path: root/source/media/helpimg
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-01-11tdf#121065 Replace Math -- Functions PNG images with SVG Change 5Mark-R
2019-01-03tdf#121065 Replace Math PNG images with SVGMark Robbinson
2018-12-13More pages on Python scriptsAlain Romedenne
2018-05-19tdf#115599 Add signature line help pageOlivier Hallot
2018-05-01tdf#106623 Write help page for PIVOT CHARTOlivier Hallot
2018-03-15tdf#99483 Clarify Calc paste operationOlivier Hallot
2017-12-09Finish help content for Presenter ConsoleOlivier Hallot
2017-12-06tdf#83269 Help page for Calc Data->Form...Olivier Hallot
2017-08-19tdf#83160 Write help pages for Impress RemoteSanjaykumar Girishkumar Patel
2017-05-12Move help-specific images (the actual files) to helpcontent2Katarina Behrens