#/bin/bash # This file is part of the LibreOffice project. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # Convert localized XHP files and TREE files to HTML. # # Syntax: convert2html tarball productversion source # # Example # ./convert2html.sh buildtargets_5403.tar.gz 5.4 libreoffice-help- # # This script convert localized XHP and TREE files available as tarballs into # a set of html pages. # # Conversion is done by listing the available languages in the tarball and # executing the XSLT transformations on each XHP and tree files. # # Note: tarball, source and productversion must match. # # Special case for converting en-US XHP files to HTML. The en-US source is # taken from the published helpcontent2 source tarball. # # companion files are moved to the right position in the html folder # Media files are added too. # function getBookmark() { ########################################### # Extract <bookmarks_value> from each XHP file and build a <ul> list # in a javascript file # # Function called by main routine # # $1 is Language # $2 is productversion # $3 is the tarname folder ########################################### local outdir=$(pwd)'/html/'$2'/'$1 local sourcedir=$3/HelpTranslatePartTarget/$1/helpcontent2/source local ffile=$outdir/bookmarks.js rm -f $ffile local ffile2=$(mktemp) local stub2=\' local xslfile=get_bookmark.xsl local param1=' --stringparam Language '$1' --stringparam productversion '$2 ########################################### # bookmarks for modules ########################################### for i in CALC CHART WRITER DRAW IMPRESS MATH BASIC do local stub1='document.getElementById("bookmark'$i'").innerHTML='\'\\ sfind=$sourcedir'/'$(echo 'text/s'$i | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') param=$param1' --stringparam app '$i rm -f $ffile2 find $sfind -type f -name "*.xhp" -exec xsltproc $param $xslfile {} + >> $ffile2 echo $stub1 >> $ffile sort -k3b -t\> -s -o $ffile2 $ffile2 awk 'NF' $ffile2 >> $ffile echo $stub2 >> $ffile done ########################################### # Case of SHARED ########################################### stub1='document.getElementById("bookmarkSHARED").innerHTML='\'\\ rm -f $ffile2 param=$param1' --stringparam app SHARED' find $sourcedir'/text/shared' -type f -name "*.xhp" -exec xsltproc $param $xslfile {} + >> $ffile2 echo $stub1 >> $ffile sort -k3b -t\> -s -o $ffile2 $ffile2 awk 'NF' $ffile2 >> $ffile echo $stub2 >> $ffile ########################################### # Case of Explorer (BASE) ########################################### stub1='document.getElementById("bookmarkBASE").innerHTML='\'\\ rm -f $ffile2 param=$param1' --stringparam app BASE' find $sourcedir'/text/shared/explorer/database' -type f -name "*.xhp" -exec xsltproc $param $xslfile {} + >> $ffile2 echo $stub1 >> $ffile sort -k3b -t\> -s -o $ffile2 $ffile2 awk 'NF' $ffile2 >> $ffile echo $stub2 >> $ffile rm -f $ffile2 } ########################################### # Main routine ########################################### tarname=$1 productversion=$2 source=$3 sourceDir=$(pwd) ########################################### # Un-tar localized XHP and TREE files ########################################### #tarname=${tarball:0:17} rm -rf $tarname #tar -zxf $tarball cp -r /var/tmp/$tarname . ########################################### # Un-tar source en-US XHP and TREE files ########################################### sourceName=$(tar -tf $source | head -1 | cut -f1 -d"/") rm -rf $sourceName tar -xf $source ########################################### # Location of the merged l10n help files from sourceDir ########################################### langDirSource=$tarname/HelpTranslatePartTarget/ enSource=$sourceName/helpcontent2 ########################################### # # Hack: copy en-US from source help tarball to HelpTranslatePartTarget and HelpTreeTarget # ########################################### rm -rf $langDirSource/en-US mkdir -p $langDirSource/en-US/helpcontent2 cp -r $enSource/* $langDirSource/en-US/helpcontent2 ########################################### # # Process the en-US tree files # ########################################### ALL_TREE='sbasic scalc schart shared simpress smath swriter' for i in $ALL_TREE do cp -r $sourceDir'/'$enSource'/source/auxiliary/'$i.tree $tarname/HelpTreeTarget/$i'/en-US.tree' done ########################################### # # Location of the resulting html # ########################################### outDir=$sourceDir/html/$productversion/ filter=$sourceDir/online_transform.xsl ########################################### # # clean and recreate the target html folder # ########################################### rm -rf $sourceDir/html mkdir -p $sourceDir/html/$productversion ########################################### # # Create the bookmark2file.js map. # # This file contains a map that convert bookmarks from LibreOffice apps into # an URL of the corresponding page. # The URL arriving is converted inside index.html and redirected # ########################################### stub1='var map={' stub2='};' sfind=$langDirSource'en-US/helpcontent2/source/text/' ffile=$outDir/bookmark2file.js ffile2=$(mktemp) rm -f $ffile2 $ffile find $sfind -type f -name "*.xhp" -exec xsltproc get_url.xsl {} + > $ffile2 echo $stub1 >> $ffile awk 'NF' $ffile2 >> $ffile echo $stub2 >> $ffile rm -f $ffile2 for lang in $(ls $langDirSource) #for lang in pt-BR fr do echo 'Processing language '$lang mkdir -p $outDir/$lang getBookmark $lang $productversion $tarname & pPath=$langDirSource$lang'/helpcontent2/source' xsltparm='--stringparam Language '$lang' --stringparam local no --stringparam productversion '$productversion' --stringparam root '$pPath'/' # iterate all xhp files for filep in $(find $pPath -name *.xhp) do # echo $filep DIR=${filep##*/source} name=${DIR:0:-3} outFile=$outDir$lang$name'html' xsltproc $xsltparm -o $outFile online_transform.xsl $filep done ########################################### # # Process tree files # ########################################### treeFileHTML=html/$productversion/$lang/contents.js touch $treeFileHTML echo 'document.getElementById("Contents").innerHTML='$'\047''\'>$treeFileHTML xsltparm='--stringparam lang '$lang' --stringparam productversion '$productversion for tree in $ALL_TREE do treeSourceFile=$tarname/HelpTreeTarget/$tree/$lang.tree treeTemp2=$(mktemp) xsltproc $xsltparm -o $treeTemp2 get_tree.xsl $treeSourceFile awk 'NF' $treeTemp2>>$treeFileHTML rm -f $treeTemp2 done echo $'\047'';'>>$treeFileHTML echo 'Conversion to HTML finished for '$lang done ########################################### # Process sitemap index for productversion ########################################### url='https://help.libreoffice.org' ALL_LANGS=$(ls $outDir | sed 's/media//') ALL_LANGS=$(echo $ALL_LANGS | sed 's/bookmark2file.js//') echo $ALL_LANGS sitemap=$outDir/sitemap.xml rm -f $sitemap touch $sitemap echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' > $sitemap echo '<sitemapindex xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">'>>$sitemap for lang1 in $ALL_LANGS do echo '<sitemap>' >>$sitemap echo '<loc>'$url'/'$productversion'/sitemap-'$lang1'.xml</loc>' >>$sitemap echo '<lastmod>'$(date -I)'</lastmod>'>>$sitemap echo '</sitemap>'>>$sitemap ########################################### # # Process sitemap for productversion-lang # ########################################### f=$outDir'/sitemap-'$lang1'.xml' rm -f $f touch $f echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' > $f echo '<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">' >> $f dd=./html/$productversion/$lang1 for ff in $(find $dd -name "*.html") do echo '<url><loc>'$url'/'${ff:7}'</loc></url>' >>$f done echo '</urlset>'>>$f done echo '</sitemapindex>'>>$sitemap ########################################### # # copy some service files # ########################################### #cp help.html index.html html/ cp normalize.css default.css help.js fuse.js paginathing.js $outDir cp -r $enSource/source/media $outDir mkdir -p $outDir/media/icon-themes #cp -a ../../icon-themes/colibre/* $outDir/media/icon-themes/ #ln -s $productversion html/latest exit