path: root/af_ZA/af_ZA.aff
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'af_ZA/af_ZA.aff')
1 files changed, 209 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/af_ZA/af_ZA.aff b/af_ZA/af_ZA.aff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9631b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/af_ZA/af_ZA.aff
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+# af_ZA.aff - Afrikaans (af) affix file for use in myspell
+# Copyright (C) 2003 Dwayne Bailey
+# Created from the Afrikaans ispell affix file by Reinier de Vos
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+SET ISO8859-1
+TRY ersiaontlgkdumpbvhfwyjc-'BDAHzGKMESCxIqFLPJVOTRNWUX
+# We don't want suggestions of seperate words. Because the checker
+# can't handle Afrikaans' compositions, we rather don't want to have
+# the seperate words suggested.
+# Ons wil nie aparte woorde as voorstelle h nie. Dis belangrik dat
+# die tekortkoming van die speltoetser i.v.m. samestellings die
+# gebruiker eerder met soortgelyke woorde moet help as met die aparte
+# woorde.
+# Gebreek sedert OpenOffice 2.0, maar werk wel in hunspell (en dus OO.o 2.0.2)
+# We want to explain to the checker that certain characters should be
+# considered "close" to others even though they are far removed in the
+# character set.
+# Ons wil aan die toetser verduidelik dat sekere karakters as "naby"
+# geag moet word aan ander, ten spyte van die feit dat hulle ver
+# verwyderd is in die karakterstel.
+MAP 6
+MAP a
+MAP e
+MAP i
+MAP o
+MAP u
+MAP y
+PFX A Y 1
+PFX A 0 aan .
+PFX B Y 1
+PFX B 0 be .
+PFX C Y 1
+PFX C 0 in .
+PFX F Y 1
+PFX F 0 af .
+PFX G Y 1
+PFX G 0 ge .
+PFX K Y 1
+PFX K 0 op .
+PFX O Y 1
+PFX O 0 on .
+PFX U Y 1
+PFX U 0 uit .
+PFX V Y 1
+PFX V 0 ver .
+PFX M Y 1
+PFX M 0 oor .
+SFX J N 15
+SFX J 0 tjie [aeiou][aeiou]
+SFX J 0 tjies [aeiou][aeiou]
+SFX J 0 'tjies [^aeiou]a
+SFX J 0 'tjie [^aeiou]i
+SFX J 0 'tjies [^aeiou]i
+SFX J 0 'tjie [^aeiou]o
+SFX J 0 'tjies [^aeiou]o
+SFX J 0 'tjie [^aeiou]u
+SFX J 0 'tjies [^aeiou]u
+SFX J 0 tjie [aeiou][lnr]
+SFX J 0 tjies [aeiou][lnr]
+SFX J 0 pie [aeiou]m
+SFX J 0 pies [aeiou]m
+SFX J 0 jie [aeiou]nd
+SFX J 0 jies [aeiou]nd
+SFX S N 2
+SFX S 0 s [^saiou]
+SFX S 0 's [^aeiou][aiou]
+SFX E N 2
+SFX E 0 e [^aeiou]
+SFX E 0 'e [ghc]e
+SFX R N 1
+SFX R 0 r [e]
+SFX T N 1
+SFX T 0 ste .
+SFX H N 1
+SFX H 0 heid .
+SFX I N 1
+SFX I 0 ing .
+SFX N N 1
+SFX N 0 de .
+SFX L N 1
+SFX L 0 te .
+SFX Z N 8
+SFX Z af we aaf
+SFX Z f we eef
+SFX Z f we ief
+SFX Z f we oef
+SFX Z of we oof
+SFX Z f we uif
+SFX Z f we yf
+SFX Z id de heid
+SFX P N 31
+SFX P ad de aad
+SFX P ag e aag
+SFX P ak ke aak
+SFX P al le aal
+SFX P am me aam
+SFX P an ne aan
+SFX P ap pe aap
+SFX P ar re aar
+SFX P as se aas
+SFX P at te aat
+SFX P ed de eed
+SFX P eg ge eeg
+SFX P ek ke eek
+SFX P el le eel
+SFX P em me eem
+SFX P en ne een
+SFX P ep pe eep
+SFX P er re eer
+SFX P es se ees
+SFX P et te eet
+SFX P od de ood
+SFX P og oog
+SFX P ok ke ook
+SFX P ol le ool
+SFX P om me oom
+SFX P on ne oon
+SFX P op pe oop
+SFX P or re oor
+SFX P ot te oot
+SFX P un ne uun
+SFX P ur re uur
+# We want to suggest certain replacements to the checker with our
+# knowledge of what can easily be mixed up.
+# Ons wil sekere plaasvervangings voorstel aan die toetser met ons
+# kennis van wat maklik verwar word.
+# Byvoorbeeld:
+# g<->ch, vir foute soos gemikus of nongalant
+# y<->ui<->ei, uu<->ie, vir oorronding en ontronding, en y/ei-verwarring
+# ij -> y, lijk -> lik, vir foutiewe Nederlandse spellings
+# kuste -> ci, kuste -> kusse, vir politikuste -> politici/politikusse
+# ui oe, vir foute soos Hinduisme -> Hindoesme
+# ch->tj, sh -> sj, vir foute soos chips (tjips) en shoe (sjoe)
+REP 27
+REP g ch
+REP ei y
+REP y ei
+REP y ui
+REP ui y
+REP ei ui
+REP ui ei
+REP ij y
+REP lijk lik
+REP uu ie
+REP ie uu
+REP f v
+REP v f
+REP d t
+REP t d
+REP kuste ci
+REP kuste kusse
+REP x ks
+REP u oe
+REP oe u
+REP ui oe
+REP ch tj
+REP sh sj
+REP kie djie
+REP kie tjie
+REP ntjie nkie
+REP aaitjie aadjie