#/bin/bash # This file is part of the LibreOffice project. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # ########################################### # # Takes all translated xhp files and convert into HTML files # ########################################### # # $1 is Language # $2 is productversion # $3 is location of $(WORKDIR) # $4 is local or website # If local, the filetree should be $(installDir) # If website, filetree should be '/' # $5 is filetree for local lang=$1 productversion=$2 workDir=$(realpath $3) offline=$4 fileTree=$5 outDir=$(realpath $workDir/HelpTargetHTML/$productversion/$lang) sourceDir=$(realpath $workDir/HelpTranslatePartTarget/$lang/helpcontent2/source) ########################################### # # Process translated XHP files # ########################################### xsltparm='--stringparam fileTree '$fileTree' --stringparam local '$offline' --stringparam Language '$lang' --stringparam productversion '$productversion' --stringparam root '$sourceDir'/' echo 'Conversion to HTML started for '$lang for filep in $(find $sourceDir/text -name "*.xhp") do DIR=${filep##*text/} name=${DIR:0:-3} outFile=$outDir'/text/'$name'html' xsltproc $xsltparm -o $outFile online_transform.xsl $filep done exit