diff options
authorOlivier Hallot <>2019-12-01 19:34:13 -0300
committerOlivier Hallot <>2019-12-01 23:37:44 +0100
commite9c55114ec5e5c1b106b4dbc9c4521d6de838664 (patch)
parent9bcd8ffcc1c7749ef0144aab2ca6b5c6ca81c5a5 (diff)
Use svg for equations images in Calc
Change-Id: Ibd355af31b69272badfc985aff4376576d987ce5 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Olivier Hallot <>
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diff --git a/source/text/scalc/01/func_imcos.xhp b/source/text/scalc/01/func_imcos.xhp
index 770a3cdca1..10cfcb7406 100644
--- a/source/text/scalc/01/func_imcos.xhp
+++ b/source/text/scalc/01/func_imcos.xhp
@@ -20,19 +20,19 @@
<bookmark_value>IMCOS function</bookmark_value>
<bookmark_value>cosine;complex number</bookmark_value>
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<link href="text/scalc/01/func_imcos.xhp">IMCOS</link>
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- </paragraph>
+ </h2>
<paragraph id="par_id1066273182723" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
<ahelp hid=".">
<variable id="imcos_des">Returns the cosine of a complex number.</variable> The cosine of a complex number can be expressed by:
- <paragraph id="par_id12176138532237" role="code" xml-lang="en-US" localize="false">
- cos(a+bi) = cos(a)cosh(b) - sin(a)sinh(b)i
+ <paragraph id="par_id12176138532237" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US" localize="false">
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<embed href="text/scalc/01/ODFF.xhp#odff"/>
@@ -43,14 +43,14 @@
<paragraph id="par_id2890729435632" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
Complex_number is a complex number whose cosine is to be calculated.
- <paragraph id="par_id11756847629133" role="note" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">
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<embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_comp_numb"/><br/>
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<embed href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_head_example"/>
<paragraph id="par_id4581301219753" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
<item type="input">=IMCOS("4-3i")</item><br/>
diff --git a/source/text/scalc/01/func_imcosh.xhp b/source/text/scalc/01/func_imcosh.xhp
index 3855ccae4b..17ac0a2341 100644
--- a/source/text/scalc/01/func_imcosh.xhp
+++ b/source/text/scalc/01/func_imcosh.xhp
@@ -20,19 +20,19 @@
<bookmark_value>IMCOSH function</bookmark_value>
<bookmark_value>hyperbolic cosine;complex number</bookmark_value>
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+ <h2 id="hd_id124691246912469">
<variable id="imcosh_head">
<link href="text/scalc/01/func_imcosh.xhp">IMCOSH</link>
</variable> function
- </paragraph>
+ </h2>
<paragraph id="par_id125881258812588" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
<ahelp hid=".">
<variable id="imcosh_des">Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a complex number.</variable> The hyperbolic cosine of a complex number can be expressed by:
- <paragraph id="par_id24939266285933" role="code" xml-lang="en-US" localize="false">
- cosh(a+bi)=cosh(a)cos(b)+sinh(a)sin(b)i
+ <paragraph id="par_id24939266285933" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
+ <image src="media/helpimg/sc_func_imcosh.svg" id="img_id211575078735993" width="464.56109px" height="31.5px"><alt xml-lang="en-US" id="alt_id401575078735994">IMCOSH equation</alt></image>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_des"/>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/ODFF.xhp#odff"/>
@@ -44,14 +44,14 @@
<paragraph id="par_id766137661376613" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
Complex_number is a complex number whose hyperbolic cosine is to be calculated.
- <paragraph id="par_id193292656220842" role="note" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">
- <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_comp_numb"/><br />
+ <note id="par_id193292656220842">
+ <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_comp_numb"/><br/>
<embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_real_numb"/>
- </paragraph>
- <paragraph id="par_id24300832426190" role="warning" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">
- <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_return_text"/><br />
+ </note>
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+ <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_return_text"/><br/>
<embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_ignor_zero"/>
- </paragraph>
+ </warning>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_head_example"/>
<paragraph id="par_id55891471962" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
<item type="input">=IMCOSH("4-3i")</item><br/>
diff --git a/source/text/scalc/01/func_imcot.xhp b/source/text/scalc/01/func_imcot.xhp
index 022a6a11b3..11bb8c699a 100644
--- a/source/text/scalc/01/func_imcot.xhp
+++ b/source/text/scalc/01/func_imcot.xhp
@@ -20,23 +20,19 @@
<bookmark_value>IMCOT function</bookmark_value>
<bookmark_value>cotangent;complex number</bookmark_value>
- <paragraph id="hd_id763567635676356" role="heading" level="2" xml-lang="en-US">
+ <h2 id="hd_id763567635676356">
<variable id="imcot_head">
<link href="text/scalc/01/func_imcot.xhp">IMCOT</link>
</variable> function
- </paragraph>
+ </h2>
<paragraph id="par_id764617646176461" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
<ahelp hid=".">
<variable id="imcot_des">Returns the cotangent of a complex number.</variable> The cotangent of a complex number can be expressed by:
- <paragraph id="par_id311713256011430" role="code" xml-lang="en-US">
- <image id="img_id5988220084990" src="media/helpimg/sc_func_imcot.png">
- <alt xml-lang="en-US" id="alt_id5988220084990">
- cot(a+bi)=cos(a+bi)/sin(a+bi)
- </alt>
- </image>
+ <paragraph id="par_id311713256011430" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
+ <image src="media/helpimg/sc_func_imcot.svg" id="img_id211575078735993" width="258.56943px" height="54.962498px"><alt xml-lang="en-US" id="alt_id401575078735994">IMCOT equation</alt></image>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_des"/>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/ODFF.xhp#odff"/>
@@ -48,14 +44,14 @@
<paragraph id="par_id766137661376613" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
Complex_number is a complex number whose cotangent is to be calculated.
- <paragraph id="par_id94162948227556" role="note" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">
- <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_comp_numb"/><br />
+ <note id="par_id94162948227556">
+ <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_comp_numb"/><br/>
<embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_real_numb"/>
- </paragraph>
- <paragraph id="par_id10013307115559" role="warning" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">
- <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_return_text"/><br />
+ </note>
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+ <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_return_text"/><br/>
<embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_ignor_zero"/>
- </paragraph>
+ </warning>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_head_example"/>
<paragraph id="par_id21183436423819" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
<item type="input">=IMCOT("4-3i")</item><br/>
diff --git a/source/text/scalc/01/func_imcsc.xhp b/source/text/scalc/01/func_imcsc.xhp
index 5243f59640..f21a414681 100644
--- a/source/text/scalc/01/func_imcsc.xhp
+++ b/source/text/scalc/01/func_imcsc.xhp
@@ -20,23 +20,19 @@
<bookmark_value>IMCSC function</bookmark_value>
<bookmark_value>cosecant;complex number</bookmark_value>
- <paragraph id="hd_id931679316793167" role="heading" level="2" xml-lang="en-US">
+ <h2 id="hd_id931679316793167">
<variable id="imcsc_head">
<link href="text/scalc/01/func_imcsc.xhp">IMCSC</link>
</variable> function
- </paragraph>
+ </h2>
<paragraph id="par_id932329323293232" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
<ahelp hid=".">
<variable id="imcsc_des">Returns the cosecant of a complex number. </variable> The cosecant of a complex number can be expressed by:
- <paragraph id="par_id13510198901485" role="code" xml-lang="en-US">
- <image id="img_id24404683532568" src="media/helpimg/sc_func_imcsc.png">
- <alt xml-lang="en-US" id="alt_id148492012231637">
- csc(a+bi)=1/sin(a+bi)
- </alt>
- </image>
+ <paragraph id="par_id13510198901485" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
+ <image src="media/helpimg/sc_func_imcsc.svg" id="img_id211575078735993" width="594.60278px" height="54.962498px"><alt xml-lang="en-US" id="alt_id401575078735994">IMCSC equation</alt></image>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_des"/>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/ODFF.xhp#odff"/>
@@ -48,14 +44,14 @@
<paragraph id="par_id1899971619670" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
Complex_number is a complex number whose cosecant needs to be calculated.
- <paragraph id="par_id147911951112700" role="note" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">
- <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_comp_numb"/><br />
+ <note id="par_id147911951112700">
+ <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_comp_numb"/><br/>
<embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_real_numb"/>
- </paragraph>
- <paragraph id="par_id109292803120804" role="warning" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">
- <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_return_text"/><br />
+ </note>
+ <warning id="par_id109292803120804">
+ <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_return_text"/><br/>
<embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_ignor_zero"/>
- </paragraph>
+ </warning>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_head_example"/>
<paragraph id="par_id25692477525537" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
<item type="input">=IMCSC("4-3i")</item><br/>
diff --git a/source/text/scalc/01/func_imcsch.xhp b/source/text/scalc/01/func_imcsch.xhp
index 30249aecd5..4153284e56 100644
--- a/source/text/scalc/01/func_imcsch.xhp
+++ b/source/text/scalc/01/func_imcsch.xhp
@@ -20,23 +20,18 @@
<bookmark_value>IMCSCH function</bookmark_value>
<bookmark_value>hyperbolic cosecant;complex number</bookmark_value>
- <paragraph id="hd_id977779777797777" role="heading" level="2" xml-lang="en-US">
+ <h2 id="hd_id977779777797777">
<variable id="imcsch_head">
<link href="text/scalc/01/func_imcsch.xhp">IMCSCH</link>
</variable> function
- </paragraph>
+ </h2>
<paragraph id="par_id979369793697936" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
<ahelp hid=".">
<variable id="imcsch_des">Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of a complex number.</variable> The hyperbolic cosecant of a complex number can be expressed by:
- <paragraph id="par_id195151657917534" role="code" xml-lang="en-US">
- <image id="img_id23513691929169" src="media/helpimg/sc_func_imcsch.png">
- <alt xml-lang="en-US" id="alt_id313882186926700">
- csch(a+bi)=1/sinh(a+bi)
- </alt>
- </image>
+ <paragraph id="par_id195151657917534" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US"><image src="media/helpimg/sc_func_imcsch.svg" id="img_id211575078735993" width="619.60278px" height="54.962498px"><alt xml-lang="en-US" id="alt_id401575078735994">IMCSCH equation</alt></image>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_des"/>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/ODFF.xhp#odff"/>
@@ -48,14 +43,14 @@
<paragraph id="par_id1899971619670" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
Complex_number is a complex number whose hyperbolic cosecant needs to be calculated.
- <paragraph id="par_id2596524410490" role="note" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">
- <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_comp_numb"/><br />
+ <note id="par_id2596524410490">
+ <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_comp_numb"/><br/>
<embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_real_numb"/>
- </paragraph>
- <paragraph id="par_id22040168142858" role="warning" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">
- <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_return_text"/><br />
+ </note>
+ <warning id="par_id22040168142858">
+ <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_return_text"/><br/>
<embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_ignor_zero"/>
- </paragraph>
+ </warning>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_head_example"/>
<paragraph id="par_id16814232201137" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
<item type="input">=IMCSCH("4-3i")</item><br/>
diff --git a/source/text/scalc/01/func_imsec.xhp b/source/text/scalc/01/func_imsec.xhp
index a0c76ff7db..2e2a5ee86a 100644
--- a/source/text/scalc/01/func_imsec.xhp
+++ b/source/text/scalc/01/func_imsec.xhp
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
<bookmark_value>IMSEC function</bookmark_value>
<bookmark_value>secant;complex number</bookmark_value>
- <paragraph id="hd_id29384186273495" role="heading" level="2" xml-lang="en-US">
+ <h2 id="hd_id29384186273495">
<variable id="imsec_head">
<link href="text/scalc/01/func_imsec.xhp">IMSEC</link>
</variable> function
- </paragraph>
+ </h2>
<paragraph id="par_id23292284928998" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
<ahelp hid=".">
<variable id="imsec_des">Returns the secant of a complex number. </variable> The secant of a complex number can be expressed by:
@@ -32,11 +32,7 @@
<paragraph id="par_id17543461310594" role="code" xml-lang="en-US">
- <image id="img_id112671346811327" src="media/helpimg/sc_func_imsec.png">
- <alt xml-lang="en-US" id="alt_id303562937523579">
- sec(a+bi)=1/cos(a+bi)
- </alt>
- </image>
+ <image src="media/helpimg/sc_func_imsec.svg" id="img_id211575078735993" width="599.10275px" height="54.962498px"><alt xml-lang="en-US" id="alt_id401575078735994">IMSEC equation</alt></image>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_des"/>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/ODFF.xhp#odff"/>
@@ -48,14 +44,14 @@
<paragraph id="par_id3186739645701" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
Complex_number is a complex number whose secant needs to be calculated.
- <paragraph id="par_id155152794716613" role="note" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">
- <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_comp_numb"/><br />
+ <note id="par_id155152794716613">
+ <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_comp_numb"/><br/>
<embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_real_numb"/>
- </paragraph>
- <paragraph id="par_id18462725520384" role="warning" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">
- <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_return_text"/><br />
+ </note>
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+ <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_return_text"/><br/>
<embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_ignor_zero"/>
- </paragraph>
+ </warning>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_head_example"/>
<paragraph id="par_id16814232201137" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
<item type="input">=IMSEC("4-3i")</item><br/>
diff --git a/source/text/scalc/01/func_imsech.xhp b/source/text/scalc/01/func_imsech.xhp
index e29fbadca8..063b82da4d 100644
--- a/source/text/scalc/01/func_imsech.xhp
+++ b/source/text/scalc/01/func_imsech.xhp
@@ -20,23 +20,19 @@
<bookmark_value>IMSECH function</bookmark_value>
<bookmark_value>hyperbolic secant;complex number</bookmark_value>
- <paragraph id="hd_id258933143113817" role="heading" level="2" xml-lang="en-US">
+ <h2 id="hd_id258933143113817">
<variable id="imsech_head">
<link href="text/scalc/01/func_imsech.xhp">IMSECH</link>
</variable> function
- </paragraph>
+ </h2>
<paragraph id="par_id116441182314950" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
<ahelp hid=".">
<variable id="imsech_des">Returns the hyperbolic secant of a complex number. </variable> The hyperbolic secant of a complex number can be expressed by:
- <paragraph id="par_id74572850718840" role="code" xml-lang="en-US">
- <image id="img_id8983315386682" src="media/helpimg/sc_func_imsech.png">
- <alt xml-lang="en-US" id="alt_id9157586510683">
- sech(a+bi)=1/cosh(a+bi)
- </alt>
- </image>
+ <paragraph id="par_id74572850718840" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
+ <image src="media/helpimg/sc_func_imsech.svg" id="img_id211575078735993" width="624.10275px" height="54.962498px"><alt xml-lang="en-US" id="alt_id401575078735994">IMSECH equation</alt></image>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_des"/>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/ODFF.xhp#odff"/>
@@ -48,14 +44,14 @@
<paragraph id="par_id31259109804356" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
Complex_number is a complex number whose hyperbolic secant needs to be calculated.
- <paragraph id="par_id127061438920586" role="note" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">
- <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_comp_numb"/><br />
+ <note id="par_id127061438920586">
+ <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_comp_numb"/><br/>
<embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_real_numb"/>
- </paragraph>
- <paragraph id="par_id29294203464584" role="warning" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">
- <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_return_text"/><br />
+ </note>
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+ <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_return_text"/><br/>
<embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_ignor_zero"/>
- </paragraph>
+ </warning>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_head_example"/>
<paragraph id="par_id1906826088444" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
<item type="input">=IMSECH("4-3i")</item><br/>
diff --git a/source/text/scalc/01/func_imsin.xhp b/source/text/scalc/01/func_imsin.xhp
index 8dc39f13ac..704cf48f69 100644
--- a/source/text/scalc/01/func_imsin.xhp
+++ b/source/text/scalc/01/func_imsin.xhp
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
<bookmark_value>IMSIN function</bookmark_value>
<bookmark_value>sine;complex number</bookmark_value>
- <paragraph id="hd_id3192388765304" role="heading" level="2" xml-lang="en-US">
+ <h2 id="hd_id3192388765304">
<variable id="imsin_head">
<link href="text/scalc/01/func_imsin.xhp">IMSIN</link>
</variable> function
- </paragraph>
+ </h2>
<paragraph id="par_id1955633330277" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
<ahelp hid=".">
<variable id="imsin_des">Returns the sine of a complex number. </variable> The sine of a complex number can be expressed by:
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<paragraph id="par_id3189460120934" role="code" xml-lang="en-US">
- sin(a+bi)=sin(a)cosh(b)+cos(a)sinh(b)i
+ <image src="media/helpimg/sc_func_imsin.svg" id="img_id211575078735993" width="447.2611px" height="31.5px"><alt xml-lang="en-US" id="alt_id401575078735994">IMSIN equation</alt></image>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_des"/>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/ODFF.xhp#odff"/>
@@ -43,14 +43,14 @@
<paragraph id="par_id31206835928272" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
Complex_number is a complex number whose sine needs to be calculated.
- <paragraph id="par_id100182106819457" role="note" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">
- <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_comp_numb"/><br />
+ <note id="par_id100182106819457">
+ <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_comp_numb"/><br/>
<embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_real_numb"/>
- </paragraph>
- <paragraph id="par_id7175173509788" role="warning" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">
- <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_return_text"/><br />
+ </note>
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<embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_ignor_zero"/>
- </paragraph>
+ </warning>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_head_example"/>
<paragraph id="par_id5063188419467" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
<item type="input">=IMSIN("4-3i")</item><br/>
diff --git a/source/text/scalc/01/func_imsinh.xhp b/source/text/scalc/01/func_imsinh.xhp
index 32e7d3f89f..6da9c524c1 100644
--- a/source/text/scalc/01/func_imsinh.xhp
+++ b/source/text/scalc/01/func_imsinh.xhp
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
<bookmark_value>IMSINH function</bookmark_value>
<bookmark_value>hyperbolic sine;complex number</bookmark_value>
- <paragraph id="hd_id3192388765304" role="heading" level="2" xml-lang="en-US">
+ <h2 id="hd_id3192388765304">
<variable id="imsinh_head">
<link href="text/scalc/01/func_imsinh.xhp">IMSINH</link>
</variable> function
- </paragraph>
+ </h2>
<paragraph id="par_id1955633330277" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
<ahelp hid=".">
<variable id="imsinh_des">Returns the hyperbolic sine of a complex number.</variable> The hyperbolic sine of a complex number can be expressed by:
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<paragraph id="par_id3189460120934" role="code" xml-lang="en-US">
- sinh(a+bi)=sinh(a)cos(b)+cosh(a)sin(b)i
+ <image src="media/helpimg/sc_func_imsinh.svg" id="img_id211575078735993" width="459.7611px" height="31.5px"><alt xml-lang="en-US" id="alt_id401575078735994">IMSINH equation</alt></image>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_des"/>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/ODFF.xhp#odff"/>
@@ -44,14 +44,14 @@
<paragraph id="par_id31206835928272" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
Complex_number is a complex number whose hyperbolic sine needs to be calculated.
- <paragraph id="par_id100182106819457" role="note" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">
- <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_comp_numb"/><br />
+ <note id="par_id100182106819457">
+ <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_comp_numb"/><br/>
<embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_real_numb"/>
- </paragraph>
- <paragraph id="par_id7175173509788" role="warning" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">
- <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_return_text"/><br />
+ </note>
+ <warning id="par_id7175173509788">
+ <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_return_text"/><br/>
<embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_ignor_zero"/>
- </paragraph>
+ </warning>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_head_example"/>
<paragraph id="par_id5063188419467" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
<item type="input">=IMSINH("4-3i")</item><br/>
diff --git a/source/text/scalc/01/func_imtan.xhp b/source/text/scalc/01/func_imtan.xhp
index 1d67d08c7e..5765a915d7 100644
--- a/source/text/scalc/01/func_imtan.xhp
+++ b/source/text/scalc/01/func_imtan.xhp
@@ -20,23 +20,19 @@
<bookmark_value>IMTAN function</bookmark_value>
<bookmark_value>tangent;complex number</bookmark_value>
- <paragraph id="hd_id9522389621160" role="heading" level="2" xml-lang="en-US">
+ <h2 id="hd_id9522389621160">
<variable id="imtan_head">
<link href="text/scalc/01/func_imtan.xhp">IMTAN</link>
</variable> function
- </paragraph>
+ </h2>
<paragraph id="par_id5700137827273" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
<ahelp hid=".">
<variable id="imtan_des">Returns the tangent of a complex number.</variable> The tangent of a complex number can be expressed by:
- <paragraph id="par_id25021317131239" role="code" xml-lang="en-US">
- <image id="img_id16283275473700" src="media/helpimg/sc_func_imtan.png">
- <alt xml-lang="en-US" id="alt_id676711494402">
- tan(a+bi)=sin(a+bi)/cos(a+bi)
- </alt>
- </image>
+ <paragraph id="par_id25021317131239" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
+ <image src="media/helpimg/sc_func_imtan.svg" id="img_id211575078735993" width="597.80275px" height="59.5625px"><alt xml-lang="en-US" id="alt_id401575078735994">IMTAN equation</alt></image>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_des"/>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/ODFF.xhp#odff"/>
@@ -48,14 +44,14 @@
<paragraph id="par_id10242899132094" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
Complex_number is a complex number whose tangent is to be calculated.
- <paragraph id="par_id21830101306312" role="note" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">
- <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_comp_numb"/><br />
+ <note id="par_id21830101306312">
+ <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_comp_numb"/><br/>
<embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_real_numb"/>
- </paragraph>
- <paragraph id="par_id307202808512424" role="warning" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">
- <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_return_text"/><br />
+ </note>
+ <warning id="par_id307202808512424">
+ <embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_return_text"/><br/>
<embedvar href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_im_ignor_zero"/>
- </paragraph>
+ </warning>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#func_head_example"/>
<paragraph id="par_id5063188419467" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">
<item type="input">=IMTAN("4-3i")</item><br/>
@@ -67,7 +63,7 @@
<embed href="text/scalc/06/calcsamplefiles.xhp#imtrigon"/>
<section id="relatedtopics">
- <paragraph id="par_id2479417868613" role="paragraph" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">
+ <paragraph id="par_id2479417868613" role="paragraph" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">
<embedvar href="text/scalc/01/func_imcot.xhp#imcot_head"/>
diff --git a/source/text/scalc/01/func_opt_prob_hit.xhp b/source/text/scalc/01/func_opt_prob_hit.xhp
index b8b365c1ef..a6d861cd43 100644
--- a/source/text/scalc/01/func_opt_prob_hit.xhp
+++ b/source/text/scalc/01/func_opt_prob_hit.xhp
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
<h2 id="hd_id71575063908363"><variable id="optprobhith1"><link href="text/scalc/01/func_opt_prob_hit.xhp" name="OPT_PROB_HIT">OPT_PROB_HIT</link></variable></h2>
<paragraph id="par_id591575063908364" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US"><variable id="variable name"><ahelp hid=".">Returns the probability that an asset hits a predetermined barrier price, assuming that the stock price can be modeled as a process S that follows the stochastic differential equation</ahelp></variable>, as follows.</paragraph>
<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id21575078735992" xml-lang="en-US">
- <image src="media/helpimg/sc_func_opt01.svg" id="img_id211575078735993" width="4cm" height="1cm"><alt xml-lang="en-US" id="alt_id401575078735994">OPT_PROB_HIT equation</alt></image>
+ <image src="media/helpimg/sc_func_opt01.svg" id="img_id211575078735993" width="197.38334px" height="51.2125px"><alt xml-lang="en-US" id="alt_id401575078735994">OPT_PROB_HIT equation</alt></image>
<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id821575074114118"><literal>µ</literal> is the asset’s percentage drift, <literal>vol</literal> is the percentage volatility of the stock, and <literal>dW</literal> is a random sample drawn from a normal distribution with a zero mean. <literal>W</literal> is a Wiener process or Brownian motion.</paragraph>
diff --git a/source/text/scalc/01/func_opt_prob_inmoney.xhp b/source/text/scalc/01/func_opt_prob_inmoney.xhp
index 05ee298d49..763b2e871c 100644
--- a/source/text/scalc/01/func_opt_prob_inmoney.xhp
+++ b/source/text/scalc/01/func_opt_prob_inmoney.xhp
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
<h2 id="hd_id941575063929082"><variable id="optprobinmoneyh1"><link href="text/scalc/01/func_opt_prob_inmoney.xhp" name="OPT_PROB_INMONEY">OPT_PROB_INMONEY</link></variable></h2>
<paragraph id="par_id941575063929083" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US"><variable id="variable name"><ahelp hid=".">Returns the probability that an asset will end up between two barrier levels at maturity, assuming that the stock price can be modeled as a process S that follows the stochastic differential equation</ahelp></variable>, as follows.</paragraph>
<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id21575078735992" xml-lang="en-US">
- <image src="media/helpimg/sc_func_opt01.svg" id="img_id211575078735993" width="4cm" height="1cm"><alt xml-lang="en-US" id="alt_id401575078735994">OPT_PROB_INMONEY equation</alt></image>
+ <image src="media/helpimg/sc_func_opt01.svg" id="img_id211575078735993" width="197.38334px" height="51.2125px"><alt xml-lang="en-US" id="alt_id401575078735994">OPT_PROB_INMONEY equation</alt></image>
<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id941575074893788"><literal>µ</literal> is the asset’s percentage drift, <literal>vol</literal> is the percentage volatility of the stock, and <literal>dW</literal> is a random sample drawn from a normal distribution with a zero mean. <literal>W</literal> is a Wiener process or Brownian motion.</paragraph>
<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id241575075282150">If the optional <emph>Strike</emph> and <emph>Put or Call</emph> arguments are included, then</paragraph>