/* MIT License Copyright (c) 2018 Stephen Kamenar WHAT: SublimeText-like Fuzzy Search USAGE: fuzzysort.single('fs', 'Fuzzy Search') // {score: -16} fuzzysort.single('test', 'test') // {score: 0} fuzzysort.single('doesnt exist', 'target') // null fuzzysort.go('mr', ['Monitor.cpp', 'MeshRenderer.cpp']) // [{score: -18, target: "MeshRenderer.cpp"}, {score: -6009, target: "Monitor.cpp"}] fuzzysort.highlight(fuzzysort.single('fs', 'Fuzzy Search'), '', '') // Fuzzy Search */ // UMD (Universal Module Definition) for fuzzysort ;(function(root, UMD) { if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) define([], UMD) else if(typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) module.exports = UMD() else root.fuzzysort = UMD() })(this, function UMD() { function fuzzysortNew(instanceOptions) { var fuzzysort = { single: function(search, target, options) { if(!search) return null if(!isObj(search)) search = fuzzysort.getPreparedSearch(search) if(!target) return null if(!isObj(target)) target = fuzzysort.getPrepared(target) var allowTypo = options && options.allowTypo!==undefined ? options.allowTypo : instanceOptions && instanceOptions.allowTypo!==undefined ? instanceOptions.allowTypo : true var algorithm = allowTypo ? fuzzysort.algorithm : fuzzysort.algorithmNoTypo return algorithm(search, target, search[0]) // var threshold = options && options.threshold || instanceOptions && instanceOptions.threshold || -9007199254740991 // var result = algorithm(search, target, search[0]) // if(result === null) return null // if(result.score < threshold) return null // return result }, go: function(search, targets, options) { if(!search) return noResults search = fuzzysort.prepareSearch(search) var searchLowerCode = search[0] var threshold = options && options.threshold || instanceOptions && instanceOptions.threshold || -9007199254740991 var limit = options && options.limit || instanceOptions && instanceOptions.limit || 9007199254740991 var allowTypo = options && options.allowTypo!==undefined ? options.allowTypo : instanceOptions && instanceOptions.allowTypo!==undefined ? instanceOptions.allowTypo : true var algorithm = allowTypo ? fuzzysort.algorithm : fuzzysort.algorithmNoTypo var resultsLen = 0; var limitedCount = 0 var targetsLen = targets.length // This code is copy/pasted 3 times for performance reasons [options.keys, options.key, no keys] // options.keys if(options && options.keys) { var scoreFn = options.scoreFn || defaultScoreFn var keys = options.keys var keysLen = keys.length for(var i = targetsLen - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var obj = targets[i] var objResults = new Array(keysLen) for (var keyI = keysLen - 1; keyI >= 0; --keyI) { var key = keys[keyI] var target = getValue(obj, key) if(!target) { objResults[keyI] = null; continue } if(!isObj(target)) target = fuzzysort.getPrepared(target) objResults[keyI] = algorithm(search, target, searchLowerCode) } objResults.obj = obj // before scoreFn so scoreFn can use it var score = scoreFn(objResults) if(score === null) continue if(score < threshold) continue objResults.score = score if(resultsLen < limit) { q.add(objResults); ++resultsLen } else { ++limitedCount if(score > q.peek().score) q.replaceTop(objResults) } } // options.key } else if(options && options.key) { var key = options.key for(var i = targetsLen - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var obj = targets[i] var target = getValue(obj, key) if(!target) continue if(!isObj(target)) target = fuzzysort.getPrepared(target) var result = algorithm(search, target, searchLowerCode) if(result === null) continue if(result.score < threshold) continue // have to clone result so duplicate targets from different obj can each reference the correct obj result = {target:result.target, _targetLowerCodes:null, _nextBeginningIndexes:null, score:result.score, indexes:result.indexes, obj:obj} // hidden if(resultsLen < limit) { q.add(result); ++resultsLen } else { ++limitedCount if(result.score > q.peek().score) q.replaceTop(result) } } // no keys } else { for(var i = targetsLen - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var target = targets[i] if(!target) continue if(!isObj(target)) target = fuzzysort.getPrepared(target) var result = algorithm(search, target, searchLowerCode) if(result === null) continue if(result.score < threshold) continue if(resultsLen < limit) { q.add(result); ++resultsLen } else { ++limitedCount if(result.score > q.peek().score) q.replaceTop(result) } } } if(resultsLen === 0) return noResults var results = new Array(resultsLen) for(var i = resultsLen - 1; i >= 0; --i) results[i] = q.poll() results.total = resultsLen + limitedCount return results }, goAsync: function(search, targets, options) { var canceled = false var p = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { if(!search) return resolve(noResults) search = fuzzysort.prepareSearch(search) var searchLowerCode = search[0] var q = fastpriorityqueue() var iCurrent = targets.length - 1 var threshold = options && options.threshold || instanceOptions && instanceOptions.threshold || -9007199254740991 var limit = options && options.limit || instanceOptions && instanceOptions.limit || 9007199254740991 var allowTypo = options && options.allowTypo!==undefined ? options.allowTypo : instanceOptions && instanceOptions.allowTypo!==undefined ? instanceOptions.allowTypo : true var algorithm = allowTypo ? fuzzysort.algorithm : fuzzysort.algorithmNoTypo var resultsLen = 0; var limitedCount = 0 function step() { if(canceled) return reject('canceled') var startMs = Date.now() // This code is copy/pasted 3 times for performance reasons [options.keys, options.key, no keys] // options.keys if(options && options.keys) { var scoreFn = options.scoreFn || defaultScoreFn var keys = options.keys var keysLen = keys.length for(; iCurrent >= 0; --iCurrent) { var obj = targets[iCurrent] var objResults = new Array(keysLen) for (var keyI = keysLen - 1; keyI >= 0; --keyI) { var key = keys[keyI] var target = getValue(obj, key) if(!target) { objResults[keyI] = null; continue } if(!isObj(target)) target = fuzzysort.getPrepared(target) objResults[keyI] = algorithm(search, target, searchLowerCode) } objResults.obj = obj // before scoreFn so scoreFn can use it var score = scoreFn(objResults) if(score === null) continue if(score < threshold) continue objResults.score = score if(resultsLen < limit) { q.add(objResults); ++resultsLen } else { ++limitedCount if(score > q.peek().score) q.replaceTop(objResults) } if(iCurrent%1000/*itemsPerCheck*/ === 0) { if(Date.now() - startMs >= 10/*asyncInterval*/) { isNode?setImmediate(step):setTimeout(step) return } } } // options.key } else if(options && options.key) { var key = options.key for(; iCurrent >= 0; --iCurrent) { var obj = targets[iCurrent] var target = getValue(obj, key) if(!target) continue if(!isObj(target)) target = fuzzysort.getPrepared(target) var result = algorithm(search, target, searchLowerCode) if(result === null) continue if(result.score < threshold) continue // have to clone result so duplicate targets from different obj can each reference the correct obj result = {target:result.target, _targetLowerCodes:null, _nextBeginningIndexes:null, score:result.score, indexes:result.indexes, obj:obj} // hidden if(resultsLen < limit) { q.add(result); ++resultsLen } else { ++limitedCount if(result.score > q.peek().score) q.replaceTop(result) } if(iCurrent%1000/*itemsPerCheck*/ === 0) { if(Date.now() - startMs >= 10/*asyncInterval*/) { isNode?setImmediate(step):setTimeout(step) return } } } // no keys } else { for(; iCurrent >= 0; --iCurrent) { var target = targets[iCurrent] if(!target) continue if(!isObj(target)) target = fuzzysort.getPrepared(target) var result = algorithm(search, target, searchLowerCode) if(result === null) continue if(result.score < threshold) continue if(resultsLen < limit) { q.add(result); ++resultsLen } else { ++limitedCount if(result.score > q.peek().score) q.replaceTop(result) } if(iCurrent%1000/*itemsPerCheck*/ === 0) { if(Date.now() - startMs >= 10/*asyncInterval*/) { isNode?setImmediate(step):setTimeout(step) return } } } } if(resultsLen === 0) return resolve(noResults) var results = new Array(resultsLen) for(var i = resultsLen - 1; i >= 0; --i) results[i] = q.poll() results.total = resultsLen + limitedCount resolve(results) } isNode?setImmediate(step):step() }) p.cancel = function() { canceled = true } return p }, highlight: function(result, hOpen, hClose) { if(result === null) return null if(hOpen === undefined) hOpen = '' if(hClose === undefined) hClose = '' var highlighted = '' var matchesIndex = 0 var opened = false var target = result.target var targetLen = target.length var matchesBest = result.indexes for(var i = 0; i < targetLen; ++i) { var char = target[i] if(matchesBest[matchesIndex] === i) { ++matchesIndex if(!opened) { opened = true highlighted += hOpen } if(matchesIndex === matchesBest.length) { highlighted += char + hClose + target.substr(i+1) break } } else { if(opened) { opened = false highlighted += hClose } } highlighted += char } return highlighted }, prepare: function(target) { if(!target) return return {target:target, _targetLowerCodes:fuzzysort.prepareLowerCodes(target), _nextBeginningIndexes:null, score:null, indexes:null, obj:null} // hidden }, prepareSlow: function(target) { if(!target) return return {target:target, _targetLowerCodes:fuzzysort.prepareLowerCodes(target), _nextBeginningIndexes:fuzzysort.prepareNextBeginningIndexes(target), score:null, indexes:null, obj:null} // hidden }, prepareSearch: function(search) { if(!search) return return fuzzysort.prepareLowerCodes(search) }, // Below this point is only internal code // Below this point is only internal code // Below this point is only internal code // Below this point is only internal code getPrepared: function(target) { if(target.length > 999) return fuzzysort.prepare(target) // don't cache huge targets var targetPrepared = preparedCache.get(target) if(targetPrepared !== undefined) return targetPrepared targetPrepared = fuzzysort.prepare(target) preparedCache.set(target, targetPrepared) return targetPrepared }, getPreparedSearch: function(search) { if(search.length > 999) return fuzzysort.prepareSearch(search) // don't cache huge searches var searchPrepared = preparedSearchCache.get(search) if(searchPrepared !== undefined) return searchPrepared searchPrepared = fuzzysort.prepareSearch(search) preparedSearchCache.set(search, searchPrepared) return searchPrepared }, algorithm: function(searchLowerCodes, prepared, searchLowerCode) { var targetLowerCodes = prepared._targetLowerCodes var searchLen = searchLowerCodes.length var targetLen = targetLowerCodes.length var searchI = 0 // where we at var targetI = 0 // where you at var typoSimpleI = 0 var matchesSimpleLen = 0 // very basic fuzzy match; to remove non-matching targets ASAP! // walk through target. find sequential matches. // if all chars aren't found then exit for(;;) { var isMatch = searchLowerCode === targetLowerCodes[targetI] if(isMatch) { matchesSimple[matchesSimpleLen++] = targetI ++searchI; if(searchI === searchLen) break searchLowerCode = searchLowerCodes[typoSimpleI===0?searchI : (typoSimpleI===searchI?searchI+1 : (typoSimpleI===searchI-1?searchI-1 : searchI))] } ++targetI; if(targetI >= targetLen) { // Failed to find searchI // Check for typo or exit // we go as far as possible before trying to transpose // then we transpose backwards until we reach the beginning for(;;) { if(searchI <= 1) return null // not allowed to transpose first char if(typoSimpleI === 0) { // we haven't tried to transpose yet --searchI var searchLowerCodeNew = searchLowerCodes[searchI] if(searchLowerCode === searchLowerCodeNew) continue // doesn't make sense to transpose a repeat char typoSimpleI = searchI } else { if(typoSimpleI === 1) return null // reached the end of the line for transposing --typoSimpleI searchI = typoSimpleI searchLowerCode = searchLowerCodes[searchI + 1] var searchLowerCodeNew = searchLowerCodes[searchI] if(searchLowerCode === searchLowerCodeNew) continue // doesn't make sense to transpose a repeat char } matchesSimpleLen = searchI targetI = matchesSimple[matchesSimpleLen - 1] + 1 break } } } var searchI = 0 var typoStrictI = 0 var successStrict = false var matchesStrictLen = 0 var nextBeginningIndexes = prepared._nextBeginningIndexes if(nextBeginningIndexes === null) nextBeginningIndexes = prepared._nextBeginningIndexes = fuzzysort.prepareNextBeginningIndexes(prepared.target) var firstPossibleI = targetI = matchesSimple[0]===0 ? 0 : nextBeginningIndexes[matchesSimple[0]-1] // Our target string successfully matched all characters in sequence! // Let's try a more advanced and strict test to improve the score // only count it as a match if it's consecutive or a beginning character! if(targetI !== targetLen) for(;;) { if(targetI >= targetLen) { // We failed to find a good spot for this search char, go back to the previous search char and force it forward if(searchI <= 0) { // We failed to push chars forward for a better match // transpose, starting from the beginning ++typoStrictI; if(typoStrictI > searchLen-2) break if(searchLowerCodes[typoStrictI] === searchLowerCodes[typoStrictI+1]) continue // doesn't make sense to transpose a repeat char targetI = firstPossibleI continue } --searchI var lastMatch = matchesStrict[--matchesStrictLen] targetI = nextBeginningIndexes[lastMatch] } else { var isMatch = searchLowerCodes[typoStrictI===0?searchI : (typoStrictI===searchI?searchI+1 : (typoStrictI===searchI-1?searchI-1 : searchI))] === targetLowerCodes[targetI] if(isMatch) { matchesStrict[matchesStrictLen++] = targetI ++searchI; if(searchI === searchLen) { successStrict = true; break } ++targetI } else { targetI = nextBeginningIndexes[targetI] } } } { // tally up the score & keep track of matches for highlighting later if(successStrict) { var matchesBest = matchesStrict; var matchesBestLen = matchesStrictLen } else { var matchesBest = matchesSimple; var matchesBestLen = matchesSimpleLen } var score = 0 var lastTargetI = -1 for(var i = 0; i < searchLen; ++i) { var targetI = matchesBest[i] // score only goes down if they're not consecutive if(lastTargetI !== targetI - 1) score -= targetI lastTargetI = targetI } if(!successStrict) { score *= 1000 if(typoSimpleI !== 0) score += -20/*typoPenalty*/ } else { if(typoStrictI !== 0) score += -20/*typoPenalty*/ } score -= targetLen - searchLen prepared.score = score prepared.indexes = new Array(matchesBestLen); for(var i = matchesBestLen - 1; i >= 0; --i) prepared.indexes[i] = matchesBest[i] return prepared } }, algorithmNoTypo: function(searchLowerCodes, prepared, searchLowerCode) { var targetLowerCodes = prepared._targetLowerCodes var searchLen = searchLowerCodes.length var targetLen = targetLowerCodes.length var searchI = 0 // where we at var targetI = 0 // where you at var matchesSimpleLen = 0 // very basic fuzzy match; to remove non-matching targets ASAP! // walk through target. find sequential matches. // if all chars aren't found then exit for(;;) { var isMatch = searchLowerCode === targetLowerCodes[targetI] if(isMatch) { matchesSimple[matchesSimpleLen++] = targetI ++searchI; if(searchI === searchLen) break searchLowerCode = searchLowerCodes[searchI] } ++targetI; if(targetI >= targetLen) return null // Failed to find searchI } var searchI = 0 var successStrict = false var matchesStrictLen = 0 var nextBeginningIndexes = prepared._nextBeginningIndexes if(nextBeginningIndexes === null) nextBeginningIndexes = prepared._nextBeginningIndexes = fuzzysort.prepareNextBeginningIndexes(prepared.target) var firstPossibleI = targetI = matchesSimple[0]===0 ? 0 : nextBeginningIndexes[matchesSimple[0]-1] // Our target string successfully matched all characters in sequence! // Let's try a more advanced and strict test to improve the score // only count it as a match if it's consecutive or a beginning character! if(targetI !== targetLen) for(;;) { if(targetI >= targetLen) { // We failed to find a good spot for this search char, go back to the previous search char and force it forward if(searchI <= 0) break // We failed to push chars forward for a better match --searchI var lastMatch = matchesStrict[--matchesStrictLen] targetI = nextBeginningIndexes[lastMatch] } else { var isMatch = searchLowerCodes[searchI] === targetLowerCodes[targetI] if(isMatch) { matchesStrict[matchesStrictLen++] = targetI ++searchI; if(searchI === searchLen) { successStrict = true; break } ++targetI } else { targetI = nextBeginningIndexes[targetI] } } } { // tally up the score & keep track of matches for highlighting later if(successStrict) { var matchesBest = matchesStrict; var matchesBestLen = matchesStrictLen } else { var matchesBest = matchesSimple; var matchesBestLen = matchesSimpleLen } var score = 0 var lastTargetI = -1 for(var i = 0; i < searchLen; ++i) { var targetI = matchesBest[i] // score only goes down if they're not consecutive if(lastTargetI !== targetI - 1) score -= targetI lastTargetI = targetI } if(!successStrict) score *= 1000 score -= targetLen - searchLen prepared.score = score prepared.indexes = new Array(matchesBestLen); for(var i = matchesBestLen - 1; i >= 0; --i) prepared.indexes[i] = matchesBest[i] return prepared } }, prepareLowerCodes: function(str) { var strLen = str.length var lowerCodes = [] // new Array(strLen) sparse array is too slow var lower = str.toLowerCase() for(var i = 0; i < strLen; ++i) lowerCodes[i] = lower.charCodeAt(i) return lowerCodes }, prepareBeginningIndexes: function(target) { var targetLen = target.length var beginningIndexes = []; var beginningIndexesLen = 0 var wasUpper = false var wasAlphanum = false for(var i = 0; i < targetLen; ++i) { var targetCode = target.charCodeAt(i) var isUpper = targetCode>=65&&targetCode<=90 var isAlphanum = isUpper || targetCode>=97&&targetCode<=122 || targetCode>=48&&targetCode<=57 var isBeginning = isUpper && !wasUpper || !wasAlphanum || !isAlphanum wasUpper = isUpper wasAlphanum = isAlphanum if(isBeginning) beginningIndexes[beginningIndexesLen++] = i } return beginningIndexes }, prepareNextBeginningIndexes: function(target) { var targetLen = target.length var beginningIndexes = fuzzysort.prepareBeginningIndexes(target) var nextBeginningIndexes = [] // new Array(targetLen) sparse array is too slow var lastIsBeginning = beginningIndexes[0] var lastIsBeginningI = 0 for(var i = 0; i < targetLen; ++i) { if(lastIsBeginning > i) { nextBeginningIndexes[i] = lastIsBeginning } else { lastIsBeginning = beginningIndexes[++lastIsBeginningI] nextBeginningIndexes[i] = lastIsBeginning===undefined ? targetLen : lastIsBeginning } } return nextBeginningIndexes }, cleanup: cleanup, new: fuzzysortNew, } return fuzzysort } // fuzzysortNew // This stuff is outside fuzzysortNew, because it's shared with instances of fuzzysort.new() var isNode = typeof require !== 'undefined' && typeof window === 'undefined' // var MAX_INT = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER // var MIN_INT = Number.MIN_VALUE var preparedCache = new Map() var preparedSearchCache = new Map() var noResults = []; noResults.total = 0 var matchesSimple = []; var matchesStrict = [] function cleanup() { preparedCache.clear(); preparedSearchCache.clear(); matchesSimple = []; matchesStrict = [] } function defaultScoreFn(a) { var max = -9007199254740991 for (var i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var result = a[i]; if(result === null) continue var score = result.score if(score > max) max = score } if(max === -9007199254740991) return null return max } // prop = 'key' 2.5ms optimized for this case, seems to be about as fast as direct obj[prop] // prop = 'key1.key2' 10ms // prop = ['key1', 'key2'] 27ms function getValue(obj, prop) { var tmp = obj[prop]; if(tmp !== undefined) return tmp var segs = prop if(!Array.isArray(prop)) segs = prop.split('.') var len = segs.length var i = -1 while (obj && (++i < len)) obj = obj[segs[i]] return obj } function isObj(x) { return typeof x === 'object' } // faster as a function // Hacked version of https://github.com/lemire/FastPriorityQueue.js var fastpriorityqueue=function(){var r=[],o=0,e={};function n(){for(var e=0,n=r[e],c=1;c>1]=r[e],c=1+(e<<1)}for(var a=e-1>>1;e>0&&n.score>1)r[e]=r[a];r[e]=n}return e.add=function(e){var n=o;r[o++]=e;for(var c=n-1>>1;n>0&&e.score>1)r[n]=r[c];r[n]=e},e.poll=function(){if(0!==o){var e=r[0];return r[0]=r[--o],n(),e}},e.peek=function(e){if(0!==o)return r[0]},e.replaceTop=function(o){r[0]=o,n()},e}; var q = fastpriorityqueue() // reuse this, except for async, it needs to make its own return fuzzysortNew() }) // UMD // TODO: (performance) wasm version!? // TODO: (performance) layout memory in an optimal way to go fast by avoiding cache misses // TODO: (performance) preparedCache is a memory leak // TODO: (like sublime) backslash === forwardslash // TODO: (performance) i have no idea how well optimized the allowing typos algorithm is mplate_manager_improvements feature/template_manager_improvements2 feature/themesupport feature/themesupport2 feature/tiled-editing feature/tscp3 feature/unitver feature/unocrsrptr feature/unostyles feature/unostyles2 feature/unostyles3 feature/use-ogl-context-in-canvas feature/vcl-opengl feature/vcl-opengl-integration feature/vcl-opengl2 feature/vclptr feature/vlc feature/vlc-rb feature/vs2012 feature/wasm feature/window-iter feature/windows-cross-build feature/windowsupdater feature/xtiledrenderable libreoffice-24-2 libreoffice-24-2-0 libreoffice-24-2-1 libreoffice-24-2-2 libreoffice-24-2-3 libreoffice-24-2-4 libreoffice-24-2-5 libreoffice-24-2-6 libreoffice-24-2-7 libreoffice-24-8 libreoffice-24-8-0 libreoffice-24-8-1 libreoffice-24-8-2 libreoffice-24-8-3 libreoffice-24-8-4 libreoffice-25-2 libreoffice-3-5 libreoffice-3-5-0 libreoffice-3-5-1 libreoffice-3-5-2 libreoffice-3-5-3 libreoffice-3-5-4 libreoffice-3-5-5 libreoffice-3-5-6 libreoffice-3-5-7 libreoffice-3-6 libreoffice-3-6-0 libreoffice-3-6-1 libreoffice-3-6-2 libreoffice-3-6-3 libreoffice-3-6-4 libreoffice-3-6-5 libreoffice-3-6-6 libreoffice-3-6-7 libreoffice-4-0 libreoffice-4-0-0 libreoffice-4-0-1 libreoffice-4-0-2 libreoffice-4-0-3 libreoffice-4-0-4 libreoffice-4-0-5 libreoffice-4-0-6 libreoffice-4-1 libreoffice-4-1-0 libreoffice-4-1-1 libreoffice-4-1-2 libreoffice-4-1-3 libreoffice-4-1-4 libreoffice-4-1-5 libreoffice-4-1-6 libreoffice-4-2 libreoffice-4-2-0 libreoffice-4-2-1 libreoffice-4-2-2 libreoffice-4-2-3 libreoffice-4-2-4 libreoffice-4-2-5 libreoffice-4-2-6 libreoffice-4-2-7 libreoffice-4-2-8 libreoffice-4-3 libreoffice-4-3-0 libreoffice-4-3-1 libreoffice-4-3-2 libreoffice-4-3-3 libreoffice-4-3-4 libreoffice-4-3-5 libreoffice-4-3-6 libreoffice-4-3-7 libreoffice-4-4 libreoffice-4-4-0 libreoffice-4-4-1 libreoffice-4-4-2 libreoffice-4-4-3 libreoffice-4-4-4 libreoffice-4-4-5 libreoffice-4-4-6 libreoffice-4-4-7 libreoffice-5-0 libreoffice-5-0-0 libreoffice-5-0-1 libreoffice-5-0-2 libreoffice-5-0-3 libreoffice-5-0-4 libreoffice-5-0-5 libreoffice-5-0-6 libreoffice-5-1 libreoffice-5-1-0 libreoffice-5-1-1 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