path: root/source/text
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Diffstat (limited to 'source/text')
3 files changed, 98 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/source/text/shared/explorer/database/rep_insertfield.xhp b/source/text/shared/explorer/database/rep_insertfield.xhp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..602e703824
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/text/shared/explorer/database/rep_insertfield.xhp
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<helpdocument version="1.0">
+ <!--
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ -->
+ <meta>
+ <topic id="ReportInsertField" indexer="include" status="PUBLISH">
+ <title id="tit" xml-lang="en-US">Insert Fields</title>
+ <filename>/text/shared/explorer/database/rep_insertfield.xhp</filename>
+ </topic>
+ </meta>
+ <body>
+ <section id="insertfieldstitle">
+ <bookmark id="bm_id391540562942431" xml-lang="en-US" branch="hid/REPORTDESIGN_HID_RPT_FIELD_SEL" localize="false"/>
+ <bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="index" id="bm_id61540566967968">
+ <bookmark_value>insert fields;in report design</bookmark_value>
+ <bookmark_value>add fields;in report design</bookmark_value>
+ <bookmark_value>report design;add fields to report</bookmark_value>
+ </bookmark>
+ <paragraph id="hd_id361540562942432" role="heading" level="1" xml-lang="en-US"><variable id="addfields"><link href="text/shared/explorer/database/rep_insertfield.xhp" name="Add Fields">Add fields to report</link></variable></paragraph>
+ <paragraph id="par_id3587145" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp hid=".">The Add Field window helps you to insert the table entries in the report.</ahelp></paragraph>
+ </section>
+ <section id="howtoget">
+ <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id4503921" role="paragraph">The Add Field window is shown automatically when you have selected a table in the Contents box and leave that box.</paragraph>
+ <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id171540674707522" xml-lang="en-US">Choose <item type="menuitem">View - Add Field</item>.</paragraph>
+ <table id="tab_id721540674874655">
+ <tablerow>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id991540674901837" xml-lang="en-US">
+ <image src="media/icon-themes/cmd/lc_addfield.svg" id="img_id621540674901837" width="1.0cm" height="1.0cm"><alt xml-lang="en-US" id="alt_id491540674901837">Add field icon</alt></image>
+ </paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id121540674874655" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US" >Click the Add Field icon on the toolbar.</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ </tablerow>
+ </table>
+ </section>
+ <list type="ordered">
+ <listitem>
+ <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id141540563922693" xml-lang="en-US">Select the field in the Add Field dialog and click <emph>Insert</emph>. You can select multiples fields pressing the <switchinline select="sys">
+ <caseinline select="MAC">Command</caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline>
+ </switchinline> key while clicking on the fields name or using the Shift key while pressing the mouse button. Click <emph>Insert</emph> in the toolbar to add the fields to the report.</paragraph>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id4051026" role="paragraph">Drag and drop the field names one by one from the Add Field window into the Detail area of the report. Position the fields as you like. Use the icons in the toolbars to align the fields.</paragraph>
+ <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3397320" role="paragraph">It is not possible to overlap the fields. If you drop a table field on the Detail area, then a label and a text box are inserted.</paragraph>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3059785" role="paragraph">You can also insert text that should be the same on every page of the report. Click the Label Field icon <image id="img_id5605334" src="media/icon-themes/cmd/lc_addfield.svg" width="0.566cm" height="0.566cm" localize="true"><alt xml-lang="en-US" id="alt_id5605334">Icon</alt></image>, then drag a rectangle in the Page Header or Page Footer area. Edit the Label property to show the text you want.</paragraph>
+ </listitem>
+ </list>
+ <paragraph role="heading" id="hd_id251540563929787" level="2" xml-lang="en-US">Sorting fields names</paragraph>
+ <table id="tab_id101540563992664">
+ <tablerow>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id651540564204840" xml-lang="en-US">
+ <image src="media/icon-themes/cmd/sc_sortascending.svg" id="img_id631540564204841" width="1.0cm" height="1.0cm"><alt xml-lang="en-US" id="alt_id141540564204841">Sort Ascending icon</alt></image>
+ </paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id401540563992665" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US" >Sort names ascending.</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ </tablerow>
+ <tablerow>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id811540564184191" xml-lang="en-US">
+ <image src="media/icon-themes/cmd/sc_sortdescending.svg" id="img_id391540564184192" width="1.0cm" height="1.0cm"><alt xml-lang="en-US" id="alt_id571540564184192">Sort descending icon</alt></image>
+ </paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id401540563942665" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US" >Sort names descending,</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ </tablerow>
+ <tablerow>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id851540564212907" xml-lang="en-US">
+ <image src="media/icon-themes/cmd/lc_removefiltersort.svg" id="img_id41540564212907" width="1.0cm" height="1.0cm"><alt xml-lang="en-US" id="alt_id421540564212908">Undo sorting icon</alt></image>
+ </paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ <tablecell>
+ <paragraph id="par_id401540533942665" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US" >Restore original sorting</paragraph>
+ </tablecell>
+ </tablerow>
+ </table>
diff --git a/source/text/shared/explorer/database/rep_main.xhp b/source/text/shared/explorer/database/rep_main.xhp
index 4493118898..e2741d95e2 100644
--- a/source/text/shared/explorer/database/rep_main.xhp
+++ b/source/text/shared/explorer/database/rep_main.xhp
@@ -98,20 +98,9 @@
<paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id7996459" role="paragraph">After selecting the table, press the Tab key to leave the Content box.</paragraph>
- <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id2531815" role="paragraph">The Add Field window opens automatically and shows all fields of the selected table.</paragraph>
- <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id5927304" role="heading" level="2">To insert fields into the report</paragraph>
- <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id4503921" role="paragraph">The Add Field window helps you to insert the table entries in the report. Click the Add Field icon in the toolbar to open the Add Field window.</paragraph>
- <list type="ordered">
- <listitem>
- <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id4051026" role="paragraph">Drag and drop the field names one by one from the Add Field window into the Detail area of the report. Position the fields as you like. Use the icons in the toolbars to align the fields.</paragraph>
- <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3397320" role="paragraph">It is not possible to overlap the fields. If you drop a table field on the Detail area, then a label and a text box are inserted.</paragraph>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3059785" role="paragraph">You can also insert text that should be the same on every page of the report. Click the Label Field icon
-<image id="img_id5605334" src="cmd/sc_label.png" width="0.566cm" height="0.566cm" localize="true"><alt xml-lang="en-US" id="alt_id5605334">Icon</alt>
- </image>, then drag a rectangle in the Page Header or Page Footer area. Edit the Label property to show the text you want.</paragraph>
- </listitem>
- </list><comment>Align at Section toolbar</comment>
+ <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id2531815" role="paragraph">The <embedvar href="text/shared/explorer/database/rep_insertfield.xhp#addfields" markup="ignore"/> window opens automatically and shows all fields of the selected table.</paragraph>
+ <embed href="text/shared/explorer/database/rep_insertfield.xhp#insertfieldstitle"/>
+ <comment>Align at Section toolbar</comment>
<bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="hid/.uno:SectionAlignLeft" id="bm_id7889950" localize="false"/>
<paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id7657399" role="paragraph"><ahelp hid="." visibility="hidden">Select two or more objects and click this icon to align the objects at the left margin of the area.</ahelp></paragraph>
<bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="hid/.uno:SectionAlignRight" id="bm_id3236182" localize="false"/>
diff --git a/source/text/shared/explorer/database/rep_prop.xhp b/source/text/shared/explorer/database/rep_prop.xhp
index 041a09eafa..6b10e9d108 100644
--- a/source/text/shared/explorer/database/rep_prop.xhp
+++ b/source/text/shared/explorer/database/rep_prop.xhp
@@ -33,8 +33,7 @@
<paragraph id="par_id1080660" role="tip" xml-lang="en-US">Press Shift-F1 and point with the mouse at an input box to see a help text for this input box.</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_id7175817" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">On first start of the Report Builder, the Properties window shows the <emph>Data</emph> tab page for the whole report.</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_id9895931" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">Select a table from the Contents list, then press Tab or click outside the input box to leave the input box.</paragraph>
-<bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="hid/REPORTDESIGN_HID_RPT_FIELD_SEL" id="bm_id5135044" localize="false"/>
-<paragraph id="par_id3587145" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp hid=".">The Add Field window is shown automatically when you have selected a table in the Contents box and leave that box. You can also click the Add Field icon on the toolbar, or choose <item type="menuitem">View - Add Field</item>.</ahelp></paragraph>
+<paragraph id="par_id3587145" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp hid=".">The <embedvar href="text/shared/explorer/database/rep_insertfield.xhp#addfields" markup="ignore"/> window is shown automatically when you have selected a table in the Contents box and leave that box. You can also click the Add Field icon on the toolbar, or choose <item type="menuitem">View - Add Field</item>.</ahelp></paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_id6993926" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">The <emph>General</emph> tab page can be used to change the name of the report, and to disable the Page Header or Page Footer areas, among others.</paragraph>
<bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="hid/.uno:SelectReport" id="bm_id9044770" localize="false"/>
<paragraph id="par_id3729361" role="tip" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp hid=".">To display the <emph>Data</emph> or <emph>General</emph> tab page for the whole report, choose <item type="menuitem">Edit - Select All - Select Report</item>.</ahelp></paragraph><comment>Group keep together</comment>
@@ -87,4 +86,4 @@
<paragraph id="par_id1243629" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp hid=".">On the Data tab page, you can change the data contents to be shown.</ahelp></paragraph>
-</helpdocument> \ No newline at end of file