path: root/source/text
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Diffstat (limited to 'source/text')
4 files changed, 65 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/source/text/scalc/00/00000406.xhp b/source/text/scalc/00/00000406.xhp
index 7c90749a11..6fee820765 100644
--- a/source/text/scalc/00/00000406.xhp
+++ b/source/text/scalc/00/00000406.xhp
@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@
<paragraph id="par_id3269142" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US"><variable id="solver">Choose <emph>Tools - Solver</emph>.</variable></paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_id8554338" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US"><variable id="solver_options">Choose <emph>Tools - Solver</emph>, click <emph>Options</emph> button.</variable></paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_id3156277" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US"><variable id="exsze">Choose <emph>Tools - Scenarios</emph>.</variable></paragraph>
+<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id371647273694433"><variable id="share_spreadsheet">Choose <menuitem>Tools - Share Spreadsheet</menuitem></variable></paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_id3149020" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US"><variable id="protect_sheet">Choose <emph>Tools - Protect Sheet</emph>.</variable></paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_id3154256" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US"><variable id="protect_spreadsheet">Choose <emph>Tools - Protect Spreadsheet Structure</emph>.</variable></paragraph>
diff --git a/source/text/scalc/01/shared_spreadsheet.xhp b/source/text/scalc/01/shared_spreadsheet.xhp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..919d77b87b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/text/scalc/01/shared_spreadsheet.xhp
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<helpdocument version="1.0">
+ <!--
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
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+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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+ -->
+ <meta>
+ <topic id="sharespreadsheet" indexer="include" status="PUBLISH">
+ <title id="tit" xml-lang="en-US">page_title</title>
+ <filename>/text/scalc/01/shared_spreadsheet.xhp</filename>
+ </topic>
+ </meta>
+ <body>
+ <bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="index" id="bm_id671647274159909">
+ <bookmark_value>share spreadsheet</bookmark_value>
+ <bookmark_value>spreadsheet;collaboration</bookmark_value>
+ <bookmark_value>spreadsheet;share</bookmark_value>
+ </bookmark>
+ <section id="shared_spreadsheet_head">
+ <bookmark id="bm_id551647272004703" xml-lang="en-US" branch="hid/.uno:ShareDocument" localize="false"/>
+ <h1 id="hd_id461647272004705"><variable id="h1"><link href="text/scalc/01/shared_spreadsheet.xhp" name="Share spreadsheet">Share Spreadsheet</link></variable></h1>
+ <paragraph id="par_id551647272004709" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">Sharing a spreadsheet allows several users to open the same file for editing at the same time.</paragraph>
+ </section>
+ <section id="howtoget">
+ <embed href="text/scalc/00/00000406.xhp#share_spreadsheet"/>
+ </section>
+ <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id211647275285230">The spreadsheet needs to be on a shared drive, server, website, or similar. Some conditions must be met on operating systems with user permission management:</paragraph>
+ <list type="unordered">
+ <listitem>
+ <paragraph id="par_id621647275321672" role="listitem">The shared file needs to reside in a location which is accessible by all collaborators.</paragraph>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <paragraph id="par_id731647275360618" role="listitem">The file permissions for both the document and the corresponding lock file need to be set so that all collaborators can create, delete, and change the files.</paragraph>
+ </listitem>
+ </list>
+ <tip id="par_id631647275500217">In order to correctly identify the changes, each collaborator should enter their name in <switchinline select="sys"><caseinline select="MAC"><menuitem>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</menuitem></caseinline><defaultinline><menuitem>Tools - Options</menuitem></defaultinline></switchinline><menuitem> - %PRODUCTNAME - User Data</menuitem> on the Menu bar.</tip>
+ <section id="relatedtopics">
+ <paragraph localize="false" role="paragraph" id="par_id991647272437516"><embedvar href="text/shared/guide/collab.xhp#collab"/></paragraph>
+ </section>
diff --git a/source/text/scalc/main0106.xhp b/source/text/scalc/main0106.xhp
index 8336e9019e..65815915bc 100644
--- a/source/text/scalc/main0106.xhp
+++ b/source/text/scalc/main0106.xhp
@@ -47,10 +47,13 @@
<h2 id="hd_id3155768"><link href="text/scalc/01/06050000.xhp" name="Scenarios">Scenarios</link></h2>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/06050000.xhp#szenariotext"/>
+<embed href="text/scalc/01/shared_spreadsheet.xhp#shared_spreadsheet_head"/>
<embed href="text/scalc/01/06060000.xhp#protect_document"/>
<embed href="text/shared/01/06130001.xhp#macro"/>
<embed href="text/shared/01/packagemanager.xhp#packagemanager"/>
-<embed href="text/shared/01/06150000.xhp#xmlfilter"/>
<h2 id="hd_id3150086"><link href="text/shared/01/06140000.xhp" name="Customize">Customize</link></h2>
<embed href="text/shared/01/06140000.xhp#anpassen"/>
diff --git a/source/text/shared/guide/collab.xhp b/source/text/shared/guide/collab.xhp
index ec2695ce26..3d9515b35c 100644
--- a/source/text/shared/guide/collab.xhp
+++ b/source/text/shared/guide/collab.xhp
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><helpdocument version="1.0">
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<helpdocument version="1.0">
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@
<bookmark_value>file locking with collaboration</bookmark_value>
<bookmark_value>locked documents</bookmark_value>
</bookmark><comment>MW changed the index entries to one level entries.</comment><comment>MW added two index entries with "lock"</comment>
-<paragraph id="hd_id130008" role="heading" xml-lang="en-US" level="1"><variable id="collab"><link href="text/shared/guide/collab.xhp">Collaboration</link></variable></paragraph>
+<h1 id="hd_id130008"><variable id="collab"><link href="text/shared/guide/collab.xhp">Collaboration</link></variable></h1>
<paragraph id="par_id5821710" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">In %PRODUCTNAME Writer, Impress, and Draw, only one user at a time can open any document for writing. In Calc, many users can open the same spreadsheet for writing at the same time.</paragraph><comment>Tools - Share Document menu</comment>
<bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="hid/.uno:ShareDocument" id="bm_id8779564" localize="false"/>
<bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="hid/modules/scalc/ui/sharedocumentdlg/ShareDocumentDialog" id="bm_id8779565" localize="false"/>
@@ -38,11 +39,11 @@
<paragraph id="par_id9590136" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp hid="." visibility="hidden">Opens the Share Document dialog where you can enable or disable collaborative sharing of the document.</ahelp></paragraph><comment>Share Document dialog - Share this spreadsheet with other users</comment>
<bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="hid/modules/scalc/ui/sharedocumentdlg/share" id="bm_id7900021" localize="false"/>
<paragraph id="par_id2519913" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp hid="." visibility="hidden">Enable to share the current document with other users. Disable to use the document unshared. This will invalidate the not yet saved edits that other users applied in the time since you last opened or saved this document.</ahelp></paragraph>
-<paragraph id="hd_id6917020" role="heading" xml-lang="en-US" level="2">Collaboration in Calc</paragraph>
+<h2 id="hd_id6917020">Collaboration in Calc</h2>
<paragraph id="par_id4411145" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">In %PRODUCTNAME Calc, document sharing allows simultaneous write access for many users. Every user who wants to collaborate should enter a name on the <switchinline select="sys"><caseinline select="MAC"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph>
</caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME - User Data</emph> tab page.</paragraph>
-<paragraph id="par_id6799218" role="warning" xml-lang="en-US">Some commands are not available (grayed out) when change tracking or document sharing is activated. For a new spreadsheet you cannot apply or insert the grayed out elements. <comment>Spec Doc owner told me that this is work in progress and may change any time</comment></paragraph>
-<paragraph id="hd_id3274941" role="heading" xml-lang="en-US" level="3">Creating a new spreadsheet</paragraph>
+<warning id="par_id6799218">Some commands are not available (grayed out) when change tracking or document sharing is activated. For a new spreadsheet you cannot apply or insert the grayed out elements. <comment>Spec Doc owner told me that this is work in progress and may change any time</comment></warning>
+<h3 id="hd_id3274941">Creating a new spreadsheet</h3>
<paragraph id="par_id9804681" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">User A creates a new spreadsheet document. The following conditions can apply:</paragraph>
<list type="unordered">
@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@
<paragraph id="par_id6844691" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">The user chooses <item type="menuitem">Tools - Share Document</item> to activate the collaboration features for this document. A dialog opens where the user can choose to enable or disable sharing. If the user enables sharing, the document will be saved in shared mode, which is also shown on the title bar.</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_id5288857" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">The <item type="menuitem">Tools - Share Document</item> command can be used to switch the mode for the current document from unshared mode to shared mode. If you want to use a shared document in unshared mode, you would save the shared document using another name or path. This creates a copy of the spreadsheet that is not shared.</paragraph>
-<paragraph id="hd_id8842127" role="heading" xml-lang="en-US" level="3">Opening a spreadsheet</paragraph>
+<h3 id="hd_id8842127">Opening a spreadsheet</h3>
<paragraph id="par_id7276528" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">User A opens a spreadsheet document. The following conditions can apply:</paragraph>
<list type="unordered">
@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@
<paragraph id="par_id7184057" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp hid="." visibility="hidden">Keeps all your changes, voids all other changes.</ahelp></paragraph><comment>Keep All Others</comment>
<bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="hid/modules/scalc/ui/conflictsdialog/keepallothers" id="bm_id1640363" localize="false"/>
<paragraph id="par_id786767" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp hid="." visibility="hidden">Keeps the changes of all other users, voids your changes.</ahelp></paragraph>
-<paragraph id="hd_id2934965" role="heading" xml-lang="en-US" level="3">Saving a shared spreadsheet document</paragraph>
+<h3 id="hd_id2934965">Saving a shared spreadsheet document</h3>
<paragraph id="par_id1174657" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">User A saves a shared document. The following conditions can apply:</paragraph>
<list type="unordered">
@@ -93,7 +94,7 @@
<paragraph id="par_id7101046" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">User A sees a message that a merge-in is in progress. User A can choose to cancel the save command for now, or retry saving some time later.</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_id7186498" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">When a user successfully saves a shared spreadsheet, the document will be reloaded after the save command, so that the spreadsheet shows the latest version of all changes that got saved by all users. A message shows that "foreign changes have been added" when another user did change some contents.</paragraph>
-<paragraph id="hd_id2871791" role="heading" xml-lang="en-US" level="2">Collaboration in Writer, Impress, and Draw</paragraph>
+<h2 id="hd_id2871791">Collaboration in Writer, Impress, and Draw</h2>
<paragraph id="par_id2675862" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">For all modules Writer, Impress, Draw, and for Calc when document sharing is not enabled, a file locking is possible. This file locking is available even when accessing the same document from different operating systems:</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_id7333597" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">User A opens a document. The following conditions can apply:</paragraph>
<list type="unordered">
@@ -109,7 +110,7 @@
<paragraph id="par_id4309518" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">The document is locked by another user.</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_id206610" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">User A sees a dialog that tells the user the document is locked. The dialog offers to open the document in read-only mode, or to open a copy for editing, or to cancel the Open command.</paragraph>
-<paragraph id="hd_id29349651" role="heading" xml-lang="en-US" level="2">User access permissions and sharing documents</paragraph>
+<h2 id="hd_id29349651">User access permissions and sharing documents</h2>
<paragraph id="par_id11746571" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">Some conditions must be met on operating systems with a user permission management.</paragraph>
<list type="unordered">
@@ -118,7 +119,7 @@
<paragraph id="par_id90496531" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">The file permissions for both the document and the corresponding lock file need to be set so that all collaborators can create, delete, and change the files.</paragraph>
-<paragraph id="par_id71864981" role="warning" xml-lang="en-US">Write access also enables other users to (accidentally or deliberately) delete or change a file.</paragraph>
+<warning id="par_id71864981">Write access also enables other users to (accidentally or deliberately) delete or change a file.</warning>
<section id="relatedtopics">
<paragraph id="par_id4263740" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US"><link href="text/shared/01/01070000.xhp" name="Save As">Save As</link></paragraph>