diff options
authorRüdiger Timm <>2004-11-26 12:56:22 +0000
committerRüdiger Timm <>2004-11-26 12:56:22 +0000
commiteb18676f7d8c89519d434abd517af97eeb54328d (patch)
parent2b1e1e6926de5db80153c550cae904e4838cc40b (diff)
INTEGRATION: CWS helpcontentbeta (1.1.2); FILE ADDED
2004/11/11 10:41:22 fpe update 2004/10/14 14:37:46 fpe Adding script for updating tree files
1 files changed, 310 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/helpcontent2/helpers/ b/helpcontent2/helpers/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2b6aebabb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/helpcontent2/helpers/
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+use File::Find;
+use File::Basename;
+use Benchmark;
+$t0 = new Benchmark;
+# update the tree files in helpcontent2/source/auxiliary/*
+$| = 1;
+($scriptname = `pwd`) =~ s/\n/\/$0/;
+($treeroot = $scriptname) =~ s/\/\/..\/source\/auxiliary/;
+($sourceroot = $treeroot) =~ s/source\/auxiliary$/source/;
+$treestrings = "$sourceroot/text/shared/tree_strings.xhp";
+$params = join "|", "",@ARGV,"";
+($params =~ /-langdir/) ? ($langdir = $params) =~ (s/.*-langdir=([^\|]*).*$/$1/gs) : (($langdir = '***ALL***'));
+# Get the English tree files as master
+# Update English from xhp
+# Update localizations from sdf
+# read all strings with id "tit" from all localize.sdf files
+if ($langdir eq '***ALL***') {
+ if (opendir AUX, "$treeroot") {
+ @langs = grep { /^(?!(\.|CVS|en-US))/ && -d "$treeroot/$_"} readdir AUX;
+ closedir AUX;
+ } else {
+ &terminate("Cannot open directory $treeroot");
+ }
+} else {
+ @langs = $langdir;
+for $l(@langs) {
+ &do_lang($l);
+$t1 = new Benchmark;
+$td = timediff($t1, $t0);
+print timestr($td),"\n";
+sub terminate {
+ $err = shift;
+ print "$err\n\n";
+ $msg = <<"MSG";
+ [-langdir=language]
+ -langdir Proceed files in this language subdirectory
+ If no langdir is given all subdirs are processed.
+ Updates the *.tree files.
+ At first, the English file is updated based on the English
+ help topic titles as read from the help files. Then, the
+ localized tree files are written based on the English tree
+ file and the localized help topic titles.
+ die "$msg\n";
+sub do_english {
+ print "Processing en-US\n";
+ undef %helpsection; undef %node; undef %topic;
+ &readtreestrings;
+ &gettreefiles;
+ &processtreefiles('en-US');
+sub do_lang {
+ $lng = shift;
+ print "\n\n---------------------------------------------------\nProcessing $lng\n";
+ undef %helpsection; undef %node; undef %topic; undef %title;
+ &readl10ntreestrings($lng);
+ &readl10ntitles($lng);
+ &processtreefiles($lng);
+ print "\n";
+sub readtreestrings {
+ print "Reading tree strings for en-US...";
+ if (open TREE, $treestrings) {
+ while (<TREE>) {
+ chomp;
+ s/<\/*help:productname>//gis;
+ if (/help_section/) {
+ s/^\s*<.*help_section//;
+ s/<\/.*$//;
+ ($id = $_) =~ s/^.*id=&quot;(\d+)&quot;.*$/$1/;
+ ($title = $_) =~ s/^.*title=&quot;(.*)&quot;.*$/$1/;
+ $helpsection{$id} = $title;
+ }
+ if (/node id=/) {
+ s/^\s*<.*node //;
+ s/<\/.*$//;
+ ($id = $_) =~ s/^.*id=&quot;(\d+)&quot;.*$/$1/;
+ ($title = $_) =~ s/^.*title=&quot;(.*)&quot;.*$/$1/;
+ $node{$id} = $title;
+ }
+ }
+ close TREE;
+ } else {
+ &terminate("Error opening $treeview");
+ }
+ print "done\n";
+sub readl10ntreestrings {
+ my $lng = shift;
+ print "Reading tree strings for $lng...";
+ for (@{$l10ntreestrings{$lng}}) {
+ @tokens = split /\t/, $_;
+ ($file = $tokens[1]) =~ s/\\/\//g;
+ $file =~ s/.*text\///g;
+ $id = $tokens[4]; $lang = $tokens[9]; $cnt = $tokens[10];
+ if ($cnt =~ /help_section/) {
+ s/^\s*<.*help_section//;
+ ($id = $cnt) =~ s/^.*id="(\d+)".*$/$1/;
+ ($title = $cnt) =~ s/^.*title="(.*)".*$/$1/;
+ $helpsection{$id} = $title;
+ }
+ if ($cnt =~/node id=/) {
+ s/^\s*<.*node //;
+ ($id = $cnt) =~ s/^.*id="(\d+)".*$/$1/;
+ ($title = $cnt) =~ s/^.*title="(.*)".*$/$1/;
+ $node{$id} = $title;
+ }
+ }
+ print "done\n";
+sub readl10ntitles {
+ my $lng = shift;
+ print "Reading titles for $lng...";
+ for $t(@{$l10ntitles{$lng}}) {
+ @tokens = split /\t/, $t;
+ ($file = $tokens[1]) =~ s/\\/\//g;
+ $file =~ s/.*text\///g;
+ $id = $tokens[4];
+ $lang = $tokens[9];
+ $cnt = $tokens[10];
+ $title{"text/$file"} = $cnt;
+ #print "$file\n";
+ }
+ print "done\n";
+sub gettreefiles {
+ # Read the tree files from the directory
+ # this list is also used for all foreign languages
+ print "Reading tree files...";
+ if (opendir ENUS, "$treeroot/en-US") {
+ @treeviews = grep /\.tree/, readdir ENUS;
+ closedir ENUS;
+ } else {
+ &terminate("Cannot open directory $treeroot/en-US");
+ }
+ print "done\n";
+sub processtreefiles {
+ $lng = shift;
+ for $tv(@treeviews) {
+ print "\nProcessing $tv\n";
+ @lines = &readtv("$treeroot/en-US/$tv");
+ print "Read ".scalar @lines." lines\n";
+ for $l(@lines) {
+ if ($l =~ /topic/) {
+ ($id = $l) =~ s/^.*id="([^"]*)".*$/$1/gis;
+ ($module = $id) =~ s/^([^\/]*).*$/$1/;
+ $id =~ s/^.*?\///;
+ $file = "$sourceroot/$id";
+ if ($lng eq 'en-US') { # english comes from the file
+ if (open F,$file) {
+ print ".";
+ undef $/; $cnt = <F>; close F;
+ $cnt =~ s/^.*<title[^>]+id="tit"[^>]*>([^<]*)<\/title>.*$/$1/gis;
+ $cnt =~ s/&apos;/\'/gis; $cnt =~ s/&amp;/+/gis;
+ $cnt =~ s/&quot;/\'/gis; $cnt =~ s/&/+/gis;
+ $l = "<topic id=\"$module/$id\">$cnt</topic>\n";
+ } else {
+ print "!";
+ $l = "<!-- removed $module/$id -->\n";
+ }
+ } else { # localized comes from the localize sdf
+ if (defined($title{$id})) {
+ print ".";
+ $l = "<topic id=\"$module/$id\">$cnt</topic>\n";
+ } else {
+ print "!";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($l =~/<node/) {
+ ($id = $l) =~ s/^.*id="(\d+)".*$/$1/gis;
+ if ($lng eq 'en-US') {
+ if (defined($node{$id})) {
+ $l =~ s/title="(.*)"/title="$node{$id}"/;
+ } else {
+ $l =~ s/title="(.*)"/title="NOTFOUND:$id"/;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (defined($node{$id})) {
+ $l =~ s/title="(.*)"/title="$node{$id}"/;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($l =~/<help_section/) {
+ ($id = $l) =~ s/^.*id="(\d+)".*$/$1/gis;
+ if ($lng eq 'en-US') {
+ if (defined($helpsection{$id})) {
+ $l =~ s/title="(.*)"/title="$helpsection{$id}"/;
+ } else {
+ $l =~ s/title="(.*)"/title="NOTFOUND:$id"/;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (defined($helpsection{$id})) {
+ $l =~ s/title="(.*)"/title="$helpsection{$id}"/;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $tvout = "$treeroot/$lng/$tv";
+ if (open TV, ">$tvout") {
+ for $line(@lines) {
+ $line =~ s/\$\[officename\]/%PRODUCTNAME/g;
+ $line =~ s/\$\[officeversion\]/%PRODUCTVERSION/g;
+ print TV $line;
+ }
+ close TV;
+ } else {
+ &terminate("Cannot write to $tvout");
+ }
+ }
+sub readtv {
+ my $f = shift;
+ if (open TV, $f) {
+ $/ = "\n";
+ my @l = <TV>;
+ close TV;
+ return @l;
+ } else {
+ &terminate("Error opening $f");
+ }
+sub read_loctit {
+ print "\n\nReading localized titles...";
+ $/ = "\n";
+ @titles = qx{grep [^a-zA-Z0-9]tit[^a-zA-Z0-9] `find $sourceroot/text -name localize.sdf`};
+ print "done reading ".scalar @titles." localized titles\n";
+ print "Sorting localized titles...";
+ for (@titles) {
+ @tokens = split /\t/, $_;
+ ($file = $tokens[1]) =~ s/\\/\//g;
+ $file =~ s/.*text\///g;
+ $id = $tokens[4];
+ $lang = $tokens[9];
+ $cnt = $tokens[10];
+ push @{$l10ntitles{$lang}}, $_;
+ }
+ print "done\n";
+sub read_loctree {
+ print "Reading localized tree strings...";
+ @l10ntreestrings = qx{grep tree_strings.xhp $sourceroot/text/shared/localize.sdf};
+ print "done reading ".scalar @l10ntreestrings." localized strings\n";
+ print "Sorting localized tree strings...";
+ for (@l10ntreestrings) {
+ @tokens = split /\t/, $_;
+ $lang = $tokens[9];
+ push @{$l10ntreestrings{$lang}}, $_;
+ }
+ print "done\n";