# Classical Tibetan syllable spellchecker for Hunspell

You can find here the necessary files to use spell checking for Classical Tibetan at syllable level (not composed words) in [Hunspell](http://hunspell.sourceforge.net/) (used in [many applications](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunspell#Uses)).

Note that checking compound words for Tibetan is not possible with hunspell alone due to the absence of separation between words.

## Using

#### Global installation

Under Linux or OSX, you can install the spellchecker globally and benefit from it in most applications.

- under Linux, copy `bo.dic` and `bo.aff` to `/usr/share/hunspell`, or use the `hunspell-bo` package if available in your distribution (under [Debian](https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=hunspell-bo) for example).
- Under OSX, copy `bo.dic` and `bo.aff` to `/Library/Spelling` and restart your machine.

#### Application-specific installation

- for Firefox, [an extension](https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/tibetan-spellchecker/) is released
- for LibreOffice/OpenOffice see [this extension](http://extensions.openoffice.org/en/project/tibetan-syllable-spell-checker)
- for Adobe products (>= CS5.5), see the instructions on [this page](http://blog.napsys.com/2012/11/adding-hyphenation-and-spelling.html)
- for Chrome see [this feature request](https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=662850)

The sources for these extensions are in the [firefox](firefox/) and [lo](lo/) directories. To build them, run `make`.

## Building / Testing

To rebuild `bo.dic` from the data in [tibetan-spellchecker](https://github.com/eroux/tibetan-spellchecker), run

    make update

For a small test, run

    make test

## Changes


## License

This work and the derived files are under the [Creative Commons CC0 license](LICENSE).