path: root/nlpsolver
d---------ThirdParty / EvolutionarySolver / src / net / adaptivebox45logplain
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> 2023-04-11ScriptForge - (SF_FileSystem) tdf#154462 2nd call of PickFile() failsJean-Pierre Ledure Error happens in gen and gtk3 modes. Does not happen in kf5 mode. Linux only. Windows OK. Change-Id: Ia5dd21f6879c1a732d291d15d6fb9f4bf20c76e5 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Tested-by: Jenkins 2023-02-28ScriptForge (SFWidgets) new Toolbar and ToolbarButton servicesJean-Pierre Ledure Each component has its own set of toolbars, depending on the component type (Calc, Writer, Basic IDE, ...). In the context of the actual class, a toolbar is presumed defined statically: - either by the application - or by a customization done by the user. The definition of a toolbar can be stored in the application configuration files or in the current document. Changes made by scripts to toolbars stored in the application are persistent. They are valid for all documents of the same type. Note that the menubar and the statusbar are not considered toolbars in this context. A toolbar consists in a series of graphical controls to trigger actions. The "Toolbar" service gives access to the "ToolbarButton" service to manage the individual buttons belonging to the toolbar. The "Toolbar" service is triggered from next services: Document, Calc, Writer, Base, FormDocument and Datasheet. All those components might host toolbars. Proposed properties in the Toolbar service: BuiltIn Docked HasGlobalScope Name ResourceURL Visible (r/w) XUIElement Proposed method: ToolbarButtons() Proposed properties in the ToolbarButton service: Caption Height Index OnClick (r/w) Parent TipText (r/w) Visible (r/w) X Y (The Height, Width, X, Y properties allow for easy hook of a popup menu to tye button) Proposed method: Execute() Both services are available both from Basic and Python user scripts. An update of the dcumentation help is required. Change-Id: I43cb523b52e3d6362994557d74c4ef9faa220507 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Tested-by: Jenkins 2023-01-22ScriptForge Upgrade version number to 7.6Jean-Pierre Ledure Change-Id: Ifbf5ba5b28b7afff64ed36965eadfa68a750cfd9 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Tested-by: Jenkins 2022-06-04ScriptForge - New 'UnitTest' service for BasicJean-Pierre Ledure The "UnitTest" service is implemented as a new Basic library called 'SFUnitTests'. ScriptForge unit tests (SF_UnitTest class module) ====================== Class providing a framework to execute and check sets of unit tests. The UnitTest unit testing framework was originally inspired by in Python and has a similar flavor as major unit testing frameworks in other languages. It supports - test automation - sharing of setupand shutdown code - aggregation of tests into collections. Both the - code describing the unit tests - code to be tested must be written exclusively in Basic (the code might call functions written in other languages). The code to be tested may be released as an extension. It does not need to make use of ScriptForge services. The test reporting device is the Console. Definitions: - Test Case: each test case is a Basic Sub. - Test Suite: a collection of test cases stored in 1 Basic module. - Unit test: a set of test suites stored in 1 library. Two modes: - the normal mode ("full mode"), using test suites and test cases The UnitTest service is passed as argument to each test case. - the "simple mode" limited to the use of the Assert...() methods. Service invocation examples: - In full mode, the service creation is external to test cases Dim myUnitTest As Variant myUnitTest = CreateScriptService("UnitTest", ThisComponent, "Tests") ' Test code is in the library "Tests" ' located in the current document - In simple mode, the service creation is internal to every test case Dim myUnitTest As Variant myUnitTest = CreateScriptService("UnitTest") With myUnitTest If Not .AssertTrue(...) Then ... ' ... .Dispose() End With Error handling To support the debugging of the tested code, the UnitTest service, in cases of - assertion failure - Basic run-time error in the tested code - Basic run-time error in the testing code (the unit tests) will comment the error location and description in a message box and in the console log, providing every test case (in either mode) implements an error handler containing at least a call to the ReportError() method. Change-Id: I9d9b889b148f172cd868af455493c8c696d1e953 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> 2022-04-10ScriptForge - (SF_Calc) new CompactUp() and CompactLeft() methodsJean-Pierre Ledure The CompactUp(CompactLeft) method: Delete the rows(columns) of a specified range matching a filter expressed as a formula applied on each row(column). The deleted cells can span whole rows(columns) or be limited to the width(height) of the range. The execution of the method has no effect on the current selection. Args: Range: the range in which cells have to be erased, as a string WholeRow(WholeColumn): when True (default = False), erase whole rows(columns) FilterFormula: the formula to be applied on each row(column). The row(column) is erased when the formula results in True. The formula shall probably involve one or more cells of the first row(column) of the range.. By default, a row is erased when all the cells of the row(column) are empty, i.e. suppose the range is "A1:J200" (width = 10), the default value [for CompactUp] becomes "=(COUNTBLANK(A1:J1)=10)" Returns: A string representing the location of the initial range after compaction, or the zero-length string if the whole range has been deleted. Examples for CompactUp(): newrange = oDoc.CompactUp("SheetX.G1:L10") ' All empty rows of the range are suppressed newrange = oDoc.CompactUp("SheetX.G1:L10", WholeRow := True, _ FilterFormula := "=(G1=""X"")") ' The rows having a "X" in column G are completely suppressed Both methods are available for use from Basic and Python scripts. Change-Id: Ib1269b22bcd189ca86a1bd3bda2c67e895598cb0 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> 2022-04-05Fix typosAndrea Gelmini Change-Id: Idcb10d0cc0759473e95e47afec7ed69853628612 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Julien Nabet <> Tested-by: Jenkins 2022-04-05ScriptForge - (SF_Utils) new _VarTypeObj() methodJean-Pierre Ledure The method is for internal use by the ScriptForge core only. The only argument is an object with VarType() = V_OBJECT. The purpose is to inspect thoroughly the argument and to return a Type _ObjectDescriptor iVarType As Integer sObjectType As String End Type The iVarType indicates if the object is either - a UNO object => sObjectType contains the UNO type (" ...") - a ScriptForge class instance => sObjectType contains the class - another Basic object - Nothing (different from Null) Several existing methods benefit from the new method and are part of the commit. No effect on help pages. No effect on Python code. Change-Id: I69565d335b3aeb7c08c48cbccfc13d3d82f11ae1 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> 2022-03-24ScriptForge - (SF_Region) new service in the core libraryJean-Pierre Ledure Singleton class implementing the "ScriptForge.Region" service Implemented as a usual Basic module A collection of functions about languages, countries and timezones - Locales - Currencies - Numbers and dates formatting - Calendars - Timezones conversions - Numbers transformed to text in local language Definitions: Locale or Region A combination of a language (2 or 3 lower case characters) and a country (2 upper case characters) Most properties and methods require a locale as argument. Some of them accept either the complete locale or only the language or country parts. Timezone Specified as "Region/City" name like "Europe/Berlin", or a custom time zone ID such as "UTC" or "GMT-8:00". The time offset between the timezone and the Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT) is expressed in minutes. The Daylight Saving Time (DST) is an additional offset. Both offsets can be positive or negative. Properties: Currency Language Country DatePatterns DateSeparator ThousandSeparator DecimalPoint TimeSeparator ListSeparator DayNames DayAbbrevNames DayNarrowNames MonthNames MonthAbbrevNames MonthNarrowNames Methods UTCDateTime UTCNow LocalDateTime TimeZoneOffset DSTOffset Number2Text Change-Id: Iabf31ea0e6c235e960fcca5b1e7a9d928cf8cd0f Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> 2022-03-10ScriptForge - (SF_Root) differ loading of the localized interfaceJean-Pierre Ledure So far, the loading of the user interface in the user's own language was done at the first invocation of ScriptForge, usually via - a CreateScriptService() method - a direct call to any method, f.i. SF_Array.Append() Now the same loading of the user interface in memory is done at the first request of a localized text or message. Due to the fact that since last commit only error messages contain localized texts, the benefit is that correct scripts will not load any unnecessary texts anymore. The "Interface" variable has be renamed "LocalizedInterface" for clarity in the SF_Root class module No impact on documentation or Python scripts. Change-Id: Ie654625540c0c8f8442e9ba36d38ecaab00c0eb1 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> 2022-03-08ScriptForge - 'SF_Root) load user interface from code when locale=enJean-Pierre Ledure The user interface is loaded in the user's language at the first use of Scriptforge during the LO session. So far the labels were always loaded from the relevant .po file. Now they are loaded in memory by code when the user's language = "en". Objective = gain in performance. Additionally the default language is set to SF_Platform.OfficeLocale i.o. SF_Platform.SystemLocale Internal change, no impact on documentation Change-Id: Ia0d1235f8ca6a42141a5481fe80b5bec1d53a7e3 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> 2022-02-10ScriptForge - (SF_Utils) review optional argument of _Repr()Jean-Pierre Ledure As from LO 7.3, optional missing arguments must not be used in assignments and comparisons. The Basic interpreter tolerated it before 7.3. Probable commit having changed Basic behaviour: A unique case of this singularity was found in the SF_Utils._Repr() method. The bad consequence was that the commonly used SF_Exception.DebugPrint() method calls above method. This broke in fact the whole ScriptForge library. Change-Id: Iba8792b92c73c992429de4382bd8a3dc4b58a94f Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> 2022-02-07ScriptForge - (SF_Platform,SF_FileSystem) Manage extensionsJean-Pierre Ledure New properties and methods -------------------------- SF_Platform.Extensions : (property) provide a list of the installed extensions as an array of strings SF_FileSystem.ExtensionFolder(Extension as string) : (method) provides the location in FileNaming notation of the folder where the given extension is installed The SF_FileSystem.ExtensionsFolder (notice the additional "s") is kept as a property providing the folder containing the extensions installed by the user. All methods and properties are available with an identical syntax and semantics both from Basic and Python scripts. The difference between a propert or a method is irrelevant for Basic but is essential in Python: a property must not have brackets, a method must have them. Hence the distinction between ExtensionFolder being a method requiring an argument ExtensionsFolder being a property without argument Change-Id: Idd18a5624f4abd84095d146e467e8fdcf497bd0d Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> 2022-02-01ScriptForge - (SF_Platform) refine localesJean-Pierre Ledure So far, only SF_Platform.Locale was supported, returning the locale of the operating system. Now, 3 different locales may be considered: - SystemLocale: identical to Locale (still supported) - OfficeLocale: the locale associated with the LibreOffice installation - FormatLocale: the locale associated with how numbers and dates are formatted. Of course, in many cases all locales are identical. Anyway a distinction can be made. All these properties are read-only. Those properties are supported in Basic and Python evenly. Change-Id: I0792d49a052b1441a30ac231d61eda997dc4216a Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> 2022-01-30ScriptForge - (SF_Session, SF_Document) add arguments to RunCommand()Jean-Pierre Ledure Next wiki page facilitates the use of commands with the DispatchHelper service, including with arguments This commit - adds the RunCommand() method in the Session service - extends the scope of existing RunCommand() methods for the Document, Base, Calc and Writer services with the addition of command arguments Syntax by examples: (Basic) session.RunCommand("BasicIDEAppear", _ "Document", "LibreOffice Macros & Dialogs", _ "LibName", "ScriptForge", _ "Name", "SF_Session", _ "Line", 100) (Python) (1) session.RunCommand("BasicIDEAppear", "Document", "LibreOffice Macros & Dialogs", "LibName", "ScriptForge", "Name", "SF_Session", "Line", 100) (Python) (2) session.RunCommand("BasicIDEAppear", Document = "LibreOffice Macros & Dialogs", LibName = "ScriptForge", Name = "SF_Session", Line = 100) Change-Id: I60cd5eb1ed0a057420215ce7aebe92b2aafabd53 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> 2021-12-30Fix case for "ByVal", "Variant", "UCase"Julien Nabet Change-Id: I136d292cd535d4208457ef91a7773fc7ac00d5c8 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Mike Kaganski <> Reviewed-by: Andreas Heinisch <> Reviewed-by: Julien Nabet <> Tested-by: Jenkins 2021-12-08ScriptForge - (SF_Utils) language may have a length > 2 in localesJean-Pierre Ledure The vaste majority of language codes are 2 characters long. However it is not the norm. A length of 3 is admitted for less spread languages Change-Id: Iabdf6a6cf453169419d0a4a7a3ab6ea80ae4753e Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> 2021-11-25ScriptForge - (SF_Platform) fix Locale should return the OS localeJean-Pierre Ledure So far it returned the LO locale. Discussed on Telegram Change-Id: I2cf66ca3acebe695354de9185e0698ffa4d8cf05 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> 2021-09-28ScriptForge - (SF_Platform) new Fonts propertyJean-Pierre Ledure The Fonts property returns the list of available fonts as an unsorted array of unique font names The size of the array being potentially huge, the choice has been made to not sort the list at each invocation of the property. To get it sorted, use the SF_Array.Sort() method. The property is available both from Basic and Python scripts. It is read-only. Change-Id: I49233d279dc7257d3b97e5a17be0bc8807f18d67 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> 2021-09-03ScriptForge - add AddTextsFromDialog and GetTextsFromL10N methodsJean-Pierre Ledure The objective is to facilitate the automatic translation of all fixed texts in dialogs and dialog controls. Concerned items are: - the title of the dialog - the caption associated with next control types: Button, CheckBox, FixedLine, FixedText, GroupBox and RadioButton - the content of list- and comboboxes - the tip- or helptext displayed when the mouse is hovering the control ScriptForge.SF_L10N.AddTextsFromDialog(dialog) store all fixed texts of the dialog in the list of translatable strings of a L10N object to prepare a POT file SFDialogs.Dialog.GetTextsFromL10N(l10n) get the translated versions of all fixed texts in the dialog from a L10N object and apply them on the dialog before display Both methods are executable from Basic and Python user scripts Change-Id: I3dc9fbbce287d7af4040df713f9d11e0ff928b1c Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> 2021-08-02ScriptForge - (SF_Chart) new service to manage Calc chartsJean-Pierre Ledure New methods in the SF_Calc service: Charts(), to list charts or to instantiate a chart service CreateChart, to create a new chart in a given Calc sheet The SF_Chart service has next properties to parameter the type and the characteristics of the (new or pre-existing) chart ChartType, Deep, Dim3d, Exploded, Filled, Legend, Percent, Stacked, Title, XTitle, YTitle Next methods are available: Resize, to move and resize the chart shape ExportToFile, to export the chart as a graphical object Supported: gif, jpeg, png, svg and tiff New error messages in SF_Root and SF_Exception. Corresponding labels are integrated in the POT file Full support under Basic and Python Review of make file of the SFDocuments library Change-Id: Id8db3098ff24fbf2efcbdd9c6dcd4f02ff5972af Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> 2021-07-09ScriptForge - (SF_Document) new SetPrinter() methodJean-Pierre Ledure The SetPrinter() method is applicable to any document type, except Base documents. It is also applicable to Base form documents with an additional "FormDocument" argument. Implemented in Basic and in Python. The method defines next printer settings: - the printer name - the orientation - the paper format The settings are kept per document or form document To bypass array management troubles in Basic, the SF_Utils._SetPropertyValue() Sub is converted to a Function. (no user scripts impact, only internal use). Change-Id: I39290d924646ff3b2a65a6d9282f1265ca7543b7 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> 2021-06-25ScriptForge - (SF_Platform) new Printers propertyJean-Pierre Ledure The SF_Platform.Printers property returns the list of available printers as a zero-based array. The default printer is put in the 1st position of the list (index = [0]). The property is available in Basic and Python. Change-Id: I3f02b1b5e37aa9866491d9285683fc45d17fb664 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> 2021-06-17ScriptForge - Increment version numberJean-Pierre Ledure Increment the versioning constants from 7.2 to 7.3 in next files modified: wizards/source/scriptforge/SF_Utils.xba modified: wizards/source/scriptforge/po/ScriptForge.pot modified: wizards/source/scriptforge/po/en.po modified: wizards/source/scriptforge/python/ Change-Id: Iba78215cea9c16f3e7dd9302b84c90815c7a9e68 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> 2020-12-17ScriptForge - (SFDocuments) Introduce form classJean-Pierre Ledure New SF_Form class in SFDocuments library Support for Writer, Calc and Base forms Skeleton of Form class module Forms() methods in Calc, Base and Document modules to create a new instance New error messages in po file Change-Id: Id78a4604caf61901d87750026be45cef8f74f110 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> 2020-12-03ScriptForge: AddSubNode/AddSubTree for tree controlsJean-Pierre Ledure A new dialog control is is introduced: the tree control The proposed methods let create a root node and build a tree, either branch by branch or many branches at once when they are issued from a sorted array Change-Id: I4265fd6e413be383a7b6df3b9cd754d657066c19 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> 2020-11-25ScriptForge - (SF_Utils) Increment version numberJean-Pierre Ledure Start 7.2 Change-Id: Ic09246b985038730a96c870226e2d4ce25ff24d7 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> 2020-11-18ScriptForge - Fix script invocation when scope is not in lower caseJean-Pierre Ledure The scope can be expressed as "document" or "application" but also as "Document" or "DOCUMENT" Change-Id: Id70407cc1167cfcac727d63f1ab29fbba4fc6645 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> 2020-11-06Fix typosAndrea Gelmini Change-Id: Ibed7535391d5e0c23530b47a232a95f0ad15ee53 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Julien Nabet <> 2020-11-05ScriptForge - core libraryJean-Pierre Ledure Additional "LibreOffice Macros & Dialogs" library Change-Id: I7380cf3f9ee56b73cfcf7b9e33d0cf50ecb40429