AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-12-01Version, tag libreoffice- Lohmaier
2017-12-01Branch libreoffice-5-4-4libreoffice-5-4-4Christian Lohmaier
2017-07-06Rearrange help page for VBA functionslibreoffice-5-4Olivier Hallot
2017-07-06Fixes for help pages after translation review.Olivier Hallot
2017-07-03tdf#108871 Fix embed of RAWSUBTRACT in HelpOlivier Hallot
2017-06-20fix bogus whitespace and unnecessary unit changesChristian Lohmaier
2017-06-17tdf#84675 Add help page for NPer function of VBAOlivier Hallot
2017-06-16tdf#84675 Add help page for MIRR function of VBAOlivier Hallot
2017-06-16tdf#84675 Add help page for IRR function of VBAOlivier Hallot
2017-06-16tdf#107573 help page for change of UI term outlineOlivier Hallot
2017-06-16tdf#84675 Add VBA functions to tree fileOlivier Hallot
2017-06-15tdf#84675 Add help page for IPmt function of VBAOlivier Hallot
2017-06-14tdf#84675 Add help page for FV function of VBAOlivier Hallot
2017-06-14tdf#84675 Add help page for DDB function of VBAOlivier Hallot
2017-06-07Grammar: “let you to define” → “lets you define”Adolfo Jayme Barrientos
2017-06-07Add screenshot to Pick-a-Color help pageOlivier Hallot
2017-06-06Add custom HID to the From Data Table options descriptionGabor Kelemen
2017-06-06tdf#102930 Update New Address Block / Edit Address Block pageGabor Kelemen
2017-06-02Grammar: missing definite articleAdolfo Jayme Barrientos
2017-06-01Fix bookmarks and ahelps on Fontwork toolbar pageGabor Kelemen
2017-06-01tdf#102930 Add a missing bookmark to Custom Salutation pageGabor Kelemen
2017-05-31Fix bookmarks and ahelps on Chinese Conversion dialog pageGabor Kelemen
2017-05-31tdf#107299 Fix reference to File - Templates menu itemGabor Kelemen
2017-05-31Fix bookmarks and ahelps on 3D-Settings toolbar pageGabor Kelemen
2017-05-31Grammar (is → are)Adolfo Jayme Barrientos
2017-05-30tdf#107077 New help page for the 'Pick a Color' windowGabor Kelemen
2017-05-30remove spurious spaces introduced in variablesChristian Lohmaier
2017-05-30Add missing bookmarks to Edit Dictionary pageGabor Kelemen
2017-05-30Fix ahelps and bookmarks on X/Y Error Bars pageGabor Kelemen
2017-05-30PlaceWare filter was dropped so don't mention its formatGabor Kelemen
2017-05-30tdf#102930 Fix missing ahelpGabor Kelemen
2017-05-30Fix more bookmarks one ahelp on the track changes Filter pageGabor Kelemen
2017-05-30Change bogus paragraph role relatedtopics to paragraphGabor Kelemen
2017-05-30Convert bogus head2 roles to "heading level 2" rolesGabor Kelemen
2017-05-30Remove an empty page StylesGabor Kelemen
2017-05-30Drop an obsolete and a redundant bookmarkGabor Kelemen
2017-05-30tdf#107229 Fix reference to the Save as Template menu itemGabor Kelemen
2017-05-30Mass remove excess spaces from inside tagsGabor Kelemen
2017-05-26Fix documentation URL in help pageOlivier Hallot
2017-05-25Fix <sup> tag swallowed by authoring extensionOlivier Hallot
2017-05-24Mute l10n for dozens of numbers and format codesOlivier Hallot
2017-05-23The word “bar” should not be bolded or capitalizedAdolfo Jayme Barrientos
2017-05-20tdf#84675 Add help page for StrReverse VBAOlivier Hallot
2017-05-19Fix XML according to DTDOlivier Hallot
2017-05-19tdf#84675 Help VBA functions AscW, ChrW, InStrRevOlivier Hallot
2017-05-19tdf#107229 Drop old Template Manager helpGabor Kelemen
2017-05-19tdf#107299 Mention how to add more template foldersGabor Kelemen
2017-05-19Basic: merge identical def and example DefxxxLaurent Balland-Poirier
2017-05-19Basic: beautify Examples with bascode tagLaurent Balland-Poirier
2017-05-19tdf#84675 (part4) document VBA macros supportOlivier Hallot