AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-01-11Add localized color-picker screenshotOlivier Hallot
2020-01-11tdf#129169 update "access to" in Area tab help pageSeth Chaiklin
2020-01-11Fix typosOlivier Hallot
2020-01-10tdf#98230 update help for insert fileSeth Chaiklin
2020-01-10update numbering style help pageSeth Chaiklin
2020-01-10updating Options help pages (Writer-View; LibreOffice-Application Colors)Seth Chaiklin
2020-01-09Fix typoAndrea Gelmini
2020-01-08tdf#94411 update help for Index pageSeth Chaiklin
2020-01-08avoid unnecessary change in po files due to use of spaces to indentChristian Lohmaier
2020-01-07tdf#129497 updating help for Condition tab of Paragraph Style dialogSeth Chaiklin
2020-01-07tdf#129407 remove mention to non-existent "listbox" in pagebackground helpSeth Chaiklin
2020-01-07tdf#106023 updating help pages for footnote and endnote settingsSeth Chaiklin
2020-01-06updating help for Number FormatSeth Chaiklin
2020-01-05updating help for Writer variablesSeth Chaiklin
2020-01-03tdf#129497 update help information for paragraph style dialogSeth Chaiklin
2020-01-02tdf#119647 adding links to help about making footnotes in sectionsSeth Chaiklin
2020-01-02tdf#129497 updating help pages for paragraph dialog tabsSeth Chaiklin
2020-01-02tdf#129726 Wrong bookmark for Edit Index EntryOlivier Hallot
2020-01-02corrections in help for Styles Organizer tabSeth Chaiklin
2020-01-01Clarify that database is registered to installed LibreOffice instanceMike Kaganski
2019-12-31Make 'available release' tip a full sentenceOlivier Hallot
2019-12-31Fix broken linkOlivier Hallot
2019-12-30Add animation timing screenhot to help pageOlivier Hallot
2019-12-30Add screenshot for text animation help pageOlivier Hallot
2019-12-30Add screenshot for enhanced animation effectsOlivier Hallot
2019-12-30Move screenshot at right placeOlivier Hallot
2019-12-30Add define custom presentation dialog screenshotOlivier Hallot
2019-12-30Add screenshot to custom slide show help pageOlivier Hallot
2019-12-30Add master layout dialog screenshot to help pageOlivier Hallot
2019-12-30Place localized images in right makefileOlivier Hallot
2019-12-30Add header-footer screenshot to Help pageOlivier Hallot
2019-12-30Add screenshot to slide design help pageOlivier Hallot
2019-12-30Add screenshot for custom presentation pageOlivier Hallot
2019-12-30Add photo album screenshotOlivier Hallot
2019-12-30Add print options image to print option Help pageOlivier Hallot
2019-12-30Add SdViewPage screenshot to Impress option helpOlivier Hallot
2019-12-29Name box also takes sheet namesMike Kaganski
2019-12-29tdf#83364 corrections/additions to Outline and Numbering help pageSeth Chaiklin
2019-12-29tdf#127477 Incomplete description of date & timeOlivier Hallot
2019-12-27remove "presentation" from text not related to ImpressStanislav Horacek
2019-12-27corrections in Chapter numbering helpSeth Chaiklin
2019-12-27add missing menu item for setting slide/page backgroundStanislav Horacek
2019-12-27correct name of Transformations toolbar and menu path to itStanislav Horacek
2019-12-27corrections in help page for Numbering StyleSeth Chaiklin
2019-12-25Update insert menu for ImpressOlivier Hallot
2019-12-25Update Media submenuOlivier Hallot
2019-12-25Update Calc Insert menuOlivier Hallot
2019-12-23tdf#129517 add some missing words to a headingSeth Chaiklin
2019-12-23tdf#62326 &o &h literal notationsLibreOfficiant
2019-12-23corrections in help for Table of Contents dialog boxSeth Chaiklin