spelling=Grammar checking hlp_grammar=Identify use of grave accent grammar=Grave accent hlp_cap=Check missing capitalization of sentences. cap=Capitalization hlp_dup=Check repeated words. dup=Word duplication hlp_pair=Check missing or extra parentheses and quotation marks. pair=Parentheses punctuation=Punctuation hlp_spaces=Check single spaces between words. spaces=Word spacing hlp_mdash=Force unspaced em dash instead of spaced en dash. mdash=Em-dash hlp_ndash=Force spaced en dash instead of unspaced em dash. ndash=En-dash hlp_quotation=Check double quotation marks: "x" \u2192 \u201cx\u201d quotation=Quotation marks hlp_times=Check true multiplication sign: 5x5 \u2192 5\u00d75 times=Multiplication sign hlp_spaces2=Check single spaces between sentences. spaces2=Sentence spacing hlp_spaces3=Check more than two extra space characters between words and sentences. spaces3=More spaces hlp_minus=Change hyphen characters to real minus signs. minus=Minus sign hlp_apostrophe=Change typewriter apostrophe, single quotation marks and correct double primes. apostrophe=Apostrophes hlp_ellipsis=Change three dots with ellipsis. ellipsis=Ellipsis others=Others hlp_metric=Identify redundant terms: "criar novo", "subir para cima", "beco sem sa\u00EDda", "regra geral". metric=Pleonasms hlp_numsep=Inadequate use of gerund. "estarei trabalhando", "vou estar fazendo". numsep=Gerundisms hlp_nonmetric=Ugly or unpleasant sound: "por cada". nonmetric=Cacophonous sound hlp_paronimo=Words that are pronounced or written in a similar way but which have different lexical meanings. paronimo=Paronyms hlp_composto=Compound words written separatedly: "auto escola", "sub contratado". composto=Compound terms hlp_mmalmau=Use of "mal" or "mau". mmalmau="Mal" or "Mau" hlp_aha=Use of h\u00E1 or a. aha="H\u00E1" or "a" hlp_meiameio=Use of "meia" or "meio". meiameio="Meia" or "meio" hlp_verbo=Check verbal agreement. verbo=Verbal agreement hlp_pronominal=Position that personal pronouns occupy in relation to the verb. pronominal=Pronominal placement hlp_pronome=Use of pronoun. pronome=Use of pronouns hlp_porque=Check for "porque", "por que", "porqu\u00EA" and "por qu\u00EA". porque=Use of "porqu\u00EA"