path: root/wiki-to-help
diff options
authorAndras Timar <>2018-08-27 20:38:14 +0200
committerAndras Timar <>2018-08-27 20:45:43 +0200
commitd2330a41e530b22a89fb32e4963d874f6a1d69ea (patch)
tree7cbfc32e46decb7054ee2f7ff3ec0f424f49d108 /wiki-to-help
parentad2c3417d5a789ef775fdf70b85f7d95845d4d03 (diff)
remove unused and abandoned wiki-to-help code
Change-Id: Ifd3585262f6e5a04a19e040a5e5cfd48376bfbe6 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Andras Timar <>
Diffstat (limited to 'wiki-to-help')
23 files changed, 0 insertions, 1662 deletions
diff --git a/wiki-to-help/HHC/htmlhelp.reg b/wiki-to-help/HHC/htmlhelp.reg
deleted file mode 100644
index e38e0ef828..0000000000
--- a/wiki-to-help/HHC/htmlhelp.reg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/wiki-to-help/HHC/ b/wiki-to-help/HHC/
deleted file mode 100755
index eefbc2a92f..0000000000
--- a/wiki-to-help/HHC/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/bash -e
-# -e Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status.
-# This installs Microsoft HHC (HTML Help Compiler)
-# Copyright 2011 Timo Richter and others.
-# Licensed under GNU GPLv3
-# Depends on: wine, wget, cabextract
-# Usage of HHC: wine c:\\htmlhelp\\hhc.exe c:\\test\\htmlhelp.hhp
-# Changes: Set installation directory to c:\htmlhelp
-# Copy also itcc.dll, this is necessary
-# No execution of htmlhelp.exe installer needed
-# Abortion of install if anything fails, e.g. the download of HHC.
-which wine > /dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "Please install 'wine'." ; exit 1 ; }
-which cabextract > /dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "Please install 'cabextract'." ; exit 1 ; }
-which wget > /dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "Please install 'wget'." ; exit 1 ; }
-echo "Going to install hhc.exe to your wine installation..."
-cd "$(dirname $0)" # cd to path of this script
-test -d "$WINEPREFIX" || winecfg
-mkdir -p "$HHDIR"
-# Setup the registry
-# Set Wine's Windows version to Windows 2000 (or above), and add an override to use the native itss.dll, both via winecfg.
-wine regedit htmlhelp.reg
-cd "$HHDIR"
-# Install HTML Help Workshop
-wget -O htmlhelp.exe ''
-# unnecessary
-#wine htmlhelp.exe
-cabextract -F hhc.exe htmlhelp.exe
-cabextract -F HHA.dll htmlhelp.exe
-# Install ITSS.DLL
-cabextract -F hhupd.exe htmlhelp.exe
-cabextract -F itircl.dll hhupd.exe
-cabextract -F itss.dll hhupd.exe
-cabextract -F itcc.dll htmlhelp.exe
-cabextract -F hhctrl.ocx hhupd.exe
-cp -a itircl.dll "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/system32/"
-cp -a itcc.dll "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/system32/"
-cp -a itss.dll "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/system32/"
-cp -a hhctrl.ocx "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/system32/"
-wine regsvr32 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\itcc.dll'
-wine regsvr32 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\itircl.dll'
-wine regsvr32 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\itss.dll'
-wine regsvr32 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\hhctrl.ocx'
-# Install MFC40.DLL
-wget -N
-cabextract -F mfc40.exe
-cabextract -F mfc40.dll mfc40.exe
-cp -a mfc40.dll "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/system32/"
-echo Done, hhc.exe installed.
-exit 0
diff --git a/wiki-to-help/README b/wiki-to-help/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f254ac0a1..0000000000
--- a/wiki-to-help/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-Conversion of an XML-Dump to platformspecific help files
-The following programs are required:
- - mwlib
- - python
- - python-lxml
- - xsltproc
- - unzip
- - docbook-xsl-stylesheets
-HHC-Installer depends on:
- - wine
- - cabextract
- - wget
-1.1 On GNU and UNIX
- - Install wine
- - Execute HHC/
-1.2 On Windows
- - Install HHC from
-See ./ -h
-For the correct operation, you need to modify htmlhelp.xsl to point to your
-docbook-xsl-stylesheets installation, like:
---- a/helpcontent2/wiki-to-help/htmlhelp.xsl
-+++ b/helpcontent2/wiki-to-help/htmlhelp.xsl
-@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
- ******************************************************************** -->
--<xsl:import href="xsl/html/chunk.xsl"/>
-+<xsl:import href="/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/1.76.1/html/chunk.xsl"/>
- <xsl:param name="htmlhelp.use.hhk" select="1"></xsl:param>
--<xsl:include href="xsl/htmlhelp/htmlhelp-common.xsl"/>
-+<xsl:include href="/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/1.76.1/htmlhelp/htmlhelp-common.xsl"/>
- </xsl:stylesheet>
-The following applies to all files if not stated differently
- - Licensed under GNU LGPLv3 or later / MPL
- - Copyright 2011 Timo Richter
diff --git a/wiki-to-help/ b/wiki-to-help/
deleted file mode 100755
index c3ff714fcf..0000000000
--- a/wiki-to-help/
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@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-./ test2.xml test/
diff --git a/wiki-to-help/ b/wiki-to-help/
deleted file mode 100755
index 8304308746..0000000000
--- a/wiki-to-help/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-#!/usr/bin/python -i
-Convert an XML-Dump to platformspecific help files.
-Copyright 2011 Timo Richter
-This program depends on:
-Microsoft HHC:
-import subprocess, tempfile, os, shutil, argparse
-#import mwlib_mods # is being imported. see below
-from hhc import HHC
-from mw import MW
-from metabook_translated import MetabookTranslated
-from metabook_translated import LanguageSeparator
-from executor import Executor
-scriptpath=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__) )
-class Main(object):
- ''' Defines program parameters and returns them as a dictionary '''
- def parseArgs(self):
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Conversion from a mediawiki xml-dumpfile to helpfiles')
- parser.add_argument("--startpage", metavar="PATH", dest="startpage", default=None, type=str, help="Sets a HTML-file as the start page")
- parser.add_argument("--images", metavar="PATH", dest="imgPath", default=None, type=str, help="Uses images from PATH. PATH is a zipfile or a directory.")
- parser.add_argument("--keep", dest="keepTmp", default=False, action='store_true', help="Keeps temporary files in /tmp")
- parser.add_argument("--only-en", dest="onlyEn", action='store_true', default=False, help="Converts only English articles")
- parser.add_argument("--no-chm", dest="createChm", default=True, action='store_false', help="Avoids creation of a CHM file at the end")
- parser.add_argument("-v", dest="verbose", default=False, action='store_true', help="Verbose")
- parser.add_argument("input", type=str, help="XML input")
- parser.add_argument("output", type=str, help="Directory for output")
- return parser.parse_args()
- def __init__(self):
- args = self.parseArgs()
- import mwlib_mods
- r = Converter(
- keepTmp=args.keepTmp,
- createChm=args.createChm,
- source=args.input,
- dest=args.output,
- startpage=args.startpage,
- onlyEn=args.onlyEn,
- imgPath=args.imgPath,
- verbose=args.verbose,
- )()
- exit(int(not r))
-class Converter(object):
- verbose=False
- createChm = None #
- keepTmp = None #
- #style=os.path.join(scriptpath,'xsl/htmlhelp/htmlhelp.xsl') # final
- style=os.path.join(scriptpath,'htmlhelp.xsl') # final
- title="Book" # final
- tmp=None
- includeFiles=[]
- def __init__(self,source,dest,onlyEn,imgPath,verbose,
- keepTmp=False,createChm=True,startpage=None):
- """
- Parameters are documented in Main.parseArgs()
- """
- self.createChm = createChm
- self.keepTmp=keepTmp
- self.tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- = os.path.abspath(
- source = os.path.abspath(source)
- dest = os.path.abspath(dest)
- if startpage is not None:
- startpage = os.path.abspath(startpage)
- self.source=source
- self.dest=dest
- self.startpage=startpage
- self.onlyEn = onlyEn
- self.imgPath = imgPath
- self.verbose = verbose
- self.ex = Executor(showErr=verbose,showOutput=True,showCmd=verbose)
- self.hhc = HHC(showErr=True,showOutput=verbose,showCmd=verbose)
- self.title = self.getTitle(self.title)
- def getTitle(self,default=None):
- """
- If given, return TEXT from <siteinfo><sitename>TEXT</sitename></siteinfo>
- in xml file self.source.
- Otherwise return @default
- """
- import xml.dom.minidom
- print "Loading title"
- dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(self.source)
- try:
- siteinfo = dom.getElementsByTagName("siteinfo")[0]
- sitename = siteinfo.getElementsByTagName("sitename")[0]
- name = sitename.childNodes[0].data
- except IndexError:
- return default
- else:
- return name
- def createDir(self,path):
- try:
- os.mkdir(path)
- except OSError:
- pass
- def setupImgPath(self):
- """
- If --images is not given, the path will be in the format "images/name.jpg".
- If --images is given a zipfile, it is being extracted to "images/".
- If --images is a directory, it is being copied to "images/".
- The filenames in images/ are being stored to self.includeFiles.
- """
- imgDest = "images" # puts images to output/imgDest/
- if not self.imgPath:
- self.imgPath = os.path.join(imgDest,"IMAGENAME")
- return
- extension = os.path.splitext(self.imgPath)[1].lower()
- imgTmp = os.path.join(self.tmp,imgDest)
- print "Copying images..."
- if extension == ".zip":
- self.ex("unzip","-q","-o","-j","-d",imgTmp,self.imgPath)
- else:
- shutil.copytree(self.imgPath,imgTmp)
- shutil.copytree(imgTmp, os.path.join(self.dest,imgDest) )
- self.imgPath = os.path.join(imgDest,"IMAGENAME")
- # Save filenames for inclusion in chm
- for fname in os.listdir(imgTmp):
- fpath = os.path.join(imgDest,fname)
- self.includeFiles.append(fpath)
- def writeHhp(self):
- """
- Writes changes to the .hhp-file.
- self.includeFiles will be flushed to the hhp.
- """
- hhp=os.path.join(self.tmp,"htmlhelp.hhp")
- with open(hhp,"a") as f:
- f.write("\n".join(self.includeFiles))
- def __call__(self):
- """
- Create the environment for conversion and call convert()
- @return boolean Success
- """
- tmp = self.tmp
- self.createDir(self.dest)
- print "Working directory: "+tmp
- self.setupImgPath()
- shutil.copy(os.path.join(scriptpath,"nfo.json"),tmp)
- metabook_template = os.path.join(scriptpath,"metabook.json")
- ls = LanguageSeparator.fromFileToFiles(metabook_template,self.source,tmp)
- MW.buildcdb(self.source,tmp)
- if self.onlyEn:
- return self.convert("en",ls["en"])
- else:
- for lang, metabook in ls.iteritems():
- if not self.convert(lang,metabook): return False
- def convert(self,lang,metabook):
- """
- Private.
- This function executes the programs for the conversion.
- @lang Language of book
- @metabook Path to metabook-json-file
- """
- print "Rendering language "+lang
- tmp = self.tmp
- docbookfile = os.path.join(tmp,"%s.xml"%lang)
- chmDest = os.path.join(self.dest,lang+".chm")
- renderArgs = ("-L",lang,"-W","imagesrcresolver=%s"%self.imgPath,
- "--config=%s/wikiconf.txt"%(tmp),
- "-w","docbook","-o",docbookfile,"-m",metabook,"--title",self.title)
- MW.quietCall(MW.render,renderArgs,showErr=self.verbose)
- shutil.copy(docbookfile,self.dest)
- print "Parsing docbook"
- xsltreturn = self.ex("/usr/bin/xsltproc","--nonet","--novalid","-o",tmp+'/',,docbookfile)
- if not xsltreturn: return False
- self.setStartpage(self.startpage)
- self.writeHhp()
- if self.createChm:
- print("Compiling chm...")
- self.hhc(tmp)
- shutil.copy(os.path.join(tmp,'htmlhelp.chm'),chmDest)
- return True
- def setStartpage(self,startpage):
- """
- Private.
- Copies @startpage to our tmp dir so that it will be used as the start page.
- @return False if @startpage doesn't exist, otherwise True.
- """
- if startpage is None: return True
- filename="index.html"
- if not os.path.exists(startpage): return False
- os.remove(os.path.join(self.tmp,filename))
- shutil.copy(startpage, os.path.join(self.tmp,filename))
- return True
- def __del__(self):
- if not self.keepTmp:
- shutil.rmtree(self.tmp) # remove temp files
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- Main()
diff --git a/wiki-to-help/ b/wiki-to-help/
deleted file mode 100644
index 464ec222e4..0000000000
--- a/wiki-to-help/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-import subprocess, os
-class Executor(object):
- def __init__(self,showErr=True,showOutput=True,showCmd=False):
- self.showCmd=showCmd
- if showErr: self.stderr = None
- else: self.stderr=open(os.devnull,"w")
- if showOutput: self.stdout = None
- else: self.stdout=open(os.devnull,"w")
- def __call__(self,*cmd):
- """
- Execute a program, e.g. Executor()("/bin/ls","/home")
- @cmd Command, args
- @return boolean True if succeed
- """
- if self.showCmd:
- print cmd
- return (subprocess.Popen(list(cmd),stderr=self.stderr,
- stdout=self.stdout).wait() == 0)
diff --git a/wiki-to-help/ b/wiki-to-help/
deleted file mode 100644
index de9879c25f..0000000000
--- a/wiki-to-help/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-import platform, os
-from executor import Executor
-class HHC(object):
- """ Class for execution of Html Help Compiler """
- hhcexe="c:\\htmlhelp\\hhc.exe"
- def __init__(self,**args):
- """
- @args Arguments for Executor.__init__()
- """
- self.args=args
- def exWindows(self,source):
- """ Private. Compile @source calling HHC natively under Windows """
- cmd=[self.hhcexe,os.path.join(source,"htmlhelp.hhp")]
- return Executor(**self.args).executor(*tuple(cmd))
- def exWine(self,source):
- """ Private. Compile @source calling HHC via Wine """
- #dirname = os.path.dirname(source)
- wine = Wine(source,"j:",self.args)
- r = wine(self.hhcexe,"j:\\htmlhelp.hhp")
- del wine
- return r
- def __call__(self,source):
- """
- Converts @source with HHC
- @source path to input directory that contains htmlhelp.hhp
- """
- windows=(platform.system()=="Windows")
- if windows is False:
- self.exWine(source)
- else:
- self.exWindows(source)
-class Wine(object):
- # TODO: this should be a singleton
- def __init__(self,workingDir,driveletter,args={}):
- """
- Setup the wine environment. Granting access so that wine is able
- @workingDir will be accessible via @driveletter
- @args Arguments for Executor as dict (**args)
- E.g. Wine("/tmp/dir","j:")
- """
- homedir = os.path.expanduser('~')
- wineprefix=os.path.join(homedir,".wine")
- drive=os.path.join(wineprefix,"dosdevices",driveletter)
- if os.path.lexists(drive):
- self.driveBak = drive+".bak"
- shutil.move(drive,self.driveBak)
- os.symlink(workingDir,drive)
- = drive
- #self.driveBak = driveBak
- self.executor = Executor(**args)
- def ex(self,*cmd):
- """ execute something with wine """
- cmd = [elem for elem in cmd]
- cmd = ["/usr/bin/wine"]+cmd
- return self.executor(*tuple(cmd))
- def __call__(self,*cmd):
- return self.ex(*cmd)
- def __del__(self):
- os.remove(
- if hasattr(self,'driveBak'):
- shutil.move(self.driveBak,
diff --git a/wiki-to-help/htmlhelp.xsl b/wiki-to-help/htmlhelp.xsl
deleted file mode 100644
index ad815b6e1d..0000000000
--- a/wiki-to-help/htmlhelp.xsl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
- xmlns:doc=""
- xmlns:exsl=""
- xmlns:set=""
- version="1.0"
- exclude-result-prefixes="doc exsl set">
-<!-- ********************************************************************
- $Id: htmlhelp.xsl 1676 2002-06-12 13:21:54Z kosek $
- ********************************************************************
- This file is used by htmlhelp.xsl if you want to generate source
- files for HTML Help. It is based on the XSL DocBook Stylesheet
- distribution (especially on JavaHelp code) from Norman Walsh.
- ******************************************************************** -->
-<xsl:import href="/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/1.76.1/html/chunk.xsl"/>
-<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.use.hhk" select="1"></xsl:param>
-<xsl:include href="/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/1.76.1/htmlhelp/htmlhelp-common.xsl"/>
diff --git a/wiki-to-help/metabook.json b/wiki-to-help/metabook.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f460a1e40..0000000000
--- a/wiki-to-help/metabook.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- "items": [],
- "licenses": [
- {
- "mw_license_url": "",
- "type": "license"
- }
- ],
- "summary": "",
- "type": "collection",
- "version": 1,
- "wikis(deprecated)": [
- {
- "baseurl": "",
- "imagesize": 800,
- "keep_tmpfiles": false,
- "script_extension": ".php",
- "type": "wikiconf",
- "ident": "en"
- }
- ],
- "images(deprecated)": {
- "movedata.png": {"url": "http://path/movedata.png"}
- }
diff --git a/wiki-to-help/ b/wiki-to-help/
deleted file mode 100644
index c0ce855bf7..0000000000
--- a/wiki-to-help/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-import json
-import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
-class Article(object):
- itemTag = {"content_type":"text/x-wiki","type":"article"}
- #itemTag = {"content_type":"text/x-wiki","type":"article","wikiident":"lo","url":"http://asdlkf/","source-url":"http://sourceurl/","source":"http://source/"}
- attributes = {}
- include = True #""" True if this article should be included in the metabook """
- def __init__(self,attributes):
- self.attributes = attributes
- def getInclude(self):
- """ @return True if this article should be included in the metabook """
- return self.include
- def toDict(self):
- #if not self.include: return None
- article = self.itemTag.copy()
- article.update(self.attributes) # merge dicts
- return article
-class Metabook(object):
- """
- I am your metabook and wish you a pleasant evening.
- Sequence of usage:
- m = Metabook()
- m.loadTemplate(...)
- m.loadArticles(xml input)
- m.createBook()
- m.write(output)
- If template, in- and output are files, use fromFileToFile()
- """
- ArticleClass = Article # final
- artTags = ["title"] # final
- m = {} # Dict metabook
- template = None
- items = []
- #source = "" # String input file, xmldump
- #dest = "" # FileObject destination of json metabook
- def getClone(self):
- m = Metabook()
- m.template = self.template # No copy() necessary here
- m.ArticleClass = self.ArticleClass
- m.artTags = self.artTags
- #m.m = self.m.copy()
- #m.dest = self.dest
- return m
- def getArtTags(self,filename,tagnames):
- """
- Get Article Tags
- Reads all specified tags from an xml file and returns a list of all tags.
- @filename XML-file
- @tagnames List of String Tagnames
- @return List of Dict<String Tagname, String Value>
- """
- dom=minidom.parse(filename)
- out = []
- elements=dom.getElementsByTagName("page")
- for element in elements:
- tagdict = {}
- for tagname in tagnames:
- tags = element.getElementsByTagName(tagname)
- if len(tags) > 0:
- tagdict[tagname] = self.getText(tags[0])
- else:
- tagdict[tagname] = ""
- out.append(tagdict)
- return out
- def getText(self,element):
- """
- @element xml Node
- @return String content
- """
- return element.childNodes[0].data
- def load_data(self,filename):
- """ Unserialize data from jsonfile """
- with open(filename, "r") as infile:
- outdict = json.load(infile)
- return outdict
- def loadTemplate(self,jsonStruct):
- """
- Loads an existing json file at the beginning
- @jsonStruct File object
- """
- self.template = json.load(jsonStruct)
- #self.m = self.load_data(source)
- def loadArticles(self,source):
- """
- Loads the articles and saves them as objects to self.items
- """
- pages = self.getArtTags(source,self.artTags)
- self.items = [self.ArticleClass(page) for page in pages]
- """return
- items=[]
- for page in pages:
- item = self.ArticleClass(page)
- if item.getInclude():
- items.append(item.toDict())
- self.m["items"] = items
- """
- def createBook(self):
- """
- Convert all article objects to dicts and merge them with the template.
- The result is saved to self.m
- """
- if self.template is None:
- self.m = []
- else:
- self.m = self.template.copy()
- self.m["items"] = []
- for item in self.items:
- if item.getInclude():
- self.m["items"].append(item.toDict())
- def __call__(self,source):
- """
- Creates a metabook for @source and writes it to self.m. To continue,
- use write()
- @source xml-dump
- """
- self.loadArticles(source)
- self.createBook()
- def write(self,dest):
- json.dump(self.m,dest)
- def fromFileToFile(jsonStructFile,xmldump,output):
- """
- Creates a Metabook from a file and writes it to a file.
- Short cut Function. This loads a metabook template file, creates the
- metabook content from @xmldump and writes the book to @output.
- @jsonStructFile String path to Metabook template
- @xmldump String path
- @output String path
- """
- #m = MetabookTranslated()
- with open(jsonStructFile,"r") as f:
- self.loadTemplate(f)
- self.__call__(xmldump)
- with open(output,"w") as f:
- self.write(f)
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deleted file mode 100644
index a7f90dbcd1..0000000000
--- a/wiki-to-help/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-import metabook
-import re, os
-class ArticleTranslated(metabook.Article):
- lang = "en" # default language code
- trans = "" # translated title
- def __init__(self,attributes):
- title = attributes["title"]
- parts = title.split("/")
- #if len(parts) < 2:
- # self.include = False
- # return
- if len(parts) == 1:
- # title = "blabla"
- self.title = title
- if len(parts) == 2:
- # title = "Category/englishTitle"
- self.title = parts[1]
- if len(parts) == 3:
- # title = "Category/englishTitle/langCode"
- self.lang = parts[2]
- self.title = parts[1]
- comment = attributes["comment"]
- if '{Lang|' in comment:
- # Language-tag exists
- r ="\{Lang\|([^\}]*)\}",comment)
- trans =
- self.trans = trans
- else:
- self.trans = self.title
- attr = {}
- attr["title"] = attributes["title"]
- attr["displaytitle"] = self.trans
- attr["lang"] = self.lang
- self.attributes = attr
-class MetabookTranslated(metabook.Metabook):
- """
- This metabook contains all articles with translated titles.
- This concrete metabook expects article titles in this form:
- Category/Title/lang
- Comments include this:
- {{Lang|translatedTitle}}
- """
- ArticleClass=ArticleTranslated
- artTags = ["title","comment"]
-class LanguageSeparator(object):
- """
- A translated metabook is a metabook where all titles are in the destination
- language.
- This class splits a translated metabook into many books with homogenous languages.
- """
- books={} # Dict<Str lang, Metabook>
- sortedItems={} # Dict<Str lang, List<TranslatedArticle>>
- items=[] # List<TranslatedArticle>
- def __init__(self, book):
- = book
- self.items = book.items
- def splitItemsByLanguage(self):
- """
- Sort the articles in self.items by language and put them to self.sortedItems
- """
- sortedItems={}
- for item in self.items:
- if item.lang in sortedItems.keys():
- sortedItems[item.lang].append(item)
- else:
- sortedItems[item.lang] = [item]
- self.sortedItems = sortedItems
- #return sortedItems
- def createBooksByLanguage(self):
- """
- Generate metabooks to self.books.
- Create a metabook for each language from self.sortedItems.
- """
- for lang, items in self.sortedItems.iteritems():
- m =
- m.items = items
- m.lang = lang
- self.books[lang] = m
- @staticmethod
- def fromFileToFiles(jsonStructFile,xmldump,output):
- """
- Creates a Metabook from a file and writes it to one file per language.
- Short cut Function. This loads a metabook template file, creates the
- metabook content from @xmldump and writes the book to @output.
- @jsonStructFile String path to Metabook template
- @xmldump String path
- @output String path to output directory
- @return Dict<String lang, String output>
- """
- m = MetabookTranslated()
- with open(jsonStructFile,"r") as f:
- m.loadTemplate(f)
- m.loadArticles(xmldump)
- ls = LanguageSeparator(m)
- ls.splitItemsByLanguage()
- ls.createBooksByLanguage()
- pathlist={}
- for lang, book in ls.books.iteritems():
- book.createBook()
- dest = os.path.join(output,"metabook_%s.json" % lang)
- pathlist[lang] = dest
- with open(dest,"w") as f:
- book.write(f)
- return pathlist
diff --git a/wiki-to-help/ b/wiki-to-help/
deleted file mode 100644
index f19ca15be8..0000000000
--- a/wiki-to-help/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-#import mwlib.cdbwiki, mwlib.apps.render, mwlib.apps
-import mwlib.apps
-import sys, os
-class MW(object):
- """
- Use this adapter class to call mwlib within python.
- Example: import mw; MW.buildcdb("in.xml","out")
- """
- @staticmethod
- def quietCall(function,args=(),showErr=True,showOutput=True):
- """
- Calls a python function and redirects parts to /dev/null.
- This is platform independent.
- """
- saveout = sys.stdout
- saveerr = sys.stderr
- if not showErr: sys.stderr=nullerr=open(os.devnull,"w")
- if not showOutput: sys.stdout=nullout=open(os.devnull,"w")
- function(*args)
- if not showErr: nullerr.close()
- if not showOutput: nullout.close()
- sys.stdout=saveout
- sys.stderr=saveerr
- @staticmethod
- def _setArgs(function,args):
- """ Set sys.argv for @function """
- bak = sys.argv
- args=("nothing",)+args
- dec=[x.encode() for x in args]
- sys.argv=dec
- r=function()
- sys.argv=bak
- return r
- @staticmethod
- def buildcdb(source,dest):
- args=("--input",source,"--output",dest)
- return MW._setArgs(mwlib.apps.buildcdb,args)
- #mwlib.cdbwiki.BuildWiki(*args)
- @staticmethod
- def render(*args):
- import mwlib.apps.render
- return MW._setArgs(mwlib.apps.render.Main(),args)
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-This package sets up modifications and bugfixes for mwlib.
-Usage: import mwlib_mods
-# The order of the imports is relevant!
-import docbook_grammar
-import docbook_table_tags
-import docbookwriter_options
-import no_sections
-import docbook_internLinks
-import custom_nfo
-import indexterm_from_title
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9d60fe6c8e..0000000000
--- a/wiki-to-help/mwlib_mods/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-Enable looking for a custom nfo.json and siteinfo.json
-Author: Timo Richter
-import mwlib.cdbwiki
-class WikiDB(mwlib.cdbwiki.WikiDB):
- def __init__(self, dir, prefix='wiki', lang="en"):
- try:
- super(WikiDB,self).__init__(dir,prefix,lang)
- except(RuntimeError):
- print("Warning: "+"could not get siteinfo for language %r" % (lang,))
- print("Please set up a custom siteinfo and nfo.")
- self.nfo = self.get_data("nfo") or self.nfo
- self.siteinfo = self.get_data("siteinfo") or self.siteinfo
-def apply():
- mwlib.cdbwiki.WikiDB=WikiDB
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index e06b8879ca..0000000000
--- a/wiki-to-help/mwlib_mods/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# autogenerated grammar from file docbook-rng-4.5b1/docbook.rng using: ./
-grammar = {'em': {'attributes': [], 'children': []}, 'programlisting': {'attributes': ['revisionflag', 'continuation', 'xml:space', 'xml:base', 'startinglinenumber', 'id', 'width', 'role', 'xreflabel', 'conformance', 'revision', 'remap', 'vendor', 'linenumbering', 'format', 'userlevel', 'arch', 'condition', 'lang', 'language', 'wordsize', 'security', 'os', 'dir'], 'children': ['code', 'keycombo', 'modespec', 'guiicon', 'lineannotation', 'guimenu', 'guisubmenu', 'userinput', 'errortext', 'methodsynopsis', 'footnoteref', 'inlineequation', 'structname', 'interfacename', 'mousebutton', 'envar', 'othercredit', 'ulink', 'methodname', 'guimenuitem', 'classsynopsis', 'systemitem', 'keycap', 'productname', 'token', 'citerefentry', 'medialabel', 'guilabel', 'termdef', 'wordasword', 'corpauthor', 'ooexception', 'destructorsynopsis', 'filename', 'errorcode', 'constructorsynopsis', 'computeroutput', 'subscript', 'email', 'acronym', 'replaceable', 'citetitle', 'exceptionname', 'oointerface', 'revhistory', 'interface', 'optional', 'keycode', 'remark', 'package', 'varname', 'errortype', 'textobject', 'ooclass', 'guibutton', 'structfield', 'funcsynopsis', 'productnumber', 'authorinitials', 'classname', 'fieldsynopsis', 'prompt', 'inlinegraphic', 'personname', 'trademark', 'literal', 'type', 'olink', 'function', 'option', 'corpcredit', 'link', 'foreignphrase', 'co', 'inlinemediaobject', 'glossterm', 'property', 'anchor', 'constant', 'menuchoice', 'footnote', 'citation', 'errorname', 'hardware', 'phrase', 'xref', 'author', 'orgname', 'synopsis', 'application', 'emphasis', 'returnvalue', 'indexterm', 'parameter', 'firstterm', 'sgmltag', 'quote', 'symbol', 'beginpage', 'cmdsynopsis', 'action', 'biblioref', 'database', 'markup', 'coref', 'uri', 'abbrev', 'command', 'keysym', 'superscript']}, 'varlistentry': {'attributes': ['lang', 'revisionflag', 'remap', 'vendor', 'os', 'conformance', 'wordsize', 'role', 'dir', 'xreflabel', 'userlevel', 'xml:base', 'security', 'arch', 'id', 'condition', 'revision'], 'children': ['term', 'listitem']}, 'colspec': {'attributes': ['char', 'rowsep', 'colname', 'align', 'colsep', 'colnum', 'colwidth', 'charoff'], 'children': []}, 'mediaobject': {'attributes': ['lang', 'revisionflag', 'remap', 'vendor', 'os', 'conformance', 'wordsize', 'role', 'dir', 'xreflabel', 'userlevel', 'xml:base', 'security', 'arch', 'id', 'condition', 'revision'], 'children': ['audioobject', 'videoobject', 'caption', 'imageobject', 'imageobjectco', 'textobject', 'objectinfo']}, 'citation': {'attributes': ['lang', 'revisionflag', 'remap', 'vendor', 'os', 'conformance', 'wordsize', 'role', 'dir', 'xreflabel', 'userlevel', 'xml:base', 'security', 'arch', 'id', 'condition', 'revision'], 'children': ['code', 'keycombo', 'modespec', 'guiicon', 'guimenu', 'guisubmenu', 'userinput', 'errortext', 'methodsynopsis', 'footnoteref', 'inlineequation', 'structname', 'interfacename', 'mousebutton', 'envar', 'othercredit', 'ulink', 'methodname', 'guimenuitem', 'classsynopsis', 'systemitem', 'keycap', 'productname', 'token', 'citerefentry', 'medialabel', 'guilabel', 'termdef', 'wordasword', 'corpauthor', 'ooexception', 'destructorsynopsis', 'filename', 'errorcode', 'constructorsynopsis', 'computeroutput', 'subscript', 'email', 'acronym', 'replaceable', 'citetitle', 'exceptionname', 'oointerface', 'revhistory', 'interface', 'optional', 'keycode', 'remark', 'package', 'varname', 'errortype', 'ooclass', 'guibutton', 'structfield', 'funcsynopsis', 'productnumber', 'authorinitials', 'classname', 'fieldsynopsis', 'prompt', 'inlinegraphic', 'personname', 'trademark', 'literal', 'type', 'olink', 'function', 'option', 'corpcredit', 'link', 'foreignphrase', 'inlinemediaobject', 'glossterm', 'property', 'anchor', 'constant', 'menuchoice', 'footnote', 'citation', 'errorname', 'hardware', 'phrase', 'xref', 'author', 'orgname', 'synopsis', 'application', 'emphasis', 'returnvalue', 'indexterm', 'parameter', 'firstterm', 'sgmltag', 'quote', 'symbol', 'beginpage', 'cmdsynopsis', 'action', 'biblioref', 'database', 'markup', 'uri', 'abbrev', 'command', 'keysym', 'superscript']}, 'imageobject': {'attributes': ['lang', 'revisionflag', 'remap', 'vendor', 'os', 'conformance', 'wordsize', 'role', 'dir', 'xreflabel', 'userlevel', 'xml:base', 'security', 'arch', 'id', 'condition', 'revision'], 'children': ['objectinfo', 'imagedata']}, 'table': {'attributes': ['orient', 'revisionflag', 'rowsep', 'tabstyle', 'frame', 'remap', 'onmousedown', 'xml:base', 'tocentry', 'border', 'id', 'style', 'bgcolor', 'label', 'width', 'xml:lang', 'shortentry', 'xreflabel', 'onmousemove', 'cellspacing', 'revision', 'rowheader', 'vendor', 'onclick', 'onmouseout', 'onkeypress', 'rules', 'colsep', 'onkeydown', 'floatstyle', 'onkeyup', 'onmouseover', 'userlevel', 'role', 'arch', 'class', 'condition', 'lang', 'conformance', 'align', 'title', 'summary', 'wordsize', 'pgwide', 'onmouseup', 'cellpadding', 'security', 'ondblclick', 'os', 'dir'], 'children': ['graphic', 'title', 'mediaobject', 'colgroup', 'tr', 'titleabbrev', 'tbody', 'caption', 'tgroup', 'tfoot', 'textobject', 'blockinfo', 'indexterm', 'col', 'thead']}, 'phrase': {'attributes': ['lang', 'revisionflag', 'remap', 'vendor', 'os', 'conformance', 'wordsize', 'role', 'dir', 'xreflabel', 'userlevel', 'xml:base', 'security', 'arch', 'id', 'condition', 'revision'], 'children': ['code', 'keycombo', 'modespec', 'guiicon', 'guimenu', 'guisubmenu', 'userinput', 'errortext', 'methodsynopsis', 'footnoteref', 'inlineequation', 'structname', 'interfacename', 'mousebutton', 'envar', 'othercredit', 'ulink', 'methodname', 'guimenuitem', 'classsynopsis', 'systemitem', 'keycap', 'productname', 'token', 'citerefentry', 'medialabel', 'guilabel', 'termdef', 'wordasword', 'corpauthor', 'ooexception', 'destructorsynopsis', 'filename', 'errorcode', 'constructorsynopsis', 'computeroutput', 'subscript', 'email', 'acronym', 'replaceable', 'citetitle', 'exceptionname', 'oointerface', 'revhistory', 'interface', 'optional', 'keycode', 'remark', 'package', 'varname', 'errortype', 'ooclass', 'guibutton', 'structfield', 'funcsynopsis', 'productnumber', 'authorinitials', 'classname', 'fieldsynopsis', 'prompt', 'inlinegraphic', 'personname', 'trademark', 'literal', 'type', 'olink', 'function', 'option', 'corpcredit', 'link', 'foreignphrase', 'inlinemediaobject', 'glossterm', 'property', 'anchor', 'constant', 'menuchoice', 'footnote', 'citation', 'errorname', 'hardware', 'phrase', 'xref', 'author', 'orgname', 'synopsis', 'application', 'emphasis', 'returnvalue', 'indexterm', 'parameter', 'firstterm', 'sgmltag', 'quote', 'symbol', 'beginpage', 'cmdsynopsis', 'action', 'biblioref', 'database', 'markup', 'uri', 'abbrev', 'command', 'keysym', 'superscript']}, 'literallayout': {'attributes': ['revisionflag', 'continuation', 'xml:space', 'xml:base', 'startinglinenumber', 'id', 'width', 'role', 'xreflabel', 'conformance', 'revision', 'remap', 'vendor', 'linenumbering', 'format', 'userlevel', 'arch', 'class', 'condition', 'lang', 'language', 'wordsize', 'security', 'os', 'dir'], 'children': ['code', 'keycombo', 'modespec', 'guiicon', 'lineannotation', 'guimenu', 'guisubmenu', 'userinput', 'errortext', 'methodsynopsis', 'footnoteref', 'inlineequation', 'structname', 'interfacename', 'mousebutton', 'envar', 'othercredit', 'ulink', 'methodname', 'guimenuitem', 'classsynopsis', 'systemitem', 'keycap', 'productname', 'token', 'citerefentry', 'medialabel', 'guilabel', 'termdef', 'wordasword', 'corpauthor', 'ooexception', 'destructorsynopsis', 'filename', 'errorcode', 'constructorsynopsis', 'computeroutput', 'subscript', 'email', 'acronym', 'replaceable', 'citetitle', 'exceptionname', 'oointerface', 'revhistory', 'interface', 'optional', 'keycode', 'remark', 'package', 'varname', 'errortype', 'textobject', 'ooclass', 'guibutton', 'structfield', 'funcsynopsis', 'productnumber', 'authorinitials', 'classname', 'fieldsynopsis', 'prompt', 'inlinegraphic', 'personname', 'trademark', 'literal', 'type', 'olink', 'function', 'option', 'corpcredit', 'link', 'foreignphrase', 'co', 'inlinemediaobject', 'glossterm', 'property', 'anchor', 'constant', 'menuchoice', 'footnote', 'citation', 'errorname', 'hardware', 'phrase', 'xref', 'author', 'orgname', 'synopsis', 'application', 'emphasis', 'returnvalue', 'indexterm', 'parameter', 'firstterm', 'sgmltag', 'quote', 'symbol', 'beginpage', 'cmdsynopsis', 'action', 'biblioref', 'database', 'markup', 'coref', 'uri', 'abbrev', 'command', 'keysym', 'superscript']}, 'row': {'attributes': ['revisionflag', 'rowsep', 'onmousedown', 'xml:base', 'id', 'style', 'title', 'wordsize', 'onmousemove', 'xreflabel', 'valign', 'role', 'conformance', 'revision', 'remap', 'vendor', 'onclick', 'onmouseout', 'onkeypress', 'onkeydown', 'onmouseover', 'userlevel', 'arch', 'class', 'condition', 'lang', 'xml:lang', 'onmouseup', 'onkeyup', 'security', 'ondblclick', 'os', 'dir'], 'children': ['entry', 'entrytbl']}, 'xref': {'attributes': ['lang', 'revisionflag', 'remap', 'vendor', 'os', 'conformance', 'endterm', 'xrefstyle', 'linkend', 'wordsize', 'role', 'dir', 'xreflabel', 'userlevel', 'xml:base', 'security', 'arch', 'id', 'condition', 'revision'], 'children': []}, 'span': {'attributes': [], 'children': []}, 'caption': {'attributes': ['revisionflag', 'onmousedown', 'xml:base', 'id', 'style', 'title', 'wordsize', 'role', 'onclick', 'onmousemove', 'conformance', 'revision', 'remap', 'vendor', 'xreflabel', 'onmouseout', 'onkeypress', 'onkeydown', 'onmouseover', 'userlevel', 'arch', 'class', 'condition', 'lang', 'align', 'xml:lang', 'onmouseup', 'onkeyup', 'security', 'ondblclick', 'os', 'dir'], 'children': ['programlisting', 'tip', 'formalpara', 'warning', 'caution', 'literallayout', 'glosslist', 'screenshot', 'simpara', 'segmentedlist', 'note', 'screenco', 'calloutlist', 'blockquote', 'para', 'screen', 'important', 'orderedlist', 'programlistingco', 'bibliolist', 'variablelist', 'simplelist', 'itemizedlist']}, 'section': {'attributes': ['status', 'lang', 'remap', 'vendor', 'os', 'revisionflag', 'conformance', 'label', 'wordsize', 'role', 'dir', 'xreflabel', 'userlevel', 'xml:base', 'security', 'arch', 'id', 'condition', 'revision'], 'children': ['programlisting', 'subtitle', 'simplesect', 'figure', 'cmdsynopsis', 'mediaobject', 'titleabbrev', 'formalpara', 'informalequation', 'warning', 'caution', 'informalexample', 'table', 'fieldsynopsis', 'funcsynopsis', 'literallayout', 'glosslist', 'index', 'msgset', 'bibliography', 'destructorsynopsis', 'title', 'highlights', 'section', 'bridgehead', 'tip', 'segmentedlist', 'informalfigure', 'methodsynopsis', 'note', 'informaltable', 'screenco', 'constructorsynopsis', 'lot', 'toc', 'sectioninfo', 'indexterm', 'abstract', 'calloutlist', 'blockquote', 'screenshot', 'screen', 'graphicco', 'remark', 'qandaset', 'epigraph', 'task', 'important', 'para', 'address', 'orderedlist', 'beginpage', 'classsynopsis', 'sidebar', 'mediaobjectco', 'simpara', 'anchor', 'refentry', 'glossary', 'programlistingco', 'graphic', 'example', 'authorblurb', 'synopsis', 'bibliolist', 'variablelist', 'simplelist', 'itemizedlist', 'equation', 'procedure']}, 'tr': {'attributes': ['revisionflag', 'onmousedown', 'char', 'xml:base', 'id', 'style', 'title', 'bgcolor', 'wordsize', 'onmousemove', 'onclick', 'valign', 'conformance', 'revision', 'remap', 'vendor', 'xreflabel', 'onmouseout', 'onkeypress', 'onkeydown', 'onmouseover', 'userlevel', 'arch', 'class', 'condition', 'lang', 'charoff', 'align', 'xml:lang', 'onmouseup', 'onkeyup', 'security', 'ondblclick', 'os', 'dir'], 'children': ['td', 'th']}, 'tbody': {'attributes': ['revisionflag', 'onmousedown', 'xml:base', 'id', 'style', 'title', 'wordsize', 'onmousemove', 'onclick', 'valign', 'role', 'conformance', 'revision', 'remap', 'vendor', 'xreflabel', 'onmouseout', 'onkeypress', 'onkeydown', 'onmouseover', 'userlevel', 'arch', 'class', 'condition', 'lang', 'xml:lang', 'onmouseup', 'onkeyup', 'security', 'ondblclick', 'os', 'dir'], 'children': ['tr', 'row']}, 'informaltable': {'attributes': ['orient', 'revisionflag', 'rowsep', 'tabstyle', 'frame', 'remap', 'onmousedown', 'xml:base', 'tocentry', 'border', 'id', 'style', 'title', 'label', 'pgwide', 'xml:lang', 'onmousemove', 'xreflabel', 'role', 'conformance', 'revision', 'rowheader', 'vendor', 'onclick', 'onmouseout', 'onkeypress', 'rules', 'colsep', 'onkeydown', 'floatstyle', 'cellpadding', 'onmouseover', 'userlevel', 'arch', 'class', 'condition', 'lang', 'cellspacing', 'align', 'shortentry', 'bgcolor', 'summary', 'wordsize', 'onmouseup', 'onkeyup', 'security', 'ondblclick', 'os', 'width', 'dir'], 'children': ['tgroup', 'colgroup', 'mediaobject', 'tr', 'tbody', 'graphic', 'tfoot', 'textobject', 'blockinfo', 'col', 'thead']}, 'emphasis': {'attributes': ['lang', 'revisionflag', 'remap', 'vendor', 'os', 'conformance', 'wordsize', 'role', 'dir', 'xreflabel', 'userlevel', 'xml:base', 'security', 'arch', 'id', 'condition', 'revision'], 'children': ['code', 'keycombo', 'modespec', 'guiicon', 'guimenu', 'guisubmenu', 'userinput', 'errortext', 'methodsynopsis', 'footnoteref', 'inlineequation', 'structname', 'interfacename', 'mousebutton', 'envar', 'othercredit', 'ulink', 'methodname', 'guimenuitem', 'classsynopsis', 'systemitem', 'keycap', 'productname', 'token', 'citerefentry', 'medialabel', 'guilabel', 'termdef', 'wordasword', 'corpauthor', 'ooexception', 'destructorsynopsis', 'filename', 'errorcode', 'constructorsynopsis', 'computeroutput', 'subscript', 'email', 'acronym', 'replaceable', 'citetitle', 'exceptionname', 'oointerface', 'revhistory', 'interface', 'optional', 'keycode', 'remark', 'package', 'varname', 'errortype', 'ooclass', 'guibutton', 'structfield', 'funcsynopsis', 'productnumber', 'authorinitials', 'classname', 'fieldsynopsis', 'prompt', 'inlinegraphic', 'personname', 'trademark', 'literal', 'type', 'olink', 'function', 'option', 'corpcredit', 'link', 'foreignphrase', 'inlinemediaobject', 'glossterm', 'property', 'anchor', 'constant', 'menuchoice', 'footnote', 'citation', 'errorname', 'hardware', 'phrase', 'xref', 'author', 'orgname', 'synopsis', 'application', 'emphasis', 'returnvalue', 'indexterm', 'parameter', 'firstterm', 'sgmltag', 'quote', 'symbol', 'beginpage', 'cmdsynopsis', 'action', 'biblioref', 'database', 'markup', 'uri', 'abbrev', 'command', 'keysym', 'superscript']}, 'book': {'attributes': ['status', 'lang', 'remap', 'vendor', 'os', 'revisionflag', 'conformance', 'fpi', 'label', 'wordsize', 'role', 'dir', 'xreflabel', 'userlevel', 'xml:base', 'security', 'arch', 'id', 'condition', 'revision'], 'children': ['chapter', 'index', 'subtitle', 'colophon', 'reference', 'title', 'glossary', 'appendix', 'setindex', 'titleabbrev', 'article', 'bookinfo', 'bibliography', 'lot', 'preface', 'dedication', 'toc', 'part']}, 'listitem': {'attributes': ['lang', 'revisionflag', 'remap', 'vendor', 'os', 'conformance', 'userlevel', 'wordsize', 'role', 'dir', 'xreflabel', 'override', 'xml:base', 'security', 'arch', 'id', 'condition', 'revision'], 'children': ['programlisting', 'funcsynopsis', 'figure', 'cmdsynopsis', 'mediaobject', 'mediaobjectco', 'formalpara', 'informalequation', 'warning', 'caution', 'informalexample', 'fieldsynopsis', 'table', 'literallayout', 'glosslist', 'task', 'msgset', 'destructorsynopsis', 'authorblurb', 'highlights', 'bridgehead', 'tip', 'segmentedlist', 'informalfigure', 'methodsynopsis', 'note', 'informaltable', 'screenco', 'constructorsynopsis', 'indexterm', 'abstract', 'calloutlist', 'blockquote', 'screenshot', 'screen', 'graphicco', 'qandaset', 'epigraph', 'important', 'para', 'address', 'orderedlist', 'beginpage', 'classsynopsis', 'sidebar', 'remark', 'simpara', 'anchor', 'programlistingco', 'graphic', 'example', 'synopsis', 'bibliolist', 'variablelist', 'simplelist', 'itemizedlist', 'equation', 'procedure']}, 'sectioninfo': {'attributes': ['lang', 'revisionflag', 'remap', 'vendor', 'os', 'conformance', 'wordsize', 'role', 'dir', 'xreflabel', 'userlevel', 'xml:base', 'security', 'arch', 'id', 'condition', 'revision'], 'children': ['contractsponsor', 'isbn', 'contractnum', 'pubdate', 'productnumber', 'mediaobject', 'address', 'invpartnumber', 'itermset', 'printhistory', 'edition', 'modespec', 'pubsnumber', 'contrib', 'seriesvolnums', 'corpauthor', 'authorgroup', 'artpagenums', 'author', 'orgname', 'volumenum', 'confgroup', 'authorinitials', 'pagenums', 'editor', 'bibliorelation', 'honorific', 'corpname', 'indexterm', 'abstract', 'keywordset', 'subjectset', 'firstname', 'citebiblioid', 'title', 'issuenum', 'collab', 'othercredit', 'corpcredit', 'citetitle', 'biblioset', 'legalnotice', 'bibliomisc', 'date', 'othername', 'surname', 'lineage', 'publisher', 'biblioid', 'graphic', 'publishername', 'copyright', 'subtitle', 'affiliation', 'bibliocoverage', 'issn', 'bibliosource', 'productname', 'authorblurb', 'personname', 'abbrev', 'titleabbrev', 'releaseinfo', 'revhistory']}, 'chapterinfo': {'attributes': ['lang', 'revisionflag', 'remap', 'vendor', 'os', 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'personname', 'trademark', 'literal', 'type', 'olink', 'function', 'option', 'corpcredit', 'link', 'foreignphrase', 'inlinemediaobject', 'glossterm', 'property', 'anchor', 'constant', 'menuchoice', 'footnote', 'citation', 'errorname', 'hardware', 'phrase', 'xref', 'author', 'orgname', 'synopsis', 'application', 'emphasis', 'returnvalue', 'indexterm', 'parameter', 'firstterm', 'sgmltag', 'quote', 'symbol', 'beginpage', 'cmdsynopsis', 'action', 'biblioref', 'database', 'markup', 'uri', 'abbrev', 'command', 'keysym', 'superscript']}, 'itemizedlist': {'attributes': ['lang', 'revisionflag', 'remap', 'vendor', 'os', 'conformance', 'spacing', 'mark', 'wordsize', 'role', 'dir', 'xreflabel', 'userlevel', 'xml:base', 'security', 'arch', 'id', 'condition', 'revision'], 'children': ['programlisting', 'funcsynopsis', 'cmdsynopsis', 'mediaobject', 'titleabbrev', 'informalequation', 'fieldsynopsis', 'caution', 'informalexample', 'authorblurb', 'blockinfo', 'literallayout', 'destructorsynopsis', 'title', 'highlights', 'bridgehead', 'tip', 'formalpara', 'informalfigure', 'methodsynopsis', 'note', 'informaltable', 'screenco', 'constructorsynopsis', 'indexterm', 'abstract', 'listitem', 'blockquote', 'screenshot', 'screen', 'graphicco', 'remark', 'important', 'para', 'address', 'beginpage', 'classsynopsis', 'mediaobjectco', 'simpara', 'programlistingco', 'graphic', 'synopsis', 'warning', 'epigraph', 'anchor']}, 'superscript': {'attributes': ['lang', 'revisionflag', 'remap', 'vendor', 'os', 'conformance', 'wordsize', 'role', 'dir', 'xreflabel', 'userlevel', 'xml:base', 'security', 'arch', 'id', 'condition', 'revision'], 'children': ['remark', 'symbol', 'replaceable', 'inlinemediaobject', 'emphasis', 'ulink', 'link', 'subscript', 'inlinegraphic', 'anchor', 'olink', 'superscript']}}
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@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-New docbook grammar enables more tags.
-## Set up docbookwriter.grammar
-import mwlib.docbookwriter
-import docbook45grammar
-def apply():
- mwlib.docbookwriter.grammar = docbook45grammar.grammar
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-This enables the conversion of article links to internal links within the docbook output.
- import docbook_internLinks
- docbook_internLinks.apply()
- docbook_grammar
-Author: Timo Richter
-## Set up nuwiki.adapt
-import mwlib.nuwiki
-class MyAdapt(mwlib.nuwiki.adapt):
- def getParsedArticle(self, title, revision=None):
- """ Add the original title to the attributes of each article """
- a = super(MyAdapt,self).getParsedArticle(title,revision)
- if a:
- a.title = title
- return a
- def getURL(self, name, revision=None, defaultns=None):
- """ Returns raw link targets """
- return name
-def setupAdapt():
- mwlib.nuwiki.adapt = MyAdapt
-## Set up docbookwriter
-import mwlib.docbookwriter
-#import lxml.etree
-Element = mwlib.docbookwriter.Element
-SubElement = mwlib.docbookwriter.SubElement
-class MyDocBookWriter(mwlib.docbookwriter.DocBookWriter):
- def getTargetId(self,title):
- """ Transform "The first article" to "The_first_article" """
- # See mwlib.zipwiki.normalize_title()
- return title.replace(" ","_")
- def dbwriteArticle(self, a):
- """
- Add id-attribute with original title to all articles.
- <article id="a.title">
- """
- e = super(MyDocBookWriter,self).dbwriteArticle(a)
- targetId = self.getTargetId(a.title)
- e.set("id",targetId)
- return e
- def dbwriteArticleLink(self, obj):
- a = Element("link")
- if
- a.set("linkend",
- if not obj.children:
- a.text =
- return a
- #dbwriteLink = dbwriteURL
- #dbwriteNamedURL = dbwriteURL
- #dbwriteSpecialLink = dbwriteURL
- #dbwriteCategoryLink = dbwriteURL
- #dbwriteLangLink = dbwriteURL
- #dbwriteArticleLink = dbwriteLink
- #dbwriteLangLink = dbwriteLink # FIXME
- #dbwriteNamespaceLink = dbwriteLink# FIXME
- #dbwriteInterwikiLink = dbwriteLink# FIXME
- #dbwriteSpecialLink = dbwriteLink# FIXME
-def setupDocBookWriter():
- mwlib.docbookwriter.DocBookWriter = MyDocBookWriter
-def apply():
- setupAdapt()
- #setupGrammar()
- setupDocBookWriter()
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-Create docbook- instead of HTML-tables.
- docbook_grammar
-Example of a docbook table:
-<table frame='all'><title>Sample Table</title>
-<tgroup cols='5' align='left' colsep='1' rowsep='1'>
-<colspec colname='c1'/>
-<colspec colname='c2'/>
-<colspec colname='c3'/>
-<colspec colnum='5' colname='c5'/>
- <entry namest="c1" nameend="c2" align="center">Horizontal Span</entry>
- <entry>a3</entry>
- <entry>a4</entry>
- <entry>a5</entry>
- <entry>f1</entry>
- <entry>f2</entry>
- <entry>f3</entry>
- <entry>f4</entry>
- <entry>f5</entry>
- <entry>b1</entry>
- <entry>b2</entry>
- <entry>b3</entry>
- <entry>b4</entry>
- <entry morerows='1' valign='middle'><para> <!-- Pernicious Mixed Content -->
- Vertical Span</para></entry>
- <entry>c1</entry>
- <entry namest="c2" nameend="c3" align='center' morerows='1' valign='bottom'>Span Both</entry>
- <entry>c4</entry>
- <entry>d1</entry>
- <entry>d4</entry>
- <entry>d5</entry>
-Example from
-## Set up docbookwriter
-import mwlib.docbookwriter
-Element = mwlib.docbookwriter.Element
-SubElement = mwlib.docbookwriter.SubElement
-class MyDocBookWriter(mwlib.docbookwriter.DocBookWriter):
- def dbwriteTable(self, t):
- """
- rowspan & colspan are supported
- nested tables not supported in DocBook V4.4
- """
- table = Element("informaltable") #border=1
- tgroup = SubElement(table,"tgroup",cols="1") # FIXME: cols=1 is not always correct
- tbody = SubElement(tgroup,"tbody")
- setVList(table, t)
- if t.caption:
- #c = SubElement(table, "caption")
- #self.writeText(t.caption, c)
- pass
- table.writeto = tbody
- l 220
- return table
- def dbwriteCell(self, cell):
- td = Element("entry")
- #setVList(td, cell)
- return td
- def dbwriteRow(self, row):
- return Element("row")
-def apply():
- mwlib.docbookwriter.DocBookWriter = MyDocBookWriter
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@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-This enables -L, --language and -W for docbook output.
-Additionally the magic word IMAGENAME will contain the imagename instead of "IMAGE:imagename"
- mw-render -w docbook -L de -W debug=True;imagesrcresolver=/home/images/IMAGENAME
-The content of writer() belongs to the mwlib.
-from mwlib.docbookwriter import *
-def writer(env, output, status_callback, **args): # changed
- """ This is the function for external use. It is called by apps.render """
- if status_callback:
- buildbook_status = status_callback.getSubRange(0, 50)
- else:
- buildbook_status = None
- book = writerbase.build_book(env, status_callback=buildbook_status)
- scb = lambda status, progress : status_callback is not None and status_callback(status=status, progress=progress)
- scb(status='preprocessing', progress=50)
- for c in book.children:
- preprocess(c)
- scb(status='rendering', progress=60)
- args["language"] = args["lang"] # changed
- del args["lang"] # changed
- mwlib.docbookwriter.DocBookWriter(env, status_callback=scb, documenttype="book", **args).writeBook(book, output=output) # changed
-def setupWriter():
- mwlib.docbookwriter.writer = writer
- mwlib.docbookwriter.writer.options = \
- ["documenttype","lang","imagesrcresolver","debug"]
-import mwlib.docbookwriter
-class MyDocBookWriter(mwlib.docbookwriter.DocBookWriter):
- def dbwriteImageLink(self, obj):
- if
- name =
- = name[name.find(":") + 1:]
- return super(MyDocBookWriter,self).dbwriteImageLink(obj)
-def setupDocBookWriter():
- mwlib.docbookwriter.DocBookWriter = MyDocBookWriter
-def apply():
- setupWriter()
- setupDocBookWriter()
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index 53d3cfdefa..0000000000
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@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-to each <article>
-## Set up docbookwriter
-import mwlib.docbookwriter
-#import lxml.etree
-SubElement = mwlib.docbookwriter.SubElement
-class MyDocBookWriter(mwlib.docbookwriter.DocBookWriter):
- def dbwriteArticle(self, a):
- """
- Add <indexterm><primary>a.caption</primary></indexterm>
- """
- e = super(MyDocBookWriter,self).dbwriteArticle(a)
- i = SubElement(e,"indexterm")
- p = SubElement(i,"primary")
- p.text = a.caption
- return e
-def apply():
- mwlib.docbookwriter.DocBookWriter = MyDocBookWriter
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-Writes <article>...</article> instead of <article><section>...</section></article>.
-import mwlib.docbookwriter
-#import lxml.etree
-Element = mwlib.docbookwriter.Element
-SubElement = mwlib.docbookwriter.SubElement
-class MyDocBookWriter(mwlib.docbookwriter.DocBookWriter):
- def dbwriteArticle(self, a):
- """
- this generates the root element if not available
- """
- #e = super(MyDocBookWriter,self).dbwriteArticle(a)
- #e.remove(e.find("section"))
- #return e
- # add head + title
- e = Element("article", lang=self.language)
- if self.root is None:
- self.root = e
- h = SubElement(e,"articleinfo")
- t = SubElement(h, "title")
- if a.caption:
- t.text = a.caption
- # DONT add a section and heading for this article
- #s = SubElement(e, "section")
- #si = SubElement(s, "sectioninfo")
- #h = SubElement(si, "title")
- #h.text = a.caption
- #e.writeto = s
- return e
-def apply():
- mwlib.docbookwriter.DocBookWriter = MyDocBookWriter
diff --git a/wiki-to-help/nfo.json b/wiki-to-help/nfo.json
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index ae6b9c80ee..0000000000
--- a/wiki-to-help/nfo.json
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@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- "base_url": "",
- "format": "nuwiki",
- "script_extension": ".php"
diff --git a/wiki-to-help/test2.xml b/wiki-to-help/test2.xml
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-<mediawiki xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="0.4" xml:lang="en">
- <siteinfo>
- <sitename>LibreOffice Help</sitename>
- <base>http://gimli/Main_Page</base>
- <generator>MediaWiki 1.16.0</generator>
- <case>first-letter</case>
- <namespaces>
- <namespace key="-2" case="first-letter">Media</namespace>
- <namespace key="-1" case="first-letter">Special</namespace>
- <namespace key="0" case="first-letter" />
- <namespace key="1" case="first-letter">Talk</namespace>
- <namespace key="2" case="first-letter">User</namespace>
- <namespace key="3" case="first-letter">User talk</namespace>
- <namespace key="4" case="first-letter">LibreOffice Help</namespace>
- <namespace key="5" case="first-letter">LibreOffice Help talk</namespace>
- <namespace key="6" case="first-letter">File</namespace>
- <namespace key="7" case="first-letter">File talk</namespace>
- <namespace key="8" case="first-letter">MediaWiki</namespace>
- <namespace key="9" case="first-letter">MediaWiki talk</namespace>
- <namespace key="10" case="first-letter">Template</namespace>
- <namespace key="11" case="first-letter">Template talk</namespace>
- <namespace key="12" case="first-letter">Help</namespace>
- <namespace key="13" case="first-letter">Help talk</namespace>
- <namespace key="14" case="first-letter">Category</namespace>
- <namespace key="15" case="first-letter">Category talk</namespace>
- </namespaces>
- </siteinfo>
- <page>
- <title>Main Page</title>
- <id>1</id>
- <revision>
- <id>120128</id>
- <timestamp>2011-02-17T21:54:02Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <username>Kendy</username>
- <id>2</id>
- </contributor>
- <comment>Added Basic help.</comment>
- <text xml:space="preserve">{{OrigLang|Welcome to {{ProductName}} Help!}}
-Thank you for using the [ {{ProductName}}] application help. Press F1 whenever you need help using the {{ProductName}} software, and you will be redirected to this site. Alternatively, you can install an off-line version of the help in your native language.
-If you only want to browse the help, please use the following entry points for easier navigation:
-* [[Writer/Welcome_to_the_Writer_Help|{{ProductName}} Writer]] (text processing)
-* [[Calc/Welcome_to_the_Calc_Help|{{ProductName}} Calc]] (spreadsheets)
-* [[Impress/Welcome_to_the_Impress_Help|{{ProductName}} Impress]] (presentations)
-* [[Draw/Welcome_to_the_Draw_Help|{{ProductName}} Draw]] (drawing)
-* [[Common/Database_1|{{ProductName}} Base]] (database processing)
-* [[Math/Welcome_to_the_Math_Help|{{ProductName}} Math]] (formula editing)
-* [[Basic/Basic_Help|{{ProductName}} Basic]] (programming using the Basic language)
-== How to Participate ==
-At the moment, we are still fine-tuning the tools converting the off-line help to the on-line form. Later, you will be able to participate, and improve the help pages. The plans are described in [ The Document Foundation wiki].
-Consult the [ User's Guide] for information on using the wiki software.</text>
- </revision>
- </page>
- <page>
- <title>Swriter/.uno:GraphicFilterSolarize</title>
- <id>2</id>
- <redirect />
- <revision>
- <id>43159</id>
- <timestamp>2010-12-17T15:23:21Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <username>WikiSysop</username>
- <id>1</id>
- </contributor>
- <comment>Redirected page to [[Common/Graphic Filter Bar#bm id3154910]]</comment>
- <text xml:space="preserve">#REDIRECT [[Common/Graphic_Filter_Bar#bm_id3154910]]</text>
- </revision>
- </page>
- <page>
- <title>Swriter/59886</title>
- <id>3</id>
- <redirect />
- <revision>
- <id>43160</id>
- <timestamp>2010-12-17T15:23:21Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <username>WikiSysop</username>
- <id>1</id>
- </contributor>
- <comment>Redirected page to [[Common/Presentation Wizard Page 1#bm id3155136]]</comment>
- <text xml:space="preserve">#REDIRECT [[Common/Presentation_Wizard_Page_1#bm_id3155136]]</text>
- </revision>
- </page>
- <page>
- <title>Swriter/704807947</title>
- <id>4</id>
- <redirect />
- <revision>
- <id>43161</id>
- <timestamp>2010-12-17T15:23:22Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <username>WikiSysop</username>
- <id>1</id>
- </contributor>
- <comment>Redirected page to [[Common/Accessibility#bm id3153881]]</comment>
- <text xml:space="preserve">#REDIRECT [[Common/Accessibility#bm_id3153881]]</text>
- </revision>
- </page>
- <page>
- <title>Swriter/.uno:SelectTable</title>
- <id>5</id>
- <redirect />
- <revision>
- <id>43162</id>
- <timestamp>2010-12-17T15:23:22Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <username>WikiSysop</username>
- <id>1</id>
- </contributor>
- <comment>Redirected page to [[Writer/Table#bm id3954588]]</comment>
- <text xml:space="preserve">#REDIRECT [[Writer/Table#bm_id3954588]]</text>
- </revision>
- </page>
- <page>
- <title>Swriter/859636226</title>
- <id>6</id>
- <redirect />
- <revision>
- <id>43163</id>
- <timestamp>2010-12-17T15:23:23Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <username>WikiSysop</username>
- <id>1</id>
- </contributor>
- <comment>Redirected page to [[Common/Address Data Source#bm id611896]]</comment>
- <text xml:space="preserve">#REDIRECT [[Common/Address_Data_Source#bm_id611896]]</text>
- </revision>
- </page>
- <page>
- <title>Swriter/546685977</title>
- <id>7</id>
- <redirect />
- <revision>
- <id>43164</id>
- <timestamp>2010-12-17T15:23:24Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <username>WikiSysop</username>
- <id>1</id>
- </contributor>
- <comment>Redirected page to [[Common/General 2#bm id3145750]]</comment>
- <text xml:space="preserve">#REDIRECT [[Common/General_2#bm_id3145750]]</text>
- </revision>
- </page>
- <page>
- <title>Swriter/1417988121</title>
- <id>8</id>
- <redirect />
- <revision>
- <id>43165</id>
- <timestamp>2010-12-17T15:23:24Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <username>WikiSysop</username>
- <id>1</id>
- </contributor>
- <comment>Redirected page to [[Writer/Caption#bm id7607959]]</comment>
- <text xml:space="preserve">#REDIRECT [[Writer/Caption#bm_id7607959]]</text>
- </revision>
- </page>
- <page>
- <title>Swriter/34666</title>
- <id>9</id>
- <redirect />
- <revision>
- <id>43166</id>
- <timestamp>2010-12-17T15:23:25Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <username>WikiSysop</username>
- <id>1</id>
- </contributor>
- <comment>Redirected page to [[Common/Euro Converter Wizard#bm id3152960]]</comment>
- <text xml:space="preserve">#REDIRECT [[Common/Euro_Converter_Wizard#bm_id3152960]]</text>
- </revision>
- </page>
- <page>
- <title>Swriter/54892</title>
- <id>10</id>
- <redirect />
- <revision>
- <id>43167</id>
- <timestamp>2010-12-17T15:23:25Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <username>WikiSysop</username>
- <id>1</id>
- </contributor>
- <comment>Redirected page to [[Writer/Define Bibliography Entry#bm id3149689]]</comment>
- <text xml:space="preserve">#REDIRECT [[Writer/Define_Bibliography_Entry#bm_id3149689]]</text>
- </revision>
- </page>
- <page>
- <title>Common/Size/da</title>
- <id>87185</id>
- <revision>
- <id>131455</id>
- <timestamp>2011-03-01T17:57:01Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <username>WikiSysop</username>
- <id>1</id>
- </contributor>
- <comment>Created page with &quot;{{Lang|Størrelse}} &lt;div id=&quot;bm_id3153391&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt; Sæt skriftstørrelsen for den markerede tekst. Åbn genvejsmenu - vælg '''Størrelse'''&quot;</comment>
- <text xml:space="preserve">{{Lang|Størrelse}}
-&lt;div id=&quot;bm_id3153391&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
-Sæt skriftstørrelsen for den markerede tekst.
-Åbn genvejsmenu - vælg '''Størrelse'''</text>
- </revision>
- </page>
- <page>
- <title>Common/Size/zh-TW</title>
- <id>87186</id>
- <revision>
- <id>131456</id>
- <timestamp>2011-03-01T17:57:02Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <username>WikiSysop</username>
- <id>1</id>
- </contributor>
- <comment>Created page with &quot;{{Lang|大小}} &lt;div id=&quot;bm_id3153391&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt; 設定所選文字的字型大小。 右鍵功能表'''「大小」'''&quot;</comment>
- <text xml:space="preserve">{{Lang|大小}}
-&lt;div id=&quot;bm_id3153391&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
- </revision>
- </page>
- <page>
- <title>Common/Size/zh-CN</title>
- <id>87187</id>
- <revision>
- <id>131457</id>
- <timestamp>2011-03-01T17:57:03Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <username>WikiSysop</username>
- <id>1</id>
- </contributor>
- <comment>Created page with &quot;{{Lang|大小}} &lt;div id=&quot;bm_id3153391&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt; 设置选定文字的字体大小。 打开上下文菜单 - 选择'''大小'''&quot;</comment>
- <text xml:space="preserve">{{Lang|大小}}
-&lt;div id=&quot;bm_id3153391&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
-打开上下文菜单 - 选择'''大小'''</text>
- </revision>
- </page>
- <page>
- <title>Common/Size/ko</title>
- <id>87188</id>
- <revision>
- <id>131458</id>
- <timestamp>2011-03-01T17:57:04Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <username>WikiSysop</username>
- <id>1</id>
- </contributor>
- <comment>Created page with &quot;{{Lang|크기}} &lt;div id=&quot;bm_id3153391&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt; 선택한 텍스트의 글꼴 크기를 설정합니다. '''크기''' 콘텍스트 메뉴&quot;</comment>
- <text xml:space="preserve">{{Lang|크기}}
-&lt;div id=&quot;bm_id3153391&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
-선택한 텍스트의 글꼴 크기를 설정합니다.
-'''크기''' 콘텍스트 메뉴</text>
- </revision>
- </page>
- <page>
- <title>Common/Creating a New Database/sv</title>
- <id>87189</id>
- <revision>
- <id>131459</id>
- <timestamp>2011-03-01T17:57:05Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <username>WikiSysop</username>
- <id>1</id>
- </contributor>
- <comment>Created page with &quot;{{Lang|Skapa en ny databas}} &lt;div id=&quot;bm_id6911526&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;!-- mw deleted &quot;creating;&quot; --&gt;#Välj '''Arkiv - Nytt - Databas'''.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Då öppnas [[Common/Database_Wizard/sv|Da...&quot;</comment>
- <text xml:space="preserve">{{Lang|Skapa en ny databas}}
-&lt;div id=&quot;bm_id6911526&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
-&lt;!-- mw deleted &quot;creating;&quot; --&gt;#Välj '''Arkiv - Nytt - Databas'''.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Då öppnas [[Common/Database_Wizard/sv|Databasguiden]] där du skapar en ny databasfil.&lt;br/&gt;
-#I Databasguiden väljer du typ av databas och du kan välja att öppna Tabellguiden som nästa guide.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;I [[Common/Table_Wizard/sv|Tabellguiden]] får du hjälp med att infoga en tabell i den nya databasfilen.&lt;br/&gt;
-{{RelatedTopics|[[Common/Database_1/sv|Använda databaser i {{ProductName}} Base]]
- </revision>
- </page>
- <page>
- <title>Common/Creating a New Database/da</title>
- <id>87190</id>
- <revision>
- <id>131460</id>
- <timestamp>2011-03-01T17:57:06Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <username>WikiSysop</username>
- <id>1</id>
- </contributor>
- <comment>Created page with &quot;{{Lang|Oprette en ny Database}} &lt;div id=&quot;bm_id6911526&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;!-- mw deleted &quot;creating;&quot; --&gt;#Vælg '''Filer - Ny(t) - Database'''.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Dette åbner [[Common/Database_Wizard...&quot;</comment>
- <text xml:space="preserve">{{Lang|Oprette en ny Database}}
-&lt;div id=&quot;bm_id6911526&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
-&lt;!-- mw deleted &quot;creating;&quot; --&gt;#Vælg '''Filer - Ny(t) - Database'''.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Dette åbner [[Common/Database_Wizard/da|Databaseguiden]], hvor du kan oprette en ny databasefil.&lt;br/&gt;
-#I Databaseguiden vælges typen af database og vælg indstillingen for at åbne Tabelguiden som den næste guide.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;[[Common/Table_Wizard/da|Tabelguiden]] hjælper dig med at tilføje en tabel til den nye databasefil.&lt;br/&gt;
-{{RelatedTopics|[[Common/Database_1/da|Brug af databaser i {{ProductName}} Base]]
- </revision>
- </page>
- <page>
- <title>Common/Creating a New Database/zh-TW</title>
- <id>87191</id>
- <revision>
- <id>131461</id>
- <timestamp>2011-03-01T17:57:07Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <username>WikiSysop</username>
- <id>1</id>
- </contributor>
- <comment>Created page with &quot;{{Lang|建立新的資料庫}} &lt;div id=&quot;bm_id6911526&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;!-- mw deleted &quot;creating;&quot; --&gt;#選擇 '''[檔案] - [開啟新檔] - [資料庫]'''。&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;這會開啟[[Common...&quot;</comment>
- <text xml:space="preserve">{{Lang|建立新的資料庫}}
-&lt;div id=&quot;bm_id6911526&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
-&lt;!-- mw deleted &quot;creating;&quot; --&gt;#選擇 '''[檔案] - [開啟新檔] - [資料庫]'''。&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;這會開啟[[Common/Database_Wizard/zh-TW|資料庫精靈]],您可在其中建立新的資料庫檔案。&lt;br/&gt;
-{{RelatedTopics|[[Common/Database_1/zh-TW|在 {{ProductName}} Base 中使用資料庫]]
- </revision>
- </page>
- <page>
- <title>Common/Creating a New Database/zh-CN</title>
- <id>87192</id>
- <revision>
- <id>131462</id>
- <timestamp>2011-03-01T17:57:08Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <username>WikiSysop</username>
- <id>1</id>
- </contributor>
- <comment>Created page with &quot;{{Lang|创建新数据库}} &lt;div id=&quot;bm_id6911526&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;!-- mw deleted &quot;creating;&quot; --&gt;#选择'''文件 - 新建 - 数据库'''。&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;这样可打开[[Common/Database_Wiz...&quot;</comment>
- <text xml:space="preserve">{{Lang|创建新数据库}}
-&lt;div id=&quot;bm_id6911526&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
-&lt;!-- mw deleted &quot;creating;&quot; --&gt;#选择'''文件 - 新建 - 数据库'''。&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;这样可打开[[Common/Database_Wizard/zh-CN|数据库向导]],利用该向导可创建新的数据库文件。&lt;br/&gt;
-{{RelatedTopics|[[Common/Database_1/zh-CN|在 {{ProductName}} Base 中使用数据库]]
- </revision>
- </page>
- <page>
- <title>Common/Creating a New Database/ko</title>
- <id>87193</id>
- <revision>
- <id>131463</id>
- <timestamp>2011-03-01T17:57:09Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <username>WikiSysop</username>
- <id>1</id>
- </contributor>
- <comment>Created page with &quot;{{Lang|새 데이터베이스 만들기}} &lt;div id=&quot;bm_id6911526&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;!-- mw deleted &quot;creating;&quot; --&gt;#'''파일 - 새로 만들기 - 데이터베이스'''를 선택합니다.&lt;b...&quot;</comment>
- <text xml:space="preserve">{{Lang|새 데이터베이스 만들기}}
-&lt;div id=&quot;bm_id6911526&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
-&lt;!-- mw deleted &quot;creating;&quot; --&gt;#'''파일 - 새로 만들기 - 데이터베이스'''를 선택합니다.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;새 데이터베이스 파일을 만들 수 있는 [[Common/Database_Wizard/ko|데이터베이스 마법사]]가 열립니다.&lt;br/&gt;
-#데이터베이스 마법사에서 데이터베이스 유형을 선택한 다음 테이블 마법사를 다음 마법사로 여는 옵션을 선택합니다.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;[[Common/Table_Wizard/ko|테이블 마법사]]를 사용하면 새 데이터베이스 파일에 테이블을 추가할 수 있습니다.&lt;br/&gt;
-{{RelatedTopics|[[Common/Database_1/ko|{{ProductName}} Base에서 데이터베이스 사용]]
-[[Common/Database_Overview/ko|데이터베이스 개요]]
- </revision>
- </page>
- <page>
- <title>Writer/Welcome to the Writer Help</title>
- <id>6009</id>
- <revision>
- <id>82722</id>
- <timestamp>2011-01-19T15:11:59Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <username>WikiSysop</username>
- <id>1</id>
- </contributor>
- <text xml:space="preserve">{{OrigLang|Welcome to the {{ProductName}} Writer Help}}
-&lt;div id=&quot;bm_id3147244&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
-&lt;div id=&quot;bm_id3147247&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
-=== Working With {{ProductName}} Writer ===
-[[Writer/Writer_Features|{{ProductName}} Writer Features]]
-[[Writer/Instructions_for_Using_Writer|Instructions for Using {{ProductName}} Writer]]
-[[Chart/Charts_in|Using Charts in {{ProductName}}]]
-[[Common/Database_1|Using Databases in {{ProductName}} Base]]
-=== Menus, Toolbars, and Keys ===
-[[Writer/Shortcut_Keys_for_Writer|Shortcut Keys for {{ProductName}} Writer]]
-=== Getting Help ===
-&lt;!-- this section is displayed on all module main pages above the other &quot;Help about Help&quot; links. --&gt;The Help references the default settings of the program on a system that is set to defaults. Descriptions of colors, mouse actions, or other configurable items can be different for your program and system.
-[[Common/The_Help_Window|The {{ProductName}} Help Window]]
-[[Common/Help_Agent,_Tips_and_Extended_Tips|Help Agent, Tips and Extended Tips]]
-[[Common/Index_-_Keyword_Search_in_the_Help|Index - Keyword Search in the Help]]
-[[Common/Find_-_The_Full-Text_Search|Find - The Full-Text Search]]
-[[Common/Managing_Bookmarks|Managing Bookmarks]]
-[[Common/Contents_-_The_Main_Help_Topics|Contents - The Main Help Topics]]
-[[Common/Getting_Support|Getting Support]]</text>
- </revision>
- </page>
- <page>
- <title>Common/Dragging and Dropping Within a Document</title>
- <id>40966</id>
- <revision>
- <id>86420</id>
- <timestamp>2011-01-19T16:04:35Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <username>WikiSysop</username>
- <id>1</id>
- </contributor>
- <text xml:space="preserve">{{OrigLang|Dragging and Dropping Within a {{ProductName}} Document}}
-&lt;div id=&quot;bm_id3154927&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
-There are many options for moving or copying objects using drag-and-drop. Text sections, drawing objects, graphics, form controls, hyperlinks, cell ranges, and many more can be moved or copied with the mouse.
-Note that the mouse pointer displays a plus sign when copying and an arrow when creating a link or hyperlink.
-{| border=&quot;1&quot;
-! scope=&quot;col&quot; | Mouse Pointer
-! scope=&quot;col&quot; | Description
-| [[Image:movedata.png|border|left|8.47mmx8.47mm|Mouse pointer moving data]]
-| Moving
-| [[Image:copydata.png|border|left|8.47mmx8.47mm|Mouse pointer copying data]]
-| Copying
-| [[Image:linkdata.png|border|left|8.47mmx8.47mm|Mouse pointer inserting link]]
-| Creating a link
-If you press {{System|default=Ctrl|mac=Command}} or Shift+{{System|default=Ctrl|mac=Command}} while releasing the mouse button, you can control whether the object is copied, moved, or a link is created.
-{| border=&quot;1&quot;
-| [[Image:sc20238.png|border|left|5.64mmx5.64mm|Icon]]
-| If you drag objects out of the [[Common/Navigator_for_Document_Overview|Navigator]], you can specify in the submenu of the Navigator's '''Drag Mode''' icon whether to copy the object, insert it as a link or insert it as a hyperlink.
-{{Tip|You can cancel a drag-and-drop operation in {{ProductName}} at any time by pressing the Esc key before releasing the mouse button.}}
-'''Related Topics'''
-[[Common/Copying_Graphics_Between_Documents|Copying Graphics Between Documents]]
-[[Common/Copying_Spreadsheet_Areas_to_Text_Documents|Copying Spreadsheet Areas to Text Documents]]
-[[Common/Copying_Graphics_From_the_Gallery|Copying Graphics From the Gallery]]
-[[Common/Adding_Graphics_to_the_Gallery|Adding Graphics to the Gallery]]
-{{WhenInWriter|[[Writer/Moving_and_Copying_Text_in_Documents|Moving and Copying Text in Documents]]
-}}{{WhenInCalc|[[Calc/Referencing_Cells_by_Drag-and-Drop|Referencing Cells by Drag-and-Drop]]
- </revision>
- </page>