# -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import uno, re, sys, os, traceback
from com.sun.star.text.TextMarkupType import PROOFREADING
from com.sun.star.beans import PropertyValue
pkg = "hu_HU"
lang = "hu_HU"
locales = {'hu-HU': ['hu', 'HU', '']}
version = "1.4.4"
author = "László Németh"
name = "Lightproof grammar checker (magyar)"
import lightproof_handler_hu_HU
# loaded rules (check for Update mechanism of the editor)
except NameError:
langrule = {}
# ignored rules
ignore = {}
# cache for morphogical analyses
analyses = {}
stems = {}
suggestions = {}
# assign Calc functions
calcfunc = None
# check settings
def option(lang, opt):
return lightproof_handler_hu_HU.get_option(lang.Language + "_" + lang.Country, opt)
# filtering affix fields (ds, is, ts etc.)
def onlymorph(st):
if st != None:
st = re.sub(r"^.*(st:|po:)", r"\\1", st) # keep last word part
st = re.sub(r"\\b(?=[dit][sp]:)","@", st) # and its affixes
st = re.sub(r"(?" + word + "", rLoc, ())
if not x:
return None
t = x.getAlternatives()
if not t:
if not analyses: # fix synchronization problem (missing alternatives with unloaded dictionary)
return None
t = [""]
analyses[word] = t[0].split("")[:-1]
a = analyses[word]
result = None
p = re.compile(pattern)
for i in a:
if onlyaffix:
i = onlymorph(i)
result = p.search(i)
if result:
result = result.group(0)
if not all:
return result
elif all:
return None
return result
def morph(rLoc, word, pattern, all=True):
return _morph(rLoc, word, pattern, all, False)
def affix(rLoc, word, pattern, all=True):
return _morph(rLoc, word, pattern, all, True)
def spell(rLoc, word):
if not word:
return None
return spellchecker.isValid(word, rLoc, ())
# get the tuple of the stem of the word or an empty array
def stem(rLoc, word):
global stems
if not word:
return []
if not word in stems:
x = spellchecker.spell(u"" + word + "", rLoc, ())
if not x:
return []
t = x.getAlternatives()
if not t:
t = []
stems[word] = list(t)
return stems[word]
# get the tuple of the morphological generation of a word or an empty array
def generate(rLoc, word, example):
if not word:
return []
x = spellchecker.spell(u"" + word + "" + example + "", rLoc, ())
if not x:
return []
t = x.getAlternatives()
if not t:
t = []
return list(t)
# get suggestions
def suggest(rLoc, word):
global suggestions
if not word:
return word
if word not in suggestions:
x = spellchecker.spell("_" + word, rLoc, ())
if not x:
return word
t = x.getAlternatives()
suggestions[word] = "|".join(t)
return suggestions[word]
# get the nth word of the input string or None
def word(s, n):
a = re.match("(?u)( [-.\w%%]+){" + str(n-1) + "}( [-.\w%%]+)", s)
if not a:
return ''
return a.group(2)[1:]
# get the (-)nth word of the input string or None
def wordmin(s, n):
a = re.search("(?u)([-.\w%%]+ )([-.\w%%]+ ){" + str(n-1) + "}$", s)
if not a:
return ''
return a.group(1)[:-1]
def calc(funcname, par):
global calcfunc
global SMGR
if calcfunc == None:
calcfunc = SMGR.createInstance( "com.sun.star.sheet.FunctionAccess")
if calcfunc == None:
return None
return calcfunc.callFunction(funcname, par)
def proofread( nDocId, TEXT, LOCALE, nStartOfSentencePos, nSuggestedSentenceEndPos, rProperties ):
global ignore
aErrs = []
s = TEXT[nStartOfSentencePos:nSuggestedSentenceEndPos]
for i in get_rule(LOCALE).dic:
# 0: regex, 1: replacement, 2: message, 3: condition, 4: ngroup, (5: oldline), 6: case sensitive ?
if i[0] and not str(i[0]) in ignore:
for m in i[0].finditer(s):
if not i[3] or eval(i[3]):
aErr = uno.createUnoStruct( "com.sun.star.linguistic2.SingleProofreadingError" )
aErr.nErrorStart = nStartOfSentencePos + m.start(i[4]) # nStartOfSentencePos
aErr.nErrorLength = m.end(i[4]) - m.start(i[4])
aErr.nErrorType = PROOFREADING
aErr.aRuleIdentifier = str(i[0])
iscap = (i[-1] and m.group(i[4])[0:1].isupper())
if i[1][0:1] == "=":
aErr.aSuggestions = tuple(cap(eval(i[1][1:]).replace('|', "\n").split("\n"), iscap, LOCALE))
elif i[1] == "_":
aErr.aSuggestions = ()
aErr.aSuggestions = tuple(cap(m.expand(i[1]).replace('|', "\n").split("\n"), iscap, LOCALE))
comment = i[2]
if comment[0:1] == "=":
comment = eval(comment[1:])
comment = m.expand(comment)
aErr.aShortComment = comment.replace('|', '\n').replace('\\n', '\n').split("\n")[0].strip()
aErr.aFullComment = comment.replace('|', '\n').replace('\\n', '\n').split("\n")[-1].strip()
if "://" in aErr.aFullComment:
p = PropertyValue()
p.Name = "FullCommentURL"
p.Value = aErr.aFullComment
aErr.aFullComment = aErr.aShortComment
aErr.aProperties = (p,)
aErr.aProperties = ()
aErrs = aErrs + [aErr]
except Exception as e:
if len(i) == 7:
raise Exception(str(e), i[5])
return tuple(aErrs)
def cap(a, iscap, rLoc):
if iscap:
for i in range(0, len(a)):
if a[i][0:1] == "i":
if rLoc.Language == "tr" or rLoc.Language == "az":
a[i] = u"\u0130" + a[i][1:]
elif a[i][1:2] == "j" and rLoc.Language == "nl":
a[i] = "IJ" + a[i][2:]
a[i] = "I" + a[i][1:]
a[i] = a[i].capitalize()
return a
def compile_rules(dic):
# compile regular expressions
for i in dic:
if re.compile("[(][?]iu[)]").match(i[0]):
i += [True]
i[0] = re.sub("[(][?]iu[)]", "(?u)", i[0])
i += [False]
i[0] = re.compile(i[0])
if 'PYUNO_LOGLEVEL' in os.environ:
print("Lightproof: bad regular expression: ", traceback.format_exc())
i[0] = None
def get_rule(loc):
return langrule[pkg]
langrule[pkg] = __import__("lightproof_" + pkg)
return langrule[pkg]
def get_path():
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.modules[__name__].__file__), __name__ + ".py")
# [code]
# pattern for paragraph checking
paralcap = re.compile(u"(?u)^[a-z\xf6\xfc\xf3\u0151\xfa\xe9\xe1\u0171\xed].*[.?!] [A-Z\xd6\xdc\xd3\u0150\xda\xc9\xc1\u0170\xcd].*[.?!][)\u201d]?$")
def measurement(mnum, min, mout, mstr):
m = calc("CONVERT_ADD", (float(mnum.replace(",", ".").replace(u"\u2212", "-")), min, mout))
a = list(set([str(calc("ROUND", (m, 0)))[:-2], str(calc("ROUND", (m, 1))), str(calc("ROUND", (m, 2))), str(m)])) # remove duplicated rounded items
a.sort(key=lambda x: len(x)) # sort by string length
return (mstr + "|").join(a).replace(".", ",").replace("-", u"\u2212") + mstr