد دمج المراسلات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:819
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:821
msgctxt "ST_NAME"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "الاسم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:820
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:822
msgctxt "ST_TYPE"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "النوع"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:821
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:823
msgctxt "ST_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "الجدول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:822
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:824
msgctxt "ST_QUERY"
msgid "Query"
msgstr "الاستعلام"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:824
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:826
msgid "Continue checking at beginning of document?"
msgstr "هل تريد متابعة التدقيق من بداية المستند؟"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:825
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:827
msgid "The spellcheck is complete."
msgstr "اكتمل التدقيق الإملائي."
@@ -4318,212 +4328,212 @@ msgstr "اكتمل التدقيق الإملائي."
#. Description: strings for the types
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. range document
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:831
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:833
msgctxt "STR_DATEFLD"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "التاريخ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:832
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:834
msgctxt "STR_TIMEFLD"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "الوقت"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:833
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:835
msgid "File name"
msgstr "اسم الملف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:834
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:836
msgid "Database Name"
msgstr "اسم قاعدة البيانات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:835
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:837
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr "الفصل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:836
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:838
msgid "Page numbers"
msgstr "رقم الصفحة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:837
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:839
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "إحصائيات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:838
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:840
msgid "Author"
msgstr "المؤلف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:839
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:841
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "قوالب"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:840
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:842
msgid "Sender"
msgstr "المرسل"
#. range functions
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:842
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:844
msgctxt "STR_SETFLD"
msgid "Set variable"
msgstr "حدد متغير"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:843
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:845
msgctxt "STR_GETFLD"
msgid "Show variable"
msgstr "أظهر المتغير"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:844
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:846
msgid "Insert Formula"
msgstr "أدرج مُعادلة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:845
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:847
msgctxt "STR_INPUTFLD"
msgid "Input field"
msgstr "حقل إدخال"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:846
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:848
msgid "Input field (variable)"
msgstr "حقل إدخال (متغير)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:847
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:849
msgid "Input field (user)"
msgstr "حقل إدخال (مستخدم)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:848
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:850
msgid "Conditional text"
msgstr "نص شرطيّ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:849
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:851
msgctxt "STR_DDEFLD"
msgid "DDE field"
msgstr "حقل DDE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:850
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:852
msgctxt "STR_MACROFLD"
msgid "Execute macro"
msgstr "نفّذ ماكرو"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:851
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:853
msgctxt "STR_SEQFLD"
msgid "Number range"
msgstr "تسلسل أرقام"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:852
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:854
msgid "Set page variable"
msgstr "حدد متغير صفحة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:853
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:855
msgid "Show page variable"
msgstr "أظهر متغير الصفحة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:854
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:856
msgid "Load URL"
msgstr "حمّل المسار"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:855
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:857
msgid "Placeholder"
msgstr "حافظ مكان"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:856
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:858
msgid "Combine characters"
msgstr "ضم الأحرف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:857
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:859
msgctxt "STR_DROPDOWN"
msgid "Input list"
msgstr "قائمة مُدخلات"
#. range references
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:859
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:861
msgid "Set Reference"
msgstr "حدد مرجع"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:860
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:862
msgid "Insert Reference"
msgstr "أدرج مرجع"
#. range database
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:862
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:864
msgctxt "STR_DBFLD"
msgid "Mail merge fields"
msgstr "حقول دمج المراسلات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:863
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:865
msgid "Next record"
msgstr "السجل التالي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:864
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:866
msgid "Any record"
msgstr "أي سجل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:865
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:867
msgid "Record number"
msgstr "رقم السجل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:866
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:868
msgid "Previous page"
msgstr "الصفحة السابقة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:867
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:869
msgid "Next page"
msgstr "الصفحة التالية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:868
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:870
msgid "Hidden text"
msgstr "نص مخفي"
#. range user fields
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:870
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:872
msgctxt "STR_USERFLD"
msgid "User Field"
msgstr "حقل المستخدم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:871
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:873
msgid "Note"
msgstr "ملاحظة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:872
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:874
msgid "Script"
msgstr "نص برمجي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:873
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:875
msgid "Bibliography entry"
msgstr "مُدخل بيبلوغرافيا"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:874
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:876
msgid "Hidden Paragraph"
msgstr "فقرة مخفية"
#. range DocumentInfo
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:876
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:878
msgid "DocInformation"
msgstr "معلومات المستند"
@@ -4531,74 +4541,74 @@ msgstr "معلومات المستند"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: SubCmd-Strings
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:880
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:882
msgctxt "FLD_DATE_STD"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "التاريخ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:881
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:883
msgctxt "FLD_DATE_FIX"
msgid "Date (fixed)"
msgstr "التاريخ (ثابت)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:882
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:884
msgctxt "FLD_TIME_STD"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "الوقت"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:883
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:885
msgctxt "FLD_TIME_FIX"
msgid "Time (fixed)"
msgstr "الوقت (ثابت)"
#. SubCmd Statistic
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:885
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:887
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_TABLE"
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "جداول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:886
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:888
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_CHAR"
msgid "Characters"
msgstr "حروف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:887
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:889
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_WORD"
msgid "Words"
msgstr "كلمات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:888
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:890
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_PARA"
msgid "Paragraphs"
msgstr "فقرات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:889
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:891
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_GRF"
msgid "Image"
msgstr "صورة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:890
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:892
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_OBJ"
msgid "Objects"
msgstr "كائنات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:891
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:893
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_PAGE"
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "صفحات"
#. SubCmd DDETypes
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:893
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:895
msgctxt "FMT_DDE_HOT"
msgid "DDE automatic"
msgstr "‏DDE تلقائي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:894
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:896
msgctxt "FMT_DDE_NORMAL"
msgid "DDE manual"
msgstr "‏DDE يدوي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:895
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:897
msgctxt "FLD_INPUT_TEXT"
msgid "[Text]"
msgstr "[نص]"
@@ -4606,87 +4616,87 @@ msgstr "[نص]"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: SubType Extuser
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:900
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:902
msgctxt "FLD_EU_FIRMA"
msgid "Company"
msgstr "الشركة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:901
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:903
msgctxt "FLD_EU_VORNAME"
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "الاسم الأول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:902
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:904
msgctxt "FLD_EU_NAME"
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr "الاسم الأخير"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:903
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:905
msgctxt "FLD_EU_ABK"
msgid "Initials"
msgstr "الألقاب"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:904
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:906
msgctxt "FLD_EU_STRASSE"
msgid "Street"
msgstr "الشارع"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:905
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:907
msgctxt "FLD_EU_LAND"
msgid "Country"
msgstr "الدولة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:906
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:908
msgctxt "FLD_EU_PLZ"
msgid "Zip code"
msgstr "الرمز البريدي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:907
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:909
msgctxt "FLD_EU_ORT"
msgid "City"
msgstr "المدينة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:908
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:910
msgctxt "FLD_EU_TITEL"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "المسمى الوظيفي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:909
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:911
msgctxt "FLD_EU_POS"
msgid "Position"
msgstr "الموضع"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:910
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:912
msgctxt "FLD_EU_TELPRIV"
msgid "Tel. (Home)"
msgstr "الهاتف (منزل)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:911
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:913
msgid "Tel. (Work)"
msgstr "الهاتف (عمل)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:912
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:914
msgctxt "FLD_EU_FAX"
msgid "FAX"
msgstr "الفاكس"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:913
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:915
msgctxt "FLD_EU_EMAIL"
msgid "E-mail"
msgstr "البريد الإلكتروني"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:914
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:916
msgctxt "FLD_EU_STATE"
msgid "State"
msgstr "الولاية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:915
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:917
msgid "off"
msgstr "أوقف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:916
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:918
msgctxt "FLD_PAGEREF_ON"
msgid "on"
msgstr "شغّل"
@@ -4695,32 +4705,32 @@ msgstr "شغّل"
#. Description: path name
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Format FileName
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:921
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:923
msgctxt "FMT_FF_NAME"
msgid "File name"
msgstr "اسم الملف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:922
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:924
msgid "File name without extension"
msgstr "اسم الملف بدون امتداد"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:923
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:925
msgid "Path/File name"
msgstr "المسار/اسم الملف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:924
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:926
msgctxt "FMT_FF_PATH"
msgid "Path"
msgstr "المسار"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:925
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:927
msgctxt "FMT_FF_UI_NAME"
msgid "Style"
msgstr "النمط"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:926
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:928
msgctxt "FMT_FF_UI_RANGE"
msgid "Category"
msgstr "الفئة"
@@ -4728,22 +4738,22 @@ msgstr "الفئة"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: format chapter
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:930
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:932
msgid "Chapter name"
msgstr "اسم الفصل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:931
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:933
msgctxt "FMT_CHAPTER_NO"
msgid "Chapter number"
msgstr "رقم الفصل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:932
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:934
msgid "Chapter number without separator"
msgstr "رقم الفصل بدون فاصل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:933
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:935
msgid "Chapter number and name"
msgstr "رقم واسم الفصل"
@@ -4751,47 +4761,47 @@ msgstr "رقم واسم الفصل"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: formats
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:937
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:939
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ABC"
msgid "A B C"
msgstr "A B C"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:938
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:940
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SABC"
msgid "a b c"
msgstr "a b c"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:939
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:941
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ABC_N"
msgid "A .. AA .. AAA"
msgstr "A‏ ‏.. AA ‏.. AAA"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:940
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:942
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SABC_N"
msgid "a .. aa .. aaa"
msgstr "‏a .. ‏aa .. ‏aaa"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:941
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:943
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ROMAN"
msgid "Roman (I II III)"
msgstr "أرقام رومانية (III II I)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:942
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:944
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SROMAN"
msgid "Roman (i ii iii)"
msgstr "أرقام رومانية (iii ii i)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:943
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:945
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ARABIC"
msgid "Arabic (1 2 3)"
msgstr "أرقام عربية (1 2 3)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:944
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:946
msgid "As Page Style"
msgstr "مثل نمط الصفحة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:945
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:947
msgid "Text"
msgstr "النص"
@@ -4799,12 +4809,12 @@ msgstr "النص"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Author
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:949
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:951
msgid "Name"
msgstr "الاسم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:950
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:952
msgid "Initials"
msgstr "الحروف البادئة"
@@ -4812,42 +4822,42 @@ msgstr "الحروف البادئة"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: set variable
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:954
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:956
msgctxt "FMT_SETVAR_SYS"
msgid "System"
msgstr "النظام"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:955
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:957
msgid "Text"
msgstr "النص"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:956
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:958
msgid "Name"
msgstr "الاسم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:957
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:959
msgid "Text"
msgstr "نص"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:958
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:960
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "معادلة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:959
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:961
msgid "Text"
msgstr "نص"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:960
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:962
msgctxt "FMT_DBFLD_DB"
msgid "Database"
msgstr "قاعدة بيانات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:961
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:963
msgctxt "FMT_DBFLD_SYS"
msgid "System"
msgstr "النظام"
@@ -4855,17 +4865,17 @@ msgstr "النظام"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: storage fields
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:965
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:967
msgctxt "FMT_REG_AUTHOR"
msgid "Author"
msgstr "المؤلف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:966
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:968
msgctxt "FMT_REG_TIME"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "الوقت"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:967
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:969
msgctxt "FMT_REG_DATE"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "التاريخ"
@@ -4873,67 +4883,67 @@ msgstr "التاريخ"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: formats references
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:971
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:973
msgctxt "FMT_REF_TEXT"
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "المرجع"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:972
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:974
msgctxt "FMT_REF_PAGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "الصفحة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:973
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:975
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr "الفصل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:974
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:976
msgctxt "FMT_REF_UPDOWN"
msgid "Above/Below"
msgstr "أعلى/أسفل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:975
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:977
msgid "As Page Style"
msgstr "مثل نمط الصفحة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:976
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:978
msgid "Category and Number"
msgstr "الفئة و الرقم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:977
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:979
msgid "Caption Text"
msgstr "نص الواصفة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:978
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:980
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "ترقيم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:979
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:981
msgctxt "FMT_REF_NUMBER"
msgid "Number"
msgstr "رقم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:980
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:982
msgid "Number (no context)"
msgstr "رقم (دون سياق)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:981
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:983
msgid "Number (full context)"
msgstr "رقم (السياق الكامل)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:983
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:985
msgid "Article a/az + "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:984
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:986
msgid "Article A/Az + "
msgstr ""
@@ -4941,27 +4951,27 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: placeholder
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:988
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:990
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_TEXT"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "نص"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:989
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:991
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "جدول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:990
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:992
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_FRAME"
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "إطار"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:991
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:993
msgid "Image"
msgstr "صورة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:992
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:994
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_OLE"
msgid "Object"
msgstr "كائن"
@@ -4969,1254 +4979,1254 @@ msgstr "كائن"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: ExchangeStrings for Edit/NameFT
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:996
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:998
msgctxt "STR_COND"
msgid "~Condition"
msgstr "~شرط"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:997
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:999
msgctxt "STR_TEXT"
msgid "Then, Else"
msgstr "Then, Else"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:998
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1000
msgctxt "STR_DDE_CMD"
msgid "DDE Statement"
msgstr "عبارة DDE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:999
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1001
msgctxt "STR_INSTEXT"
msgid "Hidden t~ext"
msgstr "~نص غير مرئي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1000
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1002
msgctxt "STR_MACNAME"
msgid "~Macro name"
msgstr "اسم ال~ماكرو"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1001
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1003
msgctxt "STR_PROMPT"
msgid "~Reference"
msgstr "مر~جع"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1002
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1004
msgid "Ch~aracters"
msgstr "حرو~ف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1003
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1005
msgctxt "STR_OFFSET"
msgid "O~ffset"
msgstr "~تعديل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1004
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1006
msgctxt "STR_VALUE"
msgid "Value"
msgstr "القيمة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1005
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1007
msgctxt "STR_FORMULA"
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "الصيغة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1006
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1008
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "مخصص"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1008
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1010
msgid "[User]"
msgstr "[مستخدم]"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1010
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1012
msgctxt "STR_HDIST"
msgid "H. Pitch"
msgstr "المسافة الرأسية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1011
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1013
msgctxt "STR_VDIST"
msgid "V. Pitch"
msgstr "المسافة الأفقية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1012
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1014
msgctxt "STR_WIDTH"
msgid "Width"
msgstr "العرض"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1013
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1015
msgctxt "STR_HEIGHT"
msgid "Height"
msgstr "الارتفاع"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1014
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1016
msgctxt "STR_LEFT"
msgid "Left margin"
msgstr "الهامش الأيسر"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1015
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1017
msgctxt "STR_UPPER"
msgid "Top margin"
msgstr "الهامش العلوي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1016
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1018
msgctxt "STR_COLS"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "الأعمدة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1017
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1019
msgctxt "STR_ROWS"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "الصفوف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1019
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1021
msgid "The following service is not available: "
msgstr "الخدمة الآتية غير متوفرة: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1021
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1023
msgid "Word and character count. Click to open Word Count dialog."
msgstr "عدد الكلمات والمحارف. انقر لفتح حوار عدد الكلمات."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1022
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1024
msgid "Single-page view"
msgstr "منظور صفحة واحدة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1023
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1025
msgid "Multiple-page view"
msgstr "منظور متعدد الصفحات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1024
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1026
msgid "Book view"
msgstr "منظور الكتاب"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1025
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1027
msgid "Page number in document. Click to open Go to Page dialog or right-click for bookmark list."
msgstr "رقم الصفحة في المستند. انقر عليه لفتح حواري ”انتقل إلى“ أو انقر عليه باليمين لعرض قائمة العلامات."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1026
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1028
msgid "Page number in document (Page number on printed document). Click to open Go to Page dialog."
msgstr "رقم الصفحة في المستند (رقم الصفحة في المستند المطبوع). انقر عليه لفتح حواري ”انتقل إلى“."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1027
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1029
msgid "Page Style. Right-click to change style or click to open Style dialog."
msgstr "نمط الصفحات. انقر باليمين لتغيير النمط أو انقر لفتح حواري الأنماط."
#. Strings for textual attributes.
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1030
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1032
msgctxt "STR_DROP_OVER"
msgid "Drop Caps over"
msgstr "أحرف استهلالية على"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1031
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1033
msgctxt "STR_DROP_LINES"
msgid "rows"
msgstr "من الصفوف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1032
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1034
msgid "No Drop Caps"
msgstr "لا أحرف استهلالية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1033
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1035
msgid "No page break"
msgstr "لا فاصل صفحات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1034
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1036
msgctxt "STR_NO_MIRROR"
msgid "Don't mirror"
msgstr "لا تعكس"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1035
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1037
msgid "Flip vertically"
msgstr "قلب رأسيًّا"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1036
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1038
msgid "Flip horizontal"
msgstr "اقلب أفقيًّا"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1037
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1039
msgid "Horizontal and Vertical Flip"
msgstr "اقلب رأسيا وأفقيا"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1038
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1040
msgid "+ mirror horizontal on even pages"
msgstr "+ اعكس أفقيا في الصفحات الزوجية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1039
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1041
msgctxt "STR_CHARFMT"
msgid "Character Style"
msgstr "نمط الأحرف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1040
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1042
msgctxt "STR_NO_CHARFMT"
msgid "No Character Style"
msgstr "لا نمط أحرف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1041
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1043
msgctxt "STR_FOOTER"
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "تذييل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1042
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1044
msgctxt "STR_NO_FOOTER"
msgid "No footer"
msgstr "لا تذييل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1043
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1045
msgctxt "STR_HEADER"
msgid "Header"
msgstr "ترويسة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1044
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1046
msgctxt "STR_NO_HEADER"
msgid "No header"
msgstr "لا ترويسة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1045
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1047
msgid "Optimal wrap"
msgstr "أمثل لفّ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1046
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1048
msgid "No wrap"
msgstr "بلا لفّ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1047
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1049
msgid "Through"
msgstr "خلال"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1048
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1050
msgid "Parallel wrap"
msgstr "لفّ متوازي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1049
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1051
msgid "Left wrap"
msgstr "لفّ لليسار"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1050
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1052
msgid "Right wrap"
msgstr "لفّ لليمين"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1051
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1053
msgid "(Anchor only)"
msgstr "(مربط فقط)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1052
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1054
msgctxt "STR_FRM_WIDTH"
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "العرض:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1053
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1055
msgid "Fixed height:"
msgstr "الارتفاع الثابت:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1054
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1056
msgid "Min. height:"
msgstr "أدنى ارتفاع:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1055
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1057
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AT_PARA"
msgid "to paragraph"
msgstr "مرتبط بالفقرة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1056
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1058
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AS_CHAR"
msgid "to character"
msgstr "مرتبط بالأحرف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1057
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1059
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AT_PAGE"
msgid "to page"
msgstr "مرتبط بالصفحة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1058
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1060
msgctxt "STR_POS_X"
msgid "X Coordinate:"
msgstr "الإحداثي س:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1059
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1061
msgctxt "STR_POS_Y"
msgid "Y Coordinate:"
msgstr "الإحداثي ص:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1060
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1062
msgctxt "STR_VERT_TOP"
msgid "at top"
msgstr "للأعلى"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1061
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1063
msgid "Centered vertically"
msgstr "موسط عمودياً"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1062
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1064
msgid "at bottom"
msgstr "للأسفل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1063
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1065
msgctxt "STR_LINE_TOP"
msgid "Top of line"
msgstr "أعلى السطر"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1064
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1066
#, fuzzy
msgid "Line centered"
msgstr "وسط اليسار"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1065
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1067
msgid "Bottom of line"
msgstr "أسفل السطر"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1066
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1068
#, fuzzy
msgid "Register-true"
msgstr "Register-true"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1067
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1069
msgid "Not register-true"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1068
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1070
msgctxt "STR_HORI_RIGHT"
msgid "at the right"
msgstr "على اليمين"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1069
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1071
msgid "Centered horizontally"
msgstr "موسط أفقياً"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1070
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1072
msgctxt "STR_HORI_LEFT"
msgid "at the left"
msgstr "على اليسار"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1071
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1073
#, fuzzy
msgid "inside"
msgstr "داخل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1072
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1074
#, fuzzy
msgid "outside"
msgstr "خارج"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1073
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1075
msgctxt "STR_HORI_FULL"
msgid "Full width"
msgstr "كامل العرض"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1074
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1076
msgctxt "STR_COLUMNS"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "الأعمدة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1075
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1077
msgctxt "STR_LINE_WIDTH"
msgid "Separator Width:"
msgstr "عرض الفاصل:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1076
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1078
msgid "Max. footnote area:"
msgstr "الحد الأقصى لمنطقة الحاشية:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1077
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1079
msgid "Editable in read-only document"
msgstr "يمكن تحريره في المستندات المفتوحة للقراءة فقط"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1078
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1080
#, fuzzy
msgid "Split"
msgstr "تقسيم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1079
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1081
msgctxt "STR_NUMRULE_ON"
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "ترقيم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1080
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1082
msgid "no numbering"
msgstr "لا ترقيم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1081
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1083
msgctxt "STR_CONNECT1"
msgid "linked to "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1082
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1084
msgctxt "STR_CONNECT2"
msgid "and "
msgstr "و "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1083
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1085
msgid "Count lines"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1084
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1086
msgid "don't count lines"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1085
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1087
msgid "restart line count with: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1086
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1088
msgid "Brightness: "
msgstr "السطوع: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1087
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1089
msgctxt "STR_CHANNELR"
msgid "Red: "
msgstr "الأحمر: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1088
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1090
msgctxt "STR_CHANNELG"
msgid "Green: "
msgstr "الأخضر: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1089
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1091
msgctxt "STR_CHANNELB"
msgid "Blue: "
msgstr "الأزرق: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1090
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1092
msgctxt "STR_CONTRAST"
msgid "Contrast: "
msgstr "التباين: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1091
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1093
msgctxt "STR_GAMMA"
msgid "Gamma: "
msgstr "غاما: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1092
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1094
msgid "Transparency: "
msgstr "الشفافية: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1093
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1095
msgctxt "STR_INVERT"
msgid "Invert"
msgstr "اعكس"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1094
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1096
msgctxt "STR_INVERT_NOT"
msgid "do not invert"
msgstr "لا تعكس"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1095
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1097
msgctxt "STR_DRAWMODE"
msgid "Graphics mode: "
msgstr "وضع الرسوم: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1096
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1098
#, fuzzy
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "_قياسي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1097
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1099
#, fuzzy
msgid "Grayscales"
msgstr "تدرج رمادي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1098
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1100
msgid "Black & White"
msgstr "أسود و أبيض"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1099
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1101
msgid "Watermark"
msgstr "علامة مائيّة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1100
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1102
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_ROTATION"
msgid "Rotation"
msgstr "اقتباس"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1101
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1103
msgctxt "STR_GRID_NONE"
msgid "No grid"
msgstr "بدون شبكة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1102
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1104
msgid "Grid (lines only)"
msgstr "شبكة (السطور فقط)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1103
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1105
msgid "Grid (lines and characters)"
msgstr "شبكة (سطور وحروف)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1104
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1106
msgid "Follow text flow"
msgstr "اتباع تدفق النّص"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1105
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1107
msgid "Do not follow text flow"
msgstr "لا تتبع تدفق النص"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1106
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1108
msgid "Merge borders"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1107
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1109
msgid "Do not merge borders"
msgstr "لا تدمج الحدود"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1109
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1111
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_TBL"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "الجدول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1110
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1112
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_FRM"
msgid "Text Frame"
msgstr "إطار نصي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1111
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1113
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_PGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "الصفحة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1112
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1114
msgctxt "ST_DRW"
msgid "Drawing"
msgstr "الرسم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1113
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1115
msgctxt "ST_CTRL"
msgid "Control"
msgstr "عنصر تحكم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1114
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1116
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_REG"
msgid "Section"
msgstr "قسم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1115
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1117
msgctxt "ST_BKM"
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr "علامة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1116
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1118
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_GRF"
msgid "Graphics"
msgstr "رسوميات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1117
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1119
msgctxt "ST_OLE"
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "كائن OLE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1118
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1120
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_OUTL"
msgid "Headings"
msgstr "عناوين رئيسية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1119
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1121
msgctxt "ST_SEL"
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "التحديد"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1120
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1122
msgctxt "ST_FTN"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr "حاشية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1121
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1123
msgctxt "ST_MARK"
msgid "Reminder"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1122
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1124
msgctxt "ST_POSTIT"
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "تعليق"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1123
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1125
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_SRCH_REP"
msgid "Repeat search"
msgstr "تكرار البحث"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1124
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1126
msgctxt "ST_INDEX_ENTRY"
msgid "Index entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1125
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1127
msgid "Table formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1126
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1128
msgid "Wrong table formula"
msgstr ""
#. Strings for the quickhelp of the View-PgUp/Down-Buttons
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1128
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1130
msgid "Next table"
msgstr "الجدول التالي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1129
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1131
msgid "Next text frame"
msgstr "إطار النصوص التالي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1130
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1132
msgid "Next page"
msgstr "الصفحة التالية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1131
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1133
msgid "Next drawing"
msgstr "الرسمة التالية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1132
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1134
msgid "Next control"
msgstr "المتحكّم التالي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1133
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1135
msgid "Next section"
msgstr "القسم التالي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1134
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1136
msgid "Next bookmark"
msgstr "العلامة التالية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1135
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1137
msgid "Next graphic"
msgstr "الرسم التالي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1136
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1138
msgid "Next OLE object"
msgstr "كائن OLE التالي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1137
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1139
msgid "Next heading"
msgstr "العنوان الرئيسي التالي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1138
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1140
msgid "Next selection"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1139
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1141
msgid "Next footnote"
msgstr "الحاشية التالية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1140
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1142
msgid "Next Reminder"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1141
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1143
msgid "Next Comment"
msgstr "التعليق التالي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1142
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1144
msgid "Continue search forward"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1143
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1145
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next index entry"
msgstr "إدراج مدخل في الفهرس"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1144
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1146
msgid "Previous table"
msgstr "الجدول السابق"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1145
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1147
msgid "Previous text frame"
msgstr "إطار النص السابق"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1146
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1148
msgid "Previous page"
msgstr "الصفحة السابقة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1147
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1149
msgid "Previous drawing"
msgstr "الرسمة السابقة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1148
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1150
msgid "Previous control"
msgstr "المتحكّم السابق"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1149
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1151
msgid "Previous section"
msgstr "القسم السابق"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1150
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1152
msgid "Previous bookmark"
msgstr "العلامة السابقة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1151
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1153
msgid "Previous graphic"
msgstr "الرسمة السابقة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1152
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1154
msgid "Previous OLE object"
msgstr "كائن OLE السابق"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1153
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1155
msgid "Previous heading"
msgstr "العنوان الرئيسي السابق"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1154
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1156
msgid "Previous selection"
msgstr "التحديد السابق"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1155
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1157
msgid "Previous footnote"
msgstr "الحاشية السابقة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1156
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1158
msgid "Previous Reminder"
msgstr "التذكير السابق"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1157
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1159
msgid "Previous Comment"
msgstr "التعليق السابق"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1158
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1160
msgid "Continue search backwards"
msgstr "تابع البحث خلفًا"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1159
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1161
msgid "Previous index entry"
msgstr "مدخلة الفهرس السابقة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1160
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1162
msgid "Previous table formula"
msgstr "معادلة الجدول السابقة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1161
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1163
msgid "Next table formula"
msgstr "معادلة الجدول التالية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1162
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1164
msgid "Previous faulty table formula"
msgstr "معادلة الجدول الخاطئة السابقة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1163
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1165
msgid "Next faulty table formula"
msgstr "معادلة الجدول الخاطئة التالية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1165
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1167
#, fuzzy
msgid "Inserted"
msgstr "أدرج"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1166
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1168
#, fuzzy
msgid "Deleted"
msgstr "احذف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1167
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1169
msgid "Formatted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1168
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1170
#, fuzzy
msgid "Table changed"
msgstr "تغيير الجدول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1169
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1171
msgid "Applied Paragraph Styles"
msgstr "أنماط الفقرات المطبقّة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1170
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1172
#, fuzzy
msgid "Paragraph formatting changed"
msgstr "تغيير تنسيق الفقرة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1171
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1173
#, fuzzy
msgid "Row Inserted"
msgstr "تم إدارج السطر "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1172
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1174
#, fuzzy
msgid "Row Deleted"
msgstr "تم حذف السطر"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1173
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1175
msgid "Cell Inserted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1174
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1176
msgid "Cell Deleted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1175
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1177
msgctxt "STR_ENDNOTE"
msgid "Endnote: "
msgstr "حاشية ختامية: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1176
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1178
msgctxt "STR_FTNNOTE"
msgid "Footnote: "
msgstr "حاشية: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1177
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1179
#, c-format
msgid "%s-click to open Smart Tag menu"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1178
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1180
msgid "Header (%1)"
msgstr "الترويسة (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1179
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1181
msgid "First Page Header (%1)"
msgstr "ترويسة الصفحة الأولى (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1180
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1182
msgid "Left Page Header (%1)"
msgstr "ترويسة الصفحة اليسرى (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1181
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1183
msgid "Right Page Header (%1)"
msgstr "ترويسة الصفحة اليمنى (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1182
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1184
msgid "Footer (%1)"
msgstr "التذييل (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1183
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1185
msgid "First Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr "تذييل الصفحة الأولى (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1184
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1186
msgid "Left Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr "تذييل الصفحة اليسرى (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1185
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1187
msgid "Right Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr "تذييل الصفحة اليمنى (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1186
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1188
msgid "Delete Header..."
msgstr "احذف الترويسة..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1187
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1189
msgid "Format Header..."
msgstr "نسّق الترويسة..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1188
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1190
msgid "Delete Footer..."
msgstr "احذف التذييل..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1189
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1191
msgid "Format Footer..."
msgstr "نسّق التذييل..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1191
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1193
msgid "Image file cannot be opened"
msgstr "تعذّر فتح الصورة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1192
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1194
msgid "Image file cannot be read"
msgstr "تعذّرت قراءة الصورة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1193
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1195
msgid "Unknown image format"
msgstr "نسق الصّورة مجهول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1194
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1196
msgid "This image file version is not supported"
msgstr "إصدارة ملفّ الصّورة هذا غير مدعومة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1195
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1197
msgid "Image filter not found"
msgstr "تعذّر العثور على مرشّح الصورة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1196
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1198
msgid "Not enough memory to insert the image."
msgstr "لا توجد ذاكرة كافية لإدراج الصّورة."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1197
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1199
msgid "Insert Image"
msgstr "أدرج صورة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1198
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1200
msgid "Comment: "
msgstr "تعليق: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1199
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1201
msgid "Insertion"
msgstr "إدراج"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1200
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1202
msgid "Deletion"
msgstr "حذف"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1201
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1203
msgid "AutoCorrect"
msgstr "التصحيح التلقائي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1202
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1204
msgid "Formats"
msgstr "تنسيقات"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1203
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1205
msgid "Table Changes"
msgstr "تغييرات الجدول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1204
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1206
msgid "Applied Paragraph Styles"
msgstr "أنماط الفقرة المُطبّقة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1205
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1207
msgctxt "STR_PAGE"
msgid "Page "
msgstr "الصفحة "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1206
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1208
msgctxt "STR_PAGE_COUNT"
msgid "Page %1 of %2"
msgstr "الصفحة %1 من %2"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1207
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1209
msgid "Page %1 of %2 (Page %3)"
msgstr "الصفحة %1 من %2 (الصّفحة %3)"
#. Strings for gallery/background
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1209
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1211
msgid "Paragraph"
msgstr "فقرة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1210
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1212
msgid "Image"
msgstr "صورة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1211
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1213
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_OLE"
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "كائن OLE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1212
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1214
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_FRAME"
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "إطار"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1213
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1215
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "جدول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1214
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1216
msgid "Table row"
msgstr "صف جدول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1215
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1217
msgid "Table cell"
msgstr "خلية جدول"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1216
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1218
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_PAGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "صفحة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1217
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1219
msgid "Header"
msgstr "ترويسة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1218
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1220
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "تذييل"
#. End: strings for gallery/background
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1221
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1223
msgid "HTML"
msgstr "HTML"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1222
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1224
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1224
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1226
msgctxt "STR_TITLE"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "العنوان"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1225
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1227
msgctxt "STR_ALPHA"
msgid "Separator"
msgstr "الفاصل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1226
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1228
msgctxt "STR_LEVEL"
msgid "Level "
msgstr "المستوى "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1227
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1229
msgid "The file, \"%1\" in the \"%2\" path could not be found."
msgstr "تعذر العثور على الملف ”%1“ في المسار ”%2“."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1228
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1230
msgid "User-Defined Index"
msgstr "فهرس معرف من المستخدم"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1229
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1231
msgid "<None>"
msgstr "<لا شيء>"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1230
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1232
msgid "<None>"
msgstr "<لا شيء>"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1231
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1233
msgctxt "STR_DELIM"
msgid "S"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1232
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1234
msgid "E#"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1233
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1235
msgid "E"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1234
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1236
msgid "T"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1235
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1237
msgid "#"
msgstr "#"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1236
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1238
msgid "CI"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1237
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1239
msgid "LS"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1238
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1240
msgid "LE"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1239
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1241
msgid "A"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1240
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1242
msgid "Chapter number"
msgstr "رقم الفصل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1241
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1243
msgid "Entry"
msgstr "المدخلة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1242
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1244
msgid "Tab stop"
msgstr "علامة جدولة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1243
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1245
msgid "Text"
msgstr "النص"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1244
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1246
msgid "Page number"
msgstr "رقم الصفحة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1245
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1247
msgid "Chapter info"
msgstr "معلومات الفصل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1246
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1248
msgid "Hyperlink start"
msgstr "بداية الرابط"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1247
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1249
msgid "Hyperlink end"
msgstr "نهاية الرابط"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1248
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1250
msgid "Bibliography entry: "
msgstr "مُدخل بيبلوجرافيا: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1249
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1251
msgid "Character Style: "
msgstr "نمط الأحرف: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1250
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1252
msgid "Structure text"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1251
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1253
msgid "Press Ctrl+Alt+A to move focus for more operations"
msgstr "اضغط Ctrl+Alt+A لنقل التّركيز لعمليّات أكثر"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1252
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1254
msgid "Press left or right arrow to choose the structure controls"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1253
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1255
msgid "Press Ctrl+Alt+B to move focus back to the current structure control"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1254
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1256
msgid "Selection file for the alphabetical index (*.sdi)"
msgstr ""
@@ -6224,238 +6234,238 @@ msgstr ""
#. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: character alignment for frmsh.cxx - context menu
#. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1259
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1261
msgid "Base line at ~top"
msgstr "أ~على الخط الأساسي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1260
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1262
msgid "~Base line at bottom"
msgstr "أ~سفل الخط الأساسي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1261
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1263
msgid "Base line ~centered"
msgstr "و~سط الخط الأساسي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1262
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1264
msgid "Insert object"
msgstr "أدرج كائن"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1263
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1265
msgid "Edit object"
msgstr "حرّر الكائن"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1264
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1266
msgid " (Template: "
msgstr " (قالب: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1265
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1267
msgid "Borders"
msgstr "الحدود"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1266
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1268
msgid "Background"
msgstr "الخلفية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1268
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1270
msgid "(Paragraph Style: "
msgstr "(نمط الفقرة: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1269
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1271
msgid "Page numbers cannot be applied to the current page. Even numbers can be used on left pages, odd numbers on right pages."
msgstr "لا يمكن تطبيق أرقام الصفحات على الصفحة الحالية. الأرقام الفردية للصفحات اليمنى والأرقام الزوجية للصفحات اليسرى."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1271
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1273
msgid "Master Document"
msgstr "مستند رئيسي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1272
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1274
msgstr "مستند %PRODUCTNAME‏ %PRODUCTVERSION رئيسي"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1274
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1276
msgid "A file connection will delete the contents of the current section. Connect anyway?"
msgstr "سيحذف اتّصال الملفّ متحويات القسم الحاليّ. أأتّصل بأيّ حال؟"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1275
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1277
msgid "The password entered is invalid."
msgstr "كلمة السر المدخلة غير صالحة."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1276
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1278
msgid "The password has not been set."
msgstr "لم تُضبط كلمة السر."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1278
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1280
msgctxt "STR_HYP_OK"
msgid "Hyphenation completed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1279
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1281
msgid "None (Do not check spelling)"
msgstr "بلا (لا تدقّق الإملاء)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1280
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1282
msgid "Reset to Default Language"
msgstr "صفّر إلى اللغة المبدئيّة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1281
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1283
msgid "More..."
msgstr "أكثر..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1282
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1284
msgid "~Ignore"
msgstr "ت~جاهل"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1283
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1285
msgid "Explanations..."
msgstr "التّفسيرات..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1285
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1287
msgid "Check special regions is deactivated. Check anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1286
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1288
msgid "Could not merge documents."
msgstr "تعذّر دمج المستندات."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1287
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1289
msgid "The source cannot be loaded."
msgstr "تعذّر تحميل المصدر."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1288
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1290
msgctxt "STR_ERR_NO_FAX"
msgid "No fax printer has been set under Tools/Options/%1/Print."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1289
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1291
msgid "HTML document"
msgstr "مستند HTML"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1290
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1292
msgid "Text document"
msgstr "مستند نصّيّ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1291
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1293
msgid "Source not specified."
msgstr "المصدر غير محدّد."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1292
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1294
msgctxt "STR_NUM_LEVEL"
msgid "Level "
msgstr "المستوى "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1293
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1295
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outline "
msgstr "المخطط"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1294
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1296
msgid "Edit Footnote/Endnote"
msgstr "حرّر الحاشية/الحاشية الختامية"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1295
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1297
msgid "Search key replaced XX times."
msgstr "استُبدل مفتاح البحث XX مرّة."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1296
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1298
msgid "Row "
msgstr "الصّفّ "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1297
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1299
msgid "Column "
msgstr "العمود "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1298
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1300
msgctxt "STR_SAVEAS_SRC"
msgid "~Export source..."
msgstr "~صدّر المصدر..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1299
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1301
msgid "~Export copy of source..."
msgstr "~صدّر نسخة عن المصدر…"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1301
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1303
msgctxt "ST_CONTINUE"
msgid "~Continue"
msgstr "~تابع"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1302
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1304
msgctxt "ST_TASK"
msgid "Task"
msgstr "المهمّة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1303
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1305
msgctxt "ST_STATUS"
msgid "Status"
msgstr "الحالة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1304
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1306
msgctxt "ST_SENDINGTO"
msgid "Sending to: %1"
msgstr "يرسل إلى: %1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1305
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1307
msgctxt "ST_COMPLETED"
msgid "Successfully sent"
msgstr "نجح الإرسال"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1306
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1308
msgctxt "ST_FAILED"
msgid "Sending failed"
msgstr "فشل الإرسال"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1308
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1310
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1310
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1312
msgid "Text formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1312
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1314
msgctxt "STR_MENU_ZOOM"
msgid "~Zoom"
msgstr "~تقريب"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1313
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1315
msgctxt "STR_MENU_UP"
msgid "~Upwards"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1314
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1316
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_MENU_DOWN"
msgid "Do~wnwards"
@@ -6464,7 +6474,7 @@ msgstr "نزولا"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Classification strings
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1320
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1322
msgid "Document classification has changed because a paragraph classification level is higher"
msgstr ""
@@ -6472,32 +6482,32 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Paragraph Signature
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1325
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1327
msgctxt "STR_VALID"
msgid " Valid "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1326
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1328
msgctxt "STR_INVALID"
msgid "Invalid"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1327
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1329
msgid "Invalid Signature"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1328
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1330
msgctxt "STR_SIGNED_BY"
msgid "Signed-by"
msgstr "وقّعها"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1329
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1331
msgid "Paragraph Signature"
msgstr "توقيع الفقرة"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1331
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1333
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "labeldialog|cards"
msgid "Business Cards"
@@ -10135,31 +10145,41 @@ msgctxt "insertautotextdialog|label1"
msgid "Autotexts for Shortcut "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:8
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:9
msgctxt "insertbookmark|InsertBookmarkDialog"
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr "علامة"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:40
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:35
msgctxt "insertbookmark|insert"
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "أدرج"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:122
-msgctxt "insertbookmark|rename"
-msgid "Rename"
-msgstr "غيّر الاسم"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:58
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|hide"
+msgid "H_ide"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:135
-msgctxt "insertbookmark|delete"
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "احذف"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:80
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|condlabel"
+msgid "_With condition"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:148
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:130
msgctxt "insertbookmark|goto"
msgid "Go to"
msgstr "انتقل إليها"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:144
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|delete"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "احذف"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:158
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|rename"
+msgid "Rename"
+msgstr "غيّر الاسم"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbreak.ui:14
msgctxt "insertbreak|BreakDialog"
msgid "Insert Break"
@@ -13049,8 +13069,8 @@ msgstr "مستوى المخطط"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/numparapage.ui:67
msgctxt "numparapage|comboLB_OUTLINE_LEVEL"
-msgid "Body text"
-msgstr "نص المتن"
+msgid "Text Body"
+msgstr ""
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/numparapage.ui:68
msgctxt "numparapage|comboLB_OUTLINE_LEVEL"
@@ -13515,81 +13535,86 @@ msgstr "فوا_صل"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:134
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddentext"
-msgid "Hidden text"
-msgstr "نص مخفي"
+msgid "Hidden characters"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:149
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:216
+msgctxt "optformataidspage|displayfl"
+msgid "Display formatting"
+msgstr ""
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:249
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddentextfield"
-msgid "Fields: Hidden te_xt"
-msgstr "الحقول: الن_ص المخفي"
+msgid "Hidden te_xt"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:164
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:264
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddenparafield"
-msgid "Fields: Hidden p_aragraphs"
-msgstr "الحقول: الفقرات المخ_فية"
+msgid "Hidden p_aragraphs"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:252
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:285
msgctxt "optformataidspage|displayfl"
-msgid "Display of"
-msgstr "إظهار"
+msgid "Display fields"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:284
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:317
msgctxt "optformataidspage|mathbaseline"
msgid "Math baseline alignment"
msgstr "محاذاة خط أساس الرياضيات"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:305
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:338
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "optformataidspage|layoutopt"
msgid "Layout Assistance"
msgstr "مساعد التخطيط"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:349
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:382
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursoronoff"
msgid "_Direct cursor"
msgstr "_مؤشر مباشر"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:366
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:399
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillmode"
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "إضافة"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:388
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:421
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillmargin"
msgid "Para_graph alignment"
msgstr "م_حاذاة الفقرة"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:404
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:437
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillindent"
msgid "_Left paragraph margin"
msgstr "هامش الفقرة الأي_سر"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:420
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:453
msgctxt "optformataidspage|filltab"
msgid "_Tabs"
msgstr "_علامات الجدولة"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:436
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:469
msgctxt "optformataidspage|filltabandspace"
msgid "Tabs a_nd spaces"
msgstr "مساحات _عادية و تابية"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:452
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:485
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillspace"
msgid "_Spaces"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:482
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:515
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursorlabel"
msgid "Direct Cursor"
msgstr "مؤشر مباشر"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:514
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:547
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursorinprot"
msgid "Enable cursor"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:535
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:568
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursoropt"
msgid "Protected Areas"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/ar/vcl/messages.po b/source/ar/vcl/messages.po
index f3a4654cc6d..64da0fc15f3 100644
--- a/source/ar/vcl/messages.po
+++ b/source/ar/vcl/messages.po
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-#. extracted from vcl/inc
+#. extracted from vcl/inc/font
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-08 15:10+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-04-30 02:48+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: صفا الفليج <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -16,6 +16,391 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1525056531.000000\n"
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:25
+msgid "Access All Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:26
+msgid "Alternative (Vertical) Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:27
+msgid "Ancient Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:28
+msgid "Capitals to Petite Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:29
+msgid "Capitals to Small Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:30
+msgid "Contextual Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:31
+msgid "Case-Sensitive Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:32
+msgid "Contextual Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:33
+msgid "Centered CJK Punctuation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:34
+msgid "Capital Spacing"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:35
+msgid "Contextual Swash"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:36
+msgid "Character Variant %1"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:37
+msgid "Drop Caps"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:38
+msgid "Discretionary Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:39
+msgid "Denominators"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:40
+msgid "Diphthongs (Obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:41
+msgid "Expert Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:42
+msgid "Final Glyph on Line Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:43
+msgid "DIagonal Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:44
+msgid "Diagonal Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:45
+msgid "Nut Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:46
+msgid "Full Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:47
+msgid "Alternate Half Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:48
+msgid "Historical Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:49
+msgid "Horizontal Kana Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:50
+msgid "Historical Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:51
+msgid "Hanja to Hangul (Obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:52
+msgid "Hojo Kanji Forms (JIS X 0212-1990 Kanji Forms)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:53
+msgid "Half Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:54
+msgid "Italics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:55
+msgid "Justification Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:56
+msgid "JIS2004 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:57
+msgid "JIS78 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:58
+msgid "JIS83 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:59
+msgid "JIS90 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:60
+msgid "Horizontal Kerning"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:61
+msgid "Left Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:62
+msgid "Standard Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:63
+msgid "Lining Figures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:64
+msgid "Mathematical Greek"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:65
+msgid "Alternate Annotation Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:66
+msgid "NLC Kanji Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:67
+msgid "Numerators"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:68
+msgid "Oldstyle Figures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:69
+msgid "Optical Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:70
+msgid "Ordinals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:71
+msgid "Ornaments"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:72
+msgid "Proportional Alternate Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:73
+msgid "Lowercase to Petite Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:74
+msgid "Proportional Kana"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:75
+msgid "Proportional Numbers"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:76
+msgid "Proportional Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:77
+msgid "Quarter Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:78
+msgid "Right Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:79
+msgid "Ruby Notation Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:80
+msgid "Stylistic Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:81
+msgid "Scientific Inferiors"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:82
+msgid "Lowercase to Small Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:83
+msgid "Simplified Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:84
+msgid "Stylistic Set %1"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:85
+msgid "Subscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:86
+msgid "Superscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:87
+msgid "Swash"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:88
+msgid "Titling"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:89
+msgid "Traditional Name Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:90
+msgid "Tabular Numbers"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:91
+msgid "Traditional Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:92
+msgid "Third Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:93
+msgid "Unicase"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:94
+msgid "Alternate Vertical Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:95
+msgid "Alternate Vertical Half Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:96
+msgid "Vertical Kana Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:97
+msgid "Vertical Kerning"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:98
+msgid "Proportional Alternate Vertical Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:99
+msgid "Vertical Alternates and Rotation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:100
+msgid "Vertical Alternates for Rotation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:101
+msgid "Slashed Zero"
+msgstr ""
#. To translators: This is the first entry of a sequence of paper size names
#: vcl/inc/print.hrc:28
diff --git a/source/as/cui/messages.po b/source/as/cui/messages.po
index ee76e40b7bd..75ef7a508d6 100644
--- a/source/as/cui/messages.po
+++ b/source/as/cui/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -3597,7 +3597,7 @@ msgctxt "certdialog|label1"
msgid "Certificate Path"
msgstr "প্ৰমাণপত্ৰ পথ"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:46
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:45
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|westlangft-nocjk"
msgid "Language:"
@@ -3609,61 +3609,81 @@ msgctxt "charnamepage|westsizeft-nocjk"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "আকাৰ"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:257
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:196
+msgctxt "charnamepage|west_features_button-nocjk"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:268
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|westsizeft-cjk"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "আকাৰ"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:272
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:283
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|westlangft-cjk"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "ভাষা (_L):"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:346
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:352
+msgctxt "charnamepage|west_features_button-cjk"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:373
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|label4"
msgid "Western Text Font"
msgstr "পাশ্চাত্য লিখনী ফন্ট"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:415
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:441
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|eastsizeft"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "আকাৰ"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:430
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:456
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|eastlangft"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "ভাষা (_L):"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:503
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:524
+msgctxt "charnamepage|east_features_button"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:545
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|label5"
msgid "Asian Text Font"
msgstr "এছীয় লিখনী ফন্ট"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:572
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:613
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|ctlsizeft"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "আকাৰ"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:587
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:628
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|ctllangft"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "ভাষা (_L):"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:661
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:697
+msgctxt "charnamepage|ctl_features_button"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:718
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|label6"
msgid "CTL Font"
msgstr "CTL ফন্ট"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:688
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:745
msgctxt "charnamepage|preview-atkobject"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "পূৰ্বদৃশ্য"
@@ -5260,6 +5280,16 @@ msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|flState"
msgid "State"
msgstr "ৰাজ্য"
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/fontfeaturesdialog.ui:9
+msgctxt "newtabledialog|NewTableDialog"
+msgid "Font Features"
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/fontfeaturesdialog.ui:149
+msgctxt "fontfeaturesdialog|preview-atkobject"
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr ""
#: cui/uiconfig/ui/formatcellsdialog.ui:8
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "formatcellsdialog|FormatCellsDialog"
@@ -8179,86 +8209,91 @@ msgctxt "optfontspage|label1"
msgid "Font Settings for HTML, Basic and SQL Sources"
msgstr "HTML, Basic আৰু SQL উৎসসমূহৰ বাবে ফন্ট সংহতিসমূহ"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:31
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:35
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|exthelp"
msgid "_Extended tips"
msgstr "প্ৰসাৰিত সহায়সমূহ (_E)"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:46
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:50
+msgctxt "optgeneralpage|popupnohelp"
+msgid "Show \"No offline help installed\" popup"
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:70
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label1"
msgid "Help"
msgstr "সহায়"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:76
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:100
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|filedlg"
msgid "_Use %PRODUCTNAME dialogs"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME ডাইলগসমূহ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰক (_U)"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:110
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:134
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label2"
msgid "Open/Save Dialogs"
msgstr "ডাইলগসমূহ খোলক/সঞ্চয় কৰক"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:136
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:160
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|printdlg"
msgid "Use %PRODUCTNAME _dialogs"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME ডাইলগসমূহ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰক (_d)"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:151
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:175
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label3"
msgid "Print Dialogs"
msgstr "ডাইলগসমূহ প্ৰিন্ট কৰক"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:177
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:201
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|docstatus"
msgid "_Printing sets \"document modified\" status"
msgstr "সংহতিসমূহ \"দস্তাবেজ সলনি কৰা হৈছে\" অৱস্থা প্ৰিন্ট কৰা হৈ আছে (_P)"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:192
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:216
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label4"
msgid "Document Status"
msgstr "দস্তাবেজ অৱস্থা"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:225
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:249
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label6"
msgid "_Interpret as years between "
msgstr "বছৰসমূহ মাজত থকাকে অনুবাদ কৰক (_I) "
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:250
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:274
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|toyear"
msgid "and "
msgstr "আৰু "
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:265
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:289
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label5"
msgid "Year (Two Digits)"
msgstr "বছৰ (দুটা ডিজিট)"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:291
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:315
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|collectusageinfo"
msgid "Collect usage data and send it to The Document Foundation"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:306
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:330
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label7"
msgid "Help Improve %PRODUCTNAME"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:337
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:361
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|quicklaunch"
msgid "Load %PRODUCTNAME during system start-up"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME -ক চিস্টেম আৰম্ভ হোৱাৰ সময়ত লোড কৰক"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:352
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:376
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|systray"
msgid "Enable systray Quickstarter"
msgstr "systray Quickstarter সামৰ্থবান কৰক"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:373
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:397
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label8"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Quickstarter"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Quickstarter"
diff --git a/source/as/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po b/source/as/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
index 199111e928f..a6b3bf8f82e 100644
--- a/source/as/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
+++ b/source/as/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:05+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-12-01 12:13+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: Assamese <>\n"
@@ -3864,15 +3864,6 @@ msgstr "শাৰী ব্ৰেক সুমুৱাওক (~R)"
#: CalcCommands.xcu
msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Data"
-msgstr "তথ্য (~D)"
-#: CalcCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
@@ -22792,6 +22783,15 @@ msgstr "সুমুৱাওক (~I)"
#: GenericCommands.xcu
msgctxt ""
+msgid "~Data"
+msgstr ""
+#: GenericCommands.xcu
+msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/as/sc/messages.po b/source/as/sc/messages.po
index 8b2842fd533..f2967484496 100644
--- a/source/as/sc/messages.po
+++ b/source/as/sc/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -14038,37 +14038,42 @@ msgid "~Value"
msgstr "মান (~V)"
#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:68
+msgid "~Formula"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:69
msgid "~Source"
msgstr "উৎস (~S)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:69
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:70
msgid "~Entries"
msgstr "প্ৰৱিষ্টিবোৰ (~E)"
#. for dialogues:
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:71
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:72
msgid "System"
msgstr "চিস্টেম"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:72
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:73
msgid "Standard;Text;Date (DMY);Date (MDY);Date (YMD);US English;Hide"
msgstr "মানবিশিষ্ট;লিখনী;তাৰিখ (DMY);তাৰিখ (MDY);তাৰিখ (YMD);US ইংৰাজী;লুকুৱাওক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:73
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:74
msgid "Tab"
msgstr "টেব"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:74
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:75
msgid "space"
msgstr "ব্যৱধান"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:75
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:76
msgid ""
"%PRODUCTNAME Calc found an error in the formula entered.\n"
@@ -14079,1293 +14084,1398 @@ msgstr ""
"তলত উত্থাপন কৰা শুধৰণিটো আপুনি স্বীকাৰ কৰিবলৈ বিচাৰেনেকি ?\n"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:76
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:77
msgid "Image Filter"
msgstr "ছবি ফিল্টাৰ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:77
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:78
msgid "Text"
msgstr "লিখনী"
#. Select tables dialog title
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:79
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:80
msgid "Select Sheets"
msgstr "শ্বিটবোৰ নিৰ্বাচিত কৰক"
#. Select tables dialog listbox
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:81
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:82
msgid "~Selected sheets"
msgstr "নিৰ্বাৰ্চিত শ্বিটবোৰ (~S)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:82
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:83
msgid "Ruler"
msgstr "মাপনী"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:83
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:84
msgid "This ruler manages objects at fixed positions."
msgstr "নিৰ্দিষ্ট স্থানবোৰত এই মাপনীটোৱে বস্তুবোৰ নিয়ন্ত্ৰণ কৰে।"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:84
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:85
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "পূৰ্বদৃশ্য"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:85
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:86
msgid "This sheet shows how the data will be arranged in the document."
msgstr "এই শ্বিটখনে দস্তাবেজত কেনেকৈ তথ্য সজোৱা হ'ব তাক দেখুৱায়।"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:86
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:87
msgctxt "STR_ACC_DOC_NAME"
msgid "Document view"
msgstr "দস্তাবেজ দৃশ্য"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:87
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:88
msgid "Sheet %1"
msgstr "শ্বিট %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:88
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:89
msgid "Cell %1"
msgstr "কোষ %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:89
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:90
msgid "Left area"
msgstr "বাওঁফালৰ ক্ষেত্র"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:90
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:91
msgid "Page preview"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠাৰ পূর্বদৃশ্য"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:91
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:92
msgid "Center area"
msgstr "মধ্যভাগ এৰিয়া"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:92
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:93
msgid "Right area"
msgstr "সোঁফালৰ এৰিয়া"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:93
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:94
msgid "Header of page %1"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা %1 ৰ হেডাৰ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:94
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:95
msgid "Footer of page %1"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা %1 ৰ ফুটাৰ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:95
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:96
msgid "Input line"
msgstr "ইনপুট ৰেখা"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:96
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:97
msgid "This is where you enter or edit text, numbers and formulas."
msgstr "এইখিনিতেই আপুনি লিখনী, সংখ্যাবোৰ আৰু সূত্ৰবোৰ সুমুৱাওক বা সম্পাদনা কৰক।"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:97
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:98
msgid "Media Playback"
msgstr "মিডিয়া পুনৰ বজাওক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:98
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:99
msgid "Mouse button pressed"
msgstr "মাউছ বাটন হেঁচা হ'ল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:99
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:100
msgid "Formula Tool Bar"
msgstr "সূত্র টুলবাৰ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:100
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:101
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Spreadsheets"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME স্প্ৰেডশিটসমূহ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:101
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:102
msgid "(read-only)"
msgstr "(কেৱল-পঢ়িব পাৰি)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:102
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:103
msgid "(Preview mode)"
msgstr "(পূৰ্বদৰ্শন অৱস্থা)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:103
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:104
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠাসমূহ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:104
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:105
msgid "~Suppress output of empty pages"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:105
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:106
#, fuzzy
msgid "Print content"
msgstr "তালিকাৰ বিষয়"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:106
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:107
#, fuzzy
msgid "~All sheets"
msgstr "সকলো পৰ্দা"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:107
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:108
msgid "~Selected sheets"
msgstr "নিৰ্বাৰ্চিত শ্বিটবোৰ (~S)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:108
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:109
msgid "Selected cells"
msgstr "নিৰ্বাচন কৰা টেবুল কোষবোৰ একত্ৰিত কৰিবলৈ বৰ জটিল."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:109
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:110
msgid "From which print"
msgstr "কোন প্ৰিন্টৰ পৰা"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:110
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:111
#, fuzzy
msgid "All ~pages"
msgstr "সকলো পৃষ্ঠা"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:111
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:112
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pa~ges"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠাসমূহ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:112
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:113
#, fuzzy
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME কেলক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:113
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:114
msgid "Warn me about this in the future."
msgstr "ইয়াৰ বিষযে মোক ভবিষ্যতত সতৰ্ক কৰিব।"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:114
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:115
msgid "The following DDE source could not be updated possibly because the source document was not open. Please launch the source document and try again."
msgstr "নিম্নলিখিত DDE উৎস আপডেইট কৰিব নোৱাৰাৰ সম্ভাব্য কাৰণ হল উৎস দস্তাবেজ খোলা নাছিল। অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি উৎস দস্তাবেজ আৰম্ভ কৰক আৰু পুনৰ চেষ্টা কৰক।"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:115
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:116
msgid "The following external file could not be loaded. Data linked from this file did not get updated."
msgstr "নিম্নলিখিত বহিৰ্তম ফাইল ল'ড কৰিব পৰা নগল। এই ফাইলৰ পৰা সংযোগ কৰা তথ্য আপডেইট নহল।"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:116
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:117
msgid "Updating external links."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:117
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:118
msgid "Calc A1"
msgstr "Calc A1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:118
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:119
msgid "Excel A1"
msgstr "Excel A1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:119
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:120
msgid "Excel R1C1"
msgstr "Excel R1C1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:120
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:121
msgid "Range contains column la~bels"
msgstr "বিস্তাৰত স্তম্ভ লেবেলসমূহ অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত (~b)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:121
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:122
msgid "Range contains ~row labels"
msgstr "বিস্তাৰ শাৰী লেবেলসমূহ অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত (~r)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:122
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:123
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SCSTR_VALERR"
msgid "Invalid value"
msgstr "অকার্যকৰী মান।"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:123
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:124
msgid "No formula specified."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:124
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:125
msgctxt "STR_NOCOLROW"
msgid "Neither row or column specified."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:125
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:126
msgid "Undefined name or range."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:126
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:127
msgid "Undefined name or wrong cell reference."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:127
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:128
msgid "Formulas don't form a column."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:128
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:129
msgid "Formulas don't form a row."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:129
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:130
msgid "Add AutoFormat"
msgstr "স্ববিন্যাস যোগ কৰক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:130
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:131
msgid "Rename AutoFormat"
msgstr "স্ববিন্যাস পুনৰ নামকৰণ কৰক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:131
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:132
msgid "Name"
msgstr "নাম"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:132
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:133
msgid "Delete AutoFormat"
msgstr "স্ববিন্যাস মচি পেলাওক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:133
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:134
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do you really want to delete the # AutoFormat?"
msgstr "আপুনি সঁচাকৈয়ে # প্ৰৱিষ্টিটো মচি পেলাবলৈ বিচাৰেনেকি?"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:134
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:135
msgid "~Close"
msgstr "বন্ধ কৰক (~C)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:135
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:136
msgctxt "STR_JAN"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "জানুৱাৰী"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:136
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:137
msgctxt "STR_FEB"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "ফেব"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:137
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:138
msgctxt "STR_MAR"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "মার্চ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:138
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:139
msgctxt "STR_NORTH"
msgid "North"
msgstr "উত্তৰ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:139
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:140
msgctxt "STR_MID"
msgid "Mid"
msgstr "মাজ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:140
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:141
msgctxt "STR_SOUTH"
msgid "South"
msgstr "দক্ষিণ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:141
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:142
msgctxt "STR_SUM"
msgid "Total"
msgstr "সর্বমুঠ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:142
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:143
msgctxt "STR_SHEET"
msgid "Sheet"
msgstr "শ্বিট"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:143
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:144
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_CELL"
msgid "Cell"
msgstr "কোষবোৰ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:144
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:145
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_CONTENT"
msgid "Content"
msgstr "বিষয়বোৰ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:145
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:146
#, fuzzy
msgid "Page Anchor"
msgstr "এংকৰ পৰিবৰ্তন কৰক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:146
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:147
msgid "Cell Anchor"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:147
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:148
#, fuzzy
msgid "Condition "
msgstr "কণ্ডিষণ"
#. content description strings are also use d in ScLinkTargetsObj
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:150
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:151
msgid "Contents"
msgstr "বিষয়বোৰ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:151
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:152
msgid "Sheets"
msgstr "শ্বীটছ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:152
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:153
msgid "Range names"
msgstr "পৰিসৰৰ নাম"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:153
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:154
msgid "Database ranges"
msgstr "ডাটাবেইচৰ বিস্তাৰসমূহ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:154
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:155
#, fuzzy
msgid "Images"
msgstr "ছবি"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:155
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:156
msgid "OLE objects"
msgstr "OLE বস্তুবোৰ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:156
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:157
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "মন্তব্য"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:157
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:158
msgid "Linked areas"
msgstr "সংযোগকৃত ক্ষেত্রবোৰ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:158
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:159
msgid "Drawing objects"
msgstr "অঁকা বস্তুবোৰ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:159
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:160
#, fuzzy
msgid "Drag Mode"
msgstr "ড্ৰেগ কৰাৰ প্ৰকাৰ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:160
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:161
msgid "Display"
msgstr "প্ৰদৰ্শন"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:161
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:162
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SCSTR_ACTIVE"
msgid "active"
msgstr "সক্রিয়"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:162
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:163
#, fuzzy
msgid "inactive"
msgstr "নিষ্ক্রিয়"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:163
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:164
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SCSTR_HIDDEN"
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "লুকুৱাই থোৱা"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:164
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:165
#, fuzzy
msgid "Active Window"
msgstr "সক্রিয় উইণ্ড'"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:165
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:166
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scenario Name"
msgstr "ছীনাৰিঅ'ৰ নাম"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:166
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:167
#, fuzzy
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "বিষয়সূচী (_C)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:168
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:169
msgid "Sort Ascending"
msgstr "আৰোহণ কৰি আছে"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:169
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:170
msgid "Sort Descending"
msgstr "অৱৰোহণ কৰি আছে"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:170
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:171
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Sort"
msgstr "স্বনিৰ্বাচিত সজোৱা"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:171
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:172
msgid "All"
msgstr "সকলো"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:172
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:173
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show only the current item."
msgstr "কেৱল বৰ্তমান বস্তু দেখুৱাওক।"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:173
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:174
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hide only the current item."
msgstr "কেৱল বৰ্তমান বস্তু লুকাওক।"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:174
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:175
msgid "Search items..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:176
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:177
msgid "Name Box"
msgstr "নাম বাকছ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:177
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:178
msgid "Input line"
msgstr "ইনপুট ৰেখা"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:178
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:179
msgid "Function Wizard"
msgstr "ফলন উইজাৰ্ড"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:179
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:180
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "স্বীকাৰ কৰক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:180
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:181
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "বাতিল কৰক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:181
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:182
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "যোগফল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:182
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:183
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "সূত্র"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:183
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:184
msgid "Expand Formula Bar"
msgstr "সূত্ৰ বাৰ প্ৰসাৰণ কৰক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:184
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:185
msgid "Collapse Formula Bar"
msgstr "সূত্ৰ বাৰ স্খলিত কৰক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:186
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:187
msgid "Conflict"
msgstr "সংঘৰ্ষ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:187
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:188
msgid "Author"
msgstr "লেখক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:188
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:189
msgctxt "STR_TITLE_DATE"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "তাৰিখ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:189
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:190
msgid "Unknown User"
msgstr "অজ্ঞাত ব্যৱহাৰকাৰী"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:191
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:192
msgid "Column inserted"
msgstr "স্তম্ভ অন্তর্ভূক্ত কৰা হ'ল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:192
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:193
msgid "Row inserted "
msgstr "শাৰী সুমুৱা হল "
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:193
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:194
msgid "Sheet inserted "
msgstr "শ্বিট সুমুৱা হল "
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:194
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:195
msgid "Column deleted"
msgstr "স্তম্ভ মচি পেলোৱা হ'ল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:195
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:196
msgid "Row deleted"
msgstr "শাৰী মচি পেলোৱা হ'ল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:196
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:197
msgid "Sheet deleted"
msgstr "শ্বিট মচি পেলোৱা হ'ল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:197
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:198
msgctxt "STR_CHG_MOVE"
msgid "Range moved"
msgstr "বিস্তাৰ নিয়া হ'ল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:198
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:199
msgid "Changed contents"
msgstr "পৰিবৰ্তন কৰা সমল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:199
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:200
msgid "Changed contents"
msgstr "পৰিবৰ্তন কৰা সমল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:200
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:201
msgid "Changed to "
msgstr "চিহ্নিত বস্তুলৈ পৰিবৰ্তন কৰা হল "
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:201
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:202
msgid "Original"
msgstr "প্রকৃত"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:202
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:203
msgctxt "STR_CHG_REJECT"
msgid "Changes rejected"
msgstr "পৰিবৰ্তনবোৰ অস্বীকাৰ কৰা হল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:203
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:204
msgid "Accepted"
msgstr "স্বীকৃত"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:204
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:205
msgid "Rejected"
msgstr "অস্বীকৃত"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:205
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:206
msgctxt "STR_CHG_NO_ENTRY"
msgid "No Entry"
msgstr "কোনো প্রৱিষ্টি নাই"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:206
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:207
msgctxt "STR_CHG_EMPTY"
msgid "<empty>"
msgstr "<empty>"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:208
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:209
msgid "Not protected"
msgstr "সুৰক্ষীত নহয়"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:209
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:210
msgid "Not password-protected"
msgstr "পাছৱাৰ্ড সুৰক্ষীত নহয়"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:210
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:211
msgctxt "STR_HASH_BAD"
msgid "Hash incompatible"
msgstr "হেষ অসংগত"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:211
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:212
msgctxt "STR_HASH_GOOD"
msgid "Hash compatible"
msgstr "হেষ সংগত"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:212
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:213
msgctxt "STR_RETYPE"
msgid "Re-type"
msgstr "পুনৰ সুমুৱাওক"
#. MovingAverageDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:215
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:216
#, fuzzy
msgid "Moving Average"
msgstr "গতিশীল গড়"
#. ExponentialSmoothingDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:217
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:218
#, fuzzy
msgid "Exponential Smoothing"
msgstr "গনকীয় নিমজতা"
#. AnalysisOfVarianceDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:219
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:220
#, fuzzy
msgid "Analysis of Variance"
msgstr "অপৰৰ বিশ্লেষণ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:220
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:221
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_ANOVA"
+msgid "Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:222
#, fuzzy
msgid "ANOVA - Single Factor"
msgstr "ANOVA - এটা কাৰক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:221
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:223
#, fuzzy
msgid "ANOVA - Two Factor"
msgstr "ANOVA - দুটা কাৰক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:222
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:224
#, fuzzy
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "গোট"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:223
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:225
#, fuzzy
msgid "Between Groups"
msgstr "দলৰ মাজত"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:224
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:226
#, fuzzy
msgid "Within Groups"
msgstr "দলৰ অন্তৰ্গত"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:225
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:227
#, fuzzy
msgid "Source of Variation"
msgstr "ভেদৰ উৎস"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:226
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:228
#, fuzzy
msgid "SS"
msgstr "SS"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:227
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:229
#, fuzzy
msgid "df"
msgstr "df"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:228
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:230
#, fuzzy
msgid "MS"
msgstr "MS"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:229
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:231
msgid "F"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:230
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:232
+msgid "Significance F"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:233
#, fuzzy
msgid "P-value"
msgstr "P-value"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:231
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:234
#, fuzzy
msgid "F critical"
msgstr "F critical"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:232
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:235
msgid "Total"
msgstr "সর্বমুঠ"
#. CorrelationDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:234
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:237
msgid "Correlation"
msgstr "ক'ৰিলেষণ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:235
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:238
#, fuzzy
msgid "Correlations"
msgstr "ক'ৰিলেষণ"
#. CovarianceDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:237
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:240
#, fuzzy
msgid "Covariance"
msgstr "কভেৰিয়েন্স"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:238
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:241
#, fuzzy
msgid "Covariances"
msgstr "কভেৰিয়েন্স"
#. DescriptiveStatisticsDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:240
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:243
#, fuzzy
msgid "Descriptive Statistics"
msgstr "বিৱৰিত পৰিসংখ্যা"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:241
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:244
msgid "Mean"
msgstr "গড়"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:242
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:245
#, fuzzy
msgid "Standard Error"
msgstr "প্ৰামাণিক ত্ৰুটি"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:243
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:246
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "ধৰণ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:244
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:247
#, fuzzy
msgid "Median"
msgstr "মিডিয়ান"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:245
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:248
#, fuzzy
msgid "Variance"
msgstr "ভেৰিয়েন্স"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:246
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:249
#, fuzzy
msgid "Standard Deviation"
msgstr "স্টেণ্ডাৰ্ড ডিভিয়েষণ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:247
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:250
#, fuzzy
msgid "Kurtosis"
msgstr "কাৰ্টচিচ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:248
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:251
#, fuzzy
msgid "Skewness"
msgstr "স্কুনেচ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:249
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "Range"
msgstr "বিস্তাৰ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:250
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:253
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_MIN"
msgid "Minimum"
msgstr "নূন্যতম"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:251
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:254
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_MAX"
msgid "Maximum"
msgstr "সৰ্বাধিক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:252
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:255
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_SUM"
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "সমষ্টি"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:253
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:256
msgid "Count"
msgstr "গণনা"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:254
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:257
-msgid "First Quartile "
+msgid "First Quartile"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:255
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:258
msgid "Third Quartile"
msgstr ""
#. RandomNumberGeneratorDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:257
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:260
#, fuzzy
msgid "Random ($(DISTRIBUTION))"
msgstr "যাদৃচ্ছিক ($(DISTRIBUTION))"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:258
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:261
#, fuzzy
msgid "Uniform"
msgstr "সুষম"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:259
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:262
#, fuzzy
msgid "Uniform Integer"
msgstr "সুষম পূৰ্ণসংখ্যা"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:260
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:263
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "স্বাভাৱিক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:261
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:264
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cauchy"
msgstr "কচি"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:262
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:265
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bernoulli"
msgstr "বাৰ্নলি"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:263
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:266
#, fuzzy
msgid "Binomial"
msgstr "দ্বিপদ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:264
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:267
#, fuzzy
msgid "Negative Binomial"
msgstr "ঋণাত্মক দ্বিপদ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:265
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:268
#, fuzzy
msgid "Chi Squared"
msgstr "চি বৰ্গ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:266
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:269
#, fuzzy
msgid "Geometric"
msgstr "জ্যামিতিক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:267
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:270
msgid "Minimum"
msgstr "নূন্যতম"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:268
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:271
msgid "Maximum"
msgstr "সৰ্বাধিক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:269
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:272
msgid "Mean"
msgstr "গড়"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:270
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:273
#, fuzzy
msgid "Standard Deviation"
msgstr "স্টেণ্ডাৰ্ড ডিভিয়েষণ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:271
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:274
#, fuzzy
msgid "Median"
msgstr "মিডিয়ান"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:272
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:275
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sigma"
msgstr "ছিগমা"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:273
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:276
#, fuzzy
msgid "p Value"
msgstr "p মান"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:274
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:277
#, fuzzy
msgid "Number of Trials"
msgstr "ট্ৰায়েলসমূহৰ সংখ্যা"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:275
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:278
#, fuzzy
msgid "nu Value"
msgstr "nu মান"
#. SamplingDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:277
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:280
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sampling"
msgstr "নমুনা"
#. Names of dialogs
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:279
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:282
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FTEST"
msgid "F-test"
msgstr "F-test"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:280
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "F-test"
msgstr "F-test"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:281
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:284
msgctxt "STR_TTEST"
msgid "Paired t-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:282
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:285
msgid "Paired t-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:283
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:286
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_ZTEST"
msgid "z-test"
msgstr "F-test"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:284
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:287
#, fuzzy
msgid "z-test"
msgstr "F-test"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:285
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:288
msgid "Test of Independence (Chi-Square)"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:286
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:289
msgid "Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:287
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:290
msgid "Regression"
msgstr ""
#. Common
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:289
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:292
#, fuzzy
msgid "Column %NUMBER%"
msgstr "স্তম্ভ %NUMBER%"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:290
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:293
#, fuzzy
msgid "Row %NUMBER%"
msgstr "শাৰী %NUMBER%"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:291
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:294
msgid "Alpha"
msgstr "আলফা"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:292
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:295
#, fuzzy
msgid "Variable 1"
msgstr "চলক ১"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:293
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:296
#, fuzzy
msgid "Variable 2"
msgstr "চলক ২"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:294
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:297
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hypothesized Mean Difference"
msgstr "প্ৰকল্পিত গড় পাৰ্থক্য"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:295
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:298
#, fuzzy
msgid "Observations"
msgstr "চোৱা"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:296
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:299
#, fuzzy
msgid "Observed Mean Difference"
msgstr "চোৱা গড় পাৰ্থক্য"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:297
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:300
+msgid "R^2"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:301
+msgid "Adjusted R^2"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:302
+msgid "Count of X variables"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:303
#, fuzzy
msgid "df"
msgstr "df"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:298
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:304
#, fuzzy
msgid "P-value"
msgstr "P-value"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:299
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:305
msgid "Critical Value"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:300
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:306
msgid "Test Statistic"
msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:307
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_LOWER"
+msgid "Lower"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:308
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_Upper"
+msgid "Upper"
+msgstr ""
#. RegressionDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:302
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:310
msgid "Linear"
msgstr "ৰৈখিক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:303
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:311
msgid "Logarithmic"
msgstr "লগাৰিথিমিক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:304
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:312
msgid "Power"
msgstr "পাৱাৰ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:305
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:313
+msgid "Independent variable(s) range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:314
+msgid "Dependent variable(s) range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:315
+msgid "Output range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:316
+msgid "Confidence level must be in the interval (0, 1)."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:317
+msgid "Y variable range cannot have more than 1 column."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:318
+msgid "Y variable range cannot have more than 1 row."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:319
+msgid "Univariate regression : The observation count in X and Y must match."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:320
+msgid "Multivariate regression : The observation count in X and Y must match."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:321
#, fuzzy
msgid "Regression Model"
msgstr "ৰিগ্ৰেষণ ধৰণ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:306
-msgid "R^2"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:322
+msgid "Regression Statistics"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:307
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:323
+msgid "Residual"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:324
+msgid "Confidence level"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:325
+msgid "Coefficients"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:326
+msgid "t-Statistic"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:327
#, fuzzy
msgid "Slope"
msgstr "সুবিধা"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:308
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:328
#, fuzzy
msgid "Intercept"
msgstr "ইন্টাৰনেট"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:329
+msgid "Predicted Y"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:330
+msgid "LINEST raw output"
+msgstr ""
#. F Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:310
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:332
#, fuzzy
msgid "P (F<=f) right-tail"
msgstr "P (F<=f) ৰাইট-টেইল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:311
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:333
#, fuzzy
msgid "F Critical right-tail"
msgstr "F ক্ৰিটিকেল ৰাইট-টেইল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:312
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:334
#, fuzzy
msgid "P (F<=f) left-tail"
msgstr "P (F<=f) বাঁও-টেইল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:313
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:335
#, fuzzy
msgid "F Critical left-tail"
msgstr "F ক্ৰিটিকেল বাঁও-টেইল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:314
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:336
#, fuzzy
msgid "P two-tail"
msgstr "P টু-টেইল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:315
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:337
#, fuzzy
msgid "F Critical two-tail"
msgstr "F ক্ৰিটিকেল টু-টেইল"
#. t Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:317
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:339
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pearson Correlation"
msgstr "পিয়াৰচন কৰিলেষণ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:318
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:340
#, fuzzy
msgid "Variance of the Differences"
msgstr "পাৰ্থক্যবোৰৰ অপৰ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:319
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:341
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_TTEST_T_STAT"
msgid "t Stat"
msgstr "t Stat"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:320
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:342
#, fuzzy
msgid "P (T<=t) one-tail"
msgstr "P (T<=t) এটা-টেইল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:321
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:343
#, fuzzy
msgid "t Critical one-tail"
msgstr "t ক্ৰিটিকেল এটা-টেইল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:322
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:344
#, fuzzy
msgid "P (T<=t) two-tail"
msgstr "P (T<=t) দুটা-টেইল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:323
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:345
#, fuzzy
msgid "t Critical two-tail"
msgstr "t ক্ৰিটিকেল দুটা-টেইল"
#. Z Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:325
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:347
msgid "z"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:326
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:348
msgid "Known Variance"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:327
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:349
#, fuzzy
msgid "P (Z<=z) one-tail"
msgstr "P (T<=t) এটা-টেইল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:328
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:350
#, fuzzy
msgid "z Critical one-tail"
msgstr "t ক্ৰিটিকেল এটা-টেইল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:329
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:351
#, fuzzy
msgid "P (Z<=z) two-tail"
msgstr "P (T<=t) দুটা-টেইল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:330
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:352
#, fuzzy
msgid "z Critical two-tail"
msgstr "F ক্ৰিটিকেল টু-টেইল"
#. infobar for allowing links to update or not
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:332
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:354
msgid "Enable Content"
msgstr ""
#. Insert image dialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:334
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:356
msgid "To cell"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:335
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:357
msgid "To cell (resize with cell)"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:336
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:358
msgid "To page"
msgstr ""
@@ -17158,6 +17268,11 @@ msgctxt "dataprovider|label"
msgid "Source Stream"
msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/dataproviderdlg.ui:36
+msgctxt "dataproviderdlg|db_name"
+msgid "Database Range: "
+msgstr ""
#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/dataproviderentry.ui:46
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "dataproviderentry|url"
@@ -19047,598 +19162,598 @@ msgctxt "notebookbar|DevLabel"
msgid "Tools"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2945
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2986
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Menu"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2977
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3018
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|defaultD"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "অবিকল্পিত"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2991
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3032
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent1"
msgid "Accent 1"
msgstr "ঠাঁচ "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2999
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3040
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent2"
msgid "Accent 2"
msgstr "ঠাঁচ "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3007
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3048
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent3"
msgid "Accent 3"
msgstr "ঠাঁচ "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3021
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3062
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Header1"
msgid "Header 1"
msgstr "হেডাৰ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3029
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3070
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Header2"
msgid "Header 2"
msgstr "হেডাৰ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3043
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3084
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|bad"
msgid "Bad"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3051
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3092
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|good"
msgid "Good"
msgstr "সোণ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3059
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3100
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|neutral"
msgid "Neutral"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3067
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3108
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|error"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "ভুল"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|warning"
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "সতৰ্কবাৰ্তা"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3130
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|footnote"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr "ফুটনোট"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3097
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3138
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|note"
msgid "Note"
msgstr "টীকা"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3336
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3377
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Tools"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3630
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3671
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|menub"
msgid "_Menu"
msgstr "মেনু"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3686
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3727
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|toolsb"
msgid "_Tools"
msgstr "সঁজুলিসমূহ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3775
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3816
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|fileb"
msgid "_File"
msgstr "ফাইল"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3930
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3971
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|editb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "সম্পাদন কৰক (_E)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4088
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4129
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphstyleb"
msgid "St_yles"
msgstr "শৈলীবোৰ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4245
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4286
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|formatb"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "ফণ্ট (_o)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4306
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4347
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|bordertype"
msgid "Specify the borders of the selected cells."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4466
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4507
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|numberb"
msgid "_Number"
msgstr "সংখ্যাসমূহ (_N)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4625
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4666
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "শাৰীকৰণ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4788
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4829
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|cellb"
msgid "_Cells"
msgstr "কক্ষবোৰ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4931
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4972
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|insertb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5064
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5105
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|datab"
msgid "_Data"
msgstr "তথ্য"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5178
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5219
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|reviewb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "পুনৰীক্ষণ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5293
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5334
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewb"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "দৃশ্য"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5436
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5477
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|graphicB"
msgid "_Graphic"
msgstr "গ্রাফিক"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5554
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5595
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|colorb"
msgid "C_olor"
msgstr "ৰঙ (_o)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5897
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5938
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrange"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "সঁজাওক"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6050
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6091
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|GridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "জাল (_G)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6177
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6218
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|languageb"
msgid "_Language"
msgstr "ভাষা (_L)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6307
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6348
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|revieb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "পুনৰীক্ষণ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6442
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6483
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|commentsb"
msgid "_Comments"
msgstr "বিষয়সূচী (_C)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6543
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6584
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|compareb"
msgid "Com_pare"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6647
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6688
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewA"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "দৃশ্য"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6824
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6865
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|editdrawb"
msgid "_Styles"
msgstr "শৈলীবোৰ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7041
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7082
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|drawb"
msgid "D_raw"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7232
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7273
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrangeD"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "সঁজাওক"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7345
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7386
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Grid"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "জাল (_G)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7458
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7499
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewDrawb"
msgid "Grou_p"
msgstr "গোট"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7570
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7611
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|3Db"
msgid "3_D"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7755
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7796
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|oleB"
msgid "F_rame"
msgstr "ফ্ৰেইম (_r)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7962
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8003
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrangeO"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "সঁজাওক"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|GridO"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "জাল (_G)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8189
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8230
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewO"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "দৃশ্য"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8298
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8339
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphstyles"
msgid "_Styles"
msgstr "শৈলীবোৰ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8473
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8514
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|formats"
msgid "F_ormat"
msgstr "ফৰমেট"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8749
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8790
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphS"
msgid "_Paragraph"
msgstr "পেৰেগ্ৰাফ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8911
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8952
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewS"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "দৃশ্য"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:1950
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:1991
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Help"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2945
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2986
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Menu"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2977
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3018
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|defaultD"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "অবিকল্পিত"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2991
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3032
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent1"
msgid "Accent 1"
msgstr "ঠাঁচ "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2999
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3040
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent2"
msgid "Accent 2"
msgstr "ঠাঁচ "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3007
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3048
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent3"
msgid "Accent 3"
msgstr "ঠাঁচ "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3021
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3062
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Header1"
msgid "Header 1"
msgstr "হেডাৰ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3029
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3070
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Header2"
msgid "Header 2"
msgstr "হেডাৰ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3043
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3084
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|bad"
msgid "Bad"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3051
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3092
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|good"
msgid "Good"
msgstr "সোণ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3059
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3100
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|neutral"
msgid "Neutral"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3067
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3108
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|error"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "ভুল"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|warning"
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "সতৰ্কবাৰ্তা"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3130
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|footnote"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr "ফুটনোট"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3097
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3138
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|note"
msgid "Note"
msgstr "টীকা"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3336
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3377
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Tools"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3635
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3676
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|menub"
msgid "_Menu"
msgstr "মেনু"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3688
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3729
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|toolsb"
msgid "_Tools"
msgstr "সঁজুলিসমূহ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3743
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3784
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|helpb"
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "সহায়"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3851
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3892
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|fileb"
msgid "_File"
msgstr "ফাইল"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4130
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|editb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "সম্পাদন কৰক (_E)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4286
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4327
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphstyleb"
msgid "St_yles"
msgstr "শৈলীবোৰ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4559
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4600
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|formatb"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "ফণ্ট (_o)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4805
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4846
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|numberb"
msgid "_Number"
msgstr "সংখ্যাসমূহ (_N)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5020
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5061
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "শাৰীকৰণ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5258
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5299
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|cellb"
msgid "_Cells"
msgstr "কক্ষবোৰ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5435
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5476
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|insertb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5609
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5650
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|datab"
msgid "_Data"
msgstr "তথ্য"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5781
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5822
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|reviewb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "পুনৰীক্ষণ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5968
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6009
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewb"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "দৃশ্য"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6193
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6234
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|graphicB"
msgid "_Graphic"
msgstr "গ্রাফিক"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6545
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6586
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrange"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "সঁজাওক"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6696
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6737
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|colorb"
msgid "C_olor"
msgstr "ৰঙ (_o)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6947
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6988
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|GridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "জাল (_G)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7087
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7128
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|languageb"
msgid "_Language"
msgstr "ভাষা (_L)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7316
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7357
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|revieb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "পুনৰীক্ষণ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7529
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7570
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|commentsb"
msgid "_Comments"
msgstr "বিষয়সূচী (_C)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7732
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7773
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|compareb"
msgid "Com_pare"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7934
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7975
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewa"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "দৃশ্য"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8380
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8421
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|drawb"
msgid "D_raw"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8749
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8790
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|editdrawb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "সম্পাদন কৰক (_E)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9090
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9131
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrangedrawb"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "সঁজাওক"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9257
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9298
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|GridDrawB"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "দৃশ্য"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9459
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9500
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewDrawb"
msgid "Grou_p"
msgstr "গোট"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9609
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9650
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|3Db"
msgid "3_D"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9918
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9959
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|formatd"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "ফণ্ট (_o)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10183
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10224
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphTextb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "শাৰীকৰণ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10385
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10426
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewd"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "দৃশ্য"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10539
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10580
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|insertTextb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10684
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10725
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|media"
msgid "_Media"
msgstr "মাধ্যম"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10921
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10962
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|oleB"
msgid "F_rame"
msgstr "ফ্ৰেইম (_r)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11352
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11393
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrageOLE"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "সঁজাওক"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11518
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11559
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|OleGridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "জাল (_G)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11720
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11761
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewf"
msgid "_View"
@@ -21159,63 +21274,88 @@ msgctxt "regressiondialog|RegressionDialog"
msgid "Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:99
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:102
msgctxt "regressiondialog|variable1-range-label"
-msgid "Variable 1 range:"
+msgid "Independent variable(s) (X) range:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:137
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:140
msgctxt "regressiondialog|variable2-range-label"
-msgid "Variable 2 range:"
+msgid "Dependent variable (Y) range:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:175
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:176
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|withlabels-check"
+msgid "Both X and Y ranges have labels"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:192
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "regressiondialog|output-range-label"
msgid "Results to:"
msgstr "চিহ্নিত স্থানলৈ ফলাফল"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:217
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:240
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label1"
msgid "Data"
msgstr "তাৰিখ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:252
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:275
msgctxt "regressiondialog|groupedby-columns-radio"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "স্তম্ভসমূহ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:268
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:291
msgctxt "regressiondialog|groupedby-rows-radio"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "শাৰীসমূহ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:290
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:313
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label2"
msgid "Grouped by"
msgstr "চিহ্নিত বস্তু দ্বাৰা দলবদ্ধ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:325
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|linear-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:348
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|linear-radio"
msgid "Linear Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:341
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|logarithmic-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:365
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|logarithmic-radio"
msgid "Logarithmic Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:356
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|power-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:382
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|power-radio"
msgid "Power Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:377
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:405
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label3"
msgid "Output Regression Types"
msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:441
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|label5"
+msgid "Confidence level"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:451
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|calcresiduals-check"
+msgid "Calculate residuals"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:469
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|confidencelevel-spin"
+msgid "0.95"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:490
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|label4"
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr ""
#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/retypepassdialog.ui:10
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "retypepassdialog|RetypePass"
@@ -23756,92 +23896,97 @@ msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore1"
msgid "Text length"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:57
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:47
+msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore1"
+msgid "Custom"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:61
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "equal"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:61
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:65
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "less than"
msgstr "সৰু"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:65
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:69
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "greater than"
msgstr "চিহ্নিত বস্তুতকৈ ডাঙৰ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:69
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:73
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "less than or equal"
msgstr "কম বা সমান"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:73
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:77
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "greater than or equal to"
msgstr "ডাঙৰ বা সমান"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:77
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:81
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "not equal"
msgstr "অসমান"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:81
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:85
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "valid range"
msgstr "অকাৰ্যকৰী বিস্তাৰ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:85
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:89
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "invalid range"
msgstr "অকাৰ্যকৰী বিস্তাৰ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:103
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:107
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|label1"
msgid "_Allow:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:117
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:121
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|valueft"
msgid "_Data:"
msgstr "তথ্য"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:153
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:157
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|minft"
msgid "_Minimum:"
msgstr "নূন্যতম:"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:235
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:239
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|maxft"
msgid "Ma_ximum:"
msgstr "সৰ্বাধিক:"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:246
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:250
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|allowempty"
msgid "Allow _empty cells"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:261
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:265
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|showlist"
msgid "Show selection _list"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:276
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:280
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|sortascend"
msgid "Sor_t entries ascending"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:297
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:301
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|hintft"
msgid "A valid source can only consist of a contiguous selection of rows and columns, or a formula that results in an area or array."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/as/sd/messages.po b/source/as/sd/messages.po
index c854ea1f084..a6b8642abcf 100644
--- a/source/as/sd/messages.po
+++ b/source/as/sd/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-06-04 15:42+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -5438,8 +5438,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: sd/uiconfig/simpress/ui/sidebarslidebackground.ui:126
msgctxt "sidebarslidebackground|button2"
-msgid "Insert Image"
-msgstr "ছবি সুমুৱাওক"
+msgid "Insert Image..."
+msgstr ""
#: sd/uiconfig/simpress/ui/sidebarslidebackground.ui:164
msgctxt "sidebarslidebackground|displaymasterbackground"
diff --git a/source/as/sfx2/messages.po b/source/as/sfx2/messages.po
index 774eac1eae7..9324dde892b 100644
--- a/source/as/sfx2/messages.po
+++ b/source/as/sfx2/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -2246,6 +2246,11 @@ msgctxt "helpmanual|website"
msgid "Read Help Online"
msgstr ""
+#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpmanual.ui:60
+msgctxt "helpmanual|hidedialog"
+msgid "Do not show this dialog again"
+msgstr ""
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpsearchpage.ui:22
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "helpsearchpage|display"
diff --git a/source/as/svx/messages.po b/source/as/svx/messages.po
index 7c35c959c1f..45ae089a970 100644
--- a/source/as/svx/messages.po
+++ b/source/as/svx/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 21:22+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -2300,17 +2300,17 @@ msgctxt "classificationdialog|label-IntellectualProperty"
msgid "Intellectual Property"
msgstr ""
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:60
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:58
msgctxt "colorwindow|none_color_button"
msgid "None"
msgstr "কোনো নহয়"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:146
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:145
msgctxt "colorwindow|label1"
msgid "Recent"
msgstr ""
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:183
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:182
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "colorwindow|color_picker_button"
msgid "Custom Color…"
@@ -2838,54 +2838,54 @@ msgctxt "datanavigator|modelsremove"
msgid "_Remove"
msgstr "আঁতৰাওক (_R)"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:52
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:48
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label1"
msgid "Lines & Arrows"
msgstr "ৰেখা আৰু কাঁড়সমূহ"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:89
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:85
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label2"
msgid "Curve"
msgstr "বক্ৰ"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:126
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:122
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label3"
msgid "Connectors"
msgstr "সংযোগক"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:163
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:159
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label4"
msgid "Basic Shapes"
msgstr "আকৃতিসমূহ"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:200
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:196
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label5"
msgid "Symbols"
msgstr "প্ৰতীকবোৰ"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:237
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:233
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label6"
msgid "Block Arrows"
msgstr "ব্লক কাঁড়সমূহ"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:274
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:270
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label7"
msgid "Flowchart"
msgstr "ফ্ল'ছাৰ্ট"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:311
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:307
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label8"
msgid "Callouts"
msgstr "ক'লআউটবোৰ"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:348
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:344
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label9"
msgid "Stars"
msgstr "ষ্টাৰসমূহ"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:385
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:381
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label10"
msgid "3D Objects"
@@ -4441,8 +4441,8 @@ msgstr "কপি (_C)"
#: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu2.ui:82
msgctxt "gallerymenu2|paste"
-msgid "_Insert"
-msgstr "ভৰাওক (_I)"
+msgid "_Paste"
+msgstr ""
#: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:68
msgctxt "headfootformatpage|checkHeaderOn"
diff --git a/source/as/sw/messages.po b/source/as/sw/messages.po
index 220367e4d10..3afc4f25c53 100644
--- a/source/as/sw/messages.po
+++ b/source/as/sw/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 21:22+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:05+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -1536,299 +1536,309 @@ msgid "Text"
msgstr "টেক্সট"
#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:239
+msgid "Hidden"
+msgstr ""
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:240
+msgid "Condition"
+msgstr ""
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:241
msgctxt "SW_STR_NONE"
msgid "[None]"
msgstr "[None]"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:240
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:242
msgid "Start"
msgstr "আৰম্ভ কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:241
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:243
msgid "End"
msgstr "অন্ত"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:242
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:244
msgid "Above"
msgstr "ওপৰত"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:243
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:245
msgid "Below"
msgstr "তলত"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:244
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:246
msgid "read-only"
msgstr "কেৱল পঢ়িবৰ বাবে"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:245
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:247
msgid "The 'AutoText' directories are read-only. Do you want to call the path settings dialog?"
msgstr "'স্বয়ংক্ৰিয় টেক্সট' নিৰ্দেশিকাবোৰ কেৱল পঢ়িবৰ বাবে. আপুনি পথ ছেটিংছ সংলাপবোৰ কল কৰিব বিচাৰে নেকি?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:246
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:248
msgctxt "STR_DOC_STAT"
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "পৰিসংখ্যা"
#. Statusbar-titles
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:248
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:250
msgid "Importing document..."
msgstr "দস্তাবেজ আমদানি কৰি আছে..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:249
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:251
msgid "Exporting document..."
msgstr "দস্তাবেজ ৰপ্তানি কৰি আছে..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:250
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:252
msgid "Saving document..."
msgstr "দস্তাবেজ ছেভ কৰি আছে..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:251
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:253
msgid "Repagination..."
msgstr "ৰিপেজিনেশ্বন..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:252
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:254
msgid "Formatting document automatically..."
msgstr "স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাৱে দস্তাবেজ ফৰমেট কৰি আছে..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:253
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:255
msgid "Search..."
msgstr "সন্ধান..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:254
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:256
msgid "Letter"
msgstr "আখৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:255
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:257
msgid "Spellcheck..."
msgstr "বানান পৰীক্ষা..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:256
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:258
msgid "Hyphenation..."
msgstr "হাইফেনেশ্বন..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:257
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:259
msgid "Inserting Index..."
msgstr "সূচী ভৰাই আছে..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:258
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:260
msgid "Updating Index..."
msgstr "অনুক্ৰমণিকা আপডেট কৰি আছে..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:259
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:261
msgid "Creating abstract..."
msgstr "এবষ্ট্ৰাক্ট সৃষ্টি কৰি আছে..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:260
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:262
msgid "Adapt Objects..."
msgstr "এডাপ্ট বস্তুবোৰ ..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:261
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:263
msgid "Table"
msgstr "টেবুল"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:262
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:264
msgid "Image"
msgstr "ছবি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:263
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:265
msgid "Object"
msgstr "বস্তু"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:264
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:266
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "ফ্ৰেম"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:265
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:267
msgid "Shape"
msgstr "আকৃতি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:266
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:268
msgid "Section"
msgstr "খণ্ড"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:267
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:269
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "নম্বৰিং"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:268
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:270
msgid "blank page"
msgstr "খালী পৃষ্ঠা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:269
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:271
msgid "Abstract: "
msgstr "সাৰাংশ: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:270
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:272
msgid "separated by: "
msgstr "বিভাজন কৰা: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:271
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:273
msgid "Outline: Level "
msgstr "ৰূপৰেখা: স্তৰ "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:272
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:274
msgctxt "STR_FDLG_STYLE"
msgid "Style: "
msgstr "শৈলী: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:273
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:275
msgid "Page number: "
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠাৰ সংখ্যা : "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:274
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:276
msgid "Break before new page"
msgstr "নতুন পৃষ্ঠাৰ আগৰ বিৰতি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:275
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:277
msgid "Western text: "
msgstr "পাশ্চ্যাত্য টেক্সট : "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:276
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:278
msgctxt "STR_CJK_FONT"
msgid "Asian text: "
msgstr "এছিয়ান টেক্সট : "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:277
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:279
msgctxt "STR_CTL_FONT"
msgid "CTL text: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:278
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:280
msgid "Unknown Author"
msgstr "অজ্ঞাত লেখক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:279
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:281
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete ~All Comments by $1"
msgstr "$1 ৰ সকলো টোকা মচি পেলাওক (~A)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:280
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:282
#, fuzzy
msgid "H~ide All Comments by $1"
msgstr "$1 ৰ সকলো টোকা মচি পেলাওক (~A)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:281
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:283
msgid "Outline Numbering"
msgstr "ৰূপৰেখা নম্বৰিং"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:282
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:284
msgid "%1 words, %2 characters"
msgstr "%1 শব্দ, %2 আখৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:283
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:285
msgid "%1 words, %2 characters selected"
msgstr "%1 শব্দ, %2 আখৰ নিৰ্বাচিত"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:284
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:286
msgid "Convert Text to Table"
msgstr "টেক্সট টেবুললৈ সলনি কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:285
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:287
msgid "Add AutoFormat"
msgstr "স্ববিন্যাস যোগ কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:286
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:288
msgid "Name"
msgstr "নাম"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:287
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:289
msgid "Delete AutoFormat"
msgstr "স্ববিন্যাস মচি পেলাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:288
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:290
msgid "The following AutoFormat entry will be deleted:"
msgstr "তলত দিয়া স্বয়ংক্ৰিয় ফৰমেট প্ৰৱিষ্টী ডিলিট কৰা হ'ব:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:289
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:291
msgid "Rename AutoFormat"
msgstr "স্ববিন্যাস পুনৰ নামকৰণ কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:290
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:292
msgid "~Close"
msgstr "বন্ধ কৰক (~C)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:291
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:293
msgctxt "STR_JAN"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "জানুৱাৰী"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:292
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:294
msgctxt "STR_FEB"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "ফেব"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:293
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:295
msgctxt "STR_MAR"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "মার্চ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:294
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:296
msgctxt "STR_NORTH"
msgid "North"
msgstr "উত্তৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:295
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:297
msgctxt "STR_MID"
msgid "Mid"
msgstr "মাজ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:296
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:298
msgctxt "STR_SOUTH"
msgid "South"
msgstr "দক্ষিণ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:297
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:299
msgctxt "STR_SUM"
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "যোগফল"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:298
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:300
msgid ""
"You have entered an invalid name.\n"
@@ -1839,2535 +1849,2535 @@ msgstr ""
"ইচ্ছা কৰা স্বয়ংক্ৰিয় ফৰ্মেটটো সৃষ্টি কৰিব পৰা নাযাব.\n"
"এটা বেলেগ নাম ভৰাই আকৌ চেষ্টা কৰক."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:299
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:301
msgctxt "STR_NUMERIC"
msgid "Numeric"
msgstr "সাংখ্যিক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:300
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:302
msgctxt "STR_ROW"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "শাৰীবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:301
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:303
msgctxt "STR_COL"
msgid "Column"
msgstr "স্তম্ভ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:302
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:304
msgid "Edit Bibliography Entry"
msgstr "গ্রন্থসূচী প্রৱিষ্টিৰ সম্পাদনা কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:303
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:305
msgid "Insert Bibliography Entry"
msgstr "গ্রন্থ-সূচী প্রৱিষ্টি ভৰাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:304
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:306
msgid "Spacing between %1 and %2"
msgstr "%1 আৰু %2 মাজৰ ব্যৱধান"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:305
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:307
msgid "Column %1 Width"
msgstr "স্তম্ভৰ %1 প্ৰস্থ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:306
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:308
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Table"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Writer টেবুল"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:307
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:309
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Frame"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Writer ফ্ৰেইম"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:308
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:310
#, fuzzy
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Image"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Writer ফ্ৰেইম"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:309
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:311
msgid "Other OLE Objects"
msgstr "অন্য OLE বস্তুবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:310
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:312
msgid "The name of the table must not contain spaces."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:311
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:313
msgid "Selected table cells are too complex to merge."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:312
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:314
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_SRTERR"
msgid "Cannot sort selection"
msgstr "বাছনী বৰ্গীকৰণ কৰিব নোৱাৰি"
#. Miscellaneous
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:315
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:317
msgid "Click object"
msgstr "বস্তুত ক্লিক কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:316
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:318
msgid "Before inserting AutoText"
msgstr "স্বয়ংক্ৰিয় টেক্সট ভৰোৱাৰ আগতে"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:317
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:319
msgid "After inserting AutoText"
msgstr "স্বয়ংক্ৰিয় টেক্সট ভৰোৱাৰ পাছত"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:318
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:320
msgid "Mouse over object"
msgstr "মাউছ বস্তুটোৰ ওপৰত"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:319
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:321
msgid "Trigger hyperlink"
msgstr "ট্ৰিগাৰ হাইপাৰলিংক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:320
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:322
msgid "Mouse leaves object"
msgstr "মাউছে বস্তু এৰে"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:321
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:323
msgid "Image loaded successfully"
msgstr "ছবি সফলভাৱে ল'ড কৰা হল"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:322
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:324
msgid "Image loading terminated"
msgstr "ছবি ল'ড কৰা বাতিল কৰা হল"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:323
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:325
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not load image"
msgstr "ছবি ল'ড কৰিব পৰা নগল"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:324
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:326
msgid "Input of alphanumeric characters"
msgstr "আলফা নিউমাৰিক আখৰৰ ইনপুটৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:325
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:327
msgid "Input of non-alphanumeric characters"
msgstr "নন-আলফা নিউমাৰিক আখৰৰ ইনপুট"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:326
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:328
msgid "Resize frame"
msgstr "ফ্ৰেমক পুনৰ আকাৰ দিয়ক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:327
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:329
msgid "Move frame"
msgstr "ফ্রেমৰ স্থান পৰিৱর্তন কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:328
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:330
msgid "Headings"
msgstr "শিৰোনামবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:329
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:331
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "টেবুলবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:330
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:332
msgid "Text frames"
msgstr "সংযোগকৃত টেক্সট ফ্রেমবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:331
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:333
#, fuzzy
msgid "Images"
msgstr "ছবি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:332
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:334
msgid "OLE objects"
msgstr "OLE বস্তুবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:333
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:335
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠাসংকেতবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:334
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:336
msgid "Sections"
msgstr "খণ্ডবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:335
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:337
msgid "Hyperlinks"
msgstr "হাইপাৰলিংকবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:336
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:338
msgid "References"
msgstr "প্ৰসংগবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:337
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:339
msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "অনুক্ৰমনিকাবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:338
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:340
#, fuzzy
msgid "Drawing objects"
msgstr "বস্তুবোৰ আঁকক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:339
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:341
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "মন্তব্যবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:340
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:342
msgid "Heading 1"
msgstr "শিৰোনাম ১"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:341
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:343
msgid "This is the content from the first chapter. This is a user directory entry."
msgstr "ই প্ৰথম পাঠৰ সমল। ই এটা ব্যৱহাৰকাৰী ডাইৰেকটৰি প্ৰৱিষ্টি।"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:342
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:344
msgid "Heading 1.1"
msgstr "শিৰোনাম 1.1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:343
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:345
msgid "This is the content from chapter 1.1. This is the entry for the table of contents."
msgstr "ই পাঠ 1.1 ৰ সমল। ই সমলসমূহৰ টেবুলৰ বাবে প্ৰৱিষ্টি।"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:344
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:346
msgid "Heading 1.2"
msgstr "শিৰোনাম 1.2"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:345
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:347
msgid "This is the content from chapter 1.2. This keyword is a main entry."
msgstr "ই পাঠ 1.2 ৰ সমল। এই কিৱাৰ্ড এটা মূখ্য প্ৰৱিষ্টি।"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:346
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:348
msgid "Table 1: This is table 1"
msgstr "টেবুল 1: ই টেবুল 1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:347
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:349
#, fuzzy
msgid "Image 1: This is image 1"
msgstr "ছবি 1: ই ছবি 1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:348
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:350
msgid "Heading"
msgstr "শিৰোনাম"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:349
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:351
msgid "Table"
msgstr "টেবুল"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:350
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:352
msgid "Text frame"
msgstr "সংযোগকৃত টেক্সট ফ্রেম"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:351
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:353
msgid "Image"
msgstr "ছবি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:352
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:354
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "OLEবস্তু"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:353
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:355
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠাসংকেত"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:354
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:356
msgid "Section"
msgstr "খণ্ড"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:355
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:357
msgid "Hyperlink"
msgstr "হাইপাৰলিংক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:356
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:358
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "প্ৰসংগ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:357
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:359
msgid "Index"
msgstr "অনুক্ৰমণিকা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:358
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:360
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "মন্তব্যবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:359
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:361
msgid "Draw object"
msgstr "বস্তু আঁকক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:360
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:362
msgid "Additional formats..."
msgstr "অতিৰিক্ত ফৰমেটবোৰ..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:361
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:363
msgctxt "RID_STR_SYSTEM"
msgid "[System]"
msgstr "[System]"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:362
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:364
msgid ""
"The interactive hyphenation is already active\n"
"in a different document"
msgstr "ইন্টাৰেক্টিভ হাইফেনেশ্বনটো ইতিমধ্যে এটা বেলেগ দস্তাবেজত সক্ৰিয় আছে"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:363
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:365
msgctxt "STR_HYPH_TITLE"
msgid "Hyphenation"
msgstr "হাইফেনেশ্বন"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:366
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:368
msgctxt "STR_CANT_UNDO"
msgid "not possible"
msgstr "সম্ভৱ নহয়"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:367
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:369
msgid "Delete $1"
msgstr "$1 মচি পেলাওক..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:368
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:370
msgid "Insert $1"
msgstr "$1 সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:369
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:371
msgctxt "STR_OVR_UNDO"
msgid "Overwrite: $1"
msgstr "পুনৰলিখক : $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:370
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:372
msgid "New Paragraph"
msgstr "নতুন দফা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:371
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:373
msgctxt "STR_MOVE_UNDO"
msgid "Move"
msgstr "স্থানান্তৰ কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:372
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:374
msgid "Apply attributes"
msgstr "বৈশিষ্টসমূহ প্ৰয়োগ কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:373
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:375
msgid "Apply Styles: $1"
msgstr "শৈলী প্ৰয়োগ কৰক : $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:374
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:376
msgid "Reset attributes"
msgstr "বৈশিষ্টসমূহ পুনৰ স্থাপন কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:375
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:377
msgid "Change style: $1"
msgstr "শৈলী সলনি কৰক : $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:376
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:378
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "ফাইল সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:377
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:379
msgid "Insert AutoText"
msgstr "স্বচালিত লিখনী সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:378
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:380
msgid "Delete bookmark: $1"
msgstr "পত্ৰচিহ্ন মচি পেলাওক : $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:379
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:381
msgid "Insert bookmark: $1"
msgstr "পত্ৰচিহ্ন সুমুৱাওক: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:380
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:382
msgctxt "STR_SORT_TBL"
msgid "Sort table"
msgstr "টেবুল বৰ্গীকৰণ কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:381
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:383
msgctxt "STR_SORT_TXT"
msgid "Sort text"
msgstr "লিখনী বৰ্গীকৰণ কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:382
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:384
msgid "Insert table: $1$2$3"
msgstr "টেবুল সুমুৱাওক: $1$2$3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:383
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:385
msgid "Convert text -> table"
msgstr "লিখনী সলনি কৰক ->টেবুল"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:384
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:386
msgid "Convert table -> text"
msgstr "টেবুল সলনি কৰক ->লিখনী"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:385
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:387
msgctxt "STR_COPY_UNDO"
msgid "Copy: $1"
msgstr "প্ৰতিলিপি: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:386
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:388
msgid "Replace $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "প্ৰতিস্থাপন কৰক: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:387
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:389
msgid "Insert page break"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা ভাঙন সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:388
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:390
msgid "Insert column break"
msgstr "স্তম্ভ ভাঙন সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:389
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:391
msgid "Insert Envelope"
msgstr "লেফাফা সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:390
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:392
msgid "Copy: $1"
msgstr "প্ৰতিলিপি: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:391
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:393
msgid "Move: $1"
msgstr "স্থানান্তৰ কৰক: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:392
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:394
msgid "Insert %PRODUCTNAME Chart"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME ৰেখাচিত্ৰ সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:393
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:395
msgid "Insert frame"
msgstr "ফ্রেম সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:394
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:396
msgid "Delete frame"
msgstr "ফ্রেম মচি পেলাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:395
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:397
msgid "AutoFormat"
msgstr "স্বচালিত ফৰমেট"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:396
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:398
msgid "Table heading"
msgstr "টেবুলৰ শিৰোনাম"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:397
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:399
msgctxt "STR_REPLACE"
msgid "Replace: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "প্ৰতিস্থাপন কৰক: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:398
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:400
msgid "Insert section"
msgstr "খণ্ড সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:399
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:401
msgid "Delete section"
msgstr "খণ্ড মচি পেলাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:400
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:402
msgid "Modify section"
msgstr "খণ্ড সলনি কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:401
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:403
msgid "Modify default values"
msgstr "অবিকল্পিত মানসমূহ সলনি কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:402
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:404
msgid "Replace style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "শৈলী প্ৰতিস্থাপন কৰক: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:403
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:405
msgid "Delete page break"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা ভাঙন মচি পেলাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:404
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:406
msgid "Text Correction"
msgstr "লিখনীৰ দিশ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:405
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:407
msgctxt "STR_OUTLINE_LR"
msgid "Promote/demote outline"
msgstr "সক্ৰিয়/নিক্ৰিয় ৰূপৰেখা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:406
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:408
msgctxt "STR_OUTLINE_UD"
msgid "Move outline"
msgstr "ৰূপৰেখাৰ স্থানান্তৰ কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:407
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:409
msgctxt "STR_INSNUM"
msgid "Insert numbering"
msgstr "নাম্বাৰীং সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:408
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:410
msgctxt "STR_NUMUP"
msgid "Promote level"
msgstr "স্তৰ সক্ৰিয় কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:409
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:411
msgctxt "STR_NUMDOWN"
msgid "Demote level"
msgstr "স্তৰ নিক্ৰিয় কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:410
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:412
msgctxt "STR_MOVENUM"
msgid "Move paragraphs"
msgstr "দফা স্থানান্তৰ কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:411
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:413
msgid "Insert drawing object: $1"
msgstr "ছবি অঁকা বস্তু সুমুৱাওক : $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:412
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:414
msgid "Number On/Off"
msgstr "সংখ্যা অন/অফ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:413
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:415
msgid "Increase Indent"
msgstr "ইণ্ডেন্ট বৃদ্ধি কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:414
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:416
msgid "Decrease indent"
msgstr "ইণ্ডেন্ট হ্রাস কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:415
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:417
msgid "Insert caption: $1"
msgstr "কেপশ্বন সুমুৱাওক : $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:416
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:418
msgid "Restart numbering"
msgstr "নাম্বাৰীং পুনাৰম্ভ কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:417
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:419
msgid "Modify footnote"
msgstr "পাদটীকা সলনি কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:418
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:420
msgid "Accept change: $1"
msgstr "সলনি স্বীকাৰ কৰক: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:419
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:421
msgid "Reject change: $1"
msgstr "সলনি অস্বীকাৰ কৰক: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:420
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:422
msgid "Split Table"
msgstr "টেবুল বিভাজন কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:421
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:423
msgid "Stop attribute"
msgstr "বৈশিষ্টসমূহ বন্ধ কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:422
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:424
#, fuzzy
msgid "AutoCorrect"
msgstr "স্বচালিত শুদ্ধ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:423
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:425
msgid "Merge table"
msgstr "টেবুল একত্রিত কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:424
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:426
msgid "Change Case"
msgstr "ফলা পৰিবৰ্তন কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:425
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:427
msgctxt "STR_DELNUM"
msgid "Delete numbering"
msgstr "নাম্বাৰিং মচি পেলাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:426
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:428
msgctxt "STR_DRAWUNDO"
msgid "Drawing objects: $1"
msgstr "অকাঁ বস্তু : $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:427
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:429
msgid "Group draw objects"
msgstr "ড্র বস্তুবোৰৰ গোট তৈয়াৰ কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:428
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:430
msgid "Ungroup drawing objects"
msgstr "অকাঁ বস্তুবোৰৰ গোট মুক্ত কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:429
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:431
msgid "Delete drawing objects"
msgstr "অকাঁ বস্তুবোৰ মচি পেলাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:430
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:432
msgctxt "STR_REREAD"
msgid "Replace Image"
msgstr "ছবি প্ৰতিস্থাপন কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:431
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:433
msgctxt "STR_DELGRF"
msgid "Delete Image"
msgstr "ছবি মচি পেলাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:432
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:434
msgctxt "STR_TABLE_ATTR"
msgid "Apply table attributes"
msgstr "টেবুল বৈশিষ্টসমূহ প্ৰয়োগ কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:433
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:435
msgid "AutoFormat Table"
msgstr "টেবুল স্বচালিত ফৰমেট কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:434
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:436
msgid "Insert Column"
msgstr "স্তম্ভ সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:435
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:437
msgid "Insert Row"
msgstr "শাৰী সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:436
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:438
msgid "Delete row/column"
msgstr "শাৰী/স্তম্ভ মচি পেলাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:437
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:439
msgid "Delete column"
msgstr "স্তম্ভ মচি পেলাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:438
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:440
msgid "Delete row"
msgstr "শাৰী মচি পেলাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:439
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:441
msgid "Split Cells"
msgstr "কোষবোৰৰ বিভাজন কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:440
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:442
msgid "Merge Cells"
msgstr "কোষবোৰ একত্রিত কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:441
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:443
msgid "Format cell"
msgstr "ফৰমেট কোষ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:442
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:444
msgctxt "STR_INSERT_TOX"
msgid "Insert index/table"
msgstr "টেবুল/অনুক্ৰমণিকা সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:443
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:445
msgid "Remove index/table"
msgstr "টেবুল/অনুক্ৰমণিকা অতৰাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:444
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:446
msgid "Copy table"
msgstr "টেবুল প্ৰতিলিপি কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:445
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:447
msgid "Copy table"
msgstr "টেবুল প্ৰতিলিপি কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:446
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:448
msgid "Set cursor"
msgstr "কাঁড় ছেট কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:447
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:449
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_CHAIN"
msgid "Link text frames"
msgstr "লিখনী ফ্রেমবোৰ সংযোগ কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:448
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:450
msgid "Unlink text frames"
msgstr "লিখনী ফ্ৰেমবোৰ সংযোগবিহীন কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:449
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:451
msgid "Modify footnote options"
msgstr "পাদটীকাৰ বিকল্পবোৰ ৰূপান্তৰ কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:450
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:452
msgid "Compare Document"
msgstr "দস্তাবেজ তুলনা কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:451
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:453
msgid "Apply frame style: $1"
msgstr "ফ্রেম শৈলী প্ৰয়োগ কৰক :$1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:452
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:454
msgid "Ruby Setting"
msgstr "ৰুবী ছেটিং"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:453
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:455
msgid "Insert footnote"
msgstr "পাদটীকা সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:454
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:456
msgid "insert URL button"
msgstr "URL বাটন সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:455
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:457
msgid "Insert Hyperlink"
msgstr "হাইপাৰলিংক সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:456
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:458
msgid "remove invisible content"
msgstr "অদৃশ্য বিষয় আঁতৰাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:457
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:459
msgid "Table/index changed"
msgstr "টেবুল/অনুক্ৰমণিকা সলনি কৰা হ'ল"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:458
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:460
msgid "“"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:459
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:461
msgctxt "STR_END_QUOTE"
msgid "”"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:460
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:462
msgctxt "STR_LDOTS"
msgid "..."
msgstr "..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:461
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:463
msgctxt "STR_MULTISEL"
msgid "multiple selection"
msgstr "বহু অংশ বিশিষ্ঠ নিৰ্বাচন"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:462
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:464
msgid "Typing: $1"
msgstr "টাইপ কৰি আছে: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:463
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:465
msgid "Paste clipboard"
msgstr "ক্লিপবৰ্ডক আঠা লগাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:464
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:466
msgctxt "STR_YIELDS"
msgid "→"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:465
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:467
msgid "occurrences of"
msgstr "-ৰ সংঘটন"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:466
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:468
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_TABS"
msgid "$1 tab(s)"
msgstr "$1 টেব(বোৰ)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:467
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:469
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_NLS"
msgid "$1 line break(s)"
msgstr "$1 শাৰীৰ ভাঙন (বোৰ)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:468
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:470
msgid "page break"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা ভাঙন"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:469
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:471
msgid "column break"
msgstr "স্তম্ভ ভাঙন"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:470
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:472
msgid "Insert $1"
msgstr "$1 সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:471
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:473
msgid "Delete $1"
msgstr "$1 মচি পেলাওক..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:472
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:474
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attributes changed"
msgstr "বৈশিষ্টসমূহ সলনি কৰা হ'ল"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:473
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:475
#, fuzzy
msgid "Table changed"
msgstr "টেবুল সলনি হয়"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:474
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:476
#, fuzzy
msgid "Style changed"
msgstr "টেবুল সলনি হয়"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:475
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:477
msgid "Paragraph formatting changed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:476
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:478
msgid "Insert Row"
msgstr "শাৰী সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:477
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:479
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete Row"
msgstr "শাৰী মচি পেলাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:478
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:480
msgid "Insert Cell"
msgstr "কক্ষ সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:479
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:481
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete Cell"
msgstr "কোষবোৰ মচি পেলাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:480
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:482
msgctxt "STR_N_REDLINES"
msgid "$1 changes"
msgstr "$1 সলনিবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:481
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:483
msgid "Change page style: $1"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা শৈলী সলনি কৰক : $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:482
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:484
msgid "Create page style: $1"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা শৈলী সৃষ্ঠি কৰক : $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:483
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:485
msgid "Delete page style: $1"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা শৈলী মচি পেলাওক : $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:484
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:486
msgid "Rename page style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা শৈলী পুনৰ নামকৰণ কৰক : $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:485
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:487
msgid "Header/footer changed"
msgstr "হেডাৰ /ফুটাৰ সলনি কৰা হ'ল"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:486
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:488
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_FIELD"
msgid "Field changed"
msgstr "ফিল্ড সলনি কৰা হ'ল"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:487
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:489
msgid "Create paragraph style: $1"
msgstr "দফা শৈলী সৃষ্টি কৰক : $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:488
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:490
msgid "Delete paragraph style: $1"
msgstr "দফা শৈলী মচি পেলাওক : $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:489
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:491
msgid "Rename paragraph style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "দফা শৈলী পুনৰ নামকৰণ কৰক : $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:490
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:492
msgid "Create character style: $1"
msgstr "আখৰ শৈলী সৃষ্টি কৰক : $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:491
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:493
msgid "Delete character style: $1"
msgstr "আখৰ শৈলী মচি পেলাওক : $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:492
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:494
msgid "Rename character style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "আখৰ শৈলী পুনৰ নামকৰণ কৰক : $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:493
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:495
msgid "Create frame style: $1"
msgstr "ফ্ৰেম শৈলী সৃষ্টি কৰক : $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:494
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:496
msgid "Delete frame style: $1"
msgstr "ফ্ৰেম শৈলী মচি পেলাওক: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:495
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:497
msgid "Rename frame style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "ফ্ৰেম শৈলী পুনৰ নামকৰণ কৰক : $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:496
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:498
msgid "Create numbering style: $1"
msgstr "নাম্বাৰিং শৈলী সৃষ্টি কৰক : $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:497
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:499
msgid "Delete numbering style: $1"
msgstr "নাম্বাৰিং শৈলী মচি পেলাওক : $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:498
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:500
msgid "Rename numbering style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "নাম্বাৰিং শৈলী পুনৰ নামকৰণ কৰক : $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:499
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:501
msgid "Rename bookmark: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "পত্ৰচিহ্নৰ পুনৰ নাম দিয়ক : $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:500
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:502
msgid "Insert index entry"
msgstr "সূচী প্রৱিষ্টি সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:501
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:503
msgid "Delete index entry"
msgstr "সূচী প্রৱিষ্টি মচি পেলাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:502
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:504
msgctxt "STR_FIELD"
msgid "field"
msgstr "ফিল্ড"
#. undo: STR_PARAGRAPHS, string.text
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:504
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:506
msgid "Paragraphs"
msgstr "দফাবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:505
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:507
msgctxt "STR_FRAME"
msgid "frame"
msgstr "ফ্রেম"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:506
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:508
msgctxt "STR_OLE"
msgid "OLE-object"
msgstr "OLE-বস্তু"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:507
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:509
msgid "formula"
msgstr "সূত্র"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:508
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:510
msgctxt "STR_CHART"
msgid "chart"
msgstr "ছার্ট"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:509
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:511
msgctxt "STR_NOTE"
msgid "comment"
msgstr "মন্তব্য"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:510
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:512
msgid "cross-reference"
msgstr "অন্যান্য প্ৰসংগ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:511
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:513
msgctxt "STR_SCRIPT"
msgid "script"
msgstr "স্ক্ৰিপ্ট"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:512
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:514
msgid "bibliography entry"
msgstr "গ্রন্থ-সূচী প্রৱিষ্টি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:513
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:515
msgid "special character"
msgstr "বিশেষ আখৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:514
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:516
msgctxt "STR_FOOTNOTE"
msgid "footnote"
msgstr "পাদটীকা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:515
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:517
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_GRAPHIC"
msgid "image"
msgstr "ছবি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:516
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:518
msgid "drawing object(s)"
msgstr "ছবি অঁকা বস্তু(বোৰ)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:517
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:519
msgctxt "STR_TABLE_NAME"
msgid "table: $1$2$3"
msgstr "টেবুল: $1$2$3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:518
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:520
msgid "paragraph"
msgstr "দফা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:519
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:521
msgid "Paragraph sign"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:520
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:522
msgid "Change object title of $1"
msgstr "$1 -ৰ অবজেক্ট শীৰ্ষক সলনি কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:521
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:523
msgid "Change object description of $1"
msgstr "$1 -ৰ অবজেক্ট বিৱৰণ সলনি কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:522
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:524
#, fuzzy
msgid "Create table style: $1"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা শৈলী সৃষ্ঠি কৰক : $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:523
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:525
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete table style: $1"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা শৈলী মচি পেলাওক : $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:524
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:526
#, fuzzy
msgid "Update table style: $1"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা শৈলী সৃষ্ঠি কৰক : $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:525
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:527
msgid "Delete table"
msgstr "টেবুল মচি পেলাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:527
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:529
msgid "Document view"
msgstr "দস্তাবেজ দৃশ্য"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:528
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:530
msgid "Document view"
msgstr "দস্তাবেজ দৃশ্য"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:529
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:531
msgid "Header $(ARG1)"
msgstr "হেডাৰ $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:530
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:532
msgid "Header page $(ARG1)"
msgstr "হেডাৰ পৃষ্ঠা $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:531
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:533
msgid "Footer $(ARG1)"
msgstr "ফুটাৰ $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:532
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:534
msgid "Footer page $(ARG1)"
msgstr "ফুটাৰ পৃষ্ঠা $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:533
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:535
msgid "Footnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "পাদটীকা $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:534
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:536
msgid "Footnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "পাদটীকা $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:535
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:537
msgid "Endnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "অন্তিম টীকা $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:536
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:538
msgid "Endnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "অন্তিম টীকা $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:537
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:539
msgid "$(ARG1) on page $(ARG2)"
msgstr "$(ARG2) পৃষ্ঠাত $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:538
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:540
msgid "Page $(ARG1)"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা: $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:539
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:541
msgid "Page: $(ARG1)"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা: $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:540
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:542
msgid "Author"
msgstr "লেখক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:541
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:543
msgid "Date"
msgstr "তাৰিখ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:542
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:544
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "কাৰ্য্যসমূহ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:543
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:545
msgid "Activate this button to open a list of actions which can be performed on this comment and other comments"
msgstr "এই মন্তব্য আৰু অন্য মন্তব্যসমূহৰ উপৰত প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰিব পৰা কাৰ্য্যসমূহৰ তালিকা খুলিবলে এই বুটাম স্বক্ৰিয় কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:544
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:546
msgid "Document preview"
msgstr "দস্তাবেজ পূৰ্বদৰ্শন"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:545
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:547
msgid "(Preview mode)"
msgstr "(পূৰ্বদৰ্শন অৱস্থা)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:546
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:548
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Document"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME দস্তাবেজ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:548
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:550
#, fuzzy
msgid "Read Error"
msgstr "পঢ়া-ত্ৰুটি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:549
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:551
msgid "Image cannot be displayed."
msgstr "ছবি প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰিব নোৱাৰি।"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:550
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:552
msgid "Error reading from the clipboard."
msgstr "ক্লিপ বৰ্ডৰ পৰা ভুল পাঠ."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:552
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:554
msgid "Manual Column Break"
msgstr "হস্তচালিত স্তম্ভ ভাঙন"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:554
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:556
msgid "Row %ROWNUMBER"
msgstr "শাৰী %ROWNUMBER"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:555
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:557
#, c-format
msgid "Column %COLUMNLETTER"
msgstr "স্তম্ভ %COLUMNLETTER"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:556
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:558
msgid "Character"
msgstr "আখৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:557
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:559
msgid "Paragraph"
msgstr "দফা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:558
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:560
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "ফ্ৰেম"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:559
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:561
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠাবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:560
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:562
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "নাম্বাৰীং"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:561
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:563
msgid "Table"
msgstr "টেবুল"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:562
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:564
msgid "Cell"
msgstr "কক্ষ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:564
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:566
msgid "Asian"
msgstr "এছিয়ান"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:565
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:567
msgctxt "ST_SCRIPT_CTL"
msgid "CTL"
msgstr "CTL"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:566
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:568
msgid "Western"
msgstr "পশ্চিমী"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:567
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:569
#, fuzzy
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:568
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:570
msgid "Contents"
msgstr "বিষয়সূচী"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:569
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:571
#, fuzzy
msgid "Page ba~ckground"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা পটভূমী (~c)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:570
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:572
msgid "~Images and other graphic objects"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:571
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:573
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hidden te~xt"
msgstr "লুকুৱাই ৰখা টেক্সট (~x)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:572
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:574
#, fuzzy
msgid "~Text placeholders"
msgstr "পৰৱৰ্তী স্থানধাৰকলৈ (~T)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:573
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:575
#, fuzzy
msgid "Form control~s"
msgstr "ফৰ্ম নিয়ন্ত্ৰণসমূহ (~s)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:574
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:576
msgid "Color"
msgstr "ৰং"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:575
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:577
#, fuzzy
msgid "Print text in blac~k"
msgstr "লিখনীক কলাত প্ৰিন্ট কৰক (~k)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:576
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:578
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠাবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:577
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:579
#, fuzzy
msgid "Print ~automatically inserted blank pages"
msgstr "স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাৱে ভৰোৱা ৰিক্ত পৃষ্ঠাৰ মূদ্ৰণ কৰক (~a)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:578
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:580
#, fuzzy
msgid "~Use only paper tray from printer preferences"
msgstr "প্ৰিন্টাৰ পছন্দসমূহৰ পৰা কেৱল পৃষ্ঠা ট্ৰে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰক (~U)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:579
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:581
#, fuzzy
msgid "Print"
msgstr "বিন্দু"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:580
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:582
#, fuzzy
msgid "None (document only)"
msgstr "কোনো নহয় (কেৱল দস্তাবেজ)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:581
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:583
#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments only"
msgstr "কেৱল মন্তব্যসমূহ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:582
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:584
#, fuzzy
msgid "Place at end of document"
msgstr "দস্তাবেজৰ শেষৰ স্থান"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:583
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:585
#, fuzzy
msgid "Place at end of page"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠাৰ শেষত থকা স্থান"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:584
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:586
#, fuzzy
msgid "~Comments"
msgstr "বিষয়সূচী (~C)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:585
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:587
#, fuzzy
msgid "Page sides"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠাৰ কাষবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:586
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:588
msgid "All pages"
msgstr "সকলো পৃষ্ঠা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:587
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:589
#, fuzzy
msgid "Back sides / left pages"
msgstr "পিছফালসমূহ / বাও পৃষ্ঠাবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:588
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:590
#, fuzzy
msgid "Front sides / right pages"
msgstr "আগফাল / সোঁ পৃষ্ঠাবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:589
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:591
msgid "Include"
msgstr "অন্তর্ভূক্ত কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:590
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:592
#, fuzzy
msgid "Broch~ure"
msgstr "ক্ষুদ্র পুস্তিকা (~u)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:591
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:593
#, fuzzy
msgid "Left-to-right script"
msgstr "বাওৰ-পৰা-সোঁ স্ক্ৰিপ্ট"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:592
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:594
#, fuzzy
msgid "Right-to-left script"
msgstr "সোঁৰ-পৰা-বাও স্ক্ৰিপ্ট"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:593
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:595
#, fuzzy
msgid "Range and copies"
msgstr "বিস্তাৰ আৰু কপিসমূহ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:594
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:596
#, fuzzy
msgid "~All pages"
msgstr "সকলো পৃষ্ঠা (~A)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:595
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:597
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pa~ges"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠাবোৰ (~g)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:596
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:598
msgid "~Selection"
msgstr "নিৰ্বাচন (~S)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:597
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:599
#, fuzzy
msgid "Place in margins"
msgstr "সীমাবোৰত থওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:599
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "Functions"
msgstr "ফাংকশ্বনসমূহ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:600
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:602
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "বাতিল কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:601
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:603
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "প্ৰয়োগ কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:602
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:604
msgid "Formula Tool Bar"
msgstr "সূত্র টুলবাৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:603
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:605
msgid "Formula Type"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:604
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:606
#, fuzzy
msgid "Formula Text"
msgstr "সূত্র লিখনী"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:606
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:608
msgid "Global View"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:607
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:609
msgid "Content Navigation View"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:608
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:610
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outline Level"
msgstr "ৰূপৰেখা: স্তৰ "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:609
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:611
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_DRAGMODE"
msgid "Drag Mode"
msgstr "ড্ৰেগ কৰাৰ প্ৰকাৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:610
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:612
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insert as Hyperlink"
msgstr "হাইপাৰলিংক সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:611
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:613
msgid "Insert as Link"
msgstr "লিংক ৰূপে সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:612
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:614
msgid "Insert as Copy"
msgstr "কপি ৰূপে সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:613
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:615
msgctxt "STR_DISPLAY"
msgid "Display"
msgstr "প্রদর্শন কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:614
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:616
#, fuzzy
msgid "Active Window"
msgstr "সক্রিয় উইণ্ড'"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:615
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:617
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_HIDDEN"
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "লুকুৱাই থোৱা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:616
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:618
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_ACTIVE"
msgid "active"
msgstr "সক্রিয়"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:617
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:619
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_INACTIVE"
msgid "inactive"
msgstr "নিষ্ক্রিয়"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:618
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:620
msgctxt "STR_EDIT_ENTRY"
msgid "Edit..."
msgstr "সম্পাদন কৰক..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:619
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:621
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_UPDATE"
msgid "~Update"
msgstr "আপডেট কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:620
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:622
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "সম্পাদনা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:621
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:623
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_EDIT_LINK"
msgid "Edit link"
msgstr "লিংকবোৰ সম্পাদনা কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:622
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:624
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:623
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:625
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_INDEX"
msgid "~Index"
msgstr "অনুক্ৰমণিকা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:624
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:626
msgctxt "STR_FILE"
msgid "File"
msgstr "ফাইল"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:625
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:627
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_NEW_FILE"
msgid "New Document"
msgstr "প্ৰতিটো দস্তাবেজত"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:626
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:628
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text"
msgstr "টেক্সট"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:627
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:629
msgctxt "STR_DELETE"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "মচি পেলাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:628
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:630
#, fuzzy
msgid "~Delete"
msgstr "মচি পেলাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:629
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:631
msgctxt "STR_UPDATE_SEL"
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "নিৰ্বাচন"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:630
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:632
msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "অনুক্ৰমনিকাবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:631
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:633
#, fuzzy
msgid "Links"
msgstr "সংযোগ কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:632
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:634
msgctxt "STR_UPDATE_ALL"
msgid "All"
msgstr "সকলো"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:633
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:635
msgid "~Remove Index"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:634
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:636
#, fuzzy
msgid "~Unprotect"
msgstr "অসুৰক্ষিত (~U)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:635
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:637
#, fuzzy
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "লুকুৱাই থোৱা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:636
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:638
#, fuzzy
msgid "File not found: "
msgstr "ফিল্টাৰ বিচাৰি পোৱা নাই."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:637
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:639
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_RENAME"
msgid "~Rename"
msgstr "পুনৰ নাম দিয়ক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:638
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:640
#, fuzzy
msgid "Read-~only"
msgstr "কেৱল পঢ়িবৰ বাবে"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:639
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:641
msgid "Show All"
msgstr "সকলো দেখুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:640
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:642
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hide All"
msgstr "সকলোবোৰ লুকুৱাই থওক (_a)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:641
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:643
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete All"
msgstr "সকলো মচি পেলাওক (_A)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:643
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:645
#, fuzzy
msgid "Left: "
msgstr "বাঁও: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:644
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:646
#, fuzzy
msgid ". Right: "
msgstr ". সোঁ: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:645
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:647
#, fuzzy
msgid "Inner: "
msgstr "অভ্যন্তৰীণ: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:646
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:648
#, fuzzy
msgid ". Outer: "
msgstr ". বাহিৰ: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:647
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:649
#, fuzzy
msgid ". Top: "
msgstr ". ওপৰ: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:648
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:650
#, fuzzy
msgid ". Bottom: "
msgstr ". তলৰ: "
#. Error calculator
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:651
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:653
msgid "Page"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:652
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:654
msgid "Line"
msgstr "ৰেখা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:653
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:655
msgid "Author"
msgstr "লেখক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:654
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:656
msgid "** Syntax Error **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:655
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:657
msgid "** Division by zero **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:656
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:658
msgctxt "STR_CALC_BRACK"
msgid "** Wrong use of brackets **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:657
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:659
msgctxt "STR_CALC_POW"
msgid "** Square function overflow **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:658
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:660
msgid "** Overflow **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:659
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:661
msgid "** Error **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:660
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:662
msgctxt "STR_CALC_ERROR"
msgid "** Expression is faulty **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:661
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:663
msgid "Error: Reference source not found"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:662
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:664
msgid "None"
msgstr "কোনো নহয়"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:663
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:665
msgid "(fixed)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:664
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:666
msgid " Y: %1 M: %2 D: %3 H: %4 M: %5 S: %6"
msgstr " Y: %1 M: %2 D: %3 H: %4 M: %5 S: %6"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:665
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:667
msgctxt "STR_TOI"
msgid "Alphabetical Index"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:666
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:668
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_TOU"
msgid "User-Defined"
msgstr "ব্যৱহাকাৰী বিৱৰীত"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:667
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:669
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_TOC"
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr "টেবুলৰ বিষয়বোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:668
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:670
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_TOX_AUTH"
msgid "Bibliography"
msgstr "গ্রন্থ-সূচী 1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:669
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:671
msgid "Citation"
msgstr "উদ্ধৃতি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:670
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:672
msgctxt "STR_TOX_TBL"
msgid "Index of Tables"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:671
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:673
msgctxt "STR_TOX_OBJ"
msgid "Table of Objects"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:672
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:674
msgctxt "STR_TOX_ILL"
msgid "Table of Figures"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:673
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:675
#, c-format
msgid "%s-Click to follow link"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:674
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:676
msgctxt "STR_LINK_CLICK"
msgid "Click to follow link"
msgstr ""
#. SubType DocInfo
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:676
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:678
msgid "Title"
msgstr "শীৰ্ষক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:677
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:679
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "বিষয়"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:678
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:680
msgid "Keywords"
msgstr "প্রধান শব্দবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:679
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:681
#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "মন্তব্যবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:680
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:682
#, fuzzy
msgid "Created"
msgstr "সৃষ্টি কৰা হল:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:681
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:683
msgid "Modified"
msgstr "ৰূপান্তৰিত"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:682
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:684
#, fuzzy
msgid "Last printed"
msgstr "সৰ্বশেষ প্ৰিন্টেড (_n):"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:683
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:685
msgid "Revision number"
msgstr "পুনৰীক্ষণৰ সংখ্যা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:684
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:686
msgid "Total editing time"
msgstr "সম্পাদনাৰ মুঠ সময়"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:685
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:687
msgid "Convert $(ARG1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:686
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:688
msgid "First convert $(ARG1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:687
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:689
msgid "Next convert $(ARG1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:688
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:690
msgid "Article"
msgstr "দফা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:689
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:691
msgid "Book"
msgstr "কিতাপ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:690
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:692
#, fuzzy
msgid "Brochures"
msgstr "ক্ষুদ্র পুস্তিকা (~u)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:691
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:693
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr "সন্মিলনৰ কার্য-ব্যৱস্থা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:692
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:694
msgid "Book excerpt"
msgstr "কিতাপৰ উদ্ধৃতি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:693
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:695
msgid "Book excerpt with title"
msgstr "শিৰোনামৰ সৈতে কিতাপৰ উদ্ধৃতি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:694
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:696
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr "সন্মিলনৰ কার্য-ব্যৱস্থা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:695
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:697
msgid "Journal"
msgstr "জার্নেল"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:696
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:698
msgid "Techn. documentation"
msgstr "পাৰিভাষিক ডকুমেন্টেশ্বন"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:697
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:699
msgid "Thesis"
msgstr "থেছিছ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:698
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:700
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "সানমিহলি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:699
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:701
msgid "Dissertation"
msgstr "আলোচনা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:700
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:702
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr "সন্মিলনৰ কার্য-ব্যৱস্থা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:701
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:703
msgid "Research report"
msgstr "গৱেষণাৰ ৰিপৰ্ট"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:702
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:704
msgid "Unpublished"
msgstr "অপ্ৰকাশিত"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:703
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:705
msgid "E-mail"
msgstr "ই-মেইল"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:704
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:706
#, fuzzy
msgid "WWW document"
msgstr "প্ৰতিটো দস্তাবেজত"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:705
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:707
msgid "User-defined1"
msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰকৰ্তাৰ দ্বাৰা সংজ্ঞা নিৰূপিত1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:706
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:708
msgid "User-defined2"
msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰকৰ্তাৰ দ্বাৰা সংজ্ঞা নিৰূপিত2"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:707
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:709
msgid "User-defined3"
msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰকৰ্তাৰ দ্বাৰা সংজ্ঞা নিৰূপিত3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:708
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:710
msgid "User-defined4"
msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰকৰ্তাৰ দ্বাৰা সংজ্ঞা নিৰূপিত4"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:709
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:711
msgid "User-defined5"
msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰকৰ্তাৰ দ্বাৰা সংজ্ঞা নিৰূপিত5"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:710
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:712
msgid "Short name"
msgstr "চুটি নাম"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:711
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:713
#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"
msgstr "প্ৰকাৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:712
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:714
#, fuzzy
msgid "Address"
msgstr "এড্রেছী"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:713
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:715
#, fuzzy
msgid "Annotation"
msgstr "টীকাকৰণ (~o)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:714
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:716
#, fuzzy
msgid "Author(s)"
msgstr "লেখক(বোৰ)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:715
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:717
#, fuzzy
msgid "Book title"
msgstr "কিতাপৰ শিৰোনাম (~B)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:716
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:718
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr "অধ্যায়"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:717
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:719
#, fuzzy
msgid "Edition"
msgstr "সংস্কৰণ (~i)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:718
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:720
#, fuzzy
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "সম্পাদক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:719
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:721
#, fuzzy
msgid "Publication type"
msgstr "প্ৰকাশনৰ প্ৰকাৰ (~y)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:720
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:722
#, fuzzy
msgid "Institution"
msgstr "অনুষ্ঠান (~u)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:721
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:723
msgid "Journal"
msgstr "জার্নেল"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:722
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:724
msgid "Month"
msgstr "মাহ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:723
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:725
msgid "Note"
msgstr "টিপ্পনী"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:724
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:726
msgid "Number"
msgstr "সংখ্যা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:725
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Organization"
msgstr "প্ৰতিষ্ঠান (~z)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:726
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:728
#, fuzzy
msgid "Page(s)"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা(বোৰ) (~g)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:727
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:729
msgid "Publisher"
msgstr "প্ৰকাশক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:728
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:730
#, fuzzy
msgid "University"
msgstr "বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:729
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:731
#, fuzzy
msgid "Series"
msgstr "শৃংখলাবোৰ (~r)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:730
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:732
msgid "Title"
msgstr "শীৰ্ষক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:731
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:733
#, fuzzy
msgid "Type of report"
msgstr "সংবাদৰ ধৰণ (~p)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:732
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:734
msgid "Volume"
msgstr "ভলিউম"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:733
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:735
#, fuzzy
msgid "Year"
msgstr "মৰমৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:734
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:736
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:735
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:737
msgid "User-defined1"
msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰকৰ্তাৰ দ্বাৰা সংজ্ঞা নিৰূপিত1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:736
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:738
msgid "User-defined2"
msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰকৰ্তাৰ দ্বাৰা সংজ্ঞা নিৰূপিত2"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:737
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:739
msgid "User-defined3"
msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰকৰ্তাৰ দ্বাৰা সংজ্ঞা নিৰূপিত3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:738
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:740
msgid "User-defined4"
msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰকৰ্তাৰ দ্বাৰা সংজ্ঞা নিৰূপিত4"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:739
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:741
msgid "User-defined5"
msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰকৰ্তাৰ দ্বাৰা সংজ্ঞা নিৰূপিত5"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:740
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:742
#, fuzzy
msgid "ISBN"
msgstr "ISBN (~I)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:742
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:744
msgid "Edit Index Entry"
msgstr "সূচী প্রৱিষ্টিৰ সম্পাদনা কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:743
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:745
msgid "Insert Index Entry"
msgstr "সূচী প্রৱিষ্টি ভৰাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:744
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:746
#, fuzzy
msgid "The document already contains the bibliography entry but with different data. Do you want to adjust the existing entries?"
msgstr "দস্তাবেজটোত ইতিমধ্যে গ্রন্থ-সূচী প্রৱিষ্টি আছে কিন্তু বেলেগ ডাটাৰ সৈতে. আপুনি বর্তি থকা প্রৱিষ্টিবোৰ সমাযোজন কৰিব বিচাৰে নেকি?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:746
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:748
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "মন্তব্যসমূহ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:747
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:749
msgid "Show comments"
msgstr "মন্তব্যসমূহ দেখুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:748
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:750
msgid "Hide comments"
msgstr "মন্তব্যসমূহ লুকাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:750
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:752
msgid "Shortcut name already exists. Please choose another name."
msgstr "চমুপথৰ নাম ইতিমধ্যে আছে. এটা বেলেগ নাম বাছনী কৰক."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:751
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:753
msgid "Delete AutoText?"
msgstr "স্বয়ংক্ৰিয় টেক্সট ডিলিট কৰিব নেকি?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:752
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:754
msgid "Delete the category "
msgstr "বর্গটো মচি পেলাওক "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:753
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:755
msgid "?"
msgstr "?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:754
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:756
msgctxt "STR_GLOSSARY"
msgid "AutoText :"
msgstr "স্বয়ংক্ৰিয় টেক্সট:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:755
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:757
msgid "Save AutoText"
msgstr "স্বয়ংক্ৰিয় টেক্সট ছেভ কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:756
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:758
msgid "There is no AutoText in this file."
msgstr "এই ফাইলটোত স্বয়ংক্ৰিয় টেক্সট নাই."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:757
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:759
msgid "My AutoText"
msgstr "মোৰ স্বলিখনী"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:759
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:761
msgctxt "STR_NOGLOS"
msgid "AutoText for Shortcut '%1' not found."
msgstr "চৰ্টকাট '%1' -ৰ কাৰণে স্বলিখনি পোৱা নগল।"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:760
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:762
msgctxt "STR_NO_TABLE"
msgid "A table with no rows or no cells cannot be inserted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:761
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:763
msgid "The table cannot be inserted because it is too large"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:762
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:764
msgid "AutoText could not be created."
msgstr "স্বয়ংক্ৰিয় টেক্সট সৃষ্টি কৰিব পৰা নগ'ল."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:763
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:765
msgid "Requested clipboard format is not available."
msgstr "অনুগ্ৰহ কৰা ক্লিপবৰ্ড ফৰ্মেটটো মজুত নাই."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:764
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:766
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:765
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:767
msgid "Image (%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Text Document)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:766
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:768
msgid "Object (%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Text Document)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:767
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:769
msgid "Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE link)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:769
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:771
msgid "All Comments"
msgstr "সকলো মন্তব্য"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:770
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:772
msgid "All Comments"
msgstr "সকলো মন্তব্য"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:771
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:773
msgid "Comments by "
msgstr "মন্তব্য দিছে "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:772
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:774
msgctxt "STR_NODATE"
msgid "(no date)"
msgstr "(no date)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:773
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:775
msgctxt "STR_NOAUTHOR"
msgid "(no author)"
msgstr "লেখক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:774
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:776
msgctxt "STR_REPLY"
msgid "Reply to $1"
msgstr "$1 লৈ উত্তৰ দিয়ক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:776
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:778
msgctxt "ST_TITLE_EDIT"
msgid "Edit Address Block"
msgstr "ঠিকনা ব্লক সম্পাদনা কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:777
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:779
msgctxt "ST_TITLE_MALE"
msgid "Custom Salutation (Male Recipients)"
msgstr "স্বনিৰ্বাচিত অভিবাদন (পুৰুষ প্ৰাপক)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:778
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:780
msgid "Custom Salutation (Female Recipients)"
msgstr "স্বনিৰ্বাচিত অভিবাদন (মহিলা প্ৰাপক)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:779
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:781
msgid "Salutation e~lements"
msgstr "অভিবাদন উপাদানবোৰ (~l)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:780
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:782
msgid "Add to salutation"
msgstr "অভিবাদনৰ লগত যোগ কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:781
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:783
msgid "Remove from salutation"
msgstr "অভিবাদনৰ পৰা আঁতৰাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:782
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:784
msgid "1. ~Drag salutation elements into the box below"
msgstr "1. তলৰ বাকচটোলৈ অভিবাদন উপাদানবোৰ ড্ৰেগ কৰক (~D)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:783
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:785
msgid "Salutation"
msgstr "অভিবাদন"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:784
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:786
msgid "Punctuation Mark"
msgstr "যতি চিহ্ন"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:785
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:787
msgctxt "ST_TEXT"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "লিখনি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:786
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:788
#, fuzzy
msgid "Assign the fields from your data source to match the salutation elements."
msgstr "ঠিকনা উপাদানবোৰ মিলাবলৈ আপোনাৰ ডাটা উত্সৰ পৰা ফিল্ডবোৰ নির্ধাৰণ কৰক."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:787
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:789
msgid "Salutation preview"
msgstr "অভিবাদনৰ পূৰ্বদৃশ্য"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:788
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:790
msgid "Address elements"
msgstr "ঠিকনা উপাদানবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:789
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:791
msgid "Salutation elements"
msgstr "অভিবাদন উপাদানবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:790
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:792
msgctxt "ST_MATCHESTO"
msgid "Matches to field:"
msgstr "ফিল্ডলৈ মিলাওক:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:791
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:793
msgctxt "ST_PREVIEW"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "পূৰ্বদৃশ্য"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:793
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:795
msgid " not yet matched "
msgstr " এতিয়ালৈকে পুনৰুদ্ধাৰ হোৱা নাই "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:794
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:796
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_ALL"
msgid "All files"
msgstr "সকলো ফাইল"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:795
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:797
msgid "Address lists(*.*)"
msgstr "ঠিকনা তালিকাবোৰ (*.*)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:796
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:798
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXB"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Base (*.odb)"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME আধাৰ (*.odb)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:797
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:799
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXC"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Calc (*.ods;*.sxc)"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME কেলক (*.ods;*.sxc)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:798
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:800
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXW"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer (*.odt;*.sxw)"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME কেলক (*.ods;*.sxc)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:799
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:801
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_DBF"
msgid "dBase (*.dbf)"
msgstr "d আধাৰ (*.dbf)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:800
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:802
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_XLS"
msgid "Microsoft Excel (*.xls;*.xlsx)"
msgstr "মাইক্ৰছফট এক্সেল (*.xls)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:801
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:803
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_DOC"
msgid "Microsoft Word (*.doc;*.docx)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:802
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:804
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_TXT"
msgid "Plain text (*.txt)"
msgstr "সৰল টেক্সট (*.txt)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:803
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:805
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_CSV"
msgid "Text Comma Separated (*.csv)"
msgstr "টেক্সট কমা বিভাজন কৰা হ'ল (*.csv)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:804
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:806
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_MDB"
msgid "Microsoft Access (*.mdb;*.mde)"
msgstr "Microsoft Access (*.mdb)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:805
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:807
#, fuzzy
msgid "Microsoft Access 2007 (*.accdb,*.accde)"
msgstr "Microsoft Access 2007 (*.accdb)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:806
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:808
msgid ""
"In order to be able to send mail merge documents by e-mail, %PRODUCTNAME requires information about the e-mail account to be used.\n"
@@ -4378,84 +4388,84 @@ msgstr ""
"আপুনি এতিয়াই ই-মেইল একাউন্টৰ তথ্য ভৰাব বিচাৰে নেকি?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:807
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:809
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Address List (.csv)"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME ঠিকনা তালিকা (.csv)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:809
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:811
msgctxt "ST_STARTING"
msgid "Select starting document"
msgstr "আৰম্ভনিৰ দস্তাবেজ নিৰ্বাচন কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:810
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:812
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select document type"
msgstr "দস্তাবেজৰ প্ৰকাৰ নিৰ্বাচন কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:811
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:813
msgid "Insert address block"
msgstr "নতুন ঠিকনা ব্লক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:812
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:814
msgid "Select address list"
msgstr "ঠিকনা তালিকা নিৰ্বাচন কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:813
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:815
msgid "Create salutation"
msgstr "অভিবাদন সৃষ্টি কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:814
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:816
msgctxt "ST_LAYOUT"
msgid "Adjust layout"
msgstr "খচৰা সলনি কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:815
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:817
msgctxt "ST_EXCLUDE"
msgid "Exclude recipient"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:816
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:818
msgctxt "ST_FINISH"
msgid "~Finish"
msgstr "সমাপ্ত (~F)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:817
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:819
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_MMWTITLE"
msgid "Mail Merge Wizard"
msgstr "মেইল একত্ৰিত উইজাৰ্ড"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:819
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:821
msgctxt "ST_NAME"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "নাম"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:820
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:822
msgctxt "ST_TYPE"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "প্ৰকাৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:821
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:823
msgctxt "ST_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "টেবুল"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:822
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:824
msgctxt "ST_QUERY"
msgid "Query"
msgstr "প্ৰশ্ন"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:824
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:826
msgid "Continue checking at beginning of document?"
msgstr "দস্তাবেজৰ আৰম্ভনিত পৰীক্ষা অব্যাহত ৰাখিব বিচাৰে নেকি ?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:825
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:827
msgid "The spellcheck is complete."
msgstr "বানান পৰীক্ষা সম্পূৰ্ণ হ'ল."
@@ -4464,212 +4474,212 @@ msgstr "বানান পৰীক্ষা সম্পূৰ্ণ হ'ল."
#. Description: strings for the types
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. range document
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:831
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:833
msgctxt "STR_DATEFLD"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "দিনাংক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:832
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:834
msgctxt "STR_TIMEFLD"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "সময়"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:833
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:835
msgid "File name"
msgstr "ফাইলৰ নাম"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:834
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:836
msgid "Database Name"
msgstr "ডাটাবেছৰ নাম"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:835
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:837
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr "অধ্যায়"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:836
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:838
msgid "Page numbers"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠাৰ সংখ্যাবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:837
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:839
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "পৰিসংখ্যা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:838
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:840
msgid "Author"
msgstr "লেখক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:839
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:841
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "নমুনাবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:840
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:842
msgid "Sender"
msgstr "পথাওতা"
#. range functions
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:842
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:844
msgctxt "STR_SETFLD"
msgid "Set variable"
msgstr "চলক ছেট কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:843
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:845
msgctxt "STR_GETFLD"
msgid "Show variable"
msgstr "চলক দেখুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:844
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:846
msgid "Insert Formula"
msgstr "সূত্র ভৰাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:845
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:847
msgctxt "STR_INPUTFLD"
msgid "Input field"
msgstr "ইনপুট ফিল্ড"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:846
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:848
msgid "Input field (variable)"
msgstr "ইনপুট ফিল্ড (চলক)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:847
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:849
msgid "Input field (user)"
msgstr "ইনপুট ফিল্ড (ব্যৱহাৰকৰ্তা)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:848
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:850
msgid "Conditional text"
msgstr "চর্তসাপেক্ষ টেক্সট"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:849
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:851
msgctxt "STR_DDEFLD"
msgid "DDE field"
msgstr "DDE ফিল্ড"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:850
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:852
msgctxt "STR_MACROFLD"
msgid "Execute macro"
msgstr "মেক্র' কার্যকৰী কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:851
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:853
msgctxt "STR_SEQFLD"
msgid "Number range"
msgstr "সংখ্যাৰ পৰিসৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:852
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:854
msgid "Set page variable"
msgstr "পৰিৱৰ্তনশীল পৃষ্ঠা ছেট কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:853
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:855
msgid "Show page variable"
msgstr "পৰিৱৰ্তনশীল পৃষ্ঠা দেখুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:854
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:856
msgid "Load URL"
msgstr "URL ল'ড কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:855
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:857
msgid "Placeholder"
msgstr "স্থান ধাৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:856
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:858
msgid "Combine characters"
msgstr "আখৰবোৰক যোগ কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:857
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:859
msgctxt "STR_DROPDOWN"
msgid "Input list"
msgstr "ইনপুট তালিকা"
#. range references
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:859
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:861
msgid "Set Reference"
msgstr "প্ৰসংগ ছেট কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:860
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:862
msgid "Insert Reference"
msgstr "প্রসংগ ভৰাওক"
#. range database
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:862
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:864
msgctxt "STR_DBFLD"
msgid "Mail merge fields"
msgstr "মেইল একত্ৰিত ফিল্ড"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:863
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:865
msgid "Next record"
msgstr "পৰৱর্তী ৰেকৰ্ড"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:864
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:866
msgid "Any record"
msgstr "যিকোনো ৰেকৰ্ড"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:865
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:867
msgid "Record number"
msgstr "সংখ্যা ৰেকৰ্ড কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:866
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:868
msgid "Previous page"
msgstr "পূৰ্বৱৰ্তী পৃষ্ঠা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:867
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:869
msgid "Next page"
msgstr "পৰৱর্তী পৃষ্ঠা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:868
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:870
msgid "Hidden text"
msgstr "লুকুৱাই থোৱা টেক্সট"
#. range user fields
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:870
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:872
msgctxt "STR_USERFLD"
msgid "User Field"
msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰকৰ্তাৰ ফিল্ড"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:871
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:873
msgid "Note"
msgstr "টিপ্পনী"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:872
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:874
msgid "Script"
msgstr "স্ক্ৰিপ্ট"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:873
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:875
msgid "Bibliography entry"
msgstr "গ্রন্থ-সূচী প্রৱিষ্টি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:874
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:876
msgid "Hidden Paragraph"
msgstr "লুকুৱাই থোৱা পেৰেগ্ৰাফ"
#. range DocumentInfo
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:876
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:878
msgid "DocInformation"
msgstr "দস্তাবেজ তথ্য"
@@ -4677,74 +4687,74 @@ msgstr "দস্তাবেজ তথ্য"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: SubCmd-Strings
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:880
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:882
msgctxt "FLD_DATE_STD"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "দিনাংক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:881
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:883
msgctxt "FLD_DATE_FIX"
msgid "Date (fixed)"
msgstr "তাৰিখ (নিৰ্ধাৰিত)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:882
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:884
msgctxt "FLD_TIME_STD"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "সময়"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:883
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:885
msgctxt "FLD_TIME_FIX"
msgid "Time (fixed)"
msgstr "সময় (নিৰ্ধাৰিত)"
#. SubCmd Statistic
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:885
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:887
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_TABLE"
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "টেবুলবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:886
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:888
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_CHAR"
msgid "Characters"
msgstr "আখৰবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:887
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:889
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_WORD"
msgid "Words"
msgstr "শব্দবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:888
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:890
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_PARA"
msgid "Paragraphs"
msgstr "পেৰেগ্ৰাফবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:889
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:891
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_GRF"
msgid "Image"
msgstr "ছবি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:890
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:892
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_OBJ"
msgid "Objects"
msgstr "বস্তুবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:891
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:893
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_PAGE"
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠাবোৰ"
#. SubCmd DDETypes
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:893
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:895
msgctxt "FMT_DDE_HOT"
msgid "DDE automatic"
msgstr "DDE স্বয়ংক্রিয়"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:894
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:896
msgctxt "FMT_DDE_NORMAL"
msgid "DDE manual"
msgstr "DDE হাতেৰে"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:895
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:897
msgctxt "FLD_INPUT_TEXT"
msgid "[Text]"
msgstr ""
@@ -4752,87 +4762,87 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: SubType Extuser
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:900
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:902
msgctxt "FLD_EU_FIRMA"
msgid "Company"
msgstr "সংস্থা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:901
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:903
msgctxt "FLD_EU_VORNAME"
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "প্রথম নাম"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:902
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:904
msgctxt "FLD_EU_NAME"
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr "অন্তিম নাম"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:903
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:905
msgctxt "FLD_EU_ABK"
msgid "Initials"
msgstr "ইনিশ্বিয়েলছ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:904
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:906
msgctxt "FLD_EU_STRASSE"
msgid "Street"
msgstr "পথ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:905
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:907
msgctxt "FLD_EU_LAND"
msgid "Country"
msgstr "দেশ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:906
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:908
msgctxt "FLD_EU_PLZ"
msgid "Zip code"
msgstr "জিপ ক'ড"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:907
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:909
msgctxt "FLD_EU_ORT"
msgid "City"
msgstr "চহৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:908
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:910
msgctxt "FLD_EU_TITEL"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "শীৰ্ষক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:909
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:911
msgctxt "FLD_EU_POS"
msgid "Position"
msgstr "স্থান"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:910
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:912
msgctxt "FLD_EU_TELPRIV"
msgid "Tel. (Home)"
msgstr "টেলিফোন (ঘৰ)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:911
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:913
msgid "Tel. (Work)"
msgstr "টেলিফোন (কাম)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:912
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:914
msgctxt "FLD_EU_FAX"
msgid "FAX"
msgstr "FAX"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:913
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:915
msgctxt "FLD_EU_EMAIL"
msgid "E-mail"
msgstr "ই-মেইল"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:914
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:916
msgctxt "FLD_EU_STATE"
msgid "State"
msgstr "ৰাজ্য"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:915
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:917
msgid "off"
msgstr "অফ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:916
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:918
msgctxt "FLD_PAGEREF_ON"
msgid "on"
msgstr "-ত"
@@ -4841,32 +4851,32 @@ msgstr "-ত"
#. Description: path name
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Format FileName
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:921
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:923
msgctxt "FMT_FF_NAME"
msgid "File name"
msgstr "ফাইলৰ নাম"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:922
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:924
msgid "File name without extension"
msgstr "ফাইলৰ নাম প্ৰসাৰণৰ অবিহনে"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:923
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:925
msgid "Path/File name"
msgstr "পথ/ফাইলৰ নাম"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:924
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:926
msgctxt "FMT_FF_PATH"
msgid "Path"
msgstr "পথ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:925
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:927
msgctxt "FMT_FF_UI_NAME"
msgid "Style"
msgstr "শৈলী"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:926
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:928
msgctxt "FMT_FF_UI_RANGE"
msgid "Category"
msgstr "শ্রেণী"
@@ -4874,22 +4884,22 @@ msgstr "শ্রেণী"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: format chapter
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:930
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:932
msgid "Chapter name"
msgstr "অধ্যায় নাম"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:931
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:933
msgctxt "FMT_CHAPTER_NO"
msgid "Chapter number"
msgstr "অধ্যায় সংখ্যা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:932
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:934
msgid "Chapter number without separator"
msgstr "অধ্যায়ৰ সংখ্যা আৰু নাম পৃথক কঁৰোতাৰ অবিহনে"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:933
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:935
msgid "Chapter number and name"
msgstr "অধ্যায়ৰ সংখ্যা আৰু নাম"
@@ -4897,47 +4907,47 @@ msgstr "অধ্যায়ৰ সংখ্যা আৰু নাম"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: formats
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:937
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:939
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ABC"
msgid "A B C"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:938
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:940
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SABC"
msgid "a b c"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:939
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:941
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ABC_N"
msgid "A .. AA .. AAA"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:940
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:942
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SABC_N"
msgid "a .. aa .. aaa"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:941
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:943
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ROMAN"
msgid "Roman (I II III)"
msgstr "ৰোমান (I II III)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:942
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:944
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SROMAN"
msgid "Roman (i ii iii)"
msgstr "ৰোমান (i ii iii)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:943
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:945
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ARABIC"
msgid "Arabic (1 2 3)"
msgstr "আৰবী (1 2 3)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:944
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:946
msgid "As Page Style"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা শৈলী হিচাপে"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:945
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:947
msgid "Text"
msgstr "টেক্সট"
@@ -4945,12 +4955,12 @@ msgstr "টেক্সট"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Author
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:949
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:951
msgid "Name"
msgstr "নাম"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:950
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:952
msgid "Initials"
msgstr "ইনিশ্বিয়েলছ"
@@ -4958,42 +4968,42 @@ msgstr "ইনিশ্বিয়েলছ"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: set variable
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:954
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:956
msgctxt "FMT_SETVAR_SYS"
msgid "System"
msgstr "ছিষ্টেম"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:955
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:957
msgid "Text"
msgstr "টেক্সট"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:956
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:958
msgid "Name"
msgstr "নাম"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:957
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:959
msgid "Text"
msgstr "টেক্সট"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:958
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:960
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "সূত্ৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:959
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:961
msgid "Text"
msgstr "টেক্সট"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:960
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:962
msgctxt "FMT_DBFLD_DB"
msgid "Database"
msgstr "ডাটাবেছ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:961
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:963
msgctxt "FMT_DBFLD_SYS"
msgid "System"
msgstr "ছিষ্টেম"
@@ -5001,17 +5011,17 @@ msgstr "ছিষ্টেম"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: storage fields
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:965
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:967
msgctxt "FMT_REG_AUTHOR"
msgid "Author"
msgstr "লেখক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:966
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:968
msgctxt "FMT_REG_TIME"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "সময়"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:967
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:969
msgctxt "FMT_REG_DATE"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "দিনাংক"
@@ -5019,67 +5029,67 @@ msgstr "দিনাংক"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: formats references
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:971
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:973
msgctxt "FMT_REF_TEXT"
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "প্ৰসংগ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:972
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:974
msgctxt "FMT_REF_PAGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:973
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:975
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr "অধ্যায়"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:974
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:976
msgctxt "FMT_REF_UPDOWN"
msgid "Above/Below"
msgstr "ওপৰত/তলত"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:975
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:977
msgid "As Page Style"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা শৈলী হিচাপে"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:976
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:978
msgid "Category and Number"
msgstr "শ্রেণী আৰু সংখ্যা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:977
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:979
msgid "Caption Text"
msgstr "কেপশ্বন টেক্সট"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:978
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:980
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "নাম্বাৰীং"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:979
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:981
msgctxt "FMT_REF_NUMBER"
msgid "Number"
msgstr "সংখ্যা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:980
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:982
msgid "Number (no context)"
msgstr "সংখ্যা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:981
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:983
msgid "Number (full context)"
msgstr "Number 1) 2) 3)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:983
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:985
msgid "Article a/az + "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:984
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:986
msgid "Article A/Az + "
msgstr ""
@@ -5087,27 +5097,27 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: placeholder
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:988
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:990
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_TEXT"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "টেক্সট"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:989
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:991
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "টেবুল"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:990
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:992
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_FRAME"
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "ফ্রেম"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:991
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:993
msgid "Image"
msgstr "ছবি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:992
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:994
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_OLE"
msgid "Object"
msgstr "বস্তু"
@@ -5115,1294 +5125,1294 @@ msgstr "বস্তু"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: ExchangeStrings for Edit/NameFT
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:996
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:998
msgctxt "STR_COND"
msgid "~Condition"
msgstr "চৰ্ত (~C)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:997
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:999
msgctxt "STR_TEXT"
msgid "Then, Else"
msgstr "তেনে হ'লে, অন্যথা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:998
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1000
msgctxt "STR_DDE_CMD"
msgid "DDE Statement"
msgstr "DDE উক্তি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:999
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1001
msgctxt "STR_INSTEXT"
msgid "Hidden t~ext"
msgstr "লুকাই থকা টেক্সট (~e)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1000
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1002
msgctxt "STR_MACNAME"
msgid "~Macro name"
msgstr "মেক্ৰ' নাম (~M)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1001
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1003
msgctxt "STR_PROMPT"
msgid "~Reference"
msgstr "প্ৰসংগ (~R)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1002
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1004
msgid "Ch~aracters"
msgstr "আখৰবোৰ (~a)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1003
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1005
msgctxt "STR_OFFSET"
msgid "O~ffset"
msgstr "অফছেট (~f)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1004
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1006
msgctxt "STR_VALUE"
msgid "Value"
msgstr "মূল্য"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1005
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1007
msgctxt "STR_FORMULA"
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "সূত্ৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1006
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1008
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "নিজৰ পছন্দৰ মতে"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1008
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1010
msgid "[User]"
msgstr "[User]"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1010
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1012
msgctxt "STR_HDIST"
msgid "H. Pitch"
msgstr "H. পীটচ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1011
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1013
msgctxt "STR_VDIST"
msgid "V. Pitch"
msgstr "V. পীটচ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1012
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1014
msgctxt "STR_WIDTH"
msgid "Width"
msgstr "প্ৰস্থ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1013
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1015
msgctxt "STR_HEIGHT"
msgid "Height"
msgstr "উচ্চতা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1014
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1016
msgctxt "STR_LEFT"
msgid "Left margin"
msgstr "বাওঁফালৰ সীমা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1015
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1017
msgctxt "STR_UPPER"
msgid "Top margin"
msgstr "ওপৰৰ সীমা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1016
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1018
msgctxt "STR_COLS"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "স্তম্ভবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1017
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1019
msgctxt "STR_ROWS"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "শাৰীবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1019
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1021
msgid "The following service is not available: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1021
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1023
msgid "Word and character count. Click to open Word Count dialog."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1022
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1024
msgid "Single-page view"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1023
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1025
msgid "Multiple-page view"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1024
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1026
#, fuzzy
msgid "Book view"
msgstr "কিতাপৰ পূর্বদৃশ্য"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1025
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1027
msgid "Page number in document. Click to open Go to Page dialog or right-click for bookmark list."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1026
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1028
msgid "Page number in document (Page number on printed document). Click to open Go to Page dialog."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1027
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1029
msgid "Page Style. Right-click to change style or click to open Style dialog."
msgstr ""
#. Strings for textual attributes.
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1030
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1032
msgctxt "STR_DROP_OVER"
msgid "Drop Caps over"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1031
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1033
msgctxt "STR_DROP_LINES"
msgid "rows"
msgstr "শাৰীবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1032
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1034
#, fuzzy
msgid "No Drop Caps"
msgstr "ডাঙৰ আখৰবোৰ আঁতৰাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1033
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1035
#, fuzzy
msgid "No page break"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা ভাঙন"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1034
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1036
msgctxt "STR_NO_MIRROR"
msgid "Don't mirror"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1035
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1037
#, fuzzy
msgid "Flip vertically"
msgstr "উলম্বভাৱে লুটিৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1036
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1038
#, fuzzy
msgid "Flip horizontal"
msgstr "%1 অনুভূমিক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1037
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1039
msgid "Horizontal and Vertical Flip"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1038
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1040
msgid "+ mirror horizontal on even pages"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1039
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1041
msgctxt "STR_CHARFMT"
msgid "Character Style"
msgstr "আখৰৰ শৈলী"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1040
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1042
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_NO_CHARFMT"
msgid "No Character Style"
msgstr "আখৰৰ শৈলী"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1041
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1043
msgctxt "STR_FOOTER"
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "ফুটাৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1042
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1044
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_NO_FOOTER"
msgid "No footer"
msgstr "ফুটাৰলৈ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1043
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1045
msgctxt "STR_HEADER"
msgid "Header"
msgstr "হেডাৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1044
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1046
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_NO_HEADER"
msgid "No header"
msgstr "হেডাৰলৈ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1045
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1047
msgid "Optimal wrap"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1046
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1048
#, fuzzy
msgid "No wrap"
msgstr "আবৃত কৰা নাই (~N)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1047
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1049
msgid "Through"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1048
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1050
#, fuzzy
msgid "Parallel wrap"
msgstr "সমান্তৰাল চতুৰ্ভূজ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1049
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1051
msgid "Left wrap"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1050
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1052
msgid "Right wrap"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1051
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1053
msgid "(Anchor only)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1052
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1054
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FRM_WIDTH"
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "প্ৰস্থ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1053
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1055
msgid "Fixed height:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1054
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1056
msgid "Min. height:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1055
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1057
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AT_PARA"
msgid "to paragraph"
msgstr "দফা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1056
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1058
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AS_CHAR"
msgid "to character"
msgstr "আখৰৰে (_c)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1057
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1059
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AT_PAGE"
msgid "to page"
msgstr "কোনো পৃষ্ঠা নাই"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1058
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1060
msgctxt "STR_POS_X"
msgid "X Coordinate:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1059
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1061
msgctxt "STR_POS_Y"
msgid "Y Coordinate:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1060
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1062
msgctxt "STR_VERT_TOP"
msgid "at top"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1061
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1063
msgid "Centered vertically"
msgstr "উলম্বভাৱে কেন্দ্ৰীত"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1062
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1064
#, fuzzy
msgid "at bottom"
msgstr "তললৈ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1063
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1065
msgctxt "STR_LINE_TOP"
msgid "Top of line"
msgstr "ৰেখাৰ ওপৰত"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1064
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1066
#, fuzzy
msgid "Line centered"
msgstr "বাওঁফালে কেন্দ্রীকৃত"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1065
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1067
msgid "Bottom of line"
msgstr "ৰেখাৰ তলত"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1066
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1068
msgid "Register-true"
msgstr "ৰেজিষ্টাৰ-সঁচা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1067
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1069
msgid "Not register-true"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1068
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1070
msgctxt "STR_HORI_RIGHT"
msgid "at the right"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1069
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1071
msgid "Centered horizontally"
msgstr "আনুভূমিকভাৱে কেন্দ্ৰীত"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1070
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1072
msgctxt "STR_HORI_LEFT"
msgid "at the left"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1071
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1073
#, fuzzy
msgid "inside"
msgstr "অভ্যন্তৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1072
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1074
#, fuzzy
msgid "outside"
msgstr "বাহিৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1073
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1075
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_HORI_FULL"
msgid "Full width"
msgstr "সম্পূর্ণ প্রস্থ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1074
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1076
msgctxt "STR_COLUMNS"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "স্তম্ভবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1075
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1077
msgctxt "STR_LINE_WIDTH"
msgid "Separator Width:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1076
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1078
msgid "Max. footnote area:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1077
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1079
#, fuzzy
msgid "Editable in read-only document"
msgstr "কেৱল পঢ়িবৰ বাবে দস্তাবেজত সম্পাদনা কৰিব পাৰি (_d)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1078
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1080
msgid "Split"
msgstr "বিভাজন কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1079
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1081
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_NUMRULE_ON"
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "নম্বৰিং"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1080
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1082
#, fuzzy
msgid "no numbering"
msgstr "নম্বৰিং দেখুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1081
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1083
msgctxt "STR_CONNECT1"
msgid "linked to "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1082
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1084
msgctxt "STR_CONNECT2"
msgid "and "
msgstr "আৰু "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1083
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1085
msgid "Count lines"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1084
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1086
msgid "don't count lines"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1085
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1087
msgid "restart line count with: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1086
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1088
#, fuzzy
msgid "Brightness: "
msgstr "উজ্জ্বলতা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1087
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1089
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_CHANNELR"
msgid "Red: "
msgstr "পুনৰ কৰক "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1088
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1090
msgctxt "STR_CHANNELG"
msgid "Green: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1089
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1091
msgctxt "STR_CHANNELB"
msgid "Blue: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1090
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1092
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_CONTRAST"
msgid "Contrast: "
msgstr "পার্থক্য"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1091
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1093
msgctxt "STR_GAMMA"
msgid "Gamma: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1092
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1094
#, fuzzy
msgid "Transparency: "
msgstr "স্বচ্ছতা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1093
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1095
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_INVERT"
msgid "Invert"
msgstr "সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1094
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1096
msgctxt "STR_INVERT_NOT"
msgid "do not invert"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1095
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1097
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_DRAWMODE"
msgid "Graphics mode: "
msgstr "গ্ৰাফিক্সৰ প্ৰকাৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1096
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1098
#, fuzzy
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "মানবিশিষ্ট"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1097
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1099
#, fuzzy
msgid "Grayscales"
msgstr "গ্রেস্কেল"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1098
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1100
#, fuzzy
msgid "Black & White"
msgstr "ক'লা আৰু বগা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1099
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1101
msgid "Watermark"
msgstr "জলচিহ্ন"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1100
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1102
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_ROTATION"
msgid "Rotation"
msgstr "উদ্ধৃতি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1101
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1103
msgctxt "STR_GRID_NONE"
msgid "No grid"
msgstr "জাল নাই"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1102
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1104
msgid "Grid (lines only)"
msgstr "জাল (কেৱল শাৰী)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1103
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1105
msgid "Grid (lines and characters)"
msgstr "জাল (শাৰী আৰু আখৰবোৰ)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1104
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1106
msgid "Follow text flow"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1105
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1107
msgid "Do not follow text flow"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1106
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1108
msgid "Merge borders"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1107
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1109
msgid "Do not merge borders"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1109
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1111
msgctxt "ST_TBL"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "টেবুল"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1110
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1112
msgctxt "ST_FRM"
msgid "Text Frame"
msgstr "সংযোগকৃত টেক্সট ফ্রেম"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1111
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1113
msgctxt "ST_PGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1112
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1114
msgctxt "ST_DRW"
msgid "Drawing"
msgstr "ছবি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1113
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1115
msgctxt "ST_CTRL"
msgid "Control"
msgstr "নিয়ন্ত্রণ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1114
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1116
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_REG"
msgid "Section"
msgstr "খণ্ড"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1115
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1117
msgctxt "ST_BKM"
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠাসংকেত"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1116
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1118
msgctxt "ST_GRF"
msgid "Graphics"
msgstr "গ্ৰাফিক্স"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1117
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1119
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_OLE"
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "OLEবস্তু"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1118
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1120
msgctxt "ST_OUTL"
msgid "Headings"
msgstr "শিৰোনামবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1119
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1121
msgctxt "ST_SEL"
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "নিৰ্বাচন"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1120
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1122
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_FTN"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr "পাদটীকা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1121
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1123
msgctxt "ST_MARK"
msgid "Reminder"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1122
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1124
msgctxt "ST_POSTIT"
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "মন্তব্যবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1123
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1125
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_SRCH_REP"
msgid "Repeat search"
msgstr "বিচৰাৰ পুনৰাবৃত্তি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1124
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1126
msgctxt "ST_INDEX_ENTRY"
msgid "Index entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1125
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1127
msgid "Table formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1126
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1128
msgid "Wrong table formula"
msgstr ""
#. Strings for the quickhelp of the View-PgUp/Down-Buttons
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1128
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1130
msgid "Next table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1129
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1131
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next text frame"
msgstr "টেক্সট ফ্রেম ভৰাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1130
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1132
msgid "Next page"
msgstr "পৰৱর্তী পৃষ্ঠা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1131
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1133
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next drawing"
msgstr "কোনো শিৰোনাম নাই"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1132
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1134
msgid "Next control"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1133
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1135
msgid "Next section"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1134
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1136
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next bookmark"
msgstr "পৰৱৰ্তী পৃষ্ঠাসংকেতলৈ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1135
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1137
msgid "Next graphic"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1136
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1138
msgid "Next OLE object"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1137
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1139
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next heading"
msgstr "কোনো শিৰোনাম নাই"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1138
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1140
msgid "Next selection"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1139
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1141
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next footnote"
msgstr "পৰৱৰ্তী পাদটীকালৈ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1140
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1142
msgid "Next Reminder"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1141
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1143
msgid "Next Comment"
msgstr "পৰৱৰ্তী মন্তব্য"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1142
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1144
msgid "Continue search forward"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1143
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1145
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next index entry"
msgstr "সূচী প্রৱিষ্টি সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1144
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1146
#, fuzzy
msgid "Previous table"
msgstr "পূৰ্বৱৰ্তী পৃষ্ঠা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1145
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1147
msgid "Previous text frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1146
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1148
msgid "Previous page"
msgstr "পূৰ্বৱৰ্তী পৃষ্ঠা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1147
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1149
msgid "Previous drawing"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1148
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1150
msgid "Previous control"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1149
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1151
#, fuzzy
msgid "Previous section"
msgstr "পৰৱৰ্তী খণ্ডলৈ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1150
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1152
#, fuzzy
msgid "Previous bookmark"
msgstr "পূৰ্বৱৰ্তী পৃষ্ঠাসংকেতলৈ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1151
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1153
msgid "Previous graphic"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1152
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1154
msgid "Previous OLE object"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1153
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1155
msgid "Previous heading"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1154
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1156
msgid "Previous selection"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1155
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1157
#, fuzzy
msgid "Previous footnote"
msgstr "পূৰ্বৱৰ্তী পাদটীকালৈ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1156
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1158
msgid "Previous Reminder"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1157
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1159
msgid "Previous Comment"
msgstr "পূৰ্বৱৰ্তী মন্তব্য"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1158
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1160
msgid "Continue search backwards"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1159
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1161
msgid "Previous index entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1160
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1162
#, fuzzy
msgid "Previous table formula"
msgstr "পূৰ্বৱৰ্তী টেবুল সূত্ৰলৈ যাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1161
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1163
msgid "Next table formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1162
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1164
#, fuzzy
msgid "Previous faulty table formula"
msgstr "অশুদ্ধ টেবুল সূত্ৰলৈ যাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1163
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1165
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next faulty table formula"
msgstr "পৰৱৰ্তী অশুদ্ধ টেবুল সূত্ৰলৈ যাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1165
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1167
#, fuzzy
msgid "Inserted"
msgstr "সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1166
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1168
#, fuzzy
msgid "Deleted"
msgstr "মচি পেলাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1167
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1169
msgid "Formatted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1168
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1170
#, fuzzy
msgid "Table changed"
msgstr "টেবুল সলনি হয়"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1169
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1171
msgid "Applied Paragraph Styles"
msgstr "ব্যৱহৃত পেৰেগ্ৰাফ শৈলীবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1170
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1172
msgid "Paragraph formatting changed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1171
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1173
#, fuzzy
msgid "Row Inserted"
msgstr "শাৰী সুমুৱা হল "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1172
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1174
#, fuzzy
msgid "Row Deleted"
msgstr "শাৰী মচি পেলোৱা হ'ল"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1173
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1175
msgid "Cell Inserted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1174
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1176
msgid "Cell Deleted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1175
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1177
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_ENDNOTE"
msgid "Endnote: "
msgstr "অন্তিম টীকা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1176
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1178
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FTNNOTE"
msgid "Footnote: "
msgstr "পাদটীকা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1177
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1179
#, c-format
msgid "%s-click to open Smart Tag menu"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1178
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1180
msgid "Header (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1179
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1181
msgid "First Page Header (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1180
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1182
msgid "Left Page Header (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1181
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1183
msgid "Right Page Header (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1182
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1184
msgid "Footer (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1183
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1185
msgid "First Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1184
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1186
msgid "Left Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1185
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1187
msgid "Right Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1186
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1188
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete Header..."
msgstr "স্তৰ মচি পেলাওক (~L)..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1187
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1189
#, fuzzy
msgid "Format Header..."
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা ফৰমেট কৰক (~P)..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1188
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1190
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete Footer..."
msgstr "স্তৰ মচি পেলাওক (~L)..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1189
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1191
#, fuzzy
msgid "Format Footer..."
msgstr "মজীয়া ফৰমেট..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1191
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1193
msgid "Image file cannot be opened"
msgstr "ছবি ফাইলখন খুলিব নোৱাৰি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1192
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1194
msgid "Image file cannot be read"
msgstr "ছবি ফাইল পঢ়িব নোৱাৰি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1193
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1195
msgid "Unknown image format"
msgstr "অজ্ঞাত ছবি বিন্যাস"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1194
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1196
msgid "This image file version is not supported"
msgstr "এই ছবি ফাইল সংস্কৰণ সমৰ্থিত নহয়"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1195
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1197
msgid "Image filter not found"
msgstr "ছবি ফিল্টাৰ পোৱা নগল"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1196
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1198
#, fuzzy
msgid "Not enough memory to insert the image."
msgstr "ছবি সুমুৱাবলৈ পৰ্যাপ্ত মেমৰি নাই।"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1197
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1199
msgid "Insert Image"
msgstr "ছবি সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1198
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1200
msgid "Comment: "
msgstr "মন্তব্য: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1199
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1201
msgid "Insertion"
msgstr "অন্তর্ভূক্তি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1200
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1202
msgid "Deletion"
msgstr "ডিলিশ্বন"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1201
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1203
msgid "AutoCorrect"
msgstr "স্বশুদ্ধকৰণ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1202
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1204
msgid "Formats"
msgstr "ফৰমেটবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1203
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1205
msgid "Table Changes"
msgstr "টেবুল সলনি হয়"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1204
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1206
msgid "Applied Paragraph Styles"
msgstr "ব্যৱহৃত পেৰেগ্ৰাফ শৈলীবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1205
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1207
msgctxt "STR_PAGE"
msgid "Page "
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1206
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1208
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_PAGE_COUNT"
msgid "Page %1 of %2"
msgstr "%n ৰ %p পৃষ্ঠা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1207
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1209
msgid "Page %1 of %2 (Page %3)"
msgstr ""
#. Strings for gallery/background
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1209
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1211
msgid "Paragraph"
msgstr "পেৰেগ্ৰাফ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1210
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1212
msgid "Image"
msgstr "ছবি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1211
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1213
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_OLE"
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "OLE বস্তু"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1212
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1214
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_FRAME"
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "ফ্ৰেম"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1213
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1215
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "টেবুল"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1214
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1216
msgid "Table row"
msgstr "টেবুলৰ শাৰী"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1215
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1217
msgid "Table cell"
msgstr "টেবুল কক্ষ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1216
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1218
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_PAGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1217
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1219
msgid "Header"
msgstr "হেডাৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1218
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1220
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "ফুটাৰ"
#. End: strings for gallery/background
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1221
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1223
msgid "HTML"
msgstr "HTML"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1222
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1224
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1224
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1226
msgctxt "STR_TITLE"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "শীৰ্ষক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1225
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1227
msgctxt "STR_ALPHA"
msgid "Separator"
msgstr "পৃথক কৰোঁতা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1226
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1228
msgctxt "STR_LEVEL"
msgid "Level "
msgstr "Level "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1227
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1229
msgid "The file, \"%1\" in the \"%2\" path could not be found."
msgstr "ফাইল, \"%1\" যি \"%2\" পথত আছে তাক বিচাৰি পোৱা নগ'ল।"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1228
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1230
msgid "User-Defined Index"
msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰকাৰী-বিৱৰিত সূচী"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1229
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1231
msgid "<None>"
msgstr "<None>"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1230
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1232
msgid "<None>"
msgstr "<None>"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1231
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1233
msgctxt "STR_DELIM"
msgid "S"
msgstr "S"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1232
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1234
msgid "E#"
msgstr "E#"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1233
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1235
msgid "E"
msgstr "E"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1234
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1236
msgid "T"
msgstr "T"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1235
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1237
msgid "#"
msgstr "#"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1236
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1238
msgid "CI"
msgstr "CI"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1237
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1239
msgid "LS"
msgstr "LS"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1238
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1240
msgid "LE"
msgstr "LE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1239
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1241
msgid "A"
msgstr "A"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1240
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1242
msgid "Chapter number"
msgstr "পাঠ সংখ্যা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1241
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1243
msgid "Entry"
msgstr "প্রৱিষ্টি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1242
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1244
msgid "Tab stop"
msgstr "টেব বন্ধ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1243
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1245
msgid "Text"
msgstr "লিখনি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1244
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1246
msgid "Page number"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠাৰ সংখ্যা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1245
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1247
msgid "Chapter info"
msgstr "পাঠৰ তথ্য"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1246
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1248
msgid "Hyperlink start"
msgstr "হাইপাৰলিংক আৰম্ভ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1247
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1249
msgid "Hyperlink end"
msgstr "হাইপাৰলিংক অন্ত"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1248
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1250
msgid "Bibliography entry: "
msgstr "গ্রন্থ-সূচী প্রৱিষ্টি: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1249
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1251
msgid "Character Style: "
msgstr "আখৰৰ শৈলী: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1250
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1252
msgid "Structure text"
msgstr "গঠন লিখনি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1251
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1253
msgid "Press Ctrl+Alt+A to move focus for more operations"
msgstr "অধিক কাৰ্য্যৰ বাবে ফকাচ স্থানান্তৰ কৰিবলে Ctrl+Alt+A টিপক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1252
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1254
msgid "Press left or right arrow to choose the structure controls"
msgstr "গঠন নিয়ন্ত্ৰণসমূহ বাছিবলে বাঁও অথবা সোঁ কাঁড় টিপক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1253
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1255
msgid "Press Ctrl+Alt+B to move focus back to the current structure control"
msgstr "ফকাচ পুনৰ বৰ্তমান গঠন নিয়ন্ত্ৰণলৈ নিবলৈ Ctrl+Alt+B টিপক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1254
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1256
msgid "Selection file for the alphabetical index (*.sdi)"
msgstr "বর্ণমালা সূচীৰ বাবে বাছনী ফাইল (*.sdi)"
@@ -6410,248 +6420,248 @@ msgstr "বর্ণমালা সূচীৰ বাবে বাছনী
#. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: character alignment for frmsh.cxx - context menu
#. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1259
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1261
msgid "Base line at ~top"
msgstr "ওপৰত আধাৰ ৰেখা (~t)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1260
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1262
msgid "~Base line at bottom"
msgstr "তলত আধাৰ ৰেখা (~B)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1261
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1263
msgid "Base line ~centered"
msgstr "আধাৰ ৰেখা কেন্দ্রীকৃত (~c)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1262
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1264
msgid "Insert object"
msgstr "বস্তু ভৰাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1263
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1265
msgid "Edit object"
msgstr "বস্তু সম্পাদনা কৰক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1264
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1266
msgid " (Template: "
msgstr " (নমুনা: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1265
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1267
msgid "Borders"
msgstr "সীমাৰেখাবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1266
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1268
msgid "Background"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠভূমি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1268
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1270
msgid "(Paragraph Style: "
msgstr "(পেৰেগ্ৰাফ শৈলী: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1269
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1271
#, fuzzy
msgid "Page numbers cannot be applied to the current page. Even numbers can be used on left pages, odd numbers on right pages."
msgstr "বৰ্তমান পৃষ্ঠালে পৃষ্ঠা নম্বৰসমূহ প্ৰয়োগ কৰিব নোৱাৰি। যুগ্ম নম্বৰসমূহ বাও পৃষ্ঠাসমূহত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব পাৰি, অযুগ্ম নম্বৰসমূহ সোঁ পৃষ্ঠাসমূহত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব পাৰি।"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1271
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1273
msgid "Master Document"
msgstr "মুখ্য দস্তাবেজ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1272
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1274
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION মুখ্য দস্তাবেজ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1274
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1276
msgid "A file connection will delete the contents of the current section. Connect anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1275
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1277
msgid "The password entered is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1276
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1278
msgid "The password has not been set."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1278
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1280
msgctxt "STR_HYP_OK"
msgid "Hyphenation completed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1279
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1281
msgid "None (Do not check spelling)"
msgstr "কোনো নহয় (বানান নিৰীক্ষন নকৰিব)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1280
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1282
msgid "Reset to Default Language"
msgstr "অবিকল্পিত ভাষালৈ পুনৰ সংহতি কৰা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1281
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1283
msgid "More..."
msgstr "অধিক..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1282
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1284
msgid "~Ignore"
msgstr "উপেক্ষা কৰক (~I)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1283
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1285
msgid "Explanations..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1285
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1287
msgid "Check special regions is deactivated. Check anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1286
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1288
msgid "Could not merge documents."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1287
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1289
msgid "The source cannot be loaded."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1288
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1290
msgctxt "STR_ERR_NO_FAX"
msgid "No fax printer has been set under Tools/Options/%1/Print."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1289
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1291
#, fuzzy
msgid "HTML document"
msgstr "HTML ডকুমেন্ট"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1290
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1292
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text document"
msgstr "প্ৰতিটো দস্তাবেজত"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1291
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1293
msgid "Source not specified."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1292
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1294
msgctxt "STR_NUM_LEVEL"
msgid "Level "
msgstr "Level "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1293
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1295
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outline "
msgstr "ৰূপৰেখা"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1294
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1296
#, fuzzy
msgid "Edit Footnote/Endnote"
msgstr "ফুটনোট/এণ্ডনোট সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1295
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1297
#, fuzzy
msgid "Search key replaced XX times."
msgstr "সন্ধান চাবিৰে XX সময় সলনি কৰা হ'ল"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1296
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1298
#, fuzzy
msgid "Row "
msgstr "শাৰীবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1297
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1299
#, fuzzy
msgid "Column "
msgstr "স্তম্ভ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1298
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1300
msgctxt "STR_SAVEAS_SRC"
msgid "~Export source..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1299
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1301
msgid "~Export copy of source..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1301
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1303
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_CONTINUE"
msgid "~Continue"
msgstr "চলাই থাকক"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1302
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1304
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_TASK"
msgid "Task"
msgstr "কামবোৰ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1303
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1305
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_STATUS"
msgid "Status"
msgstr "স্থিতি"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1304
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1306
msgctxt "ST_SENDINGTO"
msgid "Sending to: %1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1305
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1307
msgctxt "ST_COMPLETED"
msgid "Successfully sent"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1306
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1308
msgctxt "ST_FAILED"
msgid "Sending failed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1308
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1310
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1310
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1312
msgid "Text formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1312
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1314
msgctxt "STR_MENU_ZOOM"
msgid "~Zoom"
msgstr "জুম (~Z)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1313
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1315
msgctxt "STR_MENU_UP"
msgid "~Upwards"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1314
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1316
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_MENU_DOWN"
msgid "Do~wnwards"
@@ -6660,7 +6670,7 @@ msgstr "তললৈ"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Classification strings
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1320
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1322
msgid "Document classification has changed because a paragraph classification level is higher"
msgstr ""
@@ -6668,33 +6678,33 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Paragraph Signature
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1325
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1327
msgctxt "STR_VALID"
msgid " Valid "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1326
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1328
msgctxt "STR_INVALID"
msgid "Invalid"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1327
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1329
msgid "Invalid Signature"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1328
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1330
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_SIGNED_BY"
msgid "Signed-by"
msgstr "স্বাক্ষৰ কৰিছে "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1329
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1331
msgid "Paragraph Signature"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1331
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1333
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "labeldialog|cards"
msgid "Business Cards"
@@ -10535,31 +10545,41 @@ msgctxt "insertautotextdialog|label1"
msgid "Autotexts for Shortcut "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:8
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:9
msgctxt "insertbookmark|InsertBookmarkDialog"
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠাসংকেত"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:40
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:35
msgctxt "insertbookmark|insert"
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:122
-msgctxt "insertbookmark|rename"
-msgid "Rename"
-msgstr "পুনৰ নাম দিয়ক"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:58
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|hide"
+msgid "H_ide"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:135
-msgctxt "insertbookmark|delete"
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "মচি পেলাওক"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:80
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|condlabel"
+msgid "_With condition"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:148
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:130
msgctxt "insertbookmark|goto"
msgid "Go to"
msgstr ""
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:144
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|delete"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "মচি পেলাওক"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:158
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|rename"
+msgid "Rename"
+msgstr "পুনৰ নাম দিয়ক"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbreak.ui:14
msgctxt "insertbreak|BreakDialog"
msgid "Insert Break"
@@ -13533,8 +13553,8 @@ msgstr "আউটলাইন স্তৰ:"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/numparapage.ui:67
msgctxt "numparapage|comboLB_OUTLINE_LEVEL"
-msgid "Body text"
-msgstr "টেক্সট"
+msgid "Text Body"
+msgstr ""
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/numparapage.ui:68
msgctxt "numparapage|comboLB_OUTLINE_LEVEL"
@@ -14019,84 +14039,88 @@ msgstr "ভাঙনসমূহ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:134
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddentext"
-msgid "Hidden text"
-msgstr "লুকুৱাই ৰখা টেক্সট"
+msgid "Hidden characters"
+msgstr ""
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:216
+msgctxt "optformataidspage|displayfl"
+msgid "Display formatting"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:149
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:249
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddentextfield"
-msgid "Fields: Hidden te_xt"
+msgid "Hidden te_xt"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:164
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:264
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddenparafield"
-msgid "Fields: Hidden p_aragraphs"
+msgid "Hidden p_aragraphs"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:252
-#, fuzzy
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:285
msgctxt "optformataidspage|displayfl"
-msgid "Display of"
-msgstr "প্ৰদৰ্শন %1"
+msgid "Display fields"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:284
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:317
msgctxt "optformataidspage|mathbaseline"
msgid "Math baseline alignment"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:305
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:338
msgctxt "optformataidspage|layoutopt"
msgid "Layout Assistance"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:349
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:382
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursoronoff"
msgid "_Direct cursor"
msgstr "প্রত্যক্ষ কাৰ্ছাৰ"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:366
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:399
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillmode"
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "সুমুৱাওক"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:388
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:421
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillmargin"
msgid "Para_graph alignment"
msgstr "পেৰেগ্ৰাফ সংৰেখন"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:404
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:437
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillindent"
msgid "_Left paragraph margin"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:420
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:453
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "optformataidspage|filltab"
msgid "_Tabs"
msgstr "টেবসমূহ"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:436
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:469
msgctxt "optformataidspage|filltabandspace"
msgid "Tabs a_nd spaces"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:452
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:485
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillspace"
msgid "_Spaces"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:482
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:515
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursorlabel"
msgid "Direct Cursor"
msgstr "প্রত্যক্ষ কাৰ্ছাৰ"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:514
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:547
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursorinprot"
msgid "Enable cursor"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:535
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:568
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursoropt"
msgid "Protected Areas"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/as/vcl/messages.po b/source/as/vcl/messages.po
index 292cc54e22b..95e67a3137d 100644
--- a/source/as/vcl/messages.po
+++ b/source/as/vcl/messages.po
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-#. extracted from vcl/inc
+#. extracted from vcl/inc/font
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-08 15:10+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -13,6 +13,391 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:25
+msgid "Access All Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:26
+msgid "Alternative (Vertical) Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:27
+msgid "Ancient Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:28
+msgid "Capitals to Petite Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:29
+msgid "Capitals to Small Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:30
+msgid "Contextual Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:31
+msgid "Case-Sensitive Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:32
+msgid "Contextual Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:33
+msgid "Centered CJK Punctuation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:34
+msgid "Capital Spacing"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:35
+msgid "Contextual Swash"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:36
+msgid "Character Variant %1"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:37
+msgid "Drop Caps"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:38
+msgid "Discretionary Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:39
+msgid "Denominators"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:40
+msgid "Diphthongs (Obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:41
+msgid "Expert Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:42
+msgid "Final Glyph on Line Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:43
+msgid "DIagonal Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:44
+msgid "Diagonal Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:45
+msgid "Nut Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:46
+msgid "Full Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:47
+msgid "Alternate Half Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:48
+msgid "Historical Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:49
+msgid "Horizontal Kana Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:50
+msgid "Historical Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:51
+msgid "Hanja to Hangul (Obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:52
+msgid "Hojo Kanji Forms (JIS X 0212-1990 Kanji Forms)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:53
+msgid "Half Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:54
+msgid "Italics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:55
+msgid "Justification Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:56
+msgid "JIS2004 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:57
+msgid "JIS78 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:58
+msgid "JIS83 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:59
+msgid "JIS90 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:60
+msgid "Horizontal Kerning"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:61
+msgid "Left Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:62
+msgid "Standard Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:63
+msgid "Lining Figures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:64
+msgid "Mathematical Greek"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:65
+msgid "Alternate Annotation Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:66
+msgid "NLC Kanji Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:67
+msgid "Numerators"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:68
+msgid "Oldstyle Figures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:69
+msgid "Optical Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:70
+msgid "Ordinals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:71
+msgid "Ornaments"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:72
+msgid "Proportional Alternate Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:73
+msgid "Lowercase to Petite Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:74
+msgid "Proportional Kana"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:75
+msgid "Proportional Numbers"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:76
+msgid "Proportional Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:77
+msgid "Quarter Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:78
+msgid "Right Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:79
+msgid "Ruby Notation Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:80
+msgid "Stylistic Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:81
+msgid "Scientific Inferiors"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:82
+msgid "Lowercase to Small Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:83
+msgid "Simplified Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:84
+msgid "Stylistic Set %1"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:85
+msgid "Subscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:86
+msgid "Superscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:87
+msgid "Swash"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:88
+msgid "Titling"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:89
+msgid "Traditional Name Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:90
+msgid "Tabular Numbers"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:91
+msgid "Traditional Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:92
+msgid "Third Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:93
+msgid "Unicase"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:94
+msgid "Alternate Vertical Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:95
+msgid "Alternate Vertical Half Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:96
+msgid "Vertical Kana Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:97
+msgid "Vertical Kerning"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:98
+msgid "Proportional Alternate Vertical Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:99
+msgid "Vertical Alternates and Rotation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:100
+msgid "Vertical Alternates for Rotation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:101
+msgid "Slashed Zero"
+msgstr ""
#. To translators: This is the first entry of a sequence of paper size names
#: vcl/inc/print.hrc:28
diff --git a/source/ast/cui/messages.po b/source/ast/cui/messages.po
index c73447f438d..2ac1c2fc05c 100644
--- a/source/ast/cui/messages.po
+++ b/source/ast/cui/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -3604,7 +3604,7 @@ msgctxt "certdialog|label1"
msgid "Certificate Path"
msgstr "Camín del certificáu"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:46
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:45
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|westlangft-nocjk"
msgid "Language:"
@@ -3616,61 +3616,81 @@ msgctxt "charnamepage|westsizeft-nocjk"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Tamañu"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:257
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:196
+msgctxt "charnamepage|west_features_button-nocjk"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:268
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|westsizeft-cjk"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Tamañu"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:272
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:283
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|westlangft-cjk"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "_Llingua:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:346
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:352
+msgctxt "charnamepage|west_features_button-cjk"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:373
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|label4"
msgid "Western Text Font"
msgstr "Fonte de testu occidental"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:415
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:441
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|eastsizeft"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Tamañu"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:430
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:456
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|eastlangft"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "_Llingua:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:503
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:524
+msgctxt "charnamepage|east_features_button"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:545
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|label5"
msgid "Asian Text Font"
msgstr "Fonte de testu asiática"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:572
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:613
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|ctlsizeft"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Tamañu"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:587
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:628
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|ctllangft"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "_Llingua:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:661
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:697
+msgctxt "charnamepage|ctl_features_button"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:718
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|label6"
msgid "CTL Font"
msgstr "Fonte CTL"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:688
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:745
msgctxt "charnamepage|preview-atkobject"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Entever"
@@ -5270,6 +5290,16 @@ msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|flState"
msgid "State"
msgstr "Estáu"
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/fontfeaturesdialog.ui:9
+msgctxt "newtabledialog|NewTableDialog"
+msgid "Font Features"
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/fontfeaturesdialog.ui:149
+msgctxt "fontfeaturesdialog|preview-atkobject"
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr ""
#: cui/uiconfig/ui/formatcellsdialog.ui:8
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "formatcellsdialog|FormatCellsDialog"
@@ -8190,86 +8220,91 @@ msgctxt "optfontspage|label1"
msgid "Font Settings for HTML, Basic and SQL Sources"
msgstr "Configuración de fontes pa HTML, Basic y oríxenes de datos SQL"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:31
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:35
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|exthelp"
msgid "_Extended tips"
msgstr "Ayuda emerxente e_stendía"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:46
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:50
+msgctxt "optgeneralpage|popupnohelp"
+msgid "Show \"No offline help installed\" popup"
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:70
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label1"
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Ayuda"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:76
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:100
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|filedlg"
msgid "_Use %PRODUCTNAME dialogs"
msgstr "_Usar los diálogos de %PRODUCTNAME"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:110
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:134
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label2"
msgid "Open/Save Dialogs"
msgstr "Diálogos p'abrir/guardar"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:136
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:160
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|printdlg"
msgid "Use %PRODUCTNAME _dialogs"
msgstr "Usar los _diálogos de %PRODUCTNAME"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:151
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:175
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label3"
msgid "Print Dialogs"
msgstr "Diálogos d'imprentación"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:177
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:201
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|docstatus"
msgid "_Printing sets \"document modified\" status"
msgstr "Im_prentar afita l'estáu de \"documentu camudáu\""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:192
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:216
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label4"
msgid "Document Status"
msgstr "Estáu del documentu"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:225
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:249
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label6"
msgid "_Interpret as years between "
msgstr "_Interpretar como años ente "
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:250
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:274
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|toyear"
msgid "and "
msgstr "y "
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:265
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:289
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label5"
msgid "Year (Two Digits)"
msgstr "Añu (con dos díxitos)"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:291
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:315
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|collectusageinfo"
msgid "Collect usage data and send it to The Document Foundation"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:306
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:330
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label7"
msgid "Help Improve %PRODUCTNAME"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:337
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:361
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|quicklaunch"
msgid "Load %PRODUCTNAME during system start-up"
msgstr "Cargar %PRODUCTNAME nel arranque del sistema"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:352
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:376
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|systray"
msgid "Enable systray Quickstarter"
msgstr "Activar l'aniciu rápidu nel área de notificación"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:373
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:397
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label8"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Quickstarter"
msgstr "Aniciu rápidu de %PRODUCTNAME"
diff --git a/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared.po b/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared.po
index e1554a13456..994850208f5 100644
--- a/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared.po
+++ b/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-02-27 13:56+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-04-16 21:58+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: Softastur <>\n"
@@ -37,16 +37,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">The 3D-Settings toolbar controls properties of selected 3D objects.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">La barra de ferramientes Configuración 3D controla les propiedaes de los oxetos 3D escoyíos.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">The <emph>3D Settings</emph> toolbar controls properties of selected 3D objects.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Extrusion on/off"
-msgstr "Activar o desactivar extrusión"
+msgid "Extrusion On/Off"
+msgstr ""
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Extrusion Depth window.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Abre la ventana Fondura de extrusión.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Extrusion Depth</emph> window.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -165,8 +165,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Extrusion Direction window.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Abre la ventana Direición de extrusión.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Extrusion Direction</emph> window.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -197,8 +197,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Extrusion Lighting window.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Abre la ventana Llume de extrusión.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Extrusion Lighting</emph> window.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Extrusion Surface window.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Abre la ventana Superficie de extrusión.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Extrusion Surface</emph> window.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -253,8 +253,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Extrusion Color toolbar.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Abre la barra de ferramientes Color de extrusión.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Extrusion Color</emph> toolbar.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: fontwork_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/00.po b/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/00.po
index 79901fefa58..9bff1e0beb6 100644
--- a/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/00.po
+++ b/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/00.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-05-24 02:25+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: Softastur <>\n"
@@ -5325,24 +5325,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"webhtml\">Choose <emph>File - Preview in Web Browser</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"webhtml\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Vista previa en navegador</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"webhtml\">Choose <emph>File - Preview in Web Browser</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - New</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú<emph> Ficheru - Nuevu</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - New</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>New</emph> icon on the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar (the icon shows the type of the new document)"
-msgstr "Iconu <emph>Nuevu</emph> na barra <emph>Estándar</emph> (l'iconu amuesa'l tipu del documentu nuevu)"
+msgid "<emph>New</emph> icon on the <emph>Standard</emph> bar (the icon shows the type of the new document)."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5373,8 +5373,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu <emph>File - New</emph><emph>- Templates</emph>."
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Ficheru - Nuevu</emph><emph>- Plantíes</emph>."
+msgid "Menu <emph>File - New - Templates</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5389,96 +5389,96 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"etiketten\">Choose <emph>File - New - Labels</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"etiketten\">Menú <emph>Ficheru - Nuevu - Etiquetes...</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"etiketten\">Choose <emph>File - New - Labels</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"etikettenein\">Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Labels</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"etikettenein\">Escueya la llingüeta <emph> Etiquetes</emph> en <emph>Ficheru - Nuevu - Etiquetes</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"etikettenein\">Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Labels</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Format</emph> tab"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Ficheru - Nuevu - Etiquetes...</emph> - Ficha <emph>Formatu</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Format</emph> tab."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Format</emph> tab"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Ficheru - Nuevu - Tarxetes de visita...</emph> - Ficha <emph>Formatu</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Format</emph> tab."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Options</emph> tab"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Ficheru - Nuevu - Etiquetes...</emph> - Ficha <emph>Opciones</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Options</emph> tab."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Options</emph> tab"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Ficheru - Nuevu - Tarxetes de visita...</emph> - Ficha <emph>Opciones</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Options</emph> tab."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"visikart\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"visikart\">Menú <emph>Ficheru - Nuevu - Tarxetes de visita...</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"visikart\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"visikartform\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Medium</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"visikartform\">Escueya la llingüeta <emph>Tipu</emph> en <emph>Ficheru - Nuevu - Tarxetes de presentación</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"visikartform\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Medium</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"viskartinhalt\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Business cards</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"viskartinhalt\">Escueya la llingüeta <emph>Tarxetes de presentación</emph> en <emph>Ficheru - Nuevu - Tarxetes de presentación</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"viskartinhalt\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Business cards</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"viskartpriv\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Private</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"viskartpriv\">Escueya la llingüeta <emph>Priváu</emph> en <emph>Ficheru - Nuevu - Tarxetes de presentación</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"viskartpriv\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Private</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"viskartgesch\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Business</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"viskartgesch\">Escueya la llingüeta <emph>Negocios</emph> en <emph>Ficheru - Nuevu - Tarxetes de presentación</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"viskartgesch\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Business</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Open</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú<emph> Ficheru - Abrir...</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Open</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5493,8 +5493,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
-msgstr "Na barra <emph>Estándar</emph>, faiga clic en"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5517,232 +5517,232 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu <emph>File - Open</emph>, File type <emph>Text Encoded</emph> selected"
-msgstr "Menú<emph> Ficheru - Abrir...</emph>, tipu de ficheru escoyíu <emph>Testu codificado</emph>."
+msgid "Menu <emph>File - Open</emph>, File type <emph>Text Encoded</emph> selected."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu <emph>File - Save As</emph>, File type <emph>Text Encoded</emph> selected"
-msgstr "Menú<emph> Ficheru - Guardar como...</emph>, tipu de ficheru escoyíu <emph>Testu codificado</emph>."
+msgid "Menu <emph>File - Save As</emph>, File type <emph>Text Encoded</emph> selected."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autobrief\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autobrief\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autobrief\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Carta</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Page design</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief1\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Carta - Páxina 1</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Page Design</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Letterhead layout</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief2\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Carta - Páxina 2</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Letterhead Layout</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Printed items</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief3\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Carta - Páxina 3</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Printed Items</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Recipient and sender</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief4\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Carta - Páxina 4</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Recipient and Sender</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Footer</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief5\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Carta - Páxina 5</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Footer</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief6\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - </emph><emph>Name and Location</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief6\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Carta - Páxina 6</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief6\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Name and Location</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotfax\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Fax</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Page Design</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotfax1\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Fax - Páxina 1</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Page Design</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Items to include</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotfax2\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Fax - Páxina 2</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Items to include</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Sender and Recipient</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotfax3\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Fax - Páxina 3</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Sender and Recipient</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Footer</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotfax4\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Fax - Páxina 4</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Footer</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Name and location</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotfax5\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Fax - Páxina 5</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Name and Location</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Axenda</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Page Design</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda1\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Axenda - Páxina 1</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Page Design</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - General Attributes</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda2\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Axenda - Páxina 2</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - General Attributes</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Headings</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda3\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Axenda - Páxina 3</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Headings</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Names</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda4\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Axenda - Páxina 4</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Names</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Topics</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda5\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Axenda - Páxina 5</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Topics</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda6\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Title and Location</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda6\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Axenda - Páxina 6</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda6\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Title and Location</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapt\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dtapt\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Presentación</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapt\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapse\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 1</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dtapse\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Presentación - Páxina 1</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapse\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 1</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsz\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 2</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dtapsz\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Presentación - Páxina 2</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsz\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 2</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsd\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 3</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dtapsd\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Presentación - Páxina 3</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsd\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 3</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsv\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 4</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dtapsv\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Presentación - Páxina 4</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsv\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 4</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsf\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 5</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dtapsf\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Presentación - Páxina 5</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsf\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 5</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5765,88 +5765,88 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"gruppen\">Al diseñar el formulariu, faiga clic nel iconu<emph>Cuadru de grupu</emph> de la barra de ferramientes y, col mur, cree un marcu. </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen1\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 1</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"gruppen1\">Al diseñar el formulariu, faiga clic nel iconu<emph>Cuadru de grupu</emph> de la barra de ferramientes y, col mur, cree un marcu - Páxina 1 de los asistentes</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen1\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 1.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen2\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 2</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"gruppen2\">Al diseñar el formulariu, faiga clic nel iconu <emph>Cuadru de grupu</emph> de la barra de ferramientes y, col mur, cree un marcu - Páxina 2 de los asistentes</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen2\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 2.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen3\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 3</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"gruppen3\">Al diseñar el formulariu, faiga clic nel iconu<emph>Cuadru de grupu</emph> de la barra de ferramientes y, col mur, cree un marcu - Páxina 3 de los asistentes</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen3\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 3.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen4\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 4, there must be a database connection.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"gruppen4\">Al diseñar el formulariu, faiga clic nel iconu<emph>Cuadru de grupu</emph> de la barra de ferramientes y, col mur, cree un marcu - Páxina 4 de los asistentes, tien d'esistir una conexón a una base de datos.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen4\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 4, there must be a database connection.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen5\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - last page of Wizards</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"gruppen5\">Al diseñar el formulariu, faiga clic nel iconu<emph>Cuadru de grupu</emph> de la barra de ferramientes y, col mur, cree un marcu Última páxina de los asistentes</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen5\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame - Last page of wizards.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Convertidor de documentos</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport1\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Convertidor de documentos</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport2\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Convertidor de documentos</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"euro\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Euro Converter</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"euro\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Asistentes - Convertidor d'euros</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"euro\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Euro Converter</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu <emph>File - Wizards - Address Data Source</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Ficheru - Asistente - Orixe de datos de direiciones</emph>"
+msgid "Menu <emph>File - Wizards - Address Data Source</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5869,8 +5869,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"addressimport4\"><emph>Address Data Source Wizards</emph><emph>- Data source title</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"addressimport4\"><emph>Asistente d'orixe de datos de direiciones</emph><emph>- Títulu d'orixe de datos</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"addressimport4\"><emph>Address Data Source Wizards</emph> - <emph>Data source title</emph></variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5885,16 +5885,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"schliessen\">Choose <emph>File - Close</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"schliessen\">Menú<emph> Ficheru - Terminar</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"schliessen\">Choose <emph>File - Close</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Save</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú<emph> Ficheru - Guardar</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Save</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5909,8 +5909,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On Standard or Table Data Bar, click"
-msgstr "En barra Estándar o de la base de datos, faiga clic en"
+msgid "Open <emph>Standard</emph> or <emph>Table Data</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5949,104 +5949,104 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select \"HTML Document\" file type, this dialog opens automatically</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern\">Nel menú <emph>Ficheru - Esportar</emph> de $[officename] Draw o de $[officename] Impress, escueya'l tipu de ficheru \"Documentu HTML\"; y esti diálogu va abrise automáticamente</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML Document</emph> file type. The dialog opens automatically.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern1\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 1 of the wizard</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern1\">Nel menú <emph>Ficheru - Esportar</emph> de $[officename] Draw o de $[officename] Impress, escueya'l tipu de ficheru HTML, páxina 1 del asistente</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern1\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 1 of the wizard.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern2\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 2 of the wizard</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern2\">Nel menú <emph>Ficheru - Esportar</emph> de $[officename] Draw o de $[officename] Impress, escueya'l tipu de ficheru HTML, páxina 2 del asistente</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern2\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 2 of the wizard.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern3\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 3 of the wizard</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern3\">Nel menú <emph>Ficheru - Esportar</emph> de $[officename] Draw o de $[officename] Impress, escueya'l tipu de ficheru HTML, páxina 3 del asistente</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern3\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 3 of the wizard.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern4\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 4 of the wizard</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern4\">Nel menú <emph>Ficheru - Esportar</emph> de $[officename] Draw o de $[officename] Impress, escueya'l tipu de ficheru HTML, páxina 4 del asistente</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern4\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 4 of the wizard.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern5\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 5 of the wizard</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern5\">Nel menú <emph>Ficheru - Esportar</emph> de $[officename] Draw o de $[officename] Impress, escueya'l tipu de ficheru HTML, páxina 5 del asistente</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern5\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 5 of the wizard.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern6\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 6 of the wizard</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern6\">Nel menú <emph>Ficheru - Esportar</emph> de $[officename] Draw o de $[officename] Impress, escueya'l tipu de ficheru HTML, páxina 6 del asistente</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern6\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 6 of the wizard.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"exportgraphic\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, select a graphics file type, dialog opens automatically</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"exportgraphic\">Escueyi <emph>Ficheru - Esportar</emph>, seleiciona un tipu de ficheru gráficu, el diálogu s'abrirá de mou automàticu</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"exportgraphic\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, select a graphics file type. The dialog opens automatically.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"saveall\">Choose <emph>File - Save All</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"saveall\">Menú<emph> Ficheru - Guardar too</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"saveall\">Choose <emph>File - Save All</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"saveas\">Choose <emph>File - Save As</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"saveas\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Guardar como</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"saveas\">Choose <emph>File - Save As</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Reload</emph>"
-msgstr "Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Recargar</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Reload</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info1\">Choose <emph>File - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"info1\">Menú<emph> Ficheru - Propiedaes...</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info1\">Choose <emph>File - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info2\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"info2\">Escueya la llingüeta <emph> Xeneral</emph> en <emph>Ficheru - Propiedaesl</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info2\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6061,7 +6061,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Digital Signatures - Digital Signatures</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Digital Signatures - Digital Signatures</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6069,79 +6069,79 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Macros - Digital Signature</emph>"
-msgstr "Escueya <emph>Ferramientes - Macros - Firma dixital</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Macros - Digital Signature</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab, click <emph>Digital Signatures</emph> button"
-msgstr "Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Propiedaes - </emph>ficha <emph>Xeneral</emph> y faiga clic nel botón <emph>Firmes dixitales</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab, click <emph>Digital Signatures</emph> button."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Double-click the Signature field on the Status Bar."
-msgstr "Faiga doble clic nel campu Robla de la barra d'estáu."
+msgid "Double-click the <emph>Signature</emph> field on the <emph>Status</emph> bar."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"digitalsigsel\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab, click <emph>Digital Signatures</emph> button, then click <emph>Add</emph> button</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"digitalsigsel\">Escueya la llingüeta <emph>Xeneral</emph> en <emph>Ficheru - Propiedaesl</emph>, faiga clic en <emph>Firmes dixitales</emph> y, de siguío, faiga clic nel botón <emph>Amestar</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"digitalsigsel\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab, click <emph>Digital Signatures</emph> button, then click <emph>Add</emph> button.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info3\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Description</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"info3\">Escueya la llingüeta <emph>Descripción</emph> en <emph>Ficheru - Propiedaes</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info3\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Description</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info4\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Custom Properties</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"info4\">Escueya la llingüeta <emph>Propiedaes personalizaes</emph> en <emph>Ficheru - Propiedaes</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info4\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Custom Properties</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info5\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Statistics</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"info5\">Escueya la llingüeta <emph>Estadístiques</emph> en <emph>Ficheru - Propiedaes</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info5\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Statistics</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"infosec\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Security</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"infosec\">Escueya la llingüeta <emph>Ficheru - Propiedá - Seguridad</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"infosec\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Security</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info6\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Internet</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"info6\">Escueya la llingüeta <emph>Internet</emph> en <emph>Ficheru - Propiedaes</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info6\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Internet</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info7\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Font</emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info7\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Font</emph> tab.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6149,7 +6149,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu<emph> File - Print Preview</emph>"
+msgid "Menu <emph>File - Print Preview</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6173,23 +6173,23 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Printer Settings</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Ficheru - Configuración de la imprentadora...</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Printer Settings</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"senden\">Menu<emph> File - Send</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"senden\">Menú<emph> Ficheru - Unviar</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"senden\">Menu <emph>File - Send</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Send - E-mail Document</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Send - E-mail Document</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6213,8 +6213,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"export\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"export\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Esportar</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"export\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6229,7 +6229,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image src=\"cmd/sc_exportdirecttoepub.png\" id=\"img_id291525017890767\" width=\"0.566cm\" height=\"0.566cm\"> <alt id=\"alt_id51525017890767\">Export as EPUB</alt> </image>"
+msgid "<image src=\"cmd/sc_exportdirecttoepub.png\" id=\"img_id291525017890767\" width=\"0.566cm\" height=\"0.566cm\"><alt id=\"alt_id51525017890767\">Export as EPUB</alt></image>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6245,7 +6245,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As - Export as PDF</emph>, Digital Signatures tab"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As - Export as PDF</emph>, <emph>Digital Signatures</emph> tab."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6253,7 +6253,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As - Export as PDF</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As - Export as PDF</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6277,24 +6277,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Send - E-mail as PDF</emph>"
-msgstr "Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Unviar - Corréu electrónicu como PDF</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Send - E-mail as PDF</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"glo\">Choose <emph>File - Send - Create Master Document</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"glo\">Menú<emph> Ficheru - Unviar - Crear documentu maestru</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"glo\">Choose <emph>File - Send - Create Master Document</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Print</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú<emph> Ficheru - Imprentar...</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Print</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6309,8 +6309,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On Standard Bar, click"
-msgstr "En barra Estándar, faiga clic en"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6357,8 +6357,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Exit</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú<emph> Ficheru - Terminar</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Exit</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6373,48 +6373,48 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"neuglobal\">Choose <emph>File - New - Master Document</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"neuglobal\">Menú<emph> Ficheru - Nuevu - Documentu maestru</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"neuglobal\">Choose <emph>File - New - Master Document</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Open</emph> - select under \"File type\": \"Text CSV\""
-msgstr "Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Abrir</emph> - escueya embaxo \"Tipu de arvhivo\": \"Testu CSV\""
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Open - File type</emph>, select <emph>Text CSV</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Data - Text to Columns</emph> (Calc)"
-msgstr "Escueya <emph>Datos - Testu a columnes</emph> (Calc)"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Data - Text to Columns</emph> (Calc)."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"epsexport\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, if EPS is selected as file type, this dialog opens automatically</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"epsexport\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Esportar</emph>; si escoyóse'l tipu de ficheru EPS, el diálogu va abrise automáticamente</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"epsexport\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, if EPS is selected as file type, this dialog opens automatically.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"pbmppmpgm\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, if PBM, PPM or PGM is selected as file type, the dialog opens automatically</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"pbmppmpgm\">Escueya <emph>Ficheru - Esportar</emph>; si escoyóse dalgunu de los tipos de ficheru PBM, PPM o PGM, el diálogu va abrise automáticamente</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"pbmppmpgm\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, if PBM, PPM or PGM is selected as file type, the dialog opens automatically.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"versionen\"><variable id=\"autopilotberichtfeldauswahl\">Choose <emph>File - Versions</emph></variable></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"versionen\"><variable id=\"autopilotberichtfeldauswahl\">Menú <emph>Ficheru - Versiones</emph></variable></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"versionen\"><variable id=\"autopilotberichtfeldauswahl\">Choose <emph>File - Versions</emph>.</variable></variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6437,8 +6437,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Undo</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Editar - Desfacer</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Undo</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6453,8 +6453,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar or Table Data bar, click"
-msgstr "Na barra <emph>Estándar</emph> o na barra de base de datos, faiga clic en"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar or <emph>Table Data</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6477,16 +6477,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Redo</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Editar - Restaurar</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Redo</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
-msgstr "Na barra <emph>Estándar</emph>, faiga clic en"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6509,16 +6509,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"letzter\">Choose <emph>Edit - Repeat</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"letzter\">Menú <emph>Editar - Últimu comandu</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"letzter\">Choose <emph>Edit - Repeat</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Cut</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Editar - Cortar</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Cut</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6533,8 +6533,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
-msgstr "Na barra <emph>Estándar</emph>, faiga clic en"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6557,8 +6557,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Copy</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Editar - Copiar</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Copy</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6573,8 +6573,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
-msgstr "Na barra <emph>Estándar</emph>, faiga clic en"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6597,8 +6597,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Paste</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Editar - Pegar</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Paste</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6613,8 +6613,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
-msgstr "Na barra <emph>Estándar</emph>, faiga clic en"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6637,16 +6637,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"inhalte\">Choose <emph>Edit - Paste Special</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"inhalte\">Menú <emph>Editar - Pegáu especial...</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"inhalte\">Choose <emph>Edit - Paste Special</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Select All</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Editar - Escoyer too</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Select All</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6677,7 +6677,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"aenderungen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"aenderungen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6685,7 +6685,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"aufzeichnen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Record</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"aufzeichnen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Record</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6693,7 +6693,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"anzeigen\"><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph></caseinline></switchinline></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"anzeigen\"><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph>.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph>.</caseinline></switchinline></variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6701,7 +6701,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"rotlinie\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"rotlinie\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6709,7 +6709,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - List</emph> tab"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - List</emph> tab."
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6717,7 +6717,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply and Edit Changes</emph>. The AutoCorrect dialog appears. Click the <emph>Edit Changes</emph> button and navigate to the <emph>List</emph> tab."
+msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply and Edit Changes</emph>. The <emph>AutoCorrect</emph> dialog appears.<br/>Click the <emph>Edit Changes</emph> button and navigate to the <emph>List</emph> tab."
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6725,7 +6725,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"rotliniefilter\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - Filter</emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"rotliniefilter\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - Filter</emph> tab.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6733,7 +6733,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"einfuegen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Merge Document</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"einfuegen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Merge Document</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6741,7 +6741,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dvergl\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Compare Document</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dvergl\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Compare Document</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6749,7 +6749,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Comment</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Comment</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6757,7 +6757,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - List</emph> tab. Click an entry in the list and open the context menu. Choose <emph>Edit Comment</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - List</emph> tab.<br/>Click an entry in the list and open the context menu.<br/>Choose <emph>Edit Comment</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6765,8 +6765,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Editar - Desfacer</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6781,8 +6781,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Editar - Guetar y trocar...</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6797,8 +6797,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On Standard bar, click"
-msgstr "En barra Estándar, faiga clic en"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6821,56 +6821,56 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"suchenattribute\">Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Attributes</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"suchenattribute\">Menú <emph>Editar - Guetar y trocar... - </emph>Botón <emph>Atributos...</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"suchenattribute\">Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Attributes</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"suchenformat\">Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Format</emph> button </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"suchenformat\">Escueya <emph>Editar - Guetar y trocar -</emph>, botón <emph>Formatu</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"suchenformat\">Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Format</emph> button.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Similarity search</emph> check box and <emph>Similarities</emph> button."
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Editar - Guetar y trocar... </emph> Escueya'l caxellu de verificación <emph>Busca por semeyanza</emph> y calque el botón <emph> ... </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Similarity search</emph> check box, then click the <emph>Similarities</emph> button."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Table Data</emph> Bar, click <emph>Find</emph> icon - <emph>Similarity search</emph> check box - <emph>Similarities</emph> button (database table view)"
-msgstr "Vista d'una tabla de base de datos: Símbolu <emph>Guetar rexistru...</emph> na barra de bases de datos - escueya'l caxellu de verificación <emph>Busca por semeyanza</emph> y calque el botón <emph>...</emph>"
+msgid "On the <emph>Table Data</emph> bar, click <emph>Find</emph> icon, then <emph>Similarity search</emph> check box,<br/>then click the <emph>Similarities</emph> button (database table view)."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "On <emph>Form Design</emph> Bar, click <emph>Record Search</emph> - <emph>Similarity search</emph> check box - <emph>Similarities</emph> button (form view)"
-msgstr "Na barra de <emph>formulariu</emph>, calque <emph>Busca de rexistru de datos</emph> - caxellu de verificación <emph>Busca por semeyanza</emph> - botón <emph>...</emph> (vista de formulariu)"
+msgid "On the <emph>Form Design</emph> bar, click <emph>Record Search</emph> icon, then <emph>Similarity search</emph> check box,<br/>then click the <emph>Similarities</emph> button (form view)."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Navigator</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Editar - Navegador</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Navigator</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "On <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
-msgstr "Na barra <emph>Estándar</emph>, faiga clic en"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6893,80 +6893,80 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"litdat\">Choose <emph>Tools - Bibliography Database</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"litdat\">Escueya <emph>Ferramientes - Base de datos bibliográfica</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"litdat\">Choose <emph>Tools - Bibliography Database</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"link\">Choose <emph>Edit - Links</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"link\">Menú <emph>Editar - Hiperenllaz</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"link\">Choose <emph>Edit - Links</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"linkae\">Choose <emph>Edit - Links - Modify Link</emph> (DDE links only) </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"linkae\">Escueya <emph>Editar - Enllaces - Modificar enllaz</emph> (namái enllaces DDE) </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"linkae\">Choose <emph>Edit - Links - Modify Link</emph> (DDE links only).</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select a frame, then choose <emph>Edit - Object - Properties</emph>"
-msgstr "Escueya un frame y depués el menú <emph>Editar - Oxetu - Propiedaes</emph>"
+msgid "Select a frame, then choose <emph>Edit - Object - Properties</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open context menu of selected frame - choose <emph>Properties</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú contestual d'un frame escoyíu, comandu de menú <emph>Propiedaes</emph>"
+msgid "Open context menu of selected frame, choose <emph>Properties</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"imagemap\">Choose <emph>Edit - ImageMap</emph> (also in context menu of selected object) </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"imagemap\">Escueya <emph>Editar - Oxetu - Mapa d'imaxes</emph> (tamién nel menú contestual del oxetu escoyíu)</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"imagemap\">Choose <emph>Edit - ImageMap</emph>, also in the context menu of selected object.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"imapeigbea\">Choose <emph>Edit - ImageMap</emph>, then select a section of the ImageMap and click <emph>Properties - Description</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"imapeigbea\">Menú <emph>Editar - ImageMap</emph>, escueya una área en ImageMap y calque el botón <emph>Propiedá - Descripción</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"imapeigbea\">Choose <emph>Edit - ImageMap</emph>,<br/>then select a section of the ImageMap and click <emph>Properties - Description</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"edit1\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"edit1\">Menú <emph>Editar - Oxetu</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"edit1\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"edit2\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object - Edit</emph>, also in the context menu of selected object </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"edit2\">Escueya <emph>Editar - Oxetu - Editar</emph>, tamién nel menú contestual del oxetu escoyíu</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"edit2\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object - Edit</emph>, also in the context menu of selected object.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"edit3\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object - Open</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"edit3\">Menú <emph>Editar - Oxetu - Abrir</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"edit3\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object - Open</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6989,15 +6989,15 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Zoom</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Ver - Escala...</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Zoom</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Zoom also with (+) (-) (×) and (÷) on the number keypad</caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Zoom also with (+) (-) (×) and (÷) on the number keypad</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Zoom also with (+) (-) (×) and (÷) on the number keypad</caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Zoom also with (+) (-) (×) and (÷) on the number keypad.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
@@ -7005,104 +7005,104 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Double-click or right-click the field on the <emph>Status</emph> Bar"
-msgstr "Faiga doble clic o clic col botón derechu na barra de <emph>tao</emph>."
+msgid "Double-click or right-click the field on the <emph>Status</emph> bar."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Toolbars</emph>"
-msgstr "Escueya <emph>Ver - Barres de ferramientes</emph>."
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Toolbars</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"funktion\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Standard</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"funktion\">Escueya <emph>Ver - Barres d'herramienta - Estándar</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"funktion\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Standard</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"werkzeug\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Tools</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"werkzeug\">Escueya <emph>Ver - Barres de ferramientes - Ferramientes</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"werkzeug\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Tools</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"task\">Choose <emph>View - Status Bar</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"task\">Menú <emph>Ver - Barra d'estáu</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"task\">Choose <emph>View - Status Bar</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"farbleiste\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Color Bar</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"farbleiste\">Menú <emph>Ver - Barres de símbolos - Barra de colores</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"farbleiste\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Color Bar</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"ime\">Choose <emph>View - Input Method Status</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"ime\">Escueya <emph>Ver - Estáu del métodu d'entrada</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"ime\">Choose <emph>View - Input Method Status</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Internet</emph>"
-msgstr "Faiga clic nel iconu <emph>Hiperenllaz</emph> na barra <emph>estándar</emph>, faiga clic en <emph>Internet</emph>"
+msgid "Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Internet</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Hyperlink</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Inxertar - Hiperenllaz...</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Hyperlink</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"hypdiamailnews\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Mail</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"hypdiamailnews\">Faiga clic nel iconu <emph>Hiperenllaz</emph> na barra <emph>estándar</emph>, faiga clic en <emph>Corréu y noticies</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"hypdiamailnews\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Mail</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"hypdiadok\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Document</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"hypdiadok\">Faiga clic nel iconu <emph>Hiperenllaz</emph> na barra <emph>estándar</emph>, faiga clic en <emph>Documentu</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"hypdiadok\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Document</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"hypdianeudok\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>New Document</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"hypdianeudok\">Faiga clic nel iconu <emph>Hiperenllaz</emph> na barra <emph>estándar</emph>, faiga clic en <emph>Nuevu documentu</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"hypdianeudok\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>New Document</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Full Screen</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Ver - Pantalla completa</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Full Screen</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7141,15 +7141,15 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu <emph>View - Data Sources</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Ver - Fontes de datos</emph>"
+msgid "Menu <emph>View - Data Sources</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> + Shift + F4 keys"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+F4 keys"
msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
@@ -7173,16 +7173,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - HTML Source</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Ver - Testu fonte HTML</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - HTML Source</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open context menu in an HTML document"
-msgstr "Menú contestual d'un documentu HTML"
+msgid "Open context menu in an HTML document."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7205,7 +7205,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"grid\">Choose <emph>View - Grid</emph> (Impress or Draw)</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"grid\">Choose <emph>View - Grid</emph> (Impress or Draw).</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
@@ -7213,7 +7213,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"guides\">Choose <emph>View - Snap Lines</emph> (Impress or Draw)</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"guides\">Choose <emph>View - Snap Lines</emph> (Impress or Draw).</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7237,15 +7237,15 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"notiz\">Choose <emph>Insert - Comment</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"notiz\">Escoyer <emph>Inxertar - Comentariu</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"notiz\">Choose <emph>Insert - Comment</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7253,7 +7253,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan - Select Source</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan - Select Source</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7261,7 +7261,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan - Request</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan - Request</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7269,31 +7269,31 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Special Character</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Inxertar - Símbolos...</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Special Character</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Choose <emph>Format - Bullets and Numbering - Customize - Character</emph> button</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Escueya botón <emph>Formatu - Numberación y viñetes - Personalizar - Caráuter</emph>,</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Choose <emph>Format - Bullets and Numbering - Customize - Character</emph> button.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Choose <emph>Format - Bullets and Numbering - Customize - Character</emph> button</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Escueya botón <emph>Formatu - Numberación y viñetes - Personalizar - Caráuter</emph>,</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Choose <emph>Format - Bullets and Numbering - Customize - Character</emph> button.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> or the <emph>Insert</emph> toolbar, click"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> or the <emph>Insert</emph> bar, click"
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7325,7 +7325,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"moviesound2\">Choose <emph>Insert - Audio or Video</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"moviesound2\">Choose <emph>Insert - Audio or Video</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7341,24 +7341,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"objekteinf\">Choose <emph>Insert - Object</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"objekteinf\">Menú <emph>Inxertar - Oxetu</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"objekteinf\">Choose <emph>Insert - Object</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - OLE Object</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Inxertar - Oxetu - Oxetu OLE...</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - OLE Object</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open the <emph>Insert</emph> toolbar, click"
-msgstr "Abra la barra de ferramientes <emph>Inxertar</emph> y faiga clic en"
+msgid "On the <emph>Insert</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7381,16 +7381,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Formula</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Inxertar - Oxetu - Fórmula...</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Formula</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open the <emph>Insert </emph>toolbar, click"
-msgstr "Abra la barra de Ferramientes <emph>Inxertar </emph>, calque"
+msgid "On the <emph>Insert</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7413,64 +7413,64 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>"
-msgstr "Escueya <emph>Formatu - Tipu de diagrama</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart </emph>"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Inxertar - Oxetu - Diagrama - AutoFormatu diagrama</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart </emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>"
-msgstr "Escueya <emph>Formatu - Tipu de diagrama</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Inxertar - Oxetu - Diagrama - AutoFormatu diagrama</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>"
-msgstr "Escueya <emph>Formatu - Tipu de diagrama</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Inxertar - Oxetu - Diagrama - AutoFormatu diagrama</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Inxertar - Oxetu - Diagrama - AutoFormatu diagrama</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open the <emph>Insert </emph>toolbar, click"
-msgstr "Abra la barra de Ferramientes <emph>Inxertar </emph>, calque"
+msgid "On the <emph>Insert</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7493,7 +7493,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Image</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Image</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7501,7 +7501,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> toolbar, click"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7525,16 +7525,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Floating Frame</emph>"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Inxertar - Frame</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Floating Frame</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open the <emph>Insert </emph>toolbar, click"
-msgstr "Abra la barra de Ferramientes <emph>Inxertar </emph>, calque"
+msgid "On the <emph>Insert</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7557,8 +7557,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"filterauswahl\">Open a file of a type that is unknown to %PRODUCTNAME and that is no text file</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"filterauswahl\">Abra un ficheru d'un tipu desconocíu pa %PRODUCTNAME y que nun seya un ficheru de testu</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"filterauswahl\">Open a file of a type that is unknown to %PRODUCTNAME and that is no text file.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7693,7 +7693,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">Insert - Media - Clip Art Gallery</item> or on <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
+msgid "Choose <emph><item type=\"menuitem\">Insert - Media - Clip Art Gallery</item></emph> or open <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -7717,7 +7717,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"galleryregisterdateien\">Choose <emph>Tools - Gallery</emph> or click the <emph>Gallery </emph>icon on the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar - <emph>New Theme</emph> button - <emph>Files</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"galleryregisterdateien\">Choose <emph>Tools - Gallery</emph>or click the <emph>Gallery</emph> icon on the <emph>Standard</emph> bar -<br/><emph>New Theme</emph> button - <emph>Files</emph> tab.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -7741,8 +7741,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
-msgstr "Na barra <emph>Estándar</emph>, faiga clic en"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7805,8 +7805,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Language - Thesaurus</emph>"
-msgstr "Escueya <emph>Ferramientes - Idioma - Diccionariu de sinónimos</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Language - Thesaurus</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7853,7 +7853,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"passwort\">Choose <emph>Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - %PRODUCTNAME Basic</emph>, click the <emph>Organizer</emph> button, click the <emph>Libraries</emph> tab, and then click the <emph>Password</emph> button.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"passwort\">Choose <emph>Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - %PRODUCTNAME Basic</emph>,<br/>click the <emph>Organizer</emph> button,<br/>click the <emph>Libraries</emph> tab,<br/>and then click the <emph>Password</emph> button.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8037,15 +8037,15 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Path selection button in various wizards"
-msgstr "Botón de seleición de ruta en distintos asistentes"
+msgid "Path selection button in various wizards."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click <emph>Edit</emph> button for a few entries under <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - Paths</emph>"
+msgid "Click <emph>Edit</emph> button for a few entries under <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - Paths</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8245,7 +8245,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"etsofi\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save</emph> - <emph>VBA Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"etsofi\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save - VBA Properties</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8253,7 +8253,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"etsofi2\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save</emph> - <emph>Microsoft Office</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"etsofi2\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save - Microsoft Office</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8261,7 +8261,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"html\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save</emph> - <emph>HTML Compatibility</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"html\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save - HTML Compatibility</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8301,7 +8301,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language Settings - Writing Aids</emph>, in the <emph>Available language modules</emph> list, select one of the language modules and then click <emph>Edit</emph>."
+msgid "Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language Settings - Writing Aids</emph>,<br/>in the <emph>Available language modules</emph> list, select one of the language modules and then click <emph>Edit</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8389,7 +8389,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"layout\">Open a text document, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web</emph> - <emph>View</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"layout\">Open a text document, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web - View</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8397,7 +8397,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"registerschattencursor\">Open a text document, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web</emph> - <emph>Formatting Aids</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"registerschattencursor\">Open a text document, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web - Formatting Aids</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8429,7 +8429,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"drucken1\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/ %PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web</emph> - <emph>Print</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"drucken1\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web - Print</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8677,16 +8677,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"window\">Choose <emph>Window - New Window</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"window\">Menú <emph>Ventana - Nueva ventana</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"window\">Choose <emph>Window - New Window</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000407.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"liste\">Choose <emph>Window</emph> - List of open documents</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"liste\">Menú <emph>Ventana</emph> - Llista de los documentos abiertos</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"liste\">Choose <emph>Window - List of open documents</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000408.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8709,7 +8709,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"content\">Choose <emph>Help - %PRODUCTNAME Help</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"content\">Choose <emph>Help - %PRODUCTNAME Help</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000408.xhp
@@ -8717,8 +8717,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"infoanwendung\">Choose <emph>Help - About </emph><emph>%PRODUCTNAME</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"infoanwendung\">Menú <emph>Ayuda - Información sobre $[officename]...</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"infoanwendung\">Choose <emph>Help - About %PRODUCTNAME</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000408.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8733,8 +8733,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Help - Registration</emph> (this is a direct link to an external website)"
-msgstr "Menú <emph>Ayuda - Rexistru</emph> (directamente a la páxina web)"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Help - Registration</emph>. This is a direct link to an external website."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000409.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8757,24 +8757,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Data - Filter - Standard Filter</emph>"
-msgstr "Escueya <emph>Datos - Filtru - Filtru predetermináu</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Data - Filter - Standard Filter</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000409.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Database table view: <emph>Standard Filter</emph> icon in the <emph>Database</emph> Toolbar"
-msgstr "Vista de tabla de base de datos: Símbolu <emph>Filtru predetermináu</emph> na barra de símbolos <emph>Base de datos</emph>"
+msgid "Database table view: <emph>Standard Filter</emph> icon in the <emph>Database</emph> toolbar."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000409.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Form view: <emph>Standard Filter</emph> icon in the <emph>Form</emph> Bar"
-msgstr "Vista de formulariu: Símbolu <emph>Filtru predetermináu</emph> na barra de <emph>formularios</emph>"
+msgid "Form view: <emph>Standard Filter</emph> icon in the <emph>Form</emph> bar."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000409.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8813,8 +8813,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"DBTab\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - Table Filter</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"DBTab\"><emph>Ferramientes - Orixe de datos - </emph>ficha <emph>Tables</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"DBTab\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - Table Filter</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8829,23 +8829,23 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Typ\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties - Advanced Settings</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"Typ\">Na ventana d'un ficheru de base de datos, escueya <emph>Editar - Base de datos - Propiedaes - llingüeta Propiedaes avanzaes</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Typ\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties - Advanced Settings</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Datenquelle\">In a database file window of type ODBC or Address book, choose Edit - Database - Connection Type</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"Datenquelle\">Na ventana d'un ficheru de base de datos ODBC o llibreta de direiciones, escueya Editar - Base de datos - Tipu de conexón </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Datenquelle\">In a database file window of type <emph>ODBC</emph> or <emph>Address book</emph>,<br/>choose <emph>Edit - Database - Connection Type</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Verzeichnis\">Path selection button in various Wizards / <emph>Edit</emph> Buttons for some entries in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - Paths</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Verzeichnis\"><emph>Path</emph> selection button in various wizards / <emph>Edit</emph> buttons for some entries in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - Paths</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -8853,128 +8853,128 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"ODBC\">In a database file window of type ODBC, choose Edit - Database - Connection Type</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"ODBC\">Na ventana d'un ficheru de base de datos ODBC, escueya Editar - Base de datos - Tipu de conexón</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"ODBC\">In a database file window of type <emph>ODBC</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Connection Type</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"ldap\">In a database file window of type Address book - LDAP, choose Edit - Database - Properties</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"ldap\">Na ventana d'un ficheru de base de datos de llibreta de direiciones - LDAP, escueya Editar - Base de datos - Propiedaes</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"ldap\">In a database file window of type <emph>Address book - LDAP</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"JDBC\">In a database file window of type JDBC, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"JDBC\">Na ventana d'un ficheru de base de datos JDBC, escueya <emph>Editar - Base de datos - Propiedad</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"JDBC\">In a database file window of type <emph>JDBC</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"mysql\">In a database file window of type MySQL, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"mysql\">Na ventana d'un ficheru de base de datos MySQL, escueya <emph>Editar - Base de datos - Propiedad</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"mysql\">In a database file window of type <emph>MySQL</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dBase\">In a database file window of type dBASE, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dBase\">Na ventana d'un ficheru de base de datos de tipu dBase, escueya <emph>Editar - Base de datos - Propiedad</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dBase\">In a database file window of type <emph>dBASE</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dBasein\">In a database file window of type dBASE, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>, click <emph>Indexes</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dBasein\">Na ventana d'un ficheru de base de datos de tipu dBase, escueya <emph>Editar - Base de datos - Propiedad</emph>, fai clic en <emph>Indices</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dBasein\">In a database file window of type <emph>dBASE</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>, click <emph>Indexes</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Text\">In a database file window of type Text, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"Text\">Na ventana d'un ficheru de base de datos de tipu testu, escueya <emph>Editar - Base de datos - Propiedad</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Text\">In a database file window of type <emph>Text</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"ADO\">In a database file window of type MS ADO, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"ADO\">Na ventana d'un ficheru de base de datos MS ADO, escueya <emph>Editar - Base de datos - Propiedad</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"ADO\">In a database file window of type <emph>MS ADO</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"SQLStatement\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - SQL</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"SQLStatement\">Na ventana d'un ficheru de base de datos, escueya <emph>Ferramientes - SQL</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"SQLStatement\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - SQL</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Abfragen\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"Abfragen\">Na ventana d'un ficheru de base de datos, faiga clic nel iconu <emph>Consultes</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Abfragen\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Tabellen\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Tables</emph> icon</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"Tabellen\">Na ventana d'un ficheru de base de datos, faiga clic nel iconu <emph>Tables</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Tabellen\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Tables</emph> icon.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"tabellenentwurf\">In a database file window, click the Tables icon. Choose Insert -<emph> Table Design</emph> or <emph>Edit - Edit</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"tabellenentwurf\">Abrir base de datos - Menú contestual d'una tabla o d'un contenedor de tables - <emph>Nuevu diseñu de tabla</emph> o <emph>Editar tabla</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"tabellenentwurf\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Tables</emph> icon. Choose <emph>Insert - Table Design</emph> or <emph>Edit - Edit</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"indexentwurf\">In a database file window, click the Tables icon. Choose <emph>Insert - Table Design</emph> or <emph>Edit - Edit</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"indexentwurf\">Na ventana del ficheru de base de datos, faiga clic nel iconu Tables. Escueya <emph>Inxertar - Diseñu de tabla</emph> o <emph>Editar - Editar</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"indexentwurf\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Tables</emph> icon. Choose <emph>Insert - Table Design</emph> or <emph>Edit - Edit</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"AbfrageNeu\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Insert - Query (Design view)</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"AbfrageNeu\">Abrir base de datos - Menú contestual d'un contenedor de consultes - <emph>Nuevu diseñu de consulta</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"AbfrageNeu\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Insert - Query (Design view)</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"entwab\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon, then choose <emph>Edit - Edit</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"entwab\">Na ventana d'un ficheru de base de datos, faiga clic nel iconu <emph>Consultes</emph>; de siguío, escueya <emph>Editar - Editar</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"entwab\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon, then choose <emph>Edit - Edit</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"FehlendesElement\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon, then choose <emph>Edit - Edit</emph>. When referenced fields no longer exist, you see this dialog</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"FehlendesElement\">Na ventana d'un ficheru de base de datos, faiga clic nel iconu <emph>Consultes</emph>; de siguío, escueya <emph>Editar - Editar</emph>. Cuando los campos con referencies yá nun esisten, apaez esti diálogu</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"FehlendesElement\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon, then choose <emph>Edit - Edit</emph>.<br/>If the referenced fields no longer exist, you see this dialog.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9021,8 +9021,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Find Record</emph> icon on the Table Data bar and Form Design bar"
-msgstr "Símbolu <emph>Guetar rexistru</emph> nes barres <emph>Base de datos</emph> y <emph>Formulariu</emph>"
+msgid "<emph>Find Record</emph> icon on the Table Data bar and Form Design bar."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9045,8 +9045,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Sort Order</emph> icon on the Table Data bar and Form Design bar"
-msgstr "Símbolu <emph>Ordenar</emph> nes barres de <emph>base de datos</emph> y de <emph>fórmules</emph>"
+msgid "<emph>Sort Order</emph> icon on the Table Data bar and Form Design bar."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9069,40 +9069,40 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"allgemein\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"allgemein\">Na ventana d'un ficheru de base de datos, escueya <emph>Editar - Base de datos - Propiedad</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"allgemein\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"tabellecopy\">Drag and drop a table or a query into the table part of another database file window</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"tabellecopy\">Arrastre y suelte una tabla o consulta nel área de tables d'otra ventana de ficheru de base de datos </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"tabellecopy\">Drag and drop a table or a query into the table part of another database file window.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"formularneu\">In a database file window, choose<emph> Insert - Form</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"formularneu\">Abrir base de datos - Menú contestual d'un contenedor de formulariu o d'un formulariu<emph> - Nuevu - Formulariu</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"formularneu\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Insert - Form</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"benutzereinstellungen\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"benutzereinstellungen\">Na ventana d'un ficheru de base de datos, escueya <emph>Editar - Base de datos - Propiedad</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"benutzereinstellungen\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"relationen\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - Relationships</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"relationen\">Na ventana d'un ficheru de base de datos, escueya <emph>Ferramientes - Rellaciones</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"relationen\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - Relationships</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00040500.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po b/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po
index a5eb5aa90a9..10799aee142 100644
--- a/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po
+++ b/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 22:52+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-12-24 12:08+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">If you want to create a document from a template, choose <emph>New - Templates.</emph></ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">If you want to create a document from a template, choose <emph>New - Templates</emph>.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Creates a new text document ($[officename] Writer)."
+msgid "Creates a new text document in $[officename] Writer."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Creates a new spreadsheet document ($[officename] Calc)."
+msgid "Creates a new spreadsheet document in $[officename] Calc."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Creates a new presentation document ($[officename] Impress)."
+msgid "Creates a new presentation document in $[officename] Impress."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Creates a new drawing document ($[officename] Draw)."
+msgid "Creates a new drawing document in $[officename] Draw."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/dabawiz00.xhp\">Database Wizard</link> to create a <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/dabadoc.xhp\">database file</link>."
+msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/dabawiz00.xhp\"><emph>Database Wizard</emph></link> to create a <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/dabadoc.xhp\"><emph>database file</emph></link>."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Creates a new formula document ($[officename] Math)."
+msgid "Creates a new formula document in $[officename] Math."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01010200.xhp\" name=\"Labels\">Labels</link> dialog where you can set the options for your labels, and then creates a new text document for the labels ($[officename] Writer)."
+msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01010200.xhp\" name=\"Labels\"><emph>Labels</emph></link> dialog where you can set the options for your labels, and then creates a new text document for the labels in $[officename] Writer."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01010300.xhp\" name=\"Business Cards\">Business Cards</link> dialog where you can set the options for your business cards, and then creates a new text document ($[officename] Writer)."
+msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01010300.xhp\" name=\"Business Cards\"><emph>Business Cards</emph></link> dialog where you can set the options for your business cards, and then creates a new text document in $[officename] Writer."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new text document ($[officename] Writer).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new text document in $[officename] Writer.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new spreadsheet document ($[officename] Calc).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new spreadsheet document in $[officename] Calc.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new presentation document ($[officename] Impress).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new presentation document in $[officename] Impress.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new drawing document ($[officename] Draw).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new drawing document in $[officename] Draw.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the Database Wizard to create a database file.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the <emph>Database Wizard</emph> to create a database file.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new formula document ($[officename] Math).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new formula document in $[officename] Math.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the Labels dialog where you can set the options for your labels, and then creates a new text document for the labels ($[officename] Writer).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the <emph>Labels</emph> dialog where you can set the options for your labels, and then creates a new text document for the labels in $[officename] Writer.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the Business Cards dialog where you can set the options for your business cards, and then creates a new text document ($[officename] Writer).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the <emph>Business Cards</emph> dialog where you can set the options for your business cards, and then creates a new text document in $[officename] Writer.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use a <emph>Master Document</emph> to organize complex projects, such as a book. <ahelp hid=\".\">A <emph>Master Document</emph> can contain the individual files for each chapter of a book, as well as a table of contents, and an index.</ahelp>"
+msgid "Use a master document to organize complex projects, such as a book. <ahelp hid=\".\">A master document can contain the individual files for each chapter of a book, as well as a table of contents, and an index.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010001.xhp
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"Navigator for Master Documents\">Navigator for Master Documents</link>"
+msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"Navigator for Master Documents\"><emph>Navigator for Master Documents</emph></link>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010200.xhp
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"etikett\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertLabels\">Allows you to create labels. Labels are created in a text document.</ahelp> You can print labels using a pre-defined or a custom paper format. </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"etikett\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertLabels\">Allows you to create labels. Labels are created in a text document.</ahelp> You can print labels using a predefined or a custom paper format.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010200.xhp
@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/cardmediumpage/database\">Select the database that you want to use as the data source for your label. </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/cardmediumpage/database\">Select the database that you want to use as the data source for your label.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010201.xhp
@@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The name of the database field is bounded by brackets in the <emph>Label text</emph> box. If you want, you can separate database fields with spaces. Press Enter to insert a database field on a new line."
+msgid "The name of the database field is bounded by brackets in the <emph>Label text</emph> box. If you want, you can separate database fields with spaces. Press <emph>Enter</emph> to insert a database field on a new line."
msgstr ""
#: 01010201.xhp
@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can select a pre-defined size format for your label or a size format that you specify on the <emph>Format </emph>tab."
+msgid "You can select a predefined size format for your label or a size format that you specify on the <emph>Format</emph> tab."
msgstr ""
#: 01010201.xhp
@@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/labeloptionspage/synchronize\">Allows you to edit a single label or business card and updates the contents of the remaining labels or business cards on the page when you click the <emph>Synchronize Labels </emph>button.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/labeloptionspage/synchronize\">Allows you to edit a single label or business card and updates the contents of the remaining labels or business cards on the page when you click the <emph>Synchronize Labels</emph> button.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010203.xhp
@@ -1125,7 +1125,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Synchronize labels </emph>button only appears in your document if you selected the <emph>Synchronize contents </emph>on the<emph> Options tab </emph>when you created the labels or business cards."
+msgid "The <emph>Synchronize labels</emph> button only appears in your document if you have selected the <emph>Synchronize contents</emph> on the <emph>Options</emph> tab when you created the labels or business cards."
msgstr ""
#: 01010203.xhp
@@ -1165,7 +1165,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/labeloptionspage/setup\">Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01140000.xhp\" name=\"Printer Setup\">Printer Setup</link> dialog.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/labeloptionspage/setup\">Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01140000.xhp\" name=\"Printer Setup\"><emph>Printer Setup</emph></link> dialog.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010300.xhp
@@ -1733,7 +1733,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If the file that you want to open contains Styles, <link href=\"text/shared/01/01020000.xhp#vorlagen\" name=\"special rules\">special rules</link> apply."
+msgid "If the file that you want to open contains styles, <link href=\"text/shared/01/01020000.xhp#vorlagen\" name=\"special rules\">special rules</link> apply."
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -1789,7 +1789,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To open more than one document at the same time, each in an own window, hold <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command </caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> while you click the files, and then click <emph>Open</emph>."
+msgid "To open more than one document at the same time, each in an own window, hold <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> while you click the files, and then click <emph>Open</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"fpicker/ui/explorerfiledialog/file_name\">Enter a file name or a path for the file. You can also enter a <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#url\" name=\"URL\">URL</link> that starts with the protocol name ftp, http, or https.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"fpicker/ui/explorerfiledialog/file_name\">Enter a file name or a path for the file. You can also enter an <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#url\" name=\"URL\"><emph>URL</emph></link> that starts with the protocol name <emph>ftp</emph>, <emph>http</emph>, or <emph>https</emph>.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -1861,7 +1861,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you want, you can use wildcards in the <emph>File name </emph>box to filter the list of files that is displayed."
+msgid "If you want, you can use wildcards in the <emph>File name</emph> box to filter the list of files that is displayed."
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -1869,7 +1869,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"> </caseinline><defaultinline>For example, to list all of the text files in a folder, enter the asterisk wildcard with the text file extension (*.txt), and then click<emph> Open</emph>. Use the question mark (?) wildcard to represent any character, as in (??3*.txt), which only displays text files with a '3' as the third character in the file name.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>For example, to list all of the text files in a folder, enter the asterisk wildcard with the text file extension (<emph>*.txt</emph>), and then click <emph>Open</emph>. Use the question mark (<emph>?</emph>) wildcard to represent any character, as in <emph>??3*.txt</emph>, which only displays text files with a '<emph>3</emph>' as the third character in the file name.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -1989,7 +1989,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "the shared template folder"
+msgid "In the <emph>shared template</emph> folder,"
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -1997,7 +1997,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "the user template folder <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"UNIX\">in the home directory </caseinline><defaultinline>in the Documents and Settings folder</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "- the <emph>user template</emph> folder, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"UNIX\">- the <emph>home directory</emph> folder, </caseinline> <defaultinline> - the <emph>Documents and Settings</emph> folder </defaultinline> </switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -2005,7 +2005,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "all template folders as defined in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010300.xhp\" name=\"%PRODUCTNAME - Paths\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Paths</emph></link>"
+msgid "and all template folders as defined in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010300.xhp\" name=\"%PRODUCTNAME - Paths\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Paths</emph></link>."
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -2013,7 +2013,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you use <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Templates - Save as Template</item> to save a template, the template will be stored in your user template folder. When you open a document that is based on such a template, the document will be checked for a changed template as described below. The template is associated with the document, it may be called a \"sticky template\"."
+msgid "When you use <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Templates - Save as Template</item> to save a template, the template will be stored in your <emph>user template</emph> folder. When you open a document that is based on such a template, the document will be checked for a changed template as described below. The template is associated with the document, it may be called a \"sticky template\"."
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -2021,7 +2021,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you use <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save As</item> and select a template filter to save a template at any other folder that is not in the list, then the documents based on that template will not be checked."
+msgid "When you use <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save As</item> and select a template filter to save a template at any other folder that is <emph>not</emph> in the list, then the documents based on that template will <emph>not</emph> be checked."
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -2093,7 +2093,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>remote file;open</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>open;remote file</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>remote file; open</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>open; remote file</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 01020001.xhp
@@ -2117,7 +2117,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Open Remote..</item>"
+msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Open Remote...</item> ."
msgstr ""
#: 01020001.xhp
@@ -2125,7 +2125,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click the <emph>Remote Files</emph> button in the <emph>Start Center</emph>"
+msgid "Click the <emph>Remote Files</emph> button in the <emph>Start Center</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01020001.xhp
@@ -2133,7 +2133,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Long click on the <emph>Open</emph> icon and select <emph>Open Remote Files...</emph>"
+msgid "Long-click on the <emph>Open</emph> icon and select <emph>Open Remote Files...</emph> ."
msgstr ""
#: 01020001.xhp
@@ -2141,7 +2141,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "A remote file server is web service that stores documents with or without checkin, checkout, version controls and backups."
+msgid "A <emph>remote file server</emph> is a <emph>web service</emph> that stores documents with or without checkin, checkout, version controls and backups."
msgstr ""
#: 01020001.xhp
@@ -2213,7 +2213,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link name=\"Open Dialog\" href=\"text/shared/01/01020000.xhp\"><emph>Open</emph> Dialog</link>"
+msgid "<link name=\"Open Dialog\" href=\"text/shared/01/01020000.xhp\">Open dialog</link>"
msgstr ""
#: 01020103.xhp
@@ -2277,7 +2277,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Ensure that the file extension corresponds to the file type of the document. For example, a Microsoft Word document must have a (*.doc) extension for $[officename] to use the appropriate filter."
+msgid "Ensure that the file extension corresponds to the file type of the document. For example, a Microsoft Word document must have a <emph>*.doc</emph> or <emph>*.docx</emph> extension for $[officename] to use the appropriate filter."
msgstr ""
#: 01020103.xhp
@@ -2325,7 +2325,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Close </emph>command closes all of the open windows for the current document."
+msgid "The <emph>Close</emph> command closes all of the open windows for the current document."
msgstr ""
#: 01050000.xhp
@@ -2333,7 +2333,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you have made changes to the current document, you are prompted if you want to <link href=\"text/shared/01/01060000.xhp\" name=\"save\">save</link> your changes."
+msgid "If you have made changes to the current document, you are prompted if you want to <link href=\"text/shared/01/01060000.xhp\" name=\"save\"><emph>save</emph></link> your changes."
msgstr ""
#: 01050000.xhp
@@ -2341,7 +2341,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you close the last open document window, you see the <link href=\"text/shared/guide/startcenter.xhp\">Start Center</link>."
+msgid "When you close the last open document window, you see the <link href=\"text/shared/guide/startcenter.xhp\"><emph>Start Center</emph></link>."
msgstr ""
#: 01050000.xhp
@@ -2389,7 +2389,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you edit an AutoText entry, this command changes to <emph>Save AutoText</emph>."
+msgid "When you edit an <emph>AutoText</emph> entry, this command changes to <emph>Save AutoText</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01060001.xhp
@@ -2405,7 +2405,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>remote file;save</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>save;remote file</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>remote file; save</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>save; remote file</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 01060001.xhp
@@ -2429,7 +2429,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save Remote..</item>"
+msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save Remote...</item> ."
msgstr ""
#: 01060001.xhp
@@ -2437,7 +2437,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Long click on the <emph>Save</emph> icon and select <emph>Save Remote Files...</emph>"
+msgid "Long-click on the <emph>Save</emph> icon and select <emph>Save Remote Files...</emph> ."
msgstr ""
#: 01060001.xhp
@@ -2469,7 +2469,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>save;save a copy</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>save a copy</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>save; save a copy</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>save a copy</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 01060002.xhp
@@ -2485,7 +2485,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"saveacopy1\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:SaveACopy\">Save a copy of the actual document with another name or location.</ahelp></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"saveacopy1\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:SaveACopy\">Saves a copy of the actual document with another name or location.</ahelp></variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 01060002.xhp
@@ -2493,7 +2493,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save a Copy</item>"
+msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save a Copy</item>."
msgstr ""
#: 01060002.xhp
@@ -2565,7 +2565,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The following sections describe the <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> <emph>Save as</emph> dialog. To activate the <emph><item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> Open</emph> and <emph>Save</emph> dialog boxes, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010600.xhp\" name=\"%PRODUCTNAME - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME- General</emph></link>, and then select the <emph>Use %PRODUCTNAME dialogs</emph> in the <emph>Open/Save dialogs</emph> area."
+msgid "The following sections describe the <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> <emph>Save as</emph> dialog. To activate the <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> <emph>Open</emph> and <emph>Save</emph> dialog boxes, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010600.xhp\" name=\"%PRODUCTNAME - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME- General</emph></link>, and then select the <emph>Use %PRODUCTNAME dialogs</emph> in the <emph>Open/Save dialogs</emph> area."
msgstr ""
#: 01070000.xhp
@@ -2821,7 +2821,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The following sections describe the <emph>$[officename] Export</emph> dialog box. To activate the <emph>$[officename] Open</emph> and <emph>Save</emph> dialog boxes, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010600.xhp\" name=\"$[officename] - General\"><emph>$[officename] - General</emph></link>, and then select the <emph>Use $[officename] dialogs</emph> in the <emph>Open/Save dialogs</emph> area."
+msgid "The following sections describe the <emph>$[officename] Export</emph> dialog box. To activate the $[officename] <emph>Open</emph> and <emph>Save</emph> dialog boxes, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010600.xhp\" name=\"$[officename] - General\"><emph>$[officename] - General</emph></link>, and then select the <emph>Use $[officename] dialogs</emph> in the <emph>Open/Save dialogs</emph> area."
msgstr ""
#: 01070001.xhp
@@ -2885,7 +2885,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>export as;PDF</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>export as;EPUB</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>Export as; PDF</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>Export as; EPUB</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 01070002.xhp
@@ -2901,7 +2901,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"exportas1\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Export the document in PDF or EPUB formats</ahelp></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"exportas1\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Export the document in PDF or EPUB formats.</ahelp></variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 01070002.xhp
@@ -2909,7 +2909,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As...</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As...</emph> ."
msgstr ""
#: 01070002.xhp
@@ -3085,7 +3085,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>version numbers of documents</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>documents; version numbers</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>files; version numbers</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>editing time of documents</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>documents; editing time</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>version numbers of documents</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>documents; version numbers</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>files; version numbers</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>editing time of documents</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>documents; editing time</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 01100200.xhp
@@ -3245,7 +3245,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/digitalsignatures.xhp\">Digital Signatures</link> dialog where you can manage digital signatures for the current document."
+msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/digitalsignatures.xhp\"><emph>Digital Signatures</emph></link> dialog where you can manage digital signatures for the current document."
msgstr ""
#: 01100200.xhp
@@ -3453,7 +3453,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of tables in the file.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Number of sheets in the file.</caseinline></switchinline> This statistic does not include tables that were inserted as <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\">OLE</link> objects."
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of tables in the file.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Number of sheets in the file.</caseinline></switchinline> This statistic <emph>does not</emph> include tables that were inserted as <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\"><emph>OLE</emph></link> objects."
msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
@@ -3501,7 +3501,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of images in the file. This statistic does not include images that were inserted as <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\">OLE</link> objects.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of images in the file. This statistic <emph>does not</emph> include images that were inserted as <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\"><emph>OLE</emph></link> objects.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
@@ -3517,7 +3517,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\">OLE</link> objects in the file, including tables and graphics that were inserted as OLE objects.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\"><emph>OLE</emph></link> objects in the file, <emph>including</emph> tables and graphics that were inserted as OLE objects.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
@@ -3533,7 +3533,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of paragraphs (including blank paragraphs) in the file.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of paragraphs, including blank paragraphs, in the file.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
@@ -3549,7 +3549,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of words (including words consisting of a single character) in the file.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of words, including words consisting of a single character, in the file.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
@@ -3565,7 +3565,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of characters (including spaces) in the file. Non-printable characters are not included.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of characters, including spaces, in the file. Non-printable characters are not included.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
@@ -3725,7 +3725,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select <emph>File - Templates</emph>"
+msgid "Select <emph>File - Templates</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01110101.xhp
@@ -3757,7 +3757,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Address Book Source</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Address Book Source</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01110101.xhp
@@ -3821,7 +3821,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svt/ui/addresstemplatedialog/admin\">Add a new data source to the <emph>Address Book Source </emph>list.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svt/ui/addresstemplatedialog/admin\">Add a new data source to the <emph>Address Book Source</emph> list.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01110101.xhp
@@ -3885,7 +3885,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select <emph>File - Templates - Save as Template</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Templates - Save as Template</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01110300.xhp
@@ -3965,7 +3965,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select <emph>File - Templates - Open Template</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Templates - Open Template</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01130000.xhp
@@ -10189,7 +10189,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>hotspots;properties</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>properties;hotspots</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ImageMap;hotspot properties</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>hotspots; properties</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>properties; hotspots</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>ImageMap; hotspot properties</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 02220100.xhp
@@ -10253,7 +10253,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/cuiimapdlg/textentry\">Enter the text that you want to display when the mouse rests on the hotspot in a browser.</ahelp> If you do not enter any text, the <emph>Address </emph>is displayed."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/cuiimapdlg/textentry\">Enter the text that you want to display when the mouse rests on the hotspot in a browser.</ahelp> If you do not enter any text, the <emph>Address</emph> is displayed."
msgstr ""
#: 02220100.xhp
@@ -10373,7 +10373,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Tracks each change that is made in the current document by author and date. </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Tracks each change that is made in the current document by author and date.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10381,7 +10381,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph>, the lines containing changed text passages are indicated by a vertical line in the left page margin. You can set the properties of the vertical line and the other markup elements by choosing <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040700.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Changes</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph>, the lines containing changed text passages are indicated by a vertical line in the left page margin. You can set the properties of the vertical line and the other markup elements by choosing <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040700.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Changes</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10389,7 +10389,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">You can set the properties of the markup elements by choosing <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Calc - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Calc - Changes</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">You can set the properties of the markup elements by choosing <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Calc - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Calc - Changes</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10405,7 +10405,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Paste and delete text"
+msgid "Paste and delete text."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10413,7 +10413,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Move paragraphs"
+msgid "Move paragraphs."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10421,7 +10421,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Sort text"
+msgid "Sort text."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10429,7 +10429,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Find and replace text"
+msgid "Find and replace text."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10445,7 +10445,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert sheets, ranges"
+msgid "Insert sheets, ranges."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10453,7 +10453,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert document"
+msgid "Insert document."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10461,7 +10461,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert AutoText"
+msgid "Insert AutoText."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10469,7 +10469,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert from clipboard"
+msgid "Insert from clipboard."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10477,7 +10477,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Change cell contents by insertions and deletions"
+msgid "Change cell contents by insertions and deletions."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10485,7 +10485,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert or delete columns and rows"
+msgid "Insert or delete columns and rows."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10493,7 +10493,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert sheets"
+msgid "Insert sheets."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10501,7 +10501,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Cut, copy and paste through the clipboard"
+msgid "Cut, copy and paste through the clipboard."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10509,7 +10509,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Move by dragging and dropping"
+msgid "Move by dragging and dropping."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10581,7 +10581,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can change the display properties of the markup elements by choosing <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Changes</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Calc - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Calc - Changes</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "You can change the display properties of the markup elements by choosing <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Changes</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Calc - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Calc - Changes</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230200.xhp
@@ -10629,7 +10629,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Show rejected changes </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Show rejected changes</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230200.xhp
@@ -10677,7 +10677,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can attach a comment when <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">the cursor is in a changed text passage </caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">the changed cell is selected</caseinline></switchinline>, or in the <emph>Manage Changes</emph> dialog."
+msgid "You can attach a comment when <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">the cursor is in a changed text passage</caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">the changed cell is selected</caseinline></switchinline>, or in the <emph>Manage Changes</emph> dialog."
msgstr ""
#: 02230300.xhp
@@ -10685,7 +10685,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Comments are displayed as callouts in the sheet when you rest your mouse pointer over a cell with a recorded change. You can also view comments that are attached to a changed cell in the changes list in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/02230400.xhp\" name=\"Manage Changes\"><emph>Manage Changes</emph></link> dialog. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Comments are displayed as callouts in the sheet when you rest your mouse pointer over a cell with a recorded change. You can also view comments that are attached to a changed cell in the changes list in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/02230400.xhp\" name=\"Manage Changes\"><emph>Manage Changes</emph></link> dialog.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230400.xhp
@@ -10741,7 +10741,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>List </emph>tab displays all of the changes that were recorded in the current document. If you want to filter this list, click the <emph>Filter </emph>tab, and then select your <link href=\"text/shared/01/02230402.xhp\" name=\"filter criteria\">filter criteria</link>.<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"> If the list contains nested changes, the dependencies are shown regardless of the filter. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "The <emph>List</emph> tab displays all of the changes that were recorded in the current document. If you want to filter this list, click the <emph>Filter</emph> tab, and then select your <link href=\"text/shared/01/02230402.xhp\" name=\"filter criteria\">filter criteria</link>.<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"> If the list contains nested changes, the dependencies are shown regardless of the filter.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -10749,7 +10749,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Nested changes occur where changes made by different authors overlap. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Nested changes occur where changes made by different authors overlap.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -10757,7 +10757,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Click the plus sign beside an entry in the list to view all of the changes that were recorded for a cell. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Click the <emph>plus</emph> sign beside an entry in the list to view all of the changes that were recorded for a cell.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -10765,7 +10765,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">If one of the nested changes for a cell matches a filter criterion, all of the changes for the cell are displayed. When you filter the change list, the entries in the list appear in different colors according to the following table: </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">If one of the nested changes for a cell matches a filter criterion, all of the changes for the cell are displayed. When you filter the change list, the entries in the list appear in different colors according to the following table:</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -10861,7 +10861,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/redlineviewpage/changes\">Lists the changes that were recorded in the document. When you select an entry in the list, the change is highlighted in the document. To sort the list, click a column heading. </ahelp> Hold down <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> while you click to select multiple entries in the list."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/redlineviewpage/changes\">Lists the changes that were recorded in the document. When you select an entry in the list, the change is highlighted in the document. To sort the list, click a column heading.</ahelp> Hold down <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> while you click to select multiple entries in the list."
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -10869,7 +10869,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To edit the comment for an entry in the list, right-click the entry, and then choose<emph> Edit - Comment</emph>."
+msgid "To edit the comment for an entry in the list, right-click the entry, and then choose <emph>Edit - Comment</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -10901,7 +10901,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Position </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Position</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -10909,7 +10909,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Lists the cells with contents that were changed. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Lists the cells with contents that were changed.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -11029,7 +11029,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To reverse the acceptance or rejection of a change, choose <emph>Undo </emph>on the <emph>Edit </emph>menu."
+msgid "To reverse the acceptance or rejection of a change, choose <emph>Undo</emph> on the <emph>Edit</emph> menu."
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -11037,7 +11037,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Undo </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Undo</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -11045,7 +11045,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you made changes by choosing <emph>Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply and Edit Changes</emph>, the <emph>Undo</emph> button appears in the dialog.<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog/undo\"> Reverse the last Accept or Reject command.</ahelp></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you made changes by choosing <emph>Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply and Edit Changes</emph>, the <emph>Undo</emph> button appears in the dialog. <ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog/undo\">Reverse the last Accept or Reject command.</ahelp></caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -11117,7 +11117,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog/writerauthor\">Sorts the list according to the Author.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog/writerauthor\">Sorts the list according to the author.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -11253,7 +11253,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Range </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Range</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
@@ -11261,7 +11261,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Filters the list of changes according to the range of cells that you specify. To select a range of cells in your sheet, click the <emph>Set Reference </emph>button (<emph>...</emph>).</ahelp></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Filters the list of changes according to the range of cells that you specify. To select a range of cells in your sheet, click the <emph>Set Reference</emph> button (<emph>...</emph>).</ahelp></caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
@@ -11277,7 +11277,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Set Reference </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Set Reference</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
@@ -11301,7 +11301,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Shrink/Max </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Shrink/Max</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
@@ -11325,7 +11325,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Action </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Action</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
@@ -11349,7 +11349,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Filters the comments of the changes according to the keyword(s) that you enter. </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Filters the comments of the changes according to the keyword(s) that you enter.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
@@ -11509,7 +11509,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Type the number of the record that you want to display, and then press Enter.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Type the number of the record that you want to display, and then press <emph>Enter</emph>.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 02250000.xhp
@@ -11525,7 +11525,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_GRID_TRAVEL_NEW\" visibility=\"hidden\">Inserts a new record into the current table.</ahelp> To create a record, click the asterisk (*) button at the bottom of the table view. An empty row is added at the end of the table."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_GRID_TRAVEL_NEW\" visibility=\"hidden\">Inserts a new record into the current table.</ahelp> To create a record, click the asterisk (<emph>*</emph>) button at the bottom of the table view. An empty row is added at the end of the table."
msgstr ""
#: 02250000.xhp
@@ -11581,7 +11581,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Bib/query\">Type the information that you want to search for, and then press Enter. To change the filter options for the search, long-click the <emph>AutoFilter</emph> icon, and then select a different data field. You can use wildcards such as % or * for any number of characters, and _ or ? for one character in your search. To display all of the records in the table, clear this box, and then press Enter. </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Bib/query\">Type the information that you want to search for, and then press <emph>Enter</emph>. To change the filter options for the search, long-click the <emph>AutoFilter</emph> icon, and then select a different data field. You can use wildcards such as <emph>%</emph> or <emph>*</emph> for any number of characters, and <emph>_</emph> or <emph>?</emph> for one character in your search. To display all of the records in the table, clear this box, and then press <emph>Enter</emph>. </ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 02250000.xhp
@@ -11613,7 +11613,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>Standard Filter</emph> to refine and to combine <emph>AutoFilter </emph>search options.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>Standard Filter</emph> to refine and to combine <emph>AutoFilter</emph> search options.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 02250000.xhp
@@ -11677,7 +11677,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Bib/Mapping\">Lets you map the column headings to data fields from a different data source. To define a different data source for your bibliography, click the<emph> Data Source</emph> button on the record<emph> Object Bar</emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Bib/Mapping\">Lets you map the column headings to data fields from a different data source. To define a different data source for your bibliography, click the <emph>Data Source</emph> button on the record's <emph>Object</emph> bar.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 02250000.xhp
@@ -11957,7 +11957,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:FunctionBarVisible\">Shows or hides the <emph>Standard Bar</emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:FunctionBarVisible\">Shows or hides the <emph>Standard</emph> bar.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 03040000.xhp
@@ -11989,7 +11989,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the Input Method Engine (IME) status window.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the <emph>Input Method Engine</emph> (IME) status window.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 03040000.xhp
@@ -11997,7 +11997,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Currently only the Internet/Intranet Input Method Protocol (IIIMP) under Unix is supported."
+msgid "Currently only the <emph>Internet/Intranet Input Method Protocol</emph> (IIIMP) under Unix is supported."
msgstr ""
#: 03050000.xhp
@@ -12029,7 +12029,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ToolBarVisible\">Shows or hides the <emph>Tools bar</emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ToolBarVisible\">Shows or hides the <emph>Tools</emph> bar.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 03060000.xhp
@@ -12061,7 +12061,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the <emph>Status Bar</emph> at the bottom edge of the window.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the <emph>Status</emph> bar at the bottom edge of the window.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 03110000.xhp
@@ -12093,7 +12093,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the menus and toolbars in Writer or Calc. To exit the full screen mode, click the <emph>Full Screen</emph> button or press the Esc key.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the menus and toolbars in Writer or Calc. To exit the full screen mode, click the <emph>Full Screen</emph> button or press the <emph>Esc</emph> key.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 03110000.xhp
@@ -12101,7 +12101,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_FULLSCREENTOOLBOX\">In Writer and Calc, you can also use the shortcut keys <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+J to switch between the normal and full screen mode.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_FULLSCREENTOOLBOX\">In Writer and Calc, you can also use the shortcut keys <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>J</emph> to switch between the normal and full screen mode.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 03110000.xhp
@@ -12109,7 +12109,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can still use shortcut keys in <emph>Full Screen</emph> mode, even though the menus are unavailable. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">To open the <emph>View</emph> menu, press Alt+V. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "You can still use shortcut keys in <emph>Full Screen</emph> mode, even though the menus are unavailable. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">To open the <emph>View</emph> menu, press <emph>Alt</emph>+<emph>V</emph>.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 03170000.xhp
@@ -12141,7 +12141,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ColorControl\">Show or hides the <emph>Color Bar</emph>. To modify or change the color table that is displayed, choose <emph>Format - Area</emph>, and then click on the <emph>Colors</emph> tab.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ColorControl\">Show or hides the <emph>Color</emph> bar. To modify or change the color table that is displayed, choose <emph>Format - Area</emph>, and then click on the <emph>Colors</emph> tab.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 03170000.xhp
@@ -12157,7 +12157,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can also drag a color from the <emph>Color Bar</emph> and drop it on a draw object on your slide."
+msgid "You can also drag a color from the <emph>Color</emph> bar and drop it on a draw object on your slide."
msgstr ""
#: 03170000.xhp
@@ -12165,7 +12165,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To detach the <emph>Color Bar</emph>, click on a gray area of the toolbar and then drag. To reattach the <emph>Color Bar</emph>, drag the title bar of the toolbar to the edge of the window."
+msgid "To detach the <emph>Color</emph> bar, click on a gray area of the toolbar and then drag. To reattach the <emph>Color</emph> bar, drag the title bar of the toolbar to the edge of the window."
msgstr ""
#: 03990000.xhp
@@ -12613,7 +12613,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"sonder\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Allows a user to insert characters from the range of symbols found in the installed fonts.</ahelp> </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"sonder\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Allows a user to insert characters from the range of symbols found in the installed fonts.</ahelp></variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 04100000.xhp
@@ -12621,7 +12621,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you click a character in the <emph>Special Characters </emph>dialog, a preview and the corresponding numerical code for the character is displayed."
+msgid "When you click a character in the <emph>Special Characters</emph> dialog, a preview and the corresponding numerical code for the character is displayed."
msgstr ""
#: 04100000.xhp
@@ -13325,7 +13325,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To enable support for complex text layout and Asian character sets, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language Settings - Languages</emph>, and then select the <emph>Enabled </emph>box in the corresponding area."
+msgid "To enable support for complex text layout and Asian character sets, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language Settings - Languages</emph>, and then select the <emph>Enabled</emph> box in the corresponding area."
msgstr ""
#: 05020100.xhp
@@ -13389,7 +13389,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you are creating a Style that is based on another Style, you can enter a percentage value or a point value (for example, -2pt or +5pt)."
+msgid "If you are creating a style that is based on another style, you can enter a percentage value or a point value (for example, <item type=\"input\">-2pt</item> or <item type=\"input\">+5pt</item>)."
msgstr ""
#: 05020100.xhp
@@ -13421,7 +13421,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For language tag details please see the <link href=\"\"><emph>For users</emph> section on the web site</link>."
+msgid "For language tag details please see the <link href=\"\"><emph>For users</emph> section on the web site</link>."
msgstr ""
#: 05020100.xhp
@@ -13429,7 +13429,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can also change the locale setting for cells (choose <emph>Format - Cells – Numbers</emph>)."
+msgid "You can also change the locale setting for cells (choose <emph>Format - Cells - Numbers</emph>)."
msgstr ""
#: 05020100.xhp
@@ -13461,7 +13461,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>fonts;effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>formatting; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>characters; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>text; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>effects; fonts</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>underlining; text</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>capital letters; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>lowercase letters; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>titles; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>small capitals</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>strikethrough; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>fonts; strikethrough</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>outlines; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>fonts; outlines</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>shadows; characters</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>fonts; shadows</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>fonts;color ignored</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ignored font colors</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>colors;ignored text color</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>fonts; effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>formatting; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>characters; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>text; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>effects; fonts</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>underlining; text</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>capital letters; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>lowercase letters; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>titles; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>small capitals</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>strikethrough; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>fonts; strikethrough</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>outlines; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>fonts; outlines</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>shadows; characters</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>fonts; shadows</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>fonts; color ignored</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>ignored font colors</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>colors; ignored text color</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13493,7 +13493,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/effectspage/fontcolorlb\">Sets the color for the selected text. If you select<emph> Automatic</emph>, the text color is set to black for light backgrounds and to white for dark backgrounds.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/effectspage/fontcolorlb\">Sets the color for the selected text. If you select <emph>Automatic</emph>, the text color is set to black for light backgrounds and to white for dark backgrounds.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13525,7 +13525,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To exit the paint can mode, click once, or press the Escape key."
+msgid "To exit the paint can mode, click once, or press the <emph>Esc</emph> key."
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13533,7 +13533,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The text color is ignored when printing, if the <emph>Print black</emph> check box is selected in <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040400.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Print\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Print</emph></link> in the Options dialog box."
+msgid "The text color is ignored when printing, if the <emph>Print black</emph> check box is selected in <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040400.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Print\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Print</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box."
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13549,7 +13549,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"><variable id=\"textfarbe\">Click to apply the current font color to the selected characters. You can also click here, and then drag a selection to change the text color. Click the arrow next to the icon to open the Font color toolbar.</variable></ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"><variable id=\"textfarbe\">Click to apply the current font color to the selected characters. You can also click here, and then drag a selection to change the text color. Click the arrow next to the icon to open the <emph>Font color</emph> toolbar.</variable></ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13589,7 +13589,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Without - no effect is applied"
+msgid "<emph>Without</emph> - no effect is applied,"
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13597,7 +13597,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Capitals - changes the selected lowercase characters to uppercase characters"
+msgid "<emph>Capitals</emph> - changes the selected lowercase characters to uppercase characters,"
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13605,7 +13605,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Lowercase - changes the selected uppercase characters to lower characters"
+msgid "<emph>Lowercase</emph> - changes the selected uppercase characters to lower characters,"
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13613,7 +13613,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Title font - changes the first character of each selected word to an uppercase character"
+msgid "<emph>Title font</emph> - changes the first character of each selected word to an uppercase character,"
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13621,7 +13621,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Small capitals - changes the selected lowercase characters to uppercase characters, and then reduces their size"
+msgid "<emph>Small capitals</emph> - changes the selected lowercase characters to uppercase characters, and then reduces their size."
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13637,7 +13637,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/effectspage/relieflb\">Select a relief effect to apply to the selected text. The embossed relief makes the characters appear as if they are raised above the page. The engraved relief makes the characters appear as if they are pressed into the page.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/effectspage/relieflb\">Select a <emph>relief</emph> effect to apply to the selected text. The <emph>embossed</emph> relief makes the characters appear as if they are raised above the page. The <emph>engraved</emph> relief makes the characters appear as if they are pressed into the page.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13901,7 +13901,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"zahlen\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:TableNumberFormatDialog\">Specify the formatting options for the selected cell(s).</ahelp> </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"zahlen\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:TableNumberFormatDialog\">Specify the formatting options for the selected cell(s).</ahelp></variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020300.xhp
@@ -13917,7 +13917,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/categorylb\">Select a category from the list, and then select a formatting style in the <emph>Format </emph>box.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/categorylb\">Select a category from the list, and then select a formatting style in the <emph>Format</emph> box.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020300.xhp
@@ -13981,7 +13981,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/languagelb\">Specifies the language setting for the selected <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">cells </caseinline><defaultinline>fields</defaultinline></switchinline>. With the language set to <emph>Automatic</emph>, $[officename] automatically applies the number formats associated with the system default language. Select any language to fix the settings for the selected <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">cells </caseinline><defaultinline>fields</defaultinline></switchinline>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/languagelb\">Specifies the language setting for the selected <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">cells </caseinline><defaultinline>fields</defaultinline></switchinline>. With the language set to <emph>Automatic</emph>, $[officename] automatically applies the number formats associated with the system default language. Select any language to fix the settings for the selected <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">cells</caseinline><defaultinline> fields</defaultinline></switchinline>.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020300.xhp
@@ -14085,7 +14085,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/negnumred\">Changes the font color of negative numbers to red.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/negnumred\">Changes the font color of negative numbers to <emph>red</emph>.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020300.xhp
@@ -14117,7 +14117,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/engineering\">With scientific format, Engineering notation ensures that exponent is a multiple of 3.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/engineering\">With scientific format, <emph>Engineering notation</emph> ensures that exponent is a multiple of 3.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020300.xhp
@@ -14237,7 +14237,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Number format codes can consist of up to four sections separated by a semicolon (;)."
+msgid "Number format codes can consist of up to four sections separated by a semicolon (<emph>;</emph>)."
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -14269,7 +14269,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Fourth section applies if the content is not a value, but some text. Content is represented by an at sign (@)."
+msgid "Fourth section applies if the content is not a value, but some text. Content is represented by an at sign (<emph>@</emph>)."
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -14285,7 +14285,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use zero (0), the number sign (#) or the question mark (?) as placeholders in your number format code to represent numbers. The (#) only displays significant digits, while the (0) displays zeroes if there are fewer digits in the number than in the number format. The (?) works as the (#) but adds a space character to keep decimal alignment if there is a hidden non-significant zero."
+msgid "Use zero (<emph>0</emph>), the number sign (<emph>#</emph>) or the question mark (<emph>?</emph>) as placeholders in your number format code to represent numbers. The <emph>#</emph> only displays significant digits, while the <emph>0</emph> displays zeroes if there are fewer digits in the number than in the number format. The <emph>?</emph> works as the <emph>#</emph> but adds a space character to keep decimal alignment if there is a hidden non-significant zero."
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -14293,7 +14293,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use question marks (?), zeroes (0) or number signs (#) to represent the number of digits to include in the numerator and the denominator of a fraction. Fractions that do not fit the pattern that you define are displayed as floating point numbers."
+msgid "Use question marks (<emph>?</emph>), zeroes (<emph>0</emph>) or number signs (<emph>#</emph>) to represent the number of digits to include in the numerator and the denominator of a fraction. Fractions that do not fit the pattern that you define are displayed as floating point numbers."
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -14525,7 +14525,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To use a character to define the width of a space in a number format, type an underscore ( _ ) followed by the character. The width of the space varies according to the width of the character that you choose. For example, <emph>_M</emph> creates a wider space than <emph>_i</emph>."
+msgid "To use a character to define the width of a space in a number format, type an underscore (<emph>_</emph>) followed by the character. The width of the space varies according to the width of the character that you choose. For example, <emph>_M</emph> creates a wider space than <emph>_i</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -14533,7 +14533,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To fill free space with a given character, use an asterisk (*) followed by this character. For instance:"
+msgid "To fill free space with a given character, use an asterisk (<emph>*</emph>) followed by this character. For instance:"
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -14541,7 +14541,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "will display integer value (0) preceded by as many as needed backslash characters (\\) to fill column width. For accounting representation, you may left align currency symbol with a format similar to:"
+msgid "will display integer value (0) preceded by as many as needed backslash characters (<emph>\\</emph>) to fill column width. For accounting representation, you may left align currency symbol with a format similar to:"
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -14653,7 +14653,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To display numbers as percentages, add the percent sign (%) to the number format."
+msgid "To display numbers as percentages, add the percent sign (<emph>%</emph>) to the number format."
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -15141,7 +15141,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "All date formats are dependent on the locale that is set in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph> </caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language settings - Languages</emph>. For example, if your locale is set to 'Japanese', then the Gengou calendar is used. The default date format in <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> uses the Gregorian Calendar."
+msgid "All date formats are dependent on the locale that is set in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language settings - Languages</emph>. For example, if your locale is set to 'Japanese', then the Gengou calendar is used. The default date format in <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> uses the Gregorian Calendar."
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -15245,7 +15245,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">If you perform a calculation that involves one or more cells using a date format, the result is formatted according to the following mappings: </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">If you perform a calculation that involves one or more cells using a date format, the result is formatted according to the following mappings:</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -15429,7 +15429,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">The Date&Time format displays the date and time that an entry was made to a cell with this format. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">The <emph>Date & Time</emph> format displays the date and time that an entry was made to a cell with this format.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -15453,7 +15453,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To display hours, minutes and seconds use the following number format codes."
+msgid "To display hours, minutes and seconds use the following number format codes:"
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -15589,7 +15589,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To display numbers using native number characters, use a [NatNum1], [NatNum2], ... [NatNum11] modifier at the beginning of a number format codes."
+msgid "To display numbers using native number characters, use a [NatNum1], [NatNum2], ..., [NatNum11] modifier at the beginning of a number format codes."
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -17925,7 +17925,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Rotation / scaling"
+msgid "Rotation/scaling"
msgstr ""
#: 05020500.xhp
@@ -18221,7 +18221,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Set the typographic options for cells or paragraphs in Asian language files. To enable Asian language support, choose <emph>Language Settings - Languages</emph> in the Options dialog box, and then select the <emph>Enabled</emph> box in the <emph>Asian language support</emph> area.</ahelp> The Asian typography options are ignored in HTML documents."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Set the typographic options for cells or paragraphs in Asian language files. To enable Asian language support, choose <emph>Language Settings - Languages</emph> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box, and then select the <emph>Enabled</emph> box in the <emph>Asian language support</emph> area.</ahelp> The Asian typography options are ignored in HTML documents."
msgstr ""
#: 05020700.xhp
@@ -18277,7 +18277,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Apply spacing between Asian and non-Asian text</emph>"
+msgid "Apply spacing between Asian and non-Asian text"
msgstr ""
#: 05020700.xhp
@@ -26133,7 +26133,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To align a graphic relative to the character that it is anchored to, right-click the graphic, and then choose <emph>Image</emph>. Click the <emph>Type</emph> tab, and in the <emph>Position</emph> area, select <emph>Character</emph> in the <emph>to</emph> boxes."
+msgid "To align a graphic relative to the character that it is anchored to, right-click the graphic, and then choose <emph>Properties</emph>. Click the <emph>Type</emph> tab, and in the <emph>Position</emph> area, select <emph>Character</emph> in the <emph>to</emph> boxes."
msgstr ""
#: 05260400.xhp
@@ -31693,7 +31693,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Automatically applies a border at the base of the preceding paragraph when you type three or more specific characters, and then press Enter. To create a single line, type three or more hyphens (-), or underscores ( _ ), and then press Enter. To create a double line, type three or more equal signs (=), asterisks (*), tildes (~), or hash marks (#), and then press Enter."
+msgid "Automatically applies a border at the base of the preceding paragraph when you type three or more specific characters, and then press Enter. To create a single line, type three or more hyphens (-), or underscores (_), and then press Enter. To create a double line, type three or more equal signs (=), asterisks (*), tildes (~), or hash marks (#), and then press Enter."
msgstr ""
#: 06040100.xhp
@@ -31901,7 +31901,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Combine single line paragraphs if length greater than ...</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Combine single line paragraphs if length greater than...</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 06040100.xhp
diff --git a/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/02.po b/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/02.po
index 33293ebe164..ae65a977545 100644
--- a/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/02.po
+++ b/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/02.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-08 15:10+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-05-24 02:54+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: Softastur <>\n"
@@ -1974,8 +1974,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Formatting</emph>: You can set the <emph>Formatting </emph>property by clicking the <emph>... </emph>button in the <emph>Formatting</emph> line of the <emph>Properties: Formatted Field</emph> dialog. The <emph>Number Format</emph> dialog appears."
-msgstr "<emph>Formatu</emph>: Pa establecer la propiedá <emph>Formatu</emph>, faiga clic nel botón <emph>... </emph>de la llinia <emph>Formatu</emph> del diálogu <emph>Propiedaes: Campu con formatu</emph>. Apaez el diálogu <emph>Formatu numbéricu</emph>."
+msgid "<emph>Formatting</emph>: You can set the <emph>Formatting</emph> property by clicking the <emph>...</emph> button in the <emph>Formatting</emph> line of the <emph>Properties: Formatted Field</emph> dialog. The <emph>Number Format</emph> dialog appears."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170002.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1990,8 +1990,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Min. value</emph> and <emph>Max. value</emph>: You can enter the minimum and maximum numeric value for a formatted field. The min and max values determine the output of existing data (Example: Min. value is 5, the connected database field contains the integer value 3. The output is 5, but the value in the database is not modified) and the input of new data (Example: Max. value is 10 and you enter 20. The input is corrected and 10 is written in the database). If the fields are not filled in for <emph>Min. value </emph>and <emph>Max. value</emph>, no limits will be applied. For formatted fields that are connected to a database text field, these two values and the <emph>Default value</emph> do not apply."
-msgstr "<emph>Valor mínimu</emph> y <emph>Valor máximu</emph>: Pue especificar los valores numbéricos mínimu y máximu pa un campu formateáu. Los valores mínimu y máximu determinen la salida de los datos esistentes (por exemplu: el valor mínimu ye 5, el campu coneutáu de la base de datos contién el valor enteru 3; la salida ye 5, pero'l valor conteníu na base de datos nun se modificar) y l'entrada de datos nuevos (por exemplu: el valor máximu ye 10, y escríbese el valor 20; la entrada correxir a 10 y guardar na base de datos). Si los campos <emph>Valor mínimu </emph>y <emph>Valor máximu</emph> nun s'especifiquen, nun se van aplicar llendes. Nel casu de campos formateaos coneutaos con un campu de la base de datos, estos dos valores y <emph>Valor predetermináu</emph> nun se tienen en considerancia."
+msgid "<emph>Min. value</emph> and <emph>Max. value</emph>: You can enter the minimum and maximum numeric value for a formatted field. The min and max values determine the output of existing data (Example: Min. value is <emph>5</emph>, the connected database field contains the integer value <emph>3</emph>. The output is <emph>5</emph>, but the value in the database is not modified) and the input of new data (Example: Max. value is <emph>10</emph> and you enter <emph>20</emph>. The input is corrected and <emph>10</emph> is written in the database). If the fields are not filled in for <emph>Min. value</emph> and <emph>Max. value</emph>, no limits will be applied. For formatted fields that are connected to a database text field, these two values and the <emph>Default value</emph> do not apply."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170002.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2030,8 +2030,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you enter a year using two digits, the corresponding four digit value is determined by a setting in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - General</emph>. For example, if 1935 is set as the lower limiting value and you enter 34 as a date value, then the result is 2034 instead of 1934."
-msgstr "Al introducir un añu con dos díxitos, determinar el valor correspondiente de cuatro dígito según la configuración en <emph><switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">%PRODUCTNAME - Preferencies</caseinline><defaultinline>Ferramientes - Opciones</defaultinline></switchinline> - $[officename] - Xeneral</emph>. Por exemplu, si establecer a 1935 como'l valor de la llende inferior, ya introduz 34 como valor de fecha, la resultancia va ser 2034 en cuenta de 1934."
+msgid "When you enter a year using two digits, the corresponding four digit value is determined by a setting in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - General</emph>. For example, if <emph>1935</emph> is set as the lower limiting value and you enter <emph>34</emph> as a date value, then the result is <emph>2034</emph> instead of <emph>1934</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170003.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2198,8 +2198,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWCOLS\">Calls a submenu where you can select the columns to show again.</ahelp> To show only one column, click the column name. You see only the first 16 hidden columns. If there are more hidden columns, choose the <emph>More</emph> command to call the <emph>Show Columns</emph> dialog."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWCOLS\">Abre un submenú nel que puen escoyese les columnes por que se amuesen de nuevu.</ahelp> Si deseya amosar namái una columna, faiga clic nel nome de la columna. Namái se ven les primeres 16 columnes ocultes. Si hubiera más columnes ocultes, escueya'l comandu <emph>Más</emph> p'abrir el diálogu <emph>Amosar columnes</emph>."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWCOLS\">Calls a submenu where you can select the columns to show again.</ahelp> To show only one column, click the column name. You see only the first <emph>16</emph> hidden columns. If there are more hidden columns, choose the <emph>More</emph> command to call the <emph>Show Columns</emph> dialog."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2222,7 +2222,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/showcoldialog/ShowColDialog\">In the <emph>Show Columns</emph> dialog you can select the columns to be shown. Hold down the Shift or <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> key to select multiple entries.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/showcoldialog/ShowColDialog\">In the <emph>Show Columns</emph> dialog you can select the columns to be shown. Hold down the <emph>Shift</emph> or <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> key to select multiple entries.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
@@ -2238,88 +2238,88 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWALLCOLS\">Click <emph>All </emph>if you want to show all columns.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWALLCOLS\">Faiga clic en <emph>Toos </emph>si deseya amosar toles columnes.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWALLCOLS\">Click <emph>All</emph> if you want to show all columns.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Keyboard-only control of Table Controls"
-msgstr "Control namái por tecláu en controles de tables"
+msgid "Keyboard-only control of <emph>Table Controls</emph>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you use the keyboard only to travel through controls in your document, you will find one difference to the other types of controls: the Tab key does not move the cursor to the next control, but moves to the next column inside the table control. Press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Tab to move to the next control, or press Shift+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Tab to move to the previous control."
-msgstr "Si usa'l tecláu solamente pa percorrer al traviés de los controles nel documentu, entós va atopase una diferencia a otros tipos de controles: La tecla Tab nun mueve'l cursor al siguiente control, sinón mueve a la columna siguiente dientro de la tabla de control. Primir <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Comandu</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Tab pa movese al siguiente control, o primir Shift+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Tab pa movese al control anterior."
+msgid "If you use the keyboard only to travel through controls in your document, you will find one difference to the other types of controls: the <emph>Tab</emph> key does not move the cursor to the next control, but moves to the next column inside the table control. Press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Tab</emph> to move to the next control, or press <emph>Shift</emph>+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Tab</emph> to move to the previous control."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "To enter the special keyboard-only edit mode for Table Controls:"
-msgstr "Pa entrar nel mou d'edición especial de namái tecláu pa controles de tables:"
+msgid "To enter the special keyboard-only edit mode for <emph>Table Controls</emph>:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The form document must be in <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170500.xhp\" name=\"design mode\">design mode</link>."
-msgstr "The form document must be in <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170500.xhp\" name=\"design mode\">mou diseñu</link>."
+msgid "The form document must be in <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170500.xhp\" name=\"design mode\"><emph>Design mode</emph></link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+F6 to select the document."
-msgstr "Primir <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Comandu</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+F6 pa escoyer el documentu."
+msgid "Press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>F6</emph> to select the document."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Press Shift+F4 to select the first control. If the Table Control is not the first control, press Tab until it is selected."
-msgstr "Calque Mayús + F4 pa escoyer el primer control. Si'l primer control nun ye Control de tables, calque la tecla de tabulación sucesivamente hasta que quede escoyíu."
+msgid "Press <emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>F4</emph> to select the first control. If the <emph>Table Control</emph> is not the first control, press <emph>Tab</emph> until it is selected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Press Enter to enter the edit mode. The handles are shown farther out from the control border."
-msgstr "Calque Intro pa entrar nel mou d'edición. Les agarraderes atópense más allá del borde del campu de control."
+msgid "Press <emph>Enter</emph> to enter the edit mode. The handles are shown farther out from the control border."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "In the edit mode, you can open the edit mode context menu by pressing Shift+F10."
-msgstr "En mou d'edición calque Mayús+F10 p'abrir el menú contestual del mou d'edición."
+msgid "In the edit mode, you can open the edit mode context menu by pressing <emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>F10</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you want to edit columns, press Shift+Space to enter column edit mode. Now you can rearrange the order of columns with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Arrow keys. The Delete key deletes the current column."
-msgstr "Si deseyar editar les columnes, primir Shift+Espaciu pa entrar a el mou d'edición de la columna. Agora yá pue reorganizase l'orde de les columnes con <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Comandu</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Tecles de cursor. La tecla Suprimir desanicia la columna actual."
+msgid "If you want to edit columns, press <emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>Space</emph> to enter column edit mode. Now you can rearrange the order of columns with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Arrow</emph> keys. The <emph>Delete</emph> key deletes the current column."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Press the Escape key to exit the edit mode."
-msgstr "Calque la tecla Esc pa salir del mou d'edición."
+msgid "Press the <emph>Esc</emph> key to exit the edit mode."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2358,8 +2358,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"hinweis\">You can only call the<emph> Properties</emph> dialog when in the Design mode with a control selected. </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"hinweis\">El diálogu <emph>Propiedaes</emph> namái pue abrir cuando s'escoyó un control nel mou de diseñu. </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"hinweis\">You can only call the <emph>Properties</emph> dialog when in the <emph>Design mode</emph> with a control selected.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2382,48 +2382,48 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Effects"
-msgstr "<emph>Efeutu</emph>"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Option</caseinline><defaultinline>Alt</defaultinline></switchinline>+Down Arrow"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Opción</caseinline><defaultinline>Alt</defaultinline></switchinline>+Flecha embaxo."
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Option</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Alt</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Down Arrow</emph>:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the combo box"
-msgstr "Esplegar el campu combinao"
+msgid "Opens the combo box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Option</caseinline><defaultinline>Alt</defaultinline></switchinline>+Up Arrow"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Opción</caseinline><defaultinline>Alt</defaultinline></switchinline>+Flecha enriba"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Option</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Alt</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Up Arrow</emph>:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Closes the combo box"
-msgstr "Zarrar el campu combinao"
+msgid "Closes the combo box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Shift+Enter"
-msgstr "(Mayús)+(Entrar)"
+msgid "<emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>Enter</emph>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2438,8 +2438,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Up Arrow"
-msgstr "Flecha enriba"
+msgid "<emph>Up Arrow</emph>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2454,8 +2454,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Down Arrow"
-msgstr "Flecha embaxo"
+msgid "<emph>Down Arrow</emph>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2470,8 +2470,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter"
-msgstr "(Entrar)"
+msgid "<emph>Enter</emph>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2486,8 +2486,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "As with list boxes or combo boxes, you can open or close the list with a mouse click at the arrow on the right end of the field. However, the input here can be entered either in the opened list or in the top text field. An exception is the properties that expect a list representation, for example, the property <emph>List Entries</emph>, which can be set for the control fields <emph>List Box</emph> and <emph>Combo Box</emph>. Here, you can only edit the entries when the field is opened."
-msgstr "Al igual que con cuadros de llista o campos combinaos, la llista pue abrir o zarrar con una pulsación del mur sobre la flecha asitiada nel estremu derechu del campu. Sicasí, la entrada nesti casu introduzse bien na llista abierta bien nel campu de testu cimeru. Constitúin una esceición les propiedaes que riquen una representación en llista, como la propiedá <emph>Entraes de llistes</emph> les cualos defínense pa los campos de control <emph>Llistáu</emph> y <emph>Campu combinao</emph>. Nesti casu, namái puen editase les entraes cuando el ficheru ta abiertu."
+msgid "As with list boxes or combo boxes, you can open or close the list with a mouse click at the arrow on the right end of the field. However, the input here can be entered either in the opened list or in the top text field. An exception is the properties that expect a list representation, for example, the property \"List Entries\", which can be set for the control fields <emph>List Box</emph> and <emph>Combo Box</emph>. Here, you can only edit the entries when the field is opened."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2510,16 +2510,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "This <emph>General </emph>tab enables you to define the general properties of a form control. These properties differ, depending on the control type. Not all of the following properties are available for every control."
-msgstr "La llingüeta <emph>Xeneral </emph>dexa definir les propiedaes xenerales d'un campu de control de formulariu. Diches propiedaes dependen del tipu de campu de control. Non toles propiedaes indicaes de siguío tán disponibles pa tolos campos de control."
+msgid "This <emph>General</emph> tab enables you to define the general properties of a form control. These properties differ, depending on the control type. Not all of the following properties are available for every control."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you export the current form document to HTML format, the default control values are exported, not the current control values. Default values are determined - depending on the type of control - by the properties' Default value (for example, in text fields), Default status (for check boxes and option fields), and Default selection (for list boxes)."
-msgstr "Si esporta la forma actual del documentu pal formatu HTML, los valores de control predetermináu son esportaos, y non l'actual control de valores. Valores predeterminaos son determinaos -dependiendo del tipu de control- poles propiedaes' Valor predetermináu (por exemplu, nos campos de testu), Estáu predetermináu (por caxellu de verificación y campos opcionales), y Seleición predeterminada (por cuadros de llista)."
+msgid "If you export the current form document to HTML format, the default control values are exported, not the current control values. Default values are determined - depending on the type of control - by the properties' <emph>Default value</emph> (for example, in text fields), <emph>Default status</emph> (for check boxes and option fields), and <emph>Default selection</emph> (for list boxes)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2534,8 +2534,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ENABLED\">If a control field has the property \"Enabled\" (Yes), the form user will be able to use the control field.</ahelp> If the property is disabled, it will not be enabled (No) and will be displayed in a gray color."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ENABLED\">Si un campu de control tien la propiedá \"Activáu\" (Sí), l'usuariu del formulariu va poder utilizar el campu de control.</ahelp> Si la propiedá ta desactivada, nun s'activa (Non) y amuésase en color gris."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ENABLED\">If a control field has the property \"Enabled\" (<emph>Yes</emph>), the form user will be able to use the control field.</ahelp> If the property is disabled, it will not be enabled (<emph>No</emph>) and will be displayed in a gray color."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2550,8 +2550,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LINECOUNT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies how many lines should be displayed in the dropdown list. This setting is only active if you chose \"Yes\" in the \"Dropdown\" option.</ahelp> For combo boxes with the Dropdown property, you can specify how many lines should be displayed in the dropdown list. With control fields which do not have the Dropdown option, the line's display will be specified by the size of the control field and the font size."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LINECOUNT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Especifique'l númberu de llinies que va apaecer na llista desplegable. Esti axuste namái s'activa si escueye \"Sí\" na opción \"desplegable\".</ahelp> Pa cuadros combinaos cola propiedá Desplegable, pue especificar el númberu de llinies que va apaecer na llista desplegable. Colos campos de control que nun tienen la opción desplegable, la vista de llinies va ser especificada pol tamañu del campu de control y del tamañu de la fonte."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LINECOUNT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies how many lines should be displayed in the dropdown list. This setting is only active if you chose \"<emph>Yes</emph>\" in the <emph>Dropdown</emph> option.</ahelp> For combo boxes with the \"Dropdown\" property, you can specify how many lines should be displayed in the dropdown list. With control fields which do not have the <emph>Dropdown</emph> option, the line's display will be specified by the size of the control field and the font size."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2566,16 +2566,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BUTTONTYPE\" visibility=\"hidden\">The Action property determines the action that occurs when you activate a button.</ahelp> You can use navigation actions to design your own database navigation buttons."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BUTTONTYPE\" visibility=\"hidden\">La propiedá Aición determina l'aición que tien llugar cuando s'activa un botón.</ahelp> Por aciu les acciones de navegación pue diseñar botones personalizaos de navegación de bases de datos."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BUTTONTYPE\" visibility=\"hidden\">The \"Action\" property determines the action that occurs when you activate a button.</ahelp> You can use navigation actions to design your own database navigation buttons."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The following table describes the actions that you can assign to a button."
-msgstr "Na tabla siguiente figuren les acciones que puen asignase a un botón."
+msgid "The following table describes the actions that you can assign to a button:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2622,8 +2622,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Sends the data that is entered in other control fields of the current form to the address that is specified in <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Form Properties\">Form Properties</link> under <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170201.xhp\" name=\"URL\"><emph>URL</emph></link>."
-msgstr "Unvia los datos que s'introducen n'otros campos de control del formulariu actual a la direición que s'indica en <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Propiedaes del formulario\">Propiedaes del formulariu</link>, en <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170201.xhp\" name=\"URL\"><emph>URL</emph></link>."
+msgid "Sends the data that is entered in other control fields of the current form to the address that is specified in <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Form Properties\"><emph>Form Properties</emph></link> under <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170201.xhp\" name=\"URL\"><emph>URL</emph></link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2646,8 +2646,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Resets the settings in other control fields to the predefined defaults (Default Status, Default Selection, Default Value)."
-msgstr "Restablez la configuración d'otros campos de control a los valores predeterminaos (Estáu predetermináu, Seleición predeterminada, Valor predetermináu)."
+msgid "Resets the settings in other control fields to the predefined defaults: <emph>Default Status</emph>, <emph>Default Selection</emph>, <emph>Default Value</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2822,8 +2822,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DROPDOWN\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies whether the combo box should dropdown (Yes) or not (No).</ahelp> A control field with the dropdown property has an additional arrow button which opens the list of the existing form entries per mouse click. Under <emph>Line count</emph>, you can specify how many lines (or rows) should be displayed in the dropdown state. Combination fields can have the dropdown property."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DROPDOWN\" visibility=\"hidden\">Especifique si'l cuadru combináu tendría d'esplegase (Si) o non (Non).</ahelp> Un campu de control cola propiedá desplegable tien un botón adicional de flecha qu'abre la llista de les entraes de formulariu esistente por cada clic. Debaxo de <emph>Númberu de llinia</emph>, pue especificar cuantes llinies o files tienen d'amosase nel estáu desplegable. Los campos combinaos puen tener la propiedá desplegable."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DROPDOWN\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies whether the combo box should dropdown (<emph>Yes</emph>) or not (<emph>No</emph>).</ahelp> A control field with the dropdown property has an additional arrow button which opens the list of the existing form entries per mouse click. Under <emph>Line count</emph>, you can specify how many lines (or rows) should be displayed in the dropdown state. Combination fields can have the dropdown property."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2854,32 +2854,32 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Title of Label fields"
-msgstr "Títulu de campos d'etiqueta"
+msgid "Title of Label fields,"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Content of text fields"
-msgstr "Conteníu de los campos de testu"
+msgid "Content of text fields,"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Content of table fields in the columns of a table control"
-msgstr "Conteníu de los campos de tabla nes columnes d'un control de tables"
+msgid "Content of table fields in the columns of a table control,"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Graphics or text that are used in buttons"
-msgstr "Gráficos o testu que s'utilicen en botones"
+msgid "Graphics or text that are used in buttons."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2902,8 +2902,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_AUTOCOMPLETE\" visibility=\"hidden\">Assigns the AutoFill function to a combo box.</ahelp> The AutoFill function displays a list of previous entries after you start to type an entry."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_AUTOCOMPLETE\" visibility=\"hidden\">Asigna la función Autorrellenar a un cuadru combináu.</ahelp> Cuando s'empezar a escribir una entrada, la función Autorrellenar amuesa una llista coles entraes anteriores."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_AUTOCOMPLETE\" visibility=\"hidden\">Assigns the <emph>AutoFill</emph> function to a combo box.</ahelp> The <emph>AutoFill</emph> function displays a list of previous entries after you start to type an entry."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2926,8 +2926,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To define one character of the label as a mnemonic, so that the user can access this control by pressing the character on the keyboard, insert a tilde (~) character in front of the character in the label."
-msgstr "Pa definir como mnemónico un caráuter d'una etiqueta por que l'usuariu pueda aportar al campu de control correspondiente calcando'l caráuter nel tecláu, inxerte un caráuter llome () enantes del caráuter deseyáu na etiqueta."
+msgid "To define one character of the label as a mnemonic, so that the user can access this control by pressing the character on the keyboard, insert a tilde (<emph>~</emph>) character in front of the character in the label."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2950,8 +2950,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/spropctrlr/ui/labelselectiondialog/LabelSelectionDialog\">Check the <emph>No assignment </emph>box to remove the link between a control and the assigned label field.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"modules/spropctrlr/ui/labelselectiondialog/LabelSelectionDialog\">Seleicione'l cuadru <emph>Ensin asignación </emph>pa desaniciar l'enllaz ente un control y el campu d'etiqueta conseñáu.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/spropctrlr/ui/labelselectiondialog/LabelSelectionDialog\">Check the <emph>No assignment</emph> box to remove the link between a control and the assigned label field.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2966,8 +2966,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_WIDTH\" visibility=\"hidden\">Sets the column width in the table control field.</ahelp> Sets the column width in the table control field in the units that are specified in the %PRODUCTNAME module options. If you want, you can enter a value followed by a valid measurement unit, for example, 2 cm."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_WIDTH\" visibility=\"hidden\">Establez l'anchu de columna nel campu de control de tabla.</ahelp> Establez l'anchu de columna nel campu de control de tabla nes unidaes que s'especifiquen nes opciones del módulu %PRODUCTNAME. Si deseyar, especifique un valor siguíu d'una unidá de midida válida, por exemplu, 2 cm."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_WIDTH\" visibility=\"hidden\">Sets the column width in the table control field.</ahelp> Sets the column width in the table control field in the units that are specified in the %PRODUCTNAME module options. If you want, you can enter a value followed by a valid measurement unit, for example, <emph>2 cm</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2998,8 +2998,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_REPEAT_DELAY\">Specifies the delay in milliseconds between repeating events.</ahelp> A repeating event occurs when you click an arrow button or the background of a scrollbar, or one of the record navigation buttons of a Navigation Bar, and you keep the mouse button pressed for some time. You can enter a value followed by a valid time unit, for example, 2 s or 500 ms."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_REPEAT_DELAY\">Especifica'l retrasu en milisegundos ente los eventos que se repiten.</ahelp> Los eventos repitir al faer clic nun botón de flecha, no fondero d'una barra de desplazamientu, o n'unu de los botones de navegación del rexistru d'una barra de navegación, y caltiense calcáu mientres un ratu'l botón del mur. Pue escribir un valor siguíu de la so unidá de tiempu válida, por exemplu 2 s o 500 ms."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_REPEAT_DELAY\">Specifies the delay in milliseconds between repeating events.</ahelp> A repeating event occurs when you click an arrow button or the background of a scrollbar, or one of the record navigation buttons of a Navigation bar, and you keep the mouse button pressed for some time. You can enter a value followed by a valid time unit, for example, <emph>2 s</emph> or <emph>500 ms</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3030,8 +3030,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DATEFORMAT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Here, you can determine the format you want for the date readout.</ahelp> With date fields you can determine the format for the date readout."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DATEFORMAT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Equí, pue determinar el formatu que quier pa la fecha de llectura.</ahelp> Colos campos de fecha usté determina'l formatu de la fecha de llectura."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DATEFORMAT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Here you can determine the format you want for the date readout.</ahelp> With date fields you can determine the format for the date readout."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3070,16 +3070,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TRISTATE\">Specifies whether a check box can also represent ZERO values of a linked database apart from the TRUE and FALSE values.</ahelp> This function is only available if the database accepts three states: TRUE, FALSE and ZERO."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TRISTATE\">Especifica si un caxellu de verificación pue representar tamién valores ZERO d'una base de datos enllazada, amás de los valores TRUE y FALSE.</ahelp> Esta función namái ta disponible si la base de datos aceuta tres estado: TRUE, FALSE y ZERO."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TRISTATE\">Specifies whether a check box can also represent ZERO values of a linked database apart from the TRUE and FALSE values.</ahelp> This function is only available if the database accepts three states: <emph>TRUE</emph>, <emph>FALSE</emph> and <emph>ZERO</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The<emph> Tristate </emph>property is only defined for database forms, not for HTML forms."
-msgstr "La propiedá <emph>Estáu triple </emph>namái ta definida pa formularios de base de datos, non pa formulario HTML."
+msgid "The \"Tristate\" property is only defined for database forms, <emph>not</emph> for HTML forms."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3230,8 +3230,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "A text constant. This position cannot be edited. The character is displayed at the corresponding position of the Literal Mask."
-msgstr "Un testu constante. Esta posición nun pue ser editada. El caráuter ye visualizáu na posición correspondiente de la Mázcara Lliteral."
+msgid "A text constant. This position cannot be edited. The character is displayed at the corresponding position of the <emph>Literal Mask</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3246,8 +3246,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The characters a-z and A-Z can be entered. Capital characters are not converted to lowercase characters."
-msgstr "Puen escribise los caráuteres a-z y A-Z. Les mayúscules nun se converten en minúscules."
+msgid "The characters <emph>a-z</emph> and <emph>A-Z</emph> can be entered. Capital characters are not converted to lowercase characters."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3262,8 +3262,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The characters A-Z can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter"
-msgstr "Nesta posición introducen los caráuteres entendíos ente la 'A' y la 'Z'. Si introduz una minúscula, automáticamente convertir en mayúscula."
+msgid "The characters <emph>A-Z</emph> can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3278,8 +3278,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The characters a-z, A-Z, and 0-9 can be entered. Capital characters are not converted to lowercase characters."
-msgstr "Puen escribise los caráuteres a-z, A-Z y 0-9. Les mayúscules nun se converten en minúscules."
+msgid "The characters <emph>a-z</emph>, <emph>A-Z</emph>, and <emph>0-9</emph> can be entered. Capital characters are not converted to lowercase characters."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3294,8 +3294,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The characters A-Z and 0-9 can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter"
-msgstr "Nesta posición pue introducir los caráuteres entendíos ente la 'A' y la 'Z' y de '0' a '9'. Si introduz una minúscula, automáticamente convertir en mayúscula."
+msgid "The characters <emph>A-Z</emph> and <emph>0-9</emph> can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3310,8 +3310,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Only the characters 0-9 can be entered."
-msgstr "Namái pue introducir caráuteres entendíos ente '0' y '9'."
+msgid "Only the characters <emph>0-9</emph> can be entered."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3342,8 +3342,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "All printable characters can be entered. If a lowercase letter is used, it is automatically converted to a capital letter."
-msgstr "Puen indicase tolos caráuteres imprentables. Si utiliza una minúscula, automáticamente convertir en mayúscula."
+msgid "All printable characters can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3366,8 +3366,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can have a format check with control fields that accept formatted contents (date, time, and so on). <ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRICTFORMAT\">If the strict format function is activated (Yes), only the allowed characters are accepted.</ahelp> For example, in a date field, only numbers or date delimiters are accepted; all alphabet entries typed with your keyboard are ignored."
-msgstr "Pue haber comprobación de formatu con campos de control qu'aceuten conteníos con formatu (fecha, hora y demás). <ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRICTFORMAT\">Si ta activada (Sí) la función de formatu estrictu, namái s'aceuten los caráuteres dexaos.</ahelp> Por exemplu, nun campu de fecha namái se van aceutar los allindiadores de númberu o de fecha y nun se va considerar nenguna entrada alfabética escrita por aciu el tecláu."
+msgid "You can have a format check with control fields that accept formatted contents (date, time, and so on). <ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRICTFORMAT\">If the strict format function is activated (<emph>Yes</emph>), only the allowed characters are accepted.</ahelp> For example, in a date field, only numbers or date delimiters are accepted; all alphabet entries typed with your keyboard are ignored."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3382,8 +3382,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_FRAME\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the target frame to display the document that is opened by the \"Open document / web page\" action.</ahelp> You can also specify the target frame to display a <emph>URL</emph> that you open when you click a button that has been assigned the Open document or web page action)."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_FRAME\" visibility=\"hidden\">Especifique'l marcu destín pa visualizar el documentu qu'esta abiertu pola aición \"Documentu abiertu / páxina web\".</ahelp> Tamién pue especificar el marcu destín pa visualizar una <emph>URL</emph> que pue abrir cuando faiga clic nun botón que foi asignáu pa l'aición \"Documentu abiertu o páxina web\"."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_FRAME\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the target frame to display the document that is opened by the \"Open document / web page\" action.</ahelp> You can also specify the target frame to display a URL that you open when you click a button that has been assigned to the \"Open document or web page\" action."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3478,8 +3478,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Frame property is relevant for HTML forms, but not for database forms."
-msgstr "La propiedá Marcu ye apoderada pa formulario HTML, pero non pa formularios de base de datos."
+msgid "The \"Frame\" property is relevant for HTML forms, but <emph>not</emph> for database forms."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3494,8 +3494,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "An image button has a <emph>Graphics </emph>property. <ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_IMAGE_URL\">The<emph> Graphics</emph> property specifies the graphic's path and file name that you want to have displayed on the button.</ahelp> If you select the graphic file with the <emph>...</emph> button, the path and file name will be automatically included in the text box."
-msgstr "Un botón d'imaxe tien acomuñada una propiedá <emph>Imaxe</emph>. <ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_IMAGE_URL\">La propiedá <emph>Imaxe</emph> especifica la ruta y nome de ficheru de la imaxe que deseya amosar nel botón.</ahelp> Si escueye el ficheru de gráficu por aciu el botón <emph>...</emph>, la ruta y el nome de ficheru van incluyise automáticamente nel cuadru de testu."
+msgid "An image button has a \"Graphics\" property. <ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_IMAGE_URL\">The \"Graphics\" property specifies the graphic's path and file name that you want to have displayed on the button.</ahelp> If you select the graphic file with the <emph>...</emph> button, the path and file name will be automatically included in the text box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3518,8 +3518,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For URL type buttons, the help text appears as the extended tip instead of the URL address entered under URL."
-msgstr "Pa botones de tipu URL, el testu d'ayuda apaez como una suxerencia estendida en cuenta de la direición URL ingresada n'URL."
+msgid "For <emph>URL type</emph> buttons, the help text appears as the extended tip instead of the URL address entered under <emph>URL</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3534,8 +3534,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_HELPURL\">Specifies a batch label in URL spelling which refers to a help document and which can be called with the help of the control field.</ahelp> The help for the control field help can be opened if the focus is positioned on the control field and the user presses F1."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_HELPURL\">Especifica una etiqueta de pila na ortografía de la URL que se refier a un documentu d'ayuda y que pue executase cola ayuda del campu de control.</ahelp> L'ayuda pal campu de control abre si'l focu atopa sobre'l campu y l'usuariu calca F1."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_HELPURL\">Specifies a batch label in URL spelling which refers to a help document and which can be called with the help of the control field.</ahelp> The help for the control field help can be opened if the focus is positioned on the control field and the user presses <emph>F1</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3614,8 +3614,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRINGITEMLIST\" visibility=\"hidden\">Defines the list entries visible in the document. Open this list and type your text. Use Shift+Enter for a new line. With list and combo boxes, you can define the list entries that will be visible in the document. Open the <emph>List entries</emph> field and type your text.</ahelp> Please note the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170100.xhp\" name=\"tips\">tips</link> referring to the keyboard controls."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRINGITEMLIST\" visibility=\"hidden\">Define la llista d'entraes visible nel documentu. Abra esta llista y digite el testu. Utilice MAYUS+Enter pa un saltu de llinia. Con llistes y cuadros combinaos, pue definir la llista d'entraes que van ser visibles nel documentu. Abra'l campu <emph>Entrada de Llista</emph> y digite el testu.</ahelp> Tenga en cuenta que <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170100.xhp\" name=\"tips\">suxerencies</link> referir a los controles del tecláu."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRINGITEMLIST\" visibility=\"hidden\">Defines the list entries visible in the document. Open this list and type your text. Use <emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>Enter</emph> for a new line. With list and combo boxes, you can define the list entries that will be visible in the document. Open the <emph>List entries</emph> field and type your text.</ahelp> Please note the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170100.xhp\" name=\"tips\">tips</link> referring to the keyboard controls."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3686,8 +3686,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If the control is linked to a database and the text length is to be accepted from the field definition of the database, you must not enter the text length here. The settings are only accepted from the database if the control property was not defined (\"Not Defined\" state)."
-msgstr "Si'l campu de control ta enllazáu a una base de datos y el llargor del testu adoptar de la definición del campu de la base de datos, nun tien d'introducir nengún llargor del testu. La configuración de la base de datos namái s'adopta si nun se definió la propiedá del campu de control (estáu \"indefiníu\")."
+msgid "If the control is linked to a database and the text length is to be accepted from the field definition of the database, you <emph>must not</emph> enter the text length here. The settings are only accepted from the database if the control property was not defined (\"Not Defined\" state)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3742,8 +3742,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>rich text control</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>controls;rich text control</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>campu de control de testu arriquecíu</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>campos de control;campu de control de testu arriquecíu</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>rich text control</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>controls; rich text control</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3758,7 +3758,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Allows you to use line breaks and formatting in a control field, such as a text box or label. To manually enter a line break, press the Enter key. Select \"Multi-line with formatting\" to enter formatted text.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Allows you to use line breaks and formatting in a control field, such as a text box or label. To manually enter a line break, press the <emph>Enter</emph> key. Select \"Multi-line with formatting\" to enter formatted text.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3790,8 +3790,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Displays text on more than one line.</ahelp> Allows you to use line breaks in a text box, so that you can enter more than one line of text. To manually enter a line break, press the Enter key."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Amuesa'l testu en más d'una llinia.</ahelp> Dexa utilizar saltos de llinia nun cuadru de testu, de cuenta que pue escribir más d'una llinia de testu. Pa introducir manualmente un saltu de llinia, calque la tecla Intro."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Displays text on more than one line.</ahelp> Allows you to use line breaks in a text box, so that you can enter more than one line of text. To manually enter a line break, press <emph>Enter</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3806,8 +3806,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specifies if a Push Button behaves as a Toggle Button. If you set Toggle to \"Yes\", you can switch between the \"selected\" and \"not selected\" control states when you click the button or press the spacebar while the control has the focus. A button in the \"selected\" state appears \"pressed in\".</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Indica si un botón pa calcar se porta como un botón de conmutación. Si definió la conmutación como «Sí», pue cambiar ente los estaos «seleicionáu» y «non seleicionáu» del control cuando faiga clic nel botón o calque la barra d'espaciu cuando'l control tien el focu. Un botón col estáu «seleicionáu» apaez como «calcáu».</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specifies if a Push button behaves as a Toggle Button. If you set <emph>Toggle</emph> to \"Yes\", you can switch between the \"selected\" and \"not selected\" control states when you click the button or press the <emph>Spacebar</emph> while the control has the focus. A button in the \"selected\" state appears \"pressed in\".</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3822,8 +3822,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">If you set this option to \"Yes\", the Push Button receives the focus when you click the button.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Si configura esta opción como \"Sí\", el botón de comandu activar al faer clic nel botón.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">If you set this option to \"Yes\", the <emph>Push</emph> button receives the focus when you click the button.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3870,7 +3870,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_BORDERCOLOR\">Specifies the border color for controls that have the Border property set to \"flat\".</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_BORDERCOLOR\">Specifies the border color for controls that have the \"Border\" property set to \"flat\".</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3966,8 +3966,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAME\" visibility=\"hidden\">On the <emph>Properties</emph> tab page, this option specifies the name for the control field. On the <emph>Form Properties </emph>tab page, this option specifies the name for the form.</ahelp> Each control field and each form has a <emph>Name </emph>property through which it can be identified. The name will appear in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"Form Navigator\">Form Navigator</link> and, using the name, the control field can be referred to from a macro. The default settings already specify a name which is constructed from using the field's label and number."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAME\" visibility=\"hidden\">Na llingüeta <emph>Propiedaes</emph>, esta opción especifica'l nome del campu de control. Na llingüeta<emph>Propiedaes de formatu</emph>, esta opción específica'l nome del formatu.</ahelp> Cada campu de control y cada formatu tien un <emph>Nome</emph> al traviés de la cual pue identificase. El nome va apaecer nel <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"Form Navigator\">Navegador</link> y, usando'l nome, el campu de control pue ser referíu dende una macro. La configuración predeterminada específica un nome cuando se constrúi dende l'usu de les etiquetes de campu y el númberu."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAME\" visibility=\"hidden\">On the <emph>Properties</emph> tab page, this option specifies the name for the control field. On the <emph>Form Properties</emph> tab page, this option specifies the name for the form.</ahelp> Each control field and each form has a \"Name\" property through which it can be identified. The name will appear in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"Form Navigator\"><emph>Form Navigator</emph></link> and, using the name, the control field can be referred to from a macro. The default settings already specify a name which is constructed from using the field's label and number."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3982,16 +3982,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>controls; grouping</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>groups;of controls</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>forms; grouping controls</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>controles;arrexuntar</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>grupos;de controles</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>formularios;arrexuntar controles</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>controls; grouping</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>groups; of controls</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>forms; grouping controls</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The name is also used to group different controls that belong together functionally, such as radio buttons. To do so, give the same name to all members of the group: controls with identical names form a group. Grouped controls can be represented visually by using a <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170000.xhp\" name=\"Group Box\">Group Box</link>."
-msgstr "El nome tamién ye usáu p'arrexuntar los distintos controles que funcionalmente pertenecen xuntos, como los botones de la radio. Pa ello, tien de dase'l mesmu nome a tolos miembros del grupu: los controles con idénticos nomes formen un grupu. Los controles arrexuntaos puen ser representaos visualmente pol usu d'un <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170000.xhp\" name=\"Group Box\">Cuadru de grupu</link>."
+msgid "The name is also used to group different controls that belong together functionally, such as radio buttons. To do so, give the same name to all members of the group: controls with identical names form a group. Grouped controls can be represented visually by using a <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170000.xhp\" name=\"Group Box\"><emph>Group Box</emph></link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4006,8 +4006,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAVIGATIONBAR\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies whether to display the navigation bar on the lower border of the table control.</ahelp> Specifies whether to display the navigation bar on the lower border of table controls."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAVIGATIONBAR\" visibility=\"hidden\">Especifica si tien d'amosase la barra de navegación nel borde inferior del campu de control de tabla.</ahelp> Especifica si tien d'amosase la barra de navegación nel borde inferior del campu de control de tabla."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAVIGATIONBAR\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies whether to display the <emph>Navigation</emph> bar on the lower border of the table control.</ahelp> Specifies whether to display the <emph>Navigation</emph> bar on the lower border of table controls."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4022,8 +4022,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_READONLY\" visibility=\"hidden\">Determines if the control is read-only (Yes) or if it can be edited (No).</ahelp> The<emph> Read-only </emph>property can be assigned to all controls in which the user can enter text. If you assign the read-only property to an image field which uses graphics from a database, the user will not be able to insert new graphics into the database."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_READONLY\" visibility=\"hidden\">Determina si'l control ye de solo llectura (Sí) o si pue ser editáu (Non).</ahelp> La propiedá <emph> Solo llectura</emph> pue asignase a tolos controles nos cualos l'usuariu ingresa testu.Si asigna la propiedá Solo-llectura a un campu de imaxen el cual usa gráficos de la base de datos, l'usuariu nun va poder inxertar nuevu gráficos na base de datos."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_READONLY\" visibility=\"hidden\">Determines if the control is read-only (\"Yes\") or if it can be edited (\"No\").</ahelp> The \"Read-only\" property can be assigned to all controls in which the user can enter text. If you assign the read-only property to an image field which uses graphics from a database, the user will not be able to insert new graphics into the database."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4038,8 +4038,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BORDER\" visibility=\"hidden\">Determines if the field's border should be displayed \"Without frame\", with a \"3-D look\" or \"Flat\".</ahelp> With control fields that have a frame, you can determine the border display on the form using the <emph>Border </emph>property. You can select among the \"Without frame\", \"3-D look\" or \"Flat\" options."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BORDER\" visibility=\"hidden\">Determina si'l borde del campu tien qu'amosase \"Ensin bordes\", en \"3D\" o \"Planos\".</ahelp> Colos campos de control que tienen un marcu, la visualización del borde nel formulariu determinar cola propiedá <emph>Borde </emph>. Pue escoyer ente les opciones \"Ensin bordes\", \"3D\" o \"Planos\"."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BORDER\" visibility=\"hidden\">Determines if the field's border should be displayed \"Without frame\", with a \"3-D look\" or \"Flat\".</ahelp> With control fields that have a frame, you can determine the border display on the form using the \"Border\" property. You can select among the \"Without frame\", \"3-D look\" or \"Flat\" options."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4054,24 +4054,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABINDEX\">The <emph>Tab order</emph> property determines the order in which the controls are focused in the form when you press the Tab key.</ahelp> In a form that contains more than one control, the focus moves to the next control when you press the Tab key. You can specify the order in which the focus changes with an index under <emph>Tab order</emph>."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABINDEX\">La propiedá <emph>Orde de tabulación</emph> establez l'orde en que los campos de control enfocar nel formulariu al utilizar la tecla de tabulación.</ahelp> Nun formulariu que contenga más d'un campu de control, el focu mover al campu de control siguiente al calcar la tecla de tabulación. En <emph>Orde de tabulación</emph> pue especificase l'orde en que camuda'l focu con un índiz."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABINDEX\">The \"Tab order\" property determines the order in which the controls are focused in the form when you press the <emph>Tab</emph> key.</ahelp> In a form that contains more than one control, the focus moves to the next control when you press the <emph>Tab</emph> key. You can specify the order in which the focus changes with an index under \"Tab order\"."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Tab order</emph> property is not available to <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"Hidden Controls\">Hidden Controls</link>. If you want, you can also set this property for image buttons and image controls, so that you can select these controls with the Tab key."
-msgstr "La propiedá <emph>Orde de tabulación</emph> nun ta disponible pa <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"Controles ocultos\">Controles ocultos</link>. Si deseyar, configure esta propiedá pa botones y controles d'imaxes, con cuenta de poder escoyer estos controles cola tecla de tabulación."
+msgid "The \"Tab order\" property is <emph>not</emph> available to <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"Hidden Controls\"><emph>Hidden Controls</emph></link>. If you want, you can also set this property for image buttons and image controls, so that you can select these controls with the <emph>Tab</emph> key."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "When creating a form, an index is automatically assigned to the control fields that are added to this form; every control field added is assigned an index increased by 1. If you change the index of a control, the indices of the other controls are updated automatically. Elements that cannot be focused (Tabstop = No) are also assigned a value. However, these controls are skipped when using the Tab key."
-msgstr "Al crear una forma, un índiz ye asignáu automáticamente a los campos de control que s'amestar nesti formatu; cada campu de control añedíu ye asignáu a un índiz n'aumentu por 1. Si camuda l'índiz de control, los índices de los otros controles son anovaos automáticamente. Elementos que nun puen ser centraos (Tabulación = Non) tamién son asignaos a un valor. Sicasí, estos controles omitir al usu de la tecla Tab (tabulador)."
+msgid "When creating a form, an index is automatically assigned to the control fields that are added to this form; every control field added is assigned an index increased by <emph>1</emph>. If you change the index of a control, the indices of the other controls are updated automatically. Elements that cannot be focused (\"Tabstop = No\") are also assigned a value. However, these controls are skipped when using the <emph>Tab</emph> key."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4094,8 +4094,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Sets whether the value changes when the user scrolls a mouse wheel. Never: No change of the value. When focused: (default) The value changes when the control has the focus and the wheel is pointing at the control and gets scrolled. Always: The value changes when the wheel is pointing at the control and gets scrolled, no matter which control has the focus.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Define si'l valor camuda cuando l'usuariu mueve la rueda del mur. Nunca: el valor nun camuda. Con focu: (predetermináu), el valor camuda cuando'l campu de control tien el focu y la rueda ta apuntando al control y muévese. Siempres: el valor camuda cuando la rueda apunta al campu de control y muévese, independientemente del campu de control que tenga'l focu.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Sets whether the value changes when the user scrolls a mouse wheel. <emph>Never:</emph> No change of the value. When <emph>focused:</emph> (default) The value changes when the control has the focus and the wheel is pointing at the control and gets scrolled. <emph>Always:</emph> The value changes when the wheel is pointing at the control and gets scrolled, no matter which control has the focus.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4126,8 +4126,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For grouped option fields, the status of the group corresponding to the default setting is defined by the <emph>Default Status</emph> property."
-msgstr "P'arrexuntar campos d'opción, l'estáu del grupu correspondiente a la configuración predeterminada ye definíu pola propiedá del <emph>Tao predetermináu</emph>."
+msgid "For grouped option fields, the status of the group corresponding to the default setting is defined by the \"Default Status\" property."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4150,16 +4150,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For a Reset type button, the<emph> Default selection</emph> entry defines the status of the list box if the reset button is activated by the user."
-msgstr "Pal botón de reestablecer. la entrada <emph> Seleición predeterminada</emph> define los estaos del cuadru de llista si'l botón de reestablecer ye activáu pol usuariu."
+msgid "For a <emph>Reset</emph> type button, the <emph>Default selection</emph> entry defines the status of the list box if the reset button is activated by the user."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "For a List box that contains a value list, you can click the <emph>...</emph> button to open the <emph>Default selection</emph> dialog."
-msgstr "Nun cuadru de llista que contenga una llista de valores, pue faer clic nel botón <emph>...</emph> p'abrir el diálogu <emph>Seleición predeterminada</emph>."
+msgid "For a <emph>List box</emph> that contains a value list, you can click the <emph>...</emph> button to open the <emph>Default selection</emph> dialog."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4190,8 +4190,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For a Reset type button, the<emph> Default value entry </emph>defines the status of the control if the reset button is activated by the user."
-msgstr "Pal botón de reestablecer, la <emph> entrada del valor predetermináu</emph> define los estaos de control si'l botón ye activáu pol usuariu."
+msgid "For a <emph>Reset</emph> type button, the <emph>Default value</emph> entry defines the status of the control if the reset button is activated by the user."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4254,8 +4254,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specify the value to add or subtract when the user clicks the arrow icon on the scrollbar.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Especifique'l valor que se va amestar o va quitar cuando l'usuariu faiga clic nel iconu de flecha de la barra de desplazamientu.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specify the value to add or subtract when the user clicks the <emph>Arrow</emph> icon on the scrollbar.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4334,8 +4334,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DEFAULT_BUTTON\" visibility=\"hidden\">The<emph> Default button</emph> property specifies that the corresponding button will be operated when you press the Return key.</ahelp> The<emph> Default button</emph> property specifies that the corresponding button will be operated when you press the Return key. If you open the dialog or form and do not carry out any further action, the button with this property is the default button."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DEFAULT_BUTTON\" visibility=\"hidden\">La propiedá<emph> Botón predetermináu</emph> especifica que'l botón correspondiente va activase cuando se calque la tecla Retorno.</ahelp> La propiedá<emph> Botón predetermináu</emph> especifica que'l botón correspondiente va activase cuando calque la tecla Retorno. Si abre'l diálogu o'l formulariu y nun lleva a cabu nenguna otra aición, el botón provistu d'esta propiedá va ser el predetermináu."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DEFAULT_BUTTON\" visibility=\"hidden\">The \"Default button\" property specifies that the corresponding button will be operated when you press the <emph>Return</emph> key.</ahelp> The \"Default button\" property specifies that the corresponding button will be operated when you press the <emph>Return</emph> key. If you open the dialog or form and do not carry out any further action, the button with this property is the default button."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4350,8 +4350,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When using Web page forms, you might come across this property in search masks. These are edit masks that contain a text field and a Submit type button. The search term is entered in the text field and the search is started by activating the button. If the button is defined as the default button, however, simply hit Enter after entering the search term in order to start the search."
-msgstr "Cuando use los formularios de páxina Web, pue dar con esta propiedá nes mázcares de busqueda. Son mázcares d'edición que contién un campu de testu y un botón d'unviar. El términu a guetar ingresar nel campu de testu y la busqueda empecípiase primiendo'l botón, si esti ta definíu como predetermináu, sicasí, a cencielles prima Enter dempués de digitar el términu a guetar pa empecipiar la busca."
+msgid "When using Web page forms, you might come across this property in search masks. These are edit masks that contain a text field and a <emph>Submit type</emph> button. The search term is entered in the text field and the search is started by activating the button. If the button is defined as the default button, however, simply hit <emph>Enter</emph> after entering the search term in order to start the search."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4382,8 +4382,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABSTOP\">The <emph>Tabstop </emph>property determines if a control field can be selected with the tab key.</ahelp> The following options are available:"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABSTOP\">La propiedá <emph>Tabulación </emph>determina si un campu de control pue escoyese cola tecla de tabulación.</ahelp> Tán disponibles les opciones siguientes:"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABSTOP\">The \"Tabstop\" property determines if a control field can be selected with the <emph>Tab</emph> key.</ahelp> The following options are available:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4398,8 +4398,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When using the tab key, focusing skips the control."
-msgstr "Al utilizar la tecla de tabulación l'enfoque ignora'l campu de control."
+msgid "When using the <emph>Tab</emph> key, focusing skips the control."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4414,8 +4414,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The control can be selected with the Tab key."
-msgstr "El campu de control pue escoyese cola tecla del tabulador."
+msgid "The control can be selected with the <emph>Tab</emph> key."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4446,40 +4446,40 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LABEL\" visibility=\"hidden\">The Label property sets the label of the control field that is displayed in the form.</ahelp> The Label property sets the label of the control field that is displayed in the form. This property determines the visible label or the column header of the data field in table control forms."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LABEL\" visibility=\"hidden\">La propiedá Etiqueta establez la etiqueta del campu de control que s'amuesa nel formulariu.</ahelp> La propiedá Etiqueta establez la etiqueta del campu de control que s'amuesa nel formulariu. Esta propiedá determina la etiqueta visible o la testera de columna del campu de datos en formularios de control de tables."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LABEL\" visibility=\"hidden\">The \"Label\" property sets the label of the control field that is displayed in the form.</ahelp> The \"Label\" property sets the label of the control field that is displayed in the form. This property determines the visible label or the column header of the data field in table control forms."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you create a new control, the description predefined in the <emph>Name</emph> property is used as the default for labeling the control. The label consists of the control field name and an integer numbering the control (for example, CommandButton1). With the <emph>Title</emph> property, you can assign another description to the control so that the label reflects the function of the control. Change this entry in order to assign an expressive label to the control that is visible to the user."
-msgstr "Cuando se crea un nuevu control, la descripción predefinida na propiedá <emph>Nome</emph> úsase como etiquetáu predetermináu pa los controles. La etiqueta consiste nun campu col nome del control y un númberu enteru (por exemplu, CommandButton1). Cola propiedá <emph>Títulu</emph>, pue asigna-y otra descripción al control cola que se describa la so función. Camude esta información col propósitu d'asigna-y una etiqueta descriptiva al control y que va ser visible al usuariu."
+msgid "When you create a new control, the description predefined in the \"Name\" property is used as the default for labeling the control. The label consists of the control field name and an integer numbering the control (for example, CommandButton1). With the \"Title\" property, you can assign another description to the control so that the label reflects the function of the control. Change this entry in order to assign an expressive label to the control that is visible to the user."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>multi-line titles in forms</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>names; multi-line titles</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>controls; multi-line titles</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>títulos de delles llinies en formularios</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>nomes;títulos de delles llinies</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>campos de control;títulos de delles llinies</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>multi-line titles in forms</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>names; multi-line titles</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>controls; multi-line titles</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "To create a multi-line title, open the combo box using the arrow button. You can enter a line break by pressing Shift+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter."
-msgstr "Pa crear un títulu de delles llinies, abra'l cuadru combináu por aciu el botón de flecha. Pue inxertar un saltu de llinia calcando Mayús+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Comandu</caseinline><defaultinline>Control</defaultinline></switchinline>+Entrar."
+msgid "To create a multi-line title, open the combo box using the <emph>Arrow</emph> button. You can enter a line break by pressing <emph>Shift</emph>+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Enter</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Title</emph> property is only used for labeling a form element in the interface visible to the user. If you work with macros, note that at runtime, a control is always addressed through the <emph>Name</emph> property."
-msgstr "La propiedá <emph>Títulu</emph> namái s'utiliza pa etiquetar un elementu del formulariu na interfaz visible pal usuariu. Si trabaya con marcos, repare que nel tiempu d'execución, el campu de control siempres ta dirixíu pola propiedá <emph>Nome</emph>."
+msgid "The \"Title\" property is only used for labeling a form element in the interface visible to the user. If you work with macros, note that at runtime, a control is always addressed through the \"Name\" property."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4494,8 +4494,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_URL\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the URL address that opens when you click an \"Open document / web page\" button.</ahelp> Enter the URL address for a Open document or web page button type in the <emph>URL</emph> box. The address opens when you click the button."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_URL\" visibility=\"hidden\">Establez la direición URL que s'abrir cuando prime clic nel botón \"Abrir documentu / páxina web\".</ahelp> Ingrese la direición URL pal tipu de botón Abrir documentu o páxina web na caxa de testu <emph>URL</emph>. La direición ábrese cuando se prime clic sobre'l botón."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_URL\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the URL address that opens when you click an <emph>Open document / web page</emph> button.</ahelp> Enter the URL address for a <emph>Open document or web page</emph> button type in the <emph>URL</emph> box. The address opens when you click the button."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4518,8 +4518,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_CURRENCYSYMBOL\" visibility=\"hidden\">You can enter a character or a string for the currency symbol.</ahelp> In a currency field, you can pre-define the currency symbol by entering the character or string in the <emph>Currency symbol</emph> property."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_CURRENCYSYMBOL\" visibility=\"hidden\">Pue indicase como símbolu de moneda un caráuter o una cadena de caráuteres.</ahelp> Para predefinir el símbolu de moneda nos campos de moneda escriba'l caráuter o cadena de caráuteres na propiedá <emph>Símbolu de moneda</emph>."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_CURRENCYSYMBOL\" visibility=\"hidden\">You can enter a character or a string for the currency symbol.</ahelp> In a currency field, you can predefine the currency symbol by entering the character or string in the \"Currency symbol\" property."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4550,16 +4550,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ECHO_CHAR\" visibility=\"hidden\">If the text box is used as a password input, enter the ASCII-code of the display character. This character is displayed instead of the characters typed by the user for the password.</ahelp> If the user enters a password, you can determine the characters that will be displayed instead of the characters typed by the user. Under <emph>Password character</emph>, enter the ASCII code of the desired character. You can use the values from 0 to 255."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ECHO_CHAR\" visibility=\"hidden\">Si'l cuadru de testu emplégase como entrada d'una contraseña, escriba'l códigu ASCII del caráuter de visualización. Esti caráuter sustitúi a los que l'usuariu utiliza cuando escribe la contraseña.</ahelp> Puen determinase los caráuteres que se van amosar cuando usuariu escriba una contraseña. En <emph>Caráuteres pa contraseñes</emph>, escriba'l códigu ASCII del caráuter deseyáu. Pue usar valores del 0 al 255."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ECHO_CHAR\" visibility=\"hidden\">If the text box is used as a password input, enter the ASCII code of the display character. This character is displayed instead of the characters typed by the user for the password.</ahelp> If the user enters a password, you can determine the characters that will be displayed instead of the characters typed by the user. Under <emph>Password character</emph>, enter the ASCII code of the desired character. You can use the values from <emph>0</emph> to <emph>255</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The characters and their ASCII codes can be seen in the <emph>Special Characters</emph> dialog (Insert - Special Character)."
-msgstr "Los caráuteres y los sos códigos ASCII puen trate nel diálogu <emph>Caráuteres Especiales</emph> Menú (Inxertar - Símbolos)."
+msgid "The characters and their ASCII codes can be seen in the <emph>Special Characters</emph> dialog (<emph>Insert - Special Character</emph>)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4574,8 +4574,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LITERALMASK\" visibility=\"hidden\">Defines the literal mask. The literal mask contains the initial values and is always visible after downloading a form.</ahelp> With masked fields you can specify a literal mask. A literal mask contains the initial values of a form, and is always visible after downloading a form. Using a character code for the Edit mask, you can determine the entries that the user can type into the masked field."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LITERALMASK\" visibility=\"hidden\">Define una mázcara lliteral. La mázcara lliteral contién los valores inicales que siempres tán visibles dempués de la descarga d'un formulariu.</ahelp> Con campos amazcaraos pue especificar una mázcara lliteral. Una mázcara lliteral contién los valores iniciales d'un formulariu, y siempres son visibles dempués de la descarga d'un formulariu. Usando un códigu de caracter pa editar la mázcara, pue establecer lo que l'usuariu digita dientro d'un campu amazcaráu."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LITERALMASK\" visibility=\"hidden\">Defines the literal mask. The literal mask contains the initial values and is always visible after downloading a form.</ahelp> With masked fields you can specify a literal mask. A literal mask contains the initial values of a form, and is always visible after downloading a form. Using a character code for the <emph>Edit</emph> mask, you can determine the entries that the user can type into the masked field."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4614,8 +4614,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ROWHEIGHT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the row height of a table control field.</ahelp> In table controls, enter a value for the row height. If you want, you can enter a value followed by valid measurement unit, for example, 2 cm."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ROWHEIGHT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Especifica l'altor de filera d'un campu de control de tabla.</ahelp> Nos campos de control de tabla, indique un valor pal altor de filera. Si deseyar, especifique un valor siguíu d'una unidá de midida válida, por exemplu 2 cm."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ROWHEIGHT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the row height of a table control field.</ahelp> In table controls, enter a value for the row height. If you want, you can enter a value followed by valid measurement unit, for example, <emph>2 cm</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4710,7 +4710,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_RECORDACTIONS\">Specifies to show or hide the action items in a selected Navigation Bar control.</ahelp> Action items are the following: Save record, Undo, New record, Delete record, Refresh."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_RECORDACTIONS\">Specifies to show or hide the action items in a selected <emph>Navigation</emph> bar control.</ahelp> Action items are the following: <emph>Save record, Undo, New record, Delete record, Refresh</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4726,7 +4726,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_POSITION\">Specifies to show or hide the positioning items in a selected Navigation Bar control.</ahelp> Positioning items are the following: Record label, Record position, Record count label, Record count."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_POSITION\">Specifies to show or hide the positioning items in a selected <emph>Navigation</emph> bar control.</ahelp> Positioning items are the following: <emph>Record label, Record position, Record count label, Record count</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4742,7 +4742,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_NAVIGATION\">Specifies to show or hide the navigation items in a selected Navigation Bar control.</ahelp> Navigation items are the following: First record, Previous record, Next record, Last record."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_NAVIGATION\">Specifies to show or hide the navigation items in a selected <emph>Navigation</emph> bar control.</ahelp> Navigation items are the following: <emph>First record, Previous record, Next record, Last record</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4750,15 +4750,15 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Filtering / Sorting"
-msgstr "Peñerar / Ordenar"
+msgid "Filtering/Sorting"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_FILTERSORT\">Specifies to show or hide the filtering and sorting items in a selected Navigation Bar control.</ahelp> Filtering and sorting items are the following: Sort ascending, Sort descending, Sort, Automatic filter, Default filter, Apply filter, Reset filter/sort."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_FILTERSORT\">Specifies to show or hide the filtering and sorting items in a selected <emph>Navigation</emph> bar control.</ahelp> Filtering and sorting items are the following: <emph>Sort ascending, Sort descending, Sort, Automatic filter, Default filter, Apply filter, Reset filter/sort</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4774,7 +4774,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_ICONSIZE\">Specifies whether the icons in a selected Navigation Bar should be small or large.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_ICONSIZE\">Specifies whether the icons in a selected <emph>Navigation</emph> bar should be small or large.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4830,16 +4830,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specifies the size of scrollbar thumb in \"value units\". A value of (\"Scroll value max.\" minus \"Scroll value min.\" ) / 2 would result in a thumb which occupies half of the background area.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Especifica'l tamañu del control de la barra de desplazamientu en \"unidaes de valor\". Por exemplu, un valor de (\"Valor de desplazamientu máx.\" menos \"Valor de desplazamientu mín.\" ) / 2 da como resultáu un control qu'ocupa la metá del área de fondu.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specifies the size of scrollbar thumb in \"value units\". A value of <emph>(\"Scroll value max.\" minus \"Scroll value min.\" ) / 2</emph> would result in a thumb which occupies half of the background area.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If set to 0, then the thumb's width will equal its height."
-msgstr "Si definir en 0, el control va ser igual d'anchu qu'alto."
+msgid "If set to <emph>0</emph>, then the thumb's width will equal its height."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4886,24 +4886,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The<emph> Data </emph>tab page allows you to assign a data source to the selected control."
-msgstr "La llingüeta <emph>Datos</emph> dexa asignar una fonte de datos al campu de control escoyíu."
+msgid "The <emph>Data</emph> tab page allows you to assign a data source to the selected control."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "For forms with database links, the associated database is defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Form Properties\">Form Properties</link>. You will find the functions for this on the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170203.xhp\" name=\"Data\"><emph>Data</emph></link> tab page."
-msgstr "Nos formularios acomuñaos a una base de datos, la correspondiente base de datos definir en <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Form Properties\">Propiedaes del formulariu</link>. Les funciones pa ello atópense na ficha <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170203.xhp\" name=\"Datos\"><emph>Datos</emph></link>."
+msgid "For forms with database links, the associated database is defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Form Properties\"><emph>Form Properties</emph></link>. You will find the functions for this on the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170203.xhp\" name=\"Data\"><emph>Data</emph></link> tab page."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The possible settings of the <emph>Data</emph> tab page of a control depend on the respective control. You will only see the options that are available for the current control and context. The following fields are available:"
-msgstr "Les configuraciones posibles de la llingüeta <emph>Datos</emph> d'un campu de control dependen d'ésti. Namái se van amosar les opciones disponibles pal campu de control y contestu actuales. Los campos siguientes tán disponibles:"
+msgid "The possible settings of the <emph>Data</emph> tab page of a control depend on the respective control. You will only see the options that are available for the current control and context.<br/>The following fields are available:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4918,8 +4918,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Check boxes and radio buttons in spreadsheets can be bound to cells in the current document. If the control is enabled, the value you enter in Reference value (on) is copied to the cell. If the control is disabled, the value from Reference value (off) is copied to the cell.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Los caxellos de verificación y los bótones d'opción nes fueyes de cálculu puen enllazase a caxelles del documentu actual. Si'l control ta habilitáu, el valor que s'ingrese na referencia (on) copiar a la caxella. Si'l control ta evacuáu, el valor de la referencia (off) copiar a la caxella.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Check boxes and radio buttons in spreadsheets can be bound to cells in the current document. If the control is enabled, the value you enter in <emph>Reference value (on)</emph> is copied to the cell. If the control is disabled, the value from <emph>Reference value (off)</emph> is copied to the cell.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5646,16 +5646,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_EMPTY_IS_NULL\">Defines how an empty string input should be handled. If set to Yes, an input string of length zero will be treated as a value NULL. If set to No, any input will be treated as-is without any conversion.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_EMPTY_IS_NULL\">Defini como pue ser remanada una cadena d'entrada balera. Si esta configurada como SI, una cadena d'entrada de longitud cero va ser tratada como un valor NULL. Si esta configurada como Non, cualquier entrada sera tratada como tal ensin ningun tipu de conversión.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_EMPTY_IS_NULL\">Defines how an empty string input should be handled. If set to \"Yes\", an input string of length zero will be treated as a value NULL. If set to \"No\", any input will be treated as-is without any conversion.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "An empty string is a string of length zero (\"\"). Normally, a value NULL is not the same as an empty string. In general, a term NULL is used to denote an undefined value, an unknown value, or \"no value has been entered yet.\""
-msgstr "Una cadena balera ye una cadena con longitud cero (\"\"). De normal, un valor NULL nun ye lo mesmo qu'una cadena balera. Polo xeneral, el termino NULL ye usáu pa denotar un valor indefiníu, un valor desconocíu, o \"un valor ensin ingresar entá.\""
+msgid "An empty string is a string of length zero (<emph>\"\"</emph>). Normally, a value NULL is not the same as an empty string. In general, a term NULL is used to denote an undefined value, an unknown value, or \"no value has been entered yet.\""
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5678,8 +5678,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"filtervorschlag\"><ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_FILTERPROPOSAL\">While designing your form, you can set the \"Filter proposal\" property for each text box in the <emph>Data</emph> tab of the corresponding <emph>Properties</emph> dialog. In subsequent searches in the filter mode, you can select from all information contained in these fields.</ahelp> The field content can then be selected using the AutoComplete function. Note, however, that this function requires a greater amount of memory space and time, especially when used in large databases and should therefore be used sparingly. </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"filtervorschlag\"><ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_FILTERPROPOSAL\">Mientres el diseñu del formulariu, pue activase la propiedá \"Propuesta de filtru\" de tolos campos de testu de la llingüeta <emph>Datos</emph> del diálogu <emph>Propiedaes</emph> correspondiente. Nes socesives busques en mou filtru pue escoyese tola información contenida nestos campos.</ahelp> El conteníu del campu pue escoyese por aciu la función Completar pallabres. Sicasí, tenga en cuenta que dicha función precisa más espaciu de memoria y tiempu d'accesu, especialmente si usar en bases de datos de gran tamañu, polo que tien d'utilizase con moderación. </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"filtervorschlag\"><ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_FILTERPROPOSAL\">While designing your form, you can set the \"Filter proposal\" property for each text box in the <emph>Data</emph> tab of the corresponding <emph>Properties</emph> dialog. In subsequent searches in the filter mode, you can select from all information contained in these fields.</ahelp> The field content can then be selected using the <emph>AutoComplete</emph> function. Note, however, that this function requires a greater amount of memory space and time, especially when used in large databases and should therefore be used sparingly.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5726,72 +5726,72 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the check box"
-msgstr "Marque'l caxellu de verificación"
+msgid "Select the check box:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "TRUE is entered into the linked cell"
-msgstr "Introduzse VERDADERU na caxella enllazada"
+msgid "TRUE is entered into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Deselect the check box"
-msgstr "Deseleicione el caxellu de verificación"
+msgid "Deselect the check box:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "FALSE is entered into the linked cell"
-msgstr "Introduzse FALSU na caxella enllazada"
+msgid "FALSE is entered into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Tri-state check box is set to \"undetermined\" state"
-msgstr "El caxellu de verificación de tres estado configurar en \"indetermináu\""
+msgid "Tri-state check box is set to \"undetermined\" state:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "#NV is entered into the linked cell"
-msgstr "Introduzse #NV na caxella enllazada"
+msgid "#NV is entered into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell"
-msgstr "Introduza un númberu o una fórmula que devuelva un númberu na caxella enllazada"
+msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If entered value is TRUE or not 0: Check box is selected<br/>If entered value is FALSE or 0: Check box is deselected"
-msgstr "Si'l valor introducíu ye VERDADERU o nun ye 0: escuéyese'l caxellu de verificación<br/>Si'l valor introducíu ye FALSU o 0: se deseleiciona el caxellu de verificación"
+msgid "If entered value is TRUE or not 0: Check box is selected.<br/>If entered value is FALSE or 0: Check box is deselected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error"
-msgstr "Borre la caxella enllazada, introduza testu o bien escriba una fórmula que devuelva testu o un fallu"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5806,24 +5806,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the box. The Reference value box contains text."
-msgstr "Escueya'l cuadru. El cuadru de valor Referencia contién testu."
+msgid "Select the box. The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The text from the Reference value box is copied to the cell."
-msgstr "El testu del cuadru de valor Referencia copiar na caxella."
+msgid "The text from the <emph>Reference value</emph> box is copied to the cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Deselect the box. The Reference value box contains text."
-msgstr "Deseleicione el cuadru. El cuadru de valor Referencia contién testu."
+msgid "Deselect the box. The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5838,8 +5838,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Reference value box contains text. Enter the same text into the cell."
-msgstr "El cuadru de valor Referencia contién testu. Escriba'l mesmu testu na caxella."
+msgid "The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text. Enter the same text into the cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5854,8 +5854,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Reference value box contains text. Enter another text into the cell."
-msgstr "El cuadru de valor Referencia contién testu. Escriba otru testu na caxella."
+msgid "The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text. Enter another text into the cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5894,88 +5894,88 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the option button"
-msgstr "Escueya'l botón d'opción"
+msgid "Select the option button:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "TRUE is entered into the linked cell"
-msgstr "Introduzse VERDADERU na caxella enllazada"
+msgid "TRUE is entered into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Option button is deselected by selecting another option button"
-msgstr "El botón d'opción se deseleiciona escoyendo otru botón d'opción"
+msgid "Option button is deselected by selecting another option button:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "FALSE is entered into the linked cell"
-msgstr "Introduzse FALSU na caxella enllazada"
+msgid "FALSE is entered into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell"
-msgstr "Introduza un númberu o una fórmula que devuelva un númberu na caxella enllazada"
+msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If entered value is TRUE or not 0: Option button is selected<br/>If entered value is FALSE or 0: Option button is deselected"
-msgstr "Si'l valor introducíu ye VERDADERU o nun ye 0: escuéyese'l botón d'opción<br/>Si'l valor introducíu ye FALOS o 0: se deseleiciona el botón d'opción"
+msgid "If entered value is TRUE or not 0: Option button is selected.<br/>If entered value is FALSE or 0: Option button is deselected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error"
-msgstr "Borre la caxella enllazada, introduza testu o bien escriba una fórmula que devuelva testu o un fallu"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Option button is deselected"
-msgstr "Se deseleiciona el botón d'opción"
+msgid "Option button is deselected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click the option button. The Reference value box contains text."
-msgstr "Faiga clic nel botón d'opción. El cuadru de valor Referencia contién testu."
+msgid "Click the option button. The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The text from the Reference value box is copied to the cell."
-msgstr "El testu del cuadru de valor Referencia copiar na caxella."
+msgid "The text from the <emph>Reference value</emph> box is copied to the cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click another option button of the same group. The Reference value box contains text."
-msgstr "Faiga clic n'otru botón d'opción del mesmu grupu. El cuadru de valor Referencia contién testu."
+msgid "Click another option button of the same group. The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5990,8 +5990,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Reference value box contains text. Enter the same text into the cell."
-msgstr "El cuadru de valor Referencia contién testu. Escriba'l mesmu testu na caxella."
+msgid "The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text. Enter the same text into the cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6006,8 +6006,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Reference value box contains text. Enter another text into the cell."
-msgstr "El cuadru de valor Referencia contién testu. Escriba otru testu na caxella."
+msgid "The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text. Enter another text into the cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6046,80 +6046,80 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter text into the text box"
-msgstr "Introduza testu nel cuadru de testu"
+msgid "Enter text into the text box:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Text is copied into the linked cell"
-msgstr "El testu copiar na caxella enllazada"
+msgid "Text is copied into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the text box"
-msgstr "Borre'l cuadru de testu"
+msgid "Clear the text box:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked cell is cleared"
-msgstr "Bórrase la caxella enllazada"
+msgid "Linked cell is cleared."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter text or a number in the linked cell"
-msgstr "Introduza testu o un númberu na caxella enllazada"
+msgid "Enter text or a number in the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Text or number is copied into the text box"
-msgstr "El testu o'l númberu copiar nel cuadru de testu"
+msgid "Text or number is copied into the text box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell"
-msgstr "Introduza una fórmula na caxella enllazada"
+msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Formula result is copied into the text box"
-msgstr "La resultancia de la fórmula copiar nel cuadru de testu"
+msgid "Formula result is copied into the text box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell"
-msgstr "Borre la caxella enllazada"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Text box is cleared"
-msgstr "Bórrase'l cuadru de testu"
+msgid "Text box is cleared."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6150,64 +6150,64 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a number into the field"
-msgstr "Introduza un númberu nel campu"
+msgid "Enter a number into the field:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Number is copied into the linked cell"
-msgstr "El númberu copiar na caxella enllazada"
+msgid "Number is copied into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the field"
-msgstr "Borre'l campu"
+msgid "Clear the field:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Value 0 is set in the linked cell"
-msgstr "Establezse'l valor 0 na caxella enllazada"
+msgid "Value <emph>0</emph> is set in the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell"
-msgstr "Introduza un númberu o una fórmula que devuelva un númberu na caxella enllazada"
+msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Number is copied into the field"
-msgstr "Cópiase'l númberu nel campu"
+msgid "Number is copied into the field."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error"
-msgstr "Borre la caxella enllazada, introduza testu o bien escriba una fórmula que devuelva testu o un fallu"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Value 0 is set in the field"
-msgstr "Establezse'l valor 0 nel campu"
+msgid "Value <emph>0</emph> is set in the field."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6230,16 +6230,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked contents: Synchronize the text contents of the selected list box entry with the cell contents."
-msgstr "Conteníu enllazáu: sincronice'l conteníu de testu de la entrada del cuadru de llista escoyíu col conteníu de la caxella."
+msgid "<emph>Linked contents:</emph> Synchronize the text contents of the selected list box entry with the cell contents."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked selection position: The position of the single selected item in the list box is synchronized with the numerical value in the cell."
-msgstr "Posición de seleición enllazada: la posición del elementu únicu escoyíu nel cuadru de llista sincronizar col valor numbéricu de la caxella."
+msgid "<emph>Linked selection position:</emph> The position of the single selected item in the list box is synchronized with the numerical value in the cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6262,8 +6262,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select a single list item"
-msgstr "Escueya un elementu únicu de la llista"
+msgid "Select a single list item:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6278,112 +6278,112 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Selection is linked: Position of the selected item is copied into the linked cell. For example, if the third item is selected, the number 3 will be copied."
-msgstr "Vencéyase la seleición: la posición del elementu escoyíu copiar na caxella enllazada. Por exemplu, si escueye'l tercer elementu, cópiase'l númberu 3."
+msgid "Selection is linked: Position of the selected item is copied into the linked cell.<br/>For example, if the third item is selected, the number <emph>3</emph> will be copied."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select several list items"
-msgstr "Escueya dellos elementos de la llista"
+msgid "Select several list items:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "#NV is entered into the linked cell"
-msgstr "Introduzse #NV na caxella enllazada"
+msgid "#NV is entered into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Deselect all list items"
-msgstr "Deseleicione tolos elementos de llista"
+msgid "Deselect all list items:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Contents are linked: Linked cell is cleared"
-msgstr "Vencéyase'l conteníu: Bórrase la caxella enllazada"
+msgid "Contents are linked: Linked cell is cleared."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Selection is linked: Value 0 is entered in the linked cell"
-msgstr "Vencéyase la seleición: Introduzse'l valor 0 na caxella enllazada"
+msgid "Selection is linked: Value <emph>0</emph> is entered in the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter text or a number into the linked cell"
-msgstr "Introduza testu o un númberu na caxella enllazada"
+msgid "Enter text or a number into the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Contents are linked: Find and select an equal list item"
-msgstr "Vencéyase'l conteníu: Busque y escueya un elementu de llista idénticu"
+msgid "Contents are linked: Find and select an equal list item."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Selection is linked: The list item at the specified position (starting with 1 for the first item) is selected. If not found, all items are deselected."
-msgstr "Vencéyase la seleición: Escuéyese l'elementu de llista de la posición especificada (empieza por 1 pal primer elementu). Si nun s'atopa, se deseleicionan tolos elementos."
+msgid "Selection is linked: The list item at the specified position (starting with <emph>1</emph> for the first item) is selected. If not found, all items are deselected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell"
-msgstr "Introduza una fórmula na caxella enllazada"
+msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Find and select a list item that matches the formula result and link mode"
-msgstr "Busque y escueya un elementu de llista que coincida cola resultancia de la fórmula y el mou de vinculación"
+msgid "Find and select a list item that matches the formula result and link mode."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell"
-msgstr "Borre la caxella enllazada"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Deselect all items in the list box"
-msgstr "Deseleicione tolos elementos del cuadru de llista"
+msgid "Deselect all items in the list box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Change the contents of the list source range"
-msgstr "Camude'l conteníu del rangu d'orixe de la llista"
+msgid "Change the contents of the list source range:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6422,88 +6422,88 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter text into the edit field of the combo box, or select an entry from the drop-down list"
-msgstr "Escriba'l testu nel campu d'edición del cuadru combináu, o escueya una entrada na llista desplegable"
+msgid "Enter text into the edit field of the combo box, or select an entry from the drop-down list:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Text is copied into the linked cell"
-msgstr "El testu copiar na caxella enllazada"
+msgid "Text is copied into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the edit field of the combo box"
-msgstr "Borre'l campu d'edición del cuadru combináu"
+msgid "Clear the edit field of the combo box:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked cell is cleared"
-msgstr "Bórrase la caxella enllazada"
+msgid "Linked cell is cleared."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter text or a number into the linked cell"
-msgstr "Introduza testu o un númberu na caxella enllazada"
+msgid "Enter text or a number into the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Text or number is copied into the edit field of the combo box"
-msgstr "Cópiase'l testu o'l númberu nel campu d'edición del cuadru combináu"
+msgid "Text or number is copied into the edit field of the combo box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell"
-msgstr "Introduza una fórmula na caxella enllazada"
+msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Formula result is copied into the edit field of the combo box"
-msgstr "Cópiase la resultancia de la fórmula nel campu d'edición del cuadru combináu"
+msgid "Formula result is copied into the edit field of the combo box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell"
-msgstr "Borre la caxella enllazada"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Edit field of the combo box is cleared"
-msgstr "Bórrase'l campu d'edición del cuadru combináu"
+msgid "Edit field of the combo box is cleared."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Change the contents of the list source range"
-msgstr "Camude'l conteníu del rangu d'orixe de la llista"
+msgid "Change the contents of the list source range:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6534,16 +6534,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked contents: Synchronize the text contents of the selected list box entry with the cell contents. Select \"The selected entry\""
-msgstr "Conteníu enllazáu: sincronice'l conteníu de testu de la entrada del cuadru de llista escoyíu col conteníu de la caxella. Escueya \"La entrada escoyida\""
+msgid "<emph>Linked contents:</emph> Synchronize the text contents of the selected list box entry with the cell contents. Select \"The selected entry\"."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked selection position: The position of the single selected item in the list box is synchronized with the numerical value in the cell. Select \"Position of the selected entry\""
-msgstr "Posición de seleición enllazada: la posición del elementu únicu escoyíu nel cuadru de llista sincronizar col valor numbéricu de la caxella. Escueya \"Posición de la entrada escoyida\""
+msgid "<emph>Linked selection position:</emph> The position of the single selected item in the list box is synchronized with the numerical value in the cell. Select \"Position of the selected entry\"."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6574,8 +6574,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>controls; events</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>events; controls</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>macros; assigning to events in forms</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>campos de control;eventos</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>eventos;campos de control</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>macros;asignar a eventos en formularios</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>controls; events</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>events; controls</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>macros; assigning to events in forms</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6590,15 +6590,15 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the<emph> Events </emph>tab page you can link macros to events that occur in a form's control fields."
-msgstr "Na llingüeta <emph>Acciones </emph> puen enllazase macros con acciones que tienen llugar nos campos de control del formulariu."
+msgid "On the <emph>Events</emph> tab page you can link macros to events that occur in a form's control fields."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "When the event occurs, the linked macro will be called. To assign a macro to an event, press the <emph>...</emph> button. The <link href=\"text/shared/01/06140500.xhp\" name=\"Assign Action\">Assign Action</link> dialog opens."
+msgid "When the event occurs, the linked macro will be called. To assign a macro to an event, press the <emph>...</emph> button. The <link href=\"text/shared/01/06140500.xhp\" name=\"Assign Action\"><emph>Assign Action</emph></link> dialog opens."
msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
@@ -6606,8 +6606,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Depending on the control, different events are available. Only the available events for the selected control and context are listed on the <emph>Events</emph> tab page. The following events are defined:"
-msgstr "Hai distintes acciones disponibles en función del campu de control. Na llingüeta <emph>Acciones</emph> amuésense namái les acciones disponibles pal campu de control y contestu escoyíos. Tán definíes les siguientes acciones:"
+msgid "Depending on the control, different events are available. Only the available events for the selected control and context are listed on the <emph>Events</emph> tab page.<br/>The following events are defined:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6622,8 +6622,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_APPROVEACTIONPERFORMED\">This event takes place before an action is triggered by clicking the control.</ahelp> For example, clicking a \"Submit\" button initiates a send action; however, the actual \"send\" process is started only when the <emph>When initiating</emph> event occurs. The <emph>Approve action</emph> event allows you to kill the process. If the linked method sends back FALSE, <emph>When initiating</emph> will not be executed."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_APPROVEACTIONPERFORMED\">Esti eventu tien lugar enantes d'activar una aición faciendo clic nel campu de control.</ahelp> Por exemplu, al faer clic nel botón \"Unviar\" empecípiase una aición d'unviada; sicasí, el procesu real de \"unviada\" namái s'empecipia cuando tien llugar l'eventu <emph>Al empecipiar</emph>. L'eventu <emph>Aprobar aición</emph> dexa albortar el procesu primero que tenga llugar. Si'l métodu enllazáu devuelve la respuesta FALSE, <emph>Al empecipiar</emph> nun se va executar."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_APPROVEACTIONPERFORMED\">This event takes place before an action is triggered by clicking the control.</ahelp> For example, clicking a \"<emph>Submit</emph>\" button initiates a send action; however, the actual \"send\" process is started only when the <emph>When initiating</emph> event occurs. The <emph>Approve action</emph> event allows you to kill the process. If the linked method sends back FALSE, <emph>When initiating</emph> will not be executed."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6638,8 +6638,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_ACTIONPERFORMED\">The <emph>Execute action</emph> event occurs when an action is started.</ahelp> For example, if you have a \"Submit\" button in your form, the send process represents the action to be initiated."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_ACTIONPERFORMED\">L'eventu <emph>Executar aición</emph> tien llugar cuando s'empecipia una aición.</ahelp> Por exemplu, si nel formulariu inclúyese un botón \"Unviar\", el procesu d'unviada representa l'aición que se va empecipiar."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_ACTIONPERFORMED\">The <emph>Execute action</emph> event occurs when an action is started.</ahelp> For example, if you have a \"<emph>Submit</emph>\" button in your form, the send process represents the action to be initiated."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6654,8 +6654,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_CHANGED\">The<emph> Changed </emph>event takes place when the control loses the focus and the content of the control has changed since it lost the focus.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_CHANGED\">L'eventu <emph>Modificáu</emph> tien llugar cuando'l campu de control pierde'l focu y el so conteníu camuda al habelo perdíu.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_CHANGED\">The <emph>Changed</emph> event takes place when the control loses the focus and the content of the control has changed since it lost the focus.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6670,8 +6670,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_TEXTCHANGED\">The<emph> Text modified </emph>event takes place if you enter or modify a text in an input field.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_TEXTCHANGED\">L'eventu <emph>Testu modificáu</emph> tien llugar si introduzse o modifica un testu nun campu d'entrada.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_TEXTCHANGED\">The <emph>Text modified</emph> event takes place if you enter or modify a text in an input field.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6686,7 +6686,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_ITEMSTATECHANGED\" visibility=\"hidden\">The<emph> Item status changed </emph>event takes place if the status of the control field has changed.</ahelp> The<emph> Item status changed</emph> event takes place if the status of the control field has changed."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_ITEMSTATECHANGED\" visibility=\"hidden\">The <emph>Item status changed</emph> event takes place if the status of the control field has changed.</ahelp> The <emph>Item status changed</emph> event takes place if the status of the control field has changed."
msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
@@ -6702,8 +6702,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_FOCUSGAINED\">The<emph> When receiving focus </emph>event takes place if a control field receives the focus.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_FOCUSGAINED\">L'eventu <emph>Recepción de focu</emph> tien llugar si un campu de control ta resaltáu.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_FOCUSGAINED\">The <emph>When receiving focus</emph> event takes place if a control field receives the focus.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6734,8 +6734,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYTYPED\">The <emph>Key pressed </emph>event occurs when the user presses any key while the control has the focus.</ahelp> This event may be linked to a macro for checking entries."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYTYPED\">L'eventu <emph>Tecla calcada</emph> tien llugar cuando l'usuariu calca una tecla cuando'l campu de control ta resaltáu.</ahelp> Esti eventu pue tar enllazáu a una macro pa comprobar les entraes."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYTYPED\">The <emph>Key pressed</emph> event occurs when the user presses any key while the control has the focus.</ahelp> This event may be linked to a macro for checking entries."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6750,8 +6750,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYUP\">The<emph> Key released </emph>event occurs when the user releases any key while the control has the focus.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYUP\">L'eventu <emph> Dempués de calcar una tecla </emph> asocedi cuando l'usuariu suelta cualquier tecla cuando'l control tien el focu.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYUP\">The <emph>Key released</emph> event occurs when the user releases any key while the control has the focus.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6766,8 +6766,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEENTERED\">The<emph> Mouse inside </emph>event takes place if the mouse is inside the control field.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEENTERED\">L'eventu<emph> Mur dientro </emph>tien llugar si'l mur atópase dientro del campu de control.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEENTERED\">The <emph>Mouse inside</emph> event takes place if the mouse is inside the control field.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6782,8 +6782,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEDRAGGED\">The<emph> Mouse moved while key pressed </emph>event takes place when the mouse is dragged while a key is pressed.</ahelp> An example is when, during drag-and-drop, an additional key determines the mode (move or copy)."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEDRAGGED\">L'Eventu<emph> Mover el mur mientres se prime una tecla </emph>asocedi cuando'l mur abásnase mientres una tecla ye primida.</ahelp> Un exemplu, cuando mientres l'abasnar y soltar, adicionalmente prímese una tecla que determina el mou (mover o copiar)."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEDRAGGED\">The <emph>Mouse moved while key pressed</emph> event takes place when the mouse is dragged while a key is pressed.</ahelp> An example is when, during drag-and-drop, an additional key determines the mode (move or copy)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6798,8 +6798,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEMOVED\">The<emph> Mouse moved </emph>event occurs if the mouse moves over the control.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEMOVED\">L'eventu <emph>Movimientu de mur</emph> tien llugar si'l mur muévese percima del campu de control.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEMOVED\">The <emph>Mouse moved</emph> event occurs if the mouse moves over the control.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6814,8 +6814,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEPRESSED\">The<emph> Mouse button pressed </emph>event occurs if the mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is on the control.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEPRESSED\">L'eventu<emph> Botón del mur calcáu</emph>tien llugar si púlsiase'l botón del mur cuando'l punteru atopa sobre'l campu de control.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEPRESSED\">The <emph>Mouse button pressed</emph> event occurs if the mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is on the control.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6838,8 +6838,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSERELEASED\">The<emph> Mouse button released </emph>event occurs if the mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is on the control.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSERELEASED\">L'eventu <emph>Botón del mur soltáu</emph> tien llugar si suelta'l botón del mur cuando'l punteru atopa sobre'l campu de control.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSERELEASED\">The <emph>Mouse button released</emph> event occurs if the mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is on the control.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6854,8 +6854,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEEXITED\">The<emph> Mouse outside </emph>event takes place when the mouse is outside the control field.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEEXITED\">L'eventu <emph>Mur fuera</emph> tien llugar cuando'l mur atópase fora del campu de control.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEEXITED\">The <emph>Mouse outside</emph> event takes place when the mouse is outside the control field.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9414,16 +9414,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click the<emph> Navigator On/Off </emph>icon to hide or show the <emph>Navigator</emph>."
-msgstr "Esti símbolu déxa-y abrir o zarrar la ventana del Navegador."
+msgid "Click the <emph>Navigator On/Off</emph> icon to hide or show the <emph>Navigator</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01220000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can also call the <emph>Navigator</emph> by selecting <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/swriter/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">View - Navigator</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">View - Navigator</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">View - Navigator</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">View - Navigator</link></caseinline><defaultinline>View - Navigator</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "Tamien pue llamar al <emph>Navegador</emph> seleicionando <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/swriter/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">Ver - Navegador</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">View - Navigator</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">Ver - Navegador</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">Ver - Navegador</link></caseinline><defaultinline>Ver - Navegador</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "You can also call the <emph>Navigator</emph> by selecting <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/swriter/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\"><emph>View - Navigator</emph></link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\"><emph>View - Navigator</emph></link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\"><emph>View - Navigator</emph></link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\"><emph>View - Navigator</emph></link></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>View - Navigator</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01220000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9462,7 +9462,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:DesignerDialog\">Specifies whether to show or hide the Styles window, which is where you can assign and organize Styles.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:DesignerDialog\">Specifies whether to show or hide the <emph>Styles</emph> window, which is where you can assign and organize styles.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01230000.xhp
@@ -9470,7 +9470,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Each $[officename] application has its own Styles window. Hence there are separate windows for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/swriter/01/05140000.xhp\" name=\"text documents\">text documents</link></caseinline><defaultinline>text documents</defaultinline></switchinline>, for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"spreadsheets\">spreadsheets</link></caseinline><defaultinline>spreadsheets</defaultinline></switchinline> and for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"presentations/drawing documents\">presentations/drawing documents</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"presentations/drawing documents\">presentations/drawing documents</link></caseinline><defaultinline>presentations/drawing documents</defaultinline></switchinline>."
+msgid "Each $[officename] application has its own <emph>Styles</emph> window. Hence there are separate windows for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/swriter/01/05140000.xhp\" name=\"text documents\">text documents</link></caseinline><defaultinline>text documents</defaultinline></switchinline>, for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"spreadsheets\">spreadsheets</link></caseinline><defaultinline>spreadsheets</defaultinline></switchinline> and for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"presentations/drawing documents\">presentations/drawing documents</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"presentations/drawing documents\">presentations/drawing documents</link></caseinline><defaultinline>presentations/drawing documents</defaultinline></switchinline>."
msgstr ""
#: 01230000.xhp
@@ -9518,7 +9518,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To reset the selected objects to the default paragraph style, select <emph>Clear formatting</emph>. Select <emph>More Styles</emph> to open the Styles window."
+msgid "To reset the selected objects to the default paragraph style, select <emph>Clear formatting</emph>. Select <emph>More Styles</emph> to open the <emph>Styles</emph> window."
msgstr ""
#: 02010000.xhp
@@ -9526,7 +9526,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clicking on the Down arrow button on the right of a style name shows a pop-up menu that allows you to update the style from the current selection or to edit the style."
+msgid "Clicking on the <emph>Down Arrow</emph> button on the right of a style name shows a pop-up menu that allows you to update the style from the current selection or to edit the style."
msgstr ""
#: 02010000.xhp
@@ -9630,8 +9630,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"vorschautext\">You can see the name of the fonts formatted in their respective font if you mark the <emph>Preview in fonts lists</emph> field in <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010800.xhp\" name=\"$[officename] - View\">$[officename] - View</link> in the Options dialog box.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"vorschautext\">Si marca'l campu <emph>Amosar vista previa de les fontes</emph> en <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010800.xhp\" name=\"$[officename] - Ver\">$[officename] - Ver</link> del cuadru de diálogu \"Opciones\", va poder ver los nomes de les fontes formateaes con esa mesma fonte.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"vorschautext\">You can see the name of the fonts formatted in their respective font if you mark the <emph>Preview in fonts lists</emph> field in <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010800.xhp\" name=\"$[officename] - View\"><emph>$[officename] - View</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9830,8 +9830,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you click the <emph>Decrease Indent</emph> icon while holding down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> key, the indent for the selected paragraph is moved by the default tab stop that has been set under <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040200.xhp\" name=\"Writer - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - General</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Si calca nel iconu <emph>Amenorgar sangráu</emph>, al primir la tecla <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Comandu</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>, el sangráu del párrafu seleicionáu va movese cola tabulación predefinidan en <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040200.xhp\" name=\"Writer - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Xeneral</emph></link> na caxa de diálogu d'Opciones.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you click the <emph>Decrease Indent</emph> icon while holding down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> key, the indent for the selected paragraph is moved by the default tab stop that has been set under <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040200.xhp\" name=\"Writer - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - General</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9862,8 +9862,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Click the Increase Indent icon to increase the left indent of the current paragraph or cell content and set it to the next default tab position.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Faiga clic nel iconu\"Aumentar sangría\" p'aumentar la sangría esquierda del párrafu actual o del conteníu de la caxella moviéndolos a la posición del siguiente alto de tabulación.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Click the <emph>Increase Indent</emph> icon to increase the left indent of the current paragraph or cell content and set it to the next default tab position.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9894,8 +9894,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Click the <emph>Increase Indent</emph> icon while holding down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> key to move the indenting of the selected paragraph by the default tab distance set under <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040200.xhp\" name=\"Writer - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - General</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Calque nel iconu <emph>Aumentar sangría</emph> al primir la tecla <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Comandu</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>, la sangría del párrafu seleicionáu va movese cola tabulación predefinida en <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040200.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Xeneral\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Xeneral</emph></link> de la caxa de diálogu d'Opciones.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Click the <emph>Increase Indent</emph> icon while holding down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> key to move the indenting of the selected paragraph by the default tab distance set under <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040200.xhp\" name=\"Writer - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - General</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9934,8 +9934,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Indent increased by the amount with the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command key</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl key</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "La sangría aumenta cola <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Tecla Comandu </caseinline><defaultinline>Tecla Ctrl </defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "Indent increased by the amount with the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> key."
+msgstr ""
#: 02140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10070,8 +10070,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To turn off highlighting, press Esc."
-msgstr "Pa desactivar el resaltáu, calque Esc."
+msgid "To turn off highlighting, press <emph>Esc</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 02160000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10158,8 +10158,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaspaceIncrease\">Click the<emph> Increase Spacing </emph>icon to increase the paragraph spacing above the selected paragraph.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:ParaspaceIncrease\">Faiga clic nel iconu<emph> Aumentar espaciu </emph>p'amontar l'espaciu qu'hai percima del párrafu escoyíu.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaspaceIncrease\">Click the <emph>Increase Spacing</emph> icon to increase the paragraph spacing above the selected paragraph.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03110000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10182,8 +10182,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can make additional adjustments to the spacing by selecting <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing\"><emph>Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing</emph></link>"
-msgstr "Pue faer axustes adicionales nel espaciu. Pa ello, escueya <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Formatu - Párrafo - Sangrías y espacios\"><emph>Formatu - Párrafu - Sangríes y espacios</emph>.</link>"
+msgid "You can make additional adjustments to the spacing by selecting <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing\"><emph>Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing</emph></link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 03120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10206,8 +10206,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaspaceDecrease\">Click the<emph> Decrease Spacing </emph>icon to decrease the paragraph spacing above the selected paragraph.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaspaceDecrease\">Faiga clic nel iconu <emph> Amenorgar espaciu</emph> pa menguar l'espaciu qu'hai percima del párrafu escoyíu.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaspaceDecrease\">Click the <emph>Decrease Spacing</emph> icon to decrease the paragraph spacing above the selected paragraph.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10230,8 +10230,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can make additional adjustments to the spacing by selecting <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing\"><emph>Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing</emph></link>"
-msgstr "Pue faer axustes adicionales nel espaciu. Pa ello, escueya <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Formatu - Párrafo - Sangrías y espacios\"><emph>Formatu - Párrafu - Sangríes y espacios</emph>.</link>"
+msgid "You can make additional adjustments to the spacing by selecting <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing\"><emph>Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing</emph></link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 03130000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10270,8 +10270,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">To apply a particular type of border to a single cell, position the cursor in the cell, open the <emph>Border</emph> toolbar and select a border. </caseinline><defaultinline>Whenever you insert graphics or tables, they already have a complete border. To remove that border, select the graphic object or the entire table and click the \"no border\" icon on the <emph>Border</emph> toolbar.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">P'aplicar un borde determináu a una sola caxella, coloque'l cursor na caxella, abra la barra de ferramientes de <emph>bordes</emph> y escueya un borde. </caseinline><defaultinline>Cuando s'inxerta un gráficu o una tabla, yá tienen un borde completu. Si deseya quitar dichu borde, escueya l'oxetu gráficu o tola tabla y faiga clic nel iconu \"Ensin borde\" de la barra de ferramientes <emph>Borde</emph>.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">To apply a particular type of border to a single cell, position the cursor in the cell, open the <emph>Border</emph> toolbar and select a border.</caseinline><defaultinline> Whenever you insert graphics or tables, they already have a complete border. To remove that border, select the graphic object or the entire table and click the <emph>no border</emph> icon on the <emph>Border</emph> toolbar.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03130000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10294,8 +10294,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Further information can be found in the Help in <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\"><emph>Borders</emph></link>. You can also find information on how to <link href=\"text/shared/guide/border_table.xhp\" name=\"format a text table\">format a text table</link> with the <emph>Borders</emph> icon."
-msgstr "Va Atopar más información al respective na seición <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\"><emph>Cantos</emph> de l'Ayuda</link>. Tamién va atopar información alrodiu de cómo <link href=\"text/shared/guide/border_table.xhp\" name=\"format a text table\">formatear una tabla de testu</link> por aciu el símbolu <emph>Cantos</emph>."
+msgid "Further information can be found in the Help in <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\"><emph>Borders</emph></link>. You can also find information on how to <link href=\"text/shared/guide/border_table.xhp\" name=\"format a text table\"><emph>format a text table</emph></link> with the <emph>Borders</emph> icon."
+msgstr ""
#: 03140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10350,8 +10350,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For more information, see the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\">Borders</link> section of the Help."
-msgstr "Pa llograr más información consulte la seición <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\">Cantos</link> de l'Ayuda."
+msgid "For more information, see the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\"><emph>Borders</emph></link> section of the Help."
+msgstr ""
#: 03150000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10398,8 +10398,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For more information, see the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\">Borders</link> section in the Help."
-msgstr "Pa llograr más información consulte la seición <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\">Cantos</link> de l'Ayuda."
+msgid "For more information, see the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\"><emph>Borders</emph></link> section in the Help."
+msgstr ""
#: 03200000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10430,16 +10430,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"verankerungtext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:ToggleAnchorType\">Allows you to switch between anchoring options.</ahelp></variable> The<emph> Change Anchor </emph>icon is only visible when an object such as a graphic or control field<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"> or frame</caseinline></switchinline> is selected."
-msgstr "<variable id=\"verankerungtext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:ToggleAnchorType\">Dexa alternar ente les opciones de anclaxe.</ahelp></variable> <emph> Camudar ancla</emph> namái se ve cuando s'escoyó un oxetu, como un gráficu, un campu de control<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"> o un marcu</caseinline></switchinline>."
+msgid "<variable id=\"verankerungtext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:ToggleAnchorType\">Allows you to switch between anchoring options.</ahelp></variable> The <emph>Change Anchor</emph> icon is only visible when an object such as a graphic or control field <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">or frame</caseinline></switchinline> is selected."
+msgstr ""
#: 03200000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Further information about the anchoring is contained in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05260000.xhp\" name=\"Anchoring\"><emph>Anchoring</emph></link> Help section."
-msgstr "Va Llograr más información sobre anclaxe na seición de l'Ayuda <link href=\"text/shared/01/05260000.xhp\" name=\"Anchoring\"><emph>Anclaxe</emph></link>."
+msgid "Further information about the anchoring is contained in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05260000.xhp\" name=\"Anchoring\"><emph>Anchoring</emph></link> help section."
+msgstr ""
#: 04210000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10582,8 +10582,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Select an object and click the<emph> Rotate</emph> icon on the<emph> Drawing</emph> toolbar. </caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Select an object and click the Rotate icon on the Drawing toolbar. </caseinline><defaultinline>Select an object and click the<emph> Rotate</emph> icon on the <emph>Drawing Object Properties</emph> toolbar.</defaultinline></switchinline> Drag a corner handle of the object in the direction you want to rotate it."
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Escueya un oxetu y faiga clic nel iconu<emph> Xirar</emph> de la barra de ferramientes <emph>Dibuxu</emph>. </caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Escueya un oxetu y faiga clic nel oxetu Xirar de la barra de ferramientes Dibuxo. </caseinline><defaultinline>Escueya un oxetu y faiga clic nel iconu <emph>Xirar</emph> de la barra de ferramientes <emph>Propiedaes del oxetu de dibuxu</emph>.</defaultinline></switchinline> Arrastre una maniya de la esquina del oxetu na direición en que deseye xiralo."
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Select an object and click the <emph>Rotate</emph> icon on the <emph>Drawing</emph> toolbar.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Select an object and click the <emph>Rotate</emph> icon on the <emph>Drawing</emph> toolbar.</caseinline><defaultinline>Select an object and click the <emph>Rotate</emph> icon on the <emph>Drawing Object Properties</emph> toolbar.</defaultinline></switchinline> Drag a corner handle of the object in the direction you want to rotate it."
+msgstr ""
#: 05090000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10678,8 +10678,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The<emph> Demote One Level </emph>icon is on the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> bar, which appears when the cursor is positioned on a numbering or bullets item. </caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Demote </emph>icon is on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar, which appears when working in the outline view. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">L'iconu <emph>Baxar un nivel</emph> atopar na barra <emph>Numberación y viñetes</emph>, qu'apaez cuando s'asitia'l cursor sobre un elementu de numberación o viñetes. </caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">L'iconu <emph>Menguar nivel</emph> atopar na barra <emph>Formatu de testu</emph>, qu'apaez cuando se trabaya nel mou Esquema. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The<emph> Demote One Level </emph>icon is on the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> bar, which appears when the cursor is positioned on a numbering or bullets item.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Demote</emph> icon is on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar, which appears when working in the outline view.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06050000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10694,8 +10694,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Demote One Level </caseinline><defaultinline>Demote</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Baxar un nivel</caseinline><defaultinline>Menguar nivel</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Demote One Level</caseinline><defaultinline>Demote</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06060000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10726,8 +10726,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The<emph> Promote One Level </emph>icon is on the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> bar, which appears when the cursor is positioned on a numbering or bullets item. </caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The<emph> Promote </emph>icon is on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar, which appears when working in the outline view. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">L'iconu <emph>Xubir un nivel</emph> atopar na barra <emph>Numberación y viñetes</emph>, qu'apaez cuando s'asitia'l cursor nun elementu de numberación o viñetes.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">L'iconu <emph>Aumentar nivel</emph> atopar na barra <emph>Formatu de testu</emph>, que s'amuesa cuando se trabaya nel mou Esquema.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The <emph>Promote One Level</emph> icon is on the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> bar, which appears when the cursor is positioned on a numbering or bullets item.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Promote</emph> icon is on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar, which appears when working in the outline view.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06060000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10742,8 +10742,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Promote One Level </caseinline><defaultinline>Promote</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Xubir un nivel</caseinline><defaultinline>Aumentar nivel</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Promote One Level</caseinline><defaultinline>Promote</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06100000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10774,16 +10774,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you have numbered paragraphs and click the<emph> Move Up </emph>icon, the numbers will be adjusted to the current order. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The <emph>Move Up </emph>icon is only visible when the cursor is positioned in a bulleted or numbered list.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Move Up </emph>icon appears on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> Bar when you use the outline view.</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "Si tien párrafos numberaos y fai clic nel iconu <emph>Mover escontra riba</emph>, los númberos van axustase nel orde actual. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">L'iconu <emph>Mover escontra riba</emph> namái se ve cuando'l cursor ta sobre una llista numberada o con viñetes.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">L'iconu <emph>Mover escontra riba</emph> apaez na barra <emph>Formatu de testu</emph> cuando se trabaya nel mou Esquema.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "If you have numbered paragraphs and click the <emph>Move Up</emph> icon, the numbers will be adjusted to the current order. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The <emph>Move Up</emph> icon is only visible when the cursor is positioned in a bulleted or numbered list.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Move Up</emph> icon appears on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar when you use the outline view.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06100000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "This function can be called by pressing <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Up Arrow."
-msgstr "Pue llamase a esta función calcando <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Comandu</caseinline><defaultinline>Control</defaultinline></switchinline>+flecha enriba."
+msgid "This function can be called by pressing <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Up Arrow</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 06100000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10830,16 +10830,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you have numbered paragraphs and click the<emph> Move Down </emph>icon, the numbers will be adjusted to the current order. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The <emph>Move Down </emph>icon is only visible when the cursor is positioned in a bulleted or numbered list. </caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Move Down </emph>icon appears on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> Bar when you use the outline view. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "Si tien párrafos numberaos y fai clic nel iconu <emph>Mover escontra baxo</emph>, los númberos van axustase nel orde actual. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">L'iconu <emph>Mover escontra baxo</emph> namái se ve cuando'l cursor ta sobre una llista numberada o con viñetes. </caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">L'iconu <emph>Mover escontra baxo</emph> apaez na barra <emph>Formatu de testu</emph> cuando se trabaya nel mou Esquema. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "If you have numbered paragraphs and click the <emph>Move Down</emph> icon, the numbers will be adjusted to the current order. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The <emph>Move Down</emph> icon is only visible when the cursor is positioned in a bulleted or numbered list.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Move Down</emph> icon appears on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar when you use the outline view.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06110000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "This function can be called by pressing <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Down Arrow."
-msgstr "Pue llamase a esta función primiendo <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Comandu </caseinline><defaultinline>Control</defaultinline></switchinline>+flecha embaxo."
+msgid "This function can be called by pressing <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Down Arrow</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 06110000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10886,32 +10886,32 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Bullet options such as type and position are defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering\"><emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph></link> dialog. To open this dialog, click the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> icon on the <link href=\"text/swriter/main0206.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering Bar\">Bullets and Numbering Bar</link></caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Les opciones de viñetes, como'l tipu y la posición, definir nel diálogu <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering\"><emph>Numberación y viñetes</emph></link>. P'abrir esti diálogu, faiga clic nel iconu <emph>Numberación y viñetes</emph> de la barra <link href=\"text/swriter/main0206.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering Bar\">Numberación y viñetes</link></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Bullet options such as type and position are defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering\"><emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph></link> dialog. To open this dialog, click the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> icon on the <link href=\"text/swriter/main0206.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering Bar\"><emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> bar</link>.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Bullet options such as type and position are defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering\">Bullets and Numbering</link> dialog. To open this dialog, click the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> icon on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> Bar. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Les opciones de viñetes, como'l tipu y la posición, definir nel diálogu <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering\">Numberación y viñetes</link>. P'abrir esti diálogu, faiga clic nel iconu <emph>Numberación y viñetes</emph> de la barra <emph>Formatu de testu</emph>. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Bullet options such as type and position are defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering\"><emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph></link> dialog. To open this dialog, click the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> icon on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">In the <link href=\"text/swriter/01/03120000.xhp\" name=\"Web Layout\">Web Layout</link>, some numbering/bullet options are not available. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Nel <link href=\"text/swriter/01/03120000.xhp\" name=\"Web Layout\">Diseñu web</link>, delles opciones de numberación y viñetes nun tán disponibles. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">In the <link href=\"text/swriter/01/03120000.xhp\" name=\"Web Layout\"><emph>Web Layout</emph></link>, some numbering/bullet options are not available.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The distance between the text and the left text frame and the position of the bullets can be determined in the dialog under <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph\"><emph>Format - Paragraph</emph></link> by entering the left indent and the first-line indent. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">La distancia ente'l testu y el marcu de testu esquierdu y la posición de les viñetes pue determinase nel diálogu en <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Formatu - Párrafo\"><emph>Formatu - Párrafu</emph></link>, especificando la sangría esquierda y la sangría de la primer filera. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The distance between the text and the left text frame and the position of the bullets can be determined in the dialog under <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph\"><emph>Format - Paragraph</emph></link> by entering the left indent and the first-line indent.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10958,7 +10958,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enable Load URL with the <emph>Visible Buttons</emph> command (right-click the toolbar)."
+msgid "Enable <emph>Load URL</emph> with the <emph>Visible Buttons</emph> command (right-click the toolbar)."
msgstr ""
#: 07060000.xhp
@@ -11054,8 +11054,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_HELP_TEXT_SELECTION_MODE\">You can enable a selection cursor in a read-only text document or in the Help. Choose <emph>Edit - Select Text </emph>or open the context menu of a read-only document and choose <emph>Select Text</emph>. The selection cursor does not blink.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_HELP_TEXT_SELECTION_MODE\">Un cursor de seleición pue activase nun documentu de namái llectura o na Ayuda. Escueya <emph>Editar - Escoyer testu</emph> o abra'l menú contestual d'un documentu de namái llectura y escueya <emph>Escoyer testu</emph>. El cursor de seleición nun ceguña.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_HELP_TEXT_SELECTION_MODE\">You can enable a selection cursor in a read-only text document or in the Help. Choose <emph>Edit - Select Text</emph> or open the context menu of a read-only document and choose <emph>Select Text</emph>. The selection cursor does not blink.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 07070100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11118,8 +11118,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To make changes in a database used by more than one person, you must have the appropriate access rights. When you edit an external database, there is no intermediate storage by $[officename] of the changes made. They are sent directly to the database."
-msgstr "Pa efeutuar cambeos nuna base de datos qu'utilicen delles persones tendrá de disponer de los derechos d'accesu apropiaos. Al editar una base de datos esterna, $[officename] nun apurre un almacenamientu entemediu de los cambeos efeutuaos. Dichos cambeos únviense directamente a la base de datos."
+msgid "To make changes in a database used by more than one person, you <emph>must have</emph> the appropriate access rights. When you edit an external database, there is <emph>no</emph> intermediate storage by $[officename] of the changes made. They are sent <emph>directly</emph> to the database."
+msgstr ""
#: 07070200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11150,8 +11150,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Saves the current database table record.</ahelp> The<emph> Save Record </emph>icon is found on the <link href=\"text/shared/main0212.xhp\" name=\"Database Bar\">Table Data bar</link>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Guarda'l rexistru de la tabla de base de datos actual.</ahelp> L'iconu<emph> Guardar rexistru </emph>ver na <link href=\"text/shared/main0212.xhp\" name=\"barra Base de datos\">barra Datos de tabla</link>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Saves the current database table record.</ahelp> The <emph>Save Record</emph> icon is found on the <link href=\"text/shared/main0212.xhp\" name=\"Database Bar\"><emph>Table Data</emph> bar</link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 07070200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11182,7 +11182,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Stop\">Click to interrupt the current loading process, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>-click to interrupt all loading processes.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Stop\">Click to interrupt the current loading process, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+click to interrupt all loading processes.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 07090000.xhp
@@ -11206,8 +11206,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ExportDirectToPDF\" visibility=\"visible\">Exports the current document directly as PDF. No settings dialog is shown.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ExportDirectToPDF\" visibility=\"visible\">Esporta'l documentu actual directamente como PDF. Nun apaez nengún diálogu de configuración.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ExportDirectToPDF\" visibility=\"visible\">Exports the current document directly as <emph>PDF</emph>. No settings dialog is shown.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 08010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11254,8 +11254,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:StatusGetPosition\">Displays the current cursor position in the %PRODUCTNAME Basic document. The row number is specified, then the column number.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:StatusGetPosition\">Amuesa la posición actual del cursor nel documentu %PRODUCTNAME Basic. Especifícase'l númberu de filera y, dempués, el de columna.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:StatusGetPosition\">Displays the current cursor position in the <emph>%PRODUCTNAME</emph> Basic document. The row number is specified, then the column number.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11318,8 +11318,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the Hyperlink dialog.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Abre'l cuadru de diálogu Hiperenllaz.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the <emph>Hyperlink</emph> dialog.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11422,7 +11422,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>Internet</emph> page of the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">Hyperlink dialog</link> to edit hyperlinks with WWW or FTP addresses.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>Internet</emph> page of the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\"><emph>Hyperlink</emph> dialog</link> to edit hyperlinks with <emph>WWW</emph> or <emph>FTP</emph> addresses.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070100.xhp
@@ -11454,7 +11454,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkinternetpage/linktyp_internet\">Creates an http hyperlink.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkinternetpage/linktyp_internet\">Creates an \"<emph>http://</emph>\" hyperlink.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070100.xhp
@@ -11470,7 +11470,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkinternetpage/linktyp_ftp\">Creates an FTP hyperlink.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkinternetpage/linktyp_ftp\">Creates an \"<emph>FTP://</emph>\" hyperlink.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070100.xhp
@@ -11614,7 +11614,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Assign Macro</emph> dialog, in which you can give events such as \"mouse over object\" or \"trigger hyperlink\" their own program codes.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Assign Macro</emph> dialog, in which you can give events such as \"<emph>mouse over object</emph>\" or \"<emph>trigger hyperlink</emph>\" their own program codes.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070100.xhp
@@ -11646,8 +11646,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Enter a name for the hyperlink.</ahelp> $[officename] inserts a NAME tag in the hyperlink."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Escriba un nome pal hiperenllaz.</ahelp> $[officename] inxerta una etiqueta NAME nel hiperenllaz."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Enter a name for the hyperlink.</ahelp> $[officename] inserts a <emph>NAME</emph> tag in the hyperlink."
+msgstr ""
#: 09070200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11670,7 +11670,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">On the <emph>Mail</emph> page in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">Hyperlink dialog</link> you can edit hyperlinks for e-mail addresses.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">On the <emph>Mail</emph> page in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\"><emph>Hyperlink</emph> dialog</link> you can edit hyperlinks for e-mail addresses.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070200.xhp
@@ -11694,7 +11694,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Assigns the specified e-mail address to the hyperlink.</ahelp> Clicking the new hyperlink in the document will open a new message document, addressed to the receiver specified in the <emph>Recipient</emph> field."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Assigns the specified <emph>e-mail address</emph> to the hyperlink.</ahelp> Clicking the new hyperlink in the document will open a new message document, addressed to the receiver specified in the <emph>Recipient</emph> field."
msgstr ""
#: 09070200.xhp
@@ -11710,7 +11710,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkmailpage/adressbook\">Hides or shows the data source browser.</ahelp> Drag the receiver's <emph>E-mail</emph> data field from the data source browser into the <emph>Recipient</emph> text field."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkmailpage/adressbook\">Hides or shows the <emph>data source</emph> browser.</ahelp> Drag the receiver's <emph>E-mail</emph> data field from the data source browser into the <emph>Recipient</emph> text field."
msgstr ""
#: 09070200.xhp
@@ -11726,7 +11726,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkmailpage/subject\">Specifies the subject that is inserted in the subject line of the new message document.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkmailpage/subject\">Specifies the <emph>subject</emph> that is inserted in the subject line of the new message document.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070300.xhp
@@ -11750,7 +11750,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Hyperlinks to any document or targets in documents can be edited using the <emph>Document</emph> tab from the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">Hyperlink dialog</link>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Hyperlinks to any document or targets in documents can be edited using the <emph>Document</emph> tab from the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\"><emph>Hyperlink</emph> dialog</link>.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070300.xhp
@@ -11774,8 +11774,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Enter a URL for the file that you want to open when you click the hyperlink. If you do not specify a target frame, the file opens in the current document or frame.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Ingresa una URL por que el ficheru que quieras abrir cuando faigas clic nel enllaz. Si nun especifiques un marcu, el ficheru abrira dientro del documentu o marcu actual.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Enter a <emph>URL</emph> for the file that you want to open when you click the hyperlink. If you do not specify a target frame, the file opens in the current document or frame.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11790,7 +11790,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkdocpage/fileopen\">Opens the <emph>Open dialog</emph>, where you can select a file.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkdocpage/fileopen\">Opens the <emph>Open</emph> dialog, where you can select a file.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070300.xhp
@@ -11870,7 +11870,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>New Document</emph> tab from the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">Hyperlink dialog</link> to set up a hyperlink to a new document and create the new document simultaneously.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>New Document</emph> tab from the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\"><emph>Hyperlink</emph> dialog</link> to set up a hyperlink to a new document and create the new document simultaneously.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070400.xhp
@@ -11934,7 +11934,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinknewdocpage/path\">Enter a URL for the file that you want to open when you click the hyperlink.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinknewdocpage/path\">Enter a <emph>URL</emph> for the file that you want to open when you click the hyperlink.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070400.xhp
@@ -12126,8 +12126,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"> <caseinline select=\"WRITER\">To Document End</caseinline> <defaultinline>Last Page</defaultinline> </switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"> <caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Dir a la fin del documentu</caseinline> <defaultinline>Última páxina</defaultinline> </switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">To Document End</caseinline><defaultinline>Last Page</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 10100000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -12150,8 +12150,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:CloseWin\">Closes the current window.</ahelp> Choose <emph>Window - Close Window</emph>, or press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+F4. In the print preview of $[officename] Writer and Calc, you can close the current window by clicking the <emph>Close Preview</emph> button."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:CloseWin\">Zarra la ventana actual.</ahelp> Escoyer <emph>Ventana - Zarrar Ventana</emph>, o primir<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Comandu</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+F4. Na páxina anterior de $[officename] Writer y Calc, pue zarrase la ventana actual primiendo'l botón <emph>Zarrar vista previa</emph>."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:CloseWin\">Closes the current window.</ahelp> Choose <emph>Window - Close Window</emph>, or press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>F4</emph>. In the print preview of $[officename] Writer and Calc, you can close the current window by clicking the <emph>Close Preview</emph> button."
+msgstr ""
#: 10100000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13606,8 +13606,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "While the functions <link href=\"text/shared/02/12010000.xhp\" name=\"Sort in Ascending Order\"><emph>Sort in Ascending Order</emph></link> and <link href=\"text/shared/02/12020000.xhp\" name=\"Sort in Descending Order\"><emph>Sort in Descending Order</emph></link> sort by one criterion only, you can combine several criteria in the<emph> Sort Order </emph>dialog."
-msgstr "Ente que coles funciones <link href=\"text/shared/02/12010000.xhp\" name=\"Sort in Ascending Order\"><emph>Orde ascendente</emph></link> y <link href=\"text/shared/02/12020000.xhp\" name=\"Sort in Descending Order\"><emph>Orde descendente</emph></link> namái ye posible ordenar según un criteriu, nesti diálogu pue combinar más d'unu."
+msgid "While the functions <link href=\"text/shared/02/12010000.xhp\" name=\"Sort in Ascending Order\"><emph>Sort in Ascending Order</emph></link> and <link href=\"text/shared/02/12020000.xhp\" name=\"Sort in Descending Order\"><emph>Sort in Descending Order</emph></link> sort by one criterion only, you can combine several criteria in the <emph>Sort Order</emph> dialog."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13638,8 +13638,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you sort the field name \"First name\" in ascending order and the field name \"last name\" in descending order, all records will be sorted in ascending order by first name, and then within the first names, in descending order by last name."
-msgstr "Si clasifica'l campu de datos \"Nome\" n'orde ascendente y el campu \"Apellíos\" n'orde descendente, tolos rexistros van clasificar n'orde ascendente por nome y, de siguío, por apellíu, magar esta vegada n'orde descendente."
+msgid "If you sort the field name \"First name\" in ascending order and the field name \"Last name\" in descending order, all records will be sorted in ascending order by first name, and then within the first names, in descending order by last name."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13702,8 +13702,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>tables in databases; searching</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>forms; browsing</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>records; searching in databases</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>searching; databases</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>databases; searching records</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>tables de bases de datos; guetar</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>formularios; esaminar</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>rexistros; guetar en bases de datos</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>guetar; bases de datos</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>bases de datos; guetar rexistros</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>tables in databases; searching</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>forms; browsing</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>records; searching in databases</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>searching; databases</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>databases; searching records</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13718,8 +13718,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"suchentext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:RecSearch\" visibility=\"hidden\">Searches database tables and forms.</ahelp> In forms or database tables, you can search through data fields, list boxes, and check boxes for specific values. </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"suchentext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:RecSearch\" visibility=\"hidden\">Busca nes tables de bases de datos y formularios.</ahelp> Nes tables de bases de datos y formularios, puen buscase valores específicos nos campos de datos, cuadros de llista y caxellos de verificación. </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"suchentext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:RecSearch\" visibility=\"hidden\">Searches database tables and forms.</ahelp> In forms or database tables, you can search through data fields, list boxes, and check boxes for specific values.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13734,8 +13734,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The search described here is carried out by <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item>. If you want to use the SQL server to search in a database, then you should use the <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"Form-based Filters\">Form-based Filters</link> icon on the <link href=\"text/shared/main0213.xhp\" name=\"Form Bar\">Form Bar</link>."
-msgstr "La busca que se describe equí llevar a cabu $[officename]. Si deseya utilizar el sirvidor SQL pa guetar nuna base de datos tendrá d'utilizar el símbolu <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"Filtru basado en formulario\">Filtru basáu en formulariu</link> de la <link href=\"text/shared/main0213.xhp\" name=\"barra de formulario\">barra de formulariu</link>."
+msgid "The search described here is carried out by <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item>. If you want to use the SQL server to search in a database, then you should use the <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"Form-based Filters\"><emph>Form-based Filters</emph></link> icon on the <link href=\"text/shared/main0213.xhp\" name=\"Form Bar\"><emph>Form</emph> bar</link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14078,8 +14078,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You have a date field, which is saved in \"DD.MM.YY\" format in the database (for example, 17.02.65). The format of the entry is changed in the data source view to \"DD MMM YYYY\" (17 Feb 1965). Following this example, a record containing February 17 is only found when the <emph>Apply field format</emph> option is on:"
-msgstr "Tien un campu de fecha, que se guarda en formatu \"DD.MM.AA\" na base de datos (por exemplu, 17.02.65). El formatu de la entrada camudar na vista d'orixe de datos a \"DD MMM AAAA\" (17 Feb 1965). Siguiendo esti exemplu, un rexistru que contenga 17 Febreru namái s'atopa cuando la opción <emph>Usar formatu de campu</emph> ta activada:"
+msgid "You have a date field, which is saved in \"<emph>DD.MM.YY</emph>\" format in the database (for example, <emph>17.02.65</emph>). The format of the entry is changed in the data source view to \"<emph>DD MMM YYYY</emph>\" (<emph>17 Feb 1965</emph>). Following this example, a record containing February 17 is only found when the <emph>Apply field format</emph> option is on:"
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14166,24 +14166,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "\"5\" returns \"14:00:00\" as a time"
-msgstr "\"5\" atopa la hora \"14:00:00\""
+msgid "\"5\" returns \"14:00:00\" as a time."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Time fields are not defined for dBASE databases and must be simulated. To internally display the time \"14:00:00\", a 5 is necessary."
-msgstr "Los campos de tiempu nun son definíos en bases de datos dBASE y tendrán d'asemeyase. P'amosar internamente la hora \"14:00:00\", precísase un 5."
+msgid "Time fields are not defined for <emph>dBASE</emph> databases and must be simulated. To internally display the time \"<emph>14:00:00</emph>\", a \"<emph>5</emph>\" is necessary."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "\"00:00:00\" returns all records of a standard date field"
-msgstr "\"00:00:00\" atopa tolos rexistros d'un campu de fecha estandar"
+msgid "\"00:00:00\" returns all records of a standard date field."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14206,8 +14206,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The view shown does not match what is stored internally. For example, if value 45.789 is stored in the database as a field of type Number/Double and the shown formatting is set to display only two decimals, \"45.79\" is only returned in searches with field formatting."
-msgstr "La razón ye que la representación visual nun respuende al almacenamientu internu. Si, por exemplu, asítiase'l valor 45,789 nun campu d'una base de datos del tipu Númberu/Double y el formatu visible ta configuráu talmente que namái s'amuesen dos asities decimales, el valor \"45,79\" namái s'atopa por aciu d'una busca con formatu de campu."
+msgid "The view shown does not match what is stored internally. For example, if value \"<emph>45.789</emph>\" is stored in the database as a field of type \"<emph>Number/Double</emph>\" and the shown formatting is set to display only two decimals, \"<emph>45.79</emph>\" is only returned in searches with field formatting."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14222,8 +14222,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "However, searching without <emph>Apply field format </emph>is appropriate for larger databases with no formatting issues, because it is faster."
-msgstr "Sicasí, la busca ensin <emph>Usar formatu de campu </emph>resulta apoderada pa bases de datos de gran tamañu ensin problemes de formatu porque resulta más rápida."
+msgid "However, searching without <emph>Apply field format</emph> is appropriate for larger databases with no formatting issues, because it is faster."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14302,8 +14302,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/fmsearchdialog/cbWildCard\" visibility=\"hidden\">Allows a search with a * or ? wildcard.</ahelp> You can use the following wildcards:"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/fmsearchdialog/cbWildCard\" visibility=\"hidden\">Dexa efeutuar busques colos comodinos * o ?.</ahelp> Puen usase los comodinos siguientes:"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/fmsearchdialog/cbWildCard\" visibility=\"hidden\">Allows a search with a <emph>*</emph> or <emph>?</emph> wildcard.</ahelp> You can use the following wildcards:"
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14398,8 +14398,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you want to search for the actual characters ? or *, preface them with a backslash: \"\\?\" or \"\\*\". However, this is only necessary when <emph>Wildcard expression</emph> is enabled. When the option is not enabled, the wildcard characters are processed like normal characters."
-msgstr "Si deseya guetar específicamente los caráuteres ? o *, preciédalos por una barra invertida: \"\\?\" o \"\\*\". Esti precuru namái ye necesaria si ta activada la opción <emph>Espresión con comodinos</emph>. Si la opción nun ta habilitada, los caráuteres de comodín van procesase como caráuteres normales."
+msgid "If you want to search for the actual characters <emph>?</emph> or <emph>*</emph>, preface them with a backslash: \"<emph>\\?</emph>\" or \"<emph>\\*</emph>\". However, this is only necessary when <emph>Wildcard expression</emph> is enabled. When the option is not enabled, the wildcard characters are processed like normal characters."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14414,8 +14414,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/fmsearchdialog/cbRegular\">Searches with regular expressions.</ahelp> The same regular expressions that are supported here are also supported in the <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> <link href=\"text/shared/01/02100000.xhp\" name=\"Find & Replace dialog\">Find & Replace dialog</link>."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/fmsearchdialog/cbRegular\">Busca con espresiones regulares.</ahelp> Les mesmes espresiones regulares almitíes equí almítense tamién nel diálogu <link href=\"text/shared/01/02100000.xhp\" name=\"Guetar y trocar\">Guetar y trocar</link> de <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item>."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/fmsearchdialog/cbRegular\">Searches with regular expressions.</ahelp> The same regular expressions that are supported here are also supported in the <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> <link href=\"text/shared/01/02100000.xhp\" name=\"Find & Replace dialog\"><emph>Find & Replace</emph> dialog</link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14494,16 +14494,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "In very large databases, finding the record in reverse search order can take some time. In this case, the status bar informs you that the records are still being counted."
-msgstr "Si remana una cantidá bien grande de datos, pue llevar dalgún tiempu determinar el rexistru de datos na busca en sentíu inversu. La barra d'estáu informa de que los rexistros inda se tán cuntando."
+msgid "In very large databases, finding the record in reverse search order can take some time. In this case, the <emph>status bar</emph> informs you that the records are still being counted."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Search / Cancel"
-msgstr "Guetar / Encaboxar"
+msgid "Search/Cancel"
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14566,8 +14566,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Unlike the normal search, which is activated by the <link href=\"text/shared/02/12100200.xhp\" name=\"Find Record\">Find Record</link> icon on the <emph>Form</emph> Bar, you can search more quickly by using the form-based filter. Usually a quick database server is charged with the search. Also, you can enter more complex search conditions."
-msgstr "A diferencia que na busca normal, que s'activa pol símbolu <link href=\"text/shared/02/12100200.xhp\" name=\"Find Record\">Guetar rexistru de datos</link> de la barra <emph>Formularios</emph>, guetar con más rapidez col filtru basáu nun formulariu. Polo xeneral, un sirvidor de bases de datos rápido cárgase cola busca. Amás, ye posible indicar condiciones de busca más complexes."
+msgid "Unlike the normal search, which is activated by the <link href=\"text/shared/02/12100200.xhp\" name=\"Find Record\"><emph>Find Record</emph></link> icon on the <emph>Form</emph> bar, you can search more quickly by using the form-based filter. Usually a quick database server is charged with the search. Also, you can enter more complex search conditions."
+msgstr ""
#: 12110000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14630,8 +14630,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The<emph> Apply Filter </emph>function retains <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"form-based filters\">form-based filters</link> that have been set. You do not need to redefine them."
-msgstr "La función<emph> Aplicar filtru </emph>recuerda los <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"form-based filters\">filtros basaos en formularios</link> que fueren definíos. Nun ye precisu redefinilos."
+msgid "The <emph>Apply Filter</emph> function retains <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"form-based filters\"><emph>form-based filters</emph></link> that have been set. You do not need to redefine them."
+msgstr ""
#: 12130000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14662,8 +14662,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ViewFormAsGrid\">Activates an additional table view when in the form view.</ahelp> When the<emph> Data source as table</emph> function is activated, you see the table in an area above the form."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ViewFormAsGrid\">Activa una vista de tabla adicional na vista de formulariu.</ahelp> Cuando s'activa la función<emph> Orixe de datos como tabla</emph>, la tabla ver nuna área percima del formulariu."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ViewFormAsGrid\">Activates an additional table view when in the form view.</ahelp> When the <emph>Data source as table</emph> function is activated, you see the table in an area above the form."
+msgstr ""
#: 12130000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14686,8 +14686,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The table view and form view reflect the same data. Changes made in the table are also visible in the form, and changes to the form are visible in the table."
-msgstr "La vista de la tabla y la del formulariu reflexen los mesmos datos. Los cambeos que se faen na tabla tamién son visibles nel formulariu y los cambeos nel formulariu amosar na tabla."
+msgid "The <emph>Table view</emph> and <emph>Form view</emph> reflect the same data. Changes made in the table are also visible in the form, and changes to the form are visible in the table."
+msgstr ""
#: 12130000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14902,8 +14902,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Drag the bottom left mark to the right while pressing the mouse button"
-msgstr "Arrastre escontra la derecha la marca inferior esquierda col botón del mur calcáu."
+msgid "Drag the bottom left mark to the right while pressing the mouse button."
+msgstr ""
#: 13020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14918,8 +14918,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Drag the top left mark to the right while pressing the mouse button"
-msgstr "Arrastre escontra la derecha la marca cimera esquierda mientres caltién calcáu'l botón del mur."
+msgid "Drag the top left mark to the right while pressing the mouse button."
+msgstr ""
#: 13020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14934,16 +14934,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Drag the mark on the right to the left while pressing the mouse button"
-msgstr "Arrastre escontra la esquierda la marca asitiada nel marxe derechu col botón del mur calcáu"
+msgid "Drag the mark on the right to the left while pressing the mouse button."
+msgstr ""
#: 13020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "In order to change the left indent starting with the second line of a paragraph, hold down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> key, click the triangle on the bottom left, and drag it to the right."
-msgstr "Pa camudar la sangría esquierda a partir de la segunda llinia d'un párrafu, caltenga calcada la tecla <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Comandu</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>, faiga clic nel triángulu na parte inferior esquierda, y arrastre hacia la derecha."
+msgid "In order to change the left indent starting with the second line of a paragraph, hold down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> key, click the triangle on the bottom left, and drag it to the right."
+msgstr ""
#: 13020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14982,8 +14982,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The<emph> Run Query </emph>function allows you to check the query. When you save the query, it is stored in the <emph>Query</emph> tab page."
-msgstr "La función<emph> Executar </emph>dexa comprobar la consulta. Cuando se guarda la consulta, ésta guardar na llingüeta <emph>Consulta</emph>."
+msgid "The <emph>Run Query</emph> function allows you to check the query. When you save the query, it is stored in the <emph>Query</emph> tab page."
+msgstr ""
#: 14010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15078,8 +15078,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"tabellehinzufuegentext\"><ahelp hid=\"dbaccess/ui/tablesjoindialog/tablelist\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the tables to be inserted into the design window.</ahelp> In the<emph> Add Tables </emph>dialog, select the tables you need for your current task. </variable> When creating a query or a new table presentation, select the corresponding table to which the query or table presentation should refer. When working with relational databases, select the tables between which you want to build relationships."
-msgstr "<variable id=\"tabellehinzufuegentext\"><ahelp hid=\"dbaccess/ui/tablesjoindialog/tablelist\" visibility=\"hidden\">Especifica les tables que se deben inxertar na ventana de diseñu.</ahelp> Nel diálogu <emph>Amestar tables</emph>, escueya les tables necesaries pa llevar a cabu la xera actual. </variable> crear una consulta o una presentación de tabla, escueya la tabla a la que tienen de faer referencia la consulta o la presentación. Cuando trabaye con bases de datos relacionales, escueya les tables ente les que deseye crear relaciones."
+msgid "<variable id=\"tabellehinzufuegentext\"><ahelp hid=\"dbaccess/ui/tablesjoindialog/tablelist\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the tables to be inserted into the design window.</ahelp> In the <emph>Add Tables</emph> dialog, select the tables you need for your current task.</variable> When creating a query or a new table presentation, select the corresponding table to which the query or table presentation should refer. When working with relational databases, select the tables between which you want to build relationships."
+msgstr ""
#: 14020100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15166,16 +15166,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Switch Design View On / Off"
-msgstr "Activar o desactivar la vista Diseñu"
+msgid "Switch Design View On/Off"
+msgstr ""
#: 14020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/02/14020200.xhp\" name=\"Switch Design View On / Off\">Switch Design View On / Off</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/shared/02/14020200.xhp\" name=\"Activar/desactivar vista diseñu\">Activar/desactivar vista diseñu</link>"
+msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/02/14020200.xhp\" name=\"Switch Design View On / Off\">Switch Design View On/Off</link>"
+msgstr ""
#: 14020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15198,8 +15198,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Switch Design View On / Off"
-msgstr "Activar o desactivar la vista Diseñu"
+msgid "Switch Design View On/Off"
+msgstr ""
#: 14030000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15222,8 +15222,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:SbaNativeSql\">In Native SQL mode you can enter SQL commands that are not interpreted by $[officename], but are instead passed directly to the data source.</ahelp> If you do not display these changes in the design view, you cannot change back to the design view."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:SbaNativeSql\">En mou SQL nativu puen escribise comandos SQL que $[officename] nun interpreta, sinón que se pasen directamente al orixe de datos.</ahelp> Si nun amuesa estos cambeos na vista de diseñu, nun va poder volver a esta vista."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:SbaNativeSql\">In <emph>Native SQL</emph> mode you can enter SQL commands that are not interpreted by $[officename], but are instead passed directly to the data source.</ahelp> If you do not display these changes in the design view, you cannot change back to the design view."
+msgstr ""
#: 14030000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15254,8 +15254,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click the icon again to return to normal mode, in which the changes in the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"New Query Design\">New Query Design</link> are synchronized with the permitted changes through SQL."
-msgstr "Vuelva calcar el símbolu pa pasar de nuevu a el mou normal, nel que los cambeos de <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"New Query Design\">Diseñar consulta</link> tán sincronizaos colos cambeos dexaos por SQL."
+msgid "Click the icon again to return to normal mode, in which the changes in the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"New Query Design\"><emph>New Query Design</emph></link> are synchronized with the permitted changes through SQL."
+msgstr ""
#: 14040000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15278,8 +15278,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewFunctions\">Displays the \"Function\" row in the lower part of the design view of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\">Query Design</link> window.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewFunctions\">Amuesa la filera \"Función\" na parte inferior de la vista Diseñu, na ventana <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Diseñu de consulta\">Diseñu de consulta</link>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewFunctions\">Displays the <emph>Function</emph> row in the lower part of the design view of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\"><emph>Query Design</emph></link> window.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 14040000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15318,8 +15318,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Displays the \"Table\" row in the lower part of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\">Query Design</link>.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Amuesa la filera \"Tabla\" na parte inferior de la ventana <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\">Diseñu de consulta</link>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Displays the <emph>Table</emph> row in the lower part of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\"><emph>Query Design</emph></link>.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 14050000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15358,8 +15358,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewAliases\">Displays the \"Alias\" row in the lower part of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\">Query Design</link>.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewAliases\">Amuesa la filera \"Alies\" na parte inferior de la ventana <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\">Diseñu de consulta</link>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewAliases\">Displays the <emph>Alias</emph> row in the lower part of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\"><emph>Query Design</emph></link>.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 14060000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15406,8 +15406,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:DBDistinctValues\">Expands the created select statement of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"SQL Query\">SQL Query</link> in the current column by the parameter DISTINCT.</ahelp> The consequence is that identical values occurring multiple times are listed only once."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:DBDistinctValues\">Amplía col parámetru DISTINCT la espresión Select creada de la <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"SQL Query\">Consulta SQL</link> de la columna actual.</ahelp> La resultancia ye que los valores idénticos qu'apaecen delles vegaes amuésense una única vegada."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:DBDistinctValues\">Expands the created select statement of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"SQL Query\"><emph>SQL Query</emph></link> in the current column by the parameter <emph>DISTINCT</emph>.</ahelp> The consequence is that identical values occurring multiple times are listed only once."
+msgstr ""
#: 14070000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15470,24 +15470,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To select an object, click the object with the arrow. To select more than one object, drag a selection frame around the objects. To add an object to a selection, press Shift, and then click the object. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>The objects selected together can then be defined as a <link href=\"text/shared/01/05290000.xhp\" name=\"group\">group</link>, turning them into a single group object.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "Pa escoyer un oxetu, faiga clic al oxetu cola flecha. Pa escoyer más d'un oxetu, arrastre un marcu de seleición alredor de los oxetos. P'amestar un oxetu a una seleición, prima Shift, y faiga clic nel oxetu. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>Los oxetos escoyíos puen ser definíos como un <link href=\"text/shared/01/05290000.xhp\" name=\"group\">grupu</link>, convirtiéndolos nun únicu grupu d'oxetos.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "To select an object, click the object with the arrow. To select more than one object, drag a selection frame around the objects. To add an object to a selection, press <emph>Shift</emph>, and then click the object. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>The objects selected together can then be defined as a <link href=\"text/shared/01/05290000.xhp\" name=\"group\">group</link>, turning them into a single group object.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 18010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>You can edit individual elements of a group. You can also delete elements from a group with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Shift</defaultinline></switchinline>+click.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>Pue editar elementos individuales d'un grupu. Tamién pue desaniciar elementos dende un grupu col <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Comandu</caseinline><defaultinline>Shift</defaultinline></switchinline>+click.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>You can edit individual elements of a group. You can also delete elements from a group with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Shift</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+click.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 18010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>You can select single objects from a group by double-clicking, if you first disable the <emph>Double-click to edit Text</emph> icon on the <emph>Option</emph> Bar.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>Pue escoyer oxetos individuales dientro d'un grupu al primir doble-clic, si primero evacúa'l iconu<emph>Doble-clic pa editar testu</emph> de la barra de <emph>Opción</emph>.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>You can select single objects from a group by double-clicking, if you first disable the <emph>Double-click to edit Text</emph> icon on the <emph>Option</emph> bar.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 18030000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15558,8 +15558,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "In HTML Source mode, you can view and edit the <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#tags\" name=\"tags\">tags</link> of <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#html\" name=\"HTML\">HTML</link>. Save the document as a plain text document. Assign an .html or .htm extension to designate the document as HTML."
-msgstr "En mou orixe HTML, puen vese y editar les <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#tags\" name=\"tags\">etiquetes</link> de <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#html\" name=\"HTML\">HTML</link>. Guarde'l documentu como documentu de testu ensin formatu. Asigne una estensión .html o .htm pa designar el documentu como HTML."
+msgid "In <emph>HTML Source</emph> mode, you can view and edit the <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#tags\" name=\"tags\">tags</link> of <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#html\" name=\"HTML\">HTML</link>. Save the document as a plain text document. Assign an <emph>.html</emph> or <emph>.htm</emph> extension to designate the document as HTML."
+msgstr ""
#: 20020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15590,40 +15590,40 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:LayoutStatus\">Displays the current Page Style. Double-click to edit the style, right-click to select another style.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:LayoutStatus\">Amuesa l'Estilu de páxina actual. Faer doble clic pa editar l'estilu, faer clic col botón derechu pa escoyer otru estilu.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:LayoutStatus\">Displays the current <emph>Page Style</emph>. Double-click to edit the style, right-click to select another style.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 20020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Double-click the<emph> Page Style field </emph>to open the <link href=\"text/swriter/01/05040000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\">Page Style</link> dialog, in which you can edit the style for the current page. In the context menu of this field, you can apply a Page Style. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Faiga doble clic nel campu <emph> Estilu de páxina </emph>p'abrir el diálogu <link href=\"text/swriter/01/05040000.xhp\" name=\"Estilu de páxina\">Estilu de páxina</link>, nel cual pue editase l'estilu de la páxina actual. Nel menú contestual d'esti campu, pue aplicar un Estilu de páxina. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Double-click the <emph>Page Style</emph> field to open the <link href=\"text/swriter/01/05040000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\"><emph>Page Style</emph></link> dialog, in which you can edit the style for the current page. In the context menu of this field, you can apply a page style.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 20020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Double-click the <emph>Page Style</emph> field to open the <link href=\"text/scalc/01/05070000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\">Page Style</link> dialog, in which you can edit the style for the current page. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Faiga doble clic nel campu <emph>Estilu de páxina </emph>p'abrir el diálogu <link href=\"text/scalc/01/05070000.xhp\" name=\"Estilu de páxina\">Estilu de páxina</link>, nel cual pue editase l'estilu de la páxina actual. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Double-click the <emph>Page Style</emph> field to open the <link href=\"text/scalc/01/05070000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\"><emph>Page Style</emph></link> dialog, in which you can edit the style for the current page.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 20020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Double-click this field to open the <link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\">Slide Design</link> dialog in which you can select the style for the current slide. You can select a different paper format or background. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Faiga doble clic nesti campu p'abrir el cuadru de diálogu <link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\">Diseñu de diapositiva</link> nel que pue escoyer l'estilu de la diapositiva actual. Escuéyese un formatu de papel o un fondu distintos. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Double-click this field to open the <link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\"><emph>Slide Design</emph></link> dialog in which you can select the style for the current slide. You can select a different paper format or background.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 20020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Double-click this field to open the <link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\">Slide Design</link> dialog in which you select the style for the current page. You can select a different paper format or background. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Faiga doble clic nesti campu p'abrir el cuadru de diálogu <link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\">Diseñu de diapositiva</link> nel que s'escueye l'estilu de la páxina actual. Escuéyese un formatu de papel o un fondu distintos. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Double-click this field to open the <link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\"><emph>Slide Design</emph></link> dialog in which you select the style for the current page. You can select a different paper format or background.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 20030000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15662,8 +15662,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Double-clicking this field opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/03010000.xhp\" name=\"Zoom\">Zoom</link> dialog, where you can change the current zoom factor."
-msgstr "Primiendo doble clic sobre esti campu abre'l diálogu <link href=\"text/shared/01/03010000.xhp\" name=\"Zoom\">Escala</link>, onde va poder camudar el porcentaxe de zoom."
+msgid "Double-clicking this field opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/03010000.xhp\" name=\"Zoom\"><emph>Zoom</emph></link> dialog, where you can change the current zoom factor."
+msgstr ""
#: 20030000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15694,7 +15694,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertMode\">Displays the current insert mode. You can toggle between INSRT = insert and OVER = overwrite.</ahelp><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"> This field is only active if the cursor is in the input line of the formula bar or in a cell. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertMode\">Displays the current insert mode. You can toggle between <emph>INSRT</emph> = insert and <emph>OVER</emph> = overwrite.</ahelp><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"> This field is only active if the cursor is in the input line of the formula bar or in a cell.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 20040000.xhp
@@ -15702,8 +15702,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click in the field to toggle the modes (except in the $[officename] Basic IDE, where only the <emph>Insert</emph> mode is active). If the cursor is positioned in a text document, you may also use the Insert key (if available on your keyboard) to toggle the modes."
-msgstr "Prima clic sobre esti campu pa camudar el mou d'inxertamientu (sacante nel IDE Basic de $[officename], onde namái el mou <emph>Inxertar</emph> ta activu). Si'l cursor esta allugáu nun documentu de testu, pue tamién usar la tecla Inxertar (si ta disponible nel so tecláu) pa camudar el mou d'inxertamientu."
+msgid "Click in the field to toggle the modes (except in the $[officename] Basic IDE, where only the <emph>Insert</emph> mode is active). If the cursor is positioned in a text document, you may also use the <emph>Insert</emph> key (if available on your keyboard) to toggle the modes."
+msgstr ""
#: 20040000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15766,8 +15766,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>selection modes in text</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>text; selection modes</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>extending selection mode</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>adding selection mode</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>block selection mode</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "<bookmark_value>selection modes in text</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>text; selection modes</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>extending selection mode</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>adding selection mode</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>block selection mode</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>moos de seleición en testu</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>testu; moos de seleición</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>mou de seleición por estensión</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>mou de seleición por adición</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>mou de seleición en bloque</bookmark_value>"
#: 20050000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15822,7 +15822,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "This is the default selection mode for text documents. With the keyboard, selections can be performed by Shift+NavigationKey (<item type=\"keycode\">arrows, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down</item>). With the mouse, click in the text where the selection is to start, hold the left mouse button and move to the end of the selection. Release the mouse key to end selection."
+msgid "This is the default selection mode for text documents. With the keyboard, selections can be performed by <emph>Shift</emph>+navigation key (<item type=\"keycode\">arrows, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down</item>). With the mouse, click in the text where the selection is to start, hold the left mouse button and move to the end of the selection. Release the mouse key to end selection."
msgstr ""
#: 20050000.xhp
@@ -15838,7 +15838,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "By using the arrow keys or the <item type=\"keycode\">Home</item> and <item type=\"keycode\">End</item> keys you can extend or crop the current selection. Clicking into the text selects the text between the current cursor position and the click position."
+msgid "By using the <emph>arrow</emph> keys or the <item type=\"keycode\">Home</item> and <item type=\"keycode\">End</item> keys you can extend or crop the current selection. Clicking into the text selects the text between the current cursor position and the click position."
msgstr ""
#: 20050000.xhp
@@ -15910,8 +15910,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_MODIFYSTATUS\">If changes to the document have not yet been saved, a \"*\" is displayed in this field on the Status Bar. This also applies to new, not yet saved documents.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"SID_MODIFYSTATUS\">Si los cambeos fechos nel documentu nun se guardó entá, un \"*\" amosar nesti campu de la barra d'estáu. Esto aplica tambien pa documentos nuevos, o los qu'entá nun se guardaron.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_MODIFYSTATUS\">If changes to the document have not yet been saved, a \"<emph>*</emph>\" is displayed in this field on the <emph>Status</emph> bar. This also applies to new, not yet saved documents.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 20090000.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/04.po b/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/04.po
index 4aebb40cdb3..ed5d84a72db 100644
--- a/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/04.po
+++ b/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/04.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-08 15:10+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-05-02 07:32+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: Softastur <>\n"
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>keyboard;general commands</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>shortcut keys;general</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>text input fields</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>AutoComplete function in text and list boxes</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>macros; interrupting</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>tecláu;comandos xenerales</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>tecles d'accesu directu;xeneral</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>campos d'entrada de testu</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>Completar pallabres en cuadros de llista y de testu</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>macros;encaboxar</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>keyboard; general commands</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>shortcut keys; general</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>text input fields</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>AutoComplete function in text and list boxes</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>macros; interrupting</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "A great deal of your application's functionality can be called up by using shortcut keys. For example, the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command+O</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl+O</defaultinline></switchinline> shortcut keys are shown next to the <emph>Open</emph> entry in the <emph>File</emph> menu. If you want to access this function by using the shortcut keys, press and hold down <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> and then press the O key. Release both keys after the dialog appears."
-msgstr "Munches funciones de l'aplicación puen executase por aciu tecles d'accesu directu. Por exemplu, les tecles d'accesu directu <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Comandu + O </caseinline><defaultinline>Control + O</defaultinline></switchinline> amosar al pie de la opción <emph>Abrir</emph> del menú <emph>Ficheru</emph>. Si deseya aportar a esta función por aciu les tecles d'accesu directu, mientres caltién calcada la tecla <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Comandu </caseinline><defaultinline>Control</defaultinline></switchinline>, calque la tecla O. Suelte les tecles en cuanto apaeza'l diálogu."
+msgid "A great deal of your application's functionality can be called up by using shortcut keys. For example, the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command+O</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl+O</item></defaultinline></switchinline> shortcut keys are shown next to the <emph>Open</emph> entry in the <item type=\"menuitem\">File</item> menu. If you want to access this function by using the shortcut keys, press and hold down <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline> and then press the <item type=\"keycode\">O</item> key. Release both keys after the dialog appears."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>Some of the characters shown on the menu bar are underlined. You can access these menus directly by pressing the underlined character together with the ALT key. Once the menu is opened, you will again find underlined characters. You can access these menu items directly by simply pressing the underlined character key.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>Dellos caráuteres de la barra de menúes apaecen sorrayaos. Pue aportase directamente a estos menúes si calca'l caráuter sorrayáu xuntu cola tecla Alt. Cuando'l menú ábrese, vuelven vese en pantalla carácter sorrayaos. Pue aportase directamente a estos elementos de menú con namái calcar la tecla del caráuter que ta sorrayáu.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>Some of the characters shown on the menu bar are underlined. You can access these menus directly by pressing the underlined character together with the <item type=\"keycode\">Alt</item> key. Once the menu is opened, you will again find underlined characters. You can access these menu items directly by simply pressing the underlined character key.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -94,16 +94,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "There is always one element highlighted in any given dialog - usually shown by a broken frame. This element, which can be either a button, an option field, an entry in a list box or a check box, is said to have the focus on it. If the focal point is a button, pressing Enter runs it as if you had clicked it. A check box is toggled by pressing the spacebar. If an option field has the focus, use the arrow keys to change the activated option field in that area. Use the Tab key to go from one element or area to the next one, use Shift+Tab to go in the reverse direction."
-msgstr "Siempre hai un elementu resaltáu en toa caxa de diálogu - davezu amosáu por un marcu quebráu. Esti elementu, que pue ser un botón, un campu d'opción, una entrada nuna caxa de llistáu o una caxellu de marcáu, dizse que tien el focu sobre él. si'l puntu focal ye un botón, calcando Enter execútase como si s'hubiere primío sobre él. Un caxellu de marcáu pue alternase cola barra d'espaciu. Si un campu d'opción tien el focu, use les tecles de flecha pa cambiar la opción activada nesi área. Use la tecla Tab pa dir d'un elementu o área hasta'l próximu, use Shift+Tab pa dir na direición inversa."
+msgid "There is always one element highlighted in any given dialog - usually shown by a broken frame. This element, which can be either a button, an option field, an entry in a list box or a check box, is said to have the focus on it. If the focal point is a button, pressing <item type=\"keycode\">Enter</item> runs it as if you had clicked it. A check box is toggled by pressing the <item type=\"keycode\">Spacebar</item>. If an option field has the focus, use the arrow keys to change the activated option field in that area. Use the <item type=\"keycode\">Tab</item> key to go from one element or area to the next one, use <item type=\"keycode\">Shift+Tab</item> to go in the reverse direction."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Pressing ESC closes the dialog without saving changes. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>If you place the focus on a button, not only will you see the dotted line framing the name of the button, but also a thicker shadow under the button selected. This indicates that if you exit the dialog by pressing the Enter key, it is the equivalent of pressing that button itself.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "Si púlsiase la tecla Esc, el diálogu zarrar ensin incorporar los cambeos. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>Si escueye un botón, amás de quedar el so nome arrodiáu por un marcu formáu per llinia de puntos, debaxo del botón apaez una solombra más gruesa. Eso significa que'l diálogu pue zarrase tantu por aciu la tecla Entrar como faciendo clic nel botón.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "Pressing <item type=\"keycode\">Esc</item> closes the dialog without saving changes. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>If you place the focus on a button, not only will you see the dotted line framing the name of the button, but also a thicker shadow under the button selected. This indicates that if you exit the dialog by pressing the <item type=\"keycode\">Enter</item> key, it is the equivalent of pressing that button itself.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you are using drag-and-drop, selecting with the mouse or clicking objects and names, you can use the keys Shift, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> and occasionally <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Option</caseinline><defaultinline>Alt</defaultinline></switchinline> to access additional functionality. The modified functions available when holding down keys during drag-and-drop are indicated by the mouse pointer changing form. When selecting files or other objects, the modifier keys can extend the selection - the functions are explained where applicable. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"UNIX\"><embedvar href=\"text/shared/00/00000099.xhp#winmanager\"/></caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "Si va usar la función d'abasnar y asitiar, escoyendo col mur o faciendo clic nos oxetos y nomes, va poder usar les tecles Mayús, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Comandu</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> y, dacuando <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Opción</caseinline><defaultinline>Alt</defaultinline></switchinline> p'aportar a otres funciones. Les funciones modificaes disponibles cuando se caltienen calcaes les tecles p'abasnar y asitiar indicar por aciu el cambéu de forma del punteru del mur. Cuando escueya ficheros o otros oxetos les tecles modificadoras puen estender la seleición; les funciones van esplicase cuando seya oportunu. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"UNIX\"><embedvar href=\"text/shared/00/00000099.xhp#winmanager\"/></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "If you are using drag-and-drop, selecting with the mouse or clicking objects and names, you can use the keys <item type=\"keycode\">Shift</item>, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline> and occasionally <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Option</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Alt</item></defaultinline></switchinline> to access additional functionality. The modified functions available when holding down keys during drag-and-drop are indicated by the mouse pointer changing form. When selecting files or other objects, the modifier keys can extend the selection - the functions are explained where applicable. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"UNIX\"><embedvar href=\"text/shared/00/00000099.xhp#winmanager\"/></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -142,16 +142,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use the shortcut keys <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+S to open the <emph>Special Characters</emph> dialog to insert one or more special characters."
-msgstr "Use the shortcut keys <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Comandu</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+S p'abrir el cuadru de <emph>Caráuteres especiales</emph> ya inxertar ún o más caráuteres especiales."
+msgid "Use the shortcut keys <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Shift+S</item> to open the <emph>Special Characters</emph> dialog to insert one or more special characters."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+A to select the entire text. Use the right or left arrow key to remove the selection."
-msgstr "Utilice <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Comandu </caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> + A pa escoyer tol testu. Quite la seleición por aciu les tecles de flecha esquierda o derecha."
+msgid "Use <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+A</item> to select the entire text. Use the right or left arrow key to remove the selection."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -174,24 +174,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Del to delete everything from the cursor position to the end of the word."
-msgstr "Calque <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Comandu </caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> + Supr pa desaniciar tolos caráuteres dende la posición del cursor hasta'l final de la pallabra."
+msgid "Use <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Del</item> to delete everything from the cursor position to the end of the word."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "By using <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> and right or left arrow key, the cursor will jump from word to word; if you also hold down the Shift key, one word after the other is selected."
-msgstr "Al calcar <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Comandu </caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> y calcar la tecla de flecha derecha o esquierda, el cursor pasa d'una pallabra a otra; si amás caltién calcada la tecla Mayús, escuéyense les pallabres, una tres otra."
+msgid "By using <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline> and right or left arrow key, the cursor will jump from word to word; if you also hold down the <item type=\"keycode\">Shift</item> key, one word after the other is selected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "INSRT is used to switch between the insert mode and the overwrite mode and back again."
-msgstr "Calque (Insert) pa conmutar ente el mou d'inxertamientu y el mou de sobrescritura."
+msgid "<item type=\"keycode\">INSRT</item> is used to switch between the insert mode and the overwrite mode and back again."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -206,15 +206,15 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Z shortcut keys are used to undo modifications one step at a time; the text will then have the status it had before the first change."
-msgstr "Les tecles d'accesu directu <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Comandu </caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> + Z emplegar pa desfacer un cambéu cada vez que se calquen; asina, el testu vuelve al estáu que tenía enantes del primer cambéu."
+msgid "The <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Z</item> shortcut keys are used to undo modifications one step at a time; the text will then have the status it had before the first change."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "$[officename] has an AutoComplete function which activates itself in some text and list boxes. For example, enter <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">c:\\a</caseinline><defaultinline>~/a</defaultinline></switchinline> into the URL field and the AutoComplete function displays the first file or first directory found <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">on the C: drive</caseinline><defaultinline>in your home folder</defaultinline></switchinline> that starts with the letter \"a\"."
+msgid "$[officename] has an <emph>AutoComplete</emph> function which activates itself in some text and list boxes. For example, enter <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\"><emph>c:\\a</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>~/a</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> into the URL field and the <emph>AutoComplete</emph> function displays the first file or first directory found <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">on the C: drive</caseinline><defaultinline>in your home folder</defaultinline></switchinline> that starts with the letter \"a\"."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use the down arrow key to scroll through the other files and directories. Use the right arrow key to also display an existing subdirectory in the URL field. Quick AutoComplete is available if you press the End key after entering part of the URL. Once you find the document or directory you want, press Enter."
-msgstr "Use la tecla flecha embaxo pa movese al traviés de los otros ficheros y directorios. Use la tecla flecha derecha p'amosar tamién un subdirectorio esistente nel campu URL. Autocompletáu Rápido ta disponible si prime la tecla Fin dempués d'introducir parte de la URL. Una vegada qu'atope'l documentu o directoriu deseyáu, prima Enter."
+msgid "Use the <item type=\"keycode\">Down Arrow</item> key to scroll through the other files and directories. Use the <item type=\"keycode\">Right Arrow</item> key to also display an existing subdirectory in the URL field. Quick AutoComplete is available if you press the <item type=\"keycode\">End</item> key after entering part of the URL. Once you find the document or directory you want, press <item type=\"keycode\">Enter</item>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -238,8 +238,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you want to terminate a macro that is currently running, press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+Q."
-msgstr "Si quier finar una macro qu'entá sigui n'execución, calque <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Comandu</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+Q."
+msgid "If you want to terminate a macro that is currently running, press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Shift+Q</item>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The shortcut keys are shown on the right hand side of the menu lists next to the corresponding menu command. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">(Not all of the mentioned keys for controlling dialogs are available on the Macintosh.)</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "The shortcut keys are shown on the right hand side of the menu lists next to the corresponding menu command. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">(Not all of the mentioned keys for controlling dialogs are available on macOS.)</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -278,8 +278,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Effect</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>Efeutu</emph>"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -294,8 +294,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Activates the focused button in a dialog"
-msgstr "Activa'l botón focalizado nun diálogu"
+msgid "Activates the focused button in a dialog."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -390,8 +390,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the list of the control field currently selected in a dialog. These shortcut keys apply not only to combo boxes but also to icon buttons with pop-up menus. Close an opened list by pressing the Escape key."
-msgstr "Abre la llista d'un cuadru de control escoyíu anguaño nel diálogu. Esta combinación de tecles funciona tantu en campos de combinación como en botones de símbolos que dispongan d'un menú emerxente. Calque (Esc) pa volver zarrar la llista abierta."
+msgid "Opens the list of the control field currently selected in a dialog. These shortcut keys apply not only to combo boxes but also to icon buttons with pop-up menus. Close an opened list by pressing the <item type=\"keycode\">Esc</item> key."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -414,8 +414,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Effect</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>Efeutu</emph>"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -558,8 +558,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>Toggles the view between fullscreen mode and normal mode in Writer or Calc</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>Alterna la visualización ente'l mou de pantalla completa y el normal en Writter o Calc</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>Toggles the view between fullscreen mode and normal mode in Writer or Calc.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -606,8 +606,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>Starts the $[officename] Help</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>Anicia l'ayuda de $[officename]</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>Starts the $[officename] Help.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -646,8 +646,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Turns on Extended Tips for the currently selected command, icon or control."
-msgstr "Activa l'Ayuda activa pal comandu escoyíu, el símbolu o'l campu de control."
+msgid "Turns on <emph>Extended Tips</emph> for the currently selected command, icon or control."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -662,8 +662,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Sets focus in next subwindow (for example, document/data source view)"
-msgstr "Asitia'l focu na siguiente subventana (por exemplu, documentu/vista de la fonte de datos)."
+msgid "Sets focus in next subwindow, for example, document/data source view."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -694,8 +694,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Activates the first menu (File menu)"
-msgstr "Activa'l primer menú (Menú – Ficheru)"
+msgid "Activates the first menu (File menu)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -726,8 +726,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Closes the current document (close $[officename] when the last open document is closed)"
-msgstr "Zarra'l documentu actual (zarru de $[officename] al salir del documentu que s'abriera per últimu vegada)."
+msgid "Closes the current document. Closes $[officename] when the last open document is closed."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -766,8 +766,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Effect</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>Efeutu</emph>"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -974,8 +974,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Italic</emph> attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also marked in italic."
-msgstr "La área escoyida adopta l'atributu <emph>Cursiva</emph>. Si'l cursor atopar nuna pallabra, la pallabra tamién se va amosar en cursiva."
+msgid "The \"Italic\" attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also marked in italic."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -990,8 +990,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Bold</emph> attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also put in bold."
-msgstr "La área escoyida adopta l'atributu <emph>Negrina</emph>. Si'l cursor atopar nuna pallabra, ésta amosaráse en negrina."
+msgid "The \"Bold\" attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also put in bold."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1006,8 +1006,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Underlined</emph> attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also underlined."
-msgstr "La área escoyida adopta l'atributu <emph>Sorrayáu</emph>. Si'l cursor atopar nuna pallabra, ésta amuésase en sorrayáu."
+msgid "The \"Underlined\" attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also underlined."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1022,8 +1022,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Removes direct formatting from selected text or objects (as in <emph>Format - Clear Direct Formatting</emph>)"
-msgstr "Desanicia'l formatu direutu del testu o los oxetos escoyíos (como en <emph>Formatu - Formatu predetermináu</emph>)"
+msgid "Removes direct formatting from selected text or objects (as in <item type=\"menuitem\">Format - Clear Direct Formatting</item>)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1046,8 +1046,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Result"
-msgstr "Resultancia"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1078,16 +1078,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Moves between areas (backwards)"
-msgstr "Movese ente árees (escontra tras)"
+msgid "Moves backwards between areas."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Shortcut keys in the New Theme area of the Gallery:"
-msgstr "Combinaciones de tecles dientro del área Nuevu tema de Gallery:"
+msgid "Shortcut keys in the <emph>New Theme</emph> area of the Gallery:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1102,8 +1102,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Result"
-msgstr "Resultancia"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1150,8 +1150,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the Properties dialog."
-msgstr "Abre'l diálogu Propiedaes."
+msgid "Opens the <emph>Properties</emph> dialog."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1230,16 +1230,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Inserts a new theme"
-msgstr "Inxerta una tema nueva"
+msgid "Inserts a new theme."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Shortcut keys in the Gallery preview area:"
-msgstr "Combinaciones de tecles nel área de previsualización de Gallery:"
+msgid "Shortcut keys in the <emph>Gallery Preview</emph> area:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1254,8 +1254,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Result"
-msgstr "Resultancia"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1366,8 +1366,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Scroll up one screen."
-msgstr "Xubir una pantalla."
+msgid "Scrolls up one screen."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1382,8 +1382,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Scroll down one screen."
-msgstr "Baxa una pantalla."
+msgid "Scrolls down one screen."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1486,8 +1486,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Step backward (only in object view)"
-msgstr "Retrocesu (namái na visualización d'oxetos)"
+msgid "Step backward (only in object view)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1502,7 +1502,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Selecting Rows and Columns in a Database Table (opened by <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> + Shift + F4 keys)"
+msgid "Selecting Rows and Columns in a Database Table (opened by <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Shift+F4</item> keys)"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1518,8 +1518,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Result"
-msgstr "Resultancia"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1550,8 +1550,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Toggles row selection"
-msgstr "Alteria la seleición de la filera"
+msgid "Toggles row selection."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1566,8 +1566,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Selects the current column"
-msgstr "Escueye la columna actual"
+msgid "Selects the current column."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1582,8 +1582,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Moves pointer to the first row"
-msgstr "Mueve'l punteru a la primer filera"
+msgid "Moves pointer to the first row."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1598,8 +1598,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Moves pointer to the last row"
-msgstr "Mueve punteru a la última filera"
+msgid "Moves pointer to the last row."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1622,16 +1622,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Result"
-msgstr "Resultancia"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the toolbar with F6. Use the Down Arrow and Right Arrow to select the desired toolbar icon and press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter"
-msgstr "Escueya la barra de ferramientes con F6. Coles tecles flecha embaxo y derecha, escueya un iconu de barra de ferramientes y calque <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Comandu</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> + Entrar"
+msgid "Select the toolbar with <item type=\"keycode\">F6</item>. Use the <item type=\"keycode\">Down Arrow</item> and <item type=\"keycode\">Right Arrow</item> keys to select the desired toolbar icon and press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Enter</item>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1646,8 +1646,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the document with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+F6 and press Tab"
-msgstr "Escueya'l documentu con <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Comandu </caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> + F6 y calque la tecla Tab"
+msgid "Select the document with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+F6</item> and press <item type=\"keycode\">Tab</item>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1750,8 +1750,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Exit Handle Selection Mode and return to Object Selection Mode."
-msgstr "Colar del mou de seleición con agarraderes y tornar a el mou de seleición del oxetu."
+msgid "Exits <emph>Handle Selection Mode</emph> and return to <emph>Object Selection Mode</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1766,8 +1766,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Move the selected point (the snap-to-grid functions are temporarily disabled, but end points still snap to each other)."
-msgstr "Desplazamientu del puntu escoyíu (les funciones de la cuadrícula tán desactivaes enagora, namái los puntos finales encaxen)"
+msgid "Moves the selected point (the snap-to-grid functions are temporarily disabled, but end points still snap to each other)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1782,32 +1782,32 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Moves the selected Drawing Object one pixel (in Selection Mode)"
-msgstr "Mueve l'oxetu de dibuxu escoyíu nun píxel (na mou seleición)."
+msgid "Moves the selected drawing object one pixel (in Selection Mode)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Re-sizes a Drawing Object (in Handle Selection Mode)"
-msgstr "Modifica'l tamañu d'un oxetu de dibuxu (na mou seleición con agarraderes)"
+msgid "Resizes a drawing object (in Handle Selection Mode)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Rotates a Drawing Object (in Rotation Mode)"
-msgstr "Rota un oxetu de dibuxu (na mou Rotación)"
+msgid "Rotates a drawing object (in Rotation Mode)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the properties dialog for a Drawing Object."
-msgstr "Abre'l diálogu de propiedaes d'un oxetu de dibuxu."
+msgid "Opens the properties dialog for a drawing object."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1830,8 +1830,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select a point of a drawing object (in Point Selection mode) / Cancel selection."
-msgstr "Escueya un puntu d'un oxetu de dibuxu (en mou de seleición de puntos) / Ataye la seleición."
+msgid "Selects a point of a drawing object (in Point Selection mode) / Cancel selection."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1854,8 +1854,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select an additional point in Point Selection mode."
-msgstr "Escueya un puntu adicional en mou de seleición de puntos."
+msgid "Selects an additional point in Point Selection mode."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1870,16 +1870,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the next point of the drawing object (Point Selection mode)"
-msgstr "Seleición del siguiente puntu nel oxetu de dibuxu (mou Seleición de puntu)."
+msgid "Selects the next point of the drawing object (Point Selection mode)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "In Rotation mode, the center of rotation can also be selected."
-msgstr "Nel mou Rotación tamién pue escoyese el puntu de rotación."
+msgid "In <emph>Rotation</emph> mode, the center of rotation can also be selected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1894,8 +1894,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the previous point of the drawing object (Point Selection mode)"
-msgstr "Seleición del puntu previu d'un oxetu de dibuxu (mou de Seleición Puntu)"
+msgid "Selects the previous point of the drawing object (Point Selection mode)"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1918,8 +1918,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter at the Selection icon"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Comandu </caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Entrar nel iconuSeleición"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter at the <emph>Selection</emph> icon"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1942,16 +1942,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Leave the Point Selection mode. The drawing object is selected afterwards."
-msgstr "Colar del mou Seleición de puntu, de siguío escuéyese l'oxetu de dibuxu."
+msgid "Leaves the <emph>Point Selection</emph> mode. The drawing object is selected afterwards."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Edit a point of a drawing object (Point Edit mode)"
-msgstr "Editar el puntu d'un oxetu de dibuxu (mou Edición de puntu)"
+msgid "Edits a point of a drawing object (Point Edit mode)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2070,8 +2070,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Results"
-msgstr "Resultancies"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2150,8 +2150,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Vista previa"
+msgid "Shows a Preview."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2166,8 +2166,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Run query"
-msgstr "Executar consulta"
+msgid "Runs query."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2182,8 +2182,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Add table or query"
-msgstr "Amestar tabla o consulta"
+msgid "Adds table or query."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2206,8 +2206,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Results"
-msgstr "Resultancies"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2342,8 +2342,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Results"
-msgstr "Resultancies"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2390,8 +2390,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Jump between windows."
-msgstr "Salta ente les ventanes."
+msgid "Jumps between windows."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/07.po b/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/07.po
index 3493662c98f..00ddcacef09 100644
--- a/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/07.po
+++ b/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/07.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-09 16:45+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-11 12:14+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: Softastur <>\n"
@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To create a new web page for the Internet, open a new <emph>HTML Document</emph> by choosing <emph>File - New</emph>."
-msgstr "Pa crear una nueva páxina web pa Internet, abra un nuevu <emph>Documentu HTML</emph> por aciu <emph>Ficheru - Nuevu</emph>."
+msgid "To create a new web page for the Internet, open a new <emph>HTML Document</emph> by choosing <item type=\"menuitem\">File - New</item>."
+msgstr ""
#: 09000000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "A tool for creating new web pages is the Web Layout mode, which you enable with <emph>View - Web</emph>."
+msgid "A tool for creating new web pages is the Web Layout mode, which you enable with <item type=\"menuitem\">View - Web</item>."
msgstr ""
#: 09000000.xhp
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Switch to the web layout mode by choosing <emph>View - Web</emph> or by opening a new HTML document."
+msgid "Switch to the web layout mode by choosing <item type=\"menuitem\">View - Web</item> or by opening a new HTML document."
msgstr ""
#: 09000000.xhp
diff --git a/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po b/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po
index 540db733ffa..4453593336e 100644
--- a/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po
+++ b/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-16 16:54+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-07-05 17:13+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: Softastur <>\n"
@@ -12397,8 +12397,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To create a single line, type three or more hyphens (-), or underscores ( _ ), and then press Enter. To create a double line, type three or more equal signs (=), asterisks (*), tildes (~), or hash marks (#), and then press Enter."
-msgstr "Pa crear una llinia cenciella, escriba trés o más guiones (-), o guiones baxos ( _ ), y calque Intro. Pa crear una doble llinia, escriba trés o más signos d'igual (=), asteriscu (*), tilde (), o almadina (#), y calque Intro."
+msgid "To create a single line, type three or more hyphens (-), or underscores (_), and then press Enter. To create a double line, type three or more equal signs (=), asterisks (*), tildes (~), or hash marks (#), and then press Enter."
+msgstr ""
#: line_intext.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/optionen.po b/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/optionen.po
index fe76bb71fb5..aef17b905f1 100644
--- a/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/optionen.po
+++ b/source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/optionen.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-07-05 17:23+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: Softastur <>\n"
@@ -1605,7 +1605,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"ignore\">The <emph>IgnoreAllList (All)</emph> includes all words that have been marked with <emph>Ignore</emph> during spellcheck. This list is valid only for the current spellcheck.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"ignore\">The <emph>List of Ignored Words (All)</emph> includes all words that have been marked with <emph>Ignore</emph> during spellcheck. This list is valid only for the current spellcheck.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010400.xhp
diff --git a/source/ast/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po b/source/ast/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
index c6624d4ad6d..a93b0cc985e 100644
--- a/source/ast/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
+++ b/source/ast/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:05+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-12-01 12:14+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -3866,15 +3866,6 @@ msgstr "Inxertar ~saltu de filera"
#: CalcCommands.xcu
msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Data"
-msgstr "~Datos"
-#: CalcCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
@@ -22789,6 +22780,15 @@ msgstr "~Inxertar"
#: GenericCommands.xcu
msgctxt ""
+msgid "~Data"
+msgstr ""
+#: GenericCommands.xcu
+msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/ast/sc/messages.po b/source/ast/sc/messages.po
index 03904051c6b..41d173b037e 100644
--- a/source/ast/sc/messages.po
+++ b/source/ast/sc/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -13976,37 +13976,42 @@ msgid "~Value"
msgstr "~Valor"
#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:68
+msgid "~Formula"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:69
msgid "~Source"
msgstr "~Fonte"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:69
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:70
msgid "~Entries"
msgstr "~Entraes"
#. for dialogues:
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:71
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:72
msgid "System"
msgstr "Sistema"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:72
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:73
msgid "Standard;Text;Date (DMY);Date (MDY);Date (YMD);US English;Hide"
msgstr "Estándar;Testu;Data (DMA);Data (MDA);Data (AMD);Inglés EE.XX.;Tapecer"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:73
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:74
msgid "Tab"
msgstr "Tabulador"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:74
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:75
msgid "space"
msgstr "espaciu"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:75
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:76
msgid ""
"%PRODUCTNAME Calc found an error in the formula entered.\n"
@@ -14017,1260 +14022,1365 @@ msgstr ""
"¿Quies aceptar les correiciones propuestes?\n"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:76
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:77
msgid "Image Filter"
msgstr "Filtru d'imaxes"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:77
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:78
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Testu"
#. Select tables dialog title
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:79
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:80
msgid "Select Sheets"
msgstr "Escoyer fueyes"
#. Select tables dialog listbox
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:81
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:82
msgid "~Selected sheets"
msgstr "Fueye~s esbillaes"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:82
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:83
msgid "Ruler"
msgstr "Regla"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:83
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:84
msgid "This ruler manages objects at fixed positions."
msgstr "Esta regla alministra oxetos en posiciones fixes."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:84
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:85
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Vista previa"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:85
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:86
msgid "This sheet shows how the data will be arranged in the document."
msgstr "Esta fueya amuesa cómo se coloquen los datos nel documentu."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:86
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:87
msgctxt "STR_ACC_DOC_NAME"
msgid "Document view"
msgstr "Vista de documentu"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:87
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:88
msgid "Sheet %1"
msgstr "Fueya %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:88
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:89
msgid "Cell %1"
msgstr "Caxella %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:89
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:90
msgid "Left area"
msgstr "Área izquierda"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:90
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:91
msgid "Page preview"
msgstr "Vista previa"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:91
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:92
msgid "Center area"
msgstr "Área central"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:92
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:93
msgid "Right area"
msgstr "Área drecha"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:93
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:94
msgid "Header of page %1"
msgstr "Testera de la páxina %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:94
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:95
msgid "Footer of page %1"
msgstr "Pie de páxina %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:95
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:96
msgid "Input line"
msgstr "Llinia d'entrada"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:96
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:97
msgid "This is where you enter or edit text, numbers and formulas."
msgstr "Equí puede ponese y editar testu, númberos y fórmules."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:97
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:98
msgid "Media Playback"
msgstr "Reproducción de ficheros multimedia"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:98
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:99
msgid "Mouse button pressed"
msgstr "Botón del mur calcáu"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:99
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:100
msgid "Formula Tool Bar"
msgstr "Barra de fórmules"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:100
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:101
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Spreadsheets"
msgstr "Fueyes de cálculu de %PRODUCTNAME"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:101
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:102
msgid "(read-only)"
msgstr "(namái llectura)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:102
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:103
msgid "(Preview mode)"
msgstr "(Mou d'entever)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:103
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:104
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Páxines"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:104
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:105
#, fuzzy
msgid "~Suppress output of empty pages"
msgstr "_Suprimir la salida de les páxines baleres"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:105
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:106
#, fuzzy
msgid "Print content"
msgstr "Conteníu de la llista"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:106
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:107
#, fuzzy
msgid "~All sheets"
msgstr "Toles fueyes"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:107
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:108
msgid "~Selected sheets"
msgstr "Fueye~s esbillaes"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:108
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:109
msgid "Selected cells"
msgstr "Caxelles esbillaes"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:109
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:110
msgid "From which print"
msgstr "Imprentar dende"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:110
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:111
#, fuzzy
msgid "All ~pages"
msgstr "Toles páxines"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:111
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:112
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pa~ges"
msgstr "Páxines"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:112
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:113
#, fuzzy
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Calc"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:113
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:114
msgid "Warn me about this in the future."
msgstr "Avisame d'esto nel futuru."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:114
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:115
msgid "The following DDE source could not be updated possibly because the source document was not open. Please launch the source document and try again."
msgstr "L'orixe DDE darréu nun se pudo anovar seique'l documentu d'orixe nun taba abiertu. Abri'l documentu d'orixe ya inténtalo otra vuelta."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:115
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:116
msgid "The following external file could not be loaded. Data linked from this file did not get updated."
msgstr "El siguiente ficheru esternu nun se pudo cargar. Los datos enllazaos d'esti ficheru nun s'anovaron."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:116
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:117
msgid "Updating external links."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:117
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:118
msgid "Calc A1"
msgstr "Calc A1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:118
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:119
msgid "Excel A1"
msgstr "Excel A1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:119
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:120
msgid "Excel R1C1"
msgstr "Excel R1C1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:120
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:121
msgid "Range contains column la~bels"
msgstr "L'intervalu tien etiquetes de ~columnes"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:121
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:122
msgid "Range contains ~row labels"
msgstr "L'intervalu tien etiquetes de ~fileres"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:122
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:123
msgctxt "SCSTR_VALERR"
msgid "Invalid value"
msgstr "Valor non válidu"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:123
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:124
msgid "No formula specified."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:124
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:125
msgctxt "STR_NOCOLROW"
msgid "Neither row or column specified."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:125
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:126
msgid "Undefined name or range."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:126
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:127
msgid "Undefined name or wrong cell reference."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:127
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:128
msgid "Formulas don't form a column."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:128
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:129
msgid "Formulas don't form a row."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:129
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:130
msgid "Add AutoFormat"
msgstr "Amestar Autoformatu"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:130
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:131
msgid "Rename AutoFormat"
msgstr "Renomar Autoformatu"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:131
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:132
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nome"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:132
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:133
msgid "Delete AutoFormat"
msgstr "Desaniciar Autoformatu"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:133
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:134
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do you really want to delete the # AutoFormat?"
msgstr "¿De verdá quier desaniciar la entrada #?"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:134
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:135
msgid "~Close"
msgstr "~Zarrar"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:135
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:136
msgctxt "STR_JAN"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Xin"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:136
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:137
msgctxt "STR_FEB"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Feb"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:137
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:138
msgctxt "STR_MAR"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Mar"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:138
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:139
msgctxt "STR_NORTH"
msgid "North"
msgstr "Norte"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:139
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:140
msgctxt "STR_MID"
msgid "Mid"
msgstr "Mediu"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:140
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:141
msgctxt "STR_SOUTH"
msgid "South"
msgstr "Sur"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:141
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:142
msgctxt "STR_SUM"
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Total"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:142
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:143
msgctxt "STR_SHEET"
msgid "Sheet"
msgstr "Fueya"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:143
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:144
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_CELL"
msgid "Cell"
msgstr "Caxelles"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:144
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:145
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_CONTENT"
msgid "Content"
msgstr "Conteníos"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:145
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:146
#, fuzzy
msgid "Page Anchor"
msgstr "Camudar ancla"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:146
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:147
msgid "Cell Anchor"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:147
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:148
#, fuzzy
msgid "Condition "
msgstr "Condición"
#. content description strings are also use d in ScLinkTargetsObj
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:150
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:151
msgid "Contents"
msgstr "Conteníos"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:151
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:152
msgid "Sheets"
msgstr "Fueyes de cálculu"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:152
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:153
msgid "Range names"
msgstr "Nomes de les árees"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:153
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:154
msgid "Database ranges"
msgstr "Rangos de la base de datos"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:154
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:155
#, fuzzy
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Imaxe"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:155
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:156
msgid "OLE objects"
msgstr "Oxetos OLE"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:156
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:157
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Comentarios"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:157
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:158
msgid "Linked areas"
msgstr "Árees enllazaes"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:158
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:159
msgid "Drawing objects"
msgstr "Oxetos dibuxaos"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:159
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:160
#, fuzzy
msgid "Drag Mode"
msgstr "Mou Arrastrar"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:160
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:161
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Vista"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:161
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:162
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SCSTR_ACTIVE"
msgid "active"
msgstr "activa"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:162
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:163
#, fuzzy
msgid "inactive"
msgstr "inactivu"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:163
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:164
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SCSTR_HIDDEN"
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "anubríu"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:164
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:165
#, fuzzy
msgid "Active Window"
msgstr "Ventana activa"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:165
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:166
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scenario Name"
msgstr "Nome del escenariu"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:166
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:167
#, fuzzy
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "_Comentarios"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:168
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:169
msgid "Sort Ascending"
msgstr "Orde ascendente"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:169
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:170
msgid "Sort Descending"
msgstr "Orde descendente"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:170
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:171
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Sort"
msgstr "Orde personalizáu"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:171
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:172
msgid "All"
msgstr "Too"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:172
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:173
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show only the current item."
msgstr "Amosar namái l'elementu actual."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:173
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:174
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hide only the current item."
msgstr "Anubrir namái l'elementu actual."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:174
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:175
msgid "Search items..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:176
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:177
msgid "Name Box"
msgstr "Cuadru de nome"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:177
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:178
msgid "Input line"
msgstr "Llinia d'entrada"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:178
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:179
msgid "Function Wizard"
msgstr "Asistente pa funciones"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:179
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:180
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "Aceutar"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:180
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:181
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Encaboxar"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:181
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:182
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "Suma"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:182
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:183
#, fuzzy
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "_Fórmules"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:183
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:184
msgid "Expand Formula Bar"
msgstr "Espander la barra de fórmules"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:184
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:185
msgid "Collapse Formula Bar"
msgstr "Soverar la barra de fórmules"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:186
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:187
msgid "Conflict"
msgstr "Conflictu"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:187
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:188
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Autor"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:188
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:189
msgctxt "STR_TITLE_DATE"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:189
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:190
msgid "Unknown User"
msgstr "Usuariu desconocíu"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:191
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:192
msgid "Column inserted"
msgstr "Columna inxertada"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:192
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:193
msgid "Row inserted "
msgstr "Filera inxertada "
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:193
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:194
msgid "Sheet inserted "
msgstr "Fueya inxertada "
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:194
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:195
msgid "Column deleted"
msgstr "Columna desaniciada"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:195
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:196
msgid "Row deleted"
msgstr "Fierla desaniciada"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:196
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:197
msgid "Sheet deleted"
msgstr "Fueya desaniciada"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:197
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:198
msgctxt "STR_CHG_MOVE"
msgid "Range moved"
msgstr "Área desplazada"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:198
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:199
msgid "Changed contents"
msgstr "Modificación de conteníu"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:199
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:200
msgid "Changed contents"
msgstr "Modificación de conteníu"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:200
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:201
msgid "Changed to "
msgstr "Cambiada a "
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:201
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:202
msgid "Original"
msgstr "Orixinal"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:202
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:203
msgctxt "STR_CHG_REJECT"
msgid "Changes rejected"
msgstr "Modificación refugada"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:203
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:204
msgid "Accepted"
msgstr "Aceutaes"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:204
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:205
msgid "Rejected"
msgstr "Refugaes"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:205
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:206
msgctxt "STR_CHG_NO_ENTRY"
msgid "No Entry"
msgstr "Denguna entrada"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:206
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:207
msgctxt "STR_CHG_EMPTY"
msgid "<empty>"
msgstr "<ermu>"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:208
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:209
msgid "Not protected"
msgstr "Ensin proteicion"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:209
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:210
msgid "Not password-protected"
msgstr "Ensin proteición de contraseña"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:210
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:211
msgctxt "STR_HASH_BAD"
msgid "Hash incompatible"
msgstr "Hash incompatible"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:211
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:212
msgctxt "STR_HASH_GOOD"
msgid "Hash compatible"
msgstr "Hash compatible"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:212
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:213
msgctxt "STR_RETYPE"
msgid "Re-type"
msgstr "Reescribi"
#. MovingAverageDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:215
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:216
msgid "Moving Average"
msgstr "Media móvil"
#. ExponentialSmoothingDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:217
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:218
msgid "Exponential Smoothing"
msgstr "Suavizáu esponencial"
#. AnalysisOfVarianceDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:219
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:220
#, fuzzy
msgid "Analysis of Variance"
msgstr "Análisis de la varianza"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:220
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:221
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_ANOVA"
+msgid "Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:222
#, fuzzy
msgid "ANOVA - Single Factor"
msgstr "ANOVA - Factor únicu"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:221
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:223
msgid "ANOVA - Two Factor"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:222
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:224
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Grupos"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:223
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:225
#, fuzzy
msgid "Between Groups"
msgstr "Ente grupos"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:224
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:226
#, fuzzy
msgid "Within Groups"
msgstr "Dientro de los grupos"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:225
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:227
#, fuzzy
msgid "Source of Variation"
msgstr "Fonte de la variación"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:226
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:228
#, fuzzy
msgid "SS"
msgstr "SS"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:227
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:229
#, fuzzy
msgid "df"
msgstr "df"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:228
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:230
#, fuzzy
msgid "MS"
msgstr "MS"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:229
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:231
msgid "F"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:230
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:232
+msgid "Significance F"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:233
#, fuzzy
msgid "P-value"
msgstr "Valor p"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:231
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:234
#, fuzzy
msgid "F critical"
msgstr "F críticu"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:232
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:235
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Total"
#. CorrelationDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:234
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:237
msgid "Correlation"
msgstr "Correllación"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:235
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:238
#, fuzzy
msgid "Correlations"
msgstr "Correllación"
#. CovarianceDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:237
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:240
msgid "Covariance"
msgstr "Covarianza"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:238
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:241
#, fuzzy
msgid "Covariances"
msgstr "Covarianza"
#. DescriptiveStatisticsDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:240
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:243
msgid "Descriptive Statistics"
msgstr "Estadístiques descriptives"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:241
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:244
msgid "Mean"
msgstr "Media"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:242
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:245
#, fuzzy
msgid "Standard Error"
msgstr "Error estándar"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:243
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:246
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Mou"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:244
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:247
#, fuzzy
msgid "Median"
msgstr "Mediana"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:245
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:248
#, fuzzy
msgid "Variance"
msgstr "Varianza"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:246
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:249
#, fuzzy
msgid "Standard Deviation"
msgstr "Esviación estándar"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:247
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:250
#, fuzzy
msgid "Kurtosis"
msgstr "Curtosis"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:248
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:251
#, fuzzy
msgid "Skewness"
msgstr "Asimetría"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:249
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:252
msgid "Range"
msgstr "Rangu"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:250
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:253
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_MIN"
msgid "Minimum"
msgstr "Mínim_u"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:251
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:254
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_MAX"
msgid "Maximum"
msgstr "_Máximu"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:252
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:255
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_SUM"
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "Suma"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:253
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:256
#, fuzzy
msgid "Count"
msgstr "Cuenta"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:254
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:257
-msgid "First Quartile "
+msgid "First Quartile"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:255
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:258
msgid "Third Quartile"
msgstr ""
#. RandomNumberGeneratorDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:257
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:260
#, fuzzy
msgid "Random ($(DISTRIBUTION))"
msgstr "Al debalu ($(DISTRIBUTION))"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:258
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:261
msgid "Uniform"
msgstr "Uniforme"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:259
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:262
msgid "Uniform Integer"
msgstr "Enteru uniforme"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:260
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:263
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normal"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:261
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:264
msgid "Cauchy"
msgstr "Cauchy"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:262
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:265
msgid "Bernoulli"
msgstr "Bernoulli"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:263
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:266
msgid "Binomial"
msgstr "Binomial"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:264
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:267
msgid "Negative Binomial"
msgstr "Binomial negativa"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:265
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:268
msgid "Chi Squared"
msgstr "Chi al cuadráu"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:266
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:269
msgid "Geometric"
msgstr "Xeométrica"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:267
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:270
#, fuzzy
msgid "Minimum"
msgstr "Mínim_u"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:268
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:271
#, fuzzy
msgid "Maximum"
msgstr "_Máximu"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:269
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:272
msgid "Mean"
msgstr "Media"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:270
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:273
#, fuzzy
msgid "Standard Deviation"
msgstr "Esviación estándar"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:271
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:274
#, fuzzy
msgid "Median"
msgstr "Mediana"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:272
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:275
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sigma"
msgstr "sigma"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:273
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:276
#, fuzzy
msgid "p Value"
msgstr "Valor p"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:274
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:277
#, fuzzy
msgid "Number of Trials"
msgstr "Númberu d'intentos"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:275
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:278
#, fuzzy
msgid "nu Value"
msgstr "Valor nu"
#. SamplingDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:277
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:280
msgid "Sampling"
msgstr "Muestréu"
#. Names of dialogs
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:279
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:282
msgctxt "STR_FTEST"
msgid "F-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:280
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:283
msgid "F-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:281
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:284
msgctxt "STR_TTEST"
msgid "Paired t-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:282
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:285
msgid "Paired t-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:283
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:286
msgctxt "STR_ZTEST"
msgid "z-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:284
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:287
msgid "z-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:285
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:288
msgid "Test of Independence (Chi-Square)"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:286
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:289
msgid "Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:287
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:290
msgid "Regression"
msgstr ""
#. Common
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:289
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:292
#, fuzzy
msgid "Column %NUMBER%"
msgstr "Columna %NUMBER%"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:290
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:293
#, fuzzy
msgid "Row %NUMBER%"
msgstr "Filera %NUMBER%"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:291
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:294
msgid "Alpha"
msgstr "Alfa"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:292
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:295
#, fuzzy
msgid "Variable 1"
msgstr "Variable"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:293
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:296
#, fuzzy
msgid "Variable 2"
msgstr "Variable"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:294
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:297
msgid "Hypothesized Mean Difference"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:295
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:298
#, fuzzy
msgid "Observations"
msgstr "Operaciones:"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:296
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:299
msgid "Observed Mean Difference"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:297
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:300
+msgid "R^2"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:301
+msgid "Adjusted R^2"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:302
+msgid "Count of X variables"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:303
#, fuzzy
msgid "df"
msgstr "df"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:298
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:304
#, fuzzy
msgid "P-value"
msgstr "Valor p"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:299
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:305
msgid "Critical Value"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:300
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:306
msgid "Test Statistic"
msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:307
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_LOWER"
+msgid "Lower"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:308
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_Upper"
+msgid "Upper"
+msgstr ""
#. RegressionDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:302
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:310
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear"
msgstr "Lli_nial"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:303
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:311
msgid "Logarithmic"
msgstr "Logarítmica"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:304
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:312
msgid "Power"
msgstr "Potencia"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:305
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:313
+msgid "Independent variable(s) range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:314
+msgid "Dependent variable(s) range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:315
+msgid "Output range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:316
+msgid "Confidence level must be in the interval (0, 1)."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:317
+msgid "Y variable range cannot have more than 1 column."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:318
+msgid "Y variable range cannot have more than 1 row."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:319
+msgid "Univariate regression : The observation count in X and Y must match."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:320
+msgid "Multivariate regression : The observation count in X and Y must match."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:321
#, fuzzy
msgid "Regression Model"
msgstr "Tipu de regresión"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:306
-msgid "R^2"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:322
+msgid "Regression Statistics"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:307
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:323
+msgid "Residual"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:324
+msgid "Confidence level"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:325
+msgid "Coefficients"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:326
+msgid "t-Statistic"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:327
#, fuzzy
msgid "Slope"
msgstr "Ámbitu"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:308
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:328
#, fuzzy
msgid "Intercept"
msgstr "Internet"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:329
+msgid "Predicted Y"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:330
+msgid "LINEST raw output"
+msgstr ""
#. F Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:310
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:332
msgid "P (F<=f) right-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:311
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:333
msgid "F Critical right-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:312
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:334
msgid "P (F<=f) left-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:313
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:335
msgid "F Critical left-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:314
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:336
msgid "P two-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:315
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:337
msgid "F Critical two-tail"
msgstr ""
#. t Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:317
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:339
msgid "Pearson Correlation"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:318
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:340
msgid "Variance of the Differences"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:319
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:341
msgctxt "STR_TTEST_T_STAT"
msgid "t Stat"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:320
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:342
msgid "P (T<=t) one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:321
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:343
msgid "t Critical one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:322
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:344
msgid "P (T<=t) two-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:323
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:345
msgid "t Critical two-tail"
msgstr ""
#. Z Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:325
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:347
msgid "z"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:326
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:348
msgid "Known Variance"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:327
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:349
msgid "P (Z<=z) one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:328
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:350
msgid "z Critical one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:329
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:351
msgid "P (Z<=z) two-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:330
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:352
msgid "z Critical two-tail"
msgstr ""
#. infobar for allowing links to update or not
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:332
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:354
msgid "Enable Content"
msgstr ""
#. Insert image dialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:334
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:356
msgid "To cell"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:335
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:357
msgid "To cell (resize with cell)"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:336
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:358
msgid "To page"
msgstr ""
@@ -17068,6 +17178,11 @@ msgctxt "dataprovider|label"
msgid "Source Stream"
msgstr "Fluxu d'orixe"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/dataproviderdlg.ui:36
+msgctxt "dataproviderdlg|db_name"
+msgid "Database Range: "
+msgstr ""
#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/dataproviderentry.ui:46
msgctxt "dataproviderentry|url"
msgid "URL:"
@@ -18939,603 +19054,603 @@ msgctxt "notebookbar|DevLabel"
msgid "Tools"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2945
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2986
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Menu"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2977
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3018
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|defaultD"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Predetermináu"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2991
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3032
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent1"
msgid "Accent 1"
msgstr "Acentu "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2999
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3040
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent2"
msgid "Accent 2"
msgstr "Acentu "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3007
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3048
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent3"
msgid "Accent 3"
msgstr "Acentu "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3021
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3062
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Header1"
msgid "Header 1"
msgstr "Testera"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3029
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3070
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Header2"
msgid "Header 2"
msgstr "Testera"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3043
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3084
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|bad"
msgid "Bad"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3051
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3092
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|good"
msgid "Good"
msgstr "Oru"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3059
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3100
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|neutral"
msgid "Neutral"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3067
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3108
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|error"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Fallu"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|warning"
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Avisu"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3130
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|footnote"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr "Nota al pie"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3097
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3138
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|note"
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Nota"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3336
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3377
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Tools"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3630
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3671
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|menub"
msgid "_Menu"
msgstr "Menú"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3686
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3727
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|toolsb"
msgid "_Tools"
msgstr "Ferramientes"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3775
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3816
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|fileb"
msgid "_File"
msgstr "Ficheru"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3930
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3971
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|editb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "E_ditar"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4088
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4129
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphstyleb"
msgid "St_yles"
msgstr "Estilos"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4245
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4286
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|formatb"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "Fonte"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4306
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4347
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|bordertype"
msgid "Specify the borders of the selected cells."
msgstr "Especifique los bordes de les caxelles seleicionaes."
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4466
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4507
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|numberb"
msgid "_Number"
msgstr "_Númberos"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4625
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4666
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "Alliniación"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4788
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4829
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|cellb"
msgid "_Cells"
msgstr "Caxelles"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4931
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4972
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|insertb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Inxertar"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5064
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5105
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|datab"
msgid "_Data"
msgstr "Datos"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5178
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5219
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|reviewb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "Revisar"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5293
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5334
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewb"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Ver"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5436
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5477
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|graphicB"
msgid "_Graphic"
msgstr "Imaxe"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5554
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5595
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|colorb"
msgid "C_olor"
msgstr "C_olor"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5897
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5938
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrange"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "Posición"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6050
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6091
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|GridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "_Rexella"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6177
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6218
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|languageb"
msgid "_Language"
msgstr "_Llingua"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6307
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6348
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|revieb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "Revisar"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6442
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6483
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|commentsb"
msgid "_Comments"
msgstr "_Comentarios"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6543
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6584
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|compareb"
msgid "Com_pare"
msgstr "_Comparar"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6647
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6688
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewA"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Ver"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6824
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6865
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|editdrawb"
msgid "_Styles"
msgstr "Estilos"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7041
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7082
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|drawb"
msgid "D_raw"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7232
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7273
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrangeD"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "Posición"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7345
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7386
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Grid"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "_Rexella"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7458
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7499
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewDrawb"
msgid "Grou_p"
msgstr "Agrupar"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7570
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7611
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|3Db"
msgid "3_D"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7755
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7796
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|oleB"
msgid "F_rame"
msgstr "Ma_rcu"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7962
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8003
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrangeO"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "Posición"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|GridO"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "_Rexella"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8189
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8230
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewO"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Ver"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8298
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8339
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphstyles"
msgid "_Styles"
msgstr "Estilos"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8473
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8514
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|formats"
msgid "F_ormat"
msgstr "Formatu"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8749
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8790
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphS"
msgid "_Paragraph"
msgstr "Párrafu"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8911
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8952
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewS"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Ver"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:1950
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:1991
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Help"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2945
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2986
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Menu"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2977
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3018
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|defaultD"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Predetermináu"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2991
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3032
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent1"
msgid "Accent 1"
msgstr "Acentu "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2999
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3040
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent2"
msgid "Accent 2"
msgstr "Acentu "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3007
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3048
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent3"
msgid "Accent 3"
msgstr "Acentu "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3021
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3062
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Header1"
msgid "Header 1"
msgstr "Testera"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3029
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3070
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Header2"
msgid "Header 2"
msgstr "Testera"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3043
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3084
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|bad"
msgid "Bad"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3051
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3092
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|good"
msgid "Good"
msgstr "Oru"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3059
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3100
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|neutral"
msgid "Neutral"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3067
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3108
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|error"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Fallu"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|warning"
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Avisu"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3130
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|footnote"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr "Nota al pie"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3097
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3138
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|note"
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Nota"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3336
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3377
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Tools"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3635
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3676
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|menub"
msgid "_Menu"
msgstr "Menú"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3688
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3729
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|toolsb"
msgid "_Tools"
msgstr "Ferramientes"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3743
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3784
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|helpb"
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "Ayuda"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3851
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3892
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|fileb"
msgid "_File"
msgstr "Ficheru"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4130
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|editb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "E_ditar"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4286
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4327
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphstyleb"
msgid "St_yles"
msgstr "Estilos"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4559
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4600
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|formatb"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "Fonte"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4805
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4846
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|numberb"
msgid "_Number"
msgstr "_Númberos"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5020
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5061
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "Alliniación"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5258
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5299
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|cellb"
msgid "_Cells"
msgstr "Caxelles"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5435
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5476
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|insertb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Inxertar"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5609
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5650
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|datab"
msgid "_Data"
msgstr "Datos"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5781
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5822
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|reviewb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "Revisar"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5968
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6009
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewb"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Ver"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6193
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6234
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|graphicB"
msgid "_Graphic"
msgstr "Imaxe"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6545
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6586
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrange"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "Posición"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6696
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6737
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|colorb"
msgid "C_olor"
msgstr "C_olor"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6947
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6988
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|GridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "_Rexella"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7087
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7128
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|languageb"
msgid "_Language"
msgstr "_Llingua"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7316
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7357
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|revieb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "Revisar"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7529
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7570
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|commentsb"
msgid "_Comments"
msgstr "_Comentarios"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7732
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7773
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|compareb"
msgid "Com_pare"
msgstr "_Comparar"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7934
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7975
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewa"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Ver"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8380
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8421
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|drawb"
msgid "D_raw"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8749
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8790
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|editdrawb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "E_ditar"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9090
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9131
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrangedrawb"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "Posición"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9257
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9298
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|GridDrawB"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Ver"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9459
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9500
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewDrawb"
msgid "Grou_p"
msgstr "Agrupar"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9609
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9650
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|3Db"
msgid "3_D"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9918
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9959
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|formatd"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "Fonte"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10183
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10224
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphTextb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "Alliniación"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10385
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10426
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewd"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Ver"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10539
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10580
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|insertTextb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Inxertar"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10684
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10725
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|media"
msgid "_Media"
msgstr "Medios"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10921
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10962
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|oleB"
msgid "F_rame"
msgstr "Ma_rcu"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11352
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11393
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrageOLE"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "Posición"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11518
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11559
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|OleGridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "_Rexella"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11720
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11761
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewf"
msgid "_View"
@@ -21042,64 +21157,89 @@ msgctxt "regressiondialog|RegressionDialog"
msgid "Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:99
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:102
msgctxt "regressiondialog|variable1-range-label"
-msgid "Variable 1 range:"
+msgid "Independent variable(s) (X) range:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:137
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:140
msgctxt "regressiondialog|variable2-range-label"
-msgid "Variable 2 range:"
+msgid "Dependent variable (Y) range:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:175
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:176
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|withlabels-check"
+msgid "Both X and Y ranges have labels"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:192
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "regressiondialog|output-range-label"
msgid "Results to:"
msgstr "Resultaos a"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:217
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:240
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label1"
msgid "Data"
msgstr "Data"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:252
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:275
msgctxt "regressiondialog|groupedby-columns-radio"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Columnes"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:268
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:291
msgctxt "regressiondialog|groupedby-rows-radio"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "Fileres"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:290
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:313
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label2"
msgid "Grouped by"
msgstr "Agrupao por"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:325
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|linear-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:348
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|linear-radio"
msgid "Linear Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:341
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|logarithmic-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:365
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|logarithmic-radio"
msgid "Logarithmic Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:356
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|power-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:382
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|power-radio"
msgid "Power Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:377
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:405
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label3"
msgid "Output Regression Types"
msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:441
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|label5"
+msgid "Confidence level"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:451
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|calcresiduals-check"
+msgid "Calculate residuals"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:469
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|confidencelevel-spin"
+msgid "0.95"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:490
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|label4"
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr ""
#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/retypepassdialog.ui:10
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "retypepassdialog|RetypePass"
@@ -23585,92 +23725,97 @@ msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore1"
msgid "Text length"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:57
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:47
+msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore1"
+msgid "Custom"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:61
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "equal"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:61
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:65
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "less than"
msgstr "menor que"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:65
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:69
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "greater than"
msgstr "mayor que"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:69
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:73
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "less than or equal"
msgstr "menor o igual que"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:73
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:77
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "greater than or equal to"
msgstr "mayor o igual que"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:77
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:81
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "not equal"
msgstr "nonigual"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:81
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:85
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "valid range"
msgstr "Rangu inválidu"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:85
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:89
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "invalid range"
msgstr "Rangu inválidu"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:103
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:107
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|label1"
msgid "_Allow:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:117
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:121
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|valueft"
msgid "_Data:"
msgstr "Datos"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:153
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:157
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|minft"
msgid "_Minimum:"
msgstr "Mínim_u"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:235
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:239
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|maxft"
msgid "Ma_ximum:"
msgstr "_Máximu"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:246
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:250
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|allowempty"
msgid "Allow _empty cells"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:261
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:265
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|showlist"
msgid "Show selection _list"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:276
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:280
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|sortascend"
msgid "Sor_t entries ascending"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:297
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:301
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|hintft"
msgid "A valid source can only consist of a contiguous selection of rows and columns, or a formula that results in an area or array."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/ast/sd/messages.po b/source/ast/sd/messages.po
index 744bf9c4fda..5ed4eca11a4 100644
--- a/source/ast/sd/messages.po
+++ b/source/ast/sd/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-06-04 15:42+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -5427,10 +5427,9 @@ msgid "Master Objects"
msgstr ""
#: sd/uiconfig/simpress/ui/sidebarslidebackground.ui:126
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt "sidebarslidebackground|button2"
-msgid "Insert Image"
-msgstr "Inxertar imaxe"
+msgid "Insert Image..."
+msgstr ""
#: sd/uiconfig/simpress/ui/sidebarslidebackground.ui:164
msgctxt "sidebarslidebackground|displaymasterbackground"
diff --git a/source/ast/sfx2/messages.po b/source/ast/sfx2/messages.po
index 1df6a645507..3c2ae1bc740 100644
--- a/source/ast/sfx2/messages.po
+++ b/source/ast/sfx2/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -2240,6 +2240,11 @@ msgctxt "helpmanual|website"
msgid "Read Help Online"
msgstr ""
+#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpmanual.ui:60
+msgctxt "helpmanual|hidedialog"
+msgid "Do not show this dialog again"
+msgstr ""
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpsearchpage.ui:22
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "helpsearchpage|display"
diff --git a/source/ast/svx/messages.po b/source/ast/svx/messages.po
index 32f9c3e4a0b..9b5887bfe80 100644
--- a/source/ast/svx/messages.po
+++ b/source/ast/svx/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 21:22+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -2297,18 +2297,18 @@ msgctxt "classificationdialog|label-IntellectualProperty"
msgid "Intellectual Property"
msgstr ""
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:60
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:58
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "colorwindow|none_color_button"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Denguna"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:146
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:145
msgctxt "colorwindow|label1"
msgid "Recent"
msgstr ""
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:183
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:182
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "colorwindow|color_picker_button"
msgid "Custom Color…"
@@ -2833,54 +2833,54 @@ msgctxt "datanavigator|modelsremove"
msgid "_Remove"
msgstr "Desanicia_r"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:52
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:48
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label1"
msgid "Lines & Arrows"
msgstr "Llinies y fleches"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:89
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:85
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label2"
msgid "Curve"
msgstr "Curva"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:126
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:122
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label3"
msgid "Connectors"
msgstr "Coneutores"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:163
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:159
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label4"
msgid "Basic Shapes"
msgstr "Formes básiques"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:200
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:196
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label5"
msgid "Symbols"
msgstr "Símbolos"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:237
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:233
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label6"
msgid "Block Arrows"
msgstr "Fleches de bloque"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:274
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:270
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label7"
msgid "Flowchart"
msgstr "Diagrama de fluxu"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:311
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:307
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label8"
msgid "Callouts"
msgstr "Llamaes"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:348
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:344
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label9"
msgid "Stars"
msgstr "Estrelles"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:385
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:381
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label10"
msgid "3D Objects"
@@ -4436,8 +4436,8 @@ msgstr "_Copiar"
#: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu2.ui:82
msgctxt "gallerymenu2|paste"
-msgid "_Insert"
-msgstr "_Inxertar"
+msgid "_Paste"
+msgstr ""
#: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:68
msgctxt "headfootformatpage|checkHeaderOn"
diff --git a/source/ast/sw/messages.po b/source/ast/sw/messages.po
index b92a879de45..d08b747ddf2 100644
--- a/source/ast/sw/messages.po
+++ b/source/ast/sw/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 21:22+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:05+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -1530,299 +1530,309 @@ msgid "Text"
msgstr "Testu"
#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:239
+msgid "Hidden"
+msgstr ""
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:240
+msgid "Condition"
+msgstr ""
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:241
msgctxt "SW_STR_NONE"
msgid "[None]"
msgstr "[Nengún]"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:240
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:242
msgid "Start"
msgstr "Aniciar"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:241
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:243
msgid "End"
msgstr "Fin"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:242
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:244
msgid "Above"
msgstr "Enriba"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:243
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:245
msgid "Below"
msgstr "Embaxo"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:244
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:246
msgid "read-only"
msgstr "sólo llectura"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:245
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:247
msgid "The 'AutoText' directories are read-only. Do you want to call the path settings dialog?"
msgstr "Los direutorios 'AutoText' son de sólo llectura. ¿Quies llamar al diálogu d'axustes del camín?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:246
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:248
msgctxt "STR_DOC_STAT"
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Estadístiques"
#. Statusbar-titles
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:248
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:250
msgid "Importing document..."
msgstr "Importando'l documentu..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:249
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:251
msgid "Exporting document..."
msgstr "Esportando'l documentu..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:250
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:252
msgid "Saving document..."
msgstr "Grabando'l documentu..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:251
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:253
msgid "Repagination..."
msgstr "Volviendo a paxinar..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:252
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:254
msgid "Formatting document automatically..."
msgstr "Dando formatu al documentu automáticamente..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:253
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:255
msgid "Search..."
msgstr "Guetar..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:254
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:256
msgid "Letter"
msgstr "Carta"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:255
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:257
msgid "Spellcheck..."
msgstr "Revisión ortográfica..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:256
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:258
msgid "Hyphenation..."
msgstr "Separtación silábica..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:257
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:259
msgid "Inserting Index..."
msgstr "Inxertando direutoriu..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:258
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:260
msgid "Updating Index..."
msgstr "Actualizando direutoriu..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:259
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:261
msgid "Creating abstract..."
msgstr "Creando l'estrautu..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:260
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:262
msgid "Adapt Objects..."
msgstr "Axustar oxetos..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:261
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:263
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:262
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:264
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Imaxe"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:263
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:265
msgid "Object"
msgstr "Oxetu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:264
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:266
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "Marcu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:265
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:267
msgid "Shape"
msgstr "Forma"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:266
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:268
msgid "Section"
msgstr "Estaya"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:267
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:269
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "Numberación"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:268
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:270
msgid "blank page"
msgstr "páxina balera"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:269
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:271
msgid "Abstract: "
msgstr "Estrautu: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:270
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:272
msgid "separated by: "
msgstr "separtáu con: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:271
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:273
msgid "Outline: Level "
msgstr "Esquema: Nivel "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:272
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:274
msgctxt "STR_FDLG_STYLE"
msgid "Style: "
msgstr "Estilu: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:273
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:275
msgid "Page number: "
msgstr "Númberu de páxina: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:274
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:276
msgid "Break before new page"
msgstr "Saltu enantes de páxina nueva"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:275
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:277
msgid "Western text: "
msgstr "Testu occidental: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:276
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:278
msgctxt "STR_CJK_FONT"
msgid "Asian text: "
msgstr "Testu asiáticu: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:277
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:279
msgctxt "STR_CTL_FONT"
msgid "CTL text: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:278
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:280
msgid "Unknown Author"
msgstr "Autor desconocíu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:279
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:281
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete ~All Comments by $1"
msgstr "Desaniciar ~tolos comentarios de $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:280
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:282
#, fuzzy
msgid "H~ide All Comments by $1"
msgstr "Desaniciar ~tolos comentarios de $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:281
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:283
msgid "Outline Numbering"
msgstr "Numberación d'esquemes"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:282
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:284
msgid "%1 words, %2 characters"
msgstr "%1 pallabres, %2 caráuteres"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:283
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:285
msgid "%1 words, %2 characters selected"
msgstr "%1 pallabres, %2 caráuteres seleicionaos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:284
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:286
msgid "Convert Text to Table"
msgstr "Convertir Testu a Tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:285
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:287
msgid "Add AutoFormat"
msgstr "Amestar Autoformatu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:286
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:288
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nome"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:287
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:289
msgid "Delete AutoFormat"
msgstr "Desaniciar Autoformatu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:288
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:290
msgid "The following AutoFormat entry will be deleted:"
msgstr "La siguiente entrada Autoformatu será esborrada:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:289
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:291
msgid "Rename AutoFormat"
msgstr "Renomar Autoformatu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:290
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:292
msgid "~Close"
msgstr "~Zarrar"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:291
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:293
msgctxt "STR_JAN"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Xin"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:292
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:294
msgctxt "STR_FEB"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Feb"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:293
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:295
msgctxt "STR_MAR"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Mar"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:294
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:296
msgctxt "STR_NORTH"
msgid "North"
msgstr "Norte"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:295
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:297
msgctxt "STR_MID"
msgid "Mid"
msgstr "Mediu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:296
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:298
msgctxt "STR_SOUTH"
msgid "South"
msgstr "Sur"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:297
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:299
msgctxt "STR_SUM"
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "Suma"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:298
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:300
msgid ""
"You have entered an invalid name.\n"
@@ -1833,319 +1843,319 @@ msgstr ""
"L'Autoformatu deseáu nun pudo crease. \n"
"Inténtalo otra vegada con un nome distintu."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:299
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:301
msgctxt "STR_NUMERIC"
msgid "Numeric"
msgstr "Numbéricu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:300
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:302
msgctxt "STR_ROW"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "Fileres"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:301
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:303
msgctxt "STR_COL"
msgid "Column"
msgstr "Columna"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:302
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:304
msgid "Edit Bibliography Entry"
msgstr "Editar Entrada Bibliográfica"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:303
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:305
msgid "Insert Bibliography Entry"
msgstr "Inxertar Entrada Bibliográfica"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:304
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:306
msgid "Spacing between %1 and %2"
msgstr "Espaciu ente %1 y %2"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:305
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:307
msgid "Column %1 Width"
msgstr "Anchor de columna %1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:306
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:308
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Table"
msgstr "Tabla de %PRODUCTNAME Writer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:307
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:309
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Frame"
msgstr "Marcu de %PRODUCTNAME Writer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:308
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:310
#, fuzzy
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Image"
msgstr "Marcu de %PRODUCTNAME Writer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:309
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:311
msgid "Other OLE Objects"
msgstr "Otros oxetos OLE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:310
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:312
msgid "The name of the table must not contain spaces."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:311
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:313
msgid "Selected table cells are too complex to merge."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:312
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:314
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_SRTERR"
msgid "Cannot sort selection"
msgstr "Nun pue ordenase la seleición"
#. Miscellaneous
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:315
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:317
msgid "Click object"
msgstr "Oxetu calcable"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:316
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:318
msgid "Before inserting AutoText"
msgstr "Anantes inxertar Autotestu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:317
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:319
msgid "After inserting AutoText"
msgstr "Dempués inxertar Autotestu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:318
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:320
msgid "Mouse over object"
msgstr "Mur sobre oxetu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:319
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:321
msgid "Trigger hyperlink"
msgstr "Executar hiperenllaz"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:320
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:322
msgid "Mouse leaves object"
msgstr "Mur quitase d'oxetu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:321
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:323
msgid "Image loaded successfully"
msgstr "Imaxe cargada correutamente"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:322
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:324
msgid "Image loading terminated"
msgstr "Encaboxada la carga de la imaxe"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:323
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:325
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not load image"
msgstr "Nun pudo cargase la imaxe"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:324
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:326
msgid "Input of alphanumeric characters"
msgstr "Entrada de caráuteres alfanumbéricos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:325
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:327
msgid "Input of non-alphanumeric characters"
msgstr "Entrada de caráuteres non alfanumbéricos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:326
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:328
msgid "Resize frame"
msgstr "Redimensionar marcu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:327
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:329
msgid "Move frame"
msgstr "Mover marcu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:328
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:330
msgid "Headings"
msgstr "Testeres"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:329
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:331
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tables"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:330
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:332
msgid "Text frames"
msgstr "Marcos testu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:331
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:333
#, fuzzy
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Imaxe"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:332
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:334
msgid "OLE objects"
msgstr "Oxetos OLE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:333
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:335
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr "Marcadores"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:334
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:336
msgid "Sections"
msgstr "Seiciones"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:335
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:337
msgid "Hyperlinks"
msgstr "Hiperenllaces"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:336
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:338
msgid "References"
msgstr "Referencies"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:337
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:339
msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indices"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:338
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:340
#, fuzzy
msgid "Drawing objects"
msgstr "Dibuxar oxetos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:339
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:341
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Comentarios"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:340
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:342
msgid "Heading 1"
msgstr "Encabezamientu 1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:341
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:343
msgid "This is the content from the first chapter. This is a user directory entry."
msgstr "Esti ye'l conteníu del primer capítulu. Esta ye una entrada del direutoriu d'usuariu."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:342
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:344
msgid "Heading 1.1"
msgstr "Encabezamientu 1.1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:343
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:345
msgid "This is the content from chapter 1.1. This is the entry for the table of contents."
msgstr "Esti ye'l conteníu del capítulu 1.1. Esta ye la entrada de la tabla de conteníu."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:344
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:346
msgid "Heading 1.2"
msgstr "Encabezamientu 1.2"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:345
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:347
msgid "This is the content from chapter 1.2. This keyword is a main entry."
msgstr "Esti ye'l conteníu del capítulu 1.2. Esta pallabra clave ye una entrada principal."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:346
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:348
msgid "Table 1: This is table 1"
msgstr "Tabla 1: Esta ye la tabla 1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:347
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:349
#, fuzzy
msgid "Image 1: This is image 1"
msgstr "Imaxe 1: Esta ye la imaxe 1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:348
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:350
msgid "Heading"
msgstr "Encabezamientu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:349
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:351
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:350
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:352
msgid "Text frame"
msgstr "Marcu testu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:351
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:353
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Imaxe"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:352
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:354
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "Oxetu OLE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:353
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:355
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr "Marcador"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:354
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:356
msgid "Section"
msgstr "Seición"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:355
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:357
msgid "Hyperlink"
msgstr "Hiperenllaz"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:356
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:358
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "Referencia"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:357
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:359
msgid "Index"
msgstr "Índiz"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:358
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:360
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Comentariu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:359
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:361
msgid "Draw object"
msgstr "Dibuxar oxetu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:360
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:362
msgid "Additional formats..."
msgstr "Formatos adicionales..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:361
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:363
msgctxt "RID_STR_SYSTEM"
msgid "[System]"
msgstr "[Sistema]"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:362
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:364
msgid ""
"The interactive hyphenation is already active\n"
@@ -2154,2223 +2164,2223 @@ msgstr ""
"La división de pallabres interactiva yá ta activa\n"
"n'otru documentu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:363
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:365
msgctxt "STR_HYPH_TITLE"
msgid "Hyphenation"
msgstr "Separtación silábica"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:366
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:368
msgctxt "STR_CANT_UNDO"
msgid "not possible"
msgstr "imposible"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:367
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:369
msgid "Delete $1"
msgstr "Desaniciar $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:368
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:370
msgid "Insert $1"
msgstr "Inxertar $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:369
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:371
msgctxt "STR_OVR_UNDO"
msgid "Overwrite: $1"
msgstr "Sobrescribir: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:370
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:372
msgid "New Paragraph"
msgstr "Párrafu nuevu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:371
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:373
msgctxt "STR_MOVE_UNDO"
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Mover"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:372
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:374
msgid "Apply attributes"
msgstr "Aplicar atributos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:373
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:375
msgid "Apply Styles: $1"
msgstr "Aplicar estilos: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:374
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:376
msgid "Reset attributes"
msgstr "Reaniciar atributos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:375
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:377
msgid "Change style: $1"
msgstr "Camudar estilu: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:376
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:378
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "Inxertar ficheru"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:377
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:379
msgid "Insert AutoText"
msgstr "Inxertar AutoTestu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:378
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:380
msgid "Delete bookmark: $1"
msgstr "Desaniciar marcador: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:379
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:381
msgid "Insert bookmark: $1"
msgstr "Inxertar marcador: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:380
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:382
msgctxt "STR_SORT_TBL"
msgid "Sort table"
msgstr "Ordenar tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:381
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:383
msgctxt "STR_SORT_TXT"
msgid "Sort text"
msgstr "Ordenar testu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:382
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:384
msgid "Insert table: $1$2$3"
msgstr "Inxertar tabla: $1$2$3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:383
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:385
msgid "Convert text -> table"
msgstr "Convertir testu -> tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:384
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:386
msgid "Convert table -> text"
msgstr "Convertir tabla -> testu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:385
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:387
msgctxt "STR_COPY_UNDO"
msgid "Copy: $1"
msgstr "Copiar: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:386
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:388
msgid "Replace $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Trocar $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:387
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:389
msgid "Insert page break"
msgstr "Inxertar saltu de páxina"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:388
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:390
msgid "Insert column break"
msgstr "Inxertar saltu de columna"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:389
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:391
msgid "Insert Envelope"
msgstr "Inxertar sobre"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:390
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:392
msgid "Copy: $1"
msgstr "Copiar: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:391
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:393
msgid "Move: $1"
msgstr "Mover: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:392
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:394
msgid "Insert %PRODUCTNAME Chart"
msgstr "Inxertar gráfica de %PRODUCTNAME"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:393
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:395
msgid "Insert frame"
msgstr "Inxertar marcu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:394
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:396
msgid "Delete frame"
msgstr "Desaniciar marcu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:395
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:397
msgid "AutoFormat"
msgstr "Auto formatu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:396
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:398
msgid "Table heading"
msgstr "Testera de la tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:397
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:399
msgctxt "STR_REPLACE"
msgid "Replace: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Trocar: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:398
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:400
msgid "Insert section"
msgstr "Inxertar estaya"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:399
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:401
msgid "Delete section"
msgstr "Desaniciar estaya"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:400
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:402
msgid "Modify section"
msgstr "Camudar estaya"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:401
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:403
msgid "Modify default values"
msgstr "Camudar valores predeterminaos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:402
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:404
msgid "Replace style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Camudar estilu: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:403
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:405
msgid "Delete page break"
msgstr "Desaniciar saltu de páxina"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:404
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:406
msgid "Text Correction"
msgstr "Correición del testu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:405
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:407
msgctxt "STR_OUTLINE_LR"
msgid "Promote/demote outline"
msgstr "Xubir/baxar cadarma"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:406
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:408
msgctxt "STR_OUTLINE_UD"
msgid "Move outline"
msgstr "Mover cadarma"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:407
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:409
msgctxt "STR_INSNUM"
msgid "Insert numbering"
msgstr "Inxertar numberación"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:408
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:410
msgctxt "STR_NUMUP"
msgid "Promote level"
msgstr "Xubir un nivel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:409
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:411
msgctxt "STR_NUMDOWN"
msgid "Demote level"
msgstr "Baxar un nivel"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:410
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:412
msgctxt "STR_MOVENUM"
msgid "Move paragraphs"
msgstr "Mover párrafos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:411
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:413
msgid "Insert drawing object: $1"
msgstr "Inxertar oxetu de dibuxu: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:412
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:414
msgid "Number On/Off"
msgstr "Activar/Desactivar númberu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:413
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:415
msgid "Increase Indent"
msgstr "Aumentar sangría"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:414
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:416
msgid "Decrease indent"
msgstr "Amenorgar sangría"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:415
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:417
msgid "Insert caption: $1"
msgstr "Inxertar lleenda: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:416
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:418
msgid "Restart numbering"
msgstr "Reaniciar numberación"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:417
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:419
msgid "Modify footnote"
msgstr "Camudar nota al pie"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:418
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:420
msgid "Accept change: $1"
msgstr "Aceutar cambiu: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:419
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:421
msgid "Reject change: $1"
msgstr "Torgar el cambiu: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:420
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:422
msgid "Split Table"
msgstr "Dixebrar tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:421
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:423
msgid "Stop attribute"
msgstr "Parar atributu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:422
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:424
msgid "AutoCorrect"
msgstr "AutoCorreición"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:423
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:425
msgid "Merge table"
msgstr "Amestar la tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:424
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:426
msgid "Change Case"
msgstr "Camudar mayúscules y minúscules"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:425
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:427
msgctxt "STR_DELNUM"
msgid "Delete numbering"
msgstr "Desaniciar numberación"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:426
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:428
msgctxt "STR_DRAWUNDO"
msgid "Drawing objects: $1"
msgstr "Oxetos de dibuxu: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:427
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:429
msgid "Group draw objects"
msgstr "Aconceyar oxetos de dibuxu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:428
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:430
msgid "Ungroup drawing objects"
msgstr "Separtar oxetos de dibuxu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:429
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:431
msgid "Delete drawing objects"
msgstr "Desaniciar oxetos de dibuxu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:430
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:432
msgctxt "STR_REREAD"
msgid "Replace Image"
msgstr "Sustituir la imaxe"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:431
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:433
msgctxt "STR_DELGRF"
msgid "Delete Image"
msgstr "Desaniciar la imaxe"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:432
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:434
msgctxt "STR_TABLE_ATTR"
msgid "Apply table attributes"
msgstr "Aplicar atributos de tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:433
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:435
msgid "AutoFormat Table"
msgstr "Formatu automáticu de Tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:434
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:436
msgid "Insert Column"
msgstr "Inxertar columna"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:435
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:437
msgid "Insert Row"
msgstr "Inxertar filera"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:436
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:438
msgid "Delete row/column"
msgstr "Desaniciar filera/columna"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:437
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:439
msgid "Delete column"
msgstr "Desaniciar columna"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:438
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:440
msgid "Delete row"
msgstr "Desaniciar filera"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:439
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:441
msgid "Split Cells"
msgstr "Dixebrar caxelles"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:440
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:442
msgid "Merge Cells"
msgstr "Amestar caxelles"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:441
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:443
msgid "Format cell"
msgstr "Formatu de la caxella"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:442
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:444
msgctxt "STR_INSERT_TOX"
msgid "Insert index/table"
msgstr "Inxertar índiz/tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:443
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:445
msgid "Remove index/table"
msgstr "Desaniciar índiz/tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:444
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:446
msgid "Copy table"
msgstr "Copiar tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:445
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:447
msgid "Copy table"
msgstr "Copiar tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:446
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:448
msgid "Set cursor"
msgstr "Configurar cursor"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:447
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:449
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_CHAIN"
msgid "Link text frames"
msgstr "Enllazar cuadros de testu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:448
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:450
msgid "Unlink text frames"
msgstr "Desenllazar cuadros de testu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:449
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:451
msgid "Modify footnote options"
msgstr "Camudar les opciones de notes al pie"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:450
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:452
msgid "Compare Document"
msgstr "Comparar documentu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:451
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:453
msgid "Apply frame style: $1"
msgstr "Aplicar estilu de marcu: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:452
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:454
msgid "Ruby Setting"
msgstr "Configuración de Ruby"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:453
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:455
msgid "Insert footnote"
msgstr "Inxertar nota al pie"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:454
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:456
msgid "insert URL button"
msgstr "inxertar botón d'URL"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:455
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:457
msgid "Insert Hyperlink"
msgstr "Inxertar hiperenllaz"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:456
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:458
msgid "remove invisible content"
msgstr "desaniciar conteníu invisible"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:457
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:459
msgid "Table/index changed"
msgstr "Tabla/índiz camudáu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:458
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:460
msgid "“"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:459
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:461
msgctxt "STR_END_QUOTE"
msgid "”"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:460
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:462
msgctxt "STR_LDOTS"
msgid "..."
msgstr "..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:461
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:463
msgctxt "STR_MULTISEL"
msgid "multiple selection"
msgstr "esbilla múltiple"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:462
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:464
msgid "Typing: $1"
msgstr "Escritura: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:463
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:465
msgid "Paste clipboard"
msgstr "Apegar del cartafueyu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:464
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:466
msgctxt "STR_YIELDS"
msgid "→"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:465
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:467
msgid "occurrences of"
msgstr "ocurrencies de"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:466
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:468
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_TABS"
msgid "$1 tab(s)"
msgstr "$1 tabulador(es)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:467
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:469
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_NLS"
msgid "$1 line break(s)"
msgstr "$1 saltu(os) de llinia"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:468
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:470
msgid "page break"
msgstr "saltu de páxina"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:469
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:471
msgid "column break"
msgstr "saltu de columna"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:470
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:472
msgid "Insert $1"
msgstr "Inxertar $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:471
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:473
msgid "Delete $1"
msgstr "Desaniciar $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:472
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:474
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attributes changed"
msgstr "Atributos camudaos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:473
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:475
#, fuzzy
msgid "Table changed"
msgstr "Camudamientu de tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:474
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:476
#, fuzzy
msgid "Style changed"
msgstr "Camudamientu de tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:475
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:477
msgid "Paragraph formatting changed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:476
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:478
msgid "Insert Row"
msgstr "Inxertar filera"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:477
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:479
msgid "Delete Row"
msgstr "Desaniciar filera"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:478
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:480
msgid "Insert Cell"
msgstr "Inxertar caxella"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:479
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:481
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete Cell"
msgstr "Desaniciar caxelles"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:480
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:482
msgctxt "STR_N_REDLINES"
msgid "$1 changes"
msgstr "$1 cambios"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:481
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:483
msgid "Change page style: $1"
msgstr "Camudar estilu de páxina: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:482
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:484
msgid "Create page style: $1"
msgstr "Crear estilu de páxina: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:483
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:485
msgid "Delete page style: $1"
msgstr "Desaniciar estilu de páxina: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:484
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:486
msgid "Rename page style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Renomar estilu de páxina: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:485
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:487
msgid "Header/footer changed"
msgstr "Testera/pie de páxina camudáu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:486
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:488
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_FIELD"
msgid "Field changed"
msgstr "Campu camudáu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:487
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:489
msgid "Create paragraph style: $1"
msgstr "Crear estilu de párrafu: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:488
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:490
msgid "Delete paragraph style: $1"
msgstr "Desaniciar estilu de párrafu: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:489
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:491
msgid "Rename paragraph style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Renomar estilu de párrafu: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:490
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:492
msgid "Create character style: $1"
msgstr "Crear estilu de caráuter: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:491
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:493
msgid "Delete character style: $1"
msgstr "Desaniciar estilu de caráuter: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:492
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:494
msgid "Rename character style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Renomar estilu de caráuteres: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:493
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:495
msgid "Create frame style: $1"
msgstr "Crear estilu de marcu: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:494
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:496
msgid "Delete frame style: $1"
msgstr "Desaniciar estilu de marcu: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:495
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:497
msgid "Rename frame style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Renomar estilu de marcu: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:496
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:498
msgid "Create numbering style: $1"
msgstr "Crear estilu de numberación: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:497
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:499
msgid "Delete numbering style: $1"
msgstr "Desaniciar estilu de numberación: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:498
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:500
msgid "Rename numbering style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Renomar estilu de numberación: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:499
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:501
msgid "Rename bookmark: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Renomar marcador: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:500
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:502
msgid "Insert index entry"
msgstr "Inxertar entrada d'índiz"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:501
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:503
msgid "Delete index entry"
msgstr "Desaniciar entrada d'índiz"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:502
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:504
msgctxt "STR_FIELD"
msgid "field"
msgstr "campu"
#. undo: STR_PARAGRAPHS, string.text
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:504
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:506
msgid "Paragraphs"
msgstr "Párrafos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:505
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:507
msgctxt "STR_FRAME"
msgid "frame"
msgstr "marcu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:506
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:508
msgctxt "STR_OLE"
msgid "OLE-object"
msgstr "Oxetu OLE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:507
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:509
msgid "formula"
msgstr "fórmula"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:508
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:510
msgctxt "STR_CHART"
msgid "chart"
msgstr "gráfica"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:509
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:511
msgctxt "STR_NOTE"
msgid "comment"
msgstr "comentariu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:510
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:512
msgid "cross-reference"
msgstr "referencia cruzada"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:511
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:513
msgctxt "STR_SCRIPT"
msgid "script"
msgstr "script"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:512
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:514
msgid "bibliography entry"
msgstr "entrada bibliográfica"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:513
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:515
msgid "special character"
msgstr "carácter especial"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:514
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:516
msgctxt "STR_FOOTNOTE"
msgid "footnote"
msgstr "nota al pie"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:515
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:517
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_GRAPHIC"
msgid "image"
msgstr "Imaxe"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:516
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:518
msgid "drawing object(s)"
msgstr "oxetu(os) de dibuxu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:517
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:519
msgctxt "STR_TABLE_NAME"
msgid "table: $1$2$3"
msgstr "tabla: $1$2$3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:518
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:520
msgid "paragraph"
msgstr "párrafu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:519
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:521
msgid "Paragraph sign"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:520
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:522
msgid "Change object title of $1"
msgstr "Camudar títulu d'oxetu $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:521
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:523
msgid "Change object description of $1"
msgstr "Camudar descripción d'oxetu $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:522
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:524
#, fuzzy
msgid "Create table style: $1"
msgstr "Crear estilu de páxina: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:523
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:525
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete table style: $1"
msgstr "Desaniciar estilu de páxina: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:524
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:526
#, fuzzy
msgid "Update table style: $1"
msgstr "Crear estilu de páxina: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:525
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:527
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete table"
msgstr "Desaniciar páxina"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:527
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:529
msgid "Document view"
msgstr "Visualización del documentu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:528
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:530
msgid "Document view"
msgstr "Visualización del documentu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:529
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:531
msgid "Header $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Encabezáu $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:530
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:532
msgid "Header page $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Páxina d'encabezáu $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:531
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:533
msgid "Footer $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Pie de páxina $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:532
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:534
msgid "Footer page $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Páxina de pie de páxina $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:533
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:535
msgid "Footnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Nota al pie $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:534
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:536
msgid "Footnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Nota al pie $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:535
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:537
msgid "Endnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Nota final $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:536
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:538
msgid "Endnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Nota final $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:537
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:539
msgid "$(ARG1) on page $(ARG2)"
msgstr "$(ARG1) na páxina $(ARG2)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:538
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:540
msgid "Page $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Páxina $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:539
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:541
msgid "Page: $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Páxina: $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:540
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:542
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Autor"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:541
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:543
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:542
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:544
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Aiciones"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:543
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:545
msgid "Activate this button to open a list of actions which can be performed on this comment and other comments"
msgstr "Activa esti botón p'abrir una llista d'aiciones que pueden llevase a cau sobro ésti u otros comentarios"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:544
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:546
msgid "Document preview"
msgstr "Entever documentu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:545
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:547
msgid "(Preview mode)"
msgstr "(Mou d'entever)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:546
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:548
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Document"
msgstr "Documentu de %PRODUCTNAME"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:548
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:550
#, fuzzy
msgid "Read Error"
msgstr "Fallu de llectura"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:549
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:551
msgid "Image cannot be displayed."
msgstr "La imaxe nun se pue amosar."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:550
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:552
msgid "Error reading from the clipboard."
msgstr "Fallu al lleer al portapapeles."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:552
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:554
msgid "Manual Column Break"
msgstr "Saltu de columna manual"
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:601
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:603
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:604
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:625
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:629
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:633
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:635
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:634
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:636
#, fuzzy
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msgstr "~Desprotexer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:635
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:637
#, fuzzy
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msgstr "anubríu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:636
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:638
#, fuzzy
msgid "File not found: "
msgstr "Nun s'atopó la peñera."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:637
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:639
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_RENAME"
msgid "~Rename"
msgstr "Renomar"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:638
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:640
#, fuzzy
msgid "Read-~only"
msgstr "sólo llectura"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:639
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:641
msgid "Show All"
msgstr "Amosar too"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:640
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:642
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hide All"
msgstr "Tapecer _too"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:641
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:643
#, fuzzy
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msgstr "Desanici_ar ensembre"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:643
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:645
#, fuzzy
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msgstr "Izquierda: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:644
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:646
#, fuzzy
msgid ". Right: "
msgstr ". Drecha: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:645
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:647
#, fuzzy
msgid "Inner: "
msgstr "Interior: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:646
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:648
#, fuzzy
msgid ". Outer: "
msgstr ". Esterior: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:647
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:649
#, fuzzy
msgid ". Top: "
msgstr ". Superior: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:648
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:650
#, fuzzy
msgid ". Bottom: "
msgstr ". Inferior: "
#. Error calculator
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:651
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:653
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msgstr "Páxina"
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:654
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:655
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Autor"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:654
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:656
msgid "** Syntax Error **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:655
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:657
msgid "** Division by zero **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:656
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:658
msgctxt "STR_CALC_BRACK"
msgid "** Wrong use of brackets **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:657
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:659
msgctxt "STR_CALC_POW"
msgid "** Square function overflow **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:658
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:660
msgid "** Overflow **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:659
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:661
msgid "** Error **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:660
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:662
msgctxt "STR_CALC_ERROR"
msgid "** Expression is faulty **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:661
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:663
msgid "Error: Reference source not found"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:662
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:664
msgid "None"
msgstr "Denguna"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:663
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:665
msgid "(fixed)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:664
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:666
msgid " Y: %1 M: %2 D: %3 H: %4 M: %5 S: %6"
msgstr " Y: %1 M: %2 D: %3 H: %4 M: %5 S: %6"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:665
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:667
msgctxt "STR_TOI"
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:666
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:668
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msgstr "Definíu pol usuariu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:667
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:669
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msgstr "Índiz del conteníu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:668
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:670
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msgstr "Bibliografía"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:669
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:671
#, fuzzy
msgid "Citation"
msgstr "Encomilláu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:670
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:672
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msgstr "Índiz de tables"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:671
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:673
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msgid "Table of Objects"
msgstr "Índiz d'oxetos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:672
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:674
msgctxt "STR_TOX_ILL"
msgid "Table of Figures"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:673
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:675
#, c-format
msgid "%s-Click to follow link"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:674
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:676
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#. SubType DocInfo
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:676
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:678
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msgstr "Títulu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:677
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:679
#, fuzzy
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Asuntu:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:678
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:680
msgid "Keywords"
msgstr "Pallabres clave"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:679
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:681
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Comentarios"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:680
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:682
#, fuzzy
msgid "Created"
msgstr "Crear"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:681
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:683
msgid "Modified"
msgstr "Modificáu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:682
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:684
#, fuzzy
msgid "Last printed"
msgstr "Última impresió_n:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:683
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:685
msgid "Revision number"
msgstr "Númberu de revisión"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:684
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:686
msgid "Total editing time"
msgstr "Tiempu total d'edición"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:685
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:687
msgid "Convert $(ARG1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:686
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:688
msgid "First convert $(ARG1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:687
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:689
msgid "Next convert $(ARG1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:688
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:690
msgid "Article"
msgstr "Artículu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:689
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:691
msgid "Book"
msgstr "Llibru"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:690
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:692
#, fuzzy
msgid "Brochures"
msgstr "Prospect~u"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:691
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:693
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr "Informe de reunión"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:692
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:694
msgid "Book excerpt"
msgstr "Esbilla del llibru"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:693
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:695
msgid "Book excerpt with title"
msgstr "Esbilla del llibru con títulu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:694
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:696
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr "Informe de reunión"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:695
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:697
msgid "Journal"
msgstr "Diariu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:696
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:698
msgid "Techn. documentation"
msgstr "Documentación téunica"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:697
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:699
msgid "Thesis"
msgstr "Tesis"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:698
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:700
#, fuzzy
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "Amestáu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:699
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:701
msgid "Dissertation"
msgstr "Disertación"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:700
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:702
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr "Informe de reunión"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:701
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:703
msgid "Research report"
msgstr "Informe d'investigación"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:702
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:704
msgid "Unpublished"
msgstr "Non publicáu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:703
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:705
msgid "E-mail"
msgstr "Corréu electrónicu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:704
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:706
#, fuzzy
msgid "WWW document"
msgstr "Por documentu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:705
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:707
#, fuzzy
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:706
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:708
#, fuzzy
msgid "User-defined2"
msgstr "Definíu pol usuariu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:707
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:709
#, fuzzy
msgid "User-defined3"
msgstr "Definíu pol usuariu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:708
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:710
#, fuzzy
msgid "User-defined4"
msgstr "Definíu pol usuariu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:709
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:711
#, fuzzy
msgid "User-defined5"
msgstr "Definíu pol usuariu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:710
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:712
msgid "Short name"
msgstr "Nome curtíu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:711
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:713
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Triba"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:712
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:714
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Direición"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:713
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:715
#, fuzzy
msgid "Annotation"
msgstr "An~otación"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:714
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:716
#, fuzzy
msgid "Author(s)"
msgstr "Autor(es)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:715
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:717
#, fuzzy
msgid "Book title"
msgstr "~Títulu del llibru"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:716
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:718
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr "Capítulu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:717
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:719
#, fuzzy
msgid "Edition"
msgstr "Ed~ición"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:718
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:720
#, fuzzy
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Editor"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:719
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:721
#, fuzzy
msgid "Publication type"
msgstr "M~ena de publicación"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:720
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:722
#, fuzzy
msgid "Institution"
msgstr "Instit~ución"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:721
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:723
msgid "Journal"
msgstr "Diariu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:722
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:724
msgid "Month"
msgstr "Mes"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:723
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:725
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Nota"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:724
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:726
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Númberu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:725
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Organization"
msgstr "Organi~zación"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:726
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:728
#, fuzzy
msgid "Page(s)"
msgstr "Pá~xina(es)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:727
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:729
msgid "Publisher"
msgstr "Editor"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:728
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:730
#, fuzzy
msgid "University"
msgstr "Universidá"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:729
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:731
#, fuzzy
msgid "Series"
msgstr "~Serie"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:730
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:732
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Títulu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:731
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:733
#, fuzzy
msgid "Type of report"
msgstr "Mena d'in~forme"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:732
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:734
msgid "Volume"
msgstr "Volume"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:733
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:735
#, fuzzy
msgid "Year"
msgstr "Queríu/a"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:734
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:736
#, fuzzy
msgid "URL"
msgstr "_URL:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:735
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:737
#, fuzzy
msgid "User-defined1"
msgstr "Definíu pol usuariu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:736
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:738
#, fuzzy
msgid "User-defined2"
msgstr "Definíu pol usuariu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:737
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:739
#, fuzzy
msgid "User-defined3"
msgstr "Definíu pol usuariu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:738
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:740
#, fuzzy
msgid "User-defined4"
msgstr "Definíu pol usuariu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:739
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:741
#, fuzzy
msgid "User-defined5"
msgstr "Definíu pol usuariu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:740
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:742
#, fuzzy
msgid "ISBN"
msgstr "~ISBN"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:742
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:744
msgid "Edit Index Entry"
msgstr "Editar Entraes d'Indiz"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:743
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:745
msgid "Insert Index Entry"
msgstr "Inxertar Entraes d'Indiz"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:744
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:746
#, fuzzy
msgid "The document already contains the bibliography entry but with different data. Do you want to adjust the existing entries?"
msgstr "El documentu ya caltien la entrada bibliográfica, pero con datos distintos. ¿Quies axustar les entraes existentes?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:746
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:748
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Comentarios"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:747
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:749
msgid "Show comments"
msgstr "Ver los comentarios"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:748
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:750
msgid "Hide comments"
msgstr "Anubrir los comentarios"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:750
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:752
msgid "Shortcut name already exists. Please choose another name."
msgstr "Nome d'ataxu yá existe. Por favor, escueye otru nome."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:751
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:753
msgid "Delete AutoText?"
msgstr "¿Desaniciar testu automáticu?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:752
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:754
msgid "Delete the category "
msgstr "Desaniciar la categoría "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:753
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:755
msgid "?"
msgstr "?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:754
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:756
msgctxt "STR_GLOSSARY"
msgid "AutoText :"
msgstr "Autotestu :"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:755
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:757
msgid "Save AutoText"
msgstr "Guardar Autotestu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:756
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:758
msgid "There is no AutoText in this file."
msgstr "Nun hai Autotestu nesti ficheru."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:757
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:759
msgid "My AutoText"
msgstr "El mio AutoTestu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:759
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:761
msgctxt "STR_NOGLOS"
msgid "AutoText for Shortcut '%1' not found."
msgstr "Autotestu p'accesu rápidu '%1' non alcontráu."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:760
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:762
msgctxt "STR_NO_TABLE"
msgid "A table with no rows or no cells cannot be inserted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:761
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:763
msgid "The table cannot be inserted because it is too large"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:762
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:764
msgid "AutoText could not be created."
msgstr "Nun se pudo crear l'AutoTestu."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:763
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:765
msgid "Requested clipboard format is not available."
msgstr "El formatu que quies del cartafueyu nun ta disponible."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:764
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:766
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:765
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:767
msgid "Image (%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Text Document)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:766
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:768
msgid "Object (%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Text Document)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:767
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:769
msgid "Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE link)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:769
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:771
msgid "All Comments"
msgstr "Tolos comentarios"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:770
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:772
msgid "All Comments"
msgstr "Tolos comentarios"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:771
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:773
msgid "Comments by "
msgstr "Comentarios por "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:772
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:774
msgctxt "STR_NODATE"
msgid "(no date)"
msgstr "(ensin data)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:773
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:775
msgctxt "STR_NOAUTHOR"
msgid "(no author)"
msgstr "(ensin autor)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:774
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:776
msgctxt "STR_REPLY"
msgid "Reply to $1"
msgstr "Rempuesta a $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:776
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:778
msgctxt "ST_TITLE_EDIT"
msgid "Edit Address Block"
msgstr "Editar bloque de direiciones"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:777
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:779
msgctxt "ST_TITLE_MALE"
msgid "Custom Salutation (Male Recipients)"
msgstr "Saludu personalizáu (destinatarios masculinos)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:778
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:780
msgid "Custom Salutation (Female Recipients)"
msgstr "Saludu personalizáu (destinatarios femeninos)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:779
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:781
msgid "Salutation e~lements"
msgstr "E~lementos de saludu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:780
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:782
msgid "Add to salutation"
msgstr "Amestar a saludu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:781
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:783
msgid "Remove from salutation"
msgstr "Quitar del saludu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:782
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:784
msgid "1. ~Drag salutation elements into the box below"
msgstr "1. ~Arrastra los elementos del saludu hasta al caxa siguiente"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:783
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:785
msgid "Salutation"
msgstr "Tratamientu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:784
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:786
msgid "Punctuation Mark"
msgstr "Signu de puntuación"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:785
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:787
msgctxt "ST_TEXT"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Testu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:786
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:788
#, fuzzy
msgid "Assign the fields from your data source to match the salutation elements."
msgstr "Asigna los campos del orixe de datos pa que coincidan colos elementos de direición."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:787
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:789
msgid "Salutation preview"
msgstr "Vista previa de saludu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:788
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:790
msgid "Address elements"
msgstr "Elementos de la direición"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:789
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:791
msgid "Salutation elements"
msgstr "Elementos del saludu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:790
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:792
msgctxt "ST_MATCHESTO"
msgid "Matches to field:"
msgstr "Coincidencies col campu:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:791
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:793
msgctxt "ST_PREVIEW"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Vista previa"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:793
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:795
msgid " not yet matched "
msgstr " entá nun coincide "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:794
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:796
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_ALL"
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Tolos ficheros"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:795
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:797
msgid "Address lists(*.*)"
msgstr "Llistes de señes(*.*)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:796
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:798
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXB"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Base (*.odb)"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Base (*.odb)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:797
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:799
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXC"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Calc (*.ods;*.sxc)"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Calc (*.ods;*.sxc)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:798
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:800
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXW"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer (*.odt;*.sxw)"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Calc (*.ods;*.sxc)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:799
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:801
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_DBF"
msgid "dBase (*.dbf)"
msgstr "dBase (*.dbf)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:800
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:802
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_XLS"
msgid "Microsoft Excel (*.xls;*.xlsx)"
msgstr "Microsoft Excel (*.xls)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:801
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:803
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_DOC"
msgid "Microsoft Word (*.doc;*.docx)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:802
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:804
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_TXT"
msgid "Plain text (*.txt)"
msgstr "Testu simple (*.txt)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:803
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:805
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_CSV"
msgid "Text Comma Separated (*.csv)"
msgstr "Testu separtáu por comes (*.csv)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:804
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:806
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_MDB"
msgid "Microsoft Access (*.mdb;*.mde)"
msgstr "Microsoft Access (*.mdb)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:805
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:807
#, fuzzy
msgid "Microsoft Access 2007 (*.accdb,*.accde)"
msgstr "Microsoft Access 2007 (*.accdb)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:806
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:808
msgid ""
"In order to be able to send mail merge documents by e-mail, %PRODUCTNAME requires information about the e-mail account to be used.\n"
@@ -4378,84 +4388,84 @@ msgid ""
"Do you want to enter e-mail account information now?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:807
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:809
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Address List (.csv)"
msgstr "Llista de direiciones de %PRODUCTNAME (.csv)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:809
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:811
msgctxt "ST_STARTING"
msgid "Select starting document"
msgstr "Escueyi'l documentu d'entamu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:810
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:812
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select document type"
msgstr "Escueyi la triba de documentu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:811
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:813
msgid "Insert address block"
msgstr "Inxertar bloque de direiciones"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:812
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:814
msgid "Select address list"
msgstr "Escueyi la llista de direiciones"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:813
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:815
msgid "Create salutation"
msgstr "Crear saludu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:814
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:816
msgctxt "ST_LAYOUT"
msgid "Adjust layout"
msgstr "Axustar diseñu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:815
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:817
msgctxt "ST_EXCLUDE"
msgid "Exclude recipient"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:816
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:818
msgctxt "ST_FINISH"
msgid "~Finish"
msgstr "~Finar"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:817
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:819
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_MMWTITLE"
msgid "Mail Merge Wizard"
msgstr "Asistente pa combinar correspondencia"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:819
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:821
msgctxt "ST_NAME"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nome"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:820
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:822
msgctxt "ST_TYPE"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Triba"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:821
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:823
msgctxt "ST_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:822
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:824
msgctxt "ST_QUERY"
msgid "Query"
msgstr "Consulta"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:824
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:826
msgid "Continue checking at beginning of document?"
msgstr "¿Siguir comprobando pel entamu del documentu?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:825
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:827
msgid "The spellcheck is complete."
msgstr "Completóse la revisión ortográfica."
@@ -4464,212 +4474,212 @@ msgstr "Completóse la revisión ortográfica."
#. Description: strings for the types
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. range document
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:831
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:833
msgctxt "STR_DATEFLD"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Fecha"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:832
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:834
msgctxt "STR_TIMEFLD"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Tiempu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:833
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:835
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Nome ficheru"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:834
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:836
msgid "Database Name"
msgstr "Nome Base de Datos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:835
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:837
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr "Capítulu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:836
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:838
msgid "Page numbers"
msgstr "Númberos de páxina"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:837
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:839
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Estadístiques"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:838
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:840
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Autor"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:839
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:841
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "Plantilles"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:840
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:842
msgid "Sender"
msgstr "Remitente"
#. range functions
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:842
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:844
msgctxt "STR_SETFLD"
msgid "Set variable"
msgstr "Afitar variable"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:843
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:845
msgctxt "STR_GETFLD"
msgid "Show variable"
msgstr "Amosar variable"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:844
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:846
msgid "Insert Formula"
msgstr "Inxertar Fórmula"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:845
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:847
msgctxt "STR_INPUTFLD"
msgid "Input field"
msgstr "Campu d'entrada"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:846
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:848
msgid "Input field (variable)"
msgstr "Campu d'entrada (variable)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:847
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:849
msgid "Input field (user)"
msgstr "Campu d'entrada (usuariu)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:848
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:850
msgid "Conditional text"
msgstr "Testu condicional"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:849
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:851
msgctxt "STR_DDEFLD"
msgid "DDE field"
msgstr "Campu DDE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:850
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:852
msgctxt "STR_MACROFLD"
msgid "Execute macro"
msgstr "Executar macro"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:851
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:853
msgctxt "STR_SEQFLD"
msgid "Number range"
msgstr "Rangu númberos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:852
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:854
msgid "Set page variable"
msgstr "Afitar páxina variable"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:853
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:855
msgid "Show page variable"
msgstr "Amosar páxina variable"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:854
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:856
msgid "Load URL"
msgstr "Cargar URL"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:855
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:857
msgid "Placeholder"
msgstr "Marcador de posición"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:856
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:858
msgid "Combine characters"
msgstr "Combinar caráuteres"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:857
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:859
msgctxt "STR_DROPDOWN"
msgid "Input list"
msgstr "Llista d'entrada"
#. range references
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:859
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:861
msgid "Set Reference"
msgstr "Afitar Referencia"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:860
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:862
msgid "Insert Reference"
msgstr "Inxertar Referencia"
#. range database
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:862
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:864
msgctxt "STR_DBFLD"
msgid "Mail merge fields"
msgstr "Amestar campos corréu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:863
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:865
msgid "Next record"
msgstr "Rexistru siguiente"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:864
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:866
msgid "Any record"
msgstr "Cualisquier rexistru"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:865
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:867
msgid "Record number"
msgstr "Númberu rexistru"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:866
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:868
msgid "Previous page"
msgstr "Páxina anterior"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:867
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:869
msgid "Next page"
msgstr "Próxima páxina"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:868
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:870
msgid "Hidden text"
msgstr "Testu anubríu"
#. range user fields
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:870
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:872
msgctxt "STR_USERFLD"
msgid "User Field"
msgstr "Campu d'Usuariu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:871
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:873
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Nota"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:872
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:874
msgid "Script"
msgstr "Script"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:873
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:875
msgid "Bibliography entry"
msgstr "Entrada bibliografía"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:874
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:876
msgid "Hidden Paragraph"
msgstr "Anubrir Párrafu"
#. range DocumentInfo
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:876
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:878
msgid "DocInformation"
msgstr "Información Documentu"
@@ -4677,74 +4687,74 @@ msgstr "Información Documentu"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: SubCmd-Strings
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:880
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:882
msgctxt "FLD_DATE_STD"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Fecha"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:881
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:883
msgctxt "FLD_DATE_FIX"
msgid "Date (fixed)"
msgstr "Fecha (fixada)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:882
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:884
msgctxt "FLD_TIME_STD"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Tiempu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:883
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:885
msgctxt "FLD_TIME_FIX"
msgid "Time (fixed)"
msgstr "Tiempu (fixu)"
#. SubCmd Statistic
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:885
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:887
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_TABLE"
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tables"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:886
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:888
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_CHAR"
msgid "Characters"
msgstr "Caráuteres"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:887
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:889
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_WORD"
msgid "Words"
msgstr "Pallabres"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:888
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:890
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_PARA"
msgid "Paragraphs"
msgstr "Págrafos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:889
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:891
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_GRF"
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Imaxe"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:890
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:892
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_OBJ"
msgid "Objects"
msgstr "Oxetos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:891
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:893
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_PAGE"
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Páxines"
#. SubCmd DDETypes
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:893
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:895
msgctxt "FMT_DDE_HOT"
msgid "DDE automatic"
msgstr "DDE Automáticu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:894
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:896
msgctxt "FMT_DDE_NORMAL"
msgid "DDE manual"
msgstr "DDE Manual"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:895
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:897
msgctxt "FLD_INPUT_TEXT"
msgid "[Text]"
msgstr ""
@@ -4752,87 +4762,87 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: SubType Extuser
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:900
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:902
msgctxt "FLD_EU_FIRMA"
msgid "Company"
msgstr "Compañía"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:901
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:903
msgctxt "FLD_EU_VORNAME"
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "Nome"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:902
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:904
msgctxt "FLD_EU_NAME"
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr "Apellíos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:903
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:905
msgctxt "FLD_EU_ABK"
msgid "Initials"
msgstr "Iniciales"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:904
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:906
msgctxt "FLD_EU_STRASSE"
msgid "Street"
msgstr "Cai"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:905
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:907
msgctxt "FLD_EU_LAND"
msgid "Country"
msgstr "País"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:906
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:908
msgctxt "FLD_EU_PLZ"
msgid "Zip code"
msgstr "Códigu postal"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:907
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:909
msgctxt "FLD_EU_ORT"
msgid "City"
msgstr "Ciudá"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:908
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:910
msgctxt "FLD_EU_TITEL"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Títulu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:909
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:911
msgctxt "FLD_EU_POS"
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Posición"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:910
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:912
msgctxt "FLD_EU_TELPRIV"
msgid "Tel. (Home)"
msgstr "Tel. (Llar)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:911
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:913
msgid "Tel. (Work)"
msgstr "Tel. (Trabayu)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:912
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:914
msgctxt "FLD_EU_FAX"
msgid "FAX"
msgstr "FAX"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:913
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:915
msgctxt "FLD_EU_EMAIL"
msgid "E-mail"
msgstr "Corréu electrónicu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:914
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:916
msgctxt "FLD_EU_STATE"
msgid "State"
msgstr "Estáu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:915
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:917
msgid "off"
msgstr "desactiváu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:916
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:918
msgctxt "FLD_PAGEREF_ON"
msgid "on"
msgstr "activáu"
@@ -4841,32 +4851,32 @@ msgstr "activáu"
#. Description: path name
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Format FileName
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:921
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:923
msgctxt "FMT_FF_NAME"
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Nome ficheru"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:922
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:924
msgid "File name without extension"
msgstr "Nome ficheru ensin estensión"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:923
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:925
msgid "Path/File name"
msgstr "Nome Camín/Ficheru"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:924
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:926
msgctxt "FMT_FF_PATH"
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Camín"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:925
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:927
msgctxt "FMT_FF_UI_NAME"
msgid "Style"
msgstr "Estilu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:926
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:928
msgctxt "FMT_FF_UI_RANGE"
msgid "Category"
msgstr "Categoría"
@@ -4874,22 +4884,22 @@ msgstr "Categoría"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: format chapter
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:930
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:932
msgid "Chapter name"
msgstr "Nome capítulu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:931
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:933
msgctxt "FMT_CHAPTER_NO"
msgid "Chapter number"
msgstr "Númberu capítulu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:932
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:934
msgid "Chapter number without separator"
msgstr "Númberu de capítulu ensin separtador"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:933
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:935
msgid "Chapter number and name"
msgstr "Númberu capítulu y nome"
@@ -4897,47 +4907,47 @@ msgstr "Númberu capítulu y nome"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: formats
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:937
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:939
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ABC"
msgid "A B C"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:938
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:940
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SABC"
msgid "a b c"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:939
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:941
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ABC_N"
msgid "A .. AA .. AAA"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:940
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:942
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SABC_N"
msgid "a .. aa .. aaa"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:941
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:943
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ROMAN"
msgid "Roman (I II III)"
msgstr "Romanu (I II III)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:942
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:944
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SROMAN"
msgid "Roman (i ii iii)"
msgstr "Romanu (i ii iii)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:943
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:945
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ARABIC"
msgid "Arabic (1 2 3)"
msgstr "Arábicu (1 2 3)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:944
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:946
msgid "As Page Style"
msgstr "Cómo Estilu Páxina"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:945
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:947
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Testu"
@@ -4945,12 +4955,12 @@ msgstr "Testu"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Author
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:949
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:951
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nome"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:950
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:952
msgid "Initials"
msgstr "Iniciales"
@@ -4958,42 +4968,42 @@ msgstr "Iniciales"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: set variable
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:954
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:956
msgctxt "FMT_SETVAR_SYS"
msgid "System"
msgstr "Sistema"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:955
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:957
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Testu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:956
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:958
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nome"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:957
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:959
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Testu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:958
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:960
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "Fórmula"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:959
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:961
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Testu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:960
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:962
msgctxt "FMT_DBFLD_DB"
msgid "Database"
msgstr "Base de datos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:961
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:963
msgctxt "FMT_DBFLD_SYS"
msgid "System"
msgstr "Sistema"
@@ -5001,17 +5011,17 @@ msgstr "Sistema"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: storage fields
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:965
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:967
msgctxt "FMT_REG_AUTHOR"
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Autor"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:966
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:968
msgctxt "FMT_REG_TIME"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Tiempu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:967
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:969
msgctxt "FMT_REG_DATE"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Fecha"
@@ -5019,67 +5029,67 @@ msgstr "Fecha"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: formats references
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:971
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:973
msgctxt "FMT_REF_TEXT"
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "Referencia"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:972
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:974
msgctxt "FMT_REF_PAGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Páxina"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:973
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:975
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr "Capítulu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:974
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:976
msgctxt "FMT_REF_UPDOWN"
msgid "Above/Below"
msgstr "Enriba/Embaxo"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:975
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:977
msgid "As Page Style"
msgstr "Cómo Estilu Páxina"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:976
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:978
msgid "Category and Number"
msgstr "Categoría y Númberos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:977
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:979
msgid "Caption Text"
msgstr "Testu del pie"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:978
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:980
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "Numberación"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:979
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:981
msgctxt "FMT_REF_NUMBER"
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Númberu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:980
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:982
msgid "Number (no context)"
msgstr "Númberu (ensin contestu)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:981
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:983
msgid "Number (full context)"
msgstr "Númberu (contestu completu)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:983
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:985
msgid "Article a/az + "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:984
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:986
msgid "Article A/Az + "
msgstr ""
@@ -5087,27 +5097,27 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: placeholder
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:988
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:990
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_TEXT"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Testu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:989
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:991
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msgid "Table"
msgstr "Tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:990
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:992
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msgid "Frame"
msgstr "Marcu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:991
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:993
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Imaxe"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:992
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:994
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_OLE"
msgid "Object"
msgstr "Oxetu"
@@ -5115,1296 +5125,1296 @@ msgstr "Oxetu"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: ExchangeStrings for Edit/NameFT
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:996
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:998
msgctxt "STR_COND"
msgid "~Condition"
msgstr "~Condición"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:997
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:999
msgctxt "STR_TEXT"
msgid "Then, Else"
msgstr "Entós, Si non"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:998
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1000
msgctxt "STR_DDE_CMD"
msgid "DDE Statement"
msgstr "Instrucción DDE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:999
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1001
msgctxt "STR_INSTEXT"
msgid "Hidden t~ext"
msgstr "Anubrir t~estu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1000
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1002
msgctxt "STR_MACNAME"
msgid "~Macro name"
msgstr "Nome ~macro"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1001
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1003
msgctxt "STR_PROMPT"
msgid "~Reference"
msgstr "~Referencia"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1002
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1004
msgid "Ch~aracters"
msgstr "C~aráuteres"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1003
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1005
msgctxt "STR_OFFSET"
msgid "O~ffset"
msgstr "S~eparación"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1004
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1006
msgctxt "STR_VALUE"
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Valor"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1005
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1007
msgctxt "STR_FORMULA"
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "Fórmula"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1006
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1008
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Personalizáu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1008
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1010
msgid "[User]"
msgstr "[Usuariu]"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1010
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1012
msgctxt "STR_HDIST"
msgid "H. Pitch"
msgstr "Dist. horizontal"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1011
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1013
msgctxt "STR_VDIST"
msgid "V. Pitch"
msgstr "Dist. vertical"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1012
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1014
msgctxt "STR_WIDTH"
msgid "Width"
msgstr "Anchor"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1013
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1015
msgctxt "STR_HEIGHT"
msgid "Height"
msgstr "Altor"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1014
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1016
msgctxt "STR_LEFT"
msgid "Left margin"
msgstr "Marxe esquierdu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1015
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1017
msgctxt "STR_UPPER"
msgid "Top margin"
msgstr "Marxe superior"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1016
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1018
msgctxt "STR_COLS"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Columnes"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1017
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1019
msgctxt "STR_ROWS"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "Fileres"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1019
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1021
msgid "The following service is not available: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1021
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1023
msgid "Word and character count. Click to open Word Count dialog."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1022
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1024
msgid "Single-page view"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1023
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1025
msgid "Multiple-page view"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1024
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1026
#, fuzzy
msgid "Book view"
msgstr "Vista previa de llibru"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1025
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1027
msgid "Page number in document. Click to open Go to Page dialog or right-click for bookmark list."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1026
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1028
msgid "Page number in document (Page number on printed document). Click to open Go to Page dialog."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1027
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1029
msgid "Page Style. Right-click to change style or click to open Style dialog."
msgstr ""
#. Strings for textual attributes.
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1030
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1032
msgctxt "STR_DROP_OVER"
msgid "Drop Caps over"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1031
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1033
msgctxt "STR_DROP_LINES"
msgid "rows"
msgstr "fileres"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1032
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1034
#, fuzzy
msgid "No Drop Caps"
msgstr "Quitar mayúscules"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1033
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1035
#, fuzzy
msgid "No page break"
msgstr "saltu de páxina"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1034
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1036
msgctxt "STR_NO_MIRROR"
msgid "Don't mirror"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1035
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1037
#, fuzzy
msgid "Flip vertically"
msgstr "Reflexar verticalmente"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1036
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1038
#, fuzzy
msgid "Flip horizontal"
msgstr "Reflexar %1 horizontalmente"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1037
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1039
msgid "Horizontal and Vertical Flip"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1038
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1040
msgid "+ mirror horizontal on even pages"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1039
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1041
msgctxt "STR_CHARFMT"
msgid "Character Style"
msgstr "Estilu de caráuter"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1040
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1042
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_NO_CHARFMT"
msgid "No Character Style"
msgstr "Estilu de caráuter"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1041
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1043
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FOOTER"
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "Pie"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1042
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1044
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_NO_FOOTER"
msgid "No footer"
msgstr "Dir al pie de páxina"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1043
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1045
msgctxt "STR_HEADER"
msgid "Header"
msgstr "Testera"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1044
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1046
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_NO_HEADER"
msgid "No header"
msgstr "Dir a la testera"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1045
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1047
msgid "Optimal wrap"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1046
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1048
#, fuzzy
msgid "No wrap"
msgstr "~Ensin axuste"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1047
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1049
msgid "Through"
msgstr "Continuu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1048
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1050
#, fuzzy
msgid "Parallel wrap"
msgstr "Paralelogramu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1049
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1051
msgid "Left wrap"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1050
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1052
msgid "Right wrap"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1051
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1053
msgid "(Anchor only)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1052
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1054
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FRM_WIDTH"
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "Anchor"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1053
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1055
msgid "Fixed height:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1054
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1056
msgid "Min. height:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1055
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1057
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AT_PARA"
msgid "to paragraph"
msgstr "A párra_fu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1056
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1058
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AS_CHAR"
msgid "to character"
msgstr "Al ca_ráuter"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1057
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1059
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AT_PAGE"
msgid "to page"
msgstr "A _páxina"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1058
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1060
msgctxt "STR_POS_X"
msgid "X Coordinate:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1059
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1061
msgctxt "STR_POS_Y"
msgid "Y Coordinate:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1060
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1062
msgctxt "STR_VERT_TOP"
msgid "at top"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1061
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1063
msgid "Centered vertically"
msgstr "Centráu en vertical"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1062
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1064
#, fuzzy
msgid "at bottom"
msgstr "P'abaxo"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1063
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1065
msgctxt "STR_LINE_TOP"
msgid "Top of line"
msgstr "Llinia superior"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1064
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1066
#, fuzzy
msgid "Line centered"
msgstr "Centru izquierda"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1065
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1067
msgid "Bottom of line"
msgstr "Cabero de llinia"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1066
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1068
#, fuzzy
msgid "Register-true"
msgstr "Conformidá rexistru"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1067
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1069
msgid "Not register-true"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1068
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1070
msgctxt "STR_HORI_RIGHT"
msgid "at the right"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1069
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1071
msgid "Centered horizontally"
msgstr "Centráu n'horizontal"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1070
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1072
msgctxt "STR_HORI_LEFT"
msgid "at the left"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1071
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1073
#, fuzzy
msgid "inside"
msgstr "Adientro"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1072
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1074
#, fuzzy
msgid "outside"
msgstr "Afuera"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1073
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1075
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_HORI_FULL"
msgid "Full width"
msgstr "Anc_hor completu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1074
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1076
msgctxt "STR_COLUMNS"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Columnes"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1075
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1077
msgctxt "STR_LINE_WIDTH"
msgid "Separator Width:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1076
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1078
msgid "Max. footnote area:"
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1079
#, fuzzy
msgid "Editable in read-only document"
msgstr "E_ditable en documentos de namái llectura"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1078
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1080
msgid "Split"
msgstr "Dixebrar"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1079
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1081
msgctxt "STR_NUMRULE_ON"
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "Numberación"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1080
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1082
#, fuzzy
msgid "no numbering"
msgstr "Amosar numberación"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1081
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1083
msgctxt "STR_CONNECT1"
msgid "linked to "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1082
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1084
msgctxt "STR_CONNECT2"
msgid "and "
msgstr "y "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1083
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1085
msgid "Count lines"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1084
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1086
msgid "don't count lines"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1085
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1087
msgid "restart line count with: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1086
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1088
#, fuzzy
msgid "Brightness: "
msgstr "Rellumu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1087
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1089
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_CHANNELR"
msgid "Red: "
msgstr "Restaurar "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1088
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1090
msgctxt "STR_CHANNELG"
msgid "Green: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1089
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1091
msgctxt "STR_CHANNELB"
msgid "Blue: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1090
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1092
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_CONTRAST"
msgid "Contrast: "
msgstr "Contraste"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1091
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1093
msgctxt "STR_GAMMA"
msgid "Gamma: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1092
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1094
#, fuzzy
msgid "Transparency: "
msgstr "Tresparencia"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1093
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1095
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_INVERT"
msgid "Invert"
msgstr "Inxertar"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1094
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1096
msgctxt "STR_INVERT_NOT"
msgid "do not invert"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1095
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1097
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_DRAWMODE"
msgid "Graphics mode: "
msgstr "Mou gráficos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1096
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1098
#, fuzzy
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "E_stándar"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1097
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1099
#, fuzzy
msgid "Grayscales"
msgstr "Escala de buxos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1098
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1100
#, fuzzy
msgid "Black & White"
msgstr "Blancu y prietu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1099
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1101
msgid "Watermark"
msgstr "Marca d'agua"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1100
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1102
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_ROTATION"
msgid "Rotation"
msgstr "Encomilláu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1101
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1103
msgctxt "STR_GRID_NONE"
msgid "No grid"
msgstr "Ensin cuadrícula"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1102
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1104
msgid "Grid (lines only)"
msgstr "Cuadrícula (sólo llinies)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1103
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1105
msgid "Grid (lines and characters)"
msgstr "Cuadrícula (llinies y caráuteres)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1104
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1106
msgid "Follow text flow"
msgstr "Siguir el fluxu del testu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1105
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1107
msgid "Do not follow text flow"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1106
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1108
msgid "Merge borders"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1107
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1109
msgid "Do not merge borders"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1109
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1111
msgctxt "ST_TBL"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1110
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1112
msgctxt "ST_FRM"
msgid "Text Frame"
msgstr "Marcu testu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1111
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1113
msgctxt "ST_PGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Páxina"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1112
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1114
msgctxt "ST_DRW"
msgid "Drawing"
msgstr "Dibuxu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1113
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1115
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_CTRL"
msgid "Control"
msgstr "Control"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1114
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1116
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_REG"
msgid "Section"
msgstr "Estaya"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1115
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1117
msgctxt "ST_BKM"
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr "Marcador"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1116
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1118
msgctxt "ST_GRF"
msgid "Graphics"
msgstr "Gráficos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1117
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1119
msgctxt "ST_OLE"
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "Oxetu OLE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1118
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1120
msgctxt "ST_OUTL"
msgid "Headings"
msgstr "Testeres"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1119
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1121
msgctxt "ST_SEL"
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "Seleición"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1120
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1122
msgctxt "ST_FTN"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr "Nota al pie"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1121
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1123
msgctxt "ST_MARK"
msgid "Reminder"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1122
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1124
msgctxt "ST_POSTIT"
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Comentariu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1123
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1125
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_SRCH_REP"
msgid "Repeat search"
msgstr "Repitir la Gueta"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1124
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1126
msgctxt "ST_INDEX_ENTRY"
msgid "Index entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1125
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1127
msgid "Table formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1126
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1128
msgid "Wrong table formula"
msgstr ""
#. Strings for the quickhelp of the View-PgUp/Down-Buttons
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1128
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1130
msgid "Next table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1129
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1131
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next text frame"
msgstr "Inxertar marcu de testu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1130
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1132
msgid "Next page"
msgstr "Próxima páxina"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1131
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1133
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next drawing"
msgstr "Ensin encabezamientu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1132
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1134
msgid "Next control"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1133
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1135
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next section"
msgstr "Seición nueva"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1134
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1136
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next bookmark"
msgstr "Dir al siguiente marcador"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1135
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1137
msgid "Next graphic"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1136
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1138
msgid "Next OLE object"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1137
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1139
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next heading"
msgstr "Ensin encabezamientu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1138
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1140
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next selection"
msgstr "Seición nueva"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1139
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1141
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next footnote"
msgstr "Dir a la nota al pie siguiente"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1140
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1142
msgid "Next Reminder"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1141
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1143
msgid "Next Comment"
msgstr "Comentariu Siguiente"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1142
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1144
msgid "Continue search forward"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1143
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1145
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next index entry"
msgstr "Inxertar entrada d'índiz"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1144
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1146
#, fuzzy
msgid "Previous table"
msgstr "Páxina anterior"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1145
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1147
msgid "Previous text frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1146
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1148
msgid "Previous page"
msgstr "Páxina anterior"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1147
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1149
msgid "Previous drawing"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1148
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1150
msgid "Previous control"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1149
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1151
#, fuzzy
msgid "Previous section"
msgstr "Seición anterior"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1150
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1152
#, fuzzy
msgid "Previous bookmark"
msgstr "Dir a la marca anterior"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1151
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1153
msgid "Previous graphic"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1152
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1154
msgid "Previous OLE object"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1153
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1155
msgid "Previous heading"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1154
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1156
msgid "Previous selection"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1155
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1157
#, fuzzy
msgid "Previous footnote"
msgstr "Dir a la nota al pie anterior"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1156
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1158
msgid "Previous Reminder"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1157
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1159
msgid "Previous Comment"
msgstr "Comentariu Anterior"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1158
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1160
msgid "Continue search backwards"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1159
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1161
msgid "Previous index entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1160
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1162
#, fuzzy
msgid "Previous table formula"
msgstr "Dir a la fórmula anterior"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1161
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1163
msgid "Next table formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1162
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1164
#, fuzzy
msgid "Previous faulty table formula"
msgstr "Dir a l'anterior fórmula incorreuta"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1163
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1165
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next faulty table formula"
msgstr "Dir a la siguiente fórmula incorreuta"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1165
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1167
#, fuzzy
msgid "Inserted"
msgstr "Inxertar"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1166
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1168
#, fuzzy
msgid "Deleted"
msgstr "Desaniciar"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1167
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1169
msgid "Formatted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1168
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1170
#, fuzzy
msgid "Table changed"
msgstr "Camudamientu de tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1169
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1171
msgid "Applied Paragraph Styles"
msgstr "Estilos de párrafu aplicaos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1170
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1172
msgid "Paragraph formatting changed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1171
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1173
#, fuzzy
msgid "Row Inserted"
msgstr "Filera inxertada "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1172
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1174
#, fuzzy
msgid "Row Deleted"
msgstr "Fierla desaniciada"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1173
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1175
msgid "Cell Inserted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1174
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1176
msgid "Cell Deleted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1175
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1177
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_ENDNOTE"
msgid "Endnote: "
msgstr "Nota final"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1176
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1178
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FTNNOTE"
msgid "Footnote: "
msgstr "Nota al pie"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1177
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1179
#, c-format
msgid "%s-click to open Smart Tag menu"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1178
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1180
msgid "Header (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1179
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1181
msgid "First Page Header (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1180
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1182
msgid "Left Page Header (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1181
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1183
msgid "Right Page Header (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1182
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1184
msgid "Footer (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1183
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1185
msgid "First Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1184
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1186
msgid "Left Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1185
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1187
msgid "Right Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1186
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1188
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete Header..."
msgstr "Desaniciar ~capa..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1187
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1189
#, fuzzy
msgid "Format Header..."
msgstr "~Formatu de páxina..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1188
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1190
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete Footer..."
msgstr "¿Desaniciar el pie de páxina?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1189
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1191
#, fuzzy
msgid "Format Footer..."
msgstr "Formatu del suelu..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1191
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1193
msgid "Image file cannot be opened"
msgstr "El ficheru d'imaxe nun pue abrise"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1192
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1194
msgid "Image file cannot be read"
msgstr "El ficheru d'imaxe nun pue lleese"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1193
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1195
msgid "Unknown image format"
msgstr "Formatu d'imaxe desconocíu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1194
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1196
#, fuzzy
msgid "This image file version is not supported"
msgstr "Esta versión del ficheru d'imaxe nun tien encontu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1195
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1197
msgid "Image filter not found"
msgstr "El filtru d'imaxe nun s'alcontró"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1196
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1198
#, fuzzy
msgid "Not enough memory to insert the image."
msgstr "Nun hai memoria bastante pa inxertar la imaxe."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1197
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1199
msgid "Insert Image"
msgstr "Inxertar una imaxe"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1198
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1200
msgid "Comment: "
msgstr "Comentariu: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1199
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1201
msgid "Insertion"
msgstr "Inxerción"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1200
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1202
msgid "Deletion"
msgstr "Desaniciu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1201
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1203
msgid "AutoCorrect"
msgstr "AutoCorreición"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1202
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1204
msgid "Formats"
msgstr "Formatos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1203
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1205
msgid "Table Changes"
msgstr "Camudamientu de tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1204
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1206
msgid "Applied Paragraph Styles"
msgstr "Estilos de párrafu aplicaos"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1205
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1207
msgctxt "STR_PAGE"
msgid "Page "
msgstr "Páxina "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1206
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1208
msgctxt "STR_PAGE_COUNT"
msgid "Page %1 of %2"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1207
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1209
msgid "Page %1 of %2 (Page %3)"
msgstr ""
#. Strings for gallery/background
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1209
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1211
msgid "Paragraph"
msgstr "Párrafu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1210
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1212
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Imaxe"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1211
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1213
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_OLE"
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "Oxetu OLE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1212
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1214
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_FRAME"
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "Marcu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1213
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1215
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1214
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1216
msgid "Table row"
msgstr "Filera de tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1215
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1217
msgid "Table cell"
msgstr "Caxella de la tabla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1216
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1218
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_PAGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Páxina"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1217
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1219
msgid "Header"
msgstr "Testera"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1218
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1220
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "Pie"
#. End: strings for gallery/background
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1221
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1223
msgid "HTML"
msgstr "HTML"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1222
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1224
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1224
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1226
msgctxt "STR_TITLE"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Títulu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1225
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1227
msgctxt "STR_ALPHA"
msgid "Separator"
msgstr "Separtador"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1226
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1228
msgctxt "STR_LEVEL"
msgid "Level "
msgstr "Nivel "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1227
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1229
msgid "The file, \"%1\" in the \"%2\" path could not be found."
msgstr "Nun pudo atopase'l ficheru «%1» nel camín «%2»."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1228
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1230
msgid "User-Defined Index"
msgstr "Indiz Definíu pol Usuariu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1229
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1231
msgid "<None>"
msgstr "<Nengún>"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1230
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1232
msgid "<None>"
msgstr "<Nengún>"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1231
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1233
msgctxt "STR_DELIM"
msgid "S"
msgstr "S"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1232
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1234
msgid "E#"
msgstr "E#"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1233
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1235
msgid "E"
msgstr "E"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1234
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1236
msgid "T"
msgstr "T"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1235
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1237
msgid "#"
msgstr "#"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1236
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1238
msgid "CI"
msgstr "CI"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1237
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1239
msgid "LS"
msgstr "LS"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1238
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1240
msgid "LE"
msgstr "LE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1239
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1241
msgid "A"
msgstr "A"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1240
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1242
msgid "Chapter number"
msgstr "Númberu capítulu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1241
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1243
msgid "Entry"
msgstr "Entrada"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1242
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1244
msgid "Tab stop"
msgstr "Tabulador parada"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1243
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1245
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Testu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1244
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1246
msgid "Page number"
msgstr "Númberu páxina"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1245
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1247
msgid "Chapter info"
msgstr "Información capítulu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1246
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1248
msgid "Hyperlink start"
msgstr "Aniciar enllaz"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1247
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1249
msgid "Hyperlink end"
msgstr "Fin d'enllaz"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1248
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1250
msgid "Bibliography entry: "
msgstr "Entrada bibliográfica: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1249
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1251
msgid "Character Style: "
msgstr "Estilu de caráuter: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1250
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1252
msgid "Structure text"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1251
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1253
msgid "Press Ctrl+Alt+A to move focus for more operations"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1252
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1254
msgid "Press left or right arrow to choose the structure controls"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1253
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1255
msgid "Press Ctrl+Alt+B to move focus back to the current structure control"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1254
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1256
msgid "Selection file for the alphabetical index (*.sdi)"
msgstr "Seleición de ficheru pal indiz alfabéticu (*.sdi)"
@@ -6412,248 +6422,248 @@ msgstr "Seleición de ficheru pal indiz alfabéticu (*.sdi)"
#. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: character alignment for frmsh.cxx - context menu
#. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1259
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1261
msgid "Base line at ~top"
msgstr "Llinia base no cime~ro"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1260
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1262
msgid "~Base line at bottom"
msgstr "Llinia base no ca~bero"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1261
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1263
msgid "Base line ~centered"
msgstr "Llinia base ~centrada"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1262
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1264
msgid "Insert object"
msgstr "Inxertar oxetu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1263
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1265
msgid "Edit object"
msgstr "Editar oxetu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1264
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1266
msgid " (Template: "
msgstr " (Plantilla: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1265
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1267
msgid "Borders"
msgstr "Bordes"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1266
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1268
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Fondu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1268
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1270
msgid "(Paragraph Style: "
msgstr "(Estilu Párrafu: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1269
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1271
#, fuzzy
msgid "Page numbers cannot be applied to the current page. Even numbers can be used on left pages, odd numbers on right pages."
msgstr "Los númberos de páxina nun se puen aplicar na páxina actual. Los númberos pares se puen aplicar nes páxines izquierdes, los impares en páxines dereches."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1271
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1273
msgid "Master Document"
msgstr "Documentu maestru"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1272
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1274
msgstr "Documentu maestru de %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1274
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1276
msgid "A file connection will delete the contents of the current section. Connect anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1275
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1277
msgid "The password entered is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1276
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1278
msgid "The password has not been set."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1278
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1280
msgctxt "STR_HYP_OK"
msgid "Hyphenation completed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1279
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1281
msgid "None (Do not check spelling)"
msgstr "Dengún (Nun igua la ortografía)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1280
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1282
msgid "Reset to Default Language"
msgstr "Restablecer a la llingua predeterminada"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1281
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1283
msgid "More..."
msgstr "Más..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1282
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1284
msgid "~Ignore"
msgstr "~Inorar"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1283
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1285
msgid "Explanations..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1285
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1287
msgid "Check special regions is deactivated. Check anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1286
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1288
msgid "Could not merge documents."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1287
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1289
msgid "The source cannot be loaded."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1288
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1290
msgctxt "STR_ERR_NO_FAX"
msgid "No fax printer has been set under Tools/Options/%1/Print."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1289
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1291
msgid "HTML document"
msgstr "Documentu HTML"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1290
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1292
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text document"
msgstr "Por documentu"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1291
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1293
msgid "Source not specified."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1292
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1294
msgctxt "STR_NUM_LEVEL"
msgid "Level "
msgstr "Nivel "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1293
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1295
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outline "
msgstr "Esquema"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1294
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1296
#, fuzzy
msgid "Edit Footnote/Endnote"
msgstr "Inxertar nota al pie/nota final"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1295
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1297
#, fuzzy
msgid "Search key replaced XX times."
msgstr "La clave de busca sustituyó XX vegaes"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1296
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1298
#, fuzzy
msgid "Row "
msgstr "Fileres"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1297
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1299
#, fuzzy
msgid "Column "
msgstr "Columna"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1298
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1300
msgctxt "STR_SAVEAS_SRC"
msgid "~Export source..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1299
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1301
msgid "~Export copy of source..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1301
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1303
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_CONTINUE"
msgid "~Continue"
msgstr "Siguir"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1302
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1304
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_TASK"
msgid "Task"
msgstr "Xeres"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1303
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1305
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_STATUS"
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Estáu:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1304
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1306
msgctxt "ST_SENDINGTO"
msgid "Sending to: %1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1305
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1307
msgctxt "ST_COMPLETED"
msgid "Successfully sent"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1306
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1308
msgctxt "ST_FAILED"
msgid "Sending failed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1308
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1310
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1310
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1312
msgid "Text formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1312
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1314
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_MENU_ZOOM"
msgid "~Zoom"
msgstr "Ampliación"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1313
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1315
msgctxt "STR_MENU_UP"
msgid "~Upwards"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1314
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1316
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_MENU_DOWN"
msgid "Do~wnwards"
@@ -6662,7 +6672,7 @@ msgstr "P'abaxo"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Classification strings
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1320
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1322
msgid "Document classification has changed because a paragraph classification level is higher"
msgstr ""
@@ -6670,33 +6680,33 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Paragraph Signature
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1325
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1327
msgctxt "STR_VALID"
msgid " Valid "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1326
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1328
msgctxt "STR_INVALID"
msgid "Invalid"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1327
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1329
msgid "Invalid Signature"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1328
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1330
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_SIGNED_BY"
msgid "Signed-by"
msgstr "Firmáu por "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1329
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1331
msgid "Paragraph Signature"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1331
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1333
msgctxt "labeldialog|cards"
msgid "Business Cards"
msgstr "Tarxetes d'empresa"
@@ -10412,32 +10422,42 @@ msgctxt "insertautotextdialog|label1"
msgid "Autotexts for Shortcut "
msgstr "TestosAuto pal atayu "
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:8
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:9
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "insertbookmark|InsertBookmarkDialog"
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr "Marcadores"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:40
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:35
msgctxt "insertbookmark|insert"
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Inxertar"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:122
-msgctxt "insertbookmark|rename"
-msgid "Rename"
-msgstr "Renomar"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:58
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|hide"
+msgid "H_ide"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:135
-msgctxt "insertbookmark|delete"
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "Desaniciar"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:80
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|condlabel"
+msgid "_With condition"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:148
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:130
msgctxt "insertbookmark|goto"
msgid "Go to"
msgstr ""
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:144
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|delete"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Desaniciar"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:158
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|rename"
+msgid "Rename"
+msgstr "Renomar"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbreak.ui:14
msgctxt "insertbreak|BreakDialog"
msgid "Insert Break"
@@ -13391,8 +13411,8 @@ msgstr "Nivel d'esquema:"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/numparapage.ui:67
msgctxt "numparapage|comboLB_OUTLINE_LEVEL"
-msgid "Body text"
-msgstr "Cuerpu de testu"
+msgid "Text Body"
+msgstr ""
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/numparapage.ui:68
msgctxt "numparapage|comboLB_OUTLINE_LEVEL"
@@ -13865,81 +13885,86 @@ msgstr "Sal_tos"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:134
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddentext"
-msgid "Hidden text"
-msgstr "Testu anubríu"
+msgid "Hidden characters"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:149
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:216
+msgctxt "optformataidspage|displayfl"
+msgid "Display formatting"
+msgstr ""
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:249
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddentextfield"
-msgid "Fields: Hidden te_xt"
-msgstr "Campos: Testu ta_pecíu"
+msgid "Hidden te_xt"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:164
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:264
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddenparafield"
-msgid "Fields: Hidden p_aragraphs"
-msgstr "Campos: párr_afos tapecíos"
+msgid "Hidden p_aragraphs"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:252
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:285
msgctxt "optformataidspage|displayfl"
-msgid "Display of"
-msgstr "Amosar"
+msgid "Display fields"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:284
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:317
msgctxt "optformataidspage|mathbaseline"
msgid "Math baseline alignment"
msgstr "Alliniamientu de la llinia base de Math"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:305
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:338
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "optformataidspage|layoutopt"
msgid "Layout Assistance"
msgstr "Asistencia pal diseñu"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:349
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:382
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursoronoff"
msgid "_Direct cursor"
msgstr "Punteru _direutu"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:366
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:399
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillmode"
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Inxertar"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:388
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:421
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillmargin"
msgid "Para_graph alignment"
msgstr "Alliniación del párra_fu"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:404
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:437
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillindent"
msgid "_Left paragraph margin"
msgstr "Marxe _izquierda del párrafu"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:420
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:453
msgctxt "optformataidspage|filltab"
msgid "_Tabs"
msgstr "_Tabuladores"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:436
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:469
msgctxt "optformataidspage|filltabandspace"
msgid "Tabs a_nd spaces"
msgstr "Tabuladores _y espacios"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:452
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:485
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillspace"
msgid "_Spaces"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:482
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:515
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursorlabel"
msgid "Direct Cursor"
msgstr "Punteru direutu"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:514
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:547
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursorinprot"
msgid "Enable cursor"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:535
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:568
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursoropt"
msgid "Protected Areas"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/ast/vcl/messages.po b/source/ast/vcl/messages.po
index 1b54eb010da..750ae78bbd3 100644
--- a/source/ast/vcl/messages.po
+++ b/source/ast/vcl/messages.po
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-#. extracted from vcl/inc
+#. extracted from vcl/inc/font
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-08 15:10+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -13,6 +13,391 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:25
+msgid "Access All Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:26
+msgid "Alternative (Vertical) Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:27
+msgid "Ancient Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:28
+msgid "Capitals to Petite Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:29
+msgid "Capitals to Small Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:30
+msgid "Contextual Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:31
+msgid "Case-Sensitive Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:32
+msgid "Contextual Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:33
+msgid "Centered CJK Punctuation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:34
+msgid "Capital Spacing"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:35
+msgid "Contextual Swash"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:36
+msgid "Character Variant %1"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:37
+msgid "Drop Caps"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:38
+msgid "Discretionary Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:39
+msgid "Denominators"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:40
+msgid "Diphthongs (Obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:41
+msgid "Expert Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:42
+msgid "Final Glyph on Line Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:43
+msgid "DIagonal Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:44
+msgid "Diagonal Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:45
+msgid "Nut Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:46
+msgid "Full Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:47
+msgid "Alternate Half Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:48
+msgid "Historical Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:49
+msgid "Horizontal Kana Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:50
+msgid "Historical Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:51
+msgid "Hanja to Hangul (Obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:52
+msgid "Hojo Kanji Forms (JIS X 0212-1990 Kanji Forms)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:53
+msgid "Half Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:54
+msgid "Italics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:55
+msgid "Justification Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:56
+msgid "JIS2004 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:57
+msgid "JIS78 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:58
+msgid "JIS83 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:59
+msgid "JIS90 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:60
+msgid "Horizontal Kerning"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:61
+msgid "Left Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:62
+msgid "Standard Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:63
+msgid "Lining Figures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:64
+msgid "Mathematical Greek"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:65
+msgid "Alternate Annotation Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:66
+msgid "NLC Kanji Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:67
+msgid "Numerators"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:68
+msgid "Oldstyle Figures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:69
+msgid "Optical Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:70
+msgid "Ordinals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:71
+msgid "Ornaments"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:72
+msgid "Proportional Alternate Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:73
+msgid "Lowercase to Petite Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:74
+msgid "Proportional Kana"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:75
+msgid "Proportional Numbers"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:76
+msgid "Proportional Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:77
+msgid "Quarter Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:78
+msgid "Right Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:79
+msgid "Ruby Notation Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:80
+msgid "Stylistic Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:81
+msgid "Scientific Inferiors"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:82
+msgid "Lowercase to Small Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:83
+msgid "Simplified Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:84
+msgid "Stylistic Set %1"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:85
+msgid "Subscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:86
+msgid "Superscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:87
+msgid "Swash"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:88
+msgid "Titling"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:89
+msgid "Traditional Name Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:90
+msgid "Tabular Numbers"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:91
+msgid "Traditional Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:92
+msgid "Third Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:93
+msgid "Unicase"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:94
+msgid "Alternate Vertical Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:95
+msgid "Alternate Vertical Half Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:96
+msgid "Vertical Kana Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:97
+msgid "Vertical Kerning"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:98
+msgid "Proportional Alternate Vertical Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:99
+msgid "Vertical Alternates and Rotation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:100
+msgid "Vertical Alternates for Rotation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:101
+msgid "Slashed Zero"
+msgstr ""
#. To translators: This is the first entry of a sequence of paper size names
#: vcl/inc/print.hrc:28
diff --git a/source/az/cui/messages.po b/source/az/cui/messages.po
index 759653acd46..c366d7b74ce 100644
--- a/source/az/cui/messages.po
+++ b/source/az/cui/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -3492,7 +3492,7 @@ msgctxt "certdialog|label1"
msgid "Certificate Path"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:46
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:45
msgctxt "charnamepage|westlangft-nocjk"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr ""
@@ -3502,52 +3502,72 @@ msgctxt "charnamepage|westsizeft-nocjk"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Ölçü:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:257
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:196
+msgctxt "charnamepage|west_features_button-nocjk"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:268
msgctxt "charnamepage|westsizeft-cjk"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Ölçü:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:272
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:283
msgctxt "charnamepage|westlangft-cjk"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:346
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:352
+msgctxt "charnamepage|west_features_button-cjk"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:373
msgctxt "charnamepage|label4"
msgid "Western Text Font"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:415
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:441
msgctxt "charnamepage|eastsizeft"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Ölçü:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:430
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:456
msgctxt "charnamepage|eastlangft"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:503
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:524
+msgctxt "charnamepage|east_features_button"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:545
msgctxt "charnamepage|label5"
msgid "Asian Text Font"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:572
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:613
msgctxt "charnamepage|ctlsizeft"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Ölçü:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:587
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:628
msgctxt "charnamepage|ctllangft"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:661
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:697
+msgctxt "charnamepage|ctl_features_button"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:718
msgctxt "charnamepage|label6"
msgid "CTL Font"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:688
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:745
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|preview-atkobject"
msgid "Preview"
@@ -5092,6 +5112,16 @@ msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|flState"
msgid "State"
msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/fontfeaturesdialog.ui:9
+msgctxt "newtabledialog|NewTableDialog"
+msgid "Font Features"
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/fontfeaturesdialog.ui:149
+msgctxt "fontfeaturesdialog|preview-atkobject"
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr ""
#: cui/uiconfig/ui/formatcellsdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "formatcellsdialog|FormatCellsDialog"
msgid "Table Properties"
@@ -7878,85 +7908,90 @@ msgctxt "optfontspage|label1"
msgid "Font Settings for HTML, Basic and SQL Sources"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:31
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:35
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|exthelp"
msgid "_Extended tips"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:46
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:50
+msgctxt "optgeneralpage|popupnohelp"
+msgid "Show \"No offline help installed\" popup"
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:70
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label1"
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Yardım"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:76
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:100
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|filedlg"
msgid "_Use %PRODUCTNAME dialogs"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Dialoqları"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:110
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:134
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label2"
msgid "Open/Save Dialogs"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:136
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:160
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|printdlg"
msgid "Use %PRODUCTNAME _dialogs"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Dialoqları"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:151
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:175
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label3"
msgid "Print Dialogs"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:177
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:201
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|docstatus"
msgid "_Printing sets \"document modified\" status"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:192
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:216
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label4"
msgid "Document Status"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:225
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:249
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label6"
msgid "_Interpret as years between "
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:250
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:274
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|toyear"
msgid "and "
msgstr "və"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:265
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:289
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label5"
msgid "Year (Two Digits)"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:291
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:315
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|collectusageinfo"
msgid "Collect usage data and send it to The Document Foundation"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:306
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:330
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label7"
msgid "Help Improve %PRODUCTNAME"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:337
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:361
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|quicklaunch"
msgid "Load %PRODUCTNAME during system start-up"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:352
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:376
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|systray"
msgid "Enable systray Quickstarter"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:373
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:397
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label8"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Quickstarter"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/az/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po b/source/az/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
index f35c6a68ebe..266a759db97 100644
--- a/source/az/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
+++ b/source/az/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:05+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-12-01 11:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -3825,15 +3825,6 @@ msgstr ""
#: CalcCommands.xcu
msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Data"
-msgstr ""
-#: CalcCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
@@ -22581,6 +22572,15 @@ msgstr "Daxil et"
#: GenericCommands.xcu
msgctxt ""
+msgid "~Data"
+msgstr ""
+#: GenericCommands.xcu
+msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/az/sc/messages.po b/source/az/sc/messages.po
index 76ec04280dd..894150d6241 100644
--- a/source/az/sc/messages.po
+++ b/source/az/sc/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -13667,37 +13667,42 @@ msgid "~Value"
msgstr "Dәyәr"
#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:68
+msgid "~Formula"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:69
msgid "~Source"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:69
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:70
msgid "~Entries"
msgstr ""
#. for dialogues:
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:71
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:72
msgid "System"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:72
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:73
msgid "Standard;Text;Date (DMY);Date (MDY);Date (YMD);US English;Hide"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:73
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:74
msgid "Tab"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:74
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:75
msgid "space"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:75
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:76
msgid ""
"%PRODUCTNAME Calc found an error in the formula entered.\n"
@@ -13705,1212 +13710,1317 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:76
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:77
msgid "Image Filter"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:77
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:78
msgid "Text"
msgstr ""
#. Select tables dialog title
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:79
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:80
msgid "Select Sheets"
msgstr ""
#. Select tables dialog listbox
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:81
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:82
msgid "~Selected sheets"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:82
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:83
msgid "Ruler"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:83
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:84
msgid "This ruler manages objects at fixed positions."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:84
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:85
#, fuzzy
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Öncəbaxış"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:85
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:86
msgid "This sheet shows how the data will be arranged in the document."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:86
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:87
msgctxt "STR_ACC_DOC_NAME"
msgid "Document view"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:87
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:88
msgid "Sheet %1"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:88
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:89
msgid "Cell %1"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:89
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:90
msgid "Left area"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:90
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:91
msgid "Page preview"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:91
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:92
msgid "Center area"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:92
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:93
msgid "Right area"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:93
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:94
msgid "Header of page %1"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:94
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:95
msgid "Footer of page %1"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:95
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:96
msgid "Input line"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:96
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:97
msgid "This is where you enter or edit text, numbers and formulas."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:97
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:98
msgid "Media Playback"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:98
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:99
msgid "Mouse button pressed"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:99
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:100
msgid "Formula Tool Bar"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:100
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:101
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Spreadsheets"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:101
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:102
msgid "(read-only)"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:102
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:103
msgid "(Preview mode)"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:103
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:104
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Səhifələr"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:104
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:105
msgid "~Suppress output of empty pages"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:105
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:106
msgid "Print content"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:106
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:107
msgid "~All sheets"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:107
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:108
msgid "~Selected sheets"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:108
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:109
msgid "Selected cells"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:109
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:110
msgid "From which print"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:110
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:111
#, fuzzy
msgid "All ~pages"
msgstr "Bütün ~Sәhifәlәr"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:111
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:112
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pa~ges"
msgstr "Sә~hifәlәr"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:112
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:113
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:113
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:114
msgid "Warn me about this in the future."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:114
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:115
msgid "The following DDE source could not be updated possibly because the source document was not open. Please launch the source document and try again."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:115
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:116
msgid "The following external file could not be loaded. Data linked from this file did not get updated."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:116
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:117
msgid "Updating external links."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:117
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:118
msgid "Calc A1"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:118
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:119
msgid "Excel A1"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:119
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:120
msgid "Excel R1C1"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:120
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:121
msgid "Range contains column la~bels"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:121
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:122
msgid "Range contains ~row labels"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:122
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:123
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SCSTR_VALERR"
msgid "Invalid value"
msgstr "Etibarsız Ad"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:123
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:124
msgid "No formula specified."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:124
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:125
msgctxt "STR_NOCOLROW"
msgid "Neither row or column specified."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:125
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:126
msgid "Undefined name or range."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:126
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:127
msgid "Undefined name or wrong cell reference."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:127
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:128
msgid "Formulas don't form a column."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:128
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:129
msgid "Formulas don't form a row."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:129
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:130
msgid "Add AutoFormat"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:130
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:131
msgid "Rename AutoFormat"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:131
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:132
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:132
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:133
msgid "Delete AutoFormat"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:133
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:134
msgid "Do you really want to delete the # AutoFormat?"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:134
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:135
#, fuzzy
msgid "~Close"
msgstr "Qapat"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:135
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:136
msgctxt "STR_JAN"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:136
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:137
msgctxt "STR_FEB"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:137
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:138
msgctxt "STR_MAR"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:138
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:139
msgctxt "STR_NORTH"
msgid "North"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:139
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:140
msgctxt "STR_MID"
msgid "Mid"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:140
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:141
msgctxt "STR_SOUTH"
msgid "South"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:141
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:142
msgctxt "STR_SUM"
msgid "Total"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:142
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:143
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_SHEET"
msgid "Sheet"
msgstr "Cədvəllər"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:143
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:144
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_CELL"
msgid "Cell"
msgstr "Hücrələr"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:144
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:145
msgctxt "STR_CONTENT"
msgid "Content"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:145
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:146
msgid "Page Anchor"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:146
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:147
msgid "Cell Anchor"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:147
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:148
msgid "Condition "
msgstr ""
#. content description strings are also use d in ScLinkTargetsObj
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:150
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:151
#, fuzzy
msgid "Contents"
msgstr "Şərhlər"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:151
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:152
msgid "Sheets"
msgstr "Cədvəllər"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:152
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:153
msgid "Range names"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:153
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:154
msgid "Database ranges"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:154
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:155
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Şəkillər"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:155
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:156
#, fuzzy
msgid "OLE objects"
msgstr "OLE Obyektləri"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:156
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:157
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Şərhlər"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:157
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:158
msgid "Linked areas"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:158
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:159
msgid "Drawing objects"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:159
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:160
msgid "Drag Mode"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:160
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:161
msgid "Display"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:161
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:162
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SCSTR_ACTIVE"
msgid "active"
msgstr "Fəal"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:162
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:163
msgid "inactive"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:163
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:164
msgctxt "SCSTR_HIDDEN"
msgid "hidden"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:164
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:165
msgid "Active Window"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:165
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:166
msgid "Scenario Name"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:166
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:167
#, fuzzy
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Şərhlər"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:168
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:169
msgid "Sort Ascending"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:169
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:170
msgid "Sort Descending"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:170
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:171
msgid "Custom Sort"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:171
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:172
msgid "All"
msgstr "Hamısı"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:172
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:173
msgid "Show only the current item."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:173
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:174
msgid "Hide only the current item."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:174
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:175
msgid "Search items..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:176
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:177
msgid "Name Box"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:177
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:178
msgid "Input line"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:178
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:179
msgid "Function Wizard"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:179
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:180
msgid "Accept"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:180
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:181
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Xərçəng"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:181
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:182
msgid "Sum"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:182
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:183
msgid "Formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:183
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:184
msgid "Expand Formula Bar"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:184
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:185
msgid "Collapse Formula Bar"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:186
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:187
msgid "Conflict"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:187
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:188
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Müəllif"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:188
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:189
msgctxt "STR_TITLE_DATE"
msgid "Date"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:189
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:190
msgid "Unknown User"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:191
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:192
msgid "Column inserted"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:192
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:193
msgid "Row inserted "
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:193
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:194
msgid "Sheet inserted "
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:194
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:195
msgid "Column deleted"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:195
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:196
msgid "Row deleted"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:196
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:197
msgid "Sheet deleted"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:197
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:198
msgctxt "STR_CHG_MOVE"
msgid "Range moved"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:198
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:199
msgid "Changed contents"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:199
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:200
msgid "Changed contents"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:200
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:201
msgid "Changed to "
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:201
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:202
#, fuzzy
msgid "Original"
msgstr "Mənbə"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:202
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:203
msgctxt "STR_CHG_REJECT"
msgid "Changes rejected"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:203
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:204
msgid "Accepted"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:204
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:205
msgid "Rejected"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:205
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:206
msgctxt "STR_CHG_NO_ENTRY"
msgid "No Entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:206
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:207
msgctxt "STR_CHG_EMPTY"
msgid "<empty>"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:208
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:209
msgid "Not protected"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:209
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:210
msgid "Not password-protected"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:210
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:211
msgctxt "STR_HASH_BAD"
msgid "Hash incompatible"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:211
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:212
msgctxt "STR_HASH_GOOD"
msgid "Hash compatible"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:212
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:213
msgctxt "STR_RETYPE"
msgid "Re-type"
msgstr ""
#. MovingAverageDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:215
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:216
msgid "Moving Average"
msgstr ""
#. ExponentialSmoothingDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:217
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:218
msgid "Exponential Smoothing"
msgstr ""
#. AnalysisOfVarianceDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:219
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:220
msgid "Analysis of Variance"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:220
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:221
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_ANOVA"
+msgid "Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:222
msgid "ANOVA - Single Factor"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:221
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:223
msgid "ANOVA - Two Factor"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:222
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:224
msgid "Groups"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:223
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:225
msgid "Between Groups"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:224
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:226
msgid "Within Groups"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:225
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:227
msgid "Source of Variation"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:226
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:228
msgid "SS"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:227
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:229
msgid "df"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:228
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:230
msgid "MS"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:229
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:231
msgid "F"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:230
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:232
+msgid "Significance F"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:233
msgid "P-value"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:231
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:234
msgid "F critical"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:232
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:235
msgid "Total"
msgstr ""
#. CorrelationDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:234
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:237
msgid "Correlation"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:235
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:238
msgid "Correlations"
msgstr ""
#. CovarianceDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:237
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:240
msgid "Covariance"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:238
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:241
msgid "Covariances"
msgstr ""
#. DescriptiveStatisticsDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:240
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:243
msgid "Descriptive Statistics"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:241
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:244
msgid "Mean"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:242
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:245
msgid "Standard Error"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:243
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:246
msgid "Mode"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:244
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:247
msgid "Median"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:245
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:248
#, fuzzy
msgid "Variance"
msgstr "Dәyişәn"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:246
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:249
msgid "Standard Deviation"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:247
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:250
msgid "Kurtosis"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:248
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:251
msgid "Skewness"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:249
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:252
msgid "Range"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:250
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:253
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_MIN"
msgid "Minimum"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:251
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:254
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_MAX"
msgid "Maximum"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:252
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:255
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_SUM"
msgid "Sum"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:253
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:256
msgid "Count"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:254
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:257
-msgid "First Quartile "
+msgid "First Quartile"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:255
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:258
msgid "Third Quartile"
msgstr ""
#. RandomNumberGeneratorDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:257
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:260
msgid "Random ($(DISTRIBUTION))"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:258
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:261
msgid "Uniform"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:259
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:262
msgid "Uniform Integer"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:260
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:263
msgid "Normal"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:261
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:264
msgid "Cauchy"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:262
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:265
msgid "Bernoulli"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:263
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:266
msgid "Binomial"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:264
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:267
msgid "Negative Binomial"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:265
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:268
msgid "Chi Squared"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:266
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:269
msgid "Geometric"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:267
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:270
msgid "Minimum"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:268
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:271
msgid "Maximum"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:269
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:272
msgid "Mean"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:270
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:273
msgid "Standard Deviation"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:271
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:274
msgid "Median"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:272
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:275
msgid "Sigma"
msgstr "Siqma"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:273
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:276
msgid "p Value"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:274
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:277
msgid "Number of Trials"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:275
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:278
msgid "nu Value"
msgstr ""
#. SamplingDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:277
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:280
msgid "Sampling"
msgstr ""
#. Names of dialogs
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:279
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:282
msgctxt "STR_FTEST"
msgid "F-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:280
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:283
msgid "F-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:281
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:284
msgctxt "STR_TTEST"
msgid "Paired t-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:282
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:285
msgid "Paired t-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:283
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:286
msgctxt "STR_ZTEST"
msgid "z-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:284
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:287
msgid "z-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:285
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:288
msgid "Test of Independence (Chi-Square)"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:286
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:289
msgid "Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:287
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:290
msgid "Regression"
msgstr ""
#. Common
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:289
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:292
msgid "Column %NUMBER%"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:290
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:293
msgid "Row %NUMBER%"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:291
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:294
msgid "Alpha"
msgstr "Alfa"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:292
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:295
#, fuzzy
msgid "Variable 1"
msgstr "Dәyişәn"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:293
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:296
#, fuzzy
msgid "Variable 2"
msgstr "Dәyişәn"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:294
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:297
msgid "Hypothesized Mean Difference"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:295
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:298
msgid "Observations"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:296
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:299
msgid "Observed Mean Difference"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:297
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:300
+msgid "R^2"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:301
+msgid "Adjusted R^2"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:302
+msgid "Count of X variables"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:303
msgid "df"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:298
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:304
msgid "P-value"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:299
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:305
msgid "Critical Value"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:300
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:306
msgid "Test Statistic"
msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:307
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_LOWER"
+msgid "Lower"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:308
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_Upper"
+msgid "Upper"
+msgstr ""
#. RegressionDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:302
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:310
msgid "Linear"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:303
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:311
msgid "Logarithmic"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:304
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:312
msgid "Power"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:305
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:313
+msgid "Independent variable(s) range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:314
+msgid "Dependent variable(s) range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:315
+msgid "Output range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:316
+msgid "Confidence level must be in the interval (0, 1)."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:317
+msgid "Y variable range cannot have more than 1 column."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:318
+msgid "Y variable range cannot have more than 1 row."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:319
+msgid "Univariate regression : The observation count in X and Y must match."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:320
+msgid "Multivariate regression : The observation count in X and Y must match."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:321
msgid "Regression Model"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:306
-msgid "R^2"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:322
+msgid "Regression Statistics"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:307
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:323
+msgid "Residual"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:324
+msgid "Confidence level"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:325
+msgid "Coefficients"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:326
+msgid "t-Statistic"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:327
msgid "Slope"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:308
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:328
msgid "Intercept"
msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:329
+msgid "Predicted Y"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:330
+msgid "LINEST raw output"
+msgstr ""
#. F Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:310
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:332
msgid "P (F<=f) right-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:311
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:333
msgid "F Critical right-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:312
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:334
msgid "P (F<=f) left-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:313
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:335
msgid "F Critical left-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:314
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:336
msgid "P two-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:315
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:337
msgid "F Critical two-tail"
msgstr ""
#. t Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:317
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:339
msgid "Pearson Correlation"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:318
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:340
msgid "Variance of the Differences"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:319
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:341
msgctxt "STR_TTEST_T_STAT"
msgid "t Stat"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:320
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:342
msgid "P (T<=t) one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:321
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:343
msgid "t Critical one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:322
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:344
msgid "P (T<=t) two-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:323
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:345
msgid "t Critical two-tail"
msgstr ""
#. Z Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:325
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:347
msgid "z"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:326
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:348
msgid "Known Variance"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:327
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:349
msgid "P (Z<=z) one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:328
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:350
msgid "z Critical one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:329
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:351
msgid "P (Z<=z) two-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:330
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:352
msgid "z Critical two-tail"
msgstr ""
#. infobar for allowing links to update or not
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:332
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:354
msgid "Enable Content"
msgstr ""
#. Insert image dialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:334
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:356
msgid "To cell"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:335
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:357
msgid "To cell (resize with cell)"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:336
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:358
msgid "To page"
msgstr ""
@@ -16617,6 +16727,11 @@ msgctxt "dataprovider|label"
msgid "Source Stream"
msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/dataproviderdlg.ui:36
+msgctxt "dataproviderdlg|db_name"
+msgid "Database Range: "
+msgstr ""
#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/dataproviderentry.ui:46
msgctxt "dataproviderentry|url"
msgid "URL:"
@@ -18443,556 +18558,556 @@ msgctxt "notebookbar|DevLabel"
msgid "Tools"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2945
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2986
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Menu"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2977
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3018
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|defaultD"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Varsayılan"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2991
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3032
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent1"
msgid "Accent 1"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2999
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3040
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent2"
msgid "Accent 2"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3007
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3048
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent3"
msgid "Accent 3"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3021
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3062
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Header1"
msgid "Header 1"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3029
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3070
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Header2"
msgid "Header 2"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3043
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3084
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|bad"
msgid "Bad"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3051
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3092
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|good"
msgid "Good"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3059
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3100
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|neutral"
msgid "Neutral"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3067
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3108
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|error"
msgid "Error"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3116
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|warning"
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "xəbərdarlıq"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3130
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|footnote"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3097
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3138
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|note"
msgid "Note"
msgstr "nota"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3336
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3377
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Tools"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3630
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3671
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|menub"
msgid "_Menu"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3686
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3727
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|toolsb"
msgid "_Tools"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3775
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3816
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|fileb"
msgid "_File"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3930
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3971
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|editb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "Düzəlt"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4088
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4129
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphstyleb"
msgid "St_yles"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4245
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4286
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|formatb"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4306
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4347
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|bordertype"
msgid "Specify the borders of the selected cells."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4466
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4507
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|numberb"
msgid "_Number"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4625
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4666
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4788
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4829
#, fuzzy
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msgid "_Cells"
msgstr "Hücrələr"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4931
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4972
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|insertb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Daxil et"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5064
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5105
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|datab"
msgid "_Data"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5178
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5219
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|reviewb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5293
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5334
#, fuzzy
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msgid "_View"
msgstr "Göstәr"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5436
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5477
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|graphicB"
msgid "_Graphic"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5554
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5595
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|colorb"
msgid "C_olor"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5897
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5938
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrange"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6050
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6091
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|GridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6177
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6218
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|languageb"
msgid "_Language"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6307
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6348
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|revieb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6442
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6483
#, fuzzy
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msgid "_Comments"
msgstr "Şərhlər"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6543
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6584
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|compareb"
msgid "Com_pare"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6647
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6688
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewA"
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msgstr "Göstәr"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6824
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6865
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|editdrawb"
msgid "_Styles"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7041
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7082
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|drawb"
msgid "D_raw"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7232
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7273
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrangeD"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7345
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7386
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Grid"
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msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7458
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7499
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msgid "Grou_p"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7570
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7611
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|3Db"
msgid "3_D"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7755
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7796
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msgid "F_rame"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7962
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8003
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msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8116
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msgid "_Grid"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8189
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8230
#, fuzzy
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msgstr "Göstәr"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8298
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8339
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+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8514
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|formats"
msgid "F_ormat"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8749
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8790
#, fuzzy
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msgstr "Paraqraflar"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8911
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8952
#, fuzzy
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msgstr "Göstәr"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:1950
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:1991
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Help"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2945
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2986
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Menu"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2977
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3018
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|defaultD"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Varsayılan"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2991
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3032
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msgid "Accent 1"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2999
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3040
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent2"
msgid "Accent 2"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3007
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3048
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msgid "Accent 3"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3021
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3062
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Header1"
msgid "Header 1"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3029
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3070
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Header2"
msgid "Header 2"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3043
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3084
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|bad"
msgid "Bad"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3051
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3092
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|good"
msgid "Good"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3059
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3100
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|neutral"
msgid "Neutral"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3067
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3108
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|error"
msgid "Error"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3116
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|warning"
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "xəbərdarlıq"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3130
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|footnote"
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msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3097
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3138
#, fuzzy
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-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3336
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3377
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Tools"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3635
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3676
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|menub"
msgid "_Menu"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3688
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3729
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|toolsb"
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msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3743
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3784
#, fuzzy
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msgstr "Yardım"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3851
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3892
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|fileb"
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msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4130
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|editb"
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msgstr "Düzəlt"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4286
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4327
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphstyleb"
msgid "St_yles"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4559
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4600
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|formatb"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4805
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4846
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|numberb"
msgid "_Number"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5020
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5061
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5258
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5299
#, fuzzy
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msgstr "Hücrələr"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5435
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5476
#, fuzzy
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msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Daxil et"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5609
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5650
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|datab"
msgid "_Data"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5781
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5822
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msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5968
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6009
#, fuzzy
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msgstr "Göstәr"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6193
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6234
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|graphicB"
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msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6545
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6586
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrange"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6696
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6737
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msgid "C_olor"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6947
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6988
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msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7087
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7128
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|languageb"
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msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7316
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7357
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|revieb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7529
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7570
#, fuzzy
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msgid "_Comments"
msgstr "Şərhlər"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7732
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7773
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|compareb"
msgid "Com_pare"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7934
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7975
#, fuzzy
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msgstr "Göstәr"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8380
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8421
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|drawb"
msgid "D_raw"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8749
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8790
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|editdrawb"
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msgstr "Düzəlt"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9090
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9131
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrangedrawb"
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msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9257
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9298
#, fuzzy
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msgstr "Göstәr"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9459
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9500
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewDrawb"
msgid "Grou_p"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9609
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9650
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msgid "3_D"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9918
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9959
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msgid "F_ont"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10183
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10224
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msgstr ""
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+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10426
#, fuzzy
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msgstr "Göstәr"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10539
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10580
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|insertTextb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Daxil et"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10684
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10725
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|media"
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msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10921
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10962
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msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11352
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11393
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrageOLE"
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msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11518
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11559
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msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11720
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11761
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewf"
msgid "_View"
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msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:99
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:102
msgctxt "regressiondialog|variable1-range-label"
-msgid "Variable 1 range:"
+msgid "Independent variable(s) (X) range:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:137
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:140
msgctxt "regressiondialog|variable2-range-label"
-msgid "Variable 2 range:"
+msgid "Dependent variable (Y) range:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:175
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:176
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|withlabels-check"
+msgid "Both X and Y ranges have labels"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:192
msgctxt "regressiondialog|output-range-label"
msgid "Results to:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:217
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:240
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label1"
msgid "Data"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:252
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:275
msgctxt "regressiondialog|groupedby-columns-radio"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:268
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:291
msgctxt "regressiondialog|groupedby-rows-radio"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:290
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:313
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label2"
msgid "Grouped by"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:325
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|linear-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:348
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|linear-radio"
msgid "Linear Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:341
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|logarithmic-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:365
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|logarithmic-radio"
msgid "Logarithmic Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:356
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|power-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:382
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|power-radio"
msgid "Power Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:377
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:405
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label3"
msgid "Output Regression Types"
msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:441
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|label5"
+msgid "Confidence level"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:451
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|calcresiduals-check"
+msgid "Calculate residuals"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:469
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|confidencelevel-spin"
+msgid "0.95"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:490
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|label4"
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr ""
#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/retypepassdialog.ui:10
msgctxt "retypepassdialog|RetypePass"
msgid "Re-type Password"
@@ -22913,82 +23053,87 @@ msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore1"
msgid "Text length"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:57
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:47
+msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore1"
+msgid "Custom"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:61
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "equal"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:61
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:65
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "less than"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:65
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:69
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "greater than"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:69
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:73
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "less than or equal"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:73
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:77
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "greater than or equal to"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:77
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:81
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "not equal"
msgstr "bərabər deyil"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:81
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:85
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "valid range"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:85
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:89
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "invalid range"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:103
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:107
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|label1"
msgid "_Allow:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:117
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:121
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|valueft"
msgid "_Data:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:153
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:157
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|minft"
msgid "_Minimum:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:235
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:239
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|maxft"
msgid "Ma_ximum:"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:246
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:250
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|allowempty"
msgid "Allow _empty cells"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:261
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:265
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|showlist"
msgid "Show selection _list"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:276
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:280
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|sortascend"
msgid "Sor_t entries ascending"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:297
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:301
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|hintft"
msgid "A valid source can only consist of a contiguous selection of rows and columns, or a formula that results in an area or array."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/az/sd/messages.po b/source/az/sd/messages.po
index 6e71c067392..00abf088a0d 100644
--- a/source/az/sd/messages.po
+++ b/source/az/sd/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-06-04 15:42+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -5237,8 +5237,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: sd/uiconfig/simpress/ui/sidebarslidebackground.ui:126
msgctxt "sidebarslidebackground|button2"
-msgid "Insert Image"
-msgstr "Şəkil Daxil et"
+msgid "Insert Image..."
+msgstr ""
#: sd/uiconfig/simpress/ui/sidebarslidebackground.ui:164
msgctxt "sidebarslidebackground|displaymasterbackground"
diff --git a/source/az/sfx2/messages.po b/source/az/sfx2/messages.po
index 53fea91e817..e5adfc0fbed 100644
--- a/source/az/sfx2/messages.po
+++ b/source/az/sfx2/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -2143,6 +2143,11 @@ msgctxt "helpmanual|website"
msgid "Read Help Online"
msgstr ""
+#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpmanual.ui:60
+msgctxt "helpmanual|hidedialog"
+msgid "Do not show this dialog again"
+msgstr ""
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpsearchpage.ui:22
msgctxt "helpsearchpage|display"
msgid "_Display"
diff --git a/source/az/svx/messages.po b/source/az/svx/messages.po
index b2843ed6a8f..89782e25c3f 100644
--- a/source/az/svx/messages.po
+++ b/source/az/svx/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 21:22+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -2212,17 +2212,17 @@ msgctxt "classificationdialog|label-IntellectualProperty"
msgid "Intellectual Property"
msgstr ""
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:60
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:58
msgctxt "colorwindow|none_color_button"
msgid "None"
msgstr ""
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:146
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:145
msgctxt "colorwindow|label1"
msgid "Recent"
msgstr ""
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:183
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:182
msgctxt "colorwindow|color_picker_button"
msgid "Custom Color…"
msgstr ""
@@ -2717,52 +2717,52 @@ msgctxt "datanavigator|modelsremove"
msgid "_Remove"
msgstr "~Sil"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:52
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:48
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label1"
msgid "Lines & Arrows"
msgstr ""
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:89
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:85
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label2"
msgid "Curve"
msgstr ""
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:126
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:122
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label3"
msgid "Connectors"
msgstr ""
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:163
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:159
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label4"
msgid "Basic Shapes"
msgstr ""
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:200
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:196
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label5"
msgid "Symbols"
msgstr "Simvollar"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:237
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:233
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label6"
msgid "Block Arrows"
msgstr ""
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:274
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:270
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label7"
msgid "Flowchart"
msgstr ""
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:311
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:307
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label8"
msgid "Callouts"
msgstr ""
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:348
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:344
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label9"
msgid "Stars"
msgstr ""
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:385
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:381
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label10"
msgid "3D Objects"
msgstr ""
@@ -4169,10 +4169,9 @@ msgid "_Copy"
msgstr ""
#: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu2.ui:82
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt "gallerymenu2|paste"
-msgid "_Insert"
-msgstr "Daxil et"
+msgid "_Paste"
+msgstr ""
#: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:68
msgctxt "headfootformatpage|checkHeaderOn"
diff --git a/source/az/sw/messages.po b/source/az/sw/messages.po
index 5f032fe4135..608320879e4 100644
--- a/source/az/sw/messages.po
+++ b/source/az/sw/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 21:22+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:05+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -1490,302 +1490,312 @@ msgid "Text"
msgstr ""
#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:239
+msgid "Hidden"
+msgstr ""
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:240
+msgid "Condition"
+msgstr ""
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:241
msgctxt "SW_STR_NONE"
msgid "[None]"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:240
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:242
msgid "Start"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:241
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:243
msgid "End"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:242
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:244
msgid "Above"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:243
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:245
msgid "Below"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:244
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:246
msgid "read-only"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:245
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:247
msgid "The 'AutoText' directories are read-only. Do you want to call the path settings dialog?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:246
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:248
msgctxt "STR_DOC_STAT"
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr ""
#. Statusbar-titles
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:248
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:250
msgid "Importing document..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:249
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:251
msgid "Exporting document..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:250
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:252
msgid "Saving document..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:251
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:253
msgid "Repagination..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:252
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:254
msgid "Formatting document automatically..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:253
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:255
msgid "Search..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:254
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:256
msgid "Letter"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:255
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:257
msgid "Spellcheck..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:256
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:258
msgid "Hyphenation..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:257
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:259
msgid "Inserting Index..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:258
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:260
msgid "Updating Index..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:259
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:261
msgid "Creating abstract..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:260
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:262
msgid "Adapt Objects..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:261
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:263
#, fuzzy
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Cədvəllər"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:262
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:264
#, fuzzy
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Şəkillər"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:263
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:265
#, fuzzy
msgid "Object"
msgstr "Obyektlər"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:264
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:266
msgid "Frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:265
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:267
msgid "Shape"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:266
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:268
#, fuzzy
msgid "Section"
msgstr "bölmə"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:267
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:269
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:268
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:270
msgid "blank page"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:269
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:271
msgid "Abstract: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:270
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:272
msgid "separated by: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:271
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:273
msgid "Outline: Level "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:272
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:274
msgctxt "STR_FDLG_STYLE"
msgid "Style: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:273
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:275
msgid "Page number: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:274
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:276
msgid "Break before new page"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:275
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:277
msgid "Western text: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:276
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:278
msgctxt "STR_CJK_FONT"
msgid "Asian text: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:277
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:279
msgctxt "STR_CTL_FONT"
msgid "CTL text: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:278
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:280
msgid "Unknown Author"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:279
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:281
msgid "Delete ~All Comments by $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:280
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:282
msgid "H~ide All Comments by $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:281
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:283
msgid "Outline Numbering"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:282
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:284
msgid "%1 words, %2 characters"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:283
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:285
msgid "%1 words, %2 characters selected"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:284
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:286
msgid "Convert Text to Table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:285
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:287
msgid "Add AutoFormat"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:286
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:288
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:287
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:289
msgid "Delete AutoFormat"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:288
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:290
msgid "The following AutoFormat entry will be deleted:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:289
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:291
msgid "Rename AutoFormat"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:290
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:292
#, fuzzy
msgid "~Close"
msgstr "Qapat"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:291
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:293
msgctxt "STR_JAN"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:292
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:294
msgctxt "STR_FEB"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:293
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:295
msgctxt "STR_MAR"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:294
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:296
msgctxt "STR_NORTH"
msgid "North"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:295
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:297
msgctxt "STR_MID"
msgid "Mid"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:296
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:298
msgctxt "STR_SOUTH"
msgid "South"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:297
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:299
msgctxt "STR_SUM"
msgid "Sum"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:298
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:300
msgid ""
"You have entered an invalid name.\n"
@@ -1793,2464 +1803,2464 @@ msgid ""
"Try again using a different name."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:299
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:301
msgctxt "STR_NUMERIC"
msgid "Numeric"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:300
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:302
msgctxt "STR_ROW"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:301
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:303
msgctxt "STR_COL"
msgid "Column"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:302
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:304
msgid "Edit Bibliography Entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:303
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:305
msgid "Insert Bibliography Entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:304
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:306
msgid "Spacing between %1 and %2"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:305
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:307
msgid "Column %1 Width"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:306
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:308
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:307
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:309
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:308
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:310
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Image"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:309
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:311
msgid "Other OLE Objects"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:310
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:312
msgid "The name of the table must not contain spaces."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:311
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:313
msgid "Selected table cells are too complex to merge."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:312
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:314
msgctxt "STR_SRTERR"
msgid "Cannot sort selection"
msgstr ""
#. Miscellaneous
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:315
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:317
msgid "Click object"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:316
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:318
msgid "Before inserting AutoText"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:317
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:319
msgid "After inserting AutoText"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:318
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:320
msgid "Mouse over object"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:319
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:321
msgid "Trigger hyperlink"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:320
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:322
msgid "Mouse leaves object"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:321
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:323
msgid "Image loaded successfully"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:322
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:324
msgid "Image loading terminated"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:323
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:325
msgid "Could not load image"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:324
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:326
msgid "Input of alphanumeric characters"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:325
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:327
msgid "Input of non-alphanumeric characters"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:326
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:328
msgid "Resize frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:327
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:329
msgid "Move frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:328
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:330
msgid "Headings"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:329
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:331
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Cədvəllər"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:330
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:332
msgid "Text frames"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:331
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:333
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Şəkillər"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:332
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:334
#, fuzzy
msgid "OLE objects"
msgstr "OLE Obyektləri"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:333
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:335
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:334
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:336
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sections"
msgstr "bölmə"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:335
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:337
msgid "Hyperlinks"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:336
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:338
msgid "References"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:337
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:339
msgid "Indexes"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:338
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:340
msgid "Drawing objects"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:339
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:341
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Şərhlər"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:340
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:342
msgid "Heading 1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:341
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:343
msgid "This is the content from the first chapter. This is a user directory entry."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:342
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:344
msgid "Heading 1.1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:343
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:345
msgid "This is the content from chapter 1.1. This is the entry for the table of contents."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:344
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:346
msgid "Heading 1.2"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:345
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:347
msgid "This is the content from chapter 1.2. This keyword is a main entry."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:346
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:348
msgid "Table 1: This is table 1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:347
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:349
msgid "Image 1: This is image 1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:348
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:350
msgid "Heading"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:349
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:351
#, fuzzy
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Cədvəllər"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:350
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:352
msgid "Text frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:351
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:353
#, fuzzy
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Şəkillər"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:352
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:354
#, fuzzy
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "OLE Obyektləri"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:353
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:355
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:354
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:356
#, fuzzy
msgid "Section"
msgstr "bölmə"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:355
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:357
msgid "Hyperlink"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:356
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:358
msgid "Reference"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:357
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:359
msgid "Index"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:358
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:360
#, fuzzy
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Şərhlər"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:359
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:361
msgid "Draw object"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:360
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:362
msgid "Additional formats..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:361
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:363
msgctxt "RID_STR_SYSTEM"
msgid "[System]"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:362
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:364
msgid ""
"The interactive hyphenation is already active\n"
"in a different document"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:363
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:365
msgctxt "STR_HYPH_TITLE"
msgid "Hyphenation"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:366
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:368
msgctxt "STR_CANT_UNDO"
msgid "not possible"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:367
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:369
msgid "Delete $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:368
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:370
msgid "Insert $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:369
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:371
msgctxt "STR_OVR_UNDO"
msgid "Overwrite: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:370
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:372
msgid "New Paragraph"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:371
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:373
msgctxt "STR_MOVE_UNDO"
msgid "Move"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:372
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:374
msgid "Apply attributes"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:373
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:375
msgid "Apply Styles: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:374
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:376
msgid "Reset attributes"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:375
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:377
msgid "Change style: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:376
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:378
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:377
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:379
msgid "Insert AutoText"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:378
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:380
msgid "Delete bookmark: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:379
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:381
msgid "Insert bookmark: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:380
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:382
msgctxt "STR_SORT_TBL"
msgid "Sort table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:381
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:383
msgctxt "STR_SORT_TXT"
msgid "Sort text"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:382
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:384
msgid "Insert table: $1$2$3"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:383
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:385
msgid "Convert text -> table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:384
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:386
msgid "Convert table -> text"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:385
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:387
msgctxt "STR_COPY_UNDO"
msgid "Copy: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:386
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:388
msgid "Replace $1 $2 $3"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:387
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:389
msgid "Insert page break"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:388
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:390
msgid "Insert column break"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:389
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:391
msgid "Insert Envelope"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:390
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:392
msgid "Copy: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:391
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:393
msgid "Move: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:392
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:394
msgid "Insert %PRODUCTNAME Chart"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:393
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:395
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insert frame"
msgstr "Şəkil Daxil et"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:394
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:396
msgid "Delete frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:395
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:397
msgid "AutoFormat"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:396
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:398
msgid "Table heading"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:397
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:399
msgctxt "STR_REPLACE"
msgid "Replace: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:398
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:400
msgid "Insert section"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:399
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:401
msgid "Delete section"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:400
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:402
msgid "Modify section"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:401
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:403
msgid "Modify default values"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:402
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:404
msgid "Replace style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:403
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:405
msgid "Delete page break"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:404
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:406
msgid "Text Correction"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:405
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:407
msgctxt "STR_OUTLINE_LR"
msgid "Promote/demote outline"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:406
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:408
msgctxt "STR_OUTLINE_UD"
msgid "Move outline"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:407
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:409
msgctxt "STR_INSNUM"
msgid "Insert numbering"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:408
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:410
msgctxt "STR_NUMUP"
msgid "Promote level"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:409
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:411
msgctxt "STR_NUMDOWN"
msgid "Demote level"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:410
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:412
msgctxt "STR_MOVENUM"
msgid "Move paragraphs"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:411
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:413
msgid "Insert drawing object: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:412
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:414
msgid "Number On/Off"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:413
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:415
msgid "Increase Indent"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:414
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:416
msgid "Decrease indent"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:415
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:417
msgid "Insert caption: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:416
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:418
msgid "Restart numbering"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:417
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:419
msgid "Modify footnote"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:418
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:420
msgid "Accept change: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:419
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:421
msgid "Reject change: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:420
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:422
msgid "Split Table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:421
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:423
msgid "Stop attribute"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:422
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:424
msgid "AutoCorrect"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:423
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:425
msgid "Merge table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:424
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:426
msgid "Change Case"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:425
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:427
msgctxt "STR_DELNUM"
msgid "Delete numbering"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:426
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:428
msgctxt "STR_DRAWUNDO"
msgid "Drawing objects: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:427
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:429
msgid "Group draw objects"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:428
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:430
msgid "Ungroup drawing objects"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:429
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:431
msgid "Delete drawing objects"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:430
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:432
msgctxt "STR_REREAD"
msgid "Replace Image"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:431
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:433
msgctxt "STR_DELGRF"
msgid "Delete Image"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:432
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:434
msgctxt "STR_TABLE_ATTR"
msgid "Apply table attributes"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:433
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:435
msgid "AutoFormat Table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:434
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:436
msgid "Insert Column"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:435
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:437
msgid "Insert Row"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:436
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:438
msgid "Delete row/column"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:437
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:439
msgid "Delete column"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:438
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:440
msgid "Delete row"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:439
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:441
msgid "Split Cells"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:440
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:442
msgid "Merge Cells"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:441
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:443
msgid "Format cell"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:442
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:444
msgctxt "STR_INSERT_TOX"
msgid "Insert index/table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:443
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:445
msgid "Remove index/table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:444
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:446
msgid "Copy table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:445
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:447
msgid "Copy table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:446
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:448
msgid "Set cursor"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:447
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:449
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_CHAIN"
msgid "Link text frames"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:448
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:450
msgid "Unlink text frames"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:449
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:451
msgid "Modify footnote options"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:450
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:452
msgid "Compare Document"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:451
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:453
msgid "Apply frame style: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:452
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:454
msgid "Ruby Setting"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:453
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:455
msgid "Insert footnote"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:454
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:456
msgid "insert URL button"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:455
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:457
msgid "Insert Hyperlink"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:456
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:458
msgid "remove invisible content"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:457
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:459
msgid "Table/index changed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:458
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:460
msgid "“"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:459
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:461
msgctxt "STR_END_QUOTE"
msgid "”"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:460
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:462
msgctxt "STR_LDOTS"
msgid "..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:461
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:463
msgctxt "STR_MULTISEL"
msgid "multiple selection"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:462
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:464
msgid "Typing: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:463
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:465
msgid "Paste clipboard"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:464
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:466
msgctxt "STR_YIELDS"
msgid "→"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:465
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:467
msgid "occurrences of"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:466
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:468
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_TABS"
msgid "$1 tab(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:467
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:469
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_NLS"
msgid "$1 line break(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:468
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:470
msgid "page break"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:469
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:471
msgid "column break"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:470
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:472
msgid "Insert $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:471
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:473
msgid "Delete $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:472
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:474
msgid "Attributes changed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:473
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:475
msgid "Table changed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:474
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:476
msgid "Style changed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:475
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:477
msgid "Paragraph formatting changed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:476
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:478
msgid "Insert Row"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:477
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:479
msgid "Delete Row"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:478
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:480
msgid "Insert Cell"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:479
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:481
msgid "Delete Cell"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:480
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:482
msgctxt "STR_N_REDLINES"
msgid "$1 changes"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:481
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:483
msgid "Change page style: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:482
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:484
msgid "Create page style: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:483
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:485
msgid "Delete page style: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:484
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:486
msgid "Rename page style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:485
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:487
msgid "Header/footer changed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:486
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:488
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_FIELD"
msgid "Field changed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:487
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:489
msgid "Create paragraph style: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:488
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:490
msgid "Delete paragraph style: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:489
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:491
msgid "Rename paragraph style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:490
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:492
msgid "Create character style: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:491
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:493
msgid "Delete character style: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:492
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:494
msgid "Rename character style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:493
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:495
msgid "Create frame style: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:494
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:496
msgid "Delete frame style: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:495
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:497
msgid "Rename frame style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:496
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:498
msgid "Create numbering style: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:497
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:499
msgid "Delete numbering style: $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:498
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:500
msgid "Rename numbering style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:499
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:501
msgid "Rename bookmark: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:500
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:502
msgid "Insert index entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:501
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:503
msgid "Delete index entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:502
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:504
msgctxt "STR_FIELD"
msgid "field"
msgstr ""
#. undo: STR_PARAGRAPHS, string.text
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:504
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:506
msgid "Paragraphs"
msgstr "Paraqraflar"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:505
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:507
msgctxt "STR_FRAME"
msgid "frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:506
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:508
msgctxt "STR_OLE"
msgid "OLE-object"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:507
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:509
msgid "formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:508
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:510
msgctxt "STR_CHART"
msgid "chart"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:509
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:511
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_NOTE"
msgid "comment"
msgstr "Şərhlər"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:510
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:512
msgid "cross-reference"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:511
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:515
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:514
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:518
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:519
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:518
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:520
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:521
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:520
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:522
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:523
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:522
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:524
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:523
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:525
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:524
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:526
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:527
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:533
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:532
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:534
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:533
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:536
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:535
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:537
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:536
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:542
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:544
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:543
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:545
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msgstr ""
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:546
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:551
msgid "Image cannot be displayed."
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:550
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:552
msgid "Error reading from the clipboard."
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:552
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:554
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:564
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:572
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:599
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:601
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:600
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:603
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:602
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:604
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:603
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:631
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:633
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:635
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:634
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:636
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:635
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:637
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:636
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:638
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:637
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:639
#, fuzzy
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msgstr "Yenidən adlandır"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:638
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:640
msgid "Read-~only"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:639
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:641
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:640
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:642
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:641
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:643
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:645
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:644
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:646
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:645
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:647
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:646
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:648
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:647
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:649
msgid ". Top: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:648
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:650
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#. Error calculator
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:655
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msgstr "Müəllif"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:654
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:656
msgid "** Syntax Error **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:655
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:657
msgid "** Division by zero **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:656
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:658
msgctxt "STR_CALC_BRACK"
msgid "** Wrong use of brackets **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:657
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:659
msgctxt "STR_CALC_POW"
msgid "** Square function overflow **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:658
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:660
msgid "** Overflow **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:659
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:661
msgid "** Error **"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:660
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:662
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:661
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:663
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:662
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:664
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:665
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:665
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:667
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:666
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:668
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:667
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:668
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:670
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:669
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:671
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:670
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:672
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:673
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:672
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:674
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#. SubType DocInfo
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:677
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:679
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:678
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:680
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:679
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:681
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:680
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:682
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:681
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:683
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msgstr "Dəyişdirilib"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:682
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:684
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:683
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:685
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msgstr "Gözdən keçirmə nömrəsi"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:684
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:686
msgid "Total editing time"
msgstr "Ümumi düzəliş vaxtı"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:685
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:687
msgid "Convert $(ARG1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:686
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:688
msgid "First convert $(ARG1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:687
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:689
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:688
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:690
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:689
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:691
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:690
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:692
msgid "Brochures"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:691
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:693
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:692
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:694
msgid "Book excerpt"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:693
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:695
msgid "Book excerpt with title"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:694
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:696
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:695
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:697
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:696
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:698
msgid "Techn. documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:697
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:699
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:698
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:700
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:699
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:701
msgid "Dissertation"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:700
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:702
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:701
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:703
msgid "Research report"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:702
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:704
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:703
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:705
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:706
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msgid "User-defined2"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:707
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:709
msgid "User-defined3"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:708
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:710
msgid "User-defined4"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:709
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:711
msgid "User-defined5"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:710
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:712
msgid "Short name"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:711
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:713
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Növ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:712
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:714
msgid "Address"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:713
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:715
msgid "Annotation"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:714
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:716
msgid "Author(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:715
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:717
msgid "Book title"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:716
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:718
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:717
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:719
msgid "Edition"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:718
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:720
msgid "Editor"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:719
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:721
msgid "Publication type"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:720
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:722
msgid "Institution"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:721
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:723
msgid "Journal"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:722
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:724
msgid "Month"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:723
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:725
#, fuzzy
msgid "Note"
msgstr "nota"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:724
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:726
msgid "Number"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:725
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:727
msgid "Organization"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:726
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:728
msgid "Page(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:727
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:729
msgid "Publisher"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:728
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:730
msgid "University"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:729
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:731
msgid "Series"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:730
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:732
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Başlıq"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:731
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:733
msgid "Type of report"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:732
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:734
msgid "Volume"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:733
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:735
msgid "Year"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:734
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:736
msgid "URL"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:735
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:737
msgid "User-defined1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:736
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:738
msgid "User-defined2"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:737
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:739
msgid "User-defined3"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:738
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:740
msgid "User-defined4"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:739
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:741
msgid "User-defined5"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:740
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:742
msgid "ISBN"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:742
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:744
msgid "Edit Index Entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:743
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:745
msgid "Insert Index Entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:744
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:746
msgid "The document already contains the bibliography entry but with different data. Do you want to adjust the existing entries?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:746
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:748
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Şərhlər"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:747
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:749
msgid "Show comments"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:748
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:750
msgid "Hide comments"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:750
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:752
msgid "Shortcut name already exists. Please choose another name."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:751
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:753
msgid "Delete AutoText?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:752
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:754
msgid "Delete the category "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:753
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:755
msgid "?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:754
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:756
msgctxt "STR_GLOSSARY"
msgid "AutoText :"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:755
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:757
msgid "Save AutoText"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:756
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:758
msgid "There is no AutoText in this file."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:757
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:759
msgid "My AutoText"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:759
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:761
msgctxt "STR_NOGLOS"
msgid "AutoText for Shortcut '%1' not found."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:760
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:762
msgctxt "STR_NO_TABLE"
msgid "A table with no rows or no cells cannot be inserted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:761
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:763
msgid "The table cannot be inserted because it is too large"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:762
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:764
msgid "AutoText could not be created."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:763
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:765
msgid "Requested clipboard format is not available."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:764
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:766
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:765
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:767
msgid "Image (%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Text Document)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:766
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:768
msgid "Object (%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Text Document)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:767
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:769
msgid "Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE link)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:769
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:771
msgid "All Comments"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:770
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:772
msgid "All Comments"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:771
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:773
msgid "Comments by "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:772
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:774
msgctxt "STR_NODATE"
msgid "(no date)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:773
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:775
msgctxt "STR_NOAUTHOR"
msgid "(no author)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:774
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:776
msgctxt "STR_REPLY"
msgid "Reply to $1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:776
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:778
msgctxt "ST_TITLE_EDIT"
msgid "Edit Address Block"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:777
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:779
msgctxt "ST_TITLE_MALE"
msgid "Custom Salutation (Male Recipients)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:778
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:780
msgid "Custom Salutation (Female Recipients)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:779
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:781
msgid "Salutation e~lements"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:780
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:782
msgid "Add to salutation"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:781
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:783
msgid "Remove from salutation"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:782
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:784
msgid "1. ~Drag salutation elements into the box below"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:783
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:785
msgid "Salutation"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:784
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:786
msgid "Punctuation Mark"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:785
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:787
msgctxt "ST_TEXT"
msgid "Text"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:786
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:788
msgid "Assign the fields from your data source to match the salutation elements."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:787
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:789
msgid "Salutation preview"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:788
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:790
msgid "Address elements"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:789
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:791
msgid "Salutation elements"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:790
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:792
msgctxt "ST_MATCHESTO"
msgid "Matches to field:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:791
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:793
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_PREVIEW"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Öncəbaxış"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:793
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:795
msgid " not yet matched "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:794
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:796
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_ALL"
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Bütün fayllar"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:795
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:797
msgid "Address lists(*.*)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:796
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:798
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXB"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Base (*.odb)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:797
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:799
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXC"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Calc (*.ods;*.sxc)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:798
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:800
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXW"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer (*.odt;*.sxw)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:799
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:801
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_DBF"
msgid "dBase (*.dbf)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:800
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:802
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_XLS"
msgid "Microsoft Excel (*.xls;*.xlsx)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:801
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:803
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_DOC"
msgid "Microsoft Word (*.doc;*.docx)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:802
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:804
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_TXT"
msgid "Plain text (*.txt)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:803
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:805
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_CSV"
msgid "Text Comma Separated (*.csv)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:804
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:806
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_MDB"
msgid "Microsoft Access (*.mdb;*.mde)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:805
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:807
msgid "Microsoft Access 2007 (*.accdb,*.accde)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:806
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:808
msgid ""
"In order to be able to send mail merge documents by e-mail, %PRODUCTNAME requires information about the e-mail account to be used.\n"
@@ -4258,83 +4268,83 @@ msgid ""
"Do you want to enter e-mail account information now?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:807
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:809
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Address List (.csv)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:809
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:811
msgctxt "ST_STARTING"
msgid "Select starting document"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:810
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:812
msgid "Select document type"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:811
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:813
msgid "Insert address block"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:812
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:814
msgid "Select address list"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:813
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:815
msgid "Create salutation"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:814
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:816
msgctxt "ST_LAYOUT"
msgid "Adjust layout"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:815
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:817
msgctxt "ST_EXCLUDE"
msgid "Exclude recipient"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:816
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:818
msgctxt "ST_FINISH"
msgid "~Finish"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:817
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:819
msgctxt "ST_MMWTITLE"
msgid "Mail Merge Wizard"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:819
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:821
msgctxt "ST_NAME"
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:820
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:822
msgctxt "ST_TYPE"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Növ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:821
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:823
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Cədvəllər"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:822
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:824
msgctxt "ST_QUERY"
msgid "Query"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:824
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:826
msgid "Continue checking at beginning of document?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:825
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:827
msgid "The spellcheck is complete."
msgstr ""
@@ -4343,214 +4353,214 @@ msgstr ""
#. Description: strings for the types
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. range document
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:831
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:833
msgctxt "STR_DATEFLD"
msgid "Date"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:832
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:834
msgctxt "STR_TIMEFLD"
msgid "Time"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:833
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:835
#, fuzzy
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Fayl adı:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:834
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:836
msgid "Database Name"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:835
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:837
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:836
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:838
msgid "Page numbers"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:837
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:839
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:838
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:840
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Müəllif"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:839
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:841
msgid "Templates"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:840
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:842
msgid "Sender"
msgstr ""
#. range functions
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:842
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:844
msgctxt "STR_SETFLD"
msgid "Set variable"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:843
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:845
msgctxt "STR_GETFLD"
msgid "Show variable"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:844
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:846
msgid "Insert Formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:845
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:847
msgctxt "STR_INPUTFLD"
msgid "Input field"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:846
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:848
msgid "Input field (variable)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:847
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:849
msgid "Input field (user)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:848
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:850
msgid "Conditional text"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:849
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:851
msgctxt "STR_DDEFLD"
msgid "DDE field"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:850
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:852
msgctxt "STR_MACROFLD"
msgid "Execute macro"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:851
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:853
msgctxt "STR_SEQFLD"
msgid "Number range"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:852
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:854
msgid "Set page variable"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:853
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:855
msgid "Show page variable"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:854
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:856
msgid "Load URL"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:855
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:857
msgid "Placeholder"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:856
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:858
msgid "Combine characters"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:857
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:859
msgctxt "STR_DROPDOWN"
msgid "Input list"
msgstr ""
#. range references
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:859
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:861
msgid "Set Reference"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:860
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:862
msgid "Insert Reference"
msgstr ""
#. range database
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:862
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:864
msgctxt "STR_DBFLD"
msgid "Mail merge fields"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:863
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:865
msgid "Next record"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:864
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:866
msgid "Any record"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:865
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:867
msgid "Record number"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:866
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:868
msgid "Previous page"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:867
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:869
msgid "Next page"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:868
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:870
msgid "Hidden text"
msgstr ""
#. range user fields
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:870
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:872
msgctxt "STR_USERFLD"
msgid "User Field"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:871
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:873
#, fuzzy
msgid "Note"
msgstr "nota"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:872
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:874
msgid "Script"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:873
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:875
msgid "Bibliography entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:874
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:876
msgid "Hidden Paragraph"
msgstr ""
#. range DocumentInfo
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:876
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:878
msgid "DocInformation"
msgstr ""
@@ -4558,75 +4568,75 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: SubCmd-Strings
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:880
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:882
msgctxt "FLD_DATE_STD"
msgid "Date"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:881
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:883
msgctxt "FLD_DATE_FIX"
msgid "Date (fixed)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:882
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:884
msgctxt "FLD_TIME_STD"
msgid "Time"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:883
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:885
msgctxt "FLD_TIME_FIX"
msgid "Time (fixed)"
msgstr ""
#. SubCmd Statistic
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:885
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:887
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_TABLE"
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Cədvəllər"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:886
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:888
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_CHAR"
msgid "Characters"
msgstr "Simvollar"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:887
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:889
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_WORD"
msgid "Words"
msgstr "Sözlər"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:888
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:890
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_PARA"
msgid "Paragraphs"
msgstr "Paraqraflar"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:889
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:891
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_GRF"
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Şəkillər"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:890
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:892
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_OBJ"
msgid "Objects"
msgstr "Obyektlər"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:891
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:893
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_PAGE"
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Səhifələr"
#. SubCmd DDETypes
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:893
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:895
msgctxt "FMT_DDE_HOT"
msgid "DDE automatic"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:894
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:896
msgctxt "FMT_DDE_NORMAL"
msgid "DDE manual"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:895
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:897
msgctxt "FLD_INPUT_TEXT"
msgid "[Text]"
msgstr ""
@@ -4634,87 +4644,87 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: SubType Extuser
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:900
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:902
msgctxt "FLD_EU_FIRMA"
msgid "Company"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:901
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:903
msgctxt "FLD_EU_VORNAME"
msgid "First Name"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:902
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:904
msgctxt "FLD_EU_NAME"
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:903
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:905
msgctxt "FLD_EU_ABK"
msgid "Initials"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:904
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:906
msgctxt "FLD_EU_STRASSE"
msgid "Street"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:905
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:907
msgctxt "FLD_EU_LAND"
msgid "Country"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:906
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:908
msgctxt "FLD_EU_PLZ"
msgid "Zip code"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:907
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:909
msgctxt "FLD_EU_ORT"
msgid "City"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:908
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:910
msgctxt "FLD_EU_TITEL"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Başlıq"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:909
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:911
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msgid "Position"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:910
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:912
msgctxt "FLD_EU_TELPRIV"
msgid "Tel. (Home)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:911
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:913
msgid "Tel. (Work)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:912
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:914
msgctxt "FLD_EU_FAX"
msgid "FAX"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:913
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:915
msgctxt "FLD_EU_EMAIL"
msgid "E-mail"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:914
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:916
msgctxt "FLD_EU_STATE"
msgid "State"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:915
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:917
msgid "off"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:916
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:918
msgctxt "FLD_PAGEREF_ON"
msgid "on"
msgstr ""
@@ -4723,33 +4733,33 @@ msgstr ""
#. Description: path name
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Format FileName
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:921
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:923
#, fuzzy
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msgid "File name"
msgstr "Fayl adı:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:922
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:924
msgid "File name without extension"
msgstr "Uzantısız fayl adı"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:923
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:925
msgid "Path/File name"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:924
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:926
msgctxt "FMT_FF_PATH"
msgid "Path"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:925
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:927
msgctxt "FMT_FF_UI_NAME"
msgid "Style"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:926
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:928
msgctxt "FMT_FF_UI_RANGE"
msgid "Category"
msgstr ""
@@ -4757,22 +4767,22 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: format chapter
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:932
msgid "Chapter name"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:931
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:933
msgctxt "FMT_CHAPTER_NO"
msgid "Chapter number"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:932
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:934
msgid "Chapter number without separator"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:933
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:935
msgid "Chapter number and name"
msgstr ""
@@ -4780,47 +4790,47 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: formats
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:937
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:939
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ABC"
msgid "A B C"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:938
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:940
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msgid "a b c"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:939
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:941
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ABC_N"
msgid "A .. AA .. AAA"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:940
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:942
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SABC_N"
msgid "a .. aa .. aaa"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:941
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:943
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ROMAN"
msgid "Roman (I II III)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:942
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:944
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SROMAN"
msgid "Roman (i ii iii)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:943
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:945
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ARABIC"
msgid "Arabic (1 2 3)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:944
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:946
msgid "As Page Style"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:945
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:947
msgid "Text"
msgstr ""
@@ -4828,12 +4838,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Author
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:949
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:951
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:950
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:952
msgid "Initials"
msgstr ""
@@ -4841,42 +4851,42 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: set variable
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:954
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:956
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msgid "System"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:955
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:957
msgid "Text"
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:956
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:958
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:957
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:959
msgid "Text"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:958
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:960
msgid "Formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:959
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:961
msgid "Text"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:960
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:962
msgctxt "FMT_DBFLD_DB"
msgid "Database"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:961
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:963
msgctxt "FMT_DBFLD_SYS"
msgid "System"
msgstr ""
@@ -4884,17 +4894,17 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: storage fields
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:967
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msgid "Author"
msgstr "Müəllif"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:966
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:968
msgctxt "FMT_REG_TIME"
msgid "Time"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:967
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:969
msgctxt "FMT_REG_DATE"
msgid "Date"
msgstr ""
@@ -4902,67 +4912,67 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: formats references
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:973
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:972
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msgstr "Sәhifә"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:973
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:975
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:974
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:976
msgctxt "FMT_REF_UPDOWN"
msgid "Above/Below"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:975
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:977
msgid "As Page Style"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:976
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:978
msgid "Category and Number"
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:977
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:979
msgid "Caption Text"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:978
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:980
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:979
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:981
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msgid "Number"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:980
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:982
msgid "Number (no context)"
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:981
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:983
msgid "Number (full context)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:983
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:985
msgid "Article a/az + "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:984
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:986
msgid "Article A/Az + "
msgstr ""
@@ -4970,29 +4980,29 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: placeholder
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:990
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msgid "Text"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:989
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#, fuzzy
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msgstr "Cədvəllər"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:990
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:992
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msgid "Frame"
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#, fuzzy
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msgid "Object"
@@ -5001,1248 +5011,1248 @@ msgstr "Obyektlər"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: ExchangeStrings for Edit/NameFT
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:998
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:997
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:999
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msgid "Then, Else"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:998
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1000
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msgid "DDE Statement"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:999
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1001
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1000
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1002
#, fuzzy
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msgstr "Makros adı"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1001
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1003
msgctxt "STR_PROMPT"
msgid "~Reference"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1002
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1004
#, fuzzy
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msgstr "Simvollar"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1003
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1005
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msgid "O~ffset"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1004
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1006
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msgid "Value"
msgstr "Dәyәr"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1005
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1007
msgctxt "STR_FORMULA"
msgid "Formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1006
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1008
msgid "Custom"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1008
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1010
msgid "[User]"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1010
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1012
msgctxt "STR_HDIST"
msgid "H. Pitch"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1011
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1013
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msgid "V. Pitch"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1012
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1014
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msgid "Width"
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msgid "Height"
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1014
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msgctxt "STR_LEFT"
msgid "Left margin"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1015
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1017
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msgid "Top margin"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1016
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1018
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msgid "Columns"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1017
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1019
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msgid "Rows"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1019
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1021
msgid "The following service is not available: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1021
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1023
msgid "Word and character count. Click to open Word Count dialog."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1022
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1024
msgid "Single-page view"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1023
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1025
msgid "Multiple-page view"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1024
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1026
msgid "Book view"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1025
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1027
msgid "Page number in document. Click to open Go to Page dialog or right-click for bookmark list."
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1026
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1028
msgid "Page number in document (Page number on printed document). Click to open Go to Page dialog."
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1027
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1029
msgid "Page Style. Right-click to change style or click to open Style dialog."
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#. Strings for textual attributes.
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1030
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1032
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msgid "Drop Caps over"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1031
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1033
msgctxt "STR_DROP_LINES"
msgid "rows"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1032
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1034
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msgid "No page break"
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1036
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1035
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1037
msgid "Flip vertically"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1036
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1038
msgid "Flip horizontal"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1037
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1039
msgid "Horizontal and Vertical Flip"
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1040
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1039
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1041
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msgid "Character Style"
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1042
msgctxt "STR_NO_CHARFMT"
msgid "No Character Style"
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1041
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1043
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msgid "Footer"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1042
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1044
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msgid "No footer"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1043
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1045
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msgid "Header"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1044
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1046
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msgid "No header"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1045
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1047
msgid "Optimal wrap"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1046
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1048
msgid "No wrap"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1047
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1049
msgid "Through"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1048
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1050
msgid "Parallel wrap"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1049
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1051
msgid "Left wrap"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1050
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1052
msgid "Right wrap"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1051
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1053
msgid "(Anchor only)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1052
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1054
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msgid "Width:"
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1053
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1055
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1056
msgid "Min. height:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1055
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1057
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msgid "to paragraph"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1056
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1058
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AS_CHAR"
msgid "to character"
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1059
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msgid "to page"
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1059
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1061
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msgid "Y Coordinate:"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1060
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1062
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msgid "at top"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1061
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1063
msgid "Centered vertically"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1062
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1064
msgid "at bottom"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1063
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1065
msgctxt "STR_LINE_TOP"
msgid "Top of line"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1064
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1066
msgid "Line centered"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1065
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1067
msgid "Bottom of line"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1066
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1068
msgid "Register-true"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1067
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1069
msgid "Not register-true"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1068
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1070
msgctxt "STR_HORI_RIGHT"
msgid "at the right"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1069
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1071
msgid "Centered horizontally"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1070
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1072
msgctxt "STR_HORI_LEFT"
msgid "at the left"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1071
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1073
msgid "inside"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1072
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1074
msgid "outside"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1073
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1075
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msgid "Full width"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1074
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1076
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msgid "Columns"
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1075
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msgctxt "STR_LINE_WIDTH"
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1076
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1078
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1080
msgid "Split"
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1079
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1081
msgctxt "STR_NUMRULE_ON"
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1080
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1082
msgid "no numbering"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1081
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1083
msgctxt "STR_CONNECT1"
msgid "linked to "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1082
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1084
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_CONNECT2"
msgid "and "
msgstr "və"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1083
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1085
msgid "Count lines"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1084
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1086
msgid "don't count lines"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1085
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1087
msgid "restart line count with: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1086
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1088
msgid "Brightness: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1087
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1089
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msgid "Red: "
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1090
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1089
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1091
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1090
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1092
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msgid "Contrast: "
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1091
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1093
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1092
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1094
msgid "Transparency: "
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1093
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1095
#, fuzzy
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msgid "Invert"
msgstr "Daxil et"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1094
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1096
msgctxt "STR_INVERT_NOT"
msgid "do not invert"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1095
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1097
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1096
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1098
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1099
msgid "Grayscales"
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1098
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1100
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1099
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1101
msgid "Watermark"
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1100
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1101
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1103
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1104
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msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1104
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1106
msgid "Follow text flow"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1105
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1107
msgid "Do not follow text flow"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1106
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1108
msgid "Merge borders"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1107
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1109
msgid "Do not merge borders"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1109
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1111
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_TBL"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Cədvəllər"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1110
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1112
msgctxt "ST_FRM"
msgid "Text Frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1111
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1113
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msgid "Page"
msgstr "Sәhifә"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1112
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1114
msgctxt "ST_DRW"
msgid "Drawing"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1113
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1115
msgctxt "ST_CTRL"
msgid "Control"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1114
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1116
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_REG"
msgid "Section"
msgstr "bölmə"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1115
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1117
msgctxt "ST_BKM"
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1116
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1118
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msgid "Graphics"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1117
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1119
#, fuzzy
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msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "OLE Obyektləri"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1118
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1120
msgctxt "ST_OUTL"
msgid "Headings"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1119
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1121
msgctxt "ST_SEL"
msgid "Selection"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1120
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1122
msgctxt "ST_FTN"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1121
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1123
msgctxt "ST_MARK"
msgid "Reminder"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1122
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1124
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "ST_POSTIT"
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Şərhlər"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1123
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1125
msgctxt "ST_SRCH_REP"
msgid "Repeat search"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1124
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1126
msgctxt "ST_INDEX_ENTRY"
msgid "Index entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1125
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1127
msgid "Table formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1126
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1128
msgid "Wrong table formula"
msgstr ""
#. Strings for the quickhelp of the View-PgUp/Down-Buttons
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1128
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1130
msgid "Next table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1129
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1131
msgid "Next text frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1130
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1132
msgid "Next page"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1131
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1133
msgid "Next drawing"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1132
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1134
msgid "Next control"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1133
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1135
msgid "Next section"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1134
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1136
msgid "Next bookmark"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1135
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1137
msgid "Next graphic"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1136
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1138
msgid "Next OLE object"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1137
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1139
msgid "Next heading"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1138
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1140
msgid "Next selection"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1139
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1141
msgid "Next footnote"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1140
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1142
msgid "Next Reminder"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1141
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1143
msgid "Next Comment"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1142
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1144
msgid "Continue search forward"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1143
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1145
msgid "Next index entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1144
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1146
msgid "Previous table"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1145
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1147
msgid "Previous text frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1146
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1148
msgid "Previous page"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1147
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1149
msgid "Previous drawing"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1148
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1150
msgid "Previous control"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1149
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1151
msgid "Previous section"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1150
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1152
msgid "Previous bookmark"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1151
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1153
msgid "Previous graphic"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1152
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1154
msgid "Previous OLE object"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1153
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1155
msgid "Previous heading"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1154
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1156
msgid "Previous selection"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1155
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1157
msgid "Previous footnote"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1156
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1158
msgid "Previous Reminder"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1157
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1159
msgid "Previous Comment"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1158
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1160
msgid "Continue search backwards"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1159
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1161
msgid "Previous index entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1160
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1162
msgid "Previous table formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1161
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1163
msgid "Next table formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1162
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1164
msgid "Previous faulty table formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1163
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1165
msgid "Next faulty table formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1165
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1167
#, fuzzy
msgid "Inserted"
msgstr "Daxil et"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1166
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1168
#, fuzzy
msgid "Deleted"
msgstr "Sil"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1167
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1169
msgid "Formatted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1168
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1170
msgid "Table changed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1169
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1171
msgid "Applied Paragraph Styles"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1170
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1172
msgid "Paragraph formatting changed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1171
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1173
msgid "Row Inserted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1172
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1174
msgid "Row Deleted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1173
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1175
msgid "Cell Inserted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1174
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1176
msgid "Cell Deleted"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1175
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1177
msgctxt "STR_ENDNOTE"
msgid "Endnote: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1176
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1178
msgctxt "STR_FTNNOTE"
msgid "Footnote: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1177
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1179
#, c-format
msgid "%s-click to open Smart Tag menu"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1178
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1180
msgid "Header (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1179
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1181
msgid "First Page Header (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1180
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1182
msgid "Left Page Header (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1181
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1183
msgid "Right Page Header (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1182
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1184
msgid "Footer (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1183
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1185
msgid "First Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1184
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1186
msgid "Left Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1185
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1187
msgid "Right Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1186
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1188
msgid "Delete Header..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1187
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1189
msgid "Format Header..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1188
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1190
msgid "Delete Footer..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1189
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1191
msgid "Format Footer..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1191
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1193
msgid "Image file cannot be opened"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1192
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1194
msgid "Image file cannot be read"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1193
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1195
msgid "Unknown image format"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1194
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1196
msgid "This image file version is not supported"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1195
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1197
msgid "Image filter not found"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1196
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1198
msgid "Not enough memory to insert the image."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1197
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1199
msgid "Insert Image"
msgstr "Şəkil Daxil et"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1198
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1200
#, fuzzy
msgid "Comment: "
msgstr "Şərhlər"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1199
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1201
msgid "Insertion"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1200
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1202
msgid "Deletion"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1201
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1203
msgid "AutoCorrect"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1202
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1204
msgid "Formats"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1203
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1205
msgid "Table Changes"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1204
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1206
msgid "Applied Paragraph Styles"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1205
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1207
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_PAGE"
msgid "Page "
msgstr "Sәhifә"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1206
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1208
msgctxt "STR_PAGE_COUNT"
msgid "Page %1 of %2"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1207
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1209
msgid "Page %1 of %2 (Page %3)"
msgstr ""
#. Strings for gallery/background
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1209
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1211
#, fuzzy
msgid "Paragraph"
msgstr "Paraqraflar"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1210
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1212
#, fuzzy
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Şəkillər"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1211
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1213
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_OLE"
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "OLE Obyektləri"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1212
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1214
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_FRAME"
msgid "Frame"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1213
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1215
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Cədvəllər"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1214
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1216
msgid "Table row"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1215
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1217
msgid "Table cell"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1216
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1218
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_PAGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Sәhifә"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1217
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1219
msgid "Header"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1218
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1220
msgid "Footer"
msgstr ""
#. End: strings for gallery/background
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1221
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1223
msgid "HTML"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1222
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1224
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1224
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1226
msgctxt "STR_TITLE"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Başlıq"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1225
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1227
msgctxt "STR_ALPHA"
msgid "Separator"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1226
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1228
msgctxt "STR_LEVEL"
msgid "Level "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1227
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1229
msgid "The file, \"%1\" in the \"%2\" path could not be found."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1228
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1230
msgid "User-Defined Index"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1229
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1231
msgid "<None>"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1230
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1232
msgid "<None>"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1231
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1233
msgctxt "STR_DELIM"
msgid "S"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1232
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1234
msgid "E#"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1233
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1235
msgid "E"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1234
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1236
msgid "T"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1235
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1237
msgid "#"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1236
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1238
msgid "CI"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1237
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1239
msgid "LS"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1238
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1240
msgid "LE"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1239
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1241
msgid "A"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1240
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1242
msgid "Chapter number"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1241
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1243
msgid "Entry"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1242
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1244
msgid "Tab stop"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1243
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1245
msgid "Text"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1244
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1246
msgid "Page number"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1245
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1247
msgid "Chapter info"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1246
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1248
msgid "Hyperlink start"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1247
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1249
msgid "Hyperlink end"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1248
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1250
msgid "Bibliography entry: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1249
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1251
msgid "Character Style: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1250
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1252
msgid "Structure text"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1251
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1253
msgid "Press Ctrl+Alt+A to move focus for more operations"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1252
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1254
msgid "Press left or right arrow to choose the structure controls"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1253
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1255
msgid "Press Ctrl+Alt+B to move focus back to the current structure control"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1254
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1256
msgid "Selection file for the alphabetical index (*.sdi)"
msgstr ""
@@ -6250,238 +6260,238 @@ msgstr ""
#. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: character alignment for frmsh.cxx - context menu
#. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1259
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1261
msgid "Base line at ~top"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1260
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1262
msgid "~Base line at bottom"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1261
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1263
msgid "Base line ~centered"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1262
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1264
msgid "Insert object"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1263
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1265
msgid "Edit object"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1264
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1266
msgid " (Template: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1265
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1267
msgid "Borders"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1266
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1268
msgid "Background"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1268
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1270
msgid "(Paragraph Style: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1269
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1271
msgid "Page numbers cannot be applied to the current page. Even numbers can be used on left pages, odd numbers on right pages."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1271
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1273
msgid "Master Document"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1272
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1274
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1274
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1276
msgid "A file connection will delete the contents of the current section. Connect anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1275
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1277
msgid "The password entered is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1276
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1278
msgid "The password has not been set."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1278
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1280
msgctxt "STR_HYP_OK"
msgid "Hyphenation completed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1279
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1281
msgid "None (Do not check spelling)"
msgstr "Heç biri (İmla qaydalarını yoxlama)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1280
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1282
msgid "Reset to Default Language"
msgstr "Əsas dilə sıfırla"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1281
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1283
msgid "More..."
msgstr "Daha çox..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1282
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1284
msgid "~Ignore"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1283
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1285
msgid "Explanations..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1285
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1287
msgid "Check special regions is deactivated. Check anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1286
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1288
msgid "Could not merge documents."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1287
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1289
msgid "The source cannot be loaded."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1288
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1290
msgctxt "STR_ERR_NO_FAX"
msgid "No fax printer has been set under Tools/Options/%1/Print."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1289
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1291
msgid "HTML document"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1290
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1292
msgid "Text document"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1291
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1293
msgid "Source not specified."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1292
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1294
msgctxt "STR_NUM_LEVEL"
msgid "Level "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1293
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1295
msgid "Outline "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1294
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1296
msgid "Edit Footnote/Endnote"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1295
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1297
#, fuzzy
msgid "Search key replaced XX times."
msgstr "Açar sözü XX dəfə dəyişdirildi"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1296
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1298
msgid "Row "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1297
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1299
msgid "Column "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1298
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1300
msgctxt "STR_SAVEAS_SRC"
msgid "~Export source..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1299
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1301
msgid "~Export copy of source..."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1301
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1303
msgctxt "ST_CONTINUE"
msgid "~Continue"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1302
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1304
msgctxt "ST_TASK"
msgid "Task"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1303
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1305
msgctxt "ST_STATUS"
msgid "Status"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1304
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1306
msgctxt "ST_SENDINGTO"
msgid "Sending to: %1"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1305
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1307
msgctxt "ST_COMPLETED"
msgid "Successfully sent"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1306
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1308
msgctxt "ST_FAILED"
msgid "Sending failed"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1308
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1310
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1310
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1312
msgid "Text formula"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1312
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1314
msgctxt "STR_MENU_ZOOM"
msgid "~Zoom"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1313
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1315
msgctxt "STR_MENU_UP"
msgid "~Upwards"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1314
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1316
msgctxt "STR_MENU_DOWN"
msgid "Do~wnwards"
msgstr ""
@@ -6489,7 +6499,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Classification strings
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1320
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1322
msgid "Document classification has changed because a paragraph classification level is higher"
msgstr ""
@@ -6497,32 +6507,32 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Paragraph Signature
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1325
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1327
msgctxt "STR_VALID"
msgid " Valid "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1326
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1328
msgctxt "STR_INVALID"
msgid "Invalid"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1327
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1329
msgid "Invalid Signature"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1328
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1330
msgctxt "STR_SIGNED_BY"
msgid "Signed-by"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1329
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1331
msgid "Paragraph Signature"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1331
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1333
msgctxt "labeldialog|cards"
msgid "Business Cards"
msgstr ""
@@ -10202,32 +10212,42 @@ msgctxt "insertautotextdialog|label1"
msgid "Autotexts for Shortcut "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:8
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:9
msgctxt "insertbookmark|InsertBookmarkDialog"
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:40
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:35
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "insertbookmark|insert"
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Daxil et"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:122
-msgctxt "insertbookmark|rename"
-msgid "Rename"
-msgstr "Yenidən adlandır"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:58
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|hide"
+msgid "H_ide"
+msgstr ""
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:80
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|condlabel"
+msgid "_With condition"
+msgstr ""
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:130
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|goto"
+msgid "Go to"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:135
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:144
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "insertbookmark|delete"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Sil"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:148
-msgctxt "insertbookmark|goto"
-msgid "Go to"
-msgstr ""
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:158
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|rename"
+msgid "Rename"
+msgstr "Yenidən adlandır"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbreak.ui:14
msgctxt "insertbreak|BreakDialog"
@@ -13088,7 +13108,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/numparapage.ui:67
msgctxt "numparapage|comboLB_OUTLINE_LEVEL"
-msgid "Body text"
+msgid "Text Body"
msgstr ""
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/numparapage.ui:68
@@ -13548,81 +13568,86 @@ msgstr ""
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:134
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddentext"
-msgid "Hidden text"
+msgid "Hidden characters"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:149
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:216
+msgctxt "optformataidspage|displayfl"
+msgid "Display formatting"
+msgstr ""
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:249
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddentextfield"
-msgid "Fields: Hidden te_xt"
+msgid "Hidden te_xt"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:164
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:264
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddenparafield"
-msgid "Fields: Hidden p_aragraphs"
+msgid "Hidden p_aragraphs"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:252
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:285
msgctxt "optformataidspage|displayfl"
-msgid "Display of"
+msgid "Display fields"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:284
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:317
msgctxt "optformataidspage|mathbaseline"
msgid "Math baseline alignment"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:305
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:338
msgctxt "optformataidspage|layoutopt"
msgid "Layout Assistance"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:349
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:382
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursoronoff"
msgid "_Direct cursor"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:366
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:399
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillmode"
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Daxil et"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:388
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:421
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillmargin"
msgid "Para_graph alignment"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:404
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:437
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillindent"
msgid "_Left paragraph margin"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:420
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:453
msgctxt "optformataidspage|filltab"
msgid "_Tabs"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:436
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:469
msgctxt "optformataidspage|filltabandspace"
msgid "Tabs a_nd spaces"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:452
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:485
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillspace"
msgid "_Spaces"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:482
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:515
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursorlabel"
msgid "Direct Cursor"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:514
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:547
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursorinprot"
msgid "Enable cursor"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:535
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:568
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursoropt"
msgid "Protected Areas"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/az/vcl/messages.po b/source/az/vcl/messages.po
index 27d8707b63c..f9507ffba2a 100644
--- a/source/az/vcl/messages.po
+++ b/source/az/vcl/messages.po
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-#. extracted from vcl/inc
+#. extracted from vcl/inc/font
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-08 15:10+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -13,6 +13,391 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:25
+msgid "Access All Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:26
+msgid "Alternative (Vertical) Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:27
+msgid "Ancient Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:28
+msgid "Capitals to Petite Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:29
+msgid "Capitals to Small Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:30
+msgid "Contextual Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:31
+msgid "Case-Sensitive Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:32
+msgid "Contextual Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:33
+msgid "Centered CJK Punctuation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:34
+msgid "Capital Spacing"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:35
+msgid "Contextual Swash"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:36
+msgid "Character Variant %1"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:37
+msgid "Drop Caps"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:38
+msgid "Discretionary Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:39
+msgid "Denominators"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:40
+msgid "Diphthongs (Obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:41
+msgid "Expert Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:42
+msgid "Final Glyph on Line Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:43
+msgid "DIagonal Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:44
+msgid "Diagonal Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:45
+msgid "Nut Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:46
+msgid "Full Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:47
+msgid "Alternate Half Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:48
+msgid "Historical Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:49
+msgid "Horizontal Kana Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:50
+msgid "Historical Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:51
+msgid "Hanja to Hangul (Obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:52
+msgid "Hojo Kanji Forms (JIS X 0212-1990 Kanji Forms)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:53
+msgid "Half Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:54
+msgid "Italics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:55
+msgid "Justification Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:56
+msgid "JIS2004 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:57
+msgid "JIS78 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:58
+msgid "JIS83 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:59
+msgid "JIS90 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:60
+msgid "Horizontal Kerning"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:61
+msgid "Left Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:62
+msgid "Standard Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:63
+msgid "Lining Figures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:64
+msgid "Mathematical Greek"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:65
+msgid "Alternate Annotation Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:66
+msgid "NLC Kanji Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:67
+msgid "Numerators"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:68
+msgid "Oldstyle Figures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:69
+msgid "Optical Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:70
+msgid "Ordinals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:71
+msgid "Ornaments"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:72
+msgid "Proportional Alternate Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:73
+msgid "Lowercase to Petite Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:74
+msgid "Proportional Kana"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:75
+msgid "Proportional Numbers"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:76
+msgid "Proportional Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:77
+msgid "Quarter Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:78
+msgid "Right Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:79
+msgid "Ruby Notation Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:80
+msgid "Stylistic Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:81
+msgid "Scientific Inferiors"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:82
+msgid "Lowercase to Small Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:83
+msgid "Simplified Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:84
+msgid "Stylistic Set %1"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:85
+msgid "Subscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:86
+msgid "Superscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:87
+msgid "Swash"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:88
+msgid "Titling"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:89
+msgid "Traditional Name Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:90
+msgid "Tabular Numbers"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:91
+msgid "Traditional Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:92
+msgid "Third Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:93
+msgid "Unicase"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:94
+msgid "Alternate Vertical Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:95
+msgid "Alternate Vertical Half Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:96
+msgid "Vertical Kana Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:97
+msgid "Vertical Kerning"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:98
+msgid "Proportional Alternate Vertical Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:99
+msgid "Vertical Alternates and Rotation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:100
+msgid "Vertical Alternates for Rotation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:101
+msgid "Slashed Zero"
+msgstr ""
#. To translators: This is the first entry of a sequence of paper size names
#: vcl/inc/print.hrc:28
diff --git a/source/be/cui/messages.po b/source/be/cui/messages.po
index 0948b69cb22..195350b19c5 100644
--- a/source/be/cui/messages.po
+++ b/source/be/cui/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-12-24 17:58+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Мікалай Удодаў <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -3470,7 +3470,7 @@ msgctxt "certdialog|label1"
msgid "Certificate Path"
msgstr "Шлях да сертыфіката"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:46
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:45
msgctxt "charnamepage|westlangft-nocjk"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "Мова:"
@@ -3480,52 +3480,72 @@ msgctxt "charnamepage|westsizeft-nocjk"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Памер:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:257
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:196
+msgctxt "charnamepage|west_features_button-nocjk"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:268
msgctxt "charnamepage|westsizeft-cjk"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Памер:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:272
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:283
msgctxt "charnamepage|westlangft-cjk"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "Мова:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:346
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:352
+msgctxt "charnamepage|west_features_button-cjk"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:373
msgctxt "charnamepage|label4"
msgid "Western Text Font"
msgstr "Шрыфт лацінскага тэксту"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:415
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:441
msgctxt "charnamepage|eastsizeft"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Памер:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:430
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:456
msgctxt "charnamepage|eastlangft"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "Мова:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:503
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:524
+msgctxt "charnamepage|east_features_button"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:545
msgctxt "charnamepage|label5"
msgid "Asian Text Font"
msgstr "Шрыфт азіяцкага тэксту"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:572
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:613
msgctxt "charnamepage|ctlsizeft"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Памер:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:587
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:628
msgctxt "charnamepage|ctllangft"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "Мова:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:661
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:697
+msgctxt "charnamepage|ctl_features_button"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:718
msgctxt "charnamepage|label6"
msgid "CTL Font"
msgstr "Шрыфт СТВ"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:688
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:745
msgctxt "charnamepage|preview-atkobject"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Перадпаказ"
@@ -5045,6 +5065,16 @@ msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|flState"
msgid "State"
msgstr "Адм.адзінка"
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/fontfeaturesdialog.ui:9
+msgctxt "newtabledialog|NewTableDialog"
+msgid "Font Features"
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/fontfeaturesdialog.ui:149
+msgctxt "fontfeaturesdialog|preview-atkobject"
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr ""
#: cui/uiconfig/ui/formatcellsdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "formatcellsdialog|FormatCellsDialog"
msgid "Table Properties"
@@ -7779,82 +7809,87 @@ msgctxt "optfontspage|label1"
msgid "Font Settings for HTML, Basic and SQL Sources"
msgstr "Настаўленні шрыфтаў для крынічных тэкстаў HTML, Basic і SQL"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:31
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:35
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|exthelp"
msgid "_Extended tips"
msgstr "Пашыраныя наменкі"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:46
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:50
+msgctxt "optgeneralpage|popupnohelp"
+msgid "Show \"No offline help installed\" popup"
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:70
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label1"
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Даведка"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:76
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:100
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|filedlg"
msgid "_Use %PRODUCTNAME dialogs"
msgstr "Ужываць дыялогі %PRODUCTNAME"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:110
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:134
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label2"
msgid "Open/Save Dialogs"
msgstr "Дыялогі Адкрыцця і Запісу"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:136
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:160
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|printdlg"
msgid "Use %PRODUCTNAME _dialogs"
msgstr "Ужываць дыялогі %PRODUCTNAME"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:151
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:175
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label3"
msgid "Print Dialogs"
msgstr "Дыялогі друкавання"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:177
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:201
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|docstatus"
msgid "_Printing sets \"document modified\" status"
msgstr "Друкаванне азначае \"дакумент зменены\""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:192
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:216
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label4"
msgid "Document Status"
msgstr "Стан дакумента"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:225
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:249
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label6"
msgid "_Interpret as years between "
msgstr "Інтэрпрэтаваць як гады паміж "
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:250
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:274
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|toyear"
msgid "and "
msgstr "і "
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:265
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:289
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label5"
msgid "Year (Two Digits)"
msgstr "Год (дзве лічбы)"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:291
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:315
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|collectusageinfo"
msgid "Collect usage data and send it to The Document Foundation"
msgstr "Збіраць звесткі пра выкарыстанне і адпраўляць у The Document Foundation"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:306
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:330
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label7"
msgid "Help Improve %PRODUCTNAME"
msgstr "Дапамажыце палепшыць %PRODUCTNAME"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:337
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:361
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|quicklaunch"
msgid "Load %PRODUCTNAME during system start-up"
msgstr "Пуск %PRODUCTNAME пры пуску сістэмы"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:352
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:376
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|systray"
msgid "Enable systray Quickstarter"
msgstr "Значок Хуткапуску ў сістэмным трэі"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:373
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:397
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label8"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Quickstarter"
msgstr "Хуткі Пускальнік %PRODUCTNAME"
diff --git a/source/be/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po b/source/be/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
index caeedea6c17..6f0eef414f9 100644
--- a/source/be/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
+++ b/source/be/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:05+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-01-16 17:04+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Мікалай Удодаў <>\n"
"Language-Team: Belarusian <>\n"
@@ -3808,15 +3808,6 @@ msgstr "Уставіць разрыў радка"
#: CalcCommands.xcu
msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Data"
-msgstr "Даныя"
-#: CalcCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
@@ -22475,6 +22466,15 @@ msgstr "Устаўка"
#: GenericCommands.xcu
msgctxt ""
+msgid "~Data"
+msgstr ""
+#: GenericCommands.xcu
+msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/be/sc/messages.po b/source/be/sc/messages.po
index 6f44e44894c..ecf1e29baa9 100644
--- a/source/be/sc/messages.po
+++ b/source/be/sc/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-01-16 17:08+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Мікалай Удодаў <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -14133,37 +14133,42 @@ msgid "~Value"
msgstr "Значэнне"
#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:68
+msgid "~Formula"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:69
msgid "~Source"
msgstr "Крыніца"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:69
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:70
msgid "~Entries"
msgstr "Складнікі"
#. for dialogues:
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:71
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:72
msgid "System"
msgstr "Сістэмны"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:72
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:73
msgid "Standard;Text;Date (DMY);Date (MDY);Date (YMD);US English;Hide"
msgstr "Стандартна;Тэкст;Дата (ДМГ);Дата (МДГ);Дата (ГМД);Амерыканская;Не паказваць"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:73
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:74
msgid "Tab"
msgstr "Табуляцыя"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:74
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:75
msgid "space"
msgstr "прабел"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:75
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:76
msgid ""
"%PRODUCTNAME Calc found an error in the formula entered.\n"
@@ -14174,1210 +14179,1315 @@ msgstr ""
"Ці хочаце прыняць папраўку, прапанаваную ніжэй?\n"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:76
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:77
msgid "Image Filter"
msgstr "Фільтр відарысаў"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:77
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:78
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Тэкст"
#. Select tables dialog title
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:79
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:80
msgid "Select Sheets"
msgstr "Выбар аркушаў"
#. Select tables dialog listbox
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:81
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:82
msgid "~Selected sheets"
msgstr "Азначаныя аркушы"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:82
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:83
msgid "Ruler"
msgstr "Лінейка"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:83
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:84
msgid "This ruler manages objects at fixed positions."
msgstr "Гэтая лінейка кіруе аб'ектамі на замацаваных месцах."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:84
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:85
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Перадпаказ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:85
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:86
msgid "This sheet shows how the data will be arranged in the document."
msgstr "Гэты аркуш паказвае, якім чынам даныя будуць выкладзены ў дакуменце."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:86
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:87
msgctxt "STR_ACC_DOC_NAME"
msgid "Document view"
msgstr "Від: дакумент"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:87
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:88
msgid "Sheet %1"
msgstr "Аркуш %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:88
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:89
msgid "Cell %1"
msgstr "Клетка %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:89
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:90
msgid "Left area"
msgstr "Абсяг злева"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:90
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:91
msgid "Page preview"
msgstr "Перадпаказ старонкі"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:91
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:92
msgid "Center area"
msgstr "Абсяг у цэнтры"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:92
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:93
msgid "Right area"
msgstr "Абсяг справа"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:93
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:94
msgid "Header of page %1"
msgstr "Верхні калантытул старонкі %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:94
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:95
msgid "Footer of page %1"
msgstr "Ніжні калантытул старонкі %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:95
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:96
msgid "Input line"
msgstr "Радок уводу"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:96
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:97
msgid "This is where you enter or edit text, numbers and formulas."
msgstr "Тут можна ўводзіць ці правіць тэкст, лікі і формулы."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:97
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:98
msgid "Media Playback"
msgstr "Узнаўлянне мультымедый"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:98
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:99
msgid "Mouse button pressed"
msgstr "Націснута кнопка на мышцы"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:99
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:100
msgid "Formula Tool Bar"
msgstr "Стужка формул"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:100
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:101
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Spreadsheets"
msgstr "Разліковыя аркушы %PRODUCTNAME"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:101
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:102
msgid "(read-only)"
msgstr "(толькі-чытаць)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:102
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:103
msgid "(Preview mode)"
msgstr "(рэжым перадпаказу)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:103
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:104
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Старонкі"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:104
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:105
msgid "~Suppress output of empty pages"
msgstr "Не выводзіць пустыя старонкі"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:105
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:106
#, fuzzy
msgid "Print content"
msgstr "Змесціва спісу"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:106
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:107
#, fuzzy
msgid "~All sheets"
msgstr "Усе аркушы"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:107
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:108
msgid "~Selected sheets"
msgstr "Азначаныя аркушы"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:108
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:109
msgid "Selected cells"
msgstr "Выбраныя клеткі"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:109
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:110
msgid "From which print"
msgstr "З гэтага друкаваць"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:110
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:111
msgid "All ~pages"
msgstr "Усе старонкі"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:111
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:112
msgid "Pa~ges"
msgstr "Старонкі"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:112
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:113
#, fuzzy
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Calc"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:113
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:114
msgid "Warn me about this in the future."
msgstr "Папярэджваць аб гэтым і далей."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:114
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:115
msgid "The following DDE source could not be updated possibly because the source document was not open. Please launch the source document and try again."
msgstr "Не ўдалося абнавіць азначаную крыніцу DDE з-за таго, магчыма, што не быў адкрыты крынічны дакмент. Адкрыйце крынічны дакумент і паспрабуйце ізноў."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:115
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:116
msgid "The following external file could not be loaded. Data linked from this file did not get updated."
msgstr "Не ўдалося прачытаць азначаны вонкавы файл. Даныя, прывязаныя да яго зместу, не былі абноўлены."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:116
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:117
msgid "Updating external links."
msgstr "Абнаўленне вонкавых спасылак."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:117
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:118
msgid "Calc A1"
msgstr "Calc A1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:118
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:119
msgid "Excel A1"
msgstr "Excel A1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:119
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:120
msgid "Excel R1C1"
msgstr "Excel R1C1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:120
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:121
msgid "Range contains column la~bels"
msgstr "Абсяг утрымлівае меткі калонак"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:121
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:122
msgid "Range contains ~row labels"
msgstr "Абсяг утрымлівае меткі радкоў"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:122
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:123
msgctxt "SCSTR_VALERR"
msgid "Invalid value"
msgstr "Недапушчальнае значэнне."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:123
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:124
msgid "No formula specified."
msgstr "Нявызначаная формула."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:124
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:125
msgctxt "STR_NOCOLROW"
msgid "Neither row or column specified."
msgstr "Нявызначаныя радок і калонка."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:125
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:126
msgid "Undefined name or range."
msgstr "Нявызначаныя назва або абсяг."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:126
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:127
msgid "Undefined name or wrong cell reference."
msgstr "Нявызначаная назва або некарэктная спасылка на клетку."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:127
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:128
msgid "Formulas don't form a column."
msgstr "Формулы не ўтвараюць калонкі."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:128
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:129
msgid "Formulas don't form a row."
msgstr "Формулы не ўтвараюць радка."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:129
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:130
msgid "Add AutoFormat"
msgstr "Дадаць Аўта-фармат"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:130
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:131
msgid "Rename AutoFormat"
msgstr "Назваць Аўта-фармат"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:131
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:132
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Назва"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:132
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:133
msgid "Delete AutoFormat"
msgstr "Сцерці Аўта-фармат"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:133
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:134
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do you really want to delete the # AutoFormat?"
msgstr "Сапраўды сцерці складнік #?"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:134
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:135
msgid "~Close"
msgstr "Закрыць"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:135
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:136
msgctxt "STR_JAN"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Сту"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:136
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:137
msgctxt "STR_FEB"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Лют"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:137
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:138
msgctxt "STR_MAR"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Сак"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:138
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:139
msgctxt "STR_NORTH"
msgid "North"
msgstr "Поўнач"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:139
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:140
msgctxt "STR_MID"
msgid "Mid"
msgstr "Між"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:140
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:141
msgctxt "STR_SOUTH"
msgid "South"
msgstr "Поўдзень"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:141
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:142
msgctxt "STR_SUM"
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Разам"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:142
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:143
msgctxt "STR_SHEET"
msgid "Sheet"
msgstr "Аркуш"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:143
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:144
msgctxt "STR_CELL"
msgid "Cell"
msgstr "Клетка"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:144
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:145
msgctxt "STR_CONTENT"
msgid "Content"
msgstr "Змесціва"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:145
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:146
#, fuzzy
msgid "Page Anchor"
msgstr "Змяніць мацаванне"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:146
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:147
msgid "Cell Anchor"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:147
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:148
#, fuzzy
msgid "Condition "
msgstr "Умова 1"
#. content description strings are also use d in ScLinkTargetsObj
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:150
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:151
msgid "Contents"
msgstr "Змесціва"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:151
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:152
msgid "Sheets"
msgstr "Аркушы"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:152
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:153
msgid "Range names"
msgstr "Назвы абсягаў"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:153
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:154
msgid "Database ranges"
msgstr "Абсягі баз даных"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:154
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:155
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Відарысы"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:155
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:156
msgid "OLE objects"
msgstr "Аб'екты OLE"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:156
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:157
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Заўвагі"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:157
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:158
msgid "Linked areas"
msgstr "Далучаныя абсягі"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:158
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:159
msgid "Drawing objects"
msgstr "Рысавальныя аб'екты"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:159
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:160
msgid "Drag Mode"
msgstr "Лад \"перацягвання\""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:160
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:161
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Паказаць"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:161
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:162
msgctxt "SCSTR_ACTIVE"
msgid "active"
msgstr "актыўны"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:162
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:163
msgid "inactive"
msgstr "неактыўны"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:163
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:164
msgctxt "SCSTR_HIDDEN"
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "скрыты"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:164
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:165
msgid "Active Window"
msgstr "Актыўнае акно"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:165
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:166
msgid "Scenario Name"
msgstr "Назва сцэнарыя"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:166
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:167
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Каментарый"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:168
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:169
msgid "Sort Ascending"
msgstr "У парадку павелічэння"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:169
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:170
msgid "Sort Descending"
msgstr "У парадку памяншэння"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:170
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:171
msgid "Custom Sort"
msgstr "Па-свойму"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:171
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:172
msgid "All"
msgstr "Усе"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:172
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:173
msgid "Show only the current item."
msgstr "Паказваць толькі азначаны складнік."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:173
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:174
msgid "Hide only the current item."
msgstr "Не паказваць толькі азначаны складнік."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:174
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:175
msgid "Search items..."
msgstr "Шукаць элементы…"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:176
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:177
msgid "Name Box"
msgstr "Назоўны бокс"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:177
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:178
msgid "Input line"
msgstr "Радок уводу"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:178
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:179
msgid "Function Wizard"
msgstr "Майстар Функцый"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:179
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:180
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "Прыняць"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:180
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:181
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Нічога"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:181
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:182
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "Сума"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:182
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:183
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "Формула"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:183
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:184
msgid "Expand Formula Bar"
msgstr "Разгарнуць стужку формул"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:184
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:185
msgid "Collapse Formula Bar"
msgstr "Згарнуць стужку формул"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:186
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:187
msgid "Conflict"
msgstr "Канфлікт"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:187
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:188
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Аўтар"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:188
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:189
msgctxt "STR_TITLE_DATE"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Дата"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:189
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:190
msgid "Unknown User"
msgstr "Невядомы карыстальнік"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:191
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:192
msgid "Column inserted"
msgstr "Калонка ўстаўлена"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:192
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:193
msgid "Row inserted "
msgstr "Радок устаўлены "
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:193
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:194
msgid "Sheet inserted "
msgstr "Аркуш устаўлены "
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:194
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:195
msgid "Column deleted"
msgstr "Калонка сцёрта"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:195
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:196
msgid "Row deleted"
msgstr "Радок сцёрты"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:196
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:197
msgid "Sheet deleted"
msgstr "Аркуш сцёрты"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:197
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:198
msgctxt "STR_CHG_MOVE"
msgid "Range moved"
msgstr "Дыяпазон перамешчаны"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:198
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:199
msgid "Changed contents"
msgstr "Змененае змесціва"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:199
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:200
msgid "Changed contents"
msgstr "Змененае змесціва"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:200
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:201
msgid "Changed to "
msgstr "Зменена на"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:201
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:202
msgid "Original"
msgstr "Пачатковыя"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:202
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:203
msgctxt "STR_CHG_REJECT"
msgid "Changes rejected"
msgstr "Папраўкі адхіленыя"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:203
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:204
msgid "Accepted"
msgstr "Прынята"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:204
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:205
msgid "Rejected"
msgstr "Адхілена"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:205
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:206
msgctxt "STR_CHG_NO_ENTRY"
msgid "No Entry"
msgstr "Няма ўводу"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:206
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:207
msgctxt "STR_CHG_EMPTY"
msgid "<empty>"
msgstr "<пуста>"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:208
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:209
msgid "Not protected"
msgstr "Без аховы"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:209
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:210
msgid "Not password-protected"
msgstr "Без аховы паролем"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:210
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:211
msgctxt "STR_HASH_BAD"
msgid "Hash incompatible"
msgstr "Несумяшчальны хэш"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:211
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:212
msgctxt "STR_HASH_GOOD"
msgid "Hash compatible"
msgstr "Хэш сумяшчальны (добра)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:212
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:213
msgctxt "STR_RETYPE"
msgid "Re-type"
msgstr "Увесці нанова"
#. MovingAverageDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:215
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:216
msgid "Moving Average"
msgstr "Слізгальнае сярэдняе"
#. ExponentialSmoothingDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:217
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:218
msgid "Exponential Smoothing"
msgstr "Экспаненцыйнае згладжванне"
#. AnalysisOfVarianceDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:219
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:220
msgid "Analysis of Variance"
msgstr "Дысперсійны аналіз"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:220
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:221
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_ANOVA"
+msgid "Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:222
msgid "ANOVA - Single Factor"
msgstr "Аднафактарны аналіз ANOVA"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:221
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:223
msgid "ANOVA - Two Factor"
msgstr "Двухфактарны аналіз ANOVA"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:222
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:224
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Групы"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:223
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:225
msgid "Between Groups"
msgstr "Між групамі"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:224
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:226
msgid "Within Groups"
msgstr "Унутры груп"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:225
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:227
msgid "Source of Variation"
msgstr "Крыніца дысперсіі"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:226
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:228
msgid "SS"
msgstr "SS"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:227
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:229
msgid "df"
msgstr "df"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:228
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:230
msgid "MS"
msgstr "MS"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:229
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:231
msgid "F"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:230
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:232
+msgid "Significance F"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:233
msgid "P-value"
msgstr "P-значэнне"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:231
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:234
msgid "F critical"
msgstr "F крытычнае"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:232
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:235
#, fuzzy
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Разам"
#. CorrelationDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:234
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:237
msgid "Correlation"
msgstr "Карэляцыя"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:235
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:238
msgid "Correlations"
msgstr "Карэляцыі"
#. CovarianceDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:237
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:240
msgid "Covariance"
msgstr "Каварыяцыя"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:238
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:241
msgid "Covariances"
msgstr "Каварыяцыі"
#. DescriptiveStatisticsDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:240
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:243
msgid "Descriptive Statistics"
msgstr "Апісальная статыстыка"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:241
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:244
msgid "Mean"
msgstr "Сярэдняе"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:242
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:245
msgid "Standard Error"
msgstr "Стандартная памылка"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:243
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:246
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Мода"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:244
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:247
msgid "Median"
msgstr "Медыяна"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:245
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:248
msgid "Variance"
msgstr "Дысперсія"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:246
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:249
msgid "Standard Deviation"
msgstr "Стандартнае адхіленне"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:247
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:250
msgid "Kurtosis"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:248
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:251
msgid "Skewness"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:249
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "Range"
msgstr "У інтэрвале"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:250
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:253
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_MIN"
msgid "Minimum"
msgstr "Мінімум"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:251
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:254
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_MAX"
msgid "Maximum"
msgstr "Максімум"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:252
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:255
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_SUM"
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "Сума"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:253
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:256
msgid "Count"
msgstr "Колькасць"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:254
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:257
-msgid "First Quartile "
+msgid "First Quartile"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:255
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:258
msgid "Third Quartile"
msgstr ""
#. RandomNumberGeneratorDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:257
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:260
msgid "Random ($(DISTRIBUTION))"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:258
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:261
msgid "Uniform"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:259
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:262
msgid "Uniform Integer"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:260
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:263
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Нармальнае"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:261
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:264
msgid "Cauchy"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:262
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:265
msgid "Bernoulli"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:263
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:266
msgid "Binomial"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:264
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:267
msgid "Negative Binomial"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:265
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:268
msgid "Chi Squared"
msgstr "Хі-квадрат"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:266
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:269
msgid "Geometric"
msgstr "Геаметрычнае"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:267
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:270
msgid "Minimum"
msgstr "Мінімум"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:268
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:271
msgid "Maximum"
msgstr "Максімум"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:269
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:272
msgid "Mean"
msgstr "Сярэдняе"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:270
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:273
msgid "Standard Deviation"
msgstr "Стандартнае адхіленне"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:271
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:274
msgid "Median"
msgstr "Медыяна"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:272
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:275
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sigma"
msgstr "sigma"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:273
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:276
#, fuzzy
msgid "p Value"
msgstr "nu-значэнне"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:274
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:277
msgid "Number of Trials"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:275
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:278
msgid "nu Value"
msgstr "nu-значэнне"
#. SamplingDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:277
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:280
msgid "Sampling"
msgstr "Сэмпліраванне"
#. Names of dialogs
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:279
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:282
msgctxt "STR_FTEST"
msgid "F-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:280
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:283
msgid "F-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:281
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:284
msgctxt "STR_TTEST"
msgid "Paired t-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:282
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:285
msgid "Paired t-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:283
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:286
msgctxt "STR_ZTEST"
msgid "z-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:284
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:287
msgid "z-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:285
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:288
msgid "Test of Independence (Chi-Square)"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:286
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:289
msgid "Regression"
msgstr "Рэгрэсія"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:287
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:290
msgid "Regression"
msgstr "Рэгрэсія"
#. Common
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:289
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:292
msgid "Column %NUMBER%"
msgstr "Калонка %NUMBER%"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:290
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:293
msgid "Row %NUMBER%"
msgstr "Радок %NUMBER%"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:291
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:294
msgid "Alpha"
msgstr "Альфа"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:292
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:295
msgid "Variable 1"
msgstr "Зменная 1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:293
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:296
msgid "Variable 2"
msgstr "Зменная 2"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:294
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:297
msgid "Hypothesized Mean Difference"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:295
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:298
#, fuzzy
msgid "Observations"
msgstr "Аперацыі"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:296
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:299
msgid "Observed Mean Difference"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:297
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:300
+msgid "R^2"
+msgstr "R^2"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:301
+msgid "Adjusted R^2"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:302
+msgid "Count of X variables"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:303
msgid "df"
msgstr "df"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:298
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:304
msgid "P-value"
msgstr "P-значэнне"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:299
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:305
msgid "Critical Value"
msgstr "Крытычнае значэнне"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:300
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:306
msgid "Test Statistic"
msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:307
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_LOWER"
+msgid "Lower"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:308
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_Upper"
+msgid "Upper"
+msgstr ""
#. RegressionDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:302
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:310
msgid "Linear"
msgstr "Лінейная"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:303
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:311
msgid "Logarithmic"
msgstr "Лагарыфмічная"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:304
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:312
#, fuzzy
msgid "Power"
msgstr "Ступенная"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:305
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:313
+msgid "Independent variable(s) range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:314
+msgid "Dependent variable(s) range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:315
+msgid "Output range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:316
+msgid "Confidence level must be in the interval (0, 1)."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:317
+msgid "Y variable range cannot have more than 1 column."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:318
+msgid "Y variable range cannot have more than 1 row."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:319
+msgid "Univariate regression : The observation count in X and Y must match."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:320
+msgid "Multivariate regression : The observation count in X and Y must match."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:321
msgid "Regression Model"
msgstr "Рэгрэсійная мадэль"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:306
-msgid "R^2"
-msgstr "R^2"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:322
+msgid "Regression Statistics"
+msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:307
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:323
+msgid "Residual"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:324
+msgid "Confidence level"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:325
+msgid "Coefficients"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:326
+msgid "t-Statistic"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:327
#, fuzzy
msgid "Slope"
msgstr "Абсяг бачнасці"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:308
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:328
#, fuzzy
msgid "Intercept"
msgstr "Інтэрнэт"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:329
+msgid "Predicted Y"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:330
+msgid "LINEST raw output"
+msgstr ""
#. F Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:310
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:332
msgid "P (F<=f) right-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:311
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:333
msgid "F Critical right-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:312
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:334
msgid "P (F<=f) left-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:313
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:335
msgid "F Critical left-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:314
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:336
msgid "P two-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:315
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:337
msgid "F Critical two-tail"
msgstr ""
#. t Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:317
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:339
msgid "Pearson Correlation"
msgstr "Карэляцыя Пірсана"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:318
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:340
msgid "Variance of the Differences"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:319
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:341
msgctxt "STR_TTEST_T_STAT"
msgid "t Stat"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:320
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:342
msgid "P (T<=t) one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:321
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:343
msgid "t Critical one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:322
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:344
msgid "P (T<=t) two-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:323
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:345
msgid "t Critical two-tail"
msgstr ""
#. Z Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:325
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:347
msgid "z"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:326
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:348
msgid "Known Variance"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:327
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:349
msgid "P (Z<=z) one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:328
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:350
msgid "z Critical one-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:329
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:351
msgid "P (Z<=z) two-tail"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:330
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:352
msgid "z Critical two-tail"
msgstr ""
#. infobar for allowing links to update or not
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:332
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:354
msgid "Enable Content"
msgstr ""
#. Insert image dialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:334
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:356
msgid "To cell"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:335
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:357
msgid "To cell (resize with cell)"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:336
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:358
msgid "To page"
msgstr ""
@@ -17145,6 +17255,11 @@ msgctxt "dataprovider|label"
msgid "Source Stream"
msgstr "Крынічны стумень"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/dataproviderdlg.ui:36
+msgctxt "dataproviderdlg|db_name"
+msgid "Database Range: "
+msgstr ""
#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/dataproviderentry.ui:46
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "dataproviderentry|url"
@@ -19026,554 +19141,554 @@ msgctxt "notebookbar|DevLabel"
msgid "Tools"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2945
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2986
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Menu"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2977
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3018
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|defaultD"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Тыпова"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2991
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3032
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent1"
msgid "Accent 1"
msgstr "Акцэнт 1"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2999
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3040
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent2"
msgid "Accent 2"
msgstr "Акцэнт 2"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3007
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3048
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent3"
msgid "Accent 3"
msgstr "Акцэнт 3"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3021
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3062
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Header1"
msgid "Header 1"
msgstr "Калантытул верхні"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3029
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3070
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Header2"
msgid "Header 2"
msgstr "Калантытул верхні"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3043
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3084
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|bad"
msgid "Bad"
msgstr "Кепска"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3051
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3092
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|good"
msgid "Good"
msgstr "Добра"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3059
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3100
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|neutral"
msgid "Neutral"
msgstr "Нейтральна"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3067
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3108
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|error"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Памылка"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|warning"
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Папярэджанне"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3130
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|footnote"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr "Падрадкоўнік"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3097
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3138
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|note"
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Заўвага"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3336
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3377
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Tools"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3630
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3671
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|menub"
msgid "_Menu"
msgstr "Меню"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3686
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3727
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|toolsb"
msgid "_Tools"
msgstr "Прылады"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3775
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3816
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|fileb"
msgid "_File"
msgstr "Файл"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3930
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3971
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|editb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "Змяніць"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4088
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4129
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphstyleb"
msgid "St_yles"
msgstr "Стылі"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4245
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4286
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|formatb"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "Шрыфт"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4306
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4347
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|bordertype"
msgid "Specify the borders of the selected cells."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4466
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4507
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|numberb"
msgid "_Number"
msgstr "Лічбы"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4625
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4666
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "Раўнаванне"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4788
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4829
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|cellb"
msgid "_Cells"
msgstr "Клеткі"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4931
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4972
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|insertb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Уставіць"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5064
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5105
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|datab"
msgid "_Data"
msgstr "Даныя:"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5178
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5219
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|reviewb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "Праверыць"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5293
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5334
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewb"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Від"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5436
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5477
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|graphicB"
msgid "_Graphic"
msgstr "Графіка"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5554
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5595
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|colorb"
msgid "C_olor"
msgstr "Колер"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5897
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5938
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrange"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "Упарадкаваць"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6050
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6091
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|GridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "Рашотка"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6177
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6218
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|languageb"
msgid "_Language"
msgstr "Мова"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6307
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6348
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|revieb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "Праверыць"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6442
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6483
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|commentsb"
msgid "_Comments"
msgstr "Заўвагі"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6543
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6584
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|compareb"
msgid "Com_pare"
msgstr "Параўнаць"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6647
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6688
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewA"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Від"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6824
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6865
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|editdrawb"
msgid "_Styles"
msgstr "Стылі"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7041
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7082
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|drawb"
msgid "D_raw"
msgstr "Рысаваць"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7232
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7273
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrangeD"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "Упарадкаваць"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7345
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7386
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Grid"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "Рашотка"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7458
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7499
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewDrawb"
msgid "Grou_p"
msgstr "Група"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7570
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7611
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|3Db"
msgid "3_D"
msgstr "3_D"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7755
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7796
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|oleB"
msgid "F_rame"
msgstr "Рам_ка"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7962
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8003
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrangeO"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "Упарадкаваць"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|GridO"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "Рашотка"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8189
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8230
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewO"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Від"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8298
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8339
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphstyles"
msgid "_Styles"
msgstr "Стылі"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8473
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8514
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|formats"
msgid "F_ormat"
msgstr "Format"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8749
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8790
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphS"
msgid "_Paragraph"
msgstr "Абзац"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8911
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8952
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewS"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Від"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:1950
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:1991
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Help"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2945
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2986
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Menu"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2977
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3018
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|defaultD"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Тыпова"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2991
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3032
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent1"
msgid "Accent 1"
msgstr "Акцэнт 1"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2999
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3040
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent2"
msgid "Accent 2"
msgstr "Акцэнт 2"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3007
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3048
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent3"
msgid "Accent 3"
msgstr "Акцэнт 3"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3021
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3062
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Header1"
msgid "Header 1"
msgstr "Калантытул верхні"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3029
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3070
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Header2"
msgid "Header 2"
msgstr "Калантытул верхні"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3043
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3084
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|bad"
msgid "Bad"
msgstr "Кепска"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3051
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3092
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|good"
msgid "Good"
msgstr "Добра"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3059
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3100
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|neutral"
msgid "Neutral"
msgstr "Нейтральна"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3067
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3108
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|error"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Памылка"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|warning"
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Папярэджанне"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3130
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|footnote"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr "Падрадкоўнік"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3097
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3138
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|note"
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Заўвага"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3336
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3377
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Tools"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3635
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3676
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|menub"
msgid "_Menu"
msgstr "Меню"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3688
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3729
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|toolsb"
msgid "_Tools"
msgstr "Прылады"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3743
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3784
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|helpb"
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "Даведка"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3851
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3892
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|fileb"
msgid "_File"
msgstr "Файл"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4130
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|editb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "Змяніць"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4286
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4327
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphstyleb"
msgid "St_yles"
msgstr "Стылі"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4559
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4600
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|formatb"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "Шрыфт"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4805
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4846
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|numberb"
msgid "_Number"
msgstr "Лічбы"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5020
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5061
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "Раўнаванне"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5258
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5299
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|cellb"
msgid "_Cells"
msgstr "Клеткі"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5435
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5476
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|insertb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Уставіць"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5609
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5650
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|datab"
msgid "_Data"
msgstr "Даныя:"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5781
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5822
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|reviewb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "Праверыць"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5968
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6009
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewb"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Від"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6193
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6234
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|graphicB"
msgid "_Graphic"
msgstr "Графіка"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6545
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6586
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrange"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "Упарадкаваць"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6696
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6737
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|colorb"
msgid "C_olor"
msgstr "Колер"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6947
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6988
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|GridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "Рашотка"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7087
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7128
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|languageb"
msgid "_Language"
msgstr "Мова"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7316
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7357
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|revieb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "Праверыць"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7529
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7570
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|commentsb"
msgid "_Comments"
msgstr "Заўвагі"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7732
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7773
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|compareb"
msgid "Com_pare"
msgstr "Параўнаць"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7934
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7975
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewa"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Від"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8380
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8421
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|drawb"
msgid "D_raw"
msgstr "Рысаваць"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8749
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8790
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|editdrawb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "Змяніць"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9090
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9131
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrangedrawb"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "Упарадкаваць"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9257
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9298
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|GridDrawB"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Від"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9459
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9500
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewDrawb"
msgid "Grou_p"
msgstr "Група"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9609
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9650
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|3Db"
msgid "3_D"
msgstr "3_D"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9918
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9959
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|formatd"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "Шрыфт"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10183
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10224
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphTextb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "Раўнаванне"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10385
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10426
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewd"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Від"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10539
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10580
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|insertTextb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Уставіць"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10684
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10725
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|media"
msgid "_Media"
msgstr "Медыя"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10921
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10962
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|oleB"
msgid "F_rame"
msgstr "Рам_ка"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11352
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11393
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrageOLE"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "Упарадкаваць"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11518
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11559
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|OleGridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "Рашотка"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11720
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11761
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewf"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Від"
@@ -21050,65 +21165,89 @@ msgctxt "regressiondialog|RegressionDialog"
msgid "Regression"
msgstr "Рэгрэсія"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:99
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:102
msgctxt "regressiondialog|variable1-range-label"
-msgid "Variable 1 range:"
-msgstr "Дыяпазон зменнай 1:"
+msgid "Independent variable(s) (X) range:"
+msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:137
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:140
msgctxt "regressiondialog|variable2-range-label"
-msgid "Variable 2 range:"
-msgstr "Дыяпазон зменнай 2:"
+msgid "Dependent variable (Y) range:"
+msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:175
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:176
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|withlabels-check"
+msgid "Both X and Y ranges have labels"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:192
msgctxt "regressiondialog|output-range-label"
msgid "Results to:"
msgstr "Вынікі ў:"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:217
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:240
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label1"
msgid "Data"
msgstr "Дата"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:252
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:275
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "regressiondialog|groupedby-columns-radio"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Калонкі"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:268
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:291
msgctxt "regressiondialog|groupedby-rows-radio"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "Радкі"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:290
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:313
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label2"
msgid "Grouped by"
msgstr "Групаваць паводле"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:325
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|linear-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:348
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|linear-radio"
msgid "Linear Regression"
-msgstr "Лінейная рэгрэсія"
+msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:341
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|logarithmic-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:365
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|logarithmic-radio"
msgid "Logarithmic Regression"
-msgstr "Лагарыфмічная рэгрэсія"
+msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:356
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|power-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:382
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|power-radio"
msgid "Power Regression"
-msgstr "Лінейная рэгрэсія"
+msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:377
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:405
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label3"
msgid "Output Regression Types"
msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:441
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|label5"
+msgid "Confidence level"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:451
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|calcresiduals-check"
+msgid "Calculate residuals"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:469
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|confidencelevel-spin"
+msgid "0.95"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:490
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|label4"
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr ""
#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/retypepassdialog.ui:10
msgctxt "retypepassdialog|RetypePass"
msgid "Re-type Password"
@@ -23631,84 +23770,89 @@ msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore1"
msgid "Text length"
msgstr "Даўжыня тэксту"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:57
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:47
+msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore1"
+msgid "Custom"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:61
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "equal"
msgstr "роўна"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:61
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:65
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "less than"
msgstr "менш за"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:65
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:69
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "greater than"
msgstr "больш за"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:69
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:73
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "less than or equal"
msgstr "менш ці роўна з"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:73
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:77
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "greater than or equal to"
msgstr "больш ці роўна"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:77
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:81
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "not equal"
msgstr "не роўна"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:81
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:85
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "valid range"
msgstr "Недапушчальны абсяг"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:85
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:89
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "invalid range"
msgstr "Недапушчальны абсяг"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:103
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:107
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|label1"
msgid "_Allow:"
msgstr "Дазволіць:"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:117
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:121
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|valueft"
msgid "_Data:"
msgstr "Даныя:"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:153
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:157
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|minft"
msgid "_Minimum:"
msgstr "Максімум:"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:235
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:239
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|maxft"
msgid "Ma_ximum:"
msgstr "Максімум:"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:246
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:250
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|allowempty"
msgid "Allow _empty cells"
msgstr "Дазволіць пустыя клеткі"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:261
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:265
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|showlist"
msgid "Show selection _list"
msgstr "Паказаць спіс абранага"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:276
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:280
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|sortascend"
msgid "Sor_t entries ascending"
msgstr "Парадкаваць складнікі да павелічэння"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:297
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:301
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|hintft"
msgid "A valid source can only consist of a contiguous selection of rows and columns, or a formula that results in an area or array."
msgstr "Дапушчальная крыніца можа ўтрымліваць толькі суцэльную выбарку радкоў і калонак, або формулу, якая дае ў выніку абсяг або масіў."
diff --git a/source/be/sd/messages.po b/source/be/sd/messages.po
index 01f93ddf91a..9f4d04cd367 100644
--- a/source/be/sd/messages.po
+++ b/source/be/sd/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-06-04 15:42+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-12-23 20:29+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Мікалай Удодаў <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -5195,8 +5195,8 @@ msgstr "Майстар-аб'екты"
#: sd/uiconfig/simpress/ui/sidebarslidebackground.ui:126
msgctxt "sidebarslidebackground|button2"
-msgid "Insert Image"
-msgstr "Уставіць відарыс"
+msgid "Insert Image..."
+msgstr ""
#: sd/uiconfig/simpress/ui/sidebarslidebackground.ui:164
msgctxt "sidebarslidebackground|displaymasterbackground"
diff --git a/source/be/sfx2/messages.po b/source/be/sfx2/messages.po
index 2f2173631b4..de167b26598 100644
--- a/source/be/sfx2/messages.po
+++ b/source/be/sfx2/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-12-23 20:05+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Мікалай Удодаў <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -2185,6 +2185,11 @@ msgctxt "helpmanual|website"
msgid "Read Help Online"
msgstr "Чытаць даведку ў сеціве"
+#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpmanual.ui:60
+msgctxt "helpmanual|hidedialog"
+msgid "Do not show this dialog again"
+msgstr ""
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpsearchpage.ui:22
msgctxt "helpsearchpage|display"
msgid "_Display"
diff --git a/source/be/svx/messages.po b/source/be/svx/messages.po
index 71fc68e051f..630edc21a18 100644
--- a/source/be/svx/messages.po
+++ b/source/be/svx/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 21:22+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-12-23 20:29+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Мікалай Удодаў <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -2204,17 +2204,17 @@ msgctxt "classificationdialog|label-IntellectualProperty"
msgid "Intellectual Property"
msgstr "Інтэлектуальная ўласнасць"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:60
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:58
msgctxt "colorwindow|none_color_button"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Няма"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:146
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:145
msgctxt "colorwindow|label1"
msgid "Recent"
msgstr "Нядаўняе"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:183
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:182
msgctxt "colorwindow|color_picker_button"
msgid "Custom Color…"
msgstr "Свой колер…"
@@ -2706,52 +2706,52 @@ msgctxt "datanavigator|modelsremove"
msgid "_Remove"
msgstr "Сцерці"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:52
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:48
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label1"
msgid "Lines & Arrows"
msgstr "Лініі і стрэлкі"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:89
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:85
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label2"
msgid "Curve"
msgstr "Крывая"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:126
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:122
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label3"
msgid "Connectors"
msgstr "Злучальнікі"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:163
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:159
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label4"
msgid "Basic Shapes"
msgstr "Звычайныя формы"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:200
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:196
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label5"
msgid "Symbols"
msgstr "Сімвалы"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:237
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:233
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label6"
msgid "Block Arrows"
msgstr "Блокі і стрэлкі"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:274
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:270
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label7"
msgid "Flowchart"
msgstr "Блок-схема"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:311
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:307
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label8"
msgid "Callouts"
msgstr "Вынаскі"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:348
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:344
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label9"
msgid "Stars"
msgstr "Зоркі"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:385
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:381
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label10"
msgid "3D Objects"
msgstr "Аб'екты 3D"
@@ -4136,8 +4136,8 @@ msgstr "Капіраваць"
#: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu2.ui:82
msgctxt "gallerymenu2|paste"
-msgid "_Insert"
-msgstr "Уставіць"
+msgid "_Paste"
+msgstr ""
#: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:68
msgctxt "headfootformatpage|checkHeaderOn"
diff --git a/source/be/sw/messages.po b/source/be/sw/messages.po
index ff8affa4b43..44f718b959a 100644
--- a/source/be/sw/messages.po
+++ b/source/be/sw/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 21:22+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:05+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-12-23 20:22+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Мікалай Удодаў <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -1489,297 +1489,307 @@ msgid "Text"
msgstr "Тэкст"
#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:239
+msgid "Hidden"
+msgstr ""
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:240
+msgid "Condition"
+msgstr ""
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:241
msgctxt "SW_STR_NONE"
msgid "[None]"
msgstr "[Няма]"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:240
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:242
msgid "Start"
msgstr "Пачатак"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:241
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:243
msgid "End"
msgstr "Канец"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:242
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:244
msgid "Above"
msgstr "Над"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:243
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:245
msgid "Below"
msgstr "Пад"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:244
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:246
msgid "read-only"
msgstr "толькі-чытанае"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:245
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:247
msgid "The 'AutoText' directories are read-only. Do you want to call the path settings dialog?"
msgstr "Каталогі 'Аўта-тэксту' з'яўляюцца толькі-чытанымі. Ці хочаце перанаставіць шляхі?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:246
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:248
msgctxt "STR_DOC_STAT"
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Статыстыка"
#. Statusbar-titles
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:248
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:250
msgid "Importing document..."
msgstr "Імпартуецца дакумент..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:249
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:251
msgid "Exporting document..."
msgstr "Экспартуецца дакумент..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:250
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:252
msgid "Saving document..."
msgstr "Запісваецца дакумент..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:251
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:253
msgid "Repagination..."
msgstr "Перадзельваем на старонкі..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:252
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:254
msgid "Formatting document automatically..."
msgstr "Аўтаматычна фарматуецца дакумент..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:253
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:255
msgid "Search..."
msgstr "Знайсці..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:254
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:256
msgid "Letter"
msgstr "Letter"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:255
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:257
msgid "Spellcheck..."
msgstr "Правяраем правапіс..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:256
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:258
msgid "Hyphenation..."
msgstr "Расстаўляем пераносы..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:257
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:259
msgid "Inserting Index..."
msgstr "Устаўляем індэкс..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:258
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:260
msgid "Updating Index..."
msgstr "Абнаўляем індэкс..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:259
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:261
msgid "Creating abstract..."
msgstr "Складаем анатацыю..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:260
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:262
msgid "Adapt Objects..."
msgstr "Адаптаваць аб'екты..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:261
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:263
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Табліца"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:262
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:264
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Відарыс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:263
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:265
msgid "Object"
msgstr "Аб'ект"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:264
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:266
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "Рамка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:265
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:267
msgid "Shape"
msgstr "Фігура"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:266
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:268
msgid "Section"
msgstr "Раздзел"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:267
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:269
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "Нумараванне"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:268
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:270
msgid "blank page"
msgstr "пустая старонка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:269
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:271
msgid "Abstract: "
msgstr "Анатацыя: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:270
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:272
msgid "separated by: "
msgstr "размежаванне праз: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:271
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:273
msgid "Outline: Level "
msgstr "Структура: узровень "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:272
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:274
msgctxt "STR_FDLG_STYLE"
msgid "Style: "
msgstr "Стыль: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:273
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:275
msgid "Page number: "
msgstr "Нумар старонкі: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:274
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:276
msgid "Break before new page"
msgstr "Разрыў перад новай старонкай"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:275
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:277
msgid "Western text: "
msgstr "Заходнееўрапейскі тэкст: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:276
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:278
msgctxt "STR_CJK_FONT"
msgid "Asian text: "
msgstr "Азіяцкі тэкст: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:277
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:279
msgctxt "STR_CTL_FONT"
msgid "CTL text: "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:278
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:280
msgid "Unknown Author"
msgstr "Невядомы аўтар"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:279
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:281
msgid "Delete ~All Comments by $1"
msgstr "Сцерці ўсе заўвагі аўтарства $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:280
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:282
msgid "H~ide All Comments by $1"
msgstr "Схаваць ўсе заўвагі аўтарства $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:281
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:283
msgid "Outline Numbering"
msgstr "Нумарацыя структуры"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:282
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:284
msgid "%1 words, %2 characters"
msgstr "%1 слоў, %2 знакаў"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:283
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:285
msgid "%1 words, %2 characters selected"
msgstr "%1 слоў, %2 вылучаных знакаў"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:284
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:286
msgid "Convert Text to Table"
msgstr "Ператварыць тэкст у табліцу"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:285
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:287
msgid "Add AutoFormat"
msgstr "Дадаць Аўта-фармат"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:286
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:288
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Назва"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:287
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:289
msgid "Delete AutoFormat"
msgstr "Сцерці Аўта-фармат"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:288
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:290
msgid "The following AutoFormat entry will be deleted:"
msgstr "Гэты элемент Аўта-фармату будзе сцёрты:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:289
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:291
msgid "Rename AutoFormat"
msgstr "Назваць Аўта-фармат"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:290
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:292
msgid "~Close"
msgstr "Закрыць"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:291
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:293
msgctxt "STR_JAN"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Сту"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:292
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:294
msgctxt "STR_FEB"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Лют"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:293
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:295
msgctxt "STR_MAR"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Сак"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:294
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:296
msgctxt "STR_NORTH"
msgid "North"
msgstr "Поўнач"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:295
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:297
msgctxt "STR_MID"
msgid "Mid"
msgstr "Між"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:296
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:298
msgctxt "STR_SOUTH"
msgid "South"
msgstr "Поўдзень"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:297
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:299
msgctxt "STR_SUM"
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "Сума"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:298
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:300
msgid ""
"You have entered an invalid name.\n"
@@ -1790,313 +1800,313 @@ msgstr ""
"Гэты Аўта-фармат не будзе створаны. \n"
"Паспрабуйце нанова з іншай назвай."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:299
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:301
msgctxt "STR_NUMERIC"
msgid "Numeric"
msgstr "Лічбавае"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:300
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:302
msgctxt "STR_ROW"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "Радкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:301
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:303
msgctxt "STR_COL"
msgid "Column"
msgstr "Калонка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:302
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:304
msgid "Edit Bibliography Entry"
msgstr "Правіць складнік бібліяграфіі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:303
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:305
msgid "Insert Bibliography Entry"
msgstr "Уставіць складнік бібліяграфіі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:304
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:306
msgid "Spacing between %1 and %2"
msgstr "Інтэрвал паміж %1 і %2"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:305
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:307
msgid "Column %1 Width"
msgstr "Шырыня калонкі %1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:306
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:308
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Table"
msgstr "Табліца %PRODUCTNAME Writer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:307
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:309
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Frame"
msgstr "Рамка %PRODUCTNAME Writer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:308
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:310
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Image"
msgstr "Відарыс %PRODUCTNAME Writer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:309
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:311
msgid "Other OLE Objects"
msgstr "Іншыя аб'екты OLE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:310
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:312
msgid "The name of the table must not contain spaces."
msgstr "Назва табліцы не можа ўтрымліваць прабелы."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:311
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:313
msgid "Selected table cells are too complex to merge."
msgstr "Выбраныя клеткі табліцы занадта складаныя для аб'яднання."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:312
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:314
msgctxt "STR_SRTERR"
msgid "Cannot sort selection"
msgstr "Немагчыма парадкаваць пазначанае"
#. Miscellaneous
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:315
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:317
msgid "Click object"
msgstr "«Кліканне» мышкай над аб'ектам"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:316
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:318
msgid "Before inserting AutoText"
msgstr "Перад ўстаўляннем Аўта-тэксту"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:317
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:319
msgid "After inserting AutoText"
msgstr "Пасля ўстаўляння Аўта-тэксту"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:318
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:320
msgid "Mouse over object"
msgstr "Мышка ў абсягу аб'екта"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:319
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:321
msgid "Trigger hyperlink"
msgstr "Актывацыя сеціўнай спасылкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:320
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:322
msgid "Mouse leaves object"
msgstr "Мышка выходзіць за абсяг аб'екту"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:321
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:323
msgid "Image loaded successfully"
msgstr "Відарыс паспяхова адчытаны"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:322
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:324
msgid "Image loading terminated"
msgstr "Чытанне відарыса спынена"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:323
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:325
msgid "Could not load image"
msgstr "Немагчыма адчытаць відарыс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:324
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:326
msgid "Input of alphanumeric characters"
msgstr "Увод літар ці лічбаў"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:325
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:327
msgid "Input of non-alphanumeric characters"
msgstr "Увод не літар і не лічбаў "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:326
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:328
msgid "Resize frame"
msgstr "Змяніць памер рамкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:327
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:329
msgid "Move frame"
msgstr "Перамясціць рамку"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:328
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:330
msgid "Headings"
msgstr "Загалоўкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:329
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:331
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Табліцы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:330
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:332
msgid "Text frames"
msgstr "Тэкставыя рамкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:331
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:333
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Відарысы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:332
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:334
msgid "OLE objects"
msgstr "Аб'екты OLE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:333
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:335
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr "Закладкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:334
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:336
msgid "Sections"
msgstr "Раздзелы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:335
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:337
msgid "Hyperlinks"
msgstr "Сеціўныя спасылкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:336
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:338
msgid "References"
msgstr "Спасылкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:337
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:339
msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Індэксы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:338
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:340
msgid "Drawing objects"
msgstr "Рысаваныя аб'екты"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:339
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:341
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Заўвагі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:340
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:342
msgid "Heading 1"
msgstr "Загаловак 1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:341
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:343
msgid "This is the content from the first chapter. This is a user directory entry."
msgstr "Гэта змесціва першай часткі. Гэта складнік свайго каталога*."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:342
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:344
msgid "Heading 1.1"
msgstr "Загаловак 1.1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:343
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:345
msgid "This is the content from chapter 1.1. This is the entry for the table of contents."
msgstr "Гэта змесціва часткі 1.1. Гэта складнік зместу."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:344
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:346
msgid "Heading 1.2"
msgstr "Загаловак 1.2"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:345
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:347
msgid "This is the content from chapter 1.2. This keyword is a main entry."
msgstr "Гэта змесціва часткі 1.2. Гэтае ключавое слова ёсць галоўны складнік."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:346
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:348
msgid "Table 1: This is table 1"
msgstr "Табліца 1: Гэта табліца 1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:347
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:349
msgid "Image 1: This is image 1"
msgstr "Відарыс 1: Гэта відарыс 1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:348
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:350
msgid "Heading"
msgstr "Загаловак"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:349
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:351
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Табліца"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:350
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:352
msgid "Text frame"
msgstr "Тэкставая рамка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:351
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:353
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Відарыс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:352
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:354
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "Аб'ект OLE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:353
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:355
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr "Закладка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:354
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:356
msgid "Section"
msgstr "Раздзел"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:355
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:357
msgid "Hyperlink"
msgstr "Спасылка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:356
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:358
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "Спасылка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:357
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:359
msgid "Index"
msgstr "Індэкс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:358
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:360
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Заўвага"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:359
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:361
msgid "Draw object"
msgstr "Рысаваны аб'ект"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:360
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:362
msgid "Additional formats..."
msgstr "Дадатковыя фарматы..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:361
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:363
msgctxt "RID_STR_SYSTEM"
msgid "[System]"
msgstr "[Сістэма]"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:362
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:364
msgid ""
"The interactive hyphenation is already active\n"
@@ -2105,2122 +2115,2122 @@ msgstr ""
"Інтэрактыўнае ўкладанне пераносаў \n"
"ужо адбываецца ў іншым дакуменце."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:363
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:365
msgctxt "STR_HYPH_TITLE"
msgid "Hyphenation"
msgstr "Пераносы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:366
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:368
msgctxt "STR_CANT_UNDO"
msgid "not possible"
msgstr "немагчыма"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:367
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:369
msgid "Delete $1"
msgstr "Сцерці $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:368
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:370
msgid "Insert $1"
msgstr "Уставіць $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:369
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:371
msgctxt "STR_OVR_UNDO"
msgid "Overwrite: $1"
msgstr "Запісаць паўзверх: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:370
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:372
msgid "New Paragraph"
msgstr "Новы абзац"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:371
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:373
msgctxt "STR_MOVE_UNDO"
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Перамясціць"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:372
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:374
msgid "Apply attributes"
msgstr "Замацаваць атрыбуты*"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:373
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:375
msgid "Apply Styles: $1"
msgstr "Ужыць стылі: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:374
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:376
msgid "Reset attributes"
msgstr "Вярнуць атрыбуты да пачатковых"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:375
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:377
msgid "Change style: $1"
msgstr "Змяніць стыль: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:376
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:378
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "Уставіць файл"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:377
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:379
msgid "Insert AutoText"
msgstr "Уставіць Аўта-тэкст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:378
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:380
msgid "Delete bookmark: $1"
msgstr "Сцерці закладку: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:379
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:381
msgid "Insert bookmark: $1"
msgstr "Уставіць закладку: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:380
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:382
msgctxt "STR_SORT_TBL"
msgid "Sort table"
msgstr "Парадкаваць табліцу"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:381
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:383
msgctxt "STR_SORT_TXT"
msgid "Sort text"
msgstr "Парадкаваць тэкст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:382
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:384
msgid "Insert table: $1$2$3"
msgstr "Уставіць табліцу: $1$2$3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:383
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:385
msgid "Convert text -> table"
msgstr "Ператварыць тэкст у табліцу"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:384
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:386
msgid "Convert table -> text"
msgstr "Ператварыць табліцу ў тэкст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:385
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:387
msgctxt "STR_COPY_UNDO"
msgid "Copy: $1"
msgstr "Капіраваць: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:386
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:388
msgid "Replace $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Замяніць $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:387
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:389
msgid "Insert page break"
msgstr "Уставіць разрыў старонкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:388
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:390
msgid "Insert column break"
msgstr "Уставіць разрыў калонкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:389
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:391
msgid "Insert Envelope"
msgstr "Уставіць канверт"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:390
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:392
msgid "Copy: $1"
msgstr "Капіраваць: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:391
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:393
msgid "Move: $1"
msgstr "Перамясціць: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:392
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:394
msgid "Insert %PRODUCTNAME Chart"
msgstr "Уставіць дыяграму %PRODUCTNAME"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:393
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:395
msgid "Insert frame"
msgstr "Уставіць рамку"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:394
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:396
msgid "Delete frame"
msgstr "Сцерці рамку"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:395
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:397
msgid "AutoFormat"
msgstr "Аўта-фармат"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:396
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:398
msgid "Table heading"
msgstr "Загаловак табліцы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:397
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:399
msgctxt "STR_REPLACE"
msgid "Replace: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Замяніць: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:398
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:400
msgid "Insert section"
msgstr "Уставіць раздзел"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:399
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:401
msgid "Delete section"
msgstr "Сцерці раздзел"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:400
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:402
msgid "Modify section"
msgstr "Правіць раздзел"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:401
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:403
msgid "Modify default values"
msgstr "Правіць прадвызначаныя настаўленні"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:402
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:404
msgid "Replace style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Замяніць стыль: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:403
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:405
msgid "Delete page break"
msgstr "Сціранне разрыву старонкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:404
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:406
msgid "Text Correction"
msgstr "Карэкцыя тэкста"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:405
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:407
msgctxt "STR_OUTLINE_LR"
msgid "Promote/demote outline"
msgstr "Павысіць/панізіць у структуры"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:406
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:408
msgctxt "STR_OUTLINE_UD"
msgid "Move outline"
msgstr "Перамясціць у структуры"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:407
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:409
msgctxt "STR_INSNUM"
msgid "Insert numbering"
msgstr "Уставіць нумараванне"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:408
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:410
msgctxt "STR_NUMUP"
msgid "Promote level"
msgstr "Павысіць узровень"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:409
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:411
msgctxt "STR_NUMDOWN"
msgid "Demote level"
msgstr "Панізіць узровень"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:410
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:412
msgctxt "STR_MOVENUM"
msgid "Move paragraphs"
msgstr "Перамясціць абзацы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:411
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:413
msgid "Insert drawing object: $1"
msgstr "Уставіць рысаваны аб'ект: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:412
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:414
msgid "Number On/Off"
msgstr "Нумараванне, так/не"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:413
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:415
msgid "Increase Indent"
msgstr "Павялічыць водступ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:414
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:416
msgid "Decrease indent"
msgstr "Паменшыць водступ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:415
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:417
msgid "Insert caption: $1"
msgstr "Уставіць подпіс: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:416
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:418
msgid "Restart numbering"
msgstr "Новы пачатак нумароў"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:417
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:419
msgid "Modify footnote"
msgstr "Правіць зноску"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:418
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:420
msgid "Accept change: $1"
msgstr "Прыняць праўку: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:419
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:421
msgid "Reject change: $1"
msgstr "Адкінуць змену: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:420
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:422
msgid "Split Table"
msgstr "Падзяліць табліцу"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:421
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:423
msgid "Stop attribute"
msgstr "Спыніць дзеянне атрыбута"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:422
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:424
msgid "AutoCorrect"
msgstr "Аўта-карэкцыя"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:423
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:425
msgid "Merge table"
msgstr "Аб'яднаць табліцу"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:424
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:426
msgid "Change Case"
msgstr "Змяненне рэгістру літар"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:425
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:427
msgctxt "STR_DELNUM"
msgid "Delete numbering"
msgstr "Сцерці нумараванне"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:426
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:428
msgctxt "STR_DRAWUNDO"
msgid "Drawing objects: $1"
msgstr "Рысаваныя аб'екты: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:427
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:429
msgid "Group draw objects"
msgstr "Згрупаваць рысаваныя аб'екты"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:428
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:430
msgid "Ungroup drawing objects"
msgstr "Адгрупаваць рысаваныя аб'екты"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:429
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:431
msgid "Delete drawing objects"
msgstr "Сцерці рысаваныя аб'екты"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:430
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:432
msgctxt "STR_REREAD"
msgid "Replace Image"
msgstr "Замяніць відарыс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:431
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:433
msgctxt "STR_DELGRF"
msgid "Delete Image"
msgstr "Сцерці відарыс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:432
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:434
msgctxt "STR_TABLE_ATTR"
msgid "Apply table attributes"
msgstr "Ужыць атрыбуты табліцы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:433
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:435
msgid "AutoFormat Table"
msgstr "Аўта-фармат табліцы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:434
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:436
msgid "Insert Column"
msgstr "Уставіць калонку"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:435
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:437
msgid "Insert Row"
msgstr "Уставіць радок"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:436
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:438
msgid "Delete row/column"
msgstr "Сцерці калонку ці радок"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:437
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:439
msgid "Delete column"
msgstr "Сцерці калонку"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:438
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:440
msgid "Delete row"
msgstr "Сцерці радок"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:439
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:441
msgid "Split Cells"
msgstr "Падзяліць клеткі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:440
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:442
msgid "Merge Cells"
msgstr "Аб'яднаць клеткі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:441
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:443
msgid "Format cell"
msgstr "Фарматаваць клетку"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:442
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:444
msgctxt "STR_INSERT_TOX"
msgid "Insert index/table"
msgstr "Уставіць індэкс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:443
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:445
msgid "Remove index/table"
msgstr "Сцерці індэкс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:444
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:446
msgid "Copy table"
msgstr "Капіраваць табліцу"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:445
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:447
msgid "Copy table"
msgstr "Капіраваць табліцу"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:446
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:448
msgid "Set cursor"
msgstr "Наставіць курсор"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:447
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:449
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_CHAIN"
msgid "Link text frames"
msgstr "Звязаць тэкставыя рамкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:448
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:450
msgid "Unlink text frames"
msgstr "Адвязаць тэкставыя рамкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:449
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:451
msgid "Modify footnote options"
msgstr "Правіць настаўленні зноскі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:450
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:452
msgid "Compare Document"
msgstr "Параўнаць дакумент"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:451
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:453
msgid "Apply frame style: $1"
msgstr "Ужыць стыль рамкі: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:452
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:454
msgid "Ruby Setting"
msgstr "Настаўленне фанетычнага гіда"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:453
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:455
msgid "Insert footnote"
msgstr "Уставіць зноску"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:454
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:456
msgid "insert URL button"
msgstr "Уставіць кнопку URL"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:455
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:457
msgid "Insert Hyperlink"
msgstr "Уставіць спасылку"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:456
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:458
msgid "remove invisible content"
msgstr "сцерці нябачнае змесціва"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:457
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:459
msgid "Table/index changed"
msgstr "Табліца ці індэкс зменены"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:458
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:460
msgid "“"
msgstr "«"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:459
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:461
msgctxt "STR_END_QUOTE"
msgid "”"
msgstr "»"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:460
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:462
msgctxt "STR_LDOTS"
msgid "..."
msgstr "..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:461
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:463
msgctxt "STR_MULTISEL"
msgid "multiple selection"
msgstr "множнае пазначэнне"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:462
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:464
msgid "Typing: $1"
msgstr "Упісванне: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:463
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:465
msgid "Paste clipboard"
msgstr "Устаўка з Абменніка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:464
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:466
msgctxt "STR_YIELDS"
msgid "→"
msgstr "→"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:465
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:467
msgid "occurrences of"
msgstr "выпадкаў"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:466
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:468
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_TABS"
msgid "$1 tab(s)"
msgstr "$1 табуляцыя(ў)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:467
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:469
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_NLS"
msgid "$1 line break(s)"
msgstr "$1 разрыў(-ваў) радкоў"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:468
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:470
msgid "page break"
msgstr "разрыў старонкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:469
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:471
msgid "column break"
msgstr "разрыў калонкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:470
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:472
msgid "Insert $1"
msgstr "Уставіць $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:471
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:473
msgid "Delete $1"
msgstr "Сцерці $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:472
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:474
msgid "Attributes changed"
msgstr "Атрыбуты зменены"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:473
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:475
msgid "Table changed"
msgstr "Табліца зменена"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:474
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:476
msgid "Style changed"
msgstr "Стыль зменены"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:475
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:477
msgid "Paragraph formatting changed"
msgstr "Фармат абзаца зменены"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:476
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:478
msgid "Insert Row"
msgstr "Уставіць радок"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:477
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:479
msgid "Delete Row"
msgstr "Сцерці радок"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:478
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:480
msgid "Insert Cell"
msgstr "Уставіць клетку"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:479
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:481
msgid "Delete Cell"
msgstr "Сцерці клетку"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:480
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:482
msgctxt "STR_N_REDLINES"
msgid "$1 changes"
msgstr "$1 зменаў"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:481
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:483
msgid "Change page style: $1"
msgstr "Правіць стыль старонкі: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:482
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:484
msgid "Create page style: $1"
msgstr "Стварыць стыль старонкі: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:483
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:485
msgid "Delete page style: $1"
msgstr "Сцерці стыль старонкі: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:484
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:486
msgid "Rename page style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Назваць стыль старонкі: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:485
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:487
msgid "Header/footer changed"
msgstr "Верхні ці ніжні калантытул зменены"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:486
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:488
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_FIELD"
msgid "Field changed"
msgstr "Поле зменена"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:487
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:489
msgid "Create paragraph style: $1"
msgstr "Стварыць стыль абзаца: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:488
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:490
msgid "Delete paragraph style: $1"
msgstr "Сцерці стыль абзаца: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:489
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:491
msgid "Rename paragraph style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Назваць стыль абзаца: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:490
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:492
msgid "Create character style: $1"
msgstr "Стварыць стыль знакаў: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:491
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:493
msgid "Delete character style: $1"
msgstr "Сцерці стыль знакаў: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:492
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:494
msgid "Rename character style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Назваць стыль знакаў: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:493
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:495
msgid "Create frame style: $1"
msgstr "Стварыць стыль рамак: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:494
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:496
msgid "Delete frame style: $1"
msgstr "Сцерці стыль рамак: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:495
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:497
msgid "Rename frame style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Назваць стыль рамак: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:496
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:498
msgid "Create numbering style: $1"
msgstr "Стварыць стыль нумаравання: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:497
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:499
msgid "Delete numbering style: $1"
msgstr "Сцерці стыль нумаравання: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:498
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:500
msgid "Rename numbering style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Назваць стыль нумаравання: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:499
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:501
msgid "Rename bookmark: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Назваць закладку: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:500
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:502
msgid "Insert index entry"
msgstr "Уставіць складнік індэкса"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:501
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:503
msgid "Delete index entry"
msgstr "Сцерці складнік індэкса"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:502
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:504
msgctxt "STR_FIELD"
msgid "field"
msgstr "поле"
#. undo: STR_PARAGRAPHS, string.text
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:504
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:506
msgid "Paragraphs"
msgstr "Абзацы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:505
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:507
msgctxt "STR_FRAME"
msgid "frame"
msgstr "рамка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:506
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:508
msgctxt "STR_OLE"
msgid "OLE-object"
msgstr "аб'ект OLE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:507
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:509
msgid "formula"
msgstr "формула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:508
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:510
msgctxt "STR_CHART"
msgid "chart"
msgstr "дыяграма"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:509
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:511
msgctxt "STR_NOTE"
msgid "comment"
msgstr "заўвага"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:510
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:512
msgid "cross-reference"
msgstr "крыжаваная спасылка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:511
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:513
msgctxt "STR_SCRIPT"
msgid "script"
msgstr "скрыпт"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:512
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:514
msgid "bibliography entry"
msgstr "складнік бібліяграфіі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:513
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:515
msgid "special character"
msgstr "адвольны знак"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:514
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:516
msgctxt "STR_FOOTNOTE"
msgid "footnote"
msgstr "зноска"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:515
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:517
msgctxt "STR_GRAPHIC"
msgid "image"
msgstr "відарыс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:516
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:518
msgid "drawing object(s)"
msgstr "рысаваны аб'ект(ы)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:517
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:519
msgctxt "STR_TABLE_NAME"
msgid "table: $1$2$3"
msgstr "табліца: $1$2$3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:518
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:520
msgid "paragraph"
msgstr "абзац"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:519
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:521
msgid "Paragraph sign"
msgstr "Знак абзаца"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:520
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:522
msgid "Change object title of $1"
msgstr "Змяніць назву аб'екта $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:521
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:523
msgid "Change object description of $1"
msgstr "Змяніць апісанне аб'екта $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:522
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:524
msgid "Create table style: $1"
msgstr "Стварыць стыль табліцы: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:523
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:525
msgid "Delete table style: $1"
msgstr "Сцерці стыль табліцы: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:524
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:526
msgid "Update table style: $1"
msgstr "Абнавіць стыль табліцы: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:525
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:527
msgid "Delete table"
msgstr "Сцерці табліцу"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:527
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:529
msgid "Document view"
msgstr "Від: дакумент"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:528
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:530
msgid "Document view"
msgstr "Від: дакумент"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:529
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:531
msgid "Header $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Верхні калантытул $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:530
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:532
msgid "Header page $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Верхні калантытул, старонка $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:531
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:533
msgid "Footer $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Ніжні калантытул $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:532
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:534
msgid "Footer page $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Ніжні калантытул, старонка $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:533
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:535
msgid "Footnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Зноска $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:534
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:536
msgid "Footnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Зноска $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:535
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:537
msgid "Endnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Затэкставая зноска $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:536
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:538
msgid "Endnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Затэкставая зноска $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:537
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:539
msgid "$(ARG1) on page $(ARG2)"
msgstr "$(ARG1) на старонцы $(ARG2)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:538
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:540
msgid "Page $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Старонка $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:539
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:541
msgid "Page: $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Старонка: $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:540
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:542
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Аўтар"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:541
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:543
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Дата"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:542
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:544
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Дзеянні"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:543
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:545
msgid "Activate this button to open a list of actions which can be performed on this comment and other comments"
msgstr "Гэтая кнопка адкрывае спіс дзеянняў, якія можна зрабіць над гэтай і над іншымі заўвагамі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:544
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:546
msgid "Document preview"
msgstr "Перадпаказ дакумента"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:545
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:547
msgid "(Preview mode)"
msgstr "(рэжым перадпаказу)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:546
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:548
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Document"
msgstr "Дакумент %PRODUCTNAME"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:548
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:550
msgid "Read Error"
msgstr "Памылка чытання"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:549
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:551
msgid "Image cannot be displayed."
msgstr "Немагчыма паказаць відарыс."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:550
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:552
msgid "Error reading from the clipboard."
msgstr "Памылка пры чытанні з Абменніку."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:552
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:554
msgid "Manual Column Break"
msgstr "Адвольны разрыў калонкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:554
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:556
msgid "Row %ROWNUMBER"
msgstr "Радок %ROWNUMBER"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:555
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:557
#, c-format
msgid "Column %COLUMNLETTER"
msgstr "Калонка %COLUMNLETTER"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:556
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:558
msgid "Character"
msgstr "Знак"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:557
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:559
msgid "Paragraph"
msgstr "Абзац"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:558
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:560
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "Рамка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:559
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:561
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Старонкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:560
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:562
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "Нумараванне"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:561
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:563
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Табліца"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:562
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:564
msgid "Cell"
msgstr "Клетка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:564
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:566
msgid "Asian"
msgstr "Азіяцкае"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:565
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:567
msgctxt "ST_SCRIPT_CTL"
msgid "CTL"
msgstr "С.Т.В."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:566
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:568
msgid "Western"
msgstr "Заходнія"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:567
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:569
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:568
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:570
msgid "Contents"
msgstr "Змесціва"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:569
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:571
msgid "Page ba~ckground"
msgstr "Фон ~старонак"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:570
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:572
msgid "~Images and other graphic objects"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:571
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:573
msgid "Hidden te~xt"
msgstr "Нябачны тэкст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:572
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:574
msgid "~Text placeholders"
msgstr "Намеснікі тэксту"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:573
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:575
msgid "Form control~s"
msgstr "Кантрольнікі фармуляра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:574
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:576
msgid "Color"
msgstr "Колер"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:575
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:577
msgid "Print text in blac~k"
msgstr "Друкаваць тэкст чорным"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:576
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:578
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Старонкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:577
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:579
msgid "Print ~automatically inserted blank pages"
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msgid "~Use only paper tray from printer preferences"
msgstr "Папера толькі з падачы, запісанай у настаўленнях прынтара"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:579
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:581
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:582
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:583
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:584
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:590
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:592
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:593
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:594
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:593
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:595
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:597
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:599
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msgstr "Змясціць на палях"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:599
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:601
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:600
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:602
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:601
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:603
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:605
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:608
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:613
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:620
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msgstr "Правіць"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:621
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msgstr "Правіць спасылку"
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:623
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:625
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:627
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:629
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:628
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:630
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:629
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:631
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:630
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+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:633
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:633
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:635
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:634
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:636
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-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:635
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:637
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msgstr "схаваны"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:636
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:638
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msgstr "Файл не знойдзены: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:637
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:639
msgctxt "STR_RENAME"
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msgstr "Перайменаваць"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:638
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:640
msgid "Read-~only"
msgstr "Толькі-чытаць"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:639
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:641
msgid "Show All"
msgstr "Паказаць усё"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:640
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:642
msgid "Hide All"
msgstr "Не паказваць нічога"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:641
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:643
msgid "Delete All"
msgstr "Выдаліць усё"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:643
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:645
msgid "Left: "
msgstr "Злева: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:644
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:646
msgid ". Right: "
msgstr ". Справа: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:645
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:647
msgid "Inner: "
msgstr "Унутры: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:646
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:648
msgid ". Outer: "
msgstr ". Звонку: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:647
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:649
msgid ". Top: "
msgstr ". Зверху: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:648
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:650
msgid ". Bottom: "
msgstr ". Знізу: "
#. Error calculator
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:651
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:653
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msgstr "Старонка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:652
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:654
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msgstr "Радок"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:653
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:655
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Аўтар"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:654
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:656
msgid "** Syntax Error **"
msgstr "** Памылка сінтаксісу **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:655
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:657
msgid "** Division by zero **"
msgstr "** Дзяленне на нуль **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:656
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:658
msgctxt "STR_CALC_BRACK"
msgid "** Wrong use of brackets **"
msgstr "** Няправільна ўжытыя дужкі ** "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:657
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:659
msgctxt "STR_CALC_POW"
msgid "** Square function overflow **"
msgstr "** Перапаўненне пры квадратаванні **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:658
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:660
msgid "** Overflow **"
msgstr "** Перапаўненне **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:659
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:661
msgid "** Error **"
msgstr "** Памылка **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:660
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:662
msgctxt "STR_CALC_ERROR"
msgid "** Expression is faulty **"
msgstr "** Недапушчальны выраз **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:661
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:663
msgid "Error: Reference source not found"
msgstr "Памылка: не знойдзена ўзорная крыніца"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:662
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:664
msgid "None"
msgstr "Няма"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:663
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:665
msgid "(fixed)"
msgstr "(фіксавана)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:664
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:666
msgid " Y: %1 M: %2 D: %3 H: %4 M: %5 S: %6"
msgstr " Г: %1 М: %2 Дз: %3 г: %4 м: %5 с: %6"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:665
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:667
msgctxt "STR_TOI"
msgid "Alphabetical Index"
msgstr "Алфавітны індэкс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:666
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:668
msgctxt "STR_TOU"
msgid "User-Defined"
msgstr "Вызначана-карыстальнікам"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:667
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:669
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msgstr "Змест"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:668
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:670
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msgstr "Бібліяграфія"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:669
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:671
msgid "Citation"
msgstr "Цытата"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:670
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:672
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msgid "Index of Tables"
msgstr "Спіс табліц"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:671
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:673
msgctxt "STR_TOX_OBJ"
msgid "Table of Objects"
msgstr "Спіс аб'ектаў"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:672
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:674
msgctxt "STR_TOX_ILL"
msgid "Table of Figures"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:673
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:675
#, c-format
msgid "%s-Click to follow link"
msgstr "%s-націснуць, каб перайсці па спасылцы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:674
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:676
msgctxt "STR_LINK_CLICK"
msgid "Click to follow link"
msgstr "Націсніце, каб перайсці па спасылцы"
#. SubType DocInfo
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:676
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:678
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Назва"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:677
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:679
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Тэма"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:678
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:680
msgid "Keywords"
msgstr "Ключавыя словы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:679
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:681
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Заўвагі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:680
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:682
msgid "Created"
msgstr "Створана"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:681
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:683
msgid "Modified"
msgstr "Зменена"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:682
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:684
msgid "Last printed"
msgstr "Друкаваўся"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:683
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:685
msgid "Revision number"
msgstr "Нумар перагляду"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:684
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:686
msgid "Total editing time"
msgstr "Агульны час рэдагавання"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:685
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:687
msgid "Convert $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Ператварыць $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:686
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:688
msgid "First convert $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Найперш ператварыць $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:687
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:689
msgid "Next convert $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Далей ператварыць $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:688
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:690
msgid "Article"
msgstr "Артыкул"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:689
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:691
msgid "Book"
msgstr "Кніга"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:690
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:692
msgid "Brochures"
msgstr "Брашура"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:691
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:693
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr "Матэрыялы канферэнцыі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:692
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:694
msgid "Book excerpt"
msgstr "Фрагмент кнігі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:693
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:695
msgid "Book excerpt with title"
msgstr "Фрагмент кнігі з загалоўкам"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:694
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:696
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr "Справаздача канферэнцыі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:695
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:697
msgid "Journal"
msgstr "Журнал"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:696
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:698
msgid "Techn. documentation"
msgstr "Тэхн. дакументацыя"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:697
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:699
msgid "Thesis"
msgstr "Дысертацыя (тэзіс)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:698
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:700
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "Рознае"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:699
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:701
msgid "Dissertation"
msgstr "Дысертацыя (манаграфія)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:700
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:702
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr "Матэрыялы канферэнцыі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:701
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:703
msgid "Research report"
msgstr "Справаздача па даследаваннях"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:702
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:704
msgid "Unpublished"
msgstr "Непублікаванае"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:703
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:705
msgid "E-mail"
msgstr "Эл.пошта"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:704
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:706
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msgstr "Старонка WWW"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:705
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:707
msgid "User-defined1"
msgstr "Сваё 1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:706
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:708
msgid "User-defined2"
msgstr "Сваё 2"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:707
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:709
msgid "User-defined3"
msgstr "Сваё3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:708
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:710
msgid "User-defined4"
msgstr "Сваё 4"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:709
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:711
msgid "User-defined5"
msgstr "Сваё 5"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:710
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:712
msgid "Short name"
msgstr "Кароткая назва"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:711
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:713
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Тып"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:712
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:714
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Адрас"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:713
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:715
msgid "Annotation"
msgstr "Анатацыя"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:714
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:716
msgid "Author(s)"
msgstr "Аўтар(ы)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:715
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:717
msgid "Book title"
msgstr "Назва кнігі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:716
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:718
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr "Частка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:717
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:719
msgid "Edition"
msgstr "Рэдакцыя"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:718
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:720
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Рэдактар"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:719
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:721
msgid "Publication type"
msgstr "Тып публікацыі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:720
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:722
msgid "Institution"
msgstr "Установа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:721
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:723
msgid "Journal"
msgstr "Часопіс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:722
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:724
msgid "Month"
msgstr "Месяц"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:723
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:725
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Заўвага"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:724
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:726
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Нумар"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:725
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:727
msgid "Organization"
msgstr "Установа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:726
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:728
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msgstr "Старонка(і)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:727
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:729
msgid "Publisher"
msgstr "Выдавец"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:728
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:730
msgid "University"
msgstr "Універсітэт"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:729
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:731
msgid "Series"
msgstr "Серыя"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:730
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:732
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Назва"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:731
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:733
msgid "Type of report"
msgstr "Тып справаздачы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:732
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:734
msgid "Volume"
msgstr "Том"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:733
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:735
msgid "Year"
msgstr "Год"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:734
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:736
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:735
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:737
msgid "User-defined1"
msgstr "Сваё1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:736
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:738
msgid "User-defined2"
msgstr "Сваё2"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:737
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:739
msgid "User-defined3"
msgstr "Сваё3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:738
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:740
msgid "User-defined4"
msgstr "Сваё4"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:739
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:741
msgid "User-defined5"
msgstr "Сваё5"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:740
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:742
msgid "ISBN"
msgstr "ISBN"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:742
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:744
msgid "Edit Index Entry"
msgstr "Правіць складнік індэкса"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:743
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:745
msgid "Insert Index Entry"
msgstr "Уставіць складнік індэкса"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:744
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:746
msgid "The document already contains the bibliography entry but with different data. Do you want to adjust the existing entries?"
msgstr "У дакуменце ўжо прысутнічае такі складнік бібліяграфіі, але з іншымі данымі. Ці хочаце ўзгадніць наяўныя складнікі?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:746
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:748
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Заўвагі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:747
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:749
msgid "Show comments"
msgstr "Паказваць заўвагі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:748
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:750
msgid "Hide comments"
msgstr "Не паказваць заўвагі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:750
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:752
msgid "Shortcut name already exists. Please choose another name."
msgstr "Такая назва скароту ўжо занята. Выберыце іншую назву."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:751
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:753
msgid "Delete AutoText?"
msgstr "Сцерці Аўта-тэкст?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:752
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:754
msgid "Delete the category "
msgstr "Сцерці катэгорыю "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:753
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:755
msgid "?"
msgstr "?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:754
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:756
msgctxt "STR_GLOSSARY"
msgid "AutoText :"
msgstr "Аўта-тэкст :"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:755
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:757
msgid "Save AutoText"
msgstr "Запісаць Аўта-тэкст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:756
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:758
msgid "There is no AutoText in this file."
msgstr "У гэтым файле няма Аўта-тэксту."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:757
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:759
msgid "My AutoText"
msgstr "Свой Аўта-тэкст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:759
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:761
msgctxt "STR_NOGLOS"
msgid "AutoText for Shortcut '%1' not found."
msgstr "Не знойдзены Аўта-тэкст для Скарота '%1'"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:760
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:762
msgctxt "STR_NO_TABLE"
msgid "A table with no rows or no cells cannot be inserted"
msgstr "Немагчыма ўставіць табліцу без радкоў або калонак"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:761
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:763
msgid "The table cannot be inserted because it is too large"
msgstr "Немагчыма ўставіць табліцу, занадта вялікая"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:762
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:764
msgid "AutoText could not be created."
msgstr "Не ўдалося стварыць Аўта-тэкст."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:763
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:765
msgid "Requested clipboard format is not available."
msgstr "Гэты фармат Абменніка не апрацоўваецца."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:764
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:766
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:765
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:767
msgid "Image (%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Text Document)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:766
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:768
msgid "Object (%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Text Document)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:767
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:769
msgid "Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE link)"
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:769
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:771
msgid "All Comments"
msgstr "Усе заўвагі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:770
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:772
msgid "All Comments"
msgstr "Усе заўвагі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:771
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:773
msgid "Comments by "
msgstr "Заўвагі аўтарства "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:772
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:774
msgctxt "STR_NODATE"
msgid "(no date)"
msgstr "(без даты)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:773
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:775
msgctxt "STR_NOAUTHOR"
msgid "(no author)"
msgstr "(без аўтара)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:774
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:776
msgctxt "STR_REPLY"
msgid "Reply to $1"
msgstr "Адказ $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:776
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:778
msgctxt "ST_TITLE_EDIT"
msgid "Edit Address Block"
msgstr "Рэдагаваць адрасны блок"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:777
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:779
msgctxt "ST_TITLE_MALE"
msgid "Custom Salutation (Male Recipients)"
msgstr "Персаналізаванае прывітанне (для мужчын)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:778
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:780
msgid "Custom Salutation (Female Recipients)"
msgstr "Персаналізаванае прывітанне (для жанчын)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:779
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:781
msgid "Salutation e~lements"
msgstr "Элементы формы звароту"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:780
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:782
msgid "Add to salutation"
msgstr "Дадаць да прывітання"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:781
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:783
msgid "Remove from salutation"
msgstr "Прыбраць з прывітання"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:782
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:784
msgid "1. ~Drag salutation elements into the box below"
msgstr "1. Перацягніце элемент прывітання ў поле ніжэй"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:783
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:785
msgid "Salutation"
msgstr "Вітанне"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:784
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:786
msgid "Punctuation Mark"
msgstr "Знак прыпынку"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:785
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:787
msgctxt "ST_TEXT"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Тэкставы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:786
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:788
msgid "Assign the fields from your data source to match the salutation elements."
msgstr "Пастаўце палі з крыніцы даных у адпаведнасці з элементамі формы звароту."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:787
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:789
msgid "Salutation preview"
msgstr "Перадпаказ формы звароту"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:788
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:790
msgid "Address elements"
msgstr "Элементы адрасу"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:789
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:791
msgid "Salutation elements"
msgstr "Элементы формы звароту"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:790
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:792
msgctxt "ST_MATCHESTO"
msgid "Matches to field:"
msgstr "Адпавядае полю:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:791
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:793
msgctxt "ST_PREVIEW"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Перадпаказ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:793
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:795
msgid " not yet matched "
msgstr " яшчэ без адпаведнасці "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:794
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:796
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_ALL"
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Усе файлы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:795
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:797
msgid "Address lists(*.*)"
msgstr "Спісы адрасаў(*.*)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:796
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:798
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXB"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Base (*.odb)"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Base (*.odb)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:797
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:799
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXC"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Calc (*.ods;*.sxc)"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Calc (*.ods;*.sxc)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:798
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:800
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXW"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer (*.odt;*.sxw)"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Writer (*.odt;*.sxw)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:799
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:801
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_DBF"
msgid "dBase (*.dbf)"
msgstr "dBase (*.dbf)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:800
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:802
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_XLS"
msgid "Microsoft Excel (*.xls;*.xlsx)"
msgstr "Microsoft Excel (*.xls;*.xlsx)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:801
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:803
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_DOC"
msgid "Microsoft Word (*.doc;*.docx)"
msgstr "Microsoft Word (*.doc;*.docx)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:802
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:804
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_TXT"
msgid "Plain text (*.txt)"
msgstr "Просты тэкст (*.txt)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:803
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:805
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_CSV"
msgid "Text Comma Separated (*.csv)"
msgstr "Тэкст, межаваны коскамі (*.csv)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:804
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:806
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_MDB"
msgid "Microsoft Access (*.mdb;*.mde)"
msgstr "Microsoft Access (*.mdb;*.mde)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:805
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:807
msgid "Microsoft Access 2007 (*.accdb,*.accde)"
msgstr "Microsoft Access 2007 (*.accdb,*.accde)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:806
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:808
msgid ""
"In order to be able to send mail merge documents by e-mail, %PRODUCTNAME requires information about the e-mail account to be used.\n"
@@ -4231,82 +4241,82 @@ msgstr ""
"Ці жадаеце наставіць рахунак эл.пошты зараз?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:807
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:809
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Address List (.csv)"
msgstr "Адрасавы спіс %PRODUCTNAME (.csv)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:809
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:811
msgctxt "ST_STARTING"
msgid "Select starting document"
msgstr "Выберыце пачатковы дакумент"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:810
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:812
msgid "Select document type"
msgstr "Выберыце тып дакумента"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:811
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:813
msgid "Insert address block"
msgstr "Уставіць адрасаванне"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:812
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:814
msgid "Select address list"
msgstr "Выбраць адрасны спіс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:813
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:815
msgid "Create salutation"
msgstr "Стварыць зварот"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:814
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:816
msgctxt "ST_LAYOUT"
msgid "Adjust layout"
msgstr "Узгадніць выклад"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:815
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:817
msgctxt "ST_EXCLUDE"
msgid "Exclude recipient"
msgstr "Выключыць атрымальніка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:816
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:818
msgctxt "ST_FINISH"
msgid "~Finish"
msgstr "Скончыць"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:817
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:819
msgctxt "ST_MMWTITLE"
msgid "Mail Merge Wizard"
msgstr "Майстар памнажэння пошты"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:819
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:821
msgctxt "ST_NAME"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Назва"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:820
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:822
msgctxt "ST_TYPE"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Тып"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:821
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:823
msgctxt "ST_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Табліца"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:822
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:824
msgctxt "ST_QUERY"
msgid "Query"
msgstr "Зварот"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:824
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:826
msgid "Continue checking at beginning of document?"
msgstr "Ці працягваць праверку ад пачатку дакумента?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:825
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:827
msgid "The spellcheck is complete."
msgstr "Спраўджванне правапісу скончана."
@@ -4315,212 +4325,212 @@ msgstr "Спраўджванне правапісу скончана."
#. Description: strings for the types
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. range document
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:831
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:833
msgctxt "STR_DATEFLD"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Дата"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:832
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:834
msgctxt "STR_TIMEFLD"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Час"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:833
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:835
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Назва файла"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:834
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:836
msgid "Database Name"
msgstr "Назва базы даных"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:835
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:837
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr "Частка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:836
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:838
msgid "Page numbers"
msgstr "Нумары старонак"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:837
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:839
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Статыстыка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:838
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:840
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Аўтар"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:839
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:841
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "Шаблоны"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:840
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:842
msgid "Sender"
msgstr "Адпраўнік"
#. range functions
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:842
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:844
msgctxt "STR_SETFLD"
msgid "Set variable"
msgstr "Наставіць зменную"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:843
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:845
msgctxt "STR_GETFLD"
msgid "Show variable"
msgstr "Паказаць зменную"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:844
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:846
msgid "Insert Formula"
msgstr "Уставіць формулу"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:845
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:847
msgctxt "STR_INPUTFLD"
msgid "Input field"
msgstr "Поле ўводу"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:846
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:848
msgid "Input field (variable)"
msgstr "Поле ўводу (зменная)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:847
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:849
msgid "Input field (user)"
msgstr "Поле ўводу (карыст.)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:848
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:850
msgid "Conditional text"
msgstr "Узгоднены тэкст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:849
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:851
msgctxt "STR_DDEFLD"
msgid "DDE field"
msgstr "Поле DDE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:850
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:852
msgctxt "STR_MACROFLD"
msgid "Execute macro"
msgstr "Выканаць макрас"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:851
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:853
msgctxt "STR_SEQFLD"
msgid "Number range"
msgstr "Абсяг лікаў"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:852
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:854
msgid "Set page variable"
msgstr "Наставіць зменную старонкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:853
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:855
msgid "Show page variable"
msgstr "Паказаць зменную старонкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:854
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:856
msgid "Load URL"
msgstr "Адкрыць URL"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:855
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:857
msgid "Placeholder"
msgstr "Намеснік"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:856
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:858
msgid "Combine characters"
msgstr "Спалучаць знакі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:857
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:859
msgctxt "STR_DROPDOWN"
msgid "Input list"
msgstr "Спіс уводу"
#. range references
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:859
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:861
msgid "Set Reference"
msgstr "Наставіць спасылку"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:860
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:862
msgid "Insert Reference"
msgstr "Уставіць спасылку"
#. range database
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:862
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:864
msgctxt "STR_DBFLD"
msgid "Mail merge fields"
msgstr "Палі памножанай пошты"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:863
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:865
msgid "Next record"
msgstr "Наступны запіс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:864
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:866
msgid "Any record"
msgstr "Адвольны запіс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:865
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:867
msgid "Record number"
msgstr "Нумар запісу"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:866
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:868
msgid "Previous page"
msgstr "Папярэдняя старонка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:867
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:869
msgid "Next page"
msgstr "Наступная старонка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:868
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:870
msgid "Hidden text"
msgstr "Нябачны тэкст"
#. range user fields
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:870
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:872
msgctxt "STR_USERFLD"
msgid "User Field"
msgstr "Поле карыстальніка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:871
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:873
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Заўвага"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:872
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:874
msgid "Script"
msgstr "Скрыпт"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:873
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:875
msgid "Bibliography entry"
msgstr "Складнік бібліяграфіі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:874
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:876
msgid "Hidden Paragraph"
msgstr "Нябачны абзац"
#. range DocumentInfo
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:876
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:878
msgid "DocInformation"
msgstr "Звесткі аб дакуменце"
@@ -4528,74 +4538,74 @@ msgstr "Звесткі аб дакуменце"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: SubCmd-Strings
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:880
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:882
msgctxt "FLD_DATE_STD"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Дата"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:881
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:883
msgctxt "FLD_DATE_FIX"
msgid "Date (fixed)"
msgstr "Дата (фікс.)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:882
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:884
msgctxt "FLD_TIME_STD"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Час"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:883
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:885
msgctxt "FLD_TIME_FIX"
msgid "Time (fixed)"
msgstr "Час (фікс.)"
#. SubCmd Statistic
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:885
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:887
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_TABLE"
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Табліцы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:886
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:888
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_CHAR"
msgid "Characters"
msgstr "Знакі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:887
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:889
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_WORD"
msgid "Words"
msgstr "Словы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:888
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:890
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_PARA"
msgid "Paragraphs"
msgstr "Абзацы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:889
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:891
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_GRF"
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Відарыс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:890
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:892
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_OBJ"
msgid "Objects"
msgstr "Аб'екты"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:891
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:893
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_PAGE"
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Старонкі"
#. SubCmd DDETypes
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:893
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:895
msgctxt "FMT_DDE_HOT"
msgid "DDE automatic"
msgstr "Аўтаматычна з DDE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:894
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:896
msgctxt "FMT_DDE_NORMAL"
msgid "DDE manual"
msgstr "Неаўтаматычна з DDE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:895
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:897
msgctxt "FLD_INPUT_TEXT"
msgid "[Text]"
msgstr "[Тэкст]"
@@ -4603,87 +4613,87 @@ msgstr "[Тэкст]"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: SubType Extuser
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:900
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:902
msgctxt "FLD_EU_FIRMA"
msgid "Company"
msgstr "Кампанія"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:901
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:903
msgctxt "FLD_EU_VORNAME"
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "Імя"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:902
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:904
msgctxt "FLD_EU_NAME"
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr "Прозвішча"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:903
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:905
msgctxt "FLD_EU_ABK"
msgid "Initials"
msgstr "Ініцыялы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:904
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:906
msgctxt "FLD_EU_STRASSE"
msgid "Street"
msgstr "Вуліца"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:905
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:907
msgctxt "FLD_EU_LAND"
msgid "Country"
msgstr "Краіна"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:906
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:908
msgctxt "FLD_EU_PLZ"
msgid "Zip code"
msgstr "Паштовы індэкс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:907
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:909
msgctxt "FLD_EU_ORT"
msgid "City"
msgstr "Горад"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:908
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:910
msgctxt "FLD_EU_TITEL"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Загаловак"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:909
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:911
msgctxt "FLD_EU_POS"
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Пазіцыя"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:910
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:912
msgctxt "FLD_EU_TELPRIV"
msgid "Tel. (Home)"
msgstr "Тэл. (хатні)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:911
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:913
msgid "Tel. (Work)"
msgstr "Тэл. (прац.)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:912
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:914
msgctxt "FLD_EU_FAX"
msgid "FAX"
msgstr "Факс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:913
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:915
msgctxt "FLD_EU_EMAIL"
msgid "E-mail"
msgstr "Эл.пошта"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:914
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:916
msgctxt "FLD_EU_STATE"
msgid "State"
msgstr "Адм.адзінка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:915
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:917
msgid "off"
msgstr "не"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:916
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:918
msgctxt "FLD_PAGEREF_ON"
msgid "on"
msgstr "(калі)"
@@ -4692,32 +4702,32 @@ msgstr "(калі)"
#. Description: path name
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Format FileName
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:921
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:923
msgctxt "FMT_FF_NAME"
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Назва файла"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:922
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:924
msgid "File name without extension"
msgstr "Назва файла без канчатку"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:923
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:925
msgid "Path/File name"
msgstr "Шлях і назва файла"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:924
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:926
msgctxt "FMT_FF_PATH"
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Шлях"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:925
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:927
msgctxt "FMT_FF_UI_NAME"
msgid "Style"
msgstr "Стыль"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:926
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:928
msgctxt "FMT_FF_UI_RANGE"
msgid "Category"
msgstr "Катэгорыя"
@@ -4725,22 +4735,22 @@ msgstr "Катэгорыя"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: format chapter
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:930
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:932
msgid "Chapter name"
msgstr "Назва часткі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:931
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:933
msgctxt "FMT_CHAPTER_NO"
msgid "Chapter number"
msgstr "Нумар часткі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:932
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:934
msgid "Chapter number without separator"
msgstr "Нумар часткі без межніка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:933
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:935
msgid "Chapter number and name"
msgstr "Нумар і назва часткі"
@@ -4748,47 +4758,47 @@ msgstr "Нумар і назва часткі"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: formats
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:937
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:939
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ABC"
msgid "A B C"
msgstr "A B C"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:938
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:940
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SABC"
msgid "a b c"
msgstr "a b c"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:939
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:941
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ABC_N"
msgid "A .. AA .. AAA"
msgstr "A .. AA .. AAA"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:940
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:942
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SABC_N"
msgid "a .. aa .. aaa"
msgstr "a .. aa .. aaa"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:941
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:943
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ROMAN"
msgid "Roman (I II III)"
msgstr "Рымскія (I II III)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:942
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:944
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SROMAN"
msgid "Roman (i ii iii)"
msgstr "Рымскія (i ii iii)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:943
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:945
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ARABIC"
msgid "Arabic (1 2 3)"
msgstr "Арабскія (1 2 3)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:944
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:946
msgid "As Page Style"
msgstr "Як у стылі старонкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:945
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:947
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Тэкст"
@@ -4796,12 +4806,12 @@ msgstr "Тэкст"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Author
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:949
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:951
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Назва"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:950
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:952
msgid "Initials"
msgstr "Ініцыялы"
@@ -4809,42 +4819,42 @@ msgstr "Ініцыялы"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: set variable
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:954
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:956
msgctxt "FMT_SETVAR_SYS"
msgid "System"
msgstr "Сістэмны"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:955
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:957
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Тэкст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:956
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:958
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Назва"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:957
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:959
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Тэкст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:958
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:960
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "Формула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:959
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:961
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Тэкст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:960
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:962
msgctxt "FMT_DBFLD_DB"
msgid "Database"
msgstr "База даных"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:961
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:963
msgctxt "FMT_DBFLD_SYS"
msgid "System"
msgstr "Сістэма"
@@ -4852,17 +4862,17 @@ msgstr "Сістэма"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: storage fields
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:965
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:967
msgctxt "FMT_REG_AUTHOR"
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Аўтар"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:966
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:968
msgctxt "FMT_REG_TIME"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Час"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:967
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:969
msgctxt "FMT_REG_DATE"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Дата"
@@ -4870,67 +4880,67 @@ msgstr "Дата"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: formats references
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:971
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:973
msgctxt "FMT_REF_TEXT"
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "Спасылка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:972
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:974
msgctxt "FMT_REF_PAGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Старонка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:973
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:975
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr "Частка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:974
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:976
msgctxt "FMT_REF_UPDOWN"
msgid "Above/Below"
msgstr "Над/пад"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:975
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:977
msgid "As Page Style"
msgstr "Як у стылі старонкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:976
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:978
msgid "Category and Number"
msgstr "Катэгорыя і нумар"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:977
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:979
msgid "Caption Text"
msgstr "Тэкст подпісу"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:978
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:980
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "Нумараванне"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:979
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:981
msgctxt "FMT_REF_NUMBER"
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Нумар"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:980
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:982
msgid "Number (no context)"
msgstr "Лік без кантэксту"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:981
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:983
msgid "Number (full context)"
msgstr "Лік з поўным кантэкстам"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:983
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:985
msgid "Article a/az + "
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:984
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:986
msgid "Article A/Az + "
msgstr ""
@@ -4938,27 +4948,27 @@ msgstr ""
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: placeholder
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:988
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:990
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_TEXT"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Тэкст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:989
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:991
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Табліца"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:990
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:992
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_FRAME"
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "Рамка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:991
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:993
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Відарыс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:992
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:994
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_OLE"
msgid "Object"
msgstr "Аб'ект"
@@ -4966,1232 +4976,1232 @@ msgstr "Аб'ект"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: ExchangeStrings for Edit/NameFT
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:996
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:998
msgctxt "STR_COND"
msgid "~Condition"
msgstr "Умова"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:997
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:999
msgctxt "STR_TEXT"
msgid "Then, Else"
msgstr "Тады, Іначай"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:998
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1000
msgctxt "STR_DDE_CMD"
msgid "DDE Statement"
msgstr "Інструкцыя DDE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:999
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1001
msgctxt "STR_INSTEXT"
msgid "Hidden t~ext"
msgstr "Нябачны тэкст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1000
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1002
msgctxt "STR_MACNAME"
msgid "~Macro name"
msgstr "Назва макрасу"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1001
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1003
msgctxt "STR_PROMPT"
msgid "~Reference"
msgstr "Спасылка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1002
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1004
msgid "Ch~aracters"
msgstr "Знакі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1003
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1005
msgctxt "STR_OFFSET"
msgid "O~ffset"
msgstr "Зрух"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1004
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1006
msgctxt "STR_VALUE"
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Значэнне"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1005
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1007
msgctxt "STR_FORMULA"
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "Формула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1006
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1008
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Свой"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1008
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1010
msgid "[User]"
msgstr "[Карыстальнік]"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1010
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1012
msgctxt "STR_HDIST"
msgid "H. Pitch"
msgstr "Гарыз. адлегл."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1011
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1013
msgctxt "STR_VDIST"
msgid "V. Pitch"
msgstr "Верт. адлегл."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1012
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1014
msgctxt "STR_WIDTH"
msgid "Width"
msgstr "Шырыня"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1013
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1015
msgctxt "STR_HEIGHT"
msgid "Height"
msgstr "Вышыня"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1014
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1016
msgctxt "STR_LEFT"
msgid "Left margin"
msgstr "Поле злева"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1015
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1017
msgctxt "STR_UPPER"
msgid "Top margin"
msgstr "Поле зверху"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1016
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1018
msgctxt "STR_COLS"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Калонкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1017
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1019
msgctxt "STR_ROWS"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "Радкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1019
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1021
msgid "The following service is not available: "
msgstr "Гэты сэрвіс не прысутны: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1021
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1023
msgid "Word and character count. Click to open Word Count dialog."
msgstr "Падлік слоў і знакаў. Націсніце, каб адкрыць дыялог «Колькасць слоў»."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1022
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1024
msgid "Single-page view"
msgstr "Аднастаронкавы від"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1023
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1025
msgid "Multiple-page view"
msgstr "Шматстаронкавы від"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1024
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1026
msgid "Book view"
msgstr "Кніжны від"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1025
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1027
msgid "Page number in document. Click to open Go to Page dialog or right-click for bookmark list."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1026
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1028
msgid "Page number in document (Page number on printed document). Click to open Go to Page dialog."
msgstr ""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1027
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1029
msgid "Page Style. Right-click to change style or click to open Style dialog."
msgstr "Стыль старонкі. Правая кнопка мышы - змяніць стыль, націсканне - дыялог Стылі."
#. Strings for textual attributes.
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1030
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1032
msgctxt "STR_DROP_OVER"
msgid "Drop Caps over"
msgstr "Буквіца над"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1031
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1033
msgctxt "STR_DROP_LINES"
msgid "rows"
msgstr "радкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1032
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1034
msgid "No Drop Caps"
msgstr "Без буквіцы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1033
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1035
msgid "No page break"
msgstr "Без зрэзу старонкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1034
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1036
msgctxt "STR_NO_MIRROR"
msgid "Don't mirror"
msgstr "Не адлюстроўваць"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1035
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1037
msgid "Flip vertically"
msgstr "Адлюстраваць вертыкальна"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1036
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1038
msgid "Flip horizontal"
msgstr "Адлюстраваць гарызантальна"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1037
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1039
msgid "Horizontal and Vertical Flip"
msgstr "Адлюстраваць па гарызанталі і вертыкалі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1038
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1040
msgid "+ mirror horizontal on even pages"
msgstr "+ адлюстроўваць у гарызанталі на цотных старонках"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1039
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1041
msgctxt "STR_CHARFMT"
msgid "Character Style"
msgstr "Стыль знакаў"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1040
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1042
msgctxt "STR_NO_CHARFMT"
msgid "No Character Style"
msgstr "Без стылю знакаў"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1041
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1043
msgctxt "STR_FOOTER"
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "Ніжні калантытул"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1042
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1044
msgctxt "STR_NO_FOOTER"
msgid "No footer"
msgstr "Без ніжняга калантытула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1043
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1045
msgctxt "STR_HEADER"
msgid "Header"
msgstr "Верхні калантытул"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1044
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1046
msgctxt "STR_NO_HEADER"
msgid "No header"
msgstr "Без верхняга калантытула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1045
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1047
msgid "Optimal wrap"
msgstr "Аптымальны варыянт абгортвання"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1046
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1048
msgid "No wrap"
msgstr "Без абгортвання"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1047
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1049
msgid "Through"
msgstr "Наскрозь"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1048
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1050
msgid "Parallel wrap"
msgstr "Тэкст навокал"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1049
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1051
msgid "Left wrap"
msgstr "Тэкст злева"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1050
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1052
msgid "Right wrap"
msgstr "Тэкст справа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1051
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1053
msgid "(Anchor only)"
msgstr "(Толькі мацаванне)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1052
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1054
msgctxt "STR_FRM_WIDTH"
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "Шырыня:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1053
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1055
msgid "Fixed height:"
msgstr "Фіксаваная вышыня:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1054
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1056
msgid "Min. height:"
msgstr "Мін. вышыня:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1055
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1057
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AT_PARA"
msgid "to paragraph"
msgstr "да абзацу"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1056
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1058
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AS_CHAR"
msgid "to character"
msgstr "да знаку"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1057
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1059
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AT_PAGE"
msgid "to page"
msgstr "да старонкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1058
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1060
msgctxt "STR_POS_X"
msgid "X Coordinate:"
msgstr "Каардыната X:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1059
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1061
msgctxt "STR_POS_Y"
msgid "Y Coordinate:"
msgstr "Каардыната Y:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1060
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1062
msgctxt "STR_VERT_TOP"
msgid "at top"
msgstr "уверсе"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1061
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1063
msgid "Centered vertically"
msgstr "Раўнаванне да паловы вышыні"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1062
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1064
msgid "at bottom"
msgstr "унізе"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1063
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1065
msgctxt "STR_LINE_TOP"
msgid "Top of line"
msgstr "Верх радка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1064
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1066
msgid "Line centered"
msgstr "Цэнтр вышыні радка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1065
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1067
msgid "Bottom of line"
msgstr "Ніз радка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1066
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1068
msgid "Register-true"
msgstr "Раўняць радкі з рашоткай"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1067
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1069
msgid "Not register-true"
msgstr "Не раўняць радкі з рашоткай"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1068
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1070
msgctxt "STR_HORI_RIGHT"
msgid "at the right"
msgstr "справа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1069
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1071
msgid "Centered horizontally"
msgstr "Раўнаванне ў цэнтры"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1070
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1072
msgctxt "STR_HORI_LEFT"
msgid "at the left"
msgstr "злева"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1071
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1073
msgid "inside"
msgstr "унутры"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1072
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1074
msgid "outside"
msgstr "звонку"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1073
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1075
msgctxt "STR_HORI_FULL"
msgid "Full width"
msgstr "Поўная шырыня"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1074
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1076
msgctxt "STR_COLUMNS"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Калонкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1075
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1077
msgctxt "STR_LINE_WIDTH"
msgid "Separator Width:"
msgstr "Шырыня межніка:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1076
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1078
msgid "Max. footnote area:"
msgstr "Макс. абсяг зносак:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1077
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1079
msgid "Editable in read-only document"
msgstr "Можна правіць у толькі-чытаным дакуменце"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1078
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1080
msgid "Split"
msgstr "Падзяліць"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1079
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1081
msgctxt "STR_NUMRULE_ON"
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "Нумараванне"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1080
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1082
msgid "no numbering"
msgstr "без нумаравання"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1081
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1083
msgctxt "STR_CONNECT1"
msgid "linked to "
msgstr "злучана з "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1082
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1084
msgctxt "STR_CONNECT2"
msgid "and "
msgstr "і "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1083
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1085
msgid "Count lines"
msgstr "Лічыць радкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1084
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1086
msgid "don't count lines"
msgstr "не лічыць радкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1085
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1087
msgid "restart line count with: "
msgstr "нанова лічыць радкі з: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1086
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1088
msgid "Brightness: "
msgstr "Яркасць: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1087
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1089
msgctxt "STR_CHANNELR"
msgid "Red: "
msgstr "Чырвоны: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1088
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1090
msgctxt "STR_CHANNELG"
msgid "Green: "
msgstr "Зялёны: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1089
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1091
msgctxt "STR_CHANNELB"
msgid "Blue: "
msgstr "Сіні: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1090
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1092
msgctxt "STR_CONTRAST"
msgid "Contrast: "
msgstr "Кантраст: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1091
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1093
msgctxt "STR_GAMMA"
msgid "Gamma: "
msgstr "Гама: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1092
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1094
msgid "Transparency: "
msgstr "Празрыстасць: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1093
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1095
msgctxt "STR_INVERT"
msgid "Invert"
msgstr "Інвэртаваць"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1094
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1096
msgctxt "STR_INVERT_NOT"
msgid "do not invert"
msgstr "не інвертаваць"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1095
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1097
msgctxt "STR_DRAWMODE"
msgid "Graphics mode: "
msgstr "Рэжым графікі: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1096
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1098
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Стандартна"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1097
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1099
msgid "Grayscales"
msgstr "Шэрыя адценні"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1098
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1100
msgid "Black & White"
msgstr "Чорна-белае"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1099
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1101
msgid "Watermark"
msgstr "Вадзяны знак"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1100
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1102
msgctxt "STR_ROTATION"
msgid "Rotation"
msgstr "Паварот"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1101
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1103
msgctxt "STR_GRID_NONE"
msgid "No grid"
msgstr "Без рашоткі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1102
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1104
msgid "Grid (lines only)"
msgstr "Рашотка (толькі для радкоў)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1103
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1105
msgid "Grid (lines and characters)"
msgstr "Рашотка (для радкоў і знакаў)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1104
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1106
msgid "Follow text flow"
msgstr "Следаваць плыні тэксту"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1105
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1107
msgid "Do not follow text flow"
msgstr "Не следаваць плыні тэксту"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1106
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1108
msgid "Merge borders"
msgstr "Яднаць межы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1107
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1109
msgid "Do not merge borders"
msgstr "Не яднаць межы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1109
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1111
msgctxt "ST_TBL"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Табліца"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1110
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1112
msgctxt "ST_FRM"
msgid "Text Frame"
msgstr "Тэкставая рамка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1111
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1113
msgctxt "ST_PGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Старонка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1112
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1114
msgctxt "ST_DRW"
msgid "Drawing"
msgstr "Рысунак"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1113
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1115
msgctxt "ST_CTRL"
msgid "Control"
msgstr "Кантрольнік"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1114
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1116
msgctxt "ST_REG"
msgid "Section"
msgstr "Раздзел"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1115
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1117
msgctxt "ST_BKM"
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr "Закладка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1116
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1118
msgctxt "ST_GRF"
msgid "Graphics"
msgstr "Графіка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1117
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1119
msgctxt "ST_OLE"
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "Аб'ект OLE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1118
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1120
msgctxt "ST_OUTL"
msgid "Headings"
msgstr "Загалоўкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1119
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1121
msgctxt "ST_SEL"
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "Пазначанае"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1120
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1122
msgctxt "ST_FTN"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr "Зноска"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1121
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1123
msgctxt "ST_MARK"
msgid "Reminder"
msgstr "Напамінак"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1122
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1124
msgctxt "ST_POSTIT"
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Заўвага"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1123
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1125
msgctxt "ST_SRCH_REP"
msgid "Repeat search"
msgstr "Паўтарыць пошук"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1124
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1126
msgctxt "ST_INDEX_ENTRY"
msgid "Index entry"
msgstr "Элемент паказальніка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1125
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1127
msgid "Table formula"
msgstr "Формула табліцы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1126
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1128
msgid "Wrong table formula"
msgstr "Няправільная формула табліцы"
#. Strings for the quickhelp of the View-PgUp/Down-Buttons
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1128
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1130
msgid "Next table"
msgstr "Наступная табліца"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1129
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1131
msgid "Next text frame"
msgstr "Наступная тэкставая рамка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1130
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1132
msgid "Next page"
msgstr "Наступная старонка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1131
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1133
msgid "Next drawing"
msgstr "Наступны рысунак"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1132
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1134
msgid "Next control"
msgstr "Наступны кантрольнік"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1133
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1135
msgid "Next section"
msgstr "Наступны раздзел"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1134
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1136
msgid "Next bookmark"
msgstr "Наступная закладка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1135
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1137
msgid "Next graphic"
msgstr "Наступны відарыс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1136
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1138
msgid "Next OLE object"
msgstr "Наступны аб'ект OLE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1137
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1139
msgid "Next heading"
msgstr "Наступны загаловак"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1138
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1140
msgid "Next selection"
msgstr "Наступнае пазначэнне"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1139
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1141
msgid "Next footnote"
msgstr "Наступная зноска"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1140
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1142
msgid "Next Reminder"
msgstr "Наступны напамін"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1141
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1143
msgid "Next Comment"
msgstr "Наступная заўвага"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1142
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1144
msgid "Continue search forward"
msgstr "Працягваць пошук наперад"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1143
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1145
msgid "Next index entry"
msgstr "Наступны элемент паказальніка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1144
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1146
msgid "Previous table"
msgstr "Папярэдняя табліца"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1145
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1147
msgid "Previous text frame"
msgstr "Папярэдняя тэкставая рамка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1146
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1148
msgid "Previous page"
msgstr "Папярэдняя старонка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1147
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1149
msgid "Previous drawing"
msgstr "Папярэдні рысунак"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1148
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1150
msgid "Previous control"
msgstr "Папярэдні кантрольнік"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1149
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1151
msgid "Previous section"
msgstr "Папярэдні раздзел"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1150
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1152
msgid "Previous bookmark"
msgstr "Папярэдняя закладка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1151
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1153
msgid "Previous graphic"
msgstr "Папярэдні відарыс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1152
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1154
msgid "Previous OLE object"
msgstr "Папярэдні аб'ект OLE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1153
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1155
msgid "Previous heading"
msgstr "Папярэдні загаловак"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1154
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1156
msgid "Previous selection"
msgstr "Папярэдняе пазначэнне"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1155
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1157
msgid "Previous footnote"
msgstr "Папярэдняя зноска"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1156
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1158
msgid "Previous Reminder"
msgstr "Папярэдні напамін"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1157
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1159
msgid "Previous Comment"
msgstr "Папярэдні каментарый"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1158
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1160
msgid "Continue search backwards"
msgstr "Працягваць пошук назад"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1159
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1161
msgid "Previous index entry"
msgstr "Папярэдні элемент паказальніка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1160
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1162
msgid "Previous table formula"
msgstr "Папярэдняя формула табліцы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1161
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1163
msgid "Next table formula"
msgstr "Наступная формула табліцы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1162
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1164
msgid "Previous faulty table formula"
msgstr "Папярэдняя хібная формула табліцы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1163
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1165
msgid "Next faulty table formula"
msgstr "Наступная хібная формула табліцы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1165
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1167
msgid "Inserted"
msgstr "Устаўлена"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1166
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1168
msgid "Deleted"
msgstr "Сцёрта"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1167
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1169
msgid "Formatted"
msgstr "Адфарматавана"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1168
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1170
msgid "Table changed"
msgstr "Табліца зменена"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1169
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1171
msgid "Applied Paragraph Styles"
msgstr "Ужыты стылі абзацаў"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1170
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1172
msgid "Paragraph formatting changed"
msgstr "Фармат абзаца зменены"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1171
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1173
msgid "Row Inserted"
msgstr "Радок устаўлены"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1172
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1174
msgid "Row Deleted"
msgstr "Радок сцёрты"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1173
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1175
msgid "Cell Inserted"
msgstr "Клетка ўстаўлена"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1174
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1176
msgid "Cell Deleted"
msgstr "Клетка сцёрта"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1175
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1177
msgctxt "STR_ENDNOTE"
msgid "Endnote: "
msgstr "Зноска затэкставая:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1176
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1178
msgctxt "STR_FTNNOTE"
msgid "Footnote: "
msgstr "Зноска: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1177
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1179
#, c-format
msgid "%s-click to open Smart Tag menu"
msgstr "%s+клік, каб адкрыць магчымасці разумных метак"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1178
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1180
msgid "Header (%1)"
msgstr "Верхні калантытул (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1179
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1181
msgid "First Page Header (%1)"
msgstr "Верхні калантытул першай старонкі (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1180
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1182
msgid "Left Page Header (%1)"
msgstr "Верхні калантытул левай старонкі (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1181
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1183
msgid "Right Page Header (%1)"
msgstr "Верхні калантытул правай старонкі (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1182
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1184
msgid "Footer (%1)"
msgstr "Ніжні калантытул (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1183
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1185
msgid "First Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr "Ніжні калантытул першай старонкі (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1184
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1186
msgid "Left Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr "Ніжні калантытул левай старонкі (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1185
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1187
msgid "Right Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr "Ніжні калантытул правай старонкі (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1186
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1188
msgid "Delete Header..."
msgstr "Сцерці верхні калантытул..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1187
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1189
msgid "Format Header..."
msgstr "Фарматаваць верхні калантытул..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1188
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1190
msgid "Delete Footer..."
msgstr "Сцерці ніжні калантытул..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1189
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1191
msgid "Format Footer..."
msgstr "Фарматаваць ніжні калантытул..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1191
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1193
msgid "Image file cannot be opened"
msgstr "Немагчыма адкрыць файл відарыса"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1192
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1194
msgid "Image file cannot be read"
msgstr "Немагчыма прачытаць файл відарыса"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1193
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1195
msgid "Unknown image format"
msgstr "Нявызначаны фармат відарыса"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1194
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1196
msgid "This image file version is not supported"
msgstr "Не падтрымліваецца гэта версія графічнага файла"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1195
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1197
msgid "Image filter not found"
msgstr "Фільтр відарысаў не знойдзены"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1196
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1198
msgid "Not enough memory to insert the image."
msgstr "Недастаткова памяці, каб уставіць відарыс."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1197
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1199
msgid "Insert Image"
msgstr "Уставіць відарыс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1198
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1200
msgid "Comment: "
msgstr "Заўвага: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1199
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1201
msgid "Insertion"
msgstr "Устаўленне"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1200
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1202
msgid "Deletion"
msgstr "Сціранне"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1201
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1203
msgid "AutoCorrect"
msgstr "Аўта-карэкцыя"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1202
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1204
msgid "Formats"
msgstr "Фарматы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1203
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1205
msgid "Table Changes"
msgstr "Змены табліцы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1204
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1206
msgid "Applied Paragraph Styles"
msgstr "Ужыты стылі абзацаў"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1205
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1207
msgctxt "STR_PAGE"
msgid "Page "
msgstr "Старонка "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1206
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1208
msgctxt "STR_PAGE_COUNT"
msgid "Page %1 of %2"
msgstr "Старонка %1 з %2"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1207
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1209
msgid "Page %1 of %2 (Page %3)"
msgstr "Старонка %1 з %2 (старонка %3)"
#. Strings for gallery/background
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1209
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1211
msgid "Paragraph"
msgstr "Абзац"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1210
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1212
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Відарыс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1211
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1213
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_OLE"
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "Аб'ект OLE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1212
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1214
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_FRAME"
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "Рамка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1213
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1215
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Табліца"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1214
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1216
msgid "Table row"
msgstr "Радок табліцы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1215
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1217
msgid "Table cell"
msgstr "Клетка табліцы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1216
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1218
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_PAGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Старонка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1217
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1219
msgid "Header"
msgstr "Калантытул верхні"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1218
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1220
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "Калантытул ніжні"
#. End: strings for gallery/background
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1221
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1223
msgid "HTML"
msgstr "HTML"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1222
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1224
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1224
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1226
msgctxt "STR_TITLE"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Загаловак"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1225
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1227
msgctxt "STR_ALPHA"
msgid "Separator"
msgstr "Межнік"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1226
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1228
msgctxt "STR_LEVEL"
msgid "Level "
msgstr "Узровень "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1227
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1229
msgid "The file, \"%1\" in the \"%2\" path could not be found."
msgstr "Не ўдалося знайсці файл \"%1\" на сцежцы \"%2\"."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1228
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1230
msgid "User-Defined Index"
msgstr "Свой індэкс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1229
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1231
msgid "<None>"
msgstr "<Няма>"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1230
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1232
msgid "<None>"
msgstr "<Няма>"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1231
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1233
msgctxt "STR_DELIM"
msgid "S"
msgstr "S"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1232
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1234
msgid "E#"
msgstr "E#"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1233
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1235
msgid "E"
msgstr "E"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1234
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1236
msgid "T"
msgstr "T"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1235
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1237
msgid "#"
msgstr "#"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1236
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1238
msgid "CI"
msgstr "CI"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1237
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1239
msgid "LS"
msgstr "LS"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1238
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1240
msgid "LE"
msgstr "LE"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1239
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1241
msgid "A"
msgstr "A"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1240
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1242
msgid "Chapter number"
msgstr "Нумар раздзела"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1241
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1243
msgid "Entry"
msgstr "Элемент"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1242
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1244
msgid "Tab stop"
msgstr "Крок табуляцыі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1243
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1245
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Тэкст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1244
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1246
msgid "Page number"
msgstr "Нумар старонкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1245
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1247
msgid "Chapter info"
msgstr "Інфармацыя аб раздзеле"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1246
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1248
msgid "Hyperlink start"
msgstr "Пачатак гіперспасылкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1247
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1249
msgid "Hyperlink end"
msgstr "Канец гіперспасылкі"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1248
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1250
msgid "Bibliography entry: "
msgstr "Складнік бібліяграфіі: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1249
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1251
msgid "Character Style: "
msgstr "Стыль знакаў: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1250
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1252
msgid "Structure text"
msgstr "Тэкст структуры"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1251
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1253
msgid "Press Ctrl+Alt+A to move focus for more operations"
msgstr "Націсніце Ctrl+Alt+A для дадатковых аперацый"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1252
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1254
msgid "Press left or right arrow to choose the structure controls"
msgstr "Націсніце левую або правую стрэлку, каб выбраць элемент структуры"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1253
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1255
msgid "Press Ctrl+Alt+B to move focus back to the current structure control"
msgstr "Націсніце Ctrl+Alt+B для вяртання фокуса к цяперашняму кантрольніку структуры"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1254
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1256
msgid "Selection file for the alphabetical index (*.sdi)"
msgstr "Файл выбранага для алфавітнага індэкса (*.sdi)"
@@ -6199,237 +6209,237 @@ msgstr "Файл выбранага для алфавітнага індэкса
#. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: character alignment for frmsh.cxx - context menu
#. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1259
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1261
msgid "Base line at ~top"
msgstr "Базавая лінія зверху"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1260
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1262
msgid "~Base line at bottom"
msgstr "Базавая лінія знізу"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1261
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1263
msgid "Base line ~centered"
msgstr "Базавая лінія ў цэнтры"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1262
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1264
msgid "Insert object"
msgstr "Уставіць аб'ект"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1263
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1265
msgid "Edit object"
msgstr "Правіць аб'ект"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1264
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1266
msgid " (Template: "
msgstr " (Шаблон: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1265
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1267
msgid "Borders"
msgstr "Межы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1266
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1268
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Фон"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1268
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1270
msgid "(Paragraph Style: "
msgstr "(Стыль абзацу: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1269
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1271
msgid "Page numbers cannot be applied to the current page. Even numbers can be used on left pages, odd numbers on right pages."
msgstr "Недазволеныя нумары для гэтай старонкі. Цотныя нумары ўжываюцца на левых старонках, няцотныя - на правых."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1271
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1273
msgid "Master Document"
msgstr "Майстар-дакумент"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1272
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1274
msgstr "Майстар-дакумент %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1274
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1276
msgid "A file connection will delete the contents of the current section. Connect anyway?"
msgstr "Далучэнне да файла знішчыць змесціва гэтага раздзелу. Ці працягваць?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1275
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1277
msgid "The password entered is invalid."
msgstr "Уведзены няправільны пароль."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1276
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1278
msgid "The password has not been set."
msgstr "Пароль не зададзены."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1278
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1280
msgctxt "STR_HYP_OK"
msgid "Hyphenation completed"
msgstr "Расстаноўка пераносаў скончана"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1279
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1281
msgid "None (Do not check spelling)"
msgstr "Няма (без праверкі правапісу)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1280
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1282
msgid "Reset to Default Language"
msgstr "Да прадвызначанай мовы"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1281
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1283
msgid "More..."
msgstr "Яшчэ..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1282
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1284
msgid "~Ignore"
msgstr "Ігнараваць"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1283
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1285
msgid "Explanations..."
msgstr "Тлумачэнні..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1285
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1287
msgid "Check special regions is deactivated. Check anyway?"
msgstr "Праверка спецыяльных абсягаў адключана. Праверыць усё роўна?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1286
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1288
msgid "Could not merge documents."
msgstr "Не ўдалося аб'яднаць дакументы."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1287
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1289
msgid "The source cannot be loaded."
msgstr "Немагчыма адчытаць зыходны тэкст."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1288
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1290
msgctxt "STR_ERR_NO_FAX"
msgid "No fax printer has been set under Tools/Options/%1/Print."
msgstr "У пункце 'Прылады/Настаўленні/%1/Друкаваць' не вызначаны прынтар для факсаў."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1289
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1291
msgid "HTML document"
msgstr "Дакумент HTML"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1290
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1292
msgid "Text document"
msgstr "Тэкставы дакумент"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1291
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1293
msgid "Source not specified."
msgstr "Крыніца не ўказана."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1292
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1294
msgctxt "STR_NUM_LEVEL"
msgid "Level "
msgstr "Узровень "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1293
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1295
msgid "Outline "
msgstr "Структура "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1294
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1296
msgid "Edit Footnote/Endnote"
msgstr "Правіць зноску ці затэкставую зноску"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1295
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1297
msgid "Search key replaced XX times."
msgstr "Шуканае заменена XX разоў."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1296
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1298
msgid "Row "
msgstr "Радок "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1297
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1299
msgid "Column "
msgstr "Калонка "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1298
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1300
msgctxt "STR_SAVEAS_SRC"
msgid "~Export source..."
msgstr "Экспартаваць зыходны тэкст..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1299
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1301
msgid "~Export copy of source..."
msgstr "Экспартаваць копію крыніцы..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1301
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1303
msgctxt "ST_CONTINUE"
msgid "~Continue"
msgstr "Працягваць"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1302
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1304
msgctxt "ST_TASK"
msgid "Task"
msgstr "Задача"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1303
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1305
msgctxt "ST_STATUS"
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Статус"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1304
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1306
msgctxt "ST_SENDINGTO"
msgid "Sending to: %1"
msgstr "Адсыланне: %1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1305
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1307
msgctxt "ST_COMPLETED"
msgid "Successfully sent"
msgstr "Паспяхова адаслана"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1306
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1308
msgctxt "ST_FAILED"
msgid "Sending failed"
msgstr "Не ўдалося адаслаць"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1308
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1310
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1310
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1312
msgid "Text formula"
msgstr "Тэкставая формула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1312
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1314
msgctxt "STR_MENU_ZOOM"
msgid "~Zoom"
msgstr "Маштаб"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1313
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1315
msgctxt "STR_MENU_UP"
msgid "~Upwards"
msgstr "Уверх"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1314
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1316
msgctxt "STR_MENU_DOWN"
msgid "Do~wnwards"
msgstr "Уніз"
@@ -6437,7 +6447,7 @@ msgstr "Уніз"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Classification strings
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1320
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1322
msgid "Document classification has changed because a paragraph classification level is higher"
msgstr "Класіфікацыя дакумента зменена, таму што узровень класіфікацыі абзаца вышэй"
@@ -6445,32 +6455,32 @@ msgstr "Класіфікацыя дакумента зменена, таму ш
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Paragraph Signature
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1325
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1327
msgctxt "STR_VALID"
msgid " Valid "
msgstr " Сапраўдна"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1326
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1328
msgctxt "STR_INVALID"
msgid "Invalid"
msgstr "Нядзейсна"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1327
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1329
msgid "Invalid Signature"
msgstr "Несапраўдны подпіс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1328
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1330
msgctxt "STR_SIGNED_BY"
msgid "Signed-by"
msgstr "Падпісана"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1329
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1331
msgid "Paragraph Signature"
msgstr "Подпіс абзаца"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1331
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1333
msgctxt "labeldialog|cards"
msgid "Business Cards"
msgstr "Візітныя карткі"
@@ -10074,31 +10084,41 @@ msgctxt "insertautotextdialog|label1"
msgid "Autotexts for Shortcut "
msgstr "Аўта-тэксты для скарота "
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:8
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:9
msgctxt "insertbookmark|InsertBookmarkDialog"
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr "Закладка"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:40
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:35
msgctxt "insertbookmark|insert"
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Уставіць"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:122
-msgctxt "insertbookmark|rename"
-msgid "Rename"
-msgstr "Назваць"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:58
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|hide"
+msgid "H_ide"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:135
-msgctxt "insertbookmark|delete"
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "Сцерці"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:80
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|condlabel"
+msgid "_With condition"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:148
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:130
msgctxt "insertbookmark|goto"
msgid "Go to"
msgstr "Перайсці"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:144
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|delete"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Сцерці"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:158
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|rename"
+msgid "Rename"
+msgstr "Назваць"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbreak.ui:14
msgctxt "insertbreak|BreakDialog"
msgid "Insert Break"
@@ -12907,8 +12927,8 @@ msgstr "Узровень у структуры:"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/numparapage.ui:67
msgctxt "numparapage|comboLB_OUTLINE_LEVEL"
-msgid "Body text"
-msgstr "Асноўны тэкст"
+msgid "Text Body"
+msgstr ""
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/numparapage.ui:68
msgctxt "numparapage|comboLB_OUTLINE_LEVEL"
@@ -13366,80 +13386,85 @@ msgstr "Разрывы"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:134
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddentext"
-msgid "Hidden text"
-msgstr "Нябачны тэкст"
+msgid "Hidden characters"
+msgstr ""
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:216
+msgctxt "optformataidspage|displayfl"
+msgid "Display formatting"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:149
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:249
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddentextfield"
-msgid "Fields: Hidden te_xt"
-msgstr "Палі: нябачны тэкст"
+msgid "Hidden te_xt"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:164
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:264
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddenparafield"
-msgid "Fields: Hidden p_aragraphs"
-msgstr "Палі: нябачныя абзацы"
+msgid "Hidden p_aragraphs"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:252
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:285
msgctxt "optformataidspage|displayfl"
-msgid "Display of"
-msgstr "Паказваць"
+msgid "Display fields"
+msgstr ""
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:284
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:317
msgctxt "optformataidspage|mathbaseline"
msgid "Math baseline alignment"
msgstr "Формулы Math па базавай лініі"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:305
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:338
msgctxt "optformataidspage|layoutopt"
msgid "Layout Assistance"
msgstr "Дапаможная разметка"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:349
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:382
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursoronoff"
msgid "_Direct cursor"
msgstr "Незалежны курсор"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:366
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:399
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillmode"
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Уставіць"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:388
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:421
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillmargin"
msgid "Para_graph alignment"
msgstr "Раўнаванне абзаца"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:404
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:437
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillindent"
msgid "_Left paragraph margin"
msgstr "Левая мяжа абзаца"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:420
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:453
msgctxt "optformataidspage|filltab"
msgid "_Tabs"
msgstr "Табуляцыі"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:436
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:469
msgctxt "optformataidspage|filltabandspace"
msgid "Tabs a_nd spaces"
msgstr "Табуляцыі і прагалы"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:452
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:485
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillspace"
msgid "_Spaces"
msgstr "Прабелы"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:482
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:515
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursorlabel"
msgid "Direct Cursor"
msgstr "Незалежны курсор"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:514
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:547
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursorinprot"
msgid "Enable cursor"
msgstr "Уключыць курсор"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:535
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:568
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursoropt"
msgid "Protected Areas"
msgstr "Засцеражоныя абсягі"
diff --git a/source/be/vcl/messages.po b/source/be/vcl/messages.po
index 7d853a92dd4..a949f4c7a65 100644
--- a/source/be/vcl/messages.po
+++ b/source/be/vcl/messages.po
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-#. extracted from vcl/inc
+#. extracted from vcl/inc/font
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-08 15:10+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-12-10 15:36+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Мікалай Удодаў <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -16,6 +16,391 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1512920176.000000\n"
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:25
+msgid "Access All Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:26
+msgid "Alternative (Vertical) Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:27
+msgid "Ancient Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:28
+msgid "Capitals to Petite Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:29
+msgid "Capitals to Small Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:30
+msgid "Contextual Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:31
+msgid "Case-Sensitive Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:32
+msgid "Contextual Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:33
+msgid "Centered CJK Punctuation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:34
+msgid "Capital Spacing"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:35
+msgid "Contextual Swash"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:36
+msgid "Character Variant %1"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:37
+msgid "Drop Caps"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:38
+msgid "Discretionary Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:39
+msgid "Denominators"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:40
+msgid "Diphthongs (Obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:41
+msgid "Expert Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:42
+msgid "Final Glyph on Line Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:43
+msgid "DIagonal Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:44
+msgid "Diagonal Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:45
+msgid "Nut Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:46
+msgid "Full Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:47
+msgid "Alternate Half Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:48
+msgid "Historical Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:49
+msgid "Horizontal Kana Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:50
+msgid "Historical Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:51
+msgid "Hanja to Hangul (Obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:52
+msgid "Hojo Kanji Forms (JIS X 0212-1990 Kanji Forms)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:53
+msgid "Half Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:54
+msgid "Italics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:55
+msgid "Justification Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:56
+msgid "JIS2004 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:57
+msgid "JIS78 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:58
+msgid "JIS83 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:59
+msgid "JIS90 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:60
+msgid "Horizontal Kerning"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:61
+msgid "Left Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:62
+msgid "Standard Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:63
+msgid "Lining Figures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:64
+msgid "Mathematical Greek"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:65
+msgid "Alternate Annotation Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:66
+msgid "NLC Kanji Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:67
+msgid "Numerators"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:68
+msgid "Oldstyle Figures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:69
+msgid "Optical Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:70
+msgid "Ordinals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:71
+msgid "Ornaments"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:72
+msgid "Proportional Alternate Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:73
+msgid "Lowercase to Petite Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:74
+msgid "Proportional Kana"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:75
+msgid "Proportional Numbers"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:76
+msgid "Proportional Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:77
+msgid "Quarter Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:78
+msgid "Right Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:79
+msgid "Ruby Notation Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:80
+msgid "Stylistic Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:81
+msgid "Scientific Inferiors"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:82
+msgid "Lowercase to Small Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:83
+msgid "Simplified Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:84
+msgid "Stylistic Set %1"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:85
+msgid "Subscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:86
+msgid "Superscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:87
+msgid "Swash"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:88
+msgid "Titling"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:89
+msgid "Traditional Name Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:90
+msgid "Tabular Numbers"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:91
+msgid "Traditional Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:92
+msgid "Third Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:93
+msgid "Unicase"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:94
+msgid "Alternate Vertical Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:95
+msgid "Alternate Vertical Half Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:96
+msgid "Vertical Kana Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:97
+msgid "Vertical Kerning"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:98
+msgid "Proportional Alternate Vertical Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:99
+msgid "Vertical Alternates and Rotation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:100
+msgid "Vertical Alternates for Rotation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:101
+msgid "Slashed Zero"
+msgstr ""
#. To translators: This is the first entry of a sequence of paper size names
#: vcl/inc/print.hrc:28
diff --git a/source/bg/cui/messages.po b/source/bg/cui/messages.po
index 6ebacab5786..0c680dc6ae5 100644
--- a/source/bg/cui/messages.po
+++ b/source/bg/cui/messages.po
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-08 12:30+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-09 08:55+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mihail Balabanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: bg\n"
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1528461043.000000\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1531126538.000000\n"
#: cui/inc/personalization.hrc:31
@@ -3470,7 +3470,7 @@ msgctxt "certdialog|label1"
msgid "Certificate Path"
msgstr "Път за сертификати"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:46
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:45
msgctxt "charnamepage|westlangft-nocjk"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "Език:"
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msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Размер:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:257
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:196
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+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:268
msgctxt "charnamepage|westsizeft-cjk"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Размер:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:272
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:283
msgctxt "charnamepage|westlangft-cjk"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "Език:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:346
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:352
+msgctxt "charnamepage|west_features_button-cjk"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:373
msgctxt "charnamepage|label4"
msgid "Western Text Font"
msgstr "Шрифт за западни текстове"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:415
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:441
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msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Размер:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:430
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:456
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msgid "Language:"
msgstr "Език:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:503
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:524
+msgctxt "charnamepage|east_features_button"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:545
msgctxt "charnamepage|label5"
msgid "Asian Text Font"
msgstr "Шрифт за азиатски текстове"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:572
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:613
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msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Размер:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:587
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:628
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msgid "Language:"
msgstr "Език:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:661
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:697
+msgctxt "charnamepage|ctl_features_button"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:718
msgctxt "charnamepage|label6"
msgid "CTL Font"
msgstr "Шрифт за CTL"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:688
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:745
msgctxt "charnamepage|preview-atkobject"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Мостра"
@@ -5045,6 +5065,16 @@ msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|flState"
msgid "State"
msgstr "Състояние"
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/fontfeaturesdialog.ui:9
+msgctxt "newtabledialog|NewTableDialog"
+msgid "Font Features"
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/fontfeaturesdialog.ui:149
+msgctxt "fontfeaturesdialog|preview-atkobject"
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Мостра"
#: cui/uiconfig/ui/formatcellsdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "formatcellsdialog|FormatCellsDialog"
msgid "Table Properties"
@@ -7779,82 +7809,87 @@ msgctxt "optfontspage|label1"
msgid "Font Settings for HTML, Basic and SQL Sources"
msgstr "Настройки на шрифтове за изходен код на HTML, Basic и SQL"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:31
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:35
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|exthelp"
msgid "_Extended tips"
msgstr "_Разширени подсказки"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:46
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:50
+msgctxt "optgeneralpage|popupnohelp"
+msgid "Show \"No offline help installed\" popup"
+msgstr "Предупреждение за неинсталирана офлайн помощ"
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:70
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label1"
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Помощ"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:76
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:100
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|filedlg"
msgid "_Use %PRODUCTNAME dialogs"
msgstr "_Диалогови прозорци на %PRODUCTNAME"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:110
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:134
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label2"
msgid "Open/Save Dialogs"
msgstr "Диалогови прозорци за отваряне/записване"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:136
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:160
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|printdlg"
msgid "Use %PRODUCTNAME _dialogs"
msgstr "_Диалогови прозорци на %PRODUCTNAME"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:151
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:175
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label3"
msgid "Print Dialogs"
msgstr "Диалогови прозорци за печат"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:177
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:201
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|docstatus"
msgid "_Printing sets \"document modified\" status"
msgstr "_Печатането установява състояние „променен документ“"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:192
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:216
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label4"
msgid "Document Status"
msgstr "Състояние на документа"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:225
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:249
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label6"
msgid "_Interpret as years between "
msgstr "_Интерпретиране като години между "
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:250
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:274
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|toyear"
msgid "and "
msgstr "и "
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:265
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:289
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label5"
msgid "Year (Two Digits)"
msgstr "Двуцифрени години"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:291
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:315
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|collectusageinfo"
msgid "Collect usage data and send it to The Document Foundation"
msgstr "Събиране и изпращане на данни за употребата към TDF"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:306
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:330
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label7"
msgid "Help Improve %PRODUCTNAME"
msgstr "Помогнете за подобряване на %PRODUCTNAME"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:337
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:361
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|quicklaunch"
msgid "Load %PRODUCTNAME during system start-up"
msgstr "Зареждане на %PRODUCTNAME при стартиране на системата"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:352
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:376
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|systray"
msgid "Enable systray Quickstarter"
msgstr "Икона за бързо стартиране"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:373
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:397
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label8"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Quickstarter"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Quickstarter"
@@ -9855,7 +9890,7 @@ msgstr "Мащаб"
#: cui/uiconfig/ui/positionpage.ui:425
msgctxt "positionpage|label7"
msgid "Character spacing"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Знакова разредка"
#: cui/uiconfig/ui/positionpage.ui:450
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@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 22:52+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-15 11:22+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-05 12:03+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mihail Balabanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: bg\n"
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1521112956.000000\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530792215.000000\n"
#: description.xml
msgctxt ""
@@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Indonesian spelling dictionary, hyphenation rules, and thesaurus"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Индонезийски речници за правопис, сричкопренасяне и синоними"
diff --git a/source/bg/filter/source/config/fragments/filters.po b/source/bg/filter/source/config/fragments/filters.po
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--- a/source/bg/filter/source/config/fragments/filters.po
+++ b/source/bg/filter/source/config/fragments/filters.po
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-05 12:17+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-05 12:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mihail Balabanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: bg\n"
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1528201033.000000\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530792979.000000\n"
#: ADO_rowset_XML.xcu
msgctxt ""
@@ -905,7 +905,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics Draw"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "SVG - мащабируема векторна графика (Draw)"
#: SVM___StarView_Metafile.xcu
msgctxt ""
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--- a/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/auxiliary.po
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@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-17 15:10+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-05 12:38+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mihail Balabanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: bg\n"
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1526569832.000000\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530794283.000000\n"
#: sbasic.tree
msgctxt ""
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Advanced Basic Libraries"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Разширени библиотеки на Basic"
#: sbasic.tree
msgctxt ""
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@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-17 15:09+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-08 21:28+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mihail Balabanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: bg\n"
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1526569757.000000\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1531085322.000000\n"
#: 00000002.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Open <item type=\"menuitem\">Tools - Macros - %PRODUCTNAME Basic - Edit</item> and select <item type=\"menuitem\">%PRODUCTNAME Macros</item> container."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Отворете <item type=\"menuitem\">Инструменти - Макроси - %PRODUCTNAME Basic - Редактиране</item> и изберете контейнера <item type=\"menuitem\">Макроси на %PRODUCTNAME</item>."
#: 00000003.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"basiclibrarynote\">This library must be loaded before execution. Place the following statement before the first macro in your module:</variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"basiclibrarynote\">Тази библиотека трябва да бъде заредена преди изпълнение. Поставете следния оператор преди първия макрос в модула:</variable>"
#: 00000003.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -35630,7 +35630,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME internal Basic macro libraries"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Вътрешни библиотеки на %PRODUCTNAME от макроси на Basic"
#: main0601.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -35638,7 +35638,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME installs a set of Basic macro libraries that can be accessed from your Basic macros."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME инсталира набор от библиотеки с макроси на Basic, които могат да бъдат използвани от вашите макроси."
#: main0601.xhp
msgctxt ""
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@@ -4,14 +4,17 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 22:52+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-05 13:22+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Mihail Balabanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"Language: bg\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530796978.000000\n"
#: lib_depot.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -19,7 +22,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "DEPOT Library"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Библиотека DEPOT"
#: lib_depot.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -27,7 +30,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"depot_lib\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_depot.xhp\" name=\"Depot library\">The <item type=\"literal\">Depot</item> Library</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"depot_lib\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_depot.xhp\" name=\"Depot library\">Библиотеката <item type=\"literal\">Depot</item></link></variable>"
#: lib_euro.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -35,7 +38,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "EURO Library"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Библиотека EURO"
#: lib_euro.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -43,7 +46,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"euro_lib\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_euro.xhp\" name=\"Euro library\">The <item type=\"literal\">Euro</item> Library</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"euro_lib\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_euro.xhp\" name=\"Euro library\">Библиотеката <item type=\"literal\">Euro</item></link></variable>"
#: lib_euro.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -51,7 +54,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<bookmark_value>BASIC Euro library</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>Euro, библиотека на BASIC</bookmark_value>"
#: lib_formwizard.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -59,7 +62,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "FORMWIZARD Library"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Библиотека FORMWIZARD"
#: lib_formwizard.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -67,7 +70,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"formwizard_lib\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_formwizard.xhp\" name=\"FormWizard library\">The <item type=\"literal\">FormWizard</item> Library</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"formwizard_lib\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_formwizard.xhp\" name=\"FormWizard library\">Библиотеката <item type=\"literal\">FormWizard</item></link></variable>"
#: lib_gimnicks.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -75,7 +78,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "GIMNICKS Library"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Библиотека GIMNICKS"
#: lib_gimnicks.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -83,7 +86,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"gimnicks_lib\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_gimnicks.xhp\" name=\"Gimnicks library\">The <item type=\"literal\">Gimnicks</item> Library</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"gimnicks_lib\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_gimnicks.xhp\" name=\"Gimnicks library\">Библиотеката <item type=\"literal\">Gimnicks</item></link></variable>"
#: lib_gimnicks.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -91,7 +94,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<bookmark_value>BASIC Gimnicks library</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>Gimnicks, библиотека на BASIC</bookmark_value>"
#: lib_schedule.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -99,7 +102,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "SCHEDULE Library"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Библиотека SCHEDULE"
#: lib_schedule.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -107,7 +110,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"schedule_lib\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_schedule.xhp\" name=\"Schedule library\">The <item type=\"literal\">Schedule</item> Library</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"schedule_lib\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_schedule.xhp\" name=\"Schedule library\">Библиотеката <item type=\"literal\">Schedule</item></link></variable>"
#: lib_schedule.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -115,7 +118,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<bookmark_value>BASIC Template library</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>Template, библиотека на BASIC</bookmark_value>"
#: lib_script.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -123,7 +126,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgstr ""
#: lib_script.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -131,7 +134,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"script_lib\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_script.xhp\" name=\"ScriptBindingLibrary library\">The <item type=\"literal\">ScriptBindingLibrary</item> Library</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"script_lib\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_script.xhp\" name=\"ScriptBindingLibrary library\">Библиотеката <item type=\"literal\">ScriptBindingLibrary</item></link></variable>"
#: lib_script.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -139,7 +142,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<bookmark_value>BASIC ScriptBindingLibrary library</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>ScriptBindingLibrary, библиотека на BASIC</bookmark_value>"
#: lib_template.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -147,7 +150,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "TEMPLATE Library"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Библиотека TEMPLATE"
#: lib_template.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -155,7 +158,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"template_lib\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_template.xhp\" name=\"Template library\">The <item type=\"literal\">Template</item> Library</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"template_lib\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_template.xhp\" name=\"Template library\">Библиотеката <item type=\"literal\">Template</item></link></variable>"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -163,7 +166,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Tools Library"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Библиотека Tools"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -171,7 +174,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"tools_lib\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_tools.xhp\" name=\"Tools library\">The <item type=\"literal\">Tools</item> Library</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"tools_lib\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_tools.xhp\" name=\"Tools library\">Библиотеката <item type=\"literal\">Tools</item></link></variable>"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -179,7 +182,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<bookmark_value>BASIC Tools library</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>Tools, библиотека на BASIC</bookmark_value>"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -187,7 +190,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_tools.xhp#debug_module\" name=\"debug module\"><item type=\"literal\">Debug</item> Module</link>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_tools.xhp#debug_module\" name=\"debug module\">Модул <item type=\"literal\">Debug</item></link>"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -195,7 +198,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_tools.xhp#listbox_module\" name=\"listbox module\"><item type=\"literal\">ListBox</item> Module</link>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_tools.xhp#listbox_module\" name=\"listbox module\">Модул <item type=\"literal\">ListBox</item></link>"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -203,7 +206,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_tools.xhp#misc_module\" name=\"misc module\"><item type=\"literal\">Misc</item> Module</link>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_tools.xhp#misc_module\" name=\"misc module\">Модул <item type=\"literal\">Misc</item></link>"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -211,7 +214,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_tools.xhp#modulecontrols_module\" name=\"module controls module\"><item type=\"literal\">ModuleControls</item> Module</link>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_tools.xhp#modulecontrols_module\" name=\"module controls module\">Модул <item type=\"literal\">ModuleControls</item></link>"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -219,7 +222,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_tools.xhp#strings_module\" name=\"strings module\"><item type=\"literal\">Strings</item> Module</link>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_tools.xhp#strings_module\" name=\"strings module\">Модул <item type=\"literal\">Strings</item></link>"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -227,7 +230,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_tools.xhp#ucb_module\" name=\"ucb module\"><item type=\"literal\">UCB</item> Module</link>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/lib_tools.xhp#ucb_module\" name=\"ucb module\">Модул <item type=\"literal\">UCB</item></link>"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -235,7 +238,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<bookmark_value>BASIC Tools library;Debug module</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>Tools, библиотека на BASIC;Debug, модул</bookmark_value>"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -243,7 +246,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<item type=\"literal\">Debug</item> Module"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Модул <item type=\"literal\">Debug</item>"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -251,7 +254,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Functions and subroutines for debugging Basic macros"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Функции и процедури за отстраняване на грешки в макроси на Basic"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -259,7 +262,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"macro_name\">Macro</variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"macro_name\">Макрос</variable>"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -267,7 +270,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"call_param\">Calling parameters and comments</variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"call_param\">Параметри за извикване и коментари</variable>"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -275,7 +278,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<bookmark_value>BASIC Tools library;ListBox module</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>Tools, библиотека на BASIC;ListBox, модул</bookmark_value>"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -283,7 +286,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<item type=\"literal\">ListBox</item> Module"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Модул <item type=\"literal\">ListBox</item>"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -291,7 +294,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Functions and subroutines for handling ListBox elements."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Функции и процедури за работа с елементи ListBox."
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -299,7 +302,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<bookmark_value>BASIC Tools library;Misc module</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>Tools, библиотека на BASIC;Misc, модул</bookmark_value>"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -307,7 +310,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<item type=\"literal\">Misc</item> Module"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Модул <item type=\"literal\">Misc</item>"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -315,7 +318,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Miscellaneous functions and subroutines."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Разнородни функции и процедури."
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -323,7 +326,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<bookmark_value>BASIC Tools library;ModuleControl module</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>Tools, библиотека на BASIC;ModuleControl, модул</bookmark_value>"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -331,7 +334,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<item type=\"literal\">ModuleControls</item> Module"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Модул <item type=\"literal\">ModuleControls</item>"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -339,7 +342,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Functions and subroutines for module control."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Функции и процедури за управление на модули."
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -347,7 +350,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<bookmark_value>BASIC Tools library;Strings module</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>Tools, библиотека на BASIC;Strings, модул</bookmark_value>"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -355,7 +358,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<item type=\"literal\">Strings</item> Module"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Модул <item type=\"literal\">Strings</item>"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -363,7 +366,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Advanced functions and subroutines for string manipulation."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Разширени функции и процедури за работа с низове."
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -371,7 +374,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<bookmark_value>BASIC Tools library;UCB module</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>Tools, библиотека на BASIC;UCB, модул</bookmark_value>"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -379,7 +382,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<item type=\"literal\">UCB</item> Module"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Модул <item type=\"literal\">UCB</item>"
#: lib_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -387,4 +390,4 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<emph>Universal Content Broker</emph> functions and subroutines."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Функции и процедури за <emph>Universal Content Broker</emph>."
diff --git a/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/01.po b/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/01.po
index d64ad99458d..3ec3b4ee443 100644
--- a/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/01.po
+++ b/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/01.po
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-09 10:29+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-06 14:31+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mihail Balabanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: LibreOffice на български\n"
"Language: bg\n"
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
"X-Project-Style: openoffice\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1525861765.000000\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530887490.000000\n"
#: 01120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14647,7 +14647,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"sum_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060106.xhp#Section16\">SUM</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"sum_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060106.xhp#Section16\">SUM</link></variable>"
#: 04060106.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14775,7 +14775,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"sumif_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060106.xhp#Section15\">SUMIF</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"sumif_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060106.xhp#Section15\">SUMIF</link></variable>"
#: 04060106.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -35551,7 +35551,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"count_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060181.xhp#count\">COUNT</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"count_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060181.xhp#count\">COUNT</link></variable>"
#: 04060181.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -35623,7 +35623,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"counta_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060181.xhp#counta\">COUNTA</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"counta_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060181.xhp#counta\">COUNTA</link></variable>"
#: 04060181.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -35695,7 +35695,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"countblank_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060181.xhp#countblank\">COUNTBLANK</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"countblank_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060181.xhp#countblank\">COUNTBLANK</link></variable>"
#: 04060181.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -35759,7 +35759,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"countif_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060181.xhp#countif\">COUNTIF</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"countif_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060181.xhp#countif\">COUNTIF</link></variable>"
#: 04060181.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -41175,7 +41175,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"max_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#max\">MAX</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"max_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#max\">MAX</link></variable>"
#: 04060184.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -41255,7 +41255,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"maxa_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#maxa\">MAXA</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"maxa_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#maxa\">MAXA</link></variable>"
#: 04060184.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -41335,7 +41335,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"median_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#median\">MEDIAN</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"median_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#median\">MEDIAN</link></variable>"
#: 04060184.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -41407,7 +41407,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"min_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#min\">MIN</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"min_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#min\">MIN</link></variable>"
#: 04060184.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -41479,7 +41479,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"mina_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#mina\">MINA</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"mina_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#mina\">MINA</link></variable>"
#: 04060184.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -41559,7 +41559,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"avedev_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#avedev\">AVEDEV</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"avedev_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#avedev\">AVEDEV</link></variable>"
#: 04060184.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -41623,7 +41623,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"average_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#average\">AVERAGE</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"average_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#average\">AVERAGE</link></variable>"
#: 04060184.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -41687,7 +41687,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"averagea_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#averagea\">AVERAGEA</link></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"averagea_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#averagea\">AVERAGEA</link></variable>"
#: 04060184.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -56903,7 +56903,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "In all examples below, ranges for calculation contain the row #6, which is ignored because it contains text."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Във всички примери по-долу диапазонът за изчисляване съдържа ред №6, който се игнорира, защото съдържа текст."
#: ex_data_stat_func.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -56911,7 +56911,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"args\">Func_Range; Range1; Criterion1 [ ; Range2; Criterion2 [;...]])</variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"args\">Функ_диапазон; Диапазон1; Критерий1 [ ; Диапазон2; Критерий2; [;...]])</variable>"
#: ex_data_stat_func.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -56919,7 +56919,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "The logical relation between criteria can be defined as logical AND (conjunction). In other words, if and only if all given criteria are met, a value from the corresponding cell of the given <emph>Func_Range</emph> is taken into calculation."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Логическата връзка между критериите може да се дефинира като логическо И (конюнкция). С други думи, стойността на съответната клетка от <emph>Функ_диапазон</emph> се включва в изчислението тогава и само тогава, когато са изпълнени всички зададени критерии."
#: ex_data_stat_func.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -56927,7 +56927,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<emph>Func_Range</emph> and <emph>Range1, Range2...</emph> must have the same size, otherwise the function returns err:502 - Invalid argument."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<emph>Функ_диапазон</emph> и <emph>Диапазон1, Диапазон2...</emph> трябва да имат еднакъв размер, иначе функцията ще върне err:502 - невалиден аргумент."
#: ex_data_stat_func.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -56935,7 +56935,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<emph>Criterion1</emph> – required argument. A string expression representing a logical condition or a cell reference to such string expression. The expression can contain text, numbers, regular expressions or wildcards (<link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060500.xhp#wildcards\" name=\"Wild cards\">if enabled in calculation options</link>)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<emph>Критерий1</emph> – задължителен аргумент. Низов израз, представляващ логическо условие или обръщение към клетка с такова. Условието може да съдържа текст, числа, регулярни изрази или заместващи знаци (<link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060500.xhp#wildcards\" name=\"Wild cards\">ако са разрешени в настройките за изчисляване</link>)."
#: ex_data_stat_func.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -56943,7 +56943,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<emph>Range2</emph> – Optional. Range2 and all the following mean the same as Range1."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<emph>Диапазон2</emph> – незадължителен. „Диапазон2“ и всички следващи имат значение, аналогично на „Диапазон1“."
#: ex_data_stat_func.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -56951,7 +56951,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<emph>Criterion2</emph> – Optional. Criterion2 and all the following mean the same as Criterion1."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<emph>Критерий2</emph> – незадължителен. „Критерий2“ и всички следващи имат значение, аналогично на „Критерий1“."
#: ex_data_stat_func.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -56959,7 +56959,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "The function can have up to 255 arguments, meaning that you can specify 127 criteria ranges and criteria for them."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Функцията може да има до 255 аргумента, което означава, че можете да зададете 127 диапазона и критерии за тях."
#: ex_data_stat_func.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -56967,7 +56967,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "If a cell contains TRUE, it is treated as 1, if a cell contains FALSE – as 0 (zero)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Стойност TRUE в клетка се третира като 1, а FALSE – като 0 (нула)."
#: exponsmooth_embd.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -58303,7 +58303,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "AVERAGEIFS(<embedvar href=\"text/scalc/01/ex_data_stat_func.xhp#args\" markup=\"ignore\"/>)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "AVERAGEIFS(<embedvar href=\"text/scalc/01/ex_data_stat_func.xhp#args\" markup=\"ignore\"/>)"
#: func_averageifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -58311,7 +58311,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<emph>Func_range</emph> – required argument. It is a range of cells, a name of a named range or a label of a column or a row containing values for calculating the mean."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<emph>Функ_диапазон</emph> – задължителен аргумент. Диапазон от клетки, име на наименуван диапазон или заглавие на ред или колона, съдържаща числата за усредняване."
#: func_averageifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -58543,7 +58543,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\"><variable id=\"countifs_des\">Returns the count of cells that meet criteria in multiple ranges.</variable></ahelp>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\"><variable id=\"countifs_des\">Връща броя на клетките, които отговарят на критериите, в няколко диапазона.</variable></ahelp>"
#: func_countifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -58575,7 +58575,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<emph>Range1, Range2, ...</emph> and <emph>Criterion1, Criterion2, ...</emph> must have the same size, otherwise the function returns err:502 - Invalid argument."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<emph>Диапазон1, Диапазон2...</emph> и <emph>Критерий1, Критерий2, ...</emph> трябва да имат еднакъв размер, иначе функцията ще върне err:502 - невалиден аргумент."
#: func_countifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61511,7 +61511,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "MAXIFS function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Функция MAXIFS"
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61519,7 +61519,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<bookmark_value>MAXIFS function</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>maximum;satisfying conditions</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>MAXIFS, функция</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>максимум;с удовлетворяване на условие</bookmark_value>"
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61527,7 +61527,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"maxifs_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/func_maxifs.xhp\">MAXIFS</link></variable> function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Функция <variable id=\"maxifs_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/func_maxifs.xhp\">MAXIFS</link></variable>"
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61535,7 +61535,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\"><variable id=\"maxifs_des\">Returns the maximum of the values of cells in a range that meets multiple criteria in multiple ranges.</variable></ahelp>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\"><variable id=\"maxifs_des\">Връща максимума от стойностите на клетките в даден диапазон, които удовлетворяват няколко условия в няколко диапазона.</variable></ahelp>"
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61543,7 +61543,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Syntax"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Синтаксис"
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61551,7 +61551,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "MAXIFS(<embedvar href=\"text/scalc/01/ex_data_stat_func.xhp#args\" markup=\"ignore\"/>)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "MAXIFS(<embedvar href=\"text/scalc/01/ex_data_stat_func.xhp#args\" markup=\"ignore\"/>)"
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61559,7 +61559,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<emph>Func_Range</emph> – required argument. A range of cells, a name of a named range or a label of a column or a row containing values for calculating the maximum."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<emph>Функ_диапазон</emph> – задължителен аргумент. Диапазон от клетки, име на наименуван диапазон или заглавие на ред или колона, съдържаща числата за изчисляване на максимум."
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61567,7 +61567,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Simple usage"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Проста употреба"
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61575,7 +61575,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<item type=\"input\">=MAXIFS(B2:B6;B2:B6;\"<35\")</item>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<item type=\"input\">=MAXIFS(B2:B6;B2:B6;\"<35\")</item>"
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61583,7 +61583,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Calculates the maximum of values of the range B2:B6 that are greater than or equal to 20. Returns 35. The fifth row does not meet the criterion."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Изчислява максимума на стойностите от диапазона B2:B6, които са по-големи или равни на 20. Връща 35, защото петият ред не удовлетворява критерия."
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61591,7 +61591,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<item type=\"input\">=MAXIFS(C2:C6;B2:B6;\">=20\";C2:C6;\"<90\")</item>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<item type=\"input\">=MAXIFS(C2:C6;B2:B6;\">=20\";C2:C6;\"<90\")</item>"
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61599,7 +61599,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Calculates the maximum of values of the range C2:C6 that are lower than 90 and correspond to cells of the B2:B6 range with values greater than or equal to 20. Returns 85, because the fourth and fifth rows do not meet at least one criterion."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Изчислява максимума на стойностите от диапазона C2:C6, които са по-малки от 90 и съответстват на клетки от диапазона B2:B6 със стойности, по-големи или равни на 20. Връща 85, защото четвъртият и петият ред нарушават един или повече критерии."
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61607,7 +61607,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Using regular expressions and nested functions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Използване на регулярни изрази и вложени функции"
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61615,7 +61615,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<item type=\"input\">=MAXIFS(C2:C6;B2:B6;\">\"&MIN(B2:B6);B2:B6;\"<\"&MAX(B2:B6))</item>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<item type=\"input\">=MAXIFS(C2:C6;B2:B6;\">\"&MIN(B2:B6);B2:B6;\"<\"&MAX(B2:B6))</item>"
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61623,7 +61623,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Calculates the maximum of values of the range C2:C6 that correspond to all values of the range B2:B6 except its minimum and maximum. Returns 190, because only the fourth row meet the criteria."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Изчислява максимума на стойностите от диапазона C2:C6, които съответстват на всички стойности от диапазона B2:B6, освен минималната и максималната. Връща 190, защото само четвъртият ред удовлетворява критериите."
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61631,7 +61631,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<item type=\"input\">=MAXIFS(C2:C6;A2:A6;\"pen.*\";B2:B6;\"<=\"&MAX(B2:B6))</item>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<item type=\"input\">=MAXIFS(C2:C6;A2:A6;\"леп.*\";B2:B6;\"<=\"&MAX(B2:B6))</item>"
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61639,7 +61639,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Calculates the maximum of values of the range C2:C6 that correspond to all cells of the A2:A6 range starting with \"pen\" and to all cells of the B2:B6 range except its maximum. Returns 85, because only the third row meets all criteria."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Изчислява максимума на стойностите от диапазона C2:C6, които съответстват на всички стойности от диапазона A2:A6, които започват с „леп“ и на всички стойности от диапазона B2:B6 освен максималната. Връща 85, защото само третият ред удовлетворява всички критерии."
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61647,7 +61647,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Reference to a cell as a criterion"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Обръщение към клетка като критерий"
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61655,7 +61655,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "If you need to change a criterion easily, you may want to specify it in a separate cell and use a reference to this cell in the condition of the MAXIFS function. For example, the above function can be rewritten as follows:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако е необходимо лесно да промените някой критерий, може да го зададете в отделна клетка и в условието на функцията MAXIFS да използвате обръщение към тази клетка. Например горната функция може да бъде пренаписана както следва:"
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61663,7 +61663,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<item type=\"input\">=MAXIFS(C2:C6;A2:A6;E2&\".*\";B2:B6;\"<\"&MAX(B2:B6))</item>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<item type=\"input\">=MAXIFS(C2:C6;A2:A6;E2&\".*\";B2:B6;\"<\"&MAX(B2:B6))</item>"
#: func_maxifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61671,7 +61671,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "If E2 = \"pen\", the function returns 65, because the reference to the cell is substituted with its content."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако E2 = \"леп\", функцията връща 65, защото обръщението към клетката се замества със съдържанието ѝ."
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61679,7 +61679,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "MINIFS function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Функция MINIFS"
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61687,7 +61687,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<bookmark_value>MINIFS function</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>minimum;satisfying conditions</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>MINIFS, функция</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>минимум;с удовлетворяване на условие</bookmark_value>"
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61695,7 +61695,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"minifs_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/func_minifs.xhp\">MINIFS</link></variable> function"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Функция <variable id=\"minifs_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/func_minifs.xhp\">MINIFS</link></variable>"
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61703,7 +61703,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\"><variable id=\"minifs_des\">Returns the minimum of the values of cells in a range that meets multiple criteria in multiple ranges.</variable></ahelp>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\"><variable id=\"minifs_des\">Връща минимума от стойностите на клетките в даден диапазон, които удовлетворяват няколко условия в няколко диапазона.</variable></ahelp>"
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61711,7 +61711,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Syntax"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Синтаксис"
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61719,7 +61719,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "MINIFS(<embedvar href=\"text/scalc/01/ex_data_stat_func.xhp#args\" markup=\"ignore\"/>)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "MINIFS(<embedvar href=\"text/scalc/01/ex_data_stat_func.xhp#args\" markup=\"ignore\"/>)"
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61727,7 +61727,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<emph>Func_Range</emph> – required argument. A range of cells, a name of a named range or a label of a column or a row containing values for calculating the minimum."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<emph>Функ_диапазон</emph> – задължителен аргумент. Диапазон от клетки, име на наименуван диапазон или заглавие на ред или колона, съдържаща числата за изчисляване на минимум."
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61735,7 +61735,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Simple usage"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Проста употреба"
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61743,7 +61743,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<item type=\"input\">=MINIFS(B2:B6;B2:B6;\"<35\")</item>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<item type=\"input\">=MINIFS(B2:B6;B2:B6;\"<35\")</item>"
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61751,7 +61751,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Calculates the minimum of values of the range B2:B6 that are lower than or equal to 20. Returns 17."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Изчислява минимума на стойностите от диапазона B2:B6, които са по-малки или равни на 20. Връща 17."
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61759,7 +61759,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<item type=\"input\">=MINIFS(C2:C6;B2:B6;\">=20\";C2:C6;\">90\")</item>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<item type=\"input\">=MINIFS(C2:C6;B2:B6;\">=20\";C2:C6;\">90\")</item>"
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61767,7 +61767,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Calculates the minimum of values of the range C2:C6 that are lower than 90 and correspond to cells of the B2:B6 range with values greater than or equal to 20. Returns 190."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Изчислява минимума на стойностите от диапазона C2:C6, които са по-малки от 90 и отговарят на клетки от B2:B6 със стойности, по-големи или равни на 20. Връща 190."
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61775,7 +61775,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Using regular expressions and nested functions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Използване на регулярни изрази и вложени функции"
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61783,7 +61783,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<item type=\"input\">=MINIFS(C2:C6;B2:B6;\">\"&MIN(B2:B6);B2:B6;\"<\"&MAX(B2:B6))</item>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<item type=\"input\">=MINIFS(C2:C6;B2:B6;\">\"&MIN(B2:B6);B2:B6;\"<\"&MAX(B2:B6))</item>"
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61791,7 +61791,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Calculates the minimum of values of the range C2:C6 that correspond to all values of the range B2:B6 except its minimum and minimum. Returns 65."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Изчислява минимума на стойностите от диапазона C2:C6, които съответстват на всички стойности от диапазона B2:B6, освен минималната и максималната. Връща 65."
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61799,7 +61799,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<item type=\"input\">=MINIFS(C2:C6;A2:A6;\".*book\";B2:B6;\"<=\"&MAX(B2:B6))</item>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<item type=\"input\">=MINIFS(C2:C6;A2:A6;\".*ели\";B2:B6;\"<=\"&MAX(B2:B6))</item>"
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61807,7 +61807,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Calculates the minimum of values of the range C2:C6 that correspond to all cells of the A2:A6 range starting with \"pen\" and to all cells of the B2:B6 range except its minimum. Returns 180."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Изчислява минимума на стойностите от диапазона C2:C6, които съответстват на всички стойности от диапазона A2:A6, които започват с „леп“ и на всички стойности от диапазона B2:B6 освен минималната. Връща 180."
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61815,7 +61815,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Reference to a cell as a criterion"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Обръщение към клетка като критерий"
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61823,7 +61823,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "If you need to change a criterion easily, you may want to specify it in a separate cell and use a reference to this cell in the condition of the MINIFS function. For example, the above function can be rewritten as follows:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако е необходимо лесно да промените някой критерий, може да го зададете в отделна клетка и в условието на функцията MINIFS да използвате обръщение към тази клетка. Например горната функция може да бъде пренаписана както следва:"
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61831,7 +61831,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<item type=\"input\">=MINIFS(C2:C6;A2:A6;\".*\"&E2;B2:B6;\"<\"&MAX(B2:B6))</item>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<item type=\"input\">=MINIFS(C2:C6;A2:A6;\".*\"&E2;B2:B6;\"<\"&MAX(B2:B6))</item>"
#: func_minifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61839,7 +61839,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "If E2 = \"book\", the function returns 180, because the reference to the cell is substituted with its content."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако E2 = \"ели\", функцията връща 180, защото обръщението към клетката се замества със съдържанието ѝ."
#: func_minute.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -62879,7 +62879,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "SUMIFS(<embedvar href=\"text/scalc/01/ex_data_stat_func.xhp#args\" markup=\"ignore\"/>)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "SUMIFS(<embedvar href=\"text/scalc/01/ex_data_stat_func.xhp#args\" markup=\"ignore\"/>)"
#: func_sumifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -62887,7 +62887,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<emph>Func_Range</emph> – required argument. It is a range of cells, a name of a named range or a label of a column or a row containing values for calculating the sum."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<emph>Функ_диапазон</emph> – задължителен аргумент. Диапазон от клетки, име на наименуван диапазон или заглавие на ред или колона, съдържаща числата за сумиране."
#: func_sumifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/06.po b/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/06.po
index 20bfea5c293..c4ede42e012 100644
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+++ b/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/06.po
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-06-14 17:23+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-09 10:29+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-06 12:30+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mihail Balabanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: bg\n"
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgstr ""
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#: calcsamplefiles.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -54,4 +54,4 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<object data=\"media/files/scalc/functions_ifs.ods\" id=\"ods_id61521547603534\" type=\"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet\"/>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<object data=\"media/files/scalc/functions_ifs.ods\" id=\"ods_id61521547603534\" type=\"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet\"/>"
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index 8f6cde72ab5..b59f2f62c22 100644
--- a/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared.po
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@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-02-27 13:56+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-27 15:24+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-08 21:27+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mihail Balabanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: bg\n"
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgstr ""
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#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">The 3D-Settings toolbar controls properties of selected 3D objects.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Лентата за настройки на триизмерен обект управлява свойствата на избраните триизмерни обекти.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">The <emph>3D Settings</emph> toolbar controls properties of selected 3D objects.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Лентата <emph>Настройки на триизмерен обект</emph> управлява свойствата на избраните триизмерни обекти.</ahelp>"
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Extrusion on/off"
+msgid "Extrusion On/Off"
msgstr "Екструдиране - вкл./изкл."
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Extrusion Depth window.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Отваря прозореца „Дълбочина за екструдиране“.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Extrusion Depth</emph> window.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Отваря прозореца <emph>Дълбочина за екструдиране</emph>.</ahelp>"
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -165,8 +165,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Extrusion Direction window.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Отваря прозореца „Посока на екструдиране“.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Extrusion Direction</emph> window.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Отваря прозореца <emph>Посока на екструдиране</emph>.</ahelp>"
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -197,8 +197,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Extrusion Lighting window.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Отваря прозореца „Осветление за екструдиране“.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Extrusion Lighting</emph> window.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Отваря прозореца <emph>Осветление за екструдиране</emph>.</ahelp>"
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Extrusion Surface window.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Отваря прозореца „Екструдирана повърхност“.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Extrusion Surface</emph> window.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Отваря прозореца <emph>Екструдирана повърхност</emph>.</ahelp>"
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -253,8 +253,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Extrusion Color toolbar.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Отваря лентата Цвят за екструдиране.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Extrusion Color</emph> toolbar.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Отваря лентата <emph>Цвят за екструдиране</emph>.</ahelp>"
#: fontwork_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/00.po b/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/00.po
index 9cbd612eac8..651c605f7b5 100644
--- a/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/00.po
+++ b/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/00.po
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-05 21:34+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-05 12:37+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mihail Balabanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: bg\n"
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1528234473.000000\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530794248.000000\n"
#: 00000001.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5325,24 +5325,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"webhtml\">Choose <emph>File - Preview in Web Browser</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"webhtml\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Мостра в Уеббраузър</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"webhtml\">Choose <emph>File - Preview in Web Browser</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - New</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Файл - Нов</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - New</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>New</emph> icon on the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar (the icon shows the type of the new document)"
-msgstr "Икона <emph>Нов</emph> в лентата <emph>Стандартни</emph> (иконата показва вида на новия документ)"
+msgid "<emph>New</emph> icon on the <emph>Standard</emph> bar (the icon shows the type of the new document)."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5373,8 +5373,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu <emph>File - New</emph><emph>- Templates</emph>."
-msgstr "Меню <emph>Файл - Нов - Шаблони</emph>."
+msgid "Menu <emph>File - New - Templates</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5389,96 +5389,96 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"etiketten\">Choose <emph>File - New - Labels</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"etiketten\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Нов - Етикети</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"etiketten\">Choose <emph>File - New - Labels</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"etikettenein\">Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Labels</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"etikettenein\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Нов - Етикети - раздел Етикети</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"etikettenein\">Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Labels</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Format</emph> tab"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Файл - Нов - Етикети - раздел Формат</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Format</emph> tab."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Format</emph> tab"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Файл - Нов - Визитни картички - раздел Формат</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Format</emph> tab."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Options</emph> tab"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Файл - Нов - Етикети - раздел Настройки</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Options</emph> tab."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Options</emph> tab"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Файл - Нов - Визитни картички - раздел Настройки</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Options</emph> tab."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"visikart\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"visikart\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Нов - Визитни картички</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"visikart\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"visikartform\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Medium</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"visikartform\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Нов - Визитни картички - раздел Хартия</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"visikartform\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Medium</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"viskartinhalt\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Business cards</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"viskartinhalt\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Нов - Визитни картички - раздел Визитни картички</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"viskartinhalt\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Business cards</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"viskartpriv\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Private</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"viskartpriv\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Нов - Визитни картички - раздел Лична</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"viskartpriv\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Private</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"viskartgesch\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Business</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"viskartgesch\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Нов - Визитни картички - раздел Служебна</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"viskartgesch\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Business</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Open</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Файл - Отваряне</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Open</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5493,8 +5493,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
-msgstr "В лентата <emph>Стандартни</emph> щракнете върху"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5517,232 +5517,232 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu <emph>File - Open</emph>, File type <emph>Text Encoded</emph> selected"
-msgstr "Меню <emph>Файл - Отваряне</emph>, избран тип файлове <emph>Текст с кодировка</emph>"
+msgid "Menu <emph>File - Open</emph>, File type <emph>Text Encoded</emph> selected."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu <emph>File - Save As</emph>, File type <emph>Text Encoded</emph> selected"
-msgstr "Меню <emph>Файл - Записване като</emph>, избран тип файлове <emph>Текст с кодировка</emph>"
+msgid "Menu <emph>File - Save As</emph>, File type <emph>Text Encoded</emph> selected."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autobrief\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autobrief\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autobrief\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Писмо</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Page design</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief1\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Писмо - Дизайн на страница</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Page Design</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Letterhead layout</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief2\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Писмо - Оформление на бланка</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Letterhead Layout</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Printed items</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief3\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Писмо - Отпечатвани елементи</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Printed Items</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Recipient and sender</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief4\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Писмо - Подател и получател</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Recipient and Sender</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Footer</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief5\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Писмо - Долен колонтитул</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Footer</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief6\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - </emph><emph>Name and Location</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief6\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Писмо - Име и местоположение</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief6\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Name and Location</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotfax\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Факс</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Page Design</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotfax1\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Факс - Дизайн на страница</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Page Design</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Items to include</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotfax2\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Факс - Елементи за включване</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Items to include</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Sender and Recipient</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotfax3\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Факс - Подател и получател</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Sender and Recipient</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Footer</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotfax4\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Факс - Долен колонтитул</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Footer</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Name and location</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotfax5\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Факс - Име и местоположение</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Name and Location</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Дневен ред</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Page Design</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda1\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Дневен ред - Дизайн на страница</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Page Design</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - General Attributes</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda2\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Дневен ред - Обща информация</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - General Attributes</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Headings</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda3\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Дневен ред - Заглавия за включване</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Headings</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Names</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda4\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Дневен ред - Имена</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Names</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Topics</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda5\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Дневен ред - Точки от дневния ред</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Topics</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda6\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Title and Location</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda6\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Дневен ред - Име и местоположение</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda6\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Title and Location</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapt\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dtapt\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Презентация</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapt\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapse\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 1</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dtapse\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Презентация - Страница 1</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapse\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 1</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsz\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 2</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dtapsz\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Презентация - Страница 2</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsz\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 2</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsd\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 3</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dtapsd\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Презентация - Страница 3</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsd\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 3</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsv\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 4</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dtapsv\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Презентация - Страница 4</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsv\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 4</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsf\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 5</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dtapsf\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Презентация - Страница 5</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsf\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 5</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5765,88 +5765,88 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"gruppen\">В проект на формуляр щракнете върху иконата <emph>Групираща рамка</emph> в лентата с инструменти и очертайте рамка с мишката.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen1\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 1</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"gruppen1\">В проект на формуляр щракнете върху иконата <emph>Групираща рамка</emph> в лентата с инструменти и очертайте рамка с мишката - Страница 1 на помощника</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen1\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 1.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen2\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 2</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"gruppen2\">В проект на формуляр щракнете върху иконата <emph>Групираща рамка</emph> в лентата с инструменти и очертайте рамка с мишката - Страница 2 на помощника</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen2\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 2.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen3\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 3</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"gruppen3\">В проект на формуляр щракнете върху иконата <emph>Групираща рамка</emph> в лентата с инструменти и очертайте рамка с мишката - Страница 3 на помощника</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen3\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 3.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen4\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 4, there must be a database connection.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"gruppen4\">В проект на формуляр щракнете върху иконата <emph>Групираща рамка</emph> в лентата с инструменти и очертайте рамка с мишката - Страница 4 на помощника, трябва да има връзка с базата от данни.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen4\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 4, there must be a database connection.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen5\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - last page of Wizards</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"gruppen5\">В проект на формуляр щракнете върху иконата <emph>Групираща рамка</emph> в лентата с инструменти и очертайте рамка с мишката - Последна страница на помощника</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen5\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame - Last page of wizards.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Преобразуване на документи</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport1\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Преобразуване на документи</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport2\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Преобразуване на документи</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"euro\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Euro Converter</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"euro\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Помощници - Преобразуване към евро</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"euro\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Euro Converter</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu <emph>File - Wizards - Address Data Source</emph>"
-msgstr "Меню <emph>Файл - Помощници - Източник на данни за адреси</emph>"
+msgid "Menu <emph>File - Wizards - Address Data Source</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5869,8 +5869,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"addressimport4\"><emph>Address Data Source Wizards</emph><emph>- Data source title</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"addressimport4\">Помощник <emph>Източник на данни за адреси</emph> - <emph>Име на източника на данни</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"addressimport4\"><emph>Address Data Source Wizards</emph> - <emph>Data source title</emph></variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5885,16 +5885,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"schliessen\">Choose <emph>File - Close</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"schliessen\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Затваряне</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"schliessen\">Choose <emph>File - Close</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Save</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Файл - Записване</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Save</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5909,8 +5909,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On Standard or Table Data Bar, click"
-msgstr "В лентата Стандартни или Данни от таблица щракнете върху"
+msgid "Open <emph>Standard</emph> or <emph>Table Data</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5949,104 +5949,104 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select \"HTML Document\" file type, this dialog opens automatically</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern\">$[officename] Draw или $[officename] Impress - меню <emph>Файл - Експортиране</emph>, изберете тип на файла \"Документ на HTML\", диалоговият прозорец ще се отвори автоматично</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML Document</emph> file type. The dialog opens automatically.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern1\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 1 of the wizard</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern1\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress - меню <emph>Файл - Експортиране</emph>, изберете тип файлове HTML, страница 1 на помощника</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern1\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 1 of the wizard.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern2\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 2 of the wizard</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern2\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress - меню <emph>Файл - Експортиране</emph>, изберете тип файлове HTML, страница 2 на помощника</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern2\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 2 of the wizard.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern3\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 3 of the wizard</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern3\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress - меню <emph>Файл - Експортиране</emph>, изберете тип файлове HTML, страница 3 на помощника</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern3\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 3 of the wizard.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern4\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 4 of the wizard</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern4\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress - меню <emph>Файл - Експортиране</emph>, изберете тип файлове HTML, страница 4 на помощника</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern4\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 4 of the wizard.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern5\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 5 of the wizard</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern5\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress - меню <emph>Файл - Експортиране</emph>, изберете тип файлове HTML, страница 5 на помощника</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern5\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 5 of the wizard.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern6\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 6 of the wizard</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern6\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress - меню <emph>Файл - Експортиране</emph>, изберете тип файлове HTML, страница 6 на помощника</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern6\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 6 of the wizard.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"exportgraphic\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, select a graphics file type, dialog opens automatically</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"exportgraphic\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Експортиране</emph>; ако е избран графичен тип файлове, се отваря диалогов прозорец</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"exportgraphic\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, select a graphics file type. The dialog opens automatically.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"saveall\">Choose <emph>File - Save All</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"saveall\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Записване - всички</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"saveall\">Choose <emph>File - Save All</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"saveas\">Choose <emph>File - Save As</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"saveas\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Записване като</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"saveas\">Choose <emph>File - Save As</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Reload</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Файл - Презареждане</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Reload</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info1\">Choose <emph>File - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"info1\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Свойства</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info1\">Choose <emph>File - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info2\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"info2\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Свойства - раздел Общи</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info2\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6061,96 +6061,96 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Digital Signatures - Digital Signatures</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Файл - Цифрови подписи - Цифрови подписи</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Digital Signatures - Digital Signatures</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Macros - Digital Signature</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Инструменти - Макроси - Цифров подпис</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Macros - Digital Signature</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab, click <emph>Digital Signatures</emph> button"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Файл - Свойства - раздел Общи</emph>, натиснете бутона <emph>Цифров подпис</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab, click <emph>Digital Signatures</emph> button."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Double-click the Signature field on the Status Bar."
-msgstr "Щракнете двукратно върху полето Подпис в лентата на състоянието."
+msgid "Double-click the <emph>Signature</emph> field on the <emph>Status</emph> bar."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"digitalsigsel\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab, click <emph>Digital Signatures</emph> button, then click <emph>Add</emph> button</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"digitalsigsel\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Свойства - Общи</emph>, натиснете бутона <emph>Цифров подпис</emph>, после бутона <emph>Добавяне</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"digitalsigsel\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab, click <emph>Digital Signatures</emph> button, then click <emph>Add</emph> button.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info3\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Description</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"info3\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Свойства - раздел Описание</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info3\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Description</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info4\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Custom Properties</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"info4\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Свойства - раздел Потребителски</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info4\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Custom Properties</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info5\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Statistics</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"info5\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Свойства - раздел Статистика</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info5\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Statistics</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"infosec\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Security</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"infosec\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Свойства - раздел Описание</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"infosec\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Security</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info6\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Internet</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"info6\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Свойства - раздел Интернет</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info6\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Internet</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info7\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Font</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"info7\">Изберете раздела <emph>Файл - Свойства - Шрифт</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info7\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Font</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu<emph> File - Print Preview</emph>"
-msgstr "Меню <emph>Файл - Мостра за печат</emph>"
+msgid "Menu <emph>File - Print Preview</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6173,24 +6173,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Printer Settings</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Файл - Настройки на принтера</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Printer Settings</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"senden\">Menu<emph> File - Send</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"senden\">Меню <emph>Файл - Изпращане</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"senden\">Menu <emph>File - Send</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Send - E-mail Document</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Файл - Изпращане - Документ по е-поща</emph>."
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Send - E-mail Document</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6213,8 +6213,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"export\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"export\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Експортиране</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"export\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6229,8 +6229,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image src=\"cmd/sc_exportdirecttoepub.png\" id=\"img_id291525017890767\" width=\"0.566cm\" height=\"0.566cm\"> <alt id=\"alt_id51525017890767\">Export as EPUB</alt> </image>"
-msgstr "<image src=\"cmd/sc_exportdirecttoepub.png\" id=\"img_id291525017890767\" width=\"0.566cm\" height=\"0.566cm\"><alt id=\"alt_id51525017890767\">Експортиране като EPUB</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image src=\"cmd/sc_exportdirecttoepub.png\" id=\"img_id291525017890767\" width=\"0.566cm\" height=\"0.566cm\"><alt id=\"alt_id51525017890767\">Export as EPUB</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6245,16 +6245,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As - Export as PDF</emph>, Digital Signatures tab"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Файл - Експортиране като - Експортиране като PDF</emph>, раздел „Цифрови подписи“."
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As - Export as PDF</emph>, <emph>Digital Signatures</emph> tab."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As - Export as PDF</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Файл - Експортиране като - Експортиране като PDF</emph>."
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As - Export as PDF</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6277,24 +6277,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Send - E-mail as PDF</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Файл - Изпращане - E-поща като PDF</emph>."
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Send - E-mail as PDF</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"glo\">Choose <emph>File - Send - Create Master Document</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"glo\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Изпращане - Създаване на главен документ</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"glo\">Choose <emph>File - Send - Create Master Document</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Print</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Файл - Печат</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Print</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6309,8 +6309,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On Standard Bar, click"
-msgstr "От основната лента с инструменти изберете"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6357,8 +6357,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Exit</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Файл - Изход</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Exit</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6373,48 +6373,48 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"neuglobal\">Choose <emph>File - New - Master Document</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"neuglobal\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Нов - Главен документ</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"neuglobal\">Choose <emph>File - New - Master Document</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Open</emph> - select under \"File type\": \"Text CSV\""
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Файл - Отваряне</emph> - от „Тип на файл“ изберете „Текст с разделители (CSV)“"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Open - File type</emph>, select <emph>Text CSV</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Data - Text to Columns</emph> (Calc)"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Данни - Текст към колони</emph> (Calc)"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Data - Text to Columns</emph> (Calc)."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"epsexport\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, if EPS is selected as file type, this dialog opens automatically</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"epsexport\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Експортиране</emph>; ако е избран тип файлове EPS, диалоговият прозорец се отваря автоматично</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"epsexport\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, if EPS is selected as file type, this dialog opens automatically.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"pbmppmpgm\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, if PBM, PPM or PGM is selected as file type, the dialog opens automatically</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"pbmppmpgm\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Експортиране</emph>; ако е избран тип файлове PBM, PPM или PGM, диалоговият прозорец се отваря автоматично</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"pbmppmpgm\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, if PBM, PPM or PGM is selected as file type, the dialog opens automatically.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"versionen\"><variable id=\"autopilotberichtfeldauswahl\">Choose <emph>File - Versions</emph></variable></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"versionen\"><variable id=\"autopilotberichtfeldauswahl\">Изберете <emph>Файл - Версии</emph></variable></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"versionen\"><variable id=\"autopilotberichtfeldauswahl\">Choose <emph>File - Versions</emph>.</variable></variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6437,8 +6437,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Undo</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Редактиране - Отмяна</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Undo</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6453,8 +6453,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar or Table Data bar, click"
-msgstr "В лентата <emph>Стандартни</emph> или лентата „Данни от таблица“ щракнете върху"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar or <emph>Table Data</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6477,16 +6477,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Redo</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Редактиране - Възстановяване</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Redo</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
-msgstr "В лентата <emph>Стандартни</emph> щракнете върху"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6509,16 +6509,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"letzter\">Choose <emph>Edit - Repeat</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"letzter\">Изберете <emph>Редактиране - Повтаряне</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"letzter\">Choose <emph>Edit - Repeat</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Cut</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Редактиране - Изрязване</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Cut</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6533,8 +6533,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
-msgstr "В лентата <emph>Стандартни</emph> щракнете върху"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6557,8 +6557,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Copy</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Редактиране - Копиране</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Copy</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6573,8 +6573,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
-msgstr "В лентата <emph>Стандартни</emph> щракнете върху"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6597,8 +6597,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Paste</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Редактиране - Поставяне</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Paste</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6613,8 +6613,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
-msgstr "В лентата <emph>Стандартни</emph> щракнете върху"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6637,16 +6637,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"inhalte\">Choose <emph>Edit - Paste Special</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"inhalte\">Изберете <emph>Редактиране - Специално поставяне</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"inhalte\">Choose <emph>Edit - Paste Special</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Select All</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Редактиране - Избор - всичко</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Select All</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6677,96 +6677,96 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"aenderungen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"aenderungen\">Изберете <emph>Редактиране - Следене на промените</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"aenderungen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"aufzeichnen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Record</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"aufzeichnen\">Изберете <emph>Редактиране - Следене на промените - Регистриране</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"aufzeichnen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Record</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"anzeigen\"><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph></caseinline></switchinline></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"anzeigen\"><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Изберете <emph>Редактиране - Следене на промените - Показване</emph></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Изберете <emph>Редактиране - Следене на промените - Показване</emph></caseinline></switchinline></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"anzeigen\"><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph>.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph>.</caseinline></switchinline></variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"rotlinie\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"rotlinie\">Изберете <emph>Редактиране - Следене на промените - Управление</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"rotlinie\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - List</emph> tab"
-msgstr "Изберете раздела <emph>Редактиране - Следене на промените - Управление - Списък</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - List</emph> tab."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply and Edit Changes</emph>. The AutoCorrect dialog appears. Click the <emph>Edit Changes</emph> button and navigate to the <emph>List</emph> tab."
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Инструменти - Автокорекция - Прилагане и редактиране на промените.</emph>. Ще се покаже диалоговият прозорец „Автокорекция“. Щракнете върху бутона <emph>Редактиране на промените</emph> и отворете раздела <emph>Списък</emph>."
+msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply and Edit Changes</emph>. The <emph>AutoCorrect</emph> dialog appears.<br/>Click the <emph>Edit Changes</emph> button and navigate to the <emph>List</emph> tab."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"rotliniefilter\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - Filter</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"rotliniefilter\">Изберете раздела <emph>Редактиране - Следене на промените - Управление - Филтър</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"rotliniefilter\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - Filter</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"einfuegen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Merge Document</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"einfuegen\">Изберете <emph>Редактиране - Следене на промените - Сливане с документ</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"einfuegen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Merge Document</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dvergl\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Compare Document</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dvergl\">Изберете <emph>Редактиране - Следене на промените - Сравняване с документ</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dvergl\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Compare Document</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Comment</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Редактиране - Следене на промените - Коментар</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Comment</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - List</emph> tab. Click an entry in the list and open the context menu. Choose <emph>Edit Comment</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете раздела <emph>Редактиране - Следене на промените - Управление - Списък</emph>. Щракнете върху елемент от списъка и отворете контекстното меню. Изберете <emph>Редактиране на коментар</emph>."
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - List</emph> tab.<br/>Click an entry in the list and open the context menu.<br/>Choose <emph>Edit Comment</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Редактиране - Търсене</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6781,8 +6781,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Редактиране - Търсене и замяна</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6797,8 +6797,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On Standard bar, click"
-msgstr "От основната лента с инструменти изберете"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6821,56 +6821,56 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"suchenattribute\">Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Attributes</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"suchenattribute\">Изберете <emph>Редактиране - Търсене и замяна - Атрибути</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"suchenattribute\">Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Attributes</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"suchenformat\">Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Format</emph> button </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"suchenformat\">Изберете <emph>Редактиране - Търсене и замяна - Формат</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"suchenformat\">Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Format</emph> button.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Similarity search</emph> check box and <emph>Similarities</emph> button."
-msgstr "Отметнете полето <emph>Редактиране - Търсене и замяна - Търсене по подобие</emph> и щракнете върху бутона <emph>Подобие по</emph>."
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Similarity search</emph> check box, then click the <emph>Similarities</emph> button."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Table Data</emph> Bar, click <emph>Find</emph> icon - <emph>Similarity search</emph> check box - <emph>Similarities</emph> button (database table view)"
-msgstr "В лентата <emph>Данни от таблица</emph> щракнете върху иконата <emph>Търсене</emph> - поле за отметка <emph>Търсене по подобие</emph> - бутон <emph>Подобие по</emph> (изглед на таблица в база от данни)"
+msgid "On the <emph>Table Data</emph> bar, click <emph>Find</emph> icon, then <emph>Similarity search</emph> check box,<br/>then click the <emph>Similarities</emph> button (database table view)."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "On <emph>Form Design</emph> Bar, click <emph>Record Search</emph> - <emph>Similarity search</emph> check box - <emph>Similarities</emph> button (form view)"
-msgstr "В лентата <emph>Проектиране на формуляр</emph> щракнете върху <emph>Търсене на запис</emph> - поле за отметка <emph>Търсене по подобие</emph> - бутон <emph>Подобие по</emph> (изглед на формуляр)"
+msgid "On the <emph>Form Design</emph> bar, click <emph>Record Search</emph> icon, then <emph>Similarity search</emph> check box,<br/>then click the <emph>Similarities</emph> button (form view)."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Navigator</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Изглед - Навигатор</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Navigator</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "On <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
-msgstr "В лентата <emph>Стандартни</emph> щракнете върху"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6893,80 +6893,80 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"litdat\">Choose <emph>Tools - Bibliography Database</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"litdat\">Изберете <emph>Инструменти - Библиографска база от данни</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"litdat\">Choose <emph>Tools - Bibliography Database</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"link\">Choose <emph>Edit - Links</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"link\">Изберете <emph>Редактиране - Връзки</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"link\">Choose <emph>Edit - Links</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"linkae\">Choose <emph>Edit - Links - Modify Link</emph> (DDE links only) </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"linkae\">Изберете <emph>Редактиране - Връзки - Промяна на връзка</emph> (само за DDE връзки) </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"linkae\">Choose <emph>Edit - Links - Modify Link</emph> (DDE links only).</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select a frame, then choose <emph>Edit - Object - Properties</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете рамка, после изберете <emph>Редактиране - Обект - Свойства</emph>"
+msgid "Select a frame, then choose <emph>Edit - Object - Properties</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open context menu of selected frame - choose <emph>Properties</emph>"
-msgstr "Отворете контекстното меню на избраната рамка - изберете <emph>Свойства</emph>"
+msgid "Open context menu of selected frame, choose <emph>Properties</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"imagemap\">Choose <emph>Edit - ImageMap</emph> (also in context menu of selected object) </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"imagemap\">Изберете <emph>Редактиране - ImageMap</emph> (също и в контекстното меню на избран обект) </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"imagemap\">Choose <emph>Edit - ImageMap</emph>, also in the context menu of selected object.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"imapeigbea\">Choose <emph>Edit - ImageMap</emph>, then select a section of the ImageMap and click <emph>Properties - Description</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"imapeigbea\">Изберете <emph>Редактиране - ImageMap</emph>, след което изберете област от чувствителното изображение и щракнете върху <emph>Свойства - Описание</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"imapeigbea\">Choose <emph>Edit - ImageMap</emph>,<br/>then select a section of the ImageMap and click <emph>Properties - Description</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"edit1\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"edit1\">Изберете <emph>Редактиране - Обект</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"edit1\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"edit2\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object - Edit</emph>, also in the context menu of selected object </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"edit2\">Изберете <emph>Редактиране - Обект - Редактиране</emph>, също и в контекстното меню на избран обект </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"edit2\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object - Edit</emph>, also in the context menu of selected object.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"edit3\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object - Open</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"edit3\">Изберете <emph>Редактиране - Обект - Отваряне</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"edit3\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object - Open</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6989,120 +6989,120 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Zoom</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Изглед - Мащаб</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Zoom</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Zoom also with (+) (-) (×) and (÷) on the number keypad</caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Zoom also with (+) (-) (×) and (÷) on the number keypad</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Можете да регулирате увеличението и с клавишите (+), (-), (×) и (÷) в цифровия блок.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Можете да регулирате увеличението и с клавишите (+), (-), (×) и (÷) в цифровия блок.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Zoom also with (+) (-) (×) and (÷) on the number keypad</caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Zoom also with (+) (-) (×) and (÷) on the number keypad.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Double-click or right-click the field on the <emph>Status</emph> Bar"
-msgstr "Щракнете двукратно или с десния бутон върху полето в <emph>лентата на състоянието</emph>"
+msgid "Double-click or right-click the field on the <emph>Status</emph> bar."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Toolbars</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Изглед - Ленти с инструменти</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Toolbars</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"funktion\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Standard</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"funktion\">Изберете <emph>Изглед - Ленти с инструменти - Стандартни</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"funktion\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Standard</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"werkzeug\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Tools</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"werkzeug\">Изберете <emph>Изглед - Ленти с инструменти - Инструменти</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"werkzeug\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Tools</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"task\">Choose <emph>View - Status Bar</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"task\">Изберете <emph>Изглед - Лента за състоянието</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"task\">Choose <emph>View - Status Bar</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"farbleiste\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Color Bar</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"farbleiste\">Изберете <emph>Изглед - Ленти с инструменти - Лента Цветове</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"farbleiste\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Color Bar</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"ime\">Choose <emph>View - Input Method Status</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"ime\">Изберете <emph>Изглед - Състояние на входен метод</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"ime\">Choose <emph>View - Input Method Status</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Internet</emph>"
-msgstr "В лентата <emph>Стандартна</emph> щракнете върху иконата <emph>Хипервръзка</emph>, щракнете върху <emph>Интернет</emph>"
+msgid "Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Internet</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Hyperlink</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Вмъкване - Хипервръзка</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Hyperlink</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"hypdiamailnews\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Mail</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"hypdiamailnews\">В лентата <emph>Стандартни</emph> щракнете върху иконата <emph>Хипервръзка</emph>, щракнете върху <emph>Поща</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"hypdiamailnews\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Mail</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"hypdiadok\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Document</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"hypdiadok\">В лентата <emph>Стандартна</emph> щракнете върху иконата <emph>Хипервръзка</emph>, натиснете <emph>Документ</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"hypdiadok\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Document</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"hypdianeudok\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>New Document</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"hypdianeudok\">В лентата <emph>Стандартна</emph> щракнете върху иконата <emph>Хипервръзка</emph>, щракнете върху <emph>Нов документ</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"hypdianeudok\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>New Document</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Full Screen</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Изглед - Цял екран</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Full Screen</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7141,16 +7141,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu <emph>View - Data Sources</emph>"
-msgstr "Меню <emph>Изглед - Източници на данни</emph>"
+msgid "Menu <emph>View - Data Sources</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> + Shift + F4 keys"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> + Shift + F4"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+F4 keys"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7173,16 +7173,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - HTML Source</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Изглед - Изходен код на HTML</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - HTML Source</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open context menu in an HTML document"
-msgstr "Отворете контекстното меню в документ на HTML"
+msgid "Open context menu in an HTML document."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7205,16 +7205,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"grid\">Choose <emph>View - Grid</emph> (Impress or Draw)</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"grid\">Изберете <emph>Изглед - Мрежа</emph> (Impress или Draw)</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"grid\">Choose <emph>View - Grid</emph> (Impress or Draw).</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"guides\">Choose <emph>View - Snap Lines</emph> (Impress or Draw)</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"guides\">Изберете <emph>Изглед - Помощни линии</emph> (Impress или Draw)</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"guides\">Choose <emph>View - Snap Lines</emph> (Impress or Draw).</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7237,64 +7237,64 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"notiz\">Choose <emph>Insert - Comment</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"notiz\">Изберете <emph>Вмъкване - Коментар</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"notiz\">Choose <emph>Insert - Comment</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Вмъкване - Мултимедия - Сканиране</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan - Select Source</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Вмъкване - Мултимедия - Сканиране - Избор на източник</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan - Select Source</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan - Request</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Вмъкване - Мултимедия - Сканиране - Заявка</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan - Request</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Special Character</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Вмъкване - Специален знак</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Special Character</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Choose <emph>Format - Bullets and Numbering - Customize - Character</emph> button</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Натиснете бутона <emph>Форматиране - Водачи и номерация - Персонализиране - Знак</emph></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Choose <emph>Format - Bullets and Numbering - Customize - Character</emph> button.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Choose <emph>Format - Bullets and Numbering - Customize - Character</emph> button</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Натиснете бутона <emph>Форматиране - Водачи и номерация - Персонализиране - Знак</emph></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Choose <emph>Format - Bullets and Numbering - Customize - Character</emph> button.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> or the <emph>Insert</emph> toolbar, click"
-msgstr "В лентата <emph>Стандартни</emph> или <emph>Вмъкване</emph> изберете"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> or the <emph>Insert</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7325,8 +7325,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"moviesound2\">Choose <emph>Insert - Audio or Video</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"moviesound2\">Изберете <emph>Вмъкване - Звук или видео</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"moviesound2\">Choose <emph>Insert - Audio or Video</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7341,24 +7341,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"objekteinf\">Choose <emph>Insert - Object</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"objekteinf\">Изберете <emph>Вмъкване - Обект</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"objekteinf\">Choose <emph>Insert - Object</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - OLE Object</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Вмъкване - Обект - OLE обект</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - OLE Object</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open the <emph>Insert</emph> toolbar, click"
-msgstr "Отворете лентата с инструменти <emph>Вмъкване</emph> и изберете"
+msgid "On the <emph>Insert</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7381,16 +7381,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Formula</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Вмъкване - Обект - Формула</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Formula</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open the <emph>Insert </emph>toolbar, click"
-msgstr "Отворете лентата с инструменти <emph>Вмъкване</emph> и изберете"
+msgid "On the <emph>Insert</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7413,64 +7413,64 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Форматиране - Тип на диаграма</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart </emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Вмъкване - Обект - Диаграма </emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart </emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Форматиране - Тип на диаграма</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Вмъкване - Обект - Диаграма</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Форматиране - Тип на диаграма</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Вмъкване - Обект - Диаграма</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Вмъкване - Обект - Диаграма</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open the <emph>Insert </emph>toolbar, click"
-msgstr "Отворете лентата с инструменти <emph>Вмъкване</emph> и изберете"
+msgid "On the <emph>Insert</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7493,16 +7493,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Image</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Вмъкване - Изображение</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Image</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> toolbar, click"
-msgstr "В лентата <emph>Стандартни</emph> щракнете върху"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7525,16 +7525,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Floating Frame</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Вмъкване - Плаваща рамка</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Floating Frame</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open the <emph>Insert </emph>toolbar, click"
-msgstr "Отворете лентата с инструменти <emph>Вмъкване</emph> и изберете"
+msgid "On the <emph>Insert</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7557,8 +7557,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"filterauswahl\">Open a file of a type that is unknown to %PRODUCTNAME and that is no text file</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"filterauswahl\">Отваряне на файл от тип, непознат за %PRODUCTNAME, който не е текстов файл</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"filterauswahl\">Open a file of a type that is unknown to %PRODUCTNAME and that is no text file.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7693,8 +7693,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">Insert - Media - Clip Art Gallery</item> or on <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
-msgstr "Изберете <item type=\"menuitem\">Вмъкване - Мултимедия - Галерия</item> или в лентата <emph>Стандартни</emph> щракнете върху"
+msgid "Choose <emph><item type=\"menuitem\">Insert - Media - Clip Art Gallery</item></emph> or open <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7717,8 +7717,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"galleryregisterdateien\">Choose <emph>Tools - Gallery</emph> or click the <emph>Gallery </emph>icon on the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar - <emph>New Theme</emph> button - <emph>Files</emph> tab.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"galleryregisterdateien\">Изберете <emph>Инструменти - Галерия</emph> или щракнете върху иконата <emph>Галерия</emph> в лентата <emph>Стандартни</emph> - бутон <emph>Нова тема</emph> - раздел <emph>Файлове</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"galleryregisterdateien\">Choose <emph>Tools - Gallery</emph>or click the <emph>Gallery</emph> icon on the <emph>Standard</emph> bar -<br/><emph>New Theme</emph> button - <emph>Files</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7741,8 +7741,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
-msgstr "В лентата <emph>Стандартни</emph> щракнете върху"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7805,8 +7805,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Language - Thesaurus</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Инструменти - Език - Синонимен речник</emph>."
+msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Language - Thesaurus</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7853,8 +7853,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"passwort\">Choose <emph>Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - %PRODUCTNAME Basic</emph>, click the <emph>Organizer</emph> button, click the <emph>Libraries</emph> tab, and then click the <emph>Password</emph> button.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"passwort\">Изберете <emph>Инструменти - Макроси - Управление на макроси - %PRODUCTNAME Basic</emph>, щракнете върху бутона <emph>Организатор</emph>, изберете раздела <emph>Библиотеки</emph>, след това щракнете върху бутона <emph>Парола</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"passwort\">Choose <emph>Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - %PRODUCTNAME Basic</emph>,<br/>click the <emph>Organizer</emph> button,<br/>click the <emph>Libraries</emph> tab,<br/>and then click the <emph>Password</emph> button.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8037,16 +8037,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Path selection button in various wizards"
-msgstr "Бутон за избор на път в различни помощници"
+msgid "Path selection button in various wizards."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click <emph>Edit</emph> button for a few entries under <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - Paths</emph>"
-msgstr "Щракнете върху бутона <emph>Редактиране</emph> за някой от записите в <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Инструменти - Настройки</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - Пътища</emph>"
+msgid "Click <emph>Edit</emph> button for a few entries under <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - Paths</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8245,24 +8245,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"etsofi\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save</emph> - <emph>VBA Properties</emph>.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"etsofi\">Изберете <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Инструменти - Настройки</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Зареждане/записване</emph> - <emph>Настройки за VBA</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"etsofi\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save - VBA Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"etsofi2\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save</emph> - <emph>Microsoft Office</emph>.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"etsofi2\">Изберете <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Инструменти - Настройки</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Зареждане/записване</emph> - <emph>Microsoft Office</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"etsofi2\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save - Microsoft Office</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"html\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save</emph> - <emph>HTML Compatibility</emph>.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"html\">Изберете <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Инструменти - Настройки</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Зареждане/записване</emph> - <emph>Съвместимост за HTML</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"html\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save - HTML Compatibility</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8301,8 +8301,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language Settings - Writing Aids</emph>, in the <emph>Available language modules</emph> list, select one of the language modules and then click <emph>Edit</emph>."
-msgstr "Изберете <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Инструменти - Настройки</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Езикови настройки - Помощ при писане</emph>, изберете езиков модул от списъка <emph>Налични езикови модули</emph> и щракнете върху <emph>Редактиране</emph>."
+msgid "Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language Settings - Writing Aids</emph>,<br/>in the <emph>Available language modules</emph> list, select one of the language modules and then click <emph>Edit</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8389,16 +8389,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"layout\">Open a text document, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web</emph> - <emph>View</emph>.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"layout\">Отворете текстов документ и изберете <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Инструменти - Настройки</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web</emph> - <emph>Изглед</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"layout\">Open a text document, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web - View</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"registerschattencursor\">Open a text document, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web</emph> - <emph>Formatting Aids</emph>.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"registerschattencursor\">Отворете текстов документ и изберете <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Инструменти - Настройки</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web</emph> - <emph>Помощ при форматиране</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"registerschattencursor\">Open a text document, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web - Formatting Aids</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8429,8 +8429,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"drucken1\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/ %PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web</emph> - <emph>Print</emph>.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"drucken1\">Изберете <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Инструменти - Настройки</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/ %PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web</emph> - <emph>Печат</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"drucken1\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web - Print</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8677,16 +8677,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"window\">Choose <emph>Window - New Window</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"window\">Изберете <emph>Прозорец - Нов прозорец</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"window\">Choose <emph>Window - New Window</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000407.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"liste\">Choose <emph>Window</emph> - List of open documents</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"liste\">Изберете <emph>Прозорец</emph> - Списък на отворените документи</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"liste\">Choose <emph>Window - List of open documents</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000408.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8709,16 +8709,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"content\">Choose <emph>Help - %PRODUCTNAME Help</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"content\">Изберете <emph>Помощ - Помощ за %PRODUCTNAME</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"content\">Choose <emph>Help - %PRODUCTNAME Help</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000408.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"infoanwendung\">Choose <emph>Help - About </emph><emph>%PRODUCTNAME</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"infoanwendung\">Изберете <emph>Помощ - Относно </emph><emph>%PRODUCTNAME</emph> </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"infoanwendung\">Choose <emph>Help - About %PRODUCTNAME</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000408.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8733,8 +8733,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Help - Registration</emph> (this is a direct link to an external website)"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Помощ - Регистрация</emph> (пряка връзка към външен уебсайт)"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Help - Registration</emph>. This is a direct link to an external website."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000409.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8757,24 +8757,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Data - Filter - Standard Filter</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Данни - Филтър - Стандартен филтър</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Data - Filter - Standard Filter</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000409.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Database table view: <emph>Standard Filter</emph> icon in the <emph>Database</emph> Toolbar"
-msgstr "Изглед на таблица в база от данни: икона <emph>Стандартен филтър</emph> в лентата с инструменти <emph>База от данни</emph>"
+msgid "Database table view: <emph>Standard Filter</emph> icon in the <emph>Database</emph> toolbar."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000409.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Form view: <emph>Standard Filter</emph> icon in the <emph>Form</emph> Bar"
-msgstr "Изглед на формуляр: икона <emph>Стандартен филтър</emph> в лентата <emph>Формуляр</emph>"
+msgid "Form view: <emph>Standard Filter</emph> icon in the <emph>Form</emph> bar."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000409.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8813,8 +8813,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"DBTab\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - Table Filter</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"DBTab\">В прозорец с база от данни изберете <emph>Инструменти - Филтър за таблица</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"DBTab\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - Table Filter</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8829,152 +8829,152 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Typ\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties - Advanced Settings</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"Typ\">В прозорец с база от данни изберете раздела <emph>Редактиране - База от данни - Свойства - Разширени свойства</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Typ\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties - Advanced Settings</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Datenquelle\">In a database file window of type ODBC or Address book, choose Edit - Database - Connection Type</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"Datenquelle\">В прозорец с база от данни от тип ODBC или Адресен бележник изберете Редактиране - База от данни - Тип на връзката</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Datenquelle\">In a database file window of type <emph>ODBC</emph> or <emph>Address book</emph>,<br/>choose <emph>Edit - Database - Connection Type</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Verzeichnis\">Path selection button in various Wizards / <emph>Edit</emph> Buttons for some entries in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - Paths</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"Verzeichnis\">Бутон за избор на път в различни помощници/бутони <emph>Редактиране</emph> за някои записи в <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Инструменти - Настройки</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - Пътища</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Verzeichnis\"><emph>Path</emph> selection button in various wizards / <emph>Edit</emph> buttons for some entries in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - Paths</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"ODBC\">In a database file window of type ODBC, choose Edit - Database - Connection Type</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"ODBC\">В прозорец с база от данни от тип ODBC изберете Редактиране - База от данни - Тип на връзката</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"ODBC\">In a database file window of type <emph>ODBC</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Connection Type</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"ldap\">In a database file window of type Address book - LDAP, choose Edit - Database - Properties</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"ldap\">В прозорец с база от данни от тип „Адресен бележник - LDAP“ изберете <emph>Редактиране - База от данни - Свойства</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"ldap\">In a database file window of type <emph>Address book - LDAP</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"JDBC\">In a database file window of type JDBC, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"JDBC\">В прозорец с база от данни от тип JDBC изберете <emph>Редактиране - База от данни - Свойства</emph> </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"JDBC\">In a database file window of type <emph>JDBC</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"mysql\">In a database file window of type MySQL, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"mysql\">В прозорец с база от данни от тип MySQL изберете <emph>Редактиране - База от данни - Свойства</emph> </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"mysql\">In a database file window of type <emph>MySQL</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dBase\">In a database file window of type dBASE, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dBase\">В прозорец с база от данни от тип dBASE изберете <emph>Редактиране - База от данни - Свойства</emph> </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dBase\">In a database file window of type <emph>dBASE</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dBasein\">In a database file window of type dBASE, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>, click <emph>Indexes</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dBasein\">В прозорец с база от данни от тип dBASE изберете <emph>Редактиране - База от данни - Свойства</emph> и щракнете върху <emph>Индекси</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dBasein\">In a database file window of type <emph>dBASE</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>, click <emph>Indexes</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Text\">In a database file window of type Text, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"Text\">В прозорец с база от данни от тип Текст изберете <emph>Редактиране - База от данни - Свойства</emph> </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Text\">In a database file window of type <emph>Text</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"ADO\">In a database file window of type MS ADO, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"ADO\">В прозорец с база от данни от тип MS ADO изберете <emph>Редактиране - База от данни - Свойства</emph> </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"ADO\">In a database file window of type <emph>MS ADO</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"SQLStatement\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - SQL</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"SQLStatement\">В прозорец с база от данни изберете <emph>Инструменти - SQL</emph> </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"SQLStatement\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - SQL</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Abfragen\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"Abfragen\">В прозорец с база от данни щракнете върху иконата <emph>Заявки</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Abfragen\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Tabellen\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Tables</emph> icon</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"Tabellen\">В прозорец с база от данни щракнете върху иконата <emph>Таблици</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Tabellen\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Tables</emph> icon.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"tabellenentwurf\">In a database file window, click the Tables icon. Choose Insert -<emph> Table Design</emph> or <emph>Edit - Edit</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"tabellenentwurf\">В прозорец с база от данни щракнете върху иконата Таблици. Изберете <emph>Вмъкване - Проектиране на таблица</emph> или <emph>Редактиране - Редактиране</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"tabellenentwurf\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Tables</emph> icon. Choose <emph>Insert - Table Design</emph> or <emph>Edit - Edit</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"indexentwurf\">In a database file window, click the Tables icon. Choose <emph>Insert - Table Design</emph> or <emph>Edit - Edit</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"indexentwurf\">В прозорец с база от данни щракнете върху иконата Таблици. Изберете <emph>Вмъкване - Проектиране на таблица</emph> или <emph>Редактиране - Редактиране</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"indexentwurf\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Tables</emph> icon. Choose <emph>Insert - Table Design</emph> or <emph>Edit - Edit</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"AbfrageNeu\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Insert - Query (Design view)</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"AbfrageNeu\">В прозорец с база от данни изберете <emph>Вмъкване - Заявка (изглед Проектиране)</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"AbfrageNeu\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Insert - Query (Design view)</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"entwab\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon, then choose <emph>Edit - Edit</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"entwab\">В прозорец с база от данни щракнете върху иконата <emph>Заявки</emph>, след това изберете <emph>Редактиране - Редактиране</emph> </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"entwab\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon, then choose <emph>Edit - Edit</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"FehlendesElement\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon, then choose <emph>Edit - Edit</emph>. When referenced fields no longer exist, you see this dialog</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"FehlendesElement\">В прозорец с база от данни щракнете върху иконата <emph>Заявки</emph>, след това изберете <emph>Редактиране - Редактиране</emph>. Когато някои посочени полета вече не съществуват, ще видите този диалогов прозорец</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"FehlendesElement\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon, then choose <emph>Edit - Edit</emph>.<br/>If the referenced fields no longer exist, you see this dialog.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9021,8 +9021,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Find Record</emph> icon on the Table Data bar and Form Design bar"
-msgstr "Икона <emph>Търсене на запис</emph> в лентата Данни от таблица и Проектиране на формуляр"
+msgid "<emph>Find Record</emph> icon on the Table Data bar and Form Design bar."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9045,8 +9045,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Sort Order</emph> icon on the Table Data bar and Form Design bar"
-msgstr "Икона <emph>Ред на сортиране</emph> в лентата Данни от таблица и Проектиране на формуляр"
+msgid "<emph>Sort Order</emph> icon on the Table Data bar and Form Design bar."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9069,40 +9069,40 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"allgemein\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"allgemein\">В прозорец с база от данни изберете <emph>Редактиране - База от данни - Свойства</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"allgemein\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"tabellecopy\">Drag and drop a table or a query into the table part of another database file window</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"tabellecopy\">Плъзнете и пуснете таблица или заявка в частта за таблици на друг прозорец с база от данни</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"tabellecopy\">Drag and drop a table or a query into the table part of another database file window.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"formularneu\">In a database file window, choose<emph> Insert - Form</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"formularneu\">В прозорец с база от данни изберете <emph>Вмъкване - Формуляр</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"formularneu\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Insert - Form</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"benutzereinstellungen\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"benutzereinstellungen\">В прозорец с база от данни изберете <emph>Редактиране - База от данни - Свойства</emph> </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"benutzereinstellungen\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"relationen\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - Relationships</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"relationen\">В прозорец с база от данни изберете <emph>Инструменти - Филтър за таблица</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"relationen\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - Relationships</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00040500.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9670,7 +9670,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><embedvar href=\"text/swriter/00/stylesmenu.xhp#sms\" markup=\"keep\"/></caseinline><defaultinline/></switchinline>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><embedvar href=\"text/swriter/00/stylesmenu.xhp#sms\" markup=\"keep\"/></caseinline><defaultinline/></switchinline>"
#: 00040500.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po b/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po
index cf0bc6a2be5..80916feeede 100644
--- a/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po
+++ b/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 22:52+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-08 11:24+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-06 14:57+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mihail Balabanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: .\n"
"Language: bg\n"
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
"X-Project-Style: openoffice\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1528457089.000000\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530889026.000000\n"
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">If you want to create a document from a template, choose <emph>New - Templates.</emph></ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Ако желаете да създадете документ от шаблон, изберете <emph>Нов - Шаблони</emph></ahelp>."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">If you want to create a document from a template, choose <emph>New - Templates</emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Creates a new text document ($[officename] Writer)."
-msgstr "Създава нов текстов документ ($[officename] Writer)."
+msgid "Creates a new text document in $[officename] Writer."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Creates a new spreadsheet document ($[officename] Calc)."
-msgstr "Създава нов документ - електронна таблица ($[officename] Calc)."
+msgid "Creates a new spreadsheet document in $[officename] Calc."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Creates a new presentation document ($[officename] Impress)."
-msgstr "Създава нов документ - презентация ($[officename] Impress)."
+msgid "Creates a new presentation document in $[officename] Impress."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Creates a new drawing document ($[officename] Draw)."
-msgstr "Създава нов документ - рисунка ($[officename] Draw)."
+msgid "Creates a new drawing document in $[officename] Draw."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -206,8 +206,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/dabawiz00.xhp\">Database Wizard</link> to create a <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/dabadoc.xhp\">database file</link>."
-msgstr "Отваря <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/dabawiz00.xhp\">Помощника за бази от данни</link> за създаване на <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/dabadoc.xhp\">файл на база от данни</link>."
+msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/dabawiz00.xhp\"><emph>Database Wizard</emph></link> to create a <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/dabadoc.xhp\"><emph>database file</emph></link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -302,8 +302,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Creates a new formula document ($[officename] Math)."
-msgstr "Създава нов документ - формула ($[officename] Math)."
+msgid "Creates a new formula document in $[officename] Math."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -326,8 +326,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01010200.xhp\" name=\"Labels\">Labels</link> dialog where you can set the options for your labels, and then creates a new text document for the labels ($[officename] Writer)."
-msgstr "Отваря диалоговия прозорец <link href=\"text/shared/01/01010200.xhp\" name=\"Етикети\">Етикети</link>, в който можете да зададете настройки за етикетите, след което създава нов текстов документ с етикети ($[officename] Writer)."
+msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01010200.xhp\" name=\"Labels\"><emph>Labels</emph></link> dialog where you can set the options for your labels, and then creates a new text document for the labels in $[officename] Writer."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -350,8 +350,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01010300.xhp\" name=\"Business Cards\">Business Cards</link> dialog where you can set the options for your business cards, and then creates a new text document ($[officename] Writer)."
-msgstr "Отваря диалоговия прозорец <link href=\"text/shared/01/01010300.xhp\" name=\"Визитни картички\">Визитни картички</link>, в който можете да зададете настройки за визитните картички, след което създава нов текстов документ ($[officename] Writer)."
+msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01010300.xhp\" name=\"Business Cards\"><emph>Business Cards</emph></link> dialog where you can set the options for your business cards, and then creates a new text document in $[officename] Writer."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -390,40 +390,40 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new text document ($[officename] Writer).</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Създава нов текстов документ ($[officename] Writer).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new text document in $[officename] Writer.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new spreadsheet document ($[officename] Calc).</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Създава нов документ – електронна таблица ($[officename] Calc).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new spreadsheet document in $[officename] Calc.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new presentation document ($[officename] Impress).</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Създава нов документ – презентация ($[officename] Impress).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new presentation document in $[officename] Impress.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new drawing document ($[officename] Draw).</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Създава нов документ – рисунка ($[officename] Draw).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new drawing document in $[officename] Draw.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the Database Wizard to create a database file.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Отваря помощника за бази от данни, за да създадете файл с база от данни.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the <emph>Database Wizard</emph> to create a database file.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -454,24 +454,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new formula document ($[officename] Math).</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Създава нов документ – формула ($[officename] Math).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new formula document in $[officename] Math.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the Labels dialog where you can set the options for your labels, and then creates a new text document for the labels ($[officename] Writer).</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Отваря диалоговия прозорец Етикети, в който можете да зададете настройки за етикетите, след което създава нов текстов документ с етикети ($[officename] Writer).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the <emph>Labels</emph> dialog where you can set the options for your labels, and then creates a new text document for the labels in $[officename] Writer.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the Business Cards dialog where you can set the options for your business cards, and then creates a new text document ($[officename] Writer).</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Отваря диалоговия прозорец Визитни картички, в който можете да зададете настройки за визитните картички, след което създава нов текстов документ ($[officename] Writer).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the <emph>Business Cards</emph> dialog where you can set the options for your business cards, and then creates a new text document in $[officename] Writer.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -502,16 +502,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use a <emph>Master Document</emph> to organize complex projects, such as a book. <ahelp hid=\".\">A <emph>Master Document</emph> can contain the individual files for each chapter of a book, as well as a table of contents, and an index.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "Използвайте <emph>главен документ</emph>, когато се налага да организирате сложен проект, например книга. <ahelp hid=\".\"><emph>Главният документ</emph> може да съдържа отделните файлове за всяка глава от книгата, заедно с таблица на съдържанието и азбучен указател.</ahelp>"
+msgid "Use a master document to organize complex projects, such as a book. <ahelp hid=\".\">A master document can contain the individual files for each chapter of a book, as well as a table of contents, and an index.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010001.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"Navigator for Master Documents\">Navigator for Master Documents</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/shared/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"Навигатор за главни документи\">Навигатор за главни документи</link>"
+msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"Navigator for Master Documents\"><emph>Navigator for Master Documents</emph></link>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -534,8 +534,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"etikett\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertLabels\">Allows you to create labels. Labels are created in a text document.</ahelp> You can print labels using a pre-defined or a custom paper format. </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"etikett\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertLabels\">Позволява ви да изготвяте етикети. Етикетите се създават в текстов документ.</ahelp> Можете да отпечатвате етикети с предварително дефиниран или зададен от вас формат на хартията.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"etikett\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertLabels\">Allows you to create labels. Labels are created in a text document.</ahelp> You can print labels using a predefined or a custom paper format.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -662,8 +662,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/cardmediumpage/database\">Select the database that you want to use as the data source for your label. </ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/cardmediumpage/database\">Изберете базата от данни, която желаете да използвате като източник на данни за етикета. </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/cardmediumpage/database\">Select the database that you want to use as the data source for your label.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010201.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -702,8 +702,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The name of the database field is bounded by brackets in the <emph>Label text</emph> box. If you want, you can separate database fields with spaces. Press Enter to insert a database field on a new line."
-msgstr "В текстовото поле <emph>Текст на етикета</emph> името на полето от БД е заградено в скоби. Ако желаете, можете да разделите полетата от БД с интервали. Натиснете Enter, за да вмъкнете поле от БД на нов ред."
+msgid "The name of the database field is bounded by brackets in the <emph>Label text</emph> box. If you want, you can separate database fields with spaces. Press <emph>Enter</emph> to insert a database field on a new line."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010201.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -718,8 +718,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can select a pre-defined size format for your label or a size format that you specify on the <emph>Format </emph>tab."
-msgstr "Можете да изберете предварително зададен формат за етикета или да зададете свой размер в раздела <emph>Формат</emph>."
+msgid "You can select a predefined size format for your label or a size format that you specify on the <emph>Format</emph> tab."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010201.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1110,8 +1110,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/labeloptionspage/synchronize\">Allows you to edit a single label or business card and updates the contents of the remaining labels or business cards on the page when you click the <emph>Synchronize Labels </emph>button.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/labeloptionspage/synchronize\">Позволява ви да редактирате един отделен етикет иил визитна картичка и обновява съдържанието на останалите етикети или визитни картички върху страницата, когато натиснете бутона <emph>Синхронизиране на етикетите</emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/labeloptionspage/synchronize\">Allows you to edit a single label or business card and updates the contents of the remaining labels or business cards on the page when you click the <emph>Synchronize Labels</emph> button.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010203.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1126,8 +1126,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Synchronize labels </emph>button only appears in your document if you selected the <emph>Synchronize contents </emph>on the<emph> Options tab </emph>when you created the labels or business cards."
-msgstr "Бутонът <emph>Синхронизиране на етикетите</emph> се показва в документа само ако сте отметнали полето <emph>Синхронизиране на съдържанията</emph> в раздела <emph>Настройки</emph> при създаването на етикетите или визитните картички."
+msgid "The <emph>Synchronize labels</emph> button only appears in your document if you have selected the <emph>Synchronize contents</emph> on the <emph>Options</emph> tab when you created the labels or business cards."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010203.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1166,8 +1166,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/labeloptionspage/setup\">Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01140000.xhp\" name=\"Printer Setup\">Printer Setup</link> dialog.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/labeloptionspage/setup\">Отваря диалоговия прозорец <link href=\"text/shared/01/01140000.xhp\" name=\"Настройка на принтера\">Настройка на принтера</link>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/labeloptionspage/setup\">Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01140000.xhp\" name=\"Printer Setup\"><emph>Printer Setup</emph></link> dialog.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1734,8 +1734,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If the file that you want to open contains Styles, <link href=\"text/shared/01/01020000.xhp#vorlagen\" name=\"special rules\">special rules</link> apply."
-msgstr "Ако документът, който желаете да отворите, съдържа стилове, са в сила <link href=\"text/shared/01/01020000.xhp#vorlagen\" name=\"special rules\">специални правила</link>."
+msgid "If the file that you want to open contains styles, <link href=\"text/shared/01/01020000.xhp#vorlagen\" name=\"special rules\">special rules</link> apply."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1790,8 +1790,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To open more than one document at the same time, each in an own window, hold <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command </caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> while you click the files, and then click <emph>Open</emph>."
-msgstr "За да отворите няколко документа наведнъж, всеки в отделен прозорец, задръжте <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>, докато щраквате върху файловете, след което щракнете върху <emph>Отваряне</emph>."
+msgid "To open more than one document at the same time, each in an own window, hold <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> while you click the files, and then click <emph>Open</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1854,24 +1854,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"fpicker/ui/explorerfiledialog/file_name\">Enter a file name or a path for the file. You can also enter a <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#url\" name=\"URL\">URL</link> that starts with the protocol name ftp, http, or https.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"fpicker/ui/explorerfiledialog/file_name\">Въведете име или път на файла. Можете да въведете и <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#url\" name=\"URL\">URL</link>, който започва с име на протокол ftp, http или https.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"fpicker/ui/explorerfiledialog/file_name\">Enter a file name or a path for the file. You can also enter an <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#url\" name=\"URL\"><emph>URL</emph></link> that starts with the protocol name <emph>ftp</emph>, <emph>http</emph>, or <emph>https</emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you want, you can use wildcards in the <emph>File name </emph>box to filter the list of files that is displayed."
-msgstr "Ако желаете, можете да ползвате заместващи знаци в полето <emph>Име на файл</emph>, за да филтрирате показания списък с файлове."
+msgid "If you want, you can use wildcards in the <emph>File name</emph> box to filter the list of files that is displayed."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"> </caseinline><defaultinline>For example, to list all of the text files in a folder, enter the asterisk wildcard with the text file extension (*.txt), and then click<emph> Open</emph>. Use the question mark (?) wildcard to represent any character, as in (??3*.txt), which only displays text files with a '3' as the third character in the file name.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>Например, за да видите всички текстови файлове в папката, въведете заместващия знак звездичка заедно с разширението за текстов файл (*.txt), след което натиснете <emph>Отваряне</emph>. Използвайте въпросителна (?), за да представите произволен знак, например (??3*.txt), което означава да се покажат само текстовите файлове, в чийто имена третият знак е „3“.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>For example, to list all of the text files in a folder, enter the asterisk wildcard with the text file extension (<emph>*.txt</emph>), and then click <emph>Open</emph>. Use the question mark (<emph>?</emph>) wildcard to represent any character, as in <emph>??3*.txt</emph>, which only displays text files with a '<emph>3</emph>' as the third character in the file name.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1990,40 +1990,40 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "the shared template folder"
-msgstr "папката за споделени шаблони"
+msgid "In the <emph>shared template</emph> folder,"
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "the user template folder <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"UNIX\">in the home directory </caseinline><defaultinline>in the Documents and Settings folder</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "папката за шаблони на потребителя <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"UNIX\">в домашната директория</caseinline><defaultinline>в папката Documents and Settings</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "- the <emph>user template</emph> folder, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"UNIX\">- the <emph>home directory</emph> folder, </caseinline> <defaultinline> - the <emph>Documents and Settings</emph> folder </defaultinline> </switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "all template folders as defined in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010300.xhp\" name=\"%PRODUCTNAME - Paths\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Paths</emph></link>"
-msgstr "всички папки с шаблони, както са зададени в <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Инструменти - Настройки</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010300.xhp\" name=\"%PRODUCTNAME - Paths\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Пътища</emph></link>"
+msgid "and all template folders as defined in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010300.xhp\" name=\"%PRODUCTNAME - Paths\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Paths</emph></link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you use <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Templates - Save as Template</item> to save a template, the template will be stored in your user template folder. When you open a document that is based on such a template, the document will be checked for a changed template as described below. The template is associated with the document, it may be called a \"sticky template\"."
-msgstr "Когато запишете шаблон с <item type=\"menuitem\">Файл - Шаблони - Записване като шаблон</item>, той ще бъде съхранен в папката ви за потребителски шаблони. Когато отворите документ, базиран на такъв шаблон, документът ще бъде проверен за промяна на шаблона, както е описано по-долу. Шаблонът е свързан с документа и може да се нарече „устойчив шаблон“."
+msgid "When you use <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Templates - Save as Template</item> to save a template, the template will be stored in your <emph>user template</emph> folder. When you open a document that is based on such a template, the document will be checked for a changed template as described below. The template is associated with the document, it may be called a \"sticky template\"."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you use <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save As</item> and select a template filter to save a template at any other folder that is not in the list, then the documents based on that template will not be checked."
-msgstr "Ако използвате <item type=\"menuitem\">Файл - Записване като</item> и изберете филтър за шаблони, за да запазите шаблона в друга папка извън списъка, базираните на този шаблон документи няма да се проверяват."
+msgid "When you use <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save As</item> and select a template filter to save a template at any other folder that is <emph>not</emph> in the list, then the documents based on that template will <emph>not</emph> be checked."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2094,8 +2094,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>remote file;open</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>open;remote file</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>отдалечен файл;отваряне</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>отваряне;отдалечен файл</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>remote file; open</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>open; remote file</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01020001.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2118,32 +2118,32 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Open Remote..</item>"
-msgstr "Изберете <item type=\"menuitem\">Файл - Отдалечено отваряне...</item>."
+msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Open Remote...</item> ."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020001.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click the <emph>Remote Files</emph> button in the <emph>Start Center</emph>"
-msgstr "Щракнете върху бутона <emph>Отдалечени файлове</emph> в <emph>началния екран</emph>."
+msgid "Click the <emph>Remote Files</emph> button in the <emph>Start Center</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020001.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Long click on the <emph>Open</emph> icon and select <emph>Open Remote Files...</emph>"
-msgstr "Щракнете и задръжте върху иконата <emph>Отваряне</emph> и изберете <emph>Отваряне на отдалечени файлове...</emph>."
+msgid "Long-click on the <emph>Open</emph> icon and select <emph>Open Remote Files...</emph> ."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020001.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "A remote file server is web service that stores documents with or without checkin, checkout, version controls and backups."
-msgstr "Сървърът за отдалечени файлове е уеб услуга, която съхранява документи, със или без възможност за регистрирано извличане и вкарване на файлове, управление на версиите и резервни копия."
+msgid "A <emph>remote file server</emph> is a <emph>web service</emph> that stores documents with or without checkin, checkout, version controls and backups."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020001.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2214,8 +2214,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link name=\"Open Dialog\" href=\"text/shared/01/01020000.xhp\"><emph>Open</emph> Dialog</link>"
-msgstr "<link name=\"Диалогов прозорец Отваряне\" href=\"text/shared/01/01020000.xhp\">Диалогов прозорец <emph>Отваряне</emph></link>"
+msgid "<link name=\"Open Dialog\" href=\"text/shared/01/01020000.xhp\">Open dialog</link>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01020103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2278,8 +2278,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Ensure that the file extension corresponds to the file type of the document. For example, a Microsoft Word document must have a (*.doc) extension for $[officename] to use the appropriate filter."
-msgstr "Уверете се, че файловото разширение съответства на типа на документа. Например документите на Microsoft Word трябва да имат разширение (*.doc), за да използва $[officename] подходящия филтър."
+msgid "Ensure that the file extension corresponds to the file type of the document. For example, a Microsoft Word document must have a <emph>*.doc</emph> or <emph>*.docx</emph> extension for $[officename] to use the appropriate filter."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2326,24 +2326,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Close </emph>command closes all of the open windows for the current document."
-msgstr "Командата <emph>Затваряне</emph> затваря всички отворени прозорци за текущия документ."
+msgid "The <emph>Close</emph> command closes all of the open windows for the current document."
+msgstr ""
#: 01050000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you have made changes to the current document, you are prompted if you want to <link href=\"text/shared/01/01060000.xhp\" name=\"save\">save</link> your changes."
-msgstr "Ако сте нанесли промени в текущия документ, ще бъдете запитани дали желаете те да бъдат <link href=\"text/shared/01/01060000.xhp\" name=\"save\">записани</link>."
+msgid "If you have made changes to the current document, you are prompted if you want to <link href=\"text/shared/01/01060000.xhp\" name=\"save\"><emph>save</emph></link> your changes."
+msgstr ""
#: 01050000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you close the last open document window, you see the <link href=\"text/shared/guide/startcenter.xhp\">Start Center</link>."
-msgstr "Когато затворите последния отворен прозорец с документ, ще видите <link href=\"text/shared/guide/startcenter.xhp\">началния екран</link>."
+msgid "When you close the last open document window, you see the <link href=\"text/shared/guide/startcenter.xhp\"><emph>Start Center</emph></link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01050000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2390,8 +2390,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you edit an AutoText entry, this command changes to <emph>Save AutoText</emph>."
-msgstr "Когато редактирате запис на автотекста, тази команда се променя на <emph>Записване на автотекст</emph>."
+msgid "When you edit an <emph>AutoText</emph> entry, this command changes to <emph>Save AutoText</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01060001.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2406,8 +2406,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>remote file;save</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>save;remote file</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>отдалечен файл;записване</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>записване;отдалечен файл</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>remote file; save</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>save; remote file</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01060001.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2430,16 +2430,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save Remote..</item>"
-msgstr "Изберете <item type=\"menuitem\">Файл - Отдалечено записване...</item>."
+msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save Remote...</item> ."
+msgstr ""
#: 01060001.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Long click on the <emph>Save</emph> icon and select <emph>Save Remote Files...</emph>"
-msgstr "Щракнете и задръжте върху иконата <emph>Записване</emph> и изберете <emph>Записване на отдалечени файлове...</emph>."
+msgid "Long-click on the <emph>Save</emph> icon and select <emph>Save Remote Files...</emph> ."
+msgstr ""
#: 01060001.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2470,8 +2470,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>save;save a copy</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>save a copy</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>записване;записване на копие</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>записване на копие</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>save; save a copy</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>save a copy</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01060002.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2486,16 +2486,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"saveacopy1\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:SaveACopy\">Save a copy of the actual document with another name or location.</ahelp></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"saveacopy1\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:SaveACopy\">Записва копие на текущия документ с друго име или местоположение.</ahelp></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"saveacopy1\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:SaveACopy\">Saves a copy of the actual document with another name or location.</ahelp></variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01060002.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save a Copy</item>"
-msgstr "Изберете <item type=\"menuitem\">Файл - Записване на копие</item>."
+msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save a Copy</item>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01060002.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2566,8 +2566,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The following sections describe the <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> <emph>Save as</emph> dialog. To activate the <emph><item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> Open</emph> and <emph>Save</emph> dialog boxes, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010600.xhp\" name=\"%PRODUCTNAME - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME- General</emph></link>, and then select the <emph>Use %PRODUCTNAME dialogs</emph> in the <emph>Open/Save dialogs</emph> area."
-msgstr "Следващите раздели описват диалоговия прозорец <emph>Записване като</emph> на <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item>. За да активирате диалоговите прозорци <emph>Отваряне</emph> и <emph>Записване</emph> на <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item>, изберете <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Инструменти - Настройки</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010600.xhp\" name=\"%PRODUCTNAME - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Общи</emph></link> и отметнете <emph>Диалогови прозорци на %PRODUCTNAME</emph> в областта <emph>Диалогови прозорци за отваряне/записване</emph>."
+msgid "The following sections describe the <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> <emph>Save as</emph> dialog. To activate the <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> <emph>Open</emph> and <emph>Save</emph> dialog boxes, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010600.xhp\" name=\"%PRODUCTNAME - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME- General</emph></link>, and then select the <emph>Use %PRODUCTNAME dialogs</emph> in the <emph>Open/Save dialogs</emph> area."
+msgstr ""
#: 01070000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2822,8 +2822,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The following sections describe the <emph>$[officename] Export</emph> dialog box. To activate the <emph>$[officename] Open</emph> and <emph>Save</emph> dialog boxes, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010600.xhp\" name=\"$[officename] - General\"><emph>$[officename] - General</emph></link>, and then select the <emph>Use $[officename] dialogs</emph> in the <emph>Open/Save dialogs</emph> area."
-msgstr "Следващите раздели описват диалоговия прозорец <emph>Експортиране</emph> на <emph>$[officename]</emph>. За да активирате диалоговите прозорци <emph>Отваряне</emph> и <emph>Записване</emph> на <emph>$[officename]</emph>, изберете <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Инструменти - Настройки</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010600.xhp\" name=\"$[officename] - General\"><emph>$[officename] - Общи</emph></link>, след което отметнете <emph>Диалогови прозорци на $[officename]</emph> в областта <emph>Диалогови прозорци за отваряне/записване</emph>."
+msgid "The following sections describe the <emph>$[officename] Export</emph> dialog box. To activate the $[officename] <emph>Open</emph> and <emph>Save</emph> dialog boxes, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010600.xhp\" name=\"$[officename] - General\"><emph>$[officename] - General</emph></link>, and then select the <emph>Use $[officename] dialogs</emph> in the <emph>Open/Save dialogs</emph> area."
+msgstr ""
#: 01070001.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2886,8 +2886,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>export as;PDF</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>export as;EPUB</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>експортиране като;PDF</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>експортиране като;EPUB</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>Export as; PDF</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>Export as; EPUB</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01070002.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2902,16 +2902,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"exportas1\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Export the document in PDF or EPUB formats</ahelp></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"exportas1\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Служи за експортиране на документа във формат PDF или EPUB.</ahelp></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"exportas1\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Export the document in PDF or EPUB formats.</ahelp></variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01070002.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As...</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Файл - Експортиране като...</emph>."
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As...</emph> ."
+msgstr ""
#: 01070002.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3086,8 +3086,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>version numbers of documents</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>documents; version numbers</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>files; version numbers</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>editing time of documents</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>documents; editing time</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>номера на версии на документи</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>документи; номера на версии</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>файлове; номера на версии</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>време на редактиране на документи</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>документи; време на редактиране</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>version numbers of documents</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>documents; version numbers</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>files; version numbers</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>editing time of documents</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>documents; editing time</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3246,8 +3246,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/digitalsignatures.xhp\">Digital Signatures</link> dialog where you can manage digital signatures for the current document."
-msgstr "Отваря диалоговия прозорец <link href=\"text/shared/01/digitalsignatures.xhp\">Цифрови подписи</link>, в който можете да управлявате цифровите подписи за текущия документ."
+msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/digitalsignatures.xhp\"><emph>Digital Signatures</emph></link> dialog where you can manage digital signatures for the current document."
+msgstr ""
#: 01100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3454,8 +3454,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of tables in the file.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Number of sheets in the file.</caseinline></switchinline> This statistic does not include tables that were inserted as <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\">OLE</link> objects."
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Брой на таблиците във файла.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Брой на листовете във файла.</caseinline></switchinline> Не включва таблици, вмъкнати като <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\">OLE</link> обекти."
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of tables in the file.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Number of sheets in the file.</caseinline></switchinline> This statistic <emph>does not</emph> include tables that were inserted as <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\"><emph>OLE</emph></link> objects."
+msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3502,8 +3502,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of images in the file. This statistic does not include images that were inserted as <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\">OLE</link> objects.</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Брой на изображенията във файла. Не включва изображенията, вмъкнати като <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\">OLE</link> обекти.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of images in the file. This statistic <emph>does not</emph> include images that were inserted as <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\"><emph>OLE</emph></link> objects.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3518,8 +3518,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\">OLE</link> objects in the file, including tables and graphics that were inserted as OLE objects.</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Брой на <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\">OLE</link> обектите във файла, включително таблици и графики, вмъкнати като OLE обекти.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\"><emph>OLE</emph></link> objects in the file, <emph>including</emph> tables and graphics that were inserted as OLE objects.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3534,8 +3534,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of paragraphs (including blank paragraphs) in the file.</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Брой на абзаците във файла (включително празните).</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of paragraphs, including blank paragraphs, in the file.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3550,8 +3550,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of words (including words consisting of a single character) in the file.</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Брой на думите във файла (включително еднобуквените).</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of words, including words consisting of a single character, in the file.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3566,8 +3566,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of characters (including spaces) in the file. Non-printable characters are not included.</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Брой на знаците във файла (включително интервалите). Непечатаемите знаци не се включват.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of characters, including spaces, in the file. Non-printable characters are not included.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3726,8 +3726,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select <emph>File - Templates</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Файл - Шаблони</emph>."
+msgid "Select <emph>File - Templates</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01110101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3758,8 +3758,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Address Book Source</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Инструменти - Източник за адресния бележник</emph>."
+msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Address Book Source</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01110101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3822,8 +3822,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svt/ui/addresstemplatedialog/admin\">Add a new data source to the <emph>Address Book Source </emph>list.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"svt/ui/addresstemplatedialog/admin\">Служи за добавяне на нов източник в списъка <emph>Източник на адресния бележник</emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svt/ui/addresstemplatedialog/admin\">Add a new data source to the <emph>Address Book Source</emph> list.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01110101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3886,8 +3886,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select <emph>File - Templates - Save as Template</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Файл - Шаблони - Записване като шаблон</emph>."
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Templates - Save as Template</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01110300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3966,8 +3966,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select <emph>File - Templates - Open Template</emph>"
-msgstr "Изберете <emph>Файл - Шаблони - Отваряне на шаблон</emph>."
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Templates - Open Template</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01130000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10190,8 +10190,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>hotspots;properties</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>properties;hotspots</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ImageMap;hotspot properties</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>чувствителни области;свойства</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>свойства;чувствителни области</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>ImageMap;свойства на чувствителни области</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>hotspots; properties</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>properties; hotspots</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>ImageMap; hotspot properties</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02220100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10254,8 +10254,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/cuiimapdlg/textentry\">Enter the text that you want to display when the mouse rests on the hotspot in a browser.</ahelp> If you do not enter any text, the <emph>Address </emph>is displayed."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/cuiimapdlg/textentry\">Въведете текста, който желаете да се показва, когато курсорът на мишката се задържи върху чувствителната област в браузър.</ahelp> Ако не въведете текст, ще се показва съдържанието на полето <emph>Адрес</emph>."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/cuiimapdlg/textentry\">Enter the text that you want to display when the mouse rests on the hotspot in a browser.</ahelp> If you do not enter any text, the <emph>Address</emph> is displayed."
+msgstr ""
#: 02220100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10374,24 +10374,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Tracks each change that is made in the current document by author and date. </ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Следи всички промени, нанесени в текущия документ, по автор и дата. </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Tracks each change that is made in the current document by author and date.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph>, the lines containing changed text passages are indicated by a vertical line in the left page margin. You can set the properties of the vertical line and the other markup elements by choosing <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040700.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Changes</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Ако изберете <emph>Редактиране - Следене на промените - Показване</emph>, редовете, съдържащи променени откъси от текста, ще се отбелязват с вертикална линия в лявото бяло поле на страницата. Можете да задавате свойствата на тази линия и на останалите означения, като изберете <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040700.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Промени</emph></link> в диалоговия прозорец „Настройки“.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph>, the lines containing changed text passages are indicated by a vertical line in the left page margin. You can set the properties of the vertical line and the other markup elements by choosing <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040700.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Changes</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">You can set the properties of the markup elements by choosing <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Calc - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Calc - Changes</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Можете да задавате свойствата на означенията, като изберете <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Calc - Промени\"><emph> %PRODUCTNAME Calc - Промени</emph></link> в диалоговия прозорец Настройки.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">You can set the properties of the markup elements by choosing <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Calc - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Calc - Changes</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10406,32 +10406,32 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Paste and delete text"
-msgstr "Поставяне и изтриване на текст"
+msgid "Paste and delete text."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Move paragraphs"
-msgstr "Местене на абзаци"
+msgid "Move paragraphs."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Sort text"
-msgstr "Сортиране на текст"
+msgid "Sort text."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Find and replace text"
-msgstr "Търсене и замяна на текст"
+msgid "Find and replace text."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10446,72 +10446,72 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert sheets, ranges"
-msgstr "Вмъкване на листове и области"
+msgid "Insert sheets, ranges."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert document"
-msgstr "Вмъкване на документ"
+msgid "Insert document."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert AutoText"
-msgstr "Вмъкване на автотекст"
+msgid "Insert AutoText."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert from clipboard"
-msgstr "Вмъкване от клипборда"
+msgid "Insert from clipboard."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Change cell contents by insertions and deletions"
-msgstr "Промяна съдържанието на клетки чрез вмъкване или изтриване"
+msgid "Change cell contents by insertions and deletions."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert or delete columns and rows"
-msgstr "Вмъкване или изтриване на колони и редове"
+msgid "Insert or delete columns and rows."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert sheets"
-msgstr "Вмъкване на листове"
+msgid "Insert sheets."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Cut, copy and paste through the clipboard"
-msgstr "Изрязване, копиране и поставяне чрез клипборда"
+msgid "Cut, copy and paste through the clipboard."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Move by dragging and dropping"
-msgstr "Преместване чрез плъзгане и пускане"
+msgid "Move by dragging and dropping."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10582,8 +10582,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can change the display properties of the markup elements by choosing <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Changes</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Calc - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Calc - Changes</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "Можете да промените външния вид на обозначенията, като изберете <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Промени\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Промени</emph></link> в диалоговия прозорец Настройки. </caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Calc - Промени\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Calc - Промени</emph></link> в диалоговия прозорец Настройки.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "You can change the display properties of the markup elements by choosing <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Changes</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Calc - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Calc - Changes</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10630,8 +10630,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Show rejected changes </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Показване на отхвърлените промени </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Show rejected changes</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10678,16 +10678,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can attach a comment when <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">the cursor is in a changed text passage </caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">the changed cell is selected</caseinline></switchinline>, or in the <emph>Manage Changes</emph> dialog."
-msgstr "Можете да прикрепите коментар, когато <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">курсорът се намира в променен пасаж от текста</caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">е избрана променената клетка</caseinline></switchinline>, както и в диалоговия прозорец <emph>Управление на промените</emph>."
+msgid "You can attach a comment when <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">the cursor is in a changed text passage</caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">the changed cell is selected</caseinline></switchinline>, or in the <emph>Manage Changes</emph> dialog."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230300.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Comments are displayed as callouts in the sheet when you rest your mouse pointer over a cell with a recorded change. You can also view comments that are attached to a changed cell in the changes list in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/02230400.xhp\" name=\"Manage Changes\"><emph>Manage Changes</emph></link> dialog. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Коментарите се показват като изнесен текст, когато поставите курсора на мишката върху клетка със записана промяна. Освен това можете да преглеждате коментарите, прикрепени към променена клетка, в списъка с промени в диалоговия прозорец <link href=\"text/shared/01/02230400.xhp\" name=\"Manage Changes\"><emph>Управление на промените</emph></link>. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Comments are displayed as callouts in the sheet when you rest your mouse pointer over a cell with a recorded change. You can also view comments that are attached to a changed cell in the changes list in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/02230400.xhp\" name=\"Manage Changes\"><emph>Manage Changes</emph></link> dialog.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230400.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10742,32 +10742,32 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>List </emph>tab displays all of the changes that were recorded in the current document. If you want to filter this list, click the <emph>Filter </emph>tab, and then select your <link href=\"text/shared/01/02230402.xhp\" name=\"filter criteria\">filter criteria</link>.<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"> If the list contains nested changes, the dependencies are shown regardless of the filter. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "Разделът <emph>Списък</emph> показва всички записани промени в текущия документ. Ако желаете да филтрирате списъка, щракнете върху раздела <emph>Филтър</emph> и изберете <link href=\"text/shared/01/02230402.xhp\" name=\"критерии за филтриране\">критерии за филтриране</link>.<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"> Ако списъкът съдържа вложени промени, зависимите промени се показват независимо от филтъра. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "The <emph>List</emph> tab displays all of the changes that were recorded in the current document. If you want to filter this list, click the <emph>Filter</emph> tab, and then select your <link href=\"text/shared/01/02230402.xhp\" name=\"filter criteria\">filter criteria</link>.<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"> If the list contains nested changes, the dependencies are shown regardless of the filter.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Nested changes occur where changes made by different authors overlap. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Вложени промени възникват, когато нанесените от различни автори промени се застъпват. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Nested changes occur where changes made by different authors overlap.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Click the plus sign beside an entry in the list to view all of the changes that were recorded for a cell. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Щракнете върху знака „плюс“ пред запис от списъка, за да видите всички записани промени за дадена клетка. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Click the <emph>plus</emph> sign beside an entry in the list to view all of the changes that were recorded for a cell.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">If one of the nested changes for a cell matches a filter criterion, all of the changes for the cell are displayed. When you filter the change list, the entries in the list appear in different colors according to the following table: </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Ако една от вложените промени в някоя клетка отговаря на критерий за филтриране, се показват всички промени в клетката. Когато филтрирате списъка с промени, записите в него се показват с различни цветове според долната таблица: </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">If one of the nested changes for a cell matches a filter criterion, all of the changes for the cell are displayed. When you filter the change list, the entries in the list appear in different colors according to the following table:</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10862,16 +10862,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/redlineviewpage/changes\">Lists the changes that were recorded in the document. When you select an entry in the list, the change is highlighted in the document. To sort the list, click a column heading. </ahelp> Hold down <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> while you click to select multiple entries in the list."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/redlineviewpage/changes\">Изброява регистрираните промени в документа. Когато изберете запис от списъка, промяната се показва в документа. За да сортирате списъка, щракнете върху заглавие на колона.</ahelp> За избор на няколко елемента от списъка задръжте <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>, докато щраквате върху всеки от тях."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/redlineviewpage/changes\">Lists the changes that were recorded in the document. When you select an entry in the list, the change is highlighted in the document. To sort the list, click a column heading.</ahelp> Hold down <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> while you click to select multiple entries in the list."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "To edit the comment for an entry in the list, right-click the entry, and then choose<emph> Edit - Comment</emph>."
-msgstr "За да редактирате коментара за запис от списъка, щракнете върху записа с десния бутон и изберете <emph>Редактиране - Коментар</emph>."
+msgid "To edit the comment for an entry in the list, right-click the entry, and then choose <emph>Edit - Comment</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10902,16 +10902,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Position </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Позиция </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Position</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Lists the cells with contents that were changed. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Показва клетките, чието съдържание е било променяно. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Lists the cells with contents that were changed.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11030,24 +11030,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To reverse the acceptance or rejection of a change, choose <emph>Undo </emph>on the <emph>Edit </emph>menu."
-msgstr "За да отмените приемането или отхвърлянето на промяна, изберете <emph>Отмяна</emph> в менюто <emph>Редактиране</emph>."
+msgid "To reverse the acceptance or rejection of a change, choose <emph>Undo</emph> on the <emph>Edit</emph> menu."
+msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Undo </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Отмяна </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Undo</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you made changes by choosing <emph>Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply and Edit Changes</emph>, the <emph>Undo</emph> button appears in the dialog.<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog/undo\"> Reverse the last Accept or Reject command.</ahelp></caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Ако сте внасяли промени чрез <emph>Инструменти - Автокорекция - Прилагане и редактиране на промените</emph>, в диалоговия прозорец се показва бутонът <emph>Отмяна</emph>.<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog/undo\"> Отмяна на последната команда „Приемане“ или „Отхвърляне“.</ahelp></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you made changes by choosing <emph>Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply and Edit Changes</emph>, the <emph>Undo</emph> button appears in the dialog. <ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog/undo\">Reverse the last Accept or Reject command.</ahelp></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11118,8 +11118,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog/writerauthor\">Sorts the list according to the Author.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog/writerauthor\">Сортира списъка по колоната „Автор“.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog/writerauthor\">Sorts the list according to the author.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11254,16 +11254,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Range </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Област </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Range</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Filters the list of changes according to the range of cells that you specify. To select a range of cells in your sheet, click the <emph>Set Reference </emph>button (<emph>...</emph>).</ahelp></caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Филтрира списъка на промените според зададен от вас диапазон от клетки. За да изберете диапазон от клетки в листа, щракнете върху бутона <emph>Задаване на обръщение</emph> (<emph>...</emph>).</ahelp></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Filters the list of changes according to the range of cells that you specify. To select a range of cells in your sheet, click the <emph>Set Reference</emph> button (<emph>...</emph>).</ahelp></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11278,8 +11278,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Set Reference </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Задаване на обръщение </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Set Reference</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11302,8 +11302,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Shrink/Max </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Свиване/максимизиране </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Shrink/Max</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11326,8 +11326,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Action </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Действие </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Action</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11350,8 +11350,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Filters the comments of the changes according to the keyword(s) that you enter. </ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Филтрира коментарите на промените според въведена от вас ключови дума или думи. </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Filters the comments of the changes according to the keyword(s) that you enter.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11510,8 +11510,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Type the number of the record that you want to display, and then press Enter.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Въведете номера на записа, който желаете да видите, и натиснете Enter.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Type the number of the record that you want to display, and then press <emph>Enter</emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02250000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11526,8 +11526,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_GRID_TRAVEL_NEW\" visibility=\"hidden\">Inserts a new record into the current table.</ahelp> To create a record, click the asterisk (*) button at the bottom of the table view. An empty row is added at the end of the table."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_GRID_TRAVEL_NEW\" visibility=\"hidden\">Вмъква нов запис в текущата таблица.</ahelp> За да създадете запис, щракнете върху бутона със звездичката (*) в долния край на изгледа на таблицата. В края на таблицата ще бъде добавен празен ред."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_GRID_TRAVEL_NEW\" visibility=\"hidden\">Inserts a new record into the current table.</ahelp> To create a record, click the asterisk (<emph>*</emph>) button at the bottom of the table view. An empty row is added at the end of the table."
+msgstr ""
#: 02250000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11582,8 +11582,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Bib/query\">Type the information that you want to search for, and then press Enter. To change the filter options for the search, long-click the <emph>AutoFilter</emph> icon, and then select a different data field. You can use wildcards such as % or * for any number of characters, and _ or ? for one character in your search. To display all of the records in the table, clear this box, and then press Enter. </ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Bib/query\">Въведете информацията, която желаете да намерите, и натиснете Enter. За да промените настройките за филтриране на търсенето, щракнете и задръжте бутона на мишката върху иконата <emph>Автофилтър</emph> и изберете друго поле с данни. При търсене можете да ползвате заместващи знаци, като % или * за произволен брой знаци и _ или ? за един знак. За да видите всички записи от таблицата, изчистете това поле и натиснете Enter. </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Bib/query\">Type the information that you want to search for, and then press <emph>Enter</emph>. To change the filter options for the search, long-click the <emph>AutoFilter</emph> icon, and then select a different data field. You can use wildcards such as <emph>%</emph> or <emph>*</emph> for any number of characters, and <emph>_</emph> or <emph>?</emph> for one character in your search. To display all of the records in the table, clear this box, and then press <emph>Enter</emph>. </ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02250000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11614,8 +11614,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>Standard Filter</emph> to refine and to combine <emph>AutoFilter </emph>search options.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Използвайте <emph>стандартния филтър</emph>, за да прецизирате и комбинирате настройките за търсене на <emph>автофилтъра</emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>Standard Filter</emph> to refine and to combine <emph>AutoFilter</emph> search options.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02250000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11678,8 +11678,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Bib/Mapping\">Lets you map the column headings to data fields from a different data source. To define a different data source for your bibliography, click the<emph> Data Source</emph> button on the record<emph> Object Bar</emph>.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Bib/Mapping\">Позволява ви да зададете съответствие между заглавията на колони и полетата с данни от друг източник на данни. За да дефинирате друг източник на данни за библиография, щракнете върху бутона <emph>Източник на данни</emph> в <emph>лентата с инструменти за записи</emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Bib/Mapping\">Lets you map the column headings to data fields from a different data source. To define a different data source for your bibliography, click the <emph>Data Source</emph> button on the record's <emph>Object</emph> bar.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02250000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11958,8 +11958,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:FunctionBarVisible\">Shows or hides the <emph>Standard Bar</emph>.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:FunctionBarVisible\">Скрива или показва <emph>лентата Стандартни</emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:FunctionBarVisible\">Shows or hides the <emph>Standard</emph> bar.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03040000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11990,16 +11990,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the Input Method Engine (IME) status window.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Показва или скрива прозореца за състоянието на Input Method Engine (IME).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the <emph>Input Method Engine</emph> (IME) status window.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03040000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Currently only the Internet/Intranet Input Method Protocol (IIIMP) under Unix is supported."
-msgstr "В момента се поддържа само протоколът Internet/Intranet Input Method Protocol (IIIMP) под Unix."
+msgid "Currently only the <emph>Internet/Intranet Input Method Protocol</emph> (IIIMP) under Unix is supported."
+msgstr ""
#: 03050000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -12030,8 +12030,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ToolBarVisible\">Shows or hides the <emph>Tools bar</emph>.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ToolBarVisible\">Показва или скрива <emph>лентата с инструменти</emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ToolBarVisible\">Shows or hides the <emph>Tools</emph> bar.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03060000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -12062,8 +12062,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the <emph>Status Bar</emph> at the bottom edge of the window.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Скрива или показва <emph>лентата за състоянието</emph> в долния край на прозореца.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the <emph>Status</emph> bar at the bottom edge of the window.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03110000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -12094,24 +12094,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the menus and toolbars in Writer or Calc. To exit the full screen mode, click the <emph>Full Screen</emph> button or press the Esc key.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Показва или скрива менютата и лентите с инструменти в Writer или Calc. За да излезете от режима на цял екран, щракнете върху бутона <emph>Цял екран</emph> или натиснете клавиша Esc.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the menus and toolbars in Writer or Calc. To exit the full screen mode, click the <emph>Full Screen</emph> button or press the <emph>Esc</emph> key.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03110000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_FULLSCREENTOOLBOX\">In Writer and Calc, you can also use the shortcut keys <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+J to switch between the normal and full screen mode.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_FULLSCREENTOOLBOX\">В Writer и Calc за превключване между обикновен режим и изглед върху целия екран можете също така да използвате клавишната комбинация <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+J.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_FULLSCREENTOOLBOX\">In Writer and Calc, you can also use the shortcut keys <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>J</emph> to switch between the normal and full screen mode.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03110000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can still use shortcut keys in <emph>Full Screen</emph> mode, even though the menus are unavailable. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">To open the <emph>View</emph> menu, press Alt+V. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "В режима <emph>Цял екран</emph> можете да ползвате клавишни комбинации, въпреки че менютата са недостъпни. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">За да отворите менюто <emph>Изглед</emph>, натиснете Alt+И. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "You can still use shortcut keys in <emph>Full Screen</emph> mode, even though the menus are unavailable. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">To open the <emph>View</emph> menu, press <emph>Alt</emph>+<emph>V</emph>.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03170000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -12142,8 +12142,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ColorControl\">Show or hides the <emph>Color Bar</emph>. To modify or change the color table that is displayed, choose <emph>Format - Area</emph>, and then click on the <emph>Colors</emph> tab.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ColorControl\">Показва или скрива <emph>лентата Цветове</emph>. За да замените или промените показваната таблица с цветове, изберете <emph>Форматиране - Област</emph> и изберете раздела <emph>Цветове</emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ColorControl\">Show or hides the <emph>Color</emph> bar. To modify or change the color table that is displayed, choose <emph>Format - Area</emph>, and then click on the <emph>Colors</emph> tab.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03170000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -12158,16 +12158,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can also drag a color from the <emph>Color Bar</emph> and drop it on a draw object on your slide."
-msgstr "Освен това можете да плъзнете цвят от <emph>лентата Цветове</emph> и да го пуснете върху графичен обект в кадъра."
+msgid "You can also drag a color from the <emph>Color</emph> bar and drop it on a draw object on your slide."
+msgstr ""
#: 03170000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "To detach the <emph>Color Bar</emph>, click on a gray area of the toolbar and then drag. To reattach the <emph>Color Bar</emph>, drag the title bar of the toolbar to the edge of the window."
-msgstr "За да откачите <emph>лентата Цветове</emph>, щракнете върху сива област в нея и я плъзнете. За да закачите отново <emph>лентата Цветове</emph>, плъзнете заглавната й лента до ръба на прозореца."
+msgid "To detach the <emph>Color</emph> bar, click on a gray area of the toolbar and then drag. To reattach the <emph>Color</emph> bar, drag the title bar of the toolbar to the edge of the window."
+msgstr ""
#: 03990000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -12614,16 +12614,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"sonder\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Allows a user to insert characters from the range of symbols found in the installed fonts.</ahelp> </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"sonder\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Позволява на потребителя да вмъква знаци измежду наличните в инсталираните шрифтове.</ahelp></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"sonder\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Allows a user to insert characters from the range of symbols found in the installed fonts.</ahelp></variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 04100000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you click a character in the <emph>Special Characters </emph>dialog, a preview and the corresponding numerical code for the character is displayed."
-msgstr "Когато щракнете върху знак в диалоговия прозорец <emph>Специални знаци</emph>, се показва мостра и съответен числов код за знака."
+msgid "When you click a character in the <emph>Special Characters</emph> dialog, a preview and the corresponding numerical code for the character is displayed."
+msgstr ""
#: 04100000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13326,8 +13326,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To enable support for complex text layout and Asian character sets, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language Settings - Languages</emph>, and then select the <emph>Enabled </emph>box in the corresponding area."
-msgstr "За да включите поддръжката за сложни и азиатски писмености, изберете <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Инструменти - Настройки</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Езикови настройки - Езици</emph>, след това отметнете полето <emph>Разрешена</emph> в съответната област."
+msgid "To enable support for complex text layout and Asian character sets, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language Settings - Languages</emph>, and then select the <emph>Enabled</emph> box in the corresponding area."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13390,8 +13390,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you are creating a Style that is based on another Style, you can enter a percentage value or a point value (for example, -2pt or +5pt)."
-msgstr "Ако създавате стил, базиран върху друг стил, можете да въведете стойност в проценти или в пунктове (например -2пкт или +5пкт)."
+msgid "If you are creating a style that is based on another style, you can enter a percentage value or a point value (for example, <item type=\"input\">-2pt</item> or <item type=\"input\">+5pt</item>)."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13422,16 +13422,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For language tag details please see the <link href=\"\"><emph>For users</emph> section on the web site</link>."
-msgstr "За подробности относно означенията за езици вижте раздела <link href=\"\"><emph>For users</emph> в уебсайта</link> (на английски език)."
+msgid "For language tag details please see the <link href=\"\"><emph>For users</emph> section on the web site</link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can also change the locale setting for cells (choose <emph>Format - Cells – Numbers</emph>)."
-msgstr "Можете да променяте и настройката за локал на клетки (изберете <emph>Форматиране - Клетки - Числа</emph>)."
+msgid "You can also change the locale setting for cells (choose <emph>Format - Cells - Numbers</emph>)."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13462,8 +13462,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>fonts;effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>formatting; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>characters; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>text; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>effects; fonts</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>underlining; text</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>capital letters; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>lowercase letters; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>titles; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>small capitals</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>strikethrough; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>fonts; strikethrough</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>outlines; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>fonts; outlines</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>shadows; characters</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>fonts; shadows</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>fonts;color ignored</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ignored font colors</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>colors;ignored text color</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>шрифтове;ефекти</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>форматиране; ефекти за шрифт</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>знаци; ефекти за шрифт</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>текст; ефекти за шрифт</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>ефекти; за шрифтове</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>подчертаване; текст</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>главни букви; ефекти за шрифт</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>малки букви; ефекти за шрифт</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>заглавия; ефекти за шрифт</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>малки главни букви</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>зачертаване; ефекти за шрифт</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>шрифтове; зачертаване</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>очертания; ефекти за шрифт</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>шрифтове; очертания</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>сенки; на знаци</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>шрифтове; сенки</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>шрифтове;игнориран цвят</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>игнорирани цветове на шрифта</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>цветове; игнориран цвят на текста</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>fonts; effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>formatting; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>characters; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>text; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>effects; fonts</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>underlining; text</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>capital letters; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>lowercase letters; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>titles; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>small capitals</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>strikethrough; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>fonts; strikethrough</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>outlines; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>fonts; outlines</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>shadows; characters</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>fonts; shadows</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>fonts; color ignored</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>ignored font colors</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>colors; ignored text color</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13494,8 +13494,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/effectspage/fontcolorlb\">Sets the color for the selected text. If you select<emph> Automatic</emph>, the text color is set to black for light backgrounds and to white for dark backgrounds.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/effectspage/fontcolorlb\">Задава цвета на избрания текст. Ако изберете <emph>Автоматично</emph>, цветът на текста ще бъде черен върху светли фонове и бял – върху тъмни.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/effectspage/fontcolorlb\">Sets the color for the selected text. If you select <emph>Automatic</emph>, the text color is set to black for light backgrounds and to white for dark backgrounds.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13526,16 +13526,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To exit the paint can mode, click once, or press the Escape key."
-msgstr "За да прекратите режима на оцветяване, щракнете веднъж или натиснете клавиша Escape."
+msgid "To exit the paint can mode, click once, or press the <emph>Esc</emph> key."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The text color is ignored when printing, if the <emph>Print black</emph> check box is selected in <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040400.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Print\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Print</emph></link> in the Options dialog box."
-msgstr "Цветът на текста се игнорира при печатане, ако е отметнато полето <emph>Печат в черно</emph> в <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040400.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Печат\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Печат</emph></link> в диалоговия прозорец Настройки."
+msgid "The text color is ignored when printing, if the <emph>Print black</emph> check box is selected in <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040400.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Print\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Print</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13550,8 +13550,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"><variable id=\"textfarbe\">Click to apply the current font color to the selected characters. You can also click here, and then drag a selection to change the text color. Click the arrow next to the icon to open the Font color toolbar.</variable></ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"><variable id=\"textfarbe\">Щракнете, за да приложите текущия цвят на шрифта върху избраните знаци. Можете също да щракнете тук и да плъзнете курсора през текст, за да смените цвета му. Щракнете върху стрелката до иконата, за да отворите лентата с инструменти „Цвят на шрифта“.</variable></ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"><variable id=\"textfarbe\">Click to apply the current font color to the selected characters. You can also click here, and then drag a selection to change the text color. Click the arrow next to the icon to open the <emph>Font color</emph> toolbar.</variable></ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13590,40 +13590,40 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Without - no effect is applied"
-msgstr "Няма – не се прилага ефект"
+msgid "<emph>Without</emph> - no effect is applied,"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Capitals - changes the selected lowercase characters to uppercase characters"
-msgstr "Главни букви – превръща избраните малки букви в главни"
+msgid "<emph>Capitals</emph> - changes the selected lowercase characters to uppercase characters,"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Lowercase - changes the selected uppercase characters to lower characters"
-msgstr "Малки букви – превръща избраните главни букви в малки"
+msgid "<emph>Lowercase</emph> - changes the selected uppercase characters to lower characters,"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Title font - changes the first character of each selected word to an uppercase character"
-msgstr "Заглавие – превръща първата буква от всяка избрана дума в главна"
+msgid "<emph>Title font</emph> - changes the first character of each selected word to an uppercase character,"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Small capitals - changes the selected lowercase characters to uppercase characters, and then reduces their size"
-msgstr "Малки главни букви – превръща избраните малки букви в главни и ги смалява"
+msgid "<emph>Small capitals</emph> - changes the selected lowercase characters to uppercase characters, and then reduces their size."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13638,8 +13638,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/effectspage/relieflb\">Select a relief effect to apply to the selected text. The embossed relief makes the characters appear as if they are raised above the page. The engraved relief makes the characters appear as if they are pressed into the page.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/effectspage/relieflb\">Изберете ефект за релеф, който да бъде приложен върху избрания текст. Изпъкналият релеф кара знаците да изглеждат сякаш са надигнати над страницата. Вдълбаният релеф ги кара да изглеждат като пресовани навътре в страницата.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/effectspage/relieflb\">Select a <emph>relief</emph> effect to apply to the selected text. The <emph>embossed</emph> relief makes the characters appear as if they are raised above the page. The <emph>engraved</emph> relief makes the characters appear as if they are pressed into the page.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13902,8 +13902,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"zahlen\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:TableNumberFormatDialog\">Specify the formatting options for the selected cell(s).</ahelp> </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"zahlen\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:TableNumberFormatDialog\">Задайте настройките за форматиране на избраната клетка или клетки.</ahelp> </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"zahlen\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:TableNumberFormatDialog\">Specify the formatting options for the selected cell(s).</ahelp></variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13918,8 +13918,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/categorylb\">Select a category from the list, and then select a formatting style in the <emph>Format </emph>box.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/categorylb\">Изберете категория от списъка, после изберете форматиращ стил в полето <emph>Формат</emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/categorylb\">Select a category from the list, and then select a formatting style in the <emph>Format</emph> box.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13982,8 +13982,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/languagelb\">Specifies the language setting for the selected <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">cells </caseinline><defaultinline>fields</defaultinline></switchinline>. With the language set to <emph>Automatic</emph>, $[officename] automatically applies the number formats associated with the system default language. Select any language to fix the settings for the selected <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">cells </caseinline><defaultinline>fields</defaultinline></switchinline>.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/languagelb\">Задава настройката за език за избраните <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">клетки</caseinline><defaultinline>полета</defaultinline></switchinline>. Ако за език е посочено <emph>По подразбиране</emph>, $[officename] автоматично прилага числовите формати, свързани с подразбирания език на системата. Изберете произволен език, за да фиксирате настройките за избраните <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">клетки</caseinline><defaultinline>полета</defaultinline></switchinline>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/languagelb\">Specifies the language setting for the selected <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">cells </caseinline><defaultinline>fields</defaultinline></switchinline>. With the language set to <emph>Automatic</emph>, $[officename] automatically applies the number formats associated with the system default language. Select any language to fix the settings for the selected <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">cells</caseinline><defaultinline> fields</defaultinline></switchinline>.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14086,8 +14086,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/negnumred\">Changes the font color of negative numbers to red.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/negnumred\">Променя цвета на шрифта на отрицателните числа на червено.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/negnumred\">Changes the font color of negative numbers to <emph>red</emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14118,8 +14118,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/engineering\">With scientific format, Engineering notation ensures that exponent is a multiple of 3.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/engineering\">При експоненциалния формат инженерният запис осигурява експонентата да е кратна на 3.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/engineering\">With scientific format, <emph>Engineering notation</emph> ensures that exponent is a multiple of 3.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14238,8 +14238,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Number format codes can consist of up to four sections separated by a semicolon (;)."
-msgstr "Кодовете на числови формати могат да съдържат до четири части, разделени с точка и запетая (;)."
+msgid "Number format codes can consist of up to four sections separated by a semicolon (<emph>;</emph>)."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14270,8 +14270,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Fourth section applies if the content is not a value, but some text. Content is represented by an at sign (@)."
-msgstr "Четвъртата част се прилага, ако съдържанието не е число, а текст. Съдържанието се представя със знак „на“ (@)."
+msgid "Fourth section applies if the content is not a value, but some text. Content is represented by an at sign (<emph>@</emph>)."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14286,16 +14286,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use zero (0), the number sign (#) or the question mark (?) as placeholders in your number format code to represent numbers. The (#) only displays significant digits, while the (0) displays zeroes if there are fewer digits in the number than in the number format. The (?) works as the (#) but adds a space character to keep decimal alignment if there is a hidden non-significant zero."
-msgstr "Използвайте нула (0), диез (#) или въпросителна (?) като заместващи знаци за цифри в кодовете на формати. Знакът # означава показване само на значещите цифри, а 0 означава показване на нули, ако числото съдържа по-малко цифри, отколкото са зададени в числовия формат. Знакът ? работи като #, но добавя интервал, за да запази подравняването по десетична запетая, ако има скрита незначеща нула."
+msgid "Use zero (<emph>0</emph>), the number sign (<emph>#</emph>) or the question mark (<emph>?</emph>) as placeholders in your number format code to represent numbers. The <emph>#</emph> only displays significant digits, while the <emph>0</emph> displays zeroes if there are fewer digits in the number than in the number format. The <emph>?</emph> works as the <emph>#</emph> but adds a space character to keep decimal alignment if there is a hidden non-significant zero."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use question marks (?), zeroes (0) or number signs (#) to represent the number of digits to include in the numerator and the denominator of a fraction. Fractions that do not fit the pattern that you define are displayed as floating point numbers."
-msgstr "Използвайте въпросителни (?), нули (0) или диези (#), за да представите броя цифри, които да бъдат включени в числителя и знаменателя на дроб. Дробите, които не пасват на дефинирания от вас шаблон, ще бъдат изписвани като числа с плаваща запетая."
+msgid "Use question marks (<emph>?</emph>), zeroes (<emph>0</emph>) or number signs (<emph>#</emph>) to represent the number of digits to include in the numerator and the denominator of a fraction. Fractions that do not fit the pattern that you define are displayed as floating point numbers."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14526,24 +14526,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To use a character to define the width of a space in a number format, type an underscore ( _ ) followed by the character. The width of the space varies according to the width of the character that you choose. For example, <emph>_M</emph> creates a wider space than <emph>_i</emph>."
-msgstr "За да дефинирате ширината на празно пространство в числов формат чрез знак, въведете долна черта ( _ ), последвана от съответния знак. Ширината на интервала зависи от ширината на избрания от вас знак. Например <emph>_M</emph> ще вмъкне по-широк интервал от <emph>_i</emph>."
+msgid "To use a character to define the width of a space in a number format, type an underscore (<emph>_</emph>) followed by the character. The width of the space varies according to the width of the character that you choose. For example, <emph>_M</emph> creates a wider space than <emph>_i</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "To fill free space with a given character, use an asterisk (*) followed by this character. For instance:"
-msgstr "За да запълните свободно място с даден знак, използвайте звездичка (*), последвана от знака. Например:"
+msgid "To fill free space with a given character, use an asterisk (<emph>*</emph>) followed by this character. For instance:"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "will display integer value (0) preceded by as many as needed backslash characters (\\) to fill column width. For accounting representation, you may left align currency symbol with a format similar to:"
-msgstr "ще покаже числото (0), предхождано от толкова обратни наклонени черти (\\), колкото да се запълни ширината на колоната. За счетоводно изписване можете да подравните отляво символа на валутата с формат, подобен на:"
+msgid "will display integer value (0) preceded by as many as needed backslash characters (<emph>\\</emph>) to fill column width. For accounting representation, you may left align currency symbol with a format similar to:"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14654,8 +14654,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To display numbers as percentages, add the percent sign (%) to the number format."
-msgstr "За изписване на числата като проценти добавете знака за процент (%) към числовия формат."
+msgid "To display numbers as percentages, add the percent sign (<emph>%</emph>) to the number format."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15142,8 +15142,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "All date formats are dependent on the locale that is set in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph> </caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language settings - Languages</emph>. For example, if your locale is set to 'Japanese', then the Gengou calendar is used. The default date format in <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> uses the Gregorian Calendar."
-msgstr "Всички формати за дата зависят от локала, зададен в <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Инструменти - Настройки</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Езикови настройки - Езици</emph>. Например, ако избраният локал е „Японски“, ще се използва календарът Генгоу. В подразбирания формат за дата на <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> се използва григорианският календар."
+msgid "All date formats are dependent on the locale that is set in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language settings - Languages</emph>. For example, if your locale is set to 'Japanese', then the Gengou calendar is used. The default date format in <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> uses the Gregorian Calendar."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15246,8 +15246,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">If you perform a calculation that involves one or more cells using a date format, the result is formatted according to the following mappings: </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Ако извършвате изчисление, което включва една или няколко клетки, форматирани като дати, резултатът се форматира според следното съответствие: </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">If you perform a calculation that involves one or more cells using a date format, the result is formatted according to the following mappings:</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15430,8 +15430,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">The Date&Time format displays the date and time that an entry was made to a cell with this format. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Форматът „дата и час“ показва датата и часа, когато са въведени данни в клетката с този формат. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">The <emph>Date & Time</emph> format displays the date and time that an entry was made to a cell with this format.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15454,8 +15454,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To display hours, minutes and seconds use the following number format codes."
-msgstr "За изписване на часове, минути и секунди използвайте следните кодове на числови формати."
+msgid "To display hours, minutes and seconds use the following number format codes:"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15590,8 +15590,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To display numbers using native number characters, use a [NatNum1], [NatNum2], ... [NatNum11] modifier at the beginning of a number format codes."
-msgstr "За изписване на числа с местни числови знаци ползвайте модификатор [NatNum1], [NatNum2], ... [NatNum11] в началото на кодовете на числови формати."
+msgid "To display numbers using native number characters, use a [NatNum1], [NatNum2], ..., [NatNum11] modifier at the beginning of a number format codes."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15599,7 +15599,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "To spell out numbers in various number, currency and date formats, use a [NatNum12] modifier with the chosen arguments at the beginning of a number format code. See <link href=\"text/shared/01/05020301.xhp#NatNum12\">NatNum12</link> section below."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "За да изписвате числа с думи в различни формати за числа, парични суми и дати, използвайте модификатор [NatNum12] със съответните аргументи в началото на кода на числовия формат. Вижте раздела <link href=\"text/shared/01/05020301.xhp#NatNum12\">NatNum12</link> по-долу."
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17271,7 +17271,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "NatNum12 modifier"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Модификатор NatNum12"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17279,7 +17279,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "To spell out numbers in various number, currency and date formats, use a [NatNum12] modifier with the chosen arguments at the beginning of a number format code."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "За да изписвате числа с думи в различни формати за числа, парични суми и дати, използвайте модификатор [NatNum12] със съответните аргументи в началото на кода на числовия формат."
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17287,7 +17287,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Common NatNum12 formatting examples"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Общи примери за форматиране с NatNum12"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17295,7 +17295,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Formatting code"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Код за форматиране"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17303,7 +17303,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Explanation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Обяснение"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17311,7 +17311,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "[NatNum12]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[NatNum12]"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17319,7 +17319,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Spell out as cardinal number: 1 → one"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Изписване като бройно числително: 1 → едно"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17327,15 +17327,16 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "[NatNum12 ordinal]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[NatNum12 ordinal]"
#: 05020301.xhp
+#, fuzzy
msgctxt ""
msgid "Spell out as ordinal number: 1 → first"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Изписване като редно числително: 1 → първи"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17343,7 +17344,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "[NatNum12 ordinal-number]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[NatNum12 ordinal-number]"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17351,7 +17352,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Spell out as ordinal indicator: 1 → 1st"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Изписване като число с означение за поредност: 1 → 1."
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17359,7 +17360,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "[NatNum12 capitalize]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[NatNum12 capitalize]"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17367,7 +17368,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Spell out with capitalization, as cardinal number: 1 → One"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Изписване като бройно числително с главна буква: 1 → Едно"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17375,15 +17376,16 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "[NatNum12 upper ordinal]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[NatNum12 upper ordinal]"
#: 05020301.xhp
+#, fuzzy
msgctxt ""
msgid "Spell out in upper case, as ordinal number: 1 → FIRST"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Изписване като редно числително с главни букви: 1 → ПЪРВИ"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17391,7 +17393,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "[NatNum12 title]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[NatNum12 title]"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17399,7 +17401,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Spell out in title case, as cardinal number: 101 → Hundred One"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Изписване с бройно числително като заглавие на английски: 101 → Сто И Едно"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17407,7 +17409,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "[NatNum12 USD]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[NatNum12 BGN]"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17415,7 +17417,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Spell out as a money amount of a given currency specified by 3-letter ISO code: 1 → one U.S. dollar"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Изписване като парична сума в дадена валута, посочена чрез трибуквения си код по ISO: 1 → един лев"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17423,7 +17425,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "[NatNum12 D=ordinal-number]D\" of \"MMMM"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[NatNum12 D=ordinal-number]D\" of \"MMMM"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17431,7 +17433,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Spell out as a date in format \"1st of May\""
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Изписване на дата на английски във формат „1st of May“"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17439,7 +17441,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "[NatNum12 YYYY=title year,D=capitalize ordinal]D\" of \"MMMM, YYYY"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[NatNum12 YYYY=title year,D=capitalize ordinal]D\" of \"MMMM, YYYY"
#: 05020301.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17447,15 +17449,16 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Spell out as a date in format \"First of May, Nineteen Ninety-nine\""
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Изписване на дата на английски във формат „First of May, Nineteen Ninety-nine“"
#: 05020301.xhp
+#, fuzzy
msgctxt ""
msgid "Other possible arguments: \"money\" before 3-letter currency codes, for example [NatNum12 capitalize money USD]0.00 will format number \"1.99\" as \"One and 99/100 U.S. Dollars\"."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Други възможни аргументи: „money“ преди трибуквения код за валута, например на английски [NatNum12 capitalize money USD]0.00 ще форматира числото „1.99“ като „One and 99/100 U.S. Dollars“. На български може да се използват аргументите cardinal-masculine, cardinal-feminine и cardinal-neuter за бройни числителни съответно в мъжки, женски и среден род (1 → „един“, „една“ или „едно“), както и ordinal-masculine, ordinal-feminine и ordinal-neuter за съответни редни числителни (1 → „първи“, „първа“ или „първо“)."
#: 05020400.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17926,8 +17929,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Rotation / scaling"
-msgstr "Въртене/мащабиране"
+msgid "Rotation/scaling"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020500.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -18222,8 +18225,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Set the typographic options for cells or paragraphs in Asian language files. To enable Asian language support, choose <emph>Language Settings - Languages</emph> in the Options dialog box, and then select the <emph>Enabled</emph> box in the <emph>Asian language support</emph> area.</ahelp> The Asian typography options are ignored in HTML documents."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Задайте типографските настройки за клетки или абзаци във файлове на азиатски езици. За да разрешите поддържката за азиатски езици, изберете <emph>Езикови настройки - Езици</emph> в диалоговия прозорец Настройки и отметнете полето <emph>Разрешена за азиатски езици</emph> в областта <emph>Разширена езикова подръжка</emph>.</ahelp> Настройките за азиатска типография се игнорират в документи на HTML."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Set the typographic options for cells or paragraphs in Asian language files. To enable Asian language support, choose <emph>Language Settings - Languages</emph> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box, and then select the <emph>Enabled</emph> box in the <emph>Asian language support</emph> area.</ahelp> The Asian typography options are ignored in HTML documents."
+msgstr ""
#: 05020700.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -18278,8 +18281,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Apply spacing between Asian and non-Asian text</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>Разстояние между азиатски и неазиатски текст</emph>"
+msgid "Apply spacing between Asian and non-Asian text"
+msgstr ""
#: 05020700.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -26134,8 +26137,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To align a graphic relative to the character that it is anchored to, right-click the graphic, and then choose <emph>Image</emph>. Click the <emph>Type</emph> tab, and in the <emph>Position</emph> area, select <emph>Character</emph> in the <emph>to</emph> boxes."
-msgstr "За да подравните графика спрямо знака, за който е закотвена, щракнете с десния бутон върху графиката и изберете <emph>Изображение</emph>. Отворете раздела <emph>Тип</emph> и в областта <emph>Позиция</emph> изберете <emph>Знак</emph> в полетата <emph>към</emph>."
+msgid "To align a graphic relative to the character that it is anchored to, right-click the graphic, and then choose <emph>Properties</emph>. Click the <emph>Type</emph> tab, and in the <emph>Position</emph> area, select <emph>Character</emph> in the <emph>to</emph> boxes."
+msgstr ""
#: 05260400.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -31694,8 +31697,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Automatically applies a border at the base of the preceding paragraph when you type three or more specific characters, and then press Enter. To create a single line, type three or more hyphens (-), or underscores ( _ ), and then press Enter. To create a double line, type three or more equal signs (=), asterisks (*), tildes (~), or hash marks (#), and then press Enter."
-msgstr "Автоматично прилага кант по долния ръб на предходния абзац, когато въведете три или повече определени знаци и натиснете Enter. За да създадете единична линия, въведете три или повече тирета (-) или долни черти ( _ ) и натиснете Enter. За да създадете двойна линия, въведете три или повече знака за равенство (=), звездички (*), вълнообразни черти (~) или диези (#) и натиснете Enter."
+msgid "Automatically applies a border at the base of the preceding paragraph when you type three or more specific characters, and then press Enter. To create a single line, type three or more hyphens (-), or underscores (_), and then press Enter. To create a double line, type three or more equal signs (=), asterisks (*), tildes (~), or hash marks (#), and then press Enter."
+msgstr ""
#: 06040100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -31902,8 +31905,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Combine single line paragraphs if length greater than ...</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Сливане на абзаци от по един ред, ако дължината им надвишава ...</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Combine single line paragraphs if length greater than...</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06040100.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/02.po b/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/02.po
index 256f4e20b39..d1128bab93e 100644
--- a/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/02.po
+++ b/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/02.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-08 15:10+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-09 14:20+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mihail Balabanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: .\n"
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
"X-Project-Style: openoffice\n"
"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1525875625.000000\n"
@@ -1974,8 +1974,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Formatting</emph>: You can set the <emph>Formatting </emph>property by clicking the <emph>... </emph>button in the <emph>Formatting</emph> line of the <emph>Properties: Formatted Field</emph> dialog. The <emph>Number Format</emph> dialog appears."
-msgstr "<emph>Форматиране</emph>: можете да зададете свойството <emph>Форматиране</emph>, като щракнете върху бутона <emph>...</emph> в реда <emph>Форматиране</emph> на диалоговия прозорец <emph>Свойства: форматирано поле</emph>. Ще се покаже диалоговият прозорец <emph>Числов формат</emph>."
+msgid "<emph>Formatting</emph>: You can set the <emph>Formatting</emph> property by clicking the <emph>...</emph> button in the <emph>Formatting</emph> line of the <emph>Properties: Formatted Field</emph> dialog. The <emph>Number Format</emph> dialog appears."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170002.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1990,8 +1990,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Min. value</emph> and <emph>Max. value</emph>: You can enter the minimum and maximum numeric value for a formatted field. The min and max values determine the output of existing data (Example: Min. value is 5, the connected database field contains the integer value 3. The output is 5, but the value in the database is not modified) and the input of new data (Example: Max. value is 10 and you enter 20. The input is corrected and 10 is written in the database). If the fields are not filled in for <emph>Min. value </emph>and <emph>Max. value</emph>, no limits will be applied. For formatted fields that are connected to a database text field, these two values and the <emph>Default value</emph> do not apply."
-msgstr "<emph>Минимална стойност</emph> и <emph>Максимална стойност</emph>: можете да въведете минимална и максимална числова стойност за форматирано поле. Тези стойности определят извеждането на съществуващи данни (например, ако минималната стойност е 5, а свързаното поле от БД съдържа стойност 3, ще бъде изведена стойност 5, но стойността в БД няма да бъде променена) и въвеждането на нови данни (например, ако максималната стойност е 10, а вие въведете 20, въведените данни ще бъдат коригирани и в БД ще бъде записано 10). Ако не са попълнени полетата за <emph>Минимална стойност</emph> и <emph>Максимална стойност</emph>, няма да бъдат прилагани ограничения. За форматирано поле, свързано с текстово поле на базата от данни, тези две стойности и свойството <emph>Стойност по подразбиране</emph> не важат."
+msgid "<emph>Min. value</emph> and <emph>Max. value</emph>: You can enter the minimum and maximum numeric value for a formatted field. The min and max values determine the output of existing data (Example: Min. value is <emph>5</emph>, the connected database field contains the integer value <emph>3</emph>. The output is <emph>5</emph>, but the value in the database is not modified) and the input of new data (Example: Max. value is <emph>10</emph> and you enter <emph>20</emph>. The input is corrected and <emph>10</emph> is written in the database). If the fields are not filled in for <emph>Min. value</emph> and <emph>Max. value</emph>, no limits will be applied. For formatted fields that are connected to a database text field, these two values and the <emph>Default value</emph> do not apply."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170002.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2030,8 +2030,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you enter a year using two digits, the corresponding four digit value is determined by a setting in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - General</emph>. For example, if 1935 is set as the lower limiting value and you enter 34 as a date value, then the result is 2034 instead of 1934."
-msgstr "Когато въведете година с две цифри, съответната четирицифрена година се определя от настройката в <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Инструменти - Настройки</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - Общи</emph>. Например, ако за долна ограничителна стойност е зададено 1935 и въведете 34 като година в датата, резултатът ще бъде 2034 вместо 1934."
+msgid "When you enter a year using two digits, the corresponding four digit value is determined by a setting in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - General</emph>. For example, if <emph>1935</emph> is set as the lower limiting value and you enter <emph>34</emph> as a date value, then the result is <emph>2034</emph> instead of <emph>1934</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170003.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2198,8 +2198,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWCOLS\">Calls a submenu where you can select the columns to show again.</ahelp> To show only one column, click the column name. You see only the first 16 hidden columns. If there are more hidden columns, choose the <emph>More</emph> command to call the <emph>Show Columns</emph> dialog."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWCOLS\">Извиква подменю, в което можете да изберете кои колони да се покажат отново.</ahelp> За да се покаже само една колона, щракнете върху името й. Ще виждате само първите 16 скрити колони. Ако има повече скрити колони, изберете командата <emph>Още</emph>, за да извикате диалоговия прозорец <emph>Показване на колони</emph>."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWCOLS\">Calls a submenu where you can select the columns to show again.</ahelp> To show only one column, click the column name. You see only the first <emph>16</emph> hidden columns. If there are more hidden columns, choose the <emph>More</emph> command to call the <emph>Show Columns</emph> dialog."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2222,8 +2222,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/showcoldialog/ShowColDialog\">In the <emph>Show Columns</emph> dialog you can select the columns to be shown. Hold down the Shift or <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> key to select multiple entries.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/showcoldialog/ShowColDialog\">В диалоговия прозорец <emph>Показване на колони</emph> можете да изберете показваните колони. Задръжте клавиша Shift или <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>, за да изберете няколко елемента.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/showcoldialog/ShowColDialog\">In the <emph>Show Columns</emph> dialog you can select the columns to be shown. Hold down the <emph>Shift</emph> or <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> key to select multiple entries.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2238,88 +2238,88 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWALLCOLS\">Click <emph>All </emph>if you want to show all columns.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWALLCOLS\">Щракнете върху <emph>Всички</emph>, ако желаете да се виждат всички колони.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWALLCOLS\">Click <emph>All</emph> if you want to show all columns.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Keyboard-only control of Table Controls"
-msgstr "Работа с таблични елементи за управление само с клавиатурата"
+msgid "Keyboard-only control of <emph>Table Controls</emph>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you use the keyboard only to travel through controls in your document, you will find one difference to the other types of controls: the Tab key does not move the cursor to the next control, but moves to the next column inside the table control. Press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Tab to move to the next control, or press Shift+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Tab to move to the previous control."
-msgstr "Ако ползвате само клавиатурата за обхождане на елементите за управление в документа, ще откриете една разлика спрямо другите видове елементи за управление: клавишът Tab не премества курсора в следващия елемент за управление, а в следващата колона на таблицата. Натиснете <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Tab, за да преминете към следващия елемент за управление, или Shift+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Tab, за да преминете към предходния."
+msgid "If you use the keyboard only to travel through controls in your document, you will find one difference to the other types of controls: the <emph>Tab</emph> key does not move the cursor to the next control, but moves to the next column inside the table control. Press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Tab</emph> to move to the next control, or press <emph>Shift</emph>+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Tab</emph> to move to the previous control."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "To enter the special keyboard-only edit mode for Table Controls:"
-msgstr "За да преминете в специалния режим за редактиране само с клавиши в табличен елемент за управление:"
+msgid "To enter the special keyboard-only edit mode for <emph>Table Controls</emph>:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The form document must be in <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170500.xhp\" name=\"design mode\">design mode</link>."
-msgstr "Документът – формуляр трябва да бъде в <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170500.xhp\" name=\"режим на проектиране\">режим на проектиране</link>."
+msgid "The form document must be in <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170500.xhp\" name=\"design mode\"><emph>Design mode</emph></link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+F6 to select the document."
-msgstr "Натиснете <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+F6, за да изберете документа."
+msgid "Press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>F6</emph> to select the document."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Press Shift+F4 to select the first control. If the Table Control is not the first control, press Tab until it is selected."
-msgstr "Натиснете Shift+F4, за да изберете първия елемент за управление. Ако табличният елемент за управление не е първият, натискайте Tab, докато го изберете."
+msgid "Press <emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>F4</emph> to select the first control. If the <emph>Table Control</emph> is not the first control, press <emph>Tab</emph> until it is selected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Press Enter to enter the edit mode. The handles are shown farther out from the control border."
-msgstr "Натиснете Enter, за да преминете в режим на редактиране. Манипулаторите се показват по-навън от ръбовете на елемента за управление."
+msgid "Press <emph>Enter</emph> to enter the edit mode. The handles are shown farther out from the control border."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "In the edit mode, you can open the edit mode context menu by pressing Shift+F10."
-msgstr "В режима на редактиране можете да отворите контекстното меню на този режим, натискайки Shift+F10."
+msgid "In the edit mode, you can open the edit mode context menu by pressing <emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>F10</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you want to edit columns, press Shift+Space to enter column edit mode. Now you can rearrange the order of columns with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Arrow keys. The Delete key deletes the current column."
-msgstr "Ако желаете да редактирате колони, натиснете Shift+интервал, за да преминете в режим на редактиране на колони. След това можете да подреждате колоните с <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+клавишите със стрелки. Клавишът Delete изтрива текущата колона."
+msgid "If you want to edit columns, press <emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>Space</emph> to enter column edit mode. Now you can rearrange the order of columns with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Arrow</emph> keys. The <emph>Delete</emph> key deletes the current column."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Press the Escape key to exit the edit mode."
-msgstr "Натиснете Escape за изход от режима на редактиране."
+msgid "Press the <emph>Esc</emph> key to exit the edit mode."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2358,8 +2358,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"hinweis\">You can only call the<emph> Properties</emph> dialog when in the Design mode with a control selected. </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"hinweis\">Можете да извикате диалоговия прозорец <emph>Свойства</emph> само в режим Проектиране с избран елемент за управление.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"hinweis\">You can only call the <emph>Properties</emph> dialog when in the <emph>Design mode</emph> with a control selected.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2382,48 +2382,48 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Effects"
-msgstr "Действие"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Option</caseinline><defaultinline>Alt</defaultinline></switchinline>+Down Arrow"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Option</caseinline><defaultinline>Alt</defaultinline></switchinline>+стрелка надолу"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Option</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Alt</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Down Arrow</emph>:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the combo box"
-msgstr "Отваря списъка на комбинираното поле."
+msgid "Opens the combo box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Option</caseinline><defaultinline>Alt</defaultinline></switchinline>+Up Arrow"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Option</caseinline><defaultinline>Alt</defaultinline></switchinline>+стрелка нагоре"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Option</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Alt</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Up Arrow</emph>:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Closes the combo box"
-msgstr "Затваря списъка на комбинираното поле."
+msgid "Closes the combo box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Shift+Enter"
-msgstr "Shift+Enter"
+msgid "<emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>Enter</emph>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2438,8 +2438,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Up Arrow"
-msgstr "Стрелка нагоре"
+msgid "<emph>Up Arrow</emph>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2454,8 +2454,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Down Arrow"
-msgstr "Стрелка надолу"
+msgid "<emph>Down Arrow</emph>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2470,8 +2470,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter"
-msgstr "Enter"
+msgid "<emph>Enter</emph>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2486,8 +2486,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "As with list boxes or combo boxes, you can open or close the list with a mouse click at the arrow on the right end of the field. However, the input here can be entered either in the opened list or in the top text field. An exception is the properties that expect a list representation, for example, the property <emph>List Entries</emph>, which can be set for the control fields <emph>List Box</emph> and <emph>Combo Box</emph>. Here, you can only edit the entries when the field is opened."
-msgstr "Както и при списъчните и комбинираните полета, можете да отваряте или затваряте списъка с щракване на мишката върху стрелката в десния край на полето. Тук обаче данните могат да бъдат въвеждани както в отворения списък, така и в горното текстово поле. Изключение са свойствата, които очакват списъчно представяне, например свойството <emph>Елементи на списък</emph>, което може да бъде задавано за <emph>списъчни полета</emph> и <emph>комбинирани полета</emph>. В този случай можете да редактирате данните само когато полето е отворено."
+msgid "As with list boxes or combo boxes, you can open or close the list with a mouse click at the arrow on the right end of the field. However, the input here can be entered either in the opened list or in the top text field. An exception is the properties that expect a list representation, for example, the property \"List Entries\", which can be set for the control fields <emph>List Box</emph> and <emph>Combo Box</emph>. Here, you can only edit the entries when the field is opened."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2510,16 +2510,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "This <emph>General </emph>tab enables you to define the general properties of a form control. These properties differ, depending on the control type. Not all of the following properties are available for every control."
-msgstr "В раздела <emph>Общи</emph> можете да зададете общите свойства на елемент за управление от формуляр. Тези свойства се различават според вида на елемента за управление. Не всички от изброените по-долу свойства са налице за всички елементи за управление."
+msgid "This <emph>General</emph> tab enables you to define the general properties of a form control. These properties differ, depending on the control type. Not all of the following properties are available for every control."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you export the current form document to HTML format, the default control values are exported, not the current control values. Default values are determined - depending on the type of control - by the properties' Default value (for example, in text fields), Default status (for check boxes and option fields), and Default selection (for list boxes)."
-msgstr "Ако експортирате текущия документ – формуляр във формат HTML, се експортират подразбираните стойности на елементите за управление, а не текущите стойности. Подразбираните стойности се определят – според вида на елемента за управление – от свойството Стойност по подразбиране (например за текстови полета), Състояние по подразбиране (за полета за отметка и превключватели) и Избор по подразбиране (за списъчни полета)."
+msgid "If you export the current form document to HTML format, the default control values are exported, not the current control values. Default values are determined - depending on the type of control - by the properties' <emph>Default value</emph> (for example, in text fields), <emph>Default status</emph> (for check boxes and option fields), and <emph>Default selection</emph> (for list boxes)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2534,8 +2534,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ENABLED\">If a control field has the property \"Enabled\" (Yes), the form user will be able to use the control field.</ahelp> If the property is disabled, it will not be enabled (No) and will be displayed in a gray color."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ENABLED\">Ако елемент за управление има свойството „Разрешен“ (Да), потребителят на формуляра може да използва полето на елемента.</ahelp> Ако свойството е изключено (Не), полето няма да е раазрешено и ще бъде показано в сиво."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ENABLED\">If a control field has the property \"Enabled\" (<emph>Yes</emph>), the form user will be able to use the control field.</ahelp> If the property is disabled, it will not be enabled (<emph>No</emph>) and will be displayed in a gray color."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2550,8 +2550,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LINECOUNT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies how many lines should be displayed in the dropdown list. This setting is only active if you chose \"Yes\" in the \"Dropdown\" option.</ahelp> For combo boxes with the Dropdown property, you can specify how many lines should be displayed in the dropdown list. With control fields which do not have the Dropdown option, the line's display will be specified by the size of the control field and the font size."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LINECOUNT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Задава колко реда да се показват в падащия списък. Тази настройка е активна само ако изберете „Да“ за настройката „Падащ списък“.</ahelp> За комбинирани полета със свойсвото Падащ списък можете да задавате колко реда да се показват в падащия списък. За полета без настройката Падащ списък изобразяването ще бъде определено въз основа на размера на полето и на шрифта."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LINECOUNT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies how many lines should be displayed in the dropdown list. This setting is only active if you chose \"<emph>Yes</emph>\" in the <emph>Dropdown</emph> option.</ahelp> For combo boxes with the \"Dropdown\" property, you can specify how many lines should be displayed in the dropdown list. With control fields which do not have the <emph>Dropdown</emph> option, the line's display will be specified by the size of the control field and the font size."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2566,16 +2566,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BUTTONTYPE\" visibility=\"hidden\">The Action property determines the action that occurs when you activate a button.</ahelp> You can use navigation actions to design your own database navigation buttons."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BUTTONTYPE\" visibility=\"hidden\">Свойството Действие определя действието, което да се извършва при активиране на бутон.</ahelp> Можете да използвате действията за навигация, за да създадете свои собствени бутони за навигация в база от данни."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BUTTONTYPE\" visibility=\"hidden\">The \"Action\" property determines the action that occurs when you activate a button.</ahelp> You can use navigation actions to design your own database navigation buttons."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The following table describes the actions that you can assign to a button."
-msgstr "Следващата таблица описва действията, които можете да припишете на бутон."
+msgid "The following table describes the actions that you can assign to a button:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2622,8 +2622,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Sends the data that is entered in other control fields of the current form to the address that is specified in <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Form Properties\">Form Properties</link> under <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170201.xhp\" name=\"URL\"><emph>URL</emph></link>."
-msgstr "Изпраща данните, въведени в останалите полета – елементи за управление на текущия формуляр на адреса, зададен в <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Свойства на формуляр\">Свойства на формуляр</link> под заглавие <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170201.xhp\" name=\"URL\"><emph>URL</emph></link>."
+msgid "Sends the data that is entered in other control fields of the current form to the address that is specified in <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Form Properties\"><emph>Form Properties</emph></link> under <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170201.xhp\" name=\"URL\"><emph>URL</emph></link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2646,8 +2646,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Resets the settings in other control fields to the predefined defaults (Default Status, Default Selection, Default Value)."
-msgstr "Изчиства настройките на останалите полета на елементи за управление до подразбираните стойности (Състояние по подразбиране, Избор по подразбиране, Стойност по подразбиране)."
+msgid "Resets the settings in other control fields to the predefined defaults: <emph>Default Status</emph>, <emph>Default Selection</emph>, <emph>Default Value</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2822,8 +2822,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DROPDOWN\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies whether the combo box should dropdown (Yes) or not (No).</ahelp> A control field with the dropdown property has an additional arrow button which opens the list of the existing form entries per mouse click. Under <emph>Line count</emph>, you can specify how many lines (or rows) should be displayed in the dropdown state. Combination fields can have the dropdown property."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DROPDOWN\" visibility=\"hidden\">Задава дали комбинираното поле да показва падащ списък (Да) или не (Не).</ahelp> Поле със свойството „падащ списък“ има допълнителен бутон със стрелка, който отваря списък с готови стойности за въвеждане при щракване с мишката. В свойството <emph>Брой редове</emph> можете да зададете колко реда да се показват в падащия списък. Комбинираните полета могат да имат свойството „падащ списък“."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DROPDOWN\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies whether the combo box should dropdown (<emph>Yes</emph>) or not (<emph>No</emph>).</ahelp> A control field with the dropdown property has an additional arrow button which opens the list of the existing form entries per mouse click. Under <emph>Line count</emph>, you can specify how many lines (or rows) should be displayed in the dropdown state. Combination fields can have the dropdown property."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2854,32 +2854,32 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Title of Label fields"
-msgstr "Заглавия на полета за етикет"
+msgid "Title of Label fields,"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Content of text fields"
-msgstr "Съдържание на текстови полета"
+msgid "Content of text fields,"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Content of table fields in the columns of a table control"
-msgstr "Съдържание на полета от таблица в колоните на табличен елемент за управление"
+msgid "Content of table fields in the columns of a table control,"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Graphics or text that are used in buttons"
-msgstr "Графика или текст в бутон"
+msgid "Graphics or text that are used in buttons."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2902,8 +2902,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_AUTOCOMPLETE\" visibility=\"hidden\">Assigns the AutoFill function to a combo box.</ahelp> The AutoFill function displays a list of previous entries after you start to type an entry."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_AUTOCOMPLETE\" visibility=\"hidden\">Приписва на комбинирано поле функцията Автопопълване.</ahelp> Тя показва списък с въвеждани преди това данни, когато започнете да въвеждате в полето."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_AUTOCOMPLETE\" visibility=\"hidden\">Assigns the <emph>AutoFill</emph> function to a combo box.</ahelp> The <emph>AutoFill</emph> function displays a list of previous entries after you start to type an entry."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2926,8 +2926,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To define one character of the label as a mnemonic, so that the user can access this control by pressing the character on the keyboard, insert a tilde (~) character in front of the character in the label."
-msgstr "За да определите един знак от етикета като мнемонично означение, така че потребителят да може да задейства елемента за управление като натисне този знак върху клавиатурата, вмъкнете тилда (~) пред съответния знак в етикета."
+msgid "To define one character of the label as a mnemonic, so that the user can access this control by pressing the character on the keyboard, insert a tilde (<emph>~</emph>) character in front of the character in the label."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2950,8 +2950,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/spropctrlr/ui/labelselectiondialog/LabelSelectionDialog\">Check the <emph>No assignment </emph>box to remove the link between a control and the assigned label field.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"modules/spropctrlr/ui/labelselectiondialog/LabelSelectionDialog\">Отметнете полето <emph>Без назначение</emph>, за да премахнете връзката между елемент за управление и приписаното му поле за етикет.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/spropctrlr/ui/labelselectiondialog/LabelSelectionDialog\">Check the <emph>No assignment</emph> box to remove the link between a control and the assigned label field.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2966,8 +2966,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_WIDTH\" visibility=\"hidden\">Sets the column width in the table control field.</ahelp> Sets the column width in the table control field in the units that are specified in the %PRODUCTNAME module options. If you want, you can enter a value followed by a valid measurement unit, for example, 2 cm."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_WIDTH\" visibility=\"hidden\">Задава ширината на колона в табличен елемент за управление.</ahelp>Задава ширината на колона в табличен елемент за управление в единиците, зададени в настройките на модула на %PRODUCTNAME. Ако желаете, можете да въведете стойност, последвана от валидна мерна единица, например 2 см."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_WIDTH\" visibility=\"hidden\">Sets the column width in the table control field.</ahelp> Sets the column width in the table control field in the units that are specified in the %PRODUCTNAME module options. If you want, you can enter a value followed by a valid measurement unit, for example, <emph>2 cm</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2998,8 +2998,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_REPEAT_DELAY\">Specifies the delay in milliseconds between repeating events.</ahelp> A repeating event occurs when you click an arrow button or the background of a scrollbar, or one of the record navigation buttons of a Navigation Bar, and you keep the mouse button pressed for some time. You can enter a value followed by a valid time unit, for example, 2 s or 500 ms."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_REPEAT_DELAY\">Указва закъснението в милисекунди между повтарящите се събития.</ahelp> Повтарящи се събития възникват, когато щракнете върху бутон със стрелка или фона в лентата на плъзгач или върху бутоните за преминаване към друг запис в лента за навигация и задържите бутона на мишката натиснат известно време. Можете да въведете стойност, последвана от валидна единица за време, например 2 с или 500 мс."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_REPEAT_DELAY\">Specifies the delay in milliseconds between repeating events.</ahelp> A repeating event occurs when you click an arrow button or the background of a scrollbar, or one of the record navigation buttons of a Navigation bar, and you keep the mouse button pressed for some time. You can enter a value followed by a valid time unit, for example, <emph>2 s</emph> or <emph>500 ms</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3030,8 +3030,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DATEFORMAT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Here, you can determine the format you want for the date readout.</ahelp> With date fields you can determine the format for the date readout."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DATEFORMAT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Тук можете да зададете желания формат за изписване на датата.</ahelp>В полетата за дата можете да определите формата за изписването й."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DATEFORMAT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Here you can determine the format you want for the date readout.</ahelp> With date fields you can determine the format for the date readout."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3070,16 +3070,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TRISTATE\">Specifies whether a check box can also represent ZERO values of a linked database apart from the TRUE and FALSE values.</ahelp> This function is only available if the database accepts three states: TRUE, FALSE and ZERO."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TRISTATE\">Указва дали поле за отметка може да представя и стойности ZERO в свързана база от данни освен стойностите TRUE и FALSE.</ahelp> Тази функция е достъпна само ако базата от данни допуска три състояния: TRUE, FALSE и ZERO."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TRISTATE\">Specifies whether a check box can also represent ZERO values of a linked database apart from the TRUE and FALSE values.</ahelp> This function is only available if the database accepts three states: <emph>TRUE</emph>, <emph>FALSE</emph> and <emph>ZERO</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The<emph> Tristate </emph>property is only defined for database forms, not for HTML forms."
-msgstr "Свойството <emph>Трипозиционен</emph> е дефинирано само за формуляри на бази от данни, не и за формуляри във формат HTML."
+msgid "The \"Tristate\" property is only defined for database forms, <emph>not</emph> for HTML forms."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3230,8 +3230,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "A text constant. This position cannot be edited. The character is displayed at the corresponding position of the Literal Mask."
-msgstr "Текстова константа. Тази позиция не може да бъде редактирана. Показваният знак ще бъде взет от съответната позиция на маската – образец."
+msgid "A text constant. This position cannot be edited. The character is displayed at the corresponding position of the <emph>Literal Mask</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3246,8 +3246,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The characters a-z and A-Z can be entered. Capital characters are not converted to lowercase characters."
-msgstr "Могат да се въвеждат малки и главни букви. Главните букви не се преобразуват в малки."
+msgid "The characters <emph>a-z</emph> and <emph>A-Z</emph> can be entered. Capital characters are not converted to lowercase characters."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3262,8 +3262,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The characters A-Z can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter"
-msgstr "Могат да се въвеждат главни букви. Ако бъде въведена малка буква, тя се превръща автоматично в главна."
+msgid "The characters <emph>A-Z</emph> can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3278,8 +3278,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The characters a-z, A-Z, and 0-9 can be entered. Capital characters are not converted to lowercase characters."
-msgstr "Могат да се въвеждат малки и главни букви и цифри. Главните букви не се преобразуват в малки."
+msgid "The characters <emph>a-z</emph>, <emph>A-Z</emph>, and <emph>0-9</emph> can be entered. Capital characters are not converted to lowercase characters."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3294,8 +3294,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The characters A-Z and 0-9 can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter"
-msgstr "Могат да се въвеждат главни букви и цифри. Ако бъде въведена малка буква, тя се превръща автоматично в главна."
+msgid "The characters <emph>A-Z</emph> and <emph>0-9</emph> can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3310,8 +3310,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Only the characters 0-9 can be entered."
-msgstr "Могат да се въвеждат само цифри от 0 до 9."
+msgid "Only the characters <emph>0-9</emph> can be entered."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3342,8 +3342,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "All printable characters can be entered. If a lowercase letter is used, it is automatically converted to a capital letter."
-msgstr "Могат да се въвеждат всички печатаеми знаци. Ако бъде въведена малка буква, тя се преобразува автоматично в главна."
+msgid "All printable characters can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3366,8 +3366,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can have a format check with control fields that accept formatted contents (date, time, and so on). <ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRICTFORMAT\">If the strict format function is activated (Yes), only the allowed characters are accepted.</ahelp> For example, in a date field, only numbers or date delimiters are accepted; all alphabet entries typed with your keyboard are ignored."
-msgstr "В полетата на елементи за управление, които приемат форматирано съдържание (дата, час и т.н.) може да укажете проверка на формата. <ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRICTFORMAT\">Ако бъде активирана функцията Строго форматиране (Да), ще бъдат приемани само разрешените знаци.</ahelp> Например в поле за дата ще бъдат приемани само числа и разделители за дата, а всички букви, въвеждани от клавиатурата, ще бъдат пренебрегвани."
+msgid "You can have a format check with control fields that accept formatted contents (date, time, and so on). <ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRICTFORMAT\">If the strict format function is activated (<emph>Yes</emph>), only the allowed characters are accepted.</ahelp> For example, in a date field, only numbers or date delimiters are accepted; all alphabet entries typed with your keyboard are ignored."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3382,8 +3382,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_FRAME\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the target frame to display the document that is opened by the \"Open document / web page\" action.</ahelp> You can also specify the target frame to display a <emph>URL</emph> that you open when you click a button that has been assigned the Open document or web page action)."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_FRAME\" visibility=\"hidden\">Задава целевата рамка за показване на документа, отварян от действието „Отваряне на документ/уебстраница“.</ahelp>Също така, можете да зададете целевата рамка за показване на <emph>URL</emph>, който желаете да се отвори при щракване върху бутон с приписано действие Отваряне на документ или уебстраница)."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_FRAME\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the target frame to display the document that is opened by the \"Open document / web page\" action.</ahelp> You can also specify the target frame to display a URL that you open when you click a button that has been assigned to the \"Open document or web page\" action."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3478,8 +3478,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Frame property is relevant for HTML forms, but not for database forms."
-msgstr "Свойството Рамка важи за формуляри във формат HTML, но не и за формуляри към бази от данни."
+msgid "The \"Frame\" property is relevant for HTML forms, but <emph>not</emph> for database forms."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3494,8 +3494,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "An image button has a <emph>Graphics </emph>property. <ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_IMAGE_URL\">The<emph> Graphics</emph> property specifies the graphic's path and file name that you want to have displayed on the button.</ahelp> If you select the graphic file with the <emph>...</emph> button, the path and file name will be automatically included in the text box."
-msgstr "Бутоните с изображение имат свойство <emph>Графика</emph>. <ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_IMAGE_URL\">Свойството <emph>Графика</emph> задава пътя и името на файла, който желаете да се изобразява върху бутона.</ahelp> Ако изберете графичен файл с бутона <emph>...</emph>, пътят и името автоматично ще се изпишат в текстовото поле."
+msgid "An image button has a \"Graphics\" property. <ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_IMAGE_URL\">The \"Graphics\" property specifies the graphic's path and file name that you want to have displayed on the button.</ahelp> If you select the graphic file with the <emph>...</emph> button, the path and file name will be automatically included in the text box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3518,8 +3518,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For URL type buttons, the help text appears as the extended tip instead of the URL address entered under URL."
-msgstr "За бутоните от тип URL текстът се показва като разширена подсказка вместо URL адреса, зададен в свойството URL."
+msgid "For <emph>URL type</emph> buttons, the help text appears as the extended tip instead of the URL address entered under <emph>URL</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3534,8 +3534,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_HELPURL\">Specifies a batch label in URL spelling which refers to a help document and which can be called with the help of the control field.</ahelp> The help for the control field help can be opened if the focus is positioned on the control field and the user presses F1."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_HELPURL\">Задава етикет на пакет чрез синтаксиса на URL, който сочи към документ с помощна информация и може да се задейства с помощта на командата за помощ на полето.</ahelp> Потребителят може да отвори помощта за полето, като фокусира елемента за управление и натисне F1."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_HELPURL\">Specifies a batch label in URL spelling which refers to a help document and which can be called with the help of the control field.</ahelp> The help for the control field help can be opened if the focus is positioned on the control field and the user presses <emph>F1</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3614,8 +3614,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRINGITEMLIST\" visibility=\"hidden\">Defines the list entries visible in the document. Open this list and type your text. Use Shift+Enter for a new line. With list and combo boxes, you can define the list entries that will be visible in the document. Open the <emph>List entries</emph> field and type your text.</ahelp> Please note the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170100.xhp\" name=\"tips\">tips</link> referring to the keyboard controls."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRINGITEMLIST\" visibility=\"hidden\">Определя елементите на списъка, които да се виждат в документа. Отворете този списък и въведете желания текст. Използвайте Shift+Enter за нов ред. В списъчните и комбинираните полета можете да зададете елементите от списъка, които да се виждат в документа. Отворете полето <emph>Елементи на списъка</emph> и въведете желания текст.</ahelp> Моля, обърнете внимание на <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170100.xhp\" name=\"съвети\">съветите</link> относно работата с елементи за управленеи на клавиатурата."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRINGITEMLIST\" visibility=\"hidden\">Defines the list entries visible in the document. Open this list and type your text. Use <emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>Enter</emph> for a new line. With list and combo boxes, you can define the list entries that will be visible in the document. Open the <emph>List entries</emph> field and type your text.</ahelp> Please note the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170100.xhp\" name=\"tips\">tips</link> referring to the keyboard controls."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3686,8 +3686,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If the control is linked to a database and the text length is to be accepted from the field definition of the database, you must not enter the text length here. The settings are only accepted from the database if the control property was not defined (\"Not Defined\" state)."
-msgstr "Ако елементът за управление е свързан с база от данни и дължината на текста трябва да бъде възприета от дефиницията на полето в базата от данни, не трябва да я въвеждате тук. Настройките се взимат от базата от данни само ако свойството не е било изрично дефинирано (състояние „не е дефинирано“)."
+msgid "If the control is linked to a database and the text length is to be accepted from the field definition of the database, you <emph>must not</emph> enter the text length here. The settings are only accepted from the database if the control property was not defined (\"Not Defined\" state)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3742,8 +3742,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>rich text control</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>controls;rich text control</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>форматиран текст в елемент за управление</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>елементи за управление;с форматиран текст</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>rich text control</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>controls; rich text control</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3758,8 +3758,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Allows you to use line breaks and formatting in a control field, such as a text box or label. To manually enter a line break, press the Enter key. Select \"Multi-line with formatting\" to enter formatted text.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Позволява ви да ползвате знаци за нов ред и форматиране в елемент за управление от рода на текстово поле или поле за етикет. За да въведете ръчно нов ред, натиснете клавиша Enter. За да въвеждате форматиран текст, изберете „На няколко реда с форматиране“.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Allows you to use line breaks and formatting in a control field, such as a text box or label. To manually enter a line break, press the <emph>Enter</emph> key. Select \"Multi-line with formatting\" to enter formatted text.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3790,8 +3790,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Displays text on more than one line.</ahelp> Allows you to use line breaks in a text box, so that you can enter more than one line of text. To manually enter a line break, press the Enter key."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Показва текста на повече от един ред.</ahelp> Позволява ви да ползвате знаци за нов ред в текстово поле, за да можете да въведете няколко реда текст. За да започнете ръчно нов ред, натиснете клавиша Enter."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Displays text on more than one line.</ahelp> Allows you to use line breaks in a text box, so that you can enter more than one line of text. To manually enter a line break, press <emph>Enter</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3806,8 +3806,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specifies if a Push Button behaves as a Toggle Button. If you set Toggle to \"Yes\", you can switch between the \"selected\" and \"not selected\" control states when you click the button or press the spacebar while the control has the focus. A button in the \"selected\" state appears \"pressed in\".</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Указва дали бутонът се държи като бутон за включване и изключване. Ако зададете стойност „Да“, можете да превключвате между състоянията „избран“ и „не избран“, като щракнете върху бутона или натиснете клавиша за интервал, докато бутонът е фокусиран. Бутоните в състояние „избран“ изглеждат „натиснати“.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specifies if a Push button behaves as a Toggle Button. If you set <emph>Toggle</emph> to \"Yes\", you can switch between the \"selected\" and \"not selected\" control states when you click the button or press the <emph>Spacebar</emph> while the control has the focus. A button in the \"selected\" state appears \"pressed in\".</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3822,8 +3822,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">If you set this option to \"Yes\", the Push Button receives the focus when you click the button.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Ако зададете „Да“ за това свойство, бутонът ще се фокусира, когато щракнете върху него.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">If you set this option to \"Yes\", the <emph>Push</emph> button receives the focus when you click the button.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3870,8 +3870,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_BORDERCOLOR\">Specifies the border color for controls that have the Border property set to \"flat\".</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_BORDERCOLOR\">Задава цвета на канта в елементи за управление, чието свойство Кант има стойност „Плосък“.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_BORDERCOLOR\">Specifies the border color for controls that have the \"Border\" property set to \"flat\".</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3966,8 +3966,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAME\" visibility=\"hidden\">On the <emph>Properties</emph> tab page, this option specifies the name for the control field. On the <emph>Form Properties </emph>tab page, this option specifies the name for the form.</ahelp> Each control field and each form has a <emph>Name </emph>property through which it can be identified. The name will appear in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"Form Navigator\">Form Navigator</link> and, using the name, the control field can be referred to from a macro. The default settings already specify a name which is constructed from using the field's label and number."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAME\" visibility=\"hidden\">В прозореца <emph>Свойства</emph> задава името на елемента за управление. В прозореца <emph>Свойства на формуляр</emph> задава името на формуляра.</ahelp>Всеки елемент за упрвление има свойство <emph>Име</emph>, чрез което може да бъде идентифициран. Името се показва в <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"навигатор на формуляри\">навигатора на формуляри</link> и позволява елементът за управление да бъде цитиран в макрос. Подразбираните настройки включват готово име. Настройките по подразбиране вече определят име, което се образува от етикета и номера на полето."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAME\" visibility=\"hidden\">On the <emph>Properties</emph> tab page, this option specifies the name for the control field. On the <emph>Form Properties</emph> tab page, this option specifies the name for the form.</ahelp> Each control field and each form has a \"Name\" property through which it can be identified. The name will appear in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"Form Navigator\"><emph>Form Navigator</emph></link> and, using the name, the control field can be referred to from a macro. The default settings already specify a name which is constructed from using the field's label and number."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3982,16 +3982,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>controls; grouping</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>groups;of controls</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>forms; grouping controls</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>елементи за управление; групиране</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>групи; от елементи за управление</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>формуляри; групирани елементи за управление</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>controls; grouping</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>groups; of controls</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>forms; grouping controls</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The name is also used to group different controls that belong together functionally, such as radio buttons. To do so, give the same name to all members of the group: controls with identical names form a group. Grouped controls can be represented visually by using a <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170000.xhp\" name=\"Group Box\">Group Box</link>."
-msgstr "Името служи и за групиране на различни елементи за управление, образуващи функционална група, например бутони за избор. За тази цел дайте едно и също име на всички членове на групата – елементите за управление с еднакви имена образуват група. Групираните елементи за управление могат да бъдат обозначени визуално чрез <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170000.xhp\" name=\"Групираща рамка\">групираща рамка</link>."
+msgid "The name is also used to group different controls that belong together functionally, such as radio buttons. To do so, give the same name to all members of the group: controls with identical names form a group. Grouped controls can be represented visually by using a <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170000.xhp\" name=\"Group Box\"><emph>Group Box</emph></link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4006,8 +4006,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAVIGATIONBAR\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies whether to display the navigation bar on the lower border of the table control.</ahelp> Specifies whether to display the navigation bar on the lower border of table controls."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAVIGATIONBAR\" visibility=\"hidden\">Указва дали да се показва лента за навигация в долния край на табличния елемент за управление.</ahelp>Указва дали да се показва лента за навигация в долния край на табличен елемент за управление."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAVIGATIONBAR\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies whether to display the <emph>Navigation</emph> bar on the lower border of the table control.</ahelp> Specifies whether to display the <emph>Navigation</emph> bar on the lower border of table controls."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4022,8 +4022,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_READONLY\" visibility=\"hidden\">Determines if the control is read-only (Yes) or if it can be edited (No).</ahelp> The<emph> Read-only </emph>property can be assigned to all controls in which the user can enter text. If you assign the read-only property to an image field which uses graphics from a database, the user will not be able to insert new graphics into the database."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_READONLY\" visibility=\"hidden\">Определя дали елементът за управление е само за четене (Да) или може да бъде редактиран (Не).</ahelp>Свойството <emph>Само за четене</emph> може да бъде приписвано на всички елементи за управление, в които потребителят може да въвежда текст. Ако присвоите това свойство на поле с изображение, което използва графика от база от данни, потребителят няма да може да вмъква нови графики в базата от данни."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_READONLY\" visibility=\"hidden\">Determines if the control is read-only (\"Yes\") or if it can be edited (\"No\").</ahelp> The \"Read-only\" property can be assigned to all controls in which the user can enter text. If you assign the read-only property to an image field which uses graphics from a database, the user will not be able to insert new graphics into the database."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4038,8 +4038,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BORDER\" visibility=\"hidden\">Determines if the field's border should be displayed \"Without frame\", with a \"3-D look\" or \"Flat\".</ahelp> With control fields that have a frame, you can determine the border display on the form using the <emph>Border </emph>property. You can select among the \"Without frame\", \"3-D look\" or \"Flat\" options."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BORDER\" visibility=\"hidden\">Определя дали ръбовете на на полето трябва да се показват без рамка, с релефни или с плоски кантове.</ahelp>В елементи за управление, които имат рамка, можете да зададете вида на канта чрез свойството <emph>Кант</emph>. Можете да избирате измежду „Без рамка“, „Релефен“ или „Плосък“."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BORDER\" visibility=\"hidden\">Determines if the field's border should be displayed \"Without frame\", with a \"3-D look\" or \"Flat\".</ahelp> With control fields that have a frame, you can determine the border display on the form using the \"Border\" property. You can select among the \"Without frame\", \"3-D look\" or \"Flat\" options."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4054,24 +4054,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABINDEX\">The <emph>Tab order</emph> property determines the order in which the controls are focused in the form when you press the Tab key.</ahelp> In a form that contains more than one control, the focus moves to the next control when you press the Tab key. You can specify the order in which the focus changes with an index under <emph>Tab order</emph>."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABINDEX\">Свойството <emph>Ред на обхождане</emph> определя реда, в който се фокусират елементите за управление при натискане на клавиша Tab.</ahelp> Във формуляр, съдържащ няколко елемента за управление, при натискане на Tab фокусът преминава към следващия елемент. Чрез <emph>Ред на обхождане</emph> можете да зададете реда, в който се премества фокусът."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABINDEX\">The \"Tab order\" property determines the order in which the controls are focused in the form when you press the <emph>Tab</emph> key.</ahelp> In a form that contains more than one control, the focus moves to the next control when you press the <emph>Tab</emph> key. You can specify the order in which the focus changes with an index under \"Tab order\"."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Tab order</emph> property is not available to <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"Hidden Controls\">Hidden Controls</link>. If you want, you can also set this property for image buttons and image controls, so that you can select these controls with the Tab key."
-msgstr "Свойството <emph>Ред на обхождане</emph> не е достъпно за <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"скрити елементи за управление\">скрити елементи за управление</link>. Ако желаете, можете да задавате това свойство и за бутони и полета с изображения, така че де можете да ги избирате с клавиша Tab."
+msgid "The \"Tab order\" property is <emph>not</emph> available to <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"Hidden Controls\"><emph>Hidden Controls</emph></link>. If you want, you can also set this property for image buttons and image controls, so that you can select these controls with the <emph>Tab</emph> key."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "When creating a form, an index is automatically assigned to the control fields that are added to this form; every control field added is assigned an index increased by 1. If you change the index of a control, the indices of the other controls are updated automatically. Elements that cannot be focused (Tabstop = No) are also assigned a value. However, these controls are skipped when using the Tab key."
-msgstr "При създаване на формуляр на добавяните към него елементи за управление автоматично се приписват индекси. Всеки следващ елемент получава индекс, по-голям от предходния с 1. Ако промените индекса на елемент за управление, индексите на останалите се обновяват автоматично. Елементите, които не могат да бъдат фокусирани (Обхождане с Tab = Не) също получават стойности. Те обаче се пропускат при използване на клавиша Tab."
+msgid "When creating a form, an index is automatically assigned to the control fields that are added to this form; every control field added is assigned an index increased by <emph>1</emph>. If you change the index of a control, the indices of the other controls are updated automatically. Elements that cannot be focused (\"Tabstop = No\") are also assigned a value. However, these controls are skipped when using the <emph>Tab</emph> key."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4094,8 +4094,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Sets whether the value changes when the user scrolls a mouse wheel. Never: No change of the value. When focused: (default) The value changes when the control has the focus and the wheel is pointing at the control and gets scrolled. Always: The value changes when the wheel is pointing at the control and gets scrolled, no matter which control has the focus.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Определя дали стойността се сменя, когато потребителят върти колелцето на мишката. Никога: стойността не се променя. При фокус: (по подразбиране) стойността се променя, ако елементът за управление е фокусиран и посочен, когато колелцето се завърти. Винаги: стойността се променя, когато елементът е посочен и колелцето се завърти, независимо къде е фокусът.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Sets whether the value changes when the user scrolls a mouse wheel. <emph>Never:</emph> No change of the value. When <emph>focused:</emph> (default) The value changes when the control has the focus and the wheel is pointing at the control and gets scrolled. <emph>Always:</emph> The value changes when the wheel is pointing at the control and gets scrolled, no matter which control has the focus.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4126,8 +4126,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For grouped option fields, the status of the group corresponding to the default setting is defined by the <emph>Default Status</emph> property."
-msgstr "При групирани полета за избор състоянието на групата, съответстващо на подразбираното състояние, се определя от свойството <emph>Състояние по подразбиране</emph>."
+msgid "For grouped option fields, the status of the group corresponding to the default setting is defined by the \"Default Status\" property."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4150,16 +4150,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For a Reset type button, the<emph> Default selection</emph> entry defines the status of the list box if the reset button is activated by the user."
-msgstr "За нулиращ бутон свойството <emph>Избор по подразбиране</emph> дефинира състоянието на списъчното поле в случай, че потребителят активира бутона за нулиране."
+msgid "For a <emph>Reset</emph> type button, the <emph>Default selection</emph> entry defines the status of the list box if the reset button is activated by the user."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "For a List box that contains a value list, you can click the <emph>...</emph> button to open the <emph>Default selection</emph> dialog."
-msgstr "За списъчно поле, съдържащо списък от стойности, можете да щракнете върху бутона <emph>...</emph>, за да отворите диалоговия прозорец <emph>Избор по подразбиране</emph>."
+msgid "For a <emph>List box</emph> that contains a value list, you can click the <emph>...</emph> button to open the <emph>Default selection</emph> dialog."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4190,8 +4190,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For a Reset type button, the<emph> Default value entry </emph>defines the status of the control if the reset button is activated by the user."
-msgstr "За нулиращ бутон свойството <emph>Стойност по подразбиране</emph> дефинира състоянието на елемента за управление в случай, че потребителят активира бутона за нулиране."
+msgid "For a <emph>Reset</emph> type button, the <emph>Default value</emph> entry defines the status of the control if the reset button is activated by the user."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4254,8 +4254,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specify the value to add or subtract when the user clicks the arrow icon on the scrollbar.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Задайте стойността, която да се прибави или извади, когато потребителят щракне върху икона със стрелка в лентата на плъзгача.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specify the value to add or subtract when the user clicks the <emph>Arrow</emph> icon on the scrollbar.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4334,8 +4334,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DEFAULT_BUTTON\" visibility=\"hidden\">The<emph> Default button</emph> property specifies that the corresponding button will be operated when you press the Return key.</ahelp> The<emph> Default button</emph> property specifies that the corresponding button will be operated when you press the Return key. If you open the dialog or form and do not carry out any further action, the button with this property is the default button."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DEFAULT_BUTTON\" visibility=\"hidden\">Свойството <emph>Подразбиран бутон</emph> указва дали съответният бутон ще бъде задействан, когато натиснете клавиша Return.</ahelp>Свойството <emph>Подразбиран бутон</emph> указва дали съответният бутон ще бъде задействан, когато натиснете клавиша Return. Ако отворите диалоговия прозорец или формуляра и не предприемете друго действие, бутонът с това свойство ще се подразбира."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DEFAULT_BUTTON\" visibility=\"hidden\">The \"Default button\" property specifies that the corresponding button will be operated when you press the <emph>Return</emph> key.</ahelp> The \"Default button\" property specifies that the corresponding button will be operated when you press the <emph>Return</emph> key. If you open the dialog or form and do not carry out any further action, the button with this property is the default button."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4350,8 +4350,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When using Web page forms, you might come across this property in search masks. These are edit masks that contain a text field and a Submit type button. The search term is entered in the text field and the search is started by activating the button. If the button is defined as the default button, however, simply hit Enter after entering the search term in order to start the search."
-msgstr "Когато ползвате уебформуляри, може да срещнете това свойство в маски за търсене. Това са маски за редактиране, съдържащи текстово поле и бутон „Вид на подаването“. Търсеният текст се задава в текстовото поле, а натискането на бутона стартира търсене. Ако бутонът е зададен като подразбиран, можете да започнете търсене и като просто натиснете Enter след въвеждане на търсения текст."
+msgid "When using Web page forms, you might come across this property in search masks. These are edit masks that contain a text field and a <emph>Submit type</emph> button. The search term is entered in the text field and the search is started by activating the button. If the button is defined as the default button, however, simply hit <emph>Enter</emph> after entering the search term in order to start the search."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4382,8 +4382,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABSTOP\">The <emph>Tabstop </emph>property determines if a control field can be selected with the tab key.</ahelp> The following options are available:"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABSTOP\">Свойството <emph>Обхождане с Tab</emph> определя дали полето на елемент за управление може да бъде избрано с клавиша Tab.</ahelp> Налице са следните възможности:"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABSTOP\">The \"Tabstop\" property determines if a control field can be selected with the <emph>Tab</emph> key.</ahelp> The following options are available:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4398,8 +4398,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When using the tab key, focusing skips the control."
-msgstr "При използване на клавиша Tab фокусът прескача елемента за управление."
+msgid "When using the <emph>Tab</emph> key, focusing skips the control."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4414,8 +4414,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The control can be selected with the Tab key."
-msgstr "Елементът за управление може да бъде избран с клавиша Tab."
+msgid "The control can be selected with the <emph>Tab</emph> key."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4446,40 +4446,40 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LABEL\" visibility=\"hidden\">The Label property sets the label of the control field that is displayed in the form.</ahelp> The Label property sets the label of the control field that is displayed in the form. This property determines the visible label or the column header of the data field in table control forms."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LABEL\" visibility=\"hidden\">Свойството Надпис задава надписа на елемента за управление, който се показва във формуляра.</ahelp>Свойството Надпис задава надписа на елемента за управление, който се показва във формуляра. То определя и видимия надпис или заглавието на колона във формуляри с таблични елементи за управление."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LABEL\" visibility=\"hidden\">The \"Label\" property sets the label of the control field that is displayed in the form.</ahelp> The \"Label\" property sets the label of the control field that is displayed in the form. This property determines the visible label or the column header of the data field in table control forms."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you create a new control, the description predefined in the <emph>Name</emph> property is used as the default for labeling the control. The label consists of the control field name and an integer numbering the control (for example, CommandButton1). With the <emph>Title</emph> property, you can assign another description to the control so that the label reflects the function of the control. Change this entry in order to assign an expressive label to the control that is visible to the user."
-msgstr "Когато създадете нов елемент за управление, той по подразбиране се надписва с описанието, зададено в свойството <emph>Име</emph>. Надписът съдържа името на елемента за управление и номера му (например CommandButton1). Чрез свойството <emph>Надпис</emph> можете да зададете друго описание на елемента за управление, което отразява действието му. Променете тази стойност, за да припишете на елемента разбираем надпис, който да се показва пред потребителя."
+msgid "When you create a new control, the description predefined in the \"Name\" property is used as the default for labeling the control. The label consists of the control field name and an integer numbering the control (for example, CommandButton1). With the \"Title\" property, you can assign another description to the control so that the label reflects the function of the control. Change this entry in order to assign an expressive label to the control that is visible to the user."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>multi-line titles in forms</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>names; multi-line titles</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>controls; multi-line titles</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>многоредови надписи във формуляри</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>имена; надписи на няколко реда</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>елементи за управление; надписи на няколко реда</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>multi-line titles in forms</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>names; multi-line titles</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>controls; multi-line titles</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "To create a multi-line title, open the combo box using the arrow button. You can enter a line break by pressing Shift+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter."
-msgstr "За да създадете заглавие от няколко реда, отворете комбинираното поле чрез бутона със стрелка. Можете да въведете нов ред, като натиснете Shift+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter."
+msgid "To create a multi-line title, open the combo box using the <emph>Arrow</emph> button. You can enter a line break by pressing <emph>Shift</emph>+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Enter</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Title</emph> property is only used for labeling a form element in the interface visible to the user. If you work with macros, note that at runtime, a control is always addressed through the <emph>Name</emph> property."
-msgstr "Свойството <emph>Надпис</emph> се използва само за надписване на елемент от формуляра в интерфейса, видим за потребителя. Ако работите с макроси, имайте предвид, че по време на изпълнение елементът за управление винаги се посочва чрез свойството <emph>Име</emph>."
+msgid "The \"Title\" property is only used for labeling a form element in the interface visible to the user. If you work with macros, note that at runtime, a control is always addressed through the \"Name\" property."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4494,8 +4494,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_URL\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the URL address that opens when you click an \"Open document / web page\" button.</ahelp> Enter the URL address for a Open document or web page button type in the <emph>URL</emph> box. The address opens when you click the button."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_URL\" visibility=\"hidden\">Задава URL адреса, който се отваря при щракване върху бутона „Отваряне на документ или уебстраница“.</ahelp>Въведете URL адрес за бутон от тип „Отваряне на документ или уебстраница“ в полето <emph>URL</emph>. Адресът ще бъде отворен, когато щракнете върху бутона."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_URL\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the URL address that opens when you click an <emph>Open document / web page</emph> button.</ahelp> Enter the URL address for a <emph>Open document or web page</emph> button type in the <emph>URL</emph> box. The address opens when you click the button."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4518,8 +4518,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_CURRENCYSYMBOL\" visibility=\"hidden\">You can enter a character or a string for the currency symbol.</ahelp> In a currency field, you can pre-define the currency symbol by entering the character or string in the <emph>Currency symbol</emph> property."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_CURRENCYSYMBOL\" visibility=\"hidden\">Можете да въведете знак или низ за символа на валутата.</ahelp>В поле за валута можете да дефинирате символа за валутата, като въведете знак или низ в свойството <emph>Валутен символ</emph>."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_CURRENCYSYMBOL\" visibility=\"hidden\">You can enter a character or a string for the currency symbol.</ahelp> In a currency field, you can predefine the currency symbol by entering the character or string in the \"Currency symbol\" property."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4550,16 +4550,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ECHO_CHAR\" visibility=\"hidden\">If the text box is used as a password input, enter the ASCII-code of the display character. This character is displayed instead of the characters typed by the user for the password.</ahelp> If the user enters a password, you can determine the characters that will be displayed instead of the characters typed by the user. Under <emph>Password character</emph>, enter the ASCII code of the desired character. You can use the values from 0 to 255."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ECHO_CHAR\" visibility=\"hidden\">Ако текстовото поле се ползва за въвеждане на парола, въведете ASCII кода на знака за показване. Този знак се изписва вместо въвежданите от потребителя знаци на паролата.</ahelp>Ако потребителят въвежда парола, можете да определите какви знаци да се показват вместо въвежданите от него. В свойството <emph>Знак за парола</emph> въведете ASCII кода на желания знак. Можете да използвате стойности от 0 до 255."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ECHO_CHAR\" visibility=\"hidden\">If the text box is used as a password input, enter the ASCII code of the display character. This character is displayed instead of the characters typed by the user for the password.</ahelp> If the user enters a password, you can determine the characters that will be displayed instead of the characters typed by the user. Under <emph>Password character</emph>, enter the ASCII code of the desired character. You can use the values from <emph>0</emph> to <emph>255</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The characters and their ASCII codes can be seen in the <emph>Special Characters</emph> dialog (Insert - Special Character)."
-msgstr "Знаците и техните ASCII кодове можете да ги видите в диалоговия прозорец <emph>Специален знак</emph> (Вмъкване - Специален знак)."
+msgid "The characters and their ASCII codes can be seen in the <emph>Special Characters</emph> dialog (<emph>Insert - Special Character</emph>)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4574,8 +4574,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LITERALMASK\" visibility=\"hidden\">Defines the literal mask. The literal mask contains the initial values and is always visible after downloading a form.</ahelp> With masked fields you can specify a literal mask. A literal mask contains the initial values of a form, and is always visible after downloading a form. Using a character code for the Edit mask, you can determine the entries that the user can type into the masked field."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LITERALMASK\" visibility=\"hidden\">Дефинира маската – образец. Тя съдържа началните стойности и винаги се вижда след изтегляне на формуляра.</ahelp>В полетата с маска можете да зададете маска – образец. Тя съдържа начални стойности за формуляра и винаги се вижда след изтеглянето му. Чрез знаковите кодове в маската за редактиране можете да определите какво потребителят е в състояние да въвежда в полето."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LITERALMASK\" visibility=\"hidden\">Defines the literal mask. The literal mask contains the initial values and is always visible after downloading a form.</ahelp> With masked fields you can specify a literal mask. A literal mask contains the initial values of a form, and is always visible after downloading a form. Using a character code for the <emph>Edit</emph> mask, you can determine the entries that the user can type into the masked field."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4614,8 +4614,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ROWHEIGHT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the row height of a table control field.</ahelp> In table controls, enter a value for the row height. If you want, you can enter a value followed by valid measurement unit, for example, 2 cm."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ROWHEIGHT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Задава височината на редовете в табличен елемент за управление.</ahelp>При таблични елементи за управление можете да въведете стойност за височината на редовете на таблицата. Ако желаете, можете да въведете стойност, последвана от валидна мерна единица, например 2 см."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ROWHEIGHT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the row height of a table control field.</ahelp> In table controls, enter a value for the row height. If you want, you can enter a value followed by valid measurement unit, for example, <emph>2 cm</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4710,8 +4710,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_RECORDACTIONS\">Specifies to show or hide the action items in a selected Navigation Bar control.</ahelp> Action items are the following: Save record, Undo, New record, Delete record, Refresh."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_RECORDACTIONS\">Указва скриване или показване на елементите за действия в избрана лента за навигация.</ahelp> Елементите за действия са следните: Съхраняване на запис, Отмяна, Нов запис, Изтриване на запис и Опресняване."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_RECORDACTIONS\">Specifies to show or hide the action items in a selected <emph>Navigation</emph> bar control.</ahelp> Action items are the following: <emph>Save record, Undo, New record, Delete record, Refresh</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4726,8 +4726,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_POSITION\">Specifies to show or hide the positioning items in a selected Navigation Bar control.</ahelp> Positioning items are the following: Record label, Record position, Record count label, Record count."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_POSITION\">Указва скриване или показване на позициониращите елементи в избрана лента за навигация.</ahelp> Позициониращите елементи са следните: Етикет на запис, Позиция на запис, Етикет за броя записи, Брой на записите."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_POSITION\">Specifies to show or hide the positioning items in a selected <emph>Navigation</emph> bar control.</ahelp> Positioning items are the following: <emph>Record label, Record position, Record count label, Record count</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4742,24 +4742,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_NAVIGATION\">Specifies to show or hide the navigation items in a selected Navigation Bar control.</ahelp> Navigation items are the following: First record, Previous record, Next record, Last record."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_NAVIGATION\">Указва скриване или показване на навигационните елементи в избрана лента за навигация.</ahelp> Навигационните елементи са следните: Първи запис, Предишен запис, Следващ запис, Последен запис."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_NAVIGATION\">Specifies to show or hide the navigation items in a selected <emph>Navigation</emph> bar control.</ahelp> Navigation items are the following: <emph>First record, Previous record, Next record, Last record</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Filtering / Sorting"
-msgstr "Филтриране/сортиране"
+msgid "Filtering/Sorting"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_FILTERSORT\">Specifies to show or hide the filtering and sorting items in a selected Navigation Bar control.</ahelp> Filtering and sorting items are the following: Sort ascending, Sort descending, Sort, Automatic filter, Default filter, Apply filter, Reset filter/sort."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_FILTERSORT\">Указва скриване или показване на филтриращите и сортиращите елементи в избрана лента за навигация.</ahelp> Филтриращите и сортиращите елементи са следните: Възходящо сортиране, Низходящо сортиране, Сортиране, Автоматичен филтър, Подразбиран филтър, Прилагане на филтър, Нулиране на филтър/сортиране."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_FILTERSORT\">Specifies to show or hide the filtering and sorting items in a selected <emph>Navigation</emph> bar control.</ahelp> Filtering and sorting items are the following: <emph>Sort ascending, Sort descending, Sort, Automatic filter, Default filter, Apply filter, Reset filter/sort</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4774,8 +4774,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_ICONSIZE\">Specifies whether the icons in a selected Navigation Bar should be small or large.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_ICONSIZE\">Указва дали иконите в избрана лента за навигация да са малки или големи.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_ICONSIZE\">Specifies whether the icons in a selected <emph>Navigation</emph> bar should be small or large.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4830,16 +4830,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specifies the size of scrollbar thumb in \"value units\". A value of (\"Scroll value max.\" minus \"Scroll value min.\" ) / 2 would result in a thumb which occupies half of the background area.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Задава размера на плъзгащия се бутон в „мерни единици на стойността“. Например при стойност („Максимална стойност“ минус „Минимална стойност“) / 2 бутонът ще заема половината от лентата.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specifies the size of scrollbar thumb in \"value units\". A value of <emph>(\"Scroll value max.\" minus \"Scroll value min.\" ) / 2</emph> would result in a thumb which occupies half of the background area.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If set to 0, then the thumb's width will equal its height."
-msgstr "Ако зададете стойност 0, ширината на плъзгащия се бутон ще бъде равна на височината му."
+msgid "If set to <emph>0</emph>, then the thumb's width will equal its height."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4886,24 +4886,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The<emph> Data </emph>tab page allows you to assign a data source to the selected control."
-msgstr "Разделът <emph>Данни</emph> ви позволява да припишете източник на данни на избрания елемент за управление."
+msgid "The <emph>Data</emph> tab page allows you to assign a data source to the selected control."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "For forms with database links, the associated database is defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Form Properties\">Form Properties</link>. You will find the functions for this on the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170203.xhp\" name=\"Data\"><emph>Data</emph></link> tab page."
-msgstr "За формуляри с връзки към бази от данни съответната база от данни се посочва в <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Свойства на формуляра\">свойствата на формуляра</link>. Ще намерите съответните функции в раздела <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170203.xhp\" name=\"Данни\"><emph>Данни</emph></link> на диалоговия прозорец."
+msgid "For forms with database links, the associated database is defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Form Properties\"><emph>Form Properties</emph></link>. You will find the functions for this on the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170203.xhp\" name=\"Data\"><emph>Data</emph></link> tab page."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The possible settings of the <emph>Data</emph> tab page of a control depend on the respective control. You will only see the options that are available for the current control and context. The following fields are available:"
-msgstr "Възможните настройки в раздела <emph>Данни</emph> зависят от съответния елемент за управление. Ще виждате само настройките, достъпни за текущия елемент за управление и контекст. Налице са следните полета:"
+msgid "The possible settings of the <emph>Data</emph> tab page of a control depend on the respective control. You will only see the options that are available for the current control and context.<br/>The following fields are available:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4918,8 +4918,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Check boxes and radio buttons in spreadsheets can be bound to cells in the current document. If the control is enabled, the value you enter in Reference value (on) is copied to the cell. If the control is disabled, the value from Reference value (off) is copied to the cell.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Полетата за отметка и бутоните за избор в електронни таблици могат да бъдат свързани с клетки в текущия документ. Ако елементът за управление е отметнат, в клетката ще се копира стойността, зададена в „Отправна стойност (вкл.)“. В противен случай в клетката ще се копира стойността от „Отправна стойност (изкл.)“.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Check boxes and radio buttons in spreadsheets can be bound to cells in the current document. If the control is enabled, the value you enter in <emph>Reference value (on)</emph> is copied to the cell. If the control is disabled, the value from <emph>Reference value (off)</emph> is copied to the cell.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5646,16 +5646,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_EMPTY_IS_NULL\">Defines how an empty string input should be handled. If set to Yes, an input string of length zero will be treated as a value NULL. If set to No, any input will be treated as-is without any conversion.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_EMPTY_IS_NULL\">Определя как се обработва празен входен текст. Ако стойността е „Да“, въведен низ с дължина нула ще бъде тълкуван като стойност NULL. Ако стойността е „Не“, всички въведени низове се оставят както са, без никакво преобразуване.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_EMPTY_IS_NULL\">Defines how an empty string input should be handled. If set to \"Yes\", an input string of length zero will be treated as a value NULL. If set to \"No\", any input will be treated as-is without any conversion.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "An empty string is a string of length zero (\"\"). Normally, a value NULL is not the same as an empty string. In general, a term NULL is used to denote an undefined value, an unknown value, or \"no value has been entered yet.\""
-msgstr "Празните низове са низове с дължина нула (\"\"). Обикновено стойност NULL не е същата като празен низ. По принцип с означението NULL се отбелязва неопределена или неизвестна стойност или състоянието „още не е въведена стойност“.\""
+msgid "An empty string is a string of length zero (<emph>\"\"</emph>). Normally, a value NULL is not the same as an empty string. In general, a term NULL is used to denote an undefined value, an unknown value, or \"no value has been entered yet.\""
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5678,8 +5678,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"filtervorschlag\"><ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_FILTERPROPOSAL\">While designing your form, you can set the \"Filter proposal\" property for each text box in the <emph>Data</emph> tab of the corresponding <emph>Properties</emph> dialog. In subsequent searches in the filter mode, you can select from all information contained in these fields.</ahelp> The field content can then be selected using the AutoComplete function. Note, however, that this function requires a greater amount of memory space and time, especially when used in large databases and should therefore be used sparingly. </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"filtervorschlag\"><ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_FILTERPROPOSAL\">Докато проектирате формуляра, можете да зададете за всяко текстово поле свойството „Предложение за филтър“ в раздела <emph>Данни</emph> на съответния диалогов прозорец <emph>Свойства</emph>. При последващи търсения с филтър можете да избирате измежду цялата информация, съдържаща се в съответните полета.</ahelp> Съдържанието на полетата може да бъде избирано чрез функцията Автозавършване. Забележете обаче, че тази функция изисква повече пространство в паметта и време, особено ако се използва с обемисти бази от данни, затова трябва да се ползва пестеливо. </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"filtervorschlag\"><ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_FILTERPROPOSAL\">While designing your form, you can set the \"Filter proposal\" property for each text box in the <emph>Data</emph> tab of the corresponding <emph>Properties</emph> dialog. In subsequent searches in the filter mode, you can select from all information contained in these fields.</ahelp> The field content can then be selected using the <emph>AutoComplete</emph> function. Note, however, that this function requires a greater amount of memory space and time, especially when used in large databases and should therefore be used sparingly.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5726,72 +5726,72 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the check box"
-msgstr "Отмятане на полето"
+msgid "Select the check box:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "TRUE is entered into the linked cell"
-msgstr "В свързаната клетка се записва TRUE."
+msgid "TRUE is entered into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Deselect the check box"
-msgstr "Изчистване на полето"
+msgid "Deselect the check box:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "FALSE is entered into the linked cell"
-msgstr "В свързаната клетка се записва FALSE."
+msgid "FALSE is entered into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Tri-state check box is set to \"undetermined\" state"
-msgstr "Поставяне в неопределено състояние (за трипозиционно поле)"
+msgid "Tri-state check box is set to \"undetermined\" state:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "#NV is entered into the linked cell"
-msgstr "В свързаната клетка се записва #NV"
+msgid "#NV is entered into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell"
-msgstr "Въвеждане в свързаната клетка на число или формула с резултат число"
+msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If entered value is TRUE or not 0: Check box is selected<br/>If entered value is FALSE or 0: Check box is deselected"
-msgstr "Ако въведената стойност е TRUE или различна от 0, полето за отметка се отмята.<br/>Ако въведената стойност е FALSE или 0, полето за отметка се изчиства."
+msgid "If entered value is TRUE or not 0: Check box is selected.<br/>If entered value is FALSE or 0: Check box is deselected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error"
-msgstr "Изчистване на свързаната клетка, въвеждане на текст или въвеждане на формула с резултат текст или грешка"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5806,24 +5806,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the box. The Reference value box contains text."
-msgstr "Отмятане на полето (зададен е текст за отправна стойност)"
+msgid "Select the box. The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The text from the Reference value box is copied to the cell."
-msgstr "Текстът от свойството Отправна стойност се копира в клетката."
+msgid "The text from the <emph>Reference value</emph> box is copied to the cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Deselect the box. The Reference value box contains text."
-msgstr "Изчистване на полето (зададен е текст за отправна стойност)"
+msgid "Deselect the box. The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5838,8 +5838,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Reference value box contains text. Enter the same text into the cell."
-msgstr "Въвеждане в клетката на текст, еднакъв със зададения в свойството Отправна стойност"
+msgid "The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text. Enter the same text into the cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5854,8 +5854,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Reference value box contains text. Enter another text into the cell."
-msgstr "Въвеждане в клетката на текст, различен от зададения в свойството Отправна стойност"
+msgid "The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text. Enter another text into the cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5894,88 +5894,88 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the option button"
-msgstr "Избиране на бутона"
+msgid "Select the option button:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "TRUE is entered into the linked cell"
-msgstr "В свързаната клетка се записва TRUE."
+msgid "TRUE is entered into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Option button is deselected by selecting another option button"
-msgstr "Снемане на избора от бутона чрез избиране на друг бутон"
+msgid "Option button is deselected by selecting another option button:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "FALSE is entered into the linked cell"
-msgstr "В свързаната клетка се записва FALSE."
+msgid "FALSE is entered into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell"
-msgstr "Въвеждане в свързаната клетка на число или формула с резултат число"
+msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If entered value is TRUE or not 0: Option button is selected<br/>If entered value is FALSE or 0: Option button is deselected"
-msgstr "Ако въведената стойност е TRUE или различна от 0, бутонът се избира.<br/>Ако въведената стойност е FALSE или 0, изборът се премахва от бутона."
+msgid "If entered value is TRUE or not 0: Option button is selected.<br/>If entered value is FALSE or 0: Option button is deselected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error"
-msgstr "Изчистване на свързаната клетка, въвеждане на текст или въвеждане на формула с резултат текст или грешка"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Option button is deselected"
-msgstr "Снемане на избора от бутона"
+msgid "Option button is deselected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click the option button. The Reference value box contains text."
-msgstr "Щракване върху бутона (зададен е текст за отправна стойност)"
+msgid "Click the option button. The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The text from the Reference value box is copied to the cell."
-msgstr "Текстът от свойството Отправна стойност се копира в клетката."
+msgid "The text from the <emph>Reference value</emph> box is copied to the cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click another option button of the same group. The Reference value box contains text."
-msgstr "Щракване върху друг бутон от същата група (зададен е текст за отправна стойност)"
+msgid "Click another option button of the same group. The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5990,8 +5990,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Reference value box contains text. Enter the same text into the cell."
-msgstr "Въвеждане в клетката на текст, еднакъв със зададения в свойството Отправна стойност"
+msgid "The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text. Enter the same text into the cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6006,8 +6006,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Reference value box contains text. Enter another text into the cell."
-msgstr "Въвеждане в клетката на текст, различен от зададения в свойството Отправна стойност"
+msgid "The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text. Enter another text into the cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6046,80 +6046,80 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter text into the text box"
-msgstr "Въвеждане на текст в текстовото поле"
+msgid "Enter text into the text box:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Text is copied into the linked cell"
-msgstr "Текстът се копира в свързаната клетка."
+msgid "Text is copied into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the text box"
-msgstr "Изчистване на текстовото поле"
+msgid "Clear the text box:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked cell is cleared"
-msgstr "Свързаната клетка се изчиства."
+msgid "Linked cell is cleared."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter text or a number in the linked cell"
-msgstr "Въвеждане на текст или число в свързаната клетка"
+msgid "Enter text or a number in the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Text or number is copied into the text box"
-msgstr "Текстът или числото се копира в текстовото поле."
+msgid "Text or number is copied into the text box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell"
-msgstr "Въвеждане на формула в свързаната клетка"
+msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Formula result is copied into the text box"
-msgstr "Резултатът на формулата се копира в текстовото поле."
+msgid "Formula result is copied into the text box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell"
-msgstr "Изчистване на свързаната клетка"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Text box is cleared"
-msgstr "Текстовото поле се изчиства."
+msgid "Text box is cleared."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6150,64 +6150,64 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a number into the field"
-msgstr "Въвеждане на число в полето"
+msgid "Enter a number into the field:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Number is copied into the linked cell"
-msgstr "Числото се копира в свързаната клетка"
+msgid "Number is copied into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the field"
-msgstr "Изчистване на полето"
+msgid "Clear the field:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Value 0 is set in the linked cell"
-msgstr "В свързаната клетка се записва стойност 0."
+msgid "Value <emph>0</emph> is set in the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell"
-msgstr "Въвеждане в свързаната клетка на число или формула с резултат число"
+msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Number is copied into the field"
-msgstr "Числото се копира в полето."
+msgid "Number is copied into the field."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error"
-msgstr "Изчистване на свързаната клетка, въвеждане на текст или въвеждане на формула с резултат текст или грешка"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Value 0 is set in the field"
-msgstr "В полето се записва стойност 0."
+msgid "Value <emph>0</emph> is set in the field."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6230,16 +6230,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked contents: Synchronize the text contents of the selected list box entry with the cell contents."
-msgstr "Свързано съдържание: текстовото съдържание на избрания елемент в списъчното поле се синхронизира със съдържанието на клетката."
+msgid "<emph>Linked contents:</emph> Synchronize the text contents of the selected list box entry with the cell contents."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked selection position: The position of the single selected item in the list box is synchronized with the numerical value in the cell."
-msgstr "Свързана позиция на селекцията: позицията на един избран елемент в списъчното поле се синхронизира с числовата стойност в клетката."
+msgid "<emph>Linked selection position:</emph> The position of the single selected item in the list box is synchronized with the numerical value in the cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6262,8 +6262,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select a single list item"
-msgstr "Избиране на един елемент от списъка"
+msgid "Select a single list item:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6278,112 +6278,112 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Selection is linked: Position of the selected item is copied into the linked cell. For example, if the third item is selected, the number 3 will be copied."
-msgstr "Свързана селекция: позицията на избрания елемент се копира в свързаната клетка. Например, ако е избран третият елемент, се копира числото 3."
+msgid "Selection is linked: Position of the selected item is copied into the linked cell.<br/>For example, if the third item is selected, the number <emph>3</emph> will be copied."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select several list items"
-msgstr "Избиране на няколко елемента от списъка"
+msgid "Select several list items:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "#NV is entered into the linked cell"
-msgstr "В свързаната клетка се записва #NV"
+msgid "#NV is entered into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Deselect all list items"
-msgstr "Снемане на избора от всички елементи"
+msgid "Deselect all list items:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Contents are linked: Linked cell is cleared"
-msgstr "Свързано съдържание: свързаната клетка се изчиства."
+msgid "Contents are linked: Linked cell is cleared."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Selection is linked: Value 0 is entered in the linked cell"
-msgstr "Свързана селекция: в свързаната клетка се записва стойност 0."
+msgid "Selection is linked: Value <emph>0</emph> is entered in the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter text or a number into the linked cell"
-msgstr "Въвеждане на текст или число в свързаната клетка"
+msgid "Enter text or a number into the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Contents are linked: Find and select an equal list item"
-msgstr "Свързано съдържание: намира се и се избира еднакъв елемент от списъка."
+msgid "Contents are linked: Find and select an equal list item."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Selection is linked: The list item at the specified position (starting with 1 for the first item) is selected. If not found, all items are deselected."
-msgstr "Свързана селекция: избира се елементът на зададената позиция (1 означава първия елемент). Ако няма такъв, изборът от всички елементи се премахва."
+msgid "Selection is linked: The list item at the specified position (starting with <emph>1</emph> for the first item) is selected. If not found, all items are deselected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell"
-msgstr "Въвеждане на формула в свързаната клетка"
+msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Find and select a list item that matches the formula result and link mode"
-msgstr "Намира се и се избира елемент от списъка, съответстващ на резултата от формулата и режима на свързване."
+msgid "Find and select a list item that matches the formula result and link mode."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell"
-msgstr "Изчистване на свързаната клетка"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Deselect all items in the list box"
-msgstr "Изборът се премахва от всички елементи в списъка."
+msgid "Deselect all items in the list box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Change the contents of the list source range"
-msgstr "Промяна на съдържанието на областта - източник на списъка"
+msgid "Change the contents of the list source range:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6422,88 +6422,88 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter text into the edit field of the combo box, or select an entry from the drop-down list"
-msgstr "Въвеждане на текст в полето за редактиране на комбинираното поле или избиране на стойност от падащия списък"
+msgid "Enter text into the edit field of the combo box, or select an entry from the drop-down list:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Text is copied into the linked cell"
-msgstr "Текстът се копира в свързаната клетка."
+msgid "Text is copied into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the edit field of the combo box"
-msgstr "Изчистване на полето за редактиране на комбинираното поле."
+msgid "Clear the edit field of the combo box:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked cell is cleared"
-msgstr "Свързаната клетка се изчиства."
+msgid "Linked cell is cleared."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter text or a number into the linked cell"
-msgstr "Въвеждане на текст или число в свързаната клетка"
+msgid "Enter text or a number into the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Text or number is copied into the edit field of the combo box"
-msgstr "Текстът или числото се копира в полето за редактиране на комбинираното поле."
+msgid "Text or number is copied into the edit field of the combo box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell"
-msgstr "Въвеждане на формула в свързаната клетка"
+msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Formula result is copied into the edit field of the combo box"
-msgstr "Резултатът на формулата се копира в полето за редактиране на комбинираното поле."
+msgid "Formula result is copied into the edit field of the combo box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell"
-msgstr "Изчистване на свързаната клетка"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Edit field of the combo box is cleared"
-msgstr "Полето за редактиране на комбинираното поле се изчиства."
+msgid "Edit field of the combo box is cleared."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Change the contents of the list source range"
-msgstr "Промяна на съдържанието на областта - източник на списъка"
+msgid "Change the contents of the list source range:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6534,16 +6534,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked contents: Synchronize the text contents of the selected list box entry with the cell contents. Select \"The selected entry\""
-msgstr "Свързано съдържание: текстовото съдържание на избраното списъчно поле се синхронизира със съдържанието на клетката. Посочете „Избраният запис“."
+msgid "<emph>Linked contents:</emph> Synchronize the text contents of the selected list box entry with the cell contents. Select \"The selected entry\"."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked selection position: The position of the single selected item in the list box is synchronized with the numerical value in the cell. Select \"Position of the selected entry\""
-msgstr "Свързана позиция на селекцията: позицията на един избран елемент в списъчното поле се синхронизира с числовото съдържание на клетката. Посочете „Позицията на избрания запис“."
+msgid "<emph>Linked selection position:</emph> The position of the single selected item in the list box is synchronized with the numerical value in the cell. Select \"Position of the selected entry\"."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6574,8 +6574,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>controls; events</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>events; controls</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>macros; assigning to events in forms</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>елементи за управление; събития</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>събития; елементи за управление</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>макроси; приписване на елементи от формуляр</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>controls; events</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>events; controls</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>macros; assigning to events in forms</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6590,24 +6590,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the<emph> Events </emph>tab page you can link macros to events that occur in a form's control fields."
-msgstr "В раздела <emph>Събития</emph> можете да свързвате макроси със събитията, които възникват в елементите за управление от формуляра."
+msgid "On the <emph>Events</emph> tab page you can link macros to events that occur in a form's control fields."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "When the event occurs, the linked macro will be called. To assign a macro to an event, press the <emph>...</emph> button. The <link href=\"text/shared/01/06140500.xhp\" name=\"Assign Action\">Assign Action</link> dialog opens."
-msgstr "Когато събитието възникне, ще бъде изпълнен свързаният макрос. За да припишете макрос на събитие, натиснете бутона <emph>...</emph>. Ще се отвори диалоговият прозорец <link href=\"text/shared/01/06140500.xhp\" name=\"Assign Action\">Приписване на действие</link>."
+msgid "When the event occurs, the linked macro will be called. To assign a macro to an event, press the <emph>...</emph> button. The <link href=\"text/shared/01/06140500.xhp\" name=\"Assign Action\"><emph>Assign Action</emph></link> dialog opens."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Depending on the control, different events are available. Only the available events for the selected control and context are listed on the <emph>Events</emph> tab page. The following events are defined:"
-msgstr "В зависимост от елемента за управление са достъпни различни събития. В раздела <emph>Събития</emph> се показват само достъпните събития за избрания елемент за управление. Дефинирани са следните събития:"
+msgid "Depending on the control, different events are available. Only the available events for the selected control and context are listed on the <emph>Events</emph> tab page.<br/>The following events are defined:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6622,8 +6622,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_APPROVEACTIONPERFORMED\">This event takes place before an action is triggered by clicking the control.</ahelp> For example, clicking a \"Submit\" button initiates a send action; however, the actual \"send\" process is started only when the <emph>When initiating</emph> event occurs. The <emph>Approve action</emph> event allows you to kill the process. If the linked method sends back FALSE, <emph>When initiating</emph> will not be executed."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_APPROVEACTIONPERFORMED\">Това събитие се случва преди да бъде започнато действие чрез щракване върху елемента за управление.</ahelp> Например, щракването върху бутон „Подаване“ предизвиква действие изпращане; действителният процес по изпращането обаче започва чак когато се изпълни събитието <emph>При започване</emph>. Събитието <emph>Одобряване на действие</emph> ви позволява да прекратите процеса. Ако свързаният метод върне FALSE, <emph>При започване</emph> няма да бъде изпълнено."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_APPROVEACTIONPERFORMED\">This event takes place before an action is triggered by clicking the control.</ahelp> For example, clicking a \"<emph>Submit</emph>\" button initiates a send action; however, the actual \"send\" process is started only when the <emph>When initiating</emph> event occurs. The <emph>Approve action</emph> event allows you to kill the process. If the linked method sends back FALSE, <emph>When initiating</emph> will not be executed."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6638,8 +6638,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_ACTIONPERFORMED\">The <emph>Execute action</emph> event occurs when an action is started.</ahelp> For example, if you have a \"Submit\" button in your form, the send process represents the action to be initiated."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_ACTIONPERFORMED\">Събитието <emph>Изпълняване на действие</emph> възниква, когато започва действие.</ahelp> Например, ако имате бутон „Подаване“ във формуляра, действието ще бъде изпращане."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_ACTIONPERFORMED\">The <emph>Execute action</emph> event occurs when an action is started.</ahelp> For example, if you have a \"<emph>Submit</emph>\" button in your form, the send process represents the action to be initiated."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6654,8 +6654,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_CHANGED\">The<emph> Changed </emph>event takes place when the control loses the focus and the content of the control has changed since it lost the focus.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_CHANGED\">Събитието <emph>При промяна</emph> възниква, когато елементът за управление загуби фокуса и съдържанието му е променено откак е загубил фокуса.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_CHANGED\">The <emph>Changed</emph> event takes place when the control loses the focus and the content of the control has changed since it lost the focus.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6670,8 +6670,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_TEXTCHANGED\">The<emph> Text modified </emph>event takes place if you enter or modify a text in an input field.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_TEXTCHANGED\">Събитието <emph>При промяна в текста</emph> възниква, ако въведете или промените текст във входно поле.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_TEXTCHANGED\">The <emph>Text modified</emph> event takes place if you enter or modify a text in an input field.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6686,8 +6686,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_ITEMSTATECHANGED\" visibility=\"hidden\">The<emph> Item status changed </emph>event takes place if the status of the control field has changed.</ahelp> The<emph> Item status changed</emph> event takes place if the status of the control field has changed."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_ITEMSTATECHANGED\" visibility=\"hidden\">Събитието <emph>При промяна в състоянието на обекта</emph> възниква, когато състоянието на елемента за управление бъде променено.</ahelp> Събитието <emph>При промяна в състоянието на обекта</emph> възниква, когато състоянието на елемента за управление бъде променено."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_ITEMSTATECHANGED\" visibility=\"hidden\">The <emph>Item status changed</emph> event takes place if the status of the control field has changed.</ahelp> The <emph>Item status changed</emph> event takes place if the status of the control field has changed."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6702,8 +6702,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_FOCUSGAINED\">The<emph> When receiving focus </emph>event takes place if a control field receives the focus.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_FOCUSGAINED\">Събитието <emph>При фокусиране</emph> възниква, когато елементът за управление получи фокуса.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_FOCUSGAINED\">The <emph>When receiving focus</emph> event takes place if a control field receives the focus.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6734,8 +6734,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYTYPED\">The <emph>Key pressed </emph>event occurs when the user presses any key while the control has the focus.</ahelp> This event may be linked to a macro for checking entries."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYTYPED\">Събитието <emph>При натиснат клавиш</emph> възниква, когато потребителят натисне клавиш докато фокусът е върху елемента за управление.</ahelp> Това събитие може да бъде свързано с макрос за проверка на въвежданите данни."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYTYPED\">The <emph>Key pressed</emph> event occurs when the user presses any key while the control has the focus.</ahelp> This event may be linked to a macro for checking entries."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6750,8 +6750,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYUP\">The<emph> Key released </emph>event occurs when the user releases any key while the control has the focus.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYUP\">Събитието <emph>При отпускане на клавиш</emph> възниква, когато потребителят отпусне клавиш докато фокусът е върху елемента за управление.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYUP\">The <emph>Key released</emph> event occurs when the user releases any key while the control has the focus.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6766,8 +6766,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEENTERED\">The<emph> Mouse inside </emph>event takes place if the mouse is inside the control field.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEENTERED\">Събитието <emph>Когато мишката е вътре</emph> възниква, когато курсорът на мишката е върху елемента за управление.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEENTERED\">The <emph>Mouse inside</emph> event takes place if the mouse is inside the control field.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6782,8 +6782,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEDRAGGED\">The<emph> Mouse moved while key pressed </emph>event takes place when the mouse is dragged while a key is pressed.</ahelp> An example is when, during drag-and-drop, an additional key determines the mode (move or copy)."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEDRAGGED\">Събитието <emph>При местене на мишката с натиснат клавиш</emph> възниква при плъзгане на мишката с едновременно натискане на клавиш.</ahelp> Например при плъзгане и пускане натискането на допълнителен клавиш може да определя режима (местене или копиране)."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEDRAGGED\">The <emph>Mouse moved while key pressed</emph> event takes place when the mouse is dragged while a key is pressed.</ahelp> An example is when, during drag-and-drop, an additional key determines the mode (move or copy)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6798,8 +6798,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEMOVED\">The<emph> Mouse moved </emph>event occurs if the mouse moves over the control.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEMOVED\">Събитието <emph>При преместване на мишката</emph> възниква, когато курсорът на мишката се премести през елемента за управление.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEMOVED\">The <emph>Mouse moved</emph> event occurs if the mouse moves over the control.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6814,8 +6814,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEPRESSED\">The<emph> Mouse button pressed </emph>event occurs if the mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is on the control.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEPRESSED\">Събитието <emph>При натиснат бутон на мишката</emph> възниква, когато бъде натиснат бутонът на мишката докато курсорът й е върху елемента за управление.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEPRESSED\">The <emph>Mouse button pressed</emph> event occurs if the mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is on the control.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6838,8 +6838,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSERELEASED\">The<emph> Mouse button released </emph>event occurs if the mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is on the control.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSERELEASED\">Събитието <emph>При отпуснат бутон на мишката</emph> възниква, когато бъде отпуснат бутонът на мишката докато курсорът й е върху елемента за управление.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSERELEASED\">The <emph>Mouse button released</emph> event occurs if the mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is on the control.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6854,8 +6854,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEEXITED\">The<emph> Mouse outside </emph>event takes place when the mouse is outside the control field.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEEXITED\">Събитието <emph>Когато мишката е отвън</emph> възниква, когато курсорът на мишката излезе извън елемента за управление.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEEXITED\">The <emph>Mouse outside</emph> event takes place when the mouse is outside the control field.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9414,16 +9414,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click the<emph> Navigator On/Off </emph>icon to hide or show the <emph>Navigator</emph>."
-msgstr "Щракнете върху иконата <emph>Навигатор - вкл./изкл.</emph>, за да скриете или покажете прозореца <emph>Навигатор</emph>."
+msgid "Click the <emph>Navigator On/Off</emph> icon to hide or show the <emph>Navigator</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01220000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can also call the <emph>Navigator</emph> by selecting <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/swriter/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">View - Navigator</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">View - Navigator</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">View - Navigator</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">View - Navigator</link></caseinline><defaultinline>View - Navigator</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "Можете да отворите прозореца <emph>Навигатор</emph> и като изберете<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/swriter/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"Изглед - Навигатор\">Изглед - Навигатор</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"Изглед - Навигатор\">Изглед - Навигатор</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"Изглед - Навигатор\">Изглед - Навигатор</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"Изглед - Навигатор\">Изглед - Навигатор</link></caseinline><defaultinline>Изглед - Навигатор</defaultinline></switchinline>."
+msgid "You can also call the <emph>Navigator</emph> by selecting <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/swriter/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\"><emph>View - Navigator</emph></link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\"><emph>View - Navigator</emph></link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\"><emph>View - Navigator</emph></link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\"><emph>View - Navigator</emph></link></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>View - Navigator</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01220000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9462,16 +9462,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:DesignerDialog\">Specifies whether to show or hide the Styles window, which is where you can assign and organize Styles.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:DesignerDialog\">Указва дали да е показан или скрит прозорецът „Стилове“, в който можете да прилагате и организирате стилове.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:DesignerDialog\">Specifies whether to show or hide the <emph>Styles</emph> window, which is where you can assign and organize styles.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01230000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Each $[officename] application has its own Styles window. Hence there are separate windows for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/swriter/01/05140000.xhp\" name=\"text documents\">text documents</link></caseinline><defaultinline>text documents</defaultinline></switchinline>, for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"spreadsheets\">spreadsheets</link></caseinline><defaultinline>spreadsheets</defaultinline></switchinline> and for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"presentations/drawing documents\">presentations/drawing documents</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"presentations/drawing documents\">presentations/drawing documents</link></caseinline><defaultinline>presentations/drawing documents</defaultinline></switchinline>."
-msgstr "Всяко приложение от $[officename] има собствен прозорец „Стилове“. Затова има отделни прозорци за <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/swriter/01/05140000.xhp\" name=\"текстови документи\">текстови документи</link></caseinline><defaultinline>текстови документи</defaultinline></switchinline>, for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"spreadsheets\">електронни таблици</link></caseinline><defaultinline>електронни таблици</defaultinline></switchinline> и <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"презентации/рисунки\">presentations/drawing documents</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"презентации/рисунки\">презентации/рисунки</link></caseinline><defaultinline>презентации/рисунки</defaultinline></switchinline>."
+msgid "Each $[officename] application has its own <emph>Styles</emph> window. Hence there are separate windows for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/swriter/01/05140000.xhp\" name=\"text documents\">text documents</link></caseinline><defaultinline>text documents</defaultinline></switchinline>, for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"spreadsheets\">spreadsheets</link></caseinline><defaultinline>spreadsheets</defaultinline></switchinline> and for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"presentations/drawing documents\">presentations/drawing documents</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"presentations/drawing documents\">presentations/drawing documents</link></caseinline><defaultinline>presentations/drawing documents</defaultinline></switchinline>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01230000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9518,16 +9518,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To reset the selected objects to the default paragraph style, select <emph>Clear formatting</emph>. Select <emph>More Styles</emph> to open the Styles window."
-msgstr "За да върнете избраните обекти към подразбирания абзацен стил, изберете <emph>Изчистване на форматирането</emph>. Изберете <emph>Още стилове</emph>, за да отворите прозореца „Стилове“."
+msgid "To reset the selected objects to the default paragraph style, select <emph>Clear formatting</emph>. Select <emph>More Styles</emph> to open the <emph>Styles</emph> window."
+msgstr ""
#: 02010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clicking on the Down arrow button on the right of a style name shows a pop-up menu that allows you to update the style from the current selection or to edit the style."
-msgstr "Щракването върху бутона със стрелка надолу вдясно от име на стил отваря изскачащо меню, което ви позволява да обновите стила от текущата селекция или да го редактирате."
+msgid "Clicking on the <emph>Down Arrow</emph> button on the right of a style name shows a pop-up menu that allows you to update the style from the current selection or to edit the style."
+msgstr ""
#: 02010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9630,8 +9630,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"vorschautext\">You can see the name of the fonts formatted in their respective font if you mark the <emph>Preview in fonts lists</emph> field in <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010800.xhp\" name=\"$[officename] - View\">$[officename] - View</link> in the Options dialog box.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"vorschautext\">Имената на шрифтовете ще бъдат изписвани със съответния шрифт, ако отметнете полето <emph>Показване на мостра от шрифтовете</emph> в <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010800.xhp\" name=\"$[officename] - Изглед\">$[officename] - Изглед</link> в диалоговия прозорец Настройки. </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"vorschautext\">You can see the name of the fonts formatted in their respective font if you mark the <emph>Preview in fonts lists</emph> field in <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010800.xhp\" name=\"$[officename] - View\"><emph>$[officename] - View</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9830,8 +9830,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you click the <emph>Decrease Indent</emph> icon while holding down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> key, the indent for the selected paragraph is moved by the default tab stop that has been set under <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040200.xhp\" name=\"Writer - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - General</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Ако щракнете върху иконата <emph>Намаляване на отстъпа</emph>, докато държите натиснат клавиша <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>, отстъпът на текущия абзац се премества с подразбираната стъпка за табулация, зададена в <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040200.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Общи\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Общи</emph></link> в диалоговия прозорец Настройки.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you click the <emph>Decrease Indent</emph> icon while holding down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> key, the indent for the selected paragraph is moved by the default tab stop that has been set under <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040200.xhp\" name=\"Writer - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - General</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9862,8 +9862,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Click the Increase Indent icon to increase the left indent of the current paragraph or cell content and set it to the next default tab position.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Щракнете върху иконата Увеличаване на отстъпа, за да увеличите левия отстъп на текущия абзац или съдържание на клетка и да го преместите до следващата позиция за табулация.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Click the <emph>Increase Indent</emph> icon to increase the left indent of the current paragraph or cell content and set it to the next default tab position.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9894,8 +9894,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Click the <emph>Increase Indent</emph> icon while holding down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> key to move the indenting of the selected paragraph by the default tab distance set under <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040200.xhp\" name=\"Writer - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - General</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Щракнете върху иконата <emph>Увеличаване на отстъпа</emph> със задържан клавиш <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>, за да преместите отстъпа на избрания абзац с подразбираната стъпка за табулация, зададена в <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040200.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Общи\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Общи</emph></link> в диалоговия прозорец Настройки. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Click the <emph>Increase Indent</emph> icon while holding down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> key to move the indenting of the selected paragraph by the default tab distance set under <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040200.xhp\" name=\"Writer - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - General</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 02140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9934,8 +9934,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Indent increased by the amount with the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command key</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl key</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "Отстъп, увеличен с клавиша <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "Indent increased by the amount with the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> key."
+msgstr ""
#: 02140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10070,8 +10070,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To turn off highlighting, press Esc."
-msgstr "За да изключите осветяването, натиснете Esc."
+msgid "To turn off highlighting, press <emph>Esc</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 02160000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10158,8 +10158,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaspaceIncrease\">Click the<emph> Increase Spacing </emph>icon to increase the paragraph spacing above the selected paragraph.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaspaceIncrease\">Щракнете върху иконата <emph>Увеличаване на разредката</emph>, за да увеличите разстоянието над избрания абзац.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaspaceIncrease\">Click the <emph>Increase Spacing</emph> icon to increase the paragraph spacing above the selected paragraph.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03110000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10182,8 +10182,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can make additional adjustments to the spacing by selecting <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing\"><emph>Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing</emph></link>"
-msgstr "Можете да настроите допълнително разредката, като изберете <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Форматиране - Абзац - Отстъпи и разредка\"><emph>Форматиране - Абзац - Отстъпи и разредка</emph></link>"
+msgid "You can make additional adjustments to the spacing by selecting <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing\"><emph>Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing</emph></link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 03120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10206,8 +10206,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaspaceDecrease\">Click the<emph> Decrease Spacing </emph>icon to decrease the paragraph spacing above the selected paragraph.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaspaceDecrease\">Щракнете върху иконата <emph>Намаляване на разредката</emph>, за да намалите разстоянието над избрания абзац.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaspaceDecrease\">Click the <emph>Decrease Spacing</emph> icon to decrease the paragraph spacing above the selected paragraph.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10230,8 +10230,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can make additional adjustments to the spacing by selecting <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing\"><emph>Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing</emph></link>"
-msgstr "Можете да настроите допълнително разредката, като изберете <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Форматиране - Абзац - Отстъпи и разредка\"><emph>Форматиране - Абзац - Отстъпи и разредка</emph></link>"
+msgid "You can make additional adjustments to the spacing by selecting <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing\"><emph>Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing</emph></link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 03130000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10270,8 +10270,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">To apply a particular type of border to a single cell, position the cursor in the cell, open the <emph>Border</emph> toolbar and select a border. </caseinline><defaultinline>Whenever you insert graphics or tables, they already have a complete border. To remove that border, select the graphic object or the entire table and click the \"no border\" icon on the <emph>Border</emph> toolbar.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">За да приложите конкретен тип кант върху единична клетка, поставете курсора в клетката, отворете лентата <emph>Кантове</emph> и изберете кант. </caseinline><defaultinline>Когато вмъквате графики или таблици, те имат кантове от всички страни. За да ги премахнете, изберете графичния обект или цялата таблица и щракнете върху иконата „Без кантове“ върху лентата <emph>Кантове</emph>.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">To apply a particular type of border to a single cell, position the cursor in the cell, open the <emph>Border</emph> toolbar and select a border.</caseinline><defaultinline> Whenever you insert graphics or tables, they already have a complete border. To remove that border, select the graphic object or the entire table and click the <emph>no border</emph> icon on the <emph>Border</emph> toolbar.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03130000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10294,8 +10294,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Further information can be found in the Help in <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\"><emph>Borders</emph></link>. You can also find information on how to <link href=\"text/shared/guide/border_table.xhp\" name=\"format a text table\">format a text table</link> with the <emph>Borders</emph> icon."
-msgstr "Повече информация ще откриете в темата <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Кантове\"><emph>Кантове</emph></link> на помощта. Ще видите и как можете да <link href=\"text/shared/guide/border_table.xhp\" name=\"форматиране на текстова таблица\">форматирате текстова таблица</link> с иконата <emph>Кантове</emph>."
+msgid "Further information can be found in the Help in <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\"><emph>Borders</emph></link>. You can also find information on how to <link href=\"text/shared/guide/border_table.xhp\" name=\"format a text table\"><emph>format a text table</emph></link> with the <emph>Borders</emph> icon."
+msgstr ""
#: 03140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10350,8 +10350,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For more information, see the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\">Borders</link> section of the Help."
-msgstr "За повече информация вижте раздела <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Кантове\">Кантове</link> в помощта."
+msgid "For more information, see the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\"><emph>Borders</emph></link> section of the Help."
+msgstr ""
#: 03150000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10398,8 +10398,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For more information, see the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\">Borders</link> section in the Help."
-msgstr "За повече информация вижте раздела <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Кантове\">Кантове</link> в помощта."
+msgid "For more information, see the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\"><emph>Borders</emph></link> section in the Help."
+msgstr ""
#: 03200000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10430,16 +10430,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"verankerungtext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:ToggleAnchorType\">Allows you to switch between anchoring options.</ahelp></variable> The<emph> Change Anchor </emph>icon is only visible when an object such as a graphic or control field<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"> or frame</caseinline></switchinline> is selected."
-msgstr "<variable id=\"verankerungtext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:ToggleAnchorType\">Позволява ви да превключвате между възможностите за закотвяне.</ahelp></variable> Иконата <emph>Промяна на котвата</emph> се вижда само ако е избран обект от рода на графика<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">, рамка</caseinline></switchinline> или елемент за управление."
+msgid "<variable id=\"verankerungtext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:ToggleAnchorType\">Allows you to switch between anchoring options.</ahelp></variable> The <emph>Change Anchor</emph> icon is only visible when an object such as a graphic or control field <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">or frame</caseinline></switchinline> is selected."
+msgstr ""
#: 03200000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Further information about the anchoring is contained in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05260000.xhp\" name=\"Anchoring\"><emph>Anchoring</emph></link> Help section."
-msgstr "Още информация относно закотвянето се съдържа в раздела <link href=\"text/shared/01/05260000.xhp\" name=\"Закотвяне\"><emph>Закотвяне</emph></link> на помощта."
+msgid "Further information about the anchoring is contained in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05260000.xhp\" name=\"Anchoring\"><emph>Anchoring</emph></link> help section."
+msgstr ""
#: 04210000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10582,8 +10582,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Select an object and click the<emph> Rotate</emph> icon on the<emph> Drawing</emph> toolbar. </caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Select an object and click the Rotate icon on the Drawing toolbar. </caseinline><defaultinline>Select an object and click the<emph> Rotate</emph> icon on the <emph>Drawing Object Properties</emph> toolbar.</defaultinline></switchinline> Drag a corner handle of the object in the direction you want to rotate it."
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Изберете обект и щракнете върху иконата <emph>Въртене</emph> от лентата <emph>Рисунка</emph>. </caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Изберете обект и щракнете върху иконата <emph>Въртене</emph> от лентата <emph>Рисунка</emph>. </caseinline><defaultinline>Изберете обект и щракнете върху иконата <emph>Въртене</emph> от лентата <emph>Свойства на графичен обект</emph>.</defaultinline></switchinline> Плъзнете някой от ъгловите манипулатори на обекта в посоката, в която желаете да го завъртите."
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Select an object and click the <emph>Rotate</emph> icon on the <emph>Drawing</emph> toolbar.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Select an object and click the <emph>Rotate</emph> icon on the <emph>Drawing</emph> toolbar.</caseinline><defaultinline>Select an object and click the <emph>Rotate</emph> icon on the <emph>Drawing Object Properties</emph> toolbar.</defaultinline></switchinline> Drag a corner handle of the object in the direction you want to rotate it."
+msgstr ""
#: 05090000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10678,8 +10678,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The<emph> Demote One Level </emph>icon is on the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> bar, which appears when the cursor is positioned on a numbering or bullets item. </caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Demote </emph>icon is on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar, which appears when working in the outline view. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Иконата <emph>Понижаване с едно ниво</emph> е в лентата <emph>Водачи и номерация</emph>, която се появява, когато курсорът е върху елемент с номер или водач. </caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Иконата <emph>Понижаване</emph> е в лентата <emph>Форматиране на текст</emph>, която се появява по време на работа в изгледа План. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The<emph> Demote One Level </emph>icon is on the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> bar, which appears when the cursor is positioned on a numbering or bullets item.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Demote</emph> icon is on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar, which appears when working in the outline view.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06050000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10694,8 +10694,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Demote One Level </caseinline><defaultinline>Demote</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Понижаване с едно ниво</caseinline><defaultinline>Понижаване</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Demote One Level</caseinline><defaultinline>Demote</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06060000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10726,8 +10726,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The<emph> Promote One Level </emph>icon is on the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> bar, which appears when the cursor is positioned on a numbering or bullets item. </caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The<emph> Promote </emph>icon is on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar, which appears when working in the outline view. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Иконата <emph>Повишаване с едно ниво</emph> е в лентата <emph>Водачи и номерация</emph>, която се появява, когато курсорът е върху елемент с номер или водач. </caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Иконата <emph>Повишаване</emph> е в лентата <emph>Форматиране на текст</emph>, която се появява по време на работа в изгледа План. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The <emph>Promote One Level</emph> icon is on the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> bar, which appears when the cursor is positioned on a numbering or bullets item.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Promote</emph> icon is on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar, which appears when working in the outline view.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06060000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10742,8 +10742,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Promote One Level </caseinline><defaultinline>Promote</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Повишаване с едно ниво</caseinline><defaultinline>Повишаване</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Promote One Level</caseinline><defaultinline>Promote</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06100000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10774,16 +10774,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you have numbered paragraphs and click the<emph> Move Up </emph>icon, the numbers will be adjusted to the current order. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The <emph>Move Up </emph>icon is only visible when the cursor is positioned in a bulleted or numbered list.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Move Up </emph>icon appears on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> Bar when you use the outline view.</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "Ако сте номерирали абзаци и щракнете върху иконата <emph>Местене нагоре</emph>, номерата ще бъдат приспособени към текущия ред. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Иконата <emph>Местене нагоре</emph> се вижда само когато курсорът е в списък с номера или водачи.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Иконата <emph>Местене нагоре</emph> се появява в лентата <emph>Форматиране на текст</emph>, когато работите в изгледа План.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "If you have numbered paragraphs and click the <emph>Move Up</emph> icon, the numbers will be adjusted to the current order. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The <emph>Move Up</emph> icon is only visible when the cursor is positioned in a bulleted or numbered list.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Move Up</emph> icon appears on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar when you use the outline view.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06100000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "This function can be called by pressing <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Up Arrow."
-msgstr "Тази функция може да бъде извикана чрез натискане на <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+стрелка нагоре."
+msgid "This function can be called by pressing <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Up Arrow</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 06100000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10830,16 +10830,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you have numbered paragraphs and click the<emph> Move Down </emph>icon, the numbers will be adjusted to the current order. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The <emph>Move Down </emph>icon is only visible when the cursor is positioned in a bulleted or numbered list. </caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Move Down </emph>icon appears on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> Bar when you use the outline view. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "Ако сте номерирали абзаци и щракнете върху иконата <emph>Местене надолу</emph>, номерата ще бъдат приспособени към текущия ред. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Иконата <emph>Местене надолу</emph> се вижда само когато курсорът е в списък с номера или водачи.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Иконата <emph>Местене надолу</emph> се появява в лентата <emph>Форматиране на текст</emph>, когато работите в изгледа План.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "If you have numbered paragraphs and click the <emph>Move Down</emph> icon, the numbers will be adjusted to the current order. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The <emph>Move Down</emph> icon is only visible when the cursor is positioned in a bulleted or numbered list.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Move Down</emph> icon appears on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar when you use the outline view.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06110000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "This function can be called by pressing <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Down Arrow."
-msgstr "Тази функция може да бъде извикана чрез натискане на <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+стрелка надолу."
+msgid "This function can be called by pressing <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Down Arrow</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 06110000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10886,32 +10886,32 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Bullet options such as type and position are defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering\"><emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph></link> dialog. To open this dialog, click the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> icon on the <link href=\"text/swriter/main0206.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering Bar\">Bullets and Numbering Bar</link></caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Настройките за водачи от рода на тип и позиция се задават в диалоговия прозорец <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Водачи и номерация\"><emph>Водачи и номерация</emph></link>. За да го отворите, щракнете върху иконата <emph>Водачи и номерация</emph> в лентата <link href=\"text/swriter/main0206.xhp\" name=\"лента Водачи и номерация\">лентата Водачи и номерация</link></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Bullet options such as type and position are defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering\"><emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph></link> dialog. To open this dialog, click the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> icon on the <link href=\"text/swriter/main0206.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering Bar\"><emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> bar</link>.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Bullet options such as type and position are defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering\">Bullets and Numbering</link> dialog. To open this dialog, click the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> icon on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> Bar. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Настройките за водачи от рода на тип и позиция се задават в диалоговия прозорец <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Водачи и номерация\">Водачи и номерация</link>. За да отворите този диалогов прозорец, щракнете върху иконата <emph>Водачи и номерация</emph> от лентата <emph>Форматиране на текст</emph>. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Bullet options such as type and position are defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering\"><emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph></link> dialog. To open this dialog, click the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> icon on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">In the <link href=\"text/swriter/01/03120000.xhp\" name=\"Web Layout\">Web Layout</link>, some numbering/bullet options are not available. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">В <link href=\"text/swriter/01/03120000.xhp\" name=\"оформление за Уеб\">оформлението за Уеб</link> някои настройки за номера и водачи не са достъпни. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">In the <link href=\"text/swriter/01/03120000.xhp\" name=\"Web Layout\"><emph>Web Layout</emph></link>, some numbering/bullet options are not available.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The distance between the text and the left text frame and the position of the bullets can be determined in the dialog under <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph\"><emph>Format - Paragraph</emph></link> by entering the left indent and the first-line indent. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Разстоянието между текста и левия край на текстовата рамка и позицията на водачите може да се задава в диалоговия прозорец <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Форматиране - Абзац\"><emph>Форматиране - Абзац</emph></link> чрез въвеждане на левия отстъп и отстъпа за първия ред. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The distance between the text and the left text frame and the position of the bullets can be determined in the dialog under <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph\"><emph>Format - Paragraph</emph></link> by entering the left indent and the first-line indent.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10958,8 +10958,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enable Load URL with the <emph>Visible Buttons</emph> command (right-click the toolbar)."
-msgstr "Разрешете „Зареждане на URL“ с командата <emph>Видими бутони</emph> (щракнете с десния бутон върху лентата с инструменти)."
+msgid "Enable <emph>Load URL</emph> with the <emph>Visible Buttons</emph> command (right-click the toolbar)."
+msgstr ""
#: 07060000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11054,8 +11054,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_HELP_TEXT_SELECTION_MODE\">You can enable a selection cursor in a read-only text document or in the Help. Choose <emph>Edit - Select Text </emph>or open the context menu of a read-only document and choose <emph>Select Text</emph>. The selection cursor does not blink.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_HELP_TEXT_SELECTION_MODE\">Можете да разрешите курсор за избиране в документ само за четене или в помощта. Изберете <emph>Редактиране - Избор на текст</emph> или отворете контекстното меню на документ само за четене и изберете <emph>Избор на текст</emph>. Курсорът за избиране не мига.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_HELP_TEXT_SELECTION_MODE\">You can enable a selection cursor in a read-only text document or in the Help. Choose <emph>Edit - Select Text</emph> or open the context menu of a read-only document and choose <emph>Select Text</emph>. The selection cursor does not blink.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 07070100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11118,8 +11118,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To make changes in a database used by more than one person, you must have the appropriate access rights. When you edit an external database, there is no intermediate storage by $[officename] of the changes made. They are sent directly to the database."
-msgstr "За да нанасяте промени в база от данни, използвана от няколко лица, трябва да имате съответните права за достъп. Когато редактирате външна база от данни, $[officename] не съхранява междинно промените. Те се изпращат направо към базата от данни."
+msgid "To make changes in a database used by more than one person, you <emph>must have</emph> the appropriate access rights. When you edit an external database, there is <emph>no</emph> intermediate storage by $[officename] of the changes made. They are sent <emph>directly</emph> to the database."
+msgstr ""
#: 07070200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11150,8 +11150,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Saves the current database table record.</ahelp> The<emph> Save Record </emph>icon is found on the <link href=\"text/shared/main0212.xhp\" name=\"Database Bar\">Table Data bar</link>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Съхранява текущия запис от таблица в база от данни.</ahelp> Иконата <emph>Съхраняване на запис</emph> се намира върху <link href=\"text/shared/main0212.xhp\" name=\"лента База от данни\">лентата Данни от таблица</link>."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Saves the current database table record.</ahelp> The <emph>Save Record</emph> icon is found on the <link href=\"text/shared/main0212.xhp\" name=\"Database Bar\"><emph>Table Data</emph> bar</link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 07070200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11182,8 +11182,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Stop\">Click to interrupt the current loading process, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>-click to interrupt all loading processes.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Stop\">Щракнете, за да прекъснете текущото зареждане, или щракнете с<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>, за да прекъснете всички зареждания.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Stop\">Click to interrupt the current loading process, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+click to interrupt all loading processes.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 07090000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11206,8 +11206,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ExportDirectToPDF\" visibility=\"visible\">Exports the current document directly as PDF. No settings dialog is shown.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ExportDirectToPDF\" visibility=\"visible\">Експортира директно текущия документ във формат PDF. Не се показва диалогов прозорец за настройки.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ExportDirectToPDF\" visibility=\"visible\">Exports the current document directly as <emph>PDF</emph>. No settings dialog is shown.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 08010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11254,8 +11254,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:StatusGetPosition\">Displays the current cursor position in the %PRODUCTNAME Basic document. The row number is specified, then the column number.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:StatusGetPosition\">Показва текущата позиция на курсора в документа на %PRODUCTNAME Basic. Първо е номерът на реда, а след него – номерът на колоната.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:StatusGetPosition\">Displays the current cursor position in the <emph>%PRODUCTNAME</emph> Basic document. The row number is specified, then the column number.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11318,8 +11318,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the Hyperlink dialog.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Отваря диалоговия прозорец Хипервръзка.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the <emph>Hyperlink</emph> dialog.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11422,8 +11422,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>Internet</emph> page of the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">Hyperlink dialog</link> to edit hyperlinks with WWW or FTP addresses.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Използвайте страницата <emph>Интернет</emph> на <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">диалоговия прозорец „Хипервръзка“</link>, за да редактирате хипервръзки с адреси за WWW или FTP.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>Internet</emph> page of the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\"><emph>Hyperlink</emph> dialog</link> to edit hyperlinks with <emph>WWW</emph> or <emph>FTP</emph> addresses.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11454,8 +11454,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkinternetpage/linktyp_internet\">Creates an http hyperlink.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkinternetpage/linktyp_internet\">Създава хипервръзка от тип http.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkinternetpage/linktyp_internet\">Creates an \"<emph>http://</emph>\" hyperlink.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11470,8 +11470,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkinternetpage/linktyp_ftp\">Creates an FTP hyperlink.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkinternetpage/linktyp_ftp\">Създава хипервръзка от тип FTP.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkinternetpage/linktyp_ftp\">Creates an \"<emph>FTP://</emph>\" hyperlink.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11614,8 +11614,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Assign Macro</emph> dialog, in which you can give events such as \"mouse over object\" or \"trigger hyperlink\" their own program codes.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Отваря диалоговия прозорец <emph>Приписване на макрос</emph>, в който можете да задавате програмен код за събития като „курсорът е върху обекта“ или „задействана е хипервръзка“.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Assign Macro</emph> dialog, in which you can give events such as \"<emph>mouse over object</emph>\" or \"<emph>trigger hyperlink</emph>\" their own program codes.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11646,8 +11646,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Enter a name for the hyperlink.</ahelp> $[officename] inserts a NAME tag in the hyperlink."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Въведете име за хипервръзката.</ahelp> $[officename] ще вмъкне в хипервръзката етикет NAME."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Enter a name for the hyperlink.</ahelp> $[officename] inserts a <emph>NAME</emph> tag in the hyperlink."
+msgstr ""
#: 09070200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11670,8 +11670,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">On the <emph>Mail</emph> page in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">Hyperlink dialog</link> you can edit hyperlinks for e-mail addresses.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">В страницата <emph>Поща</emph> от <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">диалоговия прозорец „Хипервръзка“</link> можете да редактирате хипервръзки към адреси за е-поща.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">On the <emph>Mail</emph> page in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\"><emph>Hyperlink</emph> dialog</link> you can edit hyperlinks for e-mail addresses.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11694,8 +11694,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Assigns the specified e-mail address to the hyperlink.</ahelp> Clicking the new hyperlink in the document will open a new message document, addressed to the receiver specified in the <emph>Recipient</emph> field."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Приписва на хипервръзката зададения адрес за е-поща.</ahelp> Щракването върху новата хипервръзка в документа ще отвори нов документ – съобщение, адресирано до получателя от полето <emph>Получател</emph>."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Assigns the specified <emph>e-mail address</emph> to the hyperlink.</ahelp> Clicking the new hyperlink in the document will open a new message document, addressed to the receiver specified in the <emph>Recipient</emph> field."
+msgstr ""
#: 09070200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11710,8 +11710,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkmailpage/adressbook\">Hides or shows the data source browser.</ahelp> Drag the receiver's <emph>E-mail</emph> data field from the data source browser into the <emph>Recipient</emph> text field."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkmailpage/adressbook\">Скрива или показва браузъра за източници на данни.</ahelp> Плъзнете полето с данни <emph>е-поща</emph> на получателя от браузъра за източници на данни и го пуснете в текстовото поле <emph>Получател</emph>."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkmailpage/adressbook\">Hides or shows the <emph>data source</emph> browser.</ahelp> Drag the receiver's <emph>E-mail</emph> data field from the data source browser into the <emph>Recipient</emph> text field."
+msgstr ""
#: 09070200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11726,8 +11726,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkmailpage/subject\">Specifies the subject that is inserted in the subject line of the new message document.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkmailpage/subject\">Задава темата, която да бъде вмъкната в реда за тема на новия документ – съобщение.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkmailpage/subject\">Specifies the <emph>subject</emph> that is inserted in the subject line of the new message document.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11750,8 +11750,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Hyperlinks to any document or targets in documents can be edited using the <emph>Document</emph> tab from the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">Hyperlink dialog</link>.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Хипервръзките към произволен документ или цели в документи могат да бъдат редактирани чрез раздела <emph>Документ</emph> на <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">диалоговия прозорец „Хипервръзка“</link>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Hyperlinks to any document or targets in documents can be edited using the <emph>Document</emph> tab from the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\"><emph>Hyperlink</emph> dialog</link>.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11774,8 +11774,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Enter a URL for the file that you want to open when you click the hyperlink. If you do not specify a target frame, the file opens in the current document or frame.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Въведете URL адрес за файла, който искате да се отвори при щракване върху хипервръзката. Ако не зададете рамка цел, файлът ще се отвори в текущия документ или рамка.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Enter a <emph>URL</emph> for the file that you want to open when you click the hyperlink. If you do not specify a target frame, the file opens in the current document or frame.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11790,8 +11790,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkdocpage/fileopen\">Opens the <emph>Open dialog</emph>, where you can select a file.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkdocpage/fileopen\">Показва диалога <emph>Отваряне</emph>, в който можете да изберете файл.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkdocpage/fileopen\">Opens the <emph>Open</emph> dialog, where you can select a file.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11870,8 +11870,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>New Document</emph> tab from the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">Hyperlink dialog</link> to set up a hyperlink to a new document and create the new document simultaneously.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Използвайте раздела <emph>Нов документ</emph> от <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">диалоговия прозорец „Хипервръзка“</link>, за да зададете хипервръзка към нов документ и едновременно да създадете новия документ.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>New Document</emph> tab from the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\"><emph>Hyperlink</emph> dialog</link> to set up a hyperlink to a new document and create the new document simultaneously.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070400.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11934,8 +11934,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinknewdocpage/path\">Enter a URL for the file that you want to open when you click the hyperlink.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinknewdocpage/path\">Въведете URL адрес за файла, който искате да се отвори при щракване върху хипервръзката.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinknewdocpage/path\">Enter a <emph>URL</emph> for the file that you want to open when you click the hyperlink.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070400.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -12126,8 +12126,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"> <caseinline select=\"WRITER\">To Document End</caseinline> <defaultinline>Last Page</defaultinline> </switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"> <caseinline select=\"WRITER\">До края на документа</caseinline> <defaultinline>Последна страница</defaultinline> </switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">To Document End</caseinline><defaultinline>Last Page</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 10100000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -12150,8 +12150,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:CloseWin\">Closes the current window.</ahelp> Choose <emph>Window - Close Window</emph>, or press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+F4. In the print preview of $[officename] Writer and Calc, you can close the current window by clicking the <emph>Close Preview</emph> button."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:CloseWin\">Затваря текущия прозорец.</ahelp> Изберете <emph>Прозорец - Затваряне на прозореца</emph> или натиснете <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+F4. В мострата за печат на $[officename] Writer и Calc можете да затворите текущия прозорец, като натиснете бутона <emph>Затваряне на мострата</emph>."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:CloseWin\">Closes the current window.</ahelp> Choose <emph>Window - Close Window</emph>, or press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>F4</emph>. In the print preview of $[officename] Writer and Calc, you can close the current window by clicking the <emph>Close Preview</emph> button."
+msgstr ""
#: 10100000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13606,8 +13606,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "While the functions <link href=\"text/shared/02/12010000.xhp\" name=\"Sort in Ascending Order\"><emph>Sort in Ascending Order</emph></link> and <link href=\"text/shared/02/12020000.xhp\" name=\"Sort in Descending Order\"><emph>Sort in Descending Order</emph></link> sort by one criterion only, you can combine several criteria in the<emph> Sort Order </emph>dialog."
-msgstr "Макар че функциите <link href=\"text/shared/02/12010000.xhp\" name=\"Възходящо сортиране\"><emph>Възходящо сортиране</emph></link> и <link href=\"text/shared/02/12020000.xhp\" name=\"Низходящо сортиране\"><emph>Низходящо сортиране</emph></link> сортират само по един критерий, в диалоговия прозорец <emph>Ред на сортиране</emph> можете да съчетаете няколко критерия заедно."
+msgid "While the functions <link href=\"text/shared/02/12010000.xhp\" name=\"Sort in Ascending Order\"><emph>Sort in Ascending Order</emph></link> and <link href=\"text/shared/02/12020000.xhp\" name=\"Sort in Descending Order\"><emph>Sort in Descending Order</emph></link> sort by one criterion only, you can combine several criteria in the <emph>Sort Order</emph> dialog."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13638,8 +13638,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you sort the field name \"First name\" in ascending order and the field name \"last name\" in descending order, all records will be sorted in ascending order by first name, and then within the first names, in descending order by last name."
-msgstr "Ако сортирате по полето „Собствено име“ във възходящ ред и след това по „Фамилно име“ в низходящ ред, всички записи ще бъдат сортирани във възходящ ред по собствено име, а за всяко отделно собствено име – в низходящ ред по фамилно име."
+msgid "If you sort the field name \"First name\" in ascending order and the field name \"Last name\" in descending order, all records will be sorted in ascending order by first name, and then within the first names, in descending order by last name."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13702,8 +13702,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>tables in databases; searching</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>forms; browsing</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>records; searching in databases</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>searching; databases</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>databases; searching records</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>таблици в база от данни; търсене</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>формуляри; преглеждане</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>записи; търсене в бази от данни</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>търсене; бази от данни</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>бази от данни;търсене на записи в</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>tables in databases; searching</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>forms; browsing</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>records; searching in databases</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>searching; databases</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>databases; searching records</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13718,8 +13718,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"suchentext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:RecSearch\" visibility=\"hidden\">Searches database tables and forms.</ahelp> In forms or database tables, you can search through data fields, list boxes, and check boxes for specific values. </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"suchentext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:RecSearch\" visibility=\"hidden\">Претърсва таблици и формуляри в бази от данни.</ahelp> При формулярите и таблиците в бази от данни можете да претърсвате полетата с данни, списъчните полета и полетата за отметки за конкретни стойности. </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"suchentext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:RecSearch\" visibility=\"hidden\">Searches database tables and forms.</ahelp> In forms or database tables, you can search through data fields, list boxes, and check boxes for specific values.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13734,8 +13734,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The search described here is carried out by <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item>. If you want to use the SQL server to search in a database, then you should use the <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"Form-based Filters\">Form-based Filters</link> icon on the <link href=\"text/shared/main0213.xhp\" name=\"Form Bar\">Form Bar</link>."
-msgstr "Описаното тук търсене се извършва от <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item>. Ако желаете да търсите в базата от данни чрез сървъра за SQL, трябва да използвате иконата <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"филтри, базирани на формуляри\">Филтри, основани на формуляр</link> от <link href=\"text/shared/main0213.xhp\" name=\"лента Формуляр\">лентата Формуляр</link>."
+msgid "The search described here is carried out by <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item>. If you want to use the SQL server to search in a database, then you should use the <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"Form-based Filters\"><emph>Form-based Filters</emph></link> icon on the <link href=\"text/shared/main0213.xhp\" name=\"Form Bar\"><emph>Form</emph> bar</link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14078,8 +14078,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You have a date field, which is saved in \"DD.MM.YY\" format in the database (for example, 17.02.65). The format of the entry is changed in the data source view to \"DD MMM YYYY\" (17 Feb 1965). Following this example, a record containing February 17 is only found when the <emph>Apply field format</emph> option is on:"
-msgstr "Нека имате поле за дата, което в базата от данни се съхранява с формат „ДД.ММ.ГГ“ (например 17.02.65). Форматът на стойността е променен в изгледа за източник на данни на „ДД МММ ГГГГ“ (17 фев 1965). В този пример записът, съдържащ датата 17 февруари, ще бъде намерен само ако е включен режимът <emph>Прилагане на формат за полета</emph>:"
+msgid "You have a date field, which is saved in \"<emph>DD.MM.YY</emph>\" format in the database (for example, <emph>17.02.65</emph>). The format of the entry is changed in the data source view to \"<emph>DD MMM YYYY</emph>\" (<emph>17 Feb 1965</emph>). Following this example, a record containing February 17 is only found when the <emph>Apply field format</emph> option is on:"
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14166,24 +14166,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "\"5\" returns \"14:00:00\" as a time"
-msgstr "„5“ връща „14:00:00“ като час"
+msgid "\"5\" returns \"14:00:00\" as a time."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Time fields are not defined for dBASE databases and must be simulated. To internally display the time \"14:00:00\", a 5 is necessary."
-msgstr "Полетата за час не са дефинирани за бази от данни на dBASE и трябва да бъдат симулирани. Вътрешното представяне на часа „14:00:00“ е 5."
+msgid "Time fields are not defined for <emph>dBASE</emph> databases and must be simulated. To internally display the time \"<emph>14:00:00</emph>\", a \"<emph>5</emph>\" is necessary."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "\"00:00:00\" returns all records of a standard date field"
-msgstr "„00:00:00“ намира всички записи със стандартно поле за дата"
+msgid "\"00:00:00\" returns all records of a standard date field."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14206,8 +14206,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The view shown does not match what is stored internally. For example, if value 45.789 is stored in the database as a field of type Number/Double and the shown formatting is set to display only two decimals, \"45.79\" is only returned in searches with field formatting."
-msgstr "Показаната стойност не съответства на вътрешно съхраняваната. Например, ако в базата от данни се съхранява 45,789 като поле от тип Number/Double и форматирането при изобразяване показва само два дробни знака, „45,79“ ще бъде намерено само при търсене с форматиране на полетата."
+msgid "The view shown does not match what is stored internally. For example, if value \"<emph>45.789</emph>\" is stored in the database as a field of type \"<emph>Number/Double</emph>\" and the shown formatting is set to display only two decimals, \"<emph>45.79</emph>\" is only returned in searches with field formatting."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14222,8 +14222,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "However, searching without <emph>Apply field format </emph>is appropriate for larger databases with no formatting issues, because it is faster."
-msgstr "Търсене без <emph>Прилагане на формат за полета</emph> обаче е подходящо за по-големи бази от данни, когато няма проблеми с форматирането, понеже е по-бързо."
+msgid "However, searching without <emph>Apply field format</emph> is appropriate for larger databases with no formatting issues, because it is faster."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14302,8 +14302,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/fmsearchdialog/cbWildCard\" visibility=\"hidden\">Allows a search with a * or ? wildcard.</ahelp> You can use the following wildcards:"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/fmsearchdialog/cbWildCard\" visibility=\"hidden\">Позволява търсене със заместител * или ? .</ahelp> Можете да използвате следните заместители:"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/fmsearchdialog/cbWildCard\" visibility=\"hidden\">Allows a search with a <emph>*</emph> or <emph>?</emph> wildcard.</ahelp> You can use the following wildcards:"
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14398,8 +14398,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you want to search for the actual characters ? or *, preface them with a backslash: \"\\?\" or \"\\*\". However, this is only necessary when <emph>Wildcard expression</emph> is enabled. When the option is not enabled, the wildcard characters are processed like normal characters."
-msgstr "Ако желаете да търсите самите знаци ? или *, поставете пред тях обратно наклонена черта: „\\?“ или „\\*“. Това е необходимо само ако е отметнато полето <emph>Израз със заместители</emph>. Когато то е празно, знаците – заместители се обработват като обикновените знаци."
+msgid "If you want to search for the actual characters <emph>?</emph> or <emph>*</emph>, preface them with a backslash: \"<emph>\\?</emph>\" or \"<emph>\\*</emph>\". However, this is only necessary when <emph>Wildcard expression</emph> is enabled. When the option is not enabled, the wildcard characters are processed like normal characters."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14414,8 +14414,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/fmsearchdialog/cbRegular\">Searches with regular expressions.</ahelp> The same regular expressions that are supported here are also supported in the <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> <link href=\"text/shared/01/02100000.xhp\" name=\"Find & Replace dialog\">Find & Replace dialog</link>."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/fmsearchdialog/cbRegular\">Указва търсене с регулярни изрази.</ahelp> Същите регулярни изрази, които се поддържат тук, се поддържат и в <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item><link href=\"text/shared/01/02100000.xhp\" name=\"диалогов прозорец Търсене и замяна\">диалоговия прозорец Търсене и замяна</link>."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/fmsearchdialog/cbRegular\">Searches with regular expressions.</ahelp> The same regular expressions that are supported here are also supported in the <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> <link href=\"text/shared/01/02100000.xhp\" name=\"Find & Replace dialog\"><emph>Find & Replace</emph> dialog</link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14494,16 +14494,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "In very large databases, finding the record in reverse search order can take some time. In this case, the status bar informs you that the records are still being counted."
-msgstr "В много големи бази от данни намирането на записа при търсене назад може да заеме известно време. В този случай лентата на състоянието ви информира, че записите все още се броят."
+msgid "In very large databases, finding the record in reverse search order can take some time. In this case, the <emph>status bar</emph> informs you that the records are still being counted."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Search / Cancel"
-msgstr "Търсене/Отказ"
+msgid "Search/Cancel"
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14566,8 +14566,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Unlike the normal search, which is activated by the <link href=\"text/shared/02/12100200.xhp\" name=\"Find Record\">Find Record</link> icon on the <emph>Form</emph> Bar, you can search more quickly by using the form-based filter. Usually a quick database server is charged with the search. Also, you can enter more complex search conditions."
-msgstr "За разлика от обикновеното търсене, което се задейства чрез иконата <link href=\"text/shared/02/12100200.xhp\" name=\"Търсене на запис\">Търсене на запис</link> от лентата <emph>Формуляр</emph>, чрез формулярния филтър можете да търсите по-бързо. Обикновено със самото търсене се натоварва бърз сървър за бази от данни. Освен това можетре да въвеждате по-сложни условия."
+msgid "Unlike the normal search, which is activated by the <link href=\"text/shared/02/12100200.xhp\" name=\"Find Record\"><emph>Find Record</emph></link> icon on the <emph>Form</emph> bar, you can search more quickly by using the form-based filter. Usually a quick database server is charged with the search. Also, you can enter more complex search conditions."
+msgstr ""
#: 12110000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14630,8 +14630,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The<emph> Apply Filter </emph>function retains <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"form-based filters\">form-based filters</link> that have been set. You do not need to redefine them."
-msgstr "Функцията <emph>Филтриране</emph> запазва <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"формулярни филтри\">формулярните филтри</link>, които са били зададени. Не е необходимо да ги дефинирате повторно."
+msgid "The <emph>Apply Filter</emph> function retains <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"form-based filters\"><emph>form-based filters</emph></link> that have been set. You do not need to redefine them."
+msgstr ""
#: 12130000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14662,8 +14662,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ViewFormAsGrid\">Activates an additional table view when in the form view.</ahelp> When the<emph> Data source as table</emph> function is activated, you see the table in an area above the form."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ViewFormAsGrid\">Активира допълнителен табличен изглед във формулярния изглед.</ahelp> Когато бъде активирана функцията <emph>Източник на данни като таблица</emph>, виждате таблицата в областта над формуляра."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ViewFormAsGrid\">Activates an additional table view when in the form view.</ahelp> When the <emph>Data source as table</emph> function is activated, you see the table in an area above the form."
+msgstr ""
#: 12130000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14686,8 +14686,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The table view and form view reflect the same data. Changes made in the table are also visible in the form, and changes to the form are visible in the table."
-msgstr "Табличният изглед и формулярът отразяват едни и същи данни. Промените, нанасяни в таблицата, се виждат във формуляра и обратно."
+msgid "The <emph>Table view</emph> and <emph>Form view</emph> reflect the same data. Changes made in the table are also visible in the form, and changes to the form are visible in the table."
+msgstr ""
#: 12130000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14902,8 +14902,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Drag the bottom left mark to the right while pressing the mouse button"
-msgstr "Плъзнете долния ляв маркер надясно, задържайки бутона на мишката."
+msgid "Drag the bottom left mark to the right while pressing the mouse button."
+msgstr ""
#: 13020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14918,8 +14918,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Drag the top left mark to the right while pressing the mouse button"
-msgstr "Плъзнете горния ляв маркер надясно, задържайки бутона на мишката."
+msgid "Drag the top left mark to the right while pressing the mouse button."
+msgstr ""
#: 13020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14934,16 +14934,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Drag the mark on the right to the left while pressing the mouse button"
-msgstr "Плъзнете десния маркер наляво, задържайки бутона на мишката."
+msgid "Drag the mark on the right to the left while pressing the mouse button."
+msgstr ""
#: 13020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "In order to change the left indent starting with the second line of a paragraph, hold down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> key, click the triangle on the bottom left, and drag it to the right."
-msgstr "За да промените левия отстъп от втория ред на абзаца нататък, задръжте клавиша <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>, щракнете върху левия долен триъгълник и го плъзнете надясно."
+msgid "In order to change the left indent starting with the second line of a paragraph, hold down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> key, click the triangle on the bottom left, and drag it to the right."
+msgstr ""
#: 13020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14982,8 +14982,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The<emph> Run Query </emph>function allows you to check the query. When you save the query, it is stored in the <emph>Query</emph> tab page."
-msgstr "Функцията <emph>Изпълняване на заявка</emph> ви позволява да проверите заявката. Когато запишете заявката, тя се запазва в раздела <emph>Заявка</emph>."
+msgid "The <emph>Run Query</emph> function allows you to check the query. When you save the query, it is stored in the <emph>Query</emph> tab page."
+msgstr ""
#: 14010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15078,8 +15078,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"tabellehinzufuegentext\"><ahelp hid=\"dbaccess/ui/tablesjoindialog/tablelist\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the tables to be inserted into the design window.</ahelp> In the<emph> Add Tables </emph>dialog, select the tables you need for your current task. </variable> When creating a query or a new table presentation, select the corresponding table to which the query or table presentation should refer. When working with relational databases, select the tables between which you want to build relationships."
-msgstr "<variable id=\"tabellehinzufuegentext\"><ahelp hid=\"dbaccess/ui/tablesjoindialog/tablelist\" visibility=\"hidden\">Указва таблиците, които да бъдат вмъкнати в прозореца за проектиране.</ahelp> В диалоговия прозорец <emph>Добавяне на таблици</emph> изберете таблиците, които са ви необходими за текущата ви задача.</variable> Когато създавате заявка или ново представяне на таблица, изберете съответната таблица, за която се отнася заявката или представянето. Когато работите с релационна база от данни, изберете таблиците, между които желаете да зададете релации."
+msgid "<variable id=\"tabellehinzufuegentext\"><ahelp hid=\"dbaccess/ui/tablesjoindialog/tablelist\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the tables to be inserted into the design window.</ahelp> In the <emph>Add Tables</emph> dialog, select the tables you need for your current task.</variable> When creating a query or a new table presentation, select the corresponding table to which the query or table presentation should refer. When working with relational databases, select the tables between which you want to build relationships."
+msgstr ""
#: 14020100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15166,16 +15166,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Switch Design View On / Off"
-msgstr "Изглед Проектиране - вкл./изкл."
+msgid "Switch Design View On/Off"
+msgstr ""
#: 14020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/02/14020200.xhp\" name=\"Switch Design View On / Off\">Switch Design View On / Off</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/shared/02/14020200.xhp\" name=\"Изглед Проектиране - вкл./изкл.\">Изглед Проектиране - вкл./изкл.</link>"
+msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/02/14020200.xhp\" name=\"Switch Design View On / Off\">Switch Design View On/Off</link>"
+msgstr ""
#: 14020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15198,8 +15198,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Switch Design View On / Off"
-msgstr "Изглед Проектиране - вкл./изкл."
+msgid "Switch Design View On/Off"
+msgstr ""
#: 14030000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15222,8 +15222,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:SbaNativeSql\">In Native SQL mode you can enter SQL commands that are not interpreted by $[officename], but are instead passed directly to the data source.</ahelp> If you do not display these changes in the design view, you cannot change back to the design view."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:SbaNativeSql\">В режима Native SQL можете да въвеждате команди на SQL, които не се интерпретират от $[officename], а се предават директно на източника на данни.</ahelp> Ако не визуализирате тези промени в изглед Проектиране, няма да можете да се върнете към този изглед."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:SbaNativeSql\">In <emph>Native SQL</emph> mode you can enter SQL commands that are not interpreted by $[officename], but are instead passed directly to the data source.</ahelp> If you do not display these changes in the design view, you cannot change back to the design view."
+msgstr ""
#: 14030000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15254,8 +15254,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click the icon again to return to normal mode, in which the changes in the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"New Query Design\">New Query Design</link> are synchronized with the permitted changes through SQL."
-msgstr "Щракнете върху иконата отново, за да се върнете към обикновения режим, в който промените в <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Нов проект на заявка\">Нов проект на заявка</link> се синхронизират с разрешените промени в SQL."
+msgid "Click the icon again to return to normal mode, in which the changes in the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"New Query Design\"><emph>New Query Design</emph></link> are synchronized with the permitted changes through SQL."
+msgstr ""
#: 14040000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15278,8 +15278,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewFunctions\">Displays the \"Function\" row in the lower part of the design view of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\">Query Design</link> window.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewFunctions\">Показва реда „Функция“ в долната част на изгледа за проектиране на прозореца <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Проектиране на заявка\">Проектиране на заявка</link>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewFunctions\">Displays the <emph>Function</emph> row in the lower part of the design view of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\"><emph>Query Design</emph></link> window.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 14040000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15318,8 +15318,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Displays the \"Table\" row in the lower part of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\">Query Design</link>.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Показва реда „Таблица“ в долната част на прозореца <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Проектиране на заявка\">Проектиране на заявка</link>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Displays the <emph>Table</emph> row in the lower part of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\"><emph>Query Design</emph></link>.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 14050000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15358,8 +15358,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewAliases\">Displays the \"Alias\" row in the lower part of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\">Query Design</link>.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewAliases\">Показва реда „Псевдоним“ в долната част на прозореца <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Проектиране на заявка\">Проектиране на заявка</link>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewAliases\">Displays the <emph>Alias</emph> row in the lower part of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\"><emph>Query Design</emph></link>.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 14060000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15406,8 +15406,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:DBDistinctValues\">Expands the created select statement of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"SQL Query\">SQL Query</link> in the current column by the parameter DISTINCT.</ahelp> The consequence is that identical values occurring multiple times are listed only once."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:DBDistinctValues\">Допълва създадения оператор SELECT за <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"заявка на SQL\">заявката на SQL</link> с параметър DISTINCT за текущата колона.</ahelp> Резултатът е, че еднаквите стойности, които се срещат в колоната, се показват само по веднъж."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:DBDistinctValues\">Expands the created select statement of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"SQL Query\"><emph>SQL Query</emph></link> in the current column by the parameter <emph>DISTINCT</emph>.</ahelp> The consequence is that identical values occurring multiple times are listed only once."
+msgstr ""
#: 14070000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15470,24 +15470,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To select an object, click the object with the arrow. To select more than one object, drag a selection frame around the objects. To add an object to a selection, press Shift, and then click the object. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>The objects selected together can then be defined as a <link href=\"text/shared/01/05290000.xhp\" name=\"group\">group</link>, turning them into a single group object.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "За да изберете обект, щракнете върху него със стрелката. За да изберете няколко обекта, очертайте с плъзгане рамка за избиране около тях. За да добавите обект към селекция, натиснете Shift и после щракнете върху обекта. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>Избраните заедно обекти могат да бъдат обединени в <link href=\"text/shared/01/05290000.xhp\" name=\"група\">група</link>, при което се превръщат в единичен групов обект.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "To select an object, click the object with the arrow. To select more than one object, drag a selection frame around the objects. To add an object to a selection, press <emph>Shift</emph>, and then click the object. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>The objects selected together can then be defined as a <link href=\"text/shared/01/05290000.xhp\" name=\"group\">group</link>, turning them into a single group object.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 18010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>You can edit individual elements of a group. You can also delete elements from a group with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Shift</defaultinline></switchinline>+click.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>Можете да редактирате отделните елементи от група. Също така можете да изтривате елементи от група чрез <switchinline select=\"sys\"> <caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline> <defaultinline>Shift</defaultinline></switchinline>+щракване.</defaultinline> </switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>You can edit individual elements of a group. You can also delete elements from a group with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Shift</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+click.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 18010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>You can select single objects from a group by double-clicking, if you first disable the <emph>Double-click to edit Text</emph> icon on the <emph>Option</emph> Bar.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>Можете да избирате отделни обекти от група чрез двукратно щракване, ако първо изключите иконата <emph>Редактиране на текста с двукратно щракване</emph> в лентата <emph>Настройки</emph>.</defaultinline> </switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>You can select single objects from a group by double-clicking, if you first disable the <emph>Double-click to edit Text</emph> icon on the <emph>Option</emph> bar.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 18030000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15558,8 +15558,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "In HTML Source mode, you can view and edit the <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#tags\" name=\"tags\">tags</link> of <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#html\" name=\"HTML\">HTML</link>. Save the document as a plain text document. Assign an .html or .htm extension to designate the document as HTML."
-msgstr "В режима „Код на HTML“ можете да разглеждате и редактирате <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#tags\" name=\"tags\">етикетите</link> на <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#html\" name=\"HTML\">HTML</link>. Запишете документа като неформатиран текстов документ. Задайте разширение .html или .htm, за да го обозначите като документ на HTML."
+msgid "In <emph>HTML Source</emph> mode, you can view and edit the <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#tags\" name=\"tags\">tags</link> of <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#html\" name=\"HTML\">HTML</link>. Save the document as a plain text document. Assign an <emph>.html</emph> or <emph>.htm</emph> extension to designate the document as HTML."
+msgstr ""
#: 20020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15590,40 +15590,40 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:LayoutStatus\">Displays the current Page Style. Double-click to edit the style, right-click to select another style.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:LayoutStatus\">Показва текущия стил за страници. Щракнете двукратно, за да редактирате стила, щракнете с десния бутон, за да изберете друг стил.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:LayoutStatus\">Displays the current <emph>Page Style</emph>. Double-click to edit the style, right-click to select another style.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 20020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Double-click the<emph> Page Style field </emph>to open the <link href=\"text/swriter/01/05040000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\">Page Style</link> dialog, in which you can edit the style for the current page. In the context menu of this field, you can apply a Page Style. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Щракнете двукратно върху полето <emph>Стил за страници</emph>, за да отворите диалоговия прозорец <link href=\"text/swriter/01/05040000.xhp\" name=\"Стил за страници\">Стил за страници</link>, в който можете да редактирате стила на текущата страница. Чрез контекстното меню на това поле можете да приложите стил за страници. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Double-click the <emph>Page Style</emph> field to open the <link href=\"text/swriter/01/05040000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\"><emph>Page Style</emph></link> dialog, in which you can edit the style for the current page. In the context menu of this field, you can apply a page style.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 20020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Double-click the <emph>Page Style</emph> field to open the <link href=\"text/scalc/01/05070000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\">Page Style</link> dialog, in which you can edit the style for the current page. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Щракнете двукратно върху полето <emph>Стил за страници</emph>, за да отворите диалоговия прозорец <link href=\"text/scalc/01/05070000.xhp\" name=\"Стил за страници\">Стил за страници</link>, в който можете да редактирате стила на текущата страница. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Double-click the <emph>Page Style</emph> field to open the <link href=\"text/scalc/01/05070000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\"><emph>Page Style</emph></link> dialog, in which you can edit the style for the current page.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 20020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Double-click this field to open the <link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\">Slide Design</link> dialog in which you can select the style for the current slide. You can select a different paper format or background. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Щракнете двукратно върху това поле, за да отворите диалоговия прозорец <link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Стил за страници\">Дизайн на кадър</link>, в който можете да изберете стила за текущия кадър. Можете да изберете различен формат на хартията или фон. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Double-click this field to open the <link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\"><emph>Slide Design</emph></link> dialog in which you can select the style for the current slide. You can select a different paper format or background.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 20020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Double-click this field to open the <link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\">Slide Design</link> dialog in which you select the style for the current page. You can select a different paper format or background. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Щракнете двукратно върху това поле, за да отворите диалоговия прозорец <link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Стил за страници\">Дизайн на кадър</link>, в който можете да изберете стила за текущата страница. Можете да изберете различен формат на хартията или фон. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Double-click this field to open the <link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\"><emph>Slide Design</emph></link> dialog in which you select the style for the current page. You can select a different paper format or background.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 20030000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15662,8 +15662,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Double-clicking this field opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/03010000.xhp\" name=\"Zoom\">Zoom</link> dialog, where you can change the current zoom factor."
-msgstr "Двукратното щракване върху това поле отваря диалоговия прозорец <link href=\"text/shared/01/03010000.xhp\" name=\"Мащаб\">Мащаб</link>, в който можете да промените текущия коефициент на увеличение."
+msgid "Double-clicking this field opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/03010000.xhp\" name=\"Zoom\"><emph>Zoom</emph></link> dialog, where you can change the current zoom factor."
+msgstr ""
#: 20030000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15694,16 +15694,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertMode\">Displays the current insert mode. You can toggle between INSRT = insert and OVER = overwrite.</ahelp><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"> This field is only active if the cursor is in the input line of the formula bar or in a cell. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertMode\">Показва текущия режим на вмъкване. Можете да превключвате между ВМК = вмъкване и ЗАМ = замяна.</ahelp><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"> Това поле е активно само ако курсорът е във входния ред на лентата за формули или в клетка. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertMode\">Displays the current insert mode. You can toggle between <emph>INSRT</emph> = insert and <emph>OVER</emph> = overwrite.</ahelp><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"> This field is only active if the cursor is in the input line of the formula bar or in a cell.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 20040000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click in the field to toggle the modes (except in the $[officename] Basic IDE, where only the <emph>Insert</emph> mode is active). If the cursor is positioned in a text document, you may also use the Insert key (if available on your keyboard) to toggle the modes."
-msgstr "Щракнете в полето, за да превключите между режимите (освен в развойната среда на $[officename] Basic, в която е достъпен само режимът <emph>Вмъкване</emph>). Ако курсорът се намира в документ, можете да превключвате между режимите и с клавиша Insert (ако е наличен на клавиатурата)."
+msgid "Click in the field to toggle the modes (except in the $[officename] Basic IDE, where only the <emph>Insert</emph> mode is active). If the cursor is positioned in a text document, you may also use the <emph>Insert</emph> key (if available on your keyboard) to toggle the modes."
+msgstr ""
#: 20040000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15766,7 +15766,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>selection modes in text</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>text; selection modes</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>extending selection mode</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>adding selection mode</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>block selection mode</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>selection modes in text</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>text; selection modes</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>extending selection mode</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>adding selection mode</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>block selection mode</bookmark_value>"
msgstr "<bookmark_value>избиране на текст, режими</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>текст; режими на избиране</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>разширяване на селекция в текст</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>добавяне към селекция в текст</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>блокова селекция в текст</bookmark_value>"
#: 20050000.xhp
@@ -15822,8 +15822,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "This is the default selection mode for text documents. With the keyboard, selections can be performed by Shift+NavigationKey (<item type=\"keycode\">arrows, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down</item>). With the mouse, click in the text where the selection is to start, hold the left mouse button and move to the end of the selection. Release the mouse key to end selection."
-msgstr "Това е подразбираният режим на избиране за текстови документи. С клавиатурата можете да избирате чрез Shift+клавиш за навигация (<item type=\"keycode\">стрелки, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down</item>). С мишката щракнете там, където искате да започне селекцията, задръжте левия бутон и преместете до края на селекцията. Отпуснете бутона, за да завършите избирането."
+msgid "This is the default selection mode for text documents. With the keyboard, selections can be performed by <emph>Shift</emph>+navigation key (<item type=\"keycode\">arrows, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down</item>). With the mouse, click in the text where the selection is to start, hold the left mouse button and move to the end of the selection. Release the mouse key to end selection."
+msgstr ""
#: 20050000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15838,8 +15838,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "By using the arrow keys or the <item type=\"keycode\">Home</item> and <item type=\"keycode\">End</item> keys you can extend or crop the current selection. Clicking into the text selects the text between the current cursor position and the click position."
-msgstr "Клавишите със стрелки и клавишите <item type=\"keycode\">Home</item> и <item type=\"keycode\">End</item> разширяват или стесняват текущата селекция. Ако щракнете в текста, ще изберете текста между текущата позиция на курсора и тази на щракването."
+msgid "By using the <emph>arrow</emph> keys or the <item type=\"keycode\">Home</item> and <item type=\"keycode\">End</item> keys you can extend or crop the current selection. Clicking into the text selects the text between the current cursor position and the click position."
+msgstr ""
#: 20050000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15910,8 +15910,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_MODIFYSTATUS\">If changes to the document have not yet been saved, a \"*\" is displayed in this field on the Status Bar. This also applies to new, not yet saved documents.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"SID_MODIFYSTATUS\">Ако в документа има промени, които още не са били записани, в реда на състоянието се показва „*“. Това важи и за нови, още незаписани документи.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_MODIFYSTATUS\">If changes to the document have not yet been saved, a \"<emph>*</emph>\" is displayed in this field on the <emph>Status</emph> bar. This also applies to new, not yet saved documents.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 20090000.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/04.po b/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/04.po
index 52502e960e3..e92ffc05965 100644
--- a/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/04.po
+++ b/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/04.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
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+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-09 14:18+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mihail Balabanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
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#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>keyboard;general commands</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>shortcut keys;general</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>text input fields</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>AutoComplete function in text and list boxes</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>macros; interrupting</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>клавиатура;общи команди</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>клавишни комбинации;общи</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>входни полета за текст</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>автозавършване в текстови и списъчни полета</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>макроси; прекъсване</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>keyboard; general commands</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>shortcut keys; general</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>text input fields</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>AutoComplete function in text and list boxes</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>macros; interrupting</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "A great deal of your application's functionality can be called up by using shortcut keys. For example, the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command+O</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl+O</defaultinline></switchinline> shortcut keys are shown next to the <emph>Open</emph> entry in the <emph>File</emph> menu. If you want to access this function by using the shortcut keys, press and hold down <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> and then press the O key. Release both keys after the dialog appears."
-msgstr "Голяма част от функционалността на приложенията е достъпна чрез клавишни комбинации. Например, комбинацията <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command+O</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl+O</defaultinline></switchinline> е показана до позицията <emph>Отваряне</emph> в менюто <emph>Файл</emph>. Ако желаете да задействате тази функция чрез клавиатурата, натиснете и задръжте клавиша <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>, след което натиснете клавиша O. Отпуснете двата клавиша, след като се появи диалоговият прозорец."
+msgid "A great deal of your application's functionality can be called up by using shortcut keys. For example, the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command+O</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl+O</item></defaultinline></switchinline> shortcut keys are shown next to the <emph>Open</emph> entry in the <item type=\"menuitem\">File</item> menu. If you want to access this function by using the shortcut keys, press and hold down <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline> and then press the <item type=\"keycode\">O</item> key. Release both keys after the dialog appears."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>Some of the characters shown on the menu bar are underlined. You can access these menus directly by pressing the underlined character together with the ALT key. Once the menu is opened, you will again find underlined characters. You can access these menu items directly by simply pressing the underlined character key.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>Някои от знаците в лентата с менютата са подчертани. Можете да отваряте съответните менюта, като натискате клавишите с подчертаните знаци заедно с клавиша ALT. След като менюто се отвори, отново ще видите подчертани знаци. За да задействате съответната позиция от менюто, просто натиснете клавиша с подчертания знак.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>Some of the characters shown on the menu bar are underlined. You can access these menus directly by pressing the underlined character together with the <item type=\"keycode\">Alt</item> key. Once the menu is opened, you will again find underlined characters. You can access these menu items directly by simply pressing the underlined character key.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -93,16 +93,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "There is always one element highlighted in any given dialog - usually shown by a broken frame. This element, which can be either a button, an option field, an entry in a list box or a check box, is said to have the focus on it. If the focal point is a button, pressing Enter runs it as if you had clicked it. A check box is toggled by pressing the spacebar. If an option field has the focus, use the arrow keys to change the activated option field in that area. Use the Tab key to go from one element or area to the next one, use Shift+Tab to go in the reverse direction."
-msgstr "Във всеки диалогов прозорец винаги е откроен един елемент, обикновено с пунктирана рамка. Той може да бъде команден бутон, бутон за избор, елемент от списък или поле за отметка и казваме, че е фокусиран. Ако фокусът е върху команден бутон, натискането на Enter е равносилно на щракване върху него. Полетата за отметка се превключват с клавиша за интервал. Ако е фокусиран бутон за избор, клавишите със стрелки сменят активната възможност. С клавишите Tab и Shift+Tab можете да обхождате елементите в права и обратна посока."
+msgid "There is always one element highlighted in any given dialog - usually shown by a broken frame. This element, which can be either a button, an option field, an entry in a list box or a check box, is said to have the focus on it. If the focal point is a button, pressing <item type=\"keycode\">Enter</item> runs it as if you had clicked it. A check box is toggled by pressing the <item type=\"keycode\">Spacebar</item>. If an option field has the focus, use the arrow keys to change the activated option field in that area. Use the <item type=\"keycode\">Tab</item> key to go from one element or area to the next one, use <item type=\"keycode\">Shift+Tab</item> to go in the reverse direction."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Pressing ESC closes the dialog without saving changes. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>If you place the focus on a button, not only will you see the dotted line framing the name of the button, but also a thicker shadow under the button selected. This indicates that if you exit the dialog by pressing the Enter key, it is the equivalent of pressing that button itself.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "Натискането на Esc затваря диалоговия прозорец без записване на промените. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>Ако преместите фокуса върху бутон, ще видите не само пунктирана рамка около името му, но и по-плътна сянка под избрания бутон. Това означава, че ако напуснете диалоговия прозорец с натискане на клавиша Enter, все едно сте натиснали този бутон.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "Pressing <item type=\"keycode\">Esc</item> closes the dialog without saving changes. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>If you place the focus on a button, not only will you see the dotted line framing the name of the button, but also a thicker shadow under the button selected. This indicates that if you exit the dialog by pressing the <item type=\"keycode\">Enter</item> key, it is the equivalent of pressing that button itself.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you are using drag-and-drop, selecting with the mouse or clicking objects and names, you can use the keys Shift, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> and occasionally <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Option</caseinline><defaultinline>Alt</defaultinline></switchinline> to access additional functionality. The modified functions available when holding down keys during drag-and-drop are indicated by the mouse pointer changing form. When selecting files or other objects, the modifier keys can extend the selection - the functions are explained where applicable. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"UNIX\"><embedvar href=\"text/shared/00/00000099.xhp#winmanager\"/></caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "Ако ползвате плъзгане и пускане, избирате с мишката или щракате върху обекти и имена, можете да ползвате клавишите Shift, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> и понякога <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Option</caseinline><defaultinline>Alt</defaultinline></switchinline> за достъп до допълнителна функционалност. Променените функции, достъпни чрез задържане на клавиши по време на плъзгане и пускане, се обозначават със смяна вида на показалеца на мишката. Когато избирате файлове или други обекти, чрез клавишите-модификатори можете да разширявате избраното - тези функции са обяснени на съответните места. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"UNIX\"><embedvar href=\"text/shared/00/00000099.xhp#winmanager\"/></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "If you are using drag-and-drop, selecting with the mouse or clicking objects and names, you can use the keys <item type=\"keycode\">Shift</item>, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline> and occasionally <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Option</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Alt</item></defaultinline></switchinline> to access additional functionality. The modified functions available when holding down keys during drag-and-drop are indicated by the mouse pointer changing form. When selecting files or other objects, the modifier keys can extend the selection - the functions are explained where applicable. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"UNIX\"><embedvar href=\"text/shared/00/00000099.xhp#winmanager\"/></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -141,16 +141,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use the shortcut keys <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+S to open the <emph>Special Characters</emph> dialog to insert one or more special characters."
-msgstr "Натиснете <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+S, за да отворите диалоговия прозорец <emph>Специални знаци</emph> за вмъкване на един или повече специални знаци."
+msgid "Use the shortcut keys <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Shift+S</item> to open the <emph>Special Characters</emph> dialog to insert one or more special characters."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+A to select the entire text. Use the right or left arrow key to remove the selection."
-msgstr "Натиснете <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+A, за да изберете целия текст. Използвайте клавиша със стрелка наляво или надясно, за да премахнете избраното."
+msgid "Use <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+A</item> to select the entire text. Use the right or left arrow key to remove the selection."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -173,24 +173,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Del to delete everything from the cursor position to the end of the word."
-msgstr "Натиснете <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Del, за да изтриете всичко от позицията на курсора до края на думата."
+msgid "Use <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Del</item> to delete everything from the cursor position to the end of the word."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "By using <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> and right or left arrow key, the cursor will jump from word to word; if you also hold down the Shift key, one word after the other is selected."
-msgstr "Чрез комбинацията от <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> и стрелка наляво или надясно можете да местите курсора от дума на дума; ако задържите и клавиша Shift, ще избирате по една дума на всяко натискане."
+msgid "By using <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline> and right or left arrow key, the cursor will jump from word to word; if you also hold down the <item type=\"keycode\">Shift</item> key, one word after the other is selected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "INSRT is used to switch between the insert mode and the overwrite mode and back again."
-msgstr "Клавишът Insert служи за превключване между режим на вмъкване и режим на припокриване."
+msgid "<item type=\"keycode\">INSRT</item> is used to switch between the insert mode and the overwrite mode and back again."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -205,24 +205,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Z shortcut keys are used to undo modifications one step at a time; the text will then have the status it had before the first change."
-msgstr "Комбинацията <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Z служи за отмяна на промените стъпка по стъпка. Накрая текстът ще стигне до състоянието си отпреди първата промяна."
+msgid "The <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Z</item> shortcut keys are used to undo modifications one step at a time; the text will then have the status it had before the first change."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "$[officename] has an AutoComplete function which activates itself in some text and list boxes. For example, enter <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">c:\\a</caseinline><defaultinline>~/a</defaultinline></switchinline> into the URL field and the AutoComplete function displays the first file or first directory found <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">on the C: drive</caseinline><defaultinline>in your home folder</defaultinline></switchinline> that starts with the letter \"a\"."
-msgstr "$[officename] предлага функция автозавършване, която се активира в някои текстови и списъчни полета. Например, въведете <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">c:\\a</caseinline><defaultinline>~/a</defaultinline></switchinline> в поле за URL и автозавършването ще покаже първия файл или папка <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">в устройството C:</caseinline><defaultinline>в личната ви папка</defaultinline></switchinline>, чието име започва с буквата „a“."
+msgid "$[officename] has an <emph>AutoComplete</emph> function which activates itself in some text and list boxes. For example, enter <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\"><emph>c:\\a</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>~/a</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> into the URL field and the <emph>AutoComplete</emph> function displays the first file or first directory found <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">on the C: drive</caseinline><defaultinline>in your home folder</defaultinline></switchinline> that starts with the letter \"a\"."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use the down arrow key to scroll through the other files and directories. Use the right arrow key to also display an existing subdirectory in the URL field. Quick AutoComplete is available if you press the End key after entering part of the URL. Once you find the document or directory you want, press Enter."
-msgstr "С клавиша със стрелка надолу можете да превъртате списъка, за да видите още файлове и директории. Клавишът със стрелка надясно предизвиква показване на съществуваща поддиректория в полето за URL. Ако натиснете клавиша Enter, след като сте въвели част от URL адреса, ще предизвикате бързо автозавършване. След като намерите желания документ или директория, натиснете Enter."
+msgid "Use the <item type=\"keycode\">Down Arrow</item> key to scroll through the other files and directories. Use the <item type=\"keycode\">Right Arrow</item> key to also display an existing subdirectory in the URL field. Quick AutoComplete is available if you press the <item type=\"keycode\">End</item> key after entering part of the URL. Once you find the document or directory you want, press <item type=\"keycode\">Enter</item>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you want to terminate a macro that is currently running, press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+Q."
-msgstr "Ако желаете да прекъснете изпълняван в момента макрос, натиснете <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+Q."
+msgid "If you want to terminate a macro that is currently running, press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Shift+Q</item>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -253,8 +253,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The shortcut keys are shown on the right hand side of the menu lists next to the corresponding menu command. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">(Not all of the mentioned keys for controlling dialogs are available on the Macintosh.)</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "Клавишните комбинации са показани отдясно в списъците на менютата, срещу съответните команди от менюто. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">(Не всички споменати клавиши за управление на диалогови прозорци са достъпни в Macintosh.)</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "The shortcut keys are shown on the right hand side of the menu lists next to the corresponding menu command. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">(Not all of the mentioned keys for controlling dialogs are available on macOS.)</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -277,8 +277,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Effect</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>Ефект</emph>"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -293,8 +293,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Activates the focused button in a dialog"
-msgstr "Активира фокусирания бутон в диалогов прозорец"
+msgid "Activates the focused button in a dialog."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -389,8 +389,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the list of the control field currently selected in a dialog. These shortcut keys apply not only to combo boxes but also to icon buttons with pop-up menus. Close an opened list by pressing the Escape key."
-msgstr "Отваря списъка на полето, избрано в момента в диалоговия прозорец. Тази комбинация е приложима не само за комбинирани полета, но и за бутони с икони, които имат изскачащи менюта. За да затворите списъка, натиснете клавиша Escape."
+msgid "Opens the list of the control field currently selected in a dialog. These shortcut keys apply not only to combo boxes but also to icon buttons with pop-up menus. Close an opened list by pressing the <item type=\"keycode\">Esc</item> key."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -413,8 +413,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Effect</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>Ефект</emph>"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -557,8 +557,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>Toggles the view between fullscreen mode and normal mode in Writer or Calc</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>Превключва изгледа между режим на цял екран и нормален режим в Writer и Calc.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>Toggles the view between fullscreen mode and normal mode in Writer or Calc.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -605,8 +605,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>Starts the $[officename] Help</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>Отваря помощта на $[officename].</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>Starts the $[officename] Help.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -645,8 +645,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Turns on Extended Tips for the currently selected command, icon or control."
-msgstr "Включва разширените подсказки за текущо избраната команда, икона или елемент за управление."
+msgid "Turns on <emph>Extended Tips</emph> for the currently selected command, icon or control."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -661,8 +661,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Sets focus in next subwindow (for example, document/data source view)"
-msgstr "Премества фокуса в следващия подпрозорец (например при изглед \"документ/източник на данни\")."
+msgid "Sets focus in next subwindow, for example, document/data source view."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -693,8 +693,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Activates the first menu (File menu)"
-msgstr "Активира първото меню (менюто Файл)"
+msgid "Activates the first menu (File menu)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -725,8 +725,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Closes the current document (close $[officename] when the last open document is closed)"
-msgstr "Затваря текущия документ (затваря $[officename], когато бъде затворен последният отворен документ)"
+msgid "Closes the current document. Closes $[officename] when the last open document is closed."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -765,8 +765,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Effect</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>Ефект</emph>"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -973,8 +973,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Italic</emph> attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also marked in italic."
-msgstr "Прилага атрибут <emph>курсив</emph> върху избраната област. Ако курсорът се намира в дума, цялата дума става курсивна."
+msgid "The \"Italic\" attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also marked in italic."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -989,8 +989,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Bold</emph> attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also put in bold."
-msgstr "Прилага атрибут <emph>получер</emph> върху избраната област. Ако курсорът се намира в дума, цялата дума става получерна."
+msgid "The \"Bold\" attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also put in bold."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1005,8 +1005,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Underlined</emph> attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also underlined."
-msgstr "Прилага атрибут <emph>подчертан</emph> върху избраната област. Ако курсорът се намира в дума, цялата дума се подчертава."
+msgid "The \"Underlined\" attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also underlined."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1021,8 +1021,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Removes direct formatting from selected text or objects (as in <emph>Format - Clear Direct Formatting</emph>)"
-msgstr "Премахва прякото форматиране от избран текст или обекти (като <emph>Форматиране - Изчистване на прякото форматиране</emph>)"
+msgid "Removes direct formatting from selected text or objects (as in <item type=\"menuitem\">Format - Clear Direct Formatting</item>)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1045,8 +1045,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Result"
-msgstr "Действие"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1077,16 +1077,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Moves between areas (backwards)"
-msgstr "Превключва между областите (в обратна посока)."
+msgid "Moves backwards between areas."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Shortcut keys in the New Theme area of the Gallery:"
-msgstr "Клавишни комбинации в областта Нова тема на галерията:"
+msgid "Shortcut keys in the <emph>New Theme</emph> area of the Gallery:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1101,8 +1101,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Result"
-msgstr "Действие"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1149,8 +1149,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the Properties dialog."
-msgstr "Отваря диалоговия прозорец Свойства."
+msgid "Opens the <emph>Properties</emph> dialog."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1229,16 +1229,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Inserts a new theme"
-msgstr "Вмъква нова тема"
+msgid "Inserts a new theme."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Shortcut keys in the Gallery preview area:"
-msgstr "Клавишни комбинации в областта за мостра на галерията:"
+msgid "Shortcut keys in the <emph>Gallery Preview</emph> area:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1253,8 +1253,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Result"
-msgstr "Действие"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1365,8 +1365,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Scroll up one screen."
-msgstr "Превърта с един екран нагоре."
+msgid "Scrolls up one screen."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1381,8 +1381,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Scroll down one screen."
-msgstr "Превърта с един екран надолу."
+msgid "Scrolls down one screen."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1485,8 +1485,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Step backward (only in object view)"
-msgstr "Стъпка назад (само в изгледа на обектите)."
+msgid "Step backward (only in object view)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1501,8 +1501,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Selecting Rows and Columns in a Database Table (opened by <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> + Shift + F4 keys)"
-msgstr "Избиране на редове и колони в таблица на база от данни (отворена с <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> + Shift + F4)"
+msgid "Selecting Rows and Columns in a Database Table (opened by <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Shift+F4</item> keys)"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1517,8 +1517,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Result"
-msgstr "Действие"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1549,8 +1549,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Toggles row selection"
-msgstr "Превключва дали редът е избран или не."
+msgid "Toggles row selection."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1565,8 +1565,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Selects the current column"
-msgstr "Избира текущата колона."
+msgid "Selects the current column."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1581,8 +1581,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Moves pointer to the first row"
-msgstr "Премества показалеца на първия ред"
+msgid "Moves pointer to the first row."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1597,8 +1597,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Moves pointer to the last row"
-msgstr "Премества показалеца на последния ред"
+msgid "Moves pointer to the last row."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1621,16 +1621,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Result"
-msgstr "Действие"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the toolbar with F6. Use the Down Arrow and Right Arrow to select the desired toolbar icon and press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter"
-msgstr "Изберете лентата с инструменти с F6. Чрез клавишите със стрелка надолу и стрелка надясно изберете желаната икона и натиснете <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter"
+msgid "Select the toolbar with <item type=\"keycode\">F6</item>. Use the <item type=\"keycode\">Down Arrow</item> and <item type=\"keycode\">Right Arrow</item> keys to select the desired toolbar icon and press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Enter</item>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1645,8 +1645,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the document with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+F6 and press Tab"
-msgstr "Изберете документа с <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+F6 и натиснете Tab"
+msgid "Select the document with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+F6</item> and press <item type=\"keycode\">Tab</item>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1749,8 +1749,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Exit Handle Selection Mode and return to Object Selection Mode."
-msgstr "Изход от режима \"избиране на манипулатори\" и връщане в режима \"избиране на обекти\"."
+msgid "Exits <emph>Handle Selection Mode</emph> and return to <emph>Object Selection Mode</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1765,8 +1765,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Move the selected point (the snap-to-grid functions are temporarily disabled, but end points still snap to each other)."
-msgstr "Мести избраната точка (функциите за прилепване към мрежата временно се изключват, но точките продължават да прилепват една към друга)."
+msgid "Moves the selected point (the snap-to-grid functions are temporarily disabled, but end points still snap to each other)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1781,32 +1781,32 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Moves the selected Drawing Object one pixel (in Selection Mode)"
-msgstr "Мести избрания графичен обект с по един пиксел (в режим на избиране)."
+msgid "Moves the selected drawing object one pixel (in Selection Mode)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Re-sizes a Drawing Object (in Handle Selection Mode)"
-msgstr "Преоразмерява графичен обект (в режим \"избиране на манипулатори\")."
+msgid "Resizes a drawing object (in Handle Selection Mode)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Rotates a Drawing Object (in Rotation Mode)"
-msgstr "Върти графичен обект (в режим \"въртене\")."
+msgid "Rotates a drawing object (in Rotation Mode)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the properties dialog for a Drawing Object."
-msgstr "Отваря диалоговия прозорец за свойства на графичен обект."
+msgid "Opens the properties dialog for a drawing object."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1829,8 +1829,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select a point of a drawing object (in Point Selection mode) / Cancel selection."
-msgstr "Избор на възел от графичен обект (в режим \"избиране на възли\")/отказ от избраното."
+msgid "Selects a point of a drawing object (in Point Selection mode) / Cancel selection."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1853,8 +1853,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select an additional point in Point Selection mode."
-msgstr "Избира още един възел в режим \"избиране на възли\"."
+msgid "Selects an additional point in Point Selection mode."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1869,16 +1869,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the next point of the drawing object (Point Selection mode)"
-msgstr "Избор на следващия възел от графичния обект (режим \"избиране на възли\")."
+msgid "Selects the next point of the drawing object (Point Selection mode)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "In Rotation mode, the center of rotation can also be selected."
-msgstr "В режим на завъртане можете да избирате и центъра на завъртането."
+msgid "In <emph>Rotation</emph> mode, the center of rotation can also be selected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1893,8 +1893,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the previous point of the drawing object (Point Selection mode)"
-msgstr "Избира предходния възел от графичния обект (в режим \"избиране на възли\")"
+msgid "Selects the previous point of the drawing object (Point Selection mode)"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1917,8 +1917,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter at the Selection icon"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter върху иконата Избор"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter at the <emph>Selection</emph> icon"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1941,16 +1941,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Leave the Point Selection mode. The drawing object is selected afterwards."
-msgstr "Изход от режима \"избиране на възли\". След това графичният обект остава избран."
+msgid "Leaves the <emph>Point Selection</emph> mode. The drawing object is selected afterwards."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Edit a point of a drawing object (Point Edit mode)"
-msgstr "Редактиране на възел от рисуван обект (режим \"редактиране на възли\")"
+msgid "Edits a point of a drawing object (Point Edit mode)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2069,8 +2069,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Results"
-msgstr "Действие"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2149,8 +2149,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Мостра"
+msgid "Shows a Preview."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2165,8 +2165,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Run query"
-msgstr "Изпълняване на заявка"
+msgid "Runs query."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2181,8 +2181,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Add table or query"
-msgstr "Добавяне на таблица или заявка"
+msgid "Adds table or query."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2205,8 +2205,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Results"
-msgstr "Действие"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2341,8 +2341,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Results"
-msgstr "Действие"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2389,8 +2389,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Jump between windows."
-msgstr "Превключва между прозорците."
+msgid "Jumps between windows."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/07.po b/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/07.po
index 2a0906c3398..ef8226c9967 100644
--- a/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/07.po
+++ b/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/07.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-09 16:45+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-31 23:29+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mihail Balabanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -37,16 +37,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To create a new web page for the Internet, open a new <emph>HTML Document</emph> by choosing <emph>File - New</emph>."
-msgstr "За да създадете нова уебстраница за Интернет, отворете нов <emph>Документ на HTML</emph> чрез подменюто <emph>Файл - Нов</emph>."
+msgid "To create a new web page for the Internet, open a new <emph>HTML Document</emph> by choosing <item type=\"menuitem\">File - New</item>."
+msgstr ""
#: 09000000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "A tool for creating new web pages is the Web Layout mode, which you enable with <emph>View - Web</emph>."
-msgstr "Инструмент за създаване на нови уебстраници е режимът „Оформление за Уеб“, който разрешавате с <emph>Изглед - Уеб</emph>."
+msgid "A tool for creating new web pages is the Web Layout mode, which you enable with <item type=\"menuitem\">View - Web</item>."
+msgstr ""
#: 09000000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Switch to the web layout mode by choosing <emph>View - Web</emph> or by opening a new HTML document."
-msgstr "Превключете към режима „Оформление за Уеб“, като изберете <emph>Изглед - Уеб</emph> или като отворите нов документ на HTML."
+msgid "Switch to the web layout mode by choosing <item type=\"menuitem\">View - Web</item> or by opening a new HTML document."
+msgstr ""
#: 09000000.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po b/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po
index 0d69e992eee..f4aaab758c1 100644
--- a/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po
+++ b/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-16 16:54+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-08 11:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mihail Balabanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: .\n"
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
"X-Project-Style: openoffice\n"
"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1528457729.000000\n"
@@ -12398,8 +12398,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To create a single line, type three or more hyphens (-), or underscores ( _ ), and then press Enter. To create a double line, type three or more equal signs (=), asterisks (*), tildes (~), or hash marks (#), and then press Enter."
-msgstr "За да създадете единична линия, въведете три или повече тирета (-) или долни черти ( _ ) и натиснете Enter. За да създадете двойна линия, въведете три или повече знаци „равно“ (=), звездички (*), вълнообразни черти (~) или диези (#) и натиснете Enter."
+msgid "To create a single line, type three or more hyphens (-), or underscores (_), and then press Enter. To create a double line, type three or more equal signs (=), asterisks (*), tildes (~), or hash marks (#), and then press Enter."
+msgstr ""
#: line_intext.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/optionen.po b/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/optionen.po
index 116eefd996c..eea321c0102 100644
--- a/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/optionen.po
+++ b/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/optionen.po
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-05 21:20+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-08 21:13+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mihail Balabanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: .\n"
"Language: bg\n"
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
"X-Project-Style: openoffice\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1528233654.000000\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1531084410.000000\n"
#: 01000000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1606,8 +1606,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"ignore\">The <emph>IgnoreAllList (All)</emph> includes all words that have been marked with <emph>Ignore</emph> during spellcheck. This list is valid only for the current spellcheck.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"ignore\">Речникът <emph>IgnoreAllList (Всички)</emph> включва всички думи, които са отбелязани с <emph>Игнориране</emph> по време на проверка на правописа. Този списък е в сила само за текущата проверка на правописа.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"ignore\">The <emph>List of Ignored Words (All)</emph> includes all words that have been marked with <emph>Ignore</emph> during spellcheck. This list is valid only for the current spellcheck.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010400.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1911,7 +1911,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<bookmark_value>spellcheck; activating for a language</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>hyphenation; activating for a language</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>thesaurus; activating for a language</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>languages; activating modules</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>dictionaries;creating</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>user-defined dictionaries;creating</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>правописна проверка; включване за даден език</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>проверка на правописа; включване за даден език</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>сричкопренасяне; включване за даден език</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>синонимен речник; включване за даден език</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>езици; включване на модули</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>речници;създаване</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>потребителски речнижи;създаване</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>правописна проверка; включване за даден език</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>проверка на правописа; включване за даден език</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>сричкопренасяне; включване за даден език</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>синонимен речник; включване за даден език</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>езици; включване на модули</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>речници;създаване</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>потребителски речници;създаване</bookmark_value>"
#: 01010401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9135,7 +9135,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "=B6*0.15"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "=B6*0,15"
#: 01060500.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter.po b/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter.po
index 2fe5808068f..b2b6b7fa1f0 100644
--- a/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter.po
+++ b/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter.po
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-04-05 23:24+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-08 21:30+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mihail Balabanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: bg\n"
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1522970641.000000\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1531085409.000000\n"
#: classificationbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1566,7 +1566,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Contains commands to apply, create, edit, update, load, and manage <link href=\"text/swriter/01/05130000.xhp\" name=\"styles\">styles</link> in a text document.</ahelp>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Съдържа команди за прилагане, създаване, редактиране, обновяване, зареждане и организиране на <link href=\"text/swriter/01/05130000.xhp\" name=\"styles\">стилове</link> в текстов документ.</ahelp>"
#: main0115.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1574,7 +1574,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Text styles entries"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Елементи с текстови стилове"
#: main0115.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1582,7 +1582,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "The entries includes most common paragraph, character and list styles. Click on the style to apply."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Включват повечето често използвани стилове за абзаци, знаци и списъци. Щракнете върху стил, за да го приложите."
#: main0115.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1590,7 +1590,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "You can customize the list of styles entries using menu <link href=\"text/shared/01/06140100.xhp\" name=\"customize menu\"><emph>Tools - Customize</emph></link>. Because custom styles belongs to the actual document, remember to store the customized menu in the document scope."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Можете да персонализирате списъка от стилове чрез менюто <link href=\"text/shared/01/06140100.xhp\" name=\"customize menu\"><emph>Инструменти - Персонализиране</emph></link>. Тъй като стиловете по избор са част от конкретния документ, не забравяйте да зададете документа като обхват на на персонализираното меню."
#: main0115.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1598,7 +1598,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Edit Style"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Редактиране на стил"
#: main0115.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1606,7 +1606,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Opens the Paragraph Style dialog box of the current paragraph."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Отваря диалоговия прозорец „Абзацен стил“ за текущия абзац."
#: main0115.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1614,7 +1614,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Update Style"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Обновяване на стил"
#: main0115.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1622,7 +1622,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Update the paragraph style with the <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#Section7\" name=\"direct formatting\">direct formatting</link> applied to the current paragraph."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Обновява абзацния стил с <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#Section7\" name=\"direct formatting\">прякото форматиране</link>, приложено върху текущия абзац."
#: main0115.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1630,7 +1630,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "New style"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Нов стил"
#: main0115.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1638,7 +1638,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Adds a paragraph style with the settings of the current selection. You will be prompted to enter the style name."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Добавя абзацен стил с настройките на текущата селекция. Ще бъдете подканени да въведете име за стила."
#: main0115.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1646,7 +1646,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Load Styles"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Зареждане на стилове"
#: main0115.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1654,7 +1654,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<link href=\"text/swriter/guide/load_styles.xhp\" name=\"import style\">Import styles</link> from another document or template into the current document."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<link href=\"text/swriter/guide/load_styles.xhp\" name=\"import style\">Импортира стилове</link> от друг документ или шаблон в текущия документ."
#: main0115.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1662,7 +1662,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Manage Styles"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Управление на стиловете"
#: main0115.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1670,7 +1670,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/swriter/01/05140000.xhp\" name=\"linkname\">Styles deck</link> in the sidebar."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Отваря <link href=\"text/swriter/01/05140000.xhp\" name=\"linkname\">раздела „Стилове“</link> от страничната лента."
#: main0120.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1678,7 +1678,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Form Menu"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Меню Формуляр"
#: main0120.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1686,7 +1686,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<link href=\"text/swriter/main0120.xhp\" name=\"Form menu\">Form</link>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<link href=\"text/swriter/main0120.xhp\" name=\"Form menu\">Формуляр</link>"
#: main0120.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1694,7 +1694,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"variable name\"><ahelp hid=\"hid path or command\">Contains commands for activate form design mode, open control wizards and insert form controls in your text document.</ahelp></variable>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"variable name\"><ahelp hid=\"hid path or command\">Съдържа команди за включване на режима „Проектиране на формуляр“, отваряне на помощници за контроли и вмъкване на контроли за формуляр в текстовия документ.</ahelp></variable>"
#: main0120.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1702,7 +1702,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Design Mode"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Режим Проектиране"
#: main0120.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1710,7 +1710,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Enable or disable form design mode."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Включва или изключва режима на проектиране на формуляр."
#: main0120.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1718,7 +1718,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Control Wizards"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Помощници за контроли"
#: main0120.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1726,7 +1726,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Enable or disable control wizards."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Разрешава или забранява помощниците за контроли."
#: main0120.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1734,7 +1734,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "More fields"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Още полета"
#: main0120.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1742,7 +1742,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Date, time, numerical, currency and pattern form fields."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Формулярни полета за дата, час, число и парична сума и полета с маски."
#: main0120.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1750,7 +1750,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Automatic Control Focus"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Автоматично фокусиране на елемент за управление"
#: main0120.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1758,7 +1758,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Enable or disable Automatic Control Focus"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Разрешава или забранява автоматичното фокусиране на елемент за управление."
#: main0200.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/00.po b/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/00.po
index 3e02a98d9a2..bb713265214 100644
--- a/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/00.po
+++ b/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/00.po
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-30 00:04+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-08 21:23+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mihail Balabanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: bg\n"
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1527638664.000000\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1531085025.000000\n"
#: 00000004.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2454,7 +2454,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "The styles menu"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Менюто със стилове"
#: stylesmenu.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2462,7 +2462,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"ses\">Choose <emph>Styles - Edit Styles</emph></variable>."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"ses\">Изберете <emph>Стилове - Редактиране на стилове</emph></variable>."
#: stylesmenu.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2470,7 +2470,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"sus\">Choose <emph>Styles - Update Style</emph> or <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph>+ Shift + F11</emph></variable>."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"sus\">Изберете <emph>Стилове - Обновяване на стил</emph> или <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph>+ Shift + F11</emph></variable>."
#: stylesmenu.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2478,7 +2478,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"sns\">Choose <emph>Styles - New Style</emph> or <emph>Shift + F11</emph></variable>."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"sns\">Изберете <emph>Стилове - Нов стил</emph> или <emph>Shift + F11</emph></variable>."
#: stylesmenu.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2486,7 +2486,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"sls\">Choose <emph>Styles - Load Styles</emph></variable>."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"sls\">Изберете <emph>Стилове - Зареждане на стилове</emph></variable>."
#: stylesmenu.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2494,4 +2494,4 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"sms\">Choose <emph>Styles - Manage Styles</emph> or F11</variable>."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<variable id=\"sms\">Изберете <emph>Стилове - Управление на стиловете</emph> или F11</variable>."
diff --git a/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/guide.po b/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/guide.po
index 97a78f901cf..b989e0409dc 100644
--- a/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/guide.po
+++ b/source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/guide.po
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-09 12:04+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-06 12:25+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mihail Balabanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: bg\n"
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1525867476.000000\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530879947.000000\n"
#: anchor_object.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8734,7 +8734,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Open the <emph>Load Styles</emph> dialog box by either"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Отворете диалоговия прозорец <emph>Зареждане на стилове</emph> по някой от долните начини."
#: load_styles.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8742,7 +8742,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Choose <emph>View - Styles</emph> or"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Изберете <emph>Изглед - Стилове</emph> или"
#: load_styles.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8750,7 +8750,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<embedvar href=\"text/swriter/00/stylesmenu.xhp#sms\" markup=\"keep\"/> to open the <emph>Styles</emph> sidebar deck."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<embedvar href=\"text/swriter/00/stylesmenu.xhp#sms\" markup=\"keep\"/>за да отворите раздела <emph>Стилове</emph> от страничната лента."
#: load_styles.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/bg/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po b/source/bg/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
index 1f73f9e179d..eb43d8188aa 100644
--- a/source/bg/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
+++ b/source/bg/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-08 12:34+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:05+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-08 19:00+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mihail Balabanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: bg\n"
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1528461294.000000\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1531076459.000000\n"
#: BaseWindowState.xcu
msgctxt ""
@@ -3808,15 +3808,6 @@ msgstr "Вмъкване разделител на страници"
#: CalcCommands.xcu
msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Data"
-msgstr "~Данни"
-#: CalcCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
@@ -22467,6 +22458,15 @@ msgstr "~Вмъкване"
#: GenericCommands.xcu
msgctxt ""
+msgid "~Data"
+msgstr "Данни"
+#: GenericCommands.xcu
+msgctxt ""
@@ -23056,7 +23056,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "More Fields"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Още полета"
#: ImpressWindowState.xcu
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/bg/sc/messages.po b/source/bg/sc/messages.po
index 69d2745a663..089a13d81c9 100644
--- a/source/bg/sc/messages.po
+++ b/source/bg/sc/messages.po
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-13 09:15+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-09 08:56+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mihail Balabanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: bg\n"
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1528881334.000000\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1531126587.000000\n"
#: sc/inc/compiler.hrc:27
@@ -12906,7 +12906,7 @@ msgstr "От валута"
#: sc/inc/scfuncs.hrc:3898
msgid "ISO 4217 code of the currency from which is converted."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Код по ISO 4217 на валутата, от която се преобразува."
#: sc/inc/scfuncs.hrc:3899
@@ -12916,7 +12916,7 @@ msgstr "Към валута"
#: sc/inc/scfuncs.hrc:3900
msgid "ISO 4217 code of the currency into which is converted."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Код по ISO 4217 на валутата, към която се преобразува."
#: sc/inc/scfuncs.hrc:3901
@@ -13709,37 +13709,42 @@ msgid "~Value"
msgstr "~Стойност"
#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:68
+msgid "~Formula"
+msgstr "Формула"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:69
msgid "~Source"
msgstr "~Източник"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:69
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:70
msgid "~Entries"
msgstr "~Елементи"
#. for dialogues:
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:71
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:72
msgid "System"
msgstr "Системен"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:72
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:73
msgid "Standard;Text;Date (DMY);Date (MDY);Date (YMD);US English;Hide"
msgstr "Стандартна;Текст;Дата (ДМГ);Дата (МДГ);Дата (ГМД);Английски (САЩ);Скрита"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:73
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:74
msgid "Tab"
msgstr "Табулатор"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:74
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:75
msgid "space"
msgstr "интервал"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:75
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:76
msgid ""
"%PRODUCTNAME Calc found an error in the formula entered.\n"
@@ -13750,1196 +13755,1301 @@ msgstr ""
"Приемате ли предложената по-долу корекция?\n"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:76
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:77
msgid "Image Filter"
msgstr "Филтър за изображения"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:77
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:78
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Текст"
#. Select tables dialog title
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:79
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:80
msgid "Select Sheets"
msgstr "Избор на листове"
#. Select tables dialog listbox
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:81
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:82
msgid "~Selected sheets"
msgstr "~Избрани листове"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:82
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:83
msgid "Ruler"
msgstr "Скала"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:83
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:84
msgid "This ruler manages objects at fixed positions."
msgstr "Тази скала управлява обектите на фиксирани позиции."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:84
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:85
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Мостра"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:85
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:86
msgid "This sheet shows how the data will be arranged in the document."
msgstr "Този лист показва как ще бъдат подредени данните в документа."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:86
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:87
msgctxt "STR_ACC_DOC_NAME"
msgid "Document view"
msgstr "Изглед на документа"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:87
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:88
msgid "Sheet %1"
msgstr "Лист %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:88
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:89
msgid "Cell %1"
msgstr "Клетка %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:89
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:90
msgid "Left area"
msgstr "Лява област"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:90
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:91
msgid "Page preview"
msgstr "Мостра на страница"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:91
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:92
msgid "Center area"
msgstr "Средна област"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:92
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:93
msgid "Right area"
msgstr "Дясна област"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:93
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:94
msgid "Header of page %1"
msgstr "Горен колонтитул, страница %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:94
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:95
msgid "Footer of page %1"
msgstr "Долен колонтитул, страница %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:95
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:96
msgid "Input line"
msgstr "Входен ред"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:96
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:97
msgid "This is where you enter or edit text, numbers and formulas."
msgstr "Тук въвеждате и редактирате текст, числа и формули."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:97
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:98
msgid "Media Playback"
msgstr "Възпроизвеждане на носител"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:98
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:99
msgid "Mouse button pressed"
msgstr "При натиснат бутон на мишката"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:99
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:100
msgid "Formula Tool Bar"
msgstr "Лента с инструменти Формула"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:100
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:101
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Spreadsheets"
msgstr "Електронна таблица на %PRODUCTNAME"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:101
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:102
msgid "(read-only)"
msgstr "(само за четене)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:102
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:103
msgid "(Preview mode)"
msgstr "(Режим мостра)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:103
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:104
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Страници"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:104
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:105
msgid "~Suppress output of empty pages"
msgstr "Да не се печатат празни страници"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:105
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:106
msgid "Print content"
msgstr "Отпечатвано съдържание"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:106
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:107
msgid "~All sheets"
msgstr "Всички листове"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:107
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:108
msgid "~Selected sheets"
msgstr "Избрани листове"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:108
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:109
msgid "Selected cells"
msgstr "Избрани клетки"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:109
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:110
msgid "From which print"
msgstr "От тях да се отпечатат"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:110
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:111
msgid "All ~pages"
msgstr "Всички страници"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:111
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:112
msgid "Pa~ges"
msgstr "Страници"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:112
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:113
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:113
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:114
msgid "Warn me about this in the future."
msgstr "В бъдеще да се предупреждава за това."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:114
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:115
msgid "The following DDE source could not be updated possibly because the source document was not open. Please launch the source document and try again."
msgstr "Не бе възможно да се обнови следният DDE източник, вероятно защото изходният документ не е отворен. Моля, отворете изходния документ и опитайте отново."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:115
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:116
msgid "The following external file could not be loaded. Data linked from this file did not get updated."
msgstr "Не бе възможно да се зареди следният външен файл. Свързаните данни от този файл не бяха обновени."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:116
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:117
msgid "Updating external links."
msgstr "Обновяват се външни връзки."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:117
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:118
msgid "Calc A1"
msgstr "Calc A1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:118
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:119
msgid "Excel A1"
msgstr "Excel A1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:119
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:120
msgid "Excel R1C1"
msgstr "Excel R1C1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:120
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:121
msgid "Range contains column la~bels"
msgstr "Областта съдържа заглавия на ~колони"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:121
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:122
msgid "Range contains ~row labels"
msgstr "Областта съдържа заглавия на ~редове"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:122
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:123
msgctxt "SCSTR_VALERR"
msgid "Invalid value"
msgstr "Невалидна стойност"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:123
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:124
msgid "No formula specified."
msgstr "Не е зададена формула."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:124
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:125
msgctxt "STR_NOCOLROW"
msgid "Neither row or column specified."
msgstr "Не е зададен нито ред, нито колона."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:125
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:126
msgid "Undefined name or range."
msgstr "Недефинирано име или област."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:126
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:127
msgid "Undefined name or wrong cell reference."
msgstr "Недефинирано име или невалидно обръщение към клетки."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:127
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:128
msgid "Formulas don't form a column."
msgstr "Формулите не образуват колона."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:128
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:129
msgid "Formulas don't form a row."
msgstr "Формулите не образуват ред."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:129
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:130
msgid "Add AutoFormat"
msgstr "Добавяне на автоформат"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:130
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:131
msgid "Rename AutoFormat"
msgstr "Преименуване на автоформат"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:131
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:132
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Име"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:132
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:133
msgid "Delete AutoFormat"
msgstr "Изтриване на автоформат"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:133
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:134
msgid "Do you really want to delete the # AutoFormat?"
msgstr "Наистина ли желаете автоформатът # да бъде изтрит?"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:134
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:135
msgid "~Close"
msgstr "~Затваряне"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:135
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:136
msgctxt "STR_JAN"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Яну"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:136
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:137
msgctxt "STR_FEB"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Фев"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:137
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:138
msgctxt "STR_MAR"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Мар"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:138
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:139
msgctxt "STR_NORTH"
msgid "North"
msgstr "Север"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:139
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:140
msgctxt "STR_MID"
msgid "Mid"
msgstr "Център"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:140
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:141
msgctxt "STR_SOUTH"
msgid "South"
msgstr "Юг"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:141
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:142
msgctxt "STR_SUM"
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Общо"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:142
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:143
msgctxt "STR_SHEET"
msgid "Sheet"
msgstr "Лист"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:143
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:144
msgctxt "STR_CELL"
msgid "Cell"
msgstr "Клетка"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:144
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:145
msgctxt "STR_CONTENT"
msgid "Content"
msgstr "Съдържание"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:145
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:146
msgid "Page Anchor"
msgstr "Закотвяне към страница"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:146
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:147
msgid "Cell Anchor"
msgstr "Закотвяне към клетка"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:147
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:148
msgid "Condition "
msgstr "Условие "
#. content description strings are also use d in ScLinkTargetsObj
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:150
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:151
msgid "Contents"
msgstr "Съдържание"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:151
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:152
msgid "Sheets"
msgstr "Листове"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:152
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:153
msgid "Range names"
msgstr "Имена на области"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:153
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:154
msgid "Database ranges"
msgstr "Диапазони за база от данни"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:154
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:155
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Изображения"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:155
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:156
msgid "OLE objects"
msgstr "OLE обекти"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:156
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:157
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Коментари"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:157
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:158
msgid "Linked areas"
msgstr "Свързани области"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:158
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:159
msgid "Drawing objects"
msgstr "Графични обекти"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:159
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:160
msgid "Drag Mode"
msgstr "Режим при плъзгане"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:160
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:161
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Визуализиране"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:161
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:162
msgctxt "SCSTR_ACTIVE"
msgid "active"
msgstr "активен"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:162
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:163
msgid "inactive"
msgstr "неактивен"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:163
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:164
msgctxt "SCSTR_HIDDEN"
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "скрит"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:164
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:165
msgid "Active Window"
msgstr "Активен прозорец"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:165
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:166
msgid "Scenario Name"
msgstr "Име на сценарий"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:166
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:167
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Коментар"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:168
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:169
msgid "Sort Ascending"
msgstr "Възходящо сортиране"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:169
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:170
msgid "Sort Descending"
msgstr "Низходящо сортиране"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:170
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:171
msgid "Custom Sort"
msgstr "Сортиране по избор"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:171
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:172
msgid "All"
msgstr "Всички"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:172
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:173
msgid "Show only the current item."
msgstr "Показване само на текущия елемент."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:173
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:174
msgid "Hide only the current item."
msgstr "Скриване само на текущия елемент."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:174
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:175
msgid "Search items..."
msgstr "Търсене на елементи..."
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:176
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:177
msgid "Name Box"
msgstr "Поле за име"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:177
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:178
msgid "Input line"
msgstr "Входен ред"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:178
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:179
msgid "Function Wizard"
msgstr "Помощник за функции"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:179
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:180
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "Приемане"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:180
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:181
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Отказ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:181
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:182
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "Сума"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:182
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:183
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "Формула"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:183
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:184
msgid "Expand Formula Bar"
msgstr "Разгъване на лентата за формули"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:184
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:185
msgid "Collapse Formula Bar"
msgstr "Свиване на лентата за формули"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:186
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:187
msgid "Conflict"
msgstr "Конфликт"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:187
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:188
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Автор"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:188
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:189
msgctxt "STR_TITLE_DATE"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Дата"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:189
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:190
msgid "Unknown User"
msgstr "Неизвестен потребител"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:191
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:192
msgid "Column inserted"
msgstr "Вмъкната колона"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:192
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:193
msgid "Row inserted "
msgstr "Вмъкнат ред "
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:193
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:194
msgid "Sheet inserted "
msgstr "Вмъкнат лист "
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:194
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:195
msgid "Column deleted"
msgstr "Изтрита колона"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:195
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:196
msgid "Row deleted"
msgstr "Изтрит ред"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:196
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:197
msgid "Sheet deleted"
msgstr "Изтрит лист"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:197
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:198
msgctxt "STR_CHG_MOVE"
msgid "Range moved"
msgstr "Преместена област"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:198
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:199
msgid "Changed contents"
msgstr "Променено съдържание"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:199
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:200
msgid "Changed contents"
msgstr "Променено съдържание"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:200
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:201
msgid "Changed to "
msgstr "Променено на "
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:201
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:202
msgid "Original"
msgstr "Оригинал"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:202
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:203
msgctxt "STR_CHG_REJECT"
msgid "Changes rejected"
msgstr "Отхвърлени промени"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:203
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:204
msgid "Accepted"
msgstr "Прието"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:204
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:205
msgid "Rejected"
msgstr "Отхвърлено"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:205
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:206
msgctxt "STR_CHG_NO_ENTRY"
msgid "No Entry"
msgstr "Няма запис"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:206
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:207
msgctxt "STR_CHG_EMPTY"
msgid "<empty>"
msgstr "<празно>"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:208
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:209
msgid "Not protected"
msgstr "Не е защитен"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:209
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:210
msgid "Not password-protected"
msgstr "Не е защитен с парола"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:210
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:211
msgctxt "STR_HASH_BAD"
msgid "Hash incompatible"
msgstr "Несъвместим хеш"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:211
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:212
msgctxt "STR_HASH_GOOD"
msgid "Hash compatible"
msgstr "Съвместим хеш"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:212
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:213
msgctxt "STR_RETYPE"
msgid "Re-type"
msgstr "Въвеждане отново"
#. MovingAverageDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:215
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:216
msgid "Moving Average"
msgstr "Пълзящо средно"
#. ExponentialSmoothingDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:217
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:218
msgid "Exponential Smoothing"
msgstr "Експоненциално изглаждане"
#. AnalysisOfVarianceDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:219
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:220
msgid "Analysis of Variance"
msgstr "Дисперсионен анализ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:220
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:221
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_ANOVA"
+msgid "Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)"
+msgstr "Дисперсионен анализ (ANOVA)"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:222
msgid "ANOVA - Single Factor"
msgstr "Еднофакторен дисперсионен анализ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:221
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:223
msgid "ANOVA - Two Factor"
msgstr "Двуфакторен дисперсионен анализ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:222
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:224
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Групи"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:223
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:225
msgid "Between Groups"
msgstr "Между групите"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:224
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:226
msgid "Within Groups"
msgstr "В групите"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:225
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:227
msgid "Source of Variation"
msgstr "Източник на дисперсия"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:226
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:228
msgid "SS"
msgstr "SS"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:227
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:229
msgid "df"
msgstr "df"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:228
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:230
msgid "MS"
msgstr "MS"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:229
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:231
msgid "F"
msgstr "F"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:230
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:232
+msgid "Significance F"
+msgstr "Значимост F"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:233
msgid "P-value"
msgstr "P-стойност"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:231
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:234
msgid "F critical"
msgstr "F критично"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:232
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:235
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Общо"
#. CorrelationDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:234
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:237
msgid "Correlation"
msgstr "Корелация"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:235
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:238
msgid "Correlations"
msgstr "Корелации"
#. CovarianceDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:237
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:240
msgid "Covariance"
msgstr "Ковариация"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:238
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:241
msgid "Covariances"
msgstr "Ковариации"
#. DescriptiveStatisticsDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:240
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:243
msgid "Descriptive Statistics"
msgstr "Дескриптивна статистика"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:241
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:244
msgid "Mean"
msgstr "Средно"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:242
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:245
msgid "Standard Error"
msgstr "Стандартна грешка"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:243
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:246
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Мода"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:244
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:247
msgid "Median"
msgstr "Медиана"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:245
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:248
msgid "Variance"
msgstr "Дисперсия"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:246
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:249
msgid "Standard Deviation"
msgstr "Стандартно отклонение"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:247
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:250
msgid "Kurtosis"
msgstr "Ексцес"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:248
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:251
msgid "Skewness"
msgstr "Асиметрия"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:249
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:252
msgid "Range"
msgstr "Диапазон"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:250
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:253
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_MIN"
msgid "Minimum"
msgstr "Минимум"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:251
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:254
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_MAX"
msgid "Maximum"
msgstr "Максимум"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:252
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:255
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_SUM"
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "Сума"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:253
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:256
msgid "Count"
msgstr "Брой"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:254
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:257
-msgid "First Quartile "
-msgstr "Първи квартил "
+msgid "First Quartile"
+msgstr "Първи квартил"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:255
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:258
msgid "Third Quartile"
msgstr "Трети квартил"
#. RandomNumberGeneratorDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:257
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:260
msgid "Random ($(DISTRIBUTION))"
msgstr "Случайно ($(DISTRIBUTION))"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:258
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:261
msgid "Uniform"
msgstr "Равномерно"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:259
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:262
msgid "Uniform Integer"
msgstr "Равномерно целочислено"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:260
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:263
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Нормално"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:261
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:264
msgid "Cauchy"
msgstr "Коши"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:262
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:265
msgid "Bernoulli"
msgstr "Бернули"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:263
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:266
msgid "Binomial"
msgstr "Биномно"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:264
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:267
msgid "Negative Binomial"
msgstr "Отрицателно биномно"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:265
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:268
msgid "Chi Squared"
msgstr "Хи-квадрат"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:266
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:269
msgid "Geometric"
msgstr "Геометрично"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:267
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:270
msgid "Minimum"
msgstr "Минимум"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:268
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:271
msgid "Maximum"
msgstr "Максимум"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:269
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:272
msgid "Mean"
msgstr "Средно"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:270
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:273
msgid "Standard Deviation"
msgstr "Стандартно отклонение"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:271
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:274
msgid "Median"
msgstr "Медиана"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:272
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:275
msgid "Sigma"
msgstr "Сигма"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:273
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:276
msgid "p Value"
msgstr "P-стойност"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:274
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:277
msgid "Number of Trials"
msgstr "Брой опити"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:275
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:278
msgid "nu Value"
msgstr "nu-стойност"
#. SamplingDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:277
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:280
msgid "Sampling"
msgstr "Избор"
#. Names of dialogs
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:279
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:282
msgctxt "STR_FTEST"
msgid "F-test"
msgstr "F-тест"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:280
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:283
msgid "F-test"
msgstr "F-тест"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:281
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:284
msgctxt "STR_TTEST"
msgid "Paired t-test"
msgstr "Сдвоен t-тест"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:282
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:285
msgid "Paired t-test"
msgstr "Сдвоен t-тест"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:283
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:286
msgctxt "STR_ZTEST"
msgid "z-test"
msgstr "z-тест"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:284
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:287
msgid "z-test"
msgstr "z-тест"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:285
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:288
msgid "Test of Independence (Chi-Square)"
msgstr "Тест за независимост (хи-квадрат)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:286
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:289
msgid "Regression"
msgstr "Регресия"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:287
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:290
msgid "Regression"
msgstr "Регресия"
#. Common
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:289
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:292
msgid "Column %NUMBER%"
msgstr "Колона %NUMBER%"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:290
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:293
msgid "Row %NUMBER%"
msgstr "Ред %NUMBER%"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:291
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:294
msgid "Alpha"
msgstr "Алфа"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:292
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:295
msgid "Variable 1"
msgstr "Променлива 1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:293
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:296
msgid "Variable 2"
msgstr "Променлива 2"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:294
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:297
msgid "Hypothesized Mean Difference"
msgstr "Хипотетична разлика на средните"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:295
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:298
msgid "Observations"
msgstr "Наблюдения"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:296
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:299
msgid "Observed Mean Difference"
msgstr "Наблюдавана разлика на средните"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:297
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:300
+msgid "R^2"
+msgstr "R²"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:301
+msgid "Adjusted R^2"
+msgstr "Изгладен R²"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:302
+msgid "Count of X variables"
+msgstr "Брой променливи X"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:303
msgid "df"
msgstr "df"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:298
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:304
msgid "P-value"
msgstr "P-стойност"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:299
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:305
msgid "Critical Value"
msgstr "Критична стойност"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:300
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:306
msgid "Test Statistic"
msgstr "Тестова статистика"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:307
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_LOWER"
+msgid "Lower"
+msgstr "Долни"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:308
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_Upper"
+msgid "Upper"
+msgstr "Горни"
#. RegressionDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:302
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:310
msgid "Linear"
msgstr "Линеен"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:303
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:311
msgid "Logarithmic"
msgstr "Логаритмичен"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:304
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:312
msgid "Power"
msgstr "Степенен"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:305
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:313
+msgid "Independent variable(s) range is not valid."
+msgstr "Диапазонът с независими променливи е невалиден."
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:314
+msgid "Dependent variable(s) range is not valid."
+msgstr "Диапазонът със зависими променливи е невалиден."
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:315
+msgid "Output range is not valid."
+msgstr "Диапазонът за резултата е невалиден."
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:316
+msgid "Confidence level must be in the interval (0, 1)."
+msgstr "Нивото на доверие трябва да бъде в интервала (0, 1)."
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:317
+msgid "Y variable range cannot have more than 1 column."
+msgstr "Диапазонът с променливи Y не може да има повече от 1 колона."
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:318
+msgid "Y variable range cannot have more than 1 row."
+msgstr "Диапазонът с променливи Y не може да има повече от 1 ред."
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:319
+msgid "Univariate regression : The observation count in X and Y must match."
+msgstr "Едномерна регресия: броят наблюдения в X и Y трябва да съвпада."
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:320
+msgid "Multivariate regression : The observation count in X and Y must match."
+msgstr "Многомерна регресия: броят наблюдения в X и Y трябва да съвпада."
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:321
msgid "Regression Model"
msgstr "Регресионен модел"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:306
-msgid "R^2"
-msgstr "R²"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:322
+msgid "Regression Statistics"
+msgstr "Регресионна статистика"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:307
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:323
+msgid "Residual"
+msgstr "Остатък"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:324
+msgid "Confidence level"
+msgstr "Ниво на доверие"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:325
+msgid "Coefficients"
+msgstr "Коефициенти"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:326
+msgid "t-Statistic"
+msgstr "t-статистика"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:327
msgid "Slope"
msgstr "Наклон"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:308
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:328
msgid "Intercept"
msgstr "Пресичане"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:329
+msgid "Predicted Y"
+msgstr "Прогнозирано Y"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:330
+msgid "LINEST raw output"
+msgstr "Необработен резултат от LINEST"
#. F Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:310
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:332
msgid "P (F<=f) right-tail"
msgstr "P (F<=f) дясна страна"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:311
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:333
msgid "F Critical right-tail"
msgstr "F критично, дясна страна"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:312
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:334
msgid "P (F<=f) left-tail"
msgstr "P (F<=f) лява страна"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:313
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:335
msgid "F Critical left-tail"
msgstr "F критично, лява страна"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:314
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:336
msgid "P two-tail"
msgstr "P двустранно"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:315
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:337
msgid "F Critical two-tail"
msgstr "F критично двустранно"
#. t Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:317
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:339
msgid "Pearson Correlation"
msgstr "Корелация на Пирсън"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:318
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:340
msgid "Variance of the Differences"
msgstr "Дисперсия на разликите"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:319
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:341
msgctxt "STR_TTEST_T_STAT"
msgid "t Stat"
msgstr "t-статистика"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:320
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:342
msgid "P (T<=t) one-tail"
msgstr "P (T<=t) едностранно"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:321
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:343
msgid "t Critical one-tail"
msgstr "t критично едностранно"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:322
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:344
msgid "P (T<=t) two-tail"
msgstr "P (T<=t) двустранно"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:323
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:345
msgid "t Critical two-tail"
msgstr "t критично двустранно"
#. Z Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:325
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:347
msgid "z"
msgstr "z"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:326
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:348
msgid "Known Variance"
msgstr "Известна дисперсия"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:327
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:349
msgid "P (Z<=z) one-tail"
msgstr "P (Z<=z) едностранно"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:328
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:350
msgid "z Critical one-tail"
msgstr "z критично едностранно"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:329
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:351
msgid "P (Z<=z) two-tail"
msgstr "P (Z<=z) двустранно"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:330
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:352
msgid "z Critical two-tail"
msgstr "z критично двустранно"
#. infobar for allowing links to update or not
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:332
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:354
msgid "Enable Content"
msgstr "Разрешаване на съдържанието"
#. Insert image dialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:334
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:356
msgid "To cell"
msgstr "Към клетка"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:335
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:357
msgid "To cell (resize with cell)"
msgstr "Към клетка (преоразмеряване с клетката)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:336
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:358
msgid "To page"
msgstr "Към страница"
@@ -16635,6 +16745,11 @@ msgctxt "dataprovider|label"
msgid "Source Stream"
msgstr "Поток източник"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/dataproviderdlg.ui:36
+msgctxt "dataproviderdlg|db_name"
+msgid "Database Range: "
+msgstr "Диапазон за база от данни: "
#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/dataproviderentry.ui:46
msgctxt "dataproviderentry|url"
msgid "URL:"
@@ -18441,532 +18556,532 @@ msgctxt "notebookbar|DevLabel"
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Инструменти"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2945
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2986
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Menu"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr "Проверка за обновяване..."
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2977
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3018
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|defaultD"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "По подразбиране"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2991
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3032
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent1"
msgid "Accent 1"
msgstr "Акцент 1"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2999
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3040
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent2"
msgid "Accent 2"
msgstr "Акцент 2"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3007
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3048
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent3"
msgid "Accent 3"
msgstr "Акцент 3"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3021
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3062
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Header1"
msgid "Header 1"
msgstr "Заглавие 1"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3029
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3070
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Header2"
msgid "Header 2"
msgstr "Заглавие 2"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3043
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3084
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|bad"
msgid "Bad"
msgstr "Лош"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3051
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3092
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|good"
msgid "Good"
msgstr "Добър"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3059
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3100
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|neutral"
msgid "Neutral"
msgstr "Неутрален"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3067
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3108
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|error"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Грешка"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|warning"
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Предупреждение"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3130
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|footnote"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr "Бележка под линия"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3097
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3138
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|note"
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Бележка"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3336
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3377
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Tools"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr "Проверка за обновяване..."
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3630
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3671
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|menub"
msgid "_Menu"
msgstr "Меню"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3686
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3727
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|toolsb"
msgid "_Tools"
msgstr "Инструменти"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3775
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3816
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|fileb"
msgid "_File"
msgstr "Файл"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3930
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3971
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|editb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "Редактиране"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4088
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4129
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphstyleb"
msgid "St_yles"
msgstr "Стилове"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4245
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4286
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|formatb"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "Шрифт"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4306
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4347
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|bordertype"
msgid "Specify the borders of the selected cells."
msgstr "Задайте кантовете на избраните клетки."
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4466
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4507
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|numberb"
msgid "_Number"
msgstr "Число"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4625
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4666
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "Подравняване"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4788
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4829
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|cellb"
msgid "_Cells"
msgstr "Клетки"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4931
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4972
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|insertb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Вмъкване"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5064
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5105
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|datab"
msgid "_Data"
msgstr "Данни"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5178
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5219
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|reviewb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "Преглед"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5293
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5334
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewb"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Изглед"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5436
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5477
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|graphicB"
msgid "_Graphic"
msgstr "Графика"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5554
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5595
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|colorb"
msgid "C_olor"
msgstr "Цвят"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5897
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5938
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrange"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "Подреждане"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6050
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6091
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|GridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "Мрежа"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6177
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6218
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|languageb"
msgid "_Language"
msgstr "Език"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6307
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6348
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|revieb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "Преглед"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6442
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6483
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|commentsb"
msgid "_Comments"
msgstr "Коментари"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6543
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6584
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|compareb"
msgid "Com_pare"
msgstr "Сравняване"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6647
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6688
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewA"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Изглед"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6824
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6865
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|editdrawb"
msgid "_Styles"
msgstr "Стилове"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7041
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7082
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|drawb"
msgid "D_raw"
msgstr "Рисуване"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7232
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7273
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrangeD"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "Подреждане"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7345
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7386
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Grid"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "Мрежа"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7458
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7499
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewDrawb"
msgid "Grou_p"
msgstr "Група"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7570
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7611
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|3Db"
msgid "3_D"
msgstr "3D"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7755
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7796
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|oleB"
msgid "F_rame"
msgstr "Рамка"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7962
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8003
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrangeO"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "Подреждане"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|GridO"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "Мрежа"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8189
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8230
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewO"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Изглед"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8298
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8339
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphstyles"
msgid "_Styles"
msgstr "Стилове"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8473
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8514
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|formats"
msgid "F_ormat"
msgstr "Форматиране"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8749
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8790
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphS"
msgid "_Paragraph"
msgstr "Абзац"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8911
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8952
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewS"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Изглед"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:1950
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:1991
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Help"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr "Проверка за обновяване..."
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2945
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2986
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Menu"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr "Проверка за обновяване..."
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2977
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3018
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|defaultD"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "По подразбиране"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2991
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3032
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent1"
msgid "Accent 1"
msgstr "Акцент 1"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2999
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3040
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent2"
msgid "Accent 2"
msgstr "Акцент 2"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3007
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3048
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent3"
msgid "Accent 3"
msgstr "Акцент 3"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3021
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3062
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Header1"
msgid "Header 1"
msgstr "Заглавие 1"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3029
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3070
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Header2"
msgid "Header 2"
msgstr "Заглавие 2"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3043
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3084
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|bad"
msgid "Bad"
msgstr "Лош"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3051
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3092
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|good"
msgid "Good"
msgstr "Добър"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3059
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3100
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|neutral"
msgid "Neutral"
msgstr "Неутрален"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3067
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3108
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|error"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Грешка"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|warning"
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Предупреждение"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3130
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|footnote"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr "Бележка под линия"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3097
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3138
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|note"
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Бележка"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3336
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3377
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Tools"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr "Проверка за обновяване..."
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3635
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3676
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|menub"
msgid "_Menu"
msgstr "Меню"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3688
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3729
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|toolsb"
msgid "_Tools"
msgstr "Инструменти"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3743
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3784
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|helpb"
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "Помощ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3851
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3892
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|fileb"
msgid "_File"
msgstr "Файл"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4130
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|editb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "Редактиране"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4286
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4327
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphstyleb"
msgid "St_yles"
msgstr "Стилове"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4559
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4600
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|formatb"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "Шрифт"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4805
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4846
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|numberb"
msgid "_Number"
msgstr "Число"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5020
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5061
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "Подравняване"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5258
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5299
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|cellb"
msgid "_Cells"
msgstr "Клетки"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5435
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5476
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|insertb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Вмъкване"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5609
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5650
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|datab"
msgid "_Data"
msgstr "Данни"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5781
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5822
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|reviewb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "Преглед"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5968
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6009
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewb"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Изглед"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6193
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6234
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|graphicB"
msgid "_Graphic"
msgstr "Графика"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6545
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6586
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrange"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "Подреждане"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6696
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6737
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|colorb"
msgid "C_olor"
msgstr "Цвят"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6947
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6988
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|GridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "Мрежа"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7087
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7128
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|languageb"
msgid "_Language"
msgstr "Език"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7316
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7357
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|revieb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "Преглед"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7529
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7570
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|commentsb"
msgid "_Comments"
msgstr "Коментари"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7732
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7773
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|compareb"
msgid "Com_pare"
msgstr "Сравняване"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7934
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7975
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewa"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Изглед"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8380
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8421
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|drawb"
msgid "D_raw"
msgstr "Рисуване"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8749
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8790
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|editdrawb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "Редактиране"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9090
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9131
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrangedrawb"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "Подреждане"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9257
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9298
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|GridDrawB"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Изглед"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9459
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9500
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewDrawb"
msgid "Grou_p"
msgstr "Група"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9609
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9650
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|3Db"
msgid "3_D"
msgstr "3D"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9918
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9959
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|formatd"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "Шрифт"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10183
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10224
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphTextb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "Подравняване"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10385
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10426
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewd"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Изглед"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10539
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10580
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|insertTextb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Вмъкване"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10684
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10725
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|media"
msgid "_Media"
msgstr "Мултимедия"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10921
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10962
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|oleB"
msgid "F_rame"
msgstr "Рамка"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11352
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11393
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrageOLE"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "Подреждане"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11518
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11559
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|OleGridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "Мрежа"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11720
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11761
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewf"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "Изглед"
@@ -20386,61 +20501,86 @@ msgctxt "regressiondialog|RegressionDialog"
msgid "Regression"
msgstr "Регресия"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:99
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:102
msgctxt "regressiondialog|variable1-range-label"
-msgid "Variable 1 range:"
-msgstr "Диапазон на променлива 1:"
+msgid "Independent variable(s) (X) range:"
+msgstr "Диапазон с независими променливи (X):"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:137
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:140
msgctxt "regressiondialog|variable2-range-label"
-msgid "Variable 2 range:"
-msgstr "Диапазон на променлива 2:"
+msgid "Dependent variable (Y) range:"
+msgstr "Диапазон със зависими променливи (Y):"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:176
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|withlabels-check"
+msgid "Both X and Y ranges have labels"
+msgstr "Диапазоните X и Y имат надписи"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:175
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:192
msgctxt "regressiondialog|output-range-label"
msgid "Results to:"
msgstr "Резултати в:"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:217
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:240
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label1"
msgid "Data"
msgstr "Данни"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:252
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:275
msgctxt "regressiondialog|groupedby-columns-radio"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Колони"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:268
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:291
msgctxt "regressiondialog|groupedby-rows-radio"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "Редове"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:290
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:313
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label2"
msgid "Grouped by"
msgstr "Групиране по"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:325
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|linear-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:348
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|linear-radio"
msgid "Linear Regression"
msgstr "Линейна регресия"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:341
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|logarithmic-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:365
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|logarithmic-radio"
msgid "Logarithmic Regression"
msgstr "Логаритмична регресия"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:356
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|power-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:382
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|power-radio"
msgid "Power Regression"
msgstr "Степенна регресия"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:377
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:405
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label3"
msgid "Output Regression Types"
msgstr "Варианти за извеждане на регресия"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:441
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|label5"
+msgid "Confidence level"
+msgstr "Ниво на доверие"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:451
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|calcresiduals-check"
+msgid "Calculate residuals"
+msgstr "Изчисляване на остатъци"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:469
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|confidencelevel-spin"
+msgid "0.95"
+msgstr "0.95"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:490
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|label4"
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Настройки"
#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/retypepassdialog.ui:10
msgctxt "retypepassdialog|RetypePass"
msgid "Re-type Password"
@@ -22831,82 +22971,87 @@ msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore1"
msgid "Text length"
msgstr "Дължина на текста"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:57
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:47
+msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore1"
+msgid "Custom"
+msgstr "По избор"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:61
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "equal"
msgstr "равно"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:61
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:65
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "less than"
msgstr "по-малко"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:65
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:69
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "greater than"
msgstr "по-голямо"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:69
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:73
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "less than or equal"
msgstr "по-малко или равно"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:73
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:77
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "greater than or equal to"
msgstr "по-голямо или равно"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:77
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:81
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "not equal"
msgstr "различно"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:81
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:85
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "valid range"
msgstr "валидна област"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:85
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:89
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "invalid range"
msgstr "невалидна област"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:103
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:107
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|label1"
msgid "_Allow:"
msgstr "Разрешени:"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:117
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:121
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|valueft"
msgid "_Data:"
msgstr "Данни:"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:153
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:157
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|minft"
msgid "_Minimum:"
msgstr "Минимум:"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:235
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:239
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|maxft"
msgid "Ma_ximum:"
msgstr "Максимум:"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:246
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:250
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|allowempty"
msgid "Allow _empty cells"
msgstr "Разрешени празни клетки"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:261
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:265
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|showlist"
msgid "Show selection _list"
msgstr "Показване на списъка за избор"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:276
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:280
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|sortascend"
msgid "Sor_t entries ascending"
msgstr "Възходящо сортиране на елементите"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:297
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:301
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|hintft"
msgid "A valid source can only consist of a contiguous selection of rows and columns, or a formula that results in an area or array."
msgstr "Валиден източник може да бъде само непрекъсната селекция от редове и колони или формула с резултат област или масив."
diff --git a/source/bg/sd/messages.po b/source/bg/sd/messages.po
index a7230932509..f7889d4d589 100644
--- a/source/bg/sd/messages.po
+++ b/source/bg/sd/messages.po
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-06-04 15:42+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-27 21:06+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-08 19:01+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mihail Balabanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: bg\n"
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1527455168.000000\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1531076470.000000\n"
#: sd/inc/DocumentRenderer.hrc:27
@@ -5183,8 +5183,8 @@ msgstr "Обекти от образеца"
#: sd/uiconfig/simpress/ui/sidebarslidebackground.ui:126
msgctxt "sidebarslidebackground|button2"
-msgid "Insert Image"
-msgstr "Вмъкване на изображение"
+msgid "Insert Image..."
+msgstr "Вмъкване на изображение..."
#: sd/uiconfig/simpress/ui/sidebarslidebackground.ui:164
msgctxt "sidebarslidebackground|displaymasterbackground"
diff --git a/source/bg/sfx2/messages.po b/source/bg/sfx2/messages.po
index 28714d8ea80..be749620d0e 100644
--- a/source/bg/sfx2/messages.po
+++ b/source/bg/sfx2/messages.po
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-04-06 12:46+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-08 19:02+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mihail Balabanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: bg\n"
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1523018809.000000\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1531076571.000000\n"
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:25
@@ -1196,12 +1196,12 @@ msgstr "Документът не е резервиран за промяна в
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:246
msgid "Help us make %PRODUCTNAME even better!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Помогнете ни да подобрим %PRODUCTNAME!"
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:247
msgid "Get involved"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Включване в разработката"
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:248
@@ -2195,6 +2195,11 @@ msgctxt "helpmanual|website"
msgid "Read Help Online"
msgstr "Четене на помощта онлайн"
+#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpmanual.ui:60
+msgctxt "helpmanual|hidedialog"
+msgid "Do not show this dialog again"
+msgstr "Този диалог да не се показва повече"
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpsearchpage.ui:22
msgctxt "helpsearchpage|display"
msgid "_Display"
diff --git a/source/bg/svtools/messages.po b/source/bg/svtools/messages.po
index 2ae0dc1ec4c..0a2ef1034ac 100644
--- a/source/bg/svtools/messages.po
+++ b/source/bg/svtools/messages.po
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-20 12:46+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-05 12:20+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mihail Balabanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: bg\n"
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1526820413.000000\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1530793214.000000\n"
#: svtools/inc/errtxt.hrc:30
msgctxt "RID_ERRCTX"
@@ -4562,4 +4562,4 @@ msgstr "Синонимен речник Mythes"
#: include/svtools/strings.hrc:361
msgid "List of Ignored Words"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Списък с игнорирани думи"
diff --git a/source/bg/svx/messages.po b/source/bg/svx/messages.po
index 1e134affb37..41672c13129 100644
--- a/source/bg/svx/messages.po
+++ b/source/bg/svx/messages.po
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 21:22+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-08 13:46+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-08 19:01+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mihail Balabanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: bg\n"
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1528465607.000000\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1531076484.000000\n"
#: svx/inc/fieldunit.hrc:30
@@ -2204,17 +2204,17 @@ msgctxt "classificationdialog|label-IntellectualProperty"
msgid "Intellectual Property"
msgstr "Интелектуална собственост"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:60
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:58
msgctxt "colorwindow|none_color_button"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Няма"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:146
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:145
msgctxt "colorwindow|label1"
msgid "Recent"
msgstr "Скорошни"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:183
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:182
msgctxt "colorwindow|color_picker_button"
msgid "Custom Color…"
msgstr "Цвят по избор…"
@@ -2712,52 +2712,52 @@ msgctxt "datanavigator|modelsremove"
msgid "_Remove"
msgstr "Премахване"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:52
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:48
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label1"
msgid "Lines & Arrows"
msgstr "Линии и стрелки"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:89
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:85
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label2"
msgid "Curve"
msgstr "Крива"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:126
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:122
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label3"
msgid "Connectors"
msgstr "Съединителни линии"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:163
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:159
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label4"
msgid "Basic Shapes"
msgstr "Основни фигури"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:200
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:196
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label5"
msgid "Symbols"
msgstr "Символи"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:237
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:233
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label6"
msgid "Block Arrows"
msgstr "Блокови стрелки"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:274
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:270
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label7"
msgid "Flowchart"
msgstr "Блоксхема"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:311
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:307
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label8"
msgid "Callouts"
msgstr "Изнесени означения"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:348
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:344
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label9"
msgid "Stars"
msgstr "Звезди"
-#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:385
+#: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:381
msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label10"
msgid "3D Objects"
msgstr "Триизмерни обекти"
@@ -4140,8 +4140,8 @@ msgstr "Копиране"
#: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu2.ui:82
msgctxt "gallerymenu2|paste"
-msgid "_Insert"
-msgstr "Вмъкване"
+msgid "_Paste"
+msgstr "Поставяне"
#: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:68
msgctxt "headfootformatpage|checkHeaderOn"
@@ -4456,17 +4456,17 @@ msgstr "Пространства от имена"
#: svx/uiconfig/ui/oldcolorwindow.ui:59
msgctxt "oldcolorwindow|none_color_button"
msgid "None"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Няма"
#: svx/uiconfig/ui/oldcolorwindow.ui:128
msgctxt "oldcolorwindow|label1"
msgid "Recent"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Скорошни"
#: svx/uiconfig/ui/oldcolorwindow.ui:162
msgctxt "oldcolorwindow|color_picker_button"
msgid "Custom Color…"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Цвят по избор…"
#: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:63
msgctxt "optgridpage|usegridsnap"
diff --git a/source/bg/sw/messages.po b/source/bg/sw/messages.po
index 447954dc24b..863249f0a7d 100644
--- a/source/bg/sw/messages.po
+++ b/source/bg/sw/messages.po
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 21:22+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-13 09:10+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:05+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-08 21:43+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mihail Balabanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: bg\n"
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1528881011.000000\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1531086180.000000\n"
#: sw/inc/app.hrc:29
@@ -1489,297 +1489,307 @@ msgid "Text"
msgstr "Текст"
#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:239
+msgid "Hidden"
+msgstr "Скрит"
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:240
+msgid "Condition"
+msgstr "Условие"
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:241
msgctxt "SW_STR_NONE"
msgid "[None]"
msgstr "[Няма]"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:240
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:242
msgid "Start"
msgstr "Старт"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:241
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:243
msgid "End"
msgstr "Край"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:242
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:244
msgid "Above"
msgstr "Над"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:243
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:245
msgid "Below"
msgstr "Под"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:244
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:246
msgid "read-only"
msgstr "само за четене"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:245
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:247
msgid "The 'AutoText' directories are read-only. Do you want to call the path settings dialog?"
msgstr "Директориите за \"автотекст\" са само за четене. Желаете ли да бъде показан диалоговият прозорец за настройка на пътищата?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:246
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:248
msgctxt "STR_DOC_STAT"
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Статистика"
#. Statusbar-titles
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:248
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:250
msgid "Importing document..."
msgstr "Импортира се документ..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:249
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:251
msgid "Exporting document..."
msgstr "Експортира се документ..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:250
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:252
msgid "Saving document..."
msgstr "Записва се документ..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:251
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:253
msgid "Repagination..."
msgstr "Протича страниране..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:252
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:254
msgid "Formatting document automatically..."
msgstr "Документът се форматира автоматично..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:253
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:255
msgid "Search..."
msgstr "Протича търсене..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:254
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:256
msgid "Letter"
msgstr "Писмо"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:255
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:257
msgid "Spellcheck..."
msgstr "Протича проверка на правописа..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:256
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:258
msgid "Hyphenation..."
msgstr "Протича сричкопренасяне..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:257
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:259
msgid "Inserting Index..."
msgstr "Вмъква се азбучен указател..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:258
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:260
msgid "Updating Index..."
msgstr "Обновяване се азбучен указател..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:259
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:261
msgid "Creating abstract..."
msgstr "Създава се резюме..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:260
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:262
msgid "Adapt Objects..."
msgstr "Приспособяват се обекти..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:261
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:263
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Таблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:262
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:264
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Изображение"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:263
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:265
msgid "Object"
msgstr "Обект"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:264
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:266
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "Рамка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:265
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:267
msgid "Shape"
msgstr "Фигура"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:266
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:268
msgid "Section"
msgstr "Раздел"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:267
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:269
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "Номерация"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:268
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:270
msgid "blank page"
msgstr "празна страница"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:269
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:271
msgid "Abstract: "
msgstr "Резюме: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:270
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:272
msgid "separated by: "
msgstr "разделяне по: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:271
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:273
msgid "Outline: Level "
msgstr "План: Ниво "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:272
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:274
msgctxt "STR_FDLG_STYLE"
msgid "Style: "
msgstr "Стил: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:273
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:275
msgid "Page number: "
msgstr "Номер на страница: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:274
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:276
msgid "Break before new page"
msgstr "Прекъсване преди нова страница"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:275
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:277
msgid "Western text: "
msgstr "Западен текст: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:276
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:278
msgctxt "STR_CJK_FONT"
msgid "Asian text: "
msgstr "Азиатски текст: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:277
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:279
msgctxt "STR_CTL_FONT"
msgid "CTL text: "
msgstr "Сложни писмености: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:278
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:280
msgid "Unknown Author"
msgstr "Неизвестен автор"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:279
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:281
msgid "Delete ~All Comments by $1"
msgstr "Изтриване на всички коментари от $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:280
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:282
msgid "H~ide All Comments by $1"
msgstr "Скриване на всички коментари от $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:281
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:283
msgid "Outline Numbering"
msgstr "Номериране с подточки"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:282
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:284
msgid "%1 words, %2 characters"
msgstr "%1 думи, %2 знака"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:283
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:285
msgid "%1 words, %2 characters selected"
msgstr "%1 думи, %2 знака избрани"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:284
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:286
msgid "Convert Text to Table"
msgstr "Преобразуване на текст в таблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:285
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:287
msgid "Add AutoFormat"
msgstr "Добавяне на автоформат"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:286
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:288
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Име"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:287
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:289
msgid "Delete AutoFormat"
msgstr "Изтриване на автоформат"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:288
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:290
msgid "The following AutoFormat entry will be deleted:"
msgstr "Следният запис за автоформат ще бъде изтрит:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:289
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:291
msgid "Rename AutoFormat"
msgstr "Преименуване на автоформат"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:290
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:292
msgid "~Close"
msgstr "~Затваряне"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:291
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:293
msgctxt "STR_JAN"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Яну"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:292
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:294
msgctxt "STR_FEB"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Фев"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:293
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:295
msgctxt "STR_MAR"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Мар"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:294
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:296
msgctxt "STR_NORTH"
msgid "North"
msgstr "Север"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:295
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:297
msgctxt "STR_MID"
msgid "Mid"
msgstr "Център"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:296
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:298
msgctxt "STR_SOUTH"
msgid "South"
msgstr "Юг"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:297
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:299
msgctxt "STR_SUM"
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "Сума"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:298
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:300
msgid ""
"You have entered an invalid name.\n"
@@ -1790,313 +1800,313 @@ msgstr ""
"Желаният автоформат не може да бъде създаден. \n"
"Опитайте отново с различно име."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:299
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:301
msgctxt "STR_NUMERIC"
msgid "Numeric"
msgstr "Числов"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:300
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:302
msgctxt "STR_ROW"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "Редове"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:301
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:303
msgctxt "STR_COL"
msgid "Column"
msgstr "Колона"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:302
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:304
msgid "Edit Bibliography Entry"
msgstr "Редактиране на библиографски запис"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:303
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:305
msgid "Insert Bibliography Entry"
msgstr "Вмъкване на библиографски запис"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:304
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:306
msgid "Spacing between %1 and %2"
msgstr "Разстояние между %1 и %2"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:305
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:307
msgid "Column %1 Width"
msgstr "Ширина на колона %1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:306
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:308
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Table"
msgstr "Таблица на %PRODUCTNAME Writer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:307
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:309
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Frame"
msgstr "Рамка на %PRODUCTNAME Writer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:308
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:310
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Image"
msgstr "Изображение на %PRODUCTNAME Writer"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:309
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:311
msgid "Other OLE Objects"
msgstr "Други OLE обекти"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:310
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:312
msgid "The name of the table must not contain spaces."
msgstr "Името на таблицата не трябва да съдържа интервали."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:311
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:313
msgid "Selected table cells are too complex to merge."
msgstr "Избраните клетки са твърде сложни, за да бъдат слети."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:312
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:314
msgctxt "STR_SRTERR"
msgid "Cannot sort selection"
msgstr "Селекцията не може да бъде сортирана"
#. Miscellaneous
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:315
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:317
msgid "Click object"
msgstr "Щракване върху обект"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:316
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:318
msgid "Before inserting AutoText"
msgstr "Преди вмъкване на автотекст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:317
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:319
msgid "After inserting AutoText"
msgstr "След вмъкване на автотекст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:318
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:320
msgid "Mouse over object"
msgstr "Мишката е върху обекта"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:319
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:321
msgid "Trigger hyperlink"
msgstr "Задействане на хипервръзка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:320
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:322
msgid "Mouse leaves object"
msgstr "Мишката напуска обекта"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:321
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:323
msgid "Image loaded successfully"
msgstr "Изображението е заредено успешно"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:322
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:324
msgid "Image loading terminated"
msgstr "Зареждането на изображението е прекъснато"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:323
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:325
msgid "Could not load image"
msgstr "Изображението не може да се зареди"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:324
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:326
msgid "Input of alphanumeric characters"
msgstr "Въвеждане на знаци (букви и цифри)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:325
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:327
msgid "Input of non-alphanumeric characters"
msgstr "Въвеждане на знаци (не букви и цифри)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:326
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:328
msgid "Resize frame"
msgstr "Преоразмеряване на рамка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:327
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:329
msgid "Move frame"
msgstr "Местене на рамка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:328
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:330
msgid "Headings"
msgstr "Заглавия"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:329
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:331
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Таблици"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:330
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:332
msgid "Text frames"
msgstr "Текстови рамки"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:331
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:333
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Изображения"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:332
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:334
msgid "OLE objects"
msgstr "OLE обекти"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:333
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:335
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr "Показалци"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:334
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:336
msgid "Sections"
msgstr "Раздели"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:335
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:337
msgid "Hyperlinks"
msgstr "Хипервръзки"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:336
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:338
msgid "References"
msgstr "Препратки"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:337
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:339
msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Указатели"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:338
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:340
msgid "Drawing objects"
msgstr "Графични обекти"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:339
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:341
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Коментари"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:340
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:342
msgid "Heading 1"
msgstr "Заглавие 1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:341
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:343
msgid "This is the content from the first chapter. This is a user directory entry."
msgstr "Това е текстът на първата глава. Това е запис за потребителски указател."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:342
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:344
msgid "Heading 1.1"
msgstr "Заглавие 1.1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:343
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:345
msgid "This is the content from chapter 1.1. This is the entry for the table of contents."
msgstr "Това е текстът на глава 1.1. Това е записът за таблицата на съдържанието."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:344
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:346
msgid "Heading 1.2"
msgstr "Заглавие 1.2"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:345
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:347
msgid "This is the content from chapter 1.2. This keyword is a main entry."
msgstr "Това е текстът на глава 1.2. Тази ключова дума е главен запис."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:346
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:348
msgid "Table 1: This is table 1"
msgstr "Таблица 1: Това е таблица 1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:347
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:349
msgid "Image 1: This is image 1"
msgstr "Фигура 1: Това е фигура 1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:348
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:350
msgid "Heading"
msgstr "Заглавие"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:349
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:351
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Таблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:350
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:352
msgid "Text frame"
msgstr "Текстова рамка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:351
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:353
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Изображение"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:352
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:354
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "OLE обект"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:353
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:355
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr "Показалец"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:354
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:356
msgid "Section"
msgstr "Раздел"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:355
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:357
msgid "Hyperlink"
msgstr "Хипервръзка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:356
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:358
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "Препратка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:357
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:359
msgid "Index"
msgstr "Указател"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:358
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:360
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Коментар"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:359
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:361
msgid "Draw object"
msgstr "Графичен обект"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:360
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:362
msgid "Additional formats..."
msgstr "Допълнителни формати..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:361
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:363
msgctxt "RID_STR_SYSTEM"
msgid "[System]"
msgstr "[Системен]"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:362
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:364
msgid ""
"The interactive hyphenation is already active\n"
@@ -2105,2122 +2115,2122 @@ msgstr ""
"Интерактивното сричкопренасяне е вече активно\n"
"в друг документ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:363
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:365
msgctxt "STR_HYPH_TITLE"
msgid "Hyphenation"
msgstr "Сричкопренасяне"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:366
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:368
msgctxt "STR_CANT_UNDO"
msgid "not possible"
msgstr "не е възможно"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:367
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:369
msgid "Delete $1"
msgstr "Изтриване на $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:368
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:370
msgid "Insert $1"
msgstr "Вмъкване на $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:369
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:371
msgctxt "STR_OVR_UNDO"
msgid "Overwrite: $1"
msgstr "Презаписване: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:370
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:372
msgid "New Paragraph"
msgstr "Нов абзац"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:371
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:373
msgctxt "STR_MOVE_UNDO"
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Местене"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:372
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:374
msgid "Apply attributes"
msgstr "Прилагане на атрибути"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:373
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:375
msgid "Apply Styles: $1"
msgstr "Прилагане на стилове: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:374
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:376
msgid "Reset attributes"
msgstr "Анулиране на атрибути"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:375
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:377
msgid "Change style: $1"
msgstr "Промяна на стил: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:376
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:378
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "Вмъкване на файл"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:377
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:379
msgid "Insert AutoText"
msgstr "Вмъкване на автотекст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:378
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:380
msgid "Delete bookmark: $1"
msgstr "Изтриване на показалец: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:379
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:381
msgid "Insert bookmark: $1"
msgstr "Вмъкване на показалец: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:380
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:382
msgctxt "STR_SORT_TBL"
msgid "Sort table"
msgstr "Сортиране на таблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:381
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:383
msgctxt "STR_SORT_TXT"
msgid "Sort text"
msgstr "Сортиране на текст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:382
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:384
msgid "Insert table: $1$2$3"
msgstr "Вмъкване на таблица: $1$2$3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:383
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:385
msgid "Convert text -> table"
msgstr "Преобразуване текст -> таблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:384
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:386
msgid "Convert table -> text"
msgstr "Преобразуване таблица -> текст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:385
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:387
msgctxt "STR_COPY_UNDO"
msgid "Copy: $1"
msgstr "Копиране: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:386
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:388
msgid "Replace $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Заместване на $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:387
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:389
msgid "Insert page break"
msgstr "Вмъкване на разделител на страници"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:388
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:390
msgid "Insert column break"
msgstr "Вмъкване на разделител на колони"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:389
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:391
msgid "Insert Envelope"
msgstr "Вмъкване на плик"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:390
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:392
msgid "Copy: $1"
msgstr "Копиране: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:391
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:393
msgid "Move: $1"
msgstr "Местене: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:392
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:394
msgid "Insert %PRODUCTNAME Chart"
msgstr "Вмъкване на диаграма на %PRODUCTNAME"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:393
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:395
msgid "Insert frame"
msgstr "Вмъкване на рамка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:394
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:396
msgid "Delete frame"
msgstr "Изтриване на рамка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:395
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:397
msgid "AutoFormat"
msgstr "Автоформат"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:396
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:398
msgid "Table heading"
msgstr "Заглавие на таблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:397
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:399
msgctxt "STR_REPLACE"
msgid "Replace: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Заместване: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:398
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:400
msgid "Insert section"
msgstr "Вмъкване на раздел"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:399
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:401
msgid "Delete section"
msgstr "Изтриване на раздел"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:400
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:402
msgid "Modify section"
msgstr "Промяна на раздел"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:401
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:403
msgid "Modify default values"
msgstr "Промяна на подразбираните стойности"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:402
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:404
msgid "Replace style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Заместване на стил: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:403
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:405
msgid "Delete page break"
msgstr "Изтриване разделител на страница"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:404
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:406
msgid "Text Correction"
msgstr "Коригиране на текст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:405
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:407
msgctxt "STR_OUTLINE_LR"
msgid "Promote/demote outline"
msgstr "Повишаване/понижаване на план"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:406
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:408
msgctxt "STR_OUTLINE_UD"
msgid "Move outline"
msgstr "Местене на план"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:407
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:409
msgctxt "STR_INSNUM"
msgid "Insert numbering"
msgstr "Вмъкване на номерация"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:408
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:410
msgctxt "STR_NUMUP"
msgid "Promote level"
msgstr "Повишаване на ниво"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:409
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:411
msgctxt "STR_NUMDOWN"
msgid "Demote level"
msgstr "Понижаване на ниво"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:410
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:412
msgctxt "STR_MOVENUM"
msgid "Move paragraphs"
msgstr "Местене на абзаци"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:411
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:413
msgid "Insert drawing object: $1"
msgstr "Вмъкване на графичен обект: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:412
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:414
msgid "Number On/Off"
msgstr "Номера - вкл./изкл."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:413
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:415
msgid "Increase Indent"
msgstr "Увеличаване на отстъпа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:414
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:416
msgid "Decrease indent"
msgstr "Намаляване на отстъпа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:415
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:417
msgid "Insert caption: $1"
msgstr "Вмъкване на надпис: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:416
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:418
msgid "Restart numbering"
msgstr "Започване на номерирането отначало"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:417
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:419
msgid "Modify footnote"
msgstr "Промяна на бележката под линия"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:418
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:420
msgid "Accept change: $1"
msgstr "Приемане на промяната: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:419
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:421
msgid "Reject change: $1"
msgstr "Отхвърляне на промяната: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:420
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:422
msgid "Split Table"
msgstr "Разделяне на таблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:421
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:423
msgid "Stop attribute"
msgstr "Стоп атрибут"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:422
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:424
msgid "AutoCorrect"
msgstr "Автокорекция"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:423
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:425
msgid "Merge table"
msgstr "Сливане на таблици"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:424
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:426
msgid "Change Case"
msgstr "Смяна на регистъра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:425
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:427
msgctxt "STR_DELNUM"
msgid "Delete numbering"
msgstr "Изтриване на номерацията"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:426
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:428
msgctxt "STR_DRAWUNDO"
msgid "Drawing objects: $1"
msgstr "Графични обекти: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:427
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:429
msgid "Group draw objects"
msgstr "Групиране на графични обекти"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:428
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:430
msgid "Ungroup drawing objects"
msgstr "Разгрупиране на графични обекти"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:429
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:431
msgid "Delete drawing objects"
msgstr "Изтриване на графични обекти"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:430
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:432
msgctxt "STR_REREAD"
msgid "Replace Image"
msgstr "Замяна на изображение"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:431
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:433
msgctxt "STR_DELGRF"
msgid "Delete Image"
msgstr "Изтриване на изображение"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:432
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:434
msgctxt "STR_TABLE_ATTR"
msgid "Apply table attributes"
msgstr "Прилагане на свойства за таблицата"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:433
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:435
msgid "AutoFormat Table"
msgstr "Автоформат на таблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:434
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:436
msgid "Insert Column"
msgstr "Вмъкване на колона"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:435
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:437
msgid "Insert Row"
msgstr "Вмъкване на ред"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:436
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:438
msgid "Delete row/column"
msgstr "Изтриване на ред/колона"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:437
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:439
msgid "Delete column"
msgstr "Изтриване на колона"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:438
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:440
msgid "Delete row"
msgstr "Изтриване на ред"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:439
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:441
msgid "Split Cells"
msgstr "Разделяне на клетки"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:440
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:442
msgid "Merge Cells"
msgstr "Сливане на клетки"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:441
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:443
msgid "Format cell"
msgstr "Форматиране на клетка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:442
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:444
msgctxt "STR_INSERT_TOX"
msgid "Insert index/table"
msgstr "Вмъкване на указател/таблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:443
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:445
msgid "Remove index/table"
msgstr "Премахване на указател/таблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:444
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:446
msgid "Copy table"
msgstr "Копиране на таблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:445
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:447
msgid "Copy table"
msgstr "Копиране на таблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:446
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:448
msgid "Set cursor"
msgstr "Задаване на курсор"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:447
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:449
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_CHAIN"
msgid "Link text frames"
msgstr "Свързване на текстови рамки"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:448
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:450
msgid "Unlink text frames"
msgstr "Разделяне на текстови рамки"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:449
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:451
msgid "Modify footnote options"
msgstr "Промяна на настройките на бележка под линия"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:450
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:452
msgid "Compare Document"
msgstr "Сравняване на документ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:451
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:453
msgid "Apply frame style: $1"
msgstr "Прилагане на стил за рамка: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:452
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:454
msgid "Ruby Setting"
msgstr "Настройка на транслитерация"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:453
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:455
msgid "Insert footnote"
msgstr "Вмъкване на бележка под линия"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:454
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:456
msgid "insert URL button"
msgstr "вмъкване на бутон с URL"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:455
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:457
msgid "Insert Hyperlink"
msgstr "Вмъкване на хипервръзка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:456
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:458
msgid "remove invisible content"
msgstr "премахване на невидимото съдържание"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:457
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:459
msgid "Table/index changed"
msgstr "Променен указател/таблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:458
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:460
msgid "“"
msgstr "„"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:459
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:461
msgctxt "STR_END_QUOTE"
msgid "”"
msgstr "“"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:460
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:462
msgctxt "STR_LDOTS"
msgid "..."
msgstr "..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:461
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:463
msgctxt "STR_MULTISEL"
msgid "multiple selection"
msgstr "групов избор"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:462
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:464
msgid "Typing: $1"
msgstr "Набиране: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:463
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:465
msgid "Paste clipboard"
msgstr "Поставяне от клипборда"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:464
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:466
msgctxt "STR_YIELDS"
msgid "→"
msgstr "→"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:465
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:467
msgid "occurrences of"
msgstr "срещания на"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:466
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:468
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_TABS"
msgid "$1 tab(s)"
msgstr "$1 табулатор(а)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:467
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:469
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_NLS"
msgid "$1 line break(s)"
msgstr "$1 нов(и) ред(а)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:468
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:470
msgid "page break"
msgstr "нова страница"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:469
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:471
msgid "column break"
msgstr "разделител на колони"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:470
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:472
msgid "Insert $1"
msgstr "Вмъкване на $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:471
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:473
msgid "Delete $1"
msgstr "Изтриване на $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:472
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:474
msgid "Attributes changed"
msgstr "Променени атрибути"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:473
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:475
msgid "Table changed"
msgstr "Променена таблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:474
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:476
msgid "Style changed"
msgstr "Променен стил"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:475
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:477
msgid "Paragraph formatting changed"
msgstr "Променен формат на абзац"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:476
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:478
msgid "Insert Row"
msgstr "Вмъкване на ред"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:477
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:479
msgid "Delete Row"
msgstr "Изтриване на ред"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:478
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:480
msgid "Insert Cell"
msgstr "Вмъкване на клетка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:479
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:481
msgid "Delete Cell"
msgstr "Изтриване на клетка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:480
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:482
msgctxt "STR_N_REDLINES"
msgid "$1 changes"
msgstr "$1 промени"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:481
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:483
msgid "Change page style: $1"
msgstr "Промяна на стил на страница: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:482
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:484
msgid "Create page style: $1"
msgstr "Създаване на стил на страница: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:483
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:485
msgid "Delete page style: $1"
msgstr "Изтриване на стил на страница: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:484
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:486
msgid "Rename page style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Преименуване на стил на страница: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:485
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:487
msgid "Header/footer changed"
msgstr "Променен горен/долен колонтитул"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:486
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:488
msgctxt "STR_UNDO_FIELD"
msgid "Field changed"
msgstr "Променено поле"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:487
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:489
msgid "Create paragraph style: $1"
msgstr "Създаване на стил на абзац: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:488
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:490
msgid "Delete paragraph style: $1"
msgstr "Изтриване на стил на абзац: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:489
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:491
msgid "Rename paragraph style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Преименуване на стил на абзац: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:490
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:492
msgid "Create character style: $1"
msgstr "Създаване на стил на знак: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:491
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:493
msgid "Delete character style: $1"
msgstr "Изтриване на стил на знак: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:492
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:494
msgid "Rename character style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Преименуване на стил на знак: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:493
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:495
msgid "Create frame style: $1"
msgstr "Създаване на стил на рамка: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:494
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:496
msgid "Delete frame style: $1"
msgstr "Изтриване на стил на рамка: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:495
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:497
msgid "Rename frame style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Преименуване на стил на рамка: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:496
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:498
msgid "Create numbering style: $1"
msgstr "Създаване на стил за номериране: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:497
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:499
msgid "Delete numbering style: $1"
msgstr "Изтриване на стил за номериране: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:498
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:500
msgid "Rename numbering style: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Преименуване на стил за номериране: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:499
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:501
msgid "Rename bookmark: $1 $2 $3"
msgstr "Преименуване на показалец: $1 $2 $3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:500
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:502
msgid "Insert index entry"
msgstr "Вмъкване на елемент от указател"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:501
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:503
msgid "Delete index entry"
msgstr "Изтриване на елемент от указател"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:502
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:504
msgctxt "STR_FIELD"
msgid "field"
msgstr "поле"
#. undo: STR_PARAGRAPHS, string.text
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:504
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:506
msgid "Paragraphs"
msgstr "Абзаци"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:505
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:507
msgctxt "STR_FRAME"
msgid "frame"
msgstr "рамка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:506
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:508
msgctxt "STR_OLE"
msgid "OLE-object"
msgstr "OLE обект"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:507
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:509
msgid "formula"
msgstr "формула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:508
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:510
msgctxt "STR_CHART"
msgid "chart"
msgstr "диаграма"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:509
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:511
msgctxt "STR_NOTE"
msgid "comment"
msgstr "коментар"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:510
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:512
msgid "cross-reference"
msgstr "препратка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:511
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:513
msgctxt "STR_SCRIPT"
msgid "script"
msgstr "скрипт"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:512
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:514
msgid "bibliography entry"
msgstr "библиографски запис"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:513
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:515
msgid "special character"
msgstr "специален знак"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:514
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:516
msgctxt "STR_FOOTNOTE"
msgid "footnote"
msgstr "бележка под линия"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:515
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:517
msgctxt "STR_GRAPHIC"
msgid "image"
msgstr "изображение"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:516
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:518
msgid "drawing object(s)"
msgstr "графичен обект(и)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:517
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:519
msgctxt "STR_TABLE_NAME"
msgid "table: $1$2$3"
msgstr "таблица: $1$2$3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:518
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:520
msgid "paragraph"
msgstr "абзац"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:519
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:521
msgid "Paragraph sign"
msgstr "Знак за абзац"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:520
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:522
msgid "Change object title of $1"
msgstr "Промяна на заглавието на обекта $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:521
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:523
msgid "Change object description of $1"
msgstr "Промяна на описанието на обекта $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:522
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:524
msgid "Create table style: $1"
msgstr "Създаване на стил на таблица: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:523
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:525
msgid "Delete table style: $1"
msgstr "Изтриване на стил на таблица: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:524
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:526
msgid "Update table style: $1"
msgstr "Обновяване на стил на таблица: $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:525
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:527
msgid "Delete table"
msgstr "Изтриване на таблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:527
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:529
msgid "Document view"
msgstr "Изглед на документа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:528
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:530
msgid "Document view"
msgstr "Изглед на документа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:529
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:531
msgid "Header $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Горен колонтитул $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:530
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:532
msgid "Header page $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Горен колонтитул на страница $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:531
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:533
msgid "Footer $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Долен колонтитул $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:532
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:534
msgid "Footer page $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Долен колонтитул на страница $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:533
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:535
msgid "Footnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Бележка под линия $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:534
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:536
msgid "Footnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Бележка под линия $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:535
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:537
msgid "Endnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Бележка в края $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:536
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:538
msgid "Endnote $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Бележка в края $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:537
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:539
msgid "$(ARG1) on page $(ARG2)"
msgstr "$(ARG1) на страница $(ARG2)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:538
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:540
msgid "Page $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Страница $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:539
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:541
msgid "Page: $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Страница: $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:540
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:542
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Автор"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:541
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:543
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Дата"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:542
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:544
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Действия"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:543
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:545
msgid "Activate this button to open a list of actions which can be performed on this comment and other comments"
msgstr "Активирайте този бутон за да отворите списък с действия, които могат да бъдат изпълнени върху този коментар и други коментари"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:544
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:546
msgid "Document preview"
msgstr "Мостра на документа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:545
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:547
msgid "(Preview mode)"
msgstr "(Режим на мостра)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:546
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:548
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msgstr "Документ на %PRODUCTNAME"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:548
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:550
msgid "Read Error"
msgstr "Грешка при четене"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:549
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:551
msgid "Image cannot be displayed."
msgstr "Изображението не може да бъде показано."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:550
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:552
msgid "Error reading from the clipboard."
msgstr "Грешка при четене от клипборда."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:552
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:554
msgid "Manual Column Break"
msgstr "Ръчен разделител на колони"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:554
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:556
msgid "Row %ROWNUMBER"
msgstr "Ред %ROWNUMBER"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:555
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:557
#, c-format
msgid "Column %COLUMNLETTER"
msgstr "Колона %COLUMNLETTER"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:556
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:558
msgid "Character"
msgstr "Знак"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:557
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:559
msgid "Paragraph"
msgstr "Абзац"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:558
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:560
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "Рамка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:559
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:561
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Страници"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:560
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:562
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "Номерация"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:561
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:563
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Таблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:562
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:564
msgid "Cell"
msgstr "Клетка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:564
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:566
msgid "Asian"
msgstr "Азиатски"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:565
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:567
msgctxt "ST_SCRIPT_CTL"
msgid "CTL"
msgstr "Сложни писмености (CTL)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:566
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:568
msgid "Western"
msgstr "Западни"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:567
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:569
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:568
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:570
msgid "Contents"
msgstr "Съдържание"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:569
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:571
msgid "Page ba~ckground"
msgstr "~Фон на страници"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:570
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:572
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msgstr "Изображения и други графични обекти"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:571
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:573
msgid "Hidden te~xt"
msgstr "Скрит те~кст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:572
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:574
msgid "~Text placeholders"
msgstr "~Запазени места за текст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:573
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:575
msgid "Form control~s"
msgstr "Контроли във формуляри"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:574
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:576
msgid "Color"
msgstr "Цвят"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:575
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:577
msgid "Print text in blac~k"
msgstr "Печат на текста в ~черно"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:576
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:578
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Страници"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:577
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:579
msgid "Print ~automatically inserted blank pages"
msgstr "Отпечатване на автоматичните празни страници"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:578
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:580
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msgstr "Използване само на касетата от настройките на принтера"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:579
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:581
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Печат"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:580
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:582
msgid "None (document only)"
msgstr "Нищо (само документа)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:581
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:583
msgid "Comments only"
msgstr "Само коментари"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:582
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:584
msgid "Place at end of document"
msgstr "В края на документа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:583
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:585
msgid "Place at end of page"
msgstr "В края на страницата"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:584
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:586
msgid "~Comments"
msgstr "~Коментари"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:585
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:587
msgid "Page sides"
msgstr "Страни на страниците"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:586
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:588
msgid "All pages"
msgstr "Всички страници"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:587
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:589
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msgstr "Задни страни / леви страници"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:588
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:590
msgid "Front sides / right pages"
msgstr "Предни страни / десни страници"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:589
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:591
msgid "Include"
msgstr "Включване"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:590
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:592
msgid "Broch~ure"
msgstr "~Брошура"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:591
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:593
msgid "Left-to-right script"
msgstr "Отляво надясно"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:592
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:594
msgid "Right-to-left script"
msgstr "Отдясно наляво"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:593
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:595
msgid "Range and copies"
msgstr "Обхват и копия"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:594
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:596
msgid "~All pages"
msgstr "Всички страници"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:595
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:597
msgid "Pa~ges"
msgstr "Страници"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:596
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:598
msgid "~Selection"
msgstr "Селекция"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:597
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:599
msgid "Place in margins"
msgstr "Разполагане в полетата"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:599
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:601
msgid "Functions"
msgstr "Функции"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:600
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:602
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Отказ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:601
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:603
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Прилагане"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:602
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:604
msgid "Formula Tool Bar"
msgstr "Лента с инструменти Формула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:603
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:605
msgid "Formula Type"
msgstr "Тип на формула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:604
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:606
msgid "Formula Text"
msgstr "Текст на формула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:606
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:608
msgid "Global View"
msgstr "Глобален изглед"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:607
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:609
msgid "Content Navigation View"
msgstr "Изглед за навигация в съдържанието"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:608
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:610
msgid "Outline Level"
msgstr "Ниво в плана"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:609
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:611
msgctxt "STR_DRAGMODE"
msgid "Drag Mode"
msgstr "Режим при плъзгане"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:610
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:612
msgid "Insert as Hyperlink"
msgstr "Вмъкване като хипервръзка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:611
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:613
msgid "Insert as Link"
msgstr "Вмъкване като връзка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:612
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:614
msgid "Insert as Copy"
msgstr "Вмъкване като копие"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:613
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:615
msgctxt "STR_DISPLAY"
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Показване"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:614
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:616
msgid "Active Window"
msgstr "Активен прозорец"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:615
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:617
msgctxt "STR_HIDDEN"
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "скрит"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:616
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:618
msgctxt "STR_ACTIVE"
msgid "active"
msgstr "активен"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:617
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:619
msgctxt "STR_INACTIVE"
msgid "inactive"
msgstr "неактивен"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:618
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:620
msgctxt "STR_EDIT_ENTRY"
msgid "Edit..."
msgstr "Редактиране..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:619
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:621
msgctxt "STR_UPDATE"
msgid "~Update"
msgstr "Обновяване"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:620
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:622
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Редактиране"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:621
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:623
msgctxt "STR_EDIT_LINK"
msgid "Edit link"
msgstr "Редактиране на връзка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:622
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:624
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Вмъкване"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:623
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:625
msgctxt "STR_INDEX"
msgid "~Index"
msgstr "Указател"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:624
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:626
msgctxt "STR_FILE"
msgid "File"
msgstr "Файл"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:625
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:627
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msgid "New Document"
msgstr "Нов документ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:626
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:628
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Текст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:627
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:629
msgctxt "STR_DELETE"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Изтриване"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:628
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:630
msgid "~Delete"
msgstr "Изтриване"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:629
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:631
msgctxt "STR_UPDATE_SEL"
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "Селекция"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:630
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:632
msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Указатели"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:631
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:633
msgid "Links"
msgstr "Връзки"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:632
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:634
msgctxt "STR_UPDATE_ALL"
msgid "All"
msgstr "Всичко"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:633
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:635
msgid "~Remove Index"
msgstr "Премахване на указател"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:634
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:636
msgid "~Unprotect"
msgstr "Премахване на защитата"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:635
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:637
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "скрит"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:636
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:638
msgid "File not found: "
msgstr "Не е намерен файл: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:637
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:639
msgctxt "STR_RENAME"
msgid "~Rename"
msgstr "Преименуване"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:638
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:640
msgid "Read-~only"
msgstr "Само за четене"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:639
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:641
msgid "Show All"
msgstr "Показване на всичко"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:640
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:642
msgid "Hide All"
msgstr "Скриване на всичко"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:641
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:643
msgid "Delete All"
msgstr "Изтриване на всичко"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:643
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:645
msgid "Left: "
msgstr "Отляво: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:644
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:646
msgid ". Right: "
msgstr ". Отдясно: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:645
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:647
msgid "Inner: "
msgstr "Отвътре: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:646
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:648
msgid ". Outer: "
msgstr ". Отвън: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:647
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:649
msgid ". Top: "
msgstr ". Отгоре: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:648
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:650
msgid ". Bottom: "
msgstr ". Отдолу: "
#. Error calculator
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:651
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:653
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Страница"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:652
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:654
msgid "Line"
msgstr "Ред"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:653
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:655
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Автор"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:654
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:656
msgid "** Syntax Error **"
msgstr "** Синтактична грешка **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:655
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:657
msgid "** Division by zero **"
msgstr "** Деление на нула **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:656
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:658
msgctxt "STR_CALC_BRACK"
msgid "** Wrong use of brackets **"
msgstr "** Погрешно използвани скоби **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:657
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:659
msgctxt "STR_CALC_POW"
msgid "** Square function overflow **"
msgstr "** Препълване при повдигане на квадрат **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:658
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:660
msgid "** Overflow **"
msgstr "** Препълване **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:659
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:661
msgid "** Error **"
msgstr "** Грешка **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:660
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:662
msgctxt "STR_CALC_ERROR"
msgid "** Expression is faulty **"
msgstr "** Изразът е неправилен **"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:661
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:663
msgid "Error: Reference source not found"
msgstr "Грешка: не е намерен източникът на обръщение"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:662
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:664
msgid "None"
msgstr "Няма"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:663
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:665
msgid "(fixed)"
msgstr "(фиксирано)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:664
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:666
msgid " Y: %1 M: %2 D: %3 H: %4 M: %5 S: %6"
msgstr " Г: %1 М: %2 Д: %3 Ч: %4 М: %5 С: %6"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:665
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:667
msgctxt "STR_TOI"
msgid "Alphabetical Index"
msgstr "Азбучен указател"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:666
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:668
msgctxt "STR_TOU"
msgid "User-Defined"
msgstr "Потребителски"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:667
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:669
msgctxt "STR_TOC"
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr "Таблица на съдържанието"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:668
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:670
msgctxt "STR_TOX_AUTH"
msgid "Bibliography"
msgstr "Библиография"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:669
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:671
msgid "Citation"
msgstr "Позоваване"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:670
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:672
msgctxt "STR_TOX_TBL"
msgid "Index of Tables"
msgstr "Указател на таблиците"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:671
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:673
msgctxt "STR_TOX_OBJ"
msgid "Table of Objects"
msgstr "Таблица на обектите"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:672
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:674
msgctxt "STR_TOX_ILL"
msgid "Table of Figures"
msgstr "Таблица на фигурите"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:673
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:675
#, c-format
msgid "%s-Click to follow link"
msgstr "Щракнете с %s, за да проследите връзката"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:674
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:676
msgctxt "STR_LINK_CLICK"
msgid "Click to follow link"
msgstr "Щракнете, за да проследите връзката"
#. SubType DocInfo
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:676
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:678
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Заглавие"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:677
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:679
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Тема"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:678
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:680
msgid "Keywords"
msgstr "Ключови думи"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:679
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:681
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Коментари"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:680
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:682
msgid "Created"
msgstr "Създаден"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:681
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:683
msgid "Modified"
msgstr "Променен"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:682
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:684
msgid "Last printed"
msgstr "Последно отпечатан"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:683
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:685
msgid "Revision number"
msgstr "Номер на редакция"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:684
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:686
msgid "Total editing time"
msgstr "Общо време на редактиране"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:685
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:687
msgid "Convert $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Преобразуване $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:686
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:688
msgid "First convert $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Първо преобразуване $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:687
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:689
msgid "Next convert $(ARG1)"
msgstr "Следващо преобразуване $(ARG1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:688
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:690
msgid "Article"
msgstr "Статия"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:689
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:691
msgid "Book"
msgstr "Книга"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:690
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:692
msgid "Brochures"
msgstr "Брошури"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:691
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:693
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr "Протокол от конференция"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:692
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:694
msgid "Book excerpt"
msgstr "Извадка от книга"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:693
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:695
msgid "Book excerpt with title"
msgstr "Озаглавена извадка от книга"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:694
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:696
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr "Протокол от конференция"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:695
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:697
msgid "Journal"
msgstr "Списание"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:696
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:698
msgid "Techn. documentation"
msgstr "Техн. документация"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:697
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:699
msgid "Thesis"
msgstr "Дипломна работа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:698
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:700
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "Разни"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:699
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:701
msgid "Dissertation"
msgstr "Дисертация"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:700
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:702
msgid "Conference proceedings"
msgstr "Протокол от конференция"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:701
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:703
msgid "Research report"
msgstr "Доклад за изследване"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:702
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:704
msgid "Unpublished"
msgstr "Непубликувано"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:703
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:705
msgid "E-mail"
msgstr "Е-поща"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:704
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:706
msgid "WWW document"
msgstr "Документ в Уеб"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:705
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:707
msgid "User-defined1"
msgstr "Потребителски1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:706
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:708
msgid "User-defined2"
msgstr "Потребителски2"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:707
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:709
msgid "User-defined3"
msgstr "Потребителски3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:708
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:710
msgid "User-defined4"
msgstr "Потребителски4"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:709
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:711
msgid "User-defined5"
msgstr "Потребителски5"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:710
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:712
msgid "Short name"
msgstr "Кратко име"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:711
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:713
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Тип"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:712
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:714
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Адрес"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:713
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:715
msgid "Annotation"
msgstr "Анотация"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:714
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:716
msgid "Author(s)"
msgstr "Автор(и)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:715
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:717
msgid "Book title"
msgstr "Заглавие на книга"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:716
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:718
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr "Глава"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:717
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:719
msgid "Edition"
msgstr "Издание"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:718
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:720
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Редактор"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:719
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:721
msgid "Publication type"
msgstr "Тип на публикацията"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:720
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:722
msgid "Institution"
msgstr "Институция"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:721
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:723
msgid "Journal"
msgstr "Списание"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:722
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:724
msgid "Month"
msgstr "Месец"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:723
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:725
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Бележка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:724
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:726
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Брой"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:725
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:727
msgid "Organization"
msgstr "Организация"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:726
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:728
msgid "Page(s)"
msgstr "Страница(и)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:727
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:729
msgid "Publisher"
msgstr "Издател"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:728
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:730
msgid "University"
msgstr "Университет"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:729
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:731
msgid "Series"
msgstr "Поредица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:730
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:732
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Заглавие"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:731
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:733
msgid "Type of report"
msgstr "Тип на доклада"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:732
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:734
msgid "Volume"
msgstr "Том"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:733
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:735
msgid "Year"
msgstr "Година"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:734
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:736
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:735
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:737
msgid "User-defined1"
msgstr "Потребителско1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:736
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:738
msgid "User-defined2"
msgstr "Потребителско2"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:737
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:739
msgid "User-defined3"
msgstr "Потребителско3"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:738
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:740
msgid "User-defined4"
msgstr "Потребителско4"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:739
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:741
msgid "User-defined5"
msgstr "Потребителско5"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:740
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:742
msgid "ISBN"
msgstr "ISBN"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:742
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:744
msgid "Edit Index Entry"
msgstr "Редактиране на запис за указател"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:743
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:745
msgid "Insert Index Entry"
msgstr "Вмъкване на запис за указател"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:744
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:746
msgid "The document already contains the bibliography entry but with different data. Do you want to adjust the existing entries?"
msgstr "Документът вече съдържа този елемент от библиография, но с различни данни. Желаете ли да бъдат поправени съществуващите елементи?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:746
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:748
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Коментари"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:747
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:749
msgid "Show comments"
msgstr "Показване на коментарите"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:748
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:750
msgid "Hide comments"
msgstr "Скриване на коментарите"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:750
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:752
msgid "Shortcut name already exists. Please choose another name."
msgstr "Съкращението вече съществува. Моля, изберете друго име."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:751
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:753
msgid "Delete AutoText?"
msgstr "Изтриване на автотекста?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:752
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:754
msgid "Delete the category "
msgstr "Изтриване на категорията "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:753
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:755
msgid "?"
msgstr "?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:754
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:756
msgctxt "STR_GLOSSARY"
msgid "AutoText :"
msgstr "Автотекст :"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:755
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:757
msgid "Save AutoText"
msgstr "Записване на автотекст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:756
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:758
msgid "There is no AutoText in this file."
msgstr "В този файл няма автотекст."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:757
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:759
msgid "My AutoText"
msgstr "Моят автотекст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:759
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:761
msgctxt "STR_NOGLOS"
msgid "AutoText for Shortcut '%1' not found."
msgstr "Не бе намерен автотекст за комбинацията \"%1\""
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:760
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:762
msgctxt "STR_NO_TABLE"
msgid "A table with no rows or no cells cannot be inserted"
msgstr "Не може да се вмъкне таблица без редове или без клетки"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:761
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:763
msgid "The table cannot be inserted because it is too large"
msgstr "Таблицата не може да бъде вмъкната, защото е твърде голяма"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:762
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:764
msgid "AutoText could not be created."
msgstr "Автотекстът не може да бъде създаден."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:763
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:765
msgid "Requested clipboard format is not available."
msgstr "Исканият формат на клипборда не е достъпен."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:764
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:766
msgstr "Текстов документ на %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:765
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:767
msgid "Image (%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Text Document)"
msgstr "Изображение (текстов документ на %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:766
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:768
msgid "Object (%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Text Document)"
msgstr "Обект (текстов документ на %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:767
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:769
msgid "Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE link)"
msgstr "Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE връзка)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:769
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:771
msgid "All Comments"
msgstr "Всички коментари"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:770
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:772
msgid "All Comments"
msgstr "Всички коментари"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:771
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:773
msgid "Comments by "
msgstr "Коментари от "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:772
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:774
msgctxt "STR_NODATE"
msgid "(no date)"
msgstr "(няма дата)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:773
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:775
msgctxt "STR_NOAUTHOR"
msgid "(no author)"
msgstr "(няма автор)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:774
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:776
msgctxt "STR_REPLY"
msgid "Reply to $1"
msgstr "Отговор до $1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:776
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:778
msgctxt "ST_TITLE_EDIT"
msgid "Edit Address Block"
msgstr "Редактиране на адресен блок"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:777
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:779
msgctxt "ST_TITLE_MALE"
msgid "Custom Salutation (Male Recipients)"
msgstr "Поздрав по избор (получател - мъж)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:778
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:780
msgid "Custom Salutation (Female Recipients)"
msgstr "Поздрав по избор (получател - жена)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:779
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:781
msgid "Salutation e~lements"
msgstr "Елементи на ~поздрава"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:780
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:782
msgid "Add to salutation"
msgstr "Добавяне към поздрава"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:781
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:783
msgid "Remove from salutation"
msgstr "Премахване от поздрава"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:782
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:784
msgid "1. ~Drag salutation elements into the box below"
msgstr "1. ~Плъзнете елементите на поздрава в долното поле"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:783
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:785
msgid "Salutation"
msgstr "Поздрав"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:784
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:786
msgid "Punctuation Mark"
msgstr "Препинателен знак"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:785
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:787
msgctxt "ST_TEXT"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Текст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:786
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:788
msgid "Assign the fields from your data source to match the salutation elements."
msgstr "Припишете полета от източника на данни на елементите на поздрава."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:787
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:789
msgid "Salutation preview"
msgstr "Мостра на поздрав"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:788
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:790
msgid "Address elements"
msgstr "Елементи на адреса"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:789
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:791
msgid "Salutation elements"
msgstr "Елементи на поздрава"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:790
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:792
msgctxt "ST_MATCHESTO"
msgid "Matches to field:"
msgstr "Съответства на поле:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:791
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:793
msgctxt "ST_PREVIEW"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Мостра"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:793
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:795
msgid " not yet matched "
msgstr " още няма съответствие "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:794
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:796
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_ALL"
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Всички файлове"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:795
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:797
msgid "Address lists(*.*)"
msgstr "Списъци с адреси (*.*)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:796
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:798
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXB"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Base (*.odb)"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Base (*.odb)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:797
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:799
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXC"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Calc (*.ods;*.sxc)"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Calc (*.ods;*.sxc)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:798
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:800
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_SXW"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer (*.odt;*.sxw)"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Writer (*.odt;*.sxw)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:799
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:801
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_DBF"
msgid "dBase (*.dbf)"
msgstr "dBase (*.dbf)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:800
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:802
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_XLS"
msgid "Microsoft Excel (*.xls;*.xlsx)"
msgstr "Microsoft Excel (*.xls;*.xlsx)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:801
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:803
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_DOC"
msgid "Microsoft Word (*.doc;*.docx)"
msgstr "Microsoft Word (*.doc;*.docx)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:802
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:804
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_TXT"
msgid "Plain text (*.txt)"
msgstr "Неформатиран текст (*.txt)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:803
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:805
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_CSV"
msgid "Text Comma Separated (*.csv)"
msgstr "Текст с разделител запетая (*.csv)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:804
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:806
msgctxt "STR_FILTER_MDB"
msgid "Microsoft Access (*.mdb;*.mde)"
msgstr "Microsoft Access (*.mdb,*.mde)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:805
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:807
msgid "Microsoft Access 2007 (*.accdb,*.accde)"
msgstr "Microsoft Access 2007 (*.accdb,*.accde)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:806
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:808
msgid ""
"In order to be able to send mail merge documents by e-mail, %PRODUCTNAME requires information about the e-mail account to be used.\n"
@@ -4231,82 +4241,82 @@ msgstr ""
"Желаете ли да въведете информация за регистрация за е-поща?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:807
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:809
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Address List (.csv)"
msgstr "Списък с адреси на %PRODUCTNAME (.csv)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:809
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:811
msgctxt "ST_STARTING"
msgid "Select starting document"
msgstr "Избор на начален документ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:810
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:812
msgid "Select document type"
msgstr "Избор на тип документи"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:811
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:813
msgid "Insert address block"
msgstr "Вмъкване на адресен блок"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:812
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:814
msgid "Select address list"
msgstr "Избор на списък с адреси"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:813
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:815
msgid "Create salutation"
msgstr "Създаване на поздрав"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:814
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:816
msgctxt "ST_LAYOUT"
msgid "Adjust layout"
msgstr "Настройка на оформлението"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:815
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:817
msgctxt "ST_EXCLUDE"
msgid "Exclude recipient"
msgstr "Изключване на получателя"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:816
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:818
msgctxt "ST_FINISH"
msgid "~Finish"
msgstr "~Готово"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:817
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:819
msgctxt "ST_MMWTITLE"
msgid "Mail Merge Wizard"
msgstr "Помощник за циркулярни писма"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:819
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:821
msgctxt "ST_NAME"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Име"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:820
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:822
msgctxt "ST_TYPE"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Тип"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:821
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:823
msgctxt "ST_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Таблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:822
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:824
msgctxt "ST_QUERY"
msgid "Query"
msgstr "Заявка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:824
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:826
msgid "Continue checking at beginning of document?"
msgstr "Желаете ли проверката да продължи от началото на документа?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:825
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:827
msgid "The spellcheck is complete."
msgstr "Проверката на правописа завърши."
@@ -4315,212 +4325,212 @@ msgstr "Проверката на правописа завърши."
#. Description: strings for the types
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. range document
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:831
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:833
msgctxt "STR_DATEFLD"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Дата"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:832
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:834
msgctxt "STR_TIMEFLD"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Час"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:833
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:835
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Име на файл"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:834
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:836
msgid "Database Name"
msgstr "Име на БД"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:835
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:837
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr "Глава"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:836
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:838
msgid "Page numbers"
msgstr "Номера на страници"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:837
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:839
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Статистика"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:838
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:840
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Автор"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:839
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:841
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "Шаблони"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:840
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:842
msgid "Sender"
msgstr "Подател"
#. range functions
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:842
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:844
msgctxt "STR_SETFLD"
msgid "Set variable"
msgstr "Задаване стойност на променлива"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:843
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:845
msgctxt "STR_GETFLD"
msgid "Show variable"
msgstr "Показване на променлива"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:844
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:846
msgid "Insert Formula"
msgstr "Вмъкване на формула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:845
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:847
msgctxt "STR_INPUTFLD"
msgid "Input field"
msgstr "Входно поле"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:846
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:848
msgid "Input field (variable)"
msgstr "Входно поле (променлива)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:847
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:849
msgid "Input field (user)"
msgstr "Входно поле (потребител)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:848
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:850
msgid "Conditional text"
msgstr "Условен текст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:849
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:851
msgctxt "STR_DDEFLD"
msgid "DDE field"
msgstr "DDE поле"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:850
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:852
msgctxt "STR_MACROFLD"
msgid "Execute macro"
msgstr "Изпълняване на макрос"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:851
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:853
msgctxt "STR_SEQFLD"
msgid "Number range"
msgstr "Числов диапазон"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:852
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:854
msgid "Set page variable"
msgstr "Задаване стойност на променлива за страницата"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:853
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:855
msgid "Show page variable"
msgstr "Показване на променлива за страницата"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:854
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:856
msgid "Load URL"
msgstr "Зареждане на URL"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:855
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:857
msgid "Placeholder"
msgstr "Запазено място"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:856
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:858
msgid "Combine characters"
msgstr "Комбиниране на знаци"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:857
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:859
msgctxt "STR_DROPDOWN"
msgid "Input list"
msgstr "Входен списък"
#. range references
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:859
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:861
msgid "Set Reference"
msgstr "Задаване на препратка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:860
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:862
msgid "Insert Reference"
msgstr "Вмъкване на препратка"
#. range database
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:862
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:864
msgctxt "STR_DBFLD"
msgid "Mail merge fields"
msgstr "Полета за циркулярно писмо"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:863
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:865
msgid "Next record"
msgstr "Следващ запис"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:864
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:866
msgid "Any record"
msgstr "Произволен запис"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:865
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:867
msgid "Record number"
msgstr "Номер на запис"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:866
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:868
msgid "Previous page"
msgstr "Предишна страница"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:867
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:869
msgid "Next page"
msgstr "Следваща страница"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:868
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:870
msgid "Hidden text"
msgstr "Скрит текст"
#. range user fields
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:870
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:872
msgctxt "STR_USERFLD"
msgid "User Field"
msgstr "Потребителско поле"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:871
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:873
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Бележка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:872
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:874
msgid "Script"
msgstr "Скрипт"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:873
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:875
msgid "Bibliography entry"
msgstr "Библиографски запис"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:874
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:876
msgid "Hidden Paragraph"
msgstr "Скрит абзац"
#. range DocumentInfo
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:876
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:878
msgid "DocInformation"
msgstr "Информация за документа"
@@ -4528,74 +4538,74 @@ msgstr "Информация за документа"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: SubCmd-Strings
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:880
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:882
msgctxt "FLD_DATE_STD"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Дата"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:881
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:883
msgctxt "FLD_DATE_FIX"
msgid "Date (fixed)"
msgstr "Дата (фиксирана)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:882
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:884
msgctxt "FLD_TIME_STD"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Час"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:883
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:885
msgctxt "FLD_TIME_FIX"
msgid "Time (fixed)"
msgstr "Час (фиксиран)"
#. SubCmd Statistic
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:885
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:887
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_TABLE"
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Таблици"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:886
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:888
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_CHAR"
msgid "Characters"
msgstr "Знаци"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:887
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:889
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_WORD"
msgid "Words"
msgstr "Думи"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:888
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:890
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_PARA"
msgid "Paragraphs"
msgstr "Абзаци"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:889
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:891
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_GRF"
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Изображение"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:890
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:892
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_OBJ"
msgid "Objects"
msgstr "Обекти"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:891
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:893
msgctxt "FLD_STAT_PAGE"
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Страници"
#. SubCmd DDETypes
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:893
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:895
msgctxt "FMT_DDE_HOT"
msgid "DDE automatic"
msgstr "DDE автоматично"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:894
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:896
msgctxt "FMT_DDE_NORMAL"
msgid "DDE manual"
msgstr "DDE ръчно"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:895
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:897
msgctxt "FLD_INPUT_TEXT"
msgid "[Text]"
msgstr "[Текст]"
@@ -4603,87 +4613,87 @@ msgstr "[Текст]"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: SubType Extuser
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:900
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:902
msgctxt "FLD_EU_FIRMA"
msgid "Company"
msgstr "Фирма"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:901
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:903
msgctxt "FLD_EU_VORNAME"
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "Собствено име"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:902
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:904
msgctxt "FLD_EU_NAME"
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr "Фамилно име"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:903
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:905
msgctxt "FLD_EU_ABK"
msgid "Initials"
msgstr "Инициали"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:904
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:906
msgctxt "FLD_EU_STRASSE"
msgid "Street"
msgstr "Улица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:905
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:907
msgctxt "FLD_EU_LAND"
msgid "Country"
msgstr "Държава"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:906
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:908
msgctxt "FLD_EU_PLZ"
msgid "Zip code"
msgstr "Пощенски код"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:907
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:909
msgctxt "FLD_EU_ORT"
msgid "City"
msgstr "Град"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:908
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:910
msgctxt "FLD_EU_TITEL"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Заглавие"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:909
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:911
msgctxt "FLD_EU_POS"
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Позиция"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:910
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:912
msgctxt "FLD_EU_TELPRIV"
msgid "Tel. (Home)"
msgstr "Тел. (домашен)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:911
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:913
msgid "Tel. (Work)"
msgstr "Тел. (служебен)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:912
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:914
msgctxt "FLD_EU_FAX"
msgid "FAX"
msgstr "Факс"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:913
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:915
msgctxt "FLD_EU_EMAIL"
msgid "E-mail"
msgstr "Е-поща"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:914
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:916
msgctxt "FLD_EU_STATE"
msgid "State"
msgstr "Щат/област"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:915
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:917
msgid "off"
msgstr "изкл."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:916
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:918
msgctxt "FLD_PAGEREF_ON"
msgid "on"
msgstr "вкл."
@@ -4692,32 +4702,32 @@ msgstr "вкл."
#. Description: path name
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Format FileName
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:921
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:923
msgctxt "FMT_FF_NAME"
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Име на файл"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:922
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:924
msgid "File name without extension"
msgstr "Име на файл без разширението"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:923
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:925
msgid "Path/File name"
msgstr "Път/име на файл"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:924
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:926
msgctxt "FMT_FF_PATH"
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Път"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:925
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:927
msgctxt "FMT_FF_UI_NAME"
msgid "Style"
msgstr "Стил"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:926
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:928
msgctxt "FMT_FF_UI_RANGE"
msgid "Category"
msgstr "Категория"
@@ -4725,22 +4735,22 @@ msgstr "Категория"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: format chapter
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:930
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:932
msgid "Chapter name"
msgstr "Заглавие на глава"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:931
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:933
msgctxt "FMT_CHAPTER_NO"
msgid "Chapter number"
msgstr "Номер на глава"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:932
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:934
msgid "Chapter number without separator"
msgstr "Номер на глава (без разделител)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:933
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:935
msgid "Chapter number and name"
msgstr "Заглавие и номер на глава"
@@ -4748,47 +4758,47 @@ msgstr "Заглавие и номер на глава"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: formats
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:937
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:939
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ABC"
msgid "A B C"
msgstr "A B C"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:938
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:940
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SABC"
msgid "a b c"
msgstr "a b c"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:939
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:941
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ABC_N"
msgid "A .. AA .. AAA"
msgstr "A .. AA .. AAA"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:940
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:942
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SABC_N"
msgid "a .. aa .. aaa"
msgstr "a .. aa .. aaa"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:941
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:943
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ROMAN"
msgid "Roman (I II III)"
msgstr "Римски (I II III)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:942
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:944
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_SROMAN"
msgid "Roman (i ii iii)"
msgstr "Римски (i ii iii)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:943
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:945
msgctxt "FMT_NUM_ARABIC"
msgid "Arabic (1 2 3)"
msgstr "Арабски (1 2 3)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:944
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:946
msgid "As Page Style"
msgstr "Като стила на страница"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:945
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:947
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Текст"
@@ -4796,12 +4806,12 @@ msgstr "Текст"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Author
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:949
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:951
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Име"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:950
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:952
msgid "Initials"
msgstr "Инициали"
@@ -4809,42 +4819,42 @@ msgstr "Инициали"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: set variable
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:954
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:956
msgctxt "FMT_SETVAR_SYS"
msgid "System"
msgstr "Системен"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:955
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:957
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Текст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:956
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:958
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Име"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:957
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:959
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Текст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:958
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:960
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "Формула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:959
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:961
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Текст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:960
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:962
msgctxt "FMT_DBFLD_DB"
msgid "Database"
msgstr "База от данни"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:961
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:963
msgctxt "FMT_DBFLD_SYS"
msgid "System"
msgstr "Системен"
@@ -4852,17 +4862,17 @@ msgstr "Системен"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: storage fields
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:965
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:967
msgctxt "FMT_REG_AUTHOR"
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Автор"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:966
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:968
msgctxt "FMT_REG_TIME"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Час"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:967
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:969
msgctxt "FMT_REG_DATE"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Дата"
@@ -4870,67 +4880,67 @@ msgstr "Дата"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: formats references
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:971
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:973
msgctxt "FMT_REF_TEXT"
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "Обръщение"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:972
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:974
msgctxt "FMT_REF_PAGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Страница"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:973
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:975
msgid "Chapter"
msgstr "Глава"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:974
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:976
msgctxt "FMT_REF_UPDOWN"
msgid "Above/Below"
msgstr "По-горе/по-долу"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:975
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:977
msgid "As Page Style"
msgstr "Като стила на страница"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:976
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:978
msgid "Category and Number"
msgstr "Категория и номер"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:977
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:979
msgid "Caption Text"
msgstr "Текст на надписа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:978
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:980
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "Номерация"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:979
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:981
msgctxt "FMT_REF_NUMBER"
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Номер"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:980
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:982
msgid "Number (no context)"
msgstr "Номер (без контекст)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:981
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:983
msgid "Number (full context)"
msgstr "Номер (пълен контекст)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:983
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:985
msgid "Article a/az + "
msgstr "Опр. член a/az + "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:984
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:986
msgid "Article A/Az + "
msgstr "Опр. член A/Az + "
@@ -4938,27 +4948,27 @@ msgstr "Опр. член A/Az + "
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: placeholder
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:988
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:990
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_TEXT"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Текст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:989
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:991
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Таблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:990
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:992
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_FRAME"
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "Рамка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:991
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:993
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Изображение"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:992
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:994
msgctxt "FMT_MARK_OLE"
msgid "Object"
msgstr "Обект"
@@ -4966,1232 +4976,1232 @@ msgstr "Обект"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: ExchangeStrings for Edit/NameFT
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:996
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:998
msgctxt "STR_COND"
msgid "~Condition"
msgstr "~Условие"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:997
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:999
msgctxt "STR_TEXT"
msgid "Then, Else"
msgstr "Тогава, Иначе"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:998
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1000
msgctxt "STR_DDE_CMD"
msgid "DDE Statement"
msgstr "DDE инструкция"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:999
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1001
msgctxt "STR_INSTEXT"
msgid "Hidden t~ext"
msgstr "Скрит т~екст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1000
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1002
msgctxt "STR_MACNAME"
msgid "~Macro name"
msgstr "~Име на макрос"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1001
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1003
msgctxt "STR_PROMPT"
msgid "~Reference"
msgstr "~Препратка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1002
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1004
msgid "Ch~aracters"
msgstr "Зн~аци"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1003
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1005
msgctxt "STR_OFFSET"
msgid "O~ffset"
msgstr "От~местване"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1004
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1006
msgctxt "STR_VALUE"
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Стойност"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1005
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1007
msgctxt "STR_FORMULA"
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "Формула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1006
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1008
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "По избор"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1008
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1010
msgid "[User]"
msgstr "[По избор]"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1010
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1012
msgctxt "STR_HDIST"
msgid "H. Pitch"
msgstr "Хор. стъпка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1011
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1013
msgctxt "STR_VDIST"
msgid "V. Pitch"
msgstr "Вер. стъпка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1012
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1014
msgctxt "STR_WIDTH"
msgid "Width"
msgstr "Ширина"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1013
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1015
msgctxt "STR_HEIGHT"
msgid "Height"
msgstr "Височина"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1014
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1016
msgctxt "STR_LEFT"
msgid "Left margin"
msgstr "Ляво поле"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1015
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1017
msgctxt "STR_UPPER"
msgid "Top margin"
msgstr "Горно поле"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1016
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1018
msgctxt "STR_COLS"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Колони"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1017
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1019
msgctxt "STR_ROWS"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "Редове"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1019
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1021
msgid "The following service is not available: "
msgstr "Следната услуга не е достъпна: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1021
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1023
msgid "Word and character count. Click to open Word Count dialog."
msgstr "Брой на думите и знаците. Щракнете, за да отворите диалога „Брой на думите“."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1022
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1024
msgid "Single-page view"
msgstr "Изглед с една страница"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1023
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1025
msgid "Multiple-page view"
msgstr "Многостраничен изглед"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1024
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1026
msgid "Book view"
msgstr "Изглед като книга"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1025
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1027
msgid "Page number in document. Click to open Go to Page dialog or right-click for bookmark list."
msgstr "Номер на страница в документа. Щракнете, за да отворите диалога „Преминаване към страница“, или с десния бутон за списък с показалци."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1026
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1028
msgid "Page number in document (Page number on printed document). Click to open Go to Page dialog."
msgstr "Номер на страницата в документа (номер на страницата при печатане). Щракнете, за да отворите диалога „Преминаване към страница“."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1027
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1029
msgid "Page Style. Right-click to change style or click to open Style dialog."
msgstr "Стил на страницата. Щракнете с десния бутон за смяна на стила или с левия – за диалога „Стил“."
#. Strings for textual attributes.
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1030
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1032
msgctxt "STR_DROP_OVER"
msgid "Drop Caps over"
msgstr "Бити букви над"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1031
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1033
msgctxt "STR_DROP_LINES"
msgid "rows"
msgstr "реда"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1032
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1034
msgid "No Drop Caps"
msgstr "Без бити букви"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1033
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1035
msgid "No page break"
msgstr "Без знак за нова страница"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1034
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1036
msgctxt "STR_NO_MIRROR"
msgid "Don't mirror"
msgstr "Без огледално обръщане"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1035
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1037
msgid "Flip vertically"
msgstr "Вертикално обръщане"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1036
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1038
msgid "Flip horizontal"
msgstr "Хоризонтално обръщане"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1037
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1039
msgid "Horizontal and Vertical Flip"
msgstr "Хоризонтално и вертикално обръщане"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1038
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1040
msgid "+ mirror horizontal on even pages"
msgstr "+ обръщане на обекта на четните страници"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1039
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1041
msgctxt "STR_CHARFMT"
msgid "Character Style"
msgstr "Знаков стил"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1040
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1042
msgctxt "STR_NO_CHARFMT"
msgid "No Character Style"
msgstr "Без знаков стил"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1041
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1043
msgctxt "STR_FOOTER"
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "Долен колонтитул"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1042
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1044
msgctxt "STR_NO_FOOTER"
msgid "No footer"
msgstr "Без долен колонтитул"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1043
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1045
msgctxt "STR_HEADER"
msgid "Header"
msgstr "Горен колонтитул"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1044
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1046
msgctxt "STR_NO_HEADER"
msgid "No header"
msgstr "Без горен колонтитул"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1045
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1047
msgid "Optimal wrap"
msgstr "Оптимално обтичане"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1046
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1048
msgid "No wrap"
msgstr "Без обтичане"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1047
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1049
msgid "Through"
msgstr "През"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1048
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1050
msgid "Parallel wrap"
msgstr "Успоредно обтичане"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1049
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1051
msgid "Left wrap"
msgstr "Обтичане отляво"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1050
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1052
msgid "Right wrap"
msgstr "Обтичане отдясно"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1051
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1053
msgid "(Anchor only)"
msgstr "(Само котва)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1052
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1054
msgctxt "STR_FRM_WIDTH"
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "Ширина:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1053
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1055
msgid "Fixed height:"
msgstr "Фиксирана височина:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1054
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1056
msgid "Min. height:"
msgstr "Мин. височина:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1055
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1057
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AT_PARA"
msgid "to paragraph"
msgstr "към абзац"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1056
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1058
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AS_CHAR"
msgid "to character"
msgstr "към знак"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1057
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1059
msgctxt "STR_FLY_AT_PAGE"
msgid "to page"
msgstr "към страница"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1058
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1060
msgctxt "STR_POS_X"
msgid "X Coordinate:"
msgstr "Координата X:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1059
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1061
msgctxt "STR_POS_Y"
msgid "Y Coordinate:"
msgstr "Координата Y:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1060
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1062
msgctxt "STR_VERT_TOP"
msgid "at top"
msgstr "в началото"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1061
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1063
msgid "Centered vertically"
msgstr "Вертикално центриране"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1062
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1064
msgid "at bottom"
msgstr "в края"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1063
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1065
msgctxt "STR_LINE_TOP"
msgid "Top of line"
msgstr "Над реда"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1064
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1066
msgid "Line centered"
msgstr "Центриране в реда"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1065
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1067
msgid "Bottom of line"
msgstr "Под реда"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1066
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1068
msgid "Register-true"
msgstr "Напасване на редовете"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1067
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1069
msgid "Not register-true"
msgstr "Без напасване на редовете"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1068
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1070
msgctxt "STR_HORI_RIGHT"
msgid "at the right"
msgstr "отдясно"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1069
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1071
msgid "Centered horizontally"
msgstr "Хоризонтално центриране"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1070
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1072
msgctxt "STR_HORI_LEFT"
msgid "at the left"
msgstr "отляво"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1071
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1073
msgid "inside"
msgstr "отвътре"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1072
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1074
msgid "outside"
msgstr "отвън"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1073
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1075
msgctxt "STR_HORI_FULL"
msgid "Full width"
msgstr "Пълна ширина"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1074
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1076
msgctxt "STR_COLUMNS"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Колони"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1075
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1077
msgctxt "STR_LINE_WIDTH"
msgid "Separator Width:"
msgstr "Ширина на разделител:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1076
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1078
msgid "Max. footnote area:"
msgstr "Макс. област на бележките под линия:"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1077
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1079
msgid "Editable in read-only document"
msgstr "Може да се редактира в документ само за четене"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1078
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1080
msgid "Split"
msgstr "Разделяне"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1079
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1081
msgctxt "STR_NUMRULE_ON"
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "Номерация"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1080
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1082
msgid "no numbering"
msgstr "без номерация"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1081
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1083
msgctxt "STR_CONNECT1"
msgid "linked to "
msgstr "свързано към "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1082
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1084
msgctxt "STR_CONNECT2"
msgid "and "
msgstr "и "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1083
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1085
msgid "Count lines"
msgstr "Преброяване на редове"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1084
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1086
msgid "don't count lines"
msgstr "да не се броят редовете"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1085
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1087
msgid "restart line count with: "
msgstr "ново броене на редове от: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1086
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1088
msgid "Brightness: "
msgstr "Яркост: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1087
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1089
msgctxt "STR_CHANNELR"
msgid "Red: "
msgstr "Червено: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1088
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1090
msgctxt "STR_CHANNELG"
msgid "Green: "
msgstr "Зелено: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1089
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1091
msgctxt "STR_CHANNELB"
msgid "Blue: "
msgstr "Синьо: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1090
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1092
msgctxt "STR_CONTRAST"
msgid "Contrast: "
msgstr "Контраст: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1091
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1093
msgctxt "STR_GAMMA"
msgid "Gamma: "
msgstr "Гама: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1092
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1094
msgid "Transparency: "
msgstr "Прозрачност: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1093
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1095
msgctxt "STR_INVERT"
msgid "Invert"
msgstr "Инвертиране"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1094
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1096
msgctxt "STR_INVERT_NOT"
msgid "do not invert"
msgstr "да не се инвертира"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1095
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1097
msgctxt "STR_DRAWMODE"
msgid "Graphics mode: "
msgstr "Режим на графиката: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1096
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1098
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Стандартно"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1097
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1099
msgid "Grayscales"
msgstr "Степени на сивото"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1098
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1100
msgid "Black & White"
msgstr "Черно-бяло"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1099
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1101
msgid "Watermark"
msgstr "Воден знак"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1100
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1102
msgctxt "STR_ROTATION"
msgid "Rotation"
msgstr "Завъртане"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1101
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1103
msgctxt "STR_GRID_NONE"
msgid "No grid"
msgstr "Без мрежа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1102
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1104
msgid "Grid (lines only)"
msgstr "Мрежа (само редове)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1103
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1105
msgid "Grid (lines and characters)"
msgstr "Мрежа (редове и знаци)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1104
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1106
msgid "Follow text flow"
msgstr "Следване изливането на текста"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1105
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1107
msgid "Do not follow text flow"
msgstr "Без следване изливането на текста"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1106
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1108
msgid "Merge borders"
msgstr "Обединяване на кантове"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1107
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1109
msgid "Do not merge borders"
msgstr "Без обединяване на кантове"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1109
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1111
msgctxt "ST_TBL"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Таблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1110
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1112
msgctxt "ST_FRM"
msgid "Text Frame"
msgstr "Текстова рамка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1111
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1113
msgctxt "ST_PGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Страница"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1112
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1114
msgctxt "ST_DRW"
msgid "Drawing"
msgstr "Рисунка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1113
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1115
msgctxt "ST_CTRL"
msgid "Control"
msgstr "Контрола"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1114
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1116
msgctxt "ST_REG"
msgid "Section"
msgstr "Раздел"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1115
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1117
msgctxt "ST_BKM"
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr "Показалец"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1116
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1118
msgctxt "ST_GRF"
msgid "Graphics"
msgstr "Графика"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1117
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1119
msgctxt "ST_OLE"
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "OLE обект"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1118
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1120
msgctxt "ST_OUTL"
msgid "Headings"
msgstr "Заглавия"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1119
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1121
msgctxt "ST_SEL"
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "Селекция"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1120
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1122
msgctxt "ST_FTN"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr "Бележка под линия"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1121
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1123
msgctxt "ST_MARK"
msgid "Reminder"
msgstr "Напомняне"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1122
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1124
msgctxt "ST_POSTIT"
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Коментар"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1123
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1125
msgctxt "ST_SRCH_REP"
msgid "Repeat search"
msgstr "Повторно търсене"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1124
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1126
msgctxt "ST_INDEX_ENTRY"
msgid "Index entry"
msgstr "Запис за указател"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1125
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1127
msgid "Table formula"
msgstr "Таблична формула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1126
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1128
msgid "Wrong table formula"
msgstr "Неправилна таблична формула"
#. Strings for the quickhelp of the View-PgUp/Down-Buttons
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1128
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1130
msgid "Next table"
msgstr "Следваща таблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1129
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1131
msgid "Next text frame"
msgstr "Следваща текстова рамка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1130
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1132
msgid "Next page"
msgstr "Следваща страница"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1131
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1133
msgid "Next drawing"
msgstr "Следваща рисунка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1132
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1134
msgid "Next control"
msgstr "Следваща контрола"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1133
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1135
msgid "Next section"
msgstr "Следващ раздел"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1134
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1136
msgid "Next bookmark"
msgstr "Следващ показалец"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1135
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1137
msgid "Next graphic"
msgstr "Следваща графика"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1136
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1138
msgid "Next OLE object"
msgstr "Следващ OLE обект"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1137
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1139
msgid "Next heading"
msgstr "Следващо заглавие"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1138
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1140
msgid "Next selection"
msgstr "Следваща селекция"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1139
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1141
msgid "Next footnote"
msgstr "Следваща бележка под линия"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1140
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1142
msgid "Next Reminder"
msgstr "Следващо напомняне"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1141
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1143
msgid "Next Comment"
msgstr "Следващ коментар"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1142
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1144
msgid "Continue search forward"
msgstr "Продължаване търсенето напред"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1143
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1145
msgid "Next index entry"
msgstr "Следващ елемент от указател"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1144
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1146
msgid "Previous table"
msgstr "Предишна таблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1145
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1147
msgid "Previous text frame"
msgstr "Предишна текстова рамка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1146
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1148
msgid "Previous page"
msgstr "Предишна страница"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1147
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1149
msgid "Previous drawing"
msgstr "Предишна рисунка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1148
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1150
msgid "Previous control"
msgstr "Предишна контрола"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1149
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1151
msgid "Previous section"
msgstr "Предишен раздел"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1150
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1152
msgid "Previous bookmark"
msgstr "Предишен показалец"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1151
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1153
msgid "Previous graphic"
msgstr "Предишна графика"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1152
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1154
msgid "Previous OLE object"
msgstr "Предишен OLE обект"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1153
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1155
msgid "Previous heading"
msgstr "Предишно заглавие"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1154
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1156
msgid "Previous selection"
msgstr "Предишна селекция"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1155
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1157
msgid "Previous footnote"
msgstr "Предишна бележка под линия"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1156
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1158
msgid "Previous Reminder"
msgstr "Предишно напомняне"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1157
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1159
msgid "Previous Comment"
msgstr "Предишен коментар"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1158
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1160
msgid "Continue search backwards"
msgstr "Продължаване търсенето назад"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1159
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1161
msgid "Previous index entry"
msgstr "Предишен елемент от указател"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1160
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1162
msgid "Previous table formula"
msgstr "Предишна таблична формула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1161
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1163
msgid "Next table formula"
msgstr "Следваща таблична формула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1162
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1164
msgid "Previous faulty table formula"
msgstr "Предишна неправилна таблична формула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1163
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1165
msgid "Next faulty table formula"
msgstr "Следваща неправилна таблична формула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1165
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1167
msgid "Inserted"
msgstr "Вмъкнато"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1166
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1168
msgid "Deleted"
msgstr "Изтрито"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1167
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1169
msgid "Formatted"
msgstr "Форматирано"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1168
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1170
msgid "Table changed"
msgstr "Променена таблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1169
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1171
msgid "Applied Paragraph Styles"
msgstr "Приложени абзацни стилове"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1170
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1172
msgid "Paragraph formatting changed"
msgstr "Променен формат на абзац"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1171
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1173
msgid "Row Inserted"
msgstr "Вмъкнат ред"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1172
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1174
msgid "Row Deleted"
msgstr "Изтрит ред"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1173
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1175
msgid "Cell Inserted"
msgstr "Вмъкната клетка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1174
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1176
msgid "Cell Deleted"
msgstr "Изтрита клетка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1175
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1177
msgctxt "STR_ENDNOTE"
msgid "Endnote: "
msgstr "Бележка в края: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1176
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1178
msgctxt "STR_FTNNOTE"
msgid "Footnote: "
msgstr "Бележка под линия: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1177
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1179
#, c-format
msgid "%s-click to open Smart Tag menu"
msgstr "Щракнете с %s, за да отворите менюто на умното етикетче"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1178
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1180
msgid "Header (%1)"
msgstr "Горен колонтитул (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1179
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1181
msgid "First Page Header (%1)"
msgstr "Горен колонтитул на първата страница (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1180
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1182
msgid "Left Page Header (%1)"
msgstr "Горен колонтитул на лява страница (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1181
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1183
msgid "Right Page Header (%1)"
msgstr "Горен колонтитул на дясна страница (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1182
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1184
msgid "Footer (%1)"
msgstr "Долен колонтитул (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1183
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1185
msgid "First Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr "Долен колонтитул на първата страница (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1184
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1186
msgid "Left Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr "Долен колонтитул на лява страница (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1185
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1187
msgid "Right Page Footer (%1)"
msgstr "Долен колонтитул на дясна страница (%1)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1186
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1188
msgid "Delete Header..."
msgstr "Изтриване на горния колонтитул..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1187
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1189
msgid "Format Header..."
msgstr "Форматиране на горния колонтитул..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1188
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1190
msgid "Delete Footer..."
msgstr "Изтриване на долния колонтитул..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1189
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1191
msgid "Format Footer..."
msgstr "Форматиране на долния колонтитул..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1191
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1193
msgid "Image file cannot be opened"
msgstr "Файлът с изображението не може да бъде отворен"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1192
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1194
msgid "Image file cannot be read"
msgstr "Файлът с изображението не може да бъде прочетен"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1193
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1195
msgid "Unknown image format"
msgstr "Неизвестен формат на изображение"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1194
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1196
msgid "This image file version is not supported"
msgstr "Версията на файла с изображението не се поддържа"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1195
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1197
msgid "Image filter not found"
msgstr "Не е намерен филтър за изображението"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1196
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1198
msgid "Not enough memory to insert the image."
msgstr "Няма достатъчно памет за вмъкване на изображението."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1197
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1199
msgid "Insert Image"
msgstr "Вмъкване на изображение"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1198
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1200
msgid "Comment: "
msgstr "Коментар: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1199
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1201
msgid "Insertion"
msgstr "Вмъкване"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1200
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1202
msgid "Deletion"
msgstr "Изтриване"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1201
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1203
msgid "AutoCorrect"
msgstr "Автокорекция"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1202
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1204
msgid "Formats"
msgstr "Формати"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1203
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1205
msgid "Table Changes"
msgstr "Промени в таблицата"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1204
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1206
msgid "Applied Paragraph Styles"
msgstr "Приложени типове абзаци"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1205
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1207
msgctxt "STR_PAGE"
msgid "Page "
msgstr "Страница "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1206
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1208
msgctxt "STR_PAGE_COUNT"
msgid "Page %1 of %2"
msgstr "Страница %1 от %2"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1207
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1209
msgid "Page %1 of %2 (Page %3)"
msgstr "Страница %1 от %2 (страница %3)"
#. Strings for gallery/background
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1209
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1211
msgid "Paragraph"
msgstr "Абзац"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1210
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1212
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Изображение"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1211
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1213
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_OLE"
msgid "OLE object"
msgstr "OLE обект"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1212
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1214
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_FRAME"
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "Рамка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1213
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1215
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Таблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1214
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1216
msgid "Table row"
msgstr "Ред на таблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1215
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1217
msgid "Table cell"
msgstr "Клетка на таблица"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1216
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1218
msgctxt "STR_SWBG_PAGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Страница"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1217
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1219
msgid "Header"
msgstr "Горен колонтитул"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1218
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1220
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "Долен колонтитул"
#. End: strings for gallery/background
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1221
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1223
msgid "HTML"
msgstr "HTML"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1222
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1224
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1224
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1226
msgctxt "STR_TITLE"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Заглавие"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1225
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1227
msgctxt "STR_ALPHA"
msgid "Separator"
msgstr "Разделител"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1226
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1228
msgctxt "STR_LEVEL"
msgid "Level "
msgstr "Ниво "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1227
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1229
msgid "The file, \"%1\" in the \"%2\" path could not be found."
msgstr "Файлът \"%1\" в директорията \"%2\" не може да бъде открит."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1228
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1230
msgid "User-Defined Index"
msgstr "Потребителски указател"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1229
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1231
msgid "<None>"
msgstr "<Няма>"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1230
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1232
msgid "<None>"
msgstr "<Няма>"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1231
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1233
msgctxt "STR_DELIM"
msgid "S"
msgstr "Р"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1232
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1234
msgid "E#"
msgstr "Е#"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1233
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1235
msgid "E"
msgstr "Е"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1234
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1236
msgid "T"
msgstr "Т"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1235
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1237
msgid "#"
msgstr "#"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1236
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1238
msgid "CI"
msgstr "ИГ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1237
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1239
msgid "LS"
msgstr "НХ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1238
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1240
msgid "LE"
msgstr "КХ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1239
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1241
msgid "A"
msgstr "И"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1240
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1242
msgid "Chapter number"
msgstr "Номер на глава"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1241
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1243
msgid "Entry"
msgstr "Елемент"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1242
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1244
msgid "Tab stop"
msgstr "Табулатор"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1243
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1245
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Текст"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1244
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1246
msgid "Page number"
msgstr "Номер на страница"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1245
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1247
msgid "Chapter info"
msgstr "Информация за главата"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1246
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1248
msgid "Hyperlink start"
msgstr "Начало на хипервръзка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1247
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1249
msgid "Hyperlink end"
msgstr "Край на хипервръзка"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1248
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1250
msgid "Bibliography entry: "
msgstr "Библиографски запис: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1249
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1251
msgid "Character Style: "
msgstr "Знаков стил: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1250
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1252
msgid "Structure text"
msgstr "Текст на структурата"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1251
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1253
msgid "Press Ctrl+Alt+A to move focus for more operations"
msgstr "Ctrl+Alt+A премества фокуса за допълнителни операции"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1252
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1254
msgid "Press left or right arrow to choose the structure controls"
msgstr "Стрелките наляво и надясно избират елементи за управление на структурата"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1253
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1255
msgid "Press Ctrl+Alt+B to move focus back to the current structure control"
msgstr "Ctrl+Alt+B фокусира отново текущия елемент за управление на структурата"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1254
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1256
msgid "Selection file for the alphabetical index (*.sdi)"
msgstr "Файл за избор за азбучния указател (*.sdi)"
@@ -6199,237 +6209,237 @@ msgstr "Файл за избор за азбучния указател (*.sdi)"
#. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: character alignment for frmsh.cxx - context menu
#. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1259
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1261
msgid "Base line at ~top"
msgstr "Базова линия отгоре"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1260
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1262
msgid "~Base line at bottom"
msgstr "Базова линия отдолу"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1261
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1263
msgid "Base line ~centered"
msgstr "Центрирана базова линия"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1262
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1264
msgid "Insert object"
msgstr "Вмъкване на обект"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1263
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1265
msgid "Edit object"
msgstr "Редактиране на обект"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1264
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1266
msgid " (Template: "
msgstr " (Шаблон: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1265
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1267
msgid "Borders"
msgstr "Кантове"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1266
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1268
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Фон"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1268
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1270
msgid "(Paragraph Style: "
msgstr "(Стил на абзац: "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1269
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1271
msgid "Page numbers cannot be applied to the current page. Even numbers can be used on left pages, odd numbers on right pages."
msgstr "Не е възможно да се постави номер на текущата страница. Четни номера могат да се използват само на леви страници, а нечетни – само на десни страници."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1271
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1273
msgid "Master Document"
msgstr "Главен документ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1272
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1274
msgstr "Главен документ на %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1274
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1276
msgid "A file connection will delete the contents of the current section. Connect anyway?"
msgstr "Свързването с файл ще изтрие съдържанието на текущия раздел. Желаете ли свързване въпреки това?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1275
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1277
msgid "The password entered is invalid."
msgstr "Въведената парола е невалидна."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1276
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1278
msgid "The password has not been set."
msgstr "Не е зададена парола."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1278
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1280
msgctxt "STR_HYP_OK"
msgid "Hyphenation completed"
msgstr "Сричкопренасянето завърши"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1279
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1281
msgid "None (Do not check spelling)"
msgstr "(без проверка на правописа)"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1280
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1282
msgid "Reset to Default Language"
msgstr "Връщане на подразбирания език"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1281
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1283
msgid "More..."
msgstr "Повече..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1282
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1284
msgid "~Ignore"
msgstr "Игнориране"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1283
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1285
msgid "Explanations..."
msgstr "Пояснения..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1285
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1287
msgid "Check special regions is deactivated. Check anyway?"
msgstr "Проверката в специалните области е изключена. Желаете ли проверка все пак?"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1286
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1288
msgid "Could not merge documents."
msgstr "Документите не могат да бъдат обединени."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1287
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1289
msgid "The source cannot be loaded."
msgstr "Изходният код не може да бъде зареден."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1288
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1290
msgctxt "STR_ERR_NO_FAX"
msgid "No fax printer has been set under Tools/Options/%1/Print."
msgstr "Не е посочен факс в Инструменти/Настройки/%1/Печат."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1289
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1291
msgid "HTML document"
msgstr "Документ на HTML"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1290
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1292
msgid "Text document"
msgstr "Текстов документ"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1291
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1293
msgid "Source not specified."
msgstr "Не е указан източник."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1292
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1294
msgctxt "STR_NUM_LEVEL"
msgid "Level "
msgstr "Ниво "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1293
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1295
msgid "Outline "
msgstr "План "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1294
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1296
msgid "Edit Footnote/Endnote"
msgstr "Редактиране на бележката под линия/в края"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1295
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1297
msgid "Search key replaced XX times."
msgstr "Търсеният низ е заменен XX пъти."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1296
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1298
msgid "Row "
msgstr "Ред "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1297
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1299
msgid "Column "
msgstr "Колона "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1298
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1300
msgctxt "STR_SAVEAS_SRC"
msgid "~Export source..."
msgstr "Експортиране на изходен код..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1299
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1301
msgid "~Export copy of source..."
msgstr "Експортиране копие на изходния код..."
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1301
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1303
msgctxt "ST_CONTINUE"
msgid "~Continue"
msgstr "Продължаване"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1302
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1304
msgctxt "ST_TASK"
msgid "Task"
msgstr "Задача"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1303
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1305
msgctxt "ST_STATUS"
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Състояние"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1304
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1306
msgctxt "ST_SENDINGTO"
msgid "Sending to: %1"
msgstr "Получател: %1"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1305
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1307
msgctxt "ST_COMPLETED"
msgid "Successfully sent"
msgstr "Успешно изпращане"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1306
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1308
msgctxt "ST_FAILED"
msgid "Sending failed"
msgstr "Неуспешно изпращане"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1308
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1310
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1310
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1312
msgid "Text formula"
msgstr "Текстова формула"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1312
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1314
msgctxt "STR_MENU_ZOOM"
msgid "~Zoom"
msgstr "Мащаб"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1313
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1315
msgctxt "STR_MENU_UP"
msgid "~Upwards"
msgstr "Нагоре"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1314
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1316
msgctxt "STR_MENU_DOWN"
msgid "Do~wnwards"
msgstr "Надолу"
@@ -6437,7 +6447,7 @@ msgstr "Надолу"
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Classification strings
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1320
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1322
msgid "Document classification has changed because a paragraph classification level is higher"
msgstr "Класификацията на документа бе променена, защото нивото на класификация на някой абзац е по-високо."
@@ -6445,32 +6455,32 @@ msgstr "Класификацията на документа бе промене
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Description: Paragraph Signature
#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1325
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1327
msgctxt "STR_VALID"
msgid " Valid "
msgstr " Валиден "
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1326
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1328
msgctxt "STR_INVALID"
msgid "Invalid"
msgstr "Невалиден"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1327
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1329
msgid "Invalid Signature"
msgstr "Невалиден подпис"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1328
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1330
msgctxt "STR_SIGNED_BY"
msgid "Signed-by"
msgstr "Подписано от"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1329
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1331
msgid "Paragraph Signature"
msgstr "Подпис на абзаца"
-#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1331
+#: sw/inc/strings.hrc:1333
msgctxt "labeldialog|cards"
msgid "Business Cards"
msgstr "Визитни картички"
@@ -10074,31 +10084,41 @@ msgctxt "insertautotextdialog|label1"
msgid "Autotexts for Shortcut "
msgstr "Автотекстове за съкращение "
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:8
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:9
msgctxt "insertbookmark|InsertBookmarkDialog"
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr "Показалец"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:40
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:35
msgctxt "insertbookmark|insert"
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Вмъкване"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:122
-msgctxt "insertbookmark|rename"
-msgid "Rename"
-msgstr "Преименуване"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:58
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|hide"
+msgid "H_ide"
+msgstr "Скриване"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:135
-msgctxt "insertbookmark|delete"
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "Изтриване"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:80
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|condlabel"
+msgid "_With condition"
+msgstr "С условие"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:148
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:130
msgctxt "insertbookmark|goto"
msgid "Go to"
msgstr "Преход"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:144
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|delete"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Изтриване"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbookmark.ui:158
+msgctxt "insertbookmark|rename"
+msgid "Rename"
+msgstr "Преименуване"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbreak.ui:14
msgctxt "insertbreak|BreakDialog"
msgid "Insert Break"
@@ -11822,7 +11842,7 @@ msgstr "Вмъкване"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar.ui:5568
msgctxt "notebookbar|LayoutMenuButton"
msgid "Layout"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Оформление"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar.ui:6487
msgctxt "notebookbar|LayoutLabel"
@@ -11872,7 +11892,7 @@ msgstr "Таблица"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar.ui:10766
msgctxt "notebookbar|ImageMenuButton"
msgid "Image"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Изображение"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar.ui:10865
msgctxt "notebookbar|ImageLabel"
@@ -11887,32 +11907,32 @@ msgstr "Рисуване"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar.ui:12327
msgctxt "notebookbar|DrawLabel"
msgid "Draw"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Рисуване"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar.ui:12681
msgctxt "notebookbar|PrintMenuButton"
msgid "_Print"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Печат"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar.ui:12768
msgctxt "notebookbar|PrintLabel"
msgid "Print"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Печат"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar.ui:13206
msgctxt "notebookbar|MediaMenuButton"
msgid "_Media"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Мултимедия"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar.ui:13304
msgctxt "notebookbar|MediaLabel"
msgid "Media"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Мултимедия"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar.ui:14157
msgctxt "notebookbar|ObjectMenuButton"
msgid "Object"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Обект"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar.ui:14246
msgctxt "notebookbar|ObjectLabel"
@@ -11927,7 +11947,7 @@ msgstr "Инструменти"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar.ui:15231
msgctxt "notebookbar|ToolsLabel"
msgid "Tools"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Инструменти"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:1877
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|Update"
@@ -11967,12 +11987,12 @@ msgstr "Вмъкване"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:5252
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|WrapButton"
msgid "Wrap"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Обтичане"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:5401
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|LayoutMenuButton"
msgid "Layout"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Оформление"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:5453
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|LayoutLabel"
@@ -12024,19 +12044,19 @@ msgstr "Таблица"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:9579
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|WrapMenuButton"
msgid "Wrap"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Обтичане"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:8189
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:9022
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:9693
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|AlignMenuButton"
msgid "A_lign"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Подравняване"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:8471
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|ImageMenuButton"
msgid "Image"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Изображение"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:8504
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|ImageLabel"
@@ -12056,7 +12076,7 @@ msgstr "Рисуване"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:9831
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|ObjectMenuButton"
msgid "Object"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Обект"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:9887
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|FrameLabel"
@@ -12066,22 +12086,22 @@ msgstr "Обект"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:10349
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|MediaButton"
msgid "_Media"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Мултимедия"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:10403
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|MediaLabel"
msgid "Media"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Мултимедия"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:10845
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|PrintPreviewButton"
msgid "Print"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Печат"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:10900
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|PrintPreviewLabel"
msgid "Print"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Печат"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_compact.ui:10949
msgctxt "notebookbar_compact|ToolsMenuButton"
@@ -12096,77 +12116,77 @@ msgstr "Инструменти"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2551
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|MenubarAction"
msgid "Menubar"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Лента с менюта"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2606
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|MenuAction"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Проверка за обновяване..."
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2741
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|QuotationAction"
msgid "Quotation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Цитат"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3035
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|ToolsButton"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Проверка за обновяване..."
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3361
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|MenuButton"
msgid "_Menu"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Меню"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3417
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|ToolsButton"
msgid "_Tools"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Инструменти"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3506
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|FileButton"
msgid "_File"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Файл"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3661
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|EditButton"
msgid "_Edit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Редактиране"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3800
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:9220
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|StyleButton"
msgid "St_yles"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Стилове"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3978
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8691
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:9399
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|FormatButton"
msgid "F_ormat"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Форматиране"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4228
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8953
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:9615
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|ParagraphButton"
msgid "_Paragraph"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Абзац"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4400
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|InsertButton"
msgid "_Insert"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Вмъкване"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4548
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|ReferenceButton"
msgid "Reference_s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Препратки"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4655
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|ReviewButton"
msgid "_Review"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Преглед"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4769
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6780
@@ -12174,214 +12194,214 @@ msgstr ""
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:9116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|ViewButton"
msgid "_View"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Изглед"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4885
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|PrintMenuButton"
msgid "_Print"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Печат"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5036
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|PrintMenuButton"
msgid "Slide Layout"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Оформление на кадър"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5172
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|PrintMenuButton"
msgid "Navigate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Навигация"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5297
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|PrintMenuButton"
msgid "Zoom"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Мащаб"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5435
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|ImageButton"
msgid "Image"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Изображение"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5551
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|ColorButton"
msgid "C_olor"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Цвят"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5886
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7416
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8176
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|ArrangeButton"
msgid "_Arrange"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Подреждане"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6183
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7556
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8289
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|GridButton"
msgid "_Grid"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Мрежа"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6307
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|LanguageButton"
msgid "_Language"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Език"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6437
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|reviewButton"
msgid "_Review"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Преглед"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6575
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|CommentsButton"
msgid "_Comments"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Коментари"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6676
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|CompareButton"
msgid "Com_pare"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Сравняване"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6968
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|DrawEditButton"
msgid "St_yles"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Стилове"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7185
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|DrawButton"
msgid "D_raw"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Рисуване"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7669
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|GroupButton"
msgid "Grou_p"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Групиране"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7781
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|3DButton"
msgid "3_D"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "3D"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7968
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|FrameButton"
msgid "F_rame"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Рамка"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8512
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|StylesButton"
msgid "St_yles"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Стилове"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:9744
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|TableButton"
msgid "T_able"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Таблица"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:9884
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|MergeButton"
msgid "_Merge"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Обединяване"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:10010
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|RowsColumnsButton"
msgid "R_ows"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Редове"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:10139
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|SelectButton"
msgid "Selec_t"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Избиране"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:10254
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|CalculateButton"
msgid "_Calc"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Calc"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:10373
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|MediaButton"
msgid "_Media"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Мултимедия"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:1506
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|HelpButton"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Проверка за обновяване..."
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2627
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|MenuButton"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Проверка за обновяване..."
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2762
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|QuotationButton"
msgid "Quotation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Цитат"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3056
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|ToolsButton"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Проверка за обновяване..."
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3361
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|MenuButton"
msgid "_Menu"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Меню"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3414
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|ToolsButton"
msgid "_Tools"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Инструменти"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3469
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|HelpButton"
msgid "_Help"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Помощ"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3577
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|FileButton"
msgid "_File"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Файл"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3815
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|EditButton"
msgid "_Edit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Редактиране"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4012
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6776
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|StyleButton"
msgid "St_yles"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Стилове"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4300
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7064
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11623
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|FormatButton"
msgid "F_ormat"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Форматиране"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4652
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7416
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11890
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|ParagraphButton"
msgid "_Paragraph"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Абзац"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4892
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:12221
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|InsertButton"
msgid "_Insert"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Вмъкване"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5121
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8733
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|ReferenceButton"
msgid "Referen_ce"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Препратка"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5323
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9099
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|ReviewButton"
msgid "_Review"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Преглед"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5473
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9665
@@ -12389,121 +12409,121 @@ msgstr ""
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:13655
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|ViewButton"
msgid "_View"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Изглед"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5735
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|GraphicButton"
msgid "Image"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Изображение"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6166
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10761
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:13338
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|ArrangeButton"
msgid "_Arrange"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Подреждане"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6343
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|ColorButton"
msgid "C_olor"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Цвят"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6598
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10929
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:13505
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|GridButton"
msgid "_Grid"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Мрежа"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7644
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|TableButton"
msgid "T_able"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Таблица"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7843
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|RowsColumnsButton"
msgid "R_ows"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Редове"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8045
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|MergeButton"
msgid "_Merge"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Обединяване"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8274
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|SelectButton"
msgid "Sele_ct"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Избиране"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8504
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|CalculateButton"
msgid "_Calc"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Calc"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8870
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|LanguageButton"
msgid "_Language"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Език"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9312
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|CommentsButton"
msgid "_Comments"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Коментари"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9515
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|CompareButton"
msgid "Com_pare"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Сравняване"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10111
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|DrawButton"
msgid "D_raw"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Рисуване"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10482
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|DrawEditButton"
msgid "_Edit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Редактиране"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10713
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|WrapButton"
msgid "Wrap"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Обтичане"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10728
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|AlignButton"
msgid "Align"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Подравняване"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11131
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|GroupButton"
msgid "Grou_p"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Групиране"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11311
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|3DButton"
msgid "3_D"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "3D"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:12669
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|MediaButton"
msgid "_Media"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Мултимедия"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:12907
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|FrameButton"
msgid "F_rame"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Рамка"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:13939
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|PrintMenuButton"
msgid "_Print"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Печат"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:14171
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|PrintMenuButton"
msgid "Slide Layout"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Оформление на кадър"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/notebookbar_groups.ui:34
msgctxt "notebookbar_groups|imagestyledefault"
@@ -12907,7 +12927,7 @@ msgstr "Ниво в плана:"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/numparapage.ui:67
msgctxt "numparapage|comboLB_OUTLINE_LEVEL"
-msgid "Body text"
+msgid "Text Body"
msgstr "Основен текст"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/numparapage.ui:68
@@ -13366,80 +13386,85 @@ msgstr "Знаци за прекъсване"
#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:134
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddentext"
-msgid "Hidden text"
-msgstr "Скрит текст"
+msgid "Hidden characters"
+msgstr "Скрити знаци"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:149
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:216
+msgctxt "optformataidspage|displayfl"
+msgid "Display formatting"
+msgstr "Показване на форматирането"
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:249
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddentextfield"
-msgid "Fields: Hidden te_xt"
-msgstr "Полета: скрит текст"
+msgid "Hidden te_xt"
+msgstr "Скрит текст"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:164
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:264
msgctxt "optformataidspage|hiddenparafield"
-msgid "Fields: Hidden p_aragraphs"
-msgstr "Полета: скрити абзаци"
+msgid "Hidden p_aragraphs"
+msgstr "Скрити абзаци"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:252
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:285
msgctxt "optformataidspage|displayfl"
-msgid "Display of"
-msgstr "Показване на"
+msgid "Display fields"
+msgstr "Показване на полетата"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:284
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:317
msgctxt "optformataidspage|mathbaseline"
msgid "Math baseline alignment"
msgstr "Подравняване на формулите към шрифтовата линия"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:305
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:338
msgctxt "optformataidspage|layoutopt"
msgid "Layout Assistance"
msgstr "Помощ при оформяне"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:349
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:382
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursoronoff"
msgid "_Direct cursor"
msgstr "Свободен курсор"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:366
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:399
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillmode"
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Вмъкване"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:388
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:421
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillmargin"
msgid "Para_graph alignment"
msgstr "Подравняване на абзаца"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:404
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:437
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillindent"
msgid "_Left paragraph margin"
msgstr "Ляво поле на абзац"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:420
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:453
msgctxt "optformataidspage|filltab"
msgid "_Tabs"
msgstr "Табулатори"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:436
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:469
msgctxt "optformataidspage|filltabandspace"
msgid "Tabs a_nd spaces"
msgstr "Табулация и интервали"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:452
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:485
msgctxt "optformataidspage|fillspace"
msgid "_Spaces"
msgstr "Интервали"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:482
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:515
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursorlabel"
msgid "Direct Cursor"
msgstr "Свободен курсор"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:514
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:547
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursorinprot"
msgid "Enable cursor"
msgstr "Разрешаване на курсора"
-#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:535
+#: sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/optformataidspage.ui:568
msgctxt "optformataidspage|cursoropt"
msgid "Protected Areas"
msgstr "Защитени области"
diff --git a/source/bg/vcl/messages.po b/source/bg/vcl/messages.po
index 648b1e191b3..03ce610de27 100644
--- a/source/bg/vcl/messages.po
+++ b/source/bg/vcl/messages.po
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-#. extracted from vcl/inc
+#. extracted from vcl/inc/font
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-08 15:10+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-08 13:46+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-09 09:31+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mihail Balabanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: bg\n"
@@ -14,7 +14,392 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1525787189.000000\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1531128687.000000\n"
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:25
+msgid "Access All Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:26
+msgid "Alternative (Vertical) Fractions"
+msgstr "Алтернативни (вертикални) дроби"
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:27
+msgid "Ancient Ligatures"
+msgstr "Древни лигатури"
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:28
+msgid "Capitals to Petite Capitals"
+msgstr "Главни към главни петит"
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:29
+msgid "Capitals to Small Capitals"
+msgstr "Главни към малки главни"
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:30
+msgid "Contextual Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:31
+msgid "Case-Sensitive Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:32
+msgid "Contextual Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:33
+msgid "Centered CJK Punctuation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:34
+msgid "Capital Spacing"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:35
+msgid "Contextual Swash"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:36
+msgid "Character Variant %1"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:37
+msgid "Drop Caps"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:38
+msgid "Discretionary Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:39
+msgid "Denominators"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:40
+msgid "Diphthongs (Obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:41
+msgid "Expert Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:42
+msgid "Final Glyph on Line Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:43
+msgid "DIagonal Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:44
+msgid "Diagonal Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:45
+msgid "Nut Fractions"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:46
+msgid "Full Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:47
+msgid "Alternate Half Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:48
+msgid "Historical Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:49
+msgid "Horizontal Kana Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:50
+msgid "Historical Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:51
+msgid "Hanja to Hangul (Obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:52
+msgid "Hojo Kanji Forms (JIS X 0212-1990 Kanji Forms)"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:53
+msgid "Half Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:54
+msgid "Italics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:55
+msgid "Justification Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:56
+msgid "JIS2004 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:57
+msgid "JIS78 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:58
+msgid "JIS83 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:59
+msgid "JIS90 Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:60
+msgid "Horizontal Kerning"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:61
+msgid "Left Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:62
+msgid "Standard Ligatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:63
+msgid "Lining Figures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:64
+msgid "Mathematical Greek"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:65
+msgid "Alternate Annotation Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:66
+msgid "NLC Kanji Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:67
+msgid "Numerators"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:68
+msgid "Oldstyle Figures"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:69
+msgid "Optical Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:70
+msgid "Ordinals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:71
+msgid "Ornaments"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:72
+msgid "Proportional Alternate Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:73
+msgid "Lowercase to Petite Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:74
+msgid "Proportional Kana"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:75
+msgid "Proportional Numbers"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:76
+msgid "Proportional Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:77
+msgid "Quarter Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:78
+msgid "Right Bounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:79
+msgid "Ruby Notation Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:80
+msgid "Stylistic Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:81
+msgid "Scientific Inferiors"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:82
+msgid "Lowercase to Small Capitals"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:83
+msgid "Simplified Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:84
+msgid "Stylistic Set %1"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:85
+msgid "Subscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:86
+msgid "Superscript"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:87
+msgid "Swash"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:88
+msgid "Titling"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:89
+msgid "Traditional Name Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:90
+msgid "Tabular Numbers"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:91
+msgid "Traditional Forms"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:92
+msgid "Third Widths"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:93
+msgid "Unicase"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:94
+msgid "Alternate Vertical Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:95
+msgid "Alternate Vertical Half Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:96
+msgid "Vertical Kana Alternates"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:97
+msgid "Vertical Kerning"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:98
+msgid "Proportional Alternate Vertical Metrics"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:99
+msgid "Vertical Alternates and Rotation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:100
+msgid "Vertical Alternates for Rotation"
+msgstr ""
+#: vcl/inc/font/OpenTypeFeatureStrings.hrc:101
+msgid "Slashed Zero"
+msgstr ""
#. To translators: This is the first entry of a sequence of paper size names
#: vcl/inc/print.hrc:28
diff --git a/source/bn-IN/cui/messages.po b/source/bn-IN/cui/messages.po
index dabd8a03123..ee99a5c6456 100644
--- a/source/bn-IN/cui/messages.po
+++ b/source/bn-IN/cui/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -3534,7 +3534,7 @@ msgctxt "certdialog|label1"
msgid "Certificate Path"
msgstr "সার্টিফিকেটের পাথ"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:46
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:45
msgctxt "charnamepage|westlangft-nocjk"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "ভাষা:"
@@ -3544,52 +3544,72 @@ msgctxt "charnamepage|westsizeft-nocjk"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "মাপ:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:257
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:196
+msgctxt "charnamepage|west_features_button-nocjk"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:268
msgctxt "charnamepage|westsizeft-cjk"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "মাপ:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:272
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:283
msgctxt "charnamepage|westlangft-cjk"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "ভাষা:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:346
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:352
+msgctxt "charnamepage|west_features_button-cjk"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:373
msgctxt "charnamepage|label4"
msgid "Western Text Font"
msgstr "পশ্চিমা পাঠ্যের ফন্ট"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:415
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:441
msgctxt "charnamepage|eastsizeft"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "মাপ:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:430
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:456
msgctxt "charnamepage|eastlangft"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "ভাষা:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:503
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:524
+msgctxt "charnamepage|east_features_button"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:545
msgctxt "charnamepage|label5"
msgid "Asian Text Font"
msgstr "এশীয় পাঠ্যের ফন্ট"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:572
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:613
msgctxt "charnamepage|ctlsizeft"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "মাপ:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:587
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:628
msgctxt "charnamepage|ctllangft"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "ভাষা:"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:661
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:697
+msgctxt "charnamepage|ctl_features_button"
+msgid "Features..."
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:718
msgctxt "charnamepage|label6"
msgid "CTL Font"
msgstr "CTL ফন্ট"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:688
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/charnamepage.ui:745
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "charnamepage|preview-atkobject"
msgid "Preview"
@@ -5116,6 +5136,16 @@ msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|flState"
msgid "State"
msgstr "অবস্থা"
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/fontfeaturesdialog.ui:9
+msgctxt "newtabledialog|NewTableDialog"
+msgid "Font Features"
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/fontfeaturesdialog.ui:149
+msgctxt "fontfeaturesdialog|preview-atkobject"
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr ""
#: cui/uiconfig/ui/formatcellsdialog.ui:8
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "formatcellsdialog|FormatCellsDialog"
@@ -7881,82 +7911,87 @@ msgctxt "optfontspage|label1"
msgid "Font Settings for HTML, Basic and SQL Sources"
msgstr "HTML, বেসিক এবং SQL সোর্সের জন্য ফন্ট সেটিং"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:31
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:35
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|exthelp"
msgid "_Extended tips"
msgstr "বর্ধিত পরামর্শ (_E)"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:46
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:50
+msgctxt "optgeneralpage|popupnohelp"
+msgid "Show \"No offline help installed\" popup"
+msgstr ""
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:70
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label1"
msgid "Help"
msgstr "সহায়তা"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:76
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:100
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|filedlg"
msgid "_Use %PRODUCTNAME dialogs"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME ডায়ালগ ব্যবহার (_U)"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:110
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:134
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label2"
msgid "Open/Save Dialogs"
msgstr "খুলুন/সংরক্ষণ ডায়লগ"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:136
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:160
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|printdlg"
msgid "Use %PRODUCTNAME _dialogs"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME ডায়ালগ ব্যবহার (_d)"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:151
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:175
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label3"
msgid "Print Dialogs"
msgstr "মুদ্রণ ডায়ালগ"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:177
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:201
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|docstatus"
msgid "_Printing sets \"document modified\" status"
msgstr "মুদ্রণ \"নথি পরিবর্তিত\" অবস্থান নির্ধারণ করেছে (_P)"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:192
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:216
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label4"
msgid "Document Status"
msgstr "নথির অবস্থা"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:225
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:249
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label6"
msgid "_Interpret as years between "
msgstr "মধ্যবর্তী বছর দিয়ে হিসাব করুন (_I)"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:250
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:274
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|toyear"
msgid "and "
msgstr "এবং"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:265
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:289
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label5"
msgid "Year (Two Digits)"
msgstr "বছর (দুই সংখ্যার)"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:291
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:315
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|collectusageinfo"
msgid "Collect usage data and send it to The Document Foundation"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:306
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:330
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label7"
msgid "Help Improve %PRODUCTNAME"
msgstr ""
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:337
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:361
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|quicklaunch"
msgid "Load %PRODUCTNAME during system start-up"
msgstr "সিস্টেম আরম্ভ করার সময় %PRODUCTNAME লোড"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:352
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:376
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|systray"
msgid "Enable systray Quickstarter"
msgstr "systray কুইকস্টার্টার সক্রিয়"
-#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:373
+#: cui/uiconfig/ui/optgeneralpage.ui:397
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label8"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Quickstarter"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME কুইকস্টার্টার"
diff --git a/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared.po b/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared.po
index 7bb6d6aaaa6..1d3a4249cb5 100644
--- a/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared.po
+++ b/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-02-27 13:56+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-04-16 21:59+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -37,16 +37,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">The 3D-Settings toolbar controls properties of selected 3D objects.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">ত্রিমাত্রিক মানসমূহের টুলবার নির্বাচিত ত্রিমাত্রিক বস্তুর বৈশিষ্ট্য নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">The <emph>3D Settings</emph> toolbar controls properties of selected 3D objects.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Extrusion on/off"
-msgstr "এক্সট্রুশন সক্রিয়/নিষ্ক্রিয়"
+msgid "Extrusion On/Off"
+msgstr ""
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Extrusion Depth window.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">এক্সট্রুশনের গভীরতা উইন্ডো খোলা হয়।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Extrusion Depth</emph> window.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -165,8 +165,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Extrusion Direction window.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">এক্সট্রুশনের দিকবিন্যাস উইন্ডো খোলা হয়।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Extrusion Direction</emph> window.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -197,8 +197,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Extrusion Lighting window.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">এক্সট্রুশনের উপর আলোক বিন্যাসের উইন্ডো খোলা হয়।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Extrusion Lighting</emph> window.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Extrusion Surface window.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">এক্সট্রুশনের পৃষ্ঠভাগের উইন্ডো খোলা হয়।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Extrusion Surface</emph> window.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 3dsettings_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -253,8 +253,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Extrusion Color toolbar.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">এক্সট্রুশনের রঙের টুলবার খোলা হয়।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Extrusion Color</emph> toolbar.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: fontwork_toolbar.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/00.po b/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/00.po
index eaf68ef39b0..3a3402795db 100644
--- a/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/00.po
+++ b/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/00.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-05-24 02:23+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -5325,24 +5325,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"webhtml\">Choose <emph>File - Preview in Web Browser</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"webhtml\"> <emph>ফাইল - ওয়েব ব্রাউজারে প্রাকদর্শন</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"webhtml\">Choose <emph>File - Preview in Web Browser</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - New</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>ফাইল - নতুন</emph> নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - New</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>New</emph> icon on the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar (the icon shows the type of the new document)"
-msgstr "<emph>আদর্শ</emph> বারের <emph>নতুন</emph> আইকন (আইকনটি ব্যবহার করে নতুন নথির ধরন প্রদর্শিত হয়)"
+msgid "<emph>New</emph> icon on the <emph>Standard</emph> bar (the icon shows the type of the new document)."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5373,7 +5373,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu <emph>File - New</emph><emph>- Templates</emph>."
+msgid "Menu <emph>File - New - Templates</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5389,96 +5389,96 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"etiketten\">Choose <emph>File - New - Labels</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"etiketten\"><emph>ফাইল - নতুন - লেবেল</emph></variable> নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "<variable id=\"etiketten\">Choose <emph>File - New - Labels</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"etikettenein\">Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Labels</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"etiketten\"><emph>ফাইল - নতুন - লেবেল</emph></variable> নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "<variable id=\"etikettenein\">Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Labels</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Format</emph> tab"
-msgstr "<emph>ফাইল - নতুন - লেবেল - বিন্যাস</emph> ট্যাব নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Format</emph> tab."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Format</emph> tab"
-msgstr "<emph>ফাইল - নতুন - ব্যবসায়িক কার্ড - বিন্যাস</emph> ট্যাব নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Format</emph> tab."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Options</emph> tab"
-msgstr "<emph>ফাইল - নতুন - লেবেল - অপশন</emph> ট্যাব নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Labels - Options</emph> tab."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Options</emph> tab"
-msgstr "<emph>ফাইল - নতুন - ব্যবসায়িক কার্ড - অপশন</emph> ট্যাব নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Options</emph> tab."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"visikart\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"visikart\"><emph>ফাইল - নতুন - ব্যবসায়িক কার্ড</emph></variable> নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "<variable id=\"visikart\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"visikartform\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Medium</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"visikart\"><emph>ফাইল - নতুন - ব্যবসায়িক কার্ড</emph></variable> নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "<variable id=\"visikartform\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Medium</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"viskartinhalt\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Business cards</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"visikart\"><emph>ফাইল - নতুন - ব্যবসায়িক কার্ড</emph></variable> নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "<variable id=\"viskartinhalt\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Business cards</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"viskartpriv\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Private</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"visikart\"><emph>ফাইল - নতুন - ব্যবসায়িক কার্ড</emph></variable> নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "<variable id=\"viskartpriv\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Private</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"viskartgesch\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Business</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"visikart\"><emph>ফাইল - নতুন - ব্যবসায়িক কার্ড</emph></variable> নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "<variable id=\"viskartgesch\">Choose <emph>File - New - Business Cards - Business</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Open</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>ফাইল - খুলুন</emph> নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Open</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5493,8 +5493,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
-msgstr "<emph>আদর্শ</emph> বারে, ক্লিক করুন"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5517,232 +5517,232 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu <emph>File - Open</emph>, File type <emph>Text Encoded</emph> selected"
-msgstr "<emph>ফাইল - খুলুন</emph> মেনু, ফাইলের ধরন <emph>এনকোডকৃত পাঠ্য</emph> নির্বাচন করা হয়েছে"
+msgid "Menu <emph>File - Open</emph>, File type <emph>Text Encoded</emph> selected."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu <emph>File - Save As</emph>, File type <emph>Text Encoded</emph> selected"
-msgstr "<emph>ফাইল - নতুনভাবে সংরক্ষণ করুন</emph> মেনু, <emph>এনকোডকৃত পাঠ্য</emph> ফাইলের ধরন নির্বাচন করা হয়েছে"
+msgid "Menu <emph>File - Save As</emph>, File type <emph>Text Encoded</emph> selected."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autobrief\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autobrief\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autobrief\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - অক্ষর</emph>নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Page design</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief1\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - অক্ষর - পৃষ্ঠার নকশা</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Page Design</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Letterhead layout</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief2\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - অক্ষর - লেখকের নাম-লেটারহেড বহির্বিন্যাস</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Letterhead Layout</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Printed items</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief3\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - অক্ষর - মুদ্রণ উপকরণ</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Printed Items</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Recipient and sender</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief4\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - অক্ষর - প্রাপক এবং প্রেরক</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Recipient and Sender</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Footer</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief5\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - অক্ষর - পাদচরণ</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Footer</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief6\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - </emph><emph>Name and Location</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief6\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - অক্ষর - </emph><emph>নাম এবং অবস্থান</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotbrief6\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Letter - Name and Location</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotfax\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - ফ্যাক্স</emph>নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Page Design</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotfax1\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - ফ্যাক্স - পৃষ্ঠার নকশা</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Page Design</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Items to include</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotfax2\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - ‌ফ্যাক্স - সন্নিবেশ করা হবে এমন উপাদান</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Items to include</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Sender and Recipient</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotfax3\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - ফ্যাক্স - প্রেরক এবং প্রাপক</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Sender and Recipient</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Footer</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotfax4\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - ফ্যাক্স - পাদচরণ</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Footer</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Name and location</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotfax5\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - ফ্যাক্স - নাম এবং অবস্থান</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotfax5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Fax - Name and Location</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - আলোচ্যসূচি</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Page Design</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda1\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - আলোচ্যসূচি - পৃষ্ঠার নকশা</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Page Design</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - General Attributes</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda2\"> <emph>‌ফাইল - উইজার্ড - অালোচ্যসূচি - সাধারণ বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - General Attributes</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Headings</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda3\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - আলোচ্যসূচি - শিরোনাম</emph>নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda3\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Headings</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Names</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda4\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - আলোচ্যসূচি - নাম</emph>নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda4\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Names</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Topics</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda5\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - অালোচ্যসূচি - বিষয়</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda5\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Topics</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda6\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Title and Location</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda6\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - আলোচ্যসূচি - শিরোনাম এবং অবস্থান</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotagenda6\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Agenda - Title and Location</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapt\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dtapt\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - উপস্থাপনা</emph>নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapt\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapse\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 1</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dtapse\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - উপস্থাপনা - পৃষ্ঠা ১</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapse\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 1</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsz\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 2</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dtapsz\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - উপস্থাপনা - পৃষ্ঠা ২</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsz\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 2</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsd\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 3</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dtapsd\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - উপস্থাপনা - পৃষ্ঠা ৩</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsd\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 3</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsv\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 4</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dtapsv\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - উপস্থাপনা - পৃষ্ঠা ৪</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsv\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 4</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsf\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 5</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dtapsf\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - উপস্থাপনা - পৃষ্ঠা ৫</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dtapsf\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Presentation - Page 5</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5765,7 +5765,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5773,7 +5773,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen1\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 1</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen1\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 1.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5781,7 +5781,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen2\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 2</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen2\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 2.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5789,7 +5789,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen3\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 3</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen3\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 3.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5797,7 +5797,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen4\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 4, there must be a database connection.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen4\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 4, there must be a database connection.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5805,7 +5805,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen5\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - last page of Wizards</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"gruppen5\">In form design, click the <emph>Group Box</emph> icon on the toolbar<br/>and use the mouse to create a frame - Last page of wizards.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5813,40 +5813,40 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - নথি রূপান্তরক</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport1\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - নথি রূপান্তরক</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport1\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport2\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - নথি রূপান্তরক</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"autopilotmsimport2\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Document Converter</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"euro\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Euro Converter</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"euro\"> <emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - ইউরো রূপান্তরকারী</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"euro\">Choose <emph>File - Wizards - Euro Converter</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu <emph>File - Wizards - Address Data Source</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>ফাইল - উইজার্ড - ঠিকানা ডাটা সোর্স</emph> মেনু"
+msgid "Menu <emph>File - Wizards - Address Data Source</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5869,8 +5869,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"addressimport4\"><emph>Address Data Source Wizards</emph><emph>- Data source title</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"addressimport4\"><emph>ঠিকানার ডাটাসোর্স উইজার্ড</emph><emph>- ডাটাসোর্স শিরোনাম</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"addressimport4\"><emph>Address Data Source Wizards</emph> - <emph>Data source title</emph></variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5885,16 +5885,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"schliessen\">Choose <emph>File - Close</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"schliessen\"><emph>ফাইল - বন্ধ করুন</emph> নির্বাচন করুন </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"schliessen\">Choose <emph>File - Close</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Save</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>ফাইল - সংরক্ষণ করুন</emph> নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Save</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5909,8 +5909,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On Standard or Table Data Bar, click"
-msgstr "আদর্শ অথবা সারণি ডাটা বারে, ক্লিক করুন"
+msgid "Open <emph>Standard</emph> or <emph>Table Data</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5949,7 +5949,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select \"HTML Document\" file type, this dialog opens automatically</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML Document</emph> file type. The dialog opens automatically.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5957,7 +5957,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern1\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 1 of the wizard</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern1\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 1 of the wizard.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5965,7 +5965,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern2\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 2 of the wizard</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern2\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 2 of the wizard.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5973,7 +5973,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern3\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 3 of the wizard</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern3\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 3 of the wizard.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5981,7 +5981,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern4\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 4 of the wizard</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern4\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 4 of the wizard.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5989,7 +5989,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern5\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 5 of the wizard</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern5\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 5 of the wizard.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -5997,7 +5997,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern6\">$[officename] Draw/$[officename] Impress menu<emph> File - Export</emph>, select HTML file type, page 6 of the wizard</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"htmlspeichern6\">$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu <emph>File - Export</emph>, select <emph>HTML</emph> file type, page 6 of the wizard.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6005,7 +6005,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"exportgraphic\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, select a graphics file type, dialog opens automatically</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"exportgraphic\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, select a graphics file type. The dialog opens automatically.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6013,40 +6013,40 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"saveall\">Choose <emph>File - Save All</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"saveall\"> <emph>ফাইল - সব সংরক্ষণ করুন</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"saveall\">Choose <emph>File - Save All</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"saveas\">Choose <emph>File - Save As</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"saveas\"> <emph>ফাইল - নতুনভাবে সংরক্ষণ করুন</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"saveas\">Choose <emph>File - Save As</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Reload</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>ফাইল - পুনরায় লোড করুন</emph> নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Reload</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info1\">Choose <emph>File - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"info1\"><emph>ফাইল - বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী</emph>নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info1\">Choose <emph>File - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info2\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"info1\"><emph>ফাইল - বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী</emph>নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info2\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6061,7 +6061,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Digital Signatures - Digital Signatures</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Digital Signatures - Digital Signatures</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6069,31 +6069,31 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Macros - Digital Signature</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>টুল - ম্যাক্রো - ডিজিটাল স্বাক্ষর</emph> নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Macros - Digital Signature</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab, click <emph>Digital Signatures</emph> button"
-msgstr "<emph>ফাইল - বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী - সাধারণ</emph> ট্যাব নির্বাচন করুন, <emph>ডিজিটাল স্বাক্ষর</emph> বোতামে ক্লিক করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab, click <emph>Digital Signatures</emph> button."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Double-click the Signature field on the Status Bar."
-msgstr "অবস্থা বারের স্বাক্ষর ক্ষেত্রটিতে ডাবল ক্লিক করুন।"
+msgid "Double-click the <emph>Signature</emph> field on the <emph>Status</emph> bar."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"digitalsigsel\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab, click <emph>Digital Signatures</emph> button, then click <emph>Add</emph> button</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"digitalsigsel\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - General</emph> tab, click <emph>Digital Signatures</emph> button, then click <emph>Add</emph> button.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6101,47 +6101,47 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info3\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Description</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"info1\"><emph>ফাইল - বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী</emph>নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info3\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Description</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info4\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Custom Properties</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"info1\"><emph>ফাইল - বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী</emph>নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info4\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Custom Properties</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info5\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Statistics</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"info1\"><emph>ফাইল - বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী</emph>নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info5\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Statistics</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"infosec\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Security</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"info1\"><emph>ফাইল - বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী</emph>নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"infosec\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Security</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info6\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Internet</emph> tab</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"info1\"><emph>ফাইল - বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী</emph>নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info6\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Internet</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"info7\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Font</emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"info7\">Choose <emph>File - Properties - Font</emph> tab.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6149,7 +6149,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu<emph> File - Print Preview</emph>"
+msgid "Menu <emph>File - Print Preview</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6173,23 +6173,23 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Printer Settings</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>ফাইল - মুদ্রণযন্ত্র সেটিং</emph> নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Printer Settings</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"senden\">Menu<emph> File - Send</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"senden\"><emph> ফাইল - প্রেরণ করুন</emph> মেনু</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"senden\">Menu <emph>File - Send</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Send - E-mail Document</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Send - E-mail Document</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6213,8 +6213,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"export\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"export\"><emph>ফাইল - এক্সপোর্ট</emph>নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"export\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6229,7 +6229,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image src=\"cmd/sc_exportdirecttoepub.png\" id=\"img_id291525017890767\" width=\"0.566cm\" height=\"0.566cm\"> <alt id=\"alt_id51525017890767\">Export as EPUB</alt> </image>"
+msgid "<image src=\"cmd/sc_exportdirecttoepub.png\" id=\"img_id291525017890767\" width=\"0.566cm\" height=\"0.566cm\"><alt id=\"alt_id51525017890767\">Export as EPUB</alt></image>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6245,7 +6245,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As - Export as PDF</emph>, Digital Signatures tab"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As - Export as PDF</emph>, <emph>Digital Signatures</emph> tab."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6253,7 +6253,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As - Export as PDF</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As - Export as PDF</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6277,24 +6277,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Send - E-mail as PDF</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>ফাইল - প্রেরণ - PDF হিসেবে ইমেইল</emph> নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Send - E-mail as PDF</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"glo\">Choose <emph>File - Send - Create Master Document</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"glo\"><emph>ফাইল - প্রেরণ - মূল নথি তৈরি করুন</emph>নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"glo\">Choose <emph>File - Send - Create Master Document</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Print</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>ফাইল - মুদ্রণ</emph>নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Print</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6309,8 +6309,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On Standard Bar, click"
-msgstr "আদর্শ বারে, ক্লিক করুন"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6357,8 +6357,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Exit</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>ফাইল - প্রস্থান</emph>নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Exit</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6373,31 +6373,31 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"neuglobal\">Choose <emph>File - New - Master Document</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"neuglobal\"><emph>ফাইল - নতুন - মূল নথি</emph>নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"neuglobal\">Choose <emph>File - New - Master Document</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Open</emph> - select under \"File type\": \"Text CSV\""
-msgstr "<emph>ফাইল - খুলুন</emph> নির্বাচন করুন - \"File type\": \"Text CSV\" এর অধীনে নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Open - File type</emph>, select <emph>Text CSV</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Data - Text to Columns</emph> (Calc)"
-msgstr "<emph>ডাটা - কলামের পাঠ্য</emph> (ক্যাল্ক) নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Data - Text to Columns</emph> (Calc)."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"epsexport\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, if EPS is selected as file type, this dialog opens automatically</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"epsexport\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, if EPS is selected as file type, this dialog opens automatically.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6405,7 +6405,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"pbmppmpgm\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, if PBM, PPM or PGM is selected as file type, the dialog opens automatically</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"pbmppmpgm\">Choose <emph>File - Export</emph>, if PBM, PPM or PGM is selected as file type, the dialog opens automatically.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000401.xhp
@@ -6413,8 +6413,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"versionen\"><variable id=\"autopilotberichtfeldauswahl\">Choose <emph>File - Versions</emph></variable></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"versionen\"><variable id=\"autopilotberichtfeldauswahl\"><emph>ফাইল - সংস্করণ</emph>নির্বাচন করুন</variable></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"versionen\"><variable id=\"autopilotberichtfeldauswahl\">Choose <emph>File - Versions</emph>.</variable></variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6437,8 +6437,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Undo</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>সম্পাদনা - পূর্বাবস্থা</emph>নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Undo</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6453,8 +6453,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar or Table Data bar, click"
-msgstr "<emph>আদর্শ</emph> বারে অথবা সারণি ডাটা বারে, ক্লিক করুন"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar or <emph>Table Data</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6477,16 +6477,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Redo</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>সম্পাদনা - পুনরায় করুন</emph>নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Redo</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
-msgstr "<emph>আদর্শ</emph> বারে, ক্লিক করুন"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6509,16 +6509,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"letzter\">Choose <emph>Edit - Repeat</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"letzter\"> <emph>সম্পাদনা - পুনরাবৃত্ত করা</emph>নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"letzter\">Choose <emph>Edit - Repeat</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Cut</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>সম্পাদনা - কাটা</emph>নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Cut</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6533,8 +6533,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
-msgstr "<emph>আদর্শ</emph> বারে, ক্লিক করুন"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6557,8 +6557,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Copy</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>সম্পাদনা - অনুলিপি</emph>নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Copy</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6573,8 +6573,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
-msgstr "<emph>আদর্শ</emph> বারে, ক্লিক করুন"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6597,8 +6597,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Paste</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>সম্পাদনা - প্রতিলিপি</emph> নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Paste</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6613,8 +6613,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
-msgstr "<emph>আদর্শ</emph> বারে, ক্লিক করুন"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6637,16 +6637,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"inhalte\">Choose <emph>Edit - Paste Special</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"inhalte\"> <emph>সম্পাদনা - বিশেষ প্রতিলেপন</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"inhalte\">Choose <emph>Edit - Paste Special</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Select All</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>সম্পাদনা - সমস্ত নির্বাচন করুন</emph> নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Select All</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6677,7 +6677,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"aenderungen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"aenderungen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6685,7 +6685,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"aufzeichnen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Record</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"aufzeichnen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Record</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6693,7 +6693,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"anzeigen\"><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph></caseinline></switchinline></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"anzeigen\"><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph>.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph>.</caseinline></switchinline></variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6701,7 +6701,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"rotlinie\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"rotlinie\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6709,7 +6709,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - List</emph> tab"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - List</emph> tab."
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6717,7 +6717,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply and Edit Changes</emph>. The AutoCorrect dialog appears. Click the <emph>Edit Changes</emph> button and navigate to the <emph>List</emph> tab."
+msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply and Edit Changes</emph>. The <emph>AutoCorrect</emph> dialog appears.<br/>Click the <emph>Edit Changes</emph> button and navigate to the <emph>List</emph> tab."
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6725,7 +6725,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"rotliniefilter\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - Filter</emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"rotliniefilter\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - Filter</emph> tab.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6733,7 +6733,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"einfuegen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Merge Document</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"einfuegen\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Merge Document</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6741,7 +6741,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dvergl\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Compare Document</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dvergl\">Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Compare Document</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6749,7 +6749,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Comment</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Comment</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6757,7 +6757,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - List</emph> tab. Click an entry in the list and open the context menu. Choose <emph>Edit Comment</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Manage - List</emph> tab.<br/>Click an entry in the list and open the context menu.<br/>Choose <emph>Edit Comment</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
@@ -6765,8 +6765,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>সম্পাদনা - পূর্বাবস্থা</emph>নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6781,8 +6781,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>সম্পাদনা - অনুসন্ধান করে প্রতিস্থাপন করুন</emph> নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6797,8 +6797,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On Standard bar, click"
-msgstr "আদর্শ বারে, ক্লিক করুন"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6821,56 +6821,56 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"suchenattribute\">Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Attributes</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"suchenattribute\"> <emph>সম্পাদনা - অনুসন্ধান করে প্রতিস্থাপন করুন - বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"suchenattribute\">Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Attributes</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"suchenformat\">Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Format</emph> button </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"suchenformat\"> <emph>সম্পাদনা - অনুসন্ধান করে প্রতিস্থাপন - বিন্যাস</emph> বোতাম নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"suchenformat\">Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Format</emph> button.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Similarity search</emph> check box and <emph>Similarities</emph> button."
-msgstr "<emph>সম্পাদনা - অনুসন্ধান করে প্রতিস্থাপন - সাদৃশ্যতা অনুসন্ধান</emph> পরীক্ষা বাক্স এবং <emph>...</emph> বোতাম নির্বাচন করুন।"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Edit - Find & Replace - Similarity search</emph> check box, then click the <emph>Similarities</emph> button."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Table Data</emph> Bar, click <emph>Find</emph> icon - <emph>Similarity search</emph> check box - <emph>Similarities</emph> button (database table view)"
-msgstr "<emph>সারণি ডাটা</emph> বারে, <emph>অনুসন্ধান</emph> আইকন - <emph>সাদৃশ্যতার খোঁজ</emph> পরীক্ষা বাক্স- <emph>...</emph> বোতাম (ডাটাবেস সারণি প্রদর্শন) ক্লিক করুন"
+msgid "On the <emph>Table Data</emph> bar, click <emph>Find</emph> icon, then <emph>Similarity search</emph> check box,<br/>then click the <emph>Similarities</emph> button (database table view)."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "On <emph>Form Design</emph> Bar, click <emph>Record Search</emph> - <emph>Similarity search</emph> check box - <emph>Similarities</emph> button (form view)"
-msgstr "<emph>ফরম নকশা</emph> বারে, <emph>রেকর্ড অনুসন্ধান</emph> - <emph>সাদৃশ্যতার খোঁজ</emph> পরীক্ষা বাক্স - <emph>...</emph> বোতাম (ফরম ভিউ) ক্লিক করুন"
+msgid "On the <emph>Form Design</emph> bar, click <emph>Record Search</emph> icon, then <emph>Similarity search</emph> check box,<br/>then click the <emph>Similarities</emph> button (form view)."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Navigator</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>প্রদর্শন - ন্যাভিগেটর</emph> নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Navigator</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "On <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
-msgstr "<emph>আদর্শ</emph> বারে, ক্লিক করুন"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6893,80 +6893,80 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"litdat\">Choose <emph>Tools - Bibliography Database</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"litdat\"> <emph>টুল - তথ্যসূত্র ডাটাবেস</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"litdat\">Choose <emph>Tools - Bibliography Database</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"link\">Choose <emph>Edit - Links</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"link\"> <emph>সম্পাদনা - লিঙ্ক</emph></variable> নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "<variable id=\"link\">Choose <emph>Edit - Links</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"linkae\">Choose <emph>Edit - Links - Modify Link</emph> (DDE links only) </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"linkae\"> <emph>সম্পাদনা - লিঙ্ক -লিঙ্ক পরিবর্তন করুন</emph> (শুধু DDE লিঙ্ক) নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"linkae\">Choose <emph>Edit - Links - Modify Link</emph> (DDE links only).</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select a frame, then choose <emph>Edit - Object - Properties</emph>"
-msgstr "একটি ফরম নির্বাচন করুন, তারপর <emph>সম্পাদনা - বস্তু - বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী</emph> নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Select a frame, then choose <emph>Edit - Object - Properties</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open context menu of selected frame - choose <emph>Properties</emph>"
-msgstr "নির্বাচিত ফ্রেমের প্রসঙ্গ মেনু খুলুন - <emph>বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী</emph> নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Open context menu of selected frame, choose <emph>Properties</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"imagemap\">Choose <emph>Edit - ImageMap</emph> (also in context menu of selected object) </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"imagemap\"> <emph>সম্পাদনা - ImageMap</emph> (নির্বাচিত বস্তুর প্রসঙ্গের মেনুতেও) নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"imagemap\">Choose <emph>Edit - ImageMap</emph>, also in the context menu of selected object.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"imapeigbea\">Choose <emph>Edit - ImageMap</emph>, then select a section of the ImageMap and click <emph>Properties - Description</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"imapeigbea\"> <emph>সম্পাদনা - ImageMap</emph> নির্বাচন করুন, ImageMap এর একটি অংশ নির্বাচন করুন এবং <emph>বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী - বর্ণনা</emph> ক্লিক করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"imapeigbea\">Choose <emph>Edit - ImageMap</emph>,<br/>then select a section of the ImageMap and click <emph>Properties - Description</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"edit1\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"edit1\"> <emph>সম্পাদনা - বস্তু</emph></variable> নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "<variable id=\"edit1\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"edit2\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object - Edit</emph>, also in the context menu of selected object </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"edit2\"> <emph>সম্পাদনা - বস্তু - সম্পাদনা</emph>, নির্বাচিত বস্তুর প্রসঙ্গ মেনুতেও নির্বাচন করুন </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"edit2\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object - Edit</emph>, also in the context menu of selected object.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000402.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"edit3\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object - Open</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"edit3\"> <emph>সম্পাদনা - বস্তু - খুলুন</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"edit3\">Choose <emph>Edit - Object - Open</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6989,15 +6989,15 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Zoom</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>প্রদর্শন - বড় আকারে প্রদর্শন</emph> নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Zoom</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Zoom also with (+) (-) (×) and (÷) on the number keypad</caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Zoom also with (+) (-) (×) and (÷) on the number keypad</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Zoom also with (+) (-) (×) and (÷) on the number keypad</caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Zoom also with (+) (-) (×) and (÷) on the number keypad.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
@@ -7005,104 +7005,104 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Double-click or right-click the field on the <emph>Status</emph> Bar"
-msgstr "<emph>অবস্থা</emph> বারের ক্ষেত্রে ডাবল ক্লিক অথবা ডান ক্লিক করুন"
+msgid "Double-click or right-click the field on the <emph>Status</emph> bar."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Toolbars</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>প্রদর্শন - টুলবার</emph>নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Toolbars</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"funktion\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Standard</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"funktion\"> <emph>প্রদর্শন - টুলবার - আদর্শ</emph>নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"funktion\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Standard</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"werkzeug\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Tools</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"werkzeug\"> <emph>প্রদর্শন - টুলবার - টুল</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"werkzeug\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Tools</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"task\">Choose <emph>View - Status Bar</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"task\"> <emph>প্রদর্শন - স্ট্যাটাস বার</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"task\">Choose <emph>View - Status Bar</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"farbleiste\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Color Bar</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"farbleiste\"> <emph>প্রদর্শন - টুলবার - রঙের বার</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"farbleiste\">Choose <emph>View - Toolbars - Color Bar</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"ime\">Choose <emph>View - Input Method Status</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"ime\"> <emph>প্রদর্শন - ইনপুট করার পদ্ধতির অবস্থা</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"ime\">Choose <emph>View - Input Method Status</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Internet</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>আদর্শ</emph> বারের <emph>হাইপারলিঙ্ক</emph> আইকনে ক্লিক করুন, <emph>ইন্টারনেট</emph> ক্লিক করুন"
+msgid "Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Internet</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Hyperlink</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>সন্নিবেশ - হাইপারলিঙ্ক</emph>নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Hyperlink</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"hypdiamailnews\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Mail</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"hypdiamailnews\"><emph>আদর্শ</emph> বারের <emph>হাইপারলিঙ্ক</emph> আইকনে ক্লিক করুন, <emph>মেইল এবং খবর</emph> ক্লিক করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"hypdiamailnews\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Mail</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"hypdiadok\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Document</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"hypdiadok\"><emph>আদর্শ</emph> বারে <emph>হাইপারলিঙ্ক</emph> আইকনে ক্লিক করুন, <emph>নথি</emph> ক্লিক করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"hypdiadok\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>Document</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"hypdianeudok\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>New Document</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"hypdianeudok\"><emph>আদর্শ</emph> বারে <emph>হাইপারলিঙ্ক</emph> আইকনে ক্লিক করুন, <emph>নতুন নথিতে</emph> ক্লিক করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"hypdianeudok\">Click <emph>Hyperlink</emph> icon on <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click <emph>New Document</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Full Screen</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>প্রদর্শন - পূর্ণ পর্দা</emph>নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Full Screen</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7141,15 +7141,15 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menu <emph>View - Data Sources</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>প্রদর্শন - ডাটা উৎস</emph> মেনু"
+msgid "Menu <emph>View - Data Sources</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> + Shift + F4 keys"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+F4 keys"
msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
@@ -7173,16 +7173,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - HTML Source</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>প্রদর্শন - HTML উৎস</emph> নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - HTML Source</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open context menu in an HTML document"
-msgstr "HTML নথিতে প্রসঙ্গ মেনু খুলুন"
+msgid "Open context menu in an HTML document."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7205,7 +7205,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"grid\">Choose <emph>View - Grid</emph> (Impress or Draw)</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"grid\">Choose <emph>View - Grid</emph> (Impress or Draw).</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000403.xhp
@@ -7213,7 +7213,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"guides\">Choose <emph>View - Snap Lines</emph> (Impress or Draw)</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"guides\">Choose <emph>View - Snap Lines</emph> (Impress or Draw).</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7237,15 +7237,15 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"notiz\">Choose <emph>Insert - Comment</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"content\"> <emph>সহায়তা - উপাদান</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"notiz\">Choose <emph>Insert - Comment</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7253,7 +7253,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan - Select Source</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan - Select Source</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7261,7 +7261,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan - Request</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Media - Scan - Request</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7269,15 +7269,15 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Special Character</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>সন্নিবেশ - বিশেষ অক্ষর</emph>নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Special Character</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Choose <emph>Format - Bullets and Numbering - Customize - Character</emph> button</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Choose <emph>Format - Bullets and Numbering - Customize - Character</emph> button.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7285,7 +7285,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Choose <emph>Format - Bullets and Numbering - Customize - Character</emph> button</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Choose <emph>Format - Bullets and Numbering - Customize - Character</emph> button.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7293,7 +7293,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> or the <emph>Insert</emph> toolbar, click"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> or the <emph>Insert</emph> bar, click"
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7325,7 +7325,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"moviesound2\">Choose <emph>Insert - Audio or Video</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"moviesound2\">Choose <emph>Insert - Audio or Video</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7341,24 +7341,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"objekteinf\">Choose <emph>Insert - Object</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"objekteinf\"><emph>সন্নিবেশ - বস্তু</emph></variable>নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "<variable id=\"objekteinf\">Choose <emph>Insert - Object</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - OLE Object</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>সন্নিবেশ - বস্তু - OLE অবজেক্ট</emph>নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - OLE Object</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open the <emph>Insert</emph> toolbar, click"
-msgstr "<emph>সন্নিবেশ</emph> টুলবার খুলুন, ক্লিক করুন"
+msgid "On the <emph>Insert</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7381,16 +7381,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Formula</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>সন্নিবেশ - বস্তু - সূত্র</emph>নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Formula</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open the <emph>Insert </emph>toolbar, click"
-msgstr "<emph>সন্নিবেশ</emph>টুলবার খুলুন, ক্লিক করুন"
+msgid "On the <emph>Insert</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7413,64 +7413,64 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>বিন্যাস - লেখচিত্র ধরন</emph>নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart </emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>সন্নিবেশ - বস্তু - লেখচিত্র </emph>নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart </emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>বিন্যাস - লেখচিত্র ধরন</emph>নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>সন্নিবেশ - বস্তু - লেখচিত্র </emph>নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>বিন্যাস - লেখচিত্র ধরন</emph>নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Format - Chart Type</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>সন্নিবেশ - বস্তু - লেখচিত্র </emph>নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>সন্নিবেশ - বস্তু - লেখচিত্র </emph>নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Object - Chart</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open the <emph>Insert </emph>toolbar, click"
-msgstr "<emph>সন্নিবেশ</emph>টুলবার খুলুন, ক্লিক করুন"
+msgid "On the <emph>Insert</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7493,7 +7493,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Image</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Image</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7501,7 +7501,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> toolbar, click"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7525,16 +7525,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Floating Frame</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>সন্নিবেশ - ভাসমান ফ্রেম</emph>নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Insert - Floating Frame</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open the <emph>Insert </emph>toolbar, click"
-msgstr "<emph>সন্নিবেশ</emph>টুলবার খুলুন, ক্লিক করুন"
+msgid "On the <emph>Insert</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7557,7 +7557,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"filterauswahl\">Open a file of a type that is unknown to %PRODUCTNAME and that is no text file</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"filterauswahl\">Open a file of a type that is unknown to %PRODUCTNAME and that is no text file.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000404.xhp
@@ -7693,7 +7693,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">Insert - Media - Clip Art Gallery</item> or on <emph>Standard</emph> Bar, click"
+msgid "Choose <emph><item type=\"menuitem\">Insert - Media - Clip Art Gallery</item></emph> or open <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -7717,7 +7717,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"galleryregisterdateien\">Choose <emph>Tools - Gallery</emph> or click the <emph>Gallery </emph>icon on the <emph>Standard</emph> Bar - <emph>New Theme</emph> button - <emph>Files</emph> tab.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"galleryregisterdateien\">Choose <emph>Tools - Gallery</emph>or click the <emph>Gallery</emph> icon on the <emph>Standard</emph> bar -<br/><emph>New Theme</emph> button - <emph>Files</emph> tab.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -7741,8 +7741,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
-msgstr "<emph>আদর্শ</emph> বারে, ক্লিক করুন"
+msgid "On the <emph>Standard</emph> bar, click"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7805,8 +7805,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Language - Thesaurus</emph>"
-msgstr "নির্বাচন করুন <emph>টুল - ভাষা - অভিধান</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Language - Thesaurus</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7853,7 +7853,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"passwort\">Choose <emph>Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - %PRODUCTNAME Basic</emph>, click the <emph>Organizer</emph> button, click the <emph>Libraries</emph> tab, and then click the <emph>Password</emph> button.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"passwort\">Choose <emph>Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - %PRODUCTNAME Basic</emph>,<br/>click the <emph>Organizer</emph> button,<br/>click the <emph>Libraries</emph> tab,<br/>and then click the <emph>Password</emph> button.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8037,15 +8037,15 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Path selection button in various wizards"
-msgstr "বিভিন্ন উইজার্ডে পথ নির্বাচনের বোতাম"
+msgid "Path selection button in various wizards."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click <emph>Edit</emph> button for a few entries under <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - Paths</emph>"
+msgid "Click <emph>Edit</emph> button for a few entries under <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - Paths</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8245,7 +8245,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"etsofi\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save</emph> - <emph>VBA Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"etsofi\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save - VBA Properties</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8253,7 +8253,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"etsofi2\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save</emph> - <emph>Microsoft Office</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"etsofi2\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save - Microsoft Office</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8261,7 +8261,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"html\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save</emph> - <emph>HTML Compatibility</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"html\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Load/Save - HTML Compatibility</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8301,7 +8301,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language Settings - Writing Aids</emph>, in the <emph>Available language modules</emph> list, select one of the language modules and then click <emph>Edit</emph>."
+msgid "Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language Settings - Writing Aids</emph>,<br/>in the <emph>Available language modules</emph> list, select one of the language modules and then click <emph>Edit</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8389,7 +8389,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"layout\">Open a text document, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web</emph> - <emph>View</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"layout\">Open a text document, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web - View</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8397,7 +8397,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"registerschattencursor\">Open a text document, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web</emph> - <emph>Formatting Aids</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"registerschattencursor\">Open a text document, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web - Formatting Aids</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8429,7 +8429,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"drucken1\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/ %PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web</emph> - <emph>Print</emph>.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"drucken1\">Choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer/%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web - Print</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000406.xhp
@@ -8677,16 +8677,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"window\">Choose <emph>Window - New Window</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"window\"> <emph>উইন্ডো - নতুন উইন্ডো</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"window\">Choose <emph>Window - New Window</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000407.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"liste\">Choose <emph>Window</emph> - List of open documents</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"liste\"> <emph>উইন্ডো</emph> - ওপেন নথির তালিকা নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"liste\">Choose <emph>Window - List of open documents</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000408.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8709,7 +8709,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"content\">Choose <emph>Help - %PRODUCTNAME Help</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"content\">Choose <emph>Help - %PRODUCTNAME Help</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000408.xhp
@@ -8717,8 +8717,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"infoanwendung\">Choose <emph>Help - About </emph><emph>%PRODUCTNAME</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"infoanwendung\"> <emph>সহায়তা - সম্পর্কে </emph><emph>%PRODUCTNAME</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"infoanwendung\">Choose <emph>Help - About %PRODUCTNAME</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000408.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8733,8 +8733,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Help - Registration</emph> (this is a direct link to an external website)"
-msgstr "<emph>সহায়তা - নিবন্ধন</emph> (এটি বাইরের একটি ওয়েবসাইটের সাথে সরাসরি লিঙ্ক) নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Help - Registration</emph>. This is a direct link to an external website."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000409.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8757,24 +8757,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Data - Filter - Standard Filter</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>ডাটা - পরিশোধক - আদর্শ পরিশোধক</emph> নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Data - Filter - Standard Filter</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000409.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Database table view: <emph>Standard Filter</emph> icon in the <emph>Database</emph> Toolbar"
-msgstr "ডাটাবেস সারণি প্রদর্শন: <emph>ডাটাবেস</emph> টুলবারের <emph>আদর্শ পরিশোধক</emph> আইকন"
+msgid "Database table view: <emph>Standard Filter</emph> icon in the <emph>Database</emph> toolbar."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000409.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Form view: <emph>Standard Filter</emph> icon in the <emph>Form</emph> Bar"
-msgstr "ফরম প্রদর্শনী: <emph>ফরম</emph> বারের <emph>আদর্শ পরিশোধক</emph> আইকন"
+msgid "Form view: <emph>Standard Filter</emph> icon in the <emph>Form</emph> bar."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000409.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8813,8 +8813,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"DBTab\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - Table Filter</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"DBTab\">একটি ডাটাবেস ফাইল উইন্ডোতে, <emph>টুল - সারণি পরিশোধক</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"DBTab\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - Table Filter</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -8829,7 +8829,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Typ\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties - Advanced Settings</emph> tab</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Typ\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties - Advanced Settings</emph> tab.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -8837,15 +8837,15 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Datenquelle\">In a database file window of type ODBC or Address book, choose Edit - Database - Connection Type</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"JDBC\">JDBC ধরনের একটি ডাটাবেস ফাইলের উইন্ডোতে, <emph>সম্পাদনা - ডাটাবেস - বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Datenquelle\">In a database file window of type <emph>ODBC</emph> or <emph>Address book</emph>,<br/>choose <emph>Edit - Database - Connection Type</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Verzeichnis\">Path selection button in various Wizards / <emph>Edit</emph> Buttons for some entries in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - Paths</emph></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Verzeichnis\"><emph>Path</emph> selection button in various wizards / <emph>Edit</emph> buttons for some entries in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - Paths</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -8853,15 +8853,15 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"ODBC\">In a database file window of type ODBC, choose Edit - Database - Connection Type</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"JDBC\">JDBC ধরনের একটি ডাটাবেস ফাইলের উইন্ডোতে, <emph>সম্পাদনা - ডাটাবেস - বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"ODBC\">In a database file window of type <emph>ODBC</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Connection Type</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"ldap\">In a database file window of type Address book - LDAP, choose Edit - Database - Properties</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"ldap\">In a database file window of type <emph>Address book - LDAP</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -8869,63 +8869,63 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"JDBC\">In a database file window of type JDBC, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"JDBC\">JDBC ধরনের একটি ডাটাবেস ফাইলের উইন্ডোতে, <emph>সম্পাদনা - ডাটাবেস - বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"JDBC\">In a database file window of type <emph>JDBC</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"mysql\">In a database file window of type MySQL, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"mysql\">MySQL ধরনের একটি ডাটাবেস ফাইলের উইন্ডোতে, <emph>সম্পাদনা - ডাটাবেস - বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"mysql\">In a database file window of type <emph>MySQL</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dBase\">In a database file window of type dBASE, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dBase\">dBASE ধরনের একটি ডাটাবেস ফাইল উইন্ডোতে, <emph>সম্পাদনা - ডাটাবেস - বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dBase\">In a database file window of type <emph>dBASE</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"dBasein\">In a database file window of type dBASE, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>, click <emph>Indexes</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"dBasein\">dBASE ধরনের একটি ডাটাবেস ফাইল উইন্ডোতে, <emph>সম্পাদনা - ডাটাবেস - বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী</emph> নির্বাচন করুন, <emph>ইনডেক্স</emph> এ ক্লিক করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"dBasein\">In a database file window of type <emph>dBASE</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>, click <emph>Indexes</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Text\">In a database file window of type Text, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"Text\">পাঠ্য ধরনের একটি ডাটাবেস ফাইলের উইন্ডোতে, <emph>সম্পাদনা - ডাটাবেস - বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Text\">In a database file window of type <emph>Text</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"ADO\">In a database file window of type MS ADO, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"ADO\">MS ADO ধরনের একটি ডাটাবেস ফাইলের উইন্ডোতে, <emph>সম্পাদনা - ডাটাবেস - বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"ADO\">In a database file window of type <emph>MS ADO</emph>, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"SQLStatement\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - SQL</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"SQLStatement\">একটি ডাটাবেস ফাইলে, <emph>টুল - SQL</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"SQLStatement\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - SQL</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Abfragen\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Abfragen\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -8933,7 +8933,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"Tabellen\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Tables</emph> icon</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Tabellen\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Tables</emph> icon.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -8941,39 +8941,39 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"tabellenentwurf\">In a database file window, click the Tables icon. Choose Insert -<emph> Table Design</emph> or <emph>Edit - Edit</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"tabellenentwurf\">ডাটাবেস ফাইল উইন্ডোতে, সারণি আইকনে ক্লিক করুন। সন্নিবেশ -<emph>সারণির নকশা</emph> অথবা <emph>সম্পাদনা - সম্পাদনা</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"tabellenentwurf\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Tables</emph> icon. Choose <emph>Insert - Table Design</emph> or <emph>Edit - Edit</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"indexentwurf\">In a database file window, click the Tables icon. Choose <emph>Insert - Table Design</emph> or <emph>Edit - Edit</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"indexentwurf\">ডাটাবেস ফাইল উইন্ডোতে, সারণি আইকনে ক্লিক করুন। <emph>সন্নিবেশ - সারণির নকশা</emph> অথবা <emph>সম্পাদনা - সম্পাদনা</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"indexentwurf\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Tables</emph> icon. Choose <emph>Insert - Table Design</emph> or <emph>Edit - Edit</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"AbfrageNeu\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Insert - Query (Design view)</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"AbfrageNeu\">একটি ডাটাবেস ফাইল উইন্ডোতে, <emph>সন্নিবেশ - কোয়েরি (নকশা প্রদর্শনী)</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"AbfrageNeu\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Insert - Query (Design view)</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"entwab\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon, then choose <emph>Edit - Edit</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"entwab\">একটি ডাটাবেস ফাইল উইন্ডোতে, <emph>কোয়েরি</emph> আইকনে ক্লিক করুন, তারপর <emph>সম্পাদনা - সম্পাদনা</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"entwab\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon, then choose <emph>Edit - Edit</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"FehlendesElement\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon, then choose <emph>Edit - Edit</emph>. When referenced fields no longer exist, you see this dialog</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"FehlendesElement\">In a database file window, click the <emph>Queries</emph> icon, then choose <emph>Edit - Edit</emph>.<br/>If the referenced fields no longer exist, you see this dialog.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -9021,8 +9021,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Find Record</emph> icon on the Table Data bar and Form Design bar"
-msgstr "সারণি ডাটা বার এবং ফরম নকশা বারের <emph>রেকর্ড অনুসন্ধান</emph> আইকন"
+msgid "<emph>Find Record</emph> icon on the Table Data bar and Form Design bar."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9045,8 +9045,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Sort Order</emph> icon on the Table Data bar and Form Design bar"
-msgstr "সারণি ডাটা বার এবং ফরম নকশা বারের <emph>সাজানোর ক্রম</emph> আইকন"
+msgid "<emph>Sort Order</emph> icon on the Table Data bar and Form Design bar."
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9069,15 +9069,15 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"allgemein\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"allgemein\">একটি ডাটাবেস ফাইল উইন্ডোতে, <emph>সম্পাদনা - ডাটাবেস - বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"allgemein\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"tabellecopy\">Drag and drop a table or a query into the table part of another database file window</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"tabellecopy\">Drag and drop a table or a query into the table part of another database file window.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
@@ -9085,24 +9085,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"formularneu\">In a database file window, choose<emph> Insert - Form</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"formularneu\">একটি ডাটাবেস ফাইল উইন্ডোতে, <emph> সন্নিবেশ - ফরম</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"formularneu\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Insert - Form</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"benutzereinstellungen\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"benutzereinstellungen\">একটি ডাটাবেস ফাইল উইন্ডোতে, <emph>সম্পাদনা - ডাটাবেস - বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"benutzereinstellungen\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Edit - Database - Properties</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00000450.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"relationen\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - Relationships</emph></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"relationen\">একটি ডাটাবেস ফাইল উইন্ডোতে, <emph>টুল - অন্বয়</emph> নির্বাচন করুন</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"relationen\">In a database file window, choose <emph>Tools - Relationships</emph>.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 00040500.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po b/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po
index e7bae3973ce..ec79c8b80f1 100644
--- a/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po
+++ b/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-04 22:52+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-10-18 20:14+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">If you want to create a document from a template, choose <emph>New - Templates.</emph></ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">If you want to create a document from a template, choose <emph>New - Templates</emph>.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Creates a new text document ($[officename] Writer)."
+msgid "Creates a new text document in $[officename] Writer."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Creates a new spreadsheet document ($[officename] Calc)."
+msgid "Creates a new spreadsheet document in $[officename] Calc."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Creates a new presentation document ($[officename] Impress)."
+msgid "Creates a new presentation document in $[officename] Impress."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Creates a new drawing document ($[officename] Draw)."
+msgid "Creates a new drawing document in $[officename] Draw."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/dabawiz00.xhp\">Database Wizard</link> to create a <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/dabadoc.xhp\">database file</link>."
+msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/dabawiz00.xhp\"><emph>Database Wizard</emph></link> to create a <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/dabadoc.xhp\"><emph>database file</emph></link>."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Creates a new formula document ($[officename] Math)."
+msgid "Creates a new formula document in $[officename] Math."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01010200.xhp\" name=\"Labels\">Labels</link> dialog where you can set the options for your labels, and then creates a new text document for the labels ($[officename] Writer)."
+msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01010200.xhp\" name=\"Labels\"><emph>Labels</emph></link> dialog where you can set the options for your labels, and then creates a new text document for the labels in $[officename] Writer."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01010300.xhp\" name=\"Business Cards\">Business Cards</link> dialog where you can set the options for your business cards, and then creates a new text document ($[officename] Writer)."
+msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01010300.xhp\" name=\"Business Cards\"><emph>Business Cards</emph></link> dialog where you can set the options for your business cards, and then creates a new text document in $[officename] Writer."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new text document ($[officename] Writer).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new text document in $[officename] Writer.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new spreadsheet document ($[officename] Calc).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new spreadsheet document in $[officename] Calc.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new presentation document ($[officename] Impress).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new presentation document in $[officename] Impress.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new drawing document ($[officename] Draw).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new drawing document in $[officename] Draw.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the Database Wizard to create a database file.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the <emph>Database Wizard</emph> to create a database file.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new formula document ($[officename] Math).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Creates a new formula document in $[officename] Math.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the Labels dialog where you can set the options for your labels, and then creates a new text document for the labels ($[officename] Writer).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the <emph>Labels</emph> dialog where you can set the options for your labels, and then creates a new text document for the labels in $[officename] Writer.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the Business Cards dialog where you can set the options for your business cards, and then creates a new text document ($[officename] Writer).</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the <emph>Business Cards</emph> dialog where you can set the options for your business cards, and then creates a new text document in $[officename] Writer.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use a <emph>Master Document</emph> to organize complex projects, such as a book. <ahelp hid=\".\">A <emph>Master Document</emph> can contain the individual files for each chapter of a book, as well as a table of contents, and an index.</ahelp>"
+msgid "Use a master document to organize complex projects, such as a book. <ahelp hid=\".\">A master document can contain the individual files for each chapter of a book, as well as a table of contents, and an index.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010001.xhp
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"Navigator for Master Documents\">Navigator for Master Documents</link>"
+msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"Navigator for Master Documents\"><emph>Navigator for Master Documents</emph></link>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010200.xhp
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"etikett\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertLabels\">Allows you to create labels. Labels are created in a text document.</ahelp> You can print labels using a pre-defined or a custom paper format. </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"etikett\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertLabels\">Allows you to create labels. Labels are created in a text document.</ahelp> You can print labels using a predefined or a custom paper format.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010200.xhp
@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/cardmediumpage/database\">Select the database that you want to use as the data source for your label. </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/cardmediumpage/database\">Select the database that you want to use as the data source for your label.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010201.xhp
@@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The name of the database field is bounded by brackets in the <emph>Label text</emph> box. If you want, you can separate database fields with spaces. Press Enter to insert a database field on a new line."
+msgid "The name of the database field is bounded by brackets in the <emph>Label text</emph> box. If you want, you can separate database fields with spaces. Press <emph>Enter</emph> to insert a database field on a new line."
msgstr ""
#: 01010201.xhp
@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can select a pre-defined size format for your label or a size format that you specify on the <emph>Format </emph>tab."
+msgid "You can select a predefined size format for your label or a size format that you specify on the <emph>Format</emph> tab."
msgstr ""
#: 01010201.xhp
@@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/labeloptionspage/synchronize\">Allows you to edit a single label or business card and updates the contents of the remaining labels or business cards on the page when you click the <emph>Synchronize Labels </emph>button.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/labeloptionspage/synchronize\">Allows you to edit a single label or business card and updates the contents of the remaining labels or business cards on the page when you click the <emph>Synchronize Labels</emph> button.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010203.xhp
@@ -1125,7 +1125,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Synchronize labels </emph>button only appears in your document if you selected the <emph>Synchronize contents </emph>on the<emph> Options tab </emph>when you created the labels or business cards."
+msgid "The <emph>Synchronize labels</emph> button only appears in your document if you have selected the <emph>Synchronize contents</emph> on the <emph>Options</emph> tab when you created the labels or business cards."
msgstr ""
#: 01010203.xhp
@@ -1165,7 +1165,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/labeloptionspage/setup\">Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01140000.xhp\" name=\"Printer Setup\">Printer Setup</link> dialog.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/labeloptionspage/setup\">Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01140000.xhp\" name=\"Printer Setup\"><emph>Printer Setup</emph></link> dialog.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010300.xhp
@@ -1733,7 +1733,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If the file that you want to open contains Styles, <link href=\"text/shared/01/01020000.xhp#vorlagen\" name=\"special rules\">special rules</link> apply."
+msgid "If the file that you want to open contains styles, <link href=\"text/shared/01/01020000.xhp#vorlagen\" name=\"special rules\">special rules</link> apply."
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -1789,7 +1789,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To open more than one document at the same time, each in an own window, hold <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command </caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> while you click the files, and then click <emph>Open</emph>."
+msgid "To open more than one document at the same time, each in an own window, hold <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> while you click the files, and then click <emph>Open</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"fpicker/ui/explorerfiledialog/file_name\">Enter a file name or a path for the file. You can also enter a <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#url\" name=\"URL\">URL</link> that starts with the protocol name ftp, http, or https.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"fpicker/ui/explorerfiledialog/file_name\">Enter a file name or a path for the file. You can also enter an <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#url\" name=\"URL\"><emph>URL</emph></link> that starts with the protocol name <emph>ftp</emph>, <emph>http</emph>, or <emph>https</emph>.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -1861,7 +1861,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you want, you can use wildcards in the <emph>File name </emph>box to filter the list of files that is displayed."
+msgid "If you want, you can use wildcards in the <emph>File name</emph> box to filter the list of files that is displayed."
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -1869,7 +1869,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"> </caseinline><defaultinline>For example, to list all of the text files in a folder, enter the asterisk wildcard with the text file extension (*.txt), and then click<emph> Open</emph>. Use the question mark (?) wildcard to represent any character, as in (??3*.txt), which only displays text files with a '3' as the third character in the file name.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>For example, to list all of the text files in a folder, enter the asterisk wildcard with the text file extension (<emph>*.txt</emph>), and then click <emph>Open</emph>. Use the question mark (<emph>?</emph>) wildcard to represent any character, as in <emph>??3*.txt</emph>, which only displays text files with a '<emph>3</emph>' as the third character in the file name.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -1989,7 +1989,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "the shared template folder"
+msgid "In the <emph>shared template</emph> folder,"
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -1997,7 +1997,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "the user template folder <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"UNIX\">in the home directory </caseinline><defaultinline>in the Documents and Settings folder</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "- the <emph>user template</emph> folder, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"UNIX\">- the <emph>home directory</emph> folder, </caseinline> <defaultinline> - the <emph>Documents and Settings</emph> folder </defaultinline> </switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -2005,7 +2005,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "all template folders as defined in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010300.xhp\" name=\"%PRODUCTNAME - Paths\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Paths</emph></link>"
+msgid "and all template folders as defined in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010300.xhp\" name=\"%PRODUCTNAME - Paths\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Paths</emph></link>."
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -2013,7 +2013,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you use <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Templates - Save as Template</item> to save a template, the template will be stored in your user template folder. When you open a document that is based on such a template, the document will be checked for a changed template as described below. The template is associated with the document, it may be called a \"sticky template\"."
+msgid "When you use <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Templates - Save as Template</item> to save a template, the template will be stored in your <emph>user template</emph> folder. When you open a document that is based on such a template, the document will be checked for a changed template as described below. The template is associated with the document, it may be called a \"sticky template\"."
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -2021,7 +2021,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you use <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save As</item> and select a template filter to save a template at any other folder that is not in the list, then the documents based on that template will not be checked."
+msgid "When you use <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save As</item> and select a template filter to save a template at any other folder that is <emph>not</emph> in the list, then the documents based on that template will <emph>not</emph> be checked."
msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
@@ -2093,7 +2093,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>remote file;open</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>open;remote file</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>remote file; open</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>open; remote file</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 01020001.xhp
@@ -2117,7 +2117,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Open Remote..</item>"
+msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Open Remote...</item> ."
msgstr ""
#: 01020001.xhp
@@ -2125,7 +2125,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click the <emph>Remote Files</emph> button in the <emph>Start Center</emph>"
+msgid "Click the <emph>Remote Files</emph> button in the <emph>Start Center</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01020001.xhp
@@ -2133,7 +2133,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Long click on the <emph>Open</emph> icon and select <emph>Open Remote Files...</emph>"
+msgid "Long-click on the <emph>Open</emph> icon and select <emph>Open Remote Files...</emph> ."
msgstr ""
#: 01020001.xhp
@@ -2141,7 +2141,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "A remote file server is web service that stores documents with or without checkin, checkout, version controls and backups."
+msgid "A <emph>remote file server</emph> is a <emph>web service</emph> that stores documents with or without checkin, checkout, version controls and backups."
msgstr ""
#: 01020001.xhp
@@ -2213,7 +2213,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link name=\"Open Dialog\" href=\"text/shared/01/01020000.xhp\"><emph>Open</emph> Dialog</link>"
+msgid "<link name=\"Open Dialog\" href=\"text/shared/01/01020000.xhp\">Open dialog</link>"
msgstr ""
#: 01020103.xhp
@@ -2277,7 +2277,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Ensure that the file extension corresponds to the file type of the document. For example, a Microsoft Word document must have a (*.doc) extension for $[officename] to use the appropriate filter."
+msgid "Ensure that the file extension corresponds to the file type of the document. For example, a Microsoft Word document must have a <emph>*.doc</emph> or <emph>*.docx</emph> extension for $[officename] to use the appropriate filter."
msgstr ""
#: 01020103.xhp
@@ -2325,7 +2325,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Close </emph>command closes all of the open windows for the current document."
+msgid "The <emph>Close</emph> command closes all of the open windows for the current document."
msgstr ""
#: 01050000.xhp
@@ -2333,7 +2333,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you have made changes to the current document, you are prompted if you want to <link href=\"text/shared/01/01060000.xhp\" name=\"save\">save</link> your changes."
+msgid "If you have made changes to the current document, you are prompted if you want to <link href=\"text/shared/01/01060000.xhp\" name=\"save\"><emph>save</emph></link> your changes."
msgstr ""
#: 01050000.xhp
@@ -2341,7 +2341,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you close the last open document window, you see the <link href=\"text/shared/guide/startcenter.xhp\">Start Center</link>."
+msgid "When you close the last open document window, you see the <link href=\"text/shared/guide/startcenter.xhp\"><emph>Start Center</emph></link>."
msgstr ""
#: 01050000.xhp
@@ -2389,7 +2389,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you edit an AutoText entry, this command changes to <emph>Save AutoText</emph>."
+msgid "When you edit an <emph>AutoText</emph> entry, this command changes to <emph>Save AutoText</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01060001.xhp
@@ -2405,7 +2405,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>remote file;save</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>save;remote file</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>remote file; save</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>save; remote file</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 01060001.xhp
@@ -2429,7 +2429,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save Remote..</item>"
+msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save Remote...</item> ."
msgstr ""
#: 01060001.xhp
@@ -2437,7 +2437,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Long click on the <emph>Save</emph> icon and select <emph>Save Remote Files...</emph>"
+msgid "Long-click on the <emph>Save</emph> icon and select <emph>Save Remote Files...</emph> ."
msgstr ""
#: 01060001.xhp
@@ -2469,7 +2469,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>save;save a copy</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>save a copy</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>save; save a copy</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>save a copy</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 01060002.xhp
@@ -2485,7 +2485,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"saveacopy1\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:SaveACopy\">Save a copy of the actual document with another name or location.</ahelp></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"saveacopy1\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:SaveACopy\">Saves a copy of the actual document with another name or location.</ahelp></variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 01060002.xhp
@@ -2493,7 +2493,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save a Copy</item>"
+msgid "Choose <item type=\"menuitem\">File - Save a Copy</item>."
msgstr ""
#: 01060002.xhp
@@ -2565,7 +2565,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The following sections describe the <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> <emph>Save as</emph> dialog. To activate the <emph><item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> Open</emph> and <emph>Save</emph> dialog boxes, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010600.xhp\" name=\"%PRODUCTNAME - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME- General</emph></link>, and then select the <emph>Use %PRODUCTNAME dialogs</emph> in the <emph>Open/Save dialogs</emph> area."
+msgid "The following sections describe the <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> <emph>Save as</emph> dialog. To activate the <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> <emph>Open</emph> and <emph>Save</emph> dialog boxes, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010600.xhp\" name=\"%PRODUCTNAME - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME- General</emph></link>, and then select the <emph>Use %PRODUCTNAME dialogs</emph> in the <emph>Open/Save dialogs</emph> area."
msgstr ""
#: 01070000.xhp
@@ -2821,7 +2821,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The following sections describe the <emph>$[officename] Export</emph> dialog box. To activate the <emph>$[officename] Open</emph> and <emph>Save</emph> dialog boxes, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010600.xhp\" name=\"$[officename] - General\"><emph>$[officename] - General</emph></link>, and then select the <emph>Use $[officename] dialogs</emph> in the <emph>Open/Save dialogs</emph> area."
+msgid "The following sections describe the <emph>$[officename] Export</emph> dialog box. To activate the $[officename] <emph>Open</emph> and <emph>Save</emph> dialog boxes, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010600.xhp\" name=\"$[officename] - General\"><emph>$[officename] - General</emph></link>, and then select the <emph>Use $[officename] dialogs</emph> in the <emph>Open/Save dialogs</emph> area."
msgstr ""
#: 01070001.xhp
@@ -2885,7 +2885,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>export as;PDF</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>export as;EPUB</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>Export as; PDF</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>Export as; EPUB</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 01070002.xhp
@@ -2901,7 +2901,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"exportas1\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Export the document in PDF or EPUB formats</ahelp></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"exportas1\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Export the document in PDF or EPUB formats.</ahelp></variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 01070002.xhp
@@ -2909,7 +2909,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As...</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Export As...</emph> ."
msgstr ""
#: 01070002.xhp
@@ -3085,7 +3085,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>version numbers of documents</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>documents; version numbers</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>files; version numbers</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>editing time of documents</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>documents; editing time</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>version numbers of documents</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>documents; version numbers</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>files; version numbers</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>editing time of documents</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>documents; editing time</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 01100200.xhp
@@ -3245,7 +3245,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/digitalsignatures.xhp\">Digital Signatures</link> dialog where you can manage digital signatures for the current document."
+msgid "Opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/digitalsignatures.xhp\"><emph>Digital Signatures</emph></link> dialog where you can manage digital signatures for the current document."
msgstr ""
#: 01100200.xhp
@@ -3453,7 +3453,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of tables in the file.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Number of sheets in the file.</caseinline></switchinline> This statistic does not include tables that were inserted as <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\">OLE</link> objects."
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of tables in the file.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Number of sheets in the file.</caseinline></switchinline> This statistic <emph>does not</emph> include tables that were inserted as <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\"><emph>OLE</emph></link> objects."
msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
@@ -3501,7 +3501,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of images in the file. This statistic does not include images that were inserted as <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\">OLE</link> objects.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of images in the file. This statistic <emph>does not</emph> include images that were inserted as <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\"><emph>OLE</emph></link> objects.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
@@ -3517,7 +3517,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\">OLE</link> objects in the file, including tables and graphics that were inserted as OLE objects.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#ole\" name=\"OLE\"><emph>OLE</emph></link> objects in the file, <emph>including</emph> tables and graphics that were inserted as OLE objects.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
@@ -3533,7 +3533,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of paragraphs (including blank paragraphs) in the file.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of paragraphs, including blank paragraphs, in the file.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
@@ -3549,7 +3549,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of words (including words consisting of a single character) in the file.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of words, including words consisting of a single character, in the file.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
@@ -3565,7 +3565,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of characters (including spaces) in the file. Non-printable characters are not included.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Number of characters, including spaces, in the file. Non-printable characters are not included.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01100400.xhp
@@ -3725,7 +3725,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select <emph>File - Templates</emph>"
+msgid "Select <emph>File - Templates</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01110101.xhp
@@ -3757,7 +3757,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Address Book Source</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>Tools - Address Book Source</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01110101.xhp
@@ -3821,7 +3821,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svt/ui/addresstemplatedialog/admin\">Add a new data source to the <emph>Address Book Source </emph>list.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svt/ui/addresstemplatedialog/admin\">Add a new data source to the <emph>Address Book Source</emph> list.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01110101.xhp
@@ -3885,7 +3885,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select <emph>File - Templates - Save as Template</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Templates - Save as Template</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01110300.xhp
@@ -3965,7 +3965,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select <emph>File - Templates - Open Template</emph>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>File - Templates - Open Template</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01130000.xhp
@@ -10189,7 +10189,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>hotspots;properties</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>properties;hotspots</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ImageMap;hotspot properties</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>hotspots; properties</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>properties; hotspots</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>ImageMap; hotspot properties</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 02220100.xhp
@@ -10253,7 +10253,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/cuiimapdlg/textentry\">Enter the text that you want to display when the mouse rests on the hotspot in a browser.</ahelp> If you do not enter any text, the <emph>Address </emph>is displayed."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/cuiimapdlg/textentry\">Enter the text that you want to display when the mouse rests on the hotspot in a browser.</ahelp> If you do not enter any text, the <emph>Address</emph> is displayed."
msgstr ""
#: 02220100.xhp
@@ -10373,7 +10373,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Tracks each change that is made in the current document by author and date. </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Tracks each change that is made in the current document by author and date.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10381,7 +10381,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph>, the lines containing changed text passages are indicated by a vertical line in the left page margin. You can set the properties of the vertical line and the other markup elements by choosing <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040700.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Changes</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you choose <emph>Edit - Track Changes - Show</emph>, the lines containing changed text passages are indicated by a vertical line in the left page margin. You can set the properties of the vertical line and the other markup elements by choosing <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040700.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Changes</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10389,7 +10389,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">You can set the properties of the markup elements by choosing <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Calc - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Calc - Changes</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">You can set the properties of the markup elements by choosing <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Calc - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Calc - Changes</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10405,7 +10405,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Paste and delete text"
+msgid "Paste and delete text."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10413,7 +10413,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Move paragraphs"
+msgid "Move paragraphs."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10421,7 +10421,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Sort text"
+msgid "Sort text."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10429,7 +10429,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Find and replace text"
+msgid "Find and replace text."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10445,7 +10445,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert sheets, ranges"
+msgid "Insert sheets, ranges."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10453,7 +10453,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert document"
+msgid "Insert document."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10461,7 +10461,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert AutoText"
+msgid "Insert AutoText."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10469,7 +10469,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert from clipboard"
+msgid "Insert from clipboard."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10477,7 +10477,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Change cell contents by insertions and deletions"
+msgid "Change cell contents by insertions and deletions."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10485,7 +10485,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert or delete columns and rows"
+msgid "Insert or delete columns and rows."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10493,7 +10493,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert sheets"
+msgid "Insert sheets."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10501,7 +10501,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Cut, copy and paste through the clipboard"
+msgid "Cut, copy and paste through the clipboard."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10509,7 +10509,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Move by dragging and dropping"
+msgid "Move by dragging and dropping."
msgstr ""
#: 02230100.xhp
@@ -10581,7 +10581,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can change the display properties of the markup elements by choosing <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Changes</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Calc - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Calc - Changes</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "You can change the display properties of the markup elements by choosing <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Changes</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01060600.xhp\" name=\"Calc - Changes\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Calc - Changes</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230200.xhp
@@ -10629,7 +10629,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Show rejected changes </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Show rejected changes</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230200.xhp
@@ -10677,7 +10677,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can attach a comment when <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">the cursor is in a changed text passage </caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">the changed cell is selected</caseinline></switchinline>, or in the <emph>Manage Changes</emph> dialog."
+msgid "You can attach a comment when <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">the cursor is in a changed text passage</caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\">the changed cell is selected</caseinline></switchinline>, or in the <emph>Manage Changes</emph> dialog."
msgstr ""
#: 02230300.xhp
@@ -10685,7 +10685,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Comments are displayed as callouts in the sheet when you rest your mouse pointer over a cell with a recorded change. You can also view comments that are attached to a changed cell in the changes list in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/02230400.xhp\" name=\"Manage Changes\"><emph>Manage Changes</emph></link> dialog. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Comments are displayed as callouts in the sheet when you rest your mouse pointer over a cell with a recorded change. You can also view comments that are attached to a changed cell in the changes list in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/02230400.xhp\" name=\"Manage Changes\"><emph>Manage Changes</emph></link> dialog.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230400.xhp
@@ -10741,7 +10741,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>List </emph>tab displays all of the changes that were recorded in the current document. If you want to filter this list, click the <emph>Filter </emph>tab, and then select your <link href=\"text/shared/01/02230402.xhp\" name=\"filter criteria\">filter criteria</link>.<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"> If the list contains nested changes, the dependencies are shown regardless of the filter. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "The <emph>List</emph> tab displays all of the changes that were recorded in the current document. If you want to filter this list, click the <emph>Filter</emph> tab, and then select your <link href=\"text/shared/01/02230402.xhp\" name=\"filter criteria\">filter criteria</link>.<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"> If the list contains nested changes, the dependencies are shown regardless of the filter.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -10749,7 +10749,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Nested changes occur where changes made by different authors overlap. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Nested changes occur where changes made by different authors overlap.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -10757,7 +10757,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Click the plus sign beside an entry in the list to view all of the changes that were recorded for a cell. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Click the <emph>plus</emph> sign beside an entry in the list to view all of the changes that were recorded for a cell.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -10765,7 +10765,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">If one of the nested changes for a cell matches a filter criterion, all of the changes for the cell are displayed. When you filter the change list, the entries in the list appear in different colors according to the following table: </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">If one of the nested changes for a cell matches a filter criterion, all of the changes for the cell are displayed. When you filter the change list, the entries in the list appear in different colors according to the following table:</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -10861,7 +10861,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/redlineviewpage/changes\">Lists the changes that were recorded in the document. When you select an entry in the list, the change is highlighted in the document. To sort the list, click a column heading. </ahelp> Hold down <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> while you click to select multiple entries in the list."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/redlineviewpage/changes\">Lists the changes that were recorded in the document. When you select an entry in the list, the change is highlighted in the document. To sort the list, click a column heading.</ahelp> Hold down <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> while you click to select multiple entries in the list."
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -10869,7 +10869,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To edit the comment for an entry in the list, right-click the entry, and then choose<emph> Edit - Comment</emph>."
+msgid "To edit the comment for an entry in the list, right-click the entry, and then choose <emph>Edit - Comment</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -10901,7 +10901,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Position </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Position</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -10909,7 +10909,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Lists the cells with contents that were changed. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Lists the cells with contents that were changed.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -11029,7 +11029,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To reverse the acceptance or rejection of a change, choose <emph>Undo </emph>on the <emph>Edit </emph>menu."
+msgid "To reverse the acceptance or rejection of a change, choose <emph>Undo</emph> on the <emph>Edit</emph> menu."
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -11037,7 +11037,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Undo </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Undo</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -11045,7 +11045,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you made changes by choosing <emph>Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply and Edit Changes</emph>, the <emph>Undo</emph> button appears in the dialog.<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog/undo\"> Reverse the last Accept or Reject command.</ahelp></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you made changes by choosing <emph>Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply and Edit Changes</emph>, the <emph>Undo</emph> button appears in the dialog. <ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog/undo\">Reverse the last Accept or Reject command.</ahelp></caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -11117,7 +11117,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog/writerauthor\">Sorts the list according to the Author.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svx/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog/writerauthor\">Sorts the list according to the author.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230401.xhp
@@ -11253,7 +11253,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Range </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Range</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
@@ -11261,7 +11261,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Filters the list of changes according to the range of cells that you specify. To select a range of cells in your sheet, click the <emph>Set Reference </emph>button (<emph>...</emph>).</ahelp></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Filters the list of changes according to the range of cells that you specify. To select a range of cells in your sheet, click the <emph>Set Reference</emph> button (<emph>...</emph>).</ahelp></caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
@@ -11277,7 +11277,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Set Reference </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Set Reference</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
@@ -11301,7 +11301,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Shrink/Max </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Shrink/Max</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
@@ -11325,7 +11325,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Action </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Action</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
@@ -11349,7 +11349,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Filters the comments of the changes according to the keyword(s) that you enter. </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Filters the comments of the changes according to the keyword(s) that you enter.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 02230402.xhp
@@ -11509,7 +11509,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Type the number of the record that you want to display, and then press Enter.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Type the number of the record that you want to display, and then press <emph>Enter</emph>.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 02250000.xhp
@@ -11525,7 +11525,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_GRID_TRAVEL_NEW\" visibility=\"hidden\">Inserts a new record into the current table.</ahelp> To create a record, click the asterisk (*) button at the bottom of the table view. An empty row is added at the end of the table."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_GRID_TRAVEL_NEW\" visibility=\"hidden\">Inserts a new record into the current table.</ahelp> To create a record, click the asterisk (<emph>*</emph>) button at the bottom of the table view. An empty row is added at the end of the table."
msgstr ""
#: 02250000.xhp
@@ -11581,7 +11581,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Bib/query\">Type the information that you want to search for, and then press Enter. To change the filter options for the search, long-click the <emph>AutoFilter</emph> icon, and then select a different data field. You can use wildcards such as % or * for any number of characters, and _ or ? for one character in your search. To display all of the records in the table, clear this box, and then press Enter. </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Bib/query\">Type the information that you want to search for, and then press <emph>Enter</emph>. To change the filter options for the search, long-click the <emph>AutoFilter</emph> icon, and then select a different data field. You can use wildcards such as <emph>%</emph> or <emph>*</emph> for any number of characters, and <emph>_</emph> or <emph>?</emph> for one character in your search. To display all of the records in the table, clear this box, and then press <emph>Enter</emph>. </ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 02250000.xhp
@@ -11613,7 +11613,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>Standard Filter</emph> to refine and to combine <emph>AutoFilter </emph>search options.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>Standard Filter</emph> to refine and to combine <emph>AutoFilter</emph> search options.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 02250000.xhp
@@ -11677,7 +11677,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Bib/Mapping\">Lets you map the column headings to data fields from a different data source. To define a different data source for your bibliography, click the<emph> Data Source</emph> button on the record<emph> Object Bar</emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Bib/Mapping\">Lets you map the column headings to data fields from a different data source. To define a different data source for your bibliography, click the <emph>Data Source</emph> button on the record's <emph>Object</emph> bar.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 02250000.xhp
@@ -11957,7 +11957,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:FunctionBarVisible\">Shows or hides the <emph>Standard Bar</emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:FunctionBarVisible\">Shows or hides the <emph>Standard</emph> bar.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 03040000.xhp
@@ -11989,7 +11989,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the Input Method Engine (IME) status window.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the <emph>Input Method Engine</emph> (IME) status window.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 03040000.xhp
@@ -11997,7 +11997,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Currently only the Internet/Intranet Input Method Protocol (IIIMP) under Unix is supported."
+msgid "Currently only the <emph>Internet/Intranet Input Method Protocol</emph> (IIIMP) under Unix is supported."
msgstr ""
#: 03050000.xhp
@@ -12029,7 +12029,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ToolBarVisible\">Shows or hides the <emph>Tools bar</emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ToolBarVisible\">Shows or hides the <emph>Tools</emph> bar.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 03060000.xhp
@@ -12061,7 +12061,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the <emph>Status Bar</emph> at the bottom edge of the window.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the <emph>Status</emph> bar at the bottom edge of the window.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 03110000.xhp
@@ -12093,7 +12093,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the menus and toolbars in Writer or Calc. To exit the full screen mode, click the <emph>Full Screen</emph> button or press the Esc key.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Shows or hides the menus and toolbars in Writer or Calc. To exit the full screen mode, click the <emph>Full Screen</emph> button or press the <emph>Esc</emph> key.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 03110000.xhp
@@ -12101,7 +12101,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_FULLSCREENTOOLBOX\">In Writer and Calc, you can also use the shortcut keys <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+J to switch between the normal and full screen mode.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_FULLSCREENTOOLBOX\">In Writer and Calc, you can also use the shortcut keys <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>J</emph> to switch between the normal and full screen mode.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 03110000.xhp
@@ -12109,7 +12109,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can still use shortcut keys in <emph>Full Screen</emph> mode, even though the menus are unavailable. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">To open the <emph>View</emph> menu, press Alt+V. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "You can still use shortcut keys in <emph>Full Screen</emph> mode, even though the menus are unavailable. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">To open the <emph>View</emph> menu, press <emph>Alt</emph>+<emph>V</emph>.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 03170000.xhp
@@ -12141,7 +12141,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ColorControl\">Show or hides the <emph>Color Bar</emph>. To modify or change the color table that is displayed, choose <emph>Format - Area</emph>, and then click on the <emph>Colors</emph> tab.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ColorControl\">Show or hides the <emph>Color</emph> bar. To modify or change the color table that is displayed, choose <emph>Format - Area</emph>, and then click on the <emph>Colors</emph> tab.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 03170000.xhp
@@ -12157,7 +12157,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can also drag a color from the <emph>Color Bar</emph> and drop it on a draw object on your slide."
+msgid "You can also drag a color from the <emph>Color</emph> bar and drop it on a draw object on your slide."
msgstr ""
#: 03170000.xhp
@@ -12165,7 +12165,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To detach the <emph>Color Bar</emph>, click on a gray area of the toolbar and then drag. To reattach the <emph>Color Bar</emph>, drag the title bar of the toolbar to the edge of the window."
+msgid "To detach the <emph>Color</emph> bar, click on a gray area of the toolbar and then drag. To reattach the <emph>Color</emph> bar, drag the title bar of the toolbar to the edge of the window."
msgstr ""
#: 03990000.xhp
@@ -12613,7 +12613,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"sonder\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Allows a user to insert characters from the range of symbols found in the installed fonts.</ahelp> </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"sonder\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Allows a user to insert characters from the range of symbols found in the installed fonts.</ahelp></variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 04100000.xhp
@@ -12621,7 +12621,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you click a character in the <emph>Special Characters </emph>dialog, a preview and the corresponding numerical code for the character is displayed."
+msgid "When you click a character in the <emph>Special Characters</emph> dialog, a preview and the corresponding numerical code for the character is displayed."
msgstr ""
#: 04100000.xhp
@@ -13325,7 +13325,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To enable support for complex text layout and Asian character sets, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language Settings - Languages</emph>, and then select the <emph>Enabled </emph>box in the corresponding area."
+msgid "To enable support for complex text layout and Asian character sets, choose <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language Settings - Languages</emph>, and then select the <emph>Enabled</emph> box in the corresponding area."
msgstr ""
#: 05020100.xhp
@@ -13389,7 +13389,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you are creating a Style that is based on another Style, you can enter a percentage value or a point value (for example, -2pt or +5pt)."
+msgid "If you are creating a style that is based on another style, you can enter a percentage value or a point value (for example, <item type=\"input\">-2pt</item> or <item type=\"input\">+5pt</item>)."
msgstr ""
#: 05020100.xhp
@@ -13421,7 +13421,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For language tag details please see the <link href=\"\"><emph>For users</emph> section on the web site</link>."
+msgid "For language tag details please see the <link href=\"\"><emph>For users</emph> section on the web site</link>."
msgstr ""
#: 05020100.xhp
@@ -13429,7 +13429,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can also change the locale setting for cells (choose <emph>Format - Cells – Numbers</emph>)."
+msgid "You can also change the locale setting for cells (choose <emph>Format - Cells - Numbers</emph>)."
msgstr ""
#: 05020100.xhp
@@ -13461,7 +13461,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>fonts;effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>formatting; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>characters; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>text; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>effects; fonts</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>underlining; text</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>capital letters; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>lowercase letters; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>titles; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>small capitals</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>strikethrough; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>fonts; strikethrough</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>outlines; font effects</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>fonts; outlines</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>shadows; characters</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>fonts; shadows</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>fonts;color ignored</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>ignored font colors</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>colors;ignored text color</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>fonts; effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>formatting; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>characters; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>text; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>effects; fonts</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>underlining; text</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>capital letters; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>lowercase letters; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>titles; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>small capitals</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>strikethrough; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>fonts; strikethrough</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>outlines; font effects</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>fonts; outlines</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>shadows; characters</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>fonts; shadows</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>fonts; color ignored</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>ignored font colors</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>colors; ignored text color</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13493,7 +13493,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/effectspage/fontcolorlb\">Sets the color for the selected text. If you select<emph> Automatic</emph>, the text color is set to black for light backgrounds and to white for dark backgrounds.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/effectspage/fontcolorlb\">Sets the color for the selected text. If you select <emph>Automatic</emph>, the text color is set to black for light backgrounds and to white for dark backgrounds.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13525,7 +13525,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To exit the paint can mode, click once, or press the Escape key."
+msgid "To exit the paint can mode, click once, or press the <emph>Esc</emph> key."
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13533,7 +13533,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The text color is ignored when printing, if the <emph>Print black</emph> check box is selected in <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040400.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Print\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Print</emph></link> in the Options dialog box."
+msgid "The text color is ignored when printing, if the <emph>Print black</emph> check box is selected in <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040400.xhp\" name=\"Writer - Print\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - Print</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box."
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13549,7 +13549,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"><variable id=\"textfarbe\">Click to apply the current font color to the selected characters. You can also click here, and then drag a selection to change the text color. Click the arrow next to the icon to open the Font color toolbar.</variable></ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"><variable id=\"textfarbe\">Click to apply the current font color to the selected characters. You can also click here, and then drag a selection to change the text color. Click the arrow next to the icon to open the <emph>Font color</emph> toolbar.</variable></ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13589,7 +13589,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Without - no effect is applied"
+msgid "<emph>Without</emph> - no effect is applied,"
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13597,7 +13597,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Capitals - changes the selected lowercase characters to uppercase characters"
+msgid "<emph>Capitals</emph> - changes the selected lowercase characters to uppercase characters,"
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13605,7 +13605,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Lowercase - changes the selected uppercase characters to lower characters"
+msgid "<emph>Lowercase</emph> - changes the selected uppercase characters to lower characters,"
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13613,7 +13613,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Title font - changes the first character of each selected word to an uppercase character"
+msgid "<emph>Title font</emph> - changes the first character of each selected word to an uppercase character,"
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13621,7 +13621,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Small capitals - changes the selected lowercase characters to uppercase characters, and then reduces their size"
+msgid "<emph>Small capitals</emph> - changes the selected lowercase characters to uppercase characters, and then reduces their size."
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13637,7 +13637,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/effectspage/relieflb\">Select a relief effect to apply to the selected text. The embossed relief makes the characters appear as if they are raised above the page. The engraved relief makes the characters appear as if they are pressed into the page.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/effectspage/relieflb\">Select a <emph>relief</emph> effect to apply to the selected text. The <emph>embossed</emph> relief makes the characters appear as if they are raised above the page. The <emph>engraved</emph> relief makes the characters appear as if they are pressed into the page.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020200.xhp
@@ -13901,7 +13901,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"zahlen\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:TableNumberFormatDialog\">Specify the formatting options for the selected cell(s).</ahelp> </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"zahlen\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:TableNumberFormatDialog\">Specify the formatting options for the selected cell(s).</ahelp></variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020300.xhp
@@ -13917,7 +13917,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/categorylb\">Select a category from the list, and then select a formatting style in the <emph>Format </emph>box.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/categorylb\">Select a category from the list, and then select a formatting style in the <emph>Format</emph> box.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020300.xhp
@@ -13981,7 +13981,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/languagelb\">Specifies the language setting for the selected <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">cells </caseinline><defaultinline>fields</defaultinline></switchinline>. With the language set to <emph>Automatic</emph>, $[officename] automatically applies the number formats associated with the system default language. Select any language to fix the settings for the selected <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">cells </caseinline><defaultinline>fields</defaultinline></switchinline>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/languagelb\">Specifies the language setting for the selected <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">cells </caseinline><defaultinline>fields</defaultinline></switchinline>. With the language set to <emph>Automatic</emph>, $[officename] automatically applies the number formats associated with the system default language. Select any language to fix the settings for the selected <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">cells</caseinline><defaultinline> fields</defaultinline></switchinline>.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020300.xhp
@@ -14085,7 +14085,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/negnumred\">Changes the font color of negative numbers to red.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/negnumred\">Changes the font color of negative numbers to <emph>red</emph>.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020300.xhp
@@ -14117,7 +14117,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/engineering\">With scientific format, Engineering notation ensures that exponent is a multiple of 3.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/numberingformatpage/engineering\">With scientific format, <emph>Engineering notation</emph> ensures that exponent is a multiple of 3.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020300.xhp
@@ -14237,7 +14237,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Number format codes can consist of up to four sections separated by a semicolon (;)."
+msgid "Number format codes can consist of up to four sections separated by a semicolon (<emph>;</emph>)."
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -14269,7 +14269,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Fourth section applies if the content is not a value, but some text. Content is represented by an at sign (@)."
+msgid "Fourth section applies if the content is not a value, but some text. Content is represented by an at sign (<emph>@</emph>)."
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -14285,7 +14285,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use zero (0), the number sign (#) or the question mark (?) as placeholders in your number format code to represent numbers. The (#) only displays significant digits, while the (0) displays zeroes if there are fewer digits in the number than in the number format. The (?) works as the (#) but adds a space character to keep decimal alignment if there is a hidden non-significant zero."
+msgid "Use zero (<emph>0</emph>), the number sign (<emph>#</emph>) or the question mark (<emph>?</emph>) as placeholders in your number format code to represent numbers. The <emph>#</emph> only displays significant digits, while the <emph>0</emph> displays zeroes if there are fewer digits in the number than in the number format. The <emph>?</emph> works as the <emph>#</emph> but adds a space character to keep decimal alignment if there is a hidden non-significant zero."
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -14293,7 +14293,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use question marks (?), zeroes (0) or number signs (#) to represent the number of digits to include in the numerator and the denominator of a fraction. Fractions that do not fit the pattern that you define are displayed as floating point numbers."
+msgid "Use question marks (<emph>?</emph>), zeroes (<emph>0</emph>) or number signs (<emph>#</emph>) to represent the number of digits to include in the numerator and the denominator of a fraction. Fractions that do not fit the pattern that you define are displayed as floating point numbers."
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -14525,7 +14525,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To use a character to define the width of a space in a number format, type an underscore ( _ ) followed by the character. The width of the space varies according to the width of the character that you choose. For example, <emph>_M</emph> creates a wider space than <emph>_i</emph>."
+msgid "To use a character to define the width of a space in a number format, type an underscore (<emph>_</emph>) followed by the character. The width of the space varies according to the width of the character that you choose. For example, <emph>_M</emph> creates a wider space than <emph>_i</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -14533,7 +14533,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To fill free space with a given character, use an asterisk (*) followed by this character. For instance:"
+msgid "To fill free space with a given character, use an asterisk (<emph>*</emph>) followed by this character. For instance:"
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -14541,7 +14541,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "will display integer value (0) preceded by as many as needed backslash characters (\\) to fill column width. For accounting representation, you may left align currency symbol with a format similar to:"
+msgid "will display integer value (0) preceded by as many as needed backslash characters (<emph>\\</emph>) to fill column width. For accounting representation, you may left align currency symbol with a format similar to:"
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -14653,7 +14653,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To display numbers as percentages, add the percent sign (%) to the number format."
+msgid "To display numbers as percentages, add the percent sign (<emph>%</emph>) to the number format."
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -15141,7 +15141,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "All date formats are dependent on the locale that is set in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph> </caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language settings - Languages</emph>. For example, if your locale is set to 'Japanese', then the Gengou calendar is used. The default date format in <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> uses the Gregorian Calendar."
+msgid "All date formats are dependent on the locale that is set in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Language settings - Languages</emph>. For example, if your locale is set to 'Japanese', then the Gengou calendar is used. The default date format in <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> uses the Gregorian Calendar."
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -15245,7 +15245,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">If you perform a calculation that involves one or more cells using a date format, the result is formatted according to the following mappings: </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">If you perform a calculation that involves one or more cells using a date format, the result is formatted according to the following mappings:</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -15429,7 +15429,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">The Date&Time format displays the date and time that an entry was made to a cell with this format. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">The <emph>Date & Time</emph> format displays the date and time that an entry was made to a cell with this format.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -15453,7 +15453,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To display hours, minutes and seconds use the following number format codes."
+msgid "To display hours, minutes and seconds use the following number format codes:"
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -15589,7 +15589,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To display numbers using native number characters, use a [NatNum1], [NatNum2], ... [NatNum11] modifier at the beginning of a number format codes."
+msgid "To display numbers using native number characters, use a [NatNum1], [NatNum2], ..., [NatNum11] modifier at the beginning of a number format codes."
msgstr ""
#: 05020301.xhp
@@ -17925,7 +17925,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Rotation / scaling"
+msgid "Rotation/scaling"
msgstr ""
#: 05020500.xhp
@@ -18221,7 +18221,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Set the typographic options for cells or paragraphs in Asian language files. To enable Asian language support, choose <emph>Language Settings - Languages</emph> in the Options dialog box, and then select the <emph>Enabled</emph> box in the <emph>Asian language support</emph> area.</ahelp> The Asian typography options are ignored in HTML documents."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Set the typographic options for cells or paragraphs in Asian language files. To enable Asian language support, choose <emph>Language Settings - Languages</emph> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box, and then select the <emph>Enabled</emph> box in the <emph>Asian language support</emph> area.</ahelp> The Asian typography options are ignored in HTML documents."
msgstr ""
#: 05020700.xhp
@@ -18277,7 +18277,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Apply spacing between Asian and non-Asian text</emph>"
+msgid "Apply spacing between Asian and non-Asian text"
msgstr ""
#: 05020700.xhp
@@ -26133,7 +26133,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To align a graphic relative to the character that it is anchored to, right-click the graphic, and then choose <emph>Image</emph>. Click the <emph>Type</emph> tab, and in the <emph>Position</emph> area, select <emph>Character</emph> in the <emph>to</emph> boxes."
+msgid "To align a graphic relative to the character that it is anchored to, right-click the graphic, and then choose <emph>Properties</emph>. Click the <emph>Type</emph> tab, and in the <emph>Position</emph> area, select <emph>Character</emph> in the <emph>to</emph> boxes."
msgstr ""
#: 05260400.xhp
@@ -31693,7 +31693,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Automatically applies a border at the base of the preceding paragraph when you type three or more specific characters, and then press Enter. To create a single line, type three or more hyphens (-), or underscores ( _ ), and then press Enter. To create a double line, type three or more equal signs (=), asterisks (*), tildes (~), or hash marks (#), and then press Enter."
+msgid "Automatically applies a border at the base of the preceding paragraph when you type three or more specific characters, and then press Enter. To create a single line, type three or more hyphens (-), or underscores (_), and then press Enter. To create a double line, type three or more equal signs (=), asterisks (*), tildes (~), or hash marks (#), and then press Enter."
msgstr ""
#: 06040100.xhp
@@ -31901,7 +31901,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Combine single line paragraphs if length greater than ...</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Combine single line paragraphs if length greater than...</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 06040100.xhp
diff --git a/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/02.po b/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/02.po
index 4b0de31ea64..6e3f7360a96 100644
--- a/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/02.po
+++ b/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/02.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-08 15:10+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-05-24 02:54+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -1973,8 +1973,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Formatting</emph>: You can set the <emph>Formatting </emph>property by clicking the <emph>... </emph>button in the <emph>Formatting</emph> line of the <emph>Properties: Formatted Field</emph> dialog. The <emph>Number Format</emph> dialog appears."
-msgstr "<emph> ফরম্যাট করছে</emph>: আপনি নিযুক্ত করতে পারেন<emph> ফরম্যাট করছে</emph> ক্লিক করার মধ্যে বৈশিষ্ট্য<emph>...</emph>তে বাটন<emph> ফরম্যাট করছে</emph>এর লাইন<emph> বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী: ফরম্যাটকৃত ক্ষেত্র</emph> ডায়ালগ।<emph> সংখ্যা ফরম্যাট</emph> ডায়ালগ উপস্থিত হয়।"
+msgid "<emph>Formatting</emph>: You can set the <emph>Formatting</emph> property by clicking the <emph>...</emph> button in the <emph>Formatting</emph> line of the <emph>Properties: Formatted Field</emph> dialog. The <emph>Number Format</emph> dialog appears."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170002.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1989,8 +1989,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Min. value</emph> and <emph>Max. value</emph>: You can enter the minimum and maximum numeric value for a formatted field. The min and max values determine the output of existing data (Example: Min. value is 5, the connected database field contains the integer value 3. The output is 5, but the value in the database is not modified) and the input of new data (Example: Max. value is 10 and you enter 20. The input is corrected and 10 is written in the database). If the fields are not filled in for <emph>Min. value </emph>and <emph>Max. value</emph>, no limits will be applied. For formatted fields that are connected to a database text field, these two values and the <emph>Default value</emph> do not apply."
-msgstr "<emph>Min. value</emph> and <emph>Max. value</emph>: You can enter the minimum and maximum numeric value for a formatted field. The min and max values determine the output of existing data (Example: Min. value is 5, the connected database field contains the integer value 3. The output is 5, but the value in the database is not modified) and the input of new data (Example: Max. value is 10 and you enter 20. The input is corrected and 10 is written in the database). If the fields are not filled in for <emph>Min. value </emph>and <emph>Max. value</emph>, no limits will be applied. For formatted fields that are connected to a database text field, these two values and the <emph>Default value</emph> do not apply."
+msgid "<emph>Min. value</emph> and <emph>Max. value</emph>: You can enter the minimum and maximum numeric value for a formatted field. The min and max values determine the output of existing data (Example: Min. value is <emph>5</emph>, the connected database field contains the integer value <emph>3</emph>. The output is <emph>5</emph>, but the value in the database is not modified) and the input of new data (Example: Max. value is <emph>10</emph> and you enter <emph>20</emph>. The input is corrected and <emph>10</emph> is written in the database). If the fields are not filled in for <emph>Min. value</emph> and <emph>Max. value</emph>, no limits will be applied. For formatted fields that are connected to a database text field, these two values and the <emph>Default value</emph> do not apply."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170002.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2029,7 +2029,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you enter a year using two digits, the corresponding four digit value is determined by a setting in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - General</emph>. For example, if 1935 is set as the lower limiting value and you enter 34 as a date value, then the result is 2034 instead of 1934."
+msgid "When you enter a year using two digits, the corresponding four digit value is determined by a setting in <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - $[officename] - General</emph>. For example, if <emph>1935</emph> is set as the lower limiting value and you enter <emph>34</emph> as a date value, then the result is <emph>2034</emph> instead of <emph>1934</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170003.xhp
@@ -2197,8 +2197,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWCOLS\">Calls a submenu where you can select the columns to show again.</ahelp> To show only one column, click the column name. You see only the first 16 hidden columns. If there are more hidden columns, choose the <emph>More</emph> command to call the <emph>Show Columns</emph> dialog."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWCOLS\"> একটি সাবমেনু ডাক দেয় যেখানে আপনি পুনরায় দেখতে কলাম নির্বাচন করতে পারেন।</ahelp> কেবল এক কলাম দেখতে, কলাম নাম ক্লিক করুন। আপনি প্রথম ১৬ আড়াল কলাম কেবল দেখুন। যদি কলাম আরও বেশি গোপন করা হয়, নির্বাচন করুন<emph> আরও বেশি</emph> ডাক দিতে কমান্ড<emph> কলাম দেখান</emph> ডায়ালগ।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWCOLS\">Calls a submenu where you can select the columns to show again.</ahelp> To show only one column, click the column name. You see only the first <emph>16</emph> hidden columns. If there are more hidden columns, choose the <emph>More</emph> command to call the <emph>Show Columns</emph> dialog."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2221,7 +2221,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/showcoldialog/ShowColDialog\">In the <emph>Show Columns</emph> dialog you can select the columns to be shown. Hold down the Shift or <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> key to select multiple entries.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/showcoldialog/ShowColDialog\">In the <emph>Show Columns</emph> dialog you can select the columns to be shown. Hold down the <emph>Shift</emph> or <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> key to select multiple entries.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
@@ -2237,88 +2237,88 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWALLCOLS\">Click <emph>All </emph>if you want to show all columns.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWALLCOLS\"> <emph>সব </emph> ক্লিক করুন, যদি আপনি সব কলাম প্রদর্শন করতে চান।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWALLCOLS\">Click <emph>All</emph> if you want to show all columns.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Keyboard-only control of Table Controls"
-msgstr "সারণি নিয়ন্ত্রনে শুধু কিবোর্ড নিয়ন্ত্রণ"
+msgid "Keyboard-only control of <emph>Table Controls</emph>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you use the keyboard only to travel through controls in your document, you will find one difference to the other types of controls: the Tab key does not move the cursor to the next control, but moves to the next column inside the table control. Press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Tab to move to the next control, or press Shift+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Tab to move to the previous control."
-msgstr "যদি আপনি আপনার নথিতে নিয়ন্ত্রণ করার মধ্য দিয়ে ভ্রমণ করতে কীবোর্ড কেবল ব্যবহার করেন, আপনি নিয়ন্ত্রণ করের অন্যান্য ধরনে এক পার্থক্য খুঁজে পাবেন: ট্যাব চাবি পরবর্তী নিয়ন্ত্রণে কার্সার চলে না, টেবিল নিয়ন্ত্রণের ভেতরে পরবর্তী কলামে কিন্তু চলে। চাপুন<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"> কমান্ড</caseinline><defaultinline> Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> পরবর্তী নিয়ন্ত্রণে চলতে +ট্যাব, অথবা চাপুন Shift+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"> কমান্ড</caseinline><defaultinline> Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> পূর্ববর্তী নিয়ন্ত্রণে চলতে +ট্যাব।"
+msgid "If you use the keyboard only to travel through controls in your document, you will find one difference to the other types of controls: the <emph>Tab</emph> key does not move the cursor to the next control, but moves to the next column inside the table control. Press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Tab</emph> to move to the next control, or press <emph>Shift</emph>+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Tab</emph> to move to the previous control."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "To enter the special keyboard-only edit mode for Table Controls:"
-msgstr "সারণি নিয়ন্ত্রনের জন্য শুধু বিশেষ কিবোর্ড সম্পাদনা মোড সন্নিবেশ করতে:"
+msgid "To enter the special keyboard-only edit mode for <emph>Table Controls</emph>:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The form document must be in <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170500.xhp\" name=\"design mode\">design mode</link>."
-msgstr "ফরম নথিটিকে অবশ্যই <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170500.xhp\" name=\"design mode\">নকশা মোডে হতে হবে</link>।"
+msgid "The form document must be in <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170500.xhp\" name=\"design mode\"><emph>Design mode</emph></link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+F6 to select the document."
-msgstr "চাপুন <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">কমান্ড</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+F6 নথি নির্বাচন করতে।"
+msgid "Press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>F6</emph> to select the document."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Press Shift+F4 to select the first control. If the Table Control is not the first control, press Tab until it is selected."
-msgstr "প্রথম নিয়ন্ত্রণ নির্বাচন করতে Shift+F4 চাপুন। যদি সারণি নিয়ন্ত্রণ প্রথম নিয়ন্ত্রণ না হয়, তবে নির্বাচিত ,না হওয়া পর্যন্ত ট্যাব চাপুন।"
+msgid "Press <emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>F4</emph> to select the first control. If the <emph>Table Control</emph> is not the first control, press <emph>Tab</emph> until it is selected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Press Enter to enter the edit mode. The handles are shown farther out from the control border."
-msgstr "সম্পাদনা মোডে সন্নিবেশ করতে Enter চাপুন। হ্যান্ডেলগুলো নিয়ন্ত্রণ সীমানা হতে দূরে প্রদর্শীত হয়।"
+msgid "Press <emph>Enter</emph> to enter the edit mode. The handles are shown farther out from the control border."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "In the edit mode, you can open the edit mode context menu by pressing Shift+F10."
-msgstr "সম্পাদনা মোডে, আপনি Shift+F10 চাপার মাধ্যমে সম্পাদনা মোডের প্রসঙ্গ মেনু খুলতে পারেন।"
+msgid "In the edit mode, you can open the edit mode context menu by pressing <emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>F10</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you want to edit columns, press Shift+Space to enter column edit mode. Now you can rearrange the order of columns with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Arrow keys. The Delete key deletes the current column."
-msgstr "আপনি যদি আপনি কলাম সম্পাদনা করতে চান, কলাম সম্পাদনা মোডে সন্নিবেশ করতে চাপুন Shift+Space। এখন আপনি কলামের ক্রম <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">কমান্ড</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+তীর কী দিয়ে পুনরায় আয়োজন করতে পারেন। মুছে ফেলার কী বর্তমান কী মুছে ফেলে।"
+msgid "If you want to edit columns, press <emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>Space</emph> to enter column edit mode. Now you can rearrange the order of columns with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Arrow</emph> keys. The <emph>Delete</emph> key deletes the current column."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Press the Escape key to exit the edit mode."
-msgstr "সম্পাদনা মোড ত্যাগ করতে মুক্তি পাওয়া, পালিয়ে যাওয়া কী চাপুন।"
+msgid "Press the <emph>Esc</emph> key to exit the edit mode."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2357,8 +2357,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"hinweis\">You can only call the<emph> Properties</emph> dialog when in the Design mode with a control selected. </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"hinweis\">আপনি শুধু<emph> বৈশিষ্ট্য</emph> ডায়ালগ ডাকতে পারেন যখন আপনি একটি নির্বাচিত নিয়ন্ত্রণে নকশা মোডে থাকেন। </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"hinweis\">You can only call the <emph>Properties</emph> dialog when in the <emph>Design mode</emph> with a control selected.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2381,48 +2381,48 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Effects"
-msgstr "প্রভাব"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Option</caseinline><defaultinline>Alt</defaultinline></switchinline>+Down Arrow"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">অপশন</caseinline><defaultinline>Alt</defaultinline></switchinline>+নিচের তীর"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Option</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Alt</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Down Arrow</emph>:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the combo box"
-msgstr "কম্বো বাক্স খোলে"
+msgid "Opens the combo box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Option</caseinline><defaultinline>Alt</defaultinline></switchinline>+Up Arrow"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">অপশন</caseinline><defaultinline>Alt</defaultinline></switchinline>+উপরের তীর"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Option</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Alt</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Up Arrow</emph>:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Closes the combo box"
-msgstr "কম্বো বাক্স খোলে"
+msgid "Closes the combo box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Shift+Enter"
-msgstr "Shift+Enter"
+msgid "<emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>Enter</emph>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2437,8 +2437,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Up Arrow"
-msgstr "উপরের তীর"
+msgid "<emph>Up Arrow</emph>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2453,8 +2453,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Down Arrow"
-msgstr "নিচের তীর"
+msgid "<emph>Down Arrow</emph>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2469,8 +2469,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter"
-msgstr "সন্নিবেশ করুন"
+msgid "<emph>Enter</emph>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2485,8 +2485,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "As with list boxes or combo boxes, you can open or close the list with a mouse click at the arrow on the right end of the field. However, the input here can be entered either in the opened list or in the top text field. An exception is the properties that expect a list representation, for example, the property <emph>List Entries</emph>, which can be set for the control fields <emph>List Box</emph> and <emph>Combo Box</emph>. Here, you can only edit the entries when the field is opened."
-msgstr "তালিকা বাক্স বা কম্বো বাক্সের সাথে, ক্ষেত্রের ডান প্রান্তের তীরে মাউস ক্লিকের মাধ্যমে একটি তালিকা আপনি খুলতে বা বন্ধ করতে পারেন। যাইহোক, ইনপুট এখানে খোলা তালিকায় বা পাঠ্য ক্ষেত্রের শীর্ষে সন্নিবেশ করানো যেতে পারে। বৈশিষ্ট্যর একটি ব্যতিক্রম হল এটি তালিকা উপস্থাপনা আশা করে, উদাহরণসরুপ, <emph>তালিকাবদ্ধ এন্ট্রি</emph> বৈশিষ্ট্য, যা নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্রের <emph>তালিকা বাক্স</emph> এবং <emph>কম্বো বাক্সের</emph> জন্য নিযুক্ত করা যায়। এখানে যখন ক্ষেত্রটি খোলা থাকে শুধু তখনই আপনি এন্ট্রিগুলো সম্পাদনা করতে পারেন।"
+msgid "As with list boxes or combo boxes, you can open or close the list with a mouse click at the arrow on the right end of the field. However, the input here can be entered either in the opened list or in the top text field. An exception is the properties that expect a list representation, for example, the property \"List Entries\", which can be set for the control fields <emph>List Box</emph> and <emph>Combo Box</emph>. Here, you can only edit the entries when the field is opened."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2509,16 +2509,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "This <emph>General </emph>tab enables you to define the general properties of a form control. These properties differ, depending on the control type. Not all of the following properties are available for every control."
-msgstr "এইটি<emph> সাধারণ</emph> ট্যাব একটি আকার নিয়ন্ত্রণের সাধারণ বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী সংজ্ঞায়িত করতে আপনাকে সক্রিয় করি। এই বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী নিয়ন্ত্রণ ধরনে, নির্ভর ভিন্নমত হয়। নিম্নলিখিত বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলীর সমস্ত প্রতি নিয়ন্ত্রণের জন্য প্রাপ্তিসাধ্য নয়।"
+msgid "This <emph>General</emph> tab enables you to define the general properties of a form control. These properties differ, depending on the control type. Not all of the following properties are available for every control."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you export the current form document to HTML format, the default control values are exported, not the current control values. Default values are determined - depending on the type of control - by the properties' Default value (for example, in text fields), Default status (for check boxes and option fields), and Default selection (for list boxes)."
-msgstr "যদি আপনি HTML ফরম্যাটে বর্তমান আকার নথি এক্সপোর্ট করেন, ডিফল্ট নিয়ন্ত্রণ মান, বর্তমান নিয়ন্ত্রণ মান এক্সপোর্ট করা হয় না। ডিফল্ট মান নির্ধারণ করা হয়- নিয়ন্ত্রণের ধরনে নির্ভর করছে- বৈশিষ্ট্য' ডিফল্ট মূল্যের দ্বারা (লেখা ক্ষেত্রে উদাহরণ,এর জন্য), ডিফল্ট অবস্থা (পরীক্ষা বাক্স এবং অপশন ক্ষেত্রের জন্য), এবং ডিফল্ট নির্বাচন (তালিকা বাক্সের জন্য)।"
+msgid "If you export the current form document to HTML format, the default control values are exported, not the current control values. Default values are determined - depending on the type of control - by the properties' <emph>Default value</emph> (for example, in text fields), <emph>Default status</emph> (for check boxes and option fields), and <emph>Default selection</emph> (for list boxes)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2533,8 +2533,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ENABLED\">If a control field has the property \"Enabled\" (Yes), the form user will be able to use the control field.</ahelp> If the property is disabled, it will not be enabled (No) and will be displayed in a gray color."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ENABLED\"> যদি একটি নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্রের বৈশিষ্ট্য রয়েছে \" সক্রিয় করেছিল \" (হ্যাঁ), আকার ব্যবহারকারী নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্র ব্যবহার করতে সক্ষম হবে।</ahelp> যদি বৈশিষ্ট্য নিষ্ক্রিয়, এইটি সক্রিয় করা হবে না (কোনও না) এবং একটি ধূসর রং কিতে প্রদর্শন করা হবে।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ENABLED\">If a control field has the property \"Enabled\" (<emph>Yes</emph>), the form user will be able to use the control field.</ahelp> If the property is disabled, it will not be enabled (<emph>No</emph>) and will be displayed in a gray color."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2549,8 +2549,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LINECOUNT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies how many lines should be displayed in the dropdown list. This setting is only active if you chose \"Yes\" in the \"Dropdown\" option.</ahelp> For combo boxes with the Dropdown property, you can specify how many lines should be displayed in the dropdown list. With control fields which do not have the Dropdown option, the line's display will be specified by the size of the control field and the font size."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LINECOUNT\" visibility=\"hidden\">নিম্নপ্রসারণ তালিকাতে কতগুলি লাইন উল্লেখ কর প্রদর্শন করা হয়। এই মানসমূহটি কেবল সক্রিয় যদি আপনি বেছে নিয়েছিল \" হ্যাঁ \"তে \"নিম্নপ্রসারণ\" অপশন।</ahelp> নিম্নপ্রসারণ বৈশিষ্ট্যের সঙ্গে কম্বো বাক্সের জন্য, আপনি উল্লেখ করতে পারে কতগুলি লাইনের নিম্নপ্রসারণ তালিকাতে প্রদর্শন করা উচিত। নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্রের সঙ্গে যেটির নিম্নপ্রসারণ অপশন নেই, লাইনের প্রদর্শন করা নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্র এবং ফন্ট মাপের মাপের দ্বারা উল্লেখ করা হবে।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LINECOUNT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies how many lines should be displayed in the dropdown list. This setting is only active if you chose \"<emph>Yes</emph>\" in the <emph>Dropdown</emph> option.</ahelp> For combo boxes with the \"Dropdown\" property, you can specify how many lines should be displayed in the dropdown list. With control fields which do not have the <emph>Dropdown</emph> option, the line's display will be specified by the size of the control field and the font size."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2565,16 +2565,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BUTTONTYPE\" visibility=\"hidden\">The Action property determines the action that occurs when you activate a button.</ahelp> You can use navigation actions to design your own database navigation buttons."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BUTTONTYPE\" visibility=\"hidden\"> কাজ বৈশিষ্ট্য কাজ নির্ধারণ করে যে ঘটায় যখন আপনি একটি বাটন সক্রিয় করে।</ahelp> আপনি আপনার নিজের ডাটাবেস দিকনির্ণয় বাটন পরিকল্পনা করতে দিকনির্ণয় কাজ ব্যবহার করতে পারেন।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BUTTONTYPE\" visibility=\"hidden\">The \"Action\" property determines the action that occurs when you activate a button.</ahelp> You can use navigation actions to design your own database navigation buttons."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The following table describes the actions that you can assign to a button."
-msgstr "আপনি একটি বোতামে যেসব কার্য নিয়োগ করতে পারেন তা নিম্নোক্ত সারণিটি বর্ণনা করে।"
+msgid "The following table describes the actions that you can assign to a button:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2621,8 +2621,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Sends the data that is entered in other control fields of the current form to the address that is specified in <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Form Properties\">Form Properties</link> under <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170201.xhp\" name=\"URL\"><emph>URL</emph></link>."
-msgstr "ডাটা পাঠায় যে ঠিকানাতে বর্তমান আকারের অন্যান্য নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্রে ঢোকাওয়া হয় যে তে উল্লেখ করা হয়<link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Form Properties\"> আকার বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী</link>এর অধীনে<link href=\"text/shared/02/01170201.xhp\" name=\"URL\"><emph> URL</emph></link>।"
+msgid "Sends the data that is entered in other control fields of the current form to the address that is specified in <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Form Properties\"><emph>Form Properties</emph></link> under <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170201.xhp\" name=\"URL\"><emph>URL</emph></link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2645,8 +2645,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Resets the settings in other control fields to the predefined defaults (Default Status, Default Selection, Default Value)."
-msgstr "অন্যান্য নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্রে পূর্বউল্লেখিত পূর্বনির্ধারিত মান পুনরায় নিযুক্ত করে (পূর্বনির্ধারিত অবস্থা, পূর্বনির্ধারিত নির্বাচন, পূর্বনির্ধারিত মান)।"
+msgid "Resets the settings in other control fields to the predefined defaults: <emph>Default Status</emph>, <emph>Default Selection</emph>, <emph>Default Value</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2821,8 +2821,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DROPDOWN\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies whether the combo box should dropdown (Yes) or not (No).</ahelp> A control field with the dropdown property has an additional arrow button which opens the list of the existing form entries per mouse click. Under <emph>Line count</emph>, you can specify how many lines (or rows) should be displayed in the dropdown state. Combination fields can have the dropdown property."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DROPDOWN\" visibility=\"hidden\">কম্বো বাক্সে নিম্নপ্রসারণ উল্লেখ করুন কিনা (হ্যাঁ) অথবা না (কোনও না)।</ahelp> নিম্নপ্রসারণ বৈশিষ্ট্যের সঙ্গে একটি নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্রের একটি অতিরিক্ত তীর বাটন রয়েছে যেটি বিদ্যমান আকার এন্ট্রি প্রতি মাউস ক্লিকের তালিকা খোলে। এর অধীনে<emph> লাইন গুণতি</emph>, আপনি উল্লেখ করতে পারেন কতগুলি লাইন (অথবা সারি)এর নিম্নপ্রসারণ প্রদর্শন করা উচিত। সম্মিলন ক্ষেত্রের নিম্নপ্রসারণ বৈশিষ্ট্য থাকতে পারে।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DROPDOWN\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies whether the combo box should dropdown (<emph>Yes</emph>) or not (<emph>No</emph>).</ahelp> A control field with the dropdown property has an additional arrow button which opens the list of the existing form entries per mouse click. Under <emph>Line count</emph>, you can specify how many lines (or rows) should be displayed in the dropdown state. Combination fields can have the dropdown property."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2853,32 +2853,32 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Title of Label fields"
-msgstr "লেবেল ক্ষেত্রের শিরোনাম"
+msgid "Title of Label fields,"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Content of text fields"
-msgstr "টেক্সট ক্ষেত্রের উপাদান"
+msgid "Content of text fields,"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Content of table fields in the columns of a table control"
-msgstr "একটি সারণি নিয়ন্ত্রণের কলামে সূচিপত্র ক্ষেত্র"
+msgid "Content of table fields in the columns of a table control,"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Graphics or text that are used in buttons"
-msgstr "গ্রাফিকস বা টেক্সট যেটি এই বোতামে ব্যবহৃত হয়"
+msgid "Graphics or text that are used in buttons."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2901,8 +2901,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_AUTOCOMPLETE\" visibility=\"hidden\">Assigns the AutoFill function to a combo box.</ahelp> The AutoFill function displays a list of previous entries after you start to type an entry."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_AUTOCOMPLETE\" visibility=\"hidden\">কম্বো বাক্সে AutoFill ফাংশন নিযুক্ত করে।</ahelp> AutoFill ফাংশনটি আপনি যখন একটি এন্ট্রি লিখতে থাকেন তখন পূর্ববর্তী এন্ট্রির তালিকা প্রদর্শন করে।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_AUTOCOMPLETE\" visibility=\"hidden\">Assigns the <emph>AutoFill</emph> function to a combo box.</ahelp> The <emph>AutoFill</emph> function displays a list of previous entries after you start to type an entry."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2925,8 +2925,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To define one character of the label as a mnemonic, so that the user can access this control by pressing the character on the keyboard, insert a tilde (~) character in front of the character in the label."
-msgstr "একটি স্মৃতি-সহায়ক, হিসেবে লেবেলের এক অক্ষর সংজ্ঞায়িত করে যাতে করে ব্যবহারকারী কীবোর্ডে অক্ষর চাপ দেওয়ার মধ্যে এই নিয়ন্ত্রণটি উপলব্ধি করতে পারে, একটি টিলড (~) ভিতরে ঢোকান লেবেলে অক্ষরের সামনে অক্ষর।"
+msgid "To define one character of the label as a mnemonic, so that the user can access this control by pressing the character on the keyboard, insert a tilde (<emph>~</emph>) character in front of the character in the label."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2949,8 +2949,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/spropctrlr/ui/labelselectiondialog/LabelSelectionDialog\">Check the <emph>No assignment </emph>box to remove the link between a control and the assigned label field.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"modules/spropctrlr/ui/labelselectiondialog/LabelSelectionDialog\">একটি নিয়ন্ত্রণ এবং নিযুক্ত মোড়ক ক্ষেত্রের মাঝে লিংক তুলে ফেলতে <emph>কোন কাজ নেই </emph> বাক্সে পরীক্ষা করুন।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/spropctrlr/ui/labelselectiondialog/LabelSelectionDialog\">Check the <emph>No assignment</emph> box to remove the link between a control and the assigned label field.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2965,8 +2965,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_WIDTH\" visibility=\"hidden\">Sets the column width in the table control field.</ahelp> Sets the column width in the table control field in the units that are specified in the %PRODUCTNAME module options. If you want, you can enter a value followed by a valid measurement unit, for example, 2 cm."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_WIDTH\" visibility=\"hidden\">সারণি নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্রে কলাম প্রস্থ নিযুক্ত করে।</ahelp> সারণি নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্রে কলাম প্রস্থ এককে নিযুক্ত করে যা %PRODUCTNAME মডিউল অপশনে উল্লেখিত। যদি আপনি চান, আপনি কার্যকর পরিমাপক একক দিয়ে একটি মান সন্নিবেশ করতে পারেন, উদাহরণসরুপ, ২ সেমি।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_WIDTH\" visibility=\"hidden\">Sets the column width in the table control field.</ahelp> Sets the column width in the table control field in the units that are specified in the %PRODUCTNAME module options. If you want, you can enter a value followed by a valid measurement unit, for example, <emph>2 cm</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2997,8 +2997,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_REPEAT_DELAY\">Specifies the delay in milliseconds between repeating events.</ahelp> A repeating event occurs when you click an arrow button or the background of a scrollbar, or one of the record navigation buttons of a Navigation Bar, and you keep the mouse button pressed for some time. You can enter a value followed by a valid time unit, for example, 2 s or 500 ms."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_REPEAT_DELAY\"> ঘটনা পুনরাবৃত্তি করার মধ্যে মিলি সেকেন্ডে বিলম্ব উল্লেখ করে।</ahelp> একটি পুনরাবৃত্ত ঘটনা ঘটায় যখন আপনি একটি তীর বাটন ক্লিক করে অথবা একটি স্ক্রলবারের পটভূমি, অথবা একটি দিকনির্ণয় বাঁধা দেয়ার রেকর্ড দিকনির্ণয় বাটনের এক, এবং আপনি কিছু সময়ের জন্য মাউস বাটন রাখেন চাপ দিন। আপনি উদাহরণ, ২ সে অথবা ৫০০ মিলিসেকেন্ডের জন্য একটি কার্যকর সময় একক,এর দ্বারা একটি মূল্য ঢোকেতে পেরেছিলেন অনুসরণ করেছিলেন।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_REPEAT_DELAY\">Specifies the delay in milliseconds between repeating events.</ahelp> A repeating event occurs when you click an arrow button or the background of a scrollbar, or one of the record navigation buttons of a Navigation bar, and you keep the mouse button pressed for some time. You can enter a value followed by a valid time unit, for example, <emph>2 s</emph> or <emph>500 ms</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3029,8 +3029,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DATEFORMAT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Here, you can determine the format you want for the date readout.</ahelp> With date fields you can determine the format for the date readout."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DATEFORMAT\" visibility=\"hidden\">এখানে আপনি আপনার পছন্দমত তারিখ রিডআউটের জন্য বিন্যাস নির্দেশ করতে পারেন।</ahelp>তারি‌খ ক্ষেত্রের সাথে আপনি তারিখ রিডআউটের জন্য বিন্যাস নির্দেশ করতে পারেন।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DATEFORMAT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Here you can determine the format you want for the date readout.</ahelp> With date fields you can determine the format for the date readout."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3069,16 +3069,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TRISTATE\">Specifies whether a check box can also represent ZERO values of a linked database apart from the TRUE and FALSE values.</ahelp> This function is only available if the database accepts three states: TRUE, FALSE and ZERO."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TRISTATE\"> সত্যি এবং মিথ্যা মান থেকে একটি সংযুক্ত ডাটাবেসের বাইরে একটি পরীক্ষা বাক্স শূন্য মান ও প্রতিনিধিত্ব করে কিনা উল্লেখ করে।</ahelp> এই কাজটি কেবল প্রাপ্তিসাধ্য যদি ডাটাবেস তিন অবস্থা গ্রহণ করে: সত্যি, মিথ্যা এবং শূন্য।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TRISTATE\">Specifies whether a check box can also represent ZERO values of a linked database apart from the TRUE and FALSE values.</ahelp> This function is only available if the database accepts three states: <emph>TRUE</emph>, <emph>FALSE</emph> and <emph>ZERO</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The<emph> Tristate </emph>property is only defined for database forms, not for HTML forms."
-msgstr "<emph> তিন রকম অবস্থা </emph>বৈশিষ্ট্য শুধুমাত্র ডাটাবেস গঠনের জন্য সংজ্ঞায়িত, HTML গঠনের জন্য নয়।"
+msgid "The \"Tristate\" property is only defined for database forms, <emph>not</emph> for HTML forms."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3229,8 +3229,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "A text constant. This position cannot be edited. The character is displayed at the corresponding position of the Literal Mask."
-msgstr "একটি পাঠ্য ধ্রুবক। এই অবস্থানটি সম্পাদনা করা যায়না। অক্ষর মুদ্রণপ্রমাদ মাস্কের সম্পর্কিত অবস্থানে প্রদর্শিত হয়।"
+msgid "A text constant. This position cannot be edited. The character is displayed at the corresponding position of the <emph>Literal Mask</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3245,8 +3245,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The characters a-z and A-Z can be entered. Capital characters are not converted to lowercase characters."
-msgstr "অক্ষর a-z এবং A-Z সন্নিবেশ করা যেতে পারে। বড় হাতের অক্ষর ছোট হাতের অক্ষরে পরিবর্তিত হয়না।"
+msgid "The characters <emph>a-z</emph> and <emph>A-Z</emph> can be entered. Capital characters are not converted to lowercase characters."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3261,8 +3261,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The characters A-Z can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter"
-msgstr "অক্ষর A-Z সন্নিবেশ করা যেতে পারে। যদি একটি ছোট হাতের অক্ষর সন্নিবেশ করা হয়, তবে এটি স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে বড় হাতের অক্ষরে পরিবর্তিত হয়।"
+msgid "The characters <emph>A-Z</emph> can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3277,8 +3277,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The characters a-z, A-Z, and 0-9 can be entered. Capital characters are not converted to lowercase characters."
-msgstr "অক্ষর a-z, A-Z এবং ০-৯ সন্নিবেশ করা যেতে পারে। বড় হাতের অক্ষর ছোট হাতের অক্ষরে পরিবর্তিত হয়না।"
+msgid "The characters <emph>a-z</emph>, <emph>A-Z</emph>, and <emph>0-9</emph> can be entered. Capital characters are not converted to lowercase characters."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3293,8 +3293,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The characters A-Z and 0-9 can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter"
-msgstr "অক্ষর A-Zএবং ০-৯ সন্নিবেশ করা যেতে পারে। যদি একটি ছোট হাতের অক্ষর সন্নিবেশ করা হয়, তবে এটি স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে বড় হাতের অক্ষরে পরিবর্তিত হয়।"
+msgid "The characters <emph>A-Z</emph> and <emph>0-9</emph> can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3309,8 +3309,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Only the characters 0-9 can be entered."
-msgstr "শুধু ০-৯ অক্ষরগুলো সন্নিবেশ করা যাবে।"
+msgid "Only the characters <emph>0-9</emph> can be entered."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3341,8 +3341,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "All printable characters can be entered. If a lowercase letter is used, it is automatically converted to a capital letter."
-msgstr "সকল মুদ্রণযোগ্য অক্ষর সন্নিবেশ করা যেতে পারে। যদি একটি ছোট হাতের অক্ষর সন্নিবেশ করা হয়, তবে এটি স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে বড় হাতের অক্ষরে পরিবর্তিত হয়।"
+msgid "All printable characters can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically converted to a capital letter."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3365,8 +3365,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can have a format check with control fields that accept formatted contents (date, time, and so on). <ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRICTFORMAT\">If the strict format function is activated (Yes), only the allowed characters are accepted.</ahelp> For example, in a date field, only numbers or date delimiters are accepted; all alphabet entries typed with your keyboard are ignored."
-msgstr "আপনার নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্রের সঙ্গে একটি ফরম্যাট পরীক্ষা থাকতে পারে যে অভ্যন্তরস্থ বস্তু গ্রহণ করেন ফরম্যাট করেন (তারিখ, সময়, এবং অন্যান্য)।<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRICTFORMAT\"> যদি নিয়মনিষ্ঠ ফরম্যাট কাজ সক্রিয় করা হয় (হ্যাঁ), কেবল অনুমোদিত অক্ষর গ্রহণ করা হয়।</ahelp> একটি তারিখ ক্ষেত্রে উদাহরণ,এর জন্য, কেবল সংখ্যায় অথবা তারিখ বিভেদক গ্রহণ করা হয়; সমস্ত বর্ণ এন্ট্রি আপনার কীবোর্ডের সঙ্গে টাইপ করা হয়েছিল উপেক্ষা করা হয়েছিল।"
+msgid "You can have a format check with control fields that accept formatted contents (date, time, and so on). <ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRICTFORMAT\">If the strict format function is activated (<emph>Yes</emph>), only the allowed characters are accepted.</ahelp> For example, in a date field, only numbers or date delimiters are accepted; all alphabet entries typed with your keyboard are ignored."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3381,8 +3381,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_FRAME\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the target frame to display the document that is opened by the \"Open document / web page\" action.</ahelp> You can also specify the target frame to display a <emph>URL</emph> that you open when you click a button that has been assigned the Open document or web page action)."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_FRAME\" visibility=\"hidden\"> নথি প্রদর্শন করতে লক্ষ্য ফ্রেম উল্লেখ করে যে এর দ্বারা খোলা হয় \" খোলা নথি / ওয়েব পাতা \" কাজ।</ahelp> আপনি একটি প্রদর্শন করতে লক্ষ্য ফ্রেম ও উল্লেখ করতে পারেন<emph> URL</emph> যে আপনি মুক্ত যখন আপনি একটি বাটন ক্লিক করেন যে খোলা নথি অথবা ওয়েব পাতা কাজ বরাদ্দ করা হয়েছে)।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_FRAME\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the target frame to display the document that is opened by the \"Open document / web page\" action.</ahelp> You can also specify the target frame to display a URL that you open when you click a button that has been assigned to the \"Open document or web page\" action."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3477,8 +3477,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Frame property is relevant for HTML forms, but not for database forms."
-msgstr "ফ্রেম বৈশিষ্ট্যটি HTML গঠনের সাথে সম্পর্কিত, কিন্তু ডাটাভান্ডারের সাথে নয়।"
+msgid "The \"Frame\" property is relevant for HTML forms, but <emph>not</emph> for database forms."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3493,8 +3493,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "An image button has a <emph>Graphics </emph>property. <ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_IMAGE_URL\">The<emph> Graphics</emph> property specifies the graphic's path and file name that you want to have displayed on the button.</ahelp> If you select the graphic file with the <emph>...</emph> button, the path and file name will be automatically included in the text box."
-msgstr "একটি চিত্র বাটনের একটি <emph> চিত্রছবি</emph> বৈশিষ্ট্য রয়েছে।<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_IMAGE_URL\"><emph> চিত্রছবি</emph> বৈশিষ্ট্য গ্রাফিকের রাস্তা এবং ফাইলের নাম উল্লেখ করে যে আপনি বাটনে রাখ প্রদর্শন করতে চান।</ahelp> যদি আপনি এর সঙ্গে গ্রাফিক ফাইল নির্বাচন করেন<emph>...</emph> বাটন, রাস্তা এবং ফাইলের নাম লেখা বাক্সে স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে সন্নিবেশ করা হবে।"
+msgid "An image button has a \"Graphics\" property. <ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_IMAGE_URL\">The \"Graphics\" property specifies the graphic's path and file name that you want to have displayed on the button.</ahelp> If you select the graphic file with the <emph>...</emph> button, the path and file name will be automatically included in the text box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3517,8 +3517,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For URL type buttons, the help text appears as the extended tip instead of the URL address entered under URL."
-msgstr "URL ধরন বোতামের জন্য, সহায়তা পাঠ্যটি URL এর অধীনে URL ঠিকানার পরিবর্তে বর্ধিত পরামর্শে উপস্থিত হয়।"
+msgid "For <emph>URL type</emph> buttons, the help text appears as the extended tip instead of the URL address entered under <emph>URL</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3533,8 +3533,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_HELPURL\">Specifies a batch label in URL spelling which refers to a help document and which can be called with the help of the control field.</ahelp> The help for the control field help can be opened if the focus is positioned on the control field and the user presses F1."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_HELPURL\"> URL বানানে একটি ব্যাচ লেবেল উল্লেখ করে যেটি একটি সাহায্যে উল্লেখ করে নথিতে এবং যেটি নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্রের সাহায্যের সঙ্গে ডাক দে যাবে।</ahelp> নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্র সাহায্যের জন্য সহায়তা খোলা যাবে যদি নির্দিষ্ট করা নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্র এবং ব্যবহারকারী সংবাদপত্র F1 তে অবস্থানে রাখা হয়।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_HELPURL\">Specifies a batch label in URL spelling which refers to a help document and which can be called with the help of the control field.</ahelp> The help for the control field help can be opened if the focus is positioned on the control field and the user presses <emph>F1</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3613,8 +3613,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRINGITEMLIST\" visibility=\"hidden\">Defines the list entries visible in the document. Open this list and type your text. Use Shift+Enter for a new line. With list and combo boxes, you can define the list entries that will be visible in the document. Open the <emph>List entries</emph> field and type your text.</ahelp> Please note the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170100.xhp\" name=\"tips\">tips</link> referring to the keyboard controls."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRINGITEMLIST\" visibility=\"hidden\"> নথিতে দৃশ্যমান এন্ট্রি তালিকা ব্যাখ্যা করে। খোলা এই তালিকাটি এবং আপনার লেখা টাইপ করুন। একটি নতুন লাইনের জন্য Shift+Enter ব্যবহার করুন। তালিকা এবং কম্বো বাক্সের সঙ্গে, আপনি তালিকা এন্ট্রি সংজ্ঞায়িত করতে পারেন যে নথিতে দৃশ্যমান হবেন। খোলা<emph> তালিকা এন্ট্রি</emph> ক্ষেত্র এবং আপনার লেখা টাইপ করুন।</ahelp> দয়া করে নোট<link href=\"text/shared/02/01170100.xhp\" name=\"tips\"> পরামর্শ</link> কীবোর্ড নিয়ন্ত্রণ করেতে উল্লেখ করছে।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_STRINGITEMLIST\" visibility=\"hidden\">Defines the list entries visible in the document. Open this list and type your text. Use <emph>Shift</emph>+<emph>Enter</emph> for a new line. With list and combo boxes, you can define the list entries that will be visible in the document. Open the <emph>List entries</emph> field and type your text.</ahelp> Please note the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170100.xhp\" name=\"tips\">tips</link> referring to the keyboard controls."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3685,8 +3685,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If the control is linked to a database and the text length is to be accepted from the field definition of the database, you must not enter the text length here. The settings are only accepted from the database if the control property was not defined (\"Not Defined\" state)."
-msgstr "যদি নিয়ন্ত্রণ ডাটাবেসে সংযুক্ত থাকে এবং পাঠ্য দৈর্ঘ্য ডাটাবেসের ক্ষেত্র সংজ্ঞা ঢেকে গ্রহণ করা হয়েছে, আপনি অবশ্যই এখানে পাঠ্য দৈর্ঘ্য সন্নিবেশ করাবেন না। যদি নিয়ন্ত্রণ বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী সংজ্ঞায়িত না থাকে (\"সংজ্ঞায়িত নয়\") বিন্যাস কেবল ডাটাবেস থেকে গ্রহণ করা যাবে।"
+msgid "If the control is linked to a database and the text length is to be accepted from the field definition of the database, you <emph>must not</emph> enter the text length here. The settings are only accepted from the database if the control property was not defined (\"Not Defined\" state)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3741,8 +3741,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>rich text control</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>controls;rich text control</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>rich text control</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>controls;rich text control</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>rich text control</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>controls; rich text control</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3757,7 +3757,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Allows you to use line breaks and formatting in a control field, such as a text box or label. To manually enter a line break, press the Enter key. Select \"Multi-line with formatting\" to enter formatted text.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Allows you to use line breaks and formatting in a control field, such as a text box or label. To manually enter a line break, press the <emph>Enter</emph> key. Select \"Multi-line with formatting\" to enter formatted text.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3789,8 +3789,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Displays text on more than one line.</ahelp> Allows you to use line breaks in a text box, so that you can enter more than one line of text. To manually enter a line break, press the Enter key."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">একাধিক সারিতে লেখা প্রদর্শন করে থাকে।</ahelp> লেখা বাক্সে সারির বিরতীর ব্যবহার অনুমোদন করা হয়, যাতে আপনি একাধিক লেখা সন্নিবেশ করাতে পারেন। নিজ হাতে একটি সারি বিরতী সন্নিবেশ করানোর জন্য, Enter কী চাপুন।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Displays text on more than one line.</ahelp> Allows you to use line breaks in a text box, so that you can enter more than one line of text. To manually enter a line break, press <emph>Enter</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3805,7 +3805,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specifies if a Push Button behaves as a Toggle Button. If you set Toggle to \"Yes\", you can switch between the \"selected\" and \"not selected\" control states when you click the button or press the spacebar while the control has the focus. A button in the \"selected\" state appears \"pressed in\".</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specifies if a Push button behaves as a Toggle Button. If you set <emph>Toggle</emph> to \"Yes\", you can switch between the \"selected\" and \"not selected\" control states when you click the button or press the <emph>Spacebar</emph> while the control has the focus. A button in the \"selected\" state appears \"pressed in\".</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3821,8 +3821,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">If you set this option to \"Yes\", the Push Button receives the focus when you click the button.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">যদি আপনি এই অপশনটিকে \"হ্যাঁ\"তে নিযুক্ত করেন, তবে যখন আপনি বোতামটিকে ক্লিক করবেন বোতামটি তখন ফোকাস পাবে।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">If you set this option to \"Yes\", the <emph>Push</emph> button receives the focus when you click the button.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3869,7 +3869,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_BORDERCOLOR\">Specifies the border color for controls that have the Border property set to \"flat\".</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_BORDERCOLOR\">Specifies the border color for controls that have the \"Border\" property set to \"flat\".</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -3965,8 +3965,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAME\" visibility=\"hidden\">On the <emph>Properties</emph> tab page, this option specifies the name for the control field. On the <emph>Form Properties </emph>tab page, this option specifies the name for the form.</ahelp> Each control field and each form has a <emph>Name </emph>property through which it can be identified. The name will appear in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"Form Navigator\">Form Navigator</link> and, using the name, the control field can be referred to from a macro. The default settings already specify a name which is constructed from using the field's label and number."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAME\" visibility=\"hidden\"><emph> বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী</emph> ট্যাব পাতায়, এই অপশনটি নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্রের জন্য নাম উল্লেখ করে। <emph> আকার বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী</emph> ট্যাব পাতায়, এই অপশনটি আকারের জন্য নাম উল্লেখ করে।</ahelp> প্রত্যেক নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্র এবং প্রত্যেক আকারের একটি রয়েছে<emph> নাম</emph>এর মধ্য দিয়ে বৈশিষ্ট্য যেটি এইটি সনাক্ত করা যাবে। নাম আবির্ভূত হবে<link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"Form Navigator\"> আকার দিকনির্দেশকে</link> নাম ব্যবহার করে এবং,, নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্র একটি ম্যাক্রো থেকে উল্লেখ করা যাবে। ডিফল্ট মানসমূহ একটি নাম ইতিমধ্যে উল্লেখ করে যেটি ক্ষেত্রের লেবেল এবং সংখ্যা ব্যবহার করে নির্মান করা হয়।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAME\" visibility=\"hidden\">On the <emph>Properties</emph> tab page, this option specifies the name for the control field. On the <emph>Form Properties</emph> tab page, this option specifies the name for the form.</ahelp> Each control field and each form has a \"Name\" property through which it can be identified. The name will appear in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"Form Navigator\"><emph>Form Navigator</emph></link> and, using the name, the control field can be referred to from a macro. The default settings already specify a name which is constructed from using the field's label and number."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3981,16 +3981,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>controls; grouping</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>groups;of controls</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>forms; grouping controls</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>controls; grouping</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>groups;of controls</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>forms; grouping controls</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>controls; grouping</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>groups; of controls</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>forms; grouping controls</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The name is also used to group different controls that belong together functionally, such as radio buttons. To do so, give the same name to all members of the group: controls with identical names form a group. Grouped controls can be represented visually by using a <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170000.xhp\" name=\"Group Box\">Group Box</link>."
-msgstr "নাম আলাদা নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে গ্রুপবদ্ধ করতে ও ব্যবহার করা হয় যে, যেমন রেডিও বাটন একত্রে ফাংশনালী অন্তর্ভুক্ত হয়। করতে সুতরাং, শ্রেণীর সমস্ত সদসবৃন্দে একই নাম দিন: অনুরূপ নামগুলোর সঙ্গে নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে একটি শ্রেণী সংগঠিত করে। গ্রুপগত নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে একটি ব্যবহার করার মধ্যে দৃশ্যত প্রতিনিধিত্ব করা যাবে<link href=\"text/shared/02/01170000.xhp\" name=\"Group Box\"> গ্রুপ বাক্সে</link>।"
+msgid "The name is also used to group different controls that belong together functionally, such as radio buttons. To do so, give the same name to all members of the group: controls with identical names form a group. Grouped controls can be represented visually by using a <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170000.xhp\" name=\"Group Box\"><emph>Group Box</emph></link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4005,8 +4005,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAVIGATIONBAR\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies whether to display the navigation bar on the lower border of the table control.</ahelp> Specifies whether to display the navigation bar on the lower border of table controls."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAVIGATIONBAR\" visibility=\"hidden\">সারণি নিয়ন্ত্রণে নিম্ন প্রান্তে কোথায় ন্যাভিগেটর বার দেখানো হবে তা উল্লেখ করে।</ahelp>সারণি নিয়ন্ত্রণে নিম্ন প্রান্তে কোথায় ন্যাভিগেটর বার দেখানো হবে তা উল্লেখ করে।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_NAVIGATIONBAR\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies whether to display the <emph>Navigation</emph> bar on the lower border of the table control.</ahelp> Specifies whether to display the <emph>Navigation</emph> bar on the lower border of table controls."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4021,8 +4021,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_READONLY\" visibility=\"hidden\">Determines if the control is read-only (Yes) or if it can be edited (No).</ahelp> The<emph> Read-only </emph>property can be assigned to all controls in which the user can enter text. If you assign the read-only property to an image field which uses graphics from a database, the user will not be able to insert new graphics into the database."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_READONLY\" visibility=\"hidden\"> নির্ধারণ যদি নিয়ন্ত্রণ কেবলমাত্র পাঠযোগ্য (হ্যাঁ) অথবা যদি এইটি সম্পাদনা করা যাবে (কোনও না)।</ahelp><emph> কেবলমাত্র পাঠযোগ্য</emph> বৈশিষ্ট্য তে সমস্ত নিয়ন্ত্রণ করেতে বরাদ্দ করা যাবে যেটি ব্যবহারকারী লেখা ঢোকেতে পারে। যদি আপনি একটি চিত্র ক্ষেত্রে কেবলমাত্র পাঠযোগ্য বৈশিষ্ট্য বরাদ্দ করেন যেটি একটি ডাটাবেস থেকে চিত্রছবি ব্যবহার করেন, ব্যবহারকারী ডাটাবেসের দিকে নতুন চিত্রছবি ভিতরে ঢোকেতে সক্ষম হবেন না।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_READONLY\" visibility=\"hidden\">Determines if the control is read-only (\"Yes\") or if it can be edited (\"No\").</ahelp> The \"Read-only\" property can be assigned to all controls in which the user can enter text. If you assign the read-only property to an image field which uses graphics from a database, the user will not be able to insert new graphics into the database."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4037,8 +4037,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BORDER\" visibility=\"hidden\">Determines if the field's border should be displayed \"Without frame\", with a \"3-D look\" or \"Flat\".</ahelp> With control fields that have a frame, you can determine the border display on the form using the <emph>Border </emph>property. You can select among the \"Without frame\", \"3-D look\" or \"Flat\" options."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BORDER\" visibility=\"hidden\">একটি ক্ষেত্র সীমানা \"ফ্রেম ব্যতীত\", একটি \"3-D দর্শন সহ\" অথবা \"সমতল\" হিসেবে প্রদরশন করার প্রয়োজন কি না সেটি নির্ধারণ করুন।</ahelp>নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্র সহ এট একটি ফ্রেম থাকে, <emph>কিনারা </emph>বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী ব্যবহার করে আপনি ফর্মে প্রদর্শিত কিনারা নির্ধারণ করতে পারেন। আপনি \"ফ্রেম ব্যতীত\", \"3-D দর্শন সহ\" অথবা \"সমতল\" এর মধ্যে নির্বাচন করতে পারেন।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BORDER\" visibility=\"hidden\">Determines if the field's border should be displayed \"Without frame\", with a \"3-D look\" or \"Flat\".</ahelp> With control fields that have a frame, you can determine the border display on the form using the \"Border\" property. You can select among the \"Without frame\", \"3-D look\" or \"Flat\" options."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4053,24 +4053,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABINDEX\">The <emph>Tab order</emph> property determines the order in which the controls are focused in the form when you press the Tab key.</ahelp> In a form that contains more than one control, the focus moves to the next control when you press the Tab key. You can specify the order in which the focus changes with an index under <emph>Tab order</emph>."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABINDEX\"><emph> ট্যাব অর্ডার</emph> বৈশিষ্ট্য তে অর্ডার নির্ধারণ করে যেটি নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে আকারে ফোকাস করা হয় যখন আপনি ট্যাব কী চাপ দিন।</ahelp> একটি আকারে যে এক নিয়ন্ত্রণের চেয়ে আরও বেশি ধারণ করে, পরবর্তী নিয়ন্ত্রণে নির্দিষ্ট করা চাল যখন আপনি ট্যাব কী চাপ দেয়। আপনি এতে অর্ডার উল্লেখ করতে পারেনের অধীনে একটি সূচিপত্রের সঙ্গে যেটি নির্দিষ্ট করা পরিবর্তন<emph> ট্যাব অর্ডার</emph>।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABINDEX\">The \"Tab order\" property determines the order in which the controls are focused in the form when you press the <emph>Tab</emph> key.</ahelp> In a form that contains more than one control, the focus moves to the next control when you press the <emph>Tab</emph> key. You can specify the order in which the focus changes with an index under \"Tab order\"."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Tab order</emph> property is not available to <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"Hidden Controls\">Hidden Controls</link>. If you want, you can also set this property for image buttons and image controls, so that you can select these controls with the Tab key."
-msgstr "<emph> ট্যাব অর্ডার</emph> বৈশিষ্ট্য তে প্রাপ্তিসাধ্য নয়<link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"Hidden Controls\"> আড়াল নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে</link>। যদি আপনি চান, আপনি চিত্র বাটন এবং চিত্র নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে,এর জন্য এই বৈশিষ্ট্যটি ও নিযুক্ত করতে পেরেছিলেন, যাতে করে আপনি ট্যাব কীর সঙ্গে এটি নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে নির্বাচন করতে পারেন।"
+msgid "The \"Tab order\" property is <emph>not</emph> available to <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170600.xhp\" name=\"Hidden Controls\"><emph>Hidden Controls</emph></link>. If you want, you can also set this property for image buttons and image controls, so that you can select these controls with the <emph>Tab</emph> key."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "When creating a form, an index is automatically assigned to the control fields that are added to this form; every control field added is assigned an index increased by 1. If you change the index of a control, the indices of the other controls are updated automatically. Elements that cannot be focused (Tabstop = No) are also assigned a value. However, these controls are skipped when using the Tab key."
-msgstr "যখন তৈরি করছে একটি আকার, একটি সূচিপত্র নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্রে স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে বরাদ্দ করা হয় যে এই আকারটিতে যোগ করা হয়; প্রতি নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্র ১এর মধ্যে একটি সূচিপত্র যোগ করা হয়েছিল বরাদ্দ করা হয়েছিল বৃদ্ধি করা হয়েছিল। যদি আপনি একটি নিয়ন্ত্রণের সূচিপত্র পরিবর্তন করেন, অন্যান্য নিয়ন্ত্রণ করের সূচিপত্র স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে আপডেট করা হয়। উপাদান যে ফোকাস করা যাবে না (Tabstop = নয়) একটি মূল্য ও বরাদ্দ করা হয়। উপরন্তু, এই নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে এড়িয়ে যাওয়া হয় যখন ট্যাব কী ব্যবহার করছে।"
+msgid "When creating a form, an index is automatically assigned to the control fields that are added to this form; every control field added is assigned an index increased by <emph>1</emph>. If you change the index of a control, the indices of the other controls are updated automatically. Elements that cannot be focused (\"Tabstop = No\") are also assigned a value. However, these controls are skipped when using the <emph>Tab</emph> key."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4093,8 +4093,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Sets whether the value changes when the user scrolls a mouse wheel. Never: No change of the value. When focused: (default) The value changes when the control has the focus and the wheel is pointing at the control and gets scrolled. Always: The value changes when the wheel is pointing at the control and gets scrolled, no matter which control has the focus.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">একজন ব্যবহারকারী মাউস স্ক্রল করার সময় মান পরিবর্তন হয় কিনা তা নির্ধারণ করে থাকে। কখনও নয়: মান পরিবর্তন হবে না। ফোকাস করার সময়: (ডিফল্ট) কন্ট্রোলটির ফোকাস থাকার সময় এবং কন্ট্রোল নির্দেশক হুইল এবং স্ক্রল করা হলে মান পরিবর্তীত হবে। সবসময়: কন্ট্রোল নির্দেশক হুইল স্ক্রল করা হলে মান পরিবরতীত হয়ে থাকে, কোন কন্ট্রোলটির ফাকাস রয়েছে তা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ নয়।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Sets whether the value changes when the user scrolls a mouse wheel. <emph>Never:</emph> No change of the value. When <emph>focused:</emph> (default) The value changes when the control has the focus and the wheel is pointing at the control and gets scrolled. <emph>Always:</emph> The value changes when the wheel is pointing at the control and gets scrolled, no matter which control has the focus.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4125,8 +4125,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For grouped option fields, the status of the group corresponding to the default setting is defined by the <emph>Default Status</emph> property."
-msgstr "গ্রুপভূক্ত অপশন ক্ষেত্রের জন্য, দলের অবস্থা যা পূর্বনির্ধারিত সেটিং এর সাথে সম্পর্কিত তা <emph>পূর্বনির্ধারিত অবস্থা</emph> বৈশিষ্ট্য দ্বারা ব্যাখ্যা কৃত।"
+msgid "For grouped option fields, the status of the group corresponding to the default setting is defined by the \"Default Status\" property."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4149,16 +4149,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For a Reset type button, the<emph> Default selection</emph> entry defines the status of the list box if the reset button is activated by the user."
-msgstr "একটি পুনরায় নিযুক্তকরণ টাইপ বোতামের জন্য, <emph> পূর্বনির্ধারিত নির্বাচন</emph> এন্ট্রি তালিকা বাক্সের অবস্থা ব্যাখ্যা করে যদি ব্যবহারকারী দ্বারা পুনরায় নিযুক্তকরণ বোতাম সক্রিয় থাকে।"
+msgid "For a <emph>Reset</emph> type button, the <emph>Default selection</emph> entry defines the status of the list box if the reset button is activated by the user."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "For a List box that contains a value list, you can click the <emph>...</emph> button to open the <emph>Default selection</emph> dialog."
-msgstr "একটি তালিকা বাক্স যা একটি মানের তালিকা ধারণ করে তার জন্য, আপনি <emph>...</emph> বোতাম ক্লিক করতে পারেন <emph>পূর্বনির্ধারিত নির্বাচন</emph> ডায়ালগ খুলতে।"
+msgid "For a <emph>List box</emph> that contains a value list, you can click the <emph>...</emph> button to open the <emph>Default selection</emph> dialog."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4189,8 +4189,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For a Reset type button, the<emph> Default value entry </emph>defines the status of the control if the reset button is activated by the user."
-msgstr "একটি পুনরায় নিযুক্তকরণ টাইপ বোতামের জন্য, <emph> পূর্বনির্ধারিত নির্বাচন</emph> এন্ট্রি তালিকা বাক্সের অবস্থা ব্যাখ্যা করে যদি ব্যবহারকারী দ্বারা পুনরায় নিযুক্তকরণ বোতাম সক্রিয় থাকে।"
+msgid "For a <emph>Reset</emph> type button, the <emph>Default value</emph> entry defines the status of the control if the reset button is activated by the user."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4253,8 +4253,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specify the value to add or subtract when the user clicks the arrow icon on the scrollbar.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">যখন ব্যবহারকারী স্ক্রলবারে তীর আইকনে ক্লিক করে তখন যোগ বা বিয়োগ করার মান উল্লেখ করে।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specify the value to add or subtract when the user clicks the <emph>Arrow</emph> icon on the scrollbar.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4333,8 +4333,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DEFAULT_BUTTON\" visibility=\"hidden\">The<emph> Default button</emph> property specifies that the corresponding button will be operated when you press the Return key.</ahelp> The<emph> Default button</emph> property specifies that the corresponding button will be operated when you press the Return key. If you open the dialog or form and do not carry out any further action, the button with this property is the default button."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DEFAULT_BUTTON\" visibility=\"hidden\"><emph> ডিফল্ট বাটন</emph> বৈশিষ্ট্য উল্লেখ করে যে সংশ্লিষ্ট বাটন পরিচালনা করা হবে যখন আপনি ফেরত কী চাপ দিন।</ahelp><emph> ডিফল্ট বাটন</emph> বৈশিষ্ট্য উল্লেখ করে যে সংশ্লিষ্ট বাটন পরিচালনা করা হবে যখন আপনি ফেরত কী চাপ দিন। যদি আপনি ডায়ালগ অথবা আকার খোলেন এবং যেকোনো আরও ক্রিয়া কি ঘটায় না, এই বৈশিষ্ট্যের সঙ্গে বাটনটি ডিফল্ট বাটন।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DEFAULT_BUTTON\" visibility=\"hidden\">The \"Default button\" property specifies that the corresponding button will be operated when you press the <emph>Return</emph> key.</ahelp> The \"Default button\" property specifies that the corresponding button will be operated when you press the <emph>Return</emph> key. If you open the dialog or form and do not carry out any further action, the button with this property is the default button."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4349,8 +4349,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When using Web page forms, you might come across this property in search masks. These are edit masks that contain a text field and a Submit type button. The search term is entered in the text field and the search is started by activating the button. If the button is defined as the default button, however, simply hit Enter after entering the search term in order to start the search."
-msgstr "ওয়েব পাতা রূপ ব্যবহার করে কখন, আপনি অনুসন্ধান মুখোসে এই বৈশিষ্ট্যটি জুড়ে আসতে পারেন। এইগুলি মুখোস সম্পাদনা করে যে একটি লেখা ক্ষেত্র এবং একটি পেশ করা ধরন বাটন ধারণ করে। অনুসন্ধান শব্দ লেখা ক্ষেত্রে ঢোকাওয়া হয় এবং অনুসন্ধান বাটন সক্রিয় করার মধ্যে শুরু করা হয়। যদি বাটন ডিফল্ট বাটন, হিসেবে উপরন্তু নির্ধারণ করা হয়, অনুসন্ধান শুরু করতে অর্ডারে অনুসন্ধান শব্দ ঢোকার পরে সহজভাবে ঢুকিয়েছিল।"
+msgid "When using Web page forms, you might come across this property in search masks. These are edit masks that contain a text field and a <emph>Submit type</emph> button. The search term is entered in the text field and the search is started by activating the button. If the button is defined as the default button, however, simply hit <emph>Enter</emph> after entering the search term in order to start the search."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4381,8 +4381,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABSTOP\">The <emph>Tabstop </emph>property determines if a control field can be selected with the tab key.</ahelp> The following options are available:"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABSTOP\"> <emph>ট্যাবস্টপ </emph> বৈশিষ্ট্য নির্ধারণ করে যে একটি নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্র ট্যাব কী দিয়ে নির্বাচিত হবে কিনা।</ahelp> নিম্নোক্ত অপশনগুলো প্রাপ্তিসাধ্য:"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TABSTOP\">The \"Tabstop\" property determines if a control field can be selected with the <emph>Tab</emph> key.</ahelp> The following options are available:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4397,8 +4397,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "When using the tab key, focusing skips the control."
-msgstr "যখন ট্যাব কী ব্যবহার করা হয়, তখন নিয়ন্ত্রনে আলোকপাত করা হয়না।"
+msgid "When using the <emph>Tab</emph> key, focusing skips the control."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4413,8 +4413,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The control can be selected with the Tab key."
-msgstr "ট্যাব কী দ্বারা নিয়ন্ত্রণ নির্বাচিত হয়।"
+msgid "The control can be selected with the <emph>Tab</emph> key."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4445,40 +4445,40 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LABEL\" visibility=\"hidden\">The Label property sets the label of the control field that is displayed in the form.</ahelp> The Label property sets the label of the control field that is displayed in the form. This property determines the visible label or the column header of the data field in table control forms."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LABEL\" visibility=\"hidden\"> লেবেল বৈশিষ্ট্য নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্রের লেবেল নিযুক্ত করে যে আকারে প্রদর্শন করা হয়।</ahelp> লেবেল বৈশিষ্ট্য নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্রের লেবেল নিযুক্ত করে যে আকারে প্রদর্শন করা হয়। এই বৈশিষ্ট্যটি দৃশ্যমান লেবেল নির্ধারণ করে অথবা ডাটার কলাম শিরোনাম টেবিল নিয়ন্ত্রণ রূপে ক্ষেত্রে।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LABEL\" visibility=\"hidden\">The \"Label\" property sets the label of the control field that is displayed in the form.</ahelp> The \"Label\" property sets the label of the control field that is displayed in the form. This property determines the visible label or the column header of the data field in table control forms."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you create a new control, the description predefined in the <emph>Name</emph> property is used as the default for labeling the control. The label consists of the control field name and an integer numbering the control (for example, CommandButton1). With the <emph>Title</emph> property, you can assign another description to the control so that the label reflects the function of the control. Change this entry in order to assign an expressive label to the control that is visible to the user."
-msgstr "একটি নতুন নিয়ন্ত্রণ কখন আপনাকে তৈরি করে, বর্ণনা তে পূর্বল্লেখিতেছিল<emph> নাম</emph> বৈশিষ্ট্য নিয়ন্ত্রণ মোড়কের জন্য ডিফল্ট হিসেবে ব্যবহার করা হয়। লেবেল নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্র নাম এবং একটি পূর্ণসংখ্যা ক্রমায়ণ নিয়ন্ত্রণের গঠিত হয় (উদাহরণ, CommandButton1 এর জন্য)। এর সঙ্গে<emph> শিরোনাম</emph> বৈশিষ্ট্য, আপনি নিয়ন্ত্রণে অন্য একটি বর্ণনা বরাদ্দ করতে পারেন সুতরাং যে লেবেল নিয়ন্ত্রণের কাজ প্রতিফলন করেন। নিয়ন্ত্রণে একটি প্রকাশিত লেবেল বরাদ্দ করতে অর্ডারে পরিবর্তন এই এন্ট্রিটি যে ব্যবহারকারীতে দৃশ্যমান।"
+msgid "When you create a new control, the description predefined in the \"Name\" property is used as the default for labeling the control. The label consists of the control field name and an integer numbering the control (for example, CommandButton1). With the \"Title\" property, you can assign another description to the control so that the label reflects the function of the control. Change this entry in order to assign an expressive label to the control that is visible to the user."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>multi-line titles in forms</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>names; multi-line titles</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>controls; multi-line titles</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>multi-line titles in forms</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>names; multi-line titles</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>controls; multi-line titles</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>multi-line titles in forms</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>names; multi-line titles</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>controls; multi-line titles</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "To create a multi-line title, open the combo box using the arrow button. You can enter a line break by pressing Shift+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter."
-msgstr "বহু লাইনের শিরোনাম তৈরি করতে, তীর চিহ্নিত বোতাম ব্যবহার করে কম্বো বাক্স খুলুন। আপনি একটি লাইন ব্রেক দিতে পারেন Shift+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter চেপে।"
+msgid "To create a multi-line title, open the combo box using the <emph>Arrow</emph> button. You can enter a line break by pressing <emph>Shift</emph>+<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Enter</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Title</emph> property is only used for labeling a form element in the interface visible to the user. If you work with macros, note that at runtime, a control is always addressed through the <emph>Name</emph> property."
-msgstr "<emph>শিরোনাম</emph> বৈশিষ্ট্য শুধু কেবল ব্যবহারকারীর নিকট দৃশ্যমান ইন্টারফেসে একটি ফর্ম উপাদান মোড়কের জন্য ব্যবহার করা হয়। যদি আপনি ম্যাক্রো নিয়ে কাজ করেন, তবে রানটাইমে নোট করুন, একটি নিয়ন্ত্রণ সবসময় <emph>নাম</emph> বৈশিষ্ট্য দিয়ে চিহ্নিত করা যায়।"
+msgid "The \"Title\" property is only used for labeling a form element in the interface visible to the user. If you work with macros, note that at runtime, a control is always addressed through the \"Name\" property."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4493,8 +4493,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_URL\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the URL address that opens when you click an \"Open document / web page\" button.</ahelp> Enter the URL address for a Open document or web page button type in the <emph>URL</emph> box. The address opens when you click the button."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_URL\" visibility=\"hidden\"> URL ঠিকানা উল্লেখ করে যে খোলে যখন আপনি একটি ক্লিক করেন \" খোলা নথি / ওয়েব পাতা \" বাটন।</ahelp> এতে একটি খোলা নথি অথবা ওয়েব পাতা বাটন ধরনের জন্য URL ঠিকানা ঢোকান<emph> URL</emph> বাক্স। ঠিকানা খোলে যখন আপনি বাটন ক্লিক করেন।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TARGET_URL\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the URL address that opens when you click an <emph>Open document / web page</emph> button.</ahelp> Enter the URL address for a <emph>Open document or web page</emph> button type in the <emph>URL</emph> box. The address opens when you click the button."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4517,8 +4517,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_CURRENCYSYMBOL\" visibility=\"hidden\">You can enter a character or a string for the currency symbol.</ahelp> In a currency field, you can pre-define the currency symbol by entering the character or string in the <emph>Currency symbol</emph> property."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_CURRENCYSYMBOL\" visibility=\"hidden\">মুদ্রা প্রতীকের জন্য আপনি একটি অক্ষর বা স্ট্রিং সন্নিবেশ করতে পারেন।</ahelp>একটি মুদ্রা ক্ষেত্রে, আপনি <emph>মুদ্রা প্রতীক</emph> বৈশিষ্ট্যে একটি অক্ষর বা স্ট্রিং প্রবেশের মাধ্যমে মুদ্রা প্রতীক পুনঃনির্ধারণ করতে পারেন।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_CURRENCYSYMBOL\" visibility=\"hidden\">You can enter a character or a string for the currency symbol.</ahelp> In a currency field, you can predefine the currency symbol by entering the character or string in the \"Currency symbol\" property."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4549,16 +4549,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ECHO_CHAR\" visibility=\"hidden\">If the text box is used as a password input, enter the ASCII-code of the display character. This character is displayed instead of the characters typed by the user for the password.</ahelp> If the user enters a password, you can determine the characters that will be displayed instead of the characters typed by the user. Under <emph>Password character</emph>, enter the ASCII code of the desired character. You can use the values from 0 to 255."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ECHO_CHAR\" visibility=\"hidden\"> যদি লেখা বাক্স একটি পাসওয়ার্ড ইনপুট হিসেবে ব্যবহার করা হয়, প্রদর্শন করা অক্ষরের ASCII-কোড ঢোকান। এই অক্ষরটি শব্দচাবির জন্য ব্যবহারকারীর দ্বারা অক্ষরের পরিবর্তে প্রদর্শন করা হয় টাইপ করা হয়।</ahelp> যদি ব্যবহারকারী একটি পাসওয়ার্ড ঢোকায়, আপনি অক্ষর নির্ধারণ করতে পারেন যে ব্যবহারকারীর দ্বারা অক্ষরের পরিবর্তে প্রদর্শন করা হবে টাইপ করা হবে। এর অধীনে<emph> পাসওয়ার্ড অক্ষর</emph>, প্রত্যাশিত অক্ষরের অ্যাসকি কোড ঢোকান। আপনি থেকে ২৫৫ থেকে মান ব্যবহার করতে পারেন।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ECHO_CHAR\" visibility=\"hidden\">If the text box is used as a password input, enter the ASCII code of the display character. This character is displayed instead of the characters typed by the user for the password.</ahelp> If the user enters a password, you can determine the characters that will be displayed instead of the characters typed by the user. Under <emph>Password character</emph>, enter the ASCII code of the desired character. You can use the values from <emph>0</emph> to <emph>255</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The characters and their ASCII codes can be seen in the <emph>Special Characters</emph> dialog (Insert - Special Character)."
-msgstr "অক্ষরগুলো এবং এদের ASCII কোড <emph>বিশেষ অক্ষর</emph> ডায়ালগে দেখা যেতে পারে (সন্নিবেশ - বিশেষ অক্ষর)।"
+msgid "The characters and their ASCII codes can be seen in the <emph>Special Characters</emph> dialog (<emph>Insert - Special Character</emph>)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4573,8 +4573,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LITERALMASK\" visibility=\"hidden\">Defines the literal mask. The literal mask contains the initial values and is always visible after downloading a form.</ahelp> With masked fields you can specify a literal mask. A literal mask contains the initial values of a form, and is always visible after downloading a form. Using a character code for the Edit mask, you can determine the entries that the user can type into the masked field."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LITERALMASK\" visibility=\"hidden\"> লিখিত মুখোস ব্যাখ্যা করে। লিখিত মুখোস প্রাথমিক মান ধারণ করে এবং একটি আকার ডাউনলোড করার পরে সবসময় দৃশ্যমান।</ahelp> মুখেসকৃত ক্ষেত্র আপনির সঙ্গে একটি লিখিত মুখোস উল্লেখ করতে পারেন। একটি লিখিত মুখোস একটি আকারের প্রাথমিক মান ধারণ করে, এবং একটি আকার ডাউনলোড করার পরে সবসময় দৃশ্যমান। মুখোসের জন্য একটি অক্ষর কোড ব্যবহার করছে সম্পাদনা করছে, আপনি এন্ট্রি নির্ধারণ করতে পারেন যে ব্যবহারকারী মুখোসকৃত ক্ষেত্রের দিকে টাইপ করতে পারেন।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_LITERALMASK\" visibility=\"hidden\">Defines the literal mask. The literal mask contains the initial values and is always visible after downloading a form.</ahelp> With masked fields you can specify a literal mask. A literal mask contains the initial values of a form, and is always visible after downloading a form. Using a character code for the <emph>Edit</emph> mask, you can determine the entries that the user can type into the masked field."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4613,8 +4613,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ROWHEIGHT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the row height of a table control field.</ahelp> In table controls, enter a value for the row height. If you want, you can enter a value followed by valid measurement unit, for example, 2 cm."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ROWHEIGHT\" visibility=\"hidden\">একটি সারণি নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্রের সারির উচ্চতা উল্লেখ করে।</ahelp>সারণি নিয়ন্ত্রণে, সারি নিয়ন্ত্রণের জন্য একটি মান সন্নিবেশ করুন। যদি আপনি চান, তবে কার্যকর পরিমাপক একক দ্বারা সমর্থিত মান সন্নিবেশ করতে পারেন, উদাহরণসরুপ, ২ সেমি।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_ROWHEIGHT\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the row height of a table control field.</ahelp> In table controls, enter a value for the row height. If you want, you can enter a value followed by valid measurement unit, for example, <emph>2 cm</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4709,7 +4709,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_RECORDACTIONS\">Specifies to show or hide the action items in a selected Navigation Bar control.</ahelp> Action items are the following: Save record, Undo, New record, Delete record, Refresh."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_RECORDACTIONS\">Specifies to show or hide the action items in a selected <emph>Navigation</emph> bar control.</ahelp> Action items are the following: <emph>Save record, Undo, New record, Delete record, Refresh</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4725,7 +4725,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_POSITION\">Specifies to show or hide the positioning items in a selected Navigation Bar control.</ahelp> Positioning items are the following: Record label, Record position, Record count label, Record count."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_POSITION\">Specifies to show or hide the positioning items in a selected <emph>Navigation</emph> bar control.</ahelp> Positioning items are the following: <emph>Record label, Record position, Record count label, Record count</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4741,7 +4741,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_NAVIGATION\">Specifies to show or hide the navigation items in a selected Navigation Bar control.</ahelp> Navigation items are the following: First record, Previous record, Next record, Last record."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_NAVIGATION\">Specifies to show or hide the navigation items in a selected <emph>Navigation</emph> bar control.</ahelp> Navigation items are the following: <emph>First record, Previous record, Next record, Last record</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4749,15 +4749,15 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Filtering / Sorting"
-msgstr "ফিলটার করছে / সাজাচ্ছে"
+msgid "Filtering/Sorting"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_FILTERSORT\">Specifies to show or hide the filtering and sorting items in a selected Navigation Bar control.</ahelp> Filtering and sorting items are the following: Sort ascending, Sort descending, Sort, Automatic filter, Default filter, Apply filter, Reset filter/sort."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_SHOW_FILTERSORT\">Specifies to show or hide the filtering and sorting items in a selected <emph>Navigation</emph> bar control.</ahelp> Filtering and sorting items are the following: <emph>Sort ascending, Sort descending, Sort, Automatic filter, Default filter, Apply filter, Reset filter/sort</emph>."
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4773,7 +4773,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_ICONSIZE\">Specifies whether the icons in a selected Navigation Bar should be small or large.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"EXTENSIONS_HID_PROP_ICONSIZE\">Specifies whether the icons in a selected <emph>Navigation</emph> bar should be small or large.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
@@ -4829,16 +4829,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specifies the size of scrollbar thumb in \"value units\". A value of (\"Scroll value max.\" minus \"Scroll value min.\" ) / 2 would result in a thumb which occupies half of the background area.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specifies the size of scrollbar thumb in \"মান একক\" এ ষ্ক্রলবার থাম্বের আকৃতি উল্লেখ করুন। একটি মান (\"ষ্ক্রল মান সর্ব্বোচ্য\" বিয়োগ \"ষ্ক্রল মান সর্বনিম্ন\" ) / ২ একটি থাম্বে ফলাফল দিবে যা পটভূমি এলাকার অড়্ধেকাংশ জুড়ে থাকবে।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Specifies the size of scrollbar thumb in \"value units\". A value of <emph>(\"Scroll value max.\" minus \"Scroll value min.\" ) / 2</emph> would result in a thumb which occupies half of the background area.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If set to 0, then the thumb's width will equal its height."
-msgstr "যদি ০ তে নিযুক্ত হয়, তবে থাম্বের প্রস্থ এর উচ্চতার সমান হবে।"
+msgid "If set to <emph>0</emph>, then the thumb's width will equal its height."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4885,24 +4885,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The<emph> Data </emph>tab page allows you to assign a data source to the selected control."
-msgstr "<emph> তথ্য </emph>ট্যাব পৃষ্ঠা নির্বাচিত নিয়ন্ত্রণে ডাটাসোর্স নিযুক্তকরণে আপনাকে অনুমোদন করে।"
+msgid "The <emph>Data</emph> tab page allows you to assign a data source to the selected control."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "For forms with database links, the associated database is defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Form Properties\">Form Properties</link>. You will find the functions for this on the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170203.xhp\" name=\"Data\"><emph>Data</emph></link> tab page."
-msgstr "ডাটাবেস সংযুক্তিসহ ফর্মের জন্য, সহযোগী ডাটাবেস <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Form Properties\">ফর্ম বৈশিষ্ট্যে</link> ব্যাখ্যা করে। আপনি এর জন্য <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170203.xhp\" name=\"Data\"><emph>ডাটা</emph></link> ট্যাব পৃষ্ঠায় ফাংশন খুঁজে পাবেন।"
+msgid "For forms with database links, the associated database is defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Form Properties\"><emph>Form Properties</emph></link>. You will find the functions for this on the <link href=\"text/shared/02/01170203.xhp\" name=\"Data\"><emph>Data</emph></link> tab page."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The possible settings of the <emph>Data</emph> tab page of a control depend on the respective control. You will only see the options that are available for the current control and context. The following fields are available:"
-msgstr "একটি নিয়ন্ত্রণের<emph>ডাটা</emph> ট্যাব পৃষ্ঠার সম্ভাব্য সেটিং এর সম্পর্কিত নিয়ন্ত্রণের উপর নির্ভর করে। আপনি কেবলমাত্র বর্তমান নিয়ন্ত্রণ এবং প্রসঙ্গের জন্য প্রাপ্তিসাধ্য অপশনগুলো দেখতে পাবেন। নিম্নোক্ত ক্ষেত্রগুলো পাওয়া যায়:"
+msgid "The possible settings of the <emph>Data</emph> tab page of a control depend on the respective control. You will only see the options that are available for the current control and context.<br/>The following fields are available:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4917,8 +4917,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Check boxes and radio buttons in spreadsheets can be bound to cells in the current document. If the control is enabled, the value you enter in Reference value (on) is copied to the cell. If the control is disabled, the value from Reference value (off) is copied to the cell.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">পরীক্ষন বাক্স এবং স্প্রেডশীটের রেডিও বোতাম বর্তমান নথির কক্ষে পরিসর করা যাবে। যদি নিয়ন্ত্রণ সক্রিয় করা থাকে, রেফারেন্স মান এ আপনি যেই মান (চালু করুন) সন্নিবেশ করিয়েছেন তা কক্ষে অনুলিপি করা হবে। যদি নিয়ন্ত্রণ নিষ্ক্রিয় করা থাকে, রেফারেন্স মান (বন্ধ করুন) এর মান কক্ষে অনুলিপি করা হবে।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Check boxes and radio buttons in spreadsheets can be bound to cells in the current document. If the control is enabled, the value you enter in <emph>Reference value (on)</emph> is copied to the cell. If the control is disabled, the value from <emph>Reference value (off)</emph> is copied to the cell.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5645,16 +5645,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_EMPTY_IS_NULL\">Defines how an empty string input should be handled. If set to Yes, an input string of length zero will be treated as a value NULL. If set to No, any input will be treated as-is without any conversion.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_EMPTY_IS_NULL\">কিভাবে একটি খালি স্ট্রিং ইনপুট নিয়ন্ত্রণ করা হবে তা নির্ধারণ করে। যদি হ্যাঁ নিযুক্ত করা হয়, তবে শূন্য মানের একটি ইনপুট স্ট্রিং কে NULL মান হিসেবে গন্য করা হয়। যদি না নিযুক্ত করা হয়, তবে ইনপুটটিকে কোন রকম পরিবর্তন ছাড়াই গন্য করা হয়।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_EMPTY_IS_NULL\">Defines how an empty string input should be handled. If set to \"Yes\", an input string of length zero will be treated as a value NULL. If set to \"No\", any input will be treated as-is without any conversion.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "An empty string is a string of length zero (\"\"). Normally, a value NULL is not the same as an empty string. In general, a term NULL is used to denote an undefined value, an unknown value, or \"no value has been entered yet.\""
-msgstr "একটি খালি স্ট্রিং হল শূন্য মানের স্ট্রিং (\"\")। স্বাভাবিকভাবে, একটি NULL মান একটি খালি স্ট্রিং মানের অনুরূপ নয়। সাধারণভাবে, NULL টার্মটি একটি অনির্ধারিত মান, অজানা মান, বা \"এখনও কোন মান সন্নিবেশ করানো হয়নি\" এমন মান নির্দেশ করতে ব্যবহার করা হয়।"
+msgid "An empty string is a string of length zero (<emph>\"\"</emph>). Normally, a value NULL is not the same as an empty string. In general, a term NULL is used to denote an undefined value, an unknown value, or \"no value has been entered yet.\""
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5677,8 +5677,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"filtervorschlag\"><ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_FILTERPROPOSAL\">While designing your form, you can set the \"Filter proposal\" property for each text box in the <emph>Data</emph> tab of the corresponding <emph>Properties</emph> dialog. In subsequent searches in the filter mode, you can select from all information contained in these fields.</ahelp> The field content can then be selected using the AutoComplete function. Note, however, that this function requires a greater amount of memory space and time, especially when used in large databases and should therefore be used sparingly. </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"filtervorschlag\"><ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_FILTERPROPOSAL\"> আপনার আকার পরিকল্পনা করার সময়, আপনি নিযুক্ত করতে পারে \" পরিশোধক প্রস্তাবে \"তে প্রত্যেক লেখা বাক্সের জন্য বৈশিষ্ট্য<emph> ডাটা</emph> সংশ্লিষ্টের ট্যাব<emph> বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী</emph> ডায়ালগ। পরিশোধক মোডে পরবর্তী অনুসন্ধানে, আপনি এই ক্ষেত্রে সমস্ত তথ্য থেকে নির্বাচন করতে পেরেছিলেন ধারণ করেছিলেন।</ahelp> ক্ষেত্র ভিতরের উপাদান তারপর AutoComplete কাজ নির্বাচন কর ব্যবহার করা হচ্ছে। নোট,, উপরন্তু যে এই কাজটি মেমরি স্থান এবং সময়ের একটি বৃহত্তর পরিমাণ প্রয়োজন বোধ করে, বিশেষভাবে যখন বড় ডাটাবেসে ব্যবহার করেছিল এবং এর অতএব ব্রাত্যভাবে ব্যবহার করা উচিত।</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"filtervorschlag\"><ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_FILTERPROPOSAL\">While designing your form, you can set the \"Filter proposal\" property for each text box in the <emph>Data</emph> tab of the corresponding <emph>Properties</emph> dialog. In subsequent searches in the filter mode, you can select from all information contained in these fields.</ahelp> The field content can then be selected using the <emph>AutoComplete</emph> function. Note, however, that this function requires a greater amount of memory space and time, especially when used in large databases and should therefore be used sparingly.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5725,72 +5725,72 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the check box"
-msgstr "পরীক্ষা বাক্স নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Select the check box:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "TRUE is entered into the linked cell"
-msgstr "লিংককৃত ঘরে সত্য সন্নিবেশ করা হয়েছে"
+msgid "TRUE is entered into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Deselect the check box"
-msgstr "পরীক্ষা বাক্সকে অনির্বাচিত করুন"
+msgid "Deselect the check box:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "FALSE is entered into the linked cell"
-msgstr "লিংককৃত ঘরে মিথ্যা সন্নিবেশ করা হয়েছে"
+msgid "FALSE is entered into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Tri-state check box is set to \"undetermined\" state"
-msgstr "ত্রি-অবস্থার পরীক্ষা বাক্স \"অনির্ধারিত\" অবস্থায় নিযুক্ত হয়"
+msgid "Tri-state check box is set to \"undetermined\" state:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "#NV is entered into the linked cell"
-msgstr "#NV লিংককৃত ঘরে সন্নিবেশ করা হয়েছে"
+msgid "#NV is entered into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell"
-msgstr "এমন একটি নাম্বার বা সূত্র সন্নিবেশ করুন যা লিংককৃত ঘরে ফিরিয়ে দেয়"
+msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If entered value is TRUE or not 0: Check box is selected<br/>If entered value is FALSE or 0: Check box is deselected"
-msgstr "যদি প্রবেশিত মান TRUE বা 0 না হয়: পরীক্ষা বাক্স নির্বাচিত হয়<br/>যদি প্রবেশিত মান FALSE বা 0: পরীক্ষা বাক্স অনির্বাচিত"
+msgid "If entered value is TRUE or not 0: Check box is selected.<br/>If entered value is FALSE or 0: Check box is deselected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error"
-msgstr "একটি লিংককৃত ঘর মুছে ফেলুন, বা একটি পাঠ্য সন্নিবেশ করুন, বা একটি সূত্র সন্নিবেশ করুন যা একটি পাঠ্য বা ত্রুটি ফিরিয়ে দেয়"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5805,24 +5805,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the box. The Reference value box contains text."
-msgstr "বাক্সটি নির্বাচন করুন। প্রসঙ্গ মানের বাক্স টেক্সট ধারণ করে।"
+msgid "Select the box. The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The text from the Reference value box is copied to the cell."
-msgstr "প্রসঙ্গ মানের বাক্স হতে সব ঘরে টেক্সট অনুলিপি করা হয়েছে।"
+msgid "The text from the <emph>Reference value</emph> box is copied to the cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Deselect the box. The Reference value box contains text."
-msgstr "বাক্সটিকে তালিকা হতে বাদ দিন। প্রসঙ্গ মান বাক্স টেক্সট ধারণ করে।"
+msgid "Deselect the box. The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5837,8 +5837,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Reference value box contains text. Enter the same text into the cell."
-msgstr "প্রসঙ্গ মান বাক্স টেক্সট ধারণ করে। ঘরে একই টেক্সট সন্নিবেশ করুন।"
+msgid "The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text. Enter the same text into the cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5853,8 +5853,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Reference value box contains text. Enter another text into the cell."
-msgstr "প্রসঙ্গ মান বাক্স টেক্সট ধারণ করে। ঘরে আরেকটি টেক্সট সন্নিবেশ করুন।"
+msgid "The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text. Enter another text into the cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5893,88 +5893,88 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the option button"
-msgstr "অপশন বোতাম নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Select the option button:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "TRUE is entered into the linked cell"
-msgstr "লিংককৃত ঘরে সত্য সন্নিবেশ করা হয়েছে"
+msgid "TRUE is entered into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Option button is deselected by selecting another option button"
-msgstr "অন্য"
+msgid "Option button is deselected by selecting another option button:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "FALSE is entered into the linked cell"
-msgstr "লিংককৃত ঘরে মিথ্যা সন্নিবেশ করা হয়েছে"
+msgid "FALSE is entered into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell"
-msgstr "এমন একটি নাম্বার বা সূত্র সন্নিবেশ করুন যা লিংককৃত ঘরে ফিরিয়ে দেয়"
+msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If entered value is TRUE or not 0: Option button is selected<br/>If entered value is FALSE or 0: Option button is deselected"
-msgstr "যদি প্রবেশিত মান TRUE বা 0 না হয়: অপশন বোতাম নির্বাচিত হবে<br/>যদি প্রবেশিত মান FALSE বা 0 হয়: অপশন বোতাম অনির্বাচিত হবে"
+msgid "If entered value is TRUE or not 0: Option button is selected.<br/>If entered value is FALSE or 0: Option button is deselected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error"
-msgstr "একটি লিংককৃত ঘর মুছে ফেলুন, বা একটি পাঠ্য সন্নিবেশ করুন, বা একটি সূত্র সন্নিবেশ করুন যা একটি পাঠ্য বা ত্রুটি ফিরিয়ে দেয়"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Option button is deselected"
-msgstr "অপশন বোতামকে অনির্বাচিত করা হয়েছে"
+msgid "Option button is deselected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click the option button. The Reference value box contains text."
-msgstr "অপশন বোতাম ক্লিক করুন। প্রসঙ্গ মান বাক্স টেক্সট ধারণ করে।"
+msgid "Click the option button. The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The text from the Reference value box is copied to the cell."
-msgstr "প্রসঙ্গ মানের বাক্স হতে সব ঘরে টেক্সট অনুলিপি করা হয়েছে।"
+msgid "The text from the <emph>Reference value</emph> box is copied to the cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click another option button of the same group. The Reference value box contains text."
-msgstr "একই দলের অন্যএকটি অপশন বোতামে ক্লিক করুন। রেফারেন্স মানের বাক্স পাঠ্য ধারণ করে।"
+msgid "Click another option button of the same group. The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5989,8 +5989,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Reference value box contains text. Enter the same text into the cell."
-msgstr "প্রসঙ্গ মান বাক্স টেক্সট ধারণ করে। ঘরে একই টেক্সট সন্নিবেশ করুন।"
+msgid "The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text. Enter the same text into the cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6005,8 +6005,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Reference value box contains text. Enter another text into the cell."
-msgstr "প্রসঙ্গ মান বাক্স টেক্সট ধারণ করে। ঘরে আরেকটি টেক্সট সন্নিবেশ করুন।"
+msgid "The <emph>Reference value</emph> box contains text. Enter another text into the cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6045,80 +6045,80 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter text into the text box"
-msgstr "টেক্সট বাক্সে টেক্সট সন্নিবেশ করুন"
+msgid "Enter text into the text box:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Text is copied into the linked cell"
-msgstr "লিংককৃত ঘরে টেক্সট অনুলিপি করা হয়েছে"
+msgid "Text is copied into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the text box"
-msgstr "টেক্সট বাক্স পরিস্কার করুন"
+msgid "Clear the text box:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked cell is cleared"
-msgstr "লিংককৃত ঘর পরিস্কার করুন"
+msgid "Linked cell is cleared."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter text or a number in the linked cell"
-msgstr "লিংককৃত ঘরে টেক্সট বা সংখ্যা সন্নিবেশ করুন"
+msgid "Enter text or a number in the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Text or number is copied into the text box"
-msgstr "টেক্সট বাক্সে টেক্সট বা সংখ্যা অনুলিপি করা হয়েছে"
+msgid "Text or number is copied into the text box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell"
-msgstr "লিংককৃত ঘরে একটি সূত্র সন্নিবেশ করুন"
+msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Formula result is copied into the text box"
-msgstr "টেক্সট বাক্সে সূত্র ফলাফল অনুলিপি করা হয়েছে"
+msgid "Formula result is copied into the text box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell"
-msgstr "লিংককৃত ঘর পরিস্কার করুন"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Text box is cleared"
-msgstr "টেক্সট বাক্স পরিস্কার করা হয়েছে"
+msgid "Text box is cleared."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6149,64 +6149,64 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a number into the field"
-msgstr "ক্ষেত্রে একটি সংখ্যা সন্নিবেশ করুন"
+msgid "Enter a number into the field:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Number is copied into the linked cell"
-msgstr "লিংককৃত ঘরে সংখ্যা অনুলিপি করা হয়েছে"
+msgid "Number is copied into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the field"
-msgstr "ক্ষেত্র পরিস্কার করুন"
+msgid "Clear the field:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Value 0 is set in the linked cell"
-msgstr "লিংককৃত ঘরে ০ মান নিযুক্ত করা হয়েছে"
+msgid "Value <emph>0</emph> is set in the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell"
-msgstr "এমন একটি নাম্বার বা সূত্র সন্নিবেশ করুন যা লিংককৃত ঘরে ফিরিয়ে দেয়"
+msgid "Enter a number or a formula that returns a number in the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Number is copied into the field"
-msgstr "ক্ষেত্রে সংখ্যা অনুলিপি করা হয়েছে"
+msgid "Number is copied into the field."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error"
-msgstr "একটি লিংককৃত ঘর মুছে ফেলুন, বা একটি পাঠ্য সন্নিবেশ করুন, বা একটি সূত্র সন্নিবেশ করুন যা একটি পাঠ্য বা ত্রুটি ফিরিয়ে দেয়"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns text or an error:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Value 0 is set in the field"
-msgstr "ক্ষেত্রে ০ মান নিযুক্ত করা হয়েছে"
+msgid "Value <emph>0</emph> is set in the field."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6229,16 +6229,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked contents: Synchronize the text contents of the selected list box entry with the cell contents."
-msgstr "লিংককৃত উপাদান: নির্বাচিত তালিকা বাক্স এন্ট্রি ঘর সহ পাঠ্য উপাদান সমকালীন করুন।"
+msgid "<emph>Linked contents:</emph> Synchronize the text contents of the selected list box entry with the cell contents."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked selection position: The position of the single selected item in the list box is synchronized with the numerical value in the cell."
-msgstr "সংযুক্ত নির্বাচন অবস্থান: তালিকা বাক্সে একটি নির্বাচিত আইটেমের অবস্থান, ঘরের সংখ্যা অনুসারে পরিবর্তিত হবে।"
+msgid "<emph>Linked selection position:</emph> The position of the single selected item in the list box is synchronized with the numerical value in the cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6261,8 +6261,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select a single list item"
-msgstr "একটি একক উপকরণ তালিকা নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Select a single list item:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6277,112 +6277,112 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Selection is linked: Position of the selected item is copied into the linked cell. For example, if the third item is selected, the number 3 will be copied."
-msgstr "সংযুক্ত নির্বাচন: নির্বাচিত আইটেমের অবস্থান একটি সংযুক্ত ঘরে অনুলিপি করা হয়েছে। উদাহরণসরুপ, যদি তৃতীয় আইটেম নির্বাচিত হয়, তবে ৩ অনুলিপি করা হবে।"
+msgid "Selection is linked: Position of the selected item is copied into the linked cell.<br/>For example, if the third item is selected, the number <emph>3</emph> will be copied."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select several list items"
-msgstr "একাধিক উপকরণ তালিকা নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Select several list items:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "#NV is entered into the linked cell"
-msgstr "#NV লিংককৃত ঘরে সন্নিবেশ করা হয়েছে"
+msgid "#NV is entered into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Deselect all list items"
-msgstr "সব উপকরণ তালিকা হতে বাদ দিন"
+msgid "Deselect all list items:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Contents are linked: Linked cell is cleared"
-msgstr "উপকরণগুলো লিংককৃত: লিংককৃত ঘর মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে"
+msgid "Contents are linked: Linked cell is cleared."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Selection is linked: Value 0 is entered in the linked cell"
-msgstr "নির্বাচন লিংককৃত: লিংককৃত ঘরে ০ মান সন্নিবেশ করা হয়েছে"
+msgid "Selection is linked: Value <emph>0</emph> is entered in the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter text or a number into the linked cell"
-msgstr "লিংককৃত ঘরে সংখ্যা বা টেক্সট সন্নিবেশ করা হয়েছে"
+msgid "Enter text or a number into the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Contents are linked: Find and select an equal list item"
-msgstr "উপকরণ লিংককৃত: একটি সমান উপকরণ তালিকা খুঁজুন এবং নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Contents are linked: Find and select an equal list item."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Selection is linked: The list item at the specified position (starting with 1 for the first item) is selected. If not found, all items are deselected."
-msgstr "সংযুক্ত নির্বাচন: উল্লেখিত অবস্থানে (প্রথম আইটেম ১ দিয়ে শুরু হয়) তালিকা আইটেম নির্বাচিত হয়েছে। যদি না পাওয়া যায়, তবে সব আইটেম অনির্বাচিত হয়ে যায়।"
+msgid "Selection is linked: The list item at the specified position (starting with <emph>1</emph> for the first item) is selected. If not found, all items are deselected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell"
-msgstr "লিংককৃত ঘরে একটি সূত্র সন্নিবেশ করুন"
+msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Find and select a list item that matches the formula result and link mode"
-msgstr "একটি আইটেম তালিকা অনুসন্ধান করে এবং নির্বাচন করে যা সূত্র ফলাফল এবং লিংক মোডের সাথে মিলে।"
+msgid "Find and select a list item that matches the formula result and link mode."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell"
-msgstr "লিংককৃত ঘর পরিস্কার করুন"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Deselect all items in the list box"
-msgstr "তালিকা বাক্স হতে সব উপকরণ বাতিল করুন"
+msgid "Deselect all items in the list box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Change the contents of the list source range"
-msgstr "উৎস পরিসরের তালিকার উপাদান পরিবর্তন করুন"
+msgid "Change the contents of the list source range:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6421,88 +6421,88 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter text into the edit field of the combo box, or select an entry from the drop-down list"
-msgstr "কম্বো বাক্সের সম্পাদনা ক্ষেত্রে একটি পাঠ্য সন্নিবেশ করুন, বা নিম্ন-প্রসারণ তালিকা হতে একটি এন্ট্রি নির্বাচন করুন"
+msgid "Enter text into the edit field of the combo box, or select an entry from the drop-down list:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Text is copied into the linked cell"
-msgstr "লিংককৃত ঘরে টেক্সট অনুলিপি করা হয়েছে"
+msgid "Text is copied into the linked cell."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the edit field of the combo box"
-msgstr "কম্বো বাক্সের সম্পাদনা ক্ষেত্র মুছে ফেলুন"
+msgid "Clear the edit field of the combo box:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked cell is cleared"
-msgstr "লিংককৃত ঘর পরিস্কার করুন"
+msgid "Linked cell is cleared."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter text or a number into the linked cell"
-msgstr "লিংককৃত ঘরে সংখ্যা বা টেক্সট সন্নিবেশ করা হয়েছে"
+msgid "Enter text or a number into the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Text or number is copied into the edit field of the combo box"
-msgstr "কম্বো বাক্সের সম্পাদনা ক্ষেত্রে টেক্সট বা সংখ্যা অনুলিপি করা হয়েছে"
+msgid "Text or number is copied into the edit field of the combo box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell"
-msgstr "লিংককৃত ঘরে একটি সূত্র সন্নিবেশ করুন"
+msgid "Enter a formula into the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Formula result is copied into the edit field of the combo box"
-msgstr "কম্বো বাক্সের সম্পাদনা ক্ষেত্রে সূত্র ফলাফল অনুলিপি করা হয়েছে"
+msgid "Formula result is copied into the edit field of the combo box."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear the linked cell"
-msgstr "লিংককৃত ঘর পরিস্কার করুন"
+msgid "Clear the linked cell:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Edit field of the combo box is cleared"
-msgstr "কম্বো বাক্সের সম্পাদনা ক্ষেত্র মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে"
+msgid "Edit field of the combo box is cleared."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Change the contents of the list source range"
-msgstr "উৎস পরিসরের তালিকার উপাদান পরিবর্তন করুন"
+msgid "Change the contents of the list source range:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6533,16 +6533,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked contents: Synchronize the text contents of the selected list box entry with the cell contents. Select \"The selected entry\""
-msgstr "সংযুক্ত উপকরণ: নির্বাচিত তালিকা বাক্স এন্ট্রির পাঠ্য উপকরণ অনুসারে ঘর উপকরণ পরিবর্তন করুন। \"নির্বাচিত এন্ট্রি\" নির্বাচন করুন।"
+msgid "<emph>Linked contents:</emph> Synchronize the text contents of the selected list box entry with the cell contents. Select \"The selected entry\"."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Linked selection position: The position of the single selected item in the list box is synchronized with the numerical value in the cell. Select \"Position of the selected entry\""
-msgstr "সংযুক্ত নির্বাচন অবস্থান: তালিকা বাক্সে একটি নির্বাচিত আইটেমের অবস্থান, ঘরের সংখ্যা অনুসারে পরিবর্তিত হবে। \"নির্বাচিত এন্ট্রির অবস্থান\" নির্বাচন করুন।"
+msgid "<emph>Linked selection position:</emph> The position of the single selected item in the list box is synchronized with the numerical value in the cell. Select \"Position of the selected entry\"."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6573,8 +6573,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>controls; events</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>events; controls</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>macros; assigning to events in forms</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>controls; events</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>events; controls</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>macros; assigning to events in forms</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>controls; events</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>events; controls</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>macros; assigning to events in forms</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6589,15 +6589,15 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "On the<emph> Events </emph>tab page you can link macros to events that occur in a form's control fields."
-msgstr "<emph> ইভেন্ট </emph>ট্যাব পৃষ্ঠায় আপনি ফরম নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্রে ঘটিত ম্যাক্রোকে ইভেন্টের সাথে সংযুক্ত করতে পারেন।"
+msgid "On the <emph>Events</emph> tab page you can link macros to events that occur in a form's control fields."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "When the event occurs, the linked macro will be called. To assign a macro to an event, press the <emph>...</emph> button. The <link href=\"text/shared/01/06140500.xhp\" name=\"Assign Action\">Assign Action</link> dialog opens."
+msgid "When the event occurs, the linked macro will be called. To assign a macro to an event, press the <emph>...</emph> button. The <link href=\"text/shared/01/06140500.xhp\" name=\"Assign Action\"><emph>Assign Action</emph></link> dialog opens."
msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
@@ -6605,8 +6605,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Depending on the control, different events are available. Only the available events for the selected control and context are listed on the <emph>Events</emph> tab page. The following events are defined:"
-msgstr "নিয়ন্ত্রনের উপর নির্ভর করে, বিভিন্ন্য ঘটনা বিদ্যমান। শুধুমাত্র নির্বাচিত নিয়ন্ত্রণ এবং বিষযবস্তুর ইভেন্ট <emph>ইভেন্ট</emph> ট্যাব পৃষ্ঠায় তালিকাভূক্ত করা হবে। নিম্নোক্ত ঘটনা নির্ধারণ করা হবে:"
+msgid "Depending on the control, different events are available. Only the available events for the selected control and context are listed on the <emph>Events</emph> tab page.<br/>The following events are defined:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6621,8 +6621,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_APPROVEACTIONPERFORMED\">This event takes place before an action is triggered by clicking the control.</ahelp> For example, clicking a \"Submit\" button initiates a send action; however, the actual \"send\" process is started only when the <emph>When initiating</emph> event occurs. The <emph>Approve action</emph> event allows you to kill the process. If the linked method sends back FALSE, <emph>When initiating</emph> will not be executed."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_APPROVEACTIONPERFORMED\">একটি কন্ট্রোল ক্লিক করার মাধ্যমে একটি ক্রিয়া ট্রিগার করার পূর্বে এই ইভেন্টটি সংঘটিত হয়।</ahelp> যেমন, \"জমা প্রদান\"বোতামটি ক্লিক করার মাধ্যমে প্রেরনের কাজটি শুরু করা হয়; যদিও, পকৃত \"প্রেরণ\" প্রক্রিয়াটি <emph>শুরু করার সময়</emph> ইভেন্ট সংঘটনের সময় শুরু হয়ে থাকে। <emph>ক্রিয়া সমর্থন</emph> ইভেন্টের মাধ্যমে প্রক্রিয়াটি কিল করা যাবে। যদি সংযুক্ত প্রক্রিয়াটি FALSE ফেরত পাঠায়, তাহলে <emph>শুরু করার সময়</emph> চলবে না।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_APPROVEACTIONPERFORMED\">This event takes place before an action is triggered by clicking the control.</ahelp> For example, clicking a \"<emph>Submit</emph>\" button initiates a send action; however, the actual \"send\" process is started only when the <emph>When initiating</emph> event occurs. The <emph>Approve action</emph> event allows you to kill the process. If the linked method sends back FALSE, <emph>When initiating</emph> will not be executed."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6637,8 +6637,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_ACTIONPERFORMED\">The <emph>Execute action</emph> event occurs when an action is started.</ahelp> For example, if you have a \"Submit\" button in your form, the send process represents the action to be initiated."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_ACTIONPERFORMED\">একটি ক্রিয়া শুরু হলে <emph>ক্রিয়া চালানো</emph> ইভেন্টটি সংঘটিত হয়ে থাকে।</ahelp>যেমন, যদি আপনার পরমে একটি \"জমা প্রদান\" বোতাম থাকে, তাহলে প্রেরণ প্রক্রিয়াটির মাধ্যমে শুরু করা হবে এমন কাজ নির্দেশ করা হবে।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_ACTIONPERFORMED\">The <emph>Execute action</emph> event occurs when an action is started.</ahelp> For example, if you have a \"<emph>Submit</emph>\" button in your form, the send process represents the action to be initiated."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6653,8 +6653,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_CHANGED\">The<emph> Changed </emph>event takes place when the control loses the focus and the content of the control has changed since it lost the focus.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_CHANGED\">যখন নিয়ন্ত্রণ ফোকাস হারিয়ে ফেলবে তখন<emph> পরিবর্তীত </emph> ইভেন্ট সংঘঠিত হবে এবং নিযন্ত্রনের বিষয়বস্তু পরিবর্তীত হবে যেহুতু এটি ফোকাস হারিয়ে ফেলেছে।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_CHANGED\">The <emph>Changed</emph> event takes place when the control loses the focus and the content of the control has changed since it lost the focus.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6669,8 +6669,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_TEXTCHANGED\">The<emph> Text modified </emph>event takes place if you enter or modify a text in an input field.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_TEXTCHANGED\"><emph> পাঠ্য পরিবর্তন </emph>অনুষ্ঠান তখনই ঘটে যখন আপনি একটি ইনপুট ক্ষেত্রে একটি পাঠ্য সন্নিবেশ করেন বা পরিবর্তন করেন।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_TEXTCHANGED\">The <emph>Text modified</emph> event takes place if you enter or modify a text in an input field.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6685,7 +6685,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_ITEMSTATECHANGED\" visibility=\"hidden\">The<emph> Item status changed </emph>event takes place if the status of the control field has changed.</ahelp> The<emph> Item status changed</emph> event takes place if the status of the control field has changed."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_ITEMSTATECHANGED\" visibility=\"hidden\">The <emph>Item status changed</emph> event takes place if the status of the control field has changed.</ahelp> The <emph>Item status changed</emph> event takes place if the status of the control field has changed."
msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
@@ -6701,8 +6701,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_FOCUSGAINED\">The<emph> When receiving focus </emph>event takes place if a control field receives the focus.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_FOCUSGAINED\"><emph> যখন ফোকাস গ্রহণ করছে </emph>যদি একটি নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্র ফোকাস গ্রহণ করে তবে একটি অনুষ্ঠান সংঘটিত হয়।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_FOCUSGAINED\">The <emph>When receiving focus</emph> event takes place if a control field receives the focus.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6733,8 +6733,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYTYPED\">The <emph>Key pressed </emph>event occurs when the user presses any key while the control has the focus.</ahelp> This event may be linked to a macro for checking entries."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYTYPED\"> <emph>কী চাপা হয়েছে </emph>নিয়ন্ত্রণের ফোকাস থাকা অবস্থায় ব্যবহারকারী যেকোনো কী চাপলে অনুষ্ঠান সংঘটিত হয়।</ahelp> এই অনুষ্ঠানটি এন্ট্রি পরীক্ষা করার জন্য একটি ম্যাক্রোর সাথে যুক্ত থাকতে পারে।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYTYPED\">The <emph>Key pressed</emph> event occurs when the user presses any key while the control has the focus.</ahelp> This event may be linked to a macro for checking entries."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6749,8 +6749,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYUP\">The<emph> Key released </emph>event occurs when the user releases any key while the control has the focus.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYUP\"> <emph>কী ছেড়ে দেয়া হয়েছে </emph>নিয়ন্ত্রণের ফোকাস থাকা অবস্থায় ব্যবহারকারী যেকোনো কী ছেড়ে দিলে অনুষ্ঠান সংঘটিত হয়।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYUP\">The <emph>Key released</emph> event occurs when the user releases any key while the control has the focus.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6765,8 +6765,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEENTERED\">The<emph> Mouse inside </emph>event takes place if the mouse is inside the control field.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEENTERED\"><emph> মাউস ভিতরে </emph>যদি মাউস নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্রের ভিতরে থাকে তবে অনুষ্ঠান সংঘটিত হয়।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEENTERED\">The <emph>Mouse inside</emph> event takes place if the mouse is inside the control field.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6781,8 +6781,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEDRAGGED\">The<emph> Mouse moved while key pressed </emph>event takes place when the mouse is dragged while a key is pressed.</ahelp> An example is when, during drag-and-drop, an additional key determines the mode (move or copy)."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEDRAGGED\">একটি কী চাপ দেওয়া অবস্থায় যখন মাউস টানা হয় তখন <emph> কী চাপ দেওয়া অবস্থায় মাউসের চলাচল </emph>ইভেন্ট সংঘঠিত হয়।</ahelp> একটি উদাহরণ হলো যখন, টানুন-এবং-ছাড়ুন এর সময়, একটি অতিরিক্ত কী ধরন নির্ধারণ করে (সরান অথবা অনুলিপি করুন)।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEDRAGGED\">The <emph>Mouse moved while key pressed</emph> event takes place when the mouse is dragged while a key is pressed.</ahelp> An example is when, during drag-and-drop, an additional key determines the mode (move or copy)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6797,8 +6797,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEMOVED\">The<emph> Mouse moved </emph>event occurs if the mouse moves over the control.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEMOVED\"><emph> মাউস সরে যাওয়ার </emph>অনুষ্ঠান ঘটে যদি মাউস নিয়ন্ত্রণের উপর সরে।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEMOVED\">The <emph>Mouse moved</emph> event occurs if the mouse moves over the control.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6813,8 +6813,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEPRESSED\">The<emph> Mouse button pressed </emph>event occurs if the mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is on the control.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEPRESSED\">মাউস পয়েন্টার নিয়ন্ত্রনে থাকার সময় মাউস বোতাম চাপা অবস্থায় থাকলে <emph> মাউস বোতাম চাপ দিয়েছিল </emph>ইভেন্ট সংঘঠিত হবে।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEPRESSED\">The <emph>Mouse button pressed</emph> event occurs if the mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is on the control.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6837,8 +6837,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSERELEASED\">The<emph> Mouse button released </emph>event occurs if the mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is on the control.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSERELEASED\">মাউস পয়েন্টার নিয়ন্ত্রনে থাকার সময় মাউস বোতাম ছেড়ে দিলে <emph> মাউস বোতাম ছেড়ে দিন </emph>ইভেন্ট সংঘঠিত হবে।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSERELEASED\">The <emph>Mouse button released</emph> event occurs if the mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is on the control.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -6853,8 +6853,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEEXITED\">The<emph> Mouse outside </emph>event takes place when the mouse is outside the control field.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEEXITED\"><emph> মাউস বাইরে </emph>যদি মাউস নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্রের বাইরে থাকে তবে অনুষ্ঠান সংঘটিত হয়।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEEXITED\">The <emph>Mouse outside</emph> event takes place when the mouse is outside the control field.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01170200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9413,15 +9413,15 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click the<emph> Navigator On/Off </emph>icon to hide or show the <emph>Navigator</emph>."
-msgstr "<emph>ন্যাভিগেটর </emph> দেখাতে বা লুকাতে <emph>ন্যাভিগেটর চালু/বন্ধ </emph> আইকনে ক্লিক করুন।"
+msgid "Click the <emph>Navigator On/Off</emph> icon to hide or show the <emph>Navigator</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01220000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can also call the <emph>Navigator</emph> by selecting <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/swriter/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">View - Navigator</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">View - Navigator</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">View - Navigator</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\">View - Navigator</link></caseinline><defaultinline>View - Navigator</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "You can also call the <emph>Navigator</emph> by selecting <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/swriter/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\"><emph>View - Navigator</emph></link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\"><emph>View - Navigator</emph></link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\"><emph>View - Navigator</emph></link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/02110000.xhp\" name=\"View - Navigator\"><emph>View - Navigator</emph></link></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>View - Navigator</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>."
msgstr ""
#: 01220000.xhp
@@ -9461,7 +9461,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:DesignerDialog\">Specifies whether to show or hide the Styles window, which is where you can assign and organize Styles.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:DesignerDialog\">Specifies whether to show or hide the <emph>Styles</emph> window, which is where you can assign and organize styles.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01230000.xhp
@@ -9469,7 +9469,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Each $[officename] application has its own Styles window. Hence there are separate windows for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/swriter/01/05140000.xhp\" name=\"text documents\">text documents</link></caseinline><defaultinline>text documents</defaultinline></switchinline>, for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"spreadsheets\">spreadsheets</link></caseinline><defaultinline>spreadsheets</defaultinline></switchinline> and for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"presentations/drawing documents\">presentations/drawing documents</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"presentations/drawing documents\">presentations/drawing documents</link></caseinline><defaultinline>presentations/drawing documents</defaultinline></switchinline>."
+msgid "Each $[officename] application has its own <emph>Styles</emph> window. Hence there are separate windows for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><link href=\"text/swriter/01/05140000.xhp\" name=\"text documents\">text documents</link></caseinline><defaultinline>text documents</defaultinline></switchinline>, for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"spreadsheets\">spreadsheets</link></caseinline><defaultinline>spreadsheets</defaultinline></switchinline> and for <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"presentations/drawing documents\">presentations/drawing documents</link></caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/05100000.xhp\" name=\"presentations/drawing documents\">presentations/drawing documents</link></caseinline><defaultinline>presentations/drawing documents</defaultinline></switchinline>."
msgstr ""
#: 01230000.xhp
@@ -9517,7 +9517,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To reset the selected objects to the default paragraph style, select <emph>Clear formatting</emph>. Select <emph>More Styles</emph> to open the Styles window."
+msgid "To reset the selected objects to the default paragraph style, select <emph>Clear formatting</emph>. Select <emph>More Styles</emph> to open the <emph>Styles</emph> window."
msgstr ""
#: 02010000.xhp
@@ -9525,7 +9525,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clicking on the Down arrow button on the right of a style name shows a pop-up menu that allows you to update the style from the current selection or to edit the style."
+msgid "Clicking on the <emph>Down Arrow</emph> button on the right of a style name shows a pop-up menu that allows you to update the style from the current selection or to edit the style."
msgstr ""
#: 02010000.xhp
@@ -9629,7 +9629,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"vorschautext\">You can see the name of the fonts formatted in their respective font if you mark the <emph>Preview in fonts lists</emph> field in <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010800.xhp\" name=\"$[officename] - View\">$[officename] - View</link> in the Options dialog box.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"vorschautext\">You can see the name of the fonts formatted in their respective font if you mark the <emph>Preview in fonts lists</emph> field in <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010800.xhp\" name=\"$[officename] - View\"><emph>$[officename] - View</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 02020000.xhp
@@ -9829,7 +9829,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you click the <emph>Decrease Indent</emph> icon while holding down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> key, the indent for the selected paragraph is moved by the default tab stop that has been set under <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040200.xhp\" name=\"Writer - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - General</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">If you click the <emph>Decrease Indent</emph> icon while holding down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> key, the indent for the selected paragraph is moved by the default tab stop that has been set under <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040200.xhp\" name=\"Writer - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - General</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02140000.xhp
@@ -9861,7 +9861,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Click the Increase Indent icon to increase the left indent of the current paragraph or cell content and set it to the next default tab position.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Click the <emph>Increase Indent</emph> icon to increase the left indent of the current paragraph or cell content and set it to the next default tab position.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 02140000.xhp
@@ -9893,7 +9893,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Click the <emph>Increase Indent</emph> icon while holding down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> key to move the indenting of the selected paragraph by the default tab distance set under <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040200.xhp\" name=\"Writer - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - General</emph></link> in the Options dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Click the <emph>Increase Indent</emph> icon while holding down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> key to move the indenting of the selected paragraph by the default tab distance set under <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040200.xhp\" name=\"Writer - General\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME Writer - General</emph></link> in the <emph>Options</emph> dialog box.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 02140000.xhp
@@ -9933,8 +9933,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Indent increased by the amount with the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command key</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl key</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "ইনডেন্ট বাড়ে <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">কমান্ড কী</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl কী</defaultinline></switchinline> এর পরিমাণের উপর"
+msgid "Indent increased by the amount with the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> key."
+msgstr ""
#: 02140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10069,8 +10069,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To turn off highlighting, press Esc."
-msgstr "হাইলাইট বন্ধ করতে, Esc চাপুন।"
+msgid "To turn off highlighting, press <emph>Esc</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 02160000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10157,8 +10157,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaspaceIncrease\">Click the<emph> Increase Spacing </emph>icon to increase the paragraph spacing above the selected paragraph.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaspaceIncrease\"> নির্বাচিত অনুচ্ছেদের উপরে অনুচ্ছেদ ফাঁকা স্থান বৃদ্ধি করতে <emph> ফাঁকা স্থান বৃদ্ধি </emph> আইকনে ক্লিক করুন।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaspaceIncrease\">Click the <emph>Increase Spacing</emph> icon to increase the paragraph spacing above the selected paragraph.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03110000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10181,8 +10181,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can make additional adjustments to the spacing by selecting <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing\"><emph>Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing</emph></link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing\"><emph>বিন্যাস - অনুচ্ছেদ - ইনডেন্ট এবং স্পেসিং</emph>নির্বাচন করে আপনি ফাঁকা স্থানে অতিরিক্ত সামঞ্জস্য তৈরি করতে পারেন।</link>"
+msgid "You can make additional adjustments to the spacing by selecting <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing\"><emph>Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing</emph></link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 03120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10205,8 +10205,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaspaceDecrease\">Click the<emph> Decrease Spacing </emph>icon to decrease the paragraph spacing above the selected paragraph.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaspaceDecrease\">নির্বাচিত অনুচ্ছেদের উপরে অনুচ্ছেদ ফাঁকা স্থান হ্রাস করতে <emph> ফাঁকা স্থান হ্রাস </emph> আইকনে ক্লিক করুন।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaspaceDecrease\">Click the <emph>Decrease Spacing</emph> icon to decrease the paragraph spacing above the selected paragraph.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10229,8 +10229,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can make additional adjustments to the spacing by selecting <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing\"><emph>Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing</emph></link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing\"><emph>বিন্যাস - অনুচ্ছেদ - ইনডেন্ট এবং স্পেসিং</emph>নির্বাচন করে আপনি ফাঁকা স্থানে অতিরিক্ত সামঞ্জস্য তৈরি করতে পারেন।</link>"
+msgid "You can make additional adjustments to the spacing by selecting <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing\"><emph>Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing</emph></link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 03130000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10269,8 +10269,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">To apply a particular type of border to a single cell, position the cursor in the cell, open the <emph>Border</emph> toolbar and select a border. </caseinline><defaultinline>Whenever you insert graphics or tables, they already have a complete border. To remove that border, select the graphic object or the entire table and click the \"no border\" icon on the <emph>Border</emph> toolbar.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">একটি একক ঘরে একটি বিশেষ ধরনের সীমানা প্রয়োগ করতে, ঘরে কার্সার রাখুন, <emph>সীমানা</emph> টুলবার খুলুন এবং একটি সীমানা নির্বাচন করুন। </caseinline><defaultinline>আপনি যখনই একটি গ্রাফিকস বা সারণি সন্নিবেশ করেন, এদের ইতোমধ্যে সীমানা রয়েছে। এই সীমানা সরাতে, গ্রাফিক বস্তু বা সম্পূর্ণ সারণি নির্বাচন করুন এবং <emph>সীমানা</emph> টুলবারে \"কোনো সীমানা নেই\" আইকনে ক্লিক করুন।</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">To apply a particular type of border to a single cell, position the cursor in the cell, open the <emph>Border</emph> toolbar and select a border.</caseinline><defaultinline> Whenever you insert graphics or tables, they already have a complete border. To remove that border, select the graphic object or the entire table and click the <emph>no border</emph> icon on the <emph>Border</emph> toolbar.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03130000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10293,8 +10293,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Further information can be found in the Help in <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\"><emph>Borders</emph></link>. You can also find information on how to <link href=\"text/shared/guide/border_table.xhp\" name=\"format a text table\">format a text table</link> with the <emph>Borders</emph> icon."
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\"><emph>সীমানা</emph></link> সহায়তায় আরও তথ্য পাওয়া যাবে। আপনি <emph>সীমানা</emph> আইকন দিয়ে কিভাবে <link href=\"text/shared/guide/border_table.xhp\" name=\"format a text table\">একটি সারণি বিন্যাস করা যায়</link> সেসম্পর্কে তথ্য পাবেন।"
+msgid "Further information can be found in the Help in <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\"><emph>Borders</emph></link>. You can also find information on how to <link href=\"text/shared/guide/border_table.xhp\" name=\"format a text table\"><emph>format a text table</emph></link> with the <emph>Borders</emph> icon."
+msgstr ""
#: 03140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10349,8 +10349,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For more information, see the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\">Borders</link> section of the Help."
-msgstr "আরও তথ্যের জন্য, সহায়তার <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\">সীমানা</link> অংশটি দেখুন।"
+msgid "For more information, see the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\"><emph>Borders</emph></link> section of the Help."
+msgstr ""
#: 03150000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10397,8 +10397,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "For more information, see the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\">Borders</link> section in the Help."
-msgstr "আরও তথ্যের জন্য, সহায়তার <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\">সীমানা</link> অংশটি দেখুন।"
+msgid "For more information, see the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030500.xhp\" name=\"Borders\"><emph>Borders</emph></link> section in the Help."
+msgstr ""
#: 03200000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10429,16 +10429,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"verankerungtext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:ToggleAnchorType\">Allows you to switch between anchoring options.</ahelp></variable> The<emph> Change Anchor </emph>icon is only visible when an object such as a graphic or control field<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"> or frame</caseinline></switchinline> is selected."
-msgstr "<variable id=\"verankerungtext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:ToggleAnchorType\">নোঙ্গরকরণ অপশনের মধ্যে পরিবর্তন করার জন্য অনুমোদন প্রদান করে থাকে।</ahelp></variable> <emph> নোঙ্গর পরিবর্তন </emph> আইকনটি শুধুমাত্র তখনই দৃশ্যমান হয় যখন গ্রাফিক এবং কন্ট্রোল ক্ষেত্র<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"> অথবা ফ্রেম</caseinline></switchinline> এর মত একটি বস্তু নির্বাচন করা হয়।"
+msgid "<variable id=\"verankerungtext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:ToggleAnchorType\">Allows you to switch between anchoring options.</ahelp></variable> The <emph>Change Anchor</emph> icon is only visible when an object such as a graphic or control field <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">or frame</caseinline></switchinline> is selected."
+msgstr ""
#: 03200000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Further information about the anchoring is contained in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05260000.xhp\" name=\"Anchoring\"><emph>Anchoring</emph></link> Help section."
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/shared/01/05260000.xhp\" name=\"Anchoring\"><emph>অ্যানকোরিং</emph></link> সহায়তা অংশ অ্যাংকোরিং সম্পর্কে আরও তথ্য ধারণ করে।"
+msgid "Further information about the anchoring is contained in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/05260000.xhp\" name=\"Anchoring\"><emph>Anchoring</emph></link> help section."
+msgstr ""
#: 04210000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10581,8 +10581,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Select an object and click the<emph> Rotate</emph> icon on the<emph> Drawing</emph> toolbar. </caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Select an object and click the Rotate icon on the Drawing toolbar. </caseinline><defaultinline>Select an object and click the<emph> Rotate</emph> icon on the <emph>Drawing Object Properties</emph> toolbar.</defaultinline></switchinline> Drag a corner handle of the object in the direction you want to rotate it."
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">একটি বস্তু নির্বাচন করুন এবং <emph> অংকন</emph> টুলবারে <emph> ঘূর্ণন</emph> আইকনে ক্লিক করুন। </caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">একটি বস্তু নির্বাচন করুন এবং অংকন টুলবারে ঘূর্ণন আইকনে ক্লিক করুন। </caseinline><defaultinline>একটি বস্তু নির্বাচন করুন এবং <emph> অংকন বৈশিষ্ট্য</emph> টুলবারে <emph> ঘূর্ণন</emph> আইকনে ক্লিক করুন।</defaultinline></switchinline> আপনি যে নির্দেশনায় ঘোরাতে চান বস্তুটির কর্ণার হ্যান্ডেল ধরে টেনে আনুন।"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Select an object and click the <emph>Rotate</emph> icon on the <emph>Drawing</emph> toolbar.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Select an object and click the <emph>Rotate</emph> icon on the <emph>Drawing</emph> toolbar.</caseinline><defaultinline>Select an object and click the <emph>Rotate</emph> icon on the <emph>Drawing Object Properties</emph> toolbar.</defaultinline></switchinline> Drag a corner handle of the object in the direction you want to rotate it."
+msgstr ""
#: 05090000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10677,8 +10677,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The<emph> Demote One Level </emph>icon is on the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> bar, which appears when the cursor is positioned on a numbering or bullets item. </caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Demote </emph>icon is on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar, which appears when working in the outline view. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><emph> বুলেট এবং নাম্বারিং </emph>বারে <emph>এক স্তর নিচে নামানো</emph> আইকন, যখন কার্সারটিকে বুলেট এবং নাম্বারিং আইটেমে রাখা হয় তখন এটি দেখা যায়। </caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"> <emph>টেক্সট বিন্যাসণ </emph>বারে <emph>নিম্নস্তরে নামানো</emph> বার, আউটলাইন দর্শণে কাজ করার সময় এটি দেখা যায়। </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The<emph> Demote One Level </emph>icon is on the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> bar, which appears when the cursor is positioned on a numbering or bullets item.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Demote</emph> icon is on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar, which appears when working in the outline view.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06050000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10693,8 +10693,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Demote One Level </caseinline><defaultinline>Demote</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">এক স্তর নিচে নামানো </caseinline><defaultinline>নিচে নামানো</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Demote One Level</caseinline><defaultinline>Demote</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06060000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10725,8 +10725,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The<emph> Promote One Level </emph>icon is on the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> bar, which appears when the cursor is positioned on a numbering or bullets item. </caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The<emph> Promote </emph>icon is on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar, which appears when working in the outline view. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><emph> বুলেট এবং নাম্বারিং </emph>বারে <emph>এক স্তর উপরে ওঠানো</emph> আইকন, যখন কার্সারটিকে বুলেট এবং নাম্বারিং আইটেমে রাখা হয় তখন এটি দেখা যায়। </caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"> <emph>টেক্সট বিন্যাসণ </emph>বারে <emph>উচ্চ স্তরে ওঠানো</emph> বার, আউটলাইন দর্শণে কাজ করার সময় এটি দেখা যায়। </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The <emph>Promote One Level</emph> icon is on the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> bar, which appears when the cursor is positioned on a numbering or bullets item.</caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Promote</emph> icon is on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar, which appears when working in the outline view.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06060000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10741,8 +10741,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Promote One Level </caseinline><defaultinline>Promote</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">এক স্তর উপরে উঠানো </caseinline><defaultinline>উপরে উঠানো</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Promote One Level</caseinline><defaultinline>Promote</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06100000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10773,16 +10773,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you have numbered paragraphs and click the<emph> Move Up </emph>icon, the numbers will be adjusted to the current order. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The <emph>Move Up </emph>icon is only visible when the cursor is positioned in a bulleted or numbered list.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Move Up </emph>icon appears on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> Bar when you use the outline view.</caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "যদি আপনার সংখ্যাচিহ্নিত অনুচ্ছেদ থাকে এবং<emph> উপরে সরানো </emph> আইকনে ক্লিক করেন, তবে নাম্বারটি বর্তমান ক্রমের সাথে সামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ হয়। <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><emph>উপরে সরানো </emph> আইকনটি তখন দৃশ্যমান হয় যখন কার্সারটি বুলেট বা নাম্বারকৃত তালিকায় রাখা হয়।</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">যখন আপনি আউটলাইন দর্শন ব্যবহার করেন, তখন <emph>টেক্সট বিন্যাসণ </emph>বারে <emph>উপরে সরানো</emph> আইকনটি দেখা যায়।</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "If you have numbered paragraphs and click the <emph>Move Up</emph> icon, the numbers will be adjusted to the current order. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The <emph>Move Up</emph> icon is only visible when the cursor is positioned in a bulleted or numbered list.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Move Up</emph> icon appears on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar when you use the outline view.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06100000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "This function can be called by pressing <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Up Arrow."
-msgstr "ফাংশনটিকে <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">কমান্ড</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Up Arrow চেপে ডাকা যেতে পারে।"
+msgid "This function can be called by pressing <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Up Arrow</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 06100000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10829,16 +10829,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you have numbered paragraphs and click the<emph> Move Down </emph>icon, the numbers will be adjusted to the current order. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The <emph>Move Down </emph>icon is only visible when the cursor is positioned in a bulleted or numbered list. </caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Move Down </emph>icon appears on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> Bar when you use the outline view. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "যদি আপনার সংখ্যাচিহ্নিত অনুচ্ছেদ থাকে এবং<emph> নিচে নামানো </emph> আইকনে ক্লিক করেন, তবে নাম্বারটি বর্তমান ক্রমের সাথে সামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ হয়। <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><emph>নিচে নামানো </emph> আইকনটি তখন দৃশ্যমান হয় যখন কার্সারটি বুলেট বা নাম্বারকৃত তালিকায় রাখা হয়।</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">যখন আপনি আউটলাইন দর্শন ব্যবহার করেন, তখন <emph>টেক্সট বিন্যাসণ </emph>বারে <emph>নিচে নামানো</emph> আইকনটি দেখা যায়।</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "If you have numbered paragraphs and click the <emph>Move Down</emph> icon, the numbers will be adjusted to the current order. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">The <emph>Move Down</emph> icon is only visible when the cursor is positioned in a bulleted or numbered list.</caseinline></switchinline><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The <emph>Move Down</emph> icon appears on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar when you use the outline view.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06110000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "This function can be called by pressing <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Down Arrow."
-msgstr "এই ফাংশনটি <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Down Arrow চেপে ডাকা যায়।"
+msgid "This function can be called by pressing <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>Down Arrow</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 06110000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10885,32 +10885,32 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Bullet options such as type and position are defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering\"><emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph></link> dialog. To open this dialog, click the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> icon on the <link href=\"text/swriter/main0206.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering Bar\">Bullets and Numbering Bar</link></caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">বুলেট অপশন যেমন ধরন এবং অবস্থান <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering\"><emph>বুলেট এবং নাম্বারিং</emph></link> ডায়ালগে নির্ধারিত হয়। ডায়ালগটি খুলতে, <link href=\"text/swriter/main0206.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering Bar\">বুলেট এবং নাম্বারিং বারে</link><emph>বুলেট এবং নাম্বারিং</emph> আইকনে ক্লিক করুন।</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Bullet options such as type and position are defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering\"><emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph></link> dialog. To open this dialog, click the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> icon on the <link href=\"text/swriter/main0206.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering Bar\"><emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> bar</link>.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Bullet options such as type and position are defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering\">Bullets and Numbering</link> dialog. To open this dialog, click the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> icon on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> Bar. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">বুলেট অপশন যেমন ধরন এবং অবস্থান <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering\">বুলেট এবং নাম্বারিং</link> ডায়ালগে উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে। ডায়ালগ খুলতে, <emph>টেক্সট বিন্যাসণ</emph> বারে <emph>বুলেট এবং নাম্বারিং</emph> বারে ক্লিক করুন। </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Bullet options such as type and position are defined in the <link href=\"text/shared/01/06050000.xhp\" name=\"Bullets and Numbering\"><emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph></link> dialog. To open this dialog, click the <emph>Bullets and Numbering</emph> icon on the <emph>Text Formatting</emph> bar.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">In the <link href=\"text/swriter/01/03120000.xhp\" name=\"Web Layout\">Web Layout</link>, some numbering/bullet options are not available. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"> <link href=\"text/swriter/01/03120000.xhp\" name=\"Web Layout\">ওয়েব বিন্যাস বা লেআউটে</link>, কিছু সংখ্যায়ন/বুলেট প্রাপ্তিসাধ্য নয়। </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">In the <link href=\"text/swriter/01/03120000.xhp\" name=\"Web Layout\"><emph>Web Layout</emph></link>, some numbering/bullet options are not available.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The distance between the text and the left text frame and the position of the bullets can be determined in the dialog under <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph\"><emph>Format - Paragraph</emph></link> by entering the left indent and the first-line indent. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">ডায়ালগে, পাঠ্য এবং পাঠ্যর বাম ফ্রেমের মধ্যবর্তী দূরত্ব নির্ধারণ করতে এবং বুলেটের অবস্থান নির্ধারণ করতে <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph\"><emph>বিন্যাস - অনুচ্ছেদ</emph></link> এর অধীনে বাম ইনডেন্ট এবং প্রথম-লাইন ইনডেন্ট সন্নিবেশ করুন।</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">The distance between the text and the left text frame and the position of the bullets can be determined in the dialog under <link href=\"text/shared/01/05030100.xhp\" name=\"Format - Paragraph\"><emph>Format - Paragraph</emph></link> by entering the left indent and the first-line indent.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 06120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -10957,7 +10957,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enable Load URL with the <emph>Visible Buttons</emph> command (right-click the toolbar)."
+msgid "Enable <emph>Load URL</emph> with the <emph>Visible Buttons</emph> command (right-click the toolbar)."
msgstr ""
#: 07060000.xhp
@@ -11053,8 +11053,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_HELP_TEXT_SELECTION_MODE\">You can enable a selection cursor in a read-only text document or in the Help. Choose <emph>Edit - Select Text </emph>or open the context menu of a read-only document and choose <emph>Select Text</emph>. The selection cursor does not blink.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_HELP_TEXT_SELECTION_MODE\">আপনি শুধু পড়া যায় এমন একটি নথিতে বা সহায়তায় নির্বাচন কার্সারটিকে সক্রিয় করতে পারেন। <emph>সম্পাদনা - পাঠ্য নির্বাচন </emph>নির্বাচন করুন বা একটি শুধু পড়া যায় এমন নথির প্রসঙ্গ মেনু খুলুন এবং<emph>পাঠ্য নির্বাচন</emph> নির্বাচন করুন। নির্বাচন কার্সারটি মিটিমিটি জ্বলে না।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_HELP_TEXT_SELECTION_MODE\">You can enable a selection cursor in a read-only text document or in the Help. Choose <emph>Edit - Select Text</emph> or open the context menu of a read-only document and choose <emph>Select Text</emph>. The selection cursor does not blink.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 07070100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11117,8 +11117,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To make changes in a database used by more than one person, you must have the appropriate access rights. When you edit an external database, there is no intermediate storage by $[officename] of the changes made. They are sent directly to the database."
-msgstr "একাধিক ব্যবহারকারী দ্বারা ব্যবহৃত ডাটাবেজে পরিবর্তন করতে, আপনার অবশ্যই যথাযথ প্রবেশাধিকার থাকতে হবে। যখন আপনি বহিঃস্থ ডাটাবেস সম্পাদনা করেন, সেখানে পরিবর্তনগুলো সংরক্ষনে $[officename] কর্তৃক কোনো মধ্যবর্তী কোন ব্যবস্থা থাকেনা। এদের সরাসরি ডাটাবেজে পাঠানো হয়।"
+msgid "To make changes in a database used by more than one person, you <emph>must have</emph> the appropriate access rights. When you edit an external database, there is <emph>no</emph> intermediate storage by $[officename] of the changes made. They are sent <emph>directly</emph> to the database."
+msgstr ""
#: 07070200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11149,8 +11149,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Saves the current database table record.</ahelp> The<emph> Save Record </emph>icon is found on the <link href=\"text/shared/main0212.xhp\" name=\"Database Bar\">Table Data bar</link>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">বর্তমান ডাটাবেসের সারণি রেকর্ড সংরক্ষণ করে।</ahelp> <emph> রেকর্ড সংরক্ষণ </emph>আইকন <link href=\"text/shared/main0212.xhp\" name=\"Database Bar\">সারণি তথ্য বারে</link> পাওয়া যায়"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Saves the current database table record.</ahelp> The <emph>Save Record</emph> icon is found on the <link href=\"text/shared/main0212.xhp\" name=\"Database Bar\"><emph>Table Data</emph> bar</link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 07070200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11181,7 +11181,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Stop\">Click to interrupt the current loading process, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>-click to interrupt all loading processes.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:Stop\">Click to interrupt the current loading process, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+click to interrupt all loading processes.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 07090000.xhp
@@ -11205,8 +11205,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ExportDirectToPDF\" visibility=\"visible\">Exports the current document directly as PDF. No settings dialog is shown.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ExportDirectToPDF\" visibility=\"visible\">বর্তমান নথি সরাসরি PDF হিসেবে এক্সপোর্ট করে। কোন সেটিং ডায়ালগ দেখায় নয়।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ExportDirectToPDF\" visibility=\"visible\">Exports the current document directly as <emph>PDF</emph>. No settings dialog is shown.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 08010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11253,8 +11253,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:StatusGetPosition\">Displays the current cursor position in the %PRODUCTNAME Basic document. The row number is specified, then the column number.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:StatusGetPosition\"> %PRODUCTNAME প্রাথমিক নথিতে কারসারের বর্তমান অবস্থা প্রদর্শন করে। সারি নাম্বার উল্লেখ করা হয়, এরপর কলাম নাম্বার।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:StatusGetPosition\">Displays the current cursor position in the <emph>%PRODUCTNAME</emph> Basic document. The row number is specified, then the column number.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11317,8 +11317,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the Hyperlink dialog.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">হাইপারলিঙ্ক ডায়ালগ খোলা হয়।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\">Opens the <emph>Hyperlink</emph> dialog.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11421,7 +11421,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>Internet</emph> page of the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">Hyperlink dialog</link> to edit hyperlinks with WWW or FTP addresses.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>Internet</emph> page of the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\"><emph>Hyperlink</emph> dialog</link> to edit hyperlinks with <emph>WWW</emph> or <emph>FTP</emph> addresses.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070100.xhp
@@ -11453,7 +11453,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkinternetpage/linktyp_internet\">Creates an http hyperlink.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkinternetpage/linktyp_internet\">Creates an \"<emph>http://</emph>\" hyperlink.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070100.xhp
@@ -11469,7 +11469,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkinternetpage/linktyp_ftp\">Creates an FTP hyperlink.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkinternetpage/linktyp_ftp\">Creates an \"<emph>FTP://</emph>\" hyperlink.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070100.xhp
@@ -11613,7 +11613,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Assign Macro</emph> dialog, in which you can give events such as \"mouse over object\" or \"trigger hyperlink\" their own program codes.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <emph>Assign Macro</emph> dialog, in which you can give events such as \"<emph>mouse over object</emph>\" or \"<emph>trigger hyperlink</emph>\" their own program codes.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070100.xhp
@@ -11645,8 +11645,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Enter a name for the hyperlink.</ahelp> $[officename] inserts a NAME tag in the hyperlink."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">হাইপারলিঙ্কের জন্য নাম সন্নিবেশ করুন।</ahelp> $[officename] হাইপারলিঙ্কের জন্য একটি নাম ট্যাগ সন্নিবেশ করে।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Enter a name for the hyperlink.</ahelp> $[officename] inserts a <emph>NAME</emph> tag in the hyperlink."
+msgstr ""
#: 09070200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11669,7 +11669,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">On the <emph>Mail</emph> page in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">Hyperlink dialog</link> you can edit hyperlinks for e-mail addresses.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">On the <emph>Mail</emph> page in the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\"><emph>Hyperlink</emph> dialog</link> you can edit hyperlinks for e-mail addresses.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070200.xhp
@@ -11693,7 +11693,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Assigns the specified e-mail address to the hyperlink.</ahelp> Clicking the new hyperlink in the document will open a new message document, addressed to the receiver specified in the <emph>Recipient</emph> field."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Assigns the specified <emph>e-mail address</emph> to the hyperlink.</ahelp> Clicking the new hyperlink in the document will open a new message document, addressed to the receiver specified in the <emph>Recipient</emph> field."
msgstr ""
#: 09070200.xhp
@@ -11709,7 +11709,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkmailpage/adressbook\">Hides or shows the data source browser.</ahelp> Drag the receiver's <emph>E-mail</emph> data field from the data source browser into the <emph>Recipient</emph> text field."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkmailpage/adressbook\">Hides or shows the <emph>data source</emph> browser.</ahelp> Drag the receiver's <emph>E-mail</emph> data field from the data source browser into the <emph>Recipient</emph> text field."
msgstr ""
#: 09070200.xhp
@@ -11725,7 +11725,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkmailpage/subject\">Specifies the subject that is inserted in the subject line of the new message document.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkmailpage/subject\">Specifies the <emph>subject</emph> that is inserted in the subject line of the new message document.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070300.xhp
@@ -11749,7 +11749,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Hyperlinks to any document or targets in documents can be edited using the <emph>Document</emph> tab from the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">Hyperlink dialog</link>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Hyperlinks to any document or targets in documents can be edited using the <emph>Document</emph> tab from the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\"><emph>Hyperlink</emph> dialog</link>.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070300.xhp
@@ -11773,8 +11773,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Enter a URL for the file that you want to open when you click the hyperlink. If you do not specify a target frame, the file opens in the current document or frame.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">হাইপারলিংক ক্লিক করার সময় আপনি যে ফাইলটি খুলতে চান তার জন্য URL সন্নিবেশ করুন। যদি আপনি একটি লক্ষ্য ফ্রেম উল্লেখ না করেন, তবে ফাইলটি বর্তমান নথি বা ফ্রেমে খুলবে।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Enter a <emph>URL</emph> for the file that you want to open when you click the hyperlink. If you do not specify a target frame, the file opens in the current document or frame.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 09070300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11789,7 +11789,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkdocpage/fileopen\">Opens the <emph>Open dialog</emph>, where you can select a file.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinkdocpage/fileopen\">Opens the <emph>Open</emph> dialog, where you can select a file.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070300.xhp
@@ -11869,7 +11869,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>New Document</emph> tab from the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\">Hyperlink dialog</link> to set up a hyperlink to a new document and create the new document simultaneously.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Use the <emph>New Document</emph> tab from the <link href=\"text/shared/02/09070000.xhp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\"><emph>Hyperlink</emph> dialog</link> to set up a hyperlink to a new document and create the new document simultaneously.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070400.xhp
@@ -11933,7 +11933,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinknewdocpage/path\">Enter a URL for the file that you want to open when you click the hyperlink.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/hyperlinknewdocpage/path\">Enter a <emph>URL</emph> for the file that you want to open when you click the hyperlink.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 09070400.xhp
@@ -12125,8 +12125,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"> <caseinline select=\"WRITER\">To Document End</caseinline> <defaultinline>Last Page</defaultinline> </switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"> <caseinline select=\"WRITER\">নথির শেষে</caseinline> <defaultinline>শেষ পৃষ্ঠায়</defaultinline> </switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">To Document End</caseinline><defaultinline>Last Page</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 10100000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -12149,7 +12149,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:CloseWin\">Closes the current window.</ahelp> Choose <emph>Window - Close Window</emph>, or press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+F4. In the print preview of $[officename] Writer and Calc, you can close the current window by clicking the <emph>Close Preview</emph> button."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:CloseWin\">Closes the current window.</ahelp> Choose <emph>Window - Close Window</emph>, or press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+<emph>F4</emph>. In the print preview of $[officename] Writer and Calc, you can close the current window by clicking the <emph>Close Preview</emph> button."
msgstr ""
#: 10100000.xhp
@@ -13605,8 +13605,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "While the functions <link href=\"text/shared/02/12010000.xhp\" name=\"Sort in Ascending Order\"><emph>Sort in Ascending Order</emph></link> and <link href=\"text/shared/02/12020000.xhp\" name=\"Sort in Descending Order\"><emph>Sort in Descending Order</emph></link> sort by one criterion only, you can combine several criteria in the<emph> Sort Order </emph>dialog."
-msgstr "যখন <link href=\"text/shared/02/12010000.xhp\" name=\"Sort in Ascending Order\"><emph>ঊর্ধক্রম সজ্জিতকরণ</emph></link> এবং <link href=\"text/shared/02/12020000.xhp\" name=\"Sort in Descending Order\"><emph>নিম্নক্রম সজ্জিতকরণ </emph></link> ফাংশন একই শ্রেণীবিভাগে সজ্জিত হয়, আপনি তখন <emph> সজ্জিতকরণ ক্রম </emph>ডায়ালগে একাধিক শ্রেণীবিভাগ মিলিত করতে পারেন।"
+msgid "While the functions <link href=\"text/shared/02/12010000.xhp\" name=\"Sort in Ascending Order\"><emph>Sort in Ascending Order</emph></link> and <link href=\"text/shared/02/12020000.xhp\" name=\"Sort in Descending Order\"><emph>Sort in Descending Order</emph></link> sort by one criterion only, you can combine several criteria in the <emph>Sort Order</emph> dialog."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13637,8 +13637,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you sort the field name \"First name\" in ascending order and the field name \"last name\" in descending order, all records will be sorted in ascending order by first name, and then within the first names, in descending order by last name."
-msgstr "যদি আপনি \"নামের প্রথমাংশ\" নামের ক্ষেত্রটি ঊর্ধক্রম অনুসারে সাজান এবং \"নামের শেষাংশ\" নামক ক্ষেত্রটি নিম্নক্রম অনুসারে সাজান, সব রেকর্ড ঊর্ধক্রম অনুসারে সজ্জিত হবে, অতঃপর, নামের প্রথমাংশসহ নামের শেষাংশ নিম্নক্রম অনুসারে সজ্জিত হবে।"
+msgid "If you sort the field name \"First name\" in ascending order and the field name \"Last name\" in descending order, all records will be sorted in ascending order by first name, and then within the first names, in descending order by last name."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13701,8 +13701,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>tables in databases; searching</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>forms; browsing</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>records; searching in databases</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>searching; databases</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>databases; searching records</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>tables in databases; searching</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>forms; browsing</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>records; searching in databases</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>searching; databases</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>databases; searching records</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>tables in databases; searching</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>forms; browsing</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>records; searching in databases</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>searching; databases</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>databases; searching records</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13717,8 +13717,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"suchentext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:RecSearch\" visibility=\"hidden\">Searches database tables and forms.</ahelp> In forms or database tables, you can search through data fields, list boxes, and check boxes for specific values. </variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"suchentext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:RecSearch\" visibility=\"hidden\">ডাটাবেস সারণি এবং ফরম অনুসন্ধান করে।</ahelp>ফরম বা ডাটাবেজে, আপনি উল্লেখিত মানের জন্য ডাটা ক্ষেত্র, তালিকা বাক্স এবং পরীক্ষণ বাক্সে অনুসন্ধান চালাতে পারেন। </variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"suchentext\"><ahelp hid=\".uno:RecSearch\" visibility=\"hidden\">Searches database tables and forms.</ahelp> In forms or database tables, you can search through data fields, list boxes, and check boxes for specific values.</variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13733,8 +13733,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The search described here is carried out by <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item>. If you want to use the SQL server to search in a database, then you should use the <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"Form-based Filters\">Form-based Filters</link> icon on the <link href=\"text/shared/main0213.xhp\" name=\"Form Bar\">Form Bar</link>."
-msgstr "এখানে বর্ণিত অনুসন্ধান <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> থেকে পাওয়া যায়। যদি আপনি ডাটাবেজে অনুসন্ধাণের জন্য SQL সার্ভার ব্যবহার করতে চান, তবে আপনাকে <link href=\"text/shared/main0213.xhp\" name=\"Form Bar\">ফরম বারে</link> <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"Form-based Filters\">ফরম-ভিত্তিক পরিশোধক</link> আইকন ব্যবহার করতে হবে।"
+msgid "The search described here is carried out by <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item>. If you want to use the SQL server to search in a database, then you should use the <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"Form-based Filters\"><emph>Form-based Filters</emph></link> icon on the <link href=\"text/shared/main0213.xhp\" name=\"Form Bar\"><emph>Form</emph> bar</link>."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14077,8 +14077,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You have a date field, which is saved in \"DD.MM.YY\" format in the database (for example, 17.02.65). The format of the entry is changed in the data source view to \"DD MMM YYYY\" (17 Feb 1965). Following this example, a record containing February 17 is only found when the <emph>Apply field format</emph> option is on:"
-msgstr "একটি তারিখ ক্ষেত্র রয়েছে, যা ডাটাবেসে \"DD.MM.YY\" বিন্যাস হিসেবে সংরক্ষিত থাকে (যেমন, 17.02.65)। এন্ট্রির বিন্যাসটি ডাটা সোর্স প্রদর্শনের \"DD MMM YYYY\" (17 Feb 1965) তে পরিবর্তীত হয়। উদাহরণটির মত, February 17 ধারণকারী একটি রেকর্ড শুধুমাত্র <emph>ক্ষেত্রের বিন্যাস প্রয়োগ</emph> অপশনটি সক্রিয় থাকলে পাওয়া যাবে:"
+msgid "You have a date field, which is saved in \"<emph>DD.MM.YY</emph>\" format in the database (for example, <emph>17.02.65</emph>). The format of the entry is changed in the data source view to \"<emph>DD MMM YYYY</emph>\" (<emph>17 Feb 1965</emph>). Following this example, a record containing February 17 is only found when the <emph>Apply field format</emph> option is on:"
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14165,24 +14165,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "\"5\" returns \"14:00:00\" as a time"
-msgstr "\"৫\" ফিরিয়ে দেয় \"১৪:০০:০০\" সময় হিসেবে"
+msgid "\"5\" returns \"14:00:00\" as a time."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Time fields are not defined for dBASE databases and must be simulated. To internally display the time \"14:00:00\", a 5 is necessary."
-msgstr "dBASE ডাটাবেসের জন্য সময় ক্ষেত্র নির্ধারণ করা হয়নি এবং অবশ্যই তৈরি করে নিতে হবে। আভন্তরীণ ভাবে সময় \"14:00:00\" প্রদর্শন করতে, একটি 5 প্রয়োজনীয়।"
+msgid "Time fields are not defined for <emph>dBASE</emph> databases and must be simulated. To internally display the time \"<emph>14:00:00</emph>\", a \"<emph>5</emph>\" is necessary."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "\"00:00:00\" returns all records of a standard date field"
-msgstr "\"০০:০০:০০\" আদর্শ ডাটা ক্ষেত্রের সব রেকর্ড ফিরিয়ে দেয়"
+msgid "\"00:00:00\" returns all records of a standard date field."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14205,8 +14205,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The view shown does not match what is stored internally. For example, if value 45.789 is stored in the database as a field of type Number/Double and the shown formatting is set to display only two decimals, \"45.79\" is only returned in searches with field formatting."
-msgstr "দেখা দেখােনি মিলেছিল যার অভ্যন্তরীণভাবে সংরক্ষণ করা হয়। উদাহরণের জন্য, যদি মূল্য 45 789 ধরন Number/Doubleএর একটি ক্ষেত্র হিসেবে ডাটাবেসে সংরক্ষণ করা হয় এবং প্রদর্শিত ফরম্যাট করছে কেবল দুই দশমিক প্রদর্শন করতে নিযুক্ত করা হয়, \" 45 79 \" ক্ষেত্রের সঙ্গে অনুসন্ধানে কেবল ফিরে আসওয়া হচ্ছে ফরম্যাট করা হচ্ছে।"
+msgid "The view shown does not match what is stored internally. For example, if value \"<emph>45.789</emph>\" is stored in the database as a field of type \"<emph>Number/Double</emph>\" and the shown formatting is set to display only two decimals, \"<emph>45.79</emph>\" is only returned in searches with field formatting."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14221,8 +14221,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "However, searching without <emph>Apply field format </emph>is appropriate for larger databases with no formatting issues, because it is faster."
-msgstr "যাহোক, <emph>ক্ষেত্র বিন্যাস প্রয়োগ</emph> ব্যতীত অনুসন্ধান কোন বিন্যাসণ ইস্যু ছাড়া বড় ডাটাবেসের জন্য যথার্থ, কারণ এটি দ্রুততর।"
+msgid "However, searching without <emph>Apply field format</emph> is appropriate for larger databases with no formatting issues, because it is faster."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14301,8 +14301,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/fmsearchdialog/cbWildCard\" visibility=\"hidden\">Allows a search with a * or ? wildcard.</ahelp> You can use the following wildcards:"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/fmsearchdialog/cbWildCard\" visibility=\"hidden\">একটি * বা ? ওয়াইল্ডকার্ড নিয়ে অনুসন্ধান অনুমোদন করে।</ahelp> আপনি নিম্নোক্ত ওয়াইল্ডকার্ড ব্যবহার করতে পারেন:"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/fmsearchdialog/cbWildCard\" visibility=\"hidden\">Allows a search with a <emph>*</emph> or <emph>?</emph> wildcard.</ahelp> You can use the following wildcards:"
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14397,7 +14397,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you want to search for the actual characters ? or *, preface them with a backslash: \"\\?\" or \"\\*\". However, this is only necessary when <emph>Wildcard expression</emph> is enabled. When the option is not enabled, the wildcard characters are processed like normal characters."
+msgid "If you want to search for the actual characters <emph>?</emph> or <emph>*</emph>, preface them with a backslash: \"<emph>\\?</emph>\" or \"<emph>\\*</emph>\". However, this is only necessary when <emph>Wildcard expression</emph> is enabled. When the option is not enabled, the wildcard characters are processed like normal characters."
msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
@@ -14413,7 +14413,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/fmsearchdialog/cbRegular\">Searches with regular expressions.</ahelp> The same regular expressions that are supported here are also supported in the <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> <link href=\"text/shared/01/02100000.xhp\" name=\"Find & Replace dialog\">Find & Replace dialog</link>."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/fmsearchdialog/cbRegular\">Searches with regular expressions.</ahelp> The same regular expressions that are supported here are also supported in the <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> <link href=\"text/shared/01/02100000.xhp\" name=\"Find & Replace dialog\"><emph>Find & Replace</emph> dialog</link>."
msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
@@ -14493,16 +14493,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "In very large databases, finding the record in reverse search order can take some time. In this case, the status bar informs you that the records are still being counted."
-msgstr "অনেক বড় ডাটাবেজে, উল্টো অনুসন্ধান ক্রমে রেকর্ড অনুসন্ধান অনেক সময়সাপেক্ষ। এই অবস্থায়, স্ট্যাটাস বার আপনাকে জানান দেয় যে রেকর্ডগুলো গণনা করা হচ্ছে।"
+msgid "In very large databases, finding the record in reverse search order can take some time. In this case, the <emph>status bar</emph> informs you that the records are still being counted."
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Search / Cancel"
-msgstr "অনুসন্ধান / বাতিল"
+msgid "Search/Cancel"
+msgstr ""
#: 12100200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14565,8 +14565,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Unlike the normal search, which is activated by the <link href=\"text/shared/02/12100200.xhp\" name=\"Find Record\">Find Record</link> icon on the <emph>Form</emph> Bar, you can search more quickly by using the form-based filter. Usually a quick database server is charged with the search. Also, you can enter more complex search conditions."
-msgstr "স্বাভাবিক অনুসন্ধান থেকে ভিন্ন, যা <emph>ফর্ম</emph> বারে <link href=\"text/shared/02/12100200.xhp\" name=\"Find Record\"> রেকর্ড অনুসন্ধান</link> আইকন দ্বারা সক্রিয়, আপনি ফর্ম-ভিত্তিক পরিশোধক দিয়ে আরও দ্রুত অনুসন্ধান করতে পারেন। সাধারণভাবে একটি দ্রুত ডাটাবেস অনুসন্ধান হতে সহায়তা প্রাপ্ত। এছাড়াও, আপনি আরও জটিল অনুসন্ধান অবস্থা সন্নিবেশ করতে পারেন।"
+msgid "Unlike the normal search, which is activated by the <link href=\"text/shared/02/12100200.xhp\" name=\"Find Record\"><emph>Find Record</emph></link> icon on the <emph>Form</emph> bar, you can search more quickly by using the form-based filter. Usually a quick database server is charged with the search. Also, you can enter more complex search conditions."
+msgstr ""
#: 12110000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14629,8 +14629,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The<emph> Apply Filter </emph>function retains <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"form-based filters\">form-based filters</link> that have been set. You do not need to redefine them."
-msgstr "<emph> পরিশোধক প্রয়োগ </emph>ফাংশন ধারণ করে <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"form-based filters\">গঠন-ভিত্তিক পরিশোধক</link> যা নিযুক্ত করা হয়েছে। এদের পুনরায় ব্যাখ্যা করার দরকার নেই।"
+msgid "The <emph>Apply Filter</emph> function retains <link href=\"text/shared/02/12110000.xhp\" name=\"form-based filters\"><emph>form-based filters</emph></link> that have been set. You do not need to redefine them."
+msgstr ""
#: 12130000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14661,8 +14661,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ViewFormAsGrid\">Activates an additional table view when in the form view.</ahelp> When the<emph> Data source as table</emph> function is activated, you see the table in an area above the form."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ViewFormAsGrid\">গঠন দর্শনে একটি অতিরিক্ত সারণি দর্শণ সক্রিয় করে।</ahelp> যখন<emph> সারণি হিসেবে ডাটাসোর্স </emph> ফাংশন সক্রিয় করা হয়, তখন আপনি গঠনে সারণিটি দেখতে পাবেন।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:ViewFormAsGrid\">Activates an additional table view when in the form view.</ahelp> When the <emph>Data source as table</emph> function is activated, you see the table in an area above the form."
+msgstr ""
#: 12130000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14685,8 +14685,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The table view and form view reflect the same data. Changes made in the table are also visible in the form, and changes to the form are visible in the table."
-msgstr "সারণি দর্শন এবং গঠন দর্শন একই তথ্য প্রতিফলন করে, সারণিতে সম্পাদিত পরিবর্তন গঠনে দৃশ্যমান, এবং গঠনে সম্পাদিত পরিবর্তন সারণিতে দৃশ্যমান।"
+msgid "The <emph>Table view</emph> and <emph>Form view</emph> reflect the same data. Changes made in the table are also visible in the form, and changes to the form are visible in the table."
+msgstr ""
#: 12130000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14901,8 +14901,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Drag the bottom left mark to the right while pressing the mouse button"
-msgstr "মাউস বোতাম ধরে রেখে বাম নিম্ন চিহ্নিত করণটিকে ডানে টেনে আনুন"
+msgid "Drag the bottom left mark to the right while pressing the mouse button."
+msgstr ""
#: 13020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14917,8 +14917,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Drag the top left mark to the right while pressing the mouse button"
-msgstr "মাউস বোতাম ধরে রেখে বাম শীর্ষ চিহ্নিত করণটিকে ডানে টেনে আনুন"
+msgid "Drag the top left mark to the right while pressing the mouse button."
+msgstr ""
#: 13020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14933,15 +14933,15 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Drag the mark on the right to the left while pressing the mouse button"
-msgstr "মাউস বোতাম ধরে রেখে চিহ্নিত করণটিকে ডান থেকে বামে টেনে আনুন"
+msgid "Drag the mark on the right to the left while pressing the mouse button."
+msgstr ""
#: 13020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "In order to change the left indent starting with the second line of a paragraph, hold down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> key, click the triangle on the bottom left, and drag it to the right."
+msgid "In order to change the left indent starting with the second line of a paragraph, hold down the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Ctrl</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> key, click the triangle on the bottom left, and drag it to the right."
msgstr ""
#: 13020000.xhp
@@ -14981,8 +14981,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The<emph> Run Query </emph>function allows you to check the query. When you save the query, it is stored in the <emph>Query</emph> tab page."
-msgstr "<emph> কোয়েরি চালনা </emph> ফাংশন কোয়েরি পরীক্ষা করার জন্য আপনাকে অনিমোদন করে। যখন আপনি কোয়েরি সংরক্ষণ করেন, এটি <emph>কোয়েরি</emph> ট্যাব পৃষ্ঠায় সংরক্ষিত হয়।"
+msgid "The <emph>Run Query</emph> function allows you to check the query. When you save the query, it is stored in the <emph>Query</emph> tab page."
+msgstr ""
#: 14010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15077,8 +15077,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"tabellehinzufuegentext\"><ahelp hid=\"dbaccess/ui/tablesjoindialog/tablelist\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the tables to be inserted into the design window.</ahelp> In the<emph> Add Tables </emph>dialog, select the tables you need for your current task. </variable> When creating a query or a new table presentation, select the corresponding table to which the query or table presentation should refer. When working with relational databases, select the tables between which you want to build relationships."
-msgstr "<variable id=\"tabellehinzufuegentext\"><ahelp hid=\"dbaccess/ui/tablesjoindialog/tablelist\" visibility=\"hidden\">নকশা উইন্ডোতে কোন সারণি সন্নিবেশ করা হবে তা উল্লেখ করে।</ahelp> <emph> সারণি যোগ </emph>ডায়ালগে, আপনার বর্তমান কাজের জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় সারণি নির্বাচন করতে পারেন। </variable> যখন একটি কোয়েরি বা নতুন সারণি উপস্থাপনা তৈরি করছে, তখন এর সম্পর্কিত সারণি নির্বাচন করুন যেখানে কোয়েরি বা সারণি উপস্থাপনা রেফার করা হবে। রিলেশনাল ডাটাবেসের সাথে কাজ করার সময় আপনি কোন সারণির মাঝে সম্পর্ক স্থাপন করতে চান তা নির্বাচন করুন।"
+msgid "<variable id=\"tabellehinzufuegentext\"><ahelp hid=\"dbaccess/ui/tablesjoindialog/tablelist\" visibility=\"hidden\">Specifies the tables to be inserted into the design window.</ahelp> In the <emph>Add Tables</emph> dialog, select the tables you need for your current task.</variable> When creating a query or a new table presentation, select the corresponding table to which the query or table presentation should refer. When working with relational databases, select the tables between which you want to build relationships."
+msgstr ""
#: 14020100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15165,16 +15165,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Switch Design View On / Off"
-msgstr "ডিজাইন প্রদর্শন সুইচ চালু/বন্ধ"
+msgid "Switch Design View On/Off"
+msgstr ""
#: 14020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/02/14020200.xhp\" name=\"Switch Design View On / Off\">Switch Design View On / Off</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/shared/02/14020200.xhp\" name=\"Switch Design View On / Off\">ডিজাইন প্রদর্শন সুইচ চালু/বন্ধ</link>"
+msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/02/14020200.xhp\" name=\"Switch Design View On / Off\">Switch Design View On/Off</link>"
+msgstr ""
#: 14020200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15197,8 +15197,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Switch Design View On / Off"
-msgstr "ডিজাইন প্রদর্শন সুইচ চালু/বন্ধ"
+msgid "Switch Design View On/Off"
+msgstr ""
#: 14030000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15221,8 +15221,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:SbaNativeSql\">In Native SQL mode you can enter SQL commands that are not interpreted by $[officename], but are instead passed directly to the data source.</ahelp> If you do not display these changes in the design view, you cannot change back to the design view."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:SbaNativeSql\">নেটিভ SQL মোডে আপনি $[officename] দ্বারা ব্যাখ্যাকৃত নয় এমন SQL কমান্ড সন্নিবেশ করতে পারেন, কিন্তু এর পরিবর্তে সরাসরি ডাটাসোর্সে পাঠানো হয়।</ahelp> যদি আপনি ডিজাইন দর্শনে এই পরিবর্তনগুলো প্রদর্শন না করেন, তবে আপনি পুনরায় ডিজাইন দর্শনে পরিবর্তন করতে পারবেননা।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:SbaNativeSql\">In <emph>Native SQL</emph> mode you can enter SQL commands that are not interpreted by $[officename], but are instead passed directly to the data source.</ahelp> If you do not display these changes in the design view, you cannot change back to the design view."
+msgstr ""
#: 14030000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15253,8 +15253,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click the icon again to return to normal mode, in which the changes in the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"New Query Design\">New Query Design</link> are synchronized with the permitted changes through SQL."
-msgstr "স্বাভাবিক মোডে ফিরতে পুনরায় আইকনে ক্লিক করুন, যেখানে পরিবর্তনগুলো <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"New Query Design\">নতুন কোয়েরি নকশায়</link> SQL দ্বারা অনুমোদিত পরিবর্তনের সাথে সন্নিবেশিত থাকে।"
+msgid "Click the icon again to return to normal mode, in which the changes in the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"New Query Design\"><emph>New Query Design</emph></link> are synchronized with the permitted changes through SQL."
+msgstr ""
#: 14040000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15277,8 +15277,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewFunctions\">Displays the \"Function\" row in the lower part of the design view of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\">Query Design</link> window.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewFunctions\"><link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\">কোয়েরি নকশার</link> উইন্ডোতে নিম্ন অংশে \"ফাংশন\" সারি নকশা দর্শনে প্রদর্শন করে।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewFunctions\">Displays the <emph>Function</emph> row in the lower part of the design view of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\"><emph>Query Design</emph></link> window.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 14040000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15317,8 +15317,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Displays the \"Table\" row in the lower part of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\">Query Design</link>.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\"><link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\">কোয়েরি নকশার</link> নিম্ন অংশে \"সারণি\" সারি প্রদর্শন করে।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Displays the <emph>Table</emph> row in the lower part of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\"><emph>Query Design</emph></link>.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 14050000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15357,8 +15357,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewAliases\">Displays the \"Alias\" row in the lower part of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\">Query Design</link>.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewAliases\"> <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\">কোয়েরি নকশার</link> নিম্ন অংশে \"উপনাম\" সারি প্রদর্শন করে।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\".uno:DBViewAliases\">Displays the <emph>Alias</emph> row in the lower part of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Query Design\"><emph>Query Design</emph></link>.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 14060000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15405,8 +15405,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:DBDistinctValues\">Expands the created select statement of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"SQL Query\">SQL Query</link> in the current column by the parameter DISTINCT.</ahelp> The consequence is that identical values occurring multiple times are listed only once."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:DBDistinctValues\"> DISTINCT পরামিতি দিয়ে বর্তমান কলাম বা কলামের <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"SQL Query\">SQL কোয়েরির</link> তৈরিকৃত নির্বাচন বিবরণ বর্ধিত করে।</ahelp> ফলাফল হল পরিচয়জ্ঞাপক মান যেগুলো একাধিক লাইনে ঘটে সেগুলো শুধু একবারই তালিকাবদ্ধ হয়।"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:DBDistinctValues\">Expands the created select statement of the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"SQL Query\"><emph>SQL Query</emph></link> in the current column by the parameter <emph>DISTINCT</emph>.</ahelp> The consequence is that identical values occurring multiple times are listed only once."
+msgstr ""
#: 14070000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15469,24 +15469,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To select an object, click the object with the arrow. To select more than one object, drag a selection frame around the objects. To add an object to a selection, press Shift, and then click the object. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>The objects selected together can then be defined as a <link href=\"text/shared/01/05290000.xhp\" name=\"group\">group</link>, turning them into a single group object.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "একটি বস্তু নির্বাচন করতে, তীর সম্বলিত বস্তু ক্লিক করুন। একের অধিক বস্তু নির্বাচন করতে, বস্তুর চারপাশে নির্বাচন ফ্রেম টেনে আনুন। নির্বাচনে একটি বস্তু যোগ করতে, Shift চাপুন, এবং এরপর বস্তুতে ক্লিক করুন। <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline> একই সাথে নির্বাচিত বস্তুগুলোকে একটি <link href=\"text/shared/01/05290000.xhp\" name=\"group\">গ্রুপ</link> হিসেবে ব্যাখ্যা করা যেতে পারে, একটি একক দলের বস্তু হিসেবে প্রতিপাদন করতে।</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "To select an object, click the object with the arrow. To select more than one object, drag a selection frame around the objects. To add an object to a selection, press <emph>Shift</emph>, and then click the object. <switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>The objects selected together can then be defined as a <link href=\"text/shared/01/05290000.xhp\" name=\"group\">group</link>, turning them into a single group object.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 18010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>You can edit individual elements of a group. You can also delete elements from a group with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Shift</defaultinline></switchinline>+click.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>আপনি একটি দলের প্রত্যেকটি উপাদানকে সম্পাদনা করতে পারেন। আপনি গ্রুপ থেকে উপকরণ মুছেও ফেলতে পারেন <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">কমান্ড</caseinline><defaultinline>Shift</defaultinline></switchinline>+ক্লিক করে।</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>You can edit individual elements of a group. You can also delete elements from a group with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>Command</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Shift</emph></defaultinline></switchinline>+click.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 18010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>You can select single objects from a group by double-clicking, if you first disable the <emph>Double-click to edit Text</emph> icon on the <emph>Option</emph> Bar.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>ডাবল-ক্লিক করে একটি গ্রুপ হতে একক বস্তু নির্বাচন করতে পারেন, যদি আপনি প্রথমে <emph>অপশন</emph> বারে<emph>পাঠ্য সম্পাদনা করতে ডাবল-ক্লিক</emph> আইকনে ক্লিক করেন।</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CHART\"></caseinline><caseinline select=\"MATH\"></caseinline><defaultinline>You can select single objects from a group by double-clicking, if you first disable the <emph>Double-click to edit Text</emph> icon on the <emph>Option</emph> bar.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 18030000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15557,8 +15557,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "In HTML Source mode, you can view and edit the <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#tags\" name=\"tags\">tags</link> of <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#html\" name=\"HTML\">HTML</link>. Save the document as a plain text document. Assign an .html or .htm extension to designate the document as HTML."
-msgstr "HTML সোর্স মোডে, আপনি দেখতে এবং সম্পাদনা করতে পারেন <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#tags\" name=\"tags\">ট্যাগ</link> <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#html\" name=\"HTML\">এইচটিএমএলের</link>। পাঠ্যটিকে সরল পাঠ্য নথি হিসেবে সংরক্ষণ করুন। একটি নথিকে HTML হিসেবে উপস্থাপন করতে একটি .html বা .htm বর্ধিতাংশ নিযুক্ত করুন।"
+msgid "In <emph>HTML Source</emph> mode, you can view and edit the <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#tags\" name=\"tags\">tags</link> of <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#html\" name=\"HTML\">HTML</link>. Save the document as a plain text document. Assign an <emph>.html</emph> or <emph>.htm</emph> extension to designate the document as HTML."
+msgstr ""
#: 20020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15589,40 +15589,40 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:LayoutStatus\">Displays the current Page Style. Double-click to edit the style, right-click to select another style.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".uno:LayoutStatus\">বর্তমান পৃষ্ঠার ধরন প্রদর্শন করে। ধরন সম্পাদনা করতে ডাবল-ক্লিক করুন, আরেকটি ধরন নির্বাচন করতে ডান-ক্লিক করুন।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:LayoutStatus\">Displays the current <emph>Page Style</emph>. Double-click to edit the style, right-click to select another style.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 20020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Double-click the<emph> Page Style field </emph>to open the <link href=\"text/swriter/01/05040000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\">Page Style</link> dialog, in which you can edit the style for the current page. In the context menu of this field, you can apply a Page Style. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">ডাবল ক্লিকের মাধ্যমে<emph> পৃষ্ঠা শৈলী ক্ষেত্র</emph><link href=\"text/swriter/01/05040000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\">পৃষ্ঠা শৈলী</link> ডায়ালগ খোলে যেখানে আপনি বর্তমান পৃষ্ঠার জন্য পৃষ্ঠা শৈলী নির্বাচন করতে পারেন। এই ক্ষেত্রের প্রসঙ্গ মেনুতে, আপনি একটি পৃষ্ঠা শৈলী প্রয়োগ করতে পারেন। </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\">Double-click the <emph>Page Style</emph> field to open the <link href=\"text/swriter/01/05040000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\"><emph>Page Style</emph></link> dialog, in which you can edit the style for the current page. In the context menu of this field, you can apply a page style.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 20020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Double-click the <emph>Page Style</emph> field to open the <link href=\"text/scalc/01/05070000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\">Page Style</link> dialog, in which you can edit the style for the current page. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">ডাবল ক্লিকের মাধ্যমে<emph> পৃষ্ঠা শৈলী </emph>ক্ষেত্র <link href=\"text/scalc/01/05070000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\">পৃষ্ঠা শৈলী</link> ডায়ালগ খোলে যেখানে আপনি বর্তমান পৃষ্ঠার জন্য পৃষ্ঠা শৈলী নির্বাচন করতে পারেন। </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\">Double-click the <emph>Page Style</emph> field to open the <link href=\"text/scalc/01/05070000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\"><emph>Page Style</emph></link> dialog, in which you can edit the style for the current page.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 20020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Double-click this field to open the <link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\">Slide Design</link> dialog in which you can select the style for the current slide. You can select a different paper format or background. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\">স্লাইডের নকশা</link> ডায়ালগটি খোলার জন্য এই ক্ষেত্রে ডবল ক্লিক করুন যার মধ্যে আপনি বর্তমান স্লাইডের জন্য শৈলীটি নির্বাচন করতে পারেন। আপনি একটি কাগজের অথবা পটভূমির একটি ভিন্ন বিন্যাস নির্বাচন করতে পারেন। </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Double-click this field to open the <link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\"><emph>Slide Design</emph></link> dialog in which you can select the style for the current slide. You can select a different paper format or background.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 20020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Double-click this field to open the <link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\">Slide Design</link> dialog in which you select the style for the current page. You can select a different paper format or background. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\"><link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\">স্লাইডের নকশা</link> ডায়ালগটি খোলার জন্য এই ক্ষেত্রে ডবল ক্লিক করুন যার মধ্যে আপনি বর্তমান স্লাইডের জন্য শৈলীটি নির্বাচন করতে পারেন। আপনি একটি কাগজের অথবা পটভূমির একটি ভিন্ন বিন্যাস নির্বাচন করতে পারেন। </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Double-click this field to open the <link href=\"text/simpress/01/05120000.xhp\" name=\"Page Style\"><emph>Slide Design</emph></link> dialog in which you select the style for the current page. You can select a different paper format or background.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 20030000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15661,8 +15661,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Double-clicking this field opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/03010000.xhp\" name=\"Zoom\">Zoom</link> dialog, where you can change the current zoom factor."
-msgstr "এই ক্ষেত্রে ডাবল ক্লিকের মাধ্যমে <link href=\"text/shared/01/03010000.xhp\" name=\"Zoom\">জুম</link> ডায়ালগ খোলে, যেখানে আপনি বর্তমান জুম ফ্যাক্টর পরিবর্তন করতে পারেন।"
+msgid "Double-clicking this field opens the <link href=\"text/shared/01/03010000.xhp\" name=\"Zoom\"><emph>Zoom</emph></link> dialog, where you can change the current zoom factor."
+msgstr ""
#: 20030000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15693,7 +15693,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertMode\">Displays the current insert mode. You can toggle between INSRT = insert and OVER = overwrite.</ahelp><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"> This field is only active if the cursor is in the input line of the formula bar or in a cell. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertMode\">Displays the current insert mode. You can toggle between <emph>INSRT</emph> = insert and <emph>OVER</emph> = overwrite.</ahelp><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"CALC\"> This field is only active if the cursor is in the input line of the formula bar or in a cell.</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 20040000.xhp
@@ -15701,8 +15701,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click in the field to toggle the modes (except in the $[officename] Basic IDE, where only the <emph>Insert</emph> mode is active). If the cursor is positioned in a text document, you may also use the Insert key (if available on your keyboard) to toggle the modes."
-msgstr "মোড টোগল করতে ক্ষেত্রে ক্লিক করুন ($[officename] Basic IDE বাদ দিয়ে, যেখানে শুধু <emph>সন্নিবেশ</emph> মোড সক্রিয়)। যদি কার্সারটিকে পাঠ্য নথিতে রাখা হয়, তবে আপনি টোগল মোডে কী সন্নিবেশ করতে পারেন (যদি আপনার কীবোর্ডে তা প্রাপ্তিসাধ্য হয়)।"
+msgid "Click in the field to toggle the modes (except in the $[officename] Basic IDE, where only the <emph>Insert</emph> mode is active). If the cursor is positioned in a text document, you may also use the <emph>Insert</emph> key (if available on your keyboard) to toggle the modes."
+msgstr ""
#: 20040000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15765,7 +15765,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>selection modes in text</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>text; selection modes</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>extending selection mode</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>adding selection mode</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>block selection mode</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>selection modes in text</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>text; selection modes</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>extending selection mode</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>adding selection mode</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>block selection mode</bookmark_value>"
msgstr ""
#: 20050000.xhp
@@ -15821,7 +15821,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "This is the default selection mode for text documents. With the keyboard, selections can be performed by Shift+NavigationKey (<item type=\"keycode\">arrows, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down</item>). With the mouse, click in the text where the selection is to start, hold the left mouse button and move to the end of the selection. Release the mouse key to end selection."
+msgid "This is the default selection mode for text documents. With the keyboard, selections can be performed by <emph>Shift</emph>+navigation key (<item type=\"keycode\">arrows, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down</item>). With the mouse, click in the text where the selection is to start, hold the left mouse button and move to the end of the selection. Release the mouse key to end selection."
msgstr ""
#: 20050000.xhp
@@ -15837,7 +15837,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "By using the arrow keys or the <item type=\"keycode\">Home</item> and <item type=\"keycode\">End</item> keys you can extend or crop the current selection. Clicking into the text selects the text between the current cursor position and the click position."
+msgid "By using the <emph>arrow</emph> keys or the <item type=\"keycode\">Home</item> and <item type=\"keycode\">End</item> keys you can extend or crop the current selection. Clicking into the text selects the text between the current cursor position and the click position."
msgstr ""
#: 20050000.xhp
@@ -15909,8 +15909,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_MODIFYSTATUS\">If changes to the document have not yet been saved, a \"*\" is displayed in this field on the Status Bar. This also applies to new, not yet saved documents.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"SID_MODIFYSTATUS\">যদি নথিতে এখনও পরিবর্তনটি সংরক্ষণ না করা হয়, একটি \"*\" অবস্থা বারে প্রদর্শিত হবে। এটি নতুন নথি, এখনও সংরক্ষিত হয়নি এমন নথিতে প্রয়োগ করে।</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SID_MODIFYSTATUS\">If changes to the document have not yet been saved, a \"<emph>*</emph>\" is displayed in this field on the <emph>Status</emph> bar. This also applies to new, not yet saved documents.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 20090000.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/04.po b/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/04.po
index c3d4d2032dd..91c8cc92440 100644
--- a/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/04.po
+++ b/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/04.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-08 15:10+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-24 07:54+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>keyboard;general commands</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>shortcut keys;general</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>text input fields</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>AutoComplete function in text and list boxes</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>macros; interrupting</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>keyboard;general commands</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>shortcut keys;general</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>text input fields</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>AutoComplete function in text and list boxes</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>macros; interrupting</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>keyboard; general commands</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>shortcut keys; general</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>text input fields</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>AutoComplete function in text and list boxes</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>macros; interrupting</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "A great deal of your application's functionality can be called up by using shortcut keys. For example, the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command+O</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl+O</defaultinline></switchinline> shortcut keys are shown next to the <emph>Open</emph> entry in the <emph>File</emph> menu. If you want to access this function by using the shortcut keys, press and hold down <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> and then press the O key. Release both keys after the dialog appears."
-msgstr "আপনার অ্যাপলিকেশন ক্রিয়ার বড় ব্যাপারটি শর্টকাট কী ব্যবহার করে স্মরন করানো যায়। উদাহরনসরূপ,<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command+O</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl+O</defaultinline></switchinline> শর্টকাট কী টি <emph>ফাইল</emph> মেনুতে <emph>খোলা</emph>এন্ট্রিতে দেখানো হয়। যদি আপনি ফাংশনটিতে শর্টকাট কী ব্যবহার করে সন্নিবেশ করতে চান তাহলে<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> চেপে ধরে রাখুন এবং O কী চাপুন। ডায়ালগটি দেখা গেলে কী দুইটি ছেড়ে দিন।"
+msgid "A great deal of your application's functionality can be called up by using shortcut keys. For example, the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command+O</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl+O</item></defaultinline></switchinline> shortcut keys are shown next to the <emph>Open</emph> entry in the <item type=\"menuitem\">File</item> menu. If you want to access this function by using the shortcut keys, press and hold down <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline> and then press the <item type=\"keycode\">O</item> key. Release both keys after the dialog appears."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>Some of the characters shown on the menu bar are underlined. You can access these menus directly by pressing the underlined character together with the ALT key. Once the menu is opened, you will again find underlined characters. You can access these menu items directly by simply pressing the underlined character key.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>মেনুবারে দেখানো কিছু অক্ষর নিম্নরেখাঙ্কিত করা হলো। ALT কী এর সাথে যুক্ত নিম্নরেখাঙ্কিত অক্ষর চেপে মেনু সরাসরি ব্যবহার করতে পারেন। একবার মেনুটি খুললে পুনরায় নিম্নরেখাঙ্কিত অক্ষর খুঁজে পাবেন। শুধুমাত্র নিম্নরেখাঙ্কিত অক্ষর কী চেপে মেনু উপাদানগুলো সরাসরি ব্যবহার করা যায়।</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>Some of the characters shown on the menu bar are underlined. You can access these menus directly by pressing the underlined character together with the <item type=\"keycode\">Alt</item> key. Once the menu is opened, you will again find underlined characters. You can access these menu items directly by simply pressing the underlined character key.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "There is always one element highlighted in any given dialog - usually shown by a broken frame. This element, which can be either a button, an option field, an entry in a list box or a check box, is said to have the focus on it. If the focal point is a button, pressing Enter runs it as if you had clicked it. A check box is toggled by pressing the spacebar. If an option field has the focus, use the arrow keys to change the activated option field in that area. Use the Tab key to go from one element or area to the next one, use Shift+Tab to go in the reverse direction."
+msgid "There is always one element highlighted in any given dialog - usually shown by a broken frame. This element, which can be either a button, an option field, an entry in a list box or a check box, is said to have the focus on it. If the focal point is a button, pressing <item type=\"keycode\">Enter</item> runs it as if you had clicked it. A check box is toggled by pressing the <item type=\"keycode\">Spacebar</item>. If an option field has the focus, use the arrow keys to change the activated option field in that area. Use the <item type=\"keycode\">Tab</item> key to go from one element or area to the next one, use <item type=\"keycode\">Shift+Tab</item> to go in the reverse direction."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Pressing ESC closes the dialog without saving changes. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>If you place the focus on a button, not only will you see the dotted line framing the name of the button, but also a thicker shadow under the button selected. This indicates that if you exit the dialog by pressing the Enter key, it is the equivalent of pressing that button itself.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "ESC চাপলে কোন পরিবর্তন সংরক্ষণ করা ছাড়াই ডায়ালগ বন্ধ করে। <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>আপনি যদি বোতাম এর উপর ফোকাস করেন তাহলে নির্বাচিত বোতাম এর নিচে হালকা ছায়া দেখার সাথে সাথে বোতামের নাম ফ্রেম করা বিন্দু-বিন্দু রেখাও দেখা যাবে। যদি আপনি Enter কী চেপে ডায়ালগ থেকে বের হয়ে যান তবে তা বোতামটির নিজেকে চাপার সমতুল্য।</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "Pressing <item type=\"keycode\">Esc</item> closes the dialog without saving changes. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"></caseinline><defaultinline>If you place the focus on a button, not only will you see the dotted line framing the name of the button, but also a thicker shadow under the button selected. This indicates that if you exit the dialog by pressing the <item type=\"keycode\">Enter</item> key, it is the equivalent of pressing that button itself.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you are using drag-and-drop, selecting with the mouse or clicking objects and names, you can use the keys Shift, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> and occasionally <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Option</caseinline><defaultinline>Alt</defaultinline></switchinline> to access additional functionality. The modified functions available when holding down keys during drag-and-drop are indicated by the mouse pointer changing form. When selecting files or other objects, the modifier keys can extend the selection - the functions are explained where applicable. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"UNIX\"><embedvar href=\"text/shared/00/00000099.xhp#winmanager\"/></caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "আপনি যদি মাউস দ্বারা অথবা বস্তু এবং নাম ক্লিক করার মাধ্যমে টেনে এনে ছেড়ে দিন বোতামটি ব্যবহার করেন, তাহলে Shift, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> এবং প্রয়োজনবোধে অতিরিক্ত কার্যপ্রনালী ব্যবহার করার জন্য <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Option</caseinline><defaultinline>Alt</defaultinline></switchinline> কী ব্যবহার করতে পারেন। টেনে এনে ছেড়ে দিন বোতামটি চেপে ধরে থাকার সময় পরিবর্তীত ফাংশনটি পাওয়া যাবে। ফাইল অথবা অন্যান্য উপাদান নির্বাচন করার সময় পরিবর্তনকারী কী নির্বাচন সম্প্রসারিত কর - ফাংশনসমূহ যেখানে প্রয়োজন সেখানে বর্ণনা করা হয়েছে। <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"UNIX\"><embedvar href=\"text/shared/00/00000099.xhp#winmanager\"/></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "If you are using drag-and-drop, selecting with the mouse or clicking objects and names, you can use the keys <item type=\"keycode\">Shift</item>, <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline> and occasionally <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Option</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Alt</item></defaultinline></switchinline> to access additional functionality. The modified functions available when holding down keys during drag-and-drop are indicated by the mouse pointer changing form. When selecting files or other objects, the modifier keys can extend the selection - the functions are explained where applicable. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"UNIX\"><embedvar href=\"text/shared/00/00000099.xhp#winmanager\"/></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use the shortcut keys <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+S to open the <emph>Special Characters</emph> dialog to insert one or more special characters."
+msgid "Use the shortcut keys <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Shift+S</item> to open the <emph>Special Characters</emph> dialog to insert one or more special characters."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+A to select the entire text. Use the right or left arrow key to remove the selection."
-msgstr "সম্পূর্ণ লেখা নির্বাচন করার জন্য <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+A ব্যবহার করুন। নির্বাচন অপসারণ করার জন্য ডান অথবা বাম তীর কী ব্যবহার করুন।"
+msgid "Use <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+A</item> to select the entire text. Use the right or left arrow key to remove the selection."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -173,24 +173,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Del to delete everything from the cursor position to the end of the word."
-msgstr "শব্দের শেষে কার্সার এর অবস্থান থেকে সবকিছু মুছে ফেলার জন্য <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Del ব্যবহার করা হয়।"
+msgid "Use <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Del</item> to delete everything from the cursor position to the end of the word."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "By using <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> and right or left arrow key, the cursor will jump from word to word; if you also hold down the Shift key, one word after the other is selected."
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> এবং ডান অথবা বাম কী ব্যবহার করে কার্সার এক শব্দ থেকে অন্য শব্দে সরাসরি নিয়ে যাওয়া যায়; যদি Shift কী চেপে ধরে রাখা হয় তবে একটার পর একটা শব্দ নির্বাচিত হতে থাকবে।"
+msgid "By using <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline> and right or left arrow key, the cursor will jump from word to word; if you also hold down the <item type=\"keycode\">Shift</item> key, one word after the other is selected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "INSRT is used to switch between the insert mode and the overwrite mode and back again."
-msgstr "সন্নিবেশ মোড এবং ঊর্ধ্বলিপি মোডে পরিবর্তন করার জন্য INSRT ব্যবহৃত হয় এবং পুনরায় পিছনে ফিরে যান।"
+msgid "<item type=\"keycode\">INSRT</item> is used to switch between the insert mode and the overwrite mode and back again."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -205,15 +205,15 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Z shortcut keys are used to undo modifications one step at a time; the text will then have the status it had before the first change."
-msgstr "একই সময়ে এক ধাপ পরিবর্তন বাতিল করার জন্য <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Z শর্টকাট কী ব্যবহার করা হয়; প্রথম পরিবর্তনের পূর্বে যে অবস্থায় ছিল সেই অবস্থায় ফিরে যাবে।"
+msgid "The <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Z</item> shortcut keys are used to undo modifications one step at a time; the text will then have the status it had before the first change."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "$[officename] has an AutoComplete function which activates itself in some text and list boxes. For example, enter <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">c:\\a</caseinline><defaultinline>~/a</defaultinline></switchinline> into the URL field and the AutoComplete function displays the first file or first directory found <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">on the C: drive</caseinline><defaultinline>in your home folder</defaultinline></switchinline> that starts with the letter \"a\"."
+msgid "$[officename] has an <emph>AutoComplete</emph> function which activates itself in some text and list boxes. For example, enter <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\"><emph>c:\\a</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>~/a</emph></defaultinline></switchinline> into the URL field and the <emph>AutoComplete</emph> function displays the first file or first directory found <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">on the C: drive</caseinline><defaultinline>in your home folder</defaultinline></switchinline> that starts with the letter \"a\"."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use the down arrow key to scroll through the other files and directories. Use the right arrow key to also display an existing subdirectory in the URL field. Quick AutoComplete is available if you press the End key after entering part of the URL. Once you find the document or directory you want, press Enter."
-msgstr "অন্য ফাইল এবং নির্দেশিকা স্ক্রল করার জন্য নিম্নমুখী কী ব্যবহার করুন। URL ক্ষেত্রে অবস্থিত উপনির্দেশিকা প্রদর্শন করার জন্য ডান দিক নির্দেশক তীর চিহ্ন ব্যবহার করুন। URL এর অংশ সন্নিবেশ করানোর পর End কী চাপলে দ্রুত স্বয়ংক্রিয় সম্পাদনা সম্পন্ন হয়। নথি অথবা নির্দেশিকা খুঁজে পাওয়ার জন্য Enter চাপুন।"
+msgid "Use the <item type=\"keycode\">Down Arrow</item> key to scroll through the other files and directories. Use the <item type=\"keycode\">Right Arrow</item> key to also display an existing subdirectory in the URL field. Quick AutoComplete is available if you press the <item type=\"keycode\">End</item> key after entering part of the URL. Once you find the document or directory you want, press <item type=\"keycode\">Enter</item>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you want to terminate a macro that is currently running, press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift+Q."
+msgid "If you want to terminate a macro that is currently running, press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Shift+Q</item>."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The shortcut keys are shown on the right hand side of the menu lists next to the corresponding menu command. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">(Not all of the mentioned keys for controlling dialogs are available on the Macintosh.)</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "The shortcut keys are shown on the right hand side of the menu lists next to the corresponding menu command. <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">(Not all of the mentioned keys for controlling dialogs are available on macOS.)</caseinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -277,8 +277,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Effect</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>প্রভাব</emph>"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -293,8 +293,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Activates the focused button in a dialog"
-msgstr "ডায়ালগে ফোকাসকৃত বোতামটি সক্রিয় করা হয়"
+msgid "Activates the focused button in a dialog."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -389,8 +389,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the list of the control field currently selected in a dialog. These shortcut keys apply not only to combo boxes but also to icon buttons with pop-up menus. Close an opened list by pressing the Escape key."
-msgstr "ডায়ালগে বর্তমানে নির্বাচিত নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষেত্রের তালিকা খোলে। এই শর্টকাট কী শুধুমাত্র কম্বো বাক্সে নয় কিন্তু পপ-আপ মেনুসহ চিহ্ন বোতামেও প্রয়োগ করা হয়। খোলা থাকা কোন তালিকা বন্ধ করার জন্য Escape কী চাপুন।"
+msgid "Opens the list of the control field currently selected in a dialog. These shortcut keys apply not only to combo boxes but also to icon buttons with pop-up menus. Close an opened list by pressing the <item type=\"keycode\">Esc</item> key."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -413,8 +413,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Effect</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>প্রভাব</emph>"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>Toggles the view between fullscreen mode and normal mode in Writer or Calc</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>Toggles the view between fullscreen mode and normal mode in Writer or Calc.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>Starts the $[officename] Help</defaultinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"/><defaultinline>Starts the $[officename] Help.</defaultinline></switchinline>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -645,8 +645,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Turns on Extended Tips for the currently selected command, icon or control."
-msgstr "বর্তমানে নির্বাচিত কমান্ড, চিহ্ন, কন্ট্রোলের জন্য সম্প্রসারিত পরামর্শ সক্রিয় করা হয়।"
+msgid "Turns on <emph>Extended Tips</emph> for the currently selected command, icon or control."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -661,8 +661,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Sets focus in next subwindow (for example, document/data source view)"
-msgstr "পরবর্তী সাবউইন্ডোতে ফোকাস স্থির করা হয় (উদাহরনস্বরূপ, নথি/ডাটা সোর্স প্রদর্শনী)"
+msgid "Sets focus in next subwindow, for example, document/data source view."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -693,8 +693,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Activates the first menu (File menu)"
-msgstr "প্রথম মেনু সক্রিয় করা হয় (ফাইল মেনু)"
+msgid "Activates the first menu (File menu)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -725,8 +725,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Closes the current document (close $[officename] when the last open document is closed)"
-msgstr "বর্তমান নথিটি বন্ধ করা হয় (সর্বশেষে খোলা নথিটি বন্ধ করা হলে $[officename] বন্ধ করা হবে)"
+msgid "Closes the current document. Closes $[officename] when the last open document is closed."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -765,8 +765,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Effect</emph>"
-msgstr "<emph>প্রভাব</emph>"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -973,8 +973,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Italic</emph> attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also marked in italic."
-msgstr "<emph>বাঁকা হরফ</emph> বৈশিষ্ট্য নির্ধারিত স্থানে প্রয়োগ করা হয়েছে। যদি কার্সারটি কোন শব্দে অবস্থান করে তাহলে শব্দটিও তীর্যক অক্ষরে চিহ্নিত করা হয়।"
+msgid "The \"Italic\" attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also marked in italic."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -989,8 +989,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Bold</emph> attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also put in bold."
-msgstr "নির্ধারিত স্থানে <emph>গাঢ়</emph> বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী প্রয়োগ করা হয়েছে। যদি কার্সারটি কোন শব্দে অবস্থান করে, তাহলে শব্দটিও গাঢ় অক্ষরে চিহ্নিত করা হয়।"
+msgid "The \"Bold\" attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also put in bold."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1005,8 +1005,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Underlined</emph> attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also underlined."
-msgstr "নির্ধারিত স্থানে <emph>নিম্নরেখাঙ্কিত</emph> বৈশিষ্ট্য প্রয়োগ করা হয়েছে। যদি কার্সারটি কোন শব্দে অবস্থান করে তাহলে শব্দটিও নিম্নরেখাঙ্কিত করা হয়।"
+msgid "The \"Underlined\" attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also underlined."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1021,7 +1021,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Removes direct formatting from selected text or objects (as in <emph>Format - Clear Direct Formatting</emph>)"
+msgid "Removes direct formatting from selected text or objects (as in <item type=\"menuitem\">Format - Clear Direct Formatting</item>)."
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1045,8 +1045,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Result"
-msgstr "ফলাফল"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1077,16 +1077,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Moves between areas (backwards)"
-msgstr "দুইটি এলাকার মধ্যে সরানো হয় (এক ধাপ পিছনে)"
+msgid "Moves backwards between areas."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Shortcut keys in the New Theme area of the Gallery:"
-msgstr "গ্যালারির নতুন থিম এলাকার শর্টকাট কী:"
+msgid "Shortcut keys in the <emph>New Theme</emph> area of the Gallery:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1101,8 +1101,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Result"
-msgstr "ফলাফল"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1149,8 +1149,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the Properties dialog."
-msgstr "বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী ডায়ালগ খোলা হয়।"
+msgid "Opens the <emph>Properties</emph> dialog."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1229,16 +1229,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Inserts a new theme"
-msgstr "নতুন থিম অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা হয়"
+msgid "Inserts a new theme."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Shortcut keys in the Gallery preview area:"
-msgstr "গ্যালারি প্রাকদর্শন এলাকার শর্টকাট কী:"
+msgid "Shortcut keys in the <emph>Gallery Preview</emph> area:"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1253,8 +1253,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Result"
-msgstr "ফলাফল"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1365,8 +1365,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Scroll up one screen."
-msgstr "পর্দা এক স্তর উপরে উঠুন।"
+msgid "Scrolls up one screen."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1381,8 +1381,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Scroll down one screen."
-msgstr "স্ক্রল করে পর্দার এক স্তর নিচে নামুন।"
+msgid "Scrolls down one screen."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1485,8 +1485,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Step backward (only in object view)"
-msgstr "এক ধাপ পিছনে যায় (শুধুমাত্র বস্তু প্রদর্শনর ক্ষেত্রে)"
+msgid "Step backward (only in object view)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1501,7 +1501,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Selecting Rows and Columns in a Database Table (opened by <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> + Shift + F4 keys)"
+msgid "Selecting Rows and Columns in a Database Table (opened by <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Shift+F4</item> keys)"
msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
@@ -1517,8 +1517,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Result"
-msgstr "ফলাফল"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1549,8 +1549,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Toggles row selection"
-msgstr "সারি নির্বাচন টগল করা হয়"
+msgid "Toggles row selection."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1565,8 +1565,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Selects the current column"
-msgstr "বর্তমান কলামটি নির্বাচন করা হয়"
+msgid "Selects the current column."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1581,8 +1581,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Moves pointer to the first row"
-msgstr "পয়েন্টারটিকে প্রথম সারিতে সরিয়ে নেয়া হয়"
+msgid "Moves pointer to the first row."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1597,8 +1597,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Moves pointer to the last row"
-msgstr "পয়েন্টারটিকে শেষ সারি পর্যন্ত সরিয়ে নেয়া হয়।"
+msgid "Moves pointer to the last row."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1621,16 +1621,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Result"
-msgstr "ফলাফল"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the toolbar with F6. Use the Down Arrow and Right Arrow to select the desired toolbar icon and press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter"
-msgstr "F6 দ্বারা টুলবার নির্বাচন করুন। কাঙ্খিত টুলবারটি নির্বাচন করার জন্য নিম্নমুখী অথবা ডান তীর ব্যবহার করুন এবং <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter চাপুন"
+msgid "Select the toolbar with <item type=\"keycode\">F6</item>. Use the <item type=\"keycode\">Down Arrow</item> and <item type=\"keycode\">Right Arrow</item> keys to select the desired toolbar icon and press <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+Enter</item>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1645,8 +1645,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the document with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+F6 and press Tab"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+F6 দ্বারা নথি নির্বাচন করুন এবং Tab চাপুন"
+msgid "Select the document with <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><item type=\"keycode\">Command</item></caseinline><defaultinline><item type=\"keycode\">Ctrl</item></defaultinline></switchinline><item type=\"keycode\">+F6</item> and press <item type=\"keycode\">Tab</item>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1749,8 +1749,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Exit Handle Selection Mode and return to Object Selection Mode."
-msgstr "হ্যান্ডেল নির্বাচন মোড থেকে প্রস্থান করুন এবং উপাদান নির্বাচন মোডে ফিরে আসুন।"
+msgid "Exits <emph>Handle Selection Mode</emph> and return to <emph>Object Selection Mode</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1765,8 +1765,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Move the selected point (the snap-to-grid functions are temporarily disabled, but end points still snap to each other)."
-msgstr "নির্বাচিত বিন্দুটি সরানো হয় (স্নেপ থেকে গ্রিড ফাংশন অস্থায়ীভাবে নিষ্ক্রিয়, কিন্তু সর্বশেষ বিন্দু এখনো পরস্পরকে স্নেপ করে থাকে)।"
+msgid "Moves the selected point (the snap-to-grid functions are temporarily disabled, but end points still snap to each other)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1781,32 +1781,32 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Moves the selected Drawing Object one pixel (in Selection Mode)"
-msgstr "নির্বাচিত অঙ্কন উপাদানকে এক পিক্সেল সরানো হয় (নির্বাচন মোডে)‌"
+msgid "Moves the selected drawing object one pixel (in Selection Mode)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Re-sizes a Drawing Object (in Handle Selection Mode)"
-msgstr "অঙ্কন বস্তুর আকৃতি পরিবর্তন করা হয় ( হ্যান্ডেল নির্বাচন মোডে)"
+msgid "Resizes a drawing object (in Handle Selection Mode)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Rotates a Drawing Object (in Rotation Mode)"
-msgstr "অঙ্কন বস্তু আবর্তন করা হয় (আবর্তন মোডে)"
+msgid "Rotates a drawing object (in Rotation Mode)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the properties dialog for a Drawing Object."
-msgstr "অঙ্কন উপাদানের জন্য বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী ডায়ালগটি খোলা হয়।"
+msgid "Opens the properties dialog for a drawing object."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1829,8 +1829,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select a point of a drawing object (in Point Selection mode) / Cancel selection."
-msgstr "অঙ্কন উপাদানের বিন্দু নির্বাচন করুন (বিন্দু নির্বাচন মোডে) / নির্বাচন বাদ দিন।"
+msgid "Selects a point of a drawing object (in Point Selection mode) / Cancel selection."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1853,8 +1853,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select an additional point in Point Selection mode."
-msgstr "বিন্দু নির্বাচন মোডে অতিরিক্ত বিন্দু নির্বাচন করুন।"
+msgid "Selects an additional point in Point Selection mode."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1869,16 +1869,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the next point of the drawing object (Point Selection mode)"
-msgstr "অঙ্কন উপাদানের পরবর্তী বিন্দু নির্বাচন করুন (বিন্দু নির্বাচন মোড)"
+msgid "Selects the next point of the drawing object (Point Selection mode)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "In Rotation mode, the center of rotation can also be selected."
-msgstr "ঘূর্নন মোডে, ঘূর্ননের কেন্দ্রও নির্বাচিত হয়।"
+msgid "In <emph>Rotation</emph> mode, the center of rotation can also be selected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1893,8 +1893,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the previous point of the drawing object (Point Selection mode)"
-msgstr "অঙ্কন বস্তুর পূর্ববর্তী বিন্দু নির্বাচন করুন (নির্বাচন মোড নির্দেশ করুন)"
+msgid "Selects the previous point of the drawing object (Point Selection mode)"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1917,8 +1917,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter at the Selection icon"
-msgstr "নির্বাচন আইকনে <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+"
+msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter at the <emph>Selection</emph> icon"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1941,16 +1941,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Leave the Point Selection mode. The drawing object is selected afterwards."
-msgstr "বিন্দু নির্বাচন মোড ত্যাগ করুন। অঙ্কন উপাদান পরবর্তীতে নির্বাচন করা হয়।"
+msgid "Leaves the <emph>Point Selection</emph> mode. The drawing object is selected afterwards."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Edit a point of a drawing object (Point Edit mode)"
-msgstr "অঙ্কন উপাদানের বিন্দু সম্পাদনা করা (বিন্দু সম্পাদনা মোড)"
+msgid "Edits a point of a drawing object (Point Edit mode)."
+msgstr ""
#: 01010000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2069,8 +2069,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Results"
-msgstr "ফলাফল"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2149,8 +2149,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "প্রাকদর্শন"
+msgid "Shows a Preview."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2165,8 +2165,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Run query"
-msgstr "কোয়েরি চালানো হবে"
+msgid "Runs query."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2181,8 +2181,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Add table or query"
-msgstr "সারণি অথবা কোয়েরি অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা হবে।"
+msgid "Adds table or query."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2205,8 +2205,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Results"
-msgstr "ফলাফল"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2341,8 +2341,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Results"
-msgstr "ফলাফল"
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2389,8 +2389,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Jump between windows."
-msgstr "এক উইন্ডো থেকে অন্য উইন্ডোতে সরাসরি চলে যান।"
+msgid "Jumps between windows."
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/07.po b/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/07.po
index 082b2c36e1c..f4f0fd1b050 100644
--- a/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/07.po
+++ b/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/07.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-09 16:45+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-11 12:14+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To create a new web page for the Internet, open a new <emph>HTML Document</emph> by choosing <emph>File - New</emph>."
-msgstr "ইন্টারনেট এর জন্য নতুন ওয়েব পাতা তৈরি করতে হলে <emph>File - New</emph> হতে নতুন <emph>HTML-নথি </emph> খুলুন।"
+msgid "To create a new web page for the Internet, open a new <emph>HTML Document</emph> by choosing <item type=\"menuitem\">File - New</item>."
+msgstr ""
#: 09000000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "A tool for creating new web pages is the Web Layout mode, which you enable with <emph>View - Web</emph>."
+msgid "A tool for creating new web pages is the Web Layout mode, which you enable with <item type=\"menuitem\">View - Web</item>."
msgstr ""
#: 09000000.xhp
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Switch to the web layout mode by choosing <emph>View - Web</emph> or by opening a new HTML document."
+msgid "Switch to the web layout mode by choosing <item type=\"menuitem\">View - Web</item> or by opening a new HTML document."
msgstr ""
#: 09000000.xhp
diff --git a/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po b/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po
index fd0c5085cc5..484c9ad7746 100644
--- a/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po
+++ b/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-16 16:54+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-07-05 16:52+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -12397,8 +12397,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To create a single line, type three or more hyphens (-), or underscores ( _ ), and then press Enter. To create a double line, type three or more equal signs (=), asterisks (*), tildes (~), or hash marks (#), and then press Enter."
-msgstr "একটি একক লাইন তৈরি করতে, তিন অথবা আরো হাইফেন (-), অথবা আন্ডারস্কোর ( _ ) টাইপ করুন, এবং এরপর Enter চাপুন। একটি দ্বিগুণ লাইন তৈরি করতে, তিন অথবা আরো সমান চিহ্ন (=), তীর চিহ্ন (*), টিল্ড (~), অথবা হ্যাশ চিহ্ন (#) টাইপ করুন, এবং এরপর Enter চাপুন।"
+msgid "To create a single line, type three or more hyphens (-), or underscores (_), and then press Enter. To create a double line, type three or more equal signs (=), asterisks (*), tildes (~), or hash marks (#), and then press Enter."
+msgstr ""
#: line_intext.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/optionen.po b/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/optionen.po
index 8e9e3ccfe48..ae795d70c19 100644
--- a/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/optionen.po
+++ b/source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/optionen.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-07-05 17:05+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -1605,7 +1605,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"ignore\">The <emph>IgnoreAllList (All)</emph> includes all words that have been marked with <emph>Ignore</emph> during spellcheck. This list is valid only for the current spellcheck.</variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"ignore\">The <emph>List of Ignored Words (All)</emph> includes all words that have been marked with <emph>Ignore</emph> during spellcheck. This list is valid only for the current spellcheck.</variable>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010400.xhp
diff --git a/source/bn-IN/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po b/source/bn-IN/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
index 9c05cc880be..fc15cb8aa5a 100644
--- a/source/bn-IN/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
+++ b/source/bn-IN/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:14+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:05+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-12-01 12:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: Bengali (India) <>\n"
@@ -3865,15 +3865,6 @@ msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা বিভাজক সন্নিবেশ"
#: CalcCommands.xcu
msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Data"
-msgstr "ডাটা (~D)"
-#: CalcCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
@@ -22800,6 +22791,15 @@ msgstr "সন্নিবেশ (~I)"
#: GenericCommands.xcu
msgctxt ""
+msgid "~Data"
+msgstr ""
+#: GenericCommands.xcu
+msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/bn-IN/sc/messages.po b/source/bn-IN/sc/messages.po
index 4307010c4d0..021d8b7d6e7 100644
--- a/source/bn-IN/sc/messages.po
+++ b/source/bn-IN/sc/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -14082,37 +14082,42 @@ msgid "~Value"
msgstr "মান (~V)"
#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:68
+msgid "~Formula"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:69
msgid "~Source"
msgstr "উৎস (~S)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:69
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:70
msgid "~Entries"
msgstr "ভুক্তি (~E)"
#. for dialogues:
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:71
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:72
msgid "System"
msgstr "সিস্টেম"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:72
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:73
msgid "Standard;Text;Date (DMY);Date (MDY);Date (YMD);US English;Hide"
msgstr "Standard;Text;Date (DMY);Date (MDY);Date (YMD);US English;Hide"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:73
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:74
msgid "Tab"
msgstr "ট্যাব"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:74
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:75
msgid "space"
msgstr "স্থান"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:75
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:76
msgid ""
"%PRODUCTNAME Calc found an error in the formula entered.\n"
@@ -14123,1284 +14128,1388 @@ msgstr ""
"আপনি কি নিম্নে সুপারিশকৃত সংশোধন গ্রহণ করতে চান?\n"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:76
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:77
msgid "Image Filter"
msgstr "ছবি ফিল্টার"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:77
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:78
msgid "Text"
msgstr "পাঠ্য"
#. Select tables dialog title
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:79
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:80
msgid "Select Sheets"
msgstr "শীট নির্বাচন করুন"
#. Select tables dialog listbox
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:81
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:82
msgid "~Selected sheets"
msgstr "নির্বাচিত শীট (~S)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:82
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:83
msgid "Ruler"
msgstr "মাপকাঠি"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:83
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:84
msgid "This ruler manages objects at fixed positions."
msgstr "এই মাপকাঠিটি নির্দিষ্ট অবস্থানে বস্তুকে নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে।"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:84
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:85
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "প্রাকদর্শন"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:85
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:86
msgid "This sheet shows how the data will be arranged in the document."
msgstr "এই শীটটি দেখায় কিভাবে নথিতে ডাটা সাজানো হবে।"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:86
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:87
msgctxt "STR_ACC_DOC_NAME"
msgid "Document view"
msgstr "নথির দৃশ্যপট"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:87
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:88
msgid "Sheet %1"
msgstr "শীট %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:88
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:89
msgid "Cell %1"
msgstr "ঘর %1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:89
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:90
msgid "Left area"
msgstr "বাম অংশ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:90
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:91
msgid "Page preview"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা প্রাকদর্শন"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:91
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:92
msgid "Center area"
msgstr "কেন্দ্রীয় অংশ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:92
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:93
msgid "Right area"
msgstr "ডান অংশ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:93
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:94
msgid "Header of page %1"
msgstr "%1 পৃষ্ঠার শীর্ষচরণ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:94
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:95
msgid "Footer of page %1"
msgstr "%1 পৃষ্ঠার পাদচরণ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:95
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:96
msgid "Input line"
msgstr "ইনপুট লাইন"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:96
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:97
msgid "This is where you enter or edit text, numbers and formulas."
msgstr "এটি এমন জায়গা যেখানে আপনি পাঠ্য, সংখ্যা বা সূত্রসমূহ সন্নিবেশ করাতে বা সম্পাদনা করতে পারেন।"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:97
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:98
msgid "Media Playback"
msgstr "মিডিয়া প্লেব্যাক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:98
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:99
msgid "Mouse button pressed"
msgstr "মাউসের বোতাম চাপা হয়েছে"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:99
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:100
msgid "Formula Tool Bar"
msgstr "সূত্র বার"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:100
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:101
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Spreadsheets"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME স্প্রেডশীটসমূহ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:101
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:102
msgid "(read-only)"
msgstr "(শুধুমাত্র-পাঠযোগ্য)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:102
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:103
msgid "(Preview mode)"
msgstr "(প্রাকদর্শন মোড)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:103
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:104
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:104
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:105
#, fuzzy
msgid "~Suppress output of empty pages"
msgstr "ফাঁকা পৃষ্ঠার আউটপুট রোধ করুন"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:105
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:106
#, fuzzy
msgid "Print content"
msgstr "বিষয়বস্তুর তালিকা করুন"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:106
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:107
#, fuzzy
msgid "~All sheets"
msgstr "সব শীট (~A)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:107
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:108
msgid "~Selected sheets"
msgstr "নির্বাচিত শীট (~S)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:108
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:109
msgid "Selected cells"
msgstr "নির্বাচিত শীট"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:109
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:110
msgid "From which print"
msgstr "এর থেকে প্রিন্ট"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:110
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:111
#, fuzzy
msgid "All ~pages"
msgstr "সব পৃষ্ঠা"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:111
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:112
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pa~ges"
msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:112
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:113
#, fuzzy
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %s"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Calc"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:113
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:114
msgid "Warn me about this in the future."
msgstr "ভবিষ্যতে এই সম্পর্কে সতর্ক করা হবে।"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:114
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:115
msgid "The following DDE source could not be updated possibly because the source document was not open. Please launch the source document and try again."
msgstr "মূল নথিটি খোলা না হওয়ার ফলে নিম্নলিখিত DDE উৎস আপডেট করা সম্ভব নয়। অনুগ্রহ করে মূল নথিটি খুলে পুনরায় প্রচেষ্টা করুন।"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:115
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:116
msgid "The following external file could not be loaded. Data linked from this file did not get updated."
msgstr "নিম্নলিখিত বহিস্থিত ফাইলটি লোড করা যায়নি। এই ফাইল থেকে সংযুক্ত তথ্য আপডেট করা হয়নি।"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:116
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:117
msgid "Updating external links."
msgstr "বাহ্যিক লিঙ্ক অাপডেট করা হচ্ছে।"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:117
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:118
msgid "Calc A1"
msgstr "ক্যালক A1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:118
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:119
msgid "Excel A1"
msgstr "এক্সেল A1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:119
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:120
msgid "Excel R1C1"
msgstr "এক্সেল R1C1"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:120
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:121
msgid "Range contains column la~bels"
msgstr "পরিসর কলাম লেবেল ধারণ করে (~b)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:121
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:122
msgid "Range contains ~row labels"
msgstr "পরিসর সারি লেবেল ধারণ করে (~r)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:122
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:123
msgctxt "SCSTR_VALERR"
msgid "Invalid value"
msgstr "অবৈধ মান"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:123
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:124
msgid "No formula specified."
msgstr "কোনো সূত্র উল্লেখিত নেই।"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:124
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:125
msgctxt "STR_NOCOLROW"
msgid "Neither row or column specified."
msgstr "কলাম বা সারি কোনটিই উল্লেখিত নেই।"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:125
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:126
msgid "Undefined name or range."
msgstr "অনির্ধারিত নাম বা পরিসর।"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:126
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:127
msgid "Undefined name or wrong cell reference."
msgstr "অনির্ধারিত নাম বা ভুল ঘরের রেফারেন্স।"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:127
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:128
msgid "Formulas don't form a column."
msgstr "সূত্রসমূহ কলাম গঠন করে না।"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:128
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:129
msgid "Formulas don't form a row."
msgstr "সূত্রসমূহ সারি গঠন করে না।"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:129
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:130
msgid "Add AutoFormat"
msgstr "AutoFormat যোগ করুন"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:130
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:131
msgid "Rename AutoFormat"
msgstr "AutoFormat পুনরায় নামকরণ করুন"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:131
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:132
msgid "Name"
msgstr "নাম"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:132
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:133
msgid "Delete AutoFormat"
msgstr "AutoFormat মুছুন"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:133
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:134
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do you really want to delete the # AutoFormat?"
msgstr "আপনি কি সত্যিই # স্বয়ংক্রিয়-বিন্যাস মুছে ফেলতে চান?"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:134
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:135
msgid "~Close"
msgstr "বন্ধ করুন (~C)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:135
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:136
msgctxt "STR_JAN"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "জানুয়ারি"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:136
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:137
msgctxt "STR_FEB"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "ফেব্রুয়ারি"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:137
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:138
msgctxt "STR_MAR"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "মার্চ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:138
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:139
msgctxt "STR_NORTH"
msgid "North"
msgstr "উত্তর"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:139
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:140
msgctxt "STR_MID"
msgid "Mid"
msgstr "মধ্য"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:140
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:141
msgctxt "STR_SOUTH"
msgid "South"
msgstr "দক্ষিণ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:141
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:142
msgctxt "STR_SUM"
msgid "Total"
msgstr "সর্বমোট"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:142
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:143
msgctxt "STR_SHEET"
msgid "Sheet"
msgstr "শীট"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:143
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:144
msgctxt "STR_CELL"
msgid "Cell"
msgstr "ঘর"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:144
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:145
msgctxt "STR_CONTENT"
msgid "Content"
msgstr "বিষয়বস্তু"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:145
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:146
#, fuzzy
msgid "Page Anchor"
msgstr "নোঙ্গর পরিবর্তন"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:146
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:147
msgid "Cell Anchor"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:147
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:148
#, fuzzy
msgid "Condition "
msgstr "শর্ত"
#. content description strings are also use d in ScLinkTargetsObj
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:150
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:151
msgid "Contents"
msgstr "বিষয়বস্তু"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:151
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:152
msgid "Sheets"
msgstr "শীট"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:152
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:153
msgid "Range names"
msgstr "পরিসরের নাম"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:153
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:154
msgid "Database ranges"
msgstr "ডাটাবেসের পরিসর"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:154
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:155
msgid "Images"
msgstr "ছবি"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:155
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:156
msgid "OLE objects"
msgstr "OLE অবজেক্ট"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:156
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:157
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "মন্তব্য"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:157
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:158
msgid "Linked areas"
msgstr "সংযোগকৃত এলাকাসমূহ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:158
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:159
msgid "Drawing objects"
msgstr "অঙ্কন বস্তু"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:159
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:160
#, fuzzy
msgid "Drag Mode"
msgstr "টেনে আনার মোড"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:160
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:161
msgid "Display"
msgstr "প্রদর্শন"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:161
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:162
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SCSTR_ACTIVE"
msgid "active"
msgstr "সক্রিয়"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:162
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:163
#, fuzzy
msgid "inactive"
msgstr "নিষ্ক্রিয়"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:163
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:164
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SCSTR_HIDDEN"
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "আড়াল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:164
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:165
#, fuzzy
msgid "Active Window"
msgstr "সক্রিয় উইন্ডো"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:165
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:166
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scenario Name"
msgstr "দৃশ্যকল্পের নাম"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:166
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:167
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "মন্তব্য"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:168
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:169
msgid "Sort Ascending"
msgstr "আরোহী ক্রমানুসারে সাজানো"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:169
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:170
msgid "Sort Descending"
msgstr "অবরোহী ক্রমানুসারে সাজানো"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:170
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:171
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Sort"
msgstr "পছন্দসই ক্রমিকায়ন"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:171
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:172
#, fuzzy
msgid "All"
msgstr "সব"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:172
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:173
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show only the current item."
msgstr "শুধুমাত্র বর্তমান আইটেম দেখানো হবে।"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:173
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:174
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hide only the current item."
msgstr "শুধুমাত্র বর্তমান আইটেম লুকানো হবে।"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:174
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:175
msgid "Search items..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:176
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:177
msgid "Name Box"
msgstr "নামের বাক্স"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:177
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:178
msgid "Input line"
msgstr "ইনপুট লাইন"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:178
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:179
msgid "Function Wizard"
msgstr "ফাংশন উইজার্ড"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:179
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:180
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "গ্রহণ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:180
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:181
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "বাতিল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:181
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:182
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "সমষ্টি"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:182
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:183
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "সূত্র"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:183
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:184
msgid "Expand Formula Bar"
msgstr "ফরমুলা বার প্রসারণ করা হবে"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:184
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:185
msgid "Collapse Formula Bar"
msgstr "ফরমুলা বার সংকুচন করা হবে"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:186
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:187
msgid "Conflict"
msgstr "দ্বন্দ্ব"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:187
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:188
msgid "Author"
msgstr "লেখক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:188
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:189
msgctxt "STR_TITLE_DATE"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "তারিখ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:189
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:190
msgid "Unknown User"
msgstr "অজানা ব্যবহারকারী"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:191
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:192
msgid "Column inserted"
msgstr "কলাম সন্নিবেশ করা হয়েছে"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:192
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:193
msgid "Row inserted "
msgstr "সারি সন্নিবেশ করা হয়েছে"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:193
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:194
msgid "Sheet inserted "
msgstr "শীট সন্নিবেশ করা হয়েছে"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:194
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:195
msgid "Column deleted"
msgstr "কলাম মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:195
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:196
msgid "Row deleted"
msgstr "সারি মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:196
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:197
msgid "Sheet deleted"
msgstr "শীট মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:197
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:198
msgctxt "STR_CHG_MOVE"
msgid "Range moved"
msgstr "পরিসর সরানো হয়েছে"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:198
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:199
msgid "Changed contents"
msgstr "পরিবর্তিত বিষয়বস্তুসমূহ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:199
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:200
msgid "Changed contents"
msgstr "পরিবর্তিত বিষয়বস্তুসমূহ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:200
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:201
msgid "Changed to "
msgstr "পরিবর্তন করা হয়েছে"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:201
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:202
msgid "Original"
msgstr "মূল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:202
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:203
msgctxt "STR_CHG_REJECT"
msgid "Changes rejected"
msgstr "পরিবর্তন বাতিল করা হয়েছে"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:203
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:204
msgid "Accepted"
msgstr "গ্রহণ করা হয়েছে"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:204
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:205
msgid "Rejected"
msgstr "বাতিল করা হয়েছে"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:205
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:206
msgctxt "STR_CHG_NO_ENTRY"
msgid "No Entry"
msgstr "সন্নিবেশ নিষেধ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:206
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:207
msgctxt "STR_CHG_EMPTY"
msgid "<empty>"
msgstr "<ফাঁকা>"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:208
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:209
msgid "Not protected"
msgstr "সুরক্ষিত নয়"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:209
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:210
msgid "Not password-protected"
msgstr "পাসওয়ার্ড সুরক্ষিত নয়"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:210
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:211
msgctxt "STR_HASH_BAD"
msgid "Hash incompatible"
msgstr "সঙ্গতিহীন হ্যাশ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:211
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:212
msgctxt "STR_HASH_GOOD"
msgid "Hash compatible"
msgstr "সঙ্গতিপূর্ণ হ্যাশ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:212
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:213
msgctxt "STR_RETYPE"
msgid "Re-type"
msgstr "পুনরায় লিখুন"
#. MovingAverageDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:215
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:216
msgid "Moving Average"
msgstr "পরিবর্তনশীল গড়"
#. ExponentialSmoothingDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:217
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:218
msgid "Exponential Smoothing"
msgstr "এক্সপোনেনশিয়াল স্মুথিং"
#. AnalysisOfVarianceDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:219
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:220
#, fuzzy
msgid "Analysis of Variance"
msgstr "বিভেদতার বিশ্লেষণ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:220
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:221
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_ANOVA"
+msgid "Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:222
#, fuzzy
msgid "ANOVA - Single Factor"
msgstr "ANOVA - একক ফ্যাক্টর"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:221
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:223
#, fuzzy
msgid "ANOVA - Two Factor"
msgstr "ANOVA - দুই ফ্যাক্টর"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:222
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:224
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "গ্রুপসমূহ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:223
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:225
#, fuzzy
msgid "Between Groups"
msgstr "গ্রুপের মধ্যে"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:224
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:226
#, fuzzy
msgid "Within Groups"
msgstr "গ্রুপের মধ্যে"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:225
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:227
#, fuzzy
msgid "Source of Variation"
msgstr "পার্থক্যের উত্স"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:226
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:228
#, fuzzy
msgid "SS"
msgstr "SS"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:227
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:229
#, fuzzy
msgid "df"
msgstr "df"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:228
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:230
#, fuzzy
msgid "MS"
msgstr "MS"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:229
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:231
msgid "F"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:230
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:232
+msgid "Significance F"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:233
#, fuzzy
msgid "P-value"
msgstr "P-মান"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:231
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:234
#, fuzzy
msgid "F critical"
msgstr "F গুরুতর"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:232
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:235
msgid "Total"
msgstr "সর্বমোট"
#. CorrelationDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:234
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:237
msgid "Correlation"
msgstr "অান্তঃসম্পর্ক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:235
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:238
#, fuzzy
msgid "Correlations"
msgstr "অান্তঃসম্পর্ক"
#. CovarianceDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:237
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:240
msgid "Covariance"
msgstr "কোভ্যারিয়েন্স"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:238
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:241
#, fuzzy
msgid "Covariances"
msgstr "কোভ্যারিয়েন্স"
#. DescriptiveStatisticsDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:240
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:243
msgid "Descriptive Statistics"
msgstr "বর্ণনাত্মক পরিসংখ্যান"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:241
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:244
msgid "Mean"
msgstr "গড়"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:242
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:245
msgid "Standard Error"
msgstr "মানক ত্রুটি"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:243
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:246
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Mode"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:244
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:247
#, fuzzy
msgid "Median"
msgstr "মেডিয়ান"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:245
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:248
#, fuzzy
msgid "Variance"
msgstr "ভেদাংক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:246
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:249
#, fuzzy
msgid "Standard Deviation"
msgstr "মানক চ্যুতি"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:247
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:250
#, fuzzy
msgid "Kurtosis"
msgstr "কিরটোসিস"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:248
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:251
#, fuzzy
msgid "Skewness"
msgstr "স্কিউনেস"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:249
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:252
msgid "Range"
msgstr "পরিসর"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:250
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:253
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_MIN"
msgid "Minimum"
msgstr "সর্বনিম্ন"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:251
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:254
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_MAX"
msgid "Maximum"
msgstr "সর্বোচ্চ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:252
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:255
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STRID_CALC_SUM"
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "Sum"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:253
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:256
#, fuzzy
msgid "Count"
msgstr "Count"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:254
-#, fuzzy
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:257
-msgid "First Quartile "
-msgstr "প্রথম চতুর্থাংশ"
+msgid "First Quartile"
+msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:255
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:258
#, fuzzy
msgid "Third Quartile"
msgstr "তৃতীয় চতুর্থাংশ"
#. RandomNumberGeneratorDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:257
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:260
#, fuzzy
msgid "Random ($(DISTRIBUTION))"
msgstr "অনির্দিষ্ট ($(DISTRIBUTION))"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:258
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:261
msgid "Uniform"
msgstr "একই"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:259
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:262
msgid "Uniform Integer"
msgstr "একই অখন্ড"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:260
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:263
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "স্বাভাবিক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:261
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:264
msgid "Cauchy"
msgstr "কৌচি"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:262
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:265
msgid "Bernoulli"
msgstr "বারনৌলি"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:263
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:266
msgid "Binomial"
msgstr "দ্বিমাত্রিক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:264
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:267
msgid "Negative Binomial"
msgstr "ঋণাত্মক বাইনোমিয়াল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:265
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:268
msgid "Chi Squared"
msgstr "চি স্কোয়ার্ড"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:266
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:269
msgid "Geometric"
msgstr "জ্যামিতিক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:267
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:270
#, fuzzy
msgid "Minimum"
msgstr "সর্বনিম্ন"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:268
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:271
msgid "Maximum"
msgstr "সর্বোচ্চ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:269
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:272
msgid "Mean"
msgstr "গড়"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:270
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:273
#, fuzzy
msgid "Standard Deviation"
msgstr "মানক চ্যুতি"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:271
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:274
#, fuzzy
msgid "Median"
msgstr "মেডিয়ান"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:272
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:275
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sigma"
msgstr "সিগমা"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:273
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:276
#, fuzzy
msgid "p Value"
msgstr "p মান"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:274
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:277
#, fuzzy
msgid "Number of Trials"
msgstr "ট্রায়ালের সংখ্যা"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:275
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:278
#, fuzzy
msgid "nu Value"
msgstr "nu মান"
#. SamplingDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:277
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:280
msgid "Sampling"
msgstr "নমুনা"
#. Names of dialogs
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:279
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:282
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_FTEST"
msgid "F-test"
msgstr "F-পরীক্ষা"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:280
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "F-test"
msgstr "F-পরীক্ষা"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:281
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:284
msgctxt "STR_TTEST"
msgid "Paired t-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:282
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:285
msgid "Paired t-test"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:283
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:286
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_ZTEST"
msgid "z-test"
msgstr "z-পরীক্ষা"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:284
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:287
#, fuzzy
msgid "z-test"
msgstr "z-পরীক্ষা"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:285
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:288
#, fuzzy
msgid "Test of Independence (Chi-Square)"
msgstr "টেস্ট অফ ইন্ডিপেন্ডেন্স (চি-স্কোয়ার)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:286
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:289
msgid "Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:287
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:290
msgid "Regression"
msgstr ""
#. Common
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:289
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:292
#, fuzzy
msgid "Column %NUMBER%"
msgstr "কলাম %NUMBER%"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:290
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:293
#, fuzzy
msgid "Row %NUMBER%"
msgstr "সারি %NUMBER%"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:291
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:294
msgid "Alpha"
msgstr "আলফা"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:292
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:295
#, fuzzy
msgid "Variable 1"
msgstr "ভ্যারিয়েবল ১"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:293
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:296
#, fuzzy
msgid "Variable 2"
msgstr "ভ্যারিয়েবল ২"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:294
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:297
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hypothesized Mean Difference"
msgstr "হাইপোথেজাইড গড় পার্থক্য"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:295
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:298
#, fuzzy
msgid "Observations"
msgstr "অপারেশন"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:296
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:299
#, fuzzy
msgid "Observed Mean Difference"
msgstr "পরিলক্ষিত গড় পার্থক্য"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:297
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:300
+msgid "R^2"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:301
+msgid "Adjusted R^2"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:302
+msgid "Count of X variables"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:303
#, fuzzy
msgid "df"
msgstr "df"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:298
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:304
#, fuzzy
msgid "P-value"
msgstr "P-মান"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:299
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:305
#, fuzzy
msgid "Critical Value"
msgstr "জরুরি মান"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:300
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:306
#, fuzzy
msgid "Test Statistic"
msgstr "টেস্ট পরিসংখ্যান"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:307
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_LOWER"
+msgid "Lower"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:308
+msgctxt "STR_LABEL_Upper"
+msgid "Upper"
+msgstr ""
#. RegressionDialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:302
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:310
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear"
msgstr "রৈখিক (_n)"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:303
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:311
msgid "Logarithmic"
msgstr "লগারিদমিক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:304
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:312
msgid "Power"
msgstr "ঘাত"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:305
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:313
+msgid "Independent variable(s) range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:314
+msgid "Dependent variable(s) range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:315
+msgid "Output range is not valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:316
+msgid "Confidence level must be in the interval (0, 1)."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:317
+msgid "Y variable range cannot have more than 1 column."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:318
+msgid "Y variable range cannot have more than 1 row."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:319
+msgid "Univariate regression : The observation count in X and Y must match."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:320
+msgid "Multivariate regression : The observation count in X and Y must match."
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:321
#, fuzzy
msgid "Regression Model"
msgstr "রিগ্রেশন ধরন"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:306
-msgid "R^2"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:322
+msgid "Regression Statistics"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:307
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:323
+msgid "Residual"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:324
+msgid "Confidence level"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:325
+msgid "Coefficients"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:326
+msgid "t-Statistic"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:327
#, fuzzy
msgid "Slope"
msgstr "সুযোগ"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:308
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:328
#, fuzzy
msgid "Intercept"
msgstr "ইন্টারনেট"
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:329
+msgid "Predicted Y"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:330
+msgid "LINEST raw output"
+msgstr ""
#. F Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:310
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:332
#, fuzzy
msgid "P (F<=f) right-tail"
msgstr "P (F<=f) ডান-টেল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:311
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:333
#, fuzzy
msgid "F Critical right-tail"
msgstr "F গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ডান-টেল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:312
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:334
#, fuzzy
msgid "P (F<=f) left-tail"
msgstr "P (F<=f) বাম-টেল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:313
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:335
#, fuzzy
msgid "F Critical left-tail"
msgstr "F গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বাম-টেল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:314
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:336
#, fuzzy
msgid "P two-tail"
msgstr "P দুই-টেল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:315
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:337
#, fuzzy
msgid "F Critical two-tail"
msgstr "F গুরুতর দুই-টেল"
#. t Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:317
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:339
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pearson Correlation"
msgstr "পিয়ার্সন অান্তঃসম্পর্ক"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:318
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:340
#, fuzzy
msgid "Variance of the Differences"
msgstr "পার্থক্যের বিভেদতা"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:319
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:341
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "STR_TTEST_T_STAT"
msgid "t Stat"
msgstr "t স্ট্যাট"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:320
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:342
#, fuzzy
msgid "P (T<=t) one-tail"
msgstr "P (T<=t) ওয়ান-টেল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:321
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:343
#, fuzzy
msgid "t Critical one-tail"
msgstr "t ক্রিটিক্যাল ওয়ান-টেল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:322
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:344
#, fuzzy
msgid "P (T<=t) two-tail"
msgstr "P (T<=t) দুই-টেল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:323
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:345
#, fuzzy
msgid "t Critical two-tail"
msgstr "t গুরুত্বপূর্ণ দুই-টেল"
#. Z Test
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:325
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:347
msgid "z"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:326
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:348
#, fuzzy
msgid "Known Variance"
msgstr "জ্ঞাত বৈচিত্র্য"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:327
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:349
#, fuzzy
msgid "P (Z<=z) one-tail"
msgstr "P (Z<=z) ওয়ান-টেল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:328
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:350
#, fuzzy
msgid "z Critical one-tail"
msgstr "z ক্রিটিক্যাল ওয়ান-টেল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:329
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:351
#, fuzzy
msgid "P (Z<=z) two-tail"
msgstr "P (Z<=z) টু-টেল"
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:330
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:352
#, fuzzy
msgid "z Critical two-tail"
msgstr "z জরুরি টু-টেল"
#. infobar for allowing links to update or not
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:332
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:354
msgid "Enable Content"
msgstr ""
#. Insert image dialog
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:334
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:356
msgid "To cell"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:335
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:357
msgid "To cell (resize with cell)"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:336
+#: sc/inc/strings.hrc:358
msgid "To page"
msgstr ""
@@ -17139,6 +17248,11 @@ msgctxt "dataprovider|label"
msgid "Source Stream"
msgstr "সোর্স স্ট্রীম"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/dataproviderdlg.ui:36
+msgctxt "dataproviderdlg|db_name"
+msgid "Database Range: "
+msgstr ""
#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/dataproviderentry.ui:46
msgctxt "dataproviderentry|url"
msgid "URL:"
@@ -18973,602 +19087,602 @@ msgctxt "notebookbar|DevLabel"
msgid "Tools"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2945
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2986
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Menu"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2977
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3018
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|defaultD"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "ডিফল্ট"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2991
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3032
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent1"
msgid "Accent 1"
msgstr "স্থানীয় উচ্চারণ-ভঙ্গি "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:2999
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3040
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent2"
msgid "Accent 2"
msgstr "স্থানীয় উচ্চারণ-ভঙ্গি "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3007
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3048
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Accent3"
msgid "Accent 3"
msgstr "স্থানীয় উচ্চারণ-ভঙ্গি "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3021
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3062
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Header1"
msgid "Header 1"
msgstr "শীর্ষচরণ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3029
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3070
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Header2"
msgid "Header 2"
msgstr "শীর্ষচরণ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3043
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3084
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|bad"
msgid "Bad"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3051
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3092
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|good"
msgid "Good"
msgstr "স্বর্ণ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3059
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3100
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|neutral"
msgid "Neutral"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3067
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3108
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|error"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "ত্রুটি"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|warning"
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "সতর্কবার্তা"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3130
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|footnote"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr "পাদটীকা"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3097
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3138
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|note"
msgid "Note"
msgstr "নোট"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3336
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3377
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Tools"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3630
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3671
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|menub"
msgid "_Menu"
msgstr "তালিকা"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3686
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3727
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|toolsb"
msgid "_Tools"
msgstr "টুল"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3775
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3816
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|fileb"
msgid "_File"
msgstr "ফাইল"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3930
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:3971
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|editb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "সম্পাদনা (_E)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4088
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4129
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphstyleb"
msgid "St_yles"
msgstr "শৈলী"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4245
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4286
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|formatb"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "হরফ (_o)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4306
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4347
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|bordertype"
msgid "Specify the borders of the selected cells."
msgstr "নির্বাচিত কক্ষগুলির সীমানা নির্দিষ্ট করুন।"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4466
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4507
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|numberb"
msgid "_Number"
msgstr "সংখ্যা (_N)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4625
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4666
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "প্রান্তিককরণ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4788
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4829
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|cellb"
msgid "_Cells"
msgstr "ঘর"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4931
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:4972
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|insertb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "সন্নিবেশ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5064
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5105
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|datab"
msgid "_Data"
msgstr "ডেটা (_D):"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5178
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5219
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|reviewb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "পর্যালোচনা"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5293
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5334
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewb"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "দৃশ্যপট"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5436
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5477
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|graphicB"
msgid "_Graphic"
msgstr "গ্রাফিক"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5554
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5595
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|colorb"
msgid "C_olor"
msgstr "রং (_o)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5897
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:5938
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrange"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "সাজানো"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6050
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6091
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|GridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "গ্রিড (_G)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6177
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6218
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|languageb"
msgid "_Language"
msgstr "ভাষা (_L):"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6307
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6348
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|revieb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "পর্যালোচনা"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6442
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6483
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|commentsb"
msgid "_Comments"
msgstr "মন্তব্য (_C)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6543
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6584
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|compareb"
msgid "Com_pare"
msgstr "তুলনা (_C)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6647
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6688
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewA"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "দৃশ্যপট"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6824
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:6865
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|editdrawb"
msgid "_Styles"
msgstr "শৈলী"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7041
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7082
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|drawb"
msgid "D_raw"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7232
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7273
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrangeD"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "সাজানো"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7345
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7386
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|Grid"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "গ্রিড (_G)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7458
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7499
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewDrawb"
msgid "Grou_p"
msgstr "গ্রুপ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7570
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7611
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|3Db"
msgid "3_D"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7755
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7796
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|oleB"
msgid "F_rame"
msgstr "ফ্রেম (_r)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:7962
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8003
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|arrangeO"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "সাজানো"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|GridO"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "গ্রিড (_G)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8189
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8230
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewO"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "দৃশ্যপট"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8298
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8339
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphstyles"
msgid "_Styles"
msgstr "শৈলী"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8473
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8514
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|formats"
msgid "F_ormat"
msgstr "বিন্যাস"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8749
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8790
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|paragraphS"
msgid "_Paragraph"
msgstr "অনুচ্ছেদ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8911
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui:8952
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact|viewS"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "দৃশ্যপট"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:1950
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:1991
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Help"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2945
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2986
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Menu"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2977
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3018
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|defaultD"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "ডিফল্ট"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2991
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3032
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent1"
msgid "Accent 1"
msgstr "স্থানীয় উচ্চারণ-ভঙ্গি "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:2999
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3040
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent2"
msgid "Accent 2"
msgstr "স্থানীয় উচ্চারণ-ভঙ্গি "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3007
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3048
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Accent3"
msgid "Accent 3"
msgstr "স্থানীয় উচ্চারণ-ভঙ্গি "
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3021
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3062
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Header1"
msgid "Header 1"
msgstr "শীর্ষচরণ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3029
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3070
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Header2"
msgid "Header 2"
msgstr "শীর্ষচরণ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3043
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3084
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|bad"
msgid "Bad"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3051
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3092
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|good"
msgid "Good"
msgstr "স্বর্ণ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3059
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3100
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|neutral"
msgid "Neutral"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3067
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3108
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|error"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "ত্রুটি"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3075
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3116
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|warning"
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "সতর্কবার্তা"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3130
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|footnote"
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr "পাদটীকা"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3097
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3138
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|note"
msgid "Note"
msgstr "নোট"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3336
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3377
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|Tools"
msgid "_Check for Updates..."
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3635
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3676
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|menub"
msgid "_Menu"
msgstr "তালিকা"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3688
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3729
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|toolsb"
msgid "_Tools"
msgstr "টুল"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3743
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3784
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|helpb"
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "সাহায্য"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3851
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:3892
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|fileb"
msgid "_File"
msgstr "ফাইল"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4089
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4130
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|editb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "সম্পাদনা (_E)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4286
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4327
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphstyleb"
msgid "St_yles"
msgstr "শৈলী"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4559
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4600
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|formatb"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "হরফ (_o)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4805
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:4846
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|numberb"
msgid "_Number"
msgstr "সংখ্যা (_N)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5020
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5061
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "প্রান্তিককরণ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5258
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5299
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|cellb"
msgid "_Cells"
msgstr "ঘর"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5435
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5476
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|insertb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "সন্নিবেশ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5609
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5650
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|datab"
msgid "_Data"
msgstr "ডেটা (_D):"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5781
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5822
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|reviewb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "পর্যালোচনা"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:5968
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6009
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewb"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "দৃশ্যপট"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6193
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6234
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|graphicB"
msgid "_Graphic"
msgstr "গ্রাফিক"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6545
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6586
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrange"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "সাজানো"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6696
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6737
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|colorb"
msgid "C_olor"
msgstr "রং (_o)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6947
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:6988
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|GridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "গ্রিড (_G)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7087
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7128
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|languageb"
msgid "_Language"
msgstr "ভাষা (_L):"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7316
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7357
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|revieb"
msgid "_Review"
msgstr "পর্যালোচনা"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7529
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7570
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|commentsb"
msgid "_Comments"
msgstr "মন্তব্য (_C)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7732
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7773
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|compareb"
msgid "Com_pare"
msgstr "তুলনা (_C)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7934
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:7975
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewa"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "দৃশ্যপট"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8380
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8421
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|drawb"
msgid "D_raw"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8749
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:8790
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|editdrawb"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "সম্পাদনা (_E)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9090
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9131
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrangedrawb"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "সাজানো"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9257
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9298
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|GridDrawB"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "দৃশ্যপট"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9459
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9500
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewDrawb"
msgid "Grou_p"
msgstr "গ্রুপ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9609
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9650
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|3Db"
msgid "3_D"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9918
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:9959
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|formatd"
msgid "F_ont"
msgstr "হরফ (_o)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10183
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10224
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|paragraphTextb"
msgid "_Alignment"
msgstr "প্রান্তিককরণ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10385
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10426
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewd"
msgid "_View"
msgstr "দৃশ্যপট"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10539
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10580
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|insertTextb"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "সন্নিবেশ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10684
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10725
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|media"
msgid "_Media"
msgstr "মিডিয়া"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10921
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:10962
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|oleB"
msgid "F_rame"
msgstr "ফ্রেম (_r)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11352
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11393
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|arrageOLE"
msgid "_Arrange"
msgstr "সাজানো"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11518
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11559
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|OleGridB"
msgid "_Grid"
msgstr "গ্রিড (_G)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11720
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui:11761
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "notebookbar_groupedbar_full|viewf"
msgid "_View"
@@ -21020,62 +21134,87 @@ msgctxt "regressiondialog|RegressionDialog"
msgid "Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:99
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:102
msgctxt "regressiondialog|variable1-range-label"
-msgid "Variable 1 range:"
-msgstr "পরিবর্তনশীল ১ রেঞ্জ:"
+msgid "Independent variable(s) (X) range:"
+msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:137
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:140
msgctxt "regressiondialog|variable2-range-label"
-msgid "Variable 2 range:"
-msgstr "পরিবর্তনশীল ২ রেঞ্জ:"
+msgid "Dependent variable (Y) range:"
+msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:175
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:176
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|withlabels-check"
+msgid "Both X and Y ranges have labels"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:192
msgctxt "regressiondialog|output-range-label"
msgid "Results to:"
msgstr "এর ফলাফল:"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:217
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:240
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label1"
msgid "Data"
msgstr "তারিখ"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:252
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:275
msgctxt "regressiondialog|groupedby-columns-radio"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "কলাম"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:268
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:291
msgctxt "regressiondialog|groupedby-rows-radio"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "সারি"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:290
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:313
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label2"
msgid "Grouped by"
msgstr "দ্বারা গ্রুপ করা"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:325
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|linear-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:348
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|linear-radio"
msgid "Linear Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:341
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|logarithmic-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:365
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|logarithmic-radio"
msgid "Logarithmic Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:356
-msgctxt "regressiondialog|power-check"
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:382
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|power-radio"
msgid "Power Regression"
msgstr ""
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:377
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:405
msgctxt "regressiondialog|label3"
msgid "Output Regression Types"
msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:441
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|label5"
+msgid "Confidence level"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:451
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|calcresiduals-check"
+msgid "Calculate residuals"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:469
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|confidencelevel-spin"
+msgid "0.95"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui:490
+msgctxt "regressiondialog|label4"
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr ""
#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/retypepassdialog.ui:10
msgctxt "retypepassdialog|RetypePass"
msgid "Re-type Password"
@@ -23504,82 +23643,87 @@ msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore1"
msgid "Text length"
msgstr "পাঠ্য দৈর্ঘ্য"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:57
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:47
+msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore1"
+msgid "Custom"
+msgstr ""
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:61
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "equal"
msgstr "সমান"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:61
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:65
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "less than"
msgstr "অপেক্ষাকৃত ছোট"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:65
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:69
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "greater than"
msgstr "অপেক্ষাকৃত বড়"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:69
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:73
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "less than or equal"
msgstr "এর থেকে কম অথবা সমান"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:73
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:77
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "greater than or equal to"
msgstr "অপেক্ষাকৃত বড় বা এর সমান"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:77
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:81
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "not equal"
msgstr "সমান নয়"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:81
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:85
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "valid range"
msgstr "বৈধ পরিসর"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:85
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:89
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|liststore2"
msgid "invalid range"
msgstr "অবৈধ পরিসর"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:103
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:107
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|label1"
msgid "_Allow:"
msgstr "অনুমোদন করুন (_A):"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:117
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:121
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|valueft"
msgid "_Data:"
msgstr "ডেটা (_D):"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:153
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:157
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|minft"
msgid "_Minimum:"
msgstr "সর্বনিম্ন (_M):"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:235
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:239
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|maxft"
msgid "Ma_ximum:"
msgstr "সর্বোচ্চ (_x):"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:246
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:250
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|allowempty"
msgid "Allow _empty cells"
msgstr "খালি কক্ষের অনুমতি দিন (_e)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:261
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:265
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|showlist"
msgid "Show selection _list"
msgstr "নির্বাচন তালিকা দেখান (_l)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:276
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:280
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|sortascend"
msgid "Sor_t entries ascending"
msgstr "ভুক্তিগুলো আরোহী ক্রমে সাজান (_t)"
-#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:297
+#: sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/validationcriteriapage.ui:301
msgctxt "validationcriteriapage|hintft"
msgid "A valid source can only consist of a contiguous selection of rows and columns, or a formula that results in an area or array."
msgstr "একটি কার্যকর উৎস শুধুমাত্র সংলগ্ন সারি এবং কলাম, বা সূত্রের নির্বাচিত অংশ ধারণ করে যা একটি এলাকা বা অ্যারে তৈরি করে।"
diff --git a/source/bn-IN/sd/messages.po b/source/bn-IN/sd/messages.po
index 6ca553eb723..f0834ac445a 100644
--- a/source/bn-IN/sd/messages.po
+++ b/source/bn-IN/sd/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-06-04 15:42+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -5394,8 +5394,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: sd/uiconfig/simpress/ui/sidebarslidebackground.ui:126
msgctxt "sidebarslidebackground|button2"
-msgid "Insert Image"
-msgstr "ছবি সন্নিবেশ করুন"
+msgid "Insert Image..."
+msgstr ""
#: sd/uiconfig/simpress/ui/sidebarslidebackground.ui:164
msgctxt "sidebarslidebackground|displaymasterbackground"
diff --git a/source/bn-IN/sfx2/messages.po b/source/bn-IN/sfx2/messages.po
index d407c8e0466..6c1f0ffa45e 100644
--- a/source/bn-IN/sfx2/messages.po
+++ b/source/bn-IN/sfx2/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-02 00:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-07 19:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -2230,6 +2230,11 @@ msgctxt "helpmanual|website"
msgid "Read Help Online"
msgstr ""
+#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpmanual.ui:60
+msgctxt "helpmanual|hidedialog"
+msgid "Do not show this dialog again"
+msgstr ""
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpsearchpage.ui:22
msgctxt "helpsearchpage|display"
msgid "_Display"
diff --git a/source/bn-IN/svx/messages.po b/source/bn-IN/svx/messages.po
index 0503d0e8fa1..184fcde3422 100644
--- a/source/bn-IN/svx/messages.po
+++ b/source/bn-IN/svx/messages.po